diff options
2 files changed, 121 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/rtlil.h b/kernel/rtlil.h
index 511df29fe..b8aaa1895 100644
--- a/kernel/rtlil.h
+++ b/kernel/rtlil.h
@@ -754,6 +754,7 @@ struct RTLIL::SigBit
SigBit(const RTLIL::SigBit &sigbit) = default;
RTLIL::SigBit &operator =(const RTLIL::SigBit &other) = default;
+ std::string str() const;
bool operator <(const RTLIL::SigBit &other) const;
bool operator ==(const RTLIL::SigBit &other) const;
bool operator !=(const RTLIL::SigBit &other) const;
@@ -1547,6 +1548,13 @@ inline RTLIL::SigBit::SigBit(RTLIL::Wire *wire, int offset) : wire(wire), offset
inline RTLIL::SigBit::SigBit(const RTLIL::SigChunk &chunk) : wire(chunk.wire) { log_assert(chunk.width == 1); if (wire) offset = chunk.offset; else data = chunk.data[0]; }
inline RTLIL::SigBit::SigBit(const RTLIL::SigChunk &chunk, int index) : wire(chunk.wire) { if (wire) offset = chunk.offset + index; else data = chunk.data[index]; }
+inline std::string RTLIL::SigBit::str() const {
+ if (wire != nullptr)
+ return stringf("%s[%d]", wire->name.c_str(), offset);
+ else
+ return stringf("%u", data);
inline bool RTLIL::SigBit::operator<(const RTLIL::SigBit &other) const {
if (wire == other.wire)
return wire ? (offset < other.offset) : (data < other.data);
diff --git a/passes/sat/qbfsat.cc b/passes/sat/qbfsat.cc
index 4686e985b..b3133c633 100644
--- a/passes/sat/qbfsat.cc
+++ b/passes/sat/qbfsat.cc
struct QbfSolutionType {
std::vector<std::string> stdout_lines;
- dict<std::string, std::string> hole_to_value;
+ dict<pool<std::string>, std::string> hole_to_value;
bool sat;
bool unknown; //true if neither 'sat' nor 'unsat'
@@ -91,7 +91,10 @@ void recover_solution(QbfSolutionType &sol) {
log_assert(YS_REGEX_NS::regex_search(loc, hole_loc_regex));
log_assert(YS_REGEX_NS::regex_search(val, hole_val_regex));
- sol.hole_to_value[loc] = val;
+ RTLIL::AttrObject tmp;
+ tmp.set_src_attribute(loc);
+ pool<std::string> loc_pool = tmp.get_strpool_attribute(ID::src);
+ sol.hole_to_value[loc_pool] = val;
else if (YS_REGEX_NS::regex_search(x, sat_regex)) {
sat_regex_found = true;
@@ -134,18 +137,20 @@ void recover_solution(QbfSolutionType &sol) {
-dict<std::string, std::string> get_hole_loc_name_map(RTLIL::Module *module, const QbfSolutionType &sol) {
- dict<std::string, std::string> hole_loc_to_name;
+dict<std::pair<pool<std::string>, int>, RTLIL::SigBit> get_hole_loc_idx_sigbit_map(RTLIL::Module *module, const QbfSolutionType &sol) {
+ dict<std::pair<pool<std::string>, int>, RTLIL::SigBit> hole_loc_idx_to_sigbit;
for (auto cell : module->cells()) {
- std::string cell_src = cell->get_src_attribute();
+ pool<std::string> cell_src = cell->get_strpool_attribute(ID::src);
auto pos = sol.hole_to_value.find(cell_src);
if (pos != sol.hole_to_value.end() && cell->type.in("$anyconst", "$anyseq")) {
- log_assert(hole_loc_to_name.find(pos->first) == hole_loc_to_name.end());
- hole_loc_to_name[pos->first] = cell->getPort(ID::Y).as_wire()->name.str();
+ RTLIL::SigSpec port_y = cell->getPort(ID::Y);
+ for (int i = GetSize(port_y) - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ hole_loc_idx_to_sigbit[std::make_pair(pos->first, i)] = port_y[i];
+ }
- return hole_loc_to_name;
+ return hole_loc_idx_to_sigbit;
pool<std::string> validate_design_and_get_inputs(RTLIL::Module *module, const QbfSolveOptions &opt) {
@@ -187,113 +192,141 @@ void write_solution(RTLIL::Module *module, const QbfSolutionType &sol, const std
if (!fout)
log_cmd_error("could not open solution file for writing.\n");
- dict<std::string, std::string> hole_loc_to_name = get_hole_loc_name_map(module, sol);
- for(auto &x : sol.hole_to_value)
- fout << hole_loc_to_name[x.first] << "=" << x.second << std::endl;
+ //There is a question here: How exactly shall we identify holes?
+ //There are at least two reasonable options:
+ //1. By the source location of the $anyconst cells
+ //2. By the name(s) of the wire(s) connected to each SigBit of the $anyconst cell->getPort(ID::Y) SigSpec.
+ //
+ //Option 1 has the benefit of being very precise. There is very limited potential for confusion, as long
+ //as the source attribute has been set. However, if the source attribute is not set, this won't work.
+ //More importantly, we want to have the ability to port hole assignments to other modules with compatible
+ //hole names and widths. Obviously in those cases source locations of the $anyconst cells will not match.
+ //
+ //Option 2 has the benefits previously described, but wire names can be changed automatically by
+ //optimization or techmapping passes, especially when (ex/im)porting from BLIF for optimization with ABC.
+ //
+ //The approach taken here is to allow both options. We write the assignment information for each bit of
+ //the solution on a separate line. Each line is of the form:
+ //
+ //location[bit]#name[offset]=value
+ //
+ //where '[', ']', '#',and '=' are literal symbols, "location" is the $anyconst cell source location
+ //attribute, "bit" is the index of the $anyconst cell, "name" is the `wire->name` field of the SigBit
+ //corresponding to the current bit of the $anyconst cell->getPort(ID::Y), "offset" is the `offset` field
+ //of that same SigBit, and "value", which is either '0' or '1', represents the assignment for that bit.
+ dict<std::pair<pool<std::string>, int>, RTLIL::SigBit> hole_loc_idx_to_sigbit = get_hole_loc_idx_sigbit_map(module, sol);
+ for (auto &x : sol.hole_to_value) {
+ RTLIL::AttrObject tmp;
+ tmp.set_strpool_attribute(ID::src, x.first);
+ std::string src_as_str = tmp.get_string_attribute(ID::src);
+ for (auto i = 0; i < GetSize(x.second); ++i)
+ fout << src_as_str.c_str() << "[" << i << "]#" << hole_loc_idx_to_sigbit[std::make_pair(x.first, i)].str() << "=" << x.second[GetSize(x.second) - 1 - i] << std::endl;
+ }
void specialize_from_file(RTLIL::Module *module, const std::string &file) {
- YS_REGEX_TYPE hole_assn_regex = YS_REGEX_COMPILE_WITH_SUBS("^(.*)=([01]+)$");
+ YS_REGEX_TYPE hole_assn_regex = YS_REGEX_COMPILE_WITH_SUBS("^(.*)\\[([0-9]+)]#(.*)\\[([0-9]+)]=([01])$");
- pool<RTLIL::Cell *> anyconsts_to_remove;
- dict<std::string, std::string> hole_name_to_value;
+ //(hole_loc, hole_bit, hole_name, hole_offset) -> (value, found)
+ dict<pool<std::string>, RTLIL::Cell*> anyconst_loc_to_cell;
+ dict<RTLIL::SigBit, RTLIL::State> hole_assignments;
+ for (auto cell : module->cells())
+ if (cell->type == "$anyconst")
+ anyconst_loc_to_cell[cell->get_strpool_attribute(ID::src)] = cell;
std::ifstream fin(file.c_str());
if (!fin)
log_cmd_error("could not read solution file.\n");
std::string buf;
while (std::getline(fin, buf)) {
- log_assert(YS_REGEX_NS::regex_search(buf, m, hole_assn_regex));
- std::string hole_name = m[1].str();
- std::string hole_value = m[2].str();
- hole_name_to_value[hole_name] = hole_value;
+ if (!YS_REGEX_NS::regex_search(buf, m, hole_assn_regex))
+ log_cmd_error("solution file is not formatted correctly: \"%s\"\n", buf.c_str());
+ std::string hole_loc = m[1].str();
+ unsigned int hole_bit = atoi(m[2].str().c_str());
+ std::string hole_name = m[3].str();
+ unsigned int hole_offset = atoi(m[4].str().c_str());
+ RTLIL::State hole_value = atoi(m[5].str().c_str()) == 1? RTLIL::State::S1 : RTLIL::State::S0;
+ //We have two options to identify holes. First, try to match wire names. If we can't find a matching wire,
+ //then try to find a cell with a matching location.
+ RTLIL::SigBit hole_sigbit;
+ if (module->wire(hole_name) != nullptr) {
+ RTLIL::Wire *hole_wire = module->wire(hole_name);
+ hole_sigbit = RTLIL::SigSpec(hole_wire)[hole_offset];
+ } else {
+ RTLIL::AttrObject tmp;
+ tmp.set_src_attribute(hole_loc);
+ pool<std::string> hole_loc_pool = tmp.get_strpool_attribute(ID::src);
+ auto hole_cell_it = anyconst_loc_to_cell.find(hole_loc_pool);
+ if (hole_cell_it == anyconst_loc_to_cell.end())
+ //log_cmd_error("cannot find matching wire name or $anyconst cell location for hole spec \"%s\"\n", buf.c_str());
+ RTLIL::Cell *hole_cell = hole_cell_it->second;
+ hole_sigbit = hole_cell->getPort(ID::Y)[hole_bit];
+ }
+ hole_assignments[hole_sigbit] = hole_value;
- for (auto cell : module->cells())
- if (cell->type == "$anyconst") {
- auto anyconst_port_y = cell->getPort(ID::Y).as_wire();
- if (anyconst_port_y == nullptr)
- continue;
- if (hole_name_to_value.find(anyconst_port_y->name.str()) != hole_name_to_value.end())
- anyconsts_to_remove.insert(cell);
- }
- for (auto cell : anyconsts_to_remove)
- module->remove(cell);
- for (auto &it : hole_name_to_value) {
- std::string hole_name = it.first;
- std::string hole_value = it.second;
- RTLIL::Wire *wire = module->wire(hole_name);
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- log_assert(wire != nullptr);
- log_assert(wire->width > 0 && GetSize(hole_value) == wire->width);
+ for (auto &it : anyconst_loc_to_cell)
+ module->remove(it.second);
- log("Specializing %s from file with %s = %d'b%s.\n", module->name.c_str(), hole_name.c_str(), wire->width, hole_value.c_str());
- std::vector<RTLIL::SigBit> value_bv;
- value_bv.reserve(wire->width);
- for (char c : hole_value)
- value_bv.emplace_back(c == '1'? RTLIL::S1 : RTLIL::S0);
- std::reverse(value_bv.begin(), value_bv.end());
- module->connect(wire, value_bv);
+ for (auto &it : hole_assignments) {
+ RTLIL::SigSpec lhs(it.first);
+ RTLIL::SigSpec rhs(it.second);
+ log("Specializing %s from file with %s = %d.\n", module->name.c_str(), it.first.str().c_str(), it.second == RTLIL::State::S1? 1 : 0);
+ module->connect(lhs, rhs);
void specialize(RTLIL::Module *module, const QbfSolutionType &sol, bool quiet = false) {
- dict<std::string, std::string> hole_loc_to_name = get_hole_loc_name_map(module, sol);
+ dict<std::pair<pool<std::string>, int>, RTLIL::SigBit> hole_loc_idx_to_sigbit = get_hole_loc_idx_sigbit_map(module, sol);
pool<RTLIL::Cell *> anyconsts_to_remove;
for (auto cell : module->cells())
if (cell->type == "$anyconst")
- if (hole_loc_to_name.find(cell->get_src_attribute()) != hole_loc_to_name.end())
+ if (hole_loc_idx_to_sigbit.find(std::make_pair(cell->get_strpool_attribute(ID::src), 0)) != hole_loc_idx_to_sigbit.end())
for (auto cell : anyconsts_to_remove)
for (auto &it : sol.hole_to_value) {
- std::string hole_loc = it.first;
+ pool<std::string> hole_loc = it.first;
std::string hole_value = it.second;
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- auto pos = hole_loc_to_name.find(hole_loc);
- log_assert(pos != hole_loc_to_name.end());
- std::string hole_name = hole_loc_to_name[hole_loc];
- RTLIL::Wire *wire = module->wire(hole_name);
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- log_assert(wire != nullptr);
- log_assert(wire->width > 0 && GetSize(hole_value) == wire->width);
- if (!quiet)
- log("Specializing %s with %s = %d'b%s.\n", module->name.c_str(), hole_name.c_str(), wire->width, hole_value.c_str());
- std::vector<RTLIL::SigBit> value_bv;
- value_bv.reserve(wire->width);
- for (char c : hole_value)
- value_bv.emplace_back(c == '1'? RTLIL::S1 : RTLIL::S0);
- std::reverse(value_bv.begin(), value_bv.end());
- module->connect(wire, value_bv);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hole_value.size(); ++i) {
+ int bit_idx = GetSize(hole_value) - 1 - i;
+ auto it = hole_loc_idx_to_sigbit.find(std::make_pair(hole_loc, i));
+ log_assert(it != hole_loc_idx_to_sigbit.end());
+ RTLIL::SigBit hole_sigbit = it->second;
+ log_assert(hole_sigbit.wire != nullptr);
+ log_assert(hole_value[bit_idx] == '0' || hole_value[bit_idx] == '1');
+ RTLIL::SigSpec lhs(hole_sigbit.wire, hole_sigbit.offset, 1);
+ RTLIL::State hole_bit_val = hole_value[bit_idx] == '1'? RTLIL::State::S1 : RTLIL::State::S0;
+ if (!quiet)
+ log("Specializing %s with %s = %d.\n", module->name.c_str(), hole_sigbit.str().c_str(), hole_bit_val == RTLIL::State::S0? 0 : 1)
+ module->connect(lhs, hole_bit_val);
+ }
void dump_model(RTLIL::Module *module, const QbfSolutionType &sol) {
log("Satisfiable model:\n");
- dict<std::string, std::string> hole_loc_to_name = get_hole_loc_name_map(module, sol);
+ dict<std::pair<pool<std::string>, int>, RTLIL::SigBit> hole_loc_idx_to_sigbit = get_hole_loc_idx_sigbit_map(module, sol);
for (auto &it : sol.hole_to_value) {
- std::string hole_loc = it.first;
+ pool<std::string> hole_loc = it.first;
std::string hole_value = it.second;
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- auto pos = hole_loc_to_name.find(hole_loc);
- log_assert(pos != hole_loc_to_name.end());
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hole_value.size(); ++i) {
+ int bit_idx = GetSize(hole_value) - 1 - i;
+ auto it = hole_loc_idx_to_sigbit.find(std::make_pair(hole_loc, i));
+ log_assert(it != hole_loc_idx_to_sigbit.end());
- std::string hole_name = hole_loc_to_name[hole_loc];
- log("\t%s = %lu'b%s\n", hole_name.c_str(), hole_value.size(), hole_value.c_str());
- std::vector<RTLIL::SigBit> value_bv;
- value_bv.reserve(hole_value.size());
- for (char c : hole_value)
- value_bv.emplace_back(c == '1'? RTLIL::S1 : RTLIL::S0);
- std::reverse(value_bv.begin(), value_bv.end());
+ RTLIL::SigBit hole_sigbit = it->second;
+ log("\t%s = 1'b%c\n", hole_sigbit.str().c_str(), hole_value[bit_idx]);
+ }