path: root/frontend/frontend_base.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/frontend_base.h')
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/frontend_base.h b/frontend/frontend_base.h
index dbf4b4bc..196a28a3 100644
--- a/frontend/frontend_base.h
+++ b/frontend/frontend_base.h
@@ -119,6 +119,14 @@ struct ModuleInfo
template <typename FrontendType> struct GenericFrontend
GenericFrontend(Context *ctx, const FrontendType &impl) : ctx(ctx), impl(impl) {}
+ void operator()()
+ {
+ find_top_module();
+ HierModuleState m;
+ m.is_toplevel = true;
+ m.prefix = "";
+ import_module(m, mod_refs.at(top));
+ }
Context *ctx;
const FrontendType &impl;
using mod_dat_t = typename FrontendType::ModuleDataType;
@@ -128,7 +136,7 @@ template <typename FrontendType> struct GenericFrontend
using bitvector_t = typename FrontendType::BitVectorDataType;
std::unordered_map<IdString, ModuleInfo> mods;
- std::unordered_map<IdString, const mod_dat_t&> mod_refs;
+ std::unordered_map<IdString, const mod_dat_t &> mod_refs;
IdString top;
// Process the list of modules and determine
@@ -236,10 +244,18 @@ template <typename FrontendType> struct GenericFrontend
void import_module(HierModuleState &m, const mod_dat_t &data)
std::vector<NetInfo *> index_to_net;
- // Import port connections; for submodules only
if (!m.is_toplevel) {
+ // Import port connections; for submodules only
import_port_connections(m, data);
+ } else {
+ // Just create a list of ports for netname resolution
+ impl.foreach_port(m,
+ [&](const std::string &name, const mod_port_dat_t &) { m.port_to_bus[ctx->id(name)]; });
+ import_module_netnames(m, data);
+ import_module_cells(m, data);
+ if (m.is_toplevel)
+ import_toplevel_ports(m, data);
// Multiple labels might refer to the same net. Resolve conflicts for the primary name thus:
@@ -356,62 +372,63 @@ template <typename FrontendType> struct GenericFrontend
- void create_constant_net(HierModuleState &m, const std::string name_hint, char constval) {
+ void create_constant_net(HierModuleState &m, const std::string name_hint, char constval)
+ {
IdString name = unique_name(m.base, name_hint);
NetInfo *ni = ctx->createNet(name);
add_constant_driver(m, ni, constval);
// Import a leaf cell - (white|black)box
- void import_leaf_cell(HierModuleState &m, const std::string &name, const cell_dat_t &cd) {
+ void import_leaf_cell(HierModuleState &m, const std::string &name, const cell_dat_t &cd)
+ {
IdString inst_name = unique_name(m.base, name, false);
CellInfo *ci = ctx->createCell(inst_name, ctx->id(get_cell_type(cd)));
// Import port directions
std::unordered_map<IdString, PortType> port_dirs;
- impl.foreach_port_dir(cd, [&](const std::string &port, PortType dir) {
- port_dirs[ctx->id(port)] = dir;
- });
+ impl.foreach_port_dir(cd, [&](const std::string &port, PortType dir) { port_dirs[ctx->id(port)] = dir; });
// Import port connectivity
impl.foreach_port_conn(cd, [&](const std::string &name, const bitvector_t &bits) {
- if (!port_dirs.count(ctx->id(name)))
- log_error("Failed to get direction for port '%s' of cell '%s'\n", name.c_str(), inst_name.c_str(ctx));
- PortType dir = port_dirs.at(ctx->id(name));
- int width = impl.get_vector_length(bits);
- for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
- std::string port_bit_name = get_bit_name(name, i, width);
- IdString port_bit_ids = ctx->id(port_bit_name);
- // Create cell port
- ci->ports[port_bit_ids].name = port_bit_ids;
- ci->ports[port_bit_ids].type = dir;
- // Resolve connectivity
- NetInfo *net;
- if (impl.is_vector_bit_constant(bits, i)) {
- // Create a constant driver if one is needed
- net = create_constant_net(m, name + "." + port_bit_name + "$const", impl.get_vector_bit_constval(bits, i));
- } else {
- // Otherwise, lookup (creating if needed) the net with this index
- net = create_or_get_net(m, impl.get_vector_bit_signal(bits, i));
- }
- NPNR_ASSERT(net != nullptr);
- // Check for multiple drivers
- if (dir == PORT_OUT && net->driver.cell != nullptr)
- log_error("Net '%s' is multiply driven by cell ports %s.%s and %s.%s\n", ctx->nameOf(net),
- ctx->nameOf(net->driver.cell), ctx->nameOf(net->driver.port), ctx->nameOf(inst_name), port_bit_name.c_str());
- connect_port(ctx, net, ci, port_bit_ids);
- }
+ if (!port_dirs.count(ctx->id(name)))
+ log_error("Failed to get direction for port '%s' of cell '%s'\n", name.c_str(), inst_name.c_str(ctx));
+ PortType dir = port_dirs.at(ctx->id(name));
+ int width = impl.get_vector_length(bits);
+ for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
+ std::string port_bit_name = get_bit_name(name, i, width);
+ IdString port_bit_ids = ctx->id(port_bit_name);
+ // Create cell port
+ ci->ports[port_bit_ids].name = port_bit_ids;
+ ci->ports[port_bit_ids].type = dir;
+ // Resolve connectivity
+ NetInfo *net;
+ if (impl.is_vector_bit_constant(bits, i)) {
+ // Create a constant driver if one is needed
+ net = create_constant_net(m, name + "." + port_bit_name + "$const",
+ impl.get_vector_bit_constval(bits, i));
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise, lookup (creating if needed) the net with this index
+ net = create_or_get_net(m, impl.get_vector_bit_signal(bits, i));
+ }
+ NPNR_ASSERT(net != nullptr);
+ // Check for multiple drivers
+ if (dir == PORT_OUT && net->driver.cell != nullptr)
+ log_error("Net '%s' is multiply driven by cell ports %s.%s and %s.%s\n", ctx->nameOf(net),
+ ctx->nameOf(net->driver.cell), ctx->nameOf(net->driver.port), ctx->nameOf(inst_name),
+ port_bit_name.c_str());
+ connect_port(ctx, net, ci, port_bit_ids);
+ }
// Import attributes and parameters
- impl.foreach_attr(cd, [&](const std::string &name, const Property &value) {
- ci->attrs[ctx->id(name)] = value;
- });
- impl.foreach_param(cd, [&](const std::string &name, const Property &value) {
- ci->params[ctx->id(name)] = value;
- });
+ impl.foreach_attr(cd,
+ [&](const std::string &name, const Property &value) { ci->attrs[ctx->id(name)] = value; });
+ impl.foreach_param(cd,
+ [&](const std::string &name, const Property &value) { ci->params[ctx->id(name)] = value; });
// Import a submodule cell
- void import_submodule_cell(HierModuleState &m, const std::string &name, const cell_dat_t &cd) {
+ void import_submodule_cell(HierModuleState &m, const std::string &name, const cell_dat_t &cd)
+ {
HierModuleState submod;
submod.is_toplevel = false;
// Create mapping from submodule port to nets (referenced by index in flatindex)
@@ -423,7 +440,8 @@ template <typename FrontendType> struct GenericFrontend
if (impl.is_vector_bit_constant(bits, i)) {
// Create a constant driver if one is needed
std::string port_bit_name = get_bit_name(name, i, width);
- NetInfo *cnet = create_constant_net(m, name + "." + port_bit_name + "$const", impl.get_vector_bit_constval(bits, i));
+ NetInfo *cnet = create_constant_net(m, name + "." + port_bit_name + "$const",
+ impl.get_vector_bit_constval(bits, i));
cnet->udata = int(net_flatindex.size());
net_ref = cnet->udata;
@@ -444,16 +462,104 @@ template <typename FrontendType> struct GenericFrontend
// Import the cells section of a module
- void import_module_cells(HierModuleState &m, const mod_dat_t &data) {
+ void import_module_cells(HierModuleState &m, const mod_dat_t &data)
+ {
m.foreach_cell(data, [&](const std::string &cellname, const cell_dat_t &cd) {
- IdString type = ctx->id(get_cell_type(cd));
- if (mods.count(type) && !mods.at(type).is_box()) {
- // Module type is known; and not boxed. Import as a submodule by flattening hierarchy
- import_submodule_cell(m, cellname, cd);
- } else {
- // Module type is unknown or boxes. Import as a leaf cell (nextpnr CellInfo)
- import_leaf_cell(m, cellname, cd);
- }
+ IdString type = ctx->id(get_cell_type(cd));
+ if (mods.count(type) && !mods.at(type).is_box()) {
+ // Module type is known; and not boxed. Import as a submodule by flattening hierarchy
+ import_submodule_cell(m, cellname, cd);
+ } else {
+ // Module type is unknown or boxes. Import as a leaf cell (nextpnr CellInfo)
+ import_leaf_cell(m, cellname, cd);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Create a top level input/output buffer
+ CellInfo *create_iobuf(NetInfo *net, PortType dir, const std::string &name)
+ {
+ // Skip IOBUF insertion if this is a design checkpoint (where they will already exist)
+ if (ctx->settings.count(ctx->id("synth")))
+ return nullptr;
+ IdString name_id = ctx->id(name);
+ if (ctx->cells.count(name_id))
+ log_error("Cell '%s' of type '%s' with the same name as a top-level IO is not allowed.\n", name.c_str(),
+ ctx->cells.at(name_id)->type.c_str(ctx));
+ CellInfo *iobuf = ctx->createCell(name_id, ctx->id("unknown_iob"));
+ // Copy attributes from net to IOB
+ for (auto &attr : net->attrs)
+ iobuf->attrs[attr.first] = attr.second;
+ // What we do now depends on port type
+ if (dir == PORT_IN) {
+ iobuf->type = ctx->id("$nextpnr_ibuf");
+ iobuf->addOutput(ctx->id("O"));
+ if (net->driver.cell != nullptr) {
+ CellInfo *drv = net->driver.cell;
+ if (drv->type != ctx->id("$nextpnr_iobuf"))
+ log_error("Net '%s' is multiply driven by cell port %s.%s and top level input '%s'.\n",
+ ctx->nameOf(net), ctx->nameOf(drv), ctx->nameOf(net->driver.port), name.c_str());
+ // Special case: input, etc, directly drives inout
+ // Use the input net of the inout instead
+ net = drv->ports.at(ctx->id("I")).net;
+ }
+ NPNR_ASSERT(net->driver.cell == nullptr);
+ // Connect IBUF output and net
+ connect_port(ctx, net, iobuf, ctx->id("O"));
+ } else if (dir == PORT_OUT) {
+ iobuf->type = ctx->id("$nextpnr_obuf");
+ iobuf->addInput(ctx->id("I"));
+ // Connect IBUF input and net
+ connect_port(ctx, net, iobuf, ctx->id("I"));
+ } else if (dir == PORT_INOUT) {
+ iobuf->type = ctx->id("$nextpnr_iobuf");
+ iobuf->addInput(ctx->id("I"));
+ iobuf->addOutput(ctx->id("O"));
+ // Need to bifurcate the net to avoid multiple drivers and split
+ // the input/output parts of an inout
+ // Create a new net connecting only the current net's driver and the IOBUF input
+ // Then use the IOBUF output to drive all of the current net's users
+ NetInfo *split_iobuf_i = ctx->createNet(unique_name("", "$" + name + "$iobuf_i", true));
+ auto drv = net->driver;
+ if (drv.cell != nullptr) {
+ disconnect_port(ctx, drv.cell, drv.port);
+ connect_port(ctx, split_iobuf_i, drv.cell, drv.port);
+ }
+ connect_port(ctx, split_iobuf_i, iobuf, ctx->id("I"));
+ NPNR_ASSERT(net->driver.cell == nullptr);
+ connect_port(ctx, net, iobuf, ctx->id("O"));
+ }
+ PortInfo pinfo;
+ pinfo.name = name_id;
+ pinfo.net = net;
+ pinfo.type = dir;
+ ctx->ports[pinfo.name] = pinfo;
+ return iobuf;
+ }
+ // Import ports of the top level module
+ void import_toplevel_ports(HierModuleState &m, const mod_dat_t &data)
+ {
+ m.foreach_port(data, [&](const std::string &portname, const mod_port_dat_t &pd) {
+ const auto &port_bv = impl.get_port_bits(pd);
+ int offset = impl.get_array_offset(pd);
+ bool is_upto = impl.is_array_upto(pd);
+ int width = impl.get_vector_length(port_bv);
+ PortType dir = impl.get_port_dir(pd);
+ for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
+ std::string pbit_name = get_bit_name(portname, i, width, offset, is_upto);
+ NetInfo *port_net = nullptr;
+ if (impl.is_vector_bit_constant(port_bv, i)) {
+ // Port bit is constant. Need to create a new constant net.
+ port_net = create_constant_net(m, pbit_name + "$const", impl.get_vector_bit_constval(port_bv, i));
+ } else {
+ // Port bit is a signal. Need to create/get the associated net
+ port_net = create_or_get_net(m, impl.get_vector_bit_signal(port_bv, i));
+ }
+ create_iobuf(port_net, dir, pbit_name);
+ }
@@ -569,7 +675,7 @@ template <typename FrontendType> struct GenericFrontend
template <typename FrontendType> void run_frontend(Context *ctx, const FrontendType &impl)
- GenericFrontend<FrontendType>(ctx, impl);
+ GenericFrontend<FrontendType>(ctx, impl)();
NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END \ No newline at end of file