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authorKrystalDelusion <93062060+KrystalDelusion@users.noreply.github.com>2022-11-16 00:55:22 +1300
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2022-11-15 12:55:22 +0100
commita14dec79ebc85fae807684fa027d8098a16a4d34 (patch)
treef05562ce671f452f6d29a90219cced0b37c1aae4 /docs/source
parent853f4bb3c695d9f5183ef5064ec4cf9cdd8b5300 (diff)
Rst docs conversion (#3496)
Rst docs conversion
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23 files changed, 6755 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/source/CHAPTER_Approach.rst b/docs/source/CHAPTER_Approach.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..32980e788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/CHAPTER_Approach.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+.. _chapter:approach:
+Yosys is a tool for synthesising (behavioural) Verilog HDL code to target
+architecture netlists. Yosys aims at a wide range of application domains and
+thus must be flexible and easy to adapt to new tasks. This chapter covers the
+general approach followed in the effort to implement this tool.
+Data- and control-flow
+The data- and control-flow of a typical synthesis tool is very similar to the
+data- and control-flow of a typical compiler: different subsystems are called in
+a predetermined order, each consuming the data generated by the last subsystem
+and generating the data for the next subsystem (see :numref:`Fig. %s
+.. figure:: ../images/approach_flow.*
+ :class: width-helper
+ :name: fig:approach_flow
+ General data- and control-flow of a synthesis tool
+The first subsystem to be called is usually called a frontend. It does not
+process the data generated by another subsystem but instead reads the user
+input—in the case of a HDL synthesis tool, the behavioural HDL code.
+The subsystems that consume data from previous subsystems and produce data for
+the next subsystems (usually in the same or a similar format) are called passes.
+The last subsystem that is executed transforms the data generated by the last
+pass into a suitable output format and writes it to a disk file. This subsystem
+is usually called the backend.
+In Yosys all frontends, passes and backends are directly available as commands
+in the synthesis script. Thus the user can easily create a custom synthesis flow
+just by calling passes in the right order in a synthesis script.
+Internal formats in Yosys
+Yosys uses two different internal formats. The first is used to store an
+abstract syntax tree (AST) of a Verilog input file. This format is simply called
+AST and is generated by the Verilog Frontend. This data structure is consumed by
+a subsystem called AST Frontend [1]_. This AST Frontend then generates a design
+in Yosys' main internal format, the
+Register-Transfer-Level-Intermediate-Language (RTLIL) representation. It does
+that by first performing a number of simplifications within the AST
+representation and then generating RTLIL from the simplified AST data structure.
+The RTLIL representation is used by all passes as input and outputs. This has
+the following advantages over using different representational formats between
+different passes:
+- The passes can be rearranged in a different order and passes can be removed
+ or inserted.
+- Passes can simply pass-thru the parts of the design they don't change without
+ the need to convert between formats. In fact Yosys passes output the same
+ data structure they received as input and performs all changes in place.
+- All passes use the same interface, thus reducing the effort required to
+ understand a pass when reading the Yosys source code, e.g. when adding
+ additional features.
+The RTLIL representation is basically a netlist representation with the
+following additional features:
+- An internal cell library with fixed-function cells to represent RTL datapath
+ and register cells as well as logical gate-level cells (single-bit gates and
+ registers).
+- Support for multi-bit values that can use individual bits from wires as well
+ as constant bits to represent coarse-grain netlists.
+- Support for basic behavioural constructs (if-then-else structures and
+ multi-case switches with a sensitivity list for updating the outputs).
+- Support for multi-port memories.
+The use of RTLIL also has the disadvantage of having a very powerful format
+between all passes, even when doing gate-level synthesis where the more advanced
+features are not needed. In order to reduce complexity for passes that operate
+on a low-level representation, these passes check the features used in the input
+RTLIL and fail to run when unsupported high-level constructs are used. In such
+cases a pass that transforms the higher-level constructs to lower-level
+constructs must be called from the synthesis script first.
+.. _sec:typusecase:
+Typical use case
+The following example script may be used in a synthesis flow to convert the
+behavioural Verilog code from the input file design.v to a gate-level netlist
+synth.v using the cell library described by the Liberty file :
+.. code:: yoscrypt
+ :number-lines:
+ # read input file to internal representation
+ read_verilog design.v
+ # convert high-level behavioral parts ("processes") to d-type flip-flops and muxes
+ proc
+ # perform some simple optimizations
+ opt
+ # convert high-level memory constructs to d-type flip-flops and multiplexers
+ memory
+ # perform some simple optimizations
+ opt
+ # convert design to (logical) gate-level netlists
+ techmap
+ # perform some simple optimizations
+ opt
+ # map internal register types to the ones from the cell library
+ dfflibmap -liberty cells.lib
+ # use ABC to map remaining logic to cells from the cell library
+ abc -liberty cells.lib
+ # cleanup
+ opt
+ # write results to output file
+ write_verilog synth.v
+A detailed description of the commands available in Yosys can be found in
+.. [1]
+ In Yosys the term pass is only used to refer to commands that operate on the
+ RTLIL data structure.
diff --git a/docs/source/CHAPTER_Basics.rst b/docs/source/CHAPTER_Basics.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..618bec545
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/CHAPTER_Basics.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,776 @@
+.. role:: verilog(code)
+ :language: Verilog
+.. _chapter:basics:
+Basic principles
+This chapter contains a short introduction to the basic principles of digital
+circuit synthesis.
+Levels of abstraction
+Digital circuits can be represented at different levels of abstraction. During
+the design process a circuit is usually first specified using a higher level
+abstraction. Implementation can then be understood as finding a functionally
+equivalent representation at a lower abstraction level. When this is done
+automatically using software, the term synthesis is used.
+So synthesis is the automatic conversion of a high-level representation of a
+circuit to a functionally equivalent low-level representation of a circuit.
+:numref:`Figure %s <fig:Basics_abstractions>` lists the different levels of
+abstraction and how they relate to different kinds of synthesis.
+.. figure:: ../images/basics_abstractions.*
+ :class: width-helper
+ :name: fig:Basics_abstractions
+ Different levels of abstraction and synthesis.
+Regardless of the way a lower level representation of a circuit is obtained
+(synthesis or manual design), the lower level representation is usually verified
+by comparing simulation results of the lower level and the higher level
+representation [1]_. Therefore even if no synthesis is used, there must still
+be a simulatable representation of the circuit in all levels to allow for
+verification of the design.
+Note: The exact meaning of terminology such as "High-Level" is of course not
+fixed over time. For example the HDL "ABEL" was first introduced in 1985 as "A
+High-Level Design Language for Programmable Logic Devices" :cite:p:`ABEL`, but
+would not be considered a "High-Level Language" today.
+System level
+The System Level abstraction of a system only looks at its biggest building
+blocks like CPUs and computing cores. At this level the circuit is usually
+described using traditional programming languages like C/C++ or Matlab.
+Sometimes special software libraries are used that are aimed at simulation
+circuits on the system level, such as SystemC.
+Usually no synthesis tools are used to automatically transform a system level
+representation of a circuit to a lower-level representation. But system level
+design tools exist that can be used to connect system level building blocks.
+The IEEE 1685-2009 standard defines the IP-XACT file format that can be used to
+represent designs on the system level and building blocks that can be used in
+such system level designs. :cite:p:`IP-XACT`
+High level
+The high-level abstraction of a system (sometimes referred to as algorithmic
+level) is also often represented using traditional programming languages, but
+with a reduced feature set. For example when representing a design at the high
+level abstraction in C, pointers can only be used to mimic concepts that can be
+found in hardware, such as memory interfaces. Full featured dynamic memory
+management is not allowed as it has no corresponding concept in digital
+Tools exist to synthesize high level code (usually in the form of C/C++/SystemC
+code with additional metadata) to behavioural HDL code (usually in the form of
+Verilog or VHDL code). Aside from the many commercial tools for high level
+synthesis there are also a number of FOSS tools for high level synthesis .
+Behavioural level
+At the behavioural abstraction level a language aimed at hardware description
+such as Verilog or VHDL is used to describe the circuit, but so-called
+behavioural modelling is used in at least part of the circuit description. In
+behavioural modelling there must be a language feature that allows for
+imperative programming to be used to describe data paths and registers. This is
+the always-block in Verilog and the process-block in VHDL.
+In behavioural modelling, code fragments are provided together with a
+sensitivity list; a list of signals and conditions. In simulation, the code
+fragment is executed whenever a signal in the sensitivity list changes its value
+or a condition in the sensitivity list is triggered. A synthesis tool must be
+able to transfer this representation into an appropriate datapath followed by
+the appropriate types of register.
+For example consider the following Verilog code fragment:
+.. code:: verilog
+ :number-lines:
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ y <= a + b;
+In simulation the statement ``y <= a + b`` is executed whenever a positive edge
+on the signal ``clk`` is detected. The synthesis result however will contain an
+adder that calculates the sum ``a + b`` all the time, followed by a d-type
+flip-flop with the adder output on its D-input and the signal ``y`` on its
+Usually the imperative code fragments used in behavioural modelling can contain
+statements for conditional execution (``if``- and ``case``-statements in
+Verilog) as well as loops, as long as those loops can be completely unrolled.
+Interestingly there seems to be no other FOSS Tool that is capable of performing
+Verilog or VHDL behavioural syntheses besides Yosys.
+Register-Transfer Level (RTL)
+On the Register-Transfer Level the design is represented by combinatorial data
+paths and registers (usually d-type flip flops). The following Verilog code
+fragment is equivalent to the previous Verilog example, but is in RTL
+.. code:: verilog
+ :number-lines:
+ assign tmp = a + b; // combinatorial data path
+ always @(posedge clk) // register
+ y <= tmp;
+A design in RTL representation is usually stored using HDLs like Verilog and
+VHDL. But only a very limited subset of features is used, namely minimalistic
+always-blocks (Verilog) or process-blocks (VHDL) that model the register type
+used and unconditional assignments for the datapath logic. The use of HDLs on
+this level simplifies simulation as no additional tools are required to simulate
+a design in RTL representation.
+Many optimizations and analyses can be performed best at the RTL level. Examples
+include FSM detection and optimization, identification of memories or other
+larger building blocks and identification of shareable resources.
+Note that RTL is the first abstraction level in which the circuit is represented
+as a graph of circuit elements (registers and combinatorial cells) and signals.
+Such a graph, when encoded as list of cells and connections, is called a
+RTL synthesis is easy as each circuit node element in the netlist can simply be
+replaced with an equivalent gate-level circuit. However, usually the term RTL
+synthesis does not only refer to synthesizing an RTL netlist to a gate level
+netlist but also to performing a number of highly sophisticated optimizations
+within the RTL representation, such as the examples listed above.
+A number of FOSS tools exist that can perform isolated tasks within the domain
+of RTL synthesis steps. But there seems to be no FOSS tool that covers a wide
+range of RTL synthesis operations.
+Logical gate level
+At the logical gate level the design is represented by a netlist that uses only
+cells from a small number of single-bit cells, such as basic logic gates (AND,
+OR, NOT, XOR, etc.) and registers (usually D-Type Flip-flops).
+A number of netlist formats exists that can be used on this level, e.g. the
+Electronic Design Interchange Format (EDIF), but for ease of simulation often a
+HDL netlist is used. The latter is a HDL file (Verilog or VHDL) that only uses
+the most basic language constructs for instantiation and connecting of cells.
+There are two challenges in logic synthesis: First finding opportunities for
+optimizations within the gate level netlist and second the optimal (or at least
+good) mapping of the logic gate netlist to an equivalent netlist of physically
+available gate types.
+The simplest approach to logic synthesis is two-level logic synthesis, where a
+logic function is converted into a sum-of-products representation, e.g. using a
+Karnaugh map. This is a simple approach, but has exponential worst-case effort
+and cannot make efficient use of physical gates other than AND/NAND-, OR/NOR-
+and NOT-Gates.
+Therefore modern logic synthesis tools utilize much more complicated multi-level
+logic synthesis algorithms :cite:p:`MultiLevelLogicSynth`. Most of these
+algorithms convert the logic function to a Binary-Decision-Diagram (BDD) or
+And-Inverter-Graph (AIG) and work from that representation. The former has the
+advantage that it has a unique normalized form. The latter has much better worst
+case performance and is therefore better suited for the synthesis of large logic
+Good FOSS tools exists for multi-level logic synthesis .
+Yosys contains basic logic synthesis functionality but can also use ABC for the
+logic synthesis step. Using ABC is recommended.
+Physical gate level
+On the physical gate level only gates are used that are physically available on
+the target architecture. In some cases this may only be NAND, NOR and NOT gates
+as well as D-Type registers. In other cases this might include cells that are
+more complex than the cells used at the logical gate level (e.g. complete
+half-adders). In the case of an FPGA-based design the physical gate level
+representation is a netlist of LUTs with optional output registers, as these are
+the basic building blocks of FPGA logic cells.
+For the synthesis tool chain this abstraction is usually the lowest level. In
+case of an ASIC-based design the cell library might contain further information
+on how the physical cells map to individual switches (transistors).
+Switch level
+A switch level representation of a circuit is a netlist utilizing single
+transistors as cells. Switch level modelling is possible in Verilog and VHDL,
+but is seldom used in modern designs, as in modern digital ASIC or FPGA flows
+the physical gates are considered the atomic build blocks of the logic circuit.
+Yosys is a Verilog HDL synthesis tool. This means that it takes a behavioural
+design description as input and generates an RTL, logical gate or physical gate
+level description of the design as output. Yosys' main strengths are behavioural
+and RTL synthesis. A wide range of commands (synthesis passes) exist within
+Yosys that can be used to perform a wide range of synthesis tasks within the
+domain of behavioural, rtl and logic synthesis. Yosys is designed to be
+extensible and therefore is a good basis for implementing custom synthesis tools
+for specialised tasks.
+Features of synthesizable Verilog
+The subset of Verilog :cite:p:`Verilog2005` that is synthesizable is specified
+in a separate IEEE standards document, the IEEE standard 1364.1-2002
+:cite:p:`VerilogSynth`. This standard also describes how certain language
+constructs are to be interpreted in the scope of synthesis.
+This section provides a quick overview of the most important features of
+synthesizable Verilog, structured in order of increasing complexity.
+Structural Verilog
+Structural Verilog (also known as Verilog Netlists) is a Netlist in Verilog
+syntax. Only the following language constructs are used in this
+- Constant values
+- Wire and port declarations
+- Static assignments of signals to other signals
+- Cell instantiations
+Many tools (especially at the back end of the synthesis chain) only support
+structural Verilog as input. ABC is an example of such a tool. Unfortunately
+there is no standard specifying what Structural Verilog actually is, leading to
+some confusion about what syntax constructs are supported in structural Verilog
+when it comes to features such as attributes or multi-bit signals.
+Expressions in Verilog
+In all situations where Verilog accepts a constant value or signal name,
+expressions using arithmetic operations such as ``+``, ``-`` and ``*``, boolean
+operations such as ``&`` (AND), ``|`` (OR) and ``^`` (XOR) and many others
+(comparison operations, unary operator, etc.) can also be used.
+During synthesis these operators are replaced by cells that implement the
+respective function.
+Many FOSS tools that claim to be able to process Verilog in fact only support
+basic structural Verilog and simple expressions. Yosys can be used to convert
+full featured synthesizable Verilog to this simpler subset, thus enabling such
+applications to be used with a richer set of Verilog features.
+Behavioural modelling
+Code that utilizes the Verilog always statement is using Behavioural Modelling.
+In behavioural modelling, a circuit is described by means of imperative program
+code that is executed on certain events, namely any change, a rising edge, or a
+falling edge of a signal. This is a very flexible construct during simulation
+but is only synthesizable when one
+of the following is modelled:
+- | **Asynchronous or latched logic**
+ | In this case the sensitivity list must contain all expressions that
+ are used within the always block. The syntax ``@*`` can be used for
+ these cases. Examples of this kind include:
+ .. code:: verilog
+ :number-lines:
+ // asynchronous
+ always @* begin
+ if (add_mode)
+ y <= a + b;
+ else
+ y <= a - b;
+ end
+ // latched
+ always @* begin
+ if (!hold)
+ y <= a + b;
+ end
+ Note that latched logic is often considered bad style and in many
+ cases just the result of sloppy HDL design. Therefore many synthesis
+ tools generate warnings whenever latched logic is generated.
+- | **Synchronous logic (with optional synchronous reset)**
+ | This is logic with d-type flip-flops on the output. In this case
+ the sensitivity list must only contain the respective clock edge.
+ Example:
+ .. code:: verilog
+ :number-lines:
+ // counter with synchronous reset
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (reset)
+ y <= 0;
+ else
+ y <= y + 1;
+ end
+- | **Synchronous logic with asynchronous reset**
+ | This is logic with d-type flip-flops with asynchronous resets on
+ the output. In this case the sensitivity list must only contain the
+ respective clock and reset edges. The values assigned in the reset
+ branch must be constant. Example:
+ .. code:: verilog
+ :number-lines:
+ // counter with asynchronous reset
+ always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin
+ if (reset)
+ y <= 0;
+ else
+ y <= y + 1;
+ end
+Many synthesis tools support a wider subset of flip-flops that can be modelled
+using always-statements (including Yosys). But only the ones listed above are
+covered by the Verilog synthesis standard and when writing new designs one
+should limit herself or himself to these cases.
+In behavioural modelling, blocking assignments (=) and non-blocking assignments
+(<=) can be used. The concept of blocking vs. non-blocking assignment is one of
+the most misunderstood constructs in Verilog :cite:p:`Cummings00`.
+The blocking assignment behaves exactly like an assignment in any imperative
+programming language, while with the non-blocking assignment the right hand side
+of the assignment is evaluated immediately but the actual update of the left
+hand side register is delayed until the end of the time-step. For example the
+Verilog code ``a <= b; b <= a;`` exchanges the values of the two registers.
+Functions and tasks
+Verilog supports Functions and Tasks to bundle statements that are used in
+multiple places (similar to Procedures in imperative programming). Both
+constructs can be implemented easily by substituting the function/task-call with
+the body of the function or task.
+Conditionals, loops and generate-statements
+Verilog supports ``if-else``-statements and ``for``-loops inside
+It also supports both features in ``generate``-statements on the module level.
+This can be used to selectively enable or disable parts of the module based on
+the module parameters (``if-else``) or to generate a set of similar subcircuits
+While the ``if-else``-statement inside an always-block is part of behavioural
+modelling, the three other cases are (at least for a synthesis tool) part of a
+built-in macro processor. Therefore it must be possible for the synthesis tool
+to completely unroll all loops and evaluate the condition in all
+``if-else``-statement in ``generate``-statements using const-folding..
+Arrays and memories
+Verilog supports arrays. This is in general a synthesizable language feature. In
+most cases arrays can be synthesized by generating addressable memories.
+However, when complex or asynchronous access patterns are used, it is not
+possible to model an array as memory. In these cases the array must be modelled
+using individual signals for each word and all accesses to the array must be
+implemented using large multiplexers.
+In some cases it would be possible to model an array using memories, but it is
+not desired. Consider the following delay circuit:
+.. code:: verilog
+ :number-lines:
+ module (clk, in_data, out_data);
+ parameter BITS = 8;
+ parameter STAGES = 4;
+ input clk;
+ input [BITS-1:0] in_data;
+ output [BITS-1:0] out_data;
+ reg [BITS-1:0] ffs [STAGES-1:0];
+ integer i;
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ ffs[0] <= in_data;
+ for (i = 1; i < STAGES; i = i+1)
+ ffs[i] <= ffs[i-1];
+ end
+ assign out_data = ffs[STAGES-1];
+ endmodule
+This could be implemented using an addressable memory with STAGES input and
+output ports. A better implementation would be to use a simple chain of
+flip-flops (a so-called shift register). This better implementation can either
+be obtained by first creating a memory-based implementation and then optimizing
+it based on the static address signals for all ports or directly identifying
+such situations in the language front end and converting all memory accesses to
+direct accesses to the correct signals.
+Challenges in digital circuit synthesis
+This section summarizes the most important challenges in digital circuit
+synthesis. Tools can be characterized by how well they address these topics.
+Standards compliance
+The most important challenge is compliance with the HDL standards in question
+(in case of Verilog the IEEE Standards 1364.1-2002 and 1364-2005). This can be
+broken down in two items:
+- Completeness of implementation of the standard
+- Correctness of implementation of the standard
+Completeness is mostly important to guarantee compatibility with existing HDL
+code. Once a design has been verified and tested, HDL designers are very
+reluctant regarding changes to the design, even if it is only about a few minor
+changes to work around a missing feature in a new synthesis tool.
+Correctness is crucial. In some areas this is obvious (such as correct synthesis
+of basic behavioural models). But it is also crucial for the areas that concern
+minor details of the standard, such as the exact rules for handling signed
+expressions, even when the HDL code does not target different synthesis tools.
+This is because (unlike software source code that is only processed by
+compilers), in most design flows HDL code is not only processed by the synthesis
+tool but also by one or more simulators and sometimes even a formal verification
+tool. It is key for this verification process that all these tools use the same
+interpretation for the HDL code.
+Generally it is hard to give a one-dimensional description of how well a
+synthesis tool optimizes the design. First of all because not all optimizations
+are applicable to all designs and all synthesis tasks. Some optimizations work
+(best) on a coarse-grained level (with complex cells such as adders or
+multipliers) and others work (best) on a fine-grained level (single bit gates).
+Some optimizations target area and others target speed. Some work well on large
+designs while others don't scale well and can only be applied to small designs.
+A good tool is capable of applying a wide range of optimizations at different
+levels of abstraction and gives the designer control over which optimizations
+are performed (or skipped) and what the optimization goals are.
+Technology mapping
+Technology mapping is the process of converting the design into a netlist of
+cells that are available in the target architecture. In an ASIC flow this might
+be the process-specific cell library provided by the fab. In an FPGA flow this
+might be LUT cells as well as special function units such as dedicated
+multipliers. In a coarse-grain flow this might even be more complex special
+function units.
+An open and vendor independent tool is especially of interest if it supports a
+wide range of different types of target architectures.
+Script-based synthesis flows
+A digital design is usually started by implementing a high-level or system-level
+simulation of the desired function. This description is then manually
+transformed (or re-implemented) into a synthesizable lower-level description
+(usually at the behavioural level) and the equivalence of the two
+representations is verified by simulating both and comparing the simulation
+Then the synthesizable description is transformed to lower-level representations
+using a series of tools and the results are again verified using simulation.
+This process is illustrated in :numref:`Fig. %s <fig:Basics_flow>`.
+.. figure:: ../images/basics_flow.*
+ :class: width-helper
+ :name: fig:Basics_flow
+ Typical design flow. Green boxes represent manually created models.
+ Orange boxes represent modesl generated by synthesis tools.
+In this example the System Level Model and the Behavioural Model are both
+manually written design files. After the equivalence of system level model and
+behavioural model has been verified, the lower level representations of the
+design can be generated using synthesis tools. Finally the RTL Model and the
+Gate-Level Model are verified and the design process is finished.
+However, in any real-world design effort there will be multiple iterations for
+this design process. The reason for this can be the late change of a design
+requirement or the fact that the analysis of a low-abstraction model
+(e.g. gate-level timing analysis) revealed that a design change is required in
+order to meet the design requirements (e.g. maximum possible clock speed).
+Whenever the behavioural model or the system level model is changed their
+equivalence must be re-verified by re-running the simulations and comparing the
+results. Whenever the behavioural model is changed the synthesis must be re-run
+and the synthesis results must be re-verified.
+In order to guarantee reproducibility it is important to be able to re-run all
+automatic steps in a design project with a fixed set of settings easily. Because
+of this, usually all programs used in a synthesis flow can be controlled using
+scripts. This means that all functions are available via text commands. When
+such a tool provides a GUI, this is complementary to, and not instead of, a
+command line interface.
+Usually a synthesis flow in an UNIX/Linux environment would be controlled by a
+shell script that calls all required tools (synthesis and
+simulation/verification in this example) in the correct order. Each of these
+tools would be called with a script file containing commands for the respective
+tool. All settings required for the tool would be provided by these script files
+so that no manual interaction would be necessary. These script files are
+considered design sources and should be kept under version control just like the
+source code of the system level and the behavioural model.
+Methods from compiler design
+Some parts of synthesis tools involve problem domains that are traditionally
+known from compiler design. This section addresses some of these domains.
+Lexing and parsing
+The best known concepts from compiler design are probably lexing and parsing.
+These are two methods that together can be used to process complex computer
+languages easily. :cite:p:`Dragonbook`
+A lexer consumes single characters from the input and generates a stream of
+lexical tokens that consist of a type and a value. For example the Verilog input
+:verilog:`assign foo = bar + 42;` might be translated by the lexer to the list
+of lexical tokens given in :numref:`Tab. %s <tab:Basics_tokens>`.
+.. table:: Exemplary token list for the statement :verilog:`assign foo = bar + 42;`
+ :name: tab:Basics_tokens
+ ============== ===============
+ Token-Type Token-Value
+ ============== ===============
+ TOK_EQ \-
+ ============== ===============
+The lexer is usually generated by a lexer generator (e.g. flex ) from a
+description file that is using regular expressions to specify the text pattern
+that should match the individual tokens.
+The lexer is also responsible for skipping ignored characters (such as
+whitespace outside string constants and comments in the case of Verilog) and
+converting the original text snippet to a token value.
+Note that individual keywords use different token types (instead of a keyword
+type with different token values). This is because the parser usually can only
+use the Token-Type to make a decision on the grammatical role of a token.
+The parser then transforms the list of tokens into a parse tree that closely
+resembles the productions from the computer languages grammar. As the lexer, the
+parser is also typically generated by a code generator (e.g. bison ) from a
+grammar description in Backus-Naur Form (BNF).
+Let's consider the following BNF (in Bison syntax):
+.. code:: none
+ :number-lines:
+.. figure:: ../images/basics_parsetree.*
+ :class: width-helper
+ :name: fig:Basics_parsetree
+ Example parse tree for the Verilog expression
+ :verilog:`assign foo = bar + 42;`
+The parser converts the token list to the parse tree in :numref:`Fig. %s
+<fig:Basics_parsetree>`. Note that the parse tree never actually exists as a
+whole as data structure in memory. Instead the parser calls user-specified code
+snippets (so-called reduce-functions) for all inner nodes of the parse tree in
+depth-first order.
+In some very simple applications (e.g. code generation for stack machines) it is
+possible to perform the task at hand directly in the reduce functions. But
+usually the reduce functions are only used to build an in-memory data structure
+with the relevant information from the parse tree. This data structure is called
+an abstract syntax tree (AST).
+The exact format for the abstract syntax tree is application specific (while the
+format of the parse tree and token list are mostly dictated by the grammar of
+the language at hand). :numref:`Figure %s <fig:Basics_ast>` illustrates what an
+AST for the parse tree in :numref:`Fig. %s <fig:Basics_parsetree>` could look
+Usually the AST is then converted into yet another representation that is more
+suitable for further processing. In compilers this is often an assembler-like
+three-address-code intermediate representation. :cite:p:`Dragonbook`
+.. figure:: ../images/basics_ast.*
+ :class: width-helper
+ :name: fig:Basics_ast
+ Example abstract syntax tree for the Verilog expression
+ :verilog:`assign foo = bar + 42;`
+Multi-pass compilation
+Complex problems are often best solved when split up into smaller problems. This
+is certainly true for compilers as well as for synthesis tools. The components
+responsible for solving the smaller problems can be connected in two different
+ways: through Single-Pass Pipelining and by using Multiple Passes.
+Traditionally a parser and lexer are connected using the pipelined approach: The
+lexer provides a function that is called by the parser. This function reads data
+from the input until a complete lexical token has been read. Then this token is
+returned to the parser. So the lexer does not first generate a complete list of
+lexical tokens and then pass it to the parser. Instead they run concurrently and
+the parser can consume tokens as the lexer produces them.
+The single-pass pipelining approach has the advantage of lower memory footprint
+(at no time must the complete design be kept in memory) but has the disadvantage
+of tighter coupling between the interacting components.
+Therefore single-pass pipelining should only be used when the lower memory
+footprint is required or the components are also conceptually tightly coupled.
+The latter certainly is the case for a parser and its lexer. But when data is
+passed between two conceptually loosely coupled components it is often
+beneficial to use a multi-pass approach.
+In the multi-pass approach the first component processes all the data and the
+result is stored in a in-memory data structure. Then the second component is
+called with this data. This reduces complexity, as only one component is running
+at a time. It also improves flexibility as components can be exchanged easier.
+Most modern compilers are multi-pass compilers.
+Static Single Assignment (SSA) form
+In imperative programming (and behavioural HDL design) it is possible to assign
+the same variable multiple times. This can either mean that the variable is
+independently used in two different contexts or that the final value of the
+variable depends on a condition.
+The following examples show C code in which one variable is used independently
+in two different contexts:
+.. code:: c++
+ :number-lines:
+ void demo1()
+ {
+ int a = 1;
+ printf("%d\n", a);
+ a = 2;
+ printf("%d\n", a);
+ }
+.. code:: c++
+ void demo1()
+ {
+ int a = 1;
+ printf("%d\n", a);
+ int b = 2;
+ printf("%d\n", b);
+ }
+.. code:: c++
+ :number-lines:
+ void demo2(bool foo)
+ {
+ int a;
+ if (foo) {
+ a = 23;
+ printf("%d\n", a);
+ } else {
+ a = 42;
+ printf("%d\n", a);
+ }
+ }
+.. code:: c++
+ void demo2(bool foo)
+ {
+ int a, b;
+ if (foo) {
+ a = 23;
+ printf("%d\n", a);
+ } else {
+ b = 42;
+ printf("%d\n", b);
+ }
+ }
+In both examples the left version (only variable ``a``) and the right version
+(variables ``a`` and ``b``) are equivalent. Therefore it is desired for further
+processing to bring the code in an equivalent form for both cases.
+In the following example the variable is assigned twice but it cannot be easily
+replaced by two variables:
+.. code:: c++
+ void demo3(bool foo)
+ {
+ int a = 23
+ if (foo)
+ a = 42;
+ printf("%d\n", a);
+ }
+Static single assignment (SSA) form is a representation of imperative code that
+uses identical representations for the left and right version of demos 1 and 2,
+but can still represent demo 3. In SSA form each assignment assigns a new
+variable (usually written with an index). But it also introduces a special
+:math:`\Phi`-function to merge the different instances of a variable when
+needed. In C-pseudo-code the demo 3 would be written as follows using SSA from:
+.. code:: c++
+ void demo3(bool foo)
+ {
+ int a_1, a_2, a_3;
+ a_1 = 23
+ if (foo)
+ a_2 = 42;
+ a_3 = phi(a_1, a_2);
+ printf("%d\n", a_3);
+ }
+The :math:`\Phi`-function is usually interpreted as "these variables must be
+stored in the same memory location" during code generation. Most modern
+compilers for imperative languages such as C/C++ use SSA form for at least some
+of its passes as it is very easy to manipulate and analyse.
+.. [1]
+ In recent years formal equivalence checking also became an important
+ verification method for validating RTL and lower abstraction
+ representation of the design.
diff --git a/docs/source/CHAPTER_CellLib.rst b/docs/source/CHAPTER_CellLib.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c5db434a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/CHAPTER_CellLib.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,1020 @@
+.. role:: verilog(code)
+ :language: Verilog
+.. _chapter:celllib:
+Internal cell library
+Most of the passes in Yosys operate on netlists, i.e. they only care about the
+RTLIL::Wire and RTLIL::Cell objects in an RTLIL::Module. This chapter discusses
+the cell types used by Yosys to represent a behavioural design internally.
+This chapter is split in two parts. In the first part the internal RTL cells are
+covered. These cells are used to represent the design on a coarse grain level.
+Like in the original HDL code on this level the cells operate on vectors of
+signals and complex cells like adders exist. In the second part the internal
+gate cells are covered. These cells are used to represent the design on a
+fine-grain gate-level. All cells from this category operate on single bit
+RTL cells
+Most of the RTL cells closely resemble the operators available in HDLs such as
+Verilog or VHDL. Therefore Verilog operators are used in the following sections
+to define the behaviour of the RTL cells.
+Note that all RTL cells have parameters indicating the size of inputs and
+outputs. When passes modify RTL cells they must always keep the values of these
+parameters in sync with the size of the signals connected to the inputs and
+Simulation models for the RTL cells can be found in the file
+``techlibs/common/simlib.v`` in the Yosys source tree.
+Unary operators
+All unary RTL cells have one input port ``\A`` and one output port ``\Y``. They
+also have the following parameters:
+ Set to a non-zero value if the input ``\A`` is signed and therefore
+ should be sign-extended when needed.
+ The width of the input port ``\A``.
+ The width of the output port ``\Y``.
+:numref:`tab:CellLib_unary` lists all cells for unary RTL operators.
+.. table:: Cell types for unary operators with their corresponding Verilog expressions.
+ :name: tab:CellLib_unary
+ ================== ============
+ Verilog Cell Type
+ ================== ============
+ :verilog:`Y = ~A` $not
+ :verilog:`Y = +A` $pos
+ :verilog:`Y = -A` $neg
+ :verilog:`Y = &A` $reduce_and
+ :verilog:`Y = |A` $reduce_or
+ :verilog:`Y = ^A` $reduce_xor
+ :verilog:`Y = ~^A` $reduce_xnor
+ :verilog:`Y = |A` $reduce_bool
+ :verilog:`Y = !A` $logic_not
+ ================== ============
+For the unary cells that output a logical value (``$reduce_and``,
+``$reduce_or``, ``$reduce_xor``, ``$reduce_xnor``, ``$reduce_bool``,
+``$logic_not``), when the ``\Y_WIDTH`` parameter is greater than 1, the output
+is zero-extended, and only the least significant bit varies.
+Note that ``$reduce_or`` and ``$reduce_bool`` actually represent the same logic
+function. But the HDL frontends generate them in different situations. A
+``$reduce_or`` cell is generated when the prefix ``|`` operator is being used. A
+``$reduce_bool`` cell is generated when a bit vector is used as a condition in
+an ``if``-statement or ``?:``-expression.
+Binary operators
+All binary RTL cells have two input ports ``\A`` and ``\B`` and one output port
+``\Y``. They also have the following parameters:
+ Set to a non-zero value if the input ``\A`` is signed and therefore
+ should be sign-extended when needed.
+ The width of the input port ``\A``.
+ Set to a non-zero value if the input ``\B`` is signed and therefore
+ should be sign-extended when needed.
+ The width of the input port ``\B``.
+ The width of the output port ``\Y``.
+:numref:`tab:CellLib_binary` lists all cells for binary RTL operators.
+.. table:: Cell types for binary operators with their corresponding Verilog expressions.
+ :name: tab:CellLib_binary
+ ======================= ============= ======================= =========
+ Verilog Cell Type Verilog Cell Type
+ ======================= ============= ======================= =========
+ :verilog:`Y = A & B` $and :verilog:`Y = A < B` $lt
+ :verilog:`Y = A | B` $or :verilog:`Y = A <= B` $le
+ :verilog:`Y = A ^ B` $xor :verilog:`Y = A == B` $eq
+ :verilog:`Y = A ~^ B` $xnor :verilog:`Y = A != B` $ne
+ :verilog:`Y = A << B` $shl :verilog:`Y = A >= B` $ge
+ :verilog:`Y = A >> B` $shr :verilog:`Y = A > B` $gt
+ :verilog:`Y = A <<< B` $sshl :verilog:`Y = A + B` $add
+ :verilog:`Y = A >>> B` $sshr :verilog:`Y = A - B` $sub
+ :verilog:`Y = A && B` $logic_and :verilog:`Y = A * B` $mul
+ :verilog:`Y = A || B` $logic_or :verilog:`Y = A / B` $div
+ :verilog:`Y = A === B` $eqx :verilog:`Y = A % B` $mod
+ :verilog:`Y = A !== B` $nex ``N/A`` $divfloor
+ :verilog:`Y = A ** B` $pow ``N/A`` $modfoor
+ ======================= ============= ======================= =========
+The ``$shl`` and ``$shr`` cells implement logical shifts, whereas the ``$sshl``
+and ``$sshr`` cells implement arithmetic shifts. The ``$shl`` and ``$sshl``
+cells implement the same operation. All four of these cells interpret the second
+operand as unsigned, and require ``\B_SIGNED`` to be zero.
+Two additional shift operator cells are available that do not directly
+correspond to any operator in Verilog, ``$shift`` and ``$shiftx``. The
+``$shift`` cell performs a right logical shift if the second operand is positive
+(or unsigned), and a left logical shift if it is negative. The ``$shiftx`` cell
+performs the same operation as the ``$shift`` cell, but the vacated bit
+positions are filled with undef (x) bits, and corresponds to the Verilog indexed
+part-select expression.
+For the binary cells that output a logical value (``$logic_and``, ``$logic_or``,
+``$eqx``, ``$nex``, ``$lt``, ``$le``, ``$eq``, ``$ne``, ``$ge``, ``$gt)``, when
+the ``\Y_WIDTH`` parameter is greater than 1, the output is zero-extended, and
+only the least significant bit varies.
+Division and modulo cells are available in two rounding modes. The original
+``$div`` and ``$mod`` cells are based on truncating division, and correspond to
+the semantics of the verilog ``/`` and ``%`` operators. The ``$divfloor`` and
+``$modfloor`` cells represent flooring division and flooring modulo, the latter
+of which is also known as "remainder" in several languages. See
+:numref:`tab:CellLib_divmod` for a side-by-side comparison between the different
+.. table:: Comparison between different rounding modes for division and modulo cells.
+ :name: tab:CellLib_divmod
+ +-----------+--------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
+ | Division | Result | Truncating | Flooring |
+ +-----------+--------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
+ | | | $div | $mod | $divfloor | $modfloor |
+ +===========+========+===========+===========+===========+===========+
+ | -10 / 3 | -3.3 | -3 | -1 | -4 | 2 |
+ +-----------+--------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
+ | 10 / -3 | -3.3 | -3 | 1 | -4 | -2 |
+ +-----------+--------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
+ | -10 / -3 | 3.3 | 3 | -1 | 3 | -1 |
+ +-----------+--------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
+ | 10 / 3 | 3.3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 |
+ +-----------+--------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
+Multiplexers are generated by the Verilog HDL frontend for ``?:``-expressions.
+Multiplexers are also generated by the proc pass to map the decision trees from
+RTLIL::Process objects to logic.
+The simplest multiplexer cell type is ``$mux``. Cells of this type have a
+``\WITDH`` parameter and data inputs ``\A`` and ``\B`` and a data output ``\Y``,
+all of the specified width. This cell also has a single bit control input
+``\S``. If ``\S`` is 0 the value from the input ``\A`` is sent to the output, if
+it is 1 the value from the ``\B`` input is sent to the output. So the ``$mux``
+cell implements the function :verilog:`Y = S ? B : A`.
+The ``$pmux`` cell is used to multiplex between many inputs using a one-hot
+select signal. Cells of this type have a ``\WIDTH`` and a ``\S_WIDTH`` parameter
+and inputs ``\A``, ``\B``, and ``\S`` and an output ``\Y``. The ``\S`` input is
+``\S_WIDTH`` bits wide. The ``\A`` input and the output are both ``\WIDTH`` bits
+wide and the ``\B`` input is ``\WIDTH*\S_WIDTH`` bits wide. When all bits of
+``\S`` are zero, the value from ``\A`` input is sent to the output. If the
+:math:`n`\ 'th bit from ``\S`` is set, the value :math:`n`\ 'th ``\WIDTH`` bits
+wide slice of the ``\B`` input is sent to the output. When more than one bit
+from ``\S`` is set the output is undefined. Cells of this type are used to model
+"parallel cases" (defined by using the ``parallel_case`` attribute or detected
+by an optimization).
+The ``$tribuf`` cell is used to implement tristate logic. Cells of this type
+have a ``\B`` parameter and inputs ``\A`` and ``\EN`` and an output ``\Y``. The
+``\A`` input and ``\Y`` output are ``\WIDTH`` bits wide, and the ``\EN`` input
+is one bit wide. When ``\EN`` is 0, the output is not driven. When ``\EN`` is 1,
+the value from ``\A`` input is sent to the ``\Y`` output. Therefore, the
+``$tribuf`` cell implements the function :verilog:`Y = EN ? A : 'bz`.
+Behavioural code with cascaded if-then-else- and case-statements usually results
+in trees of multiplexer cells. Many passes (from various optimizations to FSM
+extraction) heavily depend on these multiplexer trees to understand dependencies
+between signals. Therefore optimizations should not break these multiplexer
+trees (e.g. by replacing a multiplexer between a calculated signal and a
+constant zero with an ``$and`` gate).
+SR-type latches are represented by ``$sr`` cells. These cells have input ports
+``\SET`` and ``\CLR`` and an output port ``\Q``. They have the following
+ The width of inputs ``\SET`` and ``\CLR`` and output ``\Q``.
+ The set input bits are active-high if this parameter has the value
+ ``1'b1`` and active-low if this parameter is ``1'b0``.
+ The reset input bits are active-high if this parameter has the value
+ ``1'b1`` and active-low if this parameter is ``1'b0``.
+Both set and reset inputs have separate bits for every output bit. When both the
+set and reset inputs of an ``$sr`` cell are active for a given bit index, the
+reset input takes precedence.
+D-type flip-flops are represented by ``$dff`` cells. These cells have a clock
+port ``\CLK``, an input port ``\D`` and an output port ``\Q``. The following
+parameters are available for ``$dff`` cells:
+ The width of input ``\D`` and output ``\Q``.
+ Clock is active on the positive edge if this parameter has the value
+ ``1'b1`` and on the negative edge if this parameter is ``1'b0``.
+D-type flip-flops with asynchronous reset are represented by ``$adff`` cells. As
+the ``$dff`` cells they have ``\CLK``, ``\D`` and ``\Q`` ports. In addition they
+also have a single-bit ``\ARST`` input port for the reset pin and the following
+additional two parameters:
+ The asynchronous reset is active-high if this parameter has the value
+ ``1'b1`` and active-low if this parameter is ``1'b0``.
+ The state of ``\Q`` will be set to this value when the reset is active.
+Usually these cells are generated by the ``proc`` pass using the information in
+the designs RTLIL::Process objects.
+D-type flip-flops with synchronous reset are represented by ``$sdff`` cells. As
+the ``$dff`` cells they have ``\CLK``, ``\D`` and ``\Q`` ports. In addition they
+also have a single-bit ``\SRST`` input port for the reset pin and the following
+additional two parameters:
+ The synchronous reset is active-high if this parameter has the value
+ ``1'b1`` and active-low if this parameter is ``1'b0``.
+ The state of ``\Q`` will be set to this value when the reset is active.
+Note that the ``$adff`` and ``$sdff`` cells can only be used when the reset value is
+D-type flip-flops with asynchronous load are represented by ``$aldff`` cells. As
+the ``$dff`` cells they have ``\CLK``, ``\D`` and ``\Q`` ports. In addition they
+also have a single-bit ``\ALOAD`` input port for the async load enable pin, a
+``\AD`` input port with the same width as data for the async load data, and the
+following additional parameter:
+ The asynchronous load is active-high if this parameter has the value
+ ``1'b1`` and active-low if this parameter is ``1'b0``.
+D-type flip-flops with asynchronous set and reset are represented by ``$dffsr``
+cells. As the ``$dff`` cells they have ``\CLK``, ``\D`` and ``\Q`` ports. In
+addition they also have multi-bit ``\SET`` and ``\CLR`` input ports and the
+corresponding polarity parameters, like ``$sr`` cells.
+D-type flip-flops with enable are represented by ``$dffe``, ``$adffe``,
+``$aldffe``, ``$dffsre``, ``$sdffe``, and ``$sdffce`` cells, which are enhanced
+variants of ``$dff``, ``$adff``, ``$aldff``, ``$dffsr``, ``$sdff`` (with reset
+over enable) and ``$sdff`` (with enable over reset) cells, respectively. They
+have the same ports and parameters as their base cell. In addition they also
+have a single-bit ``\EN`` input port for the enable pin and the following
+ The enable input is active-high if this parameter has the value ``1'b1``
+ and active-low if this parameter is ``1'b0``.
+D-type latches are represented by ``$dlatch`` cells. These cells have an enable
+port ``\EN``, an input port ``\D``, and an output port ``\Q``. The following
+parameters are available for ``$dlatch`` cells:
+ The width of input ``\D`` and output ``\Q``.
+ The enable input is active-high if this parameter has the value ``1'b1``
+ and active-low if this parameter is ``1'b0``.
+The latch is transparent when the ``\EN`` input is active.
+D-type latches with reset are represented by ``$adlatch`` cells. In addition to
+``$dlatch`` ports and parameters, they also have a single-bit ``\ARST`` input
+port for the reset pin and the following additional parameters:
+ The asynchronous reset is active-high if this parameter has the value
+ ``1'b1`` and active-low if this parameter is ``1'b0``.
+ The state of ``\Q`` will be set to this value when the reset is active.
+D-type latches with set and reset are represented by ``$dlatchsr`` cells. In
+addition to ``$dlatch`` ports and parameters, they also have multi-bit ``\SET``
+and ``\CLR`` input ports and the corresponding polarity parameters, like ``$sr``
+.. _sec:memcells:
+Memories are either represented using RTLIL::Memory objects, ``$memrd_v2``,
+``$memwr_v2``, and ``$meminit_v2`` cells, or by ``$mem_v2`` cells alone.
+In the first alternative the RTLIL::Memory objects hold the general metadata for
+the memory (bit width, size in number of words, etc.) and for each port a
+``$memrd_v2`` (read port) or ``$memwr_v2`` (write port) cell is created. Having
+individual cells for read and write ports has the advantage that they can be
+consolidated using resource sharing passes. In some cases this drastically
+reduces the number of required ports on the memory cell. In this alternative,
+memory initialization data is represented by ``$meminit_v2`` cells, which allow
+delaying constant folding for initialization addresses and data until after the
+frontend finishes.
+The ``$memrd_v2`` cells have a clock input ``\CLK``, an enable input ``\EN``, an
+address input ``\ADDR``, a data output ``\DATA``, an asynchronous reset input
+``\ARST``, and a synchronous reset input ``\SRST``. They also have the following
+ The name of the RTLIL::Memory object that is associated with this read
+ port.
+ The number of address bits (width of the ``\ADDR`` input port).
+ The number of data bits (width of the ``\DATA`` output port). Note that
+ this may be a power-of-two multiple of the underlying memory's width --
+ such ports are called wide ports and access an aligned group of cells at
+ once. In this case, the corresponding low bits of ``\ADDR`` must be
+ tied to 0.
+ When this parameter is non-zero, the clock is used. Otherwise this read
+ port is asynchronous and the ``\CLK`` input is not used.
+ Clock is active on the positive edge if this parameter has the value
+ ``1'b1`` and on the negative edge if this parameter is ``1'b0``.
+ This parameter is a bitmask of write ports that this read port is
+ transparent with. The bits of this parameter are indexed by the write
+ port's ``\PORTID`` parameter. Transparency can only be enabled between
+ synchronous ports sharing a clock domain. When transparency is enabled
+ for a given port pair, a read and write to the same address in the same
+ cycle will return the new value. Otherwise the old value is returned.
+ This parameter is a bitmask of write ports that have undefined collision
+ behavior with this port. The bits of this parameter are indexed by the
+ write port's ``\PORTID`` parameter. This behavior can only be enabled
+ between synchronous ports sharing a clock domain. When undefined
+ collision is enabled for a given port pair, a read and write to the same
+ address in the same cycle will return the undefined (all-X) value.This
+ option is exclusive (for a given port pair) with the transparency
+ option.
+ Whenever the ``\ARST`` input is asserted, the data output will be reset
+ to this value. Only used for synchronous ports.
+ Whenever the ``\SRST`` input is synchronously asserted, the data output
+ will be reset to this value. Only used for synchronous ports.
+ The initial value of the data output, for synchronous ports.
+ If this parameter is non-zero, the ``\SRST`` input is only recognized
+ when ``\EN`` is true. Otherwise, ``\SRST`` is recognized regardless of
+ ``\EN``.
+The ``$memwr_v2`` cells have a clock input ``\CLK``, an enable input ``\EN``
+(one enable bit for each data bit), an address input ``\ADDR`` and a data input
+``\DATA``. They also have the following parameters:
+ The name of the RTLIL::Memory object that is associated with this write
+ port.
+ The number of address bits (width of the ``\ADDR`` input port).
+ The number of data bits (width of the ``\DATA`` output port). Like with
+ ``$memrd_v2`` cells, the width is allowed to be any power-of-two
+ multiple of memory width, with the corresponding restriction on address.
+ When this parameter is non-zero, the clock is used. Otherwise this write
+ port is asynchronous and the ``\CLK`` input is not used.
+ Clock is active on positive edge if this parameter has the value
+ ``1'b1`` and on the negative edge if this parameter is ``1'b0``.
+ An identifier for this write port, used to index write port bit mask parameters.
+ This parameter is a bitmask of write ports that this write port has
+ priority over in case of writing to the same address. The bits of this
+ parameter are indexed by the other write port's ``\PORTID`` parameter.
+ Write ports can only have priority over write ports with lower port ID.
+ When two ports write to the same address and neither has priority over
+ the other, the result is undefined. Priority can only be set between
+ two synchronous ports sharing the same clock domain.
+The ``$meminit_v2`` cells have an address input ``\ADDR``, a data input
+``\DATA``, with the width of the ``\DATA`` port equal to ``\WIDTH`` parameter
+times ``\WORDS`` parameter, and a bit enable mask input ``\EN`` with width equal
+to ``\WIDTH`` parameter. All three of the inputs must resolve to a constant for
+synthesis to succeed.
+ The name of the RTLIL::Memory object that is associated with this
+ initialization cell.
+ The number of address bits (width of the ``\ADDR`` input port).
+ The number of data bits per memory location.
+ The number of consecutive memory locations initialized by this cell.
+ The cell with the higher integer value in this parameter wins an
+ initialization conflict.
+The HDL frontend models a memory using RTLIL::Memory objects and asynchronous
+``$memrd_v2`` and ``$memwr_v2`` cells. The ``memory`` pass (i.e.~its various
+sub-passes) migrates ``$dff`` cells into the ``$memrd_v2`` and ``$memwr_v2``
+cells making them synchronous, then converts them to a single ``$mem_v2`` cell
+and (optionally) maps this cell type to ``$dff`` cells for the individual words
+and multiplexer-based address decoders for the read and write interfaces. When
+the last step is disabled or not possible, a ``$mem_v2`` cell is left in the
+The ``$mem_v2`` cell provides the following parameters:
+ The name of the original RTLIL::Memory object that became this
+ ``$mem_v2`` cell.
+ The number of words in the memory.
+ The number of address bits.
+ The number of data bits per word.
+ The initial memory contents.
+ The number of read ports on this memory cell.
+ This parameter is ``\RD_PORTS`` bits wide, containing a bitmask of
+ "wide continuation" read ports. Such ports are used to represent the
+ extra data bits of wide ports in the combined cell, and must have all
+ control signals identical with the preceding port, except for address,
+ which must have the proper sub-cell address encoded in the low bits.
+ This parameter is ``\RD_PORTS`` bits wide, containing a clock enable bit
+ for each read port.
+ This parameter is ``\RD_PORTS`` bits wide, containing a clock polarity
+ bit for each read port.
+ This parameter is ``\RD_PORTS*\WR_PORTS`` bits wide, containing a
+ concatenation of all ``\TRANSPARENCY_MASK`` values of the original
+ ``$memrd_v2`` cells.
+ This parameter is ``\RD_PORTS*\WR_PORTS`` bits wide, containing a
+ concatenation of all ``\COLLISION_X_MASK`` values of the original
+ ``$memrd_v2`` cells.
+ This parameter is ``\RD_PORTS`` bits wide, determining relative
+ synchronous reset and enable priority for each read port.
+ This parameter is ``\RD_PORTS*\WIDTH`` bits wide, containing the initial
+ value for each synchronous read port.
+ This parameter is ``\RD_PORTS*\WIDTH`` bits wide, containing the
+ asynchronous reset value for each synchronous read port.
+ This parameter is ``\RD_PORTS*\WIDTH`` bits wide, containing the
+ synchronous reset value for each synchronous read port.
+ The number of write ports on this memory cell.
+ This parameter is ``\WR_PORTS`` bits wide, containing a bitmask of
+ "wide continuation" write ports.
+ This parameter is ``\WR_PORTS`` bits wide, containing a clock enable bit
+ for each write port.
+ This parameter is ``\WR_PORTS`` bits wide, containing a clock polarity
+ bit for each write port.
+ This parameter is ``\WR_PORTS*\WR_PORTS`` bits wide, containing a
+ concatenation of all ``\PRIORITY_MASK`` values of the original
+ ``$memwr_v2`` cells.
+The ``$mem_v2`` cell has the following ports:
+ This input is ``\RD_PORTS`` bits wide, containing all clock signals for
+ the read ports.
+ This input is ``\RD_PORTS`` bits wide, containing all enable signals for
+ the read ports.
+ This input is ``\RD_PORTS*\ABITS`` bits wide, containing all address
+ signals for the read ports.
+ This input is ``\RD_PORTS*\WIDTH`` bits wide, containing all data
+ signals for the read ports.
+ This input is ``\RD_PORTS`` bits wide, containing all asynchronous reset
+ signals for the read ports.
+ This input is ``\RD_PORTS`` bits wide, containing all synchronous reset
+ signals for the read ports.
+ This input is ``\WR_PORTS`` bits wide, containing all clock signals for
+ the write ports.
+ This input is ``\WR_PORTS*\WIDTH`` bits wide, containing all enable
+ signals for the write ports.
+ This input is ``\WR_PORTS*\ABITS`` bits wide, containing all address
+ signals for the write ports.
+ This input is ``\WR_PORTS*\WIDTH`` bits wide, containing all data
+ signals for the write ports.
+The ``memory_collect`` pass can be used to convert discrete ``$memrd_v2``,
+``$memwr_v2``, and ``$meminit_v2`` cells belonging to the same memory to a
+single ``$mem_v2`` cell, whereas the ``memory_unpack`` pass performs the inverse
+operation. The ``memory_dff`` pass can combine asynchronous memory ports that
+are fed by or feeding registers into synchronous memory ports. The
+``memory_bram`` pass can be used to recognize ``$mem_v2`` cells that can be
+implemented with a block RAM resource on an FPGA. The ``memory_map`` pass can be
+used to implement ``$mem_v2`` cells as basic logic: word-wide DFFs and address
+Finite state machines
+Add a brief description of the ``$fsm`` cell type.
+Specify rules
+Add information about ``$specify2``, ``$specify3``, and ``$specrule`` cells.
+Formal verification cells
+Add information about ``$assert``, ``$assume``, ``$live``, ``$fair``,
+``$cover``, ``$equiv``, ``$initstate``, ``$anyconst``, ``$anyseq``,
+``$anyinit``, ``$allconst``, ``$allseq`` cells.
+Add information about ``$ff`` and ``$_FF_`` cells.
+.. _sec:celllib_gates:
+For gate level logic networks, fixed function single bit cells are used that do
+not provide any parameters.
+Simulation models for these cells can be found in the file
+techlibs/common/simcells.v in the Yosys source tree.
+.. table:: Cell types for gate level logic networks (main list)
+ :name: tab:CellLib_gates
+ ======================================= ============
+ Verilog Cell Type
+ ======================================= ============
+ :verilog:`Y = A` $_BUF_
+ :verilog:`Y = ~A` $_NOT_
+ :verilog:`Y = A & B` $_AND_
+ :verilog:`Y = ~(A & B)` $_NAND_
+ :verilog:`Y = A & ~B` $_ANDNOT_
+ :verilog:`Y = A | B` $_OR_
+ :verilog:`Y = ~(A | B)` $_NOR_
+ :verilog:`Y = A | ~B` $_ORNOT_
+ :verilog:`Y = A ^ B` $_XOR_
+ :verilog:`Y = ~(A ^ B)` $_XNOR_
+ :verilog:`Y = ~((A & B) | C)` $_AOI3_
+ :verilog:`Y = ~((A | B) & C)` $_OAI3_
+ :verilog:`Y = ~((A & B) | (C & D))` $_AOI4_
+ :verilog:`Y = ~((A | B) & (C | D))` $_OAI4_
+ :verilog:`Y = S ? B : A` $_MUX_
+ :verilog:`Y = ~(S ? B : A)` $_NMUX_
+ (see below) $_MUX4_
+ (see below) $_MUX8_
+ (see below) $_MUX16_
+ :verilog:`Y = EN ? A : 1'bz` $_TBUF_
+ :verilog:`always @(negedge C) Q <= D` $_DFF_N_
+ :verilog:`always @(posedge C) Q <= D` $_DFF_P_
+ :verilog:`always @* if (!E) Q <= D` $_DLATCH_N_
+ :verilog:`always @* if (E) Q <= D` $_DLATCH_P_
+ ======================================= ============
+.. table:: Cell types for gate level logic networks (FFs with reset)
+ :name: tab:CellLib_gates_adff
+ ================== ============== ============== =======================
+ :math:`ClkEdge` :math:`RstLvl` :math:`RstVal` Cell Type
+ ================== ============== ============== =======================
+ :verilog:`negedge` ``0`` ``0`` $_DFF_NN0_, $_SDFF_NN0_
+ :verilog:`negedge` ``0`` ``1`` $_DFF_NN1_, $_SDFF_NN1_
+ :verilog:`negedge` ``1`` ``0`` $_DFF_NP0_, $_SDFF_NP0_
+ :verilog:`negedge` ``1`` ``1`` $_DFF_NP1_, $_SDFF_NP1_
+ :verilog:`posedge` ``0`` ``0`` $_DFF_PN0_, $_SDFF_PN0_
+ :verilog:`posedge` ``0`` ``1`` $_DFF_PN1_, $_SDFF_PN1_
+ :verilog:`posedge` ``1`` ``0`` $_DFF_PP0_, $_SDFF_PP0_
+ :verilog:`posedge` ``1`` ``1`` $_DFF_PP1_, $_SDFF_PP1_
+ ================== ============== ============== =======================
+.. table:: Cell types for gate level logic networks (FFs with enable)
+ :name: tab:CellLib_gates_dffe
+ ================== ============= ===========
+ :math:`ClkEdge` :math:`EnLvl` Cell Type
+ ================== ============= ===========
+ :verilog:`negedge` ``0`` $_DFFE_NN_
+ :verilog:`negedge` ``1`` $_DFFE_NP_
+ :verilog:`posedge` ``0`` $_DFFE_PN_
+ :verilog:`posedge` ``1`` $_DFFE_PP_
+ ================== ============= ===========
+.. table:: Cell types for gate level logic networks (FFs with reset and enable)
+ :name: tab:CellLib_gates_adffe
+ ================== ============== ============== ============= ===========================================
+ :math:`ClkEdge` :math:`RstLvl` :math:`RstVal` :math:`EnLvl` Cell Type
+ ================== ============== ============== ============= ===========================================
+ :verilog:`negedge` ``0`` ``0`` ``0`` $_DFFE_NN0N_, $_SDFFE_NN0N_, $_SDFFCE_NN0N_
+ :verilog:`negedge` ``0`` ``0`` ``1`` $_DFFE_NN0P_, $_SDFFE_NN0P_, $_SDFFCE_NN0P_
+ :verilog:`negedge` ``0`` ``1`` ``0`` $_DFFE_NN1N_, $_SDFFE_NN1N_, $_SDFFCE_NN1N_
+ :verilog:`negedge` ``0`` ``1`` ``1`` $_DFFE_NN1P_, $_SDFFE_NN1P_, $_SDFFCE_NN1P_
+ :verilog:`negedge` ``1`` ``0`` ``0`` $_DFFE_NP0N_, $_SDFFE_NP0N_, $_SDFFCE_NP0N_
+ :verilog:`negedge` ``1`` ``0`` ``1`` $_DFFE_NP0P_, $_SDFFE_NP0P_, $_SDFFCE_NP0P_
+ :verilog:`negedge` ``1`` ``1`` ``0`` $_DFFE_NP1N_, $_SDFFE_NP1N_, $_SDFFCE_NP1N_
+ :verilog:`negedge` ``1`` ``1`` ``1`` $_DFFE_NP1P_, $_SDFFE_NP1P_, $_SDFFCE_NP1P_
+ :verilog:`posedge` ``0`` ``0`` ``0`` $_DFFE_PN0N_, $_SDFFE_PN0N_, $_SDFFCE_PN0N_
+ :verilog:`posedge` ``0`` ``0`` ``1`` $_DFFE_PN0P_, $_SDFFE_PN0P_, $_SDFFCE_PN0P_
+ :verilog:`posedge` ``0`` ``1`` ``0`` $_DFFE_PN1N_, $_SDFFE_PN1N_, $_SDFFCE_PN1N_
+ :verilog:`posedge` ``0`` ``1`` ``1`` $_DFFE_PN1P_, $_SDFFE_PN1P_, $_SDFFCE_PN1P_
+ :verilog:`posedge` ``1`` ``0`` ``0`` $_DFFE_PP0N_, $_SDFFE_PP0N_, $_SDFFCE_PP0N_
+ :verilog:`posedge` ``1`` ``0`` ``1`` $_DFFE_PP0P_, $_SDFFE_PP0P_, $_SDFFCE_PP0P_
+ :verilog:`posedge` ``1`` ``1`` ``0`` $_DFFE_PP1N_, $_SDFFE_PP1N_, $_SDFFCE_PP1N_
+ :verilog:`posedge` ``1`` ``1`` ``1`` $_DFFE_PP1P_, $_SDFFE_PP1P_, $_SDFFCE_PP1P_
+ ================== ============== ============== ============= ===========================================
+.. table:: Cell types for gate level logic networks (FFs with set and reset)
+ :name: tab:CellLib_gates_dffsr
+ ================== ============== ============== ============
+ :math:`ClkEdge` :math:`SetLvl` :math:`RstLvl` Cell Type
+ ================== ============== ============== ============
+ :verilog:`negedge` ``0`` ``0`` $_DFFSR_NNN_
+ :verilog:`negedge` ``0`` ``1`` $_DFFSR_NNP_
+ :verilog:`negedge` ``1`` ``0`` $_DFFSR_NPN_
+ :verilog:`negedge` ``1`` ``1`` $_DFFSR_NPP_
+ :verilog:`posedge` ``0`` ``0`` $_DFFSR_PNN_
+ :verilog:`posedge` ``0`` ``1`` $_DFFSR_PNP_
+ :verilog:`posedge` ``1`` ``0`` $_DFFSR_PPN_
+ :verilog:`posedge` ``1`` ``1`` $_DFFSR_PPP_
+ ================== ============== ============== ============
+.. table:: Cell types for gate level logic networks (FFs with set and reset and enable)
+ :name: tab:CellLib_gates_dffsre
+ ================== ============== ============== ============= ==============
+ :math:`ClkEdge` :math:`SetLvl` :math:`RstLvl` :math:`EnLvl` Cell Type
+ ================== ============== ============== ============= ==============
+ :verilog:`negedge` ``0`` ``0`` ``0`` $_DFFSRE_NNNN_
+ :verilog:`negedge` ``0`` ``0`` ``1`` $_DFFSRE_NNNP_
+ :verilog:`negedge` ``0`` ``1`` ``0`` $_DFFSRE_NNPN_
+ :verilog:`negedge` ``0`` ``1`` ``1`` $_DFFSRE_NNPP_
+ :verilog:`negedge` ``1`` ``0`` ``0`` $_DFFSRE_NPNN_
+ :verilog:`negedge` ``1`` ``0`` ``1`` $_DFFSRE_NPNP_
+ :verilog:`negedge` ``1`` ``1`` ``0`` $_DFFSRE_NPPN_
+ :verilog:`negedge` ``1`` ``1`` ``1`` $_DFFSRE_NPPP_
+ :verilog:`posedge` ``0`` ``0`` ``0`` $_DFFSRE_PNNN_
+ :verilog:`posedge` ``0`` ``0`` ``1`` $_DFFSRE_PNNP_
+ :verilog:`posedge` ``0`` ``1`` ``0`` $_DFFSRE_PNPN_
+ :verilog:`posedge` ``0`` ``1`` ``1`` $_DFFSRE_PNPP_
+ :verilog:`posedge` ``1`` ``0`` ``0`` $_DFFSRE_PPNN_
+ :verilog:`posedge` ``1`` ``0`` ``1`` $_DFFSRE_PPNP_
+ :verilog:`posedge` ``1`` ``1`` ``0`` $_DFFSRE_PPPN_
+ :verilog:`posedge` ``1`` ``1`` ``1`` $_DFFSRE_PPPP_
+ ================== ============== ============== ============= ==============
+.. table:: Cell types for gate level logic networks (latches with reset)
+ :name: tab:CellLib_gates_adlatch
+ ============= ============== ============== =============
+ :math:`EnLvl` :math:`RstLvl` :math:`RstVal` Cell Type
+ ============= ============== ============== =============
+ ``0`` ``0`` ``0`` $_DLATCH_NN0_
+ ``0`` ``0`` ``1`` $_DLATCH_NN1_
+ ``0`` ``1`` ``0`` $_DLATCH_NP0_
+ ``0`` ``1`` ``1`` $_DLATCH_NP1_
+ ``1`` ``0`` ``0`` $_DLATCH_PN0_
+ ``1`` ``0`` ``1`` $_DLATCH_PN1_
+ ``1`` ``1`` ``0`` $_DLATCH_PP0_
+ ``1`` ``1`` ``1`` $_DLATCH_PP1_
+ ============= ============== ============== =============
+.. table:: Cell types for gate level logic networks (latches with set and reset)
+ :name: tab:CellLib_gates_dlatchsr
+ ============= ============== ============== ===============
+ :math:`EnLvl` :math:`SetLvl` :math:`RstLvl` Cell Type
+ ============= ============== ============== ===============
+ ``0`` ``0`` ``0`` $_DLATCHSR_NNN_
+ ``0`` ``0`` ``1`` $_DLATCHSR_NNP_
+ ``0`` ``1`` ``0`` $_DLATCHSR_NPN_
+ ``0`` ``1`` ``1`` $_DLATCHSR_NPP_
+ ``1`` ``0`` ``0`` $_DLATCHSR_PNN_
+ ``1`` ``0`` ``1`` $_DLATCHSR_PNP_
+ ``1`` ``1`` ``0`` $_DLATCHSR_PPN_
+ ``1`` ``1`` ``1`` $_DLATCHSR_PPP_
+ ============= ============== ============== ===============
+.. table:: Cell types for gate level logic networks (SR latches)
+ :name: tab:CellLib_gates_sr
+ ============== ============== =========
+ :math:`SetLvl` :math:`RstLvl` Cell Type
+ ============== ============== =========
+ ``0`` ``0`` $_SR_NN_
+ ``0`` ``1`` $_SR_NP_
+ ``1`` ``0`` $_SR_PN_
+ ``1`` ``1`` $_SR_PP_
+ ============== ============== =========
+Tables \ :numref:`%s <tab:CellLib_gates>`, :numref:`%s
+<tab:CellLib_gates_dffe>`, :numref:`%s <tab:CellLib_gates_adff>`, :numref:`%s
+<tab:CellLib_gates_adffe>`, :numref:`%s <tab:CellLib_gates_dffsr>`, :numref:`%s
+<tab:CellLib_gates_dffsre>`, :numref:`%s <tab:CellLib_gates_adlatch>`,
+:numref:`%s <tab:CellLib_gates_dlatchsr>` and :numref:`%s
+<tab:CellLib_gates_sr>` list all cell types used for gate level logic. The cell
+types ``$_BUF_``, ``$_NOT_``, ``$_AND_``, ``$_NAND_``, ``$_ANDNOT_``, ``$_OR_``,
+``$_NOR_``, ``$_ORNOT_``, ``$_XOR_``, ``$_XNOR_``, ``$_AOI3_``, ``$_OAI3_``,
+``$_AOI4_``, ``$_OAI4_``, ``$_MUX_``, ``$_MUX4_``, ``$_MUX8_``, ``$_MUX16_`` and
+``$_NMUX_`` are used to model combinatorial logic. The cell type ``$_TBUF_`` is
+used to model tristate logic.
+The ``$_MUX4_``, ``$_MUX8_`` and ``$_MUX16_`` cells are used to model wide
+muxes, and correspond to the following Verilog code:
+.. code-block:: verilog
+ :force:
+ // $_MUX4_
+ assign Y = T ? (S ? D : C) :
+ (S ? B : A);
+ // $_MUX8_
+ assign Y = U ? T ? (S ? H : G) :
+ (S ? F : E) :
+ T ? (S ? D : C) :
+ (S ? B : A);
+ // $_MUX16_
+ assign Y = V ? U ? T ? (S ? P : O) :
+ (S ? N : M) :
+ T ? (S ? L : K) :
+ (S ? J : I) :
+ U ? T ? (S ? H : G) :
+ (S ? F : E) :
+ T ? (S ? D : C) :
+ (S ? B : A);
+The cell types ``$_DFF_N_`` and ``$_DFF_P_`` represent d-type flip-flops.
+The cell types ``$_DFFE_[NP][NP]_`` implement d-type flip-flops with enable. The
+values in the table for these cell types relate to the following Verilog code
+.. code-block:: verilog
+ :force:
+ always @(CLK_EDGE C)
+ if (EN == EN_LVL)
+ Q <= D;
+The cell types ``$_DFF_[NP][NP][01]_`` implement d-type flip-flops with
+asynchronous reset. The values in the table for these cell types relate to the
+following Verilog code template, where ``RST_EDGE`` is ``posedge`` if
+``RST_LVL`` if ``1``, and ``negedge`` otherwise.
+.. code-block:: verilog
+ :force:
+ always @(CLK_EDGE C, RST_EDGE R)
+ if (R == RST_LVL)
+ Q <= RST_VAL;
+ else
+ Q <= D;
+The cell types ``$_SDFF_[NP][NP][01]_`` implement d-type flip-flops with
+synchronous reset. The values in the table for these cell types relate to the
+following Verilog code template:
+.. code-block:: verilog
+ :force:
+ always @(CLK_EDGE C)
+ if (R == RST_LVL)
+ Q <= RST_VAL;
+ else
+ Q <= D;
+The cell types ``$_DFFE_[NP][NP][01][NP]_`` implement d-type flip-flops with
+asynchronous reset and enable. The values in the table for these cell types
+relate to the following Verilog code template, where ``RST_EDGE`` is
+``posedge`` if ``RST_LVL`` if ``1``, and ``negedge`` otherwise.
+.. code-block:: verilog
+ :force:
+ always @(CLK_EDGE C, RST_EDGE R)
+ if (R == RST_LVL)
+ Q <= RST_VAL;
+ else if (EN == EN_LVL)
+ Q <= D;
+The cell types ``$_SDFFE_[NP][NP][01][NP]_`` implement d-type flip-flops with
+synchronous reset and enable, with reset having priority over enable. The values
+in the table for these cell types relate to the following Verilog code template:
+.. code-block:: verilog
+ :force:
+ always @(CLK_EDGE C)
+ if (R == RST_LVL)
+ Q <= RST_VAL;
+ else if (EN == EN_LVL)
+ Q <= D;
+The cell types ``$_SDFFCE_[NP][NP][01][NP]_`` implement d-type flip-flops with
+synchronous reset and enable, with enable having priority over reset. The values
+in the table for these cell types relate to the following Verilog code template:
+.. code-block:: verilog
+ :force:
+ always @(CLK_EDGE C)
+ if (EN == EN_LVL)
+ if (R == RST_LVL)
+ Q <= RST_VAL;
+ else
+ Q <= D;
+The cell types ``$_DFFSR_[NP][NP][NP]_`` implement d-type flip-flops with
+asynchronous set and reset. The values in the table for these cell types relate
+to the following Verilog code template, where ``RST_EDGE`` is ``posedge`` if
+``RST_LVL`` if ``1``, ``negedge`` otherwise, and ``SET_EDGE`` is ``posedge``
+if ``SET_LVL`` if ``1``, ``negedge`` otherwise.
+.. code-block:: verilog
+ :force:
+ if (R == RST_LVL)
+ Q <= 0;
+ else if (S == SET_LVL)
+ Q <= 1;
+ else
+ Q <= D;
+The cell types ``$_DFFSRE_[NP][NP][NP][NP]_`` implement d-type flip-flops with
+asynchronous set and reset and enable. The values in the table for these cell
+types relate to the following Verilog code template, where ``RST_EDGE`` is
+``posedge`` if ``RST_LVL`` if ``1``, ``negedge`` otherwise, and ``SET_EDGE``
+is ``posedge`` if ``SET_LVL`` if ``1``, ``negedge`` otherwise.
+.. code-block:: verilog
+ :force:
+ if (R == RST_LVL)
+ Q <= 0;
+ else if (S == SET_LVL)
+ Q <= 1;
+ else if (E == EN_LVL)
+ Q <= D;
+The cell types ``$_DLATCH_N_`` and ``$_DLATCH_P_`` represent d-type latches.
+The cell types ``$_DLATCH_[NP][NP][01]_`` implement d-type latches with reset.
+The values in the table for these cell types relate to the following Verilog
+code template:
+.. code-block:: verilog
+ :force:
+ always @*
+ if (R == RST_LVL)
+ Q <= RST_VAL;
+ else if (E == EN_LVL)
+ Q <= D;
+The cell types ``$_DLATCHSR_[NP][NP][NP]_`` implement d-type latches with set
+and reset. The values in the table for these cell types relate to the following
+Verilog code template:
+.. code-block:: verilog
+ :force:
+ always @*
+ if (R == RST_LVL)
+ Q <= 0;
+ else if (S == SET_LVL)
+ Q <= 1;
+ else if (E == EN_LVL)
+ Q <= D;
+The cell types ``$_SR_[NP][NP]_`` implement sr-type latches. The values in the
+table for these cell types relate to the following Verilog code template:
+.. code-block:: verilog
+ :force:
+ always @*
+ if (R == RST_LVL)
+ Q <= 0;
+ else if (S == SET_LVL)
+ Q <= 1;
+In most cases gate level logic networks are created from RTL networks using the
+techmap pass. The flip-flop cells from the gate level logic network can be
+mapped to physical flip-flop cells from a Liberty file using the dfflibmap pass.
+The combinatorial logic cells can be mapped to physical cells from a Liberty
+file via ABC using the abc pass.
+Add information about ``$slice`` and ``$concat`` cells.
+Add information about ``$lut`` and ``$sop`` cells.
+Add information about ``$alu``, ``$macc``, ``$fa``, and ``$lcu`` cells.
diff --git a/docs/source/CHAPTER_Eval.rst b/docs/source/CHAPTER_Eval.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3d463d3f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/CHAPTER_Eval.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+.. _chapter:eval:
+Evaluation, conclusion, future Work
+The Yosys source tree contains over 200 test cases [1]_ which are used
+in the make test make-target. Besides these there is an external Yosys
+benchmark and test case package that contains a few larger designs .
+This package contains the designs listed in
+Tab. \ `[tab:yosys-test-designs] <#tab:yosys-test-designs>`__.
+.. table:: Tests included in the yosys-tests package.
+ =========== ========= ================
+ ======================================================
+ Test-Design Source Gates Description / Comments
+ =========== ========= ================
+ ======================================================
+ aes_core IWLS2005 :math:`41{,}837` AES Cipher written by Rudolf Usselmann
+ i2c IWLS2005 :math:`1{,}072` WISHBONE compliant I2C Master by Richard Herveille
+ openmsp430 OpenCores :math:`7{,}173` MSP430 compatible CPU by Olivier Girard
+ or1200 OpenCores :math:`42{,}675` The OpenRISC 1200 CPU by Damjan Lampret
+ sasc IWLS2005 :math:`456` Simple Async. Serial Comm. Device by Rudolf Usselmann
+ simple_spi IWLS2005 :math:`690` MC68HC11E based SPI interface by Richard Herveille
+ spi IWLS2005 :math:`2{,}478` SPI IP core by Simon Srot
+ ss_pcm IWLS2005 :math:`279` PCM IO Slave by Rudolf Usselmann
+ systemcaes IWLS2005 :math:`6{,}893` AES core (using SystemC to Verilog) by Javier Castillo
+ usb_phy IWLS2005 :math:`515` USB 1.1 PHY by Rudolf Usselmann
+ =========== ========= ================
+ ======================================================
+Correctness of synthesis results
+The following measures were taken to increase the confidence in the
+correctness of the Yosys synthesis results:
+- Yosys comes with a large selection [2]_ of small test cases that are
+ evaluated when the command make test is executed. During development
+ of Yosys it was shown that this collection of test cases is
+ sufficient to catch most bugs. The following more sophisticated test
+ procedures only caught a few additional bugs. Whenever this happened,
+ an appropriate test case was added to the collection of small test
+ cases for make test to ensure better testability of the feature in
+ question in the future.
+- The designs listed in
+ Tab. \ `[tab:yosys-test-designs] <#tab:yosys-test-designs>`__ where
+ validated using the formal verification tool Synopsys Formality. The
+ Yosys synthesis scripts used to synthesize the individual designs for
+ this test are slightly different per design in order to broaden the
+ coverage of Yosys features. The large majority of all errors
+ encountered using these tests are false-negatives, mostly related to
+ FSM encoding or signal naming in large array logic (such as in memory
+ blocks). Therefore the fsm_recode pass was extended so it can be used
+ to generate TCL commands for Synopsys Formality that describe the
+ relationship between old and new state encodings. Also the method
+ used to generate signal and cell names in the Verilog backend was
+ slightly modified in order to improve the automatic matching of net
+ names in Synopsys Formality. With these changes in place all designs
+ in Tab. \ `[tab:yosys-test-designs] <#tab:yosys-test-designs>`__
+ validate successfully using Formality.
+- VlogHammer is a set of scripts that auto-generate a large collection
+ of test cases [3]_ and synthesize them using Yosys and the following
+ freely available proprietary synthesis tools.
+ - Xilinx Vivado WebPack (2013.2)
+ - Xilinx ISE (XST) WebPack (14.5)
+ - Altera Quartus II Web Edition (13.0)
+ The built-in SAT solver of Yosys is used to formally verify the Yosys
+ RTL- and Gate-Level netlists against the netlists generated by this
+ other tools. [4]_ When differences are found, the input pattern that
+ result in different outputs are used for simulating the original
+ Verilog code as well as the synthesis results using the following
+ Verilog simulators.
+ - Xilinx ISIM (from Xilinx ISE 14.5 )
+ - Modelsim 10.1d (from Quartus II 13.0 )
+ - Icarus Verilog (no specific version)
+ The set of tests performed by VlogHammer systematically verify the
+ correct behaviour of
+ - Yosys Verilog Frontend and RTL generation
+ - Yosys Gate-Level Technology Mapping
+ - Yosys SAT Models for RTL- and Gate-Level cells
+ - Yosys Constant Evaluator Models for RTL- and Gate-Level cells
+ against the reference provided by the other tools. A few bugs related
+ to sign extensions and bit-width extensions where found (and have
+ been fixed meanwhile) using this approach. This test also revealed a
+ small number of bugs in the other tools (i.e. Vivado, XST, Quartus,
+ ISIM and Icarus Verilog; no bugs where found in Modelsim using
+ vlogHammer so far).
+Although complex software can never be expected to be fully bug-free
+:cite:p:`MURPHY`, it has been shown that Yosys is mature and
+feature-complete enough to handle most real-world cases correctly.
+Quality of synthesis results
+In this section an attempt to evaluate the quality of Yosys synthesis
+results is made. To this end the synthesis results of a commercial FPGA
+synthesis tool when presented with the original HDL code vs. when
+presented with the Yosys synthesis result are compared.
+The OpenMSP430 and the OpenRISC 1200 test cases were synthesized using
+the following Yosys synthesis script:
+ hierarchy -check
+ proc; opt; fsm; opt; memory; opt
+ techmap; opt; abc; opt
+The original RTL and the Yosys output where both passed to the Xilinx
+XST 14.5 FPGA synthesis tool. The following setting where used for XST:
+ -p artix7
+ -use_dsp48 NO
+ -iobuf NO
+ -ram_extract NO
+ -rom_extract NO
+ -fsm_extract YES
+ -fsm_encoding Auto
+The results of this comparison is summarized in
+Tab. \ `[tab:synth-test] <#tab:synth-test>`__. The used FPGA resources
+(registers and LUTs) and performance (maximum frequency as reported by
+XST) are given per module (indentation indicates module hierarchy, the
+numbers are including all contained modules).
+For most modules the results are very similar between XST and Yosys. XST
+is used in both cases for the final mapping of logic to LUTs. So this
+comparison only compares the high-level synthesis functions (such as FSM
+extraction and encoding) of Yosys and XST.
+.. table:: Synthesis results (as reported by XST) for OpenMSP430 and
+OpenRISC 1200
+ ============================ ==== ==== ========== ==== =====
+ ==========
+ \
+ Module Regs LUTs Max. Freq. Regs LUTs Max. Freq.
+ openMSP430 689 2210 71 MHz 719 2779 53 MHz
+ 1em omsp_clock_module 21 30 645 MHz 21 30 644 MHz
+ 1em 1em omsp_sync_cell 2 — 1542 MHz 2 — 1542 MHz
+ 1em 1em omsp_sync_reset 2 — 1542 MHz 2 — 1542 MHz
+ 1em omsp_dbg 143 344 292 MHz 149 430 353 MHz
+ 1em 1em omsp_dbg_uart 76 135 377 MHz 79 139 389 MHz
+ 1em omsp_execution_unit 266 911 80 MHz 266 1034 137 MHz
+ 1em 1em omsp_alu — 202 — — 263 —
+ 1em 1em omsp_register_file 231 478 285 MHz 231 506 293 MHz
+ 1em omsp_frontend 115 340 178 MHz 118 527 206 MHz
+ 1em omsp_mem_backbone 38 141 1087 MHz 38 144 1087 MHz
+ 1em omsp_multiplier 73 397 129 MHz 102 1053 55 MHz
+ 1em omsp_sfr 6 18 1023 MHz 6 20 1023 MHz
+ 1em omsp_watchdog 24 53 362 MHz 24 70 360 MHz
+ or1200_top 7148 9969 135 MHz 7173 10238 108 MHz
+ 1em or1200_alu — 681 — — 641 —
+ 1em or1200_cfgr — 11 — — 11 —
+ 1em or1200_ctrl 175 186 464 MHz 174 279 377 MHz
+ 1em or1200_except 241 451 313 MHz 241 353 301 MHz
+ 1em or1200_freeze 6 18 507 MHz 6 16 515 MHz
+ 1em or1200_if 68 143 806 MHz 68 139 790 MHz
+ 1em or1200_lsu 8 138 — 12 205 1306 MHz
+ 1em 1em or1200_mem2reg — 60 — — 66 —
+ 1em 1em or1200_reg2mem — 29 — — 29 —
+ 1em or1200_mult_mac 394 2209 240 MHz 394 2230 241 MHz
+ 1em 1em or1200_amultp2_32x32 256 1783 240 MHz 256 1770 241 MHz
+ 1em or1200_operandmuxes 65 129 1145 MHz 65 129 1145 MHz
+ 1em or1200_rf 1041 1722 822 MHz 1042 1722 581 MHz
+ 1em or1200_sprs 18 432 724 MHz 18 469 722 MHz
+ 1em or1200_wbmux 33 93 — 33 78 —
+ 1em or1200_dc_top — 5 — — 5 —
+ 1em or1200_dmmu_top 2445 1004 — 2445 1043 —
+ 1em 1em or1200_dmmu_tlb 2444 975 — 2444 1013 —
+ 1em or1200_du 67 56 859 MHz 67 56 859 MHz
+ 1em or1200_ic_top 39 100 527 MHz 41 136 514 MHz
+ 1em 1em or1200_ic_fsm 40 42 408 MHz 40 75 484 MHz
+ 1em or1200_pic 38 50 1169 MHz 38 50 1177 MHz
+ 1em or1200_tt 64 112 370 MHz 64 186 437 MHz
+ ============================ ==== ==== ========== ==== =====
+ ==========
+Conclusion and future Work
+Yosys is capable of correctly synthesizing real-world Verilog designs.
+The generated netlists are of a decent quality. However, in cases where
+dedicated hardware resources should be used for certain functions it is
+of course necessary to implement proper technology mapping for these
+functions in Yosys. This can be as easy as calling the techmap pass with
+an architecture-specific mapping file in the synthesis script. As no
+such thing has been done in the above tests, it is only natural that the
+resulting designs cannot benefit from these dedicated hardware
+Therefore future work includes the implementation of
+architecture-specific technology mappings besides additional frontends
+(VHDL), backends (EDIF), and above all else, application specific
+passes. After all, this was the main motivation for the development of
+Yosys in the first place.
+.. [1]
+ Most of this test cases are copied from HANA or the ASIC-WORLD
+ website .
+.. [2]
+ At the time of this writing 269 test cases.
+.. [3]
+ At the time of this writing over 6600 test cases.
+.. [4]
+ A SAT solver is a program that can solve the boolean satisfiability
+ problem. The built-in SAT solver in Yosys can be used for formal
+ equivalence checking, amongst other things. See
+ Sec. \ \ `[cmd:sat] <#cmd:sat>`__ for details.
+.. footbibliography::
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+.. _chapter:intro:
+This document presents the Free and Open Source (FOSS) Verilog HDL synthesis
+tool "Yosys". Its design and implementation as well as its performance on
+real-world designs is discussed in this document.
+History of Yosys
+A Hardware Description Language (HDL) is a computer language used to describe
+circuits. A HDL synthesis tool is a computer program that takes a formal
+description of a circuit written in an HDL as input and generates a netlist that
+implements the given circuit as output.
+Currently the most widely used and supported HDLs for digital circuits are
+Verilog :cite:p:`Verilog2005,VerilogSynth` and :abbr:`VHDL (VHSIC HDL, where
+VHSIC is an acronym for Very-High-Speed Integrated Circuits)`
+:cite:p:`VHDL,VHDLSynth`. Both HDLs are used for test and verification purposes
+as well as logic synthesis, resulting in a set of synthesizable and a set of
+non-synthesizable language features. In this document we only look at the
+synthesizable subset of the language features.
+In recent work on heterogeneous coarse-grain reconfigurable logic
+:cite:p:`intersynth` the need for a custom application-specific HDL synthesis
+tool emerged. It was soon realised that a synthesis tool that understood Verilog
+or VHDL would be preferred over a synthesis tool for a custom HDL. Given an
+existing Verilog or VHDL front end, the work for writing the necessary
+additional features and integrating them in an existing tool can be estimated to
+be about the same as writing a new tool with support for a minimalistic custom
+The proposed custom HDL synthesis tool should be licensed under a Free and Open
+Source Software (FOSS) licence. So an existing FOSS Verilog or VHDL synthesis
+tool would have been needed as basis to build upon. The main advantages of
+choosing Verilog or VHDL is the ability to synthesize existing HDL code and to
+mitigate the requirement for circuit-designers to learn a new language. In order
+to take full advantage of any existing FOSS Verilog or VHDL tool, such a tool
+would have to provide a feature-complete implementation of the synthesizable HDL
+Basic RTL synthesis is a well understood field :cite:p:`LogicSynthesis`. Lexing,
+parsing and processing of computer languages :cite:p:`Dragonbook` is a
+thoroughly researched field. All the information required to write such tools
+has been openly available for a long time, and it is therefore likely that a
+FOSS HDL synthesis tool with a feature-complete Verilog or VHDL front end must
+exist which can be used as a basis for a custom RTL synthesis tool.
+Due to the author's preference for Verilog over VHDL it was decided early on to
+go for Verilog instead of VHDL [#]_. So the existing FOSS Verilog synthesis
+tools were evaluated. The results of this evaluation are utterly devastating.
+Therefore a completely new Verilog synthesis tool was implemented and is
+recommended as basis for custom synthesis tools. This is the tool that is
+discussed in this document.
+Structure of this document
+The structure of this document is as follows:
+:numref:`Chapter %s <chapter:intro>` is this introduction.
+:numref:`Chapter %s <chapter:basics>` covers a short introduction to the world
+of HDL synthesis. Basic principles and the terminology are outlined in this
+:numref:`Chapter %s <chapter:approach>` gives the quickest possible outline to
+how the problem of implementing a HDL synthesis tool is approached in the case
+of Yosys.
+:numref:`Chapter %s <chapter:overview>` contains a more detailed overview of the
+implementation of Yosys. This chapter covers the data structures used in Yosys
+to represent a design in detail and is therefore recommended reading for
+everyone who is interested in understanding the Yosys internals.
+:numref:`Chapter %s <chapter:celllib>` covers the internal cell library used by
+Yosys. This is especially important knowledge for anyone who wants to understand
+the intermediate netlists used internally by Yosys.
+:numref:`Chapter %s <chapter:prog>` gives a tour to the internal APIs of Yosys.
+This is recommended reading for everyone who actually wants to read or write
+Yosys source code. The chapter concludes with an example loadable module for
+Chapters :numref:`%s <chapter:verilog>`, :numref:`%s <chapter:opt>` and
+:numref:`%s <chapter:techmap>` cover three important pieces of the synthesis
+pipeline: The Verilog frontend, the optimization passes and the technology
+mapping to the target architecture, respectively.
+Various appendices, including a :ref:`cmd_ref`, complete this document.
+.. [#]
+ A quick investigation into FOSS VHDL tools yielded similar grim results for
+ FOSS VHDL synthesis tools.
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+.. _chapter:opt:
+Yosys employs a number of optimizations to generate better and cleaner results.
+This chapter outlines these optimizations.
+Simple optimizations
+The Yosys pass opt runs a number of simple optimizations. This includes removing
+unused signals and cells and const folding. It is recommended to run this pass
+after each major step in the synthesis script. At the time of this writing the
+opt pass executes the following passes that each perform a simple optimization:
+- Once at the beginning of opt:
+ - opt_expr
+ - opt_merge -nomux
+- Repeat until result is stable:
+ - opt_muxtree
+ - opt_reduce
+ - opt_merge
+ - opt_rmdff
+ - opt_clean
+ - opt_expr
+The following section describes each of the opt\_ passes.
+The opt_expr pass
+This pass performs const folding on the internal combinational cell types
+described in :numref:`Chap. %s <chapter:celllib>`. This means a cell with all
+constant inputs is replaced with the constant value this cell drives. In some
+cases this pass can also optimize cells with some constant inputs.
+.. table:: Const folding rules for $_AND\_ cells as used in opt_expr.
+ :name: tab:opt_expr_and
+ :align: center
+ ========= ========= ===========
+ A-Input B-Input Replacement
+ ========= ========= ===========
+ any 0 0
+ 0 any 0
+ 1 1 1
+ --------- --------- -----------
+ X/Z X/Z X
+ 1 X/Z X
+ X/Z 1 X
+ --------- --------- -----------
+ any X/Z 0
+ X/Z any 0
+ --------- --------- -----------
+ :math:`a` 1 :math:`a`
+ 1 :math:`b` :math:`b`
+ ========= ========= ===========
+.. How to format table?
+:numref:`Table %s <tab:opt_expr_and>` shows the replacement rules used for
+optimizing an $_AND\_ gate. The first three rules implement the obvious const
+folding rules. Note that ‘any' might include dynamic values calculated by other
+parts of the circuit. The following three lines propagate undef (X) states.
+These are the only three cases in which it is allowed to propagate an undef
+according to Sec. 5.1.10 of IEEE Std. 1364-2005 :cite:p:`Verilog2005`.
+The next two lines assume the value 0 for undef states. These two rules are only
+used if no other substitutions are possible in the current module. If other
+substitutions are possible they are performed first, in the hope that the ‘any'
+will change to an undef value or a 1 and therefore the output can be set to
+The last two lines simply replace an $_AND\_ gate with one constant-1 input with
+a buffer.
+Besides this basic const folding the opt_expr pass can replace 1-bit wide $eq
+and $ne cells with buffers or not-gates if one input is constant.
+The opt_expr pass is very conservative regarding optimizing $mux cells, as these
+cells are often used to model decision-trees and breaking these trees can
+interfere with other optimizations.
+The opt_muxtree pass
+This pass optimizes trees of multiplexer cells by analyzing the select inputs.
+Consider the following simple example:
+.. code:: verilog
+ :number-lines:
+ module uut(a, y); input a; output [1:0] y = a ? (a ? 1 : 2) : 3; endmodule
+The output can never be 2, as this would require ``a`` to be 1 for the outer
+multiplexer and 0 for the inner multiplexer. The opt_muxtree pass detects this
+contradiction and replaces the inner multiplexer with a constant 1, yielding the
+logic for ``y = a ? 1 : 3``.
+The opt_reduce pass
+This is a simple optimization pass that identifies and consolidates identical
+input bits to $reduce_and and $reduce_or cells. It also sorts the input bits to
+ease identification of shareable $reduce_and and $reduce_or cells in other
+This pass also identifies and consolidates identical inputs to multiplexer
+cells. In this case the new shared select bit is driven using a $reduce_or cell
+that combines the original select bits.
+Lastly this pass consolidates trees of $reduce_and cells and trees of $reduce_or
+cells to single large $reduce_and or $reduce_or cells.
+These three simple optimizations are performed in a loop until a stable result
+is produced.
+The opt_rmdff pass
+This pass identifies single-bit d-type flip-flops ($_DFF\_, $dff, and $adff
+cells) with a constant data input and replaces them with a constant driver.
+The opt_clean pass
+This pass identifies unused signals and cells and removes them from the design.
+It also creates an ``\unused_bits`` attribute on wires with unused bits. This
+attribute can be used for debugging or by other optimization passes.
+The opt_merge pass
+This pass performs trivial resource sharing. This means that this pass
+identifies cells with identical inputs and replaces them with a single instance
+of the cell.
+The option -nomux can be used to disable resource sharing for multiplexer cells
+($mux and $pmux. This can be useful as it prevents multiplexer trees to be
+merged, which might prevent opt_muxtree to identify possible optimizations.
+FSM extraction and encoding
+The fsm pass performs finite-state-machine (FSM) extraction and recoding. The
+fsm pass simply executes the following other passes:
+- Identify and extract FSMs:
+ - fsm_detect
+ - fsm_extract
+- Basic optimizations:
+ - fsm_opt
+ - opt_clean
+ - fsm_opt
+- Expanding to nearby gate-logic (if called with -expand):
+ - fsm_expand
+ - opt_clean
+ - fsm_opt
+- Re-code FSM states (unless called with -norecode):
+ - fsm_recode
+- Print information about FSMs:
+ - fsm_info
+- Export FSMs in KISS2 file format (if called with -export):
+ - fsm_export
+- Map FSMs to RTL cells (unless called with -nomap):
+ - fsm_map
+The fsm_detect pass identifies FSM state registers and marks them using the
+``\fsm_encoding = "auto"`` attribute. The fsm_extract extracts all FSMs marked
+using the ``\fsm_encoding`` attribute (unless ``\fsm_encoding`` is set to
+"none") and replaces the corresponding RTL cells with a $fsm cell. All other
+fsm\_ passes operate on these $fsm cells. The fsm_map call finally replaces the
+$fsm cells with RTL cells.
+Note that these optimizations operate on an RTL netlist. I.e. the fsm pass
+should be executed after the proc pass has transformed all RTLIL::Process
+objects to RTL cells.
+The algorithms used for FSM detection and extraction are influenced by a more
+general reported technique :cite:p:`fsmextract`.
+FSM detection
+The fsm_detect pass identifies FSM state registers. It sets the ``\fsm_encoding
+= "auto"`` attribute on any (multi-bit) wire that matches the following
+- Does not already have the ``\fsm_encoding`` attribute.
+- Is not an output of the containing module.
+- Is driven by single $dff or $adff cell.
+- The ``\D``-Input of this $dff or $adff cell is driven by a multiplexer tree
+ that only has constants or the old state value on its leaves.
+- The state value is only used in the said multiplexer tree or by simple
+ relational cells that compare the state value to a constant (usually $eq
+ cells).
+This heuristic has proven to work very well. It is possible to overwrite it by
+setting ``\fsm_encoding = "auto"`` on registers that should be considered FSM
+state registers and setting ``\fsm_encoding = "none"`` on registers that match
+the above criteria but should not be considered FSM state registers.
+Note however that marking state registers with ``\fsm_encoding`` that are not
+suitable for FSM recoding can cause synthesis to fail or produce invalid
+FSM extraction
+The fsm_extract pass operates on all state signals marked with the
+(``\fsm_encoding != "none"``) attribute. For each state signal the following
+information is determined:
+- The state registers
+- The asynchronous reset state if the state registers use asynchronous reset
+- All states and the control input signals used in the state transition
+ functions
+- The control output signals calculated from the state signals and control
+ inputs
+- A table of all state transitions and corresponding control inputs- and
+ outputs
+The state registers (and asynchronous reset state, if applicable) is simply
+determined by identifying the driver for the state signal.
+From there the $mux-tree driving the state register inputs is recursively
+traversed. All select inputs are control signals and the leaves of the $mux-tree
+are the states. The algorithm fails if a non-constant leaf that is not the state
+signal itself is found.
+The list of control outputs is initialized with the bits from the state signal.
+It is then extended by adding all values that are calculated by cells that
+compare the state signal with a constant value.
+In most cases this will cover all uses of the state register, thus rendering the
+state encoding arbitrary. If however a design uses e.g. a single bit of the
+state value to drive a control output directly, this bit of the state signal
+will be transformed to a control output of the same value.
+Finally, a transition table for the FSM is generated. This is done by using the
+ConstEval C++ helper class (defined in kernel/consteval.h) that can be used to
+evaluate parts of the design. The ConstEval class can be asked to calculate a
+given set of result signals using a set of signal-value assignments. It can also
+be passed a list of stop-signals that abort the ConstEval algorithm if the value
+of a stop-signal is needed in order to calculate the result signals.
+The fsm_extract pass uses the ConstEval class in the following way to create a
+transition table. For each state:
+1. Create a ConstEval object for the module containing the FSM
+2. Add all control inputs to the list of stop signals
+3. Set the state signal to the current state
+4. Try to evaluate the next state and control output
+5. If step 4 was not successful:
+ - Recursively goto step 4 with the offending stop-signal set to 0.
+ - Recursively goto step 4 with the offending stop-signal set to 1.
+6. If step 4 was successful: Emit transition
+Finally a $fsm cell is created with the generated transition table and added to
+the module. This new cell is connected to the control signals and the old
+drivers for the control outputs are disconnected.
+FSM optimization
+The fsm_opt pass performs basic optimizations on $fsm cells (not including state
+recoding). The following optimizations are performed (in this order):
+- Unused control outputs are removed from the $fsm cell. The attribute
+ ``\unused_bits`` (that is usually set by the opt_clean pass) is used to
+ determine which control outputs are unused.
+- Control inputs that are connected to the same driver are merged.
+- When a control input is driven by a control output, the control input is
+ removed and the transition table altered to give the same performance without
+ the external feedback path.
+- Entries in the transition table that yield the same output and only differ in
+ the value of a single control input bit are merged and the different bit is
+ removed from the sensitivity list (turned into a don't-care bit).
+- Constant inputs are removed and the transition table is altered to give an
+ unchanged behaviour.
+- Unused inputs are removed.
+FSM recoding
+The fsm_recode pass assigns new bit pattern to the states. Usually this also
+implies a change in the width of the state signal. At the moment of this writing
+only one-hot encoding with all-zero for the reset state is supported.
+The fsm_recode pass can also write a text file with the changes performed by it
+that can be used when verifying designs synthesized by Yosys using Synopsys
+Formality .
+Logic optimization
+Yosys can perform multi-level combinational logic optimization on gate-level
+netlists using the external program ABC . The abc pass extracts the
+combinational gate-level parts of the design, passes it through ABC, and
+re-integrates the results. The abc pass can also be used to perform other
+operations using ABC, such as technology mapping (see :numref:`Sec %s
+<sec:techmap_extern>` for details).
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+.. _chapter:overview:
+Implementation overview
+Yosys is an extensible open source hardware synthesis tool. It is aimed at
+designers who are looking for an easily accessible, universal, and
+vendor-independent synthesis tool, as well as scientists who do research in
+electronic design automation (EDA) and are looking for an open synthesis
+framework that can be used to test algorithms on complex real-world designs.
+Yosys can synthesize a large subset of Verilog 2005 and has been tested with a
+wide range of real-world designs, including the `OpenRISC 1200 CPU`_, the
+`openMSP430 CPU`_, the `OpenCores I2C master`_, and the `k68 CPU`_.
+.. _OpenRISC 1200 CPU: https://github.com/openrisc/or1200
+.. _openMSP430 CPU: http://opencores.org/projects/openmsp430
+.. _OpenCores I2C master: http://opencores.org/projects/i2c
+.. _k68 CPU: http://opencores.org/projects/k68
+As of this writing a Yosys VHDL frontend is in development.
+Yosys is written in C++ (using some features from the new C++11 standard). This
+chapter describes some of the fundamental Yosys data structures. For the sake of
+simplicity the C++ type names used in the Yosys implementation are used in this
+chapter, even though the chapter only explains the conceptual idea behind it and
+can be used as reference to implement a similar system in any language.
+Simplified data flow
+:numref:`Figure %s <fig:Overview_flow>` shows the simplified data flow within
+Yosys. Rectangles in the figure represent program modules and ellipses internal
+data structures that are used to exchange design data between the program
+Design data is read in using one of the frontend modules. The high-level HDL
+frontends for Verilog and VHDL code generate an abstract syntax tree (AST) that
+is then passed to the AST frontend. Note that both HDL frontends use the same
+AST representation that is powerful enough to cover the Verilog HDL and VHDL
+The AST Frontend then compiles the AST to Yosys's main internal data format, the
+RTL Intermediate Language (RTLIL). A more detailed description of this format is
+given in the next section.
+There is also a text representation of the RTLIL data structure that can be
+parsed using the RTLIL Frontend.
+The design data may then be transformed using a series of passes that all
+operate on the RTLIL representation of the design.
+Finally the design in RTLIL representation is converted back to text by one of
+the backends, namely the Verilog Backend for generating Verilog netlists and the
+RTLIL Backend for writing the RTLIL data in the same format that is understood
+by the RTLIL Frontend.
+With the exception of the AST Frontend, which is called by the high-level HDL
+frontends and can't be called directly by the user, all program modules are
+called by the user (usually using a synthesis script that contains text commands
+for Yosys).
+By combining passes in different ways and/or adding additional passes to Yosys
+it is possible to adapt Yosys to a wide range of applications. For this to be
+possible it is key that (1) all passes operate on the same data structure
+(RTLIL) and (2) that this data structure is powerful enough to represent the
+design in different stages of the synthesis.
+.. figure:: ../images/overview_flow.*
+ :class: width-helper
+ :name: fig:Overview_flow
+ Yosys simplified data flow (ellipses: data structures, rectangles:
+ program modules)
+The RTL Intermediate Language (RTLIL)
+All frontends, passes and backends in Yosys operate on a design in RTLIL
+representation. The only exception are the high-level frontends that use the AST
+representation as an intermediate step before generating RTLIL data.
+In order to avoid reinventing names for the RTLIL classes, they are simply
+referred to by their full C++ name, i.e. including the RTLIL:: namespace prefix,
+in this document.
+:numref:`Figure %s <fig:Overview_RTLIL>` shows a simplified Entity-Relationship
+Diagram (ER Diagram) of RTLIL. In :math:`1:N` relationships the arrow points
+from the :math:`N` side to the :math:`1`. For example one RTLIL::Design contains
+:math:`N` (zero to many) instances of RTLIL::Module. A two-pointed arrow
+indicates a :math:`1:1` relationship.
+The RTLIL::Design is the root object of the RTLIL data structure. There is
+always one "current design" in memory which passes operate on, frontends add
+data to and backends convert to exportable formats. But in some cases passes
+internally generate additional RTLIL::Design objects. For example when a pass is
+reading an auxiliary Verilog file such as a cell library, it might create an
+additional RTLIL::Design object and call the Verilog frontend with this other
+object to parse the cell library.
+.. figure:: ../images/overview_rtlil.*
+ :class: width-helper
+ :name: fig:Overview_RTLIL
+ Simplified RTLIL Entity-Relationship Diagram
+There is only one active RTLIL::Design object that is used by all frontends,
+passes and backends called by the user, e.g. using a synthesis script. The
+RTLIL::Design then contains zero to many RTLIL::Module objects. This corresponds
+to modules in Verilog or entities in VHDL. Each module in turn contains objects
+from three different categories:
+- RTLIL::Cell and RTLIL::Wire objects represent classical netlist data.
+- RTLIL::Process objects represent the decision trees (if-then-else statements,
+ etc.) and synchronization declarations (clock signals and sensitivity) from
+ Verilog always and VHDL process blocks.
+- RTLIL::Memory objects represent addressable memories (arrays).
+Usually the output of the synthesis procedure is a netlist, i.e. all
+RTLIL::Process and RTLIL::Memory objects must be replaced by RTLIL::Cell and
+RTLIL::Wire objects by synthesis passes.
+All features of the HDL that cannot be mapped directly to these RTLIL classes
+must be transformed to an RTLIL-compatible representation by the HDL frontend.
+This includes Verilog-features such as generate-blocks, loops and parameters.
+The following sections contain a more detailed description of the different
+parts of RTLIL and rationale behind some of the design decisions.
+RTLIL identifiers
+All identifiers in RTLIL (such as module names, port names, signal names, cell
+types, etc.) follow the following naming convention: they must either start with
+a backslash (\) or a dollar sign ($).
+Identifiers starting with a backslash are public visible identifiers. Usually
+they originate from one of the HDL input files. For example the signal name
+"\\sig42" is most likely a signal that was declared using the name "sig42" in an
+HDL input file. On the other hand the signal name "$sig42" is an auto-generated
+signal name. The backends convert all identifiers that start with a dollar sign
+to identifiers that do not collide with identifiers that start with a backslash.
+This has three advantages:
+- First, it is impossible that an auto-generated identifier collides with an
+ identifier that was provided by the user.
+- Second, the information about which identifiers were originally provided by
+ the user is always available which can help guide some optimizations. For
+ example the "opt_rmunused" tries to preserve signals with a user-provided
+ name but doesn't hesitate to delete signals that have auto-generated names
+ when they just duplicate other signals.
+- Third, the delicate job of finding suitable auto-generated public visible
+ names is deferred to one central location. Internally auto-generated names
+ that may hold important information for Yosys developers can be used without
+ disturbing external tools. For example the Verilog backend assigns names in
+ the form \_integer\_.
+Whitespace and control characters (any character with an ASCII code 32 or less)
+are not allowed in RTLIL identifiers; most frontends and backends cannot support
+these characters in identifiers.
+In order to avoid programming errors, the RTLIL data structures check if all
+identifiers start with either a backslash or a dollar sign, and contain no
+whitespace or control characters. Violating these rules results in a runtime
+All RTLIL identifiers are case sensitive.
+Some transformations, such as flattening, may have to change identifiers
+provided by the user to avoid name collisions. When that happens, attribute
+"hdlname" is attached to the object with the changed identifier. This attribute
+contains one name (if emitted directly by the frontend, or is a result of
+disambiguation) or multiple names separated by spaces (if a result of
+flattening). All names specified in the "hdlname" attribute are public and do
+not include the leading "\".
+RTLIL::Design and RTLIL::Module
+The RTLIL::Design object is basically just a container for RTLIL::Module
+objects. In addition to a list of RTLIL::Module objects the RTLIL::Design also
+keeps a list of selected objects, i.e. the objects that passes should operate
+on. In most cases the whole design is selected and therefore passes operate on
+the whole design. But this mechanism can be useful for more complex synthesis
+jobs in which only parts of the design should be affected by certain passes.
+Besides the objects shown in the ER diagram in :numref:`Fig. %s
+<fig:Overview_RTLIL>` an RTLIL::Module object contains the following additional
+- The module name
+- A list of attributes
+- A list of connections between wires
+- An optional frontend callback used to derive parametrized variations of the
+ module
+The attributes can be Verilog attributes imported by the Verilog frontend or
+attributes assigned by passes. They can be used to store additional metadata
+about modules or just mark them to be used by certain part of the synthesis
+script but not by others.
+Verilog and VHDL both support parametric modules (known as "generic entities" in
+VHDL). The RTLIL format does not support parametric modules itself. Instead each
+module contains a callback function into the AST frontend to generate a
+parametrized variation of the RTLIL::Module as needed. This callback then
+returns the auto-generated name of the parametrized variation of the module. (A
+hash over the parameters and the module name is used to prohibit the same
+parametrized variation from being generated twice. For modules with only a few
+parameters, a name directly containing all parameters is generated instead of a
+hash string.)
+.. _sec:rtlil_cell_wire:
+RTLIL::Cell and RTLIL::Wire
+A module contains zero to many RTLIL::Cell and RTLIL::Wire objects. Objects of
+these types are used to model netlists. Usually the goal of all synthesis
+efforts is to convert all modules to a state where the functionality of the
+module is implemented only by cells from a given cell library and wires to
+connect these cells with each other. Note that module ports are just wires with
+a special property.
+An RTLIL::Wire object has the following properties:
+- The wire name
+- A list of attributes
+- A width (buses are just wires with a width > 1)
+- Bus direction (MSB to LSB or vice versa)
+- Lowest valid bit index (LSB or MSB depending on bus direction)
+- If the wire is a port: port number and direction (input/output/inout)
+As with modules, the attributes can be Verilog attributes imported by the
+Verilog frontend or attributes assigned by passes.
+In Yosys, busses (signal vectors) are represented using a single wire object
+with a width > 1. So Yosys does not convert signal vectors to individual
+signals. This makes some aspects of RTLIL more complex but enables Yosys to be
+used for coarse grain synthesis where the cells of the target architecture
+operate on entire signal vectors instead of single bit wires.
+In Verilog and VHDL, busses may have arbitrary bounds, and LSB can have either
+the lowest or the highest bit index. In RTLIL, bit 0 always corresponds to LSB;
+however, information from the HDL frontend is preserved so that the bus will be
+correctly indexed in error messages, backend output, constraint files, etc.
+An RTLIL::Cell object has the following properties:
+- The cell name and type
+- A list of attributes
+- A list of parameters (for parametric cells)
+- Cell ports and the connections of ports to wires and constants
+The connections of ports to wires are coded by assigning an RTLIL::SigSpec to
+each cell port. The RTLIL::SigSpec data type is described in the next section.
+.. _sec:rtlil_sigspec:
+A "signal" is everything that can be applied to a cell port. I.e.
+- | Any constant value of arbitrary bit-width
+ | 1em For example: ``1337, 16'b0000010100111001, 1'b1, 1'bx``
+- | All bits of a wire or a selection of bits from a wire
+ | 1em For example: ``mywire, mywire[24], mywire[15:8]``
+- | Concatenations of the above
+ | 1em For example: ``{16'd1337, mywire[15:8]}``
+The RTLIL::SigSpec data type is used to represent signals. The RTLIL::Cell
+object contains one RTLIL::SigSpec for each cell port.
+In addition, connections between wires are represented using a pair of
+RTLIL::SigSpec objects. Such pairs are needed in different locations. Therefore
+the type name RTLIL::SigSig was defined for such a pair.
+.. _sec:rtlil_process:
+When a high-level HDL frontend processes behavioural code it splits it up into
+data path logic (e.g. the expression a + b is replaced by the output of an adder
+that takes a and b as inputs) and an RTLIL::Process that models the control
+logic of the behavioural code. Let's consider a simple example:
+.. code:: verilog
+ :number-lines:
+ module ff_with_en_and_async_reset(clock, reset, enable, d, q);
+ input clock, reset, enable, d;
+ output reg q;
+ always @(posedge clock, posedge reset)
+ if (reset)
+ q <= 0;
+ else if (enable)
+ q <= d;
+ endmodule
+In this example there is no data path and therefore the RTLIL::Module generated
+by the frontend only contains a few RTLIL::Wire objects and an RTLIL::Process.
+The RTLIL::Process in RTLIL syntax:
+.. code:: RTLIL
+ :number-lines:
+ process $proc$ff_with_en_and_async_reset.v:4$1
+ assign $0\q[0:0] \q
+ switch \reset
+ case 1'1
+ assign $0\q[0:0] 1'0
+ case
+ switch \enable
+ case 1'1
+ assign $0\q[0:0] \d
+ case
+ end
+ end
+ sync posedge \clock
+ update \q $0\q[0:0]
+ sync posedge \reset
+ update \q $0\q[0:0]
+ end
+This RTLIL::Process contains two RTLIL::SyncRule objects, two RTLIL::SwitchRule
+objects and five RTLIL::CaseRule objects. The wire $0\q[0:0] is an automatically
+created wire that holds the next value of \\q. The lines :math:`2 \dots 12`
+describe how $0\q[0:0] should be calculated. The lines :math:`13 \dots 16`
+describe how the value of $0\q[0:0] is used to update \\q.
+An RTLIL::Process is a container for zero or more RTLIL::SyncRule objects and
+exactly one RTLIL::CaseRule object, which is called the root case.
+An RTLIL::SyncRule object contains an (optional) synchronization condition
+(signal and edge-type), zero or more assignments (RTLIL::SigSig), and zero or
+more memory writes (RTLIL::MemWriteAction). The always synchronization condition
+is used to break combinatorial loops when a latch should be inferred instead.
+An RTLIL::CaseRule is a container for zero or more assignments (RTLIL::SigSig)
+and zero or more RTLIL::SwitchRule objects. An RTLIL::SwitchRule objects is a
+container for zero or more RTLIL::CaseRule objects.
+In the above example the lines :math:`2 \dots 12` are the root case. Here
+$0\q[0:0] is first assigned the old value \\q as default value (line 2). The
+root case also contains an RTLIL::SwitchRule object (lines :math:`3 \dots 12`).
+Such an object is very similar to the C switch statement as it uses a control
+signal (\\reset in this case) to determine which of its cases should be active.
+The RTLIL::SwitchRule object then contains one RTLIL::CaseRule object per case.
+In this example there is a case [1]_ for \\reset == 1 that causes $0\q[0:0] to
+be set (lines 4 and 5) and a default case that in turn contains a switch that
+sets $0\q[0:0] to the value of \\d if \\enable is active (lines :math:`6 \dots
+A case can specify zero or more compare values that will determine whether it
+matches. Each of the compare values must be the exact same width as the control
+signal. When more than one compare value is specified, the case matches if any
+of them matches the control signal; when zero compare values are specified, the
+case always matches (i.e. it is the default case).
+A switch prioritizes cases from first to last: multiple cases can match, but
+only the first matched case becomes active. This normally synthesizes to a
+priority encoder. The parallel_case attribute allows passes to assume that no
+more than one case will match, and full_case attribute allows passes to assume
+that exactly one case will match; if these invariants are ever dynamically
+violated, the behavior is undefined. These attributes are useful when an
+invariant invisible to the synthesizer causes the control signal to never take
+certain bit patterns.
+The lines :math:`13 \dots 16` then cause \\q to be updated whenever there is a
+positive clock edge on \\clock or \\reset.
+In order to generate such a representation, the language frontend must be able
+to handle blocking and nonblocking assignments correctly. However, the language
+frontend does not need to identify the correct type of storage element for the
+output signal or generate multiplexers for the decision tree. This is done by
+passes that work on the RTLIL representation. Therefore it is relatively easy to
+substitute these steps with other algorithms that target different target
+architectures or perform optimizations or other transformations on the decision
+trees before further processing them.
+One of the first actions performed on a design in RTLIL representation in most
+synthesis scripts is identifying asynchronous resets. This is usually done using
+the proc_arst pass. This pass transforms the above example to the following
+.. code:: RTLIL
+ :number-lines:
+ process $proc$ff_with_en_and_async_reset.v:4$1
+ assign $0\q[0:0] \q
+ switch \enable
+ case 1'1
+ assign $0\q[0:0] \d
+ case
+ end
+ sync posedge \clock
+ update \q $0\q[0:0]
+ sync high \reset
+ update \q 1'0
+ end
+This pass has transformed the outer RTLIL::SwitchRule into a modified
+RTLIL::SyncRule object for the \\reset signal. Further processing converts the
+RTLIL::Process into e.g. a d-type flip-flop with asynchronous reset and a
+multiplexer for the enable signal:
+.. code:: RTLIL
+ :number-lines:
+ cell $adff $procdff$6
+ parameter \ARST_POLARITY 1'1
+ parameter \ARST_VALUE 1'0
+ parameter \CLK_POLARITY 1'1
+ parameter \WIDTH 1
+ connect \ARST \reset
+ connect \CLK \clock
+ connect \D $0\q[0:0]
+ connect \Q \q
+ end
+ cell $mux $procmux$3
+ parameter \WIDTH 1
+ connect \A \q
+ connect \B \d
+ connect \S \enable
+ connect \Y $0\q[0:0]
+ end
+Different combinations of passes may yield different results. Note that $adff
+and $mux are internal cell types that still need to be mapped to cell types from
+the target cell library.
+Some passes refuse to operate on modules that still contain RTLIL::Process
+objects as the presence of these objects in a module increases the complexity.
+Therefore the passes to translate processes to a netlist of cells are usually
+called early in a synthesis script. The proc pass calls a series of other passes
+that together perform this conversion in a way that is suitable for most
+synthesis tasks.
+.. _sec:rtlil_memory:
+For every array (memory) in the HDL code an RTLIL::Memory object is created. A
+memory object has the following properties:
+- The memory name
+- A list of attributes
+- The width of an addressable word
+- The size of the memory in number of words
+All read accesses to the memory are transformed to $memrd cells and all write
+accesses to $memwr cells by the language frontend. These cells consist of
+independent read- and write-ports to the memory. Memory initialization is
+transformed to $meminit cells by the language frontend. The ``\MEMID`` parameter
+on these cells is used to link them together and to the RTLIL::Memory object
+they belong to.
+The rationale behind using separate cells for the individual ports versus
+creating a large multiport memory cell right in the language frontend is that
+the separate $memrd and $memwr cells can be consolidated using resource sharing.
+As resource sharing is a non-trivial optimization problem where different
+synthesis tasks can have different requirements it lends itself to do the
+optimisation in separate passes and merge the RTLIL::Memory objects and $memrd
+and $memwr cells to multiport memory blocks after resource sharing is completed.
+The memory pass performs this conversion and can (depending on the options
+passed to it) transform the memories directly to d-type flip-flops and address
+logic or yield multiport memory blocks (represented using $mem cells).
+See :numref:`Sec. %s <sec:memcells>` for details about the memory cell types.
+Command interface and synthesis scripts
+Yosys reads and processes commands from synthesis scripts, command line
+arguments and an interactive command prompt. Yosys commands consist of a command
+name and an optional whitespace separated list of arguments. Commands are
+terminated using the newline character or a semicolon (;). Empty lines and lines
+starting with the hash sign (#) are ignored. See :numref:`Sec. %s
+<sec:typusecase>` for an example synthesis script.
+The command help can be used to access the command reference manual.
+Most commands can operate not only on the entire design but also specifically on
+selected parts of the design. For example the command dump will print all
+selected objects in the current design while dump foobar will only print the
+module foobar and dump \* will print the entire design regardless of the current
+.. code:: yoscrypt
+ dump */t:$add %x:+[A] \*/w:\* %i
+The selection mechanism is very powerful. For example the command above will
+print all wires that are connected to the ``\A`` port of a ``$add`` cell.
+Detailed documentation of the select framework can be found in the command
+reference for the ``select`` command.
+Source tree and build system
+The Yosys source tree is organized into the following top-level
+- | backends/
+ | This directory contains a subdirectory for each of the backend modules.
+- | frontends/
+ | This directory contains a subdirectory for each of the frontend modules.
+- | kernel/
+ | This directory contains all the core functionality of Yosys. This includes
+ the functions and definitions for working with the RTLIL data structures
+ (rtlil.h and rtlil.cc), the main() function (driver.cc), the internal
+ framework for generating log messages (log.h and log.cc), the internal
+ framework for registering and calling passes (register.h and register.cc),
+ some core commands that are not really passes (select.cc, show.cc, …) and a
+ couple of other small utility libraries.
+- | passes/
+ | This directory contains a subdirectory for each pass or group of passes.
+ For example as of this writing the directory passes/opt/ contains the code
+ for seven passes: opt, opt_expr, opt_muxtree, opt_reduce, opt_rmdff,
+ opt_rmunused and opt_merge.
+- | techlibs/
+ | This directory contains simulation models and standard implementations for
+ the cells from the internal cell library.
+- | tests/
+ | This directory contains a couple of test cases. Most of the smaller tests
+ are executed automatically when make test is called. The larger tests must
+ be executed manually. Most of the larger tests require downloading external
+ HDL source code and/or external tools. The tests range from comparing
+ simulation results of the synthesized design to the original sources to
+ logic equivalence checking of entire CPU cores.
+The top-level Makefile includes frontends/\*/Makefile.inc,
+passes/\*/Makefile.inc and backends/\*/Makefile.inc. So when extending Yosys it
+is enough to create a new directory in frontends/, passes/ or backends/ with
+your sources and a Makefile.inc. The Yosys kernel automatically detects all
+commands linked with Yosys. So it is not needed to add additional commands to a
+central list of commands.
+Good starting points for reading example source code to learn how to write
+passes are passes/opt/opt_rmdff.cc and passes/opt/opt_merge.cc.
+See the top-level README file for a quick Getting Started guide and build
+instructions. The Yosys build is based solely on Makefiles.
+Users of the Qt Creator IDE can generate a QT Creator project file using make
+qtcreator. Users of the Eclipse IDE can use the "Makefile Project with Existing
+Code" project type in the Eclipse "New Project" dialog (only available after the
+CDT plugin has been installed) to create an Eclipse project in order to
+programming extensions to Yosys or just browse the Yosys code base.
+.. [1]
+ The syntax 1'1 in the RTLIL code specifies a constant with a length of one
+ bit (the first "1"), and this bit is a one (the second "1").
diff --git a/docs/source/CHAPTER_Prog.rst b/docs/source/CHAPTER_Prog.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f706123aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/CHAPTER_Prog.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+.. _chapter:prog:
+Programming Yosys extensions
+This chapter contains some bits and pieces of information about
+programming yosys extensions. Also consult the section on programming in
+the "Yosys Presentation" (can be downloaded from the Yosys website as
+PDF) and don't be afraid to ask questions on the YosysHQ Slack.
+The guidelines directory contains notes on various aspects of Yosys
+development. The files GettingStarted and CodingStyle may be of
+particular interest, and are reproduced here.
+.. literalinclude:: ../../guidelines/GettingStarted
+ :language: none
+ :caption: guidelines/GettingStarted
+.. literalinclude:: ../../guidelines/CodingStyle
+ :language: none
+ :caption: guidelines/CodingStyle
+The "stubsnets" example module
+The following is the complete code of the "stubsnets" example module. It
+is included in the Yosys source distribution as
+.. literalinclude:: ../../manual/CHAPTER_Prog/stubnets.cc
+ :language: c++
+ :linenos:
+ :caption: manual/CHAPTER_Prog/stubnets.cc
+.. literalinclude:: ../../manual/CHAPTER_Prog/Makefile
+ :language: makefile
+ :linenos:
+ :caption: manual/CHAPTER_Prog/Makefile
+.. literalinclude:: ../../manual/CHAPTER_Prog/test.v
+ :language: verilog
+ :linenos:
+ :caption: manual/CHAPTER_Prog/test.v
diff --git a/docs/source/CHAPTER_Techmap.rst b/docs/source/CHAPTER_Techmap.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6cd1eb44f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/CHAPTER_Techmap.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+.. _chapter:techmap:
+Technology mapping
+Previous chapters outlined how HDL code is transformed into an RTL netlist. The
+RTL netlist is still based on abstract coarse-grain cell types like arbitrary
+width adders and even multipliers. This chapter covers how an RTL netlist is
+transformed into a functionally equivalent netlist utilizing the cell types
+available in the target architecture.
+Technology mapping is often performed in two phases. In the first phase RTL
+cells are mapped to an internal library of single-bit cells (see :numref:`Sec.
+%s <sec:celllib_gates>`). In the second phase this netlist of internal gate
+types is transformed to a netlist of gates from the target technology library.
+When the target architecture provides coarse-grain cells (such as block ram or
+ALUs), these must be mapped to directly form the RTL netlist, as information on
+the coarse-grain structure of the design is lost when it is mapped to bit-width
+gate types.
+Cell substitution
+The simplest form of technology mapping is cell substitution, as performed by
+the techmap pass. This pass, when provided with a Verilog file that implements
+the RTL cell types using simpler cells, simply replaces the RTL cells with the
+provided implementation.
+When no map file is provided, techmap uses a built-in map file that maps the
+Yosys RTL cell types to the internal gate library used by Yosys. The curious
+reader may find this map file as techlibs/common/techmap.v in the Yosys source
+Additional features have been added to techmap to allow for conditional mapping
+of cells (see :doc:`cmd/techmap`). This can for example be useful if the target
+architecture supports hardware multipliers for certain bit-widths but not for
+A usual synthesis flow would first use the techmap pass to directly map some RTL
+cells to coarse-grain cells provided by the target architecture (if any) and
+then use techmap with the built-in default file to map the remaining RTL cells
+to gate logic.
+Subcircuit substitution
+Sometimes the target architecture provides cells that are more powerful than the
+RTL cells used by Yosys. For example a cell in the target architecture that can
+calculate the absolute-difference of two numbers does not match any single RTL
+cell type but only combinations of cells.
+For these cases Yosys provides the extract pass that can match a given set of
+modules against a design and identify the portions of the design that are
+identical (i.e. isomorphic subcircuits) to any of the given modules. These
+matched subcircuits are then replaced by instances of the given modules.
+The extract pass also finds basic variations of the given modules, such as
+swapped inputs on commutative cell types.
+In addition to this the extract pass also has limited support for frequent
+subcircuit mining, i.e. the process of finding recurring subcircuits in the
+design. This has a few applications, including the design of new coarse-grain
+architectures :cite:p:`intersynthFdlBookChapter`.
+The hard algorithmic work done by the extract pass (solving the isomorphic
+subcircuit problem and frequent subcircuit mining) is performed using the
+SubCircuit library that can also be used stand-alone without Yosys (see
+.. _sec:techmap_extern:
+Gate-level technology mapping
+On the gate-level the target architecture is usually described by a "Liberty
+file". The Liberty file format is an industry standard format that can be used
+to describe the behaviour and other properties of standard library cells .
+Mapping a design utilizing the Yosys internal gate library (e.g. as a result of
+mapping it to this representation using the techmap pass) is performed in two
+First the register cells must be mapped to the registers that are available on
+the target architectures. The target architecture might not provide all
+variations of d-type flip-flops with positive and negative clock edge,
+high-active and low-active asynchronous set and/or reset, etc. Therefore the
+process of mapping the registers might add additional inverters to the design
+and thus it is important to map the register cells first.
+Mapping of the register cells may be performed by using the dfflibmap pass. This
+pass expects a Liberty file as argument (using the -liberty option) and only
+uses the register cells from the Liberty file.
+Secondly the combinational logic must be mapped to the target architecture. This
+is done using the external program ABC via the abc pass by using the -liberty
+option to the pass. Note that in this case only the combinatorial cells are used
+from the cell library.
+Occasionally Liberty files contain trade secrets (such as sensitive timing
+information) that cannot be shared freely. This complicates processes such as
+reporting bugs in the tools involved. When the information in the Liberty file
+used by Yosys and ABC are not part of the sensitive information, the additional
+tool yosys-filterlib (see :ref:`sec:filterlib`) can be used to strip the
+sensitive information from the Liberty file.
diff --git a/docs/source/CHAPTER_Verilog.rst b/docs/source/CHAPTER_Verilog.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..484844fba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/CHAPTER_Verilog.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
+.. _chapter:verilog:
+The Verilog and AST frontends
+This chapter provides an overview of the implementation of the Yosys Verilog and
+AST frontends. The Verilog frontend reads Verilog-2005 code and creates an
+abstract syntax tree (AST) representation of the input. This AST representation
+is then passed to the AST frontend that converts it to RTLIL data, as
+illustrated in :numref:`Fig. %s <fig:Verilog_flow>`.
+.. figure:: ../images/verilog_flow.*
+ :class: width-helper
+ :name: fig:Verilog_flow
+ Simplified Verilog to RTLIL data flow
+Transforming Verilog to AST
+The Verilog frontend converts the Verilog sources to an internal AST
+representation that closely resembles the structure of the original
+Verilog code. The Verilog frontend consists of three components, the
+Preprocessor, the Lexer and the Parser.
+The source code to the Verilog frontend can be found in
+frontends/verilog/ in the Yosys source tree.
+The Verilog preprocessor
+The Verilog preprocessor scans over the Verilog source code and
+interprets some of the Verilog compiler directives such as
+:literal:`\`include`, :literal:`\`define` and :literal:`\`ifdef`.
+It is implemented as a C++ function that is passed a file descriptor as
+input and returns the pre-processed Verilog code as a ``std::string``.
+The source code to the Verilog Preprocessor can be found in
+frontends/verilog/preproc.cc in the Yosys source tree.
+The Verilog lexer
+The Verilog Lexer is written using the lexer generator flex . Its source
+code can be found in frontends/verilog/verilog_lexer.l in the Yosys
+source tree. The lexer does little more than identifying all keywords
+and literals recognised by the Yosys Verilog frontend.
+The lexer keeps track of the current location in the Verilog source code
+using some global variables. These variables are used by the constructor
+of AST nodes to annotate each node with the source code location it
+originated from.
+Finally the lexer identifies and handles special comments such as
+"``// synopsys translate_off``" and "``// synopsys full_case``". (It is
+recommended to use :literal:`\`ifdef` constructs instead of the
+Synsopsys translate_on/off comments and attributes such as
+``(* full_case *)`` over "``// synopsys full_case``" whenever possible.)
+The Verilog parser
+The Verilog Parser is written using the parser generator bison . Its
+source code can be found in frontends/verilog/verilog_parser.y in the
+Yosys source tree.
+It generates an AST using the ``AST::AstNode`` data structure defined in
+frontends/ast/ast.h. An ``AST::AstNode`` object has the following
+.. list-table:: AST node types with their corresponding Verilog constructs.
+ :name: tab:Verilog_AstNodeType
+ :widths: 50 50
+ * - AST Node Type
+ - Corresponding Verilog Construct
+ * - AST_NONE
+ - This Node type should never be used.
+ - This node type is used for the top node of the AST tree. It has no corresponding Verilog construct.
+ - ``module``, ``task`` and ``function``
+ * - AST_WIRE
+ - ``input``, ``output``, ``wire``, ``reg`` and ``integer``
+ - Verilog Arrays
+ - Created by the simplifier when an undeclared signal name is used.
+ - ``parameter`` and ``localparam``
+ - Parameter set in cell instantiation
+ - Port connection in cell instantiation
+ - Bit-Index in a signal or element index in array
+ - A literal value
+ - The type of cell in cell instantiation
+ - An Identifier (signal name in expression or cell/task/etc. name in other contexts)
+ - Construct an identifier in the form <prefix>[<index>].<suffix> (used only in advanced generate constructs)
+ - Call to function or task
+ - The ``$signed()`` and ``$unsigned()`` functions
+ - The ``{...}`` and ``{...{...}}`` operators
+ - The bitwise operators ``~``, ``&``, ``|``, ``^`` and ``~^``
+ - The unary reduction operators ``~``, ``&``, ``|``, ``^`` and ``~^``
+ - Conversion from multi-bit value to boolean value (equivalent to AST_REDUCE_OR)
+ - The shift operators ``<<``, ``>>``, ``<<<`` and ``>>>``
+ - The relational operators ``<``, ``<=``, ``==``, ``!=``, ``>=`` and ``>``
+ - The binary operators ``+``, ``-``, ``*``, ``/``, ``%`` and ``**``
+ - The prefix operators ``+`` and ``-``
+ - The logic operators ``&&``, ``||`` and ``!``
+ - The ternary ``?:``-operator
+ - Read and write memories. These nodes are generated by the AST simplifier for writes/reads to/from Verilog arrays.
+ - An ``assign`` statement
+ * - AST_CELL
+ - A cell instantiation
+ - A primitive cell (``and``, ``nand``, ``or``, etc.)
+ - Verilog ``always``- and ``initial``-blocks
+ - A ``begin``-``end``-block
+ - Blocking (``=``) and nonblocking (``<=``) assignments within an ``always``- or ``initial``-block
+ - The ``case`` (``if``) statements, conditions within a case and the default case respectively
+ * - AST_FOR
+ - A ``for``-loop with an ``always``- or ``initial``-block
+ - The ``genvar`` and ``generate`` keywords and ``for`` and ``if`` within a generate block.
+ - Event conditions for ``always`` blocks.
+- | The node type
+ | This enum (``AST::AstNodeType``) specifies the role of the node.
+ :numref:`Table %s <tab:Verilog_AstNodeType>`
+ contains a list of all node types.
+- | The child nodes
+ | This is a list of pointers to all children in the abstract syntax
+ tree.
+- | Attributes
+ | As almost every AST node might have Verilog attributes assigned to
+ it, the ``AST::AstNode`` has direct support for attributes. Note
+ that the attribute values are again AST nodes.
+- | Node content
+ | Each node might have additional content data. A series of member
+ variables exist to hold such data. For example the member
+ ``std::string str`` can hold a string value and is used e.g. in the
+ AST_IDENTIFIER node type to store the identifier name.
+- | Source code location
+ | Each ``AST::AstNode`` is automatically annotated with the current
+ source code location by the ``AST::AstNode`` constructor. It is
+ stored in the ``std::string filename`` and ``int linenum`` member
+ variables.
+The ``AST::AstNode`` constructor can be called with up to two child
+nodes that are automatically added to the list of child nodes for the
+new object. This simplifies the creation of AST nodes for simple
+expressions a bit. For example the bison code for parsing
+.. code:: none
+ :number-lines:
+ basic_expr '*' attr basic_expr {
+ $$ = new AstNode(AST_MUL, $1, $4);
+ append_attr($$, $3);
+ } |
+The generated AST data structure is then passed directly to the AST
+frontend that performs the actual conversion to RTLIL.
+Note that the Yosys command ``read_verilog`` provides the options ``-yydebug``
+and ``-dump_ast`` that can be used to print the parse tree or abstract
+syntax tree respectively.
+Transforming AST to RTLIL
+The AST Frontend converts a set of modules in AST representation to
+modules in RTLIL representation and adds them to the current design.
+This is done in two steps: simplification and RTLIL generation.
+The source code to the AST frontend can be found in ``frontends/ast/`` in
+the Yosys source tree.
+AST simplification
+A full-featured AST is too complex to be transformed into RTLIL
+directly. Therefore it must first be brought into a simpler form. This
+is done by calling the ``AST::AstNode::simplify()`` method of all
+AST_MODULE nodes in the AST. This initiates a recursive process that
+performs the following transformations on the AST data structure:
+- Inline all task and function calls.
+- Evaluate all ``generate``-statements and unroll all ``for``-loops.
+- Perform const folding where it is necessary (e.g. in the value part
+- Replace AST_PRIMITIVE nodes with appropriate AST_ASSIGN nodes.
+- Replace dynamic bit ranges in the left-hand-side of assignments with
+ AST_CASE nodes with AST_COND children for each possible case.
+- Detect array access patterns that are too complicated for the
+ RTLIL::Memory abstraction and replace them with a set of signals and
+ cases for all reads and/or writes.
+- Otherwise replace array accesses with AST_MEMRD and AST_MEMWR nodes.
+In addition to these transformations, the simplifier also annotates the
+AST with additional information that is needed for the RTLIL generator,
+- All ranges (width of signals and bit selections) are not only const
+ folded but (when a constant value is found) are also written to
+ member variables in the AST_RANGE node.
+- All identifiers are resolved and all AST_IDENTIFIER nodes are
+ annotated with a pointer to the AST node that contains the
+ declaration of the identifier. If no declaration has been found, an
+ AST_AUTOWIRE node is created and used for the annotation.
+This produces an AST that is fairly easy to convert to the RTLIL format.
+Generating RTLIL
+After AST simplification, the ``AST::AstNode::genRTLIL()`` method of
+each AST_MODULE node in the AST is called. This initiates a recursive
+process that generates equivalent RTLIL data for the AST data.
+The ``AST::AstNode::genRTLIL()`` method returns an ``RTLIL::SigSpec``
+structure. For nodes that represent expressions (operators, constants,
+signals, etc.), the cells needed to implement the calculation described
+by the expression are created and the resulting signal is returned. That
+way it is easy to generate the circuits for large expressions using
+depth-first recursion. For nodes that do not represent an expression
+(such as AST_CELL), the corresponding circuit is generated and an empty
+``RTLIL::SigSpec`` is returned.
+Synthesizing Verilog always blocks
+For behavioural Verilog code (code utilizing ``always``- and
+``initial``-blocks) it is necessary to also generate ``RTLIL::Process``
+objects. This is done in the following way:
+Whenever ``AST::AstNode::genRTLIL()`` encounters an ``always``- or
+``initial``-block, it creates an instance of
+``AST_INTERNAL::ProcessGenerator``. This object then generates the
+``RTLIL::Process`` object for the block. It also calls
+``AST::AstNode::genRTLIL()`` for all right-hand-side expressions
+contained within the block.
+First the ``AST_INTERNAL::ProcessGenerator`` creates a list of all
+signals assigned within the block. It then creates a set of temporary
+signals using the naming scheme $\ <number> \\\ <original_name> for each
+of the assigned signals.
+Then an ``RTLIL::Process`` is created that assigns all intermediate
+values for each left-hand-side signal to the temporary signal in its
+``RTLIL::CaseRule``/``RTLIL::SwitchRule`` tree.
+Finally a ``RTLIL::SyncRule`` is created for the ``RTLIL::Process`` that
+assigns the temporary signals for the final values to the actual
+A process may also contain memory writes. A ``RTLIL::MemWriteAction`` is
+created for each of them.
+Calls to ``AST::AstNode::genRTLIL()`` are generated for right hand sides
+as needed. When blocking assignments are used,
+``AST::AstNode::genRTLIL()`` is configured using global variables to use
+the temporary signals that hold the correct intermediate values whenever
+one of the previously assigned signals is used in an expression.
+Unfortunately the generation of a correct
+``RTLIL::CaseRule``/``RTLIL::SwitchRule`` tree for behavioural code is a
+non-trivial task. The AST frontend solves the problem using the approach
+described on the following pages. The following example illustrates what
+the algorithm is supposed to do. Consider the following Verilog code:
+.. code:: verilog
+ :number-lines:
+ always @(posedge clock) begin
+ out1 = in1;
+ if (in2)
+ out1 = !out1;
+ out2 <= out1;
+ if (in3)
+ out2 <= out2;
+ if (in4)
+ if (in5)
+ out3 <= in6;
+ else
+ out3 <= in7;
+ out1 = out1 ^ out2;
+ end
+This is translated by the Verilog and AST frontends into the following
+RTLIL code (attributes, cell parameters and wire declarations not
+.. code:: RTLIL
+ :number-lines:
+ cell $logic_not $logic_not$<input>:4$2
+ connect \A \in1
+ connect \Y $logic_not$<input>:4$2_Y
+ end
+ cell $xor $xor$<input>:13$3
+ connect \A $1\out1[0:0]
+ connect \B \out2
+ connect \Y $xor$<input>:13$3_Y
+ end
+ process $proc$<input>:1$1
+ assign $0\out3[0:0] \out3
+ assign $0\out2[0:0] $1\out1[0:0]
+ assign $0\out1[0:0] $xor$<input>:13$3_Y
+ switch \in2
+ case 1'1
+ assign $1\out1[0:0] $logic_not$<input>:4$2_Y
+ case
+ assign $1\out1[0:0] \in1
+ end
+ switch \in3
+ case 1'1
+ assign $0\out2[0:0] \out2
+ case
+ end
+ switch \in4
+ case 1'1
+ switch \in5
+ case 1'1
+ assign $0\out3[0:0] \in6
+ case
+ assign $0\out3[0:0] \in7
+ end
+ case
+ end
+ sync posedge \clock
+ update \out1 $0\out1[0:0]
+ update \out2 $0\out2[0:0]
+ update \out3 $0\out3[0:0]
+ end
+Note that the two operators are translated into separate cells outside
+the generated process. The signal ``out1`` is assigned using blocking
+assignments and therefore ``out1`` has been replaced with a different
+signal in all expressions after the initial assignment. The signal
+``out2`` is assigned using nonblocking assignments and therefore is not
+substituted on the right-hand-side expressions.
+The ``RTLIL::CaseRule``/``RTLIL::SwitchRule`` tree must be interpreted
+the following way:
+- On each case level (the body of the process is the root case), first
+ the actions on this level are evaluated and then the switches within
+ the case are evaluated. (Note that the last assignment on line 13 of
+ the Verilog code has been moved to the beginning of the RTLIL process
+ to line 13 of the RTLIL listing.)
+ I.e. the special cases deeper in the switch hierarchy override the
+ defaults on the upper levels. The assignments in lines 12 and 22 of
+ the RTLIL code serve as an example for this.
+ Note that in contrast to this, the order within the
+ ``RTLIL::SwitchRule`` objects within a ``RTLIL::CaseRule`` is
+ preserved with respect to the original AST and Verilog code.
+- The whole ``RTLIL::CaseRule``/``RTLIL::SwitchRule`` tree describes an
+ asynchronous circuit. I.e. the decision tree formed by the switches
+ can be seen independently for each assigned signal. Whenever one
+ assigned signal changes, all signals that depend on the changed
+ signals are to be updated. For example the assignments in lines 16
+ and 18 in the RTLIL code in fact influence the assignment in line 12,
+ even though they are in the "wrong order".
+The only synchronous part of the process is in the ``RTLIL::SyncRule``
+object generated at line 35 in the RTLIL code. The sync rule is the only
+part of the process where the original signals are assigned. The
+synchronization event from the original Verilog code has been translated
+into the synchronization type (posedge) and signal (\\clock) for the
+``RTLIL::SyncRule`` object. In the case of this simple example the
+``RTLIL::SyncRule`` object is later simply transformed into a set of
+d-type flip-flops and the ``RTLIL::CaseRule``/``RTLIL::SwitchRule`` tree
+to a decision tree using multiplexers.
+In more complex examples (e.g. asynchronous resets) the part of the
+``RTLIL::CaseRule``/``RTLIL::SwitchRule`` tree that describes the
+asynchronous reset must first be transformed to the correct
+``RTLIL::SyncRule`` objects. This is done by the proc_adff pass.
+The ProcessGenerator algorithm
+The ``AST_INTERNAL::ProcessGenerator`` uses the following internal state
+- | ``subst_rvalue_from`` and ``subst_rvalue_to``
+ | These two variables hold the replacement pattern that should be
+ used by ``AST::AstNode::genRTLIL()`` for signals with blocking
+ assignments. After initialization of
+ ``AST_INTERNAL::ProcessGenerator`` these two variables are empty.
+- | ``subst_lvalue_from`` and ``subst_lvalue_to``
+ | These two variables contain the mapping from left-hand-side signals
+ (\\\ <name>) to the current temporary signal for the same thing
+ (initially $0\\\ <name>).
+- | ``current_case``
+ | A pointer to a ``RTLIL::CaseRule`` object. Initially this is the
+ root case of the generated ``RTLIL::Process``.
+As the algorithm runs these variables are continuously modified as well
+as pushed to the stack and later restored to their earlier values by
+popping from the stack.
+On startup the ProcessGenerator generates a new ``RTLIL::Process``
+object with an empty root case and initializes its state variables as
+described above. Then the ``RTLIL::SyncRule`` objects are created using
+the synchronization events from the AST_ALWAYS node and the initial
+values of ``subst_lvalue_from`` and ``subst_lvalue_to``. Then the AST
+for this process is evaluated recursively.
+During this recursive evaluation, three different relevant types of AST
+nodes can be discovered: AST_ASSIGN_LE (nonblocking assignments),
+AST_ASSIGN_EQ (blocking assignments) and AST_CASE (``if`` or ``case``
+Handling of nonblocking assignments
+When an AST_ASSIGN_LE node is discovered, the following actions are
+performed by the ProcessGenerator:
+- The left-hand-side is evaluated using ``AST::AstNode::genRTLIL()``
+ and mapped to a temporary signal name using ``subst_lvalue_from`` and
+ ``subst_lvalue_to``.
+- The right-hand-side is evaluated using ``AST::AstNode::genRTLIL()``.
+ For this call, the values of ``subst_rvalue_from`` and
+ ``subst_rvalue_to`` are used to map blocking-assigned signals
+ correctly.
+- Remove all assignments to the same left-hand-side as this assignment
+ from the ``current_case`` and all cases within it.
+- Add the new assignment to the ``current_case``.
+Handling of blocking assignments
+When an AST_ASSIGN_EQ node is discovered, the following actions are
+performed by the ProcessGenerator:
+- Perform all the steps that would be performed for a nonblocking
+ assignment (see above).
+- Remove the found left-hand-side (before lvalue mapping) from
+ ``subst_rvalue_from`` and also remove the respective bits from
+ ``subst_rvalue_to``.
+- Append the found left-hand-side (before lvalue mapping) to
+ ``subst_rvalue_from`` and append the found right-hand-side to
+ ``subst_rvalue_to``.
+Handling of cases and if-statements
+When an AST_CASE node is discovered, the following actions are performed
+by the ProcessGenerator:
+- The values of ``subst_rvalue_from``, ``subst_rvalue_to``,
+ ``subst_lvalue_from`` and ``subst_lvalue_to`` are pushed to the
+ stack.
+- A new ``RTLIL::SwitchRule`` object is generated, the selection
+ expression is evaluated using ``AST::AstNode::genRTLIL()`` (with the
+ use of ``subst_rvalue_from`` and ``subst_rvalue_to``) and added to
+ the ``RTLIL::SwitchRule`` object and the object is added to the
+ ``current_case``.
+- All lvalues assigned to within the AST_CASE node using blocking
+ assignments are collected and saved in the local variable
+ ``this_case_eq_lvalue``.
+- New temporary signals are generated for all signals in
+ ``this_case_eq_lvalue`` and stored in ``this_case_eq_ltemp``.
+- The signals in ``this_case_eq_lvalue`` are mapped using
+ ``subst_rvalue_from`` and ``subst_rvalue_to`` and the resulting set
+ of signals is stored in ``this_case_eq_rvalue``.
+Then the following steps are performed for each AST_COND node within the
+AST_CASE node:
+- Set ``subst_rvalue_from``, ``subst_rvalue_to``, ``subst_lvalue_from``
+ and ``subst_lvalue_to`` to the values that have been pushed to the
+ stack.
+- Remove ``this_case_eq_lvalue`` from
+ ``subst_lvalue_from``/``subst_lvalue_to``.
+- Append ``this_case_eq_lvalue`` to ``subst_lvalue_from`` and append
+ ``this_case_eq_ltemp`` to ``subst_lvalue_to``.
+- Push the value of ``current_case``.
+- Create a new ``RTLIL::CaseRule``. Set ``current_case`` to the new
+ object and add the new object to the ``RTLIL::SwitchRule`` created
+ above.
+- Add an assignment from ``this_case_eq_rvalue`` to
+ ``this_case_eq_ltemp`` to the new ``current_case``.
+- Evaluate the compare value for this case using
+ ``AST::AstNode::genRTLIL()`` (with the use of ``subst_rvalue_from``
+ and ``subst_rvalue_to``) modify the new ``current_case`` accordingly.
+- Recursion into the children of the AST_COND node.
+- Restore ``current_case`` by popping the old value from the stack.
+Finally the following steps are performed:
+- The values of ``subst_rvalue_from``, ``subst_rvalue_to``,
+ ``subst_lvalue_from`` and ``subst_lvalue_to`` are popped from the
+ stack.
+- The signals from ``this_case_eq_lvalue`` are removed from the
+ ``subst_rvalue_from``/``subst_rvalue_to``-pair.
+- The value of ``this_case_eq_lvalue`` is appended to
+ ``subst_rvalue_from`` and the value of ``this_case_eq_ltemp`` is
+ appended to ``subst_rvalue_to``.
+- Map the signals in ``this_case_eq_lvalue`` using
+ ``subst_lvalue_from``/``subst_lvalue_to``.
+- Remove all assignments to signals in ``this_case_eq_lvalue`` in
+ ``current_case`` and all cases within it.
+- Add an assignment from ``this_case_eq_ltemp`` to
+ ``this_case_eq_lvalue`` to ``current_case``.
+Further analysis of the algorithm for cases and if-statements
+With respect to nonblocking assignments the algorithm is easy: later
+assignments invalidate earlier assignments. For each signal assigned
+using nonblocking assignments exactly one temporary variable is
+generated (with the $0-prefix) and this variable is used for all
+assignments of the variable.
+Note how all the ``_eq_``-variables become empty when no blocking
+assignments are used and many of the steps in the algorithm can then be
+ignored as a result of this.
+For a variable with blocking assignments the algorithm shows the
+following behaviour: First a new temporary variable is created. This new
+temporary variable is then registered as the assignment target for all
+assignments for this variable within the cases for this AST_CASE node.
+Then for each case the new temporary variable is first assigned the old
+temporary variable. This assignment is overwritten if the variable is
+actually assigned in this case and is kept as a default value otherwise.
+This yields an ``RTLIL::CaseRule`` that assigns the new temporary
+variable in all branches. So when all cases have been processed a final
+assignment is added to the containing block that assigns the new
+temporary variable to the old one. Note how this step always overrides a
+previous assignment to the old temporary variable. Other than
+nonblocking assignments, the old assignment could still have an effect
+somewhere in the design, as there have been calls to
+``AST::AstNode::genRTLIL()`` with a
+``subst_rvalue_from``/``subst_rvalue_to``-tuple that contained the
+right-hand-side of the old assignment.
+The proc pass
+The ProcessGenerator converts a behavioural model in AST representation
+to a behavioural model in ``RTLIL::Process`` representation. The actual
+conversion from a behavioural model to an RTL representation is
+performed by the proc pass and the passes it launches:
+- | proc_clean and proc_rmdead
+ | These two passes just clean up the ``RTLIL::Process`` structure.
+ The proc_clean pass removes empty parts (eg. empty assignments)
+ from the process and proc_rmdead detects and removes unreachable
+ branches from the process's decision trees.
+- | proc_arst
+ | This pass detects processes that describe d-type flip-flops with
+ asynchronous resets and rewrites the process to better reflect what
+ they are modelling: Before this pass, an asynchronous reset has two
+ edge-sensitive sync rules and one top-level for the reset path.
+ After this pass the sync rule for the reset is level-sensitive and
+ the top-level has been removed.
+- | proc_mux
+ | This pass converts the /-tree to a tree of multiplexers per written
+ signal. After this, the structure only contains the s that describe
+ the output registers.
+- | proc_dff
+ | This pass replaces the s to d-type flip-flops (with asynchronous
+ resets if necessary).
+- | proc_dff
+ | This pass replaces the s with $memwr cells.
+- | proc_clean
+ | A final call to proc_clean removes the now empty objects.
+Performing these last processing steps in passes instead of in the
+Verilog frontend has two important benefits:
+First it improves the transparency of the process. Everything that
+happens in a separate pass is easier to debug, as the RTLIL data
+structures can be easily investigated before and after each of the
+Second it improves flexibility. This scheme can easily be extended to
+support other types of storage-elements, such as sr-latches or
+d-latches, without having to extend the actual Verilog frontend.
+Synthesizing Verilog arrays
+Add some information on the generation of $memrd and $memwr cells and
+how they are processed in the memory pass.
+Synthesizing parametric designs
+Add some information on the ``RTLIL::Module::derive()`` method and how
+it is used to synthesize parametric modules via the hierarchy pass.
diff --git a/docs/source/appendix/APPNOTE_010_Verilog_to_BLIF.rst b/docs/source/appendix/APPNOTE_010_Verilog_to_BLIF.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a48401dcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/appendix/APPNOTE_010_Verilog_to_BLIF.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+010: Converting Verilog to BLIF page
+Yosys written in C++ (using features from C++11) and is tested on modern
+Linux. It should compile fine on most UNIX systems with a C++11
+compiler. The README file contains useful information on building Yosys
+and its prerequisites.
+Yosys is a large and feature-rich program with a couple of dependencies.
+It is, however, possible to deactivate some of the dependencies in the
+Makefile, resulting in features in Yosys becoming unavailable. When
+problems with building Yosys are encountered, a user who is only
+interested in the features of Yosys that are discussed in this
+Application Note may deactivate TCL, Qt and MiniSAT support in the
+Makefile and may opt against building yosys-abc.
+This Application Note is based on `Yosys GIT`_ `Rev. e216e0e`_ from 2013-11-23.
+The Verilog sources used for the examples are taken from `yosys-bigsim`_, a
+collection of real-world designs used for regression testing Yosys.
+.. _Yosys GIT: https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys
+.. _Rev. e216e0e: https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys/tree/e216e0e
+.. _yosys-bigsim: https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys-bigsim
+Getting started
+We start our tour with the Navré processor from yosys-bigsim. The `Navré
+processor`_ is an Open Source AVR clone. It is a single module (softusb_navre)
+in a single design file (softusb_navre.v). It also is using only features that
+map nicely to the BLIF format, for example it only uses synchronous resets.
+.. _Navré processor: http://opencores.org/projects/navre
+Converting softusb_navre.v to softusb_navre.blif could not be easier:
+.. code:: sh
+ yosys -o softusb_navre.blif -S softusb_navre.v
+Behind the scenes Yosys is controlled by synthesis scripts that execute
+commands that operate on Yosys' internal state. For example, the -o
+softusb_navre.blif option just adds the command write_blif
+softusb_navre.blif to the end of the script. Likewise a file on the
+command line – softusb_navre.v in this case – adds the command
+read_verilog softusb_navre.v to the beginning of the synthesis script.
+In both cases the file type is detected from the file extension.
+Finally the option -S instantiates a built-in default synthesis script.
+Instead of using -S one could also specify the synthesis commands for
+the script on the command line using the -p option, either using
+individual options for each command or by passing one big command string
+with a semicolon-separated list of commands. But in most cases it is
+more convenient to use an actual script file.
+Using a synthesis script
+With a script file we have better control over Yosys. The following
+script file replicates what the command from the last section did:
+.. code:: yoscrypt
+ read_verilog softusb_navre.v
+ hierarchy
+ proc; opt; memory; opt; techmap; opt
+ write_blif softusb_navre.blif
+The first and last line obviously read the Verilog file and write the
+BLIF file.
+The 2nd line checks the design hierarchy and instantiates parametrized
+versions of the modules in the design, if necessary. In the case of this
+simple design this is a no-op. However, as a general rule a synthesis
+script should always contain this command as first command after reading
+the input files.
+The 3rd line does most of the actual work:
+- The command opt is the Yosys' built-in optimizer. It can perform some
+ simple optimizations such as const-folding and removing unconnected
+ parts of the design. It is common practice to call opt after each
+ major step in the synthesis procedure. In cases where too much
+ optimization is not appreciated (for example when analyzing a
+ design), it is recommended to call clean instead of opt.
+- The command proc converts processes (Yosys' internal representation
+ of Verilog always- and initial-blocks) to circuits of multiplexers
+ and storage elements (various types of flip-flops).
+- The command memory converts Yosys' internal representations of arrays
+ and array accesses to multi-port block memories, and then maps this
+ block memories to address decoders and flip-flops, unless the option
+ -nomap is used, in which case the multi-port block memories stay in
+ the design and can then be mapped to architecture-specific memory
+ primitives using other commands.
+- The command techmap turns a high-level circuit with coarse grain
+ cells such as wide adders and multipliers to a fine-grain circuit of
+ simple logic primitives and single-bit storage elements. The command
+ does that by substituting the complex cells by circuits of simpler
+ cells. It is possible to provide a custom set of rules for this
+ process in the form of a Verilog source file, as we will see in the
+ next section.
+Now Yosys can be run with the filename of the synthesis script as
+.. code:: sh
+ yosys softusb_navre.ys
+Now that we are using a synthesis script we can easily modify how Yosys
+synthesizes the design. The first thing we should customize is the call
+to the hierarchy command:
+Whenever it is known that there are no implicit blackboxes in the
+design, i.e. modules that are referenced but are not defined, the
+hierarchy command should be called with the -check option. This will
+then cause synthesis to fail when implicit blackboxes are found in the
+The 2nd thing we can improve regarding the hierarchy command is that we
+can tell it the name of the top level module of the design hierarchy. It
+will then automatically remove all modules that are not referenced from
+this top level module.
+For many designs it is also desired to optimize the encodings for the
+finite state machines (FSMs) in the design. The fsm command finds FSMs,
+extracts them, performs some basic optimizations and then generate a
+circuit from the extracted and optimized description. It would also be
+possible to tell the fsm command to leave the FSMs in their extracted
+form, so they can be further processed using custom commands. But in
+this case we don't want that.
+So now we have the final synthesis script for generating a BLIF file for
+the Navré CPU:
+.. code:: yoscrypt
+ read_verilog softusb_navre.v
+ hierarchy -check -top softusb_navre
+ proc; opt; memory; opt; fsm; opt; techmap; opt
+ write_blif softusb_navre.blif
+Advanced example: The Amber23 ARMv2a CPU
+Our 2nd example is the `Amber23 ARMv2a CPU`_. Once again we base our example on
+the Verilog code that is included in `yosys-bigsim`_.
+.. _Amber23 ARMv2a CPU: http://opencores.org/projects/amber
+.. code-block:: yoscrypt
+ :caption: `amber23.ys`
+ :name: amber23.ys
+ read_verilog a23_alu.v
+ read_verilog a23_barrel_shift_fpga.v
+ read_verilog a23_barrel_shift.v
+ read_verilog a23_cache.v
+ read_verilog a23_coprocessor.v
+ read_verilog a23_core.v
+ read_verilog a23_decode.v
+ read_verilog a23_execute.v
+ read_verilog a23_fetch.v
+ read_verilog a23_multiply.v
+ read_verilog a23_ram_register_bank.v
+ read_verilog a23_register_bank.v
+ read_verilog a23_wishbone.v
+ read_verilog generic_sram_byte_en.v
+ read_verilog generic_sram_line_en.v
+ hierarchy -check -top a23_core
+ add -global_input globrst 1
+ proc -global_arst globrst
+ techmap -map adff2dff.v
+ opt; memory; opt; fsm; opt; techmap
+ write_blif amber23.blif
+The problem with this core is that it contains no dedicated reset logic. Instead
+the coding techniques shown in :numref:`glob_arst` are used to define reset
+values for the global asynchronous reset in an FPGA implementation. This design
+can not be expressed in BLIF as it is. Instead we need to use a synthesis script
+that transforms this form to synchronous resets that can be expressed in BLIF.
+(Note that there is no problem if this coding techniques are used to
+model ROM, where the register is initialized using this syntax but is
+never updated otherwise.)
+:numref:`amber23.ys` shows the synthesis script for the Amber23 core. In line 17
+the add command is used to add a 1-bit wide global input signal with the name
+globrst. That means that an input with that name is added to each module in the
+design hierarchy and then all module instantiations are altered so that this new
+signal is connected throughout the whole design hierarchy.
+.. code-block:: verilog
+ :caption: Implicit coding of global asynchronous resets
+ :name: glob_arst
+ reg [7:0] a = 13, b;
+ initial b = 37;
+.. code-block:: verilog
+ :caption: `adff2dff.v`
+ :name: adff2dff.v
+ (* techmap_celltype = "$adff" *)
+ module adff2dff (CLK, ARST, D, Q);
+ parameter WIDTH = 1;
+ parameter CLK_POLARITY = 1;
+ parameter ARST_POLARITY = 1;
+ parameter ARST_VALUE = 0;
+ input CLK, ARST;
+ input [WIDTH-1:0] D;
+ output reg [WIDTH-1:0] Q;
+ wire [1023:0] _TECHMAP_DO_ = "proc";
+ wire _TECHMAP_FAIL_ =
+ always @(posedge CLK)
+ if (ARST)
+ else
+ Q <= D;
+ endmodule
+In line 18 the proc command is called. But in this script the signal
+name globrst is passed to the command as a global reset signal for
+resetting the registers to their assigned initial values.
+Finally in line 19 the techmap command is used to replace all instances of
+flip-flops with asynchronous resets with flip-flops with synchronous resets. The
+map file used for this is shown in :numref:`adff2dff.v`. Note how the
+techmap_celltype attribute is used in line 1 to tell the techmap command which
+cells to replace in the design, how the \_TECHMAP_FAIL\_ wire in lines 15 and 16
+(which evaluates to a constant value) determines if the parameter set is
+compatible with this replacement circuit, and how the \_TECHMAP_DO\_ wire in
+line 13 provides a mini synthesis-script to be used to process this cell.
+.. code-block:: c
+ :caption: Test program for the Amber23 CPU (Sieve of Eratosthenes). Compiled
+ using GCC 4.6.3 for ARM with ``-Os -marm -march=armv2a
+ -mno-thumb-interwork -ffreestanding``, linked with ``--fix-v4bx``
+ set and booted with a custom setup routine written in ARM assembler.
+ :name: sieve
+ #include <stdint.h>
+ #include <stdbool.h>
+ #define BITMAP_SIZE 64
+ #define OUTPORT 0x10000000
+ static uint32_t bitmap[BITMAP_SIZE/32];
+ static void bitmap_set(uint32_t idx) { bitmap[idx/32] |= 1 << (idx % 32); }
+ static bool bitmap_get(uint32_t idx) { return (bitmap[idx/32] & (1 << (idx % 32))) != 0; }
+ static void output(uint32_t val) { *((volatile uint32_t*)OUTPORT) = val; }
+ int main() {
+ uint32_t i, j, k;
+ output(2);
+ for (i = 0; i < BITMAP_SIZE; i++) {
+ if (bitmap_get(i)) continue;
+ output(3+2*i);
+ for (j = 2*(3+2*i);; j += 3+2*i) {
+ if (j%2 == 0) continue;
+ k = (j-3)/2;
+ if (k >= BITMAP_SIZE) break;
+ bitmap_set(k);
+ }
+ }
+ output(0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+Verification of the Amber23 CPU
+The BLIF file for the Amber23 core, generated using :numref:`amber23.ys` and
+:numref:`adff2dff.v` and the version of the Amber23 RTL source that is bundled
+with yosys-bigsim, was verified using the test-bench from yosys-bigsim. It
+successfully executed the program shown in :numref:`sieve` in the test-bench.
+For simulation the BLIF file was converted back to Verilog using `ABC`_. So this
+test includes the successful transformation of the BLIF file into ABC's internal
+format as well.
+.. _ABC: https://github.com/berkeley-abc/abc
+The only thing left to write about the simulation itself is that it
+probably was one of the most energy inefficient and time consuming ways
+of successfully calculating the first 31 primes the author has ever
+At the time of this writing Yosys does not support multi-dimensional
+memories, does not support writing to individual bits of array elements,
+does not support initialization of arrays with $readmemb and $readmemh,
+and has only limited support for tristate logic, to name just a few
+That being said, Yosys can synthesize an overwhelming majority of
+real-world Verilog RTL code. The remaining cases can usually be modified
+to be compatible with Yosys quite easily.
+The various designs in yosys-bigsim are a good place to look for
+examples of what is within the capabilities of Yosys.
+Yosys is a feature-rich Verilog-2005 synthesis tool. It has many uses,
+but one is to provide an easy gateway from high-level Verilog code to
+low-level logic circuits.
+The command line option -S can be used to quickly synthesize Verilog
+code to BLIF files without a hassle.
+With custom synthesis scripts it becomes possible to easily perform
+high-level optimizations, such as re-encoding FSMs. In some extreme
+cases, such as the Amber23 ARMv2 CPU, the more advanced Yosys features
+can be used to change a design to fit a certain need without actually
+touching the RTL code.
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+011: Interactive design investigation page
+Installation and prerequisites
+This Application Note is based on the `Yosys GIT`_ `Rev. 2b90ba1`_ from
+2013-12-08. The README file covers how to install Yosys. The ``show`` command
+requires a working installation of `GraphViz`_ and `xdot` for generating the
+actual circuit diagrams.
+.. _Yosys GIT: https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys
+.. _Rev. 2b90ba1: https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys/tree/2b90ba1
+.. _GraphViz: http://www.graphviz.org/
+.. _xdot: https://github.com/jrfonseca/xdot.py
+This application note is structured as follows:
+:ref:`intro_show` introduces the ``show`` command and explains the symbols used
+in the circuit diagrams generated by it.
+:ref:`navigate` introduces additional commands used to navigate in the design,
+select portions of the design, and print additional information on the elements
+in the design that are not contained in the circuit diagrams.
+:ref:`poke` introduces commands to evaluate the design and solve SAT problems
+within the design.
+:ref:`conclusion` concludes the document and summarizes the key points.
+.. _intro_show:
+Introduction to the show command
+.. code-block:: console
+ :caption: Yosys script with ``show`` commands and example design
+ :name: example_src
+ $ cat example.ys
+ read_verilog example.v
+ show -pause
+ proc
+ show -pause
+ opt
+ show -pause
+ $ cat example.v
+ module example(input clk, a, b, c,
+ output reg [1:0] y);
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ if (c)
+ y <= c ? a + b : 2'd0;
+ endmodule
+.. figure:: ../../images/011/example_out.*
+ :class: width-helper
+ :name: example_out
+ Output of the three ``show`` commands from :numref:`example_src`
+The ``show`` command generates a circuit diagram for the design in its current
+state. Various options can be used to change the appearance of the circuit
+diagram, set the name and format for the output file, and so forth. When called
+without any special options, it saves the circuit diagram in a temporary file
+and launches ``xdot`` to display the diagram. Subsequent calls to show re-use the
+``xdot`` instance (if still running).
+A simple circuit
+:numref:`example_src` shows a simple synthesis script and a Verilog file that
+demonstrate the usage of show in a simple setting. Note that ``show`` is called with
+the ``-pause`` option, that halts execution of the Yosys script until the user
+presses the Enter key. The ``show -pause`` command also allows the user to enter
+an interactive shell to further investigate the circuit before continuing
+So this script, when executed, will show the design after each of the three
+synthesis commands. The generated circuit diagrams are shown in
+The first diagram (from top to bottom) shows the design directly after being
+read by the Verilog front-end. Input and output ports are displayed as octagonal
+shapes. Cells are displayed as rectangles with inputs on the left and outputs on
+the right side. The cell labels are two lines long: The first line contains a
+unique identifier for the cell and the second line contains the cell type.
+Internal cell types are prefixed with a dollar sign. The Yosys manual contains a
+chapter on the internal cell library used in Yosys.
+Constants are shown as ellipses with the constant value as label. The syntax
+``<bit_width>'<bits>`` is used for for constants that are not 32-bit wide and/or
+contain bits that are not 0 or 1 (i.e. ``x`` or ``z``). Ordinary 32-bit
+constants are written using decimal numbers.
+Single-bit signals are shown as thin arrows pointing from the driver to the
+load. Signals that are multiple bits wide are shown as think arrows.
+Finally *processes* are shown in boxes with round corners. Processes are Yosys'
+internal representation of the decision-trees and synchronization events
+modelled in a Verilog ``always``-block. The label reads ``PROC`` followed by a
+unique identifier in the first line and contains the source code location of the
+original ``always``-block in the 2nd line. Note how the multiplexer from the
+``?:``-expression is represented as a ``$mux`` cell but the multiplexer from the
+``if``-statement is yet still hidden within the process.
+The ``proc`` command transforms the process from the first diagram into a
+multiplexer and a d-type flip-flip, which brings us to the 2nd diagram.
+The Rhombus shape to the right is a dangling wire. (Wire nodes are only shown if
+they are dangling or have "public" names, for example names assigned from the
+Verilog input.) Also note that the design now contains two instances of a
+``BUF``-node. This are artefacts left behind by the ``proc``-command. It is
+quite usual to see such artefacts after calling commands that perform changes in
+the design, as most commands only care about doing the transformation in the
+least complicated way, not about cleaning up after them. The next call to
+``clean`` (or ``opt``, which includes ``clean`` as one of its operations) will
+clean up this artefacts. This operation is so common in Yosys scripts that it
+can simply be abbreviated with the ``;;`` token, which doubles as separator for
+commands. Unless one wants to specifically analyze this artefacts left behind
+some operations, it is therefore recommended to always call ``clean`` before
+calling ``show``.
+In this script we directly call ``opt`` as next step, which finally leads us to
+the 3rd diagram in :numref:`example_out`. Here we see that the ``opt`` command
+not only has removed the artifacts left behind by ``proc``, but also determined
+correctly that it can remove the first ``$mux`` cell without changing the
+behavior of the circuit.
+.. figure:: ../../images/011/splice.*
+ :class: width-helper
+ :name: splice_dia
+ Output of ``yosys -p 'proc; opt; show' splice.v``
+.. literalinclude:: ../../../manual/APPNOTE_011_Design_Investigation/splice.v
+ :caption: ``splice.v``
+ :name: splice_src
+.. figure:: ../../images/011/splitnets_libfile.*
+ :class: width-helper
+ :name: splitnets_libfile
+ Effects of ``splitnets`` command and of providing a cell library. (The
+ circuit is a half-adder built from simple CMOS gates.)
+Break-out boxes for signal vectors
+As has been indicated by the last example, Yosys is can manage signal vectors
+(aka. multi-bit wires or buses) as native objects. This provides great
+advantages when analyzing circuits that operate on wide integers. But it also
+introduces some additional complexity when the individual bits of of a signal
+vector are accessed. The example ``show`` in :numref:`splice_src` demonstrates
+how such circuits are visualized by the ``show`` command.
+The key elements in understanding this circuit diagram are of course the boxes
+with round corners and rows labeled ``<MSB_LEFT>:<LSB_LEFT> -
+<MSB_RIGHT>:<LSB_RIGHT>``. Each of this boxes has one signal per row on one side
+and a common signal for all rows on the other side. The ``<MSB>:<LSB>`` tuples
+specify which bits of the signals are broken out and connected. So the top row
+of the box connecting the signals ``a`` and ``x`` indicates that the bit 0 (i.e.
+the range 0:0) from signal ``a`` is connected to bit 1 (i.e. the range 1:1) of
+signal ``x``.
+Lines connecting such boxes together and lines connecting such boxes to
+cell ports have a slightly different look to emphasise that they are not
+actual signal wires but a necessity of the graphical representation.
+This distinction seems like a technicality, until one wants to debug a
+problem related to the way Yosys internally represents signal vectors,
+for example when writing custom Yosys commands.
+Gate level netlists
+Finally :numref:`splitnets_libfile` shows two common pitfalls when working with
+designs mapped to a cell library. The top figure has two problems: First Yosys
+did not have access to the cell library when this diagram was generated,
+resulting in all cell ports defaulting to being inputs. This is why all ports
+are drawn on the left side the cells are awkwardly arranged in a large column.
+Secondly the two-bit vector ``y`` requires breakout-boxes for its individual
+bits, resulting in an unnecessary complex diagram.
+For the 2nd diagram Yosys has been given a description of the cell library as
+Verilog file containing blackbox modules. There are two ways to load cell
+descriptions into Yosys: First the Verilog file for the cell library can be
+passed directly to the ``show`` command using the ``-lib <filename>`` option.
+Secondly it is possible to load cell libraries into the design with the
+``read_verilog -lib <filename>`` command. The 2nd method has the great advantage
+that the library only needs to be loaded once and can then be used in all
+subsequent calls to the ``show`` command.
+In addition to that, the 2nd diagram was generated after ``splitnet -ports`` was
+run on the design. This command splits all signal vectors into individual signal
+bits, which is often desirable when looking at gate-level circuits. The
+``-ports`` option is required to also split module ports. Per default the
+command only operates on interior signals.
+Miscellaneous notes
+Per default the ``show`` command outputs a temporary dot file and launches
+``xdot`` to display it. The options ``-format``, ``-viewer`` and ``-prefix`` can
+be used to change format, viewer and filename prefix. Note that the ``pdf`` and
+``ps`` format are the only formats that support plotting multiple modules in one
+In densely connected circuits it is sometimes hard to keep track of the
+individual signal wires. For this cases it can be useful to call ``show`` with
+the ``-colors <integer>`` argument, which randomly assigns colors to the nets.
+The integer (> 0) is used as seed value for the random color assignments.
+Sometimes it is necessary it try some values to find an assignment of colors
+that looks good.
+The command ``help show`` prints a complete listing of all options supported by
+the ``show`` command.
+.. _navigate:
+Navigating the design
+Plotting circuit diagrams for entire modules in the design brings us
+only helps in simple cases. For complex modules the generated circuit
+diagrams are just stupidly big and are no help at all. In such cases one
+first has to select the relevant portions of the circuit.
+In addition to *what* to display one also needs to carefully decide *when*
+to display it, with respect to the synthesis flow. In general it is a
+good idea to troubleshoot a circuit in the earliest state in which a
+problem can be reproduced. So if, for example, the internal state before
+calling the ``techmap`` command already fails to verify, it is better to
+troubleshoot the coarse-grain version of the circuit before ``techmap`` than
+the gate-level circuit after ``techmap``.
+.. Note:: It is generally recommended to verify the internal state of a
+ design by writing it to a Verilog file using ``write_verilog -noexpr``
+ and using the simulation models from ``simlib.v`` and ``simcells.v``
+ from the Yosys data directory (as printed by ``yosys-config --datdir``).
+Interactive navigation
+.. code-block:: none
+ :caption: Demonstration of ``ls`` and ``cd`` using ``example.v`` from :numref:`example_src`
+ :name: lscd
+ yosys> ls
+ 1 modules:
+ example
+ yosys> cd example
+ yosys [example]> ls
+ 7 wires:
+ $0\y[1:0]
+ $add$example.v:5$2_Y
+ a
+ b
+ c
+ clk
+ y
+ 3 cells:
+ $add$example.v:5$2
+ $procdff$7
+ $procmux$5
+.. code-block:: RTLIL
+ :caption: Output of ``dump \$2`` using the design from :numref:`example_src`
+ and :numref:`example_out`
+ :name: dump2
+ attribute \src "example.v:5"
+ cell $add $add$example.v:5$2
+ parameter \A_SIGNED 0
+ parameter \A_WIDTH 1
+ parameter \B_SIGNED 0
+ parameter \B_WIDTH 1
+ parameter \Y_WIDTH 2
+ connect \A \a
+ connect \B \b
+ connect \Y $add$example.v:5$2_Y
+ end
+Once the right state within the synthesis flow for debugging the circuit has
+been identified, it is recommended to simply add the ``shell`` command to the
+matching place in the synthesis script. This command will stop the synthesis at
+the specified moment and go to shell mode, where the user can interactively
+enter commands.
+For most cases, the shell will start with the whole design selected (i.e. when
+the synthesis script does not already narrow the selection). The command ``ls``
+can now be used to create a list of all modules. The command ``cd`` can be used
+to switch to one of the modules (type ``cd ..`` to switch back). Now the `ls`
+command lists the objects within that module. :numref:`lscd` demonstrates this
+using the design from :numref:`example_src`.
+There is a thing to note in :numref:`lscd`: We can see that the cell names from
+:numref:`example_out` are just abbreviations of the actual cell names, namely
+the part after the last dollar-sign. Most auto-generated names (the ones
+starting with a dollar sign) are rather long and contains some additional
+information on the origin of the named object. But in most cases those names can
+simply be abbreviated using the last part.
+Usually all interactive work is done with one module selected using the ``cd``
+command. But it is also possible to work from the design-context (``cd ..``). In
+this case all object names must be prefixed with ``<module_name>/``. For example
+``a*/b\*`` would refer to all objects whose names start with ``b`` from all
+modules whose names start with ``a``.
+The ``dump`` command can be used to print all information about an object. For
+example ``dump $2`` will print :numref:`dump2`. This can for example be useful
+to determine the names of nets connected to cells, as the net-names are usually
+suppressed in the circuit diagram if they are auto-generated.
+For the remainder of this document we will assume that the commands are
+run from module-context and not design-context.
+Working with selections
+.. figure:: ../../images/011/example_03.*
+ :class: width-helper
+ :name: seladd
+ Output of ``show`` after ``select $2`` or ``select t:$add`` (see also
+ :numref:`example_out`)
+When a module is selected using the ``cd`` command, all commands (with a few
+exceptions, such as the ``read_`` and ``write_`` commands) operate only on the
+selected module. This can also be useful for synthesis scripts where different
+synthesis strategies should be applied to different modules in the design.
+But for most interactive work we want to further narrow the set of
+selected objects. This can be done using the ``select`` command.
+For example, if the command ``select $2`` is executed, a subsequent ``show``
+command will yield the diagram shown in :numref:`seladd`. Note that the nets are
+now displayed in ellipses. This indicates that they are not selected, but only
+shown because the diagram contains a cell that is connected to the net. This of
+course makes no difference for the circuit that is shown, but it can be a useful
+information when manipulating selections.
+Objects can not only be selected by their name but also by other properties. For
+example ``select t:$add`` will select all cells of type ``$add``. In this case
+this is also yields the diagram shown in :numref:`seladd`.
+.. literalinclude:: ../../../manual/APPNOTE_011_Design_Investigation/foobaraddsub.v
+ :caption: Test module for operations on selections
+ :name: foobaraddsub
+ :language: verilog
+The output of ``help select`` contains a complete syntax reference for
+matching different properties.
+Many commands can operate on explicit selections. For example the command ``dump
+t:$add`` will print information on all ``$add`` cells in the active module.
+Whenever a command has ``[selection]`` as last argument in its usage help, this
+means that it will use the engine behind the ``select`` command to evaluate
+additional arguments and use the resulting selection instead of the selection
+created by the last ``select`` command.
+Normally the ``select`` command overwrites a previous selection. The commands
+``select -add`` and ``select -del`` can be used to add or remove objects from
+the current selection.
+The command ``select -clear`` can be used to reset the selection to the default,
+which is a complete selection of everything in the current module.
+Operations on selections
+.. literalinclude:: ../../../manual/APPNOTE_011_Design_Investigation/sumprod.v
+ :caption: Another test module for operations on selections
+ :name: sumprod
+ :language: verilog
+.. figure:: ../../images/011/sumprod_00.*
+ :class: width-helper
+ :name: sumprod_00
+ Output of ``show a:sumstuff`` on :numref:`sumprod`
+The ``select`` command is actually much more powerful than it might seem on the
+first glimpse. When it is called with multiple arguments, each argument is
+evaluated and pushed separately on a stack. After all arguments have been
+processed it simply creates the union of all elements on the stack. So the
+following command will select all ``$add`` cells and all objects with the
+``foo`` attribute set:
+.. code-block:: yoscrypt
+ select t:$add a:foo
+(Try this with the design shown in :numref:`foobaraddsub`. Use the ``select
+-list`` command to list the current selection.)
+In many cases simply adding more and more stuff to the selection is an
+ineffective way of selecting the interesting part of the design. Special
+arguments can be used to combine the elements on the stack. For example
+the ``%i`` arguments pops the last two elements from the stack, intersects
+them, and pushes the result back on the stack. So the following command
+will select all ``$add ``cells that have the ``foo`` attribute set:
+.. code-block:: yoscrypt
+ select t:$add a:foo %i
+The listing in :numref:`sumprod` uses the Yosys non-standard ``{... \*}`` syntax
+to set the attribute ``sumstuff`` on all cells generated by the first assign
+statement. (This works on arbitrary large blocks of Verilog code an can be used
+to mark portions of code for analysis.)
+Selecting ``a:sumstuff`` in this module will yield the circuit diagram shown in
+:numref:`sumprod_00`. As only the cells themselves are selected, but not the
+temporary wire ``$1_Y``, the two adders are shown as two disjunct parts. This
+can be very useful for global signals like clock and reset signals: just
+unselect them using a command such as ``select -del clk rst`` and each cell
+using them will get its own net label.
+In this case however we would like to see the cells connected properly. This can
+be achieved using the ``%x`` action, that broadens the selection, i.e. for each
+selected wire it selects all cells connected to the wire and vice versa. So
+``show a:sumstuff %x`` yields the diagram shown in :numref:`sumprod_01`.
+.. figure:: ../../images/011/sumprod_01.*
+ :class: width-helper
+ :name: sumprod_01
+ Output of ``show a:sumstuff %x`` on :numref:`sumprod`
+Selecting logic cones
+:numref:`sumprod_01` shows what is called the ``input cone`` of ``sum``, i.e.
+all cells and signals that are used to generate the signal ``sum``. The ``%ci``
+action can be used to select the input cones of all object in the top selection
+in the stack maintained by the ``select`` command.
+As the ``%x`` action, this commands broadens the selection by one "step".
+But this time the operation only works against the direction of data
+flow. That means, wires only select cells via output ports and cells
+only select wires via input ports.
+:numref:`select_prod` show the sequence of diagrams generated by the following
+.. code-block:: yoscrypt
+ show prod
+ show prod %ci
+ show prod %ci %ci
+ show prod %ci %ci %ci
+When selecting many levels of logic, repeating ``%ci`` over and over again can
+be a bit dull. So there is a shortcut for that: the number of iterations can be
+appended to the action. So for example the action ``%ci3`` is identical to
+performing the ``%ci`` action three times.
+The action ``%ci\*`` performs the ``%ci`` action over and over again until it
+has no effect anymore.
+.. figure:: ../../images/011/select_prod.*
+ :class: width-helper
+ :name: select_prod
+ Objects selected by ``select prod \%ci...``
+In most cases there are certain cell types and/or ports that should not be
+considered for the ``%ci`` action, or we only want to follow certain cell types
+and/or ports. This can be achieved using additional patterns that can be
+appended to the ``%ci`` action.
+Lets consider the design from :numref:`memdemo_src`. It serves no purpose other
+than being a non-trivial circuit for demonstrating some of the advanced Yosys
+features. We synthesize the circuit using ``proc; opt; memory; opt`` and change
+to the ``memdemo`` module with ``cd memdemo``. If we type ``show`` now we see
+the diagram shown in :numref:`memdemo_00`.
+.. literalinclude:: ../../../manual/APPNOTE_011_Design_Investigation/memdemo.v
+ :caption: Demo circuit for demonstrating some advanced Yosys features
+ :name: memdemo_src
+ :language: verilog
+.. figure:: ../../images/011/memdemo_00.*
+ :class: width-helper
+ :name: memdemo_00
+ Complete circuit diagram for the design shown in :numref:`memdemo_src`
+But maybe we are only interested in the tree of multiplexers that select the
+output value. In order to get there, we would start by just showing the output
+signal and its immediate predecessors:
+.. code-block:: yoscrypt
+ show y %ci2
+From this we would learn that ``y`` is driven by a ``$dff cell``, that ``y`` is
+connected to the output port ``Q``, that the ``clk`` signal goes into the
+``CLK`` input port of the cell, and that the data comes from a auto-generated
+wire into the input ``D`` of the flip-flop cell.
+As we are not interested in the clock signal we add an additional pattern to the
+``%ci`` action, that tells it to only follow ports ``Q`` and ``D`` of ``$dff``
+.. code-block:: yoscrypt
+ show y %ci2:+$dff[Q,D]
+To add a pattern we add a colon followed by the pattern to the ``%ci`` action.
+The pattern it self starts with ``-`` or ``+``, indicating if it is an include
+or exclude pattern, followed by an optional comma separated list of cell types,
+followed by an optional comma separated list of port names in square brackets.
+Since we know that the only cell considered in this case is a ``$dff`` cell,
+we could as well only specify the port names:
+.. code-block:: yoscrypt
+ show y %ci2:+[Q,D]
+Or we could decide to tell the ``%ci`` action to not follow the ``CLK`` input:
+.. code-block:: yoscrypt
+ show y %ci2:-[CLK]
+.. figure:: ../../images/011/memdemo_01.*
+ :class: width-helper
+ :name: memdemo_01
+ Output of ``show y \%ci2:+\$dff[Q,D] \%ci*:-\$mux[S]:-\$dff``
+Next we would investigate the next logic level by adding another ``%ci2`` to
+the command:
+.. code-block:: yoscrypt
+ show y %ci2:-[CLK] %ci2
+From this we would learn that the next cell is a ``$mux`` cell and we would
+add additional pattern to narrow the selection on the path we are
+interested. In the end we would end up with a command such as
+.. code-block:: yoscrypt
+ show y %ci2:+$dff[Q,D] %ci*:-$mux[S]:-$dff
+in which the first ``%ci`` jumps over the initial d-type flip-flop and the 2nd
+action selects the entire input cone without going over multiplexer select
+inputs and flip-flop cells. The diagram produces by this command is shown in
+Similar to ``%ci`` exists an action ``%co`` to select output cones that accepts
+the same syntax for pattern and repetition. The ``%x`` action mentioned
+previously also accepts this advanced syntax.
+This actions for traversing the circuit graph, combined with the actions for
+boolean operations such as intersection (``%i``) and difference (``%d``) are
+powerful tools for extracting the relevant portions of the circuit under
+See ``help select`` for a complete list of actions available in selections.
+Storing and recalling selections
+The current selection can be stored in memory with the command ``select -set
+<name>``. It can later be recalled using ``select @<name>``. In fact, the
+``@<name>`` expression pushes the stored selection on the stack maintained by
+the ``select`` command. So for example
+.. code-block:: yoscrypt
+ select @foo @bar %i
+will select the intersection between the stored selections ``foo`` and ``bar``.
+In larger investigation efforts it is highly recommended to maintain a
+script that sets up relevant selections, so they can easily be recalled,
+for example when Yosys needs to be re-run after a design or source code
+The ``history`` command can be used to list all recent interactive commands.
+This feature can be useful for creating such a script from the commands
+used in an interactive session.
+.. _poke:
+Advanced investigation techniques
+When working with very large modules, it is often not enough to just select the
+interesting part of the module. Instead it can be useful to extract the
+interesting part of the circuit into a separate module. This can for example be
+useful if one wants to run a series of synthesis commands on the critical part
+of the module and wants to carefully read all the debug output created by the
+commands in order to spot a problem. This kind of troubleshooting is much easier
+if the circuit under investigation is encapsulated in a separate module.
+:numref:`submod` shows how the ``submod`` command can be used to split the
+circuit from :numref:`memdemo_src` and :numref:`memdemo_00` into its components.
+The ``-name`` option is used to specify the name of the new module and also the
+name of the new cell in the current module.
+.. figure:: ../../images/011/submod_dots.*
+ :class: width-helper
+ :name: submod_dots
+.. code-block:: yoscrypt
+ :caption: The circuit from :numref:`memdemo_src` and :numref:`memdemo_00`
+ broken up using ``submod``
+ :name: submod
+ select -set outstage y %ci2:+$dff[Q,D] %ci*:-$mux[S]:-$dff
+ select -set selstage y %ci2:+$dff[Q,D] %ci*:-$dff @outstage %d
+ select -set scramble mem* %ci2 %ci*:-$dff mem* %d @selstage %d
+ submod -name scramble @scramble
+ submod -name outstage @outstage
+ submod -name selstage @selstage
+Evaluation of combinatorial circuits
+The ``eval`` command can be used to evaluate combinatorial circuits. For example
+(see :numref:`submod` for the circuit diagram of ``selstage``):
+ yosys [selstage]> eval -set s2,s1 4'b1001 -set d 4'hc -show n2 -show n1
+ 1. Executing EVAL pass (evaluate the circuit given an input).
+ Full command line: eval -set s2,s1 4'b1001 -set d 4'hc -show n2 -show n1
+ Eval result: \n2 = 2'10.
+ Eval result: \n1 = 2'10.
+So the ``-set`` option is used to set input values and the ``-show`` option is
+used to specify the nets to evaluate. If no ``-show`` option is specified, all
+selected output ports are used per default.
+If a necessary input value is not given, an error is produced. The option
+``-set-undef`` can be used to instead set all unspecified input nets to undef
+The ``-table`` option can be used to create a truth table. For example:
+ yosys [selstage]> eval -set-undef -set d[3:1] 0 -table s1,d[0]
+ 10. Executing EVAL pass (evaluate the circuit given an input).
+ Full command line: eval -set-undef -set d[3:1] 0 -table s1,d[0]
+ \s1 \d [0] | \n1 \n2
+ ---- ------ | ---- ----
+ 2'00 1'0 | 2'00 2'00
+ 2'00 1'1 | 2'xx 2'00
+ 2'01 1'0 | 2'00 2'00
+ 2'01 1'1 | 2'xx 2'01
+ 2'10 1'0 | 2'00 2'00
+ 2'10 1'1 | 2'xx 2'10
+ 2'11 1'0 | 2'00 2'00
+ 2'11 1'1 | 2'xx 2'11
+ Assumed undef (x) value for the following signals: \s2
+Note that the ``eval`` command (as well as the ``sat`` command discussed in the
+next sections) does only operate on flattened modules. It can not analyze
+signals that are passed through design hierarchy levels. So the ``flatten``
+command must be used on modules that instantiate other modules before this
+commands can be applied.
+Solving combinatorial SAT problems
+.. literalinclude:: ../../../manual/APPNOTE_011_Design_Investigation/primetest.v
+ :language: verilog
+ :caption: A simple miter circuit for testing if a number is prime. But it has
+ a problem (see main text and :numref:`primesat`).
+ :name: primetest
+.. code-block::
+ :caption: Experiments with the miter circuit from :numref:`primetest`.
+ The first attempt of proving that 31 is prime failed because the
+ SAT solver found a creative way of factorizing 31 using integer
+ overflow.
+ :name: primesat
+ yosys [primetest]> sat -prove ok 1 -set p 31
+ 8. Executing SAT pass (solving SAT problems in the circuit).
+ Full command line: sat -prove ok 1 -set p 31
+ Setting up SAT problem:
+ Import set-constraint: \p = 16'0000000000011111
+ Final constraint equation: \p = 16'0000000000011111
+ Imported 6 cells to SAT database.
+ Import proof-constraint: \ok = 1'1
+ Final proof equation: \ok = 1'1
+ Solving problem with 2790 variables and 8241 clauses..
+ SAT proof finished - model found: FAIL!
+ ______ ___ ___ _ _ _ _
+ (_____ \ / __) / __) (_) | | | |
+ _____) )___ ___ ___ _| |__ _| |__ _____ _| | _____ __| | |
+ | ____/ ___) _ \ / _ (_ __) (_ __|____ | | || ___ |/ _ |_|
+ | | | | | |_| | |_| || | | | / ___ | | || ____( (_| |_
+ |_| |_| \___/ \___/ |_| |_| \_____|_|\_)_____)\____|_|
+ Signal Name Dec Hex Bin
+ -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------------
+ \a 15029 3ab5 0011101010110101
+ \b 4099 1003 0001000000000011
+ \ok 0 0 0
+ \p 31 1f 0000000000011111
+ yosys [primetest]> sat -prove ok 1 -set p 31 -set a[15:8],b[15:8] 0
+ 9. Executing SAT pass (solving SAT problems in the circuit).
+ Full command line: sat -prove ok 1 -set p 31 -set a[15:8],b[15:8] 0
+ Setting up SAT problem:
+ Import set-constraint: \p = 16'0000000000011111
+ Import set-constraint: { \a [15:8] \b [15:8] } = 16'0000000000000000
+ Final constraint equation: { \a [15:8] \b [15:8] \p } = { 16'0000000000000000 16'0000000000011111 }
+ Imported 6 cells to SAT database.
+ Import proof-constraint: \ok = 1'1
+ Final proof equation: \ok = 1'1
+ Solving problem with 2790 variables and 8257 clauses..
+ SAT proof finished - no model found: SUCCESS!
+ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$
+ /$$__ $$ | $$_____/ | $$__ $$
+ | $$ \ $$ | $$ | $$ \ $$
+ | $$ | $$ | $$$$$ | $$ | $$
+ | $$ | $$ | $$__/ | $$ | $$
+ | $$/$$ $$ | $$ | $$ | $$
+ | $$$$$$/ /$$| $$$$$$$$ /$$| $$$$$$$//$$
+ \____ $$$|__/|________/|__/|_______/|__/
+ \__/
+Often the opposite of the ``eval`` command is needed, i.e. the circuits output
+is given and we want to find the matching input signals. For small circuits with
+only a few input bits this can be accomplished by trying all possible input
+combinations, as it is done by the ``eval -table`` command. For larger circuits
+however, Yosys provides the ``sat`` command that uses a `SAT`_ solver,
+`MiniSAT`_, to solve this kind of problems.
+.. _SAT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circuit_satisfiability
+.. _MiniSAT: http://minisat.se/
+The ``sat`` command works very similar to the ``eval`` command. The main
+difference is that it is now also possible to set output values and find the
+corresponding input values. For Example:
+ yosys [selstage]> sat -show s1,s2,d -set s1 s2 -set n2,n1 4'b1001
+ 11. Executing SAT pass (solving SAT problems in the circuit).
+ Full command line: sat -show s1,s2,d -set s1 s2 -set n2,n1 4'b1001
+ Setting up SAT problem:
+ Import set-constraint: \s1 = \s2
+ Import set-constraint: { \n2 \n1 } = 4'1001
+ Final constraint equation: { \n2 \n1 \s1 } = { 4'1001 \s2 }
+ Imported 3 cells to SAT database.
+ Import show expression: { \s1 \s2 \d }
+ Solving problem with 81 variables and 207 clauses..
+ SAT solving finished - model found:
+ Signal Name Dec Hex Bin
+ -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------
+ \d 9 9 1001
+ \s1 0 0 00
+ \s2 0 0 00
+Note that the ``sat`` command supports signal names in both arguments to the
+``-set`` option. In the above example we used ``-set s1 s2`` to constraint
+``s1`` and ``s2`` to be equal. When more complex constraints are needed, a
+wrapper circuit must be constructed that checks the constraints and signals if
+the constraint was met using an extra output port, which then can be forced to a
+value using the ``-set`` option. (Such a circuit that contains the circuit under
+test plus additional constraint checking circuitry is called a ``miter``
+:numref:`primetest` shows a miter circuit that is supposed to be used as a prime
+number test. If ``ok`` is 1 for all input values ``a`` and ``b`` for a given
+``p``, then ``p`` is prime, or at least that is the idea.
+The Yosys shell session shown in :numref:`primesat` demonstrates that SAT
+solvers can even find the unexpected solutions to a problem: Using integer
+overflow there actually is a way of "factorizing" 31. The clean solution would
+of course be to perform the test in 32 bits, for example by replacing ``p !=
+a*b`` in the miter with ``p != {16'd0,a}b``, or by using a temporary variable
+for the 32 bit product ``a*b``. But as 31 fits well into 8 bits (and as the
+purpose of this document is to show off Yosys features) we can also simply force
+the upper 8 bits of ``a`` and ``b`` to zero for the ``sat`` call, as is done in
+the second command in :numref:`primesat` (line 31).
+The ``-prove`` option used in this example works similar to ``-set``, but tries
+to find a case in which the two arguments are not equal. If such a case is not
+found, the property is proven to hold for all inputs that satisfy the other
+It might be worth noting, that SAT solvers are not particularly efficient at
+factorizing large numbers. But if a small factorization problem occurs as part
+of a larger circuit problem, the Yosys SAT solver is perfectly capable of
+solving it.
+Solving sequential SAT problems
+.. code-block::
+ :caption: Solving a sequential SAT problem in the ``memdemo`` module from :numref:`memdemo_src`.
+ :name: memdemo_sat
+ yosys [memdemo]> sat -seq 6 -show y -show d -set-init-undef \
+ -max_undef -set-at 4 y 1 -set-at 5 y 2 -set-at 6 y 3
+ 6. Executing SAT pass (solving SAT problems in the circuit).
+ Full command line: sat -seq 6 -show y -show d -set-init-undef
+ -max_undef -set-at 4 y 1 -set-at 5 y 2 -set-at 6 y 3
+ Setting up time step 1:
+ Final constraint equation: { } = { }
+ Imported 29 cells to SAT database.
+ Setting up time step 2:
+ Final constraint equation: { } = { }
+ Imported 29 cells to SAT database.
+ Setting up time step 3:
+ Final constraint equation: { } = { }
+ Imported 29 cells to SAT database.
+ Setting up time step 4:
+ Import set-constraint for timestep: \y = 4'0001
+ Final constraint equation: \y = 4'0001
+ Imported 29 cells to SAT database.
+ Setting up time step 5:
+ Import set-constraint for timestep: \y = 4'0010
+ Final constraint equation: \y = 4'0010
+ Imported 29 cells to SAT database.
+ Setting up time step 6:
+ Import set-constraint for timestep: \y = 4'0011
+ Final constraint equation: \y = 4'0011
+ Imported 29 cells to SAT database.
+ Setting up initial state:
+ Final constraint equation: { \y \s2 \s1 \mem[3] \mem[2] \mem[1]
+ \mem[0] } = 24'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+ Import show expression: \y
+ Import show expression: \d
+ Solving problem with 10322 variables and 27881 clauses..
+ SAT model found. maximizing number of undefs.
+ SAT solving finished - model found:
+ Time Signal Name Dec Hex Bin
+ ---- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------
+ init \mem[0] -- -- xxxx
+ init \mem[1] -- -- xxxx
+ init \mem[2] -- -- xxxx
+ init \mem[3] -- -- xxxx
+ init \s1 -- -- xx
+ init \s2 -- -- xx
+ init \y -- -- xxxx
+ ---- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------
+ 1 \d 0 0 0000
+ 1 \y -- -- xxxx
+ ---- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------
+ 2 \d 1 1 0001
+ 2 \y -- -- xxxx
+ ---- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------
+ 3 \d 2 2 0010
+ 3 \y 0 0 0000
+ ---- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------
+ 4 \d 3 3 0011
+ 4 \y 1 1 0001
+ ---- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------
+ 5 \d -- -- 001x
+ 5 \y 2 2 0010
+ ---- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------
+ 6 \d -- -- xxxx
+ 6 \y 3 3 0011
+The SAT solver functionality in Yosys can not only be used to solve
+combinatorial problems, but can also solve sequential problems. Let's consider
+the entire memdemo module from :numref:`memdemo_src` and suppose we want to know
+which sequence of input values for ``d`` will cause the output y to produce the
+sequence 1, 2, 3 from any initial state. :numref:`memdemo_sat` show the solution
+to this question, as produced by the following command:
+.. code-block:: yoscrypt
+ sat -seq 6 -show y -show d -set-init-undef \
+ -max_undef -set-at 4 y 1 -set-at 5 y 2 -set-at 6 y 3
+The ``-seq 6`` option instructs the ``sat`` command to solve a sequential
+problem in 6 time steps. (Experiments with lower number of steps have show that
+at least 3 cycles are necessary to bring the circuit in a state from which the
+sequence 1, 2, 3 can be produced.)
+The ``-set-init-undef`` option tells the ``sat`` command to initialize all
+registers to the undef (``x``) state. The way the ``x`` state is treated in
+Verilog will ensure that the solution will work for any initial state.
+The ``-max_undef`` option instructs the ``sat`` command to find a solution with
+a maximum number of undefs. This way we can see clearly which inputs bits are
+relevant to the solution.
+Finally the three ``-set-at`` options add constraints for the ``y`` signal to
+play the 1, 2, 3 sequence, starting with time step 4.
+It is not surprising that the solution sets ``d = 0`` in the first step, as this
+is the only way of setting the ``s1`` and ``s2`` registers to a known value. The
+input values for the other steps are a bit harder to work out manually, but the
+SAT solver finds the correct solution in an instant.
+There is much more to write about the ``sat`` command. For example, there is a
+set of options that can be used to performs sequential proofs using temporal
+induction :cite:p:`een2003temporal`. The command ``help sat`` can be used to
+print a list of all options with short descriptions of their functions.
+.. _conclusion:
+Yosys provides a wide range of functions to analyze and investigate
+designs. For many cases it is sufficient to simply display circuit
+diagrams, maybe use some additional commands to narrow the scope of the
+circuit diagrams to the interesting parts of the circuit. But some cases
+require more than that. For this applications Yosys provides commands
+that can be used to further inspect the behavior of the circuit, either
+by evaluating which output values are generated from certain input
+values (``eval``) or by evaluation which input values and initial conditions
+can result in a certain behavior at the outputs (``sat``). The SAT command
+can even be used to prove (or disprove) theorems regarding the circuit,
+in more advanced cases with the additional help of a miter circuit.
+This features can be powerful tools for the circuit designer using Yosys
+as a utility for building circuits and the software developer using
+Yosys as a framework for new algorithms alike.
diff --git a/docs/source/appendix/APPNOTE_012_Verilog_to_BTOR.rst b/docs/source/appendix/APPNOTE_012_Verilog_to_BTOR.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e9e44d1cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/appendix/APPNOTE_012_Verilog_to_BTOR.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+012: Converting Verilog to BTOR page
+Yosys written in C++ (using features from C++11) and is tested on modern Linux.
+It should compile fine on most UNIX systems with a C++11 compiler. The README
+file contains useful information on building Yosys and its prerequisites.
+Yosys is a large and feature-rich program with some dependencies. For this work,
+we may deactivate other extra features such as TCL and ABC support in the
+This Application Note is based on `Yosys GIT`_ `Rev. 082550f` from 2015-04-04.
+.. _Yosys GIT: https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys
+.. _Rev. 082550f: https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys/tree/082550f
+Quick start
+We assume that the Verilog design is synthesizable and we also assume that the
+design does not have multi-dimensional memories. As BTOR implicitly initializes
+registers to zero value and memories stay uninitialized, we assume that the
+Verilog design does not contain initial blocks. For more details about the BTOR
+format, please refer to :cite:p:`btor`.
+We provide a shell script ``verilog2btor.sh`` which can be used to convert a
+Verilog design to BTOR. The script can be found in the ``backends/btor``
+directory. The following example shows its usage:
+.. code:: sh
+ verilog2btor.sh fsm.v fsm.btor test
+The script ``verilog2btor.sh`` takes three parameters. In the above example, the
+first parameter ``fsm.v`` is the input design, the second parameter ``fsm.btor``
+is the file name of BTOR output, and the third parameter ``test`` is the name of
+top module in the design.
+To specify the properties (that need to be checked), we have two
+- We can use the Verilog ``assert`` statement in the procedural block or module
+ body of the Verilog design, as shown in :numref:`specifying_property_assert`.
+ This is the preferred option.
+- We can use a single-bit output wire, whose name starts with ``safety``. The
+ value of this output wire needs to be driven low when the property is met,
+ i.e. the solver will try to find a model that makes the safety pin go high.
+ This is demonstrated in :numref:`specifying_property_output`.
+.. code-block:: verilog
+ :caption: Specifying property in Verilog design with ``assert``
+ :name: specifying_property_assert
+ module test(input clk, input rst, output y);
+ reg [2:0] state;
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (rst || state == 3) begin
+ state <= 0;
+ end else begin
+ assert(state < 3);
+ state <= state + 1;
+ end
+ end
+ assign y = state[2];
+ assert property (y !== 1'b1);
+ endmodule
+.. code-block:: verilog
+ :caption: Specifying property in Verilog design with output wire
+ :name: specifying_property_output
+ module test(input clk, input rst,
+ output y, output safety1);
+ reg [2:0] state;
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (rst || state == 3)
+ state <= 0;
+ else
+ state <= state + 1;
+ end
+ assign y = state[2];
+ assign safety1 = !(y !== 1'b1);
+ endmodule
+We can run `Boolector`_ ``1.4.1`` [1]_ on the generated BTOR file:
+.. _Boolector: http://fmv.jku.at/boolector/
+.. code:: sh
+ $ boolector fsm.btor
+ unsat
+We can also use `nuXmv`_, but on BTOR designs it does not support memories yet.
+With the next release of nuXmv, we will be also able to verify designs with
+.. _nuXmv: https://es-static.fbk.eu/tools/nuxmv/index.php
+Detailed flow
+Yosys is able to synthesize Verilog designs up to the gate level. We are
+interested in keeping registers and memories when synthesizing the design. For
+this purpose, we describe a customized Yosys synthesis flow, that is also
+provided by the ``verilog2btor.sh`` script. :numref:`btor_script_memory` shows
+the Yosys commands that are executed by ``verilog2btor.sh``.
+.. code-block:: yoscrypt
+ :caption: Synthesis Flow for BTOR with memories
+ :name: btor_script_memory
+ read_verilog -sv $1;
+ hierarchy -top $3; hierarchy -libdir $DIR;
+ hierarchy -check;
+ proc; opt;
+ opt_expr -mux_undef; opt;
+ rename -hide;;;
+ splice; opt;
+ memory_dff -wr_only; memory_collect;;
+ flatten;;
+ memory_unpack;
+ splitnets -driver;
+ setundef -zero -undriven;
+ opt;;;
+ write_btor $2;
+Here is short description of what is happening in the script line by
+#. Reading the input file.
+#. Setting the top module in the hierarchy and trying to read automatically the
+ files which are given as ``include`` in the file read in first line.
+#. Checking the design hierarchy.
+#. Converting processes to multiplexers (muxs) and flip-flops.
+#. Removing undef signals from muxs.
+#. Hiding all signal names that are not used as module ports.
+#. Explicit type conversion, by introducing slice and concat cells in the
+ circuit.
+#. Converting write memories to synchronous memories, and collecting the
+ memories to multi-port memories.
+#. Flattening the design to get only one module.
+#. Separating read and write memories.
+#. Splitting the signals that are partially assigned
+#. Setting undef to zero value.
+#. Final optimization pass.
+#. Writing BTOR file.
+For detailed description of the commands mentioned above, please refer
+to the Yosys documentation, or run ``yosys -h <command_name>``.
+The script presented earlier can be easily modified to have a BTOR file that
+does not contain memories. This is done by removing the line number 8 and 10,
+and introduces a new command ``memory`` at line number 8.
+:numref:`btor_script_without_memory` shows the modified Yosys script file:
+.. code-block:: sh
+ :caption: Synthesis Flow for BTOR without memories
+ :name: btor_script_without_memory
+ read_verilog -sv $1;
+ hierarchy -top $3; hierarchy -libdir $DIR;
+ hierarchy -check;
+ proc; opt;
+ opt_expr -mux_undef; opt;
+ rename -hide;;;
+ splice; opt;
+ memory;;
+ flatten;;
+ splitnets -driver;
+ setundef -zero -undriven;
+ opt;;;
+ write_btor $2;
+Here is an example Verilog design that we want to convert to BTOR:
+.. code-block:: verilog
+ :caption: Example - Verilog Design
+ :name: example_verilog
+ module array(input clk);
+ reg [7:0] counter;
+ reg [7:0] mem [7:0];
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ counter <= counter + 8'd1;
+ mem[counter] <= counter;
+ end
+ assert property (!(counter > 8'd0) ||
+ mem[counter - 8'd1] == counter - 8'd1);
+ endmodule
+The generated BTOR file that contain memories, using the script shown in
+.. code-block::
+ :caption: Example - Converted BTOR with memory
+ :name: btor_memory
+ 1 var 1 clk
+ 2 array 8 3
+ 3 var 8 $auto$rename.cc:150:execute$20
+ 4 const 8 00000001
+ 5 sub 8 3 4
+ 6 slice 3 5 2 0
+ 7 read 8 2 6
+ 8 slice 3 3 2 0
+ 9 add 8 3 4
+ 10 const 8 00000000
+ 11 ugt 1 3 10
+ 12 not 1 11
+ 13 const 8 11111111
+ 14 slice 1 13 0 0
+ 15 one 1
+ 16 eq 1 1 15
+ 17 and 1 16 14
+ 18 write 8 3 2 8 3
+ 19 acond 8 3 17 18 2
+ 20 anext 8 3 2 19
+ 21 eq 1 7 5
+ 22 or 1 12 21
+ 23 const 1 1
+ 24 one 1
+ 25 eq 1 23 24
+ 26 cond 1 25 22 24
+ 27 root 1 -26
+ 28 cond 8 1 9 3
+ 29 next 8 3 28
+And the BTOR file obtained by the script shown in
+:numref:`btor_without_memory`, which expands the memory into individual
+.. code-block::
+ :caption: Example - Converted BTOR with memory
+ :name: btor_without_memory
+ 1 var 1 clk
+ 2 var 8 mem[0]
+ 3 var 8 $auto$rename.cc:150:execute$20
+ 4 slice 3 3 2 0
+ 5 slice 1 4 0 0
+ 6 not 1 5
+ 7 slice 1 4 1 1
+ 8 not 1 7
+ 9 slice 1 4 2 2
+ 10 not 1 9
+ 11 and 1 8 10
+ 12 and 1 6 11
+ 13 cond 8 12 3 2
+ 14 cond 8 1 13 2
+ 15 next 8 2 14
+ 16 const 8 00000001
+ 17 add 8 3 16
+ 18 const 8 00000000
+ 19 ugt 1 3 18
+ 20 not 1 19
+ 21 var 8 mem[2]
+ 22 and 1 7 10
+ 23 and 1 6 22
+ 24 cond 8 23 3 21
+ 25 cond 8 1 24 21
+ 26 next 8 21 25
+ 27 sub 8 3 16
+ ...
+ 54 cond 1 53 50 52
+ 55 root 1 -54
+ ...
+ 77 cond 8 76 3 44
+ 78 cond 8 1 77 44
+ 79 next 8 44 78
+BTOR does not support initialization of memories and registers, i.e. they are
+implicitly initialized to value zero, so the initial block for memories need to
+be removed when converting to BTOR. It should also be kept in consideration that
+BTOR does not support the ``x`` or ``z`` values of Verilog.
+Another thing to bear in mind is that Yosys will convert multi-dimensional
+memories to one-dimensional memories and address decoders. Therefore
+out-of-bounds memory accesses can yield unexpected results.
+Using the described flow, we can use Yosys to generate word-level verification
+benchmarks with or without memories from Verilog designs.
+.. [1]
+ Newer version of Boolector do not support sequential models.
+ Boolector 1.4.1 can be built with picosat-951. Newer versions of
+ picosat have an incompatible API.
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+Auxiliary libraries
+The Yosys source distribution contains some auxiliary libraries that are bundled
+with Yosys.
+The files in ``libs/sha1/`` provide a public domain SHA1 implementation written
+by Steve Reid, Bruce Guenter, and Volker Grabsch. It is used for generating
+unique names when specializing parameterized modules.
+The files in ``libs/bigint/`` provide a library for performing arithmetic with
+arbitrary length integers. It is written by Matt McCutchen.
+The BigInt library is used for evaluating constant expressions, e.g. using the
+ConstEval class provided in kernel/consteval.h.
+See also: http://mattmccutchen.net/bigint/
+.. _sec:SubCircuit:
+The files in ``libs/subcircuit`` provide a library for solving the subcircuit
+isomorphism problem. It is written by C. Wolf and based on the Ullmann Subgraph
+Isomorphism Algorithm :cite:p:`UllmannSubgraphIsomorphism`. It is used by the
+extract pass (see :doc:`../cmd/extract`).
+The files in ``libs/ezsat`` provide a library for simplifying generating CNF
+formulas for SAT solvers. It also contains bindings of MiniSAT. The ezSAT
+library is written by C. Wolf. It is used by the sat pass (see
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+Auxiliary programs
+Besides the main yosys executable, the Yosys distribution contains a set of
+additional helper programs.
+The yosys-config tool (an auto-generated shell-script) can be used to query
+compiler options and other information needed for building loadable modules for
+Yosys. See Sec. \ :numref:`chapter:prog` for details.
+.. _sec:filterlib:
+The yosys-filterlib tool is a small utility that can be used to strip or extract
+information from a Liberty file. See :numref:`Sec. %s <sec:techmap_extern>` for
+This is a fork of ABC with a small set of custom modifications that have not yet
+been accepted upstream. Not all versions of Yosys work with all versions of ABC.
+So Yosys comes with its own yosys-abc to avoid compatibility issues between the
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+.. _chapter:sota:
+Evaluation of other OSS Verilog Synthesis Tools
+In this appendix [1]_ the existing FOSS Verilog synthesis tools [2]_ are
+evaluated. Extremely limited or application specific tools (e.g. pure
+Verilog Netlist parsers) as well as Verilog simulators are not included.
+These existing solutions are tested using a set of representative
+Verilog code snippets. It is shown that no existing FOSS tool implements
+even close to a sufficient subset of Verilog to be usable as synthesis
+tool for a wide range existing Verilog code.
+The packages evaluated are:
+- Icarus Verilog [3]_
+- Verilog-to-Routing (VTR) / Odin-II
+ :cite:p:`vtr2012}`:raw-latex:`\cite{Odin`
+- HDL Analyzer and Netlist Architect (HANA)
+- Verilog front-end to VIS (vl2mv) :cite:p:`Cheng93vl2mv:a`
+In each of the following sections Verilog modules that test a certain
+Verilog language feature are presented and the support for these
+features is tested in all the tools mentioned above. It is evaluated
+whether the tools under test successfully generate netlists for the
+Verilog input and whether these netlists match the simulation behavior
+of the designs using testbenches.
+All test cases are verified to be synthesizeable using Xilinx XST from
+the Xilinx WebPACK suite.
+Trivial features such as support for simple structural Verilog are not
+explicitly tested.
+Vl2mv and Odin-II generate output in the BLIF (Berkeley Logic
+Interchange Format) and BLIF-MV (an extended version of BLIF) formats
+respectively. ABC is used to convert this output to Verilog for
+verification using testbenches.
+Icarus Verilog generates EDIF (Electronic Design Interchange Format)
+output utilizing LPM (Library of Parameterized Modules) cells. The EDIF
+files are converted to Verilog using edif2ngd and netgen from Xilinx
+WebPACK. A hand-written implementation of the LPM cells utilized by the
+generated netlists is used for verification.
+Following these functional tests, a quick analysis of the extensibility
+of the tools under test is provided in a separate section.
+The last section of this chapter finally concludes these series of
+evaluations with a summary of the results.
+.. code:: verilog
+ :number-lines:
+ module uut_always01(clock,
+ reset, count);
+ input clock, reset;
+ output [3:0] count;
+ reg [3:0] count;
+ always @(posedge clock)
+ count <= reset ?
+ 0 : count + 1;
+ endmodule
+.. code:: verilog
+ module uut_always02(clock,
+ reset, count);
+ input clock, reset;
+ output [3:0] count;
+ reg [3:0] count;
+ always @(posedge clock) begin
+ count <= count + 1;
+ if (reset)
+ count <= 0;
+ end
+ endmodule
+.. code:: verilog
+ :number-lines:
+ module uut_always03(clock, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7,
+ out1, out2, out3);
+ input clock, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7;
+ output out1, out2, out3;
+ reg out1, out2, out3;
+ always @(posedge clock) begin
+ out1 = in1;
+ if (in2)
+ out1 = !out1;
+ out2 <= out1;
+ if (in3)
+ out2 <= out2;
+ if (in4)
+ if (in5)
+ out3 <= in6;
+ else
+ out3 <= in7;
+ out1 = out1 ^ out2;
+ end
+ endmodule
+.. _sec:blocking_nonblocking:
+Always blocks and blocking vs. nonblocking assignments
+The "always"-block is one of the most fundamental non-trivial Verilog
+language features. It can be used to model a combinatorial path (with
+optional registers on the outputs) in a way that mimics a regular
+programming language.
+Within an always block, if- and case-statements can be used to model
+multiplexers. Blocking assignments (:math:`=`) and nonblocking
+assignments (:math:`<=`) are used to populate the leaf-nodes of these
+multiplexer trees. Unassigned leaf-nodes default to feedback paths that
+cause the output register to hold the previous value. More advanced
+synthesis tools often convert these feedback paths to register enable
+signals or even generate circuits with clock gating.
+Registers assigned with nonblocking assignments (:math:`<=`) behave
+differently from variables in regular programming languages: In a
+simulation they are not updated immediately after being assigned.
+Instead the right-hand sides are evaluated and the results stored in
+temporary memory locations. After all pending updates have been prepared
+in this way they are executed, thus yielding semi-parallel execution of
+all nonblocking assignments.
+For synthesis this means that every occurrence of that register in an
+expression addresses the output port of the corresponding register
+regardless of the question whether the register has been assigned a new
+value in an earlier command in the same always block. Therefore with
+nonblocking assignments the order of the assignments has no effect on
+the resulting circuit as long as the left-hand sides of the assignments
+are unique.
+The three example codes in
+:numref:`Fig. %s <fig:StateOfTheArt_always12>`
+and :numref:`Fig. %s <fig:StateOfTheArt_always3>`
+use all these features and can thus be used to test the synthesis tools
+capabilities to synthesize always blocks correctly.
+The first example is only using the most fundamental Verilog features.
+All tools under test were able to successfully synthesize this design.
+.. code:: verilog
+ :number-lines:
+ module uut_arrays01(clock, we, addr, wr_data, rd_data);
+ input clock, we;
+ input [3:0] addr, wr_data;
+ output [3:0] rd_data;
+ reg [3:0] rd_data;
+ reg [3:0] memory [15:0];
+ always @(posedge clock) begin
+ if (we)
+ memory[addr] <= wr_data;
+ rd_data <= memory[addr];
+ end
+ endmodule
+The 2nd example is functionally identical to the 1st one but is using an
+if-statement inside the always block. Odin-II fails to synthesize it and
+instead produces the following error message:
+ ERROR: (File: always02.v) (Line number: 13)
+ You've defined the driver "count~0" twice
+Vl2mv does not produce an error message but outputs an invalid synthesis
+result that is not using the reset input at all.
+Icarus Verilog also doesn't produce an error message but generates an
+invalid output for this 2nd example. The code generated by Icarus
+Verilog only implements the reset path for the count register,
+effectively setting the output to constant 0.
+So of all tools under test only HANA was able to create correct
+synthesis results for the 2nd example.
+The 3rd example is using blocking and nonblocking assignments and many
+if statements. Odin also fails to synthesize this example:
+ ERROR: (File: always03.v) (Line number: 8)
+ ODIN doesn't handle blocking statements in Sequential blocks
+HANA, Icarus Verilog and vl2mv create invalid synthesis results for the
+3rd example.
+So unfortunately none of the tools under test provide a complete and
+correct implementation of blocking and nonblocking assignments.
+Arrays for memory modelling
+Verilog arrays are part of the synthesizeable subset of Verilog and are
+commonly used to model addressable memory. The Verilog code in
+:numref:`Fig. %s <fig:StateOfTheArt_arrays>`
+demonstrates this by implementing a single port memory.
+For this design HANA, vl2m and ODIN-II generate error messages
+indicating that arrays are not supported.
+.. code:: verilog
+ :number-lines:
+ module uut_forgen01(a, y);
+ input [4:0] a;
+ output y;
+ integer i, j;
+ reg [31:0] lut;
+ initial begin
+ for (i = 0; i < 32; i = i+1) begin
+ lut[i] = i > 1;
+ for (j = 2; j*j <= i; j = j+1)
+ if (i % j == 0)
+ lut[i] = 0;
+ end
+ end
+ assign y = lut[a];
+ endmodule
+Icarus Verilog produces an invalid output that is using the address only
+for reads. Instead of using the address input for writes, the generated
+design simply loads the data to all memory locations whenever the
+write-enable input is active, effectively turning the design into a
+single 4-bit D-Flip-Flop with enable input.
+As all tools under test already fail this simple test, there is nothing
+to gain by continuing tests on this aspect of Verilog synthesis such as
+synthesis of dual port memories, correct handling of write collisions,
+and so forth.
+.. code:: verilog
+ :number-lines:
+ module uut_forgen02(a, b, cin, y, cout);
+ parameter WIDTH = 8;
+ input [WIDTH-1:0] a, b;
+ input cin;
+ output [WIDTH-1:0] y;
+ output cout;
+ genvar i;
+ wire [WIDTH-1:0] carry;
+ generate
+ for (i = 0; i < WIDTH; i=i+1) begin:adder
+ wire [2:0] D;
+ assign D[1:0] = { a[i], b[i] };
+ if (i == 0) begin:chain
+ assign D[2] = cin;
+ end else begin:chain
+ assign D[2] = carry[i-1];
+ end
+ assign y[i] = ^D;
+ assign carry[i] = &D[1:0] | (^D[1:0] & D[2]);
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ assign cout = carry[WIDTH-1];
+ endmodule
+For-loops and generate blocks
+For-loops and generate blocks are more advanced Verilog features. These
+features allow the circuit designer to add program code to her design
+that is evaluated during synthesis to generate (parts of) the circuits
+description; something that could only be done using a code generator
+For-loops are only allowed in synthesizeable Verilog if they can be
+completely unrolled. Then they can be a powerful tool to generate array
+logic or static lookup tables. The code in
+:numref:`Fig. %s <fig:StateOfTheArt_for>` generates a
+circuit that tests a 5 bit value for being a prime number using a static
+lookup table.
+Generate blocks can be used to model array logic in complex parametric
+designs. The code in
+:numref:`Fig. %s <fig:StateOfTheArt_gen>` implements a
+ripple-carry adder with parametric width from simple assign-statements
+and logic operations using a Verilog generate block.
+All tools under test failed to synthesize both test cases. HANA creates
+invalid output in both cases. Icarus Verilog creates invalid output for
+the first test and fails with an error for the second case. The other
+two tools fail with error messages for both tests.
+This section briefly discusses the extensibility of the tools under test
+and their internal data- and control-flow. As all tools under test
+already failed to synthesize simple Verilog always-blocks correctly, not
+much resources have been spent on evaluating the extensibility of these
+tools and therefore only a very brief discussion of the topic is
+provided here.
+HANA synthesizes for a built-in library of standard cells using two
+passes over an AST representation of the Verilog input. This approach
+executes fast but limits the extensibility as everything happens in only
+two comparable complex AST walks and there is no universal intermediate
+representation that is flexible enough to be used in arbitrary
+Odin-II and vl2m are both front ends to existing synthesis flows. As
+such they only try to quickly convert the Verilog input into the
+internal representation of their respective flows (BLIF). So
+extensibility is less of an issue here as potential extensions would
+likely be implemented in other components of the flow.
+Icarus Verilog is clearly designed to be a simulation tool rather than a
+synthesis tool. The synthesis part of Icarus Verilog is an ad-hoc add-on
+to Icarus Verilog that aims at converting an internal representation
+that is meant for generation of a virtual machine based simulation code
+to netlists.
+Summary and Outlook
+Table \ :numref:`tab:StateOfTheArt_sum` summarizes
+the tests performed. Clearly none of the tools under test make a serious
+attempt at providing a feature-complete implementation of Verilog. It
+can be argued that Odin-II performed best in the test as it never
+generated incorrect code but instead produced error messages indicating
+that unsupported Verilog features where used in the Verilog input.
+In conclusion, to the best knowledge of the author, there is no FOSS
+Verilog synthesis tool other than Yosys that is anywhere near feature
+completeness and therefore there is no other candidate for a generic
+Verilog front end and/or synthesis framework to be used as a basis for
+custom synthesis tools.
+Yosys could also replace vl2m and/or Odin-II in their respective flows
+or function as a pre-compiler that can translate full-featured Verilog
+code to the simple subset of Verilog that is understood by vl2m and
+Yosys is designed for extensibility. It can be used as-is to synthesize
+Verilog code to netlists, but its main purpose is to be used as basis
+for custom tools. Yosys is structured in a language dependent Verilog
+front end and language independent synthesis code (which is in itself
+structured in independent passes). This architecture will simplify
+implementing additional HDL front ends and/or additional synthesis
+Chapter \ :numref:`<CHAPTER_eval>` contains a more detailed
+evaluation of Yosys using real-world designs that are far out of reach
+for any of the other tools discussed in this appendix.
+…passed 2em …produced error 2em :math:`\skull` …incorrect output
+.. [1]
+ This appendix is an updated version of an unpublished student
+ research paper. :cite:p:`VerilogFossEval`
+.. [2]
+ To the author's best knowledge, all relevant tools that existed at
+ the time of this writing are included. But as there is no formal
+ channel through which such tools are published it is hard to give any
+ guarantees in that matter.
+.. [3]
+ Icarus Verilog is mainly a simulation tool but also supported
+ synthesis up to version 0.8. Therefore version 0.8.7 is used for this
+ evaluation.)
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+.. _chapter:textrtlil:
+RTLIL text representation
+This appendix documents the text representation of RTLIL in extended Backus-Naur
+form (EBNF).
+The grammar is not meant to represent semantic limitations. That is, the grammar
+is "permissive", and later stages of processing perform more rigorous checks.
+The grammar is also not meant to represent the exact grammar used in the RTLIL
+frontend, since that grammar is specific to processing by lex and yacc, is even
+more permissive, and is somewhat less understandable than simple EBNF notation.
+Finally, note that all statements (rules ending in ``-stmt``) terminate in an
+end-of-line. Because of this, a statement cannot be broken into multiple lines.
+Lexical elements
+An RTLIL file is a stream of bytes. Strictly speaking, a "character" in an RTLIL
+file is a single byte. The lexer treats multi-byte encoded characters as
+consecutive single-byte characters. While other encodings *may* work, UTF-8 is
+known to be safe to use. Byte order marks at the beginning of the file will
+cause an error.
+ASCII spaces (32) and tabs (9) separate lexer tokens.
+A ``nonws`` character, used in identifiers, is any character whose encoding
+consists solely of bytes above ASCII space (32).
+An ``eol`` is one or more consecutive ASCII newlines (10) and carriage returns
+There are two types of identifiers in RTLIL:
+- Publically visible identifiers
+- Auto-generated identifiers
+.. code:: BNF
+ <id> ::= <public-id> | <autogen-id>
+ <public-id> ::= \ <nonws>+
+ <autogen-id> ::= $ <nonws>+
+A *value* consists of a width in bits and a bit representation, most
+significant bit first. Bits may be any of:
+- ``0``: A logic zero value
+- ``1``: A logic one value
+- ``x``: An unknown logic value (or don't care in case patterns)
+- ``z``: A high-impedance value (or don't care in case patterns)
+- ``m``: A marked bit (internal use only)
+- ``-``: A don't care value
+An *integer* is simply a signed integer value in decimal format. **Warning:**
+Integer constants are limited to 32 bits. That is, they may only be in the range
+:math:`[-2147483648, 2147483648)`. Integers outside this range will result in an
+.. code:: BNF
+ <value> ::= <decimal-digit>+ ' <binary-digit>*
+ <decimal-digit> ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
+ <binary-digit> ::= 0 | 1 | x | z | m | -
+ <integer> ::= -? <decimal-digit>+
+A string is a series of characters delimited by double-quote characters. Within
+a string, any character except ASCII NUL (0) may be used. In addition, certain
+escapes can be used:
+- ``\n``: A newline
+- ``\t``: A tab
+- ``\ooo``: A character specified as a one, two, or three digit octal value
+All other characters may be escaped by a backslash, and become the following
+character. Thus:
+- ``\\``: A backslash
+- ``\"``: A double-quote
+- ``\r``: An 'r' character
+A comment starts with a ``#`` character and proceeds to the end of the line. All
+comments are ignored.
+A file consists of an optional autoindex statement followed by zero or more
+.. code:: BNF
+ <file> ::= <autoidx-stmt>? <module>*
+Autoindex statements
+The autoindex statement sets the global autoindex value used by Yosys when it
+needs to generate a unique name, e.g. ``flattenN``. The N part is filled with
+the value of the global autoindex value, which is subsequently incremented. This
+global has to be dumped into RTLIL, otherwise e.g. dumping and running a pass
+would have different properties than just running a pass on a warm design.
+.. code:: BNF
+ <autoidx-stmt> ::= autoidx <integer> <eol>
+Declares a module, with zero or more attributes, consisting of zero or more
+wires, memories, cells, processes, and connections.
+.. code:: BNF
+ <module> ::= <attr-stmt>* <module-stmt> <module-body> <module-end-stmt>
+ <module-stmt> ::= module <id> <eol>
+ <module-body> ::= (<param-stmt>
+ | <wire>
+ | <memory>
+ | <cell>
+ | <process>)*
+ <param-stmt> ::= parameter <id> <constant>? <eol>
+ <constant> ::= <value> | <integer> | <string>
+ <module-end-stmt> ::= end <eol>
+Attribute statements
+Declares an attribute with the given identifier and value.
+.. code:: BNF
+ <attr-stmt> ::= attribute <id> <constant> <eol>
+Signal specifications
+A signal is anything that can be applied to a cell port, i.e. a constant value,
+all bits or a selection of bits from a wire, or concatenations of those.
+**Warning:** When an integer constant is a sigspec, it is always 32 bits wide,
+2's complement. For example, a constant of :math:`-1` is the same as
+``32'11111111111111111111111111111111``, while a constant of :math:`1` is the
+same as ``32'1``.
+See :numref:`Sec. %s <sec:rtlil_sigspec>` for an overview of signal
+.. code:: BNF
+ <sigspec> ::= <constant>
+ | <wire-id>
+ | <sigspec> [ <integer> (:<integer>)? ]
+ | { <sigspec>* }
+Declares a connection between the given signals.
+.. code:: BNF
+ <conn-stmt> ::= connect <sigspec> <sigspec> <eol>
+Declares a wire, with zero or more attributes, with the given identifier and
+options in the enclosing module.
+See :numref:`Sec. %s <sec:rtlil_cell_wire>` for an overview of wires.
+.. code:: BNF
+ <wire> ::= <attr-stmt>* <wire-stmt>
+ <wire-stmt> ::= wire <wire-option>* <wire-id> <eol>
+ <wire-id> ::= <id>
+ <wire-option> ::= width <integer>
+ | offset <integer>
+ | input <integer>
+ | output <integer>
+ | inout <integer>
+ | upto
+ | signed
+Declares a memory, with zero or more attributes, with the given identifier and
+options in the enclosing module.
+See :numref:`Sec. %s <sec:rtlil_memory>` for an overview of memory cells, and
+:numref:`Sec. %s <sec:memcells>` for details about memory cell types.
+.. code:: BNF
+ <memory> ::= <attr-stmt>* <memory-stmt>
+ <memory-stmt> ::= memory <memory-option>* <id> <eol>
+ <memory-option> ::= width <integer>
+ | size <integer>
+ | offset <integer>
+Declares a cell, with zero or more attributes, with the given identifier and
+type in the enclosing module.
+Cells perform functions on input signals. See :numref:`Chap. %s
+<chapter:celllib>` for a detailed list of cell types.
+.. code:: BNF
+ <cell> ::= <attr-stmt>* <cell-stmt> <cell-body-stmt>* <cell-end-stmt>
+ <cell-stmt> ::= cell <cell-type> <cell-id> <eol>
+ <cell-id> ::= <id>
+ <cell-type> ::= <id>
+ <cell-body-stmt> ::= parameter (signed | real)? <id> <constant> <eol>
+ | connect <id> <sigspec> <eol>
+ <cell-end-stmt> ::= end <eol>
+Declares a process, with zero or more attributes, with the given identifier in
+the enclosing module. The body of a process consists of zero or more
+assignments, exactly one switch, and zero or more syncs.
+See :numref:`Sec. %s <sec:rtlil_process>` for an overview of processes.
+.. code:: BNF
+ <process> ::= <attr-stmt>* <proc-stmt> <process-body> <proc-end-stmt>
+ <proc-stmt> ::= process <id> <eol>
+ <process-body> ::= <assign-stmt>* <switch>? <assign-stmt>* <sync>*
+ <assign-stmt> ::= assign <dest-sigspec> <src-sigspec> <eol>
+ <dest-sigspec> ::= <sigspec>
+ <src-sigspec> ::= <sigspec>
+ <proc-end-stmt> ::= end <eol>
+Switches test a signal for equality against a list of cases. Each case specifies
+a comma-separated list of signals to check against. If there are no signals in
+the list, then the case is the default case. The body of a case consists of zero
+or more switches and assignments. Both switches and cases may have zero or more
+.. code:: BNF
+ <switch> ::= <switch-stmt> <case>* <switch-end-stmt>
+ <switch-stmt> := <attr-stmt>* switch <sigspec> <eol>
+ <case> ::= <attr-stmt>* <case-stmt> <case-body>
+ <case-stmt> ::= case <compare>? <eol>
+ <compare> ::= <sigspec> (, <sigspec>)*
+ <case-body> ::= (<switch> | <assign-stmt>)*
+ <switch-end-stmt> ::= end <eol>
+Syncs update signals with other signals when an event happens. Such an event may
+- An edge or level on a signal
+- Global clock ticks
+- Initialization
+- Always
+.. code:: BNF
+ <sync> ::= <sync-stmt> <update-stmt>*
+ <sync-stmt> ::= sync <sync-type> <sigspec> <eol>
+ | sync global <eol>
+ | sync init <eol>
+ | sync always <eol>
+ <sync-type> ::= low | high | posedge | negedge | edge
+ <update-stmt> ::= update <dest-sigspec> <src-sigspec> <eol>
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+.. only:: html
+ Literature references
+ =====================
+ .. rubric:: Bibliography
+.. bibliography:: literature.bib
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4b9dc91f3
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+++ b/docs/source/cmd_ref.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+.. _cmd_ref:
+Command line reference
+.. toctree::
+ :caption: Command reference
+ :maxdepth: 1
+ :glob:
+ cmd/*
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+#!/usr/bin/env python3
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+import os
+project = 'YosysHQ Yosys'
+author = 'YosysHQ GmbH'
+copyright ='2022 YosysHQ GmbH'
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+ 'external_links' : [
+ ('YosysHQ Docs', 'https://yosyshq.readthedocs.io'),
+ ('Blog', 'https://blog.yosyshq.com'),
+ ('Website', 'https://www.yosyshq.com'),
+ ],
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+bibtex_bibfiles = ['literature.bib']
+# unused docs
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+ "CHAPTER_Eval.rst",
+ "appendix/CHAPTER_StateOfTheArt.rst"
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+ 'preamble': r'''
+def setup(sphinx):
+ sys.path += [os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../util"]
+ from RtlilLexer import RtlilLexer
+ sphinx.add_lexer("RTLIL", RtlilLexer)
+ from YoscryptLexer import YoscryptLexer
+ sphinx.add_lexer("yoscrypt", YoscryptLexer) \ No newline at end of file
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+ Most of today's digital design is done in HDL code (mostly Verilog or
+ VHDL) and with the help of HDL synthesis tools.
+ In special cases such as synthesis for coarse-grain cell libraries or
+ when testing new synthesis algorithms it might be necessary to write a
+ custom HDL synthesis tool or add new features to an existing one. In
+ these cases the availability of a Free and Open Source (FOSS) synthesis
+ tool that can be used as basis for custom tools would be helpful.
+ In the absence of such a tool, the Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite (Yosys)
+ was developed. This document covers the design and implementation of
+ this tool. At the moment the main focus of Yosys lies on the high-level
+ aspects of digital synthesis. The pre-existing FOSS logic-synthesis tool
+ ABC is used by Yosys to perform advanced gate-level optimizations.
+ An evaluation of Yosys based on real-world designs is included. It is
+ shown that Yosys can be used as-is to synthesize such designs. The
+ results produced by Yosys in this tests where successfully verified
+ using formal verification and are comparable in quality to the results
+ produced by a commercial synthesis tool.
+ This document was originally published as bachelor thesis at the Vienna
+ University of Technology :cite:p:`BACC`.
+Yosys manual
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ :caption: Manual
+ :numbered:
+ CHAPTER_Basics.rst
+ CHAPTER_Approach.rst
+ CHAPTER_Overview.rst
+ CHAPTER_CellLib.rst
+ CHAPTER_Prog.rst
+ CHAPTER_Verilog.rst
+ CHAPTER_Optimize.rst
+ CHAPTER_Techmap.rst
+ CHAPTER_Eval.rst
+.. raw:: latex
+ \appendix
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ :includehidden:
+ :caption: Appendix
+ appendix/CHAPTER_Auxlibs.rst
+ appendix/CHAPTER_Auxprogs.rst
+ appendix/CHAPTER_TextRtlil.rst
+ appendix/APPNOTE_010_Verilog_to_BLIF.rst
+ appendix/APPNOTE_011_Design_Investigation.rst
+ appendix/APPNOTE_012_Verilog_to_BTOR.rst
+ appendix/CHAPTER_StateOfTheArt.rst
+ bib
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 1
+ :includehidden:
+ cmd_ref
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new file mode 100644
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+ title={Example-driven interconnect synthesis for heterogeneous coarse-grain reconfigurable logic},
+ author={C. Wolf and Johann Glaser and Florian Schupfer and Jan Haase and Christoph Grimm},
+ booktitle={FDL Proceeding of the 2012 Forum on Specification and Design Languages},
+ pages={194--201},
+ year={2012}
+ title={Methodology and Example-Driven Interconnect Synthesis for Designing Heterogeneous Coarse-Grain Reconfigurable Architectures},
+ author={Johann Glaser and C. Wolf},
+ booktitle={Advances in Models, Methods, and Tools for Complex Chip Design --- Selected contributions from FDL'12},
+ editor={Jan Haase},
+ publisher={Springer},
+ year={2013},
+ note={to appear}
+ author = {C. Wolf},
+ title = {Design and Implementation of the Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite},
+ note = {Bachelor Thesis, Vienna University of Technology},
+ year = {2013}
+ author = {C. Wolf},
+ title = {Evaluation of Open Source Verilog Synthesis Tools for Feature-Completeness and Extensibility},
+ note = {Unpublished Student Research Paper, Vienna University of Technology},
+ year = {2012}
+ title={A High-Level Design Language for Programmable Logic Devices},
+ author={Kyu Y. Lee and Michael Holley and Mary Bailey and Walter Bright},
+ journal={VLSI Design (Manhasset NY: CPM Publications)},
+ year={June 1985},
+ pages={50-62}
+ author = {S-T Cheng and G York and R K Brayton},
+ title = {VL2MV: A Compiler from Verilog to BLIF-MV},
+ year = {1993}
+ author = {Peter Jamieson and Jonathan Rose},
+ year = {2005}
+ title={The VTR Project: Architecture and CAD for FPGAs from Verilog to Routing},
+ author={Jonathan Rose and Jason Luu and Chi Wai Yu and Opal Densmore and Jeff Goeders and Andrew Somerville and Kenneth B. Kent and Peter Jamieson and Jason Anderson},
+ booktitle={Proceedings of the 20th ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays},
+ pages={77--86},
+ year={2012},
+ organization={ACM}
+ author = {G D Hachtel and F Somenzi},
+ title = {Logic Synthesis and Verification Algorithms},
+ year = {1996}
+ journal={IEEE Std 1364-2005 (Revision of IEEE Std 1364-2001)},
+ title={IEEE Standard for Verilog Hardware Description Language},
+ author={IEEE Standards Association and others},
+ year={2006},
+ doi={10.1109/IEEESTD.2006.99495}
+ journal={IEEE Std 1364.1-2002},
+ title={IEEE Standard for Verilog Register Transfer Level Synthesis},
+ author={IEEE Standards Association and others},
+ year={2002},
+ doi={10.1109/IEEESTD.2002.94220}
+ journal={IEEE Std 1076-2008 (Revision of IEEE Std 1076-2002)},
+ title={IEEE Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual},
+ author={IEEE Standards Association and others},
+ year={2009},
+ month={26},
+ doi={10.1109/IEEESTD.2009.4772740}
+ journal={IEEE Std 1076.6-2004 (Revision of IEEE Std 1076.6-1999)},
+ title={IEEE Standard for VHDL Register Transfer Level (RTL) Synthesis},
+ author={IEEE Standards Association and others},
+ year={2004},
+ doi={10.1109/IEEESTD.2004.94802}
+ journal={IEEE Std 1685-2009},
+ title={IEEE Standard for IP-XACT, Standard Structure for Packaging, Integrating, and Reusing IP within Tools Flows},
+ author={IEEE Standards Association and others},
+ year={2010},
+ pages={C1-360},
+ keywords={abstraction definitions, address space specification, bus definitions, design environment, EDA, electronic design automation, electronic system level, ESL, implementation constraints, IP-XACT, register transfer level, RTL, SCRs, semantic consistency rules, TGI, tight generator interface, tool and data interoperability, use models, XML design meta-data, XML schema},
+ doi={10.1109/IEEESTD.2010.5417309}
+ author = {Aho, Alfred V. and Sethi, Ravi and Ullman, Jeffrey D.},
+ title = {Compilers: principles, techniques, and tools},
+ year = {1986},
+ isbn = {0-201-10088-6},
+ publisher = {Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.},
+ address = {Boston, MA, USA}
+ author = {Clifford E. Cummings and Sunburst Design Inc},
+ title = {Nonblocking Assignments in Verilog Synthesis, Coding Styles That Kill},
+ booktitle = {SNUG (Synopsys Users Group) 2000 User Papers, section-MC1 (1 st paper},
+ year = {2000}
+ author={D. L. Klipstein},
+ journal={Cahners Publishing Co., EEE Magazine, Vol. 15, No. 8},
+ title={The Contributions of Edsel Murphy to the Understanding of the Behavior of Inanimate Objects},
+ year={August 1967}
+ author={Yiqiong Shi and Chan Wai Ting and Bah-Hwee Gwee and Ye Ren},
+ booktitle={Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Symposium on},
+ title={A highly efficient method for extracting FSMs from flattened gate-level netlist},
+ year={2010},
+ pages={2610-2613},
+ keywords={circuit CAD;finite state machines;microcontrollers;FSM;control-intensive circuits;finite state machines;flattened gate-level netlist;state register elimination technique;Automata;Circuit synthesis;Continuous wavelet transforms;Design automation;Digital circuits;Hardware design languages;Logic;Microcontrollers;Registers;Signal processing},
+ doi={10.1109/ISCAS.2010.5537093},
+ author={Brayton, R.K. and Hachtel, G.D. and Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, A.L.},
+ journal={Proceedings of the IEEE},
+ title={Multilevel logic synthesis},
+ year={1990},
+ volume={78},
+ number={2},
+ pages={264-300},
+ keywords={circuit layout CAD;integrated logic circuits;logic CAD;capsule summaries;definitions;detailed analysis;in-depth background;logic decomposition;logic minimisation;logic synthesis;logic synthesis techniques;multilevel combinational logic;multilevel logic synthesis;notation;perspective;survey;synthesis methods;technology mapping;testing;Application specific integrated circuits;Design automation;Integrated circuit synthesis;Logic design;Logic devices;Logic testing;Network synthesis;Programmable logic arrays;Signal synthesis;Silicon},
+ doi={10.1109/5.52213},
+ ISSN={0018-9219},
+ author = {Ullmann, J. R.},
+ title = {An Algorithm for Subgraph Isomorphism},
+ journal = {J. ACM},
+ issue_date = {Jan. 1976},
+ volume = {23},
+ number = {1},
+ month = jan,
+ year = {1976},
+ issn = {0004-5411},
+ pages = {31--42},
+ numpages = {12},
+ doi = {10.1145/321921.321925},
+ acmid = {321925},
+ publisher = {ACM},
+ address = {New York, NY, USA},
+ title={Temporal induction by incremental SAT solving},
+ author={E{\'e}n, Niklas and S{\"o}rensson, Niklas},
+ journal={Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},
+ volume={89},
+ number={4},
+ pages={543--560},
+ year={2003},
+ publisher={Elsevier}
+ title={BTOR: bit-precise modelling of word-level problems for model checking},
+ author={Brummayer, Robert and Biere, Armin and Lonsing, Florian},
+ booktitle={Proceedings of the joint workshops of the 6th international workshop on satisfiability modulo theories and 1st international workshop on bit-precise reasoning},
+ pages={33--38},
+ year={2008}
+ title={VIS: A system for verification and synthesis},
+ author={Brayton, Robert K and Hachtel, Gary D and Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Alberto and Somenzi, Fabio and Aziz, Adnan and Cheng, Szu-Tsung and Edwards, Stephen and Khatri, Sunil and Kukimoto, Yuji and Pardo, Abelardo and others},
+ booktitle={Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification},
+ pages={428--432},
+ year={1996},
+ organization={Springer}
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