diff options
authorCatherine <whitequark@whitequark.org>2021-12-12 01:23:03 +0000
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2021-12-12 01:23:03 +0000
commitbdc6ba019ca12a3f3d4cfb1a4d64652538b7c5ef (patch)
parent6a7253b46e82d6243c9f3c70de5dfaee8853471e (diff)
parent55c9fb3b18cee0e2171486f9d4dfbd9b9e106354 (diff)
Merge pull request #3105 from whitequark/cxxrtl-reset-memories-2
cxxrtl: preserve interior memory pointers across reset
2 files changed, 80 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/backends/cxxrtl/cxxrtl.h b/backends/cxxrtl/cxxrtl.h
index 4552a0125..3e1357498 100644
--- a/backends/cxxrtl/cxxrtl.h
+++ b/backends/cxxrtl/cxxrtl.h
@@ -722,50 +722,32 @@ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const wire<Bits> &val) {
template<size_t Width>
struct memory {
- std::vector<value<Width>> data;
+ const size_t depth;
+ std::unique_ptr<value<Width>[]> data;
- size_t depth() const {
- return data.size();
- }
- memory() = delete;
- explicit memory(size_t depth) : data(depth) {}
+ explicit memory(size_t depth) : depth(depth), data(new value<Width>[depth]) {}
memory(const memory<Width> &) = delete;
memory<Width> &operator=(const memory<Width> &) = delete;
memory(memory<Width> &&) = default;
- memory<Width> &operator=(memory<Width> &&) = default;
- // The only way to get the compiler to put the initializer in .rodata and do not copy it on stack is to stuff it
- // into a plain array. You'd think an std::initializer_list would work here, but it doesn't, because you can't
- // construct an initializer_list in a constexpr (or something) and so if you try to do that the whole thing is
- // first copied on the stack (probably overflowing it) and then again into `data`.
- template<size_t Size>
- struct init {
- size_t offset;
- value<Width> data[Size];
- };
- template<size_t... InitSize>
- explicit memory(size_t depth, const init<InitSize> &...init) : data(depth) {
- data.resize(depth);
- // This utterly reprehensible construct is the most reasonable way to apply a function to every element
- // of a parameter pack, if the elements all have different types and so cannot be cast to an initializer list.
- auto _ = {std::move(std::begin(init.data), std::end(init.data), data.begin() + init.offset)...};
- (void)_;
+ memory<Width> &operator=(memory<Width> &&other) {
+ assert(depth == other.depth);
+ data = std::move(other.data);
+ write_queue = std::move(other.write_queue);
+ return *this;
// An operator for direct memory reads. May be used at any time during the simulation.
const value<Width> &operator [](size_t index) const {
- assert(index < data.size());
+ assert(index < depth);
return data[index];
// An operator for direct memory writes. May only be used before the simulation is started. If used
// after the simulation is started, the design may malfunction.
value<Width> &operator [](size_t index) {
- assert(index < data.size());
+ assert(index < depth);
return data[index];
@@ -790,7 +772,7 @@ struct memory {
std::vector<write> write_queue;
void update(size_t index, const value<Width> &val, const value<Width> &mask, int priority = 0) {
- assert(index < data.size());
+ assert(index < depth);
// Queue up the write while keeping the queue sorted by priority.
std::upper_bound(write_queue.begin(), write_queue.end(), priority,
@@ -947,9 +929,9 @@ struct debug_item : ::cxxrtl_object {
flags = 0;
width = Width;
lsb_at = 0;
- depth = item.data.size();
+ depth = item.depth;
zero_at = zero_offset;
- curr = item.data.empty() ? nullptr : item.data[0].data;
+ curr = item.data ? item.data[0].data : nullptr;
next = nullptr;
outline = nullptr;
@@ -1051,9 +1033,9 @@ struct debug_items {
-// Tag class to disambiguate module move constructor and module constructor that takes black boxes
-// out of another instance of the module.
-struct adopt {};
+// Tag class to disambiguate the default constructor used by the toplevel module that calls reset(),
+// and the constructor of interior modules that should not call it.
+struct interior {};
struct module {
module() {}
diff --git a/backends/cxxrtl/cxxrtl_backend.cc b/backends/cxxrtl/cxxrtl_backend.cc
index ff28c20b3..6623e025e 100644
--- a/backends/cxxrtl/cxxrtl_backend.cc
+++ b/backends/cxxrtl/cxxrtl_backend.cc
@@ -934,11 +934,6 @@ struct CxxrtlWorker {
f << "}";
- void dump_const_init(const RTLIL::Const &data)
- {
- dump_const_init(data, data.size());
- }
void dump_const(const RTLIL::Const &data, int width, int offset = 0, bool fixed_width = false)
f << "value<" << width << ">";
@@ -1785,20 +1780,10 @@ struct CxxrtlWorker {
} else {
f << "<" << wire->width << ">";
- f << " " << mangle(wire);
- if (wire_init.count(wire)) {
- f << " ";
- dump_const_init(wire_init.at(wire));
- }
- f << ";\n";
+ f << " " << mangle(wire) << ";\n";
if (edge_wires[wire]) {
if (!wire_type.is_buffered()) {
- f << indent << "value<" << wire->width << "> prev_" << mangle(wire);
- if (wire_init.count(wire)) {
- f << " ";
- dump_const_init(wire_init.at(wire));
- }
- f << ";\n";
+ f << indent << "value<" << wire->width << "> prev_" << mangle(wire) << ";\n";
for (auto edge_type : edge_types) {
if (edge_type.first.wire == wire) {
@@ -1848,38 +1833,65 @@ struct CxxrtlWorker {
f << "value<" << wire->width << "> " << mangle(wire) << ";\n";
- void dump_memory(Mem *mem)
+ void dump_reset_method(RTLIL::Module *module)
- dump_attrs(mem);
- f << indent << "memory<" << mem->width << "> " << mangle(mem)
- << " { " << mem->size << "u";
- if (!GetSize(mem->inits)) {
- f << " };\n";
- } else {
- f << ",\n";
- inc_indent();
- for (auto &init : mem->inits) {
+ int mem_init_idx = 0;
+ inc_indent();
+ for (auto wire : module->wires()) {
+ if (!wire_init.count(wire)) continue;
+ f << indent << mangle(wire) << " = ";
+ if (wire_types[wire].is_buffered()) {
+ f << "wire<" << wire->width << ">";
+ } else {
+ f << "value<" << wire->width << ">";
+ }
+ dump_const_init(wire_init.at(wire), wire->width);
+ f << ";\n";
+ if (edge_wires[wire] && !wire_types[wire].is_buffered()) {
+ f << indent << "prev_" << mangle(wire) << " = ";
+ dump_const(wire_init.at(wire), wire->width);
+ f << ";\n";
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto &mem : mod_memories[module]) {
+ for (auto &init : mem.inits) {
if (init.removed)
- int words = GetSize(init.data) / mem->width;
- f << indent << "memory<" << mem->width << ">::init<" << words << "> { "
- << stringf("%#x", init.addr.as_int()) << ", {";
+ int words = GetSize(init.data) / mem.width;
+ f << indent << "static const value<" << mem.width << "> ";
+ f << "mem_init_" << ++mem_init_idx << "[" << words << "] {";
for (int n = 0; n < words; n++) {
if (n % 4 == 0)
f << "\n" << indent;
f << " ";
- dump_const(init.data, mem->width, n * mem->width, /*fixed_width=*/true);
+ dump_const(init.data, mem.width, n * mem.width, /*fixed_width=*/true);
f << ",";
- f << "\n" << indent << "}},\n";
+ f << "\n";
+ f << indent << "};\n";
+ f << indent << "std::copy(std::begin(mem_init_" << mem_init_idx << "), ";
+ f << "std::end(mem_init_" << mem_init_idx << "), ";
+ f << "&" << mangle(&mem) << ".data[" << stringf("%#x", init.addr.as_int()) << "]);\n";
- dec_indent();
- f << indent << "};\n";
- }
+ }
+ for (auto cell : module->cells()) {
+ if (is_internal_cell(cell->type))
+ continue;
+ f << indent << mangle(cell);
+ RTLIL::Module *cell_module = module->design->module(cell->type);
+ if (cell_module->get_bool_attribute(ID(cxxrtl_blackbox))) {
+ f << "->reset();\n";
+ } else {
+ f << ".reset();\n";
+ }
+ }
+ dec_indent();
void dump_eval_method(RTLIL::Module *module)
@@ -2200,6 +2212,10 @@ struct CxxrtlWorker {
dump_wire(wire, /*is_local=*/false);
f << "\n";
+ f << indent << "void reset() override {\n";
+ dump_reset_method(module);
+ f << indent << "}\n";
+ f << "\n";
f << indent << "bool eval() override {\n";
f << indent << "}\n";
@@ -2248,7 +2264,9 @@ struct CxxrtlWorker {
dump_debug_wire(wire, /*is_local=*/false);
bool has_memories = false;
for (auto &mem : mod_memories[module]) {
- dump_memory(&mem);
+ dump_attrs(&mem);
+ f << indent << "memory<" << mem.width << "> " << mangle(&mem)
+ << " { " << mem.size << "u };\n";
has_memories = true;
if (has_memories)
@@ -2269,52 +2287,20 @@ struct CxxrtlWorker {
f << ");\n";
} else {
- f << indent << mangle(cell_module) << " " << mangle(cell) << ";\n";
+ f << indent << mangle(cell_module) << " " << mangle(cell) << " {interior()};\n";
has_cells = true;
if (has_cells)
f << "\n";
- f << indent << mangle(module) << "() {}\n";
- if (has_cells) {
- f << indent << mangle(module) << "(adopt, " << mangle(module) << " other) :\n";
- bool first = true;
- for (auto cell : module->cells()) {
- if (is_internal_cell(cell->type))
- continue;
- if (first) {
- first = false;
- } else {
- f << ",\n";
- }
- RTLIL::Module *cell_module = module->design->module(cell->type);
- if (cell_module->get_bool_attribute(ID(cxxrtl_blackbox))) {
- f << indent << " " << mangle(cell) << "(std::move(other." << mangle(cell) << "))";
- } else {
- f << indent << " " << mangle(cell) << "(adopt {}, std::move(other." << mangle(cell) << "))";
- }
- }
- f << " {\n";
- inc_indent();
- for (auto cell : module->cells()) {
- if (is_internal_cell(cell->type))
- continue;
- RTLIL::Module *cell_module = module->design->module(cell->type);
- if (cell_module->get_bool_attribute(ID(cxxrtl_blackbox)))
- f << indent << mangle(cell) << "->reset();\n";
- }
- dec_indent();
- f << indent << "}\n";
- } else {
- f << indent << mangle(module) << "(adopt, " << mangle(module) << " other) {}\n";
- }
- f << "\n";
- f << indent << "void reset() override {\n";
+ f << indent << mangle(module) << "(interior) {}\n";
+ f << indent << mangle(module) << "() {\n";
- f << indent << "*this = " << mangle(module) << "(adopt {}, std::move(*this));\n";
+ f << indent << "reset();\n";
- f << indent << "}\n";
+ f << indent << "};\n";
f << "\n";
+ f << indent << "void reset() override;\n";
f << indent << "bool eval() override;\n";
f << indent << "bool commit() override;\n";
if (debug_info) {
@@ -2341,6 +2327,10 @@ struct CxxrtlWorker {
if (module->get_bool_attribute(ID(cxxrtl_blackbox)))
+ f << indent << "void " << mangle(module) << "::reset() {\n";
+ dump_reset_method(module);
+ f << indent << "}\n";
+ f << "\n";
f << indent << "bool " << mangle(module) << "::eval() {\n";
f << indent << "}\n";