diff options
authorClifford Wolf <clifford@clifford.at>2014-06-14 13:36:23 +0200
committerClifford Wolf <clifford@clifford.at>2014-06-14 13:36:23 +0200
commitf3b4a9dd2466d243fdb1b4ebf8c5e1e0d05d21af (patch)
parent406f86a91ec0ed024037e27d1cbf2a1bc73777d9 (diff)
Added support for math functions
2 files changed, 127 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/frontends/ast/simplify.cc b/frontends/ast/simplify.cc
index a5c4d0230..89dc8ef73 100644
--- a/frontends/ast/simplify.cc
+++ b/frontends/ast/simplify.cc
@@ -1215,6 +1215,10 @@ skip_dynamic_range_lvalue_expansion:;
if (str == "\\$clog2")
+ if (children.size() != 1)
+ log_error("System function %s got %d arguments, expected 1 at %s:%d.\n",
+ RTLIL::id2cstr(str), int(children.size()), filename.c_str(), linenum);
AstNode *buf = children[0]->clone();
while (buf->simplify(true, false, false, stage, width_hint, sign_hint, false)) { }
if (buf->type != AST_CONSTANT)
@@ -1230,6 +1234,72 @@ skip_dynamic_range_lvalue_expansion:;
goto apply_newNode;
+ if (str == "\\$ln" || str == "\\$log10" || str == "\\$exp" || str == "\\$sqrt" || str == "\\$pow" ||
+ str == "\\$floor" || str == "\\$ceil" || str == "\\$sin" || str == "\\$cos" || str == "\\$tan" ||
+ str == "\\$asin" || str == "\\$acos" || str == "\\$atan" || str == "\\$atan2" || str == "\\$hypot" ||
+ str == "\\$sinh" || str == "\\$cosh" || str == "\\$tanh" || str == "\\$asinh" || str == "\\$acosh" || str == "\\$atanh")
+ {
+ bool func_with_two_arguments = str == "\\$pow" || str == "\\$atan2" || str == "\\$hypot";
+ double x = 0, y = 0;
+ if (func_with_two_arguments) {
+ if (children.size() != 2)
+ log_error("System function %s got %d arguments, expected 2 at %s:%d.\n",
+ RTLIL::id2cstr(str), int(children.size()), filename.c_str(), linenum);
+ } else {
+ if (children.size() != 1)
+ log_error("System function %s got %d arguments, expected 1 at %s:%d.\n",
+ RTLIL::id2cstr(str), int(children.size()), filename.c_str(), linenum);
+ }
+ if (children.size() >= 1) {
+ while (children[0]->simplify(true, false, false, stage, width_hint, sign_hint, false)) { }
+ if (!children[0]->isConst())
+ log_error("Failed to evaluate system function `%s' with non-constant argument at %s:%d.\n",
+ RTLIL::id2cstr(str), filename.c_str(), linenum);
+ int child_width_hint = width_hint;
+ bool child_sign_hint = sign_hint;
+ children[0]->detectSignWidth(child_width_hint, child_sign_hint);
+ x = children[0]->asReal(child_sign_hint);
+ }
+ if (children.size() >= 2) {
+ while (children[1]->simplify(true, false, false, stage, width_hint, sign_hint, false)) { }
+ if (!children[1]->isConst())
+ log_error("Failed to evaluate system function `%s' with non-constant argument at %s:%d.\n",
+ RTLIL::id2cstr(str), filename.c_str(), linenum);
+ int child_width_hint = width_hint;
+ bool child_sign_hint = sign_hint;
+ children[1]->detectSignWidth(child_width_hint, child_sign_hint);
+ y = children[1]->asReal(child_sign_hint);
+ }
+ newNode = new AstNode(AST_REALVALUE);
+ if (str == "\\$ln") newNode->realvalue = log(x);
+ else if (str == "\\$log10") newNode->realvalue = log10(x);
+ else if (str == "\\$exp") newNode->realvalue = exp(x);
+ else if (str == "\\$sqrt") newNode->realvalue = sqrt(x);
+ else if (str == "\\$pow") newNode->realvalue = pow(x, y);
+ else if (str == "\\$floor") newNode->realvalue = floor(x);
+ else if (str == "\\$ceil") newNode->realvalue = ceil(x);
+ else if (str == "\\$sin") newNode->realvalue = sin(x);
+ else if (str == "\\$cos") newNode->realvalue = cos(x);
+ else if (str == "\\$tan") newNode->realvalue = tan(x);
+ else if (str == "\\$asin") newNode->realvalue = asin(x);
+ else if (str == "\\$acos") newNode->realvalue = acos(x);
+ else if (str == "\\$atan") newNode->realvalue = atan(x);
+ else if (str == "\\$atan2") newNode->realvalue = atan2(x, y);
+ else if (str == "\\$hypot") newNode->realvalue = hypot(x, y);
+ else if (str == "\\$sinh") newNode->realvalue = sinh(x);
+ else if (str == "\\$cosh") newNode->realvalue = cosh(x);
+ else if (str == "\\$tanh") newNode->realvalue = tanh(x);
+ else if (str == "\\$asinh") newNode->realvalue = asinh(x);
+ else if (str == "\\$acosh") newNode->realvalue = acosh(x);
+ else if (str == "\\$atanh") newNode->realvalue = atanh(x);
+ else log_abort();
+ goto apply_newNode;
+ }
if (current_scope.count(str) == 0 || current_scope[str]->type != AST_FUNCTION)
log_error("Can't resolve function name `%s' at %s:%d.\n", str.c_str(), filename.c_str(), linenum);
diff --git a/tests/simple/realexpr.v b/tests/simple/realexpr.v
index 47f81214a..2b63ca6f9 100644
--- a/tests/simple/realexpr.v
+++ b/tests/simple/realexpr.v
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
module demo_001(y1, y2, y3, y4);
output [7:0] y1, y2, y3, y4;
@@ -11,3 +12,59 @@ module demo_001(y1, y2, y3, y4);
assign y3 = p3 + 0.2;
assign y4 = p4 + 0.2;
+module demo_002(s, a, y);
+ input [4:0] s;
+ input [3:0] a;
+ output [7:0] y;
+ reg [7:0] data [21*16-1:0];
+ integer i;
+ initial begin
+ for (i = 0; i < 16; i = i+1) begin
+ data[ 0*16 + i] = 128 + 64 * $ln (i*0.2 - 0.8);
+ data[ 1*16 + i] = 128 + 64 * $log10 (i*0.2 - 0.8);
+ data[ 2*16 + i] = 128 + 64 * $exp (i*0.2 - 0.8);
+ data[ 3*16 + i] = 128 + 64 * $sqrt (i*0.2 - 0.8);
+ data[ 4*16 + i] = 128 + 64 * $floor (i*0.2 - 0.8);
+ data[ 5*16 + i] = 128 + 64 * $ceil (i*0.2 - 0.8);
+ data[ 6*16 + i] = 128 + 64 * $sin (i*0.2 - 0.8);
+ data[ 7*16 + i] = 128 + 64 * $cos (i*0.2 - 0.8);
+ data[ 8*16 + i] = 128 + 64 * $tan (i*0.2 - 0.8);
+ data[ 9*16 + i] = 128 + 64 * $asin (i*0.2 - 0.8);
+ data[10*16 + i] = 128 + 64 * $acos (i*0.2 - 0.8);
+ data[11*16 + i] = 128 + 64 * $atan (i*0.2 - 0.8);
+ data[12*16 + i] = 128 + 64 * $sinh (i*0.2 - 0.8);
+ data[13*16 + i] = 128 + 64 * $cosh (i*0.2 - 0.8);
+ data[14*16 + i] = 128 + 64 * $tanh (i*0.2 - 0.8);
+ data[15*16 + i] = 128 + 64 * $asinh (i*0.2 - 0.8);
+ data[16*16 + i] = 128 + 64 * $acosh (i*0.2 - 0.8);
+ data[17*16 + i] = 128 + 64 * $atanh (i*0.2 - 0.8);
+ end
+ end
+ assign y = s < 18 ? data[s*16 + a] : 0;
+module demo_003(s, a, b, y);
+ input [1:0] s;
+ input [3:0] a;
+ input [3:0] b;
+ output [7:0] y;
+ reg [7:0] data [3*16*16-1:0];
+ integer i, j;
+ initial begin
+ for (i = 0; i < 16; i = i+1)
+ for (j = 0; j < 16; j = j+1) begin
+ data[0*256 + i*16 + j] = 128 + 64 * $pow (i*0.2 - 0.8, j*0.2 - 0.8);
+ data[1*256 + i*16 + j] = 128 + 64 * $atan2 (i*0.2 - 0.8, j*0.2 - 0.8);
+ data[2*256 + i*16 + j] = 128 + 64 * $hypot (i*0.2 - 0.8, j*0.2 - 0.8);
+ end
+ end
+ assign y = s < 3 ? data[s*256 + a*16 + b] : 0;