diff options
2 files changed, 170 insertions, 93 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/hashlib.h b/kernel/hashlib.h
index 3cc95b6e4..4f5a353c5 100644
--- a/kernel/hashlib.h
+++ b/kernel/hashlib.h
@@ -162,6 +162,11 @@ struct hash_obj_ops {
+template<typename T>
+inline unsigned int mkhash(const T &v) {
+ return hash_ops<T>().hash(v);
inline int hashtable_size(int min_size)
static std::vector<int> zero_and_some_primes = {
diff --git a/passes/equiv/equiv_struct.cc b/passes/equiv/equiv_struct.cc
index eae6d0fcf..aeac70bb5 100644
--- a/passes/equiv/equiv_struct.cc
+++ b/passes/equiv/equiv_struct.cc
@@ -28,98 +28,100 @@ struct EquivStructWorker
Module *module;
SigMap sigmap;
SigMap equiv_bits;
+ bool mode_fwd;
bool mode_icells;
int merge_count;
- dict<IdString, pool<IdString>> cells_by_type;
+ struct merge_key_t
+ {
+ IdString type;
+ vector<pair<IdString, Const>> parameters;
+ vector<pair<IdString, int>> port_sizes;
+ vector<tuple<IdString, int, SigBit>> connections;
+ bool operator==(const merge_key_t &other) const {
+ return type == other.type && connections == other.connections &&
+ parameters == other.parameters && port_sizes == other.port_sizes;
+ }
- void handle_cell_pair(Cell *cell_a, Cell *cell_b)
+ unsigned int hash() const {
+ unsigned int h = mkhash_init;
+ h = mkhash(h, mkhash(type));
+ h = mkhash(h, mkhash(parameters));
+ h = mkhash(h, mkhash(connections));
+ return h;
+ }
+ };
+ dict<merge_key_t, pool<IdString>> merge_cache;
+ pool<merge_key_t> fwd_merge_cache, bwd_merge_cache;
+ void merge_cell_pair(Cell *cell_a, Cell *cell_b)
- if (cell_a->parameters != cell_b->parameters)
- return;
+ SigMap merged_map;
+ merge_count++;
- bool merge_this_cells = false;
- bool found_diff_inputs = false;
- vector<SigSpec> inputs_a, inputs_b;
+ SigSpec inputs_a, inputs_b;
+ vector<string> input_names;
for (auto &port_a : cell_a->connections())
- SigSpec bits_a = equiv_bits(port_a.second);
- SigSpec bits_b = equiv_bits(cell_b->getPort(port_a.first));
+ SigSpec bits_a = sigmap(port_a.second);
+ SigSpec bits_b = sigmap(cell_b->getPort(port_a.first));
- if (GetSize(bits_a) != GetSize(bits_b))
- return;
+ log_assert(GetSize(bits_a) == GetSize(bits_b));
- if (cell_a->output(port_a.first)) {
- for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(bits_a); i++)
- if (bits_a[i] == bits_b[i])
- merge_this_cells = true;
- } else {
- SigSpec diff_bits_a, diff_bits_b;
+ if (!cell_a->output(port_a.first))
for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(bits_a); i++)
if (bits_a[i] != bits_b[i]) {
- diff_bits_a.append(bits_a[i]);
- diff_bits_b.append(bits_b[i]);
+ inputs_a.append(bits_a[i]);
+ inputs_b.append(bits_b[i]);
+ input_names.push_back(GetSize(bits_a) == 1 ? port_a.first.str() :
+ stringf("%s[%d]", log_id(port_a.first), i));
- if (!diff_bits_a.empty()) {
- inputs_a.push_back(diff_bits_a);
- inputs_b.push_back(diff_bits_b);
- found_diff_inputs = true;
- }
- }
- if (!found_diff_inputs)
- merge_this_cells = true;
- if (merge_this_cells)
- {
- SigMap merged_map;
- log(" Merging cells %s and %s.\n", log_id(cell_a), log_id(cell_b));
- merge_count++;
- for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(inputs_a); i++) {
- SigSpec &sig_a = inputs_a[i], &sig_b = inputs_b[i];
- SigSpec sig_y = module->addWire(NEW_ID, GetSize(sig_a));
- log(" A: %s, B: %s, Y: %s\n", log_signal(sig_a), log_signal(sig_b), log_signal(sig_y));
- module->addEquiv(NEW_ID, sig_a, sig_b, sig_y);
- merged_map.add(sig_a, sig_y);
- merged_map.add(sig_b, sig_y);
- }
- std::vector<IdString> outport_names, inport_names;
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(inputs_a); i++) {
+ SigBit bit_a = inputs_a[i], bit_b = inputs_b[i];
+ SigBit bit_y = module->addWire(NEW_ID);
+ log(" New $equiv for input %s: A: %s, B: %s, Y: %s\n",
+ input_names[i].c_str(), log_signal(bit_a), log_signal(bit_b), log_signal(bit_y));
+ module->addEquiv(NEW_ID, bit_a, bit_b, bit_y);
+ merged_map.add(bit_a, bit_y);
+ merged_map.add(bit_b, bit_y);
+ }
- for (auto &port_a : cell_a->connections())
- if (cell_a->output(port_a.first))
- outport_names.push_back(port_a.first);
- else
- inport_names.push_back(port_a.first);
+ std::vector<IdString> outport_names, inport_names;
- for (auto &pn : inport_names)
- cell_a->setPort(pn, merged_map(equiv_bits(cell_a->getPort(pn))));
+ for (auto &port_a : cell_a->connections())
+ if (cell_a->output(port_a.first))
+ outport_names.push_back(port_a.first);
+ else
+ inport_names.push_back(port_a.first);
- for (auto &pn : outport_names) {
- SigSpec sig_a = cell_a->getPort(pn);
- SigSpec sig_b = cell_b->getPort(pn);
- module->connect(sig_b, sig_a);
- sigmap.add(sig_b, sig_a);
- equiv_bits.add(sig_b, sig_a);
- }
+ for (auto &pn : inport_names)
+ cell_a->setPort(pn, merged_map(sigmap(cell_a->getPort(pn))));
- auto merged_attr = cell_b->get_strpool_attribute("\\equiv_merged");
- merged_attr.insert(log_id(cell_b));
- cell_a->add_strpool_attribute("\\equiv_merged", merged_attr);
- module->remove(cell_b);
+ for (auto &pn : outport_names) {
+ SigSpec sig_a = cell_a->getPort(pn);
+ SigSpec sig_b = cell_b->getPort(pn);
+ module->connect(sig_b, sig_a);
+ auto merged_attr = cell_b->get_strpool_attribute("\\equiv_merged");
+ merged_attr.insert(log_id(cell_b));
+ cell_a->add_strpool_attribute("\\equiv_merged", merged_attr);
+ module->remove(cell_b);
- EquivStructWorker(Module *module, bool mode_icells) :
- module(module), sigmap(module), equiv_bits(module), mode_icells(mode_icells), merge_count(0)
+ EquivStructWorker(Module *module, bool mode_fwd, bool mode_icells) :
+ module(module), sigmap(module), equiv_bits(module),
+ mode_fwd(mode_fwd), mode_icells(mode_icells), merge_count(0)
log(" Starting new iteration.\n");
pool<SigBit> equiv_inputs;
+ pool<IdString> cells;
for (auto cell : module->selected_cells())
if (cell->type == "$equiv") {
@@ -128,45 +130,104 @@ struct EquivStructWorker
equiv_bits.add(sig_b, sig_a);
- cells_by_type[cell->type].insert(cell->name);
- } else
- if (module->design->selected(module, cell)) {
+ cells.insert(cell->name);
+ } else {
if (mode_icells || module->design->module(cell->type))
- cells_by_type[cell->type].insert(cell->name);
+ cells.insert(cell->name);
- for (auto cell_name : cells_by_type["$equiv"]) {
- Cell *cell = module->cell(cell_name);
- SigBit sig_a = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\A").as_bit());
- SigBit sig_b = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\B").as_bit());
- SigBit sig_y = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\Y").as_bit());
- if (sig_a == sig_b && equiv_inputs.count(sig_y)) {
- log(" Purging redundant $equiv cell %s.\n", log_id(cell));
- module->remove(cell);
- merge_count++;
+ for (auto cell : module->selected_cells())
+ if (cell->type == "$equiv") {
+ SigBit sig_a = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\A").as_bit());
+ SigBit sig_b = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\B").as_bit());
+ SigBit sig_y = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\Y").as_bit());
+ if (sig_a == sig_b && equiv_inputs.count(sig_y)) {
+ log(" Purging redundant $equiv cell %s.\n", log_id(cell));
+ module->remove(cell);
+ merge_count++;
+ }
- }
if (merge_count > 0)
- for (auto &it : cells_by_type)
+ for (auto cell_name : cells)
- if (it.second.size() <= 1)
- continue;
+ merge_key_t key;
+ vector<tuple<IdString, int, SigBit>> fwd_connections;
+ Cell *cell = module->cell(cell_name);
+ key.type = cell->type;
+ for (auto &it : cell->parameters)
+ key.parameters.push_back(it);
+ std::sort(key.parameters.begin(), key.parameters.end());
+ for (auto &it : cell->connections())
+ key.port_sizes.push_back(make_pair(it.first, GetSize(it.second)));
+ std::sort(key.port_sizes.begin(), key.port_sizes.end());
+ for (auto &conn : cell->connections())
+ {
+ SigSpec sig = equiv_bits(conn.second);
+ if (cell->input(conn.first))
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(sig); i++)
+ fwd_connections.push_back(make_tuple(conn.first, i, sig[i]));
+ if (cell->output(conn.first))
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(sig); i++) {
+ key.connections.clear();
+ key.connections.push_back(make_tuple(conn.first, i, sig[i]));
+ if (merge_cache.count(key))
+ bwd_merge_cache.insert(key);
+ merge_cache[key].insert(cell_name);
+ }
+ }
+ std::sort(fwd_connections.begin(), fwd_connections.end());
+ key.connections.swap(fwd_connections);
+ if (merge_cache.count(key))
+ fwd_merge_cache.insert(key);
+ merge_cache[key].insert(cell_name);
+ }
+ for (int phase = 0; phase < 2; phase++)
+ {
+ auto &queue = phase ? bwd_merge_cache : fwd_merge_cache;
- log(" Merging %s cells..\n", log_id(it.first));
+ for (auto &key : queue)
+ {
+ Cell *gold_cell = nullptr;
+ pool<Cell*> cells;
- // FIXME: O(n^2)
- for (auto cell_name_a : it.second)
- for (auto cell_name_b : it.second)
- if (cell_name_a < cell_name_b) {
- Cell *cell_a = module->cell(cell_name_a);
- Cell *cell_b = module->cell(cell_name_b);
- if (cell_a && cell_b)
- handle_cell_pair(cell_a, cell_b);
+ for (auto cell_name : merge_cache[key]) {
+ Cell *c = module->cell(cell_name);
+ if (c != nullptr) {
+ string n = cell_name.str();
+ if (gold_cell == nullptr || (GetSize(n) > 5 && n.substr(GetSize(n)-5) == "_gold"))
+ gold_cell = c;
+ cells.insert(c);
+ }
+ if (GetSize(cells) < 2)
+ continue;
+ for (auto gate_cell : cells)
+ if (gate_cell != gold_cell) {
+ log(" %s merging cells %s and %s.\n", phase ? "Bwd" : "Fwd", log_id(gold_cell), log_id(gate_cell));
+ merge_cell_pair(gold_cell, gate_cell);
+ }
+ }
+ if (merge_count > 0)
+ return;
+ log(" Nothing to merge.\n");
@@ -184,6 +245,12 @@ struct EquivStructPass : public Pass {
log("for example when analyzing circuits with cells with commutative inputs. This\n");
log("command will also de-duplicate gates.\n");
+ log(" -fwd\n");
+ log(" by default this command performans forward sweeps until nothing can\n");
+ log(" be merged by forwards sweeps, the backward sweeps until forward\n");
+ log(" sweeps are effective again. with this option set only forward sweeps\n");
+ log(" are performed.\n");
+ log("\n");
log(" -icells\n");
log(" by default, the internal RTL and gate cell types are ignored. add\n");
log(" this option to also process those cell types with this command.\n");
@@ -192,11 +259,16 @@ struct EquivStructPass : public Pass {
virtual void execute(std::vector<std::string> args, Design *design)
bool mode_icells = false;
+ bool mode_fwd = false;
log_header("Executing EQUIV_STRUCT pass.\n");
size_t argidx;
for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) {
+ if (args[argidx] == "-fwd") {
+ mode_fwd = true;
+ continue;
+ }
if (args[argidx] == "-icells") {
mode_icells = true;
@@ -206,9 +278,9 @@ struct EquivStructPass : public Pass {
extra_args(args, argidx, design);
for (auto module : design->selected_modules()) {
- log("Running equiv_struct on module %s:", log_id(module));
+ log("Running equiv_struct on module %s:\n", log_id(module));
while (1) {
- EquivStructWorker worker(module, mode_icells);
+ EquivStructWorker worker(module, mode_fwd, mode_icells);
if (worker.merge_count == 0)