diff options
authorMiodrag Milanovic <mmicko@gmail.com>2021-12-03 09:57:14 +0100
committerMiodrag Milanovic <mmicko@gmail.com>2021-12-03 09:57:14 +0100
commit71e762d68c4222f612d5ae52ceea7d3d5bb1096c (patch)
parentd65942b9acc20e4d485ed2fe319b04ddd75ac174 (diff)
Update manual
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/manual/command-reference-manual.tex b/manual/command-reference-manual.tex
index 8335d582c..d9a2f8dc1 100644
--- a/manual/command-reference-manual.tex
+++ b/manual/command-reference-manual.tex
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ library to a target architecture.
if no -script parameter is given, the following scripts are used:
- for -liberty without -constr:
+ for -liberty/-genlib without -constr:
strash; ifraig; scorr; dc2; dretime; strash; &get -n; &dch -f;
&nf {D}; &put
- for -liberty with -constr:
+ for -liberty/-genlib with -constr:
strash; ifraig; scorr; dc2; dretime; strash; &get -n; &dch -f;
&nf {D}; &put; buffer; upsize {D}; dnsize {D}; stime -p
@@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ library to a target architecture.
use different default scripts that are slightly faster (at the cost
of output quality):
- for -liberty without -constr:
+ for -liberty/-genlib without -constr:
strash; dretime; map {D}
- for -liberty with -constr:
+ for -liberty/-genlib with -constr:
strash; dretime; map {D}; buffer; upsize {D}; dnsize {D};
stime -p
@@ -69,8 +69,13 @@ library to a target architecture.
generate netlists for the specified cell library (using the liberty
file format).
+ -genlib <file>
+ generate netlists for the specified cell library (using the SIS Genlib
+ file format).
-constr <file>
- pass this file with timing constraints to ABC. use with -liberty.
+ pass this file with timing constraints to ABC.
+ use with -liberty/-genlib.
a constr file contains two lines:
set_driving_cell <cell_name>
@@ -167,7 +172,7 @@ library to a target architecture.
preserve naming by an equivalence check between the original and post-ABC
netlists (experimental).
-When neither -liberty nor -lut is used, the Yosys standard cell library is
+When no target cell library is specified the Yosys standard cell library is
loaded into ABC before the ABC script is executed.
Note that this is a logic optimization pass within Yosys that is calling ABC
@@ -2402,26 +2407,28 @@ Map module inputs/outputs to PAD cells from a library. This pass
can only map to very simple PAD cells. Use 'techmap' to further map
the resulting cells to more sophisticated PAD cells.
- -inpad <celltype> <portname>[:<portname>]
+ -inpad <celltype> <in_port>[:<ext_port>]
Map module input ports to the given cell type with the
given output port name. if a 2nd portname is given, the
signal is passed through the pad call, using the 2nd
portname as the port facing the module port.
- -outpad <celltype> <portname>[:<portname>]
- -inoutpad <celltype> <portname>[:<portname>]
+ -outpad <celltype> <out_port>[:<ext_port>]
+ -inoutpad <celltype> <io_port>[:<ext_port>]
Similar to -inpad, but for output and inout ports.
- -toutpad <celltype> <portname>:<portname>[:<portname>]
+ -toutpad <celltype> <oe_port>:<out_port>[:<ext_port>]
Merges $_TBUF_ cells into the output pad cell. This takes precedence
over the other -outpad cell. The first portname is the enable input
- of the tristate driver.
+ of the tristate driver, which can be prefixed with `~` for negative
+ polarity enable.
- -tinoutpad <celltype> <portname>:<portname>:<portname>[:<portname>]
+ -tinoutpad <celltype> <oe_port>:<in_port>:<out_port>[:<ext_port>]
Merges $_TBUF_ cells into the inout pad cell. This takes precedence
over the other -inoutpad cell. The first portname is the enable input
of the tristate driver and the 2nd portname is the internal output
- buffering the external signal.
+ buffering the external signal. Like with `-toutpad`, the enable can
+ be marked as negative polarity by prefixing the name with `~`.
-ignore <celltype> <portname>[:<portname>]*
Skips mapping inputs/outputs that are already connected to given
@@ -3156,7 +3163,7 @@ for removal of the read port.
opt_mem_priority [selection]
This pass detects cases where one memory write port has priority over another
-even though they can never collide with each other -- ie. there can never be
+even though they can never collide with each other — ie. there can never be
a situation where a given memory bit is written by both ports at the same
time, for example because of always-different addresses, or mutually exclusive
enable signals. In such cases, the priority relation is removed.
@@ -4705,7 +4712,7 @@ to a graphics file (usually SVG or PostScript).
(including inout ports) are on the right side.
- wait for the use to press enter to before returning
+ wait for the user to press enter to before returning
enumerate objects with internal ($-prefixed) names
@@ -4907,6 +4914,15 @@ This command splits multi-bit nets into single-bit nets.
and split nets so that no driver drives only part of a net.
+\section{sta -- perform static timing analysis}
+ sta [options] [selection]
+This command performs static timing analysis on the design. (Only considers
+paths within a single module, so the design must be flattened.)
\section{stat -- print some statistics}
@@ -5639,6 +5655,149 @@ The following commands are executed by this synthesis command:
write_json <file-name>
+\section{synth\_gatemate -- synthesis for Cologne Chip GateMate FPGAs}
+ synth_gatemate [options]
+This command runs synthesis for Cologne Chip AG GateMate FPGAs.
+ -top <module>
+ use the specified module as top module.
+ -vlog <file>
+ write the design to the specified verilog file. Writing of an output
+ file is omitted if this parameter is not specified.
+ -json <file>
+ write the design to the specified JSON file. Writing of an output file
+ is omitted if this parameter is not specified.
+ -run <from_label>:<to_label>
+ only run the commands between the labels (see below). An empty
+ from label is synonymous to 'begin', and empty to label is
+ synonymous to the end of the command list.
+ -noflatten
+ do not flatten design before synthesis.
+ -nobram
+ do not use CC_BRAM_20K or CC_BRAM_40K cells in output netlist.
+ -noaddf
+ do not use CC_ADDF full adder cells in output netlist.
+ -nomult
+ do not use CC_MULT multiplier cells in output netlist.
+ -nomx8, -nomx4
+ do not use CC_MX{8,4} multiplexer cells in output netlist.
+ -dff
+ run 'abc' with -dff option
+ -retime
+ run 'abc' with '-dff -D 1' options
+ -noiopad
+ disable I/O buffer insertion (useful for hierarchical or
+ out-of-context flows).
+ -noclkbuf
+ disable automatic clock buffer insertion.
+The following commands are executed by this synthesis command:
+ begin:
+ read_verilog -lib -specify +/gatemate/cells_sim.v +/gatemate/cells_bb.v
+ hierarchy -check -top <top>
+ prepare:
+ proc
+ flatten
+ tribuf -logic
+ deminout
+ opt_expr
+ opt_clean
+ check
+ opt -nodffe -nosdff
+ fsm
+ opt
+ wreduce
+ peepopt
+ opt_clean
+ muxpack
+ share
+ techmap -map +/cmp2lut.v -D LUT_WIDTH=4
+ opt_expr
+ opt_clean
+ map_mult: (skip if '-nomult')
+ techmap -map +/gatemate/mul_map.v
+ coarse:
+ alumacc
+ opt
+ memory -nomap
+ opt_clean
+ map_bram: (skip if '-nobram')
+ memory_bram -rules +/gatemate/brams.txt
+ setundef -zero -params t:$__CC_BRAM_CASCADE t:$__CC_BRAM_40K_SDP t:$__CC_BRAM_20K_SDP t:$__CC_BRAM_20K_TDP t:$__CC_BRAM_40K_TDP
+ techmap -map +/gatemate/brams_map.v
+ map_ffram:
+ opt -fast -mux_undef -undriven -fine
+ memory_map
+ opt -undriven -fine
+ map_gates:
+ techmap -map +/techmap.v -map +/gatemate/arith_map.v
+ opt -fast
+ map_io: (skip if '-noiopad')
+ iopadmap -bits -inpad CC_IBUF Y:I -outpad CC_OBUF A:O -toutpad CC_TOBUF ~T:A:O -tinoutpad CC_IOBUF ~T:Y:A:IO
+ clean
+ map_regs:
+ opt_clean
+ dfflegalize -cell $_DFFE_????_ x -cell $_DLATCH_???_ x
+ techmap -map +/gatemate/reg_map.v
+ opt_expr -mux_undef
+ simplemap
+ opt_clean
+ map_muxs:
+ muxcover -mux4 -mux8
+ opt -full
+ techmap -map +/gatemate/mux_map.v
+ map_luts:
+ abc -dress -lut 4
+ clean
+ map_cells:
+ techmap -map +/gatemate/lut_map.v
+ clean
+ map_bufg: (skip if '-noclkbuf')
+ clkbufmap -buf CC_BUFG O:I
+ clean
+ check:
+ hierarchy -check
+ stat -width
+ check -noinit
+ blackbox =A:whitebox
+ vlog:
+ opt_clean -purge
+ write_verilog -noattr <file-name>
+ json:
+ write_json <file-name>
\section{synth\_gowin -- synthesis for Gowin FPGAs}
@@ -5724,8 +5883,7 @@ The following commands are executed by this synthesis command:
techmap -map +/techmap.v -map +/gowin/arith_map.v
opt -fast
abc -dff -D 1 (only if -retime)
- splitnets
- iopadmap -bits -inpad IBUF O:I -outpad OBUF I:O -toutpad $__GW_TBUF OE:I:O -tinoutpad $__GW_IOBUF OE:O:I:IO (unless -noiopads)
+ iopadmap -bits -inpad IBUF O:I -outpad OBUF I:O -toutpad TBUF ~OEN:I:O -tinoutpad IOBUF ~OEN:O:I:IO (unless -noiopads)
@@ -5743,6 +5901,7 @@ The following commands are executed by this synthesis command:
opt_lut_ins -tech gowin
setundef -undriven -params -zero
hilomap -singleton -hicell VCC V -locell GND G
+ splitnets -ports (only if -vout used)
@@ -5753,7 +5912,7 @@ The following commands are executed by this synthesis command:
blackbox =A:whitebox
- write_verilog -decimal -attr2comment -defparam -renameprefix gen <file-name>
+ write_verilog -simple-lhs -decimal -attr2comment -defparam -renameprefix gen <file-name>
write_json <file-name>
@@ -6138,7 +6297,7 @@ This command runs synthesis for ALM-based Intel FPGAs.
-family <family>
target one of:
"cyclonev" - Cyclone V (default)
- "cyclone10gx" - Cyclone 10GX
+ "arriav" - Arria V (non-GZ) "cyclone10gx" - Cyclone 10GX
-vqm <file>
write the design to the specified Verilog Quartus Mapping File. Writing of an
@@ -6316,7 +6475,7 @@ The following commands are executed by this synthesis command:
opt -fast
map_ios: (unless -noiopad)
- iopadmap -bits -outpad $__FACADE_OUTPAD I:O -inpad $__FACADE_INPAD O:I -toutpad $__FACADE_TOUTPAD OE:I:O -tinoutpad $__FACADE_TINOUTPAD OE:O:I:B A:top
+ iopadmap -bits -outpad $__FACADE_OUTPAD I:O -inpad $__FACADE_INPAD O:I -toutpad $__FACADE_TOUTPAD ~T:I:O -tinoutpad $__FACADE_TINOUTPAD ~T:O:I:B A:top
attrmvcp -attr src -attr LOC t:$__FACADE_OUTPAD %x:+[O] t:$__FACADE_TOUTPAD %x:+[O] t:$__FACADE_TINOUTPAD %x:+[B]
attrmvcp -attr src -attr LOC -driven t:$__FACADE_INPAD %x:+[I]
@@ -6466,7 +6625,7 @@ The following commands are executed by this synthesis command:
techmap -map +/techmap.v -map +/nexus/arith_map.v
- iopadmap -bits -outpad OB I:O -inpad IB O:I -toutpad $__NX_TOUTPAD OE:I:O -tinoutpad $__NX_TINOUTPAD OE:O:I:B A:top (skip if '-noiopad')
+ iopadmap -bits -outpad OB I:O -inpad IB O:I -toutpad OBZ ~T:I:O -tinoutpad BB ~T:O:I:B A:top (skip if '-noiopad')
opt -fast
abc -dff -D 1 (only if -retime)
@@ -6876,7 +7035,7 @@ The following commands are executed by this synthesis command:
opt -fast
- iopadmap -bits -outpad OBUF I:O -inpad IBUF O:I -toutpad $__XILINX_TOUTPAD OE:I:O -tinoutpad $__XILINX_TINOUTPAD OE:O:I:IO A:top (skip if '-noiopad')
+ iopadmap -bits -outpad OBUF I:O -inpad IBUF O:I -toutpad OBUFT ~T:I:O -tinoutpad IOBUF ~T:O:I:IO A:top (skip if '-noiopad')
techmap -map +/techmap.v -map +/xilinx/cells_map.v