path: root/docs/source/appendix/APPNOTE_012_Verilog_to_BTOR.rst
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+012: Converting Verilog to BTOR page
+Yosys written in C++ (using features from C++11) and is tested on modern Linux.
+It should compile fine on most UNIX systems with a C++11 compiler. The README
+file contains useful information on building Yosys and its prerequisites.
+Yosys is a large and feature-rich program with some dependencies. For this work,
+we may deactivate other extra features such as TCL and ABC support in the
+This Application Note is based on `Yosys GIT`_ `Rev. 082550f` from 2015-04-04.
+.. _Yosys GIT: https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys
+.. _Rev. 082550f: https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys/tree/082550f
+Quick start
+We assume that the Verilog design is synthesizable and we also assume that the
+design does not have multi-dimensional memories. As BTOR implicitly initializes
+registers to zero value and memories stay uninitialized, we assume that the
+Verilog design does not contain initial blocks. For more details about the BTOR
+format, please refer to :cite:p:`btor`.
+We provide a shell script ``verilog2btor.sh`` which can be used to convert a
+Verilog design to BTOR. The script can be found in the ``backends/btor``
+directory. The following example shows its usage:
+.. code:: sh
+ verilog2btor.sh fsm.v fsm.btor test
+The script ``verilog2btor.sh`` takes three parameters. In the above example, the
+first parameter ``fsm.v`` is the input design, the second parameter ``fsm.btor``
+is the file name of BTOR output, and the third parameter ``test`` is the name of
+top module in the design.
+To specify the properties (that need to be checked), we have two
+- We can use the Verilog ``assert`` statement in the procedural block or module
+ body of the Verilog design, as shown in :numref:`specifying_property_assert`.
+ This is the preferred option.
+- We can use a single-bit output wire, whose name starts with ``safety``. The
+ value of this output wire needs to be driven low when the property is met,
+ i.e. the solver will try to find a model that makes the safety pin go high.
+ This is demonstrated in :numref:`specifying_property_output`.
+.. code-block:: verilog
+ :caption: Specifying property in Verilog design with ``assert``
+ :name: specifying_property_assert
+ module test(input clk, input rst, output y);
+ reg [2:0] state;
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (rst || state == 3) begin
+ state <= 0;
+ end else begin
+ assert(state < 3);
+ state <= state + 1;
+ end
+ end
+ assign y = state[2];
+ assert property (y !== 1'b1);
+ endmodule
+.. code-block:: verilog
+ :caption: Specifying property in Verilog design with output wire
+ :name: specifying_property_output
+ module test(input clk, input rst,
+ output y, output safety1);
+ reg [2:0] state;
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (rst || state == 3)
+ state <= 0;
+ else
+ state <= state + 1;
+ end
+ assign y = state[2];
+ assign safety1 = !(y !== 1'b1);
+ endmodule
+We can run `Boolector`_ ``1.4.1`` [1]_ on the generated BTOR file:
+.. _Boolector: http://fmv.jku.at/boolector/
+.. code:: sh
+ $ boolector fsm.btor
+ unsat
+We can also use `nuXmv`_, but on BTOR designs it does not support memories yet.
+With the next release of nuXmv, we will be also able to verify designs with
+.. _nuXmv: https://es-static.fbk.eu/tools/nuxmv/index.php
+Detailed flow
+Yosys is able to synthesize Verilog designs up to the gate level. We are
+interested in keeping registers and memories when synthesizing the design. For
+this purpose, we describe a customized Yosys synthesis flow, that is also
+provided by the ``verilog2btor.sh`` script. :numref:`btor_script_memory` shows
+the Yosys commands that are executed by ``verilog2btor.sh``.
+.. code-block:: yoscrypt
+ :caption: Synthesis Flow for BTOR with memories
+ :name: btor_script_memory
+ read_verilog -sv $1;
+ hierarchy -top $3; hierarchy -libdir $DIR;
+ hierarchy -check;
+ proc; opt;
+ opt_expr -mux_undef; opt;
+ rename -hide;;;
+ splice; opt;
+ memory_dff -wr_only; memory_collect;;
+ flatten;;
+ memory_unpack;
+ splitnets -driver;
+ setundef -zero -undriven;
+ opt;;;
+ write_btor $2;
+Here is short description of what is happening in the script line by
+#. Reading the input file.
+#. Setting the top module in the hierarchy and trying to read automatically the
+ files which are given as ``include`` in the file read in first line.
+#. Checking the design hierarchy.
+#. Converting processes to multiplexers (muxs) and flip-flops.
+#. Removing undef signals from muxs.
+#. Hiding all signal names that are not used as module ports.
+#. Explicit type conversion, by introducing slice and concat cells in the
+ circuit.
+#. Converting write memories to synchronous memories, and collecting the
+ memories to multi-port memories.
+#. Flattening the design to get only one module.
+#. Separating read and write memories.
+#. Splitting the signals that are partially assigned
+#. Setting undef to zero value.
+#. Final optimization pass.
+#. Writing BTOR file.
+For detailed description of the commands mentioned above, please refer
+to the Yosys documentation, or run ``yosys -h <command_name>``.
+The script presented earlier can be easily modified to have a BTOR file that
+does not contain memories. This is done by removing the line number 8 and 10,
+and introduces a new command ``memory`` at line number 8.
+:numref:`btor_script_without_memory` shows the modified Yosys script file:
+.. code-block:: sh
+ :caption: Synthesis Flow for BTOR without memories
+ :name: btor_script_without_memory
+ read_verilog -sv $1;
+ hierarchy -top $3; hierarchy -libdir $DIR;
+ hierarchy -check;
+ proc; opt;
+ opt_expr -mux_undef; opt;
+ rename -hide;;;
+ splice; opt;
+ memory;;
+ flatten;;
+ splitnets -driver;
+ setundef -zero -undriven;
+ opt;;;
+ write_btor $2;
+Here is an example Verilog design that we want to convert to BTOR:
+.. code-block:: verilog
+ :caption: Example - Verilog Design
+ :name: example_verilog
+ module array(input clk);
+ reg [7:0] counter;
+ reg [7:0] mem [7:0];
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ counter <= counter + 8'd1;
+ mem[counter] <= counter;
+ end
+ assert property (!(counter > 8'd0) ||
+ mem[counter - 8'd1] == counter - 8'd1);
+ endmodule
+The generated BTOR file that contain memories, using the script shown in
+.. code-block::
+ :caption: Example - Converted BTOR with memory
+ :name: btor_memory
+ 1 var 1 clk
+ 2 array 8 3
+ 3 var 8 $auto$rename.cc:150:execute$20
+ 4 const 8 00000001
+ 5 sub 8 3 4
+ 6 slice 3 5 2 0
+ 7 read 8 2 6
+ 8 slice 3 3 2 0
+ 9 add 8 3 4
+ 10 const 8 00000000
+ 11 ugt 1 3 10
+ 12 not 1 11
+ 13 const 8 11111111
+ 14 slice 1 13 0 0
+ 15 one 1
+ 16 eq 1 1 15
+ 17 and 1 16 14
+ 18 write 8 3 2 8 3
+ 19 acond 8 3 17 18 2
+ 20 anext 8 3 2 19
+ 21 eq 1 7 5
+ 22 or 1 12 21
+ 23 const 1 1
+ 24 one 1
+ 25 eq 1 23 24
+ 26 cond 1 25 22 24
+ 27 root 1 -26
+ 28 cond 8 1 9 3
+ 29 next 8 3 28
+And the BTOR file obtained by the script shown in
+:numref:`btor_without_memory`, which expands the memory into individual
+.. code-block::
+ :caption: Example - Converted BTOR with memory
+ :name: btor_without_memory
+ 1 var 1 clk
+ 2 var 8 mem[0]
+ 3 var 8 $auto$rename.cc:150:execute$20
+ 4 slice 3 3 2 0
+ 5 slice 1 4 0 0
+ 6 not 1 5
+ 7 slice 1 4 1 1
+ 8 not 1 7
+ 9 slice 1 4 2 2
+ 10 not 1 9
+ 11 and 1 8 10
+ 12 and 1 6 11
+ 13 cond 8 12 3 2
+ 14 cond 8 1 13 2
+ 15 next 8 2 14
+ 16 const 8 00000001
+ 17 add 8 3 16
+ 18 const 8 00000000
+ 19 ugt 1 3 18
+ 20 not 1 19
+ 21 var 8 mem[2]
+ 22 and 1 7 10
+ 23 and 1 6 22
+ 24 cond 8 23 3 21
+ 25 cond 8 1 24 21
+ 26 next 8 21 25
+ 27 sub 8 3 16
+ ...
+ 54 cond 1 53 50 52
+ 55 root 1 -54
+ ...
+ 77 cond 8 76 3 44
+ 78 cond 8 1 77 44
+ 79 next 8 44 78
+BTOR does not support initialization of memories and registers, i.e. they are
+implicitly initialized to value zero, so the initial block for memories need to
+be removed when converting to BTOR. It should also be kept in consideration that
+BTOR does not support the ``x`` or ``z`` values of Verilog.
+Another thing to bear in mind is that Yosys will convert multi-dimensional
+memories to one-dimensional memories and address decoders. Therefore
+out-of-bounds memory accesses can yield unexpected results.
+Using the described flow, we can use Yosys to generate word-level verification
+benchmarks with or without memories from Verilog designs.
+.. [1]
+ Newer version of Boolector do not support sequential models.
+ Boolector 1.4.1 can be built with picosat-951. Newer versions of
+ picosat have an incompatible API.