diff options
6 files changed, 177 insertions, 154 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index b4eb14e..d3b7732 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ PROJ=spdif
SRCS=$(wildcard *.vhd *.v *.qsf *.qpf )
TIDY_SRC= bmc_decoder.vhd ccd.vhd silence_detector.vhd counter.vhd dflipflop.vhd spdif_decoder.vhd spdif.vhd
diff --git a/counter.vhd b/counter.vhd
index 0be542f..9fad8b3 100644
--- a/counter.vhd
+++ b/counter.vhd
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ entity counter is
divisor : in integer;
clk : in std_logic;
n_reset : in std_logic;
- clk_out : out std_logic
+ pulse_out : out std_logic
end counter;
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ end counter;
architecture rtl of counter is
signal d :
- std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
+ std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
signal q :
- clk_out <= q;
+ pulse_out <= q;
process (clk, d, q, divisor, n_reset)
if n_reset = '0' then
@@ -34,9 +34,10 @@ begin
if d < divisor then
d <= d + 1;
+ q<='0';
d <= (others => '0');
- q <= not q;
+ q <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end process;
diff --git a/silence_detector.vhd b/silence_detector.vhd
index fe85824..5556e68 100644
--- a/silence_detector.vhd
+++ b/silence_detector.vhd
@@ -8,47 +8,97 @@ use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
entity silence_detector is
- max_ticks : in integer;
+ silent_thresh : in integer;
+ valid_thresh : in integer;
+ valid_divisor : in integer;
clk : in std_logic;
+ sos : in std_logic;
d : in std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
n_reset : in std_logic;
- silent : out std_logic
+ silent : out std_logic;
+ valid : out std_logic;
+ dbg : out std_logic
end silence_detector;
architecture rtl of silence_detector is
- signal ticks : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
+ component counter is
+ port
+ (
+ divisor : in integer;
+ clk : in std_logic;
+ n_reset : in std_logic;
+ pulse_out : out std_logic
+ );
+ end component;
+ signal silence : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
signal last_d : std_logic_vector (23 downto 0);
signal silent_buf : std_logic;
+ signal valid_buf : std_logic;
+ signal validity : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ signal interval : std_logic;
- process (last_d, d, clk, max_ticks, ticks)
+ vcnt : counter port map (
+ n_reset => n_reset,
+ clk => clk,
+ divisor => valid_divisor,
+ pulse_out =>interval
+ );
+ process (last_d, d, clk, sos, silent_thresh, silence)
if n_reset = '0' then
- ticks <= (others => '0');
- silent_buf <= '0';
- last_d <= (others => '0');
- elsif rising_edge(clk) then
+ silence <= (others => '0');
+ silent_buf <= '0';
+ last_d <= (others => '0');
+ elsif rising_edge(clk) and sos='1' then
last_d <= d;
if last_d = d then
- if ticks < max_ticks then
- ticks <= ticks +1;
+ if silence < silent_thresh then
+ silence <= silence +1;
silent_buf <= '1';
end if;
- ticks <= (others => '0');
+ silence <= (others => '0');
silent_buf <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
+ process (clk, sos, interval, valid_thresh,validity )
+ begin
+ if n_reset = '0' then
+ validity <= (others => '0');
+ valid_buf <= '0';
+ elsif rising_edge(clk) then
+ if interval='1' then
+ validity <= (others => '0');
+ if validity > valid_thresh then
+ valid_buf <='1';
+ else
+ valid_buf <='0';
+ end if;
+ elsif sos='1' then
+ validity <= validity + 1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
silent <= silent_buf;
+ valid <= valid_buf;
+ dbg<=interval;
end rtl;
diff --git a/spdif.qsf b/spdif.qsf
index e1ddff1..e8889ac 100644
--- a/spdif.qsf
+++ b/spdif.qsf
@@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ set_location_assignment PIN_73 -to n_rst_in
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR OFF -to spdif_in
set_location_assignment PIN_112 -to n_mute_out
set_location_assignment PIN_114 -to n_stby_out
-set_location_assignment PIN_41 -to dbg1
-set_location_assignment PIN_101 -to dbg2
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE ccd.vhd
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE counter.vhd
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE dflipflop.vhd
@@ -39,15 +37,22 @@ set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE spdif.vhd
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE bmc_decoder.vhd
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE spdif_decoder.vhd
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE silence_detector.vhd
+set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE detector.vhd
+set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE divider.vhd
set_global_assignment -name SOURCE_FILE db/spdif.cmp.rdb
set_global_assignment -name SDC_FILE spdif.sdc
-set_location_assignment PIN_103 -to dbg3
-set_location_assignment PIN_104 -to dbg4
-set_location_assignment PIN_113 -to dbg5
-set_location_assignment PIN_115 -to dbg6
-set_location_assignment PIN_118 -to dbg7
-set_location_assignment PIN_119 -to dbg8
+set_location_assignment PIN_41 -to dbg[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_101 -to dbg[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_103 -to dbg[2]
+set_location_assignment PIN_104 -to dbg[3]
+set_location_assignment PIN_113 -to dbg[4]
+set_location_assignment PIN_115 -to dbg[5]
+set_location_assignment PIN_118 -to dbg[6]
+set_location_assignment PIN_119 -to dbg[7]
set_global_assignment -name USE_CONFIGURATION_DEVICE ON
set_instance_assignment -name PARTITION_HIERARCHY root_partition -to | -section_id Top
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_SIMULATION_TOOL "ModelSim (Verilog)"
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_OUTPUT_DATA_FORMAT "VERILOG HDL" -section_id eda_simulation
diff --git a/spdif.vhd b/spdif.vhd
index 5ee9a3c..cf78f55 100644
--- a/spdif.vhd
+++ b/spdif.vhd
@@ -12,29 +12,27 @@ entity spdif is
n_leds : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
n_mute_out : out std_logic;
n_stby_out : out std_logic;
+ dbg : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
- dbg1 : out std_logic;
- dbg2 : out std_logic;
- dbg3 : out std_logic;
- dbg4 : out std_logic;
- dbg5 : out std_logic;
- dbg6 : out std_logic;
- dbg7 : out std_logic;
- dbg8 : out std_logic
end spdif;
architecture rtl of spdif is
- component ccd is
- port
- (
- n_reset : in std_logic;
- clk : in std_logic;
- d : in std_logic;
- q : out std_logic
- );
- end component;
+component detector is
+ port (
+ clk_in : in std_logic;
+ spdif_in: in std_logic;
+ n_reset : in std_logic;
+ divisor : in integer;
+ silent_thresh : in integer;
+ valid_divisor: in integer;
+ valid_thresh : in integer;
+ mute : out std_logic;
+ dbg:out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
+ );
+end component;
component pll100 is
port (
@@ -53,63 +51,17 @@ architecture rtl of spdif is
end component;
- component counter is
- port
- (
- divisor : in integer;
- clk : in std_logic;
- n_reset : in std_logic;
- clk_out : out std_logic
- );
- end component;
- component spdif_decoder is
- port
- (
- n_reset : in std_logic;
- clk : in std_logic;
- spdif : in std_logic;
- bmc_ready : out std_logic;
- bmc_e : out std_logic;
- bmc_l : out std_logic;
- bmc_d : out std_logic;
- sof : out std_logic;
- bna : out std_logic;
- d : out std_logic_vector(26 downto 0);
- ready : out std_logic
- );
- end component;
- component silence_detector is
- port
- (
- max_ticks : in integer;
- clk : in std_logic;
- d : in std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
- n_reset : in std_logic;
- silent : out std_logic
- );
- end component;
signal n_reset :
signal clk_200mhz :
-- signal clk_100mhz :
-- std_logic;
- signal spdif_clkd1 :
- std_logic;
- signal clk1 :
- std_logic;
- signal d1 : std_logic_vector(26 downto 0);
- signal bna1 : std_logic;
- signal sof1 : std_logic;
- signal ready1 : std_logic;
signal mute1 : std_logic;
+ signal mute2 : std_logic;
+ signal mute3 : std_logic;
+ signal mute : std_logic;
n_reset <= n_rst_in;
@@ -122,55 +74,58 @@ begin
c0 => clk_200mhz
- div1 : counter port map (
- n_reset => n_reset,
- clk => clk_200mhz,
- divisor => 6,
- clk_out => clk1
+ -- 96000Hz
+ det1 : detector port map (
+ n_reset => n_reset,
+ clk_in => clk_200mhz,
+ spdif_in => spdif_in,
+ divisor => 2, -- divisor to turn clk_in into 6x spdif base frequency
+ silent_thresh => 96000, -- number of samples of same sample before we declare silence
+ valid_divisor => 100000000, -- (clk_in/(divisor*valid_divisor)) is period for validity checks
+ valid_thresh => 90000, -- number of valid samples that must be received in validity period to declare it's all ok.
+ mute => mute1
- b1 :
- ccd port map (
- n_reset => n_reset,
- clk => clk1,
- d => spdif_in,
- q => spdif_clkd1
- );
- dec1 : spdif_decoder port map (
+ -- 44100Hz
+ det2 : detector port map (
n_reset => n_reset,
- clk => clk1,
- spdif => spdif_clkd1,
- bmc_ready => dbg3,
- bmc_e => dbg4,
- bmc_l => dbg5,
- bmc_d => dbg6,
- bna => bna1,
- d => d1,
- ready => ready1
- );
+ clk_in => clk_200mhz,
+ spdif_in => spdif_in,
+ divisor => 5, -- divisor to turn clk_in into 6x spdif base frequency
+ silent_thresh => 44100, -- number of samples of same sample before we declare silence
+ valid_divisor => 40000000, -- (clk_in/(divisor*valid_divisor)) is period for validity checks
+ valid_thresh => 40000, -- number of valid samples that must be received in validity period to declare it's all ok.
- dbg8 <= bna1;
+ mute => mute2,
+ dbg => dbg
+ );
- sd1 : silence_detector port map(
+ -- 32000Hz
+ det3 : detector port map (
n_reset => n_reset,
- clk => clk1,
- d => d1(26 downto 3),
- max_ticks => 33333333, -- 1 second
- silent => mute1
+ clk_in => clk_200mhz,
+ spdif_in => spdif_in,
+ divisor => 8, -- divisor to turn clk_in into 6x spdif base frequency
+ silent_thresh => 32000, -- number of samples of same sample before we declare silence
+ valid_divisor => 25000000, -- (clk_in/(divisor*valid_divisor)) is period for validity checks
+ valid_thresh => 30000, -- number of valid samples that must be received in validity period to declare it's all ok.
+ mute => mute3
- n_mute_out <= not mute1;
- n_stby_out <= '0';
+mute <= mute1 or mute2 or mute3;
- dbg1 <= spdif_clkd1;
- dbg2 <= clk1;
- dbg7 <= ready1;
+ n_mute_out <= not mute;
+ n_stby_out <= not mute;
- n_leds(0) <= d1(26);
- n_leds(1) <= d1(25);
- n_leds(2) <= not mute1;
+ n_leds(0) <= mute1;
+ n_leds(1) <= mute2;
+ n_leds(2) <= mute3;
diff --git a/spdif_decoder.vhd b/spdif_decoder.vhd
index d9e8a23..a8e9d94 100644
--- a/spdif_decoder.vhd
+++ b/spdif_decoder.vhd
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_misc.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
@@ -12,22 +13,25 @@ entity spdif_decoder is
Z32 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0')
- port
- (
- n_reset : in std_logic;
- clk : in std_logic;
- spdif : in std_logic;
- bmc_ready : out std_logic;
- bmc_e : out std_logic;
- bmc_l : out std_logic;
- bmc_d : out std_logic;
- sof : out std_logic;
- bna : out std_logic;
- d : out std_logic_vector(26 downto 0);
- ready : out std_logic
- );
-end spdif_decoder;
+port (
+ n_reset:in std_logic;
+ spdif:in std_logic;
+ clk:in std_logic;
+ bmc_ready: out std_logic;
+ bmc_e: out std_logic;
+ bmc_l: out std_logic;
+ bmc_d : out std_logic;
+ d : out std_logic_vector(26 downto 0);
+ ready: out std_logic;
+ sof: out std_logic;
+ bna: out std_logic;
+ sos: out std_logic
+end spdif_decoder;
architecture rtl of spdif_decoder is
@@ -50,7 +54,7 @@ architecture rtl of spdif_decoder is
signal b_l : std_logic;
signal b_d : std_logic;
- signal parity : std_logic;
+ signal parity_valid : std_logic;
signal e_sr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal d_sr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
@@ -58,6 +62,7 @@ architecture rtl of spdif_decoder is
signal d_buf : std_logic_vector(26 downto 0);
signal sof_buf : std_logic;
+ signal sos_buf : std_logic;
signal ready_buf : std_logic;
signal bna_buf : std_logic;
@@ -95,10 +100,9 @@ begin
end process;
--- parity<=xor_reduce(d_sr(31 downto 4));
- parity <= '1';
+ parity_valid<= not xor_reduce(d_sr(31 downto 4));
- process (clk, b_ready, e_sr, l_sr, d_sr, parity, n_reset)
+ process (clk, b_ready, e_sr, l_sr, d_sr, parity_valid, n_reset)
if n_reset = '0' then
d_buf <= (others => '0');
@@ -106,26 +110,35 @@ begin
bna_buf <= '0';
ready_buf <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
- if (b_ready = '1') and (parity = '1') and (e_sr = Z32) then
- if (d_sr(2 downto 0) = "010") and (l_sr(2 downto 0) = "101") then --B code
+ if (b_ready = '1') and (parity_valid = '1') and (e_sr = Z32) then
+ if (d_sr(3 downto 1) = "010") and (l_sr(3 downto 1) = "101") then --B code
d_buf <= d_sr(29 downto 3);
sof_buf <= '1';
+ sos_buf <='1';
bna_buf <= '0';
ready_buf <= '1';
- elsif (d_sr(2 downto 0) = "001") and (l_sr(2 downto 0) = "110") then --M code
+ elsif (d_sr(3 downto 1) = "100") and (l_sr(3 downto 1) = "011") then --M code
d_buf <= d_sr(29 downto 3);
sof_buf <= '0';
+ sos_buf <='1';
bna_buf <= '0';
ready_buf <= '1';
- elsif (d_sr(3 downto 0) = "0010") and (l_sr(3 downto 0) = "1000") then --W code
+ elsif (d_sr(3 downto 0) = "0100") and (l_sr(3 downto 0) = "0001") then --W code
d_buf <= d_sr(30 downto 4);
sof_buf <= '0';
+ sos_buf <='0';
bna_buf <= '1';
ready_buf <= '1';
- ready_buf <= '0';
+ sof_buf <= '0';
+ sos_buf <='0';
+ bna_buf <= '1';
+ ready_buf <= '0';
end if;
+ sof_buf <= '0';
+ sos_buf <='0';
+ bna_buf <= '1';
ready_buf <= '0';
end if;
end if;
@@ -136,8 +149,7 @@ begin
ready <= ready_buf;
sof <= sof_buf;
bna <= bna_buf;
+ sos <= sos_buf;
end rtl;