path: root/passes/sat
diff options
authorClifford Wolf <clifford@clifford.at>2014-01-02 16:52:33 +0100
committerClifford Wolf <clifford@clifford.at>2014-01-02 16:52:33 +0100
commit249ef8695a77c266434c1716707cf15c061290ab (patch)
tree5f319c68fc0ca376b8d47e8329b2db5dede934f9 /passes/sat
parente501b8e5c79328095b694ee3f4432f3024ffa598 (diff)
Major rewrite of "freduce" command
Diffstat (limited to 'passes/sat')
3 files changed, 335 insertions, 281 deletions
diff --git a/passes/sat/eval.cc b/passes/sat/eval.cc
index 5d0d35b69..5d36b474c 100644
--- a/passes/sat/eval.cc
+++ b/passes/sat/eval.cc
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ struct VlogHammerReporter
ezDefaultSAT ez;
SigMap sigmap(module);
- SatGen satgen(&ez, design, &sigmap);
+ SatGen satgen(&ez, &sigmap);
satgen.model_undef = model_undef;
for (auto &c : module->cells)
diff --git a/passes/sat/freduce.cc b/passes/sat/freduce.cc
index d57fdd321..04d9e20df 100644
--- a/passes/sat/freduce.cc
+++ b/passes/sat/freduce.cc
@@ -28,337 +28,386 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
namespace {
-struct FreduceHelper
+bool noinv_mode;
+int verbose_level;
+typedef std::map<RTLIL::SigBit, std::pair<RTLIL::Cell*, std::set<RTLIL::SigBit>>> drivers_t;
+struct equiv_bit_t
- RTLIL::Design *design;
- RTLIL::Module *module;
- bool try_mode;
+ int depth;
+ bool inverted;
+ RTLIL::SigBit bit;
+ bool operator<(const equiv_bit_t &other) const {
+ if (depth != other.depth)
+ return depth < other.depth;
+ if (inverted != other.inverted)
+ return inverted < other.inverted;
+ return bit < other.bit;
+ }
+struct FindReducedInputs
+ SigMap &sigmap;
+ drivers_t &drivers;
ezDefaultSAT ez;
- SigMap sigmap;
- CellTypes ct;
+ std::set<RTLIL::Cell*> ez_cells;
SatGen satgen;
- ConstEval ce;
- SigPool inputs, nodes;
- RTLIL::SigSpec input_sigs;
- SigSet<RTLIL::SigSpec> source_signals;
- std::vector<RTLIL::Const> test_vectors;
- std::map<RTLIL::SigSpec, RTLIL::Const> node_to_data;
- std::map<RTLIL::SigSpec, RTLIL::SigSpec> node_result;
- uint32_t xorshift32_state;
- uint32_t xorshift32() {
- xorshift32_state ^= xorshift32_state << 13;
- xorshift32_state ^= xorshift32_state >> 17;
- xorshift32_state ^= xorshift32_state << 5;
- return xorshift32_state;
+ FindReducedInputs(SigMap &sigmap, drivers_t &drivers) :
+ sigmap(sigmap), drivers(drivers), satgen(&ez, &sigmap)
+ {
+ satgen.model_undef = true;
- FreduceHelper(RTLIL::Design *design, RTLIL::Module *module, bool try_mode) :
- design(design), module(module), try_mode(try_mode),
- sigmap(module), satgen(&ez, design, &sigmap), ce(module)
+ void register_cone_worker(std::set<RTLIL::SigBit> &pi, std::set<RTLIL::SigBit> &sigdone, RTLIL::SigBit out)
- ct.setup_internals();
- ct.setup_stdcells();
+ if (out.wire == NULL)
+ return;
+ if (sigdone.count(out) != 0)
+ return;
+ sigdone.insert(out);
+ if (drivers.count(out) != 0) {
+ std::pair<RTLIL::Cell*, std::set<RTLIL::SigBit>> &drv = drivers.at(out);
+ if (ez_cells.count(drv.first) == 0) {
+ satgen.setContext(&sigmap, "A");
+ if (!satgen.importCell(drv.first))
+ log_error("Can't create SAT model for cell %s (%s)!\n", RTLIL::id2cstr(drv.first->name), RTLIL::id2cstr(drv.first->type));
+ satgen.setContext(&sigmap, "B");
+ if (!satgen.importCell(drv.first))
+ log_abort();
+ ez_cells.insert(drv.first);
+ }
+ for (auto &bit : drv.second)
+ register_cone_worker(pi, sigdone, bit);
+ } else
+ pi.insert(out);
+ }
- xorshift32_state = 123456789;
- xorshift32();
- xorshift32();
- xorshift32();
+ void register_cone(std::vector<RTLIL::SigBit> &pi, RTLIL::SigBit out)
+ {
+ std::set<RTLIL::SigBit> pi_set, sigdone;
+ register_cone_worker(pi_set, sigdone, out);
+ pi.clear();
+ pi.insert(pi.end(), pi_set.begin(), pi_set.end());
- bool run_test(RTLIL::SigSpec test_vec)
+ void analyze(std::vector<RTLIL::SigBit> &reduced_inputs, RTLIL::SigBit output)
- ce.clear();
- ce.set(input_sigs, test_vec.as_const());
- for (auto &bit : nodes.bits) {
- RTLIL::SigSpec nodesig(bit.first, 1, bit.second), nodeval = nodesig;
- if (!ce.eval(nodeval)) {
- if (!try_mode)
- log_error("Evaluation of node %s failed!\n", log_signal(nodesig));
- log("FAILED: Evaluation of node %s failed!\n", log_signal(nodesig));
- return false;
+ if (verbose_level >= 1)
+ log(" Analyzing input cone for signal %s:\n", log_signal(output));
+ std::vector<RTLIL::SigBit> pi;
+ register_cone(pi, output);
+ if (verbose_level >= 1)
+ log(" Found %d input signals and %d cells.\n", int(pi.size()), int(ez_cells.size()));
+ satgen.setContext(&sigmap, "A");
+ int output_a = satgen.importSigSpec(output).front();
+ int output_undef_a = satgen.importUndefSigSpec(output).front();
+ ez.assume(ez.NOT(ez.expression(ezSAT::OpOr, satgen.importUndefSigSpec(pi))));
+ satgen.setContext(&sigmap, "B");
+ int output_b = satgen.importSigSpec(output).front();
+ int output_undef_b = satgen.importUndefSigSpec(output).front();
+ ez.assume(ez.NOT(ez.expression(ezSAT::OpOr, satgen.importUndefSigSpec(pi))));
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pi.size(); i++)
+ {
+ RTLIL::SigSpec test_sig(pi[i]);
+ RTLIL::SigSpec rest_sig(pi);
+ rest_sig.remove(i, 1);
+ int test_sig_a, test_sig_b;
+ std::vector<int> rest_sig_a, rest_sig_b;
+ satgen.setContext(&sigmap, "A");
+ test_sig_a = satgen.importSigSpec(test_sig).front();
+ rest_sig_a = satgen.importSigSpec(rest_sig);
+ satgen.setContext(&sigmap, "B");
+ test_sig_b = satgen.importSigSpec(test_sig).front();
+ rest_sig_b = satgen.importSigSpec(rest_sig);
+ if (ez.solve(ez.vec_eq(rest_sig_a, rest_sig_b), ez.XOR(output_a, output_b), ez.XOR(test_sig_a, test_sig_b), ez.NOT(output_undef_a), ez.NOT(output_undef_b))) {
+ if (verbose_level >= 2)
+ log(" Result for input %s: pass\n", log_signal(test_sig));
+ reduced_inputs.push_back(pi[i]);
+ } else {
+ if (verbose_level >= 2)
+ log(" Result for input %s: strip\n", log_signal(test_sig));
- node_to_data[nodesig].bits.push_back(nodeval.as_const().bits.at(0));
- return true;
+ if (verbose_level >= 1)
+ log(" Reduced input cone contains %d inputs.\n", int(reduced_inputs.size()));
- void dump_node_data()
- {
- int max_node_len = 20;
- for (auto &it : node_to_data)
- max_node_len = std::max(max_node_len, int(strlen(log_signal(it.first))));
- log(" full node fingerprints:\n");
- for (auto &it : node_to_data)
- log(" %-*s %s\n", max_node_len+5, log_signal(it.first), log_signal(it.second));
- }
+struct PerformReduction
+ SigMap &sigmap;
+ drivers_t &drivers;
+ ezDefaultSAT ez;
+ SatGen satgen;
+ std::vector<int> sat_pi, sat_out, sat_def;
+ std::vector<RTLIL::SigBit> out_bits, pi_bits;
+ std::vector<bool> out_inverted;
+ std::vector<int> out_depth;
- bool check(RTLIL::SigSpec sig1, RTLIL::SigSpec sig2)
+ int register_cone_worker(std::set<RTLIL::Cell*> &celldone, std::map<RTLIL::SigBit, int> &sigdepth, RTLIL::SigBit out)
- log(" performing SAT proof: %s == %s ->", log_signal(sig1), log_signal(sig2));
- std::vector<int> vec1 = satgen.importSigSpec(sig1);
- std::vector<int> vec2 = satgen.importSigSpec(sig2);
- std::vector<int> model = satgen.importSigSpec(input_sigs);
- std::vector<bool> testvect;
- if (ez.solve(model, testvect, ez.vec_ne(vec1, vec2))) {
- RTLIL::SigSpec testvect_sig;
- for (int i = 0; i < input_sigs.width; i++)
- testvect_sig.append(testvect.at(i) ? RTLIL::State::S1 : RTLIL::State::S0);
- testvect_sig.optimize();
- log(" failed: %s\n", log_signal(testvect_sig));
- test_vectors.push_back(testvect_sig.as_const());
- if (!run_test(testvect_sig))
- return false;
+ if (out.wire == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ if (sigdepth.count(out) != 0)
+ return sigdepth.at(out);
+ sigdepth[out] = 0;
+ if (drivers.count(out) != 0) {
+ std::pair<RTLIL::Cell*, std::set<RTLIL::SigBit>> &drv = drivers.at(out);
+ if (celldone.count(drv.first) == 0) {
+ if (!satgen.importCell(drv.first))
+ log_error("Can't create SAT model for cell %s (%s)!\n", RTLIL::id2cstr(drv.first->name), RTLIL::id2cstr(drv.first->type));
+ celldone.insert(drv.first);
+ }
+ int max_child_dept = 0;
+ for (auto &bit : drv.second)
+ max_child_dept = std::max(register_cone_worker(celldone, sigdepth, bit), max_child_dept);
+ sigdepth[out] = max_child_dept + 1;
} else {
- log(" success.\n");
- if (!sig1.is_fully_const())
- node_result[sig1].append(sig2);
- if (!sig2.is_fully_const())
- node_result[sig2].append(sig1);
+ pi_bits.push_back(out);
+ sat_pi.push_back(satgen.importSigSpec(out).front());
+ ez.assume(ez.NOT(satgen.importUndefSigSpec(out).front()));
- return true;
+ return sigdepth[out];
- bool analyze_const()
+ PerformReduction(SigMap &sigmap, drivers_t &drivers, std::vector<RTLIL::SigBit> &bits) :
+ sigmap(sigmap), drivers(drivers), satgen(&ez, &sigmap), out_bits(bits)
- for (auto &it : node_to_data)
- {
- if (node_result.count(it.first))
- continue;
- if (it.second == RTLIL::Const(RTLIL::State::S0, it.second.bits.size()))
- if (!check(it.first, RTLIL::SigSpec(RTLIL::State::S0)))
- return false;
- if (it.second == RTLIL::Const(RTLIL::State::S1, it.second.bits.size()))
- if (!check(it.first, RTLIL::SigSpec(RTLIL::State::S1)))
- return false;
+ satgen.model_undef = true;
+ std::set<RTLIL::Cell*> celldone;
+ std::map<RTLIL::SigBit, int> sigdepth;
+ for (auto &bit : bits) {
+ out_depth.push_back(register_cone_worker(celldone, sigdepth, bit));
+ sat_out.push_back(satgen.importSigSpec(bit).front());
+ sat_def.push_back(ez.NOT(satgen.importUndefSigSpec(bit).front()));
+ }
+ if (noinv_mode) {
+ out_inverted = std::vector<bool>(sat_out.size(), false);
+ } else {
+ if (!ez.solve(sat_out, out_inverted, ez.expression(ezSAT::OpAnd, sat_def)))
+ log_error("Solving for initial model failed!\n");
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < sat_out.size(); i++)
+ if (out_inverted.at(i))
+ sat_out[i] = ez.NOT(sat_out[i]);
- return true;
- bool analyze_alias()
+ void analyze(std::vector<std::vector<equiv_bit_t>> &results, std::vector<int> &bucket, int level)
- restart:
- std::map<RTLIL::Const, RTLIL::SigSpec> reverse_map;
+ if (bucket.size() <= 1)
+ return;
- for (auto &it : node_to_data) {
- if (node_result.count(it.first) && node_result.at(it.first).is_fully_const())
- continue;
- reverse_map[it.second].append(it.first);
+ if (verbose_level >= 1)
+ log("%*s Trying to shatter bucket with %d signals.\n", 2*level, "", int(bucket.size()));
+ std::vector<int> sat_list, sat_inv_list;
+ for (int idx : bucket) {
+ sat_list.push_back(ez.AND(sat_out[idx], sat_def[idx]));
+ sat_inv_list.push_back(ez.AND(ez.NOT(sat_out[idx]), sat_def[idx]));
- for (auto &it : reverse_map)
- {
- if (it.second.width <= 1)
- continue;
+ std::vector<int> modelVars = sat_out;
+ std::vector<bool> model;
- it.second.expand();
- for (int i = 0; i < it.second.width; i++)
- for (int j = i+1; j < it.second.width; j++) {
- RTLIL::SigSpec sig1 = it.second.chunks.at(i), sig2 = it.second.chunks.at(j);
- if (node_result.count(sig1) && node_result.count(sig2))
- continue;
- if (node_to_data.at(sig1) != node_to_data.at(sig2))
- goto restart;
- if (!check(it.second.chunks.at(i), it.second.chunks.at(j)))
- return false;
- }
+ if (verbose_level >= 2) {
+ modelVars.insert(modelVars.end(), sat_def.begin(), sat_def.end());
+ modelVars.insert(modelVars.end(), sat_pi.begin(), sat_pi.end());
- return true;
- }
- bool toproot_helper(RTLIL::SigSpec cursor, RTLIL::SigSpec stoplist, RTLIL::SigSpec &donelist, int level)
- {
- // log(" %*schecking %s: %s\n", level*2, "", log_signal(cursor), log_signal(stoplist));
+ if (ez.solve(modelVars, model, ez.expression(ezSAT::OpOr, sat_list), ez.expression(ezSAT::OpOr, sat_inv_list)))
+ {
+ if (verbose_level >= 2) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pi_bits.size(); i++)
+ log("%*s -> PI %c == %s\n", 2*level, "", model[2*sat_out.size() + i] ? '1' : '0', log_signal(pi_bits[i]));
+ for (int idx : bucket)
+ log("%*s -> OUT %c == %s%s\n", 2*level, "", model[sat_out.size() + idx] ? model[idx] ? '1' : '0' : 'x',
+ out_inverted.at(idx) ? "~" : "", log_signal(out_bits[idx]));
+ }
- if (stoplist.extract(cursor).width != 0) {
- // log(" %*s STOP\n", level*2, "");
- return false;
+ std::vector<int> buckets[2];
+ for (int idx : bucket)
+ buckets[model[idx] ? 1 : 0].push_back(idx);
+ analyze(results, buckets[0], level+1);
+ analyze(results, buckets[1], level+1);
+ else
+ {
+ if (verbose_level >= 1) {
+ log("%*s Found %d equivialent signals:", 2*level, "", int(bucket.size()));
+ for (int idx : bucket)
+ log("%s%s%s", idx == bucket.front() ? " " : ", ", out_inverted[idx] ? "~" : "", log_signal(out_bits[idx]));
+ log("\n");
+ }
- if (donelist.extract(cursor).width != 0)
- return true;
- stoplist.append(cursor);
- std::set<RTLIL::SigSpec> next = source_signals.find(cursor);
+ std::vector<equiv_bit_t> result;
+ for (int idx : bucket) {
+ equiv_bit_t bit;
+ bit.depth = out_depth[idx];
+ bit.inverted = out_inverted[idx];
+ bit.bit = out_bits[idx];
+ result.push_back(bit);
+ }
- for (auto &it : next)
- if (!toproot_helper(it, stoplist, donelist, level+1))
- return false;
+ std::sort(result.begin(), result.end());
+ if (result.front().inverted)
+ for (auto &bit : result)
+ bit.inverted = !bit.inverted;
- donelist.append(cursor);
- return true;
+ results.push_back(result);
+ }
- // KISS topological sort of bits in signal. return one element of sig
- // without dependencies to the others (or empty if input is not a DAG).
- RTLIL::SigSpec toproot(RTLIL::SigSpec sig)
+ void analyze(std::vector<std::vector<equiv_bit_t>> &results)
- sig.expand();
- // log(" finding topological root in %s:\n", log_signal(sig));
- for (auto &c : sig.chunks) {
- RTLIL::SigSpec stoplist = sig, donelist;
- stoplist.remove(c);
- // log(" testing %s as root:\n", log_signal(c));
- if (toproot_helper(c, stoplist, donelist, 0))
- return c;
- }
- return RTLIL::SigSpec();
+ std::vector<int> bucket;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < sat_out.size(); i++)
+ bucket.push_back(i);
+ analyze(results, bucket, 1);
- void update_design_for_group(RTLIL::SigSpec root, RTLIL::SigSpec rest)
- {
- SigPool unlink;
- unlink.add(rest);
+struct FreduceHelper
+ RTLIL::Module *module;
- for (auto &cell_it : module->cells) {
- RTLIL::Cell *cell = cell_it.second;
- if (!ct.cell_known(cell->type))
- continue;
- for (auto &conn : cell->connections)
- if (ct.cell_output(cell->type, conn.first)) {
- RTLIL::SigSpec sig = sigmap(conn.second);
- sig.expand();
- bool did_something = false;
- for (auto &c : sig.chunks) {
- if (c.wire == NULL || !unlink.check_any(c))
- continue;
- c.wire = new RTLIL::Wire;
- c.wire->name = NEW_ID;
- module->add(c.wire);
- assert(c.width == 1);
- c.offset = 0;
- did_something = true;
- }
- if (did_something) {
- sig.optimize();
- conn.second = sig;
- }
- }
- }
+ SigMap sigmap;
+ drivers_t drivers;
- rest.expand();
- for (auto &c : rest.chunks) {
- if (c.wire != NULL && !root.is_fully_const()) {
- source_signals.erase(c);
- source_signals.insert(c, root);
- }
- module->connections.push_back(RTLIL::SigSig(c, root));
- }
+ FreduceHelper(RTLIL::Module *module) : module(module), sigmap(module)
+ {
- void analyze_groups()
+ int run()
- SigMap to_group_major;
- for (auto &it : node_result) {
- it.second.expand();
- for (auto &c : it.second.chunks)
- to_group_major.add(it.first, c);
- }
+ log("Running functional reduction on module %s:\n", RTLIL::id2cstr(module->name));
- std::map<RTLIL::SigSpec, RTLIL::SigSpec> major_to_rest;
- for (auto &it : node_result)
- major_to_rest[to_group_major(it.first)].append(it.first);
- for (auto &it : major_to_rest)
- {
- RTLIL::SigSig group = it;
+ CellTypes ct;
+ ct.setup_internals();
+ ct.setup_stdcells();
- if (!it.first.is_fully_const()) {
- group.first = toproot(it.second);
- if (group.first.width == 0) {
- log("Operating on non-DAG input: failed to find topological root for `%s'.\n", log_signal(it.second));
- return;
+ std::vector<std::set<RTLIL::SigBit>> batches;
+ for (auto &it : module->cells)
+ if (ct.cell_known(it.second->type)) {
+ std::set<RTLIL::SigBit> inputs, outputs;
+ for (auto &port : it.second->connections) {
+ std::vector<RTLIL::SigBit> bits = sigmap(port.second).to_sigbit_vector();
+ if (ct.cell_output(it.second->type, port.first))
+ outputs.insert(bits.begin(), bits.end());
+ else
+ inputs.insert(bits.begin(), bits.end());
- group.second.remove(group.first);
+ std::pair<RTLIL::Cell*, std::set<RTLIL::SigBit>> drv(it.second, inputs);
+ for (auto &bit : outputs)
+ drivers[bit] = drv;
+ batches.push_back(outputs);
- group.first.optimize();
- group.second.sort_and_unify();
+ int bits_count = 0;
+ std::map<std::vector<RTLIL::SigBit>, std::vector<RTLIL::SigBit>> buckets;
+ for (auto &batch : batches)
+ {
+ RTLIL::SigSpec batch_sig(std::vector<RTLIL::SigBit>(batch.begin(), batch.end()));
+ batch_sig.optimize();
+ log(" Finding reduced input cone for signal batch %s%c\n", log_signal(batch_sig), verbose_level ? ':' : '.');
- log(" found group: %s -> %s\n", log_signal(group.first), log_signal(group.second));
- update_design_for_group(group.first, group.second);
+ FindReducedInputs infinder(sigmap, drivers);
+ for (auto &bit : batch) {
+ std::vector<RTLIL::SigBit> inputs;
+ infinder.analyze(inputs, bit);
+ buckets[inputs].push_back(bit);
+ bits_count++;
+ }
- }
+ log(" Sorted %d signal bits into %d buckets.\n", bits_count, int(buckets.size()));
- void run()
- {
- log("\nFunctionally reduce module %s:\n", RTLIL::id2cstr(module->name));
- // find inputs and nodes (nets driven by internal cells)
- // add all internal cells to sat solver
- for (auto &cell_it : module->cells) {
- RTLIL::Cell *cell = cell_it.second;
- if (!ct.cell_known(cell->type))
+ std::vector<std::vector<equiv_bit_t>> equiv;
+ for (auto &bucket : buckets)
+ {
+ if (bucket.second.size() == 1)
- RTLIL::SigSpec cell_inputs, cell_outputs;
- for (auto &conn : cell->connections)
- if (ct.cell_output(cell->type, conn.first)) {
- nodes.add(sigmap(conn.second));
- cell_outputs.append(sigmap(conn.second));
- } else {
- inputs.add(sigmap(conn.second));
- cell_inputs.append(sigmap(conn.second));
- }
- cell_inputs.sort_and_unify();
- cell_outputs.sort_and_unify();
- cell_inputs.expand();
- for (auto &c : cell_inputs.chunks)
- if (c.wire != NULL)
- source_signals.insert(cell_outputs, c);
- if (!satgen.importCell(cell))
- log_error("Failed to import cell to SAT solver: %s (%s)\n",
- RTLIL::id2cstr(cell->name), RTLIL::id2cstr(cell->type));
- }
- inputs.del(nodes);
- nodes.add(inputs);
- log(" found %d nodes (%d inputs).\n", int(nodes.size()), int(inputs.size()));
- // initialise input_sigs and add all-zero, all-one and a few random test vectors
- input_sigs = inputs.export_all();
- test_vectors.push_back(RTLIL::SigSpec(RTLIL::State::S0, input_sigs.width).as_const());
- test_vectors.push_back(RTLIL::SigSpec(RTLIL::State::S1, input_sigs.width).as_const());
- for (int i = 0; i < NUM_INITIAL_RANDOM_TEST_VECTORS; i++) {
- RTLIL::SigSpec sig;
- for (int j = 0; j < input_sigs.width; j++)
- sig.append(xorshift32() % 2 ? RTLIL::State::S1 : RTLIL::State::S0);
- sig.optimize();
- assert(sig.width == input_sigs.width);
- test_vectors.push_back(sig.as_const());
+ RTLIL::SigSpec bucket_sig(bucket.second);
+ bucket_sig.optimize();
+ log(" Trying to shatter bucket %s%c\n", log_signal(bucket_sig), verbose_level ? ':' : '.');
+ PerformReduction worker(sigmap, drivers, bucket.second);
+ worker.analyze(equiv);
- for (auto &test_vec : test_vectors)
- if (!run_test(test_vec))
- return;
+ log(" Rewiring %d equivialent groups:\n", int(equiv.size()));
+ int rewired_sigbits = 0;
+ for (auto &grp : equiv)
+ {
+ log(" Using as master for group: %s\n", log_signal(grp.front().bit));
- // run the analysis and update design
+ RTLIL::SigSpec inv_sig;
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < grp.size(); i++)
+ {
+ RTLIL::Cell *drv = drivers.at(grp[i].bit).first;
- if (!analyze_const())
- return;
+ if (grp[i].inverted && drv->type == "$_INV_" && sigmap(drv->connections.at("\\A")) == grp[0].bit) {
+ log(" Skipping inverted slave %s: already in reduced form\n", log_signal(grp[i].bit));
+ continue;
+ }
- if (!analyze_alias())
- return;
+ log(" Connect slave%s: %s\n", grp[i].inverted ? " using inverter" : "", log_signal(grp[i].bit));
- log(" input vector: %s\n", log_signal(input_sigs));
- for (auto &test_vec : test_vectors)
- log(" test vector: %s\n", log_signal(test_vec));
+ RTLIL::Wire *dummy_wire = module->new_wire(1, NEW_ID);
+ for (auto &port : drv->connections) {
+ RTLIL::SigSpec mapped = sigmap(port.second);
+ mapped.replace(grp[i].bit, dummy_wire, &port.second);
+ }
+ if (grp[i].inverted)
+ {
+ if (inv_sig.width == 0)
+ {
+ inv_sig = module->new_wire(1, NEW_ID);
+ RTLIL::Cell *inv_cell = new RTLIL::Cell;
+ inv_cell->name = NEW_ID;
+ inv_cell->type = "$_INV_";
+ inv_cell->connections["\\A"] = grp[0].bit;
+ inv_cell->connections["\\Y"] = inv_sig;
+ module->add(inv_cell);
+ }
- dump_node_data();
- analyze_groups();
+ module->connections.push_back(RTLIL::SigSig(grp[i].bit, inv_sig));
+ }
+ else
+ module->connections.push_back(RTLIL::SigSig(grp[i].bit, grp[0].bit));
+ rewired_sigbits++;
+ }
+ }
+ log(" Rewired a total of %d signal bits in module %s.\n", rewired_sigbits, RTLIL::id2cstr(module->name));
+ return rewired_sigbits;
@@ -376,41 +425,46 @@ struct FreducePass : public Pass {
log("equivialent, they are merged to one node and one of the redundant drivers is\n");
- log(" -try\n");
- log(" do not issue an error when the analysis fails.\n");
- log(" (usually beacause of logic loops in the design)\n");
+ log(" -v, -vv\n");
+ log(" enable verbose or very verbose output\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" -noinv\n");
+ log(" do not consolidate inverted signals\n");
- // log(" -enable_invert\n");
- // log(" also detect nodes that are inverse to each other.\n");
- // log("\n");
virtual void execute(std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design)
- bool enable_invert = false;
- bool try_mode = false;
+ verbose_level = 0;
+ noinv_mode = false;
log_header("Executing FREDUCE pass (perform functional reduction).\n");
size_t argidx;
for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) {
- if (args[argidx] == "-enable_invert") {
- enable_invert = true;
+ if (args[argidx] == "-v") {
+ verbose_level = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (args[argidx] == "-vv") {
+ verbose_level = 2;
- if (args[argidx] == "-try") {
- try_mode = true;
+ if (args[argidx] == "-noinv") {
+ noinv_mode = true;
extra_args(args, argidx, design);
- for (auto &mod_it : design->modules)
- {
+ int bitcount = 0;
+ for (auto &mod_it : design->modules) {
RTLIL::Module *module = mod_it.second;
if (design->selected(module))
- FreduceHelper(design, module, try_mode).run();
+ bitcount += FreduceHelper(module).run();
+ log("Rewired a total of %d signal bits.\n", bitcount);
} FreducePass;
diff --git a/passes/sat/sat.cc b/passes/sat/sat.cc
index 212021997..fef99dfc0 100644
--- a/passes/sat/sat.cc
+++ b/passes/sat/sat.cc
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ struct SatHelper
bool gotTimeout;
SatHelper(RTLIL::Design *design, RTLIL::Module *module, bool enable_undef) :
- design(design), module(module), sigmap(module), ct(design), satgen(&ez, design, &sigmap)
+ design(design), module(module), sigmap(module), ct(design), satgen(&ez, &sigmap)
this->enable_undef = enable_undef;
satgen.model_undef = enable_undef;