path: root/techlibs
diff options
authorMarcelina Koƛcielnicka <mwk@0x04.net>2022-01-24 16:02:29 +0100
committerMarcelina Koƛcielnicka <mwk@0x04.net>2022-01-28 23:34:41 +0100
commit93508d58dafbbffcedffa70b21a197b6fca8bb30 (patch)
tree4f4bed22749559a1938457015ff875891fd7a40a /techlibs
parentdb33b1e535f5ee93dba9ee1cc181b91c482a4dee (diff)
Add $bmux and $demux cells.
Diffstat (limited to 'techlibs')
2 files changed, 87 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/techlibs/common/simlib.v b/techlibs/common/simlib.v
index e9129f690..b14488ff4 100644
--- a/techlibs/common/simlib.v
+++ b/techlibs/common/simlib.v
@@ -1292,6 +1292,33 @@ endmodule
// --------------------------------------------------------
+module \$bmux (A, S, Y);
+parameter WIDTH = 0;
+parameter S_WIDTH = 0;
+input [(WIDTH << S_WIDTH)-1:0] A;
+input [S_WIDTH-1:0] S;
+output [WIDTH-1:0] Y;
+wire [WIDTH-1:0] bm0_out, bm1_out;
+ if (S_WIDTH > 1) begin:muxlogic
+ \$bmux #(.WIDTH(WIDTH), .S_WIDTH(S_WIDTH-1)) bm0 (.A(A), .S(S[S_WIDTH-2:0]), .Y(bm0_out));
+ \$bmux #(.WIDTH(WIDTH), .S_WIDTH(S_WIDTH-1)) bm1 (.A(A[(WIDTH << S_WIDTH)-1:WIDTH << (S_WIDTH - 1)]), .S(S[S_WIDTH-2:0]), .Y(bm1_out));
+ assign Y = S[S_WIDTH-1] ? bm1_out : bm0_out;
+ end else if (S_WIDTH == 1) begin:simple
+ assign Y = S ? A[1] : A[0];
+ end else begin:passthru
+ assign Y = A;
+ end
+// --------------------------------------------------------
module \$pmux (A, B, S, Y);
parameter WIDTH = 0;
@@ -1318,6 +1345,26 @@ end
// --------------------------------------------------------
+module \$demux (A, S, Y);
+parameter WIDTH = 1;
+parameter S_WIDTH = 1;
+input [WIDTH-1:0] A;
+input [S_WIDTH-1:0] S;
+output [(WIDTH << S_WIDTH)-1:0] Y;
+genvar i;
+ for (i = 0; i < (1 << S_WIDTH); i = i + 1) begin:slices
+ assign Y[i*WIDTH+:WIDTH] = (S == i) ? A : 0;
+ end
+// --------------------------------------------------------
module \$lut (A, Y);
@@ -1326,30 +1373,9 @@ parameter WIDTH = 0;
parameter LUT = 0;
input [WIDTH-1:0] A;
-output reg Y;
-wire lut0_out, lut1_out;
+output Y;
- if (WIDTH <= 1) begin:simple
- assign {lut1_out, lut0_out} = LUT;
- end else begin:complex
- \$lut #( .WIDTH(WIDTH-1), .LUT(LUT ) ) lut0 ( .A(A[WIDTH-2:0]), .Y(lut0_out) );
- \$lut #( .WIDTH(WIDTH-1), .LUT(LUT >> (2**(WIDTH-1))) ) lut1 ( .A(A[WIDTH-2:0]), .Y(lut1_out) );
- end
- if (WIDTH > 0) begin:lutlogic
- always @* begin
- casez ({A[WIDTH-1], lut0_out, lut1_out})
- 3'b?11: Y = 1'b1;
- 3'b?00: Y = 1'b0;
- 3'b0??: Y = lut0_out;
- 3'b1??: Y = lut1_out;
- default: Y = 1'bx;
- endcase
- end
- end
+\$bmux #(.WIDTH(1), .S_WIDTH(WIDTH)) mux(.A(LUT), .S(A), .Y(Y));
diff --git a/techlibs/common/techmap.v b/techlibs/common/techmap.v
index 667773e1b..91d385b80 100644
--- a/techlibs/common/techmap.v
+++ b/techlibs/common/techmap.v
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ module _90_simplemap_compare_ops;
(* techmap_simplemap *)
-(* techmap_celltype = "$pos $slice $concat $mux $tribuf" *)
+(* techmap_celltype = "$pos $slice $concat $mux $tribuf $bmux" *)
module _90_simplemap_various;
@@ -597,6 +597,43 @@ module _90_pmux (A, B, S, Y);
assign Y = |S ? Y_B : A;
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+// Demultiplexers
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+(* techmap_celltype = "$demux" *)
+module _90_demux (A, S, Y);
+ parameter WIDTH = 1;
+ parameter S_WIDTH = 1;
+ (* force_downto *)
+ input [WIDTH-1:0] A;
+ (* force_downto *)
+ input [S_WIDTH-1:0] S;
+ (* force_downto *)
+ output [(WIDTH << S_WIDTH)-1:0] Y;
+ generate
+ if (S_WIDTH == 0) begin
+ assign Y = A;
+ end else if (S_WIDTH == 1) begin
+ assign Y[0+:WIDTH] = S ? 0 : A;
+ assign Y[WIDTH+:WIDTH] = S ? A : 0;
+ end else begin
+ localparam SPLIT = S_WIDTH / 2;
+ wire [(1 << (S_WIDTH-SPLIT))-1:0] YH;
+ wire [(1 << SPLIT)-1:0] YL;
+ $demux #(.WIDTH(1), .S_WIDTH(SPLIT)) lo (.A(1'b1), .S(S[SPLIT-1:0]), .Y(YL));
+ $demux #(.WIDTH(1), .S_WIDTH(S_WIDTH-SPLIT)) hi (.A(1'b1), .S(S[S_WIDTH-1:SPLIT]), .Y(YH));
+ genvar i;
+ for (i = 0; i < (1 << S_WIDTH); i = i + 1) begin
+ localparam [S_WIDTH-1:0] IDX = i;
+ assign Y[i*WIDTH+:WIDTH] = (YL[IDX[SPLIT-1:0]] & YH[IDX[S_WIDTH-1:SPLIT]]) ? A : 0;
+ end
+ end
+ endgenerate
// --------------------------------------------------------
// LUTs