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diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d60c31a97
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/back_end.adb b/back_end.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..034aa23eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/back_end.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+-- Back-end specialization
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Flags;
+with Types; use Types;
+with Iirs_Utils; use Iirs_Utils;
+package body Back_End is
+ -- Transform a library identifier into a file name.
+ -- Very simple mechanism: just add '-simVV.cf' extension, where VV
+ -- is the version.
+ function Default_Library_To_File_Name (Library: Iir_Library_Declaration)
+ return String
+ is
+ begin
+ case Flags.Vhdl_Std is
+ when Vhdl_87 =>
+ return Image_Identifier (Library) & "-obj87.cf";
+ when Vhdl_93c | Vhdl_93 | Vhdl_00 | Vhdl_02 =>
+ return Image_Identifier (Library) & "-obj93.cf";
+ end case;
+ end Default_Library_To_File_Name;
+end Back_End;
diff --git a/back_end.ads b/back_end.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3ff6fb1f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/back_end.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+-- Back-end specialization
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+package Back_End is
+ -- Return the name of the library file for LIBRARY.
+ -- The library file describe the contents of LIBRARY.
+ function Default_Library_To_File_Name (Library : Iir_Library_Declaration)
+ return String;
+ type Library_To_File_Name_Acc is
+ access function (Library : Iir_Library_Declaration) return String;
+ Library_To_File_Name : Library_To_File_Name_Acc :=
+ Default_Library_To_File_Name'Access;
+ -- UNIT is a design unit from parse.
+ -- According to the current back-end, do what is necessary.
+ --
+ -- If MAIN is true, then UNIT is a wanted to be analysed design unit, and
+ -- dump/list options can applied.
+ -- This avoid to dump/list units fetched (through a selected name or a
+ -- use clause) indirectly by the main unit.
+ type Finish_Compilation_Acc is access
+ procedure (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit; Main : Boolean := False);
+ Finish_Compilation : Finish_Compilation_Acc := null;
+ -- DECL is an architecture (library unit) or a subprogram (specification)
+ -- decorated with a FOREIGN attribute. Do back-end checks.
+ -- May be NULL for no additionnal checks.
+ type Sem_Foreign_Acc is access procedure (Decl : Iir);
+ Sem_Foreign : Sem_Foreign_Acc := null;
+ --procedure Finish_Compilation
+ -- (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit; Main : Boolean := False);
+end Back_End;
diff --git a/bug.adb b/bug.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..770114ea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bug.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+-- Bug handling
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
+with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
+with GNAT.Directory_Operations;
+with Version; use Version;
+package body Bug is
+ -- Declared in the files generated by gnatbind.
+ -- Note: since the string is exported with C convension, there is no way
+ -- to know the length (gnat1 crashes if the string is unconstrained).
+ -- Hopefully, the format of the string seems to be fixed.
+ GNAT_Version : constant String (1 .. 31);
+ pragma Import (C, GNAT_Version, "__gnat_version");
+ procedure Disp_Bug_Box (Except : Exception_Occurrence)
+ is
+ Id : Exception_Id;
+ begin
+ New_Line (Standard_Error);
+ Put_Line
+ (Standard_Error,
+ "******************** GHDL Bug occured ****************************");
+ Put_Line
+ (Standard_Error,
+ "Please, report this bug to ghdl@free.fr, with all the output.");
+ Put_Line (Standard_Error, "GHDL version: " & Ghdl_Version);
+ Put_Line (Standard_Error, "Compiled with " & GNAT_Version);
+ Put_Line (Standard_Error, "In directory: " &
+ GNAT.Directory_Operations.Get_Current_Dir);
+ --Put_Line
+ -- ("Program name: " & Command_Name);
+ --Put_Line
+ -- ("Program arguments:");
+ --for I in 1 .. Argument_Count loop
+ -- Put_Line (" " & Argument (I));
+ --end loop;
+ Put_Line (Standard_Error, "Command line:");
+ Put (Standard_Error, Command_Name);
+ for I in 1 .. Argument_Count loop
+ Put (Standard_Error, ' ');
+ Put (Standard_Error, Argument (I));
+ end loop;
+ New_Line (Standard_Error);
+ Id := Exception_Identity (Except);
+ if Id /= Null_Id then
+ Put_Line (Standard_Error,
+ "Exception " & Exception_Name (Id) & " raised");
+ --Put_Line ("exception message: " & Exception_Message (Except));
+ Put_Line (Standard_Error,
+ "Exception information:");
+ Put (Standard_Error, Exception_Information (Except));
+ end if;
+ Put_Line
+ (Standard_Error,
+ "******************************************************************");
+ end Disp_Bug_Box;
+end Bug;
diff --git a/bug.ads b/bug.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce57a35a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bug.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+-- Bug handling
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions;
+package Bug is
+ procedure Disp_Bug_Box (Except : Exception_Occurrence);
+end Bug;
diff --git a/canon.adb b/canon.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ac67b4e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/canon.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,2316 @@
+-- Canonicalization pass
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Iirs_Utils; use Iirs_Utils;
+with Types; use Types;
+with Name_Table;
+with Sem;
+with Std_Names;
+with Types; use Types;
+with Iir_Chains; use Iir_Chains;
+with Flags;
+package body Canon is
+ -- Canonicalize a list of declarations. LIST can be null.
+ -- PARENT must be the parent of the current statements chain for LIST,
+ -- or NULL_IIR if LIST has no corresponding current statments.
+ procedure Canon_Declarations (Top : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Decl_Parent : Iir;
+ Parent : Iir);
+ procedure Canon_Declaration (Top : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Decl : Iir;
+ Parent : Iir;
+ Decl_Parent : Iir);
+ -- Canonicalize an association list.
+ -- If ASSOCIATION_LIST is not null, then it is re-ordored and returned.
+ -- If ASSOCIATION_LIST is null then:
+ -- if INTERFACE_LIST is null then returns null.
+ -- if INTERFACE_LIST is not null, a default list is created.
+ function Canon_Association_Chain
+ (Interface_Chain: Iir; Association_Chain: Iir)
+ return Iir;
+ function Canon_Association_Chain_And_Actuals
+ (Interface_Chain : Iir; Association_Chain : Iir)
+ return Iir;
+ -- Canonicalize block configuration CONF.
+ -- TOP is used to added dependences to the design unit which CONF
+ -- belongs to.
+ procedure Canon_Block_Configuration (Top : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Conf : Iir_Block_Configuration);
+ function Is_Signal_Object (Decl: Iir) return Boolean is
+ Adecl: Iir;
+ begin
+ Adecl := Get_Base_Name (Decl);
+ case Get_Kind (Adecl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration =>
+ return False;
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ return True;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("is_signal_object", Adecl);
+ end case;
+ end Is_Signal_Object;
+ procedure Canon_Extract_Sensitivity_Aggregate
+ (Aggr : Iir;
+ Sensitivity_List : Iir_List;
+ Is_Target : Boolean;
+ Aggr_Type : Iir;
+ Dim : Natural)
+ is
+ Assoc : Iir;
+ begin
+ Assoc := Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Aggr);
+ if Get_Nbr_Elements (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Aggr_Type)) = Dim then
+ while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity
+ (Get_Associated (Assoc), Sensitivity_List, Is_Target);
+ Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
+ end loop;
+ else
+ while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity_Aggregate
+ (Get_Associated (Assoc), Sensitivity_List, Is_Target, Aggr_Type,
+ Dim + 1);
+ Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end Canon_Extract_Sensitivity_Aggregate;
+ procedure Canon_Extract_Sensitivity
+ (Expr: Iir; Sensitivity_List: Iir_List; Is_Target: Boolean := False)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ List: Iir_List;
+ begin
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr) /= None then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Expr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
+ if not Is_Target and then
+ Get_Name_Staticness (Expr) >= Globally
+ then
+ if Is_Signal_Object (Expr) then
+ Add_Element (Sensitivity_List, Expr);
+ end if;
+ else
+ declare
+ Suff : Iir;
+ begin
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity
+ (Get_Prefix (Expr), Sensitivity_List, Is_Target);
+ Suff := Get_Suffix (Expr);
+ if Get_Kind (Suff) not in Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Type_Definition
+ then
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity
+ (Suff, Sensitivity_List, False);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Element =>
+ if not Is_Target and then
+ Get_Name_Staticness (Expr) >= Globally
+ then
+ if Is_Signal_Object (Expr) then
+ Add_Element (Sensitivity_List, Expr);
+ end if;
+ else
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity (Get_Prefix (Expr),
+ Sensitivity_List,
+ Is_Target);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name =>
+ if not Is_Target
+ and then Get_Name_Staticness (Expr) >= Globally
+ then
+ if Is_Signal_Object (Expr) then
+ Add_Element (Sensitivity_List, Expr);
+ end if;
+ else
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity (Get_Prefix (Expr),
+ Sensitivity_List,
+ Is_Target);
+ List := Get_Index_List (Expr);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity (El, Sensitivity_List, False);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
+ El := Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Expr);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression =>
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity
+ (Get_Actual (El), Sensitivity_List, False);
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("canon_extract_sensitivity(call)", El);
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ when Iir_Kind_Qualified_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion
+ | Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Expression =>
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity
+ (Get_Expression (Expr), Sensitivity_List, False);
+ when Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Subtype =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Monadic_Operator =>
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity
+ (Get_Operand (Expr), Sensitivity_List, False);
+ when Iir_Kinds_Dyadic_Operator =>
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity
+ (Get_Left (Expr), Sensitivity_List, False);
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity
+ (Get_Right (Expr), Sensitivity_List, False);
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity
+ (Get_Left_Limit (Expr), Sensitivity_List, False);
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity
+ (Get_Right_Limit (Expr), Sensitivity_List, False);
+ when Iir_Kinds_Type_Attribute =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Event_Attribute =>
+ -- LRM 8.1
+ -- An attribute name: [...]; otherwise, apply this rule to the
+ -- prefix of the attribute name.
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity
+ (Get_Prefix (Expr), Sensitivity_List, False);
+ when Iir_Kind_Last_Value_Attribute =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute =>
+ -- LRM 8.1
+ -- A simple name that denotes a signal, add the longuest static
+ -- prefix of the name to the sensitivity set;
+ --
+ -- An attribute name: if the designator denotes a signal
+ -- attribute, add the longuest static prefix of the name of the
+ -- implicit signal denoted by the attribute name to the
+ -- sensitivity set; [...]
+ if not Is_Target then
+ Add_Element (Sensitivity_List, Expr);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity
+ (Get_Name (Expr), Sensitivity_List, Is_Target);
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Left_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Right_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Length_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Low_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_High_Array_Attribute =>
+ null;
+ --Canon_Extract_Sensitivity
+ -- (Get_Prefix (Expr), Sensitivity_List, Is_Target);
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate =>
+ declare
+ Aggr_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Aggr_Type := Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Expr));
+ case Get_Kind (Aggr_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity_Aggregate
+ (Expr, Sensitivity_List, Is_Target, Aggr_Type, 1);
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
+ El := Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Expr);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity
+ (Get_Associated (El), Sensitivity_List, Is_Target);
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("canon_extract_sensitivity(aggr)", Aggr_Type);
+ end case;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity
+ (Get_Named_Entity (Expr), Sensitivity_List, Is_Target);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("canon_extract_sensitivity", Expr);
+ end case;
+ end Canon_Extract_Sensitivity;
+-- function Make_Aggregate (Array_Type : Iir_Array_Type_Definition; El : Iir)
+-- return Iir_Aggregate
+-- is
+-- Res : Iir_Aggregate;
+-- Choice : Iir;
+-- begin
+-- Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Aggregate);
+-- Location_Copy (Res, El);
+-- Choice := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Association_Choice_By_None);
+-- Set_Associated (Choice, El);
+-- Append_Element (Get_Association_Choices_List (Res), Choice);
+-- -- will call sem_aggregate
+-- return Sem_Expr.Sem_Expression (Res, Array_Type);
+-- end Make_Aggregate;
+-- procedure Canon_Concatenation_Operator (Expr : Iir)
+-- is
+-- Array_Type : Iir_Array_Type_Definition;
+-- El_Type : Iir;
+-- Left, Right : Iir;
+-- Func_List : Iir_Implicit_Functions_List;
+-- Func : Iir_Implicit_Function_Declaration;
+-- begin
+-- Array_Type := Get_Type (Expr);
+-- El_Type := Get_Base_Type (Get_Element_Subtype (Array_Type));
+-- Left := Get_Left (Expr);
+-- if Get_Type (Left) = El_Type then
+-- Set_Left (Expr, Make_Aggregate (Array_Type, Left));
+-- end if;
+-- Right := Get_Right (Expr);
+-- if Get_Type (Right) = El_Type then
+-- Set_Right (Expr, Make_Aggregate (Array_Type, Right));
+-- end if;
+-- -- FIXME: must convert the implementation.
+-- -- Use implicit declaration list from the array_type ?
+-- Func_List := Get_Implicit_Functions_List
+-- (Get_Type_Declarator (Array_Type));
+-- for I in Natural loop
+-- Func := Get_Nth_Element (Func_List, I);
+-- if Get_Implicit_Definition (Func)
+-- = Iir_Predefined_Array_Array_Concat
+-- then
+-- Set_Implementation (Expr, Func);
+-- exit;
+-- end if;
+-- end loop;
+-- end Canon_Concatenation_Operator;
+ -- canon on expressions, mainly for function calls.
+ procedure Canon_Expression (Expr: Iir)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ List: Iir_List;
+ begin
+ if Expr = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Expr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Left_Limit (Expr));
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Right_Limit (Expr));
+ when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
+ declare
+ Suffix : Iir;
+ begin
+ Suffix := Get_Suffix (Expr);
+ if Get_Kind (Suffix) not in Iir_Kinds_Discrete_Type_Definition
+ then
+ Canon_Expression (Suffix);
+ end if;
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name =>
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ List := Get_Index_List (Expr);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Canon_Expression (El);
+ end loop;
+-- when Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+-- -- Use this order to allow tail recursion optimisation.
+-- Canon_Expression (Get_Suffix (Expr));
+-- Canon_Expression (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Element =>
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ when Iir_Kind_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference =>
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Named_Entity (Expr));
+ when Iir_Kinds_Monadic_Operator =>
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Operand (Expr));
+ when Iir_Kinds_Dyadic_Operator =>
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Left (Expr));
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Right (Expr));
+ if Get_Kind (Expr) = Iir_Kind_Concatenation_Operator
+ and then Canon_Concatenation
+ and then Get_Kind (Get_Implementation (Expr)) =
+ Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ then
+ --Canon_Concatenation_Operator (Expr);
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
+ declare
+ Imp : Iir;
+ Assoc_Chain : Iir;
+ begin
+ Imp := Get_Implementation (Expr);
+ if Get_Kind (Imp) /= Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration then
+ Assoc_Chain := Canon_Association_Chain_And_Actuals
+ (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Imp),
+ Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Expr));
+ Set_Parameter_Association_Chain (Expr, Assoc_Chain);
+ else
+ -- FIXME:
+ -- should canon concatenation.
+ null;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion
+ | Iir_Kind_Qualified_Expression =>
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Expression (Expr));
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate =>
+ -- FIXME
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Expression =>
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Expression (Expr));
+ when Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Subtype =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Simple_Aggregate
+ | Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Array_Attribute =>
+ -- No need to canon parameter, since it is a locally static
+ -- expression.
+ declare
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ begin
+ Prefix := Get_Prefix (Expr);
+ case Get_Kind (Prefix) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Canon_Expression (Prefix);
+ end case;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Type_Attribute =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute =>
+ -- FIXME: add the default parameter ?
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ when Iir_Kind_Event_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Value_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Active_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Event_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Active_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Driving_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Driving_Value_Attribute =>
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ when Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Image_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Value_Attribute =>
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Parameter (Expr));
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Path_Name_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Instance_Name_Attribute =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Element_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("canon_expression", Expr);
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end Canon_Expression;
+ procedure Canon_Waveform_Chain
+ (Chain : Iir_Waveform_Element; Sensitivity_List: Iir_List)
+ is
+ We: Iir_Waveform_Element;
+ begin
+ We := Chain;
+ while We /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Sensitivity_List /= Null_Iir_List then
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity
+ (Get_We_Value (We), Sensitivity_List, False);
+ end if;
+ if Canon_Flag_Expressions then
+ Canon_Expression (Get_We_Value (We));
+ if Get_Time (We) /= Null_Iir then
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Time (We));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ We := Get_Chain (We);
+ end loop;
+ end Canon_Waveform_Chain;
+ -- Names associations by position,
+ -- reorder associations by name,
+ -- create omitted association,
+ function Canon_Association_Chain
+ (Interface_Chain : Iir; Association_Chain : Iir)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ -- The canon list of association.
+ N_Chain, Last : Iir;
+ Interface : Iir;
+ Assoc_El, Prev_Assoc_El, Next_Assoc_El : Iir;
+ Assoc_Chain : Iir;
+ Found : Boolean;
+ begin
+ -- No argument, so return now.
+ if Interface_Chain = Null_Iir then
+ if Association_Chain /= Null_Iir then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Sub_Chain_Init (N_Chain, Last);
+ Assoc_Chain := Association_Chain;
+ -- Reorder the list of association in the interface order.
+ -- Add missing associations.
+ Interface := Interface_Chain;
+ while Interface /= Null_Iir loop
+ -- Search associations with INTERFACE.
+ Found := False;
+ Assoc_El := Assoc_Chain;
+ Prev_Assoc_El := Null_Iir;
+ while Assoc_El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Next_Assoc_El := Get_Chain (Assoc_El);
+ if Get_Formal (Assoc_El) = Null_Iir then
+ Set_Formal (Assoc_El, Interface);
+ end if;
+ if Get_Associated_Formal (Assoc_El) = Interface then
+ -- Remove ASSOC_EL from ASSOC_CHAIN
+ if Prev_Assoc_El /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Chain (Prev_Assoc_El, Next_Assoc_El);
+ else
+ Assoc_Chain := Next_Assoc_El;
+ end if;
+ -- Append ASSOC_EL in N_CHAIN.
+ Set_Chain (Assoc_El, Null_Iir);
+ Sub_Chain_Append (N_Chain, Last, Assoc_El);
+ case Get_Kind (Assoc_El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open =>
+ goto Done;
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression =>
+ if Get_Whole_Association_Flag (Assoc_El) then
+ goto Done;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual =>
+ Found := True;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("canon_association_list", Assoc_El);
+ end case;
+ elsif Found then
+ -- No more associations.
+ goto Done;
+ else
+ Prev_Assoc_El := Assoc_El;
+ end if;
+ Assoc_El := Next_Assoc_El;
+ end loop;
+ if Found then
+ goto Done;
+ end if;
+ -- No association, use default expr.
+ Assoc_El := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open);
+ Set_Artificial_Flag (Assoc_El, True);
+ -- FIXME: association_list can be null_iir_list!
+ --Location_Copy (Assoc_El, Association_List);
+ Set_Formal (Assoc_El, Interface);
+ Sub_Chain_Append (N_Chain, Last, Assoc_El);
+ << Done >> null;
+ Interface := Get_Chain (Interface);
+ end loop;
+ pragma Assert (Assoc_Chain = Null_Iir);
+ return N_Chain;
+ end Canon_Association_Chain;
+ procedure Canon_Association_Chain_Actuals (Association_Chain : Iir)
+ is
+ Assoc_El : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Canon actuals.
+ Assoc_El := Association_Chain;
+ while Assoc_El /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Get_Kind (Assoc_El) = Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression
+ then
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Actual (Assoc_El));
+ end if;
+ Assoc_El := Get_Chain (Assoc_El);
+ end loop;
+ end Canon_Association_Chain_Actuals;
+ function Canon_Association_Chain_And_Actuals
+ (Interface_Chain : Iir; Association_Chain : Iir)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ Res := Canon_Association_Chain (Interface_Chain, Association_Chain);
+ Canon_Association_Chain_Actuals (Res);
+ return Res;
+ end Canon_Association_Chain_And_Actuals;
+ function Canon_Subprogram_Call (Call : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Imp : Iir;
+ Assoc_Chain : Iir;
+ Inter_Chain : Iir;
+ begin
+ Imp := Get_Implementation (Call);
+ Inter_Chain := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Imp);
+ Assoc_Chain := Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Call);
+ Assoc_Chain := Canon_Association_Chain (Inter_Chain, Assoc_Chain);
+ Set_Parameter_Association_Chain (Call, Assoc_Chain);
+ return Assoc_Chain;
+ end Canon_Subprogram_Call;
+ -- Create a default association list for INTERFACE_LIST.
+ -- The default is a list of interfaces associated with open.
+ function Canon_Default_Association_Chain (Interface_Chain : Iir)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ Last : Iir;
+ Assoc, El : Iir;
+ begin
+ El := Interface_Chain;
+ Sub_Chain_Init (Res, Last);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Assoc := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open);
+ Set_Artificial_Flag (Assoc, True);
+ Set_Formal (Assoc, El);
+ Location_Copy (Assoc, El);
+ Sub_Chain_Append (Res, Last, Assoc);
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end Canon_Default_Association_Chain;
+-- function Canon_Default_Map_Association_List
+-- (Formal_List, Actual_List : Iir_List; Loc : Location_Type)
+-- return Iir_Association_List
+-- is
+-- Res : Iir_Association_List;
+-- Formal, Actual : Iir;
+-- Assoc : Iir;
+-- Nbr_Assoc : Natural;
+-- begin
+-- -- formal is the entity port/generic.
+-- if Formal_List = Null_Iir_List then
+-- if Actual_List /= Null_Iir_List then
+-- raise Internal_Error;
+-- end if;
+-- return Null_Iir_List;
+-- end if;
+-- Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Association_List);
+-- Set_Location (Res, Loc);
+-- Nbr_Assoc := 0;
+-- for I in Natural loop
+-- Formal := Get_Nth_Element (Formal_List, I);
+-- exit when Formal = Null_Iir;
+-- Actual := Find_Name_In_List (Actual_List, Get_Identifier (Formal));
+-- if Actual /= Null_Iir then
+-- Assoc := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression);
+-- Set_Whole_Association_Flag (Assoc, True);
+-- Set_Actual (Assoc, Actual);
+-- Nbr_Assoc := Nbr_Assoc + 1;
+-- else
+-- Assoc := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open);
+-- end if;
+-- Set_Location (Assoc, Loc);
+-- Set_Formal (Assoc, Formal);
+-- Set_Associated_Formal (Assoc, Formal);
+-- Append_Element (Res, Assoc);
+-- end loop;
+-- if Nbr_Assoc /= Get_Nbr_Elements (Actual_List) then
+-- -- There is non-associated actuals.
+-- raise Internal_Error;
+-- end if;
+-- return Res;
+-- end Canon_Default_Map_Association_List;
+ -- Inner loop if any; used to canonicalize exit/next statement.
+ Cur_Loop : Iir;
+ procedure Canon_Procedure_Call (Call : Iir_Procedure_Call)
+ is
+ Assoc_Chain : Iir;
+ begin
+ Assoc_Chain := Canon_Association_Chain_And_Actuals
+ (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Get_Implementation (Call)),
+ Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Call));
+ Set_Parameter_Association_Chain (Call, Assoc_Chain);
+ end Canon_Procedure_Call;
+ procedure Canon_Sequential_Stmts (First : Iir)
+ is
+ Stmt: Iir;
+ Expr: Iir;
+ Prev_Loop : Iir;
+ Label : Iir;
+ begin
+ Stmt := First;
+ while Stmt /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (Stmt) is
+ when Iir_Kind_If_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Cond: Iir;
+ Clause: Iir := Stmt;
+ begin
+ while Clause /= Null_Iir loop
+ Cond := Get_Condition (Clause);
+ if Cond /= Null_Iir then
+ Canon_Expression (Cond);
+ end if;
+ Canon_Sequential_Stmts
+ (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Clause));
+ Clause := Get_Else_Clause (Clause);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement =>
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Target (Stmt));
+ Canon_Waveform_Chain (Get_Waveform_Chain (Stmt), Null_Iir_List);
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement =>
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Target (Stmt));
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Expression (Stmt));
+ when Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Expr: Iir;
+ List: Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Expr := Get_Timeout_Clause (Stmt);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Canon_Expression (Expr);
+ end if;
+ Expr := Get_Condition_Clause (Stmt);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Canon_Expression (Expr);
+ end if;
+ List := Get_Sensitivity_List (Stmt);
+ if List = Null_Iir_List and then Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity (Expr, List, False);
+ Set_Sensitivity_List (Stmt, List);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Case_Statement =>
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Expression (Stmt));
+ declare
+ Choice: Iir;
+ begin
+ Choice := Get_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain (Stmt);
+ while Choice /= Null_Iir loop
+ -- FIXME: canon choice expr.
+ Canon_Sequential_Stmts (Get_Associated (Choice));
+ Choice := Get_Chain (Choice);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Report_Statement =>
+ if Get_Kind (Stmt) = Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement then
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Assertion_Condition (Stmt));
+ end if;
+ Expr := Get_Report_Expression (Stmt);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Canon_Expression (Expr);
+ end if;
+ Expr := Get_Severity_Expression (Stmt);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Canon_Expression (Expr);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement =>
+ -- FIXME: decl.
+ Prev_Loop := Cur_Loop;
+ Cur_Loop := Stmt;
+ Canon_Sequential_Stmts (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Stmt));
+ Cur_Loop := Prev_Loop;
+ when Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement =>
+ Expr := Get_Condition (Stmt);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Canon_Expression (Expr);
+ end if;
+ Prev_Loop := Cur_Loop;
+ Cur_Loop := Stmt;
+ Canon_Sequential_Stmts (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Stmt));
+ Cur_Loop := Prev_Loop;
+ when Iir_Kind_Next_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement =>
+ Expr := Get_Condition (Stmt);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Canon_Expression (Expr);
+ end if;
+ Label := Get_Loop (Stmt);
+ if Label = Null_Iir then
+ Set_Loop (Stmt, Cur_Loop);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement =>
+ Canon_Procedure_Call (Get_Procedure_Call (Stmt));
+ when Iir_Kind_Null_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Return_Statement =>
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Expression (Stmt));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("canon_sequential_stmts", Stmt);
+ end case;
+ Stmt := Get_Chain (Stmt);
+ end loop;
+ end Canon_Sequential_Stmts;
+ procedure Add_Driver_For_Signal (Driver_List : Iir_List;
+ Signal : Iir)
+ is
+ Choice : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Signal) = Iir_Kind_Aggregate then
+ Choice := Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Signal);
+ while Choice /= Null_Iir loop
+ Add_Driver_For_Signal (Driver_List, Get_Associated (Choice));
+ Choice := Get_Chain (Choice);
+ end loop;
+ else
+ Add_Element (Driver_List, Get_Longuest_Static_Prefix (Signal));
+ end if;
+ end Add_Driver_For_Signal;
+ -- Create a statement transform from concurrent_signal_assignment
+ -- statement STMT (either selected or conditional).
+ -- waveform transformation is not done.
+ -- PROC is the process created.
+ -- PARENT is the place where signal assignment must be placed. This may
+ -- be PROC, or an 'if' statement if the assignment is guarded.
+ -- See LRM93 9.5
+ procedure Canon_Concurrent_Signal_Assignment
+ (Stmt: in out Iir;
+ Proc: out Iir_Sensitized_Process_Statement;
+ Chain : out Iir)
+ is
+ If_Stmt: Iir;
+ Sensitivity_List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Proc := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement);
+ Location_Copy (Proc, Stmt);
+ Set_Parent (Proc, Get_Parent (Stmt));
+ Sensitivity_List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Set_Sensitivity_List (Proc, Sensitivity_List);
+ -- LRM93 9.5
+ -- 1. If a label appears on the concurrent signal assignment, then the
+ -- same label appears on the process statement.
+ Set_Label (Proc, Get_Label (Stmt));
+ -- LRM93 9.5
+ -- 2. The equivalent process statement is a postponed process if and
+ -- only if the current signal assignment statement includes the
+ -- reserved word POSTPONED.
+ Set_Postponed_Flag (Proc, Get_Postponed_Flag (Proc));
+ Set_Driver_List (Proc, Create_Iir_List);
+ Add_Driver_For_Signal (Get_Driver_List (Proc), Get_Target (Stmt));
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity (Get_Target (Stmt), Sensitivity_List, True);
+ if Canon_Flag_Expressions then
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Target (Stmt));
+ end if;
+ if Get_Guard (Stmt) /= Null_Iir then
+ -- LRM93 9.1
+ -- If the option guarded appears in the concurrent signal assignment
+ -- statement, then the concurrent signal assignment is called a
+ -- guarded assignment.
+ -- If the concurrent signal assignement statement is a guarded
+ -- assignment and the target of the concurrent signal assignment is
+ -- a guarded target, then the statement transform is as follow:
+ -- if GUARD then signal_transform else disconnect_statements end if;
+ -- Otherwise, if the concurrent signal assignment statement is a
+ -- guarded assignement, but the target if the concurrent signal
+ -- assignment is not a guarded target, the then statement transform
+ -- is as follows:
+ -- if GUARD then signal_transform end if;
+ If_Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_If_Statement);
+ Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Proc, If_Stmt);
+ Location_Copy (If_Stmt, Stmt);
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity (Get_Guard (Stmt), Sensitivity_List, False);
+ Set_Condition (If_Stmt, Get_Guard (Stmt));
+ Chain := If_Stmt;
+ declare
+ Target : Iir;
+ Else_Clause : Iir_Elsif;
+ Dis_Stmt : Iir_Signal_Assignment_Statement;
+ begin
+ Target := Get_Target (Stmt);
+ if Get_Guarded_Target_State (Stmt) = True then
+ -- The target is a guarded target.
+ -- create the disconnection statement.
+ Else_Clause := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Elsif);
+ Location_Copy (Else_Clause, Stmt);
+ Set_Else_Clause (If_Stmt, Else_Clause);
+ Dis_Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement);
+ Location_Copy (Dis_Stmt, Stmt);
+ Set_Target (Dis_Stmt, Target);
+ Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Else_Clause, Dis_Stmt);
+ -- XX
+ Set_Waveform_Chain (Dis_Stmt, Null_Iir);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ else
+ -- LRM93 9.1
+ -- Finally, if the concurrent signal assignment statement is not a
+ -- guarded assignment, and the traget of the concurrent signal
+ -- assignment is not a guarded target,t hen the statement transform
+ -- is as follows:
+ -- signal_transform
+ Chain := Proc;
+ end if;
+ end Canon_Concurrent_Signal_Assignment;
+ function Canon_Concurrent_Procedure_Call (El : Iir)
+ return Iir_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ is
+ Proc : Iir_Sensitized_Process_Statement;
+ Call_Stmt : Iir_Procedure_Call_Statement;
+ Wait_Stmt : Iir_Wait_Statement;
+ Call : Iir_Procedure_Call;
+ Assoc_Chain : Iir;
+ Assoc : Iir;
+ Imp : Iir;
+ Driver_List : Iir_Driver_List;
+ Interface : Iir;
+ Sensitivity_List : Iir_List;
+ Is_Sensitized : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Call := Get_Procedure_Call (El);
+ Imp := Get_Implementation (Call);
+ -- Optimization: the process is a sensitized process only if the
+ -- procedure is known not to have wait statement.
+ Is_Sensitized := Get_Wait_State (Imp) = False;
+ -- LRM93 9.3
+ -- The equivalent process statement has also no sensitivity list, an
+ -- empty declarative part, and a statement part that consists of a
+ -- procedure call statement followed by a wait statement.
+ if Is_Sensitized then
+ Proc := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement);
+ else
+ Proc := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Process_Statement);
+ end if;
+ Location_Copy (Proc, El);
+ Set_Parent (Proc, Get_Parent (El));
+ -- LRM93 9.3
+ -- The equivalent process statement has a label if and only if the
+ -- concurrent procedure call statement has a label; if the equivalent
+ -- process statement has a label, it is the same as that of the
+ -- concurrent procedure call statement.
+ Set_Label (Proc, Get_Label (El));
+ -- LRM93 9.3
+ -- The equivalent process statement is a postponed process if and only
+ -- if the concurrent procedure call statement includes the reserved
+ -- word POSTPONED.
+ Set_Postponed_Flag (Proc, Get_Postponed_Flag (El));
+ Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Proc, Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (El));
+ Call_Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement);
+ Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Proc, Call_Stmt);
+ Location_Copy (Call_Stmt, El);
+ Set_Procedure_Call (Call_Stmt, Call);
+ Assoc_Chain := Canon_Association_Chain
+ (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Imp),
+ Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Call));
+ Set_Parameter_Association_Chain (Call, Assoc_Chain);
+ Driver_List := Null_Iir_List;
+ Assoc := Assoc_Chain;
+ -- LRM93 9.3
+ -- If there exists a name that denotes a signal in the actual part of
+ -- any association element in the concurrent procedure call statement,
+ -- and that actual is associated with a formal parameter of mode IN or
+ -- INOUT, then the equivalent process statement includes a final wait
+ -- statement with a sensitivity clause that is constructed by taking
+ -- the union of the sets constructed by applying th rule of Section 8.1
+ -- to each actual part associated with a formal parameter.
+ Sensitivity_List := Create_Iir_List;
+ while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (Assoc) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression =>
+ Interface := Get_Associated_Formal (Assoc);
+ if Get_Mode (Interface) in Iir_In_Modes then
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity
+ (Get_Actual (Assoc), Sensitivity_List, False);
+ end if;
+ -- LRM Signal Parameters
+ if Get_Kind (Interface) = Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ and then Get_Mode (Interface) in Iir_Out_Modes
+ then
+ if Driver_List = Null_Iir_List then
+ Driver_List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Set_Driver_List (Proc, Driver_List);
+ end if;
+ Add_Element
+ (Driver_List,
+ Get_Longuest_Static_Prefix (Get_Actual (Assoc)));
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open
+ | Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
+ end loop;
+ if Get_Nbr_Elements (Sensitivity_List) = 0 then
+ Destroy_Iir_List (Sensitivity_List);
+ end if;
+ if Is_Sensitized then
+ Set_Sensitivity_List (Proc, Sensitivity_List);
+ else
+ Wait_Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement);
+ Location_Copy (Wait_Stmt, El);
+ Set_Parent (Wait_Stmt, Proc);
+ Set_Sensitivity_List (Wait_Stmt, Sensitivity_List);
+ Set_Chain (Call_Stmt, Wait_Stmt);
+ end if;
+ return Proc;
+ end Canon_Concurrent_Procedure_Call;
+ function Canon_Wave_Transform
+ (Orig_Stmt : Iir; Waveform_Chain : Iir_Waveform_Element; Proc : Iir)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Stmt : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Waveform_Chain = Null_Iir then
+ -- LRM 9.5.1 Conditionnal Signal Assignment
+ -- If the waveform is of the form:
+ -- then the wave transform in the corresponding process statement
+ -- is of the form:
+ -- NULL;
+ -- In this example, the final NULL causes the driver to be unchanged,
+ -- rather than disconnected.
+ -- (This is the null statement not a null waveform element).
+ Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Null_Statement);
+ else
+ -- LRM 9.5.1 Conditionnal Signal Assignment
+ -- If the waveform is of the form:
+ -- waveform_element1, waveform_element1, ..., waveform_elementN
+ -- then the wave transform in the corresponding process statement is
+ -- of the form:
+ -- target <= [ delay_mechanism ] waveform_element1,
+ -- waveform_element2, ..., waveform_elementN;
+ Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement);
+ Set_Target (Stmt, Get_Target (Orig_Stmt));
+ Canon_Waveform_Chain (Waveform_Chain, Get_Sensitivity_List (Proc));
+ Set_Waveform_Chain (Stmt, Waveform_Chain);
+ Set_Delay_Mechanism (Stmt, Get_Delay_Mechanism (Orig_Stmt));
+ Set_Reject_Time_Expression
+ (Stmt, Get_Reject_Time_Expression (Orig_Stmt));
+ end if;
+ Location_Copy (Stmt, Orig_Stmt);
+ return Stmt;
+ end Canon_Wave_Transform;
+ -- Create signal_transform for a conditional concurrent signal assignment.
+ procedure Canon_Conditional_Concurrent_Signal_Assigment
+ (Conc_Stmt : Iir; Proc : Iir; Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ Expr : Iir;
+ Stmt : Iir;
+ Res1 : Iir;
+ Last_Res : Iir;
+ Wf : Iir;
+ Cond_Wf : Iir_Conditional_Waveform;
+ Cond_Wf_Chain : Iir_Conditional_Waveform;
+ begin
+ Cond_Wf_Chain := Get_Conditional_Waveform_Chain (Conc_Stmt);
+ Stmt := Null_Iir;
+ Cond_Wf := Cond_Wf_Chain;
+ Last_Res := Null_Iir;
+ while Cond_Wf /= Null_Iir loop
+ Expr := Get_Condition (Cond_Wf);
+ Wf := Canon_Wave_Transform
+ (Conc_Stmt, Get_Waveform_Chain (Cond_Wf), Proc);
+ if Expr = Null_Iir and Cond_Wf = Cond_Wf_Chain then
+ Res1 := Wf;
+ else
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ if Canon_Flag_Expressions then
+ Canon_Expression (Expr);
+ end if;
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity
+ (Expr, Get_Sensitivity_List (Proc), False);
+ end if;
+ if Stmt = Null_Iir then
+ Res1 := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_If_Statement);
+ else
+ Res1 := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Elsif);
+ end if;
+ Location_Copy (Res1, Cond_Wf);
+ Set_Condition (Res1, Expr);
+ Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Res1, Wf);
+ end if;
+ if Stmt = Null_Iir then
+ Stmt := Res1;
+ else
+ Set_Else_Clause (Last_Res, Res1);
+ end if;
+ Last_Res := Res1;
+ Cond_Wf := Get_Chain (Cond_Wf);
+ end loop;
+ Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Parent, Stmt);
+ end Canon_Conditional_Concurrent_Signal_Assigment;
+ procedure Canon_Selected_Concurrent_Signal_Assignment
+ (Conc_Stmt : Iir; Proc : Iir; Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ Selected_Waveform : Iir;
+ Case_Stmt: Iir_Case_Statement;
+ Expr : Iir;
+ Stmt : Iir;
+ Assoc : Iir;
+ begin
+ Case_Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Case_Statement);
+ Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Parent, Case_Stmt);
+ Location_Copy (Case_Stmt, Conc_Stmt);
+ Expr := Get_Expression (Conc_Stmt);
+ if Canon_Flag_Expressions then
+ Canon_Expression (Expr);
+ end if;
+ Set_Expression (Case_Stmt, Expr);
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity
+ (Expr, Get_Sensitivity_List (Proc), False);
+ Selected_Waveform := Get_Selected_Waveform_Chain (Conc_Stmt);
+ Set_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain (Case_Stmt, Selected_Waveform);
+ while Selected_Waveform /= Null_Iir loop
+ Assoc := Get_Associated (Selected_Waveform);
+ if Assoc /= Null_Iir then
+ Stmt := Canon_Wave_Transform (Conc_Stmt, Assoc, Proc);
+ Set_Associated (Selected_Waveform, Stmt);
+ end if;
+ Selected_Waveform := Get_Chain (Selected_Waveform);
+ end loop;
+ end Canon_Selected_Concurrent_Signal_Assignment;
+ procedure Canon_Concurrent_Stmts (Top : Iir_Design_Unit; Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ -- Current element in the chain of concurrent statements.
+ El: Iir;
+ -- Previous element or NULL_IIR if EL is the first element.
+ -- This is used to make Replace_Stmt efficient.
+ Prev_El : Iir;
+ -- Replace in the chain EL by N_STMT.
+ procedure Replace_Stmt (N_Stmt : Iir) is
+ begin
+ if Prev_El = Null_Iir then
+ Set_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Parent, N_Stmt);
+ else
+ Set_Chain (Prev_El, N_Stmt);
+ end if;
+ Set_Chain (N_Stmt, Get_Chain (El));
+ end Replace_Stmt;
+ Proc: Iir;
+ Stmt: Iir;
+ Sub_Chain : Iir;
+ Expr: Iir;
+ Proc_Num : Natural := 0;
+ Sensitivity_List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Prev_El := Null_Iir;
+ El := Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Parent);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ -- Add a label if required.
+ if Canon_Flag_Add_Labels
+ and then Get_Label (El) = Null_Identifier
+ then
+ declare
+ Str : String := Natural'Image (Proc_Num);
+ begin
+ -- Note: the label starts with a capitalized letter, to avoid
+ -- any clash with user's identifiers.
+ Str (1) := 'P';
+ Set_Label (El, Name_Table.Get_Identifier (Str));
+ end;
+ Proc_Num := Proc_Num + 1;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment =>
+ Canon_Concurrent_Signal_Assignment (El, Proc, Sub_Chain);
+ Canon_Conditional_Concurrent_Signal_Assigment
+ (El, Proc, Sub_Chain);
+ Replace_Stmt (Proc);
+ Free_Iir (El);
+ El := Proc;
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment =>
+ Canon_Concurrent_Signal_Assignment (El, Proc, Sub_Chain);
+ Canon_Selected_Concurrent_Signal_Assignment
+ (El, Proc, Sub_Chain);
+ Replace_Stmt (Proc);
+ Free_Iir (El);
+ El := Proc;
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement =>
+ -- Create a new entry.
+ Proc := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement);
+ Location_Copy (Proc, El);
+ Set_Parent (Proc, Get_Parent (El));
+ -- LRM93 9.4
+ -- The equivalent process statement has a label if and only if
+ -- the current assertion statement has a label; if the
+ -- equivalent process statement has a label; it is the same
+ -- as that of the concurrent assertion statement.
+ Set_Label (Proc, Get_Label (El));
+ -- LRM93 9.4
+ -- The equivalent process statement is a postponed process if
+ -- and only if the current assertion statement includes the
+ -- reserved word POSTPONED.
+ Set_Postponed_Flag (Proc, Get_Postponed_Flag (El));
+ Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement);
+ Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Proc, Stmt);
+ Location_Copy (Stmt, El);
+ Sensitivity_List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Set_Sensitivity_List (Proc, Sensitivity_List);
+ -- Expand the expression, fill the sensitivity list,
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity
+ (Get_Assertion_Condition (El), Sensitivity_List, False);
+ if Canon_Flag_Expressions then
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Assertion_Condition (El));
+ end if;
+ Set_Assertion_Condition
+ (Stmt, Get_Assertion_Condition (El));
+ Expr := Get_Report_Expression (El);
+ if Canon_Flag_Expressions and Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Canon_Expression (Expr);
+ end if;
+ Set_Report_Expression (Stmt, Expr);
+ Expr := Get_Severity_Expression (El);
+ if Canon_Flag_Expressions and Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Canon_Expression (Expr);
+ end if;
+ Set_Severity_Expression (Stmt, Expr);
+ Replace_Stmt (Proc);
+ El := Proc;
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement =>
+ Proc := Canon_Concurrent_Procedure_Call (El);
+ Replace_Stmt (Proc);
+ El := Proc;
+ when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
+ Canon_Declarations (Top, El, Null_Iir);
+ if Canon_Flag_Sequentials_Stmts then
+ Canon_Sequential_Stmts (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (El));
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Inst : Iir;
+ Assoc_Chain : Iir;
+ begin
+ Inst := Get_Instantiated_Unit (El);
+ Inst := Get_Entity_From_Entity_Aspect (Inst);
+ Assoc_Chain := Canon_Association_Chain
+ (Get_Generic_Chain (Inst),
+ Get_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (El));
+ Set_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (El, Assoc_Chain);
+ Assoc_Chain := Canon_Association_Chain
+ (Get_Port_Chain (Inst),
+ Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (El));
+ Set_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (El, Assoc_Chain);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Header : Iir_Block_Header;
+ Chain : Iir;
+ Guard : Iir_Guard_Signal_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Guard := Get_Guard_Decl (El);
+ if Guard /= Null_Iir then
+ Expr := Get_Guard_Expression (Guard);
+ Set_Guard_Sensitivity_List (Guard, Create_Iir_List);
+ Canon_Extract_Sensitivity
+ (Expr, Get_Guard_Sensitivity_List (Guard), False);
+ if Canon_Flag_Expressions then
+ Canon_Expression (Expr);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Header := Get_Block_Header (El);
+ if Header /= Null_Iir then
+ -- Generics.
+ Chain := Get_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Header);
+ if Chain /= Null_Iir then
+ Chain := Canon_Association_Chain
+ (Get_Generic_Chain (Header), Chain);
+ else
+ Chain := Canon_Default_Association_Chain
+ (Get_Generic_Chain (Header));
+ end if;
+ Set_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Header, Chain);
+ -- Ports.
+ Chain := Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Header);
+ if Chain /= Null_Iir then
+ Chain := Canon_Association_Chain
+ (Get_Port_Chain (Header), Chain);
+ else
+ Chain := Canon_Default_Association_Chain
+ (Get_Port_Chain (Header));
+ end if;
+ Set_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Header, Chain);
+ end if;
+ Canon_Declarations (Top, El, El);
+ Canon_Concurrent_Stmts (Top, El);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Scheme : Iir;
+ begin
+ Scheme := Get_Generation_Scheme (El);
+ if Get_Kind (Scheme) = Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration then
+ Canon_Declaration (Top, Scheme, Null_Iir, Null_Iir);
+ elsif Canon_Flag_Expressions then
+ Canon_Expression (Scheme);
+ end if;
+ Canon_Declarations (Top, El, El);
+ Canon_Concurrent_Stmts (Top, El);
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("canon_concurrent_stmts", El);
+ end case;
+ Prev_El := El;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Canon_Concurrent_Stmts;
+-- procedure Canon_Binding_Indication
+-- (Component: Iir; Binding : Iir_Binding_Indication)
+-- is
+-- List : Iir_Association_List;
+-- begin
+-- if Binding = Null_Iir then
+-- return;
+-- end if;
+-- List := Get_Generic_Map_Aspect_List (Binding);
+-- List := Canon_Association_List (Get_Generic_List (Component), List);
+-- Set_Generic_Map_Aspect_List (Binding, List);
+-- List := Get_Port_Map_Aspect_List (Binding);
+-- List := Canon_Association_List (Get_Port_List (Component), List);
+-- Set_Port_Map_Aspect_List (Binding, List);
+-- end Canon_Binding_Indication;
+ procedure Add_Binding_Indication_Dependence (Top : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Binding : Iir)
+ is
+ Aspect : Iir;
+ Unit : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Binding = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Aspect := Get_Entity_Aspect (Binding);
+ if Aspect = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Aspect) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity =>
+ if Get_Architecture (Aspect) /= Null_Iir then
+ Unit := Aspect;
+ else
+ Unit := Get_Entity (Aspect);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Configuration =>
+ Unit := Get_Configuration (Aspect);
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Open =>
+ Unit := Null_Iir;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("add_binding_indication_dependence", Aspect);
+ end case;
+ if Unit /= Null_Iir then
+ Add_Dependence (Top, Unit);
+ end if;
+ end Add_Binding_Indication_Dependence;
+ procedure Canon_Component_Configuration (Top : Iir_Design_Unit; Cfg : Iir)
+ is
+ Bind : Iir;
+ Instances : Iir_List;
+ Entity_Aspect : Iir;
+ Block : Iir_Block_Configuration;
+ Map_Chain : Iir;
+ Entity : Iir;
+ begin
+ Bind := Get_Binding_Indication (Cfg);
+ if Bind = Null_Iir then
+ -- Add a default binding indication
+ -- Extract a component instantiation
+ Instances := Get_Instantiation_List (Cfg);
+ if Instances = Iir_List_All or Instances = Iir_List_Others then
+ -- designator_all and designator_others must have been replaced
+ -- by a list during canon.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ else
+ Bind := Get_Default_Binding_Indication
+ (Get_First_Element (Instances));
+ end if;
+ if Bind = Null_Iir then
+ -- Component is not bound.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Set_Binding_Indication (Cfg, Bind);
+ Add_Binding_Indication_Dependence (Top, Bind);
+ return;
+ else
+ Entity_Aspect := Get_Entity_Aspect (Bind);
+ if Entity_Aspect = Null_Iir then
+ Entity_Aspect := Get_Default_Entity_Aspect (Bind);
+ Set_Entity_Aspect (Bind, Entity_Aspect);
+ end if;
+ if Entity_Aspect /= Null_Iir then
+ Add_Binding_Indication_Dependence (Top, Bind);
+ Entity := Get_Entity_From_Entity_Aspect (Entity_Aspect);
+ Map_Chain := Get_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Bind);
+ if Map_Chain = Null_Iir then
+ Map_Chain := Get_Default_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Bind);
+ else
+ Map_Chain := Canon_Association_Chain
+ (Get_Generic_Chain (Entity), Map_Chain);
+ end if;
+ Set_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Bind, Map_Chain);
+ Map_Chain := Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Bind);
+ if Map_Chain = Null_Iir then
+ Map_Chain := Get_Default_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Bind);
+ else
+ Map_Chain := Canon_Association_Chain
+ (Get_Port_Chain (Entity), Map_Chain);
+ end if;
+ Set_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Bind, Map_Chain);
+ if Get_Kind (Cfg) = Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration then
+ Block := Get_Block_Configuration (Cfg);
+ if Block /= Null_Iir then
+ -- If there is no architecture_identifier in the binding,
+ -- set it from the block_configuration.
+ if Get_Kind (Entity_Aspect) = Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity
+ and then Get_Architecture (Entity_Aspect) = Null_Iir
+ then
+ Entity := Get_Library_Unit (Get_Entity (Entity_Aspect));
+ if Get_Kind (Entity) /= Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Set_Architecture
+ (Entity_Aspect, Get_Block_Specification (Block));
+ end if;
+ Canon_Block_Configuration (Top, Block);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Canon_Component_Configuration;
+ procedure Canon_Incremental_Binding
+ (Conf_Spec : Iir_Configuration_Specification;
+ Comp_Conf : Iir_Component_Configuration;
+ Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ function Merge_Association_Chain
+ (Inter_Chain : Iir; First_Chain : Iir; Sec_Chain : Iir)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ -- Result (chain).
+ First, Last : Iir;
+ -- Copy an association and append new elements to FIRST/LAST.
+ procedure Copy_Association (Assoc : in out Iir; Inter : Iir)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ loop
+ El := Create_Iir (Get_Kind (Assoc));
+ Location_Copy (El, Assoc);
+ Set_Formal (El, Get_Formal (Assoc));
+ Set_Whole_Association_Flag
+ (El, Get_Whole_Association_Flag (Assoc));
+ case Get_Kind (Assoc) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression =>
+ Set_Actual (El, Get_Actual (Assoc));
+ Set_In_Conversion (El, Get_In_Conversion (Assoc));
+ Set_Out_Conversion (El, Get_Out_Conversion (Assoc));
+ Set_Collapse_Signal_Flag
+ (Assoc,
+ Sem.Can_Collapse_Signals (Assoc, Get_Formal (Assoc)));
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual =>
+ Set_Actual_Type (El, Get_Actual_Type (Assoc));
+ Set_Individual_Association_Chain
+ (El, Get_Individual_Association_Chain (Assoc));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("copy_association", Assoc);
+ end case;
+ Sub_Chain_Append (First, Last, El);
+ Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
+ exit when Assoc = Null_Iir;
+ exit when Get_Associated_Formal (Assoc) /= Inter;
+ end loop;
+ end Copy_Association;
+ procedure Advance (Assoc : in out Iir; Inter : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ loop
+ Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
+ exit when Assoc = Null_Iir;
+ exit when Get_Associated_Formal (Assoc) /= Inter;
+ end loop;
+ end Advance;
+ Inter : Iir;
+ F_El : Iir;
+ S_El : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Sec_Chain = Null_Iir then
+ -- Short-cut.
+ return First_Chain;
+ end if;
+ F_El := First_Chain;
+ Sub_Chain_Init (First, Last);
+ Inter := Inter_Chain;
+ while Inter /= Null_Iir loop
+ -- Consistency check.
+ if Get_Associated_Formal (F_El) /= Inter then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Find the associated in the second chain.
+ S_El := Sec_Chain;
+ while S_El /= Null_Iir loop
+ exit when Get_Associated_Formal (S_El) = Inter;
+ S_El := Get_Chain (S_El);
+ end loop;
+ if S_El /= Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Kind (S_El) /= Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open
+ then
+ Copy_Association (S_El, Inter);
+ Advance (F_El, Inter);
+ else
+ Copy_Association (F_El, Inter);
+ end if;
+ Inter := Get_Chain (Inter);
+ end loop;
+ return First;
+ end Merge_Association_Chain;
+ Res : Iir_Component_Configuration;
+ Cs_Binding : Iir_Binding_Indication;
+ Cc_Binding : Iir_Binding_Indication;
+ Res_Binding : Iir_Binding_Indication;
+ Entity : Iir;
+ Instance_List : Iir_List;
+ Conf_Instance_List : Iir_List;
+ Instance : Iir;
+ N_Nbr : Natural;
+ begin
+ -- Create the new component configuration
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Comp_Conf);
+ Set_Parent (Res, Parent);
+ Set_Component_Name (Res, Get_Component_Name (Conf_Spec));
+-- -- Keep in the designator list only the non-incrementally
+-- -- bound instances.
+-- Inst_List := Get_Instantiation_List (Comp_Conf);
+-- Designator_List := Create_Iir_List;
+-- for I in 0 .. Get_Nbr_Elements (Inst_List) - 1 loop
+-- Inst := Get_Nth_Element (Inst_List, I);
+-- if Get_Component_Configuration (Inst) = Comp_Conf then
+-- Set_Component_Configuration (Inst, Res);
+-- Append_Element (Designator_List, Inst);
+-- end if;
+-- end loop;
+-- Set_Instantiation_List (Res, Designator_List);
+-- Set_Binding_Indication
+-- (Res, Get_Binding_Indication (Comp_Conf));
+-- Append (Last_Item, Conf, Comp_Conf);
+ Cs_Binding := Get_Binding_Indication (Conf_Spec);
+ Cc_Binding := Get_Binding_Indication (Comp_Conf);
+ Res_Binding := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Binding_Indication);
+ Location_Copy (Res_Binding, Res);
+ Set_Binding_Indication (Res, Res_Binding);
+ Entity := Get_Entity_From_Entity_Aspect (Get_Entity_Aspect (Cs_Binding));
+ -- Merge generic map aspect.
+ Set_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain
+ (Res_Binding,
+ Merge_Association_Chain (Get_Generic_Chain (Entity),
+ Get_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Cs_Binding),
+ Get_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Cc_Binding)));
+ -- merge port map aspect
+ Set_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain
+ (Res_Binding,
+ Merge_Association_Chain (Get_Port_Chain (Entity),
+ Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Cs_Binding),
+ Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Cc_Binding)));
+ -- set entity aspect
+ Set_Entity_Aspect (Res_Binding, Get_Entity_Aspect (Cs_Binding));
+ -- create list of instances:
+ -- * keep common instances
+ -- replace component_configuration of them
+ -- remove them in the instance list of COMP_CONF
+ Instance_List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Set_Instantiation_List (Res, Instance_List);
+ Conf_Instance_List := Get_Instantiation_List (Comp_Conf);
+ N_Nbr := 0;
+ for I in 0 .. Get_Nbr_Elements (Conf_Instance_List) - 1 loop
+ Instance := Get_Nth_Element (Conf_Instance_List, I);
+ if Get_Component_Configuration (Instance) = Conf_Spec then
+ -- The incremental binding applies to this instance.
+ Set_Component_Configuration (Instance, Res);
+ Append_Element (Instance_List, Instance);
+ else
+ Replace_Nth_Element (Conf_Instance_List, N_Nbr, Instance);
+ N_Nbr := N_Nbr + 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Set_Nbr_Elements (Conf_Instance_List, N_Nbr);
+ -- Insert RES.
+ Set_Chain (Res, Get_Chain (Comp_Conf));
+ Set_Chain (Comp_Conf, Res);
+ end Canon_Incremental_Binding;
+ procedure Canon_Component_Specification_All_Others
+ (Conf : Iir; Parent : Iir; Spec : Iir_List; List : Iir_List; Comp : Iir)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ Comp_Conf : Iir;
+ begin
+ El := Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Parent);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ if Get_Instantiated_Unit (El) = Comp then
+ Comp_Conf := Get_Component_Configuration (El);
+ if Comp_Conf = Null_Iir then
+ -- The component is not yet configured.
+ Append_Element (List, El);
+ Set_Component_Configuration (El, Conf);
+ else
+ -- The component is already configured.
+ -- Handle incremental configuration.
+ if (Get_Kind (Comp_Conf)
+ = Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification)
+ and then Spec = Iir_List_All
+ then
+ -- FIXME: handle incremental configuration.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Spec = Iir_List_All then
+ -- Several component configuration for an instance.
+ -- Must have been caught by sem.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ elsif Spec = Iir_List_Others then
+ null;
+ else
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ if False
+ and then Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87
+ and then
+ Get_Kind (Conf) = Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification
+ then
+ Canon_Component_Specification_All_Others
+ (Conf, El, Spec, List, Comp);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Canon_Component_Specification_All_Others;
+ procedure Canon_Component_Specification_List
+ (Conf : Iir; Parent : Iir; Spec : Iir_List)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ Comp_Conf : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Already has a designator list.
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (Spec, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Comp_Conf := Get_Component_Configuration (El);
+ if Comp_Conf /= Null_Iir and then Comp_Conf /= Conf then
+ if Get_Kind (Comp_Conf) /= Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification
+ or else Get_Kind (Conf) /= Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration
+ then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Canon_Incremental_Binding (Comp_Conf, Conf, Parent);
+ else
+ Set_Component_Configuration (El, Conf);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Canon_Component_Specification_List;
+ -- PARENT is the parent for the chain of concurrent statements.
+ procedure Canon_Component_Specification (Conf : Iir; Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ Spec : Iir_List;
+ List : Iir_Designator_List;
+ begin
+ Spec := Get_Instantiation_List (Conf);
+ if Spec = Iir_List_All or Spec = Iir_List_Others then
+ List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Canon_Component_Specification_All_Others
+ (Conf, Parent, Spec, List, Get_Component_Name (Conf));
+ Set_Instantiation_List (Conf, List);
+ else
+ -- Has Already a designator list.
+ Canon_Component_Specification_List (Conf, Parent, Spec);
+ end if;
+ end Canon_Component_Specification;
+ -- Replace ALL/OTHERS with the explicit list of signals.
+ procedure Canon_Disconnection_Specification
+ (Dis : Iir_Disconnection_Specification; Decl_Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ Signal_List : Iir_List;
+ Force : Boolean;
+ El : Iir;
+ N_List : Iir_Designator_List;
+ begin
+ if Canon_Flag_Expressions then
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Expression (Dis));
+ end if;
+ Signal_List := Get_Signal_List (Dis);
+ if Signal_List = Iir_List_All then
+ Force := True;
+ elsif Signal_List = Iir_List_Others then
+ Force := False;
+ else
+ return;
+ end if;
+ N_List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Set_Signal_List (Dis, N_List);
+ El := Get_Declaration_Chain (Decl_Parent);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Get_Kind (El) = Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ and then Get_Type (El) = Get_Type (Dis)
+ and then Get_Signal_Kind (El) /= Iir_No_Signal_Kind
+ then
+ if not Get_Has_Disconnect_Flag (El) then
+ Set_Has_Disconnect_Flag (El, True);
+ Append_Element (N_List, El);
+ else
+ if Force then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Canon_Disconnection_Specification;
+ procedure Canon_Declaration (Top : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Decl : Iir;
+ Parent : Iir;
+ Decl_Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Body =>
+ Canon_Declarations (Top, Decl, Null_Iir);
+ if Canon_Flag_Sequentials_Stmts then
+ Canon_Sequential_Stmts (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Decl));
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration =>
+ declare
+ Def : Iir;
+ begin
+ Def := Get_Type (Decl);
+ if Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration then
+ Canon_Declarations (Decl, Def, Null_Iir);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body =>
+ Canon_Declarations (Top, Decl, Null_Iir);
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
+ if Canon_Flag_Expressions then
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Default_Value (Decl));
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
+ -- FIXME
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification =>
+ if Canon_Flag_Expressions then
+ Canon_Expression (Get_Expression (Decl));
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Disconnection_Specification =>
+ Canon_Disconnection_Specification (Decl, Decl_Parent);
+ when Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification =>
+ Canon_Component_Specification (Decl, Parent);
+ Canon_Component_Configuration (Top, Decl);
+-- declare
+-- List : Iir_List;
+-- Binding : Iir_Binding_Indication;
+-- Component : Iir_Component_Declaration;
+-- Aspect : Iir;
+-- Entity : Iir;
+-- begin
+-- Binding := Get_Binding_Indication (Decl);
+-- Component := Get_Component_Name (Decl);
+-- Aspect := Get_Entity_Aspect (Binding);
+-- case Get_Kind (Aspect) is
+-- when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity =>
+-- Entity := Get_Entity (Aspect);
+-- when others =>
+-- Error_Kind ("configuration_specification", Aspect);
+-- end case;
+-- Entity := Get_Library_Unit (Entity);
+-- List := Get_Generic_Map_Aspect_List (Binding);
+-- if List = Null_Iir_List then
+-- Set_Generic_Map_Aspect_List
+-- (Binding,
+-- Canon_Default_Map_Association_List
+-- (Get_Generic_List (Entity), Get_Generic_List (Component),
+-- Get_Location (Decl)));
+-- end if;
+-- List := Get_Port_Map_Aspect_List (Binding);
+-- if List = Null_Iir_List then
+-- Set_Port_Map_Aspect_List
+-- (Binding,
+-- Canon_Default_Map_Association_List
+-- (Get_Port_List (Entity), Get_Port_List (Component),
+-- Get_Location (Decl)));
+-- end if;
+-- end;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Signal_Attribute =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("canon_declaration", Decl);
+ end case;
+ end Canon_Declaration;
+ procedure Canon_Declarations (Top : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Decl_Parent : Iir;
+ Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ Decl : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Parent /= Null_Iir then
+ Clear_Instantiation_Configuration (Parent, True);
+ end if;
+ Decl := Get_Declaration_Chain (Decl_Parent);
+ while Decl /= Null_Iir loop
+ Canon_Declaration (Top, Decl, Parent, Decl_Parent);
+ Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ end loop;
+ end Canon_Declarations;
+ procedure Canon_Block_Configuration (Top : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Conf : Iir_Block_Configuration)
+ is
+ use Iir_Chains.Configuration_Item_Chain_Handling;
+ El : Iir;
+ Spec : Iir;
+ Stmts : Iir;
+ Blk : Iir;
+ Sub_Blk : Iir;
+ Last_Item : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Note: the only allowed declarations are use clauses, which are not
+ -- canonicalized.
+ -- FIXME: handle indexed/sliced name?
+ Spec := Get_Block_Specification (Conf);
+ Blk := Get_Block_From_Block_Specification (Spec);
+ Stmts := Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Blk);
+ Clear_Instantiation_Configuration (Blk, False);
+ Build_Init (Last_Item, Conf);
+ -- 1) Configure instantiations with configuration specifications.
+ -- TODO: merge.
+ El := Get_Declaration_Chain (Blk);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Get_Kind (El) = Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification then
+ -- Already canoncalized during canon of block declarations.
+ -- But need to set configuration on instantiations.
+ Canon_Component_Specification (El, Blk);
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ -- 2) Configure instantations with component configurations,
+ -- and map block configurations with block/generate statements.
+ El := Get_Configuration_Item_Chain (Conf);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration =>
+ Canon_Component_Specification (El, Blk);
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration =>
+ Sub_Blk := Get_Block_Specification (El);
+ case Get_Kind (Sub_Blk) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ Set_Block_Block_Configuration (Sub_Blk, El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
+ Sub_Blk := Get_Prefix (Sub_Blk);
+ Set_Prev_Block_Configuration
+ (El, Get_Generate_Block_Configuration (Sub_Blk));
+ Set_Generate_Block_Configuration (Sub_Blk, El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ Set_Generate_Block_Configuration (Sub_Blk, El);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("canon_block_configuration(0)", Sub_Blk);
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("canon_block_configuration(1)", El);
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ -- 3) Add default component configuration for unspecified component
+ -- instantiation statements,
+ -- Add default block configuration for unconfigured block statements.
+ El := Stmts;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Comp_Conf : Iir;
+ Comp : Iir;
+ Res : Iir_Component_Configuration;
+ Designator_List : Iir_List;
+ Inst_List : Iir_List;
+ Inst : Iir;
+ begin
+ Comp_Conf := Get_Component_Configuration (El);
+ if Comp_Conf = Null_Iir then
+ Comp := Get_Instantiated_Unit (El);
+ if Get_Kind (Comp) = Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration then
+ -- Create a component configuration.
+ -- FIXME: should merge all these default configuration
+ -- of the same component.
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration);
+ Location_Copy (Res, El);
+ Set_Parent (Res, Conf);
+ Set_Component_Name (Res, Comp);
+ Designator_List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Append_Element (Designator_List, El);
+ Set_Instantiation_List (Res, Designator_List);
+ Append (Last_Item, Conf, Res);
+ end if;
+ elsif Get_Kind (Comp_Conf)
+ = Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification
+ then
+ -- Create component configuration
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Comp_Conf);
+ Set_Parent (Res, Conf);
+ Set_Component_Name (Res, Get_Component_Name (Comp_Conf));
+ -- Keep in the designator list only the non-incrementally
+ -- bound instances, and only the instances in the current
+ -- statements parts (vhdl-87 generate issue).
+ Inst_List := Get_Instantiation_List (Comp_Conf);
+ Designator_List := Create_Iir_List;
+ for I in 0 .. Get_Nbr_Elements (Inst_List) - 1 loop
+ Inst := Get_Nth_Element (Inst_List, I);
+ if Get_Component_Configuration (Inst) = Comp_Conf
+ and then Get_Parent (Inst) = Blk
+ then
+ Set_Component_Configuration (Inst, Res);
+ Append_Element (Designator_List, Inst);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Set_Instantiation_List (Res, Designator_List);
+ Set_Binding_Indication
+ (Res, Get_Binding_Indication (Comp_Conf));
+ Append (Last_Item, Conf, Res);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Res : Iir_Block_Configuration;
+ begin
+ if Get_Block_Block_Configuration (El) = Null_Iir then
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration);
+ Location_Copy (Res, El);
+ Set_Parent (Res, Conf);
+ Set_Block_Specification (Res, El);
+ Append (Last_Item, Conf, Res);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Res : Iir_Block_Configuration;
+ Scheme : Iir;
+ Blk_Config : Iir_Block_Configuration;
+ Blk_Spec : Iir;
+ begin
+ Scheme := Get_Generation_Scheme (El);
+ Blk_Config := Get_Generate_Block_Configuration (El);
+ if Blk_Config = Null_Iir then
+ -- No block configuration for the (implicit) internal
+ -- block. Create one.
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration);
+ Location_Copy (Res, El);
+ Set_Parent (Res, Conf);
+ Set_Block_Specification (Res, El);
+ Append (Last_Item, Conf, Res);
+ elsif Get_Kind (Scheme) = Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration then
+ Blk_Spec := Get_Block_Specification (Blk_Config);
+ if Get_Kind (Blk_Spec) /= Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement then
+ -- There are partial configurations.
+ -- Create a default block configuration.
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration);
+ Location_Copy (Res, El);
+ Set_Parent (Res, Conf);
+ Blk_Spec := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Selected_Name);
+ Location_Copy (Blk_Spec, Res);
+ Set_Suffix_Identifier
+ (Blk_Spec, Std_Names.Name_Others);
+ Set_Prefix (Blk_Spec, El);
+ Set_Block_Specification (Res, Blk_Spec);
+ Append (Last_Item, Conf, Res);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("canon_block_configuration(3)", El);
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ -- 4) Canon component configuration and block configuration (recursion).
+ El := Get_Configuration_Item_Chain (Conf);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration =>
+ Canon_Block_Configuration (Top, El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration =>
+ Canon_Component_Configuration (Top, El);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("canon_block_configuration", El);
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Canon_Block_Configuration;
+ procedure Canonicalize (Unit: Iir_Design_Unit)
+ is
+ El: Iir;
+ begin
+ if False then
+ -- Canon context clauses.
+ -- This code is not executed since context clauses are already
+ -- canonicalized.
+ El := Get_Context_Items (Unit);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Library_Clause =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("canonicalize1", El);
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
+ Canon_Declarations (Unit, El, El);
+ Canon_Concurrent_Stmts (Unit, El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ Canon_Declarations (Unit, El, El);
+ Canon_Concurrent_Stmts (Unit, El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ Canon_Declarations (Unit, El, Null_Iir);
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
+ Canon_Declarations (Unit, El, Null_Iir);
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
+ Canon_Declarations (Unit, El, Null_Iir);
+ Canon_Block_Configuration (Unit, Get_Block_Configuration (El));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("canonicalize2", El);
+ end case;
+ end Canonicalize;
+-- -- Create a default component configuration for component instantiation
+-- -- statement INST.
+-- function Create_Default_Component_Configuration
+-- (Inst : Iir_Component_Instantiation_Statement;
+-- Parent : Iir;
+-- Config_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit)
+-- return Iir_Component_Configuration
+-- is
+-- Res : Iir_Component_Configuration;
+-- Designator : Iir;
+-- Comp : Iir_Component_Declaration;
+-- Bind : Iir;
+-- Aspect : Iir;
+-- begin
+-- Bind := Get_Default_Binding_Indication (Inst);
+-- if Bind = Null_Iir then
+-- -- Component is not bound.
+-- return Null_Iir;
+-- end if;
+-- Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration);
+-- Location_Copy (Res, Inst);
+-- Set_Parent (Res, Parent);
+-- Comp := Get_Instantiated_Unit (Inst);
+-- Set_Component_Name (Res, Comp);
+-- -- Create the instantiation list with only one element: INST.
+-- Designator := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Designator_List);
+-- Append_Element (Designator, Inst);
+-- Set_Instantiation_List (Res, Designator);
+-- Set_Binding_Indication (Res, Bind);
+-- Aspect := Get_Entity_Aspect (Bind);
+-- case Get_Kind (Aspect) is
+-- when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity =>
+-- Add_Dependence (Config_Unit, Get_Entity (Aspect));
+-- if Get_Architecture (Aspect) /= Null_Iir then
+-- raise Internal_Error;
+-- end if;
+-- when others =>
+-- Error_Kind ("Create_Default_Component_Configuration", Aspect);
+-- end case;
+-- return Res;
+-- end Create_Default_Component_Configuration;
+ -- Create a default configuration declaration for architecture ARCH.
+ function Create_Default_Configuration_Declaration
+ (Arch : Iir_Architecture_Declaration)
+ return Iir_Design_Unit
+ is
+ Loc : Location_Type;
+ Config : Iir_Configuration_Declaration;
+ Res : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Entity : Iir_Entity_Declaration;
+ Blk_Cfg : Iir_Block_Configuration;
+ begin
+ Loc := Get_Location (Arch);
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Design_Unit);
+ Set_Location (Res, Loc);
+ Set_Parent (Res, Get_Parent (Get_Design_Unit (Arch)));
+ Set_Date_State (Res, Date_Analyze);
+ Set_Date (Res, Date_Uptodate);
+ Config := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration);
+ Set_Location (Config, Loc);
+ Set_Library_Unit (Res, Config);
+ Set_Design_Unit (Config, Res);
+ Entity := Get_Entity (Arch);
+ Set_Entity (Config, Get_Design_Unit (Entity));
+ Set_Dependence_List (Res, Create_Iir_List);
+ Add_Dependence (Res, Get_Design_Unit (Entity));
+ Add_Dependence (Res, Get_Design_Unit (Arch));
+ Blk_Cfg := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration);
+ Set_Location (Blk_Cfg, Loc);
+ Set_Parent (Blk_Cfg, Config);
+ Set_Block_Specification (Blk_Cfg, Arch);
+ Set_Block_Configuration (Config, Blk_Cfg);
+ Canon_Block_Configuration (Res, Blk_Cfg);
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Default_Configuration_Declaration;
+end Canon;
diff --git a/canon.ads b/canon.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe30b4569
--- /dev/null
+++ b/canon.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+-- Canonicalization pass
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+package Canon is
+ -- If true, a label will be added for statements which do not have a
+ -- label.
+ Canon_Flag_Add_Labels : Boolean := False;
+ -- If true, canon sequentials statements (processes and subprograms).
+ Canon_Flag_Sequentials_Stmts : Boolean := False;
+ -- If true, canon expressions.
+ Canon_Flag_Expressions : Boolean := False;
+ -- If true, operands of type array element of a concatenation operator
+ -- are converted (by an aggregate) into array.
+ Canon_Concatenation : Boolean := False;
+ -- Do canonicalization:
+ -- Transforms concurrent statements into sensitized process statements
+ -- (all but component instanciation and block).
+ -- This computes sensivity list.
+ --
+ -- Association list are completed:
+ -- * Formal are added.
+ -- * association are created for formal not associated (actual is open).
+ -- * an association is created (for block header only).
+ procedure Canonicalize (Unit: Iir_Design_Unit);
+ -- Create a default configuration declaration for architecture ARCH.
+ function Create_Default_Configuration_Declaration
+ (Arch : Iir_Architecture_Declaration)
+ return Iir_Design_Unit;
+ -- Canonicalize a subprogram call.
+ -- Return the new association chain.
+ function Canon_Subprogram_Call (Call : Iir) return Iir;
+ -- Compute the sensivity list of EXPR and add it to SENSIVITY_LIST.
+ -- If IS_TARGET is true, the longuest static prefix of the signal name
+ -- is not added to the sensitivity list, but other static prefix (such
+ -- as indexes of an indexed name) are added.
+ procedure Canon_Extract_Sensitivity
+ (Expr: Iir; Sensitivity_List: Iir_List; Is_Target: Boolean := False);
+end Canon;
diff --git a/configuration.adb b/configuration.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8192ac2b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configuration.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
+-- Configuration generation.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Libraries;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Std_Package;
+with Sem_Names;
+with Name_Table; use Name_Table;
+with Flags;
+package body Configuration is
+ procedure Add_Design_Concurrent_Stmts (Parent : Iir);
+ procedure Add_Design_Block_Configuration (Blk : Iir_Block_Configuration);
+ procedure Add_Design_Aspect (Aspect : Iir);
+ Current_File_Dependence : Iir_List := Null_Iir_List;
+ Current_Configuration : Iir_Configuration_Declaration := Null_Iir;
+ -- UNIT is a design unit of a configuration declaration.
+ -- Fill the DESIGN_UNITS table with all design units required to build
+ -- UNIT.
+ procedure Add_Design_Unit (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit; From : Iir)
+ is
+ List : Iir_List;
+ El : Iir;
+ Lib_Unit : Iir;
+ File : Iir_Design_File;
+ Prev_File_Dependence : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ if Flag_Build_File_Dependence then
+ File := Get_Design_File (Unit);
+ if Current_File_Dependence /= Null_Iir_List then
+ Add_Element (Current_File_Dependence, File);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- If already in the table, then nothing to do.
+ if Get_Elab_Flag (Unit) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Set_Elab_Flag (Unit, True);
+ Lib_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ if Flag_Build_File_Dependence then
+ Prev_File_Dependence := Current_File_Dependence;
+ if Get_Kind (Lib_Unit) = Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration
+ and then Get_Identifier (Lib_Unit) = Null_Identifier
+ then
+ -- Do not add dependence for default configuration.
+ Current_File_Dependence := Null_Iir_List;
+ else
+ File := Get_Design_File (Unit);
+ Current_File_Dependence := Get_File_Dependence_List (File);
+ -- Create a list if not yet created.
+ if Current_File_Dependence = Null_Iir_List then
+ Current_File_Dependence := Create_Iir_List;
+ Set_File_Dependence_List (File, Current_File_Dependence);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Flag_Load_All_Design_Units then
+ Libraries.Load_Design_Unit (Unit, From);
+ end if;
+ -- Add packages from depend list.
+ -- If Flag_Build_File_Dependences is set, add design units of the
+ -- dependence list are added, because of LRM 11.4 Analysis Order.
+ -- Note: a design unit may be referenced but unused.
+ -- (eg: component specification which does not apply).
+ List := Get_Dependence_List (Unit);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ El := Libraries.Find_Design_Unit (El);
+ if El /= Null_Iir then
+ Lib_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (El);
+ if Flag_Build_File_Dependence
+ or else Get_Kind (Lib_Unit) = Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ then
+ Add_Design_Unit (El, Unit);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- Lib_Unit may have changed.
+ Lib_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ case Get_Kind (Lib_Unit) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ -- Analyze the package declaration, so that Set_Package below
+ -- will set the full package (and not a stub).
+ Libraries.Load_Design_Unit (Unit, From);
+ Lib_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
+ -- Add entity and architecture.
+ -- find all sub-configuration
+ Libraries.Load_Design_Unit (Unit, From);
+ Lib_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ Add_Design_Unit (Get_Entity (Lib_Unit), Unit);
+ declare
+ Blk : Iir_Block_Configuration;
+ Prev_Configuration : Iir_Configuration_Declaration;
+ Arch : Iir;
+ begin
+ Prev_Configuration := Current_Configuration;
+ Current_Configuration := Lib_Unit;
+ Blk := Get_Block_Configuration (Lib_Unit);
+ Arch := Get_Block_Specification (Blk);
+ Add_Design_Block_Configuration (Blk);
+ Current_Configuration := Prev_Configuration;
+ Add_Design_Unit (Get_Design_Unit (Arch), Unit);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ -- Add entity
+ -- find all entity/architecture/configuration instantiation
+ Add_Design_Unit (Get_Design_Unit (Get_Entity (Lib_Unit)), Unit);
+ Add_Design_Concurrent_Stmts (Lib_Unit);
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("add_design_unit", Lib_Unit);
+ end case;
+ -- Add it in the table, after the dependencies.
+ Design_Units.Append (Unit);
+ -- Restore now the file dependence.
+ -- Indeed, we may add a package body when we are in a package
+ -- declaration. However, the later does not depend on the former.
+ -- The file which depends on the package declaration also depends on
+ -- the package body.
+ if Flag_Build_File_Dependence then
+ Current_File_Dependence := Prev_File_Dependence;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Lib_Unit) = Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration then
+ -- Add body (if any).
+ declare
+ Bod : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ begin
+ Bod := Libraries.Find_Secondary_Unit (Unit, Null_Identifier);
+ if Get_Need_Body (Lib_Unit) then
+ if not Flags.Flag_Elaborate_With_Outdated then
+ -- LIB_UNIT requires a body.
+ if Bod = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Elab ("body of " & Disp_Node (Lib_Unit)
+ & " was never analyzed");
+ elsif Get_Date (Bod) < Get_Date (Unit) then
+ Error_Msg_Elab (Disp_Node (Bod) & " is outdated");
+ Bod := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ else
+ if Bod /= Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Date (Bod) < Get_Date (Unit)
+ then
+ -- There is a body for LIB_UNIT (which doesn't
+ -- require it) but it is outdated.
+ Bod := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Bod /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Package (Get_Library_Unit (Bod), Lib_Unit);
+ Add_Design_Unit (Bod, Unit);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Add_Design_Unit;
+ procedure Add_Design_Concurrent_Stmts (Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ Stmt : Iir;
+ begin
+ Stmt := Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Parent);
+ while Stmt /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (Stmt) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Unit : Iir;
+ begin
+ Unit := Get_Instantiated_Unit (Stmt);
+ if Get_Kind (Unit) /= Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration then
+ Add_Design_Aspect (Unit);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ Add_Design_Concurrent_Stmts (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("add_design_concurrent_stmts(2)", Stmt);
+ end case;
+ Stmt := Get_Chain (Stmt);
+ end loop;
+ end Add_Design_Concurrent_Stmts;
+ procedure Add_Design_Aspect (Aspect : Iir)
+ is
+ use Libraries;
+ Entity : Iir;
+ Arch : Iir;
+ Config : Iir;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ Entity_Lib : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Aspect = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Aspect) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity =>
+ Entity := Get_Entity (Aspect);
+ Entity_Lib := Get_Library_Unit (Entity);
+ Add_Design_Unit (Entity, Aspect);
+ Arch := Get_Architecture (Aspect);
+ if Arch /= Null_Iir then
+ case Get_Kind (Arch) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name =>
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Arch);
+ Arch := Load_Secondary_Unit (Entity, Id, Aspect);
+ if Arch = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Elab
+ ("cannot find architecture " & Name_Table.Image (Id)
+ & " of " & Disp_Node (Entity_Lib));
+ return;
+ else
+ Set_Architecture (Aspect, Get_Library_Unit (Arch));
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ Arch := Get_Design_Unit (Arch);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("add_design_aspect", Arch);
+ end case;
+ else
+ Arch := Get_Latest_Architecture (Entity_Lib);
+ if Arch = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Elab ("no architecture in library for "
+ & Disp_Node (Entity_Lib), Aspect);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Arch := Get_Design_Unit (Arch);
+ end if;
+ Load_Design_Unit (Arch, Aspect);
+ Config := Get_Default_Configuration_Declaration
+ (Get_Library_Unit (Arch));
+ if Config /= Null_Iir then
+ Add_Design_Unit (Config, Aspect);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Configuration =>
+ Add_Design_Unit (Get_Configuration (Aspect), Aspect);
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Open =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("add_design_aspect", Aspect);
+ end case;
+ end Add_Design_Aspect;
+ -- Return TRUE is PORT must not be open, and emit an error message only if
+ -- LOC is not NULL_IIR.
+ function Check_Open_Port (Port : Iir; Loc : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ case Get_Mode (Port) is
+ when Iir_In_Mode =>
+ -- LRM Ports
+ -- A port of mode IN may be unconnected or unassociated only if
+ -- its declaration includes a default expression.
+ if Get_Default_Value (Port) = Null_Iir then
+ if Loc /= Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Elab
+ ("IN " & Disp_Node (Port) & " must be connected", Loc);
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Out_Mode
+ | Iir_Inout_Mode
+ | Iir_Buffer_Mode
+ | Iir_Linkage_Mode =>
+ -- LRM Ports
+ -- A port of any mode other than IN may be unconnected or
+ -- unassociated as long as its type is not an unconstrained array
+ -- type.
+ if Get_Kind (Get_Type (Port))
+ in Iir_Kinds_Unconstrained_Array_Type_Definition
+ then
+ if Loc /= Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Elab ("unconstrained " & Disp_Node (Port)
+ & " must be connected", Loc);
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("check_open_port", Port);
+ end case;
+ return False;
+ end Check_Open_Port;
+ procedure Check_Binding_Indication (Conf : Iir)
+ is
+ Assoc : Iir;
+ Conf_Chain : Iir;
+ Inst_Chain : Iir;
+ Bind : Iir_Binding_Indication;
+ Err : Boolean;
+ Inst : Iir;
+ Inst_List : Iir_List;
+ Formal : Iir;
+ Assoc_1 : Iir;
+ Actual : Iir;
+ begin
+ Bind := Get_Binding_Indication (Conf);
+ Conf_Chain := Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Bind);
+ Err := False;
+ -- Note: the assoc chain is already canonicalized.
+ -- First pass: check for open associations in configuration.
+ Assoc := Conf_Chain;
+ while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Get_Kind (Assoc) = Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open then
+ Formal := Get_Formal (Assoc);
+ Err := Err or Check_Open_Port (Formal, Assoc);
+ if Flags.Warn_Binding and then not Get_Artificial_Flag (Assoc) then
+ Warning_Msg_Elab
+ (Disp_Node (Formal) & " of " & Disp_Node (Get_Parent (Formal))
+ & " is not bound", Assoc);
+ Warning_Msg_Elab
+ ("(in " & Disp_Node (Current_Configuration) & ")",
+ Current_Configuration);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
+ end loop;
+ if Err then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Second pass: check for port connected to open in instantiation.
+ Inst_List := Get_Instantiation_List (Conf);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Inst := Get_Nth_Element (Inst_List, I);
+ exit when Inst = Null_Iir;
+ Err := False;
+ -- Mark component ports not associated.
+ Inst_Chain := Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Inst);
+ Assoc := Inst_Chain;
+ while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Get_Kind (Assoc) = Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open then
+ Formal := Get_Base_Name (Get_Formal (Assoc));
+ Set_Open_Flag (Formal, True);
+ Err := True;
+ end if;
+ Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
+ end loop;
+ -- If there is any component port open, search them in the
+ -- configuration.
+ if Err then
+ Assoc := Conf_Chain;
+ while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
+ Formal := Get_Base_Name (Get_Formal (Assoc));
+ if Get_Kind (Assoc) = Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open then
+ Actual := Null_Iir;
+ else
+ Actual := Get_Actual (Assoc);
+ Actual := Sem_Names.Name_To_Object (Actual);
+ end if;
+ if Actual /= Null_Iir then
+ Actual := Get_Base_Name (Actual);
+ end if;
+ if Actual /= Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Open_Flag (Actual)
+ and then Check_Open_Port (Formal, Null_Iir)
+ then
+ -- For a better message, find the location.
+ Assoc_1 := Inst_Chain;
+ while Assoc_1 /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Get_Kind (Assoc_1) = Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open
+ and then Actual = Get_Base_Name (Get_Formal (Assoc_1))
+ then
+ Err := Check_Open_Port (Formal, Assoc_1);
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ Assoc_1 := Get_Chain (Assoc_1);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
+ end loop;
+ -- Clear open flag.
+ Assoc := Inst_Chain;
+ while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Get_Kind (Assoc) = Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open then
+ Formal := Get_Base_Name (Get_Formal (Assoc));
+ Set_Open_Flag (Formal, False);
+ end if;
+ Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Check_Binding_Indication;
+ -- CONF is either a configuration specification or a component
+ -- configuration.
+ procedure Add_Design_Binding_Indication (Conf : Iir)
+ is
+ Bind : Iir_Binding_Indication;
+ Inst : Iir;
+ begin
+ Bind := Get_Binding_Indication (Conf);
+ if Bind = Null_Iir then
+ if Flags.Warn_Binding then
+ Inst := Get_First_Element (Get_Instantiation_List (Conf));
+ Warning_Msg_Elab
+ (Disp_Node (Inst) & " is not bound", Conf);
+ Warning_Msg_Elab
+ ("(in " & Disp_Node (Current_Configuration) & ")",
+ Current_Configuration);
+ end if;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Check_Binding_Indication (Conf);
+ Add_Design_Aspect (Get_Entity_Aspect (Bind));
+ end Add_Design_Binding_Indication;
+ procedure Add_Design_Block_Configuration (Blk : Iir_Block_Configuration)
+ is
+ Item : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Blk = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Item := Get_Configuration_Item_Chain (Blk);
+ while Item /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (Item) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification =>
+ Add_Design_Binding_Indication (Item);
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration =>
+ Add_Design_Binding_Indication (Item);
+ Add_Design_Block_Configuration (Get_Block_Configuration (Item));
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration =>
+ Add_Design_Block_Configuration (Item);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("add_design_block_configuration", Item);
+ end case;
+ Item := Get_Chain (Item);
+ end loop;
+ end Add_Design_Block_Configuration;
+ -- elaboration of a design hierarchy:
+ -- creates a list of design unit.
+ --
+ -- find top configuration (may be a default one), add it to the list.
+ -- For each element of the list:
+ -- add direct dependences (packages, entity, arch) if not in the list
+ -- for architectures and configuration: find instantiations and add
+ -- corresponding configurations
+ function Configure (Primary_Id : Name_Id; Secondary_Id : Name_Id)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ use Libraries;
+ Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Lib_Unit : Iir;
+ Top : Iir;
+ begin
+ Unit := Find_Primary_Unit (Work_Library, Primary_Id);
+ if Unit = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Elab ("cannot find entity or configuration "
+ & Name_Table.Image (Primary_Id));
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Lib_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ case Get_Kind (Lib_Unit) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
+ Load_Design_Unit (Unit, Null_Iir);
+ Lib_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ if Secondary_Id /= Null_Identifier then
+ Unit := Find_Secondary_Unit (Unit, Secondary_Id);
+ if Unit = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Elab
+ ("cannot find architecture "
+ & Name_Table.Image (Secondary_Id)
+ & " of " & Disp_Node (Lib_Unit));
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ else
+ declare
+ Arch_Unit : Iir_Architecture_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Arch_Unit := Get_Latest_Architecture (Lib_Unit);
+ if Arch_Unit = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Elab
+ (Disp_Node (Lib_Unit)
+ & " has no architecture in library "
+ & Name_Table.Image (Get_Identifier (Work_Library)));
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Unit := Get_Design_Unit (Arch_Unit);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ Load_Design_Unit (Unit, Lib_Unit);
+ if Nbr_Errors /= 0 then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Lib_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ Top := Get_Default_Configuration_Declaration (Lib_Unit);
+ if Top = Null_Iir then
+ -- No default configuration for this architecture.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
+ Top := Unit;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Elab (Name_Table.Image (Primary_Id)
+ & " is neither an entity nor a configuration");
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end case;
+ Set_Elab_Flag (Std_Package.Std_Standard_Unit, True);
+ Add_Design_Unit (Top, Null_Iir);
+ return Top;
+ end Configure;
+end Configuration;
diff --git a/configuration.ads b/configuration.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..081099876
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configuration.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+-- Configuration generation.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Types; use Types;
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+with GNAT.Table;
+package Configuration is
+ package Design_Units is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Component_Type => Iir_Design_Unit,
+ Table_Index_Type => Natural,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 1,
+ Table_Initial => 16,
+ Table_Increment => 100);
+ -- Get the top configuration to build a design hierarchy whose top is
+ -- PRIMARY must designate a configuration declaration or an entity
+ -- declaration. In the last case, SECONDARY must be null_identifier or
+ -- designates an architecture declaration.
+ --
+ -- creates a list of design unit.
+ -- and return the top configuration.
+ -- Note: this set the Elab_Flag on units.
+ function Configure (Primary_Id : Name_Id; Secondary_Id : Name_Id)
+ return Iir;
+ -- Add design unit UNIT (with its dependences) in the design_units table.
+ procedure Add_Design_Unit (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit; From : Iir);
+ -- If set, all design units (even package bodies) are loaded.
+ Flag_Load_All_Design_Units : Boolean := True;
+ Flag_Build_File_Dependence : Boolean := False;
+end Configuration;
diff --git a/disp_tree.adb b/disp_tree.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6b3203f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/disp_tree.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1853 @@
+-- Node displaying (for debugging).
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
+with System.Storage_Elements;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with Types; use Types;
+with Name_Table;
+with Iirs_Utils; use Iirs_Utils;
+with Tokens;
+with Errorout;
+with Files_Map;
+package body Disp_Tree is
+ procedure Disp_Tab (Tab: Natural) is
+ Blanks : String (1 .. Tab) := (others => ' ');
+ begin
+ Put (Blanks);
+ end Disp_Tab;
+ function Addr_Image (A : System.Address) return String is
+ Res : String (1 .. System.Address'Size / 4);
+ Hex_Digits : constant array (Integer range 0 .. 15) of Character
+ := "0123456789abcdef";
+ use System;
+ use System.Storage_Elements;
+ Addr_Num : Integer_Address := To_Integer (A);
+ begin
+ for I in reverse Res'Range loop
+ Res (I) := Hex_Digits (Integer (Addr_Num mod 16));
+ Addr_Num := Addr_Num / 16;
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end Addr_Image;
+ procedure Disp_Iir_Address (Node: Iir)
+ is
+ function To_Addr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Iir, Target => System.Address);
+ begin
+ Put ('[' & Addr_Image (To_Addr (Node)) & ']');
+ end Disp_Iir_Address;
+ function Inc_Tab (Tab: Natural) return Natural is
+ begin
+ return Tab + 4;
+ end Inc_Tab;
+ -- For iir.
+ procedure Disp_Tree_Flat (Tree: Iir; Tab: Natural);
+ procedure Disp_Tree_List
+ (Tree_List: Iir_List; Tab: Natural; Flat_Decl : Boolean := False)
+ is
+ El: Iir;
+ begin
+ if Tree_List = Null_Iir_List then
+ Disp_Tab (Tab);
+ Put_Line (" null-list");
+ elsif Tree_List = Iir_List_All then
+ Disp_Tab (Tab);
+ Put_Line (" list-all");
+ elsif Tree_List = Iir_List_Others then
+ Disp_Tab (Tab);
+ Put_Line (" list-others");
+ else
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (Tree_List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Disp_Tree (El, Tab, Flat_Decl);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Tree_List;
+ procedure Disp_Tree_Chain
+ (Tree_Chain: Iir; Tab: Natural; Flat_Decl : Boolean := False)
+ is
+ El: Iir;
+ begin
+ El := Tree_Chain;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Disp_Tree (El, Tab, Flat_Decl);
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Tree_Chain;
+ procedure Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Tree_Chain: Iir; Tab: Natural)
+ is
+ El: Iir;
+ begin
+ El := Tree_Chain;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (El, Tab);
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain;
+ procedure Disp_Tree_List_Flat (Tree_List: Iir_List; Tab: Natural)
+ is
+ El: Iir;
+ begin
+ if Tree_List = Null_Iir_List then
+ Disp_Tab (Tab);
+ Put_Line (" null-list");
+ elsif Tree_List = Iir_List_All then
+ Disp_Tab (Tab);
+ Put_Line (" list-all");
+ elsif Tree_List = Iir_List_Others then
+ Disp_Tab (Tab);
+ Put_Line (" list-others");
+ else
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (Tree_List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (El, Tab);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Tree_List_Flat;
+ procedure Disp_Ident (Ident: Name_Id)
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ begin
+ if Ident /= Null_Identifier then
+ Image (Ident);
+ Put_Line (" '" & Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length) & ''');
+ else
+ Put_Line (" <anonymous>");
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Ident;
+ procedure Disp_Tree_Flat (Tree: Iir; Tab: Natural)
+ is
+ procedure Disp_Identifier (Identifying: Iir)
+ is
+ Ident : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ if Identifying /= Null_Iir then
+ Ident := Get_Identifier (Identifying);
+ Disp_Ident (Ident);
+ else
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Identifier;
+ procedure Disp_Decl_Ident
+ is
+ A_Type: Iir;
+ begin
+ A_Type := Get_Type_Declarator (Tree);
+ if A_Type /= Null_Iir then
+ Disp_Identifier (A_Type);
+ else
+ Put_Line (" <unnamed>");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Decl_Ident;
+ begin
+ Disp_Tab (Tab);
+ Disp_Iir_Address (Tree);
+ if Tree = Null_Iir then
+ Put_Line (" *NULL*");
+ return;
+ else
+ Put (' ');
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Tree) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_File =>
+ Put_Line ("design file");
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit =>
+ Put ("design_unit");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause =>
+ Put_Line ("use_clause");
+ when Iir_Kind_Library_Clause =>
+ Put ("library clause");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration =>
+ Put ("library declaration");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Proxy =>
+ Put_Line ("proxy");
+ when Iir_Kind_Waveform_Element =>
+ Put_Line ("waveform_element");
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ Put ("package_declaration");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
+ Put ("package_body");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
+ Put ("entity_declaration");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ Put ("architecture_declaration");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
+ Put ("configuration_declaration");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
+ Put ("function_declaration");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Body =>
+ Put_Line ("function_body");
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ Put ("procedure_declaration");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
+ Put_Line ("procedure_body");
+ when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ Put ("object_alias_declaration");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ Put ("non_object_alias_declaration");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ Put ("signal_interface_declaration");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
+ Put ("signal_declaration");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration =>
+ Put ("variable_interface_declaration");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Shared_Flag (Tree) then
+ Put ("(shared) ");
+ end if;
+ Put ("variable_declaration");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration =>
+ Put ("constant_interface_declaration");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
+ Put ("constant_declaration");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration =>
+ Put ("iterator_declaration");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration =>
+ Put ("file_interface_declaration");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
+ Put ("file_declaration");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration =>
+ Put ("type_declaration");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
+ Put ("anonymous_type_declaration");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ Put ("subtype_declaration");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
+ Put ("component_declaration");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Element_Declaration =>
+ Put ("element_declaration");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration =>
+ Put ("attribute_declaration");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration =>
+ Put ("group_template_declaration");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration =>
+ Put ("group_declaration");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
+ Put ("enumeration_type_definition");
+ Disp_Decl_Ident;
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Put ("enumeration_subtype_definition");
+ Disp_Decl_Ident;
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Put ("integer_subtype_definition");
+ Disp_Decl_Ident;
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition =>
+ Put ("integer_type_definition");
+ Disp_Identifier (Get_Type_Declarator (Tree));
+ when Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Put ("floating_subtype_definition");
+ Disp_Decl_Ident;
+ when Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition =>
+ Put ("floating_type_definition");
+ Disp_Identifier (Get_Type_Declarator (Tree));
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Put ("array_subtype_definition");
+ Disp_Decl_Ident;
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ Put ("array_type_definition");
+ Disp_Decl_Ident;
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
+ Put ("record_type_definition");
+ Disp_Decl_Ident;
+ when Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition =>
+ Put ("access_type_definition");
+ Disp_Decl_Ident;
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
+ Put ("file_type_definition");
+ Disp_Identifier (Get_Type_Declarator (Tree));
+ when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Put_Line ("subtype_definition");
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition =>
+ Put ("physical_type_definition");
+ Disp_Identifier (Get_Type_Declarator (Tree));
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Put_Line ("physical_subtype_definition");
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name =>
+ Put ("simple_name ");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Operator_Symbol =>
+ Put ("operator_symbol """);
+ Name_Table.Image (Get_Identifier (Tree));
+ Put (Name_Table.Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Table.Name_Length));
+ Put_Line ("""");
+ when Iir_Kind_Null_Literal =>
+ Put_Line ("null_literal");
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal =>
+ Put_Line ("physical_int_literal");
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal =>
+ Put_Line ("physical_fp_literal");
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ Put ("component_instantiation_statement");
+ Disp_Ident (Get_Label (Tree));
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ Put ("block_statement");
+ Disp_Ident (Get_Label (Tree));
+ when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
+ Put ("sensitized_process_statement");
+ Disp_Ident (Get_Label (Tree));
+ when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
+ Put ("process_statement");
+ Disp_Ident (Get_Label (Tree));
+ when Iir_Kind_Case_Statement =>
+ Put_Line ("case_statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_If_Statement =>
+ Put_Line ("if_statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_Elsif =>
+ Put_Line ("Elsif");
+ when Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement =>
+ Put_Line ("for_loop_statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement =>
+ Put_Line ("while_loop_statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement =>
+ Put_Line ("exit_statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_Next_Statement =>
+ Put_Line ("next_statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement =>
+ Put_Line ("wait_statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement =>
+ Put_Line ("assertion_statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement =>
+ Put_Line ("variable_assignment_statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement =>
+ Put_Line ("signal_assignment_statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement =>
+ Put_Line ("concurrent_assertion_statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement =>
+ Put_Line ("procedure_call_statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement =>
+ Put_Line ("concurrent_procedure_call_statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_Return_Statement =>
+ Put_Line ("return_statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_Null_Statement =>
+ Put_Line ("null_statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+ Put ("enumeration_literal");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Character_Literal =>
+ Put_Line ("character_literal");
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal =>
+ Put_Line ("integer_literal: "
+ & Iir_Int64'Image (Get_Value (Tree)));
+ when Iir_Kind_Floating_Point_Literal =>
+ Put_Line ("floating_point_literal: "
+ & Iir_Fp64'Image (Get_Fp_Value (Tree)));
+ when Iir_Kind_String_Literal =>
+ Put_Line ("string_literal: " & Image_String_Lit (Tree));
+ when Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration =>
+ Put ("physical unit");
+ Disp_Identifier (Tree);
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Class =>
+ Put_Line ("entity_class '"
+ & Tokens.Image (Get_Entity_Class (Tree)) & ''');
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name =>
+ Put ("attribute_name");
+ Disp_Ident (Get_Attribute_Identifier (Tree));
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration =>
+ Put ("implicit_function_declaration: ");
+ Put_Line (Iirs_Utils.Get_Predefined_Function_Name
+ (Get_Implicit_Definition (Tree)));
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ Put ("implicit_procedure_declaration: ");
+ Put_Line (Iirs_Utils.Get_Predefined_Function_Name
+ (Get_Implicit_Definition (Tree)));
+ when others =>
+ Put_Line (Iir_Kind'Image (Get_Kind (Tree)));
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Tree_Flat;
+ procedure Disp_Staticness (Static: Iir_Staticness) is
+ begin
+ case Static is
+ when Unknown =>
+ Put ("???");
+ when None =>
+ Put ("none");
+ when Globally =>
+ Put ("global");
+ when Locally =>
+ Put ("local");
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Staticness;
+ procedure Disp_Flag (Bool : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ if Bool then
+ Put ("true");
+ else
+ Put ("false");
+ end if;
+ New_Line;
+ end Disp_Flag;
+ procedure Disp_Expr_Staticness (Expr: Iir) is
+ begin
+ Put (" expr: ");
+ Disp_Staticness (Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr));
+ New_Line;
+ end Disp_Expr_Staticness;
+ procedure Disp_Type_Staticness (Atype: Iir) is
+ begin
+ Put (" type: ");
+ Disp_Staticness (Get_Type_Staticness (Atype));
+ New_Line;
+ end Disp_Type_Staticness;
+ procedure Disp_Name_Staticness (Expr: Iir) is
+ begin
+ Put (" expr: ");
+ Disp_Staticness (Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr));
+ Put (", name: ");
+ Disp_Staticness (Get_Name_Staticness (Expr));
+ New_Line;
+ end Disp_Name_Staticness;
+ procedure Disp_Choice_Staticness (Expr: Iir) is
+ begin
+ Put (" choice: ");
+ Disp_Staticness (Get_Choice_Staticness (Expr));
+ New_Line;
+ end Disp_Choice_Staticness;
+ procedure Disp_Type_Resolved_Flag (Atype : Iir) is
+ begin
+ if Get_Resolved_Flag (Atype) then
+ Put_Line ("resolved");
+ else
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Type_Resolved_Flag;
+ procedure Disp_Lexical_Layout (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ V : Iir_Lexical_Layout_Type;
+ begin
+ V := Get_Lexical_Layout (Decl);
+ if (V and Iir_Lexical_Has_Mode) /= 0 then
+ Put (" +mode");
+ end if;
+ if (V and Iir_Lexical_Has_Class) /= 0 then
+ Put (" +class");
+ end if;
+ if (V and Iir_Lexical_Has_Type) /= 0 then
+ Put (" +type");
+ end if;
+ New_Line;
+ end Disp_Lexical_Layout;
+ procedure Disp_Purity_State (State : Iir_Pure_State)
+ is
+ begin
+ case State is
+ when Pure =>
+ Put (" pure");
+ when Impure =>
+ Put (" impure");
+ when Maybe_Impure =>
+ Put (" maybe_impure");
+ when Unknown =>
+ Put (" unknown");
+ end case;
+ New_Line;
+ end Disp_Purity_State;
+ procedure Disp_State (State : Tri_State_Type)
+ is
+ begin
+ case State is
+ when True =>
+ Put (" true");
+ when False =>
+ Put (" false");
+ when Unknown =>
+ Put (" unknown");
+ end case;
+ New_Line;
+ end Disp_State;
+ procedure Disp_Depth (Depth : Iir_Int32) is
+ begin
+ Put (Iir_Int32'Image (Depth));
+ New_Line;
+ end Disp_Depth;
+ procedure Disp_Tree (Tree: Iir;
+ Tab: Natural := 0;
+ Flat_Decl: Boolean := false) is
+ Ntab: Natural := Inc_Tab (Tab);
+ Kind : Iir_Kind;
+ procedure Header (Str: String; Nl: Boolean := true) is
+ begin
+ Disp_Tab (Ntab);
+ Put (Str);
+ if Nl then
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ end Header;
+ procedure Disp_Label (Tree: Iir)is
+ Label : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Label := Get_Label (Tree);
+ if Label /= Null_Identifier then
+ Header ("label: " & Name_Table.Image (Label));
+ else
+ Header ("label: -");
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Label;
+ begin
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Tree, Tab);
+ if Tree = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Location (Tree) /= Location_Nil then
+ Header ("loc: " & Errorout.Get_Location_Str (Get_Location (Tree)));
+ end if;
+ if False then
+ Header ("parent:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Parent (Tree), Ntab);
+ end if;
+ Kind := Get_Kind (Tree);
+ case Kind is
+ when Iir_Kind_Overload_List =>
+ Header ("overload_list");
+ Disp_Tree_List (Get_Overload_List (Tree), Ntab, Flat_Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Error =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_File =>
+ Header ("design_file_filename: "
+ & Name_Table.Image (Get_Design_File_Filename (Tree)));
+ Header ("design_file_directory: "
+ & Name_Table.Image (Get_Design_File_Directory (Tree)));
+ Header ("analysis_time_stamp: "
+ & Files_Map.Get_Time_Stamp_String
+ (Get_Analysis_Time_Stamp (Tree)));
+ Header ("file_time_stamp: "
+ & Files_Map.Get_Time_Stamp_String
+ (Get_File_Time_Stamp (Tree)));
+ Header ("library:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Parent (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("design_unit_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_First_Design_Unit (Tree), Ntab, Flat_Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit =>
+ if Flat_Decl then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("flags: date_state: "
+ & Date_State_Type'Image (Get_Date_State (Tree))
+ & ", elab: "
+ & Boolean'Image (Get_Elab_Flag (Tree)));
+ Header ("date:" & Date_Type'Image (Get_Date (Tree)));
+ Header ("parent (design file):");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Design_File (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("dependence list:");
+ Disp_Tree_List_Flat (Get_Dependence_List (Tree), Ntab);
+ if Get_Date_State (Tree) /= Date_Disk then
+ Header ("context items:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Context_Items (Tree), Ntab);
+ end if;
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("library unit:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Library_Unit (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause =>
+ Header ("selected name:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Selected_Name (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("use_clause_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Use_Clause_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Library_Clause =>
+ Header ("library declaration:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Library_Declaration (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration =>
+ if Flat_Decl then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("library_directory: "
+ & Name_Table.Image (Get_Library_Directory (Tree)));
+ Header ("design file list:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Design_File_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
+ Header ("generic chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Generic_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("port chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Port_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("declaration chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("concurrent_statements:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ if Flat_Decl then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("need_body: " & Boolean'Image (Get_Need_Body (Tree)));
+ Header ("declaration chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
+ Header ("package:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Package (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("declaration:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ if Flat_Decl then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("entity:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Entity (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("declaration_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("concurrent_statements:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("default configuration:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat
+ (Get_Default_Configuration_Declaration (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
+ Header ("entity:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Entity (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("declaration_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("block_configuration:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Block_Configuration (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity =>
+ Header ("entity:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Entity (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("architecture:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Architecture (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Configuration =>
+ Header ("configuration:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Configuration (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Open =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration =>
+ Header ("block_specification:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Block_Specification (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("declaration_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("configuration_item_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Configuration_Item_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("prev_block_configuration:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Prev_Block_Configuration (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification =>
+ Header ("attribute_designator:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Attribute_Designator (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("entity_name_list:");
+ Disp_Tree_List_Flat (Get_Entity_Name_List (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("entity_class: "
+ & Tokens.Image (Get_Entity_Class (Tree)));
+ Header ("expression:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Expression (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("attribute_value_spec_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Spec_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration =>
+ Header ("instantiation_list:");
+ Disp_Tree_List_Flat (Get_Instantiation_List (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("component_name:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Component_Name (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("binding_indication:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Binding_Indication (Tree), Ntab);
+ if Kind = Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration then
+ Header ("block_configuration:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Block_Configuration (Tree), Ntab);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Binding_Indication =>
+ Header ("entity_aspect:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Entity_Aspect (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("generic_map_aspect_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("port_map_aspect_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("default_generic_map_aspect_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain
+ (Get_Default_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("default_port_map_aspect_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Default_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Header =>
+ Header ("generic chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Generic_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("generic_map_aspect_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("port chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Port_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("port_map_aspect_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value =>
+ Header ("staticness:", false);
+ Disp_Expr_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("attribute_specification:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Attribute_Specification (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("designated_entity:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Designated_Entity (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Signature =>
+ Header ("return_type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Return_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("type_marks_list:");
+ Disp_Tree_List (Get_Type_Marks_List (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Disconnection_Specification =>
+ Header ("signal_list:");
+ Disp_Tree_List (Get_Signal_List (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("type_mark:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("time expression:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Expression (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression =>
+ Header ("whole_association_flag: ", False);
+ Disp_Flag (Get_Whole_Association_Flag (Tree));
+ Header ("collapse_signal_flag: ", False);
+ Disp_Flag (Get_Collapse_Signal_Flag (Tree));
+ Header ("formal:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Formal (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("out_conversion:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Out_Conversion (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("actual:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Actual (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("in_conversion:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_In_Conversion (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual =>
+ Header ("whole_association_flag: ", False);
+ Disp_Flag (Get_Whole_Association_Flag (Tree));
+ Header ("formal:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Formal (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("actual_type:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Actual_Type (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("individual_association_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Individual_Association_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open =>
+ Header ("formal:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Formal (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Waveform_Element =>
+ Header ("value:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_We_Value (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("time:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Time (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Conditional_Waveform =>
+ Header ("condition:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Condition (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("waveform_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Waveform_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Name =>
+ Header ("name:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Name (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("associated:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Associated (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others =>
+ Header ("associated");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Associated (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None =>
+ Header ("associated");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Associated (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range =>
+ Header ("staticness: ", False);
+ Disp_Choice_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("range:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Expression (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("associated");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Associated (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression =>
+ Header ("expression:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Expression (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("staticness: ", False);
+ Disp_Choice_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("associated");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Associated (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ if Flat_Decl then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("staticness: ", False);
+ Disp_Name_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("lexical layout:", False);
+ Disp_Lexical_Layout (Tree);
+ Header ("mode: " & Iir_Mode'Image (Get_Mode (Tree)));
+ Header ("signal kind: "
+ & Iir_Signal_Kind'Image (Get_Signal_Kind (Tree)));
+ Header ("has_active_flag: ", False);
+ Disp_Flag (Get_Has_Active_Flag (Tree));
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("default value:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Default_Value (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration =>
+ if Flat_Decl then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("staticness: ", False);
+ Disp_Name_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("lexical layout:", False);
+ Disp_Lexical_Layout (Tree);
+ Header ("mode: " & Iir_Mode'Image (Get_Mode (Tree)));
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("default value:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Default_Value (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration =>
+ if Flat_Decl then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("staticness: ", False);
+ Disp_Name_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("lexical layout:", False);
+ Disp_Lexical_Layout (Tree);
+ Header ("mode: " & Iir_Mode'Image (Get_Mode (Tree)));
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("default value:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Default_Value (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration =>
+ if Flat_Decl then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("staticness: ", False);
+ Disp_Name_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("lexical layout:", False);
+ Disp_Lexical_Layout (Tree);
+ Header ("mode: " & Iir_Mode'Image (Get_Mode (Tree)));
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration =>
+ if Flat_Decl then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("kind: " & Iir_Signal_Kind'Image (Get_Signal_Kind (Tree)));
+ Header ("has_active_flag: ", False);
+ Disp_Flag (Get_Has_Active_Flag (Tree));
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ if Kind = Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration then
+ Header ("default value:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Default_Value (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("signal_driver:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Signal_Driver (Tree), Ntab);
+ else
+ Header ("guard expr:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Guard_Expression (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("guard sensitivity list:");
+ Disp_Tree_List (Get_Guard_Sensitivity_List (Tree), Ntab);
+ end if;
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration =>
+ if Flat_Decl then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("staticness:", false);
+ Disp_Expr_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ if Kind = Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration then
+ Header ("deferred flag: " & Boolean'Image
+ (Get_Deferred_Declaration_Flag (Tree)));
+ Header ("deferred: ");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Deferred_Declaration (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("default value:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Default_Value (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ end if;
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration =>
+ if Flat_Decl then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("default value:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Default_Value (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
+ if Flat_Decl then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("logical name:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_File_Logical_Name (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("mode: " & Iir_Mode'Image (Get_Mode (Tree)));
+ Header ("file_open_kind:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_File_Open_Kind (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ if Flat_Decl then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("type (definition):");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
+ if Flat_Decl then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("type (definition):");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
+ if Flat_Decl then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("generic chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Generic_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("port chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Port_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Element_Declaration =>
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration =>
+ if Flat_Decl then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ if Flat_Decl then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("interface_declaration_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ if Kind = Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration then
+ Header ("return type:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Return_Type (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("pure_flag: ", False);
+ Disp_Flag (Get_Pure_Flag (Tree));
+ else
+ Header ("purity_state:", False);
+ Disp_Purity_State (Get_Purity_State (Tree));
+ end if;
+ Header ("wait_state:", False);
+ Disp_State (Get_Wait_State (Tree));
+ Header ("subprogram_depth:", False);
+ Disp_Depth (Get_Subprogram_Depth (Tree));
+ Header ("subprogram_body:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Subprogram_Body (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("driver list:");
+ Disp_Tree_List (Get_Driver_List (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Body =>
+ Header ("specification:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Subprogram_Specification (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("declaration_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("statements:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration =>
+ if Flat_Decl then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("operation: "
+ & Iir_Predefined_Functions'Image
+ (Get_Implicit_Definition (Tree)));
+ Header ("interface declaration chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("return type:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Return_Type (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ if Flat_Decl then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("interface declaration chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ if Flat_Decl then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("name:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Name (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ if Flat_Decl then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("name:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Name (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("signature:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Signature (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration =>
+ Header ("entity_class_entry:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Entity_Class_Entry_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration =>
+ Header ("group_constituent_list:");
+ Disp_Tree_List_Flat (Get_Group_Constituent_List (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
+ if Flat_Decl then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("staticness: ", False);
+ Disp_Type_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("type declarator:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type_Declarator (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("literals:");
+ Disp_Tree_List (Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition =>
+ if Flat_Decl and then not Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Tree)
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("staticness: ", False);
+ Disp_Type_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("type_declarator:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type_Declarator (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition =>
+ if Flat_Decl
+ and then Kind /= Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition
+ and then Get_Type_Declarator (Tree) /= Null_Iir
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Kind /= Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition then
+ Header ("staticness: ", False);
+ Disp_Type_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("resolved flag: ", False);
+ Disp_Type_Resolved_Flag (Tree);
+ Header ("signal_type_flag: ", False);
+ Disp_Flag (Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Tree));
+ Header ("type declarator:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Type_Declarator (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("base type:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Base_Type (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ end if;
+ Header ("type mark:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Type_Mark (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("resolution function:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Resolution_Function (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("range constraint:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Range_Constraint (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
+ Header ("staticness:", false);
+ Disp_Expr_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("left limit:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Left_Limit (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("right limit:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Right_Limit (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("direction: "
+ & Iir_Direction'Image (Get_Direction (Tree)));
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ if Flat_Decl and then Get_Type_Declarator (Tree) /= Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("staticness:", false);
+ Disp_Type_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("resolved flag: ", False);
+ Disp_Type_Resolved_Flag (Tree);
+ Header ("signal_type_flag: ", False);
+ Disp_Flag (Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Tree));
+ Header ("type declarator:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type_Declarator (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("base type:");
+ declare
+ Base : Iir := Get_Base_Type (Tree);
+ Fl : Boolean;
+ begin
+ if Base /= Null_Iir
+ and then Kind = Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ then
+ Fl := Get_Type_Declarator (Base)
+ /= Get_Type_Declarator (Tree);
+ else
+ Fl := False;
+ end if;
+ Disp_Tree (Base, Ntab, Fl);
+ end;
+ Header ("type mark:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Type_Mark (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("index_subtype_list:");
+ Disp_Tree_List (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("element_subtype:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Element_Subtype (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("resolution function:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Resolution_Function (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ if Flat_Decl and then Get_Type_Declarator (Tree) /= Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("type declarator:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type_Declarator (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("resolved flag: ", False);
+ Disp_Type_Resolved_Flag (Tree);
+ Header ("signal_type_flag: ", False);
+ Disp_Flag (Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Tree));
+ Header ("base type:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Base_Type (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("type mark:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Type_Mark (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("resolution function:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Resolution_Function (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("index_subtype_list:");
+ Disp_Tree_List (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ if Flat_Decl and then Get_Type_Declarator (Tree) /= Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("staticness: ", False);
+ Disp_Type_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("resolved flag: ", False);
+ Disp_Type_Resolved_Flag (Tree);
+ Header ("signal_type_flag: ", False);
+ Disp_Flag (Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Tree));
+ Header ("index_subtype_list:");
+ Disp_Tree_List (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("element_subtype:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Element_Subtype (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
+ if Flat_Decl and then Get_Type_Declarator (Tree) /= Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("staticness: ", False);
+ Disp_Type_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("resolved flag: ", False);
+ Disp_Type_Resolved_Flag (Tree);
+ Header ("signal_type_flag: ", False);
+ Disp_Flag (Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Tree));
+ Header ("elements:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Element_Declaration_Chain (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
+ if Flat_Decl and then not Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Tree) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("type declarator:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type_Declarator (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("resolved flag: ", False);
+ Disp_Type_Resolved_Flag (Tree);
+ Header ("signal_type_flag: ", False);
+ Disp_Flag (Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Tree));
+ Header ("base type:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Base_Type (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("type mark:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Type_Mark (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("resolution function:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Resolution_Function (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition =>
+ if Flat_Decl and then Get_Type_Declarator (Tree) /= Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("staticness: ", False);
+ Disp_Type_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("resolved flag: ", False);
+ Disp_Type_Resolved_Flag (Tree);
+ Header ("declarator:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type_Declarator (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("unit chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Unit_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration =>
+ if Flat_Decl then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("physical_literal:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Physical_Literal (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("physical_Unit_Value:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Physical_Unit_Value (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition =>
+ if Flat_Decl then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("staticness: ", False);
+ Disp_Type_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("resolved flag: ", False);
+ Disp_Type_Resolved_Flag (Tree);
+ Header ("signal_type_flag: ", False);
+ Disp_Flag (Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Tree));
+ Header ("declarator:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type_Declarator (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("designated type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Designated_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Header ("staticness: ", False);
+ Disp_Type_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("resolved flag: ", False);
+ Disp_Type_Resolved_Flag (Tree);
+ Header ("declarator:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type_Declarator (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("base type:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Base_Type (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("type mark:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Type_Mark (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("designated type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Designated_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("resolution function:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Resolution_Function (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition =>
+ Header ("staticness: ", False);
+ Disp_Type_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("declarator:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type_Declarator (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("base type:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Base_Type (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
+ Header ("staticness: ", False);
+ Disp_Type_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("declarator:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type_Declarator (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("type mark:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type_Mark (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
+ Header ("staticness: ", False);
+ Disp_Type_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("declarator:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type_Declarator (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("protected_type_body:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Protected_Type_Body (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("declarative_part:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body =>
+ Header ("protected_type_declaration:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Protected_Type_Declaration (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("declarative_part:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ if Flat_Decl then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Disp_Label (Tree);
+ Header ("guard decl:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Guard_Decl (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("block header:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Block_Header (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("declaration_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("concurrent statements:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ if Flat_Decl then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Disp_Label (Tree);
+ Header ("generation_scheme:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Generation_Scheme (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("declaration_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("concurrent statements:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ Disp_Label (Tree);
+ Header ("instantiated unit:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Instantiated_Unit (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("generic map aspect chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("port map aspect chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("component_configuration:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Component_Configuration (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("default binding indication:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Default_Binding_Indication (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment =>
+ Header ("guarded_target_flag: "
+ & Tri_State_Type'Image (Get_Guarded_Target_State (Tree)));
+ Header ("target:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Target (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ if Get_Guard (Tree) = Tree then
+ Header ("guard: guarded");
+ else
+ Header ("guard:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Guard (Tree), Ntab);
+ end if;
+ Header ("conditional waveform chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Conditional_Waveform_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment =>
+ Header ("guarded_target_flag: "
+ & Tri_State_Type'Image (Get_Guarded_Target_State (Tree)));
+ Header ("target:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Target (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ if Get_Guard (Tree) = Tree then
+ Header ("guard: guarded");
+ else
+ Header ("guard:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Guard (Tree), Ntab);
+ end if;
+ Header ("choices:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Selected_Waveform_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement =>
+ Header ("condition:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Assertion_Condition (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("report expression:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Report_Expression (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("severity expression:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Severity_Expression (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
+ Disp_Label (Tree);
+ Header ("passive: " & Boolean'Image (Get_Passive_Flag (Tree)));
+ if Kind = Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement then
+ Header ("sensivity list:");
+ Disp_Tree_List (Get_Sensitivity_List (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ end if;
+ Header ("driver list:");
+ Disp_Tree_List (Get_Driver_List (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("declaration_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("process statements:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_If_Statement =>
+ Header ("condition:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Condition (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("then sequence:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("elsif:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Else_Clause (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Elsif =>
+ Header ("condition:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Condition (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("then sequence:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("elsif:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Else_Clause (Tree), Tab);
+ when Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement =>
+ Header ("iterator:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Iterator_Scheme (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("statements:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement =>
+ Header ("condition:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Condition (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("statements:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Case_Statement =>
+ Header ("expression:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Expression (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("choices chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain
+ (Get_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement =>
+ Header ("guarded_target_flag: "
+ & Tri_State_Type'Image (Get_Guarded_Target_State (Tree)));
+ Header ("target:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Target (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("waveform_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Waveform_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement =>
+ Header ("target:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Target (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("expression:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Expression (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement =>
+ Header ("condition:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Assertion_Condition (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("report expression:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Report_Expression (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("severity expression:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Severity_Expression (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Report_Statement =>
+ Header ("report expression:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Report_Expression (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("severity expression:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Severity_Expression (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Return_Statement =>
+ Header ("expression:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Expression (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement =>
+ Header ("sensitivity list:");
+ Disp_Tree_List (Get_Sensitivity_List (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("condition:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Condition_Clause (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("timeout:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Timeout_Clause (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement =>
+ Disp_Label (Tree);
+ Header ("procedure_call:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Procedure_Call (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call =>
+ Header ("implementation:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Implementation (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("method_object:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Method_Object (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("parameters:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Next_Statement =>
+ Header ("loop:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Loop (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("condition:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Condition (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Null_Statement =>
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kinds_Dyadic_Operator =>
+ Header ("staticness:", false);
+ Disp_Expr_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("implementation:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Implementation (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("left:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Left (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("right:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Right (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kinds_Monadic_Operator =>
+ Header ("staticness:", false);
+ Disp_Expr_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("implementation:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Implementation (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("operand:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Operand (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
+ Header ("staticness:", false);
+ Disp_Expr_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("implementation:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Implementation (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("method_object:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Method_Object (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("parameters:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Qualified_Expression =>
+ Header ("staticness:", false);
+ Disp_Expr_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("type mark:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Type_Mark (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("expression:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Expression (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion =>
+ Header ("staticness:", false);
+ Disp_Expr_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("expression:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Expression (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Expression =>
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("expression:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Expression (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Subtype =>
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("subtype indication:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Expression (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Element =>
+ Header ("prefix:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Prefix (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("selected element:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Selected_Element (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Dereference =>
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("prefix:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Prefix (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate =>
+ Header ("staticness: value: ", false);
+ Disp_Staticness (Get_Value_Staticness (Tree));
+ Disp_Expr_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("aggregate_info:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Aggregate_Info (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("associations:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate_Info =>
+ Header ("aggr_others_flag: ", False);
+ Disp_Flag (Get_Aggr_Others_Flag (Tree));
+ Header ("aggr_named_flag: ", False);
+ Disp_Flag (Get_Aggr_Named_Flag (Tree));
+ Header ("aggr_dynamic_flag: ", False);
+ Disp_Flag (Get_Aggr_Dynamic_Flag (Tree));
+ Header ("aggr_low_limit:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Aggr_Low_Limit (Tree), Ntab, False);
+ Header ("aggr_high_limit:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Aggr_High_Limit (Tree), Ntab, False);
+ Header ("aggr_max_length:" &
+ Iir_Int32'Image (Get_Aggr_Max_Length (Tree)));
+ Header ("sub_aggregate_info:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Sub_Aggregate_Info (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Operator_Symbol =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name =>
+ Header ("staticness:", false);
+ Disp_Expr_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name =>
+ Header ("staticness:", false);
+ Disp_Name_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("prefix:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Prefix (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("index:");
+ Disp_Tree_List (Get_Index_List (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
+ Header ("staticness:", false);
+ Disp_Name_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("prefix:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Prefix (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("suffix:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Suffix (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name =>
+ Header ("prefix:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Prefix (Tree), Ntab, Flat_Decl);
+ Header ("association chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Chain (Get_Association_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name =>
+ Header ("prefix:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Prefix (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ Header ("prefix:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Prefix (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("identifier: ", False);
+ Disp_Ident (Get_Suffix_Identifier (Tree));
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name =>
+ Header ("prefix:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Prefix (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("signature:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Signature (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Base_Attribute =>
+ Header ("prefix:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Prefix (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Left_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Right_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_High_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Low_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Ascending_Type_Attribute =>
+ Header ("staticness:", false);
+ Disp_Expr_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("prefix:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Prefix (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Image_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Value_Attribute =>
+ Header ("prefix:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Prefix (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("parameter:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Parameter (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Pos_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Val_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Succ_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Pred_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Leftof_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Rightof_Attribute =>
+ Header ("staticness:", false);
+ Disp_Expr_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("prefix:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Prefix (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("parameter:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Parameter (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Left_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Right_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_High_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Low_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Length_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Ascending_Array_Attribute =>
+ Header ("staticness:", false);
+ Disp_Expr_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("prefix:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Prefix (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("parameter:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Parameter (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute =>
+ Header ("prefix:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Prefix (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("has_active_flag: ", False);
+ Disp_Flag (Get_Has_Active_Flag (Tree));
+ when Iir_Kind_Event_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Active_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Event_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Active_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Value_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Driving_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Driving_Value_Attribute =>
+ Header ("prefix:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Prefix (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Behavior_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Structure_Attribute =>
+ Header ("prefix:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Prefix (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Instance_Name_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Path_Name_Attribute =>
+ Header ("prefix:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Prefix (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+ if Flat_Decl and then Get_Literal_Origin (Tree) = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("value:" & Iir_Int32'Image (Get_Enum_Pos (Tree)));
+ Header ("attribute_value_chain:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("origin:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Literal_Origin (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal =>
+ Header ("staticness:", false);
+ Disp_Expr_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("origin:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Literal_Origin (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Floating_Point_Literal =>
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("origin:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Literal_Origin (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_String_Literal =>
+ Header ("value: """ & Iirs_Utils.Image_String_Lit (Tree) & """");
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("origin:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Literal_Origin (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal =>
+ Header ("base:" & Base_Type'Image (Get_Bit_String_Base (Tree)));
+ Header ("value: """ & Iirs_Utils.Image_String_Lit (Tree) & """");
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Character_Literal =>
+ Header ("value: '" &
+ Name_Table.Get_Character (Get_Identifier (Tree)) &
+ ''');
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal =>
+ Header ("staticness:", False);
+ Disp_Expr_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("value: " & Iir_Int64'Image (Get_Value (Tree)));
+ Header ("unit_name: ");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Unit_Name (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("origin:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Literal_Origin (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal =>
+ Header ("staticness:", False);
+ Disp_Expr_Staticness (Tree);
+ Header ("fp_value: " & Iir_Fp64'Image (Get_Fp_Value (Tree)));
+ Header ("unit_name: ");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Unit_Name (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ Header ("origin:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Literal_Origin (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Null_Literal =>
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Aggregate =>
+ Header ("simple_aggregate_list:");
+ Disp_Tree_List (Get_Simple_Aggregate_List (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("type:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Type (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ Header ("origin:");
+ Disp_Tree (Get_Literal_Origin (Tree), Ntab, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Proxy =>
+ Header ("proxy:");
+ Disp_Tree_Flat (Get_Proxy (Tree), Ntab);
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Class =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Tree;
+end Disp_Tree;
diff --git a/disp_tree.ads b/disp_tree.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e3e3d714
--- /dev/null
+++ b/disp_tree.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+-- Node displaying (for debugging).
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+package Disp_Tree is
+ -- Disp NODE as an address. The format is "[XXXXXXXX]", where each X is
+ -- an hexadecimal digit (quotes are not displayed).
+ procedure Disp_Iir_Address (Node: Iir);
+ -- Disp TREE recursively.
+ procedure Disp_Tree (Tree: Iir;
+ Tab: Natural := 0;
+ Flat_Decl: Boolean := false);
+end Disp_Tree;
diff --git a/disp_vhdl.adb b/disp_vhdl.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1976f0324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/disp_vhdl.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,2369 @@
+-- VHDL regeneration from internal nodes.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+-- Disp an iir tree.
+-- Try to be as pretty as possible, and to keep line numbers and positions
+-- of the identifiers.
+with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
+with Types; use Types;
+with Std_Package;
+with Flags; use Flags;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Iirs_Utils; use Iirs_Utils;
+with Name_Table;
+with Std_Names;
+with Tokens;
+package body Disp_Vhdl is
+ -- Disp the name of DECL.
+ procedure Disp_Name_Of (Decl: Iir);
+ Indentation: constant Count := 2;
+ -- If set, disp after a string literal the type enclosed into brackets.
+ Disp_String_Literal_Type: constant Boolean := False;
+ -- If set, disp position number of associations
+ --Disp_Position_Number: constant Boolean := False;
+-- procedure Disp_Tab (Tab: Natural) is
+-- Blanks : String (1 .. Tab) := (others => ' ');
+-- begin
+-- Put (Blanks);
+-- end Disp_Tab;
+ procedure Disp_Type (A_Type: Iir);
+ procedure Disp_Expression (Expr: Iir);
+ procedure Disp_Concurrent_Statement (Stmt: Iir);
+ procedure Disp_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Parent: Iir; Indent : Count);
+ procedure Disp_Declaration_Chain (Parent : Iir; Indent: Count);
+ procedure Disp_Process_Statement (Process: Iir);
+ procedure Disp_Sequential_Statements (First : Iir);
+ procedure Disp_Choice (Choice: in out Iir);
+ procedure Disp_Association_Chain (Chain : Iir);
+ procedure Disp_Block_Configuration
+ (Block: Iir_Block_Configuration; Indent: Count);
+ procedure Disp_Subprogram_Declaration (Subprg: Iir);
+ procedure Disp_Binding_Indication (Bind : Iir; Indent : Count);
+ procedure Disp_Ident (Id: Name_Id) is
+ begin
+ Put (Name_Table.Image (Id));
+ end Disp_Ident;
+ procedure Disp_Identifier (Node : Iir) is
+ Ident : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Ident := Get_Identifier (Node);
+ if Ident /= Null_Identifier then
+ Disp_Ident (Ident);
+ else
+ Put ("<anonymous>");
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Identifier;
+ procedure Disp_Label (Node : Iir) is
+ Ident : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Ident := Get_Label (Node);
+ if Ident /= Null_Identifier then
+ Disp_Ident (Ident);
+ else
+ Put ("<anonymous>");
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Label;
+ procedure Disp_Character_Literal (Lit: Iir_Character_Literal) is
+ begin
+ Put (''' & Name_Table.Get_Character (Get_Identifier (Lit)) & ''');
+ end Disp_Character_Literal;
+ procedure Disp_Function_Name (Func: Iir)
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ use Std_Names;
+ Id: Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Func);
+ case Id is
+ when Name_Id_Operators
+ | Name_Word_Operators
+ | Name_Xnor
+ | Name_Shift_Operators =>
+ Put ("""");
+ Put (Image (Id));
+ Put ("""");
+ when others =>
+ Disp_Ident (Id);
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Function_Name;
+ -- Disp the name of DECL.
+ procedure Disp_Name_Of (Decl: Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Element_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Identifier (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
+ Put ('<');
+ Disp_Ident (Get_Identifier (Decl));
+ Put ('>');
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Function_Name (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Identifier (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
+ Disp_Identifier (Get_Type_Declarator (Decl));
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ Disp_Ident (Get_Label (Decl));
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit =>
+ Disp_Name_Of (Get_Library_Unit (Decl));
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Simple_Name =>
+ Disp_Identifier (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ Disp_Label (Decl);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("disp_name_of", Decl);
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Name_Of;
+ procedure Disp_Range (Decl: Iir) is
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Decl) = Iir_Kind_Range_Expression then
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Left_Limit (Decl));
+ if Get_Direction (Decl) = Iir_To then
+ Put (" to ");
+ else
+ Put (" downto ");
+ end if;
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Right_Limit (Decl));
+ else
+ Disp_Name_Of (Get_Type_Declarator (Decl));
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Range;
+ procedure Disp_Name (Name: Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Name) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name =>
+ Disp_Name (Get_Prefix (Name));
+ Put (".all");
+ when Iir_Kind_Dereference =>
+ Disp_Name (Get_Prefix (Name));
+ Put (".all");
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name =>
+ Put (Iirs_Utils.Image_Identifier (Name));
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ Disp_Name (Get_Prefix (Name));
+ Put (".");
+ Disp_Ident (Get_Suffix_Identifier (Name));
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Name_Of (Name);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("disp_name", Name);
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Name;
+ procedure Disp_Use_Clause (Clause: Iir_Use_Clause) is
+ begin
+ Put ("use ");
+ Disp_Name (Get_Selected_Name (Clause));
+ Put_Line (";");
+ end Disp_Use_Clause;
+ -- Disp the resolution function (if any) of type definition DEF.
+ procedure Disp_Resolution_Function (Def: Iir) is
+ Decl: Iir;
+ begin
+ Decl := Get_Resolution_Function (Def);
+ if Decl /= Null_Iir then
+ Disp_Name (Decl);
+ Put (' ');
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Resolution_Function;
+ procedure Disp_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ (Def: Iir_Integer_Subtype_Definition)
+ is
+ Base_Type: Iir_Integer_Type_Definition;
+ Decl: Iir;
+ begin
+ if Def /= Std_Package.Universal_Integer_Subtype_Definition then
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Def);
+ Decl := Get_Type_Declarator (Base_Type);
+ if Base_Type /= Std_Package.Universal_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ and then Def /= Decl
+ then
+ Disp_Name_Of (Decl);
+ Put (" ");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Disp_Resolution_Function (Def);
+ Put ("range ");
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Range_Constraint (Def));
+ Put (";");
+ end Disp_Integer_Subtype_Definition;
+ procedure Disp_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ (Def: Iir_Floating_Subtype_Definition)
+ is
+ Base_Type: Iir_Floating_Type_Definition;
+ Decl: Iir;
+ begin
+ if Def /= Std_Package.Universal_Real_Subtype_Definition then
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Def);
+ Decl := Get_Type_Declarator (Base_Type);
+ if Base_Type /= Std_Package.Universal_Real_Subtype_Definition
+ and then Def /= Decl
+ then
+ Disp_Name_Of (Decl);
+ Put (" ");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Disp_Resolution_Function (Def);
+ Put ("range ");
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Range_Constraint (Def));
+ Put (";");
+ end Disp_Floating_Subtype_Definition;
+ procedure Disp_Subtype_Indication (Def: Iir; Full_Decl: Boolean := False)
+ is
+ Type_Mark: Iir;
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ Index: Iir;
+ Decl: Iir;
+ begin
+ Decl := Get_Type_Declarator (Def);
+ if not Full_Decl and then Decl /= Null_Iir then
+ Disp_Name_Of (Decl);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Resolution function name.
+ Disp_Resolution_Function (Def);
+ -- type mark.
+ Type_Mark := Get_Type_Mark (Def);
+ if Type_Mark /= Null_Iir then
+ Decl := Get_Type_Declarator (Type_Mark);
+ Disp_Name_Of (Decl);
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Def);
+ case Get_Kind (Base_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition =>
+ if Type_Mark = Null_Iir
+ or else Get_Range_Constraint (Def)
+ /= Get_Range_Constraint (Type_Mark)
+ then
+ if Type_Mark /= Null_Iir then
+ Put (" range ");
+ end if;
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Range_Constraint (Def));
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ Put (" (");
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Index := Get_Nth_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def), I);
+ exit when Index = Null_Iir;
+ if I /= 0 then
+ Put (", ");
+ end if;
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Range_Constraint (Index));
+ --Disp_Range (Get_Range_Constraint (Index);
+ end loop;
+ Put (")");
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("disp_subtype_indication", Base_Type);
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Subtype_Indication;
+ procedure Disp_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ (Def: Iir_Enumeration_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ Len : Count;
+ Start_Col: Count;
+ Decl: Name_Id;
+ A_Lit: Iir; --Enumeration_Literal_Acc;
+ begin
+ for I in Natural loop
+ A_Lit := Get_Nth_Element (Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Def), I);
+ exit when A_Lit = Null_Iir;
+ if I = Natural'first then
+ Put ("(");
+ Start_Col := Col;
+ else
+ Put (", ");
+ end if;
+ Decl := Get_Identifier (A_Lit);
+ if Name_Table.Is_Character (Decl) then
+ Len := 3;
+ else
+ Len := Count (Name_Table.Get_Name_Length (Decl));
+ end if;
+ if Col + Len + 2 > Line_Length then
+ New_Line;
+ Set_Col (Start_Col);
+ end if;
+ Disp_Name_Of (A_Lit);
+ end loop;
+ Put (");");
+ end Disp_Enumeration_Type_Definition;
+ procedure Disp_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ (Def: Iir_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition)
+ is
+ Base_Type: Iir;
+ begin
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Def);
+ Disp_Resolution_Function (Def);
+ Put ("range ");
+ Disp_Range (Def);
+ Put (";");
+ end Disp_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition;
+ procedure Disp_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ (Def: Iir_Array_Subtype_Definition)
+ is
+ Index: Iir;
+ A_Type: Iir_Array_Type_Definition;
+ begin
+ Disp_Resolution_Function (Def);
+ A_Type := Get_Base_Type (Def);
+ Put ("array (");
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Index := Get_Nth_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def), I);
+ exit when Index = Null_Iir;
+ if I /= 0 then
+ Put (", ");
+ end if;
+ Disp_Subtype_Indication (Index);
+ end loop;
+ Put (") of ");
+ Disp_Subtype_Indication (Get_Element_Subtype (Def));
+ end Disp_Array_Subtype_Definition;
+ procedure Disp_Array_Type_Definition (Def: Iir_Array_Type_Definition) is
+ Index: Iir;
+ begin
+ Put ("array (");
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Index := Get_Nth_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def), I);
+ exit when Index = Null_Iir;
+ if I /= 0 then
+ Put (", ");
+ end if;
+ Disp_Subtype_Indication (Index);
+ Put (" range <>");
+ end loop;
+ Put (") of ");
+ Disp_Type (Get_Element_Subtype (Def));
+ Put (";");
+ end Disp_Array_Type_Definition;
+ procedure Disp_Physical_Literal (Lit: Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Lit) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal =>
+ Disp_Int64 (Get_Value (Lit));
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal =>
+ Disp_Fp64 (Get_Fp_Value (Lit));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("disp_physical_literal", Lit);
+ end case;
+ Put (' ');
+ Disp_Identifier (Get_Unit_Name (Lit));
+ end Disp_Physical_Literal;
+ procedure Disp_Physical_Subtype_Definition
+ (Def: Iir_Physical_Subtype_Definition; Indent: Count)
+ is
+ Base_Type: Iir;
+ Unit: Iir_Unit_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Disp_Resolution_Function (Def);
+ Put ("range ");
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Range_Constraint (Def));
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Def);
+ if Get_Type_Declarator (Base_Type) = Get_Type_Declarator (Def) then
+ Put_Line (" units");
+ Set_Col (Indent + Indentation);
+ Unit := Get_Unit_Chain (Base_Type);
+ Disp_Identifier (Unit);
+ Put_Line (";");
+ Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ Set_Col (Indent + Indentation);
+ Disp_Identifier (Unit);
+ Put (" = ");
+ Disp_Physical_Literal (Get_Physical_Literal (Unit));
+ Put_Line (";");
+ Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ end loop;
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Put ("end units;");
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Physical_Subtype_Definition;
+ procedure Disp_Record_Type_Definition
+ (Def: Iir_Record_Type_Definition; Indent: Count)
+ is
+ El: Iir_Element_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Put_Line ("record");
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Put_Line ("begin");
+ El := Get_Element_Declaration_Chain (Def);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Set_Col (Indent + Indentation);
+ Disp_Identifier (El);
+ Put (" : ");
+ Disp_Subtype_Indication (Get_Type (El));
+ Put_Line (";");
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Put ("end record;");
+ end Disp_Record_Type_Definition;
+ procedure Disp_Designator_List (List: Iir_List) is
+ El: Iir;
+ begin
+ if List = Null_Iir_List then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ if I > 0 then
+ Put (", ");
+ end if;
+ Disp_Expression (El);
+ --Disp_Text_Literal (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Designator_List;
+ -- Display the full definition of a type, ie the sequence that can create
+ -- such a type.
+ procedure Disp_Type_Definition (Decl: in Iir; Indent: Count) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
+ Disp_Enumeration_Type_Definition (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Disp_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Disp_Integer_Subtype_Definition (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Disp_Floating_Subtype_Definition (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ Disp_Array_Type_Definition (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Disp_Array_Subtype_Definition (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Disp_Physical_Subtype_Definition (Decl, Indent);
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
+ Disp_Record_Type_Definition (Decl, Indent);
+ when Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition =>
+ Put ("access ");
+ Disp_Subtype_Indication (Get_Designated_Type (Decl));
+ Put (';');
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
+ Put ("file of ");
+ Disp_Subtype_Indication (Get_Type_Mark (Decl));
+ Put (';');
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
+ Put_Line ("protected");
+ Disp_Declaration_Chain (Decl, Indent + Indentation);
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Put ("end protected;");
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition =>
+ Put ("<integer base type>");
+ when Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition =>
+ Put ("<floating base type>");
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition =>
+ Put ("<physical base type>");
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("disp_type_definition", Decl);
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Type_Definition;
+ procedure Disp_Type_Declaration (Decl: Iir_Type_Declaration)
+ is
+ Indent: Count;
+ Def : Iir;
+ begin
+ Indent := Col;
+ Put ("type ");
+ Disp_Name_Of (Decl);
+ Def := Get_Type (Decl);
+ if Def = Null_Iir
+ or else Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition
+ then
+ Put_Line (";");
+ else
+ Put (" is ");
+ Disp_Type_Definition (Def, Indent);
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Type_Declaration;
+ procedure Disp_Anonymous_Type_Declaration
+ (Decl: Iir_Anonymous_Type_Declaration)
+ is
+ Indent: Count;
+ Def : Iir;
+ begin
+ Indent := Col;
+ Put ("-- type ");
+ Disp_Name_Of (Decl);
+ Put (" is ");
+ Def := Get_Type (Decl);
+ Disp_Type_Definition (Def, Indent);
+ if Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition then
+ declare
+ Unit : Iir_Unit_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Put_Line (" units");
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Put ("-- ");
+ Unit := Get_Unit_Chain (Def);
+ Disp_Identifier (Unit);
+ Put_Line (";");
+ Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Put ("-- ");
+ Disp_Identifier (Unit);
+ Put (" = ");
+ Disp_Physical_Literal (Get_Physical_Literal (Unit));
+ Put_Line (";");
+ Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ end loop;
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Put ("-- end units;");
+ end;
+ end if;
+ New_Line;
+ end Disp_Anonymous_Type_Declaration;
+ procedure Disp_Subtype_Declaration (Decl: in Iir_Subtype_Declaration) is
+ begin
+ Put ("subtype ");
+ Disp_Name_Of (Decl);
+ Put (" is ");
+ Disp_Subtype_Indication (Get_Type (Decl), True);
+ Put_Line (";");
+ end Disp_Subtype_Declaration;
+ procedure Disp_Type (A_Type: Iir)
+ is
+ Decl: Iir;
+ begin
+ Decl := Get_Type_Declarator (A_Type);
+ if Decl /= Null_Iir then
+ Disp_Name_Of (Decl);
+ else
+ case Get_Kind (A_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition =>
+ raise Program_Error;
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Disp_Subtype_Indication (A_Type);
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Disp_Subtype_Indication (A_Type);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("disp_type", A_Type);
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Type;
+ procedure Disp_Mode (Mode: Iir_Mode) is
+ begin
+ case Mode is
+ when Iir_In_Mode =>
+ Put ("in ");
+ when Iir_Out_Mode =>
+ Put ("out ");
+ when Iir_Inout_Mode =>
+ Put ("inout ");
+ when Iir_Buffer_Mode =>
+ Put ("buffer ");
+ when Iir_Linkage_Mode =>
+ Put ("linkage ");
+ when Iir_Unknown_Mode =>
+ Put ("<unknown> ");
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Mode;
+ procedure Disp_Signal_Kind (Kind: Iir_Signal_Kind) is
+ begin
+ case Kind is
+ when Iir_No_Signal_Kind =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Register_Kind =>
+ Put (" register");
+ when Iir_Bus_Kind =>
+ Put (" bus");
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Signal_Kind;
+ procedure Disp_Interface_Declaration (Interface: Iir) is
+ Default: Iir;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Interface) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ Put ("signal ");
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration =>
+ Put ("variable ");
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration =>
+ Put ("constant ");
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("disp_interface_declaration", Interface);
+ end case;
+ Disp_Name_Of (Interface);
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Mode (Get_Mode (Interface));
+ Disp_Type (Get_Type (Interface));
+ if Get_Kind (Interface) = Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration then
+ Disp_Signal_Kind (Get_Signal_Kind (Interface));
+ end if;
+ Default := Get_Default_Value (Interface);
+ if Default /= Null_Iir then
+ Put (" := ");
+ Disp_Expression (Default);
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Interface_Declaration;
+ procedure Disp_Interface_Chain (Chain: Iir; Str: String)
+ is
+ Interface: Iir;
+ Start: Count;
+ begin
+ if Chain = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Put (" (");
+ Start := Col;
+ Interface := Chain;
+ while Interface /= Null_Iir loop
+ Set_Col (Start);
+ Disp_Interface_Declaration (Interface);
+ if Get_Chain (Interface) /= Null_Iir then
+ Put ("; ");
+ else
+ Put (')');
+ Put (Str);
+ end if;
+ Interface := Get_Chain (Interface);
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Interface_Chain;
+ procedure Disp_Ports (Parent : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Put ("port");
+ Disp_Interface_Chain (Get_Port_Chain (Parent), ";");
+ end Disp_Ports;
+ procedure Disp_Generics (Parent : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Put ("generic");
+ Disp_Interface_Chain (Get_Generic_Chain (Parent), ";");
+ end Disp_Generics;
+ procedure Disp_Entity_Declaration (Decl: Iir_Entity_Declaration) is
+ Start: Count;
+ begin
+ Start := Col;
+ Put ("entity ");
+ Disp_Name_Of (Decl);
+ Put_Line (" is");
+ if Get_Generic_Chain (Decl) /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Col (Start + Indentation);
+ Disp_Generics (Decl);
+ end if;
+ if Get_Port_Chain (Decl) /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Col (Start + Indentation);
+ Disp_Ports (Decl);
+ end if;
+ Disp_Declaration_Chain (Decl, Start + Indentation);
+ if Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Decl) /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Col (Start);
+ Put_Line ("begin");
+ Disp_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Decl, Start + Indentation);
+ end if;
+ Set_Col (Start);
+ Put_Line ("end entity;");
+ end Disp_Entity_Declaration;
+ procedure Disp_Component_Declaration (Decl: Iir_Component_Declaration)
+ is
+ Indent: Count;
+ begin
+ Indent := Col;
+ Put ("component ");
+ Disp_Name_Of (Decl);
+ if Get_Generic_Chain (Decl) /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Col (Indent + Indentation);
+ Disp_Generics (Decl);
+ end if;
+ if Get_Port_Chain (Decl) /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Col (Indent + Indentation);
+ Disp_Ports (Decl);
+ end if;
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Put ("end component;");
+ end Disp_Component_Declaration;
+ procedure Disp_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Parent : Iir; Indent : Count)
+ is
+ El: Iir;
+ begin
+ El := Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Parent);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Disp_Concurrent_Statement (El);
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Concurrent_Statement_Chain;
+ procedure Disp_Architecture_Declaration (Arch: Iir_Architecture_Declaration)
+ is
+ Start: Count;
+ begin
+ Start := Col;
+ Put ("architecture ");
+ Disp_Name_Of (Arch);
+ Put (" of ");
+ Disp_Name_Of (Get_Entity (Arch));
+ Put_Line (" is");
+ Disp_Declaration_Chain (Arch, Start + Indentation);
+ Set_Col (Start);
+ Put_Line ("begin");
+ Disp_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Arch, Start + Indentation);
+ Set_Col (Start);
+ Put_Line ("end;");
+ end Disp_Architecture_Declaration;
+ procedure Disp_Object_Alias_Declaration (Decl: Iir_Object_Alias_Declaration)
+ is
+ begin
+ Put ("alias ");
+ Disp_Name_Of (Decl);
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Type (Get_Type (Decl));
+ Put (" is ");
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Name (Decl));
+ Put_Line (";");
+ end Disp_Object_Alias_Declaration;
+ procedure Disp_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ (Decl: Iir_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration)
+ is
+ begin
+ Put ("alias ");
+ Disp_Function_Name (Decl);
+ Put (" is ");
+ Disp_Name (Get_Name (Decl));
+ Put_Line (";");
+ end Disp_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration;
+ procedure Disp_File_Declaration (Decl: Iir_File_Declaration) is
+ Expr: Iir;
+ begin
+ Put ("file ");
+ Disp_Name_Of (Decl);
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Type (Get_Type (Decl));
+ if Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Put (" is ");
+ Disp_Mode (Get_Mode (Decl));
+ Disp_Expression (Get_File_Logical_Name (Decl));
+ else
+ Expr := Get_File_Open_Kind (Decl);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Put (" open ");
+ Disp_Expression (Expr);
+ end if;
+ Expr := Get_File_Logical_Name (Decl);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Put (" is ");
+ Disp_Expression (Expr);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Put (';');
+ end Disp_File_Declaration;
+ procedure Disp_Object_Declaration (Decl: Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Shared_Flag (Decl) then
+ Put ("shared ");
+ end if;
+ Put ("variable ");
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
+ Put ("constant ");
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
+ Put ("signal ");
+ when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Object_Alias_Declaration (Decl);
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
+ Disp_File_Declaration (Decl);
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Disp_Name_Of (Decl);
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Type (Get_Type (Decl));
+ if Get_Kind (Decl) = Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration then
+ Disp_Signal_Kind (Get_Signal_Kind (Decl));
+ end if;
+ if Get_Default_Value (Decl) /= Null_Iir then
+ Put (" := ");
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Default_Value (Decl));
+ end if;
+ Put_Line (";");
+ end Disp_Object_Declaration;
+ procedure Disp_Driver_List (List: Iir_Driver_List; Indent : Count)
+ is
+ El: Iir;
+ begin
+ if List = Null_Iir_List or else Get_Nbr_Elements (List) = 0 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Put_Line ("-- drivers needed for signals:");
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Put ("-- ");
+ Disp_Expression (El);
+ New_Line;
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Driver_List;
+ procedure Disp_Subprogram_Declaration (Subprg: Iir)
+ is
+ Indent: Count;
+ begin
+ Indent := Col;
+ case Get_Kind (Subprg) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration =>
+ Put ("function ");
+ Disp_Function_Name (Subprg);
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ Put ("procedure ");
+ Disp_Identifier (Subprg);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Disp_Interface_Chain (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Subprg), "");
+ case Get_Kind (Subprg) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration =>
+ Put (" return ");
+ Disp_Type (Get_Return_Type (Subprg));
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ if Get_Kind (Subprg) = Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration then
+ Disp_Driver_List (Get_Driver_List (Subprg), Indent);
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Subprogram_Declaration;
+ procedure Disp_Subprogram_Body (Subprg : Iir)
+ is
+ Decl : Iir;
+ Indent : Count;
+ begin
+ Decl := Get_Subprogram_Specification (Subprg);
+ Indent := Col;
+ if Get_Chain (Decl) /= Subprg then
+ Disp_Subprogram_Declaration (Decl);
+ end if;
+ Put_Line ("is");
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Disp_Declaration_Chain (Subprg, Indent + Indentation);
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Put_Line ("begin");
+ Set_Col (Indent + Indentation);
+ Disp_Sequential_Statements (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Subprg));
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Put_Line ("end;");
+ end Disp_Subprogram_Body;
+ procedure Disp_Instantiation_List (Insts: Iir_List) is
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Insts = Iir_List_All then
+ Put ("all");
+ elsif Insts = Iir_List_Others then
+ Put ("others");
+ else
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (Insts, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ if I /= Natural'First then
+ Put (", ");
+ end if;
+ Disp_Name_Of (El);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Instantiation_List;
+ procedure Disp_Configuration_Specification
+ (Spec : Iir_Configuration_Specification)
+ is
+ Indent : Count;
+ begin
+ Indent := Col;
+ Put ("for ");
+ Disp_Instantiation_List (Get_Instantiation_List (Spec));
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Name_Of (Get_Component_Name (Spec));
+ New_Line;
+ Disp_Binding_Indication (Get_Binding_Indication (Spec),
+ Indent + Indentation);
+ Put_Line (";");
+ end Disp_Configuration_Specification;
+ procedure Disp_Disconnection_Specification
+ (Dis : Iir_Disconnection_Specification)
+ is
+ begin
+ Put ("disconnect ");
+ Disp_Instantiation_List (Get_Signal_List (Dis));
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Subtype_Indication (Get_Type (Dis));
+ Put (" after ");
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Expression (Dis));
+ Put_Line (";");
+ end Disp_Disconnection_Specification;
+ procedure Disp_Attribute_Declaration (Attr : Iir_Attribute_Declaration)
+ is
+ begin
+ Put ("attribute ");
+ Disp_Identifier (Attr);
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Type (Get_Type (Attr));
+ Put_Line (";");
+ end Disp_Attribute_Declaration;
+ procedure Disp_Entity_Kind (Tok : Tokens.Token_Type) is
+ begin
+ Put (Tokens.Image (Tok));
+ end Disp_Entity_Kind;
+ procedure Disp_Entity_Name_List (List : Iir_List)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ if I /= 0 then
+ Put (", ");
+ end if;
+ Disp_Name_Of (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Entity_Name_List;
+ procedure Disp_Attribute_Specification (Attr : Iir_Attribute_Specification)
+ is
+ begin
+ Put ("attribute ");
+ Disp_Identifier (Get_Attribute_Designator (Attr));
+ Put (" of ");
+ Disp_Entity_Name_List (Get_Entity_Name_List (Attr));
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Entity_Kind (Get_Entity_Class (Attr));
+ Put (" is ");
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Expression (Attr));
+ Put_Line (";");
+ end Disp_Attribute_Specification;
+ procedure Disp_Protected_Type_Body
+ (Bod : Iir_Protected_Type_Body; Indent : Count)
+ is
+ begin
+ Put ("type ");
+ Disp_Identifier (Bod);
+ Put (" is protected body");
+ New_Line;
+ Disp_Declaration_Chain (Bod, Indent + Indentation);
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Put_Line ("end protected body;");
+ end Disp_Protected_Type_Body;
+ procedure Disp_Declaration_Chain (Parent : Iir; Indent: Count)
+ is
+ Decl: Iir;
+ begin
+ Decl := Get_Declaration_Chain (Parent);
+ while Decl /= Null_Iir loop
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Type_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Anonymous_Type_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Subtype_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause =>
+ Disp_Use_Clause (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Component_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kinds_Object_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Object_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Subprogram_Declaration (Decl);
+ Put_Line (";");
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Subprogram_Declaration (Decl);
+ if Get_Subprogram_Body (Decl) = Null_Iir
+ or else Get_Subprogram_Body (Decl) /= Get_Chain (Decl)
+ then
+ Put_Line (";");
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
+ Disp_Subprogram_Body (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body =>
+ Disp_Protected_Type_Body (Decl, Indent);
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification =>
+ Disp_Configuration_Specification (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Disconnection_Specification =>
+ Disp_Disconnection_Specification (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Attribute_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification =>
+ Disp_Attribute_Specification (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kinds_Signal_Attribute =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("disp_declaration_chain", Decl);
+ end case;
+ Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Declaration_Chain;
+ procedure Disp_Waveform (Chain : Iir_Waveform_Element)
+ is
+ We: Iir_Waveform_Element;
+ Val : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Chain = Null_Iir then
+ Put ("null after {disconnection_time}");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ We := Chain;
+ while We /= Null_Iir loop
+ if We /= Chain then
+ Put (", ");
+ end if;
+ Val := Get_We_Value (We);
+ Disp_Expression (Val);
+ if Get_Time (We) /= Null_Iir then
+ Put (" after ");
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Time (We));
+ end if;
+ We := Get_Chain (We);
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Waveform;
+ procedure Disp_Delay_Mechanism (Stmt: Iir) is
+ Expr: Iir;
+ begin
+ case Get_Delay_Mechanism (Stmt) is
+ when Iir_Transport_Delay =>
+ Put ("transport ");
+ when Iir_Inertial_Delay =>
+ Expr := Get_Reject_Time_Expression (Stmt);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Put ("reject ");
+ Disp_Expression (Expr);
+ Put (" inertial ");
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Delay_Mechanism;
+ procedure Disp_Signal_Assignment (Stmt: Iir) is
+ begin
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Target (Stmt));
+ Put (" <= ");
+ Disp_Delay_Mechanism (Stmt);
+ Disp_Waveform (Get_Waveform_Chain (Stmt));
+ Put_Line (";");
+ end Disp_Signal_Assignment;
+ procedure Disp_Variable_Assignment (Stmt: Iir) is
+ begin
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Target (Stmt));
+ Put (" := ");
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Expression (Stmt));
+ Put_Line (";");
+ end Disp_Variable_Assignment;
+ procedure Disp_Label (Label: Name_Id) is
+ begin
+ if Label /= Null_Identifier then
+ Disp_Ident (Label);
+ Put (": ");
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Label;
+ procedure Disp_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment (Stmt: Iir)
+ is
+ Indent: Count;
+ Assoc: Iir;
+ Assoc_Chain : Iir;
+ begin
+ Indent := Col;
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Disp_Label (Get_Label (Stmt));
+ Put ("with ");
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Expression (Stmt));
+ Put (" select ");
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Target (Stmt));
+ Put (" <= ");
+ if Get_Guard (Stmt) /= Null_Iir then
+ Put ("guarded ");
+ end if;
+ Disp_Delay_Mechanism (Stmt);
+ Assoc_Chain := Get_Selected_Waveform_Chain (Stmt);
+ Assoc := Assoc_Chain;
+ while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Assoc /= Assoc_Chain then
+ Put_Line (",");
+ end if;
+ Set_Col (Indent + Indentation);
+ Disp_Waveform (Get_Associated (Assoc));
+ Put (" when ");
+ Disp_Choice (Assoc);
+ end loop;
+ Put_Line (";");
+ end Disp_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment;
+ procedure Disp_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment (Stmt: Iir)
+ is
+ Indent: Count;
+ Cond_Wf : Iir_Conditional_Waveform;
+ Expr : Iir;
+ begin
+ Disp_Label (Get_Label (Stmt));
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Target (Stmt));
+ Put (" <= ");
+ if Get_Guard (Stmt) /= Null_Iir then
+ Put ("guarded ");
+ end if;
+ Disp_Delay_Mechanism (Stmt);
+ Indent := Col;
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Cond_Wf := Get_Conditional_Waveform_Chain (Stmt);
+ while Cond_Wf /= Null_Iir loop
+ Disp_Waveform (Get_Waveform_Chain (Cond_Wf));
+ Expr := Get_Condition (Cond_Wf);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Put (" when ");
+ Disp_Expression (Expr);
+ Put_Line (" else");
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ end if;
+ Cond_Wf := Get_Chain (Cond_Wf);
+ end loop;
+ Put_Line (";");
+ end Disp_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment;
+ procedure Disp_Assertion_Statement (Stmt: Iir) is
+ Start: Count;
+ Expr: Iir;
+ begin
+ Start := Col;
+ if Get_Kind (Stmt) = Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement then
+ Disp_Label (Get_Label (Stmt));
+ end if;
+ Put ("assert ");
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Assertion_Condition (Stmt));
+ Expr := Get_Report_Expression (Stmt);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Col (Start + Indentation);
+ Put ("report ");
+ Disp_Expression (Expr);
+ end if;
+ Expr := Get_Severity_Expression (Stmt);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Col (Start + Indentation);
+ Put ("severity ");
+ Disp_Expression (Expr);
+ end if;
+ Put_Line (";");
+ end Disp_Assertion_Statement;
+ procedure Disp_Report_Statement (Stmt: Iir)
+ is
+ Start: Count;
+ Expr: Iir;
+ begin
+ Start := Col;
+ Put ("report ");
+ Expr := Get_Report_Expression (Stmt);
+ Disp_Expression (Expr);
+ Expr := Get_Severity_Expression (Stmt);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Col (Start + Indentation);
+ Put ("severity ");
+ Disp_Expression (Expr);
+ end if;
+ Put_Line (";");
+ end Disp_Report_Statement;
+ procedure Disp_Dyadic_Operator (Expr: Iir) is
+ begin
+ Put ("(");
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Left (Expr));
+ Put (' ' & Name_Table.Image (Iirs_Utils.Get_Operator_Name (Expr)) & ' ');
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Right (Expr));
+ Put (")");
+ end Disp_Dyadic_Operator;
+ procedure Disp_Monadic_Operator (Expr: Iir) is
+ begin
+ Put (Name_Table.Image (Iirs_Utils.Get_Operator_Name (Expr)) & " (");
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Operand (Expr));
+ Put (")");
+ end Disp_Monadic_Operator;
+ procedure Disp_Case_Statement (Stmt: Iir_Case_Statement)
+ is
+ Indent: Count;
+ Assoc: Iir;
+ Sel_Stmt : Iir;
+ begin
+ Indent := Col;
+ Put ("case ");
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Expression (Stmt));
+ Put_Line (" is");
+ Assoc := Get_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain (Stmt);
+ while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
+ Set_Col (Indent + Indentation);
+ Put ("when ");
+ Sel_Stmt := Get_Associated (Assoc);
+ Disp_Choice (Assoc);
+ Put_Line (" =>");
+ Set_Col (Indent + 2 * Indentation);
+ Disp_Sequential_Statements (Sel_Stmt);
+ end loop;
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Put_Line ("end case;");
+ end Disp_Case_Statement;
+ procedure Disp_Wait_Statement (Stmt: Iir_Wait_Statement) is
+ List: Iir_List;
+ Expr: Iir;
+ begin
+ Put ("wait");
+ List := Get_Sensitivity_List (Stmt);
+ if List /= Null_Iir_List then
+ Put (" on ");
+ Disp_Designator_List (List);
+ end if;
+ Expr := Get_Condition_Clause (Stmt);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Put (" until ");
+ Disp_Expression (Expr);
+ end if;
+ Expr := Get_Timeout_Clause (Stmt);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Put (" for ");
+ Disp_Expression (Expr);
+ end if;
+ Put_Line (";");
+ end Disp_Wait_Statement;
+ procedure Disp_If_Statement (Stmt: Iir_If_Statement) is
+ Clause: Iir;
+ Expr: Iir;
+ Start: Count;
+ begin
+ Start := Col;
+ Put ("if ");
+ Clause := Stmt;
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Condition (Clause));
+ Put_Line (" then");
+ while Clause /= Null_Iir loop
+ Set_Col (Start + Indentation);
+ Disp_Sequential_Statements (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Clause));
+ Clause := Get_Else_Clause (Clause);
+ exit when Clause = Null_Iir;
+ Expr := Get_Condition (Clause);
+ Set_Col (Start);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Put ("elsif ");
+ Disp_Expression (Expr);
+ Put_Line (" then");
+ else
+ Put_Line ("else");
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Set_Col (Start);
+ Put_Line ("end if;");
+ end Disp_If_Statement;
+ procedure Disp_Iterator (Iterator: Iir) is
+ begin
+ Disp_Subtype_Indication (Iterator);
+ end Disp_Iterator;
+ procedure Disp_Parameter_Specification
+ (Iterator : Iir_Iterator_Declaration) is
+ begin
+ Disp_Identifier (Iterator);
+ Put (" in ");
+ Disp_Iterator (Get_Type (Iterator));
+ end Disp_Parameter_Specification;
+ procedure Disp_Procedure_Call (Call : Iir)
+ is
+ Obj : Iir;
+ begin
+ Obj := Get_Method_Object (Call);
+ if Obj /= Null_Iir then
+ Disp_Name (Obj);
+ Put ('.');
+ end if;
+ Disp_Identifier (Get_Implementation (Call));
+ Put (' ');
+ Disp_Association_Chain (Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Call));
+ Put_Line (";");
+ end Disp_Procedure_Call;
+ procedure Disp_Sequential_Statements (First : Iir)
+ is
+ Stmt: Iir;
+ Start: Count;
+ begin
+ Start := Col;
+ Stmt := First;
+ while Stmt /= Null_Iir loop
+ Set_Col (Start);
+ case Get_Kind (Stmt) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Null_Statement =>
+ Put_Line ("null;");
+ when Iir_Kind_If_Statement =>
+ Disp_If_Statement (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement =>
+ Put ("for ");
+ Disp_Parameter_Specification (Get_Iterator_Scheme (Stmt));
+ Put_Line (" loop");
+ Set_Col (Start + Indentation);
+ Disp_Sequential_Statements
+ (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Stmt));
+ Set_Col (Start);
+ Put_Line ("end loop;");
+ when Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement =>
+ if Get_Condition (Stmt) /= Null_Iir then
+ Put ("while ");
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Condition (Stmt));
+ Put (" ");
+ end if;
+ Put_Line ("loop");
+ Set_Col (Start + Indentation);
+ Disp_Sequential_Statements
+ (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Stmt));
+ Set_Col (Start);
+ Put_Line ("end loop;");
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement =>
+ Disp_Signal_Assignment (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement =>
+ Disp_Variable_Assignment (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement =>
+ Disp_Assertion_Statement (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Report_Statement =>
+ Disp_Report_Statement (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Return_Statement =>
+ if Get_Expression (Stmt) /= Null_Iir then
+ Put ("return ");
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Expression (Stmt));
+ Put_Line (";");
+ else
+ Put_Line ("return;");
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Case_Statement =>
+ Disp_Case_Statement (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement =>
+ Disp_Wait_Statement (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement =>
+ Disp_Procedure_Call (Get_Procedure_Call (Stmt));
+ when Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Next_Statement =>
+ if Get_Kind (Stmt) = Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement then
+ Put ("exit");
+ else
+ Put ("next");
+ end if;
+ -- FIXME: label.
+ if Get_Condition (Stmt) /= Null_Iir then
+ Put (" when ");
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Condition (Stmt));
+ end if;
+ Put_Line (";");
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("disp_sequential_statements", Stmt);
+ end case;
+ Stmt := Get_Chain (Stmt);
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Sequential_Statements;
+ procedure Disp_Process_Statement (Process: Iir)
+ is
+ Start: Count;
+ begin
+ Start := Col;
+ Disp_Label (Get_Label (Process));
+ Put ("process ");
+ if Get_Kind (Process) = Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement then
+ Put ("(");
+ Disp_Designator_List (Get_Sensitivity_List (Process));
+ Put (")");
+ end if;
+ if Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_93 then
+ Put_Line (" is");
+ else
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ Disp_Driver_List (Get_Driver_List (Process), Start + Indentation);
+ Disp_Declaration_Chain (Process, Start + Indentation);
+ Set_Col (Start);
+ Put_Line ("begin");
+ Set_Col (Start + Indentation);
+ Disp_Sequential_Statements (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Process));
+ Set_Col (Start);
+ Put_Line ("end process;");
+ end Disp_Process_Statement;
+ procedure Disp_Association_Chain (Chain : Iir)
+ is
+ El: Iir;
+ Formal: Iir;
+ Indent: Count;
+ Need_Comma : Boolean;
+ Conv : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Chain = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Put ("(");
+ Indent := Col;
+ Need_Comma := False;
+ El := Chain;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Get_Kind (El) /= Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual then
+ if Need_Comma then
+ Put (", ");
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (El) = Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression then
+ Conv := Get_Out_Conversion (El);
+ if Conv /= Null_Iir then
+ Disp_Function_Name (Conv);
+ Put (" (");
+ end if;
+ else
+ Conv := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Formal := Get_Formal (El);
+ if Formal /= Null_Iir then
+ Disp_Expression (Formal);
+ if Conv /= Null_Iir then
+ Put (")");
+ end if;
+ Put (" => ");
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (El) = Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open then
+ Put ("open");
+ else
+ Conv := Get_In_Conversion (El);
+ if Conv /= Null_Iir then
+ Disp_Function_Name (Conv);
+ Put (" (");
+ end if;
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Actual (El));
+ if Conv /= Null_Iir then
+ Put (")");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Need_Comma := True;
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ Put (")");
+ end Disp_Association_Chain;
+ procedure Disp_Generic_Map_Aspect (Parent : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Put ("generic map ");
+ Disp_Association_Chain (Get_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Parent));
+ end Disp_Generic_Map_Aspect;
+ procedure Disp_Port_Map_Aspect (Parent : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Put ("port map ");
+ Disp_Association_Chain (Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Parent));
+ end Disp_Port_Map_Aspect;
+ procedure Disp_Entity_Aspect (Aspect : Iir) is
+ Arch : Iir;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Aspect) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity =>
+ Put ("entity ");
+ Disp_Name_Of (Get_Entity (Aspect));
+ Arch := Get_Architecture (Aspect);
+ if Arch /= Null_Iir then
+ Put (" (");
+ Disp_Name_Of (Arch);
+ Put (")");
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Configuration =>
+ Put ("configuration ");
+ Disp_Name_Of (Get_Configuration (Aspect));
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Open =>
+ Put ("open");
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("disp_entity_aspect", Aspect);
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Entity_Aspect;
+ procedure Disp_Component_Instantiation_Statement
+ (Stmt: Iir_Component_Instantiation_Statement)
+ is
+ Component: Iir;
+ Alist: Iir;
+ begin
+ Disp_Label (Get_Label (Stmt));
+ Component := Get_Instantiated_Unit (Stmt);
+ if Get_Kind (Component) = Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration then
+ Disp_Name_Of (Component);
+ else
+ Disp_Entity_Aspect (Component);
+ end if;
+ Alist := Get_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Stmt);
+ if Alist /= Null_Iir then
+ Put (" ");
+ Disp_Generic_Map_Aspect (Stmt);
+ end if;
+ Alist := Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Stmt);
+ if Alist /= Null_Iir then
+ Put (" ");
+ Disp_Port_Map_Aspect (Stmt);
+ end if;
+ Put (";");
+ end Disp_Component_Instantiation_Statement;
+ procedure Disp_Function_Call (Expr: Iir_Function_Call) is
+ begin
+ Disp_Function_Name (Get_Implementation (Expr));
+ Disp_Association_Chain (Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Expr));
+ end Disp_Function_Call;
+ procedure Disp_Indexed_Name (Indexed: Iir)
+ is
+ List : Iir_List;
+ El: Iir;
+ begin
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Prefix (Indexed));
+ Put (" (");
+ List := Get_Index_List (Indexed);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ if I /= 0 then
+ Put (", ");
+ end if;
+ Disp_Expression (El);
+ end loop;
+ Put (")");
+ end Disp_Indexed_Name;
+ procedure Disp_Choice (Choice: in out Iir) is
+ begin
+ loop
+ case Get_Kind (Choice) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others =>
+ Put ("others");
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression =>
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Expression (Choice));
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range =>
+ Disp_Range (Get_Expression (Choice));
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Name =>
+ Disp_Name_Of (Get_Name (Choice));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("disp_choice", Choice);
+ end case;
+ Choice := Get_Chain (Choice);
+ exit when Choice = Null_Iir;
+ exit when Get_Same_Alternative_Flag (Choice) = False;
+ --exit when Choice = Null_Iir;
+ Put (" | ");
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Choice;
+ procedure Disp_Aggregate (Aggr: Iir_Aggregate)
+ is
+ Indent: Count;
+ Assoc: Iir;
+ Expr : Iir;
+ begin
+ Put ("(");
+ Indent := Col;
+ Assoc := Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Aggr);
+ loop
+ Expr := Get_Associated (Assoc);
+ if Get_Kind (Assoc) /= Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None then
+ Disp_Choice (Assoc);
+ Put (" => ");
+ else
+ Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Expr) = Iir_Kind_Aggregate
+ or else Get_Kind (Expr) = Iir_Kind_String_Literal then
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ end if;
+ Disp_Expression (Expr);
+ exit when Assoc = Null_Iir;
+ Put (", ");
+ end loop;
+ Put (")");
+ end Disp_Aggregate;
+ procedure Disp_Simple_Aggregate (Aggr: Iir_Simple_Aggregate)
+ is
+ List : Iir_List;
+ El : Iir;
+ First : Boolean := True;
+ begin
+ Put ("(");
+ List := Get_Simple_Aggregate_List (Aggr);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ if First then
+ First := False;
+ else
+ Put (", ");
+ end if;
+ Disp_Expression (El);
+ end loop;
+ Put (")");
+ end Disp_Simple_Aggregate;
+ procedure Disp_Parametered_Attribute (Name : String; Expr : Iir)
+ is
+ Param : Iir;
+ Pfx : Iir;
+ begin
+ Pfx := Get_Prefix (Expr);
+ case Get_Kind (Pfx) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Name_Of (Pfx);
+ when others =>
+ Disp_Expression (Pfx);
+ end case;
+ Put ("'");
+ Put (Name);
+ Param := Get_Parameter (Expr);
+ if Param /= Null_Iir then
+ Put (" (");
+ Disp_Expression (Param);
+ Put (")");
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Parametered_Attribute;
+ procedure Disp_String_Literal (Str : Iir)
+ is
+ Ptr : String_Fat_Acc;
+ Len : Natural;
+ begin
+ Ptr := Get_String_Fat_Acc (Str);
+ Len := Get_String_Length (Str);
+ Put (Ptr (1 .. Len));
+ end Disp_String_Literal;
+ procedure Disp_Expression (Expr: Iir)
+ is
+ Orig : Iir;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Expr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal =>
+ Orig := Get_Literal_Origin (Expr);
+ if Orig /= Null_Iir then
+ Disp_Expression (Orig);
+ else
+ Disp_Int64 (Get_Value (Expr));
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Floating_Point_Literal =>
+ Orig := Get_Literal_Origin (Expr);
+ if Orig /= Null_Iir then
+ Disp_Expression (Orig);
+ else
+ Disp_Fp64 (Get_Fp_Value (Expr));
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_String_Literal =>
+ Put ("""");
+ Disp_String_Literal (Expr);
+ Put ("""");
+ if Disp_String_Literal_Type or Flags.List_Verbose then
+ Put ("[type: ");
+ Disp_Type (Get_Type (Expr));
+ Put ("]");
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal =>
+ if False then
+ case Get_Bit_String_Base (Expr) is
+ when Base_2 =>
+ Put ('B');
+ when Base_8 =>
+ Put ('O');
+ when Base_16 =>
+ Put ('X');
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ Put ("B""");
+ Disp_String_Literal (Expr);
+ Put ("""");
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal =>
+ Orig := Get_Literal_Origin (Expr);
+ if Orig /= Null_Iir then
+ Disp_Expression (Orig);
+ else
+ Disp_Physical_Literal (Expr);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Name_Of (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+ Disp_Name_Of (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Name_Of (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate =>
+ Disp_Aggregate (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Null_Literal =>
+ Put ("null");
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Aggregate =>
+ Disp_Simple_Aggregate (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Element_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Name_Of (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Name_Of (Expr);
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name =>
+ Disp_Name (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kinds_Dyadic_Operator =>
+ Disp_Dyadic_Operator (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kinds_Monadic_Operator =>
+ Disp_Monadic_Operator (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
+ Disp_Function_Call (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion =>
+ Disp_Type (Get_Type (Expr));
+ Put (" (");
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Expression (Expr));
+ Put (")");
+ when Iir_Kind_Qualified_Expression =>
+ Disp_Type (Get_Type_Mark (Expr));
+ Put ("'(");
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Expression (Expr));
+ Put (")");
+ when Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Expression =>
+ Put ("new ");
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Expression (Expr));
+ when Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Subtype =>
+ Put ("new ");
+ Disp_Subtype_Indication (Get_Expression (Expr));
+ when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name =>
+ Disp_Indexed_Name (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ Put (" (");
+ Disp_Range (Get_Suffix (Expr));
+ Put (")");
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Element =>
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ Put (".");
+ Disp_Name_Of (Get_Selected_Element (Expr));
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference =>
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ when Iir_Kind_Dereference =>
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ Put (".all");
+ when Iir_Kind_Left_Type_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ Put ("'left");
+ when Iir_Kind_Right_Type_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ Put ("'right");
+ when Iir_Kind_High_Type_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ Put ("'high");
+ when Iir_Kind_Low_Type_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ Put ("'low");
+ when Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Parametered_Attribute ("stable", Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Parametered_Attribute ("delayed", Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ Put ("'transaction");
+ when Iir_Kind_Event_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ Put ("'event");
+ when Iir_Kind_Active_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ Put ("'active");
+ when Iir_Kind_Last_Value_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ Put ("'last_value");
+ when Iir_Kind_Last_Event_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ Put ("'last_event");
+ when Iir_Kind_Pos_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Parametered_Attribute ("pos", Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Val_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Parametered_Attribute ("val", Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Succ_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Parametered_Attribute ("succ", Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Pred_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Parametered_Attribute ("pred", Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Length_Array_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Parametered_Attribute ("length", Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Parametered_Attribute ("range", Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Parametered_Attribute ("reverse_range", Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Left_Array_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Parametered_Attribute ("left", Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Right_Array_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Parametered_Attribute ("right", Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Low_Array_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Parametered_Attribute ("low", Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_High_Array_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Parametered_Attribute ("high", Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Ascending_Array_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Parametered_Attribute ("ascending", Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Image_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Parametered_Attribute ("image", Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Name_Of (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ Put ("'simple_name");
+ when Iir_Kind_Instance_Name_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Name_Of (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ Put ("'instance_name");
+ when Iir_Kind_Path_Name_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Name_Of (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ Put ("'path_name");
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name =>
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ Put ("");
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ Put ('.');
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Suffix (Expr));
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Type_And_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Disp_Type (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Proxy =>
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Proxy (Expr));
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
+ Disp_Range (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Name_Of (Expr);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("disp_expression", Expr);
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Expression;
+ procedure Disp_Block_Header (Header : Iir_Block_Header; Indent: Count)
+ is
+ Chain : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Header = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Chain := Get_Generic_Chain (Header);
+ if Chain /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Col (Indent + Indentation);
+ Disp_Generics (Header);
+ Chain := Get_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Header);
+ if Chain /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Col (Indent + Indentation);
+ Disp_Generic_Map_Aspect (Header);
+ Put_Line (";");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Chain := Get_Port_Chain (Header);
+ if Chain /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Col (Indent + Indentation);
+ Disp_Ports (Header);
+ Chain := Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Header);
+ if Chain /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Col (Indent + Indentation);
+ Disp_Port_Map_Aspect (Header);
+ Put_Line (";");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Block_Header;
+ procedure Disp_Block_Statement (Block: Iir_Block_Statement)
+ is
+ Indent: Count;
+ Sensitivity: Iir_List;
+ Guard : Iir_Guard_Signal_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Indent := Col;
+ Disp_Label (Get_Label (Block));
+ Put ("block");
+ Guard := Get_Guard_Decl (Block);
+ if Guard /= Null_Iir then
+ Put (" (");
+ Disp_Expression (Get_Guard_Expression (Guard));
+ Put_Line (")");
+ Sensitivity := Get_Guard_Sensitivity_List (Guard);
+ if Sensitivity /= Null_Iir_List then
+ Set_Col (Indent + Indentation);
+ Put ("-- guard sensitivity list ");
+ Disp_Designator_List (Sensitivity);
+ end if;
+ else
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ Disp_Block_Header (Get_Block_Header (Block),
+ Indent + Indentation);
+ Disp_Declaration_Chain (Block, Indent + Indentation);
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Put_Line ("begin");
+ Disp_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Block, Indent + Indentation);
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Put_Line ("end;");
+ end Disp_Block_Statement;
+ procedure Disp_Generate_Statement (Stmt : Iir_Generate_Statement)
+ is
+ Indent : Count;
+ Scheme : Iir;
+ begin
+ Indent := Col;
+ Disp_Label (Get_Label (Stmt));
+ Scheme := Get_Generation_Scheme (Stmt);
+ case Get_Kind (Scheme) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration =>
+ Put ("for ");
+ Disp_Parameter_Specification (Scheme);
+ when others =>
+ Put ("if ");
+ Disp_Expression (Scheme);
+ end case;
+ Put_Line (" generate");
+ Disp_Declaration_Chain (Stmt, Indent);
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Put_Line ("begin");
+ Disp_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Stmt, Indent + Indentation);
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Put_Line ("end generate;");
+ end Disp_Generate_Statement;
+ procedure Disp_Concurrent_Statement (Stmt: Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Stmt) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment =>
+ Disp_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment =>
+ Disp_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
+ Disp_Process_Statement (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement =>
+ Disp_Assertion_Statement (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ Disp_Component_Instantiation_Statement (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement =>
+ Disp_Procedure_Call (Get_Procedure_Call (Stmt));
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ Disp_Block_Statement (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ Disp_Generate_Statement (Stmt);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("disp_concurrent_statement", Stmt);
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Concurrent_Statement;
+ procedure Disp_Package_Declaration (Decl: Iir_Package_Declaration) is
+ begin
+ Put ("package ");
+ Disp_Identifier (Decl);
+ Put_Line (" is");
+ Disp_Declaration_Chain (Decl, Col + Indentation);
+ Put_Line ("end;");
+ end Disp_Package_Declaration;
+ procedure Disp_Package_Body (Decl: Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ Put ("package body ");
+ Disp_Identifier (Decl);
+ Put_Line (" is");
+ Disp_Declaration_Chain (Decl, Col + Indentation);
+ Put_Line ("end;");
+ end Disp_Package_Body;
+ procedure Disp_Binding_Indication (Bind : Iir; Indent : Count)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ El := Get_Entity_Aspect (Bind);
+ if El /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Put ("use ");
+ Disp_Entity_Aspect (El);
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Bind);
+ if El /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Disp_Generic_Map_Aspect (Bind);
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Bind);
+ if El /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Disp_Port_Map_Aspect (Bind);
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Binding_Indication;
+ procedure Disp_Component_Configuration
+ (Conf : Iir_Component_Configuration; Indent : Count)
+ is
+ Block : Iir_Block_Configuration;
+ Binding : Iir;
+ begin
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Put ("for ");
+ Disp_Instantiation_List (Get_Instantiation_List (Conf));
+ Put(" : ");
+ Disp_Name_Of (Get_Component_Name (Conf));
+ New_Line;
+ Binding := Get_Binding_Indication (Conf);
+ if Binding /= Null_Iir then
+ Disp_Binding_Indication (Binding, Indent + Indentation);
+ end if;
+ Block := Get_Block_Configuration (Conf);
+ if Block /= Null_Iir then
+ Disp_Block_Configuration (Block, Indent + Indentation);
+ end if;
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Put_Line ("end for;");
+ end Disp_Component_Configuration;
+ procedure Disp_Configuration_Items
+ (Conf : Iir_Block_Configuration; Indent : Count)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ El := Get_Configuration_Item_Chain (Conf);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration =>
+ Disp_Block_Configuration (El, Indent);
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration =>
+ Disp_Component_Configuration (El, Indent);
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification =>
+ -- This may be created by canon.
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Disp_Configuration_Specification (El);
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Put_Line ("end for;");
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("disp_configuration_item_list", El);
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Configuration_Items;
+ procedure Disp_Block_Configuration
+ (Block: Iir_Block_Configuration; Indent: Count)
+ is
+ Spec : Iir;
+ begin
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Put ("for ");
+ Spec := Get_Block_Specification (Block);
+ case Get_Kind (Spec) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Name_Of (Spec);
+ when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name =>
+ Disp_Name_Of (Get_Prefix (Spec));
+ Put (" (");
+ Disp_Expression (Get_First_Element (Get_Index_List (Spec)));
+ Put (")");
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ Disp_Name_Of (Get_Prefix (Spec));
+ Put (" (");
+ Put (Iirs_Utils.Image_Identifier (Spec));
+ Put (")");
+ when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
+ Disp_Name_Of (Get_Prefix (Spec));
+ Put (" (");
+ Disp_Range (Get_Suffix (Spec));
+ Put (")");
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("disp_block_configuration", Spec);
+ end case;
+ New_Line;
+ Disp_Declaration_Chain (Block, Indent + Indentation);
+ Disp_Configuration_Items (Block, Indent + Indentation);
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ Put_Line ("end for;");
+ end Disp_Block_Configuration;
+ procedure Disp_Configuration_Declaration
+ (Decl: Iir_Configuration_Declaration)
+ is
+ begin
+ Put ("configuration ");
+ Disp_Name_Of (Decl);
+ Put (" of ");
+ Disp_Name_Of (Get_Entity (Decl));
+ Put_Line (" is");
+ Disp_Declaration_Chain (Decl, Col);
+ Disp_Block_Configuration (Get_Block_Configuration (Decl),
+ Col + Indentation);
+ Put_Line ("end;");
+ end Disp_Configuration_Declaration;
+ procedure Disp_Design_Unit (Unit: Iir_Design_Unit)
+ is
+ Decl: Iir;
+ Indent: Count;
+ begin
+ Indent := Col;
+ Decl := Get_Context_Items (Unit);
+ while Decl /= Null_Iir loop
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause =>
+ Disp_Use_Clause (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Library_Clause =>
+ Put ("library ");
+ Disp_Identifier (Decl);
+ Put_Line (";");
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("disp_design_unit1", Decl);
+ end case;
+ Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ end loop;
+ Decl := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ Set_Col (Indent);
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Entity_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Architecture_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Package_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
+ Disp_Package_Body (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Configuration_Declaration (Decl);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("disp_design_unit2", Decl);
+ end case;
+ New_Line (2);
+ end Disp_Design_Unit;
+ procedure Disp_Vhdl (An_Iir: Iir) is
+ begin
+ Set_Line_Length (80);
+ -- Put (Count'Image (Line_Length));
+ case Get_Kind (An_Iir) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit =>
+ Disp_Design_Unit (An_Iir);
+ when Iir_Kind_Character_Literal =>
+ Disp_Character_Literal (An_Iir);
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
+ Disp_Enumeration_Type_Definition (An_Iir);
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Disp_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition (An_Iir);
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment =>
+ Disp_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment (An_Iir);
+ when Iir_Kinds_Dyadic_Operator =>
+ Disp_Dyadic_Operator (An_Iir);
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Name_Of (An_Iir);
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Identifier (An_Iir);
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+ Disp_Identifier (An_Iir);
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ Disp_Component_Instantiation_Statement (An_Iir);
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Disp_Integer_Subtype_Definition (An_Iir);
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Disp_Array_Subtype_Definition (An_Iir);
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ Disp_Array_Type_Definition (An_Iir);
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Package_Declaration (An_Iir);
+ when Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement =>
+ Disp_Wait_Statement (An_Iir);
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ Disp_Name (An_Iir);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("disp", An_Iir);
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Vhdl;
+ procedure Disp_Int64 (Val: Iir_Int64)
+ is
+ Str: String := Iir_Int64'Image (Val);
+ begin
+ if Str(Str'First) = ' ' then
+ Put (Str (Str'First + 1 .. Str'Last));
+ else
+ Put (Str);
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Int64;
+ procedure Disp_Int32 (Val: Iir_Int32)
+ is
+ Str: String := Iir_Int32'Image (Val);
+ begin
+ if Str(Str'First) = ' ' then
+ Put (Str (Str'First + 1 .. Str'Last));
+ else
+ Put (Str);
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Int32;
+ procedure Disp_Fp64 (Val: Iir_Fp64)
+ is
+ Str: String := Iir_Fp64'Image (Val);
+ begin
+ if Str(Str'First) = ' ' then
+ Put (Str (Str'First + 1 .. Str'Last));
+ else
+ Put (Str);
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Fp64;
+end Disp_Vhdl;
diff --git a/disp_vhdl.ads b/disp_vhdl.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..592c786a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/disp_vhdl.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+-- VHDL regeneration from internal nodes.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Types; use Types;
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+package Disp_Vhdl is
+ -- General procedure to display a node.
+ -- Mainly used to dispatch to other functions according to the kind of
+ -- the node.
+ procedure Disp_Vhdl (An_Iir: Iir);
+ -- Disp an iir_int64, without the leading blank.
+ procedure Disp_Int64 (Val: Iir_Int64);
+ -- Disp an iir_int32, without the leading blank.
+ procedure Disp_Int32 (Val: Iir_Int32);
+ -- Disp an iir_Fp64, without the leading blank.
+ procedure Disp_Fp64 (Val: Iir_Fp64);
+end Disp_Vhdl;
diff --git a/doc/ghdl.texi b/doc/ghdl.texi
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4824cdf84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/ghdl.texi
@@ -0,0 +1,2371 @@
+\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-
+@c %**start of header
+@setfilename ghdl.info
+@settitle GHDL guide
+@c %**end of header
+@title GHDL guide
+@subtitle GHDL, a VHDL compiler
+@subtitle For GHDL version 0.19 (Sokcho edition)
+@author Tristan Gingold
+@c The following two commands start the copyright page.
+@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
+Copyright @copyright{} 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold.
+Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
+under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or
+any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.
+@end titlepage
+Part I: User guide
+1) Intro: what is vhdl, what is ghdl
+2) starting with ghdl: a few examples
+2.1) hello world
+2.2) a nand gate
+2.3) testsuite for a nand gate
+2.4) a nand3 gate (using components)
+2.5) testsuite for the nand3
+Part II: Reference guide
+1) command line options
+1.1) filename extension.
+2) Current standards
+2.w) what is 93c
+3) Linking with Ada or C code. FOREIGN use.
+3) library organization
+4) built-in libraries and pathes.
+5) debugging your program.
+6) report messages (run time errors, boundary errors, assertion)
+7) Error message, improve it.
+8) current bugs, how to report a bug.
+9) Copyright
+done: ?) source representation
+done: ?) copyright
+done: ?) debugging
+done: ?) executable options
+done: ?) top entity characteristics
+done: ?) work library
+done: ?) ieee library
+done: ?) file format (textio/not textio)
+XX: indexes
+XXX: signals cannot be forced, only viewed in depth.
+x: implementation dependant: files (see
+To check:
+model vs modeling vs modelize
+behaviour vs behavior
+analyze vs analyse
+Internal overview
+ ortho
+ grt subprograms
+@end ignore
+@node Top
+@top GHDL guide
+GHDL, a VHDL compiler.
+Copyright @copyright{} 2002, 2003, 2004 Tristan Gingold.
+Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
+under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1
+or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.
+* Introduction:: What is GHDL, what is VHDL
+* Starting with GHDL:: Build a VHDL program with GHDL
+* Invoking GHDL::
+* Simulation and run time::
+* GHDL implementation of VHDL::
+* GHDL implementation of VITAL::
+* Flaws and bugs report::
+* Copyrights::
+* Index::
+@end menu
+@end ifnottex
+@node Introduction, Starting with GHDL, Top, Top
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@chapter Introduction
+* What is VHDL::
+* What is GHDL::
+@end menu
+@section Content of this manual
+This manual is the user and reference manual for GHDL. It does not
+contain an introduction to VHDL. Thus, the reader should have at least
+a basic knowledge of VHDL. A good knowledge of VHDL language reference
+manual (usually called LRM) is a plus.
+@c FIXME: references: URL, LRM reference.
+@node What is VHDL, What is GHDL, Introduction, Introduction
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section What is @code{VHDL}?
+@dfn{VHDL} is an acronym for Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware
+Description Language which is a programming language used to describe a
+logic circuit by function, data flow behaviour, or structure.
+@code{VHDL} @emph{is} a programming language: although @code{VHDL} was
+not designed for writing general purpose programs, you can write any
+algorithm with the @code{VHDL} language. If you are able to write
+programs, you will find in @code{VHDL} features similar to those found
+in procedural languages such as @code{C}, @code{Pascal} or @code{Ada}.
+@code{VHDL} derives most of its syntax and semantics from @code{Ada}.
+Knowing @code{Ada} is an advantage for learning @code{VHDL} (it is an
+advantage in general as well).
+However, @code{VHDL} was not designed as a general purpose language but as an
+@code{HDL} (hardware description language). As the name implies, @code{VHDL}
+aims at modeling or documenting electronics systems. Due to the nature
+of hardware components which are always running, @code{VHDL} is a highly
+concurrent language, built upon an event-based timing model.
+Like a program written in any other language, a @code{VHDL} program
+can be executed. Since @code{VHDL} is used to model designs, the term
+@dfn{simulation} is often used instead of @dfn{execution}, with the
+same meaning.
+Like a program written in another hardware description language, a
+@code{VHDL} program can be transformed with a @code{synthesis tool}
+into a netlist, that is, a detailed gate-level implementation.
+@node What is GHDL, , What is VHDL, Introduction
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section What is @code{GHDL}?
+@dfn{GHDL} is a shorthand for G Hardware Design Language. Currently,
+@code{G} has no meaning.
+@dfn{GHDL} is a @code{VHDL} compiler that can execute (nearly) any
+@code{VHDL} program. @code{GHDL} is @emph{not} a synthesis tool: you cannot
+create a netlist with @code{GHDL}.
+Unlike some other simulators, @code{GHDL} is a compiler: it directly
+translates a @code{VHDL} file to machine code, using the @code{GCC}
+back-end and without using an intermediary language such as @code{C}
+or @code{C++}. Therefore, the compiled code should be faster and
+the analysis time should be shorter than with a compiler using an
+intermediary language.
+The current version of @code{GHDL} does not contain any graphical
+viewer: you cannot see signal waves. You can still check with a test
+bench. The current version can produce a @code{VCD} file which can be
+viewed with a wave viewer.
+@code{GHDL} aims at implementing @code{VHDL} as defined by IEEE 1076.
+It supports most of the 1987 standard and most features added by the
+1993 standard.
+@node Starting with GHDL, Invoking GHDL, Introduction, Top
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@chapter Starting with GHDL
+In this chapter, you will learn how to use the GHDL compiler by
+working on two examples.
+* The hello word program::
+* A full adder::
+* Starting with a design::
+@end menu
+@node The hello word program, A full adder, Starting with GHDL, Starting with GHDL
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section The hello world program
+To illustrate the large purpose of VHDL, here is a commented VHDL
+"Hello world" program.
+-- @r{Hello world program.}
+use std.textio.all; -- @r{Imports the standard textio package.}
+-- @r{Defines a design entity, without any ports.}
+entity hello_world is
+end hello_world;
+architecture behaviour of hello_world is
+ process
+ variable l : line;
+ begin
+ write (l, String'("Hello world!"));
+ writeline (output, l);
+ wait;
+ end process;
+end behaviour;
+@end example
+Suppose this program is contained in the file @file{hello.vhdl}.
+First, you have to compile the file; this is called @dfn{analysis} of a design
+file in VHDL terms.
+$ ghdl -a hello.vhdl
+@end smallexample
+This command generates a file @file{hello.o}, which is the object file
+corresponding to your VHDL program. This command also creates or updates
+a file @file{work-obj93.cf}, which describes the library @samp{work}.
+Then, you have to build an executable file.
+$ ghdl -e hello_world
+@end smallexample
+The @samp{-e} option means @dfn{elaborate}. With this option, @code{GHDL}
+creates code in order to elaborate a design, with the @samp{hello}
+entity at the top of the hierarchy.
+The result is an executable program called @file{hello} which can be run:
+$ ghdl -r hello_world
+@end smallexample
+or directly:
+$ ./hello_world
+@end smallexample
+and which should display:
+Hello world!
+@end smallexample
+@node A full adder, Starting with a design, The hello word program, Starting with GHDL
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section A full adder
+VHDL is generally used for hardware design. This example starts with
+a full adder described in the @file{adder.vhdl} file:
+entity adder is
+ -- @r{@var{i0}, @var{i1} and the carry-in @var{ci} are inputs of the adder.}
+ -- @r{@var{s} is the sum output, @var{co} is the carry-out.}
+ port (i0, i1 : in bit; ci : in bit; s : out bit; co : out bit);
+end adder;
+architecture rtl of adder is
+ -- @r{This full-adder architecture contains two concurrent assignment.}
+ -- @r{Compute the sum.}
+ s <= i0 xor i1 xor ci;
+ -- @r{Compute the carry.}
+ co <= (i0 and i1) or (i0 and ci) or (i1 and ci);
+end rtl;
+@end example
+You can analyze this design file:
+$ ghdl -a adder.vhdl
+@end smallexample
+You can try to execute the @samp{adder} design, but this is useless,
+since nothing externally visible will happen. In order to
+check this full adder, a testbench has to be run. This testbench is
+very simple, since the adder is also simple: it checks exhaustively all
+inputs. Note that only the behaviour is tested, timing constraints are
+not checked. The file @file{adder_tb.vhdl} contains the testbench for
+the adder:
+-- @r{A testbench has no ports.}
+entity adder_tb is
+end adder_tb;
+architecture behav of adder_tb is
+ -- @r{Declaration of the component that will be instantiated.}
+ component adder
+ port (i0, i1 : in bit; ci : in bit; s : out bit; co : out bit);
+ end component;
+ -- @r{Specifies which entity is bound with the component.}
+ for adder_0: adder use entity work.adder;
+ signal i0, i1, ci, s, co : bit;
+ -- @r{Component instantiation.}
+ adder_0: adder port map (i0 => i0, i1 => i1, ci => ci,
+ s => s, co => co);
+ -- @r{This process does the real job.}
+ process
+ type pattern_type is record
+ -- @r{The inputs of the adder.}
+ i0, i1, ci : bit;
+ -- @r{The expected outputs of the adder.}
+ s, co : bit;
+ end record;
+ -- @r{The patterns to apply.}
+ type pattern_array is array (natural range <>) of pattern_type;
+ constant patterns : pattern_array :=
+ (('0', '0', '0', '0', '0'),
+ ('0', '0', '1', '1', '0'),
+ ('0', '1', '0', '1', '0'),
+ ('0', '1', '1', '0', '1'),
+ ('1', '0', '0', '1', '0'),
+ ('1', '0', '1', '0', '1'),
+ ('1', '1', '0', '0', '1'),
+ ('1', '1', '1', '1', '1'));
+ begin
+ -- @r{Check each pattern.}
+ for i in patterns'range loop
+ -- @r{Set the inputs.}
+ i0 <= patterns(i).i0;
+ i1 <= patterns(i).i1;
+ ci <= patterns(i).ci;
+ -- @r{Wait for the results.}
+ wait for 1 ns;
+ -- @r{Check the outputs.}
+ assert s = patterns(i).s
+ report "bad sum value" severity error;
+ assert co = patterns(i).co
+ report "bad carray out value" severity error;
+ end loop;
+ assert false report "end of test" severity note;
+ -- @r{Wait forever; this will finish the simulation.}
+ wait;
+ end process;
+end behav;
+@end example
+As usual, you should analyze the design:
+$ ghdl -a adder_tb.vhdl
+@end smallexample
+And build an executable for the testbench:
+$ ghdl -e adder_tb
+@end smallexample
+You do not need to specify which object files are required: GHDL knows them
+and automatically adds them in the executable. Now, it is time to run the
+$ ghdl -r adder_tb
+adder_tb.vhdl:52:7:(assertion note): end of test
+@end smallexample
+If your design is rather complex, you'd like to inspect signals. Signals
+value can be dumped using the VCD file format. The resulting file can be
+read with a wave viewer such as GTKWave. First, you should simulate your
+design and dump a waveform file:
+$ ghdl -r adder_tb --vcd=adder.vcd
+@end smallexample
+Then, you may now view the waves:
+$ gtkwave adder.vcd
+@end smallexample
+@xref{Simulation options}, for more details on the @option{--vcd} option and
+other run time options.
+@node Starting with a design, , A full adder, Starting with GHDL
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section Starting with a design
+Unless you are only studying VHDL, you will work with bigger designs than
+the ones of the previous examples.
+Let's see how to analyze and run a bigger design, such as the DLX model
+suite written by Peter Ashenden which is distributed under the terms of the
+GNU General Public License.
+First, untar the sources:
+$ tar zxvf dlx.tar.Z
+@end smallexample
+In order not to pollute the sources with the library, it is a good idea
+to create a @file{work/} subdirectory for the @samp{WORK} library. To
+any GHDL commands, we will add the @option{--workdir=work} option, so
+that all files generated by the compiler (except the executable) will be
+placed in this directory.
+$ cd dlx
+$ mkdir work
+@end smallexample
+We will run the @samp{dlx_test_behaviour} design. We need to analyze
+all the design units for the design hierarchy, in the correct order.
+GHDL provides an easy way to do this, by importing the sources:
+$ ghdl -i --workdir=work *.vhdl
+@end smallexample
+and making a design:
+$ ghdl -m --workdir=work dlx_test_behaviour
+@end smallexample
+Before this second stage, GHDL knows all the design units of the DLX,
+but no one have been analyzed. The make command of GHDL analyzes and
+elaborates a design. This creates many files in the @file{work/}
+directory, and the @file{dlx_test_behaviour} executable in the current
+The simulation needs to have a DLX program contained in the file
+@file{dlx.out}. This memory image will be be loaded in the DLX memory.
+Just take one sample:
+$ cp test_loop.out dlx.out
+@end smallexample
+And you can run the test suite:
+$ ghdl -r dlx_test_behaviour
+@end smallexample
+The test bench monitors the bus and displays each instruction executed.
+It finishes with an assertion of severity level note:
+dlx-behaviour.vhdl:395:11:(assertion note): TRAP instruction
+ encountered, execution halted
+@end smallexample
+Since the clock is still running, you have to manually stop the program
+with the @kbd{C-c} key sequence. This behavior prevents you from running the
+test bench in batch mode. However, you may force the simulator to
+stop when an assertion above or equal a certain severity level occurs:
+$ ghdl -r dlx_test_behaviour --assert-level=note
+@end smallexample
+With this option, the program stops just after the previous message:
+dlx-behaviour.vhdl:395:11:(assertion note): TRAP instruction
+ encountered, execution halted
+error: assertion failed
+@end smallexample
+If you want to make room on your hard drive, you can either:
+@itemize @bullet{}
+clean the design library with the GHDL command:
+$ ghdl --clean --workdir=work
+@end smallexample
+This removes the executable and all the object files. If you want to
+rebuild the design at this point, just do the make command as shown above.
+remove the design library with the GHDL command:
+$ ghdl --remove --workdir=work
+@end smallexample
+This removes the executable, all the object files and the library file.
+If you want to rebuild the design, you have to import the sources again,
+and to make the design.
+remove the @file{work/} directory:
+$ rm -rf work
+@end smallexample
+Only the executable is kept. If you want to rebuild the design, create
+the @file{work/} directory, import the sources, and make the design.
+@end itemize
+Sometimes, a design does not fully follow the VHDL standards. For example it
+uses the badly engineered @samp{std_logic_unsigned} package. GHDL supports
+this VHDL dialect through some options:
+--ieee=synopsys -fexplicit
+@end smallexample
+@xref{IEEE library pitfalls}, for more details.
+@node Invoking GHDL, Simulation and run time, Starting with GHDL, Top
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@chapter Invoking GHDL
+The form of the @code{ghdl} command is
+$ ghdl @var{command} [@var{options@dots{}}]
+@end smallexample
+The GHDL program has several commands. The first argument selects
+the commands. The options are used to slighly modify the action.
+No options are allowed before the command. Except for the run commands,
+no options are allowed after a filename or a unit name.
+* Building commands::
+* GHDL options::
+* Passing options to other programs::
+* GHDL warnings::
+* Rebuilding commands::
+* Library commands::
+* Cross-reference command::
+* File commands::
+* Misc commands::
+* IEEE library pitfalls::
+@end menu
+@node Building commands, GHDL options, Invoking GHDL, Invoking GHDL
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section Building commands
+The mostly used commands of GHDL are those to analyze and elaborate a design.
+* Analysis command::
+* Elaboration command::
+* Run command::
+* Elaborate and run command::
+* Bind command::
+* Link command::
+* List link command::
+* Check syntax command::
+* Analyze and elaborate command::
+@end menu
+@node Analysis command, Elaboration command, Building commands, Building commands
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@subsection Analysis command
+@cindex analysis
+@cindex @option{-a} command
+$ ghdl -a [@var{options}] @var{files}
+@end smallexample
+The @dfn{analysis} command compiles one or more files, and creates an
+object file for each source file. The analysis command is selected with
+@var{-a} switch. Any argument starting with a dash is a option, the
+others are filenames. No options are allowed after a filename
+argument. GHDL analyzes each filename in the given order, and stops the
+analysis in case of error (the following files are not analyzed).
+@c FIXME: check this.
+@xref{GHDL options}, for details on the GHDL options. For example,
+to produce debugging information such as line numbers, use:
+$ ghdl -a -g my_design.vhdl
+@end smallexample
+@node Elaboration command, Run command, Analysis command, Building commands
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@subsection Elaboration command
+@cindex elaboration
+@cindex @option{-e} command
+$ ghdl -e [@var{options}] @var{primary_unit} [@var{secondary_unit}]
+@end smallexample
+The @dfn{elaboration} command creates an executable containing the
+code of the @code{VHDL} sources, the elaboration code and simulation
+code to execute a design hiearachy. The elaboration command is selected
+with @var{-e} switch, and must be followed by either:
+@itemize @bullet
+@item a name of a configuration unit
+@item a name of an entity unit
+@item a name of an entity unit followed by a name of an architecture unit
+@end itemize
+Name of the units must be a simple name, without any dot. You can
+select the name of the @samp{WORK} library with the @option{--work=NAME}
+option, as described in @ref{GHDL options}.
+@xref{Top entity}, for the restrictions on the root design of a
+The file name of the executable is the name of the primary unit, or for
+the later case, the concatenation of the name of the primary unit, a
+dash, and the name of the secondary unit (or architecture).
+The @option{-o} followed by a file name can override the default
+executable file name.
+For the elaboration command, @code{GHDL} re-analyzes all the
+configurations, entities, architectures and package declarations, and
+creates the default configurations and the default binding indications
+according to the LRM rules. It also generates the list of objects files
+required for the executable. Then, it links all these files with the
+run time library.
+The actual elaboration is performed at run-time.
+@node Run command, Elaborate and run command, Elaboration command, Building commands
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@subsection Run command
+@cindex run
+@cindex @option{-r} command
+Run (or simulate) an elaborated design hierarchy.
+$ ghdl -r @var{primary_unit} [@var{secondary_unit}] [@var{simulation_options}]
+@end smallexample
+The arguments are the same as the @xref{Elaboration command}. This command
+simply build the filename of the executable and execute it. You may also
+directly execute the program.
+This command exists for three reasons:
+@itemize @bullet{}
+You don't have to create the executable program name.
+It is coherent with the @samp{-a} and @samp{-e} commands.
+It will work with future implementations, where the code is generated in
+@end itemize
+@xref{Simulation and run time}, for details on options.
+@node Elaborate and run command, Bind command, Run command, Building commands
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@subsection Elaborate and run command
+@cindex elaborate and run
+@cindex @option{--elab-run} command
+Elaborate and then simulate a design unit.
+$ ghdl --elab-run [@var{elab_options}] @var{primary_unit} [@var{secondary_unit}] [@var{run_options}]
+@end smallexample
+This command acts like the elaboration command (@pxref{Elaboration command})
+followed by the run command (@pxref{Run command}).
+@node Bind command, Link command, Elaborate and run command, Building commands
+@subsection Bind command
+@cindex binding
+@cindex @option{--bind} command
+Bind a design unit and prepare the link step.
+$ ghdl --bind [@var{options}] @var{primary_unit} [@var{secondary_unit}]
+@end smallexample
+This performs only the first stage of the elaboration command; the list
+of objects files is created but the executable is not built. This
+command should be used only when the main entry point is not ghdl.
+@node Link command, List link command, Bind command, Building commands
+@subsection Link command
+@cindex linking
+@cindex @option{--link} command
+Link an already bound design unit.
+$ ghdl --link [@var{options}] @var{primary_unit} [@var{secondary_unit}]
+@end smallexample
+This performs only the second stage of the elaboration command: the
+executable is created by linking the files of the object files list.
+This command is available only for completness. The elaboration command is
+equivalent to the bind command followed by the link command.
+@node List link command, Check syntax command, Link command, Building commands
+@subsection List link command
+@cindex @option{--list-link} command
+Disp files which will be linked.
+$ ghdl --list-link @var{primary_unit} [@var{secondary_unit}]
+@end smallexample
+This command may be used only after a bind command. GHDL displays all
+the files which will be linked to create an executable. This command is
+intended to add object files in a link of an foreign program.
+@node Check syntax command, Analyze and elaborate command, List link command, Building commands
+@subsection Check syntax command
+@cindex checking syntax
+@cindex @option{-s} command
+Analyze files but do not generate code.
+$ ghdl -a [@var{options}] @var{files}
+@end smallexample
+This command may be used to check the syntax of files. It does not update
+the library.
+@node Analyze and elaborate command, , Check syntax command, Building commands
+@subsection Analyze and elaborate command
+@cindex Analyze and elaborate command
+@cindex @option{-c} command
+Analyze files and elaborate in the same time.
+$ ghdl -c [@var{options}] @var{file}@dots{} -e @var{primary_unit} [@var{secondary_unit}]
+@end smallexample
+This command combines analyze and elaboration: @var{file}s are analyzed and
+the unit is then elaborated. However, code is only generated during the
+To be more precise, the files are first parsed, and then the elaboration
+drives the analysis. Therefore, there is no analysis order, and you don't
+need to care about it.
+All the units of the files are put into the @samp{work} library. But, the
+work library is neither read from disk nor saved. Therefore, you must give
+all the files of the @samp{work} library your design needs.
+The advantages over the traditionnal approach (analyze and then elaborate) are:
+The compilation cycle is achieved in one command.
+Since the files are only parsed once, the compilation cycle may be faster.
+You don't need to know an analysis order
+This command produces smaller executable, since unused units and subprograms
+do not generate code.
+@end itemize
+However, you should know that currently most of the time is spent in code
+generation and the analyze and elaborate command generate code for all units
+needed, even units of @samp{std} and @samp{ieee} libraries. Therefore,
+according to the design, the time for this command may be higher than the time
+for the analyze command followed by the elaborate command.
+This command is still experimental. In case of problems, you should go back
+to the traditionnal way.
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node GHDL options, Passing options to other programs, Building commands, Invoking GHDL
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section GHDL options
+@cindex IEEE 1164
+@cindex 1164
+@cindex IEEE 1076.3
+@cindex 1076.3
+@c document gcc options
+Besides the options described below, @code{GHDL} passes any debugging options
+(those that begin with @option{-g}) and optimizations options (those that
+begin with @option{-O} or @option{-f}) to @code{GCC}. Refer to the @code{GCC}
+manual for details.
+@table @code
+@item --work=@var{NAME}
+@cindex @option{--work} switch
+@cindex WORK library
+Specify the name of the @samp{WORK} library. Analyzed units are always
+placed in the library logically named @samp{WORK}. With this option,
+you can set its name. By default, the name is @var{work}.
+@code{GHDL} checks @samp{WORK} is a valid identifier. Although being
+more or less supported, the @samp{WORK} identifier should not be an
+extended identifier, since the filesystem may prevent it from correctly
+working (due to case sensitivity or forbidden characters in filenames).
+@code{VHDL} rules forbides you to add units in the @samp{std} library.
+Furthermode, you should not put units in the @samp{ieee} library.
+@item --workdir=@var{PATH}
+@cindex @option{--workdir} switch
+Specify the directory where the @samp{WORK} library is. When this
+option is not present, the @samp{WORK} library is in the current
+directory. The object files created by the compiler are always placed
+in the same directory as the @samp{WORK} library.
+@item --std=@var{STD}
+@cindex @option{--std} switch
+Specify the standard to use. By default, the standard is @samp{93c}, which
+means VHDL-93 accepting VHDL-87 syntax. For details on @var{STD} values see
+@ref{VHDL standards}.
+@item --ieee=@var{VER}
+@cindex @option{--ieee} switch
+@cindex ieee library
+@cindex synopsys library
+@cindex mentor library
+Select the @code{IEEE} library to use. @var{VER} must be one of:
+@table @samp
+@item none
+Do not supply an @code{IEEE} library. Any library clause with the @samp{IEEE}
+identifier will fail, unless you have created by your own a library with
+the @code{IEEE} name.
+@item standard
+Supply an @code{IEEE} library containing only packages defined by
+@sc{ieee} standards. Currently, there are the multivalue logic system
+packages @samp{std_logic_1164} defined by IEEE 1164, the synthesis
+packages , @samp{numeric_bit} and @samp{numeric_std} defined by IEEE
+1076.3, and the @sc{vital} packages @samp{vital_timing} and
+@samp{vital_primitives}, defined by IEEE 1076.4. The version of these
+packages is defined by the VHDL standard used. @xref{VITAL packages},
+for more details.
+@item synopsys
+Supply the former packages and the following additionnal packages:
+@samp{std_logic_arith}, @samp{std_logic_signed},
+@samp{std_logic_unsigned}, @samp{std_logic_textio}.
+@c @samp{std_logic_misc}.
+These packages were created by some companies, and are popular. However
+they are not standard packages, and have been placed in the @code{IEEE}
+library without the @sc{ieee} permission.
+@item mentor
+Supply the standardr packages and the following additionnal package:
+@samp{std_logic_arith}. The package is a slight variation on a definitly
+not standard but widely mis-used package.
+@end table
+To avoid errors, you must use the same @code{IEEE} library for all units of
+your design, and during elaboration.
+@item -P@var{PATH}
+@cindex @option{-P} switch
+Add @var{PATH} to the end of the list of directories to be searched for
+library files.
+The @code{WORK} library is always searched in the path specified by the
+@option{--workdir=} option, or in the current directory if the later
+option is not specified.
+@item -fexplicit
+@cindex @option{-fexplicit} switch
+When two operators are overloaded, give preference to the explicit declaration.
+This may be used to avoid the most common pitfall of the @samp{std_logic_arith}
+package. @xref{IEEE library pitfalls}, for an example.
+This option is not set by default. I don't think this option is a
+good feature, because it breaks the encapsulation rule. When set, an
+operator can be silently overriden in another package. You'd better to fix
+your design and use the @samp{numeric_std} package.
+@item --no-vital-checks
+@item --vital-checks
+@cindex @option{--no-vital-checks} switch
+@cindex @option{--vital-checks} switch
+Disable or enable checks of restriction on VITAL units. Checks are enabled
+by default.
+Checks are performed only when a design unit is decorated by a VITAL attribute.
+The VITAL attributes are @samp{VITAL_Level0} and @samp{VITAL_Level1}, both
+declared in the @samp{ieee.VITAL_Timing} package.
+Currently, VITAL checks are only partially implemented. @xref{VHDL
+restrictions for VITAL}, for more details.
+@item --GHDL1=@var{COMMAND}
+@cindex @option{--GHLD1} switch
+Use @var{COMMAND} as the command name for the compiler. If @var{COMMAND} is
+not a path, then it is search in the list of program directories.
+@item -v
+Be verbose. For example, for analysis, elaboration and make commands, GHDL
+displays the commands executed.
+@end table
+@node Passing options to other programs, GHDL warnings, GHDL options, Invoking GHDL
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section Passing options to other programs
+For many commands, @code{GHDL} acts as a driver: it invokes programs to perform
+the command. You can pass arbritrary options to these programs.
+Both the compiler and the linker are in fact GCC programs. @xref{Invoking GCC,
+GCC options, GCC Command Options, gcc, GCC manual}, for details on GCC
+@table @code
+@item -Wc,@var{OPTION}
+@cindex @option{-W} switch
+Pass @var{OPTION} as an option to the compiler.
+@item -Wa,@var{OPTION}
+@cindex @option{-Wa} switch
+Pass @var{OPTION} as an option to the assembler.
+@item -Wl,@var{OPTION}
+@cindex @option{-Wl} switch
+Pass @var{OPTION} as an option to the linker.
+@end table
+@node GHDL warnings, Rebuilding commands, Passing options to other programs, Invoking GHDL
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section GHDL warnings
+Some contructions are not erroneous but dubious. Warnings are diagnostic
+messages that report such constructions. Some warnings are reported only
+during analysis, others during elaboration.
+@table @code
+@item --warn-reserved
+@cindex @option{--warn-reserved} switch
+Emit a warning if an identifier is a reserved word in a latter VHDL standard.
+@item --warn-default-binding
+@cindex @option{--warn-default-binding} switch
+During analyze, warns if a component instantiation has neither
+configuration specification nor default binding. This may be usefull if you
+want to detect during analyze possibly unbound component if you don't use
+configuration. @xref{VHDL standards}, for more details about default binding
+@item --warn-binding
+@cindex @option{--warn-binding} switch
+During elaboration, warns if a component instantiation is not bound
+(and not explicitly left unbound). Also warns if a port of an entity
+is not bound in a configuration specification or in a component
+configuration. This warning is enabled by default, since default
+binding rules are somewhat complex and an unbound component is most
+often unexpected.
+However, warnings are even emitted if a component instantiation is
+inside a generate statement. As a consequence, if you use conditionnal
+generate statement to select a component according to the implementation,
+you will certainly get warnings.
+@item --warn-library
+@cindex @option{--warn-library} switch
+Warns if a design unit replaces another design unit with the same name.
+@item --warn-vital-generic
+@cindex @option{--warn-vital-generic} switch
+Warns if a generic name of a vital entity is not a vital generic name. This
+is set by default.
+@item --warn-delayed-checks
+@cindex @option{--warn-delayed-checks} switch
+Warns for checks that cannot be done during analysis time and are postponed to
+elaboration time. These checks are checks for no wait statement in a procedure
+called in a sensitized process. If the body of the procedure is not known
+at analysis time, the check will be performed during elaboration.
+@item --warn-body
+@cindex @option{--warn-body} switch
+Emit a warning if a package body which is not required is analyzed. If a
+package does not declare a subprogram or a deferred constant, the package
+does not require a body.
+@item --warn-specs
+@cindex @option{--warn-specs} switch
+Emit a warning if an all or others specification does not apply.
+@item --warn-unused
+@cindex @option{--warn-unused} switch
+Emit a warning when a subprogram is never used.
+@item --warn-error
+@cindex @option{--warn-error} switch
+When this option is set, warnings are considered as errors.
+@end table
+@node Rebuilding commands, Library commands, GHDL warnings, Invoking GHDL
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section Rebuilding commands
+Analyzing and elaborating a design consisting in severals files can be tricky,
+due to dependences. GHDL has a few commands to rebuild a design.
+* Import command::
+* Make command::
+* Generate Makefile command::
+@end menu
+@node Import command, Make command, Rebuilding commands, Rebuilding commands
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@subsection Import command
+@cindex importing files
+@cindex @option{-i} coomand
+Add files in the work design library.
+$ ghdl -i [@var{options}] @var{file}@dots{}
+@end smallexample
+All the files specified in the command line are scanned, parsed and added in
+the libraries but as not yet analyzed. No object files are created.
+The purpose of this command is to localize design units in the design files.
+The make command will then be able to recursively build a hierarchy from
+an entity name or a configuration name.
+Since the files are parsed, there must be correct files. However, since they
+are not analyzed, many errors are tolerated by this command.
+Note that all the files are added in the work library. If you have many
+libraries, you must use the command for each library.
+@c Due to the LRM rules, there may be many analysis orders, producing
+@c different results. For example, if an entity has several architectures,
+@c the last architecture analyzed is the default one in default binding
+@c indications.
+@xref{Make command}, to actually build the design.
+@node Make command, Generate Makefile command, Import command, Rebuilding commands
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@subsection Make command
+@cindex make
+@cindex @option{-m} command
+$ ghdl -m [@var{options}] @var{primary} [@var{secondary}]
+@end smallexample
+Analyze automatically outdated files and elaborate a design.
+The primary unit denoted by the @var{primary} argument must already be
+known by the system, either because you have already analyzed it (even
+if you have modified it) or because you have imported it. GHDL analyzes
+all outdated files. A file may be outdated because it has been modified
+(e.g. you just have edited it), or because a design unit contained in
+the file depends on a unit which is outdated. This rule is of course
+With the @option{-f} (force) option, GHDL analyzes all the units of the
+work library needed to create the design hierarchy. Not outdated units
+are recompiled. This is useful if you want to compile a design hierarch
+with new compilation flags (for example, to add the @option{-g}
+debugging option).
+The make command will only re-analyze design units in the work library.
+GHDL fails if it has to analyze an outdated unit from another library.
+The purpose of this command is to be able to compile a design without prior
+knowledge of file order. In the VHDL model, some units must be analyzed
+before others (e.g. an entity before its architecture). It might be a
+nightmare to analyze a full design of several files, if you don't have
+the ordered list of file. This command computes an analysis order.
+The make command fails when a unit was not previously parsed. For
+example, if you split a file containing several design units into
+several files, you must either import these new files or analyze them so
+that GHDL knows in which file these units are.
+The make command imports files which have been modified. Then, a design
+hierarchy is internally built as if no units are outdated. Then, all outdated
+design units, using the dependences of the design hierarchy, are analyzed.
+If necessary, the design hierarchy is elaborated.
+This is not perfect, since defaults architecture (the most recently
+analyzed one) may change while outdated design files are analyzed. In
+such a case, re-run the make command of GHDL.
+@c does not exists: @section GHDL robust make command
+@node Generate Makefile command, , Make command, Rebuilding commands
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@subsection Generate Makefile command
+@cindex @option{--gen-makefile} command
+Generate a Makefile to build a design unit.
+$ ghdl --gen-makefile [@var{options}] @var{primary} [@var{secondary}]
+@end smallexample
+This command works like the make command (@pxref{Make command}), but only a
+makefile is generated on the standard output.
+@node Library commands, Cross-reference command, Rebuilding commands, Invoking GHDL
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section Library commands
+GHDL has a few commands which act on a library.
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+* Directory command::
+* Clean command::
+* Remove command::
+@end menu
+@node Directory command, Clean command, Library commands, Library commands
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@subsection Directory command
+@cindex displaying library
+@cindex @option{-d} command
+Display the name of the units contained in a design library.
+$ ghdl -d [@var{options}]
+@end smallexample
+The directory command, selected with the @var{-d} command line argument
+displays the content of the work design library. All options are
+allowed, but only a few are meaningful: @option{--work=NAME},
+@option{--workdir=PATH} and @option{--std=VER}.
+@node Clean command, Remove command, Directory command, Library commands
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@subsection Clean command
+@cindex cleaning
+@cindex @option{--clean} command
+Remove object and executable files but keep the library.
+$ ghdl --clean [@var{options}]
+@end smallexample
+GHDL tries to remove any object, executable or temporary file it could
+have created. Source files are not removed.
+There is no short command line form for this option to prevent accidental
+clean up.
+@node Remove command, , Clean command, Library commands
+@subsection Remove command
+@cindex cleaning all
+@cindex @option{--remove} command
+Do like the clean command but remove the library too.
+$ ghdl --remove [@var{options}]
+@end smallexample
+There is no short command line form for this option to prevent accidental
+clean up. Note that after removing a design library, the files are not
+known anymore by GHDL.
+@node Cross-reference command, File commands, Library commands, Invoking GHDL
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section Cross-reference command
+To easily navigate through your sources, you may generate cross-references.
+$ ghdl --xref-html [@var{options}] @var{file}@dots{}
+@end smallexample
+This command generates an html file for each @var{file} given in the command
+line, with syntax highlighting and full cross-reference: every identifier is
+a link to its declaration. Besides, an index of the files is created too.
+The set of @var{file} are analyzed, and then, if the analyze is
+successful, html files are generated in the directory specified by the
+@option{-o @var{dir}} option, or @file{html/} directory by default.
+If the @option{--format=html2} is specified, then the generated html
+files follow the HTML 2.0 standard, and colours are specified with
+@samp{<FONT>} tags. However, colours are hard-coded.
+If the @option{--format=css} is specified, then the generated html files
+follow the HTML 4.0 standard, and use the CSS-1 file @file{ghdl.css} to
+specify colours. This file is generated only if it does not already exist (it
+is never overwritten) and can be customized by the user to change colours or
+appearance. Refer to a generated file and its comments for more informations.
+@node File commands, Misc commands, Cross-reference command, Invoking GHDL
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section File commands
+The following commands act on one or severals files. They do not analysis
+files, therefore, they work even if a file has semantic errors.
+* Pretty print command::
+* Find command::
+* Chop command::
+* Lines command::
+@end menu
+@node Pretty print command, Find command, File commands, File commands
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@subsection Pretty print command
+@cindex @option{--pp-html} command
+@cindex pretty printing
+@cindex vhdl to html
+Generate HTML on standard output from VHDL.
+$ ghdl --pp-html [@var{options}] @var{file}@dots{}
+@end smallexample
+The files are just scanned and an html file, with syntax highlighting is
+generated on standard output.
+Since the files are not even parsed, erroneous files or uncomplete designs
+can be pretty printed.
+The style of the html file can be modified with the @option{--format=} option.
+By default or when the @option{--format=html2} option is specified, the output
+is an HTML 2.0 file, with colours set throught @samp{<FONT>} tags. When the
+@option{--format=css} option is specified, the output is an HTML 4.0 file,
+with colours set through a CSS file, whose name is @samp{ghdl.css}.
+@xref{Cross-reference command}, for more details about this CSS file.
+@node Find command, Chop command, Pretty print command, File commands
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@subsection Find command
+@cindex @option{-f} command
+Display the name of the design units in files.
+$ ghdl -f @var{file}@dots{}
+@end smallexample
+The files are scanned, parsed and the names of design units are displayed.
+Design units marked with two stars are candidate to be at the apex of a
+design hierarchy.
+@node Chop command, Lines command, Find command, File commands
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@subsection Chop command
+@cindex @option{--chop} command
+Chop (or split) files at design unit.
+$ ghdl --chop @var{files}
+@end smallexample
+@code{GHDL} reads files, and writes a file in the current directory for
+every design unit.
+The file name of a design unit is build according to the unit. For an
+entity declaration, a package declaration or a configuration the file
+name is @file{NAME.vhdl}, where @var{NAME} is the name of the design
+unit. For a package body, the file name is @file{NAME-body.vhdl}.
+Finally, for an architecture @var{ARCH} of an entity @var{ENTITY}, the
+file name is @file{ENTITY-ARCH.vhdl}.
+Since the input files are parsed, this command aborts in case of syntax
+error. The command aborts too if a file to be written already exists.
+Comments between design units are stored into the most adequate files.
+This command may be useful to split big files, if your computer has not
+enough memory to compile such files. The size of the executable is
+reduced too.
+@node Lines command, , Chop command, File commands
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@subsection Lines command
+@cindex @option{--lines} command
+Display on the standard output lines of files preceded by line number.
+$ ghdl --lines @var{files}
+@end smallexample
+@node Misc commands, IEEE library pitfalls, File commands, Invoking GHDL
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section Misc commands
+There are a few GHDL commands which are seldom useful.
+* Help command::
+* Dispconfig command::
+* Disp standard command::
+* Version command::
+@end menu
+@node Help command, Dispconfig command, Misc commands, Misc commands
+@subsection Help command
+@cindex @option{-h} command
+@cindex @option{--help} command
+Display (on the standard output) a short description of the all the commands
+available. If the help switch is followed by an command switch, then options
+for this later command are displayed.
+$ ghdl --help
+$ ghdl -h
+$ ghdl -h @var{command}
+@end smallexample
+@node Dispconfig command, Disp standard command, Help command, Misc commands
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@subsection Dispconfig command
+@cindex @option{--dispconfig} command
+@cindex display configuration
+Display the program pathes and options used by GHDL.
+$ ghdl --dispconfig [@var{options}]
+@end smallexample
+This may be useful to track installation errors.
+@node Disp standard command, Version command, Dispconfig command, Misc commands
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@subsection Disp standard command
+@cindex @option{--disp-standard} command
+@cindex display @samp{std.standard}
+Display the @samp{std.standard} package:
+$ ghdl --disp-standard [@var{options}]
+@end smallexample
+@node Version command, , Disp standard command, Misc commands
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@subsection Version command
+@cindex @option{--version} command
+@cindex version
+Display the @code{GHDL} version and exit.
+$ ghdl --version
+@end smallexample
+@node IEEE library pitfalls, , Misc commands, Invoking GHDL
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section IEEE library pitfalls
+When you use options @option{--ieee=synopsys} or @option{--ieee=mentor},
+the @code{IEEE} library contains non standard packages such as
+@samp{std_logic_arith}. @c FIXME: ref
+These packages are not standard because there are not described by an IEEE
+standard, even if they have been put in the @code{IEEE} library. Furthermore,
+they are not really de-facto standard, because there a slight differences
+between the packages of Mentor and those of Synopsys.
+Furthermore, since they are not well-thought, their use have pitfalls. For
+example, this description has error during compilation:
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+-- @r{A counter from 0 to 10}.
+entity counter is
+ port (val : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
+ ck : std_logic;
+ rst : std_logic);
+end counter;
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+architecture bad of counter
+ signal v : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
+ process (ck, rst)
+ begin
+ if rst = '1' then
+ v <= x"0";
+ elsif rising_edge (ck) then
+ if v = "1010" then -- @r{Error}
+ v <= x"0";
+ else
+ v <= v + 1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ val <= v;
+end bad;
+@end example
+When you analyze this design, GHDL does not accept it (too long lines
+have been split for readability):
+$ ghdl -a --ieee=synopsys bad_counter.vhdl
+bad_counter.vhdl:13:14: operator "=" is overloaded
+bad_counter.vhdl:13:14: possible interpretations are:
+../../libraries/ieee/std_logic_1164.v93:69:5: implicit function "="
+ [std_logic_vector, std_logic_vector return boolean]
+../../libraries/synopsys/std_logic_unsigned.vhdl:64:5: function "="
+ [std_logic_vector, std_logic_vector return boolean]
+../translate/ghdldrv/ghdl: compilation error
+@end smallexample
+Indeed, the @code{"="} operator is defined in both packages, and both
+are visible at the place it is used. The first declaration is an
+implicit one, which occurs when the @code{std_logic_vector} type is
+declared and is a element to element comparaison, the second one is an
+explicit declared function, with the semantic of an unsigned comparaison.
+With some analyser, the explicit declaration has priority on the implicit
+declaration, and this design can be analyzed without error. However, this
+is not the rule given by the VHDL LRM, and since GHDL follows these rules,
+it emits an error.
+You can force GHDL to use this rule with the @option{-fexplicit} option.
+@xref{GHDL options}, for more details.
+However it is easy to fix this error, by using a selected name:
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+architecture fixed_bad of counter
+ signal v : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
+ process (ck, rst)
+ begin
+ if rst = '1' then
+ v <= x"0";
+ elsif rising_edge (ck) then
+ if ieee.std_logic_unsigned."=" (v, "1010") then
+ v <= x"0";
+ else
+ v <= v + 1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ val <= v;
+end fixed_bad;
+@end example
+It is better to only use the standard packages defined by IEEE, which
+provides the same functionnalities:
+library ieee;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+architecture good of counter
+ signal v : unsigned (3 downto 0);
+ process (ck, rst)
+ begin
+ if rst = '1' then
+ v <= x"0";
+ elsif rising_edge (ck) then
+ if v = "1010" then
+ v <= x"0";
+ else
+ v <= v + 1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ val <= std_logic_vector (v);
+end good;
+@end example
+@node Simulation and run time, GHDL implementation of VHDL, Invoking GHDL, Top
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@chapter Simulation and run time
+* Simulation options::
+* Debugging VHDL programs::
+@end menu
+@node Simulation options, Debugging VHDL programs, Simulation and run time, Simulation and run time
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section Simulation options
+In most system environments, it is possible to pass options while
+invoking a program. Contrary to most programming language, there is no
+standard method in VHDL to obtain the arguments or to set the exit
+In GHDL, it is impossible to pass parameters to your design. A later version
+could do it through the generics interfaces of the top entity.
+However, the GHDL run time behaviour can be modified with some options; for
+example, it is possible to stop simulation after a certain time.
+The exit status of the simulation is @samp{EXIT_SUCCESS} (0) if the
+simulation completes, or @samp{EXIT_FAILURE} (1) in case of error
+(assertion failure, overflow or any constraint error).
+Here is the list of the most useful options. Some debugging options are
+also available, but not described here. The @samp{--help} options lists
+all options available, including the debugging one.
+@table @code
+@item --assert-level=@var{LEVEL}
+@cindex @option{--assert-level} option
+Select the assertion level at which an assertion violation stops the
+simulation. @var{LEVEL} is the name from the @code{severity_level}
+enumerated type defined in the @code{standard} package or the
+@samp{none} name.
+By default, only assertion violation of severity level @samp{failure}
+stops the simulation.
+For example, if @var{LEVEL} was @samp{warning}, any assertion violation
+with severity level @samp{warning}, @samp{error} or @samp{failure} would
+stop simulation, but the assertion violation at the @samp{note} severity
+level would only display a message.
+@samp{--assert-level=none} prevents any assertion violation to stop
+@item --stop-time=@var{TIME}
+@cindex @option{--stop-time} option
+Stop the simulation after @var{TIME}. @var{TIME} is expressed as a time
+value, @emph{without} any space. The time is the simulation time, not
+the real clock time.
+For examples:
+$ ./my_design --stop-time=10ns
+$ ./my_design --stop-time=ps
+@end smallexample
+@item --stop-delta=@var{N}
+@cindex @option{--stop-delta} option
+Stop the simulation after @var{N} delta cycles in the same current time.
+@c Delta cycles is a simulation technic used by VHDL to
+@item --disp-time
+@cindex @option{--disp-time} option
+@cindex display time
+Display the time and delta cycle number as simulation advances.
+@item --disp-tree[@var{=KIND}]
+@cindex @option{--disp-tree} option
+@cindex display design hierarchy
+Display the design hierarchy as a tree of instantiated design entities.
+This may be useful to understand the structure of a complex
+design. @var{KIND} is optional, but if set must be one of:
+@table @samp
+@item none
+Do not display hierarchy. Same as if the option was not present.
+@item inst
+Display entities, architectures, instances, blocks and generates statements.
+@item proc
+Like @samp{inst} but also display processes.
+@item port
+Like @samp{proc} but display ports and signals too.
+@end table
+If @var{KIND} is not specified, the hierarchy is displayed with the
+@samp{port} mode.
+@item --no-run
+@cindex @option{--no-run} option
+Do not simulate, only elaborate. This may be used with
+@option{--disp-tree} to display the tree without simulating the whole
+@item --vcd=@var{FILENAME}
+@cindex @option{--vcd} option
+@cindex vcd
+@cindex value change dump
+@cindex dump of signals
+Dump into the VCD file @var{FILENAME} the signal values before each
+non-delta cycle. If @var{FILENAME} is @samp{-}, then the standard output is
+used, otherwise a file is created or overwritten.
+@dfn{VCD} (value change dump) is a file format defined
+by the @code{verilog} standard and used by virtually any wave viewer.
+Since it comes from @code{verilog}, only a few VHDL types can be dumped. GHDL
+dumps only signals whose base type is of the following:
+@itemize @bullet
+types defined in the @samp{std.standard} package:
+@itemize @bullet
+@end itemize
+types defined in the @samp{ieee.std_logic_1164} package:
+@itemize @bullet
+@samp{std_logic} (because it is a subtype of @samp{std_ulogic})
+@end itemize
+any integer type
+@end itemize
+I have successfully used @code{gtkwave} to view VCD files.
+Currently, there is no way to select signals to be dumped: all signals are
+dumped, which can generate big files.
+It is very unfortunate there is no standard or well-known wave file
+format supporting VHDL types. If you are aware of such a free format,
+please mail me (@pxref{Reporting bugs}).
+@item --wave=@var{FILENAME}
+@cindex @option{--wave} option
+Write the waveforms into a @code{ghw} (GHdl Waveform) file. Currently, all
+the signals are dumped into the waveform file, you cannot select a hierarchy
+of signals to be dumped.
+The format of this file was defined by myself and is not yet completly fixed.
+It may change slightly.
+There is a patch against @code{gtkwave 1.3.56} on the ghdl website at
+@uref{ghdl.free.fr}, so that it can read such files.
+Contrary to VCD files, any VHDL type can be dumped into a GHW file.
+@item --sdf=@var{PATH}=@var{FILENAME}
+@item --sdf=min=@var{PATH}=@var{FILENAME}
+@item --sdf=typ=@var{PATH}=@var{FILENAME}
+@item --sdf=max=@var{PATH}=@var{FILENAME}
+@cindex @option{--sdf} option
+Do VITAL annotation on @var{PATH} with SDF file @var{FILENAME}.
+@var{PATH} is a path of instances, separated with @samp{.} or @samp{/}.
+Any separator can be used. Instances are component instantiation labels,
+generate labels or block labels. Currently, you cannot use an indexed name.
+If the option contains a type of delay, that is @option{min=},
+@option{typ=} or @option{max=}, the annotator use respectively minimum,
+typical or maximum values. If the option does not contain a type of delay,
+the annotator use the typical delay.
+@xref{Backannotation}, for more details.
+@item --stack-max-size=@var{SIZE}
+@cindex @option{--stack-max-size} option
+Set the maximum size in bytes of the non-sensitized processes stacks.
+If the value @var{SIZE} is followed (without any space) by the @samp{k},
+@samp{K}, @samp{kb}, @samp{Kb}, @samp{ko} or @samp{Ko} multiplier, then
+the size is the numeric value multiplied by 1024.
+If the value @var{SIZE} is followed (without any space) by the @samp{m},
+@samp{M}, @samp{mb}, @samp{Mb}, @samp{mo} or @samp{Mo} multiplier, then
+the size is the numeric value multiplied by 1024 * 1024 = 1048576.
+Each non-sensitized process has its own stack, while the sensitized processes
+share the same and main stack. This stack is the stack created by the
+operating system.
+Using too small stacks may result in simulation failure due to lack of memory.
+Using too big stacks may reduce the maximum number of processes.
+@item --stack-size=@var{SIZE}
+@cindex @option{--stack-size} option
+Set the initial size in bytes of the non-sensitized processes stack.
+The @var{SIZE} value has the same format as the previous option.
+The stack of the non-sensitized processes grows until reaching the
+maximum size limit.
+@item --help
+Display a short description of the options accepted by the run time library.
+@end table
+@node Debugging VHDL programs, , Simulation options, Simulation and run time
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section Debugging VHDL programs
+@cindex debugging
+@cindex @code{__ghdl_fatal}
+@code{GDB} is a general purpose debugger for programs compiled by @code{GCC}.
+Currently, there is no VHDL support for @code{GDB}. It may be difficult
+to inspect variables or signals in @code{GDB}, however, @code{GDB} is
+still able to display the stack frame in case of error or to set a breakpoint
+at a specified line.
+@code{GDB} can be useful to precisely catch a run-time error, such as indexing
+an array beyond its bounds. All error check subprograms call the
+@code{__ghdl_fatal} procedure. Therefore, to catch run-time error, set
+a breakpoint like this:
+(gdb) break __ghdl_fatal
+@end smallexample
+When the breakpoint is hit, use the @code{where} or @code{bt} command to
+display the stack frames.
+@node GHDL implementation of VHDL, GHDL implementation of VITAL, Simulation and run time, Top
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@chapter GHDL implementation of VHDL
+This chapter describes several implementation defined aspect of VHDL in GHDL.
+* VHDL standards::
+* Source representation::
+* Library database::
+* VHDL files format::
+* Top entity::
+* Interfacing to other languages::
+@end menu
+@node VHDL standards, Source representation, GHDL implementation of VHDL, GHDL implementation of VHDL
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section VHDL standards
+@cindex VHDL standards
+@cindex IEEE 1076
+@cindex IEEE 1076a
+@cindex 1076
+@cindex 1076a
+@cindex v87
+@cindex v93
+@cindex v93c
+@cindex v00
+@cindex v02
+This is very unfortunate, but there are many versions of the VHDL language.
+The VHDL language was first standardized in 1987 by IEEE as IEEE 1076-1987, and
+is commonly referred as VHDL-87. This is certainly the most important version,
+since most of the VHDL tools are still based on this standard.
+Various problems of this first standard have been analyzed by experts groups
+to give reasonable ways of interpreting the unclear portions of the standard.
+VHDL was revised in 1993 by IEEE as IEEE 1076-1993. This revision is still
+Unfortunatly, VHDL-93 is not fully compatible with VHDL-87, ie some perfectly
+valid VHDL-87 programs are invalid VHDL-93 programs. Here are some of the
+@itemize @bullet
+the syntax of file declaration has changed (this is the most visible source
+of incompatibility),
+new keywords were introduced (group, impure, inertial, literal,
+postponed, pure, reject, rol, ror, shared, sla, sll, sra, srl,
+unaffected, xnor),
+some dynamic behaviours have changed (the concatenation is one of them),
+rules have been added.
+@end itemize
+Shared variables were replaced by protected types in the 2000 revision of
+the VHDL standard. This modification is also known as 1076a. Note that this
+standard is not fully backward compatible with VHDL-93, since the type of a
+shared variable must now be a protected type (there was no such restriction
+Minors corrections were added by the 2002 revision of the VHDL standard. This
+revision is not fully backward compatible with VHDL-00 since, for example,
+the value of the @code{'instance_name} attribute has slighly changed.
+You can select the VHDL standard expected by GHDL with the
+@samp{--std=VER} option, where @var{VER} is one of the left column of the
+table below:
+@table @samp
+@item 87
+Select VHDL-87 standard as defined by IEEE 1076-1987. LRM bugs corrected by
+later revisions are taken into account.
+@item 93
+Select VHDL-93; VHDL-87 file declarations are not accepted.
+@item 93c
+Select VHDL-93 standard with relaxed rules:
+@itemize @bullet
+VHDL-87 file declarations are accepted;
+default binding indication rules of VHDL-02 are used. Default binding rules
+are often used, but they are particulary obscure before VHDL-02.
+@end itemize
+@item 00
+Select VHDL-2000 standard, which adds protected types.
+@item 02
+Select VHDL-2002 standard (partially implemented).
+@end table
+You cannot mix VHDL-87 and VHDL-93 units. A design hierarchy must have been
+completly analyzed using either the 87 or the 93 version of the VHDL standard.
+@node Source representation, Library database, VHDL standards, GHDL implementation of VHDL
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section Source representation
+According to the VHDL standard, design units (i.e. entities,
+architectures, packages, package bodies and configurations) may be
+independently analyzed.
+Several design units may be grouped into a design file.
+In GHDL, a system file represents a design file. That is, a file compiled by
+GHDL may contain one or more design units.
+It is common to have several design units in a design file.
+GHDL does not impose any restriction on the name of a design file
+(except that the file name may not contain any control character or
+GHDL do not keep a binary representation of the design units analyzed like
+other VHDL analyzers. The sources of the design units are re-read when
+needed (for example, an entity is re-read when one of its architecture is
+analyzed). Therefore, if you delete or modify a source file of a unit
+analyzed, GHDL will refuse to use it.
+@node Library database, VHDL files format, Source representation, GHDL implementation of VHDL
+@section Library database
+Each design unit analyzed is placed into a design library. By default,
+the name of this design library is @samp{work}; however, this can be
+changed with the @option{--work=NAME} option of GHDL.
+To keep the list of design units in a design library, GHDL creates
+library files. The name of these files is @samp{NAME-objVER.cf}, where
+@var{NAME} is the name of the library, and @var{VER} the VHDL version (87
+or 93) used to analyze the design units.
+You don't have to know how to read a library file. You can display it
+using the @option{-d} of @code{ghdl}. The file contains the name of the
+design units, as well as the location and the dependences.
+The format may change with the next version of GHDL.
+@node VHDL files format, Top entity, Library database, GHDL implementation of VHDL
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section VHDL files format
+@cindex file format
+@cindex logical name
+VHDL has features to handle files.
+GHDL associates a file logical name (the VHDL file name) to an operating
+system file name. The logical name @samp{STD_INPUT} is associated to
+the standard input as defined by @samp{stdin} stream of the C library,
+while the logical name @samp{STD_OUTPUT} is associated to the standard
+output, as defined by the @samp{stdout} stream of the C library. Other
+logical name are directly mapped to a file name as defined by the first
+(@samp{path}) argument of the @samp{fopen} function of the C library.
+For a binary file, the @samp{b} character is appended to the mode argument
+(binary mode).
+If multiple file objects are associated with the same external file, a stream
+is created for each object, except for the standard input or output.
+GHDL has no internal restrictions on the number of file objects that are
+associated at one time with a given external file, but the operating system
+may restrict the maximum number of file open at the same time.
+For more details about these point, please refer to your operation system
+@c tell more about possible errors.
+There are two kinds of files: binary or text files.
+Text files are files of type @samp{std.textio.text}. The format is the
+same as the format of any ascii file. In VHDL-87, only the first 128
+characters (7 bits) are allowed, since the character type has only 128
+literals. The end of line is system dependent. Note that the stdio
+functions with the text mode are used to handle text files: the fgets
+function is used to read lines. Please, refer to the manual of your C
+library for more information.
+There are two kind of binary files, according to the type mark of the
+file. According to the VHDL standard, binary files must be read using
+the same type they are written.
+If the type mark is a non-composite type (integer, floating type
+enumeration, physical), the file is a raw stream:
+elements are read or written using the same format as is used to represent
+the data in memory. This is highly non-portable, but you should be able
+to read file written by a non-@code{GHDL} program.
+If the type mark is a composite type (record or array), the file is composed
+of a 2 lines signature, followed by a raw stream.
+@node Top entity, Interfacing to other languages, VHDL files format, GHDL implementation of VHDL
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section Top entity
+There are some restrictions on the entity being at the apex of a design
+@itemize @bullet
+The generic must have a default value, and the value of a generic is its
+default value;
+The ports type must be constrained.
+@end itemize
+@node Interfacing to other languages, , Top entity, GHDL implementation of VHDL
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up@section Interfacing with other languages
+@section Interfacing to other languages
+@cindex interfacing
+@cindex other languages
+@cindex foreign
+@cindex VHPI
+You can define a subprogram in a foreign language (such as @code{C} or
+@code{Ada}) and import it in a VHDL design.
+@subsection Foreign declarations
+Only subprograms (functions or procedures) can be imported, using the foreign
+attribute. In this example, the @code{sin} function is imported:
+package math is
+ function sin (v : real) return real;
+ attribute foreign of sin : function is "VHPIDIRECT sin";
+end math;
+package body math is
+ function sin (v : real) return real is
+ begin
+ assert false severity failure;
+ end sin;
+end math;
+@end example
+A subprogram is made foreign if the @var{foreign} attribute decorates
+it. This attribute is declared in the 1993 revision of the
+@samp{std.standard} package. Therefore, you cannot use this feature in
+VHDL 1987.
+The decoration is achived through an attribute specification. The
+attribute specification must be in the same declarative part as the
+subprogram and must be after it. This is a general rule for specifications.
+The value of the specification must be a locally static string.
+Even when a subprogram is foreign, its body must be present. However, since
+it won't be called, you can made it empty or simply but an assertion.
+The value of the attribute must start with @samp{VHPIDIRECT } (an
+upper-case keyword followed by one or more blanks). The linkage name of the
+subprogram follows.
+* Restrictions on foreign declarations::
+* Linking with foreign object files::
+* Starting a simulation from a foreign program::
+* Linking with Ada::
+* Using GRT from Ada::
+@end menu
+@node Restrictions on foreign declarations, Linking with foreign object files, Interfacing to other languages, Interfacing to other languages
+@subsection Restrictions on foreign declarations
+Any subprogram can be imported. GHDL puts no restrictions on foreign
+subprograms. However, the representation of a type or of an interface in a
+foreign language may be obscur. Most of non-composite types are easily imported:
+@table @samp
+@item integer types
+They are represented on a 32 bits word. This generally corresponds to
+@code{int} for @code{C} or @code{Integer} for @code{Ada}.
+@item physical types
+They are represented on a 64 bits word. This generally corresponds to the
+@code{long long} for @code{C} or @code{Long_Long_Integer} for @code{Ada}.
+@item floating point types
+They are represented on a 64 bits floating point word. This generally
+corresponds to @code{double} for @code{C} or @code{Long_Float} for @code{Ada}.
+@item enumeration types
+They are represented on 8 bits or 32 bits word, if the number of literals is
+greater than 256. There is no corresponding C types, since arguments are
+not promoted.
+@end table
+Non-composite types are passed by value. For the @code{in} mode, this
+corresponds to the @code{C} or @code{Ada} mechanism. The @code{out} and
+@code{inout} interfaces of non-composite types are gathered in a record
+and this record is passed by reference as the first argument to the
+subprogram. As a consequence, you shouldn't use @code{in} and
+@code{inout} modes in foreign subprograms, since they are not portable.
+Records are represented like a @code{C} structure and are passed by reference
+to subprograms.
+Arrays with static bounds are represented like a @code{C} array, whose
+length is the number of elements, and are passed by reference to subprograms.
+Unconstrained array are represented by a fat pointer. Do not use unconstrained
+arrays in foreign subprograms.
+Accesses to an unconstrained array is a fat pointer. Other accesses corresponds a an address and are passed to a subprogram like other non-composite types.
+Files are represented by a 32 bits word, which corresponds to an index
+in a table.
+@node Linking with foreign object files, Starting a simulation from a foreign program, Restrictions on foreign declarations, Interfacing to other languages
+@subsection Linking with foreign object files
+You may add additionnal files or options during the link using the
+@option{-Wl,} of @code{GHDL}, as described in @ref{Elaboration command}.
+For example:
+$ ghdl -e -Wl,-lm math_tb
+@end example
+will create the @file{math_tb} executable with the @file{lm} (mathematical)
+Note the @file{c} library is always linked with an executable.
+@node Starting a simulation from a foreign program, Linking with Ada, Linking with foreign object files, Interfacing to other languages
+@subsection Starting a simulation from a foreign program
+You main run your design from an external program. You just have to call
+the @samp{ghdl_main} function which can be defined:
+in C:
+extern int ghdl_main (int argc, char **argv);
+@end smallexample
+in Ada:
+with System;
+function Ghdl_Main (Argc : Integer; Argv : System.Address)
+ return Integer;
+pragma import (C, Ghdl_Main, "ghdl_main");
+@end smallexample
+This function must be called once, and returns 0 at the end of the simulation.
+In case of failure, this function does not return. This has to be fixed.
+@node Linking with Ada, Using GRT from Ada, Starting a simulation from a foreign program, Interfacing to other languages
+@subsection Linking with Ada
+As explained previously in @ref{Starting a simulation from a foreign program},
+you can start a simulation from an @code{Ada} program. However the build
+process is not trivial: you have to elaborate your @code{Ada} program and your
+@code{VHDL} design.
+First, you have to analyze all your design files. In this example, we
+suppose there is only one design file, @file{design.vhdl}.
+$ ghdl -a design.vhdl
+@end smallexample
+Then, bind your design. In this example, we suppose the entity at the
+design apex is @samp{design}.
+$ ghdl --bind design
+@end smallexample
+Finally, compile, bind your @code{Ada} program at link it with your @code{VHDL}
+$ gnatmake my_prog -largs `ghdl --list-link design`
+@end smallexample
+@node Using GRT from Ada, , Linking with Ada, Interfacing to other languages
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@subsection Using GRT from Ada
+@quotation Warning
+This topic is only for advanced users knowing how to use @code{Ada}
+and @code{GNAT}. This is provided only for reference, I have tested
+this once before releasing @code{GHDL} 0.19 but this is not checked at
+each release.
+@end quotation
+The simulator kernel of @code{GHDL} named @dfn{GRT} is written in
+@code{Ada95} and contains a very light and slighly adapted version
+of @code{VHPI}. Since it is an @code{Ada} implementation it is
+called @dfn{AVHPI}. Although being tough, you may interface to @code{AVHPI}.
+For using @code{AVHPI}, you need the sources of @code{GHDL} and to recompile
+them (at least the @code{GRT} library). This library is usually compiled with
+a @code{No_Run_Time} pragma, so that the user does not need to install the
+@code{GNAT} run time library. However, you certainly want to use the usual
+run time library and want to avoid this pragma. For this, reset the
+@var{GRT_PRAGMA_FLAG} variable.
+$ make GRT_PRAGMA_FLAG= grt-all
+@end smallexample
+Since @code{GRT} is a self-contained library, you don't want
+@code{gnatlink} to fetch individual object files (furthermore this
+doesn't always work due to tricks used in @code{GRT}). For this,
+remove all the object files and make the @file{.ali} files read-only.
+$ rm *.o
+$ chmod -w *.ali
+@end smallexample
+You may then install the sources files and the @file{.ali} files. I have never
+tested this step.
+You are now ready to use it.
+For example, here is an example, @file{test_grt.adb} which displays the top
+level design name.
+with System; use System;
+with Grt.Avhpi; use Grt.Avhpi;
+with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
+with Ghdl_Main;
+procedure Test_Grt is
+ -- VHPI handle.
+ H : VhpiHandleT;
+ Status : Integer;
+ -- Name.
+ Name : String (1 .. 64);
+ Name_Len : Integer;
+ -- Elaborate and run the design.
+ Status := Ghdl_Main (0, Null_Address);
+ -- Display the status of the simulation.
+ Put_Line ("Status is " & Integer'Image (Status));
+ -- Get the root instance.
+ Get_Root_Inst(H);
+ -- Disp its name using vhpi API.
+ Vhpi_Get_Str (VhpiNameP, H, Name, Name_Len);
+ Put_Line ("Root instance name: " & Name (1 .. Name_Len));
+end Test_Grt;
+@end example
+First, analyze and bind your design:
+$ ghdl -a counter.vhdl
+$ ghdl --bind counter
+@end smallexample
+Then build the whole:
+$ gnatmake test_grt -aL@var{grt_ali_path} -aI@var{grt_src_path} -largs
+ `ghdl --list-link counter`
+@end smallexample
+Finally, run your design:
+$ ./test_grt
+Status is 0
+Root instance name: counter
+@end smallexample
+@node GHDL implementation of VITAL, Flaws and bugs report, GHDL implementation of VHDL, Top
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@chapter GHDL implementation of VITAL
+@cindex VITAL
+@cindex IEEE 1076.4
+@cindex 1076.4
+This chapter describes how VITAL is implemented in GHDL. Support of VITAL is
+really in a preliminary stage. Do not expect too much of it as now.
+* VITAL packages::
+* VHDL restrictions for VITAL::
+* Backannotation::
+* Negative constraint calculation::
+@end menu
+@node VITAL packages, VHDL restrictions for VITAL, GHDL implementation of VITAL, GHDL implementation of VITAL
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section VITAL packages
+The VITAL standard or IEEE 1076.4 was first published in 1995, and revised in
+The version of the VITAL packages depends on the VHDL standard. VITAL
+1995 packages are used with the VHDL 1987 standard, while VITAL 2000
+packages are used with other standards. This choice is based on the
+requirements of VITAL: VITAL 1995 requires the models follow the VHDL
+1987 standard, while VITAL 2000 requires the models follow VHDL 1993.
+The VITAL 2000 packages were slighly modified so that they conform to
+the VHDL 1993 standard (a few functions are made pure and a few one
+@node VHDL restrictions for VITAL, Backannotation, VITAL packages, GHDL implementation of VITAL
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section VHDL restrictions for VITAL
+The VITAL standard (partially) implemented is the IEEE 1076.4 standard
+published in 1995.
+This standard defines restriction of the VHDL language usage on VITAL
+model. A @dfn{VITAL model} is a design unit (entity or architecture)
+decorated by the @code{VITAL_Level0} or @code{VITAL_Level1} attribute.
+These attributes are defined in the @code{ieee.VITAL_Timing} package.
+Currently, only VITAL level 0 checks are implemented. VITAL level 1 models
+can be analyzed, but GHDL doesn't check they comply with the VITAL standard.
+Moreover, GHDL doesn't check (yet) that timing generics are not read inside
+a VITAL level 0 model prior the VITAL annotation.
+The analysis of a non-conformant VITAL model fails. You can disable the
+checks of VITAL restrictions with the @option{--no-vital-checks}. Even when
+restrictions are not checked, SDF annotation can be performed.
+@node Backannotation, Negative constraint calculation, VHDL restrictions for VITAL, GHDL implementation of VITAL
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section Backannotation
+@cindex SDF
+@dfn{Backannotation} is the process of setting VITAL generics with timing
+information provided by an external files.
+The external files must be SDF (Standard Delay Format) files. GHDL
+supports a tiny subset of SDF version 2.1, other version number can be
+used, provided no features added by the next version are used.
+Hierarchical instance names are not supported. However you can use a list of
+instances. If there is no instance, the top entity will be annotated and
+the celltype must be the name of the top entity. If there is at least one
+instance, the last instance name must be a component instantiation labe, and
+the celltype must be the name of the component declaration instantiated.
+Instances being annotated are not required to be VITAL compliant. However
+generics being annotated must follow rules of VITAL (eg, type must be a
+suitable vital delay type).
+Currently, only timing constraints applying on a timing generic of type
+@code{VitalDelayType01} has been implemented. This SDF annotator is
+just a proof of concept. Features will be added with the following GHDL
+@node Negative constraint calculation, , Backannotation, GHDL implementation of VITAL
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section Negative constraint calculation
+Negative constraint delay adjustement are necessary to handle negative
+constraint such as a negative setup time. This step is defined in the VITAL
+standard and should occurs after backannotation.
+GHDL does not do negative constraint calculation. It fails to handle models
+with negative constraint. I hope to be able to add this phase soon.
+@node Flaws and bugs report, Copyrights, GHDL implementation of VITAL, Top
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@chapter Flaws and bugs report
+The current version of GHDL is really a beta version. Some features of
+VHDL have not been implemented or are only partially implemented. Besides,
+GHDL has not been extensively tested yet.
+* Deficiencies::
+* Reporting bugs::
+* Future improvements::
+@end menu
+@node Deficiencies, Reporting bugs, Flaws and bugs report, Flaws and bugs report
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section Deficiencies
+Here is the non-exhaustive list of flaws:
+@itemize @bullet
+So far, @code{GHDL} has been compiled and tested only on @samp{i386-linux} systems.
+Overflow detection is not yet implemented.
+Some contraint checks are missing.
+VHDL-93 is not completly implemented.
+There are no checks for elaboration order.
+This list is not exhaustive.
+@end itemize
+@node Reporting bugs, Future improvements, Deficiencies, Flaws and bugs report
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section Reporting bugs
+In order to improve GHDL, we welcome bugs report and suggestions for any
+aspect of GHDL. Please email them to @email{ghdl@@free.fr}.
+If the compiler crashes, this is a bug. Reliable tools never crash.
+If your compiled VHDL executable crashes, this may be a bug at
+run time or the code produced may be wrong. However, since VHDL
+has a notion of pointers, an erroneous VHDL program (using invalid
+pointers for example) may crash.
+If the compiler emits an error message for a perfectly valid input or
+does not emit an error message for an invalid input, this may be a bug.
+Please send the input file and what you expected. If you know the LRM
+well enough, please specify the paragraph which has not been well
+implemented. If you don't know the LRM, maybe your bug report will be
+rejected simply because there is no bug. In the latter case, it may be
+difficult to discuss the issue; and comparisons with other VHDL tools
+is not a very strong argument.
+If a compiler message is not clear enough for you, please tell me. The
+error messages can be improved, but I have not enough experience with
+If you have found a mistake in the manual, please send a comment. If
+you have not understood some parts of this manual, please tell me.
+English is not my mother tongue, so this manual may not be well-written.
+Again, rewriting part of it is a good way to improve it.
+If you send a @code{VHDL} file producing a bug, it is a good idea to try
+to make it as short as possible. It is also a good idea to make it
+looking like a test: write a comment which explains wether the file
+should compile, and if yes, whether or not it should run successfully.
+In the latter case, an assert statement should finish the test; the
+severity level note indicates success, while a severity level failure
+indicates failure.
+For bug reports, please include enough information for the maintainers to
+reproduce the problem. This includes:
+@itemize @bullet
+the version of @code{GHDL} (you can get it with @samp{ghdl --version}).
+the operating system
+whether you have built @code{GHDL} from sources or used the binary
+the content of the input files
+a description of the problem and samples of any erroneous input
+anything else that you think would be helpful.
+@end itemize
+@node Future improvements, , Reporting bugs, Flaws and bugs report
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@section Future improvements
+I have several axes for @code{GHDL} improvements:
+@itemize @bullet
+Better diagnostics messages (warning and error).
+Full support of VHDL-87 and VHDL-93.
+Support of VHDL-02.
+Optimization (simulation speed).
+Graphical tools (to see waves and to debug)
+Style checks
+VITAL acceleration
+@end itemize
+@c And without any order:
+@c VHPI
+@c AMS
+@c verilog
+@node Copyrights, Index, Flaws and bugs report, Top
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@chapter Copyrights
+The GHDL front-end, the @samp{std.textio} package and the run-time
+library (grt) are copyrighted Tristan Gingold, come with @emph{absolutely
+no warranty}, and are distributed under the conditions of the General
+Public License.
+The @samp{ieee.numeric_bit} and @samp{ieee.numeric_std} packages are
+copyrighted by the IEEE. The source files may be distributed without
+change, except as permitted by the standard.
+@comment FIXME: this sounds strange
+This source file may not be
+sold or distributed for profit. See the source file and the IEEE 1076.3
+standard for more information.
+The @samp{ieee.std_logic_1164} package is copyrighted by the IEEE. See
+source file and the IEEE 1164 standard for more information.
+The @samp{ieee.VITAL_Primitives}, @samp{ieee.VITAL_Timing} and
+@samp{ieee.VITAL_Memory} packages are copyrighted by IEEE. See source
+file and the IEEE 1076.4 standards for more information.
+The @samp{ieee.Math_Real} and @samp{ieee.Math_Complex} packages are
+copyrighted by IEEE. These are draft versions which may used and distributed
+without restriction. These packages cannot be sold or distributed for profit.
+See source files for more information.
+The packages @samp{std_logic_arith}, @c @samp{std_logic_misc},
+@samp{std_logic_signed}, @samp{std_logic_unsigned} and
+@samp{std_logic_textio} contained in the @samp{synopsys} directory are
+copyrighted by Synopsys, Inc. The source files may be used and
+distributed without restriction provided that the copyright statements
+are not removed from the files and that any derivative work contains the
+copyright notice. See the source files for more information.
+The package @samp{std_logic_arith} contained in the @samp{mentor}
+directory is copyrighted by Mentor Graphics. The source files may be
+distributed in whole without restriction provided that the copyright
+statement is not removed from the file and that any derivative work
+contains this copyright notice. See the source files for more information.
+As a consequence of the run-time copyright, you may not be allowed to
+distribute an executable produced by @code{GHDL} without the VHDL
+sources. To my mind, this is not a real restriction, since there is no
+points in distributing VHDL executable. Please, send a comment
+(@pxref{Reporting bugs}) if you don't like this policy.
+@node Index, , Copyrights, Top
+@unnumbered Index
+@printindex cp
diff --git a/errorout.adb b/errorout.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e5ba40d54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/errorout.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1055 @@
+-- Error message handling.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Text_IO;
+with Ada.Command_Line;
+with Types; use Types;
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+with Scan;
+with Tokens; use Tokens;
+with Name_Table;
+with Iirs_Utils;
+with Files_Map; use Files_Map;
+with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
+with Std_Names;
+with Flags;
+package body Errorout is
+ procedure Put (Str : String)
+ is
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ begin
+ Put (Standard_Error, Str);
+ end Put;
+ procedure Put (C : Character)
+ is
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ begin
+ Put (Standard_Error, C);
+ end Put;
+ procedure Put_Line (Str : String)
+ is
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ begin
+ Put_Line (Standard_Error, Str);
+ end Put_Line;
+ procedure Disp_Natural (Val: Natural) is
+ Str: String := Natural'Image (Val);
+ begin
+ Put (Str(Str'First + 1 .. Str'Last));
+ end Disp_Natural;
+ procedure Error_Msg (Msg: String) is
+ begin
+ Put (Ada.Command_Line.Command_Name);
+ Put (": ");
+ Put_Line (Msg);
+ end Error_Msg;
+ procedure Error_Kind (Msg : String; An_Iir : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Put_Line (Msg & ": can't handle "
+ & Iir_Kind'Image (Get_Kind (An_Iir))
+ & " (" & Disp_Location (An_Iir) & ')');
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end Error_Kind;
+ procedure Error_Kind (Msg : String; Def : Iir_Predefined_Functions) is
+ begin
+ Put_Line (Msg & ": can't handle "
+ & Iir_Predefined_Functions'Image (Def));
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end Error_Kind;
+ -- Disp an error, prepended with program name.
+ -- This is used for errors before initialisation, such as bad option or
+ -- bad filename.
+ procedure Error_Msg_Option (Msg: String) is
+ begin
+ Put (Ada.Command_Line.Command_Name);
+ Put (":*command-line*: ");
+ Put_Line (Msg);
+ raise Option_Error;
+ end Error_Msg_Option;
+ procedure Disp_Location
+ (File: Name_Id; Line: Natural; Col: Natural) is
+ begin
+ Put (Name_Table.Image (File));
+ Put (':');
+ Disp_Natural (Line);
+ Put (':');
+ Disp_Natural (Col);
+ Put (':');
+ end Disp_Location;
+ procedure Disp_Current_Location is
+ begin
+ Disp_Location (Scan.Get_Current_File,
+ Scan.Get_Current_Line,
+ Scan.Get_Current_Column);
+ end Disp_Current_Location;
+ procedure Disp_Token_Location is
+ begin
+ Disp_Location (Scan.Get_Current_File,
+ Scan.Get_Current_Line,
+ Scan.Get_Token_Column);
+ end Disp_Token_Location;
+ procedure Disp_Location (Loc : Location_Type)
+ is
+ Name : Name_Id;
+ Line : Natural;
+ Col : Natural;
+ begin
+ if Loc = Location_Nil then
+ -- Avoid a crash, but should not happen.
+ Put ("??:??:??:");
+ else
+ Location_To_Position (Loc, Name, Line, Col);
+ Disp_Location (Name, Line, Col);
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Location;
+ function Get_Location_Safe (N : Iir) return Location_Type is
+ begin
+ if N = Null_Iir then
+ return Location_Nil;
+ else
+ return Get_Location (N);
+ end if;
+ end Get_Location_Safe;
+ procedure Disp_Iir_Location (An_Iir: Iir) is
+ begin
+ Disp_Location (Get_Location_Safe (An_Iir));
+ end Disp_Iir_Location;
+ procedure Warning_Msg (Msg: String) is
+ begin
+ Put ("warning: ");
+ Put_Line (Msg);
+ end Warning_Msg;
+ procedure Warning_Msg_Parse (Msg: String) is
+ begin
+ if Flags.Flag_Only_Elab_Warnings then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Disp_Token_Location;
+ if Flags.Warn_Error then
+ Nbr_Errors := Nbr_Errors + 1;
+ Put (" ");
+ else
+ Put ("warning: ");
+ end if;
+ Put_Line (Msg);
+ end Warning_Msg_Parse;
+ procedure Warning_Msg_Sem (Msg: String; Loc : Location_Type) is
+ begin
+ if Flags.Flag_Only_Elab_Warnings then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Disp_Location (Loc);
+ if Flags.Warn_Error then
+ Nbr_Errors := Nbr_Errors + 1;
+ Put (" ");
+ else
+ Put ("warning: ");
+ end if;
+ Put_Line (Msg);
+ end Warning_Msg_Sem;
+ procedure Warning_Msg_Sem (Msg: String; Loc : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Warning_Msg_Sem (Msg, Get_Location_Safe (Loc));
+ end Warning_Msg_Sem;
+ procedure Warning_Msg_Elab (Msg: String; Loc : Location_Type) is
+ begin
+ Disp_Location (Loc);
+ if Flags.Warn_Error then
+ Nbr_Errors := Nbr_Errors + 1;
+ Put (" ");
+ else
+ Put ("warning: ");
+ end if;
+ Put_Line (Msg);
+ end Warning_Msg_Elab;
+ procedure Warning_Msg_Elab (Msg: String; Loc : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Warning_Msg_Elab (Msg, Get_Location_Safe (Loc));
+ end Warning_Msg_Elab;
+ procedure Disp_Current_Token;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Disp_Current_Token);
+ procedure Disp_Current_Token is
+ begin
+ case Scan.Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Identifier =>
+ Put ("identifier """
+ & Name_Table.Image (Scan.Current_Identifier) & """");
+ when others =>
+ Put (Token_Type'Image (Scan.Current_Token));
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Current_Token;
+ -- Disp a message during scan.
+ procedure Error_Msg_Scan (Msg: String) is
+ begin
+ Nbr_Errors := Nbr_Errors + 1;
+ Disp_Current_Location;
+ Put (' ');
+ Put_Line (Msg);
+ end Error_Msg_Scan;
+ -- Disp a message during scan.
+ procedure Warning_Msg_Scan (Msg: String) is
+ begin
+ Disp_Current_Location;
+ Put ("warning: ");
+ Put_Line (Msg);
+ end Warning_Msg_Scan;
+ -- Disp a message during scan.
+ procedure Error_Msg_Parse (Msg: String) is
+ begin
+ Nbr_Errors := Nbr_Errors + 1;
+ Disp_Token_Location;
+ Put (' ');
+ Put_Line (Msg);
+ end Error_Msg_Parse;
+ procedure Error_Msg_Parse (Msg: String; Loc : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Nbr_Errors := Nbr_Errors + 1;
+ Disp_Iir_Location (Loc);
+ Put (' ');
+ Put_Line (Msg);
+ end Error_Msg_Parse;
+ procedure Error_Msg_Parse (Msg: String; Loc : Location_Type) is
+ begin
+ Nbr_Errors := Nbr_Errors + 1;
+ Disp_Location (Loc);
+ Put (' ');
+ Put_Line (Msg);
+ end Error_Msg_Parse;
+ -- Disp a message during semantic analysis.
+ -- LOC is used for location and current token.
+ procedure Error_Msg_Sem (Msg: String; Loc: in Iir) is
+ begin
+ Nbr_Errors := Nbr_Errors + 1;
+ if Loc /= Null_Iir then
+ Disp_Iir_Location (Loc);
+ Put (' ');
+ end if;
+ Put_Line (Msg);
+ end Error_Msg_Sem;
+ procedure Error_Msg_Sem (Msg: String; Loc : Location_Type) is
+ begin
+ Nbr_Errors := Nbr_Errors + 1;
+ Disp_Location (Loc);
+ Put (' ');
+ Put_Line (Msg);
+ end Error_Msg_Sem;
+ -- Disp a message during elaboration.
+ procedure Error_Msg_Elab (Msg: String) is
+ begin
+ Nbr_Errors := Nbr_Errors + 1;
+ Put ("error: ");
+ Put_Line (Msg);
+ end Error_Msg_Elab;
+ procedure Error_Msg_Elab (Msg: String; Loc : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Nbr_Errors := Nbr_Errors + 1;
+ Disp_Iir_Location (Loc);
+ Put (' ');
+ Put_Line (Msg);
+ end Error_Msg_Elab;
+ -- Disp a message during execution.
+ procedure Error_Msg_Exec (Msg: String; Loc: in Iir) is
+ begin
+ Nbr_Errors := Nbr_Errors + 1;
+ Disp_Iir_Location (Loc);
+ Put (' ');
+ Put_Line (Msg);
+ raise Simulation_Error;
+ end Error_Msg_Exec;
+ procedure Warning_Msg_Exec (Msg: String; Loc: Iir) is
+ begin
+ Disp_Iir_Location (Loc);
+ Put ("warning: ");
+ Put_Line (Msg);
+ end Warning_Msg_Exec;
+ -- Disp a message for a constraint error.
+ procedure Error_Msg_Constraint (Expr: in Iir) is
+ begin
+ Nbr_Errors := Nbr_Errors + 1;
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Disp_Iir_Location (Expr);
+ end if;
+ Put ("constraint violation");
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ case Get_Kind (Expr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Addition_Operator =>
+ Put_Line (" in the ""+"" operation");
+ when Iir_Kind_Substraction_Operator =>
+ Put_Line (" in the ""-"" operation");
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal =>
+ Put_Line (", literal out of range");
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
+ Put_Line (" for " & Disp_Node (Expr));
+ when others =>
+ Put_Line ("");
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ raise Execution_Constraint_Error;
+ end Error_Msg_Constraint;
+ -- Disp a bug message.
+ procedure Error_Internal (Expr: in Iir; Msg: String := "")
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Expr);
+ begin
+ Put ("internal error: ");
+ Put_Line (Msg);
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end Error_Internal;
+ function Disp_Label (Node : Iir; Str : String) return String
+ is
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Id := Get_Label (Node);
+ if Id = Null_Identifier then
+ return "(unlabeled) " & Str;
+ else
+ return Str & " labeled """ & Name_Table.Image (Id) & """";
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Label;
+ -- Disp a node.
+ -- Used for output of message.
+ function Disp_Node (Node: Iir) return String is
+ function Disp_Identifier (Node : Iir; Str : String) return String
+ is
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Node);
+ return Str & " """ & Name_Table.Image (Id) & """";
+ end Disp_Identifier;
+ function Disp_Type (Node : Iir; Str : String) return String
+ is
+ Decl: Iir;
+ begin
+ Decl := Get_Type_Declarator (Node);
+ if Decl = Null_Iir then
+ return "the anonymous " & Str
+ & " defined at " & Disp_Location (Node);
+ else
+ return Disp_Identifier (Decl, Str);
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Type;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Node) is
+ when Iir_Kind_String_Literal =>
+ return "string literal """
+ & Iirs_Utils.Image_String_Lit (Node) & """";
+ when Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal =>
+ return "bit string literal """
+ & Iirs_Utils.Image_String_Lit (Node) & """";
+ when Iir_Kind_Character_Literal =>
+ return "character literal " & Iirs_Utils.Image_Identifier (Node);
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal =>
+ return "integer literal";
+ when Iir_Kind_Floating_Point_Literal =>
+ return "floating point literal";
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal =>
+ return "physical literal";
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+ return "enumeration literal " & Iirs_Utils.Image_Identifier (Node);
+ when Iir_Kind_Element_Declaration =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "element");
+ when Iir_Kind_Null_Literal =>
+ return "null literal";
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate =>
+ return "aggregate";
+ when Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "physical unit");
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Aggregate =>
+ return "locally static array literal";
+ -- Should never be displayed, but for completness...
+ when Iir_Kind_Proxy =>
+ return "proxy";
+ when Iir_Kind_Operator_Symbol =>
+ return "operator name";
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate_Info =>
+ return "aggregate info";
+ when Iir_Kind_Signature =>
+ return "signature";
+ when Iir_Kind_Waveform_Element =>
+ return "waveform element";
+ when Iir_Kind_Conditional_Waveform =>
+ return "conditional waveform";
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open =>
+ return "open association element";
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual =>
+ return "individual association element";
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression =>
+ return "association element";
+ when Iir_Kind_Overload_List =>
+ return "overloaded name or expression";
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ return Disp_Type (Node, "array type");
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ return Disp_Type (Node, "array subtype");
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
+ return Disp_Type (Node, "record type");
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
+ return Disp_Type (Node, "record subtype");
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition =>
+ return Disp_Type (Node, "enumeration subtype");
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition =>
+ return Disp_Type (Node, "integer subtype");
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition =>
+ return Disp_Type (Node, "physical type");
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition =>
+ return Disp_Type (Node, "physical subtype");
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
+ return Disp_Type (Node, "file type");
+ when Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition =>
+ return Disp_Type (Node, "access type");
+ when Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition =>
+ return Disp_Type (Node, "access subtype");
+ when Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition =>
+ return Disp_Type (Node, "floating type");
+ when Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition =>
+ return Disp_Type (Node, "incomplete type");
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
+ return Disp_Type (Node, "protected type");
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body =>
+ return Disp_Type (Node, "protected type body");
+ when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition =>
+ return "subtype definition";
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression =>
+ return "choice by expression";
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range =>
+ return "choice by range";
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Name =>
+ return "choice by name";
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others =>
+ return "others choice";
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None =>
+ return "positionnal choice";
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
+ return Iirs_Utils.Image_Identifier (Get_Type_Declarator (Node));
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
+ return "function call";
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement =>
+ return "procedure call statement";
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call =>
+ return "procedure call";
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ Name_Table.Image (Get_Suffix_Identifier (Node));
+ return '''
+ & Name_Table.Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Table.Name_Length)
+ & ''';
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name =>
+ Name_Table.Image (Get_Identifier (Node));
+ return '''
+ & Name_Table.Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Table.Name_Length)
+ & ''';
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity =>
+ return Disp_Node (Get_Entity (Node))
+ & '(' & Iirs_Utils.Image_Identifier (Get_Architecture (Node))
+ & ')';
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Configuration =>
+ return "configuration entity aspect";
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Open =>
+ return "open entity aspect";
+ when Iir_Kinds_Monadic_Operator
+ | Iir_Kinds_Dyadic_Operator =>
+ return "operator """
+ & Name_Table.Image (Iirs_Utils.Get_Operator_Name (Node))
+ & """";
+ when Iir_Kind_Qualified_Expression =>
+ return "qualified expression";
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion =>
+ return "type conversion";
+ when Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Subtype
+ | Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Expression =>
+ return "allocator";
+ when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name =>
+ return "indexed name";
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
+ return "range expression";
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference =>
+ return "implicit access dereference";
+ when Iir_Kind_Dereference =>
+ return "access dereference";
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Element =>
+ return "selected element";
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name =>
+ return ".all name";
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration =>
+ case Get_Kind (Get_Parent (Node)) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Header =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "generic");
+ when others =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "constant interface");
+ end case;
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ case Get_Kind (Get_Parent (Node)) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Header =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "port");
+ when others =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "signal interface");
+ end case;
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "variable interface");
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "file interface");
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "signal");
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "variable");
+ when Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "constant");
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "file");
+ when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "alias");
+ when Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "non-object alias");
+ when Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration =>
+ return "GUARD signal";
+ when Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "group template");
+ when Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "group");
+ when Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Library_Clause =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "library");
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_File =>
+ return "design file";
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "procedure");
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Body =>
+ return "subprogram body";
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "function");
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "package");
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "package body");
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "entity");
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "architecture") &
+ " of" & Disp_Identifier (Get_Entity (Node), "");
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
+ declare
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ Ent : Iir;
+ Arch : Iir;
+ begin
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Node);
+ if Id /= Null_Identifier then
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "configuration");
+ else
+ Ent := Get_Library_Unit (Get_Entity (Node));
+ Arch := Get_Block_Specification
+ (Get_Block_Configuration (Node));
+ return "default configuration of "
+ & Iirs_Utils.Image_Identifier (Ent)
+ & '(' & Iirs_Utils.Image_Identifier (Arch) & ')';
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "component");
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit =>
+ return Disp_Node (Get_Library_Unit (Node));
+ when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause =>
+ return "use clause";
+ when Iir_Kind_Disconnection_Specification =>
+ return "disconnection specification";
+ when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
+ return "slice";
+ when Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name =>
+ return "function call, slice or indexed name";
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "type");
+ when Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "type");
+ when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "subtype");
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "component instance");
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification =>
+ return "configuration specification";
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration =>
+ return "component configuration";
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "implicit function")
+ & Disp_Identifier (Get_Type_Reference (Node), " of type");
+-- return "implicit function "
+-- & Iirs_Utils.Get_Predefined_Function_Name
+-- (Get_Implicit_Definition (Node));
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ return "implicit procedure "
+ & Iirs_Utils.Get_Predefined_Function_Name
+ (Get_Implicit_Definition (Node));
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement =>
+ return "concurrent procedure call";
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ return "generate statement";
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration =>
+ return Disp_Identifier (Node, "attribute");
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification =>
+ return "attribute specification";
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Class =>
+ return "entity class";
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value =>
+ return "attribute value";
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name =>
+ return "attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Base_Attribute =>
+ return "'base attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Length_Array_Attribute =>
+ return "'length attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ return "'range attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ return "'reverse_range attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Ascending_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Ascending_Array_Attribute =>
+ return "'ascending attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Left_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Left_Array_Attribute =>
+ return "'left attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Right_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Right_Array_Attribute =>
+ return "'right attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Low_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Low_Array_Attribute =>
+ return "'low attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Leftof_Attribute =>
+ return "'leftof attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Rightof_Attribute =>
+ return "'rightof attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Pred_Attribute =>
+ return "'pred attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Succ_Attribute =>
+ return "'succ attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Pos_Attribute =>
+ return "'pos attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Val_Attribute =>
+ return "'val attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Image_Attribute =>
+ return "'image attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Value_Attribute =>
+ return "'value attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_High_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_High_Array_Attribute =>
+ return "'high attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute =>
+ return "'transaction attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute =>
+ return "'stable attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute =>
+ return "'quiet attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute =>
+ return "'delayed attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Driving_Attribute =>
+ return "'driving attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Driving_Value_Attribute =>
+ return "'driving_value attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Event_Attribute =>
+ return "'event attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Active_Attribute =>
+ return "'active attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Last_Event_Attribute =>
+ return "'last_event attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Last_Active_Attribute =>
+ return "'last_active attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Last_Value_Attribute =>
+ return "'last_value attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Behavior_Attribute =>
+ return "'behavior attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Structure_Attribute =>
+ return "'structure attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Path_Name_Attribute =>
+ return "'path_name attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Instance_Name_Attribute =>
+ return "'instance_name attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name_Attribute =>
+ return "'simple_name attribute";
+ when Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement =>
+ return Disp_Label (Node, "for loop statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement =>
+ return Disp_Label (Node, "loop statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
+ return Disp_Label (Node, "process");
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ return Disp_Label (Node, "block statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Header =>
+ return "block header";
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment =>
+ return Disp_Label
+ (Node, "concurrent conditional signal assignment");
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment =>
+ return Disp_Label
+ (Node, "concurrent selected signal assignment");
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement =>
+ return Disp_Label (Node, "concurrent assertion");
+ when Iir_Kind_If_Statement =>
+ return Disp_Label (Node, "if statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_Elsif =>
+ return Disp_Label (Node, "else/elsif statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_Next_Statement =>
+ return Disp_Label (Node, "next statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement =>
+ return Disp_Label (Node, "exit statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_Case_Statement =>
+ return Disp_Label (Node, "case statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_Return_Statement =>
+ return Disp_Label (Node, "return statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement =>
+ return Disp_Label (Node, "signal assignment statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement =>
+ return Disp_Label (Node, "variable assignment statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_Null_Statement =>
+ return Disp_Label (Node, "null statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement =>
+ return Disp_Label (Node, "wait statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement =>
+ return Disp_Label (Node, "assertion statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_Report_Statement =>
+ return Disp_Label (Node, "report statement");
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration =>
+ return "block configuration";
+ when Iir_Kind_Binding_Indication =>
+ return "binding indication";
+ when Iir_Kind_Error =>
+ return "error";
+-- when others =>
+-- Error_Kind ("disp_node", Node);
+-- return "???";
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Node;
+ -- Disp a node location.
+ -- Used for output of message.
+ function Get_Location_Str
+ (Name : Name_Id; Line, Col : Natural; Filename : Boolean)
+ return String
+ is
+ Line_Str : String := Natural'Image (Line);
+ Col_Str : String := Natural'Image (Col);
+ begin
+ if Filename then
+ return Name_Table.Image (Name)
+ & ':' & Line_Str (Line_Str'First + 1 .. Line_Str'Last)
+ & ':' & Col_Str (Col_Str'First + 1 .. Col_Str'Last);
+ else
+ return Line_Str (Line_Str'First + 1 .. Line_Str'Last)
+ & ':' & Col_Str (Col_Str'First + 1 .. Col_Str'Last);
+ end if;
+ end Get_Location_Str;
+ function Get_Location_Str (Loc : Location_Type; Filename : Boolean := True)
+ return string
+ is
+ Line, Col : Natural;
+ Name : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ if Loc = Location_Nil then
+ -- Avoid a crash.
+ return "??:??:??:";
+ else
+ Location_To_Position (Loc, Name, Line, Col);
+ return Get_Location_Str (Name, Line, Col, Filename);
+ end if;
+ end Get_Location_Str;
+ function Disp_Location (Node: Iir) return String is
+ begin
+ return Get_Location_Str (Get_Location (Node));
+ end Disp_Location;
+ function Disp_Name (Kind : Iir_Kind) return String is
+ begin
+ case Kind is
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
+ return "constant declaration";
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
+ return "signal declaration";
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration =>
+ return "variable declaration";
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
+ return "file declaration";
+ when others =>
+ return "???" & Iir_Kind'Image (Kind);
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Name;
+ function Image (N : Iir_Int64) return String
+ is
+ Res : String := Iir_Int64'Image (N);
+ begin
+ if Res (1) = ' ' then
+ return Res (2 .. Res'Last);
+ else
+ return Res;
+ end if;
+ end Image;
+ function Disp_Discrete (Dtype : Iir; Pos : Iir_Int64) return String is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Dtype) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition =>
+ return Image (Pos);
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
+ return Name_Table.Image
+ (Get_Identifier (Get_Nth_Element
+ (Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Dtype),
+ Natural (Pos))));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("disp_discrete", Dtype);
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Discrete;
+ function Disp_Subprg (Subprg : Iir) return String
+ is
+ use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
+ Res : Unbounded_String;
+ procedure Append_Type (Def : Iir)
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ begin
+ Image (Get_Identifier (Get_Type_Declarator (Def)));
+ Append (Res, Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length));
+ end Append_Type;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Subprg) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+ Append (Res, "enumeration literal ");
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration =>
+ Append (Res, "implicit function ");
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ Append (Res, "implicit procedure ");
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
+ Append (Res, "function ");
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ Append (Res, "procedure ");
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("disp_subprg", Subprg);
+ end case;
+ declare
+ use Name_Table;
+ Id : Name_Id := Get_Identifier (Subprg);
+ begin
+ Image (Id);
+ case Id is
+ when Std_Names.Name_Id_Operators
+ | Std_Names.Name_Word_Operators
+ | Std_Names.Name_Xnor
+ | Std_Names.Name_Shift_Operators =>
+ Append (Res, """");
+ Append (Res, Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length));
+ Append (Res, """");
+ when others =>
+ Append (Res, Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length));
+ end case;
+ end;
+ Append (Res, " [");
+ case Get_Kind (Subprg) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ declare
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ El := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Subprg);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Append_Type (Get_Type (El));
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Append (Res, ", ");
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ case Get_Kind (Subprg) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+ Append (Res, " return ");
+ Append_Type (Get_Return_Type (Subprg));
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Append (Res, "]");
+ return To_String (Res);
+ end Disp_Subprg;
+ -- DEF must be any type definition.
+ -- Return the type name of DEF, handle anonymous subtypes.
+ function Disp_Type_Name (Def : Iir) return String
+ is
+ use Iirs_Utils;
+ Decl : Iir;
+ begin
+ Decl := Get_Type_Declarator (Def);
+ if Decl /= Null_Iir then
+ return Image_Identifier (Decl);
+ else
+ Decl := Get_Type_Declarator (Get_Base_Type (Def));
+ return "a subtype of " & Image_Identifier (Decl);
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Type_Name;
+ function Disp_Type_Of (Node : Iir) return String
+ is
+ A_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ A_Type := Get_Type (Node);
+ if A_Type = Null_Iir then
+ return "unknown";
+ elsif Get_Kind (A_Type) = Iir_Kind_Overload_List then
+ declare
+ use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
+ Res : Unbounded_String;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ El : Iir;
+ Nbr : Natural;
+ begin
+ List := Get_Overload_List (A_Type);
+ Nbr := Get_Nbr_Elements (List);
+ if Nbr = 0 then
+ return "unknown";
+ elsif Nbr = 1 then
+ return Disp_Type_Name (Get_First_Element (List));
+ else
+ Append (Res, "one of ");
+ for I in 0 .. Nbr - 1 loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ Append (Res, Disp_Type_Name (El));
+ if I < Nbr - 2 then
+ Append (Res, ", ");
+ elsif I = Nbr - 2 then
+ Append (Res, " or ");
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return To_String (Res);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ else
+ return Disp_Type_Name (A_Type);
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Type_Of;
+ procedure Error_Pure (Caller : Iir; Callee : Iir; Loc : Iir)
+ is
+ L : Location_Type;
+ begin
+ if Loc = Null_Iir then
+ L := Get_Location (Caller);
+ else
+ L := Get_Location (Loc);
+ end if;
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("pure " & Disp_Node (Caller) & " cannot call (impure) "
+ & Disp_Node (Callee), L);
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("(" & Disp_Node (Callee) & " is defined here)", Callee);
+ end Error_Pure;
+ procedure Error_Not_Match (Expr: Iir; A_Type: Iir; Loc : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("can't match " & Disp_Node (Expr) & " with type "
+ & Disp_Node (A_Type), Loc);
+ if Loc /= Expr then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("(location of " & Disp_Node (Expr) & ")", Expr);
+ end if;
+ end Error_Not_Match;
+end Errorout;
diff --git a/errorout.ads b/errorout.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8707d2d7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/errorout.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+-- Error message handling.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Types; use Types;
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+package Errorout is
+ Option_Error: exception;
+ Parse_Error: exception;
+ Compilation_Error: exception;
+ Simulation_Error: exception;
+ Elaboration_Error : exception;
+ -- This exception is raised when a constraint error is detected during
+ -- an evaluation of an expression.
+ Execution_Constraint_Error: exception;
+ -- This kind can't be handled.
+ --procedure Error_Kind (Msg: String; Kind: Iir_Kind);
+ procedure Error_Kind (Msg: String; An_Iir: in Iir);
+ procedure Error_Kind (Msg: String; Def : Iir_Predefined_Functions);
+ pragma No_Return (Error_Kind);
+ -- Raise when an assertion of failure severity error fails.
+ Assertion_Failure: exception;
+ -- The number of errors (ie, number of calls to error_msg*).
+ Nbr_Errors: Natural := 0;
+ -- Disp an error, prepended with program name.
+ procedure Error_Msg (Msg: String);
+ -- Disp an error, prepended with program name, and raise option_error.
+ -- This is used for errors before initialisation, such as bad option or
+ -- bad filename.
+ procedure Error_Msg_Option (Msg: String);
+ -- Disp an error location (using AN_IIR location) using the standard
+ -- format `file:line:col: '.
+ procedure Disp_Iir_Location (An_Iir: Iir);
+ -- Disp a warning.
+ procedure Warning_Msg (Msg: String);
+ procedure Warning_Msg_Parse (Msg: String);
+ procedure Warning_Msg_Sem (Msg: String; Loc : Iir);
+ procedure Warning_Msg_Elab (Msg: String; Loc : Iir);
+ procedure Warning_Msg_Sem (Msg: String; Loc : Location_Type);
+ -- Disp a message during scan.
+ -- The current location is automatically displayed before the message.
+ procedure Error_Msg_Scan (Msg: String);
+ procedure Warning_Msg_Scan (Msg: String);
+ -- Disp a message during parse
+ -- The location of the current token is automatically displayed before
+ -- the message.
+ procedure Error_Msg_Parse (Msg: String);
+ procedure Error_Msg_Parse (Msg: String; Loc : Iir);
+ procedure Error_Msg_Parse (Msg: String; Loc : Location_Type);
+ -- Disp a message during semantic analysis.
+ -- an_iir is used for location and current token.
+ procedure Error_Msg_Sem (Msg: String; Loc: Iir);
+ procedure Error_Msg_Sem (Msg: String; Loc: Location_Type);
+ -- Disp a message during elaboration.
+ procedure Error_Msg_Elab (Msg: String);
+ procedure Error_Msg_Elab (Msg: String; Loc: Iir);
+ -- Disp a message during execution.
+ procedure Error_Msg_Exec (Msg: String; Loc: Iir);
+ pragma No_Return (Error_Msg_Exec);
+ procedure Warning_Msg_Exec (Msg: String; Loc: Iir);
+ -- Disp a message for a constraint error.
+ -- And raise the exception execution_constraint_error.
+ procedure Error_Msg_Constraint (Expr: Iir);
+ -- Disp a bug message.
+ procedure Error_Internal (Expr: Iir; Msg: String := "");
+ pragma No_Return (Error_Internal);
+ -- Disp a node.
+ -- Used for output of message.
+ function Disp_Node (Node: Iir) return String;
+ -- Disp a node location.
+ -- Used for output of message.
+ function Disp_Location (Node: Iir) return String;
+ function Get_Location_Str (Loc : Location_Type; Filename : Boolean := True)
+ return String;
+ -- Disp non-terminal name from KIND.
+ function Disp_Name (Kind : Iir_Kind) return String;
+ -- SUBPRG must be a subprogram declaration or an enumeration literal
+ -- declaration.
+ -- Returns:
+ -- "enumeration literal XX [ return TYPE ]"
+ -- "function XXX [ TYPE1, TYPE2 return TYPE ]"
+ -- "procedure XXX [ TYPE1, TYPE2 ]"
+ -- "implicit function XXX [ TYPE1, TYPE2 return TYPE ]"
+ -- "implicit procedure XXX [ TYPE1, TYPE2 ]"
+ function Disp_Subprg (Subprg : Iir) return String;
+ -- Print element POS of discrete type DTYPE.
+ function Disp_Discrete (Dtype : Iir; Pos : Iir_Int64) return String;
+ -- Disp the name of the type of NODE if known.
+ -- Disp "unknown" if it is not known.
+ -- Disp all possible types if it is an overload list.
+ function Disp_Type_Of (Node : Iir) return String;
+ -- Disp an error message when a pure function CALLER calls impure CALLEE.
+ procedure Error_Pure (Caller : Iir; Callee : Iir; Loc : Iir);
+ -- Report an error message as type of EXPR does not match A_TYPE.
+ -- Location is LOC.
+ procedure Error_Not_Match (Expr: Iir; A_Type: Iir; Loc : Iir);
+end Errorout;
diff --git a/evaluation.adb b/evaluation.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c64eea451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/evaluation.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,2030 @@
+-- Evaluation of static expressions.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Types; use Types;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Name_Table; use Name_Table;
+with Str_Table;
+with Iirs_Utils; use Iirs_Utils;
+with Std_Package; use Std_Package;
+with Flags;
+with Std_Names;
+package body Evaluation is
+ function Get_Physical_Value (Expr : Iir) return Iir_Int64 is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Expr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal =>
+ return Get_Value (Expr)
+ * Get_Value (Get_Physical_Unit_Value (Get_Unit_Name (Expr)));
+ when Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration =>
+ return Get_Value (Get_Physical_Unit_Value (Expr));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("get_physical_value", Expr);
+ end case;
+ end Get_Physical_Value;
+ function Build_Integer (Val : Iir_Int64; Origin : Iir)
+ return Iir_Integer_Literal
+ is
+ Res : Iir_Integer_Literal;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Origin);
+ Set_Value (Res, Val);
+ Set_Type (Res, Get_Type (Origin));
+ Set_Literal_Origin (Res, Origin);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, Locally);
+ return Res;
+ end Build_Integer;
+ function Build_Floating (Val : Iir_Fp64; Origin : Iir)
+ return Iir_Floating_Point_Literal
+ is
+ Res : Iir_Floating_Point_Literal;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Floating_Point_Literal);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Origin);
+ Set_Fp_Value (Res, Val);
+ Set_Type (Res, Get_Type (Origin));
+ Set_Literal_Origin (Res, Origin);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, Locally);
+ return Res;
+ end Build_Floating;
+ function Build_Enumeration (Val : Iir_Index32; Origin : Iir)
+ return Iir_Enumeration_Literal
+ is
+ Res : Iir_Enumeration_Literal;
+ Enum_Type : Iir;
+ Enum_List : Iir_List;
+ Lit : Iir_Enumeration_Literal;
+ begin
+ Enum_Type := Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Origin));
+ Enum_List := Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Enum_Type);
+ Lit := Get_Nth_Element (Enum_List, Integer (Val));
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal);
+ Set_Identifier (Res, Get_Identifier (Lit));
+ Location_Copy (Res, Origin);
+ Set_Enum_Pos (Res, Iir_Int32 (Val));
+ Set_Type (Res, Get_Type (Origin));
+ Set_Literal_Origin (Res, Origin);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, Locally);
+ Set_Enumeration_Decl (Res, Lit);
+ return Res;
+ end Build_Enumeration;
+ function Build_Boolean (Cond : Boolean; Origin : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ return Build_Enumeration (Boolean'Pos (Cond), Origin);
+ end Build_Boolean;
+ function Build_Physical (Val : Iir_Int64; Origin : Iir)
+ return Iir_Physical_Int_Literal
+ is
+ Res : Iir_Physical_Int_Literal;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Origin);
+ Set_Unit_Name (Res, Get_Primary_Unit (Get_Type (Origin)));
+ Set_Value (Res, Val);
+ Set_Type (Res, Get_Type (Origin));
+ Set_Literal_Origin (Res, Origin);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, Locally);
+ return Res;
+ end Build_Physical;
+ function Build_Discrete (Val : Iir_Int64; Origin : Iir)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Get_Type (Origin)) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition =>
+ return Build_Enumeration (Iir_Index32 (Val), Origin);
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition =>
+ return Build_Integer (Val, Origin);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("build_discrete", Get_Type (Origin));
+ end case;
+ end Build_Discrete;
+ function Build_String (Val : String_Id; Len : Nat32; Origin : Iir)
+ return Iir_String_Literal
+ is
+ Res : Iir_String_Literal;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_String_Literal);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Origin);
+ Set_String_Id (Res, Val);
+ Set_String_Length (Res, Len);
+ Set_Type (Res, Get_Type (Origin));
+ Set_Literal_Origin (Res, Origin);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, Locally);
+ return Res;
+ end Build_String;
+ function Build_Simple_Aggregate
+ (El_List : Iir_List; Origin : Iir; Stype : Iir)
+ return Iir_Simple_Aggregate
+ is
+ Res : Iir_Simple_Aggregate;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Simple_Aggregate);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Origin);
+ Set_Simple_Aggregate_List (Res, El_List);
+ Set_Type (Res, Stype);
+ Set_Literal_Origin (Res, Origin);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, Locally);
+ return Res;
+ end Build_Simple_Aggregate;
+ function Build_Constant (Val : Iir; Origin : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Note: this must work for any literals, because it may be used to
+ -- replace a locally static constant by its initial value.
+ case Get_Kind (Val) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal);
+ Set_Value (Res, Get_Value (Val));
+ when Iir_Kind_Floating_Point_Literal =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Floating_Point_Literal);
+ Set_Fp_Value (Res, Get_Fp_Value (Val));
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+ return Get_Nth_Element
+ (Get_Enumeration_Literal_List
+ (Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Origin))),
+ Integer (Get_Enum_Pos (Val)));
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal =>
+ declare
+ Prim : Iir;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal);
+ Prim := Get_Primary_Unit (Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Origin)));
+ Set_Unit_Name (Res, Prim);
+ if Get_Unit_Name (Val) = Prim then
+ Set_Value (Res, Get_Value (Val));
+ else
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ --Set_Abstract_Literal (Res, Get_Abstract_Literal (Val)
+ -- * Get_Value (Get_Name (Val)));
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal);
+ Set_Value (Res, Get_Physical_Value (Val));
+ Set_Unit_Name (Res, Get_Primary_Unit (Get_Type (Val)));
+ when Iir_Kind_String_Literal =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_String_Literal);
+ Set_String_Id (Res, Get_String_Id (Val));
+ Set_String_Length (Res, Get_String_Length (Val));
+ when Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal);
+ Set_String_Id (Res, Get_String_Id (Val));
+ Set_String_Length (Res, Get_String_Length (Val));
+ Set_Bit_String_Base (Res, Get_Bit_String_Base (Val));
+ Set_Bit_String_0 (Res, Get_Bit_String_0 (Val));
+ Set_Bit_String_1 (Res, Get_Bit_String_1 (Val));
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Aggregate =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Simple_Aggregate);
+ Set_Simple_Aggregate_List (Res, Get_Simple_Aggregate_List (Val));
+ when Iir_Kind_Error =>
+ return Val;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("build_constant", Val);
+ end case;
+ Location_Copy (Res, Origin);
+ Set_Type (Res, Get_Type (Origin));
+ Set_Literal_Origin (Res, Origin);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, Locally);
+ return Res;
+ end Build_Constant;
+ -- A_RANGE is a range expression, whose type, location, expr_staticness,
+ -- left_limit and direction are set.
+ -- Type of A_RANGE must have a range_constraint.
+ -- Set the right limit of A_RANGE from LEN.
+ procedure Set_Right_Limit_By_Length (A_Range : Iir; Len : Iir_Int64)
+ is
+ Left, Right : Iir;
+ Pos : Iir_Int64;
+ A_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (A_Range) /= Locally then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ A_Type := Get_Type (A_Range);
+ Left := Get_Left_Limit (A_Range);
+ Pos := Eval_Pos (Left);
+ case Get_Direction (A_Range) is
+ when Iir_To =>
+ Pos := Pos + Len -1;
+ when Iir_Downto =>
+ Pos := Pos - Len + 1;
+ end case;
+ if Len > 0
+ and then not Eval_Int_In_Range (Pos, Get_Range_Constraint (A_Type))
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("range length is beyond subtype length", A_Range);
+ Right := Left;
+ else
+ -- FIXME: what about nul range?
+ Right := Build_Discrete (Pos, A_Range);
+ Set_Literal_Origin (Right, Null_Iir);
+ end if;
+ Set_Right_Limit (A_Range, Right);
+ end Set_Right_Limit_By_Length;
+ -- Create a range of type A_TYPE whose length is LEN.
+ -- Note: only two nodes are created:
+ -- * the range_expression (node returned)
+ -- * the right bound
+ -- The left bound *IS NOT* created, but points to the left bound of A_TYPE.
+ function Create_Range_By_Length
+ (A_Type : Iir; Len : Iir_Int64; Loc : Location_Type)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Index_Constraint : Iir;
+ Constraint : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (A_Type) /= Locally then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Index_Constraint := Get_Range_Constraint (A_Type);
+ Constraint := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Range_Expression);
+ Set_Location (Constraint, Loc);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Constraint, Locally);
+ Set_Type (Constraint, A_Type);
+ Set_Left_Limit (Constraint, Get_Left_Limit (Index_Constraint));
+ Set_Direction (Constraint, Get_Direction (Index_Constraint));
+ Set_Right_Limit_By_Length (Constraint, Len);
+ return Constraint;
+ end Create_Range_By_Length;
+ function Create_Range_Subtype_From_Type (A_Type : Iir; Loc : Location_Type)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (A_Type) /= Locally then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (A_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition);
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Get_Kind (A_Type));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("create_range_subtype_by_length", A_Type);
+ end case;
+ Set_Location (Res, Loc);
+ Set_Base_Type (Res, Get_Base_Type (A_Type));
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Res, Locally);
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Range_Subtype_From_Type;
+ -- Create a subtype of A_TYPE whose length is LEN.
+ -- This is used to create subtypes for strings or aggregates.
+ function Create_Range_Subtype_By_Length
+ (A_Type : Iir; Len : Iir_Int64; Loc : Location_Type)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Range_Subtype_From_Type (A_Type, Loc);
+ Set_Range_Constraint (Res, Create_Range_By_Length (A_Type, Len, Loc));
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Range_Subtype_By_Length;
+ function Create_Unidim_Array_From_Index
+ (Base_Type : Iir; Index_Type : Iir; Loc : Iir)
+ return Iir_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ is
+ Res : Iir_Array_Subtype_Definition;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Array_Subtype (Base_Type, Get_Location (Loc));
+ Append_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Res), Index_Type);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Res, Min (Get_Type_Staticness (Res),
+ Get_Type_Staticness (Index_Type)));
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Unidim_Array_From_Index;
+ function Create_Unidim_Array_By_Length
+ (Base_Type : Iir; Len : Iir_Int64; Loc : Iir)
+ return Iir_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ is
+ Index_Type : Iir;
+ N_Index_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Index_Type := Get_First_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Base_Type));
+ N_Index_Type := Create_Range_Subtype_By_Length
+ (Index_Type, Len, Get_Location (Loc));
+ return Create_Unidim_Array_From_Index (Base_Type, N_Index_Type, Loc);
+ end Create_Unidim_Array_By_Length;
+ function Eval_String_Literal (Str : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ Ptr : String_Fat_Acc;
+ Len : Natural;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Str) is
+ when Iir_Kind_String_Literal =>
+ declare
+ Element_Type : Iir;
+ Literal_List : Iir_List;
+ Lit : Iir;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Element_Type := Get_Base_Type
+ (Get_Element_Subtype (Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Str))));
+ Literal_List := Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Element_Type);
+ List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Ptr := Get_String_Fat_Acc (Str);
+ Len := Get_String_Length (Str);
+ for I in 1 .. Len loop
+ Lit := Find_Name_In_List
+ (Literal_List,
+ Name_Table.Get_Identifier (Ptr (I)));
+ Append_Element (List, Lit);
+ end loop;
+ return Build_Simple_Aggregate (List, Str, Get_Type (Str));
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal =>
+ declare
+ Str_Type : Iir;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ Lit_0 : Iir;
+ Lit_1 : Iir;
+ begin
+ Str_Type := Get_Type (Str);
+ List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Lit_0 := Get_Bit_String_0 (Str);
+ Lit_1 := Get_Bit_String_1 (Str);
+ Ptr := Get_String_Fat_Acc (Str);
+ Len := Get_String_Length (Str);
+ for I in 1 .. Len loop
+ case Ptr (I) is
+ when '0' =>
+ Append_Element (List, Lit_0);
+ when '1' =>
+ Append_Element (List, Lit_1);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ return Build_Simple_Aggregate (List, Str, Str_Type);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Aggregate =>
+ return Str;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("eval_string_literal", Str);
+ end case;
+ end Eval_String_Literal;
+ function Eval_Monadic_Operator (Orig : Iir; Operand : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ pragma Unsuppress (Overflow_Check);
+ Func : Iir_Predefined_Functions;
+ begin
+ Func := Get_Implicit_Definition (Get_Implementation (Orig));
+ case Func is
+ when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Negation =>
+ return Build_Integer (-Get_Value (Operand), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Identity =>
+ return Build_Integer (Get_Value (Operand), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Absolute =>
+ return Build_Integer (abs Get_Value (Operand), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Negation =>
+ return Build_Floating (-Get_Fp_Value (Operand), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Identity =>
+ return Build_Floating (Get_Fp_Value (Operand), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Absolute =>
+ return Build_Floating (abs Get_Fp_Value (Operand), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Negation =>
+ return Build_Physical (-Get_Physical_Value (Operand), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Identity =>
+ return Build_Physical (Get_Physical_Value (Operand), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Absolute =>
+ return Build_Physical (abs Get_Physical_Value (Operand), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Not
+ | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Not =>
+ return Build_Enumeration
+ (Boolean'Pos (Get_Enum_Pos (Operand) = 0), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Not =>
+ declare
+ O_List : Iir_List;
+ R_List : Iir_List;
+ El : Iir;
+ Lit : Iir;
+ begin
+ O_List := Get_Simple_Aggregate_List
+ (Eval_String_Literal (Operand));
+ R_List := Create_Iir_List;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (O_List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ case Get_Enum_Pos (El) is
+ when 0 =>
+ Lit := Bit_1;
+ when 1 =>
+ Lit := Bit_0;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Append_Element (R_List, Lit);
+ end loop;
+ return Build_Simple_Aggregate
+ (R_List, Orig, Get_Type (Operand));
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Internal (Orig, "eval_monadic_operator: " &
+ Iir_Predefined_Functions'Image (Func));
+ end case;
+ exception
+ when Constraint_Error =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("arithmetic overflow in static expression", Orig);
+ return Orig;
+ end Eval_Monadic_Operator;
+ function Eval_Dyadic_Bit_Array_Operator
+ (Expr : Iir;
+ Left, Right : Iir;
+ Func : Iir_Predefined_Dyadic_Bit_Array_Functions)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ use Str_Table;
+ L_Str : String_Fat_Acc := Get_String_Fat_Acc (Left);
+ R_Str : String_Fat_Acc := Get_String_Fat_Acc (Right);
+ Len : Natural;
+ Id : String_Id;
+ begin
+ Len := Get_String_Length (Left);
+ if Len /= Get_String_Length (Right) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("length of left and right operands mismatch", Expr);
+ return Left;
+ else
+ Id := Start;
+ case Func is
+ when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_And =>
+ for I in 1 .. Len loop
+ case L_Str (I) is
+ when '0' =>
+ Append ('0');
+ when '1' =>
+ Append (R_Str (I));
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Nand =>
+ for I in 1 .. Len loop
+ case L_Str (I) is
+ when '0' =>
+ Append ('1');
+ when '1' =>
+ case R_Str (I) is
+ when '0' =>
+ Append ('1');
+ when '1' =>
+ Append ('0');
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Or =>
+ for I in 1 .. Len loop
+ case L_Str (I) is
+ when '1' =>
+ Append ('1');
+ when '0' =>
+ Append (R_Str (I));
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Nor =>
+ for I in 1 .. Len loop
+ case L_Str (I) is
+ when '1' =>
+ Append ('0');
+ when '0' =>
+ case R_Str (I) is
+ when '0' =>
+ Append ('1');
+ when '1' =>
+ Append ('0');
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Xor =>
+ for I in 1 .. Len loop
+ case L_Str (I) is
+ when '1' =>
+ case R_Str (I) is
+ when '0' =>
+ Append ('1');
+ when '1' =>
+ Append ('0');
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ when '0' =>
+ case R_Str (I) is
+ when '0' =>
+ Append ('0');
+ when '1' =>
+ Append ('1');
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Internal (Expr, "eval_dyadic_bit_array_functions: " &
+ Iir_Predefined_Functions'Image (Func));
+ end case;
+ Finish;
+ return Build_String (Id, Nat32 (Len), Left);
+ end if;
+ end Eval_Dyadic_Bit_Array_Operator;
+ -- Return TRUE if VAL /= 0.
+ function Check_Integer_Division_By_Zero (Expr : Iir; Val : Iir)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ if Get_Value (Val) = 0 then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("division by 0", Expr);
+ return False;
+ else
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Integer_Division_By_Zero;
+ function Eval_Shift_Operator
+ (Left, Right : Iir; Origin : Iir; Func : Iir_Predefined_Shift_Functions)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Count : Iir_Int64;
+ Cnt : Natural;
+ Len : Natural;
+ Arr_List : Iir_List;
+ Res_List : Iir_List;
+ Dir_Left : Boolean;
+ E : Iir;
+ begin
+ Count := Get_Value (Right);
+ Arr_List := Get_Simple_Aggregate_List (Left);
+ Len := Get_Nbr_Elements (Arr_List);
+ -- LRM93 7.2.3
+ -- That is, if R is 0 or if L is a null array, the return value is L.
+ if Count = 0 or Len = 0 then
+ return Build_Simple_Aggregate (Arr_List, Origin, Get_Type (Left));
+ end if;
+ case Func is
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Sll
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Sla
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Rol =>
+ Dir_Left := True;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Srl
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Sra
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Ror =>
+ Dir_Left := False;
+ end case;
+ if Count < 0 then
+ Cnt := Natural (-Count);
+ Dir_Left := not Dir_Left;
+ else
+ Cnt := Natural (Count);
+ end if;
+ case Func is
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Sll
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Srl =>
+ declare
+ Enum_List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Enum_List := Get_Enumeration_Literal_List
+ (Get_Base_Type (Get_Element_Subtype (Get_Type (Left))));
+ E := Get_Nth_Element (Enum_List, 0);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Sla
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Sra =>
+ if Dir_Left then
+ E := Get_Nth_Element (Arr_List, Len - 1);
+ else
+ E := Get_Nth_Element (Arr_List, 0);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Rol
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Ror =>
+ Cnt := Cnt mod Len;
+ if not Dir_Left then
+ Cnt := Len - Cnt;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Res_List := Create_Iir_List;
+ case Func is
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Sll
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Srl
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Sla
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Sra =>
+ if Dir_Left then
+ if Cnt < Len then
+ for I in Cnt .. Len - 1 loop
+ Append_Element
+ (Res_List, Get_Nth_Element (Arr_List, I));
+ end loop;
+ else
+ Cnt := Len;
+ end if;
+ for I in 0 .. Cnt - 1 loop
+ Append_Element (Res_List, E);
+ end loop;
+ else
+ if Cnt > Len then
+ Cnt := Len;
+ end if;
+ for I in 0 .. Cnt - 1 loop
+ Append_Element (Res_List, E);
+ end loop;
+ for I in Cnt .. Len - 1 loop
+ Append_Element
+ (Res_List, Get_Nth_Element (Arr_List, I - Cnt));
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Rol
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Ror =>
+ for I in 1 .. Len loop
+ Append_Element
+ (Res_List, Get_Nth_Element (Arr_List, Cnt));
+ Cnt := Cnt + 1;
+ if Cnt = Len then
+ Cnt := 0;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end case;
+ return Build_Simple_Aggregate (Res_List, Origin, Get_Type (Left));
+ end Eval_Shift_Operator;
+ -- Note: operands must be locally static.
+ function Eval_Concatenation
+ (Left, Right : Iir; Orig : Iir; Func : Iir_Predefined_Concat_Functions)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Res_List : Iir_List;
+ L : Natural;
+ Res_Type : Iir;
+ Origin_Type : Iir;
+ Left_List, Right_List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Res_List := Create_Iir_List;
+ -- Do the concatenation.
+ -- Left:
+ case Func is
+ when Iir_Predefined_Element_Array_Concat
+ | Iir_Predefined_Element_Element_Concat =>
+ Append_Element (Res_List, Left);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Element_Concat
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Array_Concat =>
+ Left_List :=
+ Get_Simple_Aggregate_List (Eval_String_Literal (Left));
+ L := Get_Nbr_Elements (Left_List);
+ for I in 0 .. L - 1 loop
+ Append_Element (Res_List, Get_Nth_Element (Left_List, I));
+ end loop;
+ end case;
+ -- Right:
+ case Func is
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Element_Concat
+ | Iir_Predefined_Element_Element_Concat =>
+ Append_Element (Res_List, Right);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Element_Array_Concat
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Array_Concat =>
+ Right_List :=
+ Get_Simple_Aggregate_List (Eval_String_Literal (Right));
+ L := Get_Nbr_Elements (Right_List);
+ for I in 0 .. L - 1 loop
+ Append_Element (Res_List, Get_Nth_Element (Right_List, I));
+ end loop;
+ end case;
+ L := Get_Nbr_Elements (Res_List);
+ -- Compute subtype...
+ Origin_Type := Get_Type (Orig);
+ Res_Type := Null_Iir;
+ if Func = Iir_Predefined_Array_Array_Concat
+ and then Get_Nbr_Elements (Left_List) = 0
+ then
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ -- LRM87 7.2.4
+ -- [...], unless the left operand is a null array, in which case
+ -- the result of the concatenation is the right operand.
+ Res_Type := Get_Type (Right);
+ else
+ -- LRM93 7.2.4
+ -- If both operands are null arrays, then the result of the
+ -- concatenation is the right operand.
+ if Get_Nbr_Elements (Right_List) = 0 then
+ Res_Type := Get_Type (Right);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Res_Type = Null_Iir then
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87
+ and then (Func = Iir_Predefined_Array_Array_Concat
+ or Func = Iir_Predefined_Array_Element_Concat)
+ then
+ -- LRM87 7.2.4
+ -- The left bound of the result is the left operand, [...]
+ --
+ -- LRM87 7.2.4
+ -- The direction of the result is the direction of the left
+ -- operand, [...]
+ declare
+ A_Range : Iir;
+ Left_Index : Iir;
+ Left_Range : Iir;
+ Index_Type : Iir;
+ Ret_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Left_Index := Get_Nth_Element
+ (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Get_Type (Left)), 0);
+ Left_Range := Get_Range_Constraint (Left_Index);
+ A_Range := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Range_Expression);
+ Ret_Type := Get_Return_Type (Get_Implementation (Orig));
+ Set_Type
+ (A_Range,
+ Get_First_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Ret_Type)));
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (A_Range, Locally);
+ Set_Left_Limit (A_Range, Get_Left_Limit (Left_Range));
+ Set_Direction (A_Range, Get_Direction (Left_Range));
+ Location_Copy (A_Range, Orig);
+ Set_Right_Limit_By_Length (A_Range, Iir_Int64 (L));
+ Index_Type := Create_Range_Subtype_From_Type
+ (Left_Index, Get_Location (Orig));
+ Set_Range_Constraint (Index_Type, A_Range);
+ Res_Type := Create_Unidim_Array_From_Index
+ (Origin_Type, Index_Type, Orig);
+ end;
+ else
+ -- LRM93 7.2.4
+ -- Otherwise, the direction and bounds of the result are
+ -- determined as follows: let S be the index subtype of the base
+ -- type of the result. The direction of the result of the
+ -- concatenation is the direction of S, and the left bound of the
+ -- result is S'LEFT.
+ Res_Type := Create_Unidim_Array_By_Length
+ (Origin_Type, Iir_Int64 (L), Orig);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- FIXME: this is not necessarily a string, it may be an aggregate if
+ -- element type is not a character type.
+ return Build_Simple_Aggregate (Res_List, Orig, Res_Type);
+ end Eval_Concatenation;
+ -- ORIG is either a dyadic operator or a function call.
+ function Eval_Dyadic_Operator (Orig : Iir; Left, Right : Iir)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ pragma Unsuppress (Overflow_Check);
+ Func : Iir_Predefined_Functions;
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Left) = Iir_Kind_Error
+ or else Get_Kind (Right) = Iir_Kind_Error
+ then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Func := Get_Implicit_Definition (Get_Implementation (Orig));
+ case Func is
+ when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Plus =>
+ return Build_Integer (Get_Value (Left) + Get_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Minus =>
+ return Build_Integer (Get_Value (Left) - Get_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Mul =>
+ return Build_Integer (Get_Value (Left) * Get_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Div =>
+ if Check_Integer_Division_By_Zero (Orig, Right) then
+ return Build_Integer
+ (Get_Value (Left) / Get_Value (Right), Orig);
+ else
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Mod =>
+ if Check_Integer_Division_By_Zero (Orig, Right) then
+ return Build_Integer
+ (Get_Value (Left) mod Get_Value (Right), Orig);
+ else
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Rem =>
+ if Check_Integer_Division_By_Zero (Orig, Right) then
+ return Build_Integer
+ (Get_Value (Left) rem Get_Value (Right), Orig);
+ else
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Exp =>
+ return Build_Integer
+ (Get_Value (Left) ** Integer (Get_Value (Right)), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Equality =>
+ return Build_Boolean (Get_Value (Left) = Get_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Inequality =>
+ return Build_Boolean (Get_Value (Left) /= Get_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Greater_Equal =>
+ return Build_Boolean (Get_Value (Left) >= Get_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Greater =>
+ return Build_Boolean (Get_Value (Left) > Get_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Less_Equal =>
+ return Build_Boolean (Get_Value (Left) <= Get_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Less =>
+ return Build_Boolean (Get_Value (Left) < Get_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Equality =>
+ return Build_Boolean
+ (Get_Fp_Value (Left) = Get_Fp_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Inequality =>
+ return Build_Boolean
+ (Get_Fp_Value (Left) /= Get_Fp_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Greater =>
+ return Build_Boolean
+ (Get_Fp_Value (Left) > Get_Fp_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Greater_Equal =>
+ return Build_Boolean
+ (Get_Fp_Value (Left) >= Get_Fp_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Less =>
+ return Build_Boolean
+ (Get_Fp_Value (Left) < Get_Fp_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Less_Equal =>
+ return Build_Boolean
+ (Get_Fp_Value (Left) <= Get_Fp_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Minus =>
+ return Build_Floating
+ (Get_Fp_Value (Left) - Get_Fp_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Plus =>
+ return Build_Floating
+ (Get_Fp_Value (Left) + Get_Fp_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Mul =>
+ return Build_Floating
+ (Get_Fp_Value (Left) * Get_Fp_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Div =>
+ if Get_Fp_Value (Right) = 0.0 then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("right operand of division is 0", Orig);
+ return Build_Floating (0.0, Orig);
+ else
+ return Build_Floating
+ (Get_Fp_Value (Left) / Get_Fp_Value (Right), Orig);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Exp =>
+ declare
+ Exp : Iir_Int64;
+ Res : Iir_Fp64;
+ Val : Iir_Fp64;
+ begin
+ Res := 1.0;
+ Val := Get_Fp_Value (Left);
+ Exp := abs Get_Value (Right);
+ while Exp /= 0 loop
+ if Exp mod 2 = 1 then
+ Res := Res * Val;
+ end if;
+ Exp := Exp / 2;
+ Val := Val * Val;
+ end loop;
+ if Get_Value (Right) < 0 then
+ Res := 1.0 / Res;
+ end if;
+ return Build_Floating (Res, Orig);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Equality =>
+ return Build_Boolean
+ (Get_Physical_Value (Left) = Get_Physical_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Inequality =>
+ return Build_Boolean
+ (Get_Physical_Value (Left) /= Get_Physical_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Greater_Equal =>
+ return Build_Boolean
+ (Get_Physical_Value (Left) >= Get_Physical_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Greater =>
+ return Build_Boolean
+ (Get_Physical_Value (Left) > Get_Physical_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Less_Equal =>
+ return Build_Boolean
+ (Get_Physical_Value (Left) <= Get_Physical_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Less =>
+ return Build_Boolean
+ (Get_Physical_Value (Left) < Get_Physical_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Physical_Div =>
+ return Build_Integer
+ (Get_Physical_Value (Left) / Get_Physical_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Integer_Div =>
+ return Build_Physical
+ (Get_Physical_Value (Left) / Get_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Minus =>
+ return Build_Physical
+ (Get_Physical_Value (Left) - Get_Physical_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Plus =>
+ return Build_Physical
+ (Get_Physical_Value (Left) + Get_Physical_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Physical_Mul =>
+ return Build_Physical
+ (Get_Value (Left) * Get_Physical_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Integer_Mul =>
+ return Build_Physical
+ (Get_Physical_Value (Left) * Get_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Real_Physical_Mul =>
+ -- FIXME: overflow??
+ return Build_Physical
+ (Iir_Int64 (Get_Fp_Value (Left)
+ * Iir_Fp64 (Get_Physical_Value (Right))), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Real_Mul =>
+ -- FIXME: overflow??
+ return Build_Physical
+ (Iir_Int64 (Iir_Fp64 (Get_Physical_Value (Left))
+ * Get_Fp_Value (Right)), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Real_Div =>
+ -- FIXME: overflow??
+ return Build_Physical
+ (Iir_Int64 (Iir_Fp64 (Get_Physical_Value (Left))
+ / Get_Fp_Value (Right)), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Element_Array_Concat
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Element_Concat
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Array_Concat
+ | Iir_Predefined_Element_Element_Concat =>
+ return Eval_Concatenation (Left, Right, Orig, Func);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Enum_Equality =>
+ return Build_Boolean
+ (Get_Enum_Pos (Left) = Get_Enum_Pos (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Enum_Inequality =>
+ return Build_Boolean
+ (Get_Enum_Pos (Left) /= Get_Enum_Pos (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Enum_Greater_Equal =>
+ return Build_Boolean
+ (Get_Enum_Pos (Left) >= Get_Enum_Pos (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Enum_Greater =>
+ return Build_Boolean
+ (Get_Enum_Pos (Left) > Get_Enum_Pos (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Enum_Less_Equal =>
+ return Build_Boolean
+ (Get_Enum_Pos (Left) <= Get_Enum_Pos (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Enum_Less =>
+ return Build_Boolean
+ (Get_Enum_Pos (Left) < Get_Enum_Pos (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Boolean_And
+ | Iir_Predefined_Bit_And =>
+ return Build_Boolean
+ (Get_Enum_Pos (Left) = 1 and Get_Enum_Pos (Right) = 1, Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Nand
+ | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Nand =>
+ return Build_Boolean
+ (not (Get_Enum_Pos (Left) = 1 and Get_Enum_Pos (Right) = 1),
+ Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Or
+ | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Or =>
+ return Build_Boolean
+ (Get_Enum_Pos (Left) = 1 or Get_Enum_Pos (Right) = 1, Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Nor
+ | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Nor =>
+ return Build_Boolean
+ (not (Get_Enum_Pos (Left) = 1 or Get_Enum_Pos (Right) = 1),
+ Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Xor
+ | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Xor =>
+ return Build_Boolean
+ (Get_Enum_Pos (Left) = 1 xor Get_Enum_Pos (Right) = 1, Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Xnor
+ | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Xnor =>
+ return Build_Boolean
+ (not (Get_Enum_Pos (Left) = 1 xor Get_Enum_Pos (Right) = 1),
+ Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Dyadic_Bit_Array_Functions =>
+ return Eval_Dyadic_Bit_Array_Operator (Orig, Left, Right, Func);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Universal_R_I_Mul =>
+ return Build_Floating
+ (Get_Fp_Value (Left) * Iir_Fp64 (Get_Value (Right)), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Universal_I_R_Mul =>
+ return Build_Floating
+ (Iir_Fp64 (Get_Value (Left)) * Get_Fp_Value (Right), Orig);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Equality =>
+ declare
+ L_List : Iir_List;
+ R_List : Iir_List;
+ R : Boolean;
+ N : Natural;
+ begin
+ -- FIXME: the simple aggregates are lost.
+ L_List :=
+ Get_Simple_Aggregate_List (Eval_String_Literal (Left));
+ R_List :=
+ Get_Simple_Aggregate_List (Eval_String_Literal (Right));
+ N := Get_Nbr_Elements (L_List);
+ if N /= Get_Nbr_Elements (R_List) then
+ R := False;
+ else
+ R := True;
+ for I in 0 .. N - 1 loop
+ -- FIXME: this is wrong: (eg: evaluated lit)
+ if Get_Nth_Element (L_List, I)
+ /= Get_Nth_Element (R_List, I)
+ then
+ R := False;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ return Build_Boolean (R, Orig);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Sll
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Srl
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Sla
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Sra
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Rol
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Ror =>
+ return Eval_Shift_Operator
+ (Eval_String_Literal (Left), Right, Orig, Func);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Not
+ | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Not
+ | Iir_Predefined_Integer_Absolute
+ | Iir_Predefined_Integer_Identity
+ | Iir_Predefined_Integer_Negation
+ | Iir_Predefined_Floating_Absolute
+ | Iir_Predefined_Floating_Negation
+ | Iir_Predefined_Floating_Identity
+ | Iir_Predefined_Physical_Absolute
+ | Iir_Predefined_Physical_Identity
+ | Iir_Predefined_Physical_Negation
+ | Iir_Predefined_Error
+ | Iir_Predefined_Record_Equality
+ | Iir_Predefined_Record_Inequality
+ | Iir_Predefined_Access_Equality
+ | Iir_Predefined_Access_Inequality =>
+ -- Not binary or never locally static.
+ Error_Internal (Orig, "eval_dyadic_operator: " &
+ Iir_Predefined_Functions'Image (Func));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Internal (Orig, "eval_dyadic_operator: " &
+ Iir_Predefined_Functions'Image (Func));
+ end case;
+ exception
+ when Constraint_Error =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("arithmetic overflow in static expression", Orig);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end Eval_Dyadic_Operator;
+ -- Evaluate any array attribute
+ function Eval_Array_Attribute (Attr : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ Prefix_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Prefix := Get_Prefix (Attr);
+ case Get_Kind (Prefix) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Object_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Element
+ | Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference =>
+ Prefix_Type := Get_Type (Prefix);
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value =>
+ -- The type of the attribute declaration may be unconstrained.
+ Prefix_Type := Get_Type
+ (Get_Expression (Get_Attribute_Specification (Prefix)));
+ when Iir_Kinds_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Prefix_Type := Prefix;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("eval_array_attribute", Prefix);
+ end case;
+ if Get_Kind (Prefix_Type) /= Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition then
+ Error_Kind ("eval_array_attribute(2)", Prefix_Type);
+ end if;
+ return Get_Nth_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Prefix_Type),
+ Natural (Get_Value (Get_Parameter (Attr)) - 1));
+ end Eval_Array_Attribute;
+ function Eval_Incdec (Expr : Iir; N : Iir_Int64) return Iir
+ is
+ P : Iir_Int64;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Expr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal =>
+ return Build_Integer (Get_Value (Expr) + N, Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+ P := Iir_Int64 (Get_Enum_Pos (Expr)) + N;
+ if P < 0 then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("static constant violates bounds", Expr);
+ return Expr;
+ else
+ return Build_Enumeration (Iir_Index32 (P), Expr);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal =>
+ return Build_Physical (Get_Value (Expr) + N, Expr);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("eval_incdec", Expr);
+ end case;
+ end Eval_Incdec;
+ function Convert_Range (Rng : Iir; Res_Type : Iir; Loc : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Res_Btype : Iir;
+ function Create_Bound (Val : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ R : Iir;
+ begin
+ R := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal);
+ Location_Copy (R, Loc);
+ Set_Value (R, Get_Value (Val));
+ Set_Type (R, Res_Btype);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (R, Locally);
+ return R;
+ end Create_Bound;
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ Res_Btype := Get_Base_Type (Res_Type);
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Range_Expression);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Loc);
+ Set_Type (Res, Res_Btype);
+ Set_Left_Limit (Res, Create_Bound (Get_Left_Limit (Rng)));
+ Set_Right_Limit (Res, Create_Bound (Get_Right_Limit (Rng)));
+ Set_Direction (Res, Get_Direction (Rng));
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, Locally);
+ return Res;
+ end Convert_Range;
+ function Eval_Array_Type_Conversion (Conv : Iir; Val : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Conv_Type : Iir;
+ Res : Iir;
+ Val_Type : Iir;
+ Conv_Index_Type : Iir;
+ Val_Index_Type : Iir;
+ Index_Type : Iir;
+ Rng : Iir;
+ begin
+ Conv_Type := Get_Type (Conv);
+ Conv_Index_Type := Get_Nth_Element
+ (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Conv_Type), 0);
+ Val_Type := Get_Type (Val);
+ Val_Index_Type := Get_Nth_Element
+ (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Val_Type), 0);
+ -- The expression is either a simple aggregate or a (bit) string.
+ Res := Build_Constant (Val, Conv);
+ case Get_Kind (Conv_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Set_Type (Res, Conv_Type);
+ if Eval_Discrete_Type_Length (Conv_Index_Type)
+ /= Eval_Discrete_Type_Length (Val_Index_Type)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("non matching length in type convertion", Conv);
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ if Get_Base_Type (Conv_Index_Type) = Get_Base_Type (Val_Index_Type)
+ then
+ Index_Type := Val_Index_Type;
+ else
+ -- Convert the index range.
+ -- It is an integer type.
+ Rng := Convert_Range (Get_Range_Constraint (Val_Index_Type),
+ Conv_Index_Type, Conv);
+ Index_Type := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition);
+ Location_Copy (Index_Type, Conv);
+ Set_Range_Constraint (Index_Type, Rng);
+ Set_Base_Type (Index_Type, Get_Base_Type (Conv_Index_Type));
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Index_Type, Locally);
+ end if;
+ Set_Type (Res,
+ Create_Unidim_Array_From_Index
+ (Get_Base_Type (Conv_Type), Index_Type, Conv));
+ return Res;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("eval_array_type_conversion", Conv_Type);
+ end case;
+ end Eval_Array_Type_Conversion;
+ function Eval_Type_Conversion (Expr : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Val : Iir;
+ Val_Type : Iir;
+ Conv_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Val := Eval_Expr (Get_Expression (Expr));
+ Set_Expression (Expr, Val);
+ Val_Type := Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Val));
+ Conv_Type := Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Expr));
+ if Conv_Type = Val_Type then
+ return Build_Constant (Val, Expr);
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Conv_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition =>
+ case Get_Kind (Val_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition =>
+ return Build_Integer (Get_Value (Val), Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition =>
+ return Build_Integer (Iir_Int64 (Get_Fp_Value (Val)), Expr);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("eval_type_conversion(1)", Val_Type);
+ end case;
+ when Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition =>
+ case Get_Kind (Val_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition =>
+ return Build_Floating (Iir_Fp64 (Get_Value (Val)), Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition =>
+ return Build_Floating (Get_Fp_Value (Val), Expr);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("eval_type_conversion(2)", Val_Type);
+ end case;
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ return Eval_Array_Type_Conversion (Expr, Val);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("eval_type_conversion(3)", Conv_Type);
+ end case;
+ end Eval_Type_Conversion;
+ function Eval_Static_Expr (Expr: Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ Val : Iir;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Expr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal =>
+ return Expr;
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+ return Expr;
+ when Iir_Kind_Floating_Point_Literal =>
+ return Expr;
+ when Iir_Kind_String_Literal =>
+ return Expr;
+ when Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal =>
+ return Expr;
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal =>
+ if Get_Unit_Name (Expr)
+ = Get_Primary_Unit (Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Expr)))
+ then
+ return Expr;
+ else
+ return Build_Physical (Get_Physical_Value (Expr), Expr);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal =>
+ return Build_Physical
+ (Iir_Int64 (Get_Fp_Value (Expr)
+ * Iir_Fp64 (Get_Value (Get_Physical_Unit_Value
+ (Get_Unit_Name (Expr))))),
+ Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
+ Val := Get_Default_Value (Expr);
+ Res := Build_Constant (Val, Expr);
+ Set_Type (Res, Get_Type (Val));
+ return Res;
+ when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ return Build_Constant (Eval_Static_Expr (Get_Name (Expr)), Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration =>
+ return Expr;
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Aggregate =>
+ return Expr;
+ when Iir_Kind_Qualified_Expression =>
+ return Build_Constant (Eval_Expr (Get_Expression (Expr)), Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion =>
+ return Eval_Type_Conversion (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
+ Set_Left_Limit (Expr, Eval_Expr (Get_Left_Limit (Expr)));
+ Set_Right_Limit (Expr, Eval_Expr (Get_Right_Limit (Expr)));
+ return Expr;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Monadic_Operator =>
+ declare
+ Operand : Iir;
+ begin
+ Operand := Eval_Expr (Get_Operand (Expr));
+ Set_Operand (Expr, Operand);
+ return Eval_Monadic_Operator (Expr, Operand);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Dyadic_Operator =>
+ declare
+ Left, Right : Iir;
+ begin
+ Left := Eval_Expr (Get_Left (Expr));
+ Right := Eval_Expr (Get_Right (Expr));
+ Set_Left (Expr, Left);
+ Set_Right (Expr, Right);
+ return Eval_Dyadic_Operator (Expr, Left, Right);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value =>
+ -- FIXME.
+ -- Currently, this avoids weird nodes, such as a string literal
+ -- whose type is an unconstrained array type.
+ Val := Get_Expression (Get_Attribute_Specification (Expr));
+ Res := Build_Constant (Val, Expr);
+ Set_Type (Res, Get_Type (Val));
+ return Res;
+ when Iir_Kind_Pos_Attribute =>
+ declare
+ Val : Iir;
+ begin
+ Val := Eval_Expr (Get_Parameter (Expr));
+ Set_Parameter (Expr, Val);
+ return Build_Integer (Eval_Pos (Val), Expr);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Val_Attribute =>
+ declare
+ Val_Expr : Iir;
+ Val : Iir_Int64;
+ Expr_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Val_Expr := Eval_Expr (Get_Parameter (Expr));
+ Set_Parameter (Expr, Val_Expr);
+ Val := Eval_Pos (Val_Expr);
+ -- Note: the type of 'val is a base type.
+ Expr_Type := Get_Type (Expr);
+ -- FIXME: handle VHDL93 restrictions.
+ if Get_Kind (Expr_Type) = Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ and then
+ not Eval_Int_In_Range (Val, Get_Range_Constraint (Expr_Type))
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("static argument out of the type range", Expr);
+ Val := 0;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Expr)))
+ = Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition
+ then
+ return Build_Physical (Val, Expr);
+ else
+ return Build_Discrete (Val, Expr);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Left_Type_Attribute =>
+ return Build_Constant
+ (Get_Left_Limit (Eval_Range (Get_Type (Expr))), Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Right_Type_Attribute =>
+ return Build_Constant
+ (Get_Right_Limit (Eval_Range (Get_Type (Expr))), Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_High_Type_Attribute =>
+ return Build_Constant
+ (Get_High_Limit (Eval_Range (Get_Type (Expr))), Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Low_Type_Attribute =>
+ return Build_Constant
+ (Get_Low_Limit (Eval_Range (Get_Type (Expr))), Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Ascending_Type_Attribute =>
+ return Build_Boolean
+ (Get_Direction (Eval_Range (Get_Type (Expr))) = Iir_To, Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ declare
+ Index : Iir;
+ begin
+ Index := Eval_Array_Attribute (Expr);
+ return Get_Range_Constraint (Index);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ declare
+ Res : Iir;
+ Rng : Iir;
+ begin
+ Rng := Get_Range_Constraint (Eval_Array_Attribute (Expr));
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Range_Expression);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Rng);
+ Set_Type (Res, Get_Type (Rng));
+ case Get_Direction (Rng) is
+ when Iir_To =>
+ Set_Direction (Res, Iir_Downto);
+ when Iir_Downto =>
+ Set_Direction (Res, Iir_To);
+ end case;
+ Set_Left_Limit (Res, Get_Right_Limit (Rng));
+ Set_Right_Limit (Res, Get_Left_Limit (Rng));
+ -- FIXME: todo.
+ --Set_Literal_Origin (Res, Rng);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, Get_Expr_Staticness (Rng));
+ return Res;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Length_Array_Attribute =>
+ declare
+ Index : Iir;
+ begin
+ Index := Eval_Array_Attribute (Expr);
+ return Build_Discrete (Eval_Discrete_Type_Length (Index), Expr);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Left_Array_Attribute =>
+ declare
+ Index : Iir;
+ begin
+ Index := Eval_Array_Attribute (Expr);
+ return Build_Constant
+ (Get_Left_Limit (Get_Range_Constraint (Index)), Expr);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Right_Array_Attribute =>
+ declare
+ Index : Iir;
+ begin
+ Index := Eval_Array_Attribute (Expr);
+ return Build_Constant
+ (Get_Right_Limit (Get_Range_Constraint (Index)), Expr);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Low_Array_Attribute =>
+ declare
+ Index : Iir;
+ begin
+ Index := Eval_Array_Attribute (Expr);
+ return Build_Constant
+ (Get_Low_Limit (Get_Range_Constraint (Index)), Expr);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_High_Array_Attribute =>
+ declare
+ Index : Iir;
+ begin
+ Index := Eval_Array_Attribute (Expr);
+ return Build_Constant
+ (Get_High_Limit (Get_Range_Constraint (Index)), Expr);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Ascending_Array_Attribute =>
+ declare
+ Index : Iir;
+ begin
+ Index := Eval_Array_Attribute (Expr);
+ return Build_Boolean
+ (Get_Direction (Get_Range_Constraint (Index)) = Iir_To, Expr);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Pred_Attribute =>
+ Res := Eval_Incdec (Eval_Static_Expr (Get_Parameter (Expr)), -1);
+ Eval_Check_Bound (Res, Get_Type (Get_Prefix (Expr)));
+ return Res;
+ when Iir_Kind_Succ_Attribute =>
+ Res := Eval_Incdec (Eval_Static_Expr (Get_Parameter (Expr)), +1);
+ Eval_Check_Bound (Res, Get_Type (Get_Prefix (Expr)));
+ return Res;
+ when Iir_Kind_Leftof_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Rightof_Attribute =>
+ declare
+ Rng : Iir;
+ N : Iir_Int64;
+ Prefix_Type : Iir;
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ Prefix_Type := Get_Type (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ Rng := Eval_Range (Prefix_Type);
+ case Get_Direction (Rng) is
+ when Iir_To =>
+ N := 1;
+ when Iir_Downto =>
+ N := -1;
+ end case;
+ case Get_Kind (Expr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Leftof_Attribute =>
+ N := -N;
+ when Iir_Kind_Rightof_Attribute =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Res := Eval_Incdec (Eval_Static_Expr (Get_Parameter (Expr)), N);
+ Eval_Check_Bound (Res, Prefix_Type);
+ return Res;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name_Attribute =>
+ declare
+ use Str_Table;
+ Id : String_Id;
+ begin
+ Id := Start;
+ Image (Get_Simple_Name_Identifier (Expr));
+ for I in 1 .. Name_Length loop
+ Append (Name_Buffer (I));
+ end loop;
+ Finish;
+ return Build_String (Id, Nat32 (Name_Length), Expr);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Null_Literal =>
+ return Expr;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
+ declare
+ Left, Right : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Note: there can't be association by name.
+ Left := Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Expr);
+ Right := Get_Chain (Left);
+ if Right = Null_Iir then
+ return Eval_Monadic_Operator (Expr, Get_Actual (Left));
+ else
+ return Eval_Dyadic_Operator
+ (Expr, Get_Actual (Left), Get_Actual (Right));
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ declare
+ Res : Iir;
+ Orig : Iir;
+ begin
+ Orig := Get_Named_Entity (Expr);
+ Res := Eval_Static_Expr (Orig);
+ if Res /= Orig then
+ Location_Copy (Res, Expr);
+ end if;
+ Free_Name (Expr);
+ return Res;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Error =>
+ return Expr;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("eval_static_expr", Expr);
+ end case;
+ end Eval_Static_Expr;
+ function Eval_Expr (Expr: Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr) /= Locally then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("expression must be locally static", Expr);
+ return Expr;
+ else
+ return Eval_Static_Expr (Expr);
+ end if;
+ end Eval_Expr;
+ function Eval_Expr_If_Static (Expr : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir and then Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr) = Locally then
+ return Eval_Static_Expr (Expr);
+ else
+ return Expr;
+ end if;
+ end Eval_Expr_If_Static;
+ function Eval_Int_In_Range (Val : Iir_Int64; Bound : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Bound) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
+ case Get_Direction (Bound) is
+ when Iir_To =>
+ if Val < Eval_Pos (Get_Left_Limit (Bound))
+ or else Val > Eval_Pos (Get_Right_Limit (Bound))
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Downto =>
+ if Val > Eval_Pos (Get_Left_Limit (Bound))
+ or else Val < Eval_Pos (Get_Right_Limit (Bound))
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("eval_int_in_range", Bound);
+ end case;
+ return True;
+ end Eval_Int_In_Range;
+ function Eval_Phys_In_Range (Val : Iir_Int64; Bound : Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ Left, Right : Iir_Int64;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Bound) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
+ case Get_Kind (Get_Type (Get_Left_Limit (Bound))) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Left := Get_Value (Get_Left_Limit (Bound));
+ Right := Get_Value (Get_Right_Limit (Bound));
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Left := Get_Physical_Value (Get_Left_Limit (Bound));
+ Right := Get_Physical_Value (Get_Right_Limit (Bound));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("eval_phys_in_range(1)", Get_Type (Bound));
+ end case;
+ case Get_Direction (Bound) is
+ when Iir_To =>
+ if Val < Left or else Val > Right then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Downto =>
+ if Val > Left or else Val < Right then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("eval_phys_in_range", Bound);
+ end case;
+ return True;
+ end Eval_Phys_In_Range;
+ function Eval_Fp_In_Range (Val : Iir_Fp64; Bound : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Bound) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
+ case Get_Direction (Bound) is
+ when Iir_To =>
+ if Val < Get_Fp_Value (Get_Left_Limit (Bound))
+ or else Val > Get_Fp_Value (Get_Right_Limit (Bound))
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Downto =>
+ if Val > Get_Fp_Value (Get_Left_Limit (Bound))
+ or else Val < Get_Fp_Value (Get_Right_Limit (Bound))
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("eval_fp_in_range", Bound);
+ end case;
+ return True;
+ end Eval_Fp_In_Range;
+ -- Return TRUE if literal EXPR is in SUB_TYPE bounds.
+ function Eval_Is_In_Bound (Expr : Iir; Sub_Type : Iir)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ Type_Range : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Expr) = Iir_Kind_Error then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Sub_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Type_Range := Get_Range_Constraint (Sub_Type);
+ return Eval_Int_In_Range (Get_Value (Expr), Type_Range);
+ when Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Type_Range := Get_Range_Constraint (Sub_Type);
+ return Eval_Fp_In_Range (Get_Fp_Value (Expr), Type_Range);
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
+ -- A check is required for an enumeration type definition for
+ -- 'val attribute.
+ Type_Range := Get_Range_Constraint (Sub_Type);
+ return Eval_Int_In_Range
+ (Iir_Int64 (Get_Enum_Pos (Expr)), Type_Range);
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Type_Range := Get_Range_Constraint (Sub_Type);
+ return Eval_Phys_In_Range (Get_Physical_Value (Expr), Type_Range);
+ when Iir_Kind_Base_Attribute =>
+ return Eval_Is_In_Bound (Expr, Get_Type (Sub_Type));
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
+ -- FIXME: do it.
+ return True;
+ --when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition =>
+ -- This case should not happen but it may be called to check a
+ -- simple choice value belongs to the *type* of the case
+ -- expression.
+ -- Of course, this is always true.
+ -- return True;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("eval_is_in_bound", Sub_Type);
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ end Eval_Is_In_Bound;
+ procedure Eval_Check_Bound (Expr : Iir; Sub_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ if not Eval_Is_In_Bound (Expr, Sub_Type) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("static constant violates bounds", Expr);
+ end if;
+ end Eval_Check_Bound;
+ function Eval_Is_Range_In_Bound (A_Range : Iir; Sub_Type : Iir)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ Type_Range : Iir;
+ begin
+ Type_Range := Get_Range_Constraint (Sub_Type);
+ if Get_Direction (Type_Range) /= Get_Direction (A_Range) then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Sub_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
+ declare
+ L, R : Iir_Int64;
+ begin
+ -- Check for null range.
+ L := Eval_Pos (Get_Left_Limit (A_Range));
+ R := Eval_Pos (Get_Right_Limit (A_Range));
+ case Get_Direction (A_Range) is
+ when Iir_To =>
+ if L > R then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Downto =>
+ if L < R then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ return Eval_Int_In_Range (L, Type_Range)
+ and then Eval_Int_In_Range (R, Type_Range);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition =>
+ declare
+ L, R : Iir_Fp64;
+ begin
+ -- Check for null range.
+ L := Get_Fp_Value (Get_Left_Limit (A_Range));
+ R := Get_Fp_Value (Get_Right_Limit (A_Range));
+ case Get_Direction (A_Range) is
+ when Iir_To =>
+ if L > R then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Downto =>
+ if L < R then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ return Eval_Fp_In_Range (L, Type_Range)
+ and then Eval_Fp_In_Range (R, Type_Range);
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("eval_is_range_in_bound", Sub_Type);
+ end case;
+ -- Should check L <= R or L >= R according to direction.
+ --return Eval_Is_In_Bound (Get_Left_Limit (A_Range), Sub_Type)
+ -- and then Eval_Is_In_Bound (Get_Right_Limit (A_Range), Sub_Type);
+ end Eval_Is_Range_In_Bound;
+ procedure Eval_Check_Range (A_Range : Iir; Sub_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ if not Eval_Is_Range_In_Bound (A_Range, Sub_Type) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("static range violates bounds", A_Range);
+ end if;
+ end Eval_Check_Range;
+ function Eval_Expr_Check (Expr : Iir; Sub_Type : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ Res := Eval_Expr (Expr);
+ Eval_Check_Bound (Res, Sub_Type);
+ return Res;
+ end Eval_Expr_Check;
+ function Eval_Discrete_Range_Length (Constraint : Iir) return Iir_Int64
+ is
+ Res : Iir_Int64;
+ Left, Right : Iir_Int64;
+ begin
+ Left := Eval_Pos (Get_Left_Limit (Constraint));
+ Right := Eval_Pos (Get_Right_Limit (Constraint));
+ case Get_Direction (Constraint) is
+ when Iir_To =>
+ if Right < Left then
+ -- Null range.
+ return 0;
+ else
+ Res := Right - Left + 1;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Downto =>
+ if Left < Right then
+ -- Null range
+ return 0;
+ else
+ Res := Left - Right + 1;
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ return Res;
+ end Eval_Discrete_Range_Length;
+ function Eval_Discrete_Type_Length (Sub_Type : Iir) return Iir_Int64
+ is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Sub_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition =>
+ return Eval_Discrete_Range_Length
+ (Get_Range_Constraint (Sub_Type));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("eval_discrete_type_length", Sub_Type);
+ end case;
+ end Eval_Discrete_Type_Length;
+ function Eval_Pos (Expr : Iir) return Iir_Int64 is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Expr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal =>
+ return Get_Value (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+ return Iir_Int64 (Get_Enum_Pos (Expr));
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal =>
+ return Get_Physical_Value (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration =>
+ return Get_Value (Get_Physical_Unit_Value (Expr));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("eval_pos", Expr);
+ end case;
+ end Eval_Pos;
+ function Eval_Range (Rng : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Expr : Iir;
+ begin
+ Expr := Rng;
+ loop
+ case Get_Kind (Expr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
+ return Expr;
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Expr := Get_Range_Constraint (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ declare
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ begin
+ Prefix := Get_Prefix (Expr);
+ if Get_Kind (Prefix) /= Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ then
+ Prefix := Get_Type (Prefix);
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Prefix) /= Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ then
+ -- Unconstrained object.
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Expr := Get_Nth_Element
+ (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Prefix),
+ Natural (Eval_Pos (Get_Parameter (Expr))) - 1);
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("eval_range", Expr);
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Eval_Range;
+ -- Return the range constraint of a discrete range.
+ function Eval_Discrete_Range_Expression (Constraint : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ Res := Eval_Range (Constraint);
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Kind ("eval_range_expression", Constraint);
+ else
+ return Res;
+ end if;
+ end Eval_Discrete_Range_Expression;
+ function Eval_Discrete_Range_Left (Constraint : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Range_Expr : Iir;
+ begin
+ Range_Expr := Eval_Discrete_Range_Expression (Constraint);
+ return Get_Left_Limit (Range_Expr);
+ end Eval_Discrete_Range_Left;
+ procedure Eval_Operator_Symbol_Name (Id : Name_Id)
+ is
+ begin
+ Image (Id);
+ Name_Buffer (2 .. Name_Length + 1) := Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length);
+ Name_Buffer (1) := '"'; --"
+ Name_Length := Name_Length + 2;
+ Name_Buffer (Name_Length) := '"'; --"
+ end Eval_Operator_Symbol_Name;
+ procedure Eval_Simple_Name (Id : Name_Id)
+ is
+ begin
+ -- LRM 14.1
+ -- Result: [...] but with apostrophes (in the case of a character
+ -- literal)
+ if Is_Character (Id) then
+ Name_Buffer (1) := ''';
+ Name_Buffer (2) := Get_Character (Id);
+ Name_Buffer (3) := ''';
+ Name_Length := 3;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Id is
+ when Std_Names.Name_Word_Operators
+ | Std_Names.Name_First_Operator .. Std_Names.Name_Last_Operator =>
+ Eval_Operator_Symbol_Name (Id);
+ return;
+ when Std_Names.Name_Xnor
+ | Std_Names.Name_Shift_Operators =>
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std > Vhdl_87 then
+ Eval_Operator_Symbol_Name (Id);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Image (Id);
+-- if Name_Buffer (1) = '\' then
+-- declare
+-- I : Natural;
+-- begin
+-- I := 2;
+-- while I <= Name_Length loop
+-- if Name_Buffer (I) = '\' then
+-- Name_Length := Name_Length + 1;
+-- Name_Buffer (I + 1 .. Name_Length) :=
+-- Name_Buffer (I .. Name_Length - 1);
+-- I := I + 1;
+-- end if;
+-- I := I + 1;
+-- end loop;
+-- Name_Length := Name_Length + 1;
+-- Name_Buffer (Name_Length) := '\';
+-- end;
+-- end if;
+ end Eval_Simple_Name;
+end Evaluation;
diff --git a/evaluation.ads b/evaluation.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a36286372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/evaluation.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+-- Evaluation of static expressions.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Types; use Types;
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+package Evaluation is
+ -- Get the value of a physical integer literal or unit.
+ function Get_Physical_Value (Expr : Iir) return Iir_Int64;
+ -- Evaluate (ie compute) expression EXPR.
+ -- EXPR is required to be a locally static expression, otherwise an error
+ -- message is generated.
+ -- The result is a literal.
+ function Eval_Expr (Expr: Iir) return Iir;
+ -- Same as Eval_Expr, but do not check that EXPR is locally static.
+ -- May be used instead of Eval_Expr if you know than EXPR is locally
+ -- static, or for literals of type std.time.
+ function Eval_Static_Expr (Expr: Iir) return Iir;
+ -- Same as Eval_Expr, but if EXPR is not locally static, the result is
+ -- EXPR. Also, if EXPR is null_iir, then null_iir is returned.
+ -- The purpose of this function is to evaluate an expression only if it
+ -- is locally static.
+ function Eval_Expr_If_Static (Expr : Iir) return Iir;
+ -- Return TRUE if literal EXPR is in SUB_TYPE bounds.
+ function Eval_Is_In_Bound (Expr : Iir; Sub_Type : Iir) return Boolean;
+ -- Emit an error if EXPR violates SUB_TYPE bounds.
+ procedure Eval_Check_Bound (Expr : Iir; Sub_Type : Iir);
+ -- Return TRUE if range expression A_RANGE is not included in SUB_TYPE.
+ function Eval_Is_Range_In_Bound (A_Range : Iir; Sub_Type : Iir)
+ return Boolean;
+ -- Emit an error if A_RANGE is not included in SUB_TYPE.
+ procedure Eval_Check_Range (A_Range : Iir; Sub_Type : Iir);
+ -- Same as Eval_Expr, but a range check with SUB_TYPE is performed after
+ -- computation.
+ function Eval_Expr_Check (Expr : Iir; Sub_Type : Iir) return Iir;
+ -- Return TRUE iff VAL belongs to BOUND.
+ function Eval_Int_In_Range (Val : Iir_Int64; Bound : Iir) return Boolean;
+ -- Return the length of the discrete range CONSTRAINT.
+ function Eval_Discrete_Range_Length (Constraint : Iir) return Iir_Int64;
+ -- Return the length of SUB_TYPE.
+ function Eval_Discrete_Type_Length (Sub_Type : Iir) return Iir_Int64;
+ -- Get the left bound of a range constraint.
+ -- Note: the range constraint may be an attribute or a subtype.
+ function Eval_Discrete_Range_Left (Constraint : Iir) return Iir;
+ -- Return the range_expression of RNG, which is a range or a subtype.
+ -- Return NULL_IIR if the range constraint is not a range_expression.
+ function Eval_Range (Rng : Iir) return Iir;
+ -- Return the position of EXPR, ie the result of sub_type'pos (EXPR), where
+ -- sub_type is the type of expr.
+ -- EXPR must be of a discrete subtype.
+ function Eval_Pos (Expr : Iir) return Iir_Int64;
+ -- Create an array subtype from LEN and BASE_TYPE, according to rules
+ -- of LRM93 (which are the same as LRM93 7.2.4).
+ function Create_Unidim_Array_By_Length
+ (Base_Type : Iir; Len : Iir_Int64; Loc : Iir)
+ return Iir_Array_Subtype_Definition;
+ -- Create a subtype of A_TYPE whose length is LEN.
+ -- This is used to create subtypes for strings or aggregates.
+ function Create_Range_Subtype_By_Length
+ (A_Type : Iir; Len : Iir_Int64; Loc : Location_Type)
+ return Iir;
+ -- Store into NAME_BUFFER,NAME_LENGTH the simple name, character literal
+ -- or operator sumbol of ID, using the same format as SIMPLE_NAME
+ -- attribute.
+ procedure Eval_Simple_Name (Id : Name_Id);
+end Evaluation;
diff --git a/files_map.adb b/files_map.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..629911aef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files_map.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,943 @@
+-- Loading of source files.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Interfaces.C;
+with Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
+with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
+with GNAT.Table;
+with GNAT.OS_Lib;
+with GNAT.Directory_Operations;
+with System;
+with Name_Table; use Name_Table;
+with Str_Table;
+with Ada.Calendar;
+package body Files_Map is
+ -- Check validity of FILE.
+ -- Raise an exception in case of error.
+ procedure Check_File (File: in Source_File_Entry);
+ type Lines_Table_Type is array (Positive) of Source_Ptr;
+ type Lines_Table_Ptr is access all Lines_Table_Type;
+ -- Data associed with a file.
+ type Source_File_Record is record
+ -- All location between first and last belong to this file.
+ First_Location : Location_Type;
+ Last_Location : Location_Type;
+ -- The name_id that identify this file.
+ -- FIXME: what about file aliasing (links) ?
+ File_Name: Name_Id;
+ Directory : Name_Id;
+ -- The buffer containing the file.
+ Source: File_Buffer_Acc;
+ -- Length of the file, which is also the length of the buffer.
+ File_Length: Natural;
+ Time_Stamp: Time_Stamp_Id;
+ -- Current number of line in Lines_Table.
+ Nbr_Lines: Natural;
+ Lines_Table: Lines_Table_Ptr;
+ -- Current size of Lines_Table.
+ Lines_Table_Max: Natural;
+ -- Cache.
+ Cache_Line : Natural;
+ Cache_Pos : Source_Ptr;
+ end record;
+ -- Next location to use.
+ Next_Location : Location_Type := Location_Nil + 1;
+ package Source_Files is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Index_Type => Source_File_Entry,
+ Table_Component_Type => Source_File_Record,
+ Table_Low_Bound => No_Source_File_Entry + 1,
+ Table_Initial => 16,
+ Table_Increment => 100);
+ function Get_Last_Source_File_Entry return Source_File_Entry is
+ begin
+ return Source_Files.Last;
+ end Get_Last_Source_File_Entry;
+ Home_Dir : Name_Id := Null_Identifier;
+ function Get_Home_Directory return Name_Id is
+ begin
+ if Home_Dir = Null_Identifier then
+ GNAT.Directory_Operations.Get_Current_Dir (Name_Buffer, Name_Length);
+ Home_Dir := Get_Identifier;
+ end if;
+ return Home_Dir;
+ end Get_Home_Directory;
+ function Is_Absolute_Pathname (Path : String) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ -- This is the POSIX rule.
+ if Path'Length = 0 then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return Path (Path'First) = GNAT.OS_Lib.Directory_Separator;
+ end Is_Absolute_Pathname;
+ -- Note: BUF must be 1 based.
+-- procedure Get_Directory_Path (Dir : Directory_Index;
+-- Buf : out String;
+-- Len : out Natural)
+-- is
+-- begin
+-- if Dir < Pathes.First or else Dir > Pathes.Last then
+-- raise Constraint_Error;
+-- end if;
+-- Len := Pathes.Table (Dir).all'Length;
+-- if Len > Buf'Length then
+-- raise Constraint_Error;
+-- end if;
+-- Buf (1 .. Len) := Pathes.Table (Dir).all;
+-- end Get_Directory_Path;
+-- -- Revert path of directory DIR into BUF of length LEN.
+-- -- If DIR is a relative path, compute the relative path from DIR to the
+-- -- current directory.
+-- -- If DIR is an absolute path, then return DIR.
+-- procedure Revert_Pathname (Dir : Directory_Index;
+-- Buf : out String;
+-- Len : out Natural)
+-- is
+-- Dir_Path : String (1 .. Max_Path_Len);
+-- Dir_Len : Natural;
+-- Cur_Path : String (1 .. Max_Path_Len);
+-- Cur_Len : Natural;
+-- Cur_S, Cur_L : Natural;
+-- S, L : Natural;
+-- begin
+-- Get_Directory_Path (Dir, Buf, Len);
+-- -- Easy case: DIR is empty (ie, is the local directory) or an absolute
+-- -- path.
+-- if Len = 0 or else Is_Absolute_Pathname (Buf (1 .. Len)) then
+-- return;
+-- end if;
+-- -- Copy the path to revert into Dir_Path.
+-- Dir_Len := Len;
+-- Dir_Path (1 .. Dir_Len) := Buf (1 .. Len);
+-- S := 1;
+-- L := 1;
+-- -- Get the local path.
+-- Get_Current_Dir (Cur_Path, Cur_Len);
+-- Cur_S := Cur_Len;
+-- Cur_L := Cur_Len;
+-- -- Start to revert.
+-- -- Step 1:
+-- -- ../ -> Y/ where Y is taken from CUR_PATH
+-- -- ./ -> (none)
+-- loop
+-- while S <= Dir_Len and then Dir_Path (S) = Directory_Separator loop
+-- S := S + 1;
+-- end loop;
+-- -- Exit when no more components.
+-- exit when S > Dir_Len;
+-- L := S;
+-- -- Look for a path component.
+-- -- At the end of the loop, Dir_Path (S .. L) is a path component,
+-- -- without any directory_separator.
+-- loop
+-- if Dir_Path (L) = Directory_Separator then
+-- L := L - 1;
+-- exit;
+-- end if;
+-- exit when L = Dir_Len;
+-- L := L + 1;
+-- end loop;
+-- if S = L and Dir_Path (S) = '.' then
+-- null;
+-- elsif L = S + 1
+-- and then Dir_Path (S) = '.'
+-- and then Dir_Path (S + 1) = '.'
+-- then
+-- Xxxx;
+-- else
+-- Yyy;
+-- end if;
+-- end Revert_Pathname;
+-- function Get_Directory_Path (Dir : Directory_Index) return String
+-- is
+-- begin
+-- if Dir < Pathes.First or else Dir > Pathes.Last then
+-- raise Constraint_Error;
+-- end if;
+-- return Pathes.Table (Dir).all;
+-- end Get_Directory_Path;
+ procedure Location_To_File_Pos (Location : Location_Type;
+ File : out Source_File_Entry;
+ Pos : out Source_Ptr)
+ is
+ begin
+ -- FIXME: use a cache
+ -- FIXME: dicotomy
+ for I in Source_Files.First .. Source_Files.Last loop
+ declare
+ F : Source_File_Record renames Source_Files.Table (I);
+ begin
+ if Location >= F.First_Location
+ and then Location <= F.Last_Location
+ then
+ File := I;
+ Pos := Source_Ptr (Location - F.First_Location);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ -- File not found, location must be bad...
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end Location_To_File_Pos;
+ function File_Pos_To_Location (File : Source_File_Entry; Pos : Source_Ptr)
+ return Location_Type
+ is
+ begin
+ if Source_Files.Table (File).Source = null then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ else
+ return Source_Files.Table (File).First_Location + Location_Type (Pos);
+ end if;
+ end File_Pos_To_Location;
+ function Source_File_To_Location (File : Source_File_Entry)
+ return Location_Type
+ is
+ begin
+ return Source_Files.Table (File).First_Location;
+ end Source_File_To_Location;
+ procedure Reallocate_Lines_Table
+ (File: in out Source_File_Record; New_Size: Natural) is
+ use Interfaces.C;
+ function realloc
+ (memblock : Lines_Table_Ptr;
+ size : size_t)
+ return Lines_Table_Ptr;
+ pragma Import (C, realloc);
+ function malloc
+ (size : size_t)
+ return Lines_Table_Ptr;
+ pragma Import (C, malloc);
+ New_Table: Lines_Table_Ptr;
+ New_Byte_Size : size_t;
+ begin
+ New_Byte_Size :=
+ size_t(New_Size *
+ Lines_Table_Type'Component_Size / System.Storage_Unit);
+ if File.Lines_Table = null then
+ New_Table := malloc (New_Byte_Size);
+ else
+ New_Table := realloc (File.Lines_Table, New_Byte_Size);
+ end if;
+ if New_Table = null then
+ raise Storage_Error;
+ else
+ File.Lines_Table := New_Table;
+ File.Lines_Table (File.Lines_Table_Max + 1 .. New_Size) :=
+ (others => Source_Ptr_Bad);
+ File.Lines_Table_Max := New_Size;
+ end if;
+ end Reallocate_Lines_Table;
+ -- Add a new entry in the lines_table.
+ -- The new entry must be the next one after the last entry.
+ procedure File_Add_Line_Number
+ (File: Source_File_Entry; Line: Natural; Pos: Source_Ptr) is
+ Source_File: Source_File_Record renames Source_Files.Table (File);
+ begin
+ -- Just check File is not out of bounds.
+ if File > Source_Files.Last then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Line = 1 then
+ -- The position of the first line is well-known.
+ if Pos /= Source_Ptr_Org then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- The position of a non first line is not the well-known value.
+ if Pos <= Source_Ptr_Org then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Take care of scan backtracking.
+ if Line <= Source_File.Nbr_Lines then
+ if Source_File.Lines_Table (Line) = Source_Ptr_Bad then
+ Source_File.Lines_Table (Line) := Pos;
+ elsif Pos /= Source_File.Lines_Table (Line) then
+ Put_Line ("file" & Source_File_Entry'Image (File)
+ & " for line" & Natural'Image (Line)
+ & " pos =" & Source_Ptr'Image (Pos)
+ & ", lines_table = "
+ & Source_Ptr'Image (Source_File.Lines_Table (Line)));
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- The new entry must just follow the last entry.
+-- if Line /= Source_File.Nbr_Lines + 1 then
+-- raise Internal_Error;
+-- end if;
+ end if;
+ if Line > Source_File.Lines_Table_Max then
+ Reallocate_Lines_Table (Source_File, (Line / 128 + 1) * 128);
+ end if;
+ Source_File.Lines_Table (Line) := Pos;
+ if Line > Source_File.Nbr_Lines then
+ Source_File.Nbr_Lines := Line;
+ end if;
+ -- Source_File.Nbr_Lines := Source_File.Nbr_Lines + 1;
+ if False then
+ Put_Line ("file" & Source_File_Entry'Image (File)
+ & " line" & Natural'Image (Line)
+ & " at position" & Source_Ptr'Image (Pos));
+ end if;
+ end File_Add_Line_Number;
+ -- Convert a physical column to a logical column.
+ -- A physical column is the offset in byte from the first byte of the line.
+ -- A logical column is the position of the character when displayed.
+ -- A HT (tabulation) moves the cursor to the next position multiple of 8.
+ -- The first character is at position 1 and at offset 0.
+ procedure Coord_To_Position
+ (File : Source_File_Entry;
+ Line_Pos : Source_Ptr;
+ Offset : Natural;
+ Name : out Name_Id;
+ Col : out Natural)
+ is
+ Source_File: Source_File_Record renames Source_Files.Table (File);
+ Res : Positive := 1;
+ begin
+ Name := Source_File.File_Name;
+ for I in Line_Pos .. Line_Pos + Source_Ptr (Offset) - 1 loop
+ if Source_File.Source (I) = Ada.Characters.Latin_1.HT then
+ Res := Res + 8 - Res mod 8;
+ else
+ Res := Res + 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Col := Res;
+ end Coord_To_Position;
+ -- Should only be called by Location_To_Coord.
+ function Location_To_Line
+ (Source_File : Source_File_Record; Pos : Source_Ptr)
+ return Natural
+ is
+ Low, Hi, Mid : Natural;
+ Mid1 : Natural;
+ Lines_Table : constant Lines_Table_Ptr := Source_File.Lines_Table;
+ begin
+ -- Look in the cache.
+ if Pos >= Source_File.Cache_Pos then
+ Low := Source_File.Cache_Line;
+ Hi := Source_File.Nbr_Lines;
+ else
+ Low := 1;
+ Hi := Source_File.Cache_Line;
+ end if;
+ loop
+ << Again >> null;
+ Mid := (Hi + Low) / 2;
+ if Lines_Table (Mid) = Source_Ptr_Bad then
+ -- There is a hole: no position for this line.
+ -- Set MID1 to a line which has a position.
+ -- Try downward.
+ Mid1 := Mid;
+ while Lines_Table (Mid1) = Source_Ptr_Bad loop
+ -- Note: Low may have no line.
+ exit when Mid1 = Low;
+ Mid1 := Mid1 - 1;
+ end loop;
+ if Mid1 /= Low then
+ -- Mid1 has a line.
+ if Pos < Lines_Table (Mid1) then
+ Hi := Mid1;
+ goto Again;
+ end if;
+ if Pos > Lines_Table (Mid1) then
+ Low := Mid1;
+ goto Again;
+ end if;
+ -- Found, handled just below.
+ else
+ -- Failed (downward is LOW): try upward.
+ Mid1 := Mid;
+ while Lines_Table (Mid1) = Source_Ptr_Bad loop
+ Mid1 := Mid1 + 1;
+ end loop;
+ if Mid1 = Hi then
+ -- Failed: no lines between LOW and HI.
+ if Pos >= Lines_Table (Hi) then
+ Mid1 := Hi;
+ else
+ Mid1 := Low;
+ end if;
+ return Mid1;
+ end if;
+ -- Mid1 has a line.
+ if Pos < Lines_Table (Mid1) then
+ Hi := Mid1;
+ goto Again;
+ end if;
+ if Pos > Lines_Table (Mid1) then
+ Low := Mid1;
+ goto Again;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Mid := Mid1;
+ end if;
+ if Pos >= Lines_Table (Mid) then
+ if Mid = Source_File.Nbr_Lines
+ or else Pos < Lines_Table (Mid + 1)
+ or else Pos = Lines_Table (Mid)
+ or else (Hi <= Mid + 1
+ and Lines_Table (Mid + 1) = Source_Ptr_Bad)
+ then
+ return Mid;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Pos < Lines_Table (Mid) then
+ Hi := Mid - 1;
+ else
+ if Lines_Table (Mid + 1) /= Source_Ptr_Bad then
+ Low := Mid + 1;
+ else
+ Low := Mid;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Location_To_Line;
+ procedure Location_To_Coord
+ (Source_File : in out Source_File_Record;
+ Pos : Source_Ptr;
+ Line_Pos : out Source_Ptr;
+ Line : out Natural;
+ Offset : out Natural)
+ is
+ Line_P : Source_Ptr;
+ Line_Threshold : constant Natural := 4;
+ Low, Hi : Natural;
+ begin
+ -- Look in the cache.
+ if Pos >= Source_File.Cache_Pos then
+ Low := Source_File.Cache_Line;
+ Hi := Source_File.Nbr_Lines;
+ -- Maybe adjust the threshold.
+ -- Quick look.
+ if Pos - Source_File.Cache_Pos <= 120
+ and then Low + Line_Threshold <= Hi
+ then
+ for I in 1 .. Line_Threshold loop
+ Line_P := Source_File.Lines_Table (Low + I);
+ if Line_P > Pos then
+ Line := Low + I - 1;
+ goto Found;
+ else
+ exit when Line_P = Source_Ptr_Bad;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Line := Location_To_Line (Source_File, Pos);
+ << Found >> null;
+ Line_Pos := Source_File.Lines_Table (Line);
+ Offset := Natural (Pos - Source_File.Lines_Table (Line));
+ -- Update cache.
+ Source_File.Cache_Pos := Pos;
+ Source_File.Cache_Line := Line;
+ end Location_To_Coord;
+ procedure Location_To_Position
+ (Location : Location_Type;
+ Name : out Name_Id;
+ Line : out Natural;
+ Col : out Natural)
+ is
+ File : Source_File_Entry;
+ Line_Pos : Source_Ptr;
+ Offset : Natural;
+ begin
+ Location_To_Coord (Location, File, Line_Pos, Line, Offset);
+ Coord_To_Position (File, Line_Pos, Offset, Name, Col);
+ end Location_To_Position;
+ procedure Location_To_Coord
+ (Location : Location_Type;
+ File : out Source_File_Entry;
+ Line_Pos : out Source_Ptr;
+ Line : out Natural;
+ Offset : out Natural)
+ is
+ Pos : Source_Ptr;
+ begin
+ Location_To_File_Pos (Location, File, Pos);
+ Location_To_Coord (Source_Files.Table (File), Pos,
+ Line_Pos, Line, Offset);
+ end Location_To_Coord;
+ -- Convert the first digit of VAL into a character (base 10).
+ function Digit_To_Char (Val: Natural) return Character is
+ begin
+ return Character'Val (Character'Pos ('0') + Val mod 10);
+ end Digit_To_Char;
+ -- Format: YYYYMMDDHHmmsscc
+ -- Y: year, M: month, D: day, H: hour, m: minute, s: second, cc:100th sec
+ function Os_Time_To_Time_Stamp_Id (Time: GNAT.OS_Lib.OS_Time)
+ return Time_Stamp_Id
+ is
+ use GNAT.OS_Lib;
+ use Str_Table;
+ Res: Time_Stamp_Id;
+ Year: Year_Type;
+ Month: Month_Type;
+ Day: Day_Type;
+ Hour: Hour_Type;
+ Minute: Minute_Type;
+ Second: Second_Type;
+ begin
+ GM_Split (Time, Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second);
+ Res := Time_Stamp_Id (Start);
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (Year / 1000));
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (Year / 100));
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (Year / 10));
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (Year / 1));
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (Month / 10));
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (Month / 1));
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (Day / 10));
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (Day / 1));
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (Hour / 10));
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (Hour / 1));
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (Minute / 10));
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (Minute / 1));
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (Second / 10));
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (Second / 1));
+ Append ('.');
+ Append ('0');
+ Append ('0');
+ Append ('0');
+ Finish;
+ return Res;
+ end Os_Time_To_Time_Stamp_Id;
+ function Get_File_Time_Stamp (Filename : System.Address)
+ return Time_Stamp_Id
+ is
+ use GNAT.OS_Lib;
+ Fd : File_Descriptor;
+ Res : Time_Stamp_Id;
+ begin
+ Fd := Open_Read (Filename, Binary);
+ if Fd = Invalid_FD then
+ return Null_Time_Stamp;
+ end if;
+ Res := Os_Time_To_Time_Stamp_Id (File_Time_Stamp (Fd));
+ Close (Fd);
+ return Res;
+ end Get_File_Time_Stamp;
+ function Get_File_Time_Stamp (FD : GNAT.OS_Lib.File_Descriptor)
+ return Time_Stamp_Id
+ is
+ begin
+ return Os_Time_To_Time_Stamp_Id (GNAT.OS_Lib.File_Time_Stamp (FD));
+ end Get_File_Time_Stamp;
+ function Get_Os_Time_Stamp return Time_Stamp_Id
+ is
+ use Ada.Calendar;
+ use Str_Table;
+ Year : Year_Number;
+ Month : Month_Number;
+ Day : Day_Number;
+ Sec : Day_Duration;
+ S : Integer;
+ S1 : Integer;
+ M : Integer;
+ Res: Time_Stamp_Id;
+ begin
+ -- FIXME: Clock is local time, while get_file_time_stamp returns
+ -- GMT time.
+ Split (Clock, Year, Month, Day, Sec);
+ Res := Time_Stamp_Id (Start);
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (Year / 1000));
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (Year / 100));
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (Year / 10));
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (Year / 1));
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (Month / 10));
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (Month / 1));
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (Day / 10));
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (Day / 1));
+ S := Integer (Sec);
+ if Day_Duration (S) > Sec then
+ -- We need a truncation.
+ S := S - 1;
+ end if;
+ S1 := S / 3600;
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (S1 / 10));
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (S1));
+ S1 := (S / 60) mod 60;
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (S1 / 10));
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (S1));
+ S1 := S mod 60;
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (S1 / 10));
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (S1));
+ Append ('.');
+ Sec := Sec - Day_Duration (S);
+ M := Integer (Sec * 1000);
+ if M = 1000 then
+ -- We need truncation.
+ M := 999;
+ end if;
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (M / 100));
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (M / 10));
+ Append (Digit_To_Char (M));
+ Finish;
+ return Res;
+ end Get_Os_Time_Stamp;
+ function Get_Pathname (Directory : Name_Id;
+ Name: Name_Id;
+ Add_Nul : Boolean)
+ return String
+ is
+ L : Natural;
+ begin
+ Image (Name);
+ if not Is_Absolute_Pathname (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length)) then
+ L := Name_Length;
+ Image (Directory);
+ Name_Buffer (Name_Length + 1 .. Name_Length + L) := Image (Name);
+ Name_Length := Name_Length + L;
+ end if;
+ if Add_Nul then
+ Name_Length := Name_Length + 1;
+ Name_Buffer (Name_Length) := Character'Val (0);
+ end if;
+ return Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length);
+ end Get_Pathname;
+ -- Find a source_file by DIRECTORY and NAME.
+ -- Return NO_SOURCE_FILE_ENTRY if not already opened.
+ function Find_Source_File (Directory : Name_Id; Name: Name_Id)
+ return Source_File_Entry
+ is
+ begin
+ for I in Source_Files.First .. Source_Files.Last loop
+ if Source_Files.Table (I).File_Name = Name
+ and then Source_Files.Table (I).Directory = Directory
+ then
+ return I;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return No_Source_File_Entry;
+ end Find_Source_File;
+ -- Return an entry for a filename.
+ -- The file is not loaded.
+ function Create_Source_File_Entry (Directory : Name_Id; Name: Name_Id)
+ return Source_File_Entry
+ is
+ Res: Source_File_Entry;
+ begin
+ if Find_Source_File (Directory, Name) /= No_Source_File_Entry then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Create a new entry.
+ Res := Source_Files.Allocate;
+ Source_Files.Table (Res) := (First_Location => Next_Location,
+ Last_Location => Next_Location,
+ File_Name => Name,
+ Directory => Directory,
+ Time_Stamp => Null_Time_Stamp,
+ Source => null,
+ File_Length => 0,
+ Nbr_Lines => 0,
+ Lines_Table_Max => 0,
+ Lines_Table => null,
+ Cache_Pos => Source_Ptr_Org,
+ Cache_Line => 1);
+ File_Add_Line_Number (Res, 1, Source_Ptr_Org);
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Source_File_Entry;
+ function Create_Virtual_Source_File (Name: Name_Id)
+ return Source_File_Entry
+ is
+ Res : Source_File_Entry;
+ Buffer: File_Buffer_Acc;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Source_File_Entry (Null_Identifier, Name);
+ Buffer := new File_Buffer (Source_Ptr_Org .. Source_Ptr_Org + 1);
+ Buffer (Source_Ptr_Org) := EOT;
+ Buffer (Source_Ptr_Org + 1) := EOT;
+ Source_Files.Table (Res).Last_Location := Next_Location + 1;
+ Next_Location := Next_Location + 2;
+ Source_Files.Table (Res).Source := Buffer;
+ Source_Files.Table (Res).File_Length := 0;
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Virtual_Source_File;
+ -- Return an entry for a filename.
+ -- Load the filename if necessary.
+ function Load_Source_File (Directory : Name_Id; Name: Name_Id)
+ return Source_File_Entry
+ is
+ use GNAT.OS_Lib;
+ Fd: File_Descriptor;
+ Res: Source_File_Entry;
+ Length: Source_Ptr;
+ Buffer: File_Buffer_Acc;
+ begin
+ -- If the file is already loaded, nothing to do!
+ Res := Find_Source_File (Directory, Name);
+ if Res /= No_Source_File_Entry then
+ if Source_Files.Table (Res).Source = null then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Filename : String := Get_Pathname (Directory, Name, True);
+ begin
+ Fd := Open_Read (Filename'Address, Binary);
+ if Fd = Invalid_FD then
+ return No_Source_File_Entry;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ Res := Create_Source_File_Entry (Directory, Name);
+ Source_Files.Table (Res).Time_Stamp := Get_File_Time_Stamp (Fd);
+ Length := Source_Ptr (File_Length (Fd));
+ Buffer :=
+ new File_Buffer (Source_Ptr_Org .. Source_Ptr_Org + Length + 1);
+ if Read (Fd, Buffer (Source_Ptr_Org)'Address, Integer (Length))
+ /= Integer (Length)
+ then
+ Close (Fd);
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Buffer (Length) := EOT;
+ Buffer (Length + 1) := EOT;
+ if Source_Files.Table (Res).First_Location /= Next_Location then
+ -- Load_Source_File call must follow its Create_Source_File.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Source_Files.Table (Res).Last_Location :=
+ Next_Location + Location_Type (Length) + 1;
+ Next_Location := Source_Files.Table (Res).Last_Location + 1;
+ Source_Files.Table (Res).Source := Buffer;
+ Source_Files.Table (Res).File_Length := Integer (Length);
+ Close (Fd);
+ return Res;
+ end Load_Source_File;
+ -- Check validity of FILE.
+ -- Raise an exception in case of error.
+ procedure Check_File (File: in Source_File_Entry) is
+ begin
+ if File > Source_Files.Last then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end Check_File;
+ -- Return a buffer (access to the contents of the file) for a file entry.
+ function Get_File_Source (File: Source_File_Entry)
+ return File_Buffer_Acc is
+ begin
+ Check_File (File);
+ return Source_Files.Table (File).Source;
+ end Get_File_Source;
+ -- Return the length of the file (which is the size of the file buffer).
+ function Get_File_Length (File: Source_File_Entry) return Source_Ptr is
+ begin
+ Check_File (File);
+ return Source_Ptr (Source_Files.Table (File).File_Length);
+ end Get_File_Length;
+ -- Return the name of the file.
+ function Get_File_Name (File: Source_File_Entry) return Name_Id is
+ begin
+ Check_File (File);
+ return Source_Files.Table (File).File_Name;
+ end Get_File_Name;
+ -- Return the date of the file (last modification date) as a string.
+ function Get_File_Time_Stamp (File: Source_File_Entry)
+ return Time_Stamp_Id is
+ begin
+ Check_File (File);
+ return Source_Files.Table (File).Time_Stamp;
+ end Get_File_Time_Stamp;
+ function Get_Source_File_Directory (File : Source_File_Entry)
+ return Name_Id is
+ begin
+ Check_File (File);
+ return Source_Files.Table (File).Directory;
+ end Get_Source_File_Directory;
+ function Line_To_Position (File : Source_File_Entry; Line : Natural)
+ return Source_Ptr
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_File (File);
+ if Line > Source_Files.Table (File).Nbr_Lines then
+ return Source_Ptr_Bad;
+ else
+ return Source_Files.Table (File).Lines_Table (Line);
+ end if;
+ end Line_To_Position;
+ function Is_Eq (L : Time_Stamp_Id; R : Time_Stamp_Id) return Boolean
+ is
+ use Str_Table;
+ L_Str : String_Fat_Acc := Get_String_Fat_Acc (String_Id (L));
+ R_Str : String_Fat_Acc := Get_String_Fat_Acc (String_Id (R));
+ begin
+ return L_Str (1 .. Time_Stamp_String'Length)
+ = R_Str (1 .. Time_Stamp_String'Length);
+ end Is_Eq;
+ function Is_Gt (L : Time_Stamp_Id; R : Time_Stamp_Id) return Boolean
+ is
+ use Str_Table;
+ L_Str : String_Fat_Acc := Get_String_Fat_Acc (String_Id (L));
+ R_Str : String_Fat_Acc := Get_String_Fat_Acc (String_Id (R));
+ begin
+ return L_Str (1 .. Time_Stamp_String'Length)
+ > R_Str (1 .. Time_Stamp_String'Length);
+ end Is_Gt;
+ function Get_Time_Stamp_String (Ts : Time_Stamp_Id) return String is
+ begin
+ if Ts = Null_Time_Stamp then
+ return "NULL_TS";
+ else
+ return Str_Table.Get_String_Fat_Acc (String_Id (Ts))
+ (1 .. Time_Stamp_String'Length);
+ end if;
+ end Get_Time_Stamp_String;
+ -- Debug procedures.
+ procedure Debug_Source_Lines (File: Source_File_Entry);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Debug_Source_Lines);
+ procedure Debug_Source_File;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Debug_Source_File);
+ -- Disp sources lines of a file.
+ procedure Debug_Source_Lines (File: Source_File_Entry) is
+ Source_File: Source_File_Record renames Source_Files.Table (File);
+ begin
+ Check_File (File);
+ for I in Positive'First .. Source_File.Nbr_Lines loop
+ Put_Line ("line" & Natural'Image (I) & " at offset"
+ & Source_Ptr'Image (Source_File.Lines_Table (I)));
+ end loop;
+ end Debug_Source_Lines;
+ procedure Debug_Source_File is
+ begin
+ for I in Source_Files.First .. Source_Files.Last loop
+ declare
+ F : Source_File_Record renames Source_Files.Table(I);
+ begin
+ Put ("file" & Source_File_Entry'Image (I));
+ Put (" name: " & Image (F.File_Name));
+ Put (" dir:" & Image (F.Directory));
+ Put (" length:" & Natural'Image (F.File_Length));
+ New_Line;
+ if F.Time_Stamp /= Null_Time_Stamp then
+ Put (" time_stamp: " & Get_Time_Stamp_String (F.Time_Stamp));
+ end if;
+ Put (" nbr lines:" & Natural'Image (F.Nbr_Lines));
+ Put (" lines_table_max:" & Natural'Image (F.Lines_Table_Max));
+ New_Line;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ end Debug_Source_File;
+ procedure Initialize
+ is
+ procedure free (Ptr : Lines_Table_Ptr);
+ pragma Import (C, free);
+ procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (File_Buffer, File_Buffer_Acc);
+ begin
+ for I in Source_Files.First .. Source_Files.Last loop
+ free (Source_Files.Table (I).Lines_Table);
+ Free (Source_Files.Table (I).Source);
+ end loop;
+ Source_Files.Free;
+ Source_Files.Init;
+ end Initialize;
+end Files_Map;
diff --git a/files_map.ads b/files_map.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4bcf8772d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files_map.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+-- Loading of source files.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Types; use Types;
+with System;
+package Files_Map is
+ -- Source file handling
+ -----------------------
+ -- Create the path from DIRECTORY and NAME:
+ -- If NAME is an absolute pathname, then return NAME.
+ -- Otherwise, return the concatenation of DIRECTORY and NAME.
+ -- If ADD_NUL is TRUE, then a trailing '\0' is appended.
+ function Get_Pathname (Directory : Name_Id;
+ Name: Name_Id;
+ Add_Nul : Boolean)
+ return String;
+ -- Return an entry for a filename.
+ -- Load the filename if necessary.
+ -- Return No_Source_File_Entry if the file does not exist.
+ function Load_Source_File (Directory : Name_Id; Name: Name_Id)
+ return Source_File_Entry;
+ -- Each file in memory has two terminal EOT.
+ EOT : constant Character := Character'Val (4);
+ -- Create a Source_File for a virtual file name. Used for implicit,
+ -- command-line and std.standard library.
+ function Create_Virtual_Source_File (Name: Name_Id)
+ return Source_File_Entry;
+ -- Return a buffer (access to the contents of the file) for a file entry.
+ function Get_File_Source (File: Source_File_Entry)
+ return File_Buffer_Acc;
+ -- Return the length of the file (which is the size of the file buffer).
+ function Get_File_Length (File: Source_File_Entry) return Source_Ptr;
+ -- Return the entry of the last known file.
+ -- This allow the user to create a table of Source_File_Entry.
+ function Get_Last_Source_File_Entry return Source_File_Entry;
+ -- Time stamp handling.
+ function Is_Eq (L : Time_Stamp_Id; R : Time_Stamp_Id) return Boolean;
+ function Is_Gt (L : Time_Stamp_Id; R : Time_Stamp_Id) return Boolean;
+ function Get_Time_Stamp_String (Ts : Time_Stamp_Id) return String;
+ -- Return the date of the file (last modification date) as a string.
+ function Get_File_Time_Stamp (File: Source_File_Entry)
+ return Time_Stamp_Id;
+ function Get_File_Time_Stamp (Filename : System.Address)
+ return Time_Stamp_Id;
+ -- Return the current date of the system.
+ function Get_Os_Time_Stamp return Time_Stamp_Id;
+ -- Return the home directory (current directory).
+ function Get_Home_Directory return Name_Id;
+ -- Return the directory of the file.
+ function Get_Source_File_Directory (File : Source_File_Entry)
+ return Name_Id;
+ -- Return the name of the file.
+ function Get_File_Name (File: Source_File_Entry) return Name_Id;
+ -- Get the path of directory DIR.
+ --function Get_Directory_Path (Dir : Directory_Index) return String;
+ -- Return TRUE is PATH is an absolute pathname.
+ function Is_Absolute_Pathname (Path : String) return Boolean;
+ -- Add a new entry in the lines_table.
+ -- The new entry must be the next one after the last entry.
+ procedure File_Add_Line_Number
+ (File: Source_File_Entry; Line: Natural; Pos: Source_Ptr);
+ -- Convert LOCATION into a source file FILE and an offset POS in the
+ -- file.
+ procedure Location_To_File_Pos (Location : Location_Type;
+ File : out Source_File_Entry;
+ Pos : out Source_Ptr);
+ -- Convert a FILE and an offset POS in the file into a location.
+ function File_Pos_To_Location (File : Source_File_Entry; Pos : Source_Ptr)
+ return Location_Type;
+ -- Convert a FILE into a location.
+ function Source_File_To_Location (File : Source_File_Entry)
+ return Location_Type;
+ -- Convert a FILE+LINE into a position.
+ -- Return Source_Ptr_Bad in case of error (LINE out of bounds).
+ function Line_To_Position (File : Source_File_Entry; Line : Natural)
+ return Source_Ptr;
+ -- Translate LOCATION into coordinate (physical position).
+ -- FILE identifies the filename.
+ -- LINE_POS is the offset in the file of the first character of the line,
+ -- LINE is the line number (first line is 1),
+ -- OFFSET is the offset of the location in the line (first character is 0,
+ -- a tabulation is one character),
+ procedure Location_To_Coord
+ (Location : Location_Type;
+ File : out Source_File_Entry;
+ Line_Pos : out Source_Ptr;
+ Line : out Natural;
+ Offset : out Natural);
+ -- Translate coordinate into logical position.
+ -- NAME is the name of the file,
+ -- COL is the column (first character is 1, tabulation are at every 8
+ -- positions).
+ procedure Coord_To_Position
+ (File : Source_File_Entry;
+ Line_Pos : Source_Ptr;
+ Offset : Natural;
+ Name : out Name_Id;
+ Col : out Natural);
+ -- Translate LOCATION to NAME, LINE and COL.
+ -- It is like to two procedures above.
+ procedure Location_To_Position
+ (Location : Location_Type;
+ Name : out Name_Id;
+ Line : out Natural;
+ Col : out Natural);
+ -- Get LINE and COL from LOCATION.
+ --procedure Get_Source_File_Line_And_Column
+ -- (Location: Location_Type; Line, Col: out Natural; Name : out Name_Id);
+ -- Free all memory and reinitialize.
+ procedure Initialize;
+end Files_Map;
diff --git a/flags.adb b/flags.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..73a1454ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flags.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+-- Command line flags.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
+with Name_Table;
+with Libraries;
+with Scan;
+package body Flags is
+ function Option_Warning (Opt: String; Val : Boolean) return Boolean is
+ begin
+-- if Opt = "undriven" then
+-- Warn_Undriven := True;
+ if Opt = "library" then
+ Warn_Library := Val;
+ elsif Opt = "default-binding" then
+ Warn_Default_Binding := Val;
+ elsif Opt = "binding" then
+ Warn_Binding := Val;
+ elsif Opt = "reserved" then
+ Warn_Reserved_Word := Val;
+ elsif Opt = "vital-generic" then
+ Warn_Vital_Generic := Val;
+ elsif Opt = "delayed-checks" then
+ Warn_Delayed_Checks := Val;
+ elsif Opt = "body" then
+ Warn_Body := Val;
+ elsif Opt = "specs" then
+ Warn_Specs := Val;
+ elsif Opt = "unused" then
+ Warn_Unused := Val;
+ elsif Opt = "error" then
+ Warn_Error := Val;
+ else
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end Option_Warning;
+ function Parse_Option (Opt: String) return Boolean is
+ Beg: Integer := Opt'First;
+ begin
+ if Opt'Length > 5 and then Opt (Beg .. Beg + 5) = "--std=" then
+ if Opt'Length = 8 then
+ if Opt (Beg + 6 .. Beg + 7) = "87" then
+ Vhdl_Std := Vhdl_87;
+ elsif Opt (Beg + 6 .. Beg + 7) = "93" then
+ Vhdl_Std := Vhdl_93;
+ elsif Opt (Beg + 6 .. Beg + 7) = "00" then
+ Vhdl_Std := Vhdl_00;
+ elsif Opt (Beg + 6 .. Beg + 7) = "02" then
+ Vhdl_Std := Vhdl_02;
+ else
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ elsif Opt'Length = 9 and then Opt (Beg + 6 .. Beg + 8) = "93c" then
+ Vhdl_Std := Vhdl_93c;
+ else
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ elsif Opt'Length > 2 and then Opt (Beg .. Beg + 1) = "-P" then
+ Libraries.Add_Library_Path (Opt (Beg + 2 .. Opt'Last));
+ elsif Opt'Length > 10 and then Opt (Beg .. Beg + 9) = "--workdir=" then
+ Libraries.Set_Work_Library_Path (Opt (Beg + 10 .. Opt'Last));
+ elsif Opt'Length > 7 and then Opt (Beg .. Beg + 6) = "--warn-" then
+ return Option_Warning (Opt (Beg + 7 .. Opt'Last), True);
+ elsif Opt'Length > 10 and then Opt (Beg .. Beg + 9) = "--warn-no-" then
+ return Option_Warning (Opt (Beg + 10 .. Opt'Last), False);
+ elsif Opt'Length > 7 and then Opt (Beg .. Beg + 6) = "--work=" then
+ declare
+ use Name_Table;
+ begin
+ Name_Length := Opt'Last - (Beg + 7) + 1;
+ Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length) := Opt (Beg + 7 .. Opt'Last);
+ Scan.Convert_Identifier;
+ Libraries.Work_Library_Name := Get_Identifier;
+ end;
+ elsif Opt = "-C" or else Opt = "--mb-comments" then
+ Mb_Comment := True;
+ elsif Opt = "--bootstrap" then
+ Bootstrap := True;
+ elsif Opt = "-fexplicit" then
+ Flag_Explicit := True;
+ elsif Opt = "--syn-binding" then
+ Flag_Syn_Binding := True;
+ elsif Opt = "--no-vital-checks" then
+ Flag_Vital_Checks := False;
+ elsif Opt = "--vital-checks" then
+ Flag_Vital_Checks := True;
+ elsif Opt = "-dp" then
+ Dump_Parse := True;
+ elsif Opt = "-ds" then
+ Dump_Sem := True;
+ elsif Opt = "-dc" then
+ Dump_Canon := True;
+ elsif Opt = "-da" then
+ Dump_Annotate := True;
+ elsif Opt = "--dall" then
+ Dump_All := True;
+ elsif Opt = "-dstats" then
+ Dump_Stats := True;
+ elsif Opt = "--lall" then
+ List_All := True;
+ elsif Opt = "-lv" then
+ List_Verbose := True;
+ elsif Opt = "-ls" then
+ List_Sem := True;
+ elsif Opt = "-lc" then
+ List_Canon := True;
+ elsif Opt = "-la" then
+ List_Annotate := True;
+ elsif Opt = "-v" then
+ Verbose := True;
+ elsif Opt = "--finteger64" then
+ Flag_Integer_64 := True;
+ elsif Opt = "--ftime32" then
+ Flag_Time_64 := False;
+-- elsif Opt'Length > 17
+-- and then Opt (Beg .. Beg + 17) = "--time-resolution="
+-- then
+-- Beg := Beg + 18;
+-- if Opt (Beg .. Beg + 1) = "fs" then
+-- Time_Resolution := 'f';
+-- elsif Opt (Beg .. Beg + 1) = "ps" then
+-- Time_Resolution := 'p';
+-- elsif Opt (Beg .. Beg + 1) = "ns" then
+-- Time_Resolution := 'n';
+-- elsif Opt (Beg .. Beg + 1) = "us" then
+-- Time_Resolution := 'u';
+-- elsif Opt (Beg .. Beg + 1) = "ms" then
+-- Time_Resolution := 'm';
+-- elsif Opt (Beg .. Beg + 2) = "sec" then
+-- Time_Resolution := 's';
+-- elsif Opt (Beg .. Beg + 2) = "min" then
+-- Time_Resolution := 'M';
+-- elsif Opt (Beg .. Beg + 1) = "hr" then
+-- Time_Resolution := 'h';
+-- else
+-- return False;
+-- end if;
+ else
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end Parse_Option;
+ -- Disp help about these options.
+ procedure Disp_Options_Help
+ is
+ procedure P (S : String) renames Put_Line;
+ begin
+ P ("Main options:");
+ P (" --work=LIB use LIB as work library");
+ P (" --workdir=DIR use DIR for the file library");
+ P (" -PPATH add PATH in the library path list");
+ P (" --std=87 select vhdl 87 standard");
+ P (" --std=93 select vhdl 93 standard");
+ P (" --std=93c select vhdl 93 standard and allow 87 syntax");
+ P (" --[no-]vital-checks do [not] check VITAL restrictions");
+ P ("Warnings:");
+-- P (" --warn-undriven disp undriven signals");
+ P (" --warn-binding warns for component not bound");
+ P (" --warn-reserved warns use of 93 reserved words in vhdl87");
+ P (" --warn-library warns for redefinition of a design unit");
+ P (" --warn-vital-generic warns of non-vital generic names");
+ P (" --warn-delayed-checks warns for checks performed at elaboration");
+ P (" --warn-body warns for not necessary package body");
+ P (" --warn-specs warns if a all/others spec does not apply");
+ P (" --warn-unused warns if a subprogram is never used");
+ P (" --warn-error turns warnings into errors");
+-- P ("Simulation option:");
+-- P (" --time-resolution=UNIT set the resolution of type time");
+-- P (" UNIT can be fs, ps, ns, us, ms, sec, min or hr");
+-- P (" --assert-level=LEVEL set the level which stop the");
+-- P (" simulation. LEVEL is note, warning, error,");
+-- P (" failure or none");
+ P ("Illegal extensions:");
+ P (" -fexplicit give priority to explicitly declared operator");
+ P (" -C --mb-comments allow multi-bytes chars in a comment");
+ P (" --bootstrap allow --work=std");
+ P (" --syn-binding use synthesis default binding rule");
+ P ("Compilation dump:");
+ P (" -dp dump tree after parsing");
+ P (" -ds dump tree after semantics");
+ P (" -da dump tree after annotate");
+ P (" --dall -dX options apply to all files");
+ P ("Compilation list:");
+ P (" -ls after semantics");
+ P (" -lc after canon");
+ P (" -la after annotation");
+ P (" --lall -lX options apply to all files");
+ P (" -lv verbose list");
+ P (" -v disp compilation stages");
+ end Disp_Options_Help;
+ procedure Create_Flag_String is
+ begin
+ case Vhdl_Std is
+ when Vhdl_87 =>
+ Flag_String (1 .. 2) := "87";
+ when Vhdl_93c
+ | Vhdl_93
+ | Vhdl_00
+ | Vhdl_02 =>
+ Flag_String (1 .. 2) := "93";
+ end case;
+ if Flag_Integer_64 then
+ Flag_String (3) := 'I';
+ else
+ Flag_String (3) := 'i';
+ end if;
+ if Flag_Time_64 then
+ Flag_String (4) := 'T';
+ else
+ Flag_String (4) := 't';
+ end if;
+ if not Flag_Time_64 and Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Flag_String (5) := Time_Resolution;
+ else
+ if Flag_Time_64 then
+ Flag_String (5) := '-';
+ else
+ Flag_String (5) := '?';
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Create_Flag_String;
+end Flags;
diff --git a/flags.ads b/flags.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d047ba2d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flags.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+-- Command line flags.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+-- All the variables declared in this package are set by Parse_Option function
+-- and can by read as soon as the command line is parsed.
+-- Since the names are not prefixed, this package is expected to be with'ed
+-- but not to be use'd.
+with Types; use Types;
+package Flags is
+ -- Standard accepted.
+ Vhdl_Std: Vhdl_Std_Type := Vhdl_93c;
+ -- Return true if opt is recognize by flags.
+ -- Note: std_names.std_names_initialize and files_map.init_pathes must have
+ -- been called before this subprogram.
+ function Parse_Option (Opt: String) return Boolean;
+ -- Disp help about these options.
+ procedure Disp_Options_Help;
+ -- Some flags (such as vhdl version) must be the same for every design
+ -- units of a hierarchy.
+ -- The Flag_String is a signature of all these flags.
+ Flag_String : String (1 .. 5);
+ procedure Create_Flag_String;
+ -- If set, a multi-bytes sequence can appear in a comment, ie, all
+ -- characters except VT, CR, LF and FF are allowed in a comment.
+ -- Set by -C and --mb-comments
+ Mb_Comment: Boolean := False;
+ -- If set, relax rules about std library: working library can be std.
+ Bootstrap : Boolean := False;
+ -- Options -dX
+ -- -dp: disp tree after parsing
+ Dump_Parse: Boolean := False;
+ -- -ds: disp tree after semantic
+ Dump_Sem: Boolean := False;
+ -- -dc: disp tree after canon
+ Dump_Canon : Boolean := False;
+ -- -da: disp tree after annotation
+ Dump_Annotate: Boolean := False;
+ -- --dall: makes -dX options to apply to all files.
+ Dump_All: Boolean := False;
+ -- -dstats: disp statistics.
+ Dump_Stats : Boolean := False;
+ -- -lX options: list tree as a vhdl file.
+ -- --lall option: makes -lX options to apply to all files
+ List_All: Boolean := False;
+ -- -lv: list verbose
+ List_Verbose: Boolean := False;
+ -- -ls: list tree after semantic.
+ List_Sem: Boolean := False;
+ -- -lc: list tree after canon.
+ List_Canon: Boolean := False;
+ -- -la: list tree after back-end annotation.
+ List_Annotate: Boolean := False;
+ -- -v: disp phase of compilation.
+ Verbose : Boolean := False;
+ -- If set to true, it means that analyze is done for elaboration.
+ -- The purpose is to avoid spurious warning "will be checked
+ -- at elaboration"
+ Flag_Elaborate : Boolean := False;
+ -- If set, a default aspect entity aspect might be an outdated unit.
+ -- Used by ghdldrv.
+ Flag_Elaborate_With_Outdated : Boolean := False;
+ -- Do not display parse and sem warnings. Used during elaboration.
+ Flag_Only_Elab_Warnings : Boolean := False;
+ -- If set, explicit subprogram declarations take precedence over
+ -- implicit declarations, even through use clauses.
+ Flag_Explicit : Boolean := False;
+ -- If set, use 'L.C' rule from VHDL02 to do default component binding.
+ Flag_Syn_Binding : Boolean := False;
+ -- If set, performs VITAL checks.
+ Flag_Vital_Checks : Boolean := True;
+ -- --time-resolution=X
+ -- Where X corresponds to:
+ -- fs => 'f'
+ -- ps => 'p'
+ -- ns => 'n'
+ -- us => 'u'
+ -- ms => 'm'
+ -- sec => 's'
+ -- min => 'M'
+ -- hr => 'h'
+ Time_Resolution: Character := 'f';
+ -- Integer and time types can be either 32 bits or 64 bits values.
+ -- The default is 32 bits for Integer and 64 bits for Time.
+ -- Be very careful: if you don't use the default sizes, you may have to
+ -- change other parts of your systems (such as GRT).
+ Flag_Integer_64 : Boolean := False;
+ Flag_Time_64 : Boolean := True;
+ -- If set, generate cross-references during sem.
+ Flag_Xref : Boolean := False;
+ -- --warn-undriven
+ --Warn_Undriven : Boolean := False;
+ -- --warn-default-binding
+ -- Should emit a warning when there is no default binding for a component
+ -- instantiation.
+ Warn_Default_Binding : Boolean := False;
+ -- --warn-binding
+ -- Emit a warning at elaboration for unbound component.
+ Warn_Binding : Boolean := True;
+ -- --warn-reserved
+ -- Emit a warning when a vhdl93 reserved word is used as a
+ -- vhdl87 identifier.
+ Warn_Reserved_Word : Boolean := False;
+ -- --warn-library
+ -- Emit a warning when a design unit redefines another design unit.
+ Warn_Library : Boolean := False;
+ -- --warn-vital-generic
+ -- Emit a warning when a generic of a vital entity is not a vital name.
+ Warn_Vital_Generic : Boolean := True;
+ -- --warn-delayed-checks
+ -- Emit warnings about delayed checks (checks performed at elaboration
+ -- time).
+ Warn_Delayed_Checks : Boolean := True;
+ -- --warn-body
+ -- Emit a warning when a package body is not required but is analyzed.
+ Warn_Body : Boolean := True;
+ -- --warn-specs
+ -- Emit a warning when an all/others specification does not apply, because
+ -- there is no such named entities.
+ Warn_Specs : Boolean := True;
+ -- --warn-unused
+ -- Emit a warning when a declaration is never used.
+ -- FIXME: currently only subprograms are handled.
+ Warn_Unused : Boolean := True;
+ -- --warn-error
+ -- Turns warnings into errors.
+ Warn_Error : Boolean := False;
+end Flags;
diff --git a/ieee-std_logic_1164.adb b/ieee-std_logic_1164.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..625888a09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ieee-std_logic_1164.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+-- Nodes recognizer for ieee.std_logic_1164.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Types; use Types;
+with Std_Names; use Std_Names;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+package body Ieee.Std_Logic_1164 is
+ function Skip_Implicit (Decl : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ Res := Decl;
+ loop
+ exit when Res = Null_Iir;
+ exit when Get_Kind (Res) /= Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration;
+ Res := Get_Chain (Res);
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end Skip_Implicit;
+ procedure Extract_Declarations (Pkg : Iir_Package_Declaration)
+ is
+ Error : exception;
+ Decl : Iir;
+ Def : Iir;
+ begin
+ Std_Logic_1164_Pkg := Pkg;
+ Decl := Get_Declaration_Chain (Pkg);
+ -- The first declaration should be type std_ulogic.
+ if Decl = Null_Iir
+ or else Get_Kind (Decl) /= Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ or else Get_Identifier (Decl) /= Name_Std_Ulogic
+ then
+ raise Error;
+ end if;
+ Def := Get_Type (Decl);
+ if Get_Kind (Def) /= Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition then
+ raise Error;
+ end if;
+ Std_Ulogic_Type := Def;
+ -- The second declaration should be std_ulogic_vector.
+ Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ Decl := Skip_Implicit (Decl);
+ if Decl = Null_Iir
+ or else Get_Kind (Decl) /= Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ or else Get_Identifier (Decl) /= Name_Std_Ulogic_Vector
+ then
+ raise Error;
+ end if;
+ Def := Get_Type (Decl);
+ if Get_Kind (Def) /= Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition then
+ raise Error;
+ end if;
+ Std_Ulogic_Vector_Type := Def;
+ -- The third declaration should be resolved.
+ Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ Decl := Skip_Implicit (Decl);
+ if Decl = Null_Iir
+ or else Get_Kind (Decl) /= Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ then
+ -- FIXME: check name ?
+ raise Error;
+ end if;
+ Resolved := Decl;
+ -- The fourth declaration should be std_logic.
+ Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ Decl := Skip_Implicit (Decl);
+ if Decl = Null_Iir
+ or else Get_Kind (Decl) /= Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
+ or else Get_Identifier (Decl) /= Name_Std_Logic
+ then
+ raise Error;
+ end if;
+ Def := Get_Type (Decl);
+ if Get_Kind (Def) /= Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition then
+ raise Error;
+ end if;
+ Std_Logic_Type := Def;
+ -- The fifth declaration should be std_logic_vector.
+ Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ Decl := Skip_Implicit (Decl);
+ if Decl = Null_Iir
+ or else Get_Kind (Decl) /= Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ or else Get_Identifier (Decl) /= Name_Std_Logic_Vector
+ then
+ raise Error;
+ end if;
+ Def := Get_Type (Decl);
+ if Get_Kind (Def) /= Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition then
+ raise Error;
+ end if;
+ Std_Logic_Vector_Type := Def;
+ -- Skip any declarations but functions.
+ loop
+ Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ exit when Decl = Null_Iir;
+ if Get_Kind (Decl) = Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration then
+ if Get_Identifier (Decl) = Name_Rising_Edge then
+ Rising_Edge := Decl;
+ elsif Get_Identifier (Decl) = Name_Falling_Edge then
+ Falling_Edge := Decl;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- Since rising_edge and falling_edge do not read activity of its
+ -- parameter, clear the flag to allow more optimizations.
+ if Rising_Edge /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Has_Active_Flag
+ (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Rising_Edge), False);
+ else
+ raise Error;
+ end if;
+ if Falling_Edge /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Has_Active_Flag
+ (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Falling_Edge), False);
+ else
+ raise Error;
+ end if;
+ exception
+ when Error =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("package ieee.std_logic_1164 is ill-formed", Pkg);
+ -- Clear all definitions.
+ Std_Logic_1164_Pkg := Null_Iir;
+ Std_Ulogic_Type := Null_Iir;
+ Std_Ulogic_Vector_Type := Null_Iir;
+ Std_Logic_Type := Null_Iir;
+ Std_Logic_Vector_Type := Null_Iir;
+ Rising_Edge := Null_Iir;
+ Falling_Edge := Null_Iir;
+ end Extract_Declarations;
+end Ieee.Std_Logic_1164;
diff --git a/ieee-std_logic_1164.ads b/ieee-std_logic_1164.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e1325c378
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ieee-std_logic_1164.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+-- Nodes recognizer for ieee.std_logic_1164.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+package Ieee.Std_Logic_1164 is
+ -- Nodes corresponding to declarations in the package.
+ Std_Logic_1164_Pkg : Iir_Package_Declaration := Null_Iir;
+ Std_Ulogic_Type : Iir_Enumeration_Type_Definition := Null_Iir;
+ Std_Ulogic_Vector_Type : Iir_Array_Type_Definition := Null_Iir;
+ Std_Logic_Type : Iir_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition := Null_Iir;
+ Std_Logic_Vector_Type : Iir_Array_Type_Definition := Null_Iir;
+ Resolved : Iir_Function_Declaration := Null_Iir;
+ Rising_Edge : Iir_Function_Declaration := Null_Iir;
+ Falling_Edge : Iir_Function_Declaration := Null_Iir;
+ -- Extract declarations from PKG.
+ -- PKG is the package declaration for ieee.std_logic_1164 package.
+ -- Fills the node aboves.
+ procedure Extract_Declarations (Pkg : Iir_Package_Declaration);
+end Ieee.Std_Logic_1164;
diff --git a/ieee-vital_timing.adb b/ieee-vital_timing.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..88f39bcf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ieee-vital_timing.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1369 @@
+-- Nodes recognizer for ieee.vital_timing.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Types; use Types;
+with Std_Names;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Std_Package; use Std_Package;
+with Tokens; use Tokens;
+with Name_Table;
+with Ieee.Std_Logic_1164; use Ieee.Std_Logic_1164;
+with Sem_Scopes;
+with Evaluation;
+with Sem;
+with Flags;
+package body Ieee.Vital_Timing is
+ -- This package is based on IEEE 1076.4 1995.
+ -- Control generics identifier.
+ InstancePath_Id : Name_Id;
+ TimingChecksOn_Id : Name_Id;
+ XOn_Id : Name_Id;
+ MsgOn_Id : Name_Id;
+ -- Extract declarations from package IEEE.VITAL_Timing.
+ procedure Extract_Declarations (Pkg : Iir_Package_Declaration)
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ Ill_Formed : exception;
+ Decl : Iir;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ VitalDelayType_Id : Name_Id;
+ VitalDelayType01_Id : Name_Id;
+ VitalDelayType01Z_Id : Name_Id;
+ VitalDelayType01ZX_Id : Name_Id;
+ VitalDelayArrayType_Id : Name_Id;
+ VitalDelayArrayType01_Id : Name_Id;
+ VitalDelayArrayType01Z_Id : Name_Id;
+ VitalDelayArrayType01ZX_Id : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ -- Get Vital delay type identifiers.
+ Name_Buffer (1 .. 18) := "vitaldelaytype01zx";
+ Name_Length := 14;
+ VitalDelayType_Id := Get_Identifier_No_Create;
+ if VitalDelayType_Id = Null_Identifier then
+ raise Ill_Formed;
+ end if;
+ Name_Length := 16;
+ VitalDelayType01_Id := Get_Identifier_No_Create;
+ if VitalDelayType01_Id = Null_Identifier then
+ raise Ill_Formed;
+ end if;
+ Name_Length := 17;
+ VitalDelayType01Z_Id := Get_Identifier_No_Create;
+ if VitalDelayType01Z_Id = Null_Identifier then
+ raise Ill_Formed;
+ end if;
+ Name_Length := 18;
+ VitalDelayType01ZX_Id := Get_Identifier_No_Create;
+ if VitalDelayType01ZX_Id = Null_Identifier then
+ raise Ill_Formed;
+ end if;
+ Name_Buffer (1 .. 23) := "vitaldelayarraytype01zx";
+ Name_Length := 19;
+ VitalDelayArrayType_Id := Get_Identifier_No_Create;
+ if VitalDelayArrayType_Id = Null_Identifier then
+ raise Ill_Formed;
+ end if;
+ Name_Length := 21;
+ VitalDelayArrayType01_Id := Get_Identifier_No_Create;
+ if VitalDelayArrayType01_Id = Null_Identifier then
+ raise Ill_Formed;
+ end if;
+ Name_Length := 22;
+ VitalDelayArrayType01Z_Id := Get_Identifier_No_Create;
+ if VitalDelayArrayType01Z_Id = Null_Identifier then
+ raise Ill_Formed;
+ end if;
+ Name_Length := 23;
+ VitalDelayArrayType01ZX_Id := Get_Identifier_No_Create;
+ if VitalDelayArrayType01ZX_Id = Null_Identifier then
+ raise Ill_Formed;
+ end if;
+ -- Iterate on every declaration.
+ -- Do name-matching.
+ Decl := Get_Declaration_Chain (Pkg);
+ while Decl /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration =>
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Decl);
+ if Id = Std_Names.Name_VITAL_Level0 then
+ Vital_Level0_Attribute := Decl;
+ elsif Id = Std_Names.Name_VITAL_Level1 then
+ Vital_Level1_Attribute := Decl;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Decl);
+ if Id = VitalDelayType_Id then
+ VitalDelayType := Get_Type (Decl);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration =>
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Decl);
+ if Id = VitalDelayArrayType_Id then
+ VitalDelayArrayType := Get_Type (Decl);
+ elsif Id = VitalDelayArrayType01_Id then
+ VitalDelayArrayType01 := Get_Type (Decl);
+ elsif Id = VitalDelayArrayType01Z_Id then
+ VitalDelayArrayType01Z := Get_Type (Decl);
+ elsif Id = VitalDelayArrayType01ZX_Id then
+ VitalDelayArrayType01ZX := Get_Type (Decl);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Decl);
+ if Id = VitalDelayType01_Id then
+ VitalDelayType01 := Get_Type (Decl);
+ elsif Id = VitalDelayType01Z_Id then
+ VitalDelayType01Z := Get_Type (Decl);
+ elsif Id = VitalDelayType01ZX_Id then
+ VitalDelayType01ZX := Get_Type (Decl);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ end loop;
+ -- If a declaration was not found, then the package is not the expected
+ -- one.
+ if Vital_Level0_Attribute = Null_Iir
+ or Vital_Level1_Attribute = Null_Iir
+ or VitalDelayType = Null_Iir
+ or VitalDelayType01 = Null_Iir
+ or VitalDelayType01Z = Null_Iir
+ or VitalDelayType01ZX = Null_Iir
+ or VitalDelayArrayType = Null_Iir
+ or VitalDelayArrayType01 = Null_Iir
+ or VitalDelayArrayType01Z = Null_Iir
+ or VitalDelayArrayType01ZX = Null_Iir
+ then
+ raise Ill_Formed;
+ end if;
+ -- Create identifier for control generics.
+ InstancePath_Id := Get_Identifier ("instancepath");
+ TimingChecksOn_Id := Get_Identifier ("timingcheckson");
+ XOn_Id := Get_Identifier ("xon");
+ MsgOn_Id := Get_Identifier ("msgon");
+ exception
+ when Ill_Formed =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("package ieee.vital_timing is ill-formed", Pkg);
+ Vital_Level0_Attribute := Null_Iir;
+ Vital_Level1_Attribute := Null_Iir;
+ VitalDelayType := Null_Iir;
+ VitalDelayType01 := Null_Iir;
+ VitalDelayType01Z := Null_Iir;
+ VitalDelayType01ZX := Null_Iir;
+ VitalDelayArrayType := Null_Iir;
+ VitalDelayArrayType01 := Null_Iir;
+ VitalDelayArrayType01Z := Null_Iir;
+ VitalDelayArrayType01ZX := Null_Iir;
+ end Extract_Declarations;
+ procedure Error_Vital (Msg : String; Loc : Iir) renames Error_Msg_Sem;
+ procedure Error_Vital (Msg : String; Loc : Location_Type)
+ renames Error_Msg_Sem;
+ procedure Warning_Vital (Msg : String; Loc : Iir) renames Warning_Msg_Sem;
+ -- Check DECL is the VITAL level 0 attribute specification.
+ procedure Check_Level0_Attribute_Specification (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Expr : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Decl) /= Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification
+ or else Get_Attribute_Designator (Decl) /= Vital_Level0_Attribute
+ then
+ Error_Vital
+ ("first declaration must be the VITAL attribute specification",
+ Decl);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- IEEE 1076.4 4.1
+ -- The expression in the VITAL_Level0 attribute specification shall be
+ -- the Boolean literal TRUE.
+ Expr := Get_Expression (Decl);
+ if Expr /= Boolean_True then
+ Error_Vital
+ ("the expression in the VITAL_Level0 attribute specification shall "
+ & "be the Boolean literal TRUE", Decl);
+ end if;
+ -- IEEE 1076.4 4.1
+ -- The entity specification of the decorating attribute specification
+ -- shall be such that the enclosing entity or architecture inherits the
+ -- VITAL_Level0 attribute.
+ case Get_Entity_Class (Decl) is
+ when Tok_Entity
+ | Tok_Architecture =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Vital ("VITAL attribute specification does not decorate the "
+ & "enclosing entity or architecture", Decl);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Level0_Attribute_Specification;
+ procedure Check_Entity_Port_Declaration
+ (Decl : Iir_Signal_Interface_Declaration)
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ Atype : Iir;
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ Type_Decl : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- IEEE 1076.4 4.3.1
+ -- The identifiers in an entity port declaration shall not contain
+ -- underscore characters.
+ Image (Get_Identifier (Decl));
+ if Name_Buffer (1) = '/' then
+ Error_Vital ("VITAL entity port shall not be an extended identifier",
+ Decl);
+ end if;
+ for I in 1 .. Name_Length loop
+ if Name_Buffer (I) = '_' then
+ Error_Vital
+ ("VITAL entity port shall not contain underscore", Decl);
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- IEEE 1076.4 4.3.1
+ -- A port that is declared in an entity port declaration shall not be
+ -- of mode LINKAGE.
+ if Get_Mode (Decl) = Iir_Linkage_Mode then
+ Error_Vital ("VITAL entity port shall not be of mode LINKAGE", Decl);
+ end if;
+ -- IEEE 1076.4 4.3.1
+ -- The type mark in an entity port declaration shall denote a type or
+ -- a subtype that is declared in package Std_Logic_1164. The type
+ -- mark in the declaration of a scalar port shall denote the subtype
+ -- Std_Ulogic or a subtype of Std_Ulogic. The type mark in the
+ -- declaration of an array port shall denote the type Std_Logic_Vector.
+ Atype := Get_Type (Decl);
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Atype);
+ Type_Decl := Get_Type_Declarator (Atype);
+ if Base_Type = Std_Logic_Vector_Type then
+ if Get_Resolution_Function (Atype) /= Null_Iir then
+ Error_Vital
+ ("VITAL array port type cannot override resolution function",
+ Decl);
+ end if;
+ -- FIXME: is an unconstrained array port allowed ?
+ -- FIXME: what about staticness of the index_constraint ?
+ elsif Base_Type = Std_Ulogic_Type then
+ if Type_Decl = Null_Iir
+ or else Get_Parent (Type_Decl) /= Std_Logic_1164_Pkg
+ then
+ Error_Vital
+ ("VITAL entity port type mark shall be one of Std_Logic_1164",
+ Decl);
+ end if;
+ else
+ Error_Vital ("VITAL port type must be Std_Logic_Vector or Std_Ulogic",
+ Decl);
+ end if;
+ if Get_Signal_Kind (Decl) /= Iir_No_Signal_Kind then
+ Error_Vital ("VITAL entity port cannot be guarded", Decl);
+ end if;
+ end Check_Entity_Port_Declaration;
+ -- Current position in the generic name, stored into
+ -- name_table.name_buffer.
+ Gen_Name_Pos : Natural;
+ -- Length of the generic name.
+ Gen_Name_Length : Natural;
+ -- The generic being analyzed.
+ Gen_Decl : Iir;
+ Gen_Chain : Iir;
+ procedure Error_Vital_Name (Str : String)
+ is
+ Loc : Location_Type;
+ begin
+ Loc := Get_Location (Gen_Decl);
+ Error_Vital (Str, Loc + Location_Type (Gen_Name_Pos - 1));
+ end Error_Vital_Name;
+ -- Check the next sub-string in the generic name is a port.
+ -- Returns the port.
+ function Check_Port return Iir
+ is
+ use Sem_Scopes;
+ use Name_Table;
+ C : Character;
+ Res : Iir;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ Inter : Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ begin
+ Name_Length := 0;
+ while Gen_Name_Pos <= Gen_Name_Length loop
+ C := Name_Buffer (Gen_Name_Pos);
+ Gen_Name_Pos := Gen_Name_Pos + 1;
+ exit when C = '_';
+ Name_Length := Name_Length + 1;
+ Name_Buffer (Name_Length) := C;
+ end loop;
+ if Name_Length = 0 then
+ Error_Vital_Name ("port expected in VITAL generic name");
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Id := Get_Identifier_No_Create;
+ Res := Null_Iir;
+ if Id /= Null_Identifier then
+ Inter := Get_Interpretation (Id);
+ if Valid_Interpretation (Inter) then
+ Res := Get_Declaration (Inter);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Warning_Vital ("'" & Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length)
+ & "' is not a port name (in VITAL generic name)",
+ Gen_Decl);
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Check_Port;
+ -- Checks the port is an input port.
+ function Check_Input_Port return Iir
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ Res := Check_Port;
+ if Res /= Null_Iir then
+ -- IEEE 1076.4
+ -- an input port is a VHDL port of mode IN or INOUT.
+ case Get_Mode (Res) is
+ when Iir_In_Mode
+ | Iir_Inout_Mode =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Vital ("'" & Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length)
+ & "' must be an input port", Gen_Decl);
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Check_Input_Port;
+ -- Checks the port is an output port.
+ function Check_Output_Port return Iir
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ Res := Check_Port;
+ if Res /= Null_Iir then
+ -- IEEE 1076.4
+ -- An output port is a VHDL port of mode OUT, INOUT or BUFFER.
+ case Get_Mode (Res) is
+ when Iir_Out_Mode
+ | Iir_Inout_Mode
+ | Iir_Buffer_Mode =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Vital ("'" & Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length)
+ & "' must be an output port", Gen_Decl);
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Check_Output_Port;
+ -- Extract a suffix from the generic name.
+ type Suffixes_Kind is
+ (
+ Suffix_Name, -- [a-z]*
+ Suffix_Num_Name, -- [0-9]*
+ Suffix_Edge, -- posedge, negedge, 01, 10, 0z, z1, 1z, z0
+ Suffix_Noedge, -- noedge
+ Suffix_Eon -- End of name
+ );
+ function Get_Next_Suffix_Kind return Suffixes_Kind
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ Len : Natural;
+ P : Natural := Gen_Name_Pos;
+ C : Character;
+ begin
+ Len := 0;
+ while Gen_Name_Pos <= Gen_Name_Length loop
+ C := Name_Buffer (Gen_Name_Pos);
+ Gen_Name_Pos := Gen_Name_Pos + 1;
+ exit when C = '_';
+ Len := Len + 1;
+ end loop;
+ if Len = 0 then
+ return Suffix_Eon;
+ end if;
+ case Name_Buffer (P) is
+ when '0' =>
+ if Len = 2 and then (Name_Buffer (P + 1) = '1'
+ or Name_Buffer (P + 1) = 'z')
+ then
+ return Suffix_Edge;
+ else
+ return Suffix_Num_Name;
+ end if;
+ when '1' =>
+ if Len = 2 and then (Name_Buffer (P + 1) = '0'
+ or Name_Buffer (P + 1) = 'z')
+ then
+ return Suffix_Edge;
+ else
+ return Suffix_Num_Name;
+ end if;
+ when '2' .. '9' =>
+ return Suffix_Num_Name;
+ when 'z' =>
+ if Len = 2 and then (Name_Buffer (P + 1) = '0'
+ or Name_Buffer (P + 1) = '1')
+ then
+ return Suffix_Edge;
+ else
+ return Suffix_Name;
+ end if;
+ when 'p' =>
+ if Len = 7 and then Name_Buffer (P .. P + 6) = "posedge" then
+ return Suffix_Edge;
+ else
+ return Suffix_Name;
+ end if;
+ when 'n' =>
+ if Len = 7 and then Name_Buffer (P .. P + 6) = "negedge" then
+ return Suffix_Edge;
+ elsif Len = 6 and then Name_Buffer (P .. P + 5) = "noedge" then
+ return Suffix_Edge;
+ else
+ return Suffix_Name;
+ end if;
+ when 'a' .. 'm'
+ | 'o'
+ | 'q' .. 'y' =>
+ return Suffix_Name;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Next_Suffix_Kind;
+ -- <SDFSimpleConditionAndOrEdge> ::=
+ -- <ConditionName>
+ -- | <Edge>
+ -- | <ConditionName>_<Edge>
+ procedure Check_Simple_Condition_And_Or_Edge
+ is
+ First : Boolean := True;
+ begin
+ loop
+ case Get_Next_Suffix_Kind is
+ when Suffix_Eon =>
+ -- Simple condition is optional.
+ return;
+ when Suffix_Edge =>
+ if Get_Next_Suffix_Kind /= Suffix_Eon then
+ Error_Vital_Name ("garbage after edge");
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when Suffix_Num_Name =>
+ if First then
+ Error_Vital_Name ("condition is a simple name");
+ end if;
+ when Suffix_Noedge =>
+ Error_Vital_Name ("'noedge' not allowed in simple condition");
+ when Suffix_Name =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ First := False;
+ end loop;
+ end Check_Simple_Condition_And_Or_Edge;
+ -- <SDFFullConditionAndOrEdge> ::=
+ -- <ConditionNameEdge>[_<SDFSimpleConditionAndOrEdge>]
+ --
+ -- <ConditionNameEdge> ::=
+ -- [<ConditionName>_]<Edge>
+ -- | [<ConditionName>_]noedge
+ procedure Check_Full_Condition_And_Or_Edge
+ is
+ begin
+ case Get_Next_Suffix_Kind is
+ when Suffix_Eon =>
+ -- FullCondition is always optional.
+ return;
+ when Suffix_Edge
+ | Suffix_Noedge =>
+ Check_Simple_Condition_And_Or_Edge;
+ return;
+ when Suffix_Num_Name =>
+ Error_Vital_Name ("condition is a simple name");
+ when Suffix_Name =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ loop
+ case Get_Next_Suffix_Kind is
+ when Suffix_Eon =>
+ Error_Vital_Name ("missing edge or noedge");
+ return;
+ when Suffix_Edge
+ | Suffix_Noedge =>
+ Check_Simple_Condition_And_Or_Edge;
+ return;
+ when Suffix_Num_Name
+ | Suffix_Name =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Check_Full_Condition_And_Or_Edge;
+ procedure Check_End is
+ begin
+ if Get_Next_Suffix_Kind /= Suffix_Eon then
+ Error_Vital_Name ("garbage at end of name");
+ end if;
+ end Check_End;
+ -- Return the length of a port P.
+ -- If P is a scalar port, return PORT_LENGTH_SCALAR
+ -- If P is a vector, return the length of the vector (>= 0)
+ -- Otherwise, return PORT_LENGTH_ERROR.
+ Port_Length_Unknown : constant Iir_Int64 := -1;
+ Port_Length_Scalar : constant Iir_Int64 := -2;
+ Port_Length_Error : constant Iir_Int64 := -3;
+ function Get_Port_Length (P : Iir) return Iir_Int64
+ is
+ Ptype : Iir;
+ Itype : Iir;
+ begin
+ Ptype := Get_Type (P);
+ if Get_Base_Type (Ptype) = Std_Ulogic_Type then
+ return Port_Length_Scalar;
+ elsif Get_Kind (Ptype) = Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ and then Get_Base_Type (Ptype) = Std_Logic_Vector_Type
+ then
+ Itype := Get_First_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Ptype));
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (Itype) /= Locally then
+ return Port_Length_Unknown;
+ end if;
+ return Evaluation.Eval_Discrete_Type_Length (Itype);
+ else
+ return Port_Length_Error;
+ end if;
+ end Get_Port_Length;
+ -- IEEE 1076.4 9.1 VITAL delay types and subtypes.
+ -- The transition dependent delay types are
+ -- VitalDelayType01, VitalDelayType01Z, VitalDelayType01ZX,
+ -- VitalDelayArrayType01, VitalDelayArrayType01Z, VitalDelayArrayType01ZX.
+ -- The first three are scalar forms, the last three are vector forms.
+ --
+ -- The simple delay types and subtypes include
+ -- Time, VitalDelayType, and VitalDelayArrayType.
+ -- The first two are scalar forms, and the latter is the vector form.
+ type Timing_Generic_Type_Kind is
+ (
+ Timing_Type_Simple_Scalar,
+ Timing_Type_Simple_Vector,
+ Timing_Type_Trans_Scalar,
+ Timing_Type_Trans_Vector,
+ Timing_Type_Bad
+ );
+ function Get_Timing_Generic_Type_Kind return Timing_Generic_Type_Kind
+ is
+ Gtype : Iir;
+ Btype : Iir;
+ begin
+ Gtype := Get_Type (Gen_Decl);
+ Btype := Get_Base_Type (Gtype);
+ case Get_Kind (Gtype) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ if Btype = VitalDelayArrayType then
+ return Timing_Type_Simple_Vector;
+ end if;
+ if Btype = VitalDelayType01
+ or Btype = VitalDelayType01Z
+ or Btype = VitalDelayType01ZX
+ then
+ return Timing_Type_Trans_Scalar;
+ end if;
+ if Btype = VitalDelayArrayType01
+ or Btype = VitalDelayArrayType01Z
+ or Btype = VitalDelayArrayType01ZX
+ then
+ return Timing_Type_Trans_Vector;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition =>
+ if Gtype = Time_Subtype_Definition
+ or else Gtype = VitalDelayType
+ then
+ return Timing_Type_Simple_Scalar;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Error_Vital ("type of timing generic is not a VITAL delay type",
+ Gen_Decl);
+ return Timing_Type_Bad;
+ end Get_Timing_Generic_Type_Kind;
+ function Get_Timing_Generic_Type_Length return Iir_Int64
+ is
+ Itype : Iir;
+ begin
+ Itype := Get_First_Element
+ (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Get_Type (Gen_Decl)));
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (Itype) /= Locally then
+ return Port_Length_Unknown;
+ else
+ return Evaluation.Eval_Discrete_Type_Length (Itype);
+ end if;
+ end Get_Timing_Generic_Type_Length;
+ -- IEEE 1076.4 Timing generic subtypes
+ -- * If the timing generic is associated with a single port and that port
+ -- is a scalar, then the type of the timing generic shall be a scalar
+ -- form of delay type.
+ -- * If such a timing generic is associated with a single port and that
+ -- port is a vector, then the type of the timing generic shall be a
+ -- vector form of delay type, and the constraint on the generic shall
+ -- match that on the associated port.
+ procedure Check_Vital_Delay_Type (P : Iir;
+ Is_Simple : Boolean := False;
+ Is_Scalar : Boolean := False)
+ is
+ Kind : Timing_Generic_Type_Kind;
+ Len : Iir_Int64;
+ Len1 : Iir_Int64;
+ begin
+ Kind := Get_Timing_Generic_Type_Kind;
+ if P = Null_Iir or Kind = Timing_Type_Bad then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Len := Get_Port_Length (P);
+ if Len = Port_Length_Scalar then
+ case Kind is
+ when Timing_Type_Simple_Scalar =>
+ null;
+ when Timing_Type_Trans_Scalar =>
+ if Is_Simple then
+ Error_Vital
+ ("VITAL simple scalar timing type expected", Gen_Decl);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Vital ("VITAL scalar timing type expected", Gen_Decl);
+ return;
+ end case;
+ elsif Len >= Port_Length_Unknown then
+ if Is_Scalar then
+ Error_Vital ("VITAL scalar timing type expected", Gen_Decl);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Kind is
+ when Timing_Type_Simple_Vector =>
+ null;
+ when Timing_Type_Trans_Vector =>
+ if Is_Simple then
+ Error_Vital
+ ("VITAL simple vector timing type expected", Gen_Decl);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Vital ("VITAL vector timing type expected", Gen_Decl);
+ return;
+ end case;
+ Len1 := Get_Timing_Generic_Type_Length;
+ if Len1 /= Len then
+ Error_Vital ("length of port and VITAL vector timing subtype "
+ & "does not match", Gen_Decl);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Vital_Delay_Type;
+ -- IEEE 1076.4 Timing generic subtypes
+ -- * If the timing generic is associated with two scalar ports, then the
+ -- type of the timing generic shall be a scalar form of delay type.
+ -- * If the timing generic is associated with two ports, one or more of
+ -- which is a vector, then the type of the timing generic shall be a
+ -- vector form of delay type, and the length of the index range of the
+ -- generic shall be equal to the product of the number of scalar
+ -- subelements in the first port and the number of scalar subelements
+ -- in the second port.
+ procedure Check_Vital_Delay_Type
+ (P1, P2 : Iir;
+ Is_Simple : Boolean := False;
+ Is_Scalar : Boolean := False)
+ is
+ Kind : Timing_Generic_Type_Kind;
+ Len1 : Iir_Int64;
+ Len2 : Iir_Int64;
+ Lenp : Iir_Int64;
+ begin
+ Kind := Get_Timing_Generic_Type_Kind;
+ if P1 = Null_Iir or P2 = Null_Iir or Kind = Timing_Type_Bad then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Len1 := Get_Port_Length (P1);
+ Len2 := Get_Port_Length (P2);
+ if Len1 = Port_Length_Scalar and Len2 = Port_Length_Scalar then
+ case Kind is
+ when Timing_Type_Simple_Scalar =>
+ null;
+ when Timing_Type_Trans_Scalar =>
+ if Is_Simple then
+ Error_Vital
+ ("VITAL simple scalar timing type expected", Gen_Decl);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Vital ("VITAL scalar timing type expected", Gen_Decl);
+ return;
+ end case;
+ elsif Len1 >= Port_Length_Unknown or Len2 >= Port_Length_Unknown then
+ if Is_Scalar then
+ Error_Vital ("VITAL scalar timing type expected", Gen_Decl);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Kind is
+ when Timing_Type_Simple_Vector =>
+ null;
+ when Timing_Type_Trans_Vector =>
+ if Is_Simple then
+ Error_Vital
+ ("VITAL simple vector timing type expected", Gen_Decl);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Vital ("VITAL vector timing type expected", Gen_Decl);
+ return;
+ end case;
+ if Len1 = Port_Length_Scalar then
+ Len1 := 1;
+ elsif Len1 = Port_Length_Error then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Len2 = Port_Length_Scalar then
+ Len2 := 1;
+ elsif Len2 = Port_Length_Error then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Lenp := Get_Timing_Generic_Type_Length;
+ if Lenp /= Len1 * Len2 then
+ Error_Vital ("length of port and VITAL vector timing subtype "
+ & "does not match", Gen_Decl);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Vital_Delay_Type;
+ function Check_Timing_Generic_Prefix
+ (Decl : Iir_Constant_Interface_Declaration; Length : Natural)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ begin
+ -- IEEE 1076.4 4.3.1
+ -- It is an error for a model to use a timing generic prefix to begin
+ -- the simple name of an entity generic that is not a timing generic.
+ if Name_Length < Length or Name_Buffer (Length) /= '_' then
+ Error_Vital ("invalid use of a VITAL timing generic prefix", Decl);
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Gen_Name_Pos := Length + 1;
+ Gen_Name_Length := Name_Length;
+ Gen_Decl := Decl;
+ return True;
+ end Check_Timing_Generic_Prefix;
+ -- IEEE 1076.4 Propagation Delay
+ -- <VITALPropagationDelayName> ::=
+ -- TPD_<InputPort>_<OutputPort>[_<SDFSimpleConditionAndOrEdge>]
+ procedure Check_Propagation_Delay_Name
+ (Decl : Iir_Constant_Interface_Declaration)
+ is
+ Iport : Iir;
+ Oport : Iir;
+ begin
+ if not Check_Timing_Generic_Prefix (Decl, 4) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Iport := Check_Input_Port;
+ Oport := Check_Output_Port;
+ Check_Simple_Condition_And_Or_Edge;
+ Check_Vital_Delay_Type (Iport, Oport);
+ end Check_Propagation_Delay_Name;
+ procedure Check_Test_Reference
+ is
+ Tport : Iir;
+ Rport : Iir;
+ begin
+ Tport := Check_Input_Port;
+ Rport := Check_Input_Port;
+ Check_Full_Condition_And_Or_Edge;
+ Check_Vital_Delay_Type (Tport, Rport, Is_Simple => True);
+ end Check_Test_Reference;
+ -- tsetup
+ procedure Check_Input_Setup_Time_Name
+ (Decl : Iir_Constant_Interface_Declaration)
+ is
+ begin
+ if not Check_Timing_Generic_Prefix (Decl, 7) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Check_Test_Reference;
+ end Check_Input_Setup_Time_Name;
+ -- thold
+ procedure Check_Input_Hold_Time_Name
+ (Decl : Iir_Constant_Interface_Declaration)
+ is
+ begin
+ if not Check_Timing_Generic_Prefix (Decl, 6) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Check_Test_Reference;
+ end Check_Input_Hold_Time_Name;
+ -- trecovery
+ procedure Check_Input_Recovery_Time_Name
+ (Decl : Iir_Constant_Interface_Declaration)
+ is
+ begin
+ if not Check_Timing_Generic_Prefix (Decl, 10) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Check_Test_Reference;
+ end Check_Input_Recovery_Time_Name;
+ -- tremoval
+ procedure Check_Input_Removal_Time_Name
+ (Decl : Iir_Constant_Interface_Declaration)
+ is
+ begin
+ if not Check_Timing_Generic_Prefix (Decl, 9) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Check_Test_Reference;
+ end Check_Input_Removal_Time_Name;
+ -- tperiod
+ procedure Check_Input_Period_Name
+ (Decl : Iir_Constant_Interface_Declaration)
+ is
+ Iport : Iir;
+ begin
+ if not Check_Timing_Generic_Prefix (Decl, 8) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Iport := Check_Input_Port;
+ Check_Simple_Condition_And_Or_Edge;
+ Check_Vital_Delay_Type (Iport, Is_Simple => True);
+ end Check_Input_Period_Name;
+ -- tpw
+ procedure Check_Pulse_Width_Name
+ (Decl : Iir_Constant_Interface_Declaration)
+ is
+ Iport : Iir;
+ begin
+ if not Check_Timing_Generic_Prefix (Decl, 4) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Iport := Check_Input_Port;
+ Check_Simple_Condition_And_Or_Edge;
+ Check_Vital_Delay_Type (Iport, Is_Simple => True);
+ end Check_Pulse_Width_Name;
+ -- tskew
+ procedure Check_Input_Skew_Time_Name
+ (Decl : Iir_Constant_Interface_Declaration)
+ is
+ Fport : Iir;
+ Sport : Iir;
+ begin
+ if not Check_Timing_Generic_Prefix (Decl, 6) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Fport := Check_Port;
+ Sport := Check_Port;
+ Check_Full_Condition_And_Or_Edge;
+ Check_Vital_Delay_Type (Fport, Sport, Is_Simple => True);
+ end Check_Input_Skew_Time_Name;
+ -- tncsetup
+ procedure Check_No_Change_Setup_Time_Name
+ (Decl : Iir_Constant_Interface_Declaration)
+ is
+ begin
+ if not Check_Timing_Generic_Prefix (Decl, 9) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Check_Test_Reference;
+ end Check_No_Change_Setup_Time_Name;
+ -- tnchold
+ procedure Check_No_Change_Hold_Time_Name
+ (Decl : Iir_Constant_Interface_Declaration)
+ is
+ begin
+ if not Check_Timing_Generic_Prefix (Decl, 8) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Check_Test_Reference;
+ end Check_No_Change_Hold_Time_Name;
+ -- tipd
+ procedure Check_Interconnect_Path_Delay_Name
+ (Decl : Iir_Constant_Interface_Declaration)
+ is
+ Iport : Iir;
+ begin
+ if not Check_Timing_Generic_Prefix (Decl, 5) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Iport := Check_Input_Port;
+ Check_End;
+ Check_Vital_Delay_Type (Iport);
+ end Check_Interconnect_Path_Delay_Name;
+ -- tdevice
+ procedure Check_Device_Delay_Name
+ (Decl : Iir_Constant_Interface_Declaration)
+ is
+ Oport : Iir;
+ Pos : Natural;
+ Kind : Timing_Generic_Type_Kind;
+ begin
+ if not Check_Timing_Generic_Prefix (Decl, 8) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Next_Suffix_Kind /= Suffix_Name then
+ Error_Vital_Name ("instance_name expected in VITAL generic name");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Pos := Gen_Name_Pos;
+ if Get_Next_Suffix_Kind /= Suffix_Eon then
+ Gen_Name_Pos := Pos;
+ Oport := Check_Output_Port;
+ Check_End;
+ end if;
+ Kind := Get_Timing_Generic_Type_Kind;
+ end Check_Device_Delay_Name;
+ -- tisd
+ procedure Check_Internal_Signal_Delay_Name
+ (Decl : Iir_Constant_Interface_Declaration)
+ is
+ Iport : Iir;
+ Cport : Iir;
+ begin
+ if not Check_Timing_Generic_Prefix (Decl, 5) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Iport := Check_Input_Port;
+ Cport := Check_Input_Port;
+ Check_End;
+ Check_Vital_Delay_Type (Iport, Cport,
+ Is_Simple => True, Is_Scalar => True);
+ end Check_Internal_Signal_Delay_Name;
+ -- tbpd
+ procedure Check_Biased_Propagation_Delay_Name
+ (Decl : Iir_Constant_Interface_Declaration)
+ is
+ Iport : Iir;
+ Oport : Iir;
+ Cport : Iir;
+ Clock_Start : Natural;
+ Clock_End : Natural;
+ begin
+ if not Check_Timing_Generic_Prefix (Decl, 5) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Iport := Check_Input_Port;
+ Oport := Check_Output_Port;
+ Clock_Start := Gen_Name_Pos - 1; -- At the '_'.
+ Cport := Check_Input_Port;
+ Clock_End := Gen_Name_Pos;
+ Check_Simple_Condition_And_Or_Edge;
+ Check_Vital_Delay_Type (Iport, Oport);
+ -- IEEE 1076.4 Biased propagation delay
+ -- There shall exit, in the same entity generic clause, a corresponding
+ -- propagation delay generic denoting the same ports, condition name,
+ -- and edge.
+ declare
+ use Name_Table;
+ -- '-1' is for the missing 'b' in 'tpd'.
+ Tpd_Name : String
+ (1 .. Gen_Name_Length - 1 - (Clock_End - Clock_Start));
+ Tpd_Decl : Iir;
+ begin
+ Image (Get_Identifier (Decl));
+ Tpd_Name (1) := 't';
+ -- The part before '_<ClockPort>'.
+ Tpd_Name (2 .. Clock_Start - 2) := Name_Buffer (3 .. Clock_Start - 1);
+ Tpd_Name (Clock_Start - 1 .. Tpd_Name'Last) :=
+ Name_Buffer (Clock_End .. Name_Length);
+ Tpd_Decl := Gen_Chain;
+ loop
+ exit when Tpd_Decl = Null_Iir;
+ Image (Get_Identifier (Tpd_Decl));
+ exit when Name_Length = Tpd_Name'Length
+ and then Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length) = Tpd_Name;
+ Tpd_Decl := Get_Chain (Tpd_Decl);
+ end loop;
+ if Tpd_Decl = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Vital
+ ("no matching 'tpd' generic for VITAL 'tbpd' timing generic",
+ Decl);
+ else
+ -- IEEE 1076.4 Biased propagation delay
+ -- Furthermore, the type of the biased propagation generic shall
+ -- be the same as the type of the corresponding delay generic.
+ if not Sem.Are_Trees_Equal (Get_Type (Decl), Get_Type (Tpd_Decl))
+ then
+ Error_Vital
+ ("type of VITAL 'tbpd' generic mismatch type of "
+ & "'tpd' generic", Decl);
+ Error_Vital
+ ("(corresponding 'tpd' timing generic)", Tpd_Decl);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end Check_Biased_Propagation_Delay_Name;
+ -- ticd
+ procedure Check_Internal_Clock_Delay_Generic_Name
+ (Decl : Iir_Constant_Interface_Declaration)
+ is
+ Cport : Iir;
+ P_Start : Natural;
+ P_End : Natural;
+ begin
+ if not Check_Timing_Generic_Prefix (Decl, 5) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ P_Start := Gen_Name_Pos;
+ Cport := Check_Input_Port;
+ P_End := Gen_Name_Pos;
+ Check_End;
+ Check_Vital_Delay_Type (Cport, Is_Simple => True, Is_Scalar => True);
+ -- IEEE 1076.4 Internal clock delay
+ -- It is an error for a clocks signal name to appear as one of the
+ -- following elements in the name of a timing generic:
+ -- * As either the input port in the name of a biased propagation
+ -- delay generic.
+ -- * As the input signal name in an internal delay timing generic.
+ -- * As the test port in a timing check or recovery removal timing
+ -- generic.
+ -- FIXME: recovery OR removal ?
+ if P_End - 1 /= Gen_Name_Length then
+ -- Do not check in case of error.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ use Name_Table;
+ Port : String (1 .. Name_Length);
+ El : Iir;
+ Offset : Natural;
+ procedure Check_Not_Clock
+ is
+ S : Natural;
+ begin
+ S := Offset;
+ loop
+ Offset := Offset + 1;
+ exit when Offset > Name_Length
+ or else Name_Buffer (Offset) = '_';
+ end loop;
+ if Offset - S = Port'Length
+ and then Name_Buffer (S .. Offset - 1) = Port
+ then
+ Error_Vital ("clock port name of 'ticd' VITAL generic must not"
+ & " appear here", El);
+ end if;
+ end Check_Not_Clock;
+ begin
+ Port := Name_Buffer (P_Start .. Gen_Name_Length);
+ El := Gen_Chain;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Image (Get_Identifier (El));
+ if Name_Length > 5
+ and then Name_Buffer (1) = 't'
+ then
+ if Name_Buffer (2 .. 5) = "bpd_" then
+ Offset := 6;
+ Check_Not_Clock; -- input
+ Check_Not_Clock; -- output
+ elsif Name_Buffer (2 .. 5) = "isd_" then
+ Offset := 6;
+ Check_Not_Clock; -- input
+ elsif Name_Length > 10
+ and then Name_Buffer (2 .. 10) = "recovery_"
+ then
+ Offset := 11;
+ Check_Not_Clock; -- test port
+ elsif Name_Length > 9
+ and then Name_Buffer (2 .. 9) = "removal_"
+ then
+ Offset := 10;
+ Check_Not_Clock;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end Check_Internal_Clock_Delay_Generic_Name;
+ procedure Check_Entity_Generic_Declaration
+ (Decl : Iir_Constant_Interface_Declaration)
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Decl);
+ Image (Id);
+ -- Extract prefix.
+ if Name_Buffer (1) = 't' and Name_Length >= 3 then
+ -- Timing generic names.
+ if Name_Buffer (2) = 'p' then
+ if Name_Buffer (3) = 'd' then
+ Check_Propagation_Delay_Name (Decl); -- tpd
+ return;
+ elsif Name_Buffer (3) = 'w' then
+ Check_Pulse_Width_Name (Decl); -- tpw
+ return;
+ elsif Name_Length >= 7
+ and then Name_Buffer (3 .. 7) = "eriod"
+ then
+ Check_Input_Period_Name (Decl); -- tperiod
+ return;
+ end if;
+ elsif Name_Buffer (2) = 'i'
+ and then Name_Length >= 4
+ and then Name_Buffer (4) = 'd'
+ then
+ if Name_Buffer (3) = 'p' then
+ Check_Interconnect_Path_Delay_Name (Decl); -- tipd
+ return;
+ elsif Name_Buffer (3) = 's' then
+ Check_Internal_Signal_Delay_Name (Decl); -- tisd
+ return;
+ elsif Name_Buffer (3) = 'c' then
+ Check_Internal_Clock_Delay_Generic_Name (Decl); -- ticd
+ return;
+ end if;
+ elsif Name_Length >= 6 and then Name_Buffer (2 .. 6) = "setup" then
+ Check_Input_Setup_Time_Name (Decl); -- tsetup
+ return;
+ elsif Name_Length >= 5 and then Name_Buffer (2 .. 5) = "hold" then
+ Check_Input_Hold_Time_Name (Decl); -- thold
+ return;
+ elsif Name_Length >= 9 and then Name_Buffer (2 .. 9) = "recovery" then
+ Check_Input_Recovery_Time_Name (Decl); -- trecovery
+ return;
+ elsif Name_Length >= 8 and then Name_Buffer (2 .. 8) = "removal" then
+ Check_Input_Removal_Time_Name (Decl); -- tremoval
+ return;
+ elsif Name_Length >= 5 and then Name_Buffer (2 .. 5) = "skew" then
+ Check_Input_Skew_Time_Name (Decl); -- tskew
+ return;
+ elsif Name_Length >= 8 and then Name_Buffer (2 .. 8) = "ncsetup" then
+ Check_No_Change_Setup_Time_Name (Decl); -- tncsetup
+ return;
+ elsif Name_Length >= 7 and then Name_Buffer (2 .. 7) = "nchold" then
+ Check_No_Change_Hold_Time_Name (Decl); -- tnchold
+ return;
+ elsif Name_Length >= 7 and then Name_Buffer (2 .. 7) = "device" then
+ Check_Device_Delay_Name (Decl); -- tdevice
+ return;
+ elsif Name_Length >= 4 and then Name_Buffer (2 .. 4) = "bpd" then
+ Check_Biased_Propagation_Delay_Name (Decl); -- tbpd
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Id = InstancePath_Id then
+ if Get_Type (Decl) /= String_Type_Definition then
+ Error_Vital
+ ("InstancePath VITAL generic must be of type String", Decl);
+ end if;
+ return;
+ elsif Id = TimingChecksOn_Id
+ or Id = XOn_Id
+ or Id = MsgOn_Id
+ then
+ if Get_Type (Decl) /= Boolean_Type_Definition then
+ Error_Vital
+ (Image (Id) & " VITAL generic must be of type Boolean", Decl);
+ end if;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Flags.Warn_Vital_Generic then
+ Warning_Vital ("generic is not a VITAL generic", Decl);
+ end if;
+ end Check_Entity_Generic_Declaration;
+ -- Checks rules for a VITAL level 0 entity.
+ procedure Check_Vital_Level0_Entity (Ent : Iir_Entity_Declaration)
+ is
+ use Sem_Scopes;
+ Decl : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- IEEE 1076.4 4.3.1
+ -- The only form of declaration allowed in the entity declarative part
+ -- is the specification of the VITAL_Level0 attribute.
+ Decl := Get_Declaration_Chain (Ent);
+ if Decl = Null_Iir then
+ -- Cannot happen, since there is at least the attribute spec.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Check_Level0_Attribute_Specification (Decl);
+ Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ if Decl /= Null_Iir then
+ Error_Vital ("VITAL entity declarative part must only contain the "
+ & "attribute specification", Decl);
+ end if;
+ -- IEEE 1076.4 4.3.1
+ -- No statements are allowed in the entity statement part.
+ Decl := Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Ent);
+ if Decl /= Null_Iir then
+ Error_Vital ("VITAL entity must not have concurrent statement", Decl);
+ end if;
+ -- Check ports.
+ Name_Table.Assert_No_Infos;
+ Open_Declarative_Region;
+ Decl := Get_Port_Chain (Ent);
+ while Decl /= Null_Iir loop
+ Check_Entity_Port_Declaration (Decl);
+ Add_Name (Decl);
+ Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ end loop;
+ -- Check generics.
+ Gen_Chain := Get_Generic_Chain (Ent);
+ Decl := Gen_Chain;
+ while Decl /= Null_Iir loop
+ Check_Entity_Generic_Declaration (Decl);
+ Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ end loop;
+ Close_Declarative_Region;
+ end Check_Vital_Level0_Entity;
+ -- Return TRUE if UNIT was decorated with attribute VITAL_Level0.
+ function Is_Vital_Level0 (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit) return Boolean
+ is
+ Value : Iir_Attribute_Value;
+ Spec : Iir_Attribute_Specification;
+ begin
+ Value := Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Unit);
+ while Value /= Null_Iir loop
+ Spec := Get_Attribute_Specification (Value);
+ if Get_Attribute_Designator (Spec) = Vital_Level0_Attribute then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ Value := Get_Chain (Value);
+ end loop;
+ return False;
+ end Is_Vital_Level0;
+ procedure Check_Vital_Level0_Architecture
+ (Arch : Iir_Architecture_Declaration)
+ is
+ Decl : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- IEEE 1076.4 4.1
+ -- The entity associated with a Level 0 architecture shall be a VITAL
+ -- Level 0 entity.
+ if not Is_Vital_Level0 (Get_Design_Unit (Get_Entity (Arch))) then
+ Error_Vital ("entity associated with a VITAL level 0 architecture "
+ & "shall be a VITAL level 0 entity", Arch);
+ end if;
+ -- VITAL_Level_0_architecture_declarative_part ::=
+ -- VITAL_Level0_attribute_specification { block_declarative_item }
+ Decl := Get_Declaration_Chain (Arch);
+ Check_Level0_Attribute_Specification (Decl);
+ end Check_Vital_Level0_Architecture;
+ -- Check a VITAL level 0 decorated design unit.
+ procedure Check_Vital_Level0 (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit)
+ is
+ Lib_Unit : Iir;
+ begin
+ Lib_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ case Get_Kind (Lib_Unit) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
+ Check_Vital_Level0_Entity (Lib_Unit);
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ Check_Vital_Level0_Architecture (Lib_Unit);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Vital
+ ("only entity or architecture can be VITAL_Level0", Lib_Unit);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Vital_Level0;
+ procedure Check_Vital_Level1 (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit)
+ is
+ Arch : Iir;
+ begin
+ Arch := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ if Get_Kind (Arch) /= Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration then
+ Error_Vital ("only architecture can be VITAL_Level1", Arch);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- FIXME: todo
+ end Check_Vital_Level1;
+end Ieee.Vital_Timing;
diff --git a/ieee-vital_timing.ads b/ieee-vital_timing.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b67271c19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ieee-vital_timing.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+-- Nodes recognizer for ieee.vital_timing.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+package Ieee.Vital_Timing is
+ -- Attribute declarations.
+ Vital_Level0_Attribute : Iir_Attribute_Declaration := Null_Iir;
+ Vital_Level1_Attribute : Iir_Attribute_Declaration := Null_Iir;
+ -- Vital delay types.
+ VitalDelayType : Iir := Null_Iir;
+ VitalDelayType01 : Iir_Array_Type_Definition := Null_Iir;
+ VitalDelayType01Z : Iir_Array_Type_Definition := Null_Iir;
+ VitalDelayType01ZX : Iir_Array_Type_Definition := Null_Iir;
+ VitalDelayArrayType : Iir_Array_Type_Definition := Null_Iir;
+ VitalDelayArrayType01 : Iir_Array_Type_Definition := Null_Iir;
+ VitalDelayArrayType01Z : Iir_Array_Type_Definition := Null_Iir;
+ VitalDelayArrayType01ZX : Iir_Array_Type_Definition := Null_Iir;
+ -- Extract declarations from IEEE.VITAL_Timing package.
+ procedure Extract_Declarations (Pkg : Iir_Package_Declaration);
+ procedure Check_Vital_Level0 (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit);
+ procedure Check_Vital_Level1 (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit);
+end Ieee.Vital_Timing;
diff --git a/ieee.ads b/ieee.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..48ab37630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ieee.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+-- Top of ieee hierarchy.
+-- Too small to be copyrighted.
+package Ieee is
+ pragma Pure (Ieee);
+end Ieee;
diff --git a/iir_chain_handling.adb b/iir_chain_handling.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b660d5d2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iir_chain_handling.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+-- Generic package to handle chains.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package body Iir_Chain_Handling is
+ procedure Build_Init (Last : out Iir) is
+ begin
+ Last := Null_Iir;
+ end Build_Init;
+ procedure Build_Init (Last : out Iir; Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ El := Get_Chain_Start (Parent);
+ if El /= Null_Iir then
+ loop
+ Last := El;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ end loop;
+ else
+ Last := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ end Build_Init;
+ procedure Append (Last : in out Iir; Parent : Iir; El : Iir) is
+ begin
+ if Last = Null_Iir then
+ Set_Chain_Start (Parent, El);
+ else
+ Set_Chain (Last, El);
+ end if;
+ Last := El;
+ end Append;
+ procedure Append_Subchain (Last : in out Iir; Parent : Iir; Els : Iir)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Last = Null_Iir then
+ Set_Chain_Start (Parent, Els);
+ else
+ Set_Chain (Last, Els);
+ end if;
+ El := Els;
+ loop
+ Set_Parent (El, Parent);
+ Last := El;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ end loop;
+ end Append_Subchain;
+end Iir_Chain_Handling;
diff --git a/iir_chain_handling.ads b/iir_chain_handling.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ba70ae66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iir_chain_handling.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+-- Generic package to handle chains.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+-- The generic package Chain_Handling can be used to build or modify
+-- chains.
+-- The formals are the subprograms to get and set the first element
+-- from the parent.
+ with function Get_Chain_Start (Parent : Iir) return Iir;
+ with procedure Set_Chain_Start (Parent : Iir; First : Iir);
+package Iir_Chain_Handling is
+ -- Building a chain:
+ -- Initialize (set LAST to NULL_IIR).
+ procedure Build_Init (Last : out Iir);
+ -- Set LAST with the last element of the chain.
+ -- This is an initialization for an already built chain.
+ procedure Build_Init (Last : out Iir; Parent : Iir);
+ -- Append element EL to the chain, whose parent is PARENT and last
+ -- element LAST.
+ procedure Append (Last : in out Iir; Parent : Iir; El : Iir);
+ -- Append a subchain whose first element is ELS to a chain, whose
+ -- parent is PARENT and last element LAST.
+ -- The Parent field of each elements of Els is set to PARENT.
+ -- Note: the Append procedure declared just above is an optimization
+ -- of this subprogram if ELS has no next element. However, the
+ -- above subprogram does not set the Parent field of EL.
+ procedure Append_Subchain (Last : in out Iir; Parent : Iir; Els : Iir);
+end Iir_Chain_Handling;
diff --git a/iir_chains.adb b/iir_chains.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..984ab9909
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iir_chains.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+-- Chain handling.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package body Iir_Chains is
+ function Get_Chain_Length (First : Iir) return Natural
+ is
+ Res : Natural := 0;
+ El : Iir := First;
+ begin
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Res := Res + 1;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end Get_Chain_Length;
+ procedure Sub_Chain_Init (First, Last : out Iir) is
+ begin
+ First := Null_Iir;
+ Last := Null_Iir;
+ end Sub_Chain_Init;
+ procedure Sub_Chain_Append (First, Last : in out Iir; El : Iir) is
+ begin
+ if First = Null_Iir then
+ First := El;
+ else
+ Set_Chain (Last, El);
+ end if;
+ Last := El;
+ end Sub_Chain_Append;
+ function Is_Chain_Length_One (Chain : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Chain /= Null_Iir and then Get_Chain (Chain) = Null_Iir;
+ end Is_Chain_Length_One;
+ procedure Insert (Last : Iir; El : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Set_Chain (El, Get_Chain (Last));
+ Set_Chain (Last, El);
+ end Insert;
+ procedure Insert_Incr (Last : in out Iir; El : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Set_Chain (El, Get_Chain (Last));
+ Set_Chain (Last, El);
+ Last := El;
+ end Insert_Incr;
+end Iir_Chains;
diff --git a/iir_chains.ads b/iir_chains.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f853df4b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iir_chains.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+-- Chain handling.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+with Iir_Chain_Handling;
+pragma Elaborate (Iir_Chain_Handling);
+package Iir_Chains is
+ -- Chains are simply linked list of iirs.
+ -- Elements of the chain are ordered.
+ -- Each element of a chain have a Chain field, which points to the next
+ -- element.
+ -- All elements of a chain have the same parent. This parent contains
+ -- a field which points to the first element of the chain.
+ -- Note: the parent is often the value of the Parent field, but sometimes
+ -- not.
+ -- Chains can be covered very simply:
+ -- El : Iir;
+ -- begin
+ -- El := Get_xxx_Chain (Parent);
+ -- while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ -- * Handle element EL of the chain.
+ -- El := Get_Chain (El);
+ -- end loop;
+ -- However, building a chain is a little bit more difficult if elements
+ -- have to be appended. Indeed, there is no direct access to the last
+ -- element of a chain.
+ -- An efficient way to build a chain is to keep the last element of it.
+ -- See Iir_Chain_Handling package.
+ package Declaration_Chain_Handling is new Iir_Chain_Handling
+ (Get_Chain_Start => Get_Declaration_Chain,
+ Set_Chain_Start => Set_Declaration_Chain);
+ package Interface_Declaration_Chain_Handling is new Iir_Chain_Handling
+ (Get_Chain_Start => Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain,
+ Set_Chain_Start => Set_Interface_Declaration_Chain);
+ package Context_Items_Chain_Handling is new Iir_Chain_Handling
+ (Get_Chain_Start => Get_Context_Items,
+ Set_Chain_Start => Set_Context_Items);
+ package Unit_Chain_Handling is new Iir_Chain_Handling
+ (Get_Chain_Start => Get_Unit_Chain,
+ Set_Chain_Start => Set_Unit_Chain);
+ package Element_Declaration_Chain_Handling is new Iir_Chain_Handling
+ (Get_Chain_Start => Get_Element_Declaration_Chain,
+ Set_Chain_Start => Set_Element_Declaration_Chain);
+ package Configuration_Item_Chain_Handling is new Iir_Chain_Handling
+ (Get_Chain_Start => Get_Configuration_Item_Chain,
+ Set_Chain_Start => Set_Configuration_Item_Chain);
+ package Entity_Class_Entry_Chain_Handling is new Iir_Chain_Handling
+ (Get_Chain_Start => Get_Entity_Class_Entry_Chain,
+ Set_Chain_Start => Set_Entity_Class_Entry_Chain);
+ package Conditional_Waveform_Chain_Handling is new Iir_Chain_Handling
+ (Get_Chain_Start => Get_Conditional_Waveform_Chain,
+ Set_Chain_Start => Set_Conditional_Waveform_Chain);
+ package Selected_Waveform_Chain_Handling is new Iir_Chain_Handling
+ (Get_Chain_Start => Get_Selected_Waveform_Chain,
+ Set_Chain_Start => Set_Selected_Waveform_Chain);
+ package Association_Choices_Chain_Handling is new Iir_Chain_Handling
+ (Get_Chain_Start => Get_Association_Choices_Chain,
+ Set_Chain_Start => Set_Association_Choices_Chain);
+ package Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain_Handling is new Iir_Chain_Handling
+ (Get_Chain_Start => Get_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain,
+ Set_Chain_Start => Set_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain);
+ -- Return the number of elements in a chain starting with FIRST.
+ -- Not very efficient since O(N).
+ function Get_Chain_Length (First : Iir) return Natural;
+ -- These two subprograms can be used to build a sub-chain.
+ -- FIRST and LAST designates respectively the first and last element of
+ -- the sub-chain.
+ -- Set FIRST and LAST to Null_Iir.
+ procedure Sub_Chain_Init (First, Last : out Iir);
+ pragma Inline (Sub_Chain_Init);
+ -- Append element EL to the sub-chain.
+ procedure Sub_Chain_Append (First, Last : in out Iir; El : Iir);
+ pragma Inline (Sub_Chain_Append);
+ -- Return TRUE iff CHAIN is of length one, ie CHAIN is not NULL_IIR
+ -- and chain (CHAIN) is NULL_IIR.
+ function Is_Chain_Length_One (Chain : Iir) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (Is_Chain_Length_One);
+ -- Insert EL after LAST.
+ procedure Insert (Last : Iir; El : Iir);
+ -- Insert EL after LAST and set LAST to EL.
+ procedure Insert_Incr (Last : in out Iir; El : Iir);
+end Iir_Chains;
diff --git a/iirs.adb b/iirs.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a529828c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iirs.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,6572 @@
+-- Tree node definitions.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with Ada.Text_IO;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Nodes; use Nodes;
+with Lists; use Lists;
+package body Iirs is
+ function Is_Null (Node : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Node = Null_Iir;
+ end Is_Null;
+ function Is_Null_List (Node : Iir_List) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Node = Null_Iir_List;
+ end Is_Null_List;
+ ---------------------------------------------------
+ -- General subprograms that operate on every iir --
+ ---------------------------------------------------
+ -- This is the procedure to call when an internal consistancy test has
+ -- failed.
+ -- The main idea is the consistancy test *MUST* have no side effect,
+ -- except calling this procedure. To speed up, this procedure could
+ -- be a no-op.
+ procedure Failed (Func: String := ""; Node : Iir := Null_Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Func /= "" then
+ Error_Kind (Func, Node);
+ end if;
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end Failed;
+ function Get_Format (Kind : Iir_Kind) return Format_Type;
+ -- Statistics.
+ procedure Disp_Stats
+ is
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ type Num_Array is array (Iir_Kind) of Natural;
+ Num : Num_Array := (others => 0);
+ type Format_Array is array (Format_Type) of Natural;
+ Formats : Format_Array := (others => 0);
+ Kind : Iir_Kind;
+ I : Iir;
+ Last_I : Iir;
+ Format : Format_Type;
+ begin
+ I := Error_Node + 1;
+ Last_I := Get_Last_Node;
+ while I < Last_I loop
+ Kind := Get_Kind (I);
+ Num (Kind) := Num (Kind) + 1;
+ Format := Get_Format (Kind);
+ Formats (Format) := Formats (Format) + 1;
+ case Format is
+ when Format_Medium =>
+ I := I + 2;
+ when Format_Short
+ | Format_Fp
+ | Format_Int =>
+ I := I + 1;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ Put_Line ("Stats per iir_kind:");
+ for J in Iir_Kind loop
+ if Num (J) /= 0 then
+ Put_Line (' ' & Iir_Kind'Image (J) & ':'
+ & Natural'Image (Num (J)));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Put_Line ("Stats per formats:");
+ for J in Format_Type loop
+ Put_Line (' ' & Format_Type'Image (J) & ':'
+ & Natural'Image (Formats (J)));
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Stats;
+ function Iir_Predefined_Shortcut_P (Func : Iir_Predefined_Functions)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ case Func is
+ when Iir_Predefined_Bit_And
+ | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Or
+ | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Nand
+ | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Nor
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_And
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Or
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Nand
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Nor =>
+ return True;
+ when others =>
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ end Iir_Predefined_Shortcut_P;
+ function Create_Proxy (Proxy: Iir) return Iir_Proxy is
+ Res : Iir_Proxy;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Proxy);
+ Set_Proxy (Res, Proxy);
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Proxy;
+ --
+ function Create_Iir_Error return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Node (Format_Short);
+ Set_Nkind (Res, Iir_Kind'Pos (Iir_Kind_Error));
+ Set_Base_Type (Res, Res);
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Iir_Error;
+ procedure Location_Copy (Target: Iir; Src: Iir) is
+ begin
+ Set_Location (Target, Get_Location (Src));
+ end Location_Copy;
+ -- Get kind
+ function Get_Kind (An_Iir: Iir) return Iir_Kind
+ is
+ -- Speed up: avoid to check that nkind is in the bounds of Iir_Kind.
+ pragma Suppress (Range_Check);
+ begin
+ return Iir_Kind'Val (Get_Nkind (An_Iir));
+ end Get_Kind;
+-- function Clone_Iir (Src : Iir; New_Kind : Iir_Kind) return Iir
+-- is
+-- Res : Iir;
+-- begin
+-- Res := new Iir_Node (New_Kind);
+-- Res.Flag1 := Src.Flag1;
+-- Res.Flag2 := Src.Flag2;
+-- Res.Flag3 := Src.Flag3;
+-- Res.Flag4 := Src.Flag4;
+-- Res.Flag5 := Src.Flag5;
+-- Res.Flag6 := Src.Flag6;
+-- Res.Flag7 := Src.Flag7;
+-- Res.Flag8 := Src.Flag8;
+-- Res.State1 := Src.State1;
+-- Res.State2 := Src.State2;
+-- Res.State3 := Src.State3;
+-- Res.Staticness1 := Src.Staticness1;
+-- Res.Staticness2 := Src.Staticness2;
+-- Res.Odigit1 := Src.Odigit1;
+-- Res.Odigit2 := Src.Odigit2;
+-- Res.Location := Src.Location;
+-- Res.Back_End_Info := Src.Back_End_Info;
+-- Res.Identifier := Src.Identifier;
+-- Res.Field1 := Src.Field1;
+-- Res.Field2 := Src.Field2;
+-- Res.Field3 := Src.Field3;
+-- Res.Field4 := Src.Field4;
+-- Res.Field5 := Src.Field5;
+-- Res.Nbr2 := Src.Nbr2;
+-- Res.Nbr3 := Src.Nbr3;
+-- Src.Identifier := Null_Identifier;
+-- Src.Field1 := null;
+-- Src.Field2 := null;
+-- Src.Field3 := null;
+-- Src.Field4 := null;
+-- Src.Field5 := null;
+-- return Res;
+-- end Clone_Iir;
+ -----------------
+ -- design file --
+ -----------------
+ -- Iir_Design_File
+-- type Int_Access_Type is new Integer;
+-- for Int_Access_Type'Size use System.Word_Size; --Iir_Identifier_Acc'Size;
+ -- Safe conversions.
+-- function Iir_To_Int_Access_Type is
+-- new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Iir,
+-- Target => Int_Access_Type);
+-- function Int_Access_Type_To_Iir is
+-- new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Int_Access_Type,
+-- Target => Iir);
+-- function To_Iir (V : Integer) return Iir is
+-- begin
+-- return Int_Access_Type_To_Iir (Int_Access_Type (V));
+-- end To_Iir;
+-- function To_Integer (N : Iir) return Integer is
+-- begin
+-- return Integer (Iir_To_Int_Access_Type (N));
+-- end To_Integer;
+ procedure Set_Pos_Line_Off (Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Pos : Source_Ptr; Line, Off: Natural) is
+ begin
+ Set_Field1 (Design_Unit, Node_Type (Pos));
+ Set_Field11 (Design_Unit, Node_Type (Off));
+ Set_Field12 (Design_Unit, Node_Type (Line));
+ end Set_Pos_Line_Off;
+ procedure Get_Pos_Line_Off (Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Pos : out Source_Ptr; Line, Off: out Natural) is
+ begin
+ Pos := Source_Ptr (Get_Field1 (Design_Unit));
+ Off := Natural (Get_Field11 (Design_Unit));
+ Line := Natural (Get_Field12 (Design_Unit));
+ end Get_Pos_Line_Off;
+ -----------
+ -- Lists --
+ -----------
+ -- Layout of lists:
+ -- A list is stored into an IIR.
+ -- There are two bounds for a list:
+ -- the current number of elements
+ -- the maximum number of elements.
+ -- Using a maximum number of element bound (which can be increased) avoid
+ -- to reallocating memory at each insertion.
+ function Time_Stamp_Id_To_Iir is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Time_Stamp_Id, Target => Iir);
+ function Iir_To_Time_Stamp_Id is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Iir, Target => Time_Stamp_Id);
+ function Iir_To_Iir_List is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Iir, Target => Iir_List);
+ function Iir_List_To_Iir is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Iir_List, Target => Iir);
+ function Iir_To_Token_Type (N : Iir) return Token_Type is
+ begin
+ return Token_Type'Val (N);
+ end Iir_To_Token_Type;
+ function Token_Type_To_Iir (T : Token_Type) return Iir is
+ begin
+ return Token_Type'Pos (T);
+ end Token_Type_To_Iir;
+ function Iir_To_Iir_Index32 (N : Iir) return Iir_Index32 is
+ begin
+ return Iir_Index32 (N);
+ end Iir_To_Iir_Index32;
+ function Iir_Index32_To_Iir (V : Iir_Index32) return Iir is
+ begin
+ return Iir_Index32'Pos (V);
+ end Iir_Index32_To_Iir;
+ function Iir_To_Name_Id (N : Iir) return Name_Id is
+ begin
+ return Iir'Pos (N);
+ end Iir_To_Name_Id;
+ pragma Inline (Iir_To_Name_Id);
+ function Name_Id_To_Iir (V : Name_Id) return Iir is
+ begin
+ return Name_Id'Pos (V);
+ end Name_Id_To_Iir;
+ function Iir_To_Iir_Int32 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Iir, Target => Iir_Int32);
+ function Iir_Int32_To_Iir is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Iir_Int32, Target => Iir);
+ function Iir_To_Location_Type (N : Iir) return Location_Type is
+ begin
+ return Location_Type (N);
+ end Iir_To_Location_Type;
+ function Location_Type_To_Iir (L : Location_Type) return Iir is
+ begin
+ return Iir (L);
+ end Location_Type_To_Iir;
+ function Iir_To_String_Id is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Iir, Target => String_Id);
+ function String_Id_To_Iir is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => String_Id, Target => Iir);
+ function Iir_To_Int32 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Iir, Target => Int32);
+ function Int32_To_Iir is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Int32, Target => Iir);
+ -- Subprograms
+ function Get_Format (Kind : Iir_Kind) return Format_Type is
+ begin
+ case Kind is
+ when Iir_Kind_Error
+ | Iir_Kind_Library_Clause
+ | Iir_Kind_Use_Clause
+ | Iir_Kind_Character_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Null_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_String_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Simple_Aggregate
+ | Iir_Kind_Proxy
+ | Iir_Kind_Waveform_Element
+ | Iir_Kind_Conditional_Waveform
+ | Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual
+ | Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity
+ | Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Configuration
+ | Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Open
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration
+ | Iir_Kind_Entity_Class
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value
+ | Iir_Kind_Signature
+ | Iir_Kind_Aggregate_Info
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call
+ | Iir_Kind_Operator_Symbol
+ | Iir_Kind_Disconnection_Specification
+ | Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Range_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Overload_List
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Element_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Identity_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Negation_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Absolute_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Not_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_And_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Or_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Nand_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Nor_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Xor_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Xnor_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Equality_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Inequality_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Less_Than_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Less_Than_Or_Equal_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Greater_Than_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Greater_Than_Or_Equal_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Sll_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Sla_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Srl_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Sra_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Rol_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Ror_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Addition_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Substraction_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Concatenation_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Multiplication_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Division_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Modulus_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Remainder_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Exponentiation_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Call
+ | Iir_Kind_Aggregate
+ | Iir_Kind_Qualified_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion
+ | Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Subtype
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Element
+ | Iir_Kind_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Null_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Return_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Next_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Case_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Base_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Left_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Right_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_High_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Low_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Ascending_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Image_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Value_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Pos_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Val_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Succ_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Pred_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Leftof_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Rightof_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Left_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Right_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_High_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Low_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Length_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Ascending_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Event_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Active_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Event_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Active_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Value_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Driving_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Driving_Value_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Behavior_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Structure_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Simple_Name_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Instance_Name_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Path_Name_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name =>
+ return Format_Short;
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_File
+ | Iir_Kind_Design_Unit
+ | Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Header
+ | Iir_Kind_Binding_Indication
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Report_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_If_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Elsif =>
+ return Format_Medium;
+ when Iir_Kind_Floating_Point_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal =>
+ return Format_Fp;
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal =>
+ return Format_Int;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Format;
+ function Create_Iir (Kind : Iir_Kind) return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ Format : Format_Type;
+ begin
+ Format := Get_Format (Kind);
+ Res := Create_Node (Format);
+ Set_Nkind (Res, Iir_Kind'Pos (Kind));
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Iir;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_First_Design_Unit (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_File =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("First_Design_Unit", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_First_Design_Unit;
+ function Get_First_Design_Unit (Design : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_First_Design_Unit (Design);
+ return Get_Field5 (Design);
+ end Get_First_Design_Unit;
+ procedure Set_First_Design_Unit (Design : Iir; Chain : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_First_Design_Unit (Design);
+ Set_Field5 (Design, Chain);
+ end Set_First_Design_Unit;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Last_Design_Unit (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_File =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Last_Design_Unit", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Last_Design_Unit;
+ function Get_Last_Design_Unit (Design : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Last_Design_Unit (Design);
+ return Get_Field6 (Design);
+ end Get_Last_Design_Unit;
+ procedure Set_Last_Design_Unit (Design : Iir; Chain : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Last_Design_Unit (Design);
+ Set_Field6 (Design, Chain);
+ end Set_Last_Design_Unit;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Library_Declaration (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Library_Clause =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Library_Declaration", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Library_Declaration;
+ function Get_Library_Declaration (Design : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Library_Declaration (Design);
+ return Get_Field1 (Design);
+ end Get_Library_Declaration;
+ procedure Set_Library_Declaration (Design : Iir; Library : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Library_Declaration (Design);
+ Set_Field1 (Design, Library);
+ end Set_Library_Declaration;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_File_Time_Stamp (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_File =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("File_Time_Stamp", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_File_Time_Stamp;
+ function Get_File_Time_Stamp (Design : Iir) return Time_Stamp_Id is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_File_Time_Stamp (Design);
+ return Iir_To_Time_Stamp_Id (Get_Field4 (Design));
+ end Get_File_Time_Stamp;
+ procedure Set_File_Time_Stamp (Design : Iir; Stamp : Time_Stamp_Id) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_File_Time_Stamp (Design);
+ Set_Field4 (Design, Time_Stamp_Id_To_Iir (Stamp));
+ end Set_File_Time_Stamp;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Analysis_Time_Stamp (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_File =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Analysis_Time_Stamp", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Analysis_Time_Stamp;
+ function Get_Analysis_Time_Stamp (Design : Iir) return Time_Stamp_Id is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Analysis_Time_Stamp (Design);
+ return Iir_To_Time_Stamp_Id (Get_Field3 (Design));
+ end Get_Analysis_Time_Stamp;
+ procedure Set_Analysis_Time_Stamp (Design : Iir; Stamp : Time_Stamp_Id) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Analysis_Time_Stamp (Design);
+ Set_Field3 (Design, Time_Stamp_Id_To_Iir (Stamp));
+ end Set_Analysis_Time_Stamp;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Library (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_File =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Library", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Library;
+ function Get_Library (File : Iir_Design_File) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Library (File);
+ return Get_Field0 (File);
+ end Get_Library;
+ procedure Set_Library (File : Iir_Design_File; Lib : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Library (File);
+ Set_Field0 (File, Lib);
+ end Set_Library;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_File_Dependence_List (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_File =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("File_Dependence_List", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_File_Dependence_List;
+ function Get_File_Dependence_List (File : Iir_Design_File) return Iir_List
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_File_Dependence_List (File);
+ return Iir_To_Iir_List (Get_Field1 (File));
+ end Get_File_Dependence_List;
+ procedure Set_File_Dependence_List (File : Iir_Design_File; Lst : Iir_List)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_File_Dependence_List (File);
+ Set_Field1 (File, Iir_List_To_Iir (Lst));
+ end Set_File_Dependence_List;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Design_File_Filename (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_File =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Design_File_Filename", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Design_File_Filename;
+ function Get_Design_File_Filename (File : Iir_Design_File) return Name_Id
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Design_File_Filename (File);
+ return Name_Id'Val (Get_Field12 (File));
+ end Get_Design_File_Filename;
+ procedure Set_Design_File_Filename (File : Iir_Design_File; Name : Name_Id)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Design_File_Filename (File);
+ Set_Field12 (File, Name_Id'Pos (Name));
+ end Set_Design_File_Filename;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Design_File_Directory (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_File =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Design_File_Directory", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Design_File_Directory;
+ function Get_Design_File_Directory (File : Iir_Design_File) return Name_Id
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Design_File_Directory (File);
+ return Name_Id'Val (Get_Field11 (File));
+ end Get_Design_File_Directory;
+ procedure Set_Design_File_Directory (File : Iir_Design_File; Dir : Name_Id)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Design_File_Directory (File);
+ Set_Field11 (File, Name_Id'Pos (Dir));
+ end Set_Design_File_Directory;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Design_File (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Design_File", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Design_File;
+ function Get_Design_File (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit) return Iir_Design_File is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Design_File (Unit);
+ return Get_Field0 (Unit);
+ end Get_Design_File;
+ procedure Set_Design_File (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit; File : Iir_Design_File)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Design_File (Unit);
+ Set_Field0 (Unit, File);
+ end Set_Design_File;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Design_File_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Design_File_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Design_File_Chain;
+ function Get_Design_File_Chain (Library : Iir) return Iir_Design_File is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Design_File_Chain (Library);
+ return Get_Field1 (Library);
+ end Get_Design_File_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Design_File_Chain (Library : Iir; Chain : Iir_Design_File) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Design_File_Chain (Library);
+ Set_Field1 (Library, Chain);
+ end Set_Design_File_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Library_Directory (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Library_Directory", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Library_Directory;
+ function Get_Library_Directory (Library : Iir) return Name_Id is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Library_Directory (Library);
+ return Name_Id'Val (Get_Field11 (Library));
+ end Get_Library_Directory;
+ procedure Set_Library_Directory (Library : Iir; Dir : Name_Id) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Library_Directory (Library);
+ Set_Field11 (Library, Name_Id'Pos (Dir));
+ end Set_Library_Directory;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Date (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit
+ | Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Date", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Date;
+ function Get_Date (Target : Iir) return Date_Type is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Date (Target);
+ return Date_Type'Val (Get_Field10 (Target));
+ end Get_Date;
+ procedure Set_Date (Target : Iir; Date : Date_Type) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Date (Target);
+ Set_Field10 (Target, Date_Type'Pos (Date));
+ end Set_Date;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Context_Items (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Context_Items", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Context_Items;
+ function Get_Context_Items (Design_Unit : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Context_Items (Design_Unit);
+ return Get_Field1 (Design_Unit);
+ end Get_Context_Items;
+ procedure Set_Context_Items (Design_Unit : Iir; Items_Chain : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Context_Items (Design_Unit);
+ Set_Field1 (Design_Unit, Items_Chain);
+ end Set_Context_Items;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Dependence_List (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Dependence_List", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Dependence_List;
+ function Get_Dependence_List (Unit : Iir) return Iir_List is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Dependence_List (Unit);
+ return Iir_To_Iir_List (Get_Field8 (Unit));
+ end Get_Dependence_List;
+ procedure Set_Dependence_List (Unit : Iir; List : Iir_List) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Dependence_List (Unit);
+ Set_Field8 (Unit, Iir_List_To_Iir (List));
+ end Set_Dependence_List;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Analysis_Checks_List (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Analysis_Checks_List", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Analysis_Checks_List;
+ function Get_Analysis_Checks_List (Unit : Iir) return Iir_List is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Analysis_Checks_List (Unit);
+ return Iir_To_Iir_List (Get_Field9 (Unit));
+ end Get_Analysis_Checks_List;
+ procedure Set_Analysis_Checks_List (Unit : Iir; List : Iir_List) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Analysis_Checks_List (Unit);
+ Set_Field9 (Unit, Iir_List_To_Iir (List));
+ end Set_Analysis_Checks_List;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Date_State (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Date_State", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Date_State;
+ function Get_Date_State (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit) return Date_State_Type is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Date_State (Unit);
+ return Date_State_Type'Val (Get_State1 (Unit));
+ end Get_Date_State;
+ procedure Set_Date_State (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit; State : Date_State_Type)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Date_State (Unit);
+ Set_State1 (Unit, Date_State_Type'Pos (State));
+ end Set_Date_State;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Guarded_Target_State (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Guarded_Target_State", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Guarded_Target_State;
+ function Get_Guarded_Target_State (Stmt : Iir) return Tri_State_Type is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Guarded_Target_State (Stmt);
+ return Tri_State_Type'Val (Get_State4 (Stmt));
+ end Get_Guarded_Target_State;
+ procedure Set_Guarded_Target_State (Stmt : Iir; State : Tri_State_Type) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Guarded_Target_State (Stmt);
+ Set_State4 (Stmt, Tri_State_Type'Pos (State));
+ end Set_Guarded_Target_State;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Library_Unit (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Library_Unit", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Library_Unit;
+ function Get_Library_Unit (Design_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Library_Unit (Design_Unit);
+ return Get_Field5 (Design_Unit);
+ end Get_Library_Unit;
+ procedure Set_Library_Unit (Design_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit; Lib_Unit : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Library_Unit (Design_Unit);
+ Set_Field5 (Design_Unit, Lib_Unit);
+ end Set_Library_Unit;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Hash_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Hash_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Hash_Chain;
+ function Get_Hash_Chain (Design_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Hash_Chain (Design_Unit);
+ return Get_Field7 (Design_Unit);
+ end Get_Hash_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Hash_Chain (Design_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit; Chain : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Hash_Chain (Design_Unit);
+ Set_Field7 (Design_Unit, Chain);
+ end Set_Hash_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Value (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Value", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Value;
+ function Get_Value (Lit : Iir) return Iir_Int64 is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Value (Lit);
+ return Get_Int64 (Lit);
+ end Get_Value;
+ procedure Set_Value (Lit : Iir; Val : Iir_Int64) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Value (Lit);
+ Set_Int64 (Lit, Val);
+ end Set_Value;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Enum_Pos (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Enum_Pos", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Enum_Pos;
+ function Get_Enum_Pos (Lit : Iir) return Iir_Int32 is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Enum_Pos (Lit);
+ return Iir_Int32'Val (Get_Field10 (Lit));
+ end Get_Enum_Pos;
+ procedure Set_Enum_Pos (Lit : Iir; Val : Iir_Int32) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Enum_Pos (Lit);
+ Set_Field10 (Lit, Iir_Int32'Pos (Val));
+ end Set_Enum_Pos;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Physical_Literal (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Physical_Literal", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Physical_Literal;
+ function Get_Physical_Literal (Unit : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Physical_Literal (Unit);
+ return Get_Field6 (Unit);
+ end Get_Physical_Literal;
+ procedure Set_Physical_Literal (Unit : Iir; Lit : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Physical_Literal (Unit);
+ Set_Field6 (Unit, Lit);
+ end Set_Physical_Literal;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Physical_Unit_Value (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Physical_Unit_Value", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Physical_Unit_Value;
+ function Get_Physical_Unit_Value (Unit : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Physical_Unit_Value (Unit);
+ return Get_Field7 (Unit);
+ end Get_Physical_Unit_Value;
+ procedure Set_Physical_Unit_Value (Unit : Iir; Lit : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Physical_Unit_Value (Unit);
+ Set_Field7 (Unit, Lit);
+ end Set_Physical_Unit_Value;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Fp_Value (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Floating_Point_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Fp_Value", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Fp_Value;
+ function Get_Fp_Value (Lit : Iir) return Iir_Fp64 is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Fp_Value (Lit);
+ return Get_Fp64 (Lit);
+ end Get_Fp_Value;
+ procedure Set_Fp_Value (Lit : Iir; Val : Iir_Fp64) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Fp_Value (Lit);
+ Set_Fp64 (Lit, Val);
+ end Set_Fp_Value;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Enumeration_Decl (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Enumeration_Decl", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Enumeration_Decl;
+ function Get_Enumeration_Decl (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Enumeration_Decl (Target);
+ return Get_Field6 (Target);
+ end Get_Enumeration_Decl;
+ procedure Set_Enumeration_Decl (Target : Iir; Lit : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Enumeration_Decl (Target);
+ Set_Field6 (Target, Lit);
+ end Set_Enumeration_Decl;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Simple_Aggregate_List (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Aggregate =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Simple_Aggregate_List", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Simple_Aggregate_List;
+ function Get_Simple_Aggregate_List (Target : Iir) return Iir_List is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Simple_Aggregate_List (Target);
+ return Iir_To_Iir_List (Get_Field3 (Target));
+ end Get_Simple_Aggregate_List;
+ procedure Set_Simple_Aggregate_List (Target : Iir; List : Iir_List) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Simple_Aggregate_List (Target);
+ Set_Field3 (Target, Iir_List_To_Iir (List));
+ end Set_Simple_Aggregate_List;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Bit_String_Base (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Bit_String_Base", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Bit_String_Base;
+ function Get_Bit_String_Base (Lit : Iir) return Base_Type is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Bit_String_Base (Lit);
+ return Base_Type'Val (Get_Field11 (Lit));
+ end Get_Bit_String_Base;
+ procedure Set_Bit_String_Base (Lit : Iir; Base : Base_Type) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Bit_String_Base (Lit);
+ Set_Field11 (Lit, Base_Type'Pos (Base));
+ end Set_Bit_String_Base;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Bit_String_0 (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Bit_String_0", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Bit_String_0;
+ function Get_Bit_String_0 (Lit : Iir) return Iir_Enumeration_Literal is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Bit_String_0 (Lit);
+ return Get_Field4 (Lit);
+ end Get_Bit_String_0;
+ procedure Set_Bit_String_0 (Lit : Iir; El : Iir_Enumeration_Literal) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Bit_String_0 (Lit);
+ Set_Field4 (Lit, El);
+ end Set_Bit_String_0;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Bit_String_1 (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Bit_String_1", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Bit_String_1;
+ function Get_Bit_String_1 (Lit : Iir) return Iir_Enumeration_Literal is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Bit_String_1 (Lit);
+ return Get_Field5 (Lit);
+ end Get_Bit_String_1;
+ procedure Set_Bit_String_1 (Lit : Iir; El : Iir_Enumeration_Literal) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Bit_String_1 (Lit);
+ Set_Field5 (Lit, El);
+ end Set_Bit_String_1;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Literal_Origin (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Point_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_String_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Simple_Aggregate
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Literal_Origin", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Literal_Origin;
+ function Get_Literal_Origin (Lit : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Literal_Origin (Lit);
+ return Get_Field2 (Lit);
+ end Get_Literal_Origin;
+ procedure Set_Literal_Origin (Lit : Iir; Orig : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Literal_Origin (Lit);
+ Set_Field2 (Lit, Orig);
+ end Set_Literal_Origin;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Proxy (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Proxy =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Proxy", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Proxy;
+ function Get_Proxy (Target : Iir_Proxy) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Proxy (Target);
+ return Get_Field1 (Target);
+ end Get_Proxy;
+ procedure Set_Proxy (Target : Iir_Proxy; Proxy : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Proxy (Target);
+ Set_Field1 (Target, Proxy);
+ end Set_Proxy;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Entity_Class (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Class
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Entity_Class", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Entity_Class;
+ function Get_Entity_Class (Target : Iir) return Token_Type is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Entity_Class (Target);
+ return Iir_To_Token_Type (Get_Field3 (Target));
+ end Get_Entity_Class;
+ procedure Set_Entity_Class (Target : Iir; Kind : Token_Type) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Entity_Class (Target);
+ Set_Field3 (Target, Token_Type_To_Iir (Kind));
+ end Set_Entity_Class;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Entity_Name_List (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Entity_Name_List", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Entity_Name_List;
+ function Get_Entity_Name_List (Target : Iir) return Iir_List is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Entity_Name_List (Target);
+ return Iir_To_Iir_List (Get_Field1 (Target));
+ end Get_Entity_Name_List;
+ procedure Set_Entity_Name_List (Target : Iir; Names : Iir_List) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Entity_Name_List (Target);
+ Set_Field1 (Target, Iir_List_To_Iir (Names));
+ end Set_Entity_Name_List;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Attribute_Designator (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Attribute_Designator", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Attribute_Designator;
+ function Get_Attribute_Designator (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Attribute_Designator (Target);
+ return Get_Field6 (Target);
+ end Get_Attribute_Designator;
+ procedure Set_Attribute_Designator (Target : Iir; Designator : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Attribute_Designator (Target);
+ Set_Field6 (Target, Designator);
+ end Set_Attribute_Designator;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Attribute_Specification_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Attribute_Specification_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Attribute_Specification_Chain;
+ function Get_Attribute_Specification_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Attribute_Specification_Chain (Target);
+ return Get_Field7 (Target);
+ end Get_Attribute_Specification_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Attribute_Specification_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Attribute_Specification_Chain (Target);
+ Set_Field7 (Target, Chain);
+ end Set_Attribute_Specification_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Attribute_Specification (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Attribute_Specification", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Attribute_Specification;
+ function Get_Attribute_Specification (Val : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Attribute_Specification (Val);
+ return Get_Field4 (Val);
+ end Get_Attribute_Specification;
+ procedure Set_Attribute_Specification (Val : Iir; Attr : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Attribute_Specification (Val);
+ Set_Field4 (Val, Attr);
+ end Set_Attribute_Specification;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Signal_List (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Disconnection_Specification =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Signal_List", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Signal_List;
+ function Get_Signal_List (Target : Iir) return Iir_List is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Signal_List (Target);
+ return Iir_To_Iir_List (Get_Field4 (Target));
+ end Get_Signal_List;
+ procedure Set_Signal_List (Target : Iir; List : Iir_List) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Signal_List (Target);
+ Set_Field4 (Target, Iir_List_To_Iir (List));
+ end Set_Signal_List;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Designated_Entity (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Designated_Entity", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Designated_Entity;
+ function Get_Designated_Entity (Val : Iir_Attribute_Value) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Designated_Entity (Val);
+ return Get_Field3 (Val);
+ end Get_Designated_Entity;
+ procedure Set_Designated_Entity (Val : Iir_Attribute_Value; Entity : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Designated_Entity (Val);
+ Set_Field3 (Val, Entity);
+ end Set_Designated_Entity;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Formal (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual
+ | Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Formal", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Formal;
+ function Get_Formal (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Formal (Target);
+ return Get_Field1 (Target);
+ end Get_Formal;
+ procedure Set_Formal (Target : Iir; Formal : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Formal (Target);
+ Set_Field1 (Target, Formal);
+ end Set_Formal;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Actual (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Actual", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Actual;
+ function Get_Actual (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Actual (Target);
+ return Get_Field3 (Target);
+ end Get_Actual;
+ procedure Set_Actual (Target : Iir; Actual : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Actual (Target);
+ Set_Field3 (Target, Actual);
+ end Set_Actual;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_In_Conversion (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("In_Conversion", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_In_Conversion;
+ function Get_In_Conversion (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_In_Conversion (Target);
+ return Get_Field4 (Target);
+ end Get_In_Conversion;
+ procedure Set_In_Conversion (Target : Iir; Conv : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_In_Conversion (Target);
+ Set_Field4 (Target, Conv);
+ end Set_In_Conversion;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Out_Conversion (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Out_Conversion", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Out_Conversion;
+ function Get_Out_Conversion (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Out_Conversion (Target);
+ return Get_Field5 (Target);
+ end Get_Out_Conversion;
+ procedure Set_Out_Conversion (Target : Iir; Conv : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Out_Conversion (Target);
+ Set_Field5 (Target, Conv);
+ end Set_Out_Conversion;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Whole_Association_Flag (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual
+ | Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Whole_Association_Flag", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Whole_Association_Flag;
+ function Get_Whole_Association_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Whole_Association_Flag (Target);
+ return Get_Flag1 (Target);
+ end Get_Whole_Association_Flag;
+ procedure Set_Whole_Association_Flag (Target : Iir; Flag : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Whole_Association_Flag (Target);
+ Set_Flag1 (Target, Flag);
+ end Set_Whole_Association_Flag;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Collapse_Signal_Flag (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual
+ | Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Collapse_Signal_Flag", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Collapse_Signal_Flag;
+ function Get_Collapse_Signal_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Collapse_Signal_Flag (Target);
+ return Get_Flag2 (Target);
+ end Get_Collapse_Signal_Flag;
+ procedure Set_Collapse_Signal_Flag (Target : Iir; Flag : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Collapse_Signal_Flag (Target);
+ Set_Flag2 (Target, Flag);
+ end Set_Collapse_Signal_Flag;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Artificial_Flag (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Artificial_Flag", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Artificial_Flag;
+ function Get_Artificial_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Artificial_Flag (Target);
+ return Get_Flag3 (Target);
+ end Get_Artificial_Flag;
+ procedure Set_Artificial_Flag (Target : Iir; Flag : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Artificial_Flag (Target);
+ Set_Flag3 (Target, Flag);
+ end Set_Artificial_Flag;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Open_Flag (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Open_Flag", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Open_Flag;
+ function Get_Open_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Open_Flag (Target);
+ return Get_Flag3 (Target);
+ end Get_Open_Flag;
+ procedure Set_Open_Flag (Target : Iir; Flag : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Open_Flag (Target);
+ Set_Flag3 (Target, Flag);
+ end Set_Open_Flag;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_We_Value (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Waveform_Element =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("We_Value", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_We_Value;
+ function Get_We_Value (We : Iir_Waveform_Element) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_We_Value (We);
+ return Get_Field1 (We);
+ end Get_We_Value;
+ procedure Set_We_Value (We : Iir_Waveform_Element; An_Iir : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_We_Value (We);
+ Set_Field1 (We, An_Iir);
+ end Set_We_Value;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Time (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Waveform_Element =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Time", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Time;
+ function Get_Time (We : Iir_Waveform_Element) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Time (We);
+ return Get_Field3 (We);
+ end Get_Time;
+ procedure Set_Time (We : Iir_Waveform_Element; An_Iir : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Time (We);
+ Set_Field3 (We, An_Iir);
+ end Set_Time;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Associated (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Name =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Associated", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Associated;
+ function Get_Associated (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Associated (Target);
+ return Get_Field1 (Target);
+ end Get_Associated;
+ procedure Set_Associated (Target : Iir; Associated : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Associated (Target);
+ Set_Field1 (Target, Associated);
+ end Set_Associated;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Same_Alternative_Flag (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Name =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Same_Alternative_Flag", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Same_Alternative_Flag;
+ function Get_Same_Alternative_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Same_Alternative_Flag (Target);
+ return Get_Flag1 (Target);
+ end Get_Same_Alternative_Flag;
+ procedure Set_Same_Alternative_Flag (Target : Iir; Val : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Same_Alternative_Flag (Target);
+ Set_Flag1 (Target, Val);
+ end Set_Same_Alternative_Flag;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Architecture (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Architecture", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Architecture;
+ function Get_Architecture (Target : Iir_Entity_Aspect_Entity) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Architecture (Target);
+ return Get_Field2 (Target);
+ end Get_Architecture;
+ procedure Set_Architecture (Target : Iir_Entity_Aspect_Entity; Arch : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Architecture (Target);
+ Set_Field2 (Target, Arch);
+ end Set_Architecture;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Block_Specification (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Block_Specification", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Block_Specification;
+ function Get_Block_Specification (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Block_Specification (Target);
+ return Get_Field5 (Target);
+ end Get_Block_Specification;
+ procedure Set_Block_Specification (Target : Iir; Block : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Block_Specification (Target);
+ Set_Field5 (Target, Block);
+ end Set_Block_Specification;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Prev_Block_Configuration (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Prev_Block_Configuration", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Prev_Block_Configuration;
+ function Get_Prev_Block_Configuration (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Prev_Block_Configuration (Target);
+ return Get_Field4 (Target);
+ end Get_Prev_Block_Configuration;
+ procedure Set_Prev_Block_Configuration (Target : Iir; Block : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Prev_Block_Configuration (Target);
+ Set_Field4 (Target, Block);
+ end Set_Prev_Block_Configuration;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Configuration_Item_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Configuration_Item_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Configuration_Item_Chain;
+ function Get_Configuration_Item_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Configuration_Item_Chain (Target);
+ return Get_Field3 (Target);
+ end Get_Configuration_Item_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Configuration_Item_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Configuration_Item_Chain (Target);
+ Set_Field3 (Target, Chain);
+ end Set_Configuration_Item_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Attribute_Value_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Null_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Report_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Return_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Next_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Case_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_If_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Attribute_Value_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Attribute_Value_Chain;
+ function Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Attribute_Value_Chain (Target);
+ return Get_Field4 (Target);
+ end Get_Attribute_Value_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Attribute_Value_Chain (Target);
+ Set_Field4 (Target, Chain);
+ end Set_Attribute_Value_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Spec_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Spec_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Spec_Chain;
+ function Get_Spec_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Spec_Chain (Target);
+ return Get_Field0 (Target);
+ end Get_Spec_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Spec_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Spec_Chain (Target);
+ Set_Field0 (Target, Chain);
+ end Set_Spec_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Attribute_Value_Spec_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Attribute_Value_Spec_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Attribute_Value_Spec_Chain;
+ function Get_Attribute_Value_Spec_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Attribute_Value_Spec_Chain (Target);
+ return Get_Field4 (Target);
+ end Get_Attribute_Value_Spec_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Attribute_Value_Spec_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Attribute_Value_Spec_Chain (Target);
+ Set_Field4 (Target, Chain);
+ end Set_Attribute_Value_Spec_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Entity (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity
+ | Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Entity", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Entity;
+ function Get_Entity (Decl : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Entity (Decl);
+ return Get_Field4 (Decl);
+ end Get_Entity;
+ procedure Set_Entity (Decl : Iir; Entity : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Entity (Decl);
+ Set_Field4 (Decl, Entity);
+ end Set_Entity;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Package (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Package", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Package;
+ function Get_Package (Package_Body : Iir) return Iir_Package_Declaration is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Package (Package_Body);
+ return Get_Field4 (Package_Body);
+ end Get_Package;
+ procedure Set_Package (Package_Body : Iir; Decl : Iir_Package_Declaration)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Package (Package_Body);
+ Set_Field4 (Package_Body, Decl);
+ end Set_Package;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Package_Body (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Package_Body", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Package_Body;
+ function Get_Package_Body (Pkg : Iir) return Iir_Package_Body is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Package_Body (Pkg);
+ return Get_Field4 (Pkg);
+ end Get_Package_Body;
+ procedure Set_Package_Body (Pkg : Iir; Decl : Iir_Package_Body) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Package_Body (Pkg);
+ Set_Field4 (Pkg, Decl);
+ end Set_Package_Body;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Need_Body (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Need_Body", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Need_Body;
+ function Get_Need_Body (Decl : Iir_Package_Declaration) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Need_Body (Decl);
+ return Get_Flag1 (Decl);
+ end Get_Need_Body;
+ procedure Set_Need_Body (Decl : Iir_Package_Declaration; Flag : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Need_Body (Decl);
+ Set_Flag1 (Decl, Flag);
+ end Set_Need_Body;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Block_Configuration (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration
+ | Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Block_Configuration", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Block_Configuration;
+ function Get_Block_Configuration (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Block_Configuration (Target);
+ return Get_Field5 (Target);
+ end Get_Block_Configuration;
+ procedure Set_Block_Configuration (Target : Iir; Block : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Block_Configuration (Target);
+ Set_Field5 (Target, Block);
+ end Set_Block_Configuration;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Concurrent_Statement_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Concurrent_Statement_Chain;
+ function Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Target);
+ return Get_Field5 (Target);
+ end Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Target : Iir; First : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Target);
+ Set_Field5 (Target, First);
+ end Set_Concurrent_Statement_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_File
+ | Iir_Kind_Design_Unit
+ | Iir_Kind_Library_Clause
+ | Iir_Kind_Use_Clause
+ | Iir_Kind_Waveform_Element
+ | Iir_Kind_Conditional_Waveform
+ | Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual
+ | Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration
+ | Iir_Kind_Entity_Class
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification
+ | Iir_Kind_Disconnection_Specification
+ | Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification
+ | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Element_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Null_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Report_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Return_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Next_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Case_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_If_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Chain;
+ function Get_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Chain (Target);
+ return Get_Field2 (Target);
+ end Get_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Chain (Target);
+ Set_Field2 (Target, Chain);
+ end Set_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Port_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Header
+ | Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Port_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Port_Chain;
+ function Get_Port_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Port_Chain (Target);
+ return Get_Field7 (Target);
+ end Get_Port_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Port_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Port_Chain (Target);
+ Set_Field7 (Target, Chain);
+ end Set_Port_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Generic_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Header
+ | Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Generic_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Generic_Chain;
+ function Get_Generic_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Generic_Chain (Target);
+ return Get_Field6 (Target);
+ end Get_Generic_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Generic_Chain (Target : Iir; Generics : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Generic_Chain (Target);
+ Set_Field6 (Target, Generics);
+ end Set_Generic_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Type (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Error
+ | Iir_Kind_Character_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Point_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Null_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_String_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Simple_Aggregate
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value
+ | Iir_Kind_Disconnection_Specification
+ | Iir_Kind_Range_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Element_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Identity_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Negation_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Absolute_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Not_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_And_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Or_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Nand_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Nor_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Xor_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Xnor_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Equality_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Inequality_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Less_Than_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Less_Than_Or_Equal_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Greater_Than_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Greater_Than_Or_Equal_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Sll_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Sla_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Srl_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Sra_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Rol_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Ror_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Addition_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Substraction_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Concatenation_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Multiplication_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Division_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Modulus_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Remainder_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Exponentiation_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Call
+ | Iir_Kind_Aggregate
+ | Iir_Kind_Qualified_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion
+ | Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Subtype
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Element
+ | Iir_Kind_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Return_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Base_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Left_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Right_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_High_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Low_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Ascending_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Image_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Value_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Pos_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Val_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Succ_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Pred_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Leftof_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Rightof_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Left_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Right_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_High_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Low_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Length_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Ascending_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Event_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Active_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Event_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Active_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Value_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Driving_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Driving_Value_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Simple_Name_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Instance_Name_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Path_Name_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Type", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Type;
+ function Get_Type (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Type (Target);
+ return Get_Field1 (Target);
+ end Get_Type;
+ procedure Set_Type (Target : Iir; Atype : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Type (Target);
+ Set_Field1 (Target, Atype);
+ end Set_Type;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Subtype_Definition (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Subtype_Definition", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Subtype_Definition;
+ function Get_Subtype_Definition (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Subtype_Definition (Target);
+ return Get_Field4 (Target);
+ end Get_Subtype_Definition;
+ procedure Set_Subtype_Definition (Target : Iir; Def : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Subtype_Definition (Target);
+ Set_Field4 (Target, Def);
+ end Set_Subtype_Definition;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Mode (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Mode", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Mode;
+ function Get_Mode (Target : Iir) return Iir_Mode is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Mode (Target);
+ return Iir_Mode'Val (Get_Odigit2 (Target));
+ end Get_Mode;
+ procedure Set_Mode (Target : Iir; Mode : Iir_Mode) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Mode (Target);
+ Set_Odigit2 (Target, Iir_Mode'Pos (Mode));
+ end Set_Mode;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Signal_Kind (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Signal_Kind", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Signal_Kind;
+ function Get_Signal_Kind (Target : Iir) return Iir_Signal_Kind is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Signal_Kind (Target);
+ return Iir_Signal_Kind'Val (Get_State4 (Target));
+ end Get_Signal_Kind;
+ procedure Set_Signal_Kind (Target : Iir; Signal_Kind : Iir_Signal_Kind) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Signal_Kind (Target);
+ Set_State4 (Target, Iir_Signal_Kind'Pos (Signal_Kind));
+ end Set_Signal_Kind;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Base_Name (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Call
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Element
+ | Iir_Kind_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Base_Name", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Base_Name;
+ function Get_Base_Name (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Base_Name (Target);
+ return Get_Field5 (Target);
+ end Get_Base_Name;
+ procedure Set_Base_Name (Target : Iir; Name : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Base_Name (Target);
+ Set_Field5 (Target, Name);
+ end Set_Base_Name;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Interface_Declaration_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Interface_Declaration_Chain;
+ function Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Target);
+ return Get_Field5 (Target);
+ end Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Target);
+ Set_Field5 (Target, Chain);
+ end Set_Interface_Declaration_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Subprogram_Specification (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Subprogram_Specification", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Subprogram_Specification;
+ function Get_Subprogram_Specification (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Subprogram_Specification (Target);
+ return Get_Field4 (Target);
+ end Get_Subprogram_Specification;
+ procedure Set_Subprogram_Specification (Target : Iir; Spec : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Subprogram_Specification (Target);
+ Set_Field4 (Target, Spec);
+ end Set_Subprogram_Specification;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_If_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Elsif =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Sequential_Statement_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Sequential_Statement_Chain;
+ function Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Target);
+ return Get_Field5 (Target);
+ end Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Target);
+ Set_Field5 (Target, Chain);
+ end Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Subprogram_Body (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Subprogram_Body", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Subprogram_Body;
+ function Get_Subprogram_Body (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Subprogram_Body (Target);
+ return Get_Field6 (Target);
+ end Get_Subprogram_Body;
+ procedure Set_Subprogram_Body (Target : Iir; A_Body : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Subprogram_Body (Target);
+ Set_Field6 (Target, A_Body);
+ end Set_Subprogram_Body;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Overload_Number (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Overload_Number", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Overload_Number;
+ function Get_Overload_Number (Target : Iir) return Iir_Int32 is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Overload_Number (Target);
+ return Iir_Int32'Val (Get_Field9 (Target));
+ end Get_Overload_Number;
+ procedure Set_Overload_Number (Target : Iir; Val : Iir_Int32) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Overload_Number (Target);
+ Set_Field9 (Target, Iir_Int32'Pos (Val));
+ end Set_Overload_Number;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Subprogram_Depth (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Subprogram_Depth", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Subprogram_Depth;
+ function Get_Subprogram_Depth (Target : Iir) return Iir_Int32 is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Subprogram_Depth (Target);
+ return Iir_Int32'Val (Get_Field10 (Target));
+ end Get_Subprogram_Depth;
+ procedure Set_Subprogram_Depth (Target : Iir; Depth : Iir_Int32) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Subprogram_Depth (Target);
+ Set_Field10 (Target, Iir_Int32'Pos (Depth));
+ end Set_Subprogram_Depth;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Subprogram_Hash (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Subprogram_Hash", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Subprogram_Hash;
+ function Get_Subprogram_Hash (Target : Iir) return Iir_Int32 is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Subprogram_Hash (Target);
+ return Iir_Int32'Val (Get_Field11 (Target));
+ end Get_Subprogram_Hash;
+ procedure Set_Subprogram_Hash (Target : Iir; Val : Iir_Int32) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Subprogram_Hash (Target);
+ Set_Field11 (Target, Iir_Int32'Pos (Val));
+ end Set_Subprogram_Hash;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Extra_Info (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Extra_Info", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Extra_Info;
+ function Get_Extra_Info (Target : Iir) return Iir_Int32 is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Extra_Info (Target);
+ return Iir_Int32'Val (Get_Field12 (Target));
+ end Get_Extra_Info;
+ procedure Set_Extra_Info (Target : Iir; Info : Iir_Int32) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Extra_Info (Target);
+ Set_Field12 (Target, Iir_Int32'Pos (Info));
+ end Set_Extra_Info;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Impure_Depth (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Impure_Depth", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Impure_Depth;
+ function Get_Impure_Depth (Target : Iir) return Iir_Int32 is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Impure_Depth (Target);
+ return Iir_To_Iir_Int32 (Get_Field3 (Target));
+ end Get_Impure_Depth;
+ procedure Set_Impure_Depth (Target : Iir; Depth : Iir_Int32) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Impure_Depth (Target);
+ Set_Field3 (Target, Iir_Int32_To_Iir (Depth));
+ end Set_Impure_Depth;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Return_Type (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signature
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Return_Type", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Return_Type;
+ function Get_Return_Type (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Return_Type (Target);
+ return Get_Field1 (Target);
+ end Get_Return_Type;
+ procedure Set_Return_Type (Target : Iir; Decl : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Return_Type (Target);
+ Set_Field1 (Target, Decl);
+ end Set_Return_Type;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Implicit_Definition (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Implicit_Definition", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Implicit_Definition;
+ function Get_Implicit_Definition (D : Iir) return Iir_Predefined_Functions
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Implicit_Definition (D);
+ return Iir_Predefined_Functions'Val (Get_Field6 (D));
+ end Get_Implicit_Definition;
+ procedure Set_Implicit_Definition (D : Iir; Def : Iir_Predefined_Functions)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Implicit_Definition (D);
+ Set_Field6 (D, Iir_Predefined_Functions'Pos (Def));
+ end Set_Implicit_Definition;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Type_Reference (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Type_Reference", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Type_Reference;
+ function Get_Type_Reference (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Type_Reference (Target);
+ return Get_Field8 (Target);
+ end Get_Type_Reference;
+ procedure Set_Type_Reference (Target : Iir; Decl : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Type_Reference (Target);
+ Set_Field8 (Target, Decl);
+ end Set_Type_Reference;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Default_Value (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Default_Value", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Default_Value;
+ function Get_Default_Value (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Default_Value (Target);
+ return Get_Field6 (Target);
+ end Get_Default_Value;
+ procedure Set_Default_Value (Target : Iir; Value : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Default_Value (Target);
+ Set_Field6 (Target, Value);
+ end Set_Default_Value;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Deferred_Declaration (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Deferred_Declaration", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Deferred_Declaration;
+ function Get_Deferred_Declaration (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Deferred_Declaration (Target);
+ return Get_Field7 (Target);
+ end Get_Deferred_Declaration;
+ procedure Set_Deferred_Declaration (Target : Iir; Decl : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Deferred_Declaration (Target);
+ Set_Field7 (Target, Decl);
+ end Set_Deferred_Declaration;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Deferred_Declaration_Flag (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Deferred_Declaration_Flag", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Deferred_Declaration_Flag;
+ function Get_Deferred_Declaration_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Deferred_Declaration_Flag (Target);
+ return Get_Flag1 (Target);
+ end Get_Deferred_Declaration_Flag;
+ procedure Set_Deferred_Declaration_Flag (Target : Iir; Flag : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Deferred_Declaration_Flag (Target);
+ Set_Flag1 (Target, Flag);
+ end Set_Deferred_Declaration_Flag;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Shared_Flag (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Shared_Flag", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Shared_Flag;
+ function Get_Shared_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Shared_Flag (Target);
+ return Get_Flag2 (Target);
+ end Get_Shared_Flag;
+ procedure Set_Shared_Flag (Target : Iir; Shared : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Shared_Flag (Target);
+ Set_Flag2 (Target, Shared);
+ end Set_Shared_Flag;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Design_Unit (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Design_Unit", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Design_Unit;
+ function Get_Design_Unit (Target : Iir) return Iir_Design_Unit is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Design_Unit (Target);
+ return Get_Field0 (Target);
+ end Get_Design_Unit;
+ procedure Set_Design_Unit (Target : Iir; Unit : Iir_Design_Unit) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Design_Unit (Target);
+ Set_Field0 (Target, Unit);
+ end Set_Design_Unit;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Block_Statement (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Block_Statement", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Block_Statement;
+ function Get_Block_Statement (Target : Iir) return Iir_Block_Statement is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Block_Statement (Target);
+ return Get_Field7 (Target);
+ end Get_Block_Statement;
+ procedure Set_Block_Statement (Target : Iir; Block : Iir_Block_Statement)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Block_Statement (Target);
+ Set_Field7 (Target, Block);
+ end Set_Block_Statement;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Signal_Driver (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Signal_Driver", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Signal_Driver;
+ function Get_Signal_Driver (Target : Iir_Signal_Declaration) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Signal_Driver (Target);
+ return Get_Field7 (Target);
+ end Get_Signal_Driver;
+ procedure Set_Signal_Driver (Target : Iir_Signal_Declaration; Driver : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Signal_Driver (Target);
+ Set_Field7 (Target, Driver);
+ end Set_Signal_Driver;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Declaration_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration
+ | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Declaration_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Declaration_Chain;
+ function Get_Declaration_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Declaration_Chain (Target);
+ return Get_Field1 (Target);
+ end Get_Declaration_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Declaration_Chain (Target : Iir; Decls : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Declaration_Chain (Target);
+ Set_Field1 (Target, Decls);
+ end Set_Declaration_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_File_Logical_Name (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("File_Logical_Name", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_File_Logical_Name;
+ function Get_File_Logical_Name (Target : Iir_File_Declaration) return Iir
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_File_Logical_Name (Target);
+ return Get_Field6 (Target);
+ end Get_File_Logical_Name;
+ procedure Set_File_Logical_Name (Target : Iir_File_Declaration; Name : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_File_Logical_Name (Target);
+ Set_Field6 (Target, Name);
+ end Set_File_Logical_Name;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_File_Open_Kind (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("File_Open_Kind", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_File_Open_Kind;
+ function Get_File_Open_Kind (Target : Iir_File_Declaration) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_File_Open_Kind (Target);
+ return Get_Field7 (Target);
+ end Get_File_Open_Kind;
+ procedure Set_File_Open_Kind (Target : Iir_File_Declaration; Kind : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_File_Open_Kind (Target);
+ Set_Field7 (Target, Kind);
+ end Set_File_Open_Kind;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Element_Position (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Element_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Element_Position", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Element_Position;
+ function Get_Element_Position (Target : Iir) return Iir_Index32 is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Element_Position (Target);
+ return Iir_Index32'Val (Get_Field4 (Target));
+ end Get_Element_Position;
+ procedure Set_Element_Position (Target : Iir; Pos : Iir_Index32) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Element_Position (Target);
+ Set_Field4 (Target, Iir_Index32'Pos (Pos));
+ end Set_Element_Position;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Selected_Element (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Element =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Selected_Element", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Selected_Element;
+ function Get_Selected_Element (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Selected_Element (Target);
+ return Get_Field2 (Target);
+ end Get_Selected_Element;
+ procedure Set_Selected_Element (Target : Iir; El : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Selected_Element (Target);
+ Set_Field2 (Target, El);
+ end Set_Selected_Element;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Suffix_Identifier (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Suffix_Identifier", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Suffix_Identifier;
+ function Get_Suffix_Identifier (Target : Iir) return Name_Id is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Suffix_Identifier (Target);
+ return Iir_To_Name_Id (Get_Field2 (Target));
+ end Get_Suffix_Identifier;
+ procedure Set_Suffix_Identifier (Target : Iir; Ident : Name_Id) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Suffix_Identifier (Target);
+ Set_Field2 (Target, Name_Id_To_Iir (Ident));
+ end Set_Suffix_Identifier;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Attribute_Identifier (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Attribute_Identifier", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Attribute_Identifier;
+ function Get_Attribute_Identifier (Target : Iir) return Name_Id is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Attribute_Identifier (Target);
+ return Iir_To_Name_Id (Get_Field2 (Target));
+ end Get_Attribute_Identifier;
+ procedure Set_Attribute_Identifier (Target : Iir; Ident : Name_Id) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Attribute_Identifier (Target);
+ Set_Field2 (Target, Name_Id_To_Iir (Ident));
+ end Set_Attribute_Identifier;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Use_Clause_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Use_Clause_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Use_Clause_Chain;
+ function Get_Use_Clause_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Use_Clause_Chain (Target);
+ return Get_Field3 (Target);
+ end Get_Use_Clause_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Use_Clause_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Use_Clause_Chain (Target);
+ Set_Field3 (Target, Chain);
+ end Set_Use_Clause_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Selected_Name (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Selected_Name", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Selected_Name;
+ function Get_Selected_Name (Target : Iir_Use_Clause) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Selected_Name (Target);
+ return Get_Field1 (Target);
+ end Get_Selected_Name;
+ procedure Set_Selected_Name (Target : Iir_Use_Clause; Name : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Selected_Name (Target);
+ Set_Field1 (Target, Name);
+ end Set_Selected_Name;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Type_Declarator (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Error
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Type_Declarator", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Type_Declarator;
+ function Get_Type_Declarator (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Type_Declarator (Target);
+ return Get_Field3 (Target);
+ end Get_Type_Declarator;
+ procedure Set_Type_Declarator (Target : Iir; Decl : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Type_Declarator (Target);
+ Set_Field3 (Target, Decl);
+ end Set_Type_Declarator;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Enumeration_Literal_List (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Enumeration_Literal_List", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Enumeration_Literal_List;
+ function Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Target : Iir) return Iir_List is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Enumeration_Literal_List (Target);
+ return Iir_To_Iir_List (Get_Field2 (Target));
+ end Get_Enumeration_Literal_List;
+ procedure Set_Enumeration_Literal_List (Target : Iir; List : Iir_List) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Enumeration_Literal_List (Target);
+ Set_Field2 (Target, Iir_List_To_Iir (List));
+ end Set_Enumeration_Literal_List;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Entity_Class_Entry_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Entity_Class_Entry_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Entity_Class_Entry_Chain;
+ function Get_Entity_Class_Entry_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Entity_Class_Entry_Chain (Target);
+ return Get_Field1 (Target);
+ end Get_Entity_Class_Entry_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Entity_Class_Entry_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Entity_Class_Entry_Chain (Target);
+ Set_Field1 (Target, Chain);
+ end Set_Entity_Class_Entry_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Group_Constituent_List (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Group_Constituent_List", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Group_Constituent_List;
+ function Get_Group_Constituent_List (Group : Iir) return Iir_List is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Group_Constituent_List (Group);
+ return Iir_To_Iir_List (Get_Field1 (Group));
+ end Get_Group_Constituent_List;
+ procedure Set_Group_Constituent_List (Group : Iir; List : Iir_List) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Group_Constituent_List (Group);
+ Set_Field1 (Group, Iir_List_To_Iir (List));
+ end Set_Group_Constituent_List;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Unit_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Unit_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Unit_Chain;
+ function Get_Unit_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Unit_Chain (Target);
+ return Get_Field1 (Target);
+ end Get_Unit_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Unit_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Unit_Chain (Target);
+ Set_Field1 (Target, Chain);
+ end Set_Unit_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Primary_Unit (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Primary_Unit", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Primary_Unit;
+ function Get_Primary_Unit (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Primary_Unit (Target);
+ return Get_Field1 (Target);
+ end Get_Primary_Unit;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Identifier (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit
+ | Iir_Kind_Library_Clause
+ | Iir_Kind_Character_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Operator_Symbol
+ | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Element_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Null_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Report_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Return_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Next_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Case_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_If_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Simple_Name =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Identifier", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Identifier;
+ function Get_Identifier (Target : Iir) return Name_Id is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Identifier (Target);
+ return Iir_To_Name_Id (Get_Field3 (Target));
+ end Get_Identifier;
+ procedure Set_Identifier (Target : Iir; Identifier : Name_Id) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Identifier (Target);
+ Set_Field3 (Target, Name_Id_To_Iir (Identifier));
+ end Set_Identifier;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Label (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Null_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Report_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Return_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Next_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Case_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_If_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Label", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Label;
+ function Get_Label (Target : Iir) return Name_Id is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Label (Target);
+ return Iir_To_Name_Id (Get_Field3 (Target));
+ end Get_Label;
+ procedure Set_Label (Target : Iir; Label : Name_Id) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Label (Target);
+ Set_Field3 (Target, Name_Id_To_Iir (Label));
+ end Set_Label;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Visible_Flag (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Element_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Null_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Report_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Return_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Next_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Case_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_If_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Visible_Flag", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Visible_Flag;
+ function Get_Visible_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Visible_Flag (Target);
+ return Get_Flag4 (Target);
+ end Get_Visible_Flag;
+ procedure Set_Visible_Flag (Target : Iir; Flag : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Visible_Flag (Target);
+ Set_Flag4 (Target, Flag);
+ end Set_Visible_Flag;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Range_Constraint (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Range_Constraint", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Range_Constraint;
+ function Get_Range_Constraint (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Range_Constraint (Target);
+ return Get_Field1 (Target);
+ end Get_Range_Constraint;
+ procedure Set_Range_Constraint (Target : Iir; Constraint : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Range_Constraint (Target);
+ Set_Field1 (Target, Constraint);
+ end Set_Range_Constraint;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Direction (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Direction", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Direction;
+ function Get_Direction (Decl : Iir) return Iir_Direction is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Direction (Decl);
+ return Iir_Direction'Val (Get_State2 (Decl));
+ end Get_Direction;
+ procedure Set_Direction (Decl : Iir; Dir : Iir_Direction) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Direction (Decl);
+ Set_State2 (Decl, Iir_Direction'Pos (Dir));
+ end Set_Direction;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Left_Limit (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Left_Limit", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Left_Limit;
+ function Get_Left_Limit (Decl : Iir_Range_Expression) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Left_Limit (Decl);
+ return Get_Field2 (Decl);
+ end Get_Left_Limit;
+ procedure Set_Left_Limit (Decl : Iir_Range_Expression; Limit : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Left_Limit (Decl);
+ Set_Field2 (Decl, Limit);
+ end Set_Left_Limit;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Right_Limit (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Right_Limit", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Right_Limit;
+ function Get_Right_Limit (Decl : Iir_Range_Expression) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Right_Limit (Decl);
+ return Get_Field3 (Decl);
+ end Get_Right_Limit;
+ procedure Set_Right_Limit (Decl : Iir_Range_Expression; Limit : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Right_Limit (Decl);
+ Set_Field3 (Decl, Limit);
+ end Set_Right_Limit;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Base_Type (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Error
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Base_Type", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Base_Type;
+ function Get_Base_Type (Decl : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Base_Type (Decl);
+ return Get_Field4 (Decl);
+ end Get_Base_Type;
+ procedure Set_Base_Type (Decl : Iir; Base_Type : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Base_Type (Decl);
+ Set_Field4 (Decl, Base_Type);
+ end Set_Base_Type;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Resolution_Function (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Resolution_Function", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Resolution_Function;
+ function Get_Resolution_Function (Decl : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Resolution_Function (Decl);
+ return Get_Field5 (Decl);
+ end Get_Resolution_Function;
+ procedure Set_Resolution_Function (Decl : Iir; Func : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Resolution_Function (Decl);
+ Set_Field5 (Decl, Func);
+ end Set_Resolution_Function;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Text_File_Flag (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Text_File_Flag", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Text_File_Flag;
+ function Get_Text_File_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Text_File_Flag (Target);
+ return Get_Flag3 (Target);
+ end Get_Text_File_Flag;
+ procedure Set_Text_File_Flag (Target : Iir; Flag : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Text_File_Flag (Target);
+ Set_Flag3 (Target, Flag);
+ end Set_Text_File_Flag;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Type_Staticness (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Error
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Type_Staticness", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Type_Staticness;
+ function Get_Type_Staticness (Target : Iir) return Iir_Staticness is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Type_Staticness (Target);
+ return Iir_Staticness'Val (Get_State1 (Target));
+ end Get_Type_Staticness;
+ procedure Set_Type_Staticness (Target : Iir; Static : Iir_Staticness) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Type_Staticness (Target);
+ Set_State1 (Target, Iir_Staticness'Pos (Static));
+ end Set_Type_Staticness;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Index_Subtype_List (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Index_Subtype_List", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Index_Subtype_List;
+ function Get_Index_Subtype_List (Decl : Iir) return Iir_List is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Index_Subtype_List (Decl);
+ return Iir_To_Iir_List (Get_Field6 (Decl));
+ end Get_Index_Subtype_List;
+ procedure Set_Index_Subtype_List (Decl : Iir; List : Iir_List) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Index_Subtype_List (Decl);
+ Set_Field6 (Decl, Iir_List_To_Iir (List));
+ end Set_Index_Subtype_List;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Index_List (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Index_List", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Index_List;
+ function Get_Index_List (Decl : Iir) return Iir_List is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Index_List (Decl);
+ return Iir_To_Iir_List (Get_Field2 (Decl));
+ end Get_Index_List;
+ procedure Set_Index_List (Decl : Iir; List : Iir_List) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Index_List (Decl);
+ Set_Field2 (Decl, Iir_List_To_Iir (List));
+ end Set_Index_List;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Element_Subtype (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Element_Subtype", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Element_Subtype;
+ function Get_Element_Subtype (Decl : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Element_Subtype (Decl);
+ return Get_Field1 (Decl);
+ end Get_Element_Subtype;
+ procedure Set_Element_Subtype (Decl : Iir; Sub_Type : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Element_Subtype (Decl);
+ Set_Field1 (Decl, Sub_Type);
+ end Set_Element_Subtype;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Element_Declaration_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Element_Declaration_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Element_Declaration_Chain;
+ function Get_Element_Declaration_Chain (Decl : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Element_Declaration_Chain (Decl);
+ return Get_Field2 (Decl);
+ end Get_Element_Declaration_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Element_Declaration_Chain (Decl : Iir; Chain : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Element_Declaration_Chain (Decl);
+ Set_Field2 (Decl, Chain);
+ end Set_Element_Declaration_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Number_Element_Declaration (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Number_Element_Declaration", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Number_Element_Declaration;
+ function Get_Number_Element_Declaration (Decl : Iir) return Iir_Index32 is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Number_Element_Declaration (Decl);
+ return Iir_To_Iir_Index32 (Get_Field1 (Decl));
+ end Get_Number_Element_Declaration;
+ procedure Set_Number_Element_Declaration (Decl : Iir; Val : Iir_Index32) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Number_Element_Declaration (Decl);
+ Set_Field1 (Decl, Iir_Index32_To_Iir (Val));
+ end Set_Number_Element_Declaration;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Designated_Type (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Designated_Type", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Designated_Type;
+ function Get_Designated_Type (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Designated_Type (Target);
+ return Get_Field2 (Target);
+ end Get_Designated_Type;
+ procedure Set_Designated_Type (Target : Iir; Dtype : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Designated_Type (Target);
+ Set_Field2 (Target, Dtype);
+ end Set_Designated_Type;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Target (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Target", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Target;
+ function Get_Target (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Target (Target);
+ return Get_Field1 (Target);
+ end Get_Target;
+ procedure Set_Target (Target : Iir; Atarget : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Target (Target);
+ Set_Field1 (Target, Atarget);
+ end Set_Target;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Waveform_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Conditional_Waveform
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Waveform_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Waveform_Chain;
+ function Get_Waveform_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir_Waveform_Element is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Waveform_Chain (Target);
+ return Get_Field5 (Target);
+ end Get_Waveform_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Waveform_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir_Waveform_Element)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Waveform_Chain (Target);
+ Set_Field5 (Target, Chain);
+ end Set_Waveform_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Guard (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Guard", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Guard;
+ function Get_Guard (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Guard (Target);
+ return Get_Field8 (Target);
+ end Get_Guard;
+ procedure Set_Guard (Target : Iir; Guard : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Guard (Target);
+ Set_Field8 (Target, Guard);
+ end Set_Guard;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Delay_Mechanism (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Delay_Mechanism", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Delay_Mechanism;
+ function Get_Delay_Mechanism (Target : Iir) return Iir_Delay_Mechanism is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Delay_Mechanism (Target);
+ return Iir_Delay_Mechanism'Val (Get_Field12 (Target));
+ end Get_Delay_Mechanism;
+ procedure Set_Delay_Mechanism (Target : Iir; Kind : Iir_Delay_Mechanism) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Delay_Mechanism (Target);
+ Set_Field12 (Target, Iir_Delay_Mechanism'Pos (Kind));
+ end Set_Delay_Mechanism;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Reject_Time_Expression (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Reject_Time_Expression", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Reject_Time_Expression;
+ function Get_Reject_Time_Expression (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Reject_Time_Expression (Target);
+ return Get_Field6 (Target);
+ end Get_Reject_Time_Expression;
+ procedure Set_Reject_Time_Expression (Target : Iir; Expr : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Reject_Time_Expression (Target);
+ Set_Field6 (Target, Expr);
+ end Set_Reject_Time_Expression;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Sensitivity_List (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Sensitivity_List", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Sensitivity_List;
+ function Get_Sensitivity_List (Wait : Iir) return Iir_List is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Sensitivity_List (Wait);
+ return Iir_To_Iir_List (Get_Field6 (Wait));
+ end Get_Sensitivity_List;
+ procedure Set_Sensitivity_List (Wait : Iir; List : Iir_List) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Sensitivity_List (Wait);
+ Set_Field6 (Wait, Iir_List_To_Iir (List));
+ end Set_Sensitivity_List;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Condition_Clause (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Condition_Clause", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Condition_Clause;
+ function Get_Condition_Clause (Wait : Iir_Wait_Statement) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Condition_Clause (Wait);
+ return Get_Field5 (Wait);
+ end Get_Condition_Clause;
+ procedure Set_Condition_Clause (Wait : Iir_Wait_Statement; Cond : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Condition_Clause (Wait);
+ Set_Field5 (Wait, Cond);
+ end Set_Condition_Clause;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Timeout_Clause (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Timeout_Clause", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Timeout_Clause;
+ function Get_Timeout_Clause (Wait : Iir_Wait_Statement) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Timeout_Clause (Wait);
+ return Get_Field1 (Wait);
+ end Get_Timeout_Clause;
+ procedure Set_Timeout_Clause (Wait : Iir_Wait_Statement; Timeout : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Timeout_Clause (Wait);
+ Set_Field1 (Wait, Timeout);
+ end Set_Timeout_Clause;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Postponed_Flag (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Postponed_Flag", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Postponed_Flag;
+ function Get_Postponed_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Postponed_Flag (Target);
+ return Get_Flag3 (Target);
+ end Get_Postponed_Flag;
+ procedure Set_Postponed_Flag (Target : Iir; Value : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Postponed_Flag (Target);
+ Set_Flag3 (Target, Value);
+ end Set_Postponed_Flag;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Driver_List (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Driver_List", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Driver_List;
+ function Get_Driver_List (Stmt : Iir) return Iir_List is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Driver_List (Stmt);
+ return Iir_To_Iir_List (Get_Field8 (Stmt));
+ end Get_Driver_List;
+ procedure Set_Driver_List (Stmt : Iir; List : Iir_List) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Driver_List (Stmt);
+ Set_Field8 (Stmt, Iir_List_To_Iir (List));
+ end Set_Driver_List;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Callees_List (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Callees_List", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Callees_List;
+ function Get_Callees_List (Proc : Iir) return Iir_List is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Callees_List (Proc);
+ return Iir_To_Iir_List (Get_Field7 (Proc));
+ end Get_Callees_List;
+ procedure Set_Callees_List (Proc : Iir; List : Iir_List) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Callees_List (Proc);
+ Set_Field7 (Proc, Iir_List_To_Iir (List));
+ end Set_Callees_List;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Passive_Flag (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Passive_Flag", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Passive_Flag;
+ function Get_Passive_Flag (Proc : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Passive_Flag (Proc);
+ return Get_Flag2 (Proc);
+ end Get_Passive_Flag;
+ procedure Set_Passive_Flag (Proc : Iir; Flag : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Passive_Flag (Proc);
+ Set_Flag2 (Proc, Flag);
+ end Set_Passive_Flag;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Wait_State (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Wait_State", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Wait_State;
+ function Get_Wait_State (Proc : Iir) return Tri_State_Type is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Wait_State (Proc);
+ return Tri_State_Type'Val (Get_State1 (Proc));
+ end Get_Wait_State;
+ procedure Set_Wait_State (Proc : Iir; State : Tri_State_Type) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Wait_State (Proc);
+ Set_State1 (Proc, Tri_State_Type'Pos (State));
+ end Set_Wait_State;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Seen_Flag (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Seen_Flag", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Seen_Flag;
+ function Get_Seen_Flag (Proc : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Seen_Flag (Proc);
+ return Get_Flag1 (Proc);
+ end Get_Seen_Flag;
+ procedure Set_Seen_Flag (Proc : Iir; Flag : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Seen_Flag (Proc);
+ Set_Flag1 (Proc, Flag);
+ end Set_Seen_Flag;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Pure_Flag (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Pure_Flag", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Pure_Flag;
+ function Get_Pure_Flag (Func : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Pure_Flag (Func);
+ return Get_Flag2 (Func);
+ end Get_Pure_Flag;
+ procedure Set_Pure_Flag (Func : Iir; Flag : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Pure_Flag (Func);
+ Set_Flag2 (Func, Flag);
+ end Set_Pure_Flag;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Foreign_Flag (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Foreign_Flag", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Foreign_Flag;
+ function Get_Foreign_Flag (Decl : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Foreign_Flag (Decl);
+ return Get_Flag3 (Decl);
+ end Get_Foreign_Flag;
+ procedure Set_Foreign_Flag (Decl : Iir; Flag : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Foreign_Flag (Decl);
+ Set_Flag3 (Decl, Flag);
+ end Set_Foreign_Flag;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Resolved_Flag (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Error
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Resolved_Flag", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Resolved_Flag;
+ function Get_Resolved_Flag (Atype : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Resolved_Flag (Atype);
+ return Get_Flag1 (Atype);
+ end Get_Resolved_Flag;
+ procedure Set_Resolved_Flag (Atype : Iir; Flag : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Resolved_Flag (Atype);
+ Set_Flag1 (Atype, Flag);
+ end Set_Resolved_Flag;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Signal_Type_Flag (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Error
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Signal_Type_Flag", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Signal_Type_Flag;
+ function Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Atype : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Signal_Type_Flag (Atype);
+ return Get_Flag2 (Atype);
+ end Get_Signal_Type_Flag;
+ procedure Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Atype : Iir; Flag : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Signal_Type_Flag (Atype);
+ Set_Flag2 (Atype, Flag);
+ end Set_Signal_Type_Flag;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Purity_State (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Purity_State", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Purity_State;
+ function Get_Purity_State (Proc : Iir) return Iir_Pure_State is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Purity_State (Proc);
+ return Iir_Pure_State'Val (Get_State3 (Proc));
+ end Get_Purity_State;
+ procedure Set_Purity_State (Proc : Iir; State : Iir_Pure_State) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Purity_State (Proc);
+ Set_State3 (Proc, Iir_Pure_State'Pos (State));
+ end Set_Purity_State;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Elab_Flag (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_File
+ | Iir_Kind_Design_Unit =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Elab_Flag", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Elab_Flag;
+ function Get_Elab_Flag (Design : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Elab_Flag (Design);
+ return Get_Flag3 (Design);
+ end Get_Elab_Flag;
+ procedure Set_Elab_Flag (Design : Iir; Flag : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Elab_Flag (Design);
+ Set_Flag3 (Design, Flag);
+ end Set_Elab_Flag;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Assertion_Condition (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Assertion_Condition", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Assertion_Condition;
+ function Get_Assertion_Condition (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Assertion_Condition (Target);
+ return Get_Field1 (Target);
+ end Get_Assertion_Condition;
+ procedure Set_Assertion_Condition (Target : Iir; Cond : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Assertion_Condition (Target);
+ Set_Field1 (Target, Cond);
+ end Set_Assertion_Condition;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Report_Expression (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Report_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Report_Expression", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Report_Expression;
+ function Get_Report_Expression (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Report_Expression (Target);
+ return Get_Field6 (Target);
+ end Get_Report_Expression;
+ procedure Set_Report_Expression (Target : Iir; Expr : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Report_Expression (Target);
+ Set_Field6 (Target, Expr);
+ end Set_Report_Expression;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Severity_Expression (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Report_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Severity_Expression", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Severity_Expression;
+ function Get_Severity_Expression (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Severity_Expression (Target);
+ return Get_Field5 (Target);
+ end Get_Severity_Expression;
+ procedure Set_Severity_Expression (Target : Iir; Expr : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Severity_Expression (Target);
+ Set_Field5 (Target, Expr);
+ end Set_Severity_Expression;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Instantiated_Unit (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Instantiated_Unit", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Instantiated_Unit;
+ function Get_Instantiated_Unit (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Instantiated_Unit (Target);
+ return Get_Field1 (Target);
+ end Get_Instantiated_Unit;
+ procedure Set_Instantiated_Unit (Target : Iir; Unit : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Instantiated_Unit (Target);
+ Set_Field1 (Target, Unit);
+ end Set_Instantiated_Unit;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Header
+ | Iir_Kind_Binding_Indication
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain;
+ function Get_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target);
+ return Get_Field8 (Target);
+ end Get_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target : Iir; Generics : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target);
+ Set_Field8 (Target, Generics);
+ end Set_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Header
+ | Iir_Kind_Binding_Indication
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Port_Map_Aspect_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain;
+ function Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target);
+ return Get_Field9 (Target);
+ end Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target : Iir; Port : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target);
+ Set_Field9 (Target, Port);
+ end Set_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Configuration (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Configuration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Configuration", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Configuration;
+ function Get_Configuration (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Configuration (Target);
+ return Get_Field1 (Target);
+ end Get_Configuration;
+ procedure Set_Configuration (Target : Iir; Conf : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Configuration (Target);
+ Set_Field1 (Target, Conf);
+ end Set_Configuration;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Component_Configuration (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Component_Configuration", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Component_Configuration;
+ function Get_Component_Configuration (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Component_Configuration (Target);
+ return Get_Field6 (Target);
+ end Get_Component_Configuration;
+ procedure Set_Component_Configuration (Target : Iir; Conf : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Component_Configuration (Target);
+ Set_Field6 (Target, Conf);
+ end Set_Component_Configuration;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Configuration_Specification (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Configuration_Specification", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Configuration_Specification;
+ function Get_Configuration_Specification (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Configuration_Specification (Target);
+ return Get_Field7 (Target);
+ end Get_Configuration_Specification;
+ procedure Set_Configuration_Specification (Target : Iir; Conf : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Configuration_Specification (Target);
+ Set_Field7 (Target, Conf);
+ end Set_Configuration_Specification;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Default_Binding_Indication (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Default_Binding_Indication", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Default_Binding_Indication;
+ function Get_Default_Binding_Indication (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Default_Binding_Indication (Target);
+ return Get_Field5 (Target);
+ end Get_Default_Binding_Indication;
+ procedure Set_Default_Binding_Indication (Target : Iir; Conf : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Default_Binding_Indication (Target);
+ Set_Field5 (Target, Conf);
+ end Set_Default_Binding_Indication;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Default_Configuration_Declaration (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Default_Configuration_Declaration", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Default_Configuration_Declaration;
+ function Get_Default_Configuration_Declaration (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Default_Configuration_Declaration (Target);
+ return Get_Field6 (Target);
+ end Get_Default_Configuration_Declaration;
+ procedure Set_Default_Configuration_Declaration (Target : Iir; Conf : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Default_Configuration_Declaration (Target);
+ Set_Field6 (Target, Conf);
+ end Set_Default_Configuration_Declaration;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Expression (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification
+ | Iir_Kind_Disconnection_Specification
+ | Iir_Kind_Qualified_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion
+ | Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Subtype
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Return_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Case_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Expression", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Expression;
+ function Get_Expression (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Expression (Target);
+ return Get_Field5 (Target);
+ end Get_Expression;
+ procedure Set_Expression (Target : Iir; Expr : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Expression (Target);
+ Set_Field5 (Target, Expr);
+ end Set_Expression;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Selected_Waveform_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Selected_Waveform_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Selected_Waveform_Chain;
+ function Get_Selected_Waveform_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Selected_Waveform_Chain (Target);
+ return Get_Field7 (Target);
+ end Get_Selected_Waveform_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Selected_Waveform_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Selected_Waveform_Chain (Target);
+ Set_Field7 (Target, Chain);
+ end Set_Selected_Waveform_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Conditional_Waveform_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Conditional_Waveform_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Conditional_Waveform_Chain;
+ function Get_Conditional_Waveform_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Conditional_Waveform_Chain (Target);
+ return Get_Field7 (Target);
+ end Get_Conditional_Waveform_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Conditional_Waveform_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Conditional_Waveform_Chain (Target);
+ Set_Field7 (Target, Chain);
+ end Set_Conditional_Waveform_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Guard_Expression (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Guard_Expression", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Guard_Expression;
+ function Get_Guard_Expression (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Guard_Expression (Target);
+ return Get_Field2 (Target);
+ end Get_Guard_Expression;
+ procedure Set_Guard_Expression (Target : Iir; Expr : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Guard_Expression (Target);
+ Set_Field2 (Target, Expr);
+ end Set_Guard_Expression;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Guard_Decl (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Guard_Decl", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Guard_Decl;
+ function Get_Guard_Decl (Target : Iir_Block_Statement) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Guard_Decl (Target);
+ return Get_Field8 (Target);
+ end Get_Guard_Decl;
+ procedure Set_Guard_Decl (Target : Iir_Block_Statement; Decl : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Guard_Decl (Target);
+ Set_Field8 (Target, Decl);
+ end Set_Guard_Decl;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Guard_Sensitivity_List (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Guard_Sensitivity_List", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Guard_Sensitivity_List;
+ function Get_Guard_Sensitivity_List (Guard : Iir) return Iir_List is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Guard_Sensitivity_List (Guard);
+ return Iir_To_Iir_List (Get_Field6 (Guard));
+ end Get_Guard_Sensitivity_List;
+ procedure Set_Guard_Sensitivity_List (Guard : Iir; List : Iir_List) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Guard_Sensitivity_List (Guard);
+ Set_Field6 (Guard, Iir_List_To_Iir (List));
+ end Set_Guard_Sensitivity_List;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Block_Block_Configuration (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Block_Block_Configuration", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Block_Block_Configuration;
+ function Get_Block_Block_Configuration (Block : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Block_Block_Configuration (Block);
+ return Get_Field6 (Block);
+ end Get_Block_Block_Configuration;
+ procedure Set_Block_Block_Configuration (Block : Iir; Conf : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Block_Block_Configuration (Block);
+ Set_Field6 (Block, Conf);
+ end Set_Block_Block_Configuration;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Block_Header (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Block_Header", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Block_Header;
+ function Get_Block_Header (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Block_Header (Target);
+ return Get_Field7 (Target);
+ end Get_Block_Header;
+ procedure Set_Block_Header (Target : Iir; Header : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Block_Header (Target);
+ Set_Field7 (Target, Header);
+ end Set_Block_Header;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Generate_Block_Configuration (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Generate_Block_Configuration", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Generate_Block_Configuration;
+ function Get_Generate_Block_Configuration (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Generate_Block_Configuration (Target);
+ return Get_Field7 (Target);
+ end Get_Generate_Block_Configuration;
+ procedure Set_Generate_Block_Configuration (Target : Iir; Conf : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Generate_Block_Configuration (Target);
+ Set_Field7 (Target, Conf);
+ end Set_Generate_Block_Configuration;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Generation_Scheme (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Generation_Scheme", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Generation_Scheme;
+ function Get_Generation_Scheme (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Generation_Scheme (Target);
+ return Get_Field6 (Target);
+ end Get_Generation_Scheme;
+ procedure Set_Generation_Scheme (Target : Iir; Scheme : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Generation_Scheme (Target);
+ Set_Field6 (Target, Scheme);
+ end Set_Generation_Scheme;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Condition (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Conditional_Waveform
+ | Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Next_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_If_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Elsif =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Condition", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Condition;
+ function Get_Condition (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Condition (Target);
+ return Get_Field1 (Target);
+ end Get_Condition;
+ procedure Set_Condition (Target : Iir; Condition : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Condition (Target);
+ Set_Field1 (Target, Condition);
+ end Set_Condition;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Else_Clause (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_If_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Elsif =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Else_Clause", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Else_Clause;
+ function Get_Else_Clause (Target : Iir) return Iir_Elsif is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Else_Clause (Target);
+ return Get_Field6 (Target);
+ end Get_Else_Clause;
+ procedure Set_Else_Clause (Target : Iir; Clause : Iir_Elsif) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Else_Clause (Target);
+ Set_Field6 (Target, Clause);
+ end Set_Else_Clause;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Iterator_Scheme (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Iterator_Scheme", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Iterator_Scheme;
+ function Get_Iterator_Scheme (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Iterator_Scheme (Target);
+ return Get_Field1 (Target);
+ end Get_Iterator_Scheme;
+ procedure Set_Iterator_Scheme (Target : Iir; Iterator : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Iterator_Scheme (Target);
+ Set_Field1 (Target, Iterator);
+ end Set_Iterator_Scheme;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Parent (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_File
+ | Iir_Kind_Design_Unit
+ | Iir_Kind_Library_Clause
+ | Iir_Kind_Use_Clause
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification
+ | Iir_Kind_Disconnection_Specification
+ | Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification
+ | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Null_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Report_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Return_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Next_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Case_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_If_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Elsif =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Parent", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Parent;
+ function Get_Parent (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Parent (Target);
+ return Get_Field0 (Target);
+ end Get_Parent;
+ procedure Set_Parent (Target : Iir; Parent : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Parent (Target);
+ Set_Field0 (Target, Parent);
+ end Set_Parent;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Loop (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Next_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Loop", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Loop;
+ function Get_Loop (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Loop (Target);
+ return Get_Field5 (Target);
+ end Get_Loop;
+ procedure Set_Loop (Target : Iir; Stmt : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Loop (Target);
+ Set_Field5 (Target, Stmt);
+ end Set_Loop;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Component_Name (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration
+ | Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Component_Name", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Component_Name;
+ function Get_Component_Name (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Component_Name (Target);
+ return Get_Field4 (Target);
+ end Get_Component_Name;
+ procedure Set_Component_Name (Target : Iir; Name : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Component_Name (Target);
+ Set_Field4 (Target, Name);
+ end Set_Component_Name;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Instantiation_List (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration
+ | Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Instantiation_List", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Instantiation_List;
+ function Get_Instantiation_List (Target : Iir) return Iir_List is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Instantiation_List (Target);
+ return Iir_To_Iir_List (Get_Field1 (Target));
+ end Get_Instantiation_List;
+ procedure Set_Instantiation_List (Target : Iir; List : Iir_List) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Instantiation_List (Target);
+ Set_Field1 (Target, Iir_List_To_Iir (List));
+ end Set_Instantiation_List;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Entity_Aspect (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Binding_Indication =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Entity_Aspect", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Entity_Aspect;
+ function Get_Entity_Aspect (Target : Iir_Binding_Indication) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Entity_Aspect (Target);
+ return Get_Field3 (Target);
+ end Get_Entity_Aspect;
+ procedure Set_Entity_Aspect (Target : Iir_Binding_Indication; Entity : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Entity_Aspect (Target);
+ Set_Field3 (Target, Entity);
+ end Set_Entity_Aspect;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Default_Entity_Aspect (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Binding_Indication =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Default_Entity_Aspect", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Default_Entity_Aspect;
+ function Get_Default_Entity_Aspect (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Default_Entity_Aspect (Target);
+ return Get_Field1 (Target);
+ end Get_Default_Entity_Aspect;
+ procedure Set_Default_Entity_Aspect (Target : Iir; Aspect : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Default_Entity_Aspect (Target);
+ Set_Field1 (Target, Aspect);
+ end Set_Default_Entity_Aspect;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Default_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Binding_Indication =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Default_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Default_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain;
+ function Get_Default_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Default_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target);
+ return Get_Field6 (Target);
+ end Get_Default_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Default_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Default_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target);
+ Set_Field6 (Target, Chain);
+ end Set_Default_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Default_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Binding_Indication =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Default_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Default_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain;
+ function Get_Default_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Default_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target);
+ return Get_Field7 (Target);
+ end Get_Default_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Default_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Default_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target);
+ Set_Field7 (Target, Chain);
+ end Set_Default_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Binding_Indication (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration
+ | Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Binding_Indication", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Binding_Indication;
+ function Get_Binding_Indication (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Binding_Indication (Target);
+ return Get_Field3 (Target);
+ end Get_Binding_Indication;
+ procedure Set_Binding_Indication (Target : Iir; Binding : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Binding_Indication (Target);
+ Set_Field3 (Target, Binding);
+ end Set_Binding_Indication;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Named_Entity (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Operator_Symbol
+ | Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Named_Entity", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Named_Entity;
+ function Get_Named_Entity (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Named_Entity (Target);
+ return Get_Field4 (Target);
+ end Get_Named_Entity;
+ procedure Set_Named_Entity (Target : Iir; Val : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Named_Entity (Target);
+ Set_Field4 (Target, Val);
+ end Set_Named_Entity;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Expr_Staticness (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Error
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Point_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Null_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_String_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Simple_Aggregate
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value
+ | Iir_Kind_Range_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Identity_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Negation_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Absolute_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Not_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_And_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Or_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Nand_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Nor_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Xor_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Xnor_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Equality_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Inequality_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Less_Than_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Less_Than_Or_Equal_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Greater_Than_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Greater_Than_Or_Equal_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Sll_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Sla_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Srl_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Sra_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Rol_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Ror_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Addition_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Substraction_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Concatenation_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Multiplication_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Division_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Modulus_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Remainder_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Exponentiation_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Call
+ | Iir_Kind_Aggregate
+ | Iir_Kind_Qualified_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion
+ | Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Subtype
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Element
+ | Iir_Kind_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Left_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Right_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_High_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Low_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Ascending_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Image_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Value_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Pos_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Val_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Succ_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Pred_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Leftof_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Rightof_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Left_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Right_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_High_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Low_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Length_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Ascending_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Event_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Active_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Event_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Active_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Value_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Driving_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Driving_Value_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Simple_Name_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Instance_Name_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Path_Name_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Expr_Staticness", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Expr_Staticness;
+ function Get_Expr_Staticness (Target : Iir) return Iir_Staticness is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Expr_Staticness (Target);
+ return Iir_Staticness'Val (Get_State1 (Target));
+ end Get_Expr_Staticness;
+ procedure Set_Expr_Staticness (Target : Iir; Static : Iir_Staticness) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Expr_Staticness (Target);
+ Set_State1 (Target, Iir_Staticness'Pos (Static));
+ end Set_Expr_Staticness;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Error_Origin (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Error =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Error_Origin", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Error_Origin;
+ function Get_Error_Origin (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Error_Origin (Target);
+ return Get_Field2 (Target);
+ end Get_Error_Origin;
+ procedure Set_Error_Origin (Target : Iir; Origin : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Error_Origin (Target);
+ Set_Field2 (Target, Origin);
+ end Set_Error_Origin;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Operand (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Identity_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Negation_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Absolute_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Not_Operator =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Operand", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Operand;
+ function Get_Operand (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Operand (Target);
+ return Get_Field2 (Target);
+ end Get_Operand;
+ procedure Set_Operand (Target : Iir; An_Iir : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Operand (Target);
+ Set_Field2 (Target, An_Iir);
+ end Set_Operand;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Left (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_And_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Or_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Nand_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Nor_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Xor_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Xnor_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Equality_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Inequality_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Less_Than_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Less_Than_Or_Equal_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Greater_Than_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Greater_Than_Or_Equal_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Sll_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Sla_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Srl_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Sra_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Rol_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Ror_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Addition_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Substraction_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Concatenation_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Multiplication_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Division_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Modulus_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Remainder_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Exponentiation_Operator =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Left", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Left;
+ function Get_Left (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Left (Target);
+ return Get_Field2 (Target);
+ end Get_Left;
+ procedure Set_Left (Target : Iir; An_Iir : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Left (Target);
+ Set_Field2 (Target, An_Iir);
+ end Set_Left;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Right (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_And_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Or_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Nand_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Nor_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Xor_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Xnor_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Equality_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Inequality_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Less_Than_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Less_Than_Or_Equal_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Greater_Than_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Greater_Than_Or_Equal_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Sll_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Sla_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Srl_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Sra_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Rol_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Ror_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Addition_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Substraction_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Concatenation_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Multiplication_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Division_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Modulus_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Remainder_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Exponentiation_Operator =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Right", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Right;
+ function Get_Right (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Right (Target);
+ return Get_Field4 (Target);
+ end Get_Right;
+ procedure Set_Right (Target : Iir; An_Iir : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Right (Target);
+ Set_Field4 (Target, An_Iir);
+ end Set_Right;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Unit_Name (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Unit_Name", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Unit_Name;
+ function Get_Unit_Name (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Unit_Name (Target);
+ return Get_Field3 (Target);
+ end Get_Unit_Name;
+ procedure Set_Unit_Name (Target : Iir; Name : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Unit_Name (Target);
+ Set_Field3 (Target, Name);
+ end Set_Unit_Name;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Name (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Signature
+ | Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Name", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Name;
+ function Get_Name (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Name (Target);
+ return Get_Field4 (Target);
+ end Get_Name;
+ procedure Set_Name (Target : Iir; Name : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Name (Target);
+ Set_Field4 (Target, Name);
+ end Set_Name;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Group_Template_Name (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Group_Template_Name", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Group_Template_Name;
+ function Get_Group_Template_Name (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Group_Template_Name (Target);
+ return Get_Field5 (Target);
+ end Get_Group_Template_Name;
+ procedure Set_Group_Template_Name (Target : Iir; Name : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Group_Template_Name (Target);
+ Set_Field5 (Target, Name);
+ end Set_Group_Template_Name;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Name_Staticness (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Call
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Element
+ | Iir_Kind_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Event_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Active_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Event_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Active_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Value_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Driving_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Driving_Value_Attribute =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Name_Staticness", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Name_Staticness;
+ function Get_Name_Staticness (Target : Iir) return Iir_Staticness is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Name_Staticness (Target);
+ return Iir_Staticness'Val (Get_State2 (Target));
+ end Get_Name_Staticness;
+ procedure Set_Name_Staticness (Target : Iir; Static : Iir_Staticness) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Name_Staticness (Target);
+ Set_State2 (Target, Iir_Staticness'Pos (Static));
+ end Set_Name_Staticness;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Prefix (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Element
+ | Iir_Kind_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Base_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Left_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Right_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_High_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Low_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Ascending_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Image_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Value_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Pos_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Val_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Succ_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Pred_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Leftof_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Rightof_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Left_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Right_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_High_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Low_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Length_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Ascending_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Event_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Active_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Event_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Active_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Value_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Driving_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Driving_Value_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Simple_Name_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Instance_Name_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Path_Name_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Prefix", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Prefix;
+ function Get_Prefix (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Prefix (Target);
+ return Get_Field3 (Target);
+ end Get_Prefix;
+ procedure Set_Prefix (Target : Iir; Prefix : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Prefix (Target);
+ Set_Field3 (Target, Prefix);
+ end Set_Prefix;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Suffix (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Suffix", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Suffix;
+ function Get_Suffix (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Suffix (Target);
+ return Get_Field2 (Target);
+ end Get_Suffix;
+ procedure Set_Suffix (Target : Iir; Suffix : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Suffix (Target);
+ Set_Field2 (Target, Suffix);
+ end Set_Suffix;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Parameter (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Image_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Value_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Pos_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Val_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Succ_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Pred_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Leftof_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Rightof_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Left_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Right_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_High_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Low_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Length_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Ascending_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Parameter", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Parameter;
+ function Get_Parameter (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Parameter (Target);
+ return Get_Field4 (Target);
+ end Get_Parameter;
+ procedure Set_Parameter (Target : Iir; Param : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Parameter (Target);
+ Set_Field4 (Target, Param);
+ end Set_Parameter;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Actual_Type (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Actual_Type", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Actual_Type;
+ function Get_Actual_Type (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Actual_Type (Target);
+ return Get_Field3 (Target);
+ end Get_Actual_Type;
+ procedure Set_Actual_Type (Target : Iir; Atype : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Actual_Type (Target);
+ Set_Field3 (Target, Atype);
+ end Set_Actual_Type;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Association_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Association_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Association_Chain;
+ function Get_Association_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Association_Chain (Target);
+ return Get_Field2 (Target);
+ end Get_Association_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Association_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Association_Chain (Target);
+ Set_Field2 (Target, Chain);
+ end Set_Association_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Individual_Association_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Individual_Association_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Individual_Association_Chain;
+ function Get_Individual_Association_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Individual_Association_Chain (Target);
+ return Get_Field4 (Target);
+ end Get_Individual_Association_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Individual_Association_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Individual_Association_Chain (Target);
+ Set_Field4 (Target, Chain);
+ end Set_Individual_Association_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Aggregate_Info (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Aggregate_Info", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Aggregate_Info;
+ function Get_Aggregate_Info (Target : Iir) return Iir_Aggregate_Info is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Aggregate_Info (Target);
+ return Get_Field2 (Target);
+ end Get_Aggregate_Info;
+ procedure Set_Aggregate_Info (Target : Iir; Info : Iir_Aggregate_Info) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Aggregate_Info (Target);
+ Set_Field2 (Target, Info);
+ end Set_Aggregate_Info;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Sub_Aggregate_Info (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate_Info =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Sub_Aggregate_Info", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Sub_Aggregate_Info;
+ function Get_Sub_Aggregate_Info (Target : Iir) return Iir_Aggregate_Info is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Sub_Aggregate_Info (Target);
+ return Get_Field1 (Target);
+ end Get_Sub_Aggregate_Info;
+ procedure Set_Sub_Aggregate_Info (Target : Iir; Info : Iir_Aggregate_Info)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Sub_Aggregate_Info (Target);
+ Set_Field1 (Target, Info);
+ end Set_Sub_Aggregate_Info;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Aggr_Dynamic_Flag (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate_Info =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Aggr_Dynamic_Flag", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Aggr_Dynamic_Flag;
+ function Get_Aggr_Dynamic_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Aggr_Dynamic_Flag (Target);
+ return Get_Flag3 (Target);
+ end Get_Aggr_Dynamic_Flag;
+ procedure Set_Aggr_Dynamic_Flag (Target : Iir; Val : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Aggr_Dynamic_Flag (Target);
+ Set_Flag3 (Target, Val);
+ end Set_Aggr_Dynamic_Flag;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Aggr_Max_Length (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate_Info =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Aggr_Max_Length", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Aggr_Max_Length;
+ function Get_Aggr_Max_Length (Info : Iir_Aggregate_Info) return Iir_Int32
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Aggr_Max_Length (Info);
+ return Iir_To_Iir_Int32 (Get_Field4 (Info));
+ end Get_Aggr_Max_Length;
+ procedure Set_Aggr_Max_Length (Info : Iir_Aggregate_Info; Nbr : Iir_Int32)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Aggr_Max_Length (Info);
+ Set_Field4 (Info, Iir_Int32_To_Iir (Nbr));
+ end Set_Aggr_Max_Length;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Aggr_Low_Limit (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate_Info =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Aggr_Low_Limit", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Aggr_Low_Limit;
+ function Get_Aggr_Low_Limit (Target : Iir_Aggregate_Info) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Aggr_Low_Limit (Target);
+ return Get_Field2 (Target);
+ end Get_Aggr_Low_Limit;
+ procedure Set_Aggr_Low_Limit (Target : Iir_Aggregate_Info; Limit : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Aggr_Low_Limit (Target);
+ Set_Field2 (Target, Limit);
+ end Set_Aggr_Low_Limit;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Aggr_High_Limit (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate_Info =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Aggr_High_Limit", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Aggr_High_Limit;
+ function Get_Aggr_High_Limit (Target : Iir_Aggregate_Info) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Aggr_High_Limit (Target);
+ return Get_Field3 (Target);
+ end Get_Aggr_High_Limit;
+ procedure Set_Aggr_High_Limit (Target : Iir_Aggregate_Info; Limit : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Aggr_High_Limit (Target);
+ Set_Field3 (Target, Limit);
+ end Set_Aggr_High_Limit;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Aggr_Others_Flag (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate_Info =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Aggr_Others_Flag", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Aggr_Others_Flag;
+ function Get_Aggr_Others_Flag (Target : Iir_Aggregate_Info) return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Aggr_Others_Flag (Target);
+ return Get_Flag2 (Target);
+ end Get_Aggr_Others_Flag;
+ procedure Set_Aggr_Others_Flag (Target : Iir_Aggregate_Info; Val : Boolean)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Aggr_Others_Flag (Target);
+ Set_Flag2 (Target, Val);
+ end Set_Aggr_Others_Flag;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Aggr_Named_Flag (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate_Info =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Aggr_Named_Flag", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Aggr_Named_Flag;
+ function Get_Aggr_Named_Flag (Target : Iir_Aggregate_Info) return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Aggr_Named_Flag (Target);
+ return Get_Flag4 (Target);
+ end Get_Aggr_Named_Flag;
+ procedure Set_Aggr_Named_Flag (Target : Iir_Aggregate_Info; Val : Boolean)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Aggr_Named_Flag (Target);
+ Set_Flag4 (Target, Val);
+ end Set_Aggr_Named_Flag;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Value_Staticness (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Value_Staticness", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Value_Staticness;
+ function Get_Value_Staticness (Target : Iir) return Iir_Staticness is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Value_Staticness (Target);
+ return Iir_Staticness'Val (Get_State2 (Target));
+ end Get_Value_Staticness;
+ procedure Set_Value_Staticness (Target : Iir; Staticness : Iir_Staticness)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Value_Staticness (Target);
+ Set_State2 (Target, Iir_Staticness'Pos (Staticness));
+ end Set_Value_Staticness;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Association_Choices_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Association_Choices_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Association_Choices_Chain;
+ function Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Association_Choices_Chain (Target);
+ return Get_Field4 (Target);
+ end Get_Association_Choices_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Association_Choices_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Association_Choices_Chain (Target);
+ Set_Field4 (Target, Chain);
+ end Set_Association_Choices_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Case_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain;
+ function Get_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain (Target);
+ return Get_Field1 (Target);
+ end Get_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain (Target);
+ Set_Field1 (Target, Chain);
+ end Set_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Choice_Staticness (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Choice_Staticness", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Choice_Staticness;
+ function Get_Choice_Staticness (Target : Iir) return Iir_Staticness is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Choice_Staticness (Target);
+ return Iir_Staticness'Val (Get_State2 (Target));
+ end Get_Choice_Staticness;
+ procedure Set_Choice_Staticness (Target : Iir; Staticness : Iir_Staticness)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Choice_Staticness (Target);
+ Set_State2 (Target, Iir_Staticness'Pos (Staticness));
+ end Set_Choice_Staticness;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Procedure_Call (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Procedure_Call", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Procedure_Call;
+ function Get_Procedure_Call (Stmt : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Procedure_Call (Stmt);
+ return Get_Field1 (Stmt);
+ end Get_Procedure_Call;
+ procedure Set_Procedure_Call (Stmt : Iir; Call : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Procedure_Call (Stmt);
+ Set_Field1 (Stmt, Call);
+ end Set_Procedure_Call;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Implementation (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call
+ | Iir_Kind_Identity_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Negation_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Absolute_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Not_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_And_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Or_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Nand_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Nor_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Xor_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Xnor_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Equality_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Inequality_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Less_Than_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Less_Than_Or_Equal_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Greater_Than_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Greater_Than_Or_Equal_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Sll_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Sla_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Srl_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Sra_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Rol_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Ror_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Addition_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Substraction_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Concatenation_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Multiplication_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Division_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Modulus_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Remainder_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Exponentiation_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Implementation", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Implementation;
+ function Get_Implementation (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Implementation (Target);
+ return Get_Field3 (Target);
+ end Get_Implementation;
+ procedure Set_Implementation (Target : Iir; Decl : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Implementation (Target);
+ Set_Field3 (Target, Decl);
+ end Set_Implementation;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Parameter_Association_Chain (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Parameter_Association_Chain", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Parameter_Association_Chain;
+ function Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Parameter_Association_Chain (Target);
+ return Get_Field2 (Target);
+ end Get_Parameter_Association_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Parameter_Association_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Parameter_Association_Chain (Target);
+ Set_Field2 (Target, Chain);
+ end Set_Parameter_Association_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Method_Object (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Method_Object", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Method_Object;
+ function Get_Method_Object (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Method_Object (Target);
+ return Get_Field4 (Target);
+ end Get_Method_Object;
+ procedure Set_Method_Object (Target : Iir; Object : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Method_Object (Target);
+ Set_Field4 (Target, Object);
+ end Set_Method_Object;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Type_Mark (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Qualified_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Type_Mark", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Type_Mark;
+ function Get_Type_Mark (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Type_Mark (Target);
+ return Get_Field2 (Target);
+ end Get_Type_Mark;
+ procedure Set_Type_Mark (Target : Iir; Mark : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Type_Mark (Target);
+ Set_Field2 (Target, Mark);
+ end Set_Type_Mark;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Lexical_Layout (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Lexical_Layout", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Lexical_Layout;
+ function Get_Lexical_Layout (Decl : Iir) return Iir_Lexical_Layout_Type is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Lexical_Layout (Decl);
+ return Iir_Lexical_Layout_Type'Val (Get_Odigit1 (Decl));
+ end Get_Lexical_Layout;
+ procedure Set_Lexical_Layout (Decl : Iir; Lay : Iir_Lexical_Layout_Type) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Lexical_Layout (Decl);
+ Set_Odigit1 (Decl, Iir_Lexical_Layout_Type'Pos (Lay));
+ end Set_Lexical_Layout;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Incomplete_Type_List (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Incomplete_Type_List", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Incomplete_Type_List;
+ function Get_Incomplete_Type_List (Target : Iir) return Iir_List is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Incomplete_Type_List (Target);
+ return Iir_To_Iir_List (Get_Field2 (Target));
+ end Get_Incomplete_Type_List;
+ procedure Set_Incomplete_Type_List (Target : Iir; List : Iir_List) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Incomplete_Type_List (Target);
+ Set_Field2 (Target, Iir_List_To_Iir (List));
+ end Set_Incomplete_Type_List;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Has_Disconnect_Flag (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Has_Disconnect_Flag", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Has_Disconnect_Flag;
+ function Get_Has_Disconnect_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Has_Disconnect_Flag (Target);
+ return Get_Flag1 (Target);
+ end Get_Has_Disconnect_Flag;
+ procedure Set_Has_Disconnect_Flag (Target : Iir; Val : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Has_Disconnect_Flag (Target);
+ Set_Flag1 (Target, Val);
+ end Set_Has_Disconnect_Flag;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Has_Active_Flag (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Has_Active_Flag", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Has_Active_Flag;
+ function Get_Has_Active_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Has_Active_Flag (Target);
+ return Get_Flag2 (Target);
+ end Get_Has_Active_Flag;
+ procedure Set_Has_Active_Flag (Target : Iir; Val : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Has_Active_Flag (Target);
+ Set_Flag2 (Target, Val);
+ end Set_Has_Active_Flag;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Is_Within_Flag (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Is_Within_Flag", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Is_Within_Flag;
+ function Get_Is_Within_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Is_Within_Flag (Target);
+ return Get_Flag5 (Target);
+ end Get_Is_Within_Flag;
+ procedure Set_Is_Within_Flag (Target : Iir; Val : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Is_Within_Flag (Target);
+ Set_Flag5 (Target, Val);
+ end Set_Is_Within_Flag;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Type_Marks_List (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signature =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Type_Marks_List", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Type_Marks_List;
+ function Get_Type_Marks_List (Target : Iir) return Iir_List is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Type_Marks_List (Target);
+ return Iir_To_Iir_List (Get_Field2 (Target));
+ end Get_Type_Marks_List;
+ procedure Set_Type_Marks_List (Target : Iir; List : Iir_List) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Type_Marks_List (Target);
+ Set_Field2 (Target, Iir_List_To_Iir (List));
+ end Set_Type_Marks_List;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Signature (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Signature", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Signature;
+ function Get_Signature (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Signature (Target);
+ return Get_Field5 (Target);
+ end Get_Signature;
+ procedure Set_Signature (Target : Iir; Value : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Signature (Target);
+ Set_Field5 (Target, Value);
+ end Set_Signature;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Overload_List (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Overload_List =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Overload_List", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Overload_List;
+ function Get_Overload_List (Target : Iir) return Iir_List is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Overload_List (Target);
+ return Iir_To_Iir_List (Get_Field1 (Target));
+ end Get_Overload_List;
+ procedure Set_Overload_List (Target : Iir; List : Iir_List) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Overload_List (Target);
+ Set_Field1 (Target, Iir_List_To_Iir (List));
+ end Set_Overload_List;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Simple_Name_Identifier (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name_Attribute =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Simple_Name_Identifier", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Simple_Name_Identifier;
+ function Get_Simple_Name_Identifier (Target : Iir) return Name_Id is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Simple_Name_Identifier (Target);
+ return Iir_To_Name_Id (Get_Field2 (Target));
+ end Get_Simple_Name_Identifier;
+ procedure Set_Simple_Name_Identifier (Target : Iir; Ident : Name_Id) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Simple_Name_Identifier (Target);
+ Set_Field2 (Target, Name_Id_To_Iir (Ident));
+ end Set_Simple_Name_Identifier;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Protected_Type_Body (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Protected_Type_Body", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Protected_Type_Body;
+ function Get_Protected_Type_Body (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Protected_Type_Body (Target);
+ return Get_Field2 (Target);
+ end Get_Protected_Type_Body;
+ procedure Set_Protected_Type_Body (Target : Iir; Bod : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Protected_Type_Body (Target);
+ Set_Field2 (Target, Bod);
+ end Set_Protected_Type_Body;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Protected_Type_Declaration (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Protected_Type_Declaration", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Protected_Type_Declaration;
+ function Get_Protected_Type_Declaration (Target : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Protected_Type_Declaration (Target);
+ return Get_Field4 (Target);
+ end Get_Protected_Type_Declaration;
+ procedure Set_Protected_Type_Declaration (Target : Iir; Decl : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Protected_Type_Declaration (Target);
+ Set_Field4 (Target, Decl);
+ end Set_Protected_Type_Declaration;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_End_Location (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("End_Location", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_End_Location;
+ function Get_End_Location (Target : Iir) return Location_Type is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_End_Location (Target);
+ return Iir_To_Location_Type (Get_Field6 (Target));
+ end Get_End_Location;
+ procedure Set_End_Location (Target : Iir; Loc : Location_Type) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_End_Location (Target);
+ Set_Field6 (Target, Location_Type_To_Iir (Loc));
+ end Set_End_Location;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_String_Id (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_String_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("String_Id", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_String_Id;
+ function Get_String_Id (Lit : Iir) return String_Id is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_String_Id (Lit);
+ return Iir_To_String_Id (Get_Field3 (Lit));
+ end Get_String_Id;
+ procedure Set_String_Id (Lit : Iir; Id : String_Id) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_String_Id (Lit);
+ Set_Field3 (Lit, String_Id_To_Iir (Id));
+ end Set_String_Id;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_String_Length (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_String_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("String_Length", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_String_Length;
+ function Get_String_Length (Lit : Iir) return Int32 is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_String_Length (Lit);
+ return Iir_To_Int32 (Get_Field0 (Lit));
+ end Get_String_Length;
+ procedure Set_String_Length (Lit : Iir; Len : Int32) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_String_Length (Lit);
+ Set_Field0 (Lit, Int32_To_Iir (Len));
+ end Set_String_Length;
+ procedure Check_Kind_For_Use_Flag (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Target) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Failed ("Use_Flag", Target);
+ end case;
+ end Check_Kind_For_Use_Flag;
+ function Get_Use_Flag (Decl : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Use_Flag (Decl);
+ return Get_Flag6 (Decl);
+ end Get_Use_Flag;
+ procedure Set_Use_Flag (Decl : Iir; Val : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Check_Kind_For_Use_Flag (Decl);
+ Set_Flag6 (Decl, Val);
+ end Set_Use_Flag;
+end Iirs;
diff --git a/iirs.adb.in b/iirs.adb.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3af6920a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iirs.adb.in
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+-- Tree node definitions.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with Ada.Text_IO;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Nodes; use Nodes;
+with Lists; use Lists;
+package body Iirs is
+ function Is_Null (Node : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Node = Null_Iir;
+ end Is_Null;
+ function Is_Null_List (Node : Iir_List) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Node = Null_Iir_List;
+ end Is_Null_List;
+ ---------------------------------------------------
+ -- General subprograms that operate on every iir --
+ ---------------------------------------------------
+ -- This is the procedure to call when an internal consistancy test has
+ -- failed.
+ -- The main idea is the consistancy test *MUST* have no side effect,
+ -- except calling this procedure. To speed up, this procedure could
+ -- be a no-op.
+ procedure Failed (Func: String := ""; Node : Iir := Null_Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Func /= "" then
+ Error_Kind (Func, Node);
+ end if;
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end Failed;
+ function Get_Format (Kind : Iir_Kind) return Format_Type;
+ -- Statistics.
+ procedure Disp_Stats
+ is
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ type Num_Array is array (Iir_Kind) of Natural;
+ Num : Num_Array := (others => 0);
+ type Format_Array is array (Format_Type) of Natural;
+ Formats : Format_Array := (others => 0);
+ Kind : Iir_Kind;
+ I : Iir;
+ Last_I : Iir;
+ Format : Format_Type;
+ begin
+ I := Error_Node + 1;
+ Last_I := Get_Last_Node;
+ while I < Last_I loop
+ Kind := Get_Kind (I);
+ Num (Kind) := Num (Kind) + 1;
+ Format := Get_Format (Kind);
+ Formats (Format) := Formats (Format) + 1;
+ case Format is
+ when Format_Medium =>
+ I := I + 2;
+ when Format_Short
+ | Format_Fp
+ | Format_Int =>
+ I := I + 1;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ Put_Line ("Stats per iir_kind:");
+ for J in Iir_Kind loop
+ if Num (J) /= 0 then
+ Put_Line (' ' & Iir_Kind'Image (J) & ':'
+ & Natural'Image (Num (J)));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Put_Line ("Stats per formats:");
+ for J in Format_Type loop
+ Put_Line (' ' & Format_Type'Image (J) & ':'
+ & Natural'Image (Formats (J)));
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Stats;
+ function Iir_Predefined_Shortcut_P (Func : Iir_Predefined_Functions)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ case Func is
+ when Iir_Predefined_Bit_And
+ | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Or
+ | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Nand
+ | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Nor
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_And
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Or
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Nand
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Nor =>
+ return True;
+ when others =>
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ end Iir_Predefined_Shortcut_P;
+ function Create_Proxy (Proxy: Iir) return Iir_Proxy is
+ Res : Iir_Proxy;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Proxy);
+ Set_Proxy (Res, Proxy);
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Proxy;
+ --
+ function Create_Iir_Error return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Node (Format_Short);
+ Set_Nkind (Res, Iir_Kind'Pos (Iir_Kind_Error));
+ Set_Base_Type (Res, Res);
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Iir_Error;
+ procedure Location_Copy (Target: Iir; Src: Iir) is
+ begin
+ Set_Location (Target, Get_Location (Src));
+ end Location_Copy;
+ -- Get kind
+ function Get_Kind (An_Iir: Iir) return Iir_Kind
+ is
+ -- Speed up: avoid to check that nkind is in the bounds of Iir_Kind.
+ pragma Suppress (Range_Check);
+ begin
+ return Iir_Kind'Val (Get_Nkind (An_Iir));
+ end Get_Kind;
+-- function Clone_Iir (Src : Iir; New_Kind : Iir_Kind) return Iir
+-- is
+-- Res : Iir;
+-- begin
+-- Res := new Iir_Node (New_Kind);
+-- Res.Flag1 := Src.Flag1;
+-- Res.Flag2 := Src.Flag2;
+-- Res.Flag3 := Src.Flag3;
+-- Res.Flag4 := Src.Flag4;
+-- Res.Flag5 := Src.Flag5;
+-- Res.Flag6 := Src.Flag6;
+-- Res.Flag7 := Src.Flag7;
+-- Res.Flag8 := Src.Flag8;
+-- Res.State1 := Src.State1;
+-- Res.State2 := Src.State2;
+-- Res.State3 := Src.State3;
+-- Res.Staticness1 := Src.Staticness1;
+-- Res.Staticness2 := Src.Staticness2;
+-- Res.Odigit1 := Src.Odigit1;
+-- Res.Odigit2 := Src.Odigit2;
+-- Res.Location := Src.Location;
+-- Res.Back_End_Info := Src.Back_End_Info;
+-- Res.Identifier := Src.Identifier;
+-- Res.Field1 := Src.Field1;
+-- Res.Field2 := Src.Field2;
+-- Res.Field3 := Src.Field3;
+-- Res.Field4 := Src.Field4;
+-- Res.Field5 := Src.Field5;
+-- Res.Nbr2 := Src.Nbr2;
+-- Res.Nbr3 := Src.Nbr3;
+-- Src.Identifier := Null_Identifier;
+-- Src.Field1 := null;
+-- Src.Field2 := null;
+-- Src.Field3 := null;
+-- Src.Field4 := null;
+-- Src.Field5 := null;
+-- return Res;
+-- end Clone_Iir;
+ -----------------
+ -- design file --
+ -----------------
+ -- Iir_Design_File
+-- type Int_Access_Type is new Integer;
+-- for Int_Access_Type'Size use System.Word_Size; --Iir_Identifier_Acc'Size;
+ -- Safe conversions.
+-- function Iir_To_Int_Access_Type is
+-- new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Iir,
+-- Target => Int_Access_Type);
+-- function Int_Access_Type_To_Iir is
+-- new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Int_Access_Type,
+-- Target => Iir);
+-- function To_Iir (V : Integer) return Iir is
+-- begin
+-- return Int_Access_Type_To_Iir (Int_Access_Type (V));
+-- end To_Iir;
+-- function To_Integer (N : Iir) return Integer is
+-- begin
+-- return Integer (Iir_To_Int_Access_Type (N));
+-- end To_Integer;
+ procedure Set_Pos_Line_Off (Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Pos : Source_Ptr; Line, Off: Natural) is
+ begin
+ Set_Field1 (Design_Unit, Node_Type (Pos));
+ Set_Field11 (Design_Unit, Node_Type (Off));
+ Set_Field12 (Design_Unit, Node_Type (Line));
+ end Set_Pos_Line_Off;
+ procedure Get_Pos_Line_Off (Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Pos : out Source_Ptr; Line, Off: out Natural) is
+ begin
+ Pos := Source_Ptr (Get_Field1 (Design_Unit));
+ Off := Natural (Get_Field11 (Design_Unit));
+ Line := Natural (Get_Field12 (Design_Unit));
+ end Get_Pos_Line_Off;
+ -----------
+ -- Lists --
+ -----------
+ -- Layout of lists:
+ -- A list is stored into an IIR.
+ -- There are two bounds for a list:
+ -- the current number of elements
+ -- the maximum number of elements.
+ -- Using a maximum number of element bound (which can be increased) avoid
+ -- to reallocating memory at each insertion.
+ function Time_Stamp_Id_To_Iir is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Time_Stamp_Id, Target => Iir);
+ function Iir_To_Time_Stamp_Id is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Iir, Target => Time_Stamp_Id);
+ function Iir_To_Iir_List is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Iir, Target => Iir_List);
+ function Iir_List_To_Iir is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Iir_List, Target => Iir);
+ function Iir_To_Token_Type (N : Iir) return Token_Type is
+ begin
+ return Token_Type'Val (N);
+ end Iir_To_Token_Type;
+ function Token_Type_To_Iir (T : Token_Type) return Iir is
+ begin
+ return Token_Type'Pos (T);
+ end Token_Type_To_Iir;
+ function Iir_To_Iir_Index32 (N : Iir) return Iir_Index32 is
+ begin
+ return Iir_Index32 (N);
+ end Iir_To_Iir_Index32;
+ function Iir_Index32_To_Iir (V : Iir_Index32) return Iir is
+ begin
+ return Iir_Index32'Pos (V);
+ end Iir_Index32_To_Iir;
+ function Iir_To_Name_Id (N : Iir) return Name_Id is
+ begin
+ return Iir'Pos (N);
+ end Iir_To_Name_Id;
+ pragma Inline (Iir_To_Name_Id);
+ function Name_Id_To_Iir (V : Name_Id) return Iir is
+ begin
+ return Name_Id'Pos (V);
+ end Name_Id_To_Iir;
+ function Iir_To_Iir_Int32 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Iir, Target => Iir_Int32);
+ function Iir_Int32_To_Iir is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Iir_Int32, Target => Iir);
+ function Iir_To_Location_Type (N : Iir) return Location_Type is
+ begin
+ return Location_Type (N);
+ end Iir_To_Location_Type;
+ function Location_Type_To_Iir (L : Location_Type) return Iir is
+ begin
+ return Iir (L);
+ end Location_Type_To_Iir;
+ function Iir_To_String_Id is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Iir, Target => String_Id);
+ function String_Id_To_Iir is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => String_Id, Target => Iir);
+ function Iir_To_Int32 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Iir, Target => Int32);
+ function Int32_To_Iir is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Int32, Target => Iir);
+ -- Subprograms
+end Iirs;
diff --git a/iirs.ads b/iirs.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cdf471324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iirs.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,4920 @@
+-- Tree node definitions.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
+with Types; use Types;
+with Tokens; use Tokens;
+with Nodes;
+with Lists;
+package Iirs is
+ -- This package defines the semantic tree and functions to handle it.
+ -- The tree is roughly based on IIR (Internal Intermediate Representation),
+ -- [AIRE/CE Advanced Intermediate Representation with Extensibility,
+ -- Common Environment. http://www.vhdl.org/aire/index.html ]
+ -- but oriented object features are not used, and sometimes, functions
+ -- or fields have changed.
+ -- Note: this tree is also used during syntaxic analysis, but with
+ -- a little bit different meanings for the fields.
+ -- The parser (parse package) build the tree.
+ -- The semantic pass (sem, sem_expr, sem_name) transforms it into a
+ -- semantic tree.
+ -- Documentation:
+ -- Only the semantic aspect is to be fully documented.
+ -- The syntaxic aspect is only used between parse and sem.
+ -- Each node of the tree is a record of type iir. The record has only
+ -- one discriminent, which contains the kind of the node. There is
+ -- currenlty no variant (but this can change, this is not public).
+ -- The root of a semantic tree is a library_declaration.
+ -- All the library_declarations are kept in a private list, held by
+ -- package libraries.
+ -- Exemple of a tree:
+ -- library_declaration
+ -- +-- design_file
+ -- +-- design_unit
+ -- | +-- entity_declaration
+ -- +-- design_unit
+ -- +-- architecture_declaration
+ -- ...
+ -- Since the tree can represent all the libraries and their contents, it
+ -- is not always loaded into memory.
+ -- When a library is loaded, only library_declaration, design_file,
+ -- design_unit and library_unit nodes are created. When a design_unit is
+ -- really loaded, the design_unit node is not replaced but modified (ie,
+ -- access to this node are still valid).
+ -- To add a new kind of node:
+ -- the name should be of the form iir_kind_NAME
+ -- add iir_kind_NAME in the definition of type iir_kind_type
+ -- add a declaration of access type of name iir_kind_NAME_acc
+ -- document the node below: grammar, methods.
+ -- for each methods, add the name if the case statement in the body
+ -- (this enables the methods)
+ -- add an entry in create_iir and free_iir
+ -- add an entry in disp_tree (debugging)
+ -------------------------------------------------
+ -- General methods (can be used on all nodes): --
+ -------------------------------------------------
+ -- Create a node of kind KIND.
+ -- function Create_Iir (Kind: Iir_Kind) return Iir;
+ --
+ -- Deallocate a node. Deallocate fields that where allocated by create_iir.
+ -- procedure Free_Iir (Target: in out Iir);
+ --
+ -- Get the kind of the iir.
+ -- See below for the (public) list of kinds.
+ -- function Get_Kind (An_Iir: Iir) return Iir_Kind;
+ -- Get the location of the node: ie the current position in the source
+ -- file when the node was created. This is a little bit fuzzy.
+ --
+ -- procedure Set_Location (Target: in out Iir; Location: Location_Type);
+ -- function Get_Location (Target: in out Iir) return Location_Type;
+ --
+ -- function Get_Line_Number (Target: Iir) return Natural;
+ -- function Get_Column_Number (Target: Iir) return natural;
+ -- function Get_File_Name (Target: in Iir) return name_id;
+ --
+ -- Copy a location from a node to another one.
+ -- procedure Location_Copy (Target: in out Iir; Src: in Iir);
+ -- Get or Set info for a back-end.
+ -- function Get_Back_End_Info (Target: in Iir) return System.Address;
+ -- procedure Set_Back_End_Info (Target: in out Iir; Addr: System.Address);
+ -- The next line marks the start of the node description.
+ -- Start of Iir_Kind.
+ -------------------------------------------------
+ -- A set of methods are associed with a kind. --
+ -------------------------------------------------
+ -- Iir_Kind_Design_File (Medium)
+ -- LRM93 11
+ --
+ -- The library containing this design file.
+ -- Get/Set_Library (Field0)
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Alias Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_File_Dependence_List (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Analysis_Time_Stamp (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_File_Time_Stamp (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get the chain of unit contained in the file. This is a simply linked
+ -- chain, but the tail is kept to speed-up appending operation.
+ -- Get/Set_First_Design_Unit (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Last_Design_Unit (Field6)
+ --
+ -- Identifier for the design file file name and dirname.
+ -- Get/Set_Design_File_Filename (Field12)
+ -- Get/Set_Design_File_Directory (Field11)
+ --
+ -- Flag used during elaboration. Set when the file was already seen.
+ -- Get/Set_Elab_Flag (Flag3)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Design_Unit (Medium)
+ -- LRM93 11
+ --
+ -- The design_file containing this design unit.
+ -- Get/Set_Design_File (Field0)
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Alias Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get the chain of context clause.
+ -- Get_Context_Items (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set the library unit, which can be an entity, an architecture,
+ -- a package, a package body or a configuration.
+ -- Get/Set_Library_Unit (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_End_Location (Field6)
+ --
+ -- Collision chain for units.
+ -- Get/Set_Hash_Chain (Field7)
+ --
+ -- Get the list of design units that must be analysed before this unit.
+ -- See LRM93 11.4 for the rules defining the order of analysis.
+ -- Get/Set_Dependence_List (Field8)
+ --
+ -- FIXME: this field can be put in the library_unit, since it is only used
+ -- when the units have been analyzed.
+ -- Get/Set_Analysis_Checks_List (Field9)
+ --
+ -- This is a symbolic date, only used as a order of analysis of design
+ -- units.
+ -- Get/Set_Date (Field10)
+ --
+ -- Set the line and the offset in the line, only for the library manager.
+ -- This is valid until the file is really loaded in memory. On loading,
+ -- location will contain all this informations.
+ -- Get/Set_Pos_Line_Off (Field1,Field11,Field12)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set the date state, which indicates whether this design unit is in
+ -- memory or not.
+ -- Get/Set_Date_State (State1)
+ --
+ -- Flag used during elaboration. Set when the file was already seen.
+ -- Get/Set_Elab_Flag (Flag3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Library_Clause (Short)
+ -- Note: a library_clause node is created for every logical_name.
+ -- As a consequence, the scope of the library starts after the logical_name
+ -- and not after the library_clause. However, since an identifier
+ -- can only be used as a logical_name, and since the second occurence has
+ -- no effect, this is correct.
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Library_Declaration (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --------------
+ -- Literals --
+ --------------
+ -- Iir_Kind_Character_Literal (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ -- Iir_Kind_String_Literal (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Type of the literal. Note: for a (bit_)string_literal, the type must be
+ -- computed during semantization. Roughly speaking, this is possible since
+ -- integer type range constraint are locally static.
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Used for computed literals. Literal_Origin contains the expression whose
+ -- value was computed during analysis and replaces the expression.
+ -- Get/Set_Literal_Origin (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_String_Id (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_String_Length (Field0)
+ --
+ -- For bit string only:
+ -- Enumeration literal which correspond to '0' and '1'.
+ -- This cannot be defined only in the enumeration type definition, due to
+ -- possible aliases.
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal:
+ -- Get/Set_Bit_String_0 (Field4)
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal:
+ -- Get/Set_Bit_String_1 (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal:
+ -- Get/Set_Bit_String_Base (Field11)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal (Int)
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set the value of the integer.
+ -- Get/Set_Value (Int64)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Literal_Origin (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Floating_Point_Literal (Fp)
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set the value of the literal.
+ -- Get/Set_Fp_Value (Fp64)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Literal_Origin (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Null_Literal (Short)
+ -- The null literal, which can be a disconnection or a null access.
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal (Int)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal (Fp)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Literal_Origin (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set the physical unit of the literal.
+ -- Get/Set_Unit_Name (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Must be set to locally except for time literal, which is globally.
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal:
+ -- The multiplicand.
+ -- Get/Set_Value (Int64)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal:
+ -- The multiplicand.
+ -- Get/Set_Fp_Value (Fp64)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Simple_Aggregate (Short)
+ -- This node can only be generated by evaluation: it is an unidimentional
+ -- positional aggregate.
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Literal_Origin (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- List of elements
+ -- Get/Set_Simple_Aggregate_List (Field3)
+ ------------
+ -- Tuples --
+ ------------
+ -- Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual (Short)
+ -- These are used for association element of an association list with
+ -- an interface (ie subprogram call, port map, generic map).
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Formal (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression:
+ -- Get/Set_Actual (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual:
+ -- Get/Set_Actual_Type (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual:
+ -- Get/Set_Individual_Association_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression:
+ -- Get/Set_In_Conversion (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression:
+ -- Get/Set_Out_Conversion (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set the whole association flag (true if the formal is associated in
+ -- whole, see LRM
+ -- Get/Set_Whole_Association_Flag (Flag1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Collapse_Signal_Flag (Flag2)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open:
+ -- Get/Set_Artificial_Flag (Flag3)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Proxy (Short)
+ -- A proxy is used to avoid duplication of a node.
+ -- Ex: instead of copying a default value of an insterface in the subprogram
+ -- call, a proxy is used. The default value can't be so easily aliased
+ -- due to annotation.
+ --
+ -- Create a proxy for PROXY.
+ -- function Create_Proxy (Proxy: Iir) return Iir_Proxy;
+ --
+ -- Get/Set the value of the proxy.
+ -- Get/Set_Proxy (Field1)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Waveform_Element (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_We_Value (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Time (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Conditional_Waveform (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Condition (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Waveform_Chain (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Name (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression (Short)
+ -- (Iir_Kinds_Choice)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- These are elements of an choice chain, which is used for
+ -- case_statement, concurrent_select_signal_assignment, aggregates.
+ --
+ -- Get/Set what is associated with the choice. This can be:
+ -- * a waveform_chain for a concurrent_select_signal_assignment,
+ -- * an expression for an aggregate,
+ -- * a sequential statement list for a case_statement.
+ -- For a list of choices, only the first one is associated, the following
+ -- associations have the same_alternative_flag set.
+ -- Get/Set_Associated (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Name:
+ -- Get/Set the name.
+ -- Get/Set_Name (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression:
+ -- Get/Set_Expression (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range:
+ -- Get/Set the range.
+ -- Get/Set_Expression (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Same_Alternative_Flag (Flag1)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range:
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression:
+ -- Get/Set_Choice_Staticness (State2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity (Short)
+ --
+ -- Parse: a name
+ -- Sem: a design unit
+ -- Get/Set_Entity (Field4)
+ --
+ -- parse: a simple name.
+ -- sem: an architecture declaration or NULL_IIR.
+ -- Get/Set_Architecture (Field2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Open (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Configuration (Short)
+ --
+ -- Parse: a name
+ -- Sem: a design unit
+ -- Get/Set_Configuration (Field1)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Declaration_Chain (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Configuration_Item_Chain (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Note: for default block configurations of iterative generate statement,
+ -- the block specification is a selected_name, whose identifier is others.
+ -- Get/Set_Block_Specification (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Single linked list of block configuration that apply to the same
+ -- for scheme generate block.
+ -- Get/Set_Prev_Block_Configuration (Field4)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Binding_Indication (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Default_Entity_Aspect (Field1)
+ --
+ -- The entity aspect.
+ -- It is a iir_kind_entity_aspect_entity, iir_kind_entity_aspect_open or
+ -- iir_kind_entity_aspect_configuration. This may be transformed into a
+ -- declaration by semantic.
+ -- Get/Set_Entity_Aspect (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Default_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Field6)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Default_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Field7)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Field8)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Field9)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification (Short)
+ --
+ -- The declaration containing this type declaration.
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Component_Name (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Must be one of designator_list, designator_by_others or
+ -- designator_by_all.
+ -- Get/Set_Instantiation_List (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration:
+ -- Get/Set_Block_Configuration (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Binding_Indication (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Disconnection_Specification (Short)
+ --
+ -- The declaration containing this type declaration.
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Signal_List (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expression (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Block_Header (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Generic_Chain (Field6)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Port_Chain (Field7)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Field8)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Field9)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Entity_Class (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Entity_Class (Field3)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Entity_Name_List (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Entity_Class (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Spec_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expression (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Designator (Field6)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Specification_Chain (Field7)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value (Short)
+ -- An attribute value is the element of the chain of attribute of an entity,
+ -- marking the entity as decorated by the attribute.
+ -- This node is built only by sem.
+ -- In fact, the node is member of the chain of attribute of an entity, and
+ -- of the chain of entity of the attribute specification.
+ -- This makes elaboration (and more precisely, expression evaluation)
+ -- easier.
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Spec_Chain (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Designated_Entity (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Specification (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Name (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Name_Staticness (State2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Selected_Element (Short)
+ -- A record element selection.
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Prefix (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Selected_Element (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Name (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Name_Staticness (State2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Dereference (Short)
+ -- An implicit access dereference.
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Prefix (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Name (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Name_Staticness (State2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Signature (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Return_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Marks_List (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Used only for attribute specification.
+ -- Get/Set_Name (Field4)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Overload_List (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Overload_List (Field1)
+ ------------------
+ -- Declarations --
+ ------------------
+ -- Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ -- Get/Set_Design_Unit (Alias Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get_Declaration_Chain (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Generic_Chain (Field6)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Port_Chain (Field7)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Is_Within_Flag (Flag5)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ -- Get/Set_Design_Unit (Alias Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get_Declaration_Chain (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Set the entity of an architecture.
+ -- Before the semantic pass, it can be a name.
+ -- Get/Set_Entity (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Field5)
+ --
+ -- The default configuration created by canon. This is a design unit.
+ -- Get/Set_Default_Configuration_Declaration (Field6)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Foreign_Flag (Flag3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Is_Within_Flag (Flag5)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ -- Get/Set_Design_Unit (Alias Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get_Declaration_Chain (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Set the entity of a configuration (a design_unit)
+ -- Before the semantic pass, it can be an identifier.
+ -- Get/Set_Entity (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Block_Configuration (Field5)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ -- Get/Set_Design_Unit (Alias Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get_Declaration_Chain (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Package_Body (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Need_Body (Flag1)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Package_Body (Short)
+ -- Note: a body is not a declaration, that's the reason why there is no
+ -- _declaration suffix in the name.
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ -- Get/Set_Design_Unit (Alias Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get_Declaration_Chain (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Package (Field4)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Design files in the library.
+ -- Get/Set_Design_File_Chain (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- This node is used to contain all a library. Only internaly used.
+ -- Name (identifier) of the library.
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Date (Field10)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Library_Directory (Field11)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Generic_Chain (Field6)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Port_Chain (Field7)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Use_Flag (Flag6)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Name (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Name (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Name_Staticness (State2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Use_Flag (Flag6)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Name (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Signature (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Use_Flag (Flag6)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Used for informative purpose only.
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Subtype_Definition (Field4)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Definition of the type.
+ -- Note: the type definition can be a real type (unconstrained array,
+ -- enumeration, file, record, access) or a subtype (integer, floating
+ -- point).
+ -- The parser set this field to null_iir for an incomplete type declaration.
+ -- This field is set to an incomplete_type_definition node when first
+ -- semantized.
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Use_Flag (Flag6)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Use_Flag (Flag6)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration (Medium)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration (Medium)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration (Medium)
+ -- Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Note: If type is an iir_kind_proxy node, then type *and* default value
+ -- (if any) must be extracted from proxy.
+ --
+ -- Get/Set the parent of an interface declaration.
+ -- The parent is an entity declaration, a subprogram specification, a
+ -- component declaration, a loop statement, a block declaration or ??
+ -- Useful to distinguish a port and an interface.
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Name (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Must always be null_iir for iir_kind_file_interface_declaration.
+ -- Get/Set_Default_Value (Field6)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Lexical_Layout (Odigit1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Mode (Odigit2)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration:
+ -- Get/Set_Has_Disconnect_Flag (Flag1)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration:
+ -- Get/Set_Has_Active_Flag (Flag2)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration:
+ -- Get/Set_Open_Flag (Flag3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Use_Flag (Flag6)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Name_Staticness (State2)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration:
+ -- Get/Set_Signal_Kind (State4)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration (Medium)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Subprogram declaration.
+ --
+ -- The declaration containing this type declaration.
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration:
+ -- Get/Set_Return_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration:
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Alias Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Subprogram_Body (Field6)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Callees_List (Field7)
+ --
+ -- FIXME: to be removed.
+ -- Get/Set_Driver_List (Field8)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Overload_Number (Field9)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Subprogram_Depth (Field10)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Subprogram_Hash (Field11)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Extra_Info (Field12)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Seen_Flag (Flag1)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration:
+ -- Get/Set_Pure_Flag (Flag2)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration:
+ -- Get/Set_Passive_Flag (Flag2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Foreign_Flag (Flag3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Is_Within_Flag (Flag5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Use_Flag (Flag6)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration:
+ -- Get/Set_Purity_State (State3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Wait_State (State1)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Function_Body (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- The parse stage always puts a declaration before a body.
+ -- Sem will remove the declaration if there is a forward declaration.
+ --
+ -- Get_Declaration_Chain (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Impure_Depth (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Subprogram_Specification (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Field5)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration (Medium)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration (Medium)
+ --
+ -- This node contains a subprogram_declaration that was implicitly defined
+ -- just after a type declaration.
+ -- This declaration is inserted by sem.
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration:
+ -- Get/Set_Return_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration:
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Alias Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Implicit_Definition (Field6)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Callees_List (Field7)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Reference (Field8)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Overload_Number (Field9)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Subprogram_Hash (Field11)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Extra_Info (Field12)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Wait_State (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Seen_Flag (Flag1)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration:
+ -- Get/Set_Pure_Flag (Flag2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Is_Within_Flag (Flag5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Use_Flag (Flag6)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Name (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Default_Value (Field6)
+ --
+ -- For a non-resolved signal: null_iir if the signal has no driver, or
+ -- a process/concurrent_statement for which the signal should have a
+ -- driver. This is used to catch at analyse time unresolved signals with
+ -- several drivers.
+ -- Get/Set_Signal_Driver (Field7)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Has_Disconnect_Flag (Flag1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Has_Active_Flag (Flag2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Use_Flag (Flag6)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Name_Staticness (State2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Signal_Kind (State4)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Guard_Expression (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Name (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Guard_Sensitivity_List (Field6)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Block_Statement (Field7)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Has_Active_Flag (Flag2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Use_Flag (Flag6)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Name_Staticness (State2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Signal_Kind (State4)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration (Medium)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Name (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration:
+ -- Default value of a deferred constant points to the full constant
+ -- declaration.
+ -- Get/Set_Default_Value (Field6)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration:
+ -- Summary:
+ -- | constant C1 : integer; -- Deferred declaration (in a package)
+ -- | constant C2 : integer := 4; -- Declaration
+ -- | constant C1 : integer := 3; -- Full declaration (in a body)
+ -- | NAME Deferred_declaration Deferred_declaration_flag
+ -- | C1 Null_iir or C1' (*) True
+ -- | C2 Null_Iir False
+ -- | C1' C1 False
+ -- |(*): Deferred_declaration is Null_Iir as long as the full declaration
+ -- | has not been analyzed.
+ -- Get/Set_Deferred_Declaration (Field7)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration:
+ -- Get/Set_Deferred_Declaration_Flag (Flag1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Use_Flag (Flag6)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Name_Staticness (State2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Name (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Default_Value (Field6)
+ --
+ -- True if the variable is a shared variable.
+ -- Get/Set_Shared_Flag (Flag2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Use_Flag (Flag6)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Name_Staticness (State2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_File_Declaration (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Name (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_File_Logical_Name (Field6)
+ --
+ -- This is not used in vhdl 87.
+ -- Get/Set_File_Open_Kind (Field7)
+ --
+ -- This is used only in vhdl 87.
+ -- Get/Set_Mode (Odigit2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Use_Flag (Flag6)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Name_Staticness (State2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Element_Declaration (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Return the position of the element in the record, starting from 0 for the
+ -- first record element, increasing by one for each successive element.
+ -- Get/Set_Element_Position (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Use_Flag (Flag6)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- List of entity class entry.
+ -- To handle `<>', the last element of the list can be an entity_class of
+ -- kind tok_box.
+ -- Get/Set_Entity_Class_Entry_Chain (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Use_Flag (Flag6)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration (Short)
+ --
+ -- The declaration containing this type declaration.
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- List of constituent.
+ -- Get/Set_Group_Constituent_List (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Group_Template_Name (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Use_Flag (Flag6)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Use_Clause (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Selected_Name (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Use_Clause_Chain (Field3)
+ ----------------------
+ -- type definitions --
+ ----------------------
+ -- For Iir_Kinds_Type_And_Subtype_Definition:
+ --
+ -- Type_Declarator:
+ -- Points to the type declaration or subtype declaration that has created
+ -- this definition. For some types, such as integer and floating point
+ -- types, both type and subtype points to the declaration.
+ -- However, there are cases where a type definition doesn't point to
+ -- a declarator: anonymous subtype created by index contraints, or
+ -- anonymous subtype created by an object declaration.
+ -- Note: a type definition cannot be anoynymous.
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Declarator (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set the base type.
+ -- For a subtype, it returns the type.
+ -- For a type, it must return the type itself.
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Type (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set the staticness of a type, according to LRM93 7.4.1.
+ -- Note: These types definition are always locally static:
+ -- enumeration, integer, floating.
+ -- However, their subtype are not necessary locally static.
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set the resolved flag of a subtype, according to LRM93 2.4
+ -- Get/Set_Resolved_Flag (Flag1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set the signal_type flag of a type definition.
+ -- It is true when the type can be used for a signal.
+ -- Get/Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Flag2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get the range of the type (This is just an ascending range from the
+ -- first literal to the last declared literal).
+ -- Get/Set_Range_Constraint (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Return the list of literals. This list is created when the node is
+ -- created.
+ -- Get/Set_Enumeration_Literal_List (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Declarator (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Type (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Resolved_Flag (Flag1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Flag2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Staticness (State1)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Nota: two literals of the same type are equal iff their value is the
+ -- same; in other words, there may be severals literals with the same value.
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ -- Get/Set_Return_Type (Alias Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Literal_Origin (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Name (Field5)
+ --
+ -- The declaration of the literal. If LITERAL_ORIGIN is not set, then this
+ -- is the node itself, else this is the literal defined.
+ -- Get/Set_Enumeration_Decl (Field6)
+ --
+ -- The value of an enumeration literal is the position.
+ -- Get/Set_Enum_Pos (Field10)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Subprogram_Hash (Field11)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Seen_Flag (Flag1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Name_Staticness (State2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Unit_Chain (Field1)
+ -- Get_Primary_Unit (Alias Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Declarator (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Type (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Resolved_Flag (Flag1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Flag2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Staticness (State1)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Physical_Literal (Field6)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Physical_Unit_Value (Field7)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set the declarator that has created this integer type.
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Declarator (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Type (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Type staticness is always locally.
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Resolved_Flag (Flag1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Flag2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition (Medium)
+ -- This defines an unconstrained array type.
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Element_Subtype (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Declarator (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Type (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Index_Subtype_List (Field6)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Resolved_Flag (Flag1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Flag2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Number_Element_Declaration (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Element_Declaration_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Declarator (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Type (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Resolved_Flag (Flag1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Flag2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Designated_Type (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Declarator (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Type (Field4)
+ --
+ -- FIXME: Only for access_subtype.
+ -- FIXME: Get/Set_Resolution_Function (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Resolved_Flag (Flag1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Flag2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Staticness (State1)
+ -- Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition (Short)
+ --
+ -- True if this is the std.textio.text file type, which may require special
+ -- handling.
+ -- Get/Set_Text_File_Flag (Flag3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Mark (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Declarator (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Type (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Resolved_Flag (Flag1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Flag2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Staticness (State1)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition (Short)
+ -- Type definition for an incomplete type. This is created during the
+ -- semantisation of the incomplete type declaration.
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Incomplete_Type_List (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Set to the incomplete type declaration when semantized, and set to the
+ -- complete type declaration when the latter one is semantized.
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Declarator (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Type (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Resolved_Flag (Flag1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Flag2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Declaration_Chain (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Protected_Type_Body (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Declarator (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Type (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Resolved_Flag (Flag1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Flag2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Declaration_Chain (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Protected_Type_Declaration (Field4)
+ -------------------------
+ -- subtype definitions --
+ -------------------------
+ -- Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Range_Constraint (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Mark (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Declarator (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Type (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Resolution_Function (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Resolved_Flag (Flag1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Flag2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Staticness (State1)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Mark (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Declarator (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Type (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Note: no resolution function for access subtype.
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Resolved_Flag (Flag1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Flag2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Mark (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Declarator (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Type (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Resolution_Function (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Resolved_Flag (Flag1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Flag2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Staticness (State1)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition (Medium)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_definition defines a constrained array
+ -- subtype, which *must* be a subtype of an iir_array_type_definition.
+ --
+ -- Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition defines a
+ -- unconstrained array subtype, which *must* be a subtype of an
+ -- iir_array_type_definition. The only way to create such a
+ -- subtype is via a subtype declaration, without adding
+ -- constraints.
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Element_Subtype (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Mark (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Declarator (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Type (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Resolution_Function (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Index_Subtype_List (Field6)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Resolved_Flag (Flag1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Flag2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Range_Expression (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Left_Limit (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Right_Limit (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Direction (State2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition (Short)
+ -- Such a node is only created by parse and transformed into the correct
+ -- kind (enumeration_subtype, integer_subtype...) by sem.
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Range_Constraint (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Mark (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Resolution_Function (Field5)
+ ---------------------------
+ -- concurrent statements --
+ ---------------------------
+ -- Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment (Medium)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Target (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Label (Field3)
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Alias Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment:
+ -- Get/Set_Expression (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Reject_Time_Expression (Field6)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment:
+ -- Get/Set_Conditional_Waveform_Chain (Field7)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment:
+ -- Get/Set_Selected_Waveform_Chain (Field7)
+ --
+ -- If the assignment is guarded, then get_guard must return the
+ -- declaration of the signal guard, otherwise, null_iir.
+ -- If the guard signal decl is not known, as a kludge and only to mark this
+ -- assignment guarded, the guard can be this assignment.
+ -- Get/Set_Guard (Field8)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Delay_Mechanism (Field12)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Postponed_Flag (Flag3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ --
+ -- True if the target of the assignment is guarded
+ -- Get_Guarded_Target_State (State4)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement (Medium)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Process_Statement (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get_Declaration_Chain (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Label (Field3)
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Alias Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement:
+ -- Get_Sensitivity_List (Field6)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Callees_List (Field7)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Driver_List (Field8)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Extra_Info (Field12)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Wait_State (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Seen_Flag (Flag1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Passive_Flag (Flag2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Postponed_Flag (Flag3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Is_Within_Flag (Flag5)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Assertion_Condition (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Label (Field3)
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Alias Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Severity_Expression (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Report_Expression (Field6)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Postponed_Flag (Flag3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Unit instantiated.
+ -- Parse: a name, a entity_aspect_entity or a entity_aspect_configuration
+ -- Sem: the component declaration or the design unit.
+ -- Get/Set_Instantiated_Unit (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Label (Field3)
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Alias Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Default_Binding_Indication (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Field8)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Field9)
+ --
+ -- Configuration:
+ -- In case of a configuration specification, the node is put into
+ -- default configuration. In the absence of a specification, the
+ -- default entity aspect, if any; if none, this field is null_iir.
+ -- Get/Set_Configuration_Specification (Field7)
+ --
+ -- During Sem and elaboration, the configuration field can be filled by
+ -- a component configuration declaration.
+ --
+ -- Configuration for this component.
+ -- FIXME: must be get/set_binding_indication.
+ -- Get/Set_Component_Configuration (Field6)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Block_Statement (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get_Declaration_Chain (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Label (Field3)
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Alias Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Block_Block_Configuration (Field6)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Block_Header (Field7)
+ --
+ -- get/set_guard_decl is used for semantic analysis, in order to add
+ -- a signal declaration.
+ -- Get/Set_Guard_Decl (Field8)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Is_Within_Flag (Flag5)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get_Declaration_Chain (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Label (Field3)
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Alias Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Field5)
+ --
+ -- The generation scheme.
+ -- A (boolean) expression for a conditionnal elaboration (if).
+ -- A (iterator) declaration for an iterative elaboration (for).
+ -- Get/Set_Generation_Scheme (Field6)
+ --
+ -- The block configuration for this statement.
+ -- Get/Set_Generate_Block_Configuration (Field7)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ ---------------------------
+ -- sequential statements --
+ ---------------------------
+ -- Iir_Kind_If_Statement (Medium)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Elsif (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- May be NULL only for an iir_kind_elsif node, and then means the else
+ -- clause.
+ -- Get/Set_Condition (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_If_Statement:
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_If_Statement:
+ -- Get/Set_Label (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_If_Statement:
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Alias Field3)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_If_Statement:
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Must be an Iir_kind_elsif node, or NULL for no more elsif clauses.
+ -- Get/Set_Else_Clause (Field6)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_If_Statement:
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ -- Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Iterator_Scheme (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Label (Field3)
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Alias Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Is_Within_Flag (Flag5)
+ -- Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Condition (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Label (Field3)
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Alias Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Next_Statement (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Condition (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Label (Field3)
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Alias Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Label identifier after parse.
+ -- Get/Set_Loop (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Target (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Label (Field3)
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Alias Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- The waveform.
+ -- If the waveform_chain is null_iir, then the signal assignment is a
+ -- disconnection statement, ie TARGET <= null_iir after disconection_time,
+ -- where disconnection_time is specified by a disconnection specification.
+ -- Get/Set_Waveform_Chain (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Reject_Time_Expression (Field6)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Delay_Mechanism (Field12)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ --
+ -- True if the target of the assignment is guarded
+ -- Get_Guarded_Target_State (State4)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Target (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Label (Field3)
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Alias Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expression (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Assertion_Condition (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Label (Field3)
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Alias Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Severity_Expression (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Report_Expression (Field6)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Report_Statement (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Label (Field3)
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Alias Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Severity_Expression (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Report_Expression (Field6)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement (Medium)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Timeout_Clause (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Label (Field3)
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Alias Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Condition_Clause (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Sensitivity_List (Field6)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Return_Statement (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Type of the return value of the function. This is a copy of return_type.
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Label (Field3)
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Alias Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expression (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Case_Statement (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Label (Field3)
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Alias Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expression (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Procedure_Call (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Label (Field3)
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Alias Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement:
+ -- Get/Set_Postponed_Flag (Flag3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parameter_Association_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Implementation (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Method_Object (Field4)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Null_Statement (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parent (Field0)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Label (Field3)
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Alias Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Visible_Flag (Flag4)
+ ---------------
+ -- operators --
+ ---------------
+ -- Iir_Kinds_Monadic_Operator (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Operand (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Function declaration corresponding to the function to call.
+ -- Get/Set_Implementation (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Expr_staticness is defined by §7.4
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ -- Iir_Kinds_Dyadic_Operator (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Left and Right operands.
+ -- Get/Set_Left (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Function declaration corresponding to the function to call.
+ -- Get/Set_Implementation (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Right (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Function_Call (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parameter_Association_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Function declaration corresponding to the function to call.
+ -- Get/Set_Implementation (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Method_Object (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Name (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Name_Staticness (State2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Aggregate (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Aggregate_Info (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Association_Choices_Chain (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Value_Staticness (State2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Aggregate_Info (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get info for the next dimension. NULL_IIR terminated.
+ -- Get/Set_Sub_Aggregate_Info (Field1)
+ --
+ -- For array aggregate only:
+ -- If TRUE, the aggregate bounds are not locally static.
+ -- This flag is only valid when the array aggregate is constrained, ie
+ -- has no 'others' choice.
+ -- Get/Set_Aggr_Dynamic_Flag (Flag3)
+ --
+ -- If TRUE, the aggregate is named, else it is positionnal.
+ -- Get/Set_Aggr_Named_Flag (Flag4)
+ --
+ -- The following three fields are used to check bounds of an array
+ -- aggregate.
+ -- For named aggregate, low and high bounds are computed, for positionnal
+ -- aggregate, the (minimum) number of elements is computed.
+ -- Note there may be elements beyond the bounds, due to other choice.
+ -- These fields may apply for the aggregate or for the aggregate and its
+ -- brothers if the node is for a sub-aggregate.
+ --
+ -- The low and high index choice, if any.
+ -- Get/Set_Aggr_Low_Limit (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Aggr_High_Limit (Field3)
+ --
+ -- The maximum number of elements, if any.
+ -- Get/Set_Aggr_Max_Length (Field4)
+ --
+ -- True if the choice list has an 'others' choice.
+ -- Get/Set_Aggr_Others_Flag (Flag2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Qualified_Expression (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Mark (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expression (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Mark (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expression (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Expression (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Subtype (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Contains the expression for a by expression allocator or the
+ -- subtype indication for a by subtype allocator.
+ -- Get/Set_Expression (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ -----------
+ -- names --
+ -----------
+ -- Iir_Kind_Simple_Name (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Named_Entity (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Selected_Name (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Suffix_Identifier (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Prefix (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Named_Entity (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Prefix (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Name (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Named_Entity (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Operator_Symbol (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Named_Entity (Field4)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name (Short)
+ -- Select the element designed with the INDEX_LIST from array PREFIX.
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Index_List (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Prefix (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Name (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Name_Staticness (State2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Slice_Name (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Prefix (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Suffix (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Name (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Name_Staticness (State2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name (Short)
+ -- Created by the parser, and mutated into the correct iir node: it can be
+ -- either a function call, an indexed array, a type conversion or a slice
+ -- name.
+ --
+ -- Always returns null_iir.
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Prefix (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Named_Entity (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Association_Chain (Field2)
+ ----------------
+ -- attributes --
+ ----------------
+ -- Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Attribute_Identifier (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Prefix (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Named_Entity (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Signature (Field5)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Base_Attribute (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Prefix (Field3)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Left_Type_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Right_Type_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_High_Type_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Low_Type_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Ascending_Type_Attribute (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Prefix (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Left_Array_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Right_Array_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_High_Array_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Low_Array_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Ascending_Array_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Length_Array_Attribute (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Prefix (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parameter (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute (Short)
+ -- (Iir_Kinds_Signal_Attribute)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Prefix (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Not used by Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute
+ -- Get/Set_Parameter (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Has_Active_Flag (Flag2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Name_Staticness (State2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Name (Field5)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Event_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Last_Event_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Last_Value_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Active_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Last_Active_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Driving_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Driving_Value_Attribute (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Prefix (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Name_Staticness (State2)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Pos_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Val_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Succ_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Pred_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Leftof_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Rightof_Attribute (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Prefix (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parameter (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Image_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Value_Attribute (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Prefix (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Parameter (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Simple_Name_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Instance_Name_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Path_Name_Attribute (Short)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Prefix (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Only for Iir_Kind_Simple_Name_Attribute:
+ -- Get/Set_Simple_Name_Identifier (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Behavior_Attribute (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Structure_Attribute (Short)
+ -- FIXME: to describe (Short)
+ -- Iir_Kind_Error (Short)
+ -- Can be used instead of an expression or a type.
+ -- Get/Set_Type (Field1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Error_Origin (Field2)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Declarator (Field3)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Base_Type (Field4)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Expr_Staticness (State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Type_Staticness (Alias State1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Resolved_Flag (Flag1)
+ --
+ -- Get/Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Flag2)
+ -- End of Iir_Kind.
+ type Iir_Kind is
+ (
+ -- Erroneous IIR.
+ Iir_Kind_Error,
+ Iir_Kind_Design_File,
+ Iir_Kind_Design_Unit,
+ Iir_Kind_Library_Clause,
+ Iir_Kind_Use_Clause,
+ -- Literals.
+ Iir_Kind_Character_Literal,
+ Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal,
+ Iir_Kind_Floating_Point_Literal,
+ Iir_Kind_Null_Literal,
+ Iir_Kind_String_Literal,
+ Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal,
+ Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal,
+ Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal,
+ Iir_Kind_Simple_Aggregate,
+ -- Tuple,
+ Iir_Kind_Proxy,
+ Iir_Kind_Waveform_Element,
+ Iir_Kind_Conditional_Waveform,
+ Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression,
+ Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual,
+ Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open,
+ Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others,
+ Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression,
+ Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range,
+ Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None,
+ Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Name,
+ Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity,
+ Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Configuration,
+ Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Open,
+ Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration,
+ Iir_Kind_Block_Header,
+ Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration,
+ Iir_Kind_Binding_Indication,
+ Iir_Kind_Entity_Class,
+ Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value,
+ Iir_Kind_Signature,
+ Iir_Kind_Aggregate_Info,
+ Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call,
+ Iir_Kind_Operator_Symbol,
+ Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification,
+ Iir_Kind_Disconnection_Specification,
+ Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification,
+ -- Type definitions.
+ -- iir_kinds_type_and_subtype_definition
+ -- kinds: disc: discrete, st: subtype.
+ Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition,
+ Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition,
+ Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition,
+ Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration,
+ Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition, -- composite
+ Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition, -- composite, array
+ Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition, -- composite, array, st
+ Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition, -- composite, array, st
+ Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition, -- composite, st
+ Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition, -- st
+ Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition, -- scalar, st
+ Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition, -- scalar, st
+ Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition, -- scalar, disc, st
+ Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition, -- scalar, disc, st
+ Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition, -- scalar, disc
+ Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition, -- scalar, disc
+ Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition, -- scalar
+ Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition, -- scalar
+ Iir_Kind_Range_Expression,
+ Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body,
+ Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition, -- temporary (must not appear after sem).
+ -- Lists.
+ Iir_Kind_Overload_List, -- used internally by sem_expr.
+ -- Declarations.
+ -- iir_kinds_nonoverloadable_declaration
+ Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration,
+ Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration,
+ Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration,
+ Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration,
+ Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration,
+ Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration,
+ Iir_Kind_Package_Body,
+ Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration,
+ Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration,
+ Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration,
+ Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration,
+ Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration,
+ Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration,
+ Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration,
+ Iir_Kind_Element_Declaration,
+ Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration,
+ Iir_Kind_Function_Body,
+ Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration,
+ Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration,
+ Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration,
+ Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration,
+ Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body,
+ Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal,
+ Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration, -- object
+ Iir_Kind_File_Declaration, -- object
+ Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration, -- object
+ Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration, -- object
+ Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration, -- object
+ Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration, -- object
+ Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration, -- object
+ Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration, -- object, interface
+ Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration, -- object, interface
+ Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration, -- object, interface
+ Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration, -- object, interface
+ -- Expressions.
+ Iir_Kind_Identity_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Negation_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Absolute_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Not_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_And_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Or_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Nand_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Nor_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Xor_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Xnor_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Equality_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Inequality_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Less_Than_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Less_Than_Or_Equal_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Greater_Than_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Greater_Than_Or_Equal_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Sll_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Sla_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Srl_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Sra_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Rol_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Ror_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Addition_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Substraction_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Concatenation_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Multiplication_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Division_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Modulus_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Remainder_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Exponentiation_Operator,
+ Iir_Kind_Function_Call,
+ Iir_Kind_Aggregate,
+ Iir_Kind_Qualified_Expression,
+ Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion,
+ Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Expression,
+ Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Subtype,
+ Iir_Kind_Selected_Element,
+ Iir_Kind_Dereference,
+ Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference,
+ -- Concurrent statements.
+ Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement,
+ Iir_Kind_Process_Statement,
+ Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment,
+ Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment,
+ Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement,
+ Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement,
+ Iir_Kind_Block_Statement,
+ Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement,
+ Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement,
+ -- Iir_Kind_Sequential_Statement
+ Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement,
+ Iir_Kind_Null_Statement,
+ Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement,
+ Iir_Kind_Report_Statement,
+ Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement,
+ Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement,
+ Iir_Kind_Return_Statement,
+ Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement,
+ Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement,
+ Iir_Kind_Next_Statement,
+ Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement,
+ Iir_Kind_Case_Statement,
+ Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement,
+ Iir_Kind_If_Statement,
+ Iir_Kind_Elsif,
+ -- Names
+ Iir_Kind_Simple_Name,
+ Iir_Kind_Slice_Name,
+ Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name,
+ Iir_Kind_Selected_Name,
+ Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name,
+ Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name,
+ -- Attributes
+ Iir_Kind_Base_Attribute,
+ Iir_Kind_Left_Type_Attribute, -- type_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Right_Type_Attribute, -- type_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_High_Type_Attribute, -- type_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Low_Type_Attribute, -- type_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Ascending_Type_Attribute, -- type_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Image_Attribute,
+ Iir_Kind_Value_Attribute,
+ Iir_Kind_Pos_Attribute, -- scalar_type_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Val_Attribute, -- scalar_type_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Succ_Attribute, -- scalar_type_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Pred_Attribute, -- scalar_type_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Leftof_Attribute, -- scalar_type_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Rightof_Attribute, -- scalar_type_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Left_Array_Attribute, -- array_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Right_Array_Attribute, -- array_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_High_Array_Attribute, -- array_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Low_Array_Attribute, -- array_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute, -- array_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute, -- array_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Length_Array_Attribute, -- array_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Ascending_Array_Attribute, -- array_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute, -- signal_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute, -- signal_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute, -- signal_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute, -- signal_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Event_Attribute, -- signal_value_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Active_Attribute, -- signal_value_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Last_Event_Attribute, -- signal_value_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Last_Active_Attribute, -- signal_value_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Last_Value_Attribute, -- signal_value_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Driving_Attribute, -- signal_value_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Driving_Value_Attribute, -- signal_value_attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Behavior_Attribute,
+ Iir_Kind_Structure_Attribute,
+ Iir_Kind_Simple_Name_Attribute,
+ Iir_Kind_Instance_Name_Attribute,
+ Iir_Kind_Path_Name_Attribute,
+ Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name
+ );
+ type Iir_Signal_Kind is
+ (
+ Iir_No_Signal_Kind,
+ Iir_Register_Kind,
+ Iir_Bus_Kind
+ );
+ -- If the order of elements in IIR_MODE is modified, also modify the
+ -- order in GRT (types and rtis).
+ type Iir_Mode is
+ (
+ Iir_Unknown_Mode,
+ Iir_Linkage_Mode,
+ Iir_Buffer_Mode,
+ Iir_Out_Mode,
+ Iir_Inout_Mode,
+ Iir_In_Mode
+ );
+ subtype Iir_In_Modes is Iir_Mode range Iir_Inout_Mode .. Iir_In_Mode;
+ subtype Iir_Out_Modes is Iir_Mode range Iir_Out_Mode .. Iir_Inout_Mode;
+ type Iir_Delay_Mechanism is (Iir_Inertial_Delay, Iir_Transport_Delay);
+ type Iir_Direction is (Iir_To, Iir_Downto);
+ -- Iir_Lexical_Layout_type describe the lexical token used to describe
+ -- an interface declaration. This has no semantics meaning, but it is
+ -- necessary to keep how lexically an interface was declared due to
+ -- LRM93 2.7 (conformance rules).
+ -- To keep this simple, the layout is stored as a bit-string.
+ -- Fields are:
+ -- Has_type: set if the interface is the last of a list.
+ -- has_mode: set if mode is explicit
+ -- has_class: set if class (constant, signal, variable or file) is explicit
+ --
+ -- Exemple:
+ -- procedure P (A,B: integer;
+ -- C: in constant bit;
+ -- D: inout bit;
+ -- E: variable bit;
+ -- F, G: in bit;
+ -- H, I: constant bit;
+ -- J, K: in constant bit);
+ -- A:
+ -- B: has_type
+ -- C, K: has_mode, has_class, has_type
+ -- D: has_mode, has_type
+ -- E, I: has_class, has_type
+ -- F: has_mode
+ -- G: has_mode, has_type
+ -- H: has_class
+ -- J: has_mode, has_class
+ type Iir_Lexical_Layout_Type is mod 2 ** 3;
+ Iir_Lexical_Has_Mode : constant Iir_Lexical_Layout_Type := 2 ** 0;
+ Iir_Lexical_Has_Class : constant Iir_Lexical_Layout_Type := 2 ** 1;
+ Iir_Lexical_Has_Type : constant Iir_Lexical_Layout_Type := 2 ** 2;
+ -- List of predefined operators and functions.
+ type Iir_Predefined_Functions is
+ (
+ Iir_Predefined_Error,
+ -- Predefined operators for BOOLEAN type.
+ Iir_Predefined_Boolean_And,
+ Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Or,
+ Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Nand,
+ Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Nor,
+ Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Xor,
+ Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Xnor,
+ Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Not,
+ -- Predefined operators for any enumeration type.
+ Iir_Predefined_Enum_Equality,
+ Iir_Predefined_Enum_Inequality,
+ Iir_Predefined_Enum_Less,
+ Iir_Predefined_Enum_Less_Equal,
+ Iir_Predefined_Enum_Greater,
+ Iir_Predefined_Enum_Greater_Equal,
+ -- Predefined operators for BIT type.
+ Iir_Predefined_Bit_And,
+ Iir_Predefined_Bit_Or,
+ Iir_Predefined_Bit_Nand,
+ Iir_Predefined_Bit_Nor,
+ Iir_Predefined_Bit_Xor,
+ Iir_Predefined_Bit_Xnor,
+ Iir_Predefined_Bit_Not,
+ -- Predefined operators for any integer type.
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Equality,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Inequality,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Less,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Less_Equal,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Greater,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Greater_Equal,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Identity,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Negation,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Absolute,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Plus,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Minus,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Mul,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Div,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Mod,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Rem,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Exp,
+ -- Predefined operators for any floating type.
+ Iir_Predefined_Floating_Equality,
+ Iir_Predefined_Floating_Inequality,
+ Iir_Predefined_Floating_Less,
+ Iir_Predefined_Floating_Less_Equal,
+ Iir_Predefined_Floating_Greater,
+ Iir_Predefined_Floating_Greater_Equal,
+ Iir_Predefined_Floating_Identity,
+ Iir_Predefined_Floating_Negation,
+ Iir_Predefined_Floating_Absolute,
+ Iir_Predefined_Floating_Plus,
+ Iir_Predefined_Floating_Minus,
+ Iir_Predefined_Floating_Mul,
+ Iir_Predefined_Floating_Div,
+ Iir_Predefined_Floating_Exp,
+ -- Predefined operator for universal types.
+ Iir_Predefined_Universal_R_I_Mul,
+ Iir_Predefined_Universal_I_R_Mul,
+ Iir_Predefined_Universal_R_I_Div,
+ -- Predefined operators for physical types.
+ Iir_Predefined_Physical_Equality,
+ Iir_Predefined_Physical_Inequality,
+ Iir_Predefined_Physical_Less,
+ Iir_Predefined_Physical_Less_Equal,
+ Iir_Predefined_Physical_Greater,
+ Iir_Predefined_Physical_Greater_Equal,
+ Iir_Predefined_Physical_Identity,
+ Iir_Predefined_Physical_Negation,
+ Iir_Predefined_Physical_Absolute,
+ Iir_Predefined_Physical_Plus,
+ Iir_Predefined_Physical_Minus,
+ Iir_Predefined_Physical_Integer_Mul,
+ Iir_Predefined_Physical_Real_Mul,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Physical_Mul,
+ Iir_Predefined_Real_Physical_Mul,
+ Iir_Predefined_Physical_Integer_Div,
+ Iir_Predefined_Physical_Real_Div,
+ Iir_Predefined_Physical_Physical_Div,
+ -- Predefined operators for access.
+ Iir_Predefined_Access_Equality,
+ Iir_Predefined_Access_Inequality,
+ -- Predefined operators for record.
+ Iir_Predefined_Record_Equality,
+ Iir_Predefined_Record_Inequality,
+ -- Predefined operators for array.
+ Iir_Predefined_Array_Equality,
+ Iir_Predefined_Array_Inequality,
+ Iir_Predefined_Array_Less,
+ Iir_Predefined_Array_Less_Equal,
+ Iir_Predefined_Array_Greater,
+ Iir_Predefined_Array_Greater_Equal,
+ Iir_Predefined_Array_Array_Concat,
+ Iir_Predefined_Array_Element_Concat,
+ Iir_Predefined_Element_Array_Concat,
+ Iir_Predefined_Element_Element_Concat,
+ -- Predefined shift operators.
+ Iir_Predefined_Array_Sll,
+ Iir_Predefined_Array_Srl,
+ Iir_Predefined_Array_Sla,
+ Iir_Predefined_Array_Sra,
+ Iir_Predefined_Array_Rol,
+ Iir_Predefined_Array_Ror,
+ -- Predefined operators for one dimensional array
+ Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_And,
+ Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Or,
+ Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Nand,
+ Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Nor,
+ Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Xor,
+ Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Xnor,
+ Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Not,
+ Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_And,
+ Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Or,
+ Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Nand,
+ Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Nor,
+ Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Xor,
+ Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Xnor,
+ Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Not,
+ -- Predefined attribute functions.
+ Iir_Predefined_Attribute_Image,
+ Iir_Predefined_Attribute_Value,
+ Iir_Predefined_Attribute_Pos,
+ Iir_Predefined_Attribute_Val,
+ Iir_Predefined_Attribute_Succ,
+ Iir_Predefined_Attribute_Pred,
+ Iir_Predefined_Attribute_Leftof,
+ Iir_Predefined_Attribute_Rightof,
+ Iir_Predefined_Attribute_Left,
+ Iir_Predefined_Attribute_Right,
+ Iir_Predefined_Attribute_Low,
+ Iir_Predefined_Attribute_Event,
+ Iir_Predefined_Attribute_Active,
+ Iir_Predefined_Attribute_Last_Event,
+ Iir_Predefined_Attribute_Last_Active,
+ Iir_Predefined_Attribute_Last_Value,
+ Iir_Predefined_Attribute_Driving,
+ Iir_Predefined_Attribute_Driving_Value,
+ -- Access procedure
+ Iir_Predefined_Deallocate,
+ -- file function / procedures.
+ Iir_Predefined_File_Open,
+ Iir_Predefined_File_Open_Status,
+ Iir_Predefined_File_Close,
+ Iir_Predefined_Read,
+ Iir_Predefined_Read_Length,
+ Iir_Predefined_Write,
+ Iir_Predefined_Endfile,
+ -- Predefined function.
+ Iir_Predefined_Now_Function
+ );
+ -- Return TRUE iff FUNC is a short-cut predefined function.
+ function Iir_Predefined_Shortcut_P (Func : Iir_Predefined_Functions)
+ return Boolean;
+ subtype Iir_Predefined_Pure_Functions is Iir_Predefined_Functions range
+ Iir_Predefined_Boolean_And .. Iir_Predefined_Attribute_Driving_Value;
+ subtype Iir_Predefined_Dyadic_Bit_Array_Functions
+ is Iir_Predefined_Functions range
+ Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_And ..
+ --Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Or
+ --Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Nand
+ --Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Nor
+ --Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Xor
+ Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Xnor;
+ subtype Iir_Predefined_Shift_Functions is Iir_Predefined_Functions range
+ Iir_Predefined_Array_Sll ..
+ --Iir_Predefined_Array_Srl
+ --Iir_Predefined_Array_Sla
+ --Iir_Predefined_Array_Sra
+ --Iir_Predefined_Array_Rol
+ Iir_Predefined_Array_Ror;
+ subtype Iir_Predefined_Concat_Functions is Iir_Predefined_Functions range
+ Iir_Predefined_Array_Array_Concat ..
+ --Iir_Predefined_Array_Element_Concat
+ --Iir_Predefined_Element_Array_Concat
+ Iir_Predefined_Element_Element_Concat;
+ -- Staticness as defined by LRM93 §6.1 and §7.4
+ type Iir_Staticness is (Unknown, None, Globally, Locally);
+ -- Staticness as defined by LRM93 §6.1 and §7.4
+ function Min (L,R: Iir_Staticness) return Iir_Staticness renames
+ Iir_Staticness'Min;
+ -- Purity state of a procedure.
+ -- PURE means the procedure is pure.
+ -- IMPURE means the procedure is impure: it references a file object or
+ -- a signal or a variable declared outside a subprogram, or it calls an
+ -- impure subprogram.
+ -- MAYBE_IMPURE means the procedure references a signal or a variable
+ -- declared in a subprogram. The relative position of a parent has to
+ -- be considered. The list of callees must not be checked.
+ -- UNKNOWN is like MAYBE_IMPURE, but the subprogram has a list of callees
+ -- whose purity is not yet known. As a consequence, a direct or
+ -- indirect call to such a procedure cannot be proved to be allowed
+ -- in a pure function.
+ -- Note: UNKNOWN is the default state. At any impure call, the state is
+ -- set to IMPURE. Only at the end of body analysis and only if the
+ -- callee list is empty, the state can be set either to MAYBE_IMPURE or
+ -- PURE.
+ type Iir_Pure_State is (Unknown, Pure, Maybe_Impure, Impure);
+ ---------------
+ -- subranges --
+ ---------------
+ -- These subtypes are used for ranges, for `case' statments or for the `in'
+ -- operator.
+ -- In order to be correctly parsed by check_iir, the declaration must
+ -- follow these rules:
+ -- * the first line must be "subtype Iir_Kinds_NAME is Iir_Kind_range"
+ -- * the second line must be the lowest bound of the range, followed by "..
+ -- * comments line
+ -- * the last line must be the highest bound of the range, followed by ";"
+-- subtype Iir_Kinds_List is Iir_Kind range
+-- Iir_Kind_List ..
+-- Iir_Kind_Callees_List;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Library_Unit_Declaration is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Package_Body
+ Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration;
+ -- Note: does not include iir_kind_enumeration_literal since it is
+ -- considered as a declaration.
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Literal is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Character_Literal ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal
+ --Iir_Kind_Floating_Point_Literal
+ --Iir_Kind_Null_Literal
+ --Iir_Kind_String_Literal
+ --Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal
+ --Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal
+ Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Array_Type_Definition is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Type_And_Subtype_Definition is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition
+ --Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition
+ --Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
+ --Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ --Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ --Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ --Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition
+ --Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition
+ --Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition
+ --Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ --Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ --Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ --Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ --Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ --Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition
+ Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Subtype_Definition is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ --Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition
+ --Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition
+ --Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition
+ --Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ --Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Type_Definition is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ --Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ --Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ --Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ --Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ --Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition
+ Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Discrete_Type_Definition is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ --Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Composite_Type_Definition is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ --Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ --Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Unconstrained_Array_Type_Definition is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition ..
+ Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Array_Subtype_Definition is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition ..
+ Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Type_Declaration is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration
+ Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Nonoverloadable_Declaration is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration ..
+ Iir_Kind_Element_Declaration;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Monadic_Operator is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Identity_Operator ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Negation_Operator
+ --Iir_Kind_Absolute_Operator
+ Iir_Kind_Not_Operator;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Dyadic_Operator is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_And_Operator ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Or_Operator
+ --Iir_Kind_Nand_Operator
+ --Iir_Kind_Nor_Operator
+ --Iir_Kind_Xor_Operator
+ --Iir_Kind_Xnor_Operator
+ --Iir_Kind_Equality_Operator
+ --Iir_Kind_Inequality_Operator
+ --Iir_Kind_Less_Than_Operator
+ --Iir_Kind_Less_Than_Or_Equal_Operator
+ --Iir_Kind_Greater_Than_Operator
+ --Iir_Kind_Greater_Than_Or_Equal_Operator
+ --Iir_Kind_Sll_Operator
+ --Iir_Kind_Sla_Operator
+ --Iir_Kind_Srl_Operator
+ --Iir_Kind_Sra_Operator
+ --Iir_Kind_Rol_Operator
+ --Iir_Kind_Ror_Operator
+ --Iir_Kind_Addition_Operator
+ --Iir_Kind_Substraction_Operator
+ --Iir_Kind_Concatenation_Operator
+ --Iir_Kind_Multiplication_Operator
+ --Iir_Kind_Division_Operator
+ --Iir_Kind_Modulus_Operator
+ --Iir_Kind_Remainder_Operator
+ Iir_Kind_Exponentiation_Operator;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration ..
+ Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Procedure_Declaration is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration ..
+ Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Subprogram_Declaration is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement ..
+ Iir_Kind_Process_Statement;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Interface_Declaration is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Object_Declaration is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration ..
+ --Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Non_Alias_Object_Declaration is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_File_Declaration ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Association_Element is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual
+ Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Choice is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression
+ --Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range
+ --Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None
+ Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Name;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Name is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Simple_Name ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
+ --Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ --Iir_Kind_Selected_Name
+ --Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name
+ Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Dereference is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Dereference ..
+ Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference;
+ -- Any attribute that is an expression.
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Expression_Attribute is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Left_Type_Attribute ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Right_Type_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_High_Type_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Low_Type_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Ascending_Type_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Image_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Value_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Pos_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Val_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Succ_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Pred_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Leftof_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Rightof_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Left_Array_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Right_Array_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_High_Array_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Low_Array_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Length_Array_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Ascending_Array_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Event_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Active_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Last_Event_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Last_Active_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Last_Value_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Driving_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Driving_Value_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Behavior_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Structure_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Simple_Name_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Instance_Name_Attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Path_Name_Attribute;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Attribute is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Base_Attribute ..
+ Iir_Kind_Path_Name_Attribute;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Type_Attribute is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Left_Type_Attribute ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Right_Type_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_High_Type_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Low_Type_Attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Ascending_Type_Attribute;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Type_Attribute is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Pos_Attribute ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Val_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Succ_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Pred_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Leftof_Attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Rightof_Attribute;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Array_Attribute is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Left_Array_Attribute ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Right_Array_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_High_Array_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Low_Array_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Length_Array_Attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Ascending_Array_Attribute;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Signal_Attribute is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Signal_Value_Attribute is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Event_Attribute ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Active_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Last_Event_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Last_Active_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Last_Value_Attribute
+ --Iir_Kind_Driving_Attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Driving_Value_Attribute;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Name_Attribute is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Simple_Name_Attribute ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Instance_Name_Attribute
+ Iir_Kind_Path_Name_Attribute;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Concurrent_Statement is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ --Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment
+ --Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment
+ --Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement
+ --Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ --Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ --Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement
+ Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Concurrent_Signal_Assignment is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment ..
+ Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Sequential_Statement is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Null_Statement
+ --Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement
+ --Iir_Kind_Report_Statement
+ --Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement
+ --Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement
+ --Iir_Kind_Return_Statement
+ --Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement
+ --Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement
+ --Iir_Kind_Next_Statement
+ --Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement
+ --Iir_Kind_Case_Statement
+ --Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ Iir_Kind_If_Statement;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Allocator is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Expression ..
+ Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Subtype;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Clause is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Library_Clause ..
+ Iir_Kind_Use_Clause;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Specification is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Disconnection_Specification
+ Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification;
+ subtype Iir_Kinds_Declaration is Iir_Kind range
+ Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration ..
+ --Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Package_Body
+ --Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Element_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ --Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
+ --Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ --Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ --Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration;
+ -------------------------------------
+ -- Types and subtypes declarations --
+ -------------------------------------
+ -- Level 1 base class.
+ subtype Iir is Nodes.Node_Type;
+ subtype Iir_List is Lists.List_Type;
+ Null_Iir_List : constant Iir_List := Lists.Null_List;
+ Iir_List_All : constant Iir_List := Lists.List_All;
+ Iir_List_Others : constant Iir_List := Lists.List_Others;
+ subtype Iir_Lists_All_Others is Iir_List
+ range Iir_List_Others .. Iir_List_All;
+ Null_Iir : constant Iir := Nodes.Null_Node;
+ function Is_Null (Node : Iir) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (Is_Null);
+ function Is_Null_List (Node : Iir_List) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (Is_Null_List);
+ function "=" (L, R : Iir) return Boolean renames Nodes."=";
+ function Get_Last_Node return Iir renames Nodes.Get_Last_Node;
+ function Create_Iir_List return Iir_List
+ renames Lists.Create_List;
+ function Get_Nth_Element (L : Iir_List; N : Natural) return Iir
+ renames Lists.Get_Nth_Element;
+ procedure Replace_Nth_Element (L : Iir_List; N : Natural; El : Iir)
+ renames Lists.Replace_Nth_Element;
+ procedure Append_Element (L : Iir_List; E : Iir)
+ renames Lists.Append_Element;
+ procedure Add_Element (L : Iir_List; E : Iir)
+ renames Lists.Add_Element;
+ procedure Destroy_Iir_List (L : in out Iir_List)
+ renames Lists.Destroy_List;
+ function Get_Nbr_Elements (L : Iir_List) return Natural
+ renames Lists.Get_Nbr_Elements;
+ procedure Set_Nbr_Elements (L : Iir_List; Nbr : Natural)
+ renames Lists.Set_Nbr_Elements;
+ function Get_First_Element (L : Iir_List) return Iir
+ renames Lists.Get_First_Element;
+ function Get_Last_Element (L : Iir_List) return Iir
+ renames Lists.Get_Last_Element;
+ function "=" (L, R : Iir_List) return Boolean renames Lists."=";
+ -- This is used only for lists.
+ type Iir_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Iir;
+ type Iir_Array_Acc is access Iir_Array;
+ procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Object => Iir_Array, Name => Iir_Array_Acc);
+ -- Date State.
+ -- This indicates the origin of the data information.
+ -- This also indicates the state of the unit (loaded or not).
+ type Date_State_Type is
+ (
+ -- The unit is not yet in the library.
+ Date_Extern,
+ -- The unit is not loaded (still on the disk).
+ -- All the informations come from the library file.
+ Date_Disk,
+ -- The unit has been parsed, but not analyzed.
+ -- Only the date information come from the library.
+ Date_Parse,
+ -- The unit has been analyzed.
+ Date_Analyze
+ );
+ -- A date is used for analysis order. All design units from a library
+ -- are ordered according to the date.
+ type Date_Type is new Nat32;
+ -- The unit is obseleted (ie replaced) by a more recently analyzed design
+ -- unit.another design unit.
+ -- If another design unit depends (directly or not) on an obseleted design
+ -- unit, it is also obselete, and cannot be defined.
+ Date_Obsolete : constant Date_Type := 0;
+ -- The unit was not analyzed.
+ Date_Not_Analyzed : constant Date_Type := 1;
+ -- The unit has been analyzed but it has bad dependences.
+ Date_Bad_Analyze : constant Date_Type := 2;
+ -- The unit has been parsed but not analyzed.
+ Date_Parsed : constant Date_Type := 4;
+ -- The unit is being analyzed.
+ Date_Analyzing : constant Date_Type := 5;
+ -- This unit has just been analyzed and should be marked at the last
+ -- analyzed unit.
+ Date_Analyzed : constant Date_Type := 6;
+ -- Used only for default configuration.
+ -- Such units are always up-to-date.
+ Date_Uptodate : constant Date_Type := 7;
+ subtype Date_Valid is Date_Type range 10 .. Date_Type'Last;
+ -- Predefined depth values.
+ -- Depth of a subprogram not declared in another subprogram.
+ Iir_Depth_Top : constant Iir_Int32 := 0;
+ -- Purity depth of a pure subprogram.
+ Iir_Depth_Pure : constant Iir_Int32 := Iir_Int32'Last;
+ -- Purity depth of an impure subprogram.
+ Iir_Depth_Impure : constant Iir_Int32 := -1;
+ type Base_Type is (Base_2, Base_8, Base_16);
+ -- design file
+ subtype Iir_Design_File is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Design_Unit is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Library_Clause is Iir;
+ -- Literals.
+ --subtype Iir_Text_Literal is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Character_Literal is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Integer_Literal is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Floating_Point_Literal is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_String_Literal is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Bit_String_Literal is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Null_Literal is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Physical_Int_Literal is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Physical_Fp_Literal is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Enumeration_Literal is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Simple_Aggregate is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Enumeration_Type_Definition is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Range_Expression is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Integer_Subtype_Definition is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Integer_Type_Definition is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Floating_Subtype_Definition is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Floating_Type_Definition is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Array_Type_Definition is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Record_Type_Definition is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Protected_Type_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Protected_Type_Body is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Subtype_Definition is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Array_Subtype_Definition is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Physical_Type_Definition is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Physical_Subtype_Definition is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Access_Type_Definition is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Access_Subtype_Definition is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_File_Type_Definition is Iir;
+ -- Tuples.
+ subtype Iir_Proxy is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Waveform_Element is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Conditional_Waveform is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Association_Element_By_Expression is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Association_Element_By_Individual is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Association_Element_Open is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Signature is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Unit_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Entity_Aspect_Entity is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Entity_Aspect_Configuration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Entity_Aspect_Open is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Block_Configuration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Block_Header is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Component_Configuration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Binding_Indication is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Entity_Class is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Attribute_Specification is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Attribute_Value is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Selected_Element is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Implicit_Dereference is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Aggregate_Info is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Procedure_Call is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Disconnection_Specification is Iir;
+ -- Lists.
+ subtype Iir_Index_List is Iir_List;
+ subtype Iir_Design_Unit_List is Iir_List;
+ subtype Iir_Enumeration_Literal_List is Iir_List;
+ subtype Iir_Designator_List is Iir_List;
+ subtype Iir_Driver_List is Iir_List;
+ subtype Iir_Attribute_Value_Chain is Iir_List;
+ subtype Iir_Overload_List is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Group_Constituent_List is Iir_List;
+ subtype Iir_Callees_List is Iir_List;
+ -- Declaration and children.
+ subtype Iir_Entity_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Signal_Interface_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Architecture_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Configuration_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Type_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Anonymous_Type_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Subtype_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Package_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Package_Body is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Library_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Function_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Function_Body is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Procedure_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Procedure_Body is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Implicit_Function_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Use_Clause is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Constant_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Iterator_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Constant_Interface_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Variable_Interface_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_File_Interface_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Guard_Signal_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Signal_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Variable_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Component_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Element_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Object_Alias_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Interface_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Configuration_Specification is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_File_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Attribute_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Group_Template_Declaration is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Group_Declaration is Iir;
+ -- concurrent_statement and children.
+ subtype Iir_Concurrent_Statement is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Sensitized_Process_Statement is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Process_Statement is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Component_Instantiation_Statement is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Block_Statement is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Generate_Statement is Iir;
+ -- sequential statements.
+ subtype Iir_If_Statement is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Elsif is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_For_Loop_Statement is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_While_Loop_Statement is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Exit_Statement is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Next_Statement is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Variable_Assignment_Statement is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Signal_Assignment_Statement is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Assertion_Statement is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Report_Statement is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Wait_Statement is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Return_Statement is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Case_Statement is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Procedure_Call_Statement is Iir;
+ -- expression and children.
+ subtype Iir_Expression is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Function_Call is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Aggregate is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Qualified_Expression is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Type_Conversion is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Allocator_By_Expression is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Allocator_By_Subtype is Iir;
+ -- names.
+ subtype Iir_Simple_Name is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Slice_Name is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Selected_Name is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Selected_By_All_Name is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Indexed_Name is Iir;
+ subtype Iir_Parenthesis_Name is Iir;
+ -- attributes.
+ subtype Iir_Attribute_Name is Iir;
+ -- General methods.
+ -- Get the kind of the iir.
+ function Get_Kind (An_Iir: Iir) return Iir_Kind;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Kind);
+ -- Create a new IIR of kind NEW_KIND, and copy fields from SRC to this
+ -- iir. Src fields are cleaned.
+ --function Clone_Iir (Src: Iir; New_Kind : Iir_Kind) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Location (Target: Iir; Location: Location_Type)
+ renames Nodes.Set_Location;
+ function Get_Location (Target: Iir) return Location_Type
+ renames Nodes.Get_Location;
+ procedure Location_Copy (Target: Iir; Src: Iir);
+ function Create_Iir (Kind: Iir_Kind) return Iir;
+ function Create_Iir_Error return Iir;
+ procedure Free_Iir (Target: Iir) renames Nodes.Free_Node;
+ -- Disp statistics about node usage.
+ procedure Disp_Stats;
+ -- Design units contained in a design file.
+ -- Field: Field5
+ function Get_First_Design_Unit (Design : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_First_Design_Unit (Design : Iir; Chain : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field6
+ function Get_Last_Design_Unit (Design : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Last_Design_Unit (Design : Iir; Chain : Iir);
+ -- Library declaration of a library clause.
+ -- Field: Field1
+ function Get_Library_Declaration (Design : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Library_Declaration (Design : Iir; Library : Iir);
+ -- File time stamp is the system time of the file last modification.
+ -- Field: Field4 (uc)
+ function Get_File_Time_Stamp (Design : Iir) return Time_Stamp_Id;
+ procedure Set_File_Time_Stamp (Design : Iir; Stamp : Time_Stamp_Id);
+ -- Time stamp of the last analysis system time.
+ -- Field: Field3 (uc)
+ function Get_Analysis_Time_Stamp (Design : Iir) return Time_Stamp_Id;
+ procedure Set_Analysis_Time_Stamp (Design : Iir; Stamp : Time_Stamp_Id);
+ -- The library which FILE belongs to.
+ -- Field: Field0
+ function Get_Library (File : Iir_Design_File) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Library (File : Iir_Design_File; Lib : Iir);
+ -- List of files which this design file depends on.
+ -- Field: Field1 (uc)
+ function Get_File_Dependence_List (File : Iir_Design_File) return Iir_List;
+ procedure Set_File_Dependence_List (File : Iir_Design_File; Lst : Iir_List);
+ -- Identifier for the design file file name.
+ -- Field: Field12 (pos)
+ function Get_Design_File_Filename (File : Iir_Design_File) return Name_Id;
+ procedure Set_Design_File_Filename (File : Iir_Design_File; Name : Name_Id);
+ -- Directory of a design file.
+ -- Field: Field11 (pos)
+ function Get_Design_File_Directory (File : Iir_Design_File) return Name_Id;
+ procedure Set_Design_File_Directory (File : Iir_Design_File; Dir : Name_Id);
+ -- The parent of a design unit is a design file.
+ -- Field: Field0
+ function Get_Design_File (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit) return Iir_Design_File;
+ procedure Set_Design_File (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit; File : Iir_Design_File);
+ -- Design files of a library.
+ -- Field: Field1
+ function Get_Design_File_Chain (Library : Iir) return Iir_Design_File;
+ procedure Set_Design_File_Chain (Library : Iir; Chain : Iir_Design_File);
+ -- System directory where the library is stored.
+ -- Field: Field11 (pos)
+ function Get_Library_Directory (Library : Iir) return Name_Id;
+ procedure Set_Library_Directory (Library : Iir; Dir : Name_Id);
+ -- Symbolic date, used to order design units in a library.
+ -- Field: Field10 (pos)
+ function Get_Date (Target : Iir) return Date_Type;
+ procedure Set_Date (Target : Iir; Date : Date_Type);
+ -- Chain of context clauses.
+ -- Field: Field1
+ function Get_Context_Items (Design_Unit : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Context_Items (Design_Unit : Iir; Items_Chain : Iir);
+ -- List of design units on which the design unit depends.
+ -- Field: Field8 (uc)
+ function Get_Dependence_List (Unit : Iir) return Iir_List;
+ procedure Set_Dependence_List (Unit : Iir; List : Iir_List);
+ -- List of functions or sensitized processes whose analysis checks are not
+ -- complete.
+ -- These elements have direct or indirect calls to procedure whose body is
+ -- not yet analyzed. Therefore, purity or wait checks are not complete.
+ -- Field: Field9 (uc)
+ function Get_Analysis_Checks_List (Unit : Iir) return Iir_List;
+ procedure Set_Analysis_Checks_List (Unit : Iir; List : Iir_List);
+ -- Wether the unit is on disk, parsed or analyzed.
+ -- Field: State1 (pos)
+ function Get_Date_State (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit) return Date_State_Type;
+ procedure Set_Date_State (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit; State : Date_State_Type);
+ -- If TRUE, the target of the signal assignment is guarded.
+ -- If FALSE, the target is not guarded.
+ -- This is determined during sem by examining the declaration(s) of the
+ -- target (there may be severals declarations in the case of a aggregate
+ -- target).
+ -- If UNKNOWN, this is not determined at compile time but at run-time.
+ -- This is the case for formal signal interfaces of subprograms.
+ -- Field: State4 (pos)
+ function Get_Guarded_Target_State (Stmt : Iir) return Tri_State_Type;
+ procedure Set_Guarded_Target_State (Stmt : Iir; State : Tri_State_Type);
+ -- Library unit of a design unit.
+ -- Field: Field5
+ function Get_Library_Unit (Design_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Library_Unit (Design_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit; Lib_Unit : Iir);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Library_Unit);
+ -- Every design unit is put in an hash table to find quickly found by its
+ -- name. This field is a single chain for collisions.
+ -- Field: Field7
+ function Get_Hash_Chain (Design_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Hash_Chain (Design_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit; Chain : Iir);
+ -- Set the line and the offset in the line, only for the library manager.
+ -- This is valid until the file is really loaded in memory. On loading,
+ -- location will contain all this informations.
+ -- Field: Field1
+ -- Field: Field6
+ -- Field: Field7
+ procedure Set_Pos_Line_Off (Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Pos : Source_Ptr; Line, Off: Natural);
+ procedure Get_Pos_Line_Off (Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Pos : out Source_Ptr; Line, Off: out Natural);
+ -- literals.
+ -- Value of an integer/physical literal.
+ -- Field: Int64
+ function Get_Value (Lit : Iir) return Iir_Int64;
+ procedure Set_Value (Lit : Iir; Val : Iir_Int64);
+ -- Position (same as lit_type'pos) of an enumeration literal.
+ -- Field: Field10 (pos)
+ function Get_Enum_Pos (Lit : Iir) return Iir_Int32;
+ procedure Set_Enum_Pos (Lit : Iir; Val : Iir_Int32);
+ -- Field: Field6
+ function Get_Physical_Literal (Unit : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Physical_Literal (Unit : Iir; Lit : Iir);
+ -- Value of a physical unit declaration.
+ -- Field: Field7
+ function Get_Physical_Unit_Value (Unit : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Physical_Unit_Value (Unit : Iir; Lit : Iir);
+ -- Value of a floating point literal.
+ -- Field: Fp64
+ function Get_Fp_Value (Lit : Iir) return Iir_Fp64;
+ procedure Set_Fp_Value (Lit : Iir; Val : Iir_Fp64);
+ -- Declaration of the literal.
+ -- This is used to retrieve the genuine enumeration literal for literals
+ -- created from static expression.
+ -- Field: Field6
+ function Get_Enumeration_Decl (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Enumeration_Decl (Target : Iir; Lit : Iir);
+ -- List of elements of a simple aggregate.
+ -- Field: Field3 (uc)
+ function Get_Simple_Aggregate_List (Target : Iir) return Iir_List;
+ procedure Set_Simple_Aggregate_List (Target : Iir; List : Iir_List);
+ -- The logarithm of the base (1, 3 or 4) of a bit string.
+ -- Field: Field11 (pos)
+ function Get_Bit_String_Base (Lit : Iir) return Base_Type;
+ procedure Set_Bit_String_Base (Lit : Iir; Base : Base_Type);
+ -- The enumeration literal which defines the '0' and '1' value.
+ -- Field: Field4
+ function Get_Bit_String_0 (Lit : Iir) return Iir_Enumeration_Literal;
+ procedure Set_Bit_String_0 (Lit : Iir; El : Iir_Enumeration_Literal);
+ -- Field: Field5
+ function Get_Bit_String_1 (Lit : Iir) return Iir_Enumeration_Literal;
+ procedure Set_Bit_String_1 (Lit : Iir; El : Iir_Enumeration_Literal);
+ -- The origin of a literal can be null_iir for a literal generated by the
+ -- parser, or a node which was statically evaluated to this literal.
+ -- Such nodes are created by eval_expr.
+ -- Field: Field2
+ function Get_Literal_Origin (Lit : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Literal_Origin (Lit : Iir; Orig : Iir);
+ -- tuples.
+ function Create_Proxy (Proxy: Iir) return Iir_Proxy;
+ -- Field: Field1
+ function Get_Proxy (Target : Iir_Proxy) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Proxy (Target : Iir_Proxy; Proxy : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field3 (uc)
+ function Get_Entity_Class (Target : Iir) return Token_Type;
+ procedure Set_Entity_Class (Target : Iir; Kind : Token_Type);
+ -- Field: Field1 (uc)
+ function Get_Entity_Name_List (Target : Iir) return Iir_List;
+ procedure Set_Entity_Name_List (Target : Iir; Names : Iir_List);
+ -- Field: Field6
+ function Get_Attribute_Designator (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Attribute_Designator (Target : Iir; Designator : Iir);
+ -- Chain of attribute specifications. This is used only during sem, to
+ -- check that no named entity of a given class appear after an attr. spec.
+ -- with the entity name list OTHERS or ALL.
+ -- Field: Field7
+ function Get_Attribute_Specification_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Attribute_Specification_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field4
+ function Get_Attribute_Specification (Val : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Attribute_Specification (Val : Iir; Attr : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field4 (uc)
+ function Get_Signal_List (Target : Iir) return Iir_List;
+ procedure Set_Signal_List (Target : Iir; List : Iir_List);
+ -- Field: Field3
+ function Get_Designated_Entity (Val : Iir_Attribute_Value) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Designated_Entity (Val : Iir_Attribute_Value; Entity : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field1
+ function Get_Formal (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Formal (Target : Iir; Formal : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field3
+ function Get_Actual (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Actual (Target : Iir; Actual : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field4
+ function Get_In_Conversion (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_In_Conversion (Target : Iir; Conv : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field5
+ function Get_Out_Conversion (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Out_Conversion (Target : Iir; Conv : Iir);
+ -- This flag is set when the formal is associated in whole (ie, not
+ -- individually).
+ -- Field: Flag1
+ function Get_Whole_Association_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Whole_Association_Flag (Target : Iir; Flag : Boolean);
+ -- This flag is set when the formal signal can be the actual signal. In
+ -- this case, the formal signal is not created, and the actual is shared.
+ -- This is the signal collapsing optimisation.
+ -- Field: Flag2
+ function Get_Collapse_Signal_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Collapse_Signal_Flag (Target : Iir; Flag : Boolean);
+ -- Set when the node was artificially created, eg by canon.
+ -- Currently used only by association_element_open.
+ -- Field: Flag3
+ function Get_Artificial_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Artificial_Flag (Target : Iir; Flag : Boolean);
+ -- This flag is set for a very short time during the check that no in
+ -- port is unconnected.
+ -- Field: Flag3
+ function Get_Open_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Open_Flag (Target : Iir; Flag : Boolean);
+ -- Field: Field1
+ function Get_We_Value (We : Iir_Waveform_Element) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_We_Value (We : Iir_Waveform_Element; An_Iir : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field3
+ function Get_Time (We : Iir_Waveform_Element) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Time (We : Iir_Waveform_Element; An_Iir : Iir);
+ -- Node associated with a choice.
+ -- Field: Field1
+ function Get_Associated (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Associated (Target : Iir; Associated : Iir);
+ -- Set when a choice belongs to the same alternative as the previous one.
+ -- Field: Flag1
+ function Get_Same_Alternative_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Same_Alternative_Flag (Target : Iir; Val : Boolean);
+ -- Field: Field2
+ function Get_Architecture (Target : Iir_Entity_Aspect_Entity) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Architecture (Target : Iir_Entity_Aspect_Entity; Arch : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field5
+ function Get_Block_Specification (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Block_Specification (Target : Iir; Block : Iir);
+ -- Return the link of the previous block_configuration of a
+ -- block_configuration.
+ -- This single linked list is used to list all the block_configuration that
+ -- configuration the same block (which can only be an iterative generate
+ -- statement).
+ -- All elements of this list must belong to the same block configuration.
+ -- The order is not important.
+ -- Field: Field4
+ function Get_Prev_Block_Configuration (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Prev_Block_Configuration (Target : Iir; Block : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field3
+ function Get_Configuration_Item_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Configuration_Item_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir);
+ -- Chain of attribute values for a named entity.
+ -- To be used with Get/Set_Chain.
+ -- There is no order, therefore, a new attribute value may be always
+ -- prepended.
+ -- Field: Field4
+ function Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir);
+ -- Next attribute value in the attribute specification chain (of attribute
+ -- value).
+ -- Field: Field0
+ function Get_Spec_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Spec_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir);
+ -- Chain of attribute values for attribute specification.
+ -- To be used with Get/Set_Spec_Chain.
+ -- Field: Field4
+ function Get_Attribute_Value_Spec_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Attribute_Value_Spec_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field4
+ function Get_Entity (Decl : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Entity (Decl : Iir; Entity : Iir);
+ -- The package declaration corresponding to the body.
+ -- Field: Field4
+ function Get_Package (Package_Body : Iir) return Iir_Package_Declaration;
+ procedure Set_Package (Package_Body : Iir; Decl : Iir_Package_Declaration);
+ -- The package body corresponding to the package declaration.
+ -- Field: Field4
+ function Get_Package_Body (Pkg : Iir) return Iir_Package_Body;
+ procedure Set_Package_Body (Pkg : Iir; Decl : Iir_Package_Body);
+ -- If true, the package need a body.
+ -- Field: Flag1
+ function Get_Need_Body (Decl : Iir_Package_Declaration) return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Need_Body (Decl : Iir_Package_Declaration; Flag : Boolean);
+ -- Field: Field5
+ function Get_Block_Configuration (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Block_Configuration (Target : Iir; Block : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field5
+ function Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Target : Iir; First : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field2
+ function Get_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Chain);
+ -- Field: Field7
+ function Get_Port_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Port_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field6
+ function Get_Generic_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Generic_Chain (Target : Iir; Generics : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field1
+ function Get_Type (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Type (Target : Iir; Atype : Iir);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Type);
+ -- The subtype definition associated with the type declaration (if any).
+ -- Field: Field4
+ function Get_Subtype_Definition (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Subtype_Definition (Target : Iir; Def : Iir);
+ -- Mode of interfaces or file (v87).
+ -- Field: Odigit2 (pos)
+ function Get_Mode (Target : Iir) return Iir_Mode;
+ procedure Set_Mode (Target : Iir; Mode : Iir_Mode);
+ -- Field: State4 (pos)
+ function Get_Signal_Kind (Target : Iir) return Iir_Signal_Kind;
+ procedure Set_Signal_Kind (Target : Iir; Signal_Kind : Iir_Signal_Kind);
+ -- The base name of a name is the node at the origin of the name.
+ -- The base name is a declaration (signal, object, constant or interface),
+ -- a selected_by_all name, an implicit_dereference name.
+ -- Field: Field5
+ function Get_Base_Name (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Base_Name (Target : Iir; Name : Iir);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Base_Name);
+ -- Field: Field5
+ function Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain);
+ -- Field: Field4
+ function Get_Subprogram_Specification (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Subprogram_Specification (Target : Iir; Spec : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field5
+ function Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field6
+ function Get_Subprogram_Body (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Subprogram_Body (Target : Iir; A_Body : Iir);
+ -- Several subprograms in a declarative region may have the same
+ -- identifier. If the overload number is not 0, it is the rank of the
+ -- subprogram. If the overload number is 0, then the identifier is not
+ -- overloaded in the declarative region.
+ -- Field: Field9 (pos)
+ function Get_Overload_Number (Target : Iir) return Iir_Int32;
+ procedure Set_Overload_Number (Target : Iir; Val : Iir_Int32);
+ -- Depth of a subprogram.
+ -- For a subprogram declared immediatly within an entity, architecture,
+ -- package, process, block, generate, the depth is 0.
+ -- For a subprogram declared immediatly within a subprogram of level N,
+ -- the depth is N + 1.
+ -- Depth is used with depth of impure objects to check purity rules.
+ -- Field: Field10 (pos)
+ function Get_Subprogram_Depth (Target : Iir) return Iir_Int32;
+ procedure Set_Subprogram_Depth (Target : Iir; Depth : Iir_Int32);
+ -- Hash of a subprogram profile.
+ -- This is used to speed up subprogram profile comparaison, which is very
+ -- often used by overload.
+ -- Field: Field11 (pos)
+ function Get_Subprogram_Hash (Target : Iir) return Iir_Int32;
+ procedure Set_Subprogram_Hash (Target : Iir; Val : Iir_Int32);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Subprogram_Hash);
+ -- Index for extra infos.
+ -- Subprograms and processes need a lot of field in their nodes.
+ -- Unfortunatly, the size of the nodes is limited and these infos are
+ -- only used for optimization.
+ -- This is an index into a separate table.
+ -- Field: Field12 (pos)
+ function Get_Extra_Info (Target : Iir) return Iir_Int32;
+ procedure Set_Extra_Info (Target : Iir; Info : Iir_Int32);
+ -- Depth of the deepest impure object.
+ -- Field: Field3 (uc)
+ function Get_Impure_Depth (Target : Iir) return Iir_Int32;
+ procedure Set_Impure_Depth (Target : Iir; Depth : Iir_Int32);
+ -- Field: Field1
+ function Get_Return_Type (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Return_Type (Target : Iir; Decl : Iir);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Return_Type);
+ -- Code of an implicit subprogram definition.
+ -- Field: Field6 (pos)
+ function Get_Implicit_Definition (D : Iir) return Iir_Predefined_Functions;
+ procedure Set_Implicit_Definition (D : Iir; Def : Iir_Predefined_Functions);
+ -- For an implicit subprogram, the type_reference is the type declaration
+ -- for which the implicit subprogram was defined.
+ -- Field: Field8
+ function Get_Type_Reference (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Type_Reference (Target : Iir; Decl : Iir);
+ -- Get the default value of an object declaration.
+ -- Null_iir if no default value.
+ -- Field: Field6
+ function Get_Default_Value (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Default_Value (Target : Iir; Value : Iir);
+ -- The deferred_declaration field points to the deferred constant
+ -- declaration for a full constant declaration, or is null_iir for a
+ -- usual or deferred constant declaration.
+ -- Set only during sem.
+ -- Field: Field7
+ function Get_Deferred_Declaration (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Deferred_Declaration (Target : Iir; Decl : Iir);
+ -- The deferred_declaration_flag must be set if the constant declaration is
+ -- a deferred_constant declaration.
+ -- Set only during sem.
+ -- Field: Flag1
+ function Get_Deferred_Declaration_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Deferred_Declaration_Flag (Target : Iir; Flag : Boolean);
+ -- If true, the variable is declared shared.
+ -- Field: Flag2
+ function Get_Shared_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Shared_Flag (Target : Iir; Shared : Boolean);
+ -- Get the design unit in which the target is declared.
+ -- For a library unit, this is to get the design unit node.
+ -- Field: Field0
+ function Get_Design_Unit (Target : Iir) return Iir_Design_Unit;
+ procedure Set_Design_Unit (Target : Iir; Unit : Iir_Design_Unit);
+ -- Field: Field7
+ function Get_Block_Statement (Target : Iir) return Iir_Block_Statement;
+ procedure Set_Block_Statement (Target : Iir; Block : Iir_Block_Statement);
+ -- For a non-resolved signal: null_iir if the signal has no driver, or
+ -- a process/concurrent_statement for which the signal should have a
+ -- driver. This is used to catch at analyse time unresolved signals with
+ -- several drivers.
+ -- Field: Field7
+ function Get_Signal_Driver (Target : Iir_Signal_Declaration) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Signal_Driver (Target : Iir_Signal_Declaration; Driver : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field1
+ function Get_Declaration_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Declaration_Chain (Target : Iir; Decls : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field6
+ function Get_File_Logical_Name (Target : Iir_File_Declaration) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_File_Logical_Name (Target : Iir_File_Declaration; Name : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field7
+ function Get_File_Open_Kind (Target : Iir_File_Declaration) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_File_Open_Kind (Target : Iir_File_Declaration; Kind : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field4 (pos)
+ function Get_Element_Position (Target : Iir) return Iir_Index32;
+ procedure Set_Element_Position (Target : Iir; Pos : Iir_Index32);
+ -- Field: Field2
+ function Get_Selected_Element (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Selected_Element (Target : Iir; El : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field2 (uc)
+ function Get_Suffix_Identifier (Target : Iir) return Name_Id;
+ procedure Set_Suffix_Identifier (Target : Iir; Ident : Name_Id);
+ -- Field: Field2 (uc)
+ function Get_Attribute_Identifier (Target : Iir) return Name_Id;
+ procedure Set_Attribute_Identifier (Target : Iir; Ident : Name_Id);
+ -- Selected names of an use_clause are chained.
+ -- Field: Field3
+ function Get_Use_Clause_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Use_Clause_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir);
+ -- Selected name of an use_clause.
+ -- Field: Field1
+ function Get_Selected_Name (Target : Iir_Use_Clause) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Selected_Name (Target : Iir_Use_Clause; Name : Iir);
+ -- The type declarator which declares the type definition TARGET.
+ -- Field: Field3
+ function Get_Type_Declarator (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Type_Declarator (Target : Iir; Decl : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field2 (uc)
+ function Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Target : Iir) return Iir_List;
+ procedure Set_Enumeration_Literal_List (Target : Iir; List : Iir_List);
+ -- Field: Field1
+ function Get_Entity_Class_Entry_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Entity_Class_Entry_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field1 (uc)
+ function Get_Group_Constituent_List (Group : Iir) return Iir_List;
+ procedure Set_Group_Constituent_List (Group : Iir; List : Iir_List);
+ -- Chain of physical type units.
+ -- The first unit is the primary unit. If you really need the primary
+ -- unit (and not the chain), you'd better to use Get_Primary_Unit.
+ -- Field: Field1
+ function Get_Unit_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Unit_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir);
+ -- Alias of Get_Unit_Chain.
+ -- Return the primary unit of a physical type.
+ -- Field: Field1
+ function Get_Primary_Unit (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ -- Get/Set the identifier of a declaration.
+ -- Can also be used instead of get/set_label.
+ -- Field: Field3 (uc)
+ function Get_Identifier (Target : Iir) return Name_Id;
+ procedure Set_Identifier (Target : Iir; Identifier : Name_Id);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Identifier);
+ -- Field: Field3 (uc)
+ function Get_Label (Target : Iir) return Name_Id;
+ procedure Set_Label (Target : Iir; Label : Name_Id);
+ -- Get/Set the visible flag of a declaration.
+ -- The visible flag is true to make invalid the use of the identifier
+ -- during its declaration. It is set to false when the identifier is added
+ -- to the name table, and set to true when the declaration is finished.
+ -- Field: Flag4
+ function Get_Visible_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Visible_Flag (Target : Iir; Flag : Boolean);
+ -- Field: Field1
+ function Get_Range_Constraint (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Range_Constraint (Target : Iir; Constraint : Iir);
+ -- Field: State2 (pos)
+ function Get_Direction (Decl : Iir) return Iir_Direction;
+ procedure Set_Direction (Decl : Iir; Dir : Iir_Direction);
+ -- Field: Field2
+ function Get_Left_Limit (Decl : Iir_Range_Expression) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Left_Limit (Decl : Iir_Range_Expression; Limit : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field3
+ function Get_Right_Limit (Decl : Iir_Range_Expression) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Right_Limit (Decl : Iir_Range_Expression; Limit : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field4
+ function Get_Base_Type (Decl : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Base_Type (Decl : Iir; Base_Type : Iir);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Base_Type);
+ -- Field: Field5
+ function Get_Resolution_Function (Decl : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Resolution_Function (Decl : Iir; Func : Iir);
+ -- Field: Flag3
+ function Get_Text_File_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Text_File_Flag (Target : Iir; Flag : Boolean);
+ -- Field: State1 (pos)
+ function Get_Type_Staticness (Target : Iir) return Iir_Staticness;
+ procedure Set_Type_Staticness (Target : Iir; Static : Iir_Staticness);
+ -- Field: Field6 (uc)
+ function Get_Index_Subtype_List (Decl : Iir) return Iir_List;
+ procedure Set_Index_Subtype_List (Decl : Iir; List : Iir_List);
+ -- Field: Field2 (uc)
+ function Get_Index_List (Decl : Iir) return Iir_List;
+ procedure Set_Index_List (Decl : Iir; List : Iir_List);
+ -- Field: Field1
+ function Get_Element_Subtype (Decl : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Element_Subtype (Decl : Iir; Sub_Type : Iir);
+ -- Chains of elements of a record.
+ -- Field: Field2
+ function Get_Element_Declaration_Chain (Decl : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Element_Declaration_Chain (Decl : Iir; Chain : Iir);
+ -- Number of elements in the record.
+ -- Field: Field1 (uc)
+ function Get_Number_Element_Declaration (Decl : Iir) return Iir_Index32;
+ procedure Set_Number_Element_Declaration (Decl : Iir; Val : Iir_Index32);
+ -- Field: Field2
+ function Get_Designated_Type (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Designated_Type (Target : Iir; Dtype : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field1
+ function Get_Target (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Target (Target : Iir; Atarget : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field5
+ function Get_Waveform_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir_Waveform_Element;
+ procedure Set_Waveform_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir_Waveform_Element);
+ -- Field: Field8
+ function Get_Guard (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Guard (Target : Iir; Guard : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field12 (pos)
+ function Get_Delay_Mechanism (Target : Iir) return Iir_Delay_Mechanism;
+ procedure Set_Delay_Mechanism (Target : Iir; Kind : Iir_Delay_Mechanism);
+ -- Field: Field6
+ function Get_Reject_Time_Expression (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Reject_Time_Expression (Target : Iir; Expr : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field6 (uc)
+ function Get_Sensitivity_List (Wait : Iir) return Iir_List;
+ procedure Set_Sensitivity_List (Wait : Iir; List : Iir_List);
+ -- Field: Field5
+ function Get_Condition_Clause (Wait : Iir_Wait_Statement) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Condition_Clause (Wait : Iir_Wait_Statement; Cond : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field1
+ function Get_Timeout_Clause (Wait : Iir_Wait_Statement) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Timeout_Clause (Wait : Iir_Wait_Statement; Timeout : Iir);
+ -- If set, the concurrent statement is postponed.
+ -- Field: Flag3
+ function Get_Postponed_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Postponed_Flag (Target : Iir; Value : Boolean);
+ -- Returns a list of signal or ports which are assigned in the current
+ -- subprogram or process.
+ -- Can return null_iir if there is no such assignment.
+ -- Field: Field8 (uc)
+ function Get_Driver_List (Stmt : Iir) return Iir_List;
+ procedure Set_Driver_List (Stmt : Iir; List : Iir_List);
+ -- Returns the list of subprogram called in this subprogram or process.
+ -- Note: implicit function (such as implicit operators) are omitted
+ -- from this list, since the purpose of this list is to correctly set
+ -- flags for side effects (purity_state, wait_state).
+ -- Can return null_iir if there is no subprogram called.
+ -- Field: Field7 (uc)
+ function Get_Callees_List (Proc : Iir) return Iir_List;
+ procedure Set_Callees_List (Proc : Iir; List : Iir_List);
+ -- Get/Set the passive flag of a process.
+ -- TRUE if the process must be passive.
+ -- FALSE if the process may be not passive.
+ -- For a procedure declaration, set if it is passive.
+ -- Field: Flag2
+ function Get_Passive_Flag (Proc : Iir) return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Passive_Flag (Proc : Iir; Flag : Boolean);
+ -- Get/Set the wait state of the current subprogram or process.
+ -- TRUE if it contains a wait statement, either directly or
+ -- indirectly.
+ -- FALSE if it doesn't contain a wait statement.
+ -- UNKNOWN if the wait status is not yet known.
+ -- Field: State1 (pos)
+ function Get_Wait_State (Proc : Iir) return Tri_State_Type;
+ procedure Set_Wait_State (Proc : Iir; State : Tri_State_Type);
+ -- Get/Set the seen flag.
+ -- Used when the graph of callees is walked, to avoid infinite loops, since
+ -- the graph is not a DAG (there may be cycles).
+ -- Field: Flag1
+ function Get_Seen_Flag (Proc : Iir) return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Seen_Flag (Proc : Iir; Flag : Boolean);
+ -- Get/Set the pure flag of a function.
+ -- TRUE if the function is declared pure.
+ -- FALSE if the function is declared impure.
+ -- Field: Flag2
+ function Get_Pure_Flag (Func : Iir) return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Pure_Flag (Func : Iir; Flag : Boolean);
+ -- Get/Set the foreign flag of a declaration.
+ -- TRUE if the declaration was decored with the std.foreign attribute.
+ -- Field: Flag3
+ function Get_Foreign_Flag (Decl : Iir) return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Foreign_Flag (Decl : Iir; Flag : Boolean);
+ -- Get/Set the resolved flag of a subtype definition.
+ -- A subtype definition may be resolved either because a
+ -- resolution_function_name is present in the subtype_indication, or
+ -- because all elements type are resolved.
+ -- Field: Flag1
+ function Get_Resolved_Flag (Atype : Iir) return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Resolved_Flag (Atype : Iir; Flag : Boolean);
+ -- Get/Set the signal_type flag of a type/subtype definition.
+ -- This flags indicates whether the type can be used as a signal type.
+ -- Access types, file types and composite types whose a sub-element is
+ -- an access type cannot be used as a signal type.
+ -- Field: Flag2
+ function Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Atype : Iir) return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Atype : Iir; Flag : Boolean);
+ -- Get/Set the purity status of a subprogram.
+ -- Field: State3 (pos)
+ function Get_Purity_State (Proc : Iir) return Iir_Pure_State;
+ procedure Set_Purity_State (Proc : Iir; State : Iir_Pure_State);
+ -- Set during binding when DESIGN is added in a list of file to bind.
+ -- Field: Flag3
+ function Get_Elab_Flag (Design : Iir) return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Elab_Flag (Design : Iir; Flag : Boolean);
+ -- Condition of an assertion.
+ -- Field: Field1
+ function Get_Assertion_Condition (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Assertion_Condition (Target : Iir; Cond : Iir);
+ -- Report expression of an assertion or report statement.
+ -- Field: Field6
+ function Get_Report_Expression (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Report_Expression (Target : Iir; Expr : Iir);
+ -- Severity expression of an assertion or report statement.
+ -- Field: Field5
+ function Get_Severity_Expression (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Severity_Expression (Target : Iir; Expr : Iir);
+ -- Instantiated unit of a component instantiation statement.
+ -- Field: Field1
+ function Get_Instantiated_Unit (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Instantiated_Unit (Target : Iir; Unit : Iir);
+ -- Generic map aspect list.
+ -- Field: Field8
+ function Get_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target : Iir; Generics : Iir);
+ -- Port map aspect list.
+ -- Field: Field9
+ function Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target : Iir; Port : Iir);
+ -- Configuration of an entity_aspect_configuration.
+ -- Field: Field1
+ function Get_Configuration (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Configuration (Target : Iir; Conf : Iir);
+ -- Component configuration for a component_instantiation_statement.
+ -- Field: Field6
+ function Get_Component_Configuration (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Component_Configuration (Target : Iir; Conf : Iir);
+ -- Configuration specification for a component_instantiation_statement.
+ -- Field: Field7
+ function Get_Configuration_Specification (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Configuration_Specification (Target : Iir; Conf : Iir);
+ -- Set/Get the default binding indication of a configuration specification
+ -- or a component configuration.
+ -- Field: Field5
+ function Get_Default_Binding_Indication (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Default_Binding_Indication (Target : Iir; Conf : Iir);
+ -- Set/Get the default configuration of an architecture.
+ -- Field: Field6
+ function Get_Default_Configuration_Declaration (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Default_Configuration_Declaration (Target : Iir; Conf : Iir);
+ -- Expression for an various nodes.
+ -- Field: Field5
+ function Get_Expression (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Expression (Target : Iir; Expr : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field7
+ function Get_Selected_Waveform_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Selected_Waveform_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field7
+ function Get_Conditional_Waveform_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Conditional_Waveform_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir);
+ -- Expression defining the value of the implicit guard signal.
+ -- Field: Field2
+ function Get_Guard_Expression (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Guard_Expression (Target : Iir; Expr : Iir);
+ -- The declaration (if any) of the implicit guard signal of a block
+ -- statement.
+ -- Field: Field8
+ function Get_Guard_Decl (Target : Iir_Block_Statement) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Guard_Decl (Target : Iir_Block_Statement; Decl : Iir);
+ -- Sensitivity list for the implicit guard signal.
+ -- Field: Field6 (uc)
+ function Get_Guard_Sensitivity_List (Guard : Iir) return Iir_List;
+ procedure Set_Guard_Sensitivity_List (Guard : Iir; List : Iir_List);
+ -- Block_Configuration that applies to this block statement.
+ -- Field: Field6
+ function Get_Block_Block_Configuration (Block : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Block_Block_Configuration (Block : Iir; Conf : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field7
+ function Get_Block_Header (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Block_Header (Target : Iir; Header : Iir);
+ -- Get/Set the block_configuration (there may be several
+ -- block_configuration through the use of prev_configuration singly linked
+ -- list) that apply to this generate statement.
+ -- Field: Field7
+ function Get_Generate_Block_Configuration (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Generate_Block_Configuration (Target : Iir; Conf : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field6
+ function Get_Generation_Scheme (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Generation_Scheme (Target : Iir; Scheme : Iir);
+ -- Condition of a conditionam_waveform, if_statement, elsif,
+ -- while_loop_statement, next_statement or exit_statement.
+ -- Field: Field1
+ function Get_Condition (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Condition (Target : Iir; Condition : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field6
+ function Get_Else_Clause (Target : Iir) return Iir_Elsif;
+ procedure Set_Else_Clause (Target : Iir; Clause : Iir_Elsif);
+ -- Iterator of a for_loop_statement.
+ -- Field: Field1
+ function Get_Iterator_Scheme (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Iterator_Scheme (Target : Iir; Iterator : Iir);
+ -- Get/Set the statement in which TARGET appears. This is used to check
+ -- if next/exit is in a loop.
+ -- Field: Field0
+ function Get_Parent (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Parent (Target : Iir; Parent : Iir);
+ -- Loop label for an exit_statement or next_statement.
+ -- Field: Field5
+ function Get_Loop (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Loop (Target : Iir; Stmt : Iir);
+ -- Component name for a component_configuration or
+ -- a configuration_specification.
+ -- Field: Field4
+ function Get_Component_Name (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Component_Name (Target : Iir; Name : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field1 (uc)
+ function Get_Instantiation_List (Target : Iir) return Iir_List;
+ procedure Set_Instantiation_List (Target : Iir; List : Iir_List);
+ -- Field: Field3
+ function Get_Entity_Aspect (Target : Iir_Binding_Indication) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Entity_Aspect (Target : Iir_Binding_Indication; Entity : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field1
+ function Get_Default_Entity_Aspect (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Default_Entity_Aspect (Target : Iir; Aspect : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field6
+ function Get_Default_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Default_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field7
+ function Get_Default_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Default_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field3
+ function Get_Binding_Indication (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Binding_Indication (Target : Iir; Binding : Iir);
+ -- The named entity designated by a name.
+ -- Field: Field4
+ function Get_Named_Entity (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Named_Entity (Target : Iir; Val : Iir);
+ -- Expression staticness, defined by rules of LRM 7.4
+ -- Field: State1 (pos)
+ function Get_Expr_Staticness (Target : Iir) return Iir_Staticness;
+ procedure Set_Expr_Staticness (Target : Iir; Static : Iir_Staticness);
+ -- Node which couldn't be correctly analyzed.
+ -- Field: Field2
+ function Get_Error_Origin (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Error_Origin (Target : Iir; Origin : Iir);
+ -- Operand of a monadic operator.
+ -- Field: Field2
+ function Get_Operand (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Operand (Target : Iir; An_Iir : Iir);
+ -- Left operand of a dyadic operator.
+ -- Field: Field2
+ function Get_Left (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Left (Target : Iir; An_Iir : Iir);
+ -- Right operand of a dyadic operator.
+ -- Field: Field4
+ function Get_Right (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Right (Target : Iir; An_Iir : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field3
+ function Get_Unit_Name (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Unit_Name (Target : Iir; Name : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field4
+ function Get_Name (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Name (Target : Iir; Name : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field5
+ function Get_Group_Template_Name (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Group_Template_Name (Target : Iir; Name : Iir);
+ -- Staticness of a name, according to rules of LRM 6.1
+ -- Field: State2 (pos)
+ function Get_Name_Staticness (Target : Iir) return Iir_Staticness;
+ procedure Set_Name_Staticness (Target : Iir; Static : Iir_Staticness);
+ -- Prefix of a name.
+ -- Field: Field3
+ function Get_Prefix (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Prefix (Target : Iir; Prefix : Iir);
+ -- Suffix of a slice or attribute.
+ -- Field: Field2
+ function Get_Suffix (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Suffix (Target : Iir; Suffix : Iir);
+ -- Parameter of an attribute.
+ -- Field: Field4
+ function Get_Parameter (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Parameter (Target : Iir; Param : Iir);
+ -- Type of the actual for an association by individual.
+ -- Unless the formal is an unconstrained array type, this is the same as
+ -- the formal type.
+ -- Field: Field3
+ function Get_Actual_Type (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Actual_Type (Target : Iir; Atype : Iir);
+ -- List of individual associations for association_element_by_individual.
+ -- Associations for parenthesis_name.
+ -- Field: Field2
+ function Get_Association_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Association_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir);
+ -- List of individual associations for association_element_by_individual.
+ -- Field: Field4
+ function Get_Individual_Association_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Individual_Association_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir);
+ -- Get/Set info for the aggregate.
+ -- There is one aggregate_info for for each dimension.
+ -- Field: Field2
+ function Get_Aggregate_Info (Target : Iir) return Iir_Aggregate_Info;
+ procedure Set_Aggregate_Info (Target : Iir; Info : Iir_Aggregate_Info);
+ -- Get/Set the info node for the next dimension.
+ -- Field: Field1
+ function Get_Sub_Aggregate_Info (Target : Iir) return Iir_Aggregate_Info;
+ procedure Set_Sub_Aggregate_Info (Target : Iir; Info : Iir_Aggregate_Info);
+ -- TRUE when the length of the aggregate is not locally static.
+ -- Field: Flag3
+ function Get_Aggr_Dynamic_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Aggr_Dynamic_Flag (Target : Iir; Val : Boolean);
+ -- Get/Set the maximum number of elements for the lowest dimension of
+ -- the aggregate or for the current dimension of a sub-aggregate.
+ -- The real number of elements may be greater than this number if there
+ -- is an 'other' choice.
+ -- Field: Field4 (uc)
+ function Get_Aggr_Max_Length (Info : Iir_Aggregate_Info) return Iir_Int32;
+ procedure Set_Aggr_Max_Length (Info : Iir_Aggregate_Info; Nbr : Iir_Int32);
+ -- Highest index choice, if any.
+ -- Field: Field2
+ function Get_Aggr_Low_Limit (Target : Iir_Aggregate_Info) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Aggr_Low_Limit (Target : Iir_Aggregate_Info; Limit : Iir);
+ -- Highest index choice, if any.
+ -- Field: Field3
+ function Get_Aggr_High_Limit (Target : Iir_Aggregate_Info) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Aggr_High_Limit (Target : Iir_Aggregate_Info; Limit : Iir);
+ -- True if the aggregate has an 'others' choice.
+ -- Field: Flag2
+ function Get_Aggr_Others_Flag (Target : Iir_Aggregate_Info) return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Aggr_Others_Flag (Target : Iir_Aggregate_Info; Val : Boolean);
+ -- True if the aggregate have named associations.
+ -- Field: Flag4
+ function Get_Aggr_Named_Flag (Target : Iir_Aggregate_Info) return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Aggr_Named_Flag (Target : Iir_Aggregate_Info; Val : Boolean);
+ -- Staticness of the expressions in an aggregate.
+ -- We can't use expr_staticness for this purpose, since the staticness
+ -- of an aggregate is at most globally.
+ -- Field: State2 (pos)
+ function Get_Value_Staticness (Target : Iir) return Iir_Staticness;
+ procedure Set_Value_Staticness (Target : Iir; Staticness : Iir_Staticness);
+ -- Chain of choices.
+ -- Field: Field4
+ function Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Association_Choices_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir);
+ -- Chain of choices.
+ -- Field: Field1
+ function Get_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir);
+ -- Staticness of the choice.
+ -- Field: State2 (pos)
+ function Get_Choice_Staticness (Target : Iir) return Iir_Staticness;
+ procedure Set_Choice_Staticness (Target : Iir; Staticness : Iir_Staticness);
+ -- Field: Field1
+ function Get_Procedure_Call (Stmt : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Procedure_Call (Stmt : Iir; Call : Iir);
+ -- Subprogram to be called by a procedure, function call or operator.
+ -- Field: Field3
+ function Get_Implementation (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Implementation (Target : Iir; Decl : Iir);
+ -- Paramater associations for procedure and function call.
+ -- Field: Field2
+ function Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Parameter_Association_Chain (Target : Iir; Chain : Iir);
+ -- Object of a method call. NULL_IIR if the subprogram is not a method.
+ -- Field: Field4
+ function Get_Method_Object (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Method_Object (Target : Iir; Object : Iir);
+ -- The type_mark that appeared in the subtype indication.
+ -- May be null_iir if there is no type mark (as in an iterator).
+ -- May differ from base_type, if the type_mark is a subtype_name.
+ -- Field: Field2
+ function Get_Type_Mark (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Type_Mark (Target : Iir; Mark : Iir);
+ -- Get/set the lexical layout of an interface.
+ -- Field: Odigit1 (pos)
+ function Get_Lexical_Layout (Decl : Iir) return Iir_Lexical_Layout_Type;
+ procedure Set_Lexical_Layout (Decl : Iir; Lay : Iir_Lexical_Layout_Type);
+ -- List of use (designated type of access types) of an incomplete type
+ -- definition. The purpose is to complete the uses with the full type
+ -- definition.
+ -- Field: Field2 (uc)
+ function Get_Incomplete_Type_List (Target : Iir) return Iir_List;
+ procedure Set_Incomplete_Type_List (Target : Iir; List : Iir_List);
+ -- This flag is set on a signal_declaration, when a disconnection
+ -- specification applies to the signal (or a subelement of it).
+ -- This is used to check 'others' and 'all' designators.
+ -- Field: Flag1
+ function Get_Has_Disconnect_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Has_Disconnect_Flag (Target : Iir; Val : Boolean);
+ -- This flag is set on a signal when its activity is read by the user.
+ -- Some signals handling can be optimized when this flag is set.
+ -- Field: Flag2
+ function Get_Has_Active_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Has_Active_Flag (Target : Iir; Val : Boolean);
+ -- This flag is set is code being analyzed is textually within TARGET.
+ -- This is used for selected by name rule.
+ -- Field: Flag5
+ function Get_Is_Within_Flag (Target : Iir) return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Is_Within_Flag (Target : Iir; Val : Boolean);
+ -- List of type_mark for an Iir_Kind_Signature
+ -- Field: Field2 (uc)
+ function Get_Type_Marks_List (Target : Iir) return Iir_List;
+ procedure Set_Type_Marks_List (Target : Iir; List : Iir_List);
+ -- Field: Field5
+ function Get_Signature (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Signature (Target : Iir; Value : Iir);
+ -- Field: Field1 (uc)
+ function Get_Overload_List (Target : Iir) return Iir_List;
+ procedure Set_Overload_List (Target : Iir; List : Iir_List);
+ -- Identifier of the simple_name attribute.
+ -- Field: Field2 (uc)
+ function Get_Simple_Name_Identifier (Target : Iir) return Name_Id;
+ procedure Set_Simple_Name_Identifier (Target : Iir; Ident : Name_Id);
+ -- Body of a protected type declaration.
+ -- Field: Field2
+ function Get_Protected_Type_Body (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Protected_Type_Body (Target : Iir; Bod : Iir);
+ -- Corresponsing protected type declaration of a protected type body.
+ -- Field: Field4
+ function Get_Protected_Type_Declaration (Target : Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Set_Protected_Type_Declaration (Target : Iir; Decl : Iir);
+ -- Location of the 'end' token.
+ -- Field: Field6 (uc)
+ function Get_End_Location (Target : Iir) return Location_Type;
+ procedure Set_End_Location (Target : Iir; Loc : Location_Type);
+ -- For a string literal: the string identifier.
+ -- Field: Field3 (uc)
+ function Get_String_Id (Lit : Iir) return String_Id;
+ procedure Set_String_Id (Lit : Iir; Id : String_Id);
+ -- For a string literal: the string length.
+ -- Field: Field0 (uc)
+ function Get_String_Length (Lit : Iir) return Int32;
+ procedure Set_String_Length (Lit : Iir; Len : Int32);
+ -- For a declaration: true if the declaration is used somewhere.
+ -- Field: Flag6
+ function Get_Use_Flag (Decl : Iir) return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Use_Flag (Decl : Iir; Val : Boolean);
+end Iirs;
diff --git a/iirs_utils.adb b/iirs_utils.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b5b63d2d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iirs_utils.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,813 @@
+-- Common operations on nodes.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Types; use Types;
+with Scan; use Scan;
+with Tokens; use Tokens;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Name_Table;
+with Str_Table;
+with Std_Names; use Std_Names;
+with Flags;
+package body Iirs_Utils is
+ -- Transform the current token into an iir literal.
+ -- The current token must be either a character or an identifier.
+ function Current_Text return Iir is
+ Res: Iir;
+ begin
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Identifier =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Simple_Name);
+ when Tok_Character =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Character_Literal);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Set_Identifier (Res, Current_Identifier);
+ Invalidate_Current_Identifier;
+ Invalidate_Current_Token;
+ Set_Location (Res, Get_Token_Location);
+ return Res;
+ end Current_Text;
+ function Get_Operator_Name (Op : Iir) return Name_Id is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Op) is
+ when Iir_Kind_And_Operator =>
+ return Name_And;
+ when Iir_Kind_Or_Operator =>
+ return Name_Or;
+ when Iir_Kind_Nand_Operator =>
+ return Name_Nand;
+ when Iir_Kind_Nor_Operator =>
+ return Name_Nor;
+ when Iir_Kind_Xor_Operator =>
+ return Name_Xor;
+ when Iir_Kind_Xnor_Operator =>
+ return Name_Xnor;
+ when Iir_Kind_Equality_Operator =>
+ return Name_Op_Equality;
+ when Iir_Kind_Inequality_Operator =>
+ return Name_Op_Inequality;
+ when Iir_Kind_Less_Than_Operator =>
+ return Name_Op_Less;
+ when Iir_Kind_Less_Than_Or_Equal_Operator =>
+ return Name_Op_Less_Equal;
+ when Iir_Kind_Greater_Than_Operator =>
+ return Name_Op_Greater;
+ when Iir_Kind_Greater_Than_Or_Equal_Operator =>
+ return Name_Op_Greater_Equal;
+ when Iir_Kind_Sll_Operator =>
+ return Name_Sll;
+ when Iir_Kind_Sla_Operator =>
+ return Name_Sla;
+ when Iir_Kind_Srl_Operator =>
+ return Name_Srl;
+ when Iir_Kind_Sra_Operator =>
+ return Name_Sra;
+ when Iir_Kind_Rol_Operator =>
+ return Name_Rol;
+ when Iir_Kind_Ror_Operator =>
+ return Name_Ror;
+ when Iir_Kind_Addition_Operator =>
+ return Name_Op_Plus;
+ when Iir_Kind_Substraction_Operator =>
+ return Name_Op_Minus;
+ when Iir_Kind_Concatenation_Operator =>
+ return Name_Op_Concatenation;
+ when Iir_Kind_Multiplication_Operator =>
+ return Name_Op_Mul;
+ when Iir_Kind_Division_Operator =>
+ return Name_Op_Div;
+ when Iir_Kind_Modulus_Operator =>
+ return Name_Mod;
+ when Iir_Kind_Remainder_Operator =>
+ return Name_Rem;
+ when Iir_Kind_Exponentiation_Operator =>
+ return Name_Op_Exp;
+ when Iir_Kind_Not_Operator =>
+ return Name_Not;
+ when Iir_Kind_Negation_Operator =>
+ return Name_Op_Minus;
+ when Iir_Kind_Identity_Operator =>
+ return Name_Op_Plus;
+ when Iir_Kind_Absolute_Operator =>
+ return Name_Abs;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Operator_Name;
+ function Get_Longuest_Static_Prefix (Expr: Iir) return Iir is
+ Adecl: Iir;
+ begin
+ Adecl := Expr;
+ loop
+ case Get_Kind (Adecl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration =>
+ return Adecl;
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration =>
+ return Adecl;
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ return Adecl;
+ when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ -- LRM Object Aliases
+ -- 2. The name must be a static name [...]
+ return Adecl;
+ when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Element =>
+ if Get_Name_Staticness (Adecl) >= Globally then
+ return Adecl;
+ else
+ Adecl := Get_Prefix (Adecl);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ Adecl := Get_Named_Entity (Adecl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion =>
+ return Null_Iir;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("get_longuest_static_prefix", Adecl);
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Get_Longuest_Static_Prefix;
+ function Get_Object_Prefix (Decl: Iir) return Iir is
+ Adecl: Iir;
+ begin
+ Adecl := Decl;
+ loop
+ case Get_Kind (Adecl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration =>
+ return Adecl;
+ when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ Adecl := Get_Name (Adecl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Element
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name =>
+ Adecl := Get_Prefix (Adecl);
+ when Iir_Kinds_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ | Iir_Kinds_Monadic_Operator
+ | Iir_Kinds_Dyadic_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Call
+ | Iir_Kind_Qualified_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion
+ | Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Subtype
+ | Iir_Kinds_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value
+ | Iir_Kind_Aggregate
+ | Iir_Kind_Simple_Aggregate
+ | Iir_Kind_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration =>
+ return Adecl;
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ Adecl := Get_Named_Entity (Adecl);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("get_object_prefix", Adecl);
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Get_Object_Prefix;
+ function Find_Name_In_List (List: Iir_List; Lit: Name_Id) return Iir is
+ El: Iir;
+ Ident: Name_Id;
+ begin
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Ident := Get_Identifier (El);
+ if Ident = Lit then
+ return El;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end Find_Name_In_List;
+ function Find_Name_In_Chain (Chain: Iir; Lit: Name_Id) return Iir
+ is
+ El: Iir := Chain;
+ begin
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Get_Identifier (El) = Lit then
+ return El;
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end Find_Name_In_Chain;
+ function Is_In_Chain (Chain : Iir; El : Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ Chain_El : Iir;
+ begin
+ Chain_El := Chain;
+ while Chain_El /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Chain_El = El then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ Chain_El := Get_Chain (Chain_El);
+ end loop;
+ return False;
+ end Is_In_Chain;
+ procedure Add_Dependence (Target: Iir_Design_Unit; Unit: Iir) is
+ begin
+ if Unit = Target then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Add_Element (Get_Dependence_List (Target), Unit);
+ end Add_Dependence;
+ procedure Clear_Instantiation_Configuration_Vhdl87
+ (Parent : Iir; In_Generate : Boolean; Full : Boolean)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ Prev : Iir;
+ begin
+ El := Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Parent);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ if In_Generate and not Full then
+ Prev := Get_Component_Configuration (El);
+ if Prev /= Null_Iir then
+ case Get_Kind (Prev) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification =>
+ -- Keep it.
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration =>
+ Set_Component_Configuration (El, Null_Iir);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind
+ ("clear_instantiation_configuration_vhdl87",
+ Prev);
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Set_Component_Configuration (El, Null_Iir);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ Set_Generate_Block_Configuration (El, Null_Iir);
+ -- Clear inside a generate statement.
+ Clear_Instantiation_Configuration_Vhdl87 (El, True, Full);
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ Set_Block_Block_Configuration (El, Null_Iir);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Clear_Instantiation_Configuration_Vhdl87;
+ procedure Clear_Instantiation_Configuration (Parent : Iir; Full : Boolean)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ if False and then Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Clear_Instantiation_Configuration_Vhdl87
+ (Parent, Get_Kind (Parent) = Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement, Full);
+ else
+ El := Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Parent);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ Set_Component_Configuration (El, Null_Iir);
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ Set_Generate_Block_Configuration (El, Null_Iir);
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ Set_Block_Block_Configuration (El, Null_Iir);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end Clear_Instantiation_Configuration;
+ function Get_String_Fat_Acc (Str : Iir) return String_Fat_Acc is
+ begin
+ return Str_Table.Get_String_Fat_Acc (Get_String_Id (Str));
+ end Get_String_Fat_Acc;
+ function Get_String_Length (Str : Iir) return Natural is
+ begin
+ return Natural (Nat32'(Get_String_Length (Str)));
+ end Get_String_Length;
+ -- Get identifier of NODE as a string.
+ function Image_Identifier (Node : Iir) return String is
+ begin
+ return Name_Table.Image (Iirs.Get_Identifier (Node));
+ end Image_Identifier;
+ function Image_String_Lit (Str : Iir) return String
+ is
+ Ptr : String_Fat_Acc;
+ Len : Natural;
+ begin
+ Ptr := Get_String_Fat_Acc (Str);
+ Len := Get_String_Length (Str);
+ return Ptr (1 .. Len);
+ end Image_String_Lit;
+ procedure Create_Range_Constraint_For_Enumeration_Type
+ (Def : Iir_Enumeration_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ Range_Expr : Iir_Range_Expression;
+ Literal_List: Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Literal_List := Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Def);
+ -- Create a constraint.
+ Range_Expr := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Range_Expression);
+ Location_Copy (Range_Expr, Def);
+ Set_Type (Range_Expr, Def);
+ Set_Direction (Range_Expr, Iir_To);
+ Set_Left_Limit (Range_Expr, Get_First_Element (Literal_List));
+ Set_Right_Limit (Range_Expr, Get_Last_Element (Literal_List));
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Range_Expr, Locally);
+ Set_Range_Constraint (Def, Range_Expr);
+ end Create_Range_Constraint_For_Enumeration_Type;
+ procedure Free_Old_Iir (Node: in Iir)
+ is
+ N : Iir;
+ begin
+ N := Node;
+ Free_Iir (N);
+ end Free_Old_Iir;
+ procedure Free_Name (Node : Iir)
+ is
+ N : Iir;
+ N1 : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Node = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ N := Node;
+ case Get_Kind (N) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Character_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_String_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Free_Iir (N);
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name =>
+ N1 := Get_Prefix (N);
+ Free_Iir (N);
+ Free_Name (N1);
+ when Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Design_Unit
+ | Iir_Kinds_Concurrent_Statement
+ | Iir_Kinds_Sequential_Statement =>
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("free_name", Node);
+ --Free_Iir (N);
+ end case;
+ end Free_Name;
+ procedure Free_Recursive_List (List : Iir_List)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Free_Recursive (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Free_Recursive_List;
+ procedure Free_Recursive (Node : Iir; Free_List : Boolean := False)
+ is
+ N : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Node = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ N := Node;
+ case Get_Kind (N) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration =>
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Character_Literal =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ Free_Recursive (Get_Prefix (N));
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ Free_Recursive (Get_Type (N));
+ Free_Recursive (Get_Default_Value (N));
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
+ Free_Recursive (Get_Left_Limit (N));
+ Free_Recursive (Get_Right_Limit (N));
+ when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Free_Recursive (Get_Base_Type (N));
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition =>
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ Free_Recursive (Get_Entity (N));
+ when Iir_Kind_Proxy =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Overload_List =>
+ Free_Recursive_List (Get_Overload_List (N));
+ if not Free_List then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Free_Recursive_List (Get_Index_List (N));
+ Free_Recursive (Get_Base_Type (N));
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity =>
+ Free_Recursive (Get_Entity (N));
+ Free_Recursive (Get_Architecture (N));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("free_recursive", Node);
+ end case;
+ Free_Iir (N);
+ end Free_Recursive;
+ function Get_Predefined_Function_Name (Func : Iir_Predefined_Functions)
+ return String
+ is
+ begin
+ return Iir_Predefined_Functions'Image (Func);
+ end Get_Predefined_Function_Name;
+ procedure Clear_Seen_Flag (Top : Iir)
+ is
+ Callees_List : Iir_Callees_List;
+ El: Iir;
+ begin
+ if Get_Seen_Flag (Top) then
+ Set_Seen_Flag (Top, False);
+ Callees_List := Get_Callees_List (Top);
+ if Callees_List /= Null_Iir_List then
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (Callees_List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ if Get_Seen_Flag (El) = False then
+ Clear_Seen_Flag (El);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Clear_Seen_Flag;
+ function Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Def : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Get_Type_Declarator (Def) = Null_Iir;
+ end Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition;
+ function Is_Unconstrained_Type_Definition (Def : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Get_Kind (Def) in Iir_Kinds_Unconstrained_Array_Type_Definition;
+ end Is_Unconstrained_Type_Definition;
+ function Is_Same_Profile (L, R: Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ L1, R1 : Iir;
+ L_Kind, R_Kind : Iir_Kind;
+ El_L, El_R : Iir;
+ begin
+ L_Kind := Get_Kind (L);
+ if L_Kind = Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration then
+ L1 := Get_Name (L);
+ L_Kind := Get_Kind (L1);
+ else
+ L1 := L;
+ end if;
+ R_Kind := Get_Kind (R);
+ if R_Kind = Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration then
+ R1 := Get_Name (R);
+ R_Kind := Get_Kind (R1);
+ else
+ R1 := R;
+ end if;
+ -- Check L and R are both of the same 'kind'.
+ -- Also the return profile for functions.
+ if L_Kind in Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration
+ and then R_Kind in Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration
+ then
+ if Get_Base_Type (Get_Return_Type (L1)) /=
+ Get_Base_Type (Get_Return_Type (R1))
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ elsif L_Kind in Iir_Kinds_Procedure_Declaration
+ and then R_Kind in Iir_Kinds_Procedure_Declaration
+ then
+ null;
+ elsif L_Kind = Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ and then R_Kind = Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ then
+ return Get_Type (L1) = Get_Type (R1);
+ else
+ -- Kind mismatch.
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- Check parameters profile.
+ El_L := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (L1);
+ El_R := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (R1);
+ loop
+ exit when El_L = Null_Iir and El_R = Null_Iir;
+ if El_L = Null_Iir or El_R = Null_Iir then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (El_L)) /= Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (El_R))
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ El_L := Get_Chain (El_L);
+ El_R := Get_Chain (El_R);
+ end loop;
+ return True;
+ end Is_Same_Profile;
+ -- From a block_specification, returns the block.
+ function Get_Block_From_Block_Specification (Block_Spec : Iir)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Block_Spec) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit =>
+ Res := Get_Library_Unit (Block_Spec);
+ if Get_Kind (Res) /= Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ return Block_Spec;
+ when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
+ return Get_Prefix (Block_Spec);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("get_block_from_block_specification", Block_Spec);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Block_From_Block_Specification;
+ function Get_String_Type_Bound_Type (Sub_Type : Iir) return Iir is
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Sub_Type) /= Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition then
+ Error_Kind ("get_string_type_bound_type", Sub_Type);
+ end if;
+ return Get_First_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Sub_Type));
+ end Get_String_Type_Bound_Type;
+ procedure Get_Low_High_Limit (Arange : Iir_Range_Expression;
+ Low, High : out Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ case Get_Direction (Arange) is
+ when Iir_To =>
+ Low := Get_Left_Limit (Arange);
+ High := Get_Right_Limit (Arange);
+ when Iir_Downto =>
+ High := Get_Left_Limit (Arange);
+ Low := Get_Right_Limit (Arange);
+ end case;
+ end Get_Low_High_Limit;
+ function Get_Low_Limit (Arange : Iir_Range_Expression) return Iir is
+ begin
+ case Get_Direction (Arange) is
+ when Iir_To =>
+ return Get_Left_Limit (Arange);
+ when Iir_Downto =>
+ return Get_Right_Limit (Arange);
+ end case;
+ end Get_Low_Limit;
+ function Get_High_Limit (Arange : Iir_Range_Expression) return Iir is
+ begin
+ case Get_Direction (Arange) is
+ when Iir_To =>
+ return Get_Right_Limit (Arange);
+ when Iir_Downto =>
+ return Get_Left_Limit (Arange);
+ end case;
+ end Get_High_Limit;
+ function Is_Unidim_Array_Type (A_Type : Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ Base_Type : Iir := Get_Base_Type (A_Type);
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Base_Type) = Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ and then Get_Nbr_Elements (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Base_Type)) = 1
+ then
+ return True;
+ else
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end Is_Unidim_Array_Type;
+ function Is_Range_Attribute_Name (Expr : Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ Attr : Iir;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Expr) = Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name then
+ Attr := Get_Prefix (Expr);
+ else
+ Attr := Expr;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Attr) /= Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Id := Get_Attribute_Identifier (Attr);
+ return Id = Name_Range or Id = Name_Reverse_Range;
+ end Is_Range_Attribute_Name;
+ function Create_Array_Subtype (Arr_Type : Iir; Loc : Location_Type)
+ return Iir_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ is
+ Res : Iir_Array_Subtype_Definition;
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition);
+ Set_Location (Res, Loc);
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Arr_Type);
+ Set_Base_Type (Res, Base_Type);
+ Set_Element_Subtype (Res, Get_Element_Subtype (Base_Type));
+ if Get_Kind (Arr_Type) /= Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition then
+ Set_Resolution_Function (Res, Get_Resolution_Function (Arr_Type));
+ end if;
+ Set_Resolved_Flag (Res, Get_Resolved_Flag (Arr_Type));
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Res, Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Arr_Type));
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Res, Get_Type_Staticness (Base_Type));
+ Set_Index_Subtype_List (Res, Create_Iir_List);
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Array_Subtype;
+ function Is_Subprogram_Method (Spec : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Get_Parent (Spec)) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body =>
+ return True;
+ when others =>
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ end Is_Subprogram_Method;
+ function Get_Method_Type (Spec : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Parent : Iir;
+ begin
+ Parent := Get_Parent (Spec);
+ case Get_Kind (Parent) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
+ return Parent;
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body =>
+ return Get_Protected_Type_Declaration (Parent);
+ when others =>
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Method_Type;
+ function Create_Error_Expr (Orig : Iir; Atype : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Error);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, Locally);
+ Set_Type (Res, Atype);
+ Set_Error_Origin (Res, Orig);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Orig);
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Error_Expr;
+ function Create_Error_Type (Orig : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Error);
+ --Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, Locally);
+ Set_Base_Type (Res, Res);
+ Set_Error_Origin (Res, Orig);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Orig);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Res, Null_Iir);
+ Set_Resolved_Flag (Res, True);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Res, True);
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Error_Type;
+ function Get_Associated_Formal (Assoc : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Formal : Iir;
+ begin
+ Formal := Get_Formal (Assoc);
+ case Get_Kind (Formal) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ Formal := Get_Named_Entity (Formal);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ return Get_Base_Name (Formal);
+ end Get_Associated_Formal;
+ -- Extract the entity from ASPECT.
+ -- Note: if ASPECT is a component declaration, returns ASPECT.
+ function Get_Entity_From_Entity_Aspect (Aspect : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Inst : Iir;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Aspect) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
+ return Aspect;
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity =>
+ return Get_Library_Unit (Get_Entity (Aspect));
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Configuration =>
+ Inst := Get_Library_Unit (Get_Configuration (Aspect));
+ return Get_Library_Unit (Get_Entity (Inst));
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Open =>
+ return Null_Iir;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("get_entity_from_entity_aspect", Aspect);
+ end case;
+ end Get_Entity_From_Entity_Aspect;
+ function Get_Physical_Literal_Value (Lit : Iir) return Iir_Int64
+ is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Lit) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal =>
+ return Get_Value (Lit)
+ * Get_Value (Get_Physical_Unit_Value (Get_Unit_Name (Lit)));
+ when Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration =>
+ return Get_Value (Get_Physical_Unit_Value (Lit));
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal =>
+ return Iir_Int64
+ (Get_Fp_Value (Lit)
+ * Iir_Fp64 (Get_Value (Get_Physical_Unit_Value
+ (Get_Unit_Name (Lit)))));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("get_physical_literal_value", Lit);
+ end case;
+ end Get_Physical_Literal_Value;
+end Iirs_Utils;
diff --git a/iirs_utils.ads b/iirs_utils.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f567d10b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iirs_utils.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+-- Common operations on nodes.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Types; use Types;
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+package Iirs_Utils is
+ -- Transform the current token into an iir literal.
+ -- The current token must be either a character, a string or an identifier.
+ function Current_Text return Iir;
+ -- Get identifier of NODE as a string.
+ function Image_Identifier (Node : Iir) return String;
+ function Image_String_Lit (Str : Iir) return String;
+ -- Easier function for string literals.
+ function Get_String_Fat_Acc (Str : Iir) return String_Fat_Acc;
+ function Get_String_Length (Str : Iir) return Natural;
+ pragma Inline (Get_String_Fat_Acc);
+ pragma Inline (Get_String_Length);
+ -- Find LIT in the list of identifiers or characters LIST.
+ -- Return the literal (whose name is LIT) or null_iir if not found.
+ function Find_Name_In_Chain (Chain: Iir; Lit: Name_Id) return Iir;
+ function Find_Name_In_List (List : Iir_List; Lit: Name_Id) return Iir;
+ -- Return TRUE if EL in an element of chain CHAIN.
+ function Is_In_Chain (Chain : Iir; El : Iir) return Boolean;
+ -- Convert an operator node to a name.
+ function Get_Operator_Name (Op : Iir) return Name_Id;
+ -- Get the longuest static prefix of EXPR.
+ -- See LRM §8.1
+ function Get_Longuest_Static_Prefix (Expr: Iir) return Iir;
+ -- Get the prefix of DECL, ie:
+ -- {signal, variable, constant}{interface_declaration, declaration}, or
+ -- DECL itself, if it is not an object.
+ function Get_Object_Prefix (Decl: Iir) return Iir;
+ -- Make TARGETS depends on UNIT.
+ -- UNIT must be either a design unit or a entity_aspect_entity.
+ procedure Add_Dependence (Target: Iir_Design_Unit; Unit: Iir);
+ -- Clear configuration field of all component instantiation of
+ -- the concurrent statements of PARENT.
+ procedure Clear_Instantiation_Configuration (Parent : Iir; Full : Boolean);
+ -- Free Node and its prefixes, if any.
+ procedure Free_Name (Node : Iir);
+ -- Free NODE and its sub-nodes.
+ procedure Free_Recursive (Node : Iir; Free_List : Boolean := False);
+ -- Free NODE.
+ procedure Free_Old_Iir (Node: in Iir);
+ -- Name of FUNC.
+ function Get_Predefined_Function_Name (Func : Iir_Predefined_Functions)
+ return String;
+ -- Create the range_constraint node for an enumeration type.
+ procedure Create_Range_Constraint_For_Enumeration_Type
+ (Def : Iir_Enumeration_Type_Definition);
+ -- Clear flag of TOP and all of its callees.
+ procedure Clear_Seen_Flag (Top : Iir);
+ -- Return TRUE iff DEF is an anonymous type (or subtype) definition.
+ -- Note: DEF is required to be a type (or subtype) definition.
+ -- Note: type (and not subtype) are never anonymous.
+ function Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Def : Iir) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition);
+ -- Return TRUE iff DEF is an unconstrained type (or subtype) definition.
+ function Is_Unconstrained_Type_Definition (Def : Iir) return Boolean;
+ -- Return true iff L and R have the same profile.
+ -- L and R must be subprograms specification (or spec_body).
+ function Is_Same_Profile (L, R: Iir) return Boolean;
+ -- From a block_specification, returns the block.
+ -- Roughly speaking, this get prefix of indexed and sliced name.
+ function Get_Block_From_Block_Specification (Block_Spec : Iir)
+ return Iir;
+ -- Return the bound type of a string type, ie the type of the (first)
+ -- dimension of a one-dimensional array type.
+ function Get_String_Type_Bound_Type (Sub_Type : Iir) return Iir;
+ -- Return left or right limit according to the direction.
+ procedure Get_Low_High_Limit (Arange : Iir_Range_Expression;
+ Low, High : out Iir);
+ function Get_Low_Limit (Arange : Iir_Range_Expression) return Iir;
+ function Get_High_Limit (Arange : Iir_Range_Expression) return Iir;
+ -- Return TRUE iff type/subtype definition A_TYPE is an undim array.
+ function Is_Unidim_Array_Type (A_Type : Iir) return Boolean;
+ -- Return TRUE iff unsemantized EXPR is a range attribute.
+ function Is_Range_Attribute_Name (Expr : Iir) return Boolean;
+ -- Create an array subtype from array_type or unconstrained_array_subtype
+ -- ARR_TYPE.
+ -- All fields of the returned node are filled, except the index_list.
+ -- The type_staticness is set with the type staticness of the element
+ -- subtype and therefore must be updated.
+ -- The type_declarator field is set to null_iir.
+ function Create_Array_Subtype (Arr_Type : Iir; Loc : Location_Type)
+ return Iir_Array_Subtype_Definition;
+ -- Return TRUE iff SPEC is declared inside a protected type or a protected
+ -- body.
+ function Is_Subprogram_Method (Spec : Iir) return Boolean;
+ -- Return the protected type for method SPEC.
+ function Get_Method_Type (Spec : Iir) return Iir;
+ -- Create an error node for node ORIG, and set its type to ATYPE.
+ -- Set its staticness to locally.
+ function Create_Error_Expr (Orig : Iir; Atype : Iir) return Iir;
+ -- Create an error node for node ORIG, which is supposed to be a type.
+ function Create_Error_Type (Orig : Iir) return Iir;
+ -- Get the base name of the formal of an association.
+ function Get_Associated_Formal (Assoc : Iir) return Iir;
+ -- Extract the entity from ASPECT.
+ -- Note: if ASPECT is a component declaration, returns ASPECT.
+ -- if ASPECT is open, return Null_Iir;
+ function Get_Entity_From_Entity_Aspect (Aspect : Iir) return Iir;
+ -- Get the value of any physical literals.
+ -- A physical literal can be either an int_literal, and fp_literal or
+ -- a unit_declaration.
+ -- See also Evaluation.Get_Physical_Value.
+ function Get_Physical_Literal_Value (Lit : Iir) return Iir_Int64;
+end Iirs_Utils;
diff --git a/libraries.adb b/libraries.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5eee733f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1634 @@
+-- VHDL libraries handling.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
+with GNAT.Table;
+with GNAT.OS_Lib;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Scan;
+with Iirs_Utils;
+with Parse;
+with Back_End;
+with Name_Table; use Name_Table;
+with Str_Table;
+with Sem_Scopes;
+with Tokens;
+with Files_Map;
+with Flags;
+with Std_Names;
+with Std_Package;
+package body Libraries is
+ -- Chain of known libraries. This is also the top node of all iir node.
+ Libraries_Chain : Iir_Library_Declaration := Null_Iir;
+ Libraries_Chain_Last : Iir_Library_Declaration := Null_Iir;
+ -- A location for any implicit declarations (such as library WORK).
+ Implicit_Location: Location_Type;
+ -- Table of library pathes.
+ package Pathes is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Index_Type => Integer,
+ Table_Component_Type => Name_Id,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 1,
+ Table_Initial => 4,
+ Table_Increment => 100);
+ -- Initialize pathes table.
+ -- Set the local path.
+ Name_Nil : Name_Id;
+ procedure Init_Pathes
+ is
+ begin
+ Name_Nil := Get_Identifier ("");
+ Pathes.Append (Name_Nil);
+ Local_Directory := Name_Nil;
+ Work_Directory := Name_Nil;
+ end Init_Pathes;
+ function Path_To_Id (Path : String) return Name_Id is
+ begin
+ if Path (Path'Last) /= GNAT.OS_Lib.Directory_Separator then
+ return Get_Identifier (Path & GNAT.OS_Lib.Directory_Separator);
+ else
+ return Get_Identifier (Path);
+ end if;
+ end Path_To_Id;
+ procedure Add_Library_Path (Path : String)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Path'Length = 0 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Pathes.Increment_Last;
+ Pathes.Table (Pathes.Last) := Path_To_Id (Path);
+ end Add_Library_Path;
+ function Get_Nbr_Pathes return Natural is
+ begin
+ return Pathes.Last;
+ end Get_Nbr_Pathes;
+ function Get_Path (N : Natural) return Name_Id is
+ begin
+ if N > Pathes.Last or N < Pathes.First then
+ raise Constraint_Error;
+ end if;
+ return Pathes.Table (N);
+ end Get_Path;
+ -- Set PATH as the path of the work library.
+ procedure Set_Work_Library_Path (Path : String) is
+ begin
+ Work_Directory := Path_To_Id (Path);
+ if not GNAT.OS_Lib.Is_Directory (Get_Address (Work_Directory)) then
+ -- This is a warning, since 'clean' action should not fail in
+ -- this cases.
+ Warning_Msg
+ ("directory '" & Path & "' set by --workdir= does not exist");
+ -- raise Option_Error;
+ end if;
+ end Set_Work_Library_Path;
+ -- Open LIBRARY map file, return TRUE if successful.
+ function Set_Library_File_Name (Dir : Name_Id;
+ Library: Iir_Library_Declaration)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ File_Name : String := Back_End.Library_To_File_Name (Library);
+ Fe : Source_File_Entry;
+ begin
+ Fe := Files_Map.Load_Source_File (Dir, Get_Identifier (File_Name));
+ if Fe = No_Source_File_Entry then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Scan.Set_File (Fe);
+ return True;
+ end Set_Library_File_Name;
+ -- Every design unit is put in this hash table to be quickly found by
+ -- its (primary) identifier.
+ Unit_Hash_Length : constant Name_Id := 127;
+ subtype Hash_Id is Name_Id range 0 .. Unit_Hash_Length - 1;
+ Unit_Hash_Table : array (Hash_Id) of Iir := (others => Null_Iir);
+ -- Get the hash value for DESIGN_UNIT.
+ -- Architectures use the entity name.
+ function Get_Hash_Id_For_Unit (Design_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit)
+ return Hash_Id
+ is
+ Lib_Unit : Iir;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Lib_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Design_Unit);
+ case Get_Kind (Lib_Unit) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Lib_Unit);
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ -- Architectures are put with the entity identifier.
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Get_Entity (Lib_Unit));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("get_id_for_unit_hash", Lib_Unit);
+ end case;
+ return Id mod Unit_Hash_Length;
+ end Get_Hash_Id_For_Unit;
+ -- Put DESIGN_UNIT into the unit hash table.
+ procedure Add_Unit_Hash (Design_Unit : Iir)
+ is
+ Id : Hash_Id;
+ begin
+ Id := Get_Hash_Id_For_Unit (Design_Unit);
+ Set_Hash_Chain (Design_Unit, Unit_Hash_Table (Id));
+ Unit_Hash_Table (Id) := Design_Unit;
+ end Add_Unit_Hash;
+ -- Remove DESIGN_UNIT from the unit hash table.
+ procedure Remove_Unit_Hash (Design_Unit : Iir)
+ is
+ Id : Hash_Id;
+ Unit, Prev, Next : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ begin
+ Id := Get_Hash_Id_For_Unit (Design_Unit);
+ Unit := Unit_Hash_Table (Id);
+ Prev := Null_Iir;
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ Next := Get_Hash_Chain (Unit);
+ if Unit = Design_Unit then
+ if Prev = Null_Iir then
+ Unit_Hash_Table (Id) := Next;
+ else
+ Set_Hash_Chain (Prev, Next);
+ end if;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Prev := Unit;
+ Unit := Next;
+ end loop;
+ -- Not found.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end Remove_Unit_Hash;
+ procedure Purge_Design_File (Design_File : Iir_Design_File)
+ is
+ Prev, File, Next : Iir_Design_File;
+ Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ File_Name : Name_Id;
+ Dir_Name : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ File_Name := Get_Design_File_Filename (Design_File);
+ Dir_Name := Get_Design_File_Directory (Design_File);
+ File := Get_Design_File_Chain (Work_Library);
+ Prev := Null_Iir;
+ while File /= Null_Iir loop
+ Next := Get_Chain (File);
+ if Get_Design_File_Filename (File) = File_Name
+ and then Get_Design_File_Directory (File) = Dir_Name
+ then
+ -- Remove from library.
+ if Prev = Null_Iir then
+ Set_Design_File_Chain (Work_Library, Next);
+ else
+ Set_Chain (Prev, Next);
+ end if;
+ -- Remove all units from unit hash table.
+ Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (File);
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ Remove_Unit_Hash (Unit);
+ Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ end loop;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Prev := File;
+ File := Next;
+ end loop;
+ end Purge_Design_File;
+ -- Load the contents of a library from a map file.
+ -- The format of this file, used by save_library and load_library is
+ -- as follow:
+ --
+ -- file_format ::= header { design_file_format }
+ -- header ::= v 3
+ -- design_file_format ::=
+ -- filename_format { design_unit_format }
+ -- filename_format ::=
+ -- FILE directory "FILENAME" file_time_stamp analyze_time_stamp:
+ -- design_unit_format ::= entity_format
+ -- | architecture_format
+ -- | package_format
+ -- | package_body_format
+ -- | configuration_format
+ -- position_format ::= LINE(POS) + OFF on DATE
+ -- entity_format ::=
+ -- ENTITY identifier AT position_format ;
+ -- architecture_format ::=
+ -- ARCHITECTURE identifier of name AT position_format ;
+ -- package_format ::=
+ -- PACKAGE identifier AT position_format [BODY] ;
+ -- package_body_format ::=
+ -- PACKAGE BODY identifier AT position_format ;
+ -- configuration_format ::=
+ -- CONFIGURATION identifier AT position_format ;
+ --
+ -- The position_format meaning is:
+ -- LINE is the line number (first line is number 1),
+ -- POS is the offset of this line number, as a source_ptr value,
+ -- OFF is the offset in the line, starting with 0.
+ -- DATE is the symbolic date of analysis (order).
+ --
+ -- Return TRUE if the library was found.
+ function Load_Library (Library: Iir_Library_Declaration)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ use Scan;
+ use Tokens;
+ use Iirs_Utils;
+ File : Source_File_Entry;
+ procedure Bad_Library_Format is
+ begin
+ Error_Msg (Image (Files_Map.Get_File_Name (File)) &
+ ": bad library format");
+ end Bad_Library_Format;
+ procedure Scan_Expect (Tok: Token_Type) is
+ begin
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token /= Tok then
+ Bad_Library_Format;
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ end Scan_Expect;
+ function Current_Time_Stamp return Time_Stamp_Id is
+ begin
+ if Current_String_Length /= Time_Stamp_String'Length then
+ Bad_Library_Format;
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ return Time_Stamp_Id (Current_String_Id);
+ end Current_Time_Stamp;
+ function String_To_Name_Id return Name_Id
+ is
+ Len : Natural;
+ Ptr : String_Fat_Acc;
+ begin
+ Len := Natural (Current_String_Length);
+ Ptr := Str_Table.Get_String_Fat_Acc (Current_String_Id);
+ for I in 1 .. Len loop
+ Name_Table.Name_Buffer (I) := Ptr (I);
+ end loop;
+ Name_Table.Name_Length := Len;
+ -- FIXME: should remove last string.
+ return Get_Identifier;
+ end String_To_Name_Id;
+ Design_Unit, Last_Design_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Lib_Ident : Name_Id;
+ function Scan_Unit_List return Iir_List is
+ begin
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Identifier);
+ loop
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Dot);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Identifier);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
+ -- This is an architecture.
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Identifier);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end loop;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ return Null_Iir_List;
+ end Scan_Unit_List;
+ Design_File: Iir_Design_File;
+ Library_Unit: Iir;
+ Line, Col: Natural;
+ File_Dir : Name_Id;
+ Pos: Source_Ptr;
+ Date: Date_Type;
+ Max_Date: Date_Type := Date_Valid'First;
+ Dir : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Lib_Ident := Get_Identifier (Library);
+ if False then
+ Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Load library " & Image (Lib_Ident));
+ end if;
+ -- Check the library was not already loaded.
+ if Get_Design_File_Chain (Library) /= Null_Iir then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Try to open the library file map.
+ Dir := Get_Library_Directory (Library);
+ if Dir = Null_Identifier then
+ -- Search in the library path.
+ declare
+ File_Name : String := Back_End.Library_To_File_Name (Library);
+ L : Natural;
+ begin
+ for I in Pathes.First .. Pathes.Last loop
+ Image (Pathes.Table (I));
+ L := Name_Length + File_Name'Length;
+ Name_Buffer (Name_Length + 1 .. L) := File_Name;
+ Name_Buffer (L + 1) := Character'Val (0);
+ if GNAT.OS_Lib.Is_Regular_File (Name_Buffer'Address) then
+ Dir := Pathes.Table (I);
+ Set_Library_Directory (Library, Dir);
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ if Dir = Null_Identifier
+ or else not Set_Library_File_Name (Dir, Library)
+ then
+ -- Not found.
+ Set_Date (Library, Date_Valid'First);
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ File := Get_Current_Source_File;
+ -- Parse header.
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Identifier
+ or else Name_Length /= 1 or else Name_Buffer (1) /= 'v'
+ then
+ Bad_Library_Format;
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Integer);
+ if Current_Iir_Int64 not in 1 .. 3 then
+ Bad_Library_Format;
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Last_Design_Unit := Null_Iir;
+ while Current_Token /= Tok_Eof loop
+ if Current_Token = Tok_File then
+ -- This is a new design file.
+ Design_File := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Design_File);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Dot then
+ -- The filename is local, use the directory of the library.
+ if Dir = Name_Nil then
+ File_Dir := Files_Map.Get_Home_Directory;
+ else
+ File_Dir := Dir;
+ end if;
+ elsif Current_Token = Tok_Slash then
+ -- The filename is an absolute file.
+ File_Dir := Null_Identifier;
+ elsif Current_Token = Tok_String then
+ -- Be compatible with version 1: an empty directory for
+ -- an absolute filename.
+ if Current_String_Length = 0 then
+ File_Dir := Null_Identifier;
+ else
+ File_Dir := String_To_Name_Id;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Bad_Library_Format;
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ Set_Design_File_Directory (Design_File, File_Dir);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_String);
+ Set_Design_File_Filename (Design_File, String_To_Name_Id);
+ -- FIXME: check the file name is uniq.
+ Set_Parent (Design_File, Library);
+ -- Prepend.
+ Set_Chain (Design_File, Get_Design_File_Chain (Library));
+ Set_Design_File_Chain (Library, Design_File);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_String);
+ Set_File_Time_Stamp (Design_File, Current_Time_Stamp);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_String);
+ Set_Analysis_Time_Stamp (Design_File, Current_Time_Stamp);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Colon);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Last_Design_Unit := Null_Iir;
+ else
+ -- This is a new design unit.
+ Design_Unit := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Design_Unit);
+ Set_Design_File (Design_Unit, Design_File);
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Entity =>
+ Library_Unit := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ when Tok_Architecture =>
+ Library_Unit :=
+ Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ when Tok_Configuration =>
+ Library_Unit :=
+ Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ when Tok_Package =>
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Body then
+ Library_Unit := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Package_Body);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ else
+ Library_Unit := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration);
+ end if;
+ when Tok_With =>
+ if Library_Unit = Null_Iir
+ or else
+ Get_Kind (Library_Unit)
+ /= Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ then
+ Put_Line ("load_library: invalid use of 'with'");
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Configuration);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Colon);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Dependence_List (Design_Unit, Scan_Unit_List);
+ goto Next_Line;
+ when others =>
+ Put_Line
+ ("load_library: line must start with " &
+ "'architecture', 'entity', 'package' or 'configuration'");
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Identifier then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Set_Identifier (Library_Unit, Current_Identifier);
+ Set_Identifier (Design_Unit, Current_Identifier);
+ Set_Visible_Flag (Design_Unit, True);
+ if Get_Kind (Library_Unit) = Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration then
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Of);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Identifier);
+ Set_Entity (Library_Unit, Current_Text);
+ end if;
+ -- Scan position.
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Identifier); -- at
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Integer);
+ Line := Natural (Current_Iir_Int64);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Left_Paren);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Integer);
+ Pos := Source_Ptr (Current_Iir_Int64);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Plus);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Integer);
+ Col := Natural (Current_Iir_Int64);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_On);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Integer);
+ Date := Date_Type (Current_Iir_Int64);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Get_Kind (Library_Unit) = Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ and then Current_Token = Tok_Body
+ then
+ Set_Need_Body (Library_Unit, True);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Semi_Colon then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if False then
+ Put_Line ("line:" & Natural'Image (Line)
+ & ", pos:" & Source_Ptr'Image (Pos));
+ end if;
+ -- Scan dependence list.
+ Set_Dependence_List (Design_Unit, Scan_Unit_List);
+ -- Keep the position of the design unit.
+ --Set_Location (Design_Unit, Location_Type (File));
+ --Set_Location (Library_Unit, Location_Type (File));
+ Set_Pos_Line_Off (Design_Unit, Pos, Line, Col);
+ Set_Date (Design_Unit, Date);
+ if Date > Max_Date then
+ Max_Date := Date;
+ end if;
+ Set_Date_State (Design_Unit, Date_Disk);
+ Set_Library_Unit (Design_Unit, Library_Unit);
+ Set_Design_Unit (Library_Unit, Design_Unit);
+ -- Add in the unit hash table.
+ Add_Unit_Hash (Design_Unit);
+ if Last_Design_Unit = Null_Iir then
+ Set_First_Design_Unit (Design_File, Design_Unit);
+ else
+ Set_Chain (Last_Design_Unit, Design_Unit);
+ end if;
+ Last_Design_Unit := Design_Unit;
+ Set_Last_Design_Unit (Design_File, Design_Unit);
+ end if;
+ << Next_Line >> null;
+ end loop;
+ Set_Date (Library, Max_Date);
+ Close_File;
+ return True;
+ end Load_Library;
+ procedure Create_Virtual_Locations
+ is
+ use Files_Map;
+ use Name_Table;
+ Implicit_Source_File : Source_File_Entry;
+ Command_Source_File : Source_File_Entry;
+ begin
+ Implicit_Source_File := Create_Virtual_Source_File
+ (Get_Identifier ("*implicit*"));
+ Command_Source_File := Create_Virtual_Source_File
+ (Get_Identifier ("*command line*"));
+ Command_Line_Location := Source_File_To_Location (Command_Source_File);
+ Implicit_Location := Source_File_To_Location (Implicit_Source_File);
+ end Create_Virtual_Locations;
+ -- Note: the scanner shouldn't be in use, since this procedure uses it.
+ procedure Load_Std_Library (Build_Standard : Boolean := True)
+ is
+ use Std_Package;
+ Dir : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ if Libraries_Chain /= Null_Iir then
+ -- This procedure must not be called twice.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Flags.Create_Flag_String;
+ Create_Virtual_Locations;
+ Std_Package.Create_First_Nodes;
+ -- Create the library.
+ Std_Library := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration);
+ Set_Identifier (Std_Library, Std_Names.Name_Std);
+ Set_Location (Std_Library, Implicit_Location);
+ Libraries_Chain := Std_Library;
+ Libraries_Chain_Last := Std_Library;
+ if Build_Standard then
+ Create_Std_Standard_Package (Std_Library);
+ Add_Unit_Hash (Std_Standard_Unit);
+ end if;
+ if Flags.Bootstrap
+ and then Work_Library_Name = Std_Names.Name_Std
+ then
+ Dir := Work_Directory;
+ else
+ Dir := Null_Identifier;
+ end if;
+ Set_Library_Directory (Std_Library, Dir);
+ if Load_Library (Std_Library) = False
+ and then not Flags.Bootstrap
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Option ("cannot find ""std"" library");
+ end if;
+ if Build_Standard then
+ -- Add the standard_file into the library.
+ -- This is done after Load_Library, because it checks there is no
+ -- previous files in the library.
+ Set_Parent (Std_Standard_File, Std_Library);
+ Set_Chain (Std_Standard_File, Get_Design_File_Chain (Std_Library));
+ Set_Design_File_Chain (Std_Library, Std_Standard_File);
+ end if;
+ Set_Visible_Flag (Std_Library, True);
+ end Load_Std_Library;
+ procedure Load_Work_Library (Empty : Boolean := False)
+ is
+ use Std_Names;
+ begin
+ if Work_Library_Name = Name_Std then
+ if not Flags.Bootstrap then
+ Error_Msg_Option ("the WORK library cannot be STD");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Work_Library := Std_Library;
+ else
+ Work_Library := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration);
+ Set_Location (Work_Library, Implicit_Location);
+ --Set_Visible_Flag (Work_Library, True);
+ Set_Library_Directory (Work_Library, Work_Directory);
+ Set_Identifier (Work_Library, Work_Library_Name);
+ if not Empty then
+ if Load_Library (Work_Library) = False then
+ null;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Add it to the list of libraries.
+ Set_Chain (Libraries_Chain_Last, Work_Library);
+ Libraries_Chain_Last := Work_Library;
+ end if;
+ Set_Visible_Flag (Work_Library, True);
+ end Load_Work_Library;
+-- procedure Unload_Library (Library : Iir_Library_Declaration)
+-- is
+-- File : Iir_Design_File;
+-- Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+-- begin
+-- loop
+-- File := Get_Design_File_Chain (Library);
+-- exit when File = Null_Iir;
+-- Set_Design_File_Chain (Library, Get_Chain (File));
+-- loop
+-- Unit := Get_Design_Unit_Chain (File);
+-- exit when Unit = Null_Iir;
+-- Set_Design_Unit_Chain (File, Get_Chain (Unit));
+-- -- Units should not be loaded.
+-- if Get_Loaded_Flag (Unit) then
+-- raise Internal_Error;
+-- end if;
+-- -- Free dependences list.
+-- end loop;
+-- end loop;
+-- end Unload_Library;
+-- procedure Unload_All_Libraries
+-- is
+-- Library : Iir_Library_Declaration;
+-- begin
+-- if Get_Identifier (Std_Library) /= Name_Std then
+-- raise Internal_Error;
+-- end if;
+-- if Std_Library /= Libraries_Chain then
+-- raise Internal_Error;
+-- end if;
+-- loop
+-- Library := Get_Chain (Libraries_Chain);
+-- exit when Library = Null_Iir;
+-- Set_Chain (Libraries_Chain, Get_Chain (Libraries_Chain));
+-- Unload_Library (Library);
+-- end loop;
+-- end Unload_All_Libraries;
+ -- Get or create a library from an identifier.
+ function Get_Library (Ident: Name_Id; Loc : Location_Type)
+ return Iir_Library_Declaration
+ is
+ Library: Iir_Library_Declaration;
+ begin
+ -- library work is a little bit special.
+ if Ident = Std_Names.Name_Work or else Ident = Work_Library_Name then
+ if Work_Library = Null_Iir then
+ -- load_work_library must have been called before.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ return Work_Library;
+ end if;
+ -- Check if the library has already been loaded.
+ Library := Iirs_Utils.Find_Name_In_Chain (Libraries_Chain, Ident);
+ if Library /= Null_Iir then
+ return Library;
+ end if;
+ -- This is a new library.
+ if Ident = Std_Names.Name_Std then
+ -- Load_std_library must have been called before.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Library := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration);
+ Set_Location (Library, Scan.Get_Token_Location);
+ Set_Library_Directory (Library, Null_Identifier);
+ Set_Identifier (Library, Ident);
+ if Load_Library (Library) = False then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("cannot find resource library """
+ & Name_Table.Image (Ident) & """", Loc);
+ end if;
+ Set_Visible_Flag (Library, True);
+ Set_Chain (Libraries_Chain_Last, Library);
+ Libraries_Chain_Last := Library;
+ return Library;
+ end Get_Library;
+ -- Return TRUE if LIBRARY_UNIT and UNIT have identifiers for the same
+ -- design unit identifier.
+ -- eg: 'entity A' and 'package A' returns TRUE.
+ function Is_Same_Library_Unit (Library_Unit, Unit: Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ Entity_Name1, Entity_Name2: Name_Id;
+ Library_Unit_Kind, Unit_Kind : Iir_Kind;
+ begin
+ if Get_Identifier (Unit) /= Get_Identifier (Library_Unit) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Library_Unit_Kind := Get_Kind (Library_Unit);
+ Unit_Kind := Get_Kind (Unit);
+ -- Package and package body are never the same library unit.
+ if Library_Unit_Kind = Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ and then Unit_Kind = Iir_Kind_Package_Body
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Unit_Kind = Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ and then Library_Unit_Kind = Iir_Kind_Package_Body
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- Two architecture declarations are identical only if they also have
+ -- the same entity name.
+ if Unit_Kind = Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ and then Library_Unit_Kind = Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ then
+ Entity_Name1 := Get_Identifier (Get_Entity (Unit));
+ Entity_Name2 := Get_Identifier (Get_Entity (Library_Unit));
+ if Entity_Name1 /= Entity_Name2 then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- An architecture declaration never conflits with a library unit that
+ -- is not an architecture declaration.
+ if (Unit_Kind = Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ and then Library_Unit_Kind /= Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration)
+ or else
+ (Unit_Kind /= Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ and then Library_Unit_Kind = Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration)
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end Is_Same_Library_Unit;
+ procedure Free_Dependence_List (Design : Iir_Design_Unit)
+ is
+ List : Iir_List;
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ List := Get_Dependence_List (Design);
+ if List /= Null_Iir_List then
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Iirs_Utils.Free_Recursive (El);
+ end loop;
+ Destroy_Iir_List (List);
+ end if;
+ end Free_Dependence_List;
+ procedure Free_Design_Unit (Design_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit)
+ is
+ Lib : Iir;
+ Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Dep_List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Dep_List := Get_Dependence_List (Design_Unit);
+ Destroy_Iir_List (Dep_List);
+ Lib := Get_Library_Unit (Design_Unit);
+ if Lib /= Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Kind (Lib) = Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ then
+ Unit := Get_Default_Configuration_Declaration (Lib);
+ if Unit /= Null_Iir then
+ Free_Design_Unit (Unit);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Iirs_Utils.Free_Old_Iir (Lib);
+ end Free_Design_Unit;
+ procedure Remove_Unit_From_File
+ (Unit_Ref : Iir_Design_Unit; File : Iir_Design_File)
+ is
+ Prev : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Unit, Next : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ begin
+ Prev := Null_Iir;
+ Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (File);
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ Next := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ if Unit = Unit_Ref then
+ if Prev = Null_Iir then
+ Set_First_Design_Unit (File, Next);
+ else
+ Set_Chain (Prev, Next);
+ end if;
+ if Next = Null_Iir then
+ Set_Last_Design_Unit (File, Prev);
+ end if;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Prev := Unit;
+ Unit := Next;
+ end loop;
+ -- Not found.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end Remove_Unit_From_File;
+ -- Last design_file used. Kept to speed-up operations.
+ Last_Design_File : Iir_Design_File := Null_Iir;
+ -- Add or replace a design unit in the working library.
+ procedure Add_Design_Unit_Into_Library (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit)
+ is
+ Design_File: Iir_Design_File;
+ Design_Unit, Prev_Design_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Last_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Library_Unit: Iir;
+ New_Library_Unit: Iir;
+ Unit_Id : Name_Id;
+ Date: Date_Type;
+ New_Lib_Time_Stamp : Time_Stamp_Id;
+ Id : Hash_Id;
+ -- File name and dir name of DECL.
+ File_Name : Name_Id;
+ Dir_Name : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (Get_Chain (Unit) = Null_Iir);
+ if Get_Date_State (Unit) /= Date_Extern then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Mark this design unit as being loaded.
+ New_Library_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ Unit_Id := Get_Identifier (New_Library_Unit);
+ -- Set the date of the design unit as the most recently analyzed
+ -- design unit.
+ case Get_Date (Unit) is
+ when Date_Parsed =>
+ Set_Date_State (Unit, Date_Parse);
+ when Date_Analyzed =>
+ Date := Get_Date (Work_Library) + 1;
+ Set_Date (Unit, Date);
+ Set_Date (Work_Library, Date);
+ Set_Date_State (Unit, Date_Analyze);
+ when Date_Valid =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ -- Set file time stamp.
+ declare
+ File : Source_File_Entry;
+ Pos : Source_Ptr;
+ begin
+ Files_Map.Location_To_File_Pos (Get_Location (New_Library_Unit),
+ File, Pos);
+ New_Lib_Time_Stamp := Files_Map.Get_File_Time_Stamp (File);
+ File_Name := Files_Map.Get_File_Name (File);
+ Image (File_Name);
+ if Files_Map.Is_Absolute_Pathname (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length))
+ then
+ Dir_Name := Null_Identifier;
+ else
+ Dir_Name := Files_Map.Get_Home_Directory;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ -- Try to find a design unit with the same name in the work library.
+ Id := Get_Hash_Id_For_Unit (Unit);
+ Design_Unit := Unit_Hash_Table (Id);
+ Prev_Design_Unit := Null_Iir;
+ while Design_Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ Design_File := Get_Design_File (Design_Unit);
+ Library_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Design_Unit);
+ if Get_Identifier (Design_Unit) = Unit_Id
+ and then Get_Library (Design_File) = Work_Library
+ and then Is_Same_Library_Unit (New_Library_Unit, Library_Unit)
+ then
+ -- LIBRARY_UNIT and UNIT designate the same design unit.
+ -- Remove the old one.
+ Set_Date (Design_Unit, Date_Obsolete);
+ declare
+ Next_Design : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Remove DESIGN_UNIT from the unit_hash.
+ Next_Design := Get_Hash_Chain (Design_Unit);
+ if Prev_Design_Unit = Null_Iir then
+ Unit_Hash_Table (Id) := Next_Design;
+ else
+ Set_Hash_Chain (Prev_Design_Unit, Next_Design);
+ end if;
+ -- Remove DESIGN_UNIT from the design_file.
+ Remove_Unit_From_File (Design_Unit, Design_File);
+ end;
+ -- UNIT *must* replace library_unit if they don't belong
+ -- to the same file.
+ if Get_Design_File_Filename (Design_File) = File_Name
+ and then Get_Design_File_Directory (Design_File) = Dir_Name
+ then
+ -- In the same file.
+ if Get_Date_State (Design_Unit) = Date_Analyze then
+ -- Warns only if we are not re-analyzing the file.
+ if Flags.Warn_Library then
+ Warning_Msg_Sem
+ ("redefinition of a library unit in "
+ & "same design file:", Unit);
+ Warning_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Library_Unit) & " defined at "
+ & Disp_Location (Library_Unit) & " is now "
+ & Disp_Node (New_Library_Unit), Unit);
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- Free the stub.
+ Free_Design_Unit (Design_Unit);
+ end if;
+ -- Note: the current design unit should not be freed if
+ -- in use; unfortunatly, this is not obvious to check.
+ else
+ if Flags.Warn_Library then
+ if Get_Kind (Library_Unit) /= Get_Kind (New_Library_Unit)
+ then
+ Warning_Msg ("changing definition of a library unit:");
+ Warning_Msg (Disp_Node (Library_Unit) & " is now "
+ & Disp_Node (New_Library_Unit));
+ end if;
+ Warning_Msg
+ ("library unit '"
+ & Iirs_Utils.Image_Identifier (Library_Unit)
+ & "' was also defined in file '"
+ & Image (Get_Design_File_Filename (Design_File))
+ & ''');
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ Prev_Design_Unit := Design_Unit;
+ Design_Unit := Get_Hash_Chain (Design_Unit);
+ end loop;
+ -- Try to find the design file in the library.
+ -- First try the last one found.
+ if Last_Design_File /= Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Library (Last_Design_File) = Work_Library
+ and then Get_Design_File_Filename (Last_Design_File) = File_Name
+ and then Get_Design_File_Directory (Last_Design_File) = Dir_Name
+ then
+ Design_File := Last_Design_File;
+ else
+ -- Search.
+ Design_File := Get_Design_File_Chain (Work_Library);
+ while Design_File /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Get_Design_File_Filename (Design_File) = File_Name
+ and then Get_Design_File_Directory (Design_File) = Dir_Name
+ then
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ Design_File := Get_Chain (Design_File);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ if Design_File /= Null_Iir
+ and then not Files_Map.Is_Eq (New_Lib_Time_Stamp,
+ Get_File_Time_Stamp (Design_File))
+ then
+ -- FIXME: this test is not enough: what about reanalyzing
+ -- unmodified files (this works only because the order is not
+ -- changed).
+ -- Design file is updated.
+ -- Outdate all other units, overwrite the design_file.
+ Set_File_Time_Stamp (Design_File, New_Lib_Time_Stamp);
+ Design_Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (Design_File);
+ while Design_Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Design_Unit /= Unit then
+ -- Mark other design unit as obsolete.
+ Set_Date (Design_Unit, Date_Obsolete);
+ Remove_Unit_Hash (Design_Unit);
+ else
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Design_Unit := Get_Chain (Design_Unit);
+ end loop;
+ Set_First_Design_Unit (Design_File, Null_Iir);
+ Set_Last_Design_Unit (Design_File, Null_Iir);
+ end if;
+ if Design_File = Null_Iir then
+ -- This is the first apparition of the design file.
+ Design_File := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Design_File);
+ Location_Copy (Design_File, Unit);
+ Set_Design_File_Filename (Design_File, File_Name);
+ Set_Design_File_Directory (Design_File, Dir_Name);
+ Set_File_Time_Stamp (Design_File, New_Lib_Time_Stamp);
+ Set_Parent (Design_File, Work_Library);
+ Set_Chain (Design_File, Get_Design_File_Chain (Work_Library));
+ Set_Design_File_Chain (Work_Library, Design_File);
+ end if;
+ Last_Unit := Get_Last_Design_Unit (Design_File);
+ if Last_Unit = Null_Iir then
+ if Get_First_Design_Unit (Design_File) /= Null_Iir then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Set_First_Design_Unit (Design_File, Unit);
+ else
+ if Get_First_Design_Unit (Design_File) = Null_Iir then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Set_Chain (Last_Unit, Unit);
+ end if;
+ Set_Last_Design_Unit (Design_File, Unit);
+ Set_Design_File (Unit, Design_File);
+ -- Add DECL in unit hash table.
+ Set_Hash_Chain (Unit, Unit_Hash_Table (Id));
+ Unit_Hash_Table (Id) := Unit;
+ -- Update the analyzed time stamp.
+ Set_Analysis_Time_Stamp (Design_File, Files_Map.Get_Os_Time_Stamp);
+ end Add_Design_Unit_Into_Library;
+ procedure Add_Design_File_Into_Library (File : in out Iir_Design_File)
+ is
+ Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Next_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ First_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ begin
+ Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (File);
+ First_Unit := Unit;
+ Set_First_Design_Unit (File, Null_Iir);
+ Set_Last_Design_Unit (File, Null_Iir);
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ Next_Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ Set_Chain (Unit, Null_Iir);
+ Libraries.Add_Design_Unit_Into_Library (Unit);
+ Unit := Next_Unit;
+ end loop;
+ if First_Unit /= Null_Iir then
+ File := Get_Design_File (Unit);
+ end if;
+ end Add_Design_File_Into_Library;
+ -- Save the file map of library LIBRARY.
+ procedure Save_Library (Library: Iir_Library_Declaration) is
+ File: File_Type;
+ Design_File: Iir_Design_File;
+ Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Library_Unit: Iir;
+ Dir : Name_Id;
+ Off, Line: Natural;
+ Pos: Source_Ptr;
+ Source_File : Source_File_Entry;
+ begin
+ -- FIXME: directory
+ declare
+ use Files_Map;
+ File_Name: String := Image (Work_Directory)
+ & Back_End.Library_To_File_Name (Library);
+ begin
+ Create (File, Out_File, File_Name);
+ exception
+ when Use_Error =>
+ Open (File, Out_File, File_Name);
+ when Name_Error =>
+ Error_Msg ("cannot create library file """ & File_Name & """");
+ raise Option_Error;
+ end;
+ -- Header: version.
+ Put_Line (File, "v 3");
+ Design_File := Get_Design_File_Chain (Library);
+ while Design_File /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Design_File = Std_Package.Std_Standard_File then
+ goto Continue;
+ end if;
+ Design_Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (Design_File);
+ if Design_Unit /= Null_Iir then
+ Put (File, "file ");
+ Dir := Get_Design_File_Directory (Design_File);
+ if Dir = Null_Identifier then
+ -- Absolute filenames.
+ Put (File, "/");
+ elsif Work_Directory = Name_Nil
+ and then Dir = Files_Map.Get_Home_Directory
+ then
+ -- If the library is in the current directory, do not write
+ -- it. This allows to move the library file.
+ Put (File, ".");
+ else
+ Image (Dir);
+ Put (File, """");
+ Put (File, Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length));
+ Put (File, """");
+ end if;
+ Put (File, " """);
+ Image (Get_Design_File_Filename (Design_File));
+ Put (File, Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length));
+ Put (File, """ """);
+ Put (File, Files_Map.Get_Time_Stamp_String
+ (Get_File_Time_Stamp (Design_File)));
+ Put (File, """ """);
+ Put (File, Files_Map.Get_Time_Stamp_String
+ (Get_Analysis_Time_Stamp (Design_File)));
+ Put_Line (File, """:");
+ end if;
+ while Design_Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ Library_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Design_Unit);
+ Put (File, " ");
+ case Get_Kind (Library_Unit) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
+ Put (File, "entity ");
+ Put (File, Iirs_Utils.Image_Identifier (Library_Unit));
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ Put (File, "architecture ");
+ Put (File, Iirs_Utils.Image_Identifier (Library_Unit));
+ Put (File, " of ");
+ Put (File, Iirs_Utils.Image_Identifier
+ (Get_Entity (Library_Unit)));
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ Put (File, "package ");
+ Put (File, Iirs_Utils.Image_Identifier (Library_Unit));
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
+ Put (File, "package body ");
+ Put (File, Iirs_Utils.Image_Identifier (Library_Unit));
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
+ Put (File, "configuration ");
+ Put (File, Iirs_Utils.Image_Identifier (Library_Unit));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("save_library", Library_Unit);
+ end case;
+ if Get_Date_State (Design_Unit) = Date_Disk then
+ Get_Pos_Line_Off (Design_Unit, Pos, Line, Off);
+ else
+ Files_Map.Location_To_Coord (Get_Location (Design_Unit),
+ Source_File, Pos, Line, Off);
+ end if;
+ Put (File, " at");
+ Put (File, Natural'Image (Line));
+ Put (File, "(");
+ Put (File, Source_Ptr'Image (Pos));
+ Put (File, ") +");
+ Put (File, Natural'Image (Off));
+ Put (File, " on");
+ case Get_Date (Design_Unit) is
+ when Date_Valid
+ | Date_Analyzed
+ | Date_Parsed =>
+ Put (File, Date_Type'Image (Get_Date (Design_Unit)));
+ when others =>
+ Put_Line (Date_Type'Image (Get_Date (Design_Unit)));
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ if Get_Kind (Library_Unit) = Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ and then Get_Need_Body (Library_Unit)
+ then
+ Put (File, " body");
+ end if;
+ Put_Line (File, ";");
+ Design_Unit := Get_Chain (Design_Unit);
+ end loop;
+ << Continue >> null;
+ Design_File := Get_Chain (Design_File);
+ end loop;
+ Close (File);
+ end Save_Library;
+ -- Save the map of the work library.
+ procedure Save_Work_Library is
+ begin
+ Save_Library (Work_Library);
+ end Save_Work_Library;
+ -- Return the name of the latest architecture analysed for an entity.
+ function Get_Latest_Architecture (Entity: Iir_Entity_Declaration)
+ return Iir_Architecture_Declaration
+ is
+ Entity_Id : Name_Id;
+ Lib : Iir_Library_Declaration;
+ Design_File: Iir_Design_File;
+ Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Library_Unit: Iir;
+ Res: Iir_Design_Unit;
+ begin
+ -- FIXME: use hash
+ Entity_Id := Get_Identifier (Entity);
+ Lib := Get_Library (Get_Design_File (Get_Design_Unit (Entity)));
+ Design_File := Get_Design_File_Chain (Lib);
+ Res := Null_Iir;
+ while Design_File /= Null_Iir loop
+ Design_Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (Design_File);
+ while Design_Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ Library_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Design_Unit);
+ if Get_Kind (Library_Unit) = Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ and then Get_Identifier (Get_Entity (Library_Unit)) = Entity_Id
+ then
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Res := Design_Unit;
+ elsif Get_Date (Design_Unit) > Get_Date (Res) then
+ Res := Design_Unit;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Design_Unit := Get_Chain (Design_Unit);
+ end loop;
+ Design_File := Get_Chain (Design_File);
+ end loop;
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ else
+ return Get_Library_Unit (Res);
+ end if;
+ end Get_Latest_Architecture;
+ function Load_File (File : Source_File_Entry) return Iir_Design_File
+ is
+ Res : Iir_Design_File;
+ begin
+ Scan.Set_File (File);
+ Res := Parse.Parse_Design_File;
+ Scan.Close_File;
+ if Res /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Parent (Res, Work_Library);
+ Set_Design_File_Filename (Res, Files_Map.Get_File_Name (File));
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Load_File;
+ -- parse a file.
+ -- Return a design_file without putting it into the library
+ -- (because it was not semantized).
+ function Load_File (File_Name: Name_Id) return Iir_Design_File
+ is
+ Fe : Source_File_Entry;
+ begin
+ Fe := Files_Map.Load_Source_File (Local_Directory, File_Name);
+ if Fe = No_Source_File_Entry then
+ Error_Msg_Option ("cannot open " & Image (File_Name));
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ return Load_File (Fe);
+ end Load_File;
+ function Find_Design_Unit (Unit : Iir) return Iir_Design_Unit is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Unit) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit =>
+ return Unit;
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ declare
+ Lib : Iir_Library_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Lib := Get_Library (Get_Identifier (Get_Prefix (Unit)),
+ Get_Location (Unit));
+ return Find_Primary_Unit (Lib, Get_Suffix_Identifier (Unit));
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity =>
+ declare
+ Prim : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ begin
+ Prim := Find_Design_Unit (Get_Entity (Unit));
+ if Prim = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ return Find_Secondary_Unit
+ (Prim, Get_Identifier (Get_Architecture (Unit)));
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("find_design_unit", Unit);
+ end case;
+ end Find_Design_Unit;
+ function Is_Obsolete (Design_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit; Loc : Iir)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ procedure Error_Obsolete (Msg : String) is
+ begin
+ if not Flags.Flag_Elaborate_With_Outdated then
+ Error_Msg_Sem (Msg, Loc);
+ end if;
+ end Error_Obsolete;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ El : Iir;
+ Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ U_Ts : Time_Stamp_Id;
+ Du_Ts : Time_Stamp_Id;
+ begin
+ if Get_Date (Design_Unit) = Date_Obsolete then
+ Error_Obsolete (Disp_Node (Design_Unit) & " is obsolete");
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ List := Get_Dependence_List (Design_Unit);
+ if List = Null_Iir_List then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Du_Ts := Get_Analysis_Time_Stamp (Get_Design_File (Design_Unit));
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Unit := Find_Design_Unit (El);
+ if Unit /= Null_Iir then
+ U_Ts := Get_Analysis_Time_Stamp (Get_Design_File (Unit));
+ if Files_Map.Is_Gt (U_Ts, Du_Ts) then
+ Error_Obsolete
+ (Disp_Node (Design_Unit) & " is obsoleted by " &
+ Disp_Node (Unit));
+ return True;
+ elsif Is_Obsolete (Unit, Loc) then
+ Error_Obsolete
+ (Disp_Node (Design_Unit) & " depends on obsolete unit");
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return False;
+ end Is_Obsolete;
+ procedure Load_Parse_Design_Unit (Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit; Loc : Iir)
+ is
+ use Scan;
+ Line, Off: Natural;
+ Pos: Source_Ptr;
+ Res: Iir;
+ Library : Iir_Library_Declaration;
+ Design_File : Iir_Design_File;
+ Fe : Source_File_Entry;
+ begin
+ if Get_Date_State (Design_Unit) /= Date_Disk then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Load and parse the unit.
+ Design_File := Get_Design_File (Design_Unit);
+ Library := Get_Library (Design_File);
+ Fe := Files_Map.Load_Source_File
+ (Get_Design_File_Directory (Design_File),
+ Get_Design_File_Filename (Design_File));
+ if Fe = No_Source_File_Entry then
+ Error_Msg
+ ("cannot load " & Disp_Node (Get_Library_Unit (Design_Unit)));
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ Set_File (Fe);
+ if not Files_Map.Is_Eq
+ (Files_Map.Get_File_Time_Stamp (Get_Current_Source_File),
+ Get_File_Time_Stamp (Design_File))
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("file " & Image (Get_Design_File_Filename (Design_File))
+ & " has changed and must be reanalysed", Loc);
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ elsif Get_Date (Design_Unit) = Date_Obsolete then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (''' & Disp_Node (Get_Library_Unit (Design_Unit))
+ & "' is not anymore in the file",
+ Design_Unit);
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ Get_Pos_Line_Off (Design_Unit, Pos, Line, Off);
+ Files_Map.File_Add_Line_Number (Get_Current_Source_File, Line, Pos);
+ Set_Current_Position (Pos + Source_Ptr (Off));
+ Res := Parse.Parse_Design_Unit;
+ Close_File;
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ Set_Date_State (Design_Unit, Date_Parse);
+ -- FIXME: check the library unit read is the one expected.
+ -- Copy node.
+ Iirs_Utils.Free_Recursive (Get_Library_Unit (Design_Unit));
+ Set_Library_Unit (Design_Unit, Get_Library_Unit (Res));
+ Set_Design_Unit (Get_Library_Unit (Res), Design_Unit);
+ Set_Parent (Get_Library_Unit (Res), Design_Unit);
+ Set_Context_Items (Design_Unit, Get_Context_Items (Res));
+ Location_Copy (Design_Unit, Res);
+ Free_Dependence_List (Design_Unit);
+ Set_Dependence_List (Design_Unit, Get_Dependence_List (Res));
+ Set_Dependence_List (Res, Null_Iir_List);
+ Free_Iir (Res);
+ end Load_Parse_Design_Unit;
+ -- Load, parse, semantize, back-end a design_unit if necessary.
+ procedure Load_Design_Unit (Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit; Loc : Iir) is
+ begin
+ if Get_Date_State (Design_Unit) = Date_Disk then
+ Load_Parse_Design_Unit (Design_Unit, Loc);
+ end if;
+ if Get_Date_State (Design_Unit) = Date_Parse then
+ -- Analyze the design unit.
+ if Get_Date (Design_Unit) = Date_Analyzed then
+ -- Work-around for an internal check in sem.
+ -- FIXME: to be removed ?
+ Set_Date (Design_Unit, Date_Parsed);
+ end if;
+ -- Avoid infinite recursion, if the unit is self-referenced.
+ Set_Date_State (Design_Unit, Date_Analyze);
+ Sem_Scopes.Push_Interpretations;
+ Back_End.Finish_Compilation (Design_Unit);
+ Sem_Scopes.Pop_Interpretations;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Date (Design_Unit) is
+ when Date_Parsed =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Date_Analyzing =>
+ -- Self-referenced unit.
+ return;
+ when Date_Analyzed =>
+ -- FIXME: Accept it silently ?
+ -- Note: this is used when Flag_Elaborate_With_Outdated is set.
+ -- This is also used by anonymous configuration declaration.
+ null;
+ when Date_Uptodate =>
+ return;
+ when Date_Valid =>
+ null;
+ when Date_Obsolete =>
+ if not Flags.Flag_Elaborate_With_Outdated then
+ Error_Msg_Sem (Disp_Node (Design_Unit) & " is obsolete", Loc);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ if not Flags.Flag_Elaborate_With_Outdated
+ and then Is_Obsolete (Design_Unit, Loc)
+ then
+ Set_Date (Design_Unit, Date_Obsolete);
+ end if;
+ end Load_Design_Unit;
+ -- Return the declaration of primary unit NAME of LIBRARY.
+ function Find_Primary_Unit
+ (Library: Iir_Library_Declaration; Name: Name_Id)
+ return Iir_Design_Unit
+ is
+ Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ begin
+ Unit := Unit_Hash_Table (Name mod Unit_Hash_Length);
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Get_Identifier (Unit) = Name
+ and then Get_Library (Get_Design_File (Unit)) = Library
+ then
+ case Get_Kind (Get_Library_Unit (Unit)) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
+ -- Only return a primary unit.
+ return Unit;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ Unit := Get_Hash_Chain (Unit);
+ end loop;
+ -- The primary unit is not in the library, return null.
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end Find_Primary_Unit;
+ function Load_Primary_Unit
+ (Library: Iir_Library_Declaration; Name: Name_Id; Loc : Iir)
+ return Iir_Design_Unit
+ is
+ Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit;
+ begin
+ Design_Unit := Find_Primary_Unit (Library, Name);
+ if Design_Unit /= Null_Iir then
+ Load_Design_Unit (Design_Unit, Loc);
+ end if;
+ return Design_Unit;
+ end Load_Primary_Unit;
+ -- Return the declaration of secondary unit NAME for PRIMARY, or null if
+ -- not found.
+ function Find_Secondary_Unit (Primary: Iir_Design_Unit; Name: Name_Id)
+ return Iir_Design_Unit
+ is
+ Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Library_Unit: Iir;
+ Primary_Ident: Name_Id;
+ Ident: Name_Id;
+ Lib_Prim : Iir;
+ begin
+ Lib_Prim := Get_Library (Get_Design_File (Primary));
+ Primary_Ident := Get_Identifier (Get_Library_Unit (Primary));
+ Design_Unit := Unit_Hash_Table (Primary_Ident mod Unit_Hash_Length);
+ while Design_Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ Library_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Design_Unit);
+ -- The secondary is always in the same library as the primary.
+ if Get_Library (Get_Design_File (Design_Unit)) = Lib_Prim then
+ -- Set design_unit to null iff this is not the correct
+ -- design unit.
+ case Get_Kind (Library_Unit) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ -- The entity field can be either an identifier (if the
+ -- library unit was not loaded) or an access to the entity
+ -- unit.
+ Ident := Get_Identifier (Get_Entity (Library_Unit));
+ if Ident = Primary_Ident
+ and then Get_Identifier (Library_Unit) = Name
+ then
+ return Design_Unit;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
+ if Name = Null_Identifier
+ and then Get_Identifier (Library_Unit) = Primary_Ident
+ then
+ return Design_Unit;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ Design_Unit := Get_Hash_Chain (Design_Unit);
+ end loop;
+ -- The architecture or the body is not in the library, return null.
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end Find_Secondary_Unit;
+ -- Load an secondary unit and analyse it.
+ function Load_Secondary_Unit
+ (Primary: Iir_Design_Unit; Name: Name_Id; Loc : Iir)
+ return Iir_Design_Unit
+ is
+ Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit;
+ begin
+ Design_Unit := Find_Secondary_Unit (Primary, Name);
+ if Design_Unit /= Null_Iir then
+ Load_Design_Unit (Design_Unit, Loc);
+ end if;
+ return Design_Unit;
+ end Load_Secondary_Unit;
+end Libraries;
diff --git a/libraries.ads b/libraries.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cb988d655
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+-- VHDL libraries handling.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Types; use Types;
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+with Std_Names;
+package Libraries is
+ -- This package defines the library manager.
+ -- The purpose of the library manager is to associate library logical names
+ -- with host-dependent library.
+ --
+ -- In this implementation a host-dependent library is a file, whose name
+ -- is logical name of the library with the extension '.cf'. This file
+ -- contains the name and the position (filename, line, column and offset)
+ -- of all library unit of the library.
+ --
+ -- The working library WORK can be aliased with a ressource library,
+ -- they share the same host-dependenet library whose name is the name
+ -- of the ressource library. This is done by load_work_library.
+ -- Location for a command line.
+ Command_Line_Location : Location_Type;
+ -- Library declaration for the std library.
+ -- This is also the first library of the libraries chain.
+ Std_Library : Iir_Library_Declaration := Null_Iir;
+ -- Library declaration for the work library.
+ -- Note: the identifier of the work_library is work_library_name, which
+ -- may be different from 'WORK'.
+ Work_Library: Iir_Library_Declaration;
+ -- Name of the WORK library.
+ Work_Library_Name : Name_Id := Std_Names.Name_Work;
+ -- Directory of the work library.
+ -- Set by default by INIT_PATHES to the local directory.
+ Work_Directory : Name_Id;
+ -- Local (current) directory.
+ Local_Directory : Name_Id;
+ -- Initialize library pathes table.
+ -- Set the local path.
+ procedure Init_Pathes;
+ -- Add PATH in the search path.
+ procedure Add_Library_Path (Path : String);
+ -- Get the number of path in the search pathes.
+ function Get_Nbr_Pathes return Natural;
+ -- Get path N.
+ function Get_Path (N : Natural) return Name_Id;
+ -- Set PATH as the path of the work library.
+ procedure Set_Work_Library_Path (Path : String);
+ -- Set the name of the work library, load the work library.
+ -- Note: the scanner shouldn't be in use, since this function uses it.
+ -- If EMPTY is set, the work library is just created and not loaded.
+ procedure Load_Work_Library (Empty : Boolean := False);
+ -- Initialize the library manager and load the STD library.
+ -- If BUILD_STANDARD is false, the std.standard library is not created.
+ procedure Load_Std_Library (Build_Standard : Boolean := True);
+ -- Save the work library as a host-dependent library.
+ procedure Save_Work_Library;
+ -- Start the analyse a file (ie load and parse it).
+ -- The file is read from the current directory (unless FILE_NAME is an
+ -- absolute path).
+ -- Emit an error if the file cannot be opened.
+ -- Return NULL_IIR in case of parse error.
+ function Load_File (File_Name: Name_Id) return Iir_Design_File;
+ function Load_File (File : Source_File_Entry) return Iir_Design_File;
+ -- Load, parse, semantize, back-end a design_unit if necessary.
+ -- Check Design_Unit is not obsolete.
+ -- LOC is the location where the design unit was needed, in case of error.
+ procedure Load_Design_Unit (Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit; Loc : Iir);
+ -- Load and parse DESIGN_UNIT.
+ -- Contrary to Load_Design_Unit, the design_unit is not analyzed.
+ -- Also, the design_unit must not have been already loaded.
+ -- Used almost only by Load_Design_Unit.
+ procedure Load_Parse_Design_Unit (Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit; Loc : Iir);
+ -- Remove the same file as DESIGN_FILE from work library and all of its
+ -- units.
+ procedure Purge_Design_File (Design_File : Iir_Design_File);
+ -- Just return the design_unit for NAME, or NULL if not found.
+ function Find_Primary_Unit
+ (Library: Iir_Library_Declaration; Name: Name_Id)
+ return Iir_Design_Unit;
+ -- Load an already analyzed primary unit NAME from library LIBRARY
+ -- and compile it.
+ -- Return NULL_IIR if not found (ie, NAME does not correspond to a
+ -- library unit identifier).
+ function Load_Primary_Unit
+ (Library: Iir_Library_Declaration; Name: Name_Id; Loc : Iir)
+ return Iir_Design_Unit;
+ -- Find the secondary unit of PRIMARY.
+ -- If PRIMARY is a package declaration, returns the package body,
+ -- If PRIMARY is an entity declaration, returns the architecture NAME.
+ -- Return NULL_IIR if not found.
+ function Find_Secondary_Unit (Primary: Iir_Design_Unit; Name: Name_Id)
+ return Iir_Design_Unit;
+ -- Load an secondary unit of primary unit PRIMARY and analyse it.
+ -- NAME must be set only for an architecture.
+ function Load_Secondary_Unit
+ (Primary: Iir_Design_Unit; Name: Name_Id; Loc : Iir)
+ return Iir_Design_Unit;
+ -- Get or create a library from an identifier.
+ -- LOC is used only to report errors.
+ function Get_Library (Ident : Name_Id; Loc : Location_Type)
+ return Iir_Library_Declaration;
+ -- Add or replace an design unit in the work library.
+ -- DECL must not have a chain (because it may be modified).
+ --
+ -- If the design_file of UNIT is not already in the library, a new one
+ -- is created.
+ --
+ -- Units are always appended to the design_file. Therefore, the order is
+ -- kept.
+ procedure Add_Design_Unit_Into_Library (Unit : in Iir_Design_Unit);
+ -- Put all design_units of FILE into the work library, by calling
+ -- Add_Design_Unit_Into_Library.
+ -- FILE is updated since it may changed (FILE is never put in the library,
+ -- a new one is created).
+ procedure Add_Design_File_Into_Library (File : in out Iir_Design_File);
+ -- Return the latest architecture analysed for entity ENTITY.
+ function Get_Latest_Architecture (Entity: Iir_Entity_Declaration)
+ return Iir_Architecture_Declaration;
+ -- Return the design unit (stubed if not loaded) from UNIT.
+ -- UNIT may be either a design unit, in this case UNIT is returned,
+ -- or a selected name, in this case the prefix is a library name and
+ -- the suffix a primary design unit name,
+ -- or an entity_aspect_entity to designate an architectrure.
+ -- Return null_iir if the design unit is not found.
+ function Find_Design_Unit (Unit : Iir) return Iir_Design_Unit;
+end Libraries;
diff --git a/libraries/Makefile.inc b/libraries/Makefile.inc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e1557c603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/Makefile.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+# -*- Makefile -*- for the VHDL libraries.
+# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307, USA.
+# Variable to be defined:
+# LIB93_DIR
+# LIB87_DIR
+# LN
+# CP
+# Note: the source files are analyzed in the LIBxx_DIR. So LIBSRC_DIR must be
+# relative to the target directory.
+STD_SRCS := std/textio.vhdl std/textio_body.vhdl
+IEEE_SRCS := ieee/std_logic_1164.vhdl ieee/std_logic_1164_body.vhdl \
+ ieee/numeric_bit.vhdl ieee/numeric_bit-body.vhdl \
+ ieee/numeric_std.vhdl ieee/numeric_std-body.vhdl
+MATH_SRCS := ieee/math_real.vhdl ieee/math_real-body.vhdl \
+ ieee/math_complex.vhdl ieee/math_complex-body.vhdl
+VITAL95_BSRCS := vital95/vital_timing.vhdl vital95/vital_timing_body.vhdl \
+ vital95/vital_primitives.vhdl vital95/vital_primitives_body.vhdl
+VITAL2000_BSRCS := vital2000/timing_p.vhdl vital2000/timing_b.vhdl \
+ vital2000/prmtvs_p.vhdl vital2000/prmtvs_b.vhdl \
+ vital2000/memory_p.vhdl vital2000/memory_b.vhdl
+SYNOPSYS_BSRCS := synopsys/std_logic_arith.vhdl \
+ synopsys/std_logic_textio.vhdl synopsys/std_logic_unsigned.vhdl \
+ synopsys/std_logic_signed.vhdl \
+ synopsys/std_logic_misc.vhdl synopsys/std_logic_misc-body.vhdl
+MENTOR_BSRCS := mentor/std_logic_arith.vhdl mentor/std_logic_arith_body.vhdl
+STD87_BSRCS := $(STD_SRCS:.vhdl=.v87)
+STD93_BSRCS := $(STD_SRCS:.vhdl=.v93)
+IEEE87_BSRCS := $(IEEE_SRCS:.vhdl=.v87)
+IEEE93_BSRCS := $(IEEE_SRCS:.vhdl=.v93) $(MATH_SRCS)
+.PREFIXES: .vhdl .v93 .v87
+%.v93: %.vhdl
+ sed -e '/--V87/s/^/ --/' < $< > $@
+%.v87: %.vhdl
+ sed -e '/--V93/s/^/ --/' -e '/--START-V93/,/--END-V93/s/^/--/' \
+ < $< > $@
+ANALYZE93:=$(ANALYZE) --std=93
+ANALYZE87:=$(ANALYZE) --std=87
+STD87_SRCS=$(addprefix $(LIBSRC_DIR)/,$(STD87_BSRCS))
+STD93_SRCS=$(addprefix $(LIBSRC_DIR)/,$(STD93_BSRCS))
+IEEE93_SRCS=$(addprefix $(LIBSRC_DIR)/,$(IEEE93_BSRCS))
+IEEE87_SRCS=$(addprefix $(LIBSRC_DIR)/,$(IEEE87_BSRCS))
+MENTOR93_SRCS=$(addprefix $(LIBSRC_DIR)/,$(MENTOR93_BSRCS))
+VITAL95_SRCS=$(addprefix $(LIBSRC_DIR)/,$(VITAL95_BSRCS))
+VITAL2000_SRCS=$(addprefix $(LIBSRC_DIR)/,$(VITAL2000_BSRCS))
+std.v93: $(LIB93_DIR) $(STD93_SRCS) force
+ $(RM) -rf $(STD93_DIR)
+ mkdir $(STD93_DIR)
+ prev=`pwd`; cd $(STD93_DIR); \
+ for i in $(STD93_SRCS); do \
+ echo $$i; \
+ $(ANALYZE93) --bootstrap --work=std $(REL_DIR)/$$i || exit 1; \
+ done; \
+ cd $$prev
+ANALYZE_IEEE93=$(ANALYZE93) -P../std --work=ieee
+ieee.v93: $(LIB93_DIR) $(IEEE93_SRCS) force
+ $(RM) -rf $(IEEE93_DIR)
+ mkdir $(IEEE93_DIR)
+ prev=`pwd`; cd $(IEEE93_DIR); \
+ for i in $(IEEE93_BSRCS) $(VITAL2000_BSRCS); do \
+ cmd="$(ANALYZE_IEEE93) $(REL_DIR)/$(LIBSRC_DIR)/$$i"; \
+ echo $$cmd; eval $$cmd || exit 1; \
+ done; \
+ cd $$prev
+synopsys.v93: $(LIB93_DIR) $(SYNOPSYS_SRCS) force
+ $(RM) -rf $(SYN93_DIR)
+ mkdir $(SYN93_DIR)
+ prev=`pwd`; cd $(SYN93_DIR); \
+ $(CP) ../ieee/ieee-obj93.cf .; \
+ for i in $(IEEE_SRCS) $(VITAL2000_SRCS); do \
+ b=`basename $$i .vhdl`; $(LN) ../ieee/$$b.o $$b.o || exit 1; \
+ done; \
+ for i in $(SYNOPSYS93_BSRCS); do \
+ cmd="$(ANALYZE_IEEE93) $(REL_DIR)/$(LIBSRC_DIR)/$$i"; \
+ echo $$cmd; eval $$cmd || exit 1; \
+ done; \
+ cd $$prev
+mentor.v93: $(LIB93_DIR) $(MENTOR93_SRCS) force
+ $(RM) -rf $(MENTOR93_DIR)
+ mkdir $(MENTOR93_DIR)
+ prev=`pwd`; cd $(MENTOR93_DIR); \
+ $(CP) ../ieee/ieee-obj93.cf . ;\
+ for i in $(IEEE_SRCS) $(VITAL2000_SRCS); do \
+ b=`basename $$i .vhdl`; $(LN) ../ieee/$$b.o $$b.o || exit 1; \
+ done ; \
+ for i in $(MENTOR93_BSRCS); do \
+ cmd="$(ANALYZE_IEEE93) $(REL_DIR)/$(LIBSRC_DIR)/$$i";\
+ echo $$cmd; eval $$cmd || exit 1; \
+ done
+std.v87: $(LIB87_DIR) $(STD87_SRCS) force
+ $(RM) -rf $(STD87_DIR)
+ mkdir $(STD87_DIR)
+ prev=`pwd`; cd $(STD87_DIR); \
+ for i in $(STD87_SRCS); do \
+ echo $$i; \
+ $(ANALYZE87) --bootstrap --work=std $(REL_DIR)/$$i || exit 1; \
+ done; \
+ cd $$prev
+ANALYZE_IEEE87=$(ANALYZE87) -P../std --work=ieee
+ieee.v87: $(LIB87_DIR) $(IEEE87_SRCS) force
+ $(RM) -rf $(IEEE87_DIR)
+ mkdir $(IEEE87_DIR)
+ prev=`pwd`; cd $(IEEE87_DIR); \
+ for i in $(IEEE87_BSRCS) $(VITAL95_BSRCS); do \
+ cmd="$(ANALYZE_IEEE87) $(REL_DIR)/$(LIBSRC_DIR)/$$i";\
+ echo $$cmd; eval $$cmd || exit 1; \
+ done; \
+ cd $$prev
+synopsys.v87: $(LIB87_DIR) $(SYNOPSYS_SRCS) force
+ $(RM) -rf $(SYN87_DIR)
+ mkdir $(SYN87_DIR)
+ prev=`pwd`; cd $(SYN87_DIR); \
+ $(CP) ../ieee/ieee-obj87.cf . ; \
+ for i in $(IEEE_SRCS) $(VITAL95_SRCS); do \
+ b=`basename $$i .vhdl`; $(LN) ../ieee/$$b.o $$b.o || exit 1; \
+ done; \
+ for i in $(SYNOPSYS87_BSRCS); do \
+ cmd="$(ANALYZE_IEEE87) $(REL_DIR)/$(LIBSRC_DIR)/$$i";\
+ echo $$cmd; eval $$cmd || exit 1; \
+ done; \
+ cd $$prev
diff --git a/libraries/README b/libraries/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d569a25a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/README
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+VHDL libraries.
+* Filename convention:
+For a package XXXX, the file containing the declaration must be named XXXX.vhdl
+and the file containing the body must be named XXXX-body.vhdl
+Note: this is not completly followed!
+* Using Vhdl-87 or Vhdl-93:
+Lines that must be compiled only for vhdl-87 must have a --V87 comment at the
+end, lines for vhdl-93 must a a --V93 comment.
+ procedure readline (variable f: in text; l: out line) --V87
+ procedure readline (file f: text; l: out line) --V93
+For group of lines that must be compiled only for vhdl-93 (such as xnor
+functions), use this:
+ --START-V93
+ ...[lines to compile only with vhdl-93]...
+ --END-V93
+Makefile rules create .v87 and .v93 files from .vhdl files, and compile them
+with the correct version.
+# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
diff --git a/libraries/ieee/math_complex-body.vhdl b/libraries/ieee/math_complex-body.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b8b75ad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/ieee/math_complex-body.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+-- This source file may be used and distributed without restriction.
+-- No declarations or definitions shall be included in this package.
+-- This package cannot be sold or distributed for profit.
+-- ****************************************************************
+-- * *
+-- * W A R N I N G *
+-- * *
+-- * This DRAFT version IS NOT endorsed or approved by IEEE *
+-- * *
+-- ****************************************************************
+-- Purpose: VHDL declarations for mathematical package MATH_COMPLEX
+-- which contains common complex constants and basic complex
+-- functions and operations.
+-- Author: IEEE VHDL Math Package Study Group
+-- Notes:
+-- The package body uses package IEEE.MATH_REAL
+-- The package body shall be considered the formal definition of
+-- the semantics of this package. Tool developers may choose to implement
+-- the package body in the most efficient manner available to them.
+-- Source code for this package body comes from the following
+-- following sources:
+-- IEEE VHDL Math Package Study Group participants,
+-- U. of Mississippi, Mentor Graphics, Synopsys,
+-- Viewlogic/Vantage, Communications of the ACM (June 1988, Vol
+-- 31, Number 6, pp. 747, Pierre L'Ecuyer, Efficient and Portable
+-- Random Number Generators, Handbook of Mathematical Functions
+-- by Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun (Dover).
+-- History:
+-- Version 0.1 Jose A. Torres 4/23/93 First draft
+-- Version 0.2 Jose A. Torres 5/28/93 Fixed potentially illegal code
+Library IEEE;
+Use IEEE.MATH_REAL.all; -- real trascendental operations
+Package body MATH_COMPLEX is
+ function CABS(Z: in complex ) return real is
+ -- returns absolute value (magnitude) of Z
+ variable ztemp : complex_polar;
+ begin
+ ztemp := COMPLEX_TO_POLAR(Z);
+ return ztemp.mag;
+ end CABS;
+ function CARG(Z: in complex ) return real is
+ -- returns argument (angle) in radians of a complex number
+ variable ztemp : complex_polar;
+ begin
+ ztemp := COMPLEX_TO_POLAR(Z);
+ return ztemp.arg;
+ end CARG;
+ function CMPLX(X: in real; Y: in real := 0.0 ) return complex is
+ -- returns complex number X + iY
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'(X, Y);
+ end CMPLX;
+ function "-" (Z: in complex ) return complex is
+ -- unary minus; returns -x -jy for z= x + jy
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'(-z.Re, -z.Im);
+ end "-";
+ function "-" (Z: in complex_polar ) return complex_polar is
+ -- unary minus; returns (z.mag, z.arg + MATH_PI)
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX_POLAR'(z.mag, z.arg + MATH_PI);
+ end "-";
+ function CONJ (Z: in complex) return complex is
+ -- returns complex conjugate (x-jy for z = x+ jy)
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'(z.Re, -z.Im);
+ end CONJ;
+ function CONJ (Z: in complex_polar) return complex_polar is
+ -- returns complex conjugate (z.mag, -z.arg)
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX_POLAR'(z.mag, -z.arg);
+ end CONJ;
+ function CSQRT(Z: in complex ) return complex_vector is
+ -- returns square root of Z; 2 values
+ variable ztemp : complex_polar;
+ variable zout : complex_vector (0 to 1);
+ variable temp : real;
+ begin
+ ztemp := COMPLEX_TO_POLAR(Z);
+ temp := SQRT(ztemp.mag);
+ zout(0).re := temp*COS(ztemp.arg/2.0);
+ zout(0).im := temp*SIN(ztemp.arg/2.0);
+ zout(1).re := temp*COS(ztemp.arg/2.0 + MATH_PI);
+ zout(1).im := temp*SIN(ztemp.arg/2.0 + MATH_PI);
+ return zout;
+ end CSQRT;
+ function CEXP(Z: in complex ) return complex is
+ -- returns e**Z
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'(EXP(Z.re)*COS(Z.im), EXP(Z.re)*SIN(Z.im));
+ end CEXP;
+ function COMPLEX_TO_POLAR(Z: in complex ) return complex_polar is
+ -- converts complex to complex_polar
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX_POLAR'(sqrt(z.re**2 + z.im**2),atan2(z.re,z.im));
+ function POLAR_TO_COMPLEX(Z: in complex_polar ) return complex is
+ -- converts complex_polar to complex
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'( z.mag*cos(z.arg), z.mag*sin(z.arg) );
+ --
+ -- arithmetic operators
+ --
+ function "+" ( L: in complex; R: in complex ) return complex is
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'(L.Re + R.Re, L.Im + R.Im);
+ end "+";
+ function "+" (L: in complex_polar; R: in complex_polar) return complex is
+ variable zL, zR : complex;
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'(zL.Re + zR.Re, zL.Im + zR.Im);
+ end "+";
+ function "+" ( L: in complex_polar; R: in complex ) return complex is
+ variable zL : complex;
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'(zL.Re + R.Re, zL.Im + R.Im);
+ end "+";
+ function "+" ( L: in complex; R: in complex_polar) return complex is
+ variable zR : complex;
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'(L.Re + zR.Re, L.Im + zR.Im);
+ end "+";
+ function "+" ( L: in real; R: in complex ) return complex is
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'(L + R.Re, R.Im);
+ end "+";
+ function "+" ( L: in complex; R: in real ) return complex is
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'(L.Re + R, L.Im);
+ end "+";
+ function "+" ( L: in real; R: in complex_polar) return complex is
+ variable zR : complex;
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'(L + zR.Re, zR.Im);
+ end "+";
+ function "+" ( L: in complex_polar; R: in real) return complex is
+ variable zL : complex;
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'(zL.Re + R, zL.Im);
+ end "+";
+ function "-" ( L: in complex; R: in complex ) return complex is
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'(L.Re - R.Re, L.Im - R.Im);
+ end "-";
+ function "-" ( L: in complex_polar; R: in complex_polar) return complex is
+ variable zL, zR : complex;
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'(zL.Re - zR.Re, zL.Im - zR.Im);
+ end "-";
+ function "-" ( L: in complex_polar; R: in complex ) return complex is
+ variable zL : complex;
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'(zL.Re - R.Re, zL.Im - R.Im);
+ end "-";
+ function "-" ( L: in complex; R: in complex_polar) return complex is
+ variable zR : complex;
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'(L.Re - zR.Re, L.Im - zR.Im);
+ end "-";
+ function "-" ( L: in real; R: in complex ) return complex is
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'(L - R.Re, -1.0 * R.Im);
+ end "-";
+ function "-" ( L: in complex; R: in real ) return complex is
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'(L.Re - R, L.Im);
+ end "-";
+ function "-" ( L: in real; R: in complex_polar) return complex is
+ variable zR : complex;
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'(L - zR.Re, -1.0*zR.Im);
+ end "-";
+ function "-" ( L: in complex_polar; R: in real) return complex is
+ variable zL : complex;
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'(zL.Re - R, zL.Im);
+ end "-";
+ function "*" ( L: in complex; R: in complex ) return complex is
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'(L.Re * R.Re - L.Im * R.Im, L.Re * R.Im + L.Im * R.Re);
+ end "*";
+ function "*" ( L: in complex_polar; R: in complex_polar) return complex is
+ variable zout : complex_polar;
+ begin
+ zout.mag := L.mag * R.mag;
+ zout.arg := L.arg + R.arg;
+ return POLAR_TO_COMPLEX(zout);
+ end "*";
+ function "*" ( L: in complex_polar; R: in complex ) return complex is
+ variable zL : complex;
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'(zL.Re*R.Re - zL.Im * R.Im, zL.Re * R.Im + zL.Im*R.Re);
+ end "*";
+ function "*" ( L: in complex; R: in complex_polar) return complex is
+ variable zR : complex;
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'(L.Re*zR.Re - L.Im * zR.Im, L.Re * zR.Im + L.Im*zR.Re);
+ end "*";
+ function "*" ( L: in real; R: in complex ) return complex is
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'(L * R.Re, L * R.Im);
+ end "*";
+ function "*" ( L: in complex; R: in real ) return complex is
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'(L.Re * R, L.Im * R);
+ end "*";
+ function "*" ( L: in real; R: in complex_polar) return complex is
+ variable zR : complex;
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'(L * zR.Re, L * zR.Im);
+ end "*";
+ function "*" ( L: in complex_polar; R: in real) return complex is
+ variable zL : complex;
+ begin
+ return COMPLEX'(zL.Re * R, zL.Im * R);
+ end "*";
+ function "/" ( L: in complex; R: in complex ) return complex is
+ variable magrsq : REAL := R.Re ** 2 + R.Im ** 2;
+ begin
+ if (magrsq = 0.0) then
+ assert FALSE report "Attempt to divide by (0,0)"
+ severity ERROR;
+ else
+ return COMPLEX'( (L.Re * R.Re + L.Im * R.Im) / magrsq,
+ (L.Im * R.Re - L.Re * R.Im) / magrsq);
+ end if;
+ end "/";
+ function "/" ( L: in complex_polar; R: in complex_polar) return complex is
+ variable zout : complex_polar;
+ begin
+ if (R.mag = 0.0) then
+ assert FALSE report "Attempt to divide by (0,0)"
+ severity ERROR;
+ else
+ zout.mag := L.mag/R.mag;
+ zout.arg := L.arg - R.arg;
+ return POLAR_TO_COMPLEX(zout);
+ end if;
+ end "/";
+ function "/" ( L: in complex_polar; R: in complex ) return complex is
+ variable zL : complex;
+ variable temp : REAL := R.Re ** 2 + R.Im ** 2;
+ begin
+ if (temp = 0.0) then
+ assert FALSE report "Attempt to divide by (0.0,0.0)"
+ severity ERROR;
+ else
+ return COMPLEX'( (zL.Re * R.Re + zL.Im * R.Im) / temp,
+ (zL.Im * R.Re - zL.Re * R.Im) / temp);
+ end if;
+ end "/";
+ function "/" ( L: in complex; R: in complex_polar) return complex is
+ variable zR : complex := POLAR_TO_COMPLEX( R );
+ variable temp : REAL := zR.Re ** 2 + zR.Im ** 2;
+ begin
+ if (R.mag = 0.0) or (temp = 0.0) then
+ assert FALSE report "Attempt to divide by (0.0,0.0)"
+ severity ERROR;
+ else
+ return COMPLEX'( (L.Re * zR.Re + L.Im * zR.Im) / temp,
+ (L.Im * zR.Re - L.Re * zR.Im) / temp);
+ end if;
+ end "/";
+ function "/" ( L: in real; R: in complex ) return complex is
+ variable temp : REAL := R.Re ** 2 + R.Im ** 2;
+ begin
+ if (temp = 0.0) then
+ assert FALSE report "Attempt to divide by (0.0,0.0)"
+ severity ERROR;
+ else
+ temp := L / temp;
+ return COMPLEX'( temp * R.Re, -temp * R.Im );
+ end if;
+ end "/";
+ function "/" ( L: in complex; R: in real ) return complex is
+ begin
+ if (R = 0.0) then
+ assert FALSE report "Attempt to divide by (0.0,0.0)"
+ severity ERROR;
+ else
+ return COMPLEX'(L.Re / R, L.Im / R);
+ end if;
+ end "/";
+ function "/" ( L: in real; R: in complex_polar) return complex is
+ variable zR : complex := POLAR_TO_COMPLEX( R );
+ variable temp : REAL := zR.Re ** 2 + zR.Im ** 2;
+ begin
+ if (R.mag = 0.0) or (temp = 0.0) then
+ assert FALSE report "Attempt to divide by (0.0,0.0)"
+ severity ERROR;
+ else
+ temp := L / temp;
+ return COMPLEX'( temp * zR.Re, -temp * zR.Im );
+ end if;
+ end "/";
+ function "/" ( L: in complex_polar; R: in real) return complex is
+ variable zL : complex := POLAR_TO_COMPLEX( L );
+ begin
+ if (R = 0.0) then
+ assert FALSE report "Attempt to divide by (0.0,0.0)"
+ severity ERROR;
+ else
+ return COMPLEX'(zL.Re / R, zL.Im / R);
+ end if;
+ end "/";
diff --git a/libraries/ieee/math_complex.vhdl b/libraries/ieee/math_complex.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f9376bfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/ieee/math_complex.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+-- This source file may be used and distributed without restriction.
+-- No declarations or definitions shall be included in this package.
+-- This package cannot be sold or distributed for profit.
+-- ****************************************************************
+-- * *
+-- * W A R N I N G *
+-- * *
+-- * This DRAFT version IS NOT endorsed or approved by IEEE *
+-- * *
+-- ****************************************************************
+-- Purpose: VHDL declarations for mathematical package MATH_COMPLEX
+-- which contains common complex constants and basic complex
+-- functions and operations.
+-- Author: IEEE VHDL Math Package Study Group
+-- Notes:
+-- The package body uses package IEEE.MATH_REAL
+-- The package body shall be considered the formal definition of
+-- the semantics of this package. Tool developers may choose to implement
+-- the package body in the most efficient manner available to them.
+-- History:
+-- Version 0.1 (Strawman) Jose A. Torres 6/22/92
+-- Version 0.2 Jose A. Torres 1/15/93
+-- Version 0.3 Jose A. Torres 4/13/93
+-- Version 0.4 Jose A. Torres 4/19/93
+-- Version 0.5 Jose A. Torres 4/20/93
+-- Version 0.6 Jose A. Torres 4/23/93 Added unary minus
+-- and CONJ for polar
+-- Version 0.7 Jose A. Torres 5/28/93 Rev up for compatibility
+-- with package body.
+Library IEEE;
+Package MATH_COMPLEX is
+ type COMPLEX is record RE, IM: real; end record;
+ type COMPLEX_VECTOR is array (integer range <>) of COMPLEX;
+ type COMPLEX_POLAR is record MAG: real; ARG: real; end record;
+ constant CBASE_1: complex := COMPLEX'(1.0, 0.0);
+ constant CBASE_j: complex := COMPLEX'(0.0, 1.0);
+ constant CZERO: complex := COMPLEX'(0.0, 0.0);
+ function CABS(Z: in complex ) return real;
+ -- returns absolute value (magnitude) of Z
+ function CARG(Z: in complex ) return real;
+ -- returns argument (angle) in radians of a complex number
+ function CMPLX(X: in real; Y: in real:= 0.0 ) return complex;
+ -- returns complex number X + iY
+ function "-" (Z: in complex ) return complex;
+ -- unary minus
+ function "-" (Z: in complex_polar ) return complex_polar;
+ -- unary minus
+ function CONJ (Z: in complex) return complex;
+ -- returns complex conjugate
+ function CONJ (Z: in complex_polar) return complex_polar;
+ -- returns complex conjugate
+ function CSQRT(Z: in complex ) return complex_vector;
+ -- returns square root of Z; 2 values
+ function CEXP(Z: in complex ) return complex;
+ -- returns e**Z
+ function COMPLEX_TO_POLAR(Z: in complex ) return complex_polar;
+ -- converts complex to complex_polar
+ function POLAR_TO_COMPLEX(Z: in complex_polar ) return complex;
+ -- converts complex_polar to complex
+ -- arithmetic operators
+ function "+" ( L: in complex; R: in complex ) return complex;
+ function "+" ( L: in complex_polar; R: in complex_polar) return complex;
+ function "+" ( L: in complex_polar; R: in complex ) return complex;
+ function "+" ( L: in complex; R: in complex_polar) return complex;
+ function "+" ( L: in real; R: in complex ) return complex;
+ function "+" ( L: in complex; R: in real ) return complex;
+ function "+" ( L: in real; R: in complex_polar) return complex;
+ function "+" ( L: in complex_polar; R: in real) return complex;
+ function "-" ( L: in complex; R: in complex ) return complex;
+ function "-" ( L: in complex_polar; R: in complex_polar) return complex;
+ function "-" ( L: in complex_polar; R: in complex ) return complex;
+ function "-" ( L: in complex; R: in complex_polar) return complex;
+ function "-" ( L: in real; R: in complex ) return complex;
+ function "-" ( L: in complex; R: in real ) return complex;
+ function "-" ( L: in real; R: in complex_polar) return complex;
+ function "-" ( L: in complex_polar; R: in real) return complex;
+ function "*" ( L: in complex; R: in complex ) return complex;
+ function "*" ( L: in complex_polar; R: in complex_polar) return complex;
+ function "*" ( L: in complex_polar; R: in complex ) return complex;
+ function "*" ( L: in complex; R: in complex_polar) return complex;
+ function "*" ( L: in real; R: in complex ) return complex;
+ function "*" ( L: in complex; R: in real ) return complex;
+ function "*" ( L: in real; R: in complex_polar) return complex;
+ function "*" ( L: in complex_polar; R: in real) return complex;
+ function "/" ( L: in complex; R: in complex ) return complex;
+ function "/" ( L: in complex_polar; R: in complex_polar) return complex;
+ function "/" ( L: in complex_polar; R: in complex ) return complex;
+ function "/" ( L: in complex; R: in complex_polar) return complex;
+ function "/" ( L: in real; R: in complex ) return complex;
+ function "/" ( L: in complex; R: in real ) return complex;
+ function "/" ( L: in real; R: in complex_polar) return complex;
+ function "/" ( L: in complex_polar; R: in real) return complex;
diff --git a/libraries/ieee/math_real-body.vhdl b/libraries/ieee/math_real-body.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1473f6787
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/ieee/math_real-body.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+-- This source file may be used and distributed without restriction.
+-- No declarations or definitions shall be added to this package.
+-- This package cannot be sold or distributed for profit.
+-- ****************************************************************
+-- * *
+-- * W A R N I N G *
+-- * *
+-- * This DRAFT version IS NOT endorsed or approved by IEEE *
+-- * *
+-- ****************************************************************
+-- Library: This package shall be compiled into a library
+-- symbolically named IEEE.
+-- Purpose: VHDL declarations for mathematical package MATH_REAL
+-- which contains common real constants, common real
+-- functions, and real trascendental functions.
+-- Author: IEEE VHDL Math Package Study Group
+-- Notes:
+-- The package body shall be considered the formal definition of
+-- the semantics of this package. Tool developers may choose to implement
+-- the package body in the most efficient manner available to them.
+-- Source code and algorithms for this package body comes from the
+-- following sources:
+-- IEEE VHDL Math Package Study Group participants,
+-- U. of Mississippi, Mentor Graphics, Synopsys,
+-- Viewlogic/Vantage, Communications of the ACM (June 1988, Vol
+-- 31, Number 6, pp. 747, Pierre L'Ecuyer, Efficient and Portable
+-- Random Number Generators), Handbook of Mathematical Functions
+-- by Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun (Dover).
+-- History:
+-- Version 0.1 Jose A. Torres 4/23/93 First draft
+-- Version 0.2 Jose A. Torres 5/28/93 Fixed potentially illegal code
+-- GHDL history
+-- 2005-04-07 Initial version.
+Library IEEE;
+Package body MATH_REAL is
+ --
+ -- non-trascendental functions
+ --
+ function SIGN (X: real ) return real is
+ -- returns 1.0 if X > 0.0; 0.0 if X == 0.0; -1.0 if X < 0.0
+ begin
+ assert false severity failure;
+ end SIGN;
+ function CEIL (X : real ) return real is
+ begin
+ assert false severity failure;
+ end CEIL;
+ function FLOOR (X : real ) return real is
+ begin
+ assert false severity failure;
+ end FLOOR;
+ function ROUND (X : real ) return real is
+ begin
+ assert false severity failure;
+ end ROUND;
+ function FMAX (X, Y : real ) return real is
+ begin
+ assert false severity failure;
+ end FMAX;
+ function FMIN (X, Y : real ) return real is
+ begin
+ assert false severity failure;
+ end FMIN;
+ --
+ -- Pseudo-random number generators
+ --
+ procedure UNIFORM(variable Seed1,Seed2:inout integer;variable X:out real) is
+ -- returns a pseudo-random number with uniform distribution in the
+ -- interval (0.0, 1.0).
+ -- Before the first call to UNIFORM, the seed values (Seed1, Seed2) must
+ -- be initialized to values in the range [1, 2147483562] and
+ -- [1, 2147483398] respectively. The seed values are modified after
+ -- each call to UNIFORM.
+ -- This random number generator is portable for 32-bit computers, and
+ -- it has period ~2.30584*(10**18) for each set of seed values.
+ --
+ -- For VHDL-1992, the seeds will be global variables, functions to
+ -- initialize their values (INIT_SEED) will be provided, and the UNIFORM
+ -- procedure call will be modified accordingly.
+ variable z, k: integer;
+ begin
+ k := Seed1/53668;
+ Seed1 := 40014 * (Seed1 - k * 53668) - k * 12211;
+ if Seed1 < 0 then
+ Seed1 := Seed1 + 2147483563;
+ end if;
+ k := Seed2/52774;
+ Seed2 := 40692 * (Seed2 - k * 52774) - k * 3791;
+ if Seed2 < 0 then
+ Seed2 := Seed2 + 2147483399;
+ end if;
+ z := Seed1 - Seed2;
+ if z < 1 then
+ z := z + 2147483562;
+ end if;
+ X := REAL(Z)*4.656613e-10;
+ end UNIFORM;
+ function SRAND (seed: in integer ) return integer is
+ begin
+ assert false severity failure;
+ end SRAND;
+ function RAND return integer is
+ begin
+ assert false severity failure;
+ end RAND;
+ function GET_RAND_MAX return integer is
+ -- The value this function returns should be the same as
+ -- RAND_MAX in /usr/include/stdlib.h
+ begin
+ assert false
+ report "Be sure to update GET_RAND_MAX in mathpack.vhd"
+ severity note;
+ return 2147483647; -- i386 linux
+ --
+ -- trascendental and trigonometric functions
+ --
+ function c_sqrt (x : real ) return real;
+ attribute foreign of c_sqrt : function is "VHPIDIRECT sqrt";
+ function c_sqrt (x : real ) return real is
+ begin
+ assert false severity failure;
+ end c_sqrt;
+ function SQRT (X : real ) return real is
+ begin
+ -- check validity of argument
+ if ( X < 0.0 ) then
+ assert false report "X < 0 in SQRT(X)"
+ severity ERROR;
+ return (0.0);
+ end if;
+ return c_sqrt(X);
+ end SQRT;
+ function CBRT (X : real ) return real is
+ begin
+ assert false severity failure;
+ end CBRT;
+ function "**" (X : integer; Y : real) return real is
+ -- returns Y power of X ==> X**Y;
+ -- error if X = 0 and Y <= 0.0
+ -- error if X < 0 and Y does not have an integer value
+ begin
+ -- check validity of argument
+ if ( X = 0 ) and ( Y <= 0.0 ) then
+ assert false report "X = 0 and Y <= 0.0 in X**Y"
+ severity ERROR;
+ return (0.0);
+ end if;
+ if ( X < 0 ) and ( Y /= REAL(INTEGER(Y)) ) then
+ assert false
+ report "X < 0 and Y \= integer in X**Y"
+ severity ERROR;
+ return (0.0);
+ end if;
+ -- compute the result
+ return EXP (Y * LOG (REAL(X)));
+ end "**";
+ function "**" (X : real; Y : real) return real is
+ -- returns Y power of X ==> X**Y;
+ -- error if X = 0.0 and Y <= 0.0
+ -- error if X < 0.0 and Y does not have an integer value
+ begin
+ -- check validity of argument
+ if ( X = 0.0 ) and ( Y <= 0.0 ) then
+ assert false report "X = 0.0 and Y <= 0.0 in X**Y"
+ severity ERROR;
+ return (0.0);
+ end if;
+ if ( X < 0.0 ) and ( Y /= REAL(INTEGER(Y)) ) then
+ assert false report "X < 0.0 and Y \= integer in X**Y"
+ severity ERROR;
+ return (0.0);
+ end if;
+ -- compute the result
+ return EXP (Y * LOG (X));
+ end "**";
+ function EXP (X : real ) return real is
+ begin
+ assert false severity failure;
+ end EXP;
+ function c_log (x : real ) return real;
+ attribute foreign of c_log : function is "VHPIDIRECT log";
+ function c_log (x : real ) return real is
+ begin
+ assert false severity failure;
+ end c_log;
+ function LOG (X : real ) return real is
+ -- returns natural logarithm of X; X > 0
+ --
+ -- This function computes the exponential using the following series:
+ -- log(x) = 2[ (x-1)/(x+1) + (((x-1)/(x+1))**3)/3.0 + ...] ; x > 0
+ --
+ begin
+ -- check validity of argument
+ if ( x <= 0.0 ) then
+ assert false report "X <= 0 in LOG(X)"
+ severity ERROR;
+ return(REAL'LOW);
+ end if;
+ return c_log(x);
+ end LOG;
+ function LOG (BASE: positive; X : real) return real is
+ -- returns logarithm base BASE of X; X > 0
+ begin
+ -- check validity of argument
+ if ( BASE <= 0 ) or ( x <= 0.0 ) then
+ assert false report "BASE <= 0 or X <= 0.0 in LOG(BASE, X)"
+ severity ERROR;
+ return(REAL'LOW);
+ end if;
+ -- compute the value
+ return (LOG(X)/LOG(REAL(BASE)));
+ end LOG;
+ function SIN (X : real ) return real is
+ begin
+ assert false severity failure;
+ end SIN;
+ function COS (x : REAL) return REAL is
+ begin
+ assert false severity failure;
+ end COS;
+ function TAN (x : REAL) return REAL is
+ begin
+ assert false severity failure;
+ end TAN;
+ function c_asin (x : real ) return real;
+ attribute foreign of c_asin : function is "VHPIDIRECT asin";
+ function c_asin (x : real ) return real is
+ begin
+ assert false severity failure;
+ end c_asin;
+ function ASIN (x : real ) return real is
+ -- returns -PI/2 < asin X < PI/2; | X | <= 1
+ begin
+ if abs x > 1.0 then
+ assert false
+ report "Out of range parameter passed to ASIN"
+ severity ERROR;
+ return x;
+ else
+ return c_asin(x);
+ end if;
+ end ASIN;
+ function c_acos (x : real ) return real;
+ attribute foreign of c_acos : function is "VHPIDIRECT acos";
+ function c_acos (x : real ) return real is
+ begin
+ assert false severity failure;
+ end c_acos;
+ function ACOS (x : REAL) return REAL is
+ -- returns 0 < acos X < PI; | X | <= 1
+ begin
+ if abs x > 1.0 then
+ assert false
+ report "Out of range parameter passed to ACOS"
+ severity ERROR;
+ return x;
+ else
+ return c_acos(x);
+ end if;
+ end ACOS;
+ function ATAN (x : REAL) return REAL is
+ -- returns -PI/2 < atan X < PI/2
+ begin
+ assert false severity failure;
+ end ATAN;
+ function c_atan2 (x : real; y : real) return real;
+ attribute foreign of c_atan2 : function is "VHPIDIRECT atan2";
+ function c_atan2 (x : real; y: real) return real is
+ begin
+ assert false severity failure;
+ end c_atan2;
+ function ATAN2 (x : REAL; y : REAL) return REAL is
+ -- returns atan (X/Y); -PI < atan2(X,Y) < PI; Y /= 0.0
+ begin
+ if y = 0.0 and x = 0.0 then
+ assert false
+ report "atan2(0.0, 0.0) is undetermined, returned 0,0"
+ severity NOTE;
+ return 0.0;
+ else
+ return c_atan2(x,y);
+ end if;
+ end ATAN2;
+ function SINH (X : real) return real is
+ -- hyperbolic sine; returns (e**X - e**(-X))/2
+ begin
+ assert false severity failure;
+ end SINH;
+ function COSH (X : real) return real is
+ -- hyperbolic cosine; returns (e**X + e**(-X))/2
+ begin
+ assert false severity failure;
+ end COSH;
+ function TANH (X : real) return real is
+ -- hyperbolic tangent; -- returns (e**X - e**(-X))/(e**X + e**(-X))
+ begin
+ assert false severity failure;
+ end TANH;
+ function ASINH (X : real) return real is
+ -- returns ln( X + sqrt( X**2 + 1))
+ begin
+ assert false severity failure;
+ end ASINH;
+ function c_acosh (x : real ) return real;
+ attribute foreign of c_acosh : function is "VHPIDIRECT acosh";
+ function c_acosh (x : real ) return real is
+ begin
+ assert false severity failure;
+ end c_acosh;
+ function ACOSH (X : real) return real is
+ -- returns ln( X + sqrt( X**2 - 1)); X >= 1
+ begin
+ if abs x >= 1.0 then
+ assert false report "Out of range parameter passed to ACOSH"
+ severity ERROR;
+ return x;
+ end if;
+ return c_acosh(x);
+ end ACOSH;
+ function c_atanh (x : real ) return real;
+ attribute foreign of c_atanh : function is "VHPIDIRECT atanh";
+ function c_atanh (x : real ) return real is
+ begin
+ assert false severity failure;
+ end c_atanh;
+ function ATANH (X : real) return real is
+ -- returns (ln( (1 + X)/(1 - X)))/2 ; | X | < 1
+ begin
+ if abs x < 1.0 then
+ assert false report "Out of range parameter passed to ATANH"
+ severity ERROR;
+ return x;
+ end if;
+ return c_atanh(x);
+ end ATANH;
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+-- This source file may be used and distributed without restriction.
+-- No declarations or definitions shall be added to this package.
+-- This package cannot be sold or distributed for profit.
+-- ****************************************************************
+-- * *
+-- * W A R N I N G *
+-- * *
+-- * This DRAFT version IS NOT endorsed or approved by IEEE *
+-- * *
+-- ****************************************************************
+-- Library: This package shall be compiled into a library
+-- symbolically named IEEE.
+-- Purpose: VHDL declarations for mathematical package MATH_REAL
+-- which contains common real constants, common real
+-- functions, and real trascendental functions.
+-- Author: IEEE VHDL Math Package Study Group
+-- Notes:
+-- The package body shall be considered the formal definition of
+-- the semantics of this package. Tool developers may choose to implement
+-- the package body in the most efficient manner available to them.
+-- History:
+-- Version 0.1 (Strawman) Jose A. Torres 6/22/92
+-- Version 0.2 Jose A. Torres 1/15/93
+-- Version 0.3 Jose A. Torres 4/13/93
+-- Version 0.4 Jose A. Torres 4/19/93
+-- Version 0.5 Jose A. Torres 4/20/93 Added RANDOM()
+-- Version 0.6 Jose A. Torres 4/23/93 Renamed RANDOM as
+-- UNIFORM. Modified
+-- rights banner.
+-- Version 0.7 Jose A. Torres 5/28/93 Rev up for compatibility
+-- with package body.
+-- GHDL history
+-- 2005-04-07 Initial version.
+-- 2005-09-01 Some PI constants added.
+Library IEEE;
+Package MATH_REAL is
+ --
+ -- commonly used constants
+ --
+ constant MATH_E : real := 2.71828_18284_59045_23536; -- e
+ constant MATH_1_OVER_E : real := 0.36787_94411_71442_32160; -- 1/e
+ constant MATH_PI : real := 3.14159_26535_89793_23846; -- pi
+ constant MATH_2_PI : real := 2.0 * MATH_PI; -- 2 * pi
+ constant MATH_1_OVER_PI : real := 0.31830_98861_83790_67154; -- 1/pi
+ constant MATH_PI_OVER_2 : real := 1.57079_63267_94896_61923; -- pi / 2
+ constant MATH_PI_OVER_4 : real := 0.78539_81633_97448_30962; -- pi / 4
+ constant MATH_LOG_OF_2 : real := 0.69314_71805_59945_30942;
+ -- natural log of 2
+ constant MATH_LOG_OF_10: real := 2.30258_50929_94045_68402;
+ -- natural log of10
+ constant MATH_LOG2_OF_E: real := 1.44269_50408_88963_4074;
+ -- log base 2 of e
+ constant MATH_LOG10_OF_E: real := 0.43429_44819_03251_82765;
+ -- log base 10 of e
+ constant MATH_SQRT2: real := 1.41421_35623_73095_04880;
+ -- sqrt of 2
+ constant MATH_SQRT1_2: real := 0.70710_67811_86547_52440;
+ -- sqrt of 1/2
+ constant MATH_SQRT_PI: real := 1.77245_38509_05516_02730;
+ -- sqrt of pi
+ constant MATH_DEG_TO_RAD: real := 0.01745_32925_19943_29577;
+ -- conversion factor from degree to radian
+ constant MATH_RAD_TO_DEG: real := 57.29577_95130_82320_87685;
+ -- conversion factor from radian to degree
+ --
+ -- function declarations
+ --
+ function SIGN (X: real ) return real;
+ -- returns 1.0 if X > 0.0; 0.0 if X == 0.0; -1.0 if X < 0.0
+ function CEIL (X : real ) return real;
+ attribute foreign of ceil : function is "VHPIDIRECT ceil";
+ -- returns smallest integer value (as real) not less than X
+ function FLOOR (X : real ) return real;
+ attribute foreign of floor : function is "VHPIDIRECT floor";
+ -- returns largest integer value (as real) not greater than X
+ function ROUND (X : real ) return real;
+ attribute foreign of round : function is "VHPIDIRECT round";
+ -- returns integer FLOOR(X + 0.5) if X > 0;
+ -- return integer CEIL(X - 0.5) if X < 0
+ function FMAX (X, Y : real ) return real;
+ attribute foreign of fmax : function is "VHPIDIRECT fmax";
+ -- returns the algebraically larger of X and Y
+ function FMIN (X, Y : real ) return real;
+ attribute foreign of fmin : function is "VHPIDIRECT fmin";
+ -- returns the algebraically smaller of X and Y
+ procedure UNIFORM (variable Seed1,Seed2:inout integer; variable X:out real);
+ -- returns a pseudo-random number with uniform distribution in the
+ -- interval (0.0, 1.0).
+ -- Before the first call to UNIFORM, the seed values (Seed1, Seed2) must
+ -- be initialized to values in the range [1, 2147483562] and
+ -- [1, 2147483398] respectively. The seed values are modified after
+ -- each call to UNIFORM.
+ -- This random number generator is portable for 32-bit computers, and
+ -- it has period ~2.30584*(10**18) for each set of seed values.
+ --
+ -- For VHDL-1992, the seeds will be global variables, functions to
+ -- initialize their values (INIT_SEED) will be provided, and the UNIFORM
+ -- procedure call will be modified accordingly.
+ function SRAND (seed: in integer ) return integer;
+ attribute foreign of srand : function is "VHPIDIRECT srand";
+ --
+ -- sets value of seed for sequence of
+ -- pseudo-random numbers.
+ -- It uses the foreign native C function srand().
+ function RAND return integer;
+ attribute foreign of rand : function is "VHPIDIRECT rand";
+ --
+ -- returns an integer pseudo-random number with uniform distribution.
+ -- It uses the foreign native C function rand().
+ -- Seed for the sequence is initialized with the
+ -- SRAND() function and value of the seed is changed every
+ -- time SRAND() is called, but it is not visible.
+ -- The range of generated values is platform dependent.
+ function GET_RAND_MAX return integer;
+ --
+ -- returns the upper bound of the range of the
+ -- pseudo-random numbers generated by RAND().
+ -- The support for this function is platform dependent, and
+ -- it uses foreign native C functions or constants.
+ -- It may not be available in some platforms.
+ -- Note: the value of (RAND() / GET_RAND_MAX()) is a
+ -- pseudo-random number distributed between 0 & 1.
+ function SQRT (X : real ) return real;
+ -- returns square root of X; X >= 0
+ function CBRT (X : real ) return real;
+ attribute foreign of cbrt : function is "VHPIDIRECT cbrt";
+ -- returns cube root of X
+ function "**" (X : integer; Y : real) return real;
+ -- returns Y power of X ==> X**Y;
+ -- error if X = 0 and Y <= 0.0
+ -- error if X < 0 and Y does not have an integer value
+ function "**" (X : real; Y : real) return real;
+ -- returns Y power of X ==> X**Y;
+ -- error if X = 0.0 and Y <= 0.0
+ -- error if X < 0.0 and Y does not have an integer value
+ function EXP (X : real ) return real;
+ attribute foreign of exp : function is "VHPIDIRECT exp";
+ -- returns e**X; where e = MATH_E
+ function LOG (X : real ) return real;
+ -- returns natural logarithm of X; X > 0
+ function LOG (BASE: positive; X : real) return real;
+ -- returns logarithm base BASE of X; X > 0
+ function SIN (X : real ) return real;
+ attribute foreign of sin : function is "VHPIDIRECT sin";
+ -- returns sin X; X in radians
+ function COS ( X : real ) return real;
+ attribute foreign of cos : function is "VHPIDIRECT cos";
+ -- returns cos X; X in radians
+ function TAN (X : real ) return real;
+ attribute foreign of tan : function is "VHPIDIRECT tan";
+ -- returns tan X; X in radians
+ -- X /= ((2k+1) * PI/2), where k is an integer
+ function ASIN (X : real ) return real;
+ -- returns -PI/2 < asin X < PI/2; | X | <= 1
+ function ACOS (X : real ) return real;
+ -- returns 0 < acos X < PI; | X | <= 1
+ function ATAN (X : real) return real;
+ attribute foreign of atan : function is "VHPIDIRECT atan";
+ -- returns -PI/2 < atan X < PI/2
+ function ATAN2 (X : real; Y : real) return real;
+ -- returns atan (X/Y); -PI < atan2(X,Y) < PI; Y /= 0.0
+ function SINH (X : real) return real;
+ attribute foreign of sinh : function is "VHPIDIRECT sinh";
+ -- hyperbolic sine; returns (e**X - e**(-X))/2
+ function COSH (X : real) return real;
+ attribute foreign of cosh : function is "VHPIDIRECT cosh";
+ -- hyperbolic cosine; returns (e**X + e**(-X))/2
+ function TANH (X : real) return real;
+ attribute foreign of tanh : function is "VHPIDIRECT tanh";
+ -- hyperbolic tangent; -- returns (e**X - e**(-X))/(e**X + e**(-X))
+ function ASINH (X : real) return real;
+ attribute foreign of asinh : function is "VHPIDIRECT asinh";
+ -- returns ln( X + sqrt( X**2 + 1))
+ function ACOSH (X : real) return real;
+ -- returns ln( X + sqrt( X**2 - 1)); X >= 1
+ function ATANH (X : real) return real;
+ -- returns (ln( (1 + X)/(1 - X)))/2 ; | X | < 1
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+++ b/libraries/ieee/numeric_bit-body.vhdl
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+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Copyright 1995 by IEEE. All rights reserved.
+-- This source file is considered by the IEEE to be an essential part of the use
+-- of the standard 1076.3 and as such may be distributed without change, except
+-- as permitted by the standard. This source file may not be sold or distributed
+-- for profit. This package may be modified to include additional data required
+-- by tools, but must in no way change the external interfaces or simulation
+-- behaviour of the description. It is permissible to add comments and/or
+-- attributes to the package declarations, but not to change or delete any
+-- original lines of the approved package declaration. The package body may be
+-- changed only in accordance with the terms of clauses 7.1 and 7.2 of the
+-- standard.
+-- Title : Standard VHDL Synthesis Package (1076.3, NUMERIC_BIT)
+-- Library : This package shall be compiled into a library symbolically
+-- : named IEEE.
+-- Developers : IEEE DASC Synthesis Working Group, PAR 1076.3
+-- Purpose : This package defines numeric types and arithmetic functions
+-- : for use with synthesis tools. Two numeric types are defined:
+-- : -- > UNSIGNED: represents an UNSIGNED number in vector form
+-- : -- > SIGNED: represents a SIGNED number in vector form
+-- : The base element type is type BIT.
+-- : The leftmost bit is treated as the most significant bit.
+-- : Signed vectors are represented in two's complement form.
+-- : This package contains overloaded arithmetic operators on
+-- : the SIGNED and UNSIGNED types. The package also contains
+-- : useful type conversions functions, clock detection
+-- : functions, and other utility functions.
+-- :
+-- : If any argument to a function is a null array, a null array is
+-- : returned (exceptions, if any, are noted individually).
+-- Limitation :
+-- Note : No declarations or definitions shall be included in,
+-- : or excluded from this package. The "package declaration"
+-- : defines the types, subtypes and declarations of
+-- : NUMERIC_BIT. The NUMERIC_BIT package body shall be
+-- : considered the formal definition of the semantics of
+-- : this package. Tool developers may choose to implement
+-- : the package body in the most efficient manner available
+-- : to them.
+-- :
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Version : 2.4
+-- Date : 12 April 1995
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+--======================= Package Body =========================================
+package body NUMERIC_BIT is
+ -- null range array constants
+ constant NAU: UNSIGNED(0 downto 1) := (others => '0');
+ constant NAS: SIGNED(0 downto 1) := (others => '0');
+ -- implementation controls
+ constant NO_WARNING: BOOLEAN := FALSE; -- default to emit warnings
+ --=========================Local Subprograms =================================
+ function MAX (LEFT, RIGHT: INTEGER) return INTEGER is
+ begin
+ if LEFT > RIGHT then return LEFT;
+ else return RIGHT;
+ end if;
+ end MAX;
+ function MIN (LEFT, RIGHT: INTEGER) return INTEGER is
+ begin
+ if LEFT < RIGHT then return LEFT;
+ else return RIGHT;
+ end if;
+ end MIN;
+ variable NBITS: NATURAL;
+ variable N: NATURAL;
+ begin
+ if ARG >= 0 then
+ N := ARG;
+ else
+ N := -(ARG+1);
+ end if;
+ NBITS := 1;
+ while N > 0 loop
+ N := N / 2;
+ end loop;
+ return NBITS;
+ variable NBITS: NATURAL;
+ variable N: NATURAL;
+ begin
+ N := ARG;
+ NBITS := 1;
+ while N > 1 loop
+ N := N / 2;
+ end loop;
+ return NBITS;
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- this internal function computes the addition of two UNSIGNED
+ -- with input carry
+ -- * the two arguments are of the same length
+ function ADD_UNSIGNED (L, R: UNSIGNED; C: BIT) return UNSIGNED is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ alias XR: UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable RESULT: UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable CBIT: BIT := C;
+ begin
+ for I in 0 to L_LEFT loop
+ RESULT(I) := CBIT xor XL(I) xor XR(I);
+ CBIT := (CBIT and XL(I)) or (CBIT and XR(I)) or (XL(I) and XR(I));
+ end loop;
+ return RESULT;
+ -- this internal function computes the addition of two SIGNED
+ -- with input carry
+ -- * the two arguments are of the same length
+ function ADD_SIGNED (L, R: SIGNED; C: BIT) return SIGNED is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ alias XR: SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable RESULT: SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable CBIT: BIT := C;
+ begin
+ for I in 0 to L_LEFT loop
+ RESULT(I) := CBIT xor XL(I) xor XR(I);
+ CBIT := (CBIT and XL(I)) or (CBIT and XR(I)) or (XL(I) and XR(I));
+ end loop;
+ return RESULT;
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- this internal procedure computes UNSIGNED division
+ -- giving the quotient and remainder.
+ variable TEMP: UNSIGNED(NUM'LENGTH downto 0);
+ variable TOPBIT: INTEGER;
+ begin
+ TEMP := "0"&NUM;
+ QUOT := (others => '0');
+ TOPBIT := -1;
+ for J in DENOM'RANGE loop
+ if DENOM(J)='1' then
+ TOPBIT := J;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ assert TOPBIT >= 0 report "DIV, MOD, or REM by zero" severity ERROR;
+ for J in NUM'LENGTH-(TOPBIT+1) downto 0 loop
+ if TEMP(TOPBIT+J+1 downto J) >= "0"&DENOM(TOPBIT downto 0) then
+ TEMP(TOPBIT+J+1 downto J) := (TEMP(TOPBIT+J+1 downto J))
+ -("0"&DENOM(TOPBIT downto 0));
+ QUOT(J) := '1';
+ end if;
+ assert TEMP(TOPBIT+J+1)='0'
+ report "internal error in the division algorithm"
+ severity ERROR;
+ end loop;
+ end DIVMOD;
+ -----------------Local Subprograms - shift/rotate ops-------------------------
+ constant ARG_L: INTEGER := ARG'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XARG: BIT_VECTOR(ARG_L downto 0) is ARG;
+ variable RESULT: BIT_VECTOR(ARG_L downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ begin
+ if COUNT <= ARG_L then
+ RESULT(ARG_L downto COUNT) := XARG(ARG_L-COUNT downto 0);
+ end if;
+ return RESULT;
+ end XSLL;
+ constant ARG_L: INTEGER := ARG'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XARG: BIT_VECTOR(ARG_L downto 0) is ARG;
+ variable RESULT: BIT_VECTOR(ARG_L downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ begin
+ if COUNT <= ARG_L then
+ RESULT(ARG_L-COUNT downto 0) := XARG(ARG_L downto COUNT);
+ end if;
+ return RESULT;
+ end XSRL;
+ constant ARG_L: INTEGER := ARG'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XARG: BIT_VECTOR(ARG_L downto 0) is ARG;
+ variable RESULT: BIT_VECTOR(ARG_L downto 0);
+ variable XCOUNT: NATURAL := COUNT;
+ begin
+ if ((ARG'LENGTH <= 1) or (XCOUNT = 0)) then return ARG;
+ else
+ if (XCOUNT > ARG_L) then XCOUNT := ARG_L;
+ end if;
+ RESULT(ARG_L-XCOUNT downto 0) := XARG(ARG_L downto XCOUNT);
+ RESULT(ARG_L downto (ARG_L - XCOUNT + 1)) := (others => XARG(ARG_L));
+ end if;
+ return RESULT;
+ end XSRA;
+ constant ARG_L: INTEGER := ARG'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XARG: BIT_VECTOR(ARG_L downto 0) is ARG;
+ variable RESULT: BIT_VECTOR(ARG_L downto 0) := XARG;
+ variable COUNTM: INTEGER;
+ begin
+ COUNTM := COUNT mod (ARG_L + 1);
+ if COUNTM /= 0 then
+ RESULT(ARG_L downto COUNTM) := XARG(ARG_L-COUNTM downto 0);
+ RESULT(COUNTM-1 downto 0) := XARG(ARG_L downto ARG_L-COUNTM+1);
+ end if;
+ return RESULT;
+ end XROL;
+ constant ARG_L: INTEGER := ARG'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XARG: BIT_VECTOR(ARG_L downto 0) is ARG;
+ variable RESULT: BIT_VECTOR(ARG_L downto 0) := XARG;
+ variable COUNTM: INTEGER;
+ begin
+ COUNTM := COUNT mod (ARG_L + 1);
+ if COUNTM /= 0 then
+ RESULT(ARG_L-COUNTM downto 0) := XARG(ARG_L downto COUNTM);
+ RESULT(ARG_L downto ARG_L-COUNTM+1) := XARG(COUNTM-1 downto 0);
+ end if;
+ return RESULT;
+ end XROR;
+ ---------------- Local Subprograms - Relational Operators --------------------
+ -- General "=" for UNSIGNED vectors, same length
+ --
+ function UNSIGNED_EQUAL (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ --
+ -- General "=" for SIGNED vectors, same length
+ --
+ function SIGNED_EQUAL (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ --
+ -- General "<" for UNSIGNED vectors, same length
+ --
+ function UNSIGNED_LESS (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ --
+ -- General "<" function for SIGNED vectors, same length
+ --
+ function SIGNED_LESS (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- Need aliases to assure index direction
+ variable INTERN_L: SIGNED(0 to L'LENGTH-1);
+ variable INTERN_R: SIGNED(0 to R'LENGTH-1);
+ begin
+ INTERN_L := L;
+ INTERN_R := R;
+ INTERN_L(0) := not INTERN_L(0);
+ INTERN_R(0) := not INTERN_R(0);
+ --
+ -- General "<=" function for UNSIGNED vectors, same length
+ --
+ begin
+ return BIT_VECTOR(L) <= BIT_VECTOR(R);
+ --
+ -- General "<=" function for SIGNED vectors, same length
+ --
+ function SIGNED_LESS_OR_EQUAL (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- Need aliases to assure index direction
+ variable INTERN_L: SIGNED(0 to L'LENGTH-1);
+ variable INTERN_R: SIGNED(0 to R'LENGTH-1);
+ begin
+ INTERN_L := L;
+ INTERN_R := R;
+ INTERN_L(0) := not INTERN_L(0);
+ INTERN_R(0) := not INTERN_R(0);
+ --====================== Exported Functions ==================================
+ -- Id: A.1
+ function "abs" (ARG: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: SIGNED(ARG_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ARG'LENGTH < 1 then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ if RESULT(RESULT'LEFT) = '1' then
+ end if;
+ return RESULT;
+ end "abs";
+ -- Id: A.2
+ function "-" (ARG: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ alias XARG: SIGNED(ARG_LEFT downto 0) is ARG;
+ variable RESULT: SIGNED(ARG_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable CBIT: BIT := '1';
+ begin
+ if ARG'LENGTH < 1 then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ for I in 0 to RESULT'LEFT loop
+ RESULT(I) := not(XARG(I)) xor CBIT;
+ CBIT := CBIT and not(XARG(I));
+ end loop;
+ return RESULT;
+ end "-";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: A.3
+ function "+" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ end "+";
+ -- Id: A.4
+ function "+" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ end "+";
+ -- Id: A.5
+ function "+" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return UNSIGNED is
+ begin
+ return L + TO_UNSIGNED(R, L'LENGTH);
+ end "+";
+ -- Id: A.6
+ function "+" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ begin
+ return TO_UNSIGNED(L, R'LENGTH) + R;
+ end "+";
+ -- Id: A.7
+ function "+" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED is
+ begin
+ return L + TO_SIGNED(R, L'LENGTH);
+ end "+";
+ -- Id: A.8
+ function "+" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ begin
+ return TO_SIGNED(L, R'LENGTH) + R;
+ end "+";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: A.9
+ function "-" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ not(RESIZE(R, SIZE)),
+ '1');
+ end "-";
+ -- Id: A.10
+ function "-" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ not(RESIZE(R, SIZE)),
+ '1');
+ end "-";
+ -- Id: A.11
+ function "-" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return UNSIGNED is
+ begin
+ return L - TO_UNSIGNED(R, L'LENGTH);
+ end "-";
+ -- Id: A.12
+ function "-" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ begin
+ return TO_UNSIGNED(L, R'LENGTH) - R;
+ end "-";
+ -- Id: A.13
+ function "-" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED is
+ begin
+ return L - TO_SIGNED(R, L'LENGTH);
+ end "-";
+ -- Id: A.14
+ function "-" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ begin
+ return TO_SIGNED(L, R'LENGTH) - R;
+ end "-";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: A.15
+ function "*" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ alias XR: UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable RESULT: UNSIGNED((L'LENGTH+R'LENGTH-1) downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ variable ADVAL: UNSIGNED((L'LENGTH+R'LENGTH-1) downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ for I in 0 to L_LEFT loop
+ if XL(I)='1' then RESULT := RESULT + ADVAL;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return RESULT;
+ end "*";
+ -- Id: A.16
+ function "*" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ variable XL: SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable XR: SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable RESULT: SIGNED((L_LEFT+R_LEFT+1) downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ variable ADVAL: SIGNED((L_LEFT+R_LEFT+1) downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((L_LEFT < 0) or (R_LEFT < 0)) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ XL := L;
+ XR := R;
+ for I in 0 to L_LEFT-1 loop
+ if XL(I)='1' then RESULT := RESULT + ADVAL;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if XL(L_LEFT)='1' then
+ end if;
+ return RESULT;
+ end "*";
+ -- Id: A.17
+ function "*" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return UNSIGNED is
+ begin
+ return L * TO_UNSIGNED(R, L'LENGTH);
+ end "*";
+ -- Id: A.18
+ function "*" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ begin
+ return TO_UNSIGNED(L, R'LENGTH) * R;
+ end "*";
+ -- Id: A.19
+ function "*" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED is
+ begin
+ return L * TO_SIGNED(R, L'LENGTH);
+ end "*";
+ -- Id: A.20
+ function "*" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ begin
+ return TO_SIGNED(L, R'LENGTH) * R;
+ end "*";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: A.21
+ function "/" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable FQUOT: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable FREMAIN: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ return FQUOT;
+ end "/";
+ -- Id: A.22
+ function "/" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable FQUOT: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable FREMAIN: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable XNUM: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable XDENOM: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable QNEG: BOOLEAN := FALSE;
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ if L(L'LEFT)='1' then
+ else
+ end if;
+ if R(R'LEFT)='1' then
+ QNEG := not QNEG;
+ else
+ end if;
+ if QNEG then FQUOT := "0"-FQUOT;
+ end if;
+ return SIGNED(FQUOT);
+ end "/";
+ -- Id: A.23
+ function "/" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable XR, QUOT: UNSIGNED(R_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ if (R_LENGTH > L'LENGTH) then
+ QUOT := (others => '0');
+ end if;
+ end "/";
+ -- Id: A.24
+ function "/" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable XL, QUOT: UNSIGNED(L_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ and QUOT(L_LENGTH-1 downto R'LENGTH)
+ /= (L_LENGTH-1 downto R'LENGTH => '0')
+ then
+ assert NO_WARNING report "NUMERIC_BIT.""/"": Quotient Truncated"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ end "/";
+ -- Id: A.25
+ function "/" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED is
+ variable XR, QUOT: SIGNED(R_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ if (R_LENGTH > L'LENGTH) then
+ QUOT := (others => '0');
+ end if;
+ end "/";
+ -- Id: A.26
+ function "/" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable XL, QUOT: SIGNED(L_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ /= (L_LENGTH-1 downto R'LENGTH => QUOT(R'LENGTH-1))
+ then
+ assert NO_WARNING report "NUMERIC_BIT.""/"": Quotient Truncated"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ end "/";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: A.27
+ function "rem" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable FQUOT: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable FREMAIN: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ return FREMAIN;
+ end "rem";
+ -- Id: A.28
+ function "rem" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable FQUOT: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable FREMAIN: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable XNUM: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable XDENOM: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable RNEG: BOOLEAN := FALSE;
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ if L(L'LEFT)='1' then
+ else
+ end if;
+ if R(R'LEFT)='1' then
+ else
+ end if;
+ if RNEG then
+ end if;
+ end "rem";
+ -- Id: A.29
+ function "rem" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable XR, XREM: UNSIGNED(R_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ /= (R_LENGTH-1 downto L'LENGTH => '0')
+ then
+ assert NO_WARNING report "NUMERIC_BIT.""rem"": Remainder Truncated"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ end "rem";
+ -- Id: A.30
+ function "rem" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable XL, XREM: UNSIGNED(L_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ /= (L_LENGTH-1 downto R'LENGTH => '0')
+ then
+ assert NO_WARNING report "NUMERIC_BIT.""rem"": Remainder Truncated"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ end "rem";
+ -- Id: A.31
+ function "rem" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED is
+ variable XR, XREM: SIGNED(R_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ /= (R_LENGTH-1 downto L'LENGTH => XREM(L'LENGTH-1))
+ then
+ assert NO_WARNING report "NUMERIC_BIT.""rem"": Remainder Truncated"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ end "rem";
+ -- Id: A.32
+ function "rem" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable XL, XREM: SIGNED(L_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ /= (L_LENGTH-1 downto R'LENGTH => XREM(R'LENGTH-1))
+ then
+ assert NO_WARNING report "NUMERIC_BIT.""rem"": Remainder Truncated"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ end "rem";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: A.33
+ function "mod" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable FQUOT: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable FREMAIN: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ return FREMAIN;
+ end "mod";
+ -- Id: A.34
+ function "mod" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable FQUOT: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable FREMAIN: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable XNUM: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable XDENOM: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable RNEG: BOOLEAN := FALSE;
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ if L(L'LEFT)='1' then
+ else
+ end if;
+ if R(R'LEFT)='1' then
+ else
+ end if;
+ if RNEG and L(L'LEFT)='1' then
+ elsif RNEG and FREMAIN/="0" then
+ elsif L(L'LEFT)='1' and FREMAIN/="0" then
+ end if;
+ end "mod";
+ -- Id: A.35
+ function "mod" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable XR, XREM: UNSIGNED(R_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ /= (R_LENGTH-1 downto L'LENGTH => '0')
+ then
+ assert NO_WARNING report "NUMERIC_BIT.""mod"": modulus Truncated"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ end "mod";
+ -- Id: A.36
+ function "mod" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable XL, XREM: UNSIGNED(L_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ /= (L_LENGTH-1 downto R'LENGTH => '0')
+ then
+ assert NO_WARNING report "NUMERIC_BIT.""mod"": modulus Truncated"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ end "mod";
+ -- Id: A.37
+ function "mod" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED is
+ variable XR, XREM: SIGNED(R_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ /= (R_LENGTH-1 downto L'LENGTH => XREM(L'LENGTH-1))
+ then
+ assert NO_WARNING report "NUMERIC_BIT.""mod"": modulus Truncated"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ end "mod";
+ -- Id: A.38
+ function "mod" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable XL, XREM: SIGNED(L_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ /= (L_LENGTH-1 downto R'LENGTH => XREM(R'LENGTH-1))
+ then
+ assert NO_WARNING report "NUMERIC_BIT.""mod"": modulus Truncated"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ end "mod";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: C.1
+ function ">" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT."">"": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end ">";
+ -- Id: C.2
+ function ">" (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT."">"": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end ">";
+ -- Id: C.3
+ function ">" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT."">"": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if UNSIGNED_NUM_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH then return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ end ">";
+ -- Id: C.4
+ function ">" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT."">"": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if SIGNED_NUM_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH then return L > 0;
+ end if;
+ end ">";
+ -- Id: C.5
+ function ">" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT."">"": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end ">";
+ -- Id: C.6
+ function ">" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT."">"": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if SIGNED_NUM_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH then return 0 > R;
+ end if;
+ end ">";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: C.7
+ function "<" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.""<"": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end "<";
+ -- Id: C.8
+ function "<" (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.""<"": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end "<";
+ -- Id: C.9
+ function "<" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.""<"": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if UNSIGNED_NUM_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH then return L < 0;
+ end if;
+ end "<";
+ -- Id: C.10
+ function "<" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.""<"": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if SIGNED_NUM_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH then return L < 0;
+ end if;
+ end "<";
+ -- Id: C.11
+ function "<" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.""<"": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if UNSIGNED_NUM_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH then return 0 < R;
+ end if;
+ end "<";
+ -- Id: C.12
+ function "<" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.""<"": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if SIGNED_NUM_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH then return 0 < R;
+ end if;
+ end "<";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: C.13
+ function "<=" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.""<="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end "<=";
+ -- Id: C.14
+ function "<=" (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.""<="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end "<=";
+ -- Id: C.15
+ function "<=" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.""<="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if UNSIGNED_NUM_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH then return L < 0;
+ end if;
+ end "<=";
+ -- Id: C.16
+ function "<=" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.""<="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if SIGNED_NUM_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH then return L < 0;
+ end if;
+ end "<=";
+ -- Id: C.17
+ function "<=" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.""<="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if UNSIGNED_NUM_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH then return 0 < R;
+ end if;
+ end "<=";
+ -- Id: C.18
+ function "<=" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.""<="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if SIGNED_NUM_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH then return 0 < R;
+ end if;
+ end "<=";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: C.19
+ function ">=" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT."">="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end ">=";
+ -- Id: C.20
+ function ">=" (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT."">="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end ">=";
+ -- Id: C.21
+ function ">=" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT."">="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if UNSIGNED_NUM_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH then return L > 0;
+ end if;
+ end ">=";
+ -- Id: C.22
+ function ">=" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT."">="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if SIGNED_NUM_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH then return L > 0;
+ end if;
+ end ">=";
+ -- Id: C.23
+ function ">=" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT."">="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if UNSIGNED_NUM_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH then return 0 > R;
+ end if;
+ end ">=";
+ -- Id: C.24
+ function ">=" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT."">="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if SIGNED_NUM_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH then return 0 > R;
+ end if;
+ end ">=";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: C.25
+ function "=" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.""="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end "=";
+ -- Id: C.26
+ function "=" (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.""="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end "=";
+ -- Id: C.27
+ function "=" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.""="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end "=";
+ -- Id: C.28
+ function "=" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.""="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if SIGNED_NUM_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH then return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end "=";
+ -- Id: C.29
+ function "=" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.""="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end "=";
+ -- Id: C.30
+ function "=" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.""="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if SIGNED_NUM_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH then return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end "=";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: C.31
+ function "/=" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.""/="": null argument detected, returning TRUE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ end "/=";
+ -- Id: C.32
+ function "/=" (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.""/="": null argument detected, returning TRUE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ end "/=";
+ -- Id: C.33
+ function "/=" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.""/="": null argument detected, returning TRUE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ if UNSIGNED_NUM_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH then return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ end "/=";
+ -- Id: C.34
+ function "/=" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.""/="": null argument detected, returning TRUE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ if SIGNED_NUM_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH then return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ end "/=";
+ -- Id: C.35
+ function "/=" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.""/="": null argument detected, returning TRUE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ if UNSIGNED_NUM_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH then return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ end "/=";
+ -- Id: C.36
+ function "/=" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.""/="": null argument detected, returning TRUE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ if SIGNED_NUM_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH then return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ end "/=";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: S.1
+ begin
+ if (ARG'LENGTH < 1) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ -- Id: S.2
+ begin
+ if (ARG'LENGTH < 1) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ -- Id: S.3
+ begin
+ if (ARG'LENGTH < 1) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ -- Id: S.4
+ begin
+ if (ARG'LENGTH < 1) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: S.5
+ begin
+ if (ARG'LENGTH < 1) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ -- Id: S.6
+ begin
+ if (ARG'LENGTH < 1) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ -- Id: S.7
+ begin
+ if (ARG'LENGTH < 1) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ -- Id: S.8
+ begin
+ if (ARG'LENGTH < 1) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ --============================================================================
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.9 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.9
+ function "sll" (ARG: UNSIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return UNSIGNED is
+ begin
+ if (COUNT >= 0) then
+ else
+ end if;
+ end "sll";
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.10 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.10
+ function "sll" (ARG: SIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return SIGNED is
+ begin
+ if (COUNT >= 0) then
+ else
+ end if;
+ end "sll";
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.11 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.11
+ function "srl" (ARG: UNSIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return UNSIGNED is
+ begin
+ if (COUNT >= 0) then
+ else
+ end if;
+ end "srl";
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.12 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.12
+ function "srl" (ARG: SIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return SIGNED is
+ begin
+ if (COUNT >= 0) then
+ else
+ end if;
+ end "srl";
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.13 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.13
+ function "rol" (ARG: UNSIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return UNSIGNED is
+ begin
+ if (COUNT >= 0) then
+ else
+ end if;
+ end "rol";
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.14 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.14
+ function "rol" (ARG: SIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return SIGNED is
+ begin
+ if (COUNT >= 0) then
+ else
+ end if;
+ end "rol";
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.15 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.15
+ function "ror" (ARG: UNSIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return UNSIGNED is
+ begin
+ if (COUNT >= 0) then
+ else
+ end if;
+ end "ror";
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.16 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.16
+ function "ror" (ARG: SIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return SIGNED is
+ begin
+ if (COUNT >= 0) then
+ else
+ end if;
+ end "ror";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: D.1
+ function TO_INTEGER (ARG: UNSIGNED) return NATURAL is
+ alias XARG: UNSIGNED(ARG_LEFT downto 0) is ARG;
+ variable RESULT: NATURAL := 0;
+ begin
+ if (ARG'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.TO_INTEGER: null detected, returning 0"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ for I in XARG'RANGE loop
+ if XARG(I) = '1' then
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return RESULT;
+ -- Id: D.2
+ function TO_INTEGER (ARG: SIGNED) return INTEGER is
+ begin
+ if (ARG'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.TO_INTEGER: null detected, returning 0"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ if ARG(ARG'LEFT) = '0' then
+ else
+ return (- (TO_INTEGER(UNSIGNED(- (ARG + 1)))) -1);
+ end if;
+ -- Id: D.3
+ variable RESULT: UNSIGNED(SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ variable I_VAL: NATURAL := ARG;
+ begin
+ if (SIZE < 1) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ for I in 0 to RESULT'LEFT loop
+ if (I_VAL mod 2) = 0 then
+ RESULT(I) := '0';
+ else RESULT(I) := '1';
+ end if;
+ I_VAL := I_VAL/2;
+ end loop;
+ if not(I_VAL =0) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.TO_UNSIGNED: vector truncated"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ return RESULT;
+ -- Id: D.4
+ variable RESULT: SIGNED(SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ variable B_VAL: BIT := '0';
+ variable I_VAL: INTEGER := ARG;
+ begin
+ if (SIZE < 1) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ if (ARG < 0) then
+ B_VAL := '1';
+ I_VAL := -(ARG+1);
+ end if;
+ for I in 0 to RESULT'LEFT loop
+ if (I_VAL mod 2) = 0 then
+ else
+ RESULT(I) := not B_VAL;
+ end if;
+ I_VAL := I_VAL/2;
+ end loop;
+ if ((I_VAL/=0) or (B_VAL/=RESULT(RESULT'LEFT))) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_BIT.TO_SIGNED: vector truncated"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ return RESULT;
+ end TO_SIGNED;
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: R.1
+ alias INVEC: SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0) is ARG;
+ variable RESULT: SIGNED(NEW_SIZE-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ begin
+ if (NEW_SIZE < 1) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ if (ARG'LENGTH = 0) then return RESULT;
+ end if;
+ RESULT := (others => ARG(ARG'LEFT));
+ if BOUND >= 0 then
+ RESULT(BOUND downto 0) := INVEC(BOUND downto 0);
+ end if;
+ return RESULT;
+ end RESIZE;
+ -- Id: R.2
+ alias XARG: UNSIGNED(ARG_LEFT downto 0) is ARG;
+ variable RESULT: UNSIGNED(NEW_SIZE-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ begin
+ if (NEW_SIZE < 1) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ if XARG'LENGTH =0 then return RESULT;
+ end if;
+ RESULT(RESULT'LEFT downto 0) := XARG(RESULT'LEFT downto 0);
+ else
+ RESULT(RESULT'LEFT downto XARG'LEFT+1) := (others => '0');
+ RESULT(XARG'LEFT downto 0) := XARG;
+ end if;
+ return RESULT;
+ end RESIZE;
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: L.1
+ function "not" (L: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "not";
+ -- Id: L.2
+ function "and" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "and";
+ -- Id: L.3
+ function "or" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "or";
+ -- Id: L.4
+ function "nand" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "nand";
+ -- Id: L.5
+ function "nor" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "nor";
+ -- Id: L.6
+ function "xor" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "xor";
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function L.7 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: L.7
+ function "xnor" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "xnor";
+ -- Id: L.8
+ function "not" (L: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "not";
+ -- Id: L.9
+ function "and" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "and";
+ -- Id: L.10
+ function "or" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "or";
+ -- Id: L.11
+ function "nand" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "nand";
+ -- Id: L.12
+ function "nor" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "nor";
+ -- Id: L.13
+ function "xor" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "xor";
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function L.14 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: L.14
+ function "xnor" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "xnor";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: E.1
+ function RISING_EDGE (signal S: BIT) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ return S'EVENT and S = '1';
+ -- Id: E.2
+ function FALLING_EDGE (signal S: BIT) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ return S'EVENT and S = '0';
+ --============================================================================
diff --git a/libraries/ieee/numeric_bit.vhdl b/libraries/ieee/numeric_bit.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8f049f21a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/ieee/numeric_bit.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,813 @@
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Copyright 1995 by IEEE. All rights reserved.
+-- This source file is considered by the IEEE to be an essential part of the use
+-- of the standard 1076.3 and as such may be distributed without change, except
+-- as permitted by the standard. This source file may not be sold or distributed
+-- for profit. This package may be modified to include additional data required
+-- by tools, but must in no way change the external interfaces or simulation
+-- behaviour of the description. It is permissible to add comments and/or
+-- attributes to the package declarations, but not to change or delete any
+-- original lines of the approved package declaration. The package body may be
+-- changed only in accordance with the terms of clauses 7.1 and 7.2 of the
+-- standard.
+-- Title : Standard VHDL Synthesis Package (1076.3, NUMERIC_BIT)
+-- Library : This package shall be compiled into a library symbolically
+-- : named IEEE.
+-- Developers : IEEE DASC Synthesis Working Group, PAR 1076.3
+-- Purpose : This package defines numeric types and arithmetic functions
+-- : for use with synthesis tools. Two numeric types are defined:
+-- : -- > UNSIGNED: represents an UNSIGNED number in vector form
+-- : -- > SIGNED: represents a SIGNED number in vector form
+-- : The base element type is type BIT.
+-- : The leftmost bit is treated as the most significant bit.
+-- : Signed vectors are represented in two's complement form.
+-- : This package contains overloaded arithmetic operators on
+-- : the SIGNED and UNSIGNED types. The package also contains
+-- : useful type conversions functions, clock detection
+-- : functions, and other utility functions.
+-- :
+-- : If any argument to a function is a null array, a null array is
+-- : returned (exceptions, if any, are noted individually).
+-- Limitation :
+-- Note : No declarations or definitions shall be included in,
+-- : or excluded from this package. The "package declaration"
+-- : defines the types, subtypes and declarations of
+-- : NUMERIC_BIT. The NUMERIC_BIT package body shall be
+-- : considered the formal definition of the semantics of
+-- : this package. Tool developers may choose to implement
+-- : the package body in the most efficient manner available
+-- : to them.
+-- :
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Version : 2.4
+-- Date : 12 April 1995
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+package NUMERIC_BIT is
+ constant CopyRightNotice: STRING
+ := "Copyright 1995 IEEE. All rights reserved.";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Numeric array type definitions
+ --============================================================================
+ type UNSIGNED is array (NATURAL range <> ) of BIT;
+ type SIGNED is array (NATURAL range <> ) of BIT;
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Arithmetic Operators:
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: A.1
+ function "abs" (ARG: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Returns the absolute value of a SIGNED vector ARG.
+ -- Id: A.2
+ function "-" (ARG: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Returns the value of the unary minus operation on a
+ -- SIGNED vector ARG.
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: A.3
+ function "+" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(MAX(L'LENGTH, R'LENGTH)-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Adds two UNSIGNED vectors that may be of different lengths.
+ -- Id: A.4
+ function "+" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(MAX(L'LENGTH, R'LENGTH)-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Adds two SIGNED vectors that may be of different lengths.
+ -- Id: A.5
+ function "+" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Adds an UNSIGNED vector, L, with a non-negative INTEGER, R.
+ -- Id: A.6
+ function "+" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Adds a non-negative INTEGER, L, with an UNSIGNED vector, R.
+ -- Id: A.7
+ function "+" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Adds an INTEGER, L(may be positive or negative), to a SIGNED
+ -- vector, R.
+ -- Id: A.8
+ function "+" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Adds a SIGNED vector, L, to an INTEGER, R.
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: A.9
+ function "-" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(MAX(L'LENGTH, R'LENGTH)-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Subtracts two UNSIGNED vectors that may be of different lengths.
+ -- Id: A.10
+ function "-" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(MAX(L'LENGTH, R'LENGTH)-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Subtracts a SIGNED vector, R, from another SIGNED vector, L,
+ -- that may possibly be of different lengths.
+ -- Id: A.11
+ function "-" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Subtracts a non-negative INTEGER, R, from an UNSIGNED vector, L.
+ -- Id: A.12
+ function "-" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Subtracts an UNSIGNED vector, R, from a non-negative INTEGER, L.
+ -- Id: A.13
+ function "-" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Subtracts an INTEGER, R, from a SIGNED vector, L.
+ -- Id: A.14
+ function "-" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Subtracts a SIGNED vector, R, from an INTEGER, L.
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: A.15
+ function "*" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED((L'LENGTH+R'LENGTH-1) downto 0).
+ -- Result: Performs the multiplication operation on two UNSIGNED vectors
+ -- that may possibly be of different lengths.
+ -- Id: A.16
+ function "*" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED((L'LENGTH+R'LENGTH-1) downto 0)
+ -- Result: Multiplies two SIGNED vectors that may possibly be of
+ -- different lengths.
+ -- Id: A.17
+ function "*" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED((L'LENGTH+L'LENGTH-1) downto 0).
+ -- Result: Multiplies an UNSIGNED vector, L, with a non-negative
+ -- INTEGER, R. R is converted to an UNSIGNED vector of
+ -- size L'LENGTH before multiplication.
+ -- Id: A.18
+ function "*" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED((R'LENGTH+R'LENGTH-1) downto 0).
+ -- Result: Multiplies an UNSIGNED vector, R, with a non-negative
+ -- INTEGER, L. L is converted to an UNSIGNED vector of
+ -- size R'LENGTH before multiplication.
+ -- Id: A.19
+ function "*" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED((L'LENGTH+L'LENGTH-1) downto 0)
+ -- Result: Multiplies a SIGNED vector, L, with an INTEGER, R. R is
+ -- converted to a SIGNED vector of size L'LENGTH before
+ -- multiplication.
+ -- Id: A.20
+ function "*" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED((R'LENGTH+R'LENGTH-1) downto 0)
+ -- Result: Multiplies a SIGNED vector, R, with an INTEGER, L. L is
+ -- converted to a SIGNED vector of size R'LENGTH before
+ -- multiplication.
+ --============================================================================
+ --
+ -- NOTE: If second argument is zero for "/" operator, a severity level
+ -- of ERROR is issued.
+ -- Id: A.21
+ function "/" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Divides an UNSIGNED vector, L, by another UNSIGNED vector, R.
+ -- Id: A.22
+ function "/" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Divides an SIGNED vector, L, by another SIGNED vector, R.
+ -- Id: A.23
+ function "/" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Divides an UNSIGNED vector, L, by a non-negative INTEGER, R.
+ -- If NO_OF_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH, result is truncated to L'LENGTH.
+ -- Id: A.24
+ function "/" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Divides a non-negative INTEGER, L, by an UNSIGNED vector, R.
+ -- If NO_OF_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH, result is truncated to R'LENGTH.
+ -- Id: A.25
+ function "/" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Divides a SIGNED vector, L, by an INTEGER, R.
+ -- If NO_OF_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH, result is truncated to L'LENGTH.
+ -- Id: A.26
+ function "/" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Divides an INTEGER, L, by a SIGNED vector, R.
+ -- If NO_OF_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH, result is truncated to R'LENGTH.
+ --============================================================================
+ --
+ -- NOTE: If second argument is zero for "rem" operator, a severity level
+ -- of ERROR is issued.
+ -- Id: A.27
+ function "rem" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Computes "L rem R" where L and R are UNSIGNED vectors.
+ -- Id: A.28
+ function "rem" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Computes "L rem R" where L and R are SIGNED vectors.
+ -- Id: A.29
+ function "rem" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Computes "L rem R" where L is an UNSIGNED vector and R is a
+ -- non-negative INTEGER.
+ -- If NO_OF_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH, result is truncated to L'LENGTH.
+ -- Id: A.30
+ function "rem" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Computes "L rem R" where R is an UNSIGNED vector and L is a
+ -- non-negative INTEGER.
+ -- If NO_OF_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH, result is truncated to R'LENGTH.
+ -- Id: A.31
+ function "rem" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Computes "L rem R" where L is SIGNED vector and R is an INTEGER.
+ -- If NO_OF_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH, result is truncated to L'LENGTH.
+ -- Id: A.32
+ function "rem" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Computes "L rem R" where R is SIGNED vector and L is an INTEGER.
+ -- If NO_OF_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH, result is truncated to R'LENGTH.
+ --============================================================================
+ --
+ -- NOTE: If second argument is zero for "mod" operator, a severity level
+ -- of ERROR is issued.
+ -- Id: A.33
+ function "mod" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Computes "L mod R" where L and R are UNSIGNED vectors.
+ -- Id: A.34
+ function "mod" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Computes "L mod R" where L and R are SIGNED vectors.
+ -- Id: A.35
+ function "mod" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Computes "L mod R" where L is an UNSIGNED vector and R
+ -- is a non-negative INTEGER.
+ -- If NO_OF_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH, result is truncated to L'LENGTH.
+ -- Id: A.36
+ function "mod" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Computes "L mod R" where R is an UNSIGNED vector and L
+ -- is a non-negative INTEGER.
+ -- If NO_OF_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH, result is truncated to R'LENGTH.
+ -- Id: A.37
+ function "mod" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Computes "L mod R" where L is a SIGNED vector and
+ -- R is an INTEGER.
+ -- If NO_OF_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH, result is truncated to L'LENGTH.
+ -- Id: A.38
+ function "mod" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Computes "L mod R" where L is an INTEGER and
+ -- R is a SIGNED vector.
+ -- If NO_OF_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH, result is truncated to R'LENGTH.
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Comparison Operators
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: C.1
+ function ">" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L > R" where L and R are UNSIGNED vectors possibly
+ -- of different lengths.
+ -- Id: C.2
+ function ">" (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L > R" where L and R are SIGNED vectors possibly
+ -- of different lengths.
+ -- Id: C.3
+ function ">" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L > R" where L is a non-negative INTEGER and
+ -- R is an UNSIGNED vector.
+ -- Id: C.4
+ function ">" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L > R" where L is a INTEGER and
+ -- R is a SIGNED vector.
+ -- Id: C.5
+ function ">" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L > R" where L is an UNSIGNED vector and
+ -- R is a non-negative INTEGER.
+ -- Id: C.6
+ function ">" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L > R" where L is a SIGNED vector and
+ -- R is a INTEGER.
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: C.7
+ function "<" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L < R" where L and R are UNSIGNED vectors possibly
+ -- of different lengths.
+ -- Id: C.8
+ function "<" (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L < R" where L and R are SIGNED vectors possibly
+ -- of different lengths.
+ -- Id: C.9
+ function "<" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L < R" where L is a non-negative INTEGER and
+ -- R is an UNSIGNED vector.
+ -- Id: C.10
+ function "<" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L < R" where L is an INTEGER and
+ -- R is a SIGNED vector.
+ -- Id: C.11
+ function "<" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L < R" where L is an UNSIGNED vector and
+ -- R is a non-negative INTEGER.
+ -- Id: C.12
+ function "<" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L < R" where L is a SIGNED vector and
+ -- R is an INTEGER.
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: C.13
+ function "<=" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L <= R" where L and R are UNSIGNED vectors possibly
+ -- of different lengths.
+ -- Id: C.14
+ function "<=" (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L <= R" where L and R are SIGNED vectors possibly
+ -- of different lengths.
+ -- Id: C.15
+ function "<=" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L <= R" where L is a non-negative INTEGER and
+ -- R is an UNSIGNED vector.
+ -- Id: C.16
+ function "<=" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L <= R" where L is an INTEGER and
+ -- R is a SIGNED vector.
+ -- Id: C.17
+ function "<=" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L <= R" where L is an UNSIGNED vector and
+ -- R is a non-negative INTEGER.
+ -- Id: C.18
+ function "<=" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L <= R" where L is a SIGNED vector and
+ -- R is an INTEGER.
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: C.19
+ function ">=" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L >= R" where L and R are UNSIGNED vectors possibly
+ -- of different lengths.
+ -- Id: C.20
+ function ">=" (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L >= R" where L and R are SIGNED vectors possibly
+ -- of different lengths.
+ -- Id: C.21
+ function ">=" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L >= R" where L is a non-negative INTEGER and
+ -- R is an UNSIGNED vector.
+ -- Id: C.22
+ function ">=" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L >= R" where L is an INTEGER and
+ -- R is a SIGNED vector.
+ -- Id: C.23
+ function ">=" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L >= R" where L is an UNSIGNED vector and
+ -- R is a non-negative INTEGER.
+ -- Id: C.24
+ function ">=" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L >= R" where L is a SIGNED vector and
+ -- R is an INTEGER.
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: C.25
+ function "=" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L = R" where L and R are UNSIGNED vectors possibly
+ -- of different lengths.
+ -- Id: C.26
+ function "=" (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L = R" where L and R are SIGNED vectors possibly
+ -- of different lengths.
+ -- Id: C.27
+ function "=" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L = R" where L is a non-negative INTEGER and
+ -- R is an UNSIGNED vector.
+ -- Id: C.28
+ function "=" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L = R" where L is an INTEGER and
+ -- R is a SIGNED vector.
+ -- Id: C.29
+ function "=" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L = R" where L is an UNSIGNED vector and
+ -- R is a non-negative INTEGER.
+ -- Id: C.30
+ function "=" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L = R" where L is a SIGNED vector and
+ -- R is an INTEGER.
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: C.31
+ function "/=" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L /= R" where L and R are UNSIGNED vectors possibly
+ -- of different lengths.
+ -- Id: C.32
+ function "/=" (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L /= R" where L and R are SIGNED vectors possibly
+ -- of different lengths.
+ -- Id: C.33
+ function "/=" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L /= R" where L is a non-negative INTEGER and
+ -- R is an UNSIGNED vector.
+ -- Id: C.34
+ function "/=" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L /= R" where L is an INTEGER and
+ -- R is a SIGNED vector.
+ -- Id: C.35
+ function "/=" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L /= R" where L is an UNSIGNED vector and
+ -- R is a non-negative INTEGER.
+ -- Id: C.36
+ function "/=" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L /= R" where L is a SIGNED vector and
+ -- R is an INTEGER.
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Shift and Rotate Functions
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: S.1
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Performs a shift-left on an UNSIGNED vector COUNT times.
+ -- The vacated positions are filled with Bit '0'.
+ -- The COUNT leftmost bits are lost.
+ -- Id: S.2
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Performs a shift-right on an UNSIGNED vector COUNT times.
+ -- The vacated positions are filled with Bit '0'.
+ -- The COUNT rightmost bits are lost.
+ -- Id: S.3
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Performs a shift-left on a SIGNED vector COUNT times.
+ -- The vacated positions are filled with Bit '0'.
+ -- The COUNT leftmost bits, except ARG'LEFT, are lost.
+ -- Id: S.4
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Performs a shift-right on a SIGNED vector COUNT times.
+ -- The vacated positions are filled with the leftmost bit, ARG'LEFT.
+ -- The COUNT rightmost bits are lost.
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: S.5
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Performs a rotate-left of an UNSIGNED vector COUNT times.
+ -- Id: S.6
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Performs a rotate-right of an UNSIGNED vector COUNT times.
+ -- Id: S.7
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Performs a logical rotate-left of a SIGNED vector COUNT times.
+ -- Id: S.8
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Performs a logical rotate-right of a SIGNED vector COUNT times.
+ --============================================================================
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.9 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.9
+ function "sll" (ARG: UNSIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return UNSIGNED; --V93
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.10 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.10
+ function "sll" (ARG: SIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return SIGNED; --V93
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.11 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.11
+ function "srl" (ARG: UNSIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return UNSIGNED; --V93
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.12 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.12
+ function "srl" (ARG: SIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return SIGNED; --V93
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.13 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.13
+ function "rol" (ARG: UNSIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return UNSIGNED; --V93
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.14 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.14
+ function "rol" (ARG: SIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return SIGNED; --V93
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.15 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.15
+ function "ror" (ARG: UNSIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return UNSIGNED; --V93
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.16 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.16
+ function "ror" (ARG: SIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return SIGNED; --V93
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ --============================================================================
+ -- RESIZE Functions
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: R.1
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(NEW_SIZE-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Resizes the SIGNED vector ARG to the specified size.
+ -- To create a larger vector, the new [leftmost] bit positions
+ -- are filled with the sign bit (ARG'LEFT). When truncating,
+ -- the sign bit is retained along with the rightmost part.
+ -- Id: R.2
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(NEW_SIZE-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Resizes the UNSIGNED vector ARG to the specified size.
+ -- To create a larger vector, the new [leftmost] bit positions
+ -- are filled with '0'. When truncating, the leftmost bits
+ -- are dropped.
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Conversion Functions
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: D.1
+ -- Result subtype: NATURAL. Value cannot be negative since parameter is an
+ -- UNSIGNED vector.
+ -- Result: Converts the UNSIGNED vector to an INTEGER.
+ -- Id: D.2
+ function TO_INTEGER (ARG: SIGNED) return INTEGER;
+ -- Result subtype: INTEGER
+ -- Result: Converts a SIGNED vector to an INTEGER.
+ -- Id: D.3
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(SIZE-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Converts a non-negative INTEGER to an UNSIGNED vector with
+ -- the specified size.
+ -- Id: D.4
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(SIZE-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Converts an INTEGER to a SIGNED vector of the specified size.
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Logical Operators
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: L.1
+ function "not" (L: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Termwise inversion
+ -- Id: L.2
+ function "and" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Vector AND operation
+ -- Id: L.3
+ function "or" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Vector OR operation
+ -- Id: L.4
+ function "nand" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Vector NAND operation
+ -- Id: L.5
+ function "nor" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Vector NOR operation
+ -- Id: L.6
+ function "xor" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Vector XOR operation
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function L.7 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: L.7
+ function "xnor" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED; --V93
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Vector XNOR operation
+ -- Id: L.8
+ function "not" (L: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Termwise inversion
+ -- Id: L.9
+ function "and" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Vector AND operation
+ -- Id: L.10
+ function "or" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Vector OR operation
+ -- Id: L.11
+ function "nand" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Vector NAND operation
+ -- Id: L.12
+ function "nor" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Vector NOR operation
+ -- Id: L.13
+ function "xor" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Vector XOR operation
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function L.14 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: L.14
+ function "xnor" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED; --V93
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Vector XNOR operation
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Edge Detection Functions
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: E.1
+ function RISING_EDGE (signal S: BIT) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Returns TRUE if an event is detected on signal S and the
+ -- value changed from a '0' to a '1'.
+ -- Id: E.2
+ function FALLING_EDGE (signal S: BIT) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Returns TRUE if an event is detected on signal S and the
+ -- value changed from a '1' to a '0'.
diff --git a/libraries/ieee/numeric_std-body.vhdl b/libraries/ieee/numeric_std-body.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a5d609dc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/ieee/numeric_std-body.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,2545 @@
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Copyright 1995 by IEEE. All rights reserved.
+-- This source file is considered by the IEEE to be an essential part of the use
+-- of the standard 1076.3 and as such may be distributed without change, except
+-- as permitted by the standard. This source file may not be sold or distributed
+-- for profit. This package may be modified to include additional data required
+-- by tools, but must in no way change the external interfaces or simulation
+-- behaviour of the description. It is permissible to add comments and/or
+-- attributes to the package declarations, but not to change or delete any
+-- original lines of the approved package declaration. The package body may be
+-- changed only in accordance with the terms of clauses 7.1 and 7.2 of the
+-- standard.
+-- Title : Standard VHDL Synthesis Package (1076.3, NUMERIC_STD)
+-- Library : This package shall be compiled into a library symbolically
+-- : named IEEE.
+-- Developers : IEEE DASC Synthesis Working Group, PAR 1076.3
+-- Purpose : This package defines numeric types and arithmetic functions
+-- : for use with synthesis tools. Two numeric types are defined:
+-- : -- > UNSIGNED: represents UNSIGNED number in vector form
+-- : -- > SIGNED: represents a SIGNED number in vector form
+-- : The base element type is type STD_LOGIC.
+-- : The leftmost bit is treated as the most significant bit.
+-- : Signed vectors are represented in two's complement form.
+-- : This package contains overloaded arithmetic operators on
+-- : the SIGNED and UNSIGNED types. The package also contains
+-- : useful type conversions functions.
+-- :
+-- : If any argument to a function is a null array, a null array is
+-- : returned (exceptions, if any, are noted individually).
+-- Limitation :
+-- Note : No declarations or definitions shall be included in,
+-- : or excluded from this package. The "package declaration"
+-- : defines the types, subtypes and declarations of
+-- : NUMERIC_STD. The NUMERIC_STD package body shall be
+-- : considered the formal definition of the semantics of
+-- : this package. Tool developers may choose to implement
+-- : the package body in the most efficient manner available
+-- : to them.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- modification history :
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Version: 2.4
+-- Date : 12 April 1995
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+--============================= Package Body ===================================
+package body NUMERIC_STD is
+ -- null range array constants
+ constant NAU: UNSIGNED(0 downto 1) := (others => '0');
+ constant NAS: SIGNED(0 downto 1) := (others => '0');
+ -- implementation controls
+ constant NO_WARNING: BOOLEAN := FALSE; -- default to emit warnings
+ --=========================Local Subprograms =================================
+ function MAX (LEFT, RIGHT: INTEGER) return INTEGER is
+ begin
+ if LEFT > RIGHT then return LEFT;
+ else return RIGHT;
+ end if;
+ end MAX;
+ function MIN (LEFT, RIGHT: INTEGER) return INTEGER is
+ begin
+ if LEFT < RIGHT then return LEFT;
+ else return RIGHT;
+ end if;
+ end MIN;
+ variable NBITS: NATURAL;
+ variable N: NATURAL;
+ begin
+ if ARG >= 0 then
+ N := ARG;
+ else
+ N := -(ARG+1);
+ end if;
+ NBITS := 1;
+ while N > 0 loop
+ N := N / 2;
+ end loop;
+ return NBITS;
+ variable NBITS: NATURAL;
+ variable N: NATURAL;
+ begin
+ N := ARG;
+ NBITS := 1;
+ while N > 1 loop
+ N := N / 2;
+ end loop;
+ return NBITS;
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- this internal function computes the addition of two UNSIGNED
+ -- with input CARRY
+ -- * the two arguments are of the same length
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ alias XR: UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable RESULT: UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable CBIT: STD_LOGIC := C;
+ begin
+ for I in 0 to L_LEFT loop
+ RESULT(I) := CBIT xor XL(I) xor XR(I);
+ CBIT := (CBIT and XL(I)) or (CBIT and XR(I)) or (XL(I) and XR(I));
+ end loop;
+ return RESULT;
+ -- this internal function computes the addition of two SIGNED
+ -- with input CARRY
+ -- * the two arguments are of the same length
+ function ADD_SIGNED (L, R: SIGNED; C: STD_LOGIC) return SIGNED is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ alias XR: SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable RESULT: SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable CBIT: STD_LOGIC := C;
+ begin
+ for I in 0 to L_LEFT loop
+ RESULT(I) := CBIT xor XL(I) xor XR(I);
+ CBIT := (CBIT and XL(I)) or (CBIT and XR(I)) or (XL(I) and XR(I));
+ end loop;
+ return RESULT;
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- this internal procedure computes UNSIGNED division
+ -- giving the quotient and remainder.
+ variable TEMP: UNSIGNED(NUM'LENGTH downto 0);
+ variable TOPBIT: INTEGER;
+ begin
+ TEMP := "0"&NUM;
+ QUOT := (others => '0');
+ TOPBIT := -1;
+ for J in DENOM'RANGE loop
+ if DENOM(J)='1' then
+ TOPBIT := J;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ assert TOPBIT >= 0 report "DIV, MOD, or REM by zero" severity ERROR;
+ for J in NUM'LENGTH-(TOPBIT+1) downto 0 loop
+ if TEMP(TOPBIT+J+1 downto J) >= "0"&DENOM(TOPBIT downto 0) then
+ TEMP(TOPBIT+J+1 downto J) := (TEMP(TOPBIT+J+1 downto J))
+ -("0"&DENOM(TOPBIT downto 0));
+ QUOT(J) := '1';
+ end if;
+ assert TEMP(TOPBIT+J+1)='0'
+ report "internal error in the division algorithm"
+ severity ERROR;
+ end loop;
+ end DIVMOD;
+ -----------------Local Subprograms - shift/rotate ops-------------------------
+ is
+ constant ARG_L: INTEGER := ARG'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XARG: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(ARG_L downto 0) is ARG;
+ variable RESULT: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(ARG_L downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ begin
+ if COUNT <= ARG_L then
+ RESULT(ARG_L downto COUNT) := XARG(ARG_L-COUNT downto 0);
+ end if;
+ return RESULT;
+ end XSLL;
+ is
+ constant ARG_L: INTEGER := ARG'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XARG: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(ARG_L downto 0) is ARG;
+ variable RESULT: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(ARG_L downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ begin
+ if COUNT <= ARG_L then
+ RESULT(ARG_L-COUNT downto 0) := XARG(ARG_L downto COUNT);
+ end if;
+ return RESULT;
+ end XSRL;
+ is
+ constant ARG_L: INTEGER := ARG'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XARG: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(ARG_L downto 0) is ARG;
+ variable RESULT: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(ARG_L downto 0);
+ variable XCOUNT: NATURAL := COUNT;
+ begin
+ if ((ARG'LENGTH <= 1) or (XCOUNT = 0)) then return ARG;
+ else
+ if (XCOUNT > ARG_L) then XCOUNT := ARG_L;
+ end if;
+ RESULT(ARG_L-XCOUNT downto 0) := XARG(ARG_L downto XCOUNT);
+ RESULT(ARG_L downto (ARG_L - XCOUNT + 1)) := (others => XARG(ARG_L));
+ end if;
+ return RESULT;
+ end XSRA;
+ is
+ constant ARG_L: INTEGER := ARG'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XARG: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(ARG_L downto 0) is ARG;
+ variable RESULT: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(ARG_L downto 0) := XARG;
+ variable COUNTM: INTEGER;
+ begin
+ COUNTM := COUNT mod (ARG_L + 1);
+ if COUNTM /= 0 then
+ RESULT(ARG_L downto COUNTM) := XARG(ARG_L-COUNTM downto 0);
+ RESULT(COUNTM-1 downto 0) := XARG(ARG_L downto ARG_L-COUNTM+1);
+ end if;
+ return RESULT;
+ end XROL;
+ is
+ constant ARG_L: INTEGER := ARG'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XARG: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(ARG_L downto 0) is ARG;
+ variable RESULT: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(ARG_L downto 0) := XARG;
+ variable COUNTM: INTEGER;
+ begin
+ COUNTM := COUNT mod (ARG_L + 1);
+ if COUNTM /= 0 then
+ RESULT(ARG_L-COUNTM downto 0) := XARG(ARG_L downto COUNTM);
+ RESULT(ARG_L downto ARG_L-COUNTM+1) := XARG(COUNTM-1 downto 0);
+ end if;
+ return RESULT;
+ end XROR;
+ -----------------Local Subprograms - Relational ops---------------------------
+ --
+ -- General "=" for UNSIGNED vectors, same length
+ --
+ function UNSIGNED_EQUAL (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ --
+ -- General "=" for SIGNED vectors, same length
+ --
+ function SIGNED_EQUAL (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ --
+ -- General "<" for UNSIGNED vectors, same length
+ --
+ function UNSIGNED_LESS (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ --
+ -- General "<" function for SIGNED vectors, same length
+ --
+ function SIGNED_LESS (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ variable INTERN_L: SIGNED(0 to L'LENGTH-1);
+ variable INTERN_R: SIGNED(0 to R'LENGTH-1);
+ begin
+ INTERN_L := L;
+ INTERN_R := R;
+ INTERN_L(0) := not INTERN_L(0);
+ INTERN_R(0) := not INTERN_R(0);
+ --
+ -- General "<=" function for UNSIGNED vectors, same length
+ --
+ begin
+ --
+ -- General "<=" function for SIGNED vectors, same length
+ --
+ function SIGNED_LESS_OR_EQUAL (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- Need aliases to assure index direction
+ variable INTERN_L: SIGNED(0 to L'LENGTH-1);
+ variable INTERN_R: SIGNED(0 to R'LENGTH-1);
+ begin
+ INTERN_L := L;
+ INTERN_R := R;
+ INTERN_L(0) := not INTERN_L(0);
+ INTERN_R(0) := not INTERN_R(0);
+ --=========================Exported Functions ==========================
+ -- Id: A.1
+ function "abs" (ARG: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ alias XARG: SIGNED(ARG_LEFT downto 0) is ARG;
+ variable RESULT: SIGNED(ARG_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ARG'LENGTH < 1 then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ RESULT := TO_01(XARG, 'X');
+ if (RESULT(RESULT'LEFT)='X') then return RESULT;
+ end if;
+ if RESULT(RESULT'LEFT) = '1' then
+ end if;
+ return RESULT;
+ end "abs";
+ -- Id: A.2
+ function "-" (ARG: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ alias XARG: SIGNED(ARG_LEFT downto 0) is ARG;
+ variable RESULT, XARG01 : SIGNED(ARG_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable CBIT: STD_LOGIC := '1';
+ begin
+ if ARG'LENGTH < 1 then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ XARG01 := TO_01(ARG, 'X');
+ if (XARG01(XARG01'LEFT)='X') then return XARG01;
+ end if;
+ for I in 0 to RESULT'LEFT loop
+ RESULT(I) := not(XARG01(I)) xor CBIT;
+ CBIT := CBIT and not(XARG01(I));
+ end loop;
+ return RESULT;
+ end "-";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: A.3
+ function "+" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable L01 : UNSIGNED(SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ variable R01 : UNSIGNED(SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(RESIZE(L, SIZE), 'X');
+ if (L01(L01'LEFT)='X') then return L01;
+ end if;
+ R01 := TO_01(RESIZE(R, SIZE), 'X');
+ if (R01(R01'LEFT)='X') then return R01;
+ end if;
+ return ADD_UNSIGNED(L01, R01, '0');
+ end "+";
+ -- Id: A.4
+ function "+" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable L01 : SIGNED(SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ variable R01 : SIGNED(SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(RESIZE(L, SIZE), 'X');
+ if (L01(L01'LEFT)='X') then return L01;
+ end if;
+ R01 := TO_01(RESIZE(R, SIZE), 'X');
+ if (R01(R01'LEFT)='X') then return R01;
+ end if;
+ return ADD_SIGNED(L01, R01, '0');
+ end "+";
+ -- Id: A.5
+ function "+" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return UNSIGNED is
+ begin
+ return L + TO_UNSIGNED(R, L'LENGTH);
+ end "+";
+ -- Id: A.6
+ function "+" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ begin
+ return TO_UNSIGNED(L, R'LENGTH) + R;
+ end "+";
+ -- Id: A.7
+ function "+" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED is
+ begin
+ return L + TO_SIGNED(R, L'LENGTH);
+ end "+";
+ -- Id: A.8
+ function "+" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ begin
+ return TO_SIGNED(L, R'LENGTH) + R;
+ end "+";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: A.9
+ function "-" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable L01 : UNSIGNED(SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ variable R01 : UNSIGNED(SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(RESIZE(L, SIZE), 'X');
+ if (L01(L01'LEFT)='X') then return L01;
+ end if;
+ R01 := TO_01(RESIZE(R, SIZE), 'X');
+ if (R01(R01'LEFT)='X') then return R01;
+ end if;
+ return ADD_UNSIGNED(L01, not(R01), '1');
+ end "-";
+ -- Id: A.10
+ function "-" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable L01 : SIGNED(SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ variable R01 : SIGNED(SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(RESIZE(L, SIZE), 'X');
+ if (L01(L01'LEFT)='X') then return L01;
+ end if;
+ R01 := TO_01(RESIZE(R, SIZE), 'X');
+ if (R01(R01'LEFT)='X') then return R01;
+ end if;
+ return ADD_SIGNED(L01, not(R01), '1');
+ end "-";
+ -- Id: A.11
+ function "-" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return UNSIGNED is
+ begin
+ return L - TO_UNSIGNED(R, L'LENGTH);
+ end "-";
+ -- Id: A.12
+ function "-" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ begin
+ return TO_UNSIGNED(L, R'LENGTH) - R;
+ end "-";
+ -- Id: A.13
+ function "-" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED is
+ begin
+ return L - TO_SIGNED(R, L'LENGTH);
+ end "-";
+ -- Id: A.14
+ function "-" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ begin
+ return TO_SIGNED(L, R'LENGTH) - R;
+ end "-";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: A.15
+ function "*" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XXL: UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ alias XXR: UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable XL: UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable XR: UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable RESULT: UNSIGNED((L'LENGTH+R'LENGTH-1) downto 0) :=
+ (others => '0');
+ variable ADVAL: UNSIGNED((L'LENGTH+R'LENGTH-1) downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ XL := TO_01(XXL, 'X');
+ XR := TO_01(XXR, 'X');
+ if ((XL(XL'LEFT)='X') or (XR(XR'LEFT)='X')) then
+ RESULT := (others => 'X');
+ return RESULT;
+ end if;
+ for I in 0 to L_LEFT loop
+ if XL(I)='1' then RESULT := RESULT + ADVAL;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return RESULT;
+ end "*";
+ -- Id: A.16
+ function "*" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ variable XL: SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable XR: SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable RESULT: SIGNED((L_LEFT+R_LEFT+1) downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ variable ADVAL: SIGNED((L_LEFT+R_LEFT+1) downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((L_LEFT < 0) or (R_LEFT < 0)) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ XL := TO_01(L, 'X');
+ XR := TO_01(R, 'X');
+ if ((XL(L_LEFT)='X') or (XR(R_LEFT)='X')) then
+ RESULT := (others => 'X');
+ return RESULT;
+ end if;
+ for I in 0 to L_LEFT-1 loop
+ if XL(I)='1' then RESULT := RESULT + ADVAL;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if XL(L_LEFT)='1' then
+ end if;
+ return RESULT;
+ end "*";
+ -- Id: A.17
+ function "*" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return UNSIGNED is
+ begin
+ return L * TO_UNSIGNED(R, L'LENGTH);
+ end "*";
+ -- Id: A.18
+ function "*" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ begin
+ return TO_UNSIGNED(L, R'LENGTH) * R;
+ end "*";
+ -- Id: A.19
+ function "*" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED is
+ begin
+ return L * TO_SIGNED(R, L'LENGTH);
+ end "*";
+ -- Id: A.20
+ function "*" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ begin
+ return TO_SIGNED(L, R'LENGTH) * R;
+ end "*";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: A.21
+ function "/" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XXL: UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ alias XXR: UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable XL: UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable XR: UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable FQUOT: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable FREMAIN: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ XL := TO_01(XXL, 'X');
+ XR := TO_01(XXR, 'X');
+ if ((XL(XL'LEFT)='X') or (XR(XR'LEFT)='X')) then
+ FQUOT := (others => 'X');
+ return FQUOT;
+ end if;
+ return FQUOT;
+ end "/";
+ -- Id: A.22
+ function "/" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XXL: SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ alias XXR: SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable XL: SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable XR: SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable FQUOT: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable FREMAIN: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable XNUM: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable XDENOM: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable QNEG: BOOLEAN := FALSE;
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ XL := TO_01(XXL, 'X');
+ XR := TO_01(XXR, 'X');
+ if ((XL(XL'LEFT)='X') or (XR(XR'LEFT)='X')) then
+ FQUOT := (others => 'X');
+ return SIGNED(FQUOT);
+ end if;
+ if XL(XL'LEFT)='1' then
+ else
+ end if;
+ if XR(XR'LEFT)='1' then
+ QNEG := not QNEG;
+ else
+ end if;
+ if QNEG then FQUOT := "0"-FQUOT;
+ end if;
+ return SIGNED(FQUOT);
+ end "/";
+ -- Id: A.23
+ function "/" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable XR, QUOT: UNSIGNED(R_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ if (R_LENGTH > L'LENGTH) then
+ QUOT := (others => '0');
+ end if;
+ end "/";
+ -- Id: A.24
+ function "/" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable XL, QUOT: UNSIGNED(L_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ if L_LENGTH > R'LENGTH and QUOT(0)/='X'
+ and QUOT(L_LENGTH-1 downto R'LENGTH)
+ /= (L_LENGTH-1 downto R'LENGTH => '0')
+ then
+ assert NO_WARNING report "NUMERIC_STD.""/"": Quotient Truncated"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ end "/";
+ -- Id: A.25
+ function "/" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED is
+ variable XR, QUOT: SIGNED(R_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ if (R_LENGTH > L'LENGTH) then
+ QUOT := (others => '0');
+ end if;
+ end "/";
+ -- Id: A.26
+ function "/" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable XL, QUOT: SIGNED(L_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ if L_LENGTH > R'LENGTH and QUOT(0)/='X'
+ and QUOT(L_LENGTH-1 downto R'LENGTH)
+ /= (L_LENGTH-1 downto R'LENGTH => QUOT(R'LENGTH-1))
+ then
+ assert NO_WARNING report "NUMERIC_STD.""/"": Quotient Truncated"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ end "/";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: A.27
+ function "rem" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XXL: UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ alias XXR: UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable XL: UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable XR: UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable FQUOT: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable FREMAIN: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ XL := TO_01(XXL, 'X');
+ XR := TO_01(XXR, 'X');
+ if ((XL(XL'LEFT)='X') or (XR(XR'LEFT)='X')) then
+ FREMAIN := (others => 'X');
+ return FREMAIN;
+ end if;
+ return FREMAIN;
+ end "rem";
+ -- Id: A.28
+ function "rem" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XXL: SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ alias XXR: SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable FQUOT: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable FREMAIN: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable XNUM: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable XDENOM: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable RNEG: BOOLEAN := FALSE;
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ XNUM := UNSIGNED(TO_01(XXL, 'X'));
+ if ((XNUM(XNUM'LEFT)='X') or (XDENOM(XDENOM'LEFT)='X')) then
+ FREMAIN := (others => 'X');
+ end if;
+ if XNUM(XNUM'LEFT)='1' then
+ else
+ end if;
+ if XDENOM(XDENOM'LEFT)='1' then
+ else
+ end if;
+ if RNEG then
+ end if;
+ end "rem";
+ -- Id: A.29
+ function "rem" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable XR, XREM: UNSIGNED(R_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ XREM := L rem XR;
+ if R_LENGTH > L'LENGTH and XREM(0)/='X'
+ and XREM(R_LENGTH-1 downto L'LENGTH)
+ /= (R_LENGTH-1 downto L'LENGTH => '0')
+ then
+ assert NO_WARNING report "NUMERIC_STD.""rem"": Remainder Truncated"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ end "rem";
+ -- Id: A.30
+ function "rem" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable XL, XREM: UNSIGNED(L_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ XREM := XL rem R;
+ if L_LENGTH > R'LENGTH and XREM(0)/='X'
+ and XREM(L_LENGTH-1 downto R'LENGTH)
+ /= (L_LENGTH-1 downto R'LENGTH => '0')
+ then
+ assert NO_WARNING report "NUMERIC_STD.""rem"": Remainder Truncated"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ end "rem";
+ -- Id: A.31
+ function "rem" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED is
+ variable XR, XREM: SIGNED(R_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ if R_LENGTH > L'LENGTH and XREM(0)/='X'
+ and XREM(R_LENGTH-1 downto L'LENGTH)
+ /= (R_LENGTH-1 downto L'LENGTH => XREM(L'LENGTH-1))
+ then
+ assert NO_WARNING report "NUMERIC_STD.""rem"": Remainder Truncated"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ end "rem";
+ -- Id: A.32
+ function "rem" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable XL, XREM: SIGNED(L_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ if L_LENGTH > R'LENGTH and XREM(0)/='X'
+ and XREM(L_LENGTH-1 downto R'LENGTH)
+ /= (L_LENGTH-1 downto R'LENGTH => XREM(R'LENGTH-1))
+ then
+ assert NO_WARNING report "NUMERIC_STD.""rem"": Remainder Truncated"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ end "rem";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: A.33
+ function "mod" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XXL: UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ alias XXR: UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable XL: UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable XR: UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable FQUOT: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable FREMAIN: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ XL := TO_01(XXL, 'X');
+ XR := TO_01(XXR, 'X');
+ if ((XL(XL'LEFT)='X') or (XR(XR'LEFT)='X')) then
+ FREMAIN := (others => 'X');
+ return FREMAIN;
+ end if;
+ return FREMAIN;
+ end "mod";
+ -- Id: A.34
+ function "mod" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XXL: SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ alias XXR: SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable XL: SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable XR: SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable FQUOT: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable FREMAIN: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable XNUM: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable XDENOM: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ variable RNEG: BOOLEAN := FALSE;
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ XL := TO_01(XXL, 'X');
+ XR := TO_01(XXR, 'X');
+ if ((XL(XL'LEFT)='X') or (XR(XR'LEFT)='X')) then
+ FREMAIN := (others => 'X');
+ end if;
+ if XL(XL'LEFT)='1' then
+ else
+ end if;
+ if XR(XR'LEFT)='1' then
+ else
+ end if;
+ if RNEG and L(L'LEFT)='1' then
+ elsif RNEG and FREMAIN/="0" then
+ elsif L(L'LEFT)='1' and FREMAIN/="0" then
+ end if;
+ end "mod";
+ -- Id: A.35
+ function "mod" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable XR, XREM: UNSIGNED(R_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ if R_LENGTH > L'LENGTH and XREM(0)/='X'
+ and XREM(R_LENGTH-1 downto L'LENGTH)
+ /= (R_LENGTH-1 downto L'LENGTH => '0')
+ then
+ assert NO_WARNING report "NUMERIC_STD.""mod"": Modulus Truncated"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ end "mod";
+ -- Id: A.36
+ function "mod" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable XL, XREM: UNSIGNED(L_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ if L_LENGTH > R'LENGTH and XREM(0)/='X'
+ and XREM(L_LENGTH-1 downto R'LENGTH)
+ /= (L_LENGTH-1 downto R'LENGTH => '0')
+ then
+ assert NO_WARNING report "NUMERIC_STD.""mod"": Modulus Truncated"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ end "mod";
+ -- Id: A.37
+ function "mod" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED is
+ variable XR, XREM: SIGNED(R_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ if R_LENGTH > L'LENGTH and XREM(0)/='X'
+ and XREM(R_LENGTH-1 downto L'LENGTH)
+ /= (R_LENGTH-1 downto L'LENGTH => XREM(L'LENGTH-1))
+ then
+ assert NO_WARNING report "NUMERIC_STD.""mod"": Modulus Truncated"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ end "mod";
+ -- Id: A.38
+ function "mod" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable XL, XREM: SIGNED(L_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ if L_LENGTH > R'LENGTH and XREM(0)/='X'
+ and XREM(L_LENGTH-1 downto R'LENGTH)
+ /= (L_LENGTH-1 downto R'LENGTH => XREM(R'LENGTH-1))
+ then
+ assert NO_WARNING report "NUMERIC_STD.""mod"": Modulus Truncated"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ end "mod";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: C.1
+ function ">" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ alias XR: UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable L01 : UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable R01 : UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD."">"": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(XL, 'X');
+ R01 := TO_01(XR, 'X');
+ if ((L01(L01'LEFT)='X') or (R01(R01'LEFT)='X')) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD."">"": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end ">";
+ -- Id: C.2
+ function ">" (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ alias XR: SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable L01 : SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable R01 : SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD."">"": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(XL, 'X');
+ R01 := TO_01(XR, 'X');
+ if ((L01(L01'LEFT)='X') or (R01(R01'LEFT)='X')) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD."">"": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end ">";
+ -- Id: C.3
+ function ">" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XR: UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable R01 : UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD."">"": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ R01 := TO_01(XR, 'X');
+ if (R01(R01'LEFT)='X') then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD."">"": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if UNSIGNED_NUM_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH then return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ end ">";
+ -- Id: C.4
+ function ">" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XR: SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable R01 : SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD."">"": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ R01 := TO_01(XR, 'X');
+ if (R01(R01'LEFT)='X') then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD."">"": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if SIGNED_NUM_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH then return L > 0;
+ end if;
+ end ">";
+ -- Id: C.5
+ function ">" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ variable L01 : UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD."">"": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(XL, 'X');
+ if (L01(L01'LEFT)='X') then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD."">"": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end ">";
+ -- Id: C.6
+ function ">" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ variable L01 : SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD."">"": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(XL, 'X');
+ if (L01(L01'LEFT)='X') then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD."">"": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if SIGNED_NUM_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH then return 0 > R;
+ end if;
+ end ">";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: C.7
+ function "<" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ alias XR: UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable L01 : UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable R01 : UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""<"": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(XL, 'X');
+ R01 := TO_01(XR, 'X');
+ if ((L01(L01'LEFT)='X') or (R01(R01'LEFT)='X')) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""<"": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end "<";
+ -- Id: C.8
+ function "<" (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ alias XR: SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable L01 : SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable R01 : SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""<"": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(XL, 'X');
+ R01 := TO_01(XR, 'X');
+ if ((L01(L01'LEFT)='X') or (R01(R01'LEFT)='X')) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""<"": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end "<";
+ -- Id: C.9
+ function "<" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XR: UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable R01 : UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""<"": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ R01 := TO_01(XR, 'X');
+ if (R01(R01'LEFT)='X') then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""<"": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if UNSIGNED_NUM_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH then return L < 0;
+ end if;
+ end "<";
+ -- Id: C.10
+ function "<" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XR: SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable R01 : SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""<"": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ R01 := TO_01(XR, 'X');
+ if (R01(R01'LEFT)='X') then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""<"": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if SIGNED_NUM_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH then return L < 0;
+ end if;
+ end "<";
+ -- Id: C.11
+ function "<" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ variable L01 : UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""<"": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(XL, 'X');
+ if (L01(L01'LEFT)='X') then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""<"": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if UNSIGNED_NUM_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH then return 0 < R;
+ end if;
+ end "<";
+ -- Id: C.12
+ function "<" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ variable L01 : SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""<"": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(XL, 'X');
+ if (L01(L01'LEFT)='X') then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""<"": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if SIGNED_NUM_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH then return 0 < R;
+ end if;
+ end "<";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: C.13
+ function "<=" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ alias XR: UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable L01 : UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable R01 : UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""<="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(XL, 'X');
+ R01 := TO_01(XR, 'X');
+ if ((L01(L01'LEFT)='X') or (R01(R01'LEFT)='X')) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""<="": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end "<=";
+ -- Id: C.14
+ function "<=" (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ alias XR: SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable L01 : SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable R01 : SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""<="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(XL, 'X');
+ R01 := TO_01(XR, 'X');
+ if ((L01(L01'LEFT)='X') or (R01(R01'LEFT)='X')) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""<="": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end "<=";
+ -- Id: C.15
+ function "<=" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XR: UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable R01 : UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""<="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ R01 := TO_01(XR, 'X');
+ if (R01(R01'LEFT)='X') then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""<="": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if UNSIGNED_NUM_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH then return L < 0;
+ end if;
+ end "<=";
+ -- Id: C.16
+ function "<=" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XR: SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable R01 : SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""<="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ R01 := TO_01(XR, 'X');
+ if (R01(R01'LEFT)='X') then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""<="": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if SIGNED_NUM_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH then return L < 0;
+ end if;
+ end "<=";
+ -- Id: C.17
+ function "<=" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ variable L01 : UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (L_LEFT < 0) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""<="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(XL, 'X');
+ if (L01(L01'LEFT)='X') then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""<="": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if UNSIGNED_NUM_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH then return 0 < R;
+ end if;
+ end "<=";
+ -- Id: C.18
+ function "<=" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ variable L01 : SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (L_LEFT < 0) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""<="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(XL, 'X');
+ if (L01(L01'LEFT)='X') then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""<="": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if SIGNED_NUM_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH then return 0 < R;
+ end if;
+ end "<=";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: C.19
+ function ">=" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ alias XR: UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable L01 : UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable R01 : UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD."">="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(XL, 'X');
+ R01 := TO_01(XR, 'X');
+ if ((L01(L01'LEFT)='X') or (R01(R01'LEFT)='X')) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD."">="": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end ">=";
+ -- Id: C.20
+ function ">=" (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ alias XR: SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable L01 : SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable R01 : SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD."">="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(XL, 'X');
+ R01 := TO_01(XR, 'X');
+ if ((L01(L01'LEFT)='X') or (R01(R01'LEFT)='X')) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD."">="": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end ">=";
+ -- Id: C.21
+ function ">=" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XR: UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable R01 : UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD."">="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ R01 := TO_01(XR, 'X');
+ if (R01(R01'LEFT)='X') then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD."">="": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if UNSIGNED_NUM_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH then return L > 0;
+ end if;
+ end ">=";
+ -- Id: C.22
+ function ">=" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XR: SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable R01 : SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD."">="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ R01 := TO_01(XR, 'X');
+ if (R01(R01'LEFT)='X') then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD."">="": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if SIGNED_NUM_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH then return L > 0;
+ end if;
+ return not SIGNED_LESS(TO_SIGNED(L, R01'LENGTH), R01);
+ end ">=";
+ -- Id: C.23
+ function ">=" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ variable L01 : UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD."">="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(XL, 'X');
+ if (L01(L01'LEFT)='X') then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD."">="": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if UNSIGNED_NUM_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH then return 0 > R;
+ end if;
+ end ">=";
+ -- Id: C.24
+ function ">=" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ variable L01 : SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD."">="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(XL, 'X');
+ if (L01(L01'LEFT)='X') then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD."">="": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if SIGNED_NUM_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH then return 0 > R;
+ end if;
+ return not SIGNED_LESS(L01, TO_SIGNED(R, L01'LENGTH));
+ end ">=";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: C.25
+ function "=" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ alias XR: UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable L01 : UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable R01 : UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(XL, 'X');
+ R01 := TO_01(XR, 'X');
+ if ((L01(L01'LEFT)='X') or (R01(R01'LEFT)='X')) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""="": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end "=";
+ -- Id: C.26
+ function "=" (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ alias XR: SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable L01 : SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable R01 : SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(XL, 'X');
+ R01 := TO_01(XR, 'X');
+ if ((L01(L01'LEFT)='X') or (R01(R01'LEFT)='X')) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""="": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end "=";
+ -- Id: C.27
+ function "=" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XR: UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable R01 : UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ R01 := TO_01(XR, 'X');
+ if (R01(R01'LEFT)='X') then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""="": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end "=";
+ -- Id: C.28
+ function "=" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XR: SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable R01 : SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ R01 := TO_01(XR, 'X');
+ if (R01(R01'LEFT)='X') then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""="": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if SIGNED_NUM_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH then return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end "=";
+ -- Id: C.29
+ function "=" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ variable L01 : UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(XL, 'X');
+ if (L01(L01'LEFT)='X') then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""="": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end "=";
+ -- Id: C.30
+ function "=" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ variable L01 : SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""="": null argument detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(XL, 'X');
+ if (L01(L01'LEFT)='X') then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""="": metavalue detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if SIGNED_NUM_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH then return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end "=";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: C.31
+ function "/=" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ alias XR: UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable L01 : UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable R01 : UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""/="": null argument detected, returning TRUE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(XL, 'X');
+ R01 := TO_01(XR, 'X');
+ if ((L01(L01'LEFT)='X') or (R01(R01'LEFT)='X')) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""/="": metavalue detected, returning TRUE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ end "/=";
+ -- Id: C.32
+ function "/=" (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ alias XR: SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable L01 : SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable R01 : SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""/="": null argument detected, returning TRUE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(XL, 'X');
+ R01 := TO_01(XR, 'X');
+ if ((L01(L01'LEFT)='X') or (R01(R01'LEFT)='X')) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""/="": metavalue detected, returning TRUE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ end "/=";
+ -- Id: C.33
+ function "/=" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XR: UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable R01 : UNSIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""/="": null argument detected, returning TRUE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ R01 := TO_01(XR, 'X');
+ if (R01(R01'LEFT)='X') then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""/="": metavalue detected, returning TRUE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ if UNSIGNED_NUM_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH then return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ end "/=";
+ -- Id: C.34
+ function "/=" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant R_LEFT: INTEGER := R'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XR: SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0) is R;
+ variable R01 : SIGNED(R_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (R'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""/="": null argument detected, returning TRUE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ R01 := TO_01(XR, 'X');
+ if (R01(R01'LEFT)='X') then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""/="": metavalue detected, returning TRUE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ if SIGNED_NUM_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH then return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ return not(SIGNED_EQUAL(TO_SIGNED(L, R01'LENGTH), R01));
+ end "/=";
+ -- Id: C.35
+ function "/=" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ variable L01 : UNSIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""/="": null argument detected, returning TRUE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(XL, 'X');
+ if (L01(L01'LEFT)='X') then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""/="": metavalue detected, returning TRUE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ if UNSIGNED_NUM_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH then return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ end "/=";
+ -- Id: C.36
+ function "/=" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant L_LEFT: INTEGER := L'LENGTH-1;
+ alias XL: SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0) is L;
+ variable L01 : SIGNED(L_LEFT downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (L'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""/="": null argument detected, returning TRUE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ L01 := TO_01(XL, 'X');
+ if (L01(L01'LEFT)='X') then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.""/="": metavalue detected, returning TRUE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ if SIGNED_NUM_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH then return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ return not(SIGNED_EQUAL(L01, TO_SIGNED(R, L01'LENGTH)));
+ end "/=";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: S.1
+ begin
+ if (ARG'LENGTH < 1) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ -- Id: S.2
+ begin
+ if (ARG'LENGTH < 1) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ -- Id: S.3
+ begin
+ if (ARG'LENGTH < 1) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ -- Id: S.4
+ begin
+ if (ARG'LENGTH < 1) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: S.5
+ begin
+ if (ARG'LENGTH < 1) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ -- Id: S.6
+ begin
+ if (ARG'LENGTH < 1) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ -- Id: S.7
+ begin
+ if (ARG'LENGTH < 1) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ -- Id: S.8
+ begin
+ if (ARG'LENGTH < 1) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ --============================================================================
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.9 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.9
+ function "sll" (ARG: UNSIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return UNSIGNED is
+ begin
+ if (COUNT >= 0) then
+ else
+ end if;
+ end "sll";
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.10 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.10
+ function "sll" (ARG: SIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return SIGNED is
+ begin
+ if (COUNT >= 0) then
+ else
+ end if;
+ end "sll";
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.11 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.11
+ function "srl" (ARG: UNSIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return UNSIGNED is
+ begin
+ if (COUNT >= 0) then
+ else
+ end if;
+ end "srl";
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.12 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.12
+ function "srl" (ARG: SIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return SIGNED is
+ begin
+ if (COUNT >= 0) then
+ else
+ end if;
+ end "srl";
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.13 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.13
+ function "rol" (ARG: UNSIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return UNSIGNED is
+ begin
+ if (COUNT >= 0) then
+ else
+ end if;
+ end "rol";
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.14 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.14
+ function "rol" (ARG: SIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return SIGNED is
+ begin
+ if (COUNT >= 0) then
+ else
+ end if;
+ end "rol";
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.15 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.15
+ function "ror" (ARG: UNSIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return UNSIGNED is
+ begin
+ if (COUNT >= 0) then
+ else
+ end if;
+ end "ror";
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.16 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.16
+ function "ror" (ARG: SIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return SIGNED is
+ begin
+ if (COUNT >= 0) then
+ else
+ end if;
+ end "ror";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: D.1
+ function TO_INTEGER (ARG: UNSIGNED) return NATURAL is
+ alias XXARG: UNSIGNED(ARG_LEFT downto 0) is ARG;
+ variable XARG: UNSIGNED(ARG_LEFT downto 0);
+ variable RESULT: NATURAL := 0;
+ begin
+ if (ARG'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.TO_INTEGER: null detected, returning 0"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ XARG := TO_01(XXARG, 'X');
+ if (XARG(XARG'LEFT)='X') then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.TO_INTEGER: metavalue detected, returning 0"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ for I in XARG'RANGE loop
+ if XARG(I) = '1' then
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return RESULT;
+ -- Id: D.2
+ function TO_INTEGER (ARG: SIGNED) return INTEGER is
+ variable XARG: SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (ARG'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.TO_INTEGER: null detected, returning 0"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ XARG := TO_01(ARG, 'X');
+ if (XARG(XARG'LEFT)='X') then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.TO_INTEGER: metavalue detected, returning 0"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ if XARG(XARG'LEFT) = '0' then
+ else
+ return (- (TO_INTEGER(UNSIGNED(- (XARG + 1)))) -1);
+ end if;
+ -- Id: D.3
+ variable RESULT: UNSIGNED(SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ variable I_VAL: NATURAL := ARG;
+ begin
+ if (SIZE < 1) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ for I in 0 to RESULT'LEFT loop
+ if (I_VAL mod 2) = 0 then
+ RESULT(I) := '0';
+ else RESULT(I) := '1';
+ end if;
+ I_VAL := I_VAL/2;
+ end loop;
+ if not(I_VAL =0) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.TO_UNSIGNED: vector truncated"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ return RESULT;
+ -- Id: D.4
+ variable RESULT: SIGNED(SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ variable B_VAL: STD_LOGIC := '0';
+ variable I_VAL: INTEGER := ARG;
+ begin
+ if (SIZE < 1) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ if (ARG < 0) then
+ B_VAL := '1';
+ I_VAL := -(ARG+1);
+ end if;
+ for I in 0 to RESULT'LEFT loop
+ if (I_VAL mod 2) = 0 then
+ else
+ RESULT(I) := not B_VAL;
+ end if;
+ I_VAL := I_VAL/2;
+ end loop;
+ if ((I_VAL/=0) or (B_VAL/=RESULT(RESULT'LEFT))) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.TO_SIGNED: vector truncated"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ return RESULT;
+ end TO_SIGNED;
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: R.1
+ alias INVEC: SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0) is ARG;
+ variable RESULT: SIGNED(NEW_SIZE-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ begin
+ if (NEW_SIZE < 1) then return NAS;
+ end if;
+ if (ARG'LENGTH = 0) then return RESULT;
+ end if;
+ RESULT := (others => ARG(ARG'LEFT));
+ if BOUND >= 0 then
+ RESULT(BOUND downto 0) := INVEC(BOUND downto 0);
+ end if;
+ return RESULT;
+ end RESIZE;
+ -- Id: R.2
+ alias XARG: UNSIGNED(ARG_LEFT downto 0) is ARG;
+ variable RESULT: UNSIGNED(NEW_SIZE-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ begin
+ if (NEW_SIZE < 1) then return NAU;
+ end if;
+ if XARG'LENGTH =0 then return RESULT;
+ end if;
+ RESULT(RESULT'LEFT downto 0) := XARG(RESULT'LEFT downto 0);
+ else
+ RESULT(RESULT'LEFT downto XARG'LEFT+1) := (others => '0');
+ RESULT(XARG'LEFT downto 0) := XARG;
+ end if;
+ return RESULT;
+ end RESIZE;
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: L.1
+ function "not" (L: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "not";
+ -- Id: L.2
+ function "and" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "and";
+ -- Id: L.3
+ function "or" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "or";
+ -- Id: L.4
+ function "nand" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "nand";
+ -- Id: L.5
+ function "nor" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "nor";
+ -- Id: L.6
+ function "xor" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "xor";
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function L.7 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: L.7
+ function "xnor" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "xnor";
+ -- Id: L.8
+ function "not" (L: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "not";
+ -- Id: L.9
+ function "and" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "and";
+ -- Id: L.10
+ function "or" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "or";
+ -- Id: L.11
+ function "nand" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "nand";
+ -- Id: L.12
+ function "nor" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "nor";
+ -- Id: L.13
+ function "xor" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "xor";
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function L.14 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: L.14
+ function "xnor" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ return RESULT;
+ end "xnor";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- support constants for STD_MATCH:
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- U X 0 1 Z W L H -
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ );
+ -- Id: M.1
+ function STD_MATCH (L, R: STD_ULOGIC) return BOOLEAN is
+ variable VALUE: STD_ULOGIC;
+ begin
+ return MATCH_TABLE(L, R);
+ end STD_MATCH;
+ -- Id: M.2
+ function STD_MATCH (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ alias LV: UNSIGNED(1 to L'LENGTH) is L;
+ alias RV: UNSIGNED(1 to R'LENGTH) is R;
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.STD_MATCH: null detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if LV'LENGTH /= RV'LENGTH then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ else
+ for I in LV'LOW to LV'HIGH loop
+ if not (MATCH_TABLE(LV(I), RV(I))) then
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ end STD_MATCH;
+ -- Id: M.3
+ function STD_MATCH (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ alias LV: SIGNED(1 to L'LENGTH) is L;
+ alias RV: SIGNED(1 to R'LENGTH) is R;
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.STD_MATCH: null detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if LV'LENGTH /= RV'LENGTH then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ else
+ for I in LV'LOW to LV'HIGH loop
+ if not (MATCH_TABLE(LV(I), RV(I))) then
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ end STD_MATCH;
+ -- Id: M.4
+ function STD_MATCH (L, R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN is
+ alias LV: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 to L'LENGTH) is L;
+ alias RV: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 to R'LENGTH) is R;
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.STD_MATCH: null detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if LV'LENGTH /= RV'LENGTH then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ else
+ for I in LV'LOW to LV'HIGH loop
+ if not (MATCH_TABLE(LV(I), RV(I))) then
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ end STD_MATCH;
+ -- Id: M.5
+ function STD_MATCH (L, R: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN is
+ alias LV: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(1 to L'LENGTH) is L;
+ alias RV: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(1 to R'LENGTH) is R;
+ begin
+ if ((L'LENGTH < 1) or (R'LENGTH < 1)) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.STD_MATCH: null detected, returning FALSE"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ if LV'LENGTH /= RV'LENGTH then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ severity WARNING;
+ return FALSE;
+ else
+ for I in LV'LOW to LV'HIGH loop
+ if not (MATCH_TABLE(LV(I), RV(I))) then
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ end STD_MATCH;
+ --============================================================================
+ -- function TO_01 is used to convert vectors to the
+ -- correct form for exported functions,
+ -- and to report if there is an element which
+ -- is not in (0, 1, H, L).
+ -- Id: T.1
+ function TO_01 (S: UNSIGNED; XMAP: STD_LOGIC := '0') return UNSIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: UNSIGNED(S'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ alias XS: UNSIGNED(S'LENGTH-1 downto 0) is S;
+ begin
+ if (S'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.TO_01: null detected, returning NAU"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return NAU;
+ end if;
+ for I in RESULT'RANGE loop
+ case XS(I) is
+ when '0' | 'L' => RESULT(I) := '0';
+ when '1' | 'H' => RESULT(I) := '1';
+ when others => BAD_ELEMENT := TRUE;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ if BAD_ELEMENT then
+ for I in RESULT'RANGE loop
+ RESULT(I) := XMAP; -- standard fixup
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ return RESULT;
+ end TO_01;
+ -- Id: T.2
+ function TO_01 (S: SIGNED; XMAP: STD_LOGIC := '0') return SIGNED is
+ variable RESULT: SIGNED(S'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ alias XS: SIGNED(S'LENGTH-1 downto 0) is S;
+ begin
+ if (S'LENGTH < 1) then
+ assert NO_WARNING
+ report "NUMERIC_STD.TO_01: null detected, returning NAS"
+ severity WARNING;
+ return NAS;
+ end if;
+ for I in RESULT'RANGE loop
+ case XS(I) is
+ when '0' | 'L' => RESULT(I) := '0';
+ when '1' | 'H' => RESULT(I) := '1';
+ when others => BAD_ELEMENT := TRUE;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ if BAD_ELEMENT then
+ for I in RESULT'RANGE loop
+ RESULT(I) := XMAP; -- standard fixup
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ return RESULT;
+ end TO_01;
+ --============================================================================
diff --git a/libraries/ieee/numeric_std.vhdl b/libraries/ieee/numeric_std.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..da22c32b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/ieee/numeric_std.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,853 @@
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Copyright 1995 by IEEE. All rights reserved.
+-- This source file is considered by the IEEE to be an essential part of the use
+-- of the standard 1076.3 and as such may be distributed without change, except
+-- as permitted by the standard. This source file may not be sold or distributed
+-- for profit. This package may be modified to include additional data required
+-- by tools, but must in no way change the external interfaces or simulation
+-- behaviour of the description. It is permissible to add comments and/or
+-- attributes to the package declarations, but not to change or delete any
+-- original lines of the approved package declaration. The package body may be
+-- changed only in accordance with the terms of clauses 7.1 and 7.2 of the
+-- standard.
+-- Title : Standard VHDL Synthesis Package (1076.3, NUMERIC_STD)
+-- Library : This package shall be compiled into a library symbolically
+-- : named IEEE.
+-- Developers : IEEE DASC Synthesis Working Group, PAR 1076.3
+-- Purpose : This package defines numeric types and arithmetic functions
+-- : for use with synthesis tools. Two numeric types are defined:
+-- : -- > UNSIGNED: represents UNSIGNED number in vector form
+-- : -- > SIGNED: represents a SIGNED number in vector form
+-- : The base element type is type STD_LOGIC.
+-- : The leftmost bit is treated as the most significant bit.
+-- : Signed vectors are represented in two's complement form.
+-- : This package contains overloaded arithmetic operators on
+-- : the SIGNED and UNSIGNED types. The package also contains
+-- : useful type conversions functions.
+-- :
+-- : If any argument to a function is a null array, a null array is
+-- : returned (exceptions, if any, are noted individually).
+-- Limitation :
+-- Note : No declarations or definitions shall be included in,
+-- : or excluded from this package. The "package declaration"
+-- : defines the types, subtypes and declarations of
+-- : NUMERIC_STD. The NUMERIC_STD package body shall be
+-- : considered the formal definition of the semantics of
+-- : this package. Tool developers may choose to implement
+-- : the package body in the most efficient manner available
+-- : to them.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- modification history :
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Version: 2.4
+-- Date : 12 April 1995
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
+package NUMERIC_STD is
+ constant CopyRightNotice: STRING
+ := "Copyright 1995 IEEE. All rights reserved.";
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Numeric array type definitions
+ --============================================================================
+ type UNSIGNED is array (NATURAL range <>) of STD_LOGIC;
+ type SIGNED is array (NATURAL range <>) of STD_LOGIC;
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Arithmetic Operators:
+ --===========================================================================
+ -- Id: A.1
+ function "abs" (ARG: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Returns the absolute value of a SIGNED vector ARG.
+ -- Id: A.2
+ function "-" (ARG: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Returns the value of the unary minus operation on a
+ -- SIGNED vector ARG.
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: A.3
+ function "+" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(MAX(L'LENGTH, R'LENGTH)-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Adds two UNSIGNED vectors that may be of different lengths.
+ -- Id: A.4
+ function "+" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(MAX(L'LENGTH, R'LENGTH)-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Adds two SIGNED vectors that may be of different lengths.
+ -- Id: A.5
+ function "+" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Adds an UNSIGNED vector, L, with a non-negative INTEGER, R.
+ -- Id: A.6
+ function "+" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Adds a non-negative INTEGER, L, with an UNSIGNED vector, R.
+ -- Id: A.7
+ function "+" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Adds an INTEGER, L(may be positive or negative), to a SIGNED
+ -- vector, R.
+ -- Id: A.8
+ function "+" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Adds a SIGNED vector, L, to an INTEGER, R.
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: A.9
+ function "-" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(MAX(L'LENGTH, R'LENGTH)-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Subtracts two UNSIGNED vectors that may be of different lengths.
+ -- Id: A.10
+ function "-" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(MAX(L'LENGTH, R'LENGTH)-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Subtracts a SIGNED vector, R, from another SIGNED vector, L,
+ -- that may possibly be of different lengths.
+ -- Id: A.11
+ function "-" (L: UNSIGNED;R: NATURAL) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Subtracts a non-negative INTEGER, R, from an UNSIGNED vector, L.
+ -- Id: A.12
+ function "-" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Subtracts an UNSIGNED vector, R, from a non-negative INTEGER, L.
+ -- Id: A.13
+ function "-" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Subtracts an INTEGER, R, from a SIGNED vector, L.
+ -- Id: A.14
+ function "-" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0).
+ -- Result: Subtracts a SIGNED vector, R, from an INTEGER, L.
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: A.15
+ function "*" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED((L'LENGTH+R'LENGTH-1) downto 0).
+ -- Result: Performs the multiplication operation on two UNSIGNED vectors
+ -- that may possibly be of different lengths.
+ -- Id: A.16
+ function "*" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED((L'LENGTH+R'LENGTH-1) downto 0)
+ -- Result: Multiplies two SIGNED vectors that may possibly be of
+ -- different lengths.
+ -- Id: A.17
+ function "*" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED((L'LENGTH+L'LENGTH-1) downto 0).
+ -- Result: Multiplies an UNSIGNED vector, L, with a non-negative
+ -- INTEGER, R. R is converted to an UNSIGNED vector of
+ -- SIZE L'LENGTH before multiplication.
+ -- Id: A.18
+ function "*" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED((R'LENGTH+R'LENGTH-1) downto 0).
+ -- Result: Multiplies an UNSIGNED vector, R, with a non-negative
+ -- INTEGER, L. L is converted to an UNSIGNED vector of
+ -- SIZE R'LENGTH before multiplication.
+ -- Id: A.19
+ function "*" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED((L'LENGTH+L'LENGTH-1) downto 0)
+ -- Result: Multiplies a SIGNED vector, L, with an INTEGER, R. R is
+ -- converted to a SIGNED vector of SIZE L'LENGTH before
+ -- multiplication.
+ -- Id: A.20
+ function "*" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED((R'LENGTH+R'LENGTH-1) downto 0)
+ -- Result: Multiplies a SIGNED vector, R, with an INTEGER, L. L is
+ -- converted to a SIGNED vector of SIZE R'LENGTH before
+ -- multiplication.
+ --============================================================================
+ --
+ -- NOTE: If second argument is zero for "/" operator, a severity level
+ -- of ERROR is issued.
+ -- Id: A.21
+ function "/" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Divides an UNSIGNED vector, L, by another UNSIGNED vector, R.
+ -- Id: A.22
+ function "/" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Divides an SIGNED vector, L, by another SIGNED vector, R.
+ -- Id: A.23
+ function "/" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Divides an UNSIGNED vector, L, by a non-negative INTEGER, R.
+ -- If NO_OF_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH, result is truncated to L'LENGTH.
+ -- Id: A.24
+ function "/" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Divides a non-negative INTEGER, L, by an UNSIGNED vector, R.
+ -- If NO_OF_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH, result is truncated to R'LENGTH.
+ -- Id: A.25
+ function "/" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Divides a SIGNED vector, L, by an INTEGER, R.
+ -- If NO_OF_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH, result is truncated to L'LENGTH.
+ -- Id: A.26
+ function "/" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Divides an INTEGER, L, by a SIGNED vector, R.
+ -- If NO_OF_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH, result is truncated to R'LENGTH.
+ --============================================================================
+ --
+ -- NOTE: If second argument is zero for "rem" operator, a severity level
+ -- of ERROR is issued.
+ -- Id: A.27
+ function "rem" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Computes "L rem R" where L and R are UNSIGNED vectors.
+ -- Id: A.28
+ function "rem" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Computes "L rem R" where L and R are SIGNED vectors.
+ -- Id: A.29
+ function "rem" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Computes "L rem R" where L is an UNSIGNED vector and R is a
+ -- non-negative INTEGER.
+ -- If NO_OF_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH, result is truncated to L'LENGTH.
+ -- Id: A.30
+ function "rem" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Computes "L rem R" where R is an UNSIGNED vector and L is a
+ -- non-negative INTEGER.
+ -- If NO_OF_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH, result is truncated to R'LENGTH.
+ -- Id: A.31
+ function "rem" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Computes "L rem R" where L is SIGNED vector and R is an INTEGER.
+ -- If NO_OF_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH, result is truncated to L'LENGTH.
+ -- Id: A.32
+ function "rem" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Computes "L rem R" where R is SIGNED vector and L is an INTEGER.
+ -- If NO_OF_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH, result is truncated to R'LENGTH.
+ --============================================================================
+ --
+ -- NOTE: If second argument is zero for "mod" operator, a severity level
+ -- of ERROR is issued.
+ -- Id: A.33
+ function "mod" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Computes "L mod R" where L and R are UNSIGNED vectors.
+ -- Id: A.34
+ function "mod" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Computes "L mod R" where L and R are SIGNED vectors.
+ -- Id: A.35
+ function "mod" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Computes "L mod R" where L is an UNSIGNED vector and R
+ -- is a non-negative INTEGER.
+ -- If NO_OF_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH, result is truncated to L'LENGTH.
+ -- Id: A.36
+ function "mod" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Computes "L mod R" where R is an UNSIGNED vector and L
+ -- is a non-negative INTEGER.
+ -- If NO_OF_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH, result is truncated to R'LENGTH.
+ -- Id: A.37
+ function "mod" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Computes "L mod R" where L is a SIGNED vector and
+ -- R is an INTEGER.
+ -- If NO_OF_BITS(R) > L'LENGTH, result is truncated to L'LENGTH.
+ -- Id: A.38
+ function "mod" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(R'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Computes "L mod R" where L is an INTEGER and
+ -- R is a SIGNED vector.
+ -- If NO_OF_BITS(L) > R'LENGTH, result is truncated to R'LENGTH.
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Comparison Operators
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: C.1
+ function ">" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L > R" where L and R are UNSIGNED vectors possibly
+ -- of different lengths.
+ -- Id: C.2
+ function ">" (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L > R" where L and R are SIGNED vectors possibly
+ -- of different lengths.
+ -- Id: C.3
+ function ">" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L > R" where L is a non-negative INTEGER and
+ -- R is an UNSIGNED vector.
+ -- Id: C.4
+ function ">" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L > R" where L is a INTEGER and
+ -- R is a SIGNED vector.
+ -- Id: C.5
+ function ">" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L > R" where L is an UNSIGNED vector and
+ -- R is a non-negative INTEGER.
+ -- Id: C.6
+ function ">" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L > R" where L is a SIGNED vector and
+ -- R is a INTEGER.
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: C.7
+ function "<" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L < R" where L and R are UNSIGNED vectors possibly
+ -- of different lengths.
+ -- Id: C.8
+ function "<" (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L < R" where L and R are SIGNED vectors possibly
+ -- of different lengths.
+ -- Id: C.9
+ function "<" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L < R" where L is a non-negative INTEGER and
+ -- R is an UNSIGNED vector.
+ -- Id: C.10
+ function "<" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L < R" where L is an INTEGER and
+ -- R is a SIGNED vector.
+ -- Id: C.11
+ function "<" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L < R" where L is an UNSIGNED vector and
+ -- R is a non-negative INTEGER.
+ -- Id: C.12
+ function "<" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L < R" where L is a SIGNED vector and
+ -- R is an INTEGER.
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: C.13
+ function "<=" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L <= R" where L and R are UNSIGNED vectors possibly
+ -- of different lengths.
+ -- Id: C.14
+ function "<=" (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L <= R" where L and R are SIGNED vectors possibly
+ -- of different lengths.
+ -- Id: C.15
+ function "<=" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L <= R" where L is a non-negative INTEGER and
+ -- R is an UNSIGNED vector.
+ -- Id: C.16
+ function "<=" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L <= R" where L is an INTEGER and
+ -- R is a SIGNED vector.
+ -- Id: C.17
+ function "<=" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L <= R" where L is an UNSIGNED vector and
+ -- R is a non-negative INTEGER.
+ -- Id: C.18
+ function "<=" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L <= R" where L is a SIGNED vector and
+ -- R is an INTEGER.
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: C.19
+ function ">=" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L >= R" where L and R are UNSIGNED vectors possibly
+ -- of different lengths.
+ -- Id: C.20
+ function ">=" (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L >= R" where L and R are SIGNED vectors possibly
+ -- of different lengths.
+ -- Id: C.21
+ function ">=" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L >= R" where L is a non-negative INTEGER and
+ -- R is an UNSIGNED vector.
+ -- Id: C.22
+ function ">=" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L >= R" where L is an INTEGER and
+ -- R is a SIGNED vector.
+ -- Id: C.23
+ function ">=" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L >= R" where L is an UNSIGNED vector and
+ -- R is a non-negative INTEGER.
+ -- Id: C.24
+ function ">=" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L >= R" where L is a SIGNED vector and
+ -- R is an INTEGER.
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: C.25
+ function "=" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L = R" where L and R are UNSIGNED vectors possibly
+ -- of different lengths.
+ -- Id: C.26
+ function "=" (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L = R" where L and R are SIGNED vectors possibly
+ -- of different lengths.
+ -- Id: C.27
+ function "=" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L = R" where L is a non-negative INTEGER and
+ -- R is an UNSIGNED vector.
+ -- Id: C.28
+ function "=" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L = R" where L is an INTEGER and
+ -- R is a SIGNED vector.
+ -- Id: C.29
+ function "=" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L = R" where L is an UNSIGNED vector and
+ -- R is a non-negative INTEGER.
+ -- Id: C.30
+ function "=" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L = R" where L is a SIGNED vector and
+ -- R is an INTEGER.
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: C.31
+ function "/=" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L /= R" where L and R are UNSIGNED vectors possibly
+ -- of different lengths.
+ -- Id: C.32
+ function "/=" (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L /= R" where L and R are SIGNED vectors possibly
+ -- of different lengths.
+ -- Id: C.33
+ function "/=" (L: NATURAL; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L /= R" where L is a non-negative INTEGER and
+ -- R is an UNSIGNED vector.
+ -- Id: C.34
+ function "/=" (L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L /= R" where L is an INTEGER and
+ -- R is a SIGNED vector.
+ -- Id: C.35
+ function "/=" (L: UNSIGNED; R: NATURAL) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L /= R" where L is an UNSIGNED vector and
+ -- R is a non-negative INTEGER.
+ -- Id: C.36
+ function "/=" (L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: Computes "L /= R" where L is a SIGNED vector and
+ -- R is an INTEGER.
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Shift and Rotate Functions
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: S.1
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Performs a shift-left on an UNSIGNED vector COUNT times.
+ -- The vacated positions are filled with '0'.
+ -- The COUNT leftmost elements are lost.
+ -- Id: S.2
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Performs a shift-right on an UNSIGNED vector COUNT times.
+ -- The vacated positions are filled with '0'.
+ -- The COUNT rightmost elements are lost.
+ -- Id: S.3
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Performs a shift-left on a SIGNED vector COUNT times.
+ -- The vacated positions are filled with '0'.
+ -- The COUNT leftmost elements are lost.
+ -- Id: S.4
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Performs a shift-right on a SIGNED vector COUNT times.
+ -- The vacated positions are filled with the leftmost
+ -- element, ARG'LEFT. The COUNT rightmost elements are lost.
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: S.5
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Performs a rotate-left of an UNSIGNED vector COUNT times.
+ -- Id: S.6
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Performs a rotate-right of an UNSIGNED vector COUNT times.
+ -- Id: S.7
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Performs a logical rotate-left of a SIGNED
+ -- vector COUNT times.
+ -- Id: S.8
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Performs a logical rotate-right of a SIGNED
+ -- vector COUNT times.
+ --============================================================================
+ --============================================================================
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.9 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.9
+ function "sll" (ARG: UNSIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return UNSIGNED; --V93
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.10 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.10
+ function "sll" (ARG: SIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return SIGNED; --V93
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.11 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.11
+ function "srl" (ARG: UNSIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return UNSIGNED; --V93
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.12 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.12
+ function "srl" (ARG: SIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return SIGNED; --V93
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.13 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.13
+ function "rol" (ARG: UNSIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return UNSIGNED; --V93
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.14 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.14
+ function "rol" (ARG: SIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return SIGNED; --V93
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.15 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.15
+ function "ror" (ARG: UNSIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return UNSIGNED; --V93
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function S.16 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: S.16
+ function "ror" (ARG: SIGNED; COUNT: INTEGER) return SIGNED; --V93
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(ARG'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ --============================================================================
+ -- RESIZE Functions
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: R.1
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(NEW_SIZE-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Resizes the SIGNED vector ARG to the specified size.
+ -- To create a larger vector, the new [leftmost] bit positions
+ -- are filled with the sign bit (ARG'LEFT). When truncating,
+ -- the sign bit is retained along with the rightmost part.
+ -- Id: R.2
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(NEW_SIZE-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Resizes the SIGNED vector ARG to the specified size.
+ -- To create a larger vector, the new [leftmost] bit positions
+ -- are filled with '0'. When truncating, the leftmost bits
+ -- are dropped.
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Conversion Functions
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: D.1
+ -- Result subtype: NATURAL. Value cannot be negative since parameter is an
+ -- UNSIGNED vector.
+ -- Result: Converts the UNSIGNED vector to an INTEGER.
+ -- Id: D.2
+ function TO_INTEGER (ARG: SIGNED) return INTEGER;
+ -- Result subtype: INTEGER
+ -- Result: Converts a SIGNED vector to an INTEGER.
+ -- Id: D.3
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(SIZE-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Converts a non-negative INTEGER to an UNSIGNED vector with
+ -- the specified SIZE.
+ -- Id: D.4
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(SIZE-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Converts an INTEGER to a SIGNED vector of the specified SIZE.
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Logical Operators
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: L.1
+ function "not" (L: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Termwise inversion
+ -- Id: L.2
+ function "and" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Vector AND operation
+ -- Id: L.3
+ function "or" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Vector OR operation
+ -- Id: L.4
+ function "nand" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Vector NAND operation
+ -- Id: L.5
+ function "nor" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Vector NOR operation
+ -- Id: L.6
+ function "xor" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Vector XOR operation
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function L.7 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: L.7
+ function "xnor" (L, R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED; --V93
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Vector XNOR operation
+ -- Id: L.8
+ function "not" (L: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Termwise inversion
+ -- Id: L.9
+ function "and" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Vector AND operation
+ -- Id: L.10
+ function "or" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Vector OR operation
+ -- Id: L.11
+ function "nand" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Vector NAND operation
+ -- Id: L.12
+ function "nor" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Vector NOR operation
+ -- Id: L.13
+ function "xor" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Vector XOR operation
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note : Function L.14 is not compatible with VHDL 1076-1987. Comment
+ -- out the function (declaration and body) for VHDL 1076-1987 compatibility.
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Id: L.14
+ function "xnor" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED; --V93
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(L'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ -- Result: Vector XNOR operation
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Match Functions
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: M.1
+ function STD_MATCH (L, R: STD_ULOGIC) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: terms compared per STD_LOGIC_1164 intent
+ -- Id: M.2
+ function STD_MATCH (L, R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: terms compared per STD_LOGIC_1164 intent
+ -- Id: M.3
+ function STD_MATCH (L, R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: terms compared per STD_LOGIC_1164 intent
+ -- Id: M.4
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: terms compared per STD_LOGIC_1164 intent
+ -- Id: M.5
+ -- Result subtype: BOOLEAN
+ -- Result: terms compared per STD_LOGIC_1164 intent
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Translation Functions
+ --============================================================================
+ -- Id: T.1
+ function TO_01 (S: UNSIGNED; XMAP: STD_LOGIC := '0') return UNSIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: UNSIGNED(S'RANGE)
+ -- Result: Termwise, 'H' is translated to '1', and 'L' is translated
+ -- to '0'. If a value other than '0'|'1'|'H'|'L' is found,
+ -- the array is set to (others => XMAP), and a warning is
+ -- issued.
+ -- Id: T.2
+ function TO_01 (S: SIGNED; XMAP: STD_LOGIC := '0') return SIGNED;
+ -- Result subtype: SIGNED(S'RANGE)
+ -- Result: Termwise, 'H' is translated to '1', and 'L' is translated
+ -- to '0'. If a value other than '0'|'1'|'H'|'L' is found,
+ -- the array is set to (others => XMAP), and a warning is
+ -- issued.
diff --git a/libraries/ieee/std_logic_1164.vhdl b/libraries/ieee/std_logic_1164.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c53113be9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/ieee/std_logic_1164.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Title : std_logic_1164 multi-value logic system
+-- Library : This package shall be compiled into a library
+-- : symbolically named IEEE.
+-- :
+-- Developers: IEEE model standards group (par 1164)
+-- Purpose : This packages defines a standard for designers
+-- : to use in describing the interconnection data types
+-- : used in vhdl modeling.
+-- :
+-- Limitation: The logic system defined in this package may
+-- : be insufficient for modeling switched transistors,
+-- : since such a requirement is out of the scope of this
+-- : effort. Furthermore, mathematics, primitives,
+-- : timing standards, etc. are considered orthogonal
+-- : issues as it relates to this package and are therefore
+-- : beyond the scope of this effort.
+-- :
+-- Note : No declarations or definitions shall be included in,
+-- : or excluded from this package. The "package declaration"
+-- : defines the types, subtypes and declarations of
+-- : std_logic_1164. The std_logic_1164 package body shall be
+-- : considered the formal definition of the semantics of
+-- : this package. Tool developers may choose to implement
+-- : the package body in the most efficient manner available
+-- : to them.
+-- :
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- modification history :
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- version | mod. date:|
+-- v4.200 | 01/02/92 |
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
+PACKAGE std_logic_1164 IS
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- logic state system (unresolved)
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TYPE std_ulogic IS ( 'U', -- Uninitialized
+ 'X', -- Forcing Unknown
+ '0', -- Forcing 0
+ '1', -- Forcing 1
+ 'Z', -- High Impedance
+ 'W', -- Weak Unknown
+ 'L', -- Weak 0
+ 'H', -- Weak 1
+ '-' -- Don't care
+ );
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- unconstrained array of std_ulogic for use with the resolution function
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TYPE std_ulogic_vector IS ARRAY ( NATURAL RANGE <> ) OF std_ulogic;
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- resolution function
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION resolved ( s : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- *** industry standard logic type ***
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SUBTYPE std_logic IS resolved std_ulogic;
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- unconstrained array of std_logic for use in declaring signal arrays
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TYPE std_logic_vector IS ARRAY ( NATURAL RANGE <>) OF std_logic;
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- common subtypes
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SUBTYPE X01 IS resolved std_ulogic RANGE 'X' TO '1'; -- ('X','0','1')
+ SUBTYPE X01Z IS resolved std_ulogic RANGE 'X' TO 'Z'; -- ('X','0','1','Z')
+ SUBTYPE UX01 IS resolved std_ulogic RANGE 'U' TO '1'; -- ('U','X','0','1')
+ SUBTYPE UX01Z IS resolved std_ulogic RANGE 'U' TO 'Z'; -- ('U','X','0','1','Z')
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- overloaded logical operators
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION "and" ( l : std_ulogic; r : std_ulogic ) RETURN UX01;
+ FUNCTION "nand" ( l : std_ulogic; r : std_ulogic ) RETURN UX01;
+ FUNCTION "or" ( l : std_ulogic; r : std_ulogic ) RETURN UX01;
+ FUNCTION "nor" ( l : std_ulogic; r : std_ulogic ) RETURN UX01;
+ FUNCTION "xor" ( l : std_ulogic; r : std_ulogic ) RETURN UX01;
+ FUNCTION "xnor" ( l : std_ulogic; r : std_ulogic ) RETURN UX01; --V93
+ FUNCTION "not" ( l : std_ulogic ) RETURN UX01;
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- vectorized overloaded logical operators
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION "and" ( l, r : std_logic_vector ) RETURN std_logic_vector;
+ FUNCTION "and" ( l, r : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector;
+ FUNCTION "nand" ( l, r : std_logic_vector ) RETURN std_logic_vector;
+ FUNCTION "nand" ( l, r : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector;
+ FUNCTION "or" ( l, r : std_logic_vector ) RETURN std_logic_vector;
+ FUNCTION "or" ( l, r : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector;
+ FUNCTION "nor" ( l, r : std_logic_vector ) RETURN std_logic_vector;
+ FUNCTION "nor" ( l, r : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector;
+ FUNCTION "xor" ( l, r : std_logic_vector ) RETURN std_logic_vector;
+ FUNCTION "xor" ( l, r : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector;
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Note : The declaration and implementation of the "xnor" function is
+-- specifically commented until at which time the VHDL language has been
+-- officially adopted as containing such a function. At such a point,
+-- the following comments may be removed along with this notice without
+-- further "official" ballotting of this std_logic_1164 package. It is
+-- the intent of this effort to provide such a function once it becomes
+-- available in the VHDL standard.
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION "xnor" ( l, r : std_logic_vector ) RETURN std_logic_vector; --V93
+ FUNCTION "xnor" ( l, r : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector;--V93
+ FUNCTION "not" ( l : std_logic_vector ) RETURN std_logic_vector;
+ FUNCTION "not" ( l : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector;
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- conversion functions
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION To_bit ( s : std_ulogic; xmap : BIT := '0') RETURN BIT;
+ FUNCTION To_bitvector ( s : std_logic_vector ; xmap : BIT := '0') RETURN BIT_VECTOR;
+ FUNCTION To_bitvector ( s : std_ulogic_vector; xmap : BIT := '0') RETURN BIT_VECTOR;
+ FUNCTION To_StdULogic ( b : BIT ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ FUNCTION To_StdLogicVector ( b : BIT_VECTOR ) RETURN std_logic_vector;
+ FUNCTION To_StdLogicVector ( s : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_logic_vector;
+ FUNCTION To_StdULogicVector ( b : BIT_VECTOR ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector;
+ FUNCTION To_StdULogicVector ( s : std_logic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector;
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- strength strippers and type convertors
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION To_X01 ( s : std_logic_vector ) RETURN std_logic_vector;
+ FUNCTION To_X01 ( s : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector;
+ FUNCTION To_X01 ( s : std_ulogic ) RETURN X01;
+ FUNCTION To_X01 ( b : BIT_VECTOR ) RETURN std_logic_vector;
+ FUNCTION To_X01 ( b : BIT_VECTOR ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector;
+ FUNCTION To_X01 ( b : BIT ) RETURN X01;
+ FUNCTION To_X01Z ( s : std_logic_vector ) RETURN std_logic_vector;
+ FUNCTION To_X01Z ( s : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector;
+ FUNCTION To_X01Z ( s : std_ulogic ) RETURN X01Z;
+ FUNCTION To_X01Z ( b : BIT_VECTOR ) RETURN std_logic_vector;
+ FUNCTION To_X01Z ( b : BIT_VECTOR ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector;
+ FUNCTION To_UX01 ( s : std_logic_vector ) RETURN std_logic_vector;
+ FUNCTION To_UX01 ( s : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector;
+ FUNCTION To_UX01 ( s : std_ulogic ) RETURN UX01;
+ FUNCTION To_UX01 ( b : BIT_VECTOR ) RETURN std_logic_vector;
+ FUNCTION To_UX01 ( b : BIT_VECTOR ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector;
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- edge detection
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION rising_edge (SIGNAL s : std_ulogic) RETURN BOOLEAN;
+ FUNCTION falling_edge (SIGNAL s : std_ulogic) RETURN BOOLEAN;
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- object contains an unknown
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION Is_X ( s : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN BOOLEAN;
+ FUNCTION Is_X ( s : std_logic_vector ) RETURN BOOLEAN;
+ FUNCTION Is_X ( s : std_ulogic ) RETURN BOOLEAN;
+END std_logic_1164;
diff --git a/libraries/ieee/std_logic_1164_body.vhdl b/libraries/ieee/std_logic_1164_body.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65c5965e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/ieee/std_logic_1164_body.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,830 @@
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Title : std_logic_1164 multi-value logic system
+-- Library : This package shall be compiled into a library
+-- : symbolically named IEEE.
+-- :
+-- Developers: IEEE model standards group (par 1164)
+-- Purpose : This packages defines a standard for designers
+-- : to use in describing the interconnection data types
+-- : used in vhdl modeling.
+-- :
+-- Limitation: The logic system defined in this package may
+-- : be insufficient for modeling switched transistors,
+-- : since such a requirement is out of the scope of this
+-- : effort. Furthermore, mathematics, primitives,
+-- : timing standards, etc. are considered orthogonal
+-- : issues as it relates to this package and are therefore
+-- : beyond the scope of this effort.
+-- :
+-- Note : No declarations or definitions shall be included in,
+-- : or excluded from this package. The "package declaration"
+-- : defines the types, subtypes and declarations of
+-- : std_logic_1164. The std_logic_1164 package body shall be
+-- : considered the formal definition of the semantics of
+-- : this package. Tool developers may choose to implement
+-- : the package body in the most efficient manner available
+-- : to them.
+-- :
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- modification history :
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- version | mod. date:|
+-- v4.200 | 01/02/91 |
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
+PACKAGE BODY std_logic_1164 IS
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- local types
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TYPE stdlogic_1d IS ARRAY (std_ulogic) OF std_ulogic;
+ TYPE stdlogic_table IS ARRAY(std_ulogic, std_ulogic) OF std_ulogic;
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- resolution function
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT resolution_table : stdlogic_table := (
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------
+ -- | U X 0 1 Z W L H - | |
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------
+ ( 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U' ), -- | U |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X' ), -- | X |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', 'X', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'X' ), -- | 0 |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', 'X' ), -- | 1 |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z', 'W', 'L', 'H', 'X' ), -- | Z |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'X' ), -- | W |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'L', 'W', 'L', 'W', 'X' ), -- | L |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'H', 'W', 'W', 'H', 'X' ), -- | H |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X' ) -- | - |
+ );
+ FUNCTION resolved ( s : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ VARIABLE result : std_ulogic := 'Z'; -- weakest state default
+ -- the test for a single driver is essential otherwise the
+ -- loop would return 'X' for a single driver of '-' and that
+ -- would conflict with the value of a single driver unresolved
+ -- signal.
+ result := resolution_table(result, s(i));
+ RETURN result;
+ END resolved;
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- tables for logical operations
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- truth table for "and" function
+ CONSTANT and_table : stdlogic_table := (
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------
+ -- | U X 0 1 Z W L H - | |
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------
+ ( 'U', 'U', '0', 'U', 'U', 'U', '0', 'U', 'U' ), -- | U |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', 'X', 'X', 'X', '0', 'X', 'X' ), -- | X |
+ ( '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0' ), -- | 0 |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'X', 'X', '0', '1', 'X' ), -- | 1 |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', 'X', 'X', 'X', '0', 'X', 'X' ), -- | Z |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', 'X', 'X', 'X', '0', 'X', 'X' ), -- | W |
+ ( '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0' ), -- | L |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'X', 'X', '0', '1', 'X' ), -- | H |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', 'X', 'X', 'X', '0', 'X', 'X' ) -- | - |
+ );
+ -- truth table for "or" function
+ CONSTANT or_table : stdlogic_table := (
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------
+ -- | U X 0 1 Z W L H - | |
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------
+ ( 'U', 'U', 'U', '1', 'U', 'U', 'U', '1', 'U' ), -- | U |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', '1', 'X', 'X', 'X', '1', 'X' ), -- | X |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'X', 'X', '0', '1', 'X' ), -- | 0 |
+ ( '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1' ), -- | 1 |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', '1', 'X', 'X', 'X', '1', 'X' ), -- | Z |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', '1', 'X', 'X', 'X', '1', 'X' ), -- | W |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'X', 'X', '0', '1', 'X' ), -- | L |
+ ( '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1' ), -- | H |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', '1', 'X', 'X', 'X', '1', 'X' ) -- | - |
+ );
+ -- truth table for "xor" function
+ CONSTANT xor_table : stdlogic_table := (
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------
+ -- | U X 0 1 Z W L H - | |
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------
+ ( 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U' ), -- | U |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X' ), -- | X |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'X', 'X', '0', '1', 'X' ), -- | 0 |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '1', '0', 'X', 'X', '1', '0', 'X' ), -- | 1 |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X' ), -- | Z |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X' ), -- | W |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'X', 'X', '0', '1', 'X' ), -- | L |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '1', '0', 'X', 'X', '1', '0', 'X' ), -- | H |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X' ) -- | - |
+ );
+ -- truth table for "not" function
+ CONSTANT not_table: stdlogic_1d :=
+ -- -------------------------------------------------
+ -- | U X 0 1 Z W L H - |
+ -- -------------------------------------------------
+ ( 'U', 'X', '1', '0', 'X', 'X', '1', '0', 'X' );
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- overloaded logical operators ( with optimizing hints )
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION "and" ( l : std_ulogic; r : std_ulogic ) RETURN UX01 IS
+ RETURN (and_table(l, r));
+ END "and";
+ FUNCTION "nand" ( l : std_ulogic; r : std_ulogic ) RETURN UX01 IS
+ RETURN (not_table ( and_table(l, r)));
+ END "nand";
+ FUNCTION "or" ( l : std_ulogic; r : std_ulogic ) RETURN UX01 IS
+ RETURN (or_table(l, r));
+ END "or";
+ FUNCTION "nor" ( l : std_ulogic; r : std_ulogic ) RETURN UX01 IS
+ RETURN (not_table ( or_table( l, r )));
+ END "nor";
+ FUNCTION "xor" ( l : std_ulogic; r : std_ulogic ) RETURN UX01 IS
+ RETURN (xor_table(l, r));
+ END "xor";
+ FUNCTION "xnor" ( l : std_ulogic; r : std_ulogic ) RETURN UX01 IS
+ RETURN not_table(xor_table(l, r));
+ END "xnor";
+ FUNCTION "not" ( l : std_ulogic ) RETURN UX01 IS
+ RETURN (not_table(l));
+ END "not";
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- and
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION "and" ( l,r : std_logic_vector ) RETURN std_logic_vector IS
+ ALIAS lv : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH ) IS l;
+ ALIAS rv : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO r'LENGTH ) IS r;
+ VARIABLE result : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH );
+ REPORT "arguments of overloaded 'and' operator are not of the same length"
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ result(i) := and_table (lv(i), rv(i));
+ RETURN result;
+ END "and";
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION "and" ( l,r : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector IS
+ ALIAS lv : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH ) IS l;
+ ALIAS rv : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO r'LENGTH ) IS r;
+ VARIABLE result : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH );
+ REPORT "arguments of overloaded 'and' operator are not of the same length"
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ result(i) := and_table (lv(i), rv(i));
+ RETURN result;
+ END "and";
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- nand
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION "nand" ( l,r : std_logic_vector ) RETURN std_logic_vector IS
+ ALIAS lv : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH ) IS l;
+ ALIAS rv : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO r'LENGTH ) IS r;
+ VARIABLE result : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH );
+ REPORT "arguments of overloaded 'nand' operator are not of the same length"
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ result(i) := not_table(and_table (lv(i), rv(i)));
+ RETURN result;
+ END "nand";
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION "nand" ( l,r : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector IS
+ ALIAS lv : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH ) IS l;
+ ALIAS rv : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO r'LENGTH ) IS r;
+ VARIABLE result : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH );
+ REPORT "arguments of overloaded 'nand' operator are not of the same length"
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ result(i) := not_table(and_table (lv(i), rv(i)));
+ RETURN result;
+ END "nand";
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- or
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION "or" ( l,r : std_logic_vector ) RETURN std_logic_vector IS
+ ALIAS lv : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH ) IS l;
+ ALIAS rv : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO r'LENGTH ) IS r;
+ VARIABLE result : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH );
+ REPORT "arguments of overloaded 'or' operator are not of the same length"
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ result(i) := or_table (lv(i), rv(i));
+ RETURN result;
+ END "or";
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION "or" ( l,r : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector IS
+ ALIAS lv : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH ) IS l;
+ ALIAS rv : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO r'LENGTH ) IS r;
+ VARIABLE result : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH );
+ REPORT "arguments of overloaded 'or' operator are not of the same length"
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ result(i) := or_table (lv(i), rv(i));
+ RETURN result;
+ END "or";
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- nor
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION "nor" ( l,r : std_logic_vector ) RETURN std_logic_vector IS
+ ALIAS lv : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH ) IS l;
+ ALIAS rv : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO r'LENGTH ) IS r;
+ VARIABLE result : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH );
+ REPORT "arguments of overloaded 'nor' operator are not of the same length"
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ result(i) := not_table(or_table (lv(i), rv(i)));
+ RETURN result;
+ END "nor";
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION "nor" ( l,r : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector IS
+ ALIAS lv : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH ) IS l;
+ ALIAS rv : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO r'LENGTH ) IS r;
+ VARIABLE result : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH );
+ REPORT "arguments of overloaded 'nor' operator are not of the same length"
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ result(i) := not_table(or_table (lv(i), rv(i)));
+ RETURN result;
+ END "nor";
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- xor
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION "xor" ( l,r : std_logic_vector ) RETURN std_logic_vector IS
+ ALIAS lv : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH ) IS l;
+ ALIAS rv : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO r'LENGTH ) IS r;
+ VARIABLE result : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH );
+ REPORT "arguments of overloaded 'xor' operator are not of the same length"
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ result(i) := xor_table (lv(i), rv(i));
+ RETURN result;
+ END "xor";
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION "xor" ( l,r : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector IS
+ ALIAS lv : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH ) IS l;
+ ALIAS rv : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO r'LENGTH ) IS r;
+ VARIABLE result : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH );
+ REPORT "arguments of overloaded 'xor' operator are not of the same length"
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ result(i) := xor_table (lv(i), rv(i));
+ RETURN result;
+ END "xor";
+-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- -- xnor
+-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Note : The declaration and implementation of the "xnor" function is
+-- specifically commented until at which time the VHDL language has been
+-- officially adopted as containing such a function. At such a point,
+-- the following comments may be removed along with this notice without
+-- further "official" ballotting of this std_logic_1164 package. It is
+-- the intent of this effort to provide such a function once it becomes
+-- available in the VHDL standard.
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION "xnor" ( l,r : std_logic_vector ) RETURN std_logic_vector IS
+ ALIAS lv : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH ) IS l;
+ ALIAS rv : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO r'LENGTH ) IS r;
+ VARIABLE result : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH );
+ REPORT "arguments of overloaded 'xnor' operator are not of the same length"
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ result(i) := not_table(xor_table (lv(i), rv(i)));
+ RETURN result;
+ END "xnor";
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION "xnor" ( l,r : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector IS
+ ALIAS lv : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH ) IS l;
+ ALIAS rv : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO r'LENGTH ) IS r;
+ VARIABLE result : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH );
+ REPORT "arguments of overloaded 'xnor' operator are not of the same length"
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ result(i) := not_table(xor_table (lv(i), rv(i)));
+ RETURN result;
+ END "xnor";
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- not
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION "not" ( l : std_logic_vector ) RETURN std_logic_vector IS
+ ALIAS lv : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH ) IS l;
+ VARIABLE result : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH ) := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ result(i) := not_table( lv(i) );
+ RETURN result;
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION "not" ( l : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector IS
+ ALIAS lv : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH ) IS l;
+ VARIABLE result : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO l'LENGTH ) := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ result(i) := not_table( lv(i) );
+ RETURN result;
+ END;
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- conversion tables
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TYPE logic_x01_table IS ARRAY (std_ulogic'LOW TO std_ulogic'HIGH) OF X01;
+ TYPE logic_x01z_table IS ARRAY (std_ulogic'LOW TO std_ulogic'HIGH) OF X01Z;
+ TYPE logic_ux01_table IS ARRAY (std_ulogic'LOW TO std_ulogic'HIGH) OF UX01;
+ ----------------------------------------------------------
+ -- table name : cvt_to_x01
+ --
+ -- parameters :
+ -- in : std_ulogic -- some logic value
+ -- returns : x01 -- state value of logic value
+ -- purpose : to convert state-strength to state only
+ --
+ -- example : if (cvt_to_x01 (input_signal) = '1' ) then ...
+ --
+ ----------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT cvt_to_x01 : logic_x01_table := (
+ 'X', -- 'U'
+ 'X', -- 'X'
+ '0', -- '0'
+ '1', -- '1'
+ 'X', -- 'Z'
+ 'X', -- 'W'
+ '0', -- 'L'
+ '1', -- 'H'
+ 'X' -- '-'
+ );
+ ----------------------------------------------------------
+ -- table name : cvt_to_x01z
+ --
+ -- parameters :
+ -- in : std_ulogic -- some logic value
+ -- returns : x01z -- state value of logic value
+ -- purpose : to convert state-strength to state only
+ --
+ -- example : if (cvt_to_x01z (input_signal) = '1' ) then ...
+ --
+ ----------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT cvt_to_x01z : logic_x01z_table := (
+ 'X', -- 'U'
+ 'X', -- 'X'
+ '0', -- '0'
+ '1', -- '1'
+ 'Z', -- 'Z'
+ 'X', -- 'W'
+ '0', -- 'L'
+ '1', -- 'H'
+ 'X' -- '-'
+ );
+ ----------------------------------------------------------
+ -- table name : cvt_to_ux01
+ --
+ -- parameters :
+ -- in : std_ulogic -- some logic value
+ -- returns : ux01 -- state value of logic value
+ -- purpose : to convert state-strength to state only
+ --
+ -- example : if (cvt_to_ux01 (input_signal) = '1' ) then ...
+ --
+ ----------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT cvt_to_ux01 : logic_ux01_table := (
+ 'U', -- 'U'
+ 'X', -- 'X'
+ '0', -- '0'
+ '1', -- '1'
+ 'X', -- 'Z'
+ 'X', -- 'W'
+ '0', -- 'L'
+ '1', -- 'H'
+ 'X' -- '-'
+ );
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- conversion functions
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION To_bit ( s : std_ulogic; xmap : BIT := '0') RETURN BIT IS
+ WHEN '0' | 'L' => RETURN ('0');
+ WHEN '1' | 'H' => RETURN ('1');
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION To_bitvector ( s : std_logic_vector ; xmap : BIT := '0') RETURN BIT_VECTOR IS
+ ALIAS sv : std_logic_vector ( s'LENGTH-1 DOWNTO 0 ) IS s;
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ CASE sv(i) IS
+ WHEN '0' | 'L' => result(i) := '0';
+ WHEN '1' | 'H' => result(i) := '1';
+ WHEN OTHERS => result(i) := xmap;
+ RETURN result;
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION To_bitvector ( s : std_ulogic_vector; xmap : BIT := '0') RETURN BIT_VECTOR IS
+ ALIAS sv : std_ulogic_vector ( s'LENGTH-1 DOWNTO 0 ) IS s;
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ CASE sv(i) IS
+ WHEN '0' | 'L' => result(i) := '0';
+ WHEN '1' | 'H' => result(i) := '1';
+ WHEN OTHERS => result(i) := xmap;
+ RETURN result;
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION To_StdULogic ( b : BIT ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ WHEN '0' => RETURN '0';
+ WHEN '1' => RETURN '1';
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION To_StdLogicVector ( b : BIT_VECTOR ) RETURN std_logic_vector IS
+ VARIABLE result : std_logic_vector ( b'LENGTH-1 DOWNTO 0 );
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ CASE bv(i) IS
+ WHEN '0' => result(i) := '0';
+ WHEN '1' => result(i) := '1';
+ RETURN result;
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION To_StdLogicVector ( s : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_logic_vector IS
+ ALIAS sv : std_ulogic_vector ( s'LENGTH-1 DOWNTO 0 ) IS s;
+ VARIABLE result : std_logic_vector ( s'LENGTH-1 DOWNTO 0 );
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ result(i) := sv(i);
+ RETURN result;
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION To_StdULogicVector ( b : BIT_VECTOR ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector IS
+ VARIABLE result : std_ulogic_vector ( b'LENGTH-1 DOWNTO 0 );
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ CASE bv(i) IS
+ WHEN '0' => result(i) := '0';
+ WHEN '1' => result(i) := '1';
+ RETURN result;
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION To_StdULogicVector ( s : std_logic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector IS
+ ALIAS sv : std_logic_vector ( s'LENGTH-1 DOWNTO 0 ) IS s;
+ VARIABLE result : std_ulogic_vector ( s'LENGTH-1 DOWNTO 0 );
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ result(i) := sv(i);
+ RETURN result;
+ END;
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- strength strippers and type convertors
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- to_x01
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION To_X01 ( s : std_logic_vector ) RETURN std_logic_vector IS
+ ALIAS sv : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO s'LENGTH ) IS s;
+ VARIABLE result : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO s'LENGTH );
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ result(i) := cvt_to_x01 (sv(i));
+ RETURN result;
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION To_X01 ( s : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector IS
+ ALIAS sv : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO s'LENGTH ) IS s;
+ VARIABLE result : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO s'LENGTH );
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ result(i) := cvt_to_x01 (sv(i));
+ RETURN result;
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION To_X01 ( s : std_ulogic ) RETURN X01 IS
+ RETURN (cvt_to_x01(s));
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION To_X01 ( b : BIT_VECTOR ) RETURN std_logic_vector IS
+ VARIABLE result : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO b'LENGTH );
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ CASE bv(i) IS
+ WHEN '0' => result(i) := '0';
+ WHEN '1' => result(i) := '1';
+ RETURN result;
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION To_X01 ( b : BIT_VECTOR ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector IS
+ VARIABLE result : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO b'LENGTH );
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ CASE bv(i) IS
+ WHEN '0' => result(i) := '0';
+ WHEN '1' => result(i) := '1';
+ RETURN result;
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ WHEN '0' => RETURN('0');
+ WHEN '1' => RETURN('1');
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- to_x01z
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION To_X01Z ( s : std_logic_vector ) RETURN std_logic_vector IS
+ ALIAS sv : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO s'LENGTH ) IS s;
+ VARIABLE result : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO s'LENGTH );
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ result(i) := cvt_to_x01z (sv(i));
+ RETURN result;
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION To_X01Z ( s : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector IS
+ ALIAS sv : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO s'LENGTH ) IS s;
+ VARIABLE result : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO s'LENGTH );
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ result(i) := cvt_to_x01z (sv(i));
+ RETURN result;
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION To_X01Z ( s : std_ulogic ) RETURN X01Z IS
+ RETURN (cvt_to_x01z(s));
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION To_X01Z ( b : BIT_VECTOR ) RETURN std_logic_vector IS
+ VARIABLE result : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO b'LENGTH );
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ CASE bv(i) IS
+ WHEN '0' => result(i) := '0';
+ WHEN '1' => result(i) := '1';
+ RETURN result;
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION To_X01Z ( b : BIT_VECTOR ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector IS
+ VARIABLE result : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO b'LENGTH );
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ CASE bv(i) IS
+ WHEN '0' => result(i) := '0';
+ WHEN '1' => result(i) := '1';
+ RETURN result;
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ WHEN '0' => RETURN('0');
+ WHEN '1' => RETURN('1');
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- to_ux01
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION To_UX01 ( s : std_logic_vector ) RETURN std_logic_vector IS
+ ALIAS sv : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO s'LENGTH ) IS s;
+ VARIABLE result : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO s'LENGTH );
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ result(i) := cvt_to_ux01 (sv(i));
+ RETURN result;
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION To_UX01 ( s : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector IS
+ ALIAS sv : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO s'LENGTH ) IS s;
+ VARIABLE result : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO s'LENGTH );
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ result(i) := cvt_to_ux01 (sv(i));
+ RETURN result;
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION To_UX01 ( s : std_ulogic ) RETURN UX01 IS
+ RETURN (cvt_to_ux01(s));
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION To_UX01 ( b : BIT_VECTOR ) RETURN std_logic_vector IS
+ VARIABLE result : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO b'LENGTH );
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ CASE bv(i) IS
+ WHEN '0' => result(i) := '0';
+ WHEN '1' => result(i) := '1';
+ RETURN result;
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION To_UX01 ( b : BIT_VECTOR ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector IS
+ VARIABLE result : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 TO b'LENGTH );
+ FOR i IN result'RANGE LOOP
+ CASE bv(i) IS
+ WHEN '0' => result(i) := '0';
+ WHEN '1' => result(i) := '1';
+ RETURN result;
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ WHEN '0' => RETURN('0');
+ WHEN '1' => RETURN('1');
+ END;
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- edge detection
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION rising_edge (SIGNAL s : std_ulogic) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
+ RETURN (s'EVENT AND (To_X01(s) = '1') AND
+ (To_X01(s'LAST_VALUE) = '0'));
+ END;
+ FUNCTION falling_edge (SIGNAL s : std_ulogic) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
+ RETURN (s'EVENT AND (To_X01(s) = '0') AND
+ (To_X01(s'LAST_VALUE) = '1'));
+ END;
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- object contains an unknown
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION Is_X ( s : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
+ CASE s(i) IS
+ WHEN 'U' | 'X' | 'Z' | 'W' | '-' => RETURN TRUE;
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION Is_X ( s : std_logic_vector ) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
+ CASE s(i) IS
+ WHEN 'U' | 'X' | 'Z' | 'W' | '-' => RETURN TRUE;
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION Is_X ( s : std_ulogic ) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
+ WHEN 'U' | 'X' | 'Z' | 'W' | '-' => RETURN TRUE;
+ END;
+END std_logic_1164;
diff --git a/libraries/mentor/std_logic_arith.vhdl b/libraries/mentor/std_logic_arith.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7bbd1d80b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/mentor/std_logic_arith.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+-- --
+-- Copyright (c) 1993 by Mentor Graphics --
+-- --
+-- This source file is proprietary information of Mentor Graphics,Inc. --
+-- It may be distributed in whole without restriction provided that --
+-- this copyright statement is not removed from the file and that --
+-- any derivative work contains this copyright notice. --
+-- --
+-- Package Name : std_logic_arith --
+-- --
+-- Purpose : This package is to allow the synthesis of the 1164 package. --
+-- This package add the capability of SIGNED/UNSIGNED math. --
+-- --
+LIBRARY ieee ;
+PACKAGE std_logic_arith IS
+ USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
+ FUNCTION std_ulogic_wired_or ( input : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ FUNCTION std_ulogic_wired_and ( input : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note that all functions that take two vector arguments will
+ -- handle unequal argument lengths
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Conversion Functions
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Except for the to_integer and conv_integer functions for the
+ -- signed argument all others assume the input vector to be of
+ -- magnitude representation. The signed functions assume
+ -- a 2's complement representation.
+ FUNCTION to_integer ( arg1 : STD_LOGIC; x : INTEGER := 0 ) RETURN NATURAL;
+ FUNCTION to_integer ( arg1 : UNSIGNED; x : INTEGER := 0 ) RETURN NATURAL;
+ FUNCTION to_integer ( arg1 : SIGNED; x : INTEGER := 0 ) RETURN INTEGER;
+ FUNCTION conv_integer ( arg1 : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR; x : INTEGER := 0 ) RETURN INTEGER;
+ FUNCTION conv_integer ( arg1 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; x : INTEGER := 0 ) RETURN INTEGER;
+ FUNCTION conv_integer ( arg1 : STD_LOGIC; x : INTEGER := 0 ) RETURN NATURAL;
+ FUNCTION conv_integer ( arg1 : UNSIGNED; x : INTEGER := 0 ) RETURN NATURAL;
+ FUNCTION conv_integer ( arg1 : SIGNED; x : INTEGER := 0 ) RETURN INTEGER;
+ -- Following functions will return the natural argument in magnitude representation.
+ FUNCTION to_stdlogic ( arg1 : BOOLEAN ) RETURN STD_LOGIC;
+ FUNCTION to_stdlogicvector ( arg1 : INTEGER; size : NATURAL ) RETURN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ FUNCTION to_stdulogicvector ( arg1 : INTEGER; size : NATURAL ) RETURN STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR;
+ FUNCTION to_unsigned ( arg1 : NATURAL; size : NATURAL ) RETURN UNSIGNED;
+ FUNCTION conv_unsigned ( arg1 : NATURAL; size : NATURAL ) RETURN UNSIGNED;
+ -- The integer argument is returned in 2's complement representation.
+ FUNCTION to_signed ( arg1 : INTEGER; size : NATURAL ) RETURN SIGNED;
+ FUNCTION conv_signed ( arg1 : INTEGER; size : NATURAL ) RETURN SIGNED;
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- sign/zero extend FUNCTIONs
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- The zero_extend functions will perform zero padding to the input vector,
+ -- returning a vector of length equal to size (the second argument). Note that
+ -- if size is less than the length of the input argument an assertion will occur.
+ FUNCTION zero_extend ( arg1 : UNSIGNED; size : NATURAL ) RETURN UNSIGNED;
+ FUNCTION sign_extend ( arg1 : SIGNED; size : NATURAL ) RETURN SIGNED;
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Arithmetic functions
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- All arithmetic functions except multiplication will return a vector
+ -- of size equal to the size of its largest argument. For multiplication,
+ -- the resulting vector has a size equal to the sum of the size of its inputs.
+ -- Note that arguments of unequal lengths are allowed.
+ FUNCTION "+" ( arg1, arg2 : SIGNED ) RETURN SIGNED ;
+ FUNCTION "-" ( arg1, arg2 : SIGNED ) RETURN SIGNED;
+ FUNCTION "*" ( arg1, arg2 : SIGNED ) RETURN SIGNED ;
+ -- Vectorized Overloaded Arithmetic Operators, not supported for synthesis.
+ -- The following operators are not supported for synthesis.
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Shift and rotate functions.
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note that all the shift and rotate functions below will change to overloaded
+ -- operators in the train1 release.
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Comparision functions and operators.
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For all comparision operators, the default operator for signed and unsigned
+ -- types has been overloaded to perform logical comparisions. Note that for
+ -- other types the default operator is not overloaded and the use will result
+ -- in literal comparisions which is not supported for synthesis.
+ --
+ -- Unequal operator widths are supported for all the comparision functions.
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Logical operators.
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- allows operands of unequal lengths, return vector is
+ -- equal to the size of the largest argument.
+ FUNCTION "nand" (arg1, arg2:SIGNED) RETURN SIGNED;
+ FUNCTION "xnor" (arg1, arg2:SIGNED) RETURN SIGNED;
+END std_logic_arith ;
diff --git a/libraries/mentor/std_logic_arith_body.vhdl b/libraries/mentor/std_logic_arith_body.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..36f76cb7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/mentor/std_logic_arith_body.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,2915 @@
+LIBRARY ieee;
+-- LIBRARY arithmetic;
+PACKAGE BODY std_logic_arith IS
+ USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
+ -- USE arithmetic.utils.all;
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Local Types
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TYPE stdlogic_1d IS ARRAY (std_ulogic) OF std_ulogic;
+ TYPE stdlogic_table IS ARRAY(std_ulogic, std_ulogic) OF std_ulogic;
+ TYPE stdlogic_boolean_table IS ARRAY(std_ulogic, std_ulogic) OF BOOLEAN;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION std_ulogic_wired_or ( input : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ VARIABLE result : std_ulogic := '-'; -- weakest state default
+ CONSTANT resolution_table : stdlogic_table := (
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------
+ -- | U X 0 1 Z W L H D | |
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------
+ ( 'X', 'X', 'X', '1', 'X', 'X', 'X', '1', 'X' ), -- | U |
+ ( 'X', 'X', 'X', '1', 'X', 'X', 'X', '1', 'X' ), -- | X |
+ ( 'X', 'X', '0', '1', '0', 'X', '0', '1', '0' ), -- | 0 |
+ ( '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1' ), -- | 1 |
+ ( 'X', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z' ), -- | Z |
+ ( 'X', 'X', 'X', '1', 'X', 'X', 'X', '1', 'X' ), -- | W |
+ ( 'X', 'X', '0', '1', '0', 'X', '0', '1', '0' ), -- | L |
+ ( '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1' ), -- | H |
+ ( 'X', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z' ) -- | D |
+ );
+ -- Iterate through all inputs
+ FOR i IN input'range LOOP
+ result := resolution_table(result, input(i));
+ -- Return the resultant value
+ RETURN result;
+ END std_ulogic_wired_or;
+ FUNCTION std_ulogic_wired_and ( input : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ VARIABLE result : std_ulogic := '-'; -- weakest state default
+ CONSTANT resolution_table : stdlogic_table := (
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------
+ -- | U X 0 1 Z W L H D | |
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------
+ ( 'X', 'X', '0', 'X', 'X', 'X', '0', 'X', 'X' ), -- | U |
+ ( 'X', 'X', '0', 'X', 'X', 'X', '0', 'X', 'X' ), -- | X |
+ ( '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0' ), -- | 0 |
+ ( 'X', 'X', '0', '1', '1', 'X', '0', '1', '1' ), -- | 1 |
+ ( 'X', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z' ), -- | Z |
+ ( 'X', 'X', '0', 'X', 'X', 'X', '0', 'X', 'X' ), -- | W |
+ ( '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0' ), -- | L |
+ ( 'X', 'X', '0', '1', '1', 'X', '0', '1', '1' ), -- | H |
+ ( 'X', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z' ) -- | D |
+ );
+ -- Iterate through all inputs
+ FOR i IN input'range LOOP
+ result := resolution_table(result, input(i));
+ -- Return the resultant value
+ RETURN result;
+ END std_ulogic_wired_and;
+-- MGC base level functions
+-- Convert Base Type to Integer
+ VARIABLE tmp : SIGNED( arg1'length - 1 DOWNTO 0 ) := (OTHERS => '0');
+ tmp := SIGNED(arg1);
+ result := TO_INTEGER( tmp, x );
+ RETURN (result);
+ END to_integer;
+ VARIABLE tmp : SIGNED( arg1'length - 1 DOWNTO 0 ) := (OTHERS => '0');
+ tmp := SIGNED(arg1);
+ result := TO_INTEGER( tmp, x );
+ RETURN (result);
+ END to_integer;
+ FUNCTION to_integer (arg1 : UNSIGNED; x : INTEGER := 0 ) RETURN NATURAL IS
+ VARIABLE tmp : SIGNED( arg1'length DOWNTO 0 ) := (OTHERS => '0');
+ tmp := '0' & SIGNED(arg1);
+ result := TO_INTEGER( tmp, x );
+ RETURN (result);
+ END to_integer;
+ VARIABLE return_int,x_tmp : INTEGER := 0;
+ ASSERT arg1'length > 0
+ REPORT "NULL vector, returning 0"
+ assert arg1'length > 1
+ report "SIGNED vector must be atleast 2 bits wide"
+ severity ERROR;
+ ASSERT arg1'length <= 32 -- implementation dependent limit
+ REPORT "vector too large, conversion may cause overflow"
+ IF x /= 0 THEN
+ x_tmp := 1;
+ IF arg1(arg1'left) = '0' OR arg1(arg1'left) = 'L' OR -- positive value
+ ( x_tmp = 0 AND arg1(arg1'left) /= '1' AND arg1(arg1'left) /= 'H') THEN
+ FOR i IN arg1'range LOOP
+ return_int := return_int * 2;
+ CASE arg1(i) IS
+ WHEN '0'|'L' => NULL;
+ WHEN '1'|'H' => return_int := return_int + 1;
+ WHEN OTHERS => return_int := return_int + x_tmp;
+ ELSE -- negative value
+ IF (x_tmp = 0) THEN
+ x_tmp := 1;
+ x_tmp := 0;
+ FOR i IN arg1'range LOOP
+ return_int := return_int * 2;
+ CASE arg1(i) IS
+ WHEN '0'|'L' => return_int := return_int + 1;
+ WHEN '1'|'H' => NULL;
+ WHEN OTHERS => return_int := return_int + x_tmp;
+ return_int := (-return_int) - 1;
+ RETURN return_int;
+ IF(arg1 = '0' OR arg1 = 'L' OR (x = 0 AND arg1 /= '1' AND arg1 /= 'H')) THEN
+ RETURN(0);
+ RETURN(1) ;
+ END IF ;
+ END ;
+ VARIABLE tmp : SIGNED( arg1'length - 1 DOWNTO 0 ) := (OTHERS => '0');
+ tmp := SIGNED(arg1);
+ result := TO_INTEGER( tmp, x );
+ RETURN (result);
+ END ;
+ VARIABLE tmp : SIGNED( arg1'length -1 DOWNTO 0 ) := (OTHERS => '0');
+ tmp := SIGNED(arg1);
+ result := TO_INTEGER( tmp, x );
+ RETURN (result);
+ END ;
+ FUNCTION conv_integer (arg1 : UNSIGNED; x : INTEGER := 0 ) RETURN NATURAL IS
+ VARIABLE tmp : SIGNED( arg1'length DOWNTO 0 ) := (OTHERS => '0');
+ tmp := '0' & SIGNED(arg1);
+ result := TO_INTEGER( tmp, x );
+ RETURN (result);
+ END ;
+ VARIABLE return_int,x_tmp : INTEGER := 0;
+ ASSERT arg1'length > 0
+ REPORT "NULL vector, returning 0"
+ assert arg1'length > 1
+ report "SIGNED vector must be atleast 2 bits wide"
+ severity ERROR;
+ ASSERT arg1'length <= 32 -- implementation dependent limit
+ REPORT "vector too large, conversion may cause overflow"
+ IF x /= 0 THEN
+ x_tmp := 1;
+ IF arg1(arg1'left) = '0' OR arg1(arg1'left) = 'L' OR -- positive value
+ ( x_tmp = 0 AND arg1(arg1'left) /= '1' AND arg1(arg1'left) /= 'H') THEN
+ FOR i IN arg1'range LOOP
+ return_int := return_int * 2;
+ CASE arg1(i) IS
+ WHEN '0'|'L' => NULL;
+ WHEN '1'|'H' => return_int := return_int + 1;
+ WHEN OTHERS => return_int := return_int + x_tmp;
+ ELSE -- negative value
+ IF (x_tmp = 0) THEN
+ x_tmp := 1;
+ x_tmp := 0;
+ FOR i IN arg1'range LOOP
+ return_int := return_int * 2;
+ CASE arg1(i) IS
+ WHEN '0'|'L' => return_int := return_int + 1;
+ WHEN '1'|'H' => NULL;
+ WHEN OTHERS => return_int := return_int + x_tmp;
+ return_int := (-return_int) - 1;
+ RETURN return_int;
+ END ;
+ FUNCTION conv_integer (arg1:STD_LOGIC; x : INTEGER := 0 ) RETURN NATURAL IS
+ IF(arg1 = '0' OR arg1 = 'L' OR (x = 0 AND arg1 /= '1' AND arg1 /= 'H')) THEN
+ RETURN(0);
+ RETURN(1) ;
+ END IF ;
+ END ;
+-- Convert Base Type to STD_LOGIC
+ IF(arg1) THEN
+ RETURN('1') ;
+ RETURN('0') ;
+ END IF ;
+ END ;
+-- Convert Base Type to STD_LOGIC_VECTOR
+ FUNCTION To_StdlogicVector (arg1 : integer; size : NATURAL) RETURN std_logic_vector IS
+ VARIABLE vector : std_logic_vector(0 TO size-1);
+ VARIABLE tmp_int : integer := arg1;
+ VARIABLE carry : std_logic := '1'; -- setup to add 1 if needed
+ VARIABLE carry2 : std_logic;
+ FOR i IN size-1 DOWNTO 0 LOOP
+ IF tmp_int MOD 2 = 1 THEN
+ vector(i) := '1';
+ vector(i) := '0';
+ tmp_int := tmp_int / 2;
+ IF arg1 < 0 THEN
+ FOR i IN size-1 DOWNTO 0 LOOP
+ carry2 := (NOT vector(i)) AND carry;
+ vector(i) := (NOT vector(i)) XOR carry;
+ carry := carry2;
+ RETURN vector;
+ END To_StdlogicVector;
+ FUNCTION To_StdUlogicVector (arg1 : integer; size : NATURAL) RETURN std_ulogic_vector IS
+ VARIABLE vector : std_ulogic_vector(0 TO size-1);
+ VARIABLE tmp_int : integer := arg1;
+ VARIABLE carry : std_ulogic := '1'; -- setup to add 1 if needed
+ VARIABLE carry2 : std_ulogic;
+ FOR i IN size-1 DOWNTO 0 LOOP
+ IF tmp_int MOD 2 = 1 THEN
+ vector(i) := '1';
+ vector(i) := '0';
+ tmp_int := tmp_int / 2;
+ IF arg1 < 0 THEN
+ FOR i IN size-1 DOWNTO 0 LOOP
+ carry2 := (NOT vector(i)) AND carry;
+ vector(i) := (NOT vector(i)) XOR carry;
+ carry := carry2;
+ RETURN vector;
+ END To_StdUlogicVector;
+-- Convert Base Type to UNSIGNED
+ VARIABLE vector : UNSIGNED(0 TO size-1) := (OTHERS => '0');
+ VARIABLE tmp_int : INTEGER := arg1;
+ FOR i IN size-1 DOWNTO 0 LOOP
+ IF tmp_int MOD 2 = 1 THEN
+ vector(i) := '1';
+ vector(i) := '0';
+ tmp_int := tmp_int / 2;
+ RETURN vector;
+ END ;
+ VARIABLE vector : UNSIGNED(0 TO size-1) := (OTHERS => '0');
+ VARIABLE tmp_int : INTEGER := arg1;
+ FOR i IN size-1 DOWNTO 0 LOOP
+ IF tmp_int MOD 2 = 1 THEN
+ vector(i) := '1';
+ vector(i) := '0';
+ tmp_int := tmp_int / 2;
+ RETURN vector;
+ END ;
+-- Convert Base Type to SIGNED
+ VARIABLE vector : SIGNED(0 TO size-1) := (OTHERS => '0');
+ VARIABLE tmp_int : INTEGER := arg1;
+ VARIABLE carry : STD_LOGIC := '1'; -- setup to add 1 if needed
+ VARIABLE carry2 : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+ FOR i IN size-1 DOWNTO 0 LOOP
+ IF tmp_int MOD 2 = 1 THEN
+ vector(i) := '1';
+ vector(i) := '0';
+ tmp_int := tmp_int / 2;
+ IF arg1 < 0 THEN
+ FOR i IN size-1 DOWNTO 0 LOOP
+ carry2 := (NOT vector(i)) AND carry;
+ vector(i) := (NOT vector(i)) XOR carry;
+ carry := carry2;
+ RETURN vector;
+ END ;
+ VARIABLE vector : SIGNED(0 TO size-1) := (OTHERS => '0');
+ VARIABLE tmp_int : INTEGER := arg1;
+ VARIABLE carry : STD_LOGIC := '1'; -- setup to add 1 if needed
+ VARIABLE carry2 : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+ FOR i IN size-1 DOWNTO 0 LOOP
+ IF tmp_int MOD 2 = 1 THEN
+ vector(i) := '1';
+ vector(i) := '0';
+ tmp_int := tmp_int / 2;
+ IF arg1 < 0 THEN
+ FOR i IN size-1 DOWNTO 0 LOOP
+ carry2 := (NOT vector(i)) AND carry;
+ vector(i) := (NOT vector(i)) XOR carry;
+ carry := carry2;
+ RETURN vector;
+ END ;
+ -- sign/zero extend functions
+ --
+ IS
+ VARIABLE answer : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(size-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0') ;
+ ASSERT arg1'length <= size
+ REPORT "Vector is already larger then size."
+ answer := (OTHERS => '0') ;
+ answer(arg1'length-1 DOWNTO 0) := arg1;
+ RETURN(answer) ;
+ END ;
+ IS
+ VARIABLE answer : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(size-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0') ;
+ ASSERT arg1'length <= size
+ REPORT "Vector is already larger then size."
+ answer := (OTHERS => '0') ;
+ answer(arg1'length-1 DOWNTO 0) := arg1;
+ RETURN(answer) ;
+ END ;
+ IS
+ VARIABLE answer : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(size-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0') ;
+ answer := (OTHERS => '0') ;
+ answer(0) := arg1;
+ RETURN(answer) ;
+ END ;
+ VARIABLE answer : UNSIGNED(size-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0') ;
+ ASSERT arg1'length <= size
+ REPORT "Vector is already larger then size."
+ answer := (OTHERS => '0') ;
+ answer(arg1'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := arg1;
+ RETURN(answer) ;
+ END ;
+ FUNCTION sign_extend ( arg1 : SIGNED; size : NATURAL ) RETURN SIGNED IS
+ VARIABLE answer : SIGNED(size-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0') ;
+ ASSERT arg1'length <= size
+ REPORT "Vector is already larger then size."
+ answer := (OTHERS => arg1(arg1'left)) ;
+ answer(arg1'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := arg1;
+ RETURN(answer) ;
+ END ;
+ -- Some useful generic functions
+ --//// Zero Extend ////
+ --
+ -- Function zxt
+ --
+ VARIABLE qt : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR (1 TO q'length);
+ qt := q;
+ IF i < q'length THEN
+ qs := qt( (q'length-i+1) TO qt'right);
+ ELSIF i > q'length THEN
+ qs := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ qs := qs(1 TO (i-q'length)) & qt;
+ qs := qt;
+ RETURN qs;
+ END;
+ --//// Zero Extend ////
+ --
+ -- Function zxt
+ --
+ VARIABLE qt : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 TO q'length);
+ qt := q;
+ IF i < q'length THEN
+ qs := qt( (q'length-i+1) TO qt'right);
+ ELSIF i > q'length THEN
+ qs := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ qs := qs(1 TO (i-q'length)) & qt;
+ qs := qt;
+ RETURN qs;
+ END;
+ --//// Zero Extend ////
+ --
+ -- Function zxt
+ --
+ VARIABLE qt : UNSIGNED (1 TO q'length);
+ qt := q;
+ IF i < q'length THEN
+ qs := qt( (q'length-i+1) TO qt'right);
+ ELSIF i > q'length THEN
+ qs := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ qs := qs(1 TO (i-q'length)) & qt;
+ qs := qt;
+ RETURN qs;
+ END;
+-- Synthesizable addition Functions --
+ -- truth table for "xor" function
+ CONSTANT xor_table : stdlogic_table := (
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------
+ -- | U X 0 1 Z W L H D | |
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------
+ ( 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U' ), -- | U |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X' ), -- | X |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'X', 'X', '0', '1', 'X' ), -- | 0 |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '1', '0', 'X', 'X', '1', '0', 'X' ), -- | 1 |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X' ), -- | Z |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X' ), -- | W |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'X', 'X', '0', '1', 'X' ), -- | L |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '1', '0', 'X', 'X', '1', '0', 'X' ), -- | H |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X' ) -- | D |
+ );
+ RETURN xor_table( arg1, arg2 );
+ END "+";
+ function maximum (arg1, arg2: integer) return integer is
+ begin
+ if arg1 > arg2 then
+ return arg1;
+ else
+ return arg2;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum(arg1'length,arg2'length);
+ VARIABLE carry : STD_ULOGIC := '0';
+ lt := zxt( arg1, ml );
+ rt := zxt( arg2, ml );
+ FOR i IN res'reverse_range LOOP
+ a := lt(i);
+ b := rt(i);
+ s1 := a + b;
+ res(i) := s1 + carry;
+ carry := (a AND b) OR (s1 AND carry);
+ RETURN res;
+ END;
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum(arg1'length,arg2'length);
+ VARIABLE carry : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+ lt := zxt( arg1, ml );
+ rt := zxt( arg2, ml );
+ FOR i IN res'reverse_range LOOP
+ a := lt(i);
+ b := rt(i);
+ s1 := a + b;
+ res(i) := s1 + carry;
+ carry := (a AND b) OR (s1 AND carry);
+ RETURN res;
+ END;
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum(arg1'length,arg2'length);
+ VARIABLE carry : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+ lt := zxt( arg1, ml );
+ rt := zxt( arg2, ml );
+ FOR i IN res'reverse_range LOOP
+ a := lt(i);
+ b := rt(i);
+ s1 := a + b;
+ res(i) := s1 + carry;
+ carry := (a AND b) OR (s1 AND carry);
+ RETURN res;
+ END;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := maximum(arg1'length,arg2'length) ;
+ VARIABLE a,b : UNSIGNED(len-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0') ;
+ VARIABLE answer : SIGNED(len-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0') ;
+ assert arg1'length > 1 AND arg2'length > 1
+ report "SIGNED vector must be atleast 2 bits wide"
+ severity ERROR;
+ a := (OTHERS => arg1(arg1'left)) ;
+ a(arg1'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(arg1);
+ b := (OTHERS => arg2(arg2'left)) ;
+ b(arg2'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(arg2);
+ answer := SIGNED(a + b);
+ RETURN (answer);
+ END ;
+-- Synthesizable subtraction Functions --
+ FUNCTION "-" ( arg1, arg2 : std_logic ) RETURN std_logic IS
+ -- truth table for "xor" function
+ CONSTANT xor_table : stdlogic_table := (
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------
+ -- | U X 0 1 Z W L H D | |
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------
+ ( 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U' ), -- | U |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X' ), -- | X |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'X', 'X', '0', '1', 'X' ), -- | 0 |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '1', '0', 'X', 'X', '1', '0', 'X' ), -- | 1 |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X' ), -- | Z |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X' ), -- | W |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'X', 'X', '0', '1', 'X' ), -- | L |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '1', '0', 'X', 'X', '1', '0', 'X' ), -- | H |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X' ) -- | D |
+ );
+ RETURN xor_table( arg1, arg2 );
+ END "-";
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum(arg1'length,arg2'length);
+ VARIABLE borrow : STD_ULOGIC := '1';
+ lt := zxt( arg1, ml );
+ rt := zxt( arg2, ml );
+ FOR i IN res'reverse_range LOOP
+ a := lt(i);
+ b := NOT rt(i);
+ s1 := a + b;
+ res(i) := s1 + borrow;
+ borrow := (a AND b) OR (s1 AND borrow);
+ RETURN res;
+ END "-";
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum(arg1'length,arg2'length);
+ VARIABLE borrow : STD_LOGIC := '1';
+ lt := zxt( arg1, ml );
+ rt := zxt( arg2, ml );
+ FOR i IN res'reverse_range LOOP
+ a := lt(i);
+ b := NOT rt(i);
+ s1 := a + b;
+ res(i) := s1 + borrow;
+ borrow := (a AND b) OR (s1 AND borrow);
+ RETURN res;
+ END "-";
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum(arg1'length,arg2'length);
+ VARIABLE borrow : STD_LOGIC := '1';
+ lt := zxt( arg1, ml );
+ rt := zxt( arg2, ml );
+ FOR i IN res'reverse_range LOOP
+ a := lt(i);
+ b := NOT rt(i);
+ s1 := a + b;
+ res(i) := s1 + borrow;
+ borrow := (a AND b) OR (s1 AND borrow);
+ RETURN res;
+ END "-";
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := maximum(arg1'length,arg2'length) ;
+ VARIABLE a,b : UNSIGNED(len-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0') ;
+ VARIABLE answer : SIGNED(len-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0') ;
+ assert arg1'length > 1 AND arg2'length > 1
+ report "SIGNED vector must be atleast 2 bits wide"
+ severity ERROR;
+ a := (OTHERS => arg1(arg1'left)) ;
+ a(arg1'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(arg1);
+ b := (OTHERS => arg2(arg2'left)) ;
+ b(arg2'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(arg2);
+ answer := SIGNED( a - b );
+ RETURN (answer);
+ END ;
+-- Unary subtract and add Functions --
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ END;
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ END;
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ END;
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ END;
+ FOR i IN v'range LOOP
+ IF v(i) = '0' OR v(i) = '1' OR v(i) = 'L' OR v(i) = 'H'THEN
+ END hasx;
+ constant len : integer := arg1'length;
+ VARIABLE answer, tmp : SIGNED( len-1 downto 0 ) := (others=>'0');
+ VARIABLE index : integer := len;
+ assert arg1'length > 1
+ report "SIGNED vector must be atleast 2 bits wide"
+ severity ERROR;
+ IF hasx(arg1) THEN
+ answer := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ tmp := arg1;
+ lp1 : FOR i IN answer'REVERSE_RANGE LOOP
+ IF (tmp(i) = '1' OR tmp(i) = 'H') THEN
+ index := i+1;
+ answer(i downto 0) := tmp(i downto 0);
+ exit;
+ END LOOP lp1;
+ answer(len-1 downto index) := NOT tmp(len-1 downto index);
+ end if;
+ RETURN (answer);
+ END ;
+-- Synthesizable multiplication Functions --
+ FOR i IN (v'left+1) TO v'right LOOP
+ v1(i-1) := v(i);
+ v1(v1'right) := '0';
+ RETURN v1;
+ END shift;
+ VARIABLE bi : INTEGER := b'right;
+ FOR i IN a'reverse_range LOOP
+ b(bi) := a(i);
+ bi := bi - 1;
+ END copy;
+ VARIABLE v1 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR( v'range );
+ FOR i IN (v'left+1) TO v'right LOOP
+ v1(i-1) := v(i);
+ v1(v1'right) := '0';
+ RETURN v1;
+ END shift;
+ VARIABLE bi : INTEGER := b'right;
+ FOR i IN a'reverse_range LOOP
+ b(bi) := a(i);
+ bi := bi - 1;
+ END copy;
+ VARIABLE v1 : SIGNED( v'range );
+ FOR i IN (v'left+1) TO v'right LOOP
+ v1(i-1) := v(i);
+ v1(v1'right) := '0';
+ RETURN v1;
+ END shift;
+ VARIABLE bi : INTEGER := b'right;
+ FOR i IN a'reverse_range LOOP
+ b(bi) := a(i);
+ bi := bi - 1;
+ END copy;
+ VARIABLE v1 : UNSIGNED( v'range );
+ FOR i IN (v'left+1) TO v'right LOOP
+ v1(i-1) := v(i);
+ v1(v1'right) := '0';
+ RETURN v1;
+ END shift;
+ VARIABLE bi : INTEGER := b'right;
+ FOR i IN a'reverse_range LOOP
+ b(bi) := a(i);
+ bi := bi - 1;
+ END copy;
+ VARIABLE ml : INTEGER := arg1'length + arg2'length;
+ VARIABLE prod : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(1 TO ml) := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ lt := zxt( arg1, ml );
+ rt := zxt( arg2, ml );
+ FOR i IN rt'reverse_range LOOP
+ IF rt(i) = '1' THEN
+ prod := prod + lt;
+ lt := shift(lt);
+ RETURN prod;
+ END "*";
+ VARIABLE ml : INTEGER := arg1'length + arg2'length;
+ VARIABLE prod : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 TO ml) := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ lt := zxt( arg1, ml );
+ rt := zxt( arg2, ml );
+ FOR i IN rt'reverse_range LOOP
+ IF rt(i) = '1' THEN
+ prod := prod + lt;
+ lt := shift(lt);
+ RETURN prod;
+ END "*";
+ VARIABLE ml : INTEGER := arg1'length + arg2'length;
+ VARIABLE prod : UNSIGNED(1 TO ml) := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ lt := zxt( arg1, ml );
+ rt := zxt( arg2, ml );
+ FOR i IN rt'reverse_range LOOP
+ IF rt(i) = '1' THEN
+ prod := prod + lt;
+ lt := shift(lt);
+ RETURN prod;
+ END "*";
+ --//// Sign Extend ////
+ --
+ -- Function sxt
+ --
+ VARIABLE qs : SIGNED (1 TO i);
+ VARIABLE qt : SIGNED (1 TO q'length);
+ qt := q;
+ IF i < q'length THEN
+ qs := qt( (q'length-i+1) TO qt'right);
+ ELSIF i > q'length THEN
+ qs := (OTHERS=>q(q'left));
+ qs := qs(1 TO (i-q'length)) & qt;
+ qs := qt;
+ RETURN qs;
+ END;
+ VARIABLE ml : INTEGER := arg1'length + arg2'length;
+ VARIABLE lt : SIGNED(1 TO ml);
+ VARIABLE rt : SIGNED(1 TO ml);
+ VARIABLE prod : SIGNED(1 TO ml) := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ assert arg1'length > 1 AND arg2'length > 1
+ report "SIGNED vector must be atleast 2 bits wide"
+ severity ERROR;
+ lt := sxt( arg1, ml );
+ rt := sxt( arg2, ml );
+ FOR i IN rt'reverse_range LOOP
+ IF rt(i) = '1' THEN
+ prod := prod + lt;
+ lt := shift(lt);
+ RETURN prod;
+ END "*";
+ FOR i IN v'left TO v'right-1 LOOP
+ v1(i+1) := v(i);
+ v1(v1'left) := '0';
+ RETURN v1;
+ END rshift;
+ FOR i IN v'range LOOP
+ IF v(i) = '0' OR v(i) = '1' OR v(i) = 'L' OR v(i) = 'H'THEN
+ END hasx;
+ VARIABLE v1 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR( v'range );
+ FOR i IN v'left TO v'right-1 LOOP
+ v1(i+1) := v(i);
+ v1(v1'left) := '0';
+ RETURN v1;
+ END rshift;
+ FOR i IN v'range LOOP
+ IF v(i) = '0' OR v(i) = '1' OR v(i) = 'L' OR v(i) = 'H'THEN
+ END hasx;
+ VARIABLE v1 : UNSIGNED( v'range );
+ FOR i IN v'left TO v'right-1 LOOP
+ v1(i+1) := v(i);
+ v1(v1'left) := '0';
+ RETURN v1;
+ END rshift;
+ FOR i IN v'range LOOP
+ IF v(i) = '0' OR v(i) = '1' OR v(i) = 'L' OR v(i) = 'H'THEN
+ END hasx;
+ VARIABLE v1 : SIGNED( v'range );
+ FOR i IN v'left TO v'right-1 LOOP
+ v1(i+1) := v(i);
+ v1(v1'left) := '0';
+ RETURN v1;
+ END rshift;
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum(l'length,r'length);
+ VARIABLE tmp : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(0 TO ml+1) := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ ASSERT NOT (r = "0")
+ REPORT "Attempted divide by ZERO"
+ IF hasx(l) OR hasx(r) THEN
+ FOR i IN quote'range LOOP
+ quote(i) := 'X';
+ lt := zxt( l, ml+2 );
+ WHILE lt >= r LOOP
+ rt := zxt( r, ml+2 );
+ n := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ n(n'right) := '1';
+ WHILE rt <= lt LOOP
+ rt := shift(rt);
+ n := shift(n);
+ rt := rshift(rt);
+ lt := lt - rt;
+ n := rshift(n);
+ tmp := tmp + n;
+ quote := tmp(2 TO ml+1);
+ RETURN quote;
+ END "/";
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum(l'length,r'length);
+ VARIABLE tmp : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 TO ml+1) := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ VARIABLE n : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 TO ml+1) := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ ASSERT NOT (r = "0")
+ REPORT "Attempted divide by ZERO"
+ IF hasx(l) OR hasx(r) THEN
+ FOR i IN quote'range LOOP
+ quote(i) := 'X';
+ lt := zxt( l, ml+2 );
+ WHILE lt >= r LOOP
+ rt := zxt( r, ml+2 );
+ n := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ n(n'right) := '1';
+ WHILE rt <= lt LOOP
+ rt := shift(rt);
+ n := shift(n);
+ rt := rshift(rt);
+ lt := lt - rt;
+ n := rshift(n);
+ tmp := tmp + n;
+ quote := tmp(2 TO ml+1);
+ RETURN quote;
+ END "/";
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum(l'length,r'length);
+ VARIABLE lt : UNSIGNED(0 TO ml+1);
+ VARIABLE rt : UNSIGNED(0 TO ml+1);
+ VARIABLE quote : UNSIGNED(1 TO ml);
+ VARIABLE tmp : UNSIGNED(0 TO ml+1) := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ VARIABLE n : UNSIGNED(0 TO ml+1) := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ ASSERT NOT (r = "0")
+ REPORT "Attempted divide by ZERO"
+ IF hasx(l) OR hasx(r) THEN
+ FOR i IN quote'range LOOP
+ quote(i) := 'X';
+ lt := zxt( l, ml+2 );
+ WHILE lt >= r LOOP
+ rt := zxt( r, ml+2 );
+ n := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ n(n'right) := '1';
+ WHILE rt <= lt LOOP
+ rt := shift(rt);
+ n := shift(n);
+ rt := rshift(rt);
+ lt := lt - rt;
+ n := rshift(n);
+ tmp := tmp + n;
+ quote := tmp(2 TO ml+1);
+ RETURN quote;
+ END "/";
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum(l'length,r'length);
+ VARIABLE lt : SIGNED(0 TO ml+1);
+ VARIABLE rt : SIGNED(0 TO ml+1);
+ VARIABLE quote : SIGNED(1 TO ml);
+ VARIABLE tmp : SIGNED(0 TO ml+1) := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ VARIABLE n : SIGNED(0 TO ml+1) := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ assert l'length > 1 AND r'length > 1
+ report "SIGNED vector must be atleast 2 bits wide"
+ severity ERROR;
+ ASSERT NOT (r = "0")
+ REPORT "Attempted divide by ZERO"
+ IF hasx(l) OR hasx(r) THEN
+ FOR i IN quote'range LOOP
+ quote(i) := 'X';
+ lt := sxt( l, ml+2 );
+ WHILE lt >= r LOOP
+ rt := sxt( r, ml+2 );
+ n := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ n(n'right) := '1';
+ WHILE rt <= lt LOOP
+ rt := shift(rt);
+ n := shift(n);
+ rt := rshift(rt);
+ lt := lt - rt;
+ n := rshift(n);
+ tmp := tmp + n;
+ quote := tmp(2 TO ml+1);
+ RETURN quote;
+ END "/";
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum(l'length,r'length);
+ VARIABLE tmp : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(0 TO ml+1) := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ ASSERT NOT (r = "0")
+ REPORT "Attempted divide by ZERO"
+ IF hasx(l) OR hasx(r) THEN
+ FOR i IN lt'range LOOP
+ lt(i) := 'X';
+ lt := zxt( l, ml+2 );
+ WHILE lt >= r LOOP
+ rt := zxt( r, ml+2 );
+ WHILE rt <= lt LOOP
+ rt := shift(rt);
+ rt := rshift(rt);
+ lt := lt - rt;
+ RETURN lt(2 TO ml+1);
+ END "MOD";
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum(l'length,r'length);
+ VARIABLE tmp : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 TO ml+1) := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ ASSERT NOT (r = "0")
+ REPORT "Attempted divide by ZERO"
+ IF hasx(l) OR hasx(r) THEN
+ FOR i IN lt'range LOOP
+ lt(i) := 'X';
+ lt := zxt( l, ml+2 );
+ WHILE lt >= r LOOP
+ rt := zxt( r, ml+2 );
+ WHILE rt <= lt LOOP
+ rt := shift(rt);
+ rt := rshift(rt);
+ lt := lt - rt;
+ RETURN lt(2 TO ml+1);
+ END "MOD";
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum(l'length,r'length);
+ VARIABLE lt : UNSIGNED(0 TO ml+1);
+ VARIABLE rt : UNSIGNED(0 TO ml+1);
+ VARIABLE quote : UNSIGNED(1 TO ml);
+ VARIABLE tmp : UNSIGNED(0 TO ml+1) := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ VARIABLE n : UNSIGNED(0 TO ml) := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ ASSERT NOT (r = "0")
+ REPORT "Attempted divide by ZERO"
+ IF hasx(l) OR hasx(r) THEN
+ FOR i IN lt'range LOOP
+ lt(i) := 'X';
+ lt := zxt( l, ml+2 );
+ WHILE lt >= r LOOP
+ rt := zxt( r, ml+2 );
+ WHILE rt <= lt LOOP
+ rt := shift(rt);
+ rt := rshift(rt);
+ lt := lt - rt;
+ RETURN lt(2 TO ml+1);
+ END "MOD";
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum(l'length,r'length);
+ VARIABLE tmp : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(0 TO ml+1) := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ ASSERT NOT (r = "0")
+ REPORT "Attempted divide by ZERO"
+ IF hasx(l) OR hasx(r) THEN
+ FOR i IN lt'range LOOP
+ lt(i) := 'X';
+ lt := zxt( l, ml+2 );
+ WHILE lt >= r LOOP
+ rt := zxt( r, ml+2 );
+ WHILE rt <= lt LOOP
+ rt := shift(rt);
+ rt := rshift(rt);
+ lt := lt - rt;
+ RETURN lt(2 TO ml+1);
+ END "REM";
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum(l'length,r'length);
+ VARIABLE tmp : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 TO ml+1) := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ ASSERT NOT (r = "0")
+ REPORT "Attempted divide by ZERO"
+ IF hasx(l) OR hasx(r) THEN
+ FOR i IN lt'range LOOP
+ lt(i) := 'X';
+ lt := zxt( l, ml+2 );
+ WHILE lt >= r LOOP
+ rt := zxt( r, ml+2 );
+ WHILE rt <= lt LOOP
+ rt := shift(rt);
+ rt := rshift(rt);
+ lt := lt - rt;
+ RETURN lt(2 TO ml+1);
+ END "REM";
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum(l'length,r'length);
+ VARIABLE lt : UNSIGNED(0 TO ml+1);
+ VARIABLE rt : UNSIGNED(0 TO ml+1);
+ VARIABLE quote : UNSIGNED(1 TO ml);
+ VARIABLE tmp : UNSIGNED(0 TO ml+1) := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ VARIABLE n : UNSIGNED(0 TO ml) := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ ASSERT NOT (r = "0")
+ REPORT "Attempted divide by ZERO"
+ IF hasx(l) OR hasx(r) THEN
+ FOR i IN lt'range LOOP
+ lt(i) := 'X';
+ lt := zxt( l, ml+2 );
+ WHILE lt >= r LOOP
+ rt := zxt( r, ml+2 );
+ WHILE rt <= lt LOOP
+ rt := shift(rt);
+ rt := rshift(rt);
+ lt := lt - rt;
+ RETURN lt(2 TO ml+1);
+ END "REM";
+ VARIABLE return_vector : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(l'range) := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ VARIABLE tmp : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(1 TO (2 * l'length)) := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ CONSTANT lsh_l : INTEGER := l'length+1;
+ CONSTANT lsh_r : INTEGER := 2 * l'length;
+ IF (hasx(l) OR hasx(r)) THEN
+ FOR i IN return_vector'range LOOP
+ return_vector(i) := 'X';
+ pow := to_integer( r, 0 );
+ tmp( tmp'right ) := '1';
+ FOR i IN 1 TO pow LOOP
+ tmp := tmp(lsh_l TO lsh_r) * l;
+ return_vector := tmp(lsh_l TO lsh_r);
+ RETURN return_vector;
+ END "**";
+ VARIABLE return_vector : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(l'range) := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ VARIABLE tmp : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 TO (2 * l'length)) := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ CONSTANT lsh_l : INTEGER := l'length+1;
+ CONSTANT lsh_r : INTEGER := 2 * l'length;
+ IF (hasx(l) OR hasx(r)) THEN
+ FOR i IN return_vector'range LOOP
+ return_vector(i) := 'X';
+ pow := to_integer( r, 0 );
+ tmp( tmp'right ) := '1';
+ FOR i IN 1 TO pow LOOP
+ tmp := tmp(lsh_l TO lsh_r) * l;
+ return_vector := tmp(lsh_l TO lsh_r);
+ RETURN return_vector;
+ END "**";
+ VARIABLE return_vector : UNSIGNED(l'range) := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ VARIABLE tmp : UNSIGNED(1 TO (2 * l'length)) := (OTHERS=>'0');
+ CONSTANT lsh_l : INTEGER := l'length+1;
+ CONSTANT lsh_r : INTEGER := 2 * l'length;
+ IF (hasx(l) OR hasx(r)) THEN
+ FOR i IN return_vector'range LOOP
+ return_vector(i) := 'X';
+ pow := to_integer( r, 0 );
+ tmp( tmp'right ) := '1';
+ FOR i IN 1 TO pow LOOP
+ tmp := tmp(lsh_l TO lsh_r) * l;
+ return_vector := tmp(lsh_l TO lsh_r);
+ RETURN return_vector;
+ END "**";
+-- Absolute Value Functions
+ constant len : integer := arg1'length;
+ VARIABLE answer, tmp : SIGNED( len-1 downto 0 ) := (others=>'0');
+ VARIABLE index : integer := len;
+ assert arg1'length > 1
+ report "SIGNED vector must be atleast 2 bits wide"
+ severity ERROR;
+ IF hasx(arg1) THEN
+ answer := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ ELSIF (arg1(arg1'left) = '0' OR arg1(arg1'left) = 'L') THEN
+ answer := arg1;
+ tmp := arg1;
+ lp1 : FOR i IN answer'REVERSE_RANGE LOOP
+ IF (tmp(i) = '1' OR tmp(i) = 'H') THEN
+ index := i+1;
+ answer(i downto 0) := tmp(i downto 0);
+ exit;
+ END LOOP lp1;
+ answer(len-1 downto index) := NOT tmp(len-1 downto index);
+ end if;
+ RETURN (answer);
+ END ;
+-- Shift Left (arithmetic) Functions
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := arg1'length ;
+ CONSTANT se : std_ulogic_vector(1 to len) := (others => arg1(arg1'right));
+ VARIABLE ans : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(1 to len) := arg1;
+ IF (arg2 >= len) THEN
+ RETURN (se);
+ ELSIF (arg2 = 0) THEN
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ RETURN (ans(arg2+1 to len) & se(1 to arg2));
+ END ;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := arg1'length ;
+ CONSTANT se : std_logic_vector(1 to len) := (others => arg1(arg1'right));
+ VARIABLE ans : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 to len) := arg1;
+ IF (arg2 >= len) THEN
+ RETURN (se);
+ ELSIF (arg2 = 0) THEN
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ RETURN (ans(arg2+1 to len) & se(1 to arg2));
+ END ;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := arg1'length ;
+ CONSTANT se : UNSIGNED(1 to len) := (others => arg1(arg1'right));
+ VARIABLE ans : UNSIGNED(1 to len) := arg1;
+ IF (arg2 >= len) THEN
+ RETURN (se);
+ ELSIF (arg2 = 0) THEN
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ RETURN (ans(arg2+1 to len) & se(1 to arg2));
+ END ;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := arg1'length ;
+ CONSTANT se : SIGNED(1 to len) := (others => arg1(arg1'right));
+ VARIABLE ans : SIGNED(1 to len) := arg1;
+ IF (arg2 >= len) THEN
+ RETURN (se);
+ ELSIF (arg2 = 0) THEN
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ RETURN (ans(arg2+1 to len) & se(1 to arg2));
+ END ;
+-- Shift Right (arithmetics) Functions
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := arg1'length ;
+ CONSTANT se : std_ulogic_vector(1 to len) := (others => arg1(arg1'left));
+ VARIABLE ans : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(1 to len) := arg1;
+ IF (arg2 >= len) THEN
+ RETURN (se);
+ ELSIF (arg2 = 0) THEN
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ RETURN (se(1 to arg2) & ans(1 to len-arg2));
+ END ;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := arg1'length ;
+ CONSTANT se : std_logic_vector(1 to len) := (others => arg1(arg1'left));
+ VARIABLE ans : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 to len) := arg1;
+ IF (arg2 >= len) THEN
+ RETURN (se);
+ ELSIF (arg2 = 0) THEN
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ RETURN (se(1 to arg2) & ans(1 to len-arg2));
+ END ;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := arg1'length ;
+ CONSTANT se : UNSIGNED(1 to len) := (others => arg1(arg1'left));
+ VARIABLE ans : UNSIGNED(1 to len) := arg1;
+ IF (arg2 >= len) THEN
+ RETURN (se);
+ ELSIF (arg2 = 0) THEN
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ RETURN (se(1 to arg2) & ans(1 to len-arg2));
+ END ;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := arg1'length ;
+ CONSTANT se : SIGNED(1 to len) := (others => arg1(arg1'left));
+ VARIABLE ans : SIGNED(1 to len) := arg1;
+ IF (arg2 >= len) THEN
+ RETURN (se);
+ ELSIF (arg2 = 0) THEN
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ RETURN (se(1 to arg2) & ans(1 to len-arg2));
+ END ;
+-- Shift Left (logical) Functions
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := arg1'length ;
+ CONSTANT se : std_ulogic_vector(1 to len) := (others =>'0');
+ VARIABLE ans : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(1 to len) := arg1;
+ IF (arg2 >= len) THEN
+ RETURN (se);
+ ELSIF (arg2 = 0) THEN
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ RETURN (ans(arg2+1 to len) & se(1 to arg2));
+ END ;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := arg1'length ;
+ CONSTANT se : std_logic_vector(1 to len) := (others =>'0');
+ VARIABLE ans : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 to len) := arg1;
+ IF (arg2 >= len) THEN
+ RETURN (se);
+ ELSIF (arg2 = 0) THEN
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ RETURN (ans(arg2+1 to len) & se(1 to arg2));
+ END ;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := arg1'length ;
+ CONSTANT se : UNSIGNED(1 to len) := (others =>'0');
+ VARIABLE ans : UNSIGNED(1 to len) := arg1;
+ IF (arg2 >= len) THEN
+ RETURN (se);
+ ELSIF (arg2 = 0) THEN
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ RETURN (ans(arg2+1 to len) & se(1 to arg2));
+ END ;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := arg1'length ;
+ CONSTANT se : SIGNED(1 to len) := (others =>'0');
+ VARIABLE ans : SIGNED(1 to len) := arg1;
+ IF (arg2 >= len) THEN
+ RETURN (se);
+ ELSIF (arg2 = 0) THEN
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ RETURN (ans(arg2+1 to len) & se(1 to arg2));
+ END ;
+-- Shift Right (logical) Functions
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := arg1'length ;
+ CONSTANT se : std_ulogic_vector(1 to len) := (others => '0');
+ VARIABLE ans : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(1 to len) := arg1;
+ IF (arg2 >= len) THEN
+ RETURN (se);
+ ELSIF (arg2 = 0) THEN
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ RETURN (se(1 to arg2) & ans(1 to len-arg2));
+ END ;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := arg1'length ;
+ CONSTANT se : std_logic_vector(1 to len) := (others => '0');
+ VARIABLE ans : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 to len) := arg1;
+ IF (arg2 >= len) THEN
+ RETURN (se);
+ ELSIF (arg2 = 0) THEN
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ RETURN (se(1 to arg2) & ans(1 to len-arg2));
+ END ;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := arg1'length ;
+ CONSTANT se : UNSIGNED(1 to len) := (others => '0');
+ VARIABLE ans : UNSIGNED(1 to len) := arg1;
+ IF (arg2 >= len) THEN
+ RETURN (se);
+ ELSIF (arg2 = 0) THEN
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ RETURN (se(1 to arg2) & ans(1 to len-arg2));
+ END ;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := arg1'length ;
+ CONSTANT se : SIGNED(1 to len) := (others => '0');
+ VARIABLE ans : SIGNED(1 to len) := arg1;
+ IF (arg2 >= len) THEN
+ RETURN (se);
+ ELSIF (arg2 = 0) THEN
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ RETURN (se(1 to arg2) & ans(1 to len-arg2));
+ END ;
+-- Rotate Left (Logical) Functions
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := arg1'length ;
+ CONSTANT marg2 : integer := arg2 mod len;
+ VARIABLE ans : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(1 to len) := arg1;
+ IF (marg2 = 0) THEN
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ RETURN (ans(marg2+1 to len) & ans(1 to marg2));
+ END ;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := arg1'length ;
+ CONSTANT marg2 : integer := arg2 mod len;
+ VARIABLE ans : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 to len) := arg1;
+ IF (marg2 = 0) THEN
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ RETURN (ans(marg2+1 to len) & ans(1 to marg2));
+ END ;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := arg1'length ;
+ CONSTANT marg2 : integer := arg2 mod len;
+ VARIABLE ans : UNSIGNED(1 to len) := arg1;
+ IF (marg2 = 0) THEN
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ RETURN (ans(marg2+1 to len) & ans(1 to marg2));
+ END ;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := arg1'length ;
+ CONSTANT marg2 : integer := arg2 mod len;
+ VARIABLE ans : SIGNED(1 to len) := arg1;
+ IF (marg2 = 0) THEN
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ RETURN (ans(marg2+1 to len) & ans(1 to marg2));
+ END ;
+-- Rotate Right (Logical) Functions
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := arg1'length ;
+ CONSTANT marg2 : integer := arg2 mod len;
+ VARIABLE ans : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(1 to len) := arg1;
+ IF (marg2 = 0) THEN
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ RETURN (ans(len-marg2+1 to len) & ans(1 to len-marg2));
+ END ;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := arg1'length ;
+ CONSTANT marg2 : integer := arg2 mod len;
+ VARIABLE ans : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 to len) := arg1;
+ IF (marg2 = 0) THEN
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ RETURN (ans(len-marg2+1 to len) & ans(1 to len-marg2));
+ END ;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := arg1'length ;
+ CONSTANT marg2 : integer := arg2 mod len;
+ VARIABLE ans : UNSIGNED(1 to len) := arg1;
+ IF (marg2 = 0) THEN
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ RETURN (ans(len-marg2+1 to len) & ans(1 to len-marg2));
+ END ;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := arg1'length ;
+ CONSTANT marg2 : integer := arg2 mod len;
+ VARIABLE ans : SIGNED(1 to len) := arg1;
+ IF (marg2 = 0) THEN
+ RETURN (arg1);
+ RETURN (ans(len-marg2+1 to len) & ans(1 to len-marg2));
+ END ;
+-- Equal functions.
+ CONSTANT eq_table : stdlogic_boolean_table := (
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- | U X 0 1 Z W L H D | |
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ );
+ RETURN eq_table( l, r );
+ END;
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ lt := zxt( l, ml );
+ rt := zxt( r, ml );
+ FOR i IN lt'range LOOP
+ IF NOT eq( lt(i), rt(i) ) THEN
+ END;
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ lt := zxt( l, ml );
+ rt := zxt( r, ml );
+ FOR i IN lt'range LOOP
+ IF NOT eq( lt(i), rt(i) ) THEN
+ END;
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ VARIABLE lt : UNSIGNED ( 1 TO ml );
+ VARIABLE rt : UNSIGNED ( 1 TO ml );
+ lt := zxt( l, ml );
+ rt := zxt( r, ml );
+ FOR i IN lt'range LOOP
+ IF NOT eq( lt(i), rt(i) ) THEN
+ END;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ VARIABLE lt, rt : UNSIGNED ( len-1 downto 0 ) := (OTHERS => '0');
+ assert l'length > 1 AND r'length > 1
+ report "SIGNED vector must be atleast 2 bits wide"
+ severity ERROR;
+ lt := (OTHERS => l(l'left)) ;
+ lt(l'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(l);
+ rt := (OTHERS => r(r'left)) ;
+ rt(r'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(r);
+ RETURN (eq( lt, rt ));
+ END;
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ VARIABLE lt : UNSIGNED ( 1 TO ml );
+ VARIABLE rt : UNSIGNED ( 1 TO ml );
+ lt := zxt( l, ml );
+ rt := zxt( r, ml );
+ FOR i IN lt'range LOOP
+ IF NOT eq( lt(i), rt(i) ) THEN
+ END;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ VARIABLE lt, rt : UNSIGNED ( len-1 downto 0 ) := (OTHERS => '0');
+ assert l'length > 1 AND r'length > 1
+ report "SIGNED vector must be atleast 2 bits wide"
+ severity ERROR;
+ lt := (OTHERS => l(l'left)) ;
+ lt(l'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(l);
+ rt := (OTHERS => r(r'left)) ;
+ rt(r'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(r);
+ RETURN (eq( lt, rt ));
+ END;
+-- Not Equal function.
+ CONSTANT neq_table : stdlogic_boolean_table := (
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- | U X 0 1 Z W L H D | |
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ );
+ RETURN neq_table( l, r );
+ END;
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ lt := zxt( l, ml );
+ rt := zxt( r, ml );
+ FOR i IN lt'range LOOP
+ IF ne( lt(i), rt(i) ) THEN
+ END;
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ lt := zxt( l, ml );
+ rt := zxt( r, ml );
+ FOR i IN lt'range LOOP
+ IF ne( lt(i), rt(i) ) THEN
+ END;
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ VARIABLE lt : UNSIGNED ( 1 TO ml );
+ VARIABLE rt : UNSIGNED ( 1 TO ml );
+ lt := zxt( l, ml );
+ rt := zxt( r, ml );
+ FOR i IN lt'range LOOP
+ IF ne( lt(i), rt(i) ) THEN
+ END;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ VARIABLE lt, rt : UNSIGNED ( len-1 downto 0 ) := (OTHERS => '0');
+ assert l'length > 1 AND r'length > 1
+ report "SIGNED vector must be atleast 2 bits wide"
+ severity ERROR;
+ lt := (OTHERS => l(l'left)) ;
+ lt(l'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(l);
+ rt := (OTHERS => r(r'left)) ;
+ rt(r'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(r);
+ RETURN (ne( lt, rt ));
+ END;
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ VARIABLE lt : UNSIGNED ( 1 TO ml );
+ VARIABLE rt : UNSIGNED ( 1 TO ml );
+ lt := zxt( l, ml );
+ rt := zxt( r, ml );
+ FOR i IN lt'range LOOP
+ IF ne( lt(i), rt(i) ) THEN
+ END;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ VARIABLE lt, rt : UNSIGNED ( len-1 downto 0 ) := (OTHERS => '0');
+ assert l'length > 1 AND r'length > 1
+ report "SIGNED vector must be atleast 2 bits wide"
+ severity ERROR;
+ lt := (OTHERS => l(l'left)) ;
+ lt(l'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(l);
+ rt := (OTHERS => r(r'left)) ;
+ rt(r'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(r);
+ RETURN (ne( lt, rt ));
+ END;
+-- Less Than functions.
+ CONSTANT ltb_table : stdlogic_boolean_table := (
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- | U X 0 1 Z W L H D | |
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ );
+ RETURN ltb_table( l, r );
+ END;
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ ltt := zxt( l, ml );
+ rtt := zxt( r, ml );
+ FOR i IN ltt'range LOOP
+ IF NOT eq( ltt(i), rtt(i) ) THEN
+ RETURN lt( ltt(i), rtt(i) );
+ END;
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ ltt := zxt( l, ml );
+ rtt := zxt( r, ml );
+ FOR i IN ltt'range LOOP
+ IF NOT eq( ltt(i), rtt(i) ) THEN
+ RETURN lt( ltt(i), rtt(i) );
+ END;
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ VARIABLE ltt : UNSIGNED ( 1 TO ml );
+ VARIABLE rtt : UNSIGNED ( 1 TO ml );
+ ltt := zxt( l, ml );
+ rtt := zxt( r, ml );
+ FOR i IN ltt'range LOOP
+ IF NOT eq( ltt(i), rtt(i) ) THEN
+ RETURN lt( ltt(i), rtt(i) );
+ END;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ VARIABLE ltt, rtt : UNSIGNED ( len-1 downto 0 ) := (OTHERS => '0');
+ assert l'length > 1 AND r'length > 1
+ report "SIGNED vector must be atleast 2 bits wide"
+ severity ERROR;
+ ltt := (OTHERS => l(l'left)) ;
+ ltt(l'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(l);
+ rtt := (OTHERS => r(r'left)) ;
+ rtt(r'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(r);
+ IF(ltt(ltt'left) = '1' AND rtt(rtt'left) = '0') THEN
+ ELSIF(ltt(ltt'left) = '0' AND rtt(rtt'left) = '1') THEN
+ RETURN (lt( ltt, rtt ));
+ END IF ;
+ END;
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ VARIABLE ltt : UNSIGNED ( 1 TO ml );
+ VARIABLE rtt : UNSIGNED ( 1 TO ml );
+ ltt := zxt( l, ml );
+ rtt := zxt( r, ml );
+ FOR i IN ltt'range LOOP
+ IF NOT eq( ltt(i), rtt(i) ) THEN
+ RETURN lt( ltt(i), rtt(i) );
+ END;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ VARIABLE ltt, rtt : UNSIGNED ( len-1 downto 0 ) := (OTHERS => '0');
+ assert l'length > 1 AND r'length > 1
+ report "SIGNED vector must be atleast 2 bits wide"
+ severity ERROR;
+ ltt := (OTHERS => l(l'left)) ;
+ ltt(l'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(l);
+ rtt := (OTHERS => r(r'left)) ;
+ rtt(r'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(r);
+ IF(ltt(ltt'left) = '1' AND rtt(rtt'left) = '0') THEN
+ ELSIF(ltt(ltt'left) = '0' AND rtt(rtt'left) = '1') THEN
+ RETURN (lt( ltt, rtt ));
+ END IF ;
+ END;
+-- Greater Than functions.
+ CONSTANT gtb_table : stdlogic_boolean_table := (
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- | U X 0 1 Z W L H D | |
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ );
+ FUNCTION gt ( l, r : std_logic ) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
+ RETURN gtb_table( l, r );
+ END ;
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ lt := zxt( l, ml );
+ rt := zxt( r, ml );
+ FOR i IN lt'range LOOP
+ IF NOT eq( lt(i), rt(i) ) THEN
+ RETURN gt( lt(i), rt(i) );
+ END;
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ lt := zxt( l, ml );
+ rt := zxt( r, ml );
+ FOR i IN lt'range LOOP
+ IF NOT eq( lt(i), rt(i) ) THEN
+ RETURN gt( lt(i), rt(i) );
+ END;
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ VARIABLE lt : UNSIGNED ( 1 TO ml );
+ VARIABLE rt : UNSIGNED ( 1 TO ml );
+ lt := zxt( l, ml );
+ rt := zxt( r, ml );
+ FOR i IN lt'range LOOP
+ IF NOT eq( lt(i), rt(i) ) THEN
+ RETURN gt( lt(i), rt(i) );
+ END;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ VARIABLE lt, rt : UNSIGNED ( len-1 downto 0 ) := (OTHERS => '0');
+ assert l'length > 1 AND r'length > 1
+ report "SIGNED vector must be atleast 2 bits wide"
+ severity ERROR;
+ lt := (OTHERS => l(l'left)) ;
+ lt(l'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(l);
+ rt := (OTHERS => r(r'left)) ;
+ rt(r'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(r);
+ IF(lt(lt'left) = '1' AND rt(rt'left) = '0') THEN
+ ELSIF(lt(lt'left) = '0' AND rt(rt'left) = '1') THEN
+ RETURN (gt( lt, rt ));
+ END IF ;
+ END;
+ CONSTANT ml : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ VARIABLE lt : UNSIGNED ( 1 TO ml );
+ VARIABLE rt : UNSIGNED ( 1 TO ml );
+ lt := zxt( l, ml );
+ rt := zxt( r, ml );
+ FOR i IN lt'range LOOP
+ IF NOT eq( lt(i), rt(i) ) THEN
+ RETURN gt( lt(i), rt(i) );
+ END;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ VARIABLE lt, rt : UNSIGNED ( len-1 downto 0 ) := (OTHERS => '0');
+ assert l'length > 1 AND r'length > 1
+ report "SIGNED vector must be atleast 2 bits wide"
+ severity ERROR;
+ lt := (OTHERS => l(l'left)) ;
+ lt(l'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(l);
+ rt := (OTHERS => r(r'left)) ;
+ rt(r'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(r);
+ IF(lt(lt'left) = '1' AND rt(rt'left) = '0') THEN
+ ELSIF(lt(lt'left) = '0' AND rt(rt'left) = '1') THEN
+ RETURN (gt( lt, rt ));
+ END IF ;
+ END;
+-- Less Than or Equal to functions.
+ CONSTANT leb_table : stdlogic_boolean_table := (
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- | U X 0 1 Z W L H D | |
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ );
+ FUNCTION le ( l, r : std_logic ) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
+ RETURN leb_table( l, r );
+ END ;
+ TYPE std_ulogic_fuzzy_state IS ('U', 'X', 'T', 'F', 'N');
+ TYPE std_ulogic_fuzzy_state_table IS ARRAY ( std_ulogic, std_ulogic ) OF std_ulogic_fuzzy_state;
+ CONSTANT le_fuzzy_table : std_ulogic_fuzzy_state_table := (
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------
+ -- | U X 0 1 Z W L H D | |
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------
+ ( 'U', 'U', 'U', 'N', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'N', 'U' ), -- | U |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'X' ), -- | X |
+ ( 'N', 'N', 'N', 'T', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'T', 'N' ), -- | 0 |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'F', 'N', 'X', 'X', 'F', 'N', 'X' ), -- | 1 |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'X' ), -- | Z |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'X' ), -- | W |
+ ( 'N', 'N', 'N', 'T', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'T', 'N' ), -- | L |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'F', 'N', 'X', 'X', 'F', 'N', 'X' ), -- | H |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'X' ) -- | D |
+ );
+ FUNCTION le ( L,R : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN boolean IS
+ CONSTANT ml : integer := maximum( L'LENGTH, R'LENGTH );
+ VARIABLE lt : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE rt : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE res : std_ulogic_fuzzy_state;
+ begin
+ lt := zxt( l, ml );
+ rt := zxt( r, ml );
+ res := le_fuzzy_table( lt(i), rt(i) );
+ CASE res IS
+ WHEN OTHERS => null;
+ end ;
+ TYPE std_logic_fuzzy_state IS ('U', 'X', 'T', 'F', 'N');
+ TYPE std_logic_fuzzy_state_table IS ARRAY ( std_logic, std_logic ) OF std_logic_fuzzy_state;
+ CONSTANT le_lfuzzy_table : std_logic_fuzzy_state_table := (
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------
+ -- | U X 0 1 Z W L H D | |
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------
+ ( 'U', 'U', 'U', 'N', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'N', 'U' ), -- | U |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'X' ), -- | X |
+ ( 'N', 'N', 'N', 'T', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'T', 'N' ), -- | 0 |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'F', 'N', 'X', 'X', 'F', 'N', 'X' ), -- | 1 |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'X' ), -- | Z |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'X' ), -- | W |
+ ( 'N', 'N', 'N', 'T', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'T', 'N' ), -- | L |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'F', 'N', 'X', 'X', 'F', 'N', 'X' ), -- | H |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'X' ) -- | D |
+ );
+ FUNCTION le ( L,R : std_logic_vector ) RETURN boolean IS
+ CONSTANT ml : integer := maximum( L'LENGTH, R'LENGTH );
+ VARIABLE lt : std_logic_vector ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE rt : std_logic_vector ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE res : std_logic_fuzzy_state;
+ begin
+ lt := zxt( l, ml );
+ rt := zxt( r, ml );
+ res := le_lfuzzy_table( lt(i), rt(i) );
+ CASE res IS
+ WHEN OTHERS => null;
+ end ;
+ CONSTANT ml : integer := maximum( L'LENGTH, R'LENGTH );
+ VARIABLE lt : UNSIGNED ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE rt : UNSIGNED ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE res : std_logic_fuzzy_state;
+ begin
+ lt := zxt( l, ml );
+ rt := zxt( r, ml );
+ res := le_lfuzzy_table( lt(i), rt(i) );
+ CASE res IS
+ WHEN OTHERS => null;
+ end ;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ VARIABLE lt, rt : UNSIGNED ( len-1 downto 0 ) := (OTHERS => '0');
+ assert l'length > 1 AND r'length > 1
+ report "SIGNED vector must be atleast 2 bits wide"
+ severity ERROR;
+ lt := (OTHERS => l(l'left)) ;
+ lt(l'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(l);
+ rt := (OTHERS => r(r'left)) ;
+ rt(r'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(r);
+ IF(lt(lt'left) = '1' AND rt(rt'left) = '0') THEN
+ ELSIF(lt(lt'left) = '0' AND rt(rt'left) = '1') THEN
+ RETURN (le( lt, rt ));
+ END IF ;
+ END;
+ FUNCTION "<=" ( L,R : UNSIGNED ) RETURN boolean IS
+ CONSTANT ml : integer := maximum( L'LENGTH, R'LENGTH );
+ VARIABLE lt : UNSIGNED ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE rt : UNSIGNED ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE res : std_logic_fuzzy_state;
+ begin
+ lt := zxt( l, ml );
+ rt := zxt( r, ml );
+ res := le_lfuzzy_table( lt(i), rt(i) );
+ CASE res IS
+ WHEN OTHERS => null;
+ end ;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ VARIABLE lt, rt : UNSIGNED ( len-1 downto 0 ) := (OTHERS => '0');
+ assert l'length > 1 AND r'length > 1
+ report "SIGNED vector must be atleast 2 bits wide"
+ severity ERROR;
+ lt := (OTHERS => l(l'left)) ;
+ lt(l'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(l);
+ rt := (OTHERS => r(r'left)) ;
+ rt(r'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(r);
+ IF(lt(lt'left) = '1' AND rt(rt'left) = '0') THEN
+ ELSIF(lt(lt'left) = '0' AND rt(rt'left) = '1') THEN
+ RETURN (le( lt, rt ));
+ END IF ;
+ END;
+-- Greater Than or Equal to functions.
+ CONSTANT geb_table : stdlogic_boolean_table := (
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- | U X 0 1 Z W L H D | |
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ );
+ FUNCTION ge ( l, r : std_logic ) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
+ RETURN geb_table( l, r );
+ END ;
+ CONSTANT ge_fuzzy_table : std_ulogic_fuzzy_state_table := (
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------
+ -- | U X 0 1 Z W L H D | |
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------
+ ( 'U', 'U', 'N', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'N', 'U', 'U' ), -- | U |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'N', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'X', 'X' ), -- | X |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'N', 'F', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'F', 'X' ), -- | 0 |
+ ( 'N', 'N', 'T', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'T', 'N', 'N' ), -- | 1 |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'N', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'X', 'X' ), -- | Z |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'N', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'X', 'X' ), -- | W |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'N', 'F', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'F', 'X' ), -- | L |
+ ( 'N', 'N', 'T', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'T', 'N', 'N' ), -- | H |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'N', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'X', 'X' ) -- | D |
+ );
+ FUNCTION ge ( L,R : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN boolean IS
+ CONSTANT ml : integer := maximum( L'LENGTH, R'LENGTH );
+ VARIABLE lt : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE rt : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE res : std_ulogic_fuzzy_state;
+ begin
+ lt := zxt( l, ml );
+ rt := zxt( r, ml );
+ res := ge_fuzzy_table( lt(i), rt(i) );
+ CASE res IS
+ WHEN OTHERS => null;
+ end ;
+ CONSTANT ge_lfuzzy_table : std_logic_fuzzy_state_table := (
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------
+ -- | U X 0 1 Z W L H D | |
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------
+ ( 'U', 'U', 'N', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'N', 'U', 'U' ), -- | U |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'N', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'X', 'X' ), -- | X |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'N', 'F', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'F', 'X' ), -- | 0 |
+ ( 'N', 'N', 'T', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'T', 'N', 'N' ), -- | 1 |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'N', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'X', 'X' ), -- | Z |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'N', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'X', 'X' ), -- | W |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'N', 'F', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'F', 'X' ), -- | L |
+ ( 'N', 'N', 'T', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'T', 'N', 'N' ), -- | H |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'N', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'N', 'X', 'X' ) -- | D |
+ );
+ FUNCTION ge ( L,R : std_logic_vector ) RETURN boolean IS
+ CONSTANT ml : integer := maximum( L'LENGTH, R'LENGTH );
+ VARIABLE lt : std_logic_vector ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE rt : std_logic_vector ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE res : std_logic_fuzzy_state;
+ begin
+ lt := zxt( l, ml );
+ rt := zxt( r, ml );
+ res := ge_lfuzzy_table( lt(i), rt(i) );
+ CASE res IS
+ WHEN OTHERS => null;
+ end ;
+ CONSTANT ml : integer := maximum( L'LENGTH, R'LENGTH );
+ VARIABLE lt : UNSIGNED ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE rt : UNSIGNED ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE res : std_logic_fuzzy_state;
+ begin
+ lt := zxt( l, ml );
+ rt := zxt( r, ml );
+ res := ge_lfuzzy_table( lt(i), rt(i) );
+ CASE res IS
+ WHEN OTHERS => null;
+ end ;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ VARIABLE lt, rt : UNSIGNED ( len-1 downto 0 ) := (OTHERS => '0');
+ assert l'length > 1 AND r'length > 1
+ report "SIGNED vector must be atleast 2 bits wide"
+ severity ERROR;
+ lt := (OTHERS => l(l'left)) ;
+ lt(l'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(l);
+ rt := (OTHERS => r(r'left)) ;
+ rt(r'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(r);
+ IF(lt(lt'left) = '1' AND rt(rt'left) = '0') THEN
+ ELSIF(lt(lt'left) = '0' AND rt(rt'left) = '1') THEN
+ RETURN (ge( lt, rt ));
+ END IF ;
+ END;
+ FUNCTION ">=" ( L,R : UNSIGNED ) RETURN boolean IS
+ CONSTANT ml : integer := maximum( L'LENGTH, R'LENGTH );
+ VARIABLE lt : UNSIGNED ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE rt : UNSIGNED ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE res : std_logic_fuzzy_state;
+ begin
+ lt := zxt( l, ml );
+ rt := zxt( r, ml );
+ res := ge_lfuzzy_table( lt(i), rt(i) );
+ CASE res IS
+ WHEN OTHERS => null;
+ end ;
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := maximum( l'length, r'length );
+ VARIABLE lt, rt : UNSIGNED ( len-1 downto 0 ) := (OTHERS => '0');
+ assert l'length > 1 AND r'length > 1
+ report "SIGNED vector must be atleast 2 bits wide"
+ severity ERROR;
+ lt := (OTHERS => l(l'left)) ;
+ lt(l'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(l);
+ rt := (OTHERS => r(r'left)) ;
+ rt(r'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(r);
+ IF(lt(lt'left) = '1' AND rt(rt'left) = '0') THEN
+ ELSIF(lt(lt'left) = '0' AND rt(rt'left) = '1') THEN
+ RETURN (ge( lt, rt ));
+ END IF ;
+ END;
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Logical Operations
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- truth table for "and" function
+ CONSTANT and_table : stdlogic_table := (
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------
+ -- | U X 0 1 Z W L H D | |
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------
+ ( 'U', 'U', '0', 'U', 'U', 'U', '0', 'U', 'U' ), -- | U |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', 'X', 'X', 'X', '0', 'X', 'X' ), -- | X |
+ ( '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0' ), -- | 0 |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'X', 'X', '0', '1', 'X' ), -- | 1 |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', 'X', 'X', 'X', '0', 'X', 'X' ), -- | Z |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', 'X', 'X', 'X', '0', 'X', 'X' ), -- | W |
+ ( '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0' ), -- | L |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'X', 'X', '0', '1', 'X' ), -- | H |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', 'X', 'X', 'X', '0', 'X', 'X' ) -- | D |
+ );
+ -- truth table for "or" function
+ CONSTANT or_table : stdlogic_table := (
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------
+ -- | U X 0 1 Z W L H D | |
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------
+ ( 'U', 'U', 'U', '1', 'U', 'U', 'U', '1', 'U' ), -- | U |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', '1', 'X', 'X', 'X', '1', 'X' ), -- | X |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'X', 'X', '0', '1', 'X' ), -- | 0 |
+ ( '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1' ), -- | 1 |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', '1', 'X', 'X', 'X', '1', 'X' ), -- | Z |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', '1', 'X', 'X', 'X', '1', 'X' ), -- | W |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'X', 'X', '0', '1', 'X' ), -- | L |
+ ( '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1' ), -- | H |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', '1', 'X', 'X', 'X', '1', 'X' ) -- | D |
+ );
+ -- truth table for "xor" function
+ CONSTANT xor_table : stdlogic_table := (
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------
+ -- | U X 0 1 Z W L H D | |
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------
+ ( 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U' ), -- | U |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X' ), -- | X |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'X', 'X', '0', '1', 'X' ), -- | 0 |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '1', '0', 'X', 'X', '1', '0', 'X' ), -- | 1 |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X' ), -- | Z |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X' ), -- | W |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'X', 'X', '0', '1', 'X' ), -- | L |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '1', '0', 'X', 'X', '1', '0', 'X' ), -- | H |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X' ) -- | D |
+ );
+ -- truth table for "not" function
+ CONSTANT not_table: stdlogic_1D :=
+ -- -------------------------------------------------
+ -- | U X 0 1 Z W L H D |
+ -- -------------------------------------------------
+ ( 'U', 'X', '1', '0', 'X', 'X', '1', '0', 'X' );
+ CONSTANT ml : integer := maximum( arg1'LENGTH, arg2'LENGTH );
+ VARIABLE lt : UNSIGNED ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE rt : UNSIGNED ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE res : UNSIGNED ( 1 to ml );
+ begin
+ lt := zxt( arg1, ml );
+ rt := zxt( arg2, ml );
+ res(i) := and_table( lt(i), rt(i) );
+ RETURN res;
+ end "and";
+ CONSTANT ml : integer := maximum( arg1'LENGTH, arg2'LENGTH );
+ VARIABLE lt : UNSIGNED ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE rt : UNSIGNED ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE res : UNSIGNED ( 1 to ml );
+ begin
+ lt := zxt( arg1, ml );
+ rt := zxt( arg2, ml );
+ res(i) := not_table( and_table( lt(i), rt(i) ) );
+ RETURN res;
+ end "nand";
+ CONSTANT ml : integer := maximum( arg1'LENGTH, arg2'LENGTH );
+ VARIABLE lt : UNSIGNED ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE rt : UNSIGNED ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE res : UNSIGNED ( 1 to ml );
+ begin
+ lt := zxt( arg1, ml );
+ rt := zxt( arg2, ml );
+ res(i) := or_table( lt(i), rt(i) );
+ RETURN res;
+ end "or";
+ CONSTANT ml : integer := maximum( arg1'LENGTH, arg2'LENGTH );
+ VARIABLE lt : UNSIGNED ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE rt : UNSIGNED ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE res : UNSIGNED ( 1 to ml );
+ begin
+ lt := zxt( arg1, ml );
+ rt := zxt( arg2, ml );
+ res(i) := not_table( or_table( lt(i), rt(i) ) );
+ RETURN res;
+ end "nor";
+ CONSTANT ml : integer := maximum( arg1'LENGTH, arg2'LENGTH );
+ VARIABLE lt : UNSIGNED ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE rt : UNSIGNED ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE res : UNSIGNED ( 1 to ml );
+ begin
+ lt := zxt( arg1, ml );
+ rt := zxt( arg2, ml );
+ res(i) := xor_table( lt(i), rt(i) );
+ RETURN res;
+ end "xor";
+ VARIABLE result : UNSIGNED ( arg1'RANGE ) := (Others => 'X');
+ begin
+ for i in result'range loop
+ result(i) := not_table( arg1(i) );
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end "not";
+ FUNCTION "and" ( arg1,arg2 : SIGNED ) RETURN SIGNED IS
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := maximum(arg1'length,arg2'length) ;
+ VARIABLE a,b : UNSIGNED(len-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0') ;
+ VARIABLE answer : SIGNED(len-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0') ;
+ a := (OTHERS => arg1(arg1'left)) ;
+ a(arg1'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(arg1);
+ b := (OTHERS => arg2(arg2'left)) ;
+ b(arg2'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(arg2);
+ answer := SIGNED(a and b);
+ RETURN (answer);
+ end "and";
+ FUNCTION "nand" ( arg1,arg2 : SIGNED ) RETURN SIGNED IS
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := maximum(arg1'length,arg2'length) ;
+ VARIABLE a,b : UNSIGNED(len-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0') ;
+ VARIABLE answer : SIGNED(len-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0') ;
+ a := (OTHERS => arg1(arg1'left)) ;
+ a(arg1'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(arg1);
+ b := (OTHERS => arg2(arg2'left)) ;
+ b(arg2'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(arg2);
+ answer := SIGNED(a nand b);
+ RETURN (answer);
+ end "nand";
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := maximum(arg1'length,arg2'length) ;
+ VARIABLE a,b : UNSIGNED(len-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0') ;
+ VARIABLE answer : SIGNED(len-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0') ;
+ a := (OTHERS => arg1(arg1'left)) ;
+ a(arg1'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(arg1);
+ b := (OTHERS => arg2(arg2'left)) ;
+ b(arg2'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(arg2);
+ answer := SIGNED(a or b);
+ RETURN (answer);
+ end "or";
+ FUNCTION "nor" ( arg1,arg2 : SIGNED ) RETURN SIGNED IS
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := maximum(arg1'length,arg2'length) ;
+ VARIABLE a,b : UNSIGNED(len-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0') ;
+ VARIABLE answer : SIGNED(len-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0') ;
+ a := (OTHERS => arg1(arg1'left)) ;
+ a(arg1'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(arg1);
+ b := (OTHERS => arg2(arg2'left)) ;
+ b(arg2'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(arg2);
+ answer := SIGNED(a nor b);
+ RETURN (answer);
+ end "nor";
+ FUNCTION "xor" ( arg1, arg2 : SIGNED ) RETURN SIGNED IS
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := maximum(arg1'length,arg2'length) ;
+ VARIABLE a,b : UNSIGNED(len-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0') ;
+ VARIABLE answer : SIGNED(len-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0') ;
+ a := (OTHERS => arg1(arg1'left)) ;
+ a(arg1'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(arg1);
+ b := (OTHERS => arg2(arg2'left)) ;
+ b(arg2'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(arg2);
+ answer := SIGNED(a xor b);
+ RETURN (answer);
+ end "xor";
+ VARIABLE result : SIGNED ( arg1'RANGE ) := (Others => 'X');
+ begin
+ for i in result'range loop
+ result(i) := not_table( arg1(i) );
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end "not";
+ FUNCTION "xnor" ( arg1, arg2 : std_ulogic_vector ) RETURN std_ulogic_vector IS
+ CONSTANT ml : integer := maximum( arg1'LENGTH, arg2'LENGTH );
+ VARIABLE lt : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE rt : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE res : std_ulogic_vector ( 1 to ml );
+ begin
+ lt := zxt( arg1, ml );
+ rt := zxt( arg2, ml );
+ res(i) := not_table( xor_table( lt(i), rt(i) ) );
+ RETURN res;
+ end "xnor";
+ FUNCTION "xnor" ( arg1, arg2 : std_logic_vector ) RETURN std_logic_vector IS
+ CONSTANT ml : integer := maximum( arg1'LENGTH, arg2'LENGTH );
+ VARIABLE lt : std_logic_vector ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE rt : std_logic_vector ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE res : std_logic_vector ( 1 to ml );
+ begin
+ lt := zxt( arg1, ml );
+ rt := zxt( arg2, ml );
+ res(i) := not_table( xor_table( lt(i), rt(i) ) );
+ RETURN res;
+ end "xnor";
+ CONSTANT ml : integer := maximum( arg1'LENGTH, arg2'LENGTH );
+ VARIABLE lt : UNSIGNED ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE rt : UNSIGNED ( 1 to ml );
+ VARIABLE res : UNSIGNED ( 1 to ml );
+ begin
+ lt := zxt( arg1, ml );
+ rt := zxt( arg2, ml );
+ res(i) := not_table( xor_table( lt(i), rt(i) ) );
+ RETURN res;
+ end "xnor";
+ FUNCTION "xnor" ( arg1, arg2 : SIGNED ) RETURN SIGNED IS
+ CONSTANT len : INTEGER := maximum(arg1'length,arg2'length) ;
+ VARIABLE a,b : UNSIGNED(len-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0') ;
+ VARIABLE answer : SIGNED(len-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0') ;
+ a := (OTHERS => arg1(arg1'left)) ;
+ a(arg1'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(arg1);
+ b := (OTHERS => arg2(arg2'left)) ;
+ b(arg2'length - 1 DOWNTO 0) := UNSIGNED(arg2);
+ answer := SIGNED(a xnor b);
+ RETURN (answer);
+ end "xnor";
+END ;
diff --git a/libraries/std/textio.vhdl b/libraries/std/textio.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..71b3ca72e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/std/textio.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+-- Std.Textio package declaration. This file is part of GHDL.
+-- This file was written from the clause 14.3 of the VHDL LRM.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package textio is
+-- type definitions for text i/o
+ -- a LINE is a pointer to a string value.
+ type line is access string;
+ -- A file of variable-length ASCII records.
+ -- Note: in order to work correctly, the TEXT file type must be declared in
+ -- the textio package of library std. Otherwise, a file of string has a
+ -- non-ASCII format.
+ type text is file of string;
+ type side is (right, left); -- For justifying ouput data within fields.
+ subtype width is natural; -- For specifying widths of output fields.
+-- standard text files
+ file input: text is in "STD_INPUT"; --V87
+ file output: text is out "STD_OUTPUT"; --V87
+ file input : text open read_mode is "STD_INPUT"; --V93
+ file output : text open write_mode is "STD_OUTPUT"; --V93
+-- input routines for standard types
+ procedure readline (variable f: in text; l: inout line); --V87
+ procedure readline (file f: text; l: inout line); --V93
+ -- For READ procedures:
+ -- In this implementation, any L is accepted (ie, there is no constraints
+ -- on direction, or left bound). Therefore, even variable of type LINE
+ -- not initialized by READLINE are accepted. Strictly speaking, this is
+ -- not required by LRM, nor prevented. However, other implementations may
+ -- fail at parsing such strings.
+ --
+ -- Also, in case of error (GOOD is false), this implementation do not
+ -- modify L (as specified by the LRM) nor VALUE.
+ --
+ -- For READ procedures without a GOOD argument, an assertion fails in case
+ -- of error.
+ --
+ -- In case of overflow (ie, if the number is out of the bounds of the type),
+ -- the procedure will fail with an execution error.
+ -- FIXME: this should not occur for a bad string.
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out bit; good: out boolean);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out bit);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out bit_vector; good: out boolean);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out bit_vector);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out boolean; good: out boolean);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out boolean);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out character; good: out boolean);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out character);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out integer; good: out boolean);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out integer);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out real; good: out boolean);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out real);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out string; good: out boolean);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out string);
+ -- This implementation requires no space after the unit identifier,
+ -- ie "7.5 nsv" is parsed as 7.5 ns.
+ -- The unit identifier can be in lower case, upper case or mixed case.
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out time; good: out boolean);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out time);
+-- output routines for standard types
+ procedure writeline (variable f: out text; l: inout line); --V87
+ procedure writeline (file f: text; l: inout line); --V93
+ -- This implementation accept any value for all the types.
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value: in bit;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0);
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value: in bit_vector;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0);
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value: in boolean;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0);
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value: in character;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0);
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value: in integer;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0);
+ procedure write
+ (L: inout line; value: in real;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0;
+ digits: in natural := 0);
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value: in string;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0);
+ -- UNIT must be a unit name declared in std.standard. Of course, no rules
+ -- in the core VHDL language prevent you from using a value that is not a
+ -- unit (eg: 10 ns or even 5 fs).
+ -- An assertion error message is generated in this case, and question mark
+ -- (?) is written at the place of the unit name.
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value : in time;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0; unit : in TIME := ns);
+end textio;
diff --git a/libraries/std/textio_body.vhdl b/libraries/std/textio_body.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0362ef61a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/std/textio_body.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,1320 @@
+-- Std.Textio package body. This file is part of GHDL.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package body textio is
+ -- output routines for standard types
+ -- TIME_NAMES associates time units with textual names.
+ -- Textual names are in lower cases, since according to LRM93 14.3:
+ -- when written, the identifier is expressed in lowercase characters.
+ -- The length of the names are 3 characters, the last one may be a space
+ -- for 2 characters long names.
+ type time_unit is
+ record
+ val : time;
+ name : string (1 to 3);
+ end record;
+ type time_names_type is array (1 to 8) of time_unit;
+ constant time_names : time_names_type :=
+ ((fs, "fs "), (ps, "ps "), (ns, "ns "), (us, "us "),
+ (ms, "ms "), (sec, "sec"), (min, "min"), (hr, "hr "));
+ -- Non breaking space character. --V93
+ constant nbsp : character := character'val (160); --V93
+ procedure writeline (f: out text; l: inout line) is --V87
+ procedure writeline (file f: text; l: inout line) is --V93
+ begin
+ if l = null then
+ -- LRM93 14.3
+ -- If parameter L contains a null access value at the start of the call,
+ -- the a null string is written to the file.
+ write (f, "");
+ else
+ -- LRM93 14.3
+ -- Procedure WRITELINE causes the current line designated by parameter L
+ -- to be written to the file and returns with the value of parameter L
+ -- designating a null string.
+ write (f, l.all);
+ deallocate (l);
+ l := new string'("");
+ end if;
+ end writeline;
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value: in string;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0)
+ is
+ variable length: natural;
+ variable nl: line;
+ begin
+ -- l can be null.
+ if l = null then
+ length := 0;
+ else
+ length := l.all'length;
+ end if;
+ if value'length < field then
+ nl := new string (1 to length + field);
+ if length /= 0 then
+ nl (1 to length) := l.all;
+ end if;
+ if justified = right then
+ nl (length + 1 to length + field - value'length) := (others => ' ');
+ nl (nl.all'high - value'length + 1 to nl.all'high) := value;
+ else
+ nl (length + 1 to length + value'length) := value;
+ nl (length + value'length + 1 to nl.all'high) := (others => ' ');
+ end if;
+ else
+ nl := new string (1 to length + value'length);
+ if length /= 0 then
+ nl (1 to length) := l.all;
+ end if;
+ nl (length + 1 to nl.all'high) := value;
+ end if;
+ deallocate (l);
+ l := nl;
+ end write;
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value: in integer;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0)
+ is
+ variable str: string (11 downto 1);
+ variable val: integer := value;
+ variable digit: natural;
+ variable index: natural := 0;
+ begin
+ -- Note: the absolute value of VAL cannot be directly taken, since
+ -- it may be greather that the maximum value of an INTEGER.
+ loop
+ -- LRM93 7.2.6
+ -- (A rem B) has the sign of A and an absolute value less then
+ -- the absoulte value of B.
+ digit := abs (val rem 10);
+ val := val / 10;
+ index := index + 1;
+ str (index) := character'val(48 + digit);
+ exit when val = 0;
+ end loop;
+ if value < 0 then
+ index := index + 1;
+ str(index) := '-';
+ end if;
+ write (l, str (index downto 1), justified, field);
+ end write;
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value: in boolean;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0)
+ is
+ begin
+ if value then
+ write (l, string'("TRUE"), justified, field);
+ else
+ write (l, string'("FALSE"), justified, field);
+ end if;
+ end write;
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value: in character;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0)
+ is
+ variable str: string (1 to 1);
+ begin
+ str (1) := value;
+ write (l, str, justified, field);
+ end write;
+ function bit_to_char (value : in bit) return character is
+ begin
+ case value is
+ when '0' =>
+ return '0';
+ when '1' =>
+ return '1';
+ end case;
+ end bit_to_char;
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value: in bit;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0)
+ is
+ variable str : string (1 to 1);
+ begin
+ str (1) := bit_to_char (value);
+ write (l, str, justified, field);
+ end write;
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value: in bit_vector;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0)
+ is
+ constant length : natural := value'length;
+ alias n_value : bit_vector (1 to value'length) is value;
+ variable str : string (1 to length);
+ begin
+ for i in str'range loop
+ str (i) := bit_to_char (n_value (i));
+ end loop;
+ write (l, str, justified, field);
+ end write;
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value : in time;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0; unit : in TIME := ns)
+ is
+ -- Copy of VALUE on which we are working.
+ variable val : time := value;
+ -- Copy of UNIT on which we are working.
+ variable un : time := unit;
+ -- Digit extract from VAL/UN.
+ variable d : integer; -- natural range 0 to 9;
+ -- Index for unit name.
+ variable n : integer;
+ -- Result.
+ variable str : string (1 to 28);
+ -- Current character in RES.
+ variable pos : natural := 1;
+ -- Add a character to STR.
+ procedure add_char (c : character) is
+ begin
+ str (pos) := c;
+ pos := pos + 1;
+ end add_char;
+ begin
+ -- Note:
+ -- Care is taken to avoid overflow. Time may be 64 bits while integer
+ -- may be only 32 bits.
+ -- Handle sign.
+ -- Note: VAL cannot be negated since its range may be not symetric
+ -- around 0.
+ if val < 0 ns then
+ add_char ('-');
+ end if;
+ -- Search for the first digit.
+ -- Note: we must start from unit, since all units are not a power of 10.
+ -- Note: UN can be multiplied only after we know it is possible. This
+ -- is a to avoid overflow.
+ if un <= 0 fs then
+ assert false report "UNIT argument is not positive" severity error;
+ un := 1 ns;
+ end if;
+ while val / 10 >= un or val / 10 <= -un loop
+ un := un * 10;
+ end loop;
+ -- Extract digits one per one.
+ loop
+ d := val / un;
+ add_char (character'val (abs d + character'pos ('0')));
+ val := val - d * un;
+ exit when val = 0 ns and un <= unit;
+ if un = unit then
+ add_char ('.');
+ end if;
+ -- Stop as soon as precision will be lost.
+ -- This can happen only for hr and min.
+ -- FIXME: change the algorithm to display all the digits.
+ exit when (un / 10) * 10 /= un;
+ un := un / 10;
+ end loop;
+ add_char (' ');
+ -- Search the time unit name in the time table.
+ n := 0;
+ for i in time_names'range loop
+ if time_names (i).val = unit then
+ n := i;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ assert n /= 0 report "UNIT argument is not a unit name" severity error;
+ if n = 0 then
+ add_char ('?');
+ else
+ add_char (time_names (n).name (1));
+ add_char (time_names (n).name (2));
+ if time_names (n).name (3) /= ' ' then
+ add_char (time_names (n).name (3));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Write the result.
+ write (l, str (1 to pos - 1), justified, field);
+ end write;
+ -- Parameter DIGITS specifies how many digits to the right of the decimal
+ -- point are to be output when writing a real number; the default value 0
+ -- indicates that the number should be output in standard form, consisting
+ -- of a normalized mantissa plus exponent (e.g., 1.079236E23). If DIGITS is
+ -- nonzero, then the real number is output as an integer part followed by
+ -- '.' followed by the fractional part, using the specified number of digits
+ -- (e.g., 3.14159).
+ -- Note: Nan, +Inf, -Inf are not to be considered, since these numbers are
+ -- not in the bounds defined by any real range.
+ procedure write (L: inout line; value: in real;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0;
+ digits: in natural := 0)
+ is
+ -- STR contains the result of the conversion.
+ variable str : string (1 to 320);
+ -- POS is the index of the next character to be put in STR.
+ variable pos : positive := str'left;
+ -- VAL contains the value to be converted.
+ variable val : real;
+ -- The exponent or mantissa computed is stored in MANTISSA. This is
+ -- a signed number.
+ variable mantissa : integer;
+ variable b : boolean;
+ variable d : natural;
+ -- Append character C in STR.
+ procedure add_char (c : character) is
+ begin
+ str (pos) := c;
+ pos := pos + 1;
+ end add_char;
+ -- Add digit V in STR.
+ procedure add_digit (v : natural) is
+ begin
+ add_char (character'val (character'pos ('0') + v));
+ end add_digit;
+ -- Add leading digit and substract it.
+ procedure extract_leading_digit is
+ variable d : natural range 0 to 10;
+ begin
+ -- Note: We need truncation but type conversion does rounding.
+ -- FIXME: should consider precision.
+ d := natural (val);
+ if real (d) > val then
+ d := d - 1;
+ end if;
+ val := (val - real (d)) * 10.0;
+ add_digit (d);
+ end extract_leading_digit;
+ begin
+ -- Handle sign.
+ -- There is no overflow here, since with IEEE implementations, sign is
+ -- independant of the mantissa.
+ -- LRM93 14.3
+ -- The sign is never written if the value is non-negative.
+ if value < 0.0 then
+ add_char ('-');
+ val := -value;
+ else
+ val := value;
+ end if;
+ -- Compute the mantissa.
+ -- FIXME: should do a dichotomy.
+ if val = 0.0 then
+ mantissa := 0;
+ elsif val < 1.0 then
+ mantissa := -1;
+ while val * (10.0 ** (-mantissa)) < 1.0 loop
+ mantissa := mantissa - 1;
+ end loop;
+ else
+ mantissa := 0;
+ while val / (10.0 ** mantissa) >= 10.0 loop
+ mantissa := mantissa + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ -- Normalize VAL: in [0; 10[
+ if mantissa >= 0 then
+ val := val / (10.0 ** mantissa);
+ else
+ val := val * 10.0 ** (-mantissa);
+ end if;
+ if digits = 0 then
+ for i in 0 to 15 loop
+ extract_leading_digit;
+ if i = 0 then
+ add_char ('.');
+ end if;
+ exit when i > 0 and val < 10.0 ** (i + 1 - 15);
+ end loop;
+ -- LRM93 14.3
+ -- if the exponent is present, the `e' is written as a lower case
+ -- character.
+ add_char ('e');
+ if mantissa < 0 then
+ add_char ('-');
+ mantissa := -mantissa;
+ end if;
+ b := false;
+ for i in 4 downto 0 loop
+ d := (mantissa / 10000) mod 10;
+ if d /= 0 or b or i = 0 then
+ add_digit (d);
+ b := true;
+ end if;
+ mantissa := (mantissa - d * 10000) * 10;
+ end loop;
+ else
+ if mantissa < 0 then
+ add_char ('0');
+ mantissa := mantissa + 1;
+ else
+ loop
+ extract_leading_digit;
+ exit when mantissa = 0;
+ mantissa := mantissa - 1;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ add_char ('.');
+ for i in 1 to digits loop
+ if mantissa = 0 then
+ extract_leading_digit;
+ else
+ add_char ('0');
+ mantissa := mantissa + 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ write (l, str (1 to pos - 1), justified, field);
+ end write;
+ procedure untruncated_text_read --V87
+ (variable f : text; str : out string; len : out natural); --V87
+ procedure untruncated_text_read --V93
+ (file f : text; str : out string; len : out natural); --V93
+ attribute foreign : string; --V87
+ attribute foreign of untruncated_text_read : procedure is "GHDL intrinsic";
+ procedure untruncated_text_read
+ (variable f : text; str : out string; len : out natural) is --V87
+ (file f : text; str : out string; len : out natural) is --V93
+ begin
+ assert false report "must not be called" severity failure;
+ end untruncated_text_read;
+ procedure readline (variable f: in text; l: inout line) --V87
+ procedure readline (file f: text; l: inout line) --V93
+ is
+ variable len, nlen, posn : natural;
+ variable nl, old_l : line;
+ variable str : string (1 to 128);
+ variable is_eol : boolean;
+ begin
+ -- LRM93 14.3
+ -- If parameter L contains a non-null access value at the start of the
+ -- call, the object designated by that value is deallocated before the
+ -- new object is created.
+ if l /= null then
+ deallocate (l);
+ end if;
+ -- We read the input in 128-byte chunks.
+ -- We keep reading until we reach a newline or there is no more input.
+ -- The loop invariant is that old_l is allocated and contains the
+ -- previous chunks read, and posn = old_l.all'length.
+ posn := 0;
+ loop
+ untruncated_text_read (f, str, len);
+ exit when len = 0;
+ if str (len) = LF then
+ -- LRM 14.3
+ -- The representation of the line does not contain the representation
+ -- of the end of the line.
+ is_eol := true;
+ len := len - 1;
+ else
+ is_eol := false;
+ end if;
+ l := new string (1 to posn + len);
+ if old_l /= null then
+ l (1 to posn) := old_l (1 to posn);
+ deallocate (old_l);
+ end if;
+ l (posn + 1 to posn + len) := str (1 to len);
+ exit when is_eol;
+ posn := posn + len;
+ old_l := l;
+ end loop;
+ end readline;
+ -- Replaces L with L (LEFT to/downto L'RIGHT)
+ procedure trim (l : inout line; left : natural)
+ is
+ variable nl : line;
+ begin
+ if l = null then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if l'left < l'right then
+ -- Ascending.
+ if left > l'right then
+ nl := new string'("");
+ else
+ nl := new string (left to l'right);
+-- nl := new string (1 to l'right + 1 - left);
+ nl.all := l (left to l'right);
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- Descending
+ if left < l'right then
+ nl := new string'("");
+ else
+ nl := new string (left downto l'right);
+-- nl := new string (left - l'right + 1 downto 1);
+ nl.all := l (left downto l'right);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ deallocate (l);
+ l := nl;
+ end trim;
+ -- Replaces L with L (LEFT + 1 to L'RIGHT or LEFT - 1 downto L'RIGHT)
+ procedure trim_next (l : inout line; left : natural)
+ is
+ variable nl : line;
+ begin
+ if l = null then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if l'left < l'right then
+ -- Ascending.
+ trim (l, left + 1);
+ else
+ -- Descending
+ trim (l, left - 1);
+ end if;
+ end trim_next;
+ function to_lower (c : character) return character is
+ begin
+ if c >= 'A' and c <= 'Z' then
+ return character'val (character'pos (c) + 32);
+ else
+ return c;
+ end if;
+ end to_lower;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out character; good: out boolean)
+ is
+ variable nl : line;
+ begin
+ if l'length = 0 then
+ good := false;
+ else
+ value := l (l'left);
+ trim_next (l, l'left);
+ good := true;
+ end if;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out character)
+ is
+ variable res : boolean;
+ begin
+ read (l, value, res);
+ assert res = true
+ report "character read failure"
+ severity failure;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out bit; good: out boolean)
+ is
+ begin
+ good := false;
+ for i in l'range loop
+ case l(i) is
+ when ' '
+ | NBSP --V93
+ | HT =>
+ null;
+ when '1' =>
+ value := '1';
+ good := true;
+ trim_next (l, i);
+ return;
+ when '0' =>
+ value := '0';
+ good := true;
+ trim_next (l, i);
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ return;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out bit)
+ is
+ variable res : boolean;
+ begin
+ read (l, value, res);
+ assert res = true
+ report "bit read failure"
+ severity failure;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out bit_vector; good: out boolean)
+ is
+ -- Number of bit to parse.
+ variable len : natural;
+ variable pos, last : natural;
+ variable res : bit_vector (1 to value'length);
+ -- State of the previous byte:
+ -- LEADING: blank before the bit vector.
+ -- FOUND: bit of the vector.
+ type state_type is (leading, found);
+ variable state : state_type;
+ begin
+ -- Initialization.
+ len := value'length;
+ if len = 0 then
+ -- If VALUE is a nul array, return now.
+ -- L stay unchanged.
+ -- FIXME: should blanks be removed ?
+ good := true;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ good := false;
+ state := leading;
+ pos := res'left;
+ for i in l'range loop
+ case l(i) is
+ when ' '
+ | NBSP --V93
+ | HT =>
+ case state is
+ when leading =>
+ null;
+ when found =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when '1' | '0' =>
+ case state is
+ when leading =>
+ state := found;
+ when found =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ if l(i) = '0' then
+ res (pos) := '0';
+ else
+ res (pos) := '1';
+ end if;
+ pos := pos + 1;
+ len := len - 1;
+ last := i;
+ exit when len = 0;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ if len /= 0 then
+ -- Not enough bits.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Note: if LEN = 0, then FIRST and LAST have been set.
+ good := true;
+ value := res;
+ trim_next (l, last);
+ return;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out bit_vector)
+ is
+ variable res : boolean;
+ begin
+ read (l, value, res);
+ assert res = true
+ report "bit_vector read failure"
+ severity failure;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out boolean; good: out boolean)
+ is
+ -- State:
+ -- BLANK: space are being scaned.
+ -- L_TF : T(rue) or F(alse) has been scanned.
+ -- L_RA : (t)R(ue) or (f)A(lse) has been scanned.
+ -- L_UL : (tr)U(e) or (fa)L(se) has been scanned.
+ -- L_ES : (tru)E or (fal)S(e) has been scanned.
+ type state_type is (blank, l_tf, l_ra, l_ul, l_es);
+ variable state : state_type;
+ -- Set to TRUE if T has been scanned, to FALSE if F has been scanned.
+ variable res : boolean;
+ begin
+ -- By default, it is a failure.
+ good := false;
+ state := blank;
+ for i in l'range loop
+ case state is
+ when blank =>
+ if l (i) = ' '
+ or l (i) = nbsp --V93
+ or l (i) = HT
+ then
+ null;
+ elsif to_lower (l (i)) = 't' then
+ res := true;
+ state := l_tf;
+ elsif to_lower (l (i)) = 'f' then
+ res := false;
+ state := l_tf;
+ else
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when l_tf =>
+ if res = true and to_lower (l (i)) = 'r' then
+ state := l_ra;
+ elsif res = false and to_lower (l (i)) = 'a' then
+ state := l_ra;
+ else
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when l_ra =>
+ if res = true and to_lower (l (i)) = 'u' then
+ state := l_ul;
+ elsif res = false and to_lower (l (i)) = 'l' then
+ state := l_ul;
+ else
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when l_ul =>
+ if res = true and to_lower (l (i)) = 'e' then
+ trim_next (l, i);
+ good := true;
+ value := true;
+ return;
+ elsif res = false and to_lower (l (i)) = 's' then
+ state := l_es;
+ else
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when l_es =>
+ if res = false and to_lower (l (i)) = 'e' then
+ trim_next (l, i);
+ good := true;
+ value := false;
+ return;
+ else
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ return;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out boolean)
+ is
+ variable res : boolean;
+ begin
+ read (l, value, res);
+ assert res = true
+ report "boolean read failure"
+ severity failure;
+ end read;
+ function char_to_nat (c : character) return natural
+ is
+ begin
+ return character'pos (c) - character'pos ('0');
+ end char_to_nat;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out integer; good: out boolean)
+ is
+ variable val : integer;
+ variable d : natural;
+ type state_t is (leading, sign, digits);
+ variable cur_state : state_t := leading;
+ begin
+ val := 1;
+ for i in l'range loop
+ case cur_state is
+ when leading =>
+ case l(i) is
+ when ' '
+ | NBSP --V93
+ | ht =>
+ null;
+ when '+' =>
+ cur_state := sign;
+ when '-' =>
+ val := -1;
+ cur_state := sign;
+ when '0' to '9' =>
+ val := char_to_nat (l(i));
+ cur_state := digits;
+ when others =>
+ good := false;
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when sign =>
+ case l(i) is
+ when '0' to '9' =>
+ val := val * char_to_nat (l(i));
+ cur_state := digits;
+ when others =>
+ good := false;
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when digits =>
+ case l(i) is
+ when '0' to '9' =>
+ d := char_to_nat (l(i));
+ val := val * 10;
+ if val < 0 then
+ val := val - d;
+ else
+ val := val + d;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ trim (l, i);
+ good := true;
+ value := val;
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ deallocate (l);
+ l := new string'("");
+ if cur_state /= leading then
+ good := true;
+ value := val;
+ else
+ good := false;
+ end if;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out integer)
+ is
+ variable res : boolean;
+ begin
+ read (l, value, res);
+ assert res = true
+ report "integer read failure"
+ severity failure;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out real; good: out boolean)
+ is
+ -- The result.
+ variable val : real;
+ -- True if the result is negative.
+ variable val_neg : boolean;
+ -- Number of digits after the dot.
+ variable nbr_dec : natural;
+ -- Value of the exponent.
+ variable exp : integer;
+ -- True if the exponent is negative.
+ variable exp_neg : boolean;
+ -- The parsing is done with a state machine.
+ -- LEADING: leading blank suppression.
+ -- SIGN: a sign has been found.
+ -- DIGITS: integer parts
+ -- DECIMALS: digits after the dot.
+ -- EXPONENT_SIGN: sign after "E"
+ -- EXPONENT_1: first digit of the exponent.
+ -- EXPONENT: digits of the exponent.
+ type state_t is (leading, sign, digits, decimals,
+ exponent_sign, exponent_1, exponent);
+ variable cur_state : state_t := leading;
+ -- Set VALUE to the result, and set GOOD to TRUE.
+ procedure set_value is
+ begin
+ good := true;
+ if exp_neg then
+ val := val * 10.0 ** (-exp);
+ else
+ val := val * 10.0 ** exp;
+ end if;
+ if val_neg then
+ value := -val;
+ else
+ value := val;
+ end if;
+ end set_value;
+ begin
+ -- Initialization.
+ val_neg := false;
+ nbr_dec := 1;
+ exp := 0;
+ exp_neg := false;
+ -- By default, parsing has failed.
+ good := false;
+ -- Iterate over all characters of the string.
+ -- Return immediatly in case of parse error.
+ -- Trim L and call SET_VALUE and return in case of success.
+ for i in l'range loop
+ case cur_state is
+ when leading =>
+ case l(i) is
+ when ' '
+ | NBSP --V93
+ | ht =>
+ null;
+ when '+' =>
+ cur_state := sign;
+ when '-' =>
+ val_neg := true;
+ cur_state := sign;
+ when '0' to '9' =>
+ val := real (char_to_nat (l(i)));
+ cur_state := digits;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when sign =>
+ case l(i) is
+ when '0' to '9' =>
+ val := real (char_to_nat (l(i)));
+ cur_state := digits;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when digits =>
+ case l(i) is
+ when '0' to '9' =>
+ val := val * 10.0 + real (char_to_nat (l(i)));
+ when '.' =>
+ cur_state := decimals;
+ when others =>
+ -- A "." (dot) is required in the string.
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when decimals =>
+ case l(i) is
+ when '0' to '9' =>
+ val := val + real (char_to_nat (l(i))) / (10.0 ** nbr_dec);
+ nbr_dec := nbr_dec + 1;
+ when 'e' | 'E' =>
+ -- "nnn.E" is erroneous.
+ if nbr_dec = 1 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ cur_state := exponent_sign;
+ when others =>
+ -- "nnn.XX" is erroneous.
+ if nbr_dec = 1 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ trim (l, i);
+ set_value;
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when exponent_sign =>
+ case l(i) is
+ when '+' =>
+ cur_state := exponent_1;
+ when '-' =>
+ exp_neg := true;
+ cur_state := exponent_1;
+ when '0' to '9' =>
+ exp := char_to_nat (l(i));
+ cur_state := exponent;
+ when others =>
+ -- Error.
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when exponent_1 | exponent =>
+ case l(i) is
+ when '0' to '9' =>
+ exp := exp * 10 + char_to_nat (l(i));
+ cur_state := exponent;
+ when others =>
+ trim (l, i);
+ set_value;
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ -- End of string.
+ case cur_state is
+ when leading | sign | digits =>
+ -- Erroneous.
+ return;
+ when decimals =>
+ -- "nnn.XX" is erroneous.
+ if nbr_dec = 1 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when exponent_sign =>
+ -- Erroneous ("NNN.NNNE")
+ return;
+ when exponent_1 =>
+ -- "NNN.NNNE-"
+ return;
+ when exponent =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ deallocate (l);
+ l := new string'("");
+ set_value;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out real)
+ is
+ variable res : boolean;
+ begin
+ read (l, value, res);
+ assert res = true
+ report "real read failure"
+ severity failure;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out time; good: out boolean)
+ is
+ -- The result.
+ variable res : time;
+ -- UNIT is computed from the unit name, the exponent and the number of
+ -- digits before the dot. UNIT is the weight of the current digit.
+ variable unit : time;
+ -- Number of digits before the dot.
+ variable nbr_digits : integer;
+ -- True if a unit name has been found. Used temporaly to know the status
+ -- at the end of the search loop.
+ variable unit_found : boolean;
+ -- True if the number is negative.
+ variable is_neg : boolean;
+ -- Value of the exponent.
+ variable exp : integer;
+ -- True if the exponent is negative.
+ variable exp_neg : boolean;
+ -- Unit name extracted from the string.
+ variable unit_name : string (1 to 3);
+ -- state is the kind of the previous character parsed.
+ -- LEADING: leading blanks
+ -- SIGN: + or - as the first character of the number.
+ -- DIGITS: digit of the integer part of the number.
+ -- DOT: dot (.) after the integer part and before the decimal part.
+ -- DECIMALS: digit of the decimal part.
+ -- EXPONENT_MARK: e or E.
+ -- EXPONENT_SIGN: + or - just after the exponent mark (E).
+ -- EXPONENT: digit of the exponent.
+ -- UNIT_BLANK: blank after the exponent.
+ -- UNIT_1, UNIT_2, UNIT_3: first, second, third character of the unit.
+ type state_type is (leading, sign, digits, dot, decimals,
+ exponent_mark, exponent_sign, exponent,
+ unit_blank, unit_1, unit_2, unit_3);
+ variable state : state_type;
+ -- Used during the second scan of the string, TRUE is digits is being
+ -- scaned.
+ variable has_digits : boolean;
+ -- Position at the end of the string.
+ variable pos : integer;
+ -- Used to compute POS.
+ variable length : integer;
+ begin
+ -- Initialization.
+ -- Fail by default; therefore, in case of error, a return statement is
+ -- ok.
+ good := false;
+ nbr_digits := 0;
+ is_neg := false;
+ exp := 0;
+ exp_neg := false;
+ res := 0 fs;
+ -- Look for exponent and unit name.
+ -- Parse the string: this loop checks the correctness of the format, and
+ -- must return (GOOD has been set to FALSE) in case of error.
+ state := leading;
+ for i in l'range loop
+ case l (i) is
+ when ' '
+ | NBSP --V93
+ | HT =>
+ case state is
+ when leading | unit_blank =>
+ null;
+ when sign | dot | exponent_mark | exponent_sign =>
+ return;
+ when digits | decimals | exponent =>
+ state := unit_blank;
+ when unit_1 | unit_2 =>
+ exit;
+ when unit_3 =>
+ -- Cannot happen, since an exit is performed at unit_3.
+ assert false report "internal error" severity failure;
+ end case;
+ when '+' | '-' =>
+ case state is
+ when leading =>
+ if l(i) = '-' then
+ is_neg := true;
+ end if;
+ state := sign;
+ when exponent_mark =>
+ if l(i) = '-' then
+ exp_neg := true;
+ end if;
+ state := exponent_sign;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when '0' to '9' =>
+ case state is
+ when exponent_mark | exponent_sign | exponent =>
+ exp := exp * 10 + char_to_nat (l (i));
+ state := exponent;
+ when leading | sign | digits =>
+ -- Leading "0" are not significant.
+ if nbr_digits > 0 or l (i) /= '0' then
+ nbr_digits := nbr_digits + 1;
+ end if;
+ state := digits;
+ when decimals =>
+ null;
+ when dot =>
+ state := decimals;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when 'a' to 'z' | 'A' to 'Z' =>
+ case state is
+ when digits | decimals =>
+ -- "E" has exponent mark.
+ if l (i) = 'e' or l(i) = 'E' then
+ state := exponent_mark;
+ else
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when unit_blank =>
+ unit_name (1) := to_lower (l(i));
+ state := unit_1;
+ when unit_1 =>
+ unit_name (2) := to_lower (l(i));
+ state := unit_2;
+ pos := i;
+ when unit_2 =>
+ unit_name (3) := to_lower (l(i));
+ state := unit_3;
+ exit;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when '.' =>
+ case state is
+ when digits =>
+ state := decimals;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ -- A unit name (2 or 3 letters) must have been found.
+ -- The string may end anywhere.
+ if state /= unit_2 and state /= unit_3 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Compute EXP with the sign.
+ if exp_neg then
+ exp := -exp;
+ end if;
+ -- Search the unit name in the list of time names.
+ unit_found := false;
+ for i in time_names'range loop
+ -- The first two characters must match (case insensitive).
+ -- The third character must match if:
+ -- * the unit name is a three characters identifier (ie, not a blank).
+ -- * there is a third character in STR.
+ if time_names (i).name (1) = unit_name (1)
+ and time_names (i).name (2) = unit_name (2)
+ and (time_names (i).name (3) = ' '
+ or time_names (i).name (3) = unit_name (3))
+ then
+ unit := time_names (i).val;
+ unit_found := true;
+ -- POS is set to the position of the first invalid character.
+ if time_names (i).name (3) = ' ' then
+ length := 1;
+ else
+ length := 2;
+ end if;
+ if l'left < l'right then
+ pos := pos + length;
+ else
+ pos := pos - length;
+ end if;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if not unit_found then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Compute UNIT, the weight of the first non-significant character.
+ nbr_digits := nbr_digits + exp - 1;
+ if nbr_digits < 0 then
+ unit := unit / 10 ** (-nbr_digits);
+ else
+ unit := unit * 10 ** nbr_digits;
+ end if;
+ -- HAS_DIGITS will be set as soon as a digit is found.
+ -- No error is expected here (this has been checked during the first
+ -- pass).
+ has_digits := false;
+ for i in l'range loop
+ case l (i) is
+ when ' '
+ | NBSP --V93
+ | HT =>
+ if has_digits then
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ when '+' | '-' =>
+ if not has_digits then
+ has_digits := true;
+ else
+ assert false report "internal error" severity failure;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when '0' to '9' =>
+ -- Leading "0" are not significant.
+ if l (i) /= '0' or res /= 0 fs then
+ res := res + char_to_nat (l (i)) * unit;
+ unit := unit / 10;
+ end if;
+ has_digits := true;
+ when 'a' to 'z' | 'A' to 'Z' =>
+ if has_digits then
+ exit;
+ else
+ assert false report "internal error" severity failure;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when '.' =>
+ if not has_digits then
+ assert false report "internal error" severity failure;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ assert false report "internal error" severity failure;
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ -- Set VALUE.
+ if is_neg then
+ value := -res;
+ else
+ value := res;
+ end if;
+ good := true;
+ trim (l, pos);
+ return;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out time)
+ is
+ variable res : boolean;
+ begin
+ read (l, value, res);
+ assert res = true
+ report "time read failure"
+ severity failure;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out string; good: out boolean)
+ is
+ constant len : natural := value'length;
+ begin
+ if l'length < len then
+ good := false;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ good := true;
+ if len = 0 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if l'left < l'right then
+ value := l (l'left to l'left + len - 1);
+ trim (l, l'left + len);
+ else
+ value := l (l'left downto l'left - len + 1);
+ trim (l, l'left - len);
+ end if;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out string)
+ is
+ variable res : boolean;
+ begin
+ read (l, value, res);
+ assert res = true
+ report "string read failure"
+ severity failure;
+ end read;
+end textio;
diff --git a/libraries/synopsys/std_logic_arith.vhdl b/libraries/synopsys/std_logic_arith.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..685b64732
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/synopsys/std_logic_arith.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,2391 @@
+-- --
+-- Copyright (c) 1990,1991,1992 by Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. --
+-- --
+-- This source file may be used and distributed without restriction --
+-- provided that this copyright statement is not removed from the file --
+-- and that any derivative work contains this copyright notice. --
+-- --
+-- Package name: STD_LOGIC_ARITH --
+-- --
+-- Purpose: --
+-- A set of arithemtic, conversion, and comparison functions --
+-- --
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+package std_logic_arith is
+ type UNSIGNED is array (NATURAL range <>) of STD_LOGIC;
+ type SIGNED is array (NATURAL range <>) of STD_LOGIC;
+ subtype SMALL_INT is INTEGER range 0 to 1;
+ function "+"(L: UNSIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ function "+"(L: SIGNED; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ function "+"(L: UNSIGNED; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ function "+"(L: SIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ function "+"(L: UNSIGNED; R: INTEGER) return UNSIGNED;
+ function "+"(L: INTEGER; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ function "+"(L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED;
+ function "+"(L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ function "+"(L: UNSIGNED; R: STD_ULOGIC) return UNSIGNED;
+ function "+"(L: STD_ULOGIC; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ function "+"(L: SIGNED; R: STD_ULOGIC) return SIGNED;
+ function "+"(L: STD_ULOGIC; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ function "+"(L: UNSIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "+"(L: SIGNED; R: SIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "+"(L: UNSIGNED; R: SIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "+"(L: SIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "+"(L: UNSIGNED; R: INTEGER) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "+"(L: INTEGER; R: UNSIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "+"(L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "+"(L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "+"(L: UNSIGNED; R: STD_ULOGIC) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "+"(L: STD_ULOGIC; R: UNSIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "+"(L: SIGNED; R: STD_ULOGIC) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "+"(L: STD_ULOGIC; R: SIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "-"(L: UNSIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ function "-"(L: SIGNED; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ function "-"(L: UNSIGNED; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ function "-"(L: SIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ function "-"(L: UNSIGNED; R: INTEGER) return UNSIGNED;
+ function "-"(L: INTEGER; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ function "-"(L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED;
+ function "-"(L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ function "-"(L: UNSIGNED; R: STD_ULOGIC) return UNSIGNED;
+ function "-"(L: STD_ULOGIC; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ function "-"(L: SIGNED; R: STD_ULOGIC) return SIGNED;
+ function "-"(L: STD_ULOGIC; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ function "-"(L: UNSIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "-"(L: SIGNED; R: SIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "-"(L: UNSIGNED; R: SIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "-"(L: SIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "-"(L: UNSIGNED; R: INTEGER) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "-"(L: INTEGER; R: UNSIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "-"(L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "-"(L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "-"(L: UNSIGNED; R: STD_ULOGIC) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "-"(L: STD_ULOGIC; R: UNSIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "-"(L: SIGNED; R: STD_ULOGIC) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "-"(L: STD_ULOGIC; R: SIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "+"(L: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ function "+"(L: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ function "-"(L: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ function "ABS"(L: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ function "+"(L: UNSIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "+"(L: SIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "-"(L: SIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "ABS"(L: SIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "*"(L: UNSIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED;
+ function "*"(L: SIGNED; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ function "*"(L: SIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ function "*"(L: UNSIGNED; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED;
+ function "*"(L: UNSIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "*"(L: SIGNED; R: SIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "*"(L: SIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "*"(L: UNSIGNED; R: SIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "<"(L: UNSIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<"(L: SIGNED; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<"(L: UNSIGNED; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<"(L: SIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<"(L: UNSIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<"(L: INTEGER; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<"(L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<"(L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<="(L: UNSIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<="(L: SIGNED; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<="(L: UNSIGNED; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<="(L: SIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<="(L: UNSIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<="(L: INTEGER; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<="(L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<="(L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">"(L: UNSIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">"(L: SIGNED; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">"(L: UNSIGNED; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">"(L: SIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">"(L: UNSIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">"(L: INTEGER; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">"(L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">"(L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">="(L: UNSIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">="(L: SIGNED; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">="(L: UNSIGNED; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">="(L: SIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">="(L: UNSIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">="(L: INTEGER; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">="(L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">="(L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "="(L: UNSIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "="(L: SIGNED; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "="(L: UNSIGNED; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "="(L: SIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "="(L: UNSIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "="(L: INTEGER; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "="(L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "="(L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "/="(L: UNSIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "/="(L: SIGNED; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "/="(L: UNSIGNED; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "/="(L: SIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "/="(L: UNSIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "/="(L: INTEGER; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "/="(L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "/="(L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN;
+ -- zero extend STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (ARG) to SIZE,
+ -- SIZE < 0 is same as SIZE = 0
+ -- returns STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(SIZE-1 downto 0)
+ -- sign extend STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (ARG) to SIZE,
+ -- SIZE < 0 is same as SIZE = 0
+ -- return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(SIZE-1 downto 0)
+end Std_logic_arith;
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+package body std_logic_arith is
+ function max(L, R: INTEGER) return INTEGER is
+ begin
+ if L > R then
+ return L;
+ else
+ return R;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ function min(L, R: INTEGER) return INTEGER is
+ begin
+ if L < R then
+ return L;
+ else
+ return R;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ type tbl_type is array (STD_ULOGIC) of STD_ULOGIC;
+ constant tbl_BINARY : tbl_type :=
+ ('X', 'X', '0', '1', 'X', 'X', '0', '1', 'X');
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ type tbl_mvl9_boolean is array (STD_ULOGIC) of boolean;
+ constant IS_X : tbl_mvl9_boolean :=
+ (true, true, false, false, true, true, false, false, true);
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ function MAKE_BINARY(A : STD_ULOGIC) return STD_ULOGIC is
+ -- synopsys built_in SYN_FEED_THRU
+ begin
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ if (IS_X(A)) then
+ assert false
+ report "There is an 'U'|'X'|'W'|'Z'|'-' in an arithmetic operand, the result will be 'X'(es)."
+ severity warning;
+ return ('X');
+ end if;
+ return tbl_BINARY(A);
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ end;
+ function MAKE_BINARY(A : UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ -- synopsys built_in SYN_FEED_THRU
+ variable one_bit : STD_ULOGIC;
+ variable result : UNSIGNED (A'range);
+ begin
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ for i in A'range loop
+ if (IS_X(A(i))) then
+ assert false
+ report "There is an 'U'|'X'|'W'|'Z'|'-' in an arithmetic operand, the result will be 'X'(es)."
+ severity warning;
+ result := (others => 'X');
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ result(i) := tbl_BINARY(A(i));
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ end;
+ function MAKE_BINARY(A : UNSIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ -- synopsys built_in SYN_FEED_THRU
+ variable one_bit : STD_ULOGIC;
+ variable result : SIGNED (A'range);
+ begin
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ for i in A'range loop
+ if (IS_X(A(i))) then
+ assert false
+ report "There is an 'U'|'X'|'W'|'Z'|'-' in an arithmetic operand, the result will be 'X'(es)."
+ severity warning;
+ result := (others => 'X');
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ result(i) := tbl_BINARY(A(i));
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ end;
+ function MAKE_BINARY(A : SIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ -- synopsys built_in SYN_FEED_THRU
+ variable one_bit : STD_ULOGIC;
+ variable result : UNSIGNED (A'range);
+ begin
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ for i in A'range loop
+ if (IS_X(A(i))) then
+ assert false
+ report "There is an 'U'|'X'|'W'|'Z'|'-' in an arithmetic operand, the result will be 'X'(es)."
+ severity warning;
+ result := (others => 'X');
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ result(i) := tbl_BINARY(A(i));
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ end;
+ function MAKE_BINARY(A : SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ -- synopsys built_in SYN_FEED_THRU
+ variable one_bit : STD_ULOGIC;
+ variable result : SIGNED (A'range);
+ begin
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ for i in A'range loop
+ if (IS_X(A(i))) then
+ assert false
+ report "There is an 'U'|'X'|'W'|'Z'|'-' in an arithmetic operand, the result will be 'X'(es)."
+ severity warning;
+ result := (others => 'X');
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ result(i) := tbl_BINARY(A(i));
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ end;
+ -- synopsys built_in SYN_FEED_THRU
+ variable one_bit : STD_ULOGIC;
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (A'range);
+ begin
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ for i in A'range loop
+ if (IS_X(A(i))) then
+ assert false
+ report "There is an 'U'|'X'|'W'|'Z'|'-' in an arithmetic operand, the result will be 'X'(es)."
+ severity warning;
+ result := (others => 'X');
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ result(i) := tbl_BINARY(A(i));
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ end;
+ -- synopsys built_in SYN_FEED_THRU
+ variable one_bit : STD_ULOGIC;
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (A'range);
+ begin
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ for i in A'range loop
+ if (IS_X(A(i))) then
+ assert false
+ report "There is an 'U'|'X'|'W'|'Z'|'-' in an arithmetic operand, the result will be 'X'(es)."
+ severity warning;
+ result := (others => 'X');
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ result(i) := tbl_BINARY(A(i));
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ end;
+ -- synopsys built_in SYN_FEED_THRU
+ variable one_bit : STD_ULOGIC;
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (A'range);
+ begin
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ for i in A'range loop
+ if (IS_X(A(i))) then
+ assert false
+ report "There is an 'U'|'X'|'W'|'Z'|'-' in an arithmetic operand, the result will be 'X'(es)."
+ severity warning;
+ result := (others => 'X');
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ result(i) := tbl_BINARY(A(i));
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ end;
+ -- Type propagation function which returns a signed type with the
+ -- size of the left arg.
+ function LEFT_SIGNED_ARG(A,B: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable Z: SIGNED (A'left downto 0);
+ -- pragma return_port_name Z
+ begin
+ return(Z);
+ end;
+ -- Type propagation function which returns an unsigned type with the
+ -- size of the left arg.
+ variable Z: UNSIGNED (A'left downto 0);
+ -- pragma return_port_name Z
+ begin
+ return(Z);
+ end;
+ -- Type propagation function which returns a signed type with the
+ -- size of the result of a signed multiplication
+ function MULT_SIGNED_ARG(A,B: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable Z: SIGNED ((A'length+B'length-1) downto 0);
+ -- pragma return_port_name Z
+ begin
+ return(Z);
+ end;
+ -- Type propagation function which returns an unsigned type with the
+ -- size of the result of a unsigned multiplication
+ variable Z: UNSIGNED ((A'length+B'length-1) downto 0);
+ -- pragma return_port_name Z
+ begin
+ return(Z);
+ end;
+ function mult(A,B: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable BA: SIGNED((A'length+B'length-1) downto 0);
+ variable PA: SIGNED((A'length+B'length-1) downto 0);
+ variable AA: SIGNED(A'length downto 0);
+ variable neg: STD_ULOGIC;
+ constant one : UNSIGNED(1 downto 0) := "01";
+ -- pragma map_to_operator MULT_TC_OP
+ -- pragma type_function MULT_SIGNED_ARG
+ -- pragma return_port_name Z
+ begin
+ if (A(A'left) = 'X' or B(B'left) = 'X') then
+ PA := (others => 'X');
+ return(PA);
+ end if;
+ PA := (others => '0');
+ neg := B(B'left) xor A(A'left);
+ BA := CONV_SIGNED(('0' & ABS(B)),(A'length+B'length));
+ AA := '0' & ABS(A);
+ for i in integer range 0 to A'length-1 loop
+ if AA(i) = '1' then
+ PA := PA+BA;
+ end if;
+ BA := SHL(BA,one);
+ end loop;
+ if (neg= '1') then
+ return(-PA);
+ else
+ return(PA);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ function mult(A,B: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable BA: UNSIGNED((A'length+B'length-1) downto 0);
+ variable PA: UNSIGNED((A'length+B'length-1) downto 0);
+ constant one : UNSIGNED(1 downto 0) := "01";
+ -- pragma map_to_operator MULT_UNS_OP
+ -- pragma type_function MULT_UNSIGNED_ARG
+ -- pragma return_port_name Z
+ begin
+ if (A(A'left) = 'X' or B(B'left) = 'X') then
+ PA := (others => 'X');
+ return(PA);
+ end if;
+ PA := (others => '0');
+ BA := CONV_UNSIGNED(B,(A'length+B'length));
+ for i in integer range 0 to A'length-1 loop
+ if A(i) = '1' then
+ PA := PA+BA;
+ end if;
+ BA := SHL(BA,one);
+ end loop;
+ return(PA);
+ end;
+ -- subtract two signed numbers of the same length
+ -- both arrays must have range (msb downto 0)
+ function minus(A, B: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable carry: STD_ULOGIC;
+ variable BV: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR (A'left downto 0);
+ variable sum: SIGNED (A'left downto 0);
+ -- pragma map_to_operator SUB_TC_OP
+ -- pragma type_function LEFT_SIGNED_ARG
+ -- pragma return_port_name Z
+ begin
+ if (A(A'left) = 'X' or B(B'left) = 'X') then
+ sum := (others => 'X');
+ return(sum);
+ end if;
+ carry := '1';
+ for i in 0 to A'left loop
+ sum(i) := A(i) xor BV(i) xor carry;
+ carry := (A(i) and BV(i)) or
+ (A(i) and carry) or
+ (carry and BV(i));
+ end loop;
+ return sum;
+ end;
+ -- add two signed numbers of the same length
+ -- both arrays must have range (msb downto 0)
+ function plus(A, B: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ variable carry: STD_ULOGIC;
+ variable BV, sum: SIGNED (A'left downto 0);
+ -- pragma map_to_operator ADD_TC_OP
+ -- pragma type_function LEFT_SIGNED_ARG
+ -- pragma return_port_name Z
+ begin
+ if (A(A'left) = 'X' or B(B'left) = 'X') then
+ sum := (others => 'X');
+ return(sum);
+ end if;
+ carry := '0';
+ BV := B;
+ for i in 0 to A'left loop
+ sum(i) := A(i) xor BV(i) xor carry;
+ carry := (A(i) and BV(i)) or
+ (A(i) and carry) or
+ (carry and BV(i));
+ end loop;
+ return sum;
+ end;
+ -- subtract two unsigned numbers of the same length
+ -- both arrays must have range (msb downto 0)
+ function unsigned_minus(A, B: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable carry: STD_ULOGIC;
+ variable BV: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR (A'left downto 0);
+ variable sum: UNSIGNED (A'left downto 0);
+ -- pragma map_to_operator SUB_UNS_OP
+ -- pragma type_function LEFT_UNSIGNED_ARG
+ -- pragma return_port_name Z
+ begin
+ if (A(A'left) = 'X' or B(B'left) = 'X') then
+ sum := (others => 'X');
+ return(sum);
+ end if;
+ carry := '1';
+ for i in 0 to A'left loop
+ sum(i) := A(i) xor BV(i) xor carry;
+ carry := (A(i) and BV(i)) or
+ (A(i) and carry) or
+ (carry and BV(i));
+ end loop;
+ return sum;
+ end;
+ -- add two unsigned numbers of the same length
+ -- both arrays must have range (msb downto 0)
+ function unsigned_plus(A, B: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ variable carry: STD_ULOGIC;
+ variable BV, sum: UNSIGNED (A'left downto 0);
+ -- pragma map_to_operator ADD_UNS_OP
+ -- pragma type_function LEFT_UNSIGNED_ARG
+ -- pragma return_port_name Z
+ begin
+ if (A(A'left) = 'X' or B(B'left) = 'X') then
+ sum := (others => 'X');
+ return(sum);
+ end if;
+ carry := '0';
+ BV := B;
+ for i in 0 to A'left loop
+ sum(i) := A(i) xor BV(i) xor carry;
+ carry := (A(i) and BV(i)) or
+ (A(i) and carry) or
+ (carry and BV(i));
+ end loop;
+ return sum;
+ end;
+ function "*"(L: SIGNED; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to mult
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 296
+ begin
+ return mult(CONV_SIGNED(L, L'length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, R'length)); -- pragma label mult
+ end;
+ function "*"(L: UNSIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to mult
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 295
+ begin
+ return mult(CONV_UNSIGNED(L, L'length),
+ CONV_UNSIGNED(R, R'length)); -- pragma label mult
+ end;
+ function "*"(L: UNSIGNED; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to mult
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 297
+ begin
+ return mult(CONV_SIGNED(L, L'length+1),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, R'length)); -- pragma label mult
+ end;
+ function "*"(L: SIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to mult
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 298
+ begin
+ return mult(CONV_SIGNED(L, L'length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, R'length+1)); -- pragma label mult
+ end;
+ function "*"(L: SIGNED; R: SIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to mult
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 301
+ begin
+ mult(-- pragma label mult
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, L'length), CONV_SIGNED(R, R'length)));
+ end;
+ function "*"(L: UNSIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to mult
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 300
+ begin
+ mult(-- pragma label mult
+ CONV_UNSIGNED(L, L'length), CONV_UNSIGNED(R, R'length)));
+ end;
+ function "*"(L: UNSIGNED; R: SIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to mult
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 302
+ begin
+ mult(-- pragma label mult
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, L'length+1), CONV_SIGNED(R, R'length)));
+ end;
+ function "*"(L: SIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to mult
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 303
+ begin
+ mult(-- pragma label mult
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, L'length), CONV_SIGNED(R, R'length+1)));
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: UNSIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 236
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length);
+ begin
+ return unsigned_plus(CONV_UNSIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_UNSIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label plus
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: SIGNED; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 237
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length);
+ begin
+ return plus(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label plus
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: UNSIGNED; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 238
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length + 1, R'length);
+ begin
+ return plus(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label plus
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: SIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 239
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length + 1);
+ begin
+ return plus(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label plus
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: UNSIGNED; R: INTEGER) return UNSIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 240
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length + 1;
+ begin
+ plus( -- pragma label plus
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length), CONV_SIGNED(R, length)), length-1);
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: INTEGER; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 241
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length + 1;
+ begin
+ plus( -- pragma label plus
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length), CONV_SIGNED(R, length)), length-1);
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 242
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length;
+ begin
+ return plus(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label plus
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 243
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length;
+ begin
+ return plus(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label plus
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: UNSIGNED; R: STD_ULOGIC) return UNSIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 244
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length;
+ begin
+ return unsigned_plus(CONV_UNSIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_UNSIGNED(R, length)) ; -- pragma label plus
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: STD_ULOGIC; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 245
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length;
+ begin
+ return unsigned_plus(CONV_UNSIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_UNSIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label plus
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: SIGNED; R: STD_ULOGIC) return SIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 246
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length;
+ begin
+ return plus(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label plus
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: STD_ULOGIC; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 247
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length;
+ begin
+ return plus(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label plus
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: UNSIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 260
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length);
+ begin
+ unsigned_plus(-- pragma label plus
+ CONV_UNSIGNED(L, length), CONV_UNSIGNED(R, length)));
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: SIGNED; R: SIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 261
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length);
+ begin
+ plus(-- pragma label plus
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length), CONV_SIGNED(R, length)));
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: UNSIGNED; R: SIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 262
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length + 1, R'length);
+ begin
+ plus(-- pragma label plus
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length), CONV_SIGNED(R, length)));
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: SIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 263
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length + 1);
+ begin
+ plus(-- pragma label plus
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length), CONV_SIGNED(R, length)));
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: UNSIGNED; R: INTEGER) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 264
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length + 1;
+ begin
+ plus( -- pragma label plus
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length), CONV_SIGNED(R, length)), length-1));
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: INTEGER; R: UNSIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 265
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length + 1;
+ begin
+ plus( -- pragma label plus
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length), CONV_SIGNED(R, length)), length-1));
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 266
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length;
+ begin
+ plus(-- pragma label plus
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length), CONV_SIGNED(R, length)));
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 267
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length;
+ begin
+ plus(-- pragma label plus
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length), CONV_SIGNED(R, length)));
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: UNSIGNED; R: STD_ULOGIC) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 268
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length;
+ begin
+ unsigned_plus(-- pragma label plus
+ CONV_UNSIGNED(L, length), CONV_UNSIGNED(R, length))) ;
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: STD_ULOGIC; R: UNSIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 269
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length;
+ begin
+ unsigned_plus(-- pragma label plus
+ CONV_UNSIGNED(L, length), CONV_UNSIGNED(R, length)));
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: SIGNED; R: STD_ULOGIC) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 270
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length;
+ begin
+ plus(-- pragma label plus
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length), CONV_SIGNED(R, length)));
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: STD_ULOGIC; R: SIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 271
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length;
+ begin
+ plus(-- pragma label plus
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length), CONV_SIGNED(R, length)));
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: UNSIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 248
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length);
+ begin
+ return unsigned_minus(CONV_UNSIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_UNSIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label minus
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: SIGNED; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 249
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length);
+ begin
+ return minus(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label minus
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: UNSIGNED; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 250
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length + 1, R'length);
+ begin
+ return minus(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label minus
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: SIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 251
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length + 1);
+ begin
+ return minus(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label minus
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: UNSIGNED; R: INTEGER) return UNSIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 252
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length + 1;
+ begin
+ minus( -- pragma label minus
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length), CONV_SIGNED(R, length)), length-1);
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: INTEGER; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 253
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length + 1;
+ begin
+ minus( -- pragma label minus
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length), CONV_SIGNED(R, length)), length-1);
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return SIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 254
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length;
+ begin
+ return minus(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label minus
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 255
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length;
+ begin
+ return minus(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label minus
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: UNSIGNED; R: STD_ULOGIC) return UNSIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 256
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length + 1;
+ begin
+ minus( -- pragma label minus
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length), CONV_SIGNED(R, length)), length-1);
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: STD_ULOGIC; R: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 257
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length + 1;
+ begin
+ minus( -- pragma label minus
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length), CONV_SIGNED(R, length)), length-1);
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: SIGNED; R: STD_ULOGIC) return SIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 258
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length;
+ begin
+ return minus(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label minus
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: STD_ULOGIC; R: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 259
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length;
+ begin
+ return minus(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label minus
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: UNSIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 272
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length);
+ begin
+ unsigned_minus(-- pragma label minus
+ CONV_UNSIGNED(L, length), CONV_UNSIGNED(R, length)));
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: SIGNED; R: SIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 273
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length);
+ begin
+ minus(-- pragma label minus
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length), CONV_SIGNED(R, length)));
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: UNSIGNED; R: SIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 274
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length + 1, R'length);
+ begin
+ minus(-- pragma label minus
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length), CONV_SIGNED(R, length)));
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: SIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 275
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length + 1);
+ begin
+ minus(-- pragma label minus
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length), CONV_SIGNED(R, length)));
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: UNSIGNED; R: INTEGER) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 276
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length + 1;
+ begin
+ minus( -- pragma label minus
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length), CONV_SIGNED(R, length)), length-1));
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: INTEGER; R: UNSIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 277
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length + 1;
+ begin
+ minus( -- pragma label minus
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length), CONV_SIGNED(R, length)), length-1));
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 278
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length;
+ begin
+ minus(-- pragma label minus
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length), CONV_SIGNED(R, length)));
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 279
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length;
+ begin
+ minus(-- pragma label minus
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length), CONV_SIGNED(R, length)));
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: UNSIGNED; R: STD_ULOGIC) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 280
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length + 1;
+ begin
+ minus( -- pragma label minus
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length), CONV_SIGNED(R, length)), length-1));
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: STD_ULOGIC; R: UNSIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 281
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length + 1;
+ begin
+ minus( -- pragma label minus
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length), CONV_SIGNED(R, length)), length-1));
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: SIGNED; R: STD_ULOGIC) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 282
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length;
+ begin
+ minus(-- pragma label minus
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length), CONV_SIGNED(R, length)));
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: STD_ULOGIC; R: SIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 283
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length;
+ begin
+ minus(-- pragma label minus
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length), CONV_SIGNED(R, length)));
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: UNSIGNED) return UNSIGNED is
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 284
+ begin
+ return L;
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 285
+ begin
+ return L;
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 286
+ begin
+ return 0 - L; -- pragma label minus
+ end;
+ function "ABS"(L: SIGNED) return SIGNED is
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 287
+ begin
+ if (L(L'left) = '0' or L(L'left) = 'L') then
+ return L;
+ else
+ return 0 - L;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: UNSIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 289
+ begin
+ return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (L);
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: SIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 290
+ begin
+ return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (L);
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: SIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 292
+ variable tmp: SIGNED(L'length-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ tmp := 0 - L; -- pragma label minus
+ return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (tmp);
+ end;
+ function "ABS"(L: SIGNED) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 294
+ variable tmp: SIGNED(L'length-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if (L(L'left) = '0' or L(L'left) = 'L') then
+ return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (L);
+ else
+ tmp := 0 - L;
+ return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (tmp);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ -- Type propagation function which returns the type BOOLEAN
+ variable Z: BOOLEAN;
+ -- pragma return_port_name Z
+ begin
+ return(Z);
+ end;
+ -- Type propagation function which returns the type BOOLEAN
+ variable Z: BOOLEAN;
+ -- pragma return_port_name Z
+ begin
+ return(Z);
+ end;
+ -- compare two signed numbers of the same length
+ -- both arrays must have range (msb downto 0)
+ function is_less(A, B: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant sign: INTEGER := A'left;
+ variable a_is_0, b_is_1, result : boolean;
+ -- pragma map_to_operator LT_TC_OP
+ -- pragma type_function SIGNED_RETURN_BOOLEAN
+ -- pragma return_port_name Z
+ begin
+ if A(sign) /= B(sign) then
+ result := A(sign) = '1';
+ else
+ result := FALSE;
+ for i in 0 to sign-1 loop
+ a_is_0 := A(i) = '0';
+ b_is_1 := B(i) = '1';
+ result := (a_is_0 and b_is_1) or
+ (a_is_0 and result) or
+ (b_is_1 and result);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ return result;
+ end;
+ -- compare two signed numbers of the same length
+ -- both arrays must have range (msb downto 0)
+ function is_less_or_equal(A, B: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant sign: INTEGER := A'left;
+ variable a_is_0, b_is_1, result : boolean;
+ -- pragma map_to_operator LEQ_TC_OP
+ -- pragma type_function SIGNED_RETURN_BOOLEAN
+ -- pragma return_port_name Z
+ begin
+ if A(sign) /= B(sign) then
+ result := A(sign) = '1';
+ else
+ result := TRUE;
+ for i in 0 to sign-1 loop
+ a_is_0 := A(i) = '0';
+ b_is_1 := B(i) = '1';
+ result := (a_is_0 and b_is_1) or
+ (a_is_0 and result) or
+ (b_is_1 and result);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ return result;
+ end;
+ -- compare two unsigned numbers of the same length
+ -- both arrays must have range (msb downto 0)
+ function unsigned_is_less(A, B: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant sign: INTEGER := A'left;
+ variable a_is_0, b_is_1, result : boolean;
+ -- pragma map_to_operator LT_UNS_OP
+ -- pragma type_function UNSIGNED_RETURN_BOOLEAN
+ -- pragma return_port_name Z
+ begin
+ result := FALSE;
+ for i in 0 to sign loop
+ a_is_0 := A(i) = '0';
+ b_is_1 := B(i) = '1';
+ result := (a_is_0 and b_is_1) or
+ (a_is_0 and result) or
+ (b_is_1 and result);
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end;
+ -- compare two unsigned numbers of the same length
+ -- both arrays must have range (msb downto 0)
+ function unsigned_is_less_or_equal(A, B: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant sign: INTEGER := A'left;
+ variable a_is_0, b_is_1, result : boolean;
+ -- pragma map_to_operator LEQ_UNS_OP
+ -- pragma type_function UNSIGNED_RETURN_BOOLEAN
+ -- pragma return_port_name Z
+ begin
+ result := TRUE;
+ for i in 0 to sign loop
+ a_is_0 := A(i) = '0';
+ b_is_1 := B(i) = '1';
+ result := (a_is_0 and b_is_1) or
+ (a_is_0 and result) or
+ (b_is_1 and result);
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end;
+ function "<"(L: UNSIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to lt
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 305
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length);
+ begin
+ return unsigned_is_less(CONV_UNSIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_UNSIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label lt
+ end;
+ function "<"(L: SIGNED; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to lt
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 306
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length);
+ begin
+ return is_less(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label lt
+ end;
+ function "<"(L: UNSIGNED; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to lt
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 307
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length + 1, R'length);
+ begin
+ return is_less(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label lt
+ end;
+ function "<"(L: SIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to lt
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 308
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length + 1);
+ begin
+ return is_less(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label lt
+ end;
+ function "<"(L: UNSIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to lt
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 309
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length + 1;
+ begin
+ return is_less(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label lt
+ end;
+ function "<"(L: INTEGER; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to lt
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 310
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length + 1;
+ begin
+ return is_less(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label lt
+ end;
+ function "<"(L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to lt
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 311
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length;
+ begin
+ return is_less(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label lt
+ end;
+ function "<"(L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to lt
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 312
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length;
+ begin
+ return is_less(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label lt
+ end;
+ function "<="(L: UNSIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to leq
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 314
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length);
+ begin
+ return unsigned_is_less_or_equal(CONV_UNSIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_UNSIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label leq
+ end;
+ function "<="(L: SIGNED; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to leq
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 315
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length);
+ begin
+ return is_less_or_equal(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label leq
+ end;
+ function "<="(L: UNSIGNED; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to leq
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 316
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length + 1, R'length);
+ begin
+ return is_less_or_equal(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label leq
+ end;
+ function "<="(L: SIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to leq
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 317
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length + 1);
+ begin
+ return is_less_or_equal(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label leq
+ end;
+ function "<="(L: UNSIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to leq
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 318
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length + 1;
+ begin
+ return is_less_or_equal(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label leq
+ end;
+ function "<="(L: INTEGER; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to leq
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 319
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length + 1;
+ begin
+ return is_less_or_equal(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label leq
+ end;
+ function "<="(L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to leq
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 320
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length;
+ begin
+ return is_less_or_equal(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label leq
+ end;
+ function "<="(L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to leq
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 321
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length;
+ begin
+ return is_less_or_equal(CONV_SIGNED(L, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label leq
+ end;
+ function ">"(L: UNSIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to gt
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 323
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length);
+ begin
+ return unsigned_is_less(CONV_UNSIGNED(R, length),
+ CONV_UNSIGNED(L, length)); -- pragma label gt
+ end;
+ function ">"(L: SIGNED; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to gt
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 324
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length);
+ begin
+ return is_less(CONV_SIGNED(R, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length)); -- pragma label gt
+ end;
+ function ">"(L: UNSIGNED; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to gt
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 325
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length + 1, R'length);
+ begin
+ return is_less(CONV_SIGNED(R, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length)); -- pragma label gt
+ end;
+ function ">"(L: SIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to gt
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 326
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length + 1);
+ begin
+ return is_less(CONV_SIGNED(R, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length)); -- pragma label gt
+ end;
+ function ">"(L: UNSIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to gt
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 327
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length + 1;
+ begin
+ return is_less(CONV_SIGNED(R, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length)); -- pragma label gt
+ end;
+ function ">"(L: INTEGER; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to gt
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 328
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length + 1;
+ begin
+ return is_less(CONV_SIGNED(R, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length)); -- pragma label gt
+ end;
+ function ">"(L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to gt
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 329
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length;
+ begin
+ return is_less(CONV_SIGNED(R, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length)); -- pragma label gt
+ end;
+ function ">"(L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to gt
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 330
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length;
+ begin
+ return is_less(CONV_SIGNED(R, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length)); -- pragma label gt
+ end;
+ function ">="(L: UNSIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to geq
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 332
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length);
+ begin
+ return unsigned_is_less_or_equal(CONV_UNSIGNED(R, length),
+ CONV_UNSIGNED(L, length)); -- pragma label geq
+ end;
+ function ">="(L: SIGNED; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to geq
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 333
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length);
+ begin
+ return is_less_or_equal(CONV_SIGNED(R, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length)); -- pragma label geq
+ end;
+ function ">="(L: UNSIGNED; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to geq
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 334
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length + 1, R'length);
+ begin
+ return is_less_or_equal(CONV_SIGNED(R, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length)); -- pragma label geq
+ end;
+ function ">="(L: SIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to geq
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 335
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length + 1);
+ begin
+ return is_less_or_equal(CONV_SIGNED(R, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length)); -- pragma label geq
+ end;
+ function ">="(L: UNSIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to geq
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 336
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length + 1;
+ begin
+ return is_less_or_equal(CONV_SIGNED(R, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length)); -- pragma label geq
+ end;
+ function ">="(L: INTEGER; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to geq
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 337
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length + 1;
+ begin
+ return is_less_or_equal(CONV_SIGNED(R, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length)); -- pragma label geq
+ end;
+ function ">="(L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to geq
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 338
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length;
+ begin
+ return is_less_or_equal(CONV_SIGNED(R, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length)); -- pragma label geq
+ end;
+ function ">="(L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to geq
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 339
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length;
+ begin
+ return is_less_or_equal(CONV_SIGNED(R, length),
+ CONV_SIGNED(L, length)); -- pragma label geq
+ end;
+ -- for internal use only. Assumes SIGNED arguments of equal length.
+ function bitwise_eql(L: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR; R: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR)
+ return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma built_in SYN_EQL
+ begin
+ for i in L'range loop
+ if L(i) /= R(i) then
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return TRUE;
+ end;
+ -- for internal use only. Assumes SIGNED arguments of equal length.
+ function bitwise_neq(L: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR; R: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR)
+ return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma built_in SYN_NEQ
+ begin
+ for i in L'range loop
+ if L(i) /= R(i) then
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return FALSE;
+ end;
+ function "="(L: UNSIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 341
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length);
+ begin
+ return bitwise_eql( STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR( CONV_UNSIGNED(L, length) ),
+ end;
+ function "="(L: SIGNED; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 342
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length);
+ begin
+ return bitwise_eql( STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR( CONV_SIGNED(L, length) ),
+ end;
+ function "="(L: UNSIGNED; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 343
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length + 1, R'length);
+ begin
+ return bitwise_eql( STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR( CONV_SIGNED(L, length) ),
+ end;
+ function "="(L: SIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 344
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length + 1);
+ begin
+ return bitwise_eql( STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR( CONV_SIGNED(L, length) ),
+ end;
+ function "="(L: UNSIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 345
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length + 1;
+ begin
+ return bitwise_eql( STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR( CONV_SIGNED(L, length) ),
+ end;
+ function "="(L: INTEGER; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 346
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length + 1;
+ begin
+ return bitwise_eql( STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR( CONV_SIGNED(L, length) ),
+ end;
+ function "="(L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 347
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length;
+ begin
+ return bitwise_eql( STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR( CONV_SIGNED(L, length) ),
+ end;
+ function "="(L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 348
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length;
+ begin
+ return bitwise_eql( STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR( CONV_SIGNED(L, length) ),
+ end;
+ function "/="(L: UNSIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 350
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length);
+ begin
+ return bitwise_neq( STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR( CONV_UNSIGNED(L, length) ),
+ end;
+ function "/="(L: SIGNED; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 351
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length);
+ begin
+ return bitwise_neq( STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR( CONV_SIGNED(L, length) ),
+ end;
+ function "/="(L: UNSIGNED; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 352
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length + 1, R'length);
+ begin
+ return bitwise_neq( STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR( CONV_SIGNED(L, length) ),
+ end;
+ function "/="(L: SIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 353
+ constant length: INTEGER := max(L'length, R'length + 1);
+ begin
+ return bitwise_neq( STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR( CONV_SIGNED(L, length) ),
+ end;
+ function "/="(L: UNSIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 354
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length + 1;
+ begin
+ return bitwise_neq( STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR( CONV_SIGNED(L, length) ),
+ end;
+ function "/="(L: INTEGER; R: UNSIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 355
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length + 1;
+ begin
+ return bitwise_neq( STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR( CONV_SIGNED(L, length) ),
+ end;
+ function "/="(L: SIGNED; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 356
+ constant length: INTEGER := L'length;
+ begin
+ return bitwise_neq( STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR( CONV_SIGNED(L, length) ),
+ end;
+ function "/="(L: INTEGER; R: SIGNED) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 357
+ constant length: INTEGER := R'length;
+ begin
+ return bitwise_neq( STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR( CONV_SIGNED(L, length) ),
+ end;
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 358
+ constant control_msb: INTEGER := COUNT'length - 1;
+ variable control: UNSIGNED (control_msb downto 0);
+ constant result_msb: INTEGER := ARG'length-1;
+ subtype rtype is UNSIGNED (result_msb downto 0);
+ variable result, temp: rtype;
+ begin
+ control := MAKE_BINARY(COUNT);
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ if (control(0) = 'X') then
+ result := rtype'(others => 'X');
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ result := ARG;
+ for i in 0 to control_msb loop
+ if control(i) = '1' then
+ temp := rtype'(others => '0');
+ if 2**i <= result_msb then
+ temp(result_msb downto 2**i) :=
+ result(result_msb - 2**i downto 0);
+ end if;
+ result := temp;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end;
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 359
+ constant control_msb: INTEGER := COUNT'length - 1;
+ variable control: UNSIGNED (control_msb downto 0);
+ constant result_msb: INTEGER := ARG'length-1;
+ subtype rtype is SIGNED (result_msb downto 0);
+ variable result, temp: rtype;
+ begin
+ control := MAKE_BINARY(COUNT);
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ if (control(0) = 'X') then
+ result := rtype'(others => 'X');
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ result := ARG;
+ for i in 0 to control_msb loop
+ if control(i) = '1' then
+ temp := rtype'(others => '0');
+ if 2**i <= result_msb then
+ temp(result_msb downto 2**i) :=
+ result(result_msb - 2**i downto 0);
+ end if;
+ result := temp;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end;
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 360
+ constant control_msb: INTEGER := COUNT'length - 1;
+ variable control: UNSIGNED (control_msb downto 0);
+ constant result_msb: INTEGER := ARG'length-1;
+ subtype rtype is UNSIGNED (result_msb downto 0);
+ variable result, temp: rtype;
+ begin
+ control := MAKE_BINARY(COUNT);
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ if (control(0) = 'X') then
+ result := rtype'(others => 'X');
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ result := ARG;
+ for i in 0 to control_msb loop
+ if control(i) = '1' then
+ temp := rtype'(others => '0');
+ if 2**i <= result_msb then
+ temp(result_msb - 2**i downto 0) :=
+ result(result_msb downto 2**i);
+ end if;
+ result := temp;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end;
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 361
+ constant control_msb: INTEGER := COUNT'length - 1;
+ variable control: UNSIGNED (control_msb downto 0);
+ constant result_msb: INTEGER := ARG'length-1;
+ subtype rtype is SIGNED (result_msb downto 0);
+ variable result, temp: rtype;
+ variable sign_bit: STD_ULOGIC;
+ begin
+ control := MAKE_BINARY(COUNT);
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ if (control(0) = 'X') then
+ result := rtype'(others => 'X');
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ result := ARG;
+ sign_bit := ARG(ARG'left);
+ for i in 0 to control_msb loop
+ if control(i) = '1' then
+ temp := rtype'(others => sign_bit);
+ if 2**i <= result_msb then
+ temp(result_msb - 2**i downto 0) :=
+ result(result_msb downto 2**i);
+ end if;
+ result := temp;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end;
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 365
+ begin
+ return ARG;
+ end;
+ variable result: INTEGER;
+ variable tmp: STD_ULOGIC;
+ -- synopsys built_in SYN_UNSIGNED_TO_INTEGER
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 366
+ begin
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ assert ARG'length <= 31
+ report "ARG is too large in CONV_INTEGER"
+ severity FAILURE;
+ result := 0;
+ for i in ARG'range loop
+ result := result * 2;
+ tmp := tbl_BINARY(ARG(i));
+ if tmp = '1' then
+ result := result + 1;
+ elsif tmp = 'X' then
+ assert false
+ report "CONV_INTEGER: There is an 'U'|'X'|'W'|'Z'|'-' in an arithmetic operand, and it has been converted to 0."
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ end;
+ function CONV_INTEGER(ARG: SIGNED) return INTEGER is
+ variable result: INTEGER;
+ variable tmp: STD_ULOGIC;
+ -- synopsys built_in SYN_SIGNED_TO_INTEGER
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 367
+ begin
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ assert ARG'length <= 32
+ report "ARG is too large in CONV_INTEGER"
+ severity FAILURE;
+ result := 0;
+ for i in ARG'range loop
+ if i /= ARG'left then
+ result := result * 2;
+ tmp := tbl_BINARY(ARG(i));
+ if tmp = '1' then
+ result := result + 1;
+ elsif tmp = 'X' then
+ assert false
+ report "CONV_INTEGER: There is an 'U'|'X'|'W'|'Z'|'-' in an arithmetic operand, and it has been converted to 0."
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ tmp := MAKE_BINARY(ARG(ARG'left));
+ if tmp = '1' then
+ if ARG'length = 32 then
+ result := (result - 2**30) - 2**30;
+ else
+ result := result - (2 ** (ARG'length-1));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return result;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ end;
+ variable tmp: STD_ULOGIC;
+ -- synopsys built_in SYN_FEED_THRU
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 370
+ begin
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ tmp := tbl_BINARY(ARG);
+ if tmp = '1' then
+ return 1;
+ elsif tmp = 'X' then
+ assert false
+ report "CONV_INTEGER: There is an 'U'|'X'|'W'|'Z'|'-' in an arithmetic operand, and it has been converted to 0."
+ severity WARNING;
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ end;
+ -- convert an integer to a unsigned STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR
+ variable result: UNSIGNED(SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ variable temp: integer;
+ -- synopsys built_in SYN_INTEGER_TO_UNSIGNED
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 371
+ begin
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ temp := ARG;
+ for i in 0 to SIZE-1 loop
+ if (temp mod 2) = 1 then
+ result(i) := '1';
+ else
+ result(i) := '0';
+ end if;
+ if temp > 0 then
+ temp := temp / 2;
+ else
+ temp := (temp - 1) / 2; -- simulate ASR
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ end;
+ constant msb: INTEGER := min(ARG'length, SIZE) - 1;
+ subtype rtype is UNSIGNED (SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ variable new_bounds: UNSIGNED (ARG'length-1 downto 0);
+ variable result: rtype;
+ -- synopsys built_in SYN_ZERO_EXTEND
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 372
+ begin
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ new_bounds := MAKE_BINARY(ARG);
+ if (new_bounds(0) = 'X') then
+ result := rtype'(others => 'X');
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ result := rtype'(others => '0');
+ result(msb downto 0) := new_bounds(msb downto 0);
+ return result;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ end;
+ constant msb: INTEGER := min(ARG'length, SIZE) - 1;
+ subtype rtype is UNSIGNED (SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ variable new_bounds: UNSIGNED (ARG'length-1 downto 0);
+ variable result: rtype;
+ -- synopsys built_in SYN_SIGN_EXTEND
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 373
+ begin
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ new_bounds := MAKE_BINARY(ARG);
+ if (new_bounds(0) = 'X') then
+ result := rtype'(others => 'X');
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ result := rtype'(others => new_bounds(new_bounds'left));
+ result(msb downto 0) := new_bounds(msb downto 0);
+ return result;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ end;
+ subtype rtype is UNSIGNED (SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ variable result: rtype;
+ -- synopsys built_in SYN_ZERO_EXTEND
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 375
+ begin
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ result := rtype'(others => '0');
+ result(0) := MAKE_BINARY(ARG);
+ if (result(0) = 'X') then
+ result := rtype'(others => 'X');
+ end if;
+ return result;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ end;
+ -- convert an integer to a 2's complement STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR
+ variable result: SIGNED (SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ variable temp: integer;
+ -- synopsys built_in SYN_INTEGER_TO_SIGNED
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 376
+ begin
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ temp := ARG;
+ for i in 0 to SIZE-1 loop
+ if (temp mod 2) = 1 then
+ result(i) := '1';
+ else
+ result(i) := '0';
+ end if;
+ if temp > 0 then
+ temp := temp / 2;
+ elsif (temp > integer'low) then
+ temp := (temp - 1) / 2; -- simulate ASR
+ else
+ temp := temp / 2; -- simulate ASR
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ end;
+ constant msb: INTEGER := min(ARG'length, SIZE) - 1;
+ subtype rtype is SIGNED (SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ variable new_bounds : SIGNED (ARG'length-1 downto 0);
+ variable result: rtype;
+ -- synopsys built_in SYN_ZERO_EXTEND
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 377
+ begin
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ new_bounds := MAKE_BINARY(ARG);
+ if (new_bounds(0) = 'X') then
+ result := rtype'(others => 'X');
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ result := rtype'(others => '0');
+ result(msb downto 0) := new_bounds(msb downto 0);
+ return result;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ end;
+ constant msb: INTEGER := min(ARG'length, SIZE) - 1;
+ subtype rtype is SIGNED (SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ variable new_bounds : SIGNED (ARG'length-1 downto 0);
+ variable result: rtype;
+ -- synopsys built_in SYN_SIGN_EXTEND
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 378
+ begin
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ new_bounds := MAKE_BINARY(ARG);
+ if (new_bounds(0) = 'X') then
+ result := rtype'(others => 'X');
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ result := rtype'(others => new_bounds(new_bounds'left));
+ result(msb downto 0) := new_bounds(msb downto 0);
+ return result;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ end;
+ subtype rtype is SIGNED (SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ variable result: rtype;
+ -- synopsys built_in SYN_ZERO_EXTEND
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 380
+ begin
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ result := rtype'(others => '0');
+ result(0) := MAKE_BINARY(ARG);
+ if (result(0) = 'X') then
+ result := rtype'(others => 'X');
+ end if;
+ return result;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ end;
+ -- convert an integer to an STD_LOGIC_VECTOR
+ variable result: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ variable temp: integer;
+ -- synopsys built_in SYN_INTEGER_TO_SIGNED
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 381
+ begin
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ temp := ARG;
+ for i in 0 to SIZE-1 loop
+ if (temp mod 2) = 1 then
+ result(i) := '1';
+ else
+ result(i) := '0';
+ end if;
+ if temp > 0 then
+ temp := temp / 2;
+ elsif (temp > integer'low) then
+ temp := (temp - 1) / 2; -- simulate ASR
+ else
+ temp := temp / 2; -- simulate ASR
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ end;
+ constant msb: INTEGER := min(ARG'length, SIZE) - 1;
+ subtype rtype is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ variable new_bounds : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (ARG'length-1 downto 0);
+ variable result: rtype;
+ -- synopsys built_in SYN_ZERO_EXTEND
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 382
+ begin
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ new_bounds := MAKE_BINARY(ARG);
+ if (new_bounds(0) = 'X') then
+ result := rtype'(others => 'X');
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ result := rtype'(others => '0');
+ result(msb downto 0) := new_bounds(msb downto 0);
+ return result;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ end;
+ constant msb: INTEGER := min(ARG'length, SIZE) - 1;
+ subtype rtype is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ variable new_bounds : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (ARG'length-1 downto 0);
+ variable result: rtype;
+ -- synopsys built_in SYN_SIGN_EXTEND
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 383
+ begin
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ new_bounds := MAKE_BINARY(ARG);
+ if (new_bounds(0) = 'X') then
+ result := rtype'(others => 'X');
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ result := rtype'(others => new_bounds(new_bounds'left));
+ result(msb downto 0) := new_bounds(msb downto 0);
+ return result;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ end;
+ subtype rtype is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ variable result: rtype;
+ -- synopsys built_in SYN_ZERO_EXTEND
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 384
+ begin
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ result := rtype'(others => '0');
+ result(0) := MAKE_BINARY(ARG);
+ if (result(0) = 'X') then
+ result := rtype'(others => 'X');
+ end if;
+ return result;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ end;
+ return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ constant msb: INTEGER := min(ARG'length, SIZE) - 1;
+ subtype rtype is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ variable new_bounds: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (ARG'length-1 downto 0);
+ variable result: rtype;
+ -- synopsys built_in SYN_ZERO_EXTEND
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 385
+ begin
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ new_bounds := MAKE_BINARY(ARG);
+ if (new_bounds(0) = 'X') then
+ result := rtype'(others => 'X');
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ result := rtype'(others => '0');
+ result(msb downto 0) := new_bounds(msb downto 0);
+ return result;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ end;
+ constant msb: INTEGER := min(ARG'length, SIZE) - 1;
+ subtype rtype is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ variable new_bounds : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (ARG'length-1 downto 0);
+ variable result: rtype;
+ -- synopsys built_in SYN_SIGN_EXTEND
+ -- synopsys subpgm_id 386
+ begin
+ -- synopsys synthesis_off
+ new_bounds := MAKE_BINARY(ARG);
+ if (new_bounds(0) = 'X') then
+ result := rtype'(others => 'X');
+ return result;
+ end if;
+ result := rtype'(others => new_bounds(new_bounds'left));
+ result(msb downto 0) := new_bounds(msb downto 0);
+ return result;
+ -- synopsys synthesis_on
+ end;
+end std_logic_arith;
diff --git a/libraries/synopsys/std_logic_misc-body.vhdl b/libraries/synopsys/std_logic_misc-body.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..531328c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/synopsys/std_logic_misc-body.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,811 @@
+-- Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992 by Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved.
+-- This source file may be used and distributed without restriction
+-- provided that this copyright statement is not removed from the file
+-- and that any derivative work contains this copyright notice.
+-- Package name: std_logic_misc
+-- Purpose: This package defines supplemental types, subtypes,
+-- constants, and functions for the Std_logic_1164 Package.
+-- Author: GWH
+package body std_logic_misc is
+--synopsys synthesis_off
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Truth tables for output strength --> STD_ULOGIC lookup
+ --
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- truth table for output strength --> STD_ULOGIC lookup
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- | X01 X0H XL1 X0Z XZ1 WLH WLZ WZH W0H WL1 | strn/ output|
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ (('U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), -- | U |
+ ('X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W'), -- | X |
+ ('0', '0', 'L', '0', 'Z', 'L', 'L', 'Z', '0', 'L'), -- | 0 |
+ ('1', 'H', '1', 'Z', '1', 'H', 'Z', 'H', 'H', '1'), -- | 1 |
+ ('X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W'), -- | Z |
+ ('X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W'), -- | W |
+ ('0', '0', 'L', '0', 'Z', 'L', 'L', 'Z', '0', 'L'), -- | L |
+ ('1', 'H', '1', 'Z', '1', 'H', 'Z', 'H', 'H', '1'), -- | H |
+ ('X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W')); -- | - |
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Truth tables for strength --> STD_ULOGIC mapping ('Z' pass through)
+ --
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- truth table for output strength --> STD_ULOGIC lookup
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- | X01 X0H XL1 X0Z XZ1 WLH WLZ WZH W0H WL1 | strn/ output|
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ (('U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), -- | U |
+ ('X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W'), -- | X |
+ ('0', '0', 'L', '0', 'Z', 'L', 'L', 'Z', '0', 'L'), -- | 0 |
+ ('1', 'H', '1', 'Z', '1', 'H', 'Z', 'H', 'H', '1'), -- | 1 |
+ ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'), -- | Z |
+ ('X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W'), -- | W |
+ ('0', '0', 'L', '0', 'Z', 'L', 'L', 'Z', '0', 'L'), -- | L |
+ ('1', 'H', '1', 'Z', '1', 'H', 'Z', 'H', 'H', '1'), -- | H |
+ ('X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W')); -- | - |
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- functions for mapping the STD_(U)LOGIC according to STRENGTH
+ --
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function strength_map(input: STD_ULOGIC; strn: STRENGTH) return STD_LOGIC is
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 387
+ begin
+ return tbl_STRN_STD_ULOGIC(input, strn);
+ end strength_map;
+ function strength_map_z(input:STD_ULOGIC; strn:STRENGTH) return STD_LOGIC is
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 388
+ begin
+ return tbl_STRN_STD_ULOGIC_Z(input, strn);
+ end strength_map_z;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- conversion functions for STD_LOGIC_VECTOR and STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR
+ --
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+--synopsys synthesis_on
+ function Drive (V: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma built_in SYN_FEED_THRU
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 389
+--synopsys synthesis_off
+ alias Value: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (V'length-1 downto 0) is V;
+--synopsys synthesis_on
+ begin
+--synopsys synthesis_off
+ return STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(Value);
+--synopsys synthesis_on
+ end Drive;
+ function Drive (V: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma built_in SYN_FEED_THRU
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 390
+--synopsys synthesis_off
+ alias Value: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR (V'length-1 downto 0) is V;
+--synopsys synthesis_on
+ begin
+--synopsys synthesis_off
+ return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(Value);
+--synopsys synthesis_on
+ end Drive;
+--synopsys synthesis_off
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- conversion functions for sensing various types
+ --
+ -- (the second argument allows the user to specify the value to
+ -- be returned when the network is undriven)
+ --
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function Sense (V: STD_ULOGIC; vZ, vU, vDC: STD_ULOGIC)
+ return STD_LOGIC is
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 391
+ begin
+ if V = 'Z' then
+ return vZ;
+ elsif V = 'U' then
+ return vU;
+ elsif V = '-' then
+ return vDC;
+ else
+ return V;
+ end if;
+ end Sense;
+ function Sense (V: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR; vZ, vU, vDC: STD_ULOGIC)
+ return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 392
+ alias Value: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR (V'length-1 downto 0) is V;
+ variable Result: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (V'length-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in Value'range loop
+ if ( Value(i) = 'Z' ) then
+ Result(i) := vZ;
+ elsif Value(i) = 'U' then
+ Result(i) := vU;
+ elsif Value(i) = '-' then
+ Result(i) := vDC;
+ else
+ Result(i) := Value(i);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end Sense;
+ function Sense (V: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR; vZ, vU, vDC: STD_ULOGIC)
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 393
+ alias Value: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR (V'length-1 downto 0) is V;
+ variable Result: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR (V'length-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in Value'range loop
+ if ( Value(i) = 'Z' ) then
+ Result(i) := vZ;
+ elsif Value(i) = 'U' then
+ Result(i) := vU;
+ elsif Value(i) = '-' then
+ Result(i) := vDC;
+ else
+ Result(i) := Value(i);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end Sense;
+ function Sense (V: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; vZ, vU, vDC: STD_ULOGIC)
+ return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 394
+ alias Value: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (V'length-1 downto 0) is V;
+ variable Result: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (V'length-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in Value'range loop
+ if ( Value(i) = 'Z' ) then
+ Result(i) := vZ;
+ elsif Value(i) = 'U' then
+ Result(i) := vU;
+ elsif Value(i) = '-' then
+ Result(i) := vDC;
+ else
+ Result(i) := Value(i);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end Sense;
+ function Sense (V: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; vZ, vU, vDC: STD_ULOGIC)
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 395
+ alias Value: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (V'length-1 downto 0) is V;
+ variable Result: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR (V'length-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in Value'range loop
+ if ( Value(i) = 'Z' ) then
+ Result(i) := vZ;
+ elsif Value(i) = 'U' then
+ Result(i) := vU;
+ elsif Value(i) = '-' then
+ Result(i) := vDC;
+ else
+ Result(i) := Value(i);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end Sense;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ --
+ -- Purpose: Conversion fun. from STD_LOGIC_VECTOR to BIT_VECTOR
+ --
+ -- Mapping: 0, L --> 0
+ -- 1, H --> 1
+ -- X, W --> vX if Xflag is TRUE
+ -- X, W --> 0 if Xflag is FALSE
+ -- Z --> vZ if Zflag is TRUE
+ -- Z --> 0 if Zflag is FALSE
+ -- U --> vU if Uflag is TRUE
+ -- U --> 0 if Uflag is FALSE
+ -- - --> vDC if DCflag is TRUE
+ -- - --> 0 if DCflag is FALSE
+ --
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+--synopsys synthesis_on
+--synopsys synthesis_off
+ ; vX, vZ, vU, vDC: BIT := '0';
+ Xflag, Zflag, Uflag, DCflag: BOOLEAN := FALSE
+--synopsys synthesis_on
+ ) return BIT_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma built_in SYN_FEED_THRU
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 396
+--synopsys synthesis_off
+ alias Value: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (V'length-1 downto 0) is V;
+ variable Result: BIT_VECTOR (V'length-1 downto 0);
+--synopsys synthesis_on
+ begin
+--synopsys synthesis_off
+ for i in Value'range loop
+ case Value(i) is
+ when '0' | 'L' =>
+ Result(i) := '0';
+ when '1' | 'H' =>
+ Result(i) := '1';
+ when 'X' =>
+ if ( Xflag ) then
+ Result(i) := vX;
+ else
+ Result(i) := '0';
+ assert FALSE
+ report "STD_LOGIC_VECTORtoBIT_VECTOR: X --> 0"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ when 'W' =>
+ if ( Xflag ) then
+ Result(i) := vX;
+ else
+ Result(i) := '0';
+ assert FALSE
+ report "STD_LOGIC_VECTORtoBIT_VECTOR: W --> 0"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ when 'Z' =>
+ if ( Zflag ) then
+ Result(i) := vZ;
+ else
+ Result(i) := '0';
+ assert FALSE
+ report "STD_LOGIC_VECTORtoBIT_VECTOR: Z --> 0"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ when 'U' =>
+ if ( Uflag ) then
+ Result(i) := vU;
+ else
+ Result(i) := '0';
+ assert FALSE
+ report "STD_LOGIC_VECTORtoBIT_VECTOR: U --> 0"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ when '-' =>
+ if ( DCflag ) then
+ Result(i) := vDC;
+ else
+ Result(i) := '0';
+ assert FALSE
+ report "STD_LOGIC_VECTORtoBIT_VECTOR: - --> 0"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+--synopsys synthesis_on
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ --
+ -- Purpose: Conversion fun. from STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR to BIT_VECTOR
+ --
+ -- Mapping: 0, L --> 0
+ -- 1, H --> 1
+ -- X, W --> vX if Xflag is TRUE
+ -- X, W --> 0 if Xflag is FALSE
+ -- Z --> vZ if Zflag is TRUE
+ -- Z --> 0 if Zflag is FALSE
+ -- U --> vU if Uflag is TRUE
+ -- U --> 0 if Uflag is FALSE
+ -- - --> vDC if DCflag is TRUE
+ -- - --> 0 if DCflag is FALSE
+ --
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+--synopsys synthesis_off
+ ; vX, vZ, vU, vDC: BIT := '0';
+ Xflag, Zflag, Uflag, DCflag: BOOLEAN := FALSE
+--synopsys synthesis_on
+ ) return BIT_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma built_in SYN_FEED_THRU
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 397
+--synopsys synthesis_off
+ alias Value: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR (V'length-1 downto 0) is V;
+ variable Result: BIT_VECTOR (V'length-1 downto 0);
+--synopsys synthesis_on
+ begin
+--synopsys synthesis_off
+ for i in Value'range loop
+ case Value(i) is
+ when '0' | 'L' =>
+ Result(i) := '0';
+ when '1' | 'H' =>
+ Result(i) := '1';
+ when 'X' =>
+ if ( Xflag ) then
+ Result(i) := vX;
+ else
+ Result(i) := '0';
+ assert FALSE
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ when 'W' =>
+ if ( Xflag ) then
+ Result(i) := vX;
+ else
+ Result(i) := '0';
+ assert FALSE
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ when 'Z' =>
+ if ( Zflag ) then
+ Result(i) := vZ;
+ else
+ Result(i) := '0';
+ assert FALSE
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ when 'U' =>
+ if ( Uflag ) then
+ Result(i) := vU;
+ else
+ Result(i) := '0';
+ assert FALSE
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ when '-' =>
+ if ( DCflag ) then
+ Result(i) := vDC;
+ else
+ Result(i) := '0';
+ assert FALSE
+ report "STD_ULOGIC_VECTORtoBIT_VECTOR: - --> 0"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+--synopsys synthesis_on
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Function: STD_ULOGICtoBIT
+ --
+ -- Purpose: Conversion function from STD_ULOGIC to BIT
+ --
+ -- Mapping: 0, L --> 0
+ -- 1, H --> 1
+ -- X, W --> vX if Xflag is TRUE
+ -- X, W --> 0 if Xflag is FALSE
+ -- Z --> vZ if Zflag is TRUE
+ -- Z --> 0 if Zflag is FALSE
+ -- U --> vU if Uflag is TRUE
+ -- U --> 0 if Uflag is FALSE
+ -- - --> vDC if DCflag is TRUE
+ -- - --> 0 if DCflag is FALSE
+ --
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+--synopsys synthesis_off
+ ; vX, vZ, vU, vDC: BIT := '0';
+ Xflag, Zflag, Uflag, DCflag: BOOLEAN := FALSE
+--synopsys synthesis_on
+ ) return BIT is
+ -- pragma built_in SYN_FEED_THRU
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 398
+ variable Result: BIT;
+ begin
+--synopsys synthesis_off
+ case V is
+ when '0' | 'L' =>
+ Result := '0';
+ when '1' | 'H' =>
+ Result := '1';
+ when 'X' =>
+ if ( Xflag ) then
+ Result := vX;
+ else
+ Result := '0';
+ assert FALSE
+ report "STD_ULOGICtoBIT: X --> 0"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ when 'W' =>
+ if ( Xflag ) then
+ Result := vX;
+ else
+ Result := '0';
+ assert FALSE
+ report "STD_ULOGICtoBIT: W --> 0"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ when 'Z' =>
+ if ( Zflag ) then
+ Result := vZ;
+ else
+ Result := '0';
+ assert FALSE
+ report "STD_ULOGICtoBIT: Z --> 0"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ when 'U' =>
+ if ( Uflag ) then
+ Result := vU;
+ else
+ Result := '0';
+ assert FALSE
+ report "STD_ULOGICtoBIT: U --> 0"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ when '-' =>
+ if ( DCflag ) then
+ Result := vDC;
+ else
+ Result := '0';
+ assert FALSE
+ report "STD_ULOGICtoBIT: - --> 0"
+ severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ return Result;
+--synopsys synthesis_on
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function AND_REDUCE(ARG: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return UX01 is
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 399
+ variable result: STD_LOGIC;
+ begin
+ result := '1';
+ for i in ARG'range loop
+ result := result and ARG(i);
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end;
+ function NAND_REDUCE(ARG: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return UX01 is
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 400
+ begin
+ return not AND_REDUCE(ARG);
+ end;
+ function OR_REDUCE(ARG: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return UX01 is
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 401
+ variable result: STD_LOGIC;
+ begin
+ result := '0';
+ for i in ARG'range loop
+ result := result or ARG(i);
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end;
+ function NOR_REDUCE(ARG: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return UX01 is
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 402
+ begin
+ return not OR_REDUCE(ARG);
+ end;
+ function XOR_REDUCE(ARG: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return UX01 is
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 403
+ variable result: STD_LOGIC;
+ begin
+ result := '0';
+ for i in ARG'range loop
+ result := result xor ARG(i);
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end;
+ function XNOR_REDUCE(ARG: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return UX01 is
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 404
+ begin
+ return not XOR_REDUCE(ARG);
+ end;
+ function AND_REDUCE(ARG: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) return UX01 is
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 405
+ variable result: STD_LOGIC;
+ begin
+ result := '1';
+ for i in ARG'range loop
+ result := result and ARG(i);
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end;
+ function NAND_REDUCE(ARG: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) return UX01 is
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 406
+ begin
+ return not AND_REDUCE(ARG);
+ end;
+ function OR_REDUCE(ARG: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) return UX01 is
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 407
+ variable result: STD_LOGIC;
+ begin
+ result := '0';
+ for i in ARG'range loop
+ result := result or ARG(i);
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end;
+ function NOR_REDUCE(ARG: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) return UX01 is
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 408
+ begin
+ return not OR_REDUCE(ARG);
+ end;
+ function XOR_REDUCE(ARG: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) return UX01 is
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 409
+ variable result: STD_LOGIC;
+ begin
+ result := '0';
+ for i in ARG'range loop
+ result := result xor ARG(i);
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end;
+ function XNOR_REDUCE(ARG: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) return UX01 is
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 410
+ begin
+ return not XOR_REDUCE(ARG);
+ end;
+--synopsys synthesis_off
+ function fun_BUF3S(Input, Enable: UX01; Strn: STRENGTH) return STD_LOGIC is
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 411
+ type TRISTATE_TABLE is array(STRENGTH, UX01, UX01) of STD_LOGIC;
+ -- truth table for tristate "buf" function (Enable active Low)
+ constant tbl_BUF3S: TRISTATE_TABLE :=
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------
+ -- | Input U X 0 1 | Enable Strength |
+ -- ---------------------------------|-----------------|
+ ((('U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), --| U X01 |
+ ('U', 'X', 'X', 'X'), --| X X01 |
+ ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'), --| 0 X01 |
+ ('U', 'X', '0', '1')), --| 1 X01 |
+ (('U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), --| U X0H |
+ ('U', 'X', 'X', 'X'), --| X X0H |
+ ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'), --| 0 X0H |
+ ('U', 'X', '0', 'H')), --| 1 X0H |
+ (('U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), --| U XL1 |
+ ('U', 'X', 'X', 'X'), --| X XL1 |
+ ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'), --| 0 XL1 |
+ ('U', 'X', 'L', '1')), --| 1 XL1 |
+ (('U', 'U', 'U', 'Z'), --| U X0Z |
+ ('U', 'X', 'X', 'Z'), --| X X0Z |
+ ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'), --| 0 X0Z |
+ ('U', 'X', '0', 'Z')), --| 1 X0Z |
+ (('U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), --| U XZ1 |
+ ('U', 'X', 'X', 'X'), --| X XZ1 |
+ ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'), --| 0 XZ1 |
+ ('U', 'X', 'Z', '1')), --| 1 XZ1 |
+ (('U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), --| U WLH |
+ ('U', 'W', 'W', 'W'), --| X WLH |
+ ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'), --| 0 WLH |
+ ('U', 'W', 'L', 'H')), --| 1 WLH |
+ (('U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), --| U WLZ |
+ ('U', 'W', 'W', 'Z'), --| X WLZ |
+ ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'), --| 0 WLZ |
+ ('U', 'W', 'L', 'Z')), --| 1 WLZ |
+ (('U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), --| U WZH |
+ ('U', 'W', 'W', 'W'), --| X WZH |
+ ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'), --| 0 WZH |
+ ('U', 'W', 'Z', 'H')), --| 1 WZH |
+ (('U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), --| U W0H |
+ ('U', 'W', 'W', 'W'), --| X W0H |
+ ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'), --| 0 W0H |
+ ('U', 'W', '0', 'H')), --| 1 W0H |
+ (('U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), --| U WL1 |
+ ('U', 'W', 'W', 'W'), --| X WL1 |
+ ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'), --| 0 WL1 |
+ ('U', 'W', 'L', '1')));--| 1 WL1 |
+ begin
+ return tbl_BUF3S(Strn, Enable, Input);
+ end fun_BUF3S;
+ function fun_BUF3SL(Input, Enable: UX01; Strn: STRENGTH) return STD_LOGIC is
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 412
+ type TRISTATE_TABLE is array(STRENGTH, UX01, UX01) of STD_LOGIC;
+ -- truth table for tristate "buf" function (Enable active Low)
+ constant tbl_BUF3SL: TRISTATE_TABLE :=
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------
+ -- | Input U X 0 1 | Enable Strength |
+ -- ---------------------------------|-----------------|
+ ((('U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), --| U X01 |
+ ('U', 'X', 'X', 'X'), --| X X01 |
+ ('U', 'X', '0', '1'), --| 0 X01 |
+ ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z')), --| 1 X01 |
+ (('U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), --| U X0H |
+ ('U', 'X', 'X', 'X'), --| X X0H |
+ ('U', 'X', '0', 'H'), --| 0 X0H |
+ ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z')), --| 1 X0H |
+ (('U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), --| U XL1 |
+ ('U', 'X', 'X', 'X'), --| X XL1 |
+ ('U', 'X', 'L', '1'), --| 0 XL1 |
+ ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z')), --| 1 XL1 |
+ (('U', 'U', 'U', 'Z'), --| U X0Z |
+ ('U', 'X', 'X', 'Z'), --| X X0Z |
+ ('U', 'X', '0', 'Z'), --| 0 X0Z |
+ ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z')), --| 1 X0Z |
+ (('U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), --| U XZ1 |
+ ('U', 'X', 'X', 'X'), --| X XZ1 |
+ ('U', 'X', 'Z', '1'), --| 0 XZ1 |
+ ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z')), --| 1 XZ1 |
+ (('U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), --| U WLH |
+ ('U', 'W', 'W', 'W'), --| X WLH |
+ ('U', 'W', 'L', 'H'), --| 0 WLH |
+ ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z')), --| 1 WLH |
+ (('U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), --| U WLZ |
+ ('U', 'W', 'W', 'Z'), --| X WLZ |
+ ('U', 'W', 'L', 'Z'), --| 0 WLZ |
+ ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z')), --| 1 WLZ |
+ (('U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), --| U WZH |
+ ('U', 'W', 'W', 'W'), --| X WZH |
+ ('U', 'W', 'Z', 'H'), --| 0 WZH |
+ ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z')), --| 1 WZH |
+ (('U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), --| U W0H |
+ ('U', 'W', 'W', 'W'), --| X W0H |
+ ('U', 'W', '0', 'H'), --| 0 W0H |
+ ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z')), --| 1 W0H |
+ (('U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), --| U WL1 |
+ ('U', 'W', 'W', 'W'), --| X WL1 |
+ ('U', 'W', 'L', '1'), --| 0 WL1 |
+ ('Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z')));--| 1 WL1 |
+ begin
+ return tbl_BUF3SL(Strn, Enable, Input);
+ end fun_BUF3SL;
+ function fun_MUX2x1(Input0, Input1, Sel: UX01) return UX01 is
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 413
+ type MUX_TABLE is array (UX01, UX01, UX01) of UX01;
+ -- truth table for "MUX2x1" function
+ constant tbl_MUX2x1: MUX_TABLE :=
+ --------------------------------------------
+ --| In0 'U' 'X' '0' '1' | Sel In1 |
+ --------------------------------------------
+ ((('U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), --| 'U' 'U' |
+ ('U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), --| 'X' 'U' |
+ ('U', 'X', '0', '1'), --| '0' 'U' |
+ ('U', 'U', 'U', 'U')), --| '1' 'U' |
+ (('U', 'X', 'U', 'U'), --| 'U' 'X' |
+ ('U', 'X', 'X', 'X'), --| 'X' 'X' |
+ ('U', 'X', '0', '1'), --| '0' 'X' |
+ ('X', 'X', 'X', 'X')), --| '1' 'X' |
+ (('U', 'U', '0', 'U'), --| 'U' '0' |
+ ('U', 'X', '0', 'X'), --| 'X' '0' |
+ ('U', 'X', '0', '1'), --| '0' '0' |
+ ('0', '0', '0', '0')), --| '1' '0' |
+ (('U', 'U', 'U', '1'), --| 'U' '1' |
+ ('U', 'X', 'X', '1'), --| 'X' '1' |
+ ('U', 'X', '0', '1'), --| '0' '1' |
+ ('1', '1', '1', '1')));--| '1' '1' |
+ begin
+ return tbl_MUX2x1(Input1, Sel, Input0);
+ end fun_MUX2x1;
+ function fun_MAJ23(Input0, Input1, Input2: UX01) return UX01 is
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 414
+ type MAJ23_TABLE is array (UX01, UX01, UX01) of UX01;
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- The "tbl_MAJ23" truth table return 1 if the majority of three
+ -- inputs is 1, a 0 if the majority is 0, a X if unknown, and a U if
+ -- uninitialized.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ constant tbl_MAJ23: MAJ23_TABLE :=
+ --------------------------------------------
+ --| In0 'U' 'X' '0' '1' | In1 In2 |
+ --------------------------------------------
+ ((('U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), --| 'U' 'U' |
+ ('U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), --| 'X' 'U' |
+ ('U', 'U', '0', 'U'), --| '0' 'U' |
+ ('U', 'U', 'U', '1')), --| '1' 'U' |
+ (('U', 'U', 'U', 'U'), --| 'U' 'X' |
+ ('U', 'X', 'X', 'X'), --| 'X' 'X' |
+ ('U', 'X', '0', 'X'), --| '0' 'X' |
+ ('U', 'X', 'X', '1')), --| '1' 'X' |
+ (('U', 'U', '0', 'U'), --| 'U' '0' |
+ ('U', 'X', '0', 'X'), --| 'X' '0' |
+ ('0', '0', '0', '0'), --| '0' '0' |
+ ('U', 'X', '0', '1')), --| '1' '0' |
+ (('U', 'U', 'U', '1'), --| 'U' '1' |
+ ('U', 'X', 'X', '1'), --| 'X' '1' |
+ ('U', 'X', '0', '1'), --| '0' '1' |
+ ('1', '1', '1', '1')));--| '1' '1' |
+ begin
+ return tbl_MAJ23(Input0, Input1, Input2);
+ end fun_MAJ23;
+ function fun_WiredX(Input0, Input1: STD_ULOGIC) return STD_LOGIC is
+ -- pragma subpgm_id 415
+ -- truth table for "WiredX" function
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- resolution function
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT resolution_table : stdlogic_table := (
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------
+ -- | U X 0 1 Z W L H - | |
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------
+ ( 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U' ), -- | U |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X' ), -- | X |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', 'X', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'X' ), -- | 0 |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', 'X' ), -- | 1 |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z', 'W', 'L', 'H', 'X' ), -- | Z |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'X' ), -- | W |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'L', 'W', 'L', 'W', 'X' ), -- | L |
+ ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'H', 'W', 'W', 'H', 'X' ), -- | H |
+ ( 'U', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X' ));-- | - |
+ begin
+ return resolution_table(Input0, Input1);
+ end fun_WiredX;
+--synopsys synthesis_on
diff --git a/libraries/synopsys/std_logic_misc.vhdl b/libraries/synopsys/std_logic_misc.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..999aa8391
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/synopsys/std_logic_misc.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+-- Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992 by Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved.
+-- This source file may be used and distributed without restriction
+-- provided that this copyright statement is not removed from the file
+-- and that any derivative work contains this copyright notice.
+-- Package name: std_logic_misc
+-- Purpose: This package defines supplemental types, subtypes,
+-- constants, and functions for the Std_logic_1164 Package.
+-- Author: GWH
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
+--library SYNOPSYS;
+--use SYNOPSYS.attributes.all;
+package std_logic_misc is
+ -- output-strength types
+ type STRENGTH is (strn_X01, strn_X0H, strn_XL1, strn_X0Z, strn_XZ1,
+ strn_WLH, strn_WLZ, strn_WZH, strn_W0H, strn_WL1);
+--synopsys synthesis_off
+ type MINOMAX is array (1 to 3) of TIME;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- functions for mapping the STD_(U)LOGIC according to STRENGTH
+ --
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function strength_map(input: STD_ULOGIC; strn: STRENGTH) return STD_LOGIC;
+ function strength_map_z(input:STD_ULOGIC; strn:STRENGTH) return STD_LOGIC;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- conversion functions for STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR and STD_LOGIC_VECTOR
+ --
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+--synopsys synthesis_on
+ function Drive (V: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function Drive (V: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR;
+--synopsys synthesis_off
+ --attribute CLOSELY_RELATED_TCF of Drive: function is TRUE;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- conversion functions for sensing various types
+ -- (the second argument allows the user to specify the value to
+ -- be returned when the network is undriven)
+ --
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function Sense (V: STD_ULOGIC; vZ, vU, vDC: STD_ULOGIC) return STD_LOGIC;
+ function Sense (V: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR; vZ, vU, vDC: STD_ULOGIC)
+ function Sense (V: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR; vZ, vU, vDC: STD_ULOGIC)
+ function Sense (V: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; vZ, vU, vDC: STD_ULOGIC)
+ function Sense (V: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; vZ, vU, vDC: STD_ULOGIC)
+--synopsys synthesis_on
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ --
+ -- Purpose: Conversion fun. from STD_(U)LOGIC_VECTOR to BIT_VECTOR
+ --
+ -- Mapping: 0, L --> 0
+ -- 1, H --> 1
+ -- X, W --> vX if Xflag is TRUE
+ -- X, W --> 0 if Xflag is FALSE
+ -- Z --> vZ if Zflag is TRUE
+ -- Z --> 0 if Zflag is FALSE
+ -- U --> vU if Uflag is TRUE
+ -- U --> 0 if Uflag is FALSE
+ -- - --> vDC if DCflag is TRUE
+ -- - --> 0 if DCflag is FALSE
+ --
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+--synopsys synthesis_off
+ ; vX, vZ, vU, vDC: BIT := '0';
+ Xflag, Zflag, Uflag, DCflag: BOOLEAN := FALSE
+--synopsys synthesis_on
+ ) return BIT_VECTOR;
+--synopsys synthesis_off
+ ; vX, vZ, vU, vDC: BIT := '0';
+ Xflag, Zflag, Uflag, DCflag: BOOLEAN := FALSE
+--synopsys synthesis_on
+ ) return BIT_VECTOR;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Function: STD_ULOGICtoBIT
+ --
+ -- Purpose: Conversion function from STD_(U)LOGIC to BIT
+ --
+ -- Mapping: 0, L --> 0
+ -- 1, H --> 1
+ -- X, W --> vX if Xflag is TRUE
+ -- X, W --> 0 if Xflag is FALSE
+ -- Z --> vZ if Zflag is TRUE
+ -- Z --> 0 if Zflag is FALSE
+ -- U --> vU if Uflag is TRUE
+ -- U --> 0 if Uflag is FALSE
+ -- - --> vDC if DCflag is TRUE
+ -- - --> 0 if DCflag is FALSE
+ --
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+--synopsys synthesis_off
+ ; vX, vZ, vU, vDC: BIT := '0';
+ Xflag, Zflag, Uflag, DCflag: BOOLEAN := FALSE
+--synopsys synthesis_on
+ ) return BIT;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function AND_REDUCE(ARG: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return UX01;
+ function NAND_REDUCE(ARG: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return UX01;
+ function OR_REDUCE(ARG: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return UX01;
+ function NOR_REDUCE(ARG: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return UX01;
+ function XOR_REDUCE(ARG: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return UX01;
+ function XNOR_REDUCE(ARG: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return UX01;
+ function AND_REDUCE(ARG: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) return UX01;
+ function OR_REDUCE(ARG: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) return UX01;
+ function NOR_REDUCE(ARG: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) return UX01;
+ function XOR_REDUCE(ARG: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) return UX01;
+--synopsys synthesis_off
+ function fun_BUF3S(Input, Enable: UX01; Strn: STRENGTH) return STD_LOGIC;
+ function fun_BUF3SL(Input, Enable: UX01; Strn: STRENGTH) return STD_LOGIC;
+ function fun_MUX2x1(Input0, Input1, Sel: UX01) return UX01;
+ function fun_MAJ23(Input0, Input1, Input2: UX01) return UX01;
+ function fun_WiredX(Input0, Input1: std_ulogic) return STD_LOGIC;
+--synopsys synthesis_on
diff --git a/libraries/synopsys/std_logic_signed.vhdl b/libraries/synopsys/std_logic_signed.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..27d211be5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/synopsys/std_logic_signed.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+-- --
+-- Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992 by Synopsys, Inc. --
+-- All rights reserved. --
+-- --
+-- This source file may be used and distributed without restriction --
+-- provided that this copyright statement is not removed from the file --
+-- and that any derivative work contains this copyright notice. --
+-- --
+-- Package name: STD_LOGIC_SIGNED --
+-- --
+-- --
+-- Date: 09/11/91 KN --
+-- 10/08/92 AMT change std_ulogic to signed std_logic --
+-- 10/28/92 AMT added signed functions, -, ABS --
+-- --
+-- Purpose: --
+-- A set of signed arithemtic, conversion, --
+-- and comparision functions for STD_LOGIC_VECTOR. --
+-- --
+-- Note: Comparision of same length std_logic_vector is defined --
+-- in the LRM. The interpretation is for unsigned vectors --
+-- This package will "overload" that definition. --
+-- --
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+package STD_LOGIC_SIGNED is
+ function "+"(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "-"(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "<"(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<"(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<="(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<="(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">"(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">"(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">="(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">="(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "="(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "="(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "/="(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "/="(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN;
+-- remove this since it is already in std_logic_arith
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+package body STD_LOGIC_SIGNED is
+ function maximum(L, R: INTEGER) return INTEGER is
+ begin
+ if L > R then
+ return L;
+ else
+ return R;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ constant length: INTEGER := maximum(L'length, R'length);
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (length-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ result := SIGNED(L) + SIGNED(R); -- pragma label plus
+ return std_logic_vector(result);
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (L'range);
+ begin
+ result := SIGNED(L) + R; -- pragma label plus
+ return std_logic_vector(result);
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (R'range);
+ begin
+ result := L + SIGNED(R); -- pragma label plus
+ return std_logic_vector(result);
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: STD_LOGIC) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (L'range);
+ begin
+ result := SIGNED(L) + R; -- pragma label plus
+ return std_logic_vector(result);
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: STD_LOGIC; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (R'range);
+ begin
+ result := L + SIGNED(R); -- pragma label plus
+ return std_logic_vector(result);
+ end;
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ constant length: INTEGER := maximum(L'length, R'length);
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (length-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ result := SIGNED(L) - SIGNED(R); -- pragma label minus
+ return std_logic_vector(result);
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (L'range);
+ begin
+ result := SIGNED(L) - R; -- pragma label minus
+ return std_logic_vector(result);
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (R'range);
+ begin
+ result := L - SIGNED(R); -- pragma label minus
+ return std_logic_vector(result);
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: STD_LOGIC) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (L'range);
+ begin
+ result := SIGNED(L) - R; -- pragma label minus
+ return std_logic_vector(result);
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: STD_LOGIC; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (R'range);
+ begin
+ result := L - SIGNED(R); -- pragma label minus
+ return std_logic_vector(result);
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (L'range);
+ begin
+ result := + SIGNED(L); -- pragma label plus
+ return std_logic_vector(result);
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (L'range);
+ begin
+ result := - SIGNED(L); -- pragma label minus
+ return std_logic_vector(result);
+ end;
+ function "ABS"(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (L'range);
+ begin
+ result := ABS( SIGNED(L));
+ return std_logic_vector(result);
+ end;
+ -- pragma label_applies_to mult
+ constant length: INTEGER := maximum(L'length, R'length);
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ((L'length+R'length-1) downto 0);
+ begin
+ result := SIGNED(L) * SIGNED(R); -- pragma label mult
+ return std_logic_vector(result);
+ end;
+ function "<"(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to lt
+ constant length: INTEGER := maximum(L'length, R'length);
+ begin
+ return SIGNED(L) < SIGNED(R); -- pragma label lt
+ end;
+ function "<"(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to lt
+ begin
+ return SIGNED(L) < R; -- pragma label lt
+ end;
+ function "<"(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to lt
+ begin
+ return L < SIGNED(R); -- pragma label lt
+ end;
+ function "<="(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to leq
+ begin
+ return SIGNED(L) <= SIGNED(R); -- pragma label leq
+ end;
+ function "<="(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to leq
+ begin
+ return SIGNED(L) <= R; -- pragma label leq
+ end;
+ function "<="(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to leq
+ begin
+ return L <= SIGNED(R); -- pragma label leq
+ end;
+ function ">"(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to gt
+ begin
+ return SIGNED(L) > SIGNED(R); -- pragma label gt
+ end;
+ function ">"(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to gt
+ begin
+ return SIGNED(L) > R; -- pragma label gt
+ end;
+ function ">"(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to gt
+ begin
+ return L > SIGNED(R); -- pragma label gt
+ end;
+ function ">="(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to geq
+ begin
+ return SIGNED(L) >= SIGNED(R); -- pragma label geq
+ end;
+ function ">="(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to geq
+ begin
+ return SIGNED(L) >= R; -- pragma label geq
+ end;
+ function ">="(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to geq
+ begin
+ return L >= SIGNED(R); -- pragma label geq
+ end;
+ function "="(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ return SIGNED(L) = SIGNED(R);
+ end;
+ function "="(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ return SIGNED(L) = R;
+ end;
+ function "="(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ return L = SIGNED(R);
+ end;
+ function "/="(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ return SIGNED(L) /= SIGNED(R);
+ end;
+ function "/="(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ return SIGNED(L) /= R;
+ end;
+ function "/="(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ return L /= SIGNED(R);
+ end;
+ begin
+ end;
+ begin
+ end;
+-- This function converts std_logic_vector to a signed integer value
+-- using a conversion function in std_logic_arith
+ variable result : SIGNED(ARG'range);
+ begin
+ result := SIGNED(ARG);
+ return CONV_INTEGER(result);
+ end;
diff --git a/libraries/synopsys/std_logic_textio.vhdl b/libraries/synopsys/std_logic_textio.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d69a87e37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/synopsys/std_logic_textio.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
+-- Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992 by Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved.
+-- This source file may be used and distributed without restriction
+-- provided that this copyright statement is not removed from the file
+-- and that any derivative work contains this copyright notice.
+-- Package name: STD_LOGIC_TEXTIO
+-- Purpose: This package overloads the standard TEXTIO procedures
+-- READ and WRITE.
+-- Author: CRC, TS
+use STD.textio.all;
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+package STD_LOGIC_TEXTIO is
+--synopsys synthesis_off
+ -- Read and Write procedures for STD_ULOGIC and STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR
+ procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_ULOGIC);
+ procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_ULOGIC; GOOD: out BOOLEAN);
+ procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR);
+ procedure WRITE(L:inout LINE; VALUE:in STD_ULOGIC;
+ -- Read and Write procedures for STD_LOGIC_VECTOR
+ procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR);
+ procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; GOOD: out BOOLEAN);
+ procedure WRITE(L:inout LINE; VALUE:in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ --
+ -- Read and Write procedures for Hex and Octal values.
+ -- The values appear in the file as a series of characters
+ -- between 0-F (Hex), or 0-7 (Octal) respectively.
+ --
+ -- Hex
+ procedure HREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR);
+ procedure HREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR);
+ -- Octal
+ procedure OREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR);
+ procedure OREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR);
+--synopsys synthesis_on
+package body STD_LOGIC_TEXTIO is
+--synopsys synthesis_off
+ -- Type and constant definitions used to map STD_ULOGIC values
+ -- into/from character values.
+ type MVL9plus is ('U', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z', 'W', 'L', 'H', '-', ERROR);
+ type char_indexed_by_MVL9 is array (STD_ULOGIC) of character;
+ type MVL9_indexed_by_char is array (character) of STD_ULOGIC;
+ type MVL9plus_indexed_by_char is array (character) of MVL9plus;
+ constant MVL9_to_char: char_indexed_by_MVL9 := "UX01ZWLH-";
+ constant char_to_MVL9: MVL9_indexed_by_char :=
+ ('U' => 'U', 'X' => 'X', '0' => '0', '1' => '1', 'Z' => 'Z',
+ 'W' => 'W', 'L' => 'L', 'H' => 'H', '-' => '-', others => 'U');
+ constant char_to_MVL9plus: MVL9plus_indexed_by_char :=
+ ('U' => 'U', 'X' => 'X', '0' => '0', '1' => '1', 'Z' => 'Z',
+ 'W' => 'W', 'L' => 'L', 'H' => 'H', '-' => '-', others => ERROR);
+ -- Overloaded procedures.
+ procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_ULOGIC; GOOD:out BOOLEAN) is
+ variable c: character;
+ begin
+ loop -- skip white space
+ read(l,c);
+ exit when ((c /= ' ') and (c /= CR) and (c /= HT));
+ end loop;
+ if (char_to_MVL9plus(c) = ERROR) then
+ value := 'U';
+ good := FALSE;
+ else
+ value := char_to_MVL9(c);
+ good := TRUE;
+ end if;
+ end READ;
+ procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR; GOOD:out BOOLEAN) is
+ variable m: STD_ULOGIC;
+ variable c: character;
+ variable s: string(1 to value'length-1);
+ variable mv: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(0 to value'length-1);
+ constant allU: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(0 to value'length-1)
+ := (others => 'U');
+ begin
+ loop -- skip white space
+ read(l,c);
+ exit when ((c /= ' ') and (c /= CR) and (c /= HT));
+ end loop;
+ if (char_to_MVL9plus(c) = ERROR) then
+ value := allU;
+ good := FALSE;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ read(l, s);
+ for i in integer range 1 to value'length-1 loop
+ if (char_to_MVL9plus(s(i)) = ERROR) then
+ value := allU;
+ good := FALSE;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ mv(0) := char_to_MVL9(c);
+ for i in integer range 1 to value'length-1 loop
+ mv(i) := char_to_MVL9(s(i));
+ end loop;
+ value := mv;
+ good := TRUE;
+ end READ;
+ procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_ULOGIC) is
+ variable c: character;
+ begin
+ loop -- skip white space
+ read(l,c);
+ exit when ((c /= ' ') and (c /= CR) and (c /= HT));
+ end loop;
+ if (char_to_MVL9plus(c) = ERROR) then
+ value := 'U';
+ assert FALSE report "READ(STD_ULOGIC) Error: Character '" &
+ c & "' read, expected STD_ULOGIC literal.";
+ else
+ value := char_to_MVL9(c);
+ end if;
+ end READ;
+ procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) is
+ variable m: STD_ULOGIC;
+ variable c: character;
+ variable s: string(1 to value'length-1);
+ variable mv: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(0 to value'length-1);
+ constant allU: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(0 to value'length-1)
+ := (others => 'U');
+ begin
+ loop -- skip white space
+ read(l,c);
+ exit when ((c /= ' ') and (c /= CR) and (c /= HT));
+ end loop;
+ if (char_to_MVL9plus(c) = ERROR) then
+ value := allU;
+ assert FALSE report
+ "READ(STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) Error: Character '" &
+ c & "' read, expected STD_ULOGIC literal.";
+ return;
+ end if;
+ read(l, s);
+ for i in integer range 1 to value'length-1 loop
+ if (char_to_MVL9plus(s(i)) = ERROR) then
+ value := allU;
+ assert FALSE report
+ "READ(STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) Error: Character '" &
+ s(i) & "' read, expected STD_ULOGIC literal.";
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ mv(0) := char_to_MVL9(c);
+ for i in integer range 1 to value'length-1 loop
+ mv(i) := char_to_MVL9(s(i));
+ end loop;
+ value := mv;
+ end READ;
+ procedure WRITE(L:inout LINE; VALUE:in STD_ULOGIC;
+ begin
+ write(l, MVL9_to_char(value), justified, field);
+ end WRITE;
+ variable s: string(1 to value'length);
+ variable m: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(1 to value'length) := value;
+ begin
+ for i in 1 to value'length loop
+ s(i) := MVL9_to_char(m(i));
+ end loop;
+ write(l, s, justified, field);
+ end WRITE;
+ -- Read and Write procedures for STD_LOGIC_VECTOR
+ procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) is
+ variable tmp: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(VALUE'length-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ READ(L, tmp);
+ end READ;
+ procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; GOOD: out BOOLEAN) is
+ variable tmp: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(VALUE'length-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ READ(L, tmp, GOOD);
+ end READ;
+ procedure WRITE(L:inout LINE; VALUE:in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ begin
+ end WRITE;
+ --
+ -- Hex Read and Write procedures.
+ --
+ --
+ -- Hex, and Octal Read and Write procedures for BIT_VECTOR
+ -- (these procedures are not exported, they are only used
+ -- by the STD_ULOGIC hex/octal reads and writes below.
+ --
+ --
+ procedure Char2QuadBits(C: Character;
+ RESULT: out Bit_Vector(3 downto 0);
+ GOOD: out Boolean;
+ ISSUE_ERROR: in Boolean) is
+ begin
+ case c is
+ when '0' => result := x"0"; good := TRUE;
+ when '1' => result := x"1"; good := TRUE;
+ when '2' => result := x"2"; good := TRUE;
+ when '3' => result := x"3"; good := TRUE;
+ when '4' => result := x"4"; good := TRUE;
+ when '5' => result := x"5"; good := TRUE;
+ when '6' => result := x"6"; good := TRUE;
+ when '7' => result := x"7"; good := TRUE;
+ when '8' => result := x"8"; good := TRUE;
+ when '9' => result := x"9"; good := TRUE;
+ when 'A' => result := x"A"; good := TRUE;
+ when 'B' => result := x"B"; good := TRUE;
+ when 'C' => result := x"C"; good := TRUE;
+ when 'D' => result := x"D"; good := TRUE;
+ when 'E' => result := x"E"; good := TRUE;
+ when 'F' => result := x"F"; good := TRUE;
+ when 'a' => result := x"A"; good := TRUE;
+ when 'b' => result := x"B"; good := TRUE;
+ when 'c' => result := x"C"; good := TRUE;
+ when 'd' => result := x"D"; good := TRUE;
+ when 'e' => result := x"E"; good := TRUE;
+ when 'f' => result := x"F"; good := TRUE;
+ when others =>
+ if ISSUE_ERROR then
+ assert FALSE report
+ "HREAD Error: Read a '" & c &
+ "', expected a Hex character (0-F).";
+ end if;
+ good := FALSE;
+ end case;
+ end;
+ procedure HREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out BIT_VECTOR) is
+ variable ok: boolean;
+ variable c: character;
+ constant ne: integer := value'length/4;
+ variable bv: bit_vector(0 to value'length-1);
+ variable s: string(1 to ne-1);
+ begin
+ if value'length mod 4 /= 0 then
+ assert FALSE report
+ "HREAD Error: Trying to read vector " &
+ "with an odd (non multiple of 4) length";
+ return;
+ end if;
+ loop -- skip white space
+ read(l,c);
+ exit when ((c /= ' ') and (c /= CR) and (c /= HT));
+ end loop;
+ Char2QuadBits(c, bv(0 to 3), ok, TRUE);
+ if not ok then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ read(L, s, ok);
+ if not ok then
+ assert FALSE
+ report "HREAD Error: Failed to read the STRING";
+ return;
+ end if;
+ for i in 1 to ne-1 loop
+ Char2QuadBits(s(i), bv(4*i to 4*i+3), ok, TRUE);
+ if not ok then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ value := bv;
+ end HREAD;
+ procedure HREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out BIT_VECTOR;GOOD: out BOOLEAN) is
+ variable ok: boolean;
+ variable c: character;
+ constant ne: integer := value'length/4;
+ variable bv: bit_vector(0 to value'length-1);
+ variable s: string(1 to ne-1);
+ begin
+ if value'length mod 4 /= 0 then
+ good := FALSE;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ loop -- skip white space
+ read(l,c);
+ exit when ((c /= ' ') and (c /= CR) and (c /= HT));
+ end loop;
+ Char2QuadBits(c, bv(0 to 3), ok, FALSE);
+ if not ok then
+ good := FALSE;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ read(L, s, ok);
+ if not ok then
+ good := FALSE;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ for i in 1 to ne-1 loop
+ Char2QuadBits(s(i), bv(4*i to 4*i+3), ok, FALSE);
+ if not ok then
+ good := FALSE;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ good := TRUE;
+ value := bv;
+ end HREAD;
+ procedure HWRITE(L:inout LINE; VALUE:in BIT_VECTOR;
+ variable quad: bit_vector(0 to 3);
+ constant ne: integer := value'length/4;
+ variable bv: bit_vector(0 to value'length-1) := value;
+ variable s: string(1 to ne);
+ begin
+ if value'length mod 4 /= 0 then
+ assert FALSE report
+ "HWRITE Error: Trying to read vector " &
+ "with an odd (non multiple of 4) length";
+ return;
+ end if;
+ for i in 0 to ne-1 loop
+ quad := bv(4*i to 4*i+3);
+ case quad is
+ when x"0" => s(i+1) := '0';
+ when x"1" => s(i+1) := '1';
+ when x"2" => s(i+1) := '2';
+ when x"3" => s(i+1) := '3';
+ when x"4" => s(i+1) := '4';
+ when x"5" => s(i+1) := '5';
+ when x"6" => s(i+1) := '6';
+ when x"7" => s(i+1) := '7';
+ when x"8" => s(i+1) := '8';
+ when x"9" => s(i+1) := '9';
+ when x"A" => s(i+1) := 'A';
+ when x"B" => s(i+1) := 'B';
+ when x"C" => s(i+1) := 'C';
+ when x"D" => s(i+1) := 'D';
+ when x"E" => s(i+1) := 'E';
+ when x"F" => s(i+1) := 'F';
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ write(L, s, JUSTIFIED, FIELD);
+ end HWRITE;
+ procedure Char2TriBits(C: Character;
+ RESULT: out bit_vector(2 downto 0);
+ GOOD: out Boolean;
+ ISSUE_ERROR: in Boolean) is
+ begin
+ case c is
+ when '0' => result := o"0"; good := TRUE;
+ when '1' => result := o"1"; good := TRUE;
+ when '2' => result := o"2"; good := TRUE;
+ when '3' => result := o"3"; good := TRUE;
+ when '4' => result := o"4"; good := TRUE;
+ when '5' => result := o"5"; good := TRUE;
+ when '6' => result := o"6"; good := TRUE;
+ when '7' => result := o"7"; good := TRUE;
+ when others =>
+ if ISSUE_ERROR then
+ assert FALSE report
+ "OREAD Error: Read a '" & c &
+ "', expected an Octal character (0-7).";
+ end if;
+ good := FALSE;
+ end case;
+ end;
+ procedure OREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out BIT_VECTOR) is
+ variable c: character;
+ variable ok: boolean;
+ constant ne: integer := value'length/3;
+ variable bv: bit_vector(0 to value'length-1);
+ variable s: string(1 to ne-1);
+ begin
+ if value'length mod 3 /= 0 then
+ assert FALSE report
+ "OREAD Error: Trying to read vector " &
+ "with an odd (non multiple of 3) length";
+ return;
+ end if;
+ loop -- skip white space
+ read(l,c);
+ exit when ((c /= ' ') and (c /= CR) and (c /= HT));
+ end loop;
+ Char2TriBits(c, bv(0 to 2), ok, TRUE);
+ if not ok then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ read(L, s, ok);
+ if not ok then
+ assert FALSE
+ report "OREAD Error: Failed to read the STRING";
+ return;
+ end if;
+ for i in 1 to ne-1 loop
+ Char2TriBits(s(i), bv(3*i to 3*i+2), ok, TRUE);
+ if not ok then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ value := bv;
+ end OREAD;
+ procedure OREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out BIT_VECTOR;GOOD: out BOOLEAN) is
+ variable ok: boolean;
+ variable c: character;
+ constant ne: integer := value'length/3;
+ variable bv: bit_vector(0 to value'length-1);
+ variable s: string(1 to ne-1);
+ begin
+ if value'length mod 3 /= 0 then
+ good := FALSE;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ loop -- skip white space
+ read(l,c);
+ exit when ((c /= ' ') and (c /= CR) and (c /= HT));
+ end loop;
+ Char2TriBits(c, bv(0 to 2), ok, FALSE);
+ if not ok then
+ good := FALSE;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ read(L, s, ok);
+ if not ok then
+ good := FALSE;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ for i in 1 to ne-1 loop
+ Char2TriBits(s(i), bv(3*i to 3*i+2), ok, FALSE);
+ if not ok then
+ good := FALSE;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ good := TRUE;
+ value := bv;
+ end OREAD;
+ procedure OWRITE(L:inout LINE; VALUE:in BIT_VECTOR;
+ variable tri: bit_vector(0 to 2);
+ constant ne: integer := value'length/3;
+ variable bv: bit_vector(0 to value'length-1) := value;
+ variable s: string(1 to ne);
+ begin
+ if value'length mod 3 /= 0 then
+ assert FALSE report
+ "OWRITE Error: Trying to read vector " &
+ "with an odd (non multiple of 3) length";
+ return;
+ end if;
+ for i in 0 to ne-1 loop
+ tri := bv(3*i to 3*i+2);
+ case tri is
+ when o"0" => s(i+1) := '0';
+ when o"1" => s(i+1) := '1';
+ when o"2" => s(i+1) := '2';
+ when o"3" => s(i+1) := '3';
+ when o"4" => s(i+1) := '4';
+ when o"5" => s(i+1) := '5';
+ when o"6" => s(i+1) := '6';
+ when o"7" => s(i+1) := '7';
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ write(L, s, JUSTIFIED, FIELD);
+ end OWRITE;
+ -- Hex Read and Write procedures for STD_LOGIC_VECTOR
+ variable tmp: bit_vector(VALUE'length-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ HREAD(L, tmp, GOOD);
+ VALUE := To_X01(tmp);
+ end HREAD;
+ procedure HREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) is
+ variable tmp: bit_vector(VALUE'length-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ HREAD(L, tmp);
+ VALUE := To_X01(tmp);
+ end HREAD;
+ begin
+ end HWRITE;
+ -- Hex Read and Write procedures for STD_LOGIC_VECTOR
+ procedure HREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) is
+ variable tmp: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(VALUE'length-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ HREAD(L, tmp);
+ end HREAD;
+ procedure HREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; GOOD: out BOOLEAN) is
+ variable tmp: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(VALUE'length-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ HREAD(L, tmp, GOOD);
+ end HREAD;
+ begin
+ end HWRITE;
+ -- Octal Read and Write procedures for STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR
+ variable tmp: bit_vector(VALUE'length-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ OREAD(L, tmp, GOOD);
+ VALUE := To_X01(tmp);
+ end OREAD;
+ procedure OREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) is
+ variable tmp: bit_vector(VALUE'length-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ OREAD(L, tmp);
+ VALUE := To_X01(tmp);
+ end OREAD;
+ begin
+ end OWRITE;
+ -- Octal Read and Write procedures for STD_LOGIC_VECTOR
+ procedure OREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) is
+ variable tmp: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(VALUE'length-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ OREAD(L, tmp);
+ end OREAD;
+ procedure OREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; GOOD: out BOOLEAN) is
+ variable tmp: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(VALUE'length-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ OREAD(L, tmp, GOOD);
+ end OREAD;
+ begin
+ end OWRITE;
+--synopsys synthesis_on
diff --git a/libraries/synopsys/std_logic_unsigned.vhdl b/libraries/synopsys/std_logic_unsigned.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e29847a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/synopsys/std_logic_unsigned.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+-- --
+-- Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992 by Synopsys, Inc. --
+-- All rights reserved. --
+-- --
+-- This source file may be used and distributed without restriction --
+-- provided that this copyright statement is not removed from the file --
+-- and that any derivative work contains this copyright notice. --
+-- --
+-- Package name: STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED --
+-- --
+-- --
+-- Date: 09/11/92 KN --
+-- 10/08/92 AMT --
+-- --
+-- Purpose: --
+-- A set of unsigned arithemtic, conversion, --
+-- and comparision functions for STD_LOGIC_VECTOR. --
+-- --
+-- Note: comparision of same length discrete arrays is defined --
+-- by the LRM. This package will "overload" those --
+-- definitions --
+-- --
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+ function "+"(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ function "<"(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<"(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<="(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "<="(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">"(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">"(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">="(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function ">="(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "="(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "="(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "/="(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function "/="(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN;
+-- remove this since it is already in std_logic_arith
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
+package body STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED is
+ function maximum(L, R: INTEGER) return INTEGER is
+ begin
+ if L > R then
+ return L;
+ else
+ return R;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ constant length: INTEGER := maximum(L'length, R'length);
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (length-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ result := UNSIGNED(L) + UNSIGNED(R);-- pragma label plus
+ return std_logic_vector(result);
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (L'range);
+ begin
+ result := UNSIGNED(L) + R;-- pragma label plus
+ return std_logic_vector(result);
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (R'range);
+ begin
+ result := L + UNSIGNED(R);-- pragma label plus
+ return std_logic_vector(result);
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: STD_LOGIC) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (L'range);
+ begin
+ result := UNSIGNED(L) + R;-- pragma label plus
+ return std_logic_vector(result);
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: STD_LOGIC; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to plus
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (R'range);
+ begin
+ result := L + UNSIGNED(R);-- pragma label plus
+ return std_logic_vector(result);
+ end;
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ constant length: INTEGER := maximum(L'length, R'length);
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (length-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ result := UNSIGNED(L) - UNSIGNED(R); -- pragma label minus
+ return std_logic_vector(result);
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (L'range);
+ begin
+ result := UNSIGNED(L) - R; -- pragma label minus
+ return std_logic_vector(result);
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (R'range);
+ begin
+ result := L - UNSIGNED(R); -- pragma label minus
+ return std_logic_vector(result);
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: STD_LOGIC) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (L'range);
+ begin
+ result := UNSIGNED(L) - R;
+ return std_logic_vector(result);
+ end;
+ function "-"(L: STD_LOGIC; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to minus
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (R'range);
+ begin
+ result := L - UNSIGNED(R); -- pragma label minus
+ return std_logic_vector(result);
+ end;
+ function "+"(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (L'range);
+ begin
+ result := + UNSIGNED(L);
+ return std_logic_vector(result);
+ end;
+ -- pragma label_applies_to mult
+ constant length: INTEGER := maximum(L'length, R'length);
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ((L'length+R'length-1) downto 0);
+ begin
+ result := UNSIGNED(L) * UNSIGNED(R); -- pragma label mult
+ return std_logic_vector(result);
+ end;
+ function "<"(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to lt
+ constant length: INTEGER := maximum(L'length, R'length);
+ begin
+ return UNSIGNED(L) < UNSIGNED(R); -- pragma label lt
+ end;
+ function "<"(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to lt
+ begin
+ return UNSIGNED(L) < R; -- pragma label lt
+ end;
+ function "<"(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to lt
+ begin
+ return L < UNSIGNED(R); -- pragma label lt
+ end;
+ function "<="(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to leq
+ begin
+ return UNSIGNED(L) <= UNSIGNED(R); -- pragma label leq
+ end;
+ function "<="(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to leq
+ begin
+ return UNSIGNED(L) <= R; -- pragma label leq
+ end;
+ function "<="(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to leq
+ begin
+ return L <= UNSIGNED(R); -- pragma label leq
+ end;
+ function ">"(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to gt
+ begin
+ return UNSIGNED(L) > UNSIGNED(R); -- pragma label gt
+ end;
+ function ">"(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to gt
+ begin
+ return UNSIGNED(L) > R; -- pragma label gt
+ end;
+ function ">"(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to gt
+ begin
+ return L > UNSIGNED(R); -- pragma label gt
+ end;
+ function ">="(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to geq
+ begin
+ return UNSIGNED(L) >= UNSIGNED(R); -- pragma label geq
+ end;
+ function ">="(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to geq
+ begin
+ return UNSIGNED(L) >= R; -- pragma label geq
+ end;
+ function ">="(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN is
+ -- pragma label_applies_to geq
+ begin
+ return L >= UNSIGNED(R); -- pragma label geq
+ end;
+ function "="(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ end;
+ function "="(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ return UNSIGNED(L) = R;
+ end;
+ function "="(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ return L = UNSIGNED(R);
+ end;
+ function "/="(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ return UNSIGNED(L) /= UNSIGNED(R);
+ end;
+ function "/="(L: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; R: INTEGER) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ return UNSIGNED(L) /= R;
+ end;
+ function "/="(L: INTEGER; R: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ return L /= UNSIGNED(R);
+ end;
+ variable result : UNSIGNED(ARG'range);
+ begin
+ result := UNSIGNED(ARG);
+ return CONV_INTEGER(result);
+ end;
+ begin
+ end;
+ begin
+ end;
+-- remove this since it is already in std_logic_arith
+ --variable result1 : UNSIGNED (SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ --variable result2 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (SIZE-1 downto 0);
+ --begin
+ --result1 := CONV_UNSIGNED(ARG,SIZE);
+ --return std_logic_vector(result1);
+ --end;
diff --git a/libraries/vital2000/memory_b.vhdl b/libraries/vital2000/memory_b.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0376ee4d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/vital2000/memory_b.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,7151 @@
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Title : Standard VITAL Memory Package
+-- :
+-- Library : Vital_Memory
+-- :
+-- Developers : IEEE DASC Timing Working Group (TWG), PAR 1076.4
+-- : Ekambaram Balaji, LSI Logic Corporation
+-- : Jose De Castro, Consultant
+-- : Prakash Bare, GDA Technologies
+-- : William Yam, LSI Logic Corporation
+-- : Dennis Brophy, Model Technology
+-- :
+-- Purpose : This packages defines standard types, constants, functions
+-- : and procedures for use in developing ASIC memory models.
+-- :
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Modification History :
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Ver:|Auth:| Date:| Changes Made:
+-- 0.1 | eb |071796| First prototye as part of VITAL memory proposal
+-- 0.2 | jdc |012897| Initial prototyping with proposed MTM scheme
+-- 0.3 | jdc |090297| Extensive updates for TAG review (functional)
+-- 0.4 | eb |091597| Changed naming conventions for VitalMemoryTable
+-- | | | Added interface of VitalMemoryCrossPorts() &
+-- | | | VitalMemoryViolation().
+-- 0.5 | jdc |092997| Completed naming changes thoughout package body.
+-- | | | Testing with simgle port test model looks ok.
+-- 0.6 | jdc |121797| Major updates to the packages:
+-- | | | - Implement VitalMemoryCrossPorts()
+-- | | | - Use new VitalAddressValueType
+-- | | | - Use new VitalCrossPortModeType enum
+-- | | | - Overloading without SamePort args
+-- | | | - Honor erroneous address values
+-- | | | - Honor ports disabled with 'Z'
+-- | | | - Implement implicit read 'M' table symbol
+-- | | | - Cleanup buses to use (H DOWNTO L)
+-- | | | - Message control via MsgOn,HeaderMsg,PortName
+-- | | | - Tested with 1P1RW,2P2RW,4P2R2W,4P4RW cases
+-- 0.7 | jdc |052698| Bug fixes to the packages:
+-- | | | - Fix failure with negative Address values
+-- | | | - Added debug messages for VMT table search
+-- | | | - Remove 'S' for action column (only 's')
+-- | | | - Remove 's' for response column (only 'S')
+-- | | | - Remove 'X' for action and response columns
+-- 0.8 | jdc |061298| Implemented VitalMemoryViolation()
+-- | | | - Minimal functionality violation tables
+-- | | | - Missing:
+-- | | | - Cannot handle wide violation variables
+-- | | | - Cannot handle sub-word cases
+-- | | | Fixed IIC version of MemoryMatch
+-- | | | Fixed 'M' vs 'm' switched on debug output
+-- | | | TO BE DONE:
+-- | | | - Implement 'd' corrupting a single bit
+-- | | | - Implement 'D' corrupting a single bit
+-- 0.9 |eb/sc|080498| Added UNDEF value for VitalPortFlagType
+-- 0.10|eb/sc|080798| Added CORRUPT value for VitalPortFlagType
+-- 0.11|eb/sc|081798| Added overloaded function interface for
+-- | | | VitalDeclareMemory
+-- 0.14| jdc |113198| Merging of memory functionality and version
+-- | | | 1.4 9/17/98 of timing package from Prakash
+-- 0.15| jdc |120198| Major development of VMV functionality
+-- 0.16| jdc |120298| Complete VMV functionlality for initial testing
+-- | | | - New ViolationTableCorruptMask() procedure
+-- | | | - New MemoryTableCorruptMask() procedure
+-- | | | - HandleMemoryAction():
+-- | | | - Removed DataOutBus bogus output
+-- | | | - Replaced DataOutTmp with DataInTmp
+-- | | | - Added CorruptMask input handling
+-- | | | - Implemented 'd','D' using CorruptMask
+-- | | | - CorruptMask on 'd','C','L','D','E'
+-- | | | - CorruptMask ignored on 'c','l','e'
+-- | | | - Changed 'l','d','e' to set PortFlag to CORRUPT
+-- | | | - Changed 'L','D','E' to set PortFlag to CORRUPT
+-- | | | - Changed 'c','l','d','e' to ignore HighBit, LowBit
+-- | | | - Changed 'C','L','D','E' to use HighBit, LowBit
+-- | | | - HandleDataAction():
+-- | | | - Added CorruptMask input handling
+-- | | | - Implemented 'd','D' using CorruptMask
+-- | | | - CorruptMask on 'd','C','L','D','E'
+-- | | | - CorruptMask ignored on 'l','e'
+-- | | | - Changed 'l','d','e' to set PortFlag to CORRUPT
+-- | | | - Changed 'L','D','E' to set PortFlag to CORRUPT
+-- | | | - Changed 'l','d','e' to ignore HighBit, LowBit
+-- | | | - Changed 'L','D','E' to use HighBit, LowBit
+-- | | | - MemoryTableLookUp():
+-- | | | - Added MsgOn table debug output
+-- | | | - Uses new MemoryTableCorruptMask()
+-- | | | - ViolationTableLookUp():
+-- | | | - Uses new ViolationTableCorruptMask()
+-- 0.17| jdc |120898| - Added VitalMemoryViolationSymbolType,
+-- | | | VitalMemoryViolationTableType data
+-- | | | types but not used yet (need to discuss)
+-- | | | - Added overload for VitalMemoryViolation()
+-- | | | which does not have array flags
+-- | | | - Bug fixes for VMV functionality:
+-- | | | - ViolationTableLookUp() not handling '-' in
+-- | | | scalar violation matching
+-- | | | - VitalMemoryViolation() now normalizes
+-- | | | VFlagArrayTmp'LEFT as LSB before calling
+-- | | | ViolationTableLookUp() for proper scanning
+-- | | | - ViolationTableCorruptMask() had to remove
+-- | | | normalization of CorruptMaskTmp and
+-- | | | ViolMaskTmp for proper MSB:LSB corruption
+-- | | | - HandleMemoryAction(), HandleDataAction()
+-- | | | - Removed 'D','E' since not being used
+-- | | | - Use XOR instead of OR for corrupt masks
+-- | | | - Now 'd' is sensitive to HighBit, LowBit
+-- | | | - Fixed LowBit overflow in bit writeable case
+-- | | | - MemoryTableCorruptMask()
+-- | | | - ViolationTableCorruptMask()
+-- | | | - VitalMemoryTable()
+-- | | | - VitalMemoryCrossPorts()
+-- | | | - Fixed VitalMemoryViolation() failing on
+-- | | | error AddressValue from earlier VMT()
+-- | | | - Minor cleanup of code formatting
+-- 0.18| jdc |032599| - In VitalDeclareMemory()
+-- | | | - Added BinaryLoadFile formal arg and
+-- | | | modified LoadMemory() to handle bin
+-- | | | - Added NOCHANGE to VitalPortFlagType
+-- | | | - For VitalCrossPortModeType
+-- | | | - Added CpContention enum
+-- | | | - In HandleDataAction()
+-- | | | - Set PortFlag := NOCHANGE for 'S'
+-- | | | - In HandleMemoryAction()
+-- | | | - Set PortFlag := NOCHANGE for 's'
+-- | | | - In VitalMemoryTable() and
+-- | | | VitalMemoryViolation()
+-- | | | - Honor PortFlag = NOCHANGE returned
+-- | | | from HandleMemoryAction()
+-- | | | - In VitalMemoryCrossPorts()
+-- | | | - Fixed Address = AddressJ for all
+-- | | | conditions of DoWrCont & DoCpRead
+-- | | | - Handle CpContention like WrContOnly
+-- | | | under CpReadOnly conditions, with
+-- | | | associated memory message changes
+-- | | | - Handle PortFlag = NOCHANGE like
+-- | | | PortFlag = READ for actions
+-- | | | - Modeling change:
+-- | | | - Need to init PortFlag every delta
+-- | | | PortFlag_A := (OTHES => UNDEF);
+-- | | | - Updated InternalTimingCheck code
+-- 0.19| jdc |042599| - Fixes for bit-writeable cases
+-- | | | - Check PortFlag after HandleDataAction
+-- | | | in VitalMemoryViolation()
+-- 0.20| jdc |042599| - Merge PortFlag changes from Prakash
+-- | | | and Willian:
+-- | | | VitalMemorySchedulePathDelay()
+-- | | | VitalMemoryExpandPortFlag()
+-- 0.21| jdc |072199| - Changed VitalCrossPortModeType enums,
+-- | | | added new CpReadAndReadContention.
+-- | | | - Fixed VitalMemoryCrossPorts() parameter
+-- | | | SamePortFlag to INOUT so that it can
+-- | | | set CORRUPT or READ value.
+-- | | | - Fixed VitalMemoryTable() where PortFlag
+-- | | | setting by HandleDataAction() is being
+-- | | | ignored when HandleMemoryAction() sets
+-- | | | PortFlagTmp to NOCHANGE.
+-- | | | - Fixed VitalMemoryViolation() to set
+-- | | | all bits of PortFlag when violating.
+-- 0.22| jdc |072399| - Added HIGHZ to PortFlagType. HandleData
+-- | | | checks whether the previous state is HIGHZ.
+-- | | | If yes then portFlag should be NOCHANGE
+-- | | | for VMPD to ignore IORetain corruption.
+-- | | | The idea is that the first Z should be
+-- | | | propagated but later ones should be ignored.
+-- | | |
+-- 0.23| jdc |100499| - Took code checked in by Dennis 09/28/99
+-- | | | - Changed VitalPortFlagType to record of
+-- | | | new VitalPortStateType to hold current,
+-- | | | previous values and separate disable.
+-- | | | Also created VitalDefaultPortFlag const.
+-- | | | Removed usage of PortFlag NOCHANGE
+-- | | | - VitalMemoryTable() changes:
+-- | | | Optimized return when all curr = prev
+-- | | | AddressValue is now INOUT to optimize
+-- | | | Transfer PF.MemoryCurrent to MemoryPrevious
+-- | | | Transfer PF.DataCurrent to DataPrevious
+-- | | | Reset PF.OutputDisable to FALSE
+-- | | | Expects PortFlag init in declaration
+-- | | | No need to init PortFlag every delta
+-- | | | - VitalMemorySchedulePathDelay() changes:
+-- | | | Initialize with VitalDefaultPortFlag
+-- | | | Check PortFlag.OutputDisable
+-- | | | - HandleMemoryAction() changes:
+-- | | | Set value of PortFlag.MemoryCurrent
+-- | | | Never set PortFlag.OutputDisable
+-- | | | - HandleDataAction() changes:
+-- | | | Set value of PortFlag.DataCurrent
+-- | | | Set PortFlag.DataCurrent for HIGHZ
+-- | | | - VitalMemoryCrossPorts() changes:
+-- | | | Check/set value of PF.MemoryCurrent
+-- | | | Check value of PF.OutputDisable
+-- | | | - VitalMemoryViolation() changes:
+-- | | | Fixed bug - not reading inout PF value
+-- | | | Clean up setting of PortFlag
+-- 0.24| jdc |100899| - Modified update of PF.OutputDisable
+-- | | | to correctly accomodate 2P1W1R case:
+-- | | | the read port should not exhibit
+-- | | | IO retain corrupt when reading
+-- | | | addr unrelated to addr being written.
+-- 0.25| jdc |100999| - VitalMemoryViolation() change:
+-- | | | Fixed bug with RDNWR mode incorrectly
+-- | | | updating the PF.OutputDisable
+-- 0.26| jdc |100999| - VitalMemoryCrossPorts() change:
+-- | | | Fixed bugs with update of PF
+-- 0.27| jdc |101499| - VitalMemoryCrossPorts() change:
+-- | | | Added DoRdWrCont message (ErrMcpRdWrCo,
+-- | | | Memory cross port read/write data only
+-- | | | contention)
+-- | | | - VitalMemoryTable() change:
+-- | | | Set PF.OutputDisable := TRUE for the
+-- | | | optimized cases.
+-- 0.28| pb |112399| - Added 8 VMPD procedures for vector
+-- | | | PathCondition support. Now the total
+-- | | | number of overloadings for VMPD is 24.
+-- | | | - Number of overloadings for SetupHold
+-- | | | procedures increased to 5. Scalar violations
+-- | | | are not supported anymore. Vector checkEnabled
+-- | | | support is provided through the new overloading
+-- 0.29| jdc |120999| - HandleMemoryAction() HandleDataAction()
+-- | | | Reinstated 'D' and 'E' actions but
+-- | | | with new PortFlagType
+-- | | | - Updated file handling syntax, must compile
+-- | | | with -93 syntax now.
+-- 0.30| jdc |022300| - Formated for 80 column max width
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+USE IEEE.Vital_Timing.all;
+USE IEEE.Vital_Primitives.all;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Timing Section
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+FILE LogFile : TEXT OPEN write_mode IS "delayLog";
+FILE Output : TEXT OPEN write_mode IS "STD_OUTPUT";
+-- Added for turning off the debug msg..
+CONSTANT PrintDebugMsg : STD_ULOGIC := '0';
+ -- '0' - don't print in STD OUTPUT
+ -- '1' - print in STD OUTPUT
+-- Type and constant definitions for type conversion.
+--constant MVL9_to_char: MVL9_TO_CHAR_TBL := "UX01ZWLH-";
+CONSTANT MVL9_to_char: MVL9_TO_CHAR_TBL := "XX01ZX010";
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ l : INOUT line;
+ val : IN std_logic_vector;
+ justify : IN side := right;
+ field : IN width := 0
+) IS
+ VARIABLE invect : std_logic_vector(val'LENGTH DOWNTO 1);
+ invect := val;
+ FOR I IN invect'length DOWNTO 1 LOOP
+ ins(I) := MVL9_to_char(invect(I));
+ WRITE(L, ins, justify, field);
+ l : INOUT line;
+ val : IN std_ulogic;
+ justify : IN side := right;
+ field : in width := 0
+) IS
+ ins := MVL9_to_char(val);
+ WRITE(L, ins, justify, field);
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE DelayValue(
+ InputTime : IN TIME ;
+ outline : INOUT LINE
+) IS
+ IF(InputTime = TIME'HIGH) THEN
+ WRITE(outline, header);
+ WRITE(outline, InputTime);
+END DelayValue;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE PrintScheduleDataArray (
+ ScheduleDataArray : IN VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType
+) IS
+ VARIABLE outline1 : LINE;
+ VARIABLE outline2 : LINE;
+ VARIABLE value : TIME;
+ CONSTANT empty : STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT header1 : STRING := "i Age PropDly RetainDly";
+ CONSTANT header2 : STRING := "i Sc.Value Output Lastvalue Sc.Time";
+ WRITE (outline1, empty);
+ WRITE (outline1, NOW);
+ outline2 := outline1;
+ WRITELINE (LogFile, outline1);
+ IF (PrintDebugMsg = '1') THEN
+ WRITELINE (output, outline2);
+ WRITE (outline1, header1);
+ outline2 := outline1;
+ WRITELINE (LogFile, outline1);
+ IF (PrintDebugMsg = '1') THEN
+ WRITELINE (output, outline2);
+ FOR i IN ScheduleDataArray'RANGE LOOP
+ WRITE (outline1, i );
+ WRITE (outline1, empty);
+ DelayValue(ScheduleDataArray(i).InputAge, outline1);
+ WRITE (outline1, empty);
+ DelayValue(ScheduleDataArray(i).PropDelay, outline1);
+ WRITE (outline1, empty);
+ DelayValue(ScheduleDataArray(i).OutputRetainDelay, outline1);
+ outline2 := outline1;
+ WRITELINE (LogFile, outline1);
+ IF (PrintDebugMsg = '1') THEN
+ WRITELINE (output, outline2);
+ WRITE (outline1, header2);
+ outline2 := outline1;
+ WRITELINE (LogFile, outline1);
+ IF (PrintDebugMsg = '1') THEN
+ WRITELINE (output, outline2);
+ FOR i IN ScheduleDataArray'RANGE LOOP
+ WRITE (outline1, i );
+ WRITE (outline1, empty);
+ WRITE (outline1, ScheduleDataArray(i).ScheduleValue);
+ WRITE (outline1, empty);
+ WRITE (outline1, ScheduleDataArray(i).OutputData);
+ WRITE (outline1, empty);
+ WRITE (outline1, ScheduleDataArray(i).LastOutputValue );
+ WRITE (outline1, empty);
+ DelayValue(ScheduleDataArray(i).ScheduleTime, outline1);
+ outline2 := outline1;
+ WRITELINE (LogFile, outline1);
+ IF (PrintDebugMsg = '1') THEN
+ WRITELINE (output, outline2);
+ WRITE (outline1, empty);
+ WRITE (outline2, empty);
+ WRITELINE (LogFile, outline1);
+ IF (PrintDebugMsg = '1') THEN
+ WRITELINE (Output, outline2);
+END PrintScheduleDataArray;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE PrintArcType (
+ ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType
+) IS
+ VARIABLE outline1, outline2 : LINE;
+ CONSTANT empty : STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT cross : STRING := "CrossArc";
+ CONSTANT para : STRING := "ParallelArc";
+ CONSTANT sub : STRING := "SubWordArc";
+ CONSTANT Header1 : STRING := "Path considered @ ";
+ CONSTANT Header2 : STRING := " is ";
+ WRITELINE (LogFile, outline1);
+ WRITE (outline1, header1);
+ WRITE (outline1, NOW);
+ WRITE (outline1, empty);
+ WRITE (outline1, header2);
+ WRITE (outline1, empty);
+ case ArcType is
+ WHEN CrossArc =>
+ WRITE (outline1, cross);
+ WHEN ParallelArc =>
+ WRITE (outline1, para);
+ WHEN SubwordArc =>
+ WRITE (outline1, sub);
+ outline2 := outline1 ;
+ -- Appears on STD OUT
+ IF (PrintDebugMsg = '1') THEN
+ WRITELINE (Output, outline1);
+ WRITELINE (LogFile, outline2);
+END PrintArcType;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- This returns the value picked from the delay array
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE PrintDelay (
+ outbitpos : IN INTEGER;
+ InputArrayLow : IN INTEGER;
+ InputArrayHigh : IN INTEGER;
+ debugprop : IN VitalTimeArrayT;
+ debugretain : IN VitalTimeArrayT
+) IS
+ VARIABLE outline1 : LINE;
+ VARIABLE outline2 : LINE;
+ VARIABLE outline3 : LINE;
+ VARIABLE outline4 : LINE;
+ VARIABLE outline5 : LINE;
+ VARIABLE outline6 : LINE;
+ CONSTANT empty : STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT empty5 : STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT header1 : STRING := "Prop. delays : ";
+ CONSTANT header2 : STRING := "Retain delays : ";
+ CONSTANT header3 : STRING := "output bit : ";
+ WRITE(outline1, header3);
+ WRITE(outline1, outbitpos);
+ outline2 := outline1;
+ WRITELINE(LogFile, outline1);
+ IF (PrintDebugMsg = '1') THEN
+ WRITELINE(output, outline2);
+ WRITE(outline1, header1);
+ WRITE (outline1, empty5);
+ FOR i IN InputArrayHigh DOWNTO InputArrayLow LOOP
+ DelayValue(debugprop(i), outline1);
+ WRITE(outline1, empty);
+ outline2 := outline1;
+ WRITELINE(LogFile, outline1);
+ IF (PrintDebugMsg = '1') THEN
+ WRITELINE(output, outline2);
+ WRITE(outline1, header2);
+ WRITE (outline1, empty5);
+ FOR i in InputArrayHigh DOWNTO InputArrayLow LOOP
+ DelayValue(debugretain(i), outline1);
+ WRITE(outline1, empty);
+ outline2 := outline1;
+ WRITELINE(LogFile, outline1);
+ IF (PrintDebugMsg = '1') THEN
+ WRITELINE(output, outline2);
+END PrintDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT header1:STRING:= "******************************************";
+ CONSTANT header2 :STRING:="Entering the process because of an i/p change";
+ variable outline1, outline2 : LINE;
+ WRITE(outline1, header1);
+ outline2 := outline1;
+ WRITELINE (Logfile, outline1);
+ IF (PrintDebugMsg = '1') THEN
+ WRITELINE (output, outline2);
+ WRITE(outline1, header2);
+ outline2 := outline1;
+ WRITELINE (Logfile, outline1);
+ IF (PrintDebugMsg = '1') THEN
+ WRITELINE (output, outline2);
+ WRITE(outline1, header1);
+ outline2 := outline1;
+ WRITELINE (Logfile, outline1);
+ IF (PrintDebugMsg = '1') THEN
+ WRITELINE (output, outline2);
+END DebugMsg1;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE ScheduleDebugMsg IS
+ CONSTANT header1 : STRING := "******************************************";
+ CONSTANT header2 : STRING := "Finished executing all the procedures";
+ VARIABLE outline1 : LINE;
+ VARIABLE outline2 : LINE;
+ WRITE(outline1, header1);
+ outline2 := outline1;
+ IF (PrintDebugMsg = '1') THEN
+ WRITELINE (output, outline2);
+ WRITELINE (Logfile, outline1);
+ WRITE(outline1, header2);
+ outline2 := outline1;
+ IF (PrintDebugMsg = '1') THEN
+ WRITELINE (output, outline2);
+ WRITELINE (Logfile, outline1);
+ WRITE(outline1, header1);
+ outline2 := outline1;
+ IF (PrintDebugMsg = '1') THEN
+ WRITELINE (output, outline2);
+ WRITELINE (Logfile, outline1);
+END ScheduleDebugMsg;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE PrintInputName(
+ InputSignalName : IN STRING
+) IS
+ VARIABLE outline1 : LINE;
+ VARIABLE outline2 : LINE;
+ CONSTANT header1 : STRING := "***Changing input is ";
+ CONSTANT header2 : STRING := "(";
+ CONSTANT header3 : STRING := ")";
+ CONSTANT header4 : STRING := "****";
+ CONSTANT header5 : STRING := "******************************************";
+ CONSTANT header6 : STRING:="Entering the process because of an i/p change";
+ CONSTANT empty : STRING := " ";
+ WRITE(outline1, header5);
+ outline2 := outline1;
+ WRITELINE (output, outline1);
+ WRITELINE (Logfile, outline2);
+ WRITE(outline1, header6);
+ outline2 := outline1;
+ WRITELINE (output, outline1);
+ WRITELINE (Logfile, outline2);
+ WRITE(outline1, header5);
+ outline2 := outline1;
+ WRITELINE (output, outline1);
+ WRITELINE (Logfile, outline2);
+ WRITE(outline1, header1);
+ WRITE(outline1, InputSignalName);
+ WRITE(outline1, empty);
+ WRITE(outline1, now);
+ WRITE(outline1, empty);
+ WRITE(outline1, header4);
+ WRITELINE (output, outline1);
+ WRITELINE (Logfile, outline2);
+END PrintInputName;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE PrintInputChangeTime(
+ ChangeTimeArray : IN VitalTimeArrayT
+) IS
+ VARIABLE outline1 : LINE;
+ VARIABLE outline2 : LINE;
+ CONSTANT header5 : STRING := "*************************************";
+ CONSTANT header6 : STRING:="ChangeTime Array : ";
+ CONSTANT empty : STRING := " ";
+ WRITE(outline1, header5);
+ outline2 := outline1;
+ IF (PrintDebugMsg = '1') THEN
+ WRITELINE (output, outline2);
+ WRITELINE (Logfile, outline1);
+ WRITE(outline1, header6);
+ FOR i in ChangeTimeArray'range LOOP
+ WRITE(outline1, ChangeTimeArray(i));
+ WRITE(outline1, empty);
+ outline2 := outline1;
+ IF (PrintDebugMsg = '1') THEN
+ WRITELINE (output, outline2);
+ WRITELINE (Logfile, outline1);
+ WRITE(outline1, header5);
+ outline2 := outline1;
+ IF (PrintDebugMsg = '1') THEN
+ WRITELINE (output, outline2);
+ WRITELINE (Logfile, outline1);
+END PrintInputChangeTime;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE PrintInputChangeTime(
+ ChangeTime : IN Time
+) IS
+ VARIABLE ChangeTimeArray : VitalTimeArrayT(0 DOWNTO 0);
+ ChangeTimeArray(0) := ChangeTime;
+ PrintInputChangeTime(ChangeTimeArray);
+END PrintInputChangeTime;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- for debug purpose
+CONSTANT MaxNoInputBits : INTEGER := 1000;
+TYPE VitalMemoryDelayType IS RECORD
+ PropDelay : TIME;
+ OutputRetainDelay : TIME;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- PARAMETERS: InputInt - Integer to be converted to String.
+-- ResultStr - String buffer for converted Integer
+-- AppendPos - Position in buffer to place result
+-- DESCRIPTION: This procedure is used to convert an input integer
+-- into a string representation. The converted string
+-- may be placed at a specific position in the result
+-- buffer.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ InputInt : IN INTEGER ;
+ ResultStr : INOUT STRING ( 1 TO 256) ;
+) IS
+ -- Look-up table. Given an int, we can get the character.
+ TYPE integer_table_type IS ARRAY (0 TO 9) OF CHARACTER ;
+ CONSTANT integer_table : integer_table_type :=
+ ('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9') ;
+ -- Local variables used in this function.
+ VARIABLE inpVal : INTEGER := inputInt ;
+ VARIABLE divisor : INTEGER := 10 ;
+ VARIABLE tmpStrIndex : INTEGER := 1 ;
+ VARIABLE tmpStr : STRING ( 1 TO 256 ) ;
+ IF ( inpVal = 0 ) THEN
+ tmpStr(tmpStrIndex) := integer_table ( 0 ) ;
+ tmpStrIndex := tmpStrIndex + 1 ;
+ WHILE ( inpVal > 0 ) LOOP
+ tmpStr(tmpStrIndex) := integer_table (inpVal mod divisor);
+ tmpStrIndex := tmpStrIndex + 1 ;
+ inpVal := inpVal / divisor ;
+ END IF ;
+ IF (appendPos /= 1 ) THEN
+ resultStr(appendPos) := ',' ;
+ appendPos := appendPos + 1 ;
+ END IF ;
+ FOR i IN tmpStrIndex-1 DOWNTO 1 LOOP
+ resultStr(appendPos) := tmpStr(i) ;
+ appendPos := appendPos + 1 ;
+END IntToStr ;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TYPE CheckType IS (
+ SetupCheck,
+ HoldCheck,
+ RecoveryCheck,
+ RemovalCheck,
+ PulseWidCheck,
+ PeriodCheck
+ Violation : BOOLEAN;
+ CheckKind : CheckType;
+ ObsTime : TIME;
+ ExpTime : TIME;
+ DetTime : TIME;
+ State : X01;
+TYPE LogicCvtTableType IS ARRAY (std_ulogic) OF CHARACTER;
+TYPE HiLoStrType IS ARRAY (std_ulogic RANGE 'X' TO '1') OF STRING(1 TO 4);
+CONSTANT LogicCvtTable : LogicCvtTableType
+ := ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z', 'W', 'L', 'H', '-');
+CONSTANT HiLoStr : HiLoStrType := (" X ", " Low", "High" );
+TYPE EdgeSymbolMatchType IS ARRAY (X01,X01,VitalEdgeSymbolType) OF BOOLEAN;
+-- last value, present value, edge symbol
+CONSTANT EdgeSymbolMatch : EdgeSymbolMatchType :=
+ (
+ 'X' =>
+ ( 'X'=>( OTHERS => FALSE),
+ '0'=>('N'|'F'|'v'|'E'|'D'|'*' => TRUE, OTHERS => FALSE ),
+ '1'=>('P'|'R'|'^'|'E'|'A'|'*' => TRUE, OTHERS => FALSE )
+ ),
+ '0' =>
+ ( 'X'=>( 'r'|'p'|'R'|'A'|'*' => TRUE, OTHERS => FALSE ),
+ '0'=>( OTHERS => FALSE ),
+ '1'=>( '/'|'P'|'p'|'R'|'*' => TRUE, OTHERS => FALSE )
+ ),
+ '1' =>
+ ( 'X'=>( 'f'|'n'|'F'|'D'|'*' => TRUE, OTHERS => FALSE ),
+ '0'=>( '\'|'N'|'n'|'F'|'*' => TRUE, OTHERS => FALSE ),
+ '1'=>( OTHERS => FALSE )
+ )
+ );
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+FUNCTION Minimum (
+ IF (t1 < t2) THEN RETURN (t1); ELSE RETURN (t2); END IF;
+END Minimum;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+FUNCTION Maximum (
+ IF (t1 < t2) THEN RETURN (t2); ELSE RETURN (t1); END IF;
+END Maximum;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- FUNCTION: VitalMemoryCalcDelay
+-- Description: Select Transition dependent Delay.
+-- Used internally by VitalMemorySelectDelay.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+FUNCTION VitalMemoryCalcDelay (
+ CONSTANT Delay : IN VitalDelayType01ZX
+) RETURN VitalMemoryDelayType IS
+ VARIABLE Result : VitalMemoryDelayType;
+ CASE Oldval IS
+ WHEN '0' | 'L' =>
+ CASE Newval IS
+ WHEN '0' | 'L' =>
+ Result.PropDelay := Delay(tr10);
+ WHEN '1' | 'H' =>
+ Result.PropDelay := Delay(tr01);
+ WHEN 'Z' =>
+ Result.PropDelay := Delay(tr0Z);
+ Result.PropDelay := Minimum(Delay(tr01), Delay(tr0Z));
+ Result.OutputRetainDelay := Delay(tr0X);
+ WHEN '1' | 'H' =>
+ CASE Newval IS
+ WHEN '0' | 'L' =>
+ Result.PropDelay := Delay(tr10);
+ WHEN '1' | 'H' =>
+ Result.PropDelay := Delay(tr01);
+ WHEN 'Z' =>
+ Result.PropDelay := Delay(tr1Z);
+ Result.PropDelay := Minimum(Delay(tr10), Delay(tr1Z));
+ Result.OutputRetainDelay := Delay(tr1X);
+ WHEN 'Z' =>
+ CASE Newval IS
+ WHEN '0' | 'L' =>
+ Result.PropDelay := Delay(trZ0);
+ WHEN '1' | 'H' =>
+ Result.PropDelay := Delay(trZ1);
+ WHEN 'Z' =>
+ Result.PropDelay := Maximum(Delay(tr1Z), Delay(tr0Z));
+ Result.PropDelay := Minimum(Delay(trZ1), Delay(trZ0));
+ Result.OutputRetainDelay := Delay(trZX);
+ CASE Newval IS
+ WHEN '0' | 'L' =>
+ Result.PropDelay := Maximum(Delay(tr10), Delay(trZ0));
+ WHEN '1' | 'H' =>
+ Result.PropDelay := Maximum(Delay(tr01), Delay(trZ1));
+ WHEN 'Z' =>
+ Result.PropDelay := Maximum(Delay(tr1Z), Delay(tr0Z));
+ Result.PropDelay := Maximum(Delay(tr10), Delay(tr01));
+ Result.OutputRetainDelay := Minimum(Delay(tr1X), Delay(tr0X));
+ RETURN Result;
+END VitalMemoryCalcDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+FUNCTION VitalMemoryCalcDelay (
+ CONSTANT Delay : IN VitalDelayType01Z
+) RETURN VitalMemoryDelayType IS
+ VARIABLE Result : VitalMemoryDelayType;
+CASE Oldval IS
+ WHEN '0' | 'L' =>
+ CASE Newval IS
+ WHEN '0' | 'L' => Result.PropDelay := Delay(tr10);
+ WHEN '1' | 'H' => Result.PropDelay := Delay(tr01);
+ Result.PropDelay := Minimum(Delay(tr01), Delay(tr10));
+ Result.OutputRetainDelay := Delay(tr0Z);
+ WHEN '1' | 'H' =>
+ CASE Newval IS
+ WHEN '0' | 'L' => Result.PropDelay := Delay(tr10);
+ WHEN '1' | 'H' => Result.PropDelay := Delay(tr01);
+ Result.PropDelay := Minimum(Delay(tr10), Delay(tr01));
+ Result.OutputRetainDelay := Delay(tr1Z);
+ Result.PropDelay := Maximum(Delay(tr10),Delay(tr01));
+ Result.OutputRetainDelay := Minimum(Delay(tr1Z),Delay(tr0Z));
+ RETURN Result;
+END VitalMemoryCalcDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime (
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : INOUT VitalTimeArrayT;
+ VARIABLE NumBitsPerSubword : INTEGER
+) IS
+ VARIABLE LastInputValue : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(InputSignal'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE InSignalNorm : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(InputSignal'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE ChangeTimeNorm : VitalTimeArrayT(InputSignal'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ LastInputValue := InputSignal'LAST_VALUE;
+ IF NumBitsPerSubword = DefaultNumBitsPerSubword THEN
+ BitsPerWord := InputSignal'LENGTH;
+ BitsPerWord := NumBitsPerSubword;
+ FOR i IN InSignalNorm'RANGE LOOP
+ IF (InSignalNorm(i) /= LastInputValue(i)) THEN
+ ChangeTimeNorm(i/BitsPerWord) := NOW - InputSignal'LAST_EVENT;
+ ChangeTimeNorm(i/BitsPerWord) := InputChangeTimeArray(i);
+ FOR i IN ChangeTimeNorm'RANGE LOOP
+ ChangeTimeNorm(i) := ChangeTimeNorm(i/BitsPerword);
+ InputChangeTimeArray := ChangeTimeNorm;
+ -- for debug purpose only
+ PrintInputChangeTime(InputChangeTimeArray);
+END VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime
+-- Description: Time since previous event for each bit of the input
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime (
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : INOUT VitalTimeArrayT;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE LastInputValue : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(InputSignal'RANGE) ;
+ LastInputValue := InputSignal'LAST_VALUE;
+ FOR i IN InputSignal'RANGE LOOP
+ IF (InputSignal(i) /= LastInputValue(i)) THEN
+ InputChangeTimeArray(i) := NOW - InputSignal'LAST_EVENT;
+ -- for debug purpose only
+ PrintInputChangeTime(InputChangeTimeArray);
+END VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime (
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTime : INOUT TIME;
+) IS
+ InputChangeTime := NOW - InputSignal'LAST_EVENT;
+ -- for debug purpose only
+ PrintInputChangeTime(InputChangeTime);
+END VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryExpandPortFlag (
+ CONSTANT PortFlag : IN VitalPortFlagVectorType;
+ CONSTANT NumBitsPerSubword : IN INTEGER;
+ VARIABLE ExpandedPortFlag : OUT VitalPortFlagVectorType
+) IS
+ VARIABLE PortFlagNorm : VitalPortFlagVectorType(
+ PortFlag'LENGTH-1 downto 0) := PortFlag;
+ VARIABLE ExpandedPortFlagNorm : VitalPortFlagVectorType(
+ ExpandedPortFlag'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE SubwordIndex : INTEGER;
+ FOR Index IN INTEGER RANGE 0 to ExpandedPortFlag'LENGTH-1 LOOP
+ IF NumBitsPerSubword = DefaultNumBitsPerSubword THEN
+ SubwordIndex := 0;
+ SubwordIndex := Index / NumBitsPerSubword;
+ ExpandedPortFlagNorm(Index) := PortFlagNorm(SubWordIndex);
+ ExpandedPortFlag := ExpandedPortFlagNorm;
+END VitalMemoryExpandPortFlag;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: VitalMemorySelectDelay
+-- Description : Select Propagation Delay. Used internally by
+-- VitalMemoryAddPathDelay.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- VitalDelayArrayType01ZX
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemorySelectDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : IN VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01ZX;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType;
+ CONSTANT PathConditionArray : IN VitalBoolArrayT;
+ CONSTANT OutputRetainFlag : IN BOOLEAN
+) IS
+ VARIABLE InputArrayLow : INTEGER := 0;
+ VARIABLE InputArrayHigh : INTEGER := 0;
+ VARIABLE DelayArrayIndex : INTEGER := 0;
+ VARIABLE NumBitsPerSubWord : INTEGER := DefaultNumBitsPerSubword;
+ VARIABLE OutputLength : INTEGER := 0;
+ VARIABLE PropDelay : TIME;
+ VARIABLE RetainDelay : TIME;
+ VARIABLE CurPropDelay : TIME;
+ VARIABLE CurRetainDelay : TIME;
+ VARIABLE CurInputAge : TIME;
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeNorm : VitalTimeArrayT(
+ InputChangeTimeArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0):=InputChangeTimeArray;
+ VARIABLE DelayArrayNorm : VitalDelayArrayType01ZX(
+ PathDelayArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0):= PathDelayArray;
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArrayNorm : VitalMemoryScheduleDatavectorType
+ (ScheduleDataArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0):= ScheduleDataArray;
+ -- for debug purpose
+ VARIABLE debugprop : VitalTimeArrayT(MaxNoInputBits-1 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE debugretain : VitalTimeArrayT(MaxNoInputBits-1 downto 0);
+ -- for debug purpose
+ PrintArcType(ArcType);
+ OutputLength := ScheduleDataArray'LENGTH;
+ FOR OutBitPos IN 0 to (OutputLength -1) LOOP
+ NEXT WHEN PathConditionArray(OutBitPos) = FALSE;
+ NEXT WHEN ((ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).ScheduleValue
+ = ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).OutputData) AND
+ (ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).ScheduleTime <= NOW) AND
+ (OutputRetainFlag = FALSE ));
+ NewValue := ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).OutputData;
+ OldValue := ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).LastOutputValue;
+ PropDelay :=ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).PropDelay;
+ InputAge := ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).InputAge;
+ RetainDelay:=ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).OutputRetainDelay;
+ NumBitsPerSubWord:=ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).NumBitsPerSubWord;
+ CASE ArcType IS
+ WHEN ParallelArc =>
+ InputArrayLow := OutBitPos;
+ InputArrayHigh := OutBitPos;
+ DelayArrayIndex := OutBitPos;
+ WHEN CrossArc =>
+ InputArrayLow := 0;
+ InputArrayHigh := InputChangeTimeArray'LENGTH - 1 ;
+ DelayArrayIndex := OutBitPos;
+ WHEN SubwordArc =>
+ InputArrayLow := OutBitPos / NumBitsPerSubWord;
+ InputArrayHigh := OutBitPos / NumBitsPerSubWord;
+ DelayArrayIndex := OutBitPos +
+ (OutputLength * (OutBitPos / NumBitsPerSubWord));
+ FOR i IN InputArrayLow TO InputArrayHigh LOOP
+ (CurPropDelay,CurRetainDelay) :=
+ VitalMemoryCalcDelay (
+ NewValue, OldValue, DelayArrayNorm(DelayArrayIndex)
+ );
+ IF (OutputRetainFlag = FALSE) THEN
+ CurRetainDelay := TIME'HIGH;
+ -- for debug purpose
+ debugprop(i) := CurPropDelay;
+ debugretain(i) := CurRetainDelay;
+ IF ArcType = CrossArc THEN
+ DelayArrayIndex := DelayArrayIndex + OutputLength;
+ -- If there is one input change at a time, then choose the
+ -- delay from that input. If there is simultaneous input
+ -- change, then choose the minimum of propagation delays
+ IF (InputChangeTimeNorm(i) < 0 ns)THEN
+ CurInputAge := TIME'HIGH;
+ CurInputAge := NOW - InputChangeTimeNorm(i);
+ IF (CurInputAge < InputAge)THEN
+ PropDelay := CurPropDelay;
+ RetainDelay := CurRetainDelay;
+ InputAge := CurInputAge;
+ ELSIF (CurInputAge = InputAge)THEN
+ IF (CurPropDelay < PropDelay) THEN
+ PropDelay := CurPropDelay;
+ IF (OutputRetainFlag = TRUE) THEN
+ IF (CurRetainDelay < RetainDelay) THEN
+ RetainDelay := CurRetainDelay;
+ -- Store it back to data strucutre
+ ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).PropDelay := PropDelay;
+ ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).OutputRetainDelay:= RetainDelay;
+ ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).InputAge := InputAge;
+ -- for debug purpose
+ PrintDelay(outbitPos,InputArrayLow, InputArrayHigh,
+ debugprop, debugretain);
+ ScheduleDataArray := ScheduleDataArrayNorm;
+END VitalMemorySelectDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- VitalDelayArrayType01Z
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemorySelectDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : IN VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01Z;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType;
+ CONSTANT PathConditionArray : IN VitalBoolArrayT;
+ CONSTANT OutputRetainFlag : IN BOOLEAN
+) IS
+ VARIABLE InputArrayLow : INTEGER := 0;
+ VARIABLE InputArrayHigh : INTEGER := 0;
+ VARIABLE DelayArrayIndex : INTEGER := 0;
+ VARIABLE NumBitsPerSubWord : INTEGER := DefaultNumBitsPerSubword;
+ VARIABLE OutputLength : INTEGER := 0;
+ VARIABLE PropDelay : TIME;
+ VARIABLE RetainDelay : TIME;
+ VARIABLE CurPropDelay : TIME;
+ VARIABLE CurRetainDelay : TIME;
+ VARIABLE CurInputAge : TIME;
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeNorm : VitalTimeArrayT(
+ InputChangeTimeArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0):=InputChangeTimeArray;
+ VARIABLE DelayArrayNorm : VitalDelayArrayType01Z(
+ PathDelayArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0):= PathDelayArray;
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArrayNorm : VitalMemoryScheduleDatavectorType
+ (ScheduleDataArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0):=ScheduleDataArray;
+ -- for debug purpose
+ VARIABLE debugprop : VitalTimeArrayT(MaxNoInputBits-1 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE debugretain : VitalTimeArrayT(MaxNoInputBits-1 downto 0);
+ -- for debug purpose
+ PrintArcType(ArcType);
+ OutputLength := ScheduleDataArray'LENGTH;
+ FOR OutBitPos IN 0 to (OutputLength -1) LOOP
+ NEXT WHEN PathConditionArray(OutBitPos) = FALSE;
+ NEXT WHEN ((ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).ScheduleValue
+ = ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).OutputData) AND
+ (ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).ScheduleTime <= NOW) AND
+ (OutputRetainFlag = FALSE));
+ NewValue := ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).OutputData;
+ OldValue := ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).LastOutputValue;
+ PropDelay :=ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).PropDelay;
+ InputAge := ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).InputAge;
+ RetainDelay:=ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).OutputRetainDelay;
+ NumBitsPerSubWord:=ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).NumBitsPerSubWord;
+ CASE ArcType IS
+ WHEN ParallelArc =>
+ InputArrayLow := OutBitPos;
+ InputArrayHigh := OutBitPos;
+ DelayArrayIndex := OutBitPos;
+ WHEN CrossArc =>
+ InputArrayLow := 0;
+ InputArrayHigh := InputChangeTimeArray'LENGTH-1;
+ DelayArrayIndex := OutBitPos;
+ WHEN SubwordArc =>
+ InputArrayLow := OutBitPos / NumBitsPerSubWord;
+ InputArrayHigh := OutBitPos / NumBitsPerSubWord;
+ DelayArrayIndex := OutBitPos +
+ (OutputLength * (OutBitPos / NumBitsPerSubWord));
+ FOR i IN InputArrayLow TO InputArrayHigh LOOP
+ (CurPropDelay, CurRetainDelay) :=
+ VitalMemoryCalcDelay (
+ NewValue, OldValue, DelayArrayNorm(DelayArrayIndex)
+ );
+ IF (OutputRetainFlag = FALSE) THEN
+ CurRetainDelay := TIME'HIGH;
+ -- for debug purpose
+ debugprop(i) := CurPropDelay;
+ debugretain(i) := CurRetainDelay;
+ IF (ArcType = CrossArc) THEN
+ DelayArrayIndex := DelayArrayIndex + OutputLength;
+ -- If there is one input change at a time, then choose the
+ -- delay from that input. If there is simultaneous input
+ -- change, then choose the minimum of propagation delays
+ IF (InputChangeTimeNorm(i) < 0 ns) THEN
+ CurInputAge := TIME'HIGH;
+ CurInputAge := NOW - InputChangeTimeNorm(i);
+ IF (CurInputAge < InputAge) THEN
+ PropDelay := CurPropDelay;
+ RetainDelay := CurRetainDelay;
+ InputAge := CurInputAge;
+ ELSIF (CurInputAge = InputAge) THEN
+ IF (CurPropDelay < PropDelay) THEN
+ PropDelay := CurPropDelay;
+ IF (OutputRetainFlag = TRUE) THEN
+ IF (CurRetainDelay < RetainDelay) THEN
+ RetainDelay := CurRetainDelay;
+ -- Store it back to data strucutre
+ ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).PropDelay := PropDelay;
+ ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).OutputRetainDelay:= RetainDelay;
+ ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).InputAge := InputAge;
+ -- for debug purpose
+ PrintDelay(outbitPos, InputArrayLow, InputArrayHigh,
+ debugprop, debugretain);
+ ScheduleDataArray := ScheduleDataArrayNorm;
+END VitalMemorySelectDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- VitalDelayArrayType01
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemorySelectDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : IN VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType;
+ CONSTANT PathConditionArray : IN VitalBoolArrayT
+) IS
+ VARIABLE CurPathDelay : VitalMemoryDelayType;
+ VARIABLE InputArrayLow : INTEGER := 0;
+ VARIABLE InputArrayHigh : INTEGER := 0;
+ VARIABLE DelayArrayIndex : INTEGER := 0;
+ VARIABLE NumBitsPerSubWord : INTEGER := DefaultNumBitsPerSubword;
+ VARIABLE OutputLength : INTEGER := 0;
+ VARIABLE PropDelay : TIME;
+ VARIABLE CurPropDelay : TIME;
+ VARIABLE CurInputAge : TIME;
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeNorm : VitalTimeArrayT(
+ InputChangeTimeArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0):= InputChangeTimeArray;
+ VARIABLE DelayArrayNorm : VitalDelayArrayType01(
+ PathDelayArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0):= PathDelayArray;
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArrayNorm : VitalMemoryScheduleDatavectorType
+ (ScheduleDataArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0):=ScheduleDataArray;
+ -- for debug purpose
+ VARIABLE debugprop : VitalTimeArrayT(MaxNoInputBits-1 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE debugretain : VitalTimeArrayT(MaxNoInputBits-1 downto 0);
+ -- for debug purpose
+ PrintArcType(ArcType);
+ OutputLength := ScheduleDataArray'LENGTH;
+ FOR OutBitPos IN 0 to (OutputLength -1) LOOP
+ NEXT WHEN PathConditionArray(OutBitPos) = FALSE;
+ NEXT WHEN ((ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).ScheduleValue
+ = ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).OutputData) AND
+ (ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).ScheduleTime <= NOW));
+ NewValue := ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).OutputData;
+ OldValue := ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).LastOutputValue;
+ PropDelay :=ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).PropDelay;
+ InputAge := ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).InputAge;
+ NumBitsPerSubWord:=ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).NumBitsPerSubWord;
+ CASE ArcType IS
+ WHEN ParallelArc =>
+ InputArrayLow := OutBitPos;
+ InputArrayHigh := OutBitPos;
+ DelayArrayIndex := OutBitPos;
+ WHEN CrossArc =>
+ InputArrayLow := 0;
+ InputArrayHigh := InputChangeTimeArray'LENGTH-1;
+ DelayArrayIndex := OutBitPos;
+ WHEN SubwordArc =>
+ InputArrayLow := OutBitPos / NumBitsPerSubWord;
+ InputArrayHigh := OutBitPos / NumBitsPerSubWord;
+ DelayArrayIndex := OutBitPos +
+ (OutputLength * (OutBitPos / NumBitsPerSubWord));
+ FOR i IN InputArrayLow TO InputArrayHigh LOOP
+ CurPropDelay:= VitalCalcDelay (NewValue,
+ OldValue, DelayArrayNorm(DelayArrayIndex));
+ -- for debug purpose
+ debugprop(i) := CurPropDelay;
+ debugretain(i) := TIME'HIGH;
+ IF (ArcType = CrossArc) THEN
+ DelayArrayIndex := DelayArrayIndex + OutputLength;
+ -- If there is one input change at a time, then choose the
+ -- delay from that input. If there is simultaneous input
+ -- change, then choose the minimum of propagation delays
+ IF (InputChangeTimeNorm(i) < 0 ns) THEN
+ CurInputAge := TIME'HIGH;
+ CurInputAge := NOW - InputChangeTimeNorm(i);
+ IF (CurInputAge < InputAge) THEN
+ PropDelay := CurPropDelay;
+ InputAge := CurInputAge;
+ ELSIF (CurInputAge = InputAge) THEN
+ IF (CurPropDelay < PropDelay) THEN
+ PropDelay := CurPropDelay;
+ -- Store it back to data strucutre
+ ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).PropDelay := PropDelay;
+ ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).InputAge := InputAge;
+ -- for debug purpose
+ PrintDelay(outbitPos, InputArrayLow, InputArrayHigh,
+ debugprop, debugretain);
+ ScheduleDataArray := ScheduleDataArrayNorm;
+END VitalMemorySelectDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- VitalDelayArrayType
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemorySelectDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : IN VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType;
+ CONSTANT PathConditionArray : IN VitalBoolArrayT
+) IS
+ VARIABLE InputArrayLow : INTEGER := 0;
+ VARIABLE InputArrayHigh : INTEGER := 0;
+ VARIABLE DelayArrayIndex : INTEGER := 0;
+ VARIABLE NumBitsPerSubWord : INTEGER := DefaultNumBitsPerSubword;
+ VARIABLE OutputLength : INTEGER := 0;
+ VARIABLE PropDelay : TIME;
+ VARIABLE CurPropDelay : TIME;
+ VARIABLE CurInputAge : TIME;
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeNorm : VitalTimeArrayT(
+ InputChangeTimeArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0) := InputChangeTimeArray;
+ VARIABLE DelayArrayNorm : VitalDelayArrayType(
+ PathDelayArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0) := PathDelayArray;
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArrayNorm : VitalMemoryScheduleDatavectorType
+ (ScheduleDataArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0) := ScheduleDataArray;
+ -- for debug purpose
+ VARIABLE debugprop : VitalTimeArrayT(MaxNoInputBits-1 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE debugretain : VitalTimeArrayT(MaxNoInputBits-1 downto 0);
+ -- for debug purpose
+ PrintArcType(ArcType);
+ OutputLength := ScheduleDataArray'LENGTH;
+ FOR OutBitPos IN 0 to (OutputLength -1) LOOP
+ NEXT WHEN PathConditionArray(OutBitPos) = FALSE;
+ NEXT WHEN ((ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).ScheduleValue
+ = ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).OutputData) AND
+ (ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).ScheduleTime <= NOW));
+ NewValue := ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).OutputData;
+ OldValue := ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).LastOutputValue;
+ PropDelay :=ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).PropDelay;
+ InputAge := ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).InputAge;
+ NumBitsPerSubWord:=ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).NumBitsPerSubWord;
+ CASE ArcType IS
+ WHEN ParallelArc =>
+ InputArrayLow := OutBitPos;
+ InputArrayHigh := OutBitPos;
+ DelayArrayIndex := OutBitPos;
+ WHEN CrossArc =>
+ InputArrayLow := 0;
+ InputArrayHigh := InputChangeTimeArray'LENGTH-1;
+ DelayArrayIndex := OutBitPos;
+ WHEN SubwordArc =>
+ InputArrayLow := OutBitPos / NumBitsPerSubWord;
+ InputArrayHigh := OutBitPos / NumBitsPerSubWord;
+ DelayArrayIndex := OutBitPos +
+ (OutputLength * (OutBitPos / NumBitsPerSubWord));
+ FOR i IN InputArrayLow TO InputArrayHigh LOOP
+ CurPropDelay := VitalCalcDelay (NewValue,
+ OldValue, DelayArrayNorm(DelayArrayIndex));
+ -- for debug purpose
+ debugprop(i) := CurPropDelay;
+ debugretain(i) := TIME'HIGH;
+ IF (ArcType = CrossArc) THEN
+ DelayArrayIndex := DelayArrayIndex + OutputLength;
+ -- If there is one input change at a time, then choose the
+ -- delay from that input. If there is simultaneous input
+ -- change, then choose the minimum of propagation delays
+ IF (InputChangeTimeNorm(i) < 0 ns) THEN
+ CurInputAge := TIME'HIGH;
+ CurInputAge := NOW - InputChangeTimeNorm(i);
+ IF (CurInputAge < InputAge) THEN
+ PropDelay := CurPropDelay;
+ InputAge := CurInputAge;
+ ELSIF (CurInputAge = InputAge) THEN
+ IF (CurPropDelay < PropDelay) THEN
+ PropDelay := CurPropDelay;
+ -- Store it back to data strucutre
+ ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).PropDelay := PropDelay;
+ ScheduleDataArrayNorm(OutBitPos).InputAge := InputAge;
+ -- for debug purpose
+ PrintDelay(outbitPos, InputArrayLow, InputArrayHigh,
+ debugprop, debugretain);
+ ScheduleDataArray := ScheduleDataArrayNorm;
+END VitalMemorySelectDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: VitalMemoryInitPathDelay
+-- Description: To initialize Schedule Data structure for an
+-- output.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryInitPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT NumBitsPerSubWord : IN INTEGER := DefaultNumBitsPerSubword
+) IS
+ -- Initialize the ScheduleData Structure.
+ FOR i IN OutputDataArray'RANGE LOOP
+ ScheduleDataArray(i).OutputData := OutputDataArray(i);
+ ScheduleDataArray(i).PropDelay := TIME'HIGH;
+ ScheduleDataArray(i).OutputRetainDelay := TIME'HIGH;
+ ScheduleDataArray(i).InputAge := TIME'HIGH;
+ ScheduleDataArray(i).NumBitsPerSubWord := NumBitsPerSubWord;
+ -- Update LastOutputValue of Output if the Output has
+ -- already been scheduled.
+ IF ((ScheduleDataArray(i).ScheduleValue /= OutputDataArray(i)) AND
+ (ScheduleDataArray(i).ScheduleTime <= NOW)) THEN
+ ScheduleDataArray(i).LastOutputValue
+ := ScheduleDataArray(i).ScheduleValue;
+ -- for debug purpose
+ DebugMsg1;
+ PrintScheduleDataArray(ScheduleDataArray);
+END VitalMemoryInitPathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryInitPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleData : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataType;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE ScheduledataArray: VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType
+ (0 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE OutputDataArray : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 downto 0);
+ ScheduledataArray(0) := ScheduleData;
+ OutputDataArray(0) := OutputData;
+ VitalMemoryInitPathDelay (
+ ScheduleDataArray => ScheduleDataArray,
+ OutputDataArray => OutputDataArray,
+ NumBitsPerSubWord => DefaultNumBitsPerSubword
+ );
+ -- for debug purpose
+ DebugMsg1;
+ PrintScheduleDataArray( ScheduleDataArray);
+END VitalMemoryInitPathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: VitalMemoryAddPathDelay
+-- Description: Declare a path for one scalar/vector input to
+-- the output for which Schedule Data has been
+-- initialized previously.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- #1
+-- DelayType - VitalMemoryDelayType
+-- Input - Scalar
+-- Output - Scalar
+-- Delay - Scalar
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleData : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTime : INOUT TIME;
+ CONSTANT PathDelay : IN VitalDelayType;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray :
+ VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType(0 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE PathDelayArray : VitalDelayArrayType(0 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : VitalTimeArrayT(0 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArray : VitalBoolArrayT(0 downto 0);
+ PathConditionArray(0) := PathCondition;
+ ScheduleDataArray(0) := ScheduleData;
+ PathDelayArray(0) := PathDelay;
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(InputChangeTime, InputSignal);
+ InputChangeTimeArray(0) := InputChangeTime;
+ VitalMemorySelectDelay(
+ ScheduleDataArray, InputChangeTimeArray,
+ OutputSignalName, PathDelayArray,
+ ArcType, PathConditionArray);
+END VitalMemoryAddPathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- #2
+-- DelayType - VitalMemoryDelayType
+-- Input - Scalar
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTime : INOUT TIME;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : VitalTimeArrayT(0 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArray :
+ VitalBoolArrayT(ScheduleDataArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ FOR i IN PathConditionArray'RANGE LOOP
+ PathConditionArray(i) := PathCondition;
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(InputChangeTime, InputSignal);
+ InputChangeTimeArray(0) := InputChangeTime;
+ VitalMemorySelectDelay(
+ ScheduleDataArray, InputChangeTimeArray,
+ OutputSignalName, PathDelayArray,
+ ArcType, PathConditionArray
+ );
+END VitalMemoryAddPathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- #3
+-- DelayType - VitalMemoryDelayType
+-- Input - Scalar
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Vector
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTime : INOUT TIME;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathConditionArray : IN VitalBoolArrayT
+) IS
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : VitalTimeArrayT(0 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE NumBitsPerSubword : INTEGER;
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArrayNorm :
+ VitalBoolArrayT(PathConditionArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0) := PathConditionArray; -- IR Mem400
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArrayExp :
+ VitalBoolArrayT(ScheduleDataArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ NumBitsPerSubword :=
+ ScheduleDataArray(ScheduleDataArray'RIGHT).NumBitsPerSubword;
+ FOR i IN PathConditionArrayExp'RANGE LOOP
+ PathConditionArrayExp(i) := PathConditionArrayNorm(i/NumBitsPerSubword);
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(InputChangeTime, InputSignal);
+ InputChangeTimeArray(0) := InputChangeTime;
+ VitalMemorySelectDelay(
+ ScheduleDataArray, InputChangeTimeArray,
+ OutputSignalName, PathDelayArray,
+ ArcType, PathConditionArrayExp);
+END VitalMemoryAddPathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- #4
+-- DelayType - VitalMemoryDelayType
+-- Input - Vector
+-- Output - Scalar
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleData : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : INOUT VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType(0 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArray : VitalBoolArrayT(0 downto 0);
+ PathConditionArray(0) := PathCondition;
+ ScheduleDataArray(0) := ScheduleData;
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(InputChangeTimeArray, InputSignal);
+ VitalMemorySelectDelay(
+ ScheduleDataArray, InputChangeTimeArray,
+ OutputSignalName, PathDelayArray,
+ ArcType, PathConditionArray);
+END VitalMemoryAddPathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- #5
+-- DelayType - VitalMemoryDelayType
+-- Input - Vector
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : INOUT VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArray :
+ VitalBoolArrayT(ScheduleDataArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ FOR i IN PathConditionArray'RANGE LOOP
+ PathConditionArray(i) := PathCondition;
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(InputChangeTimeArray, InputSignal);
+ VitalMemorySelectDelay(
+ ScheduleDataArray, InputChangeTimeArray,
+ OutputSignalName, PathDelayArray,
+ ArcType, PathConditionArray);
+END VitalMemoryAddPathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- #6
+-- DelayType - VitalMemoryDelayType
+-- Input - Vector
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Vector
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : INOUT VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathConditionArray : IN VitalBoolArrayT
+) IS
+ VARIABLE NumBitsPerSubword : INTEGER;
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArrayNorm :
+ VitalBoolArrayT(PathConditionArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0) := PathConditionArray; -- IR MEM400;
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArrayExp :
+ VitalBoolArrayT(ScheduleDataArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ NumBitsPerSubword :=
+ ScheduleDataArray(ScheduleDataArray'RIGHT).NumBitsPerSubword;
+ FOR i IN PathConditionArrayExp'RANGE LOOP
+ PathConditionArrayExp(i) := PathConditionArrayNorm(i/NumBitsPerSubword);
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(InputChangeTimeArray, InputSignal);
+ VitalMemorySelectDelay(
+ ScheduleDataArray, InputChangeTimeArray,
+ OutputSignalName, PathDelayArray,
+ ArcType, PathConditionArrayExp);
+END VitalMemoryAddPathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- #7
+-- DelayType - VitalMemoryDelayType01
+-- Input - Scalar
+-- Output - Scalar
+-- Delay - Scalar
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleData : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTime : INOUT TIME;
+ CONSTANT PathDelay : IN VitalDelayType01;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray :
+ VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType(0 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE PathDelayArray : VitalDelayArrayType01(0 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : VitalTimeArrayT(0 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArray : VitalBoolArrayT(0 downto 0);
+ PathConditionArray(0) := PathCondition;
+ ScheduleDataArray(0) := ScheduleData;
+ PathDelayArray(0) := PathDelay;
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(InputChangeTime, InputSignal);
+ InputChangeTimeArray(0) := InputChangeTime;
+ VitalMemorySelectDelay(
+ ScheduleDataArray, InputChangeTimeArray,
+ OutputSignalName, PathDelayArray,
+ ArcType, PathConditionArray);
+END VitalMemoryAddPathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- #8
+-- DelayType - VitalMemoryDelayType01
+-- Input - Scalar
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTime : INOUT TIME;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : VitalTimeArrayT(0 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArray :
+ VitalBoolArrayT(ScheduleDataArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ FOR i IN PathConditionArray'RANGE LOOP
+ PathConditionArray(i) := PathCondition;
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(InputChangeTime, InputSignal);
+ InputChangeTimeArray(0) := InputChangeTime;
+ VitalMemorySelectDelay(
+ ScheduleDataArray, InputChangeTimeArray,
+ OutputSignalName, PathDelayArray,
+ ArcType, PathConditionArray);
+END VitalMemoryAddPathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- #9
+-- DelayType - VitalMemoryDelayType01
+-- Input - Scalar
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Vector
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTime : INOUT TIME;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathConditionArray: IN VitalBoolArrayT
+) IS
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : VitalTimeArrayT(0 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE NumBitsPerSubword : INTEGER;
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArrayNorm :
+ VitalBoolArrayT(PathConditionArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0) := PathConditionArray; -- IR MEM400;
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArrayExp :
+ VitalBoolArrayT(ScheduleDataArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ NumBitsPerSubword :=
+ ScheduleDataArray(ScheduleDataArray'RIGHT).NumBitsPerSubword;
+ FOR i IN PathConditionArrayExp'RANGE LOOP
+ PathConditionArrayExp(i) := PathConditionArrayNorm(i/NumBitsPerSubword);
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(InputChangeTime, InputSignal);
+ InputChangeTimeArray(0) := InputChangeTime;
+ VitalMemorySelectDelay(
+ ScheduleDataArray, InputChangeTimeArray,
+ OutputSignalName, PathDelayArray,
+ ArcType, PathConditionArrayExp);
+END VitalMemoryAddPathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- #10
+-- DelayType - VitalMemoryDelayType01
+-- Input - Vector
+-- Output - Scalar
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleData : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray: INOUT VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray :
+ VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType(0 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArray : VitalBoolArrayT(0 downto 0);
+ PathConditionArray(0) := PathCondition;
+ ScheduleDataArray(0) := ScheduleData;
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(InputChangeTimeArray, InputSignal);
+ VitalMemorySelectDelay(
+ ScheduleDataArray, InputChangeTimeArray,
+ OutputSignalName, PathDelayArray,
+ ArcType, PathConditionArray);
+END VitalMemoryAddPathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- #11
+-- DelayType - VitalMemoryDelayType01
+-- Input - Vector
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : INOUT VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArray :
+ VitalBoolArrayT(ScheduleDataArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ FOR i IN PathConditionArray'RANGE LOOP
+ PathConditionArray(i) := PathCondition;
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(InputChangeTimeArray, InputSignal);
+ VitalMemorySelectDelay(
+ ScheduleDataArray, InputChangeTimeArray,
+ OutputSignalName, PathDelayArray,
+ ArcType, PathConditionArray);
+END VitalMemoryAddPathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- #12
+-- DelayType - VitalMemoryDelayType01
+-- Input - Vector
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Vector
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : INOUT VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathConditionArray : IN VitalBoolArrayT
+) IS
+ VARIABLE NumBitsPerSubword : INTEGER;
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArrayNorm :
+ VitalBoolArrayT(PathConditionArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0) := PathConditionArray; -- IR MEM400;
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArrayExp :
+ VitalBoolArrayT(ScheduleDataArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ NumBitsPerSubword :=
+ ScheduleDataArray(ScheduleDataArray'RIGHT).NumBitsPerSubword;
+ FOR i IN PathConditionArrayExp'RANGE LOOP
+ PathConditionArrayExp(i) := PathConditionArrayNorm(i/NumBitsPerSubword);
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(InputChangeTimeArray, InputSignal);
+ VitalMemorySelectDelay(
+ ScheduleDataArray, InputChangeTimeArray,
+ OutputSignalName, PathDelayArray,
+ ArcType, PathConditionArrayExp);
+END VitalMemoryAddPathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- #13
+-- DelayType - VitalMemoryDelayType01Z
+-- Input - Scalar
+-- Output - Scalar
+-- Delay - Scalar
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleData : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTime : INOUT TIME;
+ CONSTANT PathDelay : IN VitalDelayType01Z;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathCondition : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray :
+ VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType(0 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE PathDelayArray : VitalDelayArrayType01Z(0 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : VitalTimeArrayT(0 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArray : VitalBoolArrayT(0 downto 0);
+ PathConditionArray(0) := PathCondition;
+ ScheduleDataArray(0) := ScheduleData;
+ PathDelayArray(0) := PathDelay;
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(InputChangeTime, InputSignal);
+ InputChangeTimeArray(0) := InputChangeTime;
+ VitalMemorySelectDelay(
+ ScheduleDataArray, InputChangeTimeArray,
+ OutputSignalName, PathDelayArray,
+ ArcType, PathConditionArray, OutputRetainFlag);
+END VitalMemoryAddPathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- #14
+-- DelayType - VitalMemoryDelayType01Z
+-- Input - Scalar
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTime : INOUT TIME;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01Z;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathCondition : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : VitalTimeArrayT(0 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArray :
+ VitalBoolArrayT(ScheduleDataArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ FOR i IN PathConditionArray'RANGE LOOP
+ PathConditionArray(i) := PathCondition;
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(InputChangeTime, InputSignal);
+ InputChangeTimeArray(0) := InputChangeTime;
+ VitalMemorySelectDelay(
+ ScheduleDataArray, InputChangeTimeArray,
+ OutputSignalName, PathDelayArray,
+ ArcType, PathConditionArray, OutputRetainFlag);
+END VitalMemoryAddPathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- #15
+-- DelayType - VitalMemoryDelayType01Z
+-- Input - Scalar
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Vector
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTime : INOUT TIME;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01Z;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathConditionArray: IN VitalBoolArrayT;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : VitalTimeArrayT(0 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE NumBitsPerSubword : INTEGER;
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArrayNorm : VitalBoolArrayT(PathConditionArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArrayExp : VitalBoolArrayT(ScheduleDataArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ NumBitsPerSubword := ScheduleDataArray(ScheduleDataArray'RIGHT).NumBitsPerSubword;
+ FOR i IN PathConditionArrayExp'RANGE LOOP
+ PathConditionArrayExp(i) := PathConditionArrayNorm(i/NumBitsPerSubword);
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(InputChangeTime, InputSignal);
+ InputChangeTimeArray(0) := InputChangeTime;
+ VitalMemorySelectDelay(
+ ScheduleDataArray, InputChangeTimeArray,
+ OutputSignalName, PathDelayArray,
+ ArcType, PathConditionArrayExp, OutputRetainFlag);
+END VitalMemoryAddPathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- #16
+-- DelayType - VitalMemoryDelayType01Z
+-- Input - Vector
+-- Output - Scalar
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleData : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : INOUT VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01Z;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathCondition : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+ CONSTANT OutputRetainFlag : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE;
+ CONSTANT OutputRetainBehavior : IN OutputRetainBehaviorType := BitCorrupt
+) IS
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray :
+ VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType(0 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE NumBitsPerSubword : INTEGER;
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArray : VitalBoolArrayT(0 downto 0);
+ PathConditionArray(0) := PathCondition;
+ ScheduleDataArray(0) := ScheduleData;
+ NumBitsPerSubword := ScheduleDataArray(0).NumBitsPerSubword;
+ IF (OutputRetainBehavior = WordCorrupt AND
+ ArcType = ParallelArc AND
+ OutputRetainFlag = TRUE) THEN
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(
+ InputChangeTimeArray,
+ InputSignal,
+ NumBitsPerSubword
+ );
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(InputChangeTimeArray, InputSignal);
+ VitalMemorySelectDelay(
+ ScheduleDataArray, InputChangeTimeArray,
+ OutputSignalName, PathDelayArray,
+ ArcType, PathConditionArray, OutputRetainFlag);
+END VitalMemoryAddPathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- #17
+-- DelayType - VitalMemoryDelayType01Z
+-- Input - Vector
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : INOUT VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01Z;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathCondition : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+ CONSTANT OutputRetainFlag : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE;
+ CONSTANT OutputRetainBehavior : IN OutputRetainBehaviorType := BitCorrupt
+) IS
+ VARIABLE NumBitsPerSubword : INTEGER;
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArray :
+ VitalBoolArrayT(ScheduleDataArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ FOR i IN PathConditionArray'RANGE LOOP
+ PathConditionArray(i) := PathCondition;
+ NumBitsPerSubword :=
+ ScheduleDataArray(ScheduleDataArray'LEFT).NumBitsPerSubword;
+ IF (OutputRetainBehavior = WordCorrupt AND
+ ArcType = ParallelArc AND
+ OutputRetainFlag = TRUE) THEN
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(
+ InputChangeTimeArray,
+ InputSignal,
+ NumBitsPerSubword
+ );
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(InputChangeTimeArray, InputSignal);
+ VitalMemorySelectDelay(
+ ScheduleDataArray, InputChangeTimeArray,
+ OutputSignalName, PathDelayArray,
+ ArcType, PathConditionArray, OutputRetainFlag);
+END VitalMemoryAddPathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- #18
+-- DelayType - VitalMemoryDelayType01Z
+-- Input - Vector
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Vector
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : INOUT VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01Z;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathConditionArray : IN VitalBoolArrayT;
+ CONSTANT OutputRetainFlag : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE;
+ CONSTANT OutputRetainBehavior : IN OutputRetainBehaviorType := BitCorrupt
+) IS
+VARIABLE NumBitsPerSubword : INTEGER;
+VARIABLE PathConditionArrayNorm :
+ VitalBoolArrayT(PathConditionArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+VARIABLE PathConditionArrayExp :
+ VitalBoolArrayT(ScheduleDataArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ NumBitsPerSubword := ScheduleDataArray(ScheduleDataArray'RIGHT).NumBitsPerSubword;
+ FOR i IN PathConditionArrayExp'RANGE LOOP
+ PathConditionArrayExp(i) := PathConditionArrayNorm(i/NumBitsPerSubword);
+ IF (OutputRetainBehavior = WordCorrupt AND
+ ArcType = ParallelArc AND
+ OutputRetainFlag = TRUE) THEN
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(
+ InputChangeTimeArray, InputSignal,
+ NumBitsPerSubword);
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(InputChangeTimeArray, InputSignal);
+ VitalMemorySelectDelay(
+ ScheduleDataArray, InputChangeTimeArray,
+ OutputSignalName, PathDelayArray,
+ ArcType, PathConditionArrayExp, OutputRetainFlag);
+END VitalMemoryAddPathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- #19
+-- DelayType - VitalMemoryDelayType01XZ
+-- Input - Scalar
+-- Output - Scalar
+-- Delay - Scalar
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleData : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTime : INOUT TIME;
+ CONSTANT PathDelay : IN VitalDelayType01ZX;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathCondition : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray :
+ VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType(0 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE PathDelayArray : VitalDelayArrayType01ZX(0 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : VitalTimeArrayT(0 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArray : VitalBoolArrayT(0 downto 0);
+ PathConditionArray(0) := PathCondition;
+ ScheduleDataArray(0) := ScheduleData;
+ PathDelayArray(0) := PathDelay;
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(InputChangeTime, InputSignal);
+ InputChangeTimeArray(0) := InputChangeTime;
+ VitalMemorySelectDelay(
+ ScheduleDataArray, InputChangeTimeArray,
+ OutputSignalName, PathDelayArray,
+ ArcType, PathConditionArray, OutputRetainFlag);
+END VitalMemoryAddPathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- #20
+-- DelayType - VitalMemoryDelayType01XZ
+-- Input - Scalar
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray :INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTime : INOUT TIME;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01ZX;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathCondition : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : VitalTimeArrayT(0 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArray :
+ VitalBoolArrayT(ScheduleDataArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ FOR i IN PathConditionArray'RANGE LOOP
+ PathConditionArray(i) := PathCondition;
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(InputChangeTime, InputSignal);
+ InputChangeTimeArray(0) := InputChangeTime;
+ VitalMemorySelectDelay(
+ ScheduleDataArray, InputChangeTimeArray,
+ OutputSignalName, PathDelayArray,
+ ArcType, PathConditionArray, OutputRetainFlag);
+END VitalMemoryAddPathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- #21
+-- DelayType - VitalMemoryDelayType01XZ
+-- Input - Scalar
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Vector
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray :INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTime : INOUT TIME;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01ZX;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathConditionArray: IN VitalBoolArrayT;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : VitalTimeArrayT(0 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE NumBitsPerSubword : INTEGER;
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArrayNorm :
+ VitalBoolArrayT(PathConditionArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0) := PathConditionArray; -- IR MEM400;
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArrayExp :
+ VitalBoolArrayT(ScheduleDataArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ NumBitsPerSubword :=
+ ScheduleDataArray(ScheduleDataArray'RIGHT).NumBitsPerSubword;
+ FOR i IN PathConditionArrayExp'RANGE LOOP
+ PathConditionArrayExp(i) := PathConditionArrayNorm(i/NumBitsPerSubword);
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(InputChangeTime, InputSignal);
+ InputChangeTimeArray(0) := InputChangeTime;
+ VitalMemorySelectDelay(
+ ScheduleDataArray, InputChangeTimeArray,
+ OutputSignalName, PathDelayArray,
+ ArcType, PathConditionArrayExp, OutputRetainFlag);
+END VitalMemoryAddPathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- #22
+-- DelayType - VitalMemoryDelayType01XZ
+-- Input - Vector
+-- Output - Scalar
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleData : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : INOUT VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01ZX;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathCondition : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+ CONSTANT OutputRetainFlag : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE;
+ CONSTANT OutputRetainBehavior : IN OutputRetainBehaviorType := BitCorrupt
+) IS
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray :
+ VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType(0 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE NumBitsPerSubword : INTEGER;
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArray : VitalBoolArrayT(0 downto 0);
+ PathConditionArray(0) := PathCondition;
+ ScheduleDataArray(0) := ScheduleData;
+ NumBitsPerSubword :=
+ ScheduleDataArray(ScheduleDataArray'LEFT).NumBitsPerSubword;
+ IF (OutputRetainBehavior = WordCorrupt AND
+ ArcType = ParallelArc AND
+ OutputRetainFlag = TRUE) THEN
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(
+ InputChangeTimeArray, InputSignal,
+ NumBitsPerSubword);
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(InputChangeTimeArray, InputSignal);
+ VitalMemorySelectDelay(
+ ScheduleDataArray, InputChangeTimeArray,
+ OutputSignalName, PathDelayArray,
+ ArcType, PathConditionArray, OutputRetainFlag);
+END VitalMemoryAddPathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- #23
+-- DelayType - VitalMemoryDelayType01XZ
+-- Input - Vector
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : INOUT VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01ZX;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathCondition : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+ CONSTANT OutputRetainFlag : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE;
+ CONSTANT OutputRetainBehavior : IN OutputRetainBehaviorType := BitCorrupt
+) IS
+ VARIABLE NumBitsPerSubword : INTEGER;
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArray :
+ VitalBoolArrayT(ScheduleDataArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ FOR i IN PathConditionArray'RANGE LOOP
+ PathConditionArray(i) := PathCondition;
+ NumBitsPerSubword :=
+ ScheduleDataArray(ScheduleDataArray'LEFT).NumBitsPerSubword;
+ IF (OutputRetainBehavior = WordCorrupt AND
+ ArcType = ParallelArc AND
+ OutputRetainFlag = TRUE) THEN
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(
+ InputChangeTimeArray, InputSignal,
+ NumBitsPerSubword);
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(InputChangeTimeArray, InputSignal);
+ VitalMemorySelectDelay(
+ ScheduleDataArray, InputChangeTimeArray,
+ OutputSignalName, PathDelayArray,
+ ArcType, PathConditionArray, OutputRetainFlag);
+END VitalMemoryAddPathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- #24
+-- DelayType - VitalMemoryDelayType01XZ
+-- Input - Vector
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Vector
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : INOUT VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01ZX;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathConditionArray : IN VitalBoolArrayT;
+ CONSTANT OutputRetainFlag : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE;
+ CONSTANT OutputRetainBehavior : IN OutputRetainBehaviorType := BitCorrupt
+) IS
+ VARIABLE NumBitsPerSubword : INTEGER;
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArrayNorm :
+ VitalBoolArrayT(PathConditionArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0) := PathConditionArray; -- IR MEM400;
+ VARIABLE PathConditionArrayExp :
+ VitalBoolArrayT(ScheduleDataArray'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ NumBitsPerSubword :=
+ ScheduleDataArray(ScheduleDataArray'RIGHT).NumBitsPerSubword;
+ FOR i IN PathConditionArrayExp'RANGE LOOP
+ PathConditionArrayExp(i) := PathConditionArrayNorm(i/NumBitsPerSubword);
+ IF (OutputRetainBehavior = WordCorrupt AND
+ ArcType = ParallelArc AND
+ OutputRetainFlag = TRUE) THEN
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(
+ InputChangeTimeArray, InputSignal,
+ NumBitsPerSubword);
+ VitalMemoryUpdateInputChangeTime(InputChangeTimeArray, InputSignal);
+ VitalMemorySelectDelay(
+ ScheduleDataArray, InputChangeTimeArray,
+ OutputSignalName, PathDelayArray,
+ ArcType, PathConditionArrayExp, OutputRetainFlag);
+END VitalMemoryAddPathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: VitalMemorySchedulePathDelay
+-- Description: Schedule Output after Propagation Delay selected
+-- by checking all the paths added thru'
+-- VitalMemoryAddPathDelay.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemorySchedulePathDelay (
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ CONSTANT PortFlag : IN VitalPortFlagType := VitalDefaultPortFlag;
+ CONSTANT OutputMap : IN VitalOutputMapType:= VitalDefaultOutputMap;
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType
+) IS
+ VARIABLE PropDelay : TIME;
+ VARIABLE RetainDelay : TIME;
+ IF (PortFlag.OutputDisable /= TRUE) THEN
+ FOR i IN ScheduleDataArray'RANGE LOOP
+ PropDelay := ScheduleDataArray(i).PropDelay;
+ RetainDelay := ScheduleDataArray(i).OutputRetainDelay;
+ Age := ScheduleDataArray(i).InputAge;
+ Data := ScheduleDataArray(i).OutputData;
+ IF (Age < RetainDelay and RetainDelay < PropDelay) THEN
+ OutSignal(i) <= TRANSPORT 'X' AFTER (RetainDelay - Age);
+ IF (Age <= PropDelay) THEN
+ OutSignal(i)<= TRANSPORT OutputMap(Data)AFTER (PropDelay-Age);
+ ScheduleDataArray(i).ScheduleValue := Data;
+ ScheduleDataArray(i).ScheduleTime := NOW + PropDelay - Age;
+ -- for debug purpose
+ PrintScheduleDataArray(ScheduleDataArray);
+ -- for debug purpose
+ ScheduleDebugMsg;
+END VitalMemorySchedulePathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: VitalMemorySchedulePathDelay
+-- Description: Schedule Output after Propagation Delay selected
+-- by checking all the paths added thru'
+-- VitalMemoryAddPathDelay.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemorySchedulePathDelay (
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING :="";
+ CONSTANT PortFlag : IN VitalPortFlagVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputMap : IN VitalOutputMapType:= VitalDefaultOutputMap;
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType
+) IS
+ VARIABLE PropDelay : TIME;
+ VARIABLE RetainDelay : TIME;
+ VARIABLE ExpandedPortFlag :
+ VitalPortFlagVectorType(ScheduleDataArray'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE NumBitsPerSubword : INTEGER;
+ NumBitsPerSubword :=
+ ScheduleDataArray(ScheduleDataArray'LEFT).NumBitsPerSubword;
+ VitalMemoryExpandPortFlag( PortFlag, NumBitsPerSubword, ExpandedPortFlag );
+ FOR i IN ScheduleDataArray'RANGE LOOP
+ NEXT WHEN ExpandedPortFlag(i).OutputDisable = TRUE;
+ PropDelay := ScheduleDataArray(i).PropDelay;
+ RetainDelay := ScheduleDataArray(i).OutputRetainDelay;
+ Age := ScheduleDataArray(i).InputAge;
+ Data := ScheduleDataArray(i).OutputData;
+ IF (Age < RetainDelay and RetainDelay < PropDelay) THEN
+ OutSignal(i) <= TRANSPORT 'X' AFTER (RetainDelay - Age);
+ IF (Age <= PropDelay) THEN
+ OutSignal(i)<= TRANSPORT OutputMap(Data)AFTER (PropDelay-Age);
+ ScheduleDataArray(i).ScheduleValue := Data;
+ ScheduleDataArray(i).ScheduleTime := NOW + PropDelay - Age;
+ -- for debug purpose
+ PrintScheduleDataArray(ScheduleDataArray);
+ -- for debug purpose
+ ScheduleDebugMsg;
+END VitalMemorySchedulePathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemorySchedulePathDelay (
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName: IN STRING :="";
+ CONSTANT PortFlag : IN VitalPortFlagType := VitalDefaultPortFlag;
+ CONSTANT OutputMap : IN VitalOutputMapType := VitalDefaultOutputMap;
+ VARIABLE ScheduleData : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataType
+) IS
+ VARIABLE PropDelay : TIME;
+ VARIABLE RetainDelay : TIME;
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType (0 downto 0);
+ IF (PortFlag.OutputDisable /= TRUE) THEN
+ ScheduledataArray(0) := ScheduleData;
+ PropDelay := ScheduleDataArray(0).PropDelay;
+ RetainDelay := ScheduleDataArray(0).OutputRetainDelay;
+ Age := ScheduleDataArray(0).InputAge;
+ Data := ScheduleDataArray(0).OutputData;
+ IF (Age < RetainDelay and RetainDelay < PropDelay) THEN
+ OutSignal <= TRANSPORT 'X' AFTER (RetainDelay - Age);
+ IF (Age <= PropDelay and PropDelay /= TIME'HIGH) THEN
+ OutSignal <= TRANSPORT OutputMap(Data) AFTER (PropDelay - Age);
+ ScheduleDataArray(0).ScheduleValue := Data;
+ ScheduleDataArray(0).ScheduleTime := NOW + PropDelay - Age;
+ -- for debug purpose
+ PrintScheduleDataArray(ScheduleDataArray);
+ -- for debug purpose
+ ScheduleDebugMsg;
+END VitalMemorySchedulePathDelay;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure : InternalTimingCheck
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE InternalTimingCheck (
+ CONSTANT TestSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT RefSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupHigh : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupLow : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HoldHigh : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HoldLow : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ VARIABLE CheckInfo : INOUT CheckInfoType;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE actualObsTime : TIME;
+ -- Check SETUP constraint
+ IF (RefEdge) THEN
+ IF (SetupEn) THEN
+ CheckInfo.ObsTime := RefTime - TestTime;
+ CheckInfo.State := To_X01(TestSignal);
+ CASE CheckInfo.State IS
+ WHEN '0' =>
+ CheckInfo.ExpTime := SetupLow;
+ -- start of new code IR245-246
+ BC := HoldHigh;
+ -- end of new code IR245-246
+ WHEN '1' =>
+ CheckInfo.ExpTime := SetupHigh;
+ -- start of new code IR245-246
+ BC := HoldLow;
+ -- end of new code IR245-246
+ WHEN 'X' =>
+ CheckInfo.ExpTime := Maximum(SetupHigh,SetupLow);
+ -- start of new code IR245-246
+ BC := Maximum(HoldHigh,HoldLow);
+ -- end of new code IR245-246
+ -- added the second condition for IR 245-246
+ CheckInfo.Violation :=
+ ((CheckInfo.ObsTime < CheckInfo.ExpTime)
+ AND ( NOT ((CheckInfo.ObsTime = BC) and (BC = 0 ns))));
+ -- start of new code IR245-246
+ IF (CheckInfo.ExpTime = 0 ns) THEN
+ CheckInfo.CheckKind := HoldCheck;
+ CheckInfo.CheckKind := SetupCheck;
+ -- end of new code IR245-246
+ SetupEn := FALSE;
+ CheckInfo.Violation := FALSE;
+ -- Check HOLD constraint
+ ELSIF (TestEvent) THEN
+ IF HoldEn THEN
+ CheckInfo.ObsTime := TestTime - RefTime;
+ CheckInfo.State := To_X01(TestSignal);
+ CASE CheckInfo.State IS
+ WHEN '0' =>
+ CheckInfo.ExpTime := HoldHigh;
+ -- new code for unnamed IR
+ CheckInfo.State := '1';
+ -- start of new code IR245-246
+ BC := SetupLow;
+ -- end of new code IR245-246
+ WHEN '1' =>
+ CheckInfo.ExpTime := HoldLow;
+ -- new code for unnamed IR
+ CheckInfo.State := '0';
+ -- start of new code IR245-246
+ BC := SetupHigh;
+ -- end of new code IR245-246
+ WHEN 'X' =>
+ CheckInfo.ExpTime := Maximum(HoldHigh,HoldLow);
+ -- start of new code IR245-246
+ BC := Maximum(SetupHigh,SetupLow);
+ -- end of new code IR245-246
+ -- added the second condition for IR 245-246
+ CheckInfo.Violation :=
+ ((CheckInfo.ObsTime < CheckInfo.ExpTime)
+ AND ( NOT ((CheckInfo.ObsTime = BC) and (BC = 0 ns))));
+ -- start of new code IR245-246
+ IF (CheckInfo.ExpTime = 0 ns) THEN
+ CheckInfo.CheckKind := SetupCheck;
+ CheckInfo.CheckKind := HoldCheck;
+ -- end of new code IR245-246
+ HoldEn := NOT CheckInfo.Violation;
+ CheckInfo.Violation := FALSE;
+ CheckInfo.Violation := FALSE;
+ -- Adjust report values to account for internal model delays
+ -- Note: TestDelay, RefDelay, TestTime, RefTime are non-negative
+ -- Note: bias may be negative or positive
+ IF MsgOn AND CheckInfo.Violation THEN
+ -- modified the code for correct reporting of violation in case of
+ -- order of signals being reversed because of internal delays
+ -- new variable
+ actualObsTime := (TestTime-TestDelay)-(RefTime-RefDelay);
+ bias := TestDelay - RefDelay;
+ IF (actualObsTime < 0 ns) THEN -- It should be a setup check
+ IF ( CheckInfo.CheckKind = HoldCheck) THEN
+ CheckInfo.CheckKind := SetupCheck;
+ CASE CheckInfo.State IS
+ WHEN '0' => CheckInfo.ExpTime := SetupLow;
+ WHEN '1' => CheckInfo.ExpTime := SetupHigh;
+ WHEN 'X' => CheckInfo.ExpTime := Maximum(SetupHigh,SetupLow);
+ CheckInfo.ObsTime := -actualObsTime;
+ CheckInfo.ExpTime := CheckInfo.ExpTime + bias;
+ CheckInfo.DetTime := RefTime - RefDelay;
+ ELSE -- It should be a hold check
+ IF (CheckInfo.CheckKind = SetupCheck) THEN
+ CheckInfo.CheckKind := HoldCheck;
+ CASE CheckInfo.State IS
+ WHEN '0' =>
+ CheckInfo.ExpTime := HoldHigh;
+ CheckInfo.State := '1';
+ WHEN '1' =>
+ CheckInfo.ExpTime := HoldLow;
+ CheckInfo.State := '0';
+ WHEN 'X' =>
+ CheckInfo.ExpTime := Maximum(HoldHigh,HoldLow);
+ CheckInfo.ObsTime := actualObsTime;
+ CheckInfo.ExpTime := CheckInfo.ExpTime - bias;
+ CheckInfo.DetTime := TestTime - TestDelay;
+END InternalTimingCheck;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Setup and Hold Time Check Routine
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE TimingArrayIndex (
+ SIGNAL InputSignal : IN Std_logic_vector;
+) IS
+ IF (InputSignal'LEFT > InputSignal'RIGHT) THEN
+ Index := ArrayIndexNorm + InputSignal'RIGHT;
+ Index := InputSignal'RIGHT - ArrayIndexNorm;
+END TimingArrayIndex;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryReportViolation (
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT CheckInfo : IN CheckInfoType;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE Message : LINE;
+ IF (NOT CheckInfo.Violation) THEN
+ Write ( Message, HeaderMsg );
+ CASE CheckInfo.CheckKind IS
+ WHEN SetupCheck => Write ( Message, STRING'(" SETUP ") );
+ WHEN HoldCheck => Write ( Message, STRING'(" HOLD ") );
+ WHEN RecoveryCheck => Write ( Message, STRING'(" RECOVERY ") );
+ WHEN RemovalCheck => Write ( Message, STRING'(" REMOVAL ") );
+ WHEN PulseWidCheck => Write ( Message, STRING'(" PULSE WIDTH "));
+ WHEN PeriodCheck => Write ( Message, STRING'(" PERIOD ") );
+ Write ( Message, HiLoStr(CheckInfo.State) );
+ Write ( Message, STRING'(" VIOLATION ON ") );
+ Write ( Message, TestSignalName );
+ IF (RefSignalName'LENGTH > 0) THEN
+ Write ( Message, STRING'(" WITH RESPECT TO ") );
+ Write ( Message, RefSignalName );
+ Write ( Message, ';' & LF );
+ Write ( Message, STRING'(" Expected := ") );
+ Write ( Message, CheckInfo.ExpTime);
+ Write ( Message, STRING'("; Observed := ") );
+ Write ( Message, CheckInfo.ObsTime);
+ Write ( Message, STRING'("; At : ") );
+ Write ( Message, CheckInfo.DetTime);
+ DEALLOCATE (Message);
+END VitalMemoryReportViolation;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryReportViolation (
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ SIGNAL RefSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT CheckInfo : IN CheckInfoType;
+ CONSTANT MsgFormat : IN VitalMemoryMsgFormatType;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE Message : LINE;
+ IF (NOT CheckInfo.Violation) THEN
+ Write ( Message, HeaderMsg );
+ CASE CheckInfo.CheckKind IS
+ WHEN SetupCheck => Write ( Message, STRING'(" SETUP ") );
+ WHEN HoldCheck => Write ( Message, STRING'(" HOLD ") );
+ WHEN PulseWidCheck => Write ( Message, STRING'(" PULSE WIDTH "));
+ WHEN PeriodCheck => Write ( Message, STRING'(" PERIOD ") );
+ WHEN OTHERS => Write ( Message, STRING'(" UNKNOWN ") );
+ Write ( Message, HiLoStr(CheckInfo.State) );
+ Write ( Message, STRING'(" VIOLATION ON ") );
+ Write ( Message, TestSignalName );
+ TimingArrayIndex(TestSignal, TestArrayIndex, i);
+ CASE MsgFormat IS
+ WHEN Scalar =>
+ WHEN VectorEnum =>
+ Write ( Message, '_');
+ Write ( Message, i);
+ WHEN Vector =>
+ Write ( Message, '(');
+ Write ( Message, i);
+ Write ( Message, ')');
+ IF (RefSignalName'LENGTH > 0) THEN
+ Write ( Message, STRING'(" WITH RESPECT TO ") );
+ Write ( Message, RefSignalName );
+ IF(RefSignal'LENGTH > 0) THEN
+ TimingArrayIndex(RefSignal, RefArrayIndex, j);
+ CASE MsgFormat IS
+ WHEN Scalar =>
+ WHEN VectorEnum =>
+ Write ( Message, '_');
+ Write ( Message, j);
+ WHEN Vector =>
+ Write ( Message, '(');
+ Write ( Message, j);
+ Write ( Message, ')');
+ Write ( Message, ';' & LF );
+ Write ( Message, STRING'(" Expected := ") );
+ Write ( Message, CheckInfo.ExpTime);
+ Write ( Message, STRING'("; Observed := ") );
+ Write ( Message, CheckInfo.ObsTime);
+ Write ( Message, STRING'("; At : ") );
+ Write ( Message, CheckInfo.DetTime);
+ DEALLOCATE (Message);
+END VitalMemoryReportViolation;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryReportViolation (
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT CheckInfo : IN CheckInfoType;
+ CONSTANT MsgFormat : IN VitalMemoryMsgFormatType;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE Message : LINE;
+ IF (NOT CheckInfo.Violation) THEN
+ Write ( Message, HeaderMsg );
+ CASE CheckInfo.CheckKind IS
+ WHEN SetupCheck => Write ( Message, STRING'(" SETUP ") );
+ WHEN HoldCheck => Write ( Message, STRING'(" HOLD ") );
+ WHEN PulseWidCheck => Write ( Message, STRING'(" PULSE WIDTH "));
+ WHEN PeriodCheck => Write ( Message, STRING'(" PERIOD ") );
+ WHEN OTHERS => Write ( Message, STRING'(" UNKNOWN ") );
+ Write ( Message, HiLoStr(CheckInfo.State) );
+ Write ( Message, STRING'(" VIOLATION ON ") );
+ Write ( Message, TestSignalName );
+ CASE MsgFormat IS
+ WHEN Scalar =>
+ WHEN VectorEnum =>
+ Write ( Message, '_');
+ Write ( Message, TestArrayIndex);
+ WHEN Vector =>
+ Write ( Message, '(');
+ Write ( Message, TestArrayIndex);
+ Write ( Message, ')');
+ IF (RefSignalName'LENGTH > 0) THEN
+ Write ( Message, STRING'(" WITH RESPECT TO ") );
+ Write ( Message, RefSignalName );
+ Write ( Message, ';' & LF );
+ Write ( Message, STRING'(" Expected := ") );
+ Write ( Message, CheckInfo.ExpTime);
+ Write ( Message, STRING'("; Observed := ") );
+ Write ( Message, CheckInfo.ObsTime);
+ Write ( Message, STRING'("; At : ") );
+ Write ( Message, CheckInfo.DetTime);
+ DEALLOCATE (Message);
+END VitalMemoryReportViolation;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+FUNCTION VitalMemoryTimingDataInit
+RETURN VitalMemoryTimingDataType IS
+ RETURN (FALSE, 'X', 0 ns, FALSE, 'X', 0 ns, FALSE,
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: VitalSetupHoldCheck
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemorySetupHoldCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01ArrayT;
+ VARIABLE TimingData : INOUT VitalMemoryTimingDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName: IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ SIGNAL RefSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupHigh : IN VitalDelayType;
+ CONSTANT SetupLow : IN VitalDelayType;
+ CONSTANT HoldHigh : IN VitalDelayType;
+ CONSTANT HoldLow : IN VitalDelayType;
+ CONSTANT CheckEnabled : IN VitalBoolArrayT;
+ CONSTANT RefTransition : IN VitalEdgeSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ --IR252 3/23/98
+ CONSTANT EnableSetupOnTest : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE CheckInfo : CheckInfoType;
+ VARIABLE ViolationInt : X01ArrayT(CheckEnabled'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE TestDly : TIME := Maximum(0 ns, TestDelay);
+ VARIABLE RefDly : TIME := Maximum(0 ns, RefDelay);
+ -- Initialization of working area.
+ IF (TimingData.NotFirstFlag = FALSE) THEN
+ TimingData.TestLast := To_X01(TestSignal);
+ TimingData.RefLast := To_X01(RefSignal);
+ TimingData.NotFirstFlag := TRUE;
+ -- Detect reference edges and record the time of the last edge
+ RefEdge := EdgeSymbolMatch(TimingData.RefLast, To_X01(RefSignal),
+ RefTransition);
+ TimingData.RefLast := To_X01(RefSignal);
+ IF (RefEdge) THEN
+ TimingData.RefTime := NOW;
+ --TimingData.HoldEnA.all := (TestSignal'RANGE=>TRUE);
+ --IR252 3/23/98
+ TimingData.SetupEn := TimingData.SetupEn AND EnableSetupOnRef;
+ TimingData.HoldEn := EnableHoldOnRef;
+ -- Detect test (data) changes and record the time of the last change
+ TestEvent := TimingData.TestLast /= To_X01Z(TestSignal);
+ TimingData.TestLast := To_X01Z(TestSignal);
+ IF TestEvent THEN
+ TimingData.SetupEn := EnableSetupOnTest ; --IR252 3/23/98
+ TimingData.HoldEn := TimingData.HoldEn AND EnableHoldOnTest ;
+ --IR252 3/23/98
+ TimingData.TestTime := NOW;
+ FOR i IN CheckEnabled'RANGE LOOP
+ IF CheckEnabled(i) = TRUE THEN
+ CheckEnScalar := TRUE;
+ ViolationInt(i) := '0';
+ IF (CheckEnScalar) THEN
+ InternalTimingCheck (
+ TestSignal => TestSignal,
+ RefSignal => RefSignal,
+ TestDelay => TestDly,
+ RefDelay => RefDly,
+ SetupHigh => SetupHigh,
+ SetupLow => SetupLow,
+ HoldHigh => HoldHigh,
+ HoldLow => HoldLow,
+ RefTime => TimingData.RefTime,
+ RefEdge => RefEdge,
+ TestTime => TimingData.TestTime,
+ TestEvent => TestEvent,
+ SetupEn => TimingData.SetupEn,
+ HoldEn => TimingData.HoldEn,
+ CheckInfo => CheckInfo,
+ MsgOn => MsgOn
+ );
+ -- Report any detected violations and set return violation flag
+ IF CheckInfo.Violation THEN
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ VitalMemoryReportViolation (TestSignalName, RefSignalName,
+ HeaderMsg, CheckInfo, MsgSeverity );
+ FOR i IN CheckEnabled'RANGE LOOP
+ IF CheckEnabled(i) = TRUE THEN
+ ViolationInt(i) := 'X';
+ Violation := ViolationInt;
+END VitalMemorySetupHoldCheck;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemorySetupHoldCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01ArrayT;
+ VARIABLE TimingData : INOUT VitalMemoryTimingDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName: IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ SIGNAL RefSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupHigh : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT SetupLow : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT HoldHigh : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT HoldLow : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT RefTransition : IN VitalEdgeSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT MsgFormat : IN VitalMemoryMsgFormatType;
+ --IR252 3/23/98
+ CONSTANT EnableSetupOnTest : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE CheckInfo : CheckInfoType;
+ VARIABLE TestEvent : VitalBoolArrayT(TestSignal'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE RefDly : TIME := Maximum(0 ns, RefDelay);
+ -- Initialization of working area.
+ IF (TimingData.NotFirstFlag = FALSE) THEN
+ TimingData.TestLastA := NEW std_logic_vector(TestSignal'RANGE);
+ TimingData.TestTimeA := NEW VitalTimeArrayT(TestSignal'RANGE);
+ TimingData.HoldEnA := NEW VitalBoolArrayT(TestSignal'RANGE);
+ TimingData.SetupEnA := NEW VitalBoolArrayT(TestSignal'RANGE);
+ FOR i IN TestSignal'RANGE LOOP
+ TimingData.TestLastA(i) := To_X01(TestSignal(i));
+ TimingData.RefLast := To_X01(RefSignal);
+ TimingData.NotFirstFlag := TRUE;
+ -- Detect reference edges and record the time of the last edge
+ RefEdge := EdgeSymbolMatch(TimingData.RefLast, To_X01(RefSignal),
+ RefTransition);
+ TimingData.RefLast := To_X01(RefSignal);
+ IF (RefEdge) THEN
+ TimingData.RefTime := NOW;
+ --TimingData.HoldEnA.all := (TestSignal'RANGE=>TRUE);
+ --IR252 3/23/98
+ FOR i IN TestSignal'RANGE LOOP
+ TimingData.SetupEnA(i)
+ := TimingData.SetupEnA(i) AND EnableSetupOnRef;
+ TimingData.HoldEnA(i) := EnableHoldOnRef;
+ -- Detect test (data) changes and record the time of the last change
+ FOR i IN TestSignal'RANGE LOOP
+ TestEvent(i) := TimingData.TestLastA(i) /= To_X01Z(TestSignal(i));
+ TimingData.TestLastA(i) := To_X01Z(TestSignal(i));
+ IF TestEvent(i) THEN
+ TimingData.SetupEnA(i) := EnableSetupOnTest ; --IR252 3/23/98
+ TimingData.HoldEnA(i) := TimingData.HoldEnA(i) AND EnableHoldOnTest ;
+ --IR252 3/23/98
+ TimingData.TestTimeA(i) := NOW;
+ --TimingData.SetupEnA(i) := TRUE;
+ TimingData.TestTime := NOW;
+ FOR i IN TestSignal'RANGE LOOP
+ Violation(i) := '0';
+ IF (CheckEnabled) THEN
+ TestDly := Maximum(0 ns, TestDelay(i));
+ InternalTimingCheck (
+ TestSignal => TestSignal(i),
+ RefSignal => RefSignal,
+ TestDelay => TestDly,
+ RefDelay => RefDly,
+ SetupHigh => SetupHigh(i),
+ SetupLow => SetupLow(i),
+ HoldHigh => HoldHigh(i),
+ HoldLow => HoldLow(i),
+ RefTime => TimingData.RefTime,
+ RefEdge => RefEdge,
+ TestTime => TimingData.TestTimeA(i),
+ TestEvent => TestEvent(i),
+ SetupEn => TimingData.SetupEnA(i),
+ HoldEn => TimingData.HoldEnA(i),
+ CheckInfo => CheckInfo,
+ MsgOn => MsgOn
+ );
+ -- Report any detected violations and set return violation flag
+ IF CheckInfo.Violation THEN
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ VitalMemoryReportViolation (TestSignalName, RefSignalName, i ,
+ HeaderMsg, CheckInfo, MsgFormat, MsgSeverity );
+ Violation(i) := 'X';
+END VitalMemorySetupHoldCheck;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemorySetupHoldCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01ArrayT;
+ VARIABLE TimingData : INOUT VitalMemoryTimingDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName: IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ SIGNAL RefSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupHigh : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT SetupLow : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT HoldHigh : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT HoldLow : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT CheckEnabled : IN VitalBoolArrayT;
+ CONSTANT RefTransition : IN VitalEdgeSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT NumBitsPerSubWord : IN INTEGER := 1;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT MsgFormat : IN VitalMemoryMsgFormatType;
+ --IR252 3/23/98
+ CONSTANT EnableSetupOnTest : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE CheckInfo : CheckInfoType;
+ VARIABLE ViolationInt : X01ArrayT(TestSignal'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE ViolationIntNorm: X01ArrayT(TestSignal'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE ViolationNorm : X01ArrayT(Violation'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE CheckEnInt : VitalBoolArrayT(TestSignal'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE CheckEnIntNorm : VitalBoolArrayT(TestSignal'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE CheckEnScalar : BOOLEAN := FALSE; --Mem IR 401
+ VARIABLE CheckEnabledNorm: VitalBoolArrayT(CheckEnabled'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE TestEvent : VitalBoolArrayT(TestSignal'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE RefDly : TIME := Maximum(0 ns, RefDelay);
+ -- Initialization of working area.
+ IF (TimingData.NotFirstFlag = FALSE) THEN
+ TimingData.TestLastA := NEW std_logic_vector(TestSignal'RANGE);
+ TimingData.TestTimeA := NEW VitalTimeArrayT(TestSignal'RANGE);
+ TimingData.HoldEnA := NEW VitalBoolArrayT(TestSignal'RANGE);
+ TimingData.SetupEnA := NEW VitalBoolArrayT(TestSignal'RANGE);
+ FOR i IN TestSignal'RANGE LOOP
+ TimingData.TestLastA(i) := To_X01(TestSignal(i));
+ TimingData.RefLast := To_X01(RefSignal);
+ TimingData.NotFirstFlag := TRUE;
+ -- Detect reference edges and record the time of the last edge
+ RefEdge := EdgeSymbolMatch(TimingData.RefLast, To_X01(RefSignal),
+ RefTransition);
+ TimingData.RefLast := To_X01(RefSignal);
+ IF RefEdge THEN
+ TimingData.RefTime := NOW;
+ --TimingData.HoldEnA.all := (TestSignal'RANGE=>TRUE);
+ --IR252 3/23/98
+ FOR i IN TestSignal'RANGE LOOP
+ TimingData.SetupEnA(i)
+ := TimingData.SetupEnA(i) AND EnableSetupOnRef;
+ TimingData.HoldEnA(i) := EnableHoldOnRef;
+ -- Detect test (data) changes and record the time of the last change
+ FOR i IN TestSignal'RANGE LOOP
+ TestEvent(i) := TimingData.TestLastA(i) /= To_X01Z(TestSignal(i));
+ TimingData.TestLastA(i) := To_X01Z(TestSignal(i));
+ IF TestEvent(i) THEN
+ TimingData.SetupEnA(i) := EnableSetupOnTest ; --IR252 3/23/98
+ TimingData.HoldEnA(i) := TimingData.HoldEnA(i) AND EnableHoldOnTest ;
+ --IR252 3/23/98
+ TimingData.TestTimeA(i) := NOW;
+ --TimingData.SetupEnA(i) := TRUE;
+ TimingData.TestTime := NOW;
+ IF ArcType = CrossArc THEN
+ CheckEnScalar := FALSE;
+ FOR i IN CheckEnabled'RANGE LOOP
+ IF CheckEnabled(i) = TRUE THEN
+ CheckEnScalar := TRUE;
+ CheckEnInt(i) := CheckEnScalar;
+ FOR i IN CheckEnIntNorm'RANGE LOOP
+ CheckEnIntNorm(i) := CheckEnabledNorm(i / NumBitsPerSubWord );
+ CheckEnInt := CheckEnIntNorm;
+ FOR i IN TestSignal'RANGE LOOP
+ ViolationInt(i) := '0';
+ IF (CheckEnInt(i)) THEN
+ TestDly := Maximum(0 ns, TestDelay(i));
+ InternalTimingCheck (
+ TestSignal => TestSignal(i),
+ RefSignal => RefSignal,
+ TestDelay => TestDly,
+ RefDelay => RefDly,
+ SetupHigh => SetupHigh(i),
+ SetupLow => SetupLow(i),
+ HoldHigh => HoldHigh(i),
+ HoldLow => HoldLow(i),
+ RefTime => TimingData.RefTime,
+ RefEdge => RefEdge,
+ TestTime => TimingData.TestTimeA(i),
+ TestEvent => TestEvent(i),
+ SetupEn => TimingData.SetupEnA(i),
+ HoldEn => TimingData.HoldEnA(i),
+ CheckInfo => CheckInfo,
+ MsgOn => MsgOn
+ );
+ -- Report any detected violations and set return violation flag
+ IF CheckInfo.Violation THEN
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ VitalMemoryReportViolation (TestSignalName, RefSignalName, i ,
+ HeaderMsg, CheckInfo, MsgFormat, MsgSeverity );
+ ViolationInt(i) := 'X';
+ IF (ViolationInt'LENGTH = Violation'LENGTH) THEN
+ Violation := ViolationInt;
+ ViolationIntNorm := ViolationInt;
+ FOR i IN ViolationNorm'RANGE LOOP
+ ViolationNorm(i) := '0';
+ FOR i IN ViolationIntNorm'RANGE LOOP
+ IF (ViolationIntNorm(i) = 'X') THEN
+ ViolationNorm(i / NumBitsPerSubWord) := 'X';
+ Violation := ViolationNorm;
+END VitalMemorySetupHoldCheck;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemorySetupHoldCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01ArrayT;
+ VARIABLE TimingData : INOUT VitalMemoryTimingDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName: IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ SIGNAL RefSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT SetupHigh : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT SetupLow : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT HoldHigh : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT HoldLow : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT RefTransition : IN VitalEdgeSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT NumBitsPerSubWord : IN INTEGER := 1;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT MsgFormat : IN VitalMemoryMsgFormatType;
+ --IR252 3/23/98
+ CONSTANT EnableSetupOnTest : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE CheckInfo : CheckInfoType;
+ VARIABLE RefEdge : VitalBoolArrayT(RefSignal'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE TestEvent : VitalBoolArrayT(TestSignal'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE NumTestBits : NATURAL := TestSignal'LENGTH;
+ VARIABLE NumRefBits : NATURAL := RefSignal'LENGTH;
+ VARIABLE ViolationTest : X01ArrayT(NumTestBits-1 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE ViolationRef : X01ArrayT(NumRefBits-1 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE TestSignalNorm : std_logic_vector(NumTestBits-1 downto 0)
+ := TestSignal;
+ VARIABLE TestDelayNorm : VitalDelayArraytype(NumTestBits-1 downto 0)
+ := TestDelay;
+ VARIABLE RefSignalNorm : std_logic_vector(NumRefBits-1 downto 0)
+ := RefSignal;
+ VARIABLE RefDelayNorm : VitalDelayArraytype(NumRefBits-1 downto 0)
+ := RefDelay;
+ VARIABLE SetupHighNorm : VitalDelayArraytype(SetupHigh'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ := SetupHigh;
+ VARIABLE SetupLowNorm : VitalDelayArraytype(SetupLow'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ := SetupLow;
+ VARIABLE HoldHighNorm : VitalDelayArraytype(HoldHigh'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ := HoldHigh;
+ VARIABLE HoldLowNorm : VitalDelayArraytype(HoldLow'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ := HoldLow;
+ VARIABLE TimingArrayIndex: NATURAL;
+ -- Initialization of working area.
+ IF (TimingData.NotFirstFlag = FALSE) THEN
+ TimingData.TestLastA := NEW std_logic_vector(NumTestBits-1 downto 0);
+ TimingData.TestTimeA := NEW VitalTimeArrayT(NumTestBits-1 downto 0);
+ TimingData.RefTimeA := NEW VitalTimeArrayT(NumRefBits-1 downto 0);
+ TimingData.RefLastA := NEW X01ArrayT(NumRefBits-1 downto 0);
+ IF (ArcType = CrossArc) THEN
+ NumChecks := RefSignal'LENGTH * TestSignal'LENGTH;
+ NumChecks := TestSignal'LENGTH;
+ TimingData.HoldEnA := NEW VitalBoolArrayT(NumChecks-1 downto 0);
+ TimingData.SetupEnA := NEW VitalBoolArrayT(NumChecks-1 downto 0);
+ FOR i IN TestSignalNorm'RANGE LOOP
+ TimingData.TestLastA(i) := To_X01(TestSignalNorm(i));
+ FOR i IN RefSignalNorm'RANGE LOOP
+ TimingData.RefLastA(i) := To_X01(RefSignalNorm(i));
+ TimingData.NotFirstFlag := TRUE;
+ -- Detect reference edges and record the time of the last edge
+ FOR i IN RefSignalNorm'RANGE LOOP
+ RefEdge(i) := EdgeSymbolMatch(TimingData.RefLastA(i),
+ To_X01(RefSignalNorm(i)), RefTransition);
+ TimingData.RefLastA(i) := To_X01(RefSignalNorm(i));
+ IF (RefEdge(i)) THEN
+ TimingData.RefTimeA(i) := NOW;
+ -- Detect test (data) changes and record the time of the last change
+ FOR i IN TestSignalNorm'RANGE LOOP
+ TestEvent(i) := TimingData.TestLastA(i) /= To_X01Z(TestSignalNorm(i));
+ TimingData.TestLastA(i) := To_X01Z(TestSignalNorm(i));
+ IF (TestEvent(i)) THEN
+ TimingData.TestTimeA(i) := NOW;
+ FOR i IN ViolationTest'RANGE LOOP
+ ViolationTest(i) := '0';
+ FOR i IN ViolationRef'RANGE LOOP
+ ViolationRef(i) := '0';
+ FOR i IN TestSignalNorm'RANGE LOOP
+ IF (ArcType = CrossArc) THEN
+ FOR j IN RefSignalNorm'RANGE LOOP
+ IF (TestEvent(i)) THEN
+ --TimingData.SetupEnA(i*NumRefBits+j) := TRUE;
+ --IR252
+ TimingData.SetupEnA(i*NumRefBits+j) := EnableSetupOnTest;
+ TimingData.HoldEnA(i*NumRefBits+j)
+ := TimingData.HoldEnA(i*NumRefBits+j) AND EnableHoldOnTest;
+ IF (RefEdge(j)) THEN
+ --TimingData.HoldEnA(i*NumRefBits+j) := TRUE;
+ --IR252
+ TimingData.HoldEnA(i*NumRefBits+j) := EnableHoldOnRef;
+ TimingData.SetupEnA(i*NumRefBits+j)
+ := TimingData.SetupEnA(i*NumRefBits+j) AND EnableSetupOnRef;
+ RefBitLow := 0;
+ RefBitHigh := NumRefBits-1;
+ TimingArrayIndex := i;
+ IF ArcType = SubwordArc THEN
+ RefBitLow := i / NumBitsPerSubWord;
+ TimingArrayIndex := i + NumTestBits * RefBitLow;
+ RefBitLow := i;
+ TimingArrayIndex := i;
+ RefBitHigh := RefBitLow;
+ IF TestEvent(i) THEN
+ --TimingData.SetupEnA(i) := TRUE;
+ --IR252
+ TimingData.SetupEnA(i) := EnableSetupOnTest;
+ TimingData.HoldEnA(i) := TimingData.HoldEnA(i) AND EnableHoldOnTest;
+ IF RefEdge(RefBitLow) THEN
+ --TimingData.HoldEnA(i) := TRUE;
+ --IR252
+ TimingData.HoldEnA(i) := EnableHoldOnRef;
+ TimingData.SetupEnA(i) := TimingData.SetupEnA(i) AND EnableSetupOnRef;
+ EnArrayIndex := i;
+ FOR j IN RefBitLow to RefBitHigh LOOP
+ IF (CheckEnabled) THEN
+ TestDly := Maximum(0 ns, TestDelayNorm(i));
+ RefDly := Maximum(0 ns, RefDelayNorm(j));
+ InternalTimingCheck (
+ TestSignal => TestSignalNorm(i),
+ RefSignal => RefSignalNorm(j),
+ TestDelay => TestDly,
+ RefDelay => RefDly,
+ SetupHigh => SetupHighNorm(TimingArrayIndex),
+ SetupLow => SetupLowNorm(TimingArrayIndex),
+ HoldHigh => HoldHighNorm(TimingArrayIndex),
+ HoldLow => HoldLowNorm(TimingArrayIndex),
+ RefTime => TimingData.RefTimeA(j),
+ RefEdge => RefEdge(j),
+ TestTime => TimingData.TestTimeA(i),
+ TestEvent => TestEvent(i),
+ SetupEn => TimingData.SetupEnA(EnArrayIndex),
+ HoldEn => TimingData.HoldEnA(EnArrayIndex),
+ CheckInfo => CheckInfo,
+ MsgOn => MsgOn
+ );
+ -- Report any detected violations and set return violation flag
+ IF (CheckInfo.Violation) THEN
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ VitalMemoryReportViolation (TestSignalName, RefSignalName, i, j,
+ TestSignal, RefSignal, HeaderMsg, CheckInfo,
+ MsgFormat, MsgSeverity );
+ ViolationTest(i) := 'X';
+ ViolationRef(j) := 'X';
+ TimingArrayIndex := TimingArrayIndex + NumRefBits;
+ EnArrayIndex := EnArrayIndex + NumRefBits;
+ IF (ArcType = CrossArc) THEN
+ Violation := ViolationRef;
+ IF (Violation'LENGTH = ViolationRef'LENGTH) THEN
+ Violation := ViolationRef;
+ Violation := ViolationTest;
+END VitalMemorySetupHoldCheck;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemorySetupHoldCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01ArrayT;
+ VARIABLE TimingData : INOUT VitalMemoryTimingDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName: IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ SIGNAL RefSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT SetupHigh : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT SetupLow : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT HoldHigh : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT HoldLow : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT CheckEnabled : IN VitalBoolArrayT;
+ CONSTANT RefTransition : IN VitalEdgeSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT NumBitsPerSubWord : IN INTEGER := 1;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT MsgFormat : IN VitalMemoryMsgFormatType;
+ --IR252 3/23/98
+ CONSTANT EnableSetupOnTest : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE CheckInfo : CheckInfoType;
+ VARIABLE RefEdge : VitalBoolArrayT(RefSignal'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE TestEvent : VitalBoolArrayT(TestSignal'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE NumTestBits : NATURAL := TestSignal'LENGTH;
+ VARIABLE NumRefBits : NATURAL := RefSignal'LENGTH;
+ VARIABLE ViolationTest : X01ArrayT(NumTestBits-1 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE ViolationRef : X01ArrayT(NumRefBits-1 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE TestSignalNorm : std_logic_vector(NumTestBits-1 downto 0)
+ := TestSignal;
+ VARIABLE TestDelayNorm : VitalDelayArraytype(NumTestBits-1 downto 0)
+ := TestDelay;
+ VARIABLE RefSignalNorm : std_logic_vector(NumRefBits-1 downto 0)
+ := RefSignal;
+ VARIABLE RefDelayNorm : VitalDelayArraytype(NumRefBits-1 downto 0)
+ := RefDelay;
+ VARIABLE CheckEnNorm : VitalBoolArrayT(NumRefBits-1 downto 0)
+ := CheckEnabled;
+ VARIABLE SetupHighNorm : VitalDelayArraytype(SetupHigh'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ := SetupHigh;
+ VARIABLE SetupLowNorm : VitalDelayArraytype(SetupLow'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ := SetupLow;
+ VARIABLE HoldHighNorm : VitalDelayArraytype(HoldHigh'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ := HoldHigh;
+ VARIABLE HoldLowNorm : VitalDelayArraytype(HoldLow'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ := HoldLow;
+ VARIABLE TimingArrayIndex: NATURAL;
+ -- Initialization of working area.
+ IF (TimingData.NotFirstFlag = FALSE) THEN
+ TimingData.TestLastA := NEW std_logic_vector(NumTestBits-1 downto 0);
+ TimingData.TestTimeA := NEW VitalTimeArrayT(NumTestBits-1 downto 0);
+ TimingData.RefTimeA := NEW VitalTimeArrayT(NumRefBits-1 downto 0);
+ TimingData.RefLastA := NEW X01ArrayT(NumRefBits-1 downto 0);
+ IF ArcType = CrossArc THEN
+ NumChecks := RefSignal'LENGTH * TestSignal'LENGTH;
+ NumChecks := TestSignal'LENGTH;
+ TimingData.HoldEnA := NEW VitalBoolArrayT(NumChecks-1 downto 0);
+ TimingData.SetupEnA := NEW VitalBoolArrayT(NumChecks-1 downto 0);
+ FOR i IN TestSignalNorm'RANGE LOOP
+ TimingData.TestLastA(i) := To_X01(TestSignalNorm(i));
+ FOR i IN RefSignalNorm'RANGE LOOP
+ TimingData.RefLastA(i) := To_X01(RefSignalNorm(i));
+ TimingData.NotFirstFlag := TRUE;
+ -- Detect reference edges and record the time of the last edge
+ FOR i IN RefSignalNorm'RANGE LOOP
+ RefEdge(i) := EdgeSymbolMatch(TimingData.RefLastA(i),
+ To_X01(RefSignalNorm(i)), RefTransition);
+ TimingData.RefLastA(i) := To_X01(RefSignalNorm(i));
+ IF RefEdge(i) THEN
+ TimingData.RefTimeA(i) := NOW;
+ -- Detect test (data) changes and record the time of the last change
+ FOR i IN TestSignalNorm'RANGE LOOP
+ TestEvent(i) := TimingData.TestLastA(i) /= To_X01Z(TestSignalNorm(i));
+ TimingData.TestLastA(i) := To_X01Z(TestSignalNorm(i));
+ IF TestEvent(i) THEN
+ TimingData.TestTimeA(i) := NOW;
+ FOR i IN ViolationTest'RANGE LOOP
+ ViolationTest(i) := '0';
+ FOR i IN ViolationRef'RANGE LOOP
+ ViolationRef(i) := '0';
+ FOR i IN TestSignalNorm'RANGE LOOP
+ IF (ArcType = CrossArc) THEN
+ FOR j IN RefSignalNorm'RANGE LOOP
+ IF (TestEvent(i)) THEN
+ --TimingData.SetupEnA(i*NumRefBits+j) := TRUE;
+ --IR252
+ TimingData.SetupEnA(i*NumRefBits+j) := EnableSetupOnTest;
+ TimingData.HoldEnA(i*NumRefBits+j)
+ := TimingData.HoldEnA(i*NumRefBits+j) AND EnableHoldOnTest;
+ IF (RefEdge(j)) THEN
+ --TimingData.HoldEnA(i*NumRefBits+j) := TRUE;
+ --IR252
+ TimingData.HoldEnA(i*NumRefBits+j) := EnableHoldOnRef;
+ TimingData.SetupEnA(i*NumRefBits+j)
+ := TimingData.SetupEnA(i*NumRefBits+j) AND EnableSetupOnRef;
+ RefBitLow := 0;
+ RefBitHigh := NumRefBits-1;
+ TimingArrayIndex := i;
+ IF (ArcType = SubwordArc) THEN
+ RefBitLow := i / NumBitsPerSubWord;
+ TimingArrayIndex := i + NumTestBits * RefBitLow;
+ RefBitLow := i;
+ TimingArrayIndex := i;
+ RefBitHigh := RefBitLow;
+ IF (TestEvent(i)) THEN
+ --TimingData.SetupEnA(i) := TRUE;
+ --IR252
+ TimingData.SetupEnA(i) := EnableSetupOnTest;
+ TimingData.HoldEnA(i) := TimingData.HoldEnA(i) AND EnableHoldOnTest;
+ IF (RefEdge(RefBitLow)) THEN
+ --TimingData.HoldEnA(i) := TRUE;
+ --IR252
+ TimingData.HoldEnA(i) := EnableHoldOnRef;
+ TimingData.SetupEnA(i) := TimingData.SetupEnA(i) AND EnableSetupOnRef;
+ EnArrayIndex := i;
+ FOR j IN RefBitLow to RefBitHigh LOOP
+ IF (CheckEnNorm(j)) THEN
+ TestDly := Maximum(0 ns, TestDelayNorm(i));
+ RefDly := Maximum(0 ns, RefDelayNorm(j));
+ InternalTimingCheck (
+ TestSignal => TestSignalNorm(i),
+ RefSignal => RefSignalNorm(j),
+ TestDelay => TestDly,
+ RefDelay => RefDly,
+ SetupHigh => SetupHighNorm(TimingArrayIndex),
+ SetupLow => SetupLowNorm(TimingArrayIndex),
+ HoldHigh => HoldHighNorm(TimingArrayIndex),
+ HoldLow => HoldLowNorm(TimingArrayIndex),
+ RefTime => TimingData.RefTimeA(j),
+ RefEdge => RefEdge(j),
+ TestTime => TimingData.TestTimeA(i),
+ TestEvent => TestEvent(i),
+ SetupEn => TimingData.SetupEnA(EnArrayIndex),
+ HoldEn => TimingData.HoldEnA(EnArrayIndex),
+ CheckInfo => CheckInfo,
+ MsgOn => MsgOn
+ );
+ -- Report any detected violations and set return violation flag
+ IF (CheckInfo.Violation) THEN
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ VitalMemoryReportViolation (TestSignalName, RefSignalName, i, j,
+ TestSignal, RefSignal, HeaderMsg, CheckInfo,
+ MsgFormat, MsgSeverity );
+ ViolationTest(i) := 'X';
+ ViolationRef(j) := 'X';
+ TimingArrayIndex := TimingArrayIndex + NumRefBits;
+ EnArrayIndex := EnArrayIndex + NumRefBits;
+ IF (ArcType = CrossArc) THEN
+ Violation := ViolationRef;
+ IF (Violation'LENGTH = ViolationRef'LENGTH) THEN
+ Violation := ViolationRef;
+ Violation := ViolationTest;
+END VitalMemorySetupHoldCheck;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- scalar violations not needed
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemorySetupHoldCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01;
+ VARIABLE TimingData : INOUT VitalMemoryTimingDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName: IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ SIGNAL RefSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupHigh : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT SetupLow : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT HoldHigh : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT HoldLow : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT RefTransition : IN VitalEdgeSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT MsgFormat : IN VitalMemoryMsgFormatType;
+ --IR252 3/23/98
+ CONSTANT EnableSetupOnTest : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE CheckInfo : CheckInfoType;
+ VARIABLE TestEvent : VitalBoolArrayT(TestSignal'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE RefDly : TIME := Maximum(0 ns, RefDelay);
+ -- Initialization of working area.
+ IF (TimingData.NotFirstFlag = FALSE) THEN
+ TimingData.TestLastA := NEW std_logic_vector(TestSignal'RANGE);
+ TimingData.TestTimeA := NEW VitalTimeArrayT(TestSignal'RANGE);
+ TimingData.HoldEnA := NEW VitalBoolArrayT(TestSignal'RANGE);
+ TimingData.SetupEnA := NEW VitalBoolArrayT(TestSignal'RANGE);
+ FOR i IN TestSignal'RANGE LOOP
+ TimingData.TestLastA(i) := To_X01(TestSignal(i));
+ TimingData.RefLast := To_X01(RefSignal);
+ TimingData.NotFirstFlag := TRUE;
+ -- Detect reference edges and record the time of the last edge
+ RefEdge := EdgeSymbolMatch(TimingData.RefLast, To_X01(RefSignal),
+ RefTransition);
+ TimingData.RefLast := To_X01(RefSignal);
+ IF (RefEdge) THEN
+ TimingData.RefTime := NOW;
+ --TimingData.HoldEnA.all := (TestSignal'RANGE=>TRUE);
+ --IR252 3/23/98
+ FOR i IN TestSignal'RANGE LOOP
+ TimingData.SetupEnA(i)
+ := TimingData.SetupEnA(i) AND EnableSetupOnRef;
+ TimingData.HoldEnA(i) := EnableHoldOnRef;
+ -- Detect test (data) changes and record the time of the last change
+ FOR i IN TestSignal'RANGE LOOP
+ TestEvent(i) := TimingData.TestLastA(i) /= To_X01Z(TestSignal(i));
+ TimingData.TestLastA(i) := To_X01Z(TestSignal(i));
+ IF TestEvent(i) THEN
+ TimingData.SetupEnA(i) := EnableSetupOnTest ; --IR252 3/23/98
+ TimingData.HoldEnA(i) := TimingData.HoldEnA(i) AND EnableHoldOnTest ;
+ --IR252 3/23/98
+ TimingData.TestTimeA(i) := NOW;
+ --TimingData.SetupEnA(i) := TRUE;
+ TimingData.TestTime := NOW;
+ Violation := '0';
+ FOR i IN TestSignal'RANGE LOOP
+ IF (CheckEnabled) THEN
+ TestDly := Maximum(0 ns, TestDelay(i));
+ InternalTimingCheck (
+ TestSignal => TestSignal(i),
+ RefSignal => RefSignal,
+ TestDelay => TestDly,
+ RefDelay => RefDly,
+ SetupHigh => SetupHigh(i),
+ SetupLow => SetupLow(i),
+ HoldHigh => HoldHigh(i),
+ HoldLow => HoldLow(i),
+ RefTime => TimingData.RefTime,
+ RefEdge => RefEdge,
+ TestTime => TimingData.TestTimeA(i),
+ TestEvent => TestEvent(i),
+ SetupEn => TimingData.SetupEnA(i),
+ HoldEn => TimingData.HoldEnA(i),
+ CheckInfo => CheckInfo,
+ MsgOn => MsgOn
+ );
+ -- Report any detected violations and set return violation flag
+ IF CheckInfo.Violation THEN
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ VitalMemoryReportViolation (TestSignalName, RefSignalName, i ,
+ HeaderMsg, CheckInfo, MsgFormat, MsgSeverity );
+ Violation := 'X';
+END VitalMemorySetupHoldCheck;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemorySetupHoldCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01;
+ VARIABLE TimingData : INOUT VitalMemoryTimingDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName: IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ SIGNAL RefSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT SetupHigh : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT SetupLow : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT HoldHigh : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT HoldLow : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT RefTransition : IN VitalEdgeSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT NumBitsPerSubWord : IN INTEGER := 1;
+ CONSTANT MsgFormat : IN VitalMemoryMsgFormatType;
+ --IR252 3/23/98
+ CONSTANT EnableSetupOnTest : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE CheckInfo : CheckInfoType;
+ VARIABLE RefEdge : VitalBoolArrayT(RefSignal'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE TestEvent : VitalBoolArrayT(TestSignal'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
+ VARIABLE NumTestBits : NATURAL := TestSignal'LENGTH;
+ VARIABLE NumRefBits : NATURAL := RefSignal'LENGTH;
+ VARIABLE TestSignalNorm : std_logic_vector(NumTestBits-1 downto 0)
+ := TestSignal;
+ VARIABLE TestDelayNorm : VitalDelayArraytype(NumTestBits-1 downto 0)
+ := TestDelay;
+ VARIABLE RefSignalNorm : std_logic_vector(NumRefBits-1 downto 0)
+ := RefSignal;
+ VARIABLE RefDelayNorm : VitalDelayArraytype(NumRefBits-1 downto 0)
+ := RefDelay;
+ VARIABLE SetupHighNorm : VitalDelayArraytype(SetupHigh'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ := SetupHigh;
+ VARIABLE SetupLowNorm : VitalDelayArraytype(SetupLow'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ := SetupLow;
+ VARIABLE HoldHighNorm : VitalDelayArraytype(HoldHigh'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ := HoldHigh;
+ VARIABLE HoldLowNorm : VitalDelayArraytype(HoldLow'LENGTH-1 downto 0)
+ := HoldLow;
+ VARIABLE TimingArrayIndex: NATURAL;
+ -- Initialization of working area.
+ IF (TimingData.NotFirstFlag = FALSE) THEN
+ TimingData.TestLastA := NEW std_logic_vector(NumTestBits-1 downto 0);
+ TimingData.TestTimeA := NEW VitalTimeArrayT(NumTestBits-1 downto 0);
+ TimingData.RefTimeA := NEW VitalTimeArrayT(NumRefBits-1 downto 0);
+ TimingData.RefLastA := NEW X01ArrayT(NumRefBits-1 downto 0);
+ IF (ArcType = CrossArc) THEN
+ NumChecks := RefSignal'LENGTH * TestSignal'LENGTH;
+ NumChecks := TestSignal'LENGTH;
+ TimingData.HoldEnA := NEW VitalBoolArrayT(NumChecks-1 downto 0);
+ TimingData.SetupEnA := NEW VitalBoolArrayT(NumChecks-1 downto 0);
+ FOR i IN TestSignalNorm'RANGE LOOP
+ TimingData.TestLastA(i) := To_X01(TestSignalNorm(i));
+ FOR i IN RefSignalNorm'RANGE LOOP
+ TimingData.RefLastA(i) := To_X01(RefSignalNorm(i));
+ TimingData.NotFirstFlag := TRUE;
+ -- Detect reference edges and record the time of the last edge
+ FOR i IN RefSignalNorm'RANGE LOOP
+ RefEdge(i) := EdgeSymbolMatch(TimingData.RefLastA(i),
+ To_X01(RefSignalNorm(i)), RefTransition);
+ TimingData.RefLastA(i) := To_X01(RefSignalNorm(i));
+ IF (RefEdge(i)) THEN
+ TimingData.RefTimeA(i) := NOW;
+ -- Detect test (data) changes and record the time of the last change
+ FOR i IN TestSignalNorm'RANGE LOOP
+ TestEvent(i) := TimingData.TestLastA(i) /= To_X01Z(TestSignalNorm(i));
+ TimingData.TestLastA(i) := To_X01Z(TestSignalNorm(i));
+ IF (TestEvent(i)) THEN
+ TimingData.TestTimeA(i) := NOW;
+ FOR i IN TestSignalNorm'RANGE LOOP
+ IF (ArcType = CrossArc) THEN
+ FOR j IN RefSignalNorm'RANGE LOOP
+ IF (TestEvent(i)) THEN
+ --TimingData.SetupEnA(i*NumRefBits+j) := TRUE;
+ --IR252
+ TimingData.SetupEnA(i*NumRefBits+j) := EnableSetupOnTest;
+ TimingData.HoldEnA(i*NumRefBits+j)
+ := TimingData.HoldEnA(i*NumRefBits+j) AND EnableHoldOnTest;
+ IF (RefEdge(j)) THEN
+ --TimingData.HoldEnA(i*NumRefBits+j) := TRUE;
+ --IR252
+ TimingData.HoldEnA(i*NumRefBits+j) := EnableHoldOnRef;
+ TimingData.SetupEnA(i*NumRefBits+j)
+ := TimingData.SetupEnA(i*NumRefBits+j) AND EnableSetupOnRef;
+ RefBitLow := 0;
+ RefBitHigh := NumRefBits-1;
+ TimingArrayIndex := i;
+ IF (ArcType = SubwordArc) THEN
+ RefBitLow := i / NumBitsPerSubWord;
+ TimingArrayIndex := i + NumTestBits * RefBitLow;
+ RefBitLow := i;
+ TimingArrayIndex := i;
+ RefBitHigh := RefBitLow;
+ IF (TestEvent(i)) THEN
+ --TimingData.SetupEnA(i) := TRUE;
+ --IR252
+ TimingData.SetupEnA(i) := EnableSetupOnTest;
+ TimingData.HoldEnA(i) := TimingData.HoldEnA(i) AND EnableHoldOnTest;
+ IF (RefEdge(RefBitLow)) THEN
+ --TimingData.HoldEnA(i) := TRUE;
+ --IR252
+ TimingData.HoldEnA(i) := EnableHoldOnRef;
+ TimingData.SetupEnA(i) := TimingData.SetupEnA(i) AND EnableSetupOnRef;
+ EnArrayIndex := i;
+ Violation := '0';
+ FOR j IN RefBitLow to RefBitHigh LOOP
+ IF (CheckEnabled) THEN
+ TestDly := Maximum(0 ns, TestDelayNorm(i));
+ RefDly := Maximum(0 ns, RefDelayNorm(j));
+ InternalTimingCheck (
+ TestSignal => TestSignalNorm(i),
+ RefSignal => RefSignalNorm(j),
+ TestDelay => TestDly,
+ RefDelay => RefDly,
+ SetupHigh => SetupHighNorm(TimingArrayIndex),
+ SetupLow => SetupLowNorm(TimingArrayIndex),
+ HoldHigh => HoldHighNorm(TimingArrayIndex),
+ HoldLow => HoldLowNorm(TimingArrayIndex),
+ RefTime => TimingData.RefTimeA(j),
+ RefEdge => RefEdge(j),
+ TestTime => TimingData.TestTimeA(i),
+ TestEvent => TestEvent(i),
+ SetupEn => TimingData.SetupEnA(EnArrayIndex),
+ HoldEn => TimingData.HoldEnA(EnArrayIndex),
+ CheckInfo => CheckInfo,
+ MsgOn => MsgOn
+ );
+ -- Report any detected violations and set return violation flag
+ IF (CheckInfo.Violation) THEN
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ VitalMemoryReportViolation (TestSignalName, RefSignalName, i, j,
+ TestSignal, RefSignal, HeaderMsg, CheckInfo,
+ MsgFormat, MsgSeverity );
+ Violation := 'X';
+ TimingArrayIndex := TimingArrayIndex + NumRefBits;
+ EnArrayIndex := EnArrayIndex + NumRefBits;
+END VitalMemorySetupHoldCheck;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryPeriodPulseCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01;
+ VARIABLE PeriodData : INOUT VitalPeriodDataArrayType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT Period : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT PulseWidthHigh : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT PulseWidthLow : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT MsgFormat : IN VitalMemoryMsgFormatType
+) IS
+ VARIABLE TestDly : VitalDelayType;
+ VARIABLE CheckInfo : CheckInfoType;
+ VARIABLE PeriodObs : VitalDelayType;
+ VARIABLE TestValue : X01;
+ -- Initialize for no violation
+ Violation := '0'; --MEM IR 402
+ FOR i IN TestSignal'RANGE LOOP
+ TestDly := Maximum(0 ns, TestDelay(i));
+ TestValue := To_X01(TestSignal(i));
+ IF (PeriodData(i).NotFirstFlag = FALSE) THEN
+ PeriodData(i).Rise := -Maximum(Period(i),
+ Maximum(PulseWidthHigh(i),PulseWidthLow(i)));
+ PeriodData(i).Fall := -Maximum(Period(i),
+ Maximum(PulseWidthHigh(i),PulseWidthLow(i)));
+ PeriodData(i).Last := TestValue;
+ PeriodData(i).NotFirstFlag := TRUE;
+ -- Initialize for no violation
+ -- Violation := '0'; --Mem IR 402
+ -- No violation possible if no test signal change
+ NEXT WHEN (PeriodData(i).Last = TestValue);
+ -- record starting pulse times
+ IF (EdgeSymbolMatch(PeriodData(i).Last, TestValue, 'P')) THEN
+ -- Compute period times, then record the High Rise Time
+ PeriodObs := NOW - PeriodData(i).Rise;
+ PeriodData(i).Rise := NOW;
+ PeriodTest := TRUE;
+ ELSIF (EdgeSymbolMatch(PeriodData(i).Last, TestValue, 'N')) THEN
+ -- Compute period times, then record the Low Fall Time
+ PeriodObs := NOW - PeriodData(i).Fall;
+ PeriodData(i).Fall := NOW;
+ PeriodTest := TRUE;
+ PeriodTest := FALSE;
+ -- do checks on pulse ends
+ IF (EdgeSymbolMatch(PeriodData(i).Last, TestValue, 'p')) THEN
+ -- Compute pulse times
+ CheckInfo.ObsTime := NOW - PeriodData(i).Fall;
+ CheckInfo.ExpTime := PulseWidthLow(i);
+ PulseTest := TRUE;
+ ELSIF (EdgeSymbolMatch(PeriodData(i).Last, TestValue, 'n')) THEN
+ -- Compute pulse times
+ CheckInfo.ObsTime := NOW - PeriodData(i).Rise;
+ CheckInfo.ExpTime := PulseWidthHigh(i);
+ PulseTest := TRUE;
+ PulseTest := FALSE;
+ IF (PulseTest AND CheckEnabled) THEN
+ -- Verify Pulse Width [ignore 1st edge]
+ IF (CheckInfo.ObsTime < CheckInfo.ExpTime) THEN
+ Violation := 'X';
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ CheckInfo.Violation := TRUE;
+ CheckInfo.CheckKind := PulseWidCheck;
+ CheckInfo.DetTime := NOW - TestDly;
+ CheckInfo.State := PeriodData(i).Last;
+ VitalMemoryReportViolation (TestSignalName, "", i,
+ HeaderMsg, CheckInfo, MsgFormat, MsgSeverity );
+ END IF; -- MsgOn
+ IF (PeriodTest AND CheckEnabled) THEN
+ -- Verify the Period [ignore 1st edge]
+ CheckInfo.ObsTime := PeriodObs;
+ CheckInfo.ExpTime := Period(i);
+ IF ( CheckInfo.ObsTime < CheckInfo.ExpTime ) THEN
+ Violation := 'X';
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ CheckInfo.Violation := TRUE;
+ CheckInfo.CheckKind := PeriodCheck;
+ CheckInfo.DetTime := NOW - TestDly;
+ CheckInfo.State := TestValue;
+ VitalMemoryReportViolation (TestSignalName, "", i,
+ HeaderMsg, CheckInfo, MsgFormat, MsgSeverity );
+ END IF; -- MsgOn
+ PeriodData(i).Last := TestValue;
+END VitalMemoryPeriodPulseCheck;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryPeriodPulseCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01ArrayT;
+ VARIABLE PeriodData : INOUT VitalPeriodDataArrayType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT Period : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT PulseWidthHigh : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT PulseWidthLow : IN VitalDelayArraytype;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT MsgFormat : IN VitalMemoryMsgFormatType
+ VARIABLE TestDly : VitalDelayType;
+ VARIABLE CheckInfo : CheckInfoType;
+ VARIABLE PeriodObs : VitalDelayType;
+ VARIABLE TestValue : X01;
+ FOR i IN TestSignal'RANGE LOOP
+ TestDly := Maximum(0 ns, TestDelay(i));
+ TestValue := To_X01(TestSignal(i));
+ IF (PeriodData(i).NotFirstFlag = FALSE) THEN
+ PeriodData(i).Rise := -Maximum(Period(i),
+ Maximum(PulseWidthHigh(i),PulseWidthLow(i)));
+ PeriodData(i).Fall := -Maximum(Period(i),
+ Maximum(PulseWidthHigh(i),PulseWidthLow(i)));
+ PeriodData(i).Last := TestValue;
+ PeriodData(i).NotFirstFlag := TRUE;
+ -- Initialize for no violation
+ Violation(i) := '0';
+ -- No violation possible if no test signal change
+ NEXT WHEN (PeriodData(i).Last = TestValue);
+ -- record starting pulse times
+ IF (EdgeSymbolMatch(PeriodData(i).Last, TestValue, 'P')) THEN
+ -- Compute period times, then record the High Rise Time
+ PeriodObs := NOW - PeriodData(i).Rise;
+ PeriodData(i).Rise := NOW;
+ PeriodTest := TRUE;
+ ELSIF (EdgeSymbolMatch(PeriodData(i).Last, TestValue, 'N')) THEN
+ -- Compute period times, then record the Low Fall Time
+ PeriodObs := NOW - PeriodData(i).Fall;
+ PeriodData(i).Fall := NOW;
+ PeriodTest := TRUE;
+ PeriodTest := FALSE;
+ -- do checks on pulse ends
+ IF (EdgeSymbolMatch(PeriodData(i).Last, TestValue, 'p')) THEN
+ -- Compute pulse times
+ CheckInfo.ObsTime := NOW - PeriodData(i).Fall;
+ CheckInfo.ExpTime := PulseWidthLow(i);
+ PulseTest := TRUE;
+ ELSIF (EdgeSymbolMatch(PeriodData(i).Last, TestValue, 'n')) THEN
+ -- Compute pulse times
+ CheckInfo.ObsTime := NOW - PeriodData(i).Rise;
+ CheckInfo.ExpTime := PulseWidthHigh(i);
+ PulseTest := TRUE;
+ PulseTest := FALSE;
+ IF (PulseTest AND CheckEnabled) THEN
+ -- Verify Pulse Width [ignore 1st edge]
+ IF (CheckInfo.ObsTime < CheckInfo.ExpTime) THEN
+ Violation(i) := 'X';
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ CheckInfo.Violation := TRUE;
+ CheckInfo.CheckKind := PulseWidCheck;
+ CheckInfo.DetTime := NOW - TestDly;
+ CheckInfo.State := PeriodData(i).Last;
+ VitalMemoryReportViolation (TestSignalName, "", i,
+ HeaderMsg, CheckInfo, MsgFormat, MsgSeverity );
+ END IF; -- MsgOn
+ IF (PeriodTest AND CheckEnabled) THEN
+ -- Verify the Period [ignore 1st edge]
+ CheckInfo.ObsTime := PeriodObs;
+ CheckInfo.ExpTime := Period(i);
+ IF ( CheckInfo.ObsTime < CheckInfo.ExpTime ) THEN
+ Violation(i) := 'X';
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ CheckInfo.Violation := TRUE;
+ CheckInfo.CheckKind := PeriodCheck;
+ CheckInfo.DetTime := NOW - TestDly;
+ CheckInfo.State := TestValue;
+ VitalMemoryReportViolation (TestSignalName, "", i,
+ HeaderMsg, CheckInfo, MsgFOrmat, MsgSeverity );
+ END IF; -- MsgOn
+ PeriodData(i).Last := TestValue;
+END VitalMemoryPeriodPulseCheck;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Functionality Section
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Look-up table. Given an int, we can get the 4-bit bit_vector.
+ std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0) ;
+CONSTANT HexToBitvTable : HexToBitvTableType (0 TO 15) :=
+ (
+ "0000", "0001", "0010", "0011",
+ "0100", "0101", "0110", "0111",
+ "1000", "1001", "1010", "1011",
+ "1100", "1101", "1110", "1111"
+ ) ;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Misc Utilities Local Utilities
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: IsSpace
+-- Parameters: ch -- input character
+-- Description: Returns TRUE or FALSE depending on the input character
+-- being white space or not.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+FUNCTION IsSpace (ch : character)
+RETURN boolean IS
+ RETURN ((ch = ' ') OR (ch = CR) OR (ch = HT) OR (ch = NUL));
+END IsSpace;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: LenOfString
+-- Parameters: Str -- input string
+-- Description: Returns the NATURAL length of the input string.
+-- as terminated by the first NUL character.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+FUNCTION LenOfString (Str : STRING)
+ StrRight := Str'RIGHT;
+ IF (Str(i) = NUL) THEN
+ StrRight := i - 1;
+ RETURN (StrRight);
+END LenOfString;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: HexToInt
+-- Parameters: Hex -- input character or string
+-- Description: Converts input character or string interpreted as a
+-- hexadecimal representation to integer value.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT HexChars : STRING := "0123456789ABCDEFabcdef";
+ IF (Hex = XLoChar OR Hex = XHiChar) THEN
+ RETURN (23);
+ FOR i IN 1 TO 16 LOOP
+ IF(Hex = HexChars(i)) THEN
+ RETURN (i-1);
+ FOR i IN 17 TO 22 LOOP
+ IF (Hex = HexChars(i)) THEN
+ RETURN (i-7);
+ "Invalid character received by HexToInt function"
+ RETURN (0);
+END HexToInt;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ VARIABLE Value : INTEGER := 0;
+ Length := LenOfString(hex);
+ IF (Length > 8) THEN
+ "Invalid string length received by HexToInt function"
+ FOR i IN 1 TO Length LOOP
+ Value := Value + HexToInt(Hex(i)) * 16 ** (Length - i);
+ RETURN (Value);
+END HexToInt;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: HexToBitv
+-- Parameters: Hex -- Input hex string
+-- Description: Converts input hex string to a std_logic_vector
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Hex : STRING
+) RETURN std_logic_vector is
+ VARIABLE Index : INTEGER := 0 ;
+ VARIABLE BitsPerHex : INTEGER := 4 ; -- Denotes no. of bits per hex char.
+ VARIABLE HexLen : NATURAL := (BitsPerHex * LenOfString(Hex)) ;
+ VARIABLE TableVal : std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0) ;
+ VARIABLE Result : std_logic_vector(HexLen-1 DOWNTO 0) ;
+ -- Assign 4-bit wide bit vector to result directly from a look-up table.
+ Index := 0 ;
+ WHILE ( Index < HexLen ) LOOP
+ ValHexToInt := HexToInt( Hex((HexLen - Index)/BitsPerHex ) );
+ IF ( ValHexToInt = 23 ) THEN
+ TableVal := "XXXX";
+ -- Look up from the table.
+ TableVal := HexToBitvTable( ValHexToInt ) ;
+ -- Assign now.
+ Result(Index+3 DOWNTO Index) := TableVal ;
+ -- Get ready for next block of 4-bits.
+ Index := Index + 4 ;
+ RETURN Result ;
+END HexToBitv ;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: BinToBitv
+-- Parameters: Bin -- Input bin string
+-- Description: Converts input bin string to a std_logic_vector
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Bin : STRING
+) RETURN std_logic_vector is
+ VARIABLE Index : INTEGER := 0 ;
+ VARIABLE Length : NATURAL := LenOfString(Bin);
+ VARIABLE BitVal : std_ulogic;
+ VARIABLE Result : std_logic_vector(Length-1 DOWNTO 0) ;
+ Index := 0 ;
+ WHILE ( Index < Length ) LOOP
+ IF (Bin(Length-Index) = '0') THEN
+ BitVal := '0';
+ ELSIF (Bin(Length-Index) = '1') THEN
+ BitVal := '1';
+ BitVal := 'X';
+ END IF ;
+ -- Assign now.
+ Result(Index) := BitVal ;
+ Index := Index + 1 ;
+ RETURN Result ;
+END BinToBitv ;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- For Memory Table Modeling
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TYPE To_MemoryCharType IS ARRAY (VitalMemorySymbolType) OF CHARACTER;
+CONSTANT To_MemoryChar : To_MemoryCharType :=
+ ( '/', '\', 'P', 'N', 'r', 'f', 'p', 'n', 'R', 'F', '^', 'v',
+ 'E', 'A', 'D', '*', 'X', '0', '1', '-', 'B', 'Z', 'S',
+ 'g', 'u', 'i', 'G', 'U', 'I',
+ 'w', 's',
+ 'c', 'l', 'd', 'e', 'C', 'L',
+ 'M', 'm', 't' );
+TYPE ValidMemoryTableInputType IS ARRAY (VitalMemorySymbolType) OF BOOLEAN;
+CONSTANT ValidMemoryTableInput : ValidMemoryTableInputType :=
+ -- '/', '\', 'P', 'N', 'r', 'f',
+ -- 'p', 'n', 'R', 'F', '^', 'v',
+ -- 'E', 'A', 'D', '*',
+ -- 'X', '0', '1', '-', 'B', 'Z',
+ -- 'S',
+ -- 'g', 'u', 'i', 'G', 'U', 'I',
+ -- 'w', 's',
+ -- 'c', 'l', 'd', 'e', 'C', 'L',
+ -- 'M', 'm', 't'
+TYPE MemoryTableMatchType IS ARRAY (X01,X01,VitalMemorySymbolType) OF BOOLEAN;
+-- last value, present value, table symbol
+CONSTANT MemoryTableMatch : MemoryTableMatchType := (
+ ( -- X (lastvalue)
+ -- / \ P N r f
+ -- p n R F ^ v
+ -- E A D *
+ -- X 0 1 - B Z S
+ -- g u i G U I
+ -- w s
+ -- c l d e, C L
+ -- m t
+ ),
+ (-- 0 (lastvalue)
+ -- / \ P N r f
+ -- p n R F ^ v
+ -- E A D *
+ -- X 0 1 - B Z S
+ -- g u i G U I
+ -- w s
+ -- c l d e, C L
+ -- m t
+ ),
+ (-- 1 (lastvalue)
+ -- / \ P N r f
+ -- p n R F ^ v
+ -- E A D *
+ -- X 0 1 - B Z S
+ -- g u i G U I
+ -- w s
+ -- c l d e, C L
+ -- m t
+ )
+ );
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Error Message Types and Tables
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TYPE VitalMemoryErrorType IS (
+ ErrGoodAddr, -- 'g' Good address (no transition)
+ ErrUnknAddr, -- 'u' 'X' levels in address (no transition)
+ ErrInvaAddr, -- 'i' Invalid address (no transition)
+ ErrGoodTrAddr, -- 'G' Good address (with transition)
+ ErrUnknTrAddr, -- 'U' 'X' levels in address (with transition)
+ ErrInvaTrAddr, -- 'I' Invalid address (with transition)
+ ErrWrDatMem, -- 'w' Writing data to memory
+ ErrNoChgMem, -- 's' Retaining previous memory contents
+ ErrCrAllMem, -- 'c' Corrupting entire memory with 'X'
+ ErrCrWrdMem, -- 'l' Corrupting a word in memory with 'X'
+ ErrCrBitMem, -- 'd' Corrupting a single bit in memory with 'X'
+ ErrCrDatMem, -- 'e' Corrupting a word with 'X' based on data in
+ ErrCrAllSubMem,-- 'C' Corrupting a sub-word entire memory with 'X'
+ ErrCrWrdSubMem,-- 'L' Corrupting a sub-word in memory with 'X'
+ ErrCrBitSubMem,-- 'D' Corrupting a single bit of a memory sub-word with 'X'
+ ErrCrDatSubMem,-- 'E' Corrupting a sub-word with 'X' based on data in
+ ErrCrWrdOut, -- 'l' Corrupting data out with 'X'
+ ErrCrBitOut, -- 'd' Corrupting a single bit of data out with 'X'
+ ErrCrDatOut, -- 'e' Corrupting data out with 'X' based on data in
+ ErrCrWrdSubOut,-- 'L' Corrupting data out sub-word with 'X'
+ ErrCrBitSubOut,-- 'D' Corrupting a single bit of data out sub-word with 'X'
+ ErrCrDatSubOut,-- 'E' Corrupting data out sub-word with 'X' based on data in
+ ErrImplOut, -- 'M' Implicit read from memory to data out
+ ErrReadOut, -- 'm' Reading data from memory to data out
+ ErrAssgOut, -- 't' Transfering from data in to data out
+ ErrAsgXOut, -- 'X' Assigning unknown level to data out
+ ErrAsg0Out, -- '0' Assigning low level to data out
+ ErrAsg1Out, -- '1' Assigning high level to data out
+ ErrAsgZOut, -- 'Z' Assigning high impedence to data out
+ ErrAsgSOut, -- 'S' Keeping data out at steady value
+ ErrAsgXMem, -- 'X' Assigning unknown level to memory location
+ ErrAsg0Mem, -- '0' Assigning low level to memory location
+ ErrAsg1Mem, -- '1' Assigning high level to memory location
+ ErrAsgZMem, -- 'Z' Assigning high impedence to memory location
+ ErrDefMemAct, -- No memory table match, using default action
+ ErrInitMem, -- Initialize memory contents
+ ErrMcpWrCont, -- Memory cross port to same port write contention
+ ErrMcpCpCont, -- Memory cross port read/write data/memory contention
+ ErrMcpCpRead, -- Memory cross port read to same port
+ ErrMcpRdWrCo, -- Memory cross port read/write data only contention
+ ErrMcpCpWrCont,-- Memory cross port to cross port write contention
+ ErrUnknMemDo, -- Unknown memory action
+ ErrUnknDatDo, -- Unknown data action
+ ErrUnknSymbol, -- Illegal memory symbol
+ ErrLdIlgArg,
+ ErrLdAddrRng,
+ ErrLdMemInfo,
+ ErrLdFileEmpty,
+ ErrPrintString
+TYPE VitalMemoryErrorSeverityType IS
+ARRAY (VitalMemoryErrorType) OF SEVERITY_LEVEL;
+CONSTANT VitalMemoryErrorSeverity :
+ VitalMemoryErrorSeverityType := (
+ ErrGoodAddr => NOTE,
+ ErrUnknAddr => WARNING,
+ ErrInvaAddr => WARNING,
+ ErrGoodTrAddr => NOTE,
+ ErrUnknTrAddr => WARNING,
+ ErrInvaTrAddr => WARNING,
+ ErrWrDatMem => NOTE,
+ ErrNoChgMem => NOTE,
+ ErrCrAllMem => WARNING,
+ ErrCrWrdMem => WARNING,
+ ErrCrBitMem => WARNING,
+ ErrCrDatMem => WARNING,
+ ErrCrAllSubMem => WARNING,
+ ErrCrWrdSubMem => WARNING,
+ ErrCrBitSubMem => WARNING,
+ ErrCrDatSubMem => WARNING,
+ ErrCrWrdOut => WARNING,
+ ErrCrBitOut => WARNING,
+ ErrCrDatOut => WARNING,
+ ErrCrWrdSubOut => WARNING,
+ ErrCrBitSubOut => WARNING,
+ ErrCrDatSubOut => WARNING,
+ ErrImplOut => NOTE,
+ ErrReadOut => NOTE,
+ ErrAssgOut => NOTE,
+ ErrAsgXOut => NOTE,
+ ErrAsg0Out => NOTE,
+ ErrAsg1Out => NOTE,
+ ErrAsgZOut => NOTE,
+ ErrAsgSOut => NOTE,
+ ErrAsgXMem => NOTE,
+ ErrAsg0Mem => NOTE,
+ ErrAsg1Mem => NOTE,
+ ErrAsgZMem => NOTE,
+ ErrDefMemAct => NOTE,
+ ErrInitMem => NOTE,
+ ErrMcpWrCont => WARNING,
+ ErrMcpCpCont => WARNING,
+ ErrMcpCpRead => WARNING,
+ ErrMcpRdWrCo => WARNING,
+ ErrMcpCpWrCont => WARNING,
+ ErrUnknMemDo => ERROR,
+ ErrUnknDatDo => ERROR,
+ ErrUnknSymbol => ERROR,
+ ErrLdIlgArg => ERROR,
+ ErrLdAddrRng => WARNING,
+ ErrLdMemInfo => NOTE,
+ ErrLdFileEmpty => ERROR,
+ ErrPrintString => WARNING
+ );
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ := "Good address (no transition)";
+ := "Unknown address (no transition)";
+ := "Invalid address (no transition)";
+ := "Good address (with transition)";
+ := "Unknown address (with transition)";
+ := "Invalid address (with transition)";
+ := "Retaining previous memory contents";
+ := "Writing data to memory";
+ := "Corrupting entire memory with 'X'";
+ := "Corrupting a word in memory with 'X'";
+ := "Corrupting a single bit in memory with 'X'";
+ := "Corrupting a word with 'X' based on data in";
+ := "Corrupting a sub-word entire memory with 'X'";
+ := "Corrupting a sub-word in memory with 'X'";
+ := "Corrupting a single bit of a sub-word with 'X'";
+ := "Corrupting a sub-word with 'X' based on data in";
+ := "Corrupting data out with 'X'";
+ := "Corrupting a single bit of data out with 'X'";
+ := "Corrupting data out with 'X' based on data in";
+ := "Corrupting data out sub-word with 'X'";
+ := "Corrupting a single bit of data out sub-word with 'X'";
+ := "Corrupting data out sub-word with 'X' based on data in";
+ := "Implicit read from memory to data out";
+ := "Reading data from memory to data out";
+ := "Transfering from data in to data out";
+ := "Assigning unknown level to data out";
+ := "Assigning low level to data out";
+ := "Assigning high level to data out";
+ := "Assigning high impedance to data out";
+ := "Keeping data out at steady value";
+ := "Assigning unknown level to memory location";
+ := "Assigning low level to memory location";
+ := "Assigning high level to memory location";
+ := "Assigning high impedance to memory location";
+ := "No memory table match, using default action";
+ := "Initializing memory contents";
+ := "Same port write contention";
+ := "Cross port read/write data/memory contention";
+ := "Cross port read to same port";
+ := "Cross port read/write data only contention";
+ := "Cross port write contention";
+ := "Unknown memory action";
+ := "Unknown data action";
+ := "Illegal memory symbol";
+ := "Illegal bit arguments while loading memory.";
+ := "Loading data from the file into memory.";
+ := "Address out of range while loading memory.";
+ := "Memory load file is empty.";
+ := "";
+ := "Unknown error message.";
+ := "VitalMemoryTable";
+ := "VitalMemoryViolation";
+ := "VitalDeclareMemory";
+ := "VitalMemoryCrossPorts";
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- LOCAL Utilities
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: MemoryMessage
+-- Parameters: ErrorId -- Input error code
+-- Description: This function looks up the input error code and returns
+-- the string value of the associated message.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+FUNCTION MemoryMessage (
+ CONSTANT ErrorId : IN VitalMemoryErrorType
+ CASE ErrorId IS
+ WHEN ErrGoodAddr => RETURN MsgGoodAddr ;
+ WHEN ErrUnknAddr => RETURN MsgUnknAddr ;
+ WHEN ErrInvaAddr => RETURN MsgInvaAddr ;
+ WHEN ErrGoodTrAddr => RETURN MsgGoodTrAddr ;
+ WHEN ErrUnknTrAddr => RETURN MsgUnknTrAddr ;
+ WHEN ErrInvaTrAddr => RETURN MsgInvaTrAddr ;
+ WHEN ErrWrDatMem => RETURN MsgWrDatMem ;
+ WHEN ErrNoChgMem => RETURN MsgNoChgMem ;
+ WHEN ErrCrAllMem => RETURN MsgCrAllMem ;
+ WHEN ErrCrWrdMem => RETURN MsgCrWrdMem ;
+ WHEN ErrCrBitMem => RETURN MsgCrBitMem ;
+ WHEN ErrCrDatMem => RETURN MsgCrDatMem ;
+ WHEN ErrCrAllSubMem => RETURN MsgCrAllSubMem;
+ WHEN ErrCrWrdSubMem => RETURN MsgCrWrdSubMem;
+ WHEN ErrCrBitSubMem => RETURN MsgCrBitSubMem;
+ WHEN ErrCrDatSubMem => RETURN MsgCrDatSubMem;
+ WHEN ErrCrWrdOut => RETURN MsgCrWrdOut ;
+ WHEN ErrCrBitOut => RETURN MsgCrBitOut ;
+ WHEN ErrCrDatOut => RETURN MsgCrDatOut ;
+ WHEN ErrCrWrdSubOut => RETURN MsgCrWrdSubOut;
+ WHEN ErrCrBitSubOut => RETURN MsgCrBitSubOut;
+ WHEN ErrCrDatSubOut => RETURN MsgCrDatSubOut;
+ WHEN ErrImplOut => RETURN MsgImplOut ;
+ WHEN ErrReadOut => RETURN MsgReadOut ;
+ WHEN ErrAssgOut => RETURN MsgAssgOut ;
+ WHEN ErrAsgXOut => RETURN MsgAsgXOut ;
+ WHEN ErrAsg0Out => RETURN MsgAsg0Out ;
+ WHEN ErrAsg1Out => RETURN MsgAsg1Out ;
+ WHEN ErrAsgZOut => RETURN MsgAsgZOut ;
+ WHEN ErrAsgSOut => RETURN MsgAsgSOut ;
+ WHEN ErrAsgXMem => RETURN MsgAsgXMem ;
+ WHEN ErrAsg0Mem => RETURN MsgAsg0Mem ;
+ WHEN ErrAsg1Mem => RETURN MsgAsg1Mem ;
+ WHEN ErrAsgZMem => RETURN MsgAsgZMem ;
+ WHEN ErrDefMemAct => RETURN MsgDefMemAct ;
+ WHEN ErrInitMem => RETURN MsgInitMem ;
+ WHEN ErrMcpWrCont => RETURN MsgMcpWrCont ;
+ WHEN ErrMcpCpCont => RETURN MsgMcpCpCont ;
+ WHEN ErrMcpCpRead => RETURN MsgMcpCpRead ;
+ WHEN ErrMcpRdWrCo => RETURN MsgMcpRdWrCo ;
+ WHEN ErrMcpCpWrCont => RETURN MsgMcpCpWrCont;
+ WHEN ErrUnknMemDo => RETURN MsgUnknMemDo ;
+ WHEN ErrUnknDatDo => RETURN MsgUnknDatDo ;
+ WHEN ErrUnknSymbol => RETURN MsgUnknSymbol ;
+ WHEN ErrLdIlgArg => RETURN MsgLdIlgArg ;
+ WHEN ErrLdAddrRng => RETURN MsgLdAddrRng ;
+ WHEN ErrLdMemInfo => RETURN MsgLdMemInfo ;
+ WHEN ErrLdFileEmpty => RETURN MsgLdFileEmpty;
+ WHEN ErrPrintString => RETURN MsgPrintString;
+ WHEN OTHERS => RETURN MsgUnknown ;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: PrintMemoryMessage
+-- Parameters: Routine -- String identifying the calling routine
+-- ErrorId -- Input error code for message lookup
+-- Info -- Output string or character
+-- InfoStr -- Additional output string
+-- Info1 -- Additional output integer
+-- Info2 -- Additional output integer
+-- Info3 -- Additional output integer
+-- Description: This procedure prints out a memory status message
+-- given the input error id and other status information.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE PrintMemoryMessage (
+ CONSTANT ErrorId : IN VitalMemoryErrorType
+) IS
+ REPORT Routine & ": " & MemoryMessage(ErrorId)
+ SEVERITY VitalMemoryErrorSeverity(ErrorId);
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE PrintMemoryMessage (
+ CONSTANT ErrorId : IN VitalMemoryErrorType;
+) IS
+ REPORT Routine & ": " & MemoryMessage(ErrorId) & " " & Info
+ SEVERITY VitalMemoryErrorSeverity(ErrorId);
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE PrintMemoryMessage (
+ CONSTANT ErrorId : IN VitalMemoryErrorType;
+) IS
+ REPORT Routine & ": " & MemoryMessage(ErrorId) & " " & Info1 & " " & Info2
+ SEVERITY VitalMemoryErrorSeverity(ErrorId);
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE PrintMemoryMessage (
+ CONSTANT ErrorId : IN VitalMemoryErrorType;
+) IS
+ REPORT Routine & ": " & MemoryMessage(ErrorId) & " " & Info
+ SEVERITY VitalMemoryErrorSeverity(ErrorId);
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE PrintMemoryMessage (
+ CONSTANT ErrorId : IN VitalMemoryErrorType;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE TmpStr : STRING ( 1 TO 256 ) ;
+ IntToStr(Info1,TmpStr,TmpInt);
+ REPORT Routine & ": " & MemoryMessage(ErrorId) & " " & InfoStr & " " & TmpStr
+ SEVERITY VitalMemoryErrorSeverity(ErrorId);
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE PrintMemoryMessage (
+ CONSTANT ErrorId : IN VitalMemoryErrorType;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE TmpStr : STRING ( 1 TO 256 ) ;
+ IntToStr(Info1,TmpStr,TmpInt);
+ IntToStr(Info2,TmpStr,TmpInt);
+ REPORT Routine & ": " & MemoryMessage(ErrorId) & " " & InfoStr & " " & TmpStr
+ SEVERITY VitalMemoryErrorSeverity(ErrorId);
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE PrintMemoryMessage (
+ CONSTANT ErrorId : IN VitalMemoryErrorType;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE TmpStr : STRING ( 1 TO 256 ) ;
+ IntToStr(Info1,TmpStr,TmpInt);
+ IntToStr(Info2,TmpStr,TmpInt);
+ IntToStr(Info3,TmpStr,TmpInt);
+ REPORT Routine & ": " & MemoryMessage(ErrorId) & " " & InfoStr & " " & TmpStr
+ SEVERITY VitalMemoryErrorSeverity(ErrorId);
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE PrintMemoryMessage (
+ CONSTANT Table : IN VitalMemoryTableType;
+) IS
+ CONSTANT TableEntries : INTEGER := Table'LENGTH(1);
+ CONSTANT TableWidth : INTEGER := Table'LENGTH(2);
+ VARIABLE TmpStr : STRING ( 1 TO 256 ) ;
+ IF (Index < 0 AND Index > TableEntries-1) THEN
+ REPORT Routine & ": Memory table search failure"
+ ColLoop:
+ FOR i IN 0 TO TableWidth-1 LOOP
+ IF (i >= 64) THEN
+ TmpStr(TmpInt) := '.';
+ TmpInt := TmpInt + 1;
+ TmpStr(TmpInt) := '.';
+ TmpInt := TmpInt + 1;
+ TmpStr(TmpInt) := '.';
+ TmpInt := TmpInt + 1;
+ EXIT ColLoop;
+ TmpStr(TmpInt) := ''';
+ TmpInt := TmpInt + 1;
+ TmpStr(TmpInt) := To_MemoryChar(Table(Index,i));
+ TmpInt := TmpInt + 1;
+ TmpStr(TmpInt) := ''';
+ TmpInt := TmpInt + 1;
+ IF (i < TableWidth-1) THEN
+ TmpStr(TmpInt) := ',';
+ TmpInt := TmpInt + 1;
+ REPORT Routine & ": Port=" & InfoStr & " TableRow=" & TmpStr
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: DecodeAddress
+-- Parameters: Address - Converted address.
+-- AddrFlag - Flag to indicte address match
+-- MemoryData - Information about memory characteristics
+-- PrevAddressBus - Previous input address value
+-- AddressBus - Input address value.
+-- Description: This procedure is used for transforming a valid
+-- address value to an integer in order to access memory.
+-- It performs address bound checking as well.
+-- Sets Address to -1 for unknowns
+-- Sets Address to -2 for out of range
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE DecodeAddress (
+ VARIABLE AddrFlag : INOUT VitalMemorySymbolType;
+ VARIABLE MemoryData : IN VitalMemoryDataType;
+ CONSTANT PrevAddressBus : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT AddressBus : IN std_logic_vector
+) IS
+ Power := 0;
+ AddrUnkn := FALSE;
+ -- It is assumed that always Address'LEFT represents the Most significant bit.
+ FOR i IN AddressBus'RANGE LOOP
+ Power := Power * 2;
+ IF (AddressBus(i) /= '1' AND AddressBus(i) /= '0') THEN
+ AddrUnkn := TRUE;
+ Power := 0;
+ ELSIF (AddressBus(i) = '1') THEN
+ Power := Power + 1;
+ Address := Power;
+ AddrFlag := 'g';
+ IF (AddrUnkn) THEN
+ AddrFlag := 'u'; -- unknown addr
+ Address := -1;
+ IF ( Power > (MemoryData.NoOfWords - 1)) THEN
+ AddrFlag := 'i'; -- invalid addr
+ Address := -2;
+ IF (PrevAddressBus /= AddressBus) THEN
+ CASE AddrFlag IS
+ WHEN 'g' => AddrFlag := 'G';
+ WHEN 'u' => AddrFlag := 'U';
+ WHEN 'i' => AddrFlag := 'I';
+ "DecodeAddress: Internal error. [AddrFlag]="
+ & To_MemoryChar(AddrFlag)
+END DecodeAddress;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: DecodeData
+-- Parameters: DataFlag - Flag to indicte data match
+-- PrevDataInBus - Previous input data value
+-- DataInBus - Input data value.
+-- HighBit - High bit offset value.
+-- LowBit - Low bit offset value.
+-- Description: This procedure is used for interpreting the input data
+-- as a data flag for subsequent table matching.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE DecodeData (
+ VARIABLE DataFlag : INOUT VitalMemorySymbolType;
+ CONSTANT PrevDataInBus : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT DataInBus : IN std_logic_vector;
+) IS
+ FOR i IN LowBit TO HighBit LOOP
+ IF DataInBus(i) /= '1' AND DataInBus(i) /= '0' THEN
+ DataUnkn := TRUE;
+ DataFlag := 'g';
+ IF (DataUnkn) THEN
+ DataFlag := 'u'; -- unknown addr
+ IF (PrevDataInBus(HighBit DOWNTO LowBit) /=
+ DataInBus(HighBit DOWNTO LowBit)) THEN
+ CASE DataFlag IS
+ WHEN 'g' => DataFlag := 'G';
+ WHEN 'u' => DataFlag := 'U';
+ "DecodeData: Internal error. [DataFlag]="
+ & To_MemoryChar(DataFlag)
+END DecodeData;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: WriteMemory
+-- Parameters: MemoryPtr - Pointer to the memory array.
+-- DataInBus - Input Data to be written.
+-- Address - Address of the memory location.
+-- BitPosition - Position of bit in memory location.
+-- HighBit - High bit offset value.
+-- LowBit - Low bit offset value.
+-- Description: This procedure is used to write to a memory location
+-- on a bit/byte/word basis.
+-- The high bit and low bit offset are used for byte write
+-- operations.These parameters specify the data byte for write.
+-- In the case of word write the complete memory word is used.
+-- This procedure is overloaded for bit,byte and word write
+-- memory operations.The number of parameters may vary.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE WriteMemory (
+ VARIABLE MemoryPtr : INOUT VitalMemoryDataType;
+ CONSTANT DataInBus : IN std_logic_vector;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE TmpData : std_logic_vector(DataInBus'LENGTH - 1 DOWNTO 0);
+ -- Address bound checking.
+ IF ( Address < 0 OR Address > (MemoryPtr.NoOfWords - 1)) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage ( "WriteMemory", ErrPrintString,
+ "Aborting write operation as address is out of range.") ;
+ TmpData := To_UX01(DataInBus);
+ FOR i in LowBit to HighBit LOOP
+ MemoryPtr.MemoryArrayPtr(Address).all(i) := TmpData(i);
+END WriteMemory;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE WriteMemory (
+ VARIABLE MemoryPtr : INOUT VitalMemoryDataType;
+ CONSTANT DataInBus : IN std_logic_vector;
+) IS
+ HighBit := BitPosition;
+ LowBit := BitPosition;
+ WriteMemory (MemoryPtr, DataInBus, Address, HighBit, LowBit);
+END WriteMemory;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE WriteMemory (
+ VARIABLE MemoryPtr : INOUT VitalMemoryDataType;
+ CONSTANT DataInBus : IN std_logic_vector;
+) IS
+ HighBit := MemoryPtr.NoOfBitsPerWord - 1;
+ LowBit := 0;
+ WriteMemory (MemoryPtr, DataInBus, Address, HighBit, LowBit);
+END WriteMemory;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: ReadMemory
+-- Parameters: MemoryPtr - Pointer to the memory array.
+-- DataOut - Output Data to be read in this.
+-- Address - Address of the memory location.
+-- BitPosition - Position of bit in memory location.
+-- HighBit - High bit offset value.
+-- LowBit - Low bit offset value.
+-- Description: This procedure is used to read from a memory location
+-- on a bit/byte/word basis.
+-- The high bit and low bit offset are used for byte write
+-- operations.These parameters specify the data byte for
+-- read.In the case of word write the complete memory word
+-- is used.This procedure is overloaded for bit,byte and
+-- word write memory operations.The number of parameters
+-- may vary.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE ReadMemory (
+ VARIABLE MemoryPtr : INOUT VitalMemoryDataType;
+ VARIABLE DataOut : OUT std_logic_vector;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE DataOutTmp : std_logic_vector(MemoryPtr.NoOfBitsPerWord-1 DOWNTO 0);
+ VARIABLE length : NATURAL := (HighBit - LowBit + 1);
+ -- Address bound checking.
+ IF ( Address > (MemoryPtr.NoOfWords - 1)) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage (
+ "ReadMemory",ErrInvaAddr,
+ "[Address,NoOfWords]=",Address,MemoryPtr.NoOfWords
+ );
+ FOR i in LowBit to HighBit LOOP
+ DataOutTmp(i) := 'X';
+ FOR i in LowBit to HighBit LOOP
+ DataOutTmp(i) := MemoryPtr.MemoryArrayPtr (Address).all(i);
+ DataOut := DataOutTmp;
+END ReadMemory;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE ReadMemory (
+ VARIABLE MemoryPtr : INOUT VitalMemoryDataType;
+ VARIABLE DataOut : OUT std_logic_vector;
+) IS
+ HighBit := BitPosition;
+ LowBit := BitPosition;
+ ReadMemory (MemoryPtr, DataOut, Address, HighBit, LowBit);
+END ReadMemory;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE ReadMemory (
+ VARIABLE MemoryPtr : INOUT VitalMemoryDataType;
+ VARIABLE DataOut : OUT std_logic_vector;
+) IS
+ HighBit := MemoryPtr.NoOfBitsPerWord - 1;
+ LowBit := 0;
+ ReadMemory (MemoryPtr, DataOut, Address, HighBit, LowBit);
+END ReadMemory;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: LoadMemory
+-- Parameters: MemoryPtr - Pointer to the memory array.
+-- FileName - Name of the output file.
+-- HighBit - High bit offset value.
+-- LowBit - Low bit offset value.
+-- Description: This procedure is used to load the contents of the memory
+-- from a specified input file.
+-- The high bit and low bit offset are used so that same task
+-- can be used for all bit/byte/word write operations.
+-- In the case of a bit write RAM the HighBit and LowBit have
+-- the same value.
+-- This procedure is overloaded for word write operations.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE LoadMemory (
+ VARIABLE MemoryPtr : INOUT VitalMemoryDataType;
+) IS
+ FILE Fptr : TEXT OPEN read_mode IS FileName;
+ VARIABLE Index : NATURAL := 1;
+ VARIABLE Address : INTEGER := 0;
+ VARIABLE DataInBus : std_logic_vector(MemoryPtr.NoOfBitsPerWord-1 DOWNTO 0);
+ VARIABLE AddrStr : STRING(1 TO 80) ;
+ VARIABLE DataInStr : STRING(1 TO 255) ;
+ PrintMemoryMessage (MsgVDM, ErrLdFileEmpty,
+ "[FileName]="&FileName);
+ END IF ;
+ PrintMemoryMessage (
+ MsgVDM,ErrLdMemInfo, "[FileName]="&FileName
+ );
+ ReadLine(Fptr, OneLine);
+ LineNo := LineNo + 1 ;
+ -- First ignoring leading spaces.
+ WHILE (OneLine'LENGTH /= 0 and IsSpace(OneLine(1))) LOOP
+ READ (OneLine, Ignore) ; -- Ignoring the space character.
+ -- Note that, by now oneline has been "stripped" of its leading spaces.
+ IF ( OneLine(1) = '@' ) THEN
+ READ (OneLine, Ignore); -- Ignore the '@' character and read the string.
+ -- Now strip off spaces, if any, between '@' and Address string.
+ WHILE (OneLine'LENGTH /= 0 and IsSpace(OneLine(1))) LOOP
+ READ (OneLine, Ignore) ; -- Ignoring the space character.
+ -- Now get the string which represents the address into string variable.
+ Index := 1;
+ WHILE (OneLine'LENGTH /= 0 AND (NOT(IsSpace(OneLine(1))))) LOOP
+ READ(OneLine, AddrStr(Index));
+ Index := Index + 1;
+ AddrStr(Index) := NUL;
+ -- Now convert the hex string into a hex integer
+ Address := HexToInt(AddrStr) ;
+ IF ( LineNo /= 1 ) THEN
+ Address := Address + 1;
+ END IF ;
+ IF ( Address > (MemoryPtr.NoOfWords - 1) ) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage (MsgVDM, ErrLdAddrRng,
+ "[Address,lineno]=", Address, LineNo) ;
+ EXIT ;
+ -- Now strip off spaces, between Address string and DataInBus string.
+ WHILE (OneLine'LENGTH /= 0 AND IsSpace(OneLine(1))) LOOP
+ READ (OneLine, Ignore) ; -- Ignoring the space character.
+ Index := 1;
+ WHILE (OneLine'LENGTH /= 0 AND (NOT(IsSpace(OneLine(1))))) LOOP
+ READ(OneLine, DataInStr(Index));
+ Index := Index + 1;
+ DataInStr(Index) := NUL;
+ IF (BinaryFile) THEN
+ DataInBus := BinToBitv (DataInStr);
+ DataInBus := HexToBitv (DataInStr);
+ END IF ;
+ WriteMemory (MemoryPtr, DataInBus, Address);
+END LoadMemory;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: MemoryMatch
+-- Parameters: Symbol - Symbol from memory table
+-- TestFlag - Interpreted data or address symbol
+-- In2 - input from VitalMemoryTable procedure
+-- to memory table
+-- In2LastValue - Previous value of input
+-- Err - TRUE if symbol is not a valid input symbol
+-- ReturnValue - TRUE if match occurred
+-- Description: This procedure sets ReturnValue to true if in2 matches
+-- symbol (from the memory table). If symbol is an edge
+-- value edge is set to true and in2 and in2LastValue are
+-- checked against symbol. Err is set to true if symbol
+-- is an invalid value for the input portion of the memory
+-- table.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE MemoryMatch (
+ CONSTANT Symbol : IN VitalMemorySymbolType;
+ CONSTANT In2 : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT In2LastValue : IN std_ulogic;
+) IS
+ IF (NOT ValidMemoryTableInput(Symbol) ) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(MsgVMT,ErrUnknSymbol,To_MemoryChar(Symbol));
+ Err := TRUE;
+ ReturnValue := FALSE;
+ ReturnValue := MemoryTableMatch(To_X01(In2LastValue), To_X01(In2), Symbol);
+ Err := FALSE;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE MemoryMatch (
+ CONSTANT Symbol : IN VitalMemorySymbolType;
+ CONSTANT TestFlag : IN VitalMemorySymbolType;
+) IS
+ Err := FALSE;
+ ReturnValue := FALSE;
+ CASE Symbol IS
+ WHEN 'g'|'u'|'i'|'G'|'U'|'I'|'-'|'*'|'S' =>
+ IF (Symbol = TestFlag) THEN
+ ReturnValue := TRUE;
+ CASE Symbol IS
+ WHEN '-' =>
+ ReturnValue := TRUE;
+ Err := FALSE;
+ WHEN '*' =>
+ IF (TestFlag = 'G' OR
+ TestFlag = 'U' OR
+ TestFlag = 'I') THEN
+ ReturnValue := TRUE;
+ Err := FALSE;
+ WHEN 'S' =>
+ IF (TestFlag = 'g' OR
+ TestFlag = 'u' OR
+ TestFlag = 'i') THEN
+ ReturnValue := TRUE;
+ Err := FALSE;
+ ReturnValue := FALSE;
+ Err := TRUE;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: MemoryTableCorruptMask
+-- Description: Compute memory and data corruption masks for memory table
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE MemoryTableCorruptMask (
+ VARIABLE CorruptMask : OUT std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT Action : IN VitalMemorySymbolType;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE CorruptMaskTmp : std_logic_vector (CorruptMask'RANGE)
+ := (OTHERS => '0');
+ CASE (Action) IS
+ WHEN 'c'|'l'|'e' =>
+ -- Corrupt whole word
+ CorruptMaskTmp := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ CorruptMask := CorruptMaskTmp;
+ WHEN 'd'|'C'|'L'|'D'|'E' =>
+ -- Process corruption below
+ -- No data or memory corruption
+ CorruptMaskTmp := (OTHERS => '0');
+ CorruptMask := CorruptMaskTmp;
+ IF (Action = 'd') THEN
+ CorruptMaskTmp := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ CorruptMask := CorruptMaskTmp;
+ -- Remaining are subword cases 'C', 'L', 'D', 'E'
+ CorruptMaskTmp := (OTHERS => '0');
+ LowBit := 0;
+ HighBit := BitsPerSubWord-1;
+ SubWordLoop:
+ FOR i IN 0 TO BitsPerEnable-1 LOOP
+ IF (i = EnableIndex) THEN
+ FOR j IN HighBit TO LowBit LOOP
+ CorruptMaskTmp(j) := 'X';
+ -- Calculate HighBit and LowBit
+ LowBit := LowBit + BitsPerSubWord;
+ IF (LowBit > BitsPerWord) THEN
+ LowBit := BitsPerWord;
+ HighBit := LowBit + BitsPerSubWord;
+ IF (HighBit > BitsPerWord) THEN
+ HighBit := BitsPerWord;
+ HighBit := HighBit - 1;
+ CorruptMask := CorruptMaskTmp;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE MemoryTableCorruptMask (
+ VARIABLE CorruptMask : OUT std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT Action : IN VitalMemorySymbolType
+) IS
+ VARIABLE CorruptMaskTmp : std_logic_vector (0 TO CorruptMask'LENGTH-1)
+ := (OTHERS => '0');
+ CASE (Action) IS
+ WHEN 'c'|'l'|'d'|'e'|'C'|'L'|'D'|'E' =>
+ -- Corrupt whole word
+ CorruptMaskTmp := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ CorruptMask := CorruptMaskTmp;
+ -- No data or memory corruption
+ CorruptMaskTmp := (OTHERS => '0');
+ CorruptMask := CorruptMaskTmp;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: MemoryTableCorruptMask
+-- Description: Compute memory and data corruption masks for violation table
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE ViolationTableCorruptMask (
+ VARIABLE CorruptMask : OUT std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT Action : IN VitalMemorySymbolType;
+ CONSTANT ViolationFlags : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ViolationFlagsArray : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ViolationSizesArray : IN VitalMemoryViolFlagSizeType;
+ CONSTANT ViolationTable : IN VitalMemoryTableType;
+) IS
+ VARIABLE CorruptMaskTmp : std_logic_vector (CorruptMask'RANGE)
+ := (OTHERS => '0');
+ VARIABLE ViolMaskTmp : std_logic_vector (CorruptMask'RANGE)
+ := (OTHERS => '0');
+ CONSTANT ViolFlagsSize : INTEGER := ViolationFlags'LENGTH;
+ CONSTANT ViolFlArySize : INTEGER := ViolationFlagsArray'LENGTH;
+ CONSTANT TableEntries : INTEGER := ViolationTable'LENGTH(1);
+ CONSTANT TableWidth : INTEGER := ViolationTable'LENGTH(2);
+ CONSTANT DatActionNdx : INTEGER := TableWidth - 1;
+ CONSTANT MemActionNdx : INTEGER := TableWidth - 2;
+ CASE (Action) IS
+ WHEN 'c'|'l'|'e' =>
+ -- Corrupt whole word
+ CorruptMaskTmp := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ CorruptMask := CorruptMaskTmp;
+ WHEN 'd'|'C'|'L'|'D'|'E' =>
+ -- Process corruption below
+ -- No data or memory corruption
+ CorruptMaskTmp := (OTHERS => '0');
+ CorruptMask := CorruptMaskTmp;
+ RowLoop: -- Check each element of the ViolationFlags
+ FOR j IN 0 TO ViolFlagsSize LOOP
+ IF (j = ViolFlagsSize) THEN
+ ViolFlAryPosn := 0;
+ RowLoop2: -- Check relevant elements of the ViolationFlagsArray
+ FOR k IN 0 TO MemActionNdx - ViolFlagsSize - 1 LOOP
+ IF (ViolationTable(TableIndex, k + ViolFlagsSize) = 'X') THEN
+ MaskLoop: -- Set the 'X' bits in the violation mask
+ IF (m <= ViolationSizesArray(k)-1) THEN
+ ViolMaskTmp(m) := ViolMaskTmp(m) XOR
+ ViolationFlagsArray(ViolFlAryPosn+m);
+ EXIT MaskLoop;
+ ViolFlAryPosn := ViolFlAryPosn + ViolationSizesArray(k);
+ IF (ViolationTable(TableIndex, j) = 'X') THEN
+ ViolMaskTmp(0) := ViolMaskTmp(0) XOR ViolationFlags(j);
+ IF (Action = 'd') THEN
+ CorruptMask := ViolMaskTmp;
+ -- Remaining are subword cases 'C', 'L', 'D', 'E'
+ CorruptMaskTmp := (OTHERS => '0');
+ LowBit := 0;
+ HighBit := BitsPerSubWord-1;
+ SubWordLoop:
+ FOR i IN 0 TO BitsPerEnable-1 LOOP
+ IF (ViolMaskTmp(i) = 'X') THEN
+ FOR j IN HighBit TO LowBit LOOP
+ CorruptMaskTmp(j) := 'X';
+ -- Calculate HighBit and LowBit
+ LowBit := LowBit + BitsPerSubWord;
+ IF (LowBit > BitsPerWord) THEN
+ LowBit := BitsPerWord;
+ HighBit := LowBit + BitsPerSubWord;
+ IF (HighBit > BitsPerWord) THEN
+ HighBit := BitsPerWord;
+ HighBit := HighBit - 1;
+ CorruptMask := CorruptMaskTmp;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: MemoryTableLookUp
+-- Parameters: MemoryAction - Output memory action to be performed
+-- DataAction - Output data action to be performed
+-- PrevControls - Previous data in for edge detection
+-- PrevEnableBus - Previous enables for edge detection
+-- Controls - Agregate of scalar control lines
+-- EnableBus - Concatenation of vector control lines
+-- EnableIndex - Current slice of vector control lines
+-- AddrFlag - Matching symbol from address decoding
+-- DataFlag - Matching symbol from data decoding
+-- MemoryTable - Input memory action table
+-- PortName - Port name string for messages
+-- HeaderMsg - Header string for messages
+-- MsgOn - Control message output
+-- Description: This function is used to find the output of the
+-- MemoryTable corresponding to a given set of inputs.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE MemoryTableLookUp (
+ VARIABLE MemoryAction : OUT VitalMemorySymbolType;
+ VARIABLE DataAction : OUT VitalMemorySymbolType;
+ VARIABLE MemoryCorruptMask : OUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE DataCorruptMask : OUT std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT PrevControls : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT Controls : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT AddrFlag : IN VitalMemorySymbolType;
+ CONSTANT DataFlag : IN VitalMemorySymbolType;
+ CONSTANT MemoryTable : IN VitalMemoryTableType;
+ CONSTANT PortName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := "";
+) IS
+ CONSTANT ControlsSize : INTEGER := Controls'LENGTH;
+ CONSTANT TableEntries : INTEGER := MemoryTable'LENGTH(1);
+ CONSTANT TableWidth : INTEGER := MemoryTable'LENGTH(2);
+ CONSTANT DatActionNdx : INTEGER := TableWidth - 1;
+ CONSTANT MemActionNdx : INTEGER := TableWidth - 2;
+ CONSTANT DataInBusNdx : INTEGER := TableWidth - 3;
+ CONSTANT AddressBusNdx : INTEGER := TableWidth - 4;
+ VARIABLE AddrFlagTable : VitalMemorySymbolType;
+ VARIABLE TableAlias : VitalMemoryTableType(
+ 0 TO TableEntries - 1,
+ 0 TO TableWidth - 1)
+ := MemoryTable;
+ ColLoop: -- Compare each entry in the table
+ FOR i IN TableAlias'RANGE(1) LOOP
+ RowLoop: -- Check each element of the Controls
+ FOR j IN 0 TO ControlsSize LOOP
+ IF (j = ControlsSize) THEN
+ -- a match occurred, now check AddrFlag, DataFlag
+ MemoryMatch(TableAlias(i,AddressBusNdx),AddrFlag,Err,Match);
+ IF (Match) THEN
+ MemoryMatch(TableAlias(i,DataInBusNdx),DataFlag,Err,Match);
+ IF (Match) THEN
+ MemoryTableCorruptMask (
+ CorruptMask => MemoryCorruptMask ,
+ Action => TableAlias(i, MemActionNdx)
+ );
+ MemoryTableCorruptMask (
+ CorruptMask => DataCorruptMask ,
+ Action => TableAlias(i, DatActionNdx)
+ );
+ -- get the return memory and data actions
+ MemoryAction := TableAlias(i, MemActionNdx);
+ DataAction := TableAlias(i, DatActionNdx);
+ -- DEBUG: The lines below report table search
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(MsgVMT,TableAlias,i,PortName);
+ -- DEBUG: The lines above report table search
+ -- Match memory table inputs
+ MemoryMatch ( TableAlias(i,j),
+ Controls(j), PrevControls(j),
+ Err, Match);
+ EXIT RowLoop WHEN NOT(Match);
+ EXIT ColLoop WHEN Err;
+ END LOOP RowLoop;
+ END LOOP ColLoop;
+ -- no match found, return default action
+ MemoryAction := 's'; -- no change to memory
+ DataAction := 'S'; -- no change to dataout
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(MsgVMT,ErrDefMemAct,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE MemoryTableLookUp (
+ VARIABLE MemoryAction : OUT VitalMemorySymbolType;
+ VARIABLE DataAction : OUT VitalMemorySymbolType;
+ VARIABLE MemoryCorruptMask : OUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE DataCorruptMask : OUT std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT PrevControls : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT PrevEnableBus : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT Controls : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT EnableBus : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT AddrFlag : IN VitalMemorySymbolType;
+ CONSTANT DataFlag : IN VitalMemorySymbolType;
+ CONSTANT MemoryTable : IN VitalMemoryTableType;
+ CONSTANT PortName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := "";
+) IS
+ CONSTANT ControlsSize : INTEGER := Controls'LENGTH;
+ CONSTANT TableEntries : INTEGER := MemoryTable'LENGTH(1);
+ CONSTANT TableWidth : INTEGER := MemoryTable'LENGTH(2);
+ CONSTANT DatActionNdx : INTEGER := TableWidth - 1;
+ CONSTANT MemActionNdx : INTEGER := TableWidth - 2;
+ CONSTANT DataInBusNdx : INTEGER := TableWidth - 3;
+ CONSTANT AddressBusNdx : INTEGER := TableWidth - 4;
+ VARIABLE AddrFlagTable : VitalMemorySymbolType;
+ VARIABLE TableAlias : VitalMemoryTableType(
+ 0 TO TableEntries - 1,
+ 0 TO TableWidth - 1)
+ := MemoryTable;
+ ColLoop: -- Compare each entry in the table
+ FOR i IN TableAlias'RANGE(1) LOOP
+ RowLoop: -- Check each element of the Controls
+ FOR j IN 0 TO ControlsSize LOOP
+ IF (j = ControlsSize) THEN
+ -- a match occurred, now check EnableBus, AddrFlag, DataFlag
+ IF (EnableIndex >= 0) THEN
+ RowLoop2: -- Check relevant elements of the EnableBus
+ FOR k IN 0 TO AddressBusNdx - ControlsSize - 1 LOOP
+ MemoryMatch ( TableAlias(i,k + ControlsSize),
+ EnableBus(k * BitsPerEnable + EnableIndex),
+ PrevEnableBus(k * BitsPerEnable + EnableIndex),
+ Err, Match);
+ EXIT RowLoop2 WHEN NOT(Match);
+ IF (Match) THEN
+ MemoryMatch(TableAlias(i,AddressBusNdx),AddrFlag,Err,Match);
+ IF (Match) THEN
+ MemoryMatch(TableAlias(i,DataInBusNdx),DataFlag,Err,Match);
+ IF (Match) THEN
+ MemoryTableCorruptMask (
+ CorruptMask => MemoryCorruptMask ,
+ Action => TableAlias(i, MemActionNdx),
+ EnableIndex => EnableIndex ,
+ BitsPerWord => BitsPerWord ,
+ BitsPerSubWord => BitsPerSubWord ,
+ BitsPerEnable => BitsPerEnable
+ );
+ MemoryTableCorruptMask (
+ CorruptMask => DataCorruptMask ,
+ Action => TableAlias(i, DatActionNdx),
+ EnableIndex => EnableIndex ,
+ BitsPerWord => BitsPerWord ,
+ BitsPerSubWord => BitsPerSubWord ,
+ BitsPerEnable => BitsPerEnable
+ );
+ -- get the return memory and data actions
+ MemoryAction := TableAlias(i, MemActionNdx);
+ DataAction := TableAlias(i, DatActionNdx);
+ -- DEBUG: The lines below report table search
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(MsgVMT,TableAlias,i,PortName);
+ -- DEBUG: The lines above report table search
+ -- Match memory table inputs
+ MemoryMatch ( TableAlias(i,j),
+ Controls(j), PrevControls(j),
+ Err, Match);
+ EXIT RowLoop WHEN NOT(Match);
+ EXIT ColLoop WHEN Err;
+ END LOOP RowLoop;
+ END LOOP ColLoop;
+ -- no match found, return default action
+ MemoryAction := 's'; -- no change to memory
+ DataAction := 'S'; -- no change to dataout
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(MsgVMT,ErrDefMemAct,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: ViolationTableLookUp
+-- Parameters: MemoryAction - Output memory action to be performed
+-- DataAction - Output data action to be performed
+-- TimingDataArray - This is currently not used (comment out)
+-- ViolationArray - Aggregation of violation variables
+-- ViolationTable - Input memory violation table
+-- PortName - Port name string for messages
+-- HeaderMsg - Header string for messages
+-- MsgOn - Control message output
+-- Description: This function is used to find the output of the
+-- ViolationTable corresponding to a given set of inputs.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE ViolationTableLookUp (
+ VARIABLE MemoryAction : OUT VitalMemorySymbolType;
+ VARIABLE DataAction : OUT VitalMemorySymbolType;
+ VARIABLE MemoryCorruptMask : OUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE DataCorruptMask : OUT std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ViolationFlags : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ViolationFlagsArray : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ViolationSizesArray : IN VitalMemoryViolFlagSizeType;
+ CONSTANT ViolationTable : IN VitalMemoryTableType;
+ CONSTANT PortName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := "";
+) IS
+ CONSTANT ViolFlagsSize : INTEGER := ViolationFlags'LENGTH;
+ CONSTANT ViolFlArySize : INTEGER := ViolationFlagsArray'LENGTH;
+ VARIABLE ViolFlAryItem : std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ViolSzArySize : INTEGER := ViolationSizesArray'LENGTH;
+ CONSTANT TableEntries : INTEGER := ViolationTable'LENGTH(1);
+ CONSTANT TableWidth : INTEGER := ViolationTable'LENGTH(2);
+ CONSTANT DatActionNdx : INTEGER := TableWidth - 1;
+ CONSTANT MemActionNdx : INTEGER := TableWidth - 2;
+ VARIABLE HighBit : NATURAL := 0;
+ VARIABLE TableAlias : VitalMemoryTableType(
+ 0 TO TableEntries - 1,
+ 0 TO TableWidth - 1)
+ := ViolationTable;
+ ColLoop: -- Compare each entry in the table
+ FOR i IN TableAlias'RANGE(1) LOOP
+ RowLoop: -- Check each element of the ViolationFlags
+ FOR j IN 0 TO ViolFlagsSize LOOP
+ IF (j = ViolFlagsSize) THEN
+ ViolFlAryPosn := 0;
+ RowLoop2: -- Check relevant elements of the ViolationFlagsArray
+ FOR k IN 0 TO MemActionNdx - ViolFlagsSize - 1 LOOP
+ ViolFlAryItem := '0';
+ SubwordLoop: -- Check for 'X' in ViolationFlagsArray chunk
+ FOR s IN ViolFlAryPosn TO ViolFlAryPosn+ViolationSizesArray(k)-1 LOOP
+ IF (ViolationFlagsArray(s) = 'X') THEN
+ ViolFlAryItem := 'X';
+ EXIT SubwordLoop;
+ MemoryMatch ( TableAlias(i,k + ViolFlagsSize),
+ ViolFlAryItem,ViolFlAryItem,
+ Err, Match);
+ ViolFlAryPosn := ViolFlAryPosn + ViolationSizesArray(k);
+ EXIT RowLoop2 WHEN NOT(Match);
+ IF (Match) THEN
+ -- Compute memory and data corruption masks
+ ViolationTableCorruptMask(
+ CorruptMask => MemoryCorruptMask ,
+ Action => TableAlias(i, MemActionNdx),
+ ViolationFlags => ViolationFlags ,
+ ViolationFlagsArray => ViolationFlagsArray ,
+ ViolationSizesArray => ViolationSizesArray ,
+ ViolationTable => ViolationTable ,
+ TableIndex => i ,
+ BitsPerWord => BitsPerWord ,
+ BitsPerSubWord => BitsPerSubWord ,
+ BitsPerEnable => BitsPerEnable
+ );
+ ViolationTableCorruptMask(
+ CorruptMask => DataCorruptMask ,
+ Action => TableAlias(i, DatActionNdx),
+ ViolationFlags => ViolationFlags ,
+ ViolationFlagsArray => ViolationFlagsArray ,
+ ViolationSizesArray => ViolationSizesArray ,
+ ViolationTable => ViolationTable ,
+ TableIndex => i ,
+ BitsPerWord => BitsPerWord ,
+ BitsPerSubWord => BitsPerSubWord ,
+ BitsPerEnable => BitsPerEnable
+ );
+ -- get the return memory and data actions
+ MemoryAction := TableAlias(i, MemActionNdx);
+ DataAction := TableAlias(i, DatActionNdx);
+ -- DEBUG: The lines below report table search
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(MsgVMV,TableAlias,i,PortName);
+ -- DEBUG: The lines above report table search
+ -- Match violation table inputs
+ Err := FALSE;
+ Match := FALSE;
+ IF (TableAlias(i,j) /= 'X' AND
+ TableAlias(i,j) /= '0' AND
+ TableAlias(i,j) /= '-') THEN
+ Err := TRUE;
+ ELSIF (TableAlias(i,j) = '-' OR
+ (TableAlias(i,j) = 'X' AND ViolationFlags(j) = 'X') OR
+ (TableAlias(i,j) = '0' AND ViolationFlags(j) = '0')) THEN
+ Match := TRUE;
+ EXIT RowLoop WHEN NOT(Match);
+ EXIT ColLoop WHEN Err;
+ END LOOP RowLoop;
+ END LOOP ColLoop;
+ -- no match found, return default action
+ MemoryAction := 's'; -- no change to memory
+ DataAction := 'S'; -- no change to dataout
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(MsgVMV,ErrDefMemAct,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: HandleMemoryAction
+-- Parameters: MemoryData - Pointer to memory data structure
+-- PortFlag - Indicates read/write mode of port
+-- CorruptMask - XOR'ed with DataInBus when corrupting
+-- DataInBus - Current data bus in
+-- Address - Current address integer
+-- HighBit - Current address high bit
+-- LowBit - Current address low bit
+-- MemoryTable - Input memory action table
+-- MemoryAction - Memory action to be performed
+-- PortName - Port name string for messages
+-- HeaderMsg - Header string for messages
+-- MsgOn - Control message output
+-- Description: This procedure performs the specified memory action on
+-- the input memory data structure.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE HandleMemoryAction (
+ VARIABLE MemoryData : INOUT VitalMemoryDataType;
+ VARIABLE PortFlag : INOUT VitalPortFlagType;
+ CONSTANT CorruptMask : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT DataInBus : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT MemoryTable : IN VitalMemoryTableType;
+ CONSTANT MemoryAction : IN VitalMemorySymbolType;
+ CONSTANT PortName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := "";
+) IS
+ VARIABLE DataInTmp : std_logic_vector(DataInBus'RANGE)
+ := DataInBus;
+ -- Handle the memory action
+ CASE MemoryAction IS
+ WHEN 'w' =>
+ -- Writing data to memory
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrWrDatMem,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ WriteMemory(MemoryData,DataInBus,Address,HighBit,LowBit);
+ PortFlag.MemoryCurrent := WRITE;
+ WHEN 's' =>
+ -- Retaining previous memory contents
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrNoChgMem,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ -- Set memory current to quiet state
+ PortFlag.MemoryCurrent := READ;
+ WHEN 'c' =>
+ -- Corrupting entire memory with 'X'
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrCrAllMem,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ DataInTmp := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ -- No need to CorruptMask
+ FOR i IN 0 TO MemoryData.NoOfWords-1 LOOP
+ WriteMemory(MemoryData,DataInTmp,i);
+ PortFlag.MemoryCurrent := CORRUPT;
+ WHEN 'l' =>
+ -- Corrupting a word in memory with 'X'
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrCrWrdMem,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ DataInTmp := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ -- No need to CorruptMask
+ WriteMemory(MemoryData,DataInTmp,Address);
+ PortFlag.MemoryCurrent := CORRUPT;
+ WHEN 'd' =>
+ -- Corrupting a single bit in memory with 'X'
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrCrBitMem,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ ReadMemory(MemoryData,DataInTmp,Address);
+ DataInTmp := DataInTmp XOR CorruptMask;
+ WriteMemory(MemoryData,DataInTmp,Address,HighBit,LowBit);
+ PortFlag.MemoryCurrent := CORRUPT;
+ WHEN 'e' =>
+ -- Corrupting a word with 'X' based on data in
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrCrDatMem,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ ReadMemory(MemoryData,DataInTmp,Address);
+ IF (DataInTmp /= DataInBus) THEN
+ DataInTmp := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ -- No need to CorruptMask
+ WriteMemory(MemoryData,DataInTmp,Address);
+ PortFlag.MemoryCurrent := CORRUPT;
+ WHEN 'C' =>
+ -- Corrupting a sub-word entire memory with 'X'
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrCrAllSubMem,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ FOR i IN 0 TO MemoryData.NoOfWords-1 LOOP
+ ReadMemory(MemoryData,DataInTmp,i);
+ DataInTmp := DataInTmp XOR CorruptMask;
+ WriteMemory(MemoryData,DataInTmp,i,HighBit,LowBit);
+ PortFlag.MemoryCurrent := CORRUPT;
+ WHEN 'L' =>
+ -- Corrupting a sub-word in memory with 'X'
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrCrWrdSubMem,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ ReadMemory(MemoryData,DataInTmp,Address);
+ DataInTmp := DataInTmp XOR CorruptMask;
+ WriteMemory(MemoryData,DataInTmp,Address,HighBit,LowBit);
+ PortFlag.MemoryCurrent := CORRUPT;
+ WHEN 'D' =>
+ -- Corrupting a single bit of a memory sub-word with 'X'
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrCrBitSubMem,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ ReadMemory(MemoryData,DataInTmp,Address);
+ DataInTmp := DataInTmp XOR CorruptMask;
+ WriteMemory(MemoryData,DataInTmp,Address,HighBit,LowBit);
+ PortFlag.MemoryCurrent := CORRUPT;
+ WHEN 'E' =>
+ -- Corrupting a sub-word with 'X' based on data in
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrCrDatSubMem,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ ReadMemory(MemoryData,DataInTmp,Address);
+ IF (DataInBus(HighBit DOWNTO LowBit) /=
+ DataInTmp(HighBit DOWNTO LowBit)) THEN
+ DataInTmp(HighBit DOWNTO LowBit) := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ WriteMemory(MemoryData,DataInTmp,Address,HighBit,LowBit);
+ --PortFlag := WRITE;
+ PortFlag.MemoryCurrent := CORRUPT;
+ WHEN '0' =>
+ -- Assigning low level to memory location
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrAsg0Mem,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ DataInTmp := (OTHERS => '0');
+ WriteMemory(MemoryData,DataInTmp,Address, HighBit, LowBit);
+ PortFlag.MemoryCurrent := WRITE;
+ WHEN '1' =>
+ -- Assigning high level to memory location
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrAsg1Mem,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ DataInTmp := (OTHERS => '1');
+ WriteMemory(MemoryData,DataInTmp,Address, HighBit, LowBit);
+ PortFlag.MemoryCurrent := WRITE;
+ WHEN 'Z' =>
+ -- Assigning high impedence to memory location
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrAsgZMem,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ DataInTmp := (OTHERS => 'Z');
+ WriteMemory(MemoryData,DataInTmp,Address, HighBit, LowBit);
+ PortFlag.MemoryCurrent := WRITE;
+ -- Unknown memory action
+ PortFlag.MemoryCurrent := UNDEF;
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrUnknMemDo,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ -- Note: HandleMemoryAction does not change the PortFlag.OutputDisable
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: HandleDataAction
+-- Parameters: DataOutBus - Output result of the data action
+-- MemoryData - Input pointer to memory data structure
+-- PortFlag - Indicates read/write mode of port
+-- CorruptMask - XOR'ed with DataInBus when corrupting
+-- DataInBus - Current data bus in
+-- Address - Current address integer
+-- HighBit - Current address high bit
+-- LowBit - Current address low bit
+-- MemoryTable - Input memory action table
+-- DataAction - Data action to be performed
+-- PortName - Port name string for messages
+-- HeaderMsg - Header string for messages
+-- MsgOn - Control message output
+-- Description: This procedure performs the specified data action based
+-- on the input memory data structure. Checks whether
+-- the previous state is HighZ. If yes then portFlag
+-- should be NOCHANGE for VMPD to ignore IORetain
+-- corruption. The idea is that the first Z should be
+-- propagated but later ones should be ignored.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE HandleDataAction (
+ VARIABLE DataOutBus : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE MemoryData : INOUT VitalMemoryDataType;
+ VARIABLE PortFlag : INOUT VitalPortFlagType;
+ CONSTANT CorruptMask : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT DataInBus : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT MemoryTable : IN VitalMemoryTableType;
+ CONSTANT DataAction : IN VitalMemorySymbolType;
+ CONSTANT PortName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := "";
+) IS
+ VARIABLE DataOutTmp : std_logic_vector(DataOutBus'RANGE)
+ := DataOutBus;
+ -- Handle the data action
+ CASE DataAction IS
+ WHEN 'l' =>
+ -- Corrupting data out with 'X'
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrCrWrdOut,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ DataOutTmp := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ -- No need to CorruptMask
+ PortFlag.DataCurrent := CORRUPT;
+ WHEN 'd' =>
+ -- Corrupting a single bit of data out with 'X'
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrCrBitOut,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ DataOutTmp(HighBit DOWNTO LowBit) :=
+ DataOutTmp(HighBit DOWNTO LowBit) XOR
+ CorruptMask(HighBit DOWNTO LowBit);
+ PortFlag.DataCurrent := CORRUPT;
+ WHEN 'e' =>
+ -- Corrupting data out with 'X' based on data in
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrCrDatOut,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ ReadMemory(MemoryData,DataOutTmp,Address);
+ IF (DataOutTmp /= DataInBus) THEN
+ DataOutTmp := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ -- No need to CorruptMask
+ PortFlag.DataCurrent := CORRUPT;
+ WHEN 'L' =>
+ -- Corrupting data out sub-word with 'X'
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrCrWrdSubOut,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ ReadMemory(MemoryData,DataOutTmp,Address);
+ DataOutTmp(HighBit DOWNTO LowBit) :=
+ DataOutTmp(HighBit DOWNTO LowBit) XOR
+ CorruptMask(HighBit DOWNTO LowBit);
+ PortFlag.DataCurrent := CORRUPT;
+ WHEN 'D' =>
+ -- Corrupting a single bit of data out sub-word with 'X'
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrCrBitSubOut,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ DataOutTmp(HighBit DOWNTO LowBit) :=
+ DataOutTmp(HighBit DOWNTO LowBit) XOR
+ CorruptMask(HighBit DOWNTO LowBit);
+ PortFlag.DataCurrent := CORRUPT;
+ WHEN 'E' =>
+ -- Corrupting data out sub-word with 'X' based on data in
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrCrDatSubOut,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ ReadMemory(MemoryData,DataOutTmp,Address);
+ IF (DataInBus(HighBit DOWNTO LowBit) /=
+ DataOutTmp(HighBit DOWNTO LowBit)) THEN
+ DataOutTmp(HighBit DOWNTO LowBit) := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ -- No need to CorruptMask
+ PortFlag.DataCurrent := CORRUPT;
+ WHEN 'M' =>
+ -- Implicit read from memory to data out
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrImplOut,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ PortFlag.DataCurrent := READ;
+ WHEN 'm' =>
+ -- Reading data from memory to data out
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrReadOut,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ ReadMemory(MemoryData,DataOutTmp,Address);
+ PortFlag.DataCurrent := READ;
+ WHEN 't' =>
+ -- Transfering from data in to data out
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrAssgOut,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ DataOutTmp := DataInBus;
+ PortFlag.DataCurrent := READ;
+ WHEN '0' =>
+ -- Assigning low level to data out
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrAsg0Out,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ DataOutTmp := (OTHERS => '0');
+ PortFlag.DataCurrent := READ;
+ WHEN '1' =>
+ -- Assigning high level to data out
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrAsg1Out,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ DataOutTmp := (OTHERS => '1');
+ PortFlag.DataCurrent := READ;
+ WHEN 'Z' =>
+ -- Assigning high impedence to data out
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrAsgZOut,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ DataOutTmp := (OTHERS => 'Z');
+ PortFlag.DataCurrent := HIGHZ;
+ WHEN 'S' =>
+ -- Keeping data out at steady value
+ PortFlag.OutputDisable := TRUE;
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrAsgSOut,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ -- Unknown data action
+ PortFlag.DataCurrent := UNDEF;
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(CallerName,ErrUnknDatDo,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ DataOutBus(HighBit DOWNTO LowBit) := DataOutTmp(HighBit DOWNTO LowBit);
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Memory Table Modeling Primitives
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: VitalDeclareMemory
+-- Parameters: NoOfWords - Number of words in the memory
+-- NoOfBitsPerWord - Number of bits per word in memory
+-- NoOfBitsPerSubWord - Number of bits per sub word
+-- MemoryLoadFile - Name of data file to load
+-- Description: This function is intended to be used to initialize
+-- memory data declarations, i.e. to be executed duing
+-- simulation elaboration time. Handles the allocation
+-- and initialization of memory for the memory data.
+-- Default NoOfBitsPerSubWord is NoOfBitsPerWord.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IMPURE FUNCTION VitalDeclareMemory (
+ CONSTANT MemoryLoadFile : IN string := "";
+) RETURN VitalMemoryDataType IS
+ VARIABLE MemoryPtr : VitalMemoryDataType;
+ MemoryPtr := VitalDeclareMemory(
+ NoOfWords => NoOfWords,
+ NoOfBitsPerWord => NoOfBitsPerWord,
+ NoOfBitsPerSubWord => NoOfBitsPerWord,
+ MemoryLoadFile => MemoryLoadFile,
+ BinaryLoadFile => BinaryLoadFile
+ );
+ RETURN MemoryPtr;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IMPURE FUNCTION VitalDeclareMemory (
+ CONSTANT MemoryLoadFile : IN string := "";
+) RETURN VitalMemoryDataType IS
+ VARIABLE MemoryPtr : VitalMemoryDataType;
+ := ((NoOfBitsPerWord-1)
+ /NoOfBitsPerSubWord)+1;
+ PrintMemoryMessage(MsgVDM,ErrInitMem);
+ MemoryPtr := new VitalMemoryArrayRecType '(
+ NoOfWords => NoOfWords,
+ NoOfBitsPerWord => NoOfBitsPerWord,
+ NoOfBitsPerSubWord => NoOfBitsPerSubWord,
+ NoOfBitsPerEnable => BitsPerEnable,
+ MemoryArrayPtr => NULL
+ );
+ MemoryPtr.MemoryArrayPtr
+ := new MemoryArrayType (0 to MemoryPtr.NoOfWords - 1);
+ FOR i IN 0 TO MemoryPtr.NoOfWords - 1 LOOP
+ MemoryPtr.MemoryArrayPtr(i)
+ := new MemoryWordType (MemoryPtr.NoOfBitsPerWord - 1 DOWNTO 0);
+ IF (MemoryLoadFile /= "") THEN
+ LoadMemory (MemoryPtr, MemoryLoadFile, BinaryLoadFile);
+ RETURN MemoryPtr;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: VitalMemoryTable
+-- Parameters: DataOutBus - Output candidate zero delay data bus out
+-- MemoryData - Pointer to memory data structure
+-- PrevControls - Previous data in for edge detection
+-- PrevEnableBus - Previous enables for edge detection
+-- PrevDataInBus - Previous data bus for edge detection
+-- PrevAddressBus - Previous address bus for edge detection
+-- PortFlag - Indicates port operating mode
+-- PortFlagArray - Vector form of PortFlag for sub-word
+-- Controls - Agregate of scalar control lines
+-- EnableBus - Concatenation of vector control lines
+-- DataInBus - Input value of data bus in
+-- AddressBus - Input value of address bus in
+-- AddressValue - Decoded value of the AddressBus
+-- MemoryTable - Input memory action table
+-- PortType - The type of port (currently not used)
+-- PortName - Port name string for messages
+-- HeaderMsg - Header string for messages
+-- MsgOn - Control the generation of messages
+-- MsgSeverity - Control level of message generation
+-- Description: This procedure implements the majority of the memory
+-- modeling functionality via lookup of the memory action
+-- tables and performing the specified actions if matches
+-- are found, or the default actions otherwise. The
+-- overloadings are provided for the word and sub-word
+-- (using the EnableBus and PortFlagArray arguments) addressing
+-- cases.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryTable (
+ VARIABLE DataOutBus : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE MemoryData : INOUT VitalMemoryDataType;
+ VARIABLE PrevControls : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE PrevDataInBus : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE PrevAddressBus : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE PortFlag : INOUT VitalPortFlagVectorType;
+ CONSTANT Controls : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT DataInBus : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT AddressBus : IN std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE AddressValue : INOUT VitalAddressValueType;
+ CONSTANT MemoryTable : IN VitalMemoryTableType;
+ CONSTANT PortType : IN VitalPortType := UNDEF;
+ CONSTANT PortName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := "";
+) IS
+ VARIABLE DataOutTmp : std_logic_vector(DataOutBus'RANGE)
+ := DataOutBus;
+ VARIABLE MemoryAction : VitalMemorySymbolType;
+ VARIABLE DataAction : VitalMemorySymbolType;
+ VARIABLE HighBit : NATURAL := MemoryData.NoOfBitsPerWord-1;
+ VARIABLE Address : INTEGER := 0;
+ VARIABLE PortFlagTmp : VitalPortFlagType;
+ VARIABLE AddrFlag : VitalMemorySymbolType := 'g'; -- good addr
+ VARIABLE DataFlag : VitalMemorySymbolType := 'g'; -- good data
+ VARIABLE MemCorruptMask : std_logic_vector (DataOutBus'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE DatCorruptMask : std_logic_vector (DataOutBus'RANGE);
+ -- Optimize for case when all current inputs are same as previous
+ IF (PrevDataInBus = DataInBus
+ AND PrevAddressBus = AddressBus
+ AND PrevControls = Controls
+ AND PortFlag(0).MemoryCurrent = PortFlag(0).MemoryPrevious
+ AND PortFlag(0).DataCurrent = PortFlag(0).DataPrevious) THEN
+ PortFlag(0).OutputDisable := TRUE;
+ PortFlag(0).DataPrevious := PortFlag(0).DataCurrent;
+ PortFlag(0).MemoryPrevious := PortFlag(0).MemoryCurrent;
+ PortFlag(0).OutputDisable := FALSE;
+ PortFlagTmp := PortFlag(0);
+ -- Convert address bus to integer value and table lookup flag
+ DecodeAddress(
+ Address => Address ,
+ AddrFlag => AddrFlag ,
+ MemoryData => MemoryData ,
+ PrevAddressBus => PrevAddressBus ,
+ AddressBus => AddressBus
+ );
+ -- Interpret data bus as a table lookup flag
+ DecodeData (
+ DataFlag => DataFlag ,
+ PrevDataInBus => PrevDataInBus ,
+ DataInBus => DataInBus ,
+ HighBit => HighBit ,
+ LowBit => LowBit
+ );
+ -- Lookup memory and data actions
+ MemoryTableLookUp(
+ MemoryAction => MemoryAction ,
+ DataAction => DataAction ,
+ MemoryCorruptMask => MemCorruptMask ,
+ DataCorruptMask => DatCorruptMask ,
+ PrevControls => PrevControls ,
+ Controls => Controls ,
+ AddrFlag => AddrFlag ,
+ DataFlag => DataFlag ,
+ MemoryTable => MemoryTable ,
+ PortName => PortName ,
+ HeaderMsg => HeaderMsg ,
+ MsgOn => MsgOn
+ );
+ -- Handle data action before memory action
+ -- This allows reading previous memory contents
+ HandleDataAction(
+ DataOutBus => DataOutTmp ,
+ MemoryData => MemoryData ,
+ PortFlag => PortFlagTmp ,
+ CorruptMask => DatCorruptMask ,
+ DataInBus => DataInBus ,
+ Address => Address ,
+ HighBit => HighBit ,
+ LowBit => LowBit ,
+ MemoryTable => MemoryTable ,
+ DataAction => DataAction ,
+ CallerName => MsgVMT ,
+ PortName => PortName ,
+ HeaderMsg => HeaderMsg ,
+ MsgOn => MsgOn
+ );
+ HandleMemoryAction(
+ MemoryData => MemoryData ,
+ PortFlag => PortFlagTmp ,
+ CorruptMask => MemCorruptMask ,
+ DataInBus => DataInBus ,
+ Address => Address ,
+ HighBit => HighBit ,
+ LowBit => LowBit ,
+ MemoryTable => MemoryTable ,
+ MemoryAction => MemoryAction ,
+ CallerName => MsgVMT ,
+ PortName => PortName ,
+ HeaderMsg => HeaderMsg ,
+ MsgOn => MsgOn
+ );
+ -- Set the output PortFlag(0) value
+ IF (DataAction = 'S') THEN
+ PortFlagTmp.OutputDisable := TRUE;
+ IF (PortFlagTmp.DataCurrent = PortFlagTmp.DataPrevious
+ AND PortFlagTmp.DataCurrent = HIGHZ) THEN
+ PortFlagTmp.OutputDisable := TRUE;
+ PortFlag(0) := PortFlagTmp;
+ -- Set previous values for subsequent edge detection
+ PrevControls := Controls;
+ PrevDataInBus := DataInBus;
+ PrevAddressBus := AddressBus;
+ -- Set the candidate zero delay return value
+ DataOutBus := DataOutTmp;
+ -- Set the output AddressValue for VitalMemoryCrossPorts
+ AddressValue := Address;
+END VitalMemoryTable;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryTable (
+ VARIABLE DataOutBus : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE MemoryData : INOUT VitalMemoryDataType;
+ VARIABLE PrevControls : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE PrevEnableBus : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE PrevDataInBus : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE PrevAddressBus : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE PortFlagArray : INOUT VitalPortFlagVectorType;
+ CONSTANT Controls : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT EnableBus : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT DataInBus : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT AddressBus : IN std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE AddressValue : INOUT VitalAddressValueType;
+ CONSTANT MemoryTable : IN VitalMemoryTableType;
+ CONSTANT PortType : IN VitalPortType := UNDEF;
+ CONSTANT PortName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := "";
+) IS
+ VARIABLE BitsPerWord : NATURAL := MemoryData.NoOfBitsPerWord;
+ VARIABLE BitsPerSubWord : NATURAL := MemoryData.NoOfBitsPerSubWord;
+ VARIABLE BitsPerEnable : NATURAL := MemoryData.NoOfBitsPerEnable;
+ VARIABLE DataOutTmp : std_logic_vector(DataOutBus'RANGE)
+ := DataOutBus;
+ VARIABLE MemoryAction : VitalMemorySymbolType;
+ VARIABLE DataAction : VitalMemorySymbolType;
+ VARIABLE HighBit : NATURAL := BitsPerSubWord-1;
+ VARIABLE Address : INTEGER := 0;
+ VARIABLE PortFlagTmp : VitalPortFlagType;
+ VARIABLE AddrFlag : VitalMemorySymbolType := 'g'; -- good addr
+ VARIABLE DataFlag : VitalMemorySymbolType := 'g'; -- good data
+ VARIABLE MemCorruptMask : std_logic_vector (DataOutBus'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE DatCorruptMask : std_logic_vector (DataOutBus'RANGE);
+ -- Optimize for case when all current inputs are same as previous
+ IF (PrevDataInBus = DataInBus
+ AND PrevAddressBus = AddressBus
+ AND PrevControls = Controls) THEN
+ CheckFlags:
+ FOR i IN 0 TO BitsPerEnable-1 LOOP
+ IF (PortFlagArray(i).MemoryCurrent /= PortFlagArray(i).MemoryPrevious
+ OR PortFlagArray(i).DataCurrent /= PortFlagArray(i).DataPrevious) THEN
+ EXIT CheckFlags;
+ IF (i = BitsPerEnable-1) THEN
+ FOR j IN 0 TO BitsPerEnable-1 LOOP
+ PortFlagArray(j).OutputDisable := TRUE;
+ -- Convert address bus to integer value and table lookup flag
+ DecodeAddress(
+ Address => Address,
+ AddrFlag => AddrFlag,
+ MemoryData => MemoryData,
+ PrevAddressBus => PrevAddressBus,
+ AddressBus => AddressBus
+ );
+ -- Perform independent operations for each sub-word
+ FOR i IN 0 TO BitsPerEnable-1 LOOP
+ -- Set the output PortFlag(i) value
+ PortFlagArray(i).DataPrevious := PortFlagArray(i).DataCurrent;
+ PortFlagArray(i).MemoryPrevious := PortFlagArray(i).MemoryCurrent;
+ PortFlagArray(i).OutputDisable := FALSE;
+ PortFlagTmp := PortFlagArray(i);
+ -- Interpret data bus as a table lookup flag
+ DecodeData (
+ DataFlag => DataFlag ,
+ PrevDataInBus => PrevDataInBus ,
+ DataInBus => DataInBus ,
+ HighBit => HighBit ,
+ LowBit => LowBit
+ );
+ -- Lookup memory and data actions
+ MemoryTableLookUp(
+ MemoryAction => MemoryAction ,
+ DataAction => DataAction ,
+ MemoryCorruptMask => MemCorruptMask ,
+ DataCorruptMask => DatCorruptMask ,
+ PrevControls => PrevControls ,
+ PrevEnableBus => PrevEnableBus ,
+ Controls => Controls ,
+ EnableBus => EnableBus ,
+ EnableIndex => i ,
+ BitsPerWord => BitsPerWord ,
+ BitsPerSubWord => BitsPerSubWord ,
+ BitsPerEnable => BitsPerEnable ,
+ AddrFlag => AddrFlag ,
+ DataFlag => DataFlag ,
+ MemoryTable => MemoryTable ,
+ PortName => PortName ,
+ HeaderMsg => HeaderMsg ,
+ MsgOn => MsgOn
+ );
+ -- Handle data action before memory action
+ -- This allows reading previous memory contents
+ HandleDataAction(
+ DataOutBus => DataOutTmp ,
+ MemoryData => MemoryData ,
+ PortFlag => PortFlagTmp ,
+ CorruptMask => DatCorruptMask ,
+ DataInBus => DataInBus ,
+ Address => Address ,
+ HighBit => HighBit ,
+ LowBit => LowBit ,
+ MemoryTable => MemoryTable ,
+ DataAction => DataAction ,
+ CallerName => MsgVMT ,
+ PortName => PortName ,
+ HeaderMsg => HeaderMsg ,
+ MsgOn => MsgOn
+ );
+ HandleMemoryAction(
+ MemoryData => MemoryData ,
+ PortFlag => PortFlagTmp ,
+ CorruptMask => MemCorruptMask ,
+ DataInBus => DataInBus ,
+ Address => Address ,
+ HighBit => HighBit ,
+ LowBit => LowBit ,
+ MemoryTable => MemoryTable ,
+ MemoryAction => MemoryAction ,
+ CallerName => MsgVMT ,
+ PortName => PortName ,
+ HeaderMsg => HeaderMsg ,
+ MsgOn => MsgOn
+ );
+ -- Set the output PortFlag(i) value
+ IF (DataAction = 'S') THEN
+ PortFlagTmp.OutputDisable := TRUE;
+ IF (PortFlagTmp.DataCurrent = PortFlagTmp.DataPrevious
+ AND PortFlagTmp.DataCurrent = HIGHZ) THEN
+ PortFlagTmp.OutputDisable := TRUE;
+ PortFlagArray(i) := PortFlagTmp;
+ IF (i < BitsPerEnable-1) THEN
+ -- Calculate HighBit and LowBit
+ LowBit := LowBit + BitsPerSubWord;
+ IF (LowBit > BitsPerWord) THEN
+ LowBit := BitsPerWord;
+ HighBit := LowBit + BitsPerSubWord;
+ IF (HighBit > BitsPerWord) THEN
+ HighBit := BitsPerWord;
+ HighBit := HighBit - 1;
+ -- Set previous values for subsequent edge detection
+ PrevControls := Controls;
+ PrevEnableBus := EnableBus;
+ PrevDataInBus := DataInBus;
+ PrevAddressBus := AddressBus;
+ -- Set the candidate zero delay return value
+ DataOutBus := DataOutTmp;
+ -- Set the output AddressValue for VitalMemoryCrossPorts
+ AddressValue := Address;
+END VitalMemoryTable;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: VitalMemoryCrossPorts
+-- Parameters: DataOutBus - Output candidate zero delay data bus out
+-- MemoryData - Pointer to memory data structure
+-- SamePortFlag - Operating mode for same port
+-- SamePortAddressValue - Operating modes for cross ports
+-- CrossPortAddressArray - Decoded AddressBus for cross ports
+-- CrossPortMode - Write contention and crossport read control
+-- PortName - Port name string for messages
+-- HeaderMsg - Header string for messages
+-- MsgOn - Control the generation of messages
+-- Description: These procedures control the effect of memory operations
+-- on a given port due to operations on other ports in a
+-- multi-port memory.
+-- This includes data write through when reading and writing
+-- to the same address, as well as write contention when
+-- there are multiple write to the same address.
+-- If addresses do not match then data bus is unchanged.
+-- The DataOutBus can be diabled with 'Z' value.
+-- If the WritePortFlag is 'CORRUPT', that would mean
+-- that the whole memory is corrupted. So, for corrupting
+-- the Read port, the Addresses need not be compared.
+-- CrossPortMode Enum Description
+-- 1. CpRead Allows Cross Port Read Only
+-- No contention checking.
+-- 2. WriteContention Allows for write contention checks
+-- only between multiple write ports
+-- 3. ReadWriteContention Allows contention between read and
+-- write ports. The action is to corrupt
+-- the memory and the output bus.
+-- 4. CpReadAndWriteContention Is a combination of 1 & 2
+-- 5. CpReadAndReadContention Allows contention between read and
+-- write ports. The action is to corrupt
+-- the dataout bus only. The cp read is
+-- performed if not contending.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryCrossPorts (
+ VARIABLE DataOutBus : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE MemoryData : INOUT VitalMemoryDataType;
+ VARIABLE SamePortFlag : INOUT VitalPortFlagVectorType;
+ CONSTANT SamePortAddressValue : IN VitalAddressValueType;
+ CONSTANT CrossPortFlagArray : IN VitalPortFlagVectorType;
+ CONSTANT CrossPortAddressArray : IN VitalAddressValueVectorType;
+ CONSTANT CrossPortMode : IN VitalCrossPortModeType
+ := CpReadAndWriteContention;
+ CONSTANT PortName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := "";
+) IS
+ VARIABLE BitsPerWord : NATURAL := MemoryData.NoOfBitsPerWord;
+ VARIABLE BitsPerSubWord : NATURAL := MemoryData.NoOfBitsPerSubWord;
+ VARIABLE BitsPerEnable : NATURAL := MemoryData.NoOfBitsPerEnable;
+ VARIABLE DataOutTmp : std_logic_vector(DataOutBus'RANGE) := (OTHERS => 'Z');
+ VARIABLE MemoryTmp : std_logic_vector(DataOutBus'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE CrossPorts : NATURAL := CrossPortAddressArray'LENGTH;
+ VARIABLE HighBit : NATURAL := BitsPerSubWord-1;
+ VARIABLE Address : VitalAddressValueType := SamePortAddressValue;
+ VARIABLE AddressJ : VitalAddressValueType;
+ VARIABLE AddressK : VitalAddressValueType;
+ VARIABLE PortFlagI : VitalPortFlagType;
+ VARIABLE PortFlagIJ : VitalPortFlagType;
+ VARIABLE PortFlagIK : VitalPortFlagType;
+ (CrossPortMode=WriteContention) OR
+ (CrossPortMode=CpReadAndWriteContention);
+ (CrossPortMode=CpRead) OR
+ (CrossPortMode=CpReadAndWriteContention);
+ VARIABLE ModeCpCont : BOOLEAN := (CrossPortMode=ReadWriteContention);
+ VARIABLE ModeRdWrCont : BOOLEAN := (CrossPortMode=CpReadAndReadContention);
+ -- Check for disabled port (i.e. OTHERS => 'Z')
+ IF (DataOutBus = DataOutTmp) THEN
+ DataOutTmp := DataOutBus;
+ -- Check for error in address
+ IF (Address < 0) THEN
+ ReadMemory(MemoryData,MemoryTmp,Address);
+ SubWordLoop: -- For each slice of the sub-word I
+ FOR i IN 0 TO BitsPerEnable-1 LOOP
+ PortFlagI := SamePortFlag(i);
+ -- For each cross port J: check with same port address
+ FOR j IN 0 TO CrossPorts-1 LOOP
+ PortFlagIJ := CrossPortFlagArray(i+j*BitsPerEnable);
+ AddressJ := CrossPortAddressArray(j);
+ IF (AddressJ < 0) THEN
+ DoWrCont := (Address = AddressJ) AND
+ (ModeWrCont = TRUE) AND
+ ((PortFlagI.MemoryCurrent = WRITE) OR
+ (PortFlagI.MemoryCurrent = CORRUPT)) AND
+ ((PortFlagIJ.MemoryCurrent = WRITE) OR
+ (PortFlagIJ.MemoryCurrent = CORRUPT)) ;
+ DoCpRead := (Address = AddressJ) AND
+ (ModeCpRead = TRUE) AND
+ ((PortFlagI.MemoryCurrent = READ) OR
+ (PortFlagI.OutputDisable = TRUE)) AND
+ ((PortFlagIJ.MemoryCurrent = WRITE) OR
+ (PortFlagIJ.MemoryCurrent = CORRUPT)) ;
+ DoCpCont := (Address = AddressJ) AND
+ (ModeCpCont = TRUE) AND
+ ((PortFlagI.MemoryCurrent = READ) OR
+ (PortFlagI.OutputDisable = TRUE)) AND
+ ((PortFlagIJ.MemoryCurrent = WRITE) OR
+ (PortFlagIJ.MemoryCurrent = CORRUPT)) ;
+ DoRdWrCont:= (Address = AddressJ) AND
+ (ModeRdWrCont = TRUE) AND
+ ((PortFlagI.MemoryCurrent = READ) OR
+ (PortFlagI.OutputDisable = TRUE)) AND
+ ((PortFlagIJ.MemoryCurrent = WRITE) OR
+ (PortFlagIJ.MemoryCurrent = CORRUPT)) ;
+ IF (DoWrCont OR DoCpCont) THEN
+ -- Corrupt dataout and memory
+ MemoryTmp(HighBit DOWNTO LowBit) := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ DataOutTmp(HighBit DOWNTO LowBit) := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ SamePortFlag(i).MemoryCurrent := CORRUPT;
+ SamePortFlag(i).DataCurrent := CORRUPT;
+ SamePortFlag(i).OutputDisable := FALSE;
+ IF (DoCpRead) THEN
+ -- Update dataout with memory
+ DataOutTmp(HighBit DOWNTO LowBit) :=
+ MemoryTmp(HighBit DOWNTO LowBit);
+ SamePortFlag(i).MemoryCurrent := READ;
+ SamePortFlag(i).DataCurrent := READ;
+ SamePortFlag(i).OutputDisable := FALSE;
+ IF (DoRdWrCont) THEN
+ -- Corrupt dataout only
+ DataOutTmp(HighBit DOWNTO LowBit) := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ SamePortFlag(i).DataCurrent := CORRUPT;
+ SamePortFlag(i).OutputDisable := FALSE;
+ IF (i < BitsPerEnable-1) THEN
+ -- Calculate HighBit and LowBit
+ LowBit := LowBit + BitsPerSubWord;
+ IF (LowBit > BitsPerWord) THEN
+ LowBit := BitsPerWord;
+ HighBit := LowBit + BitsPerSubWord;
+ IF (HighBit > BitsPerWord) THEN
+ HighBit := BitsPerWord;
+ HighBit := HighBit - 1;
+ END LOOP; -- SubWordLoop
+ DataOutBus := DataOutTmp;
+ IF (DoWrCont) THEN
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(MsgVMCP,ErrMcpWrCont,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ WriteMemory(MemoryData,MemoryTmp,Address);
+ IF (DoCpCont) THEN
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(MsgVMCP,ErrMcpCpCont,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ WriteMemory(MemoryData,MemoryTmp,Address);
+ IF (DoCpRead) THEN
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(MsgVMCP,ErrMcpCpRead,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+ IF (DoRdWrCont) THEN
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(MsgVMCP,ErrMcpRdWrCo,HeaderMsg,PortName);
+END VitalMemoryCrossPorts;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryCrossPorts (
+ VARIABLE MemoryData : INOUT VitalMemoryDataType;
+ CONSTANT CrossPortFlagArray : IN VitalPortFlagVectorType;
+ CONSTANT CrossPortAddressArray : IN VitalAddressValueVectorType;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := "";
+) IS
+ VARIABLE BitsPerWord : NATURAL := MemoryData.NoOfBitsPerWord;
+ VARIABLE BitsPerSubWord : NATURAL := MemoryData.NoOfBitsPerSubWord;
+ VARIABLE BitsPerEnable : NATURAL := MemoryData.NoOfBitsPerEnable;
+ VARIABLE MemoryTmp : std_logic_vector(BitsPerWord-1 DOWNTO 0);
+ VARIABLE CrossPorts : NATURAL := CrossPortAddressArray'LENGTH;
+ VARIABLE HighBit : NATURAL := BitsPerSubWord-1;
+ VARIABLE AddressJ : VitalAddressValueType;
+ VARIABLE AddressK : VitalAddressValueType;
+ VARIABLE PortFlagIJ : VitalPortFlagType;
+ VARIABLE PortFlagIK : VitalPortFlagType;
+ SubWordLoop: -- For each slice of the sub-word I
+ FOR i IN 0 TO BitsPerEnable-1 LOOP
+ -- For each cross port J: check with each cross port K
+ FOR j IN 0 TO CrossPorts-1 LOOP
+ PortFlagIJ := CrossPortFlagArray(i+j*BitsPerEnable);
+ AddressJ := CrossPortAddressArray(j);
+ -- Check for error in address
+ IF (AddressJ < 0) THEN
+ ReadMemory(MemoryData,MemoryTmp,AddressJ);
+ -- For each cross port K
+ FOR k IN 0 TO CrossPorts-1 LOOP
+ IF (k <= j) THEN
+ PortFlagIK := CrossPortFlagArray(i+k*BitsPerEnable);
+ AddressK := CrossPortAddressArray(k);
+ -- Check for error in address
+ IF (AddressK < 0) THEN
+ CpWrCont := ( (AddressJ = AddressK) AND
+ (PortFlagIJ.MemoryCurrent = WRITE) AND
+ (PortFlagIK.MemoryCurrent = WRITE) ) OR
+ ( (PortFlagIJ.MemoryCurrent = WRITE) AND
+ (PortFlagIK.MemoryCurrent = CORRUPT) ) OR
+ ( (PortFlagIJ.MemoryCurrent = CORRUPT) AND
+ (PortFlagIK.MemoryCurrent = WRITE) ) OR
+ ( (PortFlagIJ.MemoryCurrent = CORRUPT) AND
+ (PortFlagIK.MemoryCurrent = CORRUPT) ) ;
+ IF (CpWrCont) THEN
+ -- Corrupt memory only
+ MemoryTmp(HighBit DOWNTO LowBit) := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ END LOOP; -- FOR k IN 0 TO CrossPorts-1 LOOP
+ IF (CpWrCont = TRUE) THEN
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ PrintMemoryMessage(MsgVMCP,ErrMcpCpWrCont,HeaderMsg);
+ WriteMemory(MemoryData,MemoryTmp,AddressJ);
+ END LOOP; -- FOR j IN 0 TO CrossPorts-1 LOOP
+ IF (i < BitsPerEnable-1) THEN
+ -- Calculate HighBit and LowBit
+ LowBit := LowBit + BitsPerSubWord;
+ IF (LowBit > BitsPerWord) THEN
+ LowBit := BitsPerWord;
+ HighBit := LowBit + BitsPerSubWord;
+ IF (HighBit > BitsPerWord) THEN
+ HighBit := BitsPerWord;
+ HighBit := HighBit - 1;
+ END LOOP; -- SubWordLoop
+END VitalMemoryCrossPorts;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: VitalMemoryViolation
+-- Parameters: DataOutBus - Output zero delay data bus out
+-- MemoryData - Pointer to memory data structure
+-- PortFlag - Indicates port operating mode
+-- TimingDataArray - This is currently not used (comment out)
+-- ViolationArray - Aggregation of violation variables
+-- DataInBus - Input value of data bus in
+-- AddressBus - Input value of address bus in
+-- AddressValue - Decoded value of the AddressBus
+-- ViolationTable - Input memory violation table
+-- PortName - Port name string for messages
+-- HeaderMsg - Header string for messages
+-- MsgOn - Control the generation of messages
+-- MsgSeverity - Control level of message generation
+-- Description: This procedure is intended to implement all actions on the
+-- memory contents and data out bus as a result of timing viols.
+-- It uses the memory action table to perform various corruption
+-- policies specified by the user.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryViolation (
+ VARIABLE DataOutBus : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE MemoryData : INOUT VitalMemoryDataType;
+ VARIABLE PortFlag : INOUT VitalPortFlagVectorType;
+ CONSTANT DataInBus : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT AddressValue : IN VitalAddressValueType;
+ CONSTANT ViolationFlags : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ViolationFlagsArray : IN X01ArrayT;
+ CONSTANT ViolationSizesArray : IN VitalMemoryViolFlagSizeType;
+ CONSTANT ViolationTable : IN VitalMemoryTableType;
+ CONSTANT PortType : IN VitalPortType;
+ CONSTANT PortName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := "";
+) IS
+ VARIABLE BitsPerWord : NATURAL := MemoryData.NoOfBitsPerWord;
+ VARIABLE BitsPerSubWord : NATURAL := MemoryData.NoOfBitsPerSubWord;
+ VARIABLE BitsPerEnable : NATURAL := MemoryData.NoOfBitsPerEnable;
+ VARIABLE DataOutTmp : std_logic_vector(DataOutBus'RANGE)
+ := DataOutBus;
+ VARIABLE MemoryAction : VitalMemorySymbolType;
+ VARIABLE DataAction : VitalMemorySymbolType;
+ -- VMT relies on the corrupt masks so HighBit/LowBit are full word
+ VARIABLE HighBit : NATURAL := BitsPerWord-1;
+ VARIABLE PortFlagTmp : VitalPortFlagType;
+ VARIABLE VFlagArrayTmp : std_logic_vector
+ (0 TO ViolationFlagsArray'LENGTH-1);
+ VARIABLE MemCorruptMask : std_logic_vector (DataOutBus'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE DatCorruptMask : std_logic_vector (DataOutBus'RANGE);
+ -- Don't do anything if given an error address
+ IF (AddressValue < 0) THEN
+ FOR i IN ViolationFlagsArray'RANGE LOOP
+ VFlagArrayTmp(i) := ViolationFlagsArray(i);
+ -- Lookup memory and data actions
+ ViolationTableLookUp(
+ MemoryAction => MemoryAction ,
+ DataAction => DataAction ,
+ MemoryCorruptMask => MemCorruptMask ,
+ DataCorruptMask => DatCorruptMask ,
+ ViolationFlags => ViolationFlags ,
+ ViolationFlagsArray => VFlagArrayTmp ,
+ ViolationSizesArray => ViolationSizesArray ,
+ ViolationTable => ViolationTable ,
+ BitsPerWord => BitsPerWord ,
+ BitsPerSubWord => BitsPerSubWord ,
+ BitsPerEnable => BitsPerEnable ,
+ PortName => PortName ,
+ HeaderMsg => HeaderMsg ,
+ MsgOn => MsgOn
+ );
+ -- Need to read incoming PF value (was not before)
+ PortFlagTmp := PortFlag(0);
+ IF (PortType = READ OR PortType = RDNWR) THEN
+ -- Handle data action before memory action
+ -- This allows reading previous memory contents
+ HandleDataAction(
+ DataOutBus => DataOutTmp ,
+ MemoryData => MemoryData ,
+ PortFlag => PortFlagTmp ,
+ CorruptMask => DatCorruptMask ,
+ DataInBus => DataInBus ,
+ Address => AddressValue ,
+ HighBit => HighBit ,
+ LowBit => LowBit ,
+ MemoryTable => ViolationTable ,
+ DataAction => DataAction ,
+ CallerName => MsgVMV ,
+ PortName => PortName ,
+ HeaderMsg => HeaderMsg ,
+ MsgOn => MsgOn
+ );
+ IF (PortType = WRITE OR PortType = RDNWR) THEN
+ HandleMemoryAction(
+ MemoryData => MemoryData ,
+ PortFlag => PortFlagTmp ,
+ CorruptMask => MemCorruptMask ,
+ DataInBus => DataInBus ,
+ Address => AddressValue ,
+ HighBit => HighBit ,
+ LowBit => LowBit ,
+ MemoryTable => ViolationTable ,
+ MemoryAction => MemoryAction ,
+ CallerName => MsgVMV ,
+ PortName => PortName ,
+ HeaderMsg => HeaderMsg ,
+ MsgOn => MsgOn
+ );
+ -- Check if we need to turn off PF.OutputDisable
+ IF (DataAction /= 'S') THEN
+ PortFlagTmp.OutputDisable := FALSE;
+ -- Set the output PortFlag(0) value
+ -- Note that all bits of PortFlag get PortFlagTmp
+ PortFlag(i) := PortFlagTmp;
+ -- Set the candidate zero delay return value
+ DataOutBus := DataOutTmp;
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryViolation (
+ VARIABLE DataOutBus : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE MemoryData : INOUT VitalMemoryDataType;
+ VARIABLE PortFlag : INOUT VitalPortFlagVectorType;
+ CONSTANT DataInBus : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT AddressValue : IN VitalAddressValueType;
+ CONSTANT ViolationFlags : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ViolationTable : IN VitalMemoryTableType;
+ CONSTANT PortType : IN VitalPortType;
+ CONSTANT PortName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := "";
+) IS
+ VARIABLE VFlagArrayTmp : X01ArrayT (0 TO 0);
+ VitalMemoryViolation (
+ DataOutBus => DataOutBus ,
+ MemoryData => MemoryData ,
+ PortFlag => PortFlag ,
+ DataInBus => DataInBus ,
+ AddressValue => AddressValue ,
+ ViolationFlags => ViolationFlags ,
+ ViolationFlagsArray => VFlagArrayTmp ,
+ ViolationSizesArray => ( 0 => 0 ) ,
+ ViolationTable => ViolationTable ,
+ PortType => PortType ,
+ PortName => PortName ,
+ HeaderMsg => HeaderMsg ,
+ MsgOn => MsgOn ,
+ MsgSeverity => MsgSeverity
+ );
+END Vital_Memory ;
diff --git a/libraries/vital2000/memory_p.vhdl b/libraries/vital2000/memory_p.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..83874f45e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/vital2000/memory_p.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,1729 @@
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Title : Standard VITAL Memory Package
+-- :
+-- Library : Vital_Memory
+-- :
+-- Developers : IEEE DASC Timing Working Group (TWG), PAR 1076.4
+-- : Ekambaram Balaji, LSI Logic Corporation
+-- : Jose De Castro, Consultant
+-- : Prakash Bare, GDA Technologies
+-- : William Yam, LSI Logic Corporation
+-- : Dennis Brophy, Model Technology
+-- :
+-- Purpose : This packages defines standard types, constants, functions
+-- : and procedures for use in developing ASIC memory models.
+-- :
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Modification History :
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Ver:|Auth:| Date:| Changes Made:
+-- 0.1 | eb |071796| First prototye as part of VITAL memory proposal
+-- 0.2 | jdc |012897| Initial prototyping with proposed MTM scheme
+-- 0.3 | jdc |090297| Extensive updates for TAG review (functional)
+-- 0.4 | eb |091597| Changed naming conventions for VitalMemoryTable
+-- | | | Added interface of VitalMemoryCrossPorts() &
+-- | | | VitalMemoryViolation().
+-- 0.5 | jdc |092997| Completed naming changes thoughout package body.
+-- | | | Testing with simgle port test model looks ok.
+-- 0.6 | jdc |121797| Major updates to the packages:
+-- | | | - Implement VitalMemoryCrossPorts()
+-- | | | - Use new VitalAddressValueType
+-- | | | - Use new VitalCrossPortModeType enum
+-- | | | - Overloading without SamePort args
+-- | | | - Honor erroneous address values
+-- | | | - Honor ports disabled with 'Z'
+-- | | | - Implement implicit read 'M' table symbol
+-- | | | - Cleanup buses to use (H DOWNTO L)
+-- | | | - Message control via MsgOn,HeaderMsg,PortName
+-- | | | - Tested with 1P1RW,2P2RW,4P2R2W,4P4RW cases
+-- 0.7 | jdc |052698| Bug fixes to the packages:
+-- | | | - Fix failure with negative Address values
+-- | | | - Added debug messages for VMT table search
+-- | | | - Remove 'S' for action column (only 's')
+-- | | | - Remove 's' for response column (only 'S')
+-- | | | - Remove 'X' for action and response columns
+-- 0.8 | jdc |061298| Implemented VitalMemoryViolation()
+-- | | | - Minimal functionality violation tables
+-- | | | - Missing:
+-- | | | - Cannot handle wide violation variables
+-- | | | - Cannot handle sub-word cases
+-- | | | Fixed IIC version of MemoryMatch
+-- | | | Fixed 'M' vs 'm' switched on debug output
+-- | | | TO BE DONE:
+-- | | | - Implement 'd' corrupting a single bit
+-- | | | - Implement 'D' corrupting a single bit
+-- 0.9 |eb/sc|080498| Added UNDEF value for VitalPortFlagType
+-- 0.10|eb/sc|080798| Added CORRUPT value for VitalPortFlagType
+-- 0.11|eb/sc|081798| Added overloaded function interface for
+-- | | | VitalDeclareMemory
+-- 0.14| jdc |113198| Merging of memory functionality and version
+-- | | | 1.4 9/17/98 of timing package from Prakash
+-- 0.15| jdc |120198| Major development of VMV functionality
+-- 0.16| jdc |120298| Complete VMV functionlality for initial testing
+-- | | | - New ViolationTableCorruptMask() procedure
+-- | | | - New MemoryTableCorruptMask() procedure
+-- | | | - HandleMemoryAction():
+-- | | | - Removed DataOutBus bogus output
+-- | | | - Replaced DataOutTmp with DataInTmp
+-- | | | - Added CorruptMask input handling
+-- | | | - Implemented 'd','D' using CorruptMask
+-- | | | - CorruptMask on 'd','C','L','D','E'
+-- | | | - CorruptMask ignored on 'c','l','e'
+-- | | | - Changed 'l','d','e' to set PortFlag to CORRUPT
+-- | | | - Changed 'L','D','E' to set PortFlag to CORRUPT
+-- | | | - Changed 'c','l','d','e' to ignore HighBit, LowBit
+-- | | | - Changed 'C','L','D','E' to use HighBit, LowBit
+-- | | | - HandleDataAction():
+-- | | | - Added CorruptMask input handling
+-- | | | - Implemented 'd','D' using CorruptMask
+-- | | | - CorruptMask on 'd','C','L','D','E'
+-- | | | - CorruptMask ignored on 'l','e'
+-- | | | - Changed 'l','d','e' to set PortFlag to CORRUPT
+-- | | | - Changed 'L','D','E' to set PortFlag to CORRUPT
+-- | | | - Changed 'l','d','e' to ignore HighBit, LowBit
+-- | | | - Changed 'L','D','E' to use HighBit, LowBit
+-- | | | - MemoryTableLookUp():
+-- | | | - Added MsgOn table debug output
+-- | | | - Uses new MemoryTableCorruptMask()
+-- | | | - ViolationTableLookUp():
+-- | | | - Uses new ViolationTableCorruptMask()
+-- 0.17| jdc |120898| - Added VitalMemoryViolationSymbolType,
+-- | | | VitalMemoryViolationTableType data
+-- | | | types but not used yet (need to discuss)
+-- | | | - Added overload for VitalMemoryViolation()
+-- | | | which does not have array flags
+-- | | | - Bug fixes for VMV functionality:
+-- | | | - ViolationTableLookUp() not handling '-' in
+-- | | | scalar violation matching
+-- | | | - VitalMemoryViolation() now normalizes
+-- | | | VFlagArrayTmp'LEFT as LSB before calling
+-- | | | ViolationTableLookUp() for proper scanning
+-- | | | - ViolationTableCorruptMask() had to remove
+-- | | | normalization of CorruptMaskTmp and
+-- | | | ViolMaskTmp for proper MSB:LSB corruption
+-- | | | - HandleMemoryAction(), HandleDataAction()
+-- | | | - Removed 'D','E' since not being used
+-- | | | - Use XOR instead of OR for corrupt masks
+-- | | | - Now 'd' is sensitive to HighBit, LowBit
+-- | | | - Fixed LowBit overflow in bit writeable case
+-- | | | - MemoryTableCorruptMask()
+-- | | | - ViolationTableCorruptMask()
+-- | | | - VitalMemoryTable()
+-- | | | - VitalMemoryCrossPorts()
+-- | | | - Fixed VitalMemoryViolation() failing on
+-- | | | error AddressValue from earlier VMT()
+-- | | | - Minor cleanup of code formatting
+-- 0.18| jdc |032599| - In VitalDeclareMemory()
+-- | | | - Added BinaryLoadFile formal arg and
+-- | | | modified LoadMemory() to handle bin
+-- | | | - Added NOCHANGE to VitalPortFlagType
+-- | | | - For VitalCrossPortModeType
+-- | | | - Added CpContention enum
+-- | | | - In HandleDataAction()
+-- | | | - Set PortFlag := NOCHANGE for 'S'
+-- | | | - In HandleMemoryAction()
+-- | | | - Set PortFlag := NOCHANGE for 's'
+-- | | | - In VitalMemoryTable() and
+-- | | | VitalMemoryViolation()
+-- | | | - Honor PortFlag = NOCHANGE returned
+-- | | | from HandleMemoryAction()
+-- | | | - In VitalMemoryCrossPorts()
+-- | | | - Fixed Address = AddressJ for all
+-- | | | conditions of DoWrCont & DoCpRead
+-- | | | - Handle CpContention like WrContOnly
+-- | | | under CpReadOnly conditions, with
+-- | | | associated memory message changes
+-- | | | - Handle PortFlag = NOCHANGE like
+-- | | | PortFlag = READ for actions
+-- | | | - Modeling change:
+-- | | | - Need to init PortFlag every delta
+-- | | | PortFlag_A := (OTHES => UNDEF);
+-- | | | - Updated InternalTimingCheck code
+-- 0.19| jdc |042599| - Fixes for bit-writeable cases
+-- | | | - Check PortFlag after HandleDataAction
+-- | | | in VitalMemoryViolation()
+-- 0.20| jdc |042599| - Merge PortFlag changes from Prakash
+-- | | | and Willian:
+-- | | | VitalMemorySchedulePathDelay()
+-- | | | VitalMemoryExpandPortFlag()
+-- 0.21| jdc |072199| - Changed VitalCrossPortModeType enums,
+-- | | | added new CpReadAndReadContention.
+-- | | | - Fixed VitalMemoryCrossPorts() parameter
+-- | | | SamePortFlag to INOUT so that it can
+-- | | | set CORRUPT or READ value.
+-- | | | - Fixed VitalMemoryTable() where PortFlag
+-- | | | setting by HandleDataAction() is being
+-- | | | ignored when HandleMemoryAction() sets
+-- | | | PortFlagTmp to NOCHANGE.
+-- | | | - Fixed VitalMemoryViolation() to set
+-- | | | all bits of PortFlag when violating.
+-- 0.22| jdc |072399| - Added HIGHZ to PortFlagType. HandleData
+-- | | | checks whether the previous state is HIGHZ.
+-- | | | If yes then portFlag should be NOCHANGE
+-- | | | for VMPD to ignore IORetain corruption.
+-- | | | The idea is that the first Z should be
+-- | | | propagated but later ones should be ignored.
+-- | | |
+-- 0.23| jdc |100499| - Took code checked in by Dennis 09/28/99
+-- | | | - Changed VitalPortFlagType to record of
+-- | | | new VitalPortStateType to hold current,
+-- | | | previous values and separate disable.
+-- | | | Also created VitalDefaultPortFlag const.
+-- | | | Removed usage of PortFlag NOCHANGE
+-- | | | - VitalMemoryTable() changes:
+-- | | | Optimized return when all curr = prev
+-- | | | AddressValue is now INOUT to optimize
+-- | | | Transfer PF.MemoryCurrent to MemoryPrevious
+-- | | | Transfer PF.DataCurrent to DataPrevious
+-- | | | Reset PF.OutputDisable to FALSE
+-- | | | Expects PortFlag init in declaration
+-- | | | No need to init PortFlag every delta
+-- | | | - VitalMemorySchedulePathDelay() changes:
+-- | | | Initialize with VitalDefaultPortFlag
+-- | | | Check PortFlag.OutputDisable
+-- | | | - HandleMemoryAction() changes:
+-- | | | Set value of PortFlag.MemoryCurrent
+-- | | | Never set PortFlag.OutputDisable
+-- | | | - HandleDataAction() changes:
+-- | | | Set value of PortFlag.DataCurrent
+-- | | | Set PortFlag.DataCurrent for HIGHZ
+-- | | | - VitalMemoryCrossPorts() changes:
+-- | | | Check/set value of PF.MemoryCurrent
+-- | | | Check value of PF.OutputDisable
+-- | | | - VitalMemoryViolation() changes:
+-- | | | Fixed bug - not reading inout PF value
+-- | | | Clean up setting of PortFlag
+-- 0.24| jdc |100899| - Modified update of PF.OutputDisable
+-- | | | to correctly accomodate 2P1W1R case:
+-- | | | the read port should not exhibit
+-- | | | IO retain corrupt when reading
+-- | | | addr unrelated to addr being written.
+-- 0.25| jdc |100999| - VitalMemoryViolation() change:
+-- | | | Fixed bug with RDNWR mode incorrectly
+-- | | | updating the PF.OutputDisable
+-- 0.26| jdc |100999| - VitalMemoryCrossPorts() change:
+-- | | | Fixed bugs with update of PF
+-- 0.27| jdc |101499| - VitalMemoryCrossPorts() change:
+-- | | | Added DoRdWrCont message (ErrMcpRdWrCo,
+-- | | | Memory cross port read/write data only
+-- | | | contention)
+-- | | | - VitalMemoryTable() change:
+-- | | | Set PF.OutputDisable := TRUE for the
+-- | | | optimized cases.
+-- 0.28| pb |112399| - Added 8 VMPD procedures for vector
+-- | | | PathCondition support. Now the total
+-- | | | number of overloadings for VMPD is 24.
+-- | | | - Number of overloadings for SetupHold
+-- | | | procedures increased to 5. Scalar violations
+-- | | | are not supported anymore. Vector checkEnabled
+-- | | | support is provided through the new overloading
+-- 0.29| jdc |120999| - HandleMemoryAction() HandleDataAction()
+-- | | | Reinstated 'D' and 'E' actions but
+-- | | | with new PortFlagType
+-- | | | - Updated file handling syntax, must compile
+-- | | | with -93 syntax now.
+-- 0.30| jdc |022300| - Formated for 80 column max width
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+USE IEEE.Vital_Timing.ALL;
+USE IEEE.Vital_Primitives.ALL;
+PACKAGE Vital_Memory IS
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Timing Section
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Types and constants for Memory timing procedures
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TYPE VitalMemoryArcType IS (ParallelArc, CrossArc, SubwordArc);
+TYPE OutputRetainBehaviorType IS (BitCorrupt, WordCorrupt);
+TYPE VitalMemoryMsgFormatType IS (Vector, Scalar, VectorEnum);
+TYPE VitalMemoryViolationType IS ACCESS X01ArrayT;
+CONSTANT DefaultNumBitsPerSubword : INTEGER := -1;
+-- Data type storing path delay and schedule information for output bits
+TYPE VitalMemoryScheduleDataType IS RECORD
+ OutputData : std_ulogic;
+ NumBitsPerSubWord : INTEGER;
+ ScheduleTime : TIME;
+ ScheduleValue : std_ulogic;
+ LastOutputValue : std_ulogic;
+ PropDelay : TIME;
+ OutputRetainDelay : TIME;
+ InputAge : TIME;
+TYPE VitalMemoryTimingDataType IS RECORD
+ NotFirstFlag : BOOLEAN;
+ RefLast : X01;
+ RefTime : TIME;
+ HoldEn : BOOLEAN;
+ TestLast : std_ulogic;
+ TestTime : TIME;
+ SetupEn : BOOLEAN;
+ TestLastA : VitalLogicArrayPT;
+ TestTimeA : VitalTimeArrayPT;
+ RefLastA : X01ArrayPT;
+ RefTimeA : VitalTimeArrayPT;
+ HoldEnA : VitalBoolArrayPT;
+ SetupEnA : VitalBoolArrayPT;
+TYPE VitalPeriodDataArrayType IS ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>) OF
+ VitalPeriodDataType;
+-- Data type storing path delay and schedule information for output
+-- vectors
+TYPE VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType IS ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <> ) OF
+ VitalMemoryScheduleDataType;
+-- VitalPortFlagType records runtime mode of port sub-word slices
+-- TYPE VitalPortFlagType IS (
+-- UNDEF,
+-- READ,
+-- WRITE,
+-- HIGHZ,
+-- );
+-- VitalPortFlagType records runtime mode of port sub-word slices
+TYPE VitalPortStateType IS (
+TYPE VitalPortFlagType IS RECORD
+ MemoryCurrent : VitalPortStateType;
+ MemoryPrevious : VitalPortStateType;
+ DataCurrent : VitalPortStateType;
+ DataPrevious : VitalPortStateType;
+ OutputDisable : BOOLEAN;
+CONSTANT VitalDefaultPortFlag : VitalPortFlagType := (
+ MemoryCurrent => READ,
+ MemoryPrevious => UNDEF,
+ DataCurrent => READ,
+ DataPrevious => UNDEF,
+ OutputDisable => FALSE
+-- VitalPortFlagVectorType to be same width i as enables of a port
+-- or j multiples thereof, where j is the number of cross ports
+TYPE VitalPortFlagVectorType IS
+ ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>) OF VitalPortFlagType;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Functions : VitalMemory path delay procedures
+-- - VitalMemoryInitPathDelay
+-- - VitalMemoryAddPathDelay
+-- - VitalMemorySchedulePathDelay
+-- Description: VitalMemoryInitPathDelay, VitalMemoryAddPathDelay and
+-- VitalMemorySchedulePathDelay are Level 1 routines used
+-- for selecting the propagation delay paths based on
+-- path condition, transition type and delay values and
+-- schedule a new output value.
+-- Following features are implemented in these procedures:
+-- o condition dependent path selection
+-- o Transition dependent delay selection
+-- o shortest delay path selection from multiple
+-- candidate paths
+-- o Scheduling of the computed values on the specified
+-- signal.
+-- o output retain behavior if outputRetain flag is set
+-- o output mapping to alternate strengths to model
+-- pull-up, pull-down etc.
+-- <More details to be added here>
+-- Following is information on overloading of the procedures.
+-- VitalMemoryInitPathDelay is overloaded for ScheduleDataArray and
+-- OutputDataArray
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ScheduleDataArray OutputDataArray
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Scalar Scalar
+-- Vector Vector
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- VitalMemoryAddPathDelay is overloaded for ScheduleDataArray,
+-- PathDelayArray, InputSignal and delaytype.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- DelayType InputSignal ScheduleData PathDelay
+-- Array Array
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- VitalDelayType Scalar Scalar Scalar
+-- VitalDelayType Scalar Vector Vector
+-- VitalDelayType Vector Scalar Vector
+-- VitalDelayType Vector Vector Vector
+-- VitalDelayType01 Scalar Scalar Scalar
+-- VitalDelayType01 Scalar Vector Vector
+-- VitalDelayType01 Vector Scalar Vector
+-- VitalDelayType01 Vector Vector Vector
+-- VitalDelayType01Z Scalar Scalar Scalar
+-- VitalDelayType01Z Scalar Vector Vector
+-- VitalDelayType01Z Vector Scalar Vector
+-- VitalDelayType01Z Vector Vector Vector
+-- VitalDelayType01XZ Scalar Scalar Scalar
+-- VitalDelayType01XZ Scalar Vector Vector
+-- VitalDelayType01XZ Vector Scalar Vector
+-- VitalDelayType01XZ Vector Vector Vector
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- VitalMemorySchedulePathDelay is overloaded for ScheduleDataArray,
+-- and OutSignal
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- OutSignal ScheduleDataArray
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Scalar Scalar
+-- Vector Vector
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure Declarations:
+-- Function : VitalMemoryInitPathDelay
+-- Arguments:
+-- INOUT Type Description
+-- ScheduleDataArray/ VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType/
+-- ScheduleData VitalMemoryScheduleDataType
+-- Internal data variable for
+-- storing delay and schedule
+-- information for each output bit
+-- IN
+-- OutputDataArray/ STD_LOGIC_VECTOR/Array containing current output
+-- OutputData STD_ULOGIC value
+-- NumBitsPerSubWord INTEGER Number of bits per subword.
+-- Default value of this argument
+-- is DefaultNumBitsPerSubword
+-- which is interpreted as no
+-- subwords
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ScheduleDataArray - Vector
+-- OutputDataArray - Vector
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryInitPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT NumBitsPerSubWord : IN INTEGER := DefaultNumBitsPerSubword
+-- ScheduleDataArray - Scalar
+-- OutputDataArray - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryInitPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleData : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataType;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Function : VitalMemoryAddPathDelay
+-- Arguments
+-- INOUT Type Description
+-- ScheduleDataArray/ VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType/
+-- ScheduleData VitalMemoryScheduleDataType
+-- Internal data variable for
+-- storing delay and schedule
+-- information for each output bit
+-- InputChangeTimeArray/ VitaltimeArrayT/Time
+-- InputChangeTime Holds the time since the last
+-- input change
+-- IN
+-- InputSignal STD_LOGIC_VECTOR
+-- STD_ULOGIC/ Array holding the input value
+-- OutputSignalName STRING The output signal name
+-- PathDelayArray/ VitalDelayArrayType01ZX,
+-- PathDelay VitalDelayArrayType01Z,
+-- VitalDelayArrayType01,
+-- VitalDelayArrayType/
+-- VitalDelayType01ZX,
+-- VitalDelayType01Z,
+-- VitalDelayType01,
+-- VitalDelayType Array of delay values
+-- ArcType VitalMemoryArcType
+-- Indicates the Path type. This
+-- can be SubwordArc, CrossArc or
+-- ParallelArc
+-- PathCondition BOOLEAN If True, the transition in
+-- the corresponding input signal
+-- is considered while
+-- caluculating the prop. delay
+-- else the transition is ignored.
+-- OutputRetainFlag BOOLEAN If specified TRUE,output retain
+-- (hold) behavior is implemented.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- #1
+-- DelayType - VitalDelayType
+-- Input - Scalar
+-- Output - Scalar
+-- Delay - Scalar
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleData : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTime : INOUT Time;
+ CONSTANT PathDelay : IN VitalDelayType;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+-- #2
+-- DelayType - VitalDelayType
+-- Input - Scalar
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTime : INOUT Time;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+-- #3
+-- DelayType - VitalDelayType
+-- Input - Scalar
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Vector
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTime : INOUT Time;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathConditionArray: IN VitalBoolArrayT
+-- #4
+-- DelayType - VitalDelayType
+-- Input - Vector
+-- Output - Scalar
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleData : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : INOUT VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+-- #5
+-- DelayType - VitalDelayType
+-- Input - Vector
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : INOUT VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+-- #6
+-- DelayType - VitalDelayType
+-- Input - Vector
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Vector
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : INOUT VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathConditionArray : IN VitalBoolArrayT
+-- #7
+-- DelayType - VitalDelayType01
+-- Input - Scalar
+-- Output - Scalar
+-- Delay - Scalar
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleData : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTime : INOUT Time;
+ CONSTANT PathDelay : IN VitalDelayType01;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+-- #8
+-- DelayType - VitalDelayType01
+-- Input - Scalar
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTime : INOUT Time;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+-- #9
+-- DelayType - VitalDelayType01
+-- Input - Scalar
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Vector
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTime : INOUT Time;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathConditionArray: IN VitalBoolArrayT
+-- #10
+-- DelayType - VitalDelayType01
+-- Input - Vector
+-- Output - Scalar
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleData : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : INOUT VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+-- #11
+-- DelayType - VitalDelayType01
+-- Input - Vector
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : INOUT VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+-- #12
+-- DelayType - VitalDelayType01
+-- Input - Vector
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Vector
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : INOUT VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathConditionArray : IN VitalBoolArrayT
+-- #13
+-- DelayType - VitalDelayType01Z
+-- Input - Scalar
+-- Output - Scalar
+-- Delay - Scalar
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleData : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTime : INOUT Time;
+ CONSTANT PathDelay : IN VitalDelayType01Z;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathCondition : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+-- #14
+-- DelayType - VitalDelayType01Z
+-- Input - Scalar
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTime : INOUT Time;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01Z;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathCondition : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+-- #15
+-- DelayType - VitalDelayType01Z
+-- Input - Scalar
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Vector
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTime : INOUT Time;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01Z;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathConditionArray: IN VitalBoolArrayT;
+-- #16
+-- DelayType - VitalDelayType01Z
+-- Input - Vector
+-- Output - Scalar
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleData : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : INOUT VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01Z;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathCondition : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+ CONSTANT OutputRetainFlag : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE;
+ CONSTANT OutputRetainBehavior : IN OutputRetainBehaviorType := BitCorrupt
+-- #17
+-- DelayType - VitalDelayType01Z
+-- Input - Vector
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : INOUT VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01Z;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathCondition : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+ CONSTANT OutputRetainFlag : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE;
+ CONSTANT OutputRetainBehavior : IN OutputRetainBehaviorType := BitCorrupt
+-- #18
+-- DelayType - VitalDelayType01Z
+-- Input - Vector
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Vector
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : INOUT VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01Z;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathConditionArray : IN VitalBoolArrayT;
+ CONSTANT OutputRetainFlag : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE;
+ CONSTANT OutputRetainBehavior : IN OutputRetainBehaviorType := BitCorrupt
+-- #19
+-- DelayType - VitalDelayType01ZX
+-- Input - Scalar
+-- Output - Scalar
+-- Delay - Scalar
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleData : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTime : INOUT Time;
+ CONSTANT PathDelay : IN VitalDelayType01ZX;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathCondition : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+-- #20
+-- DelayType - VitalDelayType01ZX
+-- Input - Scalar
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTime : INOUT Time;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01ZX;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathCondition : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+-- #21
+-- DelayType - VitalDelayType01ZX
+-- Input - Scalar
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Vector
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTime : INOUT Time;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01ZX;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathConditionArray: IN VitalBoolArrayT;
+-- #22
+-- DelayType - VitalDelayType01ZX
+-- Input - Vector
+-- Output - Scalar
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleData : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : INOUT VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01ZX;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathCondition : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+ CONSTANT OutputRetainFlag : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE;
+ CONSTANT OutputRetainBehavior : IN OutputRetainBehaviorType := BitCorrupt
+-- #23
+-- DelayType - VitalDelayType01ZX
+-- Input - Vector
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : INOUT VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01ZX;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathCondition : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+ CONSTANT OutputRetainFlag : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE;
+ CONSTANT OutputRetainBehavior : IN OutputRetainBehaviorType := BitCorrupt
+-- #24
+-- DelayType - VitalDelayType01ZX
+-- Input - Vector
+-- Output - Vector
+-- Delay - Vector
+-- Condition - Vector
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryAddPathDelay (
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ VARIABLE InputChangeTimeArray : INOUT VitalTimeArrayT;
+ CONSTANT PathDelayArray : IN VitalDelayArrayType01ZX;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT PathConditionArray : IN VitalBoolArrayT;
+ CONSTANT OutputRetainFlag : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE;
+ CONSTANT OutputRetainBehavior : IN OutputRetainBehaviorType := BitCorrupt
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Function : VitalMemorySchedulePathDelay
+-- Arguments:
+-- OUT Type Description
+-- OutSignal STD_LOGIC_VECTOR/ The output signal for
+-- STD_ULOGIC scheduling
+-- IN
+-- OutputSignalName STRING The name of the output signal
+-- IN
+-- PortFlag VitalPortFlagType Port flag variable from
+-- functional procedures
+-- IN
+-- OutputMap VitalOutputMapType For VitalPathDelay01Z, the
+-- output can be mapped to
+-- alternate strengths to model
+-- tri-state devices, pull-ups
+-- and pull-downs.
+-- ScheduleDataArray/ VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType/
+-- ScheduleData VitalMemoryScheduleDataType
+-- Internal data variable for
+-- storing delay and schedule
+-- information for each
+-- output bit
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ScheduleDataArray - Vector
+-- OutputSignal - Vector
+PROCEDURE VitalMemorySchedulePathDelay (
+ SIGNAL OutSignal : OUT std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT PortFlag : IN VitalPortFlagType := VitalDefaultPortFlag;
+ CONSTANT OutputMap : IN VitalOutputMapType := VitalDefaultOutputMap;
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType
+-- ScheduleDataArray - Vector
+-- OutputSignal - Vector
+PROCEDURE VitalMemorySchedulePathDelay (
+ SIGNAL OutSignal : OUT std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT PortFlag : IN VitalPortFlagVectorType;
+ CONSTANT OutputMap : IN VitalOutputMapType := VitalDefaultOutputMap;
+ VARIABLE ScheduleDataArray : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataVectorType
+-- ScheduleDataArray - Scalar
+-- OutputSignal - Scalar
+PROCEDURE VitalMemorySchedulePathDelay (
+ SIGNAL OutSignal : OUT std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT OutputSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT PortFlag : IN VitalPortFlagType := VitalDefaultPortFlag;
+ CONSTANT OutputMap : IN VitalOutputMapType := VitalDefaultOutputMap;
+ VARIABLE ScheduleData : INOUT VitalMemoryScheduleDataType
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+FUNCTION VitalMemoryTimingDataInit RETURN VitalMemoryTimingDataType;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Function Name: VitalMemorySetupHoldCheck
+-- Description: The VitalMemorySetupHoldCheck procedure detects a setup or a
+-- hold violation on the input test signal with respect
+-- to the corresponding input reference signal. The timing
+-- constraints are specified through parameters
+-- representing the high and low values for the setup and
+-- hold values for the setup and hold times. This
+-- procedure assumes non-negative values for setup and hold
+-- timing constraints.
+-- It is assumed that negative timing constraints
+-- are handled by internally delaying the test or
+-- reference signals. Negative setup times result in
+-- a delayed reference signal. Negative hold times
+-- result in a delayed test signal. Furthermore, the
+-- delays and constraints associated with these and
+-- other signals may need to be appropriately
+-- adjusted so that all constraint intervals overlap
+-- the delayed reference signals and all constraint
+-- values (with respect to the delayed signals) are
+-- non-negative.
+-- This function is overloaded based on the input
+-- TestSignal and reference signals. Parallel, Subword and
+-- Cross Arc relationships between test and reference
+-- signals are supported.
+-- TestSignal XXXXXXXXXXXX____________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
+-- :
+-- : -->| error region |<--
+-- :
+-- _______________________________
+-- RefSignal \______________________________
+-- : | | |
+-- : | -->| |<-- thold
+-- : -->| tsetup |<--
+-- Arguments:
+-- IN Type Description
+-- TestSignal std_logic_vector Value of test signal
+-- TestSignalName STRING Name of test signal
+-- TestDelay VitalDelayArrayType Model's internal delay associated
+-- with TestSignal
+-- RefSignal std_ulogic Value of reference signal
+-- std_logic_vector
+-- RefSignalName STRING Name of reference signal
+-- RefDelay TIME Model's internal delay associated
+-- VitalDelayArrayType with RefSignal
+-- SetupHigh VitalDelayArrayType Absolute minimum time duration
+-- before the transition of RefSignal
+-- for which transitions of
+-- TestSignal are allowed to proceed
+-- to the "1" state without causing
+-- a setup violation.
+-- SetupLow VitalDelayArrayType Absolute minimum time duration
+-- before the transition of RefSignal
+-- for which transitions of
+-- TestSignal are allowed to proceed
+-- to the "0" state without causing
+-- a setup violation.
+-- HoldHigh VitalDelayArrayType Absolute minimum time duration
+-- after the transition of RefSignal
+-- for which transitions of
+-- TestSignal are allowed to
+-- proceed to the "1" state without
+-- causing a hold violation.
+-- HoldLow VitalDelayArrayType Absolute minimum time duration
+-- after the transition of RefSignal
+-- for which transitions of
+-- TestSignal are allowed to
+-- proceed to the "0" state without
+-- causing a hold violation.
+-- CheckEnabled BOOLEAN Check performed if TRUE.
+-- RefTransition VitalEdgeSymbolType
+-- Reference edge specified. Events
+-- on the RefSignal which match the
+-- edge spec. are used as reference
+-- edges.
+-- ArcType VitalMemoryArcType
+-- NumBitsPerSubWord INTEGER
+-- HeaderMsg STRING String that will accompany any
+-- assertion messages produced.
+-- XOn BOOLEAN If TRUE, Violation output
+-- parameter is set to "X".
+-- Otherwise, Violation is always
+-- set to "0."
+-- MsgOn BOOLEAN If TRUE, set and hold violation
+-- message will be generated.
+-- Otherwise, no messages are
+-- generated, even upon violations.
+-- MsgSeverity SEVERITY_LEVEL Severity level for the assertion.
+-- MsgFormat VitalMemoryMsgFormatType
+-- Format of the Test/Reference
+-- signals in violation messages.
+-- TimingData VitalMemoryTimingDataType
+-- VitalMemorySetupHoldCheck information
+-- storage area. This is used
+-- internally to detect reference
+-- edges and record the time of the
+-- last edge.
+-- OUT
+-- Violation X01 This is the violation flag returned.
+-- X01ArrayT Overloaded for array type.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemorySetupHoldCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01ArrayT;
+ VARIABLE TimingData : INOUT VitalMemoryTimingDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ SIGNAL RefSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupHigh : IN VitalDelayType;
+ CONSTANT SetupLow : IN VitalDelayType;
+ CONSTANT HoldHigh : IN VitalDelayType;
+ CONSTANT HoldLow : IN VitalDelayType;
+ CONSTANT CheckEnabled : IN VitalBoolArrayT;
+ CONSTANT RefTransition : IN VitalEdgeSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT EnableSetupOnTest : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+PROCEDURE VitalMemorySetupHoldCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01ArrayT;
+ VARIABLE TimingData : INOUT VitalMemoryTimingDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ SIGNAL RefSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupHigh : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT SetupLow : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT HoldHigh : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT HoldLow : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT RefTransition : IN VitalEdgeSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT MsgFormat : IN VitalMemoryMsgFormatType;
+ CONSTANT EnableSetupOnTest : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+PROCEDURE VitalMemorySetupHoldCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01ArrayT;
+ VARIABLE TimingData : INOUT VitalMemoryTimingDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ SIGNAL RefSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupHigh : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT SetupLow : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT HoldHigh : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT HoldLow : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT CheckEnabled : IN VitalBoolArrayT;
+ CONSTANT RefTransition : IN VitalEdgeSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT NumBitsPerSubWord : IN INTEGER := 1;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT MsgFormat : IN VitalMemoryMsgFormatType;
+ CONSTANT EnableSetupOnTest : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+PROCEDURE VitalMemorySetupHoldCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01ArrayT;
+ VARIABLE TimingData : INOUT VitalMemoryTimingDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ SIGNAL RefSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT SetupHigh : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT SetupLow : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT HoldHigh : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT HoldLow : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT RefTransition : IN VitalEdgeSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT NumBitsPerSubWord : IN INTEGER := 1;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT MsgFormat : IN VitalMemoryMsgFormatType;
+ CONSTANT EnableSetupOnTest : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+PROCEDURE VitalMemorySetupHoldCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01ArrayT;
+ VARIABLE TimingData : INOUT VitalMemoryTimingDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ SIGNAL RefSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT SetupHigh : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT SetupLow : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT HoldHigh : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT HoldLow : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT CheckEnabled : IN VitalBoolArrayT;
+ CONSTANT RefTransition : IN VitalEdgeSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT NumBitsPerSubWord : IN INTEGER := 1;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT MsgFormat : IN VitalMemoryMsgFormatType;
+ CONSTANT EnableSetupOnTest : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+--------------- following are not needed --------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemorySetupHoldCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01;
+ VARIABLE TimingData : INOUT VitalMemoryTimingDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ SIGNAL RefSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupHigh : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT SetupLow : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT HoldHigh : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT HoldLow : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT RefTransition : IN VitalEdgeSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT MsgFormat : IN VitalMemoryMsgFormatType;
+ CONSTANT EnableSetupOnTest : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+PROCEDURE VitalMemorySetupHoldCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01;
+ VARIABLE TimingData : INOUT VitalMemoryTimingDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ SIGNAL RefSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT SetupHigh : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT SetupLow : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT HoldHigh : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT HoldLow : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT RefTransition : IN VitalEdgeSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT ArcType : IN VitalMemoryArcType := CrossArc;
+ CONSTANT NumBitsPerSubWord : IN INTEGER := 1;
+ CONSTANT MsgFormat : IN VitalMemoryMsgFormatType;
+ CONSTANT EnableSetupOnTest : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Function Name: VitalPeriodPulseCheck
+-- Description: VitalPeriodPulseCheck checks for minimum and maximum
+-- periodicity and pulse width for "1" and "0" values of
+-- the input test signal. The timing constraint is
+-- specified through parameters representing the minimal
+-- period between successive rising and falling edges of
+-- the input test signal and the minimum pulse widths
+-- associated with high and low values.
+-- VitalPeriodCheck's accepts rising and falling edges
+-- from 1 and 0 as well as transitions to and from 'X.'
+-- _______________ __________
+-- ____________| |_______|
+-- |<--- pw_hi --->|
+-- |<-------- period ----->|
+-- -->| pw_lo |<--
+-- Arguments:
+-- IN Type Description
+-- TestSignal std_logic_vector Value of test signal
+-- TestSignalName STRING Name of the test signal
+-- TestDelay VitalDelayArrayType
+-- Model's internal delay associated
+-- with TestSignal
+-- Period VitalDelayArrayType
+-- Minimum period allowed between
+-- consecutive rising ('P') or
+-- falling ('F') transitions.
+-- PulseWidthHigh VitalDelayArrayType
+-- Minimum time allowed for a high
+-- pulse ('1' or 'H')
+-- PulseWidthLow VitalDelayArrayType
+-- Minimum time allowed for a low
+-- pulse ('0' or 'L')
+-- CheckEnabled BOOLEAN Check performed if TRUE.
+-- HeaderMsg STRING String that will accompany any
+-- assertion messages produced.
+-- XOn BOOLEAN If TRUE, Violation output parameter
+-- is set to "X". Otherwise, Violation
+-- is always set to "0."
+-- MsgOn BOOLEAN If TRUE, period/pulse violation
+-- message will be generated.
+-- Otherwise, no messages are generated,
+-- even though a violation is detected.
+-- MsgSeverity SEVERITY_LEVEL Severity level for the assertion.
+-- MsgFormat VitalMemoryMsgFormatType
+-- Format of the Test/Reference signals
+-- in violation messages.
+-- PeriodData VitalPeriodDataArrayType
+-- VitalPeriodPulseCheck information
+-- storage area. This is used
+-- internally to detect reference edges
+-- and record the pulse and period
+-- times.
+-- OUT
+-- Violation X01 This is the violation flag returned.
+-- X01ArrayT Overloaded for array type.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryPeriodPulseCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01ArrayT;
+ VARIABLE PeriodData : INOUT VitalPeriodDataArrayType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT Period : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT PulseWidthHigh : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT PulseWidthLow : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT MsgFormat : IN VitalMemoryMsgFormatType
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryPeriodPulseCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01;
+ VARIABLE PeriodData : INOUT VitalPeriodDataArrayType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT Period : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT PulseWidthHigh : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT PulseWidthLow : IN VitalDelayArrayType;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT MsgFormat : IN VitalMemoryMsgFormatType
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Functionality Section
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- All Memory Types and Record definitions.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TYPE MemoryWordPtr IS ACCESS MemoryWordType;
+TYPE MemoryArrayType IS ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>) OF MemoryWordPtr;
+TYPE MemoryArrayPtrType IS ACCESS MemoryArrayType;
+TYPE VitalMemoryArrayRecType IS
+NoOfWords : POSITIVE;
+NoOfBitsPerWord : POSITIVE;
+NoOfBitsPerSubWord : POSITIVE;
+NoOfBitsPerEnable : POSITIVE;
+MemoryArrayPtr : MemoryArrayPtrType;
+TYPE VitalMemoryDataType IS ACCESS VitalMemoryArrayRecType;
+TYPE VitalTimingDataVectorType IS
+ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>) OF VitalTimingDataType;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Symbol Literals used for Memory Table Modeling
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Symbol literals from '/' to 'S' are closely related to MemoryTableMatch
+-- lookup matching and the order cannot be arbitrarily changed.
+-- The remaining symbol literals are interpreted directly and matchting is
+-- handled in the MemoryMatch procedure itself.
+TYPE VitalMemorySymbolType IS (
+ '/', -- 0 -> 1
+ '\', -- 1 -> 0
+ 'P', -- Union of '/' and '^' (any edge to 1)
+ 'N', -- Union of '\' and 'v' (any edge to 0)
+ 'r', -- 0 -> X
+ 'f', -- 1 -> X
+ 'p', -- Union of '/' and 'r' (any edge from 0)
+ 'n', -- Union of '\' and 'f' (any edge from 1)
+ 'R', -- Union of '^' and 'p' (any possible rising edge)
+ 'F', -- Union of 'v' and 'n' (any possible falling edge)
+ '^', -- X -> 1
+ 'v', -- X -> 0
+ 'E', -- Union of 'v' and '^' (any edge from X)
+ 'A', -- Union of 'r' and '^' (rising edge to or from 'X')
+ 'D', -- Union of 'f' and 'v' (falling edge to or from 'X')
+ '*', -- Union of 'R' and 'F' (any edge)
+ 'X', -- Unknown level
+ '0', -- low level
+ '1', -- high level
+ '-', -- don't care
+ 'B', -- 0 or 1
+ 'Z', -- High Impedance
+ 'S', -- steady value
+ 'g', -- Good address (no transition)
+ 'u', -- Unknown address (no transition)
+ 'i', -- Invalid address (no transition)
+ 'G', -- Good address (with transition)
+ 'U', -- Unknown address (with transition)
+ 'I', -- Invalid address (with transition)
+ 'w', -- Write data to memory
+ 's', -- Retain previous memory contents
+ 'c', -- Corrupt entire memory with 'X'
+ 'l', -- Corrupt a word in memory with 'X'
+ 'd', -- Corrupt a single bit in memory with 'X'
+ 'e', -- Corrupt a word with 'X' based on data in
+ 'C', -- Corrupt a sub-word entire memory with 'X'
+ 'L', -- Corrupt a sub-word in memory with 'X'
+ -- The following entries are commented since their
+ -- interpretation overlap with existing definitions.
+ -- 'D', -- Corrupt a single bit of a sub-word with 'X'
+ -- 'E', -- Corrupt a sub-word with 'X' based on datain
+ 'M', -- Implicit read data from memory
+ 'm', -- Read data from memory
+ 't' -- Immediate assign/transfer data in
+ OF VitalMemorySymbolType;
+TYPE VitalMemoryViolationSymbolType IS (
+ 'X', -- Unknown level
+ '0', -- low level
+ '-' -- don't care
+TYPE VitalMemoryViolationTableType IS
+ OF VitalMemoryViolationSymbolType;
+TYPE VitalPortType IS (
+TYPE VitalCrossPortModeType IS (
+ CpRead, -- CpReadOnly,
+ WriteContention, -- WrContOnly,
+ ReadWriteContention, -- CpContention
+ CpReadAndWriteContention, -- WrContAndCpRead,
+ CpReadAndReadContention
+SUBTYPE VitalAddressValueType IS INTEGER;
+TYPE VitalAddressValueVectorType IS
+ ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>) OF VitalAddressValueType;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: VitalDeclareMemory
+-- Parameters: NoOfWords - Number of words in the memory
+-- NoOfBitsPerWord - Number of bits per word in memory
+-- NoOfBitsPerSubWord - Number of bits per sub word
+-- MemoryLoadFile - Name of data file to load
+-- Description: This function is intended to be used to initialize
+-- memory data declarations, i.e. to be executed duing
+-- simulation elaboration time. Handles the allocation
+-- and initialization of memory for the memory data.
+-- Default NoOfBitsPerSubWord is NoOfBits.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IMPURE FUNCTION VitalDeclareMemory (
+ CONSTANT MemoryLoadFile : IN string := "";
+) RETURN VitalMemoryDataType;
+IMPURE FUNCTION VitalDeclareMemory (
+ CONSTANT MemoryLoadFile : IN string := "";
+) RETURN VitalMemoryDataType;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: VitalMemoryTable
+-- Parameters: DataOutBus - Output candidate zero delay data bus out
+-- MemoryData - Pointer to memory data structure
+-- PrevControls - Previous data in for edge detection
+-- PrevEnableBus - Previous enables for edge detection
+-- PrevDataInBus - Previous data bus for edge detection
+-- PrevAddressBus - Previous address bus for edge detection
+-- PortFlag - Indicates port operating mode
+-- PortFlagArray - Vector form of PortFlag for sub-word
+-- Controls - Agregate of scalar control lines
+-- EnableBus - Concatenation of vector control lines
+-- DataInBus - Input value of data bus in
+-- AddressBus - Input value of address bus in
+-- AddressValue - Decoded value of the AddressBus
+-- MemoryTable - Input memory action table
+-- PortType - The type of port (currently not used)
+-- PortName - Port name string for messages
+-- HeaderMsg - Header string for messages
+-- MsgOn - Control the generation of messages
+-- MsgSeverity - Control level of message generation
+-- Description: This procedure implements the majority of the memory
+-- modeling functionality via lookup of the memory action
+-- tables and performing the specified actions if matches
+-- are found, or the default actions otherwise. The
+-- overloadings are provided for the word and sub-word
+-- (using the EnableBus and PortFlagArray arguments) addressing
+-- cases.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryTable (
+ VARIABLE DataOutBus : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE MemoryData : INOUT VitalMemoryDataType;
+ VARIABLE PrevControls : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE PrevDataInBus : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE PrevAddressBus : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE PortFlag : INOUT VitalPortFlagVectorType;
+ CONSTANT Controls : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT DataInBus : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT AddressBus : IN std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE AddressValue : INOUT VitalAddressValueType;
+ CONSTANT MemoryTable : IN VitalMemoryTableType;
+ CONSTANT PortType : IN VitalPortType := UNDEF;
+ CONSTANT PortName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := "";
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryTable (
+ VARIABLE DataOutBus : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE MemoryData : INOUT VitalMemoryDataType;
+ VARIABLE PrevControls : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE PrevEnableBus : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE PrevDataInBus : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE PrevAddressBus : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE PortFlagArray : INOUT VitalPortFlagVectorType;
+ CONSTANT Controls : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT EnableBus : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT DataInBus : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT AddressBus : IN std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE AddressValue : INOUT VitalAddressValueType;
+ CONSTANT MemoryTable : IN VitalMemoryTableType;
+ CONSTANT PortType : IN VitalPortType := UNDEF;
+ CONSTANT PortName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := "";
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: VitalMemoryCrossPorts
+-- Parameters: DataOutBus - Output candidate zero delay data bus out
+-- MemoryData - Pointer to memory data structure
+-- SamePortFlag - Operating mode for same port
+-- SamePortAddressValue - Decoded AddressBus for same port
+-- CrossPortFlagArray - Operating modes for cross ports
+-- CrossPortAddressArray - Decoded AddressBus for cross ports
+-- CrossPortMode - Write contention and crossport read control
+-- PortName - Port name string for messages
+-- HeaderMsg - Header string for messages
+-- MsgOn - Control the generation of messages
+-- Description: These procedures control the effect of memory operations
+-- on a given port due to operations on other ports in a
+-- multi-port memory.
+-- This includes data write through when reading and writing
+-- to the same address, as well as write contention when
+-- there are multiple write to the same address.
+-- If addresses do not match then data bus is unchanged.
+-- The DataOutBus can be diabled with 'Z' value.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryCrossPorts (
+ VARIABLE DataOutBus : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE MemoryData : INOUT VitalMemoryDataType;
+ VARIABLE SamePortFlag : INOUT VitalPortFlagVectorType;
+ CONSTANT SamePortAddressValue : IN VitalAddressValueType;
+ CONSTANT CrossPortFlagArray : IN VitalPortFlagVectorType;
+ CONSTANT CrossPortAddressArray : IN VitalAddressValueVectorType;
+ CONSTANT CrossPortMode : IN VitalCrossPortModeType
+ := CpReadAndWriteContention;
+ CONSTANT PortName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := "";
+) ;
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryCrossPorts (
+ VARIABLE MemoryData : INOUT VitalMemoryDataType;
+ CONSTANT CrossPortFlagArray : IN VitalPortFlagVectorType;
+ CONSTANT CrossPortAddressArray : IN VitalAddressValueVectorType;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := "";
+) ;
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Procedure: VitalMemoryViolation
+-- Parameters: DataOutBus - Output zero delay data bus out
+-- MemoryData - Pointer to memory data structure
+-- PortFlag - Indicates port operating mode
+-- DataInBus - Input value of data bus in
+-- AddressValue - Decoded value of the AddressBus
+-- ViolationFlags - Aggregate of scalar violation vars
+-- ViolationFlagsArray - Concatenation of vector violation vars
+-- ViolationTable - Input memory violation table
+-- PortType - The type of port (currently not used)
+-- PortName - Port name string for messages
+-- HeaderMsg - Header string for messages
+-- MsgOn - Control the generation of messages
+-- MsgSeverity - Control level of message generation
+-- Description: This procedure is intended to implement all actions on the
+-- memory contents and data out bus as a result of timing viols.
+-- It uses the memory action table to perform various corruption
+-- policies specified by the user.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryViolation (
+ VARIABLE DataOutBus : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE MemoryData : INOUT VitalMemoryDataType;
+ VARIABLE PortFlag : INOUT VitalPortFlagVectorType;
+ CONSTANT DataInBus : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT AddressValue : IN VitalAddressValueType;
+ CONSTANT ViolationFlags : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ViolationFlagsArray : IN X01ArrayT;
+ CONSTANT ViolationSizesArray : IN VitalMemoryViolFlagSizeType;
+ CONSTANT ViolationTable : IN VitalMemoryTableType;
+ CONSTANT PortType : IN VitalPortType;
+ CONSTANT PortName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := "";
+) ;
+PROCEDURE VitalMemoryViolation (
+ VARIABLE DataOutBus : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE MemoryData : INOUT VitalMemoryDataType;
+ VARIABLE PortFlag : INOUT VitalPortFlagVectorType;
+ CONSTANT DataInBus : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT AddressValue : IN VitalAddressValueType;
+ CONSTANT ViolationFlags : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ViolationTable : IN VitalMemoryTableType;
+ CONSTANT PortType : IN VitalPortType;
+ CONSTANT PortName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := "";
+) ;
+END Vital_Memory;
diff --git a/libraries/vital2000/prmtvs_b.vhdl b/libraries/vital2000/prmtvs_b.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c015e62d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/vital2000/prmtvs_b.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,5622 @@
+-- Title : Standard VITAL_Primitives Package
+-- : $Revision: 600 $
+-- :
+-- Library : VITAL
+-- :
+-- Developers : IEEE DASC Timing Working Group (TWG), PAR 1076.4
+-- :
+-- Purpose : This packages defines standard types, constants, functions
+-- : and procedures for use in developing ASIC models.
+-- : Specifically a set of logic primitives are defined.
+-- :
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Modification History :
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Version No:|Auth:| Mod.Date:| Changes Made:
+-- v95.0 A | | 06/02/95 | Initial ballot draft 1995
+-- v95.1 | | 08/31/95 | #204 - glitch detection prior to OutputMap
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- v95.2 | ddl | 09/14/96 | #223 - single input prmtvs use on-detect
+-- | | | instead of glitch-on-event behavior
+-- v95.3 | ddl | 09/24/96 | #236 - VitalTruthTable DataIn should be of
+-- | | | of class SIGNAL
+-- v95.4 | ddl | 01/16/97 | #243 - index constraint error in nbit xor/xnor
+-- v99.1 | dbb | 03/31/99 | Updated for VHDL 93
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Default values for Primitives
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- default values for delay parameters
+ CONSTANT VitalDefDelay01 : VitalDelayType01 := VitalZeroDelay01;
+ CONSTANT VitalDefDelay01Z : VitalDelayType01Z := VitalZeroDelay01Z;
+ -- default primitive model operation parameters
+ -- Glitch detection/reporting
+ TYPE VitalGlitchModeType IS ( MessagePlusX, MessageOnly, XOnly, NoGlitch);
+ CONSTANT PrimGlitchMode : VitalGlitchModeType := XOnly;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Local Type and Subtype Declarations
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- enumeration value representing the transition or level of the signal.
+ -- See function 'GetEdge'
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TYPE EdgeType IS ( 'U', -- Uninitialized level
+ 'X', -- Unknown level
+ '0', -- low level
+ '1', -- high level
+ '\', -- 1 to 0 falling edge
+ '/', -- 0 to 1 rising edge
+ 'F', -- * to 0 falling edge
+ 'R', -- * to 1 rising edge
+ 'f', -- rising to X edge
+ 'r', -- falling to X edge
+ 'x', -- Unknown edge (ie U->X)
+ 'V' -- Timing violation edge
+ );
+ TYPE EdgeArray IS ARRAY ( NATURAL RANGE <> ) OF EdgeType;
+ TYPE EdgeX1Table IS ARRAY ( EdgeType ) OF EdgeType;
+ TYPE EdgeX2Table IS ARRAY ( EdgeType, EdgeType ) OF EdgeType;
+ TYPE EdgeX3Table IS ARRAY ( EdgeType, EdgeType, EdgeType ) OF EdgeType;
+ TYPE EdgeX4Table IS ARRAY (EdgeType,EdgeType,EdgeType,EdgeType) OF EdgeType;
+ TYPE LogicToEdgeT IS ARRAY(std_ulogic, std_ulogic) OF EdgeType;
+ TYPE LogicToLevelT IS ARRAY(std_ulogic ) OF EdgeType;
+ TYPE GlitchDataType IS
+ SchedTime : TIME;
+ GlitchTime : TIME;
+ SchedValue : std_ulogic;
+ CurrentValue : std_ulogic;
+ TYPE GlitchDataArrayType IS ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>)
+ OF GlitchDataType;
+ -- Enumerated type used in selection of output path delays
+ TYPE SchedType IS
+ inp0 : TIME; -- time (abs) of output change due to input change to 0
+ inp1 : TIME; -- time (abs) of output change due to input change to 1
+ InpX : TIME; -- time (abs) of output change due to input change to X
+ Glch0 : TIME; -- time (abs) of output glitch due to input change to 0
+ Glch1 : TIME; -- time (abs) of output glitch due to input change to 0
+ TYPE SchedArray IS ARRAY ( NATURAL RANGE <> ) OF SchedType;
+ CONSTANT DefSchedType : SchedType := (TIME'HIGH, TIME'HIGH, 0 ns,0 ns,0 ns);
+ CONSTANT DefSchedAnd : SchedType := (TIME'HIGH, 0 ns,0 ns, TIME'HIGH,0 ns);
+ -- Constrained array declarations (common sizes used by primitives)
+ SUBTYPE SchedArray2 IS SchedArray(1 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE SchedArray3 IS SchedArray(2 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE SchedArray4 IS SchedArray(3 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE SchedArray8 IS SchedArray(7 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE TimeArray2 IS VitalTimeArray(1 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE TimeArray3 IS VitalTimeArray(2 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE TimeArray4 IS VitalTimeArray(3 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE TimeArray8 IS VitalTimeArray(7 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE GlitchArray2 IS GlitchDataArrayType(1 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE GlitchArray3 IS GlitchDataArrayType(2 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE GlitchArray4 IS GlitchDataArrayType(3 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE GlitchArray8 IS GlitchDataArrayType(7 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE EdgeArray2 IS EdgeArray(1 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE EdgeArray3 IS EdgeArray(2 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE EdgeArray4 IS EdgeArray(3 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE EdgeArray8 IS EdgeArray(7 DOWNTO 0);
+ CONSTANT DefSchedArray2 : SchedArray2 :=
+ (OTHERS=> (0 ns, 0 ns, 0 ns, 0 ns, 0 ns));
+ TYPE stdlogic_table IS ARRAY(std_ulogic, std_ulogic) OF std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT InitialEdge : LogicToLevelT := (
+ '1'|'H' => 'R',
+ '0'|'L' => 'F',
+ OTHERS => 'x'
+ );
+ CONSTANT LogicToEdge : LogicToEdgeT := ( -- previous, current
+ -- old \ new: U X 0 1 Z W L H -
+ 'U' => ( 'U', 'x', 'F', 'R', 'x', 'x', 'F', 'R', 'x' ),
+ 'X' => ( 'x', 'X', 'F', 'R', 'x', 'X', 'F', 'R', 'X' ),
+ '0' => ( 'r', 'r', '0', '/', 'r', 'r', '0', '/', 'r' ),
+ '1' => ( 'f', 'f', '\', '1', 'f', 'f', '\', '1', 'f' ),
+ 'Z' => ( 'x', 'X', 'F', 'R', 'X', 'x', 'F', 'R', 'x' ),
+ 'W' => ( 'x', 'X', 'F', 'R', 'x', 'X', 'F', 'R', 'X' ),
+ 'L' => ( 'r', 'r', '0', '/', 'r', 'r', '0', '/', 'r' ),
+ 'H' => ( 'f', 'f', '\', '1', 'f', 'f', '\', '1', 'f' ),
+ '-' => ( 'x', 'X', 'F', 'R', 'x', 'X', 'F', 'R', 'X' )
+ );
+ CONSTANT LogicToLevel : LogicToLevelT := (
+ '1'|'H' => '1',
+ '0'|'L' => '0',
+ 'U' => 'U',
+ OTHERS => 'X'
+ );
+ -- -----------------------------------
+ -- 3-state logic tables
+ -- -----------------------------------
+ CONSTANT BufIf0_Table : stdlogic_table :=
+ -- enable data value
+ ( '1'|'H' => ( OTHERS => 'Z' ),
+ '0'|'L' => ( '1'|'H' => '1',
+ '0'|'L' => '0',
+ 'U' => 'U',
+ OTHERS => 'X' ),
+ 'U' => ( OTHERS => 'U' ),
+ OTHERS => ( OTHERS => 'X' ) );
+ CONSTANT BufIf1_Table : stdlogic_table :=
+ -- enable data value
+ ( '0'|'L' => ( OTHERS => 'Z' ),
+ '1'|'H' => ( '1'|'H' => '1',
+ '0'|'L' => '0',
+ 'U' => 'U',
+ OTHERS => 'X' ),
+ 'U' => ( OTHERS => 'U' ),
+ OTHERS => ( OTHERS => 'X' ) );
+ CONSTANT InvIf0_Table : stdlogic_table :=
+ -- enable data value
+ ( '1'|'H' => ( OTHERS => 'Z' ),
+ '0'|'L' => ( '1'|'H' => '0',
+ '0'|'L' => '1',
+ 'U' => 'U',
+ OTHERS => 'X' ),
+ 'U' => ( OTHERS => 'U' ),
+ OTHERS => ( OTHERS => 'X' ) );
+ CONSTANT InvIf1_Table : stdlogic_table :=
+ -- enable data value
+ ( '0'|'L' => ( OTHERS => 'Z' ),
+ '1'|'H' => ( '1'|'H' => '0',
+ '0'|'L' => '1',
+ 'U' => 'U',
+ OTHERS => 'X' ),
+ 'U' => ( OTHERS => 'U' ),
+ OTHERS => ( OTHERS => 'X' ) );
+ TYPE To_StateCharType IS ARRAY (VitalStateSymbolType) OF CHARACTER;
+ CONSTANT To_StateChar : To_StateCharType :=
+ ( '/', '\', 'P', 'N', 'r', 'f', 'p', 'n', 'R', 'F', '^', 'v',
+ 'E', 'A', 'D', '*', 'X', '0', '1', '-', 'B', 'Z', 'S' );
+ TYPE To_TruthCharType IS ARRAY (VitalTruthSymbolType) OF CHARACTER;
+ CONSTANT To_TruthChar : To_TruthCharType :=
+ ( 'X', '0', '1', '-', 'B', 'Z' );
+ TYPE TruthTableOutMapType IS ARRAY (VitalTruthSymbolType) OF std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT TruthTableOutMap : TruthTableOutMapType :=
+ -- 'X', '0', '1', '-', 'B', 'Z'
+ ( 'X', '0', '1', 'X', '-', 'Z' );
+ TYPE StateTableOutMapType IS ARRAY (VitalStateSymbolType) OF std_ulogic;
+ -- does conversion to X01Z or '-' if invalid
+ CONSTANT StateTableOutMap : StateTableOutMapType :=
+ -- '/' '\' 'P' 'N' 'r' 'f' 'p' 'n' 'R' 'F' '^' 'v'
+ -- 'E' 'A' 'D' '*' 'X' '0' '1' '-' 'B' 'Z' 'S'
+ ( '-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-',
+ '-','-','-','-','X','0','1','X','-','Z','W');
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TYPE ValidTruthTableInputType IS ARRAY (VitalTruthSymbolType) OF BOOLEAN;
+ -- checks if a symbol IS valid for the stimulus portion of a truth table
+ CONSTANT ValidTruthTableInput : ValidTruthTableInputType :=
+ -- 'X' '0' '1' '-' 'B' 'Z'
+ TYPE TruthTableMatchType IS ARRAY (X01, VitalTruthSymbolType) OF BOOLEAN;
+ -- checks if an input matches th corresponding truth table symbol
+ -- use: TruthTableMatch(input_converted_to_X01, truth_table_stimulus_symbol)
+ CONSTANT TruthTableMatch : TruthTableMatchType := (
+ -- X, 0, 1, - B Z
+ );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TYPE ValidStateTableInputType IS ARRAY (VitalStateSymbolType) OF BOOLEAN;
+ CONSTANT ValidStateTableInput : ValidStateTableInputType :=
+ -- '/', '\', 'P', 'N', 'r', 'f',
+ -- 'p', 'n', 'R', 'F', '^', 'v',
+ -- 'E', 'A', 'D', '*',
+ -- 'X', '0', '1', '-', 'B', 'Z',
+ -- 'S'
+ TRUE );
+ CONSTANT ValidStateTableState : ValidStateTableInputType :=
+ -- '/', '\', 'P', 'N', 'r', 'f',
+ -- 'p', 'n', 'R', 'F', '^', 'v',
+ -- 'E', 'A', 'D', '*',
+ -- 'X', '0', '1', '-', 'B', 'Z',
+ -- 'S'
+ FALSE );
+ TYPE StateTableMatchType IS ARRAY (X01,X01,VitalStateSymbolType) OF BOOLEAN;
+ -- last value, present value, table symbol
+ CONSTANT StateTableMatch : StateTableMatchType := (
+ ( -- X (lastvalue)
+ -- / \ P N r f
+ -- p n R F ^ v
+ -- E A D *
+ -- X 0 1 - B Z S
+ ),
+ (-- 0 (lastvalue)
+ -- / \ P N r f
+ -- p n R F ^ v
+ -- E A D *
+ -- X 0 1 - B Z S
+ ),
+ (-- 1 (lastvalue)
+ -- / \ P N r f
+ -- p n R F ^ v
+ -- E A D *
+ -- X 0 1 - B Z S
+ )
+ );
+ TYPE Logic_UX01Z_Table IS ARRAY (std_ulogic) OF UX01Z;
+ ----------------------------------------------------------
+ -- table name : cvt_to_x01z
+ -- parameters : std_ulogic -- some logic value
+ -- returns : UX01Z -- state value of logic value
+ -- purpose : to convert state-strength to state only
+ ----------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT cvt_to_ux01z : Logic_UX01Z_Table :=
+ ('U','X','0','1','Z','X','0','1','X' );
+ TYPE LogicCvtTableType IS ARRAY (std_ulogic) OF CHARACTER;
+ CONSTANT LogicCvtTable : LogicCvtTableType
+ := ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z', 'W', 'L', 'H', '-');
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- LOCAL Utilities
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- PARAMETERS : in1, in2 - integer, time
+ --
+ -- DESCRIPTION : return smaller of in1 and in2
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION Minimum (
+ IF (in1 < in2) THEN
+ RETURN in1;
+ RETURN in2;
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION Minimum (
+ IF ( t1 < t2 ) THEN RETURN (t1); ELSE RETURN (t2); END IF;
+ END Minimum;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- PARAMETERS : in1, in2 - integer, time
+ --
+ -- DESCRIPTION : return larger of in1 and in2
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION Maximum (
+ IF (in1 > in2) THEN
+ RETURN in1;
+ RETURN in2;
+ END;
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION Maximum (
+ IF ( t1 > t2 ) THEN RETURN (t1); ELSE RETURN (t2); END IF;
+ END Maximum;
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION GlitchMinTime (
+ CONSTANT Time1, Time2 : IN TIME
+ IF ( Time1 >= NOW ) THEN
+ IF ( Time2 >= NOW ) THEN
+ RETURN Minimum ( Time1, Time2);
+ RETURN Time1;
+ IF ( Time2 >= NOW ) THEN
+ RETURN Time2;
+ RETURN 0 ns;
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Error Message Types and Tables
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TYPE VitalErrorType IS (
+ ErrNegDel,
+ ErrInpSym,
+ ErrOutSym,
+ ErrStaSym,
+ ErrVctLng,
+ ErrTabWidSml,
+ ErrTabWidLrg,
+ ErrTabResSml,
+ ErrTabResLrg
+ );
+ TYPE VitalErrorSeverityType IS ARRAY (VitalErrorType) OF SEVERITY_LEVEL;
+ CONSTANT VitalErrorSeverity : VitalErrorSeverityType := (
+ ErrNegDel => WARNING,
+ ErrInpSym => ERROR,
+ ErrOutSym => ERROR,
+ ErrStaSym => ERROR,
+ ErrVctLng => ERROR,
+ ErrTabWidSml => ERROR,
+ ErrTabWidLrg => WARNING,
+ ErrTabResSml => WARNING,
+ ErrTabResLrg => WARNING
+ );
+ "Negative delay. New output value not scheduled. Output signal is: ";
+ "Illegal symbol in the input portion of a Truth/State table.";
+ "Illegal symbol in the output portion of a Truth/State table.";
+ "Illegal symbol in the state portion of a State table.";
+ "Vector (array) lengths not equal. ";
+ "Width of the Truth/State table is too small.";
+ "Width of Truth/State table is too large. Extra elements are ignored.";
+ "Result of Truth/State table has too many elements.";
+ "Result of Truth/State table has too few elements.";
+ CONSTANT MsgUnknown : STRING :=
+ "Unknown error message.";
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- LOCAL Utilities
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION VitalMessage (
+ CONSTANT ErrorId : IN VitalErrorType
+ CASE ErrorId IS
+ WHEN ErrNegDel => RETURN MsgNegDel;
+ WHEN ErrInpSym => RETURN MsgInpSym;
+ WHEN ErrOutSym => RETURN MsgOutSym;
+ WHEN ErrStaSym => RETURN MsgStaSym;
+ WHEN ErrVctLng => RETURN MsgVctLng;
+ WHEN ErrTabWidSml => RETURN MsgTabWidSml;
+ WHEN ErrTabWidLrg => RETURN MsgTabWidLrg;
+ WHEN ErrTabResSml => RETURN MsgTabResSml;
+ WHEN ErrTabResLrg => RETURN MsgTabResLrg;
+ END;
+ PROCEDURE VitalError (
+ CONSTANT ErrorId : IN VitalErrorType
+ ) IS
+ REPORT Routine & ": " & VitalMessage(ErrorId)
+ SEVERITY VitalErrorSeverity(ErrorId);
+ END;
+ PROCEDURE VitalError (
+ CONSTANT ErrorId : IN VitalErrorType;
+ ) IS
+ REPORT Routine & ": " & VitalMessage(ErrorId) & Info
+ SEVERITY VitalErrorSeverity(ErrorId);
+ END;
+ PROCEDURE VitalError (
+ CONSTANT ErrorId : IN VitalErrorType;
+ ) IS
+ REPORT Routine & ": " & VitalMessage(ErrorId) & Info
+ SEVERITY VitalErrorSeverity(ErrorId);
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE ReportGlitch (
+ CONSTANT GlitchRoutine : IN STRING;
+ CONSTANT PreemptedTime : IN TIME;
+ CONSTANT PreemptedValue : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT NewValue : IN std_ulogic;
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE StrPtr1, StrPtr2, StrPtr3, StrPtr4, StrPtr5 : LINE;
+ Write (StrPtr1, PreemptedTime );
+ Write (StrPtr2, NewTime);
+ Write (StrPtr3, LogicCvtTable(PreemptedValue));
+ Write (StrPtr4, LogicCvtTable(NewValue));
+ IF IsArraySignal THEN
+ Write (StrPtr5, STRING'( "(" ) );
+ Write (StrPtr5, Index);
+ Write (StrPtr5, STRING'( ")" ) );
+ Write (StrPtr5, STRING'( " " ) );
+ -- Issue Report only if Preemted value has not been
+ -- removed from event queue
+ ASSERT PreemptedTime > NewTime
+ REPORT GlitchRoutine & ": GLITCH Detected on port " &
+ OutSignalName & StrPtr5.ALL &
+ "; Preempted Future Value := " & StrPtr3.ALL &
+ " @ " & StrPtr1.ALL &
+ "; Newly Scheduled Value := " & StrPtr4.ALL &
+ " @ " & StrPtr2.ALL &
+ ";"
+ SEVERITY MsgSeverity;
+ END ReportGlitch;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Procedure : VitalGlitchOnEvent
+ -- :
+ -- Parameters : OutSignal ........ signal being driven
+ -- : OutSignalName..... name of the driven signal
+ -- : GlitchData........ internal data required by the procedure
+ -- : NewValue.......... new value being assigned
+ -- : NewDelay.......... Delay accompanying the assignment
+ -- : (Note: for vectors, this is an array)
+ -- : GlitchMode........ Glitch generation mode
+ -- : MessagePlusX, MessageOnly,
+ -- : XOnly, NoGlitch )
+ -- : GlitchDelay....... if <= 0 ns , then there will be no Glitch
+ -- : if > NewDelay, then there is no Glitch,
+ -- : otherwise, this is the time when a FORCED
+ -- : generation of a glitch will occur.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalGlitchOnEvent (
+ SIGNAL OutSignal : OUT std_logic;
+ VARIABLE GlitchData : INOUT GlitchDataType;
+ CONSTANT NewValue : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT NewDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT GlitchMode : IN VitalGlitchModeType := MessagePlusX;
+ CONSTANT GlitchDelay : IN TIME := -1 ns; -- IR#223
+ ) IS
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ VARIABLE Dly : TIME := NewDelay;
+ -- If nothing to schedule, just return
+ IF NewDelay < 0 ns THEN
+ IF (NewValue /= GlitchData.SchedValue) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalGlitchOnEvent", ErrNegDel, OutSignalName );
+ -- If nothing currently scheduled
+ IF GlitchData.SchedTime <= NOW THEN
+ GlitchData.CurrentValue := GlitchData.SchedValue;
+ IF (GlitchDelay <= 0 ns) THEN
+ IF (NewValue = GlitchData.SchedValue) THEN RETURN; END IF;
+ NoGlitchDet := TRUE;
+ -- Transaction currently scheduled - if glitch already happened
+ ELSIF GlitchData.GlitchTime <= NOW THEN
+ GlitchData.CurrentValue := 'X';
+ OldGlitch := TRUE;
+ IF (GlitchData.SchedValue = NewValue) THEN
+ dly := Minimum( GlitchData.SchedTime-NOW, NewDelay );
+ -- Transaction currently scheduled (no glitch if same value)
+ ELSIF (GlitchData.SchedValue = NewValue) AND
+ (GlitchData.SchedTime = GlitchData.GlitchTime) AND
+ (GlitchDelay <= 0 ns) THEN
+ NoGlitchDet := TRUE;
+ Dly := Minimum( GlitchData.SchedTime-NOW, NewDelay );
+ GlitchData.SchedTime := NOW+Dly;
+ IF OldGlitch THEN
+ OutSignal <= NewValue AFTER Dly;
+ ELSIF NoGlitchDet THEN
+ GlitchData.GlitchTime := NOW+Dly;
+ OutSignal <= NewValue AFTER Dly;
+ ELSE -- new glitch
+ GlitchData.GlitchTime := GlitchMinTime ( GlitchData.GlitchTime,
+ NOW+GlitchDelay );
+ IF (GlitchMode = MessagePlusX) OR
+ (GlitchMode = MessageOnly) THEN
+ ReportGlitch ( "VitalGlitchOnEvent", OutSignalName,
+ GlitchData.GlitchTime, GlitchData.SchedValue,
+ (Dly + NOW), NewValue,
+ MsgSeverity=>MsgSeverity );
+ IF (GlitchMode = MessagePlusX) OR (GlitchMode = XOnly) THEN
+ OutSignal <= 'X' AFTER GlitchData.GlitchTime-NOW;
+ OutSignal <= TRANSPORT NewValue AFTER Dly;
+ OutSignal <= NewValue AFTER Dly;
+ GlitchData.SchedValue := NewValue;
+ END;
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalGlitchOnEvent (
+ SIGNAL OutSignal : OUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE GlitchData : INOUT GlitchDataArrayType;
+ CONSTANT NewValue : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT NewDelay : IN VitalTimeArray;
+ CONSTANT GlitchMode : IN VitalGlitchModeType := MessagePlusX;
+ CONSTANT GlitchDelay : IN VitalTimeArray;
+ ) IS
+ ALIAS GlDataAlias : GlitchDataArrayType(1 TO GlitchData'LENGTH)
+ IS GlitchData;
+ ALIAS NewValAlias : std_logic_vector(1 TO NewValue'LENGTH) IS NewValue;
+ ALIAS GlDelayAlias : VitalTimeArray(1 TO GlitchDelay'LENGTH)
+ IS GlitchDelay;
+ ALIAS NewDelAlias : VitalTimeArray(1 TO NewDelay'LENGTH) IS NewDelay;
+ VARIABLE Index : INTEGER := OutSignal'LEFT;
+ IF (OutSignal'LEFT > OutSignal'RIGHT) THEN
+ Direction := -1;
+ Direction := 1;
+ IF ( (OutSignal'LENGTH /= GlitchData'LENGTH) OR
+ (OutSignal'LENGTH /= NewValue'LENGTH) OR
+ (OutSignal'LENGTH /= NewDelay'LENGTH) OR
+ (OutSignal'LENGTH /= GlitchDelay'LENGTH) ) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalGlitchOnEvent", ErrVctLng, OutSignalName );
+ -- a call to the scalar function cannot be made since the actual
+ -- name associated with a signal parameter must be locally static
+ NoGlitchDet := FALSE;
+ OldGlitch := FALSE;
+ Dly := NewDelAlias(n);
+ -- If nothing to schedule, just skip to next loop iteration
+ IF NewDelAlias(n) < 0 ns THEN
+ IF (NewValAlias(n) /= GlDataAlias(n).SchedValue) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalGlitchOnEvent", ErrNegDel, OutSignalName );
+ -- If nothing currently scheduled (i.e. last scheduled
+ -- transaction already occurred)
+ IF GlDataAlias(n).SchedTime <= NOW THEN
+ GlDataAlias(n).CurrentValue := GlDataAlias(n).SchedValue;
+ IF (GlDelayAlias(n) <= 0 ns) THEN
+ -- Next iteration if no change in value
+ IF (NewValAlias(n) = GlDataAlias(n).SchedValue) THEN
+ Index := Index + Direction;
+ -- since last transaction already occurred there is no glitch
+ NoGlitchDet := TRUE;
+ -- Transaction currently scheduled - if glitch already happened
+ ELSIF GlDataAlias(n).GlitchTime <= NOW THEN
+ GlDataAlias(n).CurrentValue := 'X';
+ OldGlitch := TRUE;
+ IF (GlDataAlias(n).SchedValue = NewValAlias(n)) THEN
+ dly := Minimum( GlDataAlias(n).SchedTime-NOW,
+ NewDelAlias(n) );
+ -- Transaction currently scheduled
+ ELSIF (GlDataAlias(n).SchedValue = NewValAlias(n)) AND
+ (GlDataAlias(n).SchedTime = GlDataAlias(n).GlitchTime) AND
+ (GlDelayAlias(n) <= 0 ns) THEN
+ NoGlitchDet := TRUE;
+ Dly := Minimum( GlDataAlias(n).SchedTime-NOW,
+ NewDelAlias(n) );
+ -- update last scheduled transaction
+ GlDataAlias(n).SchedTime := NOW+Dly;
+ IF OldGlitch THEN
+ OutSignal(Index) <= NewValAlias(n) AFTER Dly;
+ ELSIF NoGlitchDet THEN
+ -- if no glitch then update last glitch time
+ -- and OutSignal(actual_index)
+ GlDataAlias(n).GlitchTime := NOW+Dly;
+ OutSignal(Index) <= NewValAlias(n) AFTER Dly;
+ ELSE -- new glitch
+ GlDataAlias(n).GlitchTime := GlitchMinTime (
+ GlDataAlias(n).GlitchTime,
+ NOW+GlDelayAlias(n) );
+ IF (GlitchMode = MessagePlusX) OR
+ (GlitchMode = MessageOnly) THEN
+ ReportGlitch ( "VitalGlitchOnEvent", OutSignalName,
+ GlDataAlias(n).GlitchTime,
+ GlDataAlias(n).SchedValue,
+ (Dly + NOW), NewValAlias(n),
+ Index, TRUE, MsgSeverity );
+ IF (GlitchMode = MessagePlusX) OR (GlitchMode = XOnly) THEN
+ GlDly := GlDataAlias(n).GlitchTime - NOW;
+ OutSignal(Index) <= 'X' AFTER GlDly;
+ OutSignal(Index) <= TRANSPORT NewValAlias(n) AFTER Dly;
+ OutSignal(Index) <= NewValAlias(n) AFTER Dly;
+ END IF; -- glitch / no-glitch
+ GlDataAlias(n).SchedValue := NewValAlias(n);
+ END IF; -- NewDelAlias(n) < 0 ns
+ Index := Index + Direction;
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- PROCEDURE NAME : TruthOutputX01Z
+ --
+ -- PARAMETERS : table_out - output of table
+ -- X01Zout - output converted to X01Z
+ -- err - true if illegal character is encountered
+ --
+ --
+ -- DESCRIPTION : converts the output of a truth table to a valid
+ -- std_ulogic
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE TruthOutputX01Z (
+ CONSTANT TableOut : IN VitalTruthSymbolType;
+ VARIABLE X01Zout : OUT std_ulogic;
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE TempOut : std_ulogic;
+ Err := FALSE;
+ TempOut := TruthTableOutMap(TableOut);
+ IF (TempOut = '-') THEN
+ Err := TRUE;
+ TempOut := 'X';
+ VitalError ( "VitalTruthTable", ErrOutSym, To_TruthChar(TableOut));
+ X01Zout := TempOut;
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- PROCEDURE NAME : StateOutputX01Z
+ --
+ -- PARAMETERS : table_out - output of table
+ -- prev_out - previous output value
+ -- X01Zout - output cojnverted to X01Z
+ -- err - true if illegal character is encountered
+ --
+ -- DESCRIPTION : converts the output of a state table to a
+ -- valid std_ulogic
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE StateOutputX01Z (
+ CONSTANT TableOut : IN VitalStateSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT PrevOut : IN std_ulogic;
+ VARIABLE X01Zout : OUT std_ulogic;
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE TempOut : std_ulogic;
+ Err := FALSE;
+ TempOut := StateTableOutMap(TableOut);
+ IF (TempOut = '-') THEN
+ Err := TRUE;
+ TempOut := 'X';
+ VitalError ( "VitalStateTable", ErrOutSym, To_StateChar(TableOut));
+ ELSIF (TempOut = 'W') THEN
+ TempOut := To_X01Z(PrevOut);
+ X01Zout := TempOut;
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- PROCEDURE NAME: StateMatch
+ --
+ -- PARAMETERS : symbol - symbol from state table
+ -- in2 - input from VitalStateTble procedure
+ -- to state table
+ -- in2LastValue - previous value of input
+ -- state - false if the symbol is from the input
+ -- portion of the table,
+ -- true if the symbol is from the state
+ -- portion of the table
+ -- Err - true if symbol is not a valid input symbol
+ -- ReturnValue - true if match occurred
+ --
+ -- DESCRIPTION : This procedure sets ReturnValue to true if in2 matches
+ -- symbol (from the state table). If symbol is an edge
+ -- value edge is set to true and in2 and in2LastValue are
+ -- checked against symbol. Err is set to true if symbol
+ -- is an invalid value for the input portion of the state
+ -- table.
+ --
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE StateMatch (
+ CONSTANT Symbol : IN VitalStateSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT in2 : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT in2LastValue : IN std_ulogic;
+ ) IS
+ IF (State) THEN
+ IF (NOT ValidStateTableState(Symbol)) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalStateTable", ErrStaSym, To_StateChar(Symbol));
+ Err := TRUE;
+ ReturnValue := FALSE;
+ Err := FALSE;
+ ReturnValue := StateTableMatch(in2LastValue, in2, Symbol);
+ IF (NOT ValidStateTableInput(Symbol) ) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalStateTable", ErrInpSym, To_StateChar(Symbol));
+ Err := TRUE;
+ ReturnValue := FALSE;
+ ReturnValue := StateTableMatch(in2LastValue, in2, Symbol);
+ Err := FALSE;
+ END;
+ -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- FUNCTION NAME: StateTableLookUp
+ --
+ -- PARAMETERS : StateTable - state table
+ -- PresentDataIn - current inputs
+ -- PreviousDataIn - previous inputs and states
+ -- NumStates - number of state variables
+ -- PresentOutputs - current state and current outputs
+ --
+ -- DESCRIPTION : This function is used to find the output of the
+ -- StateTable corresponding to a given set of inputs.
+ --
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION StateTableLookUp (
+ CONSTANT StateTable : VitalStateTableType;
+ CONSTANT PresentDataIn : std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT PreviousDataIn : std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT PresentOutputs : std_logic_vector
+ ) RETURN std_logic_vector IS
+ CONSTANT InputSize : INTEGER := PresentDataIn'LENGTH;
+ CONSTANT NumInputs : INTEGER := InputSize + NumStates - 1;
+ CONSTANT TableEntries : INTEGER := StateTable'LENGTH(1);
+ CONSTANT TableWidth : INTEGER := StateTable'LENGTH(2);
+ CONSTANT OutSize : INTEGER := TableWidth - InputSize - NumStates;
+ VARIABLE Inputs : std_logic_vector(0 TO NumInputs);
+ VARIABLE PrevInputs : std_logic_vector(0 TO NumInputs)
+ := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ VARIABLE ReturnValue : std_logic_vector(0 TO (OutSize-1))
+ := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ VARIABLE Temp : std_ulogic;
+ -- This needs to be done since the TableLookup arrays must be
+ -- ascending starting with 0
+ VARIABLE TableAlias : VitalStateTableType(0 TO TableEntries - 1,
+ 0 TO TableWidth - 1)
+ := StateTable;
+ Inputs(0 TO InputSize-1) := PresentDataIn;
+ Inputs(InputSize TO NumInputs) := PresentOutputs(0 TO NumStates - 1);
+ PrevInputs(0 TO InputSize - 1) := PreviousDataIn(0 TO InputSize - 1);
+ ColLoop: -- Compare each entry in the table
+ FOR i IN TableAlias'RANGE(1) LOOP
+ RowLoop: -- Check each element of the entry
+ FOR j IN 0 TO InputSize + NumStates LOOP
+ IF (j = InputSize + NumStates) THEN -- a match occurred
+ FOR k IN 0 TO Minimum(OutSize, PresentOutputs'LENGTH)-1 LOOP
+ StateOutputX01Z (
+ TableAlias(i, TableWidth - k - 1),
+ PresentOutputs(PresentOutputs'LENGTH - k - 1),
+ Temp, Err);
+ ReturnValue(OutSize - k - 1) := Temp;
+ IF (Err) THEN
+ ReturnValue := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ RETURN ReturnValue;
+ RETURN ReturnValue;
+ StateMatch ( TableAlias(i,j),
+ Inputs(j), PrevInputs(j),
+ j >= InputSize, Err, Match);
+ EXIT RowLoop WHEN NOT(Match);
+ EXIT ColLoop WHEN Err;
+ END LOOP RowLoop;
+ END LOOP ColLoop;
+ ReturnValue := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ RETURN ReturnValue;
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- to_ux01z
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION To_UX01Z ( s : std_ulogic
+ RETURN cvt_to_ux01z (s);
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Function : GetEdge
+ -- Purpose : Converts transitions on a given input signal into a
+ -- enumeration value representing the transition or level
+ -- of the signal.
+ --
+ -- previous "value" current "value" := "edge"
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------
+ -- '1' | 'H' '1' | 'H' '1' level, no edge
+ -- '0' | 'L' '1' | 'H' '/' rising edge
+ -- others '1' | 'H' 'R' rising from X
+ --
+ -- '1' | 'H' '0' | 'L' '\' falling egde
+ -- '0' | 'L' '0' | 'L' '0' level, no edge
+ -- others '0' | 'L' 'F' falling from X
+ --
+ -- 'X' | 'W' | '-' 'X' | 'W' | '-' 'X' unknown (X) level
+ -- 'Z' 'Z' 'X' unknown (X) level
+ -- 'U' 'U' 'U' 'U' level
+ --
+ -- '1' | 'H' others 'f' falling to X
+ -- '0' | 'L' others 'r' rising to X
+ -- 'X' | 'W' | '-' 'U' | 'Z' 'x' unknown (X) edge
+ -- 'Z' 'X' | 'W' | '-' | 'U' 'x' unknown (X) edge
+ -- 'U' 'X' | 'W' | '-' | 'Z' 'x' unknown (X) edge
+ --
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION GetEdge (
+ SIGNAL s : IN std_logic
+ ) RETURN EdgeType IS
+ IF (s'EVENT)
+ THEN RETURN LogicToEdge ( s'LAST_VALUE, s );
+ ELSE RETURN LogicToLevel ( s );
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL s : IN std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE LastS : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE Edge : OUT EdgeArray ) IS
+ ALIAS sAlias : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO s'LENGTH ) IS s;
+ ALIAS LastSAlias : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO LastS'LENGTH ) IS LastS;
+ ALIAS EdgeAlias : EdgeArray ( 1 TO Edge'LENGTH ) IS Edge;
+ VitalError ( "GetEdge", ErrVctLng, "s, LastS, Edge" );
+ EdgeAlias(n) := LogicToEdge( LastSAlias(n), sAlias(n) );
+ LastSAlias(n) := sAlias(n);
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION ToEdge ( Value : IN std_logic
+ ) RETURN EdgeType IS
+ RETURN LogicToLevel( Value );
+ END;
+ -- Note: This function will likely be replaced by S'DRIVING_VALUE in VHDL'92
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT GlitchData : IN GlitchDataType
+ ) RETURN std_logic IS
+ IF NOW >= GlitchData.SchedTime THEN
+ RETURN GlitchData.SchedValue;
+ ELSIF NOW >= GlitchData.GlitchTime THEN
+ RETURN GlitchData.CurrentValue;
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT GlitchData : IN GlitchDataArrayType
+ ) RETURN std_logic_vector IS
+ VARIABLE Result : std_logic_vector(GlitchData'RANGE);
+ FOR n IN GlitchData'RANGE LOOP
+ IF NOW >= GlitchData(n).SchedTime THEN
+ Result(n) := GlitchData(n).SchedValue;
+ ELSIF NOW >= GlitchData(n).GlitchTime THEN
+ Result(n) := 'X';
+ Result(n) := GlitchData(n).CurrentValue;
+ RETURN Result;
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- function calculation utilities
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Function : VitalSame
+ -- Returns : VitalSame compares the state (UX01) of two logic value. A
+ -- value of 'X' is returned if the values are different. The
+ -- common value is returned if the values are equal.
+ -- Purpose : When the result of a logic model may be either of two
+ -- separate input values (eg. when the select on a MUX is 'X'),
+ -- VitalSame may be used to determine if the result needs to
+ -- be 'X'.
+ -- Arguments : See the declarations below...
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION VitalSame (
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN std_ulogic
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ IF To_UX01(a) = To_UX01(b)
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- delay selection utilities
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Procedure : BufPath, InvPath
+ --
+ -- Purpose : BufPath and InvPath compute output change times, based on
+ -- a change on an input port. The computed output change times
+ -- returned in the composite parameter 'schd'.
+ --
+ -- BufPath and InpPath are used together with the delay path
+ -- selection functions (GetSchedDelay, VitalAND, VitalOR... )
+ -- The 'schd' value from each of the input ports of a model are
+ -- combined by the delay selection functions (VitalAND,
+ -- VitalOR, ...). The GetSchedDelay procedure converts the
+ -- combined output changes times to the single delay (delta
+ -- time) value for scheduling the output change (passed to
+ -- VitalGlitchOnEvent).
+ --
+ -- The values in 'schd' are: (absolute times)
+ -- inp0 : time of output change due to input change to 0
+ -- inp1 : time of output change due to input change to 1
+ -- inpX : time of output change due to input change to X
+ -- glch0 : time of output glitch due to input change to 0
+ -- glch1 : time of output glitch due to input change to 1
+ --
+ -- The output times are computed from the model INPUT value
+ -- and not the final value. For this reason, 'BufPath' should
+ -- be used to compute the output times for a non-inverting
+ -- delay paths and 'InvPath' should be used to compute the
+ -- ouput times for inverting delay paths. Delay paths which
+ -- include both non-inverting and paths require usage of both
+ -- 'BufPath' and 'InvPath'. (IE this is needed for the
+ -- select->output path of a MUX -- See the VitalMUX model).
+ --
+ --
+ -- Parameters : schd....... Computed output result times. (INOUT parameter
+ -- modified only on input edges)
+ -- Iedg....... Input port edge/level value.
+ -- tpd....... Propagation delays from this input
+ --
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ VARIABLE Schd : INOUT SchedType;
+ CONSTANT Iedg : IN EdgeType;
+ CONSTANT tpd : IN VitalDelayType01
+ ) IS
+ CASE Iedg IS
+ WHEN '0'|'1' => NULL; -- no edge: no timing update
+ WHEN '/'|'R' => Schd.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.inp1 := NOW + tpd(tr01); Schd.Glch1 := Schd.inp1;
+ Schd.InpX := Schd.inp1;
+ WHEN '\'|'F' => Schd.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.inp0 := NOW + tpd(tr10); Schd.Glch0 := Schd.inp0;
+ Schd.InpX := Schd.inp0;
+ WHEN 'r' => Schd.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.InpX := NOW + tpd(tr01);
+ WHEN 'f' => Schd.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.InpX := NOW + tpd(tr10);
+ WHEN 'x' => Schd.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ -- update for X->X change
+ Schd.InpX := NOW + Minimum(tpd(tr10),tpd(tr01));
+ WHEN OTHERS => NULL; -- no timing change
+ END;
+ VARIABLE Schd : INOUT SchedArray;
+ CONSTANT Iedg : IN EdgeArray;
+ CONSTANT tpd : IN VitalDelayArrayType01
+ ) IS
+ CASE Iedg(n) IS
+ WHEN '0'|'1' => NULL; -- no edge: no timing update
+ WHEN '/'|'R' => Schd(n).inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).inp1 := NOW + tpd(n)(tr01);
+ Schd(n).Glch1 := Schd(n).inp1;
+ Schd(n).InpX := Schd(n).inp1;
+ WHEN '\'|'F' => Schd(n).inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).inp0 := NOW + tpd(n)(tr10);
+ Schd(n).Glch0 := Schd(n).inp0;
+ Schd(n).InpX := Schd(n).inp0;
+ WHEN 'r' => Schd(n).inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).InpX := NOW + tpd(n)(tr01);
+ WHEN 'f' => Schd(n).inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).InpX := NOW + tpd(n)(tr10);
+ WHEN 'x' => Schd(n).inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ -- update for X->X change
+ Schd(n).InpX := NOW + Minimum ( tpd(n)(tr10),
+ tpd(n)(tr01) );
+ WHEN OTHERS => NULL; -- no timing change
+ END;
+ VARIABLE Schd : INOUT SchedType;
+ CONSTANT Iedg : IN EdgeType;
+ CONSTANT tpd : IN VitalDelayType01
+ ) IS
+ CASE Iedg IS
+ WHEN '0'|'1' => NULL; -- no edge: no timing update
+ WHEN '/'|'R' => Schd.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.inp1 := NOW + tpd(tr10); Schd.Glch1 := Schd.inp1;
+ Schd.InpX := Schd.inp1;
+ WHEN '\'|'F' => Schd.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.inp0 := NOW + tpd(tr01); Schd.Glch0 := Schd.inp0;
+ Schd.InpX := Schd.inp0;
+ WHEN 'r' => Schd.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.InpX := NOW + tpd(tr10);
+ WHEN 'f' => Schd.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.InpX := NOW + tpd(tr01);
+ WHEN 'x' => Schd.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ -- update for X->X change
+ Schd.InpX := NOW + Minimum(tpd(tr10),tpd(tr01));
+ WHEN OTHERS => NULL; -- no timing change
+ END;
+ VARIABLE Schd : INOUT SchedArray;
+ CONSTANT Iedg : IN EdgeArray;
+ CONSTANT tpd : IN VitalDelayArrayType01
+ ) IS
+ CASE Iedg(n) IS
+ WHEN '0'|'1' => NULL; -- no edge: no timing update
+ WHEN '/'|'R' => Schd(n).inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).inp1 := NOW + tpd(n)(tr10);
+ Schd(n).Glch1 := Schd(n).inp1;
+ Schd(n).InpX := Schd(n).inp1;
+ WHEN '\'|'F' => Schd(n).inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).inp0 := NOW + tpd(n)(tr01);
+ Schd(n).Glch0 := Schd(n).inp0;
+ Schd(n).InpX := Schd(n).inp0;
+ WHEN 'r' => Schd(n).inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).InpX := NOW + tpd(n)(tr10);
+ WHEN 'f' => Schd(n).inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).InpX := NOW + tpd(n)(tr01);
+ WHEN 'x' => Schd(n).inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ -- update for X->X change
+ Schd(n).InpX := NOW + Minimum ( tpd(n)(tr10),
+ tpd(n)(tr01) );
+ WHEN OTHERS => NULL; -- no timing change
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Procedure : BufEnab, InvEnab
+ --
+ -- Purpose : BufEnab and InvEnab compute output change times, from a
+ -- change on an input enable port for a 3-state driver. The
+ -- computed output change times are returned in the composite
+ -- parameters 'schd1', 'schd0'.
+ --
+ -- BufEnab and InpEnab are used together with the delay path
+ -- selection functions (GetSchedDelay, VitalAND, VitalOR... )
+ -- The 'schd' value from each of the non-enable input ports of
+ -- a model (See BufPath, InvPath) are combined using the delay
+ -- selection functions (VitalAND, VitalOR, ...). The
+ -- GetSchedDelay procedure combines the output times on the
+ -- enable path with the output times from the data path(s) and
+ -- computes the single delay (delta time) value for scheduling
+ -- the output change (passed to VitalGlitchOnEvent)
+ --
+ -- The values in 'schd*' are: (absolute times)
+ -- inp0 : time of output change due to input change to 0
+ -- inp1 : time of output change due to input change to 1
+ -- inpX : time of output change due to input change to X
+ -- glch0 : time of output glitch due to input change to 0
+ -- glch1 : time of output glitch due to input change to 1
+ --
+ -- 'schd1' contains output times for 1->Z, Z->1 transitions.
+ -- 'schd0' contains output times for 0->Z, Z->0 transitions.
+ --
+ -- 'BufEnab' is used for computing the output times for an
+ -- high asserted enable (output 'Z' for enable='0').
+ -- 'InvEnab' is used for computing the output times for an
+ -- low asserted enable (output 'Z' for enable='1').
+ --
+ -- Note: separate 'schd1', 'schd0' parameters are generated
+ -- so that the combination of the delay paths from
+ -- multiple enable signals may be combined using the
+ -- same functions/operators used in combining separate
+ -- data paths. (See exampe 2 below)
+ --
+ --
+ -- Parameters : schd1...... Computed output result times for 1->Z, Z->1
+ -- transitions. This parameter is modified only on
+ -- input edge values (events).
+ -- schd0...... Computed output result times for 0->Z, 0->1
+ -- transitions. This parameter is modified only on
+ -- input edge values (events).
+ -- Iedg....... Input port edge/level value.
+ -- tpd....... Propagation delays for the enable -> output path.
+ --
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ VARIABLE Schd1 : INOUT SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Schd0 : INOUT SchedType;
+ CONSTANT Iedg : IN EdgeType;
+ CONSTANT tpd : IN VitalDelayType01Z
+ ) IS
+ CASE Iedg IS
+ WHEN '0'|'1' => NULL; -- no edge: no timing update
+ WHEN '/'|'R' => Schd1.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.inp1 := NOW + tpd(trz1);
+ Schd1.Glch1 := Schd1.inp1;
+ Schd1.InpX := Schd1.inp1;
+ Schd0.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.inp1 := NOW + tpd(trz0);
+ Schd0.Glch1 := Schd0.inp1;
+ Schd0.InpX := Schd0.inp1;
+ WHEN '\'|'F' => Schd1.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.inp0 := NOW + tpd(tr1z);
+ Schd1.Glch0 := Schd1.inp0;
+ Schd1.InpX := Schd1.inp0;
+ Schd0.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.inp0 := NOW + tpd(tr0z);
+ Schd0.Glch0 := Schd0.inp0;
+ Schd0.InpX := Schd0.inp0;
+ WHEN 'r' => Schd1.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.InpX := NOW + tpd(trz1);
+ Schd0.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.InpX := NOW + tpd(trz0);
+ WHEN 'f' => Schd1.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.InpX := NOW + tpd(tr1z);
+ Schd0.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.InpX := NOW + tpd(tr0z);
+ WHEN 'x' => Schd1.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.InpX := NOW + Minimum(tpd(tr10),tpd(tr01));
+ Schd0.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.InpX := NOW + Minimum(tpd(tr10),tpd(tr01));
+ WHEN OTHERS => NULL; -- no timing change
+ END;
+ VARIABLE Schd1 : INOUT SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Schd0 : INOUT SchedType;
+ CONSTANT Iedg : IN EdgeType;
+ CONSTANT tpd : IN VitalDelayType01Z
+ ) IS
+ CASE Iedg IS
+ WHEN '0'|'1' => NULL; -- no edge: no timing update
+ WHEN '/'|'R' => Schd1.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.inp1 := NOW + tpd(tr1z);
+ Schd1.Glch1 := Schd1.inp1;
+ Schd1.InpX := Schd1.inp1;
+ Schd0.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.inp1 := NOW + tpd(tr0z);
+ Schd0.Glch1 := Schd0.inp1;
+ Schd0.InpX := Schd0.inp1;
+ WHEN '\'|'F' => Schd1.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.inp0 := NOW + tpd(trz1);
+ Schd1.Glch0 := Schd1.inp0;
+ Schd1.InpX := Schd1.inp0;
+ Schd0.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.inp0 := NOW + tpd(trz0);
+ Schd0.Glch0 := Schd0.inp0;
+ Schd0.InpX := Schd0.inp0;
+ WHEN 'r' => Schd1.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.InpX := NOW + tpd(tr1z);
+ Schd0.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.InpX := NOW + tpd(tr0z);
+ WHEN 'f' => Schd1.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.InpX := NOW + tpd(trz1);
+ Schd0.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.InpX := NOW + tpd(trz0);
+ WHEN 'x' => Schd1.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.InpX := NOW + Minimum(tpd(tr10),tpd(tr01));
+ Schd0.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.InpX := NOW + Minimum(tpd(tr10),tpd(tr01));
+ WHEN OTHERS => NULL; -- no timing change
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Procedure : GetSchedDelay
+ --
+ -- Purpose : GetSchedDelay computes the final delay (incremental) for
+ -- for scheduling an output signal. The delay is computed
+ -- from the absolute output times in the 'NewSched' parameter.
+ -- (See BufPath, InvPath).
+ --
+ -- Computation of the output delay for non-3_state outputs
+ -- consists of selection the appropriate output time based
+ -- on the new output value 'NewValue' and subtracting 'NOW'
+ -- to convert to an incremental delay value.
+ --
+ -- The Computation of the output delay for 3_state output
+ -- also includes combination of the enable path delay with
+ -- the date path delay.
+ --
+ -- Parameters : NewDelay... Returned output delay value.
+ -- GlchDelay.. Returned output delay for the start of a glitch.
+ -- NewValue... New output value.
+ -- CurValue... Current value of the output.
+ -- NewSched... Composite containing the combined absolute
+ -- output times from the data inputs.
+ -- EnSched1... Composite containing the combined absolute
+ -- output times from the enable input(s).
+ -- (for a 3_state output transitions 1->Z, Z->1)
+ -- EnSched0... Composite containing the combined absolute
+ -- output times from the enable input(s).
+ -- (for a 3_state output transitions 0->Z, Z->0)
+ --
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE GetSchedDelay (
+ CONSTANT NewValue : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT CurValue : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT NewSched : IN SchedType
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE Tim, Glch : TIME;
+ CASE To_UX01(NewValue) IS
+ WHEN '0' => Tim := NewSched.inp0;
+ Glch := NewSched.Glch1;
+ WHEN '1' => Tim := NewSched.inp1;
+ Glch := NewSched.Glch0;
+ WHEN OTHERS => Tim := NewSched.InpX;
+ Glch := -1 ns;
+ IF (CurValue /= NewValue)
+ THEN Glch := -1 ns;
+ NewDelay := Tim - NOW;
+ IF Glch < 0 ns
+ THEN GlchDelay := Glch;
+ ELSE GlchDelay := Glch - NOW;
+ END IF; -- glch < 0 ns
+ END;
+ PROCEDURE GetSchedDelay (
+ VARIABLE NewDelay : OUT VitalTimeArray;
+ VARIABLE GlchDelay : OUT VitalTimeArray;
+ CONSTANT NewValue : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT CurValue : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT NewSched : IN SchedArray
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE Tim, Glch : TIME;
+ ALIAS NewDelayAlias : VitalTimeArray( NewDelay'LENGTH DOWNTO 1)
+ IS NewDelay;
+ ALIAS GlchDelayAlias : VitalTimeArray(GlchDelay'LENGTH DOWNTO 1)
+ IS GlchDelay;
+ ALIAS NewSchedAlias : SchedArray( NewSched'LENGTH DOWNTO 1)
+ IS NewSched;
+ ALIAS NewValueAlias : std_logic_vector ( NewValue'LENGTH DOWNTO 1 )
+ IS NewValue;
+ ALIAS CurValueAlias : std_logic_vector ( CurValue'LENGTH DOWNTO 1 )
+ IS CurValue;
+ CASE To_UX01(NewValueAlias(n)) IS
+ WHEN '0' => Tim := NewSchedAlias(n).inp0;
+ Glch := NewSchedAlias(n).Glch1;
+ WHEN '1' => Tim := NewSchedAlias(n).inp1;
+ Glch := NewSchedAlias(n).Glch0;
+ WHEN OTHERS => Tim := NewSchedAlias(n).InpX;
+ Glch := -1 ns;
+ IF (CurValueAlias(n) /= NewValueAlias(n))
+ THEN Glch := -1 ns;
+ NewDelayAlias(n) := Tim - NOW;
+ IF Glch < 0 ns
+ THEN GlchDelayAlias(n) := Glch;
+ ELSE GlchDelayAlias(n) := Glch - NOW;
+ END IF; -- glch < 0 ns
+ END;
+ PROCEDURE GetSchedDelay (
+ CONSTANT NewValue : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT CurValue : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT NewSched : IN SchedType;
+ CONSTANT EnSched1 : IN SchedType;
+ CONSTANT EnSched0 : IN SchedType
+ ) IS
+ SUBTYPE v2 IS std_logic_vector(0 TO 1);
+ VARIABLE Tim, Glch : TIME;
+ CASE v2'(To_X01Z(CurValue) & To_X01Z(NewValue)) IS
+ WHEN "00" => Tim := Maximum (NewSched.inp0, EnSched0.inp1);
+ Glch := GlitchMinTime(NewSched.Glch1,EnSched0.Glch0);
+ WHEN "01" => Tim := Maximum (NewSched.inp1, EnSched1.inp1);
+ Glch := EnSched1.Glch0;
+ WHEN "0Z" => Tim := EnSched0.inp0;
+ Glch := NewSched.Glch1;
+ WHEN "0X" => Tim := Maximum (NewSched.InpX, EnSched1.InpX);
+ Glch := 0 ns;
+ WHEN "10" => Tim := Maximum (NewSched.inp0, EnSched0.inp1);
+ Glch := EnSched0.Glch0;
+ WHEN "11" => Tim := Maximum (NewSched.inp1, EnSched1.inp1);
+ Glch := GlitchMinTime(NewSched.Glch0,EnSched1.Glch0);
+ WHEN "1Z" => Tim := EnSched1.inp0;
+ Glch := NewSched.Glch0;
+ WHEN "1X" => Tim := Maximum (NewSched.InpX, EnSched0.InpX);
+ Glch := 0 ns;
+ WHEN "Z0" => Tim := Maximum (NewSched.inp0, EnSched0.inp1);
+ IF NewSched.Glch0 > NOW
+ THEN Glch := Maximum(NewSched.Glch1,EnSched1.inp1);
+ ELSE Glch := 0 ns;
+ WHEN "Z1" => Tim := Maximum (NewSched.inp1, EnSched1.inp1);
+ IF NewSched.Glch1 > NOW
+ THEN Glch := Maximum(NewSched.Glch0,EnSched0.inp1);
+ ELSE Glch := 0 ns;
+ WHEN "ZX" => Tim := Maximum (NewSched.InpX, EnSched1.InpX);
+ Glch := 0 ns;
+ WHEN "ZZ" => Tim := Maximum (EnSched1.InpX, EnSched0.InpX);
+ Glch := 0 ns;
+ WHEN "X0" => Tim := Maximum (NewSched.inp0, EnSched0.inp1);
+ Glch := 0 ns;
+ WHEN "X1" => Tim := Maximum (NewSched.inp1, EnSched1.inp1);
+ Glch := 0 ns;
+ WHEN "XZ" => Tim := Maximum (EnSched1.InpX, EnSched0.InpX);
+ Glch := 0 ns;
+ WHEN OTHERS => Tim := Maximum (NewSched.InpX, EnSched1.InpX);
+ Glch := 0 ns;
+ NewDelay := Tim - NOW;
+ IF Glch < 0 ns
+ THEN GlchDelay := Glch;
+ ELSE GlchDelay := Glch - NOW;
+ END IF; -- glch < 0 ns
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Operators and Functions for combination (selection) of path delays
+ -- > These functions support selection of the "appripriate" path delay
+ -- dependent on the logic function.
+ -- > These functions only "select" from the possable output times. No
+ -- calculation (addition) of delays is performed.
+ -- > See description of 'BufPath', 'InvPath' and 'GetSchedDelay'
+ -- > See primitive PROCEDURE models for examples.
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION "not" (
+ CONSTANT a : IN SchedType
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ VARIABLE z : SchedType;
+ z.inp1 := a.inp0 ;
+ z.inp0 := a.inp1 ;
+ z.InpX := a.InpX ;
+ z.Glch1 := a.Glch0;
+ z.Glch0 := a.Glch1;
+ RETURN (z);
+ END;
+ FUNCTION "and" (
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN SchedType
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ VARIABLE z : SchedType;
+ z.inp1 := Maximum ( a.inp1 , b.inp1 );
+ z.inp0 := Minimum ( a.inp0 , b.inp0 );
+ z.InpX := GlitchMinTime ( a.InpX , b.InpX );
+ z.Glch1 := Maximum ( a.Glch1, b.Glch1 );
+ z.Glch0 := GlitchMinTime ( a.Glch0, b.Glch0 );
+ RETURN (z);
+ END;
+ FUNCTION "or" (
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN SchedType
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ VARIABLE z : SchedType;
+ z.inp0 := Maximum ( a.inp0 , b.inp0 );
+ z.inp1 := Minimum ( a.inp1 , b.inp1 );
+ z.InpX := GlitchMinTime ( a.InpX , b.InpX );
+ z.Glch0 := Maximum ( a.Glch0, b.Glch0 );
+ z.Glch1 := GlitchMinTime ( a.Glch1, b.Glch1 );
+ RETURN (z);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN SchedType
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ VARIABLE z : SchedType;
+ z.inp0 := Maximum ( a.inp1 , b.inp1 );
+ z.inp1 := Minimum ( a.inp0 , b.inp0 );
+ z.InpX := GlitchMinTime ( a.InpX , b.InpX );
+ z.Glch0 := Maximum ( a.Glch1, b.Glch1 );
+ z.Glch1 := GlitchMinTime ( a.Glch0, b.Glch0 );
+ RETURN (z);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN SchedType
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ VARIABLE z : SchedType;
+ z.inp1 := Maximum ( a.inp0 , b.inp0 );
+ z.inp0 := Minimum ( a.inp1 , b.inp1 );
+ z.InpX := GlitchMinTime ( a.InpX , b.InpX );
+ z.Glch1 := Maximum ( a.Glch0, b.Glch0 );
+ z.Glch0 := GlitchMinTime ( a.Glch1, b.Glch1 );
+ RETURN (z);
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Delay Calculation for 2-bit Logical gates.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT ab,ai, bb,bi : IN SchedType
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ VARIABLE z : SchedType;
+ -- z = (a AND b) NOR (a NOR b)
+ z.inp1 := Maximum ( Minimum (ai.inp0 , bi.inp0 ),
+ Minimum (ab.inp1 , bb.inp1 ) );
+ z.inp0 := Minimum ( Maximum (ai.inp1 , bi.inp1 ),
+ Maximum (ab.inp0 , bb.inp0 ) );
+ z.InpX := Maximum ( Maximum (ai.InpX , bi.InpX ),
+ Maximum (ab.InpX , bb.InpX ) );
+ z.Glch1 := Maximum (GlitchMinTime (ai.Glch0, bi.Glch0),
+ GlitchMinTime (ab.Glch1, bb.Glch1) );
+ z.Glch0 := GlitchMinTime ( Maximum (ai.Glch1, bi.Glch1),
+ Maximum (ab.Glch0, bb.Glch0) );
+ RETURN (z);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT ab,ai, bb,bi : IN SchedType
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ VARIABLE z : SchedType;
+ -- z = (a AND b) OR (a NOR b)
+ z.inp0 := Maximum ( Minimum (ab.inp0 , bb.inp0 ),
+ Minimum (ai.inp1 , bi.inp1 ) );
+ z.inp1 := Minimum ( Maximum (ab.inp1 , bb.inp1 ),
+ Maximum (ai.inp0 , bi.inp0 ) );
+ z.InpX := Maximum ( Maximum (ab.InpX , bb.InpX ),
+ Maximum (ai.InpX , bi.InpX ) );
+ z.Glch0 := Maximum (GlitchMinTime (ab.Glch0, bb.Glch0),
+ GlitchMinTime (ai.Glch1, bi.Glch1) );
+ z.Glch1 := GlitchMinTime ( Maximum (ab.Glch1, bb.Glch1),
+ Maximum (ai.Glch0, bi.Glch0) );
+ RETURN (z);
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Delay Calculation for 3-bit Logical gates.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT ab,ai, bb,bi, cb,ci : IN SchedType )
+ RETURN SchedType IS
+ RETURN VitalXOR2 ( VitalXOR2 (ab,ai, bb,bi),
+ VitalXOR2 (ai,ab, bi,bb),
+ cb, ci );
+ END;
+ CONSTANT ab,ai, bb,bi, cb,ci : IN SchedType )
+ RETURN SchedType IS
+ RETURN VitalXNOR2 ( VitalXOR2 ( ab,ai, bb,bi ),
+ VitalXOR2 ( ai,ab, bi,bb ),
+ cb, ci );
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Delay Calculation for 4-bit Logical gates.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT ab,ai, bb,bi, cb,ci, db,di : IN SchedType )
+ RETURN SchedType IS
+ RETURN VitalXOR2 ( VitalXOR2 ( ab,ai, bb,bi ),
+ VitalXOR2 ( ai,ab, bi,bb ),
+ VitalXOR2 ( cb,ci, db,di ),
+ VitalXOR2 ( ci,cb, di,db ) );
+ END;
+ CONSTANT ab,ai, bb,bi, cb,ci, db,di : IN SchedType )
+ RETURN SchedType IS
+ RETURN VitalXNOR2 ( VitalXOR2 ( ab,ai, bb,bi ),
+ VitalXOR2 ( ai,ab, bi,bb ),
+ VitalXOR2 ( cb,ci, db,di ),
+ VitalXOR2 ( ci,cb, di,db ) );
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Delay Calculation for N-bit Logical gates.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note: index range on datab,datai assumed to be 1 TO length.
+ -- This is enforced by internal only usage of this Function
+ CONSTANT DataB, DataI : IN SchedArray
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ IF Leng = 2 THEN
+ RETURN VitalXOR2 ( DataB(1),DataI(1), DataB(2),DataI(2) );
+ RETURN VitalXOR2 ( VitalXOR ( DataB(1 TO Leng-1),
+ DataI(1 TO Leng-1) ),
+ VitalXOR ( DataI(1 TO Leng-1),
+ DataB(1 TO Leng-1) ),
+ DataB(Leng),DataI(Leng) );
+ END;
+ -- Note: index range on datab,datai assumed to be 1 TO length.
+ -- This is enforced by internal only usage of this Function
+ CONSTANT DataB, DataI : IN SchedArray
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ IF Leng = 2 THEN
+ RETURN VitalXNOR2 ( DataB(1),DataI(1), DataB(2),DataI(2) );
+ RETURN VitalXNOR2 ( VitalXOR ( DataB(1 TO Leng-1),
+ DataI(1 TO Leng-1) ),
+ VitalXOR ( DataI(1 TO Leng-1),
+ DataB(1 TO Leng-1) ),
+ DataB(Leng),DataI(Leng) );
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Multiplexor
+ -- MUX .......... result := data(dselect)
+ -- MUX2 .......... 2-input mux; result := data0 when (dselect = '0'),
+ -- data1 when (dselect = '1'),
+ -- 'X' when (dselect = 'X') and (data0 /= data1)
+ -- MUX4 .......... 4-input mux; result := data(dselect)
+ -- MUX8 .......... 8-input mux; result := data(dselect)
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT d1, d0 : IN SchedType;
+ CONSTANT sb, SI : IN SchedType
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ RETURN (d1 AND sb) OR (d0 AND (NOT SI) );
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN SchedArray4;
+ CONSTANT sb : IN SchedArray2;
+ CONSTANT SI : IN SchedArray2
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ RETURN ( sb(1) AND VitalMUX2(Data(3),Data(2), sb(0), SI(0)) )
+ OR ( (NOT SI(1)) AND VitalMUX2(Data(1),Data(0), sb(0), SI(0)) );
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN SchedArray8;
+ CONSTANT sb : IN SchedArray3;
+ CONSTANT SI : IN SchedArray3
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ RETURN ( ( sb(2)) AND VitalMUX4 (Data(7 DOWNTO 4),
+ sb(1 DOWNTO 0), SI(1 DOWNTO 0) ) )
+ OR ( (NOT SI(2)) AND VitalMUX4 (Data(3 DOWNTO 0),
+ sb(1 DOWNTO 0), SI(1 DOWNTO 0) ) );
+ END;
+ FUNCTION VInterMux (
+ CONSTANT Data : IN SchedArray;
+ CONSTANT sb : IN SchedArray;
+ CONSTANT SI : IN SchedArray
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ RETURN VitalMUX2( Data(2), Data(1), sb(1), SI(1) );
+ RETURN VitalMUX4( Data, sb, SI );
+ RETURN VitalMUX8( Data, sb, SI );
+ RETURN (( sb(sMsb)) AND VInterMux( Data(dMsbLow DOWNTO 1),
+ sb(sMsb-1 DOWNTO 1),
+ SI(sMsb-1 DOWNTO 1) ))
+ OR ((NOT SI(sMsb)) AND VInterMux( Data(dMsbHigh DOWNTO dMsbLow+1),
+ sb(sMsb-1 DOWNTO 1),
+ SI(sMsb-1 DOWNTO 1) ));
+ RETURN (0 ns, 0 ns, 0 ns, 0 ns, 0 ns); -- dselect'LENGTH < 1
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN SchedArray;
+ CONSTANT sb : IN SchedArray;
+ CONSTANT SI : IN SchedArray
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ VARIABLE lDat : SchedArray(msb DOWNTO 1);
+ ALIAS DataAlias : SchedArray ( Data'LENGTH DOWNTO 1 ) IS Data;
+ ALIAS sbAlias : SchedArray ( sb'LENGTH DOWNTO 1 ) IS sb;
+ ALIAS siAlias : SchedArray ( SI'LENGTH DOWNTO 1 ) IS SI;
+ IF Data'LENGTH <= msb THEN
+ lDat(i) := DataAlias(i);
+ lDat(i) := DefSchedAnd;
+ lDat(i) := DataAlias(i);
+ RETURN VInterMux( lDat, sbAlias, siAlias );
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Decoder
+ -- General Algorithm :
+ -- (a) Result(...) := '0' when (enable = '0')
+ -- (b) Result(data) := '1'; all other subelements = '0'
+ -- ... Result array is decending (n-1 downto 0)
+ --
+ -- DECODERn .......... n:2**n decoder
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT DataB : IN SchedType;
+ CONSTANT DataI : IN SchedType;
+ CONSTANT Enable : IN SchedType
+ ) RETURN SchedArray IS
+ VARIABLE Result : SchedArray2;
+ Result(1) := Enable AND ( DataB);
+ Result(0) := Enable AND (NOT DataI);
+ RETURN Result;
+ END;
+ CONSTANT DataB : IN SchedArray2;
+ CONSTANT DataI : IN SchedArray2;
+ CONSTANT Enable : IN SchedType
+ ) RETURN SchedArray IS
+ VARIABLE Result : SchedArray4;
+ Result(3) := Enable AND ( DataB(1)) AND ( DataB(0));
+ Result(2) := Enable AND ( DataB(1)) AND (NOT DataI(0));
+ Result(1) := Enable AND (NOT DataI(1)) AND ( DataB(0));
+ Result(0) := Enable AND (NOT DataI(1)) AND (NOT DataI(0));
+ RETURN Result;
+ END;
+ CONSTANT DataB : IN SchedArray3;
+ CONSTANT DataI : IN SchedArray3;
+ CONSTANT Enable : IN SchedType
+ ) RETURN SchedArray IS
+ VARIABLE Result : SchedArray8;
+ Result(7):= Enable AND ( DataB(2))AND( DataB(1))AND( DataB(0));
+ Result(6):= Enable AND ( DataB(2))AND( DataB(1))AND(NOT DataI(0));
+ Result(5):= Enable AND ( DataB(2))AND(NOT DataI(1))AND( DataB(0));
+ Result(4):= Enable AND ( DataB(2))AND(NOT DataI(1))AND(NOT DataI(0));
+ Result(3):= Enable AND (NOT DataI(2))AND( DataB(1))AND( DataB(0));
+ Result(2):= Enable AND (NOT DataI(2))AND( DataB(1))AND(NOT DataI(0));
+ Result(1):= Enable AND (NOT DataI(2))AND(NOT DataI(1))AND( DataB(0));
+ Result(0):= Enable AND (NOT DataI(2))AND(NOT DataI(1))AND(NOT DataI(0));
+ RETURN Result;
+ END;
+ CONSTANT DataB : IN SchedArray;
+ CONSTANT DataI : IN SchedArray;
+ CONSTANT Enable : IN SchedType
+ ) RETURN SchedArray IS
+ ALIAS DataBAlias : SchedArray ( DMsb DOWNTO 0 ) IS DataB;
+ ALIAS DataIAlias : SchedArray ( DMsb DOWNTO 0 ) IS DataI;
+ RETURN VitalDECODER2 ( DataBAlias( 0 ),
+ DataIAlias( 0 ), Enable );
+ RETURN VitalDECODER4 ( DataBAlias(1 DOWNTO 0),
+ DataIAlias(1 DOWNTO 0), Enable );
+ RETURN VitalDECODER8 ( DataBAlias(2 DOWNTO 0),
+ DataIAlias(2 DOWNTO 0), Enable );
+ RETURN VitalDECODER ( DataBAlias(DMsb-1 DOWNTO 0),
+ DataIAlias(DMsb-1 DOWNTO 0),
+ Enable AND ( DataBAlias(DMsb)) )
+ & VitalDECODER ( DataBAlias(DMsb-1 DOWNTO 0),
+ DataIAlias(DMsb-1 DOWNTO 0),
+ Enable AND (NOT DataIAlias(DMsb)) );
+ RETURN DefSchedArray2;
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- N-bit wide Logical gates.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ VARIABLE Result : UX01;
+ Result := '1';
+ Result := Result AND Data(i);
+ RETURN ResultMap(Result);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ VARIABLE Result : UX01;
+ Result := '0';
+ Result := Result OR Data(i);
+ RETURN ResultMap(Result);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ VARIABLE Result : UX01;
+ Result := '0';
+ Result := Result XOR Data(i);
+ RETURN ResultMap(Result);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ VARIABLE Result : UX01;
+ Result := '1';
+ Result := Result AND Data(i);
+ RETURN ResultMap(NOT Result);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ VARIABLE Result : UX01;
+ Result := '0';
+ Result := Result OR Data(i);
+ RETURN ResultMap(NOT Result);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ VARIABLE Result : UX01;
+ Result := '0';
+ Result := Result XOR Data(i);
+ RETURN ResultMap(NOT Result);
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Commonly used 2-bit Logical gates.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(a AND b);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(a OR b);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(a XOR b);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(a NAND b);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(a NOR b);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(NOT (a XOR b));
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Commonly used 3-bit Logical gates.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(a AND b AND c);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(a OR b OR c);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(a XOR b XOR c);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(NOT (a AND b AND c));
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(NOT (a OR b OR c));
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(NOT (a XOR b XOR c));
+ END;
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Commonly used 4-bit Logical gates.
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(a AND b AND c AND d);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(a OR b OR c OR d);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(a XOR b XOR c XOR d);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(NOT (a AND b AND c AND d));
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(NOT (a OR b OR c OR d));
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(NOT (a XOR b XOR c XOR d));
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Buffers
+ -- BUF ....... standard non-inverting buffer
+ -- BUFIF0 ....... non-inverting buffer Data passes thru if (Enable = '0')
+ -- BUFIF1 ....... non-inverting buffer Data passes thru if (Enable = '1')
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(To_UX01(Data));
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data, Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(BufIf0_Table(Enable,Data));
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data, Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(BufIf1_Table(Enable,Data));
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(To_UX01Z(Data));
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Invertors
+ -- INV ......... standard inverting buffer
+ -- INVIF0 ......... inverting buffer Data passes thru if (Enable = '0')
+ -- INVIF1 ......... inverting buffer Data passes thru if (Enable = '1')
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(NOT Data);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data, Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(InvIf0_Table(Enable,Data));
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data, Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(InvIf1_Table(Enable,Data));
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Multiplexor
+ -- MUX .......... result := data(dselect)
+ -- MUX2 .......... 2-input mux; result := data0 when (dselect = '0'),
+ -- data1 when (dselect = '1'),
+ -- 'X' when (dselect = 'X') and (data0 /= data1)
+ -- MUX4 .......... 4-input mux; result := data(dselect)
+ -- MUX8 .......... 8-input mux; result := data(dselect)
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT Data1, Data0 : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT dSelect : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ VARIABLE Result : UX01;
+ CASE To_X01(dSelect) IS
+ WHEN '0' => Result := To_UX01(Data0);
+ WHEN '1' => Result := To_UX01(Data1);
+ WHEN OTHERS => Result := VitalSame( Data1, Data0 );
+ RETURN ResultMap(Result);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector4;
+ CONSTANT dSelect : IN std_logic_vector2;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ VARIABLE Slct : std_logic_vector2;
+ VARIABLE Result : UX01;
+ Slct := To_X01(dSelect);
+ CASE Slct IS
+ WHEN "00" => Result := To_UX01(Data(0));
+ WHEN "01" => Result := To_UX01(Data(1));
+ WHEN "10" => Result := To_UX01(Data(2));
+ WHEN "11" => Result := To_UX01(Data(3));
+ WHEN "0X" => Result := VitalSame( Data(1), Data(0) );
+ WHEN "1X" => Result := VitalSame( Data(2), Data(3) );
+ WHEN "X0" => Result := VitalSame( Data(2), Data(0) );
+ WHEN "X1" => Result := VitalSame( Data(3), Data(1) );
+ WHEN OTHERS => Result := VitalSame( VitalSame(Data(3),Data(2)),
+ VitalSame(Data(1),Data(0)));
+ RETURN ResultMap(Result);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector8;
+ CONSTANT dSelect : IN std_logic_vector3;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ VARIABLE Result : UX01;
+ CASE To_X01(dSelect(2)) IS
+ WHEN '0' => Result := VitalMUX4( Data(3 DOWNTO 0),
+ dSelect(1 DOWNTO 0));
+ WHEN '1' => Result := VitalMUX4( Data(7 DOWNTO 4),
+ dSelect(1 DOWNTO 0));
+ WHEN OTHERS => Result := VitalSame( VitalMUX4( Data(3 DOWNTO 0),
+ dSelect(1 DOWNTO 0)),
+ VitalMUX4( Data(7 DOWNTO 4),
+ dSelect(1 DOWNTO 0)));
+ RETURN ResultMap(Result);
+ END;
+ FUNCTION VInterMux (
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT dSelect : IN std_logic_vector
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ ALIAS DataAlias : std_logic_vector ( Data'LENGTH DOWNTO 1) IS Data;
+ ALIAS dSelAlias : std_logic_vector (dSelect'LENGTH DOWNTO 1) IS dSelect;
+ VARIABLE Result : UX01;
+ IF dSelect'LENGTH = 1 THEN
+ Result := VitalMUX2( DataAlias(2), DataAlias(1), dSelAlias(1) );
+ Result := VitalMUX4( DataAlias, dSelAlias );
+ CASE To_X01(dSelect(sMsb)) IS
+ WHEN '0' =>
+ Result := VInterMux( DataAlias(dMsbLow DOWNTO 1),
+ dSelAlias(sMsb-1 DOWNTO 1) );
+ WHEN '1' =>
+ Result := VInterMux( DataAlias(dMsbHigh DOWNTO dMsbLow+1),
+ dSelAlias(sMsb-1 DOWNTO 1) );
+ Result := VitalSame(
+ VInterMux( DataAlias(dMsbLow DOWNTO 1),
+ dSelAlias(sMsb-1 DOWNTO 1) ),
+ VInterMux( DataAlias(dMsbHigh DOWNTO dMsbLow+1),
+ dSelAlias(sMsb-1 DOWNTO 1) )
+ );
+ Result := 'X'; -- dselect'LENGTH < 1
+ RETURN Result;
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT dSelect : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ CONSTANT msb : INTEGER := 2**dSelect'LENGTH;
+ ALIAS DataAlias : std_logic_vector ( Data'LENGTH DOWNTO 1) IS Data;
+ ALIAS dSelAlias : std_logic_vector (dSelect'LENGTH DOWNTO 1) IS dSelect;
+ VARIABLE lDat : std_logic_vector(msb DOWNTO 1) := (OTHERS=>'X');
+ VARIABLE Result : UX01;
+ IF Data'LENGTH <= msb THEN
+ lDat(i) := DataAlias(i);
+ lDat(i) := DataAlias(i);
+ Result := VInterMux( lDat, dSelAlias );
+ RETURN ResultMap(Result);
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Decoder
+ -- General Algorithm :
+ -- (a) Result(...) := '0' when (enable = '0')
+ -- (b) Result(data) := '1'; all other subelements = '0'
+ -- ... Result array is decending (n-1 downto 0)
+ --
+ -- DECODERn .......... n:2**n decoder
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_logic_vector2 IS
+ VARIABLE Result : std_logic_vector2;
+ Result(1) := ResultMap(Enable AND ( Data));
+ Result(0) := ResultMap(Enable AND (NOT Data));
+ RETURN Result;
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector2;
+ CONSTANT Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_logic_vector4 IS
+ VARIABLE Result : std_logic_vector4;
+ Result(3) := ResultMap(Enable AND ( Data(1)) AND ( Data(0)));
+ Result(2) := ResultMap(Enable AND ( Data(1)) AND (NOT Data(0)));
+ Result(1) := ResultMap(Enable AND (NOT Data(1)) AND ( Data(0)));
+ Result(0) := ResultMap(Enable AND (NOT Data(1)) AND (NOT Data(0)));
+ RETURN Result;
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector3;
+ CONSTANT Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_logic_vector8 IS
+ VARIABLE Result : std_logic_vector8;
+ Result(7) := ( Data(2)) AND ( Data(1)) AND ( Data(0));
+ Result(6) := ( Data(2)) AND ( Data(1)) AND (NOT Data(0));
+ Result(5) := ( Data(2)) AND (NOT Data(1)) AND ( Data(0));
+ Result(4) := ( Data(2)) AND (NOT Data(1)) AND (NOT Data(0));
+ Result(3) := (NOT Data(2)) AND ( Data(1)) AND ( Data(0));
+ Result(2) := (NOT Data(2)) AND ( Data(1)) AND (NOT Data(0));
+ Result(1) := (NOT Data(2)) AND (NOT Data(1)) AND ( Data(0));
+ Result(0) := (NOT Data(2)) AND (NOT Data(1)) AND (NOT Data(0));
+ Result(0) := ResultMap ( Enable AND Result(0) );
+ Result(1) := ResultMap ( Enable AND Result(1) );
+ Result(2) := ResultMap ( Enable AND Result(2) );
+ Result(3) := ResultMap ( Enable AND Result(3) );
+ Result(4) := ResultMap ( Enable AND Result(4) );
+ Result(5) := ResultMap ( Enable AND Result(5) );
+ Result(6) := ResultMap ( Enable AND Result(6) );
+ Result(7) := ResultMap ( Enable AND Result(7) );
+ RETURN Result;
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_logic_vector IS
+ ALIAS DataAlias : std_logic_vector ( DMsb DOWNTO 0 ) IS Data;
+ RETURN VitalDECODER2 (DataAlias( 0 ), Enable, ResultMap );
+ RETURN VitalDECODER4 (DataAlias(1 DOWNTO 0), Enable, ResultMap );
+ RETURN VitalDECODER8 (DataAlias(2 DOWNTO 0), Enable, ResultMap );
+ RETURN VitalDECODER (DataAlias(DMsb-1 DOWNTO 0),
+ Enable AND ( DataAlias(DMsb)), ResultMap )
+ & VitalDECODER (DataAlias(DMsb-1 DOWNTO 0),
+ Enable AND (NOT DataAlias(DMsb)), ResultMap );
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- N-bit wide Logical gates.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE LastData : std_logic_vector(Data'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE Data_Edge : EdgeArray(Data'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE Data_Schd : SchedArray(Data'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ ALIAS Atpd_data_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(Data'RANGE) IS tpd_data_q;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Check if ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (Atpd_data_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN LOOP
+ q <= VitalAND(Data, ResultMap);
+ WAIT ON Data;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( Data_Schd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ GetEdge ( Data, LastData, Data_Edge );
+ BufPath ( Data_Schd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := '1';
+ new_schd := Data_Schd(Data_Schd'LEFT);
+ NewValue := NewValue AND Data(i);
+ new_schd := new_schd AND Data_Schd(i);
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data;
+ END IF; --SN
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE LastData : std_logic_vector(Data'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE Data_Edge : EdgeArray(Data'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE Data_Schd : SchedArray(Data'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ ALIAS Atpd_data_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(Data'RANGE) IS tpd_data_q;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Check if ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (Atpd_data_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN LOOP
+ q <= VitalOR(Data, ResultMap);
+ WAIT ON Data;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( Data_Schd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ GetEdge ( Data, LastData, Data_Edge );
+ BufPath ( Data_Schd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := '0';
+ new_schd := Data_Schd(Data_Schd'LEFT);
+ NewValue := NewValue OR Data(i);
+ new_schd := new_schd OR Data_Schd(i);
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data;
+ END IF; --SN
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE LastData : std_logic_vector(Data'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE Data_Edge : EdgeArray(Data'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE DataB_Schd : SchedArray(1 TO Data'LENGTH);
+ VARIABLE DataI_Schd : SchedArray(1 TO Data'LENGTH);
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ ALIAS Atpd_data_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(Data'RANGE) IS tpd_data_q;
+ ALIAS ADataB_Schd : SchedArray(Data'RANGE) IS DataB_Schd;
+ ALIAS ADataI_Schd : SchedArray(Data'RANGE) IS DataI_Schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Check if ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (Atpd_data_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN LOOP
+ q <= VitalXOR(Data, ResultMap);
+ WAIT ON Data;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ADataB_Schd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ InvPath ( ADataI_Schd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ GetEdge ( Data, LastData, Data_Edge );
+ BufPath ( ADataB_Schd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ InvPath ( ADataI_Schd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalXOR ( Data );
+ new_schd := VitalXOR ( DataB_Schd, DataI_Schd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data;
+ END IF; --SN
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE LastData : std_logic_vector(Data'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE Data_Edge : EdgeArray(Data'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE Data_Schd : SchedArray(Data'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ ALIAS Atpd_data_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(Data'RANGE) IS tpd_data_q;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Check if ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (Atpd_data_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN LOOP
+ q <= VitalNAND(Data, ResultMap);
+ WAIT ON Data;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( Data_Schd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ GetEdge ( Data, LastData, Data_Edge );
+ InvPath ( Data_Schd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := '1';
+ new_schd := Data_Schd(Data_Schd'LEFT);
+ NewValue := NewValue AND Data(i);
+ new_schd := new_schd AND Data_Schd(i);
+ NewValue := NOT NewValue;
+ new_schd := NOT new_schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE LastData : std_logic_vector(Data'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE Data_Edge : EdgeArray(Data'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE Data_Schd : SchedArray(Data'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ ALIAS Atpd_data_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(Data'RANGE) IS tpd_data_q;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Check if ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (Atpd_data_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN LOOP
+ q <= VitalNOR(Data, ResultMap);
+ WAIT ON Data;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( Data_Schd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ GetEdge ( Data, LastData, Data_Edge );
+ InvPath ( Data_Schd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := '0';
+ new_schd := Data_Schd(Data_Schd'LEFT);
+ NewValue := NewValue OR Data(i);
+ new_schd := new_schd OR Data_Schd(i);
+ NewValue := NOT NewValue;
+ new_schd := NOT new_schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data;
+ END IF; --SN
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE LastData : std_logic_vector(Data'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE Data_Edge : EdgeArray(Data'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE DataB_Schd : SchedArray(1 TO Data'LENGTH);
+ VARIABLE DataI_Schd : SchedArray(1 TO Data'LENGTH);
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ ALIAS Atpd_data_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(Data'RANGE) IS tpd_data_q;
+ ALIAS ADataB_Schd : SchedArray(Data'RANGE) IS DataB_Schd;
+ ALIAS ADataI_Schd : SchedArray(Data'RANGE) IS DataI_Schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Check if ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (Atpd_data_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN LOOP
+ q <= VitalXNOR(Data, ResultMap);
+ WAIT ON Data;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ADataB_Schd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ InvPath ( ADataI_Schd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ GetEdge ( Data, LastData, Data_Edge );
+ BufPath ( ADataB_Schd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ InvPath ( ADataI_Schd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalXNOR ( Data );
+ new_schd := VitalXNOR ( DataB_Schd, DataI_Schd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data;
+ END IF; --SN
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Commonly used 2-bit Logical gates.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE a_schd, b_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ((tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01) AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalAND2 ( a, b, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( a_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( b_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( a_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( b_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := a AND b;
+ new_schd := a_schd AND b_schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE a_schd, b_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ((tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01) AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalOR2 ( a, b, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( a_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( b_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( a_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( b_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := a OR b;
+ new_schd := a_schd OR b_schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE a_schd, b_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ((tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01) AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalNAND2 ( a, b, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( a_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( b_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( a_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( b_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := a NAND b;
+ new_schd := a_schd NAND b_schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE a_schd, b_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ((tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01) AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalNOR2 ( a, b, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( a_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( b_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( a_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( b_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := a NOR b;
+ new_schd := a_schd NOR b_schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE ab_schd, bb_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE ai_schd, bi_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ((tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01) AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalXOR2 ( a, b, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ab_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( ai_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( bb_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( bi_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ab_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( ai_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( bb_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( bi_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := a XOR b;
+ new_schd := VitalXOR2 ( ab_schd,ai_schd, bb_schd,bi_schd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE ab_schd, bb_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE ai_schd, bi_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ((tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01) AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalXNOR2 ( a, b, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ab_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( ai_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( bb_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( bi_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ab_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( ai_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( bb_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( bi_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := NOT (a XOR b);
+ new_schd := VitalXNOR2 ( ab_schd,ai_schd, bb_schd,bi_schd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b;
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Commonly used 3-bit Logical gates.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE a_schd, b_schd, c_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_c_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalAND3 ( a, b, c, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( a_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( b_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( c_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( a_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( b_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( c_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := a AND b AND c;
+ new_schd := a_schd AND b_schd AND c_schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE a_schd, b_schd, c_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_c_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalOR3 ( a, b, c, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( a_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( b_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( c_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( a_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( b_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( c_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := a OR b OR c;
+ new_schd := a_schd OR b_schd OR c_schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE a_schd, b_schd, c_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_c_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalNAND3 ( a, b, c, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( a_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( b_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( c_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( a_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( b_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( c_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := (a AND b) NAND c;
+ new_schd := (a_schd AND b_schd) NAND c_schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE a_schd, b_schd, c_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_c_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalNOR3 ( a, b, c, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( a_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( b_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( c_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( a_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( b_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( c_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := (a OR b) NOR c;
+ new_schd := (a_schd OR b_schd) NOR c_schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE ab_schd, bb_schd, cb_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE ai_schd, bi_schd, ci_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_c_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalXOR3 ( a, b, c, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ab_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( ai_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( bb_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( bi_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( cb_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ InvPath ( ci_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ab_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( ai_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( bb_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( bi_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( cb_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ InvPath ( ci_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := a XOR b XOR c;
+ new_schd := VitalXOR3 ( ab_schd,ai_schd,
+ bb_schd,bi_schd,
+ cb_schd,ci_schd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE ab_schd, bb_schd, cb_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE ai_schd, bi_schd, ci_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_c_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalXNOR3 ( a, b, c, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ab_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( ai_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( bb_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( bi_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( cb_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ InvPath ( ci_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ab_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( ai_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( bb_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( bi_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( cb_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ InvPath ( ci_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := NOT (a XOR b XOR c);
+ new_schd := VitalXNOR3 ( ab_schd, ai_schd,
+ bb_schd, bi_schd,
+ cb_schd, ci_schd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c;
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Commonly used 4-bit Logical gates.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE a_schd, b_schd, c_schd, d_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_c_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_d_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalAND4 ( a, b, c, d, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c, d;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( a_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( b_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( c_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ BufPath ( d_Schd, InitialEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( a_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( b_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( c_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ BufPath ( d_Schd, GetEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := a AND b AND c AND d;
+ new_schd := a_schd AND b_schd AND c_schd AND d_Schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c, d;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE a_schd, b_schd, c_schd, d_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_c_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_d_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalOR4 ( a, b, c, d, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c, d;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( a_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( b_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( c_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ BufPath ( d_Schd, InitialEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( a_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( b_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( c_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ BufPath ( d_Schd, GetEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := a OR b OR c OR d;
+ new_schd := a_schd OR b_schd OR c_schd OR d_Schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c, d;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE a_schd, b_schd, c_schd, d_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_c_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_d_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalNAND4 ( a, b, c, d, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c, d;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( a_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( b_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( c_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ InvPath ( d_Schd, InitialEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( a_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( b_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( c_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ InvPath ( d_Schd, GetEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := (a AND b) NAND (c AND d);
+ new_schd := (a_schd AND b_schd) NAND (c_schd AND d_Schd);
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c, d;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE a_schd, b_schd, c_schd, d_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_c_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_d_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalNOR4 ( a, b, c, d, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c, d;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( a_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( b_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( c_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ InvPath ( d_Schd, InitialEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( a_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( b_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( c_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ InvPath ( d_Schd, GetEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := (a OR b) NOR (c OR d);
+ new_schd := (a_schd OR b_schd) NOR (c_schd OR d_Schd);
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c, d;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE ab_schd, bb_schd, cb_schd, DB_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE ai_schd, bi_schd, ci_schd, di_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_c_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_d_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalXOR4 ( a, b, c, d, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c, d;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ab_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( ai_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( bb_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( bi_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( cb_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ InvPath ( ci_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ BufPath ( DB_Schd, InitialEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ InvPath ( di_schd, InitialEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ab_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( ai_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( bb_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( bi_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( cb_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ InvPath ( ci_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ BufPath ( DB_Schd, GetEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ InvPath ( di_schd, GetEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := a XOR b XOR c XOR d;
+ new_schd := VitalXOR4 ( ab_schd,ai_schd, bb_schd,bi_schd,
+ cb_schd,ci_schd, DB_Schd,di_schd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c, d;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE ab_schd, bb_schd, cb_schd, DB_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE ai_schd, bi_schd, ci_schd, di_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_c_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_d_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalXNOR4 ( a, b, c, d, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c, d;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ab_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( ai_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( bb_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( bi_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( cb_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ InvPath ( ci_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ BufPath ( DB_Schd, InitialEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ InvPath ( di_schd, InitialEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ab_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( ai_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( bb_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( bi_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( cb_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ InvPath ( ci_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ BufPath ( DB_Schd, GetEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ InvPath ( di_schd, GetEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := NOT (a XOR b XOR c XOR d);
+ new_schd := VitalXNOR4 ( ab_schd,ai_schd, bb_schd,bi_schd,
+ cb_schd,ci_schd, DB_Schd,di_schd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c, d;
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Buffers
+ -- BUF ....... standard non-inverting buffer
+ -- BUFIF0 ....... non-inverting buffer Data passes thru if (Enable = '0')
+ -- BUFIF1 ....... non-inverting buffer Data passes thru if (Enable = '1')
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ q <= ResultMap(To_UX01(a));
+ WAIT ON a;
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := To_UX01(a); -- convert to forcing strengths
+ CASE EdgeType'(GetEdge(a)) IS
+ WHEN '1'|'/'|'R'|'r' => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr01);
+ WHEN '0'|'\'|'F'|'f' => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr10);
+ WHEN OTHERS => Dly := Minimum (tpd_a_q(tr01), tpd_a_q(tr10));
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode );
+ WAIT ON a;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01Z := VitalDefDelay01Z;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01Z;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE d_Schd, e1_Schd, e0_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_data_q = VitalZeroDelay01 )
+ AND (tpd_enable_q = VitalZeroDelay01Z)) THEN
+ q <= VitalBUFIF1( Data, Enable, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( d_Schd, InitialEdge(Data), tpd_data_q );
+ BufEnab ( e1_Schd, e0_Schd, InitialEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( d_Schd, GetEdge(Data), tpd_data_q );
+ BufEnab ( e1_Schd, e0_Schd, GetEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalBUFIF1( Data, Enable );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data),
+ d_Schd, e1_Schd, e0_Schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01Z := VitalDefDelay01Z;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01Z;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE d_Schd, e1_Schd, e0_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE ne1_schd, ne0_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_data_q = VitalZeroDelay01 )
+ AND (tpd_enable_q = VitalZeroDelay01Z)) THEN
+ q <= VitalBUFIF0( Data, Enable, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( d_Schd, InitialEdge(Data), tpd_data_q );
+ InvEnab ( e1_Schd, e0_Schd, InitialEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( d_Schd, GetEdge(Data), tpd_data_q );
+ InvEnab ( e1_Schd, e0_Schd, GetEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalBUFIF0( Data, Enable );
+ ne1_schd := NOT e1_Schd;
+ ne0_schd := NOT e0_Schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data),
+ d_Schd, ne1_schd, ne0_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01Z := VitalDefDelay01Z;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) IS
+ SUBTYPE v2 IS std_logic_vector(0 TO 1);
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01Z;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01Z) THEN
+ q <= ResultMap(To_UX01Z(a));
+ WAIT ON a;
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ CASE v2'(To_X01Z(NewValue) & To_X01Z(a)) IS
+ WHEN "00" => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr10);
+ WHEN "01" => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr01);
+ WHEN "0Z" => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr0z);
+ WHEN "0X" => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr01);
+ WHEN "10" => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr10);
+ WHEN "11" => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr01);
+ WHEN "1Z" => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr1z);
+ WHEN "1X" => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr10);
+ WHEN "Z0" => Dly := tpd_a_q(trz0);
+ WHEN "Z1" => Dly := tpd_a_q(trz1);
+ WHEN "ZZ" => Dly := 0 ns;
+ WHEN "ZX" => Dly := Minimum (tpd_a_q(trz1), tpd_a_q(trz0));
+ WHEN "X0" => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr10);
+ WHEN "X1" => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr01);
+ WHEN "XZ" => Dly := Minimum (tpd_a_q(tr0z), tpd_a_q(tr1z));
+ WHEN OTHERS => Dly := Minimum (tpd_a_q(tr01), tpd_a_q(tr10));
+ NewValue := To_UX01Z(a);
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode );
+ WAIT ON a;
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Invertors
+ -- INV ......... standard inverting buffer
+ -- INVIF0 ......... inverting buffer Data passes thru if (Enable = '0')
+ -- INVIF1 ......... inverting buffer Data passes thru if (Enable = '1')
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ IF (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ q <= ResultMap(NOT a);
+ WAIT ON a;
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := NOT a;
+ CASE EdgeType'(GetEdge(a)) IS
+ WHEN '1'|'/'|'R'|'r' => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr10);
+ WHEN '0'|'\'|'F'|'f' => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr01);
+ WHEN OTHERS => Dly := Minimum (tpd_a_q(tr01), tpd_a_q(tr10));
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode );
+ WAIT ON a;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01Z := VitalDefDelay01Z;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01Z;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE d_Schd, e1_Schd, e0_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_data_q = VitalZeroDelay01 )
+ AND (tpd_enable_q = VitalZeroDelay01Z)) THEN
+ q <= VitalINVIF1( Data, Enable, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( d_Schd, InitialEdge(Data), tpd_data_q );
+ BufEnab ( e1_Schd, e0_Schd, InitialEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( d_Schd, GetEdge(Data), tpd_data_q );
+ BufEnab ( e1_Schd, e0_Schd, GetEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalINVIF1( Data, Enable );
+ new_schd := NOT d_Schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data),
+ new_schd, e1_Schd, e0_Schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01Z := VitalDefDelay01Z;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01Z;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE d_Schd, e1_Schd, e0_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE ne1_schd, ne0_schd : SchedType := DefSchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_data_q = VitalZeroDelay01 )
+ AND (tpd_enable_q = VitalZeroDelay01Z)) THEN
+ q <= VitalINVIF0( Data, Enable, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( d_Schd, InitialEdge(Data), tpd_data_q );
+ InvEnab ( e1_Schd, e0_Schd, InitialEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( d_Schd, GetEdge(Data), tpd_data_q );
+ InvEnab ( e1_Schd, e0_Schd, GetEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalINVIF0( Data, Enable );
+ ne1_schd := NOT e1_Schd;
+ ne0_schd := NOT e0_Schd;
+ new_schd := NOT d_Schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data),
+ new_schd, ne1_schd, ne0_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Multiplexor
+ -- MUX .......... result := data(dselect)
+ -- MUX2 .......... 2-input mux; result := data0 when (dselect = '0'),
+ -- data1 when (dselect = '1'),
+ -- 'X' when (dselect = 'X') and (data0 /= data1)
+ -- MUX4 .......... 4-input mux; result := data(dselect)
+ -- MUX8 .......... 8-input mux; result := data(dselect)
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL d1, d0 : IN std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL dSel : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d1_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d0_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_dsel_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ VARIABLE d1_Schd, d0_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE dSel_bSchd, dSel_iSchd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE d1_Edge, d0_Edge, dSel_Edge : EdgeType;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_d1_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_d0_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_dsel_q = VitalZeroDelay01) ) THEN
+ q <= VitalMUX2 ( d1, d0, dSel, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON d1, d0, dSel;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( d1_Schd, InitialEdge(d1), tpd_d1_q );
+ BufPath ( d0_Schd, InitialEdge(d0), tpd_d0_q );
+ BufPath ( dSel_bSchd, InitialEdge(dSel), tpd_dsel_q );
+ InvPath ( dSel_iSchd, InitialEdge(dSel), tpd_dsel_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( d1_Schd, GetEdge(d1), tpd_d1_q );
+ BufPath ( d0_Schd, GetEdge(d0), tpd_d0_q );
+ BufPath ( dSel_bSchd, GetEdge(dSel), tpd_dsel_q );
+ InvPath ( dSel_iSchd, GetEdge(dSel), tpd_dsel_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delaq
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalMUX2 ( d1, d0, dSel );
+ new_schd := VitalMUX2 ( d1_Schd, d0_Schd, dSel_bSchd, dSel_iSchd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON d1, d0, dSel;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector4;
+ SIGNAL dSel : IN std_logic_vector2;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_dsel_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE LastData : std_logic_vector(Data'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE LastdSel : std_logic_vector(dSel'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ VARIABLE Data_Schd : SchedArray4;
+ VARIABLE Data_Edge : EdgeArray4;
+ VARIABLE dSel_Edge : EdgeArray2;
+ VARIABLE dSel_bSchd : SchedArray2;
+ VARIABLE dSel_iSchd : SchedArray2;
+ ALIAS Atpd_data_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(Data'RANGE) IS tpd_data_q;
+ ALIAS Atpd_dsel_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(dSel'RANGE) IS tpd_dsel_q;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Check if ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (Atpd_dsel_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN
+ IF (Atpd_data_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN LOOP
+ q <= VitalMUX(Data, dSel, ResultMap);
+ WAIT ON Data, dSel;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( Data_Schd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ BufPath ( dSel_bSchd(n), InitialEdge(dSel(n)), Atpd_dsel_q(n) );
+ InvPath ( dSel_iSchd(n), InitialEdge(dSel(n)), Atpd_dsel_q(n) );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ GetEdge ( Data, LastData, Data_Edge );
+ BufPath ( Data_Schd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ GetEdge ( dSel, LastdSel, dSel_Edge );
+ BufPath ( dSel_bSchd, dSel_Edge, Atpd_dsel_q );
+ InvPath ( dSel_iSchd, dSel_Edge, Atpd_dsel_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delaq
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalMUX4 ( Data, dSel );
+ new_schd := VitalMUX4 ( Data_Schd, dSel_bSchd, dSel_iSchd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data, dSel;
+ END IF; --SN
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector8;
+ SIGNAL dSel : IN std_logic_vector3;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_dsel_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE LastData : std_logic_vector(Data'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE LastdSel : std_logic_vector(dSel'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ VARIABLE Data_Schd : SchedArray8;
+ VARIABLE Data_Edge : EdgeArray8;
+ VARIABLE dSel_Edge : EdgeArray3;
+ VARIABLE dSel_bSchd : SchedArray3;
+ VARIABLE dSel_iSchd : SchedArray3;
+ ALIAS Atpd_data_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(Data'RANGE) IS tpd_data_q;
+ ALIAS Atpd_dsel_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(dSel'RANGE) IS tpd_dsel_q;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Check if ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (Atpd_dsel_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN
+ IF (Atpd_data_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN LOOP
+ q <= VitalMUX(Data, dSel, ResultMap);
+ WAIT ON Data, dSel;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( Data_Schd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ BufPath ( dSel_bSchd(n), InitialEdge(dSel(n)), Atpd_dsel_q(n) );
+ InvPath ( dSel_iSchd(n), InitialEdge(dSel(n)), Atpd_dsel_q(n) );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ GetEdge ( Data, LastData, Data_Edge );
+ BufPath ( Data_Schd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ GetEdge ( dSel, LastdSel, dSel_Edge );
+ BufPath ( dSel_bSchd, dSel_Edge, Atpd_dsel_q );
+ InvPath ( dSel_iSchd, dSel_Edge, Atpd_dsel_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delaq
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalMUX8 ( Data, dSel );
+ new_schd := VitalMUX8 ( Data_Schd, dSel_bSchd, dSel_iSchd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data, dSel;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ SIGNAL dSel : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_dsel_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE LastData : std_logic_vector(Data'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE LastdSel : std_logic_vector(dSel'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ VARIABLE Data_Schd : SchedArray(Data'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE Data_Edge : EdgeArray(Data'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE dSel_Edge : EdgeArray(dSel'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE dSel_bSchd : SchedArray(dSel'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE dSel_iSchd : SchedArray(dSel'RANGE);
+ ALIAS Atpd_data_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(Data'RANGE) IS tpd_data_q;
+ ALIAS Atpd_dsel_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(dSel'RANGE) IS tpd_dsel_q;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Check if ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (Atpd_dsel_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN
+ IF (Atpd_data_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN LOOP
+ q <= VitalMUX(Data, dSel, ResultMap);
+ WAIT ON Data, dSel;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( Data_Schd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ BufPath ( dSel_bSchd(n), InitialEdge(dSel(n)), Atpd_dsel_q(n) );
+ InvPath ( dSel_iSchd(n), InitialEdge(dSel(n)), Atpd_dsel_q(n) );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ GetEdge ( Data, LastData, Data_Edge );
+ BufPath ( Data_Schd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ GetEdge ( dSel, LastdSel, dSel_Edge );
+ BufPath ( dSel_bSchd, dSel_Edge, Atpd_dsel_q );
+ InvPath ( dSel_iSchd, dSel_Edge, Atpd_dsel_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delaq
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalMUX ( Data, dSel );
+ new_schd := VitalMUX ( Data_Schd, dSel_bSchd, dSel_iSchd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data, dSel;
+ END IF; --SN
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Decoder
+ -- General Algorithm :
+ -- (a) Result(...) := '0' when (enable = '0')
+ -- (b) Result(data) := '1'; all other subelements = '0'
+ -- ... Result array is decending (n-1 downto 0)
+ --
+ -- DECODERn .......... n:2**n decoder
+ -- Caution: If 'ResultMap' defines other than strength mapping, the
+ -- delay selection is not defined.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_logic_vector2;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE NewValue : std_logic_vector2;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchArray2;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedArray2;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TimeArray2;
+ VARIABLE Enable_Schd : SchedType := DefSchedType;
+ VARIABLE Data_BSchd, Data_ISchd : SchedType;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Check if ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (tpd_enable_q = VitalZeroDelay01) AND (tpd_data_q = VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ q <= VitalDECODER2(Data, Enable, ResultMap);
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( Data_BSchd, InitialEdge(Data), tpd_data_q );
+ InvPath ( Data_ISchd, InitialEdge(Data), tpd_data_q );
+ BufPath ( Enable_Schd, InitialEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( Data_BSchd, GetEdge(Data), tpd_data_q );
+ InvPath ( Data_ISchd, GetEdge(Data), tpd_data_q );
+ BufPath ( Enable_Schd, GetEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delaq
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalDECODER2 ( Data, Enable, ResultMap );
+ new_schd := VitalDECODER2 ( Data_BSchd, Data_ISchd, Enable_Schd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, NewValue, Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ END IF; -- SN
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_logic_vector4;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector2;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE LastData : std_logic_vector(Data'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE NewValue : std_logic_vector4;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchArray4;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedArray4;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TimeArray4;
+ VARIABLE Enable_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Enable_Edge : EdgeType;
+ VARIABLE Data_Edge : EdgeArray2;
+ VARIABLE Data_BSchd, Data_ISchd : SchedArray2;
+ ALIAS Atpd_data_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(Data'RANGE) IS tpd_data_q;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Check if ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (tpd_enable_q /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (Atpd_data_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN LOOP
+ q <= VitalDECODER4(Data, Enable, ResultMap);
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( Data_BSchd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ InvPath ( Data_ISchd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ BufPath ( Enable_Schd, InitialEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ GetEdge ( Data, LastData, Data_Edge );
+ BufPath ( Data_BSchd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ InvPath ( Data_ISchd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ BufPath ( Enable_Schd, GetEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delaq
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalDECODER4 ( Data, Enable, ResultMap );
+ new_schd := VitalDECODER4 ( Data_BSchd, Data_ISchd, Enable_Schd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, NewValue, Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_logic_vector8;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector3;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE LastData : std_logic_vector(Data'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE NewValue : std_logic_vector8;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchArray8;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedArray8;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TimeArray8;
+ VARIABLE Enable_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Enable_Edge : EdgeType;
+ VARIABLE Data_Edge : EdgeArray3;
+ VARIABLE Data_BSchd, Data_ISchd : SchedArray3;
+ ALIAS Atpd_data_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(Data'RANGE) IS tpd_data_q;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Check if ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (tpd_enable_q /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (Atpd_data_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN LOOP
+ q <= VitalDECODER(Data, Enable, ResultMap);
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( Data_BSchd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ InvPath ( Data_ISchd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ BufPath ( Enable_Schd, InitialEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ GetEdge ( Data, LastData, Data_Edge );
+ BufPath ( Data_BSchd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ InvPath ( Data_ISchd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ BufPath ( Enable_Schd, GetEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delaq
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalDECODER8 ( Data, Enable, ResultMap );
+ new_schd := VitalDECODER8 ( Data_BSchd, Data_ISchd, Enable_Schd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, NewValue, Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ END IF; --SN
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_logic_vector;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE LastData : std_logic_vector(Data'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE NewValue : std_logic_vector(q'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataArrayType(q'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedArray(q'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : VitalTimeArray(q'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE Enable_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Enable_Edge : EdgeType;
+ VARIABLE Data_Edge : EdgeArray(Data'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE Data_BSchd, Data_ISchd : SchedArray(Data'RANGE);
+ ALIAS Atpd_data_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(Data'RANGE) IS tpd_data_q;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Check if ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (tpd_enable_q /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (Atpd_data_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN LOOP
+ q <= VitalDECODER(Data, Enable, ResultMap);
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( Data_BSchd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ InvPath ( Data_ISchd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ BufPath ( Enable_Schd, InitialEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ GetEdge ( Data, LastData, Data_Edge );
+ BufPath ( Data_BSchd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ InvPath ( Data_ISchd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ BufPath ( Enable_Schd, GetEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delaq
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalDECODER ( Data, Enable, ResultMap );
+ new_schd := VitalDECODER ( Data_BSchd, Data_ISchd, Enable_Schd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, NewValue, Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION VitalTruthTable (
+ CONSTANT TruthTable : IN VitalTruthTableType;
+ CONSTANT DataIn : IN std_logic_vector
+ ) RETURN std_logic_vector IS
+ CONSTANT OutSize : INTEGER := TruthTable'LENGTH(2) - InputSize;
+ VARIABLE ReturnValue : std_logic_vector(OutSize - 1 DOWNTO 0)
+ := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ VARIABLE DataInAlias : std_logic_vector(0 TO InputSize - 1)
+ := To_X01(DataIn);
+ -- This needs to be done since the TableLookup arrays must be
+ -- ascending starting with 0
+ VARIABLE TableAlias : VitalTruthTableType(0 TO (TruthTable'LENGTH(1)-1),
+ 0 TO (TruthTable'LENGTH(2)-1))
+ := TruthTable;
+ -- search through each row of the truth table
+ IF OutSize > 0 THEN
+ ColLoop:
+ FOR i IN TableAlias'RANGE(1) LOOP
+ RowLoop: -- Check each input element of the entry
+ FOR j IN 0 TO InputSize LOOP
+ IF (j = InputSize) THEN -- This entry matches
+ -- Return the Result
+ Index := 0;
+ FOR k IN TruthTable'LENGTH(2) - 1 DOWNTO InputSize LOOP
+ TruthOutputX01Z ( TableAlias(i,k),
+ ReturnValue(Index), Err);
+ Index := Index + 1;
+ ReturnValue := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ RETURN ReturnValue;
+ IF NOT ValidTruthTableInput(TableAlias(i,j)) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalTruthTable", ErrInpSym,
+ To_TruthChar(TableAlias(i,j)) );
+ EXIT ColLoop;
+ EXIT RowLoop WHEN NOT ( TruthTableMatch( DataInAlias(j),
+ TableAlias(i, j)));
+ END LOOP RowLoop;
+ END LOOP ColLoop;
+ VitalError ( "VitalTruthTable", ErrTabWidSml );
+ RETURN ReturnValue;
+ END VitalTruthTable;
+ FUNCTION VitalTruthTable (
+ CONSTANT TruthTable : IN VitalTruthTableType;
+ CONSTANT DataIn : IN std_logic_vector
+ ) RETURN std_logic IS
+ CONSTANT OutSize : INTEGER := TruthTable'LENGTH(2) - InputSize;
+ VARIABLE TempResult : std_logic_vector(OutSize - 1 DOWNTO 0)
+ := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ IF (OutSize > 0) THEN
+ TempResult := VitalTruthTable(TruthTable, DataIn);
+ IF ( 1 > OutSize) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalTruthTable", ErrTabResSml );
+ ELSIF ( 1 < OutSize) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalTruthTable", ErrTabResLrg );
+ RETURN (TempResult(0));
+ VitalError ( "VitalTruthTable", ErrTabWidSml );
+ END VitalTruthTable;
+ PROCEDURE VitalTruthTable (
+ SIGNAL Result : OUT std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT TruthTable : IN VitalTruthTableType;
+ SIGNAL DataIn : IN std_logic_vector -- IR#236
+ ) IS
+ CONSTANT ActResLen : INTEGER := TruthTable'LENGTH(2) - DataIn'LENGTH;
+ CONSTANT FinalResLen : INTEGER := Minimum(ActResLen, ResLeng);
+ VARIABLE TempResult : std_logic_vector(ActResLen - 1 DOWNTO 0)
+ := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ TempResult := VitalTruthTable(TruthTable, DataIn);
+ IF (ResLeng > ActResLen) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalTruthTable", ErrTabResSml );
+ ELSIF (ResLeng < ActResLen) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalTruthTable", ErrTabResLrg );
+ TempResult(FinalResLen-1 DOWNTO 0) := TempResult(FinalResLen-1 DOWNTO 0);
+ Result <= TempResult;
+ END VitalTruthTable;
+ PROCEDURE VitalTruthTable (
+ SIGNAL Result : OUT std_logic;
+ CONSTANT TruthTable : IN VitalTruthTableType;
+ SIGNAL DataIn : IN std_logic_vector -- IR#236
+ ) IS
+ CONSTANT ActResLen : INTEGER := TruthTable'LENGTH(2) - DataIn'LENGTH;
+ VARIABLE TempResult : std_logic_vector(ActResLen - 1 DOWNTO 0)
+ := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ TempResult := VitalTruthTable(TruthTable, DataIn);
+ IF ( 1 > ActResLen) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalTruthTable", ErrTabResSml );
+ ELSIF ( 1 < ActResLen) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalTruthTable", ErrTabResLrg );
+ IF (ActResLen > 0) THEN
+ Result <= TempResult(0);
+ END VitalTruthTable;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalStateTable (
+ VARIABLE Result : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE PreviousDataIn : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT StateTable : IN VitalStateTableType;
+ CONSTANT DataIn : IN std_logic_vector;
+ ) IS
+ := StateTable'LENGTH(2) - InputSize - NumStates;
+ VARIABLE DataInAlias : std_logic_vector(0 TO DataIn'LENGTH-1)
+ := To_X01(DataIn);
+ VARIABLE PrevDataAlias : std_logic_vector(0 TO PreviousDataIn'LENGTH-1)
+ := To_X01(PreviousDataIn);
+ VARIABLE ResultAlias : std_logic_vector(0 TO ResLeng-1)
+ := To_X01(Result);
+ VARIABLE ExpResult : std_logic_vector(0 TO OutSize-1);
+ IF (PreviousDataIn'LENGTH < DataIn'LENGTH) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalStateTable", ErrVctLng, "PreviousDataIn<DataIn");
+ ResultAlias := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ Result := ResultAlias;
+ ELSIF (OutSize <= 0) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalStateTable", ErrTabWidSml );
+ ResultAlias := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ Result := ResultAlias;
+ IF (ResLeng > OutSize) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalStateTable", ErrTabResSml );
+ ELSIF (ResLeng < OutSize) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalStateTable", ErrTabResLrg );
+ ExpResult := StateTableLookUp ( StateTable, DataInAlias,
+ PrevDataAlias, NumStates,
+ ResultAlias);
+ ResultAlias := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ ResultAlias ( Maximum(0, ResLeng - OutSize) TO ResLeng - 1)
+ := ExpResult(Maximum(0, OutSize - ResLeng) TO OutSize-1);
+ Result := ResultAlias;
+ PrevDataAlias(0 TO InputSize - 1) := DataInAlias;
+ PreviousDataIn := PrevDataAlias;
+ END VitalStateTable;
+ PROCEDURE VitalStateTable (
+ VARIABLE Result : INOUT std_logic; -- states
+ VARIABLE PreviousDataIn : INOUT std_logic_vector; -- previous inputs and states
+ CONSTANT StateTable : IN VitalStateTableType; -- User's StateTable data
+ CONSTANT DataIn : IN std_logic_vector -- Inputs
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE ResultAlias : std_logic_vector(0 TO 0);
+ ResultAlias(0) := Result;
+ VitalStateTable ( StateTable => StateTable,
+ DataIn => DataIn,
+ NumStates => 1,
+ Result => ResultAlias,
+ PreviousDataIn => PreviousDataIn
+ );
+ Result := ResultAlias(0);
+ END VitalStateTable;
+ PROCEDURE VitalStateTable (
+ SIGNAL Result : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT StateTable : IN VitalStateTableType;
+ SIGNAL DataIn : IN std_logic_vector;
+ ) IS
+ := StateTable'LENGTH(2) - InputSize - NumStates;
+ VARIABLE PrevData : std_logic_vector(0 TO DataIn'LENGTH-1)
+ := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ VARIABLE DataInAlias : std_logic_vector(0 TO DataIn'LENGTH-1);
+ VARIABLE ResultAlias : std_logic_vector(0 TO ResLeng-1);
+ VARIABLE ExpResult : std_logic_vector(0 TO OutSize-1);
+ IF (OutSize <= 0) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalStateTable", ErrTabWidSml );
+ ResultAlias := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ Result <= ResultAlias;
+ IF (ResLeng > OutSize) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalStateTable", ErrTabResSml );
+ ELSIF (ResLeng < OutSize) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalStateTable", ErrTabResLrg );
+ DataInAlias := To_X01(DataIn);
+ ResultAlias := To_X01(Result);
+ ExpResult := StateTableLookUp ( StateTable, DataInAlias,
+ PrevData, NumStates,
+ ResultAlias);
+ ResultAlias := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ ResultAlias(Maximum(0, ResLeng - OutSize) TO ResLeng-1)
+ := ExpResult(Maximum(0, OutSize - ResLeng) TO OutSize-1);
+ Result <= ResultAlias;
+ PrevData := DataInAlias;
+ WAIT ON DataIn;
+ END VitalStateTable;
+ PROCEDURE VitalStateTable (
+ SIGNAL Result : INOUT std_logic;
+ CONSTANT StateTable : IN VitalStateTableType;
+ SIGNAL DataIn : IN std_logic_vector
+ ) IS
+ CONSTANT OutSize : INTEGER := StateTable'LENGTH(2) - InputSize-1;
+ VARIABLE PrevData : std_logic_vector(0 TO DataIn'LENGTH-1)
+ := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ VARIABLE DataInAlias : std_logic_vector(0 TO DataIn'LENGTH-1);
+ VARIABLE ResultAlias : std_logic_vector(0 TO 0);
+ VARIABLE ExpResult : std_logic_vector(0 TO OutSize-1);
+ IF (OutSize <= 0) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalStateTable", ErrTabWidSml );
+ Result <= 'X';
+ IF ( 1 > OutSize) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalStateTable", ErrTabResSml );
+ ELSIF ( 1 < OutSize) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalStateTable", ErrTabResLrg );
+ ResultAlias(0) := To_X01(Result);
+ DataInAlias := To_X01(DataIn);
+ ExpResult := StateTableLookUp ( StateTable, DataInAlias,
+ PrevData, 1, ResultAlias);
+ Result <= ExpResult(OutSize-1);
+ PrevData := DataInAlias;
+ WAIT ON DataIn;
+ END VitalStateTable;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- std_logic resolution primitive
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalResolve (
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector --IR236 4/2/98
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE uData : std_ulogic_vector(Data'RANGE);
+ uData(i) := Data(i);
+ q <= resolved(uData);
+ END;
+END VITAL_Primitives;
diff --git a/libraries/vital2000/prmtvs_p.vhdl b/libraries/vital2000/prmtvs_p.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..764ac449a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/vital2000/prmtvs_p.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,1413 @@
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Title : Standard VITAL_Primitives Package
+-- : $Revision: 598 $
+-- :
+-- Library : This package shall be compiled into a library
+-- : symbolically named IEEE.
+-- :
+-- Developers : IEEE DASC Timing Working Group (TWG), PAR 1076.4
+-- :
+-- Purpose : This packages defines standard types, constants, functions
+-- : and procedures for use in developing ASIC models.
+-- : Specifically a set of logic primitives are defined.
+-- :
+-- Known Errors :
+-- :
+-- Note : No declarations or definitions shall be included in,
+-- : or excluded from this package. The "package declaration"
+-- : defines the objects (types, subtypes, constants, functions,
+-- : procedures ... etc.) that can be used by a user. The package
+-- : body shall be considered the formal definition of the
+-- : semantics of this package. Tool developers may choose to
+-- : implement the package body in the most efficient manner
+-- : available to them.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Acknowledgments:
+-- This code was originally developed under the "VHDL Initiative Toward ASIC
+-- Libraries" (VITAL), an industry sponsored initiative. Technical
+-- Director: William Billowitch, VHDL Technology Group; U.S. Coordinator:
+-- Steve Schultz; Steering Committee Members: Victor Berman, Cadence Design
+-- Systems; Oz Levia, Synopsys Inc.; Ray Ryan, Ryan & Ryan; Herman van Beek,
+-- Texas Instruments; Victor Martin, Hewlett-Packard Company.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Modification History :
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Version No:|Auth:| Mod.Date:| Changes Made:
+-- v95.0 A | | 06/02/95 | Initial ballot draft 1995
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- v95.3 | ddl | 09/24/96 | #236 - VitalTruthTable DataIn should be of
+-- | | | of class SIGNAL (PROPOSED)
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+USE IEEE.Std_Logic_1164.ALL;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Type and Subtype Declarations
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For Truth and State Tables
+ SUBTYPE VitalTruthSymbolType IS VitalTableSymbolType RANGE 'X' TO 'Z';
+ SUBTYPE VitalStateSymbolType IS VitalTableSymbolType RANGE '/' TO 'S';
+ OF VitalTruthSymbolType;
+ OF VitalStateSymbolType;
+ -- ---------------------------------
+ -- Default values used by primitives
+ -- ---------------------------------
+ CONSTANT VitalDefDelay01 : VitalDelayType01; -- Propagation delays
+ CONSTANT VitalDefDelay01Z : VitalDelayType01Z;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- VITAL Primitives
+ --
+ -- The primitives packages contains a collections of common gates,
+ -- including AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR, XNOR, BUF, INV, MUX and DECODER
+ -- functions. In addition, for sequential devices, a STATE TABLE construct
+ -- is provided. For complex functions a modeler may wish to use either
+ -- a collection of connected VITAL primitives, or a TRUTH TABLE construct.
+ --
+ -- For each primitive a Function and Procedure is provided. The primitive
+ -- functions are provided to support behavioral modeling styles. The
+ -- primitive procedures are provided to support structural modeling styles.
+ --
+ -- The procedures wait internally for an event on an input signal, compute
+ -- the new result, perform glitch handling, schedule transaction on the
+ -- output signals, and wait for future input events. All of the functional
+ -- (logic) input or output parameters of the primitive procedures are
+ -- signals. All the other parameters are constants.
+ --
+ -- The procedure primitives are parameterized for separate path delays
+ -- from each input signal. All path delays default to 0 ns.
+ --
+ -- The sequential primitive functions compute the defined function and
+ -- return a value of type std_ulogic or std_logic_vector. All parameters
+ -- of the primitive functions are constants of mode IN.
+ --
+ -- The primitives are based on 1164 operators. The user may also elect to
+ -- express functions using the 1164 operators as well. These styles are
+ -- all equally acceptable methods for device modeling.
+ --
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Sequential
+ -- Primitive
+ -- Function Name: N-input logic device function calls:
+ -- VitalAND VitalOR VitalXOR
+ -- VitalNAND VitalNOR VitalXNOR
+ --
+ -- Description: The function calls return the evaluated logic function
+ -- corresponding to the function name.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- Data std_logic_vector The input signals for the n-bit
+ -- wide logic functions.
+ -- ResultMap VitalResultMapType The output signal strength
+ -- result map to modify default
+ -- result mapping.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- std_ulogic The evaluated logic function of
+ -- the n-bit wide primitives.
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Concurrent
+ -- Primitive
+ -- Procedure Name: N-input logic device concurrent procedure calls.
+ -- VitalAND VitalOR VitalXOR
+ -- VitalNAND VitalNOR VitalXNOR
+ --
+ -- Description: The procedure calls return the evaluated logic function
+ -- corresponding to the function name as a parameter to the
+ -- procedure. Propagation delay form data to q is a
+ -- a parameter to the procedure. A vector of delay values
+ -- for inputs to output are provided. It is noted that
+ -- limitations in SDF make the back annotation of the delay
+ -- array difficult.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- Data std_logic_vector The input signals for the n-
+ -- bit wide logic functions.
+ -- tpd_data_q VitalDelayArrayType01 The propagation delay from
+ -- the data inputs to the output
+ -- q.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- q std_ulogic The output signal of the
+ -- evaluated logic function.
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Sequential
+ -- Primitive
+ -- Function Name: 2,3 and 4 input logic device function calls.
+ --
+ -- VitalAND2 VitalOR2 VitalXOR2
+ -- VitalAND3 VitalOR3 VitalXOR3
+ -- VitalAND4 VitalOR4 VitalXOR4
+ --
+ -- VitalNAND2 VitalNOR2 VitalXNOR2
+ -- VitalNAND3 VitalNOR3 VitalXNOR3
+ -- VitalNAND4 VitalNOR4 VitalXNOR4
+ --
+ -- Description: The function calls return the evaluated 2, 3 or 4 input
+ -- logic function corresponding to the function name.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- a, b, c, d std_ulogic 2 input devices have a and b as
+ -- inputs. 3 input devices have a, b
+ -- and c as inputs. 4 input devices
+ -- have a, b, c and d as inputs.
+ -- ResultMap VitalResultMapType The output signal strength result map
+ -- to modify default result mapping.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- std_ulogic The result of the evaluated logic
+ -- function.
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Concurrent
+ -- Primitive
+ -- Procedure Name: 2, 3 and 4 input logic device concurrent procedure
+ -- calls.
+ --
+ -- VitalAND2 VitalOR2 VitalXOR2
+ -- VitalAND3 VitalOR3 VitalXOR3
+ -- VitalAND4 VitalOR4 VitalXOR4
+ --
+ -- VitalNAND2 VitalNOR2 VitalXNOR2
+ -- VitalNAND3 VitalNOR3 VitalXNOR3
+ -- VitalNAND4 VitalNOR4 VitalXNOR4
+ --
+ -- Description: The procedure calls return the evaluated logic function
+ -- corresponding to the function name as a parameter to the
+ -- procedure. Propagation delays from a and b to q are
+ -- a parameter to the procedure. The default propagation
+ -- delay is 0 ns.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- a, b, c, d std_ulogic 2 input devices have a and b as
+ -- inputs. 3 input devices have a, b
+ -- and c as inputs. 4 input devices
+ -- have a, b, c and d as inputs.
+ -- tpd_a_q VitalDelayType01 The propagation delay from the a
+ -- input to output q for 2, 3 and 4
+ -- input devices.
+ -- tpd_b_q VitalDelayType01 The propagation delay from the b
+ -- input to output q for 2, 3 and 4
+ -- input devices.
+ -- tpd_c_q VitalDelayType01 The propagation delay from the c
+ -- input to output q for 3 and 4 input
+ -- devices.
+ -- tpd_d_q VitalDelayType01 The propagation delay from the d
+ -- input to output q for 4 input
+ -- devices.
+ -- ResultMap VitalResultMapType The output signal strength result map
+ -- to modify default result mapping.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- q std_ulogic The output signal of the evaluated
+ -- logic function.
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Sequential
+ -- Primitive
+ -- Function Name: Buffer logic device concurrent procedure calls.
+ --
+ -- Description: Four buffer sequential primitive function calls are
+ -- provided. One is a simple buffer and the others
+ -- offer high and low enables and the four permits
+ -- propagation of Z as shown below:
+ --
+ -- VitalBUF Standard non-inverting buffer
+ -- VitalBUFIF0 Non-inverting buffer with Enable low
+ -- VitalBUFIF1 Non-inverting buffer with Enable high
+ -- VitalIDENT Pass buffer capable of propagating Z
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- Data std_ulogic Input to the buffers
+ -- Enable std_ulogic Enable for the enable high and low
+ -- buffers.
+ -- ResultMap VitalResultMapType The output signal strength result map
+ -- to modify default result mapping for
+ -- simple buffer.
+ -- VitalResultZMapType The output signal strength result map
+ -- to modify default result mapping
+ -- which has high impedance capability
+ -- for the enable high, enable low and
+ -- identity buffers.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- std_ulogic The output signal of the evaluated
+ -- buffer function.
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data, Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data, Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Concurrent
+ -- Primitive
+ -- Procedure Name: Buffer device procedure calls.
+ --
+ -- Description: Four buffer concurrent primitive procedure calls are
+ -- provided. One is a simple buffer and the others
+ -- offer high and low enables and the fourth permits
+ -- propagation of Z as shown below:
+ --
+ -- VitalBUF Standard non-inverting buffer
+ -- VitalBUFIF0 Non-inverting buffer with Enable low
+ -- VitalBUFIF1 Non-inverting buffer with Enable high
+ -- VitalIDENT Pass buffer capable of propagating Z
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- a std_ulogic Input signal to the buffers
+ -- Enable std_ulogic Enable signal for the enable high and
+ -- low buffers.
+ -- tpd_a_q VitalDelayType01 Propagation delay from input to
+ -- output for the simple buffer.
+ -- VitalDelayType01Z Propagation delay from input to
+ -- to output for the enable high and low
+ -- and identity buffers.
+ -- tpd_enable_q VitalDelayType01Z Propagation delay from enable to
+ -- output for the enable high and low
+ -- buffers.
+ -- ResultMap VitalResultMapType The output signal strength result map
+ -- to modify default result mapping for
+ -- simple buffer.
+ -- VitalResultZMapType The output signal strength result map
+ -- to modify default result mapping
+ -- which has high impedance capability
+ -- for the enable high, enable low and
+ -- identity buffers.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- q std_ulogic Output of the buffers.
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01Z := VitalDefDelay01Z;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap);
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01Z := VitalDefDelay01Z;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap);
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01Z := VitalDefDelay01Z;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Sequential
+ -- Primitive
+ -- Function Name: VitalINV, VitalINVIF0, VitalINVIF1
+ --
+ -- Description: Inverter functions which return the inverted signal
+ -- value. Inverters with enable low and high are provided
+ -- which can drive high impedance when inactive.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- Data std_ulogic Input to the inverter
+ -- Enable std_ulogic Enable to the enable high and low
+ -- inverters.
+ -- ResultMap VitalResultMap The output signal strength result map
+ -- to modify default result mapping for
+ -- simple inverter.
+ -- VitalResultZMapType The output signal strength result map
+ -- to modify default result mapping
+ -- which has high impedance capability
+ -- for the enable high, enable low
+ -- inverters.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- std_ulogic Output of the inverter
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data, Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data, Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Concurrent
+ -- Primitive
+ -- Procedure Name: VitalINV, VitalINVIF0, VitalINVIF1
+ --
+ -- Description: The concurrent primitive procedure calls implement a
+ -- signal inversion function. The output is a parameter to
+ -- the procedure. The path delay information is passed as
+ -- a parameter to the call.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- a std_ulogic Input signal for the simple inverter
+ -- Data std_ulogic Input signal for the enable high and
+ -- low inverters.
+ -- Enable std_ulogic Enable signal for the enable high and
+ -- low inverters.
+ -- tpd_a_q VitalDelayType01 Propagation delay from input a to
+ -- output q for the simple inverter.
+ -- tpd_data_q VitalDelayType01 Propagation delay from input data to
+ -- output q for the enable high and low
+ -- inverters.
+ -- tpd_enable_q VitalDelayType01Z Propagation delay from input enable
+ -- to output q for the enable high and
+ -- low inverters.
+ -- ResultMap VitalResultMapType The output signal strength result map
+ -- to modify default result mapping for
+ -- simple inverter.
+ -- VitalResultZMapType The output signal strength result map
+ -- to modify default result mapping
+ -- which has high impedance capability
+ -- for the enable high, enable low
+ -- inverters.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- q std_ulogic Output signal of the inverter.
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01Z := VitalDefDelay01Z;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap);
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01Z := VitalDefDelay01Z;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap);
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Sequential
+ -- Primitive
+ -- Function Name: VitalMUX, VitalMUX2, VitalMUX4, VitalMUX8
+ --
+ -- Description: The VitalMUX functions return the selected data bit
+ -- based on the value of dSelect. For MUX2, the function
+ -- returns data0 when dselect is 0 and returns data1 when
+ -- dselect is 1. When dselect is X, result is X for MUX2
+ -- when data0 /= data1. X propagation is reduced when the
+ -- dselect signal is X and both data signals are identical.
+ -- When this is the case, the result returned is the value
+ -- of the data signals.
+ --
+ -- For the N input device:
+ --
+ -- N must equal 2**(bits of dSelect)
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- Data std_logic_vector Input signal for the N-bit, 4-bit and
+ -- 8-bit mux.
+ -- Data1,Data0 std_ulogic Input signals for the 2-bit mux.
+ -- dSelect std_ulogic Select signal for 2-bit mux
+ -- std_logic_vector2 Select signal for 4-bit mux
+ -- std_logic_vector3 Select signal for 8-bit mux
+ -- std_logic_vector Select signal for N-Bit mux
+ -- ResultMap VitalResultMapType The output signal strength result map
+ -- to modify default result mapping for
+ -- all muxes.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- std_ulogic The value of the selected bit is
+ -- returned.
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT dSelect : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data1, Data0 : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT dSelect : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector4;
+ CONSTANT dSelect : IN std_logic_vector2;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector8;
+ CONSTANT dSelect : IN std_logic_vector3;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Concurrent
+ -- Primitive
+ -- Procedure Name: VitalMUX, VitalMUX2, VitalMUX4, VitalMUX8
+ --
+ -- Description: The VitalMUX concurrent primitive procedures calls
+ -- return in the output q the value of the selected data
+ -- bit based on the value of dsel. For the two bit mux,
+ -- the data returned is either d0 or d1, the data input.
+ -- For 4, 8 and N-bit functions, data is the input and is
+ -- of type std_logic_vector. For the 2-bit mux, if d0 or
+ -- d1 are X, the output is X only when d0 do not equal d1.
+ -- When d0 and d1 are equal, the return value is this value
+ -- to reduce X propagation.
+ --
+ -- Propagation delay information is passed as a parameter
+ -- to the procedure call for delays from data to output and
+ -- select to output. For 2-bit muxes, the propagation
+ -- delays from data are provided for d0 and d1 to output.
+ --
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- d1,d0 std_ulogic Input signals for the 2-bit mux.
+ -- Data std_logic_vector4 Input signals for the 4-bit mux.
+ -- std_logic_vector8 Input signals for the 8-bit mux.
+ -- std_logic_vector Input signals for the N-bit mux.
+ -- dsel std_ulogic Select signal for the 2-bit mux.
+ -- std_logic_vector2 Select signals for the 4-bit mux.
+ -- std_logic_vector3 Select signals for the 8-bit mux.
+ -- std_logic_vector Select signals for the N-bit mux.
+ -- tpd_d1_q VitalDelayType01 Propagation delay from input d1 to
+ -- output q for 2-bit mux.
+ -- tpd_d0_q VitalDelayType01 Propagation delay from input d0 to
+ -- output q for 2-bit mux.
+ -- tpd_data_q VitalDelayArrayType01 Propagation delay from input data
+ -- to output q for 4-bit, 8-bit and
+ -- N-bit muxes.
+ -- tpd_dsel_q VitalDelayType01 Propagation delay from input dsel
+ -- to output q for 2-bit mux.
+ -- VitalDelayArrayType01 Propagation delay from input dsel
+ -- to output q for 4-bit, 8-bit and
+ -- N-bit muxes.
+ -- ResultMap VitalResultMapType The output signal strength result
+ -- map to modify default result
+ -- mapping for all muxes.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- q std_ulogic The value of the selected signal.
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ SIGNAL dSel : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_dsel_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL d1, d0 : IN std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL dSel : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d1_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d0_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_dsel_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector4;
+ SIGNAL dSel : IN std_logic_vector2;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_dsel_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector8;
+ SIGNAL dSel : IN std_logic_vector3;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_dsel_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Sequential
+ -- Primitive
+ -- Function Name: VitalDECODER, VitalDECODER2, VitalDECODER4,
+ -- VitalDECODER8
+ --
+ -- Description: The VitalDECODER functions are the sequential primitive
+ -- calls for decoder logic. The functions are provided
+ -- for N, 2, 4 and 8-bit outputs.
+ --
+ -- The N-bit decoder is (2**(bits of data)) wide.
+ --
+ -- The VitalDECODER returns 0 if enable is 0.
+ -- The VitalDECODER returns the result bit set to 1 if
+ -- enable is 1. All other bits of returned result are
+ -- set to 0.
+ --
+ -- The returned array is in descending order:
+ -- (n-1 downto 0).
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- Data std_ulogic Input signal for 2-bit decoder.
+ -- std_logic_vector2 Input signals for 4-bit decoder.
+ -- std_logic_vector3 Input signals for 8-bit decoder.
+ -- std_logic_vector Input signals for N-bit decoder.
+ -- Enable std_ulogic Enable input signal. The result is
+ -- output when enable is high.
+ -- ResultMap VitalResultMapType The output signal strength result map
+ -- to modify default result mapping for
+ -- all output signals of the decoders.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- std_logic_vector2 The output of the 2-bit decoder.
+ -- std_logic_vector4 The output of the 4-bit decoder.
+ -- std_logic_vector8 The output of the 8-bit decoder.
+ -- std_logic_vector The output of the n-bit decoder.
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_logic_vector2;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector2;
+ CONSTANT Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_logic_vector4;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector3;
+ CONSTANT Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_logic_vector8;
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Concurrent
+ -- Primitive
+ -- Procedure Name: VitalDECODER, VitalDECODER2, VitalDECODER4,
+ -- VitalDECODER8
+ --
+ -- Description: The VitalDECODER procedures are the concurrent primitive
+ -- procedure calls for decoder functions. The procedures
+ -- are provided for N, 2, 4 and 8 outputs.
+ --
+ -- The N-bit decoder is (2**(bits of data)) wide.
+ --
+ -- The procedural form of the decoder is used for
+ -- distributed delay modeling. The delay information for
+ -- each path is passed as an argument to the procedure.
+ --
+ -- Result is set to 0 if enable is 0.
+ -- The result bit represented by data is set to 1 if
+ -- enable is 1. All other bits of result are set to 0.
+ --
+ -- The result array is in descending order: (n-1 downto 0).
+ --
+ -- For the N-bit decoder, the delay path is a vector of
+ -- delays from inputs to outputs.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- Data std_ulogic Input signal for 2-bit decoder.
+ -- std_logic_vector2 Input signals for 4-bit decoder.
+ -- std_logic_vector3 Input signals for 8-bit decoder.
+ -- std_logic_vector Input signals for N-bit decoder.
+ -- enable std_ulogic Enable input signal. The result is
+ -- output when enable is high.
+ -- tpd_data_q VitalDelayType01 Propagation delay from input data
+ -- to output q for 2-bit decoder.
+ -- VitalDelayArrayType01 Propagation delay from input data
+ -- to output q for 4, 8 and n-bit
+ -- decoders.
+ -- tpd_enable_q VitalDelayType01 Propagation delay from input enable
+ -- to output q for 2, 4, 8 and n-bit
+ -- decoders.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- q std_logic_vector2 Output signals for 2-bit decoder.
+ -- std_logic_vector4 Output signals for 4-bit decoder.
+ -- std_logic_vector8 Output signals for 8-bit decoder.
+ -- std_logic_vector Output signals for n-bit decoder.
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_logic_vector;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_logic_vector2;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_logic_vector4;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector2;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_logic_vector8;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector3;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Function Name: VitalTruthTable
+ --
+ -- Description: VitalTruthTable implements a truth table. Given
+ -- a set of inputs, a sequential search is performed
+ -- to match the input. If a match is found, the output
+ -- is set based on the contents of the CONSTANT TruthTable.
+ -- If there is no match, all X's are returned. There is
+ -- no limit to the size of the table.
+ --
+ -- There is a procedure and function for VitalTruthTable.
+ -- For each of these, a single value output (std_logic) and
+ -- a multi-value output (std_logic_vector) are provided.
+ --
+ -- The first dimension of the table is for number of
+ -- entries in the truth table and second dimension is for
+ -- the number of elements in a row. The number of inputs
+ -- in the row should be Data'LENGTH plus result'LENGTH.
+ --
+ -- Elements is a row will be interpreted as
+ -- Input(NumInputs - 1),.., Input(0),
+ -- Result(NumOutputs - 1),.., Result(0)
+ --
+ -- All inputs will be mapped to the X01 subtype
+ --
+ -- If the value of Result is not in the range 'X' to 'Z'
+ -- then an error will be reported. Also, the Result is
+ -- always given either as a 0, 1, X or Z value.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- TruthTable The input constant which defines the
+ -- behavior in truth table form.
+ -- DataIn The inputs to the truth table used to
+ -- perform input match to select
+ -- output(s) to value(s) to drive.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- Result std_logic Concurrent procedure version scalar
+ -- output.
+ -- std_logic_vector Concurrent procedure version vector
+ -- output.
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- Result std_logic Function version scalar output.
+ -- std_logic_vector Function version vector output.
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION VitalTruthTable (
+ CONSTANT TruthTable : IN VitalTruthTableType;
+ CONSTANT DataIn : IN std_logic_vector
+ ) RETURN std_logic_vector;
+ FUNCTION VitalTruthTable (
+ CONSTANT TruthTable : IN VitalTruthTableType;
+ CONSTANT DataIn : IN std_logic_vector
+ ) RETURN std_logic;
+ PROCEDURE VitalTruthTable (
+ SIGNAL Result : OUT std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT TruthTable : IN VitalTruthTableType;
+ SIGNAL DataIn : IN std_logic_vector -- IR#236
+ );
+ PROCEDURE VitalTruthTable (
+ SIGNAL Result : OUT std_logic;
+ CONSTANT TruthTable : IN VitalTruthTableType;
+ SIGNAL DataIn : IN std_logic_vector -- IR#236
+ );
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Function Name: VitalStateTable
+ --
+ -- Description: VitalStateTable is a non-concurrent implementation of a
+ -- state machine (Moore Machine). It is used to model
+ -- sequential devices and devices with internal states.
+ --
+ -- The procedure takes the value of the state table
+ -- data set and performs a sequential search of the
+ -- CONSTANT StateTable until a match is found. Once a
+ -- match is found, the result of that match is applied
+ -- to Result. If there is no match, all X's are returned.
+ -- The resultant output becomes the input for the next
+ -- state.
+ --
+ -- The first dimension of the table is the number of
+ -- entries in the state table and second dimension is the
+ -- number of elements in a row of the table. The number of
+ -- inputs in the row should be DataIn'LENGTH. Result should
+ -- contain the current state (which will become the next
+ -- state) as well as the outputs
+ --
+ -- Elements is a row of the table will be interpreted as
+ -- Input(NumInputs-1),.., Input(0), State(NumStates-1),
+ -- ..., State(0),Output(NumOutputs-1),.., Output(0)
+ --
+ -- where State(numStates-1) DOWNTO State(0) represent the
+ -- present state and Output(NumOutputs - 1) DOWNTO
+ -- Outputs(NumOutputs - NumStates) represent the new
+ -- values of the state variables (i.e. the next state).
+ -- Also, Output(NumOutputs - NumStates - 1)
+ --
+ -- This procedure returns the next state and the new
+ -- outputs when a match is made between the present state
+ -- and present inputs and the state table. A search is
+ -- made starting at the top of the state table and
+ -- terminates with the first match. If no match is found
+ -- then the next state and new outputs are set to all 'X's.
+ --
+ -- (Asynchronous inputs (i.e. resets and clears) must be
+ -- handled by placing the corresponding entries at the top
+ -- of the table. )
+ --
+ -- All inputs will be mapped to the X01 subtype.
+ --
+ -- NOTE: Edge transitions should not be used as values
+ -- for the state variables in the present state
+ -- portion of the state table. The only valid
+ -- values that can be used for the present state
+ -- portion of the state table are:
+ -- 'X', '0', '1', 'B', '-'
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- StateTable VitalStateTableType The input constant which defines
+ -- the behavior in state table form.
+ -- DataIn std_logic_vector The current state inputs to the
+ -- state table used to perform input
+ -- matches and transition
+ -- calculations.
+ -- NumStates NATURAL Number of state variables
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- Result std_logic Output signal for scalar version of
+ -- the concurrent procedure call.
+ -- std_logic_vector Output signals for vector version
+ -- of the concurrent procedure call.
+ -- PreviousDataIn std_logic_vector The previous inputs and states used
+ -- in transition calculations and to
+ -- set outputs for steady state cases.
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalStateTable (
+ VARIABLE Result : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE PreviousDataIn : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT StateTable : IN VitalStateTableType;
+ CONSTANT DataIn : IN std_logic_vector;
+ );
+ PROCEDURE VitalStateTable (
+ VARIABLE Result : INOUT std_logic;
+ VARIABLE PreviousDataIn : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT StateTable : IN VitalStateTableType;
+ CONSTANT DataIn : IN std_logic_vector
+ );
+ PROCEDURE VitalStateTable (
+ SIGNAL Result : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT StateTable : IN VitalStateTableType;
+ SIGNAL DataIn : IN std_logic_vector;
+ );
+ PROCEDURE VitalStateTable (
+ SIGNAL Result : INOUT std_logic;
+ CONSTANT StateTable : IN VitalStateTableType;
+ SIGNAL DataIn : IN std_logic_vector
+ );
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Function Name: VitalResolve
+ --
+ -- Description: VitalResolve takes a vector of signals and resolves
+ -- them to a std_ulogic value. This procedure can be used
+ -- to resolve multiple drivers in a single model.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- Data std_logic_vector Set of input signals which drive a
+ -- common signal.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- q std_ulogic Output signal which is the resolved
+ -- value being driven by the collection of
+ -- input signals.
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalResolve (
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector); --IR236 4/2/98
+END VITAL_Primitives;
diff --git a/libraries/vital2000/timing_b.vhdl b/libraries/vital2000/timing_b.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..28bf52095
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/vital2000/timing_b.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,2187 @@
+-- Title : Standard VITAL TIMING Package
+-- : $Revision: 598 $
+-- Library : VITAL
+-- :
+-- Developers : IEEE DASC Timing Working Group (TWG), PAR 1076.4
+-- :
+-- Purpose : This packages defines standard types, attributes, constants,
+-- : functions and procedures for use in developing ASIC models.
+-- : This file contains the Package Body.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Modification History :
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Version No:|Auth:| Mod.Date:| Changes Made:
+-- v95.0 A | | 06/08/95 | Initial ballot draft 1995
+-- v95.1 | | 08/31/95 | #IR203 - Timing violations at time 0
+-- #IR204 - Output mapping prior to glitch detection
+-- v98.0 |TAG | 03/27/98 | Initial ballot draft 1998
+-- | #IR225 - Negative Premptive Glitch
+-- **Code_effected=ReportGlitch,VitalGlitch,
+-- VitalPathDelay,VitalPathDelay01,
+-- VitalPathDelay01z.
+-- #IR105 - Skew timing check needed
+-- **Code_effected=NONE, New code added!!
+-- #IR245,IR246,IR251 ITC code to fix false boundry cases
+-- **Code_effected=InternalTimingCheck.
+-- #IR248 - Allows VPD to use a default timing delay
+-- **Code_effected=VitalPathDelay,
+-- VitalPathDelay01,VitalPathDelay01z,
+-- VitalSelectPathDelay,VitalSelectPathDelay01,
+-- VitalSelectPathDelay01z.
+-- #IR250 - Corrects fastpath condition in VPD
+-- **Code_effected=VitalPathDelay01,
+-- VitalPathDelay01z,
+-- #IR252 - Corrects cancelled timing check call if
+-- condition expires.
+-- **Code_effected=VitalSetupHoldCheck,
+-- VitalRecoveryRemovalCheck.
+-- v98.1 | jdc | 03/25/99 | Changed UseDefaultDelay to IgnoreDefaultDelay
+-- and set default to FALSE in VitalPathDelay()
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Package Local Declarations
+ -- --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TYPE CheckType IS ( SetupCheck, HoldCheck, RecoveryCheck, RemovalCheck,
+ PulseWidCheck, PeriodCheck );
+ TYPE CheckInfoType IS RECORD
+ Violation : BOOLEAN;
+ CheckKind : CheckType;
+ ObsTime : TIME;
+ ExpTime : TIME;
+ DetTime : TIME;
+ State : X01;
+ TYPE LogicCvtTableType IS ARRAY (std_ulogic) OF CHARACTER;
+ TYPE HiLoStrType IS ARRAY (std_ulogic RANGE 'X' TO '1') OF STRING(1 TO 4);
+ CONSTANT LogicCvtTable : LogicCvtTableType
+ := ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z', 'W', 'L', 'H', '-');
+ CONSTANT HiLoStr : HiLoStrType := (" X ", " Low", "High" );
+ TYPE EdgeSymbolMatchType IS ARRAY (X01,X01,VitalEdgeSymbolType) OF BOOLEAN;
+ -- last value, present value, edge symbol
+ CONSTANT EdgeSymbolMatch : EdgeSymbolMatchType := (
+ 'X'=>('X'=>( OTHERS => FALSE),
+ '0'=>('N'|'F'|'v'|'E'|'D'|'*' => TRUE, OTHERS => FALSE ),
+ '1'=>('P'|'R'|'^'|'E'|'A'|'*' => TRUE, OTHERS => FALSE ) ),
+ '0'=>('X'=>( 'r'|'p'|'R'|'A'|'*' => TRUE, OTHERS => FALSE ),
+ '0'=>( OTHERS => FALSE ),
+ '1'=>( '/'|'P'|'p'|'R'|'*' => TRUE, OTHERS => FALSE ) ),
+ '1'=>('X'=>( 'f'|'n'|'F'|'D'|'*' => TRUE, OTHERS => FALSE ),
+ '0'=>( '\'|'N'|'n'|'F'|'*' => TRUE, OTHERS => FALSE ),
+ '1'=>( OTHERS => FALSE ) ) );
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Tables used to implement 'posedge' and 'negedge' in path delays
+ -- These are new tables for Skewcheck routines. IR105
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TYPE EdgeRable IS ARRAY(std_ulogic, std_ulogic) OF boolean;
+ CONSTANT Posedge : EdgeRable := (
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- | U X 0 1 Z W L H -
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ); --IR105
+ CONSTANT Negedge : EdgeRable := (
+ -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- | U X 0 1 Z W L H -
+ -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ); --IR105
+ TYPE SkewType IS (Inphase, Outphase); --IR105
+ CONSTANT noTrigger : TIME := -1 ns; --IR105
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- End of Skew (IR105 additions)
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Misc Utilities Local Utilities
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( t1 < t2 ) THEN RETURN (t1); ELSE RETURN (t2); END IF;
+ END Minimum;
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( t1 > t2 ) THEN RETURN (t1); ELSE RETURN (t2); END IF;
+ END Maximum;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Error Message Types and Tables
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TYPE VitalErrorType IS (
+ ErrVctLng ,
+ ErrNoPath ,
+ ErrNegPath ,
+ ErrNegDel
+ );
+ TYPE VitalErrorSeverityType IS ARRAY (VitalErrorType) OF SEVERITY_LEVEL;
+ CONSTANT VitalErrorSeverity : VitalErrorSeverityType := (
+ ErrVctLng => ERROR,
+ ErrNoPath => WARNING,
+ ErrNegPath => WARNING,
+ ErrNegDel => WARNING
+ );
+ "No Delay Path Condition TRUE. 0-delay used. Output signal is: ";
+ "Path Delay less than time since input. 0 delay used. Output signal is: ";
+ "Negative delay. New output value not scheduled. Output signal is: ";
+ "Vector (array) lengths not equal. ";
+ CONSTANT MsgUnknown : STRING :=
+ "Unknown error message.";
+ FUNCTION VitalMessage (
+ CONSTANT ErrorId : IN VitalErrorType
+ CASE ErrorId IS
+ WHEN ErrVctLng => RETURN MsgVctLng;
+ WHEN ErrNoPath => RETURN MsgNoPath;
+ WHEN ErrNegPath => RETURN MsgNegPath;
+ WHEN ErrNegDel => RETURN MsgNegDel;
+ END;
+ PROCEDURE VitalError (
+ CONSTANT ErrorId : IN VitalErrorType
+ ) IS
+ REPORT Routine & ": " & VitalMessage(ErrorId)
+ SEVERITY VitalErrorSeverity(ErrorId);
+ END;
+ PROCEDURE VitalError (
+ CONSTANT ErrorId : IN VitalErrorType;
+ ) IS
+ REPORT Routine & ": " & VitalMessage(ErrorId) & Info
+ SEVERITY VitalErrorSeverity(ErrorId);
+ END;
+ PROCEDURE VitalError (
+ CONSTANT ErrorId : IN VitalErrorType;
+ ) IS
+ REPORT Routine & ": " & VitalMessage(ErrorId) & Info
+ SEVERITY VitalErrorSeverity(ErrorId);
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Time Delay Assignment Subprograms
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION VitalExtendToFillDelay (
+ CONSTANT Delay : IN VitalDelayType
+ ) RETURN VitalDelayType01Z IS
+ RETURN (OTHERS => Delay);
+ END VitalExtendToFillDelay;
+ FUNCTION VitalExtendToFillDelay (
+ CONSTANT Delay : IN VitalDelayType01
+ ) RETURN VitalDelayType01Z IS
+ VARIABLE Delay01Z : VitalDelayType01Z;
+ Delay01Z(tr01) := Delay(tr01);
+ Delay01Z(tr0z) := Delay(tr01);
+ Delay01Z(trz1) := Delay(tr01);
+ Delay01Z(tr10) := Delay(tr10);
+ Delay01Z(tr1z) := Delay(tr10);
+ Delay01Z(trz0) := Delay(tr10);
+ RETURN (Delay01Z);
+ END VitalExtendToFillDelay;
+ FUNCTION VitalExtendToFillDelay (
+ CONSTANT Delay : IN VitalDelayType01Z
+ ) RETURN VitalDelayType01Z IS
+ RETURN Delay;
+ END VitalExtendToFillDelay;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION VitalCalcDelay (
+ CONSTANT NewVal : IN std_ulogic := 'X';
+ CONSTANT OldVal : IN std_ulogic := 'X';
+ CONSTANT Delay : IN VitalDelayType
+ RETURN delay;
+ END VitalCalcDelay;
+ FUNCTION VitalCalcDelay (
+ CONSTANT NewVal : IN std_ulogic := 'X';
+ CONSTANT OldVal : IN std_ulogic := 'X';
+ CONSTANT Delay : IN VitalDelayType01
+ CASE Newval IS
+ WHEN '0' | 'L' => Result := Delay(tr10);
+ WHEN '1' | 'H' => Result := Delay(tr01);
+ WHEN 'Z' =>
+ CASE Oldval IS
+ WHEN '0' | 'L' => Result := Delay(tr01);
+ WHEN '1' | 'H' => Result := Delay(tr10);
+ WHEN OTHERS => Result := MAXIMUM(Delay(tr10), Delay(tr01));
+ CASE Oldval IS
+ WHEN '0' | 'L' => Result := Delay(tr01);
+ WHEN '1' | 'H' => Result := Delay(tr10);
+ WHEN 'Z' => Result := MINIMUM(Delay(tr10), Delay(tr01));
+ WHEN OTHERS => Result := MAXIMUM(Delay(tr10), Delay(tr01));
+ RETURN Result;
+ END VitalCalcDelay;
+ FUNCTION VitalCalcDelay (
+ CONSTANT NewVal : IN std_ulogic := 'X';
+ CONSTANT OldVal : IN std_ulogic := 'X';
+ CONSTANT Delay : IN VitalDelayType01Z
+ CASE Oldval IS
+ WHEN '0' | 'L' =>
+ CASE Newval IS
+ WHEN '0' | 'L' => Result := Delay(tr10);
+ WHEN '1' | 'H' => Result := Delay(tr01);
+ WHEN 'Z' => Result := Delay(tr0z);
+ WHEN OTHERS => Result := MINIMUM(Delay(tr01), Delay(tr0z));
+ WHEN '1' | 'H' =>
+ CASE Newval IS
+ WHEN '0' | 'L' => Result := Delay(tr10);
+ WHEN '1' | 'H' => Result := Delay(tr01);
+ WHEN 'Z' => Result := Delay(tr1z);
+ WHEN OTHERS => Result := MINIMUM(Delay(tr10), Delay(tr1z));
+ WHEN 'Z' =>
+ CASE Newval IS
+ WHEN '0' | 'L' => Result := Delay(trz0);
+ WHEN '1' | 'H' => Result := Delay(trz1);
+ WHEN 'Z' => Result := MAXIMUM (Delay(tr0z), Delay(tr1z));
+ WHEN OTHERS => Result := MINIMUM (Delay(trz1), Delay(trz0));
+ WHEN 'U' | 'X' | 'W' | '-' =>
+ CASE Newval IS
+ WHEN '0' | 'L' => Result := MAXIMUM(Delay(tr10), Delay(trz0));
+ WHEN '1' | 'H' => Result := MAXIMUM(Delay(tr01), Delay(trz1));
+ WHEN 'Z' => Result := MAXIMUM(Delay(tr1z), Delay(tr0z));
+ WHEN OTHERS => Result := MAXIMUM(Delay(tr10), Delay(tr01));
+ RETURN Result;
+ END VitalCalcDelay;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- VitalSelectPathDelay returns the path delay selected by the Paths array.
+ -- If no paths are selected, it returns either the appropriate default
+ -- delay or TIME'HIGH, depending upon the value of IgnoreDefaultDelay.
+ --
+ FUNCTION VitalSelectPathDelay (
+ CONSTANT NewValue : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT OldValue : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT OutSignalName : IN string;
+ CONSTANT Paths : IN VitalPathArrayType;
+ CONSTANT DefaultDelay : IN VitalDelayType;
+ CONSTANT IgnoreDefaultDelay : IN BOOLEAN
+ -- for each delay path
+ -- ignore the delay path if it is not enabled
+ NEXT WHEN NOT Paths(i).PathCondition;
+ -- ignore the delay path if a more recent input event has been seen
+ NEXT WHEN Paths(i).InputChangeTime > InputAge;
+ -- This is the most recent input change (so far)
+ -- Get the transition dependent delay
+ TmpDelay := VitalCalcDelay(NewValue, OldValue, Paths(i).PathDelay);
+ -- If other inputs changed at the same time,
+ -- then use the minimum of their propagation delays,
+ -- else use the propagation delay from this input.
+ IF Paths(i).InputChangeTime < InputAge THEN
+ PropDelay := TmpDelay;
+ ELSE -- Simultaneous inputs change
+ IF TmpDelay < PropDelay THEN PropDelay := TmpDelay; END IF;
+ end if;
+ InputAge := Paths(i).InputChangeTime;
+ -- If there were no paths (with an enabled condition),
+ -- use the default delay, if so indicated, otherwise return TIME'HIGH
+ IF (PropDelay = TIME'HIGH) THEN
+ IF (IgnoreDefaultDelay) THEN
+ PropDelay := VitalCalcDelay(NewValue, OldValue, DefaultDelay);
+ -- If the time since the most recent selected input event is
+ -- greater than the propagation delay from that input,
+ -- then use the default delay (won't happen if no paths are selected)
+ ELSIF (InputAge > PropDelay) THEN
+ PropDelay := VitalCalcDelay(NewValue, OldValue, DefaultDelay);
+ -- Adjust the propagation delay by the time since the
+ -- the input event occurred (Usually 0 ns).
+ PropDelay := PropDelay - InputAge;
+ RETURN PropDelay;
+ END;
+ FUNCTION VitalSelectPathDelay (
+ CONSTANT NewValue : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT OldValue : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT OutSignalName : IN string;
+ CONSTANT Paths : IN VitalPathArray01Type;
+ CONSTANT DefaultDelay : IN VitalDelayType01;
+ CONSTANT IgnoreDefaultDelay : IN BOOLEAN
+ -- for each delay path
+ -- ignore the delay path if it is not enabled
+ NEXT WHEN NOT Paths(i).PathCondition;
+ -- ignore the delay path if a more recent input event has been seen
+ NEXT WHEN Paths(i).InputChangeTime > InputAge;
+ -- This is the most recent input change (so far)
+ -- Get the transition dependent delay
+ TmpDelay := VitalCalcDelay(NewValue, OldValue, Paths(i).PathDelay);
+ -- If other inputs changed at the same time,
+ -- then use the minimum of their propagation delays,
+ -- else use the propagation delay from this input.
+ IF Paths(i).InputChangeTime < InputAge THEN
+ PropDelay := TmpDelay;
+ ELSE -- Simultaneous inputs change
+ IF TmpDelay < PropDelay THEN PropDelay := TmpDelay; END IF;
+ end if;
+ InputAge := Paths(i).InputChangeTime;
+ -- If there were no paths (with an enabled condition),
+ -- use the default delay, if so indicated, otherwise return TIME'HIGH
+ IF (PropDelay = TIME'HIGH) THEN
+ IF (IgnoreDefaultDelay) THEN
+ PropDelay := VitalCalcDelay(NewValue, OldValue, DefaultDelay);
+ -- If the time since the most recent selected input event is
+ -- greater than the propagation delay from that input,
+ -- then use the default delay (won't happen if no paths are selected)
+ ELSIF (InputAge > PropDelay) THEN
+ PropDelay := VitalCalcDelay(NewValue, OldValue, DefaultDelay);
+ -- Adjust the propagation delay by the time since the
+ -- the input event occurred (Usually 0 ns).
+ PropDelay := PropDelay - InputAge;
+ RETURN PropDelay;
+ END;
+ FUNCTION VitalSelectPathDelay (
+ CONSTANT NewValue : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT OldValue : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT OutSignalName : IN string;
+ CONSTANT Paths : IN VitalPathArray01ZType;
+ CONSTANT DefaultDelay : IN VitalDelayType01Z;
+ CONSTANT IgnoreDefaultDelay : IN BOOLEAN
+ -- for each delay path
+ -- ignore the delay path if it is not enabled
+ NEXT WHEN NOT Paths(i).PathCondition;
+ -- ignore the delay path if a more recent input event has been seen
+ NEXT WHEN Paths(i).InputChangeTime > InputAge;
+ -- This is the most recent input change (so far)
+ -- Get the transition dependent delay
+ TmpDelay := VitalCalcDelay(NewValue, OldValue, Paths(i).PathDelay);
+ -- If other inputs changed at the same time,
+ -- then use the minimum of their propagation delays,
+ -- else use the propagation delay from this input.
+ IF Paths(i).InputChangeTime < InputAge THEN
+ PropDelay := TmpDelay;
+ ELSE -- Simultaneous inputs change
+ IF TmpDelay < PropDelay THEN PropDelay := TmpDelay; END IF;
+ end if;
+ InputAge := Paths(i).InputChangeTime;
+ -- If there were no paths (with an enabled condition),
+ -- use the default delay, if so indicated, otherwise return TIME'HIGH
+ IF (PropDelay = TIME'HIGH) THEN
+ IF (IgnoreDefaultDelay) THEN
+ PropDelay := VitalCalcDelay(NewValue, OldValue, DefaultDelay);
+ -- If the time since the most recent selected input event is
+ -- greater than the propagation delay from that input,
+ -- then use the default delay (won't happen if no paths are selected)
+ ELSIF (InputAge > PropDelay) THEN
+ PropDelay := VitalCalcDelay(NewValue, OldValue, DefaultDelay);
+ -- Adjust the propagation delay by the time since the
+ -- the input event occurred (Usually 0 ns).
+ PropDelay := PropDelay - InputAge;
+ RETURN PropDelay;
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Glitch Handlers
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE ReportGlitch (
+ CONSTANT GlitchRoutine : IN STRING;
+ CONSTANT PreemptedTime : IN TIME;
+ CONSTANT PreemptedValue : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT NewValue : IN std_ulogic;
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE StrPtr1, StrPtr2, StrPtr3, StrPtr4, StrPtr5 : LINE;
+ Write (StrPtr1, PreemptedTime );
+ Write (StrPtr2, NewTime);
+ Write (StrPtr3, LogicCvtTable(PreemptedValue));
+ Write (StrPtr4, LogicCvtTable(NewValue));
+ IF IsArraySignal THEN
+ Write (StrPtr5, STRING'( "(" ) );
+ Write (StrPtr5, Index);
+ Write (StrPtr5, STRING'( ")" ) );
+ Write (StrPtr5, STRING'( " " ) );
+ -- Issue Report only if Preempted value has not been
+ -- removed from event queue
+ ASSERT PreemptedTime > NewTime
+ REPORT GlitchRoutine & ": GLITCH Detected on port " &
+ OutSignalName & StrPtr5.ALL &
+ "; Preempted Future Value := " & StrPtr3.ALL &
+ " @ " & StrPtr1.ALL &
+ "; Newly Scheduled Value := " & StrPtr4.ALL &
+ " @ " & StrPtr2.ALL &
+ ";"
+ SEVERITY MsgSeverity;
+ ASSERT PreemptedTime <= NewTime
+ REPORT GlitchRoutine & ": GLITCH Detected on port " &
+ OutSignalName & StrPtr5.ALL &
+ "; Negative Preempted Value := " & StrPtr3.ALL &
+ " @ " & StrPtr1.ALL &
+ "; Newly Scheduled Value := " & StrPtr4.ALL &
+ " @ " & StrPtr2.ALL &
+ ";"
+ SEVERITY MsgSeverity;
+ END ReportGlitch;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalGlitch (
+ SIGNAL OutSignal : OUT std_logic;
+ VARIABLE GlitchData : INOUT VitalGlitchDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutSignalName : IN string;
+ CONSTANT NewValue : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT NewDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT Mode : IN VitalGlitchKindType := OnEvent;
+ CONSTANT NegPreemptOn : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE; --IR225
+ ) IS
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ VARIABLE dly : TIME := NewDelay;
+ VARIABLE NegPreemptGlitch : BOOLEAN := FALSE;
+ NegPreemptGlitch:=FALSE;--reset Preempt-Glitch
+ -- If nothing to schedule, just return
+ IF NewDelay < 0 ns THEN
+ IF (NewValue /= GlitchData.SchedValue) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalGlitch", ErrNegDel, OutSignalName );
+ -- If simple signal assignment
+ -- perform the signal assignment
+ IF ( Mode = VitalInertial) THEN
+ OutSignal <= NewValue AFTER dly;
+ ELSIF ( Mode = VitalTransport ) THEN
+ OutSignal <= TRANSPORT NewValue AFTER dly;
+ -- Glitch Processing ---
+ -- If nothing currently scheduled
+ IF GlitchData.SchedTime <= NOW THEN -- NOW >= last event
+ -- Note: NewValue is always /= OldValue when called from VPPD
+ IF (NewValue = GlitchData.SchedValue) THEN RETURN; END IF;
+ NewGlitch := FALSE;
+ GlitchData.GlitchTime := NOW+dly;
+ -- New value earlier than the earliest previous value scheduled
+ -- (negative preemptive)
+ ELSIF (NOW+dly <= GlitchData.GlitchTime)
+ AND (NOW+dly <= GlitchData.SchedTime) THEN
+ -- Glitch is negative preemptive - check if same value and
+ -- NegPreempt is on IR225
+ IF (GlitchData.SchedValue /= NewValue) AND (NegPreemptOn) AND
+ (NOW > 0 NS) THEN
+ NewGlitch := TRUE;
+ NegPreemptGlitch :=TRUE; -- Set preempt Glitch condition
+ NewGlitch := FALSE; -- No new glitch, save time for
+ -- possible future glitch
+ GlitchData.GlitchTime := NOW+dly;
+ -- Transaction currently scheduled - if glitch already happened
+ ELSIF GlitchData.GlitchTime <= NOW THEN
+ IF (GlitchData.SchedValue = NewValue) THEN
+ dly := Minimum( GlitchData.SchedTime-NOW, NewDelay );
+ NewGlitch := FALSE;
+ -- Transaction currently scheduled (no glitch if same value)
+ ELSIF (GlitchData.SchedValue = NewValue)
+ AND (GlitchData.SchedTime = GlitchData.GlitchTime) THEN
+ -- revise scheduled output time if new delay is sooner
+ dly := Minimum( GlitchData.SchedTime-NOW, NewDelay );
+ -- No new glitch, save time for possable future glitch
+ NewGlitch := FALSE;
+ GlitchData.GlitchTime := NOW+dly;
+ -- Transaction currently scheduled represents a glitch
+ NewGlitch := TRUE; -- A new glitch has been detected
+ IF NewGlitch THEN
+ -- If messages requested, report the glitch
+ IF NegPreemptGlitch THEN --IR225
+ ReportGlitch ("VitalGlitch-Neg", OutSignalName,
+ GlitchData.GlitchTime, GlitchData.SchedValue,
+ (dly + NOW), NewValue,
+ MsgSeverity=>MsgSeverity );
+ ReportGlitch ("VitalGlitch", OutSignalName,
+ GlitchData.GlitchTime, GlitchData.SchedValue,
+ (dly + NOW), NewValue,
+ MsgSeverity=>MsgSeverity );
+ -- If 'X' generation is requested, schedule the new value
+ -- preceeded by a glitch pulse.
+ -- Otherwise just schedule the new value (inertial mode).
+ IF (Mode = OnDetect) THEN
+ OutSignal <= 'X';
+ OutSignal <= 'X' AFTER GlitchData.GlitchTime-NOW;
+ IF NegPreemptGlitch THEN -- IR225
+ OutSignal <= TRANSPORT NewValue AFTER GlitchData.SchedTime-NOW;
+ OutSignal <= TRANSPORT NewValue AFTER dly;
+ OutSignal <= NewValue AFTER dly; -- no glitch regular prop delay
+ -- If there no new glitch was detected, just schedule the new value.
+ OutSignal <= NewValue AFTER dly;
+ -- Record the new value and time depending on glitch type just scheduled.
+ IF NOT NegPreemptGlitch THEN -- 5/2/96 for "x-pulse" IR225
+ GlitchData.SchedValue := NewValue;
+ GlitchData.SchedTime := NOW+dly; -- pulse timing.
+ GlitchData.SchedValue := 'X';
+ -- leave GlitchData.SchedTime to old value since glitch is negative
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalPathDelay (
+ SIGNAL OutSignal : OUT std_logic;
+ VARIABLE GlitchData : INOUT VitalGlitchDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutSignalName : IN string;
+ CONSTANT OutTemp : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT Paths : IN VitalPathArrayType;
+ CONSTANT DefaultDelay : IN VitalDelayType := VitalZeroDelay;
+ CONSTANT Mode : IN VitalGlitchKindType := OnEvent;
+ CONSTANT NegPreemptOn : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE; --IR225 3/14/98
+ CONSTANT IgnoreDefaultDelay : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE --IR248 3/14/98
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE PropDelay : TIME;
+ -- Check if the new value to be scheduled is different than the
+ -- previously scheduled value
+ IF (GlitchData.SchedTime <= NOW) AND
+ (GlitchData.SchedValue = OutTemp)
+ -- Evaluate propagation delay paths
+ PropDelay := VitalSelectPathDelay (OutTemp, GlitchData.LastValue,
+ OutSignalName, Paths, DefaultDelay,
+ IgnoreDefaultDelay);
+ GlitchData.LastValue := OutTemp;
+ -- Schedule the output transactions - including glitch handling
+ VitalGlitch (OutSignal, GlitchData, OutSignalName, OutTemp,
+ PropDelay, Mode, XOn, NegPreemptOn, MsgOn, MsgSeverity );
+ END VitalPathDelay;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalPathDelay01 (
+ SIGNAL OutSignal : OUT std_logic;
+ VARIABLE GlitchData : INOUT VitalGlitchDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutSignalName : IN string;
+ CONSTANT OutTemp : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT Paths : IN VitalPathArray01Type;
+ CONSTANT DefaultDelay : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalZeroDelay01;
+ CONSTANT Mode : IN VitalGlitchKindType := OnEvent;
+ CONSTANT NegPreemptOn : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE; --IR225 3/14/98
+ CONSTANT IgnoreDefaultDelay : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE; --IR248 3/14/98
+ CONSTANT RejectFastPath : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE --IR250
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE PropDelay : TIME;
+ -- Check if the new value to be scheduled is different than the
+ -- previously scheduled value
+ IF (GlitchData.SchedTime <= NOW) AND
+ (GlitchData.SchedValue = OutTemp)
+ -- Check if the new value to be Scheduled is the same as the
+ -- previously scheduled output transactions. If this condition
+ -- exists and the new scheduled time is < the current GlitchData.
+ -- schedTime then a fast path condition exists (IR250). If the
+ -- modeler wants this condition rejected by setting the
+ -- RejectFastPath actual to true then exit out.
+ ELSIF (GlitchData.SchedValue=OutTemp) AND (RejectFastPath)
+ -- Evaluate propagation delay paths
+ PropDelay := VitalSelectPathDelay (OutTemp, GlitchData.LastValue,
+ OutSignalName, Paths, DefaultDelay,
+ IgnoreDefaultDelay);
+ GlitchData.LastValue := OutTemp;
+ VitalGlitch (OutSignal, GlitchData, OutSignalName, OutTemp,
+ PropDelay, Mode, XOn, NegPreemptOn, MsgOn, MsgSeverity );
+ END VitalPathDelay01;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalPathDelay01Z (
+ SIGNAL OutSignal : OUT std_logic;
+ VARIABLE GlitchData : INOUT VitalGlitchDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutSignalName : IN string;
+ CONSTANT OutTemp : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT Paths : IN VitalPathArray01ZType;
+ CONSTANT DefaultDelay : IN VitalDelayType01Z := VitalZeroDelay01Z;
+ CONSTANT Mode : IN VitalGlitchKindType := OnEvent;
+ CONSTANT OutputMap : IN VitalOutputMapType := VitalDefaultOutputMap;
+ CONSTANT NegPreemptOn : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE; --IR225 3/14/98
+ CONSTANT IgnoreDefaultDelay : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE; --IR248 3/14/98
+ CONSTANT RejectFastPath : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE --IR250
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE PropDelay : TIME;
+ -- Check if the new value to be scheduled is different than the
+ -- previously scheduled value
+ IF (GlitchData.SchedTime <= NOW) AND
+ (GlitchData.SchedValue = OutTemp)
+ -- Check if the new value to be Scheduled is the same as the
+ -- previously scheduled output transactions. If this condition
+ -- exists and the new scheduled time is < the current GlitchData.
+ -- schedTime then a fast path condition exists (IR250). If the
+ -- modeler wants this condition rejected by setting the
+ -- RejectFastPath actual to true then exit out.
+ ELSIF (GlitchData.SchedValue=OutTemp) AND (RejectFastPath)
+ -- Evaluate propagation delay paths
+ PropDelay := VitalSelectPathDelay (OutTemp, GlitchData.LastValue,
+ OutSignalName, Paths, DefaultDelay,
+ IgnoreDefaultDelay);
+ GlitchData.LastValue := OutTemp;
+ -- Schedule the output transactions - including glitch handling
+ VitalGlitch (OutSignal, GlitchData, OutSignalName, OutTemp,
+ PropDelay, Mode, XOn, NegPreemptOn, MsgOn, MsgSeverity );
+ END VitalPathDelay01Z;
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalWireDelay (
+ SIGNAL OutSig : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL InSig : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT twire : IN VitalDelayType
+ ) IS
+ OutSig <= TRANSPORT InSig AFTER twire;
+ END VitalWireDelay;
+ PROCEDURE VitalWireDelay (
+ SIGNAL OutSig : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL InSig : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT twire : IN VitalDelayType01
+ ) IS
+ Delay := VitalCalcDelay( InSig, InSig'LAST_VALUE, twire );
+ OutSig <= TRANSPORT InSig AFTER Delay;
+ END VitalWireDelay;
+ PROCEDURE VitalWireDelay (
+ SIGNAL OutSig : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL InSig : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT twire : IN VitalDelayType01Z
+ ) IS
+ Delay := VitalCalcDelay( InSig, InSig'LAST_VALUE, twire );
+ OutSig <= TRANSPORT InSig AFTER Delay;
+ END VitalWireDelay;
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalSignalDelay (
+ SIGNAL OutSig : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL InSig : IN std_ulogic;
+ ) IS
+ OutSig <= TRANSPORT InSig AFTER dly;
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Setup and Hold Time Check Routine
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE ReportViolation (
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT CheckInfo : IN CheckInfoType;
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE Message : LINE;
+ IF NOT CheckInfo.Violation THEN RETURN; END IF;
+ Write ( Message, HeaderMsg );
+ Case CheckInfo.CheckKind IS
+ WHEN SetupCheck => Write ( Message, STRING'(" SETUP ") );
+ WHEN HoldCheck => Write ( Message, STRING'(" HOLD ") );
+ WHEN RecoveryCheck => Write ( Message, STRING'(" RECOVERY ") );
+ WHEN RemovalCheck => Write ( Message, STRING'(" REMOVAL ") );
+ WHEN PulseWidCheck => Write ( Message, STRING'(" PULSE WIDTH "));
+ WHEN PeriodCheck => Write ( Message, STRING'(" PERIOD ") );
+ Write ( Message, HiLoStr(CheckInfo.State) );
+ Write ( Message, STRING'(" VIOLATION ON ") );
+ Write ( Message, TestSignalName );
+ IF (RefSignalName'LENGTH > 0) THEN
+ Write ( Message, STRING'(" WITH RESPECT TO ") );
+ Write ( Message, RefSignalName );
+ Write ( Message, ';' & LF );
+ Write ( Message, STRING'(" Expected := ") );
+ Write ( Message, CheckInfo.ExpTime);
+ Write ( Message, STRING'("; Observed := ") );
+ Write ( Message, CheckInfo.ObsTime);
+ Write ( Message, STRING'("; At : ") );
+ Write ( Message, CheckInfo.DetTime);
+ DEALLOCATE (Message);
+ END ReportViolation;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Procedure : InternalTimingCheck
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE InternalTimingCheck (
+ CONSTANT TestSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT RefSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupHigh : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupLow : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HoldHigh : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HoldLow : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ VARIABLE CheckInfo : INOUT CheckInfoType;
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE actualObsTime : TIME;
+ -- Check SETUP constraint
+ IF RefEdge THEN
+ IF SetupEn THEN
+ CheckInfo.ObsTime := RefTime - TestTime;
+ CheckInfo.State := To_X01(TestSignal);
+ CASE CheckInfo.State IS
+ WHEN '0' => CheckInfo.ExpTime := SetupLow;
+ -- start of new code IR245-246
+ BC := HoldHigh;
+ -- end of new code IR245-246
+ WHEN '1' => CheckInfo.ExpTime := SetupHigh;
+ -- start of new code IR245-246
+ BC := HoldLow;
+ -- end of new code IR245-246
+ WHEN 'X' => CheckInfo.ExpTime := Maximum(SetupHigh,SetupLow);
+ -- start of new code IR245-246
+ BC := Maximum(HoldHigh,HoldLow);
+ -- end of new code IR245-246
+ -- added the second condition for IR 245-246
+ CheckInfo.Violation := ( (CheckInfo.ObsTime < CheckInfo.ExpTime)
+ AND ( NOT ((CheckInfo.ObsTime = BC) and (BC = 0 ns))) );
+ -- start of new code IR245-246
+ IF(CheckInfo.ExpTime = 0 ns) THEN
+ CheckInfo.CheckKind := HoldCheck;
+ CheckInfo.CheckKind := SetupCheck;
+ -- end of new code IR245-246
+ SetupEn := FALSE;
+ CheckInfo.Violation := FALSE;
+ -- Check HOLD constraint
+ ELSIF TestEvent THEN
+ IF HoldEn THEN
+ CheckInfo.ObsTime := TestTime - RefTime;
+ CheckInfo.State := To_X01(TestSignal);
+ CASE CheckInfo.State IS
+ WHEN '0' => CheckInfo.ExpTime := HoldHigh;
+ -- new code for unnamed IR
+ CheckInfo.State := '1';
+ -- start of new code IR245-246
+ BC := SetupLow;
+ -- end of new code IR245-246
+ WHEN '1' => CheckInfo.ExpTime := HoldLow;
+ -- new code for unnamed IR
+ CheckInfo.State := '0';
+ -- start of new code IR245-246
+ BC := SetupHigh;
+ -- end of new code IR245-246
+ WHEN 'X' => CheckInfo.ExpTime := Maximum(HoldHigh,HoldLow);
+ -- start of new code IR245-246
+ BC := Maximum(SetupHigh,SetupLow);
+ -- end of new code IR245-246
+ -- added the second condition for IR 245-246
+ CheckInfo.Violation := ( (CheckInfo.ObsTime < CheckInfo.ExpTime)
+ AND ( NOT ((CheckInfo.ObsTime = BC) and (BC = 0 ns))) );
+ -- start of new code IR245-246
+ IF(CheckInfo.ExpTime = 0 ns) THEN
+ CheckInfo.CheckKind := SetupCheck;
+ CheckInfo.CheckKind := HoldCheck;
+ -- end of new code IR245-246
+ HoldEn := NOT CheckInfo.Violation;
+ CheckInfo.Violation := FALSE;
+ CheckInfo.Violation := FALSE;
+ -- Adjust report values to account for internal model delays
+ -- Note: TestDelay, RefDelay, TestTime, RefTime are non-negative
+ -- Note: bias may be negative or positive
+ IF MsgOn AND CheckInfo.Violation THEN
+ -- modified the code for correct reporting of violation in case of
+ -- order of signals being reversed because of internal delays
+ -- new variable
+ actualObsTime := (TestTime-TestDelay)-(RefTime-RefDelay);
+ bias := TestDelay - RefDelay;
+ IF (actualObsTime < 0 ns) THEN -- It should be a setup check
+ IF ( CheckInfo.CheckKind = HoldCheck) then
+ CheckInfo.CheckKind := SetupCheck;
+ CASE CheckInfo.State IS
+ WHEN '0' => CheckInfo.ExpTime := SetupLow;
+ WHEN '1' => CheckInfo.ExpTime := SetupHigh;
+ WHEN 'X' => CheckInfo.ExpTime := Maximum(SetupHigh,SetupLow);
+ CheckInfo.ObsTime := -actualObsTime;
+ CheckInfo.ExpTime := CheckInfo.ExpTime + bias;
+ CheckInfo.DetTime := RefTime - RefDelay;
+ ELSE -- It should be a hold check
+ IF ( CheckInfo.CheckKind = SetupCheck) then
+ CheckInfo.CheckKind := HoldCheck;
+ CASE CheckInfo.State IS
+ WHEN '0' => CheckInfo.ExpTime := HoldHigh;
+ CheckInfo.State := '1';
+ WHEN '1' => CheckInfo.ExpTime := HoldLow;
+ CheckInfo.State := '0';
+ WHEN 'X' => CheckInfo.ExpTime := Maximum(HoldHigh,HoldLow);
+ CheckInfo.ObsTime := actualObsTime;
+ CheckInfo.ExpTime := CheckInfo.ExpTime - bias;
+ CheckInfo.DetTime := TestTime - TestDelay;
+ END InternalTimingCheck;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION VitalTimingDataInit
+ RETURN VitalTimingDataType IS
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Procedure : VitalSetupHoldCheck
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalSetupHoldCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01;
+ VARIABLE TimingData : INOUT VitalTimingDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName: IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ SIGNAL RefSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupHigh : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupLow : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HoldHigh : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HoldLow : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT RefTransition : IN VitalEdgeSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT EnableSetupOnTest : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE; --IR252 3/23/98
+ CONSTANT EnableSetupOnRef : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE; --IR252 3/23/98
+ CONSTANT EnableHoldOnRef : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE; --IR252 3/23/98
+ CONSTANT EnableHoldOnTest : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE --IR252 3/23/98
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE CheckInfo : CheckInfoType;
+ VARIABLE RefEdge, TestEvent : BOOLEAN;
+ VARIABLE TestDly : TIME := Maximum(0 ns, TestDelay);
+ VARIABLE RefDly : TIME := Maximum(0 ns, RefDelay);
+ IF (TimingData.NotFirstFlag = FALSE) THEN
+ TimingData.TestLast := To_X01(TestSignal);
+ TimingData.RefLast := To_X01(RefSignal);
+ TimingData.NotFirstFlag := TRUE;
+ -- Detect reference edges and record the time of the last edge
+ RefEdge := EdgeSymbolMatch(TimingData.RefLast, To_X01(RefSignal),
+ RefTransition);
+ TimingData.RefLast := To_X01(RefSignal);
+ IF RefEdge THEN
+ TimingData.RefTime := NOW;
+ TimingData.SetupEn := TimingData.SetupEn AND EnableSetupOnRef; --IR252 3/23/98
+ TimingData.HoldEn := EnableHoldOnRef; --IR252 3/23/98
+ -- Detect test (data) changes and record the time of the last change
+ TestEvent := TimingData.TestLast /= To_X01Z(TestSignal);
+ TimingData.TestLast := To_X01Z(TestSignal);
+ IF TestEvent THEN
+ TimingData.TestTime := NOW;
+ TimingData.SetupEn := EnableSetupOnTest; --IR252 3/23/98
+ TimingData.HoldEn := TimingData.HoldEn AND EnableHoldOnTest; --IR252 3/23/98
+ -- Perform timing checks (if enabled)
+ Violation := '0';
+ IF (CheckEnabled) THEN
+ InternalTimingCheck (
+ TestSignal => TestSignal,
+ RefSignal => RefSignal,
+ TestDelay => TestDly,
+ RefDelay => RefDly,
+ SetupHigh => SetupHigh,
+ SetupLow => SetupLow,
+ HoldHigh => HoldHigh,
+ HoldLow => HoldLow,
+ RefTime => TimingData.RefTime,
+ RefEdge => RefEdge,
+ TestTime => TimingData.TestTime,
+ TestEvent => TestEvent,
+ SetupEn => TimingData.SetupEn,
+ HoldEn => TimingData.HoldEn,
+ CheckInfo => CheckInfo,
+ MsgOn => MsgOn );
+ -- Report any detected violations and set return violation flag
+ IF CheckInfo.Violation THEN
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ ReportViolation (TestSignalName, RefSignalName,
+ HeaderMsg, CheckInfo, MsgSeverity );
+ IF (XOn) THEN Violation := 'X'; END IF;
+ END VitalSetupHoldCheck;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalSetupHoldCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01;
+ VARIABLE TimingData : INOUT VitalTimingDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName: IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ SIGNAL RefSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupHigh : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupLow : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HoldHigh : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HoldLow : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT RefTransition : IN VitalEdgeSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT EnableSetupOnTest : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE; --IR252 3/23/98
+ CONSTANT EnableSetupOnRef : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE; --IR252 3/23/98
+ CONSTANT EnableHoldOnRef : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE; --IR252 3/23/98
+ CONSTANT EnableHoldOnTest : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE --IR252 3/23/98
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE CheckInfo : CheckInfoType;
+ VARIABLE TestEvent : VitalBoolArrayT(TestSignal'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE TestDly : TIME := Maximum(0 ns, TestDelay);
+ VARIABLE RefDly : TIME := Maximum(0 ns, RefDelay);
+ VARIABLE ChangedAllAtOnce : BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+ -- Initialization of working area.
+ IF (TimingData.NotFirstFlag = FALSE) THEN
+ TimingData.TestLastA := NEW std_logic_vector(TestSignal'RANGE);
+ TimingData.TestTimeA := NEW VitalTimeArrayT(TestSignal'RANGE);
+ TimingData.HoldEnA := NEW VitalBoolArrayT(TestSignal'RANGE);
+ TimingData.SetupEnA := NEW VitalBoolArrayT(TestSignal'RANGE);
+ FOR i IN TestSignal'RANGE LOOP
+ TimingData.TestLastA(i) := To_X01(TestSignal(i));
+ TimingData.RefLast := To_X01(RefSignal);
+ TimingData.NotFirstFlag := TRUE;
+ -- Detect reference edges and record the time of the last edge
+ RefEdge := EdgeSymbolMatch(TimingData.RefLast, To_X01(RefSignal),
+ RefTransition);
+ TimingData.RefLast := To_X01(RefSignal);
+ IF RefEdge THEN
+ TimingData.RefTime := NOW;
+ TimingData.SetupEn := TimingData.SetupEn AND EnableSetupOnRef; --IR252 3/23/98
+ TimingData.HoldEnA.all := (TestSignal'RANGE => EnableHoldOnRef); --IR252 3/23/98
+ -- Detect test (data) changes and record the time of the last change
+ FOR i IN TestSignal'RANGE LOOP
+ TestEvent(i) := TimingData.TestLastA(i) /= To_X01Z(TestSignal(i));
+ TimingData.TestLastA(i) := To_X01Z(TestSignal(i));
+ IF TestEvent(i) THEN
+ TimingData.TestTimeA(i) := NOW;
+ TimingData.SetupEnA(i) := EnableSetupOnTest; --IR252 3/23/98
+ TimingData.HoldEnA(i) := TimingData.HoldEn AND EnableHoldOnTest; --IR252 3/23/98
+ TimingData.TestTime := NOW; --IR252 3/23/98
+ -- Check to see if the Bus subelements changed all at the same time.
+ -- If so, then we can reduce the volume of error messages since we no
+ -- longer have to report every subelement individually
+ FOR i IN TestSignal'RANGE LOOP
+ IF TimingData.TestTimeA(i) /= TimingData.TestTime THEN
+ ChangedAllAtOnce := FALSE;
+ -- Perform timing checks (if enabled)
+ Violation := '0';
+ IF (CheckEnabled) THEN
+ FOR i IN TestSignal'RANGE LOOP
+ InternalTimingCheck (
+ TestSignal => TestSignal(i),
+ RefSignal => RefSignal,
+ TestDelay => TestDly,
+ RefDelay => RefDly,
+ SetupHigh => SetupHigh,
+ SetupLow => SetupLow,
+ HoldHigh => HoldHigh,
+ HoldLow => HoldLow,
+ RefTime => TimingData.RefTime,
+ RefEdge => RefEdge,
+ TestTime => TimingData.TestTimeA(i),
+ TestEvent => TestEvent(i),
+ SetupEn => TimingData.SetupEnA(i),
+ HoldEn => TimingData.HoldEnA(i),
+ CheckInfo => CheckInfo,
+ MsgOn => MsgOn );
+ -- Report any detected violations and set return violation flag
+ IF CheckInfo.Violation THEN
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ IF ( ChangedAllAtOnce AND (i = TestSignal'LEFT) ) THEN
+ ReportViolation (TestSignalName&"(...)", RefSignalName,
+ HeaderMsg, CheckInfo, MsgSeverity );
+ ELSIF (NOT ChangedAllAtOnce) THEN
+ Write (StrPtr1, i);
+ ReportViolation (TestSignalName & "(" & StrPtr1.ALL & ")",
+ RefSignalName,
+ HeaderMsg, CheckInfo, MsgSeverity );
+ Violation := 'X';
+ END VitalSetupHoldCheck;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Function : VitalRecoveryRemovalCheck
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalRecoveryRemovalCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01;
+ VARIABLE TimingData : INOUT VitalTimingDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName: IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ SIGNAL RefSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT Recovery : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT Removal : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT RefTransition : IN VitalEdgeSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT EnableRecOnTest : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE; --IR252 3/23/98
+ CONSTANT EnableRecOnRef : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE; --IR252 3/23/98
+ CONSTANT EnableRemOnRef : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE; --IR252 3/23/98
+ CONSTANT EnableRemOnTest : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE --IR252 3/23/98
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE CheckInfo : CheckInfoType;
+ VARIABLE RefEdge, TestEvent : BOOLEAN;
+ VARIABLE TestDly : TIME := Maximum(0 ns, TestDelay);
+ VARIABLE RefDly : TIME := Maximum(0 ns, RefDelay);
+ IF (TimingData.NotFirstFlag = FALSE) THEN
+ TimingData.TestLast := To_X01(TestSignal);
+ TimingData.RefLast := To_X01(RefSignal);
+ TimingData.NotFirstFlag := TRUE;
+ -- Detect reference edges and record the time of the last edge
+ RefEdge := EdgeSymbolMatch(TimingData.RefLast, To_X01(RefSignal),
+ RefTransition);
+ TimingData.RefLast := To_X01(RefSignal);
+ IF RefEdge THEN
+ TimingData.RefTime := NOW;
+ TimingData.SetupEn := TimingData.SetupEn AND EnableRecOnRef; --IR252 3/23/98
+ TimingData.HoldEn := EnableRemOnRef; --IR252 3/23/98
+ -- Detect test (data) changes and record the time of the last change
+ TestEvent := TimingData.TestLast /= To_X01Z(TestSignal);
+ TimingData.TestLast := To_X01Z(TestSignal);
+ IF TestEvent THEN
+ TimingData.TestTime := NOW;
+ TimingData.SetupEn := EnableRecOnTest; --IR252 3/23/98
+ TimingData.HoldEn := TimingData.HoldEn AND EnableRemOnTest; --IR252 3/23/98
+ -- Perform timing checks (if enabled)
+ Violation := '0';
+ IF (CheckEnabled) THEN
+ IF ActiveLow THEN
+ InternalTimingCheck (
+ TestSignal, RefSignal, TestDly, RefDly,
+ Recovery, 0 ns, 0 ns, Removal,
+ TimingData.RefTime, RefEdge,
+ TimingData.TestTime, TestEvent,
+ TimingData.SetupEn, TimingData.HoldEn,
+ CheckInfo, MsgOn );
+ InternalTimingCheck (
+ TestSignal, RefSignal, TestDly, RefDly,
+ 0 ns, Recovery, Removal, 0 ns,
+ TimingData.RefTime, RefEdge,
+ TimingData.TestTime, TestEvent,
+ TimingData.SetupEn, TimingData.HoldEn,
+ CheckInfo, MsgOn );
+ -- Report any detected violations and set return violation flag
+ IF CheckInfo.Violation THEN
+ IF CheckInfo.CheckKind = SetupCheck THEN
+ CheckInfo.CheckKind := RecoveryCheck;
+ CheckInfo.CheckKind := RemovalCheck;
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ ReportViolation (TestSignalName, RefSignalName,
+ HeaderMsg, CheckInfo, MsgSeverity );
+ IF (XOn) THEN Violation := 'X'; END IF;
+ END VitalRecoveryRemovalCheck;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalPeriodPulseCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01;
+ VARIABLE PeriodData : INOUT VitalPeriodDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT Period : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT PulseWidthHigh : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT PulseWidthLow : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE TestDly : TIME := Maximum(0 ns, TestDelay);
+ VARIABLE CheckInfo : CheckInfoType;
+ VARIABLE PeriodObs : TIME;
+ VARIABLE PulseTest, PeriodTest : BOOLEAN;
+ VARIABLE TestValue : X01 := To_X01(TestSignal);
+ IF (PeriodData.NotFirstFlag = FALSE) THEN
+ PeriodData.Rise :=
+ -maximum(Period, maximum(PulseWidthHigh, PulseWidthLow));
+ PeriodData.Fall :=
+ -maximum(Period, maximum(PulseWidthHigh, PulseWidthLow));
+ PeriodData.Last := To_X01(TestSignal);
+ PeriodData.NotFirstFlag := TRUE;
+ -- Initialize for no violation
+ -- No violation possible if no test signal change
+ Violation := '0';
+ IF (PeriodData.Last = TestValue) THEN
+ -- record starting pulse times
+ IF EdgeSymbolMatch(PeriodData.Last, TestValue, 'P') THEN
+ -- Compute period times, then record the High Rise Time
+ PeriodObs := NOW - PeriodData.Rise;
+ PeriodData.Rise := NOW;
+ PeriodTest := TRUE;
+ ELSIF EdgeSymbolMatch(PeriodData.Last, TestValue, 'N') THEN
+ -- Compute period times, then record the Low Fall Time
+ PeriodObs := NOW - PeriodData.Fall;
+ PeriodData.Fall := NOW;
+ PeriodTest := TRUE;
+ PeriodTest := FALSE;
+ -- do checks on pulse ends
+ IF EdgeSymbolMatch(PeriodData.Last, TestValue, 'p') THEN
+ -- Compute pulse times
+ CheckInfo.ObsTime := NOW - PeriodData.Fall;
+ CheckInfo.ExpTime := PulseWidthLow;
+ PulseTest := TRUE;
+ ELSIF EdgeSymbolMatch(PeriodData.Last, TestValue, 'n') THEN
+ -- Compute pulse times
+ CheckInfo.ObsTime := NOW - PeriodData.Rise;
+ CheckInfo.ExpTime := PulseWidthHigh;
+ PulseTest := TRUE;
+ PulseTest := FALSE;
+ IF PulseTest AND CheckEnabled THEN
+ -- Verify Pulse Width [ignore 1st edge]
+ IF ( CheckInfo.ObsTime < CheckInfo.ExpTime ) THEN
+ IF (XOn) THEN Violation := 'X'; END IF;
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ CheckInfo.Violation := TRUE;
+ CheckInfo.CheckKind := PulseWidCheck;
+ CheckInfo.DetTime := NOW - TestDly;
+ CheckInfo.State := PeriodData.Last;
+ ReportViolation (TestSignalName, "",
+ HeaderMsg, CheckInfo, MsgSeverity );
+ END IF; -- MsgOn
+ IF PeriodTest AND CheckEnabled THEN
+ -- Verify the Period [ignore 1st edge]
+ CheckInfo.ObsTime := PeriodObs;
+ CheckInfo.ExpTime := Period;
+ IF ( CheckInfo.ObsTime < CheckInfo.ExpTime ) THEN
+ IF (XOn) THEN Violation := 'X'; END IF;
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ CheckInfo.Violation := TRUE;
+ CheckInfo.CheckKind := PeriodCheck;
+ CheckInfo.DetTime := NOW - TestDly;
+ CheckInfo.State := TestValue;
+ ReportViolation (TestSignalName, "",
+ HeaderMsg, CheckInfo, MsgSeverity );
+ END IF; -- MsgOn
+ PeriodData.Last := TestValue;
+ END VitalPeriodPulseCheck;
+ PROCEDURE ReportSkewViolation (
+ CONSTANT Signal1Name : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT Signal2Name : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT ExpectedTime : IN TIME;
+ CONSTANT OccuranceTime : IN TIME;
+ CONSTANT SkewPhase : IN SkewType;
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE Message : LINE;
+ Write ( Message, HeaderMsg );
+ IF (ViolationFlag /= TRUE) THEN
+ Write ( Message, STRING'(" POSSIBLE") );
+ IF (SkewPhase = Inphase) THEN
+ Write ( Message, STRING'(" IN PHASE ") );
+ Write ( Message, STRING'(" OUT OF PHASE ") );
+ Write ( Message, STRING'("SKEW VIOLATION ON ") );
+ Write ( Message, Signal2Name );
+ IF (Signal1Name'LENGTH > 0) THEN
+ Write ( Message, STRING'(" WITH RESPECT TO ") );
+ Write ( Message, Signal1Name );
+ Write ( Message, ';' & LF );
+ Write ( Message, STRING'(" At : ") );
+ Write ( Message, OccuranceTime);
+ Write ( Message, STRING'("; Skew Limit : ") );
+ Write ( Message, ExpectedTime);
+ DEALLOCATE (Message);
+ END ReportSkewViolation;
+ PROCEDURE VitalInPhaseSkewCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01;
+ VARIABLE SkewData : INOUT VitalSkewDataType;
+ SIGNAL Signal1 : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Signal1Name : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT Signal1Delay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ SIGNAL Signal2 : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Signal2Name : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT Signal2Delay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := "";
+ SIGNAL Trigger : INOUT std_ulogic
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE ReportType : VitalSkewExpectedType := none;
+ VARIABLE ExpectedType : VitalSkewExpectedType := none;
+ VARIABLE ReportTime : TIME;
+ VARIABLE TriggerDelay : TIME;
+ VARIABLE ViolationCertain : Boolean := TRUE;
+ Violation := '0';
+ ReportType := none;
+ TriggerDelay := noTrigger;
+ IF (CheckEnabled) THEN
+ IF (SkewData.ExpectedType /= none) THEN
+ IF (trigger'Event) THEN
+ CASE SkewData.ExpectedType IS
+ WHEN s1r => ReportType := s1r;
+ ReportTime := NOW - Signal1Delay;
+ WHEN s1f => ReportType := s1f;
+ ReportTime := NOW - Signal1Delay;
+ WHEN s2r => ReportType := s2r;
+ ReportTime := NOW - Signal2Delay;
+ WHEN s2f => ReportType := s2f;
+ ReportTime := NOW - Signal2Delay;
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := none;
+ ELSIF ( Signal1'Event OR Signal2'Event ) THEN
+ IF ( Signal1 /= 'X' AND Signal2 /= 'X' ) THEN
+ TriggerDelay := 0 ns;
+ ExpectedType := none;
+ IF (Signal1'EVENT and Signal2'EVENT) THEN
+ IF (Signal1 = Signal2) THEN
+ IF (Posedge(Signal1'LAST_VALUE, Signal1)) THEN
+ IF ((Signal1Delay - Signal2Delay) >=
+ SkewS1S2RiseRise) THEN
+ ReportType := s2r;
+ ReportTime := NOW - Signal1Delay +
+ SkewS1S2RiseRise;
+ ELSIF ((Signal2Delay -Signal1Delay) >=
+ SkewS2S1RiseRise) THEN
+ ReportType := s1r;
+ ReportTime := NOW - Signal2Delay +
+ SkewS2S1RiseRise;
+ ELSIF (Negedge(Signal1'LAST_VALUE, Signal1)) THEN
+ IF ((Signal1Delay - Signal2Delay) >=
+ SkewS1S2FallFall) THEN
+ ReportType := s2f;
+ ReportTime := NOW - Signal1Delay +
+ SkewS1S2FallFall;
+ ELSIF ((Signal2Delay - Signal1Delay) >=
+ SkewS2S1FallFall) THEN
+ ReportType := s1f;
+ ReportTime := NOW - Signal2Delay +
+ SkewS2S1FallFall;
+ ELSIF (Posedge(Signal1'LAST_VALUE , Signal1)) THEN
+ IF ((Signal1Delay >= Signal2Delay) and (Signal2Delay >
+ SkewS2S1FallFall)) THEN
+ ReportType := s1f;
+ ReportTime := NOW - Signal2Delay +
+ SkewS2S1FallFall;
+ ELSIF ((Signal2Delay >= Signal1Delay) and (Signal1Delay >
+ SkewS1S2RiseRise)) THEN
+ ReportType := s2r;
+ ReportTime := NOW - Signal1Delay +
+ SkewS1S2RiseRise;
+ ELSIF (Signal2Delay > Signal1Delay) THEN
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := s2r;
+ TriggerDelay := SkewS1S2RiseRise +
+ Signal2Delay - Signal1Delay;
+ ELSIF (Signal1Delay > Signal2Delay) THEN
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := s1r;
+ TriggerDelay := SkewS2S1RiseRise +
+ Signal1Delay - Signal2Delay;
+ ELSIF (SkewS1S2RiseRise < SkewS2S1RiseRise) THEN
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := s2r;
+ TriggerDelay := SkewS1S2RiseRise;
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := s1r;
+ TriggerDelay := SkewS2S1RiseRise;
+ ELSIF (Negedge(Signal1'LAST_VALUE , Signal1)) THEN
+ IF ((Signal1Delay >= Signal2Delay) and (Signal2Delay >
+ SkewS2S1RiseRise)) THEN
+ ReportType := s1r;
+ ReportTime := NOW - Signal2Delay +
+ SkewS2S1RiseRise;
+ ELSIF ((Signal2Delay >= Signal1Delay) and (Signal1Delay >
+ SkewS1S2FallFall)) THEN
+ ReportType := s2f;
+ ReportTime := NOW - Signal1Delay +
+ SkewS1S2FallFall;
+ ELSIF (Signal2Delay > Signal1Delay) THEN
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := s2f;
+ TriggerDelay := SkewS1S2FallFall +
+ Signal2Delay - Signal1Delay;
+ ELSIF (Signal1Delay > Signal2Delay) THEN
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := s1f;
+ TriggerDelay := SkewS2S1FallFall +
+ Signal1Delay - Signal2Delay;
+ ELSIF (SkewS1S2FallFall < SkewS2S1FallFall) THEN
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := s2f;
+ TriggerDelay := SkewS1S2FallFall;
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := s1f;
+ TriggerDelay := SkewS2S1FallFall;
+ IF ( Signal1 /= Signal2) THEN
+ IF ( Posedge( Signal1'LAST_VALUE, Signal1)) THEN
+ IF (SkewS1S2RiseRise > (Signal1Delay -
+ Signal2Delay)) THEN
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := s2r;
+ TriggerDelay := SkewS1S2RiseRise +
+ Signal2Delay -
+ Signal1Delay;
+ ReportType := s2r;
+ ReportTime := NOW + SkewS1S2RiseRise -
+ Signal1Delay;
+ ELSIF ( Negedge( Signal1'LAST_VALUE, Signal1)) THEN
+ IF (SkewS1S2FallFall > (Signal1Delay -
+ Signal2Delay)) THEN
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := s2f;
+ TriggerDelay := SkewS1S2FallFall +
+ Signal2Delay -
+ Signal1Delay;
+ ReportType := s2f;
+ ReportTime := NOW + SkewS1S2FallFall -
+ Signal1Delay;
+ IF ( Posedge( Signal1'LAST_VALUE, Signal1)) THEN
+ IF ((Signal1Delay - SkewS1S2RiseRise) >
+ (Signal2'LAST_EVENT + Signal2Delay)) THEN
+ IF ((SkewData.Signal2Old2 - Signal2Delay) >
+ (NOW - Signal1Delay +
+ SkewS1S2RiseRise)) THEN
+ ViolationCertain := FALSE;
+ ReportType := s2r;
+ ReportTime := NOW + SkewS1S2RiseRise -
+ Signal1Delay;
+ ELSIF ( Negedge( Signal1'LAST_VALUE, Signal1)) THEN
+ IF ((Signal1Delay - SkewS1S2FallFall) >
+ (Signal2'LAST_EVENT + Signal2Delay)) THEN
+ IF (( SkewData.Signal2Old2 - Signal2Delay) >
+ (NOW - Signal1Delay +
+ SkewS1S2FallFall )) THEN
+ ViolationCertain := FALSE;
+ ReportType := s2f;
+ ReportTime := NOW + SkewS1S2FallFall -
+ Signal1Delay;
+ IF (Signal1 /= Signal2) THEN
+ IF (Posedge(Signal2'LAST_VALUE,Signal2)) THEN
+ IF ( SkewS2S1RiseRise > (Signal2Delay -
+ Signal1Delay)) THEN
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := s1r;
+ TriggerDelay := SkewS2S1RiseRise +
+ Signal1Delay -
+ Signal2Delay;
+ ReportType := s2r;
+ ReportTime := NOW + SkewS2S1RiseRise -
+ Signal2Delay;
+ ELSIF (Negedge(Signal2'LAST_VALUE,Signal2)) THEN
+ IF ( SkewS2S1FallFall > (Signal2Delay -
+ Signal1Delay)) THEN
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := s1f;
+ TriggerDelay := SkewS2S1FallFall +
+ Signal1Delay -
+ Signal2Delay;
+ ReportType := s1f;
+ ReportTime := NOW + SkewS2S1FallFall -
+ Signal2Delay;
+ IF (Posedge(Signal2'LAST_VALUE, Signal2)) THEN
+ IF ((Signal2Delay - SkewS2S1RiseRise) >
+ (Signal1'LAST_EVENT + Signal1Delay)) THEN
+ IF (( SkewData.Signal1Old2 - Signal1Delay) >
+ (NOW - Signal2Delay +
+ SkewS2S1RiseRise )) THEN
+ ViolationCertain := FALSE;
+ ReportType := s1r;
+ ReportTime := NOW + SkewS2S1RiseRise -
+ Signal2Delay;
+ ELSIF (Negedge(Signal2'LAST_VALUE, Signal2)) THEN
+ IF ((Signal2Delay - SkewS2S1FallFall) >
+ (Signal1'LAST_EVENT + Signal1Delay)) THEN
+ IF (( SkewData.Signal1Old2 - Signal1Delay) >
+ (NOW - Signal2Delay +
+ SkewS2S1FallFall )) THEN
+ ViolationCertain := FALSE;
+ ReportType := s1f;
+ ReportTime := NOW + SkewS2S1FallFall -
+ Signal2Delay;
+ IF (ReportType /= none) THEN
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ CASE ReportType IS
+ WHEN s1r =>
+ ReportSkewViolation(
+ Signal2Name,
+ Signal1Name,
+ SkewS2S1RiseRise,
+ ReportTime,
+ HeaderMsg,
+ MsgSeverity,
+ Inphase,
+ ViolationCertain);
+ WHEN s1f =>
+ ReportSkewViolation(
+ Signal2Name,
+ Signal1Name,
+ SkewS2S1FallFall,
+ ReportTime,
+ HeaderMsg,
+ MsgSeverity,
+ Inphase,
+ ViolationCertain);
+ WHEN s2r =>
+ ReportSkewViolation(
+ Signal1Name,
+ Signal2Name,
+ SkewS1S2RiseRise,
+ ReportTime,
+ HeaderMsg,
+ MsgSeverity,
+ Inphase,
+ ViolationCertain);
+ WHEN s2f =>
+ ReportSkewViolation(
+ Signal1Name,
+ Signal2Name,
+ SkewS1S2FallFall,
+ ReportTime,
+ HeaderMsg,
+ MsgSeverity,
+ Inphase,
+ ViolationCertain);
+ Violation := 'X';
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := none;
+ IF (TriggerDelay /= noTrigger) THEN
+ IF (TriggerDelay = 0 ns) THEN
+ trigger <= TRANSPORT trigger AFTER 0 ns;
+ trigger <= TRANSPORT not (trigger) AFTER
+ TriggerDelay;
+ IF (Signal1'EVENT and SkewData.Signal1Old1 /= NOW) THEN
+ SkewData.Signal1Old2 := SkewData.Signal1Old1;
+ SkewData.Signal1Old1 := NOW;
+ IF (Signal2'EVENT and SkewData.Signal2Old1 /= NOW) THEN
+ SkewData.Signal2Old2 := SkewData.Signal2Old1;
+ SkewData.Signal2Old1 := NOW;
+ END VitalInPhaseSkewCheck;
+ PROCEDURE VitalOutPhaseSkewCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01;
+ VARIABLE SkewData : INOUT VitalSkewDataType;
+ SIGNAL Signal1 : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Signal1Name : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT Signal1Delay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ SIGNAL Signal2 : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Signal2Name : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT Signal2Delay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := "";
+ SIGNAL Trigger : INOUT std_ulogic
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE ReportType : VitalSkewExpectedType := none;
+ VARIABLE ExpectedType : VitalSkewExpectedType := none;
+ VARIABLE ReportTime : TIME;
+ VARIABLE TriggerDelay : TIME;
+ VARIABLE ViolationCertain : Boolean := TRUE;
+ Violation := '0';
+ TriggerDelay := noTrigger;
+ IF (CheckEnabled) THEN
+ IF (SkewData.ExpectedType /= none) THEN
+ IF (trigger'Event) THEN
+ CASE SkewData.ExpectedType IS
+ WHEN s1r => ReportType := s1r;
+ ReportTime := NOW - Signal1Delay;
+ WHEN s1f => ReportType := s1f;
+ ReportTime := NOW - Signal1Delay;
+ WHEN s2r => ReportType := s2r;
+ ReportTime := NOW - Signal2Delay;
+ WHEN s2f => ReportType := s2f;
+ ReportTime := NOW - Signal2Delay;
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := none;
+ ELSIF (Signal1'Event OR Signal2'Event ) THEN
+ IF (Signal1 /= 'X' AND Signal2 /= 'X' ) THEN
+ TriggerDelay := 0 ns;
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := none;
+ IF (Signal1'EVENT and Signal2'EVENT) THEN
+ IF (Signal1 /= Signal2) THEN
+ IF (Posedge(Signal1'LAST_VALUE, Signal1)) THEN
+ IF ((Signal1Delay - Signal2Delay) >=
+ SkewS1S2RiseFall) THEN
+ ReportType := s2f;
+ ReportTime := NOW - Signal1Delay +
+ SkewS1S2RiseFall;
+ ELSIF ((Signal2Delay - Signal1Delay) >=
+ SkewS2S1FallRise) THEN
+ ReportType := s1r;
+ ReportTime := NOW - Signal2Delay +
+ SkewS2S1FallRise;
+ ELSIF (Negedge(Signal1'LAST_VALUE, Signal1)) THEN
+ IF ((Signal1Delay - Signal2Delay) >=
+ SkewS1S2FallRise) THEN
+ ReportType := s2r;
+ ReportTime := NOW - Signal1Delay +
+ SkewS1S2FallRise;
+ ELSIF ((Signal2Delay - Signal1Delay) >=
+ SkewS2S1RiseFall) THEN
+ ReportType := s1f;
+ ReportTime := NOW - Signal2Delay +
+ SkewS2S1RiseFall;
+ ELSIF (Posedge(Signal1'LAST_VALUE, Signal1)) THEN
+ IF ((Signal1Delay >= Signal2Delay) and (Signal2Delay >
+ SkewS2S1RiseFall)) THEN
+ ReportType := s1f;
+ ReportTime := NOW - Signal2Delay +
+ SkewS2S1RiseFall;
+ ELSIF ((Signal2Delay >= Signal1Delay) and (Signal1Delay >
+ SkewS1S2RiseFall)) THEN
+ ReportType := s2f;
+ ReportTime := NOW - Signal1Delay +
+ SkewS1S2RiseFall;
+ ELSIF (Signal1Delay > Signal2Delay) THEN
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := s1f;
+ TriggerDelay := SkewS2S1RiseFall +
+ Signal1Delay - Signal2Delay;
+ ELSIF (Signal2Delay > Signal1Delay) THEN
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := s2f;
+ TriggerDelay := SkewS1S2RiseFall +
+ Signal2Delay - Signal1Delay;
+ ELSIF (SkewS2S1RiseFall < SkewS1S2RiseFall) THEN
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := s1f;
+ TriggerDelay := SkewS2S1RiseFall;
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := s2f;
+ TriggerDelay := SkewS1S2RiseFall;
+ ELSIF (Negedge(Signal1'LAST_VALUE, Signal1)) THEN
+ IF ((Signal1Delay >= Signal2Delay) and (Signal2Delay >
+ SkewS2S1FallRise)) THEN
+ ReportType := s1r;
+ ReportTime := NOW - Signal2Delay +
+ SkewS2S1FallRise;
+ ELSIF ((Signal2Delay >= Signal1Delay) and (Signal1Delay >
+ SkewS1S2FallRise)) THEN
+ ReportType := s2r;
+ ReportTime := NOW - Signal1Delay +
+ SkewS1S2FallRise;
+ ELSIF (Signal1Delay > Signal2Delay) THEN
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := s1r;
+ TriggerDelay := SkewS2S1FallRise +
+ Signal1Delay - Signal2Delay;
+ ELSIF (Signal2Delay > Signal1Delay) THEN
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := s2r;
+ TriggerDelay := SkewS1S2FallRise +
+ Signal2Delay - Signal1Delay;
+ ELSIF (SkewS2S1FallRise < SkewS1S2FallRise) THEN
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := s1r;
+ TriggerDelay := SkewS2S1FallRise;
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := s2r;
+ TriggerDelay := SkewS1S2FallRise;
+ IF (Signal1 = Signal2) THEN
+ IF (Posedge(Signal1'LAST_VALUE,Signal1)) THEN
+ IF (SkewS1S2RiseFall > (Signal1Delay -
+ Signal2Delay)) THEN
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := s2f;
+ TriggerDelay := SkewS1S2RiseFall +
+ Signal2Delay - Signal1Delay;
+ ReportType := s2f;
+ ReportTime := NOW - Signal1Delay +
+ SkewS1S2RiseFall;
+ ELSIF ( Negedge(Signal1'LAST_VALUE, Signal1)) THEN
+ IF ( SkewS1S2FallRise > (Signal1Delay -
+ Signal2Delay)) THEN
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := s2r;
+ TriggerDelay := SkewS1S2FallRise +
+ Signal2Delay - Signal1Delay;
+ ReportType := s2r;
+ ReportTime := NOW - Signal1Delay +
+ SkewS1S2FallRise;
+ IF (Posedge( Signal1'LAST_VALUE, Signal1 )) THEN
+ IF ((Signal1Delay - SkewS1S2RiseFall) >
+ (Signal2'LAST_EVENT + Signal2Delay)) THEN
+ IF (( SkewData.Signal2Old2 - Signal2Delay) >
+ (NOW - Signal1Delay +
+ SkewS1S2RiseFall )) THEN
+ ViolationCertain := FALSE;
+ ReportType := s2f;
+ ReportTime := NOW + SkewS1S2RiseFall -
+ Signal1Delay;
+ ELSIF (Negedge(Signal1'LAST_VALUE, Signal1)) THEN
+ IF ((Signal1Delay - SkewS1S2FallRise) >
+ (Signal2'LAST_EVENT + Signal2Delay)) THEN
+ IF (( SkewData.Signal2Old2 - Signal2Delay) >
+ (NOW - Signal1Delay +
+ SkewS1S2FallRise )) THEN
+ ViolationCertain := FALSE;
+ ReportType := s2r;
+ ReportTime := NOW + SkewS1S2FallRise -
+ Signal1Delay;
+ IF (Signal1 = Signal2) THEN
+ IF (Posedge(Signal2'LAST_VALUE,Signal2)) THEN
+ IF (SkewS2S1RiseFall > (Signal2Delay -
+ Signal1Delay)) THEN
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := s1f;
+ TriggerDelay := SkewS2S1RiseFall + Signal1Delay -
+ Signal2Delay ;
+ ReportType := s1f;
+ ReportTime := NOW + SkewS2S1RiseFall -
+ Signal2Delay;
+ ELSIF (Negedge(Signal2'LAST_VALUE,Signal2)) THEN
+ IF (SkewS2S1FallRise > (Signal2Delay -
+ Signal1Delay)) THEN
+ SkewData.ExpectedType := s1r;
+ TriggerDelay := SkewS2S1FallRise + Signal1Delay -
+ Signal2Delay;
+ ReportType := s1r;
+ ReportTime := NOW + SkewS2S1FallRise -
+ Signal2Delay;
+ IF (Posedge(Signal2'LAST_VALUE,Signal2)) THEN
+ IF ((Signal2Delay - SkewS2S1RiseFall) >
+ (Signal1'LAST_EVENT + Signal1Delay)) THEN
+ IF (( SkewData.Signal1Old2 - Signal1Delay) >
+ (NOW - Signal2Delay +
+ SkewS2S1RiseFall )) THEN
+ ViolationCertain := FALSE;
+ ReportType := s1f;
+ ReportTime := NOW + SkewS2S1RiseFall -
+ Signal2Delay;
+ ELSIF (Negedge(Signal2'LAST_VALUE,Signal2)) THEN
+ IF ((Signal2Delay - SkewS2S1FallRise) >
+ (Signal1'LAST_EVENT + Signal1Delay)) THEN
+ IF (( SkewData.Signal1Old2 - Signal1Delay) >
+ (NOW - Signal2Delay +
+ SkewS2S1FallRise )) THEN
+ ViolationCertain := FALSE;
+ ReportType := s1r;
+ ReportTime := NOW + SkewS2S1FallRise -
+ Signal2Delay;
+ IF (ReportType /= none) THEN
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ CASE ReportType IS
+ WHEN s1r =>
+ ReportSkewViolation(
+ Signal2Name,
+ Signal1Name,
+ SkewS2S1FallRise,
+ ReportTime,
+ HeaderMsg,
+ MsgSeverity,
+ Outphase,
+ ViolationCertain);
+ WHEN s1f =>
+ ReportSkewViolation(
+ Signal2Name,
+ Signal1Name,
+ SkewS2S1RiseFall,
+ ReportTime,
+ HeaderMsg,
+ MsgSeverity,
+ Outphase,
+ ViolationCertain);
+ WHEN s2r =>
+ ReportSkewViolation(
+ Signal1Name,
+ Signal2Name,
+ SkewS1S2FallRise,
+ ReportTime,
+ HeaderMsg,
+ MsgSeverity,
+ Outphase,
+ ViolationCertain);
+ WHEN s2f =>
+ ReportSkewViolation(
+ Signal1Name,
+ Signal2Name,
+ SkewS1S2RiseFall,
+ ReportTime,
+ HeaderMsg,
+ MsgSeverity,
+ Outphase,
+ ViolationCertain);
+ Violation := 'X';
+ ReportType := none;
+ IF (TriggerDelay /= noTrigger) THEN
+ IF (TriggerDelay = 0 ns) THEN
+ trigger <= TRANSPORT trigger AFTER 0 ns;
+ trigger <= TRANSPORT not (trigger) AFTER
+ TriggerDelay;
+ IF (Signal1'EVENT and SkewData.Signal1Old1 /= NOW) THEN
+ SkewData.Signal1Old2 := SkewData.Signal1Old1;
+ SkewData.Signal1Old1 := NOW;
+ IF (Signal2'EVENT and SkewData.Signal2Old1 /= NOW) THEN
+ SkewData.Signal2Old2 := SkewData.Signal2Old1;
+ SkewData.Signal2Old1 := NOW;
+ END VitalOutPhaseSkewCheck;
+END VITAL_Timing;
diff --git a/libraries/vital2000/timing_p.vhdl b/libraries/vital2000/timing_p.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e18c8c24a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/vital2000/timing_p.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,1202 @@
+-- Title : Standard VITAL TIMING Package
+-- : $Revision: 598 $
+-- :
+-- Library : This package shall be compiled into a library
+-- : symbolically named IEEE.
+-- :
+-- Developers : IEEE DASC Timing Working Group (TWG), PAR 1076.4
+-- :
+-- Purpose : This packages defines standard types, attributes, constants,
+-- : functions and procedures for use in developing ASIC models.
+-- :
+-- Known Errors :
+-- :
+-- Note : No declarations or definitions shall be included in,
+-- : or excluded from this package. The "package declaration"
+-- : defines the objects (types, subtypes, constants, functions,
+-- : procedures ... etc.) that can be used by a user. The package
+-- : body shall be considered the formal definition of the
+-- : semantics of this package. Tool developers may choose to
+-- : implement the package body in the most efficient manner
+-- : available to them.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Acknowledgments:
+-- This code was originally developed under the "VHDL Initiative Toward ASIC
+-- Libraries" (VITAL), an industry sponsored initiative. Technical
+-- Director: William Billowitch, VHDL Technology Group; U.S. Coordinator:
+-- Steve Schultz; Steering Committee Members: Victor Berman, Cadence Design
+-- Systems; Oz Levia, Synopsys Inc.; Ray Ryan, Ryan & Ryan; Herman van Beek,
+-- Texas Instruments; Victor Martin, Hewlett-Packard Company.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Modification History :
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Version No:|Auth:| Mod.Date:| Changes Made:
+-- v95.0 A | | 06/02/95 | Initial ballot draft 1995
+-- v95.1 | | 08/31/95 | #203 - Timing violations at time 0
+-- #204 - Output mapping prior to glitch detection
+-- v98.0 |TAG | 03/27/98 | Initial ballot draft 1998
+-- | #IR225 - Negative Premptive Glitch
+-- **Pkg_effected=VitalPathDelay,
+-- VitalPathDelay01,VitalPathDelay01z.
+-- #IR105 - Skew timing check needed
+-- **Pkg_effected=NONE, New code added!!
+-- #IR248 - Allows VPD to use a default timing
+-- delay
+-- **Pkg_effected=VitalPathDelay,
+-- VitalPathDelay01,VitalPathDelay01z,
+-- #IR250 - Corrects fastpath condition in VPD
+-- **Pkg_effected=VitalPathDelay01,
+-- VitalPathDelay01z,
+-- #IR252 - Corrects cancelled timing check call if
+-- condition expires.
+-- **Pkg_effected=VitalSetupHoldCheck,
+-- VitalRecoveryRemovalCheck.
+-- #IR105 - Skew timing check
+-- **Pkg_effected=NONE, New code added
+-- v98.1 | jdc | 03/25/99 | Changed UseDefaultDelay to IgnoreDefaultDelay
+-- and set default to FALSE in VitalPathDelay()
+-- v00.7 | dbb | 07/18/00 | Removed "maximum" from VitalPeriodPulse()
+-- comments
+USE IEEE.Std_Logic_1164.ALL;
+ TYPE VitalTransitionType IS ( tr01, tr10, tr0z, trz1, tr1z, trz0,
+ tr0X, trx1, tr1x, trx0, trxz, trzx);
+ SUBTYPE VitalDelayType IS TIME;
+ TYPE VitalDelayType01 IS ARRAY (VitalTransitionType RANGE tr01 to tr10)
+ TYPE VitalDelayType01Z IS ARRAY (VitalTransitionType RANGE tr01 to trz0)
+ TYPE VitalDelayType01ZX IS ARRAY (VitalTransitionType RANGE tr01 to trzx)
+ TYPE VitalDelayArrayType IS ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>) OF VitalDelayType;
+ TYPE VitalDelayArrayType01 IS ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>) OF VitalDelayType01;
+ TYPE VitalDelayArrayType01Z IS ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>) OF VitalDelayType01Z;
+ TYPE VitalDelayArrayType01ZX IS ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>) OF VitalDelayType01ZX;
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- **********************************************************************
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT VitalZeroDelay : VitalDelayType := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT VitalZeroDelay01 : VitalDelayType01 := ( 0 ns, 0 ns );
+ CONSTANT VitalZeroDelay01Z : VitalDelayType01Z := ( OTHERS => 0 ns );
+ CONSTANT VitalZeroDelay01ZX : VitalDelayType01ZX := ( OTHERS => 0 ns );
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- examples of usage:
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- tpd_CLK_Q : VitalDelayType := 5 ns;
+ -- tpd_CLK_Q : VitalDelayType01 := (tr01 => 2 ns, tr10 => 3 ns);
+ -- tpd_CLK_Q : VitalDelayType01Z := ( 1 ns, 2 ns, 3 ns, 4 ns, 5 ns, 6 ns );
+ -- tpd_CLK_Q : VitalDelayArrayType(0 to 1)
+ -- := (0 => 5 ns, 1 => 6 ns);
+ -- tpd_CLK_Q : VitalDelayArrayType01(0 to 1)
+ -- := (0 => (tr01 => 2 ns, tr10 => 3 ns),
+ -- 1 => (tr01 => 2 ns, tr10 => 3 ns));
+ -- tpd_CLK_Q : VitalDelayArrayType01Z(0 to 1)
+ -- := (0 => ( 1 ns, 2 ns, 3 ns, 4 ns, 5 ns, 6 ns ),
+ -- 1 => ( 1 ns, 2 ns, 3 ns, 4 ns, 5 ns, 6 ns ));
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- TRUE if the model is LEVEL0 | LEVEL1 compliant
+ SUBTYPE std_logic_vector2 IS std_logic_vector(1 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE std_logic_vector3 IS std_logic_vector(2 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE std_logic_vector4 IS std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE std_logic_vector8 IS std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0);
+ -- Types for strength mapping of outputs
+ TYPE VitalOutputMapType IS ARRAY ( std_ulogic ) OF std_ulogic;
+ TYPE VitalResultMapType IS ARRAY ( UX01 ) OF std_ulogic;
+ TYPE VitalResultZMapType IS ARRAY ( UX01Z ) OF std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT VitalDefaultOutputMap : VitalOutputMapType
+ := "UX01ZWLH-";
+ CONSTANT VitalDefaultResultMap : VitalResultMapType
+ := ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1' );
+ CONSTANT VitalDefaultResultZMap : VitalResultZMapType
+ := ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z' );
+ -- Types for fields of VitalTimingDataType
+ TYPE VitalTimeArrayPT IS ACCESS VitalTimeArrayT;
+ TYPE VitalBoolArrayPT IS ACCESS VitalBoolArrayT;
+ TYPE VitalLogicArrayPT IS ACCESS std_logic_vector;
+ TYPE VitalTimingDataType IS RECORD
+ NotFirstFlag : BOOLEAN;
+ RefLast : X01;
+ RefTime : TIME;
+ HoldEn : BOOLEAN;
+ TestLast : std_ulogic;
+ TestTime : TIME;
+ SetupEn : BOOLEAN;
+ TestLastA : VitalLogicArrayPT;
+ TestTimeA : VitalTimeArrayPT;
+ HoldEnA : VitalBoolArrayPT;
+ SetupEnA : VitalBoolArrayPT;
+ FUNCTION VitalTimingDataInit RETURN VitalTimingDataType;
+ -- type for internal data of VitalPeriodPulseCheck
+ TYPE VitalPeriodDataType IS RECORD
+ Last : X01;
+ Rise : TIME;
+ Fall : TIME;
+ NotFirstFlag : BOOLEAN;
+ CONSTANT VitalPeriodDataInit : VitalPeriodDataType
+ := ('X', 0 ns, 0 ns, FALSE );
+ -- Type for specifying the kind of Glitch handling to use
+ TYPE VitalGlitchKindType IS (OnEvent,
+ OnDetect,
+ VitalInertial,
+ VitalTransport);
+ TYPE VitalGlitchDataType IS
+ SchedTime : TIME;
+ GlitchTime : TIME;
+ SchedValue : std_ulogic;
+ LastValue : std_ulogic;
+ TYPE VitalGlitchDataArrayType IS ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>)
+ OF VitalGlitchDataType;
+ -- PathTypes: for handling simple PathDelay info
+ TYPE VitalPathType IS RECORD
+ InputChangeTime : TIME; -- timestamp for path input signal
+ PathDelay : VitalDelayType; -- delay for this path
+ PathCondition : BOOLEAN; -- path sensitize condition
+ TYPE VitalPath01Type IS RECORD
+ InputChangeTime : TIME; -- timestamp for path input signal
+ PathDelay : VitalDelayType01; -- delay for this path
+ PathCondition : BOOLEAN; -- path sensitize condition
+ TYPE VitalPath01ZType IS RECORD
+ InputChangeTime : TIME; -- timestamp for path input signal
+ PathDelay : VitalDelayType01Z;-- delay for this path
+ PathCondition : BOOLEAN; -- path sensitize condition
+ -- For representing multiple paths to an output
+ TYPE VitalPathArrayType IS ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <> ) OF VitalPathType;
+ TYPE VitalPathArray01Type IS ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <> ) OF VitalPath01Type;
+ TYPE VitalPathArray01ZType IS ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <> ) OF VitalPath01ZType;
+ TYPE VitalTableSymbolType IS (
+ '/', -- 0 -> 1
+ '\', -- 1 -> 0
+ 'P', -- Union of '/' and '^' (any edge to 1)
+ 'N', -- Union of '\' and 'v' (any edge to 0)
+ 'r', -- 0 -> X
+ 'f', -- 1 -> X
+ 'p', -- Union of '/' and 'r' (any edge from 0)
+ 'n', -- Union of '\' and 'f' (any edge from 1)
+ 'R', -- Union of '^' and 'p' (any possible rising edge)
+ 'F', -- Union of 'v' and 'n' (any possible falling edge)
+ '^', -- X -> 1
+ 'v', -- X -> 0
+ 'E', -- Union of 'v' and '^' (any edge from X)
+ 'A', -- Union of 'r' and '^' (rising edge to or from 'X')
+ 'D', -- Union of 'f' and 'v' (falling edge to or from 'X')
+ '*', -- Union of 'R' and 'F' (any edge)
+ 'X', -- Unknown level
+ '0', -- low level
+ '1', -- high level
+ '-', -- don't care
+ 'B', -- 0 or 1
+ 'Z', -- High Impedance
+ 'S' -- steady value
+ );
+ SUBTYPE VitalEdgeSymbolType IS VitalTableSymbolType RANGE '/' TO '*';
+ -- Addition of Vital Skew Type Information
+ -- March 14, 1998
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Procedures and Type Definitions for Defining Skews
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TYPE VitalSkewExpectedType IS (none, s1r, s1f, s2r, s2f);
+ TYPE VitalSkewDataType IS RECORD
+ ExpectedType : VitalSkewExpectedType;
+ Signal1Old1 : TIME;
+ Signal2Old1 : TIME;
+ Signal1Old2 : TIME;
+ Signal2Old2 : TIME;
+ CONSTANT VitalSkewDataInit : VitalSkewDataType := ( none, 0 ns, 0 ns, 0 ns, 0 ns );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Function Name: VitalExtendToFillDelay
+ --
+ -- Description: A six element array of delay values of type
+ -- VitalDelayType01Z is returned when a 1, 2 or 6
+ -- element array is given. This function will convert
+ -- VitalDelayType and VitalDelayType01 delay values into
+ -- a VitalDelayType01Z type following these rules:
+ --
+ -- When a VitalDelayType is passed, all six transition
+ -- values are assigned the input value. When a
+ -- VitalDelayType01 is passed, the 01 transitions are
+ -- assigned to the 01, 0Z and Z1 transitions and the 10
+ -- transitions are assigned to 10, 1Z and Z0 transition
+ -- values. When a VitalDelayType01Z is passed, the values
+ -- are kept as is.
+ --
+ -- The function is overloaded based on input type.
+ --
+ -- There is no function to fill a 12 value delay
+ -- type.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- Delay A one, two or six delay value Vital-
+ -- DelayType is passed and a six delay,
+ -- VitalDelayType01Z, item is returned.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- VitalDelayType01Z
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION VitalExtendToFillDelay (
+ CONSTANT Delay : IN VitalDelayType
+ ) RETURN VitalDelayType01Z;
+ FUNCTION VitalExtendToFillDelay (
+ CONSTANT Delay : IN VitalDelayType01
+ ) RETURN VitalDelayType01Z;
+ FUNCTION VitalExtendToFillDelay (
+ CONSTANT Delay : IN VitalDelayType01Z
+ ) RETURN VitalDelayType01Z;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Function Name: VitalCalcDelay
+ --
+ -- Description: This function accepts a 1, 2 or 6 value delay and
+ -- chooses the correct delay time to delay the NewVal
+ -- signal. This function is overloaded based on the
+ -- delay type passed. The function returns a single value
+ -- of time.
+ --
+ -- This function is provided for Level 0 models in order
+ -- to calculate the delay which should be applied
+ -- for the passed signal. The delay selection is performed
+ -- using the OldVal and the NewVal to determine the
+ -- transition to select. The default value of OldVal is X.
+ --
+ -- This function cannot be used in a Level 1 model since
+ -- the VitalPathDelay routines perform the delay path
+ -- selection and output driving function.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- NewVal New value of the signal to be
+ -- assigned
+ -- OldVal Previous value of the signal.
+ -- Default value is 'X'
+ -- Delay The delay structure from which to
+ -- select the appropriate delay. The
+ -- function overload is based on the
+ -- type of delay passed. In the case of
+ -- the single delay, VitalDelayType, no
+ -- selection is performed, since there
+ -- is only one value to choose from.
+ -- For the other cases, the transition
+ -- from the old value to the new value
+ -- decide the value returned.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- Time The time value selected from the
+ -- Delay INPUT is returned.
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION VitalCalcDelay (
+ CONSTANT NewVal : IN std_ulogic := 'X';
+ CONSTANT OldVal : IN std_ulogic := 'X';
+ CONSTANT Delay : IN VitalDelayType
+ FUNCTION VitalCalcDelay (
+ CONSTANT NewVal : IN std_ulogic := 'X';
+ CONSTANT OldVal : IN std_ulogic := 'X';
+ CONSTANT Delay : IN VitalDelayType01
+ FUNCTION VitalCalcDelay (
+ CONSTANT NewVal : IN std_ulogic := 'X';
+ CONSTANT OldVal : IN std_ulogic := 'X';
+ CONSTANT Delay : IN VitalDelayType01Z
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Function Name: VitalPathDelay
+ --
+ -- Description: VitalPathDelay is the Level 1 routine used to select
+ -- the propagation delay path and schedule a new output
+ -- value.
+ --
+ -- For single and dual delay values, VitalDelayType and
+ -- VitalDelayType01 are used. The output value is
+ -- scheduled with a calculated delay without strength
+ -- modification.
+ --
+ -- For the six delay value, VitalDelayType01Z, the output
+ -- value is scheduled with a calculated delay. The drive
+ -- strength can be modified to handle weak signal strengths
+ -- to model tri-state devices, pull-ups and pull-downs as
+ -- an example.
+ --
+ -- The correspondence between the delay type and the
+ -- path delay function is as follows:
+ --
+ -- Delay Type Path Type
+ --
+ -- VitalDelayType VitalPathDelay
+ -- VitalDelayType01 VitalPathDelay01
+ -- VitalDelayType01Z VitalPathDelay01Z
+ --
+ -- For each of these routines, the following capabilities
+ -- is provided:
+ --
+ -- o Transition dependent path delay selection
+ -- o User controlled glitch detection with the ability
+ -- to generate "X" on output and report the violation
+ -- o Control of the severity level for message generation
+ -- o Scheduling of the computed values on the specified
+ -- signal.
+ --
+ -- Selection of the appropriate path delay begins with the
+ -- candidate paths. The candidate paths are selected by
+ -- identifying the paths for which the PathCondition is
+ -- true. If there is a single candidate path, then that
+ -- delay is selected. If there is more than one candidate
+ -- path, then the shortest delay is selected using
+ -- transition dependent delay selection. If there is no
+ -- candidate paths, then the delay specified by the
+ -- DefaultDelay parameter to the path delay is used.
+ --
+ -- Once the delay is known, the output signal is then
+ -- scheduled with that delay. In the case of
+ -- VitalPathDelay01Z, an additional result mapping of
+ -- the output value is performed before scheduling. The
+ -- result mapping is performed after transition dependent
+ -- delay selection but before scheduling the final output.
+ --
+ -- In order to perform glitch detection, the user is
+ -- obligated to provide a variable of VitalGlitchDataType
+ -- for the propagation delay functions to use. The user
+ -- cannot modify or use this information.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- OutSignalName string The name of the output signal
+ -- OutTemp std_logic The new output value to be driven
+ -- Paths VitalPathArrayType A list of paths of VitalPathArray
+ -- VitalPathArrayType01 type. The VitalPathDelay routine
+ -- VitalPathArrayType01Z is overloaded based on the type
+ -- of constant passed in. With
+ -- VitalPathArrayType01Z, the
+ -- resulting output strengths can be
+ -- mapped.
+ -- DefaultDelay VitalDelayType The default delay can be changed
+ -- VitalDelayType01 from zero-delay to another set
+ -- VitalDelayType01Z of values.
+ --
+ -- IgnoreDefaultDelay BOOLEAN If TRUE, the default delay will
+ -- be used when no paths are
+ -- selected. If false, no event
+ -- will be scheduled if no paths are
+ -- selected.
+ --
+ -- Mode VitalGlitchKindType The value of this constant
+ -- selects the type of glitch
+ -- detection.
+ -- OnEvent Glitch on transition event
+ -- | OnDetect Glitch immediate on detection
+ -- | VitalInertial No glitch, use INERTIAL
+ -- assignment
+ -- | VitalTransport No glitch, use TRANSPORT
+ -- assignment
+ -- XOn BOOLEAN Control for generation of 'X' on
+ -- glitch. When TRUE, 'X's are
+ -- scheduled for glitches, otherwise
+ -- no are generated.
+ -- MsgOn BOOLEAN Control for message generation on
+ -- glitch detect. When TRUE,
+ -- glitches are reported, otherwise
+ -- they are not reported.
+ -- MsgSeverity SEVERITY_LEVEL The level at which the message,
+ -- or assertion, will be reported.
+ -- IgnoreDefaultDelay BOOLEAN Tells the VPD whether to use the
+ -- default delay value in the absense
+ -- of a valid delay for input conditions 3/14/98 MG
+ --
+ -- OutputMap VitalOutputMapType For VitalPathDelay01Z, the output
+ -- can be mapped to alternate
+ -- strengths to model tri-state
+ -- devices, pull-ups and pull-downs.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- GlitchData VitalGlitchDataType The internal data storage
+ -- variable required to detect
+ -- glitches.
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- OutSignal std_logic The output signal to be driven
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalPathDelay (
+ SIGNAL OutSignal : OUT std_logic;
+ VARIABLE GlitchData : INOUT VitalGlitchDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutSignalName : IN string;
+ CONSTANT OutTemp : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT Paths : IN VitalPathArrayType;
+ CONSTANT DefaultDelay : IN VitalDelayType := VitalZeroDelay;
+ CONSTANT Mode : IN VitalGlitchKindType := OnEvent;
+ CONSTANT NegPreemptOn : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE; --IR225 3/14/98
+ CONSTANT IgnoreDefaultDelay : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE --IR248 3/14/98
+ );
+ PROCEDURE VitalPathDelay01 (
+ SIGNAL OutSignal : OUT std_logic;
+ VARIABLE GlitchData : INOUT VitalGlitchDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutSignalName : IN string;
+ CONSTANT OutTemp : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT Paths : IN VitalPathArray01Type;
+ CONSTANT DefaultDelay : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalZeroDelay01;
+ CONSTANT Mode : IN VitalGlitchKindType := OnEvent;
+ CONSTANT NegPreemptOn : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE; --IR225 3/14/98
+ CONSTANT IgnoreDefaultDelay : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE; --IR248 3/14/98
+ CONSTANT RejectFastPath : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE --IR250
+ );
+ PROCEDURE VitalPathDelay01Z (
+ SIGNAL OutSignal : OUT std_logic;
+ VARIABLE GlitchData : INOUT VitalGlitchDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutSignalName : IN string;
+ CONSTANT OutTemp : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT Paths : IN VitalPathArray01ZType;
+ CONSTANT DefaultDelay : IN VitalDelayType01Z := VitalZeroDelay01Z;
+ CONSTANT Mode : IN VitalGlitchKindType := OnEvent;
+ CONSTANT OutputMap : IN VitalOutputMapType := VitalDefaultOutputMap;
+ CONSTANT NegPreemptOn : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE; --IR225 3/14/98
+ CONSTANT IgnoreDefaultDelay : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE; --IR248 3/14/98
+ CONSTANT RejectFastPath : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE --IR250
+ );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Function Name: VitalWireDelay
+ --
+ -- Description: VitalWireDelay is used to delay an input signal.
+ -- The delay is selected from the input parameter passed.
+ -- The function is useful for back annotation of actual
+ -- net delays.
+ --
+ -- The function is overloaded to permit passing a delay
+ -- value for twire for VitalDelayType, VitalDelayType01
+ -- and VitalDelayType01Z. twire is a generic which can
+ -- be back annotated and must be constructed to follow
+ -- the SDF to generic mapping rules.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- InSig std_ulogic The input signal (port) to be
+ -- delayed.
+ -- twire VitalDelayType The delay value for which the input
+ -- VitalDelayType01 signal should be delayed. For Vital-
+ -- VitalDelayType01Z DelayType, the value is single value
+ -- passed. For VitalDelayType01 and
+ -- VitalDelayType01Z, the appropriate
+ -- delay value is selected by VitalCalc-
+ -- Delay.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- OutSig std_ulogic The internal delayed signal
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalWireDelay (
+ SIGNAL OutSig : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL InSig : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT twire : IN VitalDelayType
+ );
+ PROCEDURE VitalWireDelay (
+ SIGNAL OutSig : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL InSig : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT twire : IN VitalDelayType01
+ );
+ PROCEDURE VitalWireDelay (
+ SIGNAL OutSig : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL InSig : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT twire : IN VitalDelayType01Z
+ );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Function Name: VitalSignalDelay
+ --
+ -- Description: The VitalSignalDelay procedure is called in a signal
+ -- delay block in the architecture to delay the
+ -- appropriate test or reference signal in order to
+ -- accommodate negative constraint checks.
+ --
+ -- The amount of delay is of type TIME and is a constant.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- InSig std_ulogic The signal to be delayed.
+ -- dly TIME The amount of time the signal is
+ -- delayed.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- OutSig std_ulogic The delayed signal
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalSignalDelay (
+ SIGNAL OutSig : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL InSig : IN std_ulogic;
+ );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Function Name: VitalSetupHoldCheck
+ --
+ -- Description: The VitalSetupHoldCheck procedure detects a setup or a
+ -- hold violation on the input test signal with respect
+ -- to the corresponding input reference signal. The timing
+ -- constraints are specified through parameters
+ -- representing the high and low values for the setup and
+ -- hold values for the setup and hold times. This
+ -- procedure assumes non-negative values for setup and hold
+ -- timing constraints.
+ --
+ -- It is assumed that negative timing constraints
+ -- are handled by internally delaying the test or
+ -- reference signals. Negative setup times result in
+ -- a delayed reference signal. Negative hold times
+ -- result in a delayed test signal. Furthermore, the
+ -- delays and constraints associated with these and
+ -- other signals may need to be appropriately
+ -- adjusted so that all constraint intervals overlap
+ -- the delayed reference signals and all constraint
+ -- values (with respect to the delayed signals) are
+ -- non-negative.
+ --
+ -- This function is overloaded based on the input
+ -- TestSignal. A vector and scalar form are provided.
+ --
+ -- TestSignal XXXXXXXXXXXX____________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
+ -- :
+ -- : -->| error region |<--
+ -- :
+ -- _______________________________
+ -- RefSignal \______________________________
+ -- : | | |
+ -- : | -->| |<-- thold
+ -- : -->| tsetup |<--
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- TestSignal std_ulogic Value of test signal
+ -- std_logic_vector
+ -- TestSignalName STRING Name of test signal
+ -- TestDelay TIME Model's internal delay associated
+ -- with TestSignal
+ -- RefSignal std_ulogic Value of reference signal
+ -- RefSignalName STRING Name of reference signal
+ -- RefDelay TIME Model's internal delay associated
+ -- with RefSignal
+ -- SetupHigh TIME Absolute minimum time duration before
+ -- the transition of RefSignal for which
+ -- transitions of TestSignal are allowed
+ -- to proceed to the "1" state without
+ -- causing a setup violation.
+ -- SetupLow TIME Absolute minimum time duration before
+ -- the transition of RefSignal for which
+ -- transitions of TestSignal are allowed
+ -- to proceed to the "0" state without
+ -- causing a setup violation.
+ -- HoldHigh TIME Absolute minimum time duration after
+ -- the transition of RefSignal for which
+ -- transitions of TestSignal are allowed
+ -- to proceed to the "1" state without
+ -- causing a hold violation.
+ -- HoldLow TIME Absolute minimum time duration after
+ -- the transition of RefSignal for which
+ -- transitions of TestSignal are allowed
+ -- to proceed to the "0" state without
+ -- causing a hold violation.
+ -- CheckEnabled BOOLEAN Check performed if TRUE.
+ -- RefTransition VitalEdgeSymbolType
+ -- Reference edge specified. Events on
+ -- the RefSignal which match the edge
+ -- spec. are used as reference edges.
+ -- HeaderMsg STRING String that will accompany any
+ -- assertion messages produced.
+ -- XOn BOOLEAN If TRUE, Violation output parameter
+ -- is set to "X". Otherwise, Violation
+ -- is always set to "0".
+ -- MsgOn BOOLEAN If TRUE, set and hold violation
+ -- message will be generated.
+ -- Otherwise, no messages are generated,
+ -- even upon violations.
+ -- MsgSeverity SEVERITY_LEVEL Severity level for the assertion.
+ -- EnableSetupOnTest BOOLEAN If FALSE at the time that the
+ -- TestSignal signal changes,
+ -- no setup check will be performed.
+ -- EnableSetupOnRef BOOLEAN If FALSE at the time that the
+ -- RefSignal signal changes,
+ -- no setup check will be performed.
+ -- EnableHoldOnRef BOOLEAN If FALSE at the time that the
+ -- RefSignal signal changes,
+ -- no hold check will be performed.
+ -- EnableHoldOnTest BOOLEAN If FALSE at the time that the
+ -- TestSignal signal changes,
+ -- no hold check will be performed.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- TimingData VitalTimingDataType
+ -- VitalSetupHoldCheck information
+ -- storage area. This is used
+ -- internally to detect reference edges
+ -- and record the time of the last edge.
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- Violation X01 This is the violation flag returned.
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalSetupHoldCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01;
+ VARIABLE TimingData : INOUT VitalTimingDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName: IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ SIGNAL RefSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupHigh : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupLow : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HoldHigh : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HoldLow : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT RefTransition : IN VitalEdgeSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT EnableSetupOnTest : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE; --IR252 3/23/98
+ CONSTANT EnableSetupOnRef : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE; --IR252 3/23/98
+ CONSTANT EnableHoldOnRef : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE; --IR252 3/23/98
+ CONSTANT EnableHoldOnTest : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE --IR252 3/23/98
+ );
+ PROCEDURE VitalSetupHoldCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01;
+ VARIABLE TimingData : INOUT VitalTimingDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName: IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ SIGNAL RefSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupHigh : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupLow : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HoldHigh : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HoldLow : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT RefTransition : IN VitalEdgeSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT EnableSetupOnTest : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE; --IR252 3/23/98
+ CONSTANT EnableSetupOnRef : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE; --IR252 3/23/98
+ CONSTANT EnableHoldOnRef : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE; --IR252 3/23/98
+ CONSTANT EnableHoldOnTest : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE --IR252 3/23/98
+ );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Function Name: VitalRecoveryRemovalCheck
+ --
+ -- Description: The VitalRecoveryRemovalCheck detects the presence of
+ -- a recovery or removal violation on the input test
+ -- signal with respect to the corresponding input reference
+ -- signal. It assumes non-negative values of setup and
+ -- hold timing constraints. The timing constraint is
+ -- specified through parameters representing the recovery
+ -- and removal times associated with a reference edge of
+ -- the reference signal. A flag indicates whether a test
+ -- signal is asserted when it is high or when it is low.
+ --
+ -- It is assumed that negative timing constraints
+ -- are handled by internally delaying the test or
+ -- reference signals. Negative recovery times result in
+ -- a delayed reference signal. Negative removal times
+ -- result in a delayed test signal. Furthermore, the
+ -- delays and constraints associated with these and
+ -- other signals may need to be appropriately
+ -- adjusted so that all constraint intervals overlap
+ -- the delayed reference signals and all constraint
+ -- values (with respect to the delayed signals) are
+ -- non-negative.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- TestSignal std_ulogic Value of TestSignal. The routine is
+ -- TestSignalName STRING Name of TestSignal
+ -- TestDelay TIME Model internal delay associated with
+ -- the TestSignal
+ -- RefSignal std_ulogic Value of RefSignal
+ -- RefSignalName STRING Name of RefSignal
+ -- RefDelay TIME Model internal delay associated with
+ -- the RefSignal
+ -- Recovery TIME A change to an unasserted value on
+ -- the asynchronous TestSignal must
+ -- precede reference edge (on RefSignal)
+ -- by at least this time.
+ -- Removal TIME An asserted condition must be present
+ -- on the asynchronous TestSignal for at
+ -- least the removal time following a
+ -- reference edge on RefSignal.
+ -- ActiveLow BOOLEAN A flag which indicates if TestSignal
+ -- is asserted when it is low - "0."
+ -- FALSE indicate that TestSignal is
+ -- asserted when it has a value "1."
+ -- CheckEnabled BOOLEAN The check in enabled when the value
+ -- is TRUE, otherwise the constraints
+ -- are not checked.
+ -- RefTransition VitalEdgeSymbolType
+ -- Reference edge specifier. Events on
+ -- RefSignal will match the edge
+ -- specified.
+ -- HeaderMsg STRING A header message that will accompany
+ -- any assertion message.
+ -- XOn BOOLEAN When TRUE, the output Violation is
+ -- set to "X." When FALSE, it is always
+ -- "0."
+ -- MsgOn BOOLEAN When TRUE, violation messages are
+ -- output. When FALSE, no messages are
+ -- generated.
+ -- MsgSeverity SEVERITY_LEVEL Severity level of the asserted
+ -- message.
+ -- EnableRecOnTest BOOLEAN If FALSE at the time that the
+ -- TestSignal signal changes,
+ -- no recovery check will be performed.
+ -- EnableRecOnRef BOOLEAN If FALSE at the time that the
+ -- RefSignal signal changes,
+ -- no recovery check will be performed.
+ -- EnableRemOnRef BOOLEAN If FALSE at the time that the
+ -- RefSignal signal changes,
+ -- no removal check will be performed.
+ -- EnableRemOnTest BOOLEAN If FALSE at the time that the
+ -- TestSignal signal changes,
+ -- no removal check will be performed.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- TimingData VitalTimingDataType
+ -- VitalRecoveryRemovalCheck information
+ -- storage area. This is used
+ -- internally to detect reference edges
+ -- and record the time of the last edge.
+ -- OUT
+ -- Violation X01 This is the violation flag returned.
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalRecoveryRemovalCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01;
+ VARIABLE TimingData : INOUT VitalTimingDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName: IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ SIGNAL RefSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT Recovery : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT Removal : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT RefTransition : IN VitalEdgeSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT EnableRecOnTest : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE; --IR252 3/23/98
+ CONSTANT EnableRecOnRef : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE; --IR252 3/23/98
+ CONSTANT EnableRemOnRef : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE; --IR252 3/23/98
+ CONSTANT EnableRemOnTest : IN BOOLEAN := TRUE --IR252 3/23/98
+ );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Function Name: VitalPeriodPulseCheck
+ --
+ -- Description: VitalPeriodPulseCheck checks for minimum
+ -- periodicity and pulse width for "1" and "0" values of
+ -- the input test signal. The timing constraint is
+ -- specified through parameters representing the minimal
+ -- period between successive rising and falling edges of
+ -- the input test signal and the minimum pulse widths
+ -- associated with high and low values.
+ --
+ -- VitalPeriodCheck's accepts rising and falling edges
+ -- from 1 and 0 as well as transitions to and from 'X.'
+ --
+ -- _______________ __________
+ -- ____________| |_______|
+ --
+ -- |<--- pw_hi --->|
+ -- |<-------- period ----->|
+ -- -->| pw_lo |<--
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- TestSignal std_ulogic Value of test signal
+ -- TestSignalName STRING Name of the test signal
+ -- TestDelay TIME Model's internal delay associated
+ -- with TestSignal
+ -- Period TIME Minimum period allowed between
+ -- consecutive rising ('P') or
+ -- falling ('F') transitions.
+ -- PulseWidthHigh TIME Minimum time allowed for a high
+ -- pulse ('1' or 'H')
+ -- PulseWidthLow TIME Minimum time allowed for a low
+ -- pulse ('0' or 'L')
+ -- CheckEnabled BOOLEAN Check performed if TRUE.
+ -- HeaderMsg STRING String that will accompany any
+ -- assertion messages produced.
+ -- XOn BOOLEAN If TRUE, Violation output parameter
+ -- is set to "X". Otherwise, Violation
+ -- is always set to "0".
+ -- XOnChecks is a global that allows for
+ -- only timing checks to be turned on.
+ -- MsgOn BOOLEAN If TRUE, period/pulse violation
+ -- message will be generated.
+ -- Otherwise, no messages are generated,
+ -- even though a violation is detected.
+ -- MsgOnChecks allows for only timing
+ -- check messages to be turned on.
+ -- MsgSeverity SEVERITY_LEVEL Severity level for the assertion.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- PeriodData VitalPeriodDataType
+ -- VitalPeriodPulseCheck information
+ -- storage area. This is used
+ -- internally to detect reference edges
+ -- and record the pulse and period
+ -- times.
+ -- OUT
+ -- Violation X01 This is the violation flag returned.
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalPeriodPulseCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01;
+ VARIABLE PeriodData : INOUT VitalPeriodDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT Period : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT PulseWidthHigh : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT PulseWidthLow : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Function Name: VitalInPhaseSkewCheck
+ --
+ -- Description: The VitalInPhaseSkewCheck procedure detects an in-phase
+ -- skew violation between input signals Signal1 and Signal2.
+ -- This is a timer based skew check in which a
+ -- violation is detected if Signal1 and Signal2 are in
+ -- different logic states longer than the specified skew
+ -- interval.
+ --
+ -- The timing constraints are specified through parameters
+ -- representing the skew values for the different states
+ -- of Signal1 and Signal2.
+ --
+ --
+ -- Signal2 XXXXXXXXXXXX___________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
+ -- :
+ -- : -->| |<--
+ -- : Signal2 should go low in this region
+ -- :
+ --
+ -- ____________
+ -- Signal1 \_________________________________________________
+ -- : | |
+ -- : |<-------- tskew -------->|
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- Signal1 std_ulogic Value of first signal
+ -- Signal1Name STRING Name of first signal
+ -- Signal1Delay TIME Model's internal delay associated
+ -- with Signal1
+ -- Signal2 std_ulogic Value of second signal
+ -- Signal2Name STRING Name of second signal
+ -- Signal2Delay TIME Model's internal delay associated
+ -- with Signal2
+ -- SkewS1S2RiseRise TIME Absolute maximum time duration for
+ -- which Signal2 can remain at "0"
+ -- after Signal1 goes to the "1" state,
+ -- without causing a skew violation.
+ -- SkewS2S1RiseRise TIME Absolute maximum time duration for
+ -- which Signal1 can remain at "0"
+ -- after Signal2 goes to the "1" state,
+ -- without causing a skew violation.
+ -- SkewS1S2FallFall TIME Absolute maximum time duration for
+ -- which Signal2 can remain at "1"
+ -- after Signal1 goes to the "0" state,
+ -- without causing a skew violation.
+ -- SkewS2S1FallFall TIME Absolute maximum time duration for
+ -- which Signal1 can remain at "1"
+ -- after Signal2 goes to the "0" state,
+ -- without causing a skew violation.
+ -- CheckEnabled BOOLEAN Check performed if TRUE.
+ -- HeaderMsg STRING String that will accompany any
+ -- assertion messages produced.
+ -- XOn BOOLEAN If TRUE, Violation output parameter
+ -- is set to "X". Otherwise, Violation
+ -- is always set to "0."
+ -- MsgOn BOOLEAN If TRUE, skew timing violation
+ -- messages will be generated.
+ -- Otherwise, no messages are generated,
+ -- even upon violations.
+ -- MsgSeverity SEVERITY_LEVEL Severity level for the assertion.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- SkewData VitalSkewDataType
+ -- VitalInPhaseSkewCheck information
+ -- storage area. This is used
+ -- internally to detect signal edges
+ -- and record the time of the last edge.
+ --
+ --
+ -- Trigger std_ulogic This signal is used to trigger the
+ -- process in which the timing check
+ -- occurs upon expiry of the skew
+ -- interval.
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- Violation X01 This is the violation flag returned.
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalInPhaseSkewCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01;
+ VARIABLE SkewData : INOUT VitalSkewDataType;
+ SIGNAL Signal1 : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Signal1Name : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT Signal1Delay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ SIGNAL Signal2 : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Signal2Name : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT Signal2Delay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := "";
+ SIGNAL Trigger : INOUT std_ulogic
+ );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Function Name: VitalOutPhaseSkewCheck
+ --
+ -- Description: The VitalOutPhaseSkewCheck procedure detects an
+ -- out-of-phase skew violation between input signals Signal1
+ -- and Signal2. This is a timer based skew check in
+ -- which a violation is detected if Signal1 and Signal2 are
+ -- in the same logic state longer than the specified skew
+ -- interval.
+ --
+ -- The timing constraints are specified through parameters
+ -- representing the skew values for the different states
+ -- of Signal1 and Signal2.
+ --
+ --
+ -- Signal2 XXXXXXXXXXXX___________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
+ -- :
+ -- : -->| |<--
+ -- : Signal2 should go high in this region
+ -- :
+ --
+ -- ____________
+ -- Signal1 \_________________________________________________
+ -- : | |
+ -- : |<-------- tskew -------->|
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- Signal1 std_ulogic Value of first signal
+ -- Signal1Name STRING Name of first signal
+ -- Signal1Delay TIME Model's internal delay associated
+ -- with Signal1
+ -- Signal2 std_ulogic Value of second signal
+ -- Signal2Name STRING Name of second signal
+ -- Signal2Delay TIME Model's internal delay associated
+ -- with Signal2
+ -- SkewS1S2RiseFall TIME Absolute maximum time duration for
+ -- which Signal2 can remain at "1"
+ -- after Signal1 goes to the "1" state,
+ -- without causing a skew violation.
+ -- SkewS2S1RiseFall TIME Absolute maximum time duration for
+ -- which Signal1 can remain at "1"
+ -- after Signal2 goes to the "1" state,
+ -- without causing a skew violation.
+ -- SkewS1S2FallRise TIME Absolute maximum time duration for
+ -- which Signal2 can remain at "0"
+ -- after Signal1 goes to the "0" state,
+ -- without causing a skew violation.
+ -- SkewS2S1FallRise TIME Absolute maximum time duration for
+ -- which Signal1 can remain at "0"
+ -- after Signal2 goes to the "0" state,
+ -- without causing a skew violation.
+ -- CheckEnabled BOOLEAN Check performed if TRUE.
+ -- HeaderMsg STRING String that will accompany any
+ -- assertion messages produced.
+ -- XOn BOOLEAN If TRUE, Violation output parameter
+ -- is set to "X". Otherwise, Violation
+ -- is always set to "0."
+ -- MsgOn BOOLEAN If TRUE, skew timing violation
+ -- messages will be generated.
+ -- Otherwise, no messages are generated,
+ -- even upon violations.
+ -- MsgSeverity SEVERITY_LEVEL Severity level for the assertion.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- SkewData VitalSkewDataType
+ -- VitalInPhaseSkewCheck information
+ -- storage area. This is used
+ -- internally to detect signal edges
+ -- and record the time of the last edge.
+ --
+ -- Trigger std_ulogic This signal is used to trigger the
+ -- process in which the timing check
+ -- occurs upon expiry of the skew
+ -- interval.
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- Violation X01 This is the violation flag returned.
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalOutPhaseSkewCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01;
+ VARIABLE SkewData : INOUT VitalSkewDataType;
+ SIGNAL Signal1 : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Signal1Name : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT Signal1Delay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ SIGNAL Signal2 : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Signal2Name : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT Signal2Delay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := "";
+ SIGNAL Trigger : INOUT std_ulogic
+ );
+END VITAL_Timing;
diff --git a/libraries/vital95/vital_primitives.vhdl b/libraries/vital95/vital_primitives.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d0da36ba0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/vital95/vital_primitives.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,1410 @@
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Title : Standard VITAL_Primitives Package
+-- : $Revision: 597 $
+-- :
+-- Library : This package shall be compiled into a library
+-- : symbolically named IEEE.
+-- :
+-- Developers : IEEE DASC Timing Working Group (TWG), PAR 1076.4
+-- :
+-- Purpose : This packages defines standard types, constants, functions
+-- : and procedures for use in developing ASIC models.
+-- : Specifically a set of logic primitives are defined.
+-- :
+-- Known Errors :
+-- :
+-- Note : No declarations or definitions shall be included in,
+-- : or excluded from this package. The "package declaration"
+-- : defines the objects (types, subtypes, constants, functions,
+-- : procedures ... etc.) that can be used by a user. The package
+-- : body shall be considered the formal definition of the
+-- : semantics of this package. Tool developers may choose to
+-- : implement the package body in the most efficient manner
+-- : available to them.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Acknowledgments:
+-- This code was originally developed under the "VHDL Initiative Toward ASIC
+-- Libraries" (VITAL), an industry sponsored initiative. Technical
+-- Director: William Billowitch, VHDL Technology Group; U.S. Coordinator:
+-- Steve Schultz; Steering Committee Members: Victor Berman, Cadence Design
+-- Systems; Oz Levia, Synopsys Inc.; Ray Ryan, Ryan & Ryan; Herman van Beek,
+-- Texas Instruments; Victor Martin, Hewlett-Packard Company.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Modification History :
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Version No:|Auth:| Mod.Date:| Changes Made:
+-- v95.0 A | | 06/02/95 | Initial ballot draft 1995
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+USE IEEE.Std_Logic_1164.ALL;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Type and Subtype Declarations
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For Truth and State Tables
+ SUBTYPE VitalTruthSymbolType IS VitalTableSymbolType RANGE 'X' TO 'Z';
+ SUBTYPE VitalStateSymbolType IS VitalTableSymbolType RANGE '/' TO 'S';
+ OF VitalTruthSymbolType;
+ OF VitalStateSymbolType;
+ -- ---------------------------------
+ -- Default values used by primitives
+ -- ---------------------------------
+ CONSTANT VitalDefDelay01 : VitalDelayType01; -- Propagation delays
+ CONSTANT VitalDefDelay01Z : VitalDelayType01Z;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- VITAL Primitives
+ --
+ -- The primitives packages contains a collections of common gates,
+ -- including AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR, XNOR, BUF, INV, MUX and DECODER
+ -- functions. In addition, for sequential devices, a STATE TABLE construct
+ -- is provided. For complex functions a modeler may wish to use either
+ -- a collection of connected VITAL primitives, or a TRUTH TABLE construct.
+ --
+ -- For each primitive a Function and Procedure is provided. The primitive
+ -- functions are provided to support behavioral modeling styles. The
+ -- primitive procedures are provided to support structural modeling styles.
+ --
+ -- The procedures wait internally for an event on an input signal, compute
+ -- the new result, perform glitch handling, schedule transaction on the
+ -- output signals, and wait for future input events. All of the functional
+ -- (logic) input or output parameters of the primitive procedures are
+ -- signals. All the other parameters are constants.
+ --
+ -- The procedure primitives are parameterized for separate path delays
+ -- from each input signal. All path delays default to 0 ns.
+ --
+ -- The sequential primitive functions compute the defined function and
+ -- return a value of type std_ulogic or std_logic_vector. All parameters
+ -- of the primitive functions are constants of mode IN.
+ --
+ -- The primitives are based on 1164 operators. The user may also elect to
+ -- express functions using the 1164 operators as well. These styles are
+ -- all equally acceptable methods for device modeling.
+ --
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Sequential
+ -- Primitive
+ -- Function Name: N-input logic device function calls:
+ -- VitalAND VitalOR VitalXOR
+ -- VitalNAND VitalNOR VitalXNOR
+ --
+ -- Description: The function calls return the evaluated logic function
+ -- corresponding to the function name.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- Data std_logic_vector The input signals for the n-bit
+ -- wide logic functions.
+ -- ResultMap VitalResultMapType The output signal strength
+ -- result map to modify default
+ -- result mapping.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- std_ulogic The evaluated logic function of
+ -- the n-bit wide primitives.
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Concurrent
+ -- Primitive
+ -- Procedure Name: N-input logic device concurrent procedure calls.
+ -- VitalAND VitalOR VitalXOR
+ -- VitalNAND VitalNOR VitalXNOR
+ --
+ -- Description: The procedure calls return the evaluated logic function
+ -- corresponding to the function name as a parameter to the
+ -- procedure. Propagation delay form data to q is a
+ -- a parameter to the procedure. A vector of delay values
+ -- for inputs to output are provided. It is noted that
+ -- limitations in SDF make the back annotation of the delay
+ -- array difficult.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- Data std_logic_vector The input signals for the n-
+ -- bit wide logic functions.
+ -- tpd_data_q VitalDelayArrayType01 The propagation delay from
+ -- the data inputs to the output
+ -- q.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- q std_ulogic The output signal of the
+ -- evaluated logic function.
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Sequential
+ -- Primitive
+ -- Function Name: 2,3 and 4 input logic device function calls.
+ --
+ -- VitalAND2 VitalOR2 VitalXOR2
+ -- VitalAND3 VitalOR3 VitalXOR3
+ -- VitalAND4 VitalOR4 VitalXOR4
+ --
+ -- VitalNAND2 VitalNOR2 VitalXNOR2
+ -- VitalNAND3 VitalNOR3 VitalXNOR3
+ -- VitalNAND4 VitalNOR4 VitalXNOR4
+ --
+ -- Description: The function calls return the evaluated 2, 3 or 4 input
+ -- logic function corresponding to the function name.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- a, b, c, d std_ulogic 2 input devices have a and b as
+ -- inputs. 3 input devices have a, b
+ -- and c as inputs. 4 input devices
+ -- have a, b, c and d as inputs.
+ -- ResultMap VitalResultMapType The output signal strength result map
+ -- to modify default result mapping.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- std_ulogic The result of the evaluated logic
+ -- function.
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Concurrent
+ -- Primitive
+ -- Procedure Name: 2, 3 and 4 input logic device concurrent procedure
+ -- calls.
+ --
+ -- VitalAND2 VitalOR2 VitalXOR2
+ -- VitalAND3 VitalOR3 VitalXOR3
+ -- VitalAND4 VitalOR4 VitalXOR4
+ --
+ -- VitalNAND2 VitalNOR2 VitalXNOR2
+ -- VitalNAND3 VitalNOR3 VitalXNOR3
+ -- VitalNAND4 VitalNOR4 VitalXNOR4
+ --
+ -- Description: The procedure calls return the evaluated logic function
+ -- corresponding to the function name as a parameter to the
+ -- procedure. Propagation delays from a and b to q are
+ -- a parameter to the procedure. The default propagation
+ -- delay is 0 ns.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- a, b, c, d std_ulogic 2 input devices have a and b as
+ -- inputs. 3 input devices have a, b
+ -- and c as inputs. 4 input devices
+ -- have a, b, c and d as inputs.
+ -- tpd_a_q VitalDelayType01 The propagation delay from the a
+ -- input to output q for 2, 3 and 4
+ -- input devices.
+ -- tpd_b_q VitalDelayType01 The propagation delay from the b
+ -- input to output q for 2, 3 and 4
+ -- input devices.
+ -- tpd_c_q VitalDelayType01 The propagation delay from the c
+ -- input to output q for 3 and 4 input
+ -- devices.
+ -- tpd_d_q VitalDelayType01 The propagation delay from the d
+ -- input to output q for 4 input
+ -- devices.
+ -- ResultMap VitalResultMapType The output signal strength result map
+ -- to modify default result mapping.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- q std_ulogic The output signal of the evaluated
+ -- logic function.
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Sequential
+ -- Primitive
+ -- Function Name: Buffer logic device concurrent procedure calls.
+ --
+ -- Description: Four buffer sequential primitive function calls are
+ -- provided. One is a simple buffer and the others
+ -- offer high and low enables and the four permits
+ -- propagation of Z as shown below:
+ --
+ -- VitalBUF Standard non-inverting buffer
+ -- VitalBUFIF0 Non-inverting buffer with Enable low
+ -- VitalBUFIF1 Non-inverting buffer with Enable high
+ -- VitalIDENT Pass buffer capable of propagating Z
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- Data std_ulogic Input to the buffers
+ -- Enable std_ulogic Enable for the enable high and low
+ -- buffers.
+ -- ResultMap VitalResultMapType The output signal strength result map
+ -- to modify default result mapping for
+ -- simple buffer.
+ -- VitalResultZMapType The output signal strength result map
+ -- to modify default result mapping
+ -- which has high impedance capability
+ -- for the enable high, enable low and
+ -- identity buffers.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- std_ulogic The output signal of the evaluated
+ -- buffer function.
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data, Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data, Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Concurrent
+ -- Primitive
+ -- Procedure Name: Buffer device procedure calls.
+ --
+ -- Description: Four buffer concurrent primitive procedure calls are
+ -- provided. One is a simple buffer and the others
+ -- offer high and low enables and the fourth permits
+ -- propagation of Z as shown below:
+ --
+ -- VitalBUF Standard non-inverting buffer
+ -- VitalBUFIF0 Non-inverting buffer with Enable low
+ -- VitalBUFIF1 Non-inverting buffer with Enable high
+ -- VitalIDENT Pass buffer capable of propagating Z
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- a std_ulogic Input signal to the buffers
+ -- Enable std_ulogic Enable signal for the enable high and
+ -- low buffers.
+ -- tpd_a_q VitalDelayType01 Propagation delay from input to
+ -- output for the simple buffer.
+ -- VitalDelayType01Z Propagation delay from input to
+ -- to output for the enable high and low
+ -- and identity buffers.
+ -- tpd_enable_q VitalDelayType01Z Propagation delay from enable to
+ -- output for the enable high and low
+ -- buffers.
+ -- ResultMap VitalResultMapType The output signal strength result map
+ -- to modify default result mapping for
+ -- simple buffer.
+ -- VitalResultZMapType The output signal strength result map
+ -- to modify default result mapping
+ -- which has high impedance capability
+ -- for the enable high, enable low and
+ -- identity buffers.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- q std_ulogic Output of the buffers.
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01Z := VitalDefDelay01Z;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap);
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01Z := VitalDefDelay01Z;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap);
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01Z := VitalDefDelay01Z;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Sequential
+ -- Primitive
+ -- Function Name: VitalINV, VitalINVIF0, VitalINVIF1
+ --
+ -- Description: Inverter functions which return the inverted signal
+ -- value. Inverters with enable low and high are provided
+ -- which can drive high impedance when inactive.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- Data std_ulogic Input to the inverter
+ -- Enable std_ulogic Enable to the enable high and low
+ -- inverters.
+ -- ResultMap VitalResultMap The output signal strength result map
+ -- to modify default result mapping for
+ -- simple inverter.
+ -- VitalResultZMapType The output signal strength result map
+ -- to modify default result mapping
+ -- which has high impedance capability
+ -- for the enable high, enable low
+ -- inverters.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- std_ulogic Output of the inverter
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data, Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data, Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Concurrent
+ -- Primitive
+ -- Procedure Name: VitalINV, VitalINVIF0, VitalINVIF1
+ --
+ -- Description: The concurrent primitive procedure calls implement a
+ -- signal inversion function. The output is a parameter to
+ -- the procedure. The path delay information is passed as
+ -- a parameter to the call.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- a std_ulogic Input signal for the simple inverter
+ -- Data std_ulogic Input signal for the enable high and
+ -- low inverters.
+ -- Enable std_ulogic Enable signal for the enable high and
+ -- low inverters.
+ -- tpd_a_q VitalDelayType01 Propagation delay from input a to
+ -- output q for the simple inverter.
+ -- tpd_data_q VitalDelayType01 Propagation delay from input data to
+ -- output q for the enable high and low
+ -- inverters.
+ -- tpd_enable_q VitalDelayType01Z Propagation delay from input enable
+ -- to output q for the enable high and
+ -- low inverters.
+ -- ResultMap VitalResultMapType The output signal strength result map
+ -- to modify default result mapping for
+ -- simple inverter.
+ -- VitalResultZMapType The output signal strength result map
+ -- to modify default result mapping
+ -- which has high impedance capability
+ -- for the enable high, enable low
+ -- inverters.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- q std_ulogic Output signal of the inverter.
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01Z := VitalDefDelay01Z;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap);
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01Z := VitalDefDelay01Z;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap);
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Sequential
+ -- Primitive
+ -- Function Name: VitalMUX, VitalMUX2, VitalMUX4, VitalMUX8
+ --
+ -- Description: The VitalMUX functions return the selected data bit
+ -- based on the value of dSelect. For MUX2, the function
+ -- returns data0 when dselect is 0 and returns data1 when
+ -- dselect is 1. When dselect is X, result is X for MUX2
+ -- when data0 /= data1. X propagation is reduced when the
+ -- dselect signal is X and both data signals are identical.
+ -- When this is the case, the result returned is the value
+ -- of the data signals.
+ --
+ -- For the N input device:
+ --
+ -- N must equal 2**(bits of dSelect)
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- Data std_logic_vector Input signal for the N-bit, 4-bit and
+ -- 8-bit mux.
+ -- Data1,Data0 std_ulogic Input signals for the 2-bit mux.
+ -- dSelect std_ulogic Select signal for 2-bit mux
+ -- std_logic_vector2 Select signal for 4-bit mux
+ -- std_logic_vector3 Select signal for 8-bit mux
+ -- std_logic_vector Select signal for N-Bit mux
+ -- ResultMap VitalResultMapType The output signal strength result map
+ -- to modify default result mapping for
+ -- all muxes.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- std_ulogic The value of the selected bit is
+ -- returned.
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT dSelect : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data1, Data0 : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT dSelect : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector4;
+ CONSTANT dSelect : IN std_logic_vector2;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector8;
+ CONSTANT dSelect : IN std_logic_vector3;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic;
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Concurrent
+ -- Primitive
+ -- Procedure Name: VitalMUX, VitalMUX2, VitalMUX4, VitalMUX8
+ --
+ -- Description: The VitalMUX concurrent primitive procedures calls
+ -- return in the output q the value of the selected data
+ -- bit based on the value of dsel. For the two bit mux,
+ -- the data returned is either d0 or d1, the data input.
+ -- For 4, 8 and N-bit functions, data is the input and is
+ -- of type std_logic_vector. For the 2-bit mux, if d0 or
+ -- d1 are X, the output is X only when d0 do not equal d1.
+ -- When d0 and d1 are equal, the return value is this value
+ -- to reduce X propagation.
+ --
+ -- Propagation delay information is passed as a parameter
+ -- to the procedure call for delays from data to output and
+ -- select to output. For 2-bit muxes, the propagation
+ -- delays from data are provided for d0 and d1 to output.
+ --
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- d1,d0 std_ulogic Input signals for the 2-bit mux.
+ -- Data std_logic_vector4 Input signals for the 4-bit mux.
+ -- std_logic_vector8 Input signals for the 8-bit mux.
+ -- std_logic_vector Input signals for the N-bit mux.
+ -- dsel std_ulogic Select signal for the 2-bit mux.
+ -- std_logic_vector2 Select signals for the 4-bit mux.
+ -- std_logic_vector3 Select signals for the 8-bit mux.
+ -- std_logic_vector Select signals for the N-bit mux.
+ -- tpd_d1_q VitalDelayType01 Propagation delay from input d1 to
+ -- output q for 2-bit mux.
+ -- tpd_d0_q VitalDelayType01 Propagation delay from input d0 to
+ -- output q for 2-bit mux.
+ -- tpd_data_q VitalDelayArrayType01 Propagation delay from input data
+ -- to output q for 4-bit, 8-bit and
+ -- N-bit muxes.
+ -- tpd_dsel_q VitalDelayType01 Propagation delay from input dsel
+ -- to output q for 2-bit mux.
+ -- VitalDelayArrayType01 Propagation delay from input dsel
+ -- to output q for 4-bit, 8-bit and
+ -- N-bit muxes.
+ -- ResultMap VitalResultMapType The output signal strength result
+ -- map to modify default result
+ -- mapping for all muxes.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- q std_ulogic The value of the selected signal.
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ SIGNAL dSel : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_dsel_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL d1, d0 : IN std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL dSel : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d1_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d0_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_dsel_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector4;
+ SIGNAL dSel : IN std_logic_vector2;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_dsel_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector8;
+ SIGNAL dSel : IN std_logic_vector3;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_dsel_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Sequential
+ -- Primitive
+ -- Function Name: VitalDECODER, VitalDECODER2, VitalDECODER4,
+ -- VitalDECODER8
+ --
+ -- Description: The VitalDECODER functions are the sequential primitive
+ -- calls for decoder logic. The functions are provided
+ -- for N, 2, 4 and 8-bit outputs.
+ --
+ -- The N-bit decoder is (2**(bits of data)) wide.
+ --
+ -- The VitalDECODER returns 0 if enable is 0.
+ -- The VitalDECODER returns the result bit set to 1 if
+ -- enable is 1. All other bits of returned result are
+ -- set to 0.
+ --
+ -- The returned array is in descending order:
+ -- (n-1 downto 0).
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- Data std_ulogic Input signal for 2-bit decoder.
+ -- std_logic_vector2 Input signals for 4-bit decoder.
+ -- std_logic_vector3 Input signals for 8-bit decoder.
+ -- std_logic_vector Input signals for N-bit decoder.
+ -- Enable std_ulogic Enable input signal. The result is
+ -- output when enable is high.
+ -- ResultMap VitalResultMapType The output signal strength result map
+ -- to modify default result mapping for
+ -- all output signals of the decoders.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- std_logic_vector2 The output of the 2-bit decoder.
+ -- std_logic_vector4 The output of the 4-bit decoder.
+ -- std_logic_vector8 The output of the 8-bit decoder.
+ -- std_logic_vector The output of the n-bit decoder.
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_logic_vector2;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector2;
+ CONSTANT Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_logic_vector4;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector3;
+ CONSTANT Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_logic_vector8;
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Concurrent
+ -- Primitive
+ -- Procedure Name: VitalDECODER, VitalDECODER2, VitalDECODER4,
+ -- VitalDECODER8
+ --
+ -- Description: The VitalDECODER procedures are the concurrent primitive
+ -- procedure calls for decoder functions. The procedures
+ -- are provided for N, 2, 4 and 8 outputs.
+ --
+ -- The N-bit decoder is (2**(bits of data)) wide.
+ --
+ -- The procedural form of the decoder is used for
+ -- distributed delay modeling. The delay information for
+ -- each path is passed as an argument to the procedure.
+ --
+ -- Result is set to 0 if enable is 0.
+ -- The result bit represented by data is set to 1 if
+ -- enable is 1. All other bits of result are set to 0.
+ --
+ -- The result array is in descending order: (n-1 downto 0).
+ --
+ -- For the N-bit decoder, the delay path is a vector of
+ -- delays from inputs to outputs.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- Data std_ulogic Input signal for 2-bit decoder.
+ -- std_logic_vector2 Input signals for 4-bit decoder.
+ -- std_logic_vector3 Input signals for 8-bit decoder.
+ -- std_logic_vector Input signals for N-bit decoder.
+ -- enable std_ulogic Enable input signal. The result is
+ -- output when enable is high.
+ -- tpd_data_q VitalDelayType01 Propagation delay from input data
+ -- to output q for 2-bit decoder.
+ -- VitalDelayArrayType01 Propagation delay from input data
+ -- to output q for 4, 8 and n-bit
+ -- decoders.
+ -- tpd_enable_q VitalDelayType01 Propagation delay from input enable
+ -- to output q for 2, 4, 8 and n-bit
+ -- decoders.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- q std_logic_vector2 Output signals for 2-bit decoder.
+ -- std_logic_vector4 Output signals for 4-bit decoder.
+ -- std_logic_vector8 Output signals for 8-bit decoder.
+ -- std_logic_vector Output signals for n-bit decoder.
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_logic_vector;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_logic_vector2;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_logic_vector4;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector2;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_logic_vector8;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector3;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap );
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Function Name: VitalTruthTable
+ --
+ -- Description: VitalTruthTable implements a truth table. Given
+ -- a set of inputs, a sequential search is performed
+ -- to match the input. If a match is found, the output
+ -- is set based on the contents of the CONSTANT TruthTable.
+ -- If there is no match, all X's are returned. There is
+ -- no limit to the size of the table.
+ --
+ -- There is a procedure and function for VitalTruthTable.
+ -- For each of these, a single value output (std_logic) and
+ -- a multi-value output (std_logic_vector) are provided.
+ --
+ -- The first dimension of the table is for number of
+ -- entries in the truth table and second dimension is for
+ -- the number of elements in a row. The number of inputs
+ -- in the row should be Data'LENGTH plus result'LENGTH.
+ --
+ -- Elements is a row will be interpreted as
+ -- Input(NumInputs - 1),.., Input(0),
+ -- Result(NumOutputs - 1),.., Result(0)
+ --
+ -- All inputs will be mapped to the X01 subtype
+ --
+ -- If the value of Result is not in the range 'X' to 'Z'
+ -- then an error will be reported. Also, the Result is
+ -- always given either as a 0, 1, X or Z value.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- TruthTable The input constant which defines the
+ -- behavior in truth table form.
+ -- DataIn The inputs to the truth table used to
+ -- perform input match to select
+ -- output(s) to value(s) to drive.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- Result std_logic Concurrent procedure version scalar
+ -- output.
+ -- std_logic_vector Concurrent procedure version vector
+ -- output.
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- Result std_logic Function version scalar output.
+ -- std_logic_vector Function version vector output.
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION VitalTruthTable (
+ CONSTANT TruthTable : IN VitalTruthTableType;
+ CONSTANT DataIn : IN std_logic_vector
+ ) RETURN std_logic_vector;
+ FUNCTION VitalTruthTable (
+ CONSTANT TruthTable : IN VitalTruthTableType;
+ CONSTANT DataIn : IN std_logic_vector
+ ) RETURN std_logic;
+ PROCEDURE VitalTruthTable (
+ SIGNAL Result : OUT std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT TruthTable : IN VitalTruthTableType;
+ CONSTANT DataIn : IN std_logic_vector
+ );
+ PROCEDURE VitalTruthTable (
+ SIGNAL Result : OUT std_logic;
+ CONSTANT TruthTable : IN VitalTruthTableType;
+ CONSTANT DataIn : IN std_logic_vector
+ );
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Function Name: VitalStateTable
+ --
+ -- Description: VitalStateTable is a non-concurrent implementation of a
+ -- state machine (Moore Machine). It is used to model
+ -- sequential devices and devices with internal states.
+ --
+ -- The procedure takes the value of the state table
+ -- data set and performs a sequential search of the
+ -- CONSTANT StateTable until a match is found. Once a
+ -- match is found, the result of that match is applied
+ -- to Result. If there is no match, all X's are returned.
+ -- The resultant output becomes the input for the next
+ -- state.
+ --
+ -- The first dimension of the table is the number of
+ -- entries in the state table and second dimension is the
+ -- number of elements in a row of the table. The number of
+ -- inputs in the row should be DataIn'LENGTH. Result should
+ -- contain the current state (which will become the next
+ -- state) as well as the outputs
+ --
+ -- Elements is a row of the table will be interpreted as
+ -- Input(NumInputs-1),.., Input(0), State(NumStates-1),
+ -- ..., State(0),Output(NumOutputs-1),.., Output(0)
+ --
+ -- where State(numStates-1) DOWNTO State(0) represent the
+ -- present state and Output(NumOutputs - 1) DOWNTO
+ -- Outputs(NumOutputs - NumStates) represent the new
+ -- values of the state variables (i.e. the next state).
+ -- Also, Output(NumOutputs - NumStates - 1)
+ --
+ -- This procedure returns the next state and the new
+ -- outputs when a match is made between the present state
+ -- and present inputs and the state table. A search is
+ -- made starting at the top of the state table and
+ -- terminates with the first match. If no match is found
+ -- then the next state and new outputs are set to all 'X's.
+ --
+ -- (Asynchronous inputs (i.e. resets and clears) must be
+ -- handled by placing the corresponding entries at the top
+ -- of the table. )
+ --
+ -- All inputs will be mapped to the X01 subtype.
+ --
+ -- NOTE: Edge transitions should not be used as values
+ -- for the state variables in the present state
+ -- portion of the state table. The only valid
+ -- values that can be used for the present state
+ -- portion of the state table are:
+ -- 'X', '0', '1', 'B', '-'
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- StateTable VitalStateTableType The input constant which defines
+ -- the behavior in state table form.
+ -- DataIn std_logic_vector The current state inputs to the
+ -- state table used to perform input
+ -- matches and transition
+ -- calculations.
+ -- NumStates NATURAL Number of state variables
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- Result std_logic Output signal for scalar version of
+ -- the concurrent procedure call.
+ -- std_logic_vector Output signals for vector version
+ -- of the concurrent procedure call.
+ -- PreviousDataIn std_logic_vector The previous inputs and states used
+ -- in transition calculations and to
+ -- set outputs for steady state cases.
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalStateTable (
+ VARIABLE Result : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE PreviousDataIn : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT StateTable : IN VitalStateTableType;
+ CONSTANT DataIn : IN std_logic_vector;
+ );
+ PROCEDURE VitalStateTable (
+ VARIABLE Result : INOUT std_logic;
+ VARIABLE PreviousDataIn : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT StateTable : IN VitalStateTableType;
+ CONSTANT DataIn : IN std_logic_vector
+ );
+ PROCEDURE VitalStateTable (
+ SIGNAL Result : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT StateTable : IN VitalStateTableType;
+ SIGNAL DataIn : IN std_logic_vector;
+ );
+ PROCEDURE VitalStateTable (
+ SIGNAL Result : INOUT std_logic;
+ CONSTANT StateTable : IN VitalStateTableType;
+ SIGNAL DataIn : IN std_logic_vector
+ );
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Function Name: VitalResolve
+ --
+ -- Description: VitalResolve takes a vector of signals and resolves
+ -- them to a std_ulogic value. This procedure can be used
+ -- to resolve multiple drivers in a single model.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- Data std_logic_vector Set of input signals which drive a
+ -- common signal.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- q std_ulogic Output signal which is the resolved
+ -- value being driven by the collection of
+ -- input signals.
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalResolve (
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector);
+END VITAL_Primitives;
diff --git a/libraries/vital95/vital_primitives_body.vhdl b/libraries/vital95/vital_primitives_body.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..25e834189
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/vital95/vital_primitives_body.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,5614 @@
+-- Title : Standard VITAL_Primitives Package
+-- : $Revision: 597 $
+-- :
+-- Library : VITAL
+-- :
+-- Developers : IEEE DASC Timing Working Group (TWG), PAR 1076.4
+-- :
+-- Purpose : This packages defines standard types, constants, functions
+-- : and procedures for use in developing ASIC models.
+-- : Specifically a set of logic primitives are defined.
+-- :
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Modification History :
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Version No:|Auth:| Mod.Date:| Changes Made:
+-- v95.0 A | | 06/02/95 | Initial ballot draft 1995
+-- v95.1 | | 08/31/95 | #204 - glitch detection prior to OutputMap
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Default values for Primitives
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- default values for delay parameters
+ CONSTANT VitalDefDelay01 : VitalDelayType01 := VitalZeroDelay01;
+ CONSTANT VitalDefDelay01Z : VitalDelayType01Z := VitalZeroDelay01Z;
+ -- default primitive model operation parameters
+ -- Glitch detection/reporting
+ TYPE VitalGlitchModeType IS ( MessagePlusX, MessageOnly, XOnly, NoGlitch);
+ CONSTANT PrimGlitchMode : VitalGlitchModeType := XOnly;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Local Type and Subtype Declarations
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- enumeration value representing the transition or level of the signal.
+ -- See function 'GetEdge'
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TYPE EdgeType IS ( 'U', -- Uninitialized level
+ 'X', -- Unknown level
+ '0', -- low level
+ '1', -- high level
+ '\', -- 1 to 0 falling edge
+ '/', -- 0 to 1 rising edge
+ 'F', -- * to 0 falling edge
+ 'R', -- * to 1 rising edge
+ 'f', -- rising to X edge
+ 'r', -- falling to X edge
+ 'x', -- Unknown edge (ie U->X)
+ 'V' -- Timing violation edge
+ );
+ TYPE EdgeArray IS ARRAY ( NATURAL RANGE <> ) OF EdgeType;
+ TYPE EdgeX1Table IS ARRAY ( EdgeType ) OF EdgeType;
+ TYPE EdgeX2Table IS ARRAY ( EdgeType, EdgeType ) OF EdgeType;
+ TYPE EdgeX3Table IS ARRAY ( EdgeType, EdgeType, EdgeType ) OF EdgeType;
+ TYPE EdgeX4Table IS ARRAY (EdgeType,EdgeType,EdgeType,EdgeType) OF EdgeType;
+ TYPE LogicToEdgeT IS ARRAY(std_ulogic, std_ulogic) OF EdgeType;
+ TYPE LogicToLevelT IS ARRAY(std_ulogic ) OF EdgeType;
+ TYPE GlitchDataType IS
+ SchedTime : TIME;
+ GlitchTime : TIME;
+ SchedValue : std_ulogic;
+ CurrentValue : std_ulogic;
+ TYPE GlitchDataArrayType IS ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>)
+ OF GlitchDataType;
+ -- Enumerated type used in selection of output path delays
+ TYPE SchedType IS
+ inp0 : TIME; -- time (abs) of output change due to input change to 0
+ inp1 : TIME; -- time (abs) of output change due to input change to 1
+ InpX : TIME; -- time (abs) of output change due to input change to X
+ Glch0 : TIME; -- time (abs) of output glitch due to input change to 0
+ Glch1 : TIME; -- time (abs) of output glitch due to input change to 0
+ TYPE SchedArray IS ARRAY ( NATURAL RANGE <> ) OF SchedType;
+ CONSTANT DefSchedType : SchedType := (TIME'HIGH, TIME'HIGH, 0 ns,0 ns,0 ns);
+ CONSTANT DefSchedAnd : SchedType := (TIME'HIGH, 0 ns,0 ns, TIME'HIGH,0 ns);
+ -- Constrained array declarations (common sizes used by primitives)
+ SUBTYPE SchedArray2 IS SchedArray(1 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE SchedArray3 IS SchedArray(2 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE SchedArray4 IS SchedArray(3 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE SchedArray8 IS SchedArray(7 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE TimeArray2 IS VitalTimeArray(1 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE TimeArray3 IS VitalTimeArray(2 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE TimeArray4 IS VitalTimeArray(3 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE TimeArray8 IS VitalTimeArray(7 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE GlitchArray2 IS GlitchDataArrayType(1 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE GlitchArray3 IS GlitchDataArrayType(2 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE GlitchArray4 IS GlitchDataArrayType(3 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE GlitchArray8 IS GlitchDataArrayType(7 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE EdgeArray2 IS EdgeArray(1 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE EdgeArray3 IS EdgeArray(2 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE EdgeArray4 IS EdgeArray(3 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE EdgeArray8 IS EdgeArray(7 DOWNTO 0);
+ CONSTANT DefSchedArray2 : SchedArray2 :=
+ (OTHERS=> (0 ns, 0 ns, 0 ns, 0 ns, 0 ns));
+ TYPE stdlogic_table IS ARRAY(std_ulogic, std_ulogic) OF std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT InitialEdge : LogicToLevelT := (
+ '1'|'H' => 'R',
+ '0'|'L' => 'F',
+ OTHERS => 'x'
+ );
+ CONSTANT LogicToEdge : LogicToEdgeT := ( -- previous, current
+ -- old \ new: U X 0 1 Z W L H -
+ 'U' => ( 'U', 'x', 'F', 'R', 'x', 'x', 'F', 'R', 'x' ),
+ 'X' => ( 'x', 'X', 'F', 'R', 'x', 'X', 'F', 'R', 'X' ),
+ '0' => ( 'r', 'r', '0', '/', 'r', 'r', '0', '/', 'r' ),
+ '1' => ( 'f', 'f', '\', '1', 'f', 'f', '\', '1', 'f' ),
+ 'Z' => ( 'x', 'X', 'F', 'R', 'X', 'x', 'F', 'R', 'x' ),
+ 'W' => ( 'x', 'X', 'F', 'R', 'x', 'X', 'F', 'R', 'X' ),
+ 'L' => ( 'r', 'r', '0', '/', 'r', 'r', '0', '/', 'r' ),
+ 'H' => ( 'f', 'f', '\', '1', 'f', 'f', '\', '1', 'f' ),
+ '-' => ( 'x', 'X', 'F', 'R', 'x', 'X', 'F', 'R', 'X' )
+ );
+ CONSTANT LogicToLevel : LogicToLevelT := (
+ '1'|'H' => '1',
+ '0'|'L' => '0',
+ 'U' => 'U',
+ OTHERS => 'X'
+ );
+ -- -----------------------------------
+ -- 3-state logic tables
+ -- -----------------------------------
+ CONSTANT BufIf0_Table : stdlogic_table :=
+ -- enable data value
+ ( '1'|'H' => ( OTHERS => 'Z' ),
+ '0'|'L' => ( '1'|'H' => '1',
+ '0'|'L' => '0',
+ 'U' => 'U',
+ OTHERS => 'X' ),
+ 'U' => ( OTHERS => 'U' ),
+ OTHERS => ( OTHERS => 'X' ) );
+ CONSTANT BufIf1_Table : stdlogic_table :=
+ -- enable data value
+ ( '0'|'L' => ( OTHERS => 'Z' ),
+ '1'|'H' => ( '1'|'H' => '1',
+ '0'|'L' => '0',
+ 'U' => 'U',
+ OTHERS => 'X' ),
+ 'U' => ( OTHERS => 'U' ),
+ OTHERS => ( OTHERS => 'X' ) );
+ CONSTANT InvIf0_Table : stdlogic_table :=
+ -- enable data value
+ ( '1'|'H' => ( OTHERS => 'Z' ),
+ '0'|'L' => ( '1'|'H' => '0',
+ '0'|'L' => '1',
+ 'U' => 'U',
+ OTHERS => 'X' ),
+ 'U' => ( OTHERS => 'U' ),
+ OTHERS => ( OTHERS => 'X' ) );
+ CONSTANT InvIf1_Table : stdlogic_table :=
+ -- enable data value
+ ( '0'|'L' => ( OTHERS => 'Z' ),
+ '1'|'H' => ( '1'|'H' => '0',
+ '0'|'L' => '1',
+ 'U' => 'U',
+ OTHERS => 'X' ),
+ 'U' => ( OTHERS => 'U' ),
+ OTHERS => ( OTHERS => 'X' ) );
+ TYPE To_StateCharType IS ARRAY (VitalStateSymbolType) OF CHARACTER;
+ CONSTANT To_StateChar : To_StateCharType :=
+ ( '/', '\', 'P', 'N', 'r', 'f', 'p', 'n', 'R', 'F', '^', 'v',
+ 'E', 'A', 'D', '*', 'X', '0', '1', '-', 'B', 'Z', 'S' );
+ TYPE To_TruthCharType IS ARRAY (VitalTruthSymbolType) OF CHARACTER;
+ CONSTANT To_TruthChar : To_TruthCharType :=
+ ( 'X', '0', '1', '-', 'B', 'Z' );
+ TYPE TruthTableOutMapType IS ARRAY (VitalTruthSymbolType) OF std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT TruthTableOutMap : TruthTableOutMapType :=
+ -- 'X', '0', '1', '-', 'B', 'Z'
+ ( 'X', '0', '1', 'X', '-', 'Z' );
+ TYPE StateTableOutMapType IS ARRAY (VitalStateSymbolType) OF std_ulogic;
+ -- does conversion to X01Z or '-' if invalid
+ CONSTANT StateTableOutMap : StateTableOutMapType :=
+ -- '/' '\' 'P' 'N' 'r' 'f' 'p' 'n' 'R' 'F' '^' 'v'
+ -- 'E' 'A' 'D' '*' 'X' '0' '1' '-' 'B' 'Z' 'S'
+ ( '-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-',
+ '-','-','-','-','X','0','1','X','-','Z','W');
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TYPE ValidTruthTableInputType IS ARRAY (VitalTruthSymbolType) OF BOOLEAN;
+ -- checks if a symbol IS valid for the stimulus portion of a truth table
+ CONSTANT ValidTruthTableInput : ValidTruthTableInputType :=
+ -- 'X' '0' '1' '-' 'B' 'Z'
+ TYPE TruthTableMatchType IS ARRAY (X01, VitalTruthSymbolType) OF BOOLEAN;
+ -- checks if an input matches th corresponding truth table symbol
+ -- use: TruthTableMatch(input_converted_to_X01, truth_table_stimulus_symbol)
+ CONSTANT TruthTableMatch : TruthTableMatchType := (
+ -- X, 0, 1, - B Z
+ );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TYPE ValidStateTableInputType IS ARRAY (VitalStateSymbolType) OF BOOLEAN;
+ CONSTANT ValidStateTableInput : ValidStateTableInputType :=
+ -- '/', '\', 'P', 'N', 'r', 'f',
+ -- 'p', 'n', 'R', 'F', '^', 'v',
+ -- 'E', 'A', 'D', '*',
+ -- 'X', '0', '1', '-', 'B', 'Z',
+ -- 'S'
+ TRUE );
+ CONSTANT ValidStateTableState : ValidStateTableInputType :=
+ -- '/', '\', 'P', 'N', 'r', 'f',
+ -- 'p', 'n', 'R', 'F', '^', 'v',
+ -- 'E', 'A', 'D', '*',
+ -- 'X', '0', '1', '-', 'B', 'Z',
+ -- 'S'
+ FALSE );
+ TYPE StateTableMatchType IS ARRAY (X01,X01,VitalStateSymbolType) OF BOOLEAN;
+ -- last value, present value, table symbol
+ CONSTANT StateTableMatch : StateTableMatchType := (
+ ( -- X (lastvalue)
+ -- / \ P N r f
+ -- p n R F ^ v
+ -- E A D *
+ -- X 0 1 - B Z S
+ ),
+ (-- 0 (lastvalue)
+ -- / \ P N r f
+ -- p n R F ^ v
+ -- E A D *
+ -- X 0 1 - B Z S
+ ),
+ (-- 1 (lastvalue)
+ -- / \ P N r f
+ -- p n R F ^ v
+ -- E A D *
+ -- X 0 1 - B Z S
+ )
+ );
+ TYPE Logic_UX01Z_Table IS ARRAY (std_ulogic) OF UX01Z;
+ ----------------------------------------------------------
+ -- table name : cvt_to_x01z
+ -- parameters : std_ulogic -- some logic value
+ -- returns : UX01Z -- state value of logic value
+ -- purpose : to convert state-strength to state only
+ ----------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT cvt_to_ux01z : Logic_UX01Z_Table :=
+ ('U','X','0','1','Z','X','0','1','X' );
+ TYPE LogicCvtTableType IS ARRAY (std_ulogic) OF CHARACTER;
+ CONSTANT LogicCvtTable : LogicCvtTableType
+ := ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z', 'W', 'L', 'H', '-');
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- LOCAL Utilities
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- PARAMETERS : in1, in2 - integer, time
+ --
+ -- DESCRIPTION : return smaller of in1 and in2
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION Minimum (
+ IF (in1 < in2) THEN
+ RETURN in1;
+ RETURN in2;
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION Minimum (
+ IF ( t1 < t2 ) THEN RETURN (t1); ELSE RETURN (t2); END IF;
+ END Minimum;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- PARAMETERS : in1, in2 - integer, time
+ --
+ -- DESCRIPTION : return larger of in1 and in2
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION Maximum (
+ IF (in1 > in2) THEN
+ RETURN in1;
+ RETURN in2;
+ END;
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION Maximum (
+ IF ( t1 > t2 ) THEN RETURN (t1); ELSE RETURN (t2); END IF;
+ END Maximum;
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION GlitchMinTime (
+ CONSTANT Time1, Time2 : IN TIME
+ IF ( Time1 >= NOW ) THEN
+ IF ( Time2 >= NOW ) THEN
+ RETURN Minimum ( Time1, Time2);
+ RETURN Time1;
+ IF ( Time2 >= NOW ) THEN
+ RETURN Time2;
+ RETURN 0 ns;
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Error Message Types and Tables
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TYPE VitalErrorType IS (
+ ErrNegDel,
+ ErrInpSym,
+ ErrOutSym,
+ ErrStaSym,
+ ErrVctLng,
+ ErrTabWidSml,
+ ErrTabWidLrg,
+ ErrTabResSml,
+ ErrTabResLrg
+ );
+ TYPE VitalErrorSeverityType IS ARRAY (VitalErrorType) OF SEVERITY_LEVEL;
+ CONSTANT VitalErrorSeverity : VitalErrorSeverityType := (
+ ErrNegDel => WARNING,
+ ErrInpSym => ERROR,
+ ErrOutSym => ERROR,
+ ErrStaSym => ERROR,
+ ErrVctLng => ERROR,
+ ErrTabWidSml => ERROR,
+ ErrTabWidLrg => WARNING,
+ ErrTabResSml => WARNING,
+ ErrTabResLrg => WARNING
+ );
+ "Negative delay. New output value not scheduled. Output signal is: ";
+ "Illegal symbol in the input portion of a Truth/State table.";
+ "Illegal symbol in the output portion of a Truth/State table.";
+ "Illegal symbol in the state portion of a State table.";
+ "Vector (array) lengths not equal. ";
+ "Width of the Truth/State table is too small.";
+ "Width of Truth/State table is too large. Extra elements are ignored.";
+ "Result of Truth/State table has too many elements.";
+ "Result of Truth/State table has too few elements.";
+ CONSTANT MsgUnknown : STRING :=
+ "Unknown error message.";
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- LOCAL Utilities
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION VitalMessage (
+ CONSTANT ErrorId : IN VitalErrorType
+ CASE ErrorId IS
+ WHEN ErrNegDel => RETURN MsgNegDel;
+ WHEN ErrInpSym => RETURN MsgInpSym;
+ WHEN ErrOutSym => RETURN MsgOutSym;
+ WHEN ErrStaSym => RETURN MsgStaSym;
+ WHEN ErrVctLng => RETURN MsgVctLng;
+ WHEN ErrTabWidSml => RETURN MsgTabWidSml;
+ WHEN ErrTabWidLrg => RETURN MsgTabWidLrg;
+ WHEN ErrTabResSml => RETURN MsgTabResSml;
+ WHEN ErrTabResLrg => RETURN MsgTabResLrg;
+ END;
+ PROCEDURE VitalError (
+ CONSTANT ErrorId : IN VitalErrorType
+ ) IS
+ REPORT Routine & ": " & VitalMessage(ErrorId)
+ SEVERITY VitalErrorSeverity(ErrorId);
+ END;
+ PROCEDURE VitalError (
+ CONSTANT ErrorId : IN VitalErrorType;
+ ) IS
+ REPORT Routine & ": " & VitalMessage(ErrorId) & Info
+ SEVERITY VitalErrorSeverity(ErrorId);
+ END;
+ PROCEDURE VitalError (
+ CONSTANT ErrorId : IN VitalErrorType;
+ ) IS
+ REPORT Routine & ": " & VitalMessage(ErrorId) & Info
+ SEVERITY VitalErrorSeverity(ErrorId);
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE ReportGlitch (
+ CONSTANT GlitchRoutine : IN STRING;
+ CONSTANT PreemptedTime : IN TIME;
+ CONSTANT PreemptedValue : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT NewValue : IN std_ulogic;
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE StrPtr1, StrPtr2, StrPtr3, StrPtr4, StrPtr5 : LINE;
+ Write (StrPtr1, PreemptedTime );
+ Write (StrPtr2, NewTime);
+ Write (StrPtr3, LogicCvtTable(PreemptedValue));
+ Write (StrPtr4, LogicCvtTable(NewValue));
+ IF IsArraySignal THEN
+ Write (StrPtr5, STRING'( "(" ) );
+ Write (StrPtr5, Index);
+ Write (StrPtr5, STRING'( ")" ) );
+ Write (StrPtr5, STRING'( " " ) );
+ -- Issue Report only if Preemted value has not been
+ -- removed from event queue
+ ASSERT PreemptedTime > NewTime
+ REPORT GlitchRoutine & ": GLITCH Detected on port " &
+ OutSignalName & StrPtr5.ALL &
+ "; Preempted Future Value := " & StrPtr3.ALL &
+ " @ " & StrPtr1.ALL &
+ "; Newly Scheduled Value := " & StrPtr4.ALL &
+ " @ " & StrPtr2.ALL &
+ ";"
+ SEVERITY MsgSeverity;
+ END ReportGlitch;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Procedure : VitalGlitchOnEvent
+ -- :
+ -- Parameters : OutSignal ........ signal being driven
+ -- : OutSignalName..... name of the driven signal
+ -- : GlitchData........ internal data required by the procedure
+ -- : NewValue.......... new value being assigned
+ -- : NewDelay.......... Delay accompanying the assignment
+ -- : (Note: for vectors, this is an array)
+ -- : GlitchMode........ Glitch generation mode
+ -- : MessagePlusX, MessageOnly,
+ -- : XOnly, NoGlitch )
+ -- : GlitchDelay....... if <= 0 ns , then there will be no Glitch
+ -- : if > NewDelay, then there is no Glitch,
+ -- : otherwise, this is the time when a FORCED
+ -- : generation of a glitch will occur.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalGlitchOnEvent (
+ SIGNAL OutSignal : OUT std_logic;
+ VARIABLE GlitchData : INOUT GlitchDataType;
+ CONSTANT NewValue : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT NewDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT GlitchMode : IN VitalGlitchModeType := MessagePlusX;
+ CONSTANT GlitchDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ ) IS
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ VARIABLE Dly : TIME := NewDelay;
+ -- If nothing to schedule, just return
+ IF NewDelay < 0 ns THEN
+ IF (NewValue /= GlitchData.SchedValue) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalGlitchOnEvent", ErrNegDel, OutSignalName );
+ -- If nothing currently scheduled
+ IF GlitchData.SchedTime <= NOW THEN
+ GlitchData.CurrentValue := GlitchData.SchedValue;
+ IF (GlitchDelay <= 0 ns) THEN
+ IF (NewValue = GlitchData.SchedValue) THEN RETURN; END IF;
+ NoGlitchDet := TRUE;
+ -- Transaction currently scheduled - if glitch already happened
+ ELSIF GlitchData.GlitchTime <= NOW THEN
+ GlitchData.CurrentValue := 'X';
+ OldGlitch := TRUE;
+ IF (GlitchData.SchedValue = NewValue) THEN
+ dly := Minimum( GlitchData.SchedTime-NOW, NewDelay );
+ -- Transaction currently scheduled (no glitch if same value)
+ ELSIF (GlitchData.SchedValue = NewValue) AND
+ (GlitchData.SchedTime = GlitchData.GlitchTime) AND
+ (GlitchDelay <= 0 ns) THEN
+ NoGlitchDet := TRUE;
+ Dly := Minimum( GlitchData.SchedTime-NOW, NewDelay );
+ GlitchData.SchedTime := NOW+Dly;
+ IF OldGlitch THEN
+ OutSignal <= NewValue AFTER Dly;
+ ELSIF NoGlitchDet THEN
+ GlitchData.GlitchTime := NOW+Dly;
+ OutSignal <= NewValue AFTER Dly;
+ ELSE -- new glitch
+ GlitchData.GlitchTime := GlitchMinTime ( GlitchData.GlitchTime,
+ NOW+GlitchDelay );
+ IF (GlitchMode = MessagePlusX) OR
+ (GlitchMode = MessageOnly) THEN
+ ReportGlitch ( "VitalGlitchOnEvent", OutSignalName,
+ GlitchData.GlitchTime, GlitchData.SchedValue,
+ (Dly + NOW), NewValue,
+ MsgSeverity=>MsgSeverity );
+ IF (GlitchMode = MessagePlusX) OR (GlitchMode = XOnly) THEN
+ OutSignal <= 'X' AFTER GlitchData.GlitchTime-NOW;
+ OutSignal <= TRANSPORT NewValue AFTER Dly;
+ OutSignal <= NewValue AFTER Dly;
+ GlitchData.SchedValue := NewValue;
+ END;
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalGlitchOnEvent (
+ SIGNAL OutSignal : OUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE GlitchData : INOUT GlitchDataArrayType;
+ CONSTANT NewValue : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT NewDelay : IN VitalTimeArray;
+ CONSTANT GlitchMode : IN VitalGlitchModeType := MessagePlusX;
+ CONSTANT GlitchDelay : IN VitalTimeArray;
+ ) IS
+ ALIAS GlDataAlias : GlitchDataArrayType(1 TO GlitchData'LENGTH)
+ IS GlitchData;
+ ALIAS NewValAlias : std_logic_vector(1 TO NewValue'LENGTH) IS NewValue;
+ ALIAS GlDelayAlias : VitalTimeArray(1 TO GlitchDelay'LENGTH)
+ IS GlitchDelay;
+ ALIAS NewDelAlias : VitalTimeArray(1 TO NewDelay'LENGTH) IS NewDelay;
+ VARIABLE Index : INTEGER := OutSignal'LEFT;
+ IF (OutSignal'LEFT > OutSignal'RIGHT) THEN
+ Direction := -1;
+ Direction := 1;
+ IF ( (OutSignal'LENGTH /= GlitchData'LENGTH) OR
+ (OutSignal'LENGTH /= NewValue'LENGTH) OR
+ (OutSignal'LENGTH /= NewDelay'LENGTH) OR
+ (OutSignal'LENGTH /= GlitchDelay'LENGTH) ) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalGlitchOnEvent", ErrVctLng, OutSignalName );
+ -- a call to the scalar function cannot be made since the actual
+ -- name associated with a signal parameter must be locally static
+ NoGlitchDet := FALSE;
+ OldGlitch := FALSE;
+ Dly := NewDelAlias(n);
+ -- If nothing to schedule, just skip to next loop iteration
+ IF NewDelAlias(n) < 0 ns THEN
+ IF (NewValAlias(n) /= GlDataAlias(n).SchedValue) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalGlitchOnEvent", ErrNegDel, OutSignalName );
+ -- If nothing currently scheduled (i.e. last scheduled
+ -- transaction already occurred)
+ IF GlDataAlias(n).SchedTime <= NOW THEN
+ GlDataAlias(n).CurrentValue := GlDataAlias(n).SchedValue;
+ IF (GlDelayAlias(n) <= 0 ns) THEN
+ -- Next iteration if no change in value
+ IF (NewValAlias(n) = GlDataAlias(n).SchedValue) THEN
+ Index := Index + Direction;
+ -- since last transaction already occurred there is no glitch
+ NoGlitchDet := TRUE;
+ -- Transaction currently scheduled - if glitch already happened
+ ELSIF GlDataAlias(n).GlitchTime <= NOW THEN
+ GlDataAlias(n).CurrentValue := 'X';
+ OldGlitch := TRUE;
+ IF (GlDataAlias(n).SchedValue = NewValAlias(n)) THEN
+ dly := Minimum( GlDataAlias(n).SchedTime-NOW,
+ NewDelAlias(n) );
+ -- Transaction currently scheduled
+ ELSIF (GlDataAlias(n).SchedValue = NewValAlias(n)) AND
+ (GlDataAlias(n).SchedTime = GlDataAlias(n).GlitchTime) AND
+ (GlDelayAlias(n) <= 0 ns) THEN
+ NoGlitchDet := TRUE;
+ Dly := Minimum( GlDataAlias(n).SchedTime-NOW,
+ NewDelAlias(n) );
+ -- update last scheduled transaction
+ GlDataAlias(n).SchedTime := NOW+Dly;
+ IF OldGlitch THEN
+ OutSignal(Index) <= NewValAlias(n) AFTER Dly;
+ ELSIF NoGlitchDet THEN
+ -- if no glitch then update last glitch time
+ -- and OutSignal(actual_index)
+ GlDataAlias(n).GlitchTime := NOW+Dly;
+ OutSignal(Index) <= NewValAlias(n) AFTER Dly;
+ ELSE -- new glitch
+ GlDataAlias(n).GlitchTime := GlitchMinTime (
+ GlDataAlias(n).GlitchTime,
+ NOW+GlDelayAlias(n) );
+ IF (GlitchMode = MessagePlusX) OR
+ (GlitchMode = MessageOnly) THEN
+ ReportGlitch ( "VitalGlitchOnEvent", OutSignalName,
+ GlDataAlias(n).GlitchTime,
+ GlDataAlias(n).SchedValue,
+ (Dly + NOW), NewValAlias(n),
+ Index, TRUE, MsgSeverity );
+ IF (GlitchMode = MessagePlusX) OR (GlitchMode = XOnly) THEN
+ GlDly := GlDataAlias(n).GlitchTime - NOW;
+ OutSignal(Index) <= 'X' AFTER GlDly;
+ OutSignal(Index) <= TRANSPORT NewValAlias(n) AFTER Dly;
+ OutSignal(Index) <= NewValAlias(n) AFTER Dly;
+ END IF; -- glitch / no-glitch
+ GlDataAlias(n).SchedValue := NewValAlias(n);
+ END IF; -- NewDelAlias(n) < 0 ns
+ Index := Index + Direction;
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- PROCEDURE NAME : TruthOutputX01Z
+ --
+ -- PARAMETERS : table_out - output of table
+ -- X01Zout - output converted to X01Z
+ -- err - true if illegal character is encountered
+ --
+ --
+ -- DESCRIPTION : converts the output of a truth table to a valid
+ -- std_ulogic
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE TruthOutputX01Z (
+ CONSTANT TableOut : IN VitalTruthSymbolType;
+ VARIABLE X01Zout : OUT std_ulogic;
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE TempOut : std_ulogic;
+ Err := FALSE;
+ TempOut := TruthTableOutMap(TableOut);
+ IF (TempOut = '-') THEN
+ Err := TRUE;
+ TempOut := 'X';
+ VitalError ( "VitalTruthTable", ErrOutSym, To_TruthChar(TableOut));
+ X01Zout := TempOut;
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- PROCEDURE NAME : StateOutputX01Z
+ --
+ -- PARAMETERS : table_out - output of table
+ -- prev_out - previous output value
+ -- X01Zout - output cojnverted to X01Z
+ -- err - true if illegal character is encountered
+ --
+ -- DESCRIPTION : converts the output of a state table to a
+ -- valid std_ulogic
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE StateOutputX01Z (
+ CONSTANT TableOut : IN VitalStateSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT PrevOut : IN std_ulogic;
+ VARIABLE X01Zout : OUT std_ulogic;
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE TempOut : std_ulogic;
+ Err := FALSE;
+ TempOut := StateTableOutMap(TableOut);
+ IF (TempOut = '-') THEN
+ Err := TRUE;
+ TempOut := 'X';
+ VitalError ( "VitalStateTable", ErrOutSym, To_StateChar(TableOut));
+ ELSIF (TempOut = 'W') THEN
+ TempOut := To_X01Z(PrevOut);
+ X01Zout := TempOut;
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- PROCEDURE NAME: StateMatch
+ --
+ -- PARAMETERS : symbol - symbol from state table
+ -- in2 - input from VitalStateTble procedure
+ -- to state table
+ -- in2LastValue - previous value of input
+ -- state - false if the symbol is from the input
+ -- portion of the table,
+ -- true if the symbol is from the state
+ -- portion of the table
+ -- Err - true if symbol is not a valid input symbol
+ -- ReturnValue - true if match occurred
+ --
+ -- DESCRIPTION : This procedure sets ReturnValue to true if in2 matches
+ -- symbol (from the state table). If symbol is an edge
+ -- value edge is set to true and in2 and in2LastValue are
+ -- checked against symbol. Err is set to true if symbol
+ -- is an invalid value for the input portion of the state
+ -- table.
+ --
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE StateMatch (
+ CONSTANT Symbol : IN VitalStateSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT in2 : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT in2LastValue : IN std_ulogic;
+ ) IS
+ IF (State) THEN
+ IF (NOT ValidStateTableState(Symbol)) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalStateTable", ErrStaSym, To_StateChar(Symbol));
+ Err := TRUE;
+ ReturnValue := FALSE;
+ Err := FALSE;
+ ReturnValue := StateTableMatch(in2LastValue, in2, Symbol);
+ IF (NOT ValidStateTableInput(Symbol) ) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalStateTable", ErrInpSym, To_StateChar(Symbol));
+ Err := TRUE;
+ ReturnValue := FALSE;
+ ReturnValue := StateTableMatch(in2LastValue, in2, Symbol);
+ Err := FALSE;
+ END;
+ -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- FUNCTION NAME: StateTableLookUp
+ --
+ -- PARAMETERS : StateTable - state table
+ -- PresentDataIn - current inputs
+ -- PreviousDataIn - previous inputs and states
+ -- NumStates - number of state variables
+ -- PresentOutputs - current state and current outputs
+ --
+ -- DESCRIPTION : This function is used to find the output of the
+ -- StateTable corresponding to a given set of inputs.
+ --
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION StateTableLookUp (
+ CONSTANT StateTable : VitalStateTableType;
+ CONSTANT PresentDataIn : std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT PreviousDataIn : std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT PresentOutputs : std_logic_vector
+ ) RETURN std_logic_vector IS
+ CONSTANT InputSize : INTEGER := PresentDataIn'LENGTH;
+ CONSTANT NumInputs : INTEGER := InputSize + NumStates - 1;
+ CONSTANT TableEntries : INTEGER := StateTable'LENGTH(1);
+ CONSTANT TableWidth : INTEGER := StateTable'LENGTH(2);
+ CONSTANT OutSize : INTEGER := TableWidth - InputSize - NumStates;
+ VARIABLE Inputs : std_logic_vector(0 TO NumInputs);
+ VARIABLE PrevInputs : std_logic_vector(0 TO NumInputs)
+ := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ VARIABLE ReturnValue : std_logic_vector(0 TO (OutSize-1))
+ := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ VARIABLE Temp : std_ulogic;
+ -- This needs to be done since the TableLookup arrays must be
+ -- ascending starting with 0
+ VARIABLE TableAlias : VitalStateTableType(0 TO TableEntries - 1,
+ 0 TO TableWidth - 1)
+ := StateTable;
+ Inputs(0 TO InputSize-1) := PresentDataIn;
+ Inputs(InputSize TO NumInputs) := PresentOutputs(0 TO NumStates - 1);
+ PrevInputs(0 TO InputSize - 1) := PreviousDataIn(0 TO InputSize - 1);
+ ColLoop: -- Compare each entry in the table
+ FOR i IN TableAlias'RANGE(1) LOOP
+ RowLoop: -- Check each element of the entry
+ FOR j IN 0 TO InputSize + NumStates LOOP
+ IF (j = InputSize + NumStates) THEN -- a match occurred
+ FOR k IN 0 TO Minimum(OutSize, PresentOutputs'LENGTH)-1 LOOP
+ StateOutputX01Z (
+ TableAlias(i, TableWidth - k - 1),
+ PresentOutputs(PresentOutputs'LENGTH - k - 1),
+ Temp, Err);
+ ReturnValue(OutSize - k - 1) := Temp;
+ IF (Err) THEN
+ ReturnValue := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ RETURN ReturnValue;
+ RETURN ReturnValue;
+ StateMatch ( TableAlias(i,j),
+ Inputs(j), PrevInputs(j),
+ j >= InputSize, Err, Match);
+ EXIT RowLoop WHEN NOT(Match);
+ EXIT ColLoop WHEN Err;
+ END LOOP RowLoop;
+ END LOOP ColLoop;
+ ReturnValue := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ RETURN ReturnValue;
+ END;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- to_ux01z
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION To_UX01Z ( s : std_ulogic
+ RETURN cvt_to_ux01z (s);
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Function : GetEdge
+ -- Purpose : Converts transitions on a given input signal into a
+ -- enumeration value representing the transition or level
+ -- of the signal.
+ --
+ -- previous "value" current "value" := "edge"
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------
+ -- '1' | 'H' '1' | 'H' '1' level, no edge
+ -- '0' | 'L' '1' | 'H' '/' rising edge
+ -- others '1' | 'H' 'R' rising from X
+ --
+ -- '1' | 'H' '0' | 'L' '\' falling egde
+ -- '0' | 'L' '0' | 'L' '0' level, no edge
+ -- others '0' | 'L' 'F' falling from X
+ --
+ -- 'X' | 'W' | '-' 'X' | 'W' | '-' 'X' unknown (X) level
+ -- 'Z' 'Z' 'X' unknown (X) level
+ -- 'U' 'U' 'U' 'U' level
+ --
+ -- '1' | 'H' others 'f' falling to X
+ -- '0' | 'L' others 'r' rising to X
+ -- 'X' | 'W' | '-' 'U' | 'Z' 'x' unknown (X) edge
+ -- 'Z' 'X' | 'W' | '-' | 'U' 'x' unknown (X) edge
+ -- 'U' 'X' | 'W' | '-' | 'Z' 'x' unknown (X) edge
+ --
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION GetEdge (
+ SIGNAL s : IN std_logic
+ ) RETURN EdgeType IS
+ IF (s'EVENT)
+ THEN RETURN LogicToEdge ( s'LAST_VALUE, s );
+ ELSE RETURN LogicToLevel ( s );
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL s : IN std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE LastS : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE Edge : OUT EdgeArray ) IS
+ ALIAS sAlias : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO s'LENGTH ) IS s;
+ ALIAS LastSAlias : std_logic_vector ( 1 TO LastS'LENGTH ) IS LastS;
+ ALIAS EdgeAlias : EdgeArray ( 1 TO Edge'LENGTH ) IS Edge;
+ VitalError ( "GetEdge", ErrVctLng, "s, LastS, Edge" );
+ EdgeAlias(n) := LogicToEdge( LastSAlias(n), sAlias(n) );
+ LastSAlias(n) := sAlias(n);
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION ToEdge ( Value : IN std_logic
+ ) RETURN EdgeType IS
+ RETURN LogicToLevel( Value );
+ END;
+ -- Note: This function will likely be replaced by S'DRIVING_VALUE in VHDL'92
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION CurValue (
+ CONSTANT GlitchData : IN GlitchDataType
+ ) RETURN std_logic IS
+ IF NOW >= GlitchData.SchedTime THEN
+ RETURN GlitchData.SchedValue;
+ ELSIF NOW >= GlitchData.GlitchTime THEN
+ RETURN GlitchData.CurrentValue;
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION CurValue (
+ CONSTANT GlitchData : IN GlitchDataArrayType
+ ) RETURN std_logic_vector IS
+ VARIABLE Result : std_logic_vector(GlitchData'RANGE);
+ FOR n IN GlitchData'RANGE LOOP
+ IF NOW >= GlitchData(n).SchedTime THEN
+ Result(n) := GlitchData(n).SchedValue;
+ ELSIF NOW >= GlitchData(n).GlitchTime THEN
+ Result(n) := 'X';
+ Result(n) := GlitchData(n).CurrentValue;
+ RETURN Result;
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- function calculation utilities
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Function : VitalSame
+ -- Returns : VitalSame compares the state (UX01) of two logic value. A
+ -- value of 'X' is returned if the values are different. The
+ -- common value is returned if the values are equal.
+ -- Purpose : When the result of a logic model may be either of two
+ -- separate input values (eg. when the select on a MUX is 'X'),
+ -- VitalSame may be used to determine if the result needs to
+ -- be 'X'.
+ -- Arguments : See the declarations below...
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION VitalSame (
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN std_ulogic
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ IF To_UX01(a) = To_UX01(b)
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- delay selection utilities
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Procedure : BufPath, InvPath
+ --
+ -- Purpose : BufPath and InvPath compute output change times, based on
+ -- a change on an input port. The computed output change times
+ -- returned in the composite parameter 'schd'.
+ --
+ -- BufPath and InpPath are used together with the delay path
+ -- selection functions (GetSchedDelay, VitalAND, VitalOR... )
+ -- The 'schd' value from each of the input ports of a model are
+ -- combined by the delay selection functions (VitalAND,
+ -- VitalOR, ...). The GetSchedDelay procedure converts the
+ -- combined output changes times to the single delay (delta
+ -- time) value for scheduling the output change (passed to
+ -- VitalGlitchOnEvent).
+ --
+ -- The values in 'schd' are: (absolute times)
+ -- inp0 : time of output change due to input change to 0
+ -- inp1 : time of output change due to input change to 1
+ -- inpX : time of output change due to input change to X
+ -- glch0 : time of output glitch due to input change to 0
+ -- glch1 : time of output glitch due to input change to 1
+ --
+ -- The output times are computed from the model INPUT value
+ -- and not the final value. For this reason, 'BufPath' should
+ -- be used to compute the output times for a non-inverting
+ -- delay paths and 'InvPath' should be used to compute the
+ -- ouput times for inverting delay paths. Delay paths which
+ -- include both non-inverting and paths require usage of both
+ -- 'BufPath' and 'InvPath'. (IE this is needed for the
+ -- select->output path of a MUX -- See the VitalMUX model).
+ --
+ --
+ -- Parameters : schd....... Computed output result times. (INOUT parameter
+ -- modified only on input edges)
+ -- Iedg....... Input port edge/level value.
+ -- tpd....... Propagation delays from this input
+ --
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ VARIABLE Schd : INOUT SchedType;
+ CONSTANT Iedg : IN EdgeType;
+ CONSTANT tpd : IN VitalDelayType01
+ ) IS
+ CASE Iedg IS
+ WHEN '0'|'1' => NULL; -- no edge: no timing update
+ WHEN '/'|'R' => Schd.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.inp1 := NOW + tpd(tr01); Schd.Glch1 := Schd.inp1;
+ Schd.InpX := Schd.inp1;
+ WHEN '\'|'F' => Schd.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.inp0 := NOW + tpd(tr10); Schd.Glch0 := Schd.inp0;
+ Schd.InpX := Schd.inp0;
+ WHEN 'r' => Schd.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.InpX := NOW + tpd(tr01);
+ WHEN 'f' => Schd.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.InpX := NOW + tpd(tr10);
+ WHEN 'x' => Schd.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ -- update for X->X change
+ Schd.InpX := NOW + Minimum(tpd(tr10),tpd(tr01));
+ WHEN OTHERS => NULL; -- no timing change
+ END;
+ VARIABLE Schd : INOUT SchedArray;
+ CONSTANT Iedg : IN EdgeArray;
+ CONSTANT tpd : IN VitalDelayArrayType01
+ ) IS
+ CASE Iedg(n) IS
+ WHEN '0'|'1' => NULL; -- no edge: no timing update
+ WHEN '/'|'R' => Schd(n).inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).inp1 := NOW + tpd(n)(tr01);
+ Schd(n).Glch1 := Schd(n).inp1;
+ Schd(n).InpX := Schd(n).inp1;
+ WHEN '\'|'F' => Schd(n).inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).inp0 := NOW + tpd(n)(tr10);
+ Schd(n).Glch0 := Schd(n).inp0;
+ Schd(n).InpX := Schd(n).inp0;
+ WHEN 'r' => Schd(n).inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).InpX := NOW + tpd(n)(tr01);
+ WHEN 'f' => Schd(n).inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).InpX := NOW + tpd(n)(tr10);
+ WHEN 'x' => Schd(n).inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ -- update for X->X change
+ Schd(n).InpX := NOW + Minimum ( tpd(n)(tr10),
+ tpd(n)(tr01) );
+ WHEN OTHERS => NULL; -- no timing change
+ END;
+ VARIABLE Schd : INOUT SchedType;
+ CONSTANT Iedg : IN EdgeType;
+ CONSTANT tpd : IN VitalDelayType01
+ ) IS
+ CASE Iedg IS
+ WHEN '0'|'1' => NULL; -- no edge: no timing update
+ WHEN '/'|'R' => Schd.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.inp1 := NOW + tpd(tr10); Schd.Glch1 := Schd.inp1;
+ Schd.InpX := Schd.inp1;
+ WHEN '\'|'F' => Schd.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.inp0 := NOW + tpd(tr01); Schd.Glch0 := Schd.inp0;
+ Schd.InpX := Schd.inp0;
+ WHEN 'r' => Schd.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.InpX := NOW + tpd(tr10);
+ WHEN 'f' => Schd.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.InpX := NOW + tpd(tr01);
+ WHEN 'x' => Schd.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ -- update for X->X change
+ Schd.InpX := NOW + Minimum(tpd(tr10),tpd(tr01));
+ WHEN OTHERS => NULL; -- no timing change
+ END;
+ VARIABLE Schd : INOUT SchedArray;
+ CONSTANT Iedg : IN EdgeArray;
+ CONSTANT tpd : IN VitalDelayArrayType01
+ ) IS
+ CASE Iedg(n) IS
+ WHEN '0'|'1' => NULL; -- no edge: no timing update
+ WHEN '/'|'R' => Schd(n).inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).inp1 := NOW + tpd(n)(tr10);
+ Schd(n).Glch1 := Schd(n).inp1;
+ Schd(n).InpX := Schd(n).inp1;
+ WHEN '\'|'F' => Schd(n).inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).inp0 := NOW + tpd(n)(tr01);
+ Schd(n).Glch0 := Schd(n).inp0;
+ Schd(n).InpX := Schd(n).inp0;
+ WHEN 'r' => Schd(n).inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).InpX := NOW + tpd(n)(tr10);
+ WHEN 'f' => Schd(n).inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).InpX := NOW + tpd(n)(tr01);
+ WHEN 'x' => Schd(n).inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd(n).inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ -- update for X->X change
+ Schd(n).InpX := NOW + Minimum ( tpd(n)(tr10),
+ tpd(n)(tr01) );
+ WHEN OTHERS => NULL; -- no timing change
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Procedure : BufEnab, InvEnab
+ --
+ -- Purpose : BufEnab and InvEnab compute output change times, from a
+ -- change on an input enable port for a 3-state driver. The
+ -- computed output change times are returned in the composite
+ -- parameters 'schd1', 'schd0'.
+ --
+ -- BufEnab and InpEnab are used together with the delay path
+ -- selection functions (GetSchedDelay, VitalAND, VitalOR... )
+ -- The 'schd' value from each of the non-enable input ports of
+ -- a model (See BufPath, InvPath) are combined using the delay
+ -- selection functions (VitalAND, VitalOR, ...). The
+ -- GetSchedDelay procedure combines the output times on the
+ -- enable path with the output times from the data path(s) and
+ -- computes the single delay (delta time) value for scheduling
+ -- the output change (passed to VitalGlitchOnEvent)
+ --
+ -- The values in 'schd*' are: (absolute times)
+ -- inp0 : time of output change due to input change to 0
+ -- inp1 : time of output change due to input change to 1
+ -- inpX : time of output change due to input change to X
+ -- glch0 : time of output glitch due to input change to 0
+ -- glch1 : time of output glitch due to input change to 1
+ --
+ -- 'schd1' contains output times for 1->Z, Z->1 transitions.
+ -- 'schd0' contains output times for 0->Z, Z->0 transitions.
+ --
+ -- 'BufEnab' is used for computing the output times for an
+ -- high asserted enable (output 'Z' for enable='0').
+ -- 'InvEnab' is used for computing the output times for an
+ -- low asserted enable (output 'Z' for enable='1').
+ --
+ -- Note: separate 'schd1', 'schd0' parameters are generated
+ -- so that the combination of the delay paths from
+ -- multiple enable signals may be combined using the
+ -- same functions/operators used in combining separate
+ -- data paths. (See exampe 2 below)
+ --
+ --
+ -- Parameters : schd1...... Computed output result times for 1->Z, Z->1
+ -- transitions. This parameter is modified only on
+ -- input edge values (events).
+ -- schd0...... Computed output result times for 0->Z, 0->1
+ -- transitions. This parameter is modified only on
+ -- input edge values (events).
+ -- Iedg....... Input port edge/level value.
+ -- tpd....... Propagation delays for the enable -> output path.
+ --
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ VARIABLE Schd1 : INOUT SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Schd0 : INOUT SchedType;
+ CONSTANT Iedg : IN EdgeType;
+ CONSTANT tpd : IN VitalDelayType01Z
+ ) IS
+ CASE Iedg IS
+ WHEN '0'|'1' => NULL; -- no edge: no timing update
+ WHEN '/'|'R' => Schd1.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.inp1 := NOW + tpd(trz1);
+ Schd1.Glch1 := Schd1.inp1;
+ Schd1.InpX := Schd1.inp1;
+ Schd0.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.inp1 := NOW + tpd(trz0);
+ Schd0.Glch1 := Schd0.inp1;
+ Schd0.InpX := Schd0.inp1;
+ WHEN '\'|'F' => Schd1.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.inp0 := NOW + tpd(tr1z);
+ Schd1.Glch0 := Schd1.inp0;
+ Schd1.InpX := Schd1.inp0;
+ Schd0.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.inp0 := NOW + tpd(tr0z);
+ Schd0.Glch0 := Schd0.inp0;
+ Schd0.InpX := Schd0.inp0;
+ WHEN 'r' => Schd1.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.InpX := NOW + tpd(trz1);
+ Schd0.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.InpX := NOW + tpd(trz0);
+ WHEN 'f' => Schd1.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.InpX := NOW + tpd(tr1z);
+ Schd0.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.InpX := NOW + tpd(tr0z);
+ WHEN 'x' => Schd1.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.InpX := NOW + Minimum(tpd(tr10),tpd(tr01));
+ Schd0.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.InpX := NOW + Minimum(tpd(tr10),tpd(tr01));
+ WHEN OTHERS => NULL; -- no timing change
+ END;
+ VARIABLE Schd1 : INOUT SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Schd0 : INOUT SchedType;
+ CONSTANT Iedg : IN EdgeType;
+ CONSTANT tpd : IN VitalDelayType01Z
+ ) IS
+ CASE Iedg IS
+ WHEN '0'|'1' => NULL; -- no edge: no timing update
+ WHEN '/'|'R' => Schd1.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.inp1 := NOW + tpd(tr1z);
+ Schd1.Glch1 := Schd1.inp1;
+ Schd1.InpX := Schd1.inp1;
+ Schd0.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.inp1 := NOW + tpd(tr0z);
+ Schd0.Glch1 := Schd0.inp1;
+ Schd0.InpX := Schd0.inp1;
+ WHEN '\'|'F' => Schd1.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.inp0 := NOW + tpd(trz1);
+ Schd1.Glch0 := Schd1.inp0;
+ Schd1.InpX := Schd1.inp0;
+ Schd0.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.inp0 := NOW + tpd(trz0);
+ Schd0.Glch0 := Schd0.inp0;
+ Schd0.InpX := Schd0.inp0;
+ WHEN 'r' => Schd1.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.InpX := NOW + tpd(tr1z);
+ Schd0.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.InpX := NOW + tpd(tr0z);
+ WHEN 'f' => Schd1.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.InpX := NOW + tpd(trz1);
+ Schd0.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.InpX := NOW + tpd(trz0);
+ WHEN 'x' => Schd1.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd1.InpX := NOW + Minimum(tpd(tr10),tpd(tr01));
+ Schd0.inp0 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.inp1 := TIME'HIGH;
+ Schd0.InpX := NOW + Minimum(tpd(tr10),tpd(tr01));
+ WHEN OTHERS => NULL; -- no timing change
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Procedure : GetSchedDelay
+ --
+ -- Purpose : GetSchedDelay computes the final delay (incremental) for
+ -- for scheduling an output signal. The delay is computed
+ -- from the absolute output times in the 'NewSched' parameter.
+ -- (See BufPath, InvPath).
+ --
+ -- Computation of the output delay for non-3_state outputs
+ -- consists of selection the appropriate output time based
+ -- on the new output value 'NewValue' and subtracting 'NOW'
+ -- to convert to an incremental delay value.
+ --
+ -- The Computation of the output delay for 3_state output
+ -- also includes combination of the enable path delay with
+ -- the date path delay.
+ --
+ -- Parameters : NewDelay... Returned output delay value.
+ -- GlchDelay.. Returned output delay for the start of a glitch.
+ -- NewValue... New output value.
+ -- CurValue... Current value of the output.
+ -- NewSched... Composite containing the combined absolute
+ -- output times from the data inputs.
+ -- EnSched1... Composite containing the combined absolute
+ -- output times from the enable input(s).
+ -- (for a 3_state output transitions 1->Z, Z->1)
+ -- EnSched0... Composite containing the combined absolute
+ -- output times from the enable input(s).
+ -- (for a 3_state output transitions 0->Z, Z->0)
+ --
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE GetSchedDelay (
+ CONSTANT NewValue : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT CurValue : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT NewSched : IN SchedType
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE Tim, Glch : TIME;
+ CASE To_UX01(NewValue) IS
+ WHEN '0' => Tim := NewSched.inp0;
+ Glch := NewSched.Glch1;
+ WHEN '1' => Tim := NewSched.inp1;
+ Glch := NewSched.Glch0;
+ WHEN OTHERS => Tim := NewSched.InpX;
+ Glch := -1 ns;
+ IF (CurValue /= NewValue)
+ THEN Glch := -1 ns;
+ NewDelay := Tim - NOW;
+ IF Glch < 0 ns
+ THEN GlchDelay := Glch;
+ ELSE GlchDelay := Glch - NOW;
+ END IF; -- glch < 0 ns
+ END;
+ PROCEDURE GetSchedDelay (
+ VARIABLE NewDelay : OUT VitalTimeArray;
+ VARIABLE GlchDelay : OUT VitalTimeArray;
+ CONSTANT NewValue : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT CurValue : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT NewSched : IN SchedArray
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE Tim, Glch : TIME;
+ ALIAS NewDelayAlias : VitalTimeArray( NewDelay'LENGTH DOWNTO 1)
+ IS NewDelay;
+ ALIAS GlchDelayAlias : VitalTimeArray(GlchDelay'LENGTH DOWNTO 1)
+ IS GlchDelay;
+ ALIAS NewSchedAlias : SchedArray( NewSched'LENGTH DOWNTO 1)
+ IS NewSched;
+ ALIAS NewValueAlias : std_logic_vector ( NewValue'LENGTH DOWNTO 1 )
+ IS NewValue;
+ ALIAS CurValueAlias : std_logic_vector ( CurValue'LENGTH DOWNTO 1 )
+ IS CurValue;
+ CASE To_UX01(NewValueAlias(n)) IS
+ WHEN '0' => Tim := NewSchedAlias(n).inp0;
+ Glch := NewSchedAlias(n).Glch1;
+ WHEN '1' => Tim := NewSchedAlias(n).inp1;
+ Glch := NewSchedAlias(n).Glch0;
+ WHEN OTHERS => Tim := NewSchedAlias(n).InpX;
+ Glch := -1 ns;
+ IF (CurValueAlias(n) /= NewValueAlias(n))
+ THEN Glch := -1 ns;
+ NewDelayAlias(n) := Tim - NOW;
+ IF Glch < 0 ns
+ THEN GlchDelayAlias(n) := Glch;
+ ELSE GlchDelayAlias(n) := Glch - NOW;
+ END IF; -- glch < 0 ns
+ END;
+ PROCEDURE GetSchedDelay (
+ CONSTANT NewValue : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT CurValue : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT NewSched : IN SchedType;
+ CONSTANT EnSched1 : IN SchedType;
+ CONSTANT EnSched0 : IN SchedType
+ ) IS
+ SUBTYPE v2 IS std_logic_vector(0 TO 1);
+ VARIABLE Tim, Glch : TIME;
+ CASE v2'(To_X01Z(CurValue) & To_X01Z(NewValue)) IS
+ WHEN "00" => Tim := Maximum (NewSched.inp0, EnSched0.inp1);
+ Glch := GlitchMinTime(NewSched.Glch1,EnSched0.Glch0);
+ WHEN "01" => Tim := Maximum (NewSched.inp1, EnSched1.inp1);
+ Glch := EnSched1.Glch0;
+ WHEN "0Z" => Tim := EnSched0.inp0;
+ Glch := NewSched.Glch1;
+ WHEN "0X" => Tim := Maximum (NewSched.InpX, EnSched1.InpX);
+ Glch := 0 ns;
+ WHEN "10" => Tim := Maximum (NewSched.inp0, EnSched0.inp1);
+ Glch := EnSched0.Glch0;
+ WHEN "11" => Tim := Maximum (NewSched.inp1, EnSched1.inp1);
+ Glch := GlitchMinTime(NewSched.Glch0,EnSched1.Glch0);
+ WHEN "1Z" => Tim := EnSched1.inp0;
+ Glch := NewSched.Glch0;
+ WHEN "1X" => Tim := Maximum (NewSched.InpX, EnSched0.InpX);
+ Glch := 0 ns;
+ WHEN "Z0" => Tim := Maximum (NewSched.inp0, EnSched0.inp1);
+ IF NewSched.Glch0 > NOW
+ THEN Glch := Maximum(NewSched.Glch1,EnSched1.inp1);
+ ELSE Glch := 0 ns;
+ WHEN "Z1" => Tim := Maximum (NewSched.inp1, EnSched1.inp1);
+ IF NewSched.Glch1 > NOW
+ THEN Glch := Maximum(NewSched.Glch0,EnSched0.inp1);
+ ELSE Glch := 0 ns;
+ WHEN "ZX" => Tim := Maximum (NewSched.InpX, EnSched1.InpX);
+ Glch := 0 ns;
+ WHEN "ZZ" => Tim := Maximum (EnSched1.InpX, EnSched0.InpX);
+ Glch := 0 ns;
+ WHEN "X0" => Tim := Maximum (NewSched.inp0, EnSched0.inp1);
+ Glch := 0 ns;
+ WHEN "X1" => Tim := Maximum (NewSched.inp1, EnSched1.inp1);
+ Glch := 0 ns;
+ WHEN "XZ" => Tim := Maximum (EnSched1.InpX, EnSched0.InpX);
+ Glch := 0 ns;
+ WHEN OTHERS => Tim := Maximum (NewSched.InpX, EnSched1.InpX);
+ Glch := 0 ns;
+ NewDelay := Tim - NOW;
+ IF Glch < 0 ns
+ THEN GlchDelay := Glch;
+ ELSE GlchDelay := Glch - NOW;
+ END IF; -- glch < 0 ns
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Operators and Functions for combination (selection) of path delays
+ -- > These functions support selection of the "appripriate" path delay
+ -- dependent on the logic function.
+ -- > These functions only "select" from the possable output times. No
+ -- calculation (addition) of delays is performed.
+ -- > See description of 'BufPath', 'InvPath' and 'GetSchedDelay'
+ -- > See primitive PROCEDURE models for examples.
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION "not" (
+ CONSTANT a : IN SchedType
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ VARIABLE z : SchedType;
+ z.inp1 := a.inp0 ;
+ z.inp0 := a.inp1 ;
+ z.InpX := a.InpX ;
+ z.Glch1 := a.Glch0;
+ z.Glch0 := a.Glch1;
+ RETURN (z);
+ END;
+ FUNCTION "and" (
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN SchedType
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ VARIABLE z : SchedType;
+ z.inp1 := Maximum ( a.inp1 , b.inp1 );
+ z.inp0 := Minimum ( a.inp0 , b.inp0 );
+ z.InpX := GlitchMinTime ( a.InpX , b.InpX );
+ z.Glch1 := Maximum ( a.Glch1, b.Glch1 );
+ z.Glch0 := GlitchMinTime ( a.Glch0, b.Glch0 );
+ RETURN (z);
+ END;
+ FUNCTION "or" (
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN SchedType
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ VARIABLE z : SchedType;
+ z.inp0 := Maximum ( a.inp0 , b.inp0 );
+ z.inp1 := Minimum ( a.inp1 , b.inp1 );
+ z.InpX := GlitchMinTime ( a.InpX , b.InpX );
+ z.Glch0 := Maximum ( a.Glch0, b.Glch0 );
+ z.Glch1 := GlitchMinTime ( a.Glch1, b.Glch1 );
+ RETURN (z);
+ END;
+ FUNCTION "nand" (
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN SchedType
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ VARIABLE z : SchedType;
+ z.inp0 := Maximum ( a.inp1 , b.inp1 );
+ z.inp1 := Minimum ( a.inp0 , b.inp0 );
+ z.InpX := GlitchMinTime ( a.InpX , b.InpX );
+ z.Glch0 := Maximum ( a.Glch1, b.Glch1 );
+ z.Glch1 := GlitchMinTime ( a.Glch0, b.Glch0 );
+ RETURN (z);
+ END;
+ FUNCTION "nor" (
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN SchedType
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ VARIABLE z : SchedType;
+ z.inp1 := Maximum ( a.inp0 , b.inp0 );
+ z.inp0 := Minimum ( a.inp1 , b.inp1 );
+ z.InpX := GlitchMinTime ( a.InpX , b.InpX );
+ z.Glch1 := Maximum ( a.Glch0, b.Glch0 );
+ z.Glch0 := GlitchMinTime ( a.Glch1, b.Glch1 );
+ RETURN (z);
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Delay Calculation for 2-bit Logical gates.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT ab,ai, bb,bi : IN SchedType
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ VARIABLE z : SchedType;
+ -- z = (a AND b) NOR (a NOR b)
+ z.inp1 := Maximum ( Minimum (ai.inp0 , bi.inp0 ),
+ Minimum (ab.inp1 , bb.inp1 ) );
+ z.inp0 := Minimum ( Maximum (ai.inp1 , bi.inp1 ),
+ Maximum (ab.inp0 , bb.inp0 ) );
+ z.InpX := Maximum ( Maximum (ai.InpX , bi.InpX ),
+ Maximum (ab.InpX , bb.InpX ) );
+ z.Glch1 := Maximum (GlitchMinTime (ai.Glch0, bi.Glch0),
+ GlitchMinTime (ab.Glch1, bb.Glch1) );
+ z.Glch0 := GlitchMinTime ( Maximum (ai.Glch1, bi.Glch1),
+ Maximum (ab.Glch0, bb.Glch0) );
+ RETURN (z);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT ab,ai, bb,bi : IN SchedType
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ VARIABLE z : SchedType;
+ -- z = (a AND b) OR (a NOR b)
+ z.inp0 := Maximum ( Minimum (ab.inp0 , bb.inp0 ),
+ Minimum (ai.inp1 , bi.inp1 ) );
+ z.inp1 := Minimum ( Maximum (ab.inp1 , bb.inp1 ),
+ Maximum (ai.inp0 , bi.inp0 ) );
+ z.InpX := Maximum ( Maximum (ab.InpX , bb.InpX ),
+ Maximum (ai.InpX , bi.InpX ) );
+ z.Glch0 := Maximum (GlitchMinTime (ab.Glch0, bb.Glch0),
+ GlitchMinTime (ai.Glch1, bi.Glch1) );
+ z.Glch1 := GlitchMinTime ( Maximum (ab.Glch1, bb.Glch1),
+ Maximum (ai.Glch0, bi.Glch0) );
+ RETURN (z);
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Delay Calculation for 3-bit Logical gates.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT ab,ai, bb,bi, cb,ci : IN SchedType )
+ RETURN SchedType IS
+ RETURN VitalXOR2 ( VitalXOR2 (ab,ai, bb,bi),
+ VitalXOR2 (ai,ab, bi,bb),
+ cb, ci );
+ END;
+ CONSTANT ab,ai, bb,bi, cb,ci : IN SchedType )
+ RETURN SchedType IS
+ RETURN VitalXNOR2 ( VitalXOR2 ( ab,ai, bb,bi ),
+ VitalXOR2 ( ai,ab, bi,bb ),
+ cb, ci );
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Delay Calculation for 4-bit Logical gates.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT ab,ai, bb,bi, cb,ci, db,di : IN SchedType )
+ RETURN SchedType IS
+ RETURN VitalXOR2 ( VitalXOR2 ( ab,ai, bb,bi ),
+ VitalXOR2 ( ai,ab, bi,bb ),
+ VitalXOR2 ( cb,ci, db,di ),
+ VitalXOR2 ( ci,cb, di,db ) );
+ END;
+ CONSTANT ab,ai, bb,bi, cb,ci, db,di : IN SchedType )
+ RETURN SchedType IS
+ RETURN VitalXNOR2 ( VitalXOR2 ( ab,ai, bb,bi ),
+ VitalXOR2 ( ai,ab, bi,bb ),
+ VitalXOR2 ( cb,ci, db,di ),
+ VitalXOR2 ( ci,cb, di,db ) );
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Delay Calculation for N-bit Logical gates.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Note: index range on datab,datai assumed to be 1 TO length.
+ -- This is enforced by internal only usage of this Function
+ CONSTANT DataB, DataI : IN SchedArray
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ IF Leng = 2 THEN
+ RETURN VitalXOR2 ( DataB(1),DataI(1), DataB(2),DataI(2) );
+ RETURN VitalXOR2 ( VitalXOR ( DataB(1 TO Leng-1),
+ DataI(1 TO Leng-1) ),
+ VitalXOR ( DataI(1 TO Leng-1),
+ DataB(1 TO Leng-1) ),
+ DataB(Leng),DataI(Leng) );
+ END;
+ -- Note: index range on datab,datai assumed to be 1 TO length.
+ -- This is enforced by internal only usage of this Function
+ CONSTANT DataB, DataI : IN SchedArray
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ IF Leng = 2 THEN
+ RETURN VitalXNOR2 ( DataB(1),DataI(1), DataB(2),DataI(2) );
+ RETURN VitalXNOR2 ( VitalXOR ( DataB(1 TO Leng-1),
+ DataI(1 TO Leng-1) ),
+ VitalXOR ( DataI(1 TO Leng-1),
+ DataB(1 TO Leng-1) ),
+ DataB(Leng),DataI(Leng) );
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Multiplexor
+ -- MUX .......... result := data(dselect)
+ -- MUX2 .......... 2-input mux; result := data0 when (dselect = '0'),
+ -- data1 when (dselect = '1'),
+ -- 'X' when (dselect = 'X') and (data0 /= data1)
+ -- MUX4 .......... 4-input mux; result := data(dselect)
+ -- MUX8 .......... 8-input mux; result := data(dselect)
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT d1, d0 : IN SchedType;
+ CONSTANT sb, SI : IN SchedType
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ RETURN (d1 AND sb) OR (d0 AND (NOT SI) );
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN SchedArray4;
+ CONSTANT sb : IN SchedArray2;
+ CONSTANT SI : IN SchedArray2
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ RETURN ( sb(1) AND VitalMUX2(Data(3),Data(2), sb(0), SI(0)) )
+ OR ( (NOT SI(1)) AND VitalMUX2(Data(1),Data(0), sb(0), SI(0)) );
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN SchedArray8;
+ CONSTANT sb : IN SchedArray3;
+ CONSTANT SI : IN SchedArray3
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ RETURN ( ( sb(2)) AND VitalMUX4 (Data(7 DOWNTO 4),
+ sb(1 DOWNTO 0), SI(1 DOWNTO 0) ) )
+ OR ( (NOT SI(2)) AND VitalMUX4 (Data(3 DOWNTO 0),
+ sb(1 DOWNTO 0), SI(1 DOWNTO 0) ) );
+ END;
+ FUNCTION VInterMux (
+ CONSTANT Data : IN SchedArray;
+ CONSTANT sb : IN SchedArray;
+ CONSTANT SI : IN SchedArray
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ RETURN VitalMUX2( Data(2), Data(1), sb(1), SI(1) );
+ RETURN VitalMUX4( Data, sb, SI );
+ RETURN VitalMUX8( Data, sb, SI );
+ RETURN (( sb(sMsb)) AND VInterMux( Data(dMsbLow DOWNTO 1),
+ sb(sMsb-1 DOWNTO 1),
+ SI(sMsb-1 DOWNTO 1) ))
+ OR ((NOT SI(sMsb)) AND VInterMux( Data(dMsbHigh DOWNTO dMsbLow+1),
+ sb(sMsb-1 DOWNTO 1),
+ SI(sMsb-1 DOWNTO 1) ));
+ RETURN (0 ns, 0 ns, 0 ns, 0 ns, 0 ns); -- dselect'LENGTH < 1
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN SchedArray;
+ CONSTANT sb : IN SchedArray;
+ CONSTANT SI : IN SchedArray
+ ) RETURN SchedType IS
+ VARIABLE lDat : SchedArray(msb DOWNTO 1);
+ ALIAS DataAlias : SchedArray ( Data'LENGTH DOWNTO 1 ) IS Data;
+ ALIAS sbAlias : SchedArray ( sb'LENGTH DOWNTO 1 ) IS sb;
+ ALIAS siAlias : SchedArray ( SI'LENGTH DOWNTO 1 ) IS SI;
+ IF Data'LENGTH <= msb THEN
+ lDat(i) := DataAlias(i);
+ lDat(i) := DefSchedAnd;
+ lDat(i) := DataAlias(i);
+ RETURN VInterMux( lDat, sbAlias, siAlias );
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Decoder
+ -- General Algorithm :
+ -- (a) Result(...) := '0' when (enable = '0')
+ -- (b) Result(data) := '1'; all other subelements = '0'
+ -- ... Result array is decending (n-1 downto 0)
+ --
+ -- DECODERn .......... n:2**n decoder
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT DataB : IN SchedType;
+ CONSTANT DataI : IN SchedType;
+ CONSTANT Enable : IN SchedType
+ ) RETURN SchedArray IS
+ VARIABLE Result : SchedArray2;
+ Result(1) := Enable AND ( DataB);
+ Result(0) := Enable AND (NOT DataI);
+ RETURN Result;
+ END;
+ CONSTANT DataB : IN SchedArray2;
+ CONSTANT DataI : IN SchedArray2;
+ CONSTANT Enable : IN SchedType
+ ) RETURN SchedArray IS
+ VARIABLE Result : SchedArray4;
+ Result(3) := Enable AND ( DataB(1)) AND ( DataB(0));
+ Result(2) := Enable AND ( DataB(1)) AND (NOT DataI(0));
+ Result(1) := Enable AND (NOT DataI(1)) AND ( DataB(0));
+ Result(0) := Enable AND (NOT DataI(1)) AND (NOT DataI(0));
+ RETURN Result;
+ END;
+ CONSTANT DataB : IN SchedArray3;
+ CONSTANT DataI : IN SchedArray3;
+ CONSTANT Enable : IN SchedType
+ ) RETURN SchedArray IS
+ VARIABLE Result : SchedArray8;
+ Result(7):= Enable AND ( DataB(2))AND( DataB(1))AND( DataB(0));
+ Result(6):= Enable AND ( DataB(2))AND( DataB(1))AND(NOT DataI(0));
+ Result(5):= Enable AND ( DataB(2))AND(NOT DataI(1))AND( DataB(0));
+ Result(4):= Enable AND ( DataB(2))AND(NOT DataI(1))AND(NOT DataI(0));
+ Result(3):= Enable AND (NOT DataI(2))AND( DataB(1))AND( DataB(0));
+ Result(2):= Enable AND (NOT DataI(2))AND( DataB(1))AND(NOT DataI(0));
+ Result(1):= Enable AND (NOT DataI(2))AND(NOT DataI(1))AND( DataB(0));
+ Result(0):= Enable AND (NOT DataI(2))AND(NOT DataI(1))AND(NOT DataI(0));
+ RETURN Result;
+ END;
+ CONSTANT DataB : IN SchedArray;
+ CONSTANT DataI : IN SchedArray;
+ CONSTANT Enable : IN SchedType
+ ) RETURN SchedArray IS
+ ALIAS DataBAlias : SchedArray ( DMsb DOWNTO 0 ) IS DataB;
+ ALIAS DataIAlias : SchedArray ( DMsb DOWNTO 0 ) IS DataI;
+ RETURN VitalDECODER2 ( DataBAlias( 0 ),
+ DataIAlias( 0 ), Enable );
+ RETURN VitalDECODER4 ( DataBAlias(1 DOWNTO 0),
+ DataIAlias(1 DOWNTO 0), Enable );
+ RETURN VitalDECODER8 ( DataBAlias(2 DOWNTO 0),
+ DataIAlias(2 DOWNTO 0), Enable );
+ RETURN VitalDECODER ( DataBAlias(DMsb-1 DOWNTO 0),
+ DataIAlias(DMsb-1 DOWNTO 0),
+ Enable AND ( DataBAlias(DMsb)) )
+ & VitalDECODER ( DataBAlias(DMsb-1 DOWNTO 0),
+ DataIAlias(DMsb-1 DOWNTO 0),
+ Enable AND (NOT DataIAlias(DMsb)) );
+ RETURN DefSchedArray2;
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- N-bit wide Logical gates.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ VARIABLE Result : UX01;
+ Result := '1';
+ Result := Result AND Data(i);
+ RETURN ResultMap(Result);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ VARIABLE Result : UX01;
+ Result := '0';
+ Result := Result OR Data(i);
+ RETURN ResultMap(Result);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ VARIABLE Result : UX01;
+ Result := '0';
+ Result := Result XOR Data(i);
+ RETURN ResultMap(Result);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ VARIABLE Result : UX01;
+ Result := '1';
+ Result := Result AND Data(i);
+ RETURN ResultMap(NOT Result);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ VARIABLE Result : UX01;
+ Result := '0';
+ Result := Result OR Data(i);
+ RETURN ResultMap(NOT Result);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ VARIABLE Result : UX01;
+ Result := '0';
+ Result := Result XOR Data(i);
+ RETURN ResultMap(NOT Result);
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Commonly used 2-bit Logical gates.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(a AND b);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(a OR b);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(a XOR b);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(a NAND b);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(a NOR b);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(NOT (a XOR b));
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Commonly used 3-bit Logical gates.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(a AND b AND c);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(a OR b OR c);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(a XOR b XOR c);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(NOT (a AND b AND c));
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(NOT (a OR b OR c));
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(NOT (a XOR b XOR c));
+ END;
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Commonly used 4-bit Logical gates.
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(a AND b AND c AND d);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(a OR b OR c OR d);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(a XOR b XOR c XOR d);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(NOT (a AND b AND c AND d));
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(NOT (a OR b OR c OR d));
+ END;
+ CONSTANT a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(NOT (a XOR b XOR c XOR d));
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Buffers
+ -- BUF ....... standard non-inverting buffer
+ -- BUFIF0 ....... non-inverting buffer Data passes thru if (Enable = '0')
+ -- BUFIF1 ....... non-inverting buffer Data passes thru if (Enable = '1')
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(To_UX01(Data));
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data, Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(BufIf0_Table(Enable,Data));
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data, Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(BufIf1_Table(Enable,Data));
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(To_UX01Z(Data));
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Invertors
+ -- INV ......... standard inverting buffer
+ -- INVIF0 ......... inverting buffer Data passes thru if (Enable = '0')
+ -- INVIF1 ......... inverting buffer Data passes thru if (Enable = '1')
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(NOT Data);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data, Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(InvIf0_Table(Enable,Data));
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data, Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ RETURN ResultMap(InvIf1_Table(Enable,Data));
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Multiplexor
+ -- MUX .......... result := data(dselect)
+ -- MUX2 .......... 2-input mux; result := data0 when (dselect = '0'),
+ -- data1 when (dselect = '1'),
+ -- 'X' when (dselect = 'X') and (data0 /= data1)
+ -- MUX4 .......... 4-input mux; result := data(dselect)
+ -- MUX8 .......... 8-input mux; result := data(dselect)
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT Data1, Data0 : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT dSelect : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ VARIABLE Result : UX01;
+ CASE To_X01(dSelect) IS
+ WHEN '0' => Result := To_UX01(Data0);
+ WHEN '1' => Result := To_UX01(Data1);
+ WHEN OTHERS => Result := VitalSame( Data1, Data0 );
+ RETURN ResultMap(Result);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector4;
+ CONSTANT dSelect : IN std_logic_vector2;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ VARIABLE Slct : std_logic_vector2;
+ VARIABLE Result : UX01;
+ Slct := To_X01(dSelect);
+ CASE Slct IS
+ WHEN "00" => Result := To_UX01(Data(0));
+ WHEN "01" => Result := To_UX01(Data(1));
+ WHEN "10" => Result := To_UX01(Data(2));
+ WHEN "11" => Result := To_UX01(Data(3));
+ WHEN "0X" => Result := VitalSame( Data(1), Data(0) );
+ WHEN "1X" => Result := VitalSame( Data(2), Data(3) );
+ WHEN "X0" => Result := VitalSame( Data(2), Data(0) );
+ WHEN "X1" => Result := VitalSame( Data(3), Data(1) );
+ WHEN OTHERS => Result := VitalSame( VitalSame(Data(3),Data(2)),
+ VitalSame(Data(1),Data(0)));
+ RETURN ResultMap(Result);
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector8;
+ CONSTANT dSelect : IN std_logic_vector3;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ VARIABLE Result : UX01;
+ CASE To_X01(dSelect(2)) IS
+ WHEN '0' => Result := VitalMUX4( Data(3 DOWNTO 0),
+ dSelect(1 DOWNTO 0));
+ WHEN '1' => Result := VitalMUX4( Data(7 DOWNTO 4),
+ dSelect(1 DOWNTO 0));
+ WHEN OTHERS => Result := VitalSame( VitalMUX4( Data(3 DOWNTO 0),
+ dSelect(1 DOWNTO 0)),
+ VitalMUX4( Data(7 DOWNTO 4),
+ dSelect(1 DOWNTO 0)));
+ RETURN ResultMap(Result);
+ END;
+ FUNCTION VInterMux (
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT dSelect : IN std_logic_vector
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ ALIAS DataAlias : std_logic_vector ( Data'LENGTH DOWNTO 1) IS Data;
+ ALIAS dSelAlias : std_logic_vector (dSelect'LENGTH DOWNTO 1) IS dSelect;
+ VARIABLE Result : UX01;
+ IF dSelect'LENGTH = 1 THEN
+ Result := VitalMUX2( DataAlias(2), DataAlias(1), dSelAlias(1) );
+ Result := VitalMUX4( DataAlias, dSelAlias );
+ CASE To_X01(dSelect(sMsb)) IS
+ WHEN '0' =>
+ Result := VInterMux( DataAlias(dMsbLow DOWNTO 1),
+ dSelAlias(sMsb-1 DOWNTO 1) );
+ WHEN '1' =>
+ Result := VInterMux( DataAlias(dMsbHigh DOWNTO dMsbLow+1),
+ dSelAlias(sMsb-1 DOWNTO 1) );
+ Result := VitalSame(
+ VInterMux( DataAlias(dMsbLow DOWNTO 1),
+ dSelAlias(sMsb-1 DOWNTO 1) ),
+ VInterMux( DataAlias(dMsbHigh DOWNTO dMsbLow+1),
+ dSelAlias(sMsb-1 DOWNTO 1) )
+ );
+ Result := 'X'; -- dselect'LENGTH < 1
+ RETURN Result;
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT dSelect : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_ulogic IS
+ CONSTANT msb : INTEGER := 2**dSelect'LENGTH;
+ ALIAS DataAlias : std_logic_vector ( Data'LENGTH DOWNTO 1) IS Data;
+ ALIAS dSelAlias : std_logic_vector (dSelect'LENGTH DOWNTO 1) IS dSelect;
+ VARIABLE lDat : std_logic_vector(msb DOWNTO 1) := (OTHERS=>'X');
+ VARIABLE Result : UX01;
+ IF Data'LENGTH <= msb THEN
+ lDat(i) := DataAlias(i);
+ lDat(i) := DataAlias(i);
+ Result := VInterMux( lDat, dSelAlias );
+ RETURN ResultMap(Result);
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Decoder
+ -- General Algorithm :
+ -- (a) Result(...) := '0' when (enable = '0')
+ -- (b) Result(data) := '1'; all other subelements = '0'
+ -- ... Result array is decending (n-1 downto 0)
+ --
+ -- DECODERn .......... n:2**n decoder
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_logic_vector2 IS
+ VARIABLE Result : std_logic_vector2;
+ Result(1) := ResultMap(Enable AND ( Data));
+ Result(0) := ResultMap(Enable AND (NOT Data));
+ RETURN Result;
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector2;
+ CONSTANT Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_logic_vector4 IS
+ VARIABLE Result : std_logic_vector4;
+ Result(3) := ResultMap(Enable AND ( Data(1)) AND ( Data(0)));
+ Result(2) := ResultMap(Enable AND ( Data(1)) AND (NOT Data(0)));
+ Result(1) := ResultMap(Enable AND (NOT Data(1)) AND ( Data(0)));
+ Result(0) := ResultMap(Enable AND (NOT Data(1)) AND (NOT Data(0)));
+ RETURN Result;
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector3;
+ CONSTANT Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_logic_vector8 IS
+ VARIABLE Result : std_logic_vector8;
+ Result(7) := ( Data(2)) AND ( Data(1)) AND ( Data(0));
+ Result(6) := ( Data(2)) AND ( Data(1)) AND (NOT Data(0));
+ Result(5) := ( Data(2)) AND (NOT Data(1)) AND ( Data(0));
+ Result(4) := ( Data(2)) AND (NOT Data(1)) AND (NOT Data(0));
+ Result(3) := (NOT Data(2)) AND ( Data(1)) AND ( Data(0));
+ Result(2) := (NOT Data(2)) AND ( Data(1)) AND (NOT Data(0));
+ Result(1) := (NOT Data(2)) AND (NOT Data(1)) AND ( Data(0));
+ Result(0) := (NOT Data(2)) AND (NOT Data(1)) AND (NOT Data(0));
+ Result(0) := ResultMap ( Enable AND Result(0) );
+ Result(1) := ResultMap ( Enable AND Result(1) );
+ Result(2) := ResultMap ( Enable AND Result(2) );
+ Result(3) := ResultMap ( Enable AND Result(3) );
+ Result(4) := ResultMap ( Enable AND Result(4) );
+ Result(5) := ResultMap ( Enable AND Result(5) );
+ Result(6) := ResultMap ( Enable AND Result(6) );
+ Result(7) := ResultMap ( Enable AND Result(7) );
+ RETURN Result;
+ END;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) RETURN std_logic_vector IS
+ ALIAS DataAlias : std_logic_vector ( DMsb DOWNTO 0 ) IS Data;
+ RETURN VitalDECODER2 (DataAlias( 0 ), Enable, ResultMap );
+ RETURN VitalDECODER4 (DataAlias(1 DOWNTO 0), Enable, ResultMap );
+ RETURN VitalDECODER8 (DataAlias(2 DOWNTO 0), Enable, ResultMap );
+ RETURN VitalDECODER (DataAlias(DMsb-1 DOWNTO 0),
+ Enable AND ( DataAlias(DMsb)), ResultMap )
+ & VitalDECODER (DataAlias(DMsb-1 DOWNTO 0),
+ Enable AND (NOT DataAlias(DMsb)), ResultMap );
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- N-bit wide Logical gates.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE LastData : std_logic_vector(Data'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE Data_Edge : EdgeArray(Data'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE Data_Schd : SchedArray(Data'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ ALIAS Atpd_data_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(Data'RANGE) IS tpd_data_q;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Check if ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (Atpd_data_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN LOOP
+ q <= VitalAND(Data, ResultMap);
+ WAIT ON Data;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( Data_Schd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ GetEdge ( Data, LastData, Data_Edge );
+ BufPath ( Data_Schd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := '1';
+ new_schd := Data_Schd(Data_Schd'LEFT);
+ NewValue := NewValue AND Data(i);
+ new_schd := new_schd AND Data_Schd(i);
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data;
+ END IF; --SN
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE LastData : std_logic_vector(Data'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE Data_Edge : EdgeArray(Data'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE Data_Schd : SchedArray(Data'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ ALIAS Atpd_data_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(Data'RANGE) IS tpd_data_q;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Check if ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (Atpd_data_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN LOOP
+ q <= VitalOR(Data, ResultMap);
+ WAIT ON Data;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( Data_Schd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ GetEdge ( Data, LastData, Data_Edge );
+ BufPath ( Data_Schd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := '0';
+ new_schd := Data_Schd(Data_Schd'LEFT);
+ NewValue := NewValue OR Data(i);
+ new_schd := new_schd OR Data_Schd(i);
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data;
+ END IF; --SN
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE LastData : std_logic_vector(Data'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE Data_Edge : EdgeArray(Data'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE DataB_Schd : SchedArray(1 TO Data'LENGTH);
+ VARIABLE DataI_Schd : SchedArray(1 TO Data'LENGTH);
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ ALIAS Atpd_data_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(Data'RANGE) IS tpd_data_q;
+ ALIAS ADataB_Schd : SchedArray(Data'RANGE) IS DataB_Schd;
+ ALIAS ADataI_Schd : SchedArray(Data'RANGE) IS DataI_Schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Check if ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (Atpd_data_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN LOOP
+ q <= VitalXOR(Data, ResultMap);
+ WAIT ON Data;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ADataB_Schd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ InvPath ( ADataI_Schd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ GetEdge ( Data, LastData, Data_Edge );
+ BufPath ( DataB_Schd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ InvPath ( DataI_Schd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalXOR ( Data );
+ new_schd := VitalXOR ( DataB_Schd, DataI_Schd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data;
+ END IF; --SN
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE LastData : std_logic_vector(Data'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE Data_Edge : EdgeArray(Data'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE Data_Schd : SchedArray(Data'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ ALIAS Atpd_data_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(Data'RANGE) IS tpd_data_q;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Check if ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (Atpd_data_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN LOOP
+ q <= VitalNAND(Data, ResultMap);
+ WAIT ON Data;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( Data_Schd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ GetEdge ( Data, LastData, Data_Edge );
+ InvPath ( Data_Schd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := '1';
+ new_schd := Data_Schd(Data_Schd'LEFT);
+ NewValue := NewValue AND Data(i);
+ new_schd := new_schd AND Data_Schd(i);
+ NewValue := NOT NewValue;
+ new_schd := NOT new_schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE LastData : std_logic_vector(Data'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE Data_Edge : EdgeArray(Data'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE Data_Schd : SchedArray(Data'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ ALIAS Atpd_data_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(Data'RANGE) IS tpd_data_q;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Check if ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (Atpd_data_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN LOOP
+ q <= VitalNOR(Data, ResultMap);
+ WAIT ON Data;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( Data_Schd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ GetEdge ( Data, LastData, Data_Edge );
+ InvPath ( Data_Schd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := '0';
+ new_schd := Data_Schd(Data_Schd'LEFT);
+ NewValue := NewValue OR Data(i);
+ new_schd := new_schd OR Data_Schd(i);
+ NewValue := NOT NewValue;
+ new_schd := NOT new_schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data;
+ END IF; --SN
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE LastData : std_logic_vector(Data'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE Data_Edge : EdgeArray(Data'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE DataB_Schd : SchedArray(1 TO Data'LENGTH);
+ VARIABLE DataI_Schd : SchedArray(1 TO Data'LENGTH);
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ ALIAS Atpd_data_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(Data'RANGE) IS tpd_data_q;
+ ALIAS ADataB_Schd : SchedArray(Data'RANGE) IS DataB_Schd;
+ ALIAS ADataI_Schd : SchedArray(Data'RANGE) IS DataI_Schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Check if ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (Atpd_data_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN LOOP
+ q <= VitalXNOR(Data, ResultMap);
+ WAIT ON Data;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ADataB_Schd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ InvPath ( ADataI_Schd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ GetEdge ( Data, LastData, Data_Edge );
+ BufPath ( DataB_Schd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ InvPath ( DataI_Schd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalXNOR ( Data );
+ new_schd := VitalXNOR ( DataB_Schd, DataI_Schd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data;
+ END IF; --SN
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Commonly used 2-bit Logical gates.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE a_schd, b_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ((tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01) AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalAND2 ( a, b, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( a_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( b_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( a_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( b_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := a AND b;
+ new_schd := a_schd AND b_schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE a_schd, b_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ((tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01) AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalOR2 ( a, b, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( a_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( b_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( a_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( b_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := a OR b;
+ new_schd := a_schd OR b_schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE a_schd, b_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ((tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01) AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalNAND2 ( a, b, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( a_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( b_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( a_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( b_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := a NAND b;
+ new_schd := a_schd NAND b_schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE a_schd, b_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ((tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01) AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalNOR2 ( a, b, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( a_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( b_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( a_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( b_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := a NOR b;
+ new_schd := a_schd NOR b_schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE ab_schd, bb_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE ai_schd, bi_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ((tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01) AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalXOR2 ( a, b, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ab_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( ai_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( bb_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( bi_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ab_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( ai_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( bb_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( bi_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := a XOR b;
+ new_schd := VitalXOR2 ( ab_schd,ai_schd, bb_schd,bi_schd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE ab_schd, bb_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE ai_schd, bi_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ((tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01) AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalXNOR2 ( a, b, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ab_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( ai_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( bb_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( bi_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ab_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( ai_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( bb_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( bi_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := NOT (a XOR b);
+ new_schd := VitalXNOR2 ( ab_schd,ai_schd, bb_schd,bi_schd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b;
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Commonly used 3-bit Logical gates.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE a_schd, b_schd, c_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_c_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalAND3 ( a, b, c, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( a_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( b_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( c_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( a_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( b_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( c_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := a AND b AND c;
+ new_schd := a_schd AND b_schd AND c_schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE a_schd, b_schd, c_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_c_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalOR3 ( a, b, c, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( a_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( b_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( c_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( a_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( b_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( c_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := a OR b OR c;
+ new_schd := a_schd OR b_schd OR c_schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE a_schd, b_schd, c_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_c_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalNAND3 ( a, b, c, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( a_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( b_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( c_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( a_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( b_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( c_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := (a AND b) NAND c;
+ new_schd := (a_schd AND b_schd) NAND c_schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE a_schd, b_schd, c_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_c_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalNOR3 ( a, b, c, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( a_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( b_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( c_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( a_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( b_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( c_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := (a OR b) NOR c;
+ new_schd := (a_schd OR b_schd) NOR c_schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE ab_schd, bb_schd, cb_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE ai_schd, bi_schd, ci_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_c_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalXOR3 ( a, b, c, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ab_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( ai_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( bb_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( bi_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( cb_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ InvPath ( ci_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ab_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( ai_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( bb_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( bi_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( cb_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ InvPath ( ci_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := a XOR b XOR c;
+ new_schd := VitalXOR3 ( ab_schd,ai_schd,
+ bb_schd,bi_schd,
+ cb_schd,ci_schd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE ab_schd, bb_schd, cb_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE ai_schd, bi_schd, ci_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_c_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalXNOR3 ( a, b, c, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ab_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( ai_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( bb_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( bi_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( cb_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ InvPath ( ci_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ab_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( ai_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( bb_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( bi_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( cb_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ InvPath ( ci_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := NOT (a XOR b XOR c);
+ new_schd := VitalXNOR3 ( ab_schd, ai_schd,
+ bb_schd, bi_schd,
+ cb_schd, ci_schd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c;
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Commonly used 4-bit Logical gates.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE a_schd, b_schd, c_schd, d_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_c_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_d_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalAND4 ( a, b, c, d, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c, d;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( a_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( b_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( c_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ BufPath ( d_Schd, InitialEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( a_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( b_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( c_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ BufPath ( d_Schd, GetEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := a AND b AND c AND d;
+ new_schd := a_schd AND b_schd AND c_schd AND d_Schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c, d;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE a_schd, b_schd, c_schd, d_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_c_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_d_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalOR4 ( a, b, c, d, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c, d;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( a_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( b_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( c_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ BufPath ( d_Schd, InitialEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( a_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( b_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( c_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ BufPath ( d_Schd, GetEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := a OR b OR c OR d;
+ new_schd := a_schd OR b_schd OR c_schd OR d_Schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c, d;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE a_schd, b_schd, c_schd, d_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_c_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_d_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalNAND4 ( a, b, c, d, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c, d;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( a_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( b_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( c_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ InvPath ( d_Schd, InitialEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( a_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( b_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( c_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ InvPath ( d_Schd, GetEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := (a AND b) NAND (c AND d);
+ new_schd := (a_schd AND b_schd) NAND (c_schd AND d_Schd);
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c, d;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE a_schd, b_schd, c_schd, d_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_c_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_d_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalNOR4 ( a, b, c, d, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c, d;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( a_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( b_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( c_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ InvPath ( d_Schd, InitialEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( a_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( b_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( c_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ InvPath ( d_Schd, GetEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := (a OR b) NOR (c OR d);
+ new_schd := (a_schd OR b_schd) NOR (c_schd OR d_Schd);
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c, d;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE ab_schd, bb_schd, cb_schd, DB_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE ai_schd, bi_schd, ci_schd, di_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_c_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_d_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalXOR4 ( a, b, c, d, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c, d;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ab_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( ai_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( bb_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( bi_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( cb_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ InvPath ( ci_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ BufPath ( DB_Schd, InitialEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ InvPath ( di_schd, InitialEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ab_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( ai_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( bb_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( bi_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( cb_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ InvPath ( ci_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ BufPath ( DB_Schd, GetEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ InvPath ( di_schd, GetEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := a XOR b XOR c XOR d;
+ new_schd := VitalXOR4 ( ab_schd,ai_schd, bb_schd,bi_schd,
+ cb_schd,ci_schd, DB_Schd,di_schd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c, d;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a, b, c, d : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_b_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_c_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE ab_schd, bb_schd, cb_schd, DB_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE ai_schd, bi_schd, ci_schd, di_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_b_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_c_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_d_q = VitalZeroDelay01)) THEN
+ q <= VitalXNOR4 ( a, b, c, d, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c, d;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ab_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( ai_schd, InitialEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( bb_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( bi_schd, InitialEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( cb_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ InvPath ( ci_schd, InitialEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ BufPath ( DB_Schd, InitialEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ InvPath ( di_schd, InitialEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( ab_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ InvPath ( ai_schd, GetEdge(a), tpd_a_q );
+ BufPath ( bb_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ InvPath ( bi_schd, GetEdge(b), tpd_b_q );
+ BufPath ( cb_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ InvPath ( ci_schd, GetEdge(c), tpd_c_q );
+ BufPath ( DB_Schd, GetEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ InvPath ( di_schd, GetEdge(d), tpd_d_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := NOT (a XOR b XOR c XOR d);
+ new_schd := VitalXNOR4 ( ab_schd,ai_schd, bb_schd,bi_schd,
+ cb_schd,ci_schd, DB_Schd,di_schd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON a, b, c, d;
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Buffers
+ -- BUF ....... standard non-inverting buffer
+ -- BUFIF0 ....... non-inverting buffer Data passes thru if (Enable = '0')
+ -- BUFIF1 ....... non-inverting buffer Data passes thru if (Enable = '1')
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ q <= ResultMap(To_UX01(a));
+ WAIT ON a;
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := To_UX01(a); -- convert to forcing strengths
+ CASE EdgeType'(GetEdge(a)) IS
+ WHEN '1'|'/'|'R'|'r' => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr01);
+ WHEN '0'|'\'|'F'|'f' => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr10);
+ WHEN OTHERS => Dly := Minimum (tpd_a_q(tr01), tpd_a_q(tr10));
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode );
+ WAIT ON a;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01Z := VitalDefDelay01Z;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01Z;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE d_Schd, e1_Schd, e0_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_data_q = VitalZeroDelay01 )
+ AND (tpd_enable_q = VitalZeroDelay01Z)) THEN
+ q <= VitalBUFIF1( Data, Enable, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( d_Schd, InitialEdge(Data), tpd_data_q );
+ BufEnab ( e1_Schd, e0_Schd, InitialEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( d_Schd, GetEdge(Data), tpd_data_q );
+ BufEnab ( e1_Schd, e0_Schd, GetEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalBUFIF1( Data, Enable );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data),
+ d_Schd, e1_Schd, e0_Schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01Z := VitalDefDelay01Z;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01Z;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE d_Schd, e1_Schd, e0_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE ne1_schd, ne0_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_data_q = VitalZeroDelay01 )
+ AND (tpd_enable_q = VitalZeroDelay01Z)) THEN
+ q <= VitalBUFIF0( Data, Enable, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( d_Schd, InitialEdge(Data), tpd_data_q );
+ InvEnab ( e1_Schd, e0_Schd, InitialEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( d_Schd, GetEdge(Data), tpd_data_q );
+ InvEnab ( e1_Schd, e0_Schd, GetEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalBUFIF0( Data, Enable );
+ ne1_schd := NOT e1_Schd;
+ ne0_schd := NOT e0_Schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data),
+ d_Schd, ne1_schd, ne0_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01Z := VitalDefDelay01Z;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) IS
+ SUBTYPE v2 IS std_logic_vector(0 TO 1);
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01Z;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01Z) THEN
+ q <= ResultMap(To_UX01Z(a));
+ WAIT ON a;
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ CASE v2'(To_X01Z(NewValue) & To_X01Z(a)) IS
+ WHEN "00" => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr10);
+ WHEN "01" => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr01);
+ WHEN "0Z" => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr0z);
+ WHEN "0X" => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr01);
+ WHEN "10" => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr10);
+ WHEN "11" => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr01);
+ WHEN "1Z" => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr1z);
+ WHEN "1X" => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr10);
+ WHEN "Z0" => Dly := tpd_a_q(trz0);
+ WHEN "Z1" => Dly := tpd_a_q(trz1);
+ WHEN "ZZ" => Dly := 0 ns;
+ WHEN "ZX" => Dly := Minimum (tpd_a_q(trz1), tpd_a_q(trz0));
+ WHEN "X0" => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr10);
+ WHEN "X1" => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr01);
+ WHEN "XZ" => Dly := Minimum (tpd_a_q(tr0z), tpd_a_q(tr1z));
+ WHEN OTHERS => Dly := Minimum (tpd_a_q(tr01), tpd_a_q(tr10));
+ NewValue := To_UX01Z(a);
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode );
+ WAIT ON a;
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Invertors
+ -- INV ......... standard inverting buffer
+ -- INVIF0 ......... inverting buffer Data passes thru if (Enable = '0')
+ -- INVIF1 ......... inverting buffer Data passes thru if (Enable = '1')
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL a : IN std_ulogic ;
+ CONSTANT tpd_a_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ IF (tpd_a_q = VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ q <= ResultMap(NOT a);
+ WAIT ON a;
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := NOT a;
+ CASE EdgeType'(GetEdge(a)) IS
+ WHEN '1'|'/'|'R'|'r' => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr10);
+ WHEN '0'|'\'|'F'|'f' => Dly := tpd_a_q(tr01);
+ WHEN OTHERS => Dly := Minimum (tpd_a_q(tr01), tpd_a_q(tr10));
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode );
+ WAIT ON a;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01Z := VitalDefDelay01Z;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01Z;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE d_Schd, e1_Schd, e0_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_data_q = VitalZeroDelay01 )
+ AND (tpd_enable_q = VitalZeroDelay01Z)) THEN
+ q <= VitalINVIF1( Data, Enable, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( d_Schd, InitialEdge(Data), tpd_data_q );
+ BufEnab ( e1_Schd, e0_Schd, InitialEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( d_Schd, GetEdge(Data), tpd_data_q );
+ BufEnab ( e1_Schd, e0_Schd, GetEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalINVIF1( Data, Enable );
+ new_schd := NOT d_Schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data),
+ new_schd, e1_Schd, e0_Schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01Z := VitalDefDelay01Z;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultZMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultZMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01Z;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE d_Schd, e1_Schd, e0_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE ne1_schd, ne0_schd : SchedType := DefSchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_data_q = VitalZeroDelay01 )
+ AND (tpd_enable_q = VitalZeroDelay01Z)) THEN
+ q <= VitalINVIF0( Data, Enable, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( d_Schd, InitialEdge(Data), tpd_data_q );
+ InvEnab ( e1_Schd, e0_Schd, InitialEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ InvPath ( d_Schd, GetEdge(Data), tpd_data_q );
+ InvEnab ( e1_Schd, e0_Schd, GetEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delay
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalINVIF0( Data, Enable );
+ ne1_schd := NOT e1_Schd;
+ ne0_schd := NOT e0_Schd;
+ new_schd := NOT d_Schd;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data),
+ new_schd, ne1_schd, ne0_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Multiplexor
+ -- MUX .......... result := data(dselect)
+ -- MUX2 .......... 2-input mux; result := data0 when (dselect = '0'),
+ -- data1 when (dselect = '1'),
+ -- 'X' when (dselect = 'X') and (data0 /= data1)
+ -- MUX4 .......... 4-input mux; result := data(dselect)
+ -- MUX8 .......... 8-input mux; result := data(dselect)
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL d1, d0 : IN std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL dSel : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d1_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_d0_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_dsel_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ VARIABLE d1_Schd, d0_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE dSel_bSchd, dSel_iSchd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE d1_Edge, d0_Edge, dSel_Edge : EdgeType;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- For ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( (tpd_d1_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_d0_q = VitalZeroDelay01)
+ AND (tpd_dsel_q = VitalZeroDelay01) ) THEN
+ q <= VitalMUX2 ( d1, d0, dSel, ResultMap );
+ WAIT ON d1, d0, dSel;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( d1_Schd, InitialEdge(d1), tpd_d1_q );
+ BufPath ( d0_Schd, InitialEdge(d0), tpd_d0_q );
+ BufPath ( dSel_bSchd, InitialEdge(dSel), tpd_dsel_q );
+ InvPath ( dSel_iSchd, InitialEdge(dSel), tpd_dsel_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( d1_Schd, GetEdge(d1), tpd_d1_q );
+ BufPath ( d0_Schd, GetEdge(d0), tpd_d0_q );
+ BufPath ( dSel_bSchd, GetEdge(dSel), tpd_dsel_q );
+ InvPath ( dSel_iSchd, GetEdge(dSel), tpd_dsel_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delaq
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalMUX2 ( d1, d0, dSel );
+ new_schd := VitalMUX2 ( d1_Schd, d0_Schd, dSel_bSchd, dSel_iSchd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON d1, d0, dSel;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector4;
+ SIGNAL dSel : IN std_logic_vector2;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_dsel_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE LastData : std_logic_vector(Data'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE LastdSel : std_logic_vector(dSel'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ VARIABLE Data_Schd : SchedArray4;
+ VARIABLE Data_Edge : EdgeArray4;
+ VARIABLE dSel_Edge : EdgeArray2;
+ VARIABLE dSel_bSchd : SchedArray2;
+ VARIABLE dSel_iSchd : SchedArray2;
+ ALIAS Atpd_data_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(Data'RANGE) IS tpd_data_q;
+ ALIAS Atpd_dsel_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(dSel'RANGE) IS tpd_dsel_q;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Check if ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (Atpd_dsel_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN
+ IF (Atpd_data_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN LOOP
+ q <= VitalMUX(Data, dSel, ResultMap);
+ WAIT ON Data, dSel;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( Data_Schd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ BufPath ( dSel_bSchd(n), InitialEdge(dSel(n)), Atpd_dsel_q(n) );
+ InvPath ( dSel_iSchd(n), InitialEdge(dSel(n)), Atpd_dsel_q(n) );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ GetEdge ( Data, LastData, Data_Edge );
+ BufPath ( Data_Schd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ GetEdge ( dSel, LastdSel, dSel_Edge );
+ BufPath ( dSel_bSchd, dSel_Edge, Atpd_dsel_q );
+ InvPath ( dSel_iSchd, dSel_Edge, Atpd_dsel_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delaq
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalMUX4 ( Data, dSel );
+ new_schd := VitalMUX4 ( Data_Schd, dSel_bSchd, dSel_iSchd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data, dSel;
+ END IF; --SN
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector8;
+ SIGNAL dSel : IN std_logic_vector3;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_dsel_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE LastData : std_logic_vector(Data'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE LastdSel : std_logic_vector(dSel'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ VARIABLE Data_Schd : SchedArray8;
+ VARIABLE Data_Edge : EdgeArray8;
+ VARIABLE dSel_Edge : EdgeArray3;
+ VARIABLE dSel_bSchd : SchedArray3;
+ VARIABLE dSel_iSchd : SchedArray3;
+ ALIAS Atpd_data_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(Data'RANGE) IS tpd_data_q;
+ ALIAS Atpd_dsel_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(dSel'RANGE) IS tpd_dsel_q;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Check if ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (Atpd_dsel_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN
+ IF (Atpd_data_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN LOOP
+ q <= VitalMUX(Data, dSel, ResultMap);
+ WAIT ON Data, dSel;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( Data_Schd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ BufPath ( dSel_bSchd(n), InitialEdge(dSel(n)), Atpd_dsel_q(n) );
+ InvPath ( dSel_iSchd(n), InitialEdge(dSel(n)), Atpd_dsel_q(n) );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ GetEdge ( Data, LastData, Data_Edge );
+ BufPath ( Data_Schd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ GetEdge ( dSel, LastdSel, dSel_Edge );
+ BufPath ( dSel_bSchd, dSel_Edge, Atpd_dsel_q );
+ InvPath ( dSel_iSchd, dSel_Edge, Atpd_dsel_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delaq
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalMUX8 ( Data, dSel );
+ new_schd := VitalMUX8 ( Data_Schd, dSel_bSchd, dSel_iSchd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data, dSel;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ SIGNAL dSel : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_dsel_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE LastData : std_logic_vector(Data'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE LastdSel : std_logic_vector(dSel'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE NewValue : UX01;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataType;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TIME;
+ VARIABLE Data_Schd : SchedArray(Data'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE Data_Edge : EdgeArray(Data'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE dSel_Edge : EdgeArray(dSel'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE dSel_bSchd : SchedArray(dSel'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE dSel_iSchd : SchedArray(dSel'RANGE);
+ ALIAS Atpd_data_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(Data'RANGE) IS tpd_data_q;
+ ALIAS Atpd_dsel_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(dSel'RANGE) IS tpd_dsel_q;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Check if ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (Atpd_dsel_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN
+ IF (Atpd_data_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN LOOP
+ q <= VitalMUX(Data, dSel, ResultMap);
+ WAIT ON Data, dSel;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( Data_Schd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ BufPath ( dSel_bSchd(n), InitialEdge(dSel(n)), Atpd_dsel_q(n) );
+ InvPath ( dSel_iSchd(n), InitialEdge(dSel(n)), Atpd_dsel_q(n) );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ GetEdge ( Data, LastData, Data_Edge );
+ BufPath ( Data_Schd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ GetEdge ( dSel, LastdSel, dSel_Edge );
+ BufPath ( dSel_bSchd, dSel_Edge, Atpd_dsel_q );
+ InvPath ( dSel_iSchd, dSel_Edge, Atpd_dsel_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delaq
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalMUX ( Data, dSel );
+ new_schd := VitalMUX ( Data_Schd, dSel_bSchd, dSel_iSchd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, ResultMap(NewValue), Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data, dSel;
+ END IF; --SN
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Decoder
+ -- General Algorithm :
+ -- (a) Result(...) := '0' when (enable = '0')
+ -- (b) Result(data) := '1'; all other subelements = '0'
+ -- ... Result array is decending (n-1 downto 0)
+ --
+ -- DECODERn .......... n:2**n decoder
+ -- Caution: If 'ResultMap' defines other than strength mapping, the
+ -- delay selection is not defined.
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_logic_vector2;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE NewValue : std_logic_vector2;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchArray2;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedArray2;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TimeArray2;
+ VARIABLE Enable_Schd : SchedType := DefSchedType;
+ VARIABLE Data_BSchd, Data_ISchd : SchedType;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Check if ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (tpd_enable_q = VitalZeroDelay01) AND (tpd_data_q = VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ q <= VitalDECODER2(Data, Enable, ResultMap);
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( Data_BSchd, InitialEdge(Data), tpd_data_q );
+ InvPath ( Data_ISchd, InitialEdge(Data), tpd_data_q );
+ BufPath ( Enable_Schd, InitialEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( Data_BSchd, GetEdge(Data), tpd_data_q );
+ InvPath ( Data_ISchd, GetEdge(Data), tpd_data_q );
+ BufPath ( Enable_Schd, GetEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delaq
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalDECODER2 ( Data, Enable, ResultMap );
+ new_schd := VitalDECODER2 ( Data_BSchd, Data_ISchd, Enable_Schd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, NewValue, Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ END IF; -- SN
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_logic_vector4;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector2;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE LastData : std_logic_vector(Data'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE NewValue : std_logic_vector4;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchArray4;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedArray4;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TimeArray4;
+ VARIABLE Enable_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Enable_Edge : EdgeType;
+ VARIABLE Data_Edge : EdgeArray2;
+ VARIABLE Data_BSchd, Data_ISchd : SchedArray2;
+ ALIAS Atpd_data_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(Data'RANGE) IS tpd_data_q;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Check if ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (tpd_enable_q /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (Atpd_data_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN LOOP
+ q <= VitalDECODER4(Data, Enable, ResultMap);
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( Data_BSchd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ InvPath ( Data_ISchd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ BufPath ( Enable_Schd, InitialEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ GetEdge ( Data, LastData, Data_Edge );
+ BufPath ( Data_BSchd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ InvPath ( Data_ISchd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ BufPath ( Enable_Schd, GetEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delaq
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalDECODER4 ( Data, Enable, ResultMap );
+ new_schd := VitalDECODER4 ( Data_BSchd, Data_ISchd, Enable_Schd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, NewValue, Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_logic_vector8;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector3;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE LastData : std_logic_vector(Data'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE NewValue : std_logic_vector8;
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchArray8;
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedArray8;
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : TimeArray8;
+ VARIABLE Enable_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Enable_Edge : EdgeType;
+ VARIABLE Data_Edge : EdgeArray3;
+ VARIABLE Data_BSchd, Data_ISchd : SchedArray3;
+ ALIAS Atpd_data_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(Data'RANGE) IS tpd_data_q;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Check if ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (tpd_enable_q /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (Atpd_data_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN LOOP
+ q <= VitalDECODER(Data, Enable, ResultMap);
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( Data_BSchd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ InvPath ( Data_ISchd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ BufPath ( Enable_Schd, InitialEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ GetEdge ( Data, LastData, Data_Edge );
+ BufPath ( Data_BSchd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ InvPath ( Data_ISchd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ BufPath ( Enable_Schd, GetEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delaq
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalDECODER8 ( Data, Enable, ResultMap );
+ new_schd := VitalDECODER8 ( Data_BSchd, Data_ISchd, Enable_Schd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, NewValue, Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ END IF; --SN
+ END;
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_logic_vector;
+ SIGNAL Data : IN std_logic_vector;
+ SIGNAL Enable : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT tpd_data_q : IN VitalDelayArrayType01;
+ CONSTANT tpd_enable_q : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalDefDelay01;
+ CONSTANT ResultMap : IN VitalResultMapType
+ := VitalDefaultResultMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE LastData : std_logic_vector(Data'RANGE) := (OTHERS=>'U');
+ VARIABLE NewValue : std_logic_vector(q'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE Glitch_Data : GlitchDataArrayType(q'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE new_schd : SchedArray(q'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE Dly, Glch : VitalTimeArray(q'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE Enable_Schd : SchedType;
+ VARIABLE Enable_Edge : EdgeType;
+ VARIABLE Data_Edge : EdgeArray(Data'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE Data_BSchd, Data_ISchd : SchedArray(Data'RANGE);
+ ALIAS Atpd_data_q : VitalDelayArrayType01(Data'RANGE) IS tpd_data_q;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Check if ALL zero delay paths, use simple model
+ -- ( No delay selection, glitch detection required )
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF (tpd_enable_q /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (Atpd_data_q(i) /= VitalZeroDelay01) THEN
+ AllZeroDelay := FALSE;
+ IF (AllZeroDelay) THEN LOOP
+ q <= VitalDECODER(Data, Enable, ResultMap);
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Initialize delay schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ BufPath ( Data_BSchd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ InvPath ( Data_ISchd(n), InitialEdge(Data(n)), Atpd_data_q(n) );
+ BufPath ( Enable_Schd, InitialEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ -- Process input signals
+ -- get edge values
+ -- re-evaluate output schedules
+ -- --------------------------------------
+ GetEdge ( Data, LastData, Data_Edge );
+ BufPath ( Data_BSchd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ InvPath ( Data_ISchd, Data_Edge, Atpd_data_q );
+ BufPath ( Enable_Schd, GetEdge(Enable), tpd_enable_q );
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ -- Compute function and propation delaq
+ -- ------------------------------------
+ NewValue := VitalDECODER ( Data, Enable, ResultMap );
+ new_schd := VitalDECODER ( Data_BSchd, Data_ISchd, Enable_Schd );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Assign Outputs
+ -- get delays to new value and possable glitch
+ -- schedule output change with On Event glitch detection
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------
+ GetSchedDelay ( Dly, Glch, NewValue, CurValue(Glitch_Data), new_schd );
+ VitalGlitchOnEvent ( q, "q", Glitch_Data, NewValue, Dly,
+ PrimGlitchMode, GlitchDelay=>Glch );
+ WAIT ON Data, Enable;
+ END;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION VitalTruthTable (
+ CONSTANT TruthTable : IN VitalTruthTableType;
+ CONSTANT DataIn : IN std_logic_vector
+ ) RETURN std_logic_vector IS
+ CONSTANT OutSize : INTEGER := TruthTable'LENGTH(2) - InputSize;
+ VARIABLE ReturnValue : std_logic_vector(OutSize - 1 DOWNTO 0)
+ := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ VARIABLE DataInAlias : std_logic_vector(0 TO InputSize - 1)
+ := To_X01(DataIn);
+ -- This needs to be done since the TableLookup arrays must be
+ -- ascending starting with 0
+ VARIABLE TableAlias : VitalTruthTableType(0 TO (TruthTable'LENGTH(1)-1),
+ 0 TO (TruthTable'LENGTH(2)-1))
+ := TruthTable;
+ -- search through each row of the truth table
+ IF OutSize > 0 THEN
+ ColLoop:
+ FOR i IN TableAlias'RANGE(1) LOOP
+ RowLoop: -- Check each input element of the entry
+ FOR j IN 0 TO InputSize LOOP
+ IF (j = InputSize) THEN -- This entry matches
+ -- Return the Result
+ Index := 0;
+ FOR k IN TruthTable'LENGTH(2) - 1 DOWNTO InputSize LOOP
+ TruthOutputX01Z ( TableAlias(i,k),
+ ReturnValue(Index), Err);
+ Index := Index + 1;
+ ReturnValue := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ RETURN ReturnValue;
+ IF NOT ValidTruthTableInput(TableAlias(i,j)) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalTruthTable", ErrInpSym,
+ To_TruthChar(TableAlias(i,j)) );
+ EXIT ColLoop;
+ EXIT RowLoop WHEN NOT ( TruthTableMatch( DataInAlias(j),
+ TableAlias(i, j)));
+ END LOOP RowLoop;
+ END LOOP ColLoop;
+ VitalError ( "VitalTruthTable", ErrTabWidSml );
+ RETURN ReturnValue;
+ END VitalTruthTable;
+ FUNCTION VitalTruthTable (
+ CONSTANT TruthTable : IN VitalTruthTableType;
+ CONSTANT DataIn : IN std_logic_vector
+ ) RETURN std_logic IS
+ CONSTANT OutSize : INTEGER := TruthTable'LENGTH(2) - InputSize;
+ VARIABLE TempResult : std_logic_vector(OutSize - 1 DOWNTO 0)
+ := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ IF (OutSize > 0) THEN
+ TempResult := VitalTruthTable(TruthTable, DataIn);
+ IF ( 1 > OutSize) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalTruthTable", ErrTabResSml );
+ ELSIF ( 1 < OutSize) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalTruthTable", ErrTabResLrg );
+ RETURN (TempResult(0));
+ VitalError ( "VitalTruthTable", ErrTabWidSml );
+ END VitalTruthTable;
+ PROCEDURE VitalTruthTable (
+ SIGNAL Result : OUT std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT TruthTable : IN VitalTruthTableType;
+ CONSTANT DataIn : IN std_logic_vector
+ ) IS
+ CONSTANT ActResLen : INTEGER := TruthTable'LENGTH(2) - DataIn'LENGTH;
+ CONSTANT FinalResLen : INTEGER := Minimum(ActResLen, ResLeng);
+ VARIABLE TempResult : std_logic_vector(ActResLen - 1 DOWNTO 0)
+ := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ TempResult := VitalTruthTable(TruthTable, DataIn);
+ IF (ResLeng > ActResLen) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalTruthTable", ErrTabResSml );
+ ELSIF (ResLeng < ActResLen) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalTruthTable", ErrTabResLrg );
+ TempResult(FinalResLen-1 DOWNTO 0) := TempResult(FinalResLen-1 DOWNTO 0);
+ Result <= TempResult;
+ END VitalTruthTable;
+ PROCEDURE VitalTruthTable (
+ SIGNAL Result : OUT std_logic;
+ CONSTANT TruthTable : IN VitalTruthTableType;
+ CONSTANT DataIn : IN std_logic_vector
+ ) IS
+ CONSTANT ActResLen : INTEGER := TruthTable'LENGTH(2) - DataIn'LENGTH;
+ VARIABLE TempResult : std_logic_vector(ActResLen - 1 DOWNTO 0)
+ := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ TempResult := VitalTruthTable(TruthTable, DataIn);
+ IF ( 1 > ActResLen) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalTruthTable", ErrTabResSml );
+ ELSIF ( 1 < ActResLen) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalTruthTable", ErrTabResLrg );
+ IF (ActResLen > 0) THEN
+ Result <= TempResult(0);
+ END VitalTruthTable;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalStateTable (
+ VARIABLE Result : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ VARIABLE PreviousDataIn : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT StateTable : IN VitalStateTableType;
+ CONSTANT DataIn : IN std_logic_vector;
+ ) IS
+ := StateTable'LENGTH(2) - InputSize - NumStates;
+ VARIABLE DataInAlias : std_logic_vector(0 TO DataIn'LENGTH-1)
+ := To_X01(DataIn);
+ VARIABLE PrevDataAlias : std_logic_vector(0 TO PreviousDataIn'LENGTH-1)
+ := To_X01(PreviousDataIn);
+ VARIABLE ResultAlias : std_logic_vector(0 TO ResLeng-1)
+ := To_X01(Result);
+ VARIABLE ExpResult : std_logic_vector(0 TO OutSize-1);
+ IF (PreviousDataIn'LENGTH < DataIn'LENGTH) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalStateTable", ErrVctLng, "PreviousDataIn<DataIn");
+ ResultAlias := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ Result := ResultAlias;
+ ELSIF (OutSize <= 0) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalStateTable", ErrTabWidSml );
+ ResultAlias := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ Result := ResultAlias;
+ IF (ResLeng > OutSize) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalStateTable", ErrTabResSml );
+ ELSIF (ResLeng < OutSize) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalStateTable", ErrTabResLrg );
+ ExpResult := StateTableLookUp ( StateTable, DataInAlias,
+ PrevDataAlias, NumStates,
+ ResultAlias);
+ ResultAlias := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ ResultAlias ( Maximum(0, ResLeng - OutSize) TO ResLeng - 1)
+ := ExpResult(Maximum(0, OutSize - ResLeng) TO OutSize-1);
+ Result := ResultAlias;
+ PrevDataAlias(0 TO InputSize - 1) := DataInAlias;
+ PreviousDataIn := PrevDataAlias;
+ END VitalStateTable;
+ PROCEDURE VitalStateTable (
+ VARIABLE Result : INOUT std_logic; -- states
+ VARIABLE PreviousDataIn : INOUT std_logic_vector; -- previous inputs and states
+ CONSTANT StateTable : IN VitalStateTableType; -- User's StateTable data
+ CONSTANT DataIn : IN std_logic_vector -- Inputs
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE ResultAlias : std_logic_vector(0 TO 0);
+ ResultAlias(0) := Result;
+ VitalStateTable ( StateTable => StateTable,
+ DataIn => DataIn,
+ NumStates => 1,
+ Result => ResultAlias,
+ PreviousDataIn => PreviousDataIn
+ );
+ Result := ResultAlias(0);
+ END VitalStateTable;
+ PROCEDURE VitalStateTable (
+ SIGNAL Result : INOUT std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT StateTable : IN VitalStateTableType;
+ SIGNAL DataIn : IN std_logic_vector;
+ ) IS
+ := StateTable'LENGTH(2) - InputSize - NumStates;
+ VARIABLE PrevData : std_logic_vector(0 TO DataIn'LENGTH-1)
+ := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ VARIABLE DataInAlias : std_logic_vector(0 TO DataIn'LENGTH-1);
+ VARIABLE ResultAlias : std_logic_vector(0 TO ResLeng-1);
+ VARIABLE ExpResult : std_logic_vector(0 TO OutSize-1);
+ IF (OutSize <= 0) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalStateTable", ErrTabWidSml );
+ ResultAlias := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ Result <= ResultAlias;
+ IF (ResLeng > OutSize) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalStateTable", ErrTabResSml );
+ ELSIF (ResLeng < OutSize) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalStateTable", ErrTabResLrg );
+ DataInAlias := To_X01(DataIn);
+ ResultAlias := To_X01(Result);
+ ExpResult := StateTableLookUp ( StateTable, DataInAlias,
+ PrevData, NumStates,
+ ResultAlias);
+ ResultAlias := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ ResultAlias(Maximum(0, ResLeng - OutSize) TO ResLeng-1)
+ := ExpResult(Maximum(0, OutSize - ResLeng) TO OutSize-1);
+ Result <= ResultAlias;
+ PrevData := DataInAlias;
+ WAIT ON DataIn;
+ END VitalStateTable;
+ PROCEDURE VitalStateTable (
+ SIGNAL Result : INOUT std_logic;
+ CONSTANT StateTable : IN VitalStateTableType;
+ SIGNAL DataIn : IN std_logic_vector
+ ) IS
+ CONSTANT OutSize : INTEGER := StateTable'LENGTH(2) - InputSize-1;
+ VARIABLE PrevData : std_logic_vector(0 TO DataIn'LENGTH-1)
+ := (OTHERS => 'X');
+ VARIABLE DataInAlias : std_logic_vector(0 TO DataIn'LENGTH-1);
+ VARIABLE ResultAlias : std_logic_vector(0 TO 0);
+ VARIABLE ExpResult : std_logic_vector(0 TO OutSize-1);
+ IF (OutSize <= 0) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalStateTable", ErrTabWidSml );
+ Result <= 'X';
+ IF ( 1 > OutSize) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalStateTable", ErrTabResSml );
+ ELSIF ( 1 < OutSize) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalStateTable", ErrTabResLrg );
+ ResultAlias(0) := To_X01(Result);
+ DataInAlias := To_X01(DataIn);
+ ExpResult := StateTableLookUp ( StateTable, DataInAlias,
+ PrevData, 1, ResultAlias);
+ Result <= ExpResult(OutSize-1);
+ PrevData := DataInAlias;
+ WAIT ON DataIn;
+ END VitalStateTable;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- std_logic resolution primitive
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalResolve (
+ SIGNAL q : OUT std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT Data : IN std_logic_vector
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE uData : std_ulogic_vector(Data'RANGE);
+ uData(i) := Data(i);
+ q <= resolved(uData);
+ END;
+END VITAL_Primitives;
diff --git a/libraries/vital95/vital_timing.vhdl b/libraries/vital95/vital_timing.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1fe5a9e24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/vital95/vital_timing.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,880 @@
+-- Title : Standard VITAL TIMING Package
+-- : $Revision: 597 $
+-- :
+-- Library : This package shall be compiled into a library
+-- : symbolically named IEEE.
+-- :
+-- Developers : IEEE DASC Timing Working Group (TWG), PAR 1076.4
+-- :
+-- Purpose : This packages defines standard types, attributes, constants,
+-- : functions and procedures for use in developing ASIC models.
+-- :
+-- Known Errors :
+-- :
+-- Note : No declarations or definitions shall be included in,
+-- : or excluded from this package. The "package declaration"
+-- : defines the objects (types, subtypes, constants, functions,
+-- : procedures ... etc.) that can be used by a user. The package
+-- : body shall be considered the formal definition of the
+-- : semantics of this package. Tool developers may choose to
+-- : implement the package body in the most efficient manner
+-- : available to them.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Acknowledgments:
+-- This code was originally developed under the "VHDL Initiative Toward ASIC
+-- Libraries" (VITAL), an industry sponsored initiative. Technical
+-- Director: William Billowitch, VHDL Technology Group; U.S. Coordinator:
+-- Steve Schultz; Steering Committee Members: Victor Berman, Cadence Design
+-- Systems; Oz Levia, Synopsys Inc.; Ray Ryan, Ryan & Ryan; Herman van Beek,
+-- Texas Instruments; Victor Martin, Hewlett-Packard Company.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Modification History :
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Version No:|Auth:| Mod.Date:| Changes Made:
+-- v95.0 A | | 06/02/95 | Initial ballot draft 1995
+-- v95.1 | | 08/31/95 | #203 - Timing violations at time 0
+-- #204 - Output mapping prior to glitch detection
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+USE IEEE.Std_Logic_1164.ALL;
+ TYPE VitalTransitionType IS ( tr01, tr10, tr0z, trz1, tr1z, trz0,
+ tr0X, trx1, tr1x, trx0, trxz, trzx);
+ SUBTYPE VitalDelayType IS TIME;
+ TYPE VitalDelayType01 IS ARRAY (VitalTransitionType RANGE tr01 to tr10)
+ TYPE VitalDelayType01Z IS ARRAY (VitalTransitionType RANGE tr01 to trz0)
+ TYPE VitalDelayType01ZX IS ARRAY (VitalTransitionType RANGE tr01 to trzx)
+ TYPE VitalDelayArrayType IS ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>) OF VitalDelayType;
+ TYPE VitalDelayArrayType01 IS ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>) OF VitalDelayType01;
+ TYPE VitalDelayArrayType01Z IS ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>) OF VitalDelayType01Z;
+ TYPE VitalDelayArrayType01ZX IS ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>) OF VitalDelayType01ZX;
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- **********************************************************************
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CONSTANT VitalZeroDelay : VitalDelayType := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT VitalZeroDelay01 : VitalDelayType01 := ( 0 ns, 0 ns );
+ CONSTANT VitalZeroDelay01Z : VitalDelayType01Z := ( OTHERS => 0 ns );
+ CONSTANT VitalZeroDelay01ZX : VitalDelayType01ZX := ( OTHERS => 0 ns );
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- examples of usage:
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- tpd_CLK_Q : VitalDelayType := 5 ns;
+ -- tpd_CLK_Q : VitalDelayType01 := (tr01 => 2 ns, tr10 => 3 ns);
+ -- tpd_CLK_Q : VitalDelayType01Z := ( 1 ns, 2 ns, 3 ns, 4 ns, 5 ns, 6 ns );
+ -- tpd_CLK_Q : VitalDelayArrayType(0 to 1)
+ -- := (0 => 5 ns, 1 => 6 ns);
+ -- tpd_CLK_Q : VitalDelayArrayType01(0 to 1)
+ -- := (0 => (tr01 => 2 ns, tr10 => 3 ns),
+ -- 1 => (tr01 => 2 ns, tr10 => 3 ns));
+ -- tpd_CLK_Q : VitalDelayArrayType01Z(0 to 1)
+ -- := (0 => ( 1 ns, 2 ns, 3 ns, 4 ns, 5 ns, 6 ns ),
+ -- 1 => ( 1 ns, 2 ns, 3 ns, 4 ns, 5 ns, 6 ns ));
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- TRUE if the model is LEVEL0 | LEVEL1 compliant
+ SUBTYPE std_logic_vector2 IS std_logic_vector(1 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE std_logic_vector3 IS std_logic_vector(2 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE std_logic_vector4 IS std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0);
+ SUBTYPE std_logic_vector8 IS std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0);
+ -- Types for strength mapping of outputs
+ TYPE VitalOutputMapType IS ARRAY ( std_ulogic ) OF std_ulogic;
+ TYPE VitalResultMapType IS ARRAY ( UX01 ) OF std_ulogic;
+ TYPE VitalResultZMapType IS ARRAY ( UX01Z ) OF std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT VitalDefaultOutputMap : VitalOutputMapType
+ := "UX01ZWLH-";
+ CONSTANT VitalDefaultResultMap : VitalResultMapType
+ := ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1' );
+ CONSTANT VitalDefaultResultZMap : VitalResultZMapType
+ := ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z' );
+ -- Types for fields of VitalTimingDataType
+ TYPE VitalTimeArrayPT IS ACCESS VitalTimeArrayT;
+ TYPE VitalBoolArrayPT IS ACCESS VitalBoolArrayT;
+ TYPE VitalLogicArrayPT IS ACCESS std_logic_vector;
+ TYPE VitalTimingDataType IS RECORD
+ NotFirstFlag : BOOLEAN;
+ RefLast : X01;
+ RefTime : TIME;
+ HoldEn : BOOLEAN;
+ TestLast : std_ulogic;
+ TestTime : TIME;
+ SetupEn : BOOLEAN;
+ TestLastA : VitalLogicArrayPT;
+ TestTimeA : VitalTimeArrayPT;
+ HoldEnA : VitalBoolArrayPT;
+ SetupEnA : VitalBoolArrayPT;
+ FUNCTION VitalTimingDataInit RETURN VitalTimingDataType;
+ -- type for internal data of VitalPeriodPulseCheck
+ TYPE VitalPeriodDataType IS RECORD
+ Last : X01;
+ Rise : TIME;
+ Fall : TIME;
+ NotFirstFlag : BOOLEAN;
+ CONSTANT VitalPeriodDataInit : VitalPeriodDataType
+ := ('X', 0 ns, 0 ns, FALSE );
+ -- Type for specifying the kind of Glitch handling to use
+ TYPE VitalGlitchKindType IS (OnEvent,
+ OnDetect,
+ VitalInertial,
+ VitalTransport);
+ TYPE VitalGlitchDataType IS
+ SchedTime : TIME;
+ GlitchTime : TIME;
+ SchedValue : std_ulogic;
+ LastValue : std_ulogic;
+ TYPE VitalGlitchDataArrayType IS ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>)
+ OF VitalGlitchDataType;
+ -- PathTypes: for handling simple PathDelay info
+ TYPE VitalPathType IS RECORD
+ InputChangeTime : TIME; -- timestamp for path input signal
+ PathDelay : VitalDelayType; -- delay for this path
+ PathCondition : BOOLEAN; -- path sensitize condition
+ TYPE VitalPath01Type IS RECORD
+ InputChangeTime : TIME; -- timestamp for path input signal
+ PathDelay : VitalDelayType01; -- delay for this path
+ PathCondition : BOOLEAN; -- path sensitize condition
+ TYPE VitalPath01ZType IS RECORD
+ InputChangeTime : TIME; -- timestamp for path input signal
+ PathDelay : VitalDelayType01Z;-- delay for this path
+ PathCondition : BOOLEAN; -- path sensitize condition
+ -- For representing multiple paths to an output
+ TYPE VitalPathArrayType IS ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <> ) OF VitalPathType;
+ TYPE VitalPathArray01Type IS ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <> ) OF VitalPath01Type;
+ TYPE VitalPathArray01ZType IS ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <> ) OF VitalPath01ZType;
+ TYPE VitalTableSymbolType IS (
+ '/', -- 0 -> 1
+ '\', -- 1 -> 0
+ 'P', -- Union of '/' and '^' (any edge to 1)
+ 'N', -- Union of '\' and 'v' (any edge to 0)
+ 'r', -- 0 -> X
+ 'f', -- 1 -> X
+ 'p', -- Union of '/' and 'r' (any edge from 0)
+ 'n', -- Union of '\' and 'f' (any edge from 1)
+ 'R', -- Union of '^' and 'p' (any possible rising edge)
+ 'F', -- Union of 'v' and 'n' (any possible falling edge)
+ '^', -- X -> 1
+ 'v', -- X -> 0
+ 'E', -- Union of 'v' and '^' (any edge from X)
+ 'A', -- Union of 'r' and '^' (rising edge to or from 'X')
+ 'D', -- Union of 'f' and 'v' (falling edge to or from 'X')
+ '*', -- Union of 'R' and 'F' (any edge)
+ 'X', -- Unknown level
+ '0', -- low level
+ '1', -- high level
+ '-', -- don't care
+ 'B', -- 0 or 1
+ 'Z', -- High Impedance
+ 'S' -- steady value
+ );
+ SUBTYPE VitalEdgeSymbolType IS VitalTableSymbolType RANGE '/' TO '*';
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Function Name: VitalExtendToFillDelay
+ --
+ -- Description: A six element array of delay values of type
+ -- VitalDelayType01Z is returned when a 1, 2 or 6
+ -- element array is given. This function will convert
+ -- VitalDelayType and VitalDelayType01 delay values into
+ -- a VitalDelayType01Z type following these rules:
+ --
+ -- When a VitalDelayType is passed, all six transition
+ -- values are assigned the input value. When a
+ -- VitalDelayType01 is passed, the 01 transitions are
+ -- assigned to the 01, 0Z and Z1 transitions and the 10
+ -- transitions are assigned to 10, 1Z and Z0 transition
+ -- values. When a VitalDelayType01Z is passed, the values
+ -- are kept as is.
+ --
+ -- The function is overloaded based on input type.
+ --
+ -- There is no function to fill a 12 value delay
+ -- type.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- Delay A one, two or six delay value Vital-
+ -- DelayType is passed and a six delay,
+ -- VitalDelayType01Z, item is returned.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- VitalDelayType01Z
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION VitalExtendToFillDelay (
+ CONSTANT Delay : IN VitalDelayType
+ ) RETURN VitalDelayType01Z;
+ FUNCTION VitalExtendToFillDelay (
+ CONSTANT Delay : IN VitalDelayType01
+ ) RETURN VitalDelayType01Z;
+ FUNCTION VitalExtendToFillDelay (
+ CONSTANT Delay : IN VitalDelayType01Z
+ ) RETURN VitalDelayType01Z;
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Function Name: VitalCalcDelay
+ --
+ -- Description: This function accepts a 1, 2 or 6 value delay and
+ -- chooses the correct delay time to delay the NewVal
+ -- signal. This function is overloaded based on the
+ -- delay type passed. The function returns a single value
+ -- of time.
+ --
+ -- This function is provided for Level 0 models in order
+ -- to calculate the delay which should be applied
+ -- for the passed signal. The delay selection is performed
+ -- using the OldVal and the NewVal to determine the
+ -- transition to select. The default value of OldVal is X.
+ --
+ -- This function cannot be used in a Level 1 model since
+ -- the VitalPathDelay routines perform the delay path
+ -- selection and output driving function.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- NewVal New value of the signal to be
+ -- assigned
+ -- OldVal Previous value of the signal.
+ -- Default value is 'X'
+ -- Delay The delay structure from which to
+ -- select the appropriate delay. The
+ -- function overload is based on the
+ -- type of delay passed. In the case of
+ -- the single delay, VitalDelayType, no
+ -- selection is performed, since there
+ -- is only one value to choose from.
+ -- For the other cases, the transition
+ -- from the old value to the new value
+ -- decide the value returned.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- Time The time value selected from the
+ -- Delay INPUT is returned.
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION VitalCalcDelay (
+ CONSTANT NewVal : IN std_ulogic := 'X';
+ CONSTANT OldVal : IN std_ulogic := 'X';
+ CONSTANT Delay : IN VitalDelayType
+ FUNCTION VitalCalcDelay (
+ CONSTANT NewVal : IN std_ulogic := 'X';
+ CONSTANT OldVal : IN std_ulogic := 'X';
+ CONSTANT Delay : IN VitalDelayType01
+ FUNCTION VitalCalcDelay (
+ CONSTANT NewVal : IN std_ulogic := 'X';
+ CONSTANT OldVal : IN std_ulogic := 'X';
+ CONSTANT Delay : IN VitalDelayType01Z
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Function Name: VitalPathDelay
+ --
+ -- Description: VitalPathDelay is the Level 1 routine used to select
+ -- the propagation delay path and schedule a new output
+ -- value.
+ --
+ -- For single and dual delay values, VitalDelayType and
+ -- VitalDelayType01 are used. The output value is
+ -- scheduled with a calculated delay without strength
+ -- modification.
+ --
+ -- For the six delay value, VitalDelayType01Z, the output
+ -- value is scheduled with a calculated delay. The drive
+ -- strength can be modified to handle weak signal strengths
+ -- to model tri-state devices, pull-ups and pull-downs as
+ -- an example.
+ --
+ -- The correspondence between the delay type and the
+ -- path delay function is as follows:
+ --
+ -- Delay Type Path Type
+ --
+ -- VitalDelayType VitalPathDelay
+ -- VitalDelayType01 VitalPathDelay01
+ -- VitalDelayType01Z VitalPathDelay01Z
+ --
+ -- For each of these routines, the following capabilities
+ -- is provided:
+ --
+ -- o Transition dependent path delay selection
+ -- o User controlled glitch detection with the ability
+ -- to generate "X" on output and report the violation
+ -- o Control of the severity level for message generation
+ -- o Scheduling of the computed values on the specified
+ -- signal.
+ --
+ -- Selection of the appropriate path delay begins with the
+ -- candidate paths. The candidate paths are selected by
+ -- identifying the paths for which the PathCondition is
+ -- true. If there is a single candidate path, then that
+ -- delay is selected. If there is more than one candidate
+ -- path, then the shortest delay is selected using
+ -- transition dependent delay selection. If there is no
+ -- candidate paths, then the delay specified by the
+ -- DefaultDelay parameter to the path delay is used.
+ --
+ -- Once the delay is known, the output signal is then
+ -- scheduled with that delay. In the case of
+ -- VitalPathDelay01Z, an additional result mapping of
+ -- the output value is performed before scheduling. The
+ -- result mapping is performed after transition dependent
+ -- delay selection but before scheduling the final output.
+ --
+ -- In order to perform glitch detection, the user is
+ -- obligated to provide a variable of VitalGlitchDataType
+ -- for the propagation delay functions to use. The user
+ -- cannot modify or use this information.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- OutSignalName string The name of the output signal
+ -- OutTemp std_logic The new output value to be driven
+ -- Paths VitalPathArrayType A list of paths of VitalPathArray
+ -- VitalPathArrayType01 type. The VitalPathDelay routine
+ -- VitalPathArrayType01Z is overloaded based on the type
+ -- of constant passed in. With
+ -- VitalPathArrayType01Z, the
+ -- resulting output strengths can be
+ -- mapped.
+ -- DefaultDelay VitalDelayType The default delay can be changed
+ -- VitalDelayType01 from zero-delay to another set of
+ -- VitalDelayType01Z values.
+ -- Mode VitalGlitchKindType The value of this constant
+ -- selects the type of glitch
+ -- detection.
+ -- OnEvent Glitch on transition event
+ -- | OnDetect Glitch immediate on detection
+ -- | VitalInertial No glitch, use INERTIAL
+ -- assignment
+ -- | VitalTransport No glitch, use TRANSPORT
+ -- assignment
+ -- XOn BOOLEAN Control for generation of 'X' on
+ -- glitch. When TRUE, 'X's are
+ -- scheduled for glitches, otherwise
+ -- no are generated.
+ -- MsgOn BOOLEAN Control for message generation on
+ -- glitch detect. When TRUE,
+ -- glitches are reported, otherwise
+ -- they are not reported.
+ -- MsgSeverity SEVERITY_LEVEL The level at which the message,
+ -- or assertion, will be reported.
+ -- OutputMap VitalOutputMapType For VitalPathDelay01Z, the output
+ -- can be mapped to alternate
+ -- strengths to model tri-state
+ -- devices, pull-ups and pull-downs.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- GlitchData VitalGlitchDataType The internal data storage
+ -- variable required to detect
+ -- glitches.
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- OutSignal std_logic The output signal to be driven
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalPathDelay (
+ SIGNAL OutSignal : OUT std_logic;
+ VARIABLE GlitchData : INOUT VitalGlitchDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutSignalName : IN string;
+ CONSTANT OutTemp : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT Paths : IN VitalPathArrayType;
+ CONSTANT DefaultDelay : IN VitalDelayType := VitalZeroDelay;
+ CONSTANT Mode : IN VitalGlitchKindType := OnEvent;
+ );
+ PROCEDURE VitalPathDelay01 (
+ SIGNAL OutSignal : OUT std_logic;
+ VARIABLE GlitchData : INOUT VitalGlitchDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutSignalName : IN string;
+ CONSTANT OutTemp : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT Paths : IN VitalPathArray01Type;
+ CONSTANT DefaultDelay : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalZeroDelay01;
+ CONSTANT Mode : IN VitalGlitchKindType := OnEvent;
+ );
+ PROCEDURE VitalPathDelay01Z (
+ SIGNAL OutSignal : OUT std_logic;
+ VARIABLE GlitchData : INOUT VitalGlitchDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutSignalName : IN string;
+ CONSTANT OutTemp : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT Paths : IN VitalPathArray01ZType;
+ CONSTANT DefaultDelay : IN VitalDelayType01Z := VitalZeroDelay01Z;
+ CONSTANT Mode : IN VitalGlitchKindType := OnEvent;
+ CONSTANT OutputMap : IN VitalOutputMapType
+ := VitalDefaultOutputMap
+ );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Function Name: VitalWireDelay
+ --
+ -- Description: VitalWireDelay is used to delay an input signal.
+ -- The delay is selected from the input parameter passed.
+ -- The function is useful for back annotation of actual
+ -- net delays.
+ --
+ -- The function is overloaded to permit passing a delay
+ -- value for twire for VitalDelayType, VitalDelayType01
+ -- and VitalDelayType01Z. twire is a generic which can
+ -- be back annotated and must be constructed to follow
+ -- the SDF to generic mapping rules.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- InSig std_ulogic The input signal (port) to be
+ -- delayed.
+ -- twire VitalDelayType The delay value for which the input
+ -- VitalDelayType01 signal should be delayed. For Vital-
+ -- VitalDelayType01Z DelayType, the value is single value
+ -- passed. For VitalDelayType01 and
+ -- VitalDelayType01Z, the appropriate
+ -- delay value is selected by VitalCalc-
+ -- Delay.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- OutSig std_ulogic The internal delayed signal
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalWireDelay (
+ SIGNAL OutSig : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL InSig : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT twire : IN VitalDelayType
+ );
+ PROCEDURE VitalWireDelay (
+ SIGNAL OutSig : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL InSig : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT twire : IN VitalDelayType01
+ );
+ PROCEDURE VitalWireDelay (
+ SIGNAL OutSig : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL InSig : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT twire : IN VitalDelayType01Z
+ );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Function Name: VitalSignalDelay
+ --
+ -- Description: The VitalSignalDelay procedure is called in a signal
+ -- delay block in the architecture to delay the
+ -- appropriate test or reference signal in order to
+ -- accommodate negative constraint checks.
+ --
+ -- The amount of delay is of type TIME and is a constant.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- InSig std_ulogic The signal to be delayed.
+ -- dly TIME The amount of time the signal is
+ -- delayed.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- OutSig std_ulogic The delayed signal
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalSignalDelay (
+ SIGNAL OutSig : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL InSig : IN std_ulogic;
+ );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Function Name: VitalSetupHoldCheck
+ --
+ -- Description: The VitalSetupHoldCheck procedure detects a setup or a
+ -- hold violation on the input test signal with respect
+ -- to the corresponding input reference signal. The timing
+ -- constraints are specified through parameters
+ -- representing the high and low values for the setup and
+ -- hold values for the setup and hold times. This
+ -- procedure assumes non-negative values for setup and hold
+ -- timing constraints.
+ --
+ -- It is assumed that negative timing constraints
+ -- are handled by internally delaying the test or
+ -- reference signals. Negative setup times result in
+ -- a delayed reference signal. Negative hold times
+ -- result in a delayed test signal. Furthermore, the
+ -- delays and constraints associated with these and
+ -- other signals may need to be appropriately
+ -- adjusted so that all constraint intervals overlap
+ -- the delayed reference signals and all constraint
+ -- values (with respect to the delayed signals) are
+ -- non-negative.
+ --
+ -- This function is overloaded based on the input
+ -- TestSignal. A vector and scalar form are provided.
+ --
+ -- TestSignal XXXXXXXXXXXX____________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
+ -- :
+ -- : -->| error region |<--
+ -- :
+ -- _______________________________
+ -- RefSignal \______________________________
+ -- : | | |
+ -- : | -->| |<-- thold
+ -- : -->| tsetup |<--
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- TestSignal std_ulogic Value of test signal
+ -- std_logic_vector
+ -- TestSignalName STRING Name of test signal
+ -- TestDelay TIME Model's internal delay associated
+ -- with TestSignal
+ -- RefSignal std_ulogic Value of reference signal
+ -- RefSignalName STRING Name of reference signal
+ -- RefDelay TIME Model's internal delay associated
+ -- with RefSignal
+ -- SetupHigh TIME Absolute minimum time duration before
+ -- the transition of RefSignal for which
+ -- transitions of TestSignal are allowed
+ -- to proceed to the "1" state without
+ -- causing a setup violation.
+ -- SetupLow TIME Absolute minimum time duration before
+ -- the transition of RefSignal for which
+ -- transitions of TestSignal are allowed
+ -- to proceed to the "0" state without
+ -- causing a setup violation.
+ -- HoldHigh TIME Absolute minimum time duration after
+ -- the transition of RefSignal for which
+ -- transitions of TestSignal are allowed
+ -- to proceed to the "1" state without
+ -- causing a hold violation.
+ -- HoldLow TIME Absolute minimum time duration after
+ -- the transition of RefSignal for which
+ -- transitions of TestSignal are allowed
+ -- to proceed to the "0" state without
+ -- causing a hold violation.
+ -- CheckEnabled BOOLEAN Check performed if TRUE.
+ -- RefTransition VitalEdgeSymbolType
+ -- Reference edge specified. Events on
+ -- the RefSignal which match the edge
+ -- spec. are used as reference edges.
+ -- HeaderMsg STRING String that will accompany any
+ -- assertion messages produced.
+ -- XOn BOOLEAN If TRUE, Violation output parameter
+ -- is set to "X". Otherwise, Violation
+ -- is always set to "0."
+ -- MsgOn BOOLEAN If TRUE, set and hold violation
+ -- message will be generated.
+ -- Otherwise, no messages are generated,
+ -- even upon violations.
+ -- MsgSeverity SEVERITY_LEVEL Severity level for the assertion.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- TimingData VitalTimingDataType
+ -- VitalSetupHoldCheck information
+ -- storage area. This is used
+ -- internally to detect reference edges
+ -- and record the time of the last edge.
+ --
+ -- OUT
+ -- Violation X01 This is the violation flag returned.
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalSetupHoldCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01;
+ VARIABLE TimingData : INOUT VitalTimingDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName: IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ SIGNAL RefSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupHigh : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupLow : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HoldHigh : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HoldLow : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT RefTransition : IN VitalEdgeSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ );
+ PROCEDURE VitalSetupHoldCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01;
+ VARIABLE TimingData : INOUT VitalTimingDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName: IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ SIGNAL RefSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupHigh : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupLow : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HoldHigh : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HoldLow : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT RefTransition : IN VitalEdgeSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Function Name: VitalRecoveryRemovalCheck
+ --
+ -- Description: The VitalRecoveryRemovalCheck detects the presence of
+ -- a recovery or removal violation on the input test
+ -- signal with respect to the corresponding input reference
+ -- signal. It assumes non-negative values of setup and
+ -- hold timing constraints. The timing constraint is
+ -- specified through parameters representing the recovery
+ -- and removal times associated with a reference edge of
+ -- the reference signal. A flag indicates whether a test
+ -- signal is asserted when it is high or when it is low.
+ --
+ -- It is assumed that negative timing constraints
+ -- are handled by internally delaying the test or
+ -- reference signals. Negative recovery times result in
+ -- a delayed reference signal. Negative removal times
+ -- result in a delayed test signal. Furthermore, the
+ -- delays and constraints associated with these and
+ -- other signals may need to be appropriately
+ -- adjusted so that all constraint intervals overlap
+ -- the delayed reference signals and all constraint
+ -- values (with respect to the delayed signals) are
+ -- non-negative.
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ --
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- TestSignal std_ulogic Value of TestSignal. The routine is
+ -- TestSignalName STRING Name of TestSignal
+ -- TestDelay TIME Model internal delay associated with
+ -- the TestSignal
+ -- RefSignal std_ulogic Value of RefSignal
+ -- RefSignalName STRING Name of RefSignal
+ -- RefDelay TIME Model internal delay associated with
+ -- the RefSignal
+ -- Recovery TIME A change to an unasserted value on
+ -- the asynchronous TestSignal must
+ -- precede reference edge (on RefSignal)
+ -- by at least this time.
+ -- Removal TIME An asserted condition must be present
+ -- on the asynchronous TestSignal for at
+ -- least the removal time following a
+ -- reference edge on RefSignal.
+ -- ActiveLow BOOLEAN A flag which indicates if TestSignal
+ -- is asserted when it is low - "0."
+ -- FALSE indicate that TestSignal is
+ -- asserted when it has a value "1."
+ -- CheckEnabled BOOLEAN The check in enabled when the value
+ -- is TRUE, otherwise the constraints
+ -- are not checked.
+ -- RefTransition VitalEdgeSymbolType
+ -- Reference edge specifier. Events on
+ -- RefSignal will match the edge
+ -- specified.
+ -- HeaderMsg STRING A header message that will accompany
+ -- any assertion message.
+ -- XOn BOOLEAN When TRUE, the output Violation is
+ -- set to "X." When FALSE, it is always
+ -- "0."
+ -- MsgOn BOOLEAN When TRUE, violation messages are
+ -- output. When FALSE, no messages are
+ -- generated.
+ -- MsgSeverity SEVERITY_LEVEL Severity level of the asserted
+ -- message.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- TimingData VitalTimingDataType
+ -- VitalRecoveryRemovalCheck information
+ -- storage area. This is used
+ -- internally to detect reference edges
+ -- and record the time of the last edge.
+ -- OUT
+ -- Violation X01 This is the violation flag returned.
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalRecoveryRemovalCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01;
+ VARIABLE TimingData : INOUT VitalTimingDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName: IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ SIGNAL RefSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT Recovery : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT Removal : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT RefTransition : IN VitalEdgeSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ );
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- Function Name: VitalPeriodPulseCheck
+ --
+ -- Description: VitalPeriodPulseCheck checks for minimum and maximum
+ -- periodicity and pulse width for "1" and "0" values of
+ -- the input test signal. The timing constraint is
+ -- specified through parameters representing the minimal
+ -- period between successive rising and falling edges of
+ -- the input test signal and the minimum pulse widths
+ -- associated with high and low values.
+ --
+ -- VitalPeriodCheck's accepts rising and falling edges
+ -- from 1 and 0 as well as transitions to and from 'X.'
+ --
+ -- _______________ __________
+ -- ____________| |_______|
+ --
+ -- |<--- pw_hi --->|
+ -- |<-------- period ----->|
+ -- -->| pw_lo |<--
+ --
+ -- Arguments:
+ -- IN Type Description
+ -- TestSignal std_ulogic Value of test signal
+ -- TestSignalName STRING Name of the test signal
+ -- TestDelay TIME Model's internal delay associated
+ -- with TestSignal
+ -- Period TIME Minimum period allowed between
+ -- consecutive rising ('P') or
+ -- falling ('F') transitions.
+ -- PulseWidthHigh TIME Minimum time allowed for a high
+ -- pulse ('1' or 'H')
+ -- PulseWidthLow TIME Minimum time allowed for a low
+ -- pulse ('0' or 'L')
+ -- CheckEnabled BOOLEAN Check performed if TRUE.
+ -- HeaderMsg STRING String that will accompany any
+ -- assertion messages produced.
+ -- XOn BOOLEAN If TRUE, Violation output parameter
+ -- is set to "X". Otherwise, Violation
+ -- is always set to "0."
+ -- MsgOn BOOLEAN If TRUE, period/pulse violation
+ -- message will be generated.
+ -- Otherwise, no messages are generated,
+ -- even though a violation is detected.
+ -- MsgSeverity SEVERITY_LEVEL Severity level for the assertion.
+ --
+ -- INOUT
+ -- PeriodData VitalPeriodDataType
+ -- VitalPeriodPulseCheck information
+ -- storage area. This is used
+ -- internally to detect reference edges
+ -- and record the pulse and period
+ -- times.
+ -- OUT
+ -- Violation X01 This is the violation flag returned.
+ --
+ -- Returns
+ -- none
+ --
+ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalPeriodPulseCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01;
+ VARIABLE PeriodData : INOUT VitalPeriodDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT Period : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT PulseWidthHigh : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT PulseWidthLow : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ );
+END VITAL_Timing;
diff --git a/libraries/vital95/vital_timing_body.vhdl b/libraries/vital95/vital_timing_body.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..09eb75565
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/vital95/vital_timing_body.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,1275 @@
+-- Title : Standard VITAL TIMING Package
+-- : $Revision: 597 $
+-- Library : VITAL
+-- :
+-- Developers : IEEE DASC Timing Working Group (TWG), PAR 1076.4
+-- :
+-- Purpose : This packages defines standard types, attributes, constants,
+-- : functions and procedures for use in developing ASIC models.
+-- : This file contains the Package Body.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Modification History :
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Version No:|Auth:| Mod.Date:| Changes Made:
+-- v95.0 A | | 06/08/95 | Initial ballot draft 1995
+-- v95.1 | | 08/31/95 | #203 - Timing violations at time 0
+-- #204 - Output mapping prior to glitch detection
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Package Local Declarations
+ -- --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TYPE CheckType IS ( SetupCheck, HoldCheck, RecoveryCheck, RemovalCheck,
+ PulseWidCheck, PeriodCheck );
+ TYPE CheckInfoType IS RECORD
+ Violation : BOOLEAN;
+ CheckKind : CheckType;
+ ObsTime : TIME;
+ ExpTime : TIME;
+ DetTime : TIME;
+ State : X01;
+ TYPE LogicCvtTableType IS ARRAY (std_ulogic) OF CHARACTER;
+ TYPE HiLoStrType IS ARRAY (std_ulogic RANGE 'X' TO '1') OF STRING(1 TO 4);
+ CONSTANT LogicCvtTable : LogicCvtTableType
+ := ( 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z', 'W', 'L', 'H', '-');
+ CONSTANT HiLoStr : HiLoStrType := (" X ", " Low", "High" );
+ TYPE EdgeSymbolMatchType IS ARRAY (X01,X01,VitalEdgeSymbolType) OF BOOLEAN;
+ -- last value, present value, edge symbol
+ CONSTANT EdgeSymbolMatch : EdgeSymbolMatchType := (
+ 'X'=>('X'=>( OTHERS => FALSE),
+ '0'=>('N'|'F'|'v'|'E'|'D'|'*' => TRUE, OTHERS => FALSE ),
+ '1'=>('P'|'R'|'^'|'E'|'A'|'*' => TRUE, OTHERS => FALSE ) ),
+ '0'=>('X'=>( 'r'|'p'|'R'|'A'|'*' => TRUE, OTHERS => FALSE ),
+ '0'=>( OTHERS => FALSE ),
+ '1'=>( '/'|'P'|'p'|'R'|'*' => TRUE, OTHERS => FALSE ) ),
+ '1'=>('X'=>( 'f'|'n'|'F'|'D'|'*' => TRUE, OTHERS => FALSE ),
+ '0'=>( '\'|'N'|'n'|'F'|'*' => TRUE, OTHERS => FALSE ),
+ '1'=>( OTHERS => FALSE ) ) );
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Misc Utilities Local Utilities
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( t1 < t2 ) THEN RETURN (t1); ELSE RETURN (t2); END IF;
+ END Minimum;
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IF ( t1 > t2 ) THEN RETURN (t1); ELSE RETURN (t2); END IF;
+ END Maximum;
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Error Message Types and Tables
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TYPE VitalErrorType IS (
+ ErrVctLng ,
+ ErrNoPath ,
+ ErrNegPath ,
+ ErrNegDel
+ );
+ TYPE VitalErrorSeverityType IS ARRAY (VitalErrorType) OF SEVERITY_LEVEL;
+ CONSTANT VitalErrorSeverity : VitalErrorSeverityType := (
+ ErrVctLng => ERROR,
+ ErrNoPath => WARNING,
+ ErrNegPath => WARNING,
+ ErrNegDel => WARNING
+ );
+ "No Delay Path Condition TRUE. 0-delay used. Output signal is: ";
+ "Path Delay less than time since input. 0 delay used. Output signal is: ";
+ "Negative delay. New output value not scheduled. Output signal is: ";
+ "Vector (array) lengths not equal. ";
+ CONSTANT MsgUnknown : STRING :=
+ "Unknown error message.";
+ FUNCTION VitalMessage (
+ CONSTANT ErrorId : IN VitalErrorType
+ CASE ErrorId IS
+ WHEN ErrVctLng => RETURN MsgVctLng;
+ WHEN ErrNoPath => RETURN MsgNoPath;
+ WHEN ErrNegPath => RETURN MsgNegPath;
+ WHEN ErrNegDel => RETURN MsgNegDel;
+ END;
+ PROCEDURE VitalError (
+ CONSTANT ErrorId : IN VitalErrorType
+ ) IS
+ REPORT Routine & ": " & VitalMessage(ErrorId)
+ SEVERITY VitalErrorSeverity(ErrorId);
+ END;
+ PROCEDURE VitalError (
+ CONSTANT ErrorId : IN VitalErrorType;
+ ) IS
+ REPORT Routine & ": " & VitalMessage(ErrorId) & Info
+ SEVERITY VitalErrorSeverity(ErrorId);
+ END;
+ PROCEDURE VitalError (
+ CONSTANT ErrorId : IN VitalErrorType;
+ ) IS
+ REPORT Routine & ": " & VitalMessage(ErrorId) & Info
+ SEVERITY VitalErrorSeverity(ErrorId);
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Time Delay Assignment Subprograms
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION VitalExtendToFillDelay (
+ CONSTANT Delay : IN VitalDelayType
+ ) RETURN VitalDelayType01Z IS
+ RETURN (OTHERS => Delay);
+ END VitalExtendToFillDelay;
+ FUNCTION VitalExtendToFillDelay (
+ CONSTANT Delay : IN VitalDelayType01
+ ) RETURN VitalDelayType01Z IS
+ VARIABLE Delay01Z : VitalDelayType01Z;
+ Delay01Z(tr01) := Delay(tr01);
+ Delay01Z(tr0z) := Delay(tr01);
+ Delay01Z(trz1) := Delay(tr01);
+ Delay01Z(tr10) := Delay(tr10);
+ Delay01Z(tr1z) := Delay(tr10);
+ Delay01Z(trz0) := Delay(tr10);
+ RETURN (Delay01Z);
+ END VitalExtendToFillDelay;
+ FUNCTION VitalExtendToFillDelay (
+ CONSTANT Delay : IN VitalDelayType01Z
+ ) RETURN VitalDelayType01Z IS
+ RETURN Delay;
+ END VitalExtendToFillDelay;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION VitalCalcDelay (
+ CONSTANT NewVal : IN std_ulogic := 'X';
+ CONSTANT OldVal : IN std_ulogic := 'X';
+ CONSTANT Delay : IN VitalDelayType
+ RETURN delay;
+ END VitalCalcDelay;
+ FUNCTION VitalCalcDelay (
+ CONSTANT NewVal : IN std_ulogic := 'X';
+ CONSTANT OldVal : IN std_ulogic := 'X';
+ CONSTANT Delay : IN VitalDelayType01
+ CASE Newval IS
+ WHEN '0' | 'L' => Result := Delay(tr10);
+ WHEN '1' | 'H' => Result := Delay(tr01);
+ WHEN 'Z' =>
+ CASE Oldval IS
+ WHEN '0' | 'L' => Result := Delay(tr01);
+ WHEN '1' | 'H' => Result := Delay(tr10);
+ WHEN OTHERS => Result := MAXIMUM(Delay(tr10), Delay(tr01));
+ CASE Oldval IS
+ WHEN '0' | 'L' => Result := Delay(tr01);
+ WHEN '1' | 'H' => Result := Delay(tr10);
+ WHEN 'Z' => Result := MINIMUM(Delay(tr10), Delay(tr01));
+ WHEN OTHERS => Result := MAXIMUM(Delay(tr10), Delay(tr01));
+ RETURN Result;
+ END VitalCalcDelay;
+ FUNCTION VitalCalcDelay (
+ CONSTANT NewVal : IN std_ulogic := 'X';
+ CONSTANT OldVal : IN std_ulogic := 'X';
+ CONSTANT Delay : IN VitalDelayType01Z
+ CASE Oldval IS
+ WHEN '0' | 'L' =>
+ CASE Newval IS
+ WHEN '0' | 'L' => Result := Delay(tr10);
+ WHEN '1' | 'H' => Result := Delay(tr01);
+ WHEN 'Z' => Result := Delay(tr0z);
+ WHEN OTHERS => Result := MINIMUM(Delay(tr01), Delay(tr0z));
+ WHEN '1' | 'H' =>
+ CASE Newval IS
+ WHEN '0' | 'L' => Result := Delay(tr10);
+ WHEN '1' | 'H' => Result := Delay(tr01);
+ WHEN 'Z' => Result := Delay(tr1z);
+ WHEN OTHERS => Result := MINIMUM(Delay(tr10), Delay(tr1z));
+ WHEN 'Z' =>
+ CASE Newval IS
+ WHEN '0' | 'L' => Result := Delay(trz0);
+ WHEN '1' | 'H' => Result := Delay(trz1);
+ WHEN 'Z' => Result := MAXIMUM (Delay(tr0z), Delay(tr1z));
+ WHEN OTHERS => Result := MINIMUM (Delay(trz1), Delay(trz0));
+ WHEN 'U' | 'X' | 'W' | '-' =>
+ CASE Newval IS
+ WHEN '0' | 'L' => Result := MAXIMUM(Delay(tr10), Delay(trz0));
+ WHEN '1' | 'H' => Result := MAXIMUM(Delay(tr01), Delay(trz1));
+ WHEN 'Z' => Result := MAXIMUM(Delay(tr1z), Delay(tr0z));
+ WHEN OTHERS => Result := MAXIMUM(Delay(tr10), Delay(tr01));
+ RETURN Result;
+ END VitalCalcDelay;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION VitalSelectPathDelay (
+ CONSTANT NewValue : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT OldValue : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT OutSignalName : IN string;
+ CONSTANT Paths : IN VitalPathArrayType;
+ CONSTANT DefaultDelay : IN VitalDelayType
+ -- for each delay path
+ -- ignore the delay path if it is not enabled
+ NEXT WHEN NOT Paths(i).PathCondition;
+ -- ignore the delay path if a more recent input event has been seen
+ NEXT WHEN Paths(i).InputChangeTime > InputAge;
+ -- This is the most recent input change (so far)
+ -- Get the transition dependent delay
+ TmpDelay := VitalCalcDelay(NewValue, OldValue, Paths(i).PathDelay);
+ -- If other inputs changed at the same time,
+ -- then use the minimum of their propagation delays,
+ -- else use the propagation delay from this input.
+ IF Paths(i).InputChangeTime < InputAge THEN
+ PropDelay := TmpDelay;
+ ELSE -- Simultaneous inputs change
+ IF TmpDelay < PropDelay THEN PropDelay := TmpDelay; END IF;
+ end if;
+ InputAge := Paths(i).InputChangeTime;
+ -- If there were no paths (with an enabled condition),
+ -- use the default the delay
+ IF (PropDelay = TIME'HIGH ) THEN
+ PropDelay := VitalCalcDelay(NewValue, OldValue, DefaultDelay);
+ -- If the time since the most recent input event is greater than the
+ -- propagation delay from that input then
+ -- use the default the delay
+ ELSIF (InputAge > PropDelay) THEN
+ PropDelay := VitalCalcDelay(NewValue, OldValue, DefaultDelay);
+ -- Adjust the propagation delay by the time since the
+ -- the input event occurred (Usually 0 ns).
+ PropDelay := PropDelay - InputAge;
+ RETURN PropDelay;
+ END;
+ FUNCTION VitalSelectPathDelay (
+ CONSTANT NewValue : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT OldValue : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT OutSignalName : IN string;
+ CONSTANT Paths : IN VitalPathArray01Type;
+ CONSTANT DefaultDelay : IN VitalDelayType01
+ -- for each delay path
+ -- ignore the delay path if it is not enabled
+ NEXT WHEN NOT Paths(i).PathCondition;
+ -- ignore the delay path if a more recent input event has been seen
+ NEXT WHEN Paths(i).InputChangeTime > InputAge;
+ -- This is the most recent input change (so far)
+ -- Get the transition dependent delay
+ TmpDelay := VitalCalcDelay(NewValue, OldValue, Paths(i).PathDelay);
+ -- If other inputs changed at the same time,
+ -- then use the minimum of their propagation delays,
+ -- else use the propagation delay from this input.
+ IF Paths(i).InputChangeTime < InputAge THEN
+ PropDelay := TmpDelay;
+ ELSE -- Simultaneous inputs change
+ IF TmpDelay < PropDelay THEN PropDelay := TmpDelay; END IF;
+ end if;
+ InputAge := Paths(i).InputChangeTime;
+ -- If there were no paths (with an enabled condition),
+ -- use the default the delay
+ IF (PropDelay = TIME'HIGH ) THEN
+ PropDelay := VitalCalcDelay(NewValue, OldValue, DefaultDelay);
+ -- If the time since the most recent input event is greater than the
+ -- propagation delay from that input then
+ -- use the default the delay
+ ELSIF (InputAge > PropDelay) THEN
+ PropDelay := VitalCalcDelay(NewValue, OldValue, DefaultDelay);
+ -- Adjust the propagation delay by the time since the
+ -- the input event occurred (Usually 0 ns).
+ PropDelay := PropDelay - InputAge;
+ RETURN PropDelay;
+ END;
+ FUNCTION VitalSelectPathDelay (
+ CONSTANT NewValue : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT OldValue : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT OutSignalName : IN string;
+ CONSTANT Paths : IN VitalPathArray01ZType;
+ CONSTANT DefaultDelay : IN VitalDelayType01Z
+ -- for each delay path
+ -- ignore the delay path if it is not enabled
+ NEXT WHEN NOT Paths(i).PathCondition;
+ -- ignore the delay path if a more recent input event has been seen
+ NEXT WHEN Paths(i).InputChangeTime > InputAge;
+ -- This is the most recent input change (so far)
+ -- Get the transition dependent delay
+ TmpDelay := VitalCalcDelay(NewValue, OldValue, Paths(i).PathDelay);
+ -- If other inputs changed at the same time,
+ -- then use the minimum of their propagation delays,
+ -- else use the propagation delay from this input.
+ IF Paths(i).InputChangeTime < InputAge THEN
+ PropDelay := TmpDelay;
+ ELSE -- Simultaneous inputs change
+ IF TmpDelay < PropDelay THEN PropDelay := TmpDelay; END IF;
+ end if;
+ InputAge := Paths(i).InputChangeTime;
+ -- If there were no paths (with an enabled condition),
+ -- use the default the delay
+ IF (PropDelay = TIME'HIGH ) THEN
+ PropDelay := VitalCalcDelay(NewValue, OldValue, DefaultDelay);
+ -- If the time since the most recent input event is greater than the
+ -- propagation delay from that input then
+ -- use the default the delay
+ ELSIF (InputAge > PropDelay) THEN
+ PropDelay := VitalCalcDelay(NewValue, OldValue, DefaultDelay);
+ -- Adjust the propagation delay by the time since the
+ -- the input event occurred (Usually 0 ns).
+ PropDelay := PropDelay - InputAge;
+ RETURN PropDelay;
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Glitch Handlers
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE ReportGlitch (
+ CONSTANT GlitchRoutine : IN STRING;
+ CONSTANT PreemptedTime : IN TIME;
+ CONSTANT PreemptedValue : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT NewValue : IN std_ulogic;
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE StrPtr1, StrPtr2, StrPtr3, StrPtr4, StrPtr5 : LINE;
+ Write (StrPtr1, PreemptedTime );
+ Write (StrPtr2, NewTime);
+ Write (StrPtr3, LogicCvtTable(PreemptedValue));
+ Write (StrPtr4, LogicCvtTable(NewValue));
+ IF IsArraySignal THEN
+ Write (StrPtr5, STRING'( "(" ) );
+ Write (StrPtr5, Index);
+ Write (StrPtr5, STRING'( ")" ) );
+ Write (StrPtr5, STRING'( " " ) );
+ -- Issue Report only if Preempted value has not been
+ -- removed from event queue
+ ASSERT PreemptedTime > NewTime
+ REPORT GlitchRoutine & ": GLITCH Detected on port " &
+ OutSignalName & StrPtr5.ALL &
+ "; Preempted Future Value := " & StrPtr3.ALL &
+ " @ " & StrPtr1.ALL &
+ "; Newly Scheduled Value := " & StrPtr4.ALL &
+ " @ " & StrPtr2.ALL &
+ ";"
+ SEVERITY MsgSeverity;
+ END ReportGlitch;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalGlitch (
+ SIGNAL OutSignal : OUT std_logic;
+ VARIABLE GlitchData : INOUT VitalGlitchDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutSignalName : IN string;
+ CONSTANT NewValue : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT NewDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT Mode : IN VitalGlitchKindType := OnEvent;
+ ) IS
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ VARIABLE dly : TIME := NewDelay;
+ -- If nothing to schedule, just return
+ IF NewDelay < 0 ns THEN
+ IF (NewValue /= GlitchData.SchedValue) THEN
+ VitalError ( "VitalGlitch", ErrNegDel, OutSignalName );
+ -- If simple signal assignment
+ -- perform the signal assignment
+ IF ( Mode = VitalInertial) THEN
+ OutSignal <= NewValue AFTER dly;
+ ELSIF ( Mode = VitalTransport ) THEN
+ OutSignal <= TRANSPORT NewValue AFTER dly;
+ -- Glitch Processing ---
+ -- If nothing currently scheduled
+ IF GlitchData.SchedTime <= NOW THEN
+ -- Note: NewValue is always /= OldValue when called from VPPD
+ IF (NewValue = GlitchData.SchedValue) THEN RETURN; END IF;
+ -- No new glitch, save time for possable future glitch
+ NewGlitch := FALSE;
+ GlitchData.GlitchTime := NOW+dly;
+ -- New value earlier than the earliest previous value scheduled
+ ELSIF (NOW+dly <= GlitchData.GlitchTime)
+ AND (NOW+dly <= GlitchData.SchedTime) THEN
+ -- No new glitch, save time for possible future glitch
+ NewGlitch := FALSE;
+ GlitchData.GlitchTime := NOW+dly;
+ -- Transaction currently scheduled - if glitch already happened
+ ELSIF GlitchData.GlitchTime <= NOW THEN
+ IF (GlitchData.SchedValue = NewValue) THEN
+ dly := Minimum( GlitchData.SchedTime-NOW, NewDelay );
+ NewGlitch := FALSE;
+ -- Transaction currently scheduled (no glitch if same value)
+ ELSIF (GlitchData.SchedValue = NewValue)
+ AND (GlitchData.SchedTime = GlitchData.GlitchTime) THEN
+ -- revise scheduled output time if new delay is sooner
+ dly := Minimum( GlitchData.SchedTime-NOW, NewDelay );
+ -- No new glitch, save time for possable future glitch
+ NewGlitch := FALSE;
+ GlitchData.GlitchTime := NOW+dly;
+ -- Transaction currently scheduled represents a glitch
+ -- A new glitch has been detected
+ NewGlitch := TRUE;
+ IF NewGlitch THEN
+ -- If messages requested, report the glitch
+ ReportGlitch ("VitalGlitch", OutSignalName,
+ GlitchData.GlitchTime, GlitchData.SchedValue,
+ (dly + NOW), NewValue,
+ MsgSeverity=>MsgSeverity );
+ -- Force immediate glitch for "OnDetect" mode.
+ IF (Mode = OnDetect) THEN
+ GlitchData.GlitchTime := NOW;
+ -- If 'X' generation is requested, schedule the new value
+ -- preceeded by a glitch pulse.
+ -- Otherwise just schedule the new value (inertial mode).
+ OutSignal <= 'X' AFTER GlitchData.GlitchTime-NOW;
+ OutSignal <= TRANSPORT NewValue AFTER dly;
+ OutSignal <= NewValue AFTER dly;
+ -- If there no new glitch was detected, just schedule the new value.
+ OutSignal <= NewValue AFTER dly;
+ -- Record the new value and time just scheduled.
+ GlitchData.SchedValue := NewValue;
+ GlitchData.SchedTime := NOW+dly;
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalPathDelay (
+ SIGNAL OutSignal : OUT std_logic;
+ VARIABLE GlitchData : INOUT VitalGlitchDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutSignalName : IN string;
+ CONSTANT OutTemp : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT Paths : IN VitalPathArrayType;
+ CONSTANT DefaultDelay : IN VitalDelayType := VitalZeroDelay;
+ CONSTANT Mode : IN VitalGlitchKindType := OnEvent;
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE PropDelay : TIME;
+ -- Check if the new value to be scheduled is different than the
+ -- previously scheduled value
+ IF (GlitchData.SchedTime <= NOW) AND
+ (GlitchData.SchedValue = OutTemp)
+ -- Evaluate propagation delay paths
+ PropDelay := VitalSelectPathDelay (OutTemp, GlitchData.LastValue,
+ OutSignalName, Paths, DefaultDelay);
+ GlitchData.LastValue := OutTemp;
+ -- Schedule the output transactions - including glitch handling
+ VitalGlitch (OutSignal, GlitchData, OutSignalName, OutTemp,
+ PropDelay, Mode, XOn, MsgOn, MsgSeverity );
+ END VitalPathDelay;
+ PROCEDURE VitalPathDelay01 (
+ SIGNAL OutSignal : OUT std_logic;
+ VARIABLE GlitchData : INOUT VitalGlitchDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutSignalName : IN string;
+ CONSTANT OutTemp : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT Paths : IN VitalPathArray01Type;
+ CONSTANT DefaultDelay : IN VitalDelayType01 := VitalZeroDelay01;
+ CONSTANT Mode : IN VitalGlitchKindType := OnEvent;
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE PropDelay : TIME;
+ -- Check if the new value to be scheduled is different than the
+ -- previously scheduled value
+ IF (GlitchData.SchedTime <= NOW) AND
+ (GlitchData.SchedValue = OutTemp)
+ -- Evaluate propagation delay paths
+ PropDelay := VitalSelectPathDelay (OutTemp, GlitchData.LastValue,
+ OutSignalName, Paths, DefaultDelay);
+ GlitchData.LastValue := OutTemp;
+ -- Schedule the output transactions - including glitch handling
+ VitalGlitch (OutSignal, GlitchData, OutSignalName, OutTemp,
+ PropDelay, Mode, XOn, MsgOn, MsgSeverity );
+ END VitalPathDelay01;
+ PROCEDURE VitalPathDelay01Z (
+ SIGNAL OutSignal : OUT std_logic;
+ VARIABLE GlitchData : INOUT VitalGlitchDataType;
+ CONSTANT OutSignalName : IN string;
+ CONSTANT OutTemp : IN std_logic;
+ CONSTANT Paths : IN VitalPathArray01ZType;
+ CONSTANT DefaultDelay : IN VitalDelayType01Z := VitalZeroDelay01Z;
+ CONSTANT Mode : IN VitalGlitchKindType := OnEvent;
+ CONSTANT OutputMap : IN VitalOutputMapType
+ := VitalDefaultOutputMap
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE PropDelay : TIME;
+ -- Check if the new value to be scheduled is different than the
+ -- previously scheduled value
+ IF (GlitchData.SchedTime <= NOW) AND
+ (GlitchData.SchedValue = OutputMap(OutTemp) )
+ -- Evaluate propagation delay paths
+ PropDelay := VitalSelectPathDelay (OutTemp, GlitchData.LastValue,
+ OutSignalName, Paths, DefaultDelay);
+ GlitchData.LastValue := OutTemp;
+ -- Schedule the output transactions - including glitch handling
+ VitalGlitch (OutSignal, GlitchData, OutSignalName, OutputMap(OutTemp),
+ PropDelay, Mode, XOn, MsgOn, MsgSeverity );
+ END VitalPathDelay01Z;
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalWireDelay (
+ SIGNAL OutSig : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL InSig : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT twire : IN VitalDelayType
+ ) IS
+ OutSig <= TRANSPORT InSig AFTER twire;
+ END VitalWireDelay;
+ PROCEDURE VitalWireDelay (
+ SIGNAL OutSig : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL InSig : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT twire : IN VitalDelayType01
+ ) IS
+ Delay := VitalCalcDelay( InSig, InSig'LAST_VALUE, twire );
+ OutSig <= TRANSPORT InSig AFTER Delay;
+ END VitalWireDelay;
+ PROCEDURE VitalWireDelay (
+ SIGNAL OutSig : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL InSig : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT twire : IN VitalDelayType01Z
+ ) IS
+ Delay := VitalCalcDelay( InSig, InSig'LAST_VALUE, twire );
+ OutSig <= TRANSPORT InSig AFTER Delay;
+ END VitalWireDelay;
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalSignalDelay (
+ SIGNAL OutSig : OUT std_ulogic;
+ SIGNAL InSig : IN std_ulogic;
+ ) IS
+ OutSig <= TRANSPORT InSig AFTER dly;
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Setup and Hold Time Check Routine
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE ReportViolation (
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ CONSTANT CheckInfo : IN CheckInfoType;
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE Message : LINE;
+ IF NOT CheckInfo.Violation THEN RETURN; END IF;
+ Write ( Message, HeaderMsg );
+ Case CheckInfo.CheckKind IS
+ WHEN SetupCheck => Write ( Message, STRING'(" SETUP ") );
+ WHEN HoldCheck => Write ( Message, STRING'(" HOLD ") );
+ WHEN RecoveryCheck => Write ( Message, STRING'(" RECOVERY ") );
+ WHEN RemovalCheck => Write ( Message, STRING'(" REMOVAL ") );
+ WHEN PulseWidCheck => Write ( Message, STRING'(" PULSE WIDTH "));
+ WHEN PeriodCheck => Write ( Message, STRING'(" PERIOD ") );
+ Write ( Message, HiLoStr(CheckInfo.State) );
+ Write ( Message, STRING'(" VIOLATION ON ") );
+ Write ( Message, TestSignalName );
+ IF (RefSignalName'LENGTH > 0) THEN
+ Write ( Message, STRING'(" WITH RESPECT TO ") );
+ Write ( Message, RefSignalName );
+ Write ( Message, ';' & LF );
+ Write ( Message, STRING'(" Expected := ") );
+ Write ( Message, CheckInfo.ExpTime);
+ Write ( Message, STRING'("; Observed := ") );
+ Write ( Message, CheckInfo.ObsTime);
+ Write ( Message, STRING'("; At : ") );
+ Write ( Message, CheckInfo.DetTime);
+ DEALLOCATE (Message);
+ END ReportViolation;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Procedure : InternalTimingCheck
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE InternalTimingCheck (
+ CONSTANT TestSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT RefSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupHigh : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupLow : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HoldHigh : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HoldLow : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ VARIABLE CheckInfo : INOUT CheckInfoType;
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE bias, b2 : TIME;
+ -- Check SETUP constraint
+ IF RefEdge THEN
+ IF SetupEn THEN
+ CheckInfo.ObsTime := RefTime - TestTime;
+ CheckInfo.State := To_X01(TestSignal);
+ CASE CheckInfo.State IS
+ WHEN '0' => CheckInfo.ExpTime := SetupLow;
+ WHEN '1' => CheckInfo.ExpTime := SetupHigh;
+ WHEN 'X' => CheckInfo.ExpTime := Maximum(SetupHigh,SetupLow);
+ CheckInfo.Violation := CheckInfo.ObsTime < CheckInfo.ExpTime;
+ SetupEn := FALSE;
+ CheckInfo.Violation := FALSE;
+ -- Check HOLD constraint
+ ELSIF TestEvent THEN
+ IF HoldEn THEN
+ CheckInfo.ObsTime := TestTime - RefTime;
+ CheckInfo.State := To_X01(TestSignal);
+ CASE CheckInfo.State IS
+ WHEN '0' => CheckInfo.ExpTime := HoldHigh;
+ WHEN '1' => CheckInfo.ExpTime := HoldLow;
+ WHEN 'X' => CheckInfo.ExpTime := Maximum(HoldHigh,HoldLow);
+ CheckInfo.Violation := CheckInfo.ObsTime < CheckInfo.ExpTime;
+ HoldEn := NOT CheckInfo.Violation;
+ CheckInfo.Violation := FALSE;
+ CheckInfo.Violation := FALSE;
+ -- Adjust report values to account for internal model delays
+ -- Note: TestDelay, RefDelay, TestTime, RefTime and bias are non-negative
+ IF MsgOn AND CheckInfo.Violation THEN
+ bias := TestDelay - RefDelay;
+ IF TestTime - RefTime <= bias THEN
+ CheckInfo.CheckKind := SetupCheck;
+ b2 := TIME'HIGH - bias;
+ IF (CheckInfo.ObsTime <= b2)
+ THEN CheckInfo.ObsTime := CheckInfo.ObsTime + bias;
+ ELSE CheckInfo.ObsTime := Time'HIGH;
+ IF (CheckInfo.ExpTime <= b2)
+ THEN CheckInfo.ExpTime := CheckInfo.ExpTime + bias;
+ ELSE CheckInfo.ExpTime := Time'HIGH;
+ CheckInfo.DetTime := RefTime - RefDelay;
+ CheckInfo.CheckKind := HoldCheck;
+ CheckInfo.ObsTime := CheckInfo.ObsTime - bias;
+ IF (CheckInfo.ExpTime >= 0 ns) THEN
+ CheckInfo.ExpTime := CheckInfo.ExpTime - bias;
+ CheckInfo.DetTime := TestTime - TestDelay;
+ END InternalTimingCheck;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FUNCTION VitalTimingDataInit
+ RETURN VitalTimingDataType IS
+ END;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Procedure : VitalSetupHoldCheck
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalSetupHoldCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01;
+ VARIABLE TimingData : INOUT VitalTimingDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName: IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ SIGNAL RefSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupHigh : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupLow : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HoldHigh : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HoldLow : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT RefTransition : IN VitalEdgeSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE CheckInfo : CheckInfoType;
+ VARIABLE RefEdge, TestEvent : BOOLEAN;
+ VARIABLE TestDly : TIME := Maximum(0 ns, TestDelay);
+ VARIABLE RefDly : TIME := Maximum(0 ns, RefDelay);
+ IF (TimingData.NotFirstFlag = FALSE) THEN
+ TimingData.TestLast := To_X01(TestSignal);
+ TimingData.RefLast := To_X01(RefSignal);
+ TimingData.NotFirstFlag := TRUE;
+ -- Detect reference edges and record the time of the last edge
+ RefEdge := EdgeSymbolMatch(TimingData.RefLast, To_X01(RefSignal),
+ RefTransition);
+ TimingData.RefLast := To_X01(RefSignal);
+ IF RefEdge THEN
+ TimingData.RefTime := NOW;
+ TimingData.HoldEn := TRUE;
+ -- Detect test (data) changes and record the time of the last change
+ TestEvent := TimingData.TestLast /= To_X01Z(TestSignal);
+ TimingData.TestLast := To_X01Z(TestSignal);
+ IF TestEvent THEN
+ TimingData.TestTime := NOW;
+ TimingData.SetupEn := TRUE;
+ -- Perform timing checks (if enabled)
+ Violation := '0';
+ IF (CheckEnabled) THEN
+ InternalTimingCheck (
+ TestSignal => TestSignal,
+ RefSignal => RefSignal,
+ TestDelay => TestDly,
+ RefDelay => RefDly,
+ SetupHigh => SetupHigh,
+ SetupLow => SetupLow,
+ HoldHigh => HoldHigh,
+ HoldLow => HoldLow,
+ RefTime => TimingData.RefTime,
+ RefEdge => RefEdge,
+ TestTime => TimingData.TestTime,
+ TestEvent => TestEvent,
+ SetupEn => TimingData.SetupEn,
+ HoldEn => TimingData.HoldEn,
+ CheckInfo => CheckInfo,
+ MsgOn => MsgOn );
+ -- Report any detected violations and set return violation flag
+ IF CheckInfo.Violation THEN
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ ReportViolation (TestSignalName, RefSignalName,
+ HeaderMsg, CheckInfo, MsgSeverity );
+ IF (XOn) THEN Violation := 'X'; END IF;
+ END VitalSetupHoldCheck;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalSetupHoldCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01;
+ VARIABLE TimingData : INOUT VitalTimingDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_logic_vector;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName: IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ SIGNAL RefSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupHigh : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT SetupLow : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HoldHigh : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HoldLow : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT RefTransition : IN VitalEdgeSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE CheckInfo : CheckInfoType;
+ VARIABLE TestEvent : VitalBoolArrayT(TestSignal'RANGE);
+ VARIABLE TestDly : TIME := Maximum(0 ns, TestDelay);
+ VARIABLE RefDly : TIME := Maximum(0 ns, RefDelay);
+ VARIABLE ChangedAllAtOnce : BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+ -- Initialization of working area.
+ IF (TimingData.NotFirstFlag = FALSE) THEN
+ TimingData.TestLastA := NEW std_logic_vector(TestSignal'RANGE);
+ TimingData.TestTimeA := NEW VitalTimeArrayT(TestSignal'RANGE);
+ TimingData.HoldEnA := NEW VitalBoolArrayT(TestSignal'RANGE);
+ TimingData.SetupEnA := NEW VitalBoolArrayT(TestSignal'RANGE);
+ FOR i IN TestSignal'RANGE LOOP
+ TimingData.TestLastA(i) := To_X01(TestSignal(i));
+ TimingData.RefLast := To_X01(RefSignal);
+ TimingData.NotFirstFlag := TRUE;
+ -- Detect reference edges and record the time of the last edge
+ RefEdge := EdgeSymbolMatch(TimingData.RefLast, To_X01(RefSignal),
+ RefTransition);
+ TimingData.RefLast := To_X01(RefSignal);
+ IF RefEdge THEN
+ TimingData.RefTime := NOW;
+ TimingData.HoldEnA.all := (TestSignal'RANGE=>TRUE);
+ -- Detect test (data) changes and record the time of the last change
+ FOR i IN TestSignal'RANGE LOOP
+ TestEvent(i) := TimingData.TestLastA(i) /= To_X01Z(TestSignal(i));
+ TimingData.TestLastA(i) := To_X01Z(TestSignal(i));
+ IF TestEvent(i) THEN
+ TimingData.TestTimeA(i) := NOW;
+ TimingData.SetupEnA(i) := TRUE;
+ TimingData.TestTime := NOW;
+ -- Check to see if the Bus subelements changed all at the same time.
+ -- If so, then we can reduce the volume of error messages since we no
+ -- longer have to report every subelement individually
+ FOR i IN TestSignal'RANGE LOOP
+ IF TimingData.TestTimeA(i) /= TimingData.TestTime THEN
+ ChangedAllAtOnce := FALSE;
+ -- Perform timing checks (if enabled)
+ Violation := '0';
+ IF (CheckEnabled) THEN
+ FOR i IN TestSignal'RANGE LOOP
+ InternalTimingCheck (
+ TestSignal => TestSignal(i),
+ RefSignal => RefSignal,
+ TestDelay => TestDly,
+ RefDelay => RefDly,
+ SetupHigh => SetupHigh,
+ SetupLow => SetupLow,
+ HoldHigh => HoldHigh,
+ HoldLow => HoldLow,
+ RefTime => TimingData.RefTime,
+ RefEdge => RefEdge,
+ TestTime => TimingData.TestTimeA(i),
+ TestEvent => TestEvent(i),
+ SetupEn => TimingData.SetupEnA(i),
+ HoldEn => TimingData.HoldEnA(i),
+ CheckInfo => CheckInfo,
+ MsgOn => MsgOn );
+ -- Report any detected violations and set return violation flag
+ IF CheckInfo.Violation THEN
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ IF ( ChangedAllAtOnce AND (i = TestSignal'LEFT) ) THEN
+ ReportViolation (TestSignalName&"(...)", RefSignalName,
+ HeaderMsg, CheckInfo, MsgSeverity );
+ ELSIF (NOT ChangedAllAtOnce) THEN
+ Write (StrPtr1, i);
+ ReportViolation (TestSignalName & "(" & StrPtr1.ALL & ")",
+ RefSignalName,
+ HeaderMsg, CheckInfo, MsgSeverity );
+ Violation := 'X';
+ END VitalSetupHoldCheck;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Function : VitalRecoveryRemovalCheck
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalRecoveryRemovalCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01;
+ VARIABLE TimingData : INOUT VitalTimingDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName: IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ SIGNAL RefSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT RefSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT RefDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT Recovery : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT Removal : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT RefTransition : IN VitalEdgeSymbolType;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE CheckInfo : CheckInfoType;
+ VARIABLE RefEdge, TestEvent : BOOLEAN;
+ VARIABLE TestDly : TIME := Maximum(0 ns, TestDelay);
+ VARIABLE RefDly : TIME := Maximum(0 ns, RefDelay);
+ IF (TimingData.NotFirstFlag = FALSE) THEN
+ TimingData.TestLast := To_X01(TestSignal);
+ TimingData.RefLast := To_X01(RefSignal);
+ TimingData.NotFirstFlag := TRUE;
+ -- Detect reference edges and record the time of the last edge
+ RefEdge := EdgeSymbolMatch(TimingData.RefLast, To_X01(RefSignal),
+ RefTransition);
+ TimingData.RefLast := To_X01(RefSignal);
+ IF RefEdge THEN
+ TimingData.RefTime := NOW;
+ TimingData.HoldEn := TRUE;
+ -- Detect test (data) changes and record the time of the last change
+ TestEvent := TimingData.TestLast /= To_X01Z(TestSignal);
+ TimingData.TestLast := To_X01Z(TestSignal);
+ IF TestEvent THEN
+ TimingData.TestTime := NOW;
+ TimingData.SetupEn := TRUE;
+ -- Perform timing checks (if enabled)
+ Violation := '0';
+ IF (CheckEnabled) THEN
+ IF ActiveLow THEN
+ InternalTimingCheck (
+ TestSignal, RefSignal, TestDly, RefDly,
+ Recovery, 0 ns, 0 ns, Removal,
+ TimingData.RefTime, RefEdge,
+ TimingData.TestTime, TestEvent,
+ TimingData.SetupEn, TimingData.HoldEn,
+ CheckInfo, MsgOn );
+ InternalTimingCheck (
+ TestSignal, RefSignal, TestDly, RefDly,
+ 0 ns, Recovery, Removal, 0 ns,
+ TimingData.RefTime, RefEdge,
+ TimingData.TestTime, TestEvent,
+ TimingData.SetupEn, TimingData.HoldEn,
+ CheckInfo, MsgOn );
+ -- Report any detected violations and set return violation flag
+ IF CheckInfo.Violation THEN
+ IF CheckInfo.CheckKind = SetupCheck THEN
+ CheckInfo.CheckKind := RecoveryCheck;
+ CheckInfo.CheckKind := RemovalCheck;
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ ReportViolation (TestSignalName, RefSignalName,
+ HeaderMsg, CheckInfo, MsgSeverity );
+ IF (XOn) THEN Violation := 'X'; END IF;
+ END VitalRecoveryRemovalCheck;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PROCEDURE VitalPeriodPulseCheck (
+ VARIABLE Violation : OUT X01;
+ VARIABLE PeriodData : INOUT VitalPeriodDataType;
+ SIGNAL TestSignal : IN std_ulogic;
+ CONSTANT TestSignalName : IN STRING := "";
+ CONSTANT TestDelay : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT Period : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT PulseWidthHigh : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT PulseWidthLow : IN TIME := 0 ns;
+ CONSTANT HeaderMsg : IN STRING := " ";
+ ) IS
+ VARIABLE TestDly : TIME := Maximum(0 ns, TestDelay);
+ VARIABLE CheckInfo : CheckInfoType;
+ VARIABLE PeriodObs : TIME;
+ VARIABLE PulseTest, PeriodTest : BOOLEAN;
+ VARIABLE TestValue : X01 := To_X01(TestSignal);
+ IF (PeriodData.NotFirstFlag = FALSE) THEN
+ PeriodData.Rise :=
+ -maximum(Period, maximum(PulseWidthHigh, PulseWidthLow));
+ PeriodData.Fall :=
+ -maximum(Period, maximum(PulseWidthHigh, PulseWidthLow));
+ PeriodData.Last := To_X01(TestSignal);
+ PeriodData.NotFirstFlag := TRUE;
+ -- Initialize for no violation
+ -- No violation possible if no test signal change
+ Violation := '0';
+ IF (PeriodData.Last = TestValue) THEN
+ -- record starting pulse times
+ IF EdgeSymbolMatch(PeriodData.Last, TestValue, 'P') THEN
+ -- Compute period times, then record the High Rise Time
+ PeriodObs := NOW - PeriodData.Rise;
+ PeriodData.Rise := NOW;
+ PeriodTest := TRUE;
+ ELSIF EdgeSymbolMatch(PeriodData.Last, TestValue, 'N') THEN
+ -- Compute period times, then record the Low Fall Time
+ PeriodObs := NOW - PeriodData.Fall;
+ PeriodData.Fall := NOW;
+ PeriodTest := TRUE;
+ PeriodTest := FALSE;
+ -- do checks on pulse ends
+ IF EdgeSymbolMatch(PeriodData.Last, TestValue, 'p') THEN
+ -- Compute pulse times
+ CheckInfo.ObsTime := NOW - PeriodData.Fall;
+ CheckInfo.ExpTime := PulseWidthLow;
+ PulseTest := TRUE;
+ ELSIF EdgeSymbolMatch(PeriodData.Last, TestValue, 'n') THEN
+ -- Compute pulse times
+ CheckInfo.ObsTime := NOW - PeriodData.Rise;
+ CheckInfo.ExpTime := PulseWidthHigh;
+ PulseTest := TRUE;
+ PulseTest := FALSE;
+ IF PulseTest AND CheckEnabled THEN
+ -- Verify Pulse Width [ignore 1st edge]
+ IF ( CheckInfo.ObsTime < CheckInfo.ExpTime ) THEN
+ IF (XOn) THEN Violation := 'X'; END IF;
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ CheckInfo.Violation := TRUE;
+ CheckInfo.CheckKind := PulseWidCheck;
+ CheckInfo.DetTime := NOW - TestDly;
+ CheckInfo.State := PeriodData.Last;
+ ReportViolation (TestSignalName, "",
+ HeaderMsg, CheckInfo, MsgSeverity );
+ END IF; -- MsgOn
+ IF PeriodTest AND CheckEnabled THEN
+ -- Verify the Period [ignore 1st edge]
+ CheckInfo.ObsTime := PeriodObs;
+ CheckInfo.ExpTime := Period;
+ IF ( CheckInfo.ObsTime < CheckInfo.ExpTime ) THEN
+ IF (XOn) THEN Violation := 'X'; END IF;
+ IF (MsgOn) THEN
+ CheckInfo.Violation := TRUE;
+ CheckInfo.CheckKind := PeriodCheck;
+ CheckInfo.DetTime := NOW - TestDly;
+ CheckInfo.State := TestValue;
+ ReportViolation (TestSignalName, "",
+ HeaderMsg, CheckInfo, MsgSeverity );
+ END IF; -- MsgOn
+ PeriodData.Last := TestValue;
+ END VitalPeriodPulseCheck;
+END VITAL_Timing;
diff --git a/lists.adb b/lists.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dffbdc87e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lists.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+-- Lists data type.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with System;
+with GNAT.Table;
+package body Lists is
+ type Node_Array_Fat is array (Natural) of Node_Type;
+ type Node_Array_Fat_Acc is access Node_Array_Fat;
+ type List_Record is record
+ Max : Natural;
+ Nbr : Natural;
+ Next : List_Type;
+ Els : Node_Array_Fat_Acc;
+ end record;
+ package Listt is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Component_Type => List_Record,
+ Table_Index_Type => List_Type,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 4,
+ Table_Initial => 128,
+ Table_Increment => 100);
+ function Get_Max_Nbr_Elements (List : List_Type) return Natural;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Max_Nbr_Elements);
+ procedure Set_Max_Nbr_Elements (List : List_Type; Max : Natural);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Max_Nbr_Elements);
+ procedure List_Set_Nbr_Elements (List : List_Type; Nbr : Natural);
+ pragma Inline (List_Set_Nbr_Elements);
+ function Get_Nbr_Elements (List: List_Type) return Natural is
+ begin
+ return Listt.Table (List).Nbr;
+ end Get_Nbr_Elements;
+ procedure List_Set_Nbr_Elements (List : List_Type; Nbr : Natural) is
+ begin
+ Listt.Table (List).Nbr := Nbr;
+ end List_Set_Nbr_Elements;
+ function Get_Max_Nbr_Elements (List : List_Type) return Natural is
+ begin
+ return Listt.Table (List).Max;
+ end Get_Max_Nbr_Elements;
+ procedure Set_Max_Nbr_Elements (List : List_Type; Max : Natural) is
+ begin
+ Listt.Table (List).Max := Max;
+ end Set_Max_Nbr_Elements;
+ function Get_Nth_Element (List: List_Type; N: Natural)
+ return Node_Type
+ is
+ begin
+ if N >= Listt.Table (List).Nbr then
+ return Null_Node;
+ end if;
+ return Listt.Table (List).Els (N);
+ end Get_Nth_Element;
+ -- Replace an element selected by position.
+ procedure Replace_Nth_Element (List: List_Type; N: Natural; El: Node_Type)
+ is
+ begin
+ if N >= Listt.Table (List).Nbr then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ Listt.Table (List).Els (N) := El;
+ end Replace_Nth_Element;
+ -- Be sure an element can be added to LIST.
+ -- It doesn't change the number of elements.
+ procedure List_Grow (List: List_Type)
+ is
+ L : List_Record renames Listt.Table (List);
+ -- Be careful: size in bytes.
+ function Alloc (Size : Natural) return Node_Array_Fat_Acc;
+ pragma Import (C, Alloc, "malloc");
+ function Realloc (Ptr : Node_Array_Fat_Acc; Size : Natural)
+ return Node_Array_Fat_Acc;
+ pragma Import (C, Realloc, "realloc");
+ Tmp : Node_Array_Fat_Acc;
+ N : Natural;
+ begin
+ if L.Nbr < L.Max then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if L.Max = 0 then
+ N := 8;
+ Tmp := Alloc (N * Node_Type'Size / System.Storage_Unit);
+ else
+ N := L.Max * 2;
+ Tmp := Realloc (L.Els, N * Node_Type'Size / System.Storage_Unit);
+ end if;
+ L.Els := Tmp;
+ L.Max := N;
+ end List_Grow;
+ procedure Append_Element (List: List_Type; Element: Node_Type)
+ is
+ L : List_Record renames Listt.Table (List);
+ begin
+ if L.Nbr >= L.Max then
+ List_Grow (List);
+ end if;
+ L.Els (L.Nbr) := Element;
+ L.Nbr := L.Nbr + 1;
+ end Append_Element;
+ -- Return the last element of the list, or null.
+ function Get_Last_Element (List: List_Type) return Node_Type
+ is
+ L : List_Record renames Listt.Table (List);
+ begin
+ if L.Nbr = 0 then
+ return Null_Node;
+ else
+ return L.Els (L.Nbr - 1);
+ end if;
+ end Get_Last_Element;
+ -- Return the first element of the list, or null.
+ function Get_First_Element (List: List_Type) return Node_Type is
+ begin
+ if Listt.Table (List).Nbr = 0 then
+ return Null_Node;
+ else
+ return Listt.Table (List).Els (0);
+ end if;
+ end Get_First_Element;
+ -- Add (append) an element only if it was not already present in the list.
+ procedure Add_Element (List: List_Type; El: Node_Type)
+ is
+ Nbr : Natural := Get_Nbr_Elements (List);
+ begin
+ for I in 0 .. Nbr - 1 loop
+ if Listt.Table (List).Els (I) = El then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Append_Element (List, El);
+ end Add_Element;
+ procedure Remove_Nth_Element (List: List_Type; N: Natural)
+ is
+ Nbr : Natural := Get_Nbr_Elements (List);
+ begin
+ if N >= Nbr then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ for I in N .. Nbr - 2 loop
+ Listt.Table (List).Els (I) := Listt.Table (List).Els (I + 1);
+ end loop;
+ Listt.Table (List).Nbr := Nbr - 1;
+ end Remove_Nth_Element;
+ procedure Set_Nbr_Elements (List: List_Type; N: Natural) is
+ begin
+ if N > Get_Nbr_Elements (List) then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ List_Set_Nbr_Elements (List, N);
+ end Set_Nbr_Elements;
+ -- Return the position of the last element.
+ -- Return -1 if the list is empty.
+ function Get_Last_Element_Position (List: List_Type) return Integer is
+ begin
+ return Get_Nbr_Elements (List) - 1;
+ end Get_Last_Element_Position;
+ function Get_Nbr_Elements_Safe (List: List_Type) return Natural is
+ begin
+ if List = Null_List then
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return Get_Nbr_Elements (List);
+ end if;
+ end Get_Nbr_Elements_Safe;
+ -- Empty the list
+ procedure Empty_List (List: List_Type) is
+ begin
+ Set_Nbr_Elements (List, 0);
+ end Empty_List;
+ -- Chain of unused lists.
+ Free_Chain : List_Type := Null_List;
+ function Create_List return List_Type
+ is
+ Res : List_Type;
+ begin
+ if Free_Chain = Null_List then
+ Listt.Increment_Last;
+ Res := Listt.Last;
+ else
+ Res := Free_Chain;
+ Free_Chain := Listt.Table (Res).Next;
+ end if;
+ Listt.Table (Res) := List_Record'(Max => 0, Nbr => 0,
+ Next => Null_List, Els => null);
+ return Res;
+ end Create_List;
+ procedure Free (Ptr : Node_Array_Fat_Acc);
+ pragma Import (C, Free, "free");
+ procedure Destroy_List (List : in out List_Type)
+ is
+ begin
+ if List = Null_List then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Listt.Table (List).Max > 0 then
+ Free (Listt.Table (List).Els);
+ Listt.Table (List).Els := null;
+ end if;
+ Listt.Table (List).Next := Free_Chain;
+ Free_Chain := List;
+ List := Null_List;
+ end Destroy_List;
+ procedure Initialize is
+ begin
+ for I in Listt.First .. Listt.Last loop
+ if Listt.Table (I).Els /= null then
+ Free (Listt.Table (I).Els);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Listt.Free;
+ Listt.Init;
+ end Initialize;
+end Lists;
diff --git a/lists.ads b/lists.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf3a89e49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lists.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+-- Lists data type.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Types; use Types;
+with Nodes; use Nodes;
+package Lists is
+ type List_Type is new Nat32;
+ for List_Type'Size use 32;
+ Null_List : constant List_Type := 0;
+ List_Others : constant List_Type := 1;
+ List_All : constant List_Type := 2;
+ -----------
+ -- Lists --
+ -----------
+ -- Iir_Kinds_List
+ -- Lists of elements.
+ -- index is 0 .. nbr_elements - 1.
+ --
+ -- Append an element to (the end of) the list.
+ -- procedure Append_Element (List: in Iir; Element: Iir);
+ --
+ -- Get the N th element in list, starting from 0.
+ -- Return an access to the element or null_iir, if beyond bounds.
+ -- function Get_Nth_Element (List: in Iir; N: Natural) return Iir;
+ --
+ -- Return the last element of the list, or null_iir.
+ -- function Get_Last_Element (List: in Iir) return Iir;
+ --
+ -- Return the first element of the list, or null_iir.
+ -- function Get_First_Element (List: in Iir) return Iir;
+ --
+ -- Replace an element selected by position.
+ -- procedure Replace_Nth_Element (List: in Iir_List; N: Natural; El:Iir);
+ --
+ -- Add (append) an element only if it was not already present in the list.
+ -- Return its position.
+ -- procedure Add_Element (List: in Iir; El: Iir; Position: out integer);
+ -- procedure Add_Element (List: in Iir_List; El: Iir);
+ --
+ -- Return the number of elements in the list.
+ -- This is also 1 + the position of the last element.
+ -- function Get_Nbr_Elements (List: in Iir_List) return Natural;
+ --
+ -- Set the number of elements in the list.
+ -- Can be used only to shrink the list.
+ -- procedure Set_Nbr_Elements (List: in Iir_List; N: Natural);
+ --
+ -- Remove an element from the list.
+ -- procedure remove_Nth_Element (List: in Iir_List; N: Natural);
+ --
+ -- Return the position of the last element.
+ -- Return -1 if the list is empty.
+ -- function Get_Last_Element_Position (List: in Iir_List) return Integer;
+ --
+ -- Empty the list.
+ -- This is also set_nbr_elements (list, 0);
+ -- procedure Empty_List (List: in Iir_List);
+ --
+ -- Alias a list. TARGET must be empty.
+ -- procedure Alias_List (Target: in out Iir; Source: in Iir);
+ procedure Append_Element (List: List_Type; Element: Node_Type);
+ -- Get the N th element in list, starting from 0.
+ -- Return the element or null_iir, if beyond bounds.
+ function Get_Nth_Element (List: List_Type; N: Natural) return Node_Type;
+ function Get_Last_Element (List: List_Type) return Node_Type;
+ function Get_First_Element (List: List_Type) return Node_Type;
+ procedure Replace_Nth_Element (List: List_Type; N: Natural; El: Node_Type);
+ procedure Add_Element (List: List_Type; El: Node_Type);
+ -- Return the number of elements in the list.
+ -- This is also 1 + the position of the last element.
+ function Get_Nbr_Elements (List: List_Type) return Natural;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Nbr_Elements);
+ -- Same as get_nbr_elements but returns 0 if LIST is NULL_IIR.
+ function Get_Nbr_Elements_Safe (List : List_Type) return Natural;
+ -- Set the number of elements in the list.
+ -- Can be used only to shrink the list.
+ procedure Set_Nbr_Elements (List: List_Type; N: Natural);
+ procedure Remove_Nth_Element (List : List_Type; N: Natural);
+ function Get_Last_Element_Position (List: List_Type) return Integer;
+ -- Clear the list.
+ procedure Empty_List (List: List_Type);
+ -- Create a list.
+ function Create_List return List_Type;
+ -- Destroy a list.
+ procedure Destroy_List (List : in out List_Type);
+ -- Free all the lists and reset to initial state.
+ -- Must be used to free the memory used by the lists.
+ procedure Initialize;
+end Lists;
diff --git a/name_table.adb b/name_table.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd1f78f2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/name_table.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+-- Name table.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
+with GNAT.Table;
+package body Name_Table is
+ -- A flag that creates verbosity.
+ Debug_Name_Table: constant Boolean := False;
+ First_Character_Name_Id : constant Name_Id := 1;
+ type Hash_Value_Type is mod 2**32;
+ -- An entry in the name table.
+ type Identifier is record
+ Hash: Hash_Value_Type;
+ Next: Name_Id;
+ -- FIXME: to be removed (compute from name of next identifier).
+ Length: Natural;
+ -- Index in strings_table.
+ Name: Natural;
+ -- User infos.
+ Info: Int32;
+ end record;
+ -- Hash table.
+ -- Number of entry points.
+ Hash_Table_Size: constant Hash_Value_Type := 1024;
+ Hash_Table: array (0 .. Hash_Table_Size - 1) of Name_Id;
+ -- The table to store all the strings.
+ package Strings_Table is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Index_Type => Natural,
+ Table_Component_Type => Character,
+ Table_Low_Bound => Natural'First,
+ Table_Initial => 4096,
+ Table_Increment => 100);
+ -- A NUL character is stored after each word in the strings_table.
+ -- This is used for compatibility with C.
+ NUL: constant Character := Character'Val (0);
+ -- Allocate place in the strings_table, and store the name_buffer into it.
+ -- Also append a NUL.
+ function Store return Natural is
+ Res: Natural;
+ begin
+ Res := Strings_Table.Allocate (Name_Length + 1);
+ Strings_Table.Table (Res .. Res + Name_Length - 1) :=
+ Strings_Table.Table_Type (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length));
+ Strings_Table.Table (Res + Name_Length) := NUL;
+ return Res;
+ end Store;
+ package Names_Table is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Index_Type => Name_Id,
+ Table_Component_Type => Identifier,
+ Table_Low_Bound => Name_Id'First,
+ Table_Initial => 1024,
+ Table_Increment => 100);
+ -- Initialize this package
+ -- This must be called once and only once before any use.
+ procedure Initialize is
+ Pos: Natural;
+ Id: Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Strings_Table.Init;
+ Names_Table.Init;
+ -- Reserve entry 0.
+ if Names_Table.Allocate /= Null_Identifier then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ Names_Table.Table (Null_Identifier) := (Length => 0,
+ Hash => 0,
+ Name => 0,
+ Next => Null_Identifier,
+ Info => 0);
+ -- Store characters.
+ for C in Character loop
+ Pos := Strings_Table.Allocate;
+ Strings_Table.Table (Pos) := C;
+ Id := Names_Table.Allocate;
+ Names_Table.Table (Id) := (Length => 1,
+ Hash => 0,
+ Name => Pos,
+ Next => Null_Identifier,
+ Info => 0);
+ end loop;
+ Hash_Table := (others => Null_Identifier);
+ end Initialize;
+ -- Compute the hash value of a string.
+ function Hash return Hash_Value_Type is
+ Res: Hash_Value_Type := 0;
+ begin
+ for I in 1 .. Name_Length loop
+ Res := Res * 7 + Character'Pos(Name_Buffer(I));
+ Res := Res + Res / 2**28;
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end Hash;
+ -- Get the string associed to an identifier.
+ function Image (Id: Name_Id) return String is
+ Name_Entry: Identifier renames Names_Table.Table(Id);
+ subtype Result_Type is String (1 .. Name_Entry.Length);
+ begin
+ if Is_Character (Id) then
+ return ''' & Strings_Table.Table (Name_Entry.Name) & ''';
+ else
+ return Result_Type
+ (Strings_Table.Table
+ (Name_Entry.Name .. Name_Entry.Name + Name_Entry.Length - 1));
+ end if;
+ end Image;
+ procedure Image (Id : Name_Id)
+ is
+ Name_Entry: Identifier renames Names_Table.Table(Id);
+ begin
+ if Is_Character (Id) then
+ Name_Buffer (1) := Get_Character (Id);
+ Name_Length := 1;
+ else
+ Name_Length := Name_Entry.Length;
+ Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Entry.Length) := String
+ (Strings_Table.Table
+ (Name_Entry.Name .. Name_Entry.Name + Name_Entry.Length - 1));
+ end if;
+ end Image;
+ -- Get the address of the first character of ID.
+ -- The string is NUL-terminated (this is done by get_identifier).
+ function Get_Address (Id: Name_Id) return System.Address is
+ Name_Entry: Identifier renames Names_Table.Table(Id);
+ begin
+ return Strings_Table.Table (Name_Entry.Name)'Address;
+ end Get_Address;
+ function Get_Name_Length (Id: Name_Id) return Natural is
+ begin
+ return Names_Table.Table(Id).Length;
+ end Get_Name_Length;
+ function Is_Character (Id: Name_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Id >= First_Character_Name_Id and then
+ Id <= First_Character_Name_Id + Character'Pos (Character'Last);
+ end Is_Character;
+ -- Get the character associed to an identifier.
+ function Get_Character (Id: Name_Id) return Character is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (Is_Character (Id));
+ return Character'Val (Id - First_Character_Name_Id);
+ end Get_Character;
+ -- Get and set the info field associated with each identifier.
+ -- Used to store interpretations of the name.
+ function Get_Info (Id: Name_Id) return Int32 is
+ begin
+ return Names_Table.Table (Id).Info;
+ end Get_Info;
+ procedure Set_Info (Id: Name_Id; Info: Int32) is
+ begin
+ Names_Table.Table (Id).Info := Info;
+ end Set_Info;
+ function Compare_Name_Buffer_With_Name (Id : Name_Id) return Boolean
+ is
+ Ne: Identifier renames Names_Table.Table(Id);
+ begin
+ return String (Strings_Table.Table (Ne.Name .. Ne.Name + Ne.Length - 1))
+ = Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length);
+ end Compare_Name_Buffer_With_Name;
+ -- Get or create an entry in the name table.
+ -- The string is taken from NAME_BUFFER and NAME_LENGTH.
+ function Get_Identifier return Name_Id
+ is
+ Hash_Value, Hash_Index: Hash_Value_Type;
+ Res: Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Hash_Value := Hash;
+ Hash_Index := Hash_Value mod Hash_Table_Size;
+ if Debug_Name_Table then
+ Put_Line ("get_identifier " & Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length));
+ end if;
+ Res := Hash_Table (Hash_Index);
+ while Res /= Null_Identifier loop
+ --Put_Line ("compare with " & Get_String (Res));
+ if Names_Table.Table (Res).Hash = Hash_Value
+ and then Names_Table.Table (Res).Length = Name_Length
+ and then Compare_Name_Buffer_With_Name (Res)
+ then
+ --Put_Line ("found");
+ return Res;
+ end if;
+ Res := Names_Table.Table (Res).Next;
+ end loop;
+ Res := Names_Table.Allocate;
+ Names_Table.Table (Res) := (Length => Name_Length,
+ Hash => Hash_Value,
+ Name => Store,
+ Next => Hash_Table (Hash_Index),
+ Info => 0);
+ Hash_Table (Hash_Index) := Res;
+ --Put_Line ("created");
+ return Res;
+ end Get_Identifier;
+ function Get_Identifier_No_Create return Name_Id
+ is
+ Hash_Value, Hash_Index: Hash_Value_Type;
+ Res: Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Hash_Value := Hash;
+ Hash_Index := Hash_Value mod Hash_Table_Size;
+ Res := Hash_Table (Hash_Index);
+ while Res /= Null_Identifier loop
+ if Names_Table.Table (Res).Hash = Hash_Value
+ and then Names_Table.Table (Res).Length = Name_Length
+ and then Compare_Name_Buffer_With_Name (Res)
+ then
+ return Res;
+ end if;
+ Res := Names_Table.Table (Res).Next;
+ end loop;
+ return Null_Identifier;
+ end Get_Identifier_No_Create;
+ -- Get or create an entry in the name table.
+ function Get_Identifier (Str: String) return Name_Id is
+ begin
+ Name_Length := Str'Length;
+ Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length) := Str;
+ return Get_Identifier;
+ end Get_Identifier;
+ function Get_Identifier (Char: Character) return Name_Id is
+ begin
+ return First_Character_Name_Id + Character'Pos (Char);
+ end Get_Identifier;
+ -- Be sure all info fields have their default value.
+ procedure Assert_No_Infos is
+ Err: Boolean := False;
+ begin
+ for I in Names_Table.First .. Names_Table.Last loop
+ if Get_Info (I) /= 0 then
+ Err := True;
+ Put_Line ("still infos in" & Name_Id'Image (I) & ", ie: "
+ & Image (I) & ", info ="
+ & Int32'Image (Names_Table.Table (I).Info));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Err then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ end Assert_No_Infos;
+ -- Return the latest name_id used.
+ -- kludge, use only for debugging.
+ function Last_Name_Id return Name_Id is
+ begin
+ return Names_Table.Last;
+ end Last_Name_Id;
+ -- Used to debug.
+ -- Disp the strings table, one word per line.
+ procedure Dump;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Dump);
+ procedure Dump
+ is
+ First: Natural;
+ begin
+ Put_Line ("strings_table:");
+ First := 0;
+ for I in 0 .. Strings_Table.Last loop
+ if Strings_Table.Table(I) = NUL then
+ Put_Line (Natural'Image (First) & ": "
+ & String (Strings_Table.Table (First .. I - 1)));
+ First := I + 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Dump;
+ function Get_Hash_Entry_Length (H : Hash_Value_Type) return Natural
+ is
+ Res : Natural := 0;
+ N : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ N := Hash_Table (H);
+ while N /= Null_Identifier loop
+ Res := Res + 1;
+ N := Names_Table.Table (N).Next;
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end Get_Hash_Entry_Length;
+ procedure Disp_Stats
+ is
+ Min : Natural;
+ Max : Natural;
+ N : Natural;
+ begin
+ Put_Line ("Name table statistics:");
+ Put_Line (" number of identifiers: " & Name_Id'Image (Last_Name_Id));
+ Put_Line (" size of strings: " & Natural'Image (Strings_Table.Last));
+ Put_Line (" hash distribution (number of entries per length):");
+ Min := Natural'Last;
+ Max := Natural'First;
+ for I in Hash_Table'Range loop
+ N := Get_Hash_Entry_Length (I);
+ Min := Natural'Min (Min, N);
+ Max := Natural'Max (Max, N);
+ end loop;
+ declare
+ type Nat_Array is array (Min .. Max) of Natural;
+ S : Nat_Array := (others => 0);
+ begin
+ for I in Hash_Table'Range loop
+ N := Get_Hash_Entry_Length (I);
+ S (N) := S (N) + 1;
+ end loop;
+ for I in S'Range loop
+ if S (I) /= 0 then
+ Put_Line (" " & Natural'Image (I)
+ & ":" & Natural'Image (S (I)));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end Disp_Stats;
+end Name_Table;
diff --git a/name_table.ads b/name_table.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5659a89a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/name_table.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+-- Name table.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with System;
+with Types; use Types;
+-- A very simple name table.
+-- This is an hash table, such as id1=id2 <=> get_string(id1)=get_string(id2).
+package Name_Table is
+ -- Initialize the package, ie create tables.
+ procedure Initialize;
+ -- Get an entry in the name table.
+ -- (entries for characters are already built).
+ function Get_Identifier (Char: Character) return Name_Id;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Identifier);
+ -- Get or create an entry in the name table.
+ -- If an entry is created, its token value is tok_identifier.
+ -- Note:
+ -- an identifier is represented in all lower case letter,
+ -- an extended identifier is represented in backslashes, double internal
+ -- backslashes are simplified,
+ -- a string is represented by its contents (without the quotation
+ -- characters, and simplified),
+ -- a bit string is represented by its raw contents (no simplification).
+ function Get_Identifier (Str: String) return Name_Id;
+ -- Get the string associed to a name.
+ -- If the name is a character, then single quote are added.
+ function Image (Id: Name_Id) return String;
+ -- Get the address of the first character of ID.
+ -- The string is NUL-terminated (this is done by get_identifier).
+ function Get_Address (Id: Name_Id) return System.Address;
+ -- Get the length of ID.
+ function Get_Name_Length (Id: Name_Id) return Natural;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Name_Length);
+ -- Get the character associed to a name.
+ function Get_Character (Id: Name_Id) return Character;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Character);
+ -- Return TRUE iff ID is a character.
+ function Is_Character (Id: Name_Id) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (Is_Character);
+ -- Get or create an entry in the name table, use NAME_BUFFER/NAME_LENGTH.
+ function Get_Identifier return Name_Id;
+ -- Like GET_IDENTIFIER, but return NULL_IDENTIFIER if the identifier
+ -- is not found (and do not create an entry for it).
+ function Get_Identifier_No_Create return Name_Id;
+ -- Set NAME_BUFFER/NAME_LENGTH with the image of ID.
+ procedure Image (Id : Name_Id);
+ -- Get and set the info field associated with each identifier.
+ -- Used to store interpretations of the name.
+ function Get_Info (Id: Name_Id) return Int32;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Info);
+ procedure Set_Info (Id: Name_Id; Info: Int32);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Info);
+ -- Return the latest name_id used.
+ -- kludge, use only for debugging.
+ function Last_Name_Id return Name_Id;
+ -- Be sure all info fields have their default value.
+ procedure Assert_No_Infos;
+ -- This buffer is used by get_token to set the name.
+ -- This can be seen as a copy buffer but this is necessary for two reasons:
+ -- names case must be 'normalized', because VHDL is case insensitive.
+ Name_Buffer : String (1 .. 1024);
+ -- The length of the name string.
+ Name_Length: Natural;
+ -- Disp statistics.
+ -- Used for debugging.
+ procedure Disp_Stats;
+end Name_Table;
diff --git a/nodes.adb b/nodes.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4537d6f64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nodes.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+-- Internal node type and operations.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with GNAT.Table;
+package body Nodes is
+ -- Suppress the access check of the table base. This is really safe to
+ -- suppress this check because the table base cannot be null.
+ pragma Suppress (Access_Check);
+ -- Suppress the index check on the table.
+ -- Could be done during non-debug, since this may catch errors (reading
+ -- Null_Node or Error_Node).
+ --pragma Suppress (Index_Check);
+ -- Suppress discriminant checks on the table. Relatively safe, since
+ -- iirs do their own checks.
+ pragma Suppress (Discriminant_Check);
+ package Nodet is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Component_Type => Node_Record,
+ Table_Index_Type => Node_Type,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 2,
+ Table_Initial => 1024,
+ Table_Increment => 100);
+ function Get_Last_Node return Node_Type is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Last;
+ end Get_Last_Node;
+ Free_Chain : Node_Type := Null_Node;
+ Init_Short : Node_Record (Format_Short);
+ Init_Medium : Node_Record (Format_Medium);
+ Init_Fp : Node_Record (Format_Fp);
+ Init_Int : Node_Record (Format_Int);
+ function Create_Node (Format : Format_Type) return Node_Type
+ is
+ Res : Node_Type;
+ begin
+ if Format = Format_Medium then
+ -- Allocate a first node.
+ Nodet.Increment_Last;
+ Res := Nodet.Last;
+ -- Check alignment.
+ if Res mod 2 = 1 then
+ Set_Field1 (Res, Free_Chain);
+ Free_Chain := Res;
+ Nodet.Increment_Last;
+ Res := Nodet.Last;
+ end if;
+ -- Allocate the second node.
+ Nodet.Increment_Last;
+ Nodet.Table (Res) := Init_Medium;
+ Nodet.Table (Res + 1) := Init_Medium;
+ else
+ -- Check from free pool
+ if Free_Chain = Null_Node then
+ Nodet.Increment_Last;
+ Res := Nodet.Last;
+ else
+ Res := Free_Chain;
+ Free_Chain := Get_Field1 (Res);
+ end if;
+ case Format is
+ when Format_Short =>
+ Nodet.Table (Res) := Init_Short;
+ when Format_Medium =>
+ raise Program_Error;
+ when Format_Fp =>
+ Nodet.Table (Res) := Init_Fp;
+ when Format_Int =>
+ Nodet.Table (Res) := Init_Int;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Node;
+ procedure Free_Node (N : Node_Type)
+ is
+ begin
+ if N /= Null_Node then
+ Set_Nkind (N, 0);
+ Set_Field1 (N, Free_Chain);
+ Free_Chain := N;
+ if Nodet.Table (N).Format = Format_Medium then
+ Set_Field1 (N + 1, Free_Chain);
+ Free_Chain := N + 1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Free_Node;
+ function Get_Nkind (N : Node_Type) return Kind_Type is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N).Kind;
+ end Get_Nkind;
+ procedure Set_Nkind (N : Node_Type; Kind : Kind_Type) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N).Kind := Kind;
+ end Set_Nkind;
+ procedure Set_Location (N : Node_Type; Location: Location_Type) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N).Location := Location;
+ end Set_Location;
+ function Get_Location (N: Node_Type) return Location_Type is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N).Location;
+ end Get_Location;
+ procedure Set_Field0 (N : Node_Type; V : Node_Type) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N).Field0 := V;
+ end Set_Field0;
+ function Get_Field0 (N : Node_Type) return Node_Type is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N).Field0;
+ end Get_Field0;
+ function Get_Field1 (N : Node_Type) return Node_Type is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N).Field1;
+ end Get_Field1;
+ procedure Set_Field1 (N : Node_Type; V : Node_Type) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N).Field1 := V;
+ end Set_Field1;
+ function Get_Field2 (N : Node_Type) return Node_Type is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N).Field2;
+ end Get_Field2;
+ procedure Set_Field2 (N : Node_Type; V : Node_Type) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N).Field2 := V;
+ end Set_Field2;
+ function Get_Field3 (N : Node_Type) return Node_Type is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N).Field3;
+ end Get_Field3;
+ procedure Set_Field3 (N : Node_Type; V : Node_Type) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N).Field3 := V;
+ end Set_Field3;
+ function Get_Field4 (N : Node_Type) return Node_Type is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N).Field4;
+ end Get_Field4;
+ procedure Set_Field4 (N : Node_Type; V : Node_Type) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N).Field4 := V;
+ end Set_Field4;
+ function Get_Field5 (N : Node_Type) return Node_Type is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N).Field5;
+ end Get_Field5;
+ procedure Set_Field5 (N : Node_Type; V : Node_Type) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N).Field5 := V;
+ end Set_Field5;
+ function Get_Field6 (N: Node_Type) return Node_Type is
+ begin
+ return Node_Type (Nodet.Table (N + 1).Location);
+ end Get_Field6;
+ procedure Set_Field6 (N: Node_Type; Val: Node_Type) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N + 1).Location := Location_Type (Val);
+ end Set_Field6;
+ function Get_Field7 (N: Node_Type) return Node_Type is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N + 1).Field0;
+ end Get_Field7;
+ procedure Set_Field7 (N: Node_Type; Val: Node_Type) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N + 1).Field0 := Val;
+ end Set_Field7;
+ function Get_Field8 (N: Node_Type) return Node_Type is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N + 1).Field1;
+ end Get_Field8;
+ procedure Set_Field8 (N: Node_Type; Val: Node_Type) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N + 1).Field1 := Val;
+ end Set_Field8;
+ function Get_Field9 (N: Node_Type) return Node_Type is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N + 1).Field2;
+ end Get_Field9;
+ procedure Set_Field9 (N: Node_Type; Val: Node_Type) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N + 1).Field2 := Val;
+ end Set_Field9;
+ function Get_Field10 (N: Node_Type) return Node_Type is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N + 1).Field3;
+ end Get_Field10;
+ procedure Set_Field10 (N: Node_Type; Val: Node_Type) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N + 1).Field3 := Val;
+ end Set_Field10;
+ function Get_Field11 (N: Node_Type) return Node_Type is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N + 1).Field4;
+ end Get_Field11;
+ procedure Set_Field11 (N: Node_Type; Val: Node_Type) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N + 1).Field4 := Val;
+ end Set_Field11;
+ function Get_Field12 (N: Node_Type) return Node_Type is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N + 1).Field5;
+ end Get_Field12;
+ procedure Set_Field12 (N: Node_Type; Val: Node_Type) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N + 1).Field5 := Val;
+ end Set_Field12;
+ function Get_Flag1 (N : Node_Type) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N).Flag1;
+ end Get_Flag1;
+ procedure Set_Flag1 (N : Node_Type; V : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N).Flag1 := V;
+ end Set_Flag1;
+ function Get_Flag2 (N : Node_Type) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N).Flag2;
+ end Get_Flag2;
+ procedure Set_Flag2 (N : Node_Type; V : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N).Flag2 := V;
+ end Set_Flag2;
+ function Get_Flag3 (N : Node_Type) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N).Flag3;
+ end Get_Flag3;
+ procedure Set_Flag3 (N : Node_Type; V : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N).Flag3 := V;
+ end Set_Flag3;
+ function Get_Flag4 (N : Node_Type) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N).Flag4;
+ end Get_Flag4;
+ procedure Set_Flag4 (N : Node_Type; V : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N).Flag4 := V;
+ end Set_Flag4;
+ function Get_Flag5 (N : Node_Type) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N).Flag5;
+ end Get_Flag5;
+ procedure Set_Flag5 (N : Node_Type; V : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N).Flag5 := V;
+ end Set_Flag5;
+ function Get_Flag6 (N : Node_Type) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N).Flag6;
+ end Get_Flag6;
+ procedure Set_Flag6 (N : Node_Type; V : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N).Flag6 := V;
+ end Set_Flag6;
+ function Get_State1 (N : Node_Type) return Bit2_Type is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N).State1;
+ end Get_State1;
+ procedure Set_State1 (N : Node_Type; V : Bit2_Type) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N).State1 := V;
+ end Set_State1;
+ function Get_State2 (N : Node_Type) return Bit2_Type is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N).State2;
+ end Get_State2;
+ procedure Set_State2 (N : Node_Type; V : Bit2_Type) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N).State2 := V;
+ end Set_State2;
+ function Get_State3 (N : Node_Type) return Bit2_Type is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N).State3;
+ end Get_State3;
+ procedure Set_State3 (N : Node_Type; V : Bit2_Type) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N).State3 := V;
+ end Set_State3;
+ function Get_State4 (N : Node_Type) return Bit2_Type is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N).State4;
+ end Get_State4;
+ procedure Set_State4 (N : Node_Type; V : Bit2_Type) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N).State4 := V;
+ end Set_State4;
+ function Get_Odigit1 (N : Node_Type) return Bit3_Type is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N).Odigit1;
+ end Get_Odigit1;
+ procedure Set_Odigit1 (N : Node_Type; V : Bit3_Type) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N).Odigit1 := V;
+ end Set_Odigit1;
+ function Get_Odigit2 (N : Node_Type) return Bit3_Type is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N).Odigit2;
+ end Get_Odigit2;
+ procedure Set_Odigit2 (N : Node_Type; V : Bit3_Type) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N).Odigit2 := V;
+ end Set_Odigit2;
+ function Get_Fp64 (N : Node_Type) return Iir_Fp64 is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N).Fp64;
+ end Get_Fp64;
+ procedure Set_Fp64 (N : Node_Type; V : Iir_Fp64) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N).Fp64 := V;
+ end Set_Fp64;
+ function Get_Int64 (N : Node_Type) return Iir_Int64 is
+ begin
+ return Nodet.Table (N).Int64;
+ end Get_Int64;
+ procedure Set_Int64 (N : Node_Type; V : Iir_Int64) is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Table (N).Int64 := V;
+ end Set_Int64;
+ procedure Initialize is
+ begin
+ Nodet.Free;
+ Nodet.Init;
+ end Initialize;
+end Nodes;
diff --git a/nodes.ads b/nodes.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4fc3f1398
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nodes.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,862 @@
+-- Internal node type and operations.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Types; use Types;
+package Nodes is
+ type Node_Type is new Int32;
+ for Node_Type'Size use 32;
+ Null_Node : constant Node_Type := 0;
+ Error_Node : constant Node_Type := 1;
+ -- A simple type that needs only 2 bits.
+ type Bit2_Type is range 0 .. 2 ** 2 - 1;
+ type Bit3_Type is range 0 .. 2 ** 3 - 1;
+ type Kind_Type is range 0 .. 255;
+ -- Format of a node.
+ type Format_Type is
+ (
+ Format_Short,
+ Format_Medium,
+ Format_Fp,
+ Format_Int
+ );
+ -- Future layout: (rem)
+ -- Format: 0 bits 32
+ -- Nkind: 16 bits 16
+ -- Flags: 8*1 bits 8
+ -- State: 2*2 bits 4
+ -- Odigit is to be removed.
+ -- Future layout (2):(rem)
+ -- Format: 2 bits 30
+ -- Nkind: 8 bits 22 (vhdl: 216 nodes)
+ -- Flags: 8*1 bits 14
+ -- State: 2*2 bits 10
+ -- Lang: 2 bits 8
+ -- Odigit: 1*3 bits 5
+ -- Common fields are:
+ -- Flag1 : Boolean
+ -- Flag2 : Boolean
+ -- Flag3 : Boolean
+ -- Flag4 : Boolean
+ -- Flag5 : Boolean
+ -- Flag6 : Boolean
+ -- Nkind : Kind_Type
+ -- State1 : Bit2_Type
+ -- State2 : Bit2_Type
+ -- Location : Location_Type
+ -- Field0 : Iir
+ -- Field1 : Iir
+ -- Field2 : Iir
+ -- Field3 : Iir
+ -- Fields of Format_Fp:
+ -- Fp64 : Iir_Fp64
+ -- Fields of Format_Int:
+ -- Int64 : Iir_Int64
+ -- Fields of Format_Short:
+ -- Field4 : Iir
+ -- Field5 : Iir
+ -- Fields of Format_Medium:
+ -- Odigit1 : Bit3_Type
+ -- Odigit2 : Bit3_Type
+ -- State3 : Bit2_Type
+ -- State4 : Bit2_Type
+ -- Field4 : Iir
+ -- Field5 : Iir
+ -- Field6 : Iir (location)
+ -- Field7 : Iir (field0)
+ -- Field8 : Iir (field1)
+ -- Field9 : Iir (field2)
+ -- Field10 : Iir (field3)
+ -- Field11 : Iir (field4)
+ -- Field12 : Iir (field5)
+ function Create_Node (Format : Format_Type) return Node_Type;
+ procedure Free_Node (N : Node_Type);
+ function Get_Nkind (N : Node_Type) return Kind_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Nkind);
+ procedure Set_Nkind (N : Node_Type; Kind : Kind_Type);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Nkind);
+ function Get_Location (N: Node_Type) return Location_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Location);
+ procedure Set_Location (N : Node_Type; Location: Location_Type);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Location);
+ function Get_Field0 (N : Node_Type) return Node_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Field0);
+ procedure Set_Field0 (N : Node_Type; V : Node_Type);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Field0);
+ function Get_Field1 (N : Node_Type) return Node_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Field1);
+ procedure Set_Field1 (N : Node_Type; V : Node_Type);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Field1);
+ function Get_Field2 (N : Node_Type) return Node_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Field2);
+ procedure Set_Field2 (N : Node_Type; V : Node_Type);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Field2);
+ function Get_Field3 (N : Node_Type) return Node_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Field3);
+ procedure Set_Field3 (N : Node_Type; V : Node_Type);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Field3);
+ function Get_Field4 (N : Node_Type) return Node_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Field4);
+ procedure Set_Field4 (N : Node_Type; V : Node_Type);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Field4);
+ function Get_Field5 (N : Node_Type) return Node_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Field5);
+ procedure Set_Field5 (N : Node_Type; V : Node_Type);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Field5);
+ function Get_Field6 (N: Node_Type) return Node_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Field6);
+ procedure Set_Field6 (N: Node_Type; Val: Node_Type);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Field6);
+ function Get_Field7 (N: Node_Type) return Node_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Field7);
+ procedure Set_Field7 (N: Node_Type; Val: Node_Type);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Field7);
+ function Get_Field8 (N: Node_Type) return Node_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Field8);
+ procedure Set_Field8 (N: Node_Type; Val: Node_Type);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Field8);
+ function Get_Field9 (N: Node_Type) return Node_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Field9);
+ procedure Set_Field9 (N: Node_Type; Val: Node_Type);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Field9);
+ function Get_Field10 (N: Node_Type) return Node_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Field10);
+ procedure Set_Field10 (N: Node_Type; Val: Node_Type);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Field10);
+ function Get_Field11 (N: Node_Type) return Node_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Field11);
+ procedure Set_Field11 (N: Node_Type; Val: Node_Type);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Field11);
+ function Get_Field12 (N: Node_Type) return Node_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Field12);
+ procedure Set_Field12 (N: Node_Type; Val: Node_Type);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Field12);
+ function Get_Flag1 (N : Node_Type) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Flag1);
+ procedure Set_Flag1 (N : Node_Type; V : Boolean);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Flag1);
+ function Get_Flag2 (N : Node_Type) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Flag2);
+ procedure Set_Flag2 (N : Node_Type; V : Boolean);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Flag2);
+ function Get_Flag3 (N : Node_Type) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Flag3);
+ procedure Set_Flag3 (N : Node_Type; V : Boolean);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Flag3);
+ function Get_Flag4 (N : Node_Type) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Flag4);
+ procedure Set_Flag4 (N : Node_Type; V : Boolean);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Flag4);
+ function Get_Flag5 (N : Node_Type) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Flag5);
+ procedure Set_Flag5 (N : Node_Type; V : Boolean);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Flag5);
+ function Get_Flag6 (N : Node_Type) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Flag6);
+ procedure Set_Flag6 (N : Node_Type; V : Boolean);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Flag6);
+ function Get_State1 (N : Node_Type) return Bit2_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Get_State1);
+ procedure Set_State1 (N : Node_Type; V : Bit2_Type);
+ pragma Inline (Set_State1);
+ function Get_State2 (N : Node_Type) return Bit2_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Get_State2);
+ procedure Set_State2 (N : Node_Type; V : Bit2_Type);
+ pragma Inline (Set_State2);
+ function Get_State3 (N : Node_Type) return Bit2_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Get_State3);
+ procedure Set_State3 (N : Node_Type; V : Bit2_Type);
+ pragma Inline (Set_State3);
+ function Get_State4 (N : Node_Type) return Bit2_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Get_State4);
+ procedure Set_State4 (N : Node_Type; V : Bit2_Type);
+ pragma Inline (Set_State4);
+ function Get_Odigit1 (N : Node_Type) return Bit3_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Odigit1);
+ procedure Set_Odigit1 (N : Node_Type; V : Bit3_Type);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Odigit1);
+ function Get_Odigit2 (N : Node_Type) return Bit3_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Odigit2);
+ procedure Set_Odigit2 (N : Node_Type; V : Bit3_Type);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Odigit2);
+ function Get_Fp64 (N : Node_Type) return Iir_Fp64;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Fp64);
+ procedure Set_Fp64 (N : Node_Type; V : Iir_Fp64);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Fp64);
+ function Get_Int64 (N : Node_Type) return Iir_Int64;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Int64);
+ procedure Set_Int64 (N : Node_Type; V : Iir_Int64);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Int64);
+ -- Get the last node allocated.
+ function Get_Last_Node return Node_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Last_Node);
+ -- Free all and reinit.
+ procedure Initialize;
+ type Node_Record (Format : Format_Type := Format_Short) is record
+ -- Usages of Flag1:
+ -- seen_flag for iir_kind_process_statement
+ -- seen_flag for iir_kind_sensitized_process_statement
+ -- seen_flag for iir_kinds_procedure_specification
+ -- seen_flag for iir_kinds_function_specification
+ -- seen_flag for iir_kind_design_file
+ -- deferred_declaration_flag for iir_kind_constant_declaration
+ -- loaded_flag for iir_kind_design_unit
+ -- resolved_flag for iir_kinds_type_definition
+ -- need_body for iir_kind_package_declaration
+ -- whole_association_flag for iir_kind_association_element_by_expression
+ -- has_disconnect_flag for iir_kind_signal_declaration
+ Flag1 : Boolean := False;
+ -- Usages of Flag2:
+ -- pure_flag for iir_kinds_function_specification
+ -- passive_flag for iir_kinds_process_statement
+ -- shared_flag for iir_kind_variable_declaration
+ -- aggr_others_flag for iir_kind_aggregate_info
+ -- signal_type_flag for iir_kinds_type_definition
+ Flag2 : Boolean := False;
+ -- Usages of Flag3:
+ -- (postponed_flag for iir_kinds_process_statement)
+ -- elab_flag for iir_kind_design_file
+ -- elab_flag for iir_kind_design_unit
+ -- dynamic_flag for iir_kind_aggregate_info
+ -- text_file_flag for iir_kind_file_type_definition
+ -- foreign_flag for iir_kind_architecture_declaration
+ -- foreign_flag for iir_kinds_function_specification
+ -- foreign_flag for iir_kinds_procedure_specification
+ Flag3 : Boolean := False;
+ -- Usages of Flag4:
+ -- visible_flag for iir_kind_type_declaration
+ -- aggr_named_flag for iir_kind_aggregate_info
+ Flag4 : Boolean := False;
+ -- Usages of Flag5:
+ -- is_within_flag for named entities
+ Flag5 : Boolean := False;
+ -- Usages of Flag6:
+ Flag6 : Boolean := False;
+ -- Kind field use 8 bits.
+ -- So, on 32 bits systems, there are 24 bits left.
+ -- + 8 (8 * 1)
+ -- + 10 (5 * 2)
+ -- + 6 (2 * 3)
+ -- = 24
+ Kind : Kind_Type;
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_string_literal
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_bit_string_literal
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_integer_literal
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_floating_point_literal
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_physical_int_literal
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_physical_fp_literal
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_enumeration_literal
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_monadic_operator
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_dyadic_operator
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kinds_name
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kinds_alias_declaration
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_constant_declaration
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_iterator_declaration
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_constant_interface_declaration
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_aggregate
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_qualified_expression
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_type_conversion
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_length_array_attribute
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_low_type_attribute
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_high_type_attribute
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_left_type_attribute
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_right_type_attribute
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_pos_attribute
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_val_attribute
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_event_attribute
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_last_value_attribute
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_last_active_attribute
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_active_attribute
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_range_expression
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_selected_element
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_function_call
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_attribute_value
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_signal_declaration
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_guard_signal_declaration
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_variable_declaration
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kind_file_declaration
+ -- expr_staticness for iir_kinds_discrete_type_attribute
+ -- type_staticness for iir_kinds_type_and_subtype_definition
+ State1 : Bit2_Type := 0;
+ -- name_staticness for iir_kinds_name
+ -- name_staticness for iir_kind_object_alias_declaration
+ -- name_staticness for iir_kind_selected_element
+ -- name_staticness for iir_kind_selected_by_all_name
+ -- choice_staticness for iir_kind_choice_by_range
+ -- choice_staticness for iir_kind_choice_by_expression
+ State2 : Bit2_Type := 0;
+ -- Usages of State3:
+ -- purity_state for iir_kind_process_statement
+ -- purity_state for iir_kind_sensitized_process_statement
+ -- purity_state for iir_kinds_procedure_specification
+ -- purity_state for iir_kinds_function_specification
+ State3 : Bit2_Type := 0;
+ -- Usages of State4:
+ -- wait_state for iir_kind_process_statement
+ -- wait_state for iir_kind_sensitized_process_statement
+ -- wait_state for iir_kinds_procedure_specification
+ -- wait_state for iir_kinds_function_specification
+ State4 : Bit2_Type := 0;
+ -- 2bits fields (4 -> 8 bits)
+ -- Usages of State5:
+ -- passive_state for iir_kind_process_statement
+ -- passive_state for iir_kind_sensitized_process_statement
+ -- passive_state for iir_kinds_procedure_specification
+ -- passive_state for iir_kinds_function_specification
+ -- signal_kind for iir_kind_signal_declaration
+ -- signal_kind for iir_kind_guard_signal_declaration
+ -- signal_kind for iir_kind_signal_interface_declaration
+ -- direction for iir_kind_range_expression
+ -- direction for iir_kind_file_declaration
+ -- guarded_target_flag for iir_kind_concurrent_conditional_signal_assign
+ -- guarded_target_flag for iir_kind_selected_conditional_signal_assign
+ -- guarded_target_flag for iir_kind_signal_assignment_statement
+ Unused_State5 : Bit2_Type := 0;
+ -- 3bits fields (1 -> 3 bits)
+ -- Usages of odigit1:
+ -- lexical_layout for iir_kinds_interface_declaration
+ Odigit1 : Bit3_Type := 0;
+ -- Usage of odigit2:
+ -- iir_mode for iir_kind_signal_interface_declaration
+ -- iir_mode for iir_kind_constant_interface_declaration
+ -- iir_mode for iir_kind_variable_interface_declaration
+ -- iir_mode for iir_kind_file_interface_declaration
+ Odigit2 : Bit3_Type := 0;
+ -- Location.
+ Location: Location_Type := Location_Nil;
+ -- The parent node.
+ -- parent for iir_kind_if_statement
+ -- parent for iir_kind_elsif_statement
+ -- parent for iir_kind_for_loop_statement
+ -- parent for iir_kind_while_loop_statement
+ -- parent for iir_kind_case_statement
+ -- parent for iir_kind_exit_statement
+ -- parent for iir_kind_next_statement
+ -- parent (library_declaration) for iir_kind_design_file
+ -- parent (design_unit_list) for iir_kind_design_file
+ -- interface_parent for iir_kind_signal_interface_declaration
+ -- interface_parent for iir_kind_constant_interface_declaration
+ -- interface_parent for iir_kind_variable_interface_declaration
+ -- interface_parent for iir_kind_file_interface_declaration
+ Field0 : Node_Type := Null_Node;
+ -- usages of field1:
+ -- type for iir_kind_character_literal
+ -- type for iir_kind_type_computed_literal
+ -- type for iir_kind_integer_literal
+ -- type for iir_kind_floating_point_literal
+ -- type for iir_type_declaration.
+ -- type for iir_subtype_declaration.
+ -- type for iir_kind_identifier
+ -- type for iir_kind_string_literal
+ -- type for iir_kind_bit_string_literal
+ -- type for iir_kind_base_attribute
+ -- list_element for iir_kinds_list
+ -- port_chain for iir_kind_entity_declaration
+ -- port_chain for iir_kind_component_declaration
+ -- port_chain for iir_kind_block_header
+ -- entity for iir_kind_architecture_declaration
+ -- entity for iir_kind_configuration_declaration
+ -- entity for iir_kind_entity_aspect_entity
+ -- package for iir_kind_package_body
+ -- primary_units(iir_library_unit_list) for iir_kind_library_declaration
+ -- selected_name for iir_kind_use_clause
+ -- type_declaration for iir_kinds_type_definition
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_signal_declaration
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_guard_signal_declaration
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_signal_interface_declaration.
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_variable_declaration
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_variable_interface_declaration.
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_constant_declaration
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_iterator_declaration
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_constant_interface_declaration.
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_file_declaration
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_file_interface_declaration.
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_enumeration_literal
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_unit_declaration
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_component_port
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_element_declaration
+ -- type_definition for iir_kinds_attribute_declaration
+ -- type_definition for iir_kinds_attribute
+ -- type_definition for iir_kinds_name
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_return_statement
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_aggregate
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_physical_int_literal
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_physical_fp_literal
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_object_alias_declaration
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_null_literal
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_qualified_expression
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_type_conversion
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_function_call
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_allocator_by_expression
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_allocator_by_subtype
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_attribute_value
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_selected_element
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_implicit_dereference.
+ -- type_definition for iir_kind_disconnection_specification
+ -- type_definition for iir_kinds_monadic_operator
+ -- type_definition for iir_kinds_dyadic_operator
+ -- null_iir for iir_kind_signal_assignment_statement
+ -- null_iir for iir_kind_variable_assignment_statement
+ -- we_value for iir_kind_waveform_element
+ -- condition for iir_kind_conditional_waveform
+ -- condition for iir_kind_if_statement
+ -- condition for iir_kind_elsif
+ -- condition for iir_kind_while_loop_statement
+ -- condition for iir_kind_next_statement
+ -- condition for iir_kind_exit_statement
+ -- design_unit_chain for iir_kind_design_file
+ -- formal for iir_kinds_association_element
+ -- iterator_scheme for iir_kind_for_loop_statement
+ -- associated for iir_kinds_association_by_choice
+ -- context_items for iir_kind_design_unit
+ -- design_file_chain for iir_kind_library_declaration
+ -- proxy for iir_kind_proxy
+ -- selected_waveform_l for iir_kind_concurrent_selected_signal_assignment
+ -- block_specification for iir_kind_block_configuration
+ -- instantiation_list for iir_kind_component_configuration
+ -- instantiation_list for iir_kind_configuration_specification
+ -- component_configuration for iir_kind_component_instantiation_statement
+ -- configuration for iir_kind_entity_aspect_configuration
+ -- guard_decl for iir_kind_block_statement
+ -- entity_class_entry_chain for iir_kind_group_template_declaration
+ -- group_constituent_chain for iir_kind_group_declaration
+ -- entity_name_list for iir_kind_attribute_specification
+ -- generate_block_configuration for iir_kind_generate_statement
+ -- type_declarator for Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ -- type_declarator for Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ -- type_declarator for Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ -- type_declarator for Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ -- type_declarator for Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition
+ -- type_declarator for Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ -- type_declarator for Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition
+ -- type_declarator for Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition
+ -- type_declarator for Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
+ -- type_declarator for Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition
+ -- type_declarator for Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ -- type_declarator for Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ -- type_declarator for Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ -- type_declarator for Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
+ -- type_declarator for Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition
+ -- type_declarator for Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition
+ -- type_declarator for Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition
+ -- return_type for iir_kind_function_specification
+ -- return_type for iir_kind_function_spec_body
+ -- return_type for iir_kind_implicit_function_declaration
+ -- default_entity_aspect for iir_kind_binding_indication
+ -- sub_aggregate_info for iir_kind_aggregate_info
+ Field1: Node_Type := Null_Node;
+ -- usages of field2:
+ -- concurrent_statement_list for iir_kind_architecture_declaration
+ -- concurrent_statement_list for iir_kind_block_statement
+ -- concurrent_statement_list for iir_kind_entity_declaration
+ -- concurrent_statement_list for iir_kind_generate_statement
+ -- block_configuration for iir_kind_configuration_declaration
+ -- block_configuration for iir_kind_component_configuration
+ -- subprogram_body for iir_kind_function_specification
+ -- subprogram_body for iir_kind_procedure_specification
+ -- range_constraint for iir_kind_integer_subtype_definition
+ -- range_constraint for iir_kind_floating_subtype_definition
+ -- range_constraint for iir_kind_subtype_definition
+ -- range_constraint for iir_kind_enumeration_subtype_definition
+ -- range_constraint for iir_kind_physical_subtype_definition
+ -- range_constraint for iir_kind_enumeration_type_definition
+ -- left_limit for iir_kind_range_expression
+ -- designated_type for iir_kind_access_type_definition
+ -- index_subtype for iir_array_type_definition
+ -- index_subtype for iir_array_subtype_definition
+ -- suffix for iir_kinds_attribute
+ -- suffix for iir_kind_user_attribute
+ -- suffix for iir_kind_slice_name
+ -- selected_element for iir_kind_selected_element
+ -- parameter for iir_kind_val_attribute
+ -- parameter for iir_kind_pos_attribute
+ -- parameter for iir_kind_delayed_attribute
+ -- parameter for iir_kind_stable_attribute
+ -- parameter for iir_kind_quiet_attribute
+ -- parameter for iir_kind_attribute
+ -- index_list for iir_kind_indexed_name
+ -- index_list for iir_kind_array_type_definition
+ -- index_list for iir_kind_array_subtype_definition
+ -- target for iir_kind_signal_assignment_statement
+ -- target for iir_kind_variable_assignment_statement
+ -- time for iir_kind_waveform_element
+ -- target for iir_kind_concurrent_conditional_signal_assignment
+ -- target for iir_kind_concurrent_selected_signal_assignment
+ -- assertion_condition for iir_kind_concurrent_assertion_statement
+ -- assertion_condition for iir_kind_assertion_statement
+ -- null_iir for iir_kind_conditional_waveform
+ -- sequential_statement_chain for iir_kind_if_statement
+ -- sequential_statement_chain for iir_kind_elsif
+ -- sequential_statement_chain for iir_kind_sensitized_process_statement
+ -- sequential_statement_chain for iir_kind_process_statement
+ -- sequential_statement_chain for iir_kind_for_loop_statement
+ -- sequential_statement_chain for iir_kind_while_loop_statement
+ -- sequential_statement_chain for iir_kind_function_Body
+ -- sequential_statement_chain for iir_kind_function_Spec_Body
+ -- sequential_statement_chain for iir_kind_procedure_Body
+ -- sequential_statement_chain for iir_kind_procedure_Spec_Body
+ -- name for iir_kind_object_alias_declaration
+ -- name for iir_kind_physical_int_literal
+ -- name for iir_kind_physical_fp_literal
+ -- name for iir_kind_association_choice_by_name
+ -- name for iir_kind_group_declaration
+ -- default_value for iir_kind_signal_declaration
+ -- default_value for iir_kind_guard_signal_declaration
+ -- default_value for iir_kind_variable_declaration
+ -- default_value for iir_kind_constant_declaration
+ -- default_value for iir_kind_signal_interface_declaration
+ -- default_value for iir_kind_variable_interface_declaration
+ -- default_value for iir_kind_constant_interface_declaration
+ -- default_value for iir_kind_file_interface_declaration
+ -- guard_expression for iir_kind_guard_signal_declaration
+ -- operand for iir_kinds_monadic_operator
+ -- left for iir_kinds_dyadic_operator
+ -- actual for iir_kind_association_element_by_expression
+ -- instantiated_unit for Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement
+ -- parameter_association_chain for iir_kind_function_call
+ -- parameter_association_chain for iir_kind_procedure_call
+ -- parameter_association_chain for iir_kind_concurrent_procedure_call_st.
+ -- library_unit for iir_kind_design_unit
+ -- multiplier for iir_kind_unit_declaration
+ -- primary_unit for iir_kind_physical_type_definition
+ -- condition_clause for iir_kind_wait_statement
+ -- element_declaration_list for iir_kind_record_type_definition
+ -- loop for iir_kind_exit_statement
+ -- loop for iir_kind_next_statement
+ -- file_logical_name for iir_kind_file_declaration
+ -- configuration_item_chain for iir_kind_block_configuration
+ -- architecture for iir_kind_entity_aspect_entity
+ -- library_declaration for iir_kind_library_clause
+ -- attribute_designator for iir_kind_attribute_specification
+ -- attribute_specification for iir_kind_attribute_value
+ -- signal_list for iir_kind_disconnection_specification
+ -- generation_scheme for iir_kind_generate_statement
+ -- incomplete_type_List for iir_kind_incomplete_type_definition
+ -- file_time_stamp for iir_kind_design_file
+ -- default_generic_map_aspect_list for iir_kind_binding_indication
+ -- aggr_low_limit for iir_kind_aggregate_info
+ -- enumeration_decl for iir_kind_enumeration_literal
+ -- simple_aggregate_list for iir_kind_simple_aggregate
+ Field2: Node_Type := Null_Node;
+ -- Usages of field3:
+ -- dependence_list for iir_kind_design_unit
+ -- block_statement for iir_kind_signal_declaration
+ -- block_statement for iir_kind_guard_signal_declaration
+ -- subprogram_declaration for iir_kind_function_Spec_Body
+ -- subprogram_declaration for iir_kind_function_Body
+ -- subprogram_declaration for iir_kind_Procedure_Spec_Body
+ -- subprogram_declaration for iir_kind_Procedure_Body
+ -- body for iir_kind_function_specification
+ -- body for iir_kind_procedure_specification
+ -- declaration_list for iir_kind_entity_declaration
+ -- declaration_list for iir_kind_architecture_declaration
+ -- declaration_list for iir_kind_configuration_declaration
+ -- declaration_list for iir_kind_block_statement
+ -- declaration_list for iir_kind_package_declaration
+ -- declaration_list for iir_kind_package_body
+ -- declaration_list for iir_kind_sensitized_process_statement
+ -- declaration_list for iir_kind_process_statement
+ -- declaration_list for iir_kind_block_configuration
+ -- declaration_list for iir_kind_generate_statement
+ -- enumeration_literal_list for iir_enumeration_type_definition
+ -- right_limit for iir_kind_range_expression
+ -- element_subtype for iir_array_type_definition
+ -- element_subtype for iir_array_subtype_definition
+ -- report_expression for iir_kind_concurrent_assertion_statement
+ -- report_expression for iir_kind_assertion_statement
+ -- report_expression for iir_kind_report_statement
+ -- waveform_chain for iir_kind_signal_assignment_statement
+ -- conditional_waveform_chain for iir_kind_conc_conditional_signal_assign
+ -- waveform_chain for iir_kind_conditional_waveform
+ -- else_clause for iir_kind_if_statement
+ -- else_clause for iir_kind_elsif
+ -- expression of iir_kind_concurrent_selected_signal_assignment
+ -- expression of iir_kind_variable_assignment_statement
+ -- prefix for iir_kinds_attribute
+ -- prefix for iir_kind_indexed_name
+ -- prefix for iir_kind_slice_name
+ -- prefix for iir_kind_selected_name
+ -- prefix for iir_kind_selected_by_all_name
+ -- prefix for iir_kind_parenthesis_name
+ -- prefix for iir_kind_selected_element
+ -- prefix for iir_kind_implicit_dereference
+ -- port_map_aspect for Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement
+ -- port_map_aspect for Iir_Kind_binding_indication
+ -- port_map_aspect for Iir_Kind_block_header
+ -- binding_indication for iir_kind_Component_configuration
+ -- binding_indication for Iir_Kind_Configuration_specifiation
+ -- expression for iir_kind_return_statement
+ -- expression for iir_kind_association_choice_by_expression
+ -- expression for iir_kind_case_statement
+ -- expression for iir_kind_qualified_expression
+ -- expression for iir_kind_type_conversion
+ -- expression for iir_kind_allocator_by_expression
+ -- expression for iir_kind_allocator_by_subtype
+ -- expression for iir_kind_attribute_specification
+ -- expression for iir_kind_disconnection_specification
+ -- unit_chain for iir_kind_physical_type_definition
+ -- timeout_clause for iir_kind_wait_statement
+ -- file_open_kind for iir_kind_file_declaration
+ -- designated_entity for iir_kind_attribute_value
+ -- associated_formal for iir_kinds_association_element
+ -- deferred_declaration for iir_kind_constant_declaration
+ -- literal_origin for iir_kind_character_literal
+ -- literal_origin for iir_kind_string_literal
+ -- literal_origin for iir_kind_bit_string_literal
+ -- literal_origin for iir_kind_integer_literal
+ -- literal_origin for iir_kind_floating_point_literal
+ -- literal_origin for iir_kind_physical_int_literal
+ -- literal_origin for iir_kind_physical_fp_literal
+ -- literal_origin for iir_kind_enumeration_literal
+ -- analysis_time_stamp for iir_kind_design_file
+ -- aggr_high_limit for iir_kind_aggregate_info
+ -- aggregate_info for iir_kind_aggregate
+ -- implementation for iir_kind_function_call
+ -- implementation for iir_kind_procedure_call
+ -- implementation for iir_kind_concurrent_procedure_call_statement
+ -- implementation for iir_kind_dyadic_operator
+ -- implementation for iir_kind_monadic_operator
+ Field3: Node_Type := Null_Node;
+ -- Usages of field4:
+ -- design_file for iir_kind_design_unit
+ -- generic_chain for iir_kind_entity_declaration
+ -- generic_chain for iir_kind_component_declaration
+ -- generic_chain for iir_kind_block_header
+ -- base_type for iir_kind_integer_type_definition
+ -- base_type for iir_kind_integer_subtype_definition
+ -- base_type for iir_kind_floating_type_definition
+ -- base_type for iir_kind_floating_subtype_definition
+ -- base_type for iir_kind_subtype_definition
+ -- base_type for iir_kind_enumeration_type_definition
+ -- base_type for iir_kind_enumeration_subtype_definition
+ -- base_type for iir_kind_array_type_definition
+ -- base_type for iir_kind_array_subtype_definition
+ -- base_type for iir_kind_unconstrained_array_subtype_definition
+ -- base_type for iir_kind_range_attribute
+ -- base_type for iir_kind_physical_type_definition
+ -- base_type for iir_kind_physical_subtype_definition
+ -- base_type for iir_kind_record_type_definition
+ -- base_type for iir_kind_record_subtype_definition
+ -- base_type for iir_kind_access_type_definition
+ -- base_type for iir_kind_access_subtype_definition
+ -- base_type for iir_kind_incomplete_type_definition
+ -- base_type for iir_kind_file_type_definition
+ -- severity_expression for iir_kind_concurrent_assertion_statement
+ -- severity_expression for iir_kind_assertion_statement
+ -- severity_expression for iir_kind_report_statement
+ -- sensitivity_list for iir_kind_sensitized_process_statement
+ -- sensitivity_list for iir_kind_wait_statement
+ -- name_value of iir_kind_simple_name
+ -- association_chain for iir_kind_association_element_by_individual
+ -- association_chain for iir_kind_parenthesis_name
+ -- association_choices_list for iir_kind_aggregate
+ -- association_choices_list for iir_kind_case_statement
+ -- guard for iir_kind_concurrent_conditional_signal_assignment
+ -- guard for iir_kind_concurrent_selected_signal_assignment
+ -- entity_aspect for iir_kind_binding_indication
+ -- default_binding_indicat for iir_kind_component_instantiation_statement
+ -- component_name for iir_kind_component_configuration
+ -- component_name for iir_kind_configuration_specification
+ -- prev_block_configuration for iir_kind_block_configuration
+ -- interface_declaration for iir_kind_function_Specification
+ -- interface_declaration for iir_kind_function_Spec_Body
+ -- interface_declaration for iir_kind_procedure_Specification
+ -- interface_declaration for iir_kind_procedure_Spec_Body
+ -- interface_declaration for iir_kind_implicit_function_declaration
+ -- interface_declaration for iir_kind_implicit_procedure_declaration
+ -- subprogram_specification for iir_kind_function_Body
+ -- subprogram_specification for iir_kind_procedure_Body
+ -- in_conversion for iir_kind_association_element_by_expression
+ -- default_configuration for iir_kind_architecture_declaration
+ -- bit_string_0 for iir_kind_bit_string_literal
+ -- base_name for iir_kind_object_alias_declaration
+ -- base_name for iir_kind_signal_declaration
+ -- base_name for iir_kind_guard_signal_declaration
+ -- base_name for iir_kind_variable_declaration
+ -- base_name for iir_kind_file_declaration
+ -- base_name for iir_kind_constant_declaration
+ -- base_name for iir_kind_iterator_declaration
+ -- base_name for iir_kind_slice_name
+ -- base_name for iir_kind_indexed_name
+ -- base_name for iir_kind_selected_element
+ -- base_name for iir_kind_selected_by_all_name
+ -- base_name for iir_kind_implicit_dereference
+ -- base_name for iir_kind_attribute_value
+ -- base_name for iir_kind_function_call
+ -- block_block_configuration for iir_kind_block_statement
+ -- right for iir_kinds_dyadic_operator
+ --Field4: Node_Type := Null_Node;
+ -- Usages of field5 (aka nbr1).
+ -- driver_list for iir_kind_sensitized_process_statement
+ -- driver_list for iir_kind_process_statement
+ -- driver_list for iir_kinds_function_specification
+ -- driver_list for iir_kinds_procedure_specification
+ -- guard_sensitivity_list for iir_kind_guard_signal_declaration
+ -- signal_driver for iir_kind_signal_declaration
+ -- reject_time for iir_kind_concurrent_selected_signal_assignment
+ -- reject_time for iir_kind_concurrent_conditionnal_signal_assignment
+ -- reject_time for iir_kind_signal_assignment_statement
+ -- resolution_function for iir_kind_integer_subtype_definition
+ -- resolution_function for iir_kind_floating_subtype_definition
+ -- resolution_function for iir_kind_enumeration_subtype_definition
+ -- resolution_function for iir_kind_physical_subtype_definition
+ -- resolution_function for iir_kind_array_subtype_definition
+ -- resolution_function for iir_kind_unconstrained_array_subtype_definit.
+ -- resolution_function for iir_kind_record_subtype_definition
+ -- date for iir_kind_library_declaration
+ -- date for iir_kind_design_unit
+ -- generic_map_aspect for Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement
+ -- generic_map_aspect for Iir_Kind_block_header
+ -- generic_map_aspect for Iir_Kind_binding_indication
+ -- generation_scheme for iir_kind_generate_statement
+ -- design_unit for iir_kind_constant_declaration
+ -- design_unit for iir_kind_entity_declaration
+ -- design_unit for iir_kind_configuration_declaration
+ -- design_unit for iir_kind_package_declaration
+ -- design_unit for iir_kind_body_declaration
+ -- design_unit for iir_kind_architecture_declaration
+ -- out_conversion for iir_kind_association_element_by_expression
+ -- bit_string_1 for iir_kind_bit_string_literal
+ --Field5: Node_Type := Null_Node;
+ -- Usages of Field6:
+ -- offset for iir_kind_design_unit
+ -- number of element for iir_kinds_list
+ -- base for iir_kind_bit_string_literal
+ -- element_position for iir_kind_element_declaration
+ -- type_mark for iir_kind_qualified_expression
+ -- type_mark for iir_kind_file_type_definition
+ -- type_mark for iir_kind_integer_subtype_definition
+ -- type_mark for iir_kind_floating_subtype_definition
+ -- type_mark for iir_kind_enumeration_subtype_definition
+ -- type_mark for iir_kind_physical_subtype_definition
+ -- type_mark for iir_kind_access_subtype_definition
+ -- type_mark for iir_kind_record_subtype_definition
+ -- type_mark for iir_kind_unconstrained_array_subtype_definition
+ -- bit_string_base for iir_kind_bit_string_literal
+ -- default_port_map_aspect_list for iir_kind_binding_indication
+ -- Usages of nbr3/field7:
+ -- line for iir_kind_design_unit
+ -- max number of elements for iir_kinds_list
+ -- implicit_definition for iir_kind_implicit_function_declaration
+ -- implicit_definition for iir_kind_implicit_procedure_declaration
+ -- block_header for iir_kind_block_statement
+ -- delay_mechanism for iir_kind_concurrent_selected_signal_assignment
+ -- delay_mechanism for iir_kind_concurrent_conditionnal_signal_assignment
+ -- delay_mechanism for iir_kind_signal_assignment_statement
+ -- value for iir_kind_integer_literal
+ -- value for iir_kind_enumeration_literal
+ -- value for iir_kind_unit_declaration
+ -- value for iir_kind_physical_int_literal
+ -- fp_value for iir_kind_physical_fp_literal
+ -- fp_value for iir_kind_floating_point_literal
+ -- entity_kind for iir_kind_entity_class
+ -- entity_kind for iir_kind_attribute_specification
+ -- callees_list for iir_kind_process_declaration
+ -- callees_list for iir_kind_sensitized_process_declaration
+ -- library_directory for iir_kind_library_declaration
+ -- filename for iir_kind_design_file
+ -- directory for iir_kind_design_file
+ -- aggr_max_length for iir_kind_aggregate_info
+ case Format is
+ when Format_Short
+ | Format_Medium =>
+ Field4: Node_Type := Null_Node;
+ Field5: Node_Type := Null_Node;
+ when Format_Fp =>
+ Fp64 : Iir_Fp64;
+ when Format_Int =>
+ Int64 : Iir_Int64;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ pragma Pack (Node_Record);
+ for Node_Record'Size use 8*32;
+ for Node_Record'Alignment use 4;
+end Nodes;
diff --git a/ortho/Makefile.inc b/ortho/Makefile.inc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..683600017
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/Makefile.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# Common -*- Makefile -*- for ortho implementations.
+# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307, USA.
+# Variable to be defined:
+# SED: sed the stream editor
+$(ORTHO_BASENAME).ads: $(ortho_srcdir)/ortho_nodes.common.ads \
+ $(ORTHO_BASENAME).private.ads
+ $(SED) -e '/^package/,$$d' \
+ < $(ORTHO_BASENAME).private.ads \
+ > tmp.prv.hdr
+ $(SED) -e '1,/^private/d' -e '/^end/d' \
+ < $(ORTHO_BASENAME).private.ads \
+ > tmp.prv.dcl
+ $(SED) -e '1,/^package/d' -e '/^private/,$$d' \
+ < $(ORTHO_BASENAME).private.ads \
+ > tmp.prv.pub
+ $(SED) \
+ -e '/^ --- PRIVATE/r tmp.prv.dcl' \
+ -e '/^--- PRIVATE CONTEXT CLAUSES/r tmp.prv.hdr' \
+ -e '/^ --- PUBLIC DECLARATIONS/r tmp.prv.pub' \
+ -e '/--- PRIVATE/d' \
+ -e 's/ORTHO_NODES/$(ORTHO_PACKAGE)/g' < $< > $@
+ $(RM) -f tmp.prv.dcl tmp.prv.hdr tmp.prv.pub
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/Makefile.inc b/ortho/agcc/Makefile.inc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b5da6f088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/Makefile.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# -*- Makefile -*- for agcc, the Ada binding for GCC internals.
+# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307, USA.
+# Variable used:
+# AGCC_GCCSRC_DIR: the gcc source base directory (ie gcc-X.Y.Z-objs/)
+# AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR: the gcc objects base directory
+# agcc_srcdir: the agcc source directory
+# agcc_objdir: the agcc object directory
+ -I$(AGCC_GCCSRC_DIR)/gcc -I$(AGCC_GCCSRC_DIR)/gcc/config
+AGCC_LOCAL_OBJS=agcc-bindings.o agcc-version.o
+AGCC_DEPS := $(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-trees.ads \
+ $(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-hwint.ads \
+ $(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-hconfig.ads \
+ $(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-real.ads \
+ $(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-machmode.ads \
+ $(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-tm.ads \
+ $(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-options.ads \
+ $(AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR)/gcc/toplev.o \
+ $(AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR)/gcc/c-convert.o \
+ $(AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR)/gcc/libbackend.a \
+ $(AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR)/libiberty/libiberty.a
+# Set rights to prevent editing.
+ $(RM) -f $@ && \
+ $(agcc_objdir)/gen_tree -C $(AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR)/gcc - < $< > $@ && \
+ chmod a-w $@
+$(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-trees.ads: $(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-trees.ads.in \
+ $(agcc_objdir)/gen_tree
+$(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-hwint.ads: $(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-hwint.ads.in \
+ $(agcc_objdir)/gen_tree
+$(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-hconfig.ads: $(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-hconfig.ads.in \
+ $(agcc_objdir)/gen_tree
+$(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-real.ads: $(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-real.ads.in \
+ $(agcc_objdir)/gen_tree
+$(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-machmode.ads: $(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-machmode.ads.in \
+ $(agcc_objdir)/gen_tree \
+ $(AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR)/gcc/insn-modes.h
+$(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-tm.ads: $(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-tm.ads.in \
+ $(agcc_objdir)/gen_tree
+$(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-options.ads: $(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-options.ads.in \
+ $(agcc_objdir)/gen_tree \
+ $(AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR)/gcc/options.h
+$(agcc_objdir)/gen_tree: $(agcc_objdir)/gen_tree.o
+ $(CC) -o $@ $<
+$(agcc_objdir)/gen_tree.o: $(agcc_srcdir)/gen_tree.c \
+ $(AGCC_GCCSRC_DIR)/gcc/tree.def $(AGCC_GCCSRC_DIR)/gcc/tree.h \
+ $(AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR)/gcc/tree-check.h
+ $(CC) -c -o $@ $< $(AGCC_CFLAGS)
+agcc-bindings.o: $(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-bindings.c \
+ $(AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR)/gcc/gtype-vhdl.h \
+ $(AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR)/gcc/gt-vhdl-agcc-bindings.h
+ $(CC) -c -o $@ $< $(AGCC_CFLAGS)
+agcc-version.c: $(AGCC_GCCSRC_DIR)/gcc/version.c
+ -$(RM) -f $@
+ echo '#include "version.h"' > $@
+ sed -n -e '/version_string/ s/";/ (ghdl)";/p' < $< >> $@
+ echo 'const char bug_report_url[] = "<URL:mailto:ghdl@free.fr>";' >> $@
+agcc-version.o: agcc-version.c
+ $(CC) -c -o $@ $< $(AGCC_CFLAGS)
+agcc-clean: force
+ $(RM) -f $(agcc_objdir)/gen_tree $(agcc_objdir)/gen_tree.o
+ $(RM) -f $(agcc_objdir)/*.o
+ $(RM) -f $(agcc_srcdir)/*~
+agcc-maintainer-clean: force
+ $(RM) -f $(AGCC_DEPS)
+.PHONY: agcc-clean agcc-maintainer-clean
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/agcc-autils.adb b/ortho/agcc/agcc-autils.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30eb1e622
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/agcc-autils.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+-- Ada bindings for GCC internals.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with Agcc.Hconfig; use Agcc.Hconfig;
+with Agcc.Machmode; use Agcc.Machmode;
+package body Agcc.Autils is
+ Arr_Len : constant Natural := Unsigned_64'Size / HOST_WIDE_INT'Size;
+ type Arr_Conv is array (Natural range 0 .. Arr_Len - 1) of HOST_WIDE_INT;
+ subtype Assert_Type is Boolean range True .. True;
+ Assert_Arr_Len_Is_1_Or_2 : constant Assert_Type :=
+ Arr_Len = 1 or Arr_Len = 2;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Assert_Arr_Len_Is_1_Or_2);
+ procedure To_Host_Wide_Int (V : Unsigned_64; L, H : out HOST_WIDE_INT) is
+ function Unchecked_Conversion is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Unsigned_64, Target => Arr_Conv);
+ Res : Arr_Conv;
+ begin
+ Res := Unchecked_Conversion (V);
+ if Arr_Len = 1 then
+ H := 0;
+ L := Res (0);
+ else
+ L := Res (1);
+ H := Res (0);
+ else
+ L := Res (0);
+ H := Res (1);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end To_Host_Wide_Int;
+ procedure To_Host_Wide_Int (V : Integer_64; L, H : out HOST_WIDE_INT) is
+ function Unchecked_Conversion is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Integer_64, Target => Arr_Conv);
+ Res : Arr_Conv;
+ begin
+ Res := Unchecked_Conversion (V);
+ if Arr_Len = 1 then
+ if V < 0 then
+ H := -1;
+ else
+ H := 0;
+ end if;
+ L := Res (0);
+ else
+ L := Res (1);
+ H := Res (0);
+ else
+ L := Res (0);
+ H := Res (1);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end To_Host_Wide_Int;
+ function To_Real_Value_Type (V : IEEE_Float_64) return REAL_VALUE_TYPE
+ is
+ Mant_Size : constant Natural := 60;
+ Rfract : IEEE_Float_64;
+ Fract : Integer_64;
+ Exp : Integer;
+ Mantisse : REAL_VALUE_TYPE;
+ begin
+ -- Note: this works only when REAL_ARITHMETIC is defined!!!
+ Exp := IEEE_Float_64'Exponent (V);
+ Rfract := IEEE_Float_64'Fraction (V);
+ Rfract := IEEE_Float_64'Scaling (Rfract, Mant_Size);
+ Fract := Integer_64 (Rfract);
+ To_Host_Wide_Int (Fract, L, H);
+ REAL_VALUE_FROM_INT (Mantisse'Address, L, H, DFmode);
+ return REAL_VALUE_LDEXP (Mantisse, Exp - Mant_Size);
+ end To_Real_Value_Type;
+end Agcc.Autils;
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/agcc-autils.ads b/ortho/agcc/agcc-autils.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ca7da446
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/agcc-autils.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+-- Ada bindings for GCC internals.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Agcc.Hwint; use Agcc.Hwint;
+with Agcc.Real; use Agcc.Real;
+with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
+-- Additional utils.
+package Agcc.Autils is
+ procedure To_Host_Wide_Int (V : Unsigned_64; L, H : out HOST_WIDE_INT);
+ procedure To_Host_Wide_Int (V : Integer_64; L, H : out HOST_WIDE_INT);
+ function To_Real_Value_Type (V : IEEE_Float_64) return REAL_VALUE_TYPE;
+end Agcc.Autils;
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/agcc-bindings.c b/ortho/agcc/agcc-bindings.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2dbe33b21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/agcc-bindings.c
@@ -0,0 +1,738 @@
+/* Ada bindings for GCC internals - Bindings for Ada.
+ Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+ GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include "config.h"
+#include "system.h"
+#include "coretypes.h"
+#include "tm.h"
+#include "tree.h"
+#include "tm_p.h"
+#include "defaults.h"
+#include "ggc.h"
+#include "diagnostic.h"
+#include "langhooks.h"
+#include "langhooks-def.h"
+#include "real.h"
+#include "toplev.h"
+enum tree_code
+get_tree_code (tree t)
+ return TREE_CODE (t);
+set_tree_constant (tree t, int flag)
+ TREE_CONSTANT (t) = flag;
+get_tree_constant (tree t)
+ return TREE_CONSTANT (t);
+set_tree_public (tree t, int flag)
+ TREE_PUBLIC (t) = flag;
+set_tree_static (tree t, int flag)
+ TREE_STATIC (t) = flag;
+set_tree_type (tree t, tree val)
+ TREE_TYPE (t) = val;
+get_tree_type (tree t)
+ return TREE_TYPE (t);
+set_tree_chain (tree t, tree chain)
+ TREE_CHAIN (t) = chain;
+get_tree_chain (tree t)
+ return TREE_CHAIN (t);
+set_tree_unsigned (tree t, int flag)
+ TREE_UNSIGNED (t) = flag;
+get_tree_unsigned (tree t)
+ return TREE_UNSIGNED (t);
+set_tree_addressable (tree t, int flag)
+ TREE_ADDRESSABLE (t) = flag;
+get_tree_addressable (tree t)
+ return TREE_ADDRESSABLE (t);
+set_tree_side_effects (tree t, int flag)
+ TREE_SIDE_EFFECTS (t) = flag;
+set_tree_readonly (tree t, int flag)
+ TREE_READONLY (t) = flag;
+set_tree_operand (tree t, unsigned int n, tree val)
+ TREE_OPERAND (t, n) = val;
+get_tree_operand (tree t, unsigned int n)
+ return TREE_OPERAND (t, n);
+get_tree_this_volatile (tree t)
+ return TREE_THIS_VOLATILE (t);
+set_tree_this_volatile (tree t, int val)
+get_tree_purpose (tree l)
+ return TREE_PURPOSE (l);
+get_tree_value (tree l)
+ return TREE_VALUE (l);
+get_tree_used (tree n)
+ return TREE_USED (n);
+set_tree_used (tree n, int flag)
+ TREE_USED (n) = flag;
+get_tree_int_cst_low (tree node)
+ return TREE_INT_CST_LOW (node);
+get_tree_int_cst_high (tree node)
+ return TREE_INT_CST_HIGH (node);
+get_constructor_elts (tree c)
+ return CONSTRUCTOR_ELTS (c);
+(build_int_2) (HOST_WIDE_INT lo, HOST_WIDE_INT hi)
+ return build_int_2 (lo, hi);
+set_decl_arg_type (tree decl, tree val)
+ DECL_ARG_TYPE (decl) = val;
+set_decl_external (tree decl, int val)
+ DECL_EXTERNAL (decl) = val;
+get_decl_external (tree decl)
+ return DECL_EXTERNAL (decl);
+set_decl_arguments (tree decl, tree args)
+ DECL_ARGUMENTS (decl) = args;
+get_decl_arguments (tree decl)
+ return DECL_ARGUMENTS (decl);
+set_decl_result (tree decl, tree res)
+ DECL_RESULT (decl) = res;
+get_decl_result (tree decl)
+ return DECL_RESULT (decl);
+set_decl_context (tree decl, tree context)
+ DECL_CONTEXT (decl) = context;
+get_decl_context (tree decl)
+ return DECL_CONTEXT (decl);
+set_decl_initial (tree decl, tree res)
+ DECL_INITIAL (decl) = res;
+get_decl_initial (tree decl)
+ return DECL_INITIAL (decl);
+get_decl_name (tree decl)
+ return DECL_NAME (decl);
+get_decl_assembler_name (tree decl)
+ return DECL_ASSEMBLER_NAME (decl);
+set_DECL_ASSEMBLER_NAME (tree decl, tree name)
+set_decl_built_in_class (tree decl, enum built_in_class class)
+ DECL_BUILT_IN_CLASS (decl) = class;
+set_decl_function_code (tree decl, int code)
+ DECL_FUNCTION_CODE (decl) = code;
+get_decl_field_offset (tree decl)
+ return DECL_FIELD_OFFSET (decl);
+get_decl_field_bit_offset (tree decl)
+ return DECL_FIELD_BIT_OFFSET (decl);
+integral_type_p (tree type)
+ return INTEGRAL_TYPE_P (type);
+set_type_values (tree type, tree values)
+ TYPE_VALUES (type) = values;
+set_type_name (tree type, tree name)
+ TYPE_NAME (type) = name;
+get_type_name (tree type)
+ return TYPE_NAME (type);
+set_type_min_value (tree type, tree val)
+ TYPE_MIN_VALUE (type) = val;
+get_type_min_value (tree type)
+ return TYPE_MIN_VALUE (type);
+set_type_max_value (tree type, tree val)
+ TYPE_MAX_VALUE (type) = val;
+get_type_max_value (tree type)
+ return TYPE_MAX_VALUE (type);
+set_type_size (tree type, tree size)
+ TYPE_SIZE (type) = size;
+get_type_size (tree type)
+ return TYPE_SIZE (type);
+set_type_precision (tree type, int precision)
+ TYPE_PRECISION (type) = precision;
+get_type_precision (tree type)
+ return TYPE_PRECISION (type);
+set_type_fields (tree type, tree fields)
+ TYPE_FIELDS (type) = fields;
+get_type_fields (tree type)
+ return TYPE_FIELDS (type);
+set_type_stub_decl (tree type, tree decl)
+ TYPE_STUB_DECL (type) = decl;
+get_type_domain (tree type)
+ return TYPE_DOMAIN (type);
+set_type_domain (tree type, tree domain)
+ TYPE_DOMAIN (type) = domain;
+void *
+get_type_lang_specific (tree node)
+ return TYPE_LANG_SPECIFIC (node);
+set_type_lang_specific (tree node, void *val)
+ TYPE_LANG_SPECIFIC (node) = val;
+get_type_is_sizetype (tree node)
+ return TYPE_IS_SIZETYPE (node);
+set_type_pointer_to (tree node, tree dnode)
+ TYPE_POINTER_TO (node) = dnode;
+get_type_pointer_to (tree node)
+ return TYPE_POINTER_TO (node);
+enum machine_mode
+get_type_mode (tree node)
+ return TYPE_MODE (node);
+set_type_mode (tree node, enum machine_mode mode)
+ TYPE_MODE (node) = mode;
+set_current_function_decl (tree decl)
+ current_function_decl = decl;
+get_current_function_decl (void)
+ return current_function_decl;
+double_type_size (void)
+bits_per_unit (void)
+ return BITS_PER_UNIT;
+(size_int) (HOST_WIDE_INT number)
+ return size_int (number);
+get_type_size_unit (tree node)
+ return TYPE_SIZE_UNIT (node);
+/* For agcc.real: */
+get_REAL_VALUE_ATOF (const char *s, enum machine_mode mode)
+ return REAL_VALUE_ATOF (s, mode);
+ real_ldexp (&res, &x, n);
+ return res;
+ enum machine_mode mode)
+ REAL_VALUE_FROM_INT (*d, l, h, mode);
+get_identifier_length (tree node)
+ return IDENTIFIER_LENGTH (node);
+const char *
+get_identifier_pointer (tree node)
+ return IDENTIFIER_POINTER (node);
+get_block_supercontext (tree node)
+ return BLOCK_SUPERCONTEXT (node);
+set_block_supercontext (tree block, tree sc)
+ BLOCK_SUPERCONTEXT (block) = sc;
+set_block_vars (tree block, tree vars)
+ BLOCK_VARS (block) = vars;
+const int tree_identifier_size = sizeof (struct tree_identifier);
+#if 0
+static void
+ggc_mark_tree_ptr (void *elt)
+ ggc_mark_tree (*(tree *) elt);
+#undef ggc_mark_tree
+ggc_mark_tree (tree expr)
+ gt_ggc_m_9tree_node (expr);
+#if 0
+ggc_add_tree_root (void *base, int nelt)
+ ggc_add_root (base, nelt, sizeof (tree), ggc_mark_tree_ptr);
+get_mode_bitsize (enum machine_mode mode)
+ return GET_MODE_BITSIZE (mode);
+get_errorcount (void)
+ return errorcount;
+set_errorcount (int c)
+ errorcount = c;
+/* Defined in agcc.fe */
+extern const char language_name[];
+extern bool lang_init (void);
+extern void lang_finish (void);
+extern unsigned int lang_init_options (unsigned int argc, const char **argv);
+extern int lang_handle_option (size_t code, const char *argc, int value);
+extern bool lang_post_options (const char **);
+extern HOST_WIDE_INT lang_get_alias_set (tree t);
+extern bool mark_addressable (tree t);
+extern int global_bindings_p (void);
+extern int kept_level_p (void);
+extern tree getdecls (void);
+extern void pushlevel (int);
+extern tree poplevel (int, int, int);
+extern void insert_block (tree);
+extern void set_block (tree);
+extern tree pushdecl (tree);
+extern tree type_for_mode (enum machine_mode, int);
+extern tree type_for_size (unsigned int, int);
+extern tree unsigned_type (tree);
+extern tree signed_type (tree);
+extern tree signed_or_unsigned_type (int, tree);
+extern tree truthvalue_conversion (tree);
+extern void lang_parse_file (int);
+#define LANG_HOOKS_NAME language_name
+#define LANG_HOOKS_IDENTIFIER_SIZE sizeof (struct tree_identifier)
+#define LANG_HOOKS_INIT lang_init
+#define LANG_HOOKS_FINISH lang_finish
+#define LANG_HOOKS_INIT_OPTIONS lang_init_options
+#define LANG_HOOKS_HANDLE_OPTION lang_handle_option
+#define LANG_HOOKS_POST_OPTIONS lang_post_options
+#define LANG_HOOKS_GET_ALIAS_SET lang_get_alias_set
+#define LANG_HOOKS_TRUTHVALUE_CONVERSION truthvalue_conversion
+#define LANG_HOOKS_MARK_ADDRESSABLE mark_addressable
+#define LANG_HOOKS_TYPE_FOR_MODE type_for_mode
+#define LANG_HOOKS_TYPE_FOR_SIZE type_for_size
+#define LANG_HOOKS_SIGNED_TYPE signed_type
+#define LANG_HOOKS_UNSIGNED_TYPE unsigned_type
+#define LANG_HOOKS_SIGNED_OR_UNSIGNED_TYPE signed_or_unsigned_type
+#define LANG_HOOKS_PARSE_FILE lang_parse_file
+const struct lang_hooks lang_hooks = LANG_HOOKS_INITIALIZER;
+/* Tree code classes. */
+const char tree_code_type[] = {
+#include "tree.def"
+ 'x'
+/* Table indexed by tree code giving number of expression
+ operands beyond the fixed part of the node structure.
+ Not used for types or decls. */
+const unsigned char tree_code_length[] = {
+#include "tree.def"
+ 0
+const char * const tree_code_name[] = {
+#include "tree.def"
+ "@@dummy"
+union lang_tree_node
+ GTY((desc ("0"),
+ chain_next ("(union lang_tree_node *)TREE_CHAIN (&%h.generic)")))
+ union tree_node GTY ((tag ("0"),
+ desc ("tree_node_structure (&%h)")))
+ generic;
+struct lang_decl GTY(())
+struct lang_type GTY (())
+struct language_function GTY (())
+c_common_truthvalue_conversion (tree expr)
+ return expr;
+ if (TREE_CODE (expr) == INTEGER_CST)
+ return integer_zerop (expr) ? integer_zero_node : integer_one_node;
+ abort ();
+struct binding_level GTY(())
+ tree names;
+ tree blocks;
+ tree block_created_by_back_end;
+ struct binding_level *level_chain;
+extern GTY(()) struct binding_level *current_binding_level;
+extern GTY((deletable (""))) struct binding_level *old_binding_level;
+struct binding_level *
+alloc_binding_level (void)
+ return (struct binding_level *)ggc_alloc (sizeof (struct binding_level));
+extern GTY(()) tree signed_and_unsigned_types[MAX_BITS_PER_WORD + 1][2];
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "gt-vhdl-agcc-bindings.h"
+#include "gtype-vhdl.h"
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/agcc-convert.ads b/ortho/agcc/agcc-convert.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..964dd81a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/agcc-convert.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+-- Ada bindings for GCC internals.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Agcc.Trees; use Agcc.Trees;
+package Agcc.Convert is
+ function Convert_To_Integer (Atype : Tree; Expr : Tree) return Tree;
+ function Convert_To_Pointer (Atype : Tree; Expr : Tree) return Tree;
+ pragma Import (C, Convert_To_Integer);
+ pragma Import (C, Convert_To_Pointer);
+end Agcc.Convert;
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/agcc-diagnostic.ads b/ortho/agcc/agcc-diagnostic.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4558896a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/agcc-diagnostic.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+-- Ada bindings for GCC internals.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package Agcc.Diagnostic is
+ function Get_Errorcount return Integer;
+ procedure Set_Errorcount (Cnt : Integer);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_Errorcount);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_Errorcount);
+end Agcc.Diagnostic;
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/agcc-fe.ads b/ortho/agcc/agcc-fe.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7c2b11001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/agcc-fe.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+-- Ada bindings for GCC internals.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Agcc.Trees; use Agcc.Trees;
+with Agcc.Machmode; use Agcc.Machmode;
+with Agcc.Hwint; use Agcc.Hwint;
+with Agcc.Options; use Agcc.Options;
+with Interfaces.C_Streams; use Interfaces.C_Streams;
+with C; use C;
+package Agcc.Fe is
+ -- Subprograms that must be defined by the front-end.
+ -- Defined in langhooks.h
+ function Lang_Init_Options (Argc : Integer; Argv : C_String_Array)
+ return Integer;
+ -- Front-end function expected by GCC.
+ function Lang_Handle_Option (Code : Opt_Code;
+ Arg : C_String;
+ Value : Integer)
+ return Integer;
+ type C_String_Acc is access C_String;
+ pragma Convention (C, C_String_Acc);
+ function Lang_Post_Options (Filename : C_String_Acc) return C_Bool;
+ function Lang_Init return C_Bool;
+ procedure Lang_Finish;
+ --procedure Lang_Clear_Binding_Stack;
+ -- Return the typed-based alias set for T, which may be an expression
+ -- or a type. Return -1 if we don't do anything special.
+ -- O means can alias everything.
+ function Lang_Get_Alias_Set (T : Tree) return HOST_WIDE_INT;
+ --function Lang_Expand_Constant (N : Tree) return Tree;
+ --function Lang_Safe_From_P (Target : Rtx; Exp : Tree) return C_Bool;
+ procedure Lang_Parse_File (Debug : C_Bool);
+ -- Called by the back-end or by the front-end when the address of EXP
+ -- must be taken.
+ -- This function should found the base object (if any), and mark it as
+ -- addressable (via TREE_ADDRESSABLE). It may emit a warning if this
+ -- object cannot be addressable (front-end restriction).
+ -- Returns TRUE in case of success, FALSE in case of failure.
+ -- Note that the status is never checked by the back-end.
+ function Mark_Addressable (Exp : Tree) return C_Bool;
+ -- Possibly apply default attributes to function FUNC represented by
+ procedure Insert_Default_Attributes (Func : Tree);
+ -- Lexical scopes.
+ -- Roughly speaking, it is used to mark declarations regions.
+ -- Enter in a new lexical scope. INSIDE should be FALSE (TRUE iff called
+ -- from the inside of the front end, ie from gcc internal code).
+ procedure Pushlevel (Inside : C_Bool);
+ -- Add a declaration to the current scope.
+ -- Note: GCC backend expect PUSHDECL to return its argument; however,
+ -- it is only seldom used. Both forms exist and are aliased with a third
+ -- one which is exported under the C name.
+ -- (Unfortunatly, it is not possible to export the function and to import
+ -- the procedure).
+ procedure Pushdecl (Decl : Tree);
+ function Pushdecl (Decl : Tree) return Tree;
+ -- This function has to be defined.
+ function Exported_Pushdecl (Decl : Tree) return Tree;
+ -- Get the declarations of the current scope.
+ function Getdecls return Tree;
+ procedure Set_Block (Block : Tree);
+ -- Return non-zero if we are currently in the global binding level.
+ function Global_Bindings_P return Integer;
+ -- Insert BLOCK at the end of the list of subblocks of the
+ -- current binding level. This is used when a BIND_EXPR is expanded,
+ -- to handle the BLOCK node inside the BIND_EXPR.
+ procedure Insert_Block (Block : Tree);
+ -- Exit the current scope.
+ -- FUNCTIONBODY is TRUE iff the scope corresponds to a subprogram scope.
+ -- Used forms (both imported).
+ procedure Poplevel (Keep : C_Bool; Revers : C_Bool; Functionbody : C_Bool);
+ function Poplevel (Keep : C_Bool; Revers : C_Bool; Functionbody : C_Bool)
+ return Tree;
+ -- Exported form.
+ function Exported_Poplevel
+ (Keep : C_Bool; Revers : C_Bool; Functionbody : C_Bool)
+ return Tree;
+ -- Perform all the initialization steps that are language-specific.
+ --procedure Lang_Init;
+ -- Perform all the finalization steps that are language-specific.
+ --procedure Lang_Finish;
+ -- Return an integer type with the number of bits of precision given by
+ -- PRECISION. UNSIGNEDP is nonzero if the type is unsigned; otherwise
+ -- it is a signed type.
+ function Type_For_Size (Precision : Natural; Unsignedp : C_Bool)
+ return Tree;
+ -- Return a data type that has machine mode MODE. UNSIGNEDP selects
+ -- an unsigned type; otherwise a signed type is returned.
+ function Type_For_Mode (Mode : Machine_Mode; Unsignedp : C_Bool)
+ return Tree;
+ -- Return the unsigned version of a TYPE_NODE, a scalar type.
+ function Unsigned_Type (Type_Node : Tree) return Tree;
+ -- Return the signed version of a TYPE_NODE, a scalar type.
+ function Signed_Type (Type_Node : Tree) return Tree;
+ -- Return a type the same as TYPE except unsigned or signed according to
+ function Signed_Or_Unsigned_Type (Unsignedp : C_Bool; Atype : Tree)
+ return Tree;
+ -- Return a definition for a builtin function named NAME and whose data
+ -- type is TYPE. TYPE should be a function type with argument types.
+ -- FUNCTION_CODE tells later passes how to compile calls to this function.
+ -- See tree.h for its possible values.
+ --
+ -- If LIBRARY_NAME is nonzero, use that for DECL_ASSEMBLER_NAME,
+ -- the name to be called if we can't opencode the function.
+ function Builtin_Function
+ (Name: System.Address;
+ Ftype : Tree;
+ Function_Code : Built_In_Function;
+ Class : Built_In_Class;
+ Library_Name : System.Address)
+ return Tree;
+ -- Set debug flag of the parser.
+ procedure Set_Yydebug (Flag : C_Bool);
+ -- Hooks for print-tree.c:
+ procedure Print_Lang_Decl (File : FILEs; Node : Tree; Indent : natural);
+ procedure Print_Lang_Type (File : FILEs; Node : Tree; Indent : Natural);
+ procedure Print_Lang_Identifier
+ (File : FILEs; Node : Tree; Indent : Natural);
+ procedure Lang_Print_Xnode (File : FILEs; Node : Tree; Indent : Natural);
+ -- Print any language-specific compilation statistics.
+ procedure Print_Lang_Statistics;
+ -- Finish to copy a ..._DECL node (the LANG_DECL_SPECIFIC field).
+ procedure Copy_Lang_Decl (Node : Tree);
+ -- Normalize boolean value EXPR.
+ function Truthvalue_Conversion (Expr : Tree) return Tree;
+ -- Procedure called in case of sizeof applied to an incomplete type.
+ procedure Incomplete_Type_Error (Value : Tree; Atype : Tree);
+ -- This function must be defined in the language-specific files.
+ -- expand_expr calls it to build the cleanup-expression for a TARGET_EXPR.
+ function Maybe_Build_Cleanup (Decl : Tree) return Tree;
+ --Language_String : constant Chars;
+ Flag_Traditional : Integer := 0;
+ pragma Export (C, Lang_Init_Options);
+ pragma Export (C, Lang_Handle_Option);
+ pragma Export (C, Lang_Post_Options);
+ pragma Export (C, Lang_Init);
+ pragma Export (C, Lang_Finish);
+ pragma Export (C, Lang_Get_Alias_Set);
+ pragma Export (C, Lang_Parse_File);
+ pragma Export (C, Mark_Addressable);
+ pragma Export (C, Insert_Default_Attributes);
+ pragma Import (C, Pushdecl);
+ pragma Export (C, Exported_Pushdecl, "pushdecl");
+ pragma Export (C, Pushlevel);
+ pragma Export (C, Set_Block);
+ pragma Export (C, Insert_Block);
+ pragma Export (C, Global_Bindings_P);
+ pragma Import (C, Poplevel);
+ pragma Export (C, Exported_Poplevel, "poplevel");
+ pragma Export (C, Getdecls);
+ pragma Export (C, Type_For_Size);
+ pragma Export (C, Type_For_Mode);
+ pragma Export (C, Unsigned_Type);
+ pragma Export (C, Signed_Type);
+ pragma Export (C, Signed_Or_Unsigned_Type);
+ pragma Export (C, Builtin_Function);
+ pragma Export (C, Set_Yydebug);
+ pragma Export (C, Print_Lang_Decl);
+ pragma Export (C, Print_Lang_Type);
+ pragma Export (C, Print_Lang_Identifier);
+ pragma Export (C, Lang_Print_Xnode);
+ pragma Export (C, Print_Lang_Statistics);
+ pragma Export (C, Copy_Lang_Decl);
+ pragma Export (C, Truthvalue_Conversion);
+ pragma Export (C, Incomplete_Type_Error);
+ pragma Export (C, Maybe_Build_Cleanup);
+ pragma Export (C, Flag_Traditional);
+end Agcc.Fe;
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/agcc-ggc.ads b/ortho/agcc/agcc-ggc.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4892d59b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/agcc-ggc.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+-- Ada bindings for GCC internals.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Agcc.Trees; use Agcc.Trees;
+package Agcc.Ggc is
+ procedure Ggc_Add_Root (Base : System.Address;
+ Nelt : Natural;
+ Size : Natural;
+ Func : System.Address);
+ procedure Ggc_Add_Tree_Root (Base : System.Address; Nelt : Natural);
+ procedure Ggc_Mark_Tree (Expr : Tree);
+ pragma Import (C, Ggc_Add_Root);
+ pragma Import (C, Ggc_Mark_Tree);
+ pragma Import (C, Ggc_Add_Tree_Root);
+end Agcc.Ggc;
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/agcc-ghdl.c b/ortho/agcc/agcc-ghdl.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..211d5e093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/agcc-ghdl.c
@@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
+/* Ada bindings for GCC internals.
+ Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+ GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "config.h"
+#include "system.h"
+#include "tree.h"
+#include "flags.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#if 0
+const char *const language_string = "ghdl";
+int flag_traditional;
+/* Convertion from a C string to the corresponding cannonical
+ Ada (GNAT) String. */
+struct str_template
+ int first;
+ int last;
+struct str_fatptr
+ const char *array;
+ struct str_template *tpl;
+#if 0
+/* Called by toplev.c, to initialize the parser. */
+const char *
+init_parse (const char *filename)
+ struct str_template temp1 = {1, strlen (filename)};
+ struct str_fatptr fp = {filename, &temp1};
+ ghdl1__init_parse (fp);
+ return filename;
+lang_init_options (void)
+ extern int gnat_argc;
+ extern const char **gnat_argv;
+ extern const char *progname;
+ /* Initialize ada.command_line. */
+ gnat_argc = 1;
+ gnat_argv = &progname;
+ adainit ();
+#if 0
+/* Decode all the language specific options that cannot be decoded by GCC. The
+ option decoding phase of GCC calls this routine on the flags that it cannot
+ decode. Return 1 if successful, otherwise return 0. */
+lang_decode_option (argc, argv)
+ int argc;
+ char **argv;
+ return 0;
+lang_print_xnode(file, t, i)
+ FILE *file;
+ tree t;
+ int i;
+ return;
+/* Routines Expected by gcc: */
+/* These are used to build types for various sizes. The code below
+ is a simplified version of that of GNAT. */
+/* This variable keeps a table for types for each precision so that we only
+ allocate each of them once. Signed and unsigned types are kept separate. */
+static tree signed_and_unsigned_types[MAX_BITS_PER_WORD + 1][2];
+/* Return an integer type with the number of bits of precision given by
+ PRECISION. UNSIGNEDP is nonzero if the type is unsigned; otherwise
+ it is a signed type. */
+type_for_size (precision, unsignedp)
+ unsigned precision;
+ int unsignedp;
+ tree t;
+ if (precision <= MAX_BITS_PER_WORD
+ && signed_and_unsigned_types[precision][unsignedp] != 0)
+ return signed_and_unsigned_types[precision][unsignedp];
+ if (unsignedp)
+ t = signed_and_unsigned_types[precision][1]
+ = make_unsigned_type (precision);
+ else
+ t = signed_and_unsigned_types[precision][0]
+ = make_signed_type (precision);
+ return t;
+/* Return a data type that has machine mode MODE. UNSIGNEDP selects
+ an unsigned type; otherwise a signed type is returned. */
+type_for_mode (mode, unsignedp)
+ enum machine_mode mode;
+ int unsignedp;
+ return type_for_size (GET_MODE_BITSIZE (mode), unsignedp);
+/* Return the unsigned version of a TYPE_NODE, a scalar type. */
+unsigned_type (type_node)
+ tree type_node;
+ return type_for_size (TYPE_PRECISION (type_node), 1);
+/* Return the signed version of a TYPE_NODE, a scalar type. */
+signed_type (type_node)
+ tree type_node;
+ return type_for_size (TYPE_PRECISION (type_node), 0);
+/* Return a type the same as TYPE except unsigned or signed according to
+signed_or_unsigned_type (unsignedp, type)
+ int unsignedp;
+ tree type;
+ if (! INTEGRAL_TYPE_P (type) || TREE_UNSIGNED (type) == unsignedp)
+ return type;
+ else
+ return type_for_size (TYPE_PRECISION (type), unsignedp);
+init_type_for_size (void)
+ ggc_add_tree_root (signed_and_unsigned_types,
+ sizeof (signed_and_unsigned_types) / sizeof (tree));
+#if 0
+/* These functions and variables deal with binding contours. We only
+ need these functions for the list of PARM_DECLs, but we leave the
+ functions more general; these are a simplified version of the
+ functions from GNAT. */
+/* For each binding contour we allocate a binding_level structure which records
+ the entities defined or declared in that contour. Contours include:
+ the global one
+ one for each subprogram definition
+ one for each compound statement (declare block)
+ Binding contours are used to create GCC tree BLOCK nodes. */
+struct binding_level
+ /* A chain of ..._DECL nodes for all variables, constants, functions,
+ parameters and type declarations. These ..._DECL nodes are chained
+ through the TREE_CHAIN field. Note that these ..._DECL nodes are stored
+ in the reverse of the order supplied to be compatible with the
+ back-end. */
+ tree names;
+ /* For each level (except the global one), a chain of BLOCK nodes for all
+ the levels that were entered and exited one level down from this one. */
+ tree blocks;
+ /* The back end may need, for its own internal processing, to create a BLOCK
+ node. This field is set aside for this purpose. If this field is non-null
+ when the level is popped, i.e. when poplevel is invoked, we will use such
+ block instead of creating a new one from the 'names' field, that is the
+ ..._DECL nodes accumulated so far. Typically the routine 'pushlevel'
+ will be called before setting this field, so that if the front-end had
+ inserted ..._DECL nodes in the current block they will not be lost. */
+ tree block_created_by_back_end;
+ /* The binding level containing this one (the enclosing binding level). */
+ struct binding_level *level_chain;
+/* The binding level currently in effect. */
+static struct binding_level *current_binding_level = NULL;
+/* The outermost binding level. This binding level is created when the
+ compiler is started and it will exist through the entire compilation. */
+static struct binding_level *global_binding_level;
+/* Binding level structures are initialized by copying this one. */
+static struct binding_level clear_binding_level = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
+/* Return non-zero if we are currently in the global binding level. */
+global_bindings_p ()
+ return current_binding_level == global_binding_level ? -1 : 0;
+/* Return the list of declarations in the current level. Note that this list
+ is in reverse order (it has to be so for back-end compatibility). */
+getdecls ()
+ return current_binding_level->names;
+/* Nonzero if the current level needs to have a BLOCK made. */
+kept_level_p ()
+ return (current_binding_level->names != 0);
+/* Enter a new binding level. The input parameter is ignored, but has to be
+ specified for back-end compatibility. */
+pushlevel (ignore)
+ int ignore;
+ struct binding_level *newlevel
+ = (struct binding_level *) xmalloc (sizeof (struct binding_level));
+ *newlevel = clear_binding_level;
+ /* Add this level to the front of the chain (stack) of levels that are
+ active. */
+ newlevel->level_chain = current_binding_level;
+ current_binding_level = newlevel;
+/* Exit a binding level.
+ Pop the level off, and restore the state of the identifier-decl mappings
+ that were in effect when this level was entered.
+ If KEEP is nonzero, this level had explicit declarations, so
+ and create a "block" (a BLOCK node) for the level
+ to record its declarations and subblocks for symbol table output.
+ If FUNCTIONBODY is nonzero, this level is the body of a function,
+ so create a block as if KEEP were set and also clear out all
+ label names.
+ If REVERSE is nonzero, reverse the order of decls before putting
+ them into the BLOCK. */
+poplevel (keep, reverse, functionbody)
+ int keep;
+ int reverse;
+ int functionbody;
+ /* Points to a BLOCK tree node. This is the BLOCK node construted for the
+ binding level that we are about to exit and which is returned by this
+ routine. */
+ tree block_node = NULL_TREE;
+ tree decl_chain;
+ tree decl_node;
+ tree subblock_chain = current_binding_level->blocks;
+ tree subblock_node;
+ tree block_created_by_back_end;
+ /* Reverse the list of XXXX_DECL nodes if desired. Note that the ..._DECL
+ nodes chained through the `names' field of current_binding_level are in
+ reverse order except for PARM_DECL node, which are explicitely stored in
+ the right order. */
+ decl_chain = (reverse) ? nreverse (current_binding_level->names)
+ : current_binding_level->names;
+ block_created_by_back_end = current_binding_level->block_created_by_back_end;
+ if (block_created_by_back_end != 0)
+ {
+ block_node = block_created_by_back_end;
+ /* Check if we are about to discard some information that was gathered
+ by the front-end. Nameley check if the back-end created a new block
+ without calling pushlevel first. To understand why things are lost
+ just look at the next case (i.e. no block created by back-end. */
+ if ((keep || functionbody) && (decl_chain || subblock_chain))
+ abort ();
+ }
+ /* If there were any declarations in the current binding level, or if this
+ binding level is a function body, or if there are any nested blocks then
+ create a BLOCK node to record them for the life of this function. */
+ else if (keep || functionbody)
+ block_node = build_block (keep ? decl_chain : 0, 0, subblock_chain, 0, 0);
+ /* Record the BLOCK node just built as the subblock its enclosing scope. */
+ for (subblock_node = subblock_chain; subblock_node;
+ subblock_node = TREE_CHAIN (subblock_node))
+ BLOCK_SUPERCONTEXT (subblock_node) = block_node;
+ /* Clear out the meanings of the local variables of this level. */
+ for (subblock_node = decl_chain; subblock_node;
+ subblock_node = TREE_CHAIN (subblock_node))
+ if (DECL_NAME (subblock_node) != 0)
+ /* If the identifier was used or addressed via a local extern decl,
+ don't forget that fact. */
+ if (DECL_EXTERNAL (subblock_node))
+ {
+ if (TREE_USED (subblock_node))
+ TREE_USED (DECL_NAME (subblock_node)) = 1;
+ if (TREE_ADDRESSABLE (subblock_node))
+ }
+ /* Pop the current level. */
+ current_binding_level = current_binding_level->level_chain;
+ if (functionbody)
+ {
+ /* This is the top level block of a function. The ..._DECL chain stored
+ in BLOCK_VARS are the function's parameters (PARM_DECL nodes). Don't
+ leave them in the BLOCK because they are found in the FUNCTION_DECL
+ instead. */
+ DECL_INITIAL (current_function_decl) = block_node;
+ BLOCK_VARS (block_node) = 0;
+ }
+ else if (block_node)
+ {
+ if (block_created_by_back_end == NULL)
+ current_binding_level->blocks
+ = chainon (current_binding_level->blocks, block_node);
+ }
+ /* If we did not make a block for the level just exited, any blocks made for
+ inner levels (since they cannot be recorded as subblocks in that level)
+ must be carried forward so they will later become subblocks of something
+ else. */
+ else if (subblock_chain)
+ current_binding_level->blocks
+ = chainon (current_binding_level->blocks, subblock_chain);
+ if (block_node)
+ TREE_USED (block_node) = 1;
+ return block_node;
+/* Insert BLOCK at the end of the list of subblocks of the
+ current binding level. This is used when a BIND_EXPR is expanded,
+ to handle the BLOCK node inside the BIND_EXPR. */
+insert_block (block)
+ tree block;
+ TREE_USED (block) = 1;
+ current_binding_level->blocks
+ = chainon (current_binding_level->blocks, block);
+/* Set the BLOCK node for the innermost scope
+ (the one we are currently in). */
+set_block (block)
+ tree block;
+ current_binding_level->block_created_by_back_end = block;
+/* Records a ..._DECL node DECL as belonging to the current lexical scope.
+ Returns the ..._DECL node. */
+pushdecl (decl)
+ tree decl;
+ /* External objects aren't nested, other objects may be. */
+ if (DECL_EXTERNAL (decl))
+ DECL_CONTEXT (decl) = 0;
+ else
+ DECL_CONTEXT (decl) = current_function_decl;
+ /* Put the declaration on the list. The list of declarations is in reverse
+ order. The list will be reversed later if necessary. This needs to be
+ this way for compatibility with the back-end. */
+ TREE_CHAIN (decl) = current_binding_level->names;
+ current_binding_level->names = decl;
+ /* For the declaration of a type, set its name if it is not already set. */
+ if (TREE_CODE (decl) == TYPE_DECL
+ && TYPE_NAME (TREE_TYPE (decl)) == 0)
+ TYPE_NAME (TREE_TYPE (decl)) = decl; /* DECL_NAME (decl); */
+ return decl;
+#ifndef INT_TYPE_SIZE
+#undef SIZE_TYPE
+#define SIZE_TYPE "long unsigned int"
+#if 0
+/* Create the predefined scalar types such as `integer_type_node' needed
+ in the gcc back-end and initialize the global binding level. */
+init_decl_processing ()
+ tree endlink;
+ error_mark_node = make_node (ERROR_MARK);
+ TREE_TYPE (error_mark_node) = error_mark_node;
+ initialize_sizetypes ();
+ /* The structure `tree_identifier' is the GCC tree data structure that holds
+ IDENTIFIER_NODE nodes. We need to call `set_identifier_size' to tell GCC
+ that we have not added any language specific fields to IDENTIFIER_NODE
+ nodes. */
+ set_identifier_size (sizeof (struct tree_identifier));
+ lineno = 0;
+ /* Make the binding_level structure for global names. */
+ pushlevel (0);
+ global_binding_level = current_binding_level;
+ build_common_tree_nodes (0);
+ pushdecl (build_decl (TYPE_DECL, get_identifier ("int"),
+ integer_type_node));
+ pushdecl (build_decl (TYPE_DECL, get_identifier ("char"),
+ char_type_node));
+ set_sizetype (unsigned_type_node);
+ build_common_tree_nodes_2 (0);
+#if 0
+/* Perform all the initialization steps that are language-specific. */
+lang_init ()
+/* Perform all the finalization steps that are language-specific. */
+lang_finish ()
+/* Return a short string identifying this language to the debugger. */
+const char *
+lang_identify ()
+ return "vhdl";
+/* If DECL has a cleanup, build and return that cleanup here.
+ This is a callback called by expand_expr. */
+maybe_build_cleanup (decl)
+ tree decl;
+{ return NULL_TREE; }
+/* Print an error message for invalid use of an incomplete type. */
+incomplete_type_error (dont_care_1, dont_care_2)
+ tree dont_care_1, dont_care_2;
+{ abort (); }
+truthvalue_conversion (expr)
+ tree expr;
+{ return expr;}
+mark_addressable (expr)
+ tree expr;
+{return 0;}
+#if 0
+/* Print any language-specific compilation statistics. */
+print_lang_statistics ()
+/* Since we don't use the DECL_LANG_SPECIFIC field, this is a no-op. */
+copy_lang_decl (node)
+ tree node;
+/* Hooks for print-tree.c: */
+print_lang_decl (file, node, indent)
+ FILE *file;
+ tree node;
+ int indent;
+print_lang_type (file, node, indent)
+ FILE *file;
+ tree node;
+ int indent;
+print_lang_identifier (file, node, indent)
+ FILE *file;
+ tree node;
+ int indent;
+#if 0
+/* Performs whatever initialization steps are needed by the language-dependent
+ lexical analyzer. */
+init_lex ()
+/* Sets some debug flags for the parser. It does nothing here. */
+set_yydebug (value)
+ int value;
+#if 0
+/* Routine to print parse error message. */
+yyerror (str)
+ char *str;
+ fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", str);
+#if 0
+/* Return the typed-based alias set for T, which may be an expression
+ or a type. Return -1 if we don't do anything special. */
+lang_get_alias_set (t)
+ return -1;
+#if 0
+/* Return a definition for a builtin function named NAME and whose data type
+ is TYPE. TYPE should be a function type with argument types.
+ FUNCTION_CODE tells later passes how to compile calls to this function.
+ See tree.h for its possible values.
+ If LIBRARY_NAME is nonzero, use that for DECL_ASSEMBLER_NAME,
+ the name to be called if we can't opencode the function. */
+builtin_function (name, type, function_code, class, library_name)
+ const char *name;
+ tree type;
+ int function_code;
+ enum built_in_class class;
+ const char *library_name;
+ tree decl = build_decl (FUNCTION_DECL, get_identifier (name), type);
+ DECL_EXTERNAL (decl) = 1;
+ TREE_PUBLIC (decl) = 1;
+ if (library_name)
+ DECL_ASSEMBLER_NAME (decl) = get_identifier (library_name);
+ make_decl_rtl (decl, NULL_PTR, 1);
+ pushdecl (decl);
+ DECL_BUILT_IN_CLASS (decl) = class;
+ DECL_FUNCTION_CODE (decl) = function_code;
+ return decl;
+#if 0
+/* Mark language-specific parts of T for garbage-collection. */
+lang_mark_tree (t)
+print_chain (tree t)
+ while (t != NULL)
+ {
+ print_node_brief (stdout, "", t, 0);
+ fprintf (stdout, "\n");
+ t = TREE_CHAIN (t);
+ }
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/agcc-hconfig.ads.in b/ortho/agcc/agcc-hconfig.ads.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3662c953c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/agcc-hconfig.ads.in
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+-- Ada bindings for GCC internals. -*- Ada -*-
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package Agcc.Hconfig is
+end Agcc.Hconfig;
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/agcc-hwint.ads.in b/ortho/agcc/agcc-hwint.ads.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..245f211dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/agcc-hwint.ads.in
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+-- Ada bindings for GCC internals. -*- Ada -*-
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Interfaces;
+package Agcc.Hwint is
+ pragma Preelaborate (Agcc.Hwint);
+end Agcc.Hwint;
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/agcc-input.ads b/ortho/agcc/agcc-input.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7ff5ec5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/agcc-input.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+-- Ada bindings for GCC internals.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package Agcc.Input is
+ type Location_T is record
+ File : Chars;
+ Line : Integer;
+ end record;
+ pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, Location_T);
+ Input_Location : Location_T;
+ pragma Import (C, Input_Location);
+end Agcc.Input;
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/agcc-libiberty.ads b/ortho/agcc/agcc-libiberty.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..89784b7e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/agcc-libiberty.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+-- Ada bindings for GCC internals.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package Agcc.Libiberty is
+ function Xmalloc (Size : Size_T) return Chars;
+ pragma Import (C, Xmalloc);
+end Agcc.Libiberty;
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/agcc-machmode.ads.in b/ortho/agcc/agcc-machmode.ads.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ccc6980ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/agcc-machmode.ads.in
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+-- Ada bindings for GCC internals. -*- Ada -*-
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package Agcc.Machmode is
+ pragma Preelaborate (Agcc.Machmode);
+ type Machine_Mode is
+ (
+ );
+ pragma Convention (C, Machine_Mode);
+ function GET_MODE_BITSIZE (Mode : Machine_Mode) return Natural;
+ Ptr_Mode : Machine_Mode;
+ pragma Import (C, GET_MODE_BITSIZE);
+ pragma Import (C, Ptr_Mode);
+end Agcc.Machmode;
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/agcc-options.ads.in b/ortho/agcc/agcc-options.ads.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8931edde4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/agcc-options.ads.in
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+-- Ada bindings for GCC internals. -*- Ada -*-
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+-- This file is preprocessed by gen_tree to create agcc-options.ads
+package Agcc.Options is
+ type Opt_Code is
+ (
+ );
+ pragma Convention (C, Opt_Code);
+end Agcc.Options;
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/agcc-output.ads b/ortho/agcc/agcc-output.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ecab6e33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/agcc-output.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+-- Ada bindings for GCC internals.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Agcc.Trees; use Agcc.Trees;
+package Agcc.Output is
+ procedure Make_Function_Rtl (Func : Tree);
+ pragma Import (C, Make_Function_Rtl);
+end Agcc.Output;
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/agcc-real.ads.in b/ortho/agcc/agcc-real.ads.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec6b080bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/agcc-real.ads.in
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+-- Ada bindings for GCC internals. -*- Ada -*-
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Agcc.Hwint; use Agcc.Hwint;
+with Agcc.Machmode; use Agcc.Machmode;
+package Agcc.Real is
+ pragma Preelaborate (Agcc.Real);
+ type REAL_VALUE_TYPE is private;
+ function REAL_VALUE_ATOF (S : System.Address; M : Machine_Mode)
+ function REAL_VALUE_LDEXP (X : REAL_VALUE_TYPE; N : Integer)
+ procedure REAL_VALUE_FROM_INT (D : System.Address;
+ Mode : Machine_Mode);
+ -- FIXME: check about the convention on other machines.
+ pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, REAL_VALUE_TYPE);
+ pragma Import (C, REAL_VALUE_ATOF, "get_REAL_VALUE_ATOF");
+ pragma Import (C, REAL_VALUE_LDEXP, "get_REAL_VALUE_LDEXP");
+ pragma Import (C, REAL_VALUE_FROM_INT, "get_REAL_VALUE_FROM_INT");
+end Agcc.Real;
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/agcc-rtl.ads b/ortho/agcc/agcc-rtl.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e45143a8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/agcc-rtl.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+-- Ada bindings for GCC internals.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Agcc.Input; use Agcc.Input;
+with System;
+package Agcc.Rtl is
+ -- Defines RTX as an opaque type.
+ type Rtx is new System.Address;
+ procedure Emit_Line_Note (Loc : Location_T);
+ function Emit_Line_Note (Loc : Location_T) return Rtx;
+ procedure Emit_Nop;
+ pragma Import (C, Emit_Line_Note);
+ pragma Import (C, Emit_Nop);
+end Agcc.Rtl;
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/agcc-stor_layout.ads b/ortho/agcc/agcc-stor_layout.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aeaa4d74e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/agcc-stor_layout.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+-- Ada bindings for GCC internals.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Agcc.Trees; use Agcc.Trees;
+package Agcc.Stor_Layout is
+ procedure Fixup_Unsigned_Type (Atype : Tree);
+ pragma Import (C, Fixup_Unsigned_Type);
+end Agcc.Stor_Layout;
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/agcc-tm.ads.in b/ortho/agcc/agcc-tm.ads.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7fea03cd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/agcc-tm.ads.in
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+-- Ada bindings for GCC internals. -*- Ada -*-
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+-- Definitions about target machine.
+package Agcc.Tm is
+ pragma Preelaborate (Agcc.Tm);
+ function DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE return Natural;
+ function LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE return Natural;
+ function BITS_PER_UNIT return Natural;
+ function BITS_PER_WORD return Natural;
+ function PROMOTE_PROTOTYPES return C_Bool;
+ pragma Import (C, DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE);
+ pragma Import (C, LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE);
+ pragma Import (C, BITS_PER_UNIT);
+ pragma Import (C, BITS_PER_WORD);
+end Agcc.Tm;
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/agcc-toplev.ads b/ortho/agcc/agcc-toplev.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a816f54f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/agcc-toplev.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+-- Ada bindings for GCC internals.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Agcc.Trees; use Agcc.Trees;
+with System;
+with Agcc.Hwint; use Agcc.Hwint;
+package Agcc.Toplev is
+ procedure Rest_Of_Decl_Compilation (Decl : Tree;
+ Asmspec : System.Address;
+ Top_Level : C_Bool;
+ At_End : C_Bool);
+ procedure Rest_Of_Type_Compilation (Decl : Tree; Toplevel : C_Bool);
+ procedure Rest_Of_Compilation (Decl : Tree);
+ function Exact_Log2_Wide (X : HOST_WIDE_INT) return Integer;
+ function Floor_Log2_Wide (X : HOST_WIDE_INT) return Integer;
+ procedure Error (Msg : System.Address);
+ procedure Announce_Function (Func : Tree);
+ function Toplev_Main (Argc : Integer; Argv : System.Address)
+ return Integer;
+ pragma Import (C, Rest_Of_Decl_Compilation);
+ pragma Import (C, Rest_Of_Type_Compilation);
+ pragma Import (C, Rest_Of_Compilation);
+ pragma Import (C, Exact_Log2_Wide);
+ pragma Import (C, Floor_Log2_Wide);
+ pragma Import (C, Error);
+ pragma Import (C, Announce_Function);
+ pragma Import (C, Toplev_Main);
+end Agcc.Toplev;
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/agcc-trees.adb b/ortho/agcc/agcc-trees.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a13aba346
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/agcc-trees.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+-- Ada bindings for GCC internals.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package body Agcc.Trees is
+ function Build_Int (Low : HOST_WIDE_INT) return Tree is
+ begin
+ if Low < 0 then
+ return Build_Int_2_Wide (Low, -1);
+ else
+ return Build_Int_2_Wide (Low, 0);
+ end if;
+ end Build_Int;
+ procedure Expand_Start_Bindings (Flags : Integer) is
+ begin
+ Expand_Start_Bindings_And_Block (Flags, NULL_TREE);
+ end Expand_Start_Bindings;
+end Agcc.Trees;
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/agcc-trees.ads.in b/ortho/agcc/agcc-trees.ads.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5eb2d5844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/agcc-trees.ads.in
@@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
+-- Ada bindings for GCC internals. -*- Ada -*-
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+-- This file is preprocessed by gen_tree to create agcc-trees.ads
+-- gen_tree adds enumerations from GCC C files.
+with System; use System;
+with Agcc.Hwint; use Agcc.Hwint;
+with Agcc.Real; use Agcc.Real;
+with Agcc.Machmode; use Agcc.Machmode;
+package Agcc.Trees is
+ --pragma No_Elaboration_Code (Agcc.Trees);
+ type Tree is new System.Address;
+ NULL_TREE : constant Tree;
+ type Tree_Code is
+ (
+ );
+ pragma Convention (C, Tree_Code);
+ type Built_In_Class is
+ pragma Convention (C, Built_In_Class);
+ type Built_In_Function is
+ (
+ );
+ pragma Convention (C, Built_In_Function);
+ type Tree_Index is
+ (
+ );
+ type Type_Qual_Type is new Integer;
+ type Global_Trees_Array is array (Tree_Index) of Tree;
+ pragma Convention (C, Global_Trees_Array);
+ Global_Trees : Global_Trees_Array;
+ pragma Import (C, Global_Trees);
+ Error_Mark_Node : Tree renames Global_Trees (TI_ERROR_MARK);
+ Void_Type_Node : Tree renames Global_Trees (TI_VOID_TYPE);
+ Ptr_Type_Node : Tree renames Global_Trees (TI_PTR_TYPE);
+ Const_Ptr_Type_Node : Tree renames Global_Trees (TI_CONST_PTR_TYPE);
+ Integer_Zero_Node : Tree renames Global_Trees (TI_INTEGER_ZERO);
+ Integer_One_Node : Tree renames Global_Trees (TI_INTEGER_ONE);
+ Size_Zero_Node : Tree renames Global_Trees (TI_SIZE_ZERO);
+ type Size_Type_Kind is
+ (
+ );
+ type Sizetype_Tab_Array is array (Size_Type_Kind) of Tree;
+ pragma Convention (C, Sizetype_Tab_Array);
+ Sizetype_Tab : Sizetype_Tab_Array;
+ pragma Import (C, Sizetype_Tab);
+ Bitsizetype : Tree renames Sizetype_Tab (TK_BITSIZETYPE);
+ Sizetype : Tree renames Sizetype_Tab (TK_SIZETYPE);
+ type Integer_Types_Kind is
+ (
+ );
+ type Integer_Types_Array is array (Integer_Types_Kind) of Tree;
+ pragma Convention (C, Integer_Types_Array);
+ Integer_Types : Integer_Types_Array;
+ pragma Import (C, Integer_Types);
+ Integer_Type_Node : Tree renames Integer_Types (itk_int);
+ Unsigned_Type_Node : Tree renames Integer_Types (itk_unsigned_int);
+ Char_Type_Node : Tree renames Integer_Types (itk_char);
+ function Build (Code: Tree_Code; T: Tree; O0, O1: Tree) return Tree;
+ function Build (Code: Tree_Code; T: Tree; O0, O1, O2: Tree) return Tree;
+ function Build1 (Code: Tree_Code; T: Tree; O: Tree) return Tree;
+ function Build_Constructor (T : Tree; V : Tree) return Tree;
+ function Build_Block (Vars : Tree;
+ Tags : Tree;
+ Subblocks : Tree;
+ Supercontext : Tree;
+ Chain : Tree)
+ return Tree;
+ function Build_Decl (Code : Tree_Code; T1 : Tree; T2: Tree) return Tree;
+ function Build_Int_2 (Low, Hi: HOST_WIDE_INT) return Tree;
+ function Build_Int_2_Wide (Low, Hi: HOST_WIDE_INT) return Tree;
+ function Build_Real (Rtype : Tree; D : REAL_VALUE_TYPE) return Tree;
+ function Build_Function_Type (Value_Type : Tree; Arg_Type : Tree)
+ return Tree;
+ function Build_Pointer_Type (Atype : Tree) return Tree;
+ function Get_Identifier (Str : System.Address) return Tree;
+ function Build_String (Len : Integer; Str : System.Address) return Tree;
+ function Build_Index_Type (Max : Tree) return Tree;
+ function Build_Range_Type (Basetype : Tree; Low : Tree; High : Tree)
+ return Tree;
+ function Build_Array_Type (El_Type : Tree; Domain : Tree) return Tree;
+ function Make_Node (Code : Tree_Code) return Tree;
+ function Build_Qualified_Type (Atype : Tree; Qual : Type_Qual_Type)
+ return Tree;
+ function Build_Save_Expr (Expr : Tree) return Tree;
+ function Make_Signed_Type (Precision : Natural) return Tree;
+ function Make_Unsigned_Type (Precision : Natural) return Tree;
+ procedure Initialize_Sizetypes;
+ procedure Set_Sizetype (Atype : Tree);
+ function Host_Integerp (T : Tree; Pos : Integer) return Integer;
+ function Chainon (Op1, Op2 : Tree) return Tree;
+ function Listify (Node : Tree) return Tree;
+ function Tree_Cons (Purpose : Tree; Value : Tree; Chain : Tree)
+ return Tree;
+ function Nreverse (Chain : Tree) return Tree;
+ function Build_Tree_List (Purpose : Tree; Value : Tree) return Tree;
+ function Size_In_Bytes (Decl : Tree) return Tree;
+ procedure Set_Identifier_Size (Size : Natural);
+ function Get_Inner_Reference
+ (Exp : Tree;
+ Pbitsize : Address; -- HOST_WIDE_INT pointer
+ Pbitpos : Address; -- HOST_WIDE_INT pointer
+ Poffset : Address; -- Tree pointer
+ Pmode : Address; -- MACHINE_MODE pointer
+ Punsignedp : Address; -- int pointer
+ Pvolatilep : Address) -- int pointer
+ return Tree;
+ Current_Function_Decl : Tree;
+ function Integer_Zerop (Expr : Tree) return C_Bool;
+ function Integer_Onep (Expr : Tree) return C_Bool;
+ function Real_Zerop (Expr : Tree) return C_Bool;
+ procedure Layout_Type (Atype : Tree);
+ procedure Layout_Decl (Decl : Tree; Align : Natural);
+ procedure Expand_Start_Bindings_And_Block (Flags : Integer; Block : Tree);
+ procedure Expand_Start_Bindings (Flags : Integer);
+ procedure Expand_End_Bindings
+ (Vars : Tree; Mark_Ends: C_Bool; Dont_Jump_In : C_Bool);
+ procedure Init_Function_Start
+ (Subr : Tree; Filename : Chars; Line : Integer);
+ procedure Expand_Function_Start
+ (Subr : Tree; Parms_Have_Cleanups : C_Bool);
+ procedure Expand_Function_End
+ (Filename : Chars; Line : Integer; End_Bindings : C_Bool);
+ procedure Push_Function_Context;
+ procedure Pop_Function_Context;
+ procedure Put_Var_Into_Stack (Expr : Tree; Rescan : C_Bool);
+ procedure Expand_Null_Return;
+ procedure Expand_Return (Expr : Tree);
+ procedure Expand_Expr_Stmt (Expr : Tree);
+ procedure Expand_Decl (Decl : Tree);
+ procedure Expand_Decl_Init (Decl : Tree);
+ function Expand_Exit_Something return Integer;
+ -- Conditions (IF).
+ procedure Expand_Start_Cond (Cond : Tree; Has_Exit : C_Bool);
+ procedure Expand_Start_Elseif (Cond : Tree);
+ procedure Expand_Start_Else;
+ procedure Expand_End_Cond;
+ type Nesting is private;
+ Nesting_Null : constant Nesting;
+ function Expand_Start_Loop (Exit_Flag : C_Bool) return Nesting;
+ procedure Expand_Continue_Loop (Which_Loop: Nesting);
+ procedure Expand_End_Loop;
+ function Expand_Start_Loop_Continue_Elsewhere (Exit_Flag : C_Bool)
+ return Nesting;
+ procedure Expand_Loop_Continue_Here;
+ procedure Expand_Exit_Loop (Which_Loop : Nesting);
+ function Expand_Exit_Loop_If_False (Which_Loop : Nesting; Cond : Tree)
+ return Integer;
+ -- multibranch (SWITCH).
+ procedure Expand_Start_Case
+ (Exit_Flag : C_Bool; Expr : Tree; Etype : Tree; Printname : Chars);
+ function Pushcase
+ (Value : Tree; Converter : Address; Label : Tree; Duplicate : Address)
+ return Integer;
+ function Pushcase_Range
+ (Low, High : Tree; Converter : Address; Label : Tree; Duplicate : Address)
+ return Integer;
+ function Add_Case_Node (Low, High : Tree; Label : Tree; Duplicate : Address)
+ return Integer;
+ procedure Expand_End_Case_Type (Orig_Index : Tree; Orig_Type : Tree);
+ procedure Debug_Tree (T: Tree);
+ function Fold (Atree : Tree) return Tree;
+ function Size_Binop (Code : Tree_Code; arg0, Arg1 : Tree) return Tree;
+ function Size_Int (Number : HOST_WIDE_INT) return Tree;
+ function Convert (Atype : Tree; Expr : Tree) return Tree;
+ -- Create an INTEGER_CST whose value is LOW signed extended to
+ function Build_Int (Low : HOST_WIDE_INT) return Tree;
+ function Get_TREE_CODE (T : Tree) return Tree_Code;
+ procedure Set_TREE_CONSTANT (T : Tree; Val : C_Bool);
+ function Get_TREE_CONSTANT (T : Tree) return C_Bool;
+ procedure Set_TREE_PUBLIC (Decl: Tree; Val : C_Bool);
+ procedure Set_TREE_STATIC (Decl : Tree; Val : C_Bool);
+ procedure Set_TREE_TYPE (Decl : Tree; T : Tree);
+ function Get_TREE_TYPE (Decl : Tree) return Tree;
+ procedure Set_TREE_CHAIN (Decl : Tree; Chain : Tree);
+ function Get_TREE_CHAIN (Decl : Tree) return Tree;
+ procedure Set_TREE_UNSIGNED (Decl : Tree; Val: C_Bool);
+ function Get_TREE_UNSIGNED (Decl : Tree) return C_Bool;
+ procedure Set_TREE_ADDRESSABLE (Decl : Tree; Val: C_Bool);
+ function Get_TREE_ADDRESSABLE (Decl : Tree) return C_Bool;
+ procedure Set_TREE_SIDE_EFFECTS (Decl : Tree; Val: C_Bool);
+ procedure Set_TREE_READONLY (Decl : Tree; Val: C_Bool);
+ procedure Set_TREE_OPERAND (T : Tree; N : Natural; Val : Tree);
+ function Get_TREE_OPERAND (T : Tree; N : Natural) return Tree;
+ procedure Set_TREE_THIS_VOLATILE (T : Tree; Val : C_Bool);
+ function Get_TREE_THIS_VOLATILE (T : Tree) return C_Bool;
+ function Get_TREE_VALUE (Decl : Tree) return Tree;
+ function Get_TREE_PURPOSE (Decl : Tree) return Tree;
+ function Get_TREE_USED (Decl : Tree) return C_Bool;
+ procedure Set_TREE_USED (Decl : Tree; Flag : C_Bool);
+ function Get_TREE_INT_CST_LOW (Node : Tree) return HOST_WIDE_INT;
+ function Get_TREE_INT_CST_HIGH (Node : Tree) return HOST_WIDE_INT;
+ function Get_CONSTRUCTOR_ELTS (Cons : Tree) return Tree;
+ procedure Set_DECL_ARG_TYPE (Decl : Tree; Val : Tree);
+ procedure Set_DECL_EXTERNAL (Decl : Tree; Val : C_Bool);
+ function Get_DECL_EXTERNAL (Decl : Tree) return C_Bool;
+ procedure Set_DECL_ARGUMENTS (Decl : Tree; Args : Tree);
+ function Get_DECL_ARGUMENTS (Decl : Tree) return Tree;
+ procedure Set_DECL_RESULT (Decl : Tree; Res : Tree);
+ function Get_DECL_RESULT (Decl : Tree) return Tree;
+ procedure Set_DECL_CONTEXT (Decl : Tree; Context : Tree);
+ function Get_DECL_CONTEXT (Decl : Tree) return Tree;
+ function Get_DECL_INITIAL (Decl : Tree) return Tree;
+ procedure Set_DECL_INITIAL (Decl : Tree; Init : Tree);
+ function Get_DECL_NAME (Decl : Tree) return Tree;
+ function Get_DECL_ASSEMBLER_NAME (Decl : Tree) return Tree;
+ procedure Set_DECL_ASSEMBLER_NAME (Decl : Tree; Name : Tree);
+ procedure Set_DECL_BUILT_IN_CLASS (Decl : Tree; Class : Built_In_Class);
+ procedure Set_DECL_FUNCTION_CODE (Decl : Tree; Code : Built_In_Function);
+ function Get_DECL_FIELD_OFFSET (Decl : Tree) return Tree;
+ function Get_DECL_FIELD_BIT_OFFSET (Decl : Tree) return Tree;
+ procedure Set_TYPE_VALUES (Atype : Tree; Values: Tree);
+ procedure Set_TYPE_NAME (Atype : Tree; Name: Tree);
+ function Get_TYPE_NAME (Atype : Tree) return Tree;
+ procedure Set_TYPE_MIN_VALUE (Atype : Tree; Val: Tree);
+ function Get_TYPE_MIN_VALUE (Atype : Tree) return Tree;
+ procedure Set_TYPE_MAX_VALUE (Atype : Tree; Val: Tree);
+ function Get_TYPE_MAX_VALUE (Atype : Tree) return Tree;
+ procedure Set_TYPE_SIZE (Atype : Tree; Size: Tree);
+ function Get_TYPE_SIZE (Atype : Tree) return Tree;
+ procedure Set_TYPE_PRECISION (Atype : Tree; Precision : Integer);
+ function Get_TYPE_PRECISION (Atype : Tree) return Integer;
+ procedure Set_TYPE_FIELDS (Atype : Tree; Fields : Tree);
+ function Get_TYPE_FIELDS (Atype : Tree) return Tree;
+ procedure Set_TYPE_STUB_DECL (Atype : Tree; Decl : Tree);
+ procedure Set_TYPE_LANG_SPECIFIC (Atype : Tree; Val : System.Address);
+ function Get_TYPE_LANG_SPECIFIC (Atype : Tree) return System.Address;
+ function Get_TYPE_IS_SIZETYPE (Atype : Tree) return C_Bool;
+ function Get_TYPE_DOMAIN (Atype : Tree) return Tree;
+ procedure Set_TYPE_DOMAIN (Atype : Tree; Domain : Tree);
+ function Get_TYPE_SIZE_UNIT (Atype : Tree) return Tree;
+ function Get_TYPE_POINTER_TO (Atype : Tree) return Tree;
+ procedure Set_TYPE_POINTER_TO (Atype : Tree; Dtype : Tree);
+ function INTEGRAL_TYPE_P (Atype : Tree) return C_Bool;
+ procedure Set_TYPE_MODE (Atype : Tree; Mode : Machine_Mode);
+ function Get_TYPE_MODE (Atype : Tree) return Machine_Mode;
+ function Get_BLOCK_SUPERCONTEXT (Ablock : Tree) return Tree;
+ procedure Set_BLOCK_SUPERCONTEXT (Ablock : Tree; Sc : Tree);
+ procedure Set_BLOCK_VARS (Ablock : Tree; Vars : Tree);
+ function Get_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH (N : Tree) return Integer;
+ function Get_IDENTIFIER_POINTER (N : Tree) return Chars;
+ procedure Build_Common_Tree_Nodes (Signed_Char : C_Bool);
+ procedure Build_Common_Tree_Nodes_2 (Short_Double : C_Bool);
+ -- Points to the name of the input file from which the current input
+ -- being parsed originally came (before it went into cpp).
+ Input_Filename : Chars;
+ Main_Input_Filename : Chars;
+ -- Current line number in input file.
+ Lineno : Integer;
+ -- sizeof (struct tree_identifier).
+ Tree_Identifier_Size : Natural;
+ -- Create DECL_RTL for a declaration for a static or external variable or
+ -- static or external function.
+ procedure Make_Decl_Rtl (Decl : Tree; Asmspec : Chars; Top_Level : C_Bool);
+ NULL_TREE : constant Tree := Tree (System.Null_Address);
+ type Nesting is new System.Address;
+ Nesting_Null : constant Nesting := Nesting (Null_Address);
+ pragma Import (C, Current_Function_Decl);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_Identifier_Size);
+ pragma Import (C, Build);
+ pragma Import (C, Build1);
+ pragma Import (C, Build_Constructor);
+ pragma Import (C, Build_Block);
+ pragma Import (C, Build_Decl);
+ pragma Import (C, Build_Int_2);
+ pragma Import (C, Build_Int_2_Wide);
+ pragma Import (C, Build_Real);
+ pragma Import (C, Build_Function_Type);
+ pragma Import (C, Build_Pointer_Type);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_Identifier);
+ pragma Import (C, Build_String);
+ pragma Import (C, Make_Node);
+ pragma Import (C, Build_Index_Type);
+ pragma Import (C, Build_Range_Type);
+ pragma Import (C, Build_Array_Type);
+ pragma Import (C, Build_Qualified_Type);
+ pragma Import (C, Build_Save_Expr, "save_expr");
+ pragma Import (C, Make_Signed_Type);
+ pragma Import (C, Make_Unsigned_Type);
+ pragma Import (C, Initialize_Sizetypes);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_Sizetype);
+ pragma Import (C, Host_Integerp);
+ pragma Import (C, Chainon);
+ pragma Import (C, Listify);
+ pragma Import (C, Tree_Cons);
+ pragma Import (C, Nreverse);
+ pragma Import (C, Build_Tree_List);
+ pragma Import (C, Size_In_Bytes);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_Inner_Reference);
+ pragma Import (C, Integer_Zerop);
+ pragma Import (C, Integer_Onep);
+ pragma Import (C, Real_Zerop);
+ pragma Import (C, Layout_Type);
+ pragma Import (C, Layout_Decl);
+ pragma Import (C, Expand_Start_Bindings_And_Block);
+ pragma Import (C, Expand_End_Bindings);
+ pragma Import (C, Init_Function_Start);
+ pragma Import (C, Expand_Function_Start);
+ pragma Import (C, Expand_Function_End);
+ pragma Import (C, Push_Function_Context);
+ pragma Import (C, Pop_Function_Context);
+ pragma Import (C, Put_Var_Into_Stack);
+ pragma Import (C, Expand_Null_Return);
+ pragma Import (C, Expand_Return);
+ pragma Import (C, Expand_Expr_Stmt);
+ pragma Import (C, Expand_Decl);
+ pragma Import (C, Expand_Decl_Init);
+ pragma Import (C, Expand_Exit_Something);
+ pragma Import (C, Expand_Start_Cond);
+ pragma Import (C, Expand_Start_Elseif);
+ pragma Import (C, Expand_Start_Else);
+ pragma Import (C, Expand_End_Cond);
+ pragma Import (C, Expand_Start_Loop);
+ pragma Import (C, Expand_Continue_Loop);
+ pragma Import (C, Expand_End_Loop);
+ pragma Import (C, Expand_Start_Loop_Continue_Elsewhere);
+ pragma Import (C, Expand_Loop_Continue_Here);
+ pragma Import (C, Expand_Exit_Loop);
+ pragma Import (C, Expand_Exit_Loop_If_False);
+ pragma Import (C, Expand_Start_Case);
+ pragma Import (C, Pushcase);
+ pragma Import (C, Pushcase_Range);
+ pragma Import (C, Add_Case_Node);
+ pragma Import (C, Expand_End_Case_Type);
+ pragma Import (C, Debug_Tree);
+ pragma Import (C, Fold);
+ pragma Import (C, Size_Binop);
+ pragma Import (C, Size_Int);
+ pragma Import (C, Convert);
+ -- Import pragma clauses for C MACROs.
+ pragma Import (C, Get_TREE_CODE);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_TREE_CONSTANT);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_TREE_CONSTANT);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_TREE_PUBLIC);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_TREE_STATIC);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_TREE_TYPE);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_TREE_TYPE);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_TREE_CHAIN);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_TREE_CHAIN);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_TREE_UNSIGNED);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_TREE_UNSIGNED);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_TREE_ADDRESSABLE);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_TREE_ADDRESSABLE);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_TREE_SIDE_EFFECTS);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_TREE_READONLY);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_TREE_OPERAND);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_TREE_OPERAND);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_TREE_THIS_VOLATILE);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_TREE_THIS_VOLATILE);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_TREE_PURPOSE);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_TREE_VALUE);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_TREE_USED);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_TREE_USED);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_TREE_INT_CST_LOW);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_TREE_INT_CST_HIGH);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_CONSTRUCTOR_ELTS);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_TYPE_VALUES);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_TYPE_NAME);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_TYPE_NAME);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_TYPE_MIN_VALUE);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_TYPE_MIN_VALUE);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_TYPE_MAX_VALUE);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_TYPE_MAX_VALUE);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_TYPE_SIZE);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_TYPE_SIZE);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_TYPE_PRECISION);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_TYPE_PRECISION);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_TYPE_FIELDS);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_TYPE_FIELDS);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_TYPE_STUB_DECL);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_TYPE_LANG_SPECIFIC);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_TYPE_LANG_SPECIFIC);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_TYPE_IS_SIZETYPE);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_TYPE_DOMAIN);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_TYPE_DOMAIN);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_TYPE_POINTER_TO);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_TYPE_POINTER_TO);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_TYPE_SIZE_UNIT);
+ pragma Import (C, INTEGRAL_TYPE_P);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_TYPE_MODE);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_TYPE_MODE);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_DECL_ARG_TYPE);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_DECL_EXTERNAL);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_DECL_EXTERNAL);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_DECL_ARGUMENTS);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_DECL_ARGUMENTS);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_DECL_RESULT);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_DECL_RESULT);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_DECL_CONTEXT);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_DECL_CONTEXT);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_DECL_INITIAL);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_DECL_INITIAL);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_DECL_NAME);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_DECL_ASSEMBLER_NAME);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_DECL_BUILT_IN_CLASS);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_DECL_FUNCTION_CODE);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_DECL_FIELD_OFFSET);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_DECL_FIELD_BIT_OFFSET);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_BLOCK_SUPERCONTEXT);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_BLOCK_SUPERCONTEXT);
+ pragma Import (C, Set_BLOCK_VARS);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_IDENTIFIER_POINTER);
+ pragma Import (C, Build_Common_Tree_Nodes);
+ pragma Import (C, Build_Common_Tree_Nodes_2);
+ pragma Import (C, Input_Filename);
+ pragma Import (C, Main_Input_Filename);
+ pragma Import (C, Lineno);
+ pragma Import (C, Tree_Identifier_Size);
+ pragma Import (C, Make_Decl_Rtl);
+end Agcc.Trees;
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/agcc.adb b/ortho/agcc/agcc.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..da2fe437e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/agcc.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+-- Ada bindings for GCC internals.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package body Agcc is
+ function "+" (B : C_Bool) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return B /= C_False;
+ end "+";
+end Agcc;
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/agcc.ads b/ortho/agcc/agcc.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c21745c03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/agcc.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+-- Ada bindings for GCC internals.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with System;
+with Interfaces.C;
+package Agcc is
+ pragma Pure (Agcc);
+ subtype Chars is System.Address;
+ NULL_Chars : Chars renames System.Null_Address;
+ Nul : constant Character := Character'Val (0);
+ -- Names size_t.
+ type Size_T is new Interfaces.C.size_t;
+ -- Ada representation of boolean type in C.
+ -- Never compare with C_TRUE, since in C any value different from 0 is
+ -- considered as true.
+ type C_Bool is new Integer;
+ pragma Convention (C, C_Bool);
+ subtype C_Boolean is C_Bool range 0 .. 1;
+ C_False : constant C_Bool := 0;
+ C_True : constant C_Bool := 1;
+ function "+" (B : C_Bool) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline ("+");
+end Agcc;
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/agcc.sed b/ortho/agcc/agcc.sed
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9252e4a45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/agcc.sed
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# SED script used to extract lines enclosed in /* BEGIN ... END */ of a
+# gnatbind C generated files.
+# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+# If the current line starts with /* BEGIN, read next line and go to keep.
+\@/* BEGIN@ {
+ n
+ b keep
+# The current line is discarded, and a the cycle is restarted.
+# keep the lines.
+: keep
+# If the current line starts with END, then it is removed and a new cycle is
+# started.
+\@ END@ d
+# Print the current line
+# Read the next line
+# Go to keep.
+b keep
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/c.adb b/ortho/agcc/c.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b8863600
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/c.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+-- Ada bindings for GCC internals.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with System;
+package body C is
+ function C_String_Len (Str : C_String) return Natural is
+ begin
+ if Str = null then
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ for I in Str'Range loop
+ if Str (I) = Character'Val (0) then
+ return I - 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end C_String_Len;
+ function Image (Str : C_Str_Len) return String is
+ begin
+ if Str.Str = null then
+ return ''' & Character'Val (Str.Len) & ''';
+ else
+ return Str.Str (1 .. Str.Len);
+ end if;
+ end Image;
+ function To_C_String (Acc : access String) return C_String
+ is
+ function Unchecked_Conversion is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => System.Address, Target => C_String);
+ begin
+ -- Check ACC is nul-terminated.
+ if Acc (Acc.all'Last) /= Character'Val (0) then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ return Unchecked_Conversion (Acc (Acc.all'First)'Address);
+ end To_C_String;
+end C;
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/c.ads b/ortho/agcc/c.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..01ff03078
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/c.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+-- Ada bindings for GCC internals.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with System;
+package C is
+ pragma Preelaborate (C);
+ -- Representation of a C String: this is an access to a bounded string.
+ -- Therefore, with GNAT, such an access is a thin pointer.
+ subtype Fat_C_String is String (Positive);
+ type C_String is access all Fat_C_String;
+ pragma Convention (C, C_String);
+ -- Convert an address to a C_STRING.
+ function To_C_String is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => System.Address, Target => C_String);
+ -- NULL for a string.
+ C_String_Null : constant C_String;
+ -- Convert an Ada access string to a C_String.
+ -- This simply takes the address of the first character of ACC. This
+ -- is unchecked, so be careful with the life of ACC.
+ -- The last element of the string designated by ACC must be the NUL-char.
+ -- This is a little bit more restrictive than being only NUL-terminated.
+ function To_C_String (Acc : access String) return C_String;
+ -- Return the length of a C String (ie, the number of characters before
+ -- the Nul).
+ function C_String_Len (Str : C_String) return Natural;
+ -- An (very large) array of C String. This is the type of ARGV.
+ type C_String_Array is array (Natural) of C_String;
+ pragma Convention (C, C_String_Array);
+ -- A structure for a string (len and address).
+ type C_Str_Len is record
+ Len : Natural;
+ Str : C_String;
+ end record;
+ pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, C_Str_Len);
+ type C_Str_Len_Acc is access C_Str_Len;
+ function Image (Str : C_Str_Len) return String;
+ C_String_Null : constant C_String := null;
+end C;
diff --git a/ortho/agcc/gen_tree.c b/ortho/agcc/gen_tree.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff826b408
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/agcc/gen_tree.c
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+/* Ada bindings for GCC internals - generate Ada files.
+ Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+ GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "config.h"
+#include "system.h"
+#include "coretypes.h"
+#include "tm.h"
+#include "flags.h"
+#include "tree.h"
+#include "real.h"
+#include "options.h"
+#undef abort
+static const char *progname;
+/* Taken from tree.h. */
+#define XSTR(X) #X
+#define STR(X) XSTR(X)
+static const char *treecode_sym[] =
+#include "tree.def"
+static const char *treecode_string[] =
+#include "tree.def"
+gen_tree_code (void)
+ int i, j;
+ size_t len;
+ const size_t indent = 24;
+ for (i = 0; treecode_sym[i] != NULL; i++)
+ {
+ len = strlen (treecode_sym[i]);
+ printf (" %s, ", treecode_sym[i]);
+ for (j = len; j < indent; j++)
+ putchar (' ');
+ printf ("-- %s\n", treecode_string[i]);
+ }
+ printf (" LAST_AND_UNUSED_TREE_CODE\n");
+static const char *built_in_function_sym[] =
+#if 0
+#define DEF_BUILTIN(x) #x,
+#include "builtins.def"
+static void
+print_underscore (const char *sym)
+ for (; *sym != 0; sym++)
+ {
+ if (sym[0] == '_' && (sym[1] == '_' || sym[1] == 0))
+ fputs ("_u", stdout);
+ else
+ fputc (sym[0], stdout);
+ }
+gen_built_in_function (void)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; built_in_function_sym[i] != NULL; i++)
+ {
+ fputs (" ", stdout);
+ print_underscore (built_in_function_sym[i]);
+ fputs (",\n", stdout);
+ }
+ printf (" END_BUILTINS\n");
+#if 0
+static const char *machmode_sym[] =
+#if 0
+ #SYM,
+#include "machmode.def"
+static void
+gen_machmode (void)
+ int i;
+ char line[128];
+ FILE *f;
+ int do_emit;
+ char *p;
+ f = fopen ("insn-modes.h", "r");
+ if (f == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "cannot open insn-modes\n");
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ do_emit = 0;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (fgets (line, sizeof (line), f) == NULL)
+ break;
+ if (!do_emit)
+ {
+ if (strncmp (line, "enum machine_mode", 17) == 0)
+ do_emit = 1;
+ }
+ else if (memcmp (line, " MAX_MACHINE_MODE,", 19) == 0)
+ {
+ fclose (f);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Search for " [A-Z0-9_]*mode,". */
+ p = line;
+ if (p[0] != ' ' || p[1] != ' ')
+ continue;
+ p += 2;
+ while ((*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z')
+ || (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9')
+ || (*p == '_'))
+ p++;
+ if (memcmp (p, "mode,", 5) == 0)
+ {
+ p[4] = 0;
+ printf (" %s,\n", line + 2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ printf (" MAX_MACHINE_MODE\n");
+static void
+gen_options_CL (void)
+ printf (" CL_C : constant Integer := %d;\n", CL_C);
+ printf (" CL_vhdl : constant Integer := %d;\n", CL_vhdl);
+static void
+gen_options_OPTs (void)
+ char line[128];
+ FILE *f;
+ int do_emit;
+ char *p;
+ f = fopen ("options.h", "r");
+ if (f == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "cannot open options.h\n");
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ do_emit = 0;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (fgets (line, sizeof (line), f) == NULL)
+ break;
+ if (!do_emit)
+ {
+ if (strncmp (line, "enum opt_code", 13) == 0)
+ do_emit = 1;
+ }
+ else if (memcmp (line, " N_OPTS", 9) == 0)
+ {
+ fclose (f);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Search for " [A-Z0-9]*mode,". */
+ p = line;
+ if (memcmp (p, " OPT_", 6) != 0)
+ continue;
+ printf (" OPT");
+ for (p = line + 5; *p != ','; p++)
+ {
+ if (p[0] == '_' && (p[1] == ',' || p[1] == '_'))
+ fputs ("_U", stdout);
+ else
+ {
+ if (p[0] >= 'A' && p[0] <= 'Z')
+ putchar ('U');
+ putchar (p[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ printf (",\n");
+ }
+ }
+ printf (" N_OPTS\n");
+struct xtab_t
+ int val;
+ const char *name;
+gen_enumeration (const struct xtab_t *xtab, int max, const char *max_name)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < max; i++)
+ {
+ const struct xtab_t *t;
+ for (t = xtab; t->name; t++)
+ if (t->val == i)
+ break;
+ if (t->name == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "gen_enumeration: kind %d unknown (max is %s)\n",
+ i, max_name);
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ printf (" %s,\n", t->name);
+ }
+ printf (" %s\n", max_name);
+const struct xtab_t size_type_names[] =
+ { 0, NULL}
+static void
+gen_size_type (void)
+ gen_enumeration (size_type_names, TYPE_KIND_LAST, "TYPE_KIND_LAST");
+const struct xtab_t type_qual_tab[] =
+ { 0, NULL}
+gen_type_qual (void)
+ const struct xtab_t *t;
+ for (t = type_qual_tab; t->name; t++)
+ printf (" %s : constant Type_Qual_Type := %d;\n", t->name, t->val);
+const struct xtab_t tree_index_tab[] =
+ /* Defined in tree.h */
+ { TI_V16SF_TYPE, "TI_V16SF_TYPE" },
+ { TI_V16QI_TYPE, "TI_V16QI_TYPE" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+const struct xtab_t integer_types_tab[] =
+ { itk_char, "itk_char" },
+ { itk_signed_char, "itk_signed_char" },
+ { itk_unsigned_char, "itk_unsigned_char" },
+ { itk_short, "itk_short" },
+ { itk_unsigned_short, "itk_unsigned_short" },
+ { itk_int, "itk_int" },
+ { itk_unsigned_int, "itk_unsigned_int" },
+ { itk_long, "itk_long" },
+ { itk_unsigned_long, "itk_unsigned_long" },
+ { itk_long_long, "itk_long_long" },
+ { itk_unsigned_long_long, "itk_unsigned_long_long" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+gen_tree_index (void)
+ gen_enumeration (tree_index_tab, TI_MAX, "TI_MAX");
+gen_integer_types (void)
+ gen_enumeration (integer_types_tab, itk_none, "itk_none");
+static void
+gen_host_wide_int_decl (void)
+ int l;
+ switch (sizeof (HOST_WIDE_INT))
+ {
+ case 4:
+ l = 32;
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ l = 64;
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf (stderr, "%s: cannot handle sizeof (HOST_WIDE_INT) %d\n",
+ progname, sizeof (HOST_WIDE_INT));
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ printf (" type HOST_WIDE_INT is new Interfaces.Integer_%d;\n", l);
+ printf (" type UNSIGNED_HOST_WIDE_INT is new Interfaces.Unsigned_%d;\n",
+ l);
+static void
+gen_host_big_endian (void)
+ printf (" HOST_WORDS_BIG_ENDIAN : constant Boolean := True;\n");
+ printf (" HOST_WORDS_BIG_ENDIAN : constant Boolean := False;\n");
+static void
+gen_real (void)
+ printf (" type Real_Value_Type_Arr is array (0 .. %d) of HOST_WIDE_INT;\n",
+ (sizeof (REAL_VALUE_TYPE) / sizeof (HOST_WIDE_INT)) - 1);
+ printf (" type REAL_VALUE_TYPE is record\n"
+ " r : Real_Value_Type_Arr;\n"
+ " end record;\n");
+static void
+gen_tm (void)
+ /* This is a constant. */
+ printf (" MAX_BITS_PER_WORD : constant Natural := %d;\n",
+main (int argc, char *argv[])
+ FILE *infile;
+ char line[2048];
+ const char *filename;
+ int c;
+ progname = argv[0];
+ while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "C:")) != -1)
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ case 'C':
+ chdir (optarg);
+ break;
+ case '?':
+ fprintf (stderr, "%s: unknown option '%s'\n", progname, optopt);
+ exit (1);
+ default:
+ abort ();
+ }
+ if (argc - optind != 1)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s FILENAME\n", progname);
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ filename = argv[optind];
+ if (strcmp (filename, "-") == 0)
+ infile = stdin;
+ else
+ infile = fopen (filename, "r");
+ if (infile == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "%s: cannot open %s (%s)\n", progname, filename,
+ strerror (errno));
+ exit (1);
+ }
+#if 0
+ printf ("-- REAL_IS_NOT_DOUBLE is not yet implemented\n");
+ printf ("You loose\n");
+ return 1;
+ printf ("-- Automatically generated by %s\n", progname);
+ printf ("-- from %s\n", filename);
+ printf ("-- DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE\n");
+ while (fgets (line, sizeof (line), infile) != NULL)
+ {
+ if (line[0] != '@')
+ fputs (line, stdout);
+ else
+ {
+ char *p;
+ for (p = line + 1; isalpha (*p) || *p == '_'; p++)
+ ;
+ *p = 0;
+ if (!strcmp (line, "@tree_code"))
+ gen_tree_code ();
+ else if (!strcmp (line, "@built_in_function"))
+ gen_built_in_function ();
+ else if (!strcmp (line, "@size_type_kind"))
+ gen_size_type ();
+ else if (!strcmp (line, "@type_qual"))
+ gen_type_qual ();
+ else if (!strcmp (line, "@host_wide_int"))
+ gen_host_wide_int_decl ();
+ else if (!strcmp (line, "@tree_index"))
+ gen_tree_index ();
+ else if (!strcmp (line, "@integer_types"))
+ gen_integer_types ();
+ else if (!strcmp (line, "@host_big_endian"))
+ gen_host_big_endian ();
+ else if (!strcmp (line, "@real"))
+ gen_real ();
+ else if (!strcmp (line, "@machmode"))
+ gen_machmode ();
+ else if (!strcmp (line, "@tm"))
+ gen_tm ();
+ else if (!strcmp (line, "@options_CL"))
+ gen_options_CL ();
+ else if (!strcmp (line, "@options_OPTs"))
+ gen_options_OPTs ();
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "unknown code `%s'\n", line);
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/ortho/gcc/Makefile b/ortho/gcc/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f8b327a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/gcc/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Makefile of ortho implementation for GCC.
+# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307, USA.
+all: $(ortho_exec)
+include $(agcc_srcdir)/Makefile.inc
+include $(ortho_srcdir)/Makefile.inc
+$(ortho_exec): $(AGCC_DEPS) $(ORTHO_BASENAME).ads force
+ gnatmake -m -o $@ -g -aI$(agcc_srcdir) -aI$(ortho_srcdir) \
+ -aI$(ortho_srcdir)/gcc $(GNAT_FLAGS) ortho_gcc-main \
+ -bargs -E -largs $(AGCC_OBJS) #-static
+clean: agcc-clean
+ $(RM) -f *.o *.ali ortho_nodes-main
+ $(RM) b~*.ad? *~
+distclean: clean agcc-clean
+.PHONY: force all clean
diff --git a/ortho/gcc/agcc-fe.adb b/ortho/gcc/agcc-fe.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..75ba79549
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/gcc/agcc-fe.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,776 @@
+-- Ortho implementation for GCC.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
+--with Agcc.Ggc; use Agcc.Ggc;
+with Agcc.Tm; use Agcc.Tm;
+with Agcc.Machmode; use Agcc.Machmode;
+with Agcc.Diagnostic;
+with Agcc.Input; use Agcc.Input;
+with Agcc.Options; use Agcc.Options;
+with Ortho_Gcc;
+with Ortho_Gcc_Front; use Ortho_Gcc_Front;
+package body Agcc.Fe is
+ File_Name : String_Acc;
+ Stdin_Filename : String_Acc := new String'("*stdin*" & Nul);
+ function Lang_Init_Options (Argc : Integer; Argv : C_String_Array)
+ return Integer
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Argc);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Argv);
+ begin
+ return CL_vhdl;
+ end Lang_Init_Options;
+ function Lang_Handle_Option (Code : Opt_Code;
+ Arg : C_String;
+ Value : Integer)
+ return Integer
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Value);
+ --type String_Acc_Array_Acc is access String_Acc_Array;
+ procedure Unchecked_Deallocation is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Name => String_Acc, Object => String);
+ --procedure Unchecked_Deallocation is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ -- (Name => String_Acc_Array_Acc, Object => String_Acc_Array);
+ --C_Opt : C_String := Argv (0);
+ --C_Arg : C_String;
+ --Opt : String := C_Opt (1 .. C_String_Len (C_Opt));
+ Res : Natural;
+ Opt : String_Acc;
+ Opt_Arg : String_Acc;
+ Len : Natural;
+ begin
+ if Arg /= C_String_Null then
+ Len := C_String_Len (Arg);
+ else
+ Len := 0;
+ end if;
+ Opt_Arg := null;
+ case Code is
+ when OPT_U_std_U =>
+ Opt := new String'("--std=" & Arg (1 .. Len));
+ when OPT_U_compile_standard =>
+ Opt := new String'("--compile-standard");
+ when OPT_U_bootstrap =>
+ Opt := new String'("--bootstrap");
+ when OPT_U_work_U =>
+ Opt := new String'("--work=" & Arg (1 .. Len));
+ when OPT_U_workdir_U =>
+ Opt := new String'("--workdir=" & Arg (1 .. Len));
+ when OPT_UP =>
+ Opt := new String'("-P" & Arg (1 .. Len));
+ when OPT_U_elab =>
+ Opt := new String'("--elab");
+ Opt_Arg := new String'(Arg (1 .. Len));
+ when OPT_U_anaelab =>
+ Opt := new String'("--anaelab");
+ Opt_Arg := new String'(Arg (1 .. Len));
+ when OPT_l =>
+ Opt := new String'("-l");
+ Opt_Arg := new String'(Arg (1 .. Len));
+ when OPT_c =>
+ Opt := new String'("-c");
+ Opt_Arg := new String'(Arg (1 .. Len));
+ when OPT_U_ghdl =>
+ Opt := new String'(Arg (1 .. Len));
+ when OPT_U_warn_U =>
+ Opt := new String'("--warn-" & Arg (1 .. Len));
+ when OPT_U_expect_failure =>
+ Opt := new String'("--expect-failure");
+ when OPT_U_no_vital_checks =>
+ Opt := new String'("--no-vital-checks");
+ when OPT_U_vital_checks =>
+ Opt := new String'("--vital-checks");
+ when OPT_fexplicit =>
+ Opt := new String'("-fexplicit");
+ when OPT_v =>
+ Opt := new String'("-v");
+ when others =>
+ return 0;
+ end case;
+ Res := Ortho_Gcc_Front.Decode_Option (Opt, Opt_Arg);
+ Unchecked_Deallocation (Opt);
+ Unchecked_Deallocation (Opt_Arg);
+ return Res;
+ end Lang_Handle_Option;
+ function Lang_Post_Options (Filename : C_String_Acc) return C_Bool
+ is
+ Filename_Len : Natural;
+ begin
+ if Filename.all = C_String_Null then
+ File_Name := null;
+ Filename.all := To_C_String (Stdin_Filename);
+ else
+ Filename_Len := C_String_Len (Filename.all);
+ File_Name := new String'(Filename.all (1 .. Filename_Len));
+ end if;
+ -- Run the back-end.
+ return C_False;
+ end Lang_Post_Options;
+ procedure Lang_Parse_File (Debug : C_Bool)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Debug);
+ begin
+ if not Ortho_Gcc_Front.Parse (File_Name) then
+ Agcc.Diagnostic.Set_Errorcount (1);
+ end if;
+ end Lang_Parse_File;
+ function Lang_Get_Alias_Set (T : Tree) return HOST_WIDE_INT
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (T);
+ begin
+ return -1;
+ end Lang_Get_Alias_Set;
+ --function Lang_Safe_From_P (Target : Rtx; Exp : Tree) return Boolean;
+ function Mark_Addressable (Exp : Tree) return C_Bool
+ is
+ N : Tree;
+ Code : Tree_Code;
+ begin
+ N := Exp;
+ loop
+ Code := Get_TREE_CODE (N);
+ case Code is
+ when VAR_DECL
+ Put_Var_Into_Stack (N, C_True);
+ return C_True;
+ | ARRAY_REF =>
+ N := Get_TREE_OPERAND (N, 0);
+ return C_True;
+ when INDIRECT_REF =>
+ return C_True;
+ when others =>
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Mark_Addressable;
+ procedure Insert_Default_Attributes (Func : Tree)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Func);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Insert_Default_Attributes;
+ -- These functions and variables deal with binding contours.
+ -- For each binding contour we allocate a binding_level structure which
+ -- records the entities defined or declared in that contour.
+ -- Contours include:
+ --
+ -- the global one
+ -- one for each subprogram definition
+ -- one for each compound statement (declare block)
+ --
+ -- Binding contours are used to create GCC tree BLOCK nodes.
+ -- BE CAREFUL: this structure is also declared in agcc-bindings.c
+ type Binding_Level;
+ type Binding_Level_Acc is access Binding_Level;
+ type Binding_Level is record
+ -- A chain of ..._DECL nodes for all variables, constants, functions,
+ -- parameters and type declarations. These ..._DECL nodes are chained
+ -- through the TREE_CHAIN field. Note that these ..._DECL nodes are
+ -- stored in the reverse of the order supplied to be compatible with
+ -- the back-end.
+ Names : Tree;
+ -- For each level (except the global one), a chain of BLOCK nodes for
+ -- all the levels that were entered and exited one level down from this
+ -- one.
+ Blocks : Tree;
+ -- The back end may need, for its own internal processing, to create a
+ -- BLOCK node. This field is set aside for this purpose. If this field
+ -- is non-null when the level is popped, i.e. when poplevel is invoked,
+ -- we will use such block instead of creating a new one from the
+ -- 'names' field, that is the ..._DECL nodes accumulated so far.
+ -- Typically the routine 'pushlevel' will be called before setting this
+ -- field, so that if the front-end had inserted ..._DECL nodes in the
+ -- current block they will not be lost.
+ Block_Created_By_Back_End : Tree;
+ -- The binding level containing this one (the enclosing binding level).
+ Level_Chain : Binding_Level_Acc;
+ end record;
+ pragma Convention (C, Binding_Level_Acc);
+ pragma Convention (C, Binding_Level);
+ -- The binding level currently in effect.
+ Current_Binding_Level : Binding_Level_Acc := null;
+ pragma Export (C, Current_Binding_Level);
+ -- The outermost binding level. This binding level is created when the
+ -- compiler is started and it will exist through the entire compilation.
+ Global_Binding_Level : Binding_Level_Acc;
+ -- Chain of unused binding levels, since they are never deallocated.
+ Old_Binding_Level : Binding_Level_Acc := null;
+ pragma Export (C, Old_Binding_Level);
+ function Alloc_Binding_Level return Binding_Level_Acc;
+ pragma Import (C, Alloc_Binding_Level);
+ -- Binding level structures are initialized by copying this one.
+ Clear_Binding_Level : constant Binding_Level :=
+ (Names => NULL_TREE,
+ Blocks => NULL_TREE,
+ Block_Created_By_Back_End => NULL_TREE,
+ Level_Chain => null);
+ -- Return non-zero if we are currently in the global binding level.
+ function Global_Bindings_P return Integer is
+ begin
+ if Current_Binding_Level = Global_Binding_Level then
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ end Global_Bindings_P;
+ -- Return the list of declarations in the current level. Note that this
+ -- list is in reverse order (it has to be so for back-end compatibility).
+ function Getdecls return Tree is
+ begin
+ return Current_Binding_Level.Names;
+ end Getdecls;
+ -- Nonzero if the current level needs to have a BLOCK made.
+-- function Kept_Level_P return Boolean is
+-- begin
+-- return Current_Binding_Level.Names /= NULL_TREE;
+-- end Kept_Level_P;
+ -- Enter a new binding level. The input parameter is ignored, but has to
+ -- be specified for back-end compatibility.
+ procedure Pushlevel (Inside : C_Bool)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Inside);
+ Newlevel : Binding_Level_Acc;
+ begin
+ if Old_Binding_Level /= null then
+ Newlevel := Old_Binding_Level;
+ Old_Binding_Level := Old_Binding_Level.Level_Chain;
+ else
+ Newlevel := Alloc_Binding_Level;
+ end if;
+ Newlevel.all := Clear_Binding_Level;
+ -- Add this level to the front of the chain (stack) of levels that are
+ -- active.
+ Newlevel.Level_Chain := Current_Binding_Level;
+ Current_Binding_Level := Newlevel;
+ end Pushlevel;
+ -- Exit a binding level.
+ -- Pop the level off, and restore the state of the identifier-decl mappings
+ -- that were in effect when this level was entered.
+ --
+ -- If KEEP is nonzero, this level had explicit declarations, so
+ -- and create a "block" (a BLOCK node) for the level
+ -- to record its declarations and subblocks for symbol table output.
+ --
+ -- If FUNCTIONBODY is nonzero, this level is the body of a function,
+ -- so create a block as if KEEP were set and also clear out all
+ -- label names.
+ --
+ -- If REVERSE is nonzero, reverse the order of decls before putting
+ -- them into the BLOCK.
+ function Exported_Poplevel
+ (Keep : C_Bool; Revers : C_Bool; Functionbody : C_Bool)
+ return Tree
+ is
+ -- Points to a BLOCK tree node. This is the BLOCK node construted for
+ -- the binding level that we are about to exit and which is returned
+ -- by this routine.
+ Block_Node : Tree := NULL_TREE;
+ Decl_Chain : Tree;
+ Subblock_Chain : Tree;
+ Subblock_Node : Tree;
+ Block_Created_By_Back_End : Tree;
+ N : Tree;
+ Tmp : Binding_Level_Acc;
+ begin
+ Decl_Chain := Current_Binding_Level.Names;
+ Block_Created_By_Back_End :=
+ Current_Binding_Level.Block_Created_By_Back_End;
+ Subblock_Chain := Current_Binding_Level.Blocks;
+ -- Pop the current level, and save it on the chain of old binding
+ -- levels.
+ Tmp := Current_Binding_Level;
+ Current_Binding_Level := Tmp.Level_Chain;
+ Tmp.Level_Chain := Old_Binding_Level;
+ Old_Binding_Level := Tmp;
+ -- Reverse the list of XXXX_DECL nodes if desired. Note that
+ -- the ..._DECL nodes chained through the `names' field of
+ -- current_binding_level are in reverse order except for PARM_DECL node,
+ -- which are explicitely stored in the right order.
+ if Revers /= C_False then
+ Decl_Chain := Nreverse (Decl_Chain);
+ end if;
+ if Block_Created_By_Back_End /= NULL_TREE then
+ Block_Node := Block_Created_By_Back_End;
+ -- Check if we are about to discard some information that was
+ -- gathered by the front-end. Nameley check if the back-end created
+ -- a new block without calling pushlevel first. To understand why
+ -- things are lost just look at the next case (i.e. no block
+ -- created by back-end. */
+ if (Keep /= C_False or Functionbody /= C_False)
+ and then (Decl_Chain /= NULL_TREE or Subblock_Chain /= NULL_TREE)
+ then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ elsif Keep /= C_False or Functionbody /= C_False then
+ -- If there were any declarations in the current binding level, or if
+ -- this binding level is a function body, or if there are any nested
+ -- blocks then create a BLOCK node to record them for the life of
+ -- this function.
+ if Keep /= C_False then
+ N := Decl_Chain;
+ else
+ end if;
+ Block_Node := Build_Block
+ (N, NULL_TREE, Subblock_Chain, NULL_TREE, NULL_TREE);
+ end if;
+ -- Record the BLOCK node just built as the subblock its enclosing scope.
+ Subblock_Node := Subblock_Chain;
+ while Subblock_Node /= NULL_TREE loop
+ Set_BLOCK_SUPERCONTEXT (Subblock_Node, Block_Node);
+ Subblock_Node := Get_TREE_CHAIN (Subblock_Node);
+ end loop;
+ -- Clear out the meanings of the local variables of this level.
+ Subblock_Node := Decl_Chain;
+ while Subblock_Node /= NULL_TREE loop
+ if Get_DECL_NAME (Subblock_Node) /= NULL_TREE then
+ -- If the identifier was used or addressed via a local
+ -- extern decl, don't forget that fact.
+ if Get_DECL_EXTERNAL (Subblock_Node) /= C_False then
+ if Get_TREE_USED (Subblock_Node) /= C_False then
+ Set_TREE_USED (Get_DECL_NAME (Subblock_Node), C_True);
+ end if;
+ if Get_TREE_ADDRESSABLE (Subblock_Node) /= C_False then
+ (Get_DECL_ASSEMBLER_NAME (Subblock_Node), C_True);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Subblock_Node := Get_TREE_CHAIN (Subblock_Node);
+ end loop;
+ if Functionbody /= C_False then
+ -- This is the top level block of a function. The ..._DECL chain
+ -- stored in BLOCK_VARS are the function's parameters (PARM_DECL
+ -- nodes). Don't leave them in the BLOCK because they are found
+ -- in the FUNCTION_DECL instead.
+ Set_DECL_INITIAL (Current_Function_Decl, Block_Node);
+ Set_BLOCK_VARS (Block_Node, NULL_TREE);
+ elsif Block_Node /= NULL_TREE then
+ if Block_Created_By_Back_End = NULL_TREE then
+ Current_Binding_Level.Blocks
+ := Chainon (Current_Binding_Level.Blocks, Block_Node);
+ end if;
+ elsif Subblock_Chain /= NULL_TREE then
+ -- If we did not make a block for the level just exited, any blocks
+ -- made for inner levels (since they cannot be recorded as subblocks
+ -- in that level) must be carried forward so they will later become
+ -- subblocks of something else.
+ Current_Binding_Level.Blocks
+ := Chainon (Current_Binding_Level.Blocks, Subblock_Chain);
+ end if;
+ if Block_Node /= NULL_TREE then
+ Set_TREE_USED (Block_Node, C_True);
+ end if;
+ return Block_Node;
+ end Exported_Poplevel;
+ -- Insert BLOCK at the end of the list of subblocks of the
+ -- current binding level. This is used when a BIND_EXPR is expanded,
+ -- to handle the BLOCK node inside the BIND_EXPR.
+ procedure Insert_Block (Block : Tree) is
+ begin
+ Set_TREE_USED (Block, C_True);
+ Current_Binding_Level.Blocks
+ := Chainon (Current_Binding_Level.Blocks, Block);
+ end Insert_Block;
+ -- Set the BLOCK node for the innermost scope (the one we are
+ -- currently in).
+ procedure Set_Block (Block : Tree) is
+ begin
+ Current_Binding_Level.Block_Created_By_Back_End := Block;
+ end Set_Block;
+ -- Records a ..._DECL node DECL as belonging to the current lexical scope.
+ -- Returns the ..._DECL node.
+ function Exported_Pushdecl (Decl : Tree) return Tree
+ is
+ begin
+ -- External objects aren't nested, other objects may be.
+ if Get_DECL_EXTERNAL (Decl) /= C_False then
+ else
+ Set_DECL_CONTEXT (Decl, Current_Function_Decl);
+ end if;
+ -- Put the declaration on the list. The list of declarations is in
+ -- reverse order. The list will be reversed later if necessary. This
+ -- needs to be this way for compatibility with the back-end.
+ Set_TREE_CHAIN (Decl, Current_Binding_Level.Names);
+ Current_Binding_Level.Names := Decl;
+ -- For the declaration of a type, set its name if it is not already set.
+ if Get_TREE_CODE (Decl) = TYPE_DECL
+ and then Get_TYPE_NAME (Get_TREE_TYPE (Decl)) = NULL_TREE
+ then
+ Set_TYPE_NAME (Get_TREE_TYPE (Decl), Decl); -- DECL_NAME (decl);
+ end if;
+ return Decl;
+ end Exported_Pushdecl;
+ -- This variable keeps a table for types for each precision so that we only
+ -- allocate each of them once. Signed and unsigned types are kept separate.
+ type Signed_And_Unsigned_Types_Array_Type is
+ array (Natural range 0 .. MAX_BITS_PER_WORD, C_Boolean) of Tree;
+ Signed_And_Unsigned_Types : Signed_And_Unsigned_Types_Array_Type :=
+ (others => (others => NULL_TREE));
+ pragma Export (C, Signed_And_Unsigned_Types);
+ -- Return an integer type with the number of bits of precision given by
+ -- PRECISION. UNSIGNEDP is nonzero if the type is unsigned; otherwise
+ -- it is a signed type.
+ function Type_For_Size (Precision : Natural; Unsignedp : C_Bool)
+ return Tree
+ is
+ T : Tree;
+ begin
+ if Precision <= MAX_BITS_PER_WORD
+ and then Signed_And_Unsigned_Types (Precision, Unsignedp) /= NULL_TREE
+ then
+ return Signed_And_Unsigned_Types (Precision, Unsignedp);
+ end if;
+ if Unsignedp /= C_False then
+ T := Make_Unsigned_Type (Precision);
+ else
+ T := Make_Signed_Type (Precision);
+ end if;
+ if Precision <= MAX_BITS_PER_WORD then
+ Signed_And_Unsigned_Types (Precision, Unsignedp) := T;
+ end if;
+ return T;
+ end Type_For_Size;
+ -- Return a data type that has machine mode MODE. UNSIGNEDP selects
+ -- an unsigned type; otherwise a signed type is returned.
+ function Type_For_Mode (Mode : Machine_Mode; Unsignedp : C_Bool)
+ return Tree
+ is
+ begin
+ return Type_For_Size (GET_MODE_BITSIZE (Mode), Unsignedp);
+ end Type_For_Mode;
+ -- Return the unsigned version of a TYPE_NODE, a scalar type.
+ function Unsigned_Type (Type_Node : Tree) return Tree
+ is
+ begin
+ return Type_For_Size (Get_TYPE_PRECISION (Type_Node), C_True);
+ end Unsigned_Type;
+ -- Return the signed version of a TYPE_NODE, a scalar type.
+ function Signed_Type (Type_Node : Tree) return Tree
+ is
+ begin
+ return Type_For_Size (Get_TYPE_PRECISION (Type_Node), C_False);
+ end Signed_Type;
+ -- Return a type the same as TYPE except unsigned or signed according to
+ function Signed_Or_Unsigned_Type (Unsignedp : C_Bool; Atype : Tree)
+ return Tree
+ is
+ begin
+ if INTEGRAL_TYPE_P (Atype) = C_False
+ or else Get_TREE_UNSIGNED (Atype) = Unsignedp
+ then
+ return Atype;
+ else
+ return Type_For_Size (Get_TYPE_PRECISION (Atype), Unsignedp);
+ end if;
+ end Signed_Or_Unsigned_Type;
+ --procedure Init_Type_For_Size;
+ --pragma Import (C, Init_Type_For_Size);
+ Int_Str : constant String := "int" & Nul;
+ Char_Str : constant String := "char" & Nul;
+ Builtin_Alloca_Str : constant String := "__builtin_alloca" & Nul;
+ function Lang_Init return C_Bool
+ is
+ --File : String renames Filename (1 .. Filename_Len);
+ Ptr_Ftype_Sizetype : Tree;
+ Alloca_Function : Tree;
+ begin
+ --Error_Mark_Node := Make_Node (ERROR_MARK);
+ --Set_TREE_TYPE (Error_Mark_Node, Error_Mark_Node);
+ --Initialize_Sizetypes;
+ -- The structure `tree_identifier' is the GCC tree data structure that
+ -- holds IDENTIFIER_NODE nodes. We need to call `set_identifier_size'
+ -- to tell GCC that we have not added any language specific fields to
+ --Set_Identifier_Size (Tree_Identifier_Size);
+ Input_Location.Line := 0;
+ -- Make the binding_level structure for global names.
+ Pushlevel (C_False);
+ Global_Binding_Level := Current_Binding_Level;
+ Build_Common_Tree_Nodes (C_False);
+ Pushdecl (Build_Decl (TYPE_DECL, Get_Identifier (Int_Str'Address),
+ Integer_Type_Node));
+ Pushdecl (Build_Decl (TYPE_DECL, Get_Identifier (Char_Str'Address),
+ Char_Type_Node));
+ Set_Sizetype (Unsigned_Type_Node);
+ Build_Common_Tree_Nodes_2 (C_False);
+ --Init_Type_For_Size;
+ -- Create alloc builtin.
+ Ptr_Ftype_Sizetype := Build_Function_Type
+ (Ptr_Type_Node,
+ Tree_Cons (NULL_TREE, Get_TYPE_DOMAIN (Sizetype), NULL_TREE));
+ Alloca_Function := Builtin_Function
+ (Builtin_Alloca_Str'Address, Ptr_Ftype_Sizetype,
+ Ortho_Gcc.Alloca_Function_Ptr := Build1
+ (ADDR_EXPR, Build_Pointer_Type (Ptr_Ftype_Sizetype), Alloca_Function);
+-- Ggc_Add_Tree_Root (Ortho_Gcc.Alloca_Function_Ptr'Address, 1);
+ Ortho_Gcc.Init;
+ -- Continue.
+ return C_True;
+ end Lang_Init;
+ procedure Lang_Finish is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Lang_Finish;
+ -- Return a definition for a builtin function named NAME and whose data
+ -- type is TYPE. TYPE should be a function type with argument types.
+ -- FUNCTION_CODE tells later passes how to compile calls to this function.
+ -- See tree.h for its possible values.
+ --
+ -- If LIBRARY_NAME is nonzero, use that for DECL_ASSEMBLER_NAME,
+ -- the name to be called if we can't opencode the function.
+ function Builtin_Function
+ (Name: System.Address;
+ Ftype : Tree;
+ Function_Code : Built_In_Function;
+ Class : Built_In_Class;
+ Library_Name : System.Address)
+ return Tree
+ is
+ use System;
+ Decl : Tree;
+ begin
+ Decl := Build_Decl (FUNCTION_DECL, Get_Identifier (Name), Ftype);
+ Set_DECL_EXTERNAL (Decl, C_True);
+ Set_TREE_PUBLIC (Decl, C_True);
+ if Library_Name /= Null_Address then
+ Set_DECL_ASSEMBLER_NAME (Decl, Get_Identifier (Library_Name));
+ end if;
+ Make_Decl_Rtl (Decl, NULL_Chars, C_True);
+ Pushdecl (Decl);
+ Set_DECL_BUILT_IN_CLASS (Decl, Class);
+ Set_DECL_FUNCTION_CODE (Decl, Function_Code);
+ return Decl;
+ end Builtin_Function;
+ procedure Set_Yydebug (Flag : C_Bool)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Flag);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Set_Yydebug;
+ procedure Print_Lang_Decl (File : FILEs; Node : Tree; Indent : natural)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (File);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Node);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Indent);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Print_Lang_Decl;
+ procedure Print_Lang_Type (File : FILEs; Node : Tree; Indent : Natural)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (File);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Node);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Indent);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Print_Lang_Type;
+ procedure Print_Lang_Identifier
+ (File : FILEs; Node : Tree; Indent : Natural)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (File);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Node);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Indent);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Print_Lang_Identifier;
+ procedure Lang_Print_Xnode (File : FILEs; Node : Tree; Indent : Natural)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (File);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Node);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Indent);
+ begin
+ -- There is no X nodes.
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end Lang_Print_Xnode;
+ procedure Print_Lang_Statistics is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Print_Lang_Statistics;
+ procedure Copy_Lang_Decl (Node : Tree)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Node);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Copy_Lang_Decl;
+ function Truthvalue_Conversion (Expr : Tree) return Tree
+ is
+ Expr_Type : Tree;
+ type Conv_Array is array (Boolean) of Tree;
+ Conv : Conv_Array;
+ begin
+ Expr_Type := Get_TREE_TYPE (Expr);
+ if Get_TREE_CODE (Expr_Type) /= BOOLEAN_TYPE then
+ Conv := (True => Integer_One_Node,
+ False => Integer_Zero_Node);
+ else
+ Conv := (False => Get_TYPE_MIN_VALUE (Expr_Type),
+ True => Get_TYPE_MAX_VALUE (Expr_Type));
+ end if;
+ -- From java/decl.c
+ -- It is simpler and generates better code to have only TRUTH_*_EXPR
+ -- or comparison expressions as truth values at this level.
+ case Get_TREE_CODE (Expr) is
+ when EQ_EXPR
+ return Expr;
+ when INTEGER_CST =>
+ if Integer_Zerop (Expr) = C_False then
+ -- EXPR is not 0, so EXPR is interpreted as TRUE.
+ return Conv (True);
+ else
+ return Conv (False);
+ end if;
+ when REAL_CST =>
+ if Real_Zerop (Expr) = C_False then
+ return Conv (True);
+ else
+ return Conv (False);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Truthvalue_Conversion;
+ procedure Incomplete_Type_Error (Value : Tree; Atype : Tree)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Value);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Atype);
+ begin
+ -- Can never happen.
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end Incomplete_Type_Error;
+ function Maybe_Build_Cleanup (Decl : Tree) return Tree
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Decl);
+ begin
+ return NULL_TREE;
+ end Maybe_Build_Cleanup;
+ Language_Name : constant String := "GNU vhdl" & Nul;
+ pragma Export (C, Language_Name);
+end Agcc.Fe;
diff --git a/ortho/gcc/lang.opt b/ortho/gcc/lang.opt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b2f650aa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/gcc/lang.opt
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+; Options for the VHDL front-end.
+; Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+; GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+; the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+; Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+; version.
+; GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+; WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+; for more details.
+; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+; along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+; Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+; 02111-1307, USA.
+vhdl Joined
+Select the vhdl standard
+Used during compiler build to compile the std.standard package
+Used during compiler build to compile std packages
+vhdl Joined
+Set the name of the work library
+vhdl Joined
+Set the directory of the work library
+vhdl Joined
+-P<dir> Add <dir> to the end of the vhdl library path
+vhdl Separate
+--elab <name> Used internally during elaboration of <name>
+vhdl Separate
+--anaelab <name> Used internally during elaboration of <name>
+vhdl Separate
+-c <filename> Analyze <filename> for --anaelab
+vhdl Joined
+--warn-<name> Warn about <name>
+vhdl Joined
+--ghdl-<option> Pass <option> to vhdl front-end
+Expect a compiler error (used for testsuite)
+Disable VITAL checks
+Enable VITAL checks
+Explicit functions override implicit functions
+vhdl Joined Separate
+-l<filename> Put list of files for link in <filename>
diff --git a/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc-main.adb b/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc-main.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ee7a76fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc-main.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+-- Ortho implementation for GCC.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with System;
+with Ortho_Gcc_Front;
+with Agcc.Toplev;
+with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
+procedure Ortho_Gcc.Main
+ gnat_argc : Integer;
+ gnat_argv : System.Address;
+ gnat_envp : System.Address;
+ pragma Import (C, gnat_argc);
+ pragma Import (C, gnat_argv);
+ pragma Import (C, gnat_envp);
+ Status : Exit_Status;
+ Ortho_Gcc_Front.Init;
+ -- Note: GCC set signal handlers...
+ Status := Exit_Status (Agcc.Toplev.Toplev_Main (gnat_argc, gnat_argv));
+ Set_Exit_Status (Status);
+ when others =>
+ Set_Exit_Status (2);
+ return;
+end Ortho_Gcc.Main;
diff --git a/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc-main.ads b/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc-main.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fd79cf42c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc-main.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+-- Ortho implementation for GCC.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+procedure Ortho_Gcc.Main;
diff --git a/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc.adb b/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..66a3f1af0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1362 @@
+-- Ortho implementation for GCC.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+--with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with Agcc; use Agcc;
+with Agcc.Hwint; use Agcc.Hwint;
+with Agcc.Toplev; use Agcc.Toplev;
+with Agcc.Tm; use Agcc.Tm;
+with Agcc.Stor_Layout; use Agcc.Stor_Layout;
+with Agcc.Machmode;
+with System;
+with Agcc.Autils; use Agcc.Autils;
+with Agcc.Real; use Agcc.Real;
+with Agcc.Fe; use Agcc.Fe;
+with Agcc.Rtl; use Agcc.Rtl;
+with Agcc.Input; use Agcc.Input;
+with Agcc.Machmode;
+package body Ortho_Gcc is
+ type ON_Op_To_Tree_Code_Type is array (ON_Op_Kind) of Tree_Code;
+ ON_Op_To_Tree_Code : constant ON_Op_To_Tree_Code_Type :=
+ (
+ -- Dyadic operations.
+ ON_Add_Ov => PLUS_EXPR,
+ ON_Sub_Ov => MINUS_EXPR,
+ ON_Mul_Ov => MULT_EXPR,
+ ON_Div_Ov => ERROR_MARK,
+ -- Binary operations.
+ -- Monadic operations.
+ ON_Abs_Ov => ABS_EXPR,
+ -- Comparaisons
+ ON_Eq => EQ_EXPR,
+ ON_Neq => NE_EXPR,
+ ON_Le => LE_EXPR,
+ ON_Lt => LT_EXPR,
+ ON_Ge => GE_EXPR,
+ ON_Gt => GT_EXPR,
+ );
+ -- Constants used for FP rounding.
+ Fp_Const_P5 : REAL_VALUE_TYPE; -- 0.5
+ Fp_Const_M_P5 : REAL_VALUE_TYPE; -- -0.5
+ Fp_Const_Zero : REAL_VALUE_TYPE; -- 0.0
+ procedure Init
+ is
+ use Agcc.Machmode;
+ begin
+ To_Host_Wide_Int (Integer_64'(1), L, H);
+ REAL_VALUE_FROM_INT (V'Address, L, H, DFmode);
+ Fp_Const_P5 := REAL_VALUE_LDEXP (V, -1);
+ To_Host_Wide_Int (Integer_64'(-1), L, H);
+ REAL_VALUE_FROM_INT (V'Address, L, H, DFmode);
+ Fp_Const_M_P5 := REAL_VALUE_LDEXP (V, -1);
+ To_Host_Wide_Int (Integer_64'(0), L, H);
+ REAL_VALUE_FROM_INT (Fp_Const_Zero'Address, L, H, DFmode);
+ end Init;
+ procedure Chain_Init (Constr : out Chain_Constr_Type) is
+ begin
+ Constr.First := NULL_TREE;
+ Constr.Last := NULL_TREE;
+ end Chain_Init;
+ procedure Chain_Append (Constr : in out Chain_Constr_Type; El : Tree)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Constr.First = NULL_TREE then
+ if Constr.Last /= NULL_TREE then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ Constr.First := El;
+ else
+ Set_TREE_CHAIN (Constr.Last, El);
+ end if;
+ Constr.Last := El;
+ end Chain_Append;
+ procedure List_Init (Constr : out List_Constr_Type) is
+ begin
+ Constr := (First => NULL_TREE, Last => NULL_TREE);
+ end List_Init;
+ procedure List_Append (Constr : in out List_Constr_Type; El : Tree)
+ is
+ Res : Tree;
+ begin
+ Res := Tree_Cons (NULL_TREE, El, NULL_TREE);
+ if Constr.First = NULL_TREE then
+ Constr.First := Res;
+ else
+ Set_TREE_CHAIN (Constr.Last, Res);
+ end if;
+ Constr.Last := Res;
+ end List_Append;
+ function New_Dyadic_Op (Kind : ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind; Left, Right : O_Enode)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Left_Type : Tree;
+ Code : Tree_Code;
+ begin
+ Left_Type := Get_TREE_TYPE (Tree (Left));
+ if Left_Type /= Get_TREE_TYPE (Tree (Right)) then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ case Kind is
+ when ON_Div_Ov =>
+ if Get_TREE_CODE (Left_Type) = REAL_TYPE then
+ Code := RDIV_EXPR;
+ else
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Code := ON_Op_To_Tree_Code (Kind);
+ end case;
+ return O_Enode (Build (Code, Left_Type, Tree (Left), Tree (Right)));
+ end New_Dyadic_Op;
+ function New_Monadic_Op (Kind : ON_Monadic_Op_Kind; Operand : O_Enode)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ begin
+ return Build1 (ON_Op_To_Tree_Code (Kind),
+ Get_TREE_TYPE (Operand), Operand);
+ end New_Monadic_Op;
+ function New_Compare_Op
+ (Kind : ON_Compare_Op_Kind; Left, Right : O_Enode; Ntype : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ begin
+ if Get_TREE_CODE (Ntype) /= BOOLEAN_TYPE then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Get_TREE_TYPE (Left) /= Get_TREE_TYPE (Right) then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ return O_Enode (Build (ON_Op_To_Tree_Code (Kind),
+ Tree (Ntype), Tree (Left), Tree (Right)));
+ end New_Compare_Op;
+-- function Unchecked_Conversion is new
+-- Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Unsigned_32, Target => HOST_WIDE_INT);
+-- function High_Part (V : Unsigned_64) return HOST_WIDE_INT
+-- is
+-- begin
+-- return Unchecked_Conversion (Unsigned_32 (Shift_Left (V, 32)));
+-- end High_Part;
+-- function Low_Part (V : Unsigned_64) return HOST_WIDE_INT
+-- is
+-- begin
+-- return Unchecked_Conversion
+-- (Unsigned_32 (V and (Unsigned_32'Modulus - 1)));
+-- end Low_Part;
+ function New_Signed_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : Integer_64)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ Res : Tree;
+ begin
+ To_Host_Wide_Int (Value, L, H);
+ Res := Build_Int_2 (L, H);
+ Set_TREE_TYPE (Res, Tree (Ltype));
+ return O_Cnode (Res);
+ end New_Signed_Literal;
+ function New_Unsigned_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : Unsigned_64)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ Res : Tree;
+ begin
+ To_Host_Wide_Int (Value, L, H);
+ Res := Build_Int_2 (L, H);
+ Set_TREE_TYPE (Res, Tree (Ltype));
+ return O_Cnode (Res);
+ end New_Unsigned_Literal;
+ function New_Null_Access (Ltype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode
+ is
+ Res : Tree;
+ begin
+ Res := Build_Int_2 (0, 0);
+ Set_TREE_TYPE (Res, Tree (Ltype));
+ return O_Cnode (Res);
+ end New_Null_Access;
+ function New_Float_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : IEEE_Float_64)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ begin
+ Res := To_Real_Value_Type (Value);
+ return O_Cnode (Build_Real (Tree (Ltype), Res));
+ end New_Float_Literal;
+ procedure Check_Constrained_Type (Atype : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Atype);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Check_Constrained_Type;
+ procedure Finish_Type_Def (Atype : O_Tnode) is
+ begin
+ Layout_Type (Atype);
+ --Rest_Of_Type_Compilation (Tree (Atype), True);
+ end Finish_Type_Def;
+ procedure New_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res : out O_Tnode) is
+ begin
+ Res := Make_Node (RECORD_TYPE);
+ end New_Uncomplete_Record_Type;
+ procedure Start_Record_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List) is
+ begin
+ Elements.Res := Make_Node (RECORD_TYPE);
+ Chain_Init (Elements.Chain);
+ end Start_Record_Type;
+ procedure Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res : O_Tnode;
+ Elements : out O_Element_List) is
+ begin
+ Elements.Res := Tree (Res);
+ Chain_Init (Elements.Chain);
+ end Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type;
+ procedure New_Record_Union_Field
+ (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
+ El : out O_Fnode;
+ Ident : O_Ident; Etype : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ Res : Tree;
+ begin
+ Check_Constrained_Type (Etype);
+ Res := Build_Decl (FIELD_DECL, Ident, Tree (Etype));
+ Set_DECL_CONTEXT (Res, Elements.Res);
+ Chain_Append (Elements.Chain, Res);
+ El := O_Fnode (Res);
+ end New_Record_Union_Field;
+ procedure New_Record_Field
+ (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
+ El : out O_Fnode;
+ Ident : O_Ident; Etype : O_Tnode)
+ renames New_Record_Union_Field;
+ procedure Finish_Record_Type
+ (Elements : in out O_Element_List; Res : out O_Tnode) is
+ begin
+ Set_TYPE_FIELDS (Elements.Res, Elements.Chain.First);
+ Finish_Type_Def (O_Tnode (Elements.Res));
+ Res := O_Tnode (Elements.Res);
+ if Get_TYPE_NAME (Elements.Res) /= NULL_TREE then
+ -- The type was completed.
+ Rest_Of_Type_Compilation (Elements.Res, C_True);
+ end if;
+ end Finish_Record_Type;
+ procedure Start_Union_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List) is
+ begin
+ Elements.Res := Make_Node (UNION_TYPE);
+ Chain_Init (Elements.Chain);
+ end Start_Union_Type;
+ procedure New_Union_Field
+ (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
+ El : out O_Fnode;
+ Ident : O_Ident; Etype : O_Tnode)
+ renames New_Record_Union_Field;
+ procedure Finish_Union_Type
+ (Elements : in out O_Element_List; Res : out O_Tnode) is
+ begin
+ Set_TYPE_FIELDS (Elements.Res, Elements.Chain.First);
+ Finish_Type_Def (O_Tnode (Elements.Res));
+ Res := O_Tnode (Elements.Res);
+ end Finish_Union_Type;
+ function New_Access_Type (Dtype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode
+ is
+ Res : Tree;
+ begin
+ if Dtype = O_Tnode_Null then
+ Res := Make_Node (POINTER_TYPE);
+ Set_TYPE_MODE (Res, Machmode.Ptr_Mode);
+ Layout_Type (Res);
+ return O_Tnode (Res);
+ else
+ return Build_Pointer_Type (Dtype);
+ end if;
+ end New_Access_Type;
+ procedure Finish_Access_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Dtype : O_Tnode) is
+ begin
+ if Get_TREE_CODE (Atype) /= POINTER_TYPE
+ or else Get_TREE_TYPE (Atype) /= O_Tnode_Null
+ then
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ Set_TREE_TYPE (Atype, Dtype);
+ end Finish_Access_Type;
+ function New_Array_Type (El_Type : O_Tnode; Index_Type : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Tnode
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_Constrained_Type (El_Type);
+ return Build_Array_Type (El_Type, Index_Type);
+ end New_Array_Type;
+ function New_Constrained_Array_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Length : O_Cnode)
+ return O_Tnode
+ is
+ Range_Type : Tree;
+ Index_Type : Tree;
+ Len : Tree;
+ One : Tree;
+ begin
+ --if Atype.Kind /= ON_Array_Type then
+ -- raise Type_Error;
+ --end if;
+ Index_Type := Get_TYPE_DOMAIN (Tree (Atype));
+ if +Integer_Zerop (Tree (Length)) then
+ -- Handle null array, by creating a one-length array...
+ Len := Size_Zero_Node;
+ else
+ One := Build_Int_2 (1, 0);
+ Set_TREE_TYPE (One, Index_Type);
+ Len := Build (MINUS_EXPR, Index_Type, Tree (Length), One);
+ Len := Fold (Len);
+ end if;
+ Range_Type := Build_Range_Type (Index_Type, Size_Zero_Node, Len);
+ return O_Tnode (Build_Array_Type (Get_TREE_TYPE (Tree (Atype)),
+ Range_Type));
+ end New_Constrained_Array_Type;
+ function New_Unsigned_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode
+ is
+ begin
+ return Make_Unsigned_Type (Size);
+ end New_Unsigned_Type;
+ function New_Signed_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode
+ is
+ begin
+ return Make_Signed_Type (Size);
+ end New_Signed_Type;
+ function New_Float_Type return O_Tnode is
+ Res : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ Res := Make_Node (REAL_TYPE);
+ Layout_Type (Res);
+ return Res;
+ end New_Float_Type;
+ procedure New_Boolean_Type (Res : out O_Tnode;
+ False_Id : O_Ident;
+ False_E : out O_Cnode;
+ True_Id : O_Ident;
+ True_E : out O_Cnode)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (False_Id);
+ pragma Unreferenced (True_Id);
+ begin
+ -- see java/decl.c
+ Res := O_Tnode'(Make_Node (BOOLEAN_TYPE));
+ Set_TYPE_PRECISION (Tree (Res), 1);
+ Fixup_Unsigned_Type (Tree (Res));
+ False_E := O_Cnode (Get_TYPE_MIN_VALUE (Tree (Res)));
+ True_E := O_Cnode (Get_TYPE_MAX_VALUE (Tree (Res)));
+ end New_Boolean_Type;
+ procedure Start_Enum_Type (List : out O_Enum_List; Size : Natural)
+ is
+ begin
+ List.Res := Make_Node (ENUMERAL_TYPE);
+ Chain_Init (List.Chain);
+ List.Num := 0;
+ List.Size := Size;
+ end Start_Enum_Type;
+ procedure New_Enum_Literal
+ (List : in out O_Enum_List; Ident : O_Ident; Res : out O_Cnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ Res := Build_Int_2 (HOST_WIDE_INT (List.Num), 0);
+ Set_TREE_TYPE (Tree (Res), List.Res);
+ Chain_Append (List.Chain, Tree_Cons (Ident, Tree (Res), NULL_TREE));
+ List.Num := List.Num + 1;
+ end New_Enum_Literal;
+ procedure Finish_Enum_Type (List : in out O_Enum_List; Res : out O_Tnode) is
+ begin
+ Res := O_Tnode (List.Res);
+ Set_TYPE_VALUES (List.Res, List.Chain.First);
+ Set_TYPE_MIN_VALUE (List.Res, Get_TREE_VALUE (List.Chain.First));
+ Set_TYPE_MAX_VALUE (List.Res, Get_TREE_VALUE (List.Chain.Last));
+ Set_TREE_UNSIGNED (List.Res, C_True);
+ Set_TYPE_PRECISION (List.Res, Integer (List.Size));
+ Finish_Type_Def (Res);
+ end Finish_Enum_Type;
+ procedure Start_Record_Aggr (List : out O_Record_Aggr_List; Atype : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ List.Atype := Tree (Atype);
+ Chain_Init (List.Chain);
+ end Start_Record_Aggr;
+ procedure New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (List : in out O_Record_Aggr_List; Value : O_Cnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ -- FIXME: should check type of value.
+ Chain_Append (List.Chain,
+ Build_Tree_List (NULL_TREE, Tree (Value)));
+ end New_Record_Aggr_El;
+ procedure Finish_Record_Aggr
+ (List : in out O_Record_Aggr_List; Res : out O_Cnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ Res := O_Cnode (Build_Constructor (List.Atype, List.Chain.First));
+ end Finish_Record_Aggr;
+ procedure Start_Array_Aggr (List : out O_Array_Aggr_List; Atype : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ List.Atype := Tree (Atype);
+ Chain_Init (List.Chain);
+ end Start_Array_Aggr;
+ procedure New_Array_Aggr_El
+ (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List; Value : O_Cnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ -- FIXME: should check type of value.
+ Chain_Append (List.Chain,
+ Build_Tree_List (NULL_TREE, Tree (Value)));
+ end New_Array_Aggr_El;
+ procedure Finish_Array_Aggr
+ (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List; Res : out O_Cnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ Res := O_Cnode (Build_Constructor (List.Atype, List.Chain.First));
+ end Finish_Array_Aggr;
+ function New_Union_Aggr (Atype : O_Tnode; Field : O_Fnode; Value : O_Cnode)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ El : Tree;
+ Res : Tree;
+ begin
+ El := Build_Tree_List (Tree (Field), Tree (Value));
+ Res := Build_Constructor (Tree (Atype), El);
+ Set_TREE_CONSTANT (Res, C_True);
+ return O_Cnode (Res);
+ end New_Union_Aggr;
+ function New_Indexed_Element (Arr : O_Lnode; Index : O_Enode)
+ return O_Lnode
+ is
+ Res : Tree;
+ V : C_Bool;
+ begin
+ V := Mark_Addressable (Tree (Arr));
+ Res := Build (ARRAY_REF, Get_TREE_TYPE (Get_TREE_TYPE (Tree (Arr))),
+ Tree (Arr), Tree (Index));
+ return O_Lnode (Res);
+ end New_Indexed_Element;
+ function New_Slice (Arr : O_Lnode; Res_Type : O_Tnode; Index : O_Enode)
+ return O_Lnode
+ is
+ Res : Tree;
+ Ptr_Type : Tree;
+ V : C_Bool;
+ begin
+ -- *((RES_TYPE *)(&ARR[INDEX]))
+ -- convert ARR to a pointer, add index, and reconvert to array ?
+ if Get_TREE_CODE (Res_Type) /= ARRAY_TYPE then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ V := Mark_Addressable (Tree (Arr));
+ Ptr_Type := Build_Pointer_Type (Tree (Res_Type));
+ Res := Build (ARRAY_REF, Get_TREE_TYPE (Get_TREE_TYPE (Tree (Arr))),
+ Tree (Arr), Tree (Index));
+ Res := Build1 (ADDR_EXPR, Ptr_Type, Res);
+ Res := Build1 (INDIRECT_REF, Tree (Res_Type), Res);
+ return O_Lnode (Res);
+ end New_Slice;
+ function New_Selected_Element (Rec : O_Lnode; El : O_Fnode)
+ return O_Lnode
+ is
+ begin
+ if Get_TREE_CODE (Get_TREE_TYPE (Rec)) /= RECORD_TYPE then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ return O_Lnode (Build (COMPONENT_REF, Get_TREE_TYPE (Tree (El)),
+ Tree (Rec), Tree (El)));
+ end New_Selected_Element;
+ function New_Access_Element (Acc : O_Enode) return O_Lnode
+ is
+ Acc_Type : Tree;
+ begin
+ Acc_Type := Get_TREE_TYPE (Tree (Acc));
+ if Get_TREE_CODE (Acc_Type) /= POINTER_TYPE then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ return O_Lnode (Build1 (INDIRECT_REF, Get_TREE_TYPE (Acc_Type),
+ Tree (Acc)));
+ end New_Access_Element;
+ function New_Convert_Ov (Val : O_Enode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode
+ is
+ Val_Type : Tree;
+ Val_Code : Tree_Code;
+ Rtype_Code : Tree_Code;
+ Code : Tree_Code;
+ begin
+ Val_Type := Get_TREE_TYPE (Tree (Val));
+ if Val_Type = Tree (Rtype) then
+ return Val;
+ end if;
+ -- FIXME: check conversions.
+ Val_Code := Get_TREE_CODE (Val_Type);
+ Rtype_Code := Get_TREE_CODE (Rtype);
+ if Val_Code = POINTER_TYPE and then Rtype_Code = POINTER_TYPE then
+ Code := NOP_EXPR;
+ elsif Val_Code = INTEGER_TYPE and then Rtype_Code = INTEGER_TYPE then
+ elsif Val_Code = REAL_TYPE and then Rtype_Code = INTEGER_TYPE then
+ -- Gcc only handles FIX_TRUNC_EXPR, but we need rounding.
+ declare
+ M_P5 : Tree;
+ P5 : Tree;
+ Zero : Tree;
+ Saved : Tree;
+ Comp : Tree;
+ Adj : Tree;
+ Res : Tree;
+ begin
+ M_P5 := Build_Real (Val_Type, Fp_Const_M_P5);
+ P5 := Build_Real (Val_Type, Fp_Const_P5);
+ Zero := Build_Real (Val_Type, Fp_Const_Zero);
+ Saved := Build_Save_Expr (Tree (Val));
+ Comp := Build (GE_EXPR, Integer_Type_Node, Saved, Zero);
+ -- FIXME: instead of res = res + (comp ? .5 : -.5)
+ -- do: res = res (comp ? + : -) .5
+ Adj := Build (COND_EXPR, Val_Type, Comp, P5, M_P5);
+ Res := Build (PLUS_EXPR, Val_Type, Saved, Adj);
+ Res := Build1 (FIX_TRUNC_EXPR, Tree (Rtype), Res);
+ return O_Enode (Res);
+ end;
+ elsif Val_Code = INTEGER_TYPE and then Rtype_Code = ENUMERAL_TYPE then
+ elsif Val_Code = ENUMERAL_TYPE and then Rtype_Code = INTEGER_TYPE then
+ elsif Val_Code = INTEGER_TYPE and then Rtype_Code = REAL_TYPE then
+ Code := FLOAT_EXPR;
+ elsif Val_Code = BOOLEAN_TYPE and then Rtype_Code = BOOLEAN_TYPE then
+ Code := NOP_EXPR;
+ elsif Val_Code = BOOLEAN_TYPE and then Rtype_Code = INTEGER_TYPE then
+ elsif Val_Code = INTEGER_TYPE and then Rtype_Code = BOOLEAN_TYPE then
+ -- From integer to boolean.
+ Code := NOP_EXPR;
+ elsif Val_Code = REAL_TYPE and then Rtype_Code = REAL_TYPE then
+ else
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ return O_Enode (Build1 (Code, Tree (Rtype), Tree (Val)));
+ end New_Convert_Ov;
+ function Build_Addr (Operand : Tree; Atype : Tree) return Tree
+ is
+ use Agcc.Machmode;
+ Result : Tree;
+ begin
+ case Get_TREE_CODE (Operand) is
+ when INDIRECT_REF =>
+ -- This may be an unchecked conversion.
+ Result := Get_TREE_OPERAND (Operand, 0);
+ if Get_TREE_CODE (Get_TREE_TYPE (Result)) /= POINTER_TYPE then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ return Result;
+ when ARRAY_REF
+ -- Find the address of the prefix and add the offset.
+ declare
+ Op_Type : Tree;
+ Bitsize, Bitpos : HOST_WIDE_INT;
+ Inner, Offset : Tree;
+ Mode : Machine_Mode;
+ Unsignedp, Volatilep : Integer;
+ begin
+ Op_Type := Get_TREE_TYPE (Get_TREE_OPERAND (Operand, 0));
+ Inner := Get_Inner_Reference
+ (Operand, Bitsize'Address, Bitpos'Address, Offset'Address,
+ Mode'Address, Unsignedp'Address, Volatilep'Address);
+ -- Compute the offset as a byte offset from INNER. */
+ if Offset = NULL_TREE then
+ Offset := Size_Zero_Node;
+ end if;
+ Offset := Size_Binop
+ (PLUS_EXPR, Offset,
+ Size_Int (Bitpos / HOST_WIDE_INT (BITS_PER_UNIT)));
+ -- Take the address of INNER, convert the offset to void *, and
+ -- add then. It will later be converted to the desired result
+ -- type, if any.
+ Inner := Build_Addr (Inner, Ptr_Type_Node);
+ Inner := Convert (Ptr_Type_Node, Inner);
+ Offset := Convert (Ptr_Type_Node, Offset);
+ Result := Fold
+ (Build (PLUS_EXPR, Ptr_Type_Node, Inner, Offset));
+ return Result;
+ end;
+ when VAR_DECL =>
+ -- This is like Mark_Addressable.
+ Put_Var_Into_Stack (Operand, C_True);
+ Set_TREE_ADDRESSABLE (Operand, C_True);
+ return Build1 (ADDR_EXPR, Atype, Operand);
+ when others =>
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Build_Addr;
+ function New_Addr (Lvalue : Tree; Atype : O_Tnode)
+ return Tree
+ is
+ Result : Tree;
+ begin
+ Result := Build_Addr (Lvalue, Tree (Atype));
+ if Get_TREE_TYPE (Result) /= Tree (Atype) then
+ if Get_TREE_CODE (Get_TREE_TYPE (Result)) /= POINTER_TYPE then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ Result := Build1 (NOP_EXPR, Tree (Atype), Result);
+ end if;
+ return Result;
+ --return O_Enode (Build1 (ADDR_EXPR, Tree (Atype), Tree (Lvalue)));
+ end New_Addr;
+ function New_Unchecked_Address (Lvalue : O_Lnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ begin
+ return O_Enode (New_Addr (Tree (Lvalue), Atype));
+ end New_Unchecked_Address;
+ function New_Address (Lvalue : O_Lnode; Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode
+ is
+ begin
+ --if Get_TREE_TYPE (Lvalue) /= Get_TREE_TYPE (Atype) then
+ -- raise Type_Error;
+ --end if;
+ return O_Enode (New_Addr (Tree (Lvalue), Atype));
+ end New_Address;
+ function New_Global_Unchecked_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ begin
+ return O_Cnode (New_Addr (Tree (Decl), Atype));
+ end New_Global_Unchecked_Address;
+ function New_Global_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode
+ is
+ begin
+ --if Get_TREE_TYPE (Lvalue) /= Get_TREE_TYPE (Atype) then
+ -- raise Type_Error;
+ --end if;
+ return O_Cnode (New_Addr (Tree (Decl), Atype));
+ end New_Global_Address;
+ function New_Subprogram_Address (Subprg : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ begin
+ return O_Cnode (Build1 (ADDR_EXPR, Tree (Atype), Tree (Subprg)));
+ end New_Subprogram_Address;
+ function New_Value (Lvalue : O_Lnode) return O_Enode is
+ begin
+ return O_Enode (Lvalue);
+ end New_Value;
+ function New_Obj_Value (Obj : O_Dnode) return O_Enode is
+ begin
+ return O_Enode (Obj);
+ end New_Obj_Value;
+ function New_Obj (Obj : O_Dnode) return O_Lnode is
+ begin
+ return O_Lnode (Obj);
+ end New_Obj;
+ function New_Lit (Lit : O_Cnode) return O_Enode is
+ begin
+ return O_Enode (Lit);
+ end New_Lit;
+ function New_Offsetof (Field : O_Fnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode
+ is
+ Off : Tree;
+ Bit_Off : Tree;
+ Res : Tree;
+ begin
+ Off := Get_DECL_FIELD_OFFSET (Tree (Field));
+ if Host_Integerp (Off, 1) = 0 then
+ -- The offset must be a constant.
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ Bit_Off := Get_DECL_FIELD_BIT_OFFSET (Tree (Field));
+ if Host_Integerp (Bit_Off, 1) = 0 then
+ -- The offset must be a constant.
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ Pos := Get_TREE_INT_CST_LOW (Off)
+ Res := Build_Int_2 (Pos, 0);
+ Set_TREE_TYPE (Res, Tree (Rtype));
+ return O_Cnode (Res);
+ end New_Offsetof;
+ function New_Sizeof (Atype : O_Tnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode
+ is
+ Size : Tree;
+ begin
+ Size := Get_TYPE_SIZE_UNIT (Tree (Atype));
+ --Size := Size_Binop (CEIL_DIV_EXPR, Size,
+ return O_Cnode (Fold (Build1 (NOP_EXPR, Tree (Rtype), Size)));
+ end New_Sizeof;
+ function New_Alloca (Rtype : O_Tnode; Size : O_Enode) return O_Enode
+ is
+ Var : Tree;
+ Var_Type : Tree;
+ Res : Tree;
+ begin
+ -- Create a dummy variable of the correct size.
+ -- This way, the storage will be deallocated at the end of the scope.
+ Var_Type := Build_Array_Type (Char_Type_Node,
+ Build_Index_Type (Tree (Size)));
+ Var := Build_Decl (VAR_DECL, NULL_TREE, Var_Type);
+ Set_TREE_STATIC (Var, C_False);
+ Set_DECL_EXTERNAL (Var, C_False);
+ Set_TREE_PUBLIC (Var, C_False);
+ Pushdecl (Var);
+ Expand_Decl (Var);
+ Res := Build1 (ADDR_EXPR, Tree (Rtype), Var);
+ return O_Enode (Res);
+ -- Old code that use alloca. This is not space efficient, since the
+ -- storage will be freed only at the exit of the function.
+ --Arg := Build1 (CONVERT_EXPR, Sizetype, Tree (Size));
+ --Res := Build (CALL_EXPR, Ptr_Type_Node, Alloca_Function_Ptr,
+ -- Tree_Cons (NULL_TREE, Arg, NULL_TREE));
+ --return O_Enode (Build1 (NOP_EXPR, Tree (Rtype), Res));
+ end New_Alloca;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Declarations. --
+ ---------------------
+ type String_Acc is access String;
+ Current_Filename : String_Acc := null;
+ procedure New_Debug_Filename_Decl (Filename : String)
+ is
+ Len : Natural;
+ begin
+ Len := Filename'Length;
+ if Current_Filename = null
+ or else Current_Filename.all'Length /= Len + 1
+ or else Current_Filename (1 .. Len) /= Filename
+ then
+ Current_Filename := new String (1 .. Len + 1);
+ Current_Filename (1 .. Len) := Filename;
+ Current_Filename (Len + 1) := Nul;
+ Input_Location.File := Current_Filename (1)'Address;
+ end if;
+ end New_Debug_Filename_Decl;
+ procedure New_Debug_Line_Decl (Line : Natural)
+ is
+ begin
+ Input_Location.Line := Line;
+ end New_Debug_Line_Decl;
+ procedure New_Debug_Comment_Decl (Comment : String)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Comment);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end New_Debug_Comment_Decl;
+ procedure New_Type_Decl (Ident : O_Ident; Atype : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ Decl : Tree;
+ Ttype : Tree := Tree (Atype);
+ begin
+-- if Atype.Decl /= null then
+-- raise Type_Error;
+-- end if;
+ Set_TYPE_NAME (Ttype, Ident);
+ Decl := Build_Decl (TYPE_DECL, Ident, Ttype);
+ Set_TYPE_STUB_DECL (Ttype, Decl);
+ Pushdecl (Decl);
+ if Get_TYPE_SIZE (Ttype) /= NULL_TREE then
+ -- Do not generate debug info for uncompleted types.
+ Rest_Of_Type_Compilation (Ttype, C_True);
+ end if;
+ end New_Type_Decl;
+ procedure Set_Storage (Node : Tree; Storage : O_Storage)
+ is
+ begin
+ case Storage is
+ when O_Storage_External =>
+ Set_DECL_EXTERNAL (Node, C_True);
+ Set_TREE_PUBLIC (Node, C_True);
+ Set_TREE_STATIC (Node, C_False);
+ when O_Storage_Public =>
+ Set_DECL_EXTERNAL (Node, C_False);
+ Set_TREE_PUBLIC (Node, C_True);
+ Set_TREE_STATIC (Node, C_True);
+ when O_Storage_Private =>
+ Set_DECL_EXTERNAL (Node, C_False);
+ Set_TREE_PUBLIC (Node, C_False);
+ Set_TREE_STATIC (Node, C_True);
+ when O_Storage_Local =>
+ Set_DECL_EXTERNAL (Node, C_False);
+ Set_TREE_PUBLIC (Node, C_False);
+ Set_TREE_STATIC (Node, C_False);
+ end case;
+ end Set_Storage;
+ procedure New_Const_Decl
+ (Res : out O_Dnode;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Storage : O_Storage;
+ Atype : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ Cst : Tree;
+ begin
+ Cst := Build_Decl (VAR_DECL, Ident, Tree (Atype));
+ Set_Storage (Cst, Storage);
+ Set_TREE_READONLY (Cst, C_True);
+ Pushdecl (Cst);
+ case Storage is
+ when O_Storage_Local =>
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ when O_Storage_External =>
+ -- We are at top level if Current_Function_Decl is null.
+ Rest_Of_Decl_Compilation
+ (Cst, NULL_Chars,
+ Boolean'Pos (Current_Function_Decl = NULL_TREE), C_False);
+ when O_Storage_Public
+ | O_Storage_Private =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Res := O_Dnode (Cst);
+ end New_Const_Decl;
+ procedure Start_Const_Value (Const : in out O_Dnode)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Const);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Start_Const_Value;
+ procedure Finish_Const_Value (Const : in out O_Dnode; Val : O_Cnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ Set_DECL_INITIAL (Tree (Const), Tree (Val));
+ Set_TREE_CONSTANT (Val, C_True);
+ Rest_Of_Decl_Compilation
+ (Tree (Const), NULL_Chars,
+ Boolean'Pos (Current_Function_Decl = NULL_TREE), C_False);
+ end Finish_Const_Value;
+ procedure New_Var_Decl
+ (Res : out O_Dnode;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Storage : O_Storage;
+ Atype : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ Var : Tree;
+ begin
+ Var := Build_Decl (VAR_DECL, Ident, Tree (Atype));
+ if Current_Function_Decl /= NULL_TREE then
+ -- Local variable.
+ Set_TREE_STATIC (Var, C_False);
+ Set_DECL_EXTERNAL (Var, C_False);
+ Set_TREE_PUBLIC (Var, C_False);
+ else
+ Set_Storage (Var, Storage);
+ end if;
+ Pushdecl (Var);
+ if Current_Function_Decl /= NULL_TREE then
+ Expand_Decl (Var);
+ else
+ Rest_Of_Decl_Compilation (Var, NULL_Chars, C_True, C_False);
+ end if;
+ Res := O_Dnode (Var);
+ end New_Var_Decl;
+ procedure Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Storage : O_Storage;
+ Rtype : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ Interfaces.Ident := Ident;
+ Interfaces.Storage := Storage;
+ Interfaces.Rtype := Rtype;
+ Chain_Init (Interfaces.Param_Chain);
+ List_Init (Interfaces.Param_List);
+ end Start_Function_Decl;
+ procedure Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List; Ident : O_Ident; Storage : O_Storage) is
+ begin
+ Start_Function_Decl (Interfaces, Ident, Storage,
+ O_Tnode (Void_Type_Node));
+ end Start_Procedure_Decl;
+ procedure New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List;
+ Res : out O_Dnode;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Atype : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ R : Tree;
+ begin
+ R := Build_Decl (PARM_DECL, Ident, Tree (Atype));
+ --Set_DECL_CONTEXT (Res, Xxx);
+ -- Do type conversion: convert boolean and enums to int
+ case Get_TREE_CODE (Tree (Atype)) is
+ Set_DECL_ARG_TYPE (R, Integer_Type_Node);
+ when others =>
+ Set_DECL_ARG_TYPE (R, Tree (Atype));
+ end case;
+ else
+ Set_DECL_ARG_TYPE (R, Tree (Atype));
+ end if;
+ Chain_Append (Interfaces.Param_Chain, R);
+ List_Append (Interfaces.Param_List, Tree (Atype));
+ Res := O_Dnode (R);
+ end New_Interface_Decl;
+ -- Current function nest level, or the number of parents.
+ Function_Nest_Level : Natural := 0;
+ procedure Finish_Subprogram_Decl
+ (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List; Res : out O_Dnode)
+ is
+ Decl : Tree;
+ Result : Tree;
+ Parm : Tree;
+ Is_Global : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Decl := Build_Decl (FUNCTION_DECL, Interfaces.Ident,
+ Build_Function_Type (Tree (Interfaces.Rtype),
+ Interfaces.Param_List.First));
+ Is_Global := Function_Nest_Level = 0
+ or Interfaces.Storage = O_Storage_External;
+ if Is_Global then
+ Set_Storage (Decl, Interfaces.Storage);
+ else
+ -- A nested subprogram.
+ Set_DECL_EXTERNAL (Decl, C_False);
+ Set_TREE_PUBLIC (Decl, C_False);
+ end if;
+ -- The function exist in static storage.
+ Set_TREE_STATIC (Decl, C_True);
+ Set_DECL_INITIAL (Decl, Error_Mark_Node);
+ Set_TREE_ADDRESSABLE (Decl, C_True);
+ -- Declare the result.
+ -- FIXME: should be moved in start_function_body.
+ Result := Build_Decl (RESULT_DECL, NULL_TREE, Tree (Interfaces.Rtype));
+ Set_DECL_RESULT (Decl, Result);
+ Set_DECL_CONTEXT (Result, Decl);
+ Set_DECL_ARGUMENTS (Decl, Interfaces.Param_Chain.First);
+ -- Set DECL_CONTEXT of parameters.
+ Parm := Interfaces.Param_Chain.First;
+ while Parm /= NULL_TREE loop
+ Set_DECL_CONTEXT (Parm, Decl);
+ Parm := Get_TREE_CHAIN (Parm);
+ end loop;
+ Pushdecl (Decl);
+ if Is_Global then
+ Rest_Of_Decl_Compilation (Decl, NULL_Chars, C_True, C_False);
+ else
+ Expand_Decl (Decl);
+ end if;
+ --Make_Function_Rtl (Decl);
+ Res := O_Dnode (Decl);
+ end Finish_Subprogram_Decl;
+ procedure Start_Subprogram_Body (Func : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Function_Nest_Level /= 0 then
+ -- For a nested subprogram:
+ Push_Function_Context;
+ --start_function (c-decl.c)
+ -- announce_function
+ -- current_function_decl = pushdecl (x)
+ -- ??
+ --XXX
+ --finish_function(1) (c-decl.c)
+ -- poplevel
+ --pop_function_context
+ --add_decl_stmt
+ end if;
+ Function_Nest_Level := Function_Nest_Level + 1;
+ Current_Function_Decl := Tree (Func);
+ Announce_Function (Tree (Func));
+ -- Create a binding for the parameters.
+ Pushlevel (C_False);
+ -- FIXME: should push parameters.
+ --Make_Function_Rtl (Current_Function_Decl);
+ Init_Function_Start (Func, NULL_Chars, 0);
+ Expand_Function_Start (Func, C_False);
+ -- Create a binding for the function.
+ -- This is necessary for compatibility.
+ Pushlevel (C_False);
+ Expand_Start_Bindings (0);
+ end Start_Subprogram_Body;
+ procedure Finish_Subprogram_Body
+ is
+ begin
+ Expand_End_Bindings (Getdecls, C_True, C_False);
+ Poplevel (C_True, C_False, C_False);
+ Expand_Function_End (NULL_Chars, 0, C_False);
+ Poplevel (C_True, C_False, C_True);
+ -- The subprogram is not external anymore (extern inline is not
+ -- supported). As a result, code will be generated.
+ Set_DECL_EXTERNAL (Current_Function_Decl, C_False);
+ -- FIXME: protect against ggc. See c-decl.c:c_expand_body
+ Rest_Of_Compilation (Current_Function_Decl);
+ Function_Nest_Level := Function_Nest_Level - 1;
+ if Function_Nest_Level > 0 then
+ Pop_Function_Context;
+ else
+ Current_Function_Decl := NULL_TREE;
+ end if;
+ end Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ -------------------
+ -- Statements. --
+ -------------------
+ procedure New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Line : Natural) is
+ begin
+ Input_Location.Line := Line;
+ Emit_Line_Note (Input_Location);
+ end New_Debug_Line_Stmt;
+ procedure New_Debug_Comment_Stmt (Comment : String)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Comment);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end New_Debug_Comment_Stmt;
+ procedure Start_Declare_Stmt
+ is
+ begin
+ Pushlevel (C_False);
+ Expand_Start_Bindings (0);
+ end Start_Declare_Stmt;
+ procedure Finish_Declare_Stmt
+ is
+ begin
+ Expand_End_Bindings (Getdecls, C_True, C_True);
+ Poplevel (C_True, C_False, C_False);
+ end Finish_Declare_Stmt;
+ procedure Start_Association (Assocs : out O_Assoc_List; Subprg : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ Assocs.Subprg := Tree (Subprg);
+ List_Init (Assocs.List);
+ end Start_Association;
+-- function Get_Base_Type (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode
+-- is
+-- begin
+-- case Atype.Kind is
+-- when ON_Array_Sub_Type =>
+-- return Atype.Base_Type;
+-- when others =>
+-- return Atype;
+-- end case;
+-- end Get_Base_Type;
+ procedure New_Association (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List; Val : O_Enode)
+ is
+ begin
+ List_Append (Assocs.List, Tree (Val));
+ end New_Association;
+ -- Return a pointer to function FUNC.
+ function Build_Function_Ptr (Func : Tree) return Tree is
+ begin
+ return Build1 (ADDR_EXPR,
+ Build_Pointer_Type (Get_TREE_TYPE (Func)), Func);
+ end Build_Function_Ptr;
+ function New_Function_Call (Assocs : O_Assoc_List) return O_Enode
+ is
+ begin
+ return O_Enode (Build (CALL_EXPR,
+ Get_TREE_TYPE (Get_TREE_TYPE (Assocs.Subprg)),
+ Build_Function_Ptr (Assocs.Subprg),
+ Assocs.List.First, NULL_TREE));
+ end New_Function_Call;
+ procedure New_Procedure_Call (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List)
+ is
+ Res : Tree;
+ begin
+ Res := Build (CALL_EXPR,
+ Get_TREE_TYPE (Get_TREE_TYPE (Assocs.Subprg)),
+ Build_Function_Ptr (Assocs.Subprg),
+ Assocs.List.First, NULL_TREE);
+ Set_TREE_SIDE_EFFECTS (Res, C_True);
+ Expand_Expr_Stmt (Res);
+ end New_Procedure_Call;
+ procedure New_Assign_Stmt (Target : O_Lnode; Value : O_Enode)
+ is
+ N : Tree;
+ begin
+ N := Build (MODIFY_EXPR, Get_TREE_TYPE (Tree (Target)),
+ Tree (Target), Tree (Value));
+ Expand_Expr_Stmt (N);
+ end New_Assign_Stmt;
+ procedure New_Return_Stmt (Value : O_Enode)
+ is
+ Assign : Tree;
+ begin
+ Assign := Build (MODIFY_EXPR, Get_TREE_TYPE (Tree (Value)),
+ Get_DECL_RESULT (Current_Function_Decl),
+ Tree (Value));
+ Set_TREE_SIDE_EFFECTS (Assign, C_True);
+ --Set_TREE_USED (Assign, True);
+ Expand_Expr_Stmt (Assign);
+ Expand_Return (Value);
+ end New_Return_Stmt;
+ procedure New_Return_Stmt
+ is
+ begin
+ Expand_Null_Return;
+ end New_Return_Stmt;
+ procedure Start_If_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block; Cond : O_Enode)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Block);
+ begin
+ Expand_Start_Cond (Cond, C_False);
+ end Start_If_Stmt;
+ procedure New_Elsif_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block; Cond : O_Enode)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Block);
+ begin
+ Expand_Start_Elseif (Cond);
+ end New_Elsif_Stmt;
+ procedure New_Else_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Block);
+ begin
+ Expand_Start_Else;
+ end New_Else_Stmt;
+ procedure Finish_If_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Block);
+ begin
+ Expand_End_Cond;
+ end Finish_If_Stmt;
+ procedure Start_Loop_Stmt (Label : out O_Snode)
+ is
+ begin
+ Label := Expand_Start_Loop (C_True);
+ -- This is required to avoid crash with goto fixup.
+ Expand_Start_Bindings (0);
+ end Start_Loop_Stmt;
+ procedure Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label : in out O_Snode)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Label);
+ begin
+ Expand_End_Bindings (NULL_TREE, C_False, C_False);
+ Expand_End_Loop;
+ end Finish_Loop_Stmt;
+ procedure New_Exit_Stmt (L : O_Snode) is
+ begin
+ Expand_Exit_Loop (L);
+ end New_Exit_Stmt;
+ procedure New_Next_Stmt (L : O_Snode) is
+ begin
+ Expand_Continue_Loop (L);
+ end New_Next_Stmt;
+ procedure Start_Case_Stmt (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Value : O_Enode)
+ is
+ begin
+ Expand_Start_Case (C_True, Value, Get_TREE_TYPE (Value), NULL_Chars);
+ Block := O_Case_Block'(Expr => Tree (Value),
+ First => True, Label => NULL_TREE);
+ end Start_Case_Stmt;
+ procedure Start_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Block.First then
+ Block.First := False;
+ else
+ -- Add a "break" statement.
+ if Expand_Exit_Something = 0 then
+ raise Type_Error;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Block.Label /= NULL_TREE then
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ Block.Label := Build_Decl (LABEL_DECL, NULL_TREE, NULL_TREE);
+ --Pushdecl (Choices.Label);
+ end Start_Choice;
+ procedure New_Expr_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Expr : O_Cnode)
+ is
+ Duplicate : Tree;
+ begin
+ if Pushcase (Tree (Expr), Agcc.Trees.Convert'Address,
+ Block.Label, Duplicate'Address) /= 0 then
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ end New_Expr_Choice;
+ procedure New_Range_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block;
+ Low, High : O_Cnode)
+ is
+ Duplicate : Tree;
+ begin
+ if Pushcase_Range (Tree (Low), Tree (High), Agcc.Trees.Convert'Address,
+ Tree (Block.Label), Duplicate'Address) /= 0
+ then
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ end New_Range_Choice;
+ procedure New_Default_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block)
+ is
+ Duplicate : Tree;
+ begin
+ if Pushcase (NULL_TREE, System.Null_Address,
+ Block.Label, Duplicate'Address) /= 0
+ then
+ raise Syntax_Error;
+ end if;
+ end New_Default_Choice;
+ procedure Finish_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block)
+ is
+ begin
+ Block.Label := NULL_TREE;
+ end Finish_Choice;
+ procedure Finish_Case_Stmt (Block: in out O_Case_Block) is
+ begin
+ Expand_End_Case_Type (Block.Expr, NULL_TREE);
+ end Finish_Case_Stmt;
+end Ortho_Gcc;
diff --git a/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc.ads b/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7c3679e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
+-- Ortho implementation for GCC.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
+with Ortho_Ident;
+use Ortho_Ident;
+with Agcc.Trees; use Agcc.Trees;
+-- Interface to create nodes.
+package Ortho_Gcc is
+ -- PUBLIC PART is defined in ortho_nodes.common.ads
+ type O_Cnode is private;
+ type O_Dnode is private;
+ type O_Enode is private;
+ type O_Fnode is private;
+ type O_Lnode is private;
+ type O_Tnode is private;
+ type O_Snode is private;
+ -- Alloca builtin, to be set during initialization.
+ Alloca_Function_Ptr : Tree;
+ -- Must be called during initialization, before use of any subprograms.
+ procedure Init;
+ O_Cnode_Null : constant O_Cnode;
+ O_Dnode_Null : constant O_Dnode;
+ O_Enode_Null : constant O_Enode;
+ O_Fnode_Null : constant O_Fnode;
+ O_Lnode_Null : constant O_Lnode;
+ O_Snode_Null : constant O_Snode;
+ O_Tnode_Null : constant O_Tnode;
+ ------------------------
+ -- Type definitions --
+ ------------------------
+ type Bitsize_Type is range 0 .. 1024;
+ -- Standard types metrics. 0 means unknown.
+ Metric_Char : Bitsize_Type := 0;
+ Metric_Short : Bitsize_Type := 0;
+ Metric_Int : Bitsize_Type := 0;
+ Metric_Long : Bitsize_Type := 0;
+ Metric_Long_Long : Bitsize_Type := 0;
+ Metric_Enum : Bitsize_Type := 0;
+ Metric_Float : Bitsize_Type := 0;
+ Metric_Double : Bitsize_Type := 0;
+ Metric_Long_Double : Bitsize_Type := 0;
+ type O_Element_List is limited private;
+ -- Build a record type.
+ procedure Start_Record_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List);
+ -- Add a field in the record; not constrained array are prohibited, since
+ -- its size is unlimited.
+ procedure New_Record_Field
+ (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
+ El : out O_Fnode;
+ Ident : O_Ident; Etype : O_Tnode);
+ -- Finish the record type.
+ procedure Finish_Record_Type
+ (Elements : in out O_Element_List; Res : out O_Tnode);
+ -- Build an uncomplete record type:
+ -- First call NEW_UNCOMPLETE_RECORD_TYPE, which returns a record type.
+ -- This type can be declared or used to define access types on it.
+ -- Then, complete (if necessary) the record type, by calling
+ procedure New_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res : out O_Tnode);
+ procedure Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res : O_Tnode;
+ Elements : out O_Element_List);
+ -- Build an union type.
+ procedure Start_Union_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List);
+ procedure New_Union_Field
+ (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
+ El : out O_Fnode;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Etype : O_Tnode);
+ procedure Finish_Union_Type
+ (Elements : in out O_Element_List; Res : out O_Tnode);
+ -- Build an access type.
+ -- DTYPE may be O_tnode_null in order to build an incomplete access type.
+ -- It is completed with finish_access_type.
+ function New_Access_Type (Dtype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode;
+ procedure Finish_Access_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Dtype : O_Tnode);
+ -- Build an array type.
+ -- The array is not constrained and unidimensional.
+ function New_Array_Type (El_Type : O_Tnode; Index_Type : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Tnode;
+ -- Build a constrained array type.
+ function New_Constrained_Array_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Length : O_Cnode)
+ return O_Tnode;
+ -- Build a scalar type; size may be 8, 16, 32 or 64.
+ function New_Unsigned_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode;
+ function New_Signed_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode;
+ -- Build a float type.
+ function New_Float_Type return O_Tnode;
+ -- Build a boolean type.
+ procedure New_Boolean_Type (Res : out O_Tnode;
+ False_Id : O_Ident;
+ False_E : out O_Cnode;
+ True_Id : O_Ident;
+ True_E : out O_Cnode);
+ -- Create an enumeration
+ type O_Enum_List is limited private;
+ -- Elements are declared in order, the first is ordered from 0.
+ procedure Start_Enum_Type (List : out O_Enum_List; Size : Natural);
+ procedure New_Enum_Literal (List : in out O_Enum_List;
+ Ident : O_Ident; Res : out O_Cnode);
+ procedure Finish_Enum_Type (List : in out O_Enum_List; Res : out O_Tnode);
+ ----------------
+ -- Literals --
+ ----------------
+ -- Create a literal from an integer.
+ function New_Signed_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : Integer_64)
+ return O_Cnode;
+ function New_Unsigned_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : Unsigned_64)
+ return O_Cnode;
+ function New_Float_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : IEEE_Float_64)
+ return O_Cnode;
+ -- Create a null access literal.
+ function New_Null_Access (Ltype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode;
+ -- Build a record/array aggregate.
+ -- The aggregate is constant, and therefore can be only used to initialize
+ -- constant declaration.
+ -- ATYPE must be either a record type or an array subtype.
+ -- Elements must be added in the order, and must be literals or aggregates.
+ type O_Record_Aggr_List is limited private;
+ type O_Array_Aggr_List is limited private;
+ procedure Start_Record_Aggr (List : out O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Atype : O_Tnode);
+ procedure New_Record_Aggr_El (List : in out O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Value : O_Cnode);
+ procedure Finish_Record_Aggr (List : in out O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Res : out O_Cnode);
+ procedure Start_Array_Aggr (List : out O_Array_Aggr_List; Atype : O_Tnode);
+ procedure New_Array_Aggr_El (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List;
+ Value : O_Cnode);
+ procedure Finish_Array_Aggr (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List;
+ Res : out O_Cnode);
+ -- Build an union aggregate.
+ function New_Union_Aggr (Atype : O_Tnode; Field : O_Fnode; Value : O_Cnode)
+ return O_Cnode;
+ -- Returns the size in bytes of ATYPE. The result is a literal of
+ -- unsigned type RTYPE
+ -- ATYPE cannot be an unconstrained array type.
+ function New_Sizeof (Atype : O_Tnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode;
+ -- Returns the offset of FIELD in its record. The result is a literal
+ -- of unsigned type RTYPE.
+ function New_Offsetof (Field : O_Fnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode;
+ -- Get the address of a subprogram.
+ function New_Subprogram_Address (Subprg : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Cnode;
+ -- Get the address of LVALUE.
+ -- ATYPE must be a type access whose designated type is the type of LVALUE.
+ -- FIXME: what about arrays.
+ function New_Global_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Cnode;
+ -- Same as New_Address but without any restriction.
+ function New_Global_Unchecked_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Cnode;
+ -------------------
+ -- Expressions --
+ -------------------
+ type ON_Op_Kind is
+ (
+ -- Not an operation; invalid.
+ ON_Nil,
+ -- Dyadic operations.
+ ON_Add_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ ON_Sub_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ ON_Mul_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ ON_Div_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ ON_Rem_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ ON_Mod_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ -- Binary operations.
+ ON_And, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ ON_Or, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ ON_Xor, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ ON_And_Then, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ ON_Or_Else, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ -- Monadic operations.
+ ON_Not, -- ON_Monadic_Op_Kind
+ ON_Neg_Ov, -- ON_Monadic_Op_Kind
+ ON_Abs_Ov, -- ON_Monadic_Op_Kind
+ -- Comparaisons
+ ON_Eq, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
+ ON_Neq, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
+ ON_Le, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
+ ON_Lt, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
+ ON_Ge, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
+ ON_Gt -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
+ );
+ subtype ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind is ON_Op_Kind range ON_Add_Ov .. ON_Or_Else;
+ subtype ON_Monadic_Op_Kind is ON_Op_Kind range ON_Not .. ON_Abs_Ov;
+ subtype ON_Compare_Op_Kind is ON_Op_Kind range ON_Eq .. ON_Gt;
+ type O_Storage is (O_Storage_External,
+ O_Storage_Public,
+ O_Storage_Private,
+ O_Storage_Local);
+ -- Specifies the storage kind of a declaration.
+ -- The declaration do not either reserve memory nor generate code, and
+ -- is imported either from an other file or from a later place in the
+ -- current file.
+ -- The declaration reserves memory or generates code.
+ -- With O_STORAGE_PUBLIC, the declaration is exported outside of the
+ -- file while with O_STORAGE_PRIVATE, the declaration is local to the
+ -- file.
+ Type_Error : exception;
+ Syntax_Error : exception;
+ -- Create a value from a literal.
+ function New_Lit (Lit : O_Cnode) return O_Enode;
+ -- Create a dyadic operation.
+ -- Left and right nodes must have the same type.
+ -- Binary operation is allowed only on boolean types.
+ -- The result is of the type of the operands.
+ function New_Dyadic_Op (Kind : ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind; Left, Right : O_Enode)
+ return O_Enode;
+ -- Create a monadic operation.
+ -- Result is of the type of operand.
+ function New_Monadic_Op (Kind : ON_Monadic_Op_Kind; Operand : O_Enode)
+ return O_Enode;
+ -- Create a comparaison operator.
+ -- NTYPE is the type of the result and must be a boolean type.
+ function New_Compare_Op
+ (Kind : ON_Compare_Op_Kind; Left, Right : O_Enode; Ntype : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Enode;
+ type O_Inter_List is limited private;
+ type O_Assoc_List is limited private;
+ type O_If_Block is limited private;
+ type O_Case_Block is limited private;
+ -- Get an element of an array.
+ -- INDEX must be of the type of the array index.
+ function New_Indexed_Element (Arr : O_Lnode; Index : O_Enode)
+ return O_Lnode;
+ -- Get a slice of an array; this is equivalent to a conversion between
+ -- an array or an array subtype and an array subtype.
+ -- RES_TYPE must be an array_sub_type whose base type is the same as the
+ -- base type of ARR.
+ -- INDEX must be of the type of the array index.
+ function New_Slice (Arr : O_Lnode; Res_Type : O_Tnode; Index : O_Enode)
+ return O_Lnode;
+ -- Get an element of a record.
+ -- Type of REC must be a record type.
+ function New_Selected_Element (Rec : O_Lnode; El : O_Fnode)
+ return O_Lnode;
+ -- Reference an access.
+ -- Type of ACC must be an access type.
+ function New_Access_Element (Acc : O_Enode) return O_Lnode;
+ -- Do a conversion.
+ -- Allowed conversions are:
+ -- FIXME: to write.
+ function New_Convert_Ov (Val : O_Enode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode;
+ -- Get the address of LVALUE.
+ -- ATYPE must be a type access whose designated type is the type of LVALUE.
+ -- FIXME: what about arrays.
+ function New_Address (Lvalue : O_Lnode; Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode;
+ -- Same as New_Address but without any restriction.
+ function New_Unchecked_Address (Lvalue : O_Lnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Enode;
+ -- Get the value of an Lvalue.
+ function New_Value (Lvalue : O_Lnode) return O_Enode;
+ function New_Obj_Value (Obj : O_Dnode) return O_Enode;
+ -- Get an lvalue from a declaration.
+ function New_Obj (Obj : O_Dnode) return O_Lnode;
+ -- Return a pointer of type RTPE to SIZE bytes allocated on the stack.
+ function New_Alloca (Rtype : O_Tnode; Size : O_Enode) return O_Enode;
+ -- Declare a type.
+ -- This simply gives a name to a type.
+ procedure New_Type_Decl (Ident : O_Ident; Atype : O_Tnode);
+ ---------------------
+ -- Declarations. --
+ ---------------------
+ -- Filename of the next declaration.
+ procedure New_Debug_Filename_Decl (Filename : String);
+ -- Line number of the next declaration.
+ procedure New_Debug_Line_Decl (Line : Natural);
+ -- Add a comment in the declarative region.
+ procedure New_Debug_Comment_Decl (Comment : String);
+ -- Declare a constant.
+ -- This simply gives a name to a constant value or aggregate.
+ -- A constant cannot be modified and its storage cannot be local.
+ -- ATYPE must be constrained.
+ procedure New_Const_Decl
+ (Res : out O_Dnode;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Storage : O_Storage;
+ Atype : O_Tnode);
+ -- Set the value of a non-external constant.
+ procedure Start_Const_Value (Const : in out O_Dnode);
+ procedure Finish_Const_Value (Const : in out O_Dnode; Val : O_Cnode);
+ -- Create a variable declaration.
+ -- A variable can be local only inside a function.
+ -- ATYPE must be constrained.
+ procedure New_Var_Decl
+ (Res : out O_Dnode;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Storage : O_Storage;
+ Atype : O_Tnode);
+ -- Start a subprogram declaration.
+ -- Note: nested subprograms are allowed, ie o_storage_local subprograms can
+ -- be declared inside a subprograms. It is not allowed to declare
+ -- o_storage_external subprograms inside a subprograms.
+ -- Return type and interfaces cannot be a composite type.
+ procedure Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Storage : O_Storage;
+ Rtype : O_Tnode);
+ -- For a subprogram without return value.
+ procedure Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Storage : O_Storage);
+ -- Add an interface declaration to INTERFACES.
+ procedure New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List;
+ Res : out O_Dnode;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Atype : O_Tnode);
+ -- Finish the function declaration, get the node and a statement list.
+ procedure Finish_Subprogram_Decl
+ (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List; Res : out O_Dnode);
+ -- Start a subprogram body.
+ -- Note: the declaration may have an external storage, in this case it
+ -- becomes public.
+ procedure Start_Subprogram_Body (Func : O_Dnode);
+ -- Finish a subprogram body.
+ procedure Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ -------------------
+ -- Statements. --
+ -------------------
+ -- Add a line number as a statement.
+ procedure New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Line : Natural);
+ -- Add a comment as a statement.
+ procedure New_Debug_Comment_Stmt (Comment : String);
+ -- Start a declarative region.
+ procedure Start_Declare_Stmt;
+ procedure Finish_Declare_Stmt;
+ -- Create a function call or a procedure call.
+ procedure Start_Association (Assocs : out O_Assoc_List; Subprg : O_Dnode);
+ procedure New_Association (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List; Val : O_Enode);
+ function New_Function_Call (Assocs : O_Assoc_List) return O_Enode;
+ procedure New_Procedure_Call (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List);
+ -- Assign VALUE to TARGET, type must be the same or compatible.
+ -- FIXME: what about slice assignment?
+ procedure New_Assign_Stmt (Target : O_Lnode; Value : O_Enode);
+ -- Exit from the subprogram and return VALUE.
+ procedure New_Return_Stmt (Value : O_Enode);
+ -- Exit from the subprogram, which doesn't return value.
+ procedure New_Return_Stmt;
+ -- Build an IF statement.
+ procedure Start_If_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block; Cond : O_Enode);
+ -- COND is NULL for the final else statement.
+ procedure New_Elsif_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block; Cond : O_Enode);
+ procedure New_Else_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block);
+ procedure Finish_If_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block);
+ -- Create a infinite loop statement.
+ procedure Start_Loop_Stmt (Label : out O_Snode);
+ procedure Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label : in out O_Snode);
+ -- Exit from a loop stmt or from a for stmt.
+ procedure New_Exit_Stmt (L : O_Snode);
+ -- Go to the start of a loop stmt or of a for stmt.
+ -- Loops/Fors between L and the current points are exited.
+ procedure New_Next_Stmt (L : O_Snode);
+ -- Case statement.
+ -- VALUE is the selector and must be a discrete type.
+ procedure Start_Case_Stmt (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Value : O_Enode);
+ -- A choice branch is composed of expr, range or default choices.
+ -- A choice branch is enclosed between a Start_Choice and a Finish_Choice.
+ -- The statements are after the finish_choice.
+ procedure Start_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
+ procedure New_Expr_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Expr : O_Cnode);
+ procedure New_Range_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block;
+ Low, High : O_Cnode);
+ procedure New_Default_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
+ procedure Finish_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
+ procedure Finish_Case_Stmt (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
+ type O_Cnode is new Tree;
+ type O_Dnode is new Tree;
+ type O_Enode is new Tree;
+ type O_Fnode is new Tree;
+ type O_Lnode is new Tree;
+ type O_Tnode is new Tree;
+ type O_Snode is new Nesting;
+ O_Cnode_Null : constant O_Cnode := O_Cnode (NULL_TREE);
+ O_Dnode_Null : constant O_Dnode := O_Dnode (NULL_TREE);
+ O_Enode_Null : constant O_Enode := O_Enode (NULL_TREE);
+ O_Fnode_Null : constant O_Fnode := O_Fnode (NULL_TREE);
+ O_Lnode_Null : constant O_Lnode := O_Lnode (NULL_TREE);
+ O_Tnode_Null : constant O_Tnode := O_Tnode (NULL_TREE);
+ O_Snode_Null : constant O_Snode := O_Snode (Nesting_Null);
+ -- Efficiently append element EL to a chain.
+ -- FIRST is the first element of the chain (must NULL_TREE if the chain
+ -- is empty),
+ -- LAST is the last element of the chain (idem).
+ type Chain_Constr_Type is record
+ First : Tree;
+ Last : Tree;
+ end record;
+ procedure Chain_Init (Constr : out Chain_Constr_Type);
+ procedure Chain_Append (Constr : in out Chain_Constr_Type; El : Tree);
+ -- Efficiently append element EL to a list.
+ type List_Constr_Type is record
+ First : Tree;
+ Last : Tree;
+ end record;
+ procedure List_Init (Constr : out List_Constr_Type);
+ procedure List_Append (Constr : in out List_Constr_Type; El : Tree);
+ type O_Inter_List is record
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Storage : O_Storage;
+ -- Return type.
+ Rtype : O_Tnode;
+ -- List of parameter types.
+ Param_List : List_Constr_Type;
+ -- Chain of parameters declarations.
+ Param_Chain : Chain_Constr_Type;
+ end record;
+ type O_Element_List is record
+ Res : Tree;
+ Chain : Chain_Constr_Type;
+ end record;
+ type O_Case_Block is record
+ Expr : Tree;
+ First : Boolean;
+ Label : Tree;
+ end record;
+ type O_If_Block is record
+ null;
+ end record;
+ type O_Aggr_List is record
+ Atype : Tree;
+ Chain : Chain_Constr_Type;
+ end record;
+ type O_Record_Aggr_List is new O_Aggr_List;
+ type O_Array_Aggr_List is new O_Aggr_List;
+ type O_Assoc_List is record
+ Subprg : Tree;
+ List : List_Constr_Type;
+ end record;
+ type O_Enum_List is record
+ -- The enumeral_type node.
+ Res : Tree;
+ -- Chain of literals.
+ Chain : Chain_Constr_Type;
+ -- Numeral value (from 0 to nbr - 1) of the next literal to be declared.
+ Num : Natural;
+ -- Size of the enumeration type.
+ Size : Natural;
+ end record;
+end Ortho_Gcc;
diff --git a/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc.private.ads b/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc.private.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4a0135e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc.private.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+-- Ortho implementation for GCC.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Agcc.Trees; use Agcc.Trees;
+package Ortho_Nodes is
+ -- PUBLIC PART is defined in ortho_nodes.common.ads
+ type O_Cnode is private;
+ type O_Dnode is private;
+ type O_Enode is private;
+ type O_Fnode is private;
+ type O_Lnode is private;
+ type O_Tnode is private;
+ type O_Snode is private;
+ -- Alloca builtin, to be set during initialization.
+ Alloca_Function_Ptr : Tree;
+ -- Must be called during initialization, before use of any subprograms.
+ procedure Init;
+ type O_Cnode is new Tree;
+ type O_Dnode is new Tree;
+ type O_Enode is new Tree;
+ type O_Fnode is new Tree;
+ type O_Lnode is new Tree;
+ type O_Tnode is new Tree;
+ type O_Snode is new Nesting;
+ O_Cnode_Null : constant O_Cnode := O_Cnode (NULL_TREE);
+ O_Dnode_Null : constant O_Dnode := O_Dnode (NULL_TREE);
+ O_Enode_Null : constant O_Enode := O_Enode (NULL_TREE);
+ O_Fnode_Null : constant O_Fnode := O_Fnode (NULL_TREE);
+ O_Lnode_Null : constant O_Lnode := O_Lnode (NULL_TREE);
+ O_Tnode_Null : constant O_Tnode := O_Tnode (NULL_TREE);
+ O_Snode_Null : constant O_Snode := O_Snode (Nesting_Null);
+ -- Efficiently append element EL to a chain.
+ -- FIRST is the first element of the chain (must NULL_TREE if the chain
+ -- is empty),
+ -- LAST is the last element of the chain (idem).
+ type Chain_Constr_Type is record
+ First : Tree;
+ Last : Tree;
+ end record;
+ procedure Chain_Init (Constr : out Chain_Constr_Type);
+ procedure Chain_Append (Constr : in out Chain_Constr_Type; El : Tree);
+ -- Efficiently append element EL to a list.
+ type List_Constr_Type is record
+ First : Tree;
+ Last : Tree;
+ end record;
+ procedure List_Init (Constr : out List_Constr_Type);
+ procedure List_Append (Constr : in out List_Constr_Type; El : Tree);
+ type O_Inter_List is record
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Storage : O_Storage;
+ -- Return type.
+ Rtype : O_Tnode;
+ -- List of parameter types.
+ Param_List : List_Constr_Type;
+ -- Chain of parameters declarations.
+ Param_Chain : Chain_Constr_Type;
+ end record;
+ type O_Element_List is record
+ Res : Tree;
+ Chain : Chain_Constr_Type;
+ end record;
+ type O_Case_Block is record
+ Expr : Tree;
+ First : Boolean;
+ Label : Tree;
+ end record;
+ type O_If_Block is record
+ null;
+ end record;
+ type O_Aggr_List is record
+ Atype : Tree;
+ Chain : Chain_Constr_Type;
+ end record;
+ type O_Record_Aggr_List is new O_Aggr_List;
+ type O_Array_Aggr_List is new O_Aggr_List;
+ type O_Assoc_List is record
+ Subprg : Tree;
+ List : List_Constr_Type;
+ end record;
+ type O_Enum_List is record
+ -- The enumeral_type node.
+ Res : Tree;
+ -- Chain of literals.
+ Chain : Chain_Constr_Type;
+ -- Numeral value (from 0 to nbr - 1) of the next literal to be declared.
+ Num : Natural;
+ -- Size of the enumeration type.
+ Size : Natural;
+ end record;
+end Ortho_Nodes;
diff --git a/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc_front.ads b/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc_front.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0b98f4568
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc_front.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+-- Ortho implementation for GCC.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ortho_Front;
+package Ortho_Gcc_Front renames Ortho_Front;
diff --git a/ortho/gcc/ortho_ident.adb b/ortho/gcc/ortho_ident.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a3779f38c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/gcc/ortho_ident.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+-- Ortho implementation for GCC.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Agcc; use Agcc;
+with Agcc.Trees;
+with C; use C;
+package body Ortho_Ident is
+ function Get_Identifier (Str : String) return O_Ident
+ is
+ Str_Nul : String := Str & Nul;
+ begin
+ return Get_Identifier (Str_Nul'Address);
+ end Get_Identifier;
+ function Get_String (Id : O_Ident) return String
+ is
+ use Agcc.Trees;
+ Str : C_Str_Len;
+ begin
+ Str.Len := Get_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH (Id);
+ Str.Str := To_C_String (Get_IDENTIFIER_POINTER (Id));
+ return Image (Str);
+ end Get_String;
+ function Is_Equal (Id : O_Ident; Str : String) return Boolean
+ is
+ S : C_String;
+ begin
+ if Get_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH (Id) /= Str'Length then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ S := To_C_String (Get_IDENTIFIER_POINTER (Id));
+ return S.all (1 .. Str'Length) = Str;
+ end Is_Equal;
+end Ortho_Ident;
diff --git a/ortho/gcc/ortho_ident.ads b/ortho/gcc/ortho_ident.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..84a330e9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/gcc/ortho_ident.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+-- Ortho implementation for GCC.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Agcc.Trees; use Agcc.Trees;
+package Ortho_Ident is
+ subtype O_Ident is Tree;
+ function Get_Identifier (Str : String) return O_Ident;
+ function Get_String (Id : O_Ident) return String;
+ function Is_Equal (L, R : O_Ident) return Boolean renames
+ Agcc.Trees."=";
+ function Is_Equal (Id : O_Ident; Str : String) return Boolean;
+ O_Ident_Nul : constant O_Ident;
+ O_Ident_Nul : constant O_Ident := NULL_TREE;
+end Ortho_Ident;
diff --git a/ortho/gcc/ortho_nodes.ads b/ortho/gcc/ortho_nodes.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..04d9018e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/gcc/ortho_nodes.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+-- Ortho implementation for GCC.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ortho_Gcc;
+package Ortho_Nodes renames Ortho_Gcc;
diff --git a/ortho/ortho_front.ads b/ortho/ortho_front.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1d20e15d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/ortho_front.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+-- Ortho front-end specifications.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package Ortho_Front is
+ type String_Acc is access String;
+ -- Called before decode_option.
+ -- This procedure can only do internal initializations. It cannot call
+ -- ortho subprograms.
+ procedure Init;
+ -- An ortho back-end decodes the command line. Unknown options may
+ -- be decoded by the user, with this function.
+ -- When an ortho back-end encounter an unknown option, it sets OPT with
+ -- this option and ARG with the next one, if any.
+ --
+ -- DECODE_OPTION must return the number of argument used, ie:
+ -- 0 if OPT is unknown.
+ -- 1 if OPT is known but ARG is unused.
+ -- 2 if OPT is known and ARG used.
+ function Decode_Option (Opt : String_Acc; Arg : String_Acc) return Natural;
+ -- Start to parse file FILENAME.
+ -- Return False in case of error.
+ function Parse (Filename : String_Acc) return Boolean;
+end Ortho_Front;
diff --git a/ortho/ortho_nodes.common.ads b/ortho/ortho_nodes.common.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1d245db1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/ortho_nodes.common.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+-- Ortho specifications.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
+with Ortho_Ident;
+use Ortho_Ident;
+-- Interface to create nodes.
+package ORTHO_NODES is
+ O_Cnode_Null : constant O_Cnode;
+ O_Dnode_Null : constant O_Dnode;
+ O_Enode_Null : constant O_Enode;
+ O_Fnode_Null : constant O_Fnode;
+ O_Lnode_Null : constant O_Lnode;
+ O_Snode_Null : constant O_Snode;
+ O_Tnode_Null : constant O_Tnode;
+ ------------------------
+ -- Type definitions --
+ ------------------------
+ type Bitsize_Type is range 0 .. 1024;
+ -- Standard types metrics. 0 means unknown.
+ Metric_Char : Bitsize_Type := 0;
+ Metric_Short : Bitsize_Type := 0;
+ Metric_Int : Bitsize_Type := 0;
+ Metric_Long : Bitsize_Type := 0;
+ Metric_Long_Long : Bitsize_Type := 0;
+ Metric_Enum : Bitsize_Type := 0;
+ Metric_Float : Bitsize_Type := 0;
+ Metric_Double : Bitsize_Type := 0;
+ Metric_Long_Double : Bitsize_Type := 0;
+ type O_Element_List is limited private;
+ -- Build a record type.
+ procedure Start_Record_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List);
+ -- Add a field in the record; not constrained array are prohibited, since
+ -- its size is unlimited.
+ procedure New_Record_Field
+ (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
+ El : out O_Fnode;
+ Ident : O_Ident; Etype : O_Tnode);
+ -- Finish the record type.
+ procedure Finish_Record_Type
+ (Elements : in out O_Element_List; Res : out O_Tnode);
+ -- Build an uncomplete record type:
+ -- First call NEW_UNCOMPLETE_RECORD_TYPE, which returns a record type.
+ -- This type can be declared or used to define access types on it.
+ -- Then, complete (if necessary) the record type, by calling
+ procedure New_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res : out O_Tnode);
+ procedure Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res : O_Tnode;
+ Elements : out O_Element_List);
+ -- Build an union type.
+ procedure Start_Union_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List);
+ procedure New_Union_Field
+ (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
+ El : out O_Fnode;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Etype : O_Tnode);
+ procedure Finish_Union_Type
+ (Elements : in out O_Element_List; Res : out O_Tnode);
+ -- Build an access type.
+ -- DTYPE may be O_tnode_null in order to build an incomplete access type.
+ -- It is completed with finish_access_type.
+ function New_Access_Type (Dtype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode;
+ procedure Finish_Access_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Dtype : O_Tnode);
+ -- Build an array type.
+ -- The array is not constrained and unidimensional.
+ function New_Array_Type (El_Type : O_Tnode; Index_Type : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Tnode;
+ -- Build a constrained array type.
+ function New_Constrained_Array_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Length : O_Cnode)
+ return O_Tnode;
+ -- Build a scalar type; size may be 8, 16, 32 or 64.
+ function New_Unsigned_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode;
+ function New_Signed_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode;
+ -- Build a float type.
+ function New_Float_Type return O_Tnode;
+ -- Build a boolean type.
+ procedure New_Boolean_Type (Res : out O_Tnode;
+ False_Id : O_Ident;
+ False_E : out O_Cnode;
+ True_Id : O_Ident;
+ True_E : out O_Cnode);
+ -- Create an enumeration
+ type O_Enum_List is limited private;
+ -- Elements are declared in order, the first is ordered from 0.
+ procedure Start_Enum_Type (List : out O_Enum_List; Size : Natural);
+ procedure New_Enum_Literal (List : in out O_Enum_List;
+ Ident : O_Ident; Res : out O_Cnode);
+ procedure Finish_Enum_Type (List : in out O_Enum_List; Res : out O_Tnode);
+ ----------------
+ -- Literals --
+ ----------------
+ -- Create a literal from an integer.
+ function New_Signed_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : Integer_64)
+ return O_Cnode;
+ function New_Unsigned_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : Unsigned_64)
+ return O_Cnode;
+ function New_Float_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : IEEE_Float_64)
+ return O_Cnode;
+ -- Create a null access literal.
+ function New_Null_Access (Ltype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode;
+ -- Build a record/array aggregate.
+ -- The aggregate is constant, and therefore can be only used to initialize
+ -- constant declaration.
+ -- ATYPE must be either a record type or an array subtype.
+ -- Elements must be added in the order, and must be literals or aggregates.
+ type O_Record_Aggr_List is limited private;
+ type O_Array_Aggr_List is limited private;
+ procedure Start_Record_Aggr (List : out O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Atype : O_Tnode);
+ procedure New_Record_Aggr_El (List : in out O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Value : O_Cnode);
+ procedure Finish_Record_Aggr (List : in out O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Res : out O_Cnode);
+ procedure Start_Array_Aggr (List : out O_Array_Aggr_List; Atype : O_Tnode);
+ procedure New_Array_Aggr_El (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List;
+ Value : O_Cnode);
+ procedure Finish_Array_Aggr (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List;
+ Res : out O_Cnode);
+ -- Build an union aggregate.
+ function New_Union_Aggr (Atype : O_Tnode; Field : O_Fnode; Value : O_Cnode)
+ return O_Cnode;
+ -- Returns the size in bytes of ATYPE. The result is a literal of
+ -- unsigned type RTYPE
+ -- ATYPE cannot be an unconstrained array type.
+ function New_Sizeof (Atype : O_Tnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode;
+ -- Returns the offset of FIELD in its record. The result is a literal
+ -- of unsigned type RTYPE.
+ function New_Offsetof (Field : O_Fnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode;
+ -- Get the address of a subprogram.
+ function New_Subprogram_Address (Subprg : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Cnode;
+ -- Get the address of LVALUE.
+ -- ATYPE must be a type access whose designated type is the type of LVALUE.
+ -- FIXME: what about arrays.
+ function New_Global_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Cnode;
+ -- Same as New_Address but without any restriction.
+ function New_Global_Unchecked_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Cnode;
+ -------------------
+ -- Expressions --
+ -------------------
+ type ON_Op_Kind is
+ (
+ -- Not an operation; invalid.
+ ON_Nil,
+ -- Dyadic operations.
+ ON_Add_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ ON_Sub_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ ON_Mul_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ ON_Div_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ ON_Rem_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ ON_Mod_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ -- Binary operations.
+ ON_And, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ ON_Or, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ ON_Xor, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ ON_And_Then, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ ON_Or_Else, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
+ -- Monadic operations.
+ ON_Not, -- ON_Monadic_Op_Kind
+ ON_Neg_Ov, -- ON_Monadic_Op_Kind
+ ON_Abs_Ov, -- ON_Monadic_Op_Kind
+ -- Comparaisons
+ ON_Eq, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
+ ON_Neq, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
+ ON_Le, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
+ ON_Lt, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
+ ON_Ge, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
+ ON_Gt -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
+ );
+ subtype ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind is ON_Op_Kind range ON_Add_Ov .. ON_Or_Else;
+ subtype ON_Monadic_Op_Kind is ON_Op_Kind range ON_Not .. ON_Abs_Ov;
+ subtype ON_Compare_Op_Kind is ON_Op_Kind range ON_Eq .. ON_Gt;
+ type O_Storage is (O_Storage_External,
+ O_Storage_Public,
+ O_Storage_Private,
+ O_Storage_Local);
+ -- Specifies the storage kind of a declaration.
+ -- The declaration do not either reserve memory nor generate code, and
+ -- is imported either from an other file or from a later place in the
+ -- current file.
+ -- The declaration reserves memory or generates code.
+ -- With O_STORAGE_PUBLIC, the declaration is exported outside of the
+ -- file while with O_STORAGE_PRIVATE, the declaration is local to the
+ -- file.
+ Type_Error : exception;
+ Syntax_Error : exception;
+ -- Create a value from a literal.
+ function New_Lit (Lit : O_Cnode) return O_Enode;
+ -- Create a dyadic operation.
+ -- Left and right nodes must have the same type.
+ -- Binary operation is allowed only on boolean types.
+ -- The result is of the type of the operands.
+ function New_Dyadic_Op (Kind : ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind; Left, Right : O_Enode)
+ return O_Enode;
+ -- Create a monadic operation.
+ -- Result is of the type of operand.
+ function New_Monadic_Op (Kind : ON_Monadic_Op_Kind; Operand : O_Enode)
+ return O_Enode;
+ -- Create a comparaison operator.
+ -- NTYPE is the type of the result and must be a boolean type.
+ function New_Compare_Op
+ (Kind : ON_Compare_Op_Kind; Left, Right : O_Enode; Ntype : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Enode;
+ type O_Inter_List is limited private;
+ type O_Assoc_List is limited private;
+ type O_If_Block is limited private;
+ type O_Case_Block is limited private;
+ -- Get an element of an array.
+ -- INDEX must be of the type of the array index.
+ function New_Indexed_Element (Arr : O_Lnode; Index : O_Enode)
+ return O_Lnode;
+ -- Get a slice of an array; this is equivalent to a conversion between
+ -- an array or an array subtype and an array subtype.
+ -- RES_TYPE must be an array_sub_type whose base type is the same as the
+ -- base type of ARR.
+ -- INDEX must be of the type of the array index.
+ function New_Slice (Arr : O_Lnode; Res_Type : O_Tnode; Index : O_Enode)
+ return O_Lnode;
+ -- Get an element of a record.
+ -- Type of REC must be a record type.
+ function New_Selected_Element (Rec : O_Lnode; El : O_Fnode)
+ return O_Lnode;
+ -- Reference an access.
+ -- Type of ACC must be an access type.
+ function New_Access_Element (Acc : O_Enode) return O_Lnode;
+ -- Do a conversion.
+ -- Allowed conversions are:
+ -- FIXME: to write.
+ function New_Convert_Ov (Val : O_Enode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode;
+ -- Get the address of LVALUE.
+ -- ATYPE must be a type access whose designated type is the type of LVALUE.
+ -- FIXME: what about arrays.
+ function New_Address (Lvalue : O_Lnode; Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode;
+ -- Same as New_Address but without any restriction.
+ function New_Unchecked_Address (Lvalue : O_Lnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Enode;
+ -- Get the value of an Lvalue.
+ function New_Value (Lvalue : O_Lnode) return O_Enode;
+ function New_Obj_Value (Obj : O_Dnode) return O_Enode;
+ -- Get an lvalue from a declaration.
+ function New_Obj (Obj : O_Dnode) return O_Lnode;
+ -- Return a pointer of type RTPE to SIZE bytes allocated on the stack.
+ function New_Alloca (Rtype : O_Tnode; Size : O_Enode) return O_Enode;
+ -- Declare a type.
+ -- This simply gives a name to a type.
+ procedure New_Type_Decl (Ident : O_Ident; Atype : O_Tnode);
+ ---------------------
+ -- Declarations. --
+ ---------------------
+ -- Filename of the next declaration.
+ procedure New_Debug_Filename_Decl (Filename : String);
+ -- Line number of the next declaration.
+ procedure New_Debug_Line_Decl (Line : Natural);
+ -- Add a comment in the declarative region.
+ procedure New_Debug_Comment_Decl (Comment : String);
+ -- Declare a constant.
+ -- This simply gives a name to a constant value or aggregate.
+ -- A constant cannot be modified and its storage cannot be local.
+ -- ATYPE must be constrained.
+ procedure New_Const_Decl
+ (Res : out O_Dnode;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Storage : O_Storage;
+ Atype : O_Tnode);
+ -- Set the value of a non-external constant.
+ procedure Start_Const_Value (Const : in out O_Dnode);
+ procedure Finish_Const_Value (Const : in out O_Dnode; Val : O_Cnode);
+ -- Create a variable declaration.
+ -- A variable can be local only inside a function.
+ -- ATYPE must be constrained.
+ procedure New_Var_Decl
+ (Res : out O_Dnode;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Storage : O_Storage;
+ Atype : O_Tnode);
+ -- Start a subprogram declaration.
+ -- Note: nested subprograms are allowed, ie o_storage_local subprograms can
+ -- be declared inside a subprograms. It is not allowed to declare
+ -- o_storage_external subprograms inside a subprograms.
+ -- Return type and interfaces cannot be a composite type.
+ procedure Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Storage : O_Storage;
+ Rtype : O_Tnode);
+ -- For a subprogram without return value.
+ procedure Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Storage : O_Storage);
+ -- Add an interface declaration to INTERFACES.
+ procedure New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List;
+ Res : out O_Dnode;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Atype : O_Tnode);
+ -- Finish the function declaration, get the node and a statement list.
+ procedure Finish_Subprogram_Decl
+ (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List; Res : out O_Dnode);
+ -- Start a subprogram body.
+ -- Note: the declaration may have an external storage, in this case it
+ -- becomes public.
+ procedure Start_Subprogram_Body (Func : O_Dnode);
+ -- Finish a subprogram body.
+ procedure Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ -------------------
+ -- Statements. --
+ -------------------
+ -- Add a line number as a statement.
+ procedure New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Line : Natural);
+ -- Add a comment as a statement.
+ procedure New_Debug_Comment_Stmt (Comment : String);
+ -- Start a declarative region.
+ procedure Start_Declare_Stmt;
+ procedure Finish_Declare_Stmt;
+ -- Create a function call or a procedure call.
+ procedure Start_Association (Assocs : out O_Assoc_List; Subprg : O_Dnode);
+ procedure New_Association (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List; Val : O_Enode);
+ function New_Function_Call (Assocs : O_Assoc_List) return O_Enode;
+ procedure New_Procedure_Call (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List);
+ -- Assign VALUE to TARGET, type must be the same or compatible.
+ -- FIXME: what about slice assignment?
+ procedure New_Assign_Stmt (Target : O_Lnode; Value : O_Enode);
+ -- Exit from the subprogram and return VALUE.
+ procedure New_Return_Stmt (Value : O_Enode);
+ -- Exit from the subprogram, which doesn't return value.
+ procedure New_Return_Stmt;
+ -- Build an IF statement.
+ procedure Start_If_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block; Cond : O_Enode);
+ -- COND is NULL for the final else statement.
+ procedure New_Elsif_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block; Cond : O_Enode);
+ procedure New_Else_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block);
+ procedure Finish_If_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block);
+ -- Create a infinite loop statement.
+ procedure Start_Loop_Stmt (Label : out O_Snode);
+ procedure Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label : in out O_Snode);
+ -- Exit from a loop stmt or from a for stmt.
+ procedure New_Exit_Stmt (L : O_Snode);
+ -- Go to the start of a loop stmt or of a for stmt.
+ -- Loops/Fors between L and the current points are exited.
+ procedure New_Next_Stmt (L : O_Snode);
+ -- Case statement.
+ -- VALUE is the selector and must be a discrete type.
+ procedure Start_Case_Stmt (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Value : O_Enode);
+ -- A choice branch is composed of expr, range or default choices.
+ -- A choice branch is enclosed between a Start_Choice and a Finish_Choice.
+ -- The statements are after the finish_choice.
+ procedure Start_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
+ procedure New_Expr_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Expr : O_Cnode);
+ procedure New_Range_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block;
+ Low, High : O_Cnode);
+ procedure New_Default_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
+ procedure Finish_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
+ procedure Finish_Case_Stmt (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
+ --- PRIVATE PART is defined by ortho_nodes.ads in one of the subdirectory.
diff --git a/parse.adb b/parse.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8364b29c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parse.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,5701 @@
+-- VHDL parser.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
+with Types; use Types;
+with Tokens; use Tokens;
+with Scan; use Scan;
+with Iirs_Utils; use Iirs_Utils;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Std_Names; use Std_Names;
+with Flags;
+with Name_Table;
+with Str_Table;
+with Iir_Chains; use Iir_Chains;
+with Xrefs;
+-- Recursive descendant parser.
+-- Each subprogram (should) parse one production rules.
+-- Rules are written in a comment just before the subprogram.
+-- terminals are written in upper case.
+-- non-terminal are written in lower case.
+-- syntaxic category of a non-terminal are written in upper case.
+-- eg: next_statement ::= [ label : ] NEXT [ LOOP_label ] [ WHEN condition ] ;
+-- Or (|) must be aligned by the previous or, or with the '=' character.
+-- Indentation is 4.
+-- To document what is expected for input and what is left as an output
+-- concerning token stream, a precond and a postcond comment shoud be
+-- added before the above rules.
+-- a token (such as IF or ';') means the current token is this token.
+-- 'a token' means the current token was analysed.
+-- 'next token' means the current token is to be analysed.
+package body Parse is
+ -- current_token must be valid.
+ -- Leaves a token.
+ function Parse_Simple_Expression return Iir_Expression;
+ function Parse_Primary return Iir_Expression;
+ function Parse_Use_Clause return Iir_Use_Clause;
+ function Parse_Association_Chain return Iir;
+ function Parse_Sequential_Statements (Parent : Iir) return Iir;
+ function Parse_Configuration_Item return Iir;
+ function Parse_Block_Configuration return Iir_Block_Configuration;
+ procedure Parse_Concurrent_Statements (Parent : Iir);
+ function Parse_Expression return Iir_Expression;
+ function Parse_Subprogram_Declaration return Iir;
+ function Parse_Subtype_Indication (Name : Iir := Null_Iir) return Iir;
+ procedure Parse_Component_Specification (Res : Iir);
+ function Parse_Binding_Indication return Iir_Binding_Indication;
+ function Parse_Aggregate return Iir;
+ function Parse_Signature return Iir_Signature;
+ procedure Parse_Declarative_Part (Parent : Iir);
+ Expect_Error: exception;
+ -- Copy the current location into an iir.
+ procedure Set_Location (Node : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Set_Location (Node, Get_Token_Location);
+ end Set_Location;
+ procedure Set_End_Location (Node : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Set_End_Location (Node, Get_Token_Location);
+ end Set_End_Location;
+ procedure Unexpected (Where: String) is
+ begin
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("unexpected token '" & Image (Current_Token) & "' in a " & Where);
+ end Unexpected;
+-- procedure Unexpected_Eof is
+-- begin
+-- Error_Msg_Parse ("unexpected end of file");
+-- end Unexpected_Eof;
+ -- Emit an error if the current_token if different from TOKEN.
+ -- Otherwise, accept the current_token (ie set it to tok_invalid, unless
+ -- TOKEN is Tok_Identifier).
+ procedure Expect (Token: Token_Type; Msg: String := "") is
+ use Errorout;
+ begin
+ if Current_Token /= Token then
+ if Msg'Length > 0 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse (Msg);
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("(found: " & Image (Current_Token) & ")");
+ else
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ (''' & Image(Token) & "' is expected instead of '"
+ & Image (Current_Token) & ''');
+ end if;
+ raise Expect_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Accept the current_token.
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Identifier then
+ Invalidate_Current_Token;
+ end if;
+ exception
+ when Parse_Error =>
+ Put_Line ("found " & Token_Type'Image (Current_Token));
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
+ Put_Line ("identifier: " & Name_Table.Image (Current_Identifier));
+ end if;
+ raise;
+ end Expect;
+ -- Scan a token and expect it.
+ procedure Scan_Expect (Token: Token_Type; Msg: String := "") is
+ begin
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Expect (Token, Msg);
+ end Scan_Expect;
+ -- If the current_token is an identifier, it must be equal to name.
+ -- In this case, a token is eaten.
+ -- If the current_token is not an identifier, this is a noop.
+ procedure Check_End_Name (Name : Name_Id; Decl : Iir) is
+ begin
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Identifier then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Name = Null_Identifier then
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("end label for an unlabeled declaration or statement");
+ else
+ if Current_Identifier /= Name then
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("mispelling, """ & Name_Table.Image (Name) & """ expected");
+ else
+ Xrefs.Xref_End (Get_Token_Location, Decl);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end Check_End_Name;
+ procedure Check_End_Name (Decl : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Check_End_Name (Get_Identifier (Decl), Decl);
+ end Check_End_Name;
+ -- Expect ' END tok [ name ] ; '
+ procedure Check_End_Name (Tok : Token_Type; Decl : Iir) is
+ begin
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_End then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("""end " & Image (Tok) & ";"" expected");
+ else
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token /= Tok then
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("""end"" must be followed by """ & Image (Tok) & """");
+ else
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ Check_End_Name (Decl);
+ Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ end if;
+ end Check_End_Name;
+ procedure Eat_Tokens_Until_Semi_Colon is
+ begin
+ loop
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Semi_Colon
+ | Tok_Eof =>
+ exit;
+ when others =>
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Eat_Tokens_Until_Semi_Colon;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: next token.
+ --
+ -- [§ 4.3.2 ]
+ -- mode ::= IN | OUT | INOUT | BUFFER | LINKAGE
+ --
+ -- If there is no mode, DEFAULT is returned.
+ function Parse_Mode (Default: Iir_Mode) return Iir_Mode is
+ begin
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Identifier =>
+ return Default;
+ when Tok_In =>
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Out then
+ -- Nice message for Ada users...
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("typo error, in out must be 'inout' in vhdl");
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Iir_Inout_Mode;
+ end if;
+ return Iir_In_Mode;
+ when Tok_Out =>
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Iir_Out_Mode;
+ when Tok_Inout =>
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Iir_Inout_Mode;
+ when Tok_Linkage =>
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Iir_Linkage_Mode;
+ when Tok_Buffer =>
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Iir_Buffer_Mode;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("mode is 'in', 'out', 'inout', 'buffer' or 'linkage'");
+ return Iir_In_Mode;
+ end case;
+ end Parse_Mode;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ § ]
+ -- signal_kind ::= REGISTER | BUS
+ --
+ -- If there is no signal_kind, then no_signal_kind is returned.
+ function Parse_Signal_Kind return Iir_Signal_Kind is
+ begin
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Bus then
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Iir_Bus_Kind;
+ elsif Current_Token = Tok_Register then
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Iir_Register_Kind;
+ else
+ return Iir_No_Signal_Kind;
+ end if;
+ end Parse_Signal_Kind;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- Parse a range.
+ -- If LEFT is not null_iir, then it must be an expression corresponding to
+ -- the left limit of the range, and the current_token must be either
+ -- tok_to or tok_downto.
+ -- If left is null_iir, the current token is used to create the left limit
+ -- expression.
+ --
+ -- [§ 3.1]
+ -- range ::= RANGE_attribute_name
+ -- | simple_expression direction simple_expression
+ function Parse_Range_Expression
+ (Left: Iir; Discrete: Boolean := False) return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ Left1: Iir;
+ begin
+ if Left /= Null_Iir then
+ Left1 := Left;
+ else
+ Left1 := Parse_Simple_Expression;
+ end if;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_To =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Range_Expression);
+ Set_Direction (Res, Iir_To);
+ when Tok_Downto =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Range_Expression);
+ Set_Direction (Res, Iir_Downto);
+ when Tok_Range =>
+ if not Discrete then
+ Unexpected ("range definition");
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Box then
+ Unexpected ("<> not allowed here");
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Res := Parse_Range_Expression (Null_Iir, False);
+ if Res /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Type (Res, Left1);
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ when others =>
+ if Left1 = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Is_Range_Attribute_Name (Left1) then
+ return Left1;
+ end if;
+ if Discrete and then Get_Kind (Left1) in Iir_Kinds_Name then
+ return Left1;
+ end if;
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("'to' or 'downto' expected");
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end case;
+ Set_Left_Limit (Res, Left1);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Left1);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Right_Limit (Res, Parse_Simple_Expression);
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Range_Expression;
+ -- [ 3.1 ]
+ -- range_constraint ::= RANGE range
+ --
+ -- [ 3.1 ]
+ -- range ::= range_attribute_name
+ -- | simple_expression direction simple_expression
+ --
+ -- [ 3.1 ]
+ -- direction ::= TO | DOWNTO
+ -- precond: TO or DOWNTO
+ -- postcond: next token
+ function Parse_Range_Right (Left : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Range_Expression);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Set_Left_Limit (Res, Left);
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_To =>
+ Set_Direction (Res, Iir_To);
+ when Tok_Downto =>
+ Set_Direction (Res, Iir_Downto);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Right_Limit (Res, Parse_Simple_Expression);
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Range_Right;
+ -- precond: next token
+ -- postcond: next token
+ function Parse_Range return Iir
+ is
+ Left: Iir;
+ begin
+ Left := Parse_Simple_Expression;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_To
+ | Tok_Downto =>
+ return Parse_Range_Right (Left);
+ when others =>
+ if Left /= Null_Iir then
+ if Is_Range_Attribute_Name (Left) then
+ return Left;
+ end if;
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("'to' or 'downto' expected");
+ end if;
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end case;
+ end Parse_Range;
+ -- precond: RANGE
+ -- postcond: next token
+ function Parse_Range_Constraint return Iir is
+ begin
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Range then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("'range' expected");
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Parse_Range;
+ end Parse_Range_Constraint;
+ -- precond: next token
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ 3.2.1 ]
+ -- discrete_range ::= discrete_subtype_indication | range
+ function Parse_Discrete_Range return Iir
+ is
+ Left: Iir;
+ Rng : Iir;
+ begin
+ Left := Parse_Simple_Expression;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_To
+ | Tok_Downto =>
+ return Parse_Range_Right (Left);
+ when Tok_Range =>
+ -- FIXME: create a subtype indication.
+ Rng := Parse_Range_Constraint;
+ Set_Type (Rng, Left);
+ return Rng;
+ when others =>
+ -- Assume a discrete subtype indication.
+ return Left;
+ end case;
+ end Parse_Discrete_Range;
+ -- Convert the STR (0 .. LEN - 1) into a operator symbol identifier.
+ -- Emit an error message if the name is not an operator name.
+ function Str_To_Operator_Name (Str : String_Fat_Acc;
+ Len : Nat32;
+ Loc : Location_Type) return Name_Id
+ is
+ -- LRM93 2.1
+ -- Extra spaces are not allowed in an operator symbol, and the
+ -- case of letters is not signifiant.
+ -- LRM93 2.1
+ -- The sequence of characters represented by an operator symbol
+ -- must be an operator belonging to one of classes of operators
+ -- defined in section 7.2.
+ procedure Bad_Operator_Symbol is
+ begin
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("""" & Str (1 .. Natural (Len))
+ & """ is not an operator symbol", Loc);
+ end Bad_Operator_Symbol;
+ procedure Check_Vhdl93 is
+ begin
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("""" & Str (1 .. Natural (Len))
+ & """ is not a vhdl87 operator symbol", Loc);
+ end if;
+ end Check_Vhdl93;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ C1, C2, C3, C4 : Character;
+ begin
+ C1 := Str (1);
+ case Len is
+ when 1 =>
+ -- =, <, >, +, -, *, /, &
+ case C1 is
+ when '=' =>
+ Id := Name_Op_Equality;
+ when '>' =>
+ Id := Name_Op_Greater;
+ when '<' =>
+ Id := Name_Op_Less;
+ when '+' =>
+ Id := Name_Op_Plus;
+ when '-' =>
+ Id := Name_Op_Minus;
+ when '*' =>
+ Id := Name_Op_Mul;
+ when '/' =>
+ Id := Name_Op_Div;
+ when '&' =>
+ Id := Name_Op_Concatenation;
+ when others =>
+ Bad_Operator_Symbol;
+ Id := Name_Op_Plus;
+ end case;
+ when 2 =>
+ -- or, /=, <=, >=, **
+ C2 := Str (2);
+ case C1 is
+ when 'o' | 'O' =>
+ Id := Name_Or;
+ if C2 /= 'r' and C2 /= 'R' then
+ Bad_Operator_Symbol;
+ end if;
+ when '/' =>
+ Id := Name_Op_Inequality;
+ if C2 /= '=' then
+ Bad_Operator_Symbol;
+ end if;
+ when '<' =>
+ Id := Name_Op_Less_Equal;
+ if C2 /= '=' then
+ Bad_Operator_Symbol;
+ end if;
+ when '>' =>
+ Id := Name_Op_Greater_Equal;
+ if C2 /= '=' then
+ Bad_Operator_Symbol;
+ end if;
+ when '*' =>
+ Id := Name_Op_Exp;
+ if C2 /= '*' then
+ Bad_Operator_Symbol;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Bad_Operator_Symbol;
+ Id := Name_Op_Equality;
+ end case;
+ when 3 =>
+ -- mod, rem, and, xor, nor, abs, not, sll, sla, sra, srl, rol
+ -- ror
+ C2 := Str (2);
+ C3 := Str (3);
+ case C1 is
+ when 'm' | 'M' =>
+ Id := Name_Mod;
+ if (C2 /= 'o' and C2 /= 'O') or (C3 /= 'd' and C3 /= 'D')
+ then
+ Bad_Operator_Symbol;
+ end if;
+ when 'a' | 'A' =>
+ if (C2 = 'n' or C2 = 'N') and (C3 = 'd' or C3 = 'D') then
+ Id := Name_And;
+ elsif (C2 = 'b' or C2 = 'B') and (C3 = 's' or C3 = 'S') then
+ Id := Name_Abs;
+ else
+ Id := Name_And;
+ Bad_Operator_Symbol;
+ end if;
+ when 'x' | 'X' =>
+ Id := Name_Xor;
+ if (C2 /= 'o' and C2 /= 'O') or (C3 /= 'r' and C3 /= 'R')
+ then
+ Bad_Operator_Symbol;
+ end if;
+ when 'n' | 'N' =>
+ if C2 = 'o' or C2 = 'O' then
+ if C3 = 'r' or C3 = 'R' then
+ Id := Name_Nor;
+ elsif C3 = 't' or C3 = 'T' then
+ Id := Name_Not;
+ else
+ Id := Name_Not;
+ Bad_Operator_Symbol;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Id := Name_Not;
+ Bad_Operator_Symbol;
+ end if;
+ when 's' | 'S' =>
+ if C2 = 'l' or C2 = 'L' then
+ if C3 = 'l' or C3 = 'L' then
+ Check_Vhdl93;
+ Id := Name_Sll;
+ elsif C3 = 'a' or C3 = 'A' then
+ Check_Vhdl93;
+ Id := Name_Sla;
+ else
+ Id := Name_Sll;
+ Bad_Operator_Symbol;
+ end if;
+ elsif C2 = 'r' or C2 = 'R' then
+ if C3 = 'l' or C3 = 'L' then
+ Check_Vhdl93;
+ Id := Name_Srl;
+ elsif C3 = 'a' or C3 = 'A' then
+ Check_Vhdl93;
+ Id := Name_Sra;
+ else
+ Id := Name_Srl;
+ Bad_Operator_Symbol;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Id := Name_Sll;
+ Bad_Operator_Symbol;
+ end if;
+ when 'r' | 'R' =>
+ if C2 = 'e' or C2 = 'E' then
+ if C3 = 'm' or C3 = 'M' then
+ Id := Name_Rem;
+ else
+ Id := Name_Rem;
+ Bad_Operator_Symbol;
+ end if;
+ elsif C2 = 'o' or C2 = 'O' then
+ if C3 = 'l' or C3 = 'L' then
+ Check_Vhdl93;
+ Id := Name_Rol;
+ elsif C3 = 'r' or C3 = 'R' then
+ Check_Vhdl93;
+ Id := Name_Ror;
+ else
+ Id := Name_Rol;
+ Bad_Operator_Symbol;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Id := Name_Rem;
+ Bad_Operator_Symbol;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Id := Name_And;
+ Bad_Operator_Symbol;
+ end case;
+ when 4 =>
+ -- nand, xnor
+ C2 := Str (2);
+ C3 := Str (3);
+ C4 := Str (4);
+ if (C1 = 'n' or C1 = 'N')
+ and (C2 = 'a' or C2 = 'A')
+ and (C3 = 'n' or C3 = 'N')
+ and (C4 = 'd' or C4 = 'D')
+ then
+ Id := Name_Nand;
+ elsif (C1 = 'x' or C1 = 'X')
+ and (C2 = 'n' or C2 = 'N')
+ and (C3 = 'o' or C3 = 'O')
+ and (C4 = 'r' or C4 = 'R')
+ then
+ Check_Vhdl93;
+ Id := Name_Xnor;
+ else
+ Id := Name_Nand;
+ Bad_Operator_Symbol;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Id := Name_Op_Plus;
+ Bad_Operator_Symbol;
+ end case;
+ return Id;
+ end Str_To_Operator_Name;
+ function Scan_To_Operator_Name (Loc : Location_Type) return Name_Id is
+ begin
+ return Str_To_Operator_Name
+ (Str_Table.Get_String_Fat_Acc (Current_String_Id),
+ Current_String_Length,
+ Loc);
+ end Scan_To_Operator_Name;
+ pragma Inline (Scan_To_Operator_Name);
+ -- Convert string literal STR to an operator symbol.
+ -- Emit an error message if the string is not an operator name.
+ function String_To_Operator_Symbol (Str : Iir_String_Literal)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ Id := Str_To_Operator_Name
+ (Str_Table.Get_String_Fat_Acc (Get_String_Id (Str)),
+ Get_String_Length (Str),
+ Get_Location (Str));
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Operator_Symbol);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Str);
+ Set_Identifier (Res, Id);
+ Free_Iir (Str);
+ return Res;
+ end String_To_Operator_Symbol;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ §6.1 ]
+ -- name ::= simple_name
+ -- | operator_symbol
+ -- | selected_name
+ -- | indexed_name
+ -- | slice_name
+ -- | attribute_name
+ --
+ -- [ §6.2 ]
+ -- simple_name ::= identifier
+ --
+ -- [ §6.5 ]
+ -- slice_name ::= prefix ( discrete_range )
+ --
+ -- [ §6.3 ]
+ -- selected_name ::= prefix . suffix
+ --
+ -- [ §6.1 ]
+ -- prefix ::= name
+ -- | function_call
+ --
+ -- [ §6.3 ]
+ -- suffix ::= simple_name
+ -- | character_literal
+ -- | operator_symbol
+ -- | ALL
+ --
+ -- [ §3.2.1 ]
+ -- discrete_range ::= DISCRETE_subtype_indication | range
+ --
+ -- [ §3.1 ]
+ -- range ::= RANGE_attribute_name
+ -- | simple_expression direction simple_expression
+ --
+ -- [ §3.1 ]
+ -- direction ::= TO | DOWNTO
+ --
+ -- [ §6.6 ]
+ -- attribute_name ::=
+ -- prefix [ signature ] ' attribute_designator [ ( expression ) ]
+ --
+ -- [ §6.6 ]
+ -- attribute_designator ::= ATTRIBUTE_simple_name
+ function Parse_Name_Suffix (Pfx : Iir; Allow_Indexes: Boolean := True)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Res: Iir;
+ Prefix: Iir;
+ begin
+ Res := Pfx;
+ loop
+ Prefix := Res;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Left_Bracket =>
+ if not Allow_Indexes then
+ return Res;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Prefix) = Iir_Kind_String_Literal then
+ Prefix := String_To_Operator_Symbol (Prefix);
+ end if;
+ -- There is an attribute with a signature.
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name);
+ Set_Prefix (Res, Prefix);
+ Set_Signature (Res, Parse_Signature);
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Tick then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("' is expected after a signature");
+ else
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Identifier then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("attribute_designator expected after '");
+ else
+ Set_Attribute_Identifier (Res, Current_Identifier);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when Tok_Tick =>
+ -- There is an attribute.
+ if Get_Kind (Prefix) = Iir_Kind_String_Literal then
+ Prefix := String_To_Operator_Symbol (Prefix);
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
+ -- A qualified expression.
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Qualified_Expression);
+ Set_Type_Mark (Res, Prefix);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Prefix);
+ Set_Expression (Res, Parse_Aggregate);
+ return Res;
+ elsif Current_Token /= Tok_Range
+ and then Current_Token /= Tok_Identifier
+ then
+ Expect (Tok_Identifier, "required for an attribute name");
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name);
+ Set_Attribute_Identifier (Res, Current_Identifier);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Set_Prefix (Res, Prefix);
+ -- accept the identifier.
+ Scan.Scan;
+ when Tok_Left_Paren =>
+ if not Allow_Indexes then
+ return Res;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Prefix) = Iir_Kind_String_Literal then
+ Prefix := String_To_Operator_Symbol (Prefix);
+ end if;
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Set_Prefix (Res, Prefix);
+ Set_Association_Chain (Res, Parse_Association_Chain);
+ when Tok_Dot =>
+ if Get_Kind (Prefix) = Iir_Kind_String_Literal then
+ Prefix := String_To_Operator_Symbol (Prefix);
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_All =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Set_Prefix (Res, Prefix);
+ when Tok_Identifier
+ | Tok_Character =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Selected_Name);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Set_Prefix (Res, Prefix);
+ Set_Suffix_Identifier (Res, Current_Identifier);
+ when Tok_String =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Selected_Name);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Set_Prefix (Res, Prefix);
+ Set_Suffix_Identifier
+ (Res, Scan_To_Operator_Name (Get_Token_Location));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("an identifier or all is expected");
+ end case;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ when others =>
+ return Res;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Parse_Name_Suffix;
+ function Parse_Name (Allow_Indexes: Boolean := True) return Iir
+ is
+ Res: Iir;
+ begin
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Identifier =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Simple_Name);
+ Set_Identifier (Res, Current_Identifier);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ when Tok_String =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_String_Literal);
+ Set_String_Id (Res, Current_String_Id);
+ Set_String_Length (Res, Current_String_Length);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("identifier expected here");
+ raise Parse_Error;
+ end case;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Parse_Name_Suffix (Res, Allow_Indexes);
+ end Parse_Name;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ 4.2 ]
+ -- type_mark ::= type_name
+ -- | subtype_name
+ function Parse_Type_Mark (Check_Paren : Boolean := False) return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ Old : Iir;
+ begin
+ Res := Parse_Name (Allow_Indexes => False);
+ if Check_Paren and then Current_Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("index constraint not allowed here");
+ Old := Parse_Name_Suffix (Res, True);
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Type_Mark;
+ -- precond : '('
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ § ]
+ -- interface_list ::= interface_element { ; interface_element }
+ --
+ -- [ § ]
+ -- interface_element ::= interface_declaration
+ --
+ -- [ §4.3.2 ]
+ -- interface_declaration ::= interface_constant_declaration
+ -- | interface_signal_declaration
+ -- | interface_variable_declaration
+ -- | interface_file_declaration
+ --
+ --
+ -- [ §3.2.2 ]
+ -- identifier_list ::= identifier { , identifier }
+ --
+ -- [ §4.3.2 ]
+ -- interface_constant_declaration ::=
+ -- [ CONSTANT ] identifier_list : [ IN ] subtype_indication
+ -- [ := STATIC_expression ]
+ --
+ -- [ §4.3.2 ]
+ -- interface_file_declaration ::= FILE identifier_list : subtype_indication
+ --
+ -- [ §4.3.2 ]
+ -- interface_signal_declaration ::=
+ -- [ SIGNAL ] identifier_list : [ mode ] subtype_indication [ BUS ]
+ -- [ := STATIC_expression ]
+ --
+ -- [ §4.3.2 ]
+ -- interface_variable_declaration ::=
+ -- [ VARIABLE ] identifier_list : [ mode ] subtype_indication
+ -- [ := STATIC_expression ]
+ --
+ -- The default kind of interface declaration is DEFAULT.
+ function Parse_Interface_Chain (Default: Iir_Kind; Parent : Iir)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Res, Last : Iir;
+ First, Prev_First : Iir;
+ Interface: Iir;
+ Is_Default : Boolean;
+ Interface_Mode: Iir_Mode;
+ Interface_Type: Iir;
+ Signal_Kind: Iir_Signal_Kind;
+ Default_Value: Iir;
+ Proxy : Iir_Proxy;
+ Lexical_Layout : Iir_Lexical_Layout_Type;
+ Prev_Loc : Location_Type;
+ begin
+ Expect (Tok_Left_Paren);
+ Res := Null_Iir;
+ Last := Null_Iir;
+ loop
+ Prev_Loc := Get_Token_Location;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Identifier =>
+ Interface := Create_Iir (Default);
+ when Tok_Signal =>
+ Interface := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration);
+ when Tok_Variable =>
+ Interface :=
+ Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration);
+ when Tok_Constant =>
+ Interface :=
+ Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration);
+ when Tok_File =>
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("file interface not allowed in vhdl 87");
+ end if;
+ Interface := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration);
+ when Tok_Right_Paren =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("extra ';' at end of interface list", Prev_Loc);
+ exit;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("'signal', 'constant', 'variable', 'file' "
+ & "or identifier expected");
+ -- Use a variable interface as a fall-back.
+ Interface :=
+ Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration);
+ end case;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
+ Is_Default := True;
+ Lexical_Layout := 0;
+ else
+ Is_Default := False;
+ Lexical_Layout := Iir_Lexical_Has_Mode;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ Prev_First := Last;
+ First := Interface;
+ loop
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Identifier then
+ Expect (Tok_Identifier);
+ end if;
+ Set_Identifier (Interface, Current_Identifier);
+ Set_Location (Interface);
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Res := Interface;
+ else
+ Set_Chain (Last, Interface);
+ end if;
+ Last := Interface;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ exit when Current_Token = Tok_Colon;
+ Expect (Tok_Comma, "',' or ':' after an identifier");
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Interface := Create_Iir (Get_Kind (Interface));
+ end loop;
+ Expect (Tok_Colon,
+ "':' must follow the interface element identifier");
+ Scan.Scan;
+ -- LRM93 2.1.1
+ -- If the mode is INOUT or OUT, and no object class is explicitly
+ -- specified, variable is assumed.
+ if Is_Default
+ and then Default /= Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ and then (Current_Token = Tok_Inout or else Current_Token = Tok_Out)
+ then
+ -- Convert into variable.
+ declare
+ O_Interface : Iir_Constant_Interface_Declaration;
+ N_Interface : Iir_Variable_Interface_Declaration;
+ begin
+ O_Interface := First;
+ while O_Interface /= Null_Iir loop
+ N_Interface :=
+ Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration);
+ Location_Copy (N_Interface, O_Interface);
+ Set_Identifier (N_Interface,
+ Get_Identifier (O_Interface));
+ if Prev_First = Null_Iir then
+ Res := N_Interface;
+ else
+ Set_Chain (Prev_First, N_Interface);
+ end if;
+ Prev_First := N_Interface;
+ if O_Interface = First then
+ First := N_Interface;
+ end if;
+ Last := N_Interface;
+ Interface := Get_Chain (O_Interface);
+ Free_Iir (O_Interface);
+ O_Interface := Interface;
+ end loop;
+ Interface := First;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_In
+ | Tok_Out
+ | Tok_Inout
+ | Tok_Linkage
+ | Tok_Buffer =>
+ Lexical_Layout := Lexical_Layout or Iir_Lexical_Has_Mode;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ case Get_Kind (Interface) is
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration =>
+ if Parse_Mode (Iir_Unknown_Mode) /= Iir_Unknown_Mode then
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("mode can't be specified for a file interface");
+ end if;
+ Interface_Mode := Iir_Inout_Mode;
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration =>
+ -- LRM93 4.3.2
+ -- If no mode is explicitly given in an interface declaration
+ -- other than an interface file declaration, mode IN is
+ -- assumed.
+ Interface_Mode := Parse_Mode (Iir_In_Mode);
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration =>
+ Interface_Mode := Parse_Mode (Iir_In_Mode);
+ if Interface_Mode /= Iir_In_Mode then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("mode must be 'in' for a constant");
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Interface_Type := Parse_Subtype_Indication;
+ if Get_Kind (Interface) = Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration then
+ Signal_Kind := Parse_Signal_Kind;
+ else
+ Signal_Kind := Iir_No_Signal_Kind;
+ end if;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Assign then
+ if Get_Kind (Interface) = Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration then
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("default expression not allowed for an interface file");
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Default_Value := Parse_Expression;
+ else
+ Default_Value := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Interface := First;
+ while Interface /= Null_Iir loop
+ Set_Mode (Interface, Interface_Mode);
+ Set_Parent (Interface, Parent);
+ if Interface = Last then
+ Set_Lexical_Layout (Interface,
+ Lexical_Layout or Iir_Lexical_Has_Type);
+ else
+ Set_Lexical_Layout (Interface, Lexical_Layout);
+ end if;
+ if Interface = First then
+ Set_Type (Interface, Interface_Type);
+ if Get_Kind (Interface) /= Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration
+ then
+ Set_Default_Value (Interface, Default_Value);
+ end if;
+ else
+ Proxy := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Proxy);
+ Set_Proxy (Proxy, First);
+ Set_Type (Interface, Proxy);
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Interface) = Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ then
+ Set_Signal_Kind (Interface, Signal_Kind);
+ end if;
+ Interface := Get_Chain (Interface);
+ end loop;
+ exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Semi_Colon;
+ end loop;
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Right_Paren then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("')' expected at end of interface list");
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Interface_Chain;
+ -- precond : PORT
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ §1.1.1 ]
+ -- port_clause ::= PORT ( port_list ) ;
+ --
+ -- [ § ]
+ -- port_list ::= PORT_interface_list
+ procedure Parse_Port_Clause (Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ Res: Iir;
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- tok_port must have been scaned.
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Port then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Res := Parse_Interface_Chain
+ (Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration, Parent);
+ -- Check the interface are signal interfaces.
+ El := Res;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Get_Kind (El) /= Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("port must be a signal", El);
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Semi_Colon then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("missing "";"" at end of port clause");
+ else
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ Set_Port_Chain (Parent, Res);
+ end Parse_Port_Clause;
+ -- precond : GENERIC
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ §1.1.1 ]
+ -- generic_clause ::= GENERIC ( generic_list ) ;
+ --
+ -- [ §]
+ -- generic_list ::= GENERIC_interface_list
+ procedure Parse_Generic_Clause (Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ Res: Iir;
+ begin
+ -- tok_port must have been scaned.
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Generic then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Res := Parse_Interface_Chain
+ (Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration, Parent);
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Semi_Colon then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("missing "";"" at end of generic clause");
+ else
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ Set_Generic_Chain (Parent, Res);
+ end Parse_Generic_Clause;
+ -- precond : a token.
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ §1.1.1 ]
+ -- entity_header ::=
+ -- [ FORMAL_generic_clause ]
+ -- [ FORMAL_port_clause ]
+ --
+ -- [ §4.5 ]
+ -- [ LOCAL_generic_clause ]
+ -- [ LOCAL_port_clause ]
+ procedure Parse_Generic_Port_Clauses (Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ Has_Port, Has_Generic : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Has_Port := False;
+ Has_Generic := False;
+ loop
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Generic then
+ if Has_Generic then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("at most one generic clause is allowed");
+ end if;
+ if Has_Port then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("generic clause must precede port clause");
+ end if;
+ Has_Generic := True;
+ Parse_Generic_Clause (Parent);
+ elsif Current_Token = Tok_Port then
+ if Has_Port then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("at most one port clause is allowed");
+ end if;
+ Has_Port := True;
+ Parse_Port_Clause (Parent);
+ else
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Parse_Generic_Port_Clauses;
+ -- precond : a token
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ §3.1.1 ]
+ -- enumeration_type_definition ::=
+ -- ( enumeration_literal { , enumeration_literal } )
+ --
+ -- [ §3.1.1 ]
+ -- enumeration_literal ::= identifier | character_literal
+ function Parse_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ return Iir_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ is
+ Pos: Iir_Int32;
+ Enum_Lit: Iir_Enumeration_Literal;
+ Enum_Type: Iir_Enumeration_Type_Definition;
+ Enum_List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ -- This is an enumeration.
+ Enum_Type := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Location (Enum_Type);
+ Enum_List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Set_Enumeration_Literal_List (Enum_Type, Enum_List);
+ -- LRM93 3.1.1
+ -- The position number of the first listed enumeration literal is zero.
+ Pos := 0;
+ -- scan every literal.
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Right_Paren then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("at least one literal must be declared");
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Enum_Type;
+ end if;
+ loop
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Identifier
+ and then Current_Token /= Tok_Character
+ then
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Eof then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("unexpected end of file");
+ return Enum_Type;
+ end if;
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("identifier or character expected");
+ end if;
+ Enum_Lit := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal);
+ Set_Identifier (Enum_Lit, Current_Identifier);
+ Set_Location (Enum_Lit);
+ Set_Enum_Pos (Enum_Lit, Pos);
+ -- LRM93 3.1.1
+ -- the position number for each additional enumeration literal is
+ -- one more than that if its predecessor in the list.
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ Append_Element (Enum_List, Enum_Lit);
+ -- next token.
+ Scan.Scan;
+ exit when Current_Token = Tok_Right_Paren;
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Comma then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("')' or ',' is expected after an enum literal");
+ end if;
+ -- scan a literal.
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end loop;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Enum_Type;
+ end Parse_Enumeration_Type_Definition;
+ -- precond : ARRAY
+ -- postcond: ??
+ --
+ -- [ §3.2.1 ]
+ -- array_type_definition ::= unconstrained_array_definition
+ -- | constrained_array_definition
+ --
+ -- unconstrained_array_definition ::=
+ -- ARRAY ( index_subtype_definition { , index_subtype_definition } )
+ -- OF element_subtype_indication
+ --
+ -- constrained_array_definition ::=
+ -- ARRAY index_constraint OF element_subtype_indication
+ --
+ -- index_subtype_definition ::= type_mark RANGE <>
+ --
+ -- index_constraint ::= ( discrete_range { , discrete_range } )
+ --
+ -- discrete_range ::= discrete_subtype_indication | range
+ function Parse_Array_Definition return Iir
+ is
+ Index_Constrained : Boolean;
+ Array_Constrained : Boolean;
+ First : Boolean;
+ Res_Type: Iir;
+ Index_List : Iir_List;
+ Loc : Location_Type;
+ Def : Iir;
+ Type_Mark : Iir;
+ Rng : Iir;
+ begin
+ Loc := Get_Token_Location;
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Left_Paren);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ First := True;
+ Index_List := Create_Iir_List;
+ loop
+ Type_Mark := Parse_Simple_Expression;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Range =>
+ -- Type_Mark is a name...
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Box then
+ -- This is an index_subtype_definition.
+ Index_Constrained := False;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Def := Type_Mark;
+ else
+ Index_Constrained := True;
+ Rng := Parse_Range;
+ -- FIXME: create a subtype_definition ?
+ if Rng /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Type (Rng, Type_Mark);
+ Def := Rng;
+ else
+ Def := Type_Mark;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when Tok_To
+ | Tok_Downto =>
+ Index_Constrained := True;
+ Def := Parse_Range_Right (Type_Mark);
+-- Def := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition);
+-- Location_Copy (Def, Type_Mark);
+-- Set_Type_Mark (Def, Type_Mark);
+-- Set_Range_Constraint (Def, Rng);
+ when others =>
+ Index_Constrained := True;
+ Def := Type_Mark;
+ end case;
+ Append_Element (Index_List, Def);
+ if First then
+ Array_Constrained := Index_Constrained;
+ First := False;
+ else
+ if Array_Constrained /= Index_Constrained then
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("cannot mix constrained and unconstrained index");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end loop;
+ if Array_Constrained then
+ Res_Type := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition);
+ else
+ Res_Type := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition);
+ end if;
+ Set_Location (Res_Type, Loc);
+ Set_Index_Subtype_List (Res_Type, Index_List);
+ Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Of);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Element_Subtype (Res_Type, Parse_Subtype_Indication);
+ return Res_Type;
+ end Parse_Array_Definition;
+ -- precond : UNITS
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ §3.1.3 ]
+ -- physical_type_definition ::=
+ -- range_constraint
+ -- UNITS
+ -- base_unit_declaration
+ -- { secondary_unit_declaration }
+ -- END UNITS [ PHYSICAL_TYPE_simple_name ]
+ --
+ -- [ §3.1.3 ]
+ -- base_unit_declaration ::= identifier ;
+ --
+ -- [ §3.1.3 ]
+ -- secondary_unit_declaration ::= identifier = physical_literal ;
+ function Parse_Physical_Type_Definition
+ return Iir_Physical_Type_Definition
+ is
+ use Iir_Chains.Unit_Chain_Handling;
+ Res: Iir_Physical_Type_Definition;
+ Unit: Iir_Unit_Declaration;
+ Last : Iir_Unit_Declaration;
+ Multiplier : Iir;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Expect (Tok_Units);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ -- Parse primary unit.
+ Expect (Tok_Identifier);
+ Unit := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration);
+ Set_Location (Unit);
+ Set_Identifier (Unit, Current_Identifier);
+ Build_Init (Last);
+ Append (Last, Res, Unit);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ -- Parse secondary units.
+ while Current_Token /= Tok_End loop
+ Unit := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration);
+ Set_Location (Unit);
+ Set_Identifier (Unit, Current_Identifier);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Equal);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Multiplier := Parse_Primary;
+ Set_Physical_Literal (Unit, Multiplier);
+ case Get_Kind (Multiplier) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("a physical literal is expected here");
+ end case;
+ Append (Last, Res, Unit);
+ Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end loop;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Expect (Tok_Units);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Physical_Type_Definition;
+ -- precond : RECORD
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ §3.2.2 ]
+ -- record_type_definition ::=
+ -- element_declaration
+ -- { element_declaration }
+ -- END RECORD [ RECORD_TYPE_simple_name ]
+ --
+ -- element_declaration ::=
+ -- identifier_list : element_subtype_definition
+ --
+ -- element_subtype_definition ::= subtype_indication
+ function Parse_Record_Definition return Iir_Record_Type_Definition
+ is
+ use Iir_Chains.Element_Declaration_Chain_Handling;
+ Res: Iir_Record_Type_Definition;
+ Last : Iir_Element_Declaration;
+ El: Iir_Element_Declaration;
+ First : Iir;
+ Pos: Iir_Index32;
+ Subtype_Indication: Iir;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Pos := 0;
+ Build_Init (Last);
+ First := Null_Iir;
+ loop
+ pragma Assert (First = Null_Iir);
+ -- Parse identifier_list
+ loop
+ El := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Element_Declaration);
+ Set_Location (El);
+ Expect (Tok_Identifier);
+ Set_Identifier (El, Current_Identifier);
+ Append (Last, Res, El);
+ Set_Element_Position (El, Pos);
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ if First = Null_Iir then
+ First := El;
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end loop;
+ Expect (Tok_Colon);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Subtype_Indication := Parse_Subtype_Indication;
+ while First /= Null_Iir loop
+ Set_Type (First, Subtype_Indication);
+ First := Get_Chain (First);
+ end loop;
+ Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ exit when Current_Token = Tok_End;
+ end loop;
+ Set_Number_Element_Declaration (Res, Pos);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Record);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Record_Definition;
+ -- precond : ACCESS
+ -- postcond: ?
+ --
+ -- [§3.3]
+ -- access_type_definition ::= ACCESS subtype_indication.
+ function Parse_Access_Definition return Iir_Access_Type_Definition is
+ Res : Iir_Access_Type_Definition;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Expect (Tok_Access);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Designated_Type (Res, Parse_Subtype_Indication);
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Access_Definition;
+ -- precond : FILE
+ -- postcond: ???
+ --
+ -- [ §3.4 ]
+ -- file_type_definition ::= FILE OF type_mark
+ function Parse_File_Type_Definition return Iir_File_Type_Definition
+ is
+ Res : Iir_File_Type_Definition;
+ Type_Mark: Iir;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ -- Accept token 'file'.
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Of);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Type_Mark := Parse_Type_Mark (Check_Paren => True);
+ if Get_Kind (Type_Mark) not in Iir_Kinds_Name then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("type mark expected");
+ else
+ Set_Type_Mark (Res, Type_Mark);
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_File_Type_Definition;
+ -- precond : PROTECTED
+ -- postcond: ';'
+ --
+ -- [ §3.5 ]
+ -- protected_type_definition ::= protected_type_declaration
+ -- | protected_type_body
+ --
+ -- [ §3.5.1 ]
+ -- protected_type_declaration ::= PROTECTED
+ -- protected_type_declarative_part
+ -- END PROTECTED [ simple_name ]
+ --
+ -- protected_type_declarative_part ::=
+ -- { protected_type_declarative_item }
+ --
+ -- protected_type_declarative_item ::=
+ -- subprogram_declaration
+ -- | attribute_specification
+ -- | use_clause
+ --
+ -- [ §3.5.2 ]
+ -- protected_type_body ::= PROTECTED BODY
+ -- protected_type_body_declarative_part
+ -- END PROTECTED BODY [ simple_name ]
+ --
+ -- protected_type_body_declarative_part ::=
+ -- { protected_type_body_declarative_item }
+ --
+ -- protected_type_body_declarative_item ::=
+ -- subprogram_declaration
+ -- | subprogram_body
+ -- | type_declaration
+ -- | subtype_declaration
+ -- | constant_declaration
+ -- | variable_declaration
+ -- | file_declaration
+ -- | alias_declaration
+ -- | attribute_declaration
+ -- | attribute_specification
+ -- | use_clause
+ -- | group_template_declaration
+ -- | group_declaration
+ function Parse_Protected_Type_Definition
+ (Ident : Name_Id; Loc : Location_Type) return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ Decl : Iir;
+ begin
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Body then
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Decl := Res;
+ else
+ Decl := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration);
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Location (Res, Loc);
+ Set_Type (Decl, Res);
+ end if;
+ Set_Identifier (Decl, Ident);
+ Set_Location (Decl, Loc);
+ Parse_Declarative_Part (Res);
+ Expect (Tok_End);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Protected);
+ if Get_Kind (Res) = Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body then
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Body);
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Check_End_Name (Decl);
+ return Decl;
+ end Parse_Protected_Type_Definition;
+ -- precond : TYPE
+ -- postcond: a token
+ --
+ -- [ §4.1 ]
+ -- type_definition ::= scalar_type_definition
+ -- | composite_type_definition
+ -- | access_type_definition
+ -- | file_type_definition
+ -- | protected_type_definition
+ --
+ -- [ §3.1 ]
+ -- scalar_type_definition ::= enumeration_type_definition
+ -- | integer_type_definition
+ -- | floating_type_definition
+ -- | physical_type_definition
+ --
+ -- [ §3.2 ]
+ -- composite_type_definition ::= array_type_definition
+ -- | record_type_definition
+ --
+ -- [ §3.1.2 ]
+ -- integer_type_definition ::= range_constraint
+ --
+ -- [ 3.1.4 ]
+ -- floating_type_definition ::= range_constraint
+ function Parse_Type_Declaration return Iir
+ is
+ Def : Iir;
+ Loc : Location_Type;
+ Ident : Name_Id;
+ Decl : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- The current token must be type.
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Type then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Get the identifier
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Identifier,
+ "an identifier is expected after 'type' keyword");
+ Loc := Get_Token_Location;
+ Ident := Current_Identifier;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Semi_Colon then
+ -- If there is a ';', this is an imcomplete type declaration.
+ Invalidate_Current_Token;
+ Decl := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Identifier (Decl, Ident);
+ Set_Location (Decl, Loc);
+ return Decl;
+ end if;
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Is then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("'is' expected here");
+ -- Act as if IS token was forgotten.
+ else
+ -- Eat IS token.
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Left_Paren =>
+ -- This is an enumeration.
+ Def := Parse_Enumeration_Type_Definition;
+ Decl := Null_Iir;
+ when Tok_Range =>
+ -- This is a range definition.
+ Decl := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Identifier (Decl, Ident);
+ Set_Location (Decl, Loc);
+ Def := Parse_Range_Constraint;
+ Set_Type (Decl, Def);
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Units then
+ declare
+ Unit_Def : Iir;
+ begin
+ Unit_Def := Parse_Physical_Type_Definition;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("simple_name not allowed here in vhdl87");
+ end if;
+ Check_End_Name (Decl);
+ end if;
+ if Def /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Type (Def, Unit_Def);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ when Tok_Array =>
+ Def := Parse_Array_Definition;
+ Decl := Null_Iir;
+ when Tok_Record =>
+ Decl := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Identifier (Decl, Ident);
+ Set_Location (Decl, Loc);
+ Set_Type (Decl, Parse_Record_Definition);
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("simple_name not allowed here in vhdl87");
+ end if;
+ Check_End_Name (Decl);
+ end if;
+ when Tok_Access =>
+ Def := Parse_Access_Definition;
+ Decl := Null_Iir;
+ when Tok_File =>
+ Def := Parse_File_Type_Definition;
+ Decl := Null_Iir;
+ when Tok_Identifier =>
+ if Current_Identifier = Name_Protected then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("protected type not allowed in vhdl87/93");
+ Decl := Parse_Protected_Type_Definition (Ident, Loc);
+ else
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("type '" & Name_Table.Image (Ident) &
+ "' cannot be defined from another type");
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("(you should declare a subtype)");
+ Decl := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration);
+ Eat_Tokens_Until_Semi_Colon;
+ end if;
+ when Tok_Protected =>
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std < Vhdl_00 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("protected type not allowed in vhdl87/93");
+ end if;
+ Decl := Parse_Protected_Type_Definition (Ident, Loc);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("type definition starting with a keyword such as RANGE, ARRAY");
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ (" FILE, RECORD or '(' is expected here");
+ Eat_Tokens_Until_Semi_Colon;
+ Decl := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration);
+ end case;
+ if Decl = Null_Iir then
+ case Get_Kind (Def) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
+ Decl := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Type (Decl, Def);
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Decl := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Type (Decl, Def);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("parse_type_declaration", Def);
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ Set_Identifier (Decl, Ident);
+ Set_Location (Decl, Loc);
+ -- ';' is expected after end of type declaration
+ Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ Invalidate_Current_Token;
+ return Decl;
+ end Parse_Type_Declaration;
+ -- precond : identifier
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ §4.2 ]
+ -- subtype_indication ::=
+ -- [ RESOLUTION_FUNCTION_name ] type_mark [ constraint ]
+ --
+ -- [ §4.2 ]
+ -- constraint ::= range_constraint | index_constraint
+ --
+ -- [ §3.2.1]
+ -- index_constraint ::= ( discrete_range { , discrete_range } )
+ function Parse_Subtype_Indication (Name : Iir := Null_Iir)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Type_Mark : Iir;
+ Def: Iir;
+ El: Iir;
+ Resolution_Function: Iir;
+ begin
+ -- FIXME: location.
+ Resolution_Function := Null_Iir;
+ if Name /= Null_Iir then
+ Type_Mark := Name;
+ else
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Identifier then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("type mark expected in a subtype indication");
+ raise Parse_Error;
+ end if;
+ Type_Mark := Parse_Name (Allow_Indexes => False);
+ end if;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
+ Resolution_Function := Type_Mark;
+ Type_Mark := Parse_Type_Mark (Check_Paren => False);
+ end if;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Left_Paren =>
+ -- Index_constraint.
+ Def := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition);
+ Set_Location (Def);
+ Set_Type_Mark (Def, Type_Mark);
+ Set_Resolution_Function (Def, Resolution_Function);
+ Set_Index_Subtype_List (Def, Create_Iir_List);
+ -- index_constraint ::= (discrete_range {, discrete_range} )
+ loop
+ -- accept parenthesis or comma.
+ Scan.Scan;
+ El := Parse_Discrete_Range;
+ Append_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def), El);
+ exit when Current_Token = Tok_Right_Paren;
+ Expect (Tok_Comma);
+ end loop;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ when Tok_Range =>
+ -- range_constraint.
+ Def := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition);
+ Location_Copy (Def, Type_Mark);
+ Set_Type_Mark (Def, Type_Mark);
+ Set_Range_Constraint (Def, Parse_Range_Constraint);
+ Set_Resolution_Function (Def, Resolution_Function);
+ when others =>
+ if Resolution_Function = Null_Iir then
+ Def := Type_Mark;
+ else
+ Def := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition);
+ Location_Copy (Def, Type_Mark);
+ Set_Type_Mark (Def, Type_Mark);
+ Set_Resolution_Function (Def, Resolution_Function);
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ return Def;
+ end Parse_Subtype_Indication;
+ -- precond : SUBTYPE
+ -- postcond: ';'
+ --
+ -- [ §4.2 ]
+ -- subtype_declaration ::= SUBTYPE identifier IS subtype_indication ;
+ function Parse_Subtype_Declaration return Iir_Subtype_Declaration is
+ Decl: Iir_Subtype_Declaration;
+ Def: Iir;
+ begin
+ Decl := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Identifier);
+ Set_Identifier (Decl, Current_Identifier);
+ Set_Location (Decl);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Is);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Def := Parse_Subtype_Indication;
+ Set_Type (Decl, Def);
+ Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ return Decl;
+ end Parse_Subtype_Declaration;
+ -- precond : token (CONSTANT, SIGNAL, VARIABLE, FILE)
+ -- postcond: ;
+ --
+ -- KIND can be iir_kind_constant_declaration, iir_kind_file_declaration
+ -- or iir_kind_variable_declaration
+ --
+ -- [ §4.3.1 ]
+ -- object_declaration ::= constant_declaration
+ -- | signal_declaration
+ -- | variable_declaration
+ -- | file_declaration
+ --
+ -- [ § ]
+ -- constant_declaration ::=
+ -- CONSTANT identifier_list : subtype_indication [ := expression ]
+ --
+ -- [ § ]
+ -- file_declaration ::=
+ -- FILE identifier_list : subtype_indication [ file_open_information ]
+ --
+ -- [ § ]
+ -- file_open_information ::=
+ -- [ OPEN FILE_OPEN_KIND_expression ] IS file_logical_name
+ --
+ -- [ § ]
+ -- file_logical_name ::= STRING_expression
+ --
+ -- [ § ]
+ -- variable_declaration ::=
+ -- [ SHARED ] VARIABLE identifier_list : subtype_indication
+ -- [ := expression ]
+ --
+ -- [ § ]
+ -- signal_declaration ::=
+ -- SIGNAL identifier_list : subtype_information [ signal_kind ]
+ -- [ := expression ]
+ --
+ -- [ § ]
+ -- signal_kind ::= REGISTER | BUS
+ --
+ -- FIXME: file_open_information.
+ function Parse_Object_Declaration (Parent : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ -- First and last element of the chain to be returned.
+ First, Last : Iir;
+ Object: Iir;
+ Object_Type: Iir;
+ Default_Value : Iir;
+ Mode: Iir_Mode;
+ Signal_Kind : Iir_Signal_Kind;
+ Open_Kind : Iir;
+ Logical_Name : Iir;
+ Proxy : Iir_Proxy;
+ Kind: Iir_Kind;
+ Shared : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Sub_Chain_Init (First, Last);
+ -- object keyword was just scanned.
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Signal =>
+ Kind := Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration;
+ when Tok_Constant =>
+ Kind := Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration;
+ when Tok_File =>
+ Kind := Iir_Kind_File_Declaration;
+ when Tok_Variable =>
+ Kind := Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration;
+ Shared := False;
+ when Tok_Shared =>
+ Kind := Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration;
+ Shared := True;
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Variable);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ loop
+ -- object or "," was just scanned.
+ Object := Create_Iir (Kind);
+ if Kind = Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration then
+ Set_Shared_Flag (Object, Shared);
+ end if;
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Identifier);
+ Set_Identifier (Object, Current_Identifier);
+ Set_Location (Object);
+ Set_Parent (Object, Parent);
+ Sub_Chain_Append (First, Last, Object);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ exit when Current_Token = Tok_Colon;
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Comma then
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Assign =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("missign type in " & Disp_Name (Kind));
+ exit;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("',' or ':' is expected after identifier in "
+ & Disp_Name (Kind));
+ raise Expect_Error;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- The colon was parsed.
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Object_Type := Parse_Subtype_Indication;
+ if Kind = Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration then
+ Signal_Kind := Parse_Signal_Kind;
+ end if;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Assign then
+ if Kind = Iir_Kind_File_Declaration then
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("default expression not allowed for a file declaration");
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Default_Value := Parse_Expression;
+ else
+ Default_Value := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Kind = Iir_Kind_File_Declaration then
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Open then
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("'open' and open kind expression not allowed in vhdl 87");
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Open_Kind := Parse_Expression;
+ else
+ Open_Kind := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ -- LRM
+ -- The default mode is IN, if no mode is specified.
+ Mode := Iir_In_Mode;
+ else
+ -- GHDL: no mode for vhdl 93.
+ Mode := Iir_Unknown_Mode;
+ end if;
+ Logical_Name := Null_Iir;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Is then
+ Scan.Scan;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_In | Tok_Out | Tok_Inout =>
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_93 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("mode allowed only in vhdl 87");
+ end if;
+ Mode := Parse_Mode (Iir_In_Mode);
+ if Mode = Iir_Inout_Mode then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("inout mode not allowed for file");
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Logical_Name := Parse_Expression;
+ elsif Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("file name expected (vhdl 87)");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Proxy := Null_Iir;
+ Object := First;
+ while Object /= Null_Iir loop
+ -- Type definitions are factorized. This is OK, but not done by
+ -- sem.
+ if Object = First then
+ Set_Type (Object, Object_Type);
+ else
+ -- FIXME: could avoid to create many proxies, by adding
+ -- a reference counter.
+ Proxy := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Proxy);
+ Set_Proxy (Proxy, First);
+ Set_Type (Object, Proxy);
+ end if;
+ if Kind = Iir_Kind_File_Declaration then
+ Set_Mode (Object, Mode);
+ Set_File_Open_Kind (Object, Open_Kind);
+ Set_File_Logical_Name (Object, Logical_Name);
+ end if;
+ if Kind /= Iir_Kind_File_Declaration then
+ Set_Default_Value (Object, Default_Value);
+ end if;
+ if Kind = Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration then
+ Set_Signal_Kind (Object, Signal_Kind);
+ end if;
+ Object := Get_Chain (Object);
+ end loop;
+ Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ return First;
+ end Parse_Object_Declaration;
+ -- precond : COMPONENT
+ -- postcond: ';'
+ --
+ -- [ §4.5 ]
+ -- component_declaration ::=
+ -- COMPONENT identifier [ IS ]
+ -- [ LOCAL_generic_clause ]
+ -- [ LOCAL_port_clause ]
+ -- END COMPONENT [ COMPONENT_simple_name ] ;
+ function Parse_Component_Declaration
+ return Iir_Component_Declaration
+ is
+ Component: Iir_Component_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Component := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Identifier,
+ "an identifier is expected after 'component'");
+ Set_Identifier (Component, Current_Identifier);
+ Set_Location (Component);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Is then
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("""is"" keyword is not allowed here by vhdl 87");
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ Parse_Generic_Port_Clauses (Component);
+ Check_End_Name (Tok_Component, Component);
+ return Component;
+ end Parse_Component_Declaration;
+ -- precond : '['
+ -- postcond: next token after ']'
+ --
+ -- [ 2.3.2 ]
+ -- signature ::= [ [ type_mark { , type_mark } ] [ RETURN type_mark ] ]
+ function Parse_Signature return Iir_Signature
+ is
+ Res : Iir_Signature;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Expect (Tok_Left_Bracket);
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Signature);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ -- List of type_marks.
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
+ List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Set_Type_Marks_List (Res, List);
+ loop
+ Append_Element (List, Parse_Type_Mark (Check_Paren => True));
+ exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Return then
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Return_Type (Res, Parse_Name);
+ end if;
+ Expect (Tok_Right_Bracket);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Signature;
+ -- precond : ALIAS
+ -- postcond: a token
+ --
+ -- [ §4.3.3 ]
+ -- alias_declaration ::=
+ -- ALIAS alias_designator [ : subtype_indication ]
+ -- IS name [ signature ] ;
+ --
+ -- [ §4.3.3 ]
+ -- alias_designator ::= identifier | character_literal | operator_symbol
+ --
+ -- FIXME: signature
+ function Parse_Alias_Declaration return Iir
+ is
+ Res: Iir;
+ Loc : Location_Type;
+ Ident : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ -- accept ALIAS.
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Loc := Get_Token_Location;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Identifier =>
+ Ident := Current_Identifier;
+ when Tok_Character =>
+ Ident := Current_Identifier;
+ when Tok_String =>
+ Ident := Scan_To_Operator_Name (Get_Token_Location);
+ -- FIXME: vhdl87
+ -- FIXME: operator symbol.
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("alias designator expected");
+ end case;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Colon then
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration);
+ Set_Type (Res, Parse_Subtype_Indication);
+ -- FIXME: nice message if token is ':=' ?
+ Expect (Tok_Is);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Name (Res, Parse_Name);
+ -- FIXME: emit error if token = '['
+ elsif Current_Token = Tok_Is then
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Name (Res, Parse_Name (Allow_Indexes => False));
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Left_Bracket then
+ Set_Signature (Res, Parse_Signature);
+ end if;
+ else
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("'is' or ':' expected");
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration);
+ Eat_Tokens_Until_Semi_Colon;
+ end if;
+ Set_Location (Res, Loc);
+ Set_Identifier (Res, Ident);
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Alias_Declaration;
+ -- precond : FOR
+ -- postcond: ';'
+ --
+ -- [ §5.2 ]
+ -- configuration_specification ::=
+ -- FOR component_specification binding_indication ;
+ function Parse_Configuration_Specification
+ return Iir_Configuration_Specification
+ is
+ Res : Iir_Configuration_Specification;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Expect (Tok_For);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Parse_Component_Specification (Res);
+ Set_Binding_Indication (Res, Parse_Binding_Indication);
+ Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Configuration_Specification;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ § 5.2 ]
+ function Parse_Entity_Class return Token_Type
+ is
+ Res : Token_Type;
+ begin
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Entity
+ | Tok_Architecture
+ | Tok_Configuration
+ | Tok_Procedure
+ | Tok_Function
+ | Tok_Package
+ | Tok_Type
+ | Tok_Subtype
+ | Tok_Constant
+ | Tok_Signal
+ | Tok_Variable
+ | Tok_Component
+ | Tok_Label =>
+ null;
+ when Tok_Literal
+ | Tok_Units
+ | Tok_Group
+ | Tok_File =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ (''' & Tokens.Image (Current_Token) & "' is not a entity class");
+ end case;
+ Res := Current_Token;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Entity_Class;
+ function Parse_Entity_Class_Entry return Iir_Entity_Class
+ is
+ Res : Iir_Entity_Class;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Entity_Class);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Set_Entity_Class (Res, Parse_Entity_Class);
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Entity_Class_Entry;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ §5.1 ]
+ -- entity_designator ::= entity_tag [ signature ]
+ --
+ -- entity_tag ::= simple_name | character_literal | operator_symbol
+ function Parse_Entity_Designator return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ Name : Iir;
+ begin
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Identifier =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Simple_Name);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Set_Identifier (Res, Current_Identifier);
+ when Tok_Character =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Character_Literal);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Set_Identifier (Res, Current_Identifier);
+ when Tok_String =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Operator_Symbol);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Set_Identifier (Res, Scan_To_Operator_Name (Get_Token_Location));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("identifier, character or string expected");
+ raise Expect_Error;
+ end case;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Left_Bracket then
+ Name := Res;
+ Res := Parse_Signature;
+ Set_Name (Res, Name);
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Entity_Designator;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: IS
+ --
+ -- [ §5.1 ]
+ -- entity_name_list ::= entity_designator { , entity_designator }
+ -- | OTHERS
+ -- | ALL
+ procedure Parse_Entity_Name_List
+ (Attribute : Iir_Attribute_Specification)
+ is
+ List : Iir_List;
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_All =>
+ List := Iir_List_All;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ when Tok_Others =>
+ List := Iir_List_Others;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ when others =>
+ List := Create_Iir_List;
+ loop
+ El := Parse_Entity_Designator;
+ Append_Element (List, El);
+ exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end loop;
+ end case;
+ Set_Entity_Name_List (Attribute, List);
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Colon then
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Entity_Class (Attribute, Parse_Entity_Class);
+ else
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("missing ':' and entity kind in attribute specification");
+ end if;
+ end Parse_Entity_Name_List;
+ -- precond : ATTRIBUTE
+ -- postcond: ';'
+ --
+ -- [ 4.4 ]
+ -- attribute_declaration ::= ATTRIBUTE identifier : type_mark ;
+ --
+ -- [ 5.1 ]
+ -- attribute_specification ::=
+ -- ATTRIBUTE attribute_designator OF entity_specification
+ -- IS expression ;
+ function Parse_Attribute return Iir
+ is
+ Loc : Location_Type;
+ Ident : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Expect (Tok_Attribute);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Identifier);
+ Loc := Get_Token_Location;
+ Ident := Current_Identifier;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Colon =>
+ declare
+ Res : Iir_Attribute_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration);
+ Set_Location (Res, Loc);
+ Set_Identifier (Res, Ident);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Type (Res, Parse_Type_Mark (Check_Paren => True));
+ Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ return Res;
+ end;
+ when Tok_Of =>
+ declare
+ Res : Iir_Attribute_Specification;
+ Designator : Iir_Simple_Name;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification);
+ Set_Location (Res, Loc);
+ Designator := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Simple_Name);
+ Set_Location (Designator, Loc);
+ Set_Identifier (Designator, Ident);
+ Set_Attribute_Designator (Res, Designator);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Parse_Entity_Name_List (Res);
+ Expect (Tok_Is);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Expression (Res, Parse_Expression);
+ Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ return Res;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("':' or 'of' expected after identifier");
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end case;
+ end Parse_Attribute;
+ -- precond : GROUP
+ -- postcond: ';'
+ --
+ -- [ §4.6 ]
+ -- group_template_declaration ::=
+ -- GROUP identifier IS (entity_class_entry_list) ;
+ --
+ -- entity_class_entry_list ::= entity_class_entry { , entity_class_entry }
+ --
+ -- entity_class_entry ::= entity_class [ <> ]
+ function Parse_Group return Iir is
+ Loc : Location_Type;
+ Ident : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Expect (Tok_Group);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Identifier);
+ Loc := Get_Token_Location;
+ Ident := Current_Identifier;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Is =>
+ declare
+ use Iir_Chains.Entity_Class_Entry_Chain_Handling;
+ Res : Iir_Group_Template_Declaration;
+ El : Iir_Entity_Class;
+ Last : Iir_Entity_Class;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration);
+ Set_Location (Res, Loc);
+ Set_Identifier (Res, Ident);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Left_Paren);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Build_Init (Last);
+ loop
+ Append (Last, Res, Parse_Entity_Class_Entry);
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Box then
+ El := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Entity_Class);
+ Set_Location (El);
+ Set_Entity_Class (El, Tok_Box);
+ Append (Last, Res, El);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Comma then
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("'<>' is allowed only for the last "
+ & "entity class entry");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ exit when Current_Token = Tok_Right_Paren;
+ Expect (Tok_Comma);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end loop;
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ return Res;
+ end;
+ when Tok_Colon =>
+ declare
+ Res : Iir_Group_Declaration;
+ List : Iir_Group_Constituent_List;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration);
+ Set_Location (Res, Loc);
+ Set_Identifier (Res, Ident);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Group_Template_Name
+ (Res, Parse_Name (Allow_Indexes => False));
+ Expect (Tok_Left_Paren);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Set_Group_Constituent_List (Res, List);
+ loop
+ Append_Element (List, Parse_Name (Allow_Indexes => False));
+ exit when Current_Token = Tok_Right_Paren;
+ Expect (Tok_Comma);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end loop;
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ return Res;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("':' or 'is' expected here");
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end case;
+ end Parse_Group;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: ':'
+ --
+ -- [ §5.4 ]
+ -- signal_list ::= signal_name { , signal_name }
+ -- | OTHERS
+ -- | ALL
+ function Parse_Signal_List return Iir_List
+ is
+ Res : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Others =>
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Iir_List_Others;
+ when Tok_All =>
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Iir_List_All;
+ when others =>
+ Res := Create_Iir_List;
+ loop
+ Append_Element (Res, Parse_Name);
+ exit when Current_Token = Tok_Colon;
+ Expect (Tok_Comma);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end case;
+ end Parse_Signal_List;
+ -- precond : DISCONNECT
+ -- postcond: ';'
+ --
+ -- [ §5.4 ]
+ -- disconnection_specification ::=
+ -- DISCONNECT guarded_signal_specification AFTER time_expression ;
+ function Parse_Disconnection_Specification
+ return Iir_Disconnection_Specification
+ is
+ Res : Iir_Disconnection_Specification;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Disconnection_Specification);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Expect (Tok_Disconnect);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Signal_List (Res, Parse_Signal_List);
+ Expect (Tok_Colon);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Type (Res, Parse_Name (Allow_Indexes => False));
+ Expect (Tok_After);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Expression (Res, Parse_Expression);
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Disconnection_Specification;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ §4 ]
+ -- declaration ::= type_declaration
+ -- | subtype_declaration
+ -- | object_declaration
+ -- | interface_declaration
+ -- | alias_declaration
+ -- | attribute_declaration
+ -- | component_declaration
+ -- | group_template_declaration
+ -- | group_declaration
+ -- | entity_declaration
+ -- | configuration_declaration
+ -- | subprogram_declaration
+ -- | package_declaration
+ procedure Parse_Declarative_Part (Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ use Declaration_Chain_Handling;
+ Last_Decl : Iir;
+ Decl : Iir;
+ begin
+ Build_Init (Last_Decl);
+ loop
+ Decl := Null_Iir;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Invalid =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Tok_Type =>
+ Decl := Parse_Type_Declaration;
+ -- LRM 2.5 Package declarations
+ -- If a package declarative item is a type declaration that is
+ -- a full type declaration whose type definition is a
+ -- protected_type definition, then that protected type
+ -- definition must not be a protected type body.
+ if Decl /= Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Kind (Decl) = Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body
+ then
+ case Get_Kind (Parent) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("protected type body not allowed "
+ & "in package declaration", Decl);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ when Tok_Subtype =>
+ Decl := Parse_Subtype_Declaration;
+ when Tok_Signal =>
+ case Get_Kind (Parent) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("signal declaration not allowed in subprogram body");
+ when Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("signal declaration not allowed in process");
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Decl := Parse_Object_Declaration (Parent);
+ when Tok_Constant =>
+ Decl := Parse_Object_Declaration (Parent);
+ when Tok_Variable =>
+ -- FIXME: remove this message (already checked during sem).
+ case Get_Kind (Parent) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
+ -- FIXME: replace HERE with the kind of declaration
+ -- ie: "not allowed in a package" rather than "here".
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("variable declaration not allowed here");
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Decl := Parse_Object_Declaration (Parent);
+ when Tok_Shared =>
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std <= Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("shared variable not allowed in vhdl 87");
+ end if;
+ Decl := Parse_Object_Declaration (Parent);
+ when Tok_File =>
+ Decl := Parse_Object_Declaration (Parent);
+ when Tok_Function
+ | Tok_Procedure
+ | Tok_Pure
+ | Tok_Impure =>
+ Decl := Parse_Subprogram_Declaration;
+ when Tok_Alias =>
+ Decl := Parse_Alias_Declaration;
+ when Tok_Component =>
+ case Get_Kind (Parent) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Body =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("component declaration are not allowed here");
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Decl := Parse_Component_Declaration;
+ when Tok_For =>
+ case Get_Kind (Parent) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
+ | Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("configuration specification not allowed here");
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Decl := Parse_Configuration_Specification;
+ when Tok_Attribute =>
+ Decl := Parse_Attribute;
+ when Tok_Disconnect =>
+ case Get_Kind (Parent) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
+ | Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("disconnect specification not allowed here");
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Decl := Parse_Disconnection_Specification;
+ when Tok_Use =>
+ Decl := Parse_Use_Clause;
+ when Tok_Group =>
+ Decl := Parse_Group;
+ when Tok_Identifier =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("object class keyword such as 'variable' is expected");
+ Eat_Tokens_Until_Semi_Colon;
+ when Tok_Semi_Colon =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("';' (semi colon) not allowed alone");
+ Scan.Scan;
+ when others =>
+ exit;
+ end case;
+ if Decl /= Null_Iir then
+ Append_Subchain (Last_Decl, Parent, Decl);
+ end if;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Semi_Colon or Current_Token = Tok_Invalid then
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Parse_Declarative_Part;
+ -- precond : ENTITY
+ -- postcond: ';'
+ --
+ -- [ §1.1 ]
+ -- entity_declaration ::=
+ -- ENTITY identifier IS
+ -- entiy_header
+ -- entity_declarative_part
+ -- [ BEGIN
+ -- entity_statement_part ]
+ -- END [ ENTITY ] [ ENTITY_simple_name ]
+ --
+ -- [ §1.1.1 ]
+ -- entity_header ::=
+ -- [ FORMAL_generic_clause ]
+ -- [ FORMAL_port_clause ]
+ procedure Parse_Entity_Declaration (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit)
+ is
+ Res: Iir_Entity_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Expect (Tok_Entity);
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration);
+ -- Get identifier.
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Identifier,
+ "an identifier is expected after ""entity""");
+ Set_Identifier (Res, Current_Identifier);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Is, "missing ""is"" after identifier");
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Parse_Generic_Port_Clauses (Res);
+ Parse_Declarative_Part (Res);
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Begin then
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Parse_Concurrent_Statements (Res);
+ end if;
+ -- end keyword is expected to finish an entity declaration
+ Expect (Tok_End);
+ Set_End_Location (Unit);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Entity then
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("""entity"" keyword not allowed here by vhdl 87");
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ Check_End_Name (Res);
+ Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ Invalidate_Current_Token;
+ Set_Library_Unit (Unit, Res);
+ end Parse_Entity_Declaration;
+ -- [ §7.3.2 ]
+ -- choice ::= simple_expression
+ -- | discrete_range
+ -- | ELEMENT_simple_name
+ -- | OTHERS
+ function Parse_A_Choice (Expr: Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ A_Choice: Iir;
+ Expr1: Iir;
+ begin
+ if Expr = Null_Iir then
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Others then
+ A_Choice := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others);
+ Set_Location (A_Choice);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return A_Choice;
+ else
+ Expr1 := Parse_Expression;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Expr1 := Expr;
+ end if;
+ if Is_Range_Attribute_Name (Expr1) then
+ A_Choice := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range);
+ Location_Copy (A_Choice, Expr1);
+ Set_Expression (A_Choice, Expr1);
+ return A_Choice;
+ elsif Current_Token = Tok_To or else Current_Token = Tok_Downto then
+ A_Choice := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range);
+ Location_Copy (A_Choice, Expr1);
+ Set_Expression (A_Choice, Parse_Range_Right (Expr1));
+ return A_Choice;
+-- elsif Get_Kind (Expr1) in Iir_Kinds_Name then
+-- A_Choice := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Name);
+-- Location_Copy (A_Choice, Expr1);
+-- Set_Name (A_Choice, Parse_Range_Type_Expression (Expr1));
+-- return A_Choice;
+ else
+ A_Choice := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression);
+ Location_Copy (A_Choice, Expr1);
+ Set_Expression (A_Choice, Expr1);
+ return A_Choice;
+ end if;
+ end Parse_A_Choice;
+ -- [ §7.3.2 ]
+ -- choices ::= choice { | choice }
+ --
+ -- Leave tok_arrow as current token.
+ function Parse_Choices (Expr: Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ First, Last : Iir;
+ A_Choice: Iir;
+ Expr1 : Iir;
+ begin
+ Sub_Chain_Init (First, Last);
+ Expr1 := Expr;
+ loop
+ A_Choice := Parse_A_Choice (Expr1);
+ if First /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Same_Alternative_Flag (A_Choice, True);
+ if Get_Kind (A_Choice) = Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("'others' choice must be alone");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Sub_Chain_Append (First, Last, A_Choice);
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Bar then
+ return First;
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Expr1 := Null_Iir;
+ end loop;
+ end Parse_Choices;
+ -- precond : '('
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- This can be an expression or an aggregate.
+ --
+ -- [ §7.3.2 ]
+ -- aggregate ::= ( element_association { , element_association } )
+ --
+ -- [ §7.3.2 ]
+ -- element_association ::= [ choices => ] expression
+ function Parse_Aggregate return Iir
+ is
+ use Iir_Chains.Association_Choices_Chain_Handling;
+ Expr: Iir;
+ Res: Iir_Aggregate;
+ Last : Iir;
+ Assoc: Iir;
+ Loc : Location_Type;
+ begin
+ Loc := Get_Token_Location;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Others then
+ Expr := Parse_Expression;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Comma
+ | Tok_Arrow
+ | Tok_Bar =>
+ -- This is really an aggregate
+ null;
+ when Tok_Right_Paren =>
+ -- This was just a braced expression.
+ -- Eat ')'.
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Expr;
+ when Tok_Semi_Colon =>
+ -- Surely a missing parenthesis.
+ -- FIXME: in case of multiple missing parenthesises, several
+ -- messages will be displayed
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("missing ')' for opening parenthesis at "
+ & Get_Location_Str (Loc, Filename => False));
+ return Expr;
+ when others =>
+ -- Surely a parse error...
+ null;
+ end case;
+ else
+ Expr := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Aggregate);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Location_Copy (Res, Expr);
+ else
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ end if;
+ Build_Init (Last);
+ loop
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Others then
+ Assoc := Parse_A_Choice (Null_Iir);
+ Expect (Tok_Arrow);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Expr := Parse_Expression;
+ else
+ if Expr = Null_Iir then
+ Expr := Parse_Expression;
+ end if;
+ if Expr = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Comma
+ | Tok_Right_Paren =>
+ Assoc := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None);
+ Location_Copy (Assoc, Expr);
+ when others =>
+ Assoc := Parse_Choices (Expr);
+ Expect (Tok_Arrow);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Expr := Parse_Expression;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ Set_Associated (Assoc, Expr);
+ Append_Subchain (Last, Res, Assoc);
+ exit when Current_Token = Tok_Right_Paren;
+ Expect (Tok_Comma);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Expr := Null_Iir;
+ end loop;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Aggregate;
+ -- precond : NEW
+ -- postcond: ???
+ --
+ -- [ §7.3.6]
+ -- allocator ::= NEW subtype_indication
+ -- | NEW qualified_expression
+ function Parse_Allocator return Iir is
+ Loc: Location_Type;
+ Res : Iir;
+ Expr: Iir;
+ begin
+ Loc := Get_Token_Location;
+ -- Accept 'new'.
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Expr := Parse_Name (Allow_Indexes => False);
+ if Get_Kind (Expr) /= Iir_Kind_Qualified_Expression then
+ -- This is a subtype_indication.
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Subtype);
+ Expr := Parse_Subtype_Indication (Expr);
+ else
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Expression);
+ end if;
+ Set_Location (Res, Loc);
+ Set_Expression (Res, Expr);
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Allocator;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ §7.1 ]
+ -- primary ::= name
+ -- | literal
+ -- | aggregate
+ -- | function_call
+ -- | qualified_expression
+ -- | type_conversion
+ -- | allocator
+ -- | ( expression )
+ --
+ -- [ §7.3.1 ]
+ -- literal ::= numeric_literal
+ -- | enumeration_literal
+ -- | string_literal
+ -- | bit_string_literal
+ -- | NULL
+ --
+ -- [ §7.3.1 ]
+ -- numeric_literal ::= abstract_literal
+ -- | physical_literal
+ --
+ -- [ §13.4 ]
+ -- abstract_literal ::= decimal_literal | based_literal
+ --
+ -- [ §3.1.3 ]
+ -- physical_literal ::= [ abstract_literal ] UNIT_name
+ function Parse_Primary return Iir_Expression
+ is
+ Res: Iir_Expression;
+ Int: Iir_Int64;
+ Fp: Iir_Fp64;
+ Loc: Location_Type;
+ begin
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Integer =>
+ Int := Current_Iir_Int64;
+ Loc := Get_Token_Location;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
+ -- physical literal
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal);
+ Set_Unit_Name (Res, Current_Text);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ else
+ -- integer literal
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal);
+ end if;
+ Set_Location (Res, Loc);
+ Set_Value (Res, Int);
+ return Res;
+ when Tok_Real =>
+ Fp := Current_Iir_Fp64;
+ Loc := Get_Token_Location;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
+ -- physical literal
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal);
+ Set_Unit_Name (Res, Current_Text);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ else
+ -- real literal
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Floating_Point_Literal);
+ end if;
+ Set_Location (Res, Loc);
+ Set_Fp_Value (Res, Fp);
+ return Res;
+ when Tok_Identifier =>
+ return Parse_Name (Allow_Indexes => True);
+ when Tok_Character =>
+ Res := Current_Text;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Tick then
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("prefix of an attribute can't be a character literal");
+ -- skip tick.
+ Scan.Scan;
+ -- skip attribute designator
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ when Tok_Left_Paren =>
+ return Parse_Aggregate;
+ when Tok_String =>
+ return Parse_Name;
+ when Tok_Null =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Null_Literal);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Res;
+ when Tok_New =>
+ return Parse_Allocator;
+ when Tok_Bit_String =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Set_String_Id (Res, Current_String_Id);
+ Set_String_Length (Res, Current_String_Length);
+ case Current_Iir_Int64 is
+ when 1 =>
+ Set_Bit_String_Base (Res, Base_2);
+ when 3 =>
+ Set_Bit_String_Base (Res, Base_8);
+ when 4 =>
+ Set_Bit_String_Base (Res, Base_16);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Res;
+ when Tok_Minus
+ | Tok_Plus =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("'-' and '+' are not allowed in primary, use parenthesis");
+ return Parse_Simple_Expression;
+ when others =>
+ Unexpected ("primary");
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end case;
+ end Parse_Primary;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ §7.1 ]
+ -- factor ::= primary [ ** primary ]
+ -- | ABS primary
+ -- | NOT primary
+ function Parse_Factor return Iir_Expression is
+ Res, Tmp: Iir_Expression;
+ begin
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Abs =>
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Absolute_Operator);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Set_Operand (Res, Parse_Primary);
+ return Res;
+ when Tok_Not =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Not_Operator);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Operand (Res, Parse_Primary);
+ return Res;
+ when others =>
+ Tmp := Parse_Primary;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Double_Star then
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Exponentiation_Operator);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Left (Res, Tmp);
+ Set_Right (Res, Parse_Primary);
+ return Res;
+ else
+ return Tmp;
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ end Parse_Factor;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ §7.1 ]
+ -- term ::= factor { multiplying_operator factor }
+ --
+ -- [ §7.2 ]
+ -- multiplying_operator ::= * | / | MOD | REM
+ function Parse_Term return Iir_Expression is
+ Res, Tmp: Iir_Expression;
+ begin
+ Res := Parse_Factor;
+ while Current_Token in Token_Multiplying_Operator_Type loop
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Star =>
+ Tmp := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Multiplication_Operator);
+ when Tok_Slash =>
+ Tmp := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Division_Operator);
+ when Tok_Mod =>
+ Tmp := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Modulus_Operator);
+ when Tok_Rem =>
+ Tmp := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Remainder_Operator);
+ when others =>
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end case;
+ Set_Location (Tmp);
+ Set_Left (Tmp, Res);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Right (Tmp, Parse_Factor);
+ Res := Tmp;
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Term;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ §7.1 ]
+ -- simple_expression ::= [ sign ] term { adding_operator term }
+ --
+ -- [ §7.2 ]
+ -- sign ::= + | -
+ --
+ -- [ §7.2 ]
+ -- adding_operator ::= + | - | &
+ function Parse_Simple_Expression return Iir_Expression is
+ Res, Tmp: Iir_Expression;
+ begin
+ if Current_Token in Token_Sign_Type then
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Plus =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Identity_Operator);
+ when Tok_Minus =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Negation_Operator);
+ when others =>
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end case;
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Operand (Res, Parse_Term);
+ else
+ Res := Parse_Term;
+ end if;
+ while Current_Token in Token_Adding_Operator_Type loop
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Plus =>
+ Tmp := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Addition_Operator);
+ when Tok_Minus =>
+ Tmp := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Substraction_Operator);
+ when Tok_Ampersand =>
+ Tmp := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Concatenation_Operator);
+ when others =>
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end case;
+ Set_Location (Tmp);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Left (Tmp, Res);
+ Set_Right (Tmp, Parse_Term);
+ Res := Tmp;
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Simple_Expression;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ §7.1 ]
+ -- shift_expression ::=
+ -- simple_expression [ shift_operator simple_expression ]
+ --
+ -- [ §7.2 ]
+ -- shift_operator ::= SLL | SRL | SLA | SRA | ROL | ROR
+ function Parse_Shift_Expression return Iir_Expression is
+ Res, Tmp: Iir_Expression;
+ begin
+ Tmp := Parse_Simple_Expression;
+ if Current_Token not in Token_Shift_Operator_Type then
+ return Tmp;
+ elsif Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("shift operators not allowed in vhdl 87");
+ end if;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Sll =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Sll_Operator);
+ when Tok_Sla =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Sla_Operator);
+ when Tok_Srl =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Srl_Operator);
+ when Tok_Sra =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Sra_Operator);
+ when Tok_Rol =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Rol_Operator);
+ when Tok_Ror =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Ror_Operator);
+ when others =>
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end case;
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Left (Res, Tmp);
+ Set_Right (Res, Parse_Simple_Expression);
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Shift_Expression;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ §7.1 ]
+ -- relation ::= shift_expression [ relational_operator shift_expression ]
+ --
+ -- [ §7.2 ]
+ -- relational_operator ::= = | /= | < | <= | > | >=
+ function Parse_Relation return Iir_Expression is
+ Res, Tmp: Iir_Expression;
+ begin
+ Tmp := Parse_Shift_Expression;
+ if Current_Token not in Token_Relational_Operator_Type then
+ return Tmp;
+ end if;
+ -- This loop is just to handle errors such as a = b = c.
+ loop
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Equal =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Equality_Operator);
+ when Tok_Not_Equal =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Inequality_Operator);
+ when Tok_Less =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Less_Than_Operator);
+ when Tok_Less_Equal =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Less_Than_Or_Equal_Operator);
+ when Tok_Greater =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Greater_Than_Operator);
+ when Tok_Greater_Equal =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Greater_Than_Or_Equal_Operator);
+ when others =>
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end case;
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Left (Res, Tmp);
+ Set_Right (Res, Parse_Shift_Expression);
+ exit when Current_Token not in Token_Relational_Operator_Type;
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("use parenthesis for consecutive relational expressions");
+ Tmp := Res;
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Relation;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ §7.1 ]
+ -- expression ::= relation { AND relation }
+ -- | relation { OR relation }
+ -- | relation { XOR relation }
+ -- | relation [ NAND relation }
+ -- | relation [ NOR relation }
+ -- | relation { XNOR relation }
+ function Parse_Expression return Iir_Expression is
+ Res, Tmp: Iir_Expression;
+ -- OP_TOKEN contains the operator combinaison.
+ Op_Token: Token_Type;
+ begin
+ Tmp := Parse_Relation;
+ Op_Token := Tok_Invalid;
+ loop
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_And =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_And_Operator);
+ when Tok_Or =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Or_Operator);
+ when Tok_Xor =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Xor_Operator);
+ when Tok_Nand =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Nand_Operator);
+ when Tok_Nor =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Nor_Operator);
+ when Tok_Xnor =>
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("'xnor' keyword not allowed in vhdl 87");
+ end if;
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Xnor_Operator);
+ when others =>
+ return Tmp;
+ end case;
+ if Op_Token = Tok_Invalid then
+ Op_Token := Current_Token;
+ else
+ -- Check after the case, since current_token may not be an
+ -- operator...
+ -- TODO: avoid repetition of this message ?
+ if Op_Token = Tok_Nand or Op_Token = Tok_Nor then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("sequence of 'nor' or 'nand' not allowed");
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("('nor' and 'nand' are not associative)");
+ end if;
+ if Op_Token /= Current_Token then
+ -- Expression is a sequence of relations, with the same
+ -- operator.
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("only one type of logical operators may be "
+ & "used to combine relation");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ -- Catch errors for Ada programmers.
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Then or Current_Token = Tok_Else then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("""or else"" and ""and then"" sequences "
+ & "are not allowed in vhdl");
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("""and"" and ""or"" are short-circuit "
+ & "operators for BIT and BOOLEAN types");
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ Set_Left (Res, Tmp);
+ Set_Right (Res, Parse_Relation);
+ Tmp := Res;
+ end loop;
+ end Parse_Expression;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: next token.
+ --
+ -- [ §8.4 ]
+ -- waveform ::= waveform_element { , waveform_element }
+ --
+ -- [ §8.4.1 ]
+ -- waveform_element ::= VALUE_expression [ AFTER TIME_expression ]
+ -- | NULL [ AFTER TIME_expression ]
+ function Parse_Waveform return Iir_Waveform_Element
+ is
+ Res: Iir_Waveform_Element;
+ We, Last_We : Iir_Waveform_Element;
+ begin
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Unaffected then
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("'unaffected' is not allowed in vhdl87");
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Null_Iir;
+ else
+ Sub_Chain_Init (Res, Last_We);
+ loop
+ We := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Waveform_Element);
+ Sub_Chain_Append (Res, Last_We, We);
+ Set_Location (We);
+ -- Note: NULL is handled as a null_literal.
+ Set_We_Value (We, Parse_Expression);
+ if Current_Token = Tok_After then
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Time (We, Parse_Expression);
+ end if;
+ exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end if;
+ end Parse_Waveform;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ §8.4 ]
+ -- delay_mechanism ::= TRANSPORT
+ -- | [ REJECT TIME_expression ] INERTIAL
+ procedure Parse_Delay_Mechanism (Assign: Iir) is
+ begin
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Transport then
+ Set_Delay_Mechanism (Assign, Iir_Transport_Delay);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ else
+ Set_Delay_Mechanism (Assign, Iir_Inertial_Delay);
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Reject then
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("'reject' delay mechanism not allowed in vhdl 87");
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Reject_Time_Expression (Assign, Parse_Expression);
+ Expect (Tok_Inertial);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ elsif Current_Token = Tok_Inertial then
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("'inertial' keyword not allowed in vhdl 87");
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Parse_Delay_Mechanism;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ §9.5 ]
+ -- options ::= [ GUARDED ] [ delay_mechanism ]
+ procedure Parse_Options (Stmt : in out Iir) is
+ begin
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Guarded then
+ Set_Guard (Stmt, Stmt);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ Parse_Delay_Mechanism (Stmt);
+ end Parse_Options;
+ -- precond : next tkoen
+ -- postcond: ';'
+ --
+ -- [ §9.5.1 ]
+ -- conditional_signal_assignment ::=
+ -- target <= options conditional_waveforms ;
+ --
+ -- [ §9.5.1 ]
+ -- conditional_waveforms ::=
+ -- { waveform WHEN condition ELSE }
+ -- waveform [ WHEN condition ]
+ function Parse_Conditional_Signal_Assignment (Target: Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ use Iir_Chains.Conditional_Waveform_Chain_Handling;
+ Res: Iir;
+ Cond_Wf, Last_Cond_Wf : Iir_Conditional_Waveform;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment);
+ Set_Target (Res, Target);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Get_Target (Res));
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Less_Equal =>
+ null;
+ when Tok_Assign =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("':=' not allowed in concurrent statement, "
+ & "replaced by '<='");
+ when others =>
+ Expect (Tok_Less_Equal);
+ end case;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Parse_Options (Res);
+ Build_Init (Last_Cond_Wf);
+ loop
+ Cond_Wf := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Conditional_Waveform);
+ Append (Last_Cond_Wf, Res, Cond_Wf);
+ Set_Location (Cond_Wf);
+ Set_Waveform_Chain (Cond_Wf, Parse_Waveform);
+ exit when Current_Token /= Tok_When;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Condition (Cond_Wf, Parse_Expression);
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Else then
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("else missing in vhdl 87");
+ end if;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end loop;
+ Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Conditional_Signal_Assignment;
+ -- precond : WITH
+ -- postcond: ';'
+ --
+ -- [ §9.5.2 ]
+ -- selected_signal_assignment ::=
+ -- WITH expresion SELECT
+ -- target <= options selected_waveforms ;
+ --
+ -- [ §9.5.2 ]
+ -- selected_waveforms ::=
+ -- { waveform WHEN choices , }
+ -- waveform WHEN choices
+ function Parse_Selected_Signal_Assignment return Iir
+ is
+ use Iir_Chains.Selected_Waveform_Chain_Handling;
+ Res: Iir;
+ Assoc: Iir;
+ Wf_Chain : Iir_Waveform_Element;
+ Target : Iir;
+ Last : Iir;
+ begin
+ Scan.Scan; -- accept 'with' token.
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Set_Expression (Res, Parse_Expression);
+ Expect (Tok_Select, "after expression");
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
+ Target := Parse_Aggregate;
+ else
+ Target := Parse_Name (Allow_Indexes => True);
+ end if;
+ Set_Target (Res, Target);
+ Expect (Tok_Less_Equal);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Parse_Options (Res);
+ Build_Init (Last);
+ loop
+ Wf_Chain := Parse_Waveform;
+ Expect (Tok_When, "after waveform");
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Assoc := Parse_Choices (Null_Iir);
+ Set_Associated (Assoc, Wf_Chain);
+ Append_Subchain (Last, Res, Assoc);
+ exit when Current_Token = Tok_Semi_Colon;
+ Expect (Tok_Comma, "after choice");
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Selected_Signal_Assignment;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: next token.
+ --
+ -- [ §8.1 ]
+ -- sensitivity_list ::= SIGNAL_name { , SIGNAL_name }
+ procedure Parse_Sensitivity_List (List: Iir_Designator_List)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ loop
+ El := Parse_Name (Allow_Indexes => True);
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("only names are allowed in a sensitivity list");
+ end case;
+ Append_Element (List, El);
+ exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end loop;
+ end Parse_Sensitivity_List;
+ -- precond : ASSERT
+ -- postcond: next token
+ -- Note: this fill an sequential or a concurrent statement.
+ --
+ -- [ §8.2 ]
+ -- assertion ::= ASSERT condition
+ -- [ REPORT expression ] [ SEVERITY expression ]
+ procedure Parse_Assertion (Stmt: Iir) is
+ begin
+ Set_Location (Stmt);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Assertion_Condition (Stmt, Parse_Expression);
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Report then
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Report_Expression (Stmt, Parse_Expression);
+ end if;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Severity then
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Severity_Expression (Stmt, Parse_Expression);
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Report then
+ -- Nice message in case of inversion.
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("report expression must precede severity expression");
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Report_Expression (Stmt, Parse_Expression);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Parse_Assertion;
+ -- precond : REPORT
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ 8.3 ]
+ -- report_statement ::= REPORT expression [ SEVERITY expression ]
+ function Parse_Report_Statement return Iir_Report_Statement
+ is
+ Res : Iir_Report_Statement;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Report_Statement);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("report statement not allowed in vhdl87");
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Report_Expression (Res, Parse_Expression);
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Severity then
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Severity_Expression (Res, Parse_Expression);
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Report_Statement;
+ -- precond : WAIT
+ -- postcond: ';'
+ --
+ -- [ §8.1 ]
+ -- wait_statement ::=
+ -- [ label : ] WAIT [ sensitivity_clause ] [ condition_clause ]
+ -- [ timeout_clause ] ;
+ --
+ -- [ §8.1 ]
+ -- sensitivity_clause ::= ON sensitivity_list
+ --
+ -- [ §8.1 ]
+ -- condition_clause ::= UNTIL conditiion
+ --
+ -- [ §8.1 ]
+ -- timeout_clause ::= FOR TIME_expression
+ function Parse_Wait_Statement return Iir_Wait_Statement
+ is
+ Res: Iir_Wait_Statement;
+ List: Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_On =>
+ List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Set_Sensitivity_List (Res, List);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Parse_Sensitivity_List (List);
+ when Tok_Until =>
+ null;
+ when Tok_For =>
+ null;
+ when Tok_Semi_Colon =>
+ return Res;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("'on', 'until', 'for' or ';' expected");
+ Eat_Tokens_Until_Semi_Colon;
+ return Res;
+ end case;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_On =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("only one sensitivity is allowed");
+ -- FIXME: sync
+ return Res;
+ when Tok_Until =>
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Condition_Clause (Res, Parse_Expression);
+ when Tok_For =>
+ null;
+ when Tok_Semi_Colon =>
+ return Res;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("'until', 'for' or ';' expected");
+ Eat_Tokens_Until_Semi_Colon;
+ return Res;
+ end case;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_On =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("only one sensitivity clause is allowed");
+ -- FIXME: sync
+ return Res;
+ when Tok_Until =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("only one condition clause is allowed");
+ -- FIXME: sync
+ return Res;
+ when Tok_For =>
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Timeout_Clause (Res, Parse_Expression);
+ return Res;
+ when Tok_Semi_Colon =>
+ return Res;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("'for' or ';' expected");
+ Eat_Tokens_Until_Semi_Colon;
+ return Res;
+ end case;
+ end Parse_Wait_Statement;
+ -- precond : IF
+ -- postcond: next token.
+ --
+ -- [ §8.7 ]
+ -- if_statement ::=
+ -- [ IF_label : ]
+ -- IF condition THEN
+ -- sequence_of_statements
+ -- { ELSIF condition THEN
+ -- sequence_of_statements }
+ -- [ ELSE
+ -- sequence_of_statements ]
+ -- END IF [ IF_label ] ;
+ --
+ -- FIXME: end label.
+ function Parse_If_Statement (Parent : Iir) return Iir_If_Statement
+ is
+ Res: Iir_If_Statement;
+ Clause: Iir;
+ N_Clause: Iir;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_If_Statement);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Set_Parent (Res, Parent);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Clause := Res;
+ loop
+ Set_Condition (Clause, Parse_Expression);
+ Expect (Tok_Then, "'then' is expected here");
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain
+ (Clause, Parse_Sequential_Statements (Res));
+ exit when Current_Token = Tok_End;
+ N_Clause := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Elsif);
+ Set_Location (N_Clause);
+ Set_Else_Clause (Clause, N_Clause);
+ Clause := N_Clause;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Else then
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain
+ (Clause, Parse_Sequential_Statements (Res));
+ exit;
+ elsif Current_Token = Tok_Elsif then
+ Scan.Scan;
+ else
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("'else' or 'elsif' expected");
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Expect (Tok_End);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_If);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_If_Statement;
+ function Parenthesis_Name_To_Procedure_Call (Name: Iir; Kind : Iir_Kind)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Res: Iir;
+ Call : Iir_Procedure_Call;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Kind);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Name);
+ Call := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call);
+ Location_Copy (Call, Name);
+ Set_Procedure_Call (Res, Call);
+ case Get_Kind (Name) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name =>
+ Set_Implementation (Call, Get_Prefix (Name));
+ Set_Parameter_Association_Chain
+ (Call, Get_Association_Chain (Name));
+ Free_Iir (Name);
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ Set_Implementation (Call, Name);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ return Res;
+ end Parenthesis_Name_To_Procedure_Call;
+ -- precond : identifier
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ §8.9 ]
+ -- parameter_specification ::= identifier IN discrete_range
+ function Parse_Parameter_Specification (Parent : Iir)
+ return Iir_Iterator_Declaration
+ is
+ Decl : Iir_Iterator_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Decl := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration);
+ Set_Location (Decl);
+ Set_Parent (Decl, Parent);
+ Expect (Tok_Identifier);
+ Set_Identifier (Decl, Current_Identifier);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_In);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ -- parse a range.
+ Set_Type (Decl, Parse_Range_Expression (Null_Iir, True));
+ return Decl;
+ end Parse_Parameter_Specification;
+ -- precond: '<='
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ §8.4 ]
+ -- signal_assignment_statement ::=
+ -- [ label : ] target <= [ delay_mechanism ] waveform ;
+ function Parse_Signal_Assignment_Statement (Target : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Stmt : Iir;
+ Wave_Chain : Iir_Waveform_Element;
+ begin
+ Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement);
+ Location_Copy (Stmt, Target);
+ Set_Target (Stmt, Target);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Parse_Delay_Mechanism (Stmt);
+ Wave_Chain := Parse_Waveform;
+ -- LRM 8.4 Signal assignment statement
+ -- It is an error is the reserved word UNAFFECTED appears as a
+ -- waveform in a (sequential) signa assignment statement.
+ if Wave_Chain = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("'unaffected' is not allowed in a sequential statement");
+ end if;
+ Set_Waveform_Chain (Stmt, Wave_Chain);
+ return Stmt;
+ end Parse_Signal_Assignment_Statement;
+ -- precond: ':='
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ §8.5 ]
+ -- variable_assignment_statement ::=
+ -- [ label : ] target := expression ;
+ function Parse_Variable_Assignment_Statement (Target : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Stmt : Iir;
+ begin
+ Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement);
+ Location_Copy (Stmt, Target);
+ Set_Target (Stmt, Target);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Expression (Stmt, Parse_Expression);
+ return Stmt;
+ end Parse_Variable_Assignment_Statement;
+ -- precond: next token
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ 8 ]
+ -- sequence_of_statement ::= { sequential_statement }
+ --
+ -- [ 8 ]
+ -- sequential_statement ::= wait_statement
+ -- | assertion_statement
+ -- | report_statement
+ -- | signal_assignment_statement
+ -- | variable_assignment_statement
+ -- | procedure_call_statement
+ -- | if_statement
+ -- | case_statement
+ -- | loop_statement
+ -- | next_statement
+ -- | exit_statement
+ -- | return_statement
+ -- | null_statement
+ --
+ -- [ 8.13 ]
+ -- null_statement ::= [ label : ] NULL ;
+ --
+ -- [ 8.12 ]
+ -- return_statement ::= [ label : ] RETURN [ expression ]
+ --
+ -- [ 8.10 ]
+ -- next_statement ::= [ label : ] NEXT [ LOOP_label ] [ WHEN condition ] ;
+ --
+ -- [ 8.11 ]
+ -- exit_statement ::= [ label : ] EXIT [ LOOP_label ] [ WHEN condition ] ;
+ --
+ -- [ 8.9 ]
+ -- loop_statement ::=
+ -- [ LOOP_label : ]
+ -- [ iteration_scheme ] LOOP
+ -- sequence_of_statements
+ -- END LOOP [ LOOP_label ] ;
+ --
+ -- [ 8.9 ]
+ -- iteration_scheme ::= WHILE condition
+ -- | FOR LOOP_parameter_specification
+ --
+ -- [ 8.8 ]
+ -- case_statement ::=
+ -- [ CASE_label : ]
+ -- CASE expression IS
+ -- case_statement_alternative
+ -- { case_statement_alternative }
+ -- END CASE [ CASE_label ] ;
+ --
+ -- [ 8.8 ]
+ -- case_statement_alternative ::= WHEN choices => sequence_of_statements
+ --
+ -- [ 8.2 ]
+ -- assertion_statement ::= [ label : ] assertion ;
+ --
+ -- [ 8.3 ]
+ -- report_statement ::= [ label : ] REPORT expression SEVERITY expression ;
+ function Parse_Sequential_Assignment_Statement (Target : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Stmt : Iir;
+ Call : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Less_Equal then
+ return Parse_Signal_Assignment_Statement (Target);
+ elsif Current_Token = Tok_Assign then
+ return Parse_Variable_Assignment_Statement (Target);
+ elsif Current_Token = Tok_Semi_Colon then
+ return Parenthesis_Name_To_Procedure_Call
+ (Target, Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement);
+ else
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("""<="" or "":="" expected instead of "
+ & Image (Current_Token));
+ Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement);
+ Call := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call);
+ Set_Implementation (Call, Target);
+ Set_Procedure_Call (Stmt, Call);
+ Set_Location (Call);
+ Eat_Tokens_Until_Semi_Colon;
+ return Stmt;
+ end if;
+ end Parse_Sequential_Assignment_Statement;
+ function Parse_Sequential_Statements (Parent : Iir)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ First_Stmt : Iir;
+ Last_Stmt : Iir;
+ Stmt: Iir;
+ Label: Name_Id;
+ Loc : Location_Type;
+ Target : Iir;
+ begin
+ First_Stmt := Null_Iir;
+ Last_Stmt := Null_Iir;
+ -- Expect a current_token.
+ loop
+ Loc := Get_Token_Location;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
+ Label := Current_Identifier;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Colon then
+ Scan.Scan;
+ else
+ Target := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Simple_Name);
+ Set_Identifier (Target, Label);
+ Set_Location (Target, Loc);
+ Label := Null_Identifier;
+ Target := Parse_Name_Suffix (Target, True);
+ Stmt := Parse_Sequential_Assignment_Statement (Target);
+ goto Has_Stmt;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Label := Null_Identifier;
+ end if;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Null =>
+ Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Null_Statement);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ when Tok_Assert =>
+ Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement);
+ Parse_Assertion (Stmt);
+ when Tok_Report =>
+ Stmt := Parse_Report_Statement;
+ when Tok_If =>
+ Stmt := Parse_If_Statement (Parent);
+ Set_Label (Stmt, Label);
+ Set_Location (Stmt, Loc);
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_93c then
+ Check_End_Name (Stmt);
+ end if;
+ when Tok_Identifier => -- | tok_left_paren
+ Stmt := Parse_Sequential_Assignment_Statement (Parse_Name);
+ when Tok_Left_Paren =>
+ declare
+ Target : Iir;
+ begin
+ Target := Parse_Aggregate;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Less_Equal then
+ Stmt := Parse_Signal_Assignment_Statement (Target);
+ elsif Current_Token = Tok_Assign then
+ Stmt := Parse_Variable_Assignment_Statement (Target);
+ else
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("'<=' or ':=' expected");
+ return First_Stmt;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Tok_Return =>
+ Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Return_Statement);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Semi_Colon then
+ Set_Expression (Stmt, Parse_Expression);
+ end if;
+ when Tok_For =>
+ Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement);
+ Set_Location (Stmt, Loc);
+ Set_Label (Stmt, Label);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Iterator_Scheme
+ (Stmt, Parse_Parameter_Specification (Stmt));
+ Expect (Tok_Loop);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain
+ (Stmt, Parse_Sequential_Statements (Stmt));
+ Expect (Tok_End);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Loop);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Check_End_Name (Stmt);
+ -- A loop statement can have a label, even in vhdl87.
+ Label := Null_Identifier;
+ when Tok_While
+ | Tok_Loop =>
+ Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement);
+ Set_Location (Stmt);
+ Set_Label (Stmt, Label);
+ if Current_Token = Tok_While then
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Condition (Stmt, Parse_Expression);
+ Expect (Tok_Loop);
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain
+ (Stmt, Parse_Sequential_Statements (Stmt));
+ Expect (Tok_End);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Loop);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Check_End_Name (Stmt);
+ -- A loop statement can have a label, even in vhdl87.
+ Label := Null_Identifier;
+ when Tok_Next
+ | Tok_Exit =>
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Next then
+ Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Next_Statement);
+ else
+ Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement);
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
+ Set_Loop (Stmt, Current_Text);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_When then
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Condition (Stmt, Parse_Expression);
+ end if;
+ when Tok_Case =>
+ declare
+ use Iir_Chains.Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain_Handling;
+ Assoc: Iir;
+ Last_Assoc : Iir;
+ begin
+ Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Case_Statement);
+ Set_Location (Stmt);
+ Set_Label (Stmt, Label);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Expression (Stmt, Parse_Expression);
+ Expect (Tok_Is);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_End then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("missing alternative in case statement");
+ end if;
+ Build_Init (Last_Assoc);
+ while Current_Token /= Tok_End loop
+ Expect (Tok_When);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Arrow then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("missing expression in alternative");
+ else
+ Assoc := Parse_Choices (Null_Iir);
+ end if;
+ Expect (Tok_Arrow);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Associated
+ (Assoc, Parse_Sequential_Statements (Stmt));
+ Append_Subchain (Last_Assoc, Stmt, Assoc);
+ end loop;
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Case);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_93c then
+ Check_End_Name (Stmt);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Tok_Wait =>
+ Stmt := Parse_Wait_Statement;
+ when others =>
+ return First_Stmt;
+ end case;
+ << Has_Stmt >> null;
+ Set_Parent (Stmt, Parent);
+ Set_Location (Stmt, Loc);
+ if Label /= Null_Identifier then
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("this statement can't have a label in vhdl 87", Stmt);
+ else
+ Set_Label (Stmt, Label);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ -- Append it to the chain.
+ if First_Stmt = Null_Iir then
+ First_Stmt := Stmt;
+ else
+ Set_Chain (Last_Stmt, Stmt);
+ end if;
+ Last_Stmt := Stmt;
+ end loop;
+ end Parse_Sequential_Statements;
+ -- postcond: ';'
+ --
+ -- [ §2.1 ]
+ -- subprogram_declaration ::= subprogram_specification ;
+ --
+ -- [ §2.1 ]
+ -- subprogram_specification ::=
+ -- PROCEDURE designator [ ( formal_parameter_list ) ]
+ -- | [ PURE | IMPURE ] FUNCTION designator [ ( formal_parameter_list ) ]
+ -- RETURN type_mark
+ --
+ -- [ §2.2 ]
+ -- subprogram_body ::=
+ -- subprogram_specification IS
+ -- subprogram_declarative_part
+ -- BEGIN
+ -- subprogram_statement_part
+ -- END [ subprogram_kind ] [ designator ] ;
+ --
+ -- [ §2.1 ]
+ -- designator ::= identifier | operator_symbol
+ --
+ -- [ §2.1 ]
+ -- operator_symbol ::= string_literal
+ function Parse_Subprogram_Declaration return Iir
+ is
+ Subprg: Iir;
+ Subprg_Body : Iir;
+ Old : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Create the node.
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Procedure =>
+ Subprg := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration);
+ when Tok_Function
+ | Tok_Pure
+ | Tok_Impure =>
+ Subprg := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Set_Location (Subprg);
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Procedure =>
+ null;
+ when Tok_Function =>
+ -- LRM93 2.1
+ -- A function is impure if its specification contains the
+ -- reserved word IMPURE; otherwise it is said to be pure.
+ Set_Pure_Flag (Subprg, True);
+ when Tok_Pure
+ | Tok_Impure =>
+ Set_Pure_Flag (Subprg, Current_Token = Tok_Pure);
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("'pure' and 'impure' are not allowed in vhdl 87");
+ end if;
+ -- FIXME: what to do in case of error ??
+ -- Eat PURE or IMPURE.
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Expect (Tok_Function, "'function' must follow 'pure' or 'impure'");
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
+ Set_Identifier (Subprg, Current_Identifier);
+ Set_Location (Subprg);
+ elsif Current_Token = Tok_String then
+ if Get_Kind (Subprg) = Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration then
+ -- LRM93 2.1
+ -- A procedure designator is always an identifier.
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("a procedure name must be an identifier");
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93 2.1
+ -- A function designator is either an identifier or an operator
+ -- symbol.
+ Set_Identifier (Subprg, Scan_To_Operator_Name (Get_Token_Location));
+ Set_Location (Subprg);
+ else
+ -- Just to display a parse error.
+ Expect (Tok_Identifier);
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
+ -- Parse the interface declaration.
+ Set_Interface_Declaration_Chain
+ (Subprg,
+ Parse_Interface_Chain (Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration,
+ Subprg));
+ end if;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Return then
+ if Get_Kind (Subprg) = Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("'return' not allowed for a procedure");
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("(remove return part or define a function)");
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Old := Parse_Type_Mark;
+ else
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Return_Type (Subprg, Parse_Type_Mark (Check_Paren => True));
+ end if;
+ else
+ if Get_Kind (Subprg) = Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("'return' expected");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Semi_Colon then
+ return Subprg;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Subprg) = Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration then
+ Subprg_Body := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Function_Body);
+ else
+ Subprg_Body := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body);
+ end if;
+ Location_Copy (Subprg_Body, Subprg);
+ Set_Subprogram_Body (Subprg, Subprg_Body);
+ Set_Subprogram_Specification (Subprg_Body, Subprg);
+ Set_Chain (Subprg, Subprg_Body);
+ Expect (Tok_Is);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Parse_Declarative_Part (Subprg_Body);
+ Expect (Tok_Begin);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain
+ (Subprg_Body, Parse_Sequential_Statements (Subprg_Body));
+ Expect (Tok_End);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Function =>
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("'function' not allowed here by vhdl 87");
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Subprg) = Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("'procedure' expected instead of 'function'");
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ when Tok_Procedure =>
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("'procedure' not allowed here by vhdl 87");
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Subprg) = Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("'function' expected instead of 'procedure'");
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Identifier =>
+ Check_End_Name (Get_Identifier (Subprg), Subprg_Body);
+ when Tok_String =>
+ if Scan_To_Operator_Name (Get_Token_Location)
+ /= Get_Identifier (Subprg)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("mispelling, 'end """ & Image_Identifier (Subprg)
+ & """;' expected");
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ return Subprg;
+ end Parse_Subprogram_Declaration;
+ -- precond: PROCESS
+ -- postcond: null
+ --
+ -- [ §9.2 ]
+ -- process_statement ::=
+ -- [ PROCESS_label : ]
+ -- [ POSTPONED ] PROCESS [ ( sensitivity_list ) ] [ IS ]
+ -- process_declarative_part
+ -- BEGIN
+ -- process_statement_part
+ --
+ function Parse_Process_Statement
+ (Label: Name_Id; Loc : Location_Type; Is_Postponed : Boolean)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Res: Iir;
+ Sensitivity_List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ -- The PROCESS keyword was just scaned.
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Sensitivity_List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Set_Sensitivity_List (Res, Sensitivity_List);
+ Parse_Sensitivity_List (Sensitivity_List);
+ Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ else
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Process_Statement);
+ end if;
+ Set_Location (Res, Loc);
+ Set_Label (Res, Label);
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Is then
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("""is"" not allowed here by vhdl 87");
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ -- declarative part.
+ Parse_Declarative_Part (Res);
+ Expect (Tok_Begin);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Res, Parse_Sequential_Statements (Res));
+ Expect (Tok_End);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Postponed then
+ if not Is_Postponed then
+ -- LRM93 9.2
+ -- If the reserved word POSTPONED appears at the end of a process
+ -- statement, the process must be a postponed process.
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("process is not a postponed process");
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Semi_Colon then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("""end"" must be followed by ""process""");
+ else
+ Expect (Tok_Process);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Check_End_Name (Res);
+ Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Process_Statement;
+ -- precond : '('
+ -- postcond: NEXT_TOKEN
+ --
+ -- [ § ]
+ -- association_list ::= association_element { , association_element }
+ --
+ -- [ § ]
+ -- association_element ::= [ formal_part => ] actual_part
+ --
+ -- [ § ]
+ -- actual_part ::= actual_designator
+ -- | FUNCTION_name ( actual_designator )
+ -- | type_mark ( actual_designator )
+ --
+ -- [ § ]
+ -- actual_designator ::= expression
+ -- | SIGNAL_name
+ -- | VARIABLE_name
+ -- | FILE_name
+ -- | OPEN
+ --
+ -- [ § ]
+ -- formal_part ::= formal_designator
+ -- | FUNCTION_name ( formal_designator )
+ -- | type_mark ( formal_designator )
+ --
+ -- [ § ]
+ -- formal_designator ::= GENERIC_name
+ -- | PORT_name
+ -- | PARAMETER_name
+ --
+ -- Note: an actual part is parsed as an expression.
+ function Parse_Association_Chain return Iir
+ is
+ Res, Last: Iir;
+ El: Iir;
+ Formal: Iir;
+ Actual: Iir;
+ Nbr_Assocs : Natural;
+ begin
+ Sub_Chain_Init (Res, Last);
+ Expect (Tok_Left_Paren);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Right_Paren then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("empty association list is not allowed");
+ return Res;
+ end if;
+ Nbr_Assocs := 1;
+ loop
+ -- Parse formal and actual.
+ Formal := Null_Iir;
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Open then
+ Actual := Parse_Expression;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_To
+ | Tok_Downto =>
+ Actual := Parse_Range_Expression (Actual);
+ if Nbr_Assocs /= 1 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("multi-dimensional slice is forbidden");
+ end if;
+ when Tok_Arrow =>
+ Formal := Actual;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Open then
+ Actual := Parse_Expression;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Open then
+ El := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open);
+ Set_Location (El);
+ Scan.Scan; -- past open.
+ else
+ El := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression);
+ if Formal = Null_Iir then
+ Set_Location (El);
+ else
+ Location_Copy (El, Formal);
+ end if;
+ Set_Actual (El, Actual);
+ end if;
+ Set_Formal (El, Formal);
+ Sub_Chain_Append (Res, Last, El);
+ exit when Current_Token = Tok_Right_Paren;
+ Expect (Tok_Comma);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Nbr_Assocs := Nbr_Assocs + 1;
+ end loop;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Association_Chain;
+ -- precond : GENERIC
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ § ]
+ -- generic_map_aspect ::= GENERIC MAP ( GENERIC_association_list )
+ function Parse_Generic_Map_Aspect return Iir is
+ begin
+ Expect (Tok_Generic);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Map);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Parse_Association_Chain;
+ end Parse_Generic_Map_Aspect;
+ -- precond : PORT
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ § ]
+ -- port_map_aspect ::= PORT MAP ( PORT_association_list )
+ function Parse_Port_Map_Aspect return Iir is
+ begin
+ Expect (Tok_Port);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Map);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Parse_Association_Chain;
+ end Parse_Port_Map_Aspect;
+ -- postcond : next_token
+ --
+ -- instantiated_unit ::=
+ -- [ COMPONENT ] component_name
+ -- ENTITY entity_name [ ( architecture_identifier ) ]
+ -- CONFIGURATION configuration_name
+ function Parse_Instantiated_Unit return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("component instantiation using keyword 'component', 'entity',");
+ Error_Msg_Parse (" or 'configuration' is not allowed in vhdl87");
+ end if;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Component =>
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Parse_Name (False);
+ when Tok_Entity =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Entity (Res, Parse_Name (False));
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Identifier);
+ Set_Architecture (Res, Current_Text);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ when Tok_Configuration =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Configuration);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Identifier);
+ Set_Configuration (Res, Parse_Name (False));
+ return Res;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Parse_Instantiated_Unit;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: ';'
+ --
+ -- component_instantiation_statement ::=
+ -- INSTANTIATION_label :
+ -- instantiated_unit [ generic_map_aspect ] [ port_map_aspect ] ;
+ function Parse_Component_Instantiation (Name: Iir)
+ return Iir_Component_Instantiation_Statement is
+ Res: Iir_Component_Instantiation_Statement;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Set_Instantiated_Unit (Res, Name);
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Generic then
+ Set_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Res, Parse_Generic_Map_Aspect);
+ end if;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Port then
+ Set_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Res, Parse_Port_Map_Aspect);
+ end if;
+ Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Component_Instantiation;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ §9.1 ]
+ -- block_header ::= [ generic_clause [ generic_map_aspect ; ] ]
+ -- [ port_clause [ port_map_aspect ; ] ]
+ function Parse_Block_Header return Iir_Block_Header is
+ Res : Iir_Block_Header;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Block_Header);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Generic then
+ Parse_Generic_Clause (Res);
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Generic then
+ Set_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Res, Parse_Generic_Map_Aspect);
+ Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Port then
+ Parse_Port_Clause (Res);
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Port then
+ Set_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Res, Parse_Port_Map_Aspect);
+ Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Block_Header;
+ -- precond : BLOCK
+ -- postcond: ';'
+ --
+ -- [ §9.1 ]
+ -- block_statement ::=
+ -- BLOCK_label :
+ -- BLOCK [ ( GUARD_expression ) ] [ IS ]
+ -- block_header
+ -- block_declarative_part
+ -- BEGIN
+ -- block_statement_part
+ -- END BLOCK [ BLOCK_label ] ;
+ --
+ -- [ §9.1 ]
+ -- block_declarative_part ::= { block_declarative_item }
+ --
+ -- [ §9.1 ]
+ -- block_statement_part ::= { concurrent_statement }
+ function Parse_Block_Statement (Label: Name_Id; Loc : Location_Type)
+ return Iir_Block_Statement
+ is
+ Res : Iir_Block_Statement;
+ Guard : Iir_Guard_Signal_Declaration;
+ begin
+ if Label = Null_Identifier then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("a block statement must have a label");
+ end if;
+ -- block was just parsed.
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Block_Statement);
+ Set_Location (Res, Loc);
+ Set_Label (Res, Label);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
+ Guard := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration);
+ Set_Location (Guard);
+ Set_Guard_Decl (Res, Guard);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Guard_Expression (Guard, Parse_Expression);
+ Expect (Tok_Right_Paren, "a ')' is expected after guard expression");
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Is then
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("'is' not allowed here in vhdl87");
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Generic or Current_Token = Tok_Port then
+ Set_Block_Header (Res, Parse_Block_Header);
+ end if;
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Begin then
+ Parse_Declarative_Part (Res);
+ end if;
+ Expect (Tok_Begin);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Parse_Concurrent_Statements (Res);
+ Check_End_Name (Tok_Block, Res);
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Block_Statement;
+ -- precond : IF or FOR
+ -- postcond: ';'
+ --
+ -- [ §9.7 ]
+ -- generate_statement ::=
+ -- GENERATE_label : generation_scheme GENERATE
+ -- [ { block_declarative_item }
+ -- BEGIN ]
+ -- { concurrent_statement }
+ -- END GENERATE [ GENERATE_label ] ;
+ --
+ -- [ §9.7 ]
+ -- generation_scheme ::=
+ -- FOR GENERATE_parameter_specification
+ -- | IF condition
+ --
+ -- FIXME: block_declarative item.
+ function Parse_Generate_Statement (Label : Name_Id; Loc : Location_Type)
+ return Iir_Generate_Statement
+ is
+ Res : Iir_Generate_Statement;
+ begin
+ if Label = Null_Identifier then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("a generate statement must have a label");
+ end if;
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement);
+ Set_Location (Res, Loc);
+ Set_Label (Res, Label);
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_For =>
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Generation_Scheme (Res, Parse_Parameter_Specification (Res));
+ when Tok_If =>
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Generation_Scheme (Res, Parse_Expression);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Expect (Tok_Generate);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ -- Check for a block declarative item.
+ case Current_Token is
+ when
+ -- subprogram_declaration
+ -- subprogram_body
+ Tok_Procedure
+ | Tok_Function
+ | Tok_Pure
+ | Tok_Impure
+ -- type_declaration
+ | Tok_Type
+ -- subtype_declaration
+ | Tok_Subtype
+ -- constant_declaration
+ | Tok_Constant
+ -- signal_declaration
+ | Tok_Signal
+ -- shared_variable_declaration
+ | Tok_Shared
+ | Tok_Variable
+ -- file_declaration
+ | Tok_File
+ -- alias_declaration
+ | Tok_Alias
+ -- component_declaration
+ | Tok_Component
+ -- attribute_declaration
+ -- attribute_specification
+ | Tok_Attribute
+ -- configuration_specification
+ | Tok_For
+ -- disconnection_specification
+ | Tok_Disconnect
+ -- use_clause
+ | Tok_Use
+ -- group_template_declaration
+ -- group_declaration
+ | Tok_Group
+ | Tok_Begin =>
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("declarations not allowed in a generate in vhdl87");
+ end if;
+ Parse_Declarative_Part (Res);
+ Expect (Tok_Begin);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Parse_Concurrent_Statements (Res);
+ Expect (Tok_End);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Generate);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ -- LRM93 9.7
+ -- If a label appears at the end of a generate statement, it must repeat
+ -- the generate label.
+ Check_End_Name (Res);
+ Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Generate_Statement;
+ -- precond : first token
+ -- postcond: END
+ --
+ -- [ §9 ]
+ -- concurrent_statement ::= block_statement
+ -- | process_statement
+ -- | concurrent_procedure_call_statement
+ -- | concurrent_assertion_statement
+ -- | concurrent_signal_assignment_statement
+ -- | component_instantiation_statement
+ -- | generate_statement
+ --
+ -- [ §9.4 ]
+ -- concurrent_assertion_statement ::=
+ -- [ label : ] [ POSTPONED ] assertion ;
+ --
+ -- [ §9.3 ]
+ -- concurrent_procedure_call_statement ::=
+ -- [ label : ] [ POSTPONED ] procedure_call ;
+ --
+ -- [ §9.5 ]
+ -- concurrent_signal_assignment_statement ::=
+ -- [ label : ] [ POSTPONED ] conditional_signal_assignment
+ -- | [ label : ] [ POSTPONED ] selected_signal_assignment
+ function Parse_Concurrent_Assignment (Target : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ begin
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Less_Equal
+ | Tok_Assign =>
+ -- This is a conditional signal assignment.
+ -- Error for ':=' is handled by the subprogram.
+ return Parse_Conditional_Signal_Assignment (Target);
+ when Tok_Semi_Colon =>
+ -- a procedure call or a component instantiation.
+ -- Parse it as a procedure call, may be revert to a
+ -- component instantiation during sem.
+ Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ return Parenthesis_Name_To_Procedure_Call
+ (Target, Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement);
+ when others =>
+ -- or a component instantiation.
+ return Parse_Component_Instantiation (Target);
+ end case;
+ end Parse_Concurrent_Assignment;
+ procedure Parse_Concurrent_Statements (Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ Last_Stmt : Iir;
+ Stmt: Iir;
+ Label: Name_Id;
+ Id: Iir;
+ Postponed : Boolean;
+ Loc : Location_Type;
+ Target : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- begin was just parsed.
+ Last_Stmt := Null_Iir;
+ loop
+ Stmt := Null_Iir;
+ Label := Null_Identifier;
+ Postponed := False;
+ Loc := Get_Token_Location;
+ -- Try to find a label.
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Identifier then
+ Label := Current_Identifier;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Colon then
+ -- The identifier is really a label.
+ Scan.Scan;
+ else
+ -- This is not a label.
+ Target := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Simple_Name);
+ Set_Location (Target, Loc);
+ Set_Identifier (Target, Label);
+ Label := Null_Identifier;
+ Target := Parse_Name_Suffix (Target);
+ Stmt := Parse_Concurrent_Assignment (Target);
+ goto Has_Stmt;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Postponed then
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("'postponed' is not allowed in vhdl 87");
+ else
+ Postponed := True;
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_End =>
+ if Label /= Null_Identifier then
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("no label is allowed before the 'end' keyword");
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when Tok_Identifier =>
+ Target := Parse_Name (Allow_Indexes => True);
+ Stmt := Parse_Concurrent_Assignment (Target);
+ if Get_Kind (Stmt) = Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement
+ and then Postponed
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("'postponed' not allowed for " &
+ "an instantiation statement");
+ Postponed := False;
+ end if;
+ when Tok_Left_Paren =>
+ Id := Parse_Aggregate;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Less_Equal then
+ -- This is a conditional signal assignment.
+ Stmt := Parse_Conditional_Signal_Assignment (Id);
+ else
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("'<=' expected after aggregate");
+ Eat_Tokens_Until_Semi_Colon;
+ end if;
+ when Tok_Process =>
+ Stmt := Parse_Process_Statement (Label, Loc, Postponed);
+ when Tok_Assert =>
+ Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement);
+ Parse_Assertion (Stmt);
+ Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ when Tok_With =>
+ Stmt := Parse_Selected_Signal_Assignment;
+ when Tok_Block =>
+ if Postponed then
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("'postponed' is not allowed before 'block'");
+ Postponed := False;
+ end if;
+ Stmt := Parse_Block_Statement (Label, Loc);
+ when Tok_If
+ | Tok_For =>
+ if Postponed then
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("'postponed' not allowed before a generate statement");
+ Postponed := False;
+ end if;
+ Stmt := Parse_Generate_Statement (Label, Loc);
+ when Tok_Eof =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("unexpected end of file, 'END;' expected");
+ return;
+ when Tok_Component
+ | Tok_Entity
+ | Tok_Configuration =>
+ if Postponed then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("'postponed' not allowed before " &
+ "an instantiation statement");
+ Postponed := False;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Unit : Iir;
+ begin
+ Unit := Parse_Instantiated_Unit;
+ Stmt := Parse_Component_Instantiation (Unit);
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ -- FIXME: improve message:
+ -- instead of 'unexpected token 'signal' in conc stmt list'
+ -- report: 'signal declarations are not allowed in conc stmt'
+ Unexpected ("concurrent statement list");
+ Eat_Tokens_Until_Semi_Colon;
+ end case;
+ << Has_Stmt >> null;
+ -- stmt can be null in case of error.
+ if Stmt /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Location (Stmt, Loc);
+ Set_Label (Stmt, Label);
+ Set_Parent (Stmt, Parent);
+ if Postponed then
+ Set_Postponed_Flag (Stmt, True);
+ end if;
+ -- Append it to the chain.
+ if Last_Stmt = Null_Iir then
+ Set_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Parent, Stmt);
+ else
+ Set_Chain (Last_Stmt, Stmt);
+ end if;
+ Last_Stmt := Stmt;
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end loop;
+ end Parse_Concurrent_Statements;
+ -- precond : LIBRARY
+ -- postcond: ;
+ --
+ -- [ §11.2 ]
+ -- library_clause ::= LIBRARY logical_name_list
+ function Parse_Library_Clause return Iir
+ is
+ First, Last : Iir;
+ Library: Iir_Library_Clause;
+ begin
+ Sub_Chain_Init (First, Last);
+ Expect (Tok_Library);
+ loop
+ Library := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Library_Clause);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Identifier);
+ Set_Identifier (Library, Current_Identifier);
+ Set_Location (Library);
+ Sub_Chain_Append (First, Last, Library);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ exit when Current_Token = Tok_Semi_Colon;
+ Expect (Tok_Comma);
+ end loop;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return First;
+ end Parse_Library_Clause;
+ -- precond : USE
+ -- postcond: ;
+ --
+ -- [ §10.4 ]
+ -- use_clause ::= USE selected_name { , selected_name }
+ --
+ -- FIXME: should be a list.
+ function Parse_Use_Clause return Iir_Use_Clause
+ is
+ Use_Clause: Iir_Use_Clause;
+ First, Last : Iir;
+ begin
+ First := Null_Iir;
+ Last := Null_Iir;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ loop
+ Use_Clause := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Use_Clause);
+ Set_Location (Use_Clause);
+ Expect (Tok_Identifier);
+ Set_Selected_Name (Use_Clause, Parse_Name);
+ -- Chain use clauses.
+ if First = Null_Iir then
+ First := Use_Clause;
+ else
+ Set_Use_Clause_Chain (Last, Use_Clause);
+ end if;
+ Last := Use_Clause;
+ exit when Current_Token = Tok_Semi_Colon;
+ Expect (Tok_Comma);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end loop;
+ return First;
+ end Parse_Use_Clause;
+ -- precond : ARCHITECTURE
+ -- postcond: ';'
+ --
+ -- [ §1.2 ]
+ -- architecture_body ::=
+ -- ARCHITECTURE identifier OF ENTITY_name IS
+ -- architecture_declarative_part
+ -- BEGIN
+ -- architecture_statement_part
+ -- END [ ARCHITECTURE ] [ ARCHITECTURE_simple_name ] ;
+ procedure Parse_Architecture (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit)
+ is
+ Res: Iir_Architecture_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Expect (Tok_Architecture);
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration);
+ -- Get identifier.
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Identifier);
+ Set_Identifier (Res, Current_Identifier);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Is then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("architecture identifier is missing");
+ else
+ Expect (Tok_Of);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Entity (Res, Parse_Name (False));
+ Expect (Tok_Is);
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Parse_Declarative_Part (Res);
+ Expect (Tok_Begin);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Parse_Concurrent_Statements (Res);
+ -- end was scanned.
+ Set_End_Location (Unit);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Architecture then
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("'architecture' keyword not allowed here by vhdl 87");
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ Check_End_Name (Res);
+ Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ Set_Library_Unit (Unit, Res);
+ end Parse_Architecture;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: a token
+ --
+ -- [ §5.2 ]
+ -- instantiation_list ::= INSTANTIATION_label { , INSTANTIATION_label }
+ -- | OTHERS
+ -- | ALL
+ function Parse_Instantiation_List return Iir_List
+ is
+ Res : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_All =>
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Iir_List_All;
+ when Tok_Others =>
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Iir_List_Others;
+ when Tok_Identifier =>
+ Res := Create_Iir_List;
+ loop
+ Append_Element (Res, Current_Text);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
+ Expect (Tok_Comma);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("instantiation list expected");
+ return Null_Iir_List;
+ end case;
+ end Parse_Instantiation_List;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ §5.2 ]
+ -- component_specification ::= instantiation_list : COMPONENT_name
+ procedure Parse_Component_Specification (Res : Iir)
+ is
+ List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ List := Parse_Instantiation_List;
+ Set_Instantiation_List (Res, List);
+ Expect (Tok_Colon);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Identifier);
+ Set_Component_Name (Res, Parse_Name);
+ end Parse_Component_Specification;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ § ]
+ -- entity_aspect ::= ENTITY ENTITY_name [ ( ARCHITECTURE_identifier ) ]
+ -- | OPEN
+ function Parse_Entity_Aspect return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Entity =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Identifier);
+ Set_Entity (Res, Parse_Name (False));
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Identifier);
+ Set_Architecture (Res, Current_Text);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ when Tok_Configuration =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Configuration);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Identifier);
+ Set_Configuration (Res, Parse_Name (False));
+ when Tok_Open =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Open);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ when others =>
+ -- FIXME: if the token is an identifier, try as if the 'entity'
+ -- keyword is missing.
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("'entity', 'configuration' or 'open' keyword expected");
+ end case;
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Entity_Aspect;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [ §5.2.1 ]
+ -- binding_indication ::=
+ -- [ USE entity_aspect ]
+ -- [ generic_map_aspect ]
+ -- [ port_map_aspect ]
+ function Parse_Binding_Indication return Iir_Binding_Indication
+ is
+ Res : Iir_Binding_Indication;
+ begin
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Use
+ | Tok_Generic
+ | Tok_Port =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end case;
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Binding_Indication);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Use then
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Entity_Aspect (Res, Parse_Entity_Aspect);
+ end if;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Generic then
+ Set_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Res, Parse_Generic_Map_Aspect);
+ end if;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Port then
+ Set_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Res, Parse_Port_Map_Aspect);
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Binding_Indication;
+ -- precond : ':' after instantiation_list.
+ -- postcond: ';'
+ --
+ -- [ §1.3.2 ]
+ -- component_configuration ::=
+ -- FOR component_specification
+ -- [ binding_indication ; ]
+ -- [ block_configuration ]
+ -- END FOR ;
+ function Parse_Component_Configuration (Loc : Location_Type;
+ Inst_List : Iir_List)
+ return Iir_Component_Configuration
+ is
+ Res : Iir_Component_Configuration;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration);
+ Set_Location (Res, Loc);
+ -- Component specification.
+ Set_Instantiation_List (Res, Inst_List);
+ Expect (Tok_Colon);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Identifier);
+ Set_Component_Name (Res, Parse_Name);
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Use
+ | Tok_Generic
+ | Tok_Port =>
+ Set_Binding_Indication (Res, Parse_Binding_Indication);
+ Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_For then
+ Set_Block_Configuration (Res, Parse_Block_Configuration);
+ -- Eat ';'.
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ Expect (Tok_End);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_For);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Component_Configuration;
+ -- precond : FOR
+ -- postcond: ';'
+ --
+ -- [ §1.3.1 ]
+ -- block_configuration ::=
+ -- FOR block_specification
+ -- { use_clause }
+ -- { configuration_item }
+ -- END FOR ;
+ --
+ -- [ §1.3.1 ]
+ -- block_specification ::=
+ -- | BLOCK_STATEMENT_label
+ -- | GENERATE_STATEMENT_label [ ( index_specification ) ]
+ function Parse_Block_Configuration_Suffix (Loc : Location_Type;
+ Block_Spec : Iir)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir_Block_Configuration;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration);
+ Set_Location (Res, Loc);
+ Set_Block_Specification (Res, Block_Spec);
+ -- Parse use clauses.
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Use then
+ declare
+ Last : Iir;
+ use Declaration_Chain_Handling;
+ begin
+ Build_Init (Last);
+ while Current_Token = Tok_Use loop
+ Append_Subchain (Last, Res, Parse_Use_Clause);
+ -- Eat ';'.
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ -- Parse configuration item list
+ declare
+ use Iir_Chains.Configuration_Item_Chain_Handling;
+ Last : Iir;
+ begin
+ Build_Init (Last);
+ while Current_Token /= Tok_End loop
+ Append (Last, Res, Parse_Configuration_Item);
+ -- Eat ';'.
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_For);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Block_Configuration_Suffix;
+ function Parse_Block_Configuration return Iir_Block_Configuration
+ is
+ Loc : Location_Type;
+ begin
+ Loc := Get_Token_Location;
+ Expect (Tok_For);
+ -- Parse label.
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Parse_Block_Configuration_Suffix (Loc, Parse_Name);
+ end Parse_Block_Configuration;
+ -- precond : FOR
+ -- postcond: ';'
+ --
+ -- [ §1.3.1 ]
+ -- configuration_item ::= block_configuration
+ -- | component_configuration
+ function Parse_Configuration_Item return Iir
+ is
+ Loc : Location_Type;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ Loc := Get_Token_Location;
+ Expect (Tok_For);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ -- ALL and OTHERS are tokens from an instantiation list.
+ -- Thus, the rule is a component_configuration.
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_All =>
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Parse_Component_Configuration (Loc, Iir_List_All);
+ when Tok_Others =>
+ Scan.Scan;
+ return Parse_Component_Configuration (Loc, Iir_List_Others);
+ when Tok_Identifier =>
+ El := Current_Text;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Colon =>
+ -- The identifier was a label from an instantiation list.
+ List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Append_Element (List, El);
+ return Parse_Component_Configuration (Loc, List);
+ when Tok_Comma =>
+ -- The identifier was a label from an instantiation list.
+ List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Append_Element (List, El);
+ loop
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Identifier);
+ Append_Element (List, Current_Text);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ exit when Current_Token /= Tok_Comma;
+ end loop;
+ return Parse_Component_Configuration (Loc, List);
+ when Tok_Left_Paren =>
+ El := Parse_Name_Suffix (El);
+ return Parse_Block_Configuration_Suffix (Loc, El);
+ when Tok_Use | Tok_For | Tok_End =>
+ -- Possibilities for a block_configuration.
+ -- FIXME: should use 'when others' ?
+ return Parse_Block_Configuration_Suffix (Loc, El);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("block_configuration or component_configuration "
+ & "expected");
+ raise Parse_Error;
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("configuration item expected");
+ raise Parse_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Parse_Configuration_Item;
+ -- precond : next token
+ -- postcond: next token
+ --
+ -- [§ 1.3]
+ -- configuration_declarative_part ::= { configuration_declarative_item }
+ --
+ -- [§ 1.3]
+ -- configuration_declarative_item ::= use_clause
+ -- | attribute_specification
+ -- | group_declaration
+ -- FIXME: attribute_specification, group_declaration
+ procedure Parse_Configuration_Declarative_Part (Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ use Declaration_Chain_Handling;
+ Last : Iir;
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ Build_Init (Last);
+ loop
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Invalid =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Tok_Use =>
+ Append_Subchain (Last, Parent, Parse_Use_Clause);
+ when Tok_Attribute =>
+ El := Parse_Attribute;
+ if El /= Null_Iir then
+ if Get_Kind (El) /= Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification then
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("attribute declaration not allowed here");
+ end if;
+ Append (Last, Parent, El);
+ end if;
+ when Tok_Group =>
+ El := Parse_Group;
+ if El /= Null_Iir then
+ if Get_Kind (El) /= Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration then
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("group template declaration not allowed here");
+ end if;
+ Append (Last, Parent, El);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ exit;
+ end case;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end loop;
+ end Parse_Configuration_Declarative_Part;
+ -- precond : CONFIGURATION
+ -- postcond: ';'
+ --
+ -- [ §1.3 ]
+ -- configuration_declaration ::=
+ -- CONFIGURATION identifier OF ENTITY_name IS
+ -- configuration_declarative_part
+ -- block_configuration
+ -- END [ CONFIGURATION ] [ CONFIGURATION_simple_name ] ;
+ --
+ -- [ §1.3 ]
+ -- configuration_declarative_part ::= { configuration_declarative_item }
+ procedure Parse_Configuration_Declaration (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit)
+ is
+ Res : Iir_Configuration_Declaration;
+ begin
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Configuration then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration);
+ -- Get identifier.
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Identifier);
+ Set_Identifier (Res, Current_Identifier);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Of);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Set_Entity (Res, Parse_Name (False));
+ Expect (Tok_Is);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Parse_Configuration_Declarative_Part (Res);
+ Set_Block_Configuration (Res, Parse_Block_Configuration);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_End);
+ Set_End_Location (Unit);
+ -- end was scanned.
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Configuration then
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse
+ ("'configuration' keyword not allowed here by vhdl 87");
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93 1.3
+ -- If a simple name appears at the end of a configuration declaration, it
+ -- must repeat the identifier of the configuration declaration.
+ Check_End_Name (Res);
+ Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ Set_Library_Unit (Unit, Res);
+ end Parse_Configuration_Declaration;
+ -- precond : identifier
+ -- postcond: ';'
+ --
+ -- [ §2.5 ]
+ -- package_declaration ::=
+ -- PACKAGE identifier IS
+ -- package_declarative_part
+ -- END [ PACKAGE ] [ PACKAGE_simple_name ] ;
+ procedure Parse_Package_Declaration (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit)
+ is
+ Res: Iir_Package_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ -- Get identifier.
+ Expect (Tok_Identifier);
+ Set_Identifier (Res, Current_Identifier);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Is);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Parse_Declarative_Part (Res);
+ Expect (Tok_End);
+ Set_End_Location (Unit);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Package then
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("'package' keyword not allowed here by vhdl 87");
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ Check_End_Name (Res);
+ Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ Set_Library_Unit (Unit, Res);
+ end Parse_Package_Declaration;
+ -- precond : BODY
+ -- postcond: ';'
+ --
+ -- [ §2.6 ]
+ -- package_body ::=
+ -- PACKAGE BODY PACKAGE_simple_name IS
+ -- package_body_declarative_part
+ -- END [ PACKAGE BODY ] [ PACKAGE_simple_name ] ;
+ procedure Parse_Package_Body (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit)
+ is
+ Res: Iir;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Package_Body);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ -- Get identifier.
+ Expect (Tok_Identifier);
+ Set_Identifier (Res, Current_Identifier);
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Is);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Parse_Declarative_Part (Res);
+ Expect (Tok_End);
+ Set_End_Location (Unit);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Package then
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("'package' keyword not allowed here by vhdl 87");
+ end if;
+ Scan_Expect (Tok_Body);
+ Scan.Scan;
+ end if;
+ Check_End_Name (Res);
+ Expect (Tok_Semi_Colon);
+ Set_Library_Unit (Unit, Res);
+ end Parse_Package_Body;
+ -- Parse a design_unit.
+ -- The lexical scanner must have been initialized, but without a
+ -- current_token.
+ --
+ -- [ §11.1 ]
+ -- design_unit ::= context_clause library_unit
+ --
+ -- [ §11.3 ]
+ -- context_clause ::= { context_item }
+ --
+ -- [ §11.3 ]
+ -- context_item ::= library_clause | use_clause
+ function Parse_Design_Unit return Iir_Design_Unit
+ is
+ Res: Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Unit: Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Internal check: there must be no current_token.
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Invalid then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Eof then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ -- Create the design unit node.
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Design_Unit);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Set_Date_State (Res, Date_Extern);
+ -- Parse context clauses
+ declare
+ use Context_Items_Chain_Handling;
+ Last : Iir;
+ Els : Iir;
+ begin
+ Build_Init (Last);
+ loop
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Library =>
+ Els := Parse_Library_Clause;
+ when Tok_Use =>
+ Els := Parse_Use_Clause;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ when Tok_With =>
+ -- Be Ada friendly.
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("'with' not allowed in context clause "
+ & "(try 'use' or 'library')");
+ Els := Parse_Use_Clause;
+ Scan.Scan;
+ when others =>
+ exit;
+ end case;
+ Append_Subchain (Last, Res, Els);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ -- Parse library unit
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Entity =>
+ Parse_Entity_Declaration (Res);
+ when Tok_Architecture =>
+ Parse_Architecture (Res);
+ when Tok_Package =>
+ Scan.Scan;
+ if Current_Token = Tok_Body then
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Parse_Package_Body (Res);
+ else
+ Parse_Package_Declaration (Res);
+ end if;
+ when Tok_Configuration =>
+ Parse_Configuration_Declaration (Res);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("entity, architecture, package or configuration "
+ & "keyword expected");
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end case;
+ Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Res);
+ Set_Design_Unit (Unit, Res);
+ Set_Identifier (Res, Get_Identifier (Unit));
+ Set_Date (Res, Date_Parsed);
+ Invalidate_Current_Token;
+ return Res;
+ exception
+ when Expect_Error =>
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end Parse_Design_Unit;
+ -- [ §11.1 ]
+ -- design_file ::= design_unit { design_unit }
+ function Parse_Design_File return Iir_Design_File
+ is
+ Res : Iir_Design_File;
+ Design, Last_Design : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Design_File);
+ Set_Location (Res);
+ Last_Design := Null_Iir;
+ loop
+ Design := Parse.Parse_Design_Unit;
+ exit when Design = Null_Iir;
+ Set_Design_File (Design, Res);
+ if Last_Design = Null_Iir then
+ Set_First_Design_Unit (Res, Design);
+ else
+ Set_Chain (Last_Design, Design);
+ end if;
+ Last_Design := Design;
+ Set_Last_Design_Unit (Res, Last_Design);
+ end loop;
+ if Last_Design = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Parse ("design file is empty (no design unit found)");
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ exception
+ when Parse_Error =>
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end Parse_Design_File;
+end Parse;
diff --git a/parse.ads b/parse.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c56c2818
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parse.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+-- VHDL parser.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+package Parse is
+ -- Parse a single design unit.
+ -- The scanner must have been initialized, however, the current_token
+ -- shouldn't have been set.
+ -- At return, the last token accepted is the semi_colon that terminates
+ -- the library unit.
+ -- Return Null_Iir when end of file.
+ function Parse_Design_Unit return Iir_Design_Unit;
+ -- Parse a file.
+ -- The scanner must habe been initialized as for parse_design_unit.
+ -- Return Null_Iir in case of error.
+ function Parse_Design_File return Iir_Design_File;
+end Parse;
diff --git a/post_sems.adb b/post_sems.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2eee5c0a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/post_sems.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+-- Global checks after semantization pass.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Types; use Types;
+with Std_Names; use Std_Names;
+with Ieee.Std_Logic_1164;
+with Ieee.Vital_Timing;
+with Flags; use Flags;
+package body Post_Sems is
+ procedure Post_Sem_Checks (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit)
+ is
+ Lib_Unit : Iir;
+ Lib : Iir_Library_Declaration;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ Value : Iir_Attribute_Value;
+ Spec : Iir_Attribute_Specification;
+ Attr_Decl : Iir_Attribute_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Lib_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Lib_Unit);
+ Lib := Get_Library (Get_Design_File (Unit));
+ if Get_Identifier (Lib) = Name_Ieee then
+ -- This is a unit of IEEE.
+ if Get_Kind (Lib_Unit) = Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration then
+ if Id = Name_Std_Logic_1164 then
+ Ieee.Std_Logic_1164.Extract_Declarations (Lib_Unit);
+ elsif Id = Name_VITAL_Timing then
+ Ieee.Vital_Timing.Extract_Declarations (Lib_Unit);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Look for VITAL attributes.
+ if Flag_Vital_Checks then
+ Value := Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Unit);
+ while Value /= Null_Iir loop
+ Spec := Get_Attribute_Specification (Value);
+ Attr_Decl := Get_Attribute_Designator (Spec);
+ if Attr_Decl = Ieee.Vital_Timing.Vital_Level0_Attribute then
+ Ieee.Vital_Timing.Check_Vital_Level0 (Unit);
+ elsif Attr_Decl = Ieee.Vital_Timing.Vital_Level1_Attribute then
+ Ieee.Vital_Timing.Check_Vital_Level1 (Unit);
+ end if;
+ Value := Get_Chain (Value);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end Post_Sem_Checks;
+end Post_Sems;
diff --git a/post_sems.ads b/post_sems.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..15fcb4449
--- /dev/null
+++ b/post_sems.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+-- Global checks after semantization pass.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+package Post_Sems is
+ -- Do post semantization checks, such as VITAL checks.
+ -- This procedure is also used to extract declarations from ieee
+ -- packages.
+ procedure Post_Sem_Checks (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit);
+end Post_Sems;
diff --git a/scan-scan_literal.adb b/scan-scan_literal.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21c54fb73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scan-scan_literal.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+-- Lexical analysis for numbers.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+separate (Scan)
+-- scan a decimal literal or a based literal.
+-- LRM93 13.4.1
+-- LRM93 13.4.2
+procedure Scan_Literal is
+ -- The base of an E_NUM is 2**16.
+ -- Type Uint16 is the type of a digit.
+ type Uint16 is mod 2 ** 16;
+ type Uint32 is mod 2 ** 32;
+ -- Type of the exponent.
+ type Sint16 is range -2 ** 15 .. 2 ** 15 - 1;
+ -- Number of digits in a E_NUM.
+ -- We want at least 64bits of precision, so at least 5 digits of 16 bits
+ -- are required.
+ Nbr_Digits : constant Sint16 := 5;
+ subtype Digit_Range is Sint16 range 0 .. Nbr_Digits - 1;
+ type Uint16_Array is array (Sint16 range <>) of Uint16;
+ -- The value of an E_NUM is (S(N-1)|S(N-2) .. |S(0))* 2**(16*E)
+ -- where '|' is concatenation.
+ type E_Num is record
+ S : Uint16_Array (Digit_Range);
+ E : Sint16;
+ end record;
+ E_Zero : constant E_Num := (S => (others => 0), E => 0);
+ E_One : constant E_Num := (S => (0 => 1, others => 0), E => 0);
+ -- Compute RES = E * B + V.
+ -- RES and E can be the same object.
+ procedure Bmul (Res : out E_Num; E : E_Num; V : Uint16; B : Uint16);
+ -- Convert to integer.
+ procedure Fix (Res : out Iir_Int64; Ok : out Boolean; E : E_Num);
+ -- RES := A * B
+ -- RES can be A or B.
+ procedure Mul (Res : out E_Num; A, B : E_Num);
+ -- RES := A / B.
+ -- RES can be A.
+ -- May raise constraint error.
+ procedure Div (Res : out E_Num; A, B: E_Num);
+ -- Convert V to an E_Num.
+ function To_E_Num (V : Uint16) return E_Num;
+ -- Convert E to RES.
+ procedure To_Float (Res : out Iir_Fp64; Ok : out Boolean; E : E_Num);
+ procedure Bmul (Res : out E_Num; E : E_Num; V : Uint16; B : Uint16)
+ is
+ T : Uint32;
+ begin
+ T := Uint32 (V);
+ for I in Digit_Range loop
+ T := Uint32 (E.S (I)) * Uint32 (B) + T;
+ Res.S (I) := Uint16 (T mod Uint16'Modulus);
+ T := T / Uint16'Modulus;
+ end loop;
+ -- There is a carry, shift.
+ if T /= 0 then
+ -- ERR: Possible overflow.
+ Res.E := E.E + 1;
+ for I in 0 .. Nbr_Digits - 2 loop
+ Res.S (I) := Res.S (I + 1);
+ end loop;
+ else
+ Res.E := E.E;
+ end if;
+ end Bmul;
+ type Uint64 is mod 2 ** 64;
+ function Shift_Left (Value : Uint64; Amount: Natural) return Uint64;
+ function Shift_Left (Value : Uint16; Amount: Natural) return Uint16;
+ pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Left);
+ function Shift_Right (Value : Uint16; Amount: Natural) return Uint16;
+ pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Right);
+ function Unchecked_Conversion is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Uint64, Target => Iir_Int64);
+ procedure Fix (Res : out Iir_Int64; Ok : out Boolean; E : E_Num)
+ is
+ R : Uint64;
+ M : Sint16;
+ begin
+ -- Find the most significant digit.
+ M := -1;
+ for I in reverse Digit_Range loop
+ if E.S (I) /= 0 then
+ M := I;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- Handle the easy 0 case.
+ -- The case M = -1 is handled below, in the normal flow.
+ if M + E.E < 0 then
+ Res := 0;
+ Ok := True;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Handle overflow.
+ -- 4 is the number of uint16 in a uint64.
+ if M + E.E >= 4 then
+ Ok := False;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Convert
+ R := 0;
+ for I in 0 .. M loop
+ R := R or Shift_Left (Uint64 (E.S (I)), 16 * Natural (E.E + I));
+ end loop;
+ -- Check the sign bit is 0.
+ if (R and Shift_Left (1, 63)) /= 0 then
+ Ok := False;
+ else
+ Ok := True;
+ Res := Unchecked_Conversion (R);
+ end if;
+ end Fix;
+ -- Return the position of the most non-null digit, -1 if V is 0.
+ function First_Digit (V : E_Num) return Sint16 is
+ begin
+ for I in reverse Digit_Range loop
+ if V.S (I) /= 0 then
+ return I;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return -1;
+ end First_Digit;
+ procedure Mul (Res : out E_Num; A, B : E_Num)
+ is
+ T : Uint16_Array (0 .. 2 * Nbr_Digits - 1);
+ V : Uint32;
+ Max : Sint16;
+ begin
+ V := 0;
+ for I in 0 .. Nbr_Digits - 1 loop
+ for J in 0 .. I loop
+ V := V + Uint32 (A.S (J)) * Uint32 (B.S (I - J));
+ end loop;
+ T (I) := Uint16 (V mod Uint16'Modulus);
+ V := V / Uint16'Modulus;
+ end loop;
+ for I in Nbr_Digits .. 2 * Nbr_Digits - 2 loop
+ for J in I - Nbr_Digits + 1 .. Nbr_Digits - 1 loop
+ V := V + Uint32 (A.S (J)) * Uint32 (B.S (I - J));
+ end loop;
+ T (I) := Uint16 (V mod Uint16'Modulus);
+ V := V / Uint16'Modulus;
+ end loop;
+ T (T'Last) := Uint16 (V);
+ -- Search the leading non-nul.
+ Max := -1;
+ for I in reverse T'Range loop
+ if T (I) /= 0 then
+ Max := I;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Max > Nbr_Digits - 1 then
+ -- Lost of precision.
+ -- Round.
+ if T (Max - Nbr_Digits) >= Uint16 (Uint16'Modulus / 2) then
+ V := 1;
+ for I in reverse Max - (Nbr_Digits - 1) .. Max loop
+ V := V + Uint32 (T (I));
+ T (I) := Uint16 (V mod Uint16'Modulus);
+ V := V / Uint16'Modulus;
+ exit when V = 0;
+ end loop;
+ if V /= 0 then
+ Max := Max + 1;
+ T (Max) := Uint16 (V);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Res.S := T (Max - (Nbr_Digits - 1) .. Max);
+ -- This may overflow.
+ Res.E := A.E + B.E + Max - (Nbr_Digits - 1);
+ else
+ Res.S (0 .. Max) := T (0 .. Max);
+ Res.S (Max + 1 .. Nbr_Digits - 1) := (others => 0);
+ -- This may overflow.
+ Res.E := A.E + B.E;
+ end if;
+ end Mul;
+ procedure Div (Res : out E_Num; A, B: E_Num)
+ is
+ Dividend : Uint16_Array (0 .. Nbr_Digits);
+ A_F : constant Sint16 := First_Digit (A);
+ B_F : constant Sint16 := First_Digit (B);
+ Doff : constant Sint16 := Dividend'Last - B_F;
+ Q : Uint16;
+ C, N_C : Uint16;
+ begin
+ -- Check for division by 0.
+ if B_F < 0 then
+ raise Constraint_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Copy and shift dividend.
+ C := 0;
+ for K in 0 .. A_F loop
+ N_C := Shift_Right (A.S (K), 15);
+ Dividend (Dividend'Last - A_F - 1 + K)
+ := Shift_Left (A.S (K), 1) or C;
+ C := N_C;
+ end loop;
+ Dividend (Nbr_Digits) := C;
+ Dividend (0 .. Dividend'last - 2 - A_F) := (others => 0);
+ -- Algorithm is the same as division by hand.
+ for I in reverse Digit_Range loop
+ Q := 0;
+ for J in 0 .. 15 loop
+ declare
+ Borrow : Uint32;
+ Tmp : Uint16_Array (0 .. B_F);
+ V : Uint32;
+ V16 : Uint16;
+ begin
+ -- Compute TMP := dividend - B;
+ Borrow := 0;
+ for K in 0 .. B_F loop
+ V := Uint32 (B.S (K)) + Borrow;
+ V16 := Uint16 (V mod Uint16'Modulus);
+ if V16 > Dividend (Doff + K) then
+ Borrow := 1;
+ else
+ Borrow := 0;
+ end if;
+ Tmp (K) := Dividend (Doff + K) - V16;
+ end loop;
+ Q := Q * 2;
+ C := 0;
+ for K in 0 .. Doff - 1 loop
+ N_C := Shift_Right (Dividend (K), 15);
+ Dividend (K) := Shift_Left (Dividend (K), 1) or C;
+ C := N_C;
+ end loop;
+ if Borrow = 0 then
+ Q := Q + 1;
+ for K in Doff .. Nbr_Digits loop
+ N_C := Shift_Right (Tmp (K - Doff), 15);
+ Dividend (K) := Shift_Left (Tmp (K - Doff), 1) or C;
+ C := N_C;
+ end loop;
+ else
+ for K in Doff .. Nbr_Digits loop
+ N_C := Shift_Right (Dividend (K), 15);
+ Dividend (K) := Shift_Left (Dividend (K), 1) or C;
+ C := N_C;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ Res.S (I) := Q;
+ end loop;
+ Res.E := A.E - B.E + (A_F - B_F) - (Nbr_Digits - 1);
+ end Div;
+ procedure To_Float (Res : out Iir_Fp64; Ok : out Boolean; E : E_Num)
+ is
+ V : Iir_Fp64;
+ P : Iir_Fp64;
+ begin
+ Res := 0.0;
+ P := Iir_Fp64'Scaling (1.0, 16 * E.E);
+ for I in Digit_Range loop
+ V := Iir_Fp64 (E.S (I)) * P;
+ P := Iir_Fp64'Scaling (P, 16);
+ Res := Res + V;
+ end loop;
+ Ok := True;
+ end To_Float;
+ function To_E_Num (V : Uint16) return E_Num
+ is
+ Res : E_Num;
+ begin
+ Res.E := 0;
+ Res.S := (0 => V, others => 0);
+ return Res;
+ end To_E_Num;
+ -- Numbers of digits.
+ Scale : Integer;
+ Res : E_Num;
+ -- LRM 13.4.1
+ --
+ -- Update SCALE, RES.
+ -- The first character must be a digit.
+ procedure Scan_Integer
+ is
+ C : Character;
+ begin
+ C := Source (Pos);
+ loop
+ -- C is a digit.
+ Bmul (Res, Res, Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('0'), 10);
+ Scale := Scale + 1;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ C := Source (Pos);
+ if C = '_' then
+ loop
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ C := Source (Pos);
+ exit when C /= '_';
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("double underscore in number");
+ end loop;
+ if C not in '0' .. '9' then
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("underscore must be followed by a digit");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ exit when C not in '0' .. '9';
+ end loop;
+ end Scan_Integer;
+ C : Character;
+ D : Uint16;
+ Ok : Boolean;
+ Has_Dot : Boolean;
+ Exp : Integer;
+ Exp_Neg : Boolean;
+ Base : Uint16;
+ -- Start with a simple and fast conversion.
+ C := Source (Pos);
+ D := 0;
+ loop
+ D := D * 10 + Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('0');
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ C := Source (Pos);
+ if C = '_' then
+ loop
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ C := Source (Pos);
+ exit when C /= '_';
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("double underscore in number");
+ end loop;
+ if C not in '0' .. '9' then
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("underscore must be followed by a digit");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if C not in '0' .. '9' then
+ if C = '.' or else C = '#' or else (C = 'e' or C = 'E' or C = ':')
+ then
+ -- Continue scanning.
+ Res := To_E_Num (D);
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ -- Finished.
+ -- a universal integer.
+ Current_Token := Tok_Integer;
+ -- No possible overflow.
+ Current_Context.Int64 := Iir_Int64 (D);
+ return;
+ elsif D >= 6552 then
+ -- Number may be greather than the uint16 limit.
+ Scale := 0;
+ Res := To_E_Num (D);
+ Scan_Integer;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Has_Dot := False;
+ Base := 10;
+ C := Source (Pos);
+ if C = '.' then
+ -- Decimal integer.
+ Has_Dot := True;
+ Scale := 0;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ C := Source (Pos);
+ if C not in '0' .. '9' then
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("a dot must be followed by a digit");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Scan_Integer;
+ elsif C = '#'
+ or else (C = ':' and then (Source (Pos + 1) in '0' .. '9'
+ or else Source (Pos + 1) in 'a' .. 'f'
+ or else Source (Pos + 1) in 'A' .. 'F'))
+ then
+ -- LRM 13.10
+ -- The number sign (#) of a based literal can be replaced by colon (:),
+ -- provided that the replacement is done for both occurrences.
+ -- GHDL: correctly handle 'variable v : integer range 0 to 7:= 3'.
+ -- Is there any other places where a digit can be followed
+ -- by a colon ? (See IR 1093).
+ -- Based integer.
+ declare
+ Number_Sign : constant Character := C;
+ Res_Int : Iir_Int64;
+ begin
+ Fix (Res_Int, Ok, Res);
+ if not Ok or else Res_Int > 16 then
+ -- LRM 13.4.2
+ -- The base must be [...] at most sixteen.
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("base must be at most 16");
+ -- Fallback.
+ Base := 16;
+ elsif Res_Int < 2 then
+ -- LRM 13.4.2
+ -- The base must be at least two [...].
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("base must be at least 2");
+ -- Fallback.
+ Base := 2;
+ else
+ Base := Uint16 (Res_Int);
+ end if;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ Res := E_Zero;
+ C := Source (Pos);
+ loop
+ if C >= '0' and C <= '9' then
+ D := Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('0');
+ elsif C >= 'A' and C <= 'F' then
+ D := Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('A') + 10;
+ elsif C >= 'a' and C <= 'f' then
+ D := Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('a') + 10;
+ else
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("bad extended digit");
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ if D >= Base then
+ -- LRM 13.4.2
+ -- The conventional meaning of base notation is
+ -- assumed; in particular the value of each extended
+ -- digit of a based literal must be less then the base.
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("digit beyond base");
+ D := 1;
+ end if;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ Bmul (Res, Res, D, Base);
+ Scale := Scale + 1;
+ C := Source (Pos);
+ if C = '_' then
+ loop
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ C := Source (Pos);
+ exit when C /= '_';
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("double underscore in based integer");
+ end loop;
+ elsif C = '.' then
+ if Has_Dot then
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("double dot ignored");
+ else
+ Has_Dot := True;
+ Scale := 0;
+ end if;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ C := Source (Pos);
+ elsif C = Number_Sign then
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ exit;
+ elsif C = '#' or C = ':' then
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("bad number sign replacement character");
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ C := Source (Pos);
+ Exp := 0;
+ if C = 'E' or else C = 'e' then
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ C := Source (Pos);
+ Exp_Neg := False;
+ if C = '+' then
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ C := Source (Pos);
+ elsif C = '-' then
+ if Has_Dot then
+ Exp_Neg := True;
+ else
+ -- LRM 13.4.1
+ -- An exponent for an integer literal must not have a minus sign.
+ --
+ -- LRM 13.4.2
+ -- An exponent for a based integer literal must not have a minus
+ -- sign.
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("negative exponent not allowed for integer literal");
+ end if;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ C := Source (Pos);
+ end if;
+ if C not in '0' .. '9' then
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("digit expected after exponent");
+ else
+ loop
+ -- C is a digit.
+ Exp := Exp * 10 + (Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('0'));
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ C := Source (Pos);
+ if C = '_' then
+ loop
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ C := Source (Pos);
+ exit when C /= '_';
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("double underscore not allowed in integer");
+ end loop;
+ if C not in '0' .. '9' then
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("digit expected after underscore");
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ elsif C not in '0' .. '9' then
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ if Exp_Neg then
+ Exp := -Exp;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Has_Dot then
+ Scale := Scale - Exp;
+ else
+ Scale := -Exp;
+ end if;
+ if Scale /= 0 then
+ declare
+ Scale_Neg : Boolean;
+ Val_Exp : E_Num;
+ Val_Pow : E_Num;
+ begin
+ if Scale > 0 then
+ Scale_Neg := True;
+ else
+ Scale_Neg := False;
+ Scale := -Scale;
+ end if;
+ Val_Pow := To_E_Num (Base);
+ Val_Exp := E_One;
+ while Scale /= 0 loop
+ if Scale mod 2 = 1 then
+ Mul (Val_Exp, Val_Exp, Val_Pow);
+ end if;
+ Scale := Scale / 2;
+ Mul (Val_Pow, Val_Pow, Val_Pow);
+ end loop;
+ if Scale_Neg then
+ Div (Res, Res, Val_Exp);
+ else
+ Mul (Res, Res, Val_Exp);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ if Has_Dot then
+ -- a universal real.
+ Current_Token := Tok_Real;
+ -- Set to a valid literal, in case of constraint error.
+ To_Float (Current_Context.Fp64, Ok, Res);
+ if not Ok then
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("literal beyond real bounds");
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- a universal integer.
+ Current_Token := Tok_Integer;
+ -- Set to a valid literal, in case of constraint error.
+ Fix (Current_Context.Int64, Ok, Res);
+ if not Ok then
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("literal beyond integer bounds");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when Constraint_Error =>
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("literal overflow");
+end Scan_Literal;
diff --git a/scan.adb b/scan.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9dddf2ec1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scan.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1175 @@
+-- VHDL lexical scanner.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Characters.Latin_1; use Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
+with Ada.Characters.Handling;
+with Tokens; use Tokens;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Name_Table;
+with Files_Map; use Files_Map;
+with Std_Names;
+with Str_Table;
+with Flags; use Flags;
+package body Scan is
+ -- This classification is a simplification of the categories of LRM93 13.1
+ -- LRM93 13.1
+ -- The only characters allowed in the text of a VHDL description are the
+ -- graphic characters and format effector.
+ type Character_Kind_Type is
+ (
+ -- Neither a format effector nor a graphic character.
+ Invalid,
+ Format_Effector,
+ Upper_Case_Letter,
+ Digit,
+ Special_Character,
+ Space_Character,
+ Lower_Case_Letter,
+ Other_Special_Character);
+ -- LRM93 13.1
+ --subtype Basic_Graphic_Character is
+ -- Character_Kind_Type range Upper_Case_Letter .. Space_Character;
+ -- LRM93 13.1
+ -- Note: There is 191 graphic character.
+ subtype Graphic_Character is
+ Character_Kind_Type range Upper_Case_Letter .. Other_Special_Character;
+ -- LRM93 13.1
+ -- The characters included in each of the categories of basic graphic
+ -- characters are defined as follows:
+ type Character_Array is array (Character) of Character_Kind_Type;
+ Characters_Kind : constant Character_Array :=
+ (NUL .. BS => Invalid,
+ -- Format effectors are the ISO (and ASCII) characters called horizontal
+ -- tabulation, vertical tabulation, carriage return, line feed, and form
+ -- feed.
+ HT | LF | VT | FF | CR => Format_Effector,
+ SO .. US => Invalid,
+ -- 1. upper case letters
+ 'A' .. 'Z' | UC_A_Grave .. UC_O_Diaeresis |
+ UC_O_Oblique_Stroke .. UC_Icelandic_Thorn => Upper_Case_Letter,
+ -- 2. digits
+ '0' .. '9' => Digit,
+ -- 3. special characters
+ Quotation | '#' | '&' | ''' | '(' | ')' | '+' | ',' | '-' | '.' | '/' |
+ ':' | ';' | '<' | '=' | '>' | '_' | '|' | '*' => Special_Character,
+ -- 4. the space characters
+ ' ' | No_Break_Space => Space_Character,
+ -- 5. lower case letters
+ 'a' .. 'z' | LC_German_Sharp_S .. LC_O_Diaeresis |
+ LC_O_Oblique_Stroke .. LC_Y_Diaeresis => Lower_Case_Letter,
+ -- 6. other special characters
+ '!' | '$' | '%' | '@' | '?' | '[' | '\' | ']' | '^' | '{' | '}' | '~' |
+ '`' | Inverted_Exclamation .. Inverted_Question | Multiplication_Sign |
+ Division_Sign => Other_Special_Character,
+ DEL .. APC => Invalid);
+ -- The context contains the whole internal state of the scanner, ie
+ -- it can be used to push/pop a lexical analysis, to restart the
+ -- scanner from a context marking a previous point.
+ type Scan_Context is record
+ Source: File_Buffer_Acc;
+ Source_File: Source_File_Entry;
+ Line_Number: Natural;
+ Line_Pos: Source_Ptr;
+ Pos: Source_Ptr;
+ Token_Pos: Source_Ptr;
+ File_Len: Source_Ptr;
+ File_Name: Name_Id;
+ Token: Token_Type;
+ Prev_Token: Token_Type;
+ Str_Id : String_Id;
+ Str_Len : Nat32;
+ Identifier: Name_Id;
+ Int64: Iir_Int64;
+ Fp64: Iir_Fp64;
+ end record;
+ -- The current context.
+ -- Default value is an invalid context.
+ Current_Context: Scan_Context := (Source => null,
+ Source_File => No_Source_File_Entry,
+ Line_Number => 0,
+ Line_Pos => 0,
+ Pos => 0,
+ Token_Pos => 0,
+ File_Len => 0,
+ File_Name => Null_Identifier,
+ Token => Tok_Invalid,
+ Prev_Token => Tok_Invalid,
+ Identifier => Null_Identifier,
+ Str_Id => Null_String,
+ Str_Len => 0,
+ Int64 => 0,
+ Fp64 => 0.0);
+ Source: File_Buffer_Acc renames Current_Context.Source;
+ Pos: Source_Ptr renames Current_Context.Pos;
+ -- When CURRENT_TOKEN is an identifier, its name_id is stored into
+ -- this global variable.
+ -- Function current_text can be used to convert it into an iir.
+ function Current_Identifier return Name_Id is
+ begin
+ return Current_Context.Identifier;
+ end Current_Identifier;
+ procedure Invalidate_Current_Identifier is
+ begin
+ Current_Context.Identifier := Null_Identifier;
+ end Invalidate_Current_Identifier;
+ procedure Invalidate_Current_Token is
+ begin
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Invalid then
+ Current_Context.Prev_Token := Current_Token;
+ Current_Token := Tok_Invalid;
+ end if;
+ end Invalidate_Current_Token;
+ function Current_String_Id return String_Id is
+ begin
+ return Current_Context.Str_Id;
+ end Current_String_Id;
+ function Current_String_Length return Nat32 is
+ begin
+ return Current_Context.Str_Len;
+ end Current_String_Length;
+ function Current_Iir_Int64 return Iir_Int64 is
+ begin
+ return Current_Context.Int64;
+ end Current_Iir_Int64;
+ function Current_Iir_Fp64 return Iir_Fp64 is
+ begin
+ return Current_Context.Fp64;
+ end Current_Iir_Fp64;
+ function Get_Current_File return Name_Id is
+ begin
+ return Current_Context.File_Name;
+ end Get_Current_File;
+ function Get_Current_Source_File return Source_File_Entry is
+ begin
+ return Current_Context.Source_File;
+ end Get_Current_Source_File;
+ function Get_Current_Line return Natural is
+ begin
+ return Current_Context.Line_Number;
+ end Get_Current_Line;
+ function Get_Current_Column return Natural
+ is
+ Col : Natural;
+ Name : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Coord_To_Position
+ (Current_Context.Source_File,
+ Current_Context.Line_Pos,
+ Integer (Current_Context.Pos - Current_Context.Line_Pos),
+ Name, Col);
+ return Col;
+ end Get_Current_Column;
+ function Get_Token_Column return Natural
+ is
+ Col : Natural;
+ Name : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Coord_To_Position
+ (Current_Context.Source_File,
+ Current_Context.Line_Pos,
+ Integer (Current_Context.Token_Pos - Current_Context.Line_Pos),
+ Name, Col);
+ return Col;
+ end Get_Token_Column;
+ function Get_Token_Position return Source_Ptr is
+ begin
+ return Current_Context.Token_Pos;
+ end Get_Token_Position;
+ function Get_Position return Source_Ptr is
+ begin
+ return Current_Context.Pos;
+ end Get_Position;
+ procedure Set_File (Source_File : Source_File_Entry)
+ is
+ N_Source: File_Buffer_Acc;
+ begin
+ if Current_Context.Source /= null then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Source_File = No_Source_File_Entry then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ N_Source := Get_File_Source (Source_File);
+ Current_Context :=
+ (Source => N_Source,
+ Source_File => Source_File,
+ Line_Number => 1,
+ Line_Pos => 0,
+ Pos => N_Source'First,
+ Token_Pos => 0, -- should be invalid,
+ File_Len => Get_File_Length (Source_File),
+ File_Name => Get_File_Name (Source_File),
+ Token => Tok_Invalid,
+ Prev_Token => Tok_Invalid,
+ Identifier => Null_Identifier,
+ Str_Id => Null_String,
+ Str_Len => 0,
+ Int64 => -1,
+ Fp64 => 0.0);
+ Current_Token := Tok_Invalid;
+ end Set_File;
+ procedure Set_Current_Position (Position: Source_Ptr)
+ is
+ Loc : Location_Type;
+ Offset: Natural;
+ File_Entry : Source_File_Entry;
+ begin
+ if Current_Context.Source = null then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Current_Token := Tok_Invalid;
+ Current_Context.Pos := Position;
+ Loc := File_Pos_To_Location (Current_Context.Source_File,
+ Current_Context.Pos);
+ Location_To_Coord (Loc,
+ File_Entry, Current_Context.Line_Pos,
+ Current_Context.Line_Number, Offset);
+ end Set_Current_Position;
+ procedure Close_File is
+ begin
+ Current_Context.Source := null;
+ end Close_File;
+ -- Emit an error when a character above 128 was found.
+ -- This must be called only in vhdl87.
+ procedure Error_8bit is
+ begin
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("8 bits characters not allowed in vhdl87");
+ end Error_8bit;
+ -- Emit an error when a separator is expected.
+ procedure Error_Separator is
+ begin
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("a separator is required here");
+ end Error_Separator;
+ -- scan a decimal literal or a based literal.
+ --
+ -- LRM93 13.4.1
+ --
+ -- LRM93 13.4.2
+ procedure Scan_Literal is separate;
+ -- Scan a string literal.
+ --
+ -- LRM93 13.6
+ -- A string literal is formed by a sequence of graphic characters
+ -- (possibly none) enclosed between two quotation marks used as string
+ -- brackets.
+ --
+ -- IN: for a string, at the call of this procedure, the current character
+ -- must be either '"' or '%'.
+ procedure Scan_String
+ is
+ -- The quotation character (can be " or %).
+ Mark: Character;
+ -- Current character.
+ C : Character;
+ -- Current length.
+ Length : Nat32;
+ begin
+ Mark := Source (Pos);
+ if Mark /= Quotation and then Mark /= '%' then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ Length := 0;
+ Current_Context.Str_Id := Str_Table.Start;
+ loop
+ C := Source (Pos);
+ if C = Mark then
+ -- LRM93 13.6
+ -- If a quotation mark value is to be represented in the sequence
+ -- of character values, then a pair of adjacent quoatation
+ -- characters marks must be written at the corresponding place
+ -- within the string literal.
+ -- LRM93 13.10
+ -- Any pourcent sign within the sequence of characters must then
+ -- be doubled, and each such doubled percent sign is interpreted
+ -- as a single percent sign value.
+ -- The same replacement is allowed for a bit string literal,
+ -- provieded that both bit string brackets are replaced.
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ exit when Source (Pos) /= Mark;
+ end if;
+ case Characters_Kind (C) is
+ when Format_Effector =>
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("format effector not allowed in a string");
+ exit;
+ when Invalid =>
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("invalid character not allowed, even in a string");
+ when Graphic_Character =>
+ if Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 and then C > Character'Val (127) then
+ Error_8bit;
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ if C = Quotation and Mark = '%' then
+ -- LRM93 13.10
+ -- The quotation marks (") used as string brackets at both ends of
+ -- a string literal can be replaced by percent signs (%), provided
+ -- that the enclosed sequence of characters constains no quotation
+ -- marks, and provided that both string brackets are replaced.
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("'""' cannot be used in a string delimited with '%'");
+ end if;
+ Length := Length + 1;
+ Str_Table.Append (C);
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end loop;
+ Str_Table.Finish;
+ Current_Token := Tok_String;
+ Current_Context.Str_Len := Length;
+ end Scan_String;
+ -- Scan a bit string literal.
+ --
+ -- LRM93 13.7
+ -- A bit string literal is formed by a sequence of extended digits
+ -- (possibly none) enclosed between two quotations used as bit string
+ -- brackets, preceded by a base specifier.
+ --
+ -- The current character must be a base specifier, followed by '"' or '%'.
+ -- The base must be valid.
+ procedure Scan_Bit_String
+ is
+ -- The base specifier.
+ Base_Len : Nat32 range 1 .. 4;
+ -- The quotation character (can be " or %).
+ Mark: Character;
+ -- Current character.
+ C : Character;
+ -- Current length.
+ Length : Nat32;
+ -- Digit value.
+ V : Natural;
+ begin
+ case Source (Pos) is
+ when 'x' | 'X' =>
+ Base_Len := 4;
+ when 'o' | 'O' =>
+ Base_Len := 3;
+ when 'b' | 'B' =>
+ Base_Len := 1;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ Mark := Source (Pos);
+ if Mark /= Quotation and then Mark /= '%' then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ Length := 0;
+ Current_Context.Str_Id := Str_Table.Start;
+ loop
+ << Again >> null;
+ C := Source (Pos);
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ exit when C = Mark;
+ -- LRM93 13.7
+ -- If the base specifier is 'B', the extended digits in the bit
+ -- value are restricted to 0 and 1.
+ -- If the base specifier is 'O', the extended digits int the bit
+ -- value are restricted to legal digits in the octal number
+ -- system, ie, the digits 0 through 7.
+ -- If the base specifier is 'X', the extended digits are all digits
+ -- together with the letters A through F.
+ case C is
+ when '0' .. '9' =>
+ V := Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('0');
+ when 'A' .. 'F' =>
+ V := Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('A') + 10;
+ when 'a' .. 'f' =>
+ V := Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('a') + 10;
+ when '_' =>
+ if Source (Pos) = '_' then
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("double underscore not allowed in a bit string");
+ end if;
+ if Source (Pos - 2) = Mark then
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("underscore not allowed at the start of a bit string");
+ elsif Source (Pos) = Mark then
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("underscore not allowed at the end of a bit string");
+ end if;
+ goto Again;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("character '" & C & "' not allowed in a bit string");
+ goto Again;
+ end case;
+ case Base_Len is
+ when 1 =>
+ if V > 1 then
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("invalid character in a binary bit string");
+ end if;
+ Str_Table.Append (C);
+ when 2 =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when 3 =>
+ if V > 7 then
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("invalid character in a octal bit string");
+ end if;
+ for I in 1 .. 3 loop
+ if (V / 4) = 1 then
+ Str_Table.Append ('1');
+ else
+ Str_Table.Append ('0');
+ end if;
+ V := (V mod 4) * 2;
+ end loop;
+ when 4 =>
+ for I in 1 .. 4 loop
+ if (V / 8) = 1 then
+ Str_Table.Append ('1');
+ else
+ Str_Table.Append ('0');
+ end if;
+ V := (V mod 8) * 2;
+ end loop;
+ end case;
+ Length := Length + Base_Len;
+ end loop;
+ Str_Table.Finish;
+ if Length = 0 then
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("empty bit string is not allowed");
+ end if;
+ Current_Token := Tok_Bit_String;
+ Current_Context.Int64 := Iir_Int64 (Base_Len);
+ Current_Context.Str_Len := Length;
+ end Scan_Bit_String;
+ -- LRM93 13.3.1
+ -- Basic Identifiers
+ -- A basic identifier consists only of letters, digits, and underlines.
+ --
+ -- NB: At the call of this procedure, the current character must be a legal
+ -- character for a basic identifier.
+ procedure Scan_Identifier
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ C : Character;
+ Len : Natural;
+ begin
+ -- This is an identifier or a key word.
+ Len := 0;
+ loop
+ -- source (pos) is correct.
+ -- LRM93 13.3.1
+ -- All characters if a basic identifier are signifiant, including
+ -- any underline character inserted between a letter or digit and
+ -- an adjacent letter or digit.
+ -- Basic identifiers differing only in the use of the corresponding
+ -- upper and lower case letters are considered as the same.
+ -- This is achieved by converting all upper case letters into
+ -- equivalent lower case letters.
+ -- The opposite (converting in lower case letters) is not possible,
+ -- because two characters have no upper-case equivalent.
+ C := Source (Pos);
+ case Characters_Kind (C) is
+ when Upper_Case_Letter =>
+ if Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 and C > 'Z' then
+ Error_8bit;
+ end if;
+ Len := Len + 1;
+ Name_Buffer (Len) := Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Lower (C);
+ when Lower_Case_Letter | Digit =>
+ if Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 and C > 'z' then
+ Error_8bit;
+ end if;
+ Len := Len + 1;
+ Name_Buffer (Len) := C;
+ when Special_Character =>
+ -- The current character is legal in an identifier.
+ if C = '_' then
+ if Source (Pos + 1) = '_' then
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("two underscores can't be consecutive");
+ end if;
+ Len := Len + 1;
+ Name_Buffer (Len) := C;
+ else
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ exit;
+ end case;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end loop;
+ -- LRM93 13.2
+ -- At least one separator is required between an identifier or an
+ -- abstract literal and an adjacent identifier or abstract literal.
+ case Characters_Kind (C) is
+ when Digit
+ | Upper_Case_Letter
+ | Lower_Case_Letter =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Other_Special_Character =>
+ if Vhdl_Std /= Vhdl_87 and then C = '\' then
+ Error_Separator;
+ end if;
+ when Invalid
+ | Format_Effector
+ | Space_Character
+ | Special_Character =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Name_Length := Len;
+ -- Hash it.
+ Current_Context.Identifier := Name_Table.Get_Identifier;
+ if Current_Identifier in Std_Names.Name_Id_Keywords then
+ -- LRM93 13.9
+ -- The identifiers listed below are called reserved words and are
+ -- reserved for signifiances in the language.
+ -- IN: this is also achieved in packages std_names and tokens.
+ if Current_Identifier > Std_Names.Name_Last_Vhdl87
+ and then Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87
+ then
+ if Flags.Warn_Reserved_Word then
+ Warning_Msg_Scan
+ ("using """ & Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length)
+ & """ vhdl93 reserved word as a vhdl87 identifier");
+ Warning_Msg_Scan
+ ("(use option --std=93 to compile as vhdl93)");
+ end if;
+ Current_Token := Tok_Identifier;
+ elsif Current_Identifier > Std_Names.Name_Last_Vhdl93
+ and then Vhdl_Std < Vhdl_00
+ then
+ if Flags.Warn_Reserved_Word then
+ Warning_Msg_Scan
+ ("using """ & Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length)
+ & """ vhdl00 reserved word as an identifier");
+ end if;
+ Current_Token := Tok_Identifier;
+ else
+ Current_Token := Token_Type'Val
+ (Token_Type'Pos (Tok_First_Keyword)
+ + Current_Identifier - Std_Names.Name_First_Keyword);
+ end if;
+ else
+ Current_Token := Tok_Identifier;
+ end if;
+ end Scan_Identifier;
+ -- LRM93 13.3.2
+ --
+ -- Create an (extended) indentifier.
+ -- Extended identifiers are stored as they appear (leading and tailing
+ -- backslashes, doubling backslashes inside).
+ procedure Scan_Extended_Identifier
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ begin
+ -- LRM93 13.3.2
+ -- Moreover, every extended identifiers is distinct from any basic
+ -- identifier.
+ -- This is satisfied by storing '\' in the name table.
+ Name_Length := 1;
+ Name_Buffer (1) := '\';
+ loop
+ -- Next character.
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ if Source (Pos) = '\' then
+ -- LRM93 13.3.2
+ -- If a backslash is to be used as one of the graphic characters
+ -- of an extended literal, it must be doubled.
+ -- LRM93 13.3.2
+ -- (a doubled backslash couting as one character)
+ Name_Length := Name_Length + 1;
+ Name_Buffer (Name_Length) := '\';
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ exit when Source (Pos) /= '\';
+ end if;
+ -- source (pos) is correct.
+ case Characters_Kind (Source (Pos)) is
+ when Format_Effector =>
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("format effector in extended identifier");
+ exit;
+ when Graphic_Character =>
+ null;
+ when Invalid =>
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("invalid character in extended identifier");
+ end case;
+ Name_Length := Name_Length + 1;
+ -- LRM93 13.3.2
+ -- Extended identifiers differing only in the use of corresponding
+ -- upper and lower case letters are distinct.
+ Name_Buffer (Name_Length) := Source (Pos);
+ end loop;
+ if Name_Length <= 2 then
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("empty extended identifier is not allowed");
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93 13.2
+ -- At least one separator is required between an identifier or an
+ -- abstract literal and an adjacent identifier or abstract literal.
+ case Characters_Kind (Source (Pos)) is
+ when Digit
+ | Upper_Case_Letter
+ | Lower_Case_Letter =>
+ Error_Separator;
+ when Invalid
+ | Format_Effector
+ | Space_Character
+ | Special_Character
+ | Other_Special_Character =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ -- Hash it.
+ Current_Context.Identifier := Name_Table.Get_Identifier;
+ Current_Token := Tok_Identifier;
+ end Scan_Extended_Identifier;
+ procedure Convert_Identifier
+ is
+ procedure Error_Bad is
+ begin
+ Error_Msg_Option ("bad character in identifier");
+ end Error_Bad;
+ procedure Error_8bit is
+ begin
+ Error_Msg_Option ("8 bits characters not allowed in vhdl87");
+ end Error_8bit;
+ use Name_Table;
+ C : Character;
+ begin
+ if Name_Length = 0 then
+ Error_Msg_Option ("identifier required");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Name_Buffer (1) = '\' then
+ -- Extended identifier.
+ if Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Option ("extended identifiers not allowed in vhdl87");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Name_Length < 3 then
+ Error_Msg_Option ("extended identifier is too short");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Name_Buffer (Name_Length) /= '\' then
+ Error_Msg_Option ("extended identifier must finish with a '\'");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ for I in 2 .. Name_Length - 1 loop
+ C := Name_Buffer (I);
+ case Characters_Kind (C) is
+ when Format_Effector =>
+ Error_Msg_Option ("format effector in extended identifier");
+ return;
+ when Graphic_Character =>
+ if C = '\' then
+ if Name_Buffer (I + 1) /= '\'
+ or else I = Name_Length - 1
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Option ("anti-slash must be doubled "
+ & "in extended identifier");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when Invalid =>
+ Error_Bad;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ else
+ -- Identifier
+ for I in 1 .. Name_Length loop
+ C := Name_Buffer (I);
+ case Characters_Kind (C) is
+ when Upper_Case_Letter =>
+ if Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 and C > 'Z' then
+ Error_8bit;
+ end if;
+ Name_Buffer (I) := Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Lower (C);
+ when Lower_Case_Letter | Digit =>
+ if Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 and C > 'z' then
+ Error_8bit;
+ end if;
+ when Special_Character =>
+ -- The current character is legal in an identifier.
+ if C = '_' then
+ if I = 1 then
+ Error_Msg_Option
+ ("identifier cannot start with an underscore");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Name_Buffer (I - 1) = '_' then
+ Error_Msg_Option
+ ("two underscores can't be consecutive");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if I = Name_Length then
+ Error_Msg_Option
+ ("identifier cannot finish with an underscore");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Error_Bad;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Bad;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end Convert_Identifier;
+ -- Get a new token.
+ procedure Scan is
+ begin
+ if Current_Token /= Tok_Invalid then
+ Current_Context.Prev_Token := Current_Token;
+ end if;
+ << Again >> null;
+ -- Skip commonly used separators.
+ while Source(Pos) = ' ' or Source(Pos) = HT loop
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end loop;
+ Current_Context.Token_Pos := Pos;
+ Current_Context.Identifier := Null_Identifier;
+ case Source (Pos) is
+ when HT | ' ' =>
+ -- Must have already been skipped just above.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when NBSP =>
+ if Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("NBSP character not allowed in vhdl87");
+ end if;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ goto Again;
+ when VT | FF =>
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ goto Again;
+ when LF | CR =>
+ -- Accept CR, LF, CR+LF or LF+CR as line separator.
+ if (Source (Pos) = LF and then Source (Pos + 1) = CR)
+ or else (Source (Pos) = CR and then Source (Pos + 1) = LF)
+ then
+ Pos := Pos + 2;
+ else
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end if;
+ Current_Context.Line_Number := Current_Context.Line_Number + 1;
+ Current_Context.Line_Pos := Pos;
+ File_Add_Line_Number
+ (Current_Context.Source_File, Current_Context.Line_Number, Pos);
+ if Flag_Newline then
+ Current_Token := Tok_Newline;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ goto Again;
+ when '-' =>
+ if Source (Pos + 1) = '-' then
+ -- This is a comment.
+ -- LRM93 13.8
+ -- A comment starts with two adjacent hyphens and extends up
+ -- to the end of the line.
+ -- A comment can appear on any line line of a VHDL
+ -- description.
+ -- The presence or absence of comments has no influence on
+ -- wether a description is legal or illegal.
+ -- Futhermore, comments do not influence the execution of a
+ -- simulation module; their sole purpose is the enlightenment
+ -- of the human reader.
+ -- GHDL note: As a consequence, an obfruscating comment
+ -- is out of purpose, and a warning could be reported :-)
+ Pos := Pos + 2;
+ -- LRM93 13.2
+ -- In any case, a sequence of one or more format effectors other
+ -- than horizontal tabulation must cause at least one end of
+ -- line.
+ while Source (Pos) /= CR and Source (Pos) /= LF and
+ Source (Pos) /= VT and Source (Pos) /= FF and
+ Source (Pos) /= Files_Map.EOT
+ loop
+ if not Flags.Mb_Comment
+ and then Characters_Kind (Source (Pos)) = Invalid
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("invalid character, even in a comment");
+ end if;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end loop;
+ if Flag_Comment then
+ Current_Token := Tok_Comment;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ goto Again;
+ else
+ Current_Token := Tok_Minus;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when '+' =>
+ Current_Token := Tok_Plus;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ return;
+ when '*' =>
+ if Source (Pos + 1) = '*' then
+ Current_Token := Tok_Double_Star;
+ Pos := Pos + 2;
+ else
+ Current_Token := Tok_Star;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when '/' =>
+ if Source (Pos + 1) = '=' then
+ Current_Token := Tok_Not_Equal;
+ Pos := Pos + 2;
+ else
+ Current_Token := Tok_Slash;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when '(' =>
+ Current_Token := Tok_Left_Paren;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ return;
+ when ')' =>
+ Current_Token := Tok_Right_Paren;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ return;
+ when '|' | '!' =>
+ -- LRM93 13.10
+ -- A vertical line (|) can be replaced by an exclamation mark (!)
+ -- where used as a delimiter.
+ Current_Token := Tok_Bar;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ return;
+ when ':' =>
+ if Source (Pos + 1) = '=' then
+ Current_Token := Tok_Assign;
+ Pos := Pos + 2;
+ else
+ Current_Token := Tok_Colon;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when ';' =>
+ Current_Token := Tok_Semi_Colon;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ return;
+ when ',' =>
+ Current_Token := Tok_Comma;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ return;
+ when '.' =>
+ if Source (Pos + 1) = '.' then
+ -- Be Ada friendly...
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("'..' is invalid in vhdl, replaced by 'to'");
+ Current_Token := Tok_To;
+ Pos := Pos + 2;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Current_Token := Tok_Dot;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ return;
+ when '&' =>
+ Current_Token := Tok_Ampersand;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ return;
+ when '<' =>
+ if Source (Pos + 1) = '=' then
+ Current_Token := Tok_Less_Equal;
+ Pos := Pos + 2;
+ elsif Source (Pos + 1) = '>' then
+ Current_Token := Tok_Box;
+ Pos := Pos + 2;
+ else
+ Current_Token := Tok_Less;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when '>' =>
+ if Source (Pos + 1) = '=' then
+ Current_Token := Tok_Greater_Equal;
+ Pos := Pos + 2;
+ else
+ Current_Token := Tok_Greater;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when '=' =>
+ if Source (Pos + 1) = '>' then
+ Current_Token := Tok_Arrow;
+ Pos := Pos + 2;
+ else
+ Current_Token := Tok_Equal;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when ''' =>
+ -- Handle cases such as character'('a')
+ -- FIXME: what about f ()'length ? or .all'length
+ if Current_Context.Prev_Token /= Tok_Identifier
+ and then Current_Context.Prev_Token /= Tok_Character
+ and then Source (Pos + 2) = '''
+ then
+ -- LRM93 13.5
+ -- A character literal is formed by enclosing one of the 191
+ -- graphic character (...) between two apostrophe characters.
+ if Characters_Kind (Source (Pos + 1)) not in Graphic_Character
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("a character literal can only be a graphic character");
+ elsif Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87
+ and then Source (Pos + 1) > Character'Val (127)
+ then
+ Error_8bit;
+ end if;
+ Current_Token := Tok_Character;
+ Current_Context.Identifier :=
+ Name_Table.Get_Identifier (Source (Pos + 1));
+ Pos := Pos + 3;
+ return;
+ else
+ Current_Token := Tok_Tick;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when '0' .. '9' =>
+ Scan_Literal;
+ -- LRM 13.2
+ -- At least one separator is required between an identifier or
+ -- an abstract literal and an adjacent identifier or abstract
+ -- literal.
+ case Characters_Kind (Source (Pos)) is
+ when Digit =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Upper_Case_Letter
+ | Lower_Case_Letter =>
+ -- Could call Error_Separator, but use a clearer message
+ -- for this common case.
+ -- Note: the term "unit name" is not correct here, since it
+ -- can be any identifier or even a keyword; however it is
+ -- probably the most common case (eg 10ns).
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("space is required between number and unit name");
+ when Other_Special_Character =>
+ if Vhdl_Std /= Vhdl_87 and then Source (Pos) = '\' then
+ Error_Separator;
+ end if;
+ when Invalid
+ | Format_Effector
+ | Space_Character
+ | Special_Character =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ return;
+ when '#' =>
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("'#' is used for based literals and "
+ & "must be preceded by a base");
+ -- Cannot easily continue.
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ when Quotation | '%' =>
+ Scan_String;
+ return;
+ when '[' =>
+ if Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("'[' is an invalid character in vhdl87, replaced by '('");
+ Current_Token := Tok_Left_Paren;
+ else
+ Current_Token := Tok_Left_Bracket;
+ end if;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ return;
+ when ']' =>
+ if Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("']' is an invalid character in vhdl87, replaced by ')'");
+ Current_Token := Tok_Right_Paren;
+ else
+ Current_Token := Tok_Right_Bracket;
+ end if;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ return;
+ when '{' =>
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("'{' is an invalid character, replaced by '('");
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ Current_Token := Tok_Left_Paren;
+ return;
+ when '}' =>
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("'}' is an invalid character, replaced by ')'");
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ Current_Token := Tok_Right_Paren;
+ return;
+ when '\' =>
+ if Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("extended identifiers are not allowed in vhdl87");
+ end if;
+ Scan_Extended_Identifier;
+ return;
+ when '^' =>
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("'^' is not a VHDL operator, use 'xor'");
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ Current_Token := Tok_Xor;
+ return;
+ when '~' =>
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("'~' is not a VHDL operator, use 'not'");
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ Current_Token := Tok_Not;
+ return;
+ when '$' | '@' | '?' | '`'
+ | Inverted_Exclamation .. Inverted_Question
+ | Multiplication_Sign | Division_Sign =>
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("character """ & Source (Pos)
+ & """ can only be used in strings or comments");
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ goto Again;
+ when '_' =>
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("an identifier can't start with '_'");
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ goto Again;
+ when 'B' | 'b' | 'O' | 'o' | 'X' | 'x' =>
+ if Source (Pos + 1) = Quotation or else Source (Pos + 1) = '%' then
+ -- LRM93 13.7
+ -- BASE_SPECIFIER ::= B | O | X
+ -- A letter in a bit string literal (either an extended digit or
+ -- the base specifier) can be written either in lower case or
+ -- in upper case, with the same meaning.
+ Scan_Bit_String;
+ else
+ Scan_Identifier;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when 'A' | 'C' .. 'N' | 'P' .. 'W' | 'Y'| 'Z'
+ | 'a' | 'c' .. 'n' | 'p' .. 'w' | 'y'| 'z' =>
+ Scan_Identifier;
+ return;
+ when UC_A_Grave .. UC_O_Diaeresis
+ | UC_O_Oblique_Stroke .. UC_Icelandic_Thorn =>
+ if Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("upper case letters above 128 are not allowed in vhdl87");
+ end if;
+ Scan_Identifier;
+ return;
+ when LC_German_Sharp_S .. LC_O_Diaeresis
+ | LC_O_Oblique_Stroke .. LC_Y_Diaeresis =>
+ if Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("lower case letters above 128 are not allowed in vhdl87");
+ end if;
+ Scan_Identifier;
+ return;
+ when NUL .. ETX | ENQ .. BS | SO .. US | DEL .. APC =>
+ Error_Msg_Scan
+ ("control character that is not CR, LF, FF, HT or VT " &
+ "is not allowed");
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ goto Again;
+ when Files_Map.EOT =>
+ if Pos >= Current_Context.File_Len then
+ -- FIXME: should conditionnaly emit a warning if the file
+ -- is not terminated by an end of line.
+ Current_Token := Tok_Eof;
+ else
+ Error_Msg_Scan ("EOT is not allowed inside the file");
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ goto Again;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end Scan;
+ function Get_Token_Location return Location_Type is
+ begin
+ return File_Pos_To_Location
+ (Current_Context.Source_File, Current_Context.Token_Pos);
+ end Get_Token_Location;
+end Scan;
diff --git a/scan.ads b/scan.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..28100aa0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scan.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+-- VHDL lexical scanner.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Types; use Types;
+with Tokens; use Tokens;
+package Scan is
+ -- Global variables
+ -- The token that was just scanned.
+ -- When the token was eaten, you can call invalidate_current_token to
+ -- set it to tok_invalid.
+ -- Current_token should not be written outside of scan package.
+ -- It can be replaced by a function call.
+ Current_Token: Token_Type := Tok_Invalid;
+ -- Simply set current_token to tok_invalid.
+ procedure Invalidate_Current_Token;
+ pragma Inline (Invalidate_Current_Token);
+ -- When CURRENT_TOKEN is an tok_identifier, tok_char or tok_string,
+ -- its name_id can be got via this function.
+ function Current_Identifier return Name_Id;
+ pragma Inline (Current_Identifier);
+ -- Get current string identifier and length.
+ function Current_String_Id return String_Id;
+ function Current_String_Length return Nat32;
+ pragma Inline (Current_String_Id);
+ pragma Inline (Current_String_Length);
+ -- Set Current_identifier to null_identifier.
+ -- Can be used to catch bugs.
+ procedure Invalidate_Current_Identifier;
+ pragma Inline (Invalidate_Current_Identifier);
+ -- When CURRENT_TOKEN is tok_integer, returns the value.
+ -- When CURRENT_TOKEN is tok_bit_string, returns the base.
+ function Current_Iir_Int64 return Iir_Int64;
+ pragma Inline (Current_Iir_Int64);
+ -- When CURRENT_TOKEN is tok_real, it returns the value.
+ function Current_Iir_Fp64 return Iir_Fp64;
+ pragma Inline (Current_Iir_Fp64);
+ -- Advances the lexical analyser. Put a new token into current_token.
+ procedure Scan;
+ -- Initialize the scanner with file SOURCE_FILE.
+ procedure Set_File (Source_File : Source_File_Entry);
+ procedure Set_Current_Position (Position: Source_Ptr);
+ -- Finalize the scanner.
+ procedure Close_File;
+ -- If true, comments are reported as a token.
+ Flag_Comment : Boolean := False;
+ -- If true, newlines are reported as a token.
+ Flag_Newline : Boolean := False;
+ -- Get the current location, or the location of the current token.
+ -- Since a token cannot spread over lines, file and line of the current
+ -- token are the same as those of the current position.
+ function Get_Current_File return Name_Id;
+ function Get_Current_Source_File return Source_File_Entry;
+ function Get_Current_Line return Natural;
+ function Get_Current_Column return Natural;
+ function Get_Token_Location return Location_Type;
+ function Get_Token_Column return Natural;
+ function Get_Token_Position return Source_Ptr;
+ function Get_Position return Source_Ptr;
+ -- Convert (canonicalize) an identifier stored in name_buffer/name_length.
+ -- Upper case letters are converted into lower case.
+ -- Lexical checks are performed.
+ -- This procedure is not used by Scan, but should be used for identifiers
+ -- given in the command line.
+ -- Errors are directly reported through error_msg_option.
+ -- Also, Vhdl_Std should be set.
+ procedure Convert_Identifier;
+end Scan;
diff --git a/sem.adb b/sem.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ae6669282
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sem.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,2295 @@
+-- Semantic analysis pass.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with Types; use Types;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Std_Package; use Std_Package;
+with Libraries;
+with Std_Names;
+with Sem_Scopes; use Sem_Scopes;
+with Sem_Expr; use Sem_Expr;
+with Sem_Names; use Sem_Names;
+with Sem_Specs; use Sem_Specs;
+with Sem_Decls; use Sem_Decls;
+with Sem_Assocs; use Sem_Assocs;
+with Iirs_Utils; use Iirs_Utils;
+with Flags;
+with Name_Table;
+with Str_Table;
+with Sem_Stmts; use Sem_Stmts;
+with Sem_Types; use Sem_Types;
+with Iir_Chains;
+with Xrefs; use Xrefs;
+package body Sem is
+ -- Forward declarations.
+ procedure Sem_Context_Clauses (Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit);
+ procedure Sem_Block_Configuration
+ (Block_Conf : Iir_Block_Configuration; Father: Iir);
+ procedure Sem_Component_Configuration
+ (Conf : Iir_Component_Configuration; Father : Iir);
+ procedure Add_Dependence (Unit : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Add_Dependence (Get_Current_Design_Unit, Unit);
+ end Add_Dependence;
+ -- LRM 1.1 Entity declaration.
+ procedure Sem_Entity_Declaration (Entity: Iir_Entity_Declaration)
+ is
+ Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Implicit : Implicit_Signal_Declaration_Type;
+ begin
+ Unit := Get_Design_Unit (Entity);
+ Xrefs.Xref_Decl (Entity);
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (Unit);
+ Set_Visible_Flag (Unit, True);
+ Set_Is_Within_Flag (Entity, True);
+ -- LRM 10.1
+ -- 1. An entity declaration, together with a corresponding architecture
+ -- body.
+ Open_Declarative_Region;
+ -- Sem generics.
+ Sem_Interface_Chain (Get_Generic_Chain (Entity), Interface_Generic);
+ -- Sem ports.
+ Sem_Interface_Chain (Get_Port_Chain (Entity), Interface_Port);
+ -- entity declarative part.
+ Push_Signals_Declarative_Part (Implicit, Entity);
+ Sem_Declaration_Chain (Entity);
+ Sem_Specification_Chain (Entity, Null_Iir);
+ -- Check for missing subprogram bodies.
+ Check_Full_Declaration (Entity, Entity);
+ -- statements.
+ Sem_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Entity, True);
+ Pop_Signals_Declarative_Part (Implicit);
+ Close_Declarative_Region;
+ Set_Is_Within_Flag (Entity, False);
+ end Sem_Entity_Declaration;
+ -- Get the entity unit for LIBRARY_UNIT (an architecture or a
+ -- configuration declaration).
+ -- Return NULL_IIR in case of error (not found, bad library).
+ function Sem_Entity_Name (Library_Unit : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Name : Iir;
+ Library : Iir_Library_Declaration;
+ Entity_Unit : Iir;
+ Entity_Library : Iir;
+ begin
+ Name := Get_Entity (Library_Unit);
+ Library := Get_Library
+ (Get_Design_File (Get_Design_Unit (Library_Unit)));
+ if Get_Kind (Name) = Iir_Kind_Simple_Name then
+ Entity_Unit := Libraries.Load_Primary_Unit
+ (Library, Get_Identifier (Name), Library_Unit);
+ if Entity_Unit = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("entity " & Disp_Node (Name) & " was not analysed",
+ Library_Unit);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Set_Named_Entity (Name, Entity_Unit);
+ else
+ Sem_Name (Name, False);
+ Entity_Unit := Get_Named_Entity (Name);
+ if Entity_Unit = Error_Mark then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Entity_Unit) = Iir_Kind_Design_Unit then
+ Entity_Library := Get_Library_Unit (Entity_Unit);
+ Xrefs.Xref_Ref (Name, Entity_Library);
+ if Get_Kind (Entity_Library) = Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration then
+ -- LRM 1.2 Architecture bodies
+ -- For a given design entity, both the entity declaration and the
+ -- associated architecture body must reside in the same library.
+ -- LRM 1.3 Configuration Declarations
+ -- For a configuration of a given design entity, both the
+ -- configuration declaration and the corresponding entity
+ -- declaration must reside in the same library.
+ if Get_Library (Get_Design_File (Entity_Unit)) /= Library then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Entity_Library) & " does not reside in "
+ & Disp_Node (Library), Library_Unit);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ return Entity_Unit;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("entity name expected, found " & Disp_Node (Entity_Unit),
+ Library_Unit);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end Sem_Entity_Name;
+ -- LRM 1.2 Architecture bodies.
+ procedure Sem_Architecture_Declaration (Arch: Iir_Architecture_Declaration)
+ is
+ Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Entity_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Entity_Library : Iir_Entity_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Xrefs.Xref_Decl (Arch);
+ -- First, find the entity.
+ Entity_Unit := Sem_Entity_Name (Arch);
+ if Entity_Unit = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Entity_Library := Get_Library_Unit (Entity_Unit);
+ -- LRM93 11.4
+ -- In each case, the second unit depends on the first unit.
+ -- GHDL: an architecture depends on its entity.
+ Add_Dependence (Entity_Unit);
+ -- Transforms an identifier into an entity_decl.
+ Set_Entity (Arch, Entity_Library);
+ Add_Context_Clauses (Entity_Unit);
+ Set_Is_Within_Flag (Arch, True);
+ Set_Is_Within_Flag (Entity_Library, True);
+ -- Makes the entity name visible.
+ -- FIXME: quote LRM.
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (Entity_Unit, Get_Identifier (Entity_Unit), False);
+ -- LRM 10.1 Declarative Region
+ -- 1. An entity declaration, together with a corresponding architecture
+ -- body.
+ Open_Declarative_Region;
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Entity_Declarations (Entity_Library);
+ -- LRM02 1.2 Architecture bodies
+ -- For the purpose of interpreting the scope and visibility of the
+ -- identifier (see 10.2 and 10.3), the declaration of the identifier is
+ -- considered to occur after the final declarative item of the entity
+ -- declarative part of the corresponding entity declaration.
+ --
+ -- FIXME: before VHDL-02, an architecture is not a declaration.
+ Unit := Get_Design_Unit (Arch);
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (Unit, Get_Identifier (Unit), True);
+ Set_Visible_Flag (Unit, True);
+ -- LRM02 10.1 Declarative region
+ -- The declarative region associated with an architecture body is
+ -- considered to occur immediatly within the declarative region
+ -- associated with the entity declaration corresponding to the given
+ -- architecture body.
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_02 then
+ Open_Declarative_Region;
+ end if;
+ Sem_Block (Arch, True);
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_02 then
+ Close_Declarative_Region;
+ end if;
+ Close_Declarative_Region;
+ Set_Is_Within_Flag (Arch, False);
+ Set_Is_Within_Flag (Entity_Library, False);
+ end Sem_Architecture_Declaration;
+ -- Return the real resolver used for (sub) object OBJ.
+ -- Return NULL_IIR if none.
+ function Get_Resolver (Obj : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Obj_Type : Iir;
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Obj) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Element =>
+ Res := Get_Resolver (Get_Prefix (Obj));
+ if Res /= Null_Iir then
+ return Res;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ return Get_Resolver (Get_Name (Obj));
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ return Get_Resolver (Get_Named_Entity (Obj));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("get_resolved", Obj);
+ end case;
+ Obj_Type := Get_Type (Obj);
+ if Get_Kind (Obj_Type) in Iir_Kinds_Subtype_Definition then
+ return Get_Resolution_Function (Obj_Type);
+ else
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ end Get_Resolver;
+ -- Return TRUE iff the actual of ASSOC can be the formal.
+ -- ASSOC must be an association_element_by_expression.
+ function Can_Collapse_Signals (Assoc : Iir; Formal : Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ Actual : Iir;
+ Actual_Res : Iir;
+ Formal_Res : Iir;
+ Formal_Base : Iir;
+ Actual_Base : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- If there is a conversion, signals types are not necessarily
+ -- the same, and sharing is not possible.
+ -- FIXME: optimize type conversions
+ -- (unsigned <-> signed <-> std_ulogic_vector <-> ...)
+ if Get_In_Conversion (Assoc) /= Null_Iir
+ or else Get_Out_Conversion (Assoc) /= Null_Iir
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- Here we may assume formal and actual have the same type and the
+ -- same lengths. This is caught at elaboration time.
+ Actual := Name_To_Object (Get_Actual (Assoc));
+ if Actual = Null_Iir then
+ -- This is an expression.
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Formal_Base := Get_Base_Name (Formal);
+ Actual_Base := Get_Base_Name (Actual);
+ -- If the formal is of mode IN, then it has no driving value, and its
+ -- effective value is the effective value of the actual.
+ -- Always collapse in this case.
+ if Get_Mode (Formal_Base) = Iir_In_Mode then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ -- Otherwise, these rules are applied:
+ --
+ -- In this table, E means element, S means signal.
+ -- Er means the element is resolved,
+ -- Sr means the signal is resolved (at the signal level).
+ --
+ -- Actual
+ -- | E,S | Er,S | E,Sr | Er,Sr |
+ -- ------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
+ -- E,S |collap | no(3) | no(3) | no(3) |
+ -- ------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
+ -- Er,S | no(1) |if same| no(2) | no(2) |
+ -- Formal ------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
+ -- E,Sr | no(1) | no(2) |if same| no(4) |
+ -- ------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
+ -- Er,Sr | no(1) | no(2) | no(4) |if same|
+ -- ------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
+ --
+ -- Notes: (1): formal may have several sources.
+ -- (2): resolver is not the same.
+ -- (3): this prevents to catch several sources error in instance.
+ -- (4): resolver is not the same, because the types are not the
+ -- same.
+ --
+ -- Furthermore, signals cannot be collapsed if the kind (none, bus or
+ -- register) is not the same.
+ --
+ -- Default value: default value is the effective value.
+ -- Resolution function.
+ Actual_Res := Get_Resolver (Actual);
+ Formal_Res := Get_Resolver (Formal);
+ -- If the resolutions are not the same, signals cannot be collapsed.
+ if Actual_Res /= Formal_Res then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- If neither the actual nor the formal is resolved, then collapsing is
+ -- possible.
+ -- (this is case ES/ES).
+ if Actual_Res = Null_Iir and Formal_Res = Null_Iir then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ -- If the formal can have sources and is guarded, but the actual is
+ -- not guarded (or has not the same kind of guard), signals cannot
+ -- be collapsed.
+ if Get_Signal_Kind (Formal_Base) /= Get_Signal_Kind (Actual_Base) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end Can_Collapse_Signals;
+ -- INTER_PARENT contains generics and ports interfaces;
+ -- ASSOC_PARENT constains generics and ports map aspects.
+ procedure Sem_Generic_Port_Association_Chain
+ (Inter_Parent : Iir; Assoc_Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ Actual : Iir;
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ Object : Iir;
+ Match : Boolean;
+ Assoc_Chain : Iir;
+ Miss_Generic : Missing_Type;
+ Miss_Port : Missing_Type;
+ Inter : Iir;
+ Formal : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Note: CHECK_MATCH argument of sem_subprogram_arguments must be
+ -- true if parent is a component instantiation.
+ case Get_Kind (Assoc_Parent) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ -- LRM 9.6 Component Instantiation Statement
+ -- Each local generic (or subelement or slice thereof) must be
+ -- associated {VHDL87: exactly}{VHDL93: at most} once.
+ -- ...
+ -- Each local port (or subelement or slice therof) must be
+ -- associated {VHDL87: exactly}{VHDL93: at most} once.
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Miss_Generic := Missing_Generic;
+ Miss_Port := Missing_Port;
+ else
+ Miss_Generic := Missing_Allowed;
+ if Get_Kind (Inter_Parent) = Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration then
+ -- FIXME: to be checked.
+ -- Ghdl: for a direct instantiation, follow rules of
+ -- LRM Ports.
+ Miss_Port := Missing_Port;
+ else
+ Miss_Port := Missing_Allowed;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Binding_Indication =>
+ -- LRM Generic map and port map aspects
+ Miss_Generic := Missing_Allowed;
+ Miss_Port := Missing_Allowed;
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Header =>
+ -- FIXME: it is possible to have port unassociated ?
+ Miss_Generic := Missing_Generic;
+ Miss_Port := Missing_Port;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_generic_port_association_list", Assoc_Parent);
+ end case;
+ Assoc_Chain := Get_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Assoc_Parent);
+ if Sem_Actual_Of_Association_Chain (Assoc_Chain) then
+ Sem_Association_Chain
+ (Get_Generic_Chain (Inter_Parent), Assoc_Chain,
+ True, Miss_Generic, Assoc_Parent, Match);
+ Set_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Assoc_Parent, Assoc_Chain);
+ -- LRM Generic map and port map aspects
+ -- An actual associated with a formal generic map aspect must be an
+ -- expression or the reserved word open;
+ if Match then
+ El := Assoc_Chain;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression =>
+ Check_Read (Get_Actual (El));
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind
+ ("sem_generic_port_map_association_chain(1)", El);
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Assoc_Chain := Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Assoc_Parent);
+ if not Sem_Actual_Of_Association_Chain (Assoc_Chain) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Sem_Association_Chain (Get_Port_Chain (Inter_Parent), Assoc_Chain,
+ True, Miss_Port, Assoc_Parent, Match);
+ Set_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Assoc_Parent, Assoc_Chain);
+ if not Match then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM Generic map and port map aspects
+ -- [...]; an actual associated with a formal port in a port map aspect
+ -- must be a signal, an expression, or the reserved word open.
+ --
+ -- Certain restriction apply to the actual associated with a formal in
+ -- a port map aspect; these restrictions are described in
+ -- LRM93
+ -- The actual, if a port or signal, must be denoted by a static name.
+ -- The actual, if an expression, must be a globally static expression.
+ El := Assoc_Chain;
+ Inter := Get_Port_Chain (Inter_Parent);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Formal := Get_Formal (El);
+ if Formal = Null_Iir then
+ Formal := Inter;
+ Inter := Get_Chain (Inter);
+ else
+ Inter := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (El) = Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression then
+ Actual := Get_Actual (El);
+ -- There has been an error, exit from the loop.
+ exit when Actual = Null_Iir;
+ Object := Name_To_Object (Actual);
+ if Object = Null_Iir then
+ Prefix := Actual;
+ else
+ Prefix := Get_Base_Name (Object);
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Prefix) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kinds_Signal_Attribute =>
+ -- Port or signal.
+ Set_Collapse_Signal_Flag
+ (El, Can_Collapse_Signals (El, Formal));
+ if Get_Name_Staticness (Object) < Globally then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("actual must be a static name", Actual);
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Prefix)
+ = Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ then
+ declare
+ P : Boolean;
+ begin
+ P := Check_Port_Association_Restriction
+ (Get_Base_Name (Formal), Prefix, El);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ -- Expression.
+ Set_Collapse_Signal_Flag (El, False);
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_93c then
+ -- LRM93 Ports
+ -- Moreover, the ports of a block may be associated
+ -- with an expression, in order to provide these ports
+ -- with constant driving values; such ports must be
+ -- of mode in.
+ if Get_Mode (Get_Base_Name (Formal)) /= Iir_In_Mode
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("only 'in' ports may be associated "
+ & "with expression", El);
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93 Ports
+ -- The actual, if an expression, must be a globally
+ -- static expression.
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Actual) < Globally then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("actual expression must be globally static",
+ Actual);
+ end if;
+ else
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("cannot associate ports with expression in vhdl87",
+ El);
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Sem_Generic_Port_Association_Chain;
+ -- LRM 1.3 Configuration Declarations.
+ procedure Sem_Configuration_Declaration (Decl: Iir)
+ is
+ Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Entity_Design: Iir_Design_Unit;
+ begin
+ Xref_Decl (Decl);
+ -- LRM 1.3
+ -- The entity name identifies the name of the entity declaration that
+ -- defines the design entity at the apex of the design hierarchy.
+ Entity_Design := Sem_Entity_Name (Decl);
+ if Entity_Design = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Set_Entity (Decl, Entity_Design);
+ -- LRM 11.4
+ -- A primary unit whose name is referenced within a given design unit
+ -- must be analyzed prior to the analysis of the given design unit.
+ Add_Dependence (Entity_Design);
+ Unit := Get_Design_Unit (Decl);
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (Unit);
+ Set_Visible_Flag (Unit, True);
+ -- LRM 10.1 Declarative Region
+ -- 2. A configuration declaration.
+ Open_Declarative_Region;
+ -- LRM93 10.2
+ -- In addition to the above rules, the scope of any declaration that
+ -- includes the end of the declarative part of a given block (wether
+ -- it be an external block defined by a design entity or an internal
+ -- block defined by a block statement) extends into a configuration
+ -- declaration that configures the given block.
+ Add_Context_Clauses (Entity_Design);
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Entity_Declarations (Get_Library_Unit (Entity_Design));
+ Sem_Declaration_Chain (Decl);
+ -- GHDL: no need to check for missing subprogram bodies, since they are
+ -- not allowed in configuration declarations.
+ Sem_Block_Configuration (Get_Block_Configuration (Decl), Decl);
+ Close_Declarative_Region;
+ end Sem_Configuration_Declaration;
+ -- LRM 1.3.1 Block Configuration.
+ -- FATHER is the block_configuration, configuration_declaration,
+ -- component_configuration containing the block_configuration BLOCK_CONF.
+ procedure Sem_Block_Configuration
+ (Block_Conf : Iir_Block_Configuration; Father: Iir)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ Block : Iir;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Father) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
+ -- LRM93 1.3.1
+ -- If a block configuration appears immediately within a
+ -- configuration declaration, then the block specification of that
+ -- block configuration must be an architecture name, and that
+ -- architecture name must denote a design entity body whose
+ -- interface is defined by the entity declaration denoted by the
+ -- entity name of the enclosing configuration declaration.
+ declare
+ Block_Spec : Iir;
+ Arch : Iir_Architecture_Declaration;
+ Design: Iir_Design_Unit;
+ begin
+ Block_Spec := Get_Block_Specification (Block_Conf);
+ -- FIXME: handle selected name.
+ if Get_Kind (Block_Spec) /= Iir_Kind_Simple_Name then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("architecture name expected", Block_Spec);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM 10.3 rule b)
+ -- For an architecture body associated with a given entity
+ -- declaration: at the place of the block specification in a
+ -- block configuration for an external block whose interface
+ -- is defined by that entity declaration.
+ Design := Libraries.Load_Secondary_Unit
+ (Get_Entity (Father), Get_Identifier (Block_Spec),
+ Block_Conf);
+ if Design = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("no architecture '" & Image_Identifier (Block_Spec) & "'",
+ Block_Conf);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Arch := Get_Library_Unit (Design);
+ Xref_Ref (Block_Spec, Arch);
+ Free_Iir (Block_Spec);
+ Set_Block_Specification (Block_Conf, Arch);
+ Block := Arch;
+ Add_Dependence (Design);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration =>
+ -- LRM93 1.3.1
+ -- If a block configuration appears immediately within a component
+ -- configuration, then the corresponding components must be
+ -- fully bound, the block specification of that block
+ -- configuration must be an architecture name, and that
+ -- architecture name must denote the same architecture body as
+ -- that to which the corresponding components are bound.
+ declare
+ Block_Spec : Iir;
+ Arch : Iir_Architecture_Declaration;
+ Design: Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Entity_Aspect : Iir;
+ Comp_Arch : Iir;
+ begin
+ Entity_Aspect :=
+ Get_Entity_Aspect (Get_Binding_Indication (Father));
+ if Entity_Aspect = Null_Iir or else
+ Get_Kind (Entity_Aspect) /= Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("corresponding component not fully bound",
+ Block_Conf);
+ end if;
+ Block_Spec := Get_Block_Specification (Block_Conf);
+ -- FIXME: handle selected name.
+ if Get_Kind (Block_Spec) /= Iir_Kind_Simple_Name then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("architecture name expected", Block_Spec);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Comp_Arch := Get_Architecture (Entity_Aspect);
+ if Comp_Arch /= Null_Iir then
+ if Get_Kind (Comp_Arch) /= Iir_Kind_Simple_Name then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Identifier (Comp_Arch) /= Get_Identifier (Block_Spec)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("block specification name is different from "
+ & "component architecture name", Block_Spec);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Design := Libraries.Load_Secondary_Unit
+ (Get_Entity (Entity_Aspect), Get_Identifier (Block_Spec),
+ Block_Conf);
+ if Design = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("no architecture '" & Image_Identifier (Block_Spec) & "'",
+ Block_Conf);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Arch := Get_Library_Unit (Design);
+ Xref_Ref (Block_Spec, Arch);
+ Free_Iir (Block_Spec);
+ Set_Block_Specification (Block_Conf, Arch);
+ Block := Arch;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration =>
+ -- LRM93 1.3.1
+ -- If a block configuration appears immediately within another
+ -- block configuration, then the block specification of the
+ -- contained block configuration must be a block statement or
+ -- generate statement label, and the label must denote a block
+ -- statement or generate statement that is contained immediatly
+ -- within the block denoted by the block specification of the
+ -- containing block configuration.
+ declare
+ Block_Spec : Iir;
+ Block_Stmts : Iir;
+ Block_Spec_Kind : Iir_Kind;
+ Prev : Iir_Block_Configuration;
+ begin
+ Block_Spec := Get_Block_Specification (Block_Conf);
+ -- Remember the kind of BLOCK_SPEC, since the node can be free
+ -- by find_declaration if it is a simple name.
+ Block_Spec_Kind := Get_Kind (Block_Spec);
+ case Block_Spec_Kind is
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name =>
+ Block := Block_Spec;
+ when Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name =>
+ Block := Get_Prefix (Block_Spec);
+ when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
+ Block := Get_Prefix (Block_Spec);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("label expected", Block_Spec);
+ return;
+ end case;
+ Block := Find_Declaration (Block, Decl_Label);
+ if Block = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Block) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ if Block_Spec_Kind /= Iir_Kind_Simple_Name then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("label does not denote a generate statement",
+ Block_Spec);
+ end if;
+ Prev := Get_Block_Block_Configuration (Block);
+ if Prev /= Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Block) & " was already configured at "
+ & Disp_Location (Prev),
+ Block_Conf);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Set_Block_Block_Configuration (Block, Block_Conf);
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ if Block_Spec_Kind /= Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ and then Get_Kind (Get_Generation_Scheme (Block))
+ /= Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
+ then
+ -- LRM93 1.3
+ -- If the block specification of a block configuration
+ -- contains a generate statement label, and if this
+ -- label contains an index specification, then it is
+ -- an error if the generate statement denoted by the
+ -- label does not have a generation scheme including
+ -- the reserved word for.
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("generate statement does not has a for",
+ Block_Spec);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Set_Prev_Block_Configuration
+ (Block_Conf, Get_Generate_Block_Configuration (Block));
+ Set_Generate_Block_Configuration (Block, Block_Conf);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("block statement label expected",
+ Block_Conf);
+ return;
+ end case;
+ Block_Stmts := Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain
+ (Get_Block_From_Block_Specification
+ (Get_Block_Specification (Father)));
+ if not Is_In_Chain (Block_Stmts, Block) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("label does not denotes an inner block statement",
+ Block_Conf);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Block_Spec_Kind = Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name then
+ Block_Spec := Sem_Index_Specification
+ (Block_Spec, Get_Type (Get_Generation_Scheme (Block)));
+ if Block_Spec /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Prefix (Block_Spec, Block);
+ Set_Block_Specification (Block_Conf, Block_Spec);
+ Block_Spec_Kind := Get_Kind (Block_Spec);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ case Block_Spec_Kind is
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name =>
+ Set_Block_Specification (Block_Conf, Block);
+ when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_block_configuration", Father);
+ end case;
+ -- LRM93 §10.1
+ -- 10. A block configuration
+ Sem_Scopes.Open_Scope_Extension;
+ -- LRM 10.3
+ -- In addition, any declaration that is directly visible at the end of
+ -- the declarative part of a given block is directly visible in a block
+ -- configuration that configure the given block. This rule holds unless
+ -- a use clause that makes a homograph of the declaration potentially
+ -- visible (see 10.4) appears in the corresponding configuration
+ -- declaration, and if the scope of that use clause encompasses all or
+ -- part of those configuration items. If such a use clase appears, then
+ -- the declaration will be directly visible within the corresponding
+ -- configuration items, except at hose places that fall within the scope
+ -- of the additional use clause. At such places, neither name will be
+ -- directly visible.
+ -- FIXME: handle use clauses.
+ Sem_Scopes.Extend_Scope_Of_Block_Declarations (Block);
+ declare
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ El := Get_Declaration_Chain (Block_Conf);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause =>
+ Sem_Use_Clause (El);
+ when others =>
+ -- Parse checks there are only use clauses.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ -- VHDL 87: do not remove configuration specification in generate stmts.
+ Clear_Instantiation_Configuration (Block, False);
+ El := Get_Configuration_Item_Chain (Block_Conf);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration =>
+ Sem_Block_Configuration (El, Block_Conf);
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration =>
+ Sem_Component_Configuration (El, Block_Conf);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_block_configuration(2)", El);
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ Sem_Scopes.Close_Scope_Extension;
+ end Sem_Block_Configuration;
+ -- LRM 1.3.2
+ procedure Sem_Component_Configuration
+ (Conf : Iir_Component_Configuration; Father : Iir)
+ is
+ Block : Iir;
+ Configured_Block : Iir;
+ Binding : Iir;
+ Entity : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Comp : Iir_Component_Declaration;
+ Primary_Entity_Aspect : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- LRM 10.1 Declarative Region
+ -- 11. A component configuration.
+ Open_Declarative_Region;
+ -- LRM93 §10.2
+ -- If a component configuration appears as a configuration item
+ -- immediatly within a block configuration that configures a given
+ -- block, and the scope of a given declaration includes the end of the
+ -- declarative part of that block, then the scope of the given
+ -- declaration extends from the beginning to the end of the
+ -- declarative region associated with the given component configuration.
+ -- GHDL: this is for labels of component instantiation statements, and
+ -- for local ports and generics of the component.
+ if Get_Kind (Father) = Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration then
+ Configured_Block := Get_Block_Specification (Father);
+ if Get_Kind (Configured_Block) = Iir_Kind_Design_Unit then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Configured_Block :=
+ Get_Block_From_Block_Specification (Configured_Block);
+ Sem_Scopes.Extend_Scope_Of_Block_Declarations (Configured_Block);
+ else
+ -- Can a component configuration not be just inside a block
+ -- configuration ?
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- FIXME: this is wrong (all declarations should be considered).
+ Sem_Component_Specification
+ (Configured_Block, Conf, Primary_Entity_Aspect);
+ Comp := Get_Component_Name (Conf);
+ if Get_Kind (Comp) /= Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration then
+ -- There has been an error in sem_component_specification.
+ -- Leave here.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- FIXME: (todo)
+ -- If a given component instance is unbound in the corresponding block,
+ -- then any explicit component configuration for that instance that does
+ -- not contain an explicit binding indication will contain an implicit,
+ -- default binding indication (see 5.2.2). Similarly, if a given
+ -- component instance is unbound in the corresponding block, then any
+ -- implicit component configuration for that instance will contain an
+ -- implicit, default binding indication.
+ -- FIXME: ports and generics declared by the component must be
+ -- made visible here; create a declarative_region only for this purpose
+ Open_Declarative_Region;
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Component_Declarations (Comp);
+ Binding := Get_Binding_Indication (Conf);
+ if Binding /= Null_Iir then
+ Sem_Binding_Indication (Binding, Comp, Conf, Primary_Entity_Aspect);
+ if Primary_Entity_Aspect /= Null_Iir then
+ -- LRM93 5.2.1 Binding Indication
+ -- It is an error if a formal port appears in the port map aspect
+ -- of the incremental binding indication and it is a formal
+ -- port that is associated with an actual other than OPEN in one
+ -- of the primary binding indications.
+ declare
+ Inst : Iir;
+ Primary_Binding : Iir;
+ F_Chain : Iir;
+ F_El, S_El : Iir;
+ Formal : Iir;
+ begin
+ Inst := Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Configured_Block);
+ while Inst /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Get_Kind (Inst)
+ = Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement
+ and then Get_Component_Configuration (Inst) = Conf
+ then
+ -- Check here.
+ Primary_Binding := Get_Binding_Indication
+ (Get_Configuration_Specification (Inst));
+ F_Chain := Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Primary_Binding);
+ S_El := Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Binding);
+ while S_El /= Null_Iir loop
+ -- Find S_EL formal in F_CHAIN.
+ Formal := Get_Associated_Formal (S_El);
+ F_El := F_Chain;
+ while F_El /= Null_Iir loop
+ exit when Get_Associated_Formal (F_El) = Formal;
+ F_El := Get_Chain (F_El);
+ end loop;
+ if F_El /= Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Kind (F_El)
+ /= Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Formal)
+ & " already associated in primary binding",
+ S_El);
+ end if;
+ S_El := Get_Chain (S_El);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ Inst := Get_Chain (Inst);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ elsif Primary_Entity_Aspect = Null_Iir then
+ -- LRM93 5.2.1
+ -- If the generic map aspect or port map aspect of a primary binding
+ -- indication is not present, then the default rules as described
+ -- in 5.2.2 apply.
+ -- Create a default binding indication.
+ Entity := Get_Visible_Entity_Declaration (Comp);
+ Binding := Sem_Create_Default_Binding_Indication
+ (Comp, Entity, Conf, False);
+ if Binding /= Null_Iir then
+ -- Remap to defaults.
+ Set_Default_Entity_Aspect (Binding, Get_Entity_Aspect (Binding));
+ Set_Entity_Aspect (Binding, Null_Iir);
+ Set_Default_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain
+ (Binding, Get_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Binding));
+ Set_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Binding, Null_Iir);
+ Set_Default_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain
+ (Binding, Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Binding));
+ Set_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Binding, Null_Iir);
+ Set_Binding_Indication (Conf, Binding);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Close_Declarative_Region;
+ -- External block.
+ Block := Get_Block_Configuration (Conf);
+ if Block /= Null_Iir and then Binding /= Null_Iir then
+ Sem_Block_Configuration (Block, Conf);
+ end if;
+ Close_Declarative_Region;
+ end Sem_Component_Configuration;
+ function Are_Trees_Chain_Equal (Left, Right : Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ El_Left, El_Right : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Left = Right then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ El_Left := Left;
+ El_Right := Right;
+ loop
+ if El_Left = Null_Iir and El_Right = Null_Iir then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ if El_Left = Null_Iir or El_Right = Null_Iir then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if not Are_Trees_Equal (El_Left, El_Right) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ El_Left := Get_Chain (El_Left);
+ El_Right := Get_Chain (El_Right);
+ end loop;
+ end Are_Trees_Chain_Equal;
+ -- Return TRUE iff LEFT and RIGHT are (in depth) equal.
+ -- This corresponds to conformance rules, LRM93 2.7
+ function Are_Trees_Equal (Left, Right : Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ El_Left, El_Right : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Short-cut to speed up.
+ if Left = Right then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ -- Handle null_iir.
+ if Left = Null_Iir or Right = Null_Iir then
+ -- Note: LEFT *xor* RIGHT is null_iir.
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM 2.7 Conformance Rules
+ -- A simple name can be replaced by an expanded name in which this
+ -- simple name is the selector, if and only if at both places the
+ -- meaning of the simple name is given by the same declaration.
+ case Get_Kind (Left) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ case Get_Kind (Right) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ return Are_Trees_Equal (Get_Named_Entity (Left),
+ Get_Named_Entity (Right));
+ when others =>
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ -- If nodes are not of the same kind, then they are not equals!
+ if Get_Kind (Left) /= Get_Kind (Right) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Left) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ return Are_Trees_Chain_Equal
+ (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Left),
+ Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Right));
+ when Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Return_Type (Left) /= Get_Return_Type (Right) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Pure_Flag (Left) /= Get_Pure_Flag (Right) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if not Are_Trees_Chain_Equal
+ (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Left),
+ Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Right))
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Lexical_Layout (Left) /= Get_Lexical_Layout (Right)
+ or else Get_Mode (Left) /= Get_Mode (Right)
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if not Are_Trees_Equal (Get_Type (Left), Get_Type (Right)) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ El_Left := Get_Default_Value (Left);
+ El_Right := Get_Default_Value (Right);
+ if ((El_Left = Null_Iir) xor (El_Right = Null_Iir)) = True then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if El_Left /= Null_Iir
+ and then Are_Trees_Equal (El_Left, El_Right) = False
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition =>
+ if Get_Base_Type (Left) /= Get_Base_Type (Right)
+ or else Get_Resolution_Function (Left)
+ /= Get_Resolution_Function (Right)
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Type_Declarator (Left) /= Get_Type_Declarator (Right) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Are_Trees_Equal (Get_Range_Constraint (Left),
+ Get_Range_Constraint (Right)) = False
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ if Get_Base_Type (Left) /= Get_Base_Type (Right)
+ or else (Get_Resolution_Function (Left)
+ /= Get_Resolution_Function (Right))
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ L_Left, L_Right : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ L_Left := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Left);
+ L_Right := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Right);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El_Left := Get_Nth_Element (L_Left, I);
+ El_Right := Get_Nth_Element (L_Right, I);
+ exit when El_Left = Null_Iir;
+ if not Are_Trees_Equal (El_Left, El_Right) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ return True;
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+ if Get_Value (Left) /= Get_Value (Right) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return Are_Trees_Equal (Get_Literal_Origin (Left),
+ Get_Literal_Origin (Right));
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal =>
+ if Get_Value (Left) /= Get_Value (Right)
+ or else Get_Unit_Name (Left) /= Get_Unit_Name (Right)
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return Are_Trees_Equal (Get_Literal_Origin (Left),
+ Get_Literal_Origin (Right));
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal =>
+ if Get_Fp_Value (Left) /= Get_Fp_Value (Right)
+ or else Get_Unit_Name (Left) /= Get_Unit_Name (Right)
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return Are_Trees_Equal (Get_Literal_Origin (Left),
+ Get_Literal_Origin (Right));
+ when Iir_Kind_Floating_Point_Literal =>
+ if Get_Fp_Value (Left) /= Get_Fp_Value (Right) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return Are_Trees_Equal (Get_Literal_Origin (Left),
+ Get_Literal_Origin (Right));
+ when Iir_Kinds_Dyadic_Operator =>
+ return Are_Trees_Equal (Get_Left (Left), Get_Left (Right))
+ and then Are_Trees_Equal (Get_Right (Left), Get_Right (Right));
+ when Iir_Kinds_Monadic_Operator =>
+ return Are_Trees_Equal (Get_Operand (Left), Get_Operand (Right));
+ when Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
+ return Left = Right;
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
+ if Get_Type (Left) /= Get_Type (Right)
+ or else Get_Direction (Left) /= Get_Direction (Right)
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if not Are_Trees_Equal (Get_Left_Limit (Left),
+ Get_Left_Limit (Right))
+ or else not Are_Trees_Equal (Get_Right_Limit (Left),
+ Get_Right_Limit (Right))
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ when Iir_Kind_High_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Low_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Left_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Right_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Ascending_Type_Attribute =>
+ return Are_Trees_Equal (Get_Prefix (Left), Get_Prefix (Right));
+ when Iir_Kind_String_Literal =>
+ declare
+ use Str_Table;
+ Len : Nat32;
+ L_Ptr : String_Fat_Acc;
+ R_Ptr : String_Fat_Acc;
+ begin
+ Len := Get_String_Length (Left);
+ if Get_String_Length (Right) /= Len then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ L_Ptr := Get_String_Fat_Acc (Get_String_Id (Left));
+ R_Ptr := Get_String_Fat_Acc (Get_String_Id (Right));
+ for I in 1 .. Natural (Len) loop
+ if L_Ptr (I) /= R_Ptr (I) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return True;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate =>
+ if not Are_Trees_Equal (Get_Type (Left), Get_Type (Right)) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ El_L, El_R : Iir;
+ begin
+ El_L := Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Left);
+ El_R := Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Right);
+ loop
+ exit when El_L = Null_Iir and El_R = Null_Iir;
+ if not Are_Trees_Equal (El_L, El_R) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ El_L := Get_Chain (El_L);
+ El_R := Get_Chain (El_R);
+ end loop;
+ return True;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None =>
+ return Are_Trees_Equal (Get_Associated (Left),
+ Get_Associated (Right));
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Name =>
+ if not Are_Trees_Equal (Get_Name (Left), Get_Name (Right)) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return Are_Trees_Equal (Get_Associated (Left),
+ Get_Associated (Right));
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range =>
+ if not Are_Trees_Equal (Get_Expression (Left),
+ Get_Expression (Right)) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return Are_Trees_Equal (Get_Associated (Left),
+ Get_Associated (Right));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("are_trees_equal", Left);
+ end case;
+ end Are_Trees_Equal;
+ -- LRM 2.7 Conformance Rules.
+ procedure Check_Conformance_Rules (Subprg, Spec: Iir) is
+ begin
+ if not Are_Trees_Equal (Subprg, Spec) then
+ -- FIXME: should explain why it does not conform ?
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("body does not conform with specification at "
+ & Disp_Location (Spec), Subprg);
+ end if;
+ end Check_Conformance_Rules;
+ -- Return the specification corresponding to a declaration DECL, or
+ -- null_Iir if none.
+ -- FIXME: respect rules of LRM93 2.7
+ function Find_Subprogram_Specification (Decl: Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Interpretation : Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ Decl1: Iir;
+ Hash : Iir_Int32;
+ Kind : Iir_Kind;
+ begin
+ Hash := Get_Subprogram_Hash (Decl);
+ Interpretation := Get_Interpretation (Get_Identifier (Decl));
+ while Valid_Interpretation (Interpretation) loop
+ if not Is_In_Current_Declarative_Region (Interpretation) then
+ -- The declaration does not belong to the current declarative
+ -- region, neither will the following one. So, we do not found
+ -- it.
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Decl1 := Get_Declaration (Interpretation);
+ Kind := Get_Kind (Decl1);
+ -- Should be sure DECL1 and DECL belongs to the same declarative
+ -- region, ie DECL1 was not made visible via a USE clause.
+ --
+ -- Also, only check for explicitly subprograms (and not
+ -- implicit one).
+ if (Kind = Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ or Kind = Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration)
+ and then not Is_Potentially_Visible (Interpretation)
+ and then Get_Subprogram_Hash (Decl1) = Hash
+ and then Is_Same_Profile (Decl, Decl1)
+ then
+ return Decl1;
+ end if;
+ Interpretation := Get_Next_Interpretation (Interpretation);
+ end loop;
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end Find_Subprogram_Specification;
+ procedure Set_Subprogram_Overload_Number (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Inter : Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ Prev : Iir;
+ Num : Iir_Int32;
+ begin
+ Inter := Get_Interpretation (Get_Identifier (Decl));
+ if Valid_Interpretation (Inter)
+ and then Is_In_Current_Declarative_Region (Inter)
+ then
+ -- There is a previous declaration with the same name in the
+ -- current declarative region.
+ Prev := Get_Declaration (Inter);
+ case Get_Kind (Prev) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ -- The previous declaration is a user subprogram.
+ Num := Get_Overload_Number (Prev) + 1;
+ if Num = 1
+ and then Get_Parent (Prev) = Get_Parent (Decl)
+ then
+ -- The previous was not (yet) overloaded. Mark it as
+ -- overloaded.
+ -- Do not mark it if it is not in the same declarative part.
+ -- (ie, do not change a subprogram declaration in the
+ -- package while analyzing the body).
+ Set_Overload_Number (Prev, 1);
+ Num := 2;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ -- Can be an enumeration literal or an error.
+ Num := 0;
+ end case;
+ else
+ -- No previous declaration in the current declarative region.
+ Num := 0;
+ end if;
+ Set_Overload_Number (Decl, Num);
+ end Set_Subprogram_Overload_Number;
+ -- Check requirements on number of interfaces for subprogram specification
+ -- SUBPRG. Requirements only concern operators, and are defined in
+ -- LRM 2.3.1
+ procedure Check_Operator_Requirements (Id : Name_Id; Subprg : Iir)
+ is
+ use Std_Names;
+ Nbr_Interfaces : Natural;
+ Is_Method : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Nbr_Interfaces := Iir_Chains.Get_Chain_Length
+ (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Subprg));
+ -- For vhdl-02, the protected variable is an implicit parameter.
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_02
+ and then Is_Subprogram_Method (Subprg)
+ then
+ Nbr_Interfaces := Nbr_Interfaces + 1;
+ else
+ Is_Method := False;
+ end if;
+ case Id is
+ when Name_Abs
+ | Name_Not =>
+ -- LRM93 2.3.1
+ -- The subprogram specification of a unary operator must have a
+ -- single parameter.
+ -- LRM02 2.3.1
+ -- ..., unless the subprogram specification is a method (see
+ -- 3.5.1) of a protected type. In this latter case, the
+ -- subprogram specification must have no parameters.
+ if Nbr_Interfaces = 1 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("unary operator must have a single parameter",
+ Subprg);
+ when Name_Logical_Operators
+ | Name_Xnor
+ | Name_Mod
+ | Name_Rem
+ | Name_Op_Mul
+ | Name_Op_Div
+ | Name_Relational_Operators
+ | Name_Op_Concatenation
+ | Name_Shift_Operators
+ | Name_Op_Exp =>
+ -- LRM93 2.3.1
+ -- The subprogram specification of a binary operator must have
+ -- two parameters.
+ -- LRM02 2.3.1
+ -- ..., unless the subprogram specification is a method of a
+ -- protected type, in which case, the subprogram specification
+ -- must have a single parameter.
+ if Nbr_Interfaces = 2 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("binary operator must have two parameters", Subprg);
+ when Name_Op_Plus
+ | Name_Op_Minus =>
+ -- LRM93 2.3.1
+ -- For each of the operators "+" and "-", overloading is allowed
+ -- both as a unary operator and as a binary operator.
+ if Nbr_Interfaces in 1 .. 2 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("""+"" and ""-"" operators must have 1 or 2 parameters",
+ Subprg);
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ if Is_Method then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (" (the protected object is an implicit parameter of methods)",
+ Subprg);
+ end if;
+ end Check_Operator_Requirements;
+ procedure Compute_Subprogram_Hash (Subprg : Iir)
+ is
+ type Hash_Type is mod 2**32;
+ function To_Hash is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Iir, Target => Hash_Type);
+ function To_Int32 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Hash_Type, Target => Iir_Int32);
+ Kind : Iir_Kind;
+ Hash : Hash_Type;
+ Sig : Hash_Type;
+ Inter : Iir;
+ Itype : Iir;
+ begin
+ Kind := Get_Kind (Subprg);
+ if Kind in Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration
+ or else Kind = Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ then
+ Itype := Get_Base_Type (Get_Return_Type (Subprg));
+ Hash := To_Hash (Itype);
+ Sig := 8;
+ else
+ Sig := 1;
+ Hash := 0;
+ end if;
+ if Kind /= Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal then
+ Inter := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Subprg);
+ while Inter /= Null_Iir loop
+ Itype := Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Inter));
+ Sig := Sig + 1;
+ Hash := Hash * 7 + To_Hash (Itype);
+ Hash := Hash + Hash / 2**28;
+ Inter := Get_Chain (Inter);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ Set_Subprogram_Hash (Subprg, To_Int32 (Hash + Sig));
+ end Compute_Subprogram_Hash;
+ -- LRM 2.1 Subprogram Declarations.
+ function Sem_Subprogram_Declaration (Subprg: Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Spec: Iir;
+ Interface_Chain : Iir;
+ Subprg_Body : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Set depth.
+ declare
+ Parent : Iir := Get_Parent (Subprg);
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Parent) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
+ Set_Subprogram_Depth
+ (Subprg,
+ Get_Subprogram_Depth
+ (Get_Subprogram_Specification (Parent)) + 1);
+ when others =>
+ Set_Subprogram_Depth (Subprg, 0);
+ end case;
+ end;
+ -- LRM 10.1 Declarative Region
+ -- 3. A subprogram declaration, together with the corresponding
+ -- subprogram body.
+ Open_Declarative_Region;
+ -- Sem interfaces.
+ Interface_Chain := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Subprg);
+ case Get_Kind (Subprg) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Interface_Chain (Interface_Chain, Interface_Function);
+ Set_Return_Type
+ (Subprg, Sem_Subtype_Indication (Get_Return_Type (Subprg)));
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Interface_Chain (Interface_Chain, Interface_Procedure);
+ -- Unless the body is analyzed, the procedure purity is unknown.
+ Set_Purity_State (Subprg, Unknown);
+ -- Check if the procedure is passive.
+ Set_Passive_Flag (Subprg, True);
+ declare
+ Inter : Iir;
+ begin
+ Inter := Interface_Chain;
+ while Inter /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Get_Kind (Inter) = Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ and then Get_Mode (Inter) /= Iir_In_Mode
+ then
+ -- There is a driver for this signal interface.
+ Set_Passive_Flag (Subprg, False);
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ Inter := Get_Chain (Inter);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_subprogram_declaration", Subprg);
+ end case;
+ Check_Operator_Requirements (Get_Identifier (Subprg), Subprg);
+ Compute_Subprogram_Hash (Subprg);
+ -- The specification has been semantized, close the declarative region
+ -- now.
+ Close_Declarative_Region;
+ Subprg_Body := Get_Chain (Subprg);
+ if Subprg_Body /= Null_Iir
+ and then (Get_Kind (Subprg_Body) = Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ or else Get_Kind (Subprg_Body) = Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body)
+ then
+ Spec := Find_Subprogram_Specification (Subprg);
+ else
+ Spec := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Spec /= Null_Iir then
+ -- SUBPRG is the body of the specification SPEC.
+ Check_Conformance_Rules (Subprg, Spec);
+ Xref_Body (Subprg, Spec);
+ Free_Old_Iir (Subprg);
+ Set_Subprogram_Specification (Subprg_Body, Spec);
+ Set_Subprogram_Body (Spec, Subprg_Body);
+ return Subprg_Body;
+ else
+ -- Forward declaration or specification followed by body.
+ Set_Subprogram_Overload_Number (Subprg);
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (Subprg);
+ Name_Visible (Subprg);
+ Xref_Decl (Subprg);
+ return Subprg;
+ end if;
+ end Sem_Subprogram_Declaration;
+ procedure Add_Analysis_Checks_List (El : Iir)
+ is
+ Design : Iir := Get_Current_Design_Unit;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ List := Get_Analysis_Checks_List (Design);
+ if List = Null_Iir_List then
+ List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Set_Analysis_Checks_List (Design, List);
+ end if;
+ Add_Element (List, El);
+ end Add_Analysis_Checks_List;
+ procedure Sem_Subprogram_Body (Subprg : Iir)
+ is
+ Spec : Iir;
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ Spec := Get_Subprogram_Specification (Subprg);
+ Set_Impure_Depth (Subprg, Iir_Depth_Pure);
+ -- LRM 10.1 Declarative regions
+ -- 3. A subprogram declaration, together with thr corresponding
+ -- subprogram body.
+ Open_Declarative_Region;
+ Set_Is_Within_Flag (Spec, True);
+ -- Add the interface names into the current declarative region.
+ El := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Spec);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Add_Name (El, Get_Identifier (El), False);
+ if Get_Kind (El) = Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration then
+ Set_Has_Active_Flag (El, False);
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ Sem_Sequential_Statements (Spec, Subprg);
+ Set_Is_Within_Flag (Spec, False);
+ Close_Declarative_Region;
+ case Get_Kind (Spec) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ -- Update purity state of procedure.
+ case Get_Purity_State (Spec) is
+ when Pure
+ | Maybe_Impure =>
+ -- We can't know this yet.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Impure =>
+ null;
+ when Unknown =>
+ if Get_Callees_List (Spec) = Null_Iir_List then
+ -- Since there are no callees, purity state can
+ -- be updated.
+ if Get_Impure_Depth (Subprg) = Iir_Depth_Pure then
+ Set_Purity_State (Spec, Pure);
+ else
+ Set_Purity_State (Spec, Maybe_Impure);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ -- Update wait state if necessary.
+ if Get_Wait_State (Spec) = Unknown then
+ declare
+ Callees : Iir_List;
+ Callee : Iir;
+ State : Tri_State_Type;
+ begin
+ Callees := Get_Callees_List (Spec);
+ -- Per default, has no wait.
+ Set_Wait_State (Spec, False);
+ if Callees /= Null_Iir_List then
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Callee := Get_Nth_Element (Callees, I);
+ exit when Callee = Null_Iir;
+ case Get_Kind (Callee) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ State := Get_Wait_State (Callee);
+ case State is
+ when False =>
+ null;
+ when Unknown =>
+ -- Yet unknown, but can be TRUE.
+ Set_Wait_State (Spec, Unknown);
+ when True =>
+ -- Can this happen ?
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ --Set_Wait_State (Spec, True);
+ --exit;
+ end case;
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_subprogram_body(2)", Callee);
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Callees_List (Spec) /= Null_Iir_List then
+ -- Purity calls to be checked later.
+ -- No wait statements in procedures called.
+ Add_Analysis_Checks_List (Spec);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_subprogram_body", Spec);
+ end case;
+ end Sem_Subprogram_Body;
+ procedure Update_And_Check_Pure_Wait (Subprg : Iir)
+ is
+ procedure Error_Wait (Caller : Iir; Callee : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Caller) & " must not contain wait statement, but calls",
+ Caller);
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Callee) & " which has (indirectly) a wait statement",
+ Callee);
+ end Error_Wait;
+ -- Kind of subprg.
+ type Caller_Kind is (K_Function, K_Process, K_Procedure);
+ Kind : Caller_Kind;
+ Callees_List : Iir_List := Get_Callees_List (Subprg);
+ Callee : Iir;
+ Callee_Bod : Iir;
+ Subprg_Depth : Iir_Int32;
+ Subprg_Bod : Iir;
+ -- Current purity depth of SUBPRG.
+ Depth : Iir_Int32;
+ Depth_Callee : Iir_Int32;
+ Has_Unknown : Boolean;
+ Has_Pure_Errors : Boolean := False;
+ Has_Wait_Errors : Boolean := False;
+ Npos : Natural;
+ begin
+ -- If the subprogram has no callee list, there is nothing to do.
+ if Callees_List = Null_Iir_List then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- This subprogram is being considered.
+ -- To avoid infinite loop, suppress its callees list.
+ Set_Callees_List (Subprg, Null_Iir_List);
+ case Get_Kind (Subprg) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
+ Kind := K_Function;
+ Subprg_Bod := Null_Iir;
+ Subprg_Depth := Get_Subprogram_Depth (Subprg);
+ if Get_Pure_Flag (Subprg) then
+ Depth := Iir_Depth_Pure;
+ else
+ Depth := Iir_Depth_Impure;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ Kind := K_Procedure;
+ if Get_Purity_State (Subprg) = Impure
+ and then Get_Wait_State (Subprg) /= Unknown
+ then
+ -- No need to go further.
+ Destroy_Iir_List (Callees_List);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Subprg_Bod := Get_Subprogram_Body (Subprg);
+ Subprg_Depth := Get_Subprogram_Depth (Subprg);
+ Depth := Get_Impure_Depth (Subprg_Bod);
+ when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
+ Kind := K_Process;
+ Subprg_Bod := Null_Iir;
+ Subprg_Depth := 0;
+ Depth := Iir_Depth_Impure;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("update_and_check_pure_wait(1)", Subprg);
+ end case;
+ -- First loop: check without recursion.
+ -- Second loop: recurse if necessary.
+ Has_Unknown := False;
+ for J in 0 .. 1 loop
+ Npos := 0;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Callee := Get_Nth_Element (Callees_List, I);
+ exit when Callee = Null_Iir;
+ if Get_Kind (Callee) /= Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration then
+ -- Pure functions should not be in the list.
+ -- Impure functions must have directly set Purity_State.
+ Error_Kind ("update_and_check_pure_wait(3)", Callee);
+ end if;
+ -- Check pure.
+ Callee_Bod := Get_Subprogram_Body (Callee);
+ if Callee_Bod = Null_Iir then
+ -- No body yet for the subprogram called.
+ -- Nothing can be extracted from it, postpone the checks.
+ Has_Unknown := True;
+ else
+ -- Second loop: recurse if a state is not known.
+ if J = 1 and then (Get_Purity_State (Callee) = Unknown
+ or else Get_Wait_State (Callee) = Unknown)
+ then
+ Update_And_Check_Pure_Wait (Callee);
+ end if;
+ -- Check purity only if the subprogram is not impure.
+ if Depth /= Iir_Depth_Impure then
+ Depth_Callee := Get_Impure_Depth (Callee_Bod);
+ -- Check purity depth.
+ if Depth_Callee < Subprg_Depth then
+ -- The call is an impure call.
+ -- FIXME: check the compare.
+ Depth_Callee := Iir_Depth_Impure;
+ if Kind = K_Function then
+ Error_Pure (Subprg, Callee, Null_Iir);
+ Has_Pure_Errors := True;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Update purity depth.
+ if Depth_Callee < Depth then
+ Depth := Depth_Callee;
+ if Kind = K_Procedure then
+ -- Update for recursivity.
+ Set_Impure_Depth (Subprg_Bod, Depth);
+ if Depth = Iir_Depth_Impure then
+ Set_Purity_State (Subprg, Impure);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Check wait.
+ if Has_Wait_Errors = False
+ and then Get_Wait_State (Callee) = True
+ then
+ if Kind = K_Procedure then
+ Set_Wait_State (Subprg, True);
+ else
+ Error_Wait (Subprg, Callee);
+ Has_Wait_Errors := True;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Keep in list.
+ if Callee_Bod = Null_Iir
+ or else (Get_Purity_State (Callee) = Unknown
+ and then Depth /= Iir_Depth_Impure)
+ or else (Get_Wait_State (Callee) = Unknown
+ and then (Kind /= K_Procedure
+ or else Get_Wait_State (Subprg) = Unknown))
+ then
+ Replace_Nth_Element (Callees_List, Npos, Callee);
+ Npos := Npos + 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Npos = 0 then
+ Destroy_Iir_List (Callees_List);
+ Callees_List := Null_Iir_List;
+ if Kind = K_Procedure then
+ if Get_Purity_State (Subprg) = Unknown then
+ Set_Purity_State (Subprg, Maybe_Impure);
+ end if;
+ if Get_Wait_State (Subprg) = Unknown then
+ Set_Wait_State (Subprg, False);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ exit;
+ else
+ Set_Nbr_Elements (Callees_List, Npos);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Set_Callees_List (Subprg, Callees_List);
+ end Update_And_Check_Pure_Wait;
+ procedure Sem_Analysis_Checks_List (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Emit_Warnings : Boolean)
+ is
+ List : Iir_List := Get_Analysis_Checks_List (Unit);
+ El : Iir;
+ Npos : Natural;
+ Keep : Boolean;
+ Callees : Iir_List;
+ Callee : Iir;
+ begin
+ if List = Null_Iir_List then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Npos := 0;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Keep := False;
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
+ -- FIXME: remove from list if fully tested ?
+ Update_And_Check_Pure_Wait (El);
+ Callees := Get_Callees_List (El);
+ if Callees /= Null_Iir_List then
+ if Emit_Warnings then
+ Warning_Msg_Sem
+ ("can't assert that all calls in " & Disp_Node (El)
+ & " are pure or have not wait; "
+ & "will be checked at elaboration", El);
+ Callee := Get_Nth_Element (Callees, 0);
+ -- FIXME: could improve this message by displaying the
+ -- chain of calls until the first subprograms in
+ -- unknown state.
+ Warning_Msg_Sem
+ ("(first such call is to " & Disp_Node (Callee) & ")",
+ Callee);
+ end if;
+ Keep := True;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
+ Update_And_Check_Pure_Wait (El);
+ if Get_Callees_List (El) /= Null_Iir_List then
+ if Emit_Warnings then
+ Warning_Msg_Sem
+ ("can't assert that " & Disp_Node (El)
+ & " has not wait; will be checked at elaboration", El);
+ end if;
+ Keep := True;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_analysis_checks_list", El);
+ end case;
+ if Keep then
+ Replace_Nth_Element (List, Npos, El);
+ Npos := Npos + 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Npos = 0 then
+ Destroy_Iir_List (List);
+ Set_Analysis_Checks_List (Unit, Null_Iir_List);
+ else
+ Set_Nbr_Elements (List, Npos);
+ end if;
+ end Sem_Analysis_Checks_List;
+ -- Return true if package declaration DECL needs a body.
+ -- Ie, it contains subprogram specification or deferred constants.
+ function Package_Need_Body_P (Decl: Iir_Package_Declaration)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ El: Iir;
+ Def : Iir;
+ begin
+ El := Get_Declaration_Chain (Decl);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ return True;
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Default_Value (El) = Null_Iir then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration =>
+ Def := Get_Type (El);
+ if Def /= Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("package_need_body_p", El);
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ return False;
+ end Package_Need_Body_P;
+ -- LRM 2.5 Package Declarations.
+ procedure Sem_Package_Declaration (Decl: Iir_Package_Declaration)
+ is
+ Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Implicit : Implicit_Signal_Declaration_Type;
+ begin
+ Unit := Get_Design_Unit (Decl);
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (Unit);
+ Set_Visible_Flag (Unit, True);
+ Xref_Decl (Decl);
+ -- LRM93 10.1 Declarative Region
+ -- 4. A package declaration, together with the corresponding
+ -- body (if any).
+ Open_Declarative_Region;
+ Push_Signals_Declarative_Part (Implicit, Decl);
+ Sem_Declaration_Chain (Decl);
+ -- GHDL: subprogram bodies appear in package body.
+ Pop_Signals_Declarative_Part (Implicit);
+ Close_Declarative_Region;
+ Set_Need_Body (Decl, Package_Need_Body_P (Decl));
+ end Sem_Package_Declaration;
+ -- LRM 2.6 Package Bodies.
+ procedure Sem_Package_Body (Decl: Iir)
+ is
+ Package_Ident: Name_Id;
+ Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Package_Decl: Iir;
+ begin
+ -- First, find the package declaration.
+ Package_Ident := Get_Identifier (Decl);
+ Design_Unit := Libraries.Load_Primary_Unit
+ (Get_Library (Get_Design_File (Get_Current_Design_Unit)),
+ Package_Ident, Decl);
+ if Design_Unit = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("package '" & Name_Table.Image (Package_Ident)
+ & "' was not analysed",
+ Decl);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Package_Decl := Get_Library_Unit (Design_Unit);
+ if Get_Kind (Package_Decl) /= Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("primary unit '" & Name_Table.Image (Package_Ident)
+ & "' is not a package", Decl);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Emit a warning is a body is not necessary.
+ if not Get_Need_Body (Package_Decl) then
+ Warning_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Package_Decl) & " does not require a body", Decl);
+ end if;
+ Set_Package (Decl, Package_Decl);
+ Xref_Body (Decl, Package_Decl);
+ Set_Package_Body (Package_Decl, Decl);
+ Add_Dependence (Design_Unit);
+ Add_Name (Design_Unit);
+ -- Add the context clauses from the primary unit.
+ Add_Context_Clauses (Design_Unit);
+ -- LRM93 10.1 Declarative Region
+ -- 4. A package declaration, together with the corresponding
+ -- body (if any).
+ Open_Declarative_Region;
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Package_Declarations (Package_Decl);
+ Sem_Declaration_Chain (Decl);
+ Check_Full_Declaration (Decl, Decl);
+ Check_Full_Declaration (Package_Decl, Decl);
+ Close_Declarative_Region;
+ end Sem_Package_Body;
+ -- LRM 10.4 Use Clauses.
+ procedure Sem_Use_Clause (Clauses: Iir_Use_Clause)
+ is
+ Clause : Iir_Use_Clause;
+ Name: Iir;
+ Prefix: Iir;
+ Prefix_Name : Iir;
+ begin
+ Clause := Clauses;
+ loop
+ -- LRM93 10.4
+ -- A use clause achieves direct visibility of declarations that are
+ -- visible by selection.
+ -- Each selected name is a use clause identifies one or more
+ -- declarations that will potentialy become directly visible.
+ Name := Get_Selected_Name (Clause);
+ case Get_Kind (Name) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ Prefix := Get_Prefix (Name);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("use clause allows only selected name", Name);
+ return;
+ end case;
+ Sem_Name (Prefix, False);
+ Prefix_Name := Get_Named_Entity (Prefix);
+ if Prefix_Name = Error_Mark then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM 10.4 Use Clauses
+ -- If the suffix of the selected name is [...], then the
+ -- selected name identifies only the declaration(s) of that
+ -- [...] contained within the package or library denoted by
+ -- the prefix of the selected name.
+ --
+ -- If the suffix is the reserved word ALL, then the selected name
+ -- identifies all declarations that are contained within the package
+ -- or library denoted by the prefix of the selected name.
+ --
+ -- GHDL: therefore, the suffix must be either a package or a library.
+ case Get_Kind (Prefix_Name) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit =>
+ if Get_Kind (Get_Library_Unit (Prefix_Name))
+ /= Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("design unit is not a package", Prefix);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Libraries.Load_Design_Unit (Prefix_Name, Clause);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("prefix must designate a package or a library",
+ Prefix);
+ return;
+ end case;
+ case Get_Kind (Name) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ Sem_Name (Name, False);
+ if Get_Named_Entity (Name) = Error_Mark then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Xref_Name (Name);
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name =>
+ Xref_Name (Prefix);
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Clause := Get_Use_Clause_Chain (Clause);
+ exit when Clause = Null_Iir;
+ end loop;
+ -- LRM 10.4
+ -- For each use clause, there is a certain region of text called the
+ -- scope of the use clause. This region starts immediatly after the
+ -- use clause.
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Use_Clause (Clauses);
+ end Sem_Use_Clause;
+ -- LRM 11.2 Design Libraries.
+ procedure Sem_Library_Clause (Decl: Iir_Library_Clause)
+ is
+ Ident : Name_Id;
+ Lib: Iir;
+ begin
+ -- GHDL: 'redeclaration' is handled in sem_scopes.
+ Ident := Get_Identifier (Decl);
+ Lib := Libraries.Get_Library (Ident, Get_Location (Decl));
+ if Lib = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("no resource library """ & Name_Table.Image (Ident) & """", Decl);
+ else
+ Set_Library_Declaration (Decl, Lib);
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (Lib, Ident, False);
+ Set_Visible_Flag (Lib, True);
+ Xref_Ref (Decl, Lib);
+ end if;
+ end Sem_Library_Clause;
+ -- LRM 11.3 Context Clauses.
+ procedure Sem_Context_Clauses (Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit)
+ is
+ El: Iir;
+ begin
+ El := Get_Context_Items (Design_Unit);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause =>
+ Sem_Use_Clause (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Library_Clause =>
+ Sem_Library_Clause (El);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_context_clauses", El);
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Sem_Context_Clauses;
+ -- Access to the current design unit. This is set, saved, restored, cleared
+ -- by the procedure semantic.
+ Current_Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit := Null_Iir;
+ function Get_Current_Design_Unit return Iir_Design_Unit is
+ begin
+ return Current_Design_Unit;
+ end Get_Current_Design_Unit;
+ -- LRM 11.1 Design units.
+ procedure Semantic (Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit)
+ is
+ El: Iir;
+ Old_Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Implicit : Implicit_Signal_Declaration_Type;
+ begin
+ -- Sanity check: can analyze either previously analyzed unit or just
+ -- parsed unit.
+ case Get_Date (Design_Unit) is
+ when Date_Parsed =>
+ Set_Date (Design_Unit, Date_Analyzing);
+ when Date_Valid =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ -- Save and set current_design_unit.
+ Old_Design_Unit := Current_Design_Unit;
+ Current_Design_Unit := Design_Unit;
+ Push_Signals_Declarative_Part (Implicit, Null_Iir);
+ -- Be sure the name table is empty.
+ -- It is empty at start-up, or saved before recursing.
+ pragma Debug (Name_Table.Assert_No_Infos);
+ -- LRM02 10.1 Declarative Region.
+ -- In addition to the above declarative region, there is a root
+ -- declarative region, not associated with a portion of the text of the
+ -- description, but encompassing any given primary unit. At the
+ -- beginning of the analysis of a given primary unit, there are no
+ -- declarations whose scopes (see 10.2) are within the root declarative
+ -- region. Moreover, the root declarative region associated with any
+ -- given secondary unit is the root declarative region of the
+ -- corresponding primary unit.
+ -- GHDL: for any revision of VHDL, a root declarative region is created,
+ -- due to reasons given by LCS 3 (VHDL Issue # 1028).
+ Open_Declarative_Region;
+ -- Set_Dependence_List (Design_Unit,
+-- Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Design_Unit_List));
+ -- LRM 11.2
+ -- Every design unit is assumed to contain the following implicit
+ -- context items as part of its context clause:
+ -- library STD, WORK; use STD.STANDARD.all;
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (Libraries.Std_Library, Std_Names.Name_Std, False);
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (Get_Library (Get_Design_File (Design_Unit)),
+ Std_Names.Name_Work,
+ False);
+ Sem_Scopes.Use_All_Names (Std_Standard_Unit);
+ if Get_Dependence_List (Design_Unit) = Null_Iir_List then
+ Set_Dependence_List (Design_Unit, Create_Iir_List);
+ end if;
+ Add_Dependence (Std_Standard_Unit);
+ -- Semantic on context clauses.
+ Sem_Context_Clauses (Design_Unit);
+ -- semantic on the library unit.
+ El := Get_Library_Unit (Design_Unit);
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Entity_Declaration (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Architecture_Declaration (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Package_Declaration (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
+ Sem_Package_Body (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Configuration_Declaration (El);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("semantic", El);
+ end case;
+ Close_Declarative_Region;
+ if Get_Date (Design_Unit) = Date_Analyzing then
+ Set_Date (Design_Unit, Date_Analyzed);
+ end if;
+ if Get_Analysis_Checks_List (Design_Unit) /= Null_Iir_List then
+ Sem_Analysis_Checks_List (Design_Unit, False);
+ end if;
+ -- Restore current_design_unit.
+ Current_Design_Unit := Old_Design_Unit;
+ Pop_Signals_Declarative_Part (Implicit);
+ end Semantic;
+end Sem;
diff --git a/sem.ads b/sem.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c37500819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sem.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+-- Semantic analysis pass.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+with Types; use Types;
+package Sem is
+ -- Semantic analysis for chapters 1, 2, 10 (uses clauses) and 11.
+ -- Do the semantic analysis of design unit DESIGN_UNIT.
+ -- Also add a few node or change some nodes, when for exemple an
+ -- identifier is changed into an access to the type.
+ procedure Semantic (Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit);
+ -- Get the current design unit, ie, the parameter of the procedure semantic.
+ function Get_Current_Design_Unit return Iir_Design_Unit;
+ -- Makes the current design unit depends on UNIT.
+ -- UNIT must be either an entit_aspect or a design_unit.
+ procedure Add_Dependence (Unit : Iir);
+ -- Add EL in the current design unit list of items to be checked later.
+ procedure Add_Analysis_Checks_List (El : Iir);
+ -- INTER_PARENT contains generics and ports interfaces;
+ -- ASSOC_PARENT constains generics and ports map aspects.
+ procedure Sem_Generic_Port_Association_Chain
+ (Inter_Parent : Iir; Assoc_Parent : Iir);
+ -- Return TRUE iff the actual of ASSOC can be the formal FORMAL.
+ -- ASSOC must be an association_element_by_expression.
+ function Can_Collapse_Signals (Assoc : Iir; Formal : Iir) return Boolean;
+ -- Return TRUE iff LEFT and RIGHT are (in depth) equal.
+ -- This corresponds to conformance rules, LRM 2.7
+ function Are_Trees_Equal (Left, Right : Iir) return Boolean;
+ -- Check requirements on number of interfaces for subprogram specification
+ -- SUBPRG for a symbol operator ID. Requirements only concern operators,
+ -- and are defined in LRM 2.3.1.
+ -- If ID is not an operator name, this subprogram does no checks.
+ -- ID might be different from the identifier of SUBPRG when non object
+ -- aliases are checked.
+ procedure Check_Operator_Requirements (Id : Name_Id; Subprg : Iir);
+ -- Semantize an use clause.
+ -- This may adds use clauses to the chain.
+ procedure Sem_Use_Clause (Clauses : Iir_Use_Clause);
+ -- Compute and set the hash profile of a subprogram or enumeration clause.
+ procedure Compute_Subprogram_Hash (Subprg : Iir);
+ -- LRM 2.1 Subprogram Declarations.
+ -- SUBPRG is either a _specification or a _spec_body.
+ function Sem_Subprogram_Declaration (Subprg: Iir) return Iir;
+ -- LRM 2.2 Subprogram Bodies.
+ procedure Sem_Subprogram_Body (Subprg: Iir);
+ -- Do late analysis checks (pure rules).
+ procedure Sem_Analysis_Checks_List (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Emit_Warnings : Boolean);
+end Sem;
diff --git a/sem_assocs.adb b/sem_assocs.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d85774675
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sem_assocs.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1679 @@
+-- Semantic analysis.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Evaluation; use Evaluation;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Flags;
+with Types; use Types;
+with Iirs_Utils; use Iirs_Utils;
+with Sem_Names; use Sem_Names;
+with Sem_Expr; use Sem_Expr;
+with Iir_Chains; use Iir_Chains;
+with Xrefs;
+package body Sem_Assocs is
+ -- Semantize all arguments of ASSOC_CHAIN
+ -- Return TRUE if no error.
+ function Sem_Actual_Of_Association_Chain (Assoc_Chain : Iir)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ Has_Named : Boolean;
+ Ok : Boolean;
+ Assoc : Iir;
+ Res : Iir;
+ Formal : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Semantize all arguments
+ -- OK is false if there is an error during semantic of one of the
+ -- argument, but continue semantisation.
+ Has_Named := False;
+ Ok := True;
+ Assoc := Assoc_Chain;
+ while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
+ Formal := Get_Formal (Assoc);
+ if Formal /= Null_Iir then
+ Has_Named := True;
+ -- FIXME: check FORMAL is well composed.
+ elsif Has_Named then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("positional argument after named argument", Assoc);
+ Ok := False;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Assoc) /= Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open then
+ Res := Sem_Expression_Ov (Get_Actual (Assoc), Null_Iir);
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Ok := False;
+ else
+ Set_Actual (Assoc, Res);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
+ end loop;
+ return Ok;
+ end Sem_Actual_Of_Association_Chain;
+ function Get_Mode_Name (Mode : Iir_Mode) return String is
+ begin
+ case Mode is
+ when Iir_Unknown_Mode =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Iir_Linkage_Mode =>
+ return "linkage";
+ when Iir_Buffer_Mode =>
+ return "buffer";
+ when Iir_Out_Mode =>
+ return "out";
+ when Iir_Inout_Mode =>
+ return "inout";
+ when Iir_In_Mode =>
+ return "in";
+ end case;
+ end Get_Mode_Name;
+ procedure Check_Parameter_Association_Restriction
+ (Inter : Iir; Base_Actual : Iir; Loc : Iir)
+ is
+ Act_Mode : Iir_Mode;
+ For_Mode : Iir_Mode;
+ begin
+ Act_Mode := Get_Mode (Base_Actual);
+ For_Mode := Get_Mode (Inter);
+ case Get_Mode (Inter) is
+ when Iir_In_Mode =>
+ if Act_Mode in Iir_In_Modes or Act_Mode = Iir_Buffer_Mode then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Out_Mode =>
+ -- FIXME: should buffer also be accepted ?
+ if Act_Mode in Iir_Out_Modes or Act_Mode = Iir_Buffer_Mode then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Inout_Mode =>
+ if Act_Mode = Iir_Inout_Mode then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("check_parameter_association_restriction", Inter);
+ end case;
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("cannot associate an " & Get_Mode_Name (Act_Mode)
+ & " object with " & Get_Mode_Name (For_Mode) & " "
+ & Disp_Node (Inter), Loc);
+ end Check_Parameter_Association_Restriction;
+ procedure Check_Subprogram_Associations
+ (Inter_Chain : Iir; Assoc_Chain : Iir)
+ is
+ Assoc : Iir;
+ Formal : Iir;
+ Interface : Iir;
+ Actual : Iir;
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ Object : Iir;
+ Inter : Iir;
+ begin
+ Assoc := Assoc_Chain;
+ Inter := Inter_Chain;
+ while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
+ Formal := Get_Formal (Assoc);
+ if Formal = Null_Iir then
+ -- Association by position.
+ Interface := Inter;
+ Inter := Get_Chain (Inter);
+ else
+ -- Association by name.
+ Interface := Get_Base_Name (Formal);
+ Inter := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Assoc) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open =>
+ if Get_Default_Value (Interface) = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("no parameter for " & Disp_Node (Interface), Assoc);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression =>
+ Actual := Get_Actual (Assoc);
+ Object := Name_To_Object (Actual);
+ if Object /= Null_Iir then
+ Prefix := Get_Base_Name (Object);
+ else
+ Prefix := Actual;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Interface) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ -- LRM93 2.1.1
+ -- In a subprogram call, the actual designator
+ -- associated with a formal parameter of class
+ -- signal must be a signal.
+ case Get_Kind (Prefix) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kinds_Signal_Attribute =>
+ -- LRM93
+ -- If an actual signal is associated with
+ -- a signal parameter of any mode, the actual
+ -- must be denoted by a static signal name.
+ if Get_Name_Staticness (Object) < Globally then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("actual signal must be a static name",
+ Actual);
+ else
+ -- Inherit has_active_flag.
+ Set_Has_Active_Flag
+ (Prefix, Get_Has_Active_Flag (Interface));
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("signal parameter requires a signal expression",
+ Assoc);
+ end case;
+ case Get_Kind (Prefix) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ Check_Parameter_Association_Restriction
+ (Interface, Prefix, Assoc);
+ when Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Mode (Interface) /= Iir_In_Mode then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("cannot associate a guard signal with "
+ & Get_Mode_Name (Get_Mode (Interface)) & " "
+ & Disp_Node (Interface), Assoc);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Signal_Attribute =>
+ if Get_Mode (Interface) /= Iir_In_Mode then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("cannot associate a signal attribute with "
+ & Get_Mode_Name (Get_Mode (Interface)) & " "
+ & Disp_Node (Interface), Assoc);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ -- LRM Signal parameters
+ -- It is an error if a conversion function or type
+ -- conversion appears in either the formal part or the
+ -- actual part of an association element that associates
+ -- an actual signal with a formal signal parameter.
+ if Get_In_Conversion (Assoc) /= Null_Iir
+ or Get_Out_Conversion (Assoc) /= Null_Iir
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("conversion are not allowed for "
+ & "signal parameters", Assoc);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration =>
+ -- LRM93 2.1.1
+ -- The actual designator associated with a formal of
+ -- class variable must be a variable.
+ case Get_Kind (Prefix) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration =>
+ Check_Parameter_Association_Restriction
+ (Interface, Prefix, Assoc);
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
+ -- LRM87
+ -- Such an object is a member of the variable
+ -- class of objects;
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_93 then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("in vhdl93, variable parameter "
+ & "cannot be a file", Assoc);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("variable parameter must be a variable", Assoc);
+ end case;
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration =>
+ -- LRM93 2.1.1
+ -- The actual designator associated with a formal
+ -- of class file must be a file.
+ case Get_Kind (Prefix) is
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration =>
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_93 then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("in vhdl93, file parameter "
+ & "must be a file", Assoc);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("file parameter must be a file", Assoc);
+ end case;
+ -- LRM File parameters
+ -- It is an error if an association element associates
+ -- an actual with a formal parameter of a file type and
+ -- that association element contains a conversion
+ -- function or type conversion.
+ if Get_In_Conversion (Assoc) /= Null_Iir
+ or Get_Out_Conversion (Assoc) /= Null_Iir
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("conversion are not allowed for "
+ & "file parameters", Assoc);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration =>
+ -- LRM93 2.1.1
+ -- The actual designator associated with a formal of
+ -- class constant must be an expression.
+ Check_Read (Actual);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("check_subprogram_association(3)", Interface);
+ end case;
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("check_subprogram_associations", Assoc);
+ end case;
+ Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
+ end loop;
+ end Check_Subprogram_Associations;
+ -- Assocs_Right_Map (FORMAL_MODE, ACTUAL_MODE) is true iff it is allowed
+ -- to associate a formal port of mode FORMAL_MODE with an actual port of
+ -- mode ACTUAL_MODE.
+ subtype Iir_Known_Mode is Iir_Mode range Iir_Linkage_Mode .. Iir_In_Mode;
+ type Assocs_Right_Map is array (Iir_Known_Mode, Iir_Known_Mode) of Boolean;
+ Vhdl93_Assocs_Map : constant Assocs_Right_Map :=
+ (Iir_Linkage_Mode => (others => True),
+ Iir_Buffer_Mode => (Iir_Buffer_Mode => True, others => False),
+ Iir_Out_Mode => (Iir_Out_Mode | Iir_Inout_Mode => True,
+ others => False),
+ Iir_Inout_Mode => (Iir_Inout_Mode => True,
+ others => False),
+ Iir_In_Mode => (Iir_In_Mode | Iir_Inout_Mode | Iir_Buffer_Mode => True,
+ others => False));
+ Vhdl02_Assocs_Map : constant Assocs_Right_Map :=
+ (Iir_Linkage_Mode => (others => True),
+ Iir_Buffer_Mode => (Iir_Out_Mode | Iir_Inout_Mode
+ | Iir_Buffer_Mode => True,
+ others => False),
+ Iir_Out_Mode => (Iir_Out_Mode | Iir_Inout_Mode | Iir_Buffer_Mode => True,
+ others => False),
+ Iir_Inout_Mode => (Iir_Inout_Mode | Iir_Buffer_Mode => True,
+ others => False),
+ Iir_In_Mode => (Iir_In_Mode | Iir_Inout_Mode | Iir_Buffer_Mode => True,
+ others => False));
+ -- Check for restrictions in LRM
+ -- Return FALSE in case of error.
+ function Check_Port_Association_Restriction
+ (Formal : Iir_Signal_Interface_Declaration;
+ Actual : Iir_Signal_Interface_Declaration;
+ Assoc : Iir)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ Fmode : Iir_Mode;
+ Amode : Iir_Mode;
+ begin
+ Fmode := Get_Mode (Formal);
+ Amode := Get_Mode (Actual);
+ if Fmode = Iir_Unknown_Mode or Amode = Iir_Unknown_Mode then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std < Vhdl_02 then
+ if Vhdl93_Assocs_Map (Fmode, Amode) then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ else
+ if Vhdl02_Assocs_Map (Fmode, Amode) then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("cannot associate " & Get_Mode_Name (Fmode) & " "
+ & Disp_Node (Formal) & " with actual port of mode "
+ & Get_Mode_Name (Amode), Assoc);
+ return False;
+ end Check_Port_Association_Restriction;
+ -- Handle indexed name
+ -- FORMAL is the formal name to be handled.
+ -- SUB_ASSOC is an association_by_individual in which the formal will be
+ -- inserted.
+ -- Update SUB_ASSOC so that it designates FORMAL.
+ procedure Add_Individual_Assoc_Indexed_Name
+ (Sub_Assoc : in out Iir; Formal : Iir)
+ is
+ Choice : Iir;
+ Last_Choice : Iir;
+ Index_List : Iir_List;
+ Index : Iir;
+ Nbr : Natural;
+ begin
+ -- Find element.
+ Index_List := Get_Index_List (Formal);
+ Nbr := Get_Nbr_Elements (Index_List);
+ for I in 0 .. Nbr - 1 loop
+ Index := Get_Nth_Element (Index_List, I);
+ -- Evaluate index.
+ Index := Eval_Expr (Index);
+ Replace_Nth_Element (Index_List, I, Index);
+ -- Find index in choice list.
+ Last_Choice := Null_Iir;
+ Choice := Get_Individual_Association_Chain (Sub_Assoc);
+ while Choice /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (Choice) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression =>
+ if Eval_Pos (Get_Expression (Choice)) = Eval_Pos (Index) then
+ goto Found;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range =>
+ if Eval_Int_In_Range (Eval_Pos (Index),
+ Get_Expression (Choice))
+ then
+ -- FIXME: overlap.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("add_individual_assoc_index_name", Choice);
+ end case;
+ Last_Choice := Choice;
+ Choice := Get_Chain (Choice);
+ end loop;
+ -- If not found, append it.
+ Choice := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression);
+ Set_Expression (Choice, Index);
+ Location_Copy (Choice, Formal);
+ if Last_Choice = Null_Iir then
+ Set_Individual_Association_Chain (Sub_Assoc, Choice);
+ else
+ Set_Chain (Last_Choice, Choice);
+ end if;
+ << Found >> null;
+ if I < Nbr - 1 then
+ Sub_Assoc := Get_Associated (Choice);
+ if Sub_Assoc = Null_Iir then
+ Sub_Assoc := Create_Iir
+ (Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual);
+ Location_Copy (Sub_Assoc, Index);
+ Set_Associated (Choice, Sub_Assoc);
+ end if;
+ else
+ Sub_Assoc := Choice;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Add_Individual_Assoc_Indexed_Name;
+ procedure Add_Individual_Assoc_Slice_Name
+ (Sub_Assoc : in out Iir; Formal : Iir)
+ is
+ Choice : Iir;
+ Index : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- FIXME: handle cases such as param(5 to 6)(5)
+ -- Find element.
+ Index := Get_Suffix (Formal);
+ -- Evaluate index.
+ Index := Eval_Expr (Index);
+ Set_Suffix (Formal, Index);
+ Choice := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range);
+ Location_Copy (Choice, Formal);
+ Set_Expression (Choice, Index);
+ Set_Chain (Choice, Get_Individual_Association_Chain (Sub_Assoc));
+ Set_Individual_Association_Chain (Sub_Assoc, Choice);
+ Sub_Assoc := Choice;
+ end Add_Individual_Assoc_Slice_Name;
+ procedure Add_Individual_Assoc_Selected_Name
+ (Sub_Assoc : in out Iir; Formal : Iir)
+ is
+ Choice : Iir;
+ begin
+ Choice := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Name);
+ Location_Copy (Choice, Formal);
+ Set_Name (Choice, Get_Selected_Element (Formal));
+ Set_Chain (Choice, Get_Individual_Association_Chain (Sub_Assoc));
+ Set_Individual_Association_Chain (Sub_Assoc, Choice);
+ Sub_Assoc := Choice;
+ end Add_Individual_Assoc_Selected_Name;
+ procedure Add_Individual_Association_1 (Iassoc : in out Iir; Formal : Iir)
+ is
+ Sub : Iir;
+ Formal_Object : Iir;
+ begin
+ Formal_Object := Name_To_Object (Formal);
+ case Get_Kind (Formal_Object) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Element =>
+ Add_Individual_Association_1 (Iassoc, Get_Prefix (Formal_Object));
+ when Iir_Kinds_Interface_Declaration =>
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("add_individual_association_1", Formal);
+ end case;
+ case Get_Kind (Iassoc) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression =>
+ Sub := Get_Associated (Iassoc);
+ if Sub = Null_Iir then
+ Sub := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual);
+ Location_Copy (Sub, Formal);
+ Set_Formal (Sub, Iassoc);
+ Iassoc := Sub;
+ else
+ case Get_Kind (Sub) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual =>
+ Iassoc := Sub;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("individual association of "
+ & Disp_Node (Get_Associated_Formal (Iassoc))
+ & " conflicts with that at " & Disp_Location (Sub),
+ Formal);
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("add_individual_association_1(2)", Iassoc);
+ end case;
+ case Get_Kind (Formal_Object) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name =>
+ Add_Individual_Assoc_Indexed_Name (Iassoc, Formal_Object);
+ when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
+ Add_Individual_Assoc_Slice_Name (Iassoc, Formal_Object);
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Element =>
+ Add_Individual_Assoc_Selected_Name (Iassoc, Formal_Object);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("add_individual_association_1(3)", Formal);
+ end case;
+ end Add_Individual_Association_1;
+ procedure Add_Individual_Association (Iassoc : Iir; Assoc : Iir)
+ is
+ Formal : Iir;
+ Iass : Iir;
+ Prev : Iir;
+ begin
+ Formal := Get_Formal (Assoc);
+ Iass := Iassoc;
+ Add_Individual_Association_1 (Iass, Formal);
+ Prev := Get_Associated (Iass);
+ if Prev /= Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("individual association of "
+ & Disp_Node (Get_Base_Name (Formal))
+ & " conflicts with that at " & Disp_Location (Prev),
+ Assoc);
+ else
+ Set_Associated (Iass, Assoc);
+ end if;
+ end Add_Individual_Association;
+ procedure Finish_Individual_Assoc_Array_Subtype (Assoc : Iir; Atype : Iir)
+ is
+ Index_Tlist : Iir_List;
+ Index_Type : Iir;
+ Low, High : Iir;
+ Chain : Iir;
+ begin
+ Index_Tlist := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Atype);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Index_Type := Get_Nth_Element (Index_Tlist, I);
+ exit when Index_Type = Null_Iir;
+ Chain := Get_Individual_Association_Chain (Assoc);
+ Sem_Choices_Range
+ (Chain, Index_Type, True, Get_Location (Assoc), Low, High);
+ Set_Individual_Association_Chain (Assoc, Chain);
+ end loop;
+ end Finish_Individual_Assoc_Array_Subtype;
+ procedure Finish_Individual_Assoc_Array
+ (Actual : Iir; Assoc : Iir; Dim : Natural)
+ is
+ Actual_Type : Iir;
+ Actual_Index : Iir;
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ Base_Index : Iir;
+ Low, High : Iir;
+ Chain : Iir;
+ begin
+ Actual_Type := Get_Actual_Type (Actual);
+ Actual_Index := Get_Nth_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Actual_Type),
+ Dim - 1);
+ if Actual_Index /= Null_Iir then
+ Base_Index := Actual_Index;
+ else
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Actual_Type);
+ Base_Index := Get_Nth_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Base_Type),
+ Dim - 1);
+ end if;
+ Chain := Get_Individual_Association_Chain (Assoc);
+ Sem_Choices_Range
+ (Chain, Base_Index, True, Get_Location (Assoc), Low, High);
+ Set_Individual_Association_Chain (Assoc, Chain);
+ if Actual_Index = Null_Iir then
+ declare
+ Index_Constraint : Iir;
+ Index_Subtype_Constraint : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Create an index subtype.
+ case Get_Kind (Base_Index) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Actual_Index :=
+ Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition);
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Actual_Index :=
+ Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("finish_individual_assoc_array", Base_Index);
+ end case;
+ Location_Copy (Actual_Index, Actual);
+ Set_Base_Type (Actual_Index, Get_Base_Type (Base_Index));
+ Index_Constraint := Get_Range_Constraint (Base_Index);
+ Index_Subtype_Constraint := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Range_Expression);
+ Location_Copy (Index_Subtype_Constraint, Actual);
+ Set_Range_Constraint (Actual_Index, Index_Subtype_Constraint);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Actual_Index, Locally);
+ Set_Direction (Index_Subtype_Constraint,
+ Get_Direction (Index_Constraint));
+ case Get_Direction (Index_Constraint) is
+ when Iir_To =>
+ Set_Left_Limit (Index_Subtype_Constraint, Low);
+ Set_Right_Limit (Index_Subtype_Constraint, High);
+ when Iir_Downto =>
+ Set_Left_Limit (Index_Subtype_Constraint, High);
+ Set_Right_Limit (Index_Subtype_Constraint, Low);
+ end case;
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Index_Subtype_Constraint, Locally);
+ Append_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Actual_Type),
+ Actual_Index);
+ end;
+ else
+ declare
+ Act_High, Act_Low : Iir;
+ begin
+ Get_Low_High_Limit (Get_Range_Constraint (Actual_Type),
+ Act_Low, Act_High);
+ if Eval_Pos (Act_Low) /= Eval_Pos (Low)
+ or Eval_Pos (Act_High) /= Eval_Pos (High)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("indexes of individual association mismatch",
+ Assoc);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Finish_Individual_Assoc_Array;
+ procedure Finish_Individual_Assoc_Record (Assoc : Iir; Atype : Iir)
+ is
+ Base_Type : Iir_Record_Type_Definition;
+ Matches : Iir_Array_Acc;
+ Ch : Iir;
+ Pos : Natural;
+ Rec_El : Iir;
+ begin
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Atype);
+ Matches := new Iir_Array
+ (0 .. Natural (Get_Number_Element_Declaration (Base_Type)) - 1);
+ Matches.all := (others => Null_Iir);
+ Ch := Get_Individual_Association_Chain (Assoc);
+ while Ch /= Null_Iir loop
+ Rec_El := Get_Name (Ch);
+ Pos := Natural (Get_Element_Position (Rec_El));
+ if Matches (Pos) /= Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("individual " & Disp_Node (Rec_El)
+ & " already associated at "
+ & Disp_Location (Matches (Pos)), Ch);
+ else
+ Matches (Pos) := Ch;
+ end if;
+ Ch := Get_Chain (Ch);
+ end loop;
+ Rec_El := Get_Element_Declaration_Chain (Base_Type);
+ for I in Matches'Range loop
+ if Matches (I) = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem (Disp_Node (Rec_El) & " not associated", Assoc);
+ end if;
+ Rec_El := Get_Chain (Rec_El);
+ end loop;
+ Set_Actual_Type (Assoc, Atype);
+ end Finish_Individual_Assoc_Record;
+ -- Called by sem_individual_association to finish the semantization of
+ -- individual association ASSOC.
+ procedure Finish_Individual_Association (Assoc : Iir)
+ is
+ Formal : Iir;
+ Atype : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Guard.
+ if Assoc = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Formal := Get_Associated_Formal (Assoc);
+ Atype := Get_Type (Formal);
+ case Get_Kind (Atype) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Finish_Individual_Assoc_Array_Subtype (Assoc, Atype);
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Set_Actual_Type
+ (Assoc, Create_Array_Subtype (Atype, Get_Location (Assoc)));
+ Finish_Individual_Assoc_Array (Assoc, Assoc, 1);
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Finish_Individual_Assoc_Record (Assoc, Atype);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("finish_individual_association", Atype);
+ end case;
+ end Finish_Individual_Association;
+ -- Sem individual associations of ASSOCS:
+ -- Add an Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual before each
+ -- group of individual association for the same formal, and call
+ -- Finish_Individual_Association with each of these added nodes.
+ procedure Sem_Individual_Association (Assoc_Chain : in out Iir)
+ is
+ Assoc : Iir;
+ Prev_Assoc : Iir;
+ Iassoc : Iir_Association_Element_By_Individual;
+ Cur_Iface : Iir;
+ Formal : Iir;
+ begin
+ Iassoc := Null_Iir;
+ Cur_Iface := Null_Iir;
+ Prev_Assoc := Null_Iir;
+ Assoc := Assoc_Chain;
+ while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
+ Formal := Get_Formal (Assoc);
+ if Formal /= Null_Iir then
+ Formal := Get_Base_Name (Formal);
+ end if;
+ if Formal = Null_Iir or else Formal /= Cur_Iface then
+ -- New formal name, sem the current assoc.
+ Finish_Individual_Association (Iassoc);
+ Cur_Iface := Formal;
+ Iassoc := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Whole_Association_Flag (Assoc) = False then
+ -- New individual association.
+ if Iassoc = Null_Iir then
+ Iassoc :=
+ Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual);
+ Location_Copy (Iassoc, Assoc);
+ if Cur_Iface = Null_Iir then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Set_Formal (Iassoc, Cur_Iface);
+ -- Insert IASSOC.
+ if Prev_Assoc = Null_Iir then
+ Assoc_Chain := Iassoc;
+ else
+ Set_Chain (Prev_Assoc, Iassoc);
+ end if;
+ Set_Chain (Iassoc, Assoc);
+ end if;
+ Add_Individual_Association (Iassoc, Assoc);
+ end if;
+ Prev_Assoc := Assoc;
+ Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
+ end loop;
+ -- There is maybe a remaining iassoc.
+ Finish_Individual_Association (Iassoc);
+ end Sem_Individual_Association;
+ -- EXPR is a formal or actual expression.
+ -- Extract conversion function CONV from EXPR, if:
+ -- * argument of the function is of type ARG_TYPE.
+ -- * return type of the function is RES_TYPE if RES_TYPE /= Null_Iir
+ -- or any type if RES_TYPE = Null_Iir.
+-- procedure Sem_Conversion (Expr : in out Iir; Conv : out Iir)
+-- is
+-- Assoc : Iir;
+-- begin
+-- Conv := Null_Iir;
+-- case Get_Kind (Expr) is
+-- when Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name =>
+-- raise Internal_Error;
+-- when Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
+-- Conv := Get_Implementation (Expr);
+-- Assoc := Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Expr);
+-- Expr := Get_Actual (Assoc);
+-- Free_Iir (Assoc);
+-- Set_Use_Flag (Conv, True);
+-- when Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion =>
+-- Assoc := Get_Expression (Expr);
+-- Conv := Expr;
+-- Expr := Assoc;
+-- --Set_Expression (Conv, Null_Iir);
+-- when others =>
+-- return;
+-- end case;
+-- end Sem_Conversion;
+ function Is_Conversion_Function (Assoc_Chain : Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ -- [...] whose single parameter of the function [...]
+ if not Is_Chain_Length_One (Assoc_Chain) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Assoc_Chain) /= Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- FIXME: unfortunatly, the formal may already be set with the
+ -- interface.
+-- if Get_Formal (Assoc_Chain) /= Null_Iir then
+-- return Null_Iir;
+-- end if;
+ return True;
+ end Is_Conversion_Function;
+ function Is_Expanded_Name (Name : Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ Pfx : Iir;
+ begin
+ Pfx := Name;
+ loop
+ case Get_Kind (Pfx) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name =>
+ return True;
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ Pfx := Get_Prefix (Pfx);
+ when others =>
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Is_Expanded_Name;
+ -- Return TRUE iff FUNC is valid as a conversion function/type.
+ function Is_Valid_Conversion (Func : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Func) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration =>
+ if not Is_Chain_Length_One (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Func))
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ return True;
+ end Is_Valid_Conversion;
+ function Extract_Type_Of_Conversions (Convs : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Res_List : Iir_List;
+ Ov_List : Iir_List;
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ if not Is_Overload_List (Convs) then
+ if Is_Valid_Conversion (Convs) then
+ return Get_Type (Convs);
+ else
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Ov_List := Get_Overload_List (Convs);
+ Res_List := Create_Iir_List;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (Ov_List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ if Is_Valid_Conversion (El) then
+ Add_Element (Res_List, Get_Type (El));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Simplify_Overload_List (Res_List);
+ end if;
+ end Extract_Type_Of_Conversions;
+ -- ASSOC is an association element not semantized and whose formal is a
+ -- parenthesis name. Try to extract a conversion function/type. In case
+ -- of success, return a new association element. In case of failure,
+ -- return NULL_IIR.
+ function Sem_Formal_Conversion (Assoc : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Formal : Iir;
+ Assoc_Chain : Iir;
+ Res : Iir;
+ Conv : Iir;
+ Name : Iir;
+ Conv_Func : Iir;
+ Conv_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Formal := Get_Formal (Assoc);
+ Assoc_Chain := Get_Association_Chain (Formal);
+ if not Is_Conversion_Function (Assoc_Chain) then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ -- Both the conversion function and the formal name must be names.
+ Conv := Get_Prefix (Formal);
+ -- FIXME: what about operator names (such as "not").
+ if Get_Kind (Conv) /= Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ and then not Is_Expanded_Name (Conv)
+ then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Name := Get_Actual (Assoc_Chain);
+ if Get_Kind (Name) not in Iir_Kinds_Name then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Sem_Name_Soft (Conv);
+ Conv_Func := Get_Named_Entity (Conv);
+ if Get_Kind (Conv_Func) = Iir_Kind_Error then
+ Conv_Type := Null_Iir;
+ else
+ Conv_Type := Extract_Type_Of_Conversions (Conv_Func);
+ end if;
+ if Conv_Type = Null_Iir then
+ Sem_Name_Clean (Conv);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Set_Type (Conv, Conv_Type);
+ -- Create a new association with a conversion function.
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression);
+ Set_Out_Conversion (Res, Conv);
+ Set_Formal (Res, Name);
+ Set_Actual (Res, Get_Actual (Assoc));
+ return Res;
+ end Sem_Formal_Conversion;
+ -- NAME is the formal name of an association, without any conversion
+ -- function or type.
+ -- Try to semantize NAME with INTERFACE.
+ -- In case of success, set PREFIX to the most prefix of NAME and NAME_TYPE
+ -- to the type of NAME.
+ -- In case of failure, set NAME_TYPE to NULL_IIR.
+ procedure Sem_Formal_Name (Name : Iir;
+ Interface : Iir;
+ Prefix : out Iir;
+ Name_Type : out Iir)
+ is
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ Rec_El : Iir;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Name) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name =>
+ if Get_Identifier (Name) = Get_Identifier (Interface) then
+ Prefix := Name;
+ Name_Type := Get_Type (Interface);
+ else
+ Name_Type := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ Sem_Formal_Name
+ (Get_Prefix (Name), Interface, Prefix, Name_Type);
+ if Name_Type = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Name_Type);
+ if Get_Kind (Base_Type) /= Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition then
+ Name_Type := Null_Iir;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Rec_El := Find_Name_In_Chain
+ (Get_Element_Declaration_Chain (Base_Type),
+ Get_Suffix_Identifier (Name));
+ if Rec_El = Null_Iir then
+ Name_Type := Null_Iir;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Name_Type := Get_Type (Rec_El);
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name =>
+ -- More difficult: slice or indexed array.
+ Sem_Formal_Name
+ (Get_Prefix (Name), Interface, Prefix, Name_Type);
+ if Name_Type = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Name_Type);
+ if Get_Kind (Base_Type) /= Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition then
+ Name_Type := Null_Iir;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Chain : Iir;
+ Index_List : Iir_List;
+ Idx : Iir;
+ begin
+ Chain := Get_Association_Chain (Name);
+ Index_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Base_Type);
+ -- Check for matching length.
+ if Get_Chain_Length (Chain) /= Get_Nbr_Elements (Index_List)
+ then
+ Name_Type := Null_Iir;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Chain)
+ /= Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression
+ then
+ Name_Type := Null_Iir;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Idx := Get_Actual (Chain);
+ if (not Is_Chain_Length_One (Chain))
+ or else (Get_Kind (Idx) /= Iir_Kind_Range_Expression
+ and then not Is_Range_Attribute_Name (Idx))
+ -- FIXME: what about subtype !
+ then
+ -- Indexed name.
+ Name_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Base_Type);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Slice.
+ return;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_formal_name", Name);
+ end case;
+ end Sem_Formal_Name;
+ -- Return a type or a list of types for a formal expression FORMAL
+ -- corresponding to INTERFACE. Possible cases are:
+ -- * FORMAL is the simple name with the same identifier as INTERFACE,
+ -- FORMAL_TYPE is set to the type of INTERFACE and CONV_TYPE is set
+ -- to NULL_IIR.
+ -- * FORMAL is a selected, indexed or slice name whose extreme prefix is
+ -- a simple name with the same identifier as INTERFACE, FORMAL_TYPE
+ -- is set to the type of the name, and CONV_TYPE is set to NULL_IIR.
+ -- * FORMAL is a function call, whose only argument is an
+ -- association_element_by_expression, whose actual is a name
+ -- whose prefix is the same identifier as INTERFACE (note, since FORMAL
+ -- is not semantized, this is parenthesis name), CONV_TYPE is set to
+ -- the type or list of type of return type of conversion functions and
+ -- FORMAL_TYPE is set to the type of the name.
+ -- * otherwise, FORMAL cannot match INTERFACE and both FORMAL_TYPE and
+ -- CONV_TYPE are set to NULL_IIR.
+ -- If FINISH is true, the simple name is replaced by INTERFACE.
+ type Param_Assoc_Type is (None, Open, Individual, Whole);
+ function Sem_Formal (Formal : Iir; Interface : Iir) return Param_Assoc_Type
+ is
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ Formal_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Formal) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name =>
+ -- Certainly the most common case: FORMAL_NAME => VAL.
+ -- It is also the easiest. So, handle it completly now.
+ if Get_Identifier (Formal) = Get_Identifier (Interface) then
+ Formal_Type := Get_Type (Interface);
+ Set_Named_Entity (Formal, Interface);
+ Set_Type (Formal, Formal_Type);
+ --Xrefs.Xref_Name (Formal);
+ return Whole;
+ end if;
+ return None;
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ -- Should have been caught by sem_association_list.
+ Error_Kind ("sem_formal", Formal);
+ end case;
+ -- Check for a sub-element.
+ Sem_Formal_Name (Formal, Interface, Prefix, Formal_Type);
+ if Formal_Type /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Type (Formal, Formal_Type);
+ Set_Named_Entity (Prefix, Interface);
+ return Individual;
+ else
+ return None;
+ end if;
+ end Sem_Formal;
+ function Is_Valid_Conversion
+ (Func : Iir; Res_Base_Type : Iir; Param_Base_Type : Iir)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ R_Type : Iir;
+ P_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Func) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration =>
+ R_Type := Get_Type (Func);
+ P_Type := Get_Type (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Func));
+ if Get_Base_Type (R_Type) = Res_Base_Type
+ and then Get_Base_Type (P_Type) = Param_Base_Type
+ then
+ return True;
+ else
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ R_Type := Get_Type (Func);
+ if Get_Base_Type (R_Type) = Res_Base_Type
+ and then Are_Types_Closely_Related (R_Type, Param_Base_Type)
+ then
+ return True;
+ else
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
+ return Is_Valid_Conversion (Get_Implementation (Func),
+ Res_Base_Type, Param_Base_Type);
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion =>
+ return Is_Valid_Conversion (Get_Type_Mark (Func),
+ Res_Base_Type, Param_Base_Type);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("is_valid_conversion(2)", Func);
+ end case;
+ end Is_Valid_Conversion;
+ function Extract_Conversion
+ (Conv : Iir; Res_Type : Iir; Param_Type : Iir; Loc : Iir)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ List : Iir_List;
+ Res_Base_Type : Iir;
+ Param_Base_Type : Iir;
+ El : Iir;
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ Res_Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Res_Type);
+ Param_Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Param_Type);
+ if Is_Overload_List (Conv) then
+ List := Get_Overload_List (Conv);
+ Res := Null_Iir;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ if Is_Valid_Conversion (El, Res_Base_Type, Param_Base_Type) then
+ if Res /= Null_Iir then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Free_Iir (Conv);
+ Res := El;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ else
+ if Is_Valid_Conversion (Conv, Res_Base_Type, Param_Base_Type) then
+ Res := Conv;
+ else
+ Res := Null_Iir;
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("conversion function or type does not match", Loc);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Extract_Conversion;
+ function Extract_In_Conversion (Conv : Iir;
+ Res_Type : Iir; Param_Type : Iir)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Func : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Conv = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Func := Extract_Conversion (Conv, Res_Type, Param_Type, Conv);
+ if Func = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Func) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Call
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion =>
+ return Func;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("extract_in_conversion", Func);
+ end case;
+ end Extract_In_Conversion;
+ function Extract_Out_Conversion (Conv : Iir;
+ Res_Type : Iir; Param_Type : Iir)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Func : Iir;
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Conv = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Func := Extract_Conversion (Get_Named_Entity (Conv),
+ Res_Type, Param_Type, Conv);
+ if Func = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Func) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Function_Call);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Conv);
+ Set_Implementation (Res, Func);
+ Set_Base_Name (Res, Res);
+ Set_Parameter_Association_Chain (Res, Null_Iir);
+ Set_Type (Res, Get_Return_Type (Func));
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, None);
+ Set_Use_Flag (Func, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Conv);
+ Set_Type_Mark (Res, Func);
+ Set_Type (Res, Get_Type (Func));
+ Set_Expression (Res, Null_Iir);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, None);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("extract_out_conversion", Res);
+ end case;
+ Set_Named_Entity (Conv, Res);
+ Xrefs.Xref_Name (Conv);
+ return Res;
+ end Extract_Out_Conversion;
+ -- Associate ASSOC with interface INTERFACE
+ -- This sets RES.
+ procedure Sem_Association
+ (Assoc : Iir;
+ Interface : Iir;
+ Finish : Boolean;
+ Match : out Boolean)
+ is
+ Formal : Iir;
+ Formal_Type : Iir;
+ Actual: Iir;
+ Actual_Types : Iir;
+ Out_Conv, In_Conv : Iir;
+ Expr : Iir;
+ Res_Type : Iir;
+ Assoc_Kind : Param_Assoc_Type;
+ begin
+ -- Sem formal.
+ Formal := Get_Formal (Assoc);
+ if Get_Kind (Assoc) = Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open then
+ if Formal /= Null_Iir then
+ Assoc_Kind := Sem_Formal (Formal, Interface);
+ if Assoc_Kind = None then
+ Match := False;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Set_Whole_Association_Flag (Assoc, Assoc_Kind = Whole);
+ if Finish then
+ Set_Type (Formal, Null_Iir);
+ Sem_Name (Formal, False);
+ Expr := Get_Named_Entity (Formal);
+ if Get_Kind (Expr) = Iir_Kind_Error then
+ Match := False;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Xrefs.Xref_Name (Formal);
+ Set_Formal (Assoc, Expr);
+ end if;
+ else
+ Set_Whole_Association_Flag (Assoc, True);
+ end if;
+ Match := True;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Formal /= Null_Iir then
+ Assoc_Kind := Sem_Formal (Formal, Interface);
+ if Assoc_Kind = None then
+ Match := False;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Set_Whole_Association_Flag (Assoc, Assoc_Kind = Whole);
+ Formal := Get_Formal (Assoc);
+ Out_Conv := Get_Out_Conversion (Assoc);
+ else
+ Set_Whole_Association_Flag (Assoc, True);
+ Out_Conv := Null_Iir;
+ Formal := Interface;
+ end if;
+ Formal_Type := Get_Type (Formal);
+ -- Extract conversion from actual.
+ Actual := Get_Actual (Assoc);
+ Actual_Types := Get_Type (Actual);
+ In_Conv := Null_Iir;
+ if Actual_Types = Null_Iir then
+ Match := False;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Interface) /= Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration then
+ case Get_Kind (Actual) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
+ Expr := Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Actual);
+ if Is_Conversion_Function (Expr) then
+ In_Conv := Actual;
+ Actual := Get_Actual (Expr);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion =>
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std > Vhdl_87 then
+ In_Conv := Actual;
+ Actual := Get_Expression (Actual);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Actual_Types := Get_Type (Actual);
+ end if;
+ -- 4 cases: F:out_conv, G:in_conv.
+ -- A => B type of A = type of B
+ -- F(A) => B type of B = type of F
+ -- A => G(B) type of A = type of G
+ -- F(A) => G(B) type of B = type of F, type of A = type of G
+ if Out_Conv = Null_Iir and then In_Conv = Null_Iir then
+ Match := Compatibility_Types (Formal_Type, Actual_Types);
+ else
+ Match := True;
+ if In_Conv /= Null_Iir then
+ if not Compatibility_Types (Formal_Type, Get_Type (In_Conv)) then
+ Match := False;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Out_Conv /= Null_Iir then
+ if not Compatibility_Types (Get_Type (Out_Conv), Actual_Types) then
+ Match := False;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if not Match then
+ if Finish then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("can't associate " & Disp_Node (Actual) & " with "
+ & Disp_Node (Interface), Assoc);
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("(type of " & Disp_Node (Actual) & " is "
+ & Disp_Type_Of (Actual) & ")", Assoc);
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("(type of " & Disp_Node (Interface) & " is "
+ & Disp_Type_Of (Interface) & ")", Interface);
+ end if;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if not Finish then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Out_Conv = Null_Iir and then In_Conv = Null_Iir then
+ Res_Type := Formal_Type;
+ else
+ if Out_Conv /= Null_Iir then
+ Res_Type := Search_Compatible_Type (Get_Type (Out_Conv),
+ Actual_Types);
+ else
+ Res_Type := Actual_Types;
+ end if;
+ if In_Conv /= Null_Iir then
+ In_Conv := Extract_In_Conversion (In_Conv, Formal_Type, Res_Type);
+ end if;
+ if Out_Conv /= Null_Iir then
+ Out_Conv := Extract_Out_Conversion (Out_Conv,
+ Res_Type, Formal_Type);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Res_Type = Null_Iir then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Formal (Assoc) /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Type (Formal, Null_Iir);
+ Sem_Name (Formal, False);
+ Expr := Get_Named_Entity (Formal);
+ if Get_Kind (Expr) = Iir_Kind_Error then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Xrefs.Xref_Name (Formal);
+ Free_Name (Formal);
+ Set_Formal (Assoc, Expr);
+ Formal_Type := Get_Type (Expr);
+ end if;
+ Set_Out_Conversion (Assoc, Out_Conv);
+ Set_In_Conversion (Assoc, In_Conv);
+ Set_Actual (Assoc, Actual);
+ -- Semantize actual.
+ Expr := Sem_Expression (Actual, Res_Type);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Expr := Eval_Expr_If_Static (Expr);
+ Set_Actual (Assoc, Expr);
+ if In_Conv = Null_Iir and then Out_Conv = Null_Iir then
+ if not Check_Implicit_Conversion (Formal_Type, Expr) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("actual length does not match formal length",
+ Assoc);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Sem_Association;
+ procedure Sem_Association_Chain
+ (Interface_Chain : Iir;
+ Assoc_Chain: in out Iir;
+ Finish: Boolean;
+ Missing : Missing_Type;
+ Loc : Iir;
+ Match : out Boolean)
+ is
+ -- Set POS and INTERFACE to *the* matching interface if any of ASSOC.
+ procedure Search_Interface (Assoc : Iir;
+ Interface : out Iir;
+ Pos : out Integer)
+ is
+ I_Match : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Interface := Interface_Chain;
+ Pos := 0;
+ while Interface /= Null_Iir loop
+ -- Formal assoc is not necessarily a simple name, it may
+ -- be a conversion function, or even an indexed or
+ -- selected name.
+ Sem_Association (Assoc, Interface, False, I_Match);
+ if I_Match then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Interface := Get_Chain (Interface);
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end Search_Interface;
+ Assoc: Iir;
+ Interface: Iir;
+ type Bool_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Param_Assoc_Type;
+ Nbr_Arg: constant Natural := Get_Chain_Length (Interface_Chain);
+ Arg_Matched: Bool_Array (0 .. Nbr_Arg - 1) := (others => None);
+ Last_Individual : Iir;
+ Has_Individual : Boolean;
+ Pos : Integer;
+ Formal : Iir;
+ Interface_1 : Iir;
+ Pos_1 : Integer;
+ Assoc_1 : Iir;
+ begin
+ Match := True;
+ Has_Individual := False;
+ -- Loop on every assoc element, try to match it.
+ Interface := Interface_Chain;
+ Last_Individual := Null_Iir;
+ Pos := 0;
+ Assoc := Assoc_Chain;
+ while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
+ Formal := Get_Formal (Assoc);
+ if Formal = Null_Iir then
+ -- Positional argument.
+ if Pos < 0 then
+ -- Positional after named argument. Already caught by
+ -- Sem_Actual_Of_Association_Chain (because it is called only
+ -- once, while sem_association_chain may be called several
+ -- times).
+ Match := False;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Try to match actual of ASSOC with the interface.
+ if Interface = Null_Iir then
+ if Finish then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("too many arguments for " & Disp_Node (Loc), Assoc);
+ end if;
+ Match := False;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Sem_Association (Assoc, Interface, Finish, Match);
+ if not Match then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Assoc) = Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open then
+ Arg_Matched (Pos) := Open;
+ else
+ Arg_Matched (Pos) := Whole;
+ end if;
+ Set_Whole_Association_Flag (Assoc, True);
+ Interface := Get_Chain (Interface);
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ else
+ -- FIXME: directly search the formal if finish is true.
+ -- Find the Interface.
+ case Get_Kind (Formal) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name =>
+ Assoc_1 := Sem_Formal_Conversion (Assoc);
+ if Assoc_1 /= Null_Iir then
+ Search_Interface (Assoc_1, Interface_1, Pos_1);
+ -- LRM Association Lists
+ -- The formal part of a named element association may be
+ -- in the form of a function call, [...], if and only
+ -- if the mode of the formal is OUT, INOUT, BUFFER, or
+ -- LINKAGE, and the actual is not OPEN.
+ if Interface_1 = Null_Iir
+ or else Get_Mode (Interface_1) = Iir_In_Mode
+ then
+ Sem_Name_Clean (Get_Out_Conversion (Assoc_1));
+ Free_Iir (Assoc_1);
+ Assoc_1 := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Search_Interface (Assoc, Interface, Pos);
+ if Interface = Null_Iir then
+ if Assoc_1 /= Null_Iir then
+ Interface := Interface_1;
+ Pos := Pos_1;
+ Set_Formal (Assoc, Get_Formal (Assoc_1));
+ Set_Out_Conversion
+ (Assoc, Get_Out_Conversion (Assoc_1));
+ Set_Whole_Association_Flag
+ (Assoc, Get_Whole_Association_Flag (Assoc_1));
+ Free_Iir (Assoc_1);
+ end if;
+ else
+ if Assoc_1 /= Null_Iir then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Search_Interface (Assoc, Interface, Pos);
+ end case;
+ if Interface /= Null_Iir then
+ if Get_Whole_Association_Flag (Assoc) then
+ -- Whole association.
+ Last_Individual := Null_Iir;
+ if Arg_Matched (Pos) = None then
+ if Get_Kind (Assoc) = Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open
+ then
+ Arg_Matched (Pos) := Open;
+ else
+ Arg_Matched (Pos) := Whole;
+ end if;
+ else
+ if Finish then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Interface) & " already associated",
+ Assoc);
+ Match := False;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- Individual association.
+ Has_Individual := True;
+ if Arg_Matched (Pos) /= Whole then
+ if Finish
+ and then Arg_Matched (Pos) = Individual
+ and then Last_Individual /= Interface
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("non consecutive individual association for "
+ & Disp_Node (Interface),
+ Assoc);
+ Match := False;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Last_Individual := Interface;
+ Arg_Matched (Pos) := Individual;
+ else
+ if Finish then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Interface) & " already associated",
+ Assoc);
+ Match := False;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Finish then
+ Sem_Association (Assoc, Interface, True, Match);
+ if not Match then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- Not found.
+ if Finish then
+ -- FIXME: display the name of subprg or component/entity.
+ -- FIXME: fetch the interface (for parenthesis_name).
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("no interface for " & Disp_Node (Get_Formal (Assoc))
+ & " in association", Assoc);
+ end if;
+ Match := False;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
+ end loop;
+ if Finish and then Has_Individual then
+ Sem_Individual_Association (Assoc_Chain);
+ end if;
+ if Missing = Missing_Allowed then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM 8.6 Procedure Call Statement
+ -- For each formal parameter of a procedure, a procedure call must
+ -- specify exactly one corresponding actual parameter.
+ -- This actual parameter is specified either explicitly, by an
+ -- association element (other than the actual OPEN) in the association
+ -- list, or in the absence of such an association element, by a default
+ -- expression (see Section
+ -- LRM 7.3.3 Function Calls
+ -- For each formal parameter of a function, a function call must
+ -- specify exactly one corresponding actual parameter.
+ -- This actual parameter is specified either explicitly, by an
+ -- association element (other than the actual OPEN) in the association
+ -- list, or in the absence of such an association element, by a default
+ -- expression (see Section
+ -- LRM
+ -- A port of mode IN may be unconnected or unassociated only if its
+ -- declaration includes a default expression.
+ -- It is an error if a port of any mode other than IN is unconnected
+ -- or unassociated and its type is an unconstrained array type.
+ Interface := Interface_Chain;
+ Pos := 0;
+ while Interface /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Arg_Matched (Pos) <= Open
+ and then Get_Default_Value (Interface) = Null_Iir
+ then
+ case Missing is
+ when Missing_Parameter
+ | Missing_Generic =>
+ if Finish then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("no actual for " & Disp_Node (Interface), Loc);
+ end if;
+ Match := False;
+ return;
+ when Missing_Port =>
+ case Get_Mode (Interface) is
+ when Iir_In_Mode =>
+ if not Finish then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Error_Msg_Sem (Disp_Node (Interface)
+ & " of mode IN must be connected", Loc);
+ Match := False;
+ return;
+ when Iir_Out_Mode
+ | Iir_Linkage_Mode
+ | Iir_Inout_Mode
+ | Iir_Buffer_Mode =>
+ if not Finish then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Is_Unconstrained_Type_Definition
+ (Get_Type (Interface))
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("unconstrained " & Disp_Node (Interface)
+ & " must be connected", Loc);
+ Match := False;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Unknown_Mode =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ when Missing_Allowed =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ Interface := Get_Chain (Interface);
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end loop;
+ return;
+ end Sem_Association_Chain;
+end Sem_Assocs;
diff --git a/sem_assocs.ads b/sem_assocs.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..524223601
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sem_assocs.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+-- Semantic analysis.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+package Sem_Assocs is
+ -- Semantize actuals of ASSOC_CHAIN.
+ -- Check all named associations are after positionnal one.
+ -- Return TRUE if no error.
+ function Sem_Actual_Of_Association_Chain (Assoc_Chain : Iir) return Boolean;
+ -- Semantize association chain ASSOC_CHAIN with interfaces from
+ -- Return the level of compatibility between the two chains in LEVEL.
+ -- If FINISH is true, then ASSOC_CHAIN may be modifies (individual assoc
+ -- added), and error messages (if any) are displayed.
+ -- MISSING control unassociated interfaces.
+ -- LOC is the association.
+ -- Sem_Actual_Of_Association_Chain must have been called before.
+ type Missing_Type is (Missing_Parameter, Missing_Port, Missing_Generic,
+ Missing_Allowed);
+ procedure Sem_Association_Chain
+ (Interface_Chain : Iir;
+ Assoc_Chain: in out Iir;
+ Finish: Boolean;
+ Missing : Missing_Type;
+ Loc : Iir;
+ Match : out Boolean);
+ -- Do port Sem_Association_Chain checks for subprograms.
+ procedure Check_Subprogram_Associations
+ (Inter_Chain : Iir; Assoc_Chain : Iir);
+ -- Check for restrictions in §
+ -- Return FALSE in case of error.
+ function Check_Port_Association_Restriction
+ (Formal : Iir_Signal_Interface_Declaration;
+ Actual : Iir_Signal_Interface_Declaration;
+ Assoc : Iir)
+ return Boolean;
+end Sem_Assocs;
diff --git a/sem_decls.adb b/sem_decls.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3fe32aa86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sem_decls.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,2413 @@
+-- Semantic analysis.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Sem_Scopes; use Sem_Scopes;
+with Sem_Names; use Sem_Names;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Types; use Types;
+with Sem_Expr; use Sem_Expr;
+with Std_Names;
+with Tokens;
+with Sem_Specs; use Sem_Specs;
+with Flags;
+with Std_Package; use Std_Package;
+with Iir_Chains;
+with Evaluation; use Evaluation;
+with Name_Table;
+with Iirs_Utils; use Iirs_Utils;
+with Sem_Types; use Sem_Types;
+with Sem; use Sem;
+with Iir_Chains; use Iir_Chains;
+with Xrefs; use Xrefs;
+package body Sem_Decls is
+ -- Emit an error if the type of DECL is a file type, access type,
+ -- protected type or if a subelement of DECL is an access type.
+ procedure Check_Signal_Type (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Decl_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Decl_Type := Get_Type (Decl);
+ if Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Decl_Type) = False then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("type of " & Disp_Node (Decl)
+ & " cannot be " & Disp_Node (Decl_Type), Decl);
+ case Get_Kind (Decl_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("(" & Disp_Node (Decl_Type)
+ & " has an access subelement)", Decl);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("check_signal_type", Decl_Type);
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Signal_Type;
+ procedure Sem_Interface_Chain (Interface_Chain: Iir;
+ Interface_Kind : Interface_Kind_Type)
+ is
+ El, A_Type: Iir;
+ Proxy : Iir_Proxy;
+ Default_Value: Iir;
+ begin
+ El := Interface_Chain;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ -- Avoid the reanalysed duplicated types.
+ -- This is not an optimization, since the unanalysed type must have
+ -- been freed.
+ A_Type := Get_Type (El);
+ if Get_Kind (A_Type) = Iir_Kind_Proxy then
+ Proxy := A_Type;
+ A_Type := Get_Type (Get_Proxy (Proxy));
+ Default_Value := Get_Default_Value (Get_Proxy (Proxy));
+ Free_Iir (Proxy);
+ else
+ A_Type := Sem_Subtype_Indication (A_Type);
+ Default_Value := Get_Default_Value (El);
+ if Default_Value /= Null_Iir and then A_Type /= Null_Iir then
+ Deferred_Constant_Allowed := True;
+ Default_Value := Sem_Expression (Default_Value, A_Type);
+ Deferred_Constant_Allowed := False;
+ Check_Read (Default_Value);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Set_Base_Name (El, El);
+ Set_Name_Staticness (El, Locally);
+ Xref_Decl (El);
+ if A_Type /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Type (El, A_Type);
+ if Get_Kind (El) = Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration then
+ case Get_Signal_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_No_Signal_Kind =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Bus_Kind =>
+ -- FIXME: where this test came from ?
+ -- FIXME: from ?
+ if False
+ and
+ (Get_Kind (A_Type) not in Iir_Kinds_Subtype_Definition
+ or else Get_Resolution_Function (A_Type) = Null_Iir)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (A_Type)
+ & " of guarded " & Disp_Node (El)
+ & " is not resolved", El);
+ end if;
+ -- LRM Signal parameter
+ -- It is an error if the declaration of a formal signal
+ -- parameter includes the reserved word BUS.
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_93
+ and then Interface_Kind in Parameter_Kind_Subtype
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("signal parameter can't be of kind bus",
+ El);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Register_Kind =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("interface signal can't be of kind register", El);
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ -- LRM 4.3.2 Interface declarations
+ -- For an interface constant declaration or an interface
+ -- signal declaration, the subtype indication must define
+ -- a subtype that is neither a file type, an access type,
+ -- nor a protected type. Moreover, the subtype indication
+ -- must not denote a composite type with a subelement that
+ -- is a file type, an access type, or a protected type.
+ Check_Signal_Type (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration =>
+ case Get_Kind (Get_Base_Type (A_Type)) is
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_93 then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("variable formal type can't be a "
+ & "file type (vhdl 93)", El);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
+ -- LRM Constant and variable parameters
+ -- It is an error if the mode of the parameter is
+ -- other that INOUT.
+ if Get_Mode (El) /= Iir_Inout_Mode then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("parameter of protected type must be inout", El);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Kind (Get_Base_Type (A_Type))
+ /= Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("file formal type must be a file type", El);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ -- El is not an interface.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ if Default_Value /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Default_Value (El, Default_Value);
+ -- LRM 4.3.2 Interface declarations.
+ -- It is an error if a default expression appears in an
+ -- interface declaration and any of the following conditions
+ -- hold:
+ -- - The mode is linkage
+ -- - The interface object is a formal signal parameter
+ -- - The interface object is a formal variable parameter of
+ -- mode other than in
+ -- - The subtype indication of the interface declaration
+ -- denotes a protected type.
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Mode (El) = Iir_Linkage_Mode then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("default expression not allowed for linkage port",
+ El);
+ elsif Interface_Kind in Parameter_Kind_Subtype then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("default expression not allowed"
+ & " for signal parameter", El);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Mode (El) /= Iir_In_Mode then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("default expression not allowed for"
+ & " out/inout variable parameter", El);
+ elsif Get_Kind (A_Type)
+ = Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("default expression not allowed for"
+ & " variable parameter of protected type", El);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Set_Type (El, Error_Type);
+ end if;
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (El);
+ -- By default, interface are not static.
+ -- This may be changed just below.
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (El, None);
+ case Interface_Kind is
+ when Interface_Generic =>
+ -- LRM93 1.1.1
+ -- The generic list in the formal generic clause defines
+ -- generic constants whose values may be determined by the
+ -- environment.
+ if Get_Kind (El) /= Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("generic " & Disp_Node (El) & " must be a constant",
+ El);
+ else
+ -- LRM93 7.4.2 (Globally static primaries)
+ -- 3. a generic constant.
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (El, Globally);
+ end if;
+ when Interface_Port =>
+ if Get_Kind (El) /= Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("port " & Disp_Node (El) & " must be a signal", El);
+ end if;
+ when Interface_Procedure
+ | Interface_Function =>
+ if Get_Kind (El) = Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ and then Interface_Kind = Interface_Function
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("variable interface parameter are not "
+ & "allowed for a function (use a constant)",
+ El);
+ end if;
+ -- By default, we suppose a subprogram read the activity of
+ -- a signal.
+ -- This will be adjusted when the body is analyzed.
+ if Get_Kind (El) = Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ and then Get_Mode (El) in Iir_In_Modes
+ then
+ Set_Has_Active_Flag (El, True);
+ end if;
+ case Get_Mode (El) is
+ when Iir_Unknown_Mode =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Iir_In_Mode =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Inout_Mode
+ | Iir_Out_Mode =>
+ if Interface_Kind = Interface_Function
+ and then
+ Get_Kind (El) /= Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("mode of a function parameter cannot "
+ & "be inout or out", El);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Buffer_Mode
+ | Iir_Linkage_Mode =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("buffer or linkage mode is not allowed "
+ & "for a subprogram parameter", El);
+ end case;
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ -- LRM 10.3 Visibility
+ -- A declaration is visible only within a certain part of its scope;
+ -- this starts at the end of the declaration [...]
+ -- LRM Interface List
+ -- A name that denotes an interface object must not appear in any
+ -- interface declaration within the interface list containing the
+ -- denotes interface except to declare this object.
+ -- GHDL: this is achieved by making the interface object visible after
+ -- having analyzed the interface list.
+ El := Interface_Chain;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Name_Visible (El);
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Sem_Interface_Chain;
+ -- LRM93 7.2.2
+ -- A discrete array is a one-dimensional array whose elements are of a
+ -- discrete type.
+ function Is_Discrete_Array (Def : Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Def) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ -- return False;
+ end case;
+ if Get_Nbr_Elements (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def)) /= 1 then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Get_Element_Subtype (Def))
+ not in Iir_Kinds_Discrete_Type_Definition
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end Is_Discrete_Array;
+ procedure Create_Implicit_File_Primitives
+ (Decl : Iir_Type_Declaration; Type_Definition : Iir_File_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ use Iir_Chains.Interface_Declaration_Chain_Handling;
+ Type_Mark: Iir;
+ Proc: Iir_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration;
+ Func: Iir_Implicit_Function_Declaration;
+ Interface: Iir;
+ Loc : Location_Type;
+ File_Interface_Kind : Iir_Kind;
+ Last_Interface : Iir;
+ Last : Iir;
+ begin
+ Last := Decl;
+ Type_Mark := Get_Type_Mark (Type_Definition);
+ Loc := Get_Location (Decl);
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_93c then
+ for I in 1 .. 2 loop
+ -- Create the implicit file_open (form 1) declaration.
+ -- Create the implicit file_open (form 2) declaration.
+ Proc := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration);
+ Set_Location (Proc, Loc);
+ Set_Parent (Proc, Get_Parent (Decl));
+ Set_Identifier (Proc, Std_Names.Name_File_Open);
+ Set_Type_Reference (Proc, Decl);
+ Build_Init (Last_Interface);
+ case I is
+ when 1 =>
+ Set_Implicit_Definition (Proc, Iir_Predefined_File_Open);
+ when 2 =>
+ Set_Implicit_Definition (Proc,
+ Iir_Predefined_File_Open_Status);
+ -- status : out file_open_status.
+ Interface :=
+ Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration);
+ Set_Location (Interface, Loc);
+ Set_Identifier (Interface, Std_Names.Name_Status);
+ Set_Type (Interface,
+ Std_Package.File_Open_Status_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Mode (Interface, Iir_Out_Mode);
+ Set_Base_Name (Interface, Interface);
+ Append (Last_Interface, Proc, Interface);
+ end case;
+ -- File F : FT
+ Interface := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration);
+ Set_Location (Interface, Loc);
+ Set_Identifier (Interface, Std_Names.Name_F);
+ Set_Type (Interface, Type_Definition);
+ Set_Mode (Interface, Iir_Inout_Mode);
+ Set_Base_Name (Interface, Interface);
+ Append (Last_Interface, Proc, Interface);
+ -- External_Name : in STRING
+ Interface := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration);
+ Set_Location (Interface, Loc);
+ Set_Identifier (Interface, Std_Names.Name_External_Name);
+ Set_Type (Interface, Std_Package.String_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Mode (Interface, Iir_In_Mode);
+ Set_Base_Name (Interface, Interface);
+ Append (Last_Interface, Proc, Interface);
+ -- Open_Kind : in File_Open_Kind := Read_Mode.
+ Interface := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration);
+ Set_Location (Interface, Loc);
+ Set_Identifier (Interface, Std_Names.Name_Open_Kind);
+ Set_Type (Interface, Std_Package.File_Open_Kind_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Mode (Interface, Iir_In_Mode);
+ Set_Base_Name (Interface, Interface);
+ Set_Default_Value (Interface,
+ Std_Package.File_Open_Kind_Read_Mode);
+ Append (Last_Interface, Proc, Interface);
+ Compute_Subprogram_Hash (Proc);
+ -- Add it to the list.
+ Insert_Incr (Last, Proc);
+ end loop;
+ -- Create the implicit file_close declaration.
+ Proc := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration);
+ Set_Identifier (Proc, Std_Names.Name_File_Close);
+ Set_Location (Proc, Loc);
+ Set_Parent (Proc, Get_Parent (Decl));
+ Set_Implicit_Definition (Proc, Iir_Predefined_File_Close);
+ Set_Type_Reference (Proc, Decl);
+ Build_Init (Last_Interface);
+ Interface := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration);
+ Set_Identifier (Interface, Std_Names.Name_F);
+ Set_Location (Interface, Loc);
+ Set_Type (Interface, Type_Definition);
+ Set_Mode (Interface, Iir_Inout_Mode);
+ Set_Base_Name (Interface, Interface);
+ Append (Last_Interface, Proc, Interface);
+ Compute_Subprogram_Hash (Proc);
+ -- Add it to the list.
+ Insert_Incr (Last, Proc);
+ end if;
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ File_Interface_Kind := Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration;
+ else
+ File_Interface_Kind := Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration;
+ end if;
+ -- Create the implicit procedure read declaration.
+ Proc := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration);
+ Set_Identifier (Proc, Std_Names.Name_Read);
+ Set_Location (Proc, Loc);
+ Set_Parent (Proc, Get_Parent (Decl));
+ Set_Type_Reference (Proc, Decl);
+ Build_Init (Last_Interface);
+ Interface := Create_Iir (File_Interface_Kind);
+ Set_Identifier (Interface, Std_Names.Name_F);
+ Set_Location (Interface, Loc);
+ Set_Type (Interface, Type_Definition);
+ Set_Mode (Interface, Iir_In_Mode);
+ Set_Base_Name (Interface, Interface);
+ Append (Last_Interface, Proc, Interface);
+ Interface := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration);
+ Set_Identifier (Interface, Std_Names.Name_Value);
+ Set_Location (Interface, Loc);
+ Set_Type (Interface, Type_Mark);
+ Set_Mode (Interface, Iir_Out_Mode);
+ Set_Base_Name (Interface, Interface);
+ Append (Last_Interface, Proc, Interface);
+ case Get_Kind (Type_Mark) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Interface := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration);
+ Set_Identifier (Interface, Std_Names.Name_Length);
+ Set_Location (Interface, Loc);
+ Set_Type (Interface, Std_Package.Natural_Subtype_Definition);
+ Set_Mode (Interface, Iir_Out_Mode);
+ Set_Base_Name (Interface, Interface);
+ Append (Last_Interface, Proc, Interface);
+ Set_Implicit_Definition (Proc, Iir_Predefined_Read_Length);
+ when others =>
+ Set_Implicit_Definition (Proc, Iir_Predefined_Read);
+ end case;
+ Compute_Subprogram_Hash (Proc);
+ -- Add it to the list.
+ Insert_Incr (Last, Proc);
+ -- Create the implicit procedure write declaration.
+ Proc := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration);
+ Set_Identifier (Proc, Std_Names.Name_Write);
+ Set_Location (Proc, Loc);
+ Set_Parent (Proc, Get_Parent (Decl));
+ Set_Type_Reference (Proc, Decl);
+ Build_Init (Last_Interface);
+ Interface := Create_Iir (File_Interface_Kind);
+ Set_Identifier (Interface, Std_Names.Name_F);
+ Set_Location (Interface, Loc);
+ Set_Type (Interface, Type_Definition);
+ Set_Mode (Interface, Iir_Out_Mode);
+ Set_Base_Name (Interface, Interface);
+ Set_Name_Staticness (Interface, Locally);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Interface, None);
+ Append (Last_Interface, Proc, Interface);
+ Interface := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration);
+ Set_Identifier (Interface, Std_Names.Name_Value);
+ Set_Location (Interface, Loc);
+ Set_Type (Interface, Type_Mark);
+ Set_Mode (Interface, Iir_In_Mode);
+ Set_Base_Name (Interface, Interface);
+ Append (Last_Interface, Proc, Interface);
+ Set_Implicit_Definition (Proc, Iir_Predefined_Write);
+ Compute_Subprogram_Hash (Proc);
+ -- Add it to the list.
+ Insert_Incr (Last, Proc);
+ -- Create the implicit function endfile declaration.
+ Func := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration);
+ Set_Identifier (Func, Std_Names.Name_Endfile);
+ Set_Location (Func, Loc);
+ Set_Parent (Proc, Get_Parent (Decl));
+ Set_Type_Reference (Proc, Decl);
+ Build_Init (Last_Interface);
+ Interface := Create_Iir (File_Interface_Kind);
+ Set_Identifier (Interface, Std_Names.Name_F);
+ Set_Location (Interface, Loc);
+ Set_Type (Interface, Type_Definition);
+ Set_Mode (Interface, Iir_In_Mode);
+ Set_Base_Name (Interface, Interface);
+ Append (Last_Interface, Func, Interface);
+ Set_Return_Type (Func, Std_Package.Boolean_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Implicit_Definition (Func, Iir_Predefined_Endfile);
+ Compute_Subprogram_Hash (Func);
+ -- Add it to the list.
+ Insert_Incr (Last, Func);
+ end Create_Implicit_File_Primitives;
+ function Create_Anonymous_Interface (Atype : Iir)
+ return Iir_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ is
+ Interface : Iir_Constant_Interface_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Interface := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration);
+ Location_Copy (Interface, Atype);
+ Set_Identifier (Interface, Null_Identifier);
+ Set_Mode (Interface, Iir_In_Mode);
+ Set_Type (Interface, Atype);
+ Set_Base_Name (Interface, Interface);
+ return Interface;
+ end Create_Anonymous_Interface;
+ procedure Create_Implicit_Operations
+ (Decl : Iir; Is_Std_Standard : Boolean := False)
+ is
+ use Std_Names;
+ Binary_Chain : Iir;
+ Unary_Chain : Iir;
+ Type_Definition : Iir;
+ Last : Iir;
+ procedure Add_Operation
+ (Name : Name_Id;
+ Def : Iir_Predefined_Functions;
+ Interface_Chain : Iir;
+ Return_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ Operation : Iir_Implicit_Function_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Operation := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration);
+ Location_Copy (Operation, Decl);
+ Set_Parent (Operation, Get_Parent (Decl));
+ Set_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Operation, Interface_Chain);
+ Set_Type_Reference (Operation, Decl);
+ Set_Return_Type (Operation, Return_Type);
+ Set_Implicit_Definition (Operation, Def);
+ Set_Identifier (Operation, Name);
+ Compute_Subprogram_Hash (Operation);
+ Insert_Incr (Last, Operation);
+ end Add_Operation;
+ procedure Add_Relational (Name : Name_Id; Def : Iir_Predefined_Functions)
+ is
+ begin
+ Add_Operation
+ (Name, Def, Binary_Chain, Std_Package.Boolean_Type_Definition);
+ end Add_Relational;
+ procedure Add_Binary (Name : Name_Id; Def : Iir_Predefined_Functions) is
+ begin
+ Add_Operation (Name, Def, Binary_Chain, Type_Definition);
+ end Add_Binary;
+ procedure Add_Unary (Name : Name_Id; Def : Iir_Predefined_Functions) is
+ begin
+ Add_Operation (Name, Def, Unary_Chain, Type_Definition);
+ end Add_Unary;
+ procedure Add_Shift_Operators
+ is
+ Inter_Chain : Iir_Constant_Interface_Declaration;
+ Inter_Int : Iir;
+ begin
+ Inter_Chain := Create_Anonymous_Interface (Type_Definition);
+ Inter_Int := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration);
+ Location_Copy (Inter_Int, Decl);
+ Set_Identifier (Inter_Int, Null_Identifier);
+ Set_Mode (Inter_Int, Iir_In_Mode);
+ Set_Type (Inter_Int, Std_Package.Integer_Subtype_Definition);
+ Set_Base_Name (Inter_Int, Inter_Int);
+ Set_Chain (Inter_Chain, Inter_Int);
+ Add_Operation
+ (Name_Sll, Iir_Predefined_Array_Sll, Inter_Chain, Type_Definition);
+ Add_Operation
+ (Name_Srl, Iir_Predefined_Array_Srl, Inter_Chain, Type_Definition);
+ Add_Operation
+ (Name_Sla, Iir_Predefined_Array_Sla, Inter_Chain, Type_Definition);
+ Add_Operation
+ (Name_Sra, Iir_Predefined_Array_Sra, Inter_Chain, Type_Definition);
+ Add_Operation
+ (Name_Rol, Iir_Predefined_Array_Rol, Inter_Chain, Type_Definition);
+ Add_Operation
+ (Name_Ror, Iir_Predefined_Array_Ror, Inter_Chain, Type_Definition);
+ end Add_Shift_Operators;
+ begin
+ Last := Decl;
+ Type_Definition := Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Decl));
+ if Get_Kind (Type_Definition) /= Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition then
+ Unary_Chain := Create_Anonymous_Interface (Type_Definition);
+ Binary_Chain := Create_Anonymous_Interface (Type_Definition);
+ Set_Chain (Binary_Chain, Unary_Chain);
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Type_Definition) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
+ Add_Relational (Name_Op_Equality, Iir_Predefined_Enum_Equality);
+ Add_Relational
+ (Name_Op_Inequality, Iir_Predefined_Enum_Inequality);
+ Add_Relational (Name_Op_Greater, Iir_Predefined_Enum_Greater);
+ Add_Relational
+ (Name_Op_Greater_Equal, Iir_Predefined_Enum_Greater_Equal);
+ Add_Relational (Name_Op_Less, Iir_Predefined_Enum_Less);
+ Add_Relational
+ (Name_Op_Less_Equal, Iir_Predefined_Enum_Less_Equal);
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ declare
+ Inter_Chain : Iir;
+ Element_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Add_Relational
+ (Name_Op_Equality, Iir_Predefined_Array_Equality);
+ Add_Relational
+ (Name_Op_Inequality, Iir_Predefined_Array_Inequality);
+ if Is_Discrete_Array (Type_Definition) then
+ Add_Relational
+ (Name_Op_Greater, Iir_Predefined_Array_Greater);
+ Add_Relational
+ (Name_Op_Greater_Equal,
+ Iir_Predefined_Array_Greater_Equal);
+ Add_Relational
+ (Name_Op_Less, Iir_Predefined_Array_Less);
+ Add_Relational
+ (Name_Op_Less_Equal, Iir_Predefined_Array_Less_Equal);
+ end if;
+ Element_Type :=
+ Get_Base_Type (Get_Element_Subtype (Type_Definition));
+ Add_Operation (Name_Op_Concatenation,
+ Iir_Predefined_Array_Array_Concat,
+ Binary_Chain,
+ Type_Definition);
+ Inter_Chain := Create_Anonymous_Interface (Element_Type);
+ Set_Chain (Inter_Chain, Unary_Chain);
+ Add_Operation (Name_Op_Concatenation,
+ Iir_Predefined_Element_Array_Concat,
+ Inter_Chain,
+ Type_Definition);
+ Inter_Chain := Create_Anonymous_Interface (Type_Definition);
+ Set_Chain (Inter_Chain,
+ Create_Anonymous_Interface (Element_Type));
+ Add_Operation (Name_Op_Concatenation,
+ Iir_Predefined_Array_Element_Concat,
+ Inter_Chain,
+ Type_Definition);
+ Inter_Chain := Create_Anonymous_Interface (Element_Type);
+ Set_Chain (Inter_Chain,
+ Create_Anonymous_Interface (Element_Type));
+ Add_Operation (Name_Op_Concatenation,
+ Iir_Predefined_Element_Element_Concat,
+ Inter_Chain,
+ Type_Definition);
+ if Is_Discrete_Array (Type_Definition) then
+ if Element_Type = Std_Package.Boolean_Type_Definition then
+ Add_Unary (Name_Not, Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Not);
+ Add_Binary (Name_And, Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_And);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Or, Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Or);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Nand, Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Nand);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Nor, Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Nor);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Xor, Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Xor);
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std > Vhdl_87 then
+ Add_Binary
+ (Name_Xnor, Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Xnor);
+ Add_Shift_Operators;
+ end if;
+ elsif Element_Type = Std_Package.Bit_Type_Definition then
+ Add_Unary (Name_Not, Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Not);
+ Add_Binary (Name_And, Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_And);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Or, Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Or);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Nand, Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Nand);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Nor, Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Nor);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Xor, Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Xor);
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std > Vhdl_87 then
+ Add_Binary (Name_Xnor, Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Xnor);
+ Add_Shift_Operators;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition =>
+ Add_Relational (Name_Op_Equality, Iir_Predefined_Access_Equality);
+ Add_Relational
+ (Name_Op_Inequality, Iir_Predefined_Access_Inequality);
+ declare
+ Deallocate_Proc: Iir_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration;
+ Var_Interface: Iir_Variable_Interface_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Deallocate_Proc :=
+ Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration);
+ Set_Identifier (Deallocate_Proc, Std_Names.Name_Deallocate);
+ Set_Implicit_Definition
+ (Deallocate_Proc, Iir_Predefined_Deallocate);
+ Var_Interface :=
+ Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration);
+ Set_Identifier (Var_Interface, Std_Names.Name_P);
+ Set_Type (Var_Interface, Type_Definition);
+ Set_Mode (Var_Interface, Iir_Inout_Mode);
+ Set_Base_Name (Var_Interface, Var_Interface);
+ --Set_Purity_State (Deallocate_Proc, Impure);
+ Set_Wait_State (Deallocate_Proc, False);
+ Set_Type_Reference (Deallocate_Proc, Decl);
+ Set_Interface_Declaration_Chain
+ (Deallocate_Proc, Var_Interface);
+ Compute_Subprogram_Hash (Deallocate_Proc);
+ Insert_Incr (Last, Deallocate_Proc);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
+ Add_Relational (Name_Op_Equality, Iir_Predefined_Record_Equality);
+ Add_Relational
+ (Name_Op_Inequality, Iir_Predefined_Record_Inequality);
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition =>
+ Add_Relational (Name_Op_Equality, Iir_Predefined_Integer_Equality);
+ Add_Relational
+ (Name_Op_Inequality, Iir_Predefined_Integer_Inequality);
+ Add_Relational (Name_Op_Greater, Iir_Predefined_Integer_Greater);
+ Add_Relational
+ (Name_Op_Greater_Equal, Iir_Predefined_Integer_Greater_Equal);
+ Add_Relational (Name_Op_Less, Iir_Predefined_Integer_Less);
+ Add_Relational
+ (Name_Op_Less_Equal, Iir_Predefined_Integer_Less_Equal);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Op_Plus, Iir_Predefined_Integer_Plus);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Op_Minus, Iir_Predefined_Integer_Minus);
+ Add_Unary (Name_Op_Minus, Iir_Predefined_Integer_Negation);
+ Add_Unary (Name_Op_Plus, Iir_Predefined_Integer_Identity);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Op_Mul, Iir_Predefined_Integer_Mul);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Op_Div, Iir_Predefined_Integer_Div);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Mod, Iir_Predefined_Integer_Mod);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Rem, Iir_Predefined_Integer_Rem);
+ Add_Unary (Name_Abs, Iir_Predefined_Integer_Absolute);
+ declare
+ Inter_Chain : Iir;
+ begin
+ Inter_Chain := Create_Anonymous_Interface (Type_Definition);
+ Set_Chain
+ (Inter_Chain,
+ Create_Anonymous_Interface (Integer_Type_Definition));
+ Add_Operation (Name_Op_Exp, Iir_Predefined_Integer_Exp,
+ Inter_Chain, Type_Definition);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition =>
+ Add_Relational
+ (Name_Op_Equality, Iir_Predefined_Floating_Equality);
+ Add_Relational
+ (Name_Op_Inequality, Iir_Predefined_Floating_Inequality);
+ Add_Relational
+ (Name_Op_Greater, Iir_Predefined_Floating_Greater);
+ Add_Relational
+ (Name_Op_Greater_Equal, Iir_Predefined_Floating_Greater_Equal);
+ Add_Relational
+ (Name_Op_Less, Iir_Predefined_Floating_Less);
+ Add_Relational
+ (Name_Op_Less_Equal, Iir_Predefined_Floating_Less_Equal);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Op_Plus, Iir_Predefined_Floating_Plus);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Op_Minus, Iir_Predefined_Floating_Minus);
+ Add_Unary (Name_Op_Minus, Iir_Predefined_Floating_Negation);
+ Add_Unary (Name_Op_Plus, Iir_Predefined_Floating_Identity);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Op_Mul, Iir_Predefined_Floating_Mul);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Op_Div, Iir_Predefined_Floating_Div);
+ Add_Unary (Name_Abs, Iir_Predefined_Floating_Absolute);
+ declare
+ Inter_Chain : Iir;
+ begin
+ Inter_Chain := Create_Anonymous_Interface (Type_Definition);
+ Set_Chain
+ (Inter_Chain,
+ Create_Anonymous_Interface (Integer_Type_Definition));
+ Add_Operation (Name_Op_Exp, Iir_Predefined_Floating_Exp,
+ Inter_Chain, Type_Definition);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition =>
+ Add_Relational
+ (Name_Op_Equality, Iir_Predefined_Physical_Equality);
+ Add_Relational
+ (Name_Op_Inequality, Iir_Predefined_Physical_Inequality);
+ Add_Relational
+ (Name_Op_Greater, Iir_Predefined_Physical_Greater);
+ Add_Relational
+ (Name_Op_Greater_Equal, Iir_Predefined_Physical_Greater_Equal);
+ Add_Relational
+ (Name_Op_Less, Iir_Predefined_Physical_Less);
+ Add_Relational
+ (Name_Op_Less_Equal, Iir_Predefined_Physical_Less_Equal);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Op_Plus, Iir_Predefined_Physical_Plus);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Op_Minus, Iir_Predefined_Physical_Minus);
+ Add_Unary (Name_Op_Minus, Iir_Predefined_Physical_Negation);
+ Add_Unary (Name_Op_Plus, Iir_Predefined_Physical_Identity);
+ declare
+ Inter_Chain : Iir;
+ begin
+ Inter_Chain := Create_Anonymous_Interface (Type_Definition);
+ Set_Chain
+ (Inter_Chain,
+ Create_Anonymous_Interface (Integer_Type_Definition));
+ Add_Operation (Name_Op_Mul, Iir_Predefined_Physical_Integer_Mul,
+ Inter_Chain, Type_Definition);
+ Add_Operation (Name_Op_Div, Iir_Predefined_Physical_Integer_Div,
+ Inter_Chain, Type_Definition);
+ end;
+ declare
+ Inter_Chain : Iir;
+ begin
+ Inter_Chain :=
+ Create_Anonymous_Interface (Integer_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Chain (Inter_Chain, Unary_Chain);
+ Add_Operation (Name_Op_Mul, Iir_Predefined_Integer_Physical_Mul,
+ Inter_Chain, Type_Definition);
+ end;
+ declare
+ Inter_Chain : Iir;
+ begin
+ Inter_Chain := Create_Anonymous_Interface (Type_Definition);
+ Set_Chain (Inter_Chain,
+ Create_Anonymous_Interface (Real_Type_Definition));
+ Add_Operation (Name_Op_Mul, Iir_Predefined_Physical_Real_Mul,
+ Inter_Chain, Type_Definition);
+ Add_Operation (Name_Op_Div, Iir_Predefined_Physical_Real_Div,
+ Inter_Chain, Type_Definition);
+ end;
+ declare
+ Inter_Chain : Iir;
+ begin
+ Inter_Chain :=
+ Create_Anonymous_Interface (Real_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Chain (Inter_Chain, Unary_Chain);
+ Add_Operation (Name_Op_Mul, Iir_Predefined_Real_Physical_Mul,
+ Inter_Chain, Type_Definition);
+ end;
+ Add_Operation (Name_Op_Div, Iir_Predefined_Physical_Physical_Div,
+ Binary_Chain,
+ Std_Package.Convertible_Integer_Type_Definition);
+ Add_Unary (Name_Abs, Iir_Predefined_Physical_Absolute);
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
+ Create_Implicit_File_Primitives (Decl, Type_Definition);
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("create_predefined_operations", Type_Definition);
+ end case;
+ if not Is_Std_Standard then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Decl = Std_Package.Boolean_Type then
+ Add_Binary (Name_And, Iir_Predefined_Boolean_And);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Or, Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Or);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Nand, Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Nand);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Nor, Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Nor);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Xor, Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Xor);
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std > Vhdl_87 then
+ Add_Binary (Name_Xnor, Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Xnor);
+ end if;
+ Add_Unary (Name_Not, Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Not);
+ elsif Decl = Std_Package.Bit_Type then
+ Add_Binary (Name_And, Iir_Predefined_Bit_And);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Or, Iir_Predefined_Bit_Or);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Nand, Iir_Predefined_Bit_Nand);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Nor, Iir_Predefined_Bit_Nor);
+ Add_Binary (Name_Xor, Iir_Predefined_Bit_Xor);
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std > Vhdl_87 then
+ Add_Binary (Name_Xnor, Iir_Predefined_Bit_Xnor);
+ end if;
+ Add_Unary (Name_Not, Iir_Predefined_Bit_Not);
+ elsif Decl = Std_Package.Universal_Real_Type then
+ declare
+ Inter_Chain : Iir;
+ begin
+ Inter_Chain := Create_Anonymous_Interface (Type_Definition);
+ Set_Chain
+ (Inter_Chain,
+ Create_Anonymous_Interface (Universal_Integer_Type_Definition));
+ Add_Operation (Name_Op_Mul, Iir_Predefined_Universal_R_I_Mul,
+ Inter_Chain, Type_Definition);
+ Add_Operation (Name_Op_Div, Iir_Predefined_Universal_R_I_Div,
+ Inter_Chain, Type_Definition);
+ end;
+ declare
+ Inter_Chain : Iir;
+ begin
+ Inter_Chain :=
+ Create_Anonymous_Interface (Universal_Integer_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Chain (Inter_Chain, Unary_Chain);
+ Add_Operation (Name_Op_Mul, Iir_Predefined_Universal_I_R_Mul,
+ Inter_Chain, Type_Definition);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Create_Implicit_Operations;
+ procedure Sem_Type_Declaration (Decl: Iir)
+ is
+ Def: Iir;
+ Inter : Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ Old_Decl : Iir;
+ St_Decl : Iir_Subtype_Declaration;
+ Bt_Def : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Check if DECL complete a previous incomplete type declaration.
+ Inter := Get_Interpretation (Get_Identifier (Decl));
+ if Valid_Interpretation (Inter)
+ and then Is_In_Current_Declarative_Region (Inter)
+ then
+ Old_Decl := Get_Declaration (Inter);
+ if Get_Kind (Old_Decl) /= Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ or else Get_Kind (Get_Type (Old_Decl)) /=
+ Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition
+ then
+ Old_Decl := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Old_Decl := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Old_Decl = Null_Iir then
+ if Get_Kind (Decl) = Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration then
+ -- This is necessary at least for enumeration type definition.
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (Decl);
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- This is a way to prevent:
+ -- type a;
+ -- type a is access a;
+ -- which is non-sense.
+ Set_Visible_Flag (Old_Decl, False);
+ end if;
+ -- Check the definition of the type.
+ Def := Get_Type (Decl);
+ if Def = Null_Iir then
+ -- Incomplete type declaration
+ Def := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition);
+ Location_Copy (Def, Decl);
+ Set_Type (Decl, Def);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Def, True);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Def, Decl);
+ Set_Visible_Flag (Decl, True);
+ Set_Incomplete_Type_List (Def, Create_Iir_List);
+ Xref_Decl (Decl);
+ else
+ if Old_Decl = Null_Iir then
+ Xref_Decl (Decl);
+ else
+ Xref_Body (Decl, Old_Decl);
+ end if;
+ Def := Sem_Type_Definition (Def, Decl);
+ if Def /= Null_Iir then
+ case Get_Kind (Def) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ -- Some type declaration are in fact subtype declarations.
+ St_Decl := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration);
+ Location_Copy (St_Decl, Decl);
+ Set_Identifier (St_Decl, Get_Identifier (Decl));
+ Set_Type (St_Decl, Def);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Def, St_Decl);
+ Set_Chain (St_Decl, Get_Chain (Decl));
+ Set_Chain (Decl, St_Decl);
+ -- The type declaration declares the base type.
+ Bt_Def := Get_Base_Type (Def);
+ Set_Type (Decl, Bt_Def);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Bt_Def, Decl);
+ Set_Subtype_Definition (Decl, Def);
+ if Old_Decl = Null_Iir then
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (St_Decl);
+ else
+ Replace_Name (Get_Identifier (Decl), Old_Decl, St_Decl);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Get_Type (Old_Decl), St_Decl);
+ end if;
+ Sem_Scopes.Name_Visible (St_Decl);
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Visible_Type (Decl);
+ -- The implicit subprogram will be added in the
+ -- scope just after.
+ Create_Implicit_Operations (Decl, False);
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
+ St_Decl := Null_Iir;
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Def, Decl);
+ Sem_Scopes.Name_Visible (Decl);
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Visible_Type (Decl);
+ -- The implicit subprogram will be added in the
+ -- scope just after.
+ Create_Implicit_Operations (Decl, False);
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Def, Decl);
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Visible_Type (Decl);
+ St_Decl := Null_Iir;
+ -- No implicit subprograms.
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_type_declaration", Def);
+ end case;
+ if Old_Decl /= Null_Iir then
+ -- Complete the type definition.
+ declare
+ List : Iir_List;
+ El : Iir;
+ Old_Def : Iir;
+ begin
+ Old_Def := Get_Type (Old_Decl);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Old_Def, Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Def));
+ List := Get_Incomplete_Type_List (Old_Def);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Set_Designated_Type (El, Def);
+ end loop;
+ -- Complete the incomplete_type_definition node
+ -- (set type_declarator and base_type).
+ Set_Base_Type (Old_Def, Get_Base_Type (Def));
+ if St_Decl = Null_Iir then
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Old_Def, Decl);
+ Replace_Name (Get_Identifier (Decl), Old_Decl, Decl);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Sem_Type_Declaration;
+ procedure Sem_Subtype_Declaration (Decl: Iir)
+ is
+ Def: Iir;
+ Res: Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Real hack to skip subtype declarations of anonymous type decls.
+ if Get_Visible_Flag (Decl) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (Decl);
+ Xref_Decl (Decl);
+ -- Check the definition of the type.
+ Def := Sem_Subtype_Indication (Get_Type (Decl));
+ if Def = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if not Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Def) then
+ case Get_Kind (Def) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition =>
+ -- no limits, makes an alias.
+ Res := Create_Iir (Get_Kind (Def));
+ Set_Range_Constraint (Res, Get_Range_Constraint (Def));
+ Set_Resolution_Function (Res, Get_Resolution_Function (Def));
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
+ -- makes an alias.
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Mark (Res, Def);
+ Set_Range_Constraint (Res, Get_Range_Constraint (Def));
+ when Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition =>
+ -- Make an alias.
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition);
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Res :=
+ Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Res, Get_Type_Staticness (Def));
+ if Get_Kind (Def) /= Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition then
+ Set_Resolution_Function
+ (Res, Get_Resolution_Function (Def));
+ end if;
+ Set_Resolved_Flag (Res, Get_Resolved_Flag (Def));
+ Set_Type_Mark (Res, Def);
+ Set_Index_Subtype_List (Res, Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def));
+ Set_Element_Subtype (Res, Get_Element_Subtype (Def));
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition);
+ Set_Resolution_Function (Res, Get_Resolution_Function (Def));
+ Set_Resolved_Flag (Res, Get_Resolved_Flag (Def));
+ Set_Type_Mark (Res, Def);
+ Set_Index_Subtype_List (Res, Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def));
+ Set_Element_Subtype (Res, Get_Element_Subtype (Def));
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Res, Get_Type_Staticness (Def));
+ if Get_Kind (Def) /= Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition then
+ Set_Resolution_Function
+ (Res, Get_Resolution_Function (Def));
+ end if;
+ Set_Resolved_Flag (Res, Get_Resolved_Flag (Def));
+ when others =>
+ -- FIXME: todo
+ Error_Kind ("sem_subtype_declaration", Def);
+ end case;
+ Location_Copy (Res, Decl);
+ Set_Base_Type (Res, Get_Base_Type (Def));
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Res, Get_Type_Staticness (Def));
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Res, Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Def));
+ Def := Res;
+ end if;
+ Set_Type (Decl, Def);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Def, Decl);
+ Name_Visible (Decl);
+ end Sem_Subtype_Declaration;
+ -- If DECL is a constant declaration, and there is already a constant
+ -- declaration in the current scope with the same name, then return it.
+ -- Otherwise, return NULL.
+ function Get_Deferred_Constant (Decl : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Deferred_Const : Iir;
+ Interp : Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Decl) /= Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Interp := Get_Interpretation (Get_Identifier (Decl));
+ if not Valid_Interpretation (Interp) then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if not Is_In_Current_Declarative_Region (Interp) then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Deferred_Const := Get_Declaration (Interp);
+ if Get_Kind (Deferred_Const) /= Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93
+ -- The corresponding full constant declaration, which defines the value
+ -- of the constant, must appear in the body of the package.
+ if Get_Kind (Get_Library_Unit (Get_Current_Design_Unit))
+ /= Iir_Kind_Package_Body
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("full constant declaration must appear in package body", Decl);
+ end if;
+ return Deferred_Const;
+ end Get_Deferred_Constant;
+ procedure Sem_Object_Declaration (Decl: Iir; Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ Atype: Iir;
+ Default_Value : Iir;
+ Proxy : Iir;
+ Deferred_Const : Iir;
+ Staticness : Iir_Staticness;
+ begin
+ Deferred_Const := Get_Deferred_Constant (Decl);
+ -- Semantize type and default value:
+ Atype := Get_Type (Decl);
+ if Get_Kind (Atype) /= Iir_Kind_Proxy then
+ Atype := Sem_Subtype_Indication (Atype);
+ if Atype = Null_Iir then
+ Atype := Create_Error_Type (Get_Type (Decl));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Deferred_Const = Null_Iir then
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (Decl);
+ Xref_Decl (Decl);
+ else
+ Xref_Ref (Decl, Deferred_Const);
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Atype) = Iir_Kind_Proxy then
+ Proxy := Get_Proxy (Atype);
+ Default_Value := Get_Default_Value (Proxy);
+ Atype := Get_Type (Proxy);
+ if Atype = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Proxy := Get_Type (Decl);
+ Free_Iir (Proxy);
+ else
+ Default_Value := Get_Default_Value (Decl);
+ if Default_Value /= Null_Iir then
+ Default_Value := Sem_Expression (Default_Value, Atype);
+ if Default_Value = Null_Iir then
+ Default_Value :=
+ Create_Error_Expr (Get_Default_Value (Decl), Atype);
+ end if;
+ Check_Read (Default_Value);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Set_Type (Decl, Atype);
+ Default_Value := Eval_Expr_If_Static (Default_Value);
+ Set_Default_Value (Decl, Default_Value);
+ Set_Base_Name (Decl, Decl);
+ Set_Name_Staticness (Decl, Locally);
+ Set_Visible_Flag (Decl, True);
+ -- LRM93 2.6
+ -- The subtype indication given in the full declaration of the deferred
+ -- constant must conform to that given in the deferred constant
+ -- declaration.
+ if Deferred_Const /= Null_Iir
+ and then not Are_Trees_Equal (Get_Type (Decl),
+ Get_Type (Deferred_Const))
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("subtype indication doesn't conform with the deferred constant",
+ Decl);
+ end if;
+ -- LRM
+ -- It is an error if a variable declaration declares a variable that is
+ -- of a file type.
+ --
+ -- LRM
+ -- It is an error if a constant declaration declares a constant that is
+ -- of a file type, or an access type, or a composite type which has
+ -- subelement that is a file type of an access type.
+ --
+ -- LRM
+ -- It is an error if a signal declaration declares a signal that is of
+ -- a file type [or an access type].
+ case Get_Kind (Atype) is
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem (Disp_Node (Decl) & " cannot be of type file", Decl);
+ when others =>
+ if Get_Kind (Decl) /= Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration then
+ Check_Signal_Type (Decl);
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ if not Check_Implicit_Conversion (Atype, Default_Value) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("default value length does not match object type length", Decl);
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
+ -- LRM93
+ -- If the assignment symbol ":=" followed by an expression is not
+ -- present in a constant declaration, then the declaration
+ -- declares a deferred constant.
+ -- Such a constant declaration may only appear in a package
+ -- declaration.
+ if Deferred_Const /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Deferred_Declaration (Decl, Deferred_Const);
+ Set_Deferred_Declaration (Deferred_Const, Decl);
+ end if;
+ if Default_Value = Null_Iir then
+ if Deferred_Const /= Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("full constant declaration must have a default value",
+ Decl);
+ else
+ Set_Deferred_Declaration_Flag (Decl, True);
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Parent) /= Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("a constant must have a default value", Decl);
+ end if;
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Decl, Globally);
+ else
+ -- LRM93 7.4.1: a locally static primary is defined:
+ -- A constant (other than deferred constant) explicitly
+ -- declared by a constant declaration and initialized
+ -- with a locally static expression.
+ -- Note: the staticness of the full declaration may be locally.
+ if False and Deferred_Const /= Null_Iir then
+ -- This is a deferred constant.
+ Staticness := Globally;
+ else
+ Staticness := Min (Get_Expr_Staticness (Default_Value),
+ Get_Type_Staticness (Atype));
+ -- What about expr staticness of c in:
+ -- constant c : bit_vector (a to b) := "01";
+ -- where a and b are not locally static ?
+ --Staticness := Get_Expr_Staticness (Default_Value);
+ -- LRM 7.4.2 (Globally static primaries)
+ -- 5. a constant
+ if Staticness < Globally then
+ Staticness := Globally;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Decl, Staticness);
+ if Staticness = Locally then
+ Set_Default_Value
+ (Decl, Eval_Expr_Check (Default_Value, Atype));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
+ -- LRM93
+ -- It is also an error if a guarded signal of a
+ -- scalar type is neither a resolved signal nor a
+ -- subelement of a resolved signal.
+ if Get_Signal_Kind (Decl) /= Iir_No_Signal_Kind
+ and then not Get_Resolved_Flag (Atype)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("guarded " & Disp_Node (Decl) & " must be resolved", Decl);
+ end if;
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Decl, None);
+ Set_Has_Disconnect_Flag (Decl, False);
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration =>
+ -- LRM93 Variable declarations
+ -- Variable declared immediatly within entity declarations,
+ -- architectures bodies, packages, packages bodies, and blocks
+ -- must be shared variable.
+ -- Variables declared immediatly within subprograms and
+ -- processes must not be shared variables.
+ -- Variables may appear in proteted type bodies; such
+ -- variables, which must not be shared variables, represent
+ -- shared data.
+ case Get_Kind (Parent) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ if not Get_Shared_Flag (Decl) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("non shared variable declaration not allowed here",
+ Decl);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
+ if Get_Shared_Flag (Decl) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("shared variable declaration not allowed here", Decl);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body =>
+ if Get_Shared_Flag (Decl) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("variable of protected type body must not be shared",
+ Decl);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
+ -- This is not allowed, but caught
+ -- in sem_protected_type_declaration.
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("parse_declarative_part(2)", Parent);
+ end case;
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_00 then
+ declare
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ Is_Protected : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Atype);
+ Is_Protected :=
+ Get_Kind (Base_Type) = Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration;
+ -- LRM00
+ -- The base type of the subtype indication of a
+ -- shared variable declaration must be a protected type.
+ if Get_Shared_Flag (Decl) and not Is_Protected then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("type of a shared variable must be a protected type",
+ Decl);
+ end if;
+ -- LRM00 Variable declarations
+ -- If a given variable appears (directly or indirectly)
+ -- within a protected type body, then the base type
+ -- denoted by the subtype indication of the variable
+ -- declarations must not be a protected type defined by
+ -- the protected type body.
+ -- FIXME: indirectly ?
+ if Is_Protected
+ and then Get_Kind (Parent) = Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body
+ and then Base_Type
+ = Get_Protected_Type_Declaration (Parent)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("variable type must not be of the protected type body",
+ Decl);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Decl, None);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_object_declaration", Decl);
+ end case;
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
+ -- LRM93 §
+ -- For a constant declared by an object declaration, the index
+ -- ranges are defined by the initial value, if the subtype of the
+ -- constant is unconstrained; otherwise they are defined by this
+ -- subtype.
+ --if Default_Value = Null_Iir
+ -- and then not Sem_Is_Constrained (Atype)
+ --then
+ -- Error_Msg_Sem ("constant declaration of unconstrained "
+ -- & Disp_Node (Atype) & " is not allowed", Decl);
+ --end if;
+ null;
+ --if Deferred_Const = Null_Iir then
+ -- Name_Visible (Decl);
+ --end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
+ -- LRM93 §
+ -- For a variable or signal declared by an object declaration, the
+ -- subtype indication of the corressponding object declaration
+ -- must define a constrained array subtype.
+ if not Sem_Is_Constrained (Atype) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("declaration of " & Disp_Node (Decl)
+ & " with unconstrained " & Disp_Node (Atype)
+ & " is not allowed", Decl);
+ if Default_Value /= Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("(even with a default value)", Decl);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_object_declaration(2)", Decl);
+ end case;
+ end Sem_Object_Declaration;
+ procedure Sem_File_Declaration (Decl: Iir_File_Declaration)
+ is
+ Atype: Iir;
+ Logical_Name: Iir;
+ Open_Kind : Iir;
+ begin
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (Decl);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Decl, None);
+ Set_Base_Name (Decl, Decl);
+ Xref_Decl (Decl);
+ -- Try to find a type.
+ Atype := Get_Type (Decl);
+ if Get_Kind (Atype) = Iir_Kind_Proxy then
+ Atype := Get_Type (Get_Proxy (Atype));
+ Free_Iir (Get_Type (Decl));
+ else
+ Atype := Sem_Subtype_Indication (Get_Type (Decl));
+ if Atype = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Set_Type (Decl, Atype);
+ -- LRM93
+ -- The subtype indication of a file declaration must define a file
+ -- subtype.
+ if Get_Kind (Atype) /= Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("file subtype expected for a file declaration", Decl);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Logical_Name := Get_File_Logical_Name (Decl);
+ -- LRM93
+ -- The file logical name must be an expression of predefined type
+ -- STRING.
+ if Logical_Name /= Null_Iir then
+ Logical_Name := Sem_Expression (Logical_Name, String_Type_Definition);
+ if Logical_Name /= Null_Iir then
+ Check_Read (Logical_Name);
+ Set_File_Logical_Name (Decl, Logical_Name);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Open_Kind := Get_File_Open_Kind (Decl);
+ if Open_Kind /= Null_Iir then
+ Open_Kind :=
+ Sem_Expression (Open_Kind, File_Open_Kind_Type_Definition);
+ if Open_Kind /= Null_Iir then
+ Check_Read (Open_Kind);
+ Set_File_Open_Kind (Decl, Open_Kind);
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- LRM93
+ -- If a file open kind expression is not included in the file open
+ -- information of a given file declaration, then the default value
+ -- of READ_MODE is used during elaboration of the file declaration.
+ --
+ -- LRM87
+ -- The default mode is IN, if no mode is specified.
+ if Get_Mode (Decl) = Iir_Unknown_Mode then
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Set_Mode (Decl, Iir_In_Mode);
+ else
+ Set_File_Open_Kind (Decl, File_Open_Kind_Read_Mode);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Name_Visible (Decl);
+ -- LRM 93 2.2
+ -- If a pure function is the parent of a given procedure, then
+ -- that procedure must not contain a reference to an explicitly
+ -- declared file object [...]
+ --
+ -- A pure function must not contain a reference to an explicitly
+ -- declared file.
+ -- Note: this check is also performed when a file is referenced.
+ -- But a file can be declared without being explicitly referenced.
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std > Vhdl_93c then
+ declare
+ Parent : Iir;
+ Spec : Iir;
+ begin
+ Parent := Get_Parent (Decl);
+ case Get_Kind (Parent) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Body =>
+ Spec := Get_Subprogram_Specification (Parent);
+ if Get_Pure_Flag (Spec) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("cannot declare a file in a pure function", Decl);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
+ Spec := Get_Subprogram_Specification (Parent);
+ Set_Purity_State (Spec, Impure);
+ Set_Impure_Depth (Parent, Iir_Depth_Impure);
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_file_declaration", Parent);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Sem_File_Declaration;
+ procedure Sem_Attribute_Declaration (Decl: Iir_Attribute_Declaration)
+ is
+ A_Type : Iir;
+ Ident : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ -- LRM93 4.4
+ -- The identifier is said to be the designator of the attribute.
+ Ident := Get_Identifier (Decl);
+ if Ident in Std_Names.Name_Id_Attributes
+ or else (Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87
+ and then Ident in Std_Names.Name_Id_Vhdl87_Attributes)
+ or else (Flags.Vhdl_Std > Vhdl_87
+ and then Ident in Std_Names.Name_Id_Vhdl93_Attributes)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("predefined attribute """ & Name_Table.Image (Ident)
+ & """ overriden", Decl);
+ end if;
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (Decl);
+ Xref_Decl (Decl);
+ A_Type := Sem_Subtype_Indication (Get_Type (Decl));
+ if A_Type = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Set_Type (Decl, A_Type);
+ -- LRM93 4.4 Attribute declarations.
+ -- It is an error if the type mark denotes an access type, a file type,
+ -- a protected type, or a composite type with a subelement that is
+ -- an access type, a file type, or a protected type.
+ -- The subtype need not be constrained.
+ Check_Signal_Type (Decl);
+ Name_Visible (Decl);
+ end Sem_Attribute_Declaration;
+ procedure Sem_Component_Declaration (Component: Iir_Component_Declaration)
+ is
+ begin
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (Component);
+ Xref_Decl (Component);
+ -- LRM 10.1 Declarative region
+ -- 6. A component declaration.
+ Open_Declarative_Region;
+ Sem_Interface_Chain (Get_Generic_Chain (Component), Interface_Generic);
+ Sem_Interface_Chain (Get_Port_Chain (Component), Interface_Port);
+ Close_Declarative_Region;
+ Name_Visible (Component);
+ end Sem_Component_Declaration;
+ procedure Sem_Object_Alias_Declaration (Alias: Iir_Object_Alias_Declaration)
+ is
+ N_Type: Iir;
+ N_Name: Iir;
+ Name : Iir;
+ Name_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (Alias);
+ Xref_Decl (Alias);
+ Name := Get_Name (Alias);
+ Sem_Name (Name, False);
+ N_Name := Get_Named_Entity (Name);
+ if N_Name = Error_Mark then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- FIXME: overload list ?
+ Name_Visible (Alias);
+ case Get_Kind (N_Name) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Object_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Element =>
+ Set_Base_Name (Alias, Get_Base_Name (N_Name));
+ Xref_Name (Name);
+ Set_Name (Alias, N_Name);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("can only alias named object", Alias);
+ return;
+ end case;
+ -- LRM93 Object Aliases.
+ -- 1. A signature may not appear in a declaration of an object alias.
+ -- FIXME: todo.
+ --
+ -- 2. The name must be a static name that denotes an object.
+ if Get_Name_Staticness (N_Name) < Globally then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("aliased name must be a static name", Alias);
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93
+ -- The base type of the name specified in an alias declaration must be
+ -- the same as the base type of the type mark in the subtype indication
+ -- (if the subtype indication is present);
+ Name_Type := Get_Type (N_Name);
+ N_Type := Get_Type (Alias);
+ if N_Type = Null_Iir then
+ Set_Type (Alias, Name_Type);
+ N_Type := Name_Type;
+ else
+ N_Type := Sem_Subtype_Indication (N_Type);
+ if N_Type /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Type (Alias, N_Type);
+ if Get_Base_Type (N_Type) /= Get_Base_Type (Name_Type) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("base type of aliased name and name mismatch",
+ Alias);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93
+ -- This type must not be a multi-dimensional array type.
+ if Get_Kind (N_Type) in Iir_Kinds_Array_Type_Definition then
+ if not Is_Unidim_Array_Type (N_Type) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("aliased name must not be a multi-dimensional array type",
+ Alias);
+ end if;
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (N_Type) = Locally
+ and then Get_Type_Staticness (Name_Type) = Locally
+ and then Eval_Discrete_Type_Length
+ (Get_Nth_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (N_Type), 0))
+ /= Eval_Discrete_Type_Length
+ (Get_Nth_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Name_Type), 0))
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("number of elements not matching in type and name",
+ Alias);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Set_Name_Staticness (Alias, Get_Name_Staticness (N_Name));
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Alias, Get_Expr_Staticness (N_Name));
+ end Sem_Object_Alias_Declaration;
+ function Signature_Match (N_Entity : Iir; Sig : Iir_Signature)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ List : Iir_List;
+ Inter : Iir;
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ List := Get_Type_Marks_List (Sig);
+ case Get_Kind (N_Entity) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+ -- LRM93 2.3.2 Signatures
+ -- * Similarly, a signature is said to match the parameter and
+ -- result type profile of a given enumeration literal if
+ -- the signature matches the parameter and result type profile
+ -- of the subprogram equivalent to the enumeration literal,
+ -- defined in Section 3.1.1
+ return List = Null_Iir_List
+ and then Get_Type (N_Entity) = Get_Return_Type (Sig);
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration =>
+ -- LRM93 2.3.2 Signatures
+ -- * if the reserved word RETURN is present, the subprogram is
+ -- a function and the base type of the type mark following
+ -- the reserved word in the signature is the same as the base
+ -- type of the return type of the function, [...]
+ if Get_Return_Type (Sig) /=
+ Get_Base_Type (Get_Return_Type (N_Entity))
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ -- LRM93 2.3.2 Signatures
+ -- * [...] or the reserved word RETURN is absent and the
+ -- subprogram is a procedure.
+ if Get_Return_Type (Sig) /= Null_Iir then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ -- LRM93 2.3.2 Signatures
+ -- A signature distinguishes between overloaded subprograms and
+ -- overloaded enumeration literals based on their parameter
+ -- and result type profiles.
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ -- LRM93 2.3.2 Signature
+ -- * the number of type marks prior the reserved word RETURN, if any,
+ -- matches the number of formal parameters of the subprogram;
+ -- * at each parameter position, the base type denoted by the type
+ -- mark of the signature is the same as the base type of the
+ -- corresponding formal parameter of the subprogram; [and finally, ]
+ Inter := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (N_Entity);
+ if List = Null_Iir_List then
+ return Inter = Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ if El = Null_Iir and Inter = Null_Iir then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ if El = Null_Iir or Inter = Null_Iir then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Inter)) /= El then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Inter := Get_Chain (Inter);
+ end loop;
+ -- Avoid a spurious warning.
+ return False;
+ end Signature_Match;
+ -- Extract from NAME the named entity whose profile matches with SIG.
+ function Sem_Signature (Name : Iir; Sig : Iir_Signature) return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ El : Iir;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ Error : Boolean;
+ begin
+ -- Sem signature.
+ List := Get_Type_Marks_List (Sig);
+ if List /= Null_Iir_List then
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ El := Find_Declaration (El, Decl_Type);
+ if El /= Null_Iir then
+ Replace_Nth_Element (List, I, Get_Base_Type (El));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Return_Type (Sig);
+ if El /= Null_Iir then
+ El := Find_Declaration (El, Decl_Type);
+ if El /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Return_Type (Sig, Get_Base_Type (El));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Res := Null_Iir;
+ Error := False;
+ if Is_Overload_List (Name) then
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (Get_Overload_List (Name), I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ if Signature_Match (El, Sig) then
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Res := El;
+ else
+ Error := True;
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("cannot resolve signature, many matching subprograms:",
+ Sig);
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("found: " & Disp_Node (Res), Res);
+ end if;
+ if Error then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("found: " & Disp_Node (El), El);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ else
+ if Signature_Match (Name, Sig) then
+ Res := Name;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Error then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("cannot resolve signature, no matching subprogram", Sig);
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Sem_Signature;
+ procedure Sem_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ (Alias : Iir_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration)
+ is
+ use Std_Names;
+ Name : Iir;
+ Sig : Iir_Signature;
+ N_Entity : Iir;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Name := Get_Name (Alias);
+ Sem_Name (Name, False);
+ N_Entity := Get_Named_Entity (Name);
+ if N_Entity = Error_Mark then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Xref_Decl (Alias);
+ Sig := Get_Signature (Alias);
+ if Is_Overload_List (N_Entity) then
+ if Sig = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("signature required for alias of a subprogram", Alias);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Sig /= Null_Iir then
+ N_Entity := Sem_Signature (N_Entity, Sig);
+ else
+ case Get_Kind (N_Entity) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ -- LRM93 Non-Object Aliases
+ -- 2. A signature is required if the name denotes a subprogram
+ -- (including an operator) or enumeration literal.
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("signature required for subprogram", Alias);
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("signature required for enumeration literal",
+ Alias);
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration =>
+ declare
+ Def : Iir;
+ Last : Iir;
+ El : Iir;
+ Enum_List : Iir_Enumeration_Literal_List;
+ procedure Add_Implicit_Alias (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ N_Alias : Iir_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration;
+ begin
+ N_Alias :=
+ Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration);
+ Location_Copy (N_Alias, Alias);
+ Set_Identifier (N_Alias, Get_Identifier (Decl));
+ Set_Name (N_Alias, Decl);
+ Add_Name (El, Get_Identifier (El), False);
+ Set_Visible_Flag (N_Alias, True);
+ -- Append in the declaration chain.
+ Set_Chain (N_Alias, Get_Chain (Last));
+ Set_Chain (Last, N_Alias);
+ Last := N_Alias;
+ end Add_Implicit_Alias;
+ begin
+ Def := Get_Type (N_Entity);
+ Last := Alias;
+ if Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ then
+ -- LRM93 Non-Object Aliases
+ -- 3. If the name denotes an enumeration type, then one
+ -- implicit alias declaration for each of the
+ -- literals of the type immediatly follows the alias
+ -- declaration for the enumeration type; [...]
+ Enum_List := Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Def);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (Enum_List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ -- LRM93 Non-Object Aliases
+ -- [...] each such implicit declaration has, as
+ -- its alias designator, the simple name or
+ -- character literal of the literal, and has,
+ -- as its name, a name constructed
+ -- by taking the name of the alias for the
+ -- enumeration type and substituting the simple
+ -- name or character literal being aliased for
+ -- the simple name of the type.
+ -- Each implicit alias has a signature that
+ -- matches the parameter and result type profile
+ -- of the literal being aliased.
+ Add_Implicit_Alias (El);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93 Non-Object Aliases
+ -- 4. Alternatively, if the name denotes a physical type
+ -- [...]
+ -- GHDL: this is not possible, since a physical type is
+ -- anonymous (LRM93 is buggy on this point).
+ if Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93 Non-Object Aliases
+ -- 5. Finally, if the name denotes a type, then implicit
+ -- alias declarations for each predefined operator
+ -- for the type immediatly follow the explicit alias
+ -- declaration for the type, and if present, any
+ -- implicit alias declarations for literals or units
+ -- of the type.
+ -- Each implicit alias has a signature that matches the
+ -- parameter and result type profule of the implicit
+ -- operator being aliased.
+ El := Get_Chain (N_Entity);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ exit when Get_Type_Reference (El) /= N_Entity;
+ when others =>
+ exit;
+ end case;
+ Add_Implicit_Alias (El);
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Object_Declaration =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("non-object alias cannot denotes an object", Alias);
+ -- Do not return and add the name to avoid an error storm.
+ when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_non_object_alias_declaration", N_Entity);
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ if N_Entity = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Set_Named_Entity (Name, N_Entity);
+ Xref_Name (Name);
+ Set_Name (Alias, N_Entity);
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Alias);
+ case Id is
+ when Name_Characters =>
+ -- LRM 4.3.3 Alias declarations
+ -- If the alias designator is a character literal, the
+ -- name must denote an enumeration literal.
+ if Get_Kind (N_Entity) /= Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("alias of a character must denote an enumeration literal",
+ Alias);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when Name_Id_Operators
+ | Name_Shift_Operators
+ | Name_Word_Operators =>
+ -- LRM 4.3.3 Alias declarations
+ -- If the alias designator is an operator symbol, the
+ -- name must denote a function, and that function then
+ -- overloads the operator symbol. In this latter case,
+ -- the operator symbol and the function both must meet the
+ -- requirements of 2.3.1.
+ if Get_Kind (N_Entity) not in Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("alias of an operator must denote a function", Alias);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Check_Operator_Requirements (Id, N_Entity);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Add_Name (Alias);
+ Set_Visible_Flag (Alias, True);
+ end Sem_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration;
+ procedure Sem_Group_Template_Declaration
+ (Decl : Iir_Group_Template_Declaration)
+ is
+ begin
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (Decl);
+ Sem_Scopes.Name_Visible (Decl);
+ Xref_Decl (Decl);
+ end Sem_Group_Template_Declaration;
+ procedure Sem_Group_Declaration (Group : Iir_Group_Declaration)
+ is
+ use Tokens;
+ Constituent_List : Iir_Group_Constituent_List;
+ Template : Iir_Group_Template_Declaration;
+ Class, Prev_Class : Token_Type;
+ El : Iir;
+ El_Name : Iir;
+ El_Entity : Iir_Entity_Class;
+ begin
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (Group);
+ Xref_Decl (Group);
+ Template := Find_Declaration (Get_Group_Template_Name (Group),
+ Decl_Group_Template);
+ if Template = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Set_Group_Template_Name (Group, Template);
+ Constituent_List := Get_Group_Constituent_List (Group);
+ El_Entity := Get_Entity_Class_Entry_Chain (Template);
+ Prev_Class := Tok_Eof;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (Constituent_List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ if El_Entity = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("too many elements in group constituent list", Group);
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ Class := Get_Entity_Class (El_Entity);
+ if Class = Tok_Box then
+ -- LRM93 4.6
+ -- An entity class entry that includes a box (<>) allows zero
+ -- or more group constituents to appear in this position in the
+ -- corresponding group declaration.
+ Class := Prev_Class;
+ else
+ Prev_Class := Class;
+ El_Entity := Get_Chain (El_Entity);
+ end if;
+ Sem_Name (El, False);
+ El_Name := Get_Named_Entity (El);
+ if El_Name /= Error_Mark then
+ -- LRM93 4.7
+ -- It is an error if the class of any group constituent in the
+ -- group constituent list is not the same as the class specified
+ -- by the corresponding entity class entry in the entity class
+ -- entry list of the group template.
+ if Get_Entity_Class_Kind (El_Name) /= Class then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("constituent not of class '" & Tokens.Image (Class) & ''',
+ El);
+ end if;
+ Xref_Name (El);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- End of entity_class list reached or zero or more constituent allowed.
+ if not (El_Entity = Null_Iir
+ or else Get_Entity_Class (El_Entity) = Tok_Box)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("not enough elements in group constituent list", Group);
+ end if;
+ Set_Visible_Flag (Group, True);
+ end Sem_Group_Declaration;
+ -- Semantize every declaration of DECLS_PARENT.
+ -- STMTS is the concurrent statement list associated with DECLS_PARENT
+ -- if any, or null_iir. This is used for specification.
+ procedure Sem_Declaration_Chain (Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ Decl: Iir;
+ Last_Decl : Iir;
+ Attr_Spec_Chain : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Due to implicit declarations, the list can grow during sem.
+ Decl := Get_Declaration_Chain (Parent);
+ Last_Decl := Null_Iir;
+ Attr_Spec_Chain := Null_Iir;
+ loop
+ << Again >> exit when Decl = Null_Iir;
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Type_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Type_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Subtype_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Object_Declaration (Decl, Parent);
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Object_Declaration (Decl, Parent);
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Object_Declaration (Decl, Parent);
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Attribute_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification =>
+ Sem_Attribute_Specification (Decl, Parent);
+ if Get_Entity_Name_List (Decl) in Iir_Lists_All_Others then
+ Set_Attribute_Specification_Chain (Decl, Attr_Spec_Chain);
+ Attr_Spec_Chain := Decl;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Component_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ declare
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ Res := Sem_Subprogram_Declaration (Decl);
+ if Res /= Decl then
+ -- Replace DECL with RES.
+ if Last_Decl = Null_Iir then
+ Set_Declaration_Chain (Parent, Res);
+ else
+ Set_Chain (Last_Decl, Res);
+ end if;
+ Decl := Res;
+ -- Since RES is a body, no need to check for post
+ -- attribute specification.
+ goto Again;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
+ Sem_Subprogram_Body (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (Decl);
+ Name_Visible (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Object_Alias_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ Last_Decl := Decl;
+ Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ Sem_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration (Last_Decl);
+ if Attr_Spec_Chain /= Null_Iir then
+ while Last_Decl /= Decl loop
+ Check_Post_Attribute_Specification
+ (Attr_Spec_Chain, Last_Decl);
+ Last_Decl := Get_Chain (Last_Decl);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ goto Again;
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
+ Sem_File_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause =>
+ Sem_Use_Clause (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Disconnection_Specification =>
+ Sem_Disconnect_Specification (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Group_Template_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Group_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kinds_Signal_Attribute =>
+ -- Added by sem, so nothing to do.
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body =>
+ Sem_Protected_Type_Body (Decl);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_declaration_chain", Decl);
+ end case;
+ if Attr_Spec_Chain /= Null_Iir then
+ Check_Post_Attribute_Specification (Attr_Spec_Chain, Decl);
+ end if;
+ Last_Decl := Decl;
+ Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ end loop;
+ end Sem_Declaration_Chain;
+ procedure Check_Full_Declaration (Decls_Parent : Iir; Decl: Iir)
+ is
+ El: Iir;
+ -- If set, emit a warning if a declaration is not used.
+ Check_Unused : Boolean;
+ begin
+ -- LRM 3.5 Protected types.
+ -- Each protected type declaration appearing immediatly within a given
+ -- declaration region must have exactly one corresponding protected type
+ -- body appearing immediatly within the same declarative region and
+ -- textually subsequent to the protected type declaration.
+ -- LRM 3.3.1 Incomplete type declarations
+ -- For each incomplete type declaration, there must be a corresponding
+ -- full type declaration with the same identifier. This full type
+ -- declaration must occur later and immediatly within the same
+ -- declarative part as the incomplete type declaration to which it
+ -- correspinds.
+ -- LRM Constant declarations
+ -- If the assignment symbol ":=" followed by an expression is not
+ -- present in a constant declaration, then the declaration declares a
+ -- deferred constant. Such a constant declaration must appear in a
+ -- package declaration. The corresponding full constant declaration,
+ -- which defines the value of the constant, must appear in the body of
+ -- the package (see 2.6).
+ -- LRM 2.2 Subprogram bodies
+ -- If both a declaration and a body are given, [...]. Furthermore,
+ -- both the declaration and the body must occur immediatly within the
+ -- same declaration region.
+ -- Set Check_Unused.
+ Check_Unused := False;
+ if Flags.Warn_Unused then
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
+ -- May be used in architecture.
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ -- Might be used in a configuration.
+ -- FIXME: create a second level of warning.
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body =>
+ -- Check only for declarations of the body.
+ if Decls_Parent = Decl then
+ Check_Unused := True;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
+ Check_Unused := True;
+ when others =>
+ -- Note: Check_Full_Declaration is not called
+ -- for package declarations or protected type declarations.
+ Error_Kind ("check_full_declaration", Decl);
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Declaration_Chain (Decls_Parent);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Deferred_Declaration_Flag (El) then
+ if Get_Deferred_Declaration (El) = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("missing value for constant declared at "
+ & Disp_Location (El), Decl);
+ else
+ -- Remove from visibility the full declaration of the
+ -- constant.
+ -- FIXME: this is not a check!
+ Set_Deferred_Declaration (El, Null_Iir);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Subprogram_Body (El) = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("missing body for " & Disp_Node (El)
+ & " declared at "
+ & Disp_Location (El), Decl);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration =>
+ declare
+ Def : Iir;
+ begin
+ Def := Get_Type (El);
+ if Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition
+ and then Get_Type_Declarator (Def) = El
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("missing full type declaration for "
+ & Disp_Node (El), El);
+ elsif Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ and then Get_Protected_Type_Body (Def) = Null_Iir
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("missing protected type body for "
+ & Disp_Node (El), El);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ if Check_Unused then
+ -- All subprograms declared in the specification (package or
+ -- protected type) have only their *body* in the body.
+ -- Therefore, they don't appear as declaration in body.
+ -- Only private subprograms appears as declarations.
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ if not Get_Use_Flag (El) then
+ Warning_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (El) & " is never used", El);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Check_Full_Declaration;
+ procedure Sem_Iterator (Iterator : Iir_Iterator_Declaration;
+ Staticness : Iir_Staticness)
+ is
+ It_Type: Iir;
+ A_Range: Iir;
+ Range_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Xref_Decl (Iterator);
+ It_Type := Get_Type (Iterator);
+ A_Range := Sem_Discrete_Range_Integer (It_Type);
+ if A_Range = Null_Iir then
+ Set_Type (Iterator, Create_Error_Type (Iterator));
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (A_Range) in Iir_Kinds_Type_And_Subtype_Definition then
+ Range_Type := A_Range;
+ else
+ Range_Type := Get_Type (A_Range);
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Range_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Discrete_Type_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("iterator is not of discrete type", A_Range);
+ Set_Type (Iterator, Null_Iir);
+ return;
+ end case;
+ Set_Type (Iterator, Range_To_Subtype_Definition (A_Range));
+ Set_Base_Name (Iterator, Iterator);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Iterator, Staticness);
+ end Sem_Iterator;
+end Sem_Decls;
diff --git a/sem_decls.ads b/sem_decls.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c8dede1a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sem_decls.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+-- Semantic analysis.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+package Sem_Decls is
+ -- The kind of an inteface list.
+ type Interface_Kind_Type is (Interface_Generic, Interface_Port,
+ Interface_Procedure, Interface_Function);
+ subtype Parameter_Kind_Subtype is
+ Interface_Kind_Type range Interface_Procedure .. Interface_Function;
+ procedure Sem_Interface_Chain (Interface_Chain: Iir;
+ Interface_Kind : Interface_Kind_Type);
+ -- Create predefined operations for DECL.
+ procedure Create_Implicit_Operations
+ (Decl : Iir; Is_Std_Standard : Boolean := False);
+ -- Semantize declarations of PARENT.
+ procedure Sem_Declaration_Chain (Parent : Iir);
+ -- Check all declarations of DECLS_PARENT are complete
+ -- This checks subprograms, deferred constants, incomplete types and
+ -- protected types.
+ --
+ -- DECL is the declaration that contains the declaration_list DECLS_PARENT.
+ -- (location of errors).
+ -- DECL is different from DECLS_PARENT for package bodies and protected
+ -- type bodies.
+ --
+ -- Also, report unused declarations if DECL = DECLS_PARENT.
+ -- As a consequence, Check_Full_Declaration must be called after sem
+ -- of statements, if any.
+ procedure Check_Full_Declaration (Decls_Parent : Iir; Decl: Iir);
+ procedure Sem_Iterator (Iterator : Iir_Iterator_Declaration;
+ Staticness : Iir_Staticness);
+ -- Extract from NAME the named entity whose profile matches SIG.
+ function Sem_Signature (Name : Iir; Sig : Iir_Signature) return Iir;
+end Sem_Decls;
diff --git a/sem_expr.adb b/sem_expr.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..36f4b8005
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sem_expr.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,3811 @@
+-- Semantic analysis.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Types; use Types;
+with Std_Package; use Std_Package;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Flags;
+with Sem_Scopes; use Sem_Scopes;
+with Sem_Names; use Sem_Names;
+with Sem;
+with Name_Table;
+with Iirs_Utils; use Iirs_Utils;
+with Evaluation; use Evaluation;
+with Iir_Chains; use Iir_Chains;
+with Sem_Types;
+with Sem_Stmts; use Sem_Stmts;
+with Sem_Assocs; use Sem_Assocs;
+with Xrefs; use Xrefs;
+package body Sem_Expr is
+ procedure Undeclared (Expr: Iir) is
+ begin
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("identifier '" & Iirs_Utils.Image_Identifier (Expr)
+ & "' not declared", Expr);
+ end Undeclared;
+ procedure Not_Match (Expr: Iir; A_Type: Iir)
+ is
+ pragma Inline (Not_Match);
+ begin
+ Error_Not_Match (Expr, A_Type, Expr);
+ end Not_Match;
+-- procedure Not_Match (Expr: Iir; Type1: Iir; Type2: Iir) is
+-- begin
+-- Error_Msg_Sem
+-- ("can't match '" & Disp_Node (Expr) & "' with type '"
+-- & Disp_Node (Type1) & "' or type '" & Disp_Node (Type2) & "'",
+-- Expr);
+-- end Not_Match;
+-- procedure Overloaded (Expr: Iir) is
+-- begin
+-- Error_Msg_Sem
+-- ("cant resolve overloaded identifier '" & Get_String (Expr) & "'",
+-- Expr);
+-- end Overloaded;
+ -- Replace type of TARGET by A_TYPE.
+ -- If TARGET has already a type, it must be an overload list, and in this
+ -- case, this list is freed, or it must be A_TYPE.
+ -- A_TYPE can't be an overload list.
+ --
+ -- This procedure can be called in the second pass, when the type is known.
+ procedure Replace_Type (Target: Iir; A_Type: Iir) is
+ Old_Type: Iir;
+ begin
+ Old_Type := Get_Type (Target);
+ if Old_Type /= Null_Iir then
+ if Is_Overload_List (Old_Type) then
+ Free_Iir (Old_Type);
+ elsif Old_Type = A_Type then
+ return;
+ else
+ -- Cannot replace a type.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if A_Type = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Is_Overload_List (A_Type) then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Set_Type (Target, A_Type);
+ end Replace_Type;
+ -- Return true if ID is overloaded, ie has several meanings.
+ function Is_Overloaded (Id: Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Is_Overload_List (Get_Type (Id));
+ end Is_Overloaded;
+ -- Return the common type of base types LEFT and RIGHT.
+ -- LEFT are RIGHT must be really base types (not subtypes).
+ -- Roughly speaking, it returns LEFT (= RIGHT) if LEFT = RIGHT (ie, same
+ -- type), null otherwise.
+ -- However, it handles implicite conversions of universal types.
+ function Get_Common_Basetype (Left: Iir; Right: Iir)
+ return Iir is
+ begin
+ if Left = Right then
+ return Left;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Left) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition =>
+ if Right = Convertible_Integer_Type_Definition then
+ return Left;
+ elsif Left = Convertible_Integer_Type_Definition
+ and then Get_Kind (Right) = Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ then
+ return Right;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition =>
+ if Right = Convertible_Real_Type_Definition then
+ return Left;
+ elsif Left = Convertible_Real_Type_Definition
+ and then Get_Kind (Right) = Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition
+ then
+ return Right;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end Get_Common_Basetype;
+ -- LEFT are RIGHT must be really a type (not a subtype).
+ function Are_Basetypes_Compatible (Left: Iir; Right: Iir)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Get_Common_Basetype (Left, Right) /= Null_Iir;
+ end Are_Basetypes_Compatible;
+ function Are_Types_Compatible (Left: Iir; Right: Iir)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Get_Common_Basetype (Get_Base_Type (Left),
+ Get_Base_Type (Right)) /= Null_Iir;
+ end Are_Types_Compatible;
+ function Are_Nodes_Compatible (Left: Iir; Right: Iir)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Are_Types_Compatible (Get_Type (Left), Get_Type (Right));
+ end Are_Nodes_Compatible;
+ function Check_Is_Expression (Expr : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ begin
+ if Expr = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Expr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kinds_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Design_Unit
+ | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kinds_Concurrent_Statement
+ | Iir_Kinds_Sequential_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Library_Clause
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kinds_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem (Disp_Node (Expr)
+ & " not allowed in an expression", Expr);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration =>
+ return Expr;
+ when Iir_Kind_Overload_List =>
+ return Expr;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Simple_Aggregate
+ | Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+ return Expr;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Object_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Aggregate
+ | Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Subtype
+ | Iir_Kind_Qualified_Expression =>
+ return Expr;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Dyadic_Operator
+ | Iir_Kinds_Monadic_Operator =>
+ return Expr;
+ when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Element
+ | Iir_Kind_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kinds_Expression_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
+ return Expr;
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name =>
+ return Expr;
+ when Iir_Kind_Error =>
+ return Expr;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("check_is_expression", Expr);
+ --N := Get_Type (Expr);
+ --return Expr;
+ end case;
+ end Check_Is_Expression;
+ function Check_Implicit_Conversion (Targ_Type : Iir; Expr : Iir)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ Expr_Type : Iir;
+ Targ_Indexes : Iir_List;
+ Expr_Indexes : Iir_List;
+ Targ_Index : Iir;
+ Expr_Index : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Handle errors.
+ if Targ_Type = Null_Iir or else Expr = Null_Iir then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Targ_Type) /= Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ Expr_Type := Get_Type (Expr);
+ if Expr_Type = Null_Iir
+ or else Get_Kind (Expr_Type) /= Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ Targ_Indexes := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Targ_Type);
+ Expr_Indexes := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Expr_Type);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Targ_Index := Get_Nth_Element (Targ_Indexes, I);
+ Expr_Index := Get_Nth_Element (Expr_Indexes, I);
+ exit when Targ_Index = Null_Iir and Expr_Index = Null_Iir;
+ if Targ_Index = Null_Iir or Expr_Index = Null_Iir then
+ -- Types does not match.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (Targ_Index) = Locally
+ and then Get_Type_Staticness (Expr_Index) = Locally
+ then
+ if Eval_Discrete_Type_Length (Targ_Index)
+ /= Eval_Discrete_Type_Length (Expr_Index)
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return True;
+ end Check_Implicit_Conversion;
+ -- Find a type compatible with A_TYPE in TYPE_LIST (which can be an
+ -- overload list or a simple type) and return it.
+ -- In case of failure, return null.
+ function Search_Overloaded_Type (Type_List: Iir; A_Type: Iir)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Type_List_List : Iir_List;
+ El: Iir;
+ Com : Iir;
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ if not Is_Overload_List (Type_List) then
+ return Get_Common_Basetype (Get_Base_Type (Type_List),
+ Get_Base_Type (A_Type));
+ else
+ Type_List_List := Get_Overload_List (Type_List);
+ Res := Null_Iir;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (Type_List_List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Com := Get_Common_Basetype (Get_Base_Type (El),
+ Get_Base_Type (A_Type));
+ if Com /= Null_Iir then
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Res := Com;
+ else
+ -- Several compatible types.
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end if;
+ end Search_Overloaded_Type;
+ -- LIST1, LIST2 are either a type node or an overload list of types.
+ -- Return THE type which is compatible with LIST1 are LIST2.
+ -- Return null_iir if there is no such type or if there are several types.
+ function Search_Compatible_Type (List1, List2 : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ List1_List : Iir_List;
+ Res : Iir;
+ El : Iir;
+ Tmp : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Is_Overload_List (List1) then
+ List1_List := Get_Overload_List (List1);
+ Res := Null_Iir;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List1_List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Tmp := Search_Overloaded_Type (List2, El);
+ if Tmp /= Null_Iir then
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Res := Tmp;
+ else
+ -- Several types match.
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ else
+ return Search_Overloaded_Type (List2, List1);
+ end if;
+ end Search_Compatible_Type;
+ -- Return compatibility for type nodes LEFT and RIGHT.
+ function Compatibility (Left_Type, Right_Type : Iir)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ Right_Base_Type : Iir;
+ Left_Base_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Right_Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Right_Type);
+ Left_Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Left_Type);
+ if Right_Base_Type = Left_Base_Type then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Left_Base_Type) = Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ and then Right_Base_Type = Convertible_Integer_Type_Definition
+ then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Left_Base_Type) = Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition
+ and then Right_Base_Type = Convertible_Real_Type_Definition
+ then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ return False;
+ end Compatibility;
+ function Compatibility_Types1 (Left_Type : Iir; Right_Types : Iir)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ Right_List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ if Is_Overload_List (Right_Types) then
+ Right_List := Get_Overload_List (Right_Types);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (Right_List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ if Compatibility (Left_Type, El) then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return False;
+ else
+ return Compatibility (Left_Type, Right_Types);
+ end if;
+ end Compatibility_Types1;
+ -- Return compatibility for nodes LEFT and RIGHT.
+ -- LEFT is expected to be an interface of a function definition.
+ -- Type of RIGHT can be an overload_list
+ -- RIGHT might be implicitly converted to LEFT.
+ function Compatibility_Nodes (Left : Iir; Right : Iir)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ Left_Type, Right_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Left_Type := Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Left));
+ Right_Type := Get_Type (Right);
+ -- Check.
+ case Get_Kind (Left_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("are_node_compatible_ov", Left_Type);
+ end case;
+ return Compatibility_Types1 (Left_Type, Right_Type);
+ end Compatibility_Nodes;
+ function Compatibility_Types (Left_Types : Iir; Right_Types : Iir)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ Left_List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ if Is_Overload_List (Left_Types) then
+ Left_List := Get_Overload_List (Left_Types);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (Left_List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ if Compatibility_Types1 (El, Right_Types) then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return False;
+ else
+ return Compatibility_Types1 (Left_Types, Right_Types);
+ end if;
+ end Compatibility_Types;
+ function Sem_Type_Range (Expr : Iir; A_Type : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Expr_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Expr_Type := Get_Type (Expr);
+ if Expr_Type = Null_Iir then
+ return A_Type;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Expr_Type) in Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Type_Definition then
+ return Expr_Type;
+ end if;
+ Expr_Type := Find_Declaration (Expr_Type, Decl_Type);
+ if A_Type /= Null_Iir and then A_Type /= Expr_Type then
+ -- This can happend when EXPR is an array subtype index subtype
+ -- and A_TYPE is the array index type.
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("subtype " & Disp_Node (Expr_Type)
+ & " doesn't match expected type "
+ & Disp_Node (A_Type), Expr);
+ end if;
+ return Expr_Type;
+ end Sem_Type_Range;
+ -- Semantize the range expression EXPR.
+ -- If A_TYPE is not null_iir, EXPR is expected to be of type A_TYPE.
+ -- LRM93
+ -- FIXME: avoid to run it on an already semantized node, be careful
+ -- with range_type_expr.
+ function Sem_Range_Expression (Expr: Iir_Range_Expression; A_Type: Iir)
+ return Iir_Range_Expression
+ is
+ Base_Type: Iir;
+ Left, Right: Iir;
+ Expr_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Expr_Type := Sem_Type_Range (Expr, A_Type);
+ if Expr_Type /= Null_Iir then
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Expr_Type);
+ else
+ Base_Type := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Left := Get_Left_Limit (Expr);
+ Right := Get_Right_Limit (Expr);
+ Right := Sem_Expression_Ov (Right, Base_Type);
+ Left := Sem_Expression_Ov (Left, Base_Type);
+ if Left = Null_Iir or else Right = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Is_Overloaded (Left) or else Is_Overloaded (Right) then
+ if Base_Type /= Null_Iir then
+ -- Cannot happen, since sem_expression_ov should resolved
+ -- ambiguties if a type is given.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Try to find a common type.
+ Base_Type := Search_Compatible_Type
+ (Get_Type (Left), Get_Type (Right));
+ if Base_Type = Null_Iir then
+ if Compatibility_Types1
+ (Universal_Integer_Type_Definition, Get_Type (Left))
+ and then
+ Compatibility_Types1
+ (Universal_Integer_Type_Definition, Get_Type (Right))
+ then
+ Base_Type := Universal_Integer_Type_Definition;
+ elsif Compatibility_Types1
+ (Universal_Real_Type_Definition, Get_Type (Left))
+ and then
+ Compatibility_Types1
+ (Universal_Real_Type_Definition, Get_Type (Right))
+ then
+ Base_Type := Universal_Real_Type_Definition;
+ else
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("left and right expressions of range are not compatible",
+ Expr);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Base_Type);
+ Left := Sem_Expression (Left, Base_Type);
+ Right := Sem_Expression (Right, Base_Type);
+ if Left = Null_Iir or else Right = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Left := Eval_Expr_If_Static (Left);
+ Right := Eval_Expr_If_Static (Right);
+ Set_Left_Limit (Expr, Left);
+ Set_Right_Limit (Expr, Right);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Expr, Min (Get_Expr_Staticness (Left),
+ Get_Expr_Staticness (Right)));
+ if Expr_Type /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Type (Expr, Base_Type);
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr) = Locally
+ and then Get_Type_Staticness (Expr_Type) = Locally
+ and then Get_Kind (Expr_Type) in Iir_Kinds_Subtype_Definition
+ then
+ Eval_Check_Range (Expr, Expr_Type);
+ end if;
+ else
+ Base_Type := Get_Common_Basetype (Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Left)),
+ Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Right)));
+ if Base_Type = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("left and right expressions of range are not compatible", Expr);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Set_Type (Expr, Base_Type);
+ end if;
+ return Expr;
+ end Sem_Range_Expression;
+ -- Set semantic to expr.
+ -- The result can be:
+ -- a subtype definition
+ -- a range attribute
+ -- a range type definition
+ -- LRM93
+ -- FIXME: avoid to run it on an already semantized node, be careful
+ -- with range_type_expr.
+ function Sem_Discrete_Range_Expression (Expr: Iir; A_Type: Iir)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ Res_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Expr) = Iir_Kind_Range_Expression then
+ Res := Sem_Range_Expression (Expr, A_Type);
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Res_Type := Get_Type (Res);
+ else
+ if Get_Kind (Expr) in Iir_Kinds_Name
+ or else Get_Kind (Expr) = Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name
+ then
+ Sem_Name (Expr, False);
+ Maybe_Finish_Sem_Name (Expr);
+ Res := Get_Named_Entity (Expr);
+ if Res = Error_Mark then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Xref_Name (Expr);
+ else
+ Res := Expr;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Res) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ Res := Get_Type (Res);
+ Res_Type := Res;
+ if Get_Kind (Res) not in Iir_Kinds_Discrete_Type_Definition
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Res) & " is not a discrete range type", Expr);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ Res_Type := Get_Type (Res);
+ Res := Eval_Expr_If_Static (Res);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("name must denote a range", Expr);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end case;
+ if A_Type /= Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Base_Type (Res_Type) /= Get_Base_Type (A_Type)
+ then
+ Not_Match (Expr, A_Type);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if A_Type /= Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Type_Staticness (A_Type) = Locally
+ and then Get_Kind (A_Type) in Iir_Kinds_Subtype_Definition
+ then
+ case Get_Kind (Res) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Type_And_Subtype_Definition =>
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (Res) = Locally then
+ Eval_Check_Range (Get_Range_Constraint (Res), A_Type);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Res) = Locally then
+ Eval_Check_Range (Res, A_Type);
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Sem_Discrete_Range_Expression;
+ function Sem_Discrete_Range_Integer (Expr: Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Range_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Range_Type := Sem_Discrete_Range_Expression (Expr, Null_Iir);
+ if Range_Type = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Expr) /= Iir_Kind_Range_Expression then
+ return Range_Type;
+ end if;
+ Range_Type := Get_Type (Expr);
+ if Range_Type = Convertible_Integer_Type_Definition then
+ -- LRM Index constraints and discrete ranges
+ -- For a discrete range used in a constrained array
+ -- definition and defined by a range, an implicit
+ -- conversion to the predefined type INTEGER is assumed
+ -- if each bound is either a numeric literal or an
+ -- attribute, and the type of both bounds (prior to the
+ -- implicit conversion) is the type universal_integer.
+ -- FIXME: catch phys/phys.
+ Set_Type (Expr, Integer_Type_Definition);
+ elsif Range_Type = Universal_Integer_Type_Definition then
+ -- GHDL: this is not allowed, however often used:
+ -- eg: for i in 0 to v'length + 1 loop
+ -- eg: for i in -1 to 1 loop
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_93c then
+ -- Be tolerant.
+ Warning_Msg_Sem ("universal integer bound must be numeric literal "
+ & "or attribute", Expr);
+ else
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("universal integer bound must be numeric literal "
+ & "or attribute", Expr);
+ end if;
+ Set_Type (Expr, Integer_Type_Definition);
+ end if;
+ return Expr;
+ end Sem_Discrete_Range_Integer;
+ function Get_Discrete_Range_Staticness (Expr : Iir) return Iir_Staticness is
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Expr) in Iir_Kinds_Discrete_Type_Definition then
+ return Get_Type_Staticness (Expr);
+ else
+ return Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr);
+ end if;
+ end Get_Discrete_Range_Staticness;
+ procedure Set_Function_Call_Staticness (Expr : Iir; Imp : Iir)
+ is
+ Staticness : Iir_Staticness;
+ begin
+ -- LRM93 7.4.1 (Locally Static Primaries)
+ -- 4. a function call whose function name denotes an implicitly
+ -- defined operator, and whose actual parameters are each
+ -- locally static expressions;
+ --
+ -- LRM93 7.4.2 (Globally Static Primaries)
+ -- 9. a function call whose function name denotes a pure function,
+ -- and whose actual parameters are each globally static
+ -- expressions.
+ case Get_Kind (Expr) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Monadic_Operator =>
+ Staticness := Get_Expr_Staticness (Get_Operand (Expr));
+ when Iir_Kinds_Dyadic_Operator =>
+ Staticness := Min (Get_Expr_Staticness (Get_Left (Expr)),
+ Get_Expr_Staticness (Get_Right (Expr)));
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
+ Staticness := Locally;
+ declare
+ Assoc : Iir;
+ begin
+ Assoc := Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Expr);
+ while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Get_Kind (Assoc) /= Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open then
+ Staticness := Min
+ (Get_Expr_Staticness (Get_Actual (Assoc)),
+ Staticness);
+ end if;
+ Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call =>
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("set_function_call_staticness (1)", Expr);
+ end case;
+ case Get_Kind (Imp) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Implicit_Definition (Imp)
+ not in Iir_Predefined_Pure_Functions
+ then
+ -- Predefined functions such as Now, Endfile are not static.
+ Staticness := None;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Pure_Flag (Imp) then
+ Staticness := Min (Staticness, Globally);
+ else
+ Staticness := None;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("set_function_call_staticness (2)", Imp);
+ end case;
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Expr, Staticness);
+ end Set_Function_Call_Staticness;
+ -- Add CALLEE in the calle list of SUBPRG (which must be a subprg decl).
+ procedure Add_In_Callee_List (Subprg : Iir; Callee : Iir)
+ is
+ List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ List := Get_Callees_List (Subprg);
+ if List = Null_Iir_List then
+ List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Set_Callees_List (Subprg, List);
+ end if;
+ -- FIXME: May use a flag in IMP to speed up the
+ -- add operation.
+ Add_Element (List, Callee);
+ end Add_In_Callee_List;
+ -- Check purity rules when SUBPRG calls CALLEE.
+ -- Both SUBPRG and CALLEE are subprogram declarations.
+ -- Update purity_state/impure_depth of SUBPRG if it is a procedure.
+ procedure Sem_Call_Purity_Check (Subprg : Iir; Callee : Iir; Loc : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Callee = Subprg then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Handle easy cases.
+ case Get_Kind (Subprg) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
+ if not Get_Pure_Flag (Subprg) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Purity_State (Subprg) = Impure then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement =>
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_call_purity_check(0)", Subprg);
+ end case;
+ case Get_Kind (Callee) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Pure_Flag (Callee) then
+ -- Pure functions may be called anywhere.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- CALLEE is impure.
+ case Get_Kind (Subprg) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
+ Error_Pure (Subprg, Callee, Loc);
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ Set_Purity_State (Subprg, Impure);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_call_purity_check(1)", Subprg);
+ end case;
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ declare
+ Depth : Iir_Int32;
+ Callee_Body : Iir;
+ Subprg_Body : Iir;
+ begin
+ Callee_Body := Get_Subprogram_Body (Callee);
+ Subprg_Body := Get_Subprogram_Body (Subprg);
+ -- Get purity depth of callee, if possible.
+ case Get_Purity_State (Callee) is
+ when Pure =>
+ return;
+ when Impure =>
+ Depth := Iir_Depth_Impure;
+ when Maybe_Impure =>
+ if Callee_Body = Null_Iir then
+ -- Cannot be 'maybe_impure' if no body!
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Depth := Get_Impure_Depth (Callee_Body);
+ when Unknown =>
+ -- Add in list.
+ Add_In_Callee_List (Subprg, Callee);
+ if Callee_Body /= Null_Iir then
+ Depth := Get_Impure_Depth (Callee_Body);
+ else
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ case Get_Kind (Subprg) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
+ if Depth = Iir_Depth_Impure then
+ Error_Pure (Subprg, Callee, Loc);
+ else
+ if Depth < Get_Subprogram_Depth (Subprg) then
+ Error_Pure (Subprg, Callee, Loc);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ if Depth = Iir_Depth_Impure then
+ Set_Purity_State (Subprg, Impure);
+ -- FIXME: free callee list ? (wait state).
+ else
+ -- Set depth to the worst.
+ if Depth < Get_Impure_Depth (Subprg_Body) then
+ Set_Impure_Depth (Subprg_Body, Depth);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_call_purity_check(2)", Subprg);
+ end case;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_call_purity_check", Callee);
+ end case;
+ end Sem_Call_Purity_Check;
+ procedure Sem_Call_Wait_Check (Subprg : Iir; Callee : Iir; Loc : Iir)
+ is
+ procedure Error_Wait is
+ begin
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Subprg) & " must not contain wait statement, but calls",
+ Loc);
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Callee) & " which has (indirectly) a wait statement",
+ Callee);
+ --Error_Msg_Sem
+ -- ("(indirect) wait statement not allowed in " & Where, Loc);
+ end Error_Wait;
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Callee) /= Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Wait_State (Callee) is
+ when False =>
+ return;
+ when True =>
+ null;
+ when Unknown =>
+ Add_In_Callee_List (Subprg, Callee);
+ return;
+ end case;
+ -- LRM 8.1
+ -- It is an error if a wait statement appears [...] in a procedure that
+ -- has a parent that is a function subprogram.
+ --
+ -- Furthermore, it is an error if a wait statement appears [...] in a
+ -- procedure that has a parent that is such a process statement.
+ case Get_Kind (Subprg) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
+ Error_Wait;
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
+ Error_Wait;
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ if Is_Subprogram_Method (Subprg) then
+ Error_Wait;
+ else
+ Set_Wait_State (Subprg, True);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_call_wait_check", Subprg);
+ end case;
+ end Sem_Call_Wait_Check;
+ -- Set IMP as the implementation to being called by EXPR.
+ -- If the context is a subprogram or a process (ie, if current_subprogram
+ -- is not NULL), then mark IMP as callee of current_subprogram, and
+ -- update states.
+ procedure Sem_Subprogram_Call_Finish (Expr : Iir; Imp : Iir)
+ is
+ Subprg : Iir := Get_Current_Subprogram;
+ begin
+ Set_Implementation (Expr, Imp);
+ Set_Function_Call_Staticness (Expr, Imp);
+ Set_Use_Flag (Imp, True);
+ -- Check purity/wait/passive.
+ if Subprg = Null_Iir then
+ -- Not inside a suprogram or a process.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Subprg = Imp then
+ -- Recursive call.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Imp) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Implicit_Definition (Imp) in Iir_Predefined_Pure_Functions
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Call_Purity_Check (Subprg, Imp, Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Call_Purity_Check (Subprg, Imp, Expr);
+ Sem_Call_Wait_Check (Subprg, Imp, Expr);
+ -- Check passive.
+ if Get_Passive_Flag (Imp) = False then
+ case Get_Kind (Subprg) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement =>
+ if Get_Passive_Flag (Subprg) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Subprg)
+ & " is passive, but calls non-passive "
+ & Disp_Node (Imp), Expr);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Sem_Subprogram_Call_Finish;
+ function Sem_Subprogram_Call_Stage1
+ (Expr : Iir; A_Type : Iir; Is_Func_Call : Boolean)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Nbr_Inter: Natural;
+ A_Func: Iir;
+ Imp_List: Iir_List;
+ Assoc_Chain: Iir;
+ Inter_Chain : Iir;
+ Res_Type: Iir_List;
+ Inter: Iir;
+ Match : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Nbr_Inter := 0;
+ Imp_List := Get_Overload_List (Get_Implementation (Expr));
+ Assoc_Chain := Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Expr);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ A_Func := Get_Nth_Element (Imp_List, I);
+ exit when A_Func = Null_Iir;
+ -- The identifier of a function call must be a function or an
+ -- enumeration literal.
+ if Is_Func_Call and then not
+ (Get_Kind (A_Func) = Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ or else Get_Kind (A_Func) = Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ or else Get_Kind (A_Func) = Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal)
+ then
+ goto Continue;
+ end if;
+ -- The identifier of a procedure call must be a procedure.
+ if not Is_Func_Call and then not
+ (Get_Kind (A_Func) = Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ or else
+ Get_Kind (A_Func) = Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration)
+ then
+ goto Continue;
+ end if;
+ -- Keep this interpretation only if compatible.
+ if A_Type = Null_Iir or else
+ Compatibility_Nodes (A_Type, Get_Return_Type (A_Func))
+ then
+ Sem_Association_Chain
+ (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (A_Func),
+ Assoc_Chain, False, Missing_Parameter, Expr, Match);
+ if Match then
+ Replace_Nth_Element (Imp_List, Nbr_Inter, A_Func);
+ Nbr_Inter := Nbr_Inter + 1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ << Continue >> null;
+ end loop;
+ Set_Nbr_Elements (Imp_List, Nbr_Inter);
+ -- Set_Implementation (Expr, Inter_List);
+ -- A set of possible functions to call is in INTER_LIST.
+ -- Create a set of possible return type in RES_TYPE.
+ case Nbr_Inter is
+ when 0 =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("can't find a subprogram for this overload call",
+ Expr);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ when 1 =>
+ -- Very simple case: no overloading.
+ Inter := Get_First_Element (Imp_List);
+ Free_Iir (Get_Implementation (Expr));
+ if Is_Func_Call then
+ Set_Type (Expr, Get_Return_Type (Inter));
+ end if;
+ Inter_Chain := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Inter);
+ Sem_Association_Chain
+ (Inter_Chain, Assoc_Chain,
+ True, Missing_Parameter, Expr, Match);
+ Set_Parameter_Association_Chain (Expr, Assoc_Chain);
+ if not Match then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Check_Subprogram_Associations (Inter_Chain, Assoc_Chain);
+ Sem_Subprogram_Call_Finish (Expr, Inter);
+ return Expr;
+ when others =>
+ if Is_Func_Call then
+ if A_Type /= Null_Iir then
+ -- Cannot find a single interpretation for a given
+ -- type.
+ Error_Overload (Expr);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Res_Type := Create_Iir_List;
+ for I in 0 .. Nbr_Inter - 1 loop
+ Add_Element
+ (Res_Type,
+ Get_Return_Type (Get_Nth_Element (Imp_List, I)));
+ end loop;
+ if Get_Nbr_Elements (Res_Type) = 1 then
+ -- several implementations but one profile.
+ Error_Overload (Expr);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Set_Type (Expr, Create_Overload_List (Res_Type));
+ else
+ Error_Overload (Expr);
+ Disp_Overload_List (Imp_List, Expr);
+ end if;
+ return Expr;
+ end case;
+ end Sem_Subprogram_Call_Stage1;
+ -- For a procedure call, A_TYPE must be null.
+ -- Associations must have already been semantized by sem_association_list.
+ function Sem_Subprogram_Call (Expr: Iir; A_Type: Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Is_Func: Boolean;
+ Res_Type: Iir;
+ Res: Iir;
+ Inter_List: Iir;
+ Param_Chain : Iir;
+ Inter: Iir;
+ Assoc_Chain : Iir;
+ Match : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Is_Func := Get_Kind (Expr) = Iir_Kind_Function_Call;
+ if Is_Func then
+ Res_Type := Get_Type (Expr);
+ end if;
+ if not Is_Func or else Res_Type = Null_Iir then
+ -- First call to sem_subprogram_call.
+ -- Create the list of possible implementation and possible
+ -- return types, according to arguments and A_TYPE.
+ -- Select possible interpretations among all interpretations.
+ -- NOTE: the list of possible implementations was already created
+ -- during the transformation of iir_kind_parenthesis_name to
+ -- iir_kind_function_call.
+ Inter_List := Get_Implementation (Expr);
+ if Get_Kind (Inter_List) = Iir_Kind_Error then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Is_Overload_List (Inter_List) then
+ return Sem_Subprogram_Call_Stage1 (Expr, A_Type, Is_Func);
+ else
+ if Is_Func then
+ if Get_Kind (Inter_List) not in Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("identifier is not a function", Expr);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ else
+ if Get_Kind (Inter_List) not in Iir_Kinds_Procedure_Declaration
+ and then Get_Kind (Inter_List) /=
+ Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("name does not designate a procedure", Expr);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Assoc_Chain := Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Expr);
+ Param_Chain := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Inter_List);
+ Sem_Association_Chain
+ (Param_Chain, Assoc_Chain,
+ True, Missing_Parameter, Expr, Match);
+ Set_Parameter_Association_Chain (Expr, Assoc_Chain);
+ if not Match then
+ -- No need to disp an error message, this is done by
+ -- sem_subprogram_arguments.
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Is_Func then
+ Set_Type (Expr, Get_Return_Type (Inter_List));
+ end if;
+ Check_Subprogram_Associations (Param_Chain, Assoc_Chain);
+ Sem_Subprogram_Call_Finish (Expr, Inter_List);
+ return Expr;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Is_Func and then A_Type = Null_Iir then
+ -- Impossible case: second call to sem_function_call, without
+ -- A_TYPE set.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- The implementation list was set.
+ -- The return type was set.
+ -- A_TYPE is not null, A_TYPE is *the* return type.
+ Inter_List := Get_Implementation (Expr);
+ -- Find a single implementation.
+ Res := Null_Iir;
+ if Is_Func then
+ if Is_Overload_List (Inter_List) then
+ -- INTER_LIST is a list of possible declaration to call.
+ -- Find one, based on the return type A_TYPE.
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Inter := Get_Nth_Element (Get_Overload_List (Inter_List), I);
+ exit when Inter = Null_Iir;
+ if Are_Basetypes_Compatible
+ (A_Type, Get_Base_Type (Get_Return_Type (Inter)))
+ then
+ if Res /= Null_Iir then
+ Error_Overload (Expr);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ else
+ Res := Inter;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ else
+ if Are_Basetypes_Compatible
+ (Get_Base_Type (Get_Return_Type (Inter_List)), A_Type)
+ then
+ Res := Inter_List;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Not_Match (Expr, A_Type);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ -- Clean up.
+ if Res_Type /= Null_Iir and then Is_Overload_List (Res_Type) then
+ Free_Iir (Res_Type);
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- a procedure call.
+ if Is_Overload_List (Inter_List) then
+ Error_Overload (Expr);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ else
+ Res := Inter_List;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Is_Overload_List (Inter_List) then
+ Free_Iir (Inter_List);
+ end if;
+ -- Simple case: this is not a call to a function, but an enumeration
+ -- literal.
+ if Get_Kind (Res) = Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal then
+ -- Free_Iir (Expr);
+ return Res;
+ end if;
+ -- Set types.
+ if Is_Func then
+ Set_Type (Expr, Get_Return_Type (Res));
+ end if;
+ Assoc_Chain := Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Expr);
+ Param_Chain := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Res);
+ Sem_Association_Chain
+ (Param_Chain, Assoc_Chain, True, Missing_Parameter, Expr, Match);
+ Set_Parameter_Association_Chain (Expr, Assoc_Chain);
+ if not Match then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Check_Subprogram_Associations (Param_Chain, Assoc_Chain);
+ Sem_Subprogram_Call_Finish (Expr, Res);
+ return Expr;
+ end Sem_Subprogram_Call;
+ procedure Sem_Procedure_Call (Call : Iir_Procedure_Call; Stmt : Iir)
+ is
+ use Iirs_Utils;
+ Imp: Iir;
+ Name : Iir;
+ Parameters_Chain : Iir;
+ Param : Iir;
+ Formal : Iir;
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ Inter : Iir;
+ begin
+ Name := Get_Implementation (Call);
+ Sem_Name (Name, False);
+ Imp := Get_Named_Entity (Name);
+ if Imp = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Name_To_Method_Object (Call, Name);
+ Parameters_Chain := Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Call);
+ if Sem_Actual_Of_Association_Chain (Parameters_Chain) = False then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Sem_Subprogram_Call (Call, Null_Iir) /= Call then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Imp := Get_Implementation (Call);
+ if Is_Overload_List (Imp) then
+ -- Failed to resolve overload.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Set_Named_Entity (Name, Imp);
+ Xref_Name (Name);
+ Free_Name (Name);
+ -- LRM Signal Parameters
+ -- A process statement contains a driver for each actual signal
+ -- associated with a formal signal parameter of mode OUT or INOUT in
+ -- a subprogram call.
+ -- Similarly, a subprogram contains a driver for each formal signal
+ -- parameter of mode OUT or INOUT declared in its subrogram
+ -- specification.
+ Param := Parameters_Chain;
+ Inter := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Imp);
+ while Param /= Null_Iir loop
+ Formal := Get_Formal (Param);
+ if Formal = Null_Iir then
+ Formal := Inter;
+ Inter := Get_Chain (Inter);
+ else
+ Formal := Get_Base_Name (Formal);
+ Inter := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Formal) = Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ and then Get_Mode (Formal) in Iir_Out_Modes
+ then
+ Prefix := Name_To_Object (Get_Actual (Param));
+ if Prefix /= Null_Iir then
+ case Get_Kind (Get_Base_Name (Prefix)) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ Prefix := Get_Longuest_Static_Prefix (Prefix);
+ Sem_Stmts.Sem_Add_Driver (Prefix, Stmt);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Param := Get_Chain (Param);
+ end loop;
+ end Sem_Procedure_Call;
+ -- List must be an overload list containing subprograms declarations.
+ -- Try to resolve overload and return the uniq interpretation if one,
+ -- NULL_IIR otherwise.
+ --
+ -- If there are two functions, one primitive of a universal
+ -- type and the other not, return the primitive of the universal type.
+ -- This rule is *not* from LRM (but from Ada) and allows to resolve
+ -- common cases such as:
+ -- constant c1 : integer := - 4; -- or '+', 'abs'
+ -- constant c2 : integer := 2 ** 3;
+ -- constant c3 : integer := 3 - 2; -- or '+', '*', '/'...
+ function Get_Non_Implicit_Subprogram (List : Iir_List) return Iir
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ Res : Iir;
+ Ref_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Conditions:
+ -- 1. All the possible functions must return boolean.
+ -- 2. There is only one implicit function for universal or real.
+ Res := Null_Iir;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ if Get_Base_Type (Get_Return_Type (El)) /= Boolean_Type_Definition
+ then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (El) = Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration then
+ Ref_Type := Get_Type_Reference (El);
+ if Ref_Type = Universal_Integer_Type
+ or Ref_Type = Universal_Real_Type
+ then
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Res := El;
+ else
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end Get_Non_Implicit_Subprogram;
+ -- Honor the -fexplicit flag.
+ -- If LIST is composed of 2 declarations that matches the 'explicit' rule,
+ -- return the explicit declaration.
+ -- Otherwise, return NULL_IIR.
+ function Get_Explicit_Subprogram (List : Iir_List) return Iir
+ is
+ Sub1 : Iir;
+ Sub2 : Iir;
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Get_Nbr_Elements (List) /= 2 then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Sub1 := Get_Nth_Element (List, 0);
+ Sub2 := Get_Nth_Element (List, 1);
+ -- One must be an implicit declaration, the other must be an explicit
+ -- declaration.
+ if Get_Kind (Sub1) = Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration then
+ if Get_Kind (Sub2) /= Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Res := Sub2;
+ elsif Get_Kind (Sub1) = Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration then
+ if Get_Kind (Sub2) /= Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Res := Sub1;
+ else
+ Error_Kind ("get_explicit_subprogram", Sub1);
+ end if;
+ -- They must have the same profile.
+ if Get_Subprogram_Hash (Sub1) /= Get_Subprogram_Hash (Sub2)
+ or else not Is_Same_Profile (Sub1, Sub2)
+ then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ -- They must be declared in a package.
+ if Get_Kind (Get_Parent (Sub1)) /= Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ or else Get_Kind (Get_Parent (Sub2)) /= Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Get_Explicit_Subprogram;
+ -- Set when the -fexplicit option was adviced.
+ Explicit_Advice_Given : Boolean := False;
+ function Sem_Operator (Expr : Iir; Res_Type : Iir; Arity : Positive)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Operator : Name_Id;
+ Left, Right: Iir;
+ Interpretation : Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ Decl : Iir;
+ Overload_List : Iir_List;
+ Res_Type_List : Iir;
+ Full_Compat : Iir;
+ -- LEFT and RIGHT must be set.
+ function Set_Uniq_Interpretation (Decl : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Interface_Chain : Iir;
+ Err : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Set_Type (Expr, Get_Return_Type (Decl));
+ Interface_Chain := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Decl);
+ Err := False;
+ if Is_Overload_List (Get_Type (Left)) then
+ Left := Sem_Expression_Ov
+ (Left, Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Interface_Chain)));
+ if Left = Null_Iir then
+ Err := True;
+ else
+ if Arity = 1 then
+ Set_Operand (Expr, Left);
+ else
+ Set_Left (Expr, Left);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Check_Read (Left);
+ if Arity = 2 then
+ if Is_Overload_List (Get_Type (Right)) then
+ Right := Sem_Expression_Ov
+ (Right,
+ Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Get_Chain (Interface_Chain))));
+ if Right = Null_Iir then
+ Err := True;
+ else
+ Set_Right (Expr, Right);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Check_Read (Right);
+ end if;
+ Destroy_Iir_List (Overload_List);
+ if not Err then
+ Sem_Subprogram_Call_Finish (Expr, Decl);
+ return Eval_Expr_If_Static (Expr);
+ else
+ return Expr;
+ end if;
+ end Set_Uniq_Interpretation;
+ -- Note: operator and implementation node of expr must be set.
+ procedure Error_Operator_Overload (List : Iir_List) is
+ begin
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("operator """ & Name_Table.Image (Operator)
+ & """ is overloaded", Expr);
+ Disp_Overload_List (List, Expr);
+ end Error_Operator_Overload;
+ Interface_Chain : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Arity = 1 then
+ Left := Get_Operand (Expr);
+ Right := Null_Iir;
+ else
+ Left := Get_Left (Expr);
+ Right := Get_Right (Expr);
+ end if;
+ Operator := Iirs_Utils.Get_Operator_Name (Expr);
+ if Get_Type (Expr) = Null_Iir then
+ -- First pass.
+ -- Semantize operands.
+ -- FIXME: should try to semantize right operand even if semantization
+ -- of left operand has failed ??
+ if Get_Type (Left) = Null_Iir then
+ Left := Sem_Expression_Ov (Left, Null_Iir);
+ if Left = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Arity = 1 then
+ Set_Operand (Expr, Left);
+ else
+ Set_Left (Expr, Left);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Arity = 2 and then Get_Type (Right) = Null_Iir then
+ Right := Sem_Expression_Ov (Right, Null_Iir);
+ if Right = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Set_Right (Expr, Right);
+ end if;
+ Overload_List := Create_Iir_List;
+ -- Try to find an implementation among user defined function
+ Interpretation := Get_Interpretation (Operator);
+ while Valid_Interpretation (Interpretation) loop
+ Decl := Get_Non_Alias_Declaration (Interpretation);
+ -- It is compatible with operand types ?
+ if Get_Kind (Decl) not in Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- If DECL has already been seen, then skip it.
+ if Get_Seen_Flag (Decl) then
+ goto Next;
+ end if;
+ -- Check return type.
+ if Res_Type /= Null_Iir
+ and then not Compatibility (Res_Type, Get_Return_Type (Decl))
+ then
+ goto Next;
+ end if;
+ Interface_Chain := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Decl);
+ -- Check arity.
+ if Iir_Chains.Get_Chain_Length (Interface_Chain) /= Arity then
+ goto Next;
+ end if;
+ -- Check operands.
+ if not Compatibility_Nodes (Interface_Chain, Left) then
+ goto Next;
+ end if;
+ if Arity = 2 then
+ if not Compatibility_Nodes (Get_Chain (Interface_Chain), Right)
+ then
+ goto Next;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Match.
+ Set_Seen_Flag (Decl, True);
+ Append_Element (Overload_List, Decl);
+ << Next >> null;
+ Interpretation := Get_Next_Interpretation (Interpretation);
+ end loop;
+ -- Clear seen_flags.
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Decl := Get_Nth_Element (Overload_List, I);
+ exit when Decl = Null_Iir;
+ Set_Seen_Flag (Decl, False);
+ end loop;
+ -- The list of possible implementations was computed.
+ case Get_Nbr_Elements (Overload_List) is
+ when 0 =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("no function declarations for " & Disp_Node (Expr), Expr);
+ Destroy_Iir_List (Overload_List);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ when 1 =>
+ Decl := Get_First_Element (Overload_List);
+ return Set_Uniq_Interpretation (Decl);
+ when others =>
+ -- Preference for universal operator.
+ -- This roughly corresponds to:
+ --
+ -- LRM 7.3.5
+ -- An implicit conversion of a convertible universal operand
+ -- is applied if and only if the innermost complete context
+ -- determines a unique (numeric) target type for the implicit
+ -- conversion, and there is no legal interpretation of this
+ -- context without this conversion.
+ if Arity = 2 then
+ Decl := Get_Non_Implicit_Subprogram (Overload_List);
+ if Decl /= Null_Iir then
+ return Set_Uniq_Interpretation (Decl);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Set_Implementation (Expr, Create_Overload_List (Overload_List));
+ -- Create the list of possible return types, if it is not yet
+ -- determined.
+ if Res_Type = Null_Iir then
+ Res_Type_List := Create_List_Of_Types (Overload_List);
+ if Is_Overload_List (Res_Type_List) then
+ -- There are many possible return types.
+ -- Try again.
+ Set_Type (Expr, Res_Type_List);
+ return Expr;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- The return type is known.
+ -- Search for explicit subprogram.
+ if Flags.Flag_Explicit then
+ Decl := Get_Explicit_Subprogram (Overload_List);
+ if Decl /= Null_Iir then
+ return Set_Uniq_Interpretation (Decl);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- It was impossible to find one solution.
+ Error_Operator_Overload (Overload_List);
+ -- Give an advice.
+ if not Flags.Flag_Explicit and not Explicit_Advice_Given then
+ Decl := Get_Explicit_Subprogram (Overload_List);
+ if Decl /= Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("(you may like to use the -fexplicit option)", Expr);
+ Explicit_Advice_Given := True;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end case;
+ else
+ -- Second pass
+ -- Find the uniq implementation for this call.
+ Overload_List := Get_Overload_List (Get_Implementation (Expr));
+ Full_Compat := Null_Iir;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Decl := Get_Nth_Element (Overload_List, I);
+ exit when Decl = Null_Iir;
+ -- FIXME: wrong: compatibilty with return type and args.
+ if Compatibility (Get_Return_Type (Decl), Res_Type) then
+ if Full_Compat /= Null_Iir then
+ Error_Operator_Overload (Overload_List);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ else
+ Full_Compat := Decl;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Free_Iir (Get_Type (Expr));
+ return Set_Uniq_Interpretation (Full_Compat);
+ end if;
+ end Sem_Operator;
+ -- Create a subtype for a string literal.
+ -- The literal must have been typed, with a type or a subtype.
+ -- FIXME: not general at all!
+ function Check_Type_For_String_Literal (A_Type : Iir; Expr : Iir)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ Base_Type : Iir := Get_Base_Type (A_Type);
+ El_Bt : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- LRM 7.3.1
+ -- [...] the type of the literal must be a one-dimensional array ...
+ if not Is_Unidim_Array_Type (Base_Type) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM 7.3.1
+ -- ... of a character type ...
+ El_Bt := Get_Base_Type (Get_Element_Subtype (Base_Type));
+ if Get_Kind (El_Bt) /= Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM87 7.3.1
+ -- ... (for string literals) or of type BIT (for bit string literals).
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87
+ and then Get_Kind (Expr) = Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal
+ and then El_Bt /= Bit_Type_Definition
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end Check_Type_For_String_Literal;
+ -- Semantize LIT whose elements must be of type EL_TYPE, and return
+ -- the length.
+ function Sem_String_Literal (Lit: Iir; El_Type : Iir) return Natural
+ is
+ function Find_Literal (Etype : Iir_Enumeration_Type_Definition;
+ C : Character)
+ return Iir_Enumeration_Literal
+ is
+ Inter : Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ Decl : Iir;
+ begin
+ Id := Name_Table.Get_Identifier (C);
+ Inter := Get_Interpretation (Id);
+ while Valid_Interpretation (Inter) loop
+ Decl := Get_Declaration (Inter);
+ if Get_Kind (Decl) = Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ and then Get_Type (Decl) = Etype
+ then
+ return Decl;
+ end if;
+ Inter := Get_Next_Interpretation (Inter);
+ end loop;
+ -- Character C is not visible...
+ if Find_Name_In_List (Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Etype), Id)
+ = Null_Iir
+ then
+ -- ... because it is not defined.
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("type " & Disp_Node (Etype) & " does not define character '"
+ & C & "'", Lit);
+ else
+ -- ... because it is not visible.
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("character '" & C & "' of type "
+ & Disp_Node (Etype) & " is not visible", Lit);
+ end if;
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end Find_Literal;
+ Ptr : String_Fat_Acc;
+ El : Iir;
+ Len : Natural;
+ begin
+ Len := Get_String_Length (Lit);
+ if Get_Kind (Lit) = Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal then
+ Set_Bit_String_0 (Lit, Find_Literal (El_Type, '0'));
+ Set_Bit_String_1 (Lit, Find_Literal (El_Type, '1'));
+ else
+ Ptr := Get_String_Fat_Acc (Lit);
+ -- For a string_literal, check all characters of the string is a
+ -- literal of the type.
+ -- Always check, for visibility.
+ for I in 1 .. Len loop
+ El := Find_Literal (El_Type, Ptr (I));
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Lit, Locally);
+ return Len;
+ end Sem_String_Literal;
+ procedure Sem_String_Literal (Lit: Iir) is
+ Lit_Type: Iir;
+ Lit_Base_Type : Iir;
+ -- The subtype created for the literal.
+ N_Type: Iir;
+ -- type of the index of the array type.
+ Index_Type: Iir;
+ Len : Natural;
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Lit_Type := Get_Type (Lit);
+ Lit_Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Lit_Type);
+ El_Type := Get_Base_Type (Get_Element_Subtype (Lit_Base_Type));
+ Len := Sem_String_Literal (Lit, El_Type);
+ case Get_Kind (Lit_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ -- Set type of the string literal,
+ -- according to LRM93
+ N_Type := Create_Unidim_Array_By_Length
+ (Lit_Base_Type, Iir_Int64 (Len), Lit);
+ Set_Type (Lit, N_Type);
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Index_Type := Get_First_Element
+ (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Lit_Type));
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (Index_Type) = Locally then
+ if Eval_Discrete_Type_Length (Index_Type) /= Iir_Int64 (Len)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("string length does not match that of "
+ & Disp_Node (Index_Type), Lit);
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- FIXME: It this right ?
+ -- We really need a locally static type.
+ N_Type := Create_Unidim_Array_By_Length
+ (Lit_Base_Type, Iir_Int64 (Len), Lit);
+ Set_Type (Lit, N_Type);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_string_literal_type", Lit_Type);
+ end case;
+ end Sem_String_Literal;
+ procedure Sem_String_Choices_Range (Choice_Chain : Iir; Sel : Iir)
+ is
+ -- True if others choice is present.
+ Has_Others : Boolean;
+ -- Type of SEL.
+ Sel_Type : Iir;
+ -- Length of SEL (number of characters in SEL).
+ Sel_Length : Iir_Int64;
+ El : Iir;
+ procedure Sem_Simple_Choice (Choice : Iir)
+ is
+ Expr : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- LRM93 8.8
+ -- In such case, each choice appearing in any of the case statement
+ -- alternative must be a locally static expression whose value is of
+ -- the same length as that of the case expression.
+ Expr := Sem_Expression (Get_Expression (Choice), Sel_Type);
+ if Expr = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Set_Expression (Choice, Expr);
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr) > Locally then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("choice must be locally static expression", Expr);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Expr := Eval_Expr (Expr);
+ Set_Expression (Choice, Expr);
+ if Eval_Discrete_Type_Length
+ (Get_String_Type_Bound_Type (Get_Type (Expr))) /= Sel_Length
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("value not of the same length of the case expression", Expr);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end Sem_Simple_Choice;
+ begin
+ -- LRM93 8.8
+ -- If the expression is of one-dimensional character array type, then
+ -- the expression must be one of the following:
+ -- FIXME: to complete.
+ Sel_Type := Get_Type (Sel);
+ if not Is_Unidim_Array_Type (Sel_Type) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("expression must be discrete or one-dimension array subtype", Sel);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (Sel_Type) /= Locally then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("array type must be locally static", Sel);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Sel_Length := Eval_Discrete_Type_Length
+ (Get_String_Type_Bound_Type (Sel_Type));
+ Has_Others := False;
+ El := Choice_Chain;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("range choice are not allowed for non-discrete type", El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression =>
+ Sem_Simple_Choice (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others =>
+ if Has_Others then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("duplicate others choice", El);
+ elsif Get_Chain (El) /= Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("choice others must be the last alternative", El);
+ end if;
+ Has_Others := True;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_string_choices_range", El);
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ -- FIXME:
+ -- * check for duplicate choices.
+ -- * check for leaking choices.
+ -- (should eval strings and bit-strings).
+ end Sem_String_Choices_Range;
+ function Is_Name (Name : Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Name) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name =>
+ return True;
+ when others =>
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ end Is_Name;
+ procedure Sem_Choices_Range
+ (Choice_Chain : in out Iir;
+ Sub_Type : Iir;
+ Is_Sub_Range : Boolean;
+ Loc : Location_Type;
+ Low : out Iir;
+ High : out Iir)
+ is
+ -- Number of positionnal choice.
+ Nbr_Pos : Iir_Int64;
+ -- Number of named choices.
+ Nbr_Named : Natural;
+ -- True if others choice is present.
+ Has_Others : Boolean;
+ Has_Error : Boolean;
+ -- True if SUB_TYPE has bounds.
+ Type_Has_Bounds : Boolean;
+ Arr : Iir_Array_Acc;
+ Index : Natural;
+ Pos_Max : Iir_Int64;
+ El : Iir;
+ Prev_El : Iir;
+ --Index_Constraint : Iir;
+ Staticness : Iir_Staticness;
+ -- Semantize a simple (by expression or by range) choice.
+ -- Return FALSE in case of error.
+ function Sem_Simple_Choice return Boolean
+ is
+ Expr : Iir;
+ begin
+ Expr := Get_Expression (El);
+ if Get_Kind (El) = Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range then
+ Expr := Sem_Discrete_Range_Expression (Expr, Sub_Type);
+ elsif Is_Name (Expr) then
+ declare
+ Name : Iir;
+ N_Choice : Iir;
+ begin
+ Sem_Name (Expr, False);
+ Name := Get_Named_Entity (Expr);
+ case Get_Kind (Name) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ Xref_Name (Expr);
+ Name := Get_Type (Name);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ case Get_Kind (Name) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Type_And_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ if not Are_Types_Compatible (Name, Sub_Type) then
+ Not_Match (Name, Sub_Type);
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ N_Choice := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range);
+ Location_Copy (N_Choice, El);
+ Set_Chain (N_Choice, Get_Chain (El));
+ Set_Associated (N_Choice, Get_Associated (El));
+ Set_Same_Alternative_Flag
+ (N_Choice, Get_Same_Alternative_Flag (El));
+ Set_Expression (N_Choice, Eval_Range (Name));
+ Set_Choice_Staticness
+ (N_Choice, Get_Type_Staticness (Name));
+ Free_Iir (El);
+ if Prev_El = Null_Iir then
+ Choice_Chain := N_Choice;
+ else
+ Set_Chain (Prev_El, N_Choice);
+ end if;
+ El := N_Choice;
+ return True;
+ when Iir_Kind_Error =>
+ return False;
+ when others =>
+ Expr := Name_To_Expression
+ (Expr, Get_Base_Type (Sub_Type));
+ end case;
+ end;
+ else
+ Expr := Sem_Expression_Ov (Expr, Get_Base_Type (Sub_Type));
+ end if;
+ if Expr = Null_Iir then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Expr := Eval_Expr_If_Static (Expr);
+ Set_Expression (El, Expr);
+ Set_Choice_Staticness (El, Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr));
+ return True;
+ end Sem_Simple_Choice;
+ -- Get low limit of ASSOC.
+ -- First, get the expression of the association, then the low limit.
+ -- ASSOC may be either association_by_range (in this case the low limit
+ -- is to be fetched), or association_by_expression (and the low limit
+ -- is the expression).
+ function Get_Low (Assoc : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Expr : Iir;
+ begin
+ Expr := Get_Expression (Assoc);
+ case Get_Kind (Expr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
+ case Get_Direction (Expr) is
+ when Iir_To =>
+ return Get_Left_Limit (Expr);
+ when Iir_Downto =>
+ return Get_Right_Limit (Expr);
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ return Expr;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Low;
+ function Get_High (Assoc : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Expr : Iir;
+ begin
+ Expr := Get_Expression (Assoc);
+ case Get_Kind (Expr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
+ case Get_Direction (Expr) is
+ when Iir_To =>
+ return Get_Right_Limit (Expr);
+ when Iir_Downto =>
+ return Get_Left_Limit (Expr);
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ return Expr;
+ end case;
+ end Get_High;
+ -- Compare two elements of ARR.
+ -- Return true iff OP1 < OP2.
+ function Lt (Op1, Op2 : Natural) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return
+ Eval_Pos (Get_Low (Arr (Op1))) < Eval_Pos (Get_Low (Arr (Op2)));
+ end Lt;
+ -- Swap two elements of ARR.
+ procedure Swap (From : Natural; To : Natural)
+ is
+ Tmp : Iir;
+ begin
+ Tmp := Arr (To);
+ Arr (To) := Arr (From);
+ Arr (From) := Tmp;
+ end Swap;
+ -- Bubble down element I of a partially ordered heap of length N in
+ -- array ARR.
+ procedure Bubble_Down (I, N : Natural)
+ is
+ Child : Natural;
+ begin
+ Child := 2 * I;
+ if Child < N and then Lt (Child, Child + 1) then
+ Child := Child + 1;
+ end if;
+ if Child <= N and then Lt (I, Child) then
+ Swap (I, Child);
+ Bubble_Down (Child, N);
+ end if;
+ end Bubble_Down;
+ -- Heap sort of ARR.
+ procedure Heap_Sort (N : Natural)
+ is
+ begin
+ -- Heapify
+ for I in reverse 1 .. N / 2 loop
+ Bubble_Down (I, N);
+ end loop;
+ -- Sort
+ for I in reverse 2 .. N loop
+ Swap (1, I);
+ Bubble_Down (1, I - 1);
+ end loop;
+ end Heap_Sort;
+ begin
+ Low := Null_Iir;
+ High := Null_Iir;
+ -- First:
+ -- semantize the choices
+ -- compute the range of positionnal choices
+ -- compute the number of choice elements (extracted from lists).
+ -- check for others presence.
+ Nbr_Pos := 0;
+ Nbr_Named := 0;
+ Has_Others := False;
+ Has_Error := False;
+ Staticness := Locally;
+ El := Choice_Chain;
+ Prev_El := Null_Iir;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None =>
+ Nbr_Pos := Nbr_Pos + 1;
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range =>
+ if Sem_Simple_Choice then
+ Staticness := Min (Staticness, Get_Choice_Staticness (El));
+ else
+ Has_Error := True;
+ end if;
+ Nbr_Named := Nbr_Named + 1;
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Name =>
+ -- It is not possible to have such a choice in an array
+ -- aggregate.
+ -- Should have been caught previously.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others =>
+ if Has_Others then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("duplicate others choice", El);
+ elsif Get_Chain (El) /= Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("choice others should be the last alternative", El);
+ end if;
+ Has_Others := True;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_choices_range", El);
+ end case;
+ Prev_El := El;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ if Has_Error then
+ -- Nothing can be done here...
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Nbr_Pos > 0 and then Nbr_Named > 0 then
+ -- LRM93
+ -- Apart from the final element with the single choice OTHERS, the
+ -- rest (if any) of the element associations of an array aggregate
+ -- must be either all positionnal or all named.
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("element associations must be all positional or all named", Loc);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- For a positional aggregate.
+ if Nbr_Pos > 0 then
+ -- Check number of elements match, but only if it is possible.
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (Sub_Type) /= Locally then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Pos_Max := Eval_Discrete_Type_Length (Sub_Type);
+ if (not Has_Others and not Is_Sub_Range)
+ and then Nbr_Pos < Pos_Max
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("not enough elements associated", Loc);
+ elsif Nbr_Pos > Pos_Max then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("too many elements associated", Loc);
+ end if;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Second:
+ -- Create the list of choices
+ if Nbr_Named = 0 and then Has_Others then
+ -- This is only a others association.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Staticness /= Locally then
+ -- LRM93 §
+ -- A named association of an array aggregate is allowed to have
+ -- a choice that is not locally static, or likewise a choice that
+ -- is a null range, only if the aggregate includes a single
+ -- element association and the element association has a single
+ -- choice.
+ if Nbr_Named > 1 or Has_Others then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("not static choice exclude others choice", Loc);
+ end if;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Sub_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Type_Has_Bounds := True;
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition =>
+ Type_Has_Bounds := False;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_choice_range(3)", Sub_Type);
+ end case;
+ Arr := new Iir_Array (1 .. Nbr_Named);
+ Index := 0;
+ declare
+ procedure Add_Choice (Choice : Iir; A_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ Ok : Boolean;
+ Expr : Iir;
+ begin
+ Expr := Get_Expression (Choice);
+ if Type_Has_Bounds
+ and then Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr) = Locally
+ and then Get_Type_Staticness (A_Type) = Locally
+ then
+ if Get_Kind (Choice) = Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range then
+ Ok := Eval_Is_Range_In_Bound (Expr, A_Type);
+ else
+ Ok := Eval_Is_In_Bound (Expr, A_Type);
+ end if;
+ if not Ok then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Expr) & " out of index range", Choice);
+ end if;
+ else
+ Ok := True;
+ end if;
+ if Ok then
+ Index := Index + 1;
+ Arr (Index) := Choice;
+ end if;
+ end Add_Choice;
+ begin
+ -- Fill the array.
+ El := Choice_Chain;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None =>
+ -- Only named associations are considered.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range =>
+ Add_Choice (El, Sub_Type);
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_choices_range(2)", El);
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ -- Third:
+ -- Sort the list
+ Heap_Sort (Index);
+ -- Set low and high bounds.
+ if Index > 0 then
+ Low := Get_Low (Arr (1));
+ High := Get_High (Arr (Index));
+ else
+ Low := Null_Iir;
+ High := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ -- Fourth:
+ -- check for lacking choice (if no others)
+ -- check for overlapping choices
+ declare
+ -- Emit an error message for absence of choices in position L to H
+ -- of index type BT at location LOC.
+ procedure Error_No_Choice (Bt : Iir;
+ L, H : Iir_Int64;
+ Loc : Location_Type)
+ is
+ begin
+ if L = H then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("no choice for " & Disp_Discrete (Bt, L), Loc);
+ else
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("no choices for " & Disp_Discrete (Bt, L)
+ & " to " & Disp_Discrete (Bt, H), Loc);
+ end if;
+ end Error_No_Choice;
+ -- Lowest and highest bounds.
+ Lb, Hb : Iir;
+ Pos : Iir_Int64;
+ Pos_Max : Iir_Int64;
+ E_Pos : Iir_Int64;
+ Bt : Iir;
+ begin
+ Bt := Get_Base_Type (Sub_Type);
+ if not Is_Sub_Range
+ and then Get_Type_Staticness (Sub_Type) = Locally
+ and then Type_Has_Bounds
+ then
+ Get_Low_High_Limit (Get_Range_Constraint (Sub_Type), Lb, Hb);
+ else
+ Lb := Low;
+ Hb := High;
+ end if;
+ Pos := Eval_Pos (Lb);
+ Pos_Max := Eval_Pos (Hb);
+ if Pos > Pos_Max then
+ -- Null range.
+ Free (Arr);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ for I in 1 .. Index loop
+ E_Pos := Eval_Pos (Get_Low (Arr (I)));
+ if E_Pos > Pos_Max then
+ -- Choice out of bound, already handled.
+ Error_No_Choice (Bt, Pos, Pos_Max, Get_Location (Arr (I)));
+ -- Avoid other errors.
+ Pos := Pos_Max + 1;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ if Pos < E_Pos and then not Has_Others then
+ Error_No_Choice (Bt, Pos, E_Pos - 1, Get_Location (Arr (I)));
+ elsif Pos > E_Pos then
+ if Pos + 1 = E_Pos then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("duplicate choice for " & Disp_Discrete (Bt, Pos),
+ Arr (I));
+ else
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("duplicate choices for" & Disp_Discrete (Bt, E_Pos)
+ & " to " & Disp_Discrete (Bt, Pos), Arr (I));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Pos := Eval_Pos (Get_High (Arr (I))) + 1;
+ end loop;
+ if Pos /= Pos_Max + 1 and then not Has_Others then
+ Error_No_Choice (Bt, Pos, Pos_Max, Loc);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ Free (Arr);
+ end Sem_Choices_Range;
+-- -- Find out the MIN and the MAX of an all named association choice list.
+-- -- It also returns the number of elements associed (counting range).
+-- procedure Sem_Find_Min_Max_Association_Choice_List
+-- (List: Iir_Association_Choices_List;
+-- Min: out Iir;
+-- Max: out Iir;
+-- Length: out natural)
+-- is
+-- Min_Res: Iir := null;
+-- Max_Res: Iir := null;
+-- procedure Update_With_Value (Val: Iir) is
+-- begin
+-- if Min_Res = null then
+-- Min_Res := Val;
+-- Max_Res := Val;
+-- elsif Get_Value (Val) < Get_Value (Min_Res) then
+-- Min_Res := Val;
+-- elsif Get_Value (Val) > Get_Value (Max_Res) then
+-- Max_Res := Val;
+-- end if;
+-- end Update_With_Value;
+-- Number_Elements: Natural;
+-- procedure Update (Choice: Iir) is
+-- Left, Right: Iir;
+-- Expr: Iir;
+-- begin
+-- case Get_Kind (Choice) is
+-- when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression =>
+-- Update_With_Value (Get_Expression (Choice));
+-- Number_Elements := Number_Elements + 1;
+-- when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range =>
+-- Expr := Get_Expression (Choice);
+-- Left := Get_Left_Limit (Expr);
+-- Right := Get_Right_Limit (Expr);
+-- Update_With_Value (Left);
+-- Update_With_Value (Right);
+-- -- There can't be null range.
+-- case Get_Direction (Expr) is
+-- when Iir_To =>
+-- Number_Elements := Number_Elements +
+-- Natural (Get_Value (Right) - Get_Value (Left) + 1);
+-- when Iir_Downto =>
+-- Number_Elements := Number_Elements +
+-- Natural (Get_Value (Left) - Get_Value (Right) + 1);
+-- end case;
+-- when others =>
+-- Error_Kind ("sem_find_min_max_association_choice_list", Choice);
+-- end case;
+-- end Update;
+-- El: Iir;
+-- Sub_List: Iir_Association_Choices_List;
+-- Sub_El: Iir;
+-- begin
+-- Number_Elements := 0;
+-- for I in Natural loop
+-- El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+-- exit when El = null;
+-- case Get_Kind (El) is
+-- when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_List =>
+-- Sub_List := Get_Choice_List (El);
+-- for J in Natural loop
+-- Sub_El := Get_Nth_Element (Sub_List, J);
+-- exit when Sub_El = null;
+-- Update (Sub_El);
+-- end loop;
+-- when others =>
+-- Update (El);
+-- end case;
+-- end loop;
+-- Min := Min_Res;
+-- Max := Max_Res;
+-- Length := Number_Elements;
+-- end Sem_Find_Min_Max_Association_Choice_List;
+ -- Perform semantisation on a (sub)aggregate AGGR, which is of type
+ -- A_TYPE.
+ -- return FALSE is case of failure
+ function Sem_Record_Aggregate (Aggr: Iir_Aggregate; A_Type: Iir)
+ return boolean
+ is
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ -- Type of the element.
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ Matches: Iir_Array_Acc;
+ Ok : Boolean;
+ -- Add a choice for element REC_EL.
+ -- Checks the element is not already associated.
+ -- Checks type of expression is compatible with type of element.
+ procedure Add_Match (El : Iir; Rec_El : Iir_Element_Declaration)
+ is
+ Ass_Type : Iir;
+ Pos : Natural := Natural (Get_Element_Position (Rec_El));
+ begin
+ if Matches (Pos) /= Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Matches (Pos)) & " was already associated", El);
+ Ok := False;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Matches (Pos) := El;
+ -- LRM Record aggregates
+ -- An element association with more than once choice, [...], is
+ -- only allowed if the elements specified are all of the same type.
+ Ass_Type := Get_Type (Rec_El);
+ if El_Type = Null_Iir then
+ El_Type := Ass_Type;
+ elsif not Are_Types_Compatible (El_Type, Ass_Type) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("elements are not of the same type", El);
+ Ok := False;
+ end if;
+ end Add_Match;
+ -- Semantize a simple choice: extract the record element corresponding
+ -- to the expression, and create a choice_by_name.
+ -- FIXME: should mutate the node.
+ function Sem_Simple_Choice (Ass : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ N_El : Iir;
+ Expr : Iir;
+ Aggr_El : Iir_Element_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Expr := Get_Expression (Ass);
+ if Get_Kind (Expr) /= Iir_Kind_Simple_Name then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("element association must be a simple name", Ass);
+ Ok := False;
+ return Ass;
+ end if;
+ Aggr_El := Find_Name_In_Chain
+ (Get_Element_Declaration_Chain (Base_Type), Get_Identifier (Expr));
+ if Aggr_El = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("record has no such element " & Disp_Node (Ass), Ass);
+ Ok := False;
+ return Ass;
+ end if;
+ N_El := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Name);
+ Location_Copy (N_El, Ass);
+ Set_Name (N_El, Aggr_El);
+ Set_Associated (N_El, Get_Associated (Ass));
+ Set_Chain (N_El, Get_Chain (Ass));
+ Xref_Ref (Expr, Aggr_El);
+ Free_Old_Iir (Ass);
+ Add_Match (N_El, Aggr_El);
+ return N_El;
+ end Sem_Simple_Choice;
+ Assoc_Chain : Iir;
+ El, Prev_El : Iir;
+ Expr: Iir;
+ Has_Named : Boolean;
+ Rec_El : Iir_Element_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Ok := True;
+ Assoc_Chain := Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Aggr);
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (A_Type);
+ Matches := new Iir_Array
+ (0 .. Natural (Get_Number_Element_Declaration (Base_Type)) - 1);
+ Matches.all := (others => Null_Iir);
+ El_Type := Null_Iir;
+ Has_Named := False;
+ Rec_El := Get_Element_Declaration_Chain (Base_Type);
+ Prev_El := Null_Iir;
+ El := Assoc_Chain;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Expr := Get_Associated (El);
+ -- If there is an associated expression with the choice, then the
+ -- choice is a new alternative, and has no expected type.
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ El_Type := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None =>
+ if Has_Named then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("positional association after named one", El);
+ Ok := False;
+ elsif Rec_El = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("too many elements", El);
+ exit;
+ else
+ Add_Match (El, Rec_El);
+ Rec_El := Get_Chain (Rec_El);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression =>
+ Has_Named := True;
+ El := Sem_Simple_Choice (El);
+ -- This creates a choice_by_name, which replaces the
+ -- choice_by_expression.
+ if Prev_El = Null_Iir then
+ Set_Association_Choices_Chain (Aggr, El);
+ else
+ Set_Chain (Prev_El, El);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others =>
+ Has_Named := True;
+ if Get_Chain (El) /= Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("choice others must be the last alternative", El);
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Found : Boolean := False;
+ Rec_El : Iir_Element_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Rec_El := Get_Element_Declaration_Chain (Base_Type);
+ for I in Matches.all'Range loop
+ if Matches (I) = Null_Iir then
+ Add_Match (El, Rec_El);
+ Found := True;
+ end if;
+ Rec_El := Get_Chain (Rec_El);
+ end loop;
+ pragma Assert (Rec_El = Null_Iir);
+ if not Found then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("no element for choice others", El);
+ Ok := False;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_record_aggregate", El);
+ end case;
+ -- Semantize the expression associated.
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ if El_Type /= Null_Iir then
+ Expr := Sem_Expression (Expr, El_Type);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Associated (El, Eval_Expr_If_Static (Expr));
+ else
+ Ok := False;
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- This case is not possible unless there is an error.
+ if Ok then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Prev_El := El;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ -- Check for missing associations.
+ El := Get_Element_Declaration_Chain (Base_Type);
+ for I in Matches.all'Range loop
+ if Matches (I) = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("no value for " & Disp_Node (El), Aggr);
+ Ok := False;
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ Free (Matches);
+ return Ok;
+ end Sem_Record_Aggregate;
+ -- Information for each dimension of an aggregate.
+ type Array_Aggr_Info is record
+ -- False if one sub-aggregate has no others choices.
+ -- If FALSE, the dimension is constrained.
+ Has_Others : Boolean := True;
+ -- True if one sub-aggregate is by named/by position.
+ Has_Named : Boolean := False;
+ Has_Positional : Boolean := False;
+ -- True if one sub-aggregate is dynamic.
+ Has_Dynamic : Boolean := False;
+ -- LOW and HIGH limits for the dimension.
+ Low : Iir := Null_Iir;
+ High : Iir := Null_Iir;
+ -- Minimum length of the dimension. This is a minimax.
+ Min_Length : Natural := 0;
+ -- If not NULL_IIR, this is the bounds of the dimension.
+ -- If every dimension has bounds, then the aggregate is constrained.
+ Index_Subtype : Iir := Null_Iir;
+ -- True if there is an error.
+ Error : Boolean := False;
+ end record;
+ type Array_Aggr_Info_Arr is array (Natural range <>) of Array_Aggr_Info;
+ -- Semantize an array aggregate AGGR of *base type* A_TYPE.
+ -- The type of the array is computed into A_SUBTYPE.
+ -- DIM is the dimension index in A_TYPE.
+ -- Return FALSE in case of error.
+ procedure Sem_Array_Aggregate_Type_1 (Aggr: Iir;
+ A_Type: Iir;
+ Infos : in out Array_Aggr_Info_Arr;
+ Constrained : Boolean;
+ Dim: Natural)
+ is
+ Res: Boolean;
+ Assoc_Chain : Iir;
+ Choice: Iir;
+ Is_Positional: Tri_State_Type;
+ Has_Positional_Choice: Boolean;
+ Low, High : Iir;
+ Index_List : Iir_List;
+ Has_Others : Boolean;
+ Len : Natural;
+ -- Type of the index (this is also the type of the choices).
+ Index_Type : Iir;
+ --Index_Subtype : Iir;
+ Index_Subtype_Constraint : Iir_Range_Expression;
+ Index_Constraint : Iir_Range_Expression; -- FIXME: 'range.
+ Choice_Staticness : Iir_Staticness;
+ Info : Array_Aggr_Info renames Infos (Dim);
+ begin
+ Res := True;
+ Index_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (A_Type);
+ Index_Type := Get_Nth_Element (Index_List, Dim - 1);
+ -- Sem choices.
+ case Get_Kind (Aggr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate =>
+ Assoc_Chain := Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Aggr);
+ Sem_Choices_Range (Assoc_Chain, Index_Type, not Constrained,
+ Get_Location (Aggr), Low, High);
+ Set_Association_Choices_Chain (Aggr, Assoc_Chain);
+ -- Update infos.
+ if Low /= Null_Iir
+ and then (Info.Low = Null_Iir
+ or else Eval_Pos (Low) < Eval_Pos (Info.Low))
+ then
+ Info.Low := Low;
+ end if;
+ if High /= Null_Iir
+ and then (Info.High = Null_Iir
+ or else Eval_Pos (High) > Eval_Pos (Info.High))
+ then
+ Info.High := High;
+ end if;
+ -- Determine if the aggregate is positionnal or named;
+ -- and compute choice staticness.
+ Is_Positional := Unknown;
+ Choice_Staticness := Locally;
+ Has_Positional_Choice := False;
+ Has_Others := False;
+ Len := 0;
+ Choice := Assoc_Chain;
+ while Choice /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (Choice) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression =>
+ Is_Positional := False;
+ Choice_Staticness :=
+ Iirs.Min (Choice_Staticness,
+ Get_Choice_Staticness (Choice));
+ -- FIXME: not true for range.
+ Len := Len + 1;
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None =>
+ Has_Positional_Choice := True;
+ Len := Len + 1;
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others =>
+ if not Constrained then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("'others' choice not allowed for an "
+ & "aggregate in this context", Aggr);
+ Infos (Dim).Error := True;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Has_Others := True;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_array_aggregate_type", Choice);
+ end case;
+ -- LRM93
+ -- Apart from the final element with the single choice
+ -- OTHERS, the rest (if any) of the element
+ -- associations of an array aggregate must be either
+ -- all positionnal or all named.
+ if Has_Positional_Choice then
+ if Is_Positional = False then
+ -- The error has already been emited
+ -- by sem_choices_range.
+ Infos (Dim).Error := True;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Is_Positional := True;
+ end if;
+ Choice := Get_Chain (Choice);
+ end loop;
+ Info.Min_Length := Integer'Max (Info.Min_Length, Len);
+ if Choice_Staticness = Unknown then
+ -- This is possible when a choice is erroneous.
+ Infos (Dim).Error := True;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_String_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal =>
+ Len := Sem_String_Literal (Aggr, Get_Element_Subtype (A_Type));
+ Assoc_Chain := Null_Iir;
+ Info.Min_Length := Integer'Max (Info.Min_Length, Len);
+ Is_Positional := True;
+ Has_Others := False;
+ Choice_Staticness := Locally;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_array_aggregate_type_1", Aggr);
+ end case;
+ if Is_Positional = True then
+ Info.Has_Positional := True;
+ end if;
+ if Is_Positional = False then
+ Info.Has_Named := True;
+ end if;
+ if not Has_Others then
+ Info.Has_Others := False;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93
+ -- A named association of an array aggregate is allowed to have a choice
+ -- that is not locally static, [or likewise a choice that is a null
+ -- range], only if the aggregate includes a single element association
+ -- and this element association has a single choice.
+ if Is_Positional = False and then Choice_Staticness /= Locally then
+ Choice := Assoc_Chain;
+ if not Is_Chain_Length_One (Assoc_Chain) or else
+ (Get_Kind (Choice) /= Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression
+ and then Get_Kind (Choice) /= Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("non-locally static choice for an aggregate is "
+ & "allowed only if only choice", Aggr);
+ Infos (Dim).Error := True;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Info.Has_Dynamic := True;
+ end if;
+ -- Compute bounds of the index if there is no index subtype.
+ if Info.Index_Subtype = Null_Iir and then Has_Others = False then
+ -- LRM93
+ -- the direction of the index subtype of the aggregate is that of the
+ -- index subtype of the base type of the aggregate.
+ if Is_Positional = True then
+ -- LRM93
+ -- For a positionnal aggregate, [...] the leftmost bound is given
+ -- by S'LEFT where S is the index subtype of the base type of the
+ -- array; [...] the rightmost bound is determined by the direction
+ -- of the index subtype and the number of element.
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (Index_Type) = Locally then
+ Info.Index_Subtype := Create_Range_Subtype_By_Length
+ (Index_Type, Iir_Int64 (Len), Get_Location (Aggr));
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- Create an index subtype.
+ case Get_Kind (Index_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Info.Index_Subtype := Create_Iir (Get_Kind (Index_Type));
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Info.Index_Subtype :=
+ Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_array_aggregate_type2", Index_Type);
+ end case;
+ Location_Copy (Info.Index_Subtype, Aggr);
+ Set_Base_Type (Info.Index_Subtype, Get_Base_Type (Index_Type));
+ Index_Constraint := Get_Range_Constraint (Index_Type);
+ Index_Subtype_Constraint := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Range_Expression);
+ Location_Copy (Index_Subtype_Constraint, Aggr);
+ Set_Range_Constraint
+ (Info.Index_Subtype, Index_Subtype_Constraint);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Info.Index_Subtype, Choice_Staticness);
+ Set_Direction (Index_Subtype_Constraint,
+ Get_Direction (Index_Constraint));
+ -- LRM93
+ -- For an aggregate that has named associations, the leftmost and
+ -- the rightmost bounds are determined by the direction of the
+ -- index subtype of the aggregate and the smallest and largest
+ -- choice given.
+ if Choice_Staticness = Locally then
+ case Get_Direction (Index_Constraint) is
+ when Iir_To =>
+ Set_Left_Limit (Index_Subtype_Constraint, Low);
+ Set_Right_Limit (Index_Subtype_Constraint, High);
+ when Iir_Downto =>
+ Set_Left_Limit (Index_Subtype_Constraint, High);
+ Set_Right_Limit (Index_Subtype_Constraint, Low);
+ end case;
+ else
+ -- Dynamic aggregate.
+ declare
+ Expr : Iir;
+ Choice : Iir;
+ begin
+ Choice := Assoc_Chain;
+ Expr := Get_Expression (Choice);
+ case Get_Kind (Choice) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression =>
+ Set_Left_Limit (Index_Subtype_Constraint, Expr);
+ Set_Right_Limit (Index_Subtype_Constraint, Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range =>
+ Set_Range_Constraint (Info.Index_Subtype, Expr);
+ -- FIXME: avoid allocation-free.
+ Free_Iir (Index_Subtype_Constraint);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ --Set_Type_Staticness
+ -- (A_Subtype, Iirs.Min (Get_Type_Staticness (A_Subtype),
+ -- Get_Type_Staticness (Index_Subtype)));
+ --Append_Element (Get_Index_List (A_Subtype), Index_Subtype);
+ elsif Has_Others = False then
+ -- Check the subaggregate bounds are the same.
+ if Is_Positional = True then
+ if Eval_Pos (Eval_Discrete_Range_Left (Get_Range_Constraint
+ (Info.Index_Subtype)))
+ /= Eval_Pos (Eval_Discrete_Range_Left (Get_Range_Constraint
+ (Index_Type)))
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("subaggregate bounds mismatch", Aggr);
+ else
+ if Eval_Discrete_Type_Length (Info.Index_Subtype)
+ /= Iir_Int64 (Len)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("subaggregate length mismatch", Aggr);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ else
+ declare
+ L, H : Iir;
+ begin
+ Get_Low_High_Limit
+ (Get_Range_Constraint (Info.Index_Subtype), L, H);
+ if Eval_Pos (L) /= Eval_Pos (Low)
+ or else Eval_Pos (H) /= Eval_Pos (H)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("subagregate bounds mismatch", Aggr);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Semantize aggregate elements.
+ if Dim = Get_Nbr_Elements (Index_List) then
+ -- A type has been found for AGGR, semantize AGGR as if it was
+ -- an aggregate with a subtype.
+ if Get_Kind (Aggr) = Iir_Kind_Aggregate then
+ -- LRM93
+ -- the expression of each element association must be of the
+ -- element type.
+ declare
+ El : Iir;
+ Element_Type : Iir;
+ Expr : Iir;
+ Value_Staticness : Iir_Staticness;
+ Expr_Staticness : Iir_Staticness;
+ begin
+ Element_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (A_Type);
+ El := Assoc_Chain;
+ Value_Staticness := Locally;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Expr := Get_Associated (El);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Expr := Sem_Expression (Expr, Element_Type);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Expr_Staticness := Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness
+ (Aggr, Min (Get_Expr_Staticness (Aggr),
+ Expr_Staticness));
+ Set_Associated (El, Eval_Expr_If_Static (Expr));
+ -- FIXME: handle name/others in translate.
+ -- if Get_Kind (Expr) = Iir_Kind_Aggregate then
+ -- Expr_Staticness := Get_Value_Staticness (Expr);
+ -- end if;
+ Value_Staticness := Min (Value_Staticness,
+ Expr_Staticness);
+ else
+ Info.Error := True;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ Set_Value_Staticness (Aggr, Value_Staticness);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ else
+ declare
+ Assoc : Iir;
+ Value_Staticness : Iir_Staticness;
+ begin
+ Assoc := Null_Iir;
+ Choice := Assoc_Chain;
+ Value_Staticness := Locally;
+ while Choice /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Get_Associated (Choice) /= Null_Iir then
+ Assoc := Get_Associated (Choice);
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Assoc) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate =>
+ Sem_Array_Aggregate_Type_1
+ (Assoc, A_Type, Infos, Constrained, Dim + 1);
+ Value_Staticness := Min (Value_Staticness,
+ Get_Value_Staticness (Assoc));
+ when Iir_Kind_String_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal =>
+ if Dim + 1 = Get_Nbr_Elements (Index_List) then
+ Sem_Array_Aggregate_Type_1
+ (Assoc, A_Type, Infos, Constrained, Dim + 1);
+ else
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("string literal not allowed here", Assoc);
+ Infos (Dim + 1).Error := True;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("sub-aggregate expected", Assoc);
+ Infos (Dim + 1).Error := True;
+ end case;
+ Choice := Get_Chain (Choice);
+ end loop;
+ Set_Value_Staticness (Aggr, Value_Staticness);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Sem_Array_Aggregate_Type_1;
+ -- Semantize an array aggregate whose type is AGGR_TYPE.
+ -- If CONSTRAINED is true, then the aggregate appears in one of the
+ -- context and can have an 'others' choice.
+ -- If CONSTRAINED is false, the aggregate can not have an 'others' choice.
+ -- Create a subtype for this aggregate.
+ -- Return NULL_IIR in case of error, or AGGR if not.
+ function Sem_Array_Aggregate_Type
+ (Aggr : Iir; Aggr_Type : Iir; Constrained : Boolean)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ A_Subtype: Iir;
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ Index_List : Iir_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Aggr_Type);
+ Nbr_Dim : Natural := Get_Nbr_Elements (Index_List);
+ Infos : Array_Aggr_Info_Arr (1 .. Nbr_Dim);
+ Aggr_Constrained : Boolean;
+ Info, Prev_Info : Iir_Aggregate_Info;
+ begin
+ -- Semantize the aggregate.
+ Sem_Array_Aggregate_Type_1 (Aggr, Aggr_Type, Infos, Constrained, 1);
+ Aggr_Constrained := True;
+ for I in Infos'Range loop
+ -- Return now in case of error.
+ if Infos (I).Error then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Infos (I).Index_Subtype = Null_Iir then
+ Aggr_Constrained := False;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Aggr_Type);
+ if Aggr_Constrained then
+ A_Subtype := Create_Array_Subtype (Base_Type, Get_Location (Aggr));
+ for I in Infos'Range loop
+ Append_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (A_Subtype),
+ Infos (I).Index_Subtype);
+ Set_Type_Staticness
+ (A_Subtype,
+ Iirs.Min (Get_Type_Staticness (A_Subtype),
+ Get_Type_Staticness (Infos (I).Index_Subtype)));
+ end loop;
+ Set_Type (Aggr, A_Subtype);
+ else
+ Set_Type (Aggr, Base_Type);
+ end if;
+ Prev_Info := Null_Iir;
+ for I in Infos'Range loop
+ -- Create info and link.
+ Info := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Aggregate_Info);
+ if I = 1 then
+ Set_Aggregate_Info (Aggr, Info);
+ else
+ Set_Sub_Aggregate_Info (Prev_Info, Info);
+ end if;
+ Prev_Info := Info;
+ -- Fill info.
+ Set_Aggr_Dynamic_Flag (Info, Infos (I).Has_Dynamic);
+ Set_Aggr_Named_Flag (Info, Infos (I).Has_Named);
+ Set_Aggr_Low_Limit (Info, Infos (I).Low);
+ Set_Aggr_High_Limit (Info, Infos (I).High);
+ Set_Aggr_Max_Length (Info, Iir_Int32 (Infos (I).Min_Length));
+ Set_Aggr_Others_Flag (Info, Infos (I).Has_Others);
+ end loop;
+ return Aggr;
+ end Sem_Array_Aggregate_Type;
+ -- Semantize aggregate EXPR whose type is expected to be A_TYPE.
+ -- A_TYPE cannot be null_iir (this case is handled in sem_expression_ov)
+ function Sem_Aggregate (Expr: Iir_Aggregate; A_Type: Iir)
+ return Iir_Aggregate
+ is
+ begin
+ if A_Type = Null_Iir then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- An aggregate is at most globally static.
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Expr, Globally);
+ Set_Type (Expr, A_Type); -- FIXME: should free old type
+ case Get_Kind (A_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ return Sem_Array_Aggregate_Type (Expr, A_Type, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ return Sem_Array_Aggregate_Type (Expr, A_Type, False);
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
+ if not Sem_Record_Aggregate (Expr, A_Type) then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ return Expr;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("type " & Disp_Node (A_Type) & " is not composite",
+ Expr);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end case;
+ end Sem_Aggregate;
+ -- Transform LIT into a physical_literal.
+ -- LIT can be either a not semantized physical literal or
+ -- a simple name that is a physical unit. In the later case, a physical
+ -- literal is created.
+ function Sem_Physical_Literal (Lit: Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Decl: Iir;
+ Decl_Type : Iir;
+ Res: Iir;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Lit) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal =>
+ Decl := Find_Declaration (Get_Unit_Name (Lit), Decl_Unit);
+ Res := Lit;
+ when Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Lit);
+ Set_Value (Res, 1);
+ Decl := Lit;
+ when others =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Lit);
+ Set_Value (Res, 1);
+ Decl := Find_Declaration (Lit, Decl_Unit);
+ end case;
+ if Decl = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Set_Unit_Name (Res, Decl);
+ Decl_Type := Get_Type (Decl);
+ Set_Type (Res, Decl_Type);
+ -- LRM93 7.4.2
+ -- 1. a literal of type TIME.
+ --
+ -- LRM93 7.4.1
+ -- 1. a literal of any type other than type TIME;
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, Get_Expr_Staticness (Decl));
+ --Eval_Check_Constraints (Res);
+ return Res;
+ end Sem_Physical_Literal;
+ -- Semantize an allocator by expression or an allocator by subtype.
+ function Sem_Allocator (Expr : Iir; A_Type : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Arg: Iir;
+ Arg_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Arg := Get_Expression (Expr);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Expr, None);
+ if Get_Type (Expr) = Null_Iir then
+ if Get_Kind (Expr) = Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Expression then
+ if Get_Kind (Arg) /= Iir_Kind_Qualified_Expression then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Arg := Sem_Expression (Arg, Null_Iir);
+ if Arg = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Check_Read (Arg);
+ Arg_Type := Get_Type (Arg);
+ else
+ Arg := Sem_Types.Sem_Subtype_Indication (Arg);
+ if Arg = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93 §7.3.6
+ -- If an allocator includes a subtype indication and if the
+ -- type of the object created is an array type, then the
+ -- subtype indication must either denote a constrained
+ -- subtype or include an explicit index constraint.
+ if not Sem_Types.Sem_Is_Constrained (Arg) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("allocator of unconstrained " &
+ Disp_Node (Arg) & " is not allowed", Expr);
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93 7.3.6
+ -- A subtype indication that is part of an allocator must
+ -- not include a resolution function.
+ if Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Arg)
+ and then Get_Resolution_Function (Arg) /= Null_Iir
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("subtype indication must not include"
+ & " a resolution function", Expr);
+ end if;
+ Arg_Type := Arg;
+ end if;
+ Set_Expression (Expr, Arg);
+ else
+ if Get_Kind (Expr) = Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Expression then
+ Arg_Type := Get_Type (Arg);
+ else
+ Arg_Type := Arg;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if A_Type = Null_Iir then
+ -- Pass 1.
+ -- LRM 7.3.6 Allocators
+ -- The type of the access value returned by an allocator must be
+ -- determinable solely from the context, but using the fact that the
+ -- value returned is of an access type having the named designated
+ -- type.
+ declare
+ Index : Visible_Type_Index_Type;
+ Vtype : Iir;
+ Btype : Iir;
+ Dtype : Iir;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Index := Get_First_Visible_Type;
+ while Index /= No_Visible_Type_Index loop
+ Vtype := Get_Visible_Type_Decl (Index);
+ Btype := Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Vtype));
+ if Get_Kind (Btype) = Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition then
+ Dtype := Get_Base_Type (Get_Designated_Type (Btype));
+ if Dtype = Get_Base_Type (Arg_Type) then
+ Add_Element (List, Dtype);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Index := Get_Next_Visible_Type (Index);
+ end loop;
+ Set_Type (Expr, Simplify_Overload_List (List));
+ end;
+ else
+ if Get_Kind (A_Type) /= Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition then
+ if Get_Kind (A_Type) /= Iir_Kind_Error then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("expected type is not an access type", Expr);
+ end if;
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if not Are_Types_Compatible (Arg_Type, Get_Designated_Type (A_Type))
+ then
+ Not_Match (Expr, A_Type);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Free_Old_Iir (Get_Type (Expr));
+ Set_Type (Expr, A_Type);
+ end if;
+ return Expr;
+ end Sem_Allocator;
+ procedure Check_Read_Aggregate (Aggr : Iir)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Aggr);
+ begin
+ -- FIXME: todo.
+ null;
+ end Check_Read_Aggregate;
+ -- Check EXPR can be read.
+ procedure Check_Read (Expr : Iir)
+ is
+ Obj : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Expr = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Obj := Expr;
+ loop
+ case Get_Kind (Obj) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value
+ | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration =>
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration =>
+ -- LRM 4.3.2 Interface declarations
+ -- The value of an object is said to be read [...]
+ -- - When the object is a file and a READ operation is
+ -- performed on the file.
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ Obj := Get_Name (Obj);
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration =>
+ case Get_Mode (Obj) is
+ when Iir_In_Mode
+ | Iir_Inout_Mode
+ | Iir_Buffer_Mode =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Out_Mode
+ | Iir_Linkage_Mode =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem (Disp_Node (Obj) & " cannot be read", Expr);
+ when Iir_Unknown_Mode =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_String_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Point_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Null_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Simple_Aggregate =>
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Monadic_Operator
+ | Iir_Kinds_Dyadic_Operator
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Qualified_Expression =>
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion
+ | Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Subtype
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Dereference =>
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kinds_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kinds_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Image_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Value_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kinds_Name_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kinds_Signal_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kinds_Signal_Value_Attribute =>
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate =>
+ Check_Read_Aggregate (Obj);
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Element =>
+ Obj := Get_Base_Name (Obj);
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ Obj := Get_Named_Entity (Obj);
+ when Iir_Kind_Error =>
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("check_read", Obj);
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Check_Read;
+ procedure Check_Update (Expr : Iir)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Expr);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Check_Update;
+ -- Emit an error if the constant EXPR is deferred and cannot be used in
+ -- the current context.
+ procedure Check_Constant_Restriction (Expr : Iir)
+ is
+ Lib : Iir;
+ Cur_Lib : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- LRM93 §2.6
+ -- Within a package declaration that contains the declaration
+ -- of a deferred constant, and within the body of that package,
+ -- before the end of the corresponding full declaration, the
+ -- use of a name that denotes the deferred constant is only
+ -- allowed in the default expression for a local generic,
+ -- local port or formal parameter.
+ if Get_Deferred_Declaration_Flag (Expr) = False
+ or else Get_Deferred_Declaration (Expr) /= Null_Iir
+ then
+ -- The constant declaration is not deferred
+ -- or the it has been fully declared.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Lib := Get_Parent (Expr);
+ if Get_Kind (Lib) = Iir_Kind_Design_Unit then
+ Lib := Get_Library_Unit (Lib);
+ -- FIXME: the parent of the constant is the library unit or
+ -- the design unit ?
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Cur_Lib := Get_Library_Unit (Sem.Get_Current_Design_Unit);
+ if (Get_Kind (Cur_Lib) = Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ and then Lib = Cur_Lib)
+ or else (Get_Kind (Cur_Lib) = Iir_Kind_Package_Body
+ and then Get_Package (Cur_Lib) = Lib)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("invalid use of a deferred constant", Expr);
+ end if;
+ end Check_Constant_Restriction;
+ -- Set semantic to EXPR.
+ -- Replace simple_name with the referenced node,
+ -- Set type to nodes,
+ -- Resolve overloading
+ -- If A_TYPE is not null, then EXPR must be of type A_TYPE.
+ -- Return null in case of error.
+ function Sem_Expression_Ov (Expr: Iir; A_Type1: Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ A_Type: Iir;
+ begin
+-- -- Avoid to run sem_expression_ov when a node was already semantized
+-- -- except to resolve overload.
+-- if Get_Type (Expr) /= Null_Iir then
+-- -- EXPR was already semantized.
+-- if A_Type1 = null or else not Is_Overload_List (Get_Type (Expr)) then
+-- -- This call to sem_expression_ov do not add any informations.
+-- Check_Restrictions (Expr, Restriction);
+-- return Expr;
+-- end if;
+-- -- This is an overload list that will be reduced.
+-- end if;
+ -- A_TYPE must be a type definition and not a subtype.
+ if A_Type1 /= Null_Iir then
+ A_Type := Get_Base_Type (A_Type1);
+ if A_Type /= A_Type1 then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ else
+ A_Type := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Expr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Character_Literal =>
+ declare
+ Interpretation: Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ Decl: Iir;
+ List: Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Interpretation := Get_Interpretation (Get_Identifier (Expr));
+ -- Check the identifier was declared.
+ if not Valid_Interpretation (Interpretation) then
+ Undeclared (Expr);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if not Valid_Interpretation
+ (Get_Next_Interpretation (Interpretation))
+ then
+ Decl := Get_Declaration (Interpretation);
+ if A_Type /= Null_Iir and then A_Type = Get_Type (Decl) then
+ -- Free overload list of expr (if any), and expr.
+ Replace_Type (Expr, Null_Iir);
+ Iirs_Utils.Free_Name (Expr);
+ return Decl;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Character literal can only be an enumeration literal.
+ if A_Type /= Null_Iir then
+ while Valid_Interpretation (Interpretation) loop
+ Decl := Get_Non_Alias_Declaration (Interpretation);
+ if Get_Type (Decl) = A_Type then
+ Replace_Type (Expr, Null_Iir);
+ Iirs_Utils.Free_Name (Expr);
+ return Decl;
+ end if;
+ Interpretation :=
+ Get_Next_Interpretation (Interpretation);
+ end loop;
+ Not_Match (Expr, A_Type);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ -- Store overloaded interpretation.
+ List := Create_Iir_List;
+ while Valid_Interpretation (Interpretation) loop
+ Decl := Get_Declaration (Interpretation);
+ Append_Element (List, Get_Type (Decl));
+ Interpretation := Get_Next_Interpretation (Interpretation);
+ end loop;
+ Set_Type (Expr, Create_Overload_List (List));
+ return Expr;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name =>
+ declare
+ E : Iir;
+ begin
+ E := Get_Named_Entity (Expr);
+ if E = Null_Iir then
+ Sem_Name (Expr, False);
+ E := Get_Named_Entity (Expr);
+ if E = Null_Iir then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if E = Error_Mark then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (E) = Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ and then not Deferred_Constant_Allowed
+ then
+ Check_Constant_Restriction (E);
+ end if;
+ E := Name_To_Expression (Expr, A_Type);
+ return E;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Monadic_Operator =>
+ return Sem_Operator (Expr, A_Type, 1);
+ when Iir_Kinds_Dyadic_Operator =>
+ return Sem_Operator (Expr, A_Type, 2);
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ | Iir_Kinds_Object_Declaration =>
+ -- All these case have already a type.
+ if Get_Type (Expr) = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if A_Type /= Null_Iir
+ and then not Are_Basetypes_Compatible
+ (A_Type, Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Expr)))
+ then
+ Not_Match (Expr, A_Type);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ return Expr;
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal =>
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Expr, Locally);
+ if A_Type = Null_Iir then
+ Set_Type (Expr, Convertible_Integer_Type_Definition);
+ return Expr;
+ elsif Get_Kind (A_Type) = Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition then
+ Set_Type (Expr, A_Type);
+ return Expr;
+ else
+ Not_Match (Expr, A_Type);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Floating_Point_Literal =>
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Expr, Locally);
+ if A_Type = Null_Iir then
+ Set_Type (Expr, Convertible_Real_Type_Definition);
+ return Expr;
+ elsif Get_Kind (A_Type) = Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition then
+ Set_Type (Expr, A_Type);
+ return Expr;
+ else
+ Not_Match (Expr, A_Type);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration =>
+ declare
+ Res: Iir;
+ begin
+ Res := Sem_Physical_Literal (Expr);
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if A_Type /= Null_Iir and then Get_Type (Res) /= A_Type then
+ Not_Match (Res, A_Type);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_String_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal =>
+ if A_Type /= Null_Iir then
+ if not Check_Type_For_String_Literal (A_Type, Expr) then
+ Not_Match (Expr, A_Type);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ -- It is enough ?
+ -- FIXME: check against LRM.
+ Replace_Type (Expr, A_Type);
+ Sem_String_Literal (Expr);
+ return Expr;
+ end if;
+ -- Look on every visible declaration of unidimensional array.
+ declare
+ Vt: Visible_Type_Index_Type;
+ Vt_Type : Iir;
+ Decl: Iir;
+ List: Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Vt := Get_First_Visible_Type;
+ List := Create_Iir_List;
+ while Vt /= No_Visible_Type_Index loop
+ Vt_Type := Get_Type (Get_Visible_Type_Decl (Vt));
+ Decl := Get_Base_Type (Vt_Type);
+ if Check_Type_For_String_Literal (Decl, Expr) then
+ Append_Element (List, Decl);
+ end if;
+ Vt := Get_Next_Visible_Type (Vt);
+ end loop;
+ case Get_Nbr_Elements (List) is
+ when 0 =>
+ Destroy_Iir_List (List);
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("no character type for string literal", Expr);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ when 1 =>
+ Set_Type (Expr, Get_First_Element (List));
+ Destroy_Iir_List (List);
+ Sem_String_Literal (Expr);
+ return Expr;
+ when others =>
+ Set_Type (Expr, Create_Overload_List (List));
+ return Expr;
+ end case;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Null_Literal =>
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Expr, Locally);
+ if A_Type = Null_Iir then
+ declare
+ Vt: Visible_Type_Index_Type;
+ Vt_Type : Iir;
+ Decl: Iir;
+ List: Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Vt := Get_First_Visible_Type;
+ List := Create_Iir_List;
+ while Vt /= No_Visible_Type_Index loop
+ Vt_Type := Get_Type (Get_Visible_Type_Decl (Vt));
+ Decl := Get_Base_Type (Vt_Type);
+ if Get_Kind (Decl) = Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition then
+ Append_Element (List, Decl);
+ end if;
+ Vt := Get_Next_Visible_Type (Vt);
+ end loop;
+ case Get_Nbr_Elements (List) is
+ when 0 =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("no visible access type for null literal", Expr);
+ Destroy_Iir_List (List);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ when 1 =>
+ Set_Type (Expr, Get_First_Element (List));
+ Destroy_Iir_List (List);
+ return Expr;
+ when others =>
+ Set_Type (Expr, Create_Overload_List (List));
+ return Expr;
+ end case;
+ end;
+ elsif Get_Kind (A_Type) /= Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("null literal can only be access type", Expr);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ else
+ Set_Type (Expr, A_Type);
+ return Expr;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Qualified_Expression =>
+ declare
+ N_Type: Iir;
+ Res: Iir;
+ begin
+ N_Type := Sem_Types.Sem_Subtype_Indication
+ (Get_Type_Mark (Expr));
+ if N_Type = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Set_Type_Mark (Expr, N_Type);
+ Set_Type (Expr, N_Type);
+ if A_Type /= Null_Iir
+ and then not Are_Types_Compatible (A_Type, N_Type)
+ then
+ Not_Match (Expr, A_Type);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Res := Sem_Expression (Get_Expression (Expr), N_Type);
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Check_Read (Res);
+ Set_Expression (Expr, Res);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Expr, Min (Get_Expr_Staticness (Res),
+ Get_Type_Staticness (N_Type)));
+ return Expr;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Subtype =>
+ return Sem_Allocator (Expr, A_Type);
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate =>
+ if A_Type = Null_Iir then
+ declare
+ Vt: Visible_Type_Index_Type;
+ Vt_Type : Iir;
+ Decl: Iir;
+ List: Iir_List;
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ Vt := Get_First_Visible_Type;
+ List := Create_Iir_List;
+ while Vt /= No_Visible_Type_Index loop
+ Vt_Type := Get_Type (Get_Visible_Type_Decl (Vt));
+ Decl := Get_Base_Type (Vt_Type);
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
+ Append_Element (List, Decl);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Vt := Get_Next_Visible_Type (Vt);
+ end loop;
+ case Get_Nbr_Elements (List) is
+ when 0 =>
+ Destroy_Iir_List (List);
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("no visible composite type for aggregate", Expr);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ when 1 =>
+ Res := Sem_Aggregate (Expr, Get_First_Element (List));
+ Destroy_Iir_List (List);
+ return Res;
+ when others =>
+ Set_Type (Expr, Create_Overload_List (List));
+ return Expr;
+ end case;
+ end;
+ else
+ return Sem_Aggregate (Expr, A_Type);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Expr) & " cannot be used as an expression", Expr);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_expression_ov", Expr);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end case;
+ end Sem_Expression_Ov;
+ -- If A_TYPE is not null, then EXPR must be of type A_TYPE.
+ -- Return null in case of error.
+ function Sem_Expression (Expr: Iir; A_Type: Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ A_Type1: Iir;
+ Res: Iir;
+ Expr_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Check_Is_Expression (Expr) = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ -- Can't try to run sem_expression_ov when a node was already semantized
+ Expr_Type := Get_Type (Expr);
+ if Expr_Type /= Null_Iir and then not Is_Overload_List (Expr_Type) then
+ -- Checks types.
+ -- This is necessary when the first call to sem_expression was done
+ -- with A_TYPE set to NULL_IIR and results in setting the type of
+ -- EXPR.
+ if A_Type /= Null_Iir
+ and then not Are_Types_Compatible (Expr_Type, A_Type)
+ then
+ Not_Match (Expr, A_Type);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ return Expr;
+ end if;
+ -- A_TYPE must be a type definition and not a subtype.
+ if A_Type /= Null_Iir then
+ A_Type1 := Get_Base_Type (A_Type);
+ else
+ A_Type1 := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Expr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate =>
+ Res := Sem_Aggregate (Expr, A_Type);
+ when Iir_Kind_String_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal =>
+ if A_Type = Null_Iir then
+ Res := Sem_Expression_Ov (Expr, Null_Iir);
+ else
+ if not Check_Type_For_String_Literal (A_Type, Expr) then
+ Not_Match (Expr, A_Type);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Set_Type (Expr, A_Type);
+ Sem_String_Literal (Expr);
+ return Expr;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Res := Sem_Expression_Ov (Expr, A_Type1);
+ end case;
+ if Res /= Null_Iir and then Is_Overloaded (Res) then
+ Error_Overload (Expr);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Sem_Expression;
+ function Sem_Expression_Universal (Expr : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Expr1 : Iir;
+ Expr_Type : Iir;
+ El : Iir;
+ Res : Iir;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Expr1 := Sem_Expression_Ov (Expr, Null_Iir);
+ if Expr1 = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Expr_Type := Get_Type (Expr1);
+ if not Is_Overload_List (Expr_Type) then
+ return Expr1;
+ end if;
+ List := Get_Overload_List (Expr_Type);
+ Res := Null_Iir;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ if El = Universal_Integer_Type_Definition
+ or El = Convertible_Integer_Type_Definition
+ or El = Universal_Real_Type_Definition
+ or El = Convertible_Real_Type_Definition
+ then
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Res := El;
+ else
+ Error_Overload (Expr1);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Overload (Expr1);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ return Sem_Expression_Ov (Expr1, Res);
+ end Sem_Expression_Universal;
+end Sem_Expr;
diff --git a/sem_expr.ads b/sem_expr.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..97722bb1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sem_expr.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+-- Semantic analysis.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Types; use Types;
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+package Sem_Expr is
+ -- Set semantic to EXPR.
+ -- Replace simple_name with the referenced node,
+ -- Set type to nodes,
+ -- Resolve overloading
+ Deferred_Constant_Allowed : Boolean := False;
+ -- Semantize an expression (other than a range) with a possible overloading.
+ -- Sem_expression_ov (and therefore sem_expression) must be called *once*
+ -- for each expression node with A_TYPE1 not null and at most *once* with
+ -- A_TYPE1 null.
+ --
+ -- When A_TYPE1 is null, sem_expression_ov find all possible types
+ -- of the expression. If there is only one possible type (ie, overloading
+ -- is non-existant or solved), then the type of the expression is set,
+ -- and the node is completly semantized. Sem_expression_ov must not
+ -- be called for such a node.
+ -- If there is several possible types (ie overloaded), then the type is
+ -- set with a list of overload. To finishes the semantisation,
+ -- sem_expression_ov must be called again with A_TYPE1 set to the
+ -- expected type.
+ --
+ -- If A_TYPE1 is set, sem_expression_ov must finishes the semantisation
+ -- of the expression, and set its type, which is not necessary a base type.
+ -- A_TYPE1 must be a base type.
+ --
+ -- In case of error, it displays a message and return null.
+ -- In case of success, it returns the semantized expression, which can
+ -- be different from EXPR (eg, a character literal is transformed into an
+ -- enumeration literal).
+ function Sem_Expression_Ov (Expr: Iir; A_Type1: Iir) return Iir;
+ -- If A_TYPE is not null, then EXPR must be of type A_TYPE.
+ -- Return null in case of error.
+ function Sem_Expression (Expr: Iir; A_Type: Iir) return Iir;
+ -- Same as Sem_Expression, but also implicitly choose an universal type
+ -- if overloaded.
+ function Sem_Expression_Universal (Expr : Iir) return Iir;
+ -- Check EXPR can be read.
+ procedure Check_Read (Expr : Iir);
+ -- Check EXPR can be updated.
+ procedure Check_Update (Expr : Iir);
+ -- Check the type of EXPR can be implicitly converted to TARG_TYPE, ie
+ -- if TARG_TYPE is a constrained array subtype, number of elements matches.
+ -- Return FALSE in case of error.
+ -- If TARG_TYPE or EXPR is NULL_IIR, silently returns TRUE.
+ function Check_Implicit_Conversion (Targ_Type : Iir; Expr : Iir)
+ return Boolean;
+ -- For a procedure call, A_TYPE must be null.
+ function Sem_Subprogram_Call (Expr: Iir; A_Type: Iir)
+ return Iir;
+ -- If EXPR is a node for an expression, then return EXPR.
+ -- Otherwise, emit an error message and return NULL_IIR.
+ -- If EXPR is NULL_IIR, NULL_IIR is silently returned.
+ function Check_Is_Expression (Expr : Iir) return Iir;
+ -- LEFT are RIGHT must be really a type (not a subtype).
+ function Are_Basetypes_Compatible (Left: Iir; Right: Iir)
+ return Boolean;
+ -- Return TRUE iif types of LEFT and RIGHT are compatible.
+ function Are_Nodes_Compatible (Left: Iir; Right: Iir)
+ return Boolean;
+ -- Semantize a procedure_call or a concurrent_procedure_call_statement.
+ procedure Sem_Procedure_Call (Call : Iir_Procedure_Call; Stmt : Iir);
+ function Sem_Discrete_Range_Expression (Expr: Iir; A_Type: Iir)
+ return Iir;
+ function Get_Discrete_Range_Staticness (Expr : Iir) return Iir_Staticness;
+ -- Semantize a discrete range and convert to integer if both bounds are
+ -- universal integer types, according to rules of LRM
+ function Sem_Discrete_Range_Integer (Expr: Iir) return Iir;
+ -- Convert a parenthesis_name to a slice_name or an index_name, according
+ -- to the suffix expression.
+ -- This is used in sem by generates.
+ --function Sem_Parenthesis_Name (Name : Iir_Parenthesis_Name) return Iir;
+ -- Transform LIT into a physical_literal.
+ -- LIT can be either a not semantized physical literal or
+ -- a simple name that is a physical unit. In the later case, a physical
+ -- literal is created.
+ function Sem_Physical_Literal (Lit: Iir) return Iir;
+ -- CHOICES_LIST is a list of choices (none, expression, range, list or
+ -- others).
+ -- If IS_SUB_RANGE is true, then SUB_TYPE may not be fully convered,
+ -- otherwise, SUB_TYPE must be fully covered.
+ -- This is used when the subtype of an aggregate must be determined.
+ -- SUB_TYPE is the discrete subtype.
+ -- Emit a message if:
+ -- * the SUB_TYPE is not fully covered by the choices
+ -- * the choices are not mutually exclusif (an element is present twice)
+ -- * OTHERS is not the last choice, or is present several times.
+ --
+ -- If there is at least one named choice, LOW and HIGH are set with the
+ -- lowest and highest index.
+ -- If LOW and HIGH are set, they are locally static.
+ --
+ -- Unidimensional strings are not handled here but by
+ -- sem_string_choices_range.
+ --
+ -- TODO:
+ -- * be smarter if only positional choices (do not create the list).
+ -- * smarter messages.
+ procedure Sem_Choices_Range
+ (Choice_Chain : in out Iir;
+ Sub_Type : Iir;
+ Is_Sub_Range : Boolean;
+ Loc : Location_Type;
+ Low : out Iir;
+ High : out Iir);
+ -- Semantize CHOICE_LIST when the choice expression SEL is of a
+ -- one-dimensional character array type.
+ procedure Sem_String_Choices_Range (Choice_Chain : Iir; Sel : Iir);
+ function Compatibility_Types (Left_Types : Iir; Right_Types : Iir)
+ return Boolean;
+ -- LIST1, LIST2 are either a type node or an overload list of types.
+ -- Return THE type which is compatible with LIST1 are LIST2.
+ -- Return null_iir if there is no such type or if there are several types.
+ function Search_Compatible_Type (List1, List2 : Iir) return Iir;
+end Sem_Expr;
diff --git a/sem_names.adb b/sem_names.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..25484e406
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sem_names.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,3318 @@
+-- Semantic analysis.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Sem_Scopes; use Sem_Scopes;
+with Sem_Expr; use Sem_Expr;
+with Evaluation; use Evaluation;
+with Iirs_Utils; use Iirs_Utils;
+with Libraries;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Flags;
+with Sem;
+with Name_Table;
+with Std_Package; use Std_Package;
+with Types; use Types;
+with Std_Names;
+with Iir_Chains; use Iir_Chains;
+with Sem_Stmts; use Sem_Stmts;
+with Sem_Decls; use Sem_Decls;
+with Sem_Assocs; use Sem_Assocs;
+with Xrefs; use Xrefs;
+package body Sem_Names is
+ -- Finish the semantization of NAME using RES as named entity.
+ -- This is called when the semantization is finished and an uniq
+ -- interpretation has been determined (RES).
+ --
+ -- Error messages are emitted here.
+ procedure Finish_Sem_Name (Name : Iir; Res : Iir);
+ procedure Error_Overload (Expr: Iir) is
+ begin
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("can't resolve overload for " & Disp_Node (Expr), Expr);
+ end Error_Overload;
+ procedure Disp_Overload_List (List : Iir_List; Loc : Iir)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("possible interpretations are:", Loc);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Error_Msg_Sem (Disp_Subprg (El), El);
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Overload_List;
+ -- Create an overload list.
+ -- must be destroyed with free_iir.
+ function Get_Overload_List return Iir_Overload_List is
+ begin
+ return Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Overload_List);
+ end Get_Overload_List;
+ function Create_Overload_List (List : Iir_List) return Iir_Overload_List
+ is
+ Res : Iir_Overload_List;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Overload_List);
+ Set_Overload_List (Res, List);
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Overload_List;
+ function Simplify_Overload_List (List : Iir_List) return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ L1 : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ case Get_Nbr_Elements (List) is
+ when 0 =>
+ L1 := List;
+ Destroy_Iir_List (L1);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ when 1 =>
+ L1 := List;
+ Res := Get_First_Element (List);
+ Destroy_Iir_List (L1);
+ return Res;
+ when others =>
+ return Create_Overload_List (List);
+ end case;
+ end Simplify_Overload_List;
+ -- Return true if AN_IIR is an overload list.
+ function Is_Overload_List (An_Iir: Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Get_Kind (An_Iir) = Iir_Kind_Overload_List;
+ end Is_Overload_List;
+ -- From the list LIST of function or enumeration literal, extract the
+ -- list of (return) types.
+ -- If there is only one type, return it.
+ -- If there is no types, return NULL.
+ -- Otherwise, return the list as an overload list.
+ function Create_List_Of_Types (List : Iir_List)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Res_List : Iir_List;
+ Decl : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Create the list of possible return types.
+ Res_List := Create_Iir_List;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Decl := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when Decl = Null_Iir;
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration =>
+ Add_Element (Res_List, Get_Return_Type (Decl));
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Call
+ | Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name =>
+ Add_Element (Res_List, Get_Type (Decl));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("create_list_of_types", Decl);
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ return Simplify_Overload_List (Res_List);
+ end Create_List_Of_Types;
+ -- Add new interpretation DECL to RES.
+ -- Create an overload_list if necessary.
+ -- Before the first call, RES should be set to NULL_IIR.
+ procedure Add_Result (Res : in out Iir; Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Nres : Iir;
+ Nres_List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ if Decl = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Res := Decl;
+ elsif Is_Overload_List (Res) then
+ Append_Element (Get_Overload_List (Res), Decl);
+ else
+ Nres_List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Nres := Create_Overload_List (Nres_List);
+ Append_Element (Nres_List, Res);
+ Append_Element (Nres_List, Decl);
+ Res := Nres;
+ end if;
+ end Add_Result;
+ -- Move elements of result list LIST to result list RES.
+ -- Destroy LIST if necessary.
+ procedure Add_Result_List (Res : in out Iir; List : in out Iir);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Add_Result_List);
+ procedure Add_Result_List (Res : in out Iir; List : in out Iir)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ List_List : Iir_List;
+ Res_List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Res := List;
+ elsif List = Null_Iir then
+ null;
+ elsif not Is_Overload_List (List) then
+ Add_Result (Res, List);
+ else
+ if not Is_Overload_List (Res) then
+ El := Res;
+ Res := Get_Overload_List;
+ Append_Element (Get_Overload_List (Res), El);
+ end if;
+ List_List := Get_Overload_List (List);
+ Res_List := Get_Overload_List (Res);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List_List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Append_Element (Res_List, El);
+ end loop;
+ Free_Iir (List);
+ end if;
+ end Add_Result_List;
+ -- Free interpretations of LIST except KEEP.
+ procedure Sem_Name_Free_Result (List : in out Iir; Keep : Iir)
+ is
+ procedure Sem_Name_Free (El : in out Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Call
+ | Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name =>
+ -- FIXME: recursion ?
+ Free_Iir (El);
+ when Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kinds_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_name_free", El);
+ end case;
+ end Sem_Name_Free;
+ El : Iir;
+ List_List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ if List = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ elsif not Is_Overload_List (List) then
+ if List /= Keep then
+ Sem_Name_Free (List);
+ end if;
+ else
+ List_List := Get_Overload_List (List);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List_List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ if El /= Keep then
+ Sem_Name_Free (El);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Free_Iir (List);
+ end if;
+ end Sem_Name_Free_Result;
+ -- Find all named declaration whose identifier is ID in DECL_LIST and
+ -- return it.
+ -- The result can be NULL (if no such declaration exist),
+ -- a declaration, or an overload_list containing all declarations.
+ function Find_Declarations_In_List
+ (Decl: Iir; Name : Iir_Selected_Name; Keep_Alias : Boolean)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Res: Iir := Null_Iir;
+ -- If indentifier of DECL is ID, then add DECL in the result.
+ procedure Handle_Decl (Decl : Iir; Id : Name_Id) is
+ begin
+ -- Use_clauses may appear in a declaration list.
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause
+ | Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Identifier (Decl) = Id then
+ if Keep_Alias then
+ Add_Result (Res, Decl);
+ else
+ Add_Result (Res, Get_Name (Decl));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ if Get_Identifier (Decl) = Id then
+ Add_Result (Res, Decl);
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ end Handle_Decl;
+ procedure Iterator_Decl is new Sem_Scopes.Iterator_Decl
+ (Arg_Type => Name_Id, Handle_Decl => Handle_Decl);
+ --procedure Iterator_Decl_List is new Sem_Scopes.Iterator_Decl_List
+ -- (Arg_Type => Name_Id, Handle_Decl => Iterator_Decl);
+ procedure Iterator_Decl_Chain is new Sem_Scopes.Iterator_Decl_Chain
+ (Arg_Type => Name_Id, Handle_Decl => Iterator_Decl);
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ Decl_Body : Iir;
+ begin
+ Id := Get_Suffix_Identifier (Name);
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ Iterator_Decl_Chain (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Decl), Id);
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
+ Iterator_Decl_Chain (Get_Generic_Chain (Decl), Id);
+ Iterator_Decl_Chain (Get_Port_Chain (Decl), Id);
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Header : Iir;
+ begin
+ Header := Get_Block_Header (Decl);
+ if Header /= Null_Iir then
+ Iterator_Decl_Chain (Get_Generic_Chain (Header), Id);
+ Iterator_Decl_Chain (Get_Port_Chain (Header), Id);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement =>
+ Handle_Decl (Get_Iterator_Scheme (Decl), Id);
+ when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("find_declarations_in_list", Decl);
+ end case;
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ Decl_Body := Get_Subprogram_Body (Decl);
+ Iterator_Decl_Chain
+ (Get_Declaration_Chain (Decl_Body), Id);
+ Iterator_Decl_Chain
+ (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Decl_Body), Id);
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ Iterator_Decl_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Decl), Id);
+ Iterator_Decl_Chain (Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Decl), Id);
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ Iterator_Decl_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Decl), Id);
+ when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
+ Iterator_Decl_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Decl), Id);
+ Iterator_Decl_Chain (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Decl), Id);
+ when Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("find_declarations_in_list", Decl);
+ end case;
+ --if Res = Null_Iir then
+ -- Error_Msg_Sem ("""" & Name_Table.Image (Id) & """ not defined in "
+ -- & Disp_Node (Decl), Name);
+ --end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Find_Declarations_In_List;
+ -- Create an implicit_dereference node if PREFIX is of type access.
+ -- Return PREFIX otherwise.
+ -- PARENT is used if an implicit dereference node is created, to copy
+ -- location from.
+ function Insert_Implicit_Dereference (Prefix : Iir; Parent : Iir)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Prefix_Type : Iir;
+ Res : Iir_Implicit_Dereference;
+ begin
+ Prefix_Type := Get_Type (Prefix);
+ case Get_Kind (Prefix_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ return Prefix;
+ end case;
+ Check_Read (Prefix);
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Parent);
+ Set_Type (Res, Get_Designated_Type (Prefix_Type));
+ Set_Prefix (Res, Prefix);
+ Set_Base_Name (Res, Res);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, None);
+ return Res;
+ end Insert_Implicit_Dereference;
+ -- If PREFIX is a function specification that cannot be converted to a
+ -- function call (because of lack of association), return FALSE.
+ function Maybe_Function_Call (Prefix : Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ Inter : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Prefix) not in Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ Inter := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Prefix);
+ while Inter /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Get_Default_Value (Inter) = Null_Iir then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Inter := Get_Chain (Inter);
+ end loop;
+ return True;
+ end Maybe_Function_Call;
+ procedure Name_To_Method_Object (Call : Iir; Name : Iir)
+ is
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ Obj : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Name) = Iir_Kind_Selected_Name then
+ Prefix := Get_Prefix (Name);
+ Obj := Get_Named_Entity (Prefix);
+ if Obj /= Null_Iir
+ and then
+ (Get_Kind (Obj) = Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ or Get_Kind (Obj) = Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration)
+ and then Get_Type (Obj) /= Null_Iir
+ then
+ if Get_Kind (Get_Type (Obj)) /= Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Set_Method_Object (Call, Obj);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Set_Implementation (Call, Get_Named_Entity (Name));
+ end Name_To_Method_Object;
+ -- NAME is the name of the function (and not the parenthesis name)
+ function Sem_As_Function_Call (Name : Iir; Spec : Iir; Assoc_Chain : Iir)
+ return Iir_Function_Call
+ is
+ Call : Iir_Function_Call;
+ begin
+ -- Check.
+ case Get_Kind (Name) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Operator_Symbol =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_as_function_call", Name);
+ end case;
+ Call := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Function_Call);
+ Location_Copy (Call, Name);
+ Name_To_Method_Object (Call, Name);
+ Set_Implementation (Call, Spec);
+ Set_Parameter_Association_Chain (Call, Assoc_Chain);
+ Set_Type (Call, Get_Return_Type (Spec));
+ Set_Base_Name (Call, Call);
+ return Call;
+ end Sem_As_Function_Call;
+ -- If PREFIX is a function specification, then return a function call,
+ -- else return PREFIX.
+ function Maybe_Insert_Function_Call (Name : Iir; Spec : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Spec) in Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration then
+ return Sem_As_Function_Call (Name, Spec, Null_Iir);
+ else
+ return Spec;
+ end if;
+ end Maybe_Insert_Function_Call;
+ -- If PTR_TYPE is not NULL_IIR, then return an implciti dereference to
+ -- PREFIX, else return PREFIX.
+ function Maybe_Insert_Dereference (Prefix : Iir; Ptr_Type : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Id : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Ptr_Type /= Null_Iir then
+ Id := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference);
+ Location_Copy (Id, Prefix);
+ Set_Type (Id, Get_Designated_Type (Ptr_Type));
+ Set_Prefix (Id, Prefix);
+ Set_Base_Name (Id, Id);
+ return Id;
+ else
+ return Prefix;
+ end if;
+ end Maybe_Insert_Dereference;
+ procedure Finish_Sem_Indexed_Name (Expr : Iir)
+ is
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ Prefix_Type : Iir;
+ Index_Subtype : Iir;
+ Index_List : Iir_List;
+ Index : Iir;
+ Expr_Staticness : Iir_Staticness;
+ begin
+ Prefix := Get_Prefix (Expr);
+ Prefix_Type := Get_Type (Prefix);
+ Expr_Staticness := Locally;
+ Index_List := Get_Index_List (Expr);
+ -- LRM93 §6.4: there must be one such expression for each index
+ -- position of the array and each expression must be of the
+ -- type of the corresponding index.
+ -- Loop on the indexes.
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Index_Subtype :=
+ Get_Nth_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Prefix_Type), I);
+ exit when Index_Subtype = Null_Iir;
+ Index := Get_Nth_Element (Index_List, I);
+ -- The index_subtype can be an unconstrained index type.
+ Index := Check_Is_Expression (Index);
+ if Index /= Null_Iir then
+ Index := Sem_Expression (Index, Get_Base_Type (Index_Subtype));
+ end if;
+ if Index /= Null_Iir then
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Index) = Locally
+ and then Get_Type_Staticness (Index_Subtype) = Locally
+ then
+ Index := Eval_Expr_Check (Index, Index_Subtype);
+ end if;
+ Replace_Nth_Element (Get_Index_List (Expr), I, Index);
+ Expr_Staticness := Min (Expr_Staticness,
+ Get_Expr_Staticness (Index));
+ else
+ Expr_Staticness := None;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Set_Type (Expr, Get_Element_Subtype (Prefix_Type));
+ -- An indexed name cannot be locally static.
+ Set_Expr_Staticness
+ (Expr, Min (Globally, Min (Expr_Staticness,
+ Get_Expr_Staticness (Prefix))));
+ -- LRM93 §6.1:
+ -- a name is said to be a static name iff:
+ -- The name is an indexed name whose prefix is a static name
+ -- and every expression that appears as part of the name is a
+ -- static expression.
+ --
+ -- a name is said to be a locally static name iif:
+ -- The name is an indexed name whose prefix is a locally
+ -- static name and every expression that appears as part
+ -- of the name is a locally static expression.
+ Set_Name_Staticness (Expr, Min (Expr_Staticness,
+ Get_Name_Staticness (Prefix)));
+ Set_Base_Name (Expr, Get_Base_Name (Prefix));
+ end Finish_Sem_Indexed_Name;
+ procedure Finish_Sem_Dereference (Res : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ Set_Base_Name (Res, Res);
+ Check_Read (Get_Prefix (Res));
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, None);
+ Set_Name_Staticness (Res, None);
+ end Finish_Sem_Dereference;
+ procedure Finish_Sem_Slice_Name (Name : Iir_Slice_Name)
+ is
+ -- The prefix of the slice
+ Prefix: Iir;
+ Prefix_Type: Iir;
+ Prefix_Base_Type : Iir;
+ Prefix_Bt : Iir;
+ Index_List: Iir_List;
+ Index_Type: Iir;
+ Index_Range : Iir;
+ Suffix: Iir;
+ Slice_Type : Iir;
+ Expr_Type : Iir;
+ Staticness : Iir_Staticness;
+ Suffix_Rng : Iir;
+ Prefix_Rng : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Set a type to the prefix.
+ Prefix := Get_Prefix (Name);
+ Prefix_Type := Get_Type (Prefix);
+ Set_Base_Name (Name, Get_Base_Name (Prefix));
+ -- LRM93 §6.5: the prefix of an indexed name must be appropriate
+ -- for an array type.
+ Prefix_Bt := Get_Base_Type (Prefix_Type);
+ if Get_Kind (Prefix_Bt) /= Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("slice can only be applied to an array", Name);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93 §6.5:
+ -- The prefix of a slice must be appropriate for a
+ -- one-dimensionnal array object.
+ Index_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Prefix_Type);
+ if Get_Nbr_Elements (Index_List) /= 1 then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("slice prefix must be an unidimensional array", Name);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Index_Type := Get_First_Element (Index_List);
+ Index_Range := Get_Range_Constraint (Index_Type);
+ Prefix_Rng := Eval_Range (Index_Type);
+ -- LRM93 6.5
+ -- It is an error if either the bounds of the discrete range does not
+ -- belong to the index range of the prefixing array, *unless* the slice
+ -- is a null slice.
+ --
+ -- LRM93 6.5
+ -- The slice is a null slice if the discrete range is a null range.
+ -- LRM93 §6.5:
+ -- The bounds of the discrete range [...] must be of the
+ -- type of the index of the array.
+ Suffix := Sem_Discrete_Range_Expression
+ (Get_Suffix (Name), Index_Type);
+ if Suffix = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Set_Suffix (Name, Suffix);
+ -- LRM93 §6.5:
+ -- It is an error if the direction of the discrete range is not
+ -- the same as that of the index range of the array denoted
+ -- by the prefix of the slice name.
+ -- Check this only if the type is a constrained type.
+ Suffix_Rng := Eval_Range (Suffix);
+ if Get_Kind (Prefix_Type) = Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ and then Prefix_Rng /= Null_Iir
+ and then Suffix_Rng /= Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Direction (Suffix_Rng) /= Get_Direction (Prefix_Rng)
+ then
+ if False and then Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ -- emit a warning for a null slice.
+ Warning_Msg_Sem
+ ("direction mismatch results in a null slice", Name);
+ end if;
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("direction of the range mismatch", Name);
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93 §7.4.1
+ -- A slice is never a locally static expression.
+ Staticness := Get_Discrete_Range_Staticness (Suffix);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness
+ (Name, Min (Min (Staticness, Get_Expr_Staticness (Prefix)), Globally));
+ Set_Name_Staticness
+ (Name, Min (Staticness, Get_Name_Staticness (Prefix)));
+ -- The type of the slice is a subtype of the base type whose
+ -- range contraint is the slice itself.
+ if Get_Kind (Suffix) in Iir_Kinds_Discrete_Type_Definition then
+ Slice_Type := Suffix;
+ else
+ case Get_Kind (Get_Base_Type (Index_Type)) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition =>
+ Slice_Type := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition);
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
+ Slice_Type :=
+ Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_expr: slice_name", Get_Base_Type (Index_Type));
+ end case;
+ Set_Range_Constraint (Slice_Type, Suffix);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Slice_Type, Staticness);
+ Set_Base_Type (Slice_Type, Get_Base_Type (Index_Type));
+ Set_Location (Slice_Type, Get_Location (Suffix));
+ end if;
+ Expr_Type := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition);
+ Set_Location (Expr_Type, Get_Location (Suffix));
+ Set_Index_Subtype_List (Expr_Type, Create_Iir_List);
+ Prefix_Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Prefix_Type);
+ Set_Base_Type (Expr_Type, Prefix_Base_Type);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Expr_Type,
+ Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Prefix_Base_Type));
+ Append_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Expr_Type), Slice_Type);
+ Set_Element_Subtype (Expr_Type, Get_Element_Subtype (Prefix_Type));
+ if Get_Kind (Prefix_Type) /= Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition then
+ Set_Resolution_Function
+ (Expr_Type, Get_Resolution_Function (Prefix_Type));
+ else
+ Set_Resolution_Function (Expr_Type, Null_Iir);
+ end if;
+ Set_Type_Staticness
+ (Expr_Type, Min (Get_Type_Staticness (Prefix_Type),
+ Get_Type_Staticness (Slice_Type)));
+ Set_Type (Name, Expr_Type);
+ end Finish_Sem_Slice_Name;
+ procedure Finish_Sem_Function_Call (Call : Iir)
+ is
+ Rtype : Iir;
+ begin
+ Set_Name_Staticness (Call, None);
+ -- FIXME: modify sem_subprogram_call to avoid such a type swap.
+ Rtype := Get_Type (Call);
+ Set_Type (Call, Null_Iir);
+ if Sem_Subprogram_Call (Call, Null_Iir) = Null_Iir then
+ Set_Type (Call, Rtype);
+ end if;
+ end Finish_Sem_Function_Call;
+ procedure Finish_Sem_Array_Attribute (Attr : Iir; Param : Iir)
+ is
+ Parameter : Iir;
+ Prefix_Type : Iir;
+ Index_Type : Iir;
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- LRM93 14.1
+ -- Parameter: A locally static expression of type universal_integer, the
+ -- value of which must not exceed the dimensionality of A. If omitted,
+ -- it defaults to 1.
+ if Param = Null_Iir then
+ Parameter := Universal_Integer_One;
+ else
+ Parameter := Sem_Expression
+ (Param, Universal_Integer_Type_Definition);
+ if Parameter = Null_Iir then
+ Parameter := Universal_Integer_One;
+ else
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Parameter) /= Locally then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("parameter must be locally static", Parameter);
+ Parameter := Universal_Integer_One;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Prefix := Get_Prefix (Attr);
+ Prefix_Type := Get_Type (Prefix);
+ declare
+ Dim : Iir_Int64;
+ Indexes_List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Indexes_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Prefix_Type);
+ Dim := Get_Value (Parameter);
+ if Dim < 1 or else Dim > Iir_Int64 (Get_Nbr_Elements (Indexes_List))
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("parameter value out of bound", Attr);
+ Parameter := Universal_Integer_One;
+ Dim := 1;
+ end if;
+ Index_Type := Get_Nth_Element (Indexes_List, Natural (Dim - 1));
+ end;
+ case Get_Kind (Attr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Left_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Right_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_High_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Low_Array_Attribute =>
+ Set_Type (Attr, Index_Type);
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ Set_Type (Attr, Index_Type);
+ when Iir_Kind_Length_Array_Attribute =>
+ Set_Type (Attr, Convertible_Integer_Type_Definition);
+ when Iir_Kind_Ascending_Array_Attribute =>
+ Set_Type (Attr, Boolean_Type_Definition);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Set_Parameter (Attr, Parameter);
+ -- LRM 7.4.1
+ -- A locally static range is either [...], or a range of the first form
+ -- whose prefix denotes either a locally static subtype or an object
+ -- that is of a locally static subtype.
+ -- LRM 7.4.2
+ -- A globally static range is either [...], or a range of the first form
+ -- whose prefix denotes either a globally static subtype or an object
+ -- that is of a globally static subtype.
+ --
+ -- A globally static subtype is either a globally static scalar subtype,
+ -- a globally static array subtype, [...]
+ --
+ -- A globally static array subtype is a constrained array subtype
+ -- formed by imposing on an unconstrained array type a globally static
+ -- index constraint.
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Attr, Get_Type_Staticness (Prefix_Type));
+ end Finish_Sem_Array_Attribute;
+ procedure Finish_Sem_Scalar_Type_Attribute (Attr : Iir; Param : Iir)
+ is
+ Prefix_Type : Iir;
+ Prefix_Bt : Iir;
+ Parameter : Iir;
+ Param_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Param = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem (Disp_Node (Attr) & " requires a parameter", Attr);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Prefix_Type := Get_Type (Get_Prefix (Attr));
+ Prefix_Bt := Get_Base_Type (Prefix_Type);
+ case Get_Kind (Attr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Pos_Attribute =>
+ -- LRM93 14.1
+ -- Parameter: An expression whose type is the base type of T.
+ Parameter := Sem_Expression (Param, Prefix_Bt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Val_Attribute =>
+ -- LRM93 14.1
+ -- Parameter: An expression of any integer type.
+ Param_Type := Get_Type (Param);
+ if Is_Overload_List (Param_Type) then
+ Parameter := Sem_Expression
+ (Param, Universal_Integer_Type_Definition);
+ else
+ if Get_Kind (Get_Base_Type (Param_Type))
+ /= Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("parameter must be an integer", Attr);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Parameter := Param;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Succ_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Pred_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Leftof_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Rightof_Attribute =>
+ -- LRM93 14.1
+ -- Parameter: An expression whose type is the base type of T.
+ Parameter := Sem_Expression (Param, Prefix_Bt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Image_Attribute =>
+ -- LRM93 14.1
+ -- Parameter: An expression whose type is the base type of T.
+ Parameter := Sem_Expression (Param, Prefix_Bt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Value_Attribute =>
+ -- Parameter: An expression of type string.
+ Parameter := Sem_Expression (Param, String_Type_Definition);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ if Parameter = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Set_Parameter (Attr, Parameter);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Attr, Min (Get_Type_Staticness (Prefix_Type),
+ Get_Expr_Staticness (Parameter)));
+ end Finish_Sem_Scalar_Type_Attribute;
+ procedure Finish_Sem_Signal_Attribute (Attr : Iir; Parameter : Iir)
+ is
+ Param : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Parameter = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Attr)= Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("'transaction does not allow a parameter", Attr);
+ else
+ Param := Sem_Expression (Parameter, Time_Subtype_Definition);
+ Set_Parameter (Attr, Param);
+ end if;
+ end Finish_Sem_Signal_Attribute;
+ function Is_Type_Abstract_Numeric (Atype : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Atype) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition =>
+ return True;
+ when others =>
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ end Is_Type_Abstract_Numeric;
+ function Are_Types_Closely_Related (Type1, Type2 : Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ Base_Type1 : Iir;
+ Base_Type2 : Iir;
+ Ant1, Ant2 : Boolean;
+ Index_List1, Index_List2 : Iir_List;
+ El1, El2 : Iir;
+ begin
+ Base_Type1 := Get_Base_Type (Type1);
+ Base_Type2 := Get_Base_Type (Type2);
+ -- LRM 7.3.5
+ -- In particular, a type is closely related to itself.
+ if Base_Type1 = Base_Type2 then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM 7.3.5
+ -- a) Abstract Numeric Types: Any abstract numeric type is closely
+ -- related to any other abstract numeric type.
+ Ant1 := Is_Type_Abstract_Numeric (Type1);
+ Ant2 := Is_Type_Abstract_Numeric (Type2);
+ if Ant1 and Ant2 then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ if Ant1 or Ant2 then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM 7.3.5
+ -- b) Array Types: Two array types are closely related if and only if
+ -- The types have the same dimensionality; For each index position,
+ -- the index types are either the same or are closely related; and
+ -- The element types are the same.
+ --
+ -- No other types are closely related.
+ if not (Get_Kind (Base_Type1) = Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ and then Get_Kind (Base_Type2) = Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition)
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Index_List1 := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Base_Type1);
+ Index_List2 := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Base_Type2);
+ if Get_Nbr_Elements (Index_List1) /= Get_Nbr_Elements (Index_List2) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Base_Type (Get_Element_Subtype (Base_Type1))
+ /= Get_Base_Type (Get_Element_Subtype (Base_Type2))
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El1 := Get_Nth_Element (Index_List1, I);
+ exit when El1 = Null_Iir;
+ El2 := Get_Nth_Element (Index_List2, I);
+ if not Are_Types_Closely_Related (El1, El2) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return True;
+ end Are_Types_Closely_Related;
+ procedure Finish_Sem_Type_Conversion (Conv: Iir_Type_Conversion)
+ is
+ Expr: Iir;
+ Staticness : Iir_Staticness;
+ begin
+ -- LRM93 7.3.5
+ -- Furthermore, the operand of a type conversion is not allowed to be
+ -- the literal null, an allocator, an aggregate, or a string literal.
+ Expr := Get_Expression (Conv);
+ case Get_Kind (Expr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Null_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Aggregate
+ | Iir_Kind_String_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Expr) & " cannot be a type conversion operand",
+ Expr);
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ -- LRM93 7.3.5
+ -- The type of the operand of a type conversion must be
+ -- determinable independent of the context (in particular,
+ -- independent of the target type).
+ Expr := Sem_Expression_Universal (Expr);
+ if Expr = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Expr) in Iir_Kinds_Allocator then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Expr) & " cannot be a type conversion operand",
+ Expr);
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ Set_Expression (Conv, Expr);
+ -- LRM93 7.4.1 Locally Static Primaries.
+ -- 9. a type conversion whose expression is a locally static expression.
+ -- LRM93 7.4.2 Globally Static Primaries.
+ -- 14. a type conversion whose expression is a globally static
+ -- expression.
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Staticness := Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr);
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Staticness := Min (Globally, Staticness);
+ end if;
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Conv, Staticness);
+ if not Are_Types_Closely_Related (Get_Type (Conv), Get_Type (Expr))
+ then
+ -- FIXME: should explain why the types are not closely related.
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("conversion not allowed between not closely related types",
+ Conv);
+ -- Avoid error storm in evaluation.
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Conv, None);
+ else
+ Check_Read (Expr);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Finish_Sem_Type_Conversion;
+ procedure Finish_Sem_Function_Specification (Name : Iir; Spec : Iir)
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ if not Maybe_Function_Call (Spec) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem (Disp_Node (Spec) & " requires parameters", Name);
+ Set_Named_Entity (Name, Null_Iir);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Res := Maybe_Insert_Function_Call (Name, Spec);
+ if Get_Kind (Res) /= Iir_Kind_Function_Call then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Finish_Sem_Function_Call (Res);
+ Set_Named_Entity (Name, Res);
+ end Finish_Sem_Function_Specification;
+ procedure Finish_Sem_Implicits (Name : Iir; Pfx : Iir)
+ is
+ Name_Pfx : Iir;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Pfx) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Object_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Element
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
+ Name_Pfx := Get_Prefix (Name);
+ if Is_Overload_List (Name_Pfx) then
+ Finish_Sem_Name (Name_Pfx, Pfx);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference =>
+ Finish_Sem_Implicits (Name, Get_Prefix (Pfx));
+ Finish_Sem_Dereference (Pfx);
+ when Iir_Kind_Dereference =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
+ if Get_Name_Staticness (Pfx) = Unknown then
+ Finish_Sem_Function_Call (Pfx);
+ else
+ Name_Pfx := Get_Prefix (Name);
+ if Is_Overload_List (Name_Pfx) then
+ Finish_Sem_Name (Name_Pfx, Pfx);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("finish_sem_implicits", Pfx);
+ end case;
+ end Finish_Sem_Implicits;
+ -- OBJ is an 'impure' object (variable, signal or file) referenced at
+ -- location LOC.
+ -- Check the pure rules.
+ procedure Sem_Check_Pure (Loc : Iir; Obj : Iir)
+ is
+ procedure Update_Impure_Depth (Subprg_Spec : Iir; Depth : Iir_Int32)
+ is
+ Bod : Iir;
+ begin
+ Bod := Get_Subprogram_Body (Subprg_Spec);
+ if Bod = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Depth < Get_Impure_Depth (Bod) then
+ Set_Impure_Depth (Bod, Depth);
+ end if;
+ end Update_Impure_Depth;
+ procedure Error_Pure (Subprg : Iir; Obj : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("reference to " & Disp_Node (Obj) & " violate pure rule for "
+ & Disp_Node (Subprg), Loc);
+ end Error_Pure;
+ Subprg : Iir := Sem_Stmts.Get_Current_Subprogram;
+ Subprg_Body : Iir;
+ Parent : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Apply only in subprograms.
+ if Subprg = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Subprg) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement =>
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ -- Exit now if already known as impure.
+ if Get_Purity_State (Subprg) = Impure then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
+ -- Exit now if impure.
+ if Get_Pure_Flag (Subprg) = False then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_check_pure", Subprg);
+ end case;
+ -- Not all objects are impure.
+ case Get_Kind (Obj) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
+ -- LRM 93 2.2
+ -- If a pure function is the parent of a given procedure, then
+ -- that procedure must not contain a reference to an explicitly
+ -- declared file object [...]
+ --
+ -- A pure function must not contain a reference to an explicitly
+ -- declared file.
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std > Vhdl_93c then
+ if Get_Kind (Subprg) = Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration then
+ Error_Pure (Subprg, Obj);
+ else
+ Set_Purity_State (Subprg, Impure);
+ Set_Impure_Depth (Get_Subprogram_Body (Subprg),
+ Iir_Depth_Impure);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ -- OBJ is declared in the immediate declarative part of the subprogram.
+ Parent := Get_Parent (Obj);
+ Subprg_Body := Get_Subprogram_Body (Subprg);
+ if Parent = Subprg or else Parent = Subprg_Body then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Function.
+ if Get_Kind (Subprg) = Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration then
+ Error_Pure (Subprg, Obj);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Parent) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement
+ | Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body =>
+ -- The procedure is impure.
+ Set_Purity_State (Subprg, Impure);
+ Set_Impure_Depth (Subprg_Body, Iir_Depth_Impure);
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
+ Update_Impure_Depth
+ (Subprg,
+ Get_Subprogram_Depth (Get_Subprogram_Specification (Parent)));
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ Update_Impure_Depth (Subprg, Get_Subprogram_Depth (Parent));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_check_pure(2)", Parent);
+ end case;
+ end Sem_Check_Pure;
+ procedure Finish_Sem_Name (Name : Iir; Res : Iir)
+ is
+ Pfx : Iir;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Res) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit =>
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Object_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion =>
+ Finish_Sem_Type_Conversion (Res);
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Element
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Dereference =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
+ Finish_Sem_Function_Call (Res);
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kinds_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ --declare
+ -- Nres : Iir;
+ --begin
+ -- Nres := Sem_As_Function_Call (Res, Null_Iir, Name);
+ -- Set_Named_Entity (Name, Nres);
+ -- Finish_Sem_Function_Call (Nres);
+ --end;
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Length_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ Finish_Sem_Array_Attribute (Res, Null_Iir);
+ return;
+-- when Iir_Kind_Pos_Attribute =>
+-- if Get_Parameter (Res) = Null_Iir then
+-- Finish_Sem_Scalar_Type_Attribute (Res, Null_Iir);
+-- end if;
+-- return;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("finish_sem_name", Res);
+ end case;
+ Pfx := Get_Prefix (Res);
+ Finish_Sem_Implicits (Name, Pfx);
+ case Get_Kind (Res) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name =>
+ Finish_Sem_Indexed_Name (Res);
+ when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
+ Finish_Sem_Slice_Name (Res);
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Element =>
+ Set_Name_Staticness (Res, Get_Name_Staticness (Pfx));
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, Get_Expr_Staticness (Pfx));
+ Set_Base_Name (Res, Get_Base_Name (Pfx));
+ when Iir_Kind_Dereference =>
+ Finish_Sem_Dereference (Res);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("finish_sem_name(2)", Res);
+ end case;
+ end Finish_Sem_Name;
+ -- LRM93 §6.2
+ -- The evaluation of a simple name has no other effect than to determine
+ -- the named entity denoted by the name.
+ --
+ -- NAME may be a string literal too.
+ -- GHDL: set interpretation of NAME (possibly an overload list).
+ -- If SOFT is TRUE, then no error message is reported in case of failure.
+ procedure Sem_Simple_Name (Name : Iir; Keep_Alias : Boolean; Soft : Boolean)
+ is
+ Interpretation: Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ Res: Iir;
+ Res_List : Iir_List;
+ N : Natural;
+ begin
+ Interpretation := Get_Interpretation (Get_Identifier (Name));
+ if not Valid_Interpretation (Interpretation) then
+ if not Soft then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("no declaration for """ & Image_Identifier (Name) & """", Name);
+ end if;
+ Res := Error_Mark;
+ elsif not Valid_Interpretation (Get_Next_Interpretation (Interpretation))
+ then
+ -- not overloaded.
+ Res := Get_Declaration (Interpretation);
+ if not Keep_Alias
+ and then Get_Kind (Res) = Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ then
+ Res := Get_Name (Res);
+ end if;
+ if not Get_Visible_Flag (Res) then
+ if not Soft then
+ Error_Msg_Sem (Disp_Node (Res) & " is not visible here", Name);
+ end if;
+ -- Even if a named entity was found, return an error_mark.
+ -- Indeed, the named entity found is certainly the one being
+ -- semantized, and the semantization may be uncomplete.
+ Res := Error_Mark;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Res_List := Create_Iir_List;
+ N := 0;
+ -- The SEEN_FLAG is used to get only one meaning which can be reached
+ -- through several pathes (such as aliases).
+ while Valid_Interpretation (Interpretation) loop
+ Res := Get_Declaration (Interpretation);
+ if not Keep_Alias
+ and then Get_Kind (Res) = Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ then
+ Res := Get_Name (Res);
+ end if;
+ if not Get_Seen_Flag (Res) then
+ Set_Seen_Flag (Res, True);
+ N := N + 1;
+ Append_Element (Res_List, Res);
+ end if;
+ Interpretation := Get_Next_Interpretation (Interpretation);
+ end loop;
+ for I in 0 .. N - 1 loop
+ Res := Get_Nth_Element (Res_List, I);
+ Set_Seen_Flag (Res, False);
+ end loop;
+ Res := Create_Overload_List (Res_List);
+ end if;
+ Set_Named_Entity (Name, Res);
+ end Sem_Simple_Name;
+ -- LRM93 §6.3
+ -- Selected Names.
+ procedure Sem_Selected_Name (Name: Iir; Keep_Alias : Boolean)
+ is
+ Prefix: Iir;
+ Suffix: Name_Id;
+ Prefix_Loc : Location_Type;
+ Res : Iir;
+ procedure Sem_As_Expanded_Name (Sub_Name : Iir)
+ is
+ Sub_Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Get_Is_Within_Flag (Sub_Name) = True then
+ Sub_Res := Find_Declarations_In_List (Sub_Name, Name, Keep_Alias);
+ if Sub_Res /= Null_Iir then
+ Add_Result (Res, Sub_Res);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Sem_As_Expanded_Name;
+ -- LRM93 §6.3
+ -- For a selected name that is used to denote a record element,
+ -- the suffix must be a simple name denoting an element of a
+ -- record object or value. The prefix must be appropriate for the
+ -- type of this object or value.
+ procedure Sem_As_Selected_Element (Sub_Name : Iir)
+ is
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ Ptr_Type : Iir;
+ Rec_El : Iir;
+ R : Iir;
+ Se : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- FIXME: if not is_expr (sub_name) return.
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Sub_Name));
+ if Get_Kind (Base_Type) = Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
+ then
+ Ptr_Type := Base_Type;
+ Base_Type :=
+ Get_Base_Type (Get_Designated_Type (Base_Type));
+ else
+ Ptr_Type := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Base_Type) /= Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Rec_El := Find_Name_In_Chain
+ (Get_Element_Declaration_Chain (Base_Type), Suffix);
+ if Rec_El = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if not Maybe_Function_Call (Sub_Name) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ R := Maybe_Insert_Function_Call (Name, Sub_Name);
+ R := Maybe_Insert_Dereference (R, Ptr_Type);
+ Se := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Selected_Element);
+ Location_Copy (Se, Name);
+ Set_Prefix (Se, R);
+ Set_Type (Se, Get_Type (Rec_El));
+ Set_Selected_Element (Se, Rec_El);
+ Set_Base_Name (Se, Get_Base_Name (R));
+ Add_Result (Res, Se);
+ end Sem_As_Selected_Element;
+ procedure Error_Selected_Element (Prefix_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Prefix_Type);
+ if Get_Kind (Base_Type) = Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition then
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Get_Designated_Type (Base_Type));
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Base_Type) /= Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Prefix) & " does not designate a record", Name);
+ else
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("no element """ & Name_Table.Image (Suffix)
+ & """ in " & Disp_Node (Base_Type), Name);
+ end if;
+ end Error_Selected_Element;
+ procedure Sem_As_Method_Call (Sub_Name : Iir)
+ is
+ Prot_Type : Iir;
+ Method : Iir;
+ begin
+ Prot_Type := Get_Type (Sub_Name);
+ Method := Find_Name_In_Chain
+ (Get_Declaration_Chain (Prot_Type), Suffix);
+ if Method = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("no method " & Name_Table.Image (Suffix) & " in "
+ & Disp_Node (Prot_Type), Name);
+ return;
+ else
+ Add_Result (Res, Method);
+ end if;
+-- case Get_Kind (Method) is
+-- when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
+-- Call := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Function_Call);
+-- Set_Type (Call, Get_Return_Type (Method));
+-- Set_Base_Name (Call, Call);
+-- when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+-- Call := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call);
+-- when others =>
+-- Error_Kind ("sem_as_method_call", Method);
+-- end case;
+-- Location_Copy (Call, Sub_Name);
+-- Set_Implementation (Call, Method);
+-- --Set_Parameter_Association_Chain (Call, Xx);
+-- Add_Result (Res, Call);
+ end Sem_As_Method_Call;
+ begin
+ Prefix := Get_Prefix (Name);
+ Prefix_Loc := Get_Location (Prefix);
+ Sem_Name (Prefix, False);
+ Prefix := Get_Named_Entity (Prefix);
+ if Prefix = Error_Mark then
+ Set_Named_Entity (Name, Prefix);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Suffix := Get_Suffix_Identifier (Name);
+ Res := Null_Iir;
+ -- FIXME: do better.
+ --
+ case Get_Kind (Prefix) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Overload_List =>
+ -- LRM93 6.3
+ -- If, according to the visibility rules, there is at
+ -- least one possible interpretation of the prefix of a
+ -- selected name as the name of an enclosing entity
+ -- interface, architecture, subprogram, block statement,
+ -- process statement, generate statement, or loop
+ -- statement, then the only interpretations considered are
+ -- those of the immediately preceding paragraph.
+ --
+ -- In this case, the selected name is always interpreted
+ -- as an expanded name. In particular, no interpretations
+ -- of the prefix as a function call are considered.
+ declare
+ Prefix_List : Iir_List;
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ Prefix_List := Get_Overload_List (Prefix);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (Prefix_List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Sem_As_Expanded_Name (El);
+ end loop;
+ if Res /= Null_Iir then
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (Prefix_List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Sem_As_Selected_Element (El);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("no suffix """ & Name_Table.Image (Suffix)
+ & """ for overloaded selected name", Name);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration =>
+ -- LRM93 6.3
+ -- An expanded name denotes a primary unit constained in a design
+ -- library if the prefix denotes the library and the suffix is the
+ -- simple name if a primary unit whose declaration is contained
+ -- in that library.
+ -- An expanded name is not allowed for a secondary unit,
+ -- particularly for an architecture body.
+ -- GHDL: FIXME: error message more explicite
+ Res := Libraries.Load_Primary_Unit (Prefix, Suffix, Name);
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("primary unit """ & Name_Table.Image (Suffix)
+ & """ not found in " & Disp_Node (Prefix), Name);
+ else
+ Sem.Add_Dependence (Res);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Design_Unit
+-- | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+-- | Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+-- | Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement =>
+ -- LRM93 §6.3
+ -- An expanded name denotes a named entity declared immediatly
+ -- within a named construct if the prefix that is an entity
+ -- interface, an architecture, a subprogram, a block statement,
+ -- a process statement, a generate statement, or a loop
+ -- statement, and the suffix is the simple name, character
+ -- literal, or operator symbol of an named entity whose
+ -- declaration occurs immediatly within that construct.
+ if Get_Kind (Prefix) = Iir_Kind_Design_Unit then
+ Libraries.Load_Design_Unit (Prefix, Name);
+ Sem.Add_Dependence (Prefix);
+ Prefix := Get_Library_Unit (Prefix);
+ -- Modified only for xrefs, since a design_unit points to
+ -- the first context clause, while a library unit points to
+ -- the identifier.
+ Set_Named_Entity (Get_Prefix (Name), Prefix);
+ end if;
+ Res := Find_Declarations_In_List (Prefix, Name, Keep_Alias);
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("no declaration for """ & Name_Table.Image (Suffix)
+ & """ in " & Disp_Node (Prefix), Name);
+ else
+ -- LRM93 §6.3
+ -- This form of expanded name is only allowed within the
+ -- construct itself.
+ if Get_Kind (Prefix) /= Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ and then not Get_Is_Within_Flag (Prefix)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("this expanded name is only allowed within the construct",
+ Prefix_Loc);
+ -- Hum, keep res.
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
+ Sem_As_Expanded_Name (Prefix);
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Sem_As_Selected_Element (Prefix);
+ end if;
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Selected_Element (Get_Return_Type (Prefix));
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Object_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Element
+ | Iir_Kind_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value =>
+ if Get_Kind (Get_Type (Prefix))
+ = Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ then
+ Sem_As_Method_Call (Prefix);
+ else
+ Sem_As_Selected_Element (Prefix);
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Selected_Element (Get_Type (Prefix));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Prefix) & " cannot be selected by name", Prefix_Loc);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_selected_name(2)", Prefix);
+ end case;
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Res := Error_Mark;
+ elsif not Is_Overload_List (Res) then
+ -- Finish sem
+ Finish_Sem_Name (Name, Res);
+ end if;
+ Set_Named_Entity (Name, Res);
+ end Sem_Selected_Name;
+ -- If ASSOC_LIST has one element, which is an expression without formal,
+ -- return the actual, else return NULL_IIR.
+ function Get_One_Actual (Assoc_Chain : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Assoc : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Assoc_Chain = Null_Iir or else Get_Chain (Assoc_Chain) /= Null_Iir
+ then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Assoc := Assoc_Chain;
+ if Get_Kind (Assoc) /= Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Formal (Assoc) /= Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ return Get_Actual (Assoc);
+ end Get_One_Actual;
+ function Slice_Or_Index (Actual : Iir) return Iir_Kind
+ is
+ begin
+ -- But it may be a slice name.
+ case Get_Kind (Actual) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
+ return Iir_Kind_Slice_Name;
+ when others =>
+ if Is_Range_Attribute_Name (Actual) then
+ return Iir_Kind_Slice_Name;
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ -- By default, this is an indexed name.
+ return Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name;
+ end Slice_Or_Index;
+ function Sem_Index_Specification (Name : Iir_Parenthesis_Name; Itype : Iir)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Actual : Iir;
+ Kind : Iir_Kind;
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ Actual := Get_One_Actual (Get_Association_Chain (Name));
+ if Actual = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("only one index specification is allowed", Name);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Actual) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ Sem_Name (Actual, False);
+ Actual := Get_Named_Entity (Actual);
+ -- FIXME: semantization to be finished.
+ --Maybe_Finish_Sem_Name (Actual);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Kind := Slice_Or_Index (Actual);
+ Res := Create_Iir (Kind);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Name);
+ case Kind is
+ when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name =>
+ Actual := Sem_Expression (Actual, Itype);
+ if Actual = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Check_Read (Actual);
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Actual) < Globally then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("index must be a static expression", Name);
+ end if;
+ Set_Index_List (Res, Create_Iir_List);
+ Append_Element (Get_Index_List (Res), Actual);
+ when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
+ Actual := Sem_Discrete_Range_Expression (Actual, Itype);
+ if Actual = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Discrete_Range_Staticness (Actual) < Globally then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("index must be a static expression", Name);
+ end if;
+ Set_Suffix (Res, Actual);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ return Res;
+ end Sem_Index_Specification;
+ procedure Sem_Parenthesis_Name (Name : Iir_Parenthesis_Name)
+ is
+ Prefix: Iir;
+ Prefix_Name : Iir;
+ Res : Iir;
+ Assoc_Chain : Iir;
+ Slice_Index_Kind : Iir_Kind;
+ procedure Index_Or_Not
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ Slice_Index_Kind := Iir_Kind_Error;
+ El := Assoc_Chain;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression =>
+ if Get_Formal (El) /= Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ -- Only expression are allowed.
+ return;
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ Slice_Index_Kind := Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name;
+ end Index_Or_Not;
+ -- If FINISH is TRUE, then display error message in case of error.
+ function Sem_As_Indexed_Or_Slice_Name (Sub_Name : Iir; Finish : Boolean)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ Ptr_Type : Iir;
+ P : Iir;
+ R : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Slice_Index_Kind = Iir_Kind_Error then
+ if Finish then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("prefix is not a function name", Name);
+ end if;
+ -- No way.
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ -- Only prefixes can be indexed or sliced.
+ -- Catch errors such as slice of a type conversion.
+ if not Is_Object_Name (Sub_Name)
+ and then Get_Kind (Sub_Name) not in Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration
+ then
+ if Finish then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("prefix is not a name (found "
+ & Disp_Node (Sub_Name) & ")", Name);
+ end if;
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ -- Extract type of prefix, handle possible implicit deference.
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Sub_Name));
+ if Get_Kind (Base_Type) = Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
+ then
+ Ptr_Type := Base_Type;
+ Base_Type :=
+ Get_Base_Type (Get_Designated_Type (Base_Type));
+ else
+ Ptr_Type := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Base_Type) /= Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition then
+ if Finish then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("type of prefix is not an array", Name);
+ end if;
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Nbr_Elements (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Base_Type)) /=
+ Get_Chain_Length (Assoc_Chain)
+ then
+ if Finish then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("number of indexes mismatches array dimension", Name);
+ end if;
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if not Maybe_Function_Call (Sub_Name) then
+ if Finish then
+ -- Should not happen.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ P := Maybe_Insert_Function_Call (Prefix_Name, Sub_Name);
+ P := Maybe_Insert_Dereference (P, Ptr_Type);
+ R := Create_Iir (Slice_Index_Kind);
+ Location_Copy (R, Name);
+ Set_Prefix (R, P);
+ case Slice_Index_Kind is
+ when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
+ Set_Suffix (R, Get_Actual (Assoc_Chain));
+ Set_Type (R, Get_Type (P));
+ when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name =>
+ declare
+ Idx_El : Iir;
+ Idx_List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Idx_List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Set_Index_List (R, Idx_List);
+ Idx_El := Assoc_Chain;
+ while Idx_El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Append_Element (Idx_List, Get_Actual (Idx_El));
+ Idx_El := Get_Chain (Idx_El);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ Set_Type (R, Get_Element_Subtype (Base_Type));
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ return R;
+ end Sem_As_Indexed_Or_Slice_Name;
+ Actual : Iir;
+ Actual_Expr : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- The prefix is a function name, a type mark or an array.
+ Prefix_Name := Get_Prefix (Name);
+ Sem_Name (Prefix_Name, False);
+ Prefix := Get_Named_Entity (Prefix_Name);
+ if Prefix = Error_Mark then
+ Set_Named_Entity (Name, Error_Mark);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Res := Null_Iir;
+ Assoc_Chain := Get_Association_Chain (Name);
+ Actual := Get_One_Actual (Assoc_Chain);
+ if Actual /= Null_Iir
+ and then
+ (Get_Kind (Actual) = Iir_Kind_Range_Expression
+ or else
+ (Get_Kind (Actual) = Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name
+ and then (Get_Attribute_Identifier (Actual) = Std_Names.Name_Range
+ or else
+ Get_Attribute_Identifier (Actual)
+ = Std_Names.Name_Reverse_Range)))
+ then
+ -- A slice.
+ Slice_Index_Kind := Iir_Kind_Slice_Name;
+ Add_Result (Res, Sem_As_Indexed_Or_Slice_Name (Prefix, True));
+ elsif Actual /= Null_Iir
+ and then (Get_Kind (Prefix) = Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ or else Get_Kind (Prefix) = Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration)
+ then
+ -- A type conversion
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Name);
+ Set_Type_Mark (Res, Prefix);
+ Set_Type (Res, Get_Type (Prefix));
+ Set_Expression (Res, Actual);
+ else
+ if Actual /= Null_Iir
+ and then (Get_Kind (Actual) = Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ or Get_Kind (Actual) = Iir_Kind_Selected_Name)
+ then
+ Sem_Name (Actual, False);
+ Actual_Expr := Get_Named_Entity (Actual);
+ if Actual_Expr = Error_Mark then
+ Set_Named_Entity (Name, Actual_Expr);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Decides between sliced or indexed name to actual.
+ Slice_Index_Kind := Slice_Or_Index (Actual_Expr);
+ else
+ Index_Or_Not;
+ end if;
+ if Slice_Index_Kind /= Iir_Kind_Slice_Name then
+ if Sem_Actual_Of_Association_Chain (Assoc_Chain) = False then
+ Actual := Null_Iir;
+ else
+ Actual := Get_One_Actual (Assoc_Chain);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Prefix) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Overload_List =>
+ declare
+ El : Iir;
+ Used : Boolean;
+ R : Iir;
+ Match : Boolean;
+ Prefix_List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Prefix_List := Get_Overload_List (Prefix);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (Prefix_List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Used := False;
+ if Get_Kind (El) in Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration then
+ Sem_Association_Chain
+ (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (El),
+ Assoc_Chain, False, Missing_Parameter, Name, Match);
+ if Match then
+ Add_Result
+ (Res, Sem_As_Function_Call (Prefix_Name, El,
+ Assoc_Chain));
+ Used := True;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (El) not in Iir_Kinds_Procedure_Declaration
+ then
+ R := Sem_As_Indexed_Or_Slice_Name (El, False);
+ if R /= Null_Iir then
+ Add_Result (Res, R);
+ Used := True;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if not Used then
+ Sem_Name_Free_Result (El, Null_Iir);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("prefix is neither a function name "
+ & "nor can it be sliced or indexed", Name);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration =>
+ Add_Result (Res, Sem_As_Function_Call (Prefix_Name,
+ Prefix, Assoc_Chain));
+ Add_Result (Res, Sem_As_Indexed_Or_Slice_Name (Prefix, False));
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("prefix is neither a function name "
+ & "nor can it be sliced or indexed", Name);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Object_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Element
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
+ Add_Result (Res, Sem_As_Indexed_Or_Slice_Name (Prefix, True));
+ when Iir_Kinds_Array_Attribute =>
+ if Actual /= Null_Iir then
+ Finish_Sem_Array_Attribute (Prefix, Actual);
+ Set_Named_Entity (Name, Prefix);
+ else
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("bad attribute parameter", Name);
+ Set_Named_Entity (Name, Error_Mark);
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Image_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Value_Attribute =>
+ if Actual /= Null_Iir then
+ Finish_Sem_Scalar_Type_Attribute (Prefix, Actual);
+ Set_Named_Entity (Name, Prefix);
+ else
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("bad attribute parameter", Name);
+ Set_Named_Entity (Name, Error_Mark);
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("subprogram name is a type mark (missing apostrophe)", Name);
+ when Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute =>
+ if Actual /= Null_Iir then
+ Finish_Sem_Signal_Attribute (Prefix, Actual);
+ Set_Named_Entity (Name, Prefix);
+ else
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("bad attribute parameter", Name);
+ Set_Named_Entity (Name, Error_Mark);
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("function name is a procedure", Name);
+ when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Prefix) & " cannot be indexed or sliced", Name);
+ Res := Null_Iir;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_parenthesis_name", Prefix);
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Res := Error_Mark;
+ elsif not Is_Overload_List (Res) then
+ Finish_Sem_Name (Name, Res);
+ end if;
+ Set_Named_Entity (Name, Res);
+ end Sem_Parenthesis_Name;
+ procedure Sem_Selected_By_All_Name (Name : Iir_Selected_By_All_Name)
+ is
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ Res : Iir;
+ procedure Sem_As_Selected_By_All_Name (Sub_Name : Iir)
+ is
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ R : Iir;
+ begin
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Sub_Name));
+ if Get_Kind (Base_Type) /= Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ R := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Dereference);
+ Location_Copy (R, Name);
+ Set_Prefix (R, Sub_Name);
+ -- FIXME: access subtype.
+ Set_Type (R, Get_Designated_Type (Base_Type));
+ Add_Result (Res, R);
+ end Sem_As_Selected_By_All_Name;
+ begin
+ Prefix := Get_Prefix (Name);
+ Sem_Name (Prefix, True);
+ Prefix := Get_Named_Entity (Prefix);
+ if Prefix = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Res := Null_Iir;
+ case Get_Kind (Prefix) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Object_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Element
+ | Iir_Kind_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name =>
+ Sem_As_Selected_By_All_Name (Prefix);
+ when Iir_Kind_Error =>
+ Set_Named_Entity (Name, Error_Mark);
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_selected_by_all_name", Prefix);
+ end case;
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("prefix is not an access", Name);
+ Res := Error_Mark;
+ elsif not Is_Overload_List (Res) then
+ Finish_Sem_Name (Name, Res);
+ end if;
+ Set_Named_Entity (Name, Res);
+ end Sem_Selected_By_All_Name;
+ function Sem_Base_Attribute (Attr : Iir_Attribute_Name) return Iir
+ is
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ Res : Iir;
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ Type_Decl : Iir;
+ begin
+ Prefix := Get_Named_Entity (Get_Prefix (Attr));
+ case Get_Kind (Prefix) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("prefix of 'base attribute must be a type or a subtype", Attr);
+ return Error_Mark;
+ end case;
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Base_Attribute);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Attr);
+ Set_Prefix (Res, Prefix);
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Prefix));
+ Type_Decl := Get_Type_Declarator (Base_Type);
+ if Get_Kind (Type_Decl) = Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration then
+ Base_Type := Get_Subtype_Definition (Type_Decl);
+ end if;
+ Set_Type (Res, Base_Type);
+ return Res;
+ end Sem_Base_Attribute;
+ function Sem_User_Attribute (Attr : Iir_Attribute_Name) return Iir
+ is
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ Value : Iir;
+ Attr_Id : Name_Id;
+ Spec : Iir_Attribute_Specification;
+ begin
+ Prefix := Get_Named_Entity (Get_Prefix (Attr));
+ -- LRM93 6.6
+ -- If the attribute name denotes an alias, then the attribute name
+ -- denotes an attribute of the aliased name and not the alias itself,
+ -- except when the attribute designator denotes any of the predefined
+ -- attributes 'simple_name, 'path_name, or 'instance_name.
+ if Get_Kind (Prefix) = Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration then
+ -- GHDL: according to 4.3.3, the name cannot be an alias.
+ Prefix := Get_Name (Prefix);
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93 6.6
+ -- If the attribute designator denotes a user-defined attribute, the
+ -- prefix cannot denote a subelement or a slice of an object.
+ case Get_Kind (Prefix) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("prefix of user defined attribute cannot be an "
+ & "object subelement", Attr);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Object_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Design_Unit
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kinds_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kinds_Sequential_Statement
+ | Iir_Kinds_Concurrent_Statement =>
+ -- FIXME: to complete
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_user_attribute", Prefix);
+ end case;
+ Attr_Id := Get_Attribute_Identifier (Attr);
+ Value := Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Prefix);
+ while Value /= Null_Iir loop
+ Spec := Get_Attribute_Specification (Value);
+ exit when Get_Identifier (Get_Attribute_Designator (Spec)) = Attr_Id;
+ Value := Get_Chain (Value);
+ end loop;
+ if Value = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Prefix) & " was not annotated with attribute '"
+ & Name_Table.Image (Attr_Id) & ''', Attr);
+ if Attr_Id = Std_Names.Name_First or Attr_Id = Std_Names.Name_Last
+ then
+ -- Nice (?) message for Ada users.
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("(you may use 'high, 'low, 'left or 'right attribute)", Attr);
+ end if;
+ return Error_Mark;
+ end if;
+ Xref_Ref (Attr, Value);
+ return Value;
+ end Sem_User_Attribute;
+ function Sem_Scalar_Type_Attribute (Attr : Iir_Attribute_Name)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ use Std_Names;
+ Prefix_Name : Iir;
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ Prefix_Type : Iir;
+ Res : Iir;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Id := Get_Attribute_Identifier (Attr);
+ Prefix_Name := Get_Prefix (Attr);
+ Prefix := Get_Named_Entity (Prefix_Name);
+ -- LRM93 14.1
+ -- Prefix: Any discrete or physical type of subtype T.
+ case Get_Kind (Prefix) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Base_Attribute =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("prefix of '" & Name_Table.Image (Id)
+ & " attribute must be a type", Attr);
+ return Error_Mark;
+ end case;
+ Prefix_Type := Get_Type (Prefix);
+ case Id is
+ when Name_Image
+ | Name_Value =>
+ if Get_Kind (Prefix_Type) not in Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Type_Definition
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("prefix of '" & Name_Table.Image (Id)
+ & " attribute must be a scalar type", Attr);
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("found " & Disp_Node (Prefix_Type)
+ & " defined at " & Disp_Location (Prefix_Type), Attr);
+ return Error_Mark;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ case Get_Kind (Prefix_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Discrete_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("prefix of '" & Name_Table.Image (Id)
+ & " attribute must be discrete or physical type", Attr);
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("found " & Disp_Node (Prefix_Type)
+ & " defined at " & Disp_Location (Prefix_Type), Attr);
+ return Error_Mark;
+ end case;
+ end case;
+ -- Create the resulting node.
+ case Get_Attribute_Identifier (Attr) is
+ when Name_Pos =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Pos_Attribute);
+ when Name_Val =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Val_Attribute);
+ when Name_Succ =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Succ_Attribute);
+ when Name_Pred =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Pred_Attribute);
+ when Name_Leftof =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Leftof_Attribute);
+ when Name_Rightof =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Rightof_Attribute);
+ when Name_Image =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Image_Attribute);
+ when Name_Value =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Value_Attribute);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Location_Copy (Res, Attr);
+ Set_Prefix (Res, Prefix);
+ case Get_Attribute_Identifier (Attr) is
+ when Name_Pos =>
+ -- LRM93 14.1
+ -- Result type: universal_integer.
+ Set_Type (Res, Convertible_Integer_Type_Definition);
+ when Name_Val =>
+ -- LRM93 14.1
+ -- Result type: the base type of T
+ Set_Type (Res, Get_Base_Type (Prefix_Type));
+ when Name_Succ
+ | Name_Pred
+ | Name_Leftof
+ | Name_Rightof =>
+ -- LRM93 14.1
+ -- Result type: the base type of T.
+ Set_Type (Res, Get_Base_Type (Prefix_Type));
+ when Name_Image =>
+ -- LRM93 14.1
+ -- Result type: type string
+ Set_Type (Res, String_Type_Definition);
+ when Name_Value =>
+ -- LRM93 14.1
+ -- Result type: the base type of T.
+ Set_Type (Res, Get_Base_Type (Prefix_Type));
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ return Res;
+ end Sem_Scalar_Type_Attribute;
+ -- Sem attributes whose prefix is a type or a subtype.
+ function Sem_Predefined_Type_Attribute (Attr : Iir_Attribute_Name)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ use Std_Names;
+ Res : Iir;
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ Prefix_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ case Get_Attribute_Identifier (Attr) is
+ when Name_Left =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Left_Type_Attribute);
+ when Name_Right =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Right_Type_Attribute);
+ when Name_High =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_High_Type_Attribute);
+ when Name_Low =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Low_Type_Attribute);
+ when Name_Ascending =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Ascending_Type_Attribute);
+ when Name_Range
+ | Name_Reverse_Range =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("prefix of range attribute must be an array type or object",
+ Attr);
+ return Error_Mark;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Location_Copy (Res, Attr);
+ Prefix := Get_Named_Entity (Get_Prefix (Attr));
+ Set_Prefix (Res, Prefix);
+ Prefix_Type := Get_Type (Prefix);
+ case Get_Attribute_Identifier (Attr) is
+ when Name_Ascending =>
+ -- LRM93 14.1
+ -- Result Type: type boolean.
+ Set_Type (Res, Boolean_Type_Definition);
+ when others =>
+ -- LRM 14.1
+ -- Result Type: Same type as T.
+ Set_Type (Res, Prefix_Type);
+ end case;
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, Get_Type_Staticness (Prefix_Type));
+ return Res;
+ end Sem_Predefined_Type_Attribute;
+ -- Called for attributes Length, Left, Right, High, Low, Range,
+ -- Reverse_Range, Ascending.
+ function Sem_Array_Attribute (Attr : Iir_Attribute_Name) return Iir
+ is
+ use Std_Names;
+ Prefix: Iir;
+ Prefix_Type : Iir;
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ Prefix := Get_Named_Entity (Get_Prefix (Attr));
+ -- LRM93 14.1
+ -- Prefix: Any prefix A that is appropriate for an array object, or an
+ -- alias thereof, or that denotes a constrained array subtype.
+ case Get_Kind (Prefix) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kinds_Object_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Call
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Element
+ | Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value
+ | Iir_Kind_Image_Attribute =>
+ -- FIXME: list of expr.
+ Prefix_Type := Get_Type (Prefix);
+ case Get_Kind (Prefix_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition =>
+ declare
+ Designated_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Designated_Type :=
+ Get_Designated_Type (Get_Base_Type (Prefix_Type));
+ Prefix := Insert_Implicit_Dereference (Prefix, Attr);
+ Prefix_Type := Designated_Type;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("object prefix must be an array", Attr);
+ return Error_Mark;
+ end case;
+-- when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+-- Prefix_Type := Prefix;
+-- when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
+-- Error_Type;
+-- return Null_Iir;
+ when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Base_Attribute =>
+ Prefix_Type := Get_Type (Prefix);
+ if Get_Kind (Prefix_Type)
+ in Iir_Kinds_Unconstrained_Array_Type_Definition
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("prefix type is not constrained", Attr);
+ -- We continue using the unconstrained array type.
+ -- At least, this type is valid; and even if the array was
+ -- constrained, the base type would be the same.
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Prefix) & " is not an appropriate attribute prefix",
+ Attr);
+ return Error_Mark;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_array_attribute", Prefix);
+ end case;
+ case Get_Kind (Prefix_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Type_Definition =>
+ -- FIXME: check prefix is a scalar type or subtype.
+ return Sem_Predefined_Type_Attribute (Attr);
+ when Iir_Kinds_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("prefix of '"
+ & Name_Table.Image (Get_Attribute_Identifier (Attr))
+ & " attribute must denote a constrained array subtype",
+ Attr);
+ return Error_Mark;
+ end case;
+ case Get_Attribute_Identifier (Attr) is
+ when Name_Left =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Left_Array_Attribute);
+ when Name_Right =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Right_Array_Attribute);
+ when Name_High =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_High_Array_Attribute);
+ when Name_Low =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Low_Array_Attribute);
+ when Name_Range =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute);
+ when Name_Reverse_Range =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute);
+ when Name_Length =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Length_Array_Attribute);
+ Set_Type (Res, Convertible_Integer_Type_Definition);
+ when Name_Ascending =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Ascending_Array_Attribute);
+ Set_Type (Res, Boolean_Type_Definition);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Location_Copy (Res, Attr);
+ Set_Prefix (Res, Prefix);
+ return Res;
+ end Sem_Array_Attribute;
+ function Sem_Signal_Signal_Attribute
+ (Attr : Iir_Attribute_Name; Kind : Iir_Kind)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ begin
+ Prefix := Get_Named_Entity (Get_Prefix (Attr));
+ Res := Create_Iir (Kind);
+ if Kind = Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute then
+ Set_Type (Res, Get_Type (Prefix));
+ elsif Kind = Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute then
+ Set_Type (Res, Bit_Type_Definition);
+ else
+ Set_Type (Res, Boolean_Type_Definition);
+ end if;
+ Set_Base_Name (Res, Res);
+-- Param := Get_Suffix (Attr);
+-- if Param /= Null_Iir then
+-- if Kind = Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute then
+-- Error_Msg_Sem ("'transaction does not allow a parameter", Attr);
+-- Param := Null_Iir;
+-- else
+-- Param := Sem_Expression
+-- (Param, Time_Subtype_Definition);
+-- Set_Parameter (Res, Param);
+-- end if;
+-- end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Prefix) = Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration then
+ case Get_Kind (Get_Parent (Prefix)) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("'" & Name_Table.Image (Get_Attribute_Identifier (Attr)) &
+ " is not allowed for a signal parameter", Attr);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ Sem_Stmts.Add_Declaration_For_Implicit_Signal (Res);
+ return Res;
+ end Sem_Signal_Signal_Attribute;
+ function Sem_Signal_Attribute (Attr : Iir_Attribute_Name) return Iir
+ is
+ use Std_Names;
+ Prefix: Iir;
+ Res : Iir;
+ Base : Iir;
+ begin
+ Prefix := Get_Named_Entity (Get_Prefix (Attr));
+ Base := Get_Base_Name (Prefix);
+ case Get_Kind (Base) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kinds_Signal_Attribute =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("prefix of '"
+ & Name_Table.Image (Get_Attribute_Identifier (Attr))
+ & " attribute must denote a signal", Attr);
+ return Error_Mark;
+ end case;
+ case Get_Attribute_Identifier (Attr) is
+ when Name_Stable =>
+ Res := Sem_Signal_Signal_Attribute
+ (Attr, Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute);
+ when Name_Quiet =>
+ Res := Sem_Signal_Signal_Attribute
+ (Attr, Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute);
+ when Name_Delayed =>
+ Res := Sem_Signal_Signal_Attribute
+ (Attr, Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute);
+ when Name_Transaction =>
+ Res := Sem_Signal_Signal_Attribute
+ (Attr, Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute);
+ when Name_Event =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Event_Attribute);
+ Set_Type (Res, Boolean_Type_Definition);
+ when Name_Active =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Active_Attribute);
+ Set_Type (Res, Boolean_Type_Definition);
+ when Name_Last_Value =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Last_Value_Attribute);
+ Set_Type (Res, Get_Type (Prefix));
+ when Name_Last_Event =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Last_Event_Attribute);
+ Set_Type (Res, Time_Type_Definition);
+ when Name_Last_Active =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Last_Active_Attribute);
+ Set_Type (Res, Time_Type_Definition);
+ when Name_Driving_Value =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Driving_Value_Attribute);
+ Set_Type (Res, Get_Type (Prefix));
+ -- FIXME: check restrictions.
+ when Name_Driving =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Driving_Attribute);
+ Set_Type (Res, Boolean_Type_Definition);
+ -- FIXME: check restrictions.
+ when others =>
+ -- Not yet implemented attribute, or really an internal error.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Location_Copy (Res, Attr);
+ -- LRM 4.3.2
+ -- The value of an object is said to be read when one of the following
+ -- conditions is satisfied:
+ -- [...]
+ -- * When the object is a signal and the value of any of its predefined
+ -- LRM 14.1
+ -- S'Driving Restrictions:
+ -- S'Driving_Value Restrictions:
+ -- This attribute is available only from within a process, a
+ -- concurrent statement with an equivalent process, or a subprogram.
+ -- If the prefix denotes a port, it is an error if the port does not
+ -- have a mode of INOUT, OUT or BUFFER. It is also an error if the
+ -- attribute name appears in a subprogram body that is not a declarative
+ -- item contained within a process statement and the prefix is not a
+ -- formal parameter of the given subprogram or of a parent of that
+ -- subprogram. Finally, it is an error if the prefix denotes a
+ -- subprogram formal parameter whose mode is not INOUT or OUT, or if
+ -- S'Driving is False at the time of the evaluation of S'Driving_Value.
+ case Get_Kind (Res) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Event_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Active_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Event_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Active_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Value_Attribute =>
+ Check_Read (Prefix);
+ when Iir_Kind_Driving_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Driving_Value_Attribute =>
+ -- FIXME: complete checks.
+ if Get_Current_Concurrent_Statement = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("'driving or 'driving_value is available only within a "
+ & "concurrent statement", Attr);
+ else
+ case Get_Kind (Get_Current_Concurrent_Statement) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("'driving or 'driving_value not available within "
+ & "this concurrent statement", Attr);
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Base) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ case Get_Mode (Base) is
+ when Iir_Buffer_Mode
+ | Iir_Inout_Mode
+ | Iir_Out_Mode =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("mode of 'driving or 'driving_value prefix must "
+ & "be out, inout or buffer", Attr);
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("bad prefix for 'driving or 'driving_value", Attr);
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ -- According to LRM 7.4, signal attributes are not static expressions
+ -- since the prefix (a signal) is not a static expression.
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, None);
+ -- LRM 6.1
+ -- A name is said to be a static name if and only if at least one of
+ -- the following conditions holds:
+ -- [...]
+ -- - The name is a attribute name whose prefix is a static signal name
+ -- and whose suffix is one of the predefined attributes 'DELAYED,
+ -- According to LRM 6.1, attributes are not static names.
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_93c or Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_02 then
+ case Get_Kind (Res) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute =>
+ Set_Name_Staticness (Res, Get_Name_Staticness (Prefix));
+ when others =>
+ Set_Name_Staticness (Res, None);
+ end case;
+ else
+ Set_Name_Staticness (Res, None);
+ end if;
+ Set_Prefix (Res, Prefix);
+ -- Set has_active_flag when activity is read.
+ case Get_Kind (Res) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Active_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Active_Attribute =>
+ Set_Has_Active_Flag (Base, True);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ return Res;
+ end Sem_Signal_Attribute;
+ -- 'Simple_name, 'instance_name and 'path_name.
+ function Sem_Name_Attribute (Attr : Iir_Attribute_Name) return Iir
+ is
+ use Std_Names;
+ Prefix: Iir;
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ Prefix := Get_Named_Entity (Get_Prefix (Attr));
+ -- LRM 14.1 Predefined attributes
+ -- Prefix: Any named entity as defined in 5.1
+ -- Prefix: Any named entity other than the local ports and generics
+ -- of a component declaration.
+ -- Prefix: Any named entity other than the local ports and generics
+ -- of a component declaration.
+ case Get_Kind (Prefix) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kinds_Concurrent_Statement
+ | Iir_Kinds_Sequential_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Design_Unit
+ | Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Attribute_Identifier (Attr) /= Name_Simple_Name
+ and then Get_Kind (Get_Parent (Prefix))
+ = Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("local ports or generics of a component cannot be a prefix",
+ Attr);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem (Disp_Node (Prefix) & " is not a named entity",
+ Attr);
+ end case;
+ case Get_Attribute_Identifier (Attr) is
+ when Name_Simple_Name =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Simple_Name_Attribute);
+ Eval_Simple_Name (Get_Identifier (Prefix));
+ Set_Simple_Name_Identifier (Res, Name_Table.Get_Identifier);
+ Set_Type (Res, Create_Unidim_Array_By_Length
+ (String_Type_Definition,
+ Iir_Int64 (Name_Table.Name_Length),
+ Attr));
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, Locally);
+ when Name_Path_Name =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Path_Name_Attribute);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, Globally);
+ Set_Type (Res, String_Type_Definition);
+ when Name_Instance_Name =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Instance_Name_Attribute);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, Globally);
+ Set_Type (Res, String_Type_Definition);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Location_Copy (Res, Attr);
+ Set_Prefix (Res, Prefix);
+ return Res;
+ end Sem_Name_Attribute;
+ procedure Sem_Attribute (Attr : Iir_Attribute_Name)
+ is
+ use Std_Names;
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ Res : Iir;
+ Sig : Iir_Signature;
+ begin
+ -- LRM93 6.6 Attribute names
+ -- The meaning of the prefix of an attribute name must be determinable
+ -- independently of the attribute designator and independently of the
+ -- fact that it is the prefix of an attribute.
+ Prefix := Get_Prefix (Attr);
+ -- LRM93 6.6
+ -- If the prefix of an attribute name denotes an alias, then the
+ -- attribute name denotes an attribute of the aliased name and not the
+ -- alias itself, except when the attribute designator denotes any of
+ -- the predefined attributes 'Simple_Name, 'Path_Name or 'Instance_Name.
+ -- If the prefix of an attribute name denotes an alias and the
+ -- attribute designator denotes any of the predefined attributes
+ -- 'Simple_Name, 'Path_Name or 'Instance_Name, then the attribute name
+ -- denotes the attribute of the alias and not of the aliased name.
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std > Vhdl_87
+ and then Get_Attribute_Identifier (Attr) in Name_Id_Name_Attributes
+ then
+ Sem_Name (Prefix, True);
+ else
+ Sem_Name (Prefix, False);
+ end if;
+ Prefix := Get_Named_Entity (Prefix);
+ if Prefix = Error_Mark then
+ Set_Named_Entity (Attr, Prefix);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93 6.6
+ -- A signature may follow the prefix if and only if the prefix denotes
+ -- a subprogram or enumeration literal, or an alias thereof.
+ -- In this case, the signature is required to match (see Section 2.3.2)
+ -- the parameter and result type profile of exactly one visible
+ -- subprogram or enumeration literal, as is appropriate to the prefix.
+ -- GHDL: this is done by Sem_Signature.
+ Sig := Get_Signature (Attr);
+ if Sig /= Null_Iir then
+ Prefix := Sem_Signature (Prefix, Sig);
+ if Prefix = Null_Iir then
+ Set_Named_Entity (Attr, Error_Mark);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Set_Named_Entity (Get_Prefix (Attr), Prefix);
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Prefix) = Iir_Kind_Overload_List then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("prefix of attribute is overloaded", Attr);
+ Set_Named_Entity (Attr, Error_Mark);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Attribute_Identifier (Attr) is
+ when Name_Base =>
+ Res := Sem_Base_Attribute (Attr);
+ when Name_Image
+ | Name_Value =>
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std > Vhdl_87 then
+ Res := Sem_Scalar_Type_Attribute (Attr);
+ else
+ Res := Sem_User_Attribute (Attr);
+ end if;
+ when Name_Pos
+ | Name_Val
+ | Name_Succ
+ | Name_Pred
+ | Name_Rightof
+ | Name_Leftof =>
+ Res := Sem_Scalar_Type_Attribute (Attr);
+ when Name_Length
+ | Name_Left
+ | Name_Right
+ | Name_High
+ | Name_Low
+ | Name_Range
+ | Name_Reverse_Range =>
+ Res := Sem_Array_Attribute (Attr);
+ when Name_Ascending =>
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std > Vhdl_87 then
+ Res := Sem_Array_Attribute (Attr);
+ else
+ Res := Sem_User_Attribute (Attr);
+ end if;
+ when Name_Stable
+ | Name_Event
+ | Name_Last_Value
+ | Name_Delayed
+ | Name_Quiet
+ | Name_Transaction
+ | Name_Active
+ | Name_Last_Active
+ | Name_Last_Event =>
+ Res := Sem_Signal_Attribute (Attr);
+ when Name_Driving
+ | Name_Driving_Value =>
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std > Vhdl_87 then
+ Res := Sem_Signal_Attribute (Attr);
+ else
+ Res := Sem_User_Attribute (Attr);
+ end if;
+ when Name_Simple_Name
+ | Name_Path_Name
+ | Name_Instance_Name =>
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std > Vhdl_87 then
+ Res := Sem_Name_Attribute (Attr);
+ else
+ Res := Sem_User_Attribute (Attr);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Res := Sem_User_Attribute (Attr);
+ end case;
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Kind ("sem_attribute", Attr);
+ end if;
+ Set_Named_Entity (Attr, Res);
+ end Sem_Attribute;
+ -- LRM93 §6
+ procedure Sem_Name (Name : Iir; Keep_Alias : Boolean)
+ is
+ begin
+ -- Exit now if NAME was already semantized.
+ if Get_Named_Entity (Name) /= Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Name) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Operator_Symbol =>
+ -- String_Literal may be a symbol_operator.
+ Sem_Simple_Name (Name, Keep_Alias, False);
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ Sem_Selected_Name (Name, Keep_Alias);
+ when Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name =>
+ Sem_Parenthesis_Name (Name);
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name =>
+ Sem_Selected_By_All_Name (Name);
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name =>
+ Sem_Attribute (Name);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_name", Name);
+ end case;
+ end Sem_Name;
+ -- Finish semantisation of NAME, if necessary.
+ procedure Maybe_Finish_Sem_Name (Name : Iir)
+ is
+ Expr : Iir;
+ begin
+ Expr := Get_Named_Entity (Name);
+ case Get_Kind (Expr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Error =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Object_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Check_Pure (Name, Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Element
+ | Iir_Kind_Dereference =>
+ declare
+ E : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Get over implicit and explicit dereferences.
+ E := Expr;
+ loop
+ E := Get_Base_Name (E);
+ if Get_Kind (E) in Iir_Kinds_Dereference then
+ E := Get_Prefix (E);
+ else
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Sem_Check_Pure (Name, E);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Call
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Type_Attribute =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Event_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Active_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Event_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Active_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Last_Value_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Driving_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Driving_Value_Attribute =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Path_Name_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Instance_Name_Attribute =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute =>
+ if Get_Parameter (Expr) = Null_Iir then
+ Finish_Sem_Signal_Attribute (Expr, Null_Iir);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Array_Attribute =>
+ if Get_Parameter (Expr) = Null_Iir then
+ Finish_Sem_Array_Attribute (Expr, Null_Iir);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Type_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Image_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Value_Attribute =>
+ if Get_Parameter (Expr) = Null_Iir then
+ Finish_Sem_Scalar_Type_Attribute (Expr, Null_Iir);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference =>
+ -- Should not happen.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
+ Finish_Sem_Function_Specification (Name, Expr);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("maybe_finish_sem_name", Expr);
+ end case;
+ end Maybe_Finish_Sem_Name;
+ procedure Sem_Name_Soft (Name : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ -- Exit now if NAME was already semantized.
+ if Get_Named_Entity (Name) /= Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Name) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Operator_Symbol =>
+ -- String_Literal may be a symbol_operator.
+ Sem_Simple_Name (Name, False, True);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_name_soft", Name);
+ end case;
+ end Sem_Name_Soft;
+ procedure Sem_Name_Clean (Name : Iir)
+ is
+ N : Iir;
+ Next_N : Iir;
+ Named_Entity : Iir;
+ Atype : Iir;
+ begin
+ N := Name;
+ while N /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (N) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Operator_Symbol =>
+ Next_N := Null_Iir;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_name_clean", N);
+ end case;
+ -- Clear and free overload lists of Named_entity and type.
+ Named_Entity := Get_Named_Entity (N);
+ Set_Named_Entity (N, Null_Iir);
+ if Named_Entity /= Null_Iir
+ and then Is_Overload_List (Named_Entity)
+ then
+ Free_Iir (Named_Entity);
+ end if;
+ Atype := Get_Type (N);
+ Set_Type (N, Null_Iir);
+ if Atype /= Null_Iir
+ and then Is_Overload_List (Atype)
+ then
+ Free_Iir (Atype);
+ end if;
+ N := Next_N;
+ end loop;
+ end Sem_Name_Clean;
+ -- Remove procedure specification from LIST.
+ function Remove_Procedures_From_List (Expr : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ P : Natural;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ if not Is_Overload_List (Expr) then
+ return Expr;
+ end if;
+ List := Get_Overload_List (Expr);
+ P := 0;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration =>
+ if Maybe_Function_Call (El) then
+ Replace_Nth_Element (List, P, El);
+ P := P + 1;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Replace_Nth_Element (List, P, El);
+ P := P + 1;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ case P is
+ when 0 =>
+ Free_Iir (Expr);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ when 1 =>
+ El := Get_First_Element (List);
+ Free_Iir (Expr);
+ return El;
+ when others =>
+ Set_Nbr_Elements (List, P);
+ return Expr;
+ end case;
+ end Remove_Procedures_From_List;
+ -- Convert name EXPR to an expression (ie, create function call).
+ -- A_TYPE is the expected type of the expression.
+ -- Returns NULL_IIR in case of error.
+ function Name_To_Expression (Name : Iir; A_Type : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Ret_Type : Iir;
+ Res_Type : Iir;
+ Expr : Iir;
+ Expr_List : Iir_List;
+ Res : Iir;
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ Expr := Get_Named_Entity (Name);
+ if Get_Kind (Expr) = Iir_Kind_Error then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Check_Is_Expression (Expr) = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ -- Note: EXPR may contain procedure names...
+ Expr := Remove_Procedures_From_List (Expr);
+ Set_Named_Entity (Name, Expr);
+ if Expr = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("procedure name " & Disp_Node (Name)
+ & " cannot be used as expression", Name);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if not Is_Overload_List (Expr) then
+ Maybe_Finish_Sem_Name (Name);
+ Expr := Get_Named_Entity (Name);
+ if Expr = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if A_Type /= Null_Iir then
+ Res_Type := Get_Type (Expr);
+ if Res_Type = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if not Are_Basetypes_Compatible (Get_Base_Type (Res_Type), A_Type)
+ then
+ Error_Not_Match (Expr, A_Type, Name);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ -- Fall through.
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- EXPR is an overloaded name.
+ Expr_List := Get_Overload_List (Expr);
+ if A_Type /= Null_Iir then
+ -- Find the name returning A_TYPE.
+ Res := Null_Iir;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (Expr_List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ if Are_Basetypes_Compatible (Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (El)),
+ A_Type)
+ then
+ Add_Result (Res, El);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Not_Match (Name, A_Type, Name);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ elsif Is_Overload_List (Res) then
+ Error_Overload (Name);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ else
+ Sem_Name_Free_Result (Expr, Res);
+ Set_Named_Entity (Name, Res);
+ Finish_Sem_Name (Name, Res);
+ Maybe_Finish_Sem_Name (Name);
+ Expr := Get_Named_Entity (Name);
+ -- Fall through.
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- Create a list of type.
+ Ret_Type := Create_List_Of_Types (Expr_List);
+ if Ret_Type = Null_Iir or else not Is_Overload_List (Ret_Type) then
+ -- There is either no types or one type for
+ -- several meanings.
+ Error_Overload (Name);
+ Disp_Overload_List (Expr_List, Name);
+ --Free_Iir (Ret_Type);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Set_Type (Name, Ret_Type);
+ return Name;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- NAME has only one meaning, which is EXPR.
+ Xref_Name (Name);
+ case Get_Kind (Name) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ --Set_Base_Name (Name, Get_Base_Name (Expr));
+ Set_Type (Name, Get_Type (Expr));
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Name, Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr));
+ --Set_Name_Staticness (Name, Get_Name_Staticness (Expr));
+ return Name;
+ when Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name =>
+ Free_Iir (Name);
+ return Expr;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("name_to_expression", Name);
+ end case;
+ end Name_To_Expression;
+ function Is_Object_Name (Name : Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Name) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Element
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Call
+ | Iir_Kinds_Signal_Attribute =>
+ return True;
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ return False;
+ when others =>
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ end Is_Object_Name;
+ function Name_To_Object (Name : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Name) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Element
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Call
+ | Iir_Kinds_Signal_Attribute =>
+ return Name;
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ return Name_To_Object (Get_Named_Entity (Name));
+ when others =>
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end case;
+ end Name_To_Object;
+ -- Find a uniq declaration for a name.
+ function Find_Declaration (Name: Iir; Kind: Decl_Kind_Type)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ procedure Error (Res : Iir; Str : String)
+ is
+ begin
+ Error_Msg_Sem (Str & " expected, found " & Disp_Node (Res), Name);
+ end Error;
+ function Check_Kind (Res: Iir; Kind : Iir_Kind; Str: String)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Res_Kind : Iir_Kind;
+ begin
+ Res_Kind := Get_Kind (Res);
+ if Res_Kind /= Kind then
+ Error (Res, Str);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ else
+ return Res;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Kind;
+ function Check_Kind_Unit (Res: Iir; Kind : Iir_Kind; Str: String)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Res_Kind : Iir_Kind;
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Res) /= Iir_Kind_Design_Unit then
+ Error (Res, Str);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Res_Kind := Get_Kind (Get_Library_Unit (Res));
+ if Res_Kind /= Kind then
+ Error (Res, Str);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ else
+ return Res;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Kind_Unit;
+ Res: Iir;
+ begin
+ Sem_Name (Name, False);
+ Res := Get_Named_Entity (Name);
+ if Res = Error_Mark then
+ -- A message must have been displayed.
+ -- FIXME: is it the case for find_selected_declarations ???
+ -- Error_Msg_Sem ("identifier is not defined", Name);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Xref_Name (Name);
+ case Kind is
+ when Decl_Type
+ | Decl_Incomplete_Type =>
+ case Get_Kind (Res) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ Res := Get_Type (Res);
+ -- Note: RES cannot be NULL_IIR, this is just to be more
+ -- bullet-proof.
+ if Kind /= Decl_Incomplete_Type
+ and then
+ (Res = Null_Iir or else
+ Get_Kind (Res) = Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("invalid use of an incomplete type definition", Name);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("type expected, found " & Disp_Node (Res), Name);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end case;
+ when Decl_Component =>
+ Res := Check_Kind (Res, Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration,
+ "component");
+ when Decl_Unit =>
+ null;
+ when Decl_Label =>
+ null;
+ when Decl_Entity =>
+ Res := Check_Kind_Unit
+ (Res, Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration, "entity");
+ when Decl_Configuration =>
+ Res := Check_Kind_Unit (Res, Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration,
+ "configuration");
+ when Decl_Group_Template =>
+ Res := Check_Kind (Res, Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration,
+ "group template");
+ when Decl_Attribute =>
+ Res := Check_Kind (Res, Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration,
+ "attribute");
+ end case;
+ return Res;
+ end Find_Declaration;
+end Sem_Names;
diff --git a/sem_names.ads b/sem_names.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb50ec2de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sem_names.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+-- Semantic analysis.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+package Sem_Names is
+ -- Semantize NAME as long as it consists in named entities.
+ -- Set Named_Entity field of NAME, with:
+ -- * the named entity (if any)
+ -- * an overload_list of named entity
+ -- * error_mark (in case of error, the message error is displayed).
+ procedure Sem_Name (Name : Iir; Keep_Alias : Boolean);
+ -- Finish semantisation of NAME, if necessary.
+ procedure Maybe_Finish_Sem_Name (Name : Iir);
+ -- Same as Sem_Name but without any side-effect:
+ -- * do not report error
+ -- * do not set xrefs
+ -- Currently, only simple names (and expanded names) are handled.
+ -- This is to be used during sem of associations.
+ procedure Sem_Name_Soft (Name : Iir);
+ -- Remove every named_entity of NAME.
+ -- If NAME is Null_Iir then this is no op.
+ -- To be used only for names (weakly) semantized by sem_name_soft.
+ procedure Sem_Name_Clean (Name : Iir);
+ -- Return true if AN_IIR is an overload list.
+ function Is_Overload_List (An_Iir: Iir) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (Is_Overload_List);
+ -- Create an overload list.
+ -- must be destroyed with free_iir.
+ function Get_Overload_List return Iir_Overload_List;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Overload_List);
+ function Create_Overload_List (List : Iir_List) return Iir_Overload_List;
+ pragma Inline (Create_Overload_List);
+ procedure Error_Overload (Expr: Iir);
+ procedure Disp_Overload_List (List : Iir_List; Loc : Iir);
+ -- Convert a list to either Null_Iir, an element or an overload list.
+ function Simplify_Overload_List (List : Iir_List) return Iir;
+ -- Return TRUE iff TYPE1 and TYPE2 are closely related.
+ function Are_Types_Closely_Related (Type1, Type2 : Iir) return Boolean;
+ -- If NAME is a selected name whose prefix is a protected variable, set
+ -- method_object of CALL.
+ procedure Name_To_Method_Object (Call : Iir; Name : Iir);
+ -- Convert name EXPR to an expression (ie, can create function call).
+ -- A_TYPE is the expected type of the expression.
+ -- FIXME: it is unclear wether the result must be an expression or not
+ -- (ie, it *must* have a type, but may be a range).
+ function Name_To_Expression (Name : Iir; A_Type : Iir) return Iir;
+ -- From the list LIST of function or enumeration literal, extract the
+ -- list of (return) types.
+ -- If there is only one type, return it.
+ -- If there is no types, return NULL.
+ -- Otherwise, return the list as an overload list.
+ function Create_List_Of_Types (List : Iir_List) return Iir;
+ function Sem_Index_Specification (Name : Iir_Parenthesis_Name; Itype : Iir)
+ return Iir;
+ -- Return TRUE if NAME is a name that designate an object.
+ -- Only in this case, base_name is defined.
+ function Is_Object_Name (Name : Iir) return Boolean;
+ -- Return an object node if NAME designates an object (ie either is an
+ -- object or a name for an object).
+ -- Otherwise, returns NULL_IIR.
+ function Name_To_Object (Name : Iir) return Iir;
+ -- Kind of declaration to find.
+ -- Decl_entity: an entity declaration (used for binding_indication).
+ -- Decl_Any : no checks is performed.
+ type Decl_Kind_Type is
+ (Decl_Type, Decl_Incomplete_Type,
+ Decl_Component, Decl_Unit, Decl_Label,
+ Decl_Group_Template, Decl_Entity, Decl_Configuration, Decl_Attribute);
+ -- Find a uniq declaration for name NAME, which can be a simple_name,
+ -- an identifier or a selected_name.
+ -- Disp an error message if:
+ -- NAME (or any prefix of it) is undefined
+ -- NAME is overloaded
+ -- NAME does not belong to KIND.
+ -- In these case, null_iir is returned.
+ -- Otherwise, the declaration is returned, and NAME is freed.
+ -- If NAME is a selected_name, dependencies can be added to the current
+ -- design unit.
+ function Find_Declaration (Name: Iir; Kind: Decl_Kind_Type) return Iir;
+end Sem_Names;
diff --git a/sem_scopes.adb b/sem_scopes.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe4bcc77d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sem_scopes.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1260 @@
+-- Semantic analysis.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Text_IO;
+with GNAT.Table;
+with Types; use Types;
+with Name_Table; -- use Name_Table;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Iirs_Utils;
+package body Sem_Scopes is
+ -- FIXME: names:
+ -- scopes => regions ?
+ -- Debugging subprograms.
+ procedure Disp_All_Names;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Disp_All_Names);
+ procedure Disp_Scopes;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Disp_Scopes);
+ procedure Disp_Visible_Types;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Disp_Visible_Types);
+ procedure Disp_Detailed_Interpretations (Ident : Name_Id);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Disp_Detailed_Interpretations);
+ -- An interpretation cell is the element of the simply linked list
+ -- of interpratation for an identifier.
+ -- DECL is visible declaration;
+ -- NEXT is the next element of the list.
+ -- Interpretation cells are stored in a stack, Interpretations.
+ type Interpretation_Cell is record
+ Decl: Iir;
+ Is_Potential : Boolean;
+ Pad_0 : Boolean;
+ Next: Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ end record;
+ pragma Pack (Interpretation_Cell);
+ -- To manage the list of interpretation and to add informations to this
+ -- list, a stack is used.
+ -- Elements of stack can be of kind:
+ -- Save_Cell:
+ -- the element contains the interpretation INTER for the indentifier ID
+ -- for the outer declarative region.
+ -- A save cell is always each time a declaration is added to save the
+ -- previous interpretation.
+ -- Region_Start:
+ -- A new declarative region start at interpretation INTER. Here, INTER
+ -- is used as an index in the interpretations stack (table).
+ -- ID is used as an index into the unidim_array stack.
+ -- Barrier_start, Barrier_end:
+ -- All currents interpretations are saved between both INTER, and
+ -- are cleared. This is used to call semantic during another semantic.
+ type Scope_Cell_Kind_Type is
+ (Save_Cell, Hide_Cell, Region_Start, Barrier_Start, Barrier_End);
+ type Scope_Cell is record
+ Kind: Scope_Cell_Kind_Type;
+ -- Usage of Inter:
+ -- Save_Cell: previous value of name_table (id).info
+ -- Hide_Cell: interpretation hidden.
+ -- Region_Start: previous value of Current_Scope_Start.
+ -- Barrier_Start: previous value of current_scope_start.
+ -- Barrier_End: last index of interpretations table.
+ Inter: Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ -- Usage of Id:
+ -- Save_Cell: ID whose interpretations are saved.
+ -- Hide_Cell: not used.
+ -- Region_Start: previous value of the last index of visible_types.
+ -- Barrier_Start: previous value of CURRENT_BARRIER.
+ -- Barrier_End: previous value of Current_composite_types_start.
+ Id: Name_Id;
+ end record;
+ type Visible_Type_Cell is record
+ Id: Name_Id;
+ Decl: Iir;
+ end record;
+ package Visible_Types is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Component_Type => Visible_Type_Cell,
+ Table_Index_Type => Visible_Type_Index_Type,
+ Table_Low_Bound => No_Visible_Type_Index + 1,
+ Table_Initial => 32,
+ Table_Increment => 10);
+ package Interpretations is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Component_Type => Interpretation_Cell,
+ Table_Index_Type => Name_Interpretation_Type,
+ Table_Low_Bound => First_Valid_Interpretation,
+ Table_Initial => 128,
+ Table_Increment => 50);
+ package Scopes is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Component_Type => Scope_Cell,
+ Table_Index_Type => Natural,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 0,
+ Table_Initial => 128,
+ Table_Increment => 50);
+ -- Index into Interpretations marking the last interpretation of
+ -- the previous (immediate) declarative region.
+ Current_Scope_Start: Name_Interpretation_Type := No_Name_Interpretation;
+ Current_Composite_Types_Start : Visible_Type_Index_Type :=
+ No_Visible_Type_Index;
+ function Valid_Interpretation (Inter : Name_Interpretation_Type)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Inter >= First_Valid_Interpretation;
+ end Valid_Interpretation;
+ -- Get and Set the info field of the table table for a
+ -- name_interpretation.
+ function Get_Interpretation (Id: Name_Id) return Name_Interpretation_Type is
+ begin
+ return Name_Interpretation_Type (Name_Table.Get_Info (Id));
+ end Get_Interpretation;
+ procedure Set_Interpretation (Id: Name_Id; Inter: Name_Interpretation_Type)
+ is
+ begin
+ Name_Table.Set_Info (Id, Int32 (Inter));
+ end Set_Interpretation;
+ function Get_Under_Interpretation (Id : Name_Id)
+ return Name_Interpretation_Type
+ is
+ Inter : Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ begin
+ Inter := Name_Interpretation_Type (Name_Table.Get_Info (Id));
+ -- ID has no interpretation.
+ -- So, there is no 'under' interpretation (FIXME: prove it).
+ if not Valid_Interpretation (Inter) then
+ return No_Name_Interpretation;
+ end if;
+ for I in reverse Scopes.First .. Scopes.Last loop
+ declare
+ S : Scope_Cell renames Scopes.Table (I);
+ begin
+ case S.Kind is
+ when Save_Cell =>
+ if S.Id = Id then
+ -- This is the previous one, return it.
+ return S.Inter;
+ end if;
+ when Region_Start
+ | Hide_Cell =>
+ null;
+ when Barrier_Start
+ | Barrier_End =>
+ return No_Name_Interpretation;
+ end case;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ return No_Name_Interpretation;
+ end Get_Under_Interpretation;
+ procedure Check_Interpretations;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Check_Interpretations);
+ procedure Check_Interpretations
+ is
+ Inter: Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ Last : Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ Err : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Last := Interpretations.Last;
+ Err := False;
+ for I in 0 .. Name_Table.Last_Name_Id loop
+ Inter := Get_Interpretation (I);
+ if Inter > Last then
+ Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line
+ ("bad interpretation for " & Name_Table.Image (I));
+ Err := True;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Err then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Interpretations;
+ -- Create a new declarative region.
+ -- Simply push a region_start cell and update current_scope_start.
+ procedure Open_Declarative_Region is
+ begin
+ Scopes.Increment_Last;
+ Scopes.Table (Scopes.Last) := (Kind => Region_Start,
+ Inter => Current_Scope_Start,
+ Id => Name_Id (Visible_Types.Last));
+ Current_Scope_Start := Interpretations.Last;
+ end Open_Declarative_Region;
+ -- Close a declarative region.
+ -- Update interpretation of identifiers.
+ procedure Close_Declarative_Region is
+ begin
+ loop
+ case Scopes.Table (Scopes.Last).Kind is
+ when Region_Start =>
+ -- Discard interpretations cells added in this scopes.
+ Interpretations.Set_Last (Current_Scope_Start);
+ -- Restore Current_Scope_Start.
+ Current_Scope_Start := Scopes.Table (Scopes.Last).Inter;
+ Visible_Types.Set_Last
+ (Visible_Type_Index_Type (Scopes.Table (Scopes.Last).Id));
+ Scopes.Decrement_Last;
+ return;
+ when Save_Cell =>
+ -- Restore a previous interpretation.
+ Set_Interpretation (Scopes.Table (Scopes.Last).Id,
+ Scopes.Table (Scopes.Last).Inter);
+ when Hide_Cell =>
+ -- Unhide previous interpretation.
+ declare
+ H, S : Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ begin
+ H := Scopes.Table (Scopes.Last).Inter;
+ S := Interpretations.Table (H).Next;
+ Interpretations.Table (H).Next :=
+ Interpretations.Table (S).Next;
+ Interpretations.Table (S).Next := H;
+ end;
+ when Barrier_Start
+ | Barrier_End =>
+ -- Barrier cannot exist inside a declarative region.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Scopes.Decrement_Last;
+ end loop;
+ end Close_Declarative_Region;
+ procedure Open_Scope_Extension renames Open_Declarative_Region;
+ procedure Close_Scope_Extension renames Close_Declarative_Region;
+ function Get_Next_Interpretation (Ni: Name_Interpretation_Type)
+ return Name_Interpretation_Type is
+ begin
+ if not Valid_Interpretation (Ni) then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ return Interpretations.Table (Ni).Next;
+ end Get_Next_Interpretation;
+ function Get_Declaration (Ni: Name_Interpretation_Type)
+ return Iir is
+ begin
+ if not Valid_Interpretation (Ni) then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ return Interpretations.Table (Ni).Decl;
+ end Get_Declaration;
+ function Get_Non_Alias_Declaration (Ni: Name_Interpretation_Type)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ Res := Get_Declaration (Ni);
+ if Get_Kind (Res) = Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration then
+ Res := Get_Name (Res);
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Get_Non_Alias_Declaration;
+ -- Pointer just past the last barrier_end in the scopes stack.
+ Current_Barrier : Integer := 0;
+ procedure Push_Interpretations is
+ begin
+ -- Add a barrier_start.
+ -- Save current_scope_start and current_barrier.
+ Scopes.Increment_Last;
+ Scopes.Table (Scopes.Last) := (Kind => Barrier_Start,
+ Inter => Current_Scope_Start,
+ Id => Name_Id (Current_Barrier));
+ -- Save all the current name interpretations.
+ -- (For each name that have interpretations, there is a save_cell
+ -- containing the interpretations for the outer scope).
+ -- FIXME: maybe we should only save the name_table info.
+ for I in Current_Barrier .. Scopes.Last - 1 loop
+ if Scopes.Table (I).Kind = Save_Cell then
+ Scopes.Increment_Last;
+ Scopes.Table (Scopes.Last) :=
+ (Kind => Save_Cell,
+ Inter => Get_Interpretation (Scopes.Table (I).Id),
+ Id => Scopes.Table (I).Id);
+ Set_Interpretation (Scopes.Table (I).Id, No_Name_Interpretation);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- Add a barrier_end.
+ -- Save interpretations.last.
+ Scopes.Increment_Last;
+ Scopes.Table (Scopes.Last) :=
+ (Kind => Barrier_End,
+ Inter => Interpretations.Last,
+ Id => Name_Id (Current_Composite_Types_Start));
+ -- Start a completly new scope.
+ Current_Scope_Start := Interpretations.Last + 1;
+ -- Keep the last barrier.
+ Current_Barrier := Scopes.Last + 1;
+ Current_Composite_Types_Start := Visible_Types.Last;
+ pragma Debug (Name_Table.Assert_No_Infos);
+ end Push_Interpretations;
+ procedure Pop_Interpretations is
+ begin
+ -- clear all name interpretations set by the current barrier.
+ for I in Current_Barrier .. Scopes.Last loop
+ if Scopes.Table (I).Kind = Save_Cell then
+ Set_Interpretation (Scopes.Table (I).Id, No_Name_Interpretation);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Scopes.Set_Last (Current_Barrier - 1);
+ if Scopes.Table (Scopes.Last).Kind /= Barrier_End then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ pragma Debug (Name_Table.Assert_No_Infos);
+ -- Restore the stack pointer of interpretations.
+ Interpretations.Set_Last (Scopes.Table (Scopes.Last).Inter);
+ Current_Composite_Types_Start :=
+ Visible_Type_Index_Type (Scopes.Table (Scopes.Last).Id);
+ Scopes.Decrement_Last;
+ -- Restore all name interpretations.
+ while Scopes.Table (Scopes.Last).Kind /= Barrier_Start loop
+ Set_Interpretation (Scopes.Table (Scopes.Last).Id,
+ Scopes.Table (Scopes.Last).Inter);
+ Scopes.Decrement_Last;
+ end loop;
+ -- Restore current_scope_start and current_barrier.
+ Current_Scope_Start := Scopes.Table (Scopes.Last).Inter;
+ Current_Barrier := Natural (Scopes.Table (Scopes.Last).Id);
+ Scopes.Decrement_Last;
+ end Pop_Interpretations;
+ -- Return TRUE if INTER was made directly visible via a use clause.
+ function Is_Potentially_Visible (Inter: Name_Interpretation_Type)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ return Interpretations.Table (Inter).Is_Potential;
+ end Is_Potentially_Visible;
+ -- Return TRUE iif DECL can be overloaded.
+ function Is_Overloadable (Decl: Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ -- LRM93 §10.3:
+ -- The overloaded declarations considered in this chapter are those for
+ -- subprograms and enumeration literals.
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ | Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kinds_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ return True;
+ when Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ case Get_Kind (Get_Name (Decl)) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ | Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kinds_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ return True;
+ when Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when others =>
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ end Is_Overloadable;
+ -- Return true if DECL declare a type that is visible.
+ -- This is used to build the list of visible types, ie types that must
+ -- be considered for certains expression: access for NULL literals,
+ -- arrays and records for aggregates, arrays for string literals.
+-- function Is_Visible_Type (Decl: Iir) return Boolean
+-- is
+-- Def: Iir;
+-- begin
+-- case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+-- when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+-- | Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+-- raise Internal_Error;
+-- when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration =>
+-- Def := Get_Type (Decl);
+-- when others =>
+-- return False;
+-- end case;
+-- case Get_Kind (Def) is
+-- when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+-- | Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+-- return True;
+-- when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
+-- return True;
+-- when Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
+-- | Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition =>
+-- return True;
+-- when others =>
+-- return False;
+-- end case;
+-- end Is_Visible_Type;
+ function Get_Visible_Type (Vt: Visible_Type_Index_Type)
+ return Visible_Type_Index_Type
+ is
+ Pt: Visible_Type_Index_Type := Vt;
+ begin
+ if True then
+ return Pt;
+ else
+ while Pt > Current_Composite_Types_Start loop
+ if Get_Declaration
+ (Get_Interpretation (Visible_Types.Table (Pt).Id))
+ = Visible_Types.Table (Pt).Decl
+ then
+ return Pt;
+ end if;
+ Pt := Pt - 1;
+ end loop;
+ return No_Visible_Type_Index;
+ end if;
+ end Get_Visible_Type;
+ -- Get the first visible declaration of unidim array.
+ function Get_First_Visible_Type return Visible_Type_Index_Type is
+ begin
+ return Get_Visible_Type (Visible_Types.Last);
+ end Get_First_Visible_Type;
+ -- Get the next visible declaration of unidim array in the list.
+ function Get_Next_Visible_Type (Index: Visible_Type_Index_Type)
+ return Visible_Type_Index_Type is
+ begin
+ return Get_Visible_Type (Index - 1);
+ end Get_Next_Visible_Type;
+ -- Get the declaration corresponding to an uni_array_visible_type.
+ function Get_Visible_Type_Decl (Index : Visible_Type_Index_Type)
+ return Iir is
+ begin
+ return Visible_Types.Table (Index).Decl;
+ end Get_Visible_Type_Decl;
+ -- Return TRUE if INTER was made direclty visible in the current
+ -- declarative region.
+ function Is_In_Current_Declarative_Region (Inter: Name_Interpretation_Type)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Inter > Current_Scope_Start;
+ end Is_In_Current_Declarative_Region;
+ -- Called when CURR is being declared in the same declarative region as
+ -- PREV, using the same identifier.
+ -- The function assumes CURR and PREV are both overloadable.
+ -- Return TRUE if this redeclaration is allowed.
+-- function Redeclaration_Allowed (Prev, Curr : Iir) return Boolean is
+-- begin
+-- case Get_Kind (Curr) is
+-- when Iir_Kinds_Function_Specification
+-- | Iir_Kinds_Procedure_Specification =>
+-- if ((Get_Kind (Prev) in Iir_Kinds_User_Function_Specification
+-- and then
+-- Get_Kind (Curr) in Iir_Kinds_User_Function_Specification)
+-- or else
+-- (Get_Kind (Prev) in Iir_Kinds_User_Procedure_Specification
+-- and then
+-- Get_Kind (Curr) in Iir_Kinds_User_Procedure_Specification))
+-- then
+-- return not Iirs_Utils.Is_Same_Profile (Prev, Curr);
+-- else
+-- return True;
+-- end if;
+-- when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+-- if Get_Kind (Prev) /= Get_Kind (Curr) then
+-- -- FIXME: PREV may be a function returning the type of the
+-- -- literal.
+-- return True;
+-- end if;
+-- return Get_Type (Prev) /= Get_Type (Curr);
+-- when others =>
+-- return False;
+-- end case;
+-- end Redeclaration_Allowed;
+ procedure Add_Visible_Type (Decl : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Visible_Types.Append ((Id => Get_Identifier (Decl), Decl => Decl));
+ end Add_Visible_Type;
+ -- Add interpretation DECL to the identifier of DECL.
+ -- POTENTIALLY is true if the identifier comes from a use clause.
+ procedure Add_Name (Decl: Iir; Ident: Name_Id; Potentially: Boolean)
+ is
+ -- Current interpretation of ID. This is the one before DECL is
+ -- added (if so).
+ Current_Inter: Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ Current_Decl : Iir;
+ procedure Save_Current_Interpretation is
+ begin
+ Scopes.Increment_Last;
+ Scopes.Table (Scopes.Last) :=
+ (Kind => Save_Cell, Id => Ident, Inter => Current_Inter);
+ end Save_Current_Interpretation;
+ procedure Add_New_Interpretation is
+ begin
+ Interpretations.Increment_Last;
+ Interpretations.Table (Interpretations.Last) :=
+ (Decl => Decl, Next => Current_Inter,
+ Is_Potential => Potentially, Pad_0 => False);
+ Set_Interpretation (Ident, Interpretations.Last);
+ end Add_New_Interpretation;
+ begin
+ Current_Inter := Get_Interpretation (Ident);
+ if Current_Inter = No_Name_Interpretation
+ or else (Current_Inter = Conflict_Interpretation and not Potentially)
+ then
+ -- Very simple: no hide, no overloading.
+ Save_Current_Interpretation;
+ Add_New_Interpretation;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Potentially then
+ if Current_Inter = Conflict_Interpretation then
+ -- Yet another conflicting interpretation.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Do not re-add a potential decl
+ declare
+ Inter: Name_Interpretation_Type := Current_Inter;
+ begin
+ while Valid_Interpretation (Inter) loop
+ if Get_Declaration (Inter) = Decl then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Inter := Get_Next_Interpretation (Inter);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM §10.3:
+ -- Each of two declarations is said to be a homograph of the other if
+ -- both declarations have the same identifier, operator symbol, or
+ -- character literal, and overloading is allowed for at most one
+ -- of the two.
+ --
+ -- GHDL: the condition 'overloading is allowed for at most one of the
+ -- two' is false iff overloading is allowed for both; this is a nand.
+ -- Note: at this stage, current_inter is valid.
+ Current_Decl := Get_Declaration (Current_Inter);
+ if Is_Overloadable (Current_Decl) and then Is_Overloadable (Decl) then
+ -- Current_Inter and Decl overloads.
+ -- LRM 10.3
+ -- If overloading is allowed for both declarations, then each of the
+ -- two is a homograph of the other if they have the same identifier,
+ -- operator symbol or character literal, as well as the same
+ -- parameter and result profile.
+ declare
+ Homograph : Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ Prev_Homograph : Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ procedure Maybe_Save_And_Add_New_Interpretation is
+ begin
+ if not Is_In_Current_Declarative_Region (Current_Inter) then
+ Save_Current_Interpretation;
+ end if;
+ Add_New_Interpretation;
+ end Maybe_Save_And_Add_New_Interpretation;
+ procedure Hide_Homograph
+ is
+ S : Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ begin
+ if Prev_Homograph = No_Name_Interpretation then
+ Prev_Homograph := Interpretations.Last;
+ end if;
+ if Interpretations.Table (Prev_Homograph).Next /= Homograph
+ then
+ -- PREV_HOMOGRAPH must be the interpretation just before
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Hide previous interpretation.
+ S := Interpretations.Table (Homograph).Next;
+ Interpretations.Table (Homograph).Next := Prev_Homograph;
+ Interpretations.Table (Prev_Homograph).Next := S;
+ Scopes.Increment_Last;
+ Scopes.Table (Scopes.Last) :=
+ (Kind => Hide_Cell,
+ Id => Null_Identifier, Inter => Homograph);
+ end Hide_Homograph;
+ function Get_Hash_Non_Alias (D : Iir) return Iir_Int32 is
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (D) = Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration then
+ return Get_Subprogram_Hash (Get_Name (D));
+ else
+ return Get_Subprogram_Hash (D);
+ end if;
+ end Get_Hash_Non_Alias;
+ Decl_Hash : Iir_Int32;
+ Hash : Iir_Int32;
+ begin
+ Decl_Hash := Get_Hash_Non_Alias (Decl);
+ if Decl_Hash = 0 then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Find an homograph of this declaration.
+ Homograph := Current_Inter;
+ Prev_Homograph := No_Name_Interpretation;
+ while Homograph /= No_Name_Interpretation loop
+ Current_Decl := Get_Declaration (Homograph);
+ Hash := Get_Hash_Non_Alias (Current_Decl);
+ exit when Decl_Hash = Hash
+ and then Iirs_Utils.Is_Same_Profile (Decl, Current_Decl);
+ Prev_Homograph := Homograph;
+ Homograph := Get_Next_Interpretation (Homograph);
+ end loop;
+ if Homograph = No_Name_Interpretation then
+ -- Simple case: no homograph.
+ Maybe_Save_And_Add_New_Interpretation;
+ else
+ -- There is an homograph.
+ if Potentially then
+ -- LRM 10.4 Use Clauses
+ -- 1. A potentially visible declaration is not made
+ -- directly visible if the place considered is within the
+ -- immediate scope of a homograph of the declaration.
+ if Is_In_Current_Declarative_Region (Homograph) then
+ if not Is_Potentially_Visible (Homograph) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- GHDL: if the homograph is in the same declarative
+ -- region than DECL, it must be an implicit declaration
+ -- to be hidden.
+ -- FIXME: this rule is not in the LRM.
+ if Get_Parent (Decl) = Get_Parent (Current_Decl) then
+ -- Note: no need to save previous interpretation!
+ Add_New_Interpretation;
+ Hide_Homograph;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- The homograph is potentially visible and was declared
+ -- in a scope different from the DECL scope.
+ -- (ie, it was certainly made visible by another use
+ -- clause).
+ Add_New_Interpretation;
+ return;
+ else
+ -- The homograph was made visible in an outer declarative
+ -- region. Therefore, it must not be hidden.
+ Maybe_Save_And_Add_New_Interpretation;
+ end if;
+ else
+ if not Is_Potentially_Visible (Homograph) then
+ if Is_In_Current_Declarative_Region (Homograph) then
+ if Get_Kind (Current_Decl)
+ /= Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ and then
+ Get_Kind (Current_Decl)
+ /= Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("redeclaration of " & Disp_Node (Current_Decl)
+ & " defined at " & Disp_Location (Current_Decl),
+ Decl);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- Overload.
+ null;
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- LRM 10.4 Use Clauses
+ -- 1. A potentially visible declaration is not made
+ -- directly visible if the place considered is within the
+ -- immediate scope of a homograph of the declaration.
+ null;
+ end if;
+ Maybe_Save_And_Add_New_Interpretation;
+ Hide_Homograph;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- The current interpretation and the new one are homograph.
+ if Is_In_Current_Declarative_Region (Current_Inter) then
+ -- They are perhaps visible in the same declarative region.
+ if Is_Potentially_Visible (Current_Inter) then
+ if Potentially then
+ -- LRM93 §10.4, item #2
+ -- Potentially visible declarations that have the same
+ -- designator are not made directly visible unless each of
+ -- them is either an enumeration literal specification or
+ -- the declaration of a subprogram.
+ if Decl = Get_Declaration (Current_Inter) then
+ -- The rule applies only for distinct declaration.
+ -- This handles 'use p.all; use P.all;'.
+ -- FIXME: this should have been handled at the start of
+ -- this subprogram.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Save_Current_Interpretation;
+ Set_Interpretation (Ident, Conflict_Interpretation);
+ return;
+ else
+ -- LRM93 §10.4 item #1
+ -- A potentially visible declaration is not made directly
+ -- visible if the place considered is within the immediate
+ -- scope of a homograph of the declaration.
+ -- GHDL: Discard the current potentially visible declaration,
+ -- only if it is not an entity declaration, since it is used
+ -- to find default binding.
+ if Get_Kind (Current_Decl) = Iir_Kind_Design_Unit
+ and then Get_Kind (Get_Library_Unit (Current_Decl))
+ = Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ then
+ Save_Current_Interpretation;
+ end if;
+ Current_Inter := No_Name_Interpretation;
+ Add_New_Interpretation;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- There is already a declaration in the current scope.
+ if Potentially then
+ -- LRM93 §10.4 item #1
+ -- Discard the new and potentially visible declaration.
+ -- However, add the type.
+ -- FIXME: Add_In_Visible_List (Ident, Decl);
+ return;
+ else
+ -- LRM93 11.2
+ -- If two or more logical names having the same
+ -- identifier appear in library clauses in the same
+ -- context, the second and subsequent occurences of the
+ -- logical name have no effect. The same is true of
+ -- logical names appearing both in the context clause
+ -- of a primary unit and in the context clause of a
+ -- corresponding secondary unit.
+ -- GHDL: we apply this rule with VHDL-87, because of implicits
+ -- library clauses STD and WORK.
+ if Get_Kind (Decl) = Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration
+ and then
+ Get_Kind (Current_Decl) = Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- None of the two declarations are potentially visible, ie
+ -- both are visible.
+ -- LRM §10.3:
+ -- Two declarations that occur immediately within the same
+ -- declarative region must not be homographs,
+ -- FIXME: unless one of them is the implicit declaration of a
+ -- predefined operation.
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("identifier '" & Name_Table.Image (Ident)
+ & "' already used for a declaration",
+ Decl);
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("previous declaration: " & Disp_Node (Current_Decl),
+ Current_Decl);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Homograph, not in the same scope.
+ -- LRM §10.3:
+ -- A declaration is said to be hidden within (part of) an inner
+ -- declarative region if the inner region contains an homograph
+ -- of this declaration; the outer declaration is the hidden
+ -- within the immediate scope of the inner homograph.
+ Save_Current_Interpretation;
+ Current_Inter := No_Name_Interpretation; -- Hid.
+ Add_New_Interpretation;
+ end Add_Name;
+ procedure Add_Name (Decl: Iir) is
+ begin
+ Add_Name (Decl, Get_Identifier (Decl), False);
+ end Add_Name;
+ procedure Replace_Name (Id: Name_Id; Old : Iir; Decl: Iir)
+ is
+ Inter : Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ begin
+ Inter := Get_Interpretation (Id);
+ if Get_Declaration (Inter) /= Old then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Next_Interpretation (Inter) /= No_Name_Interpretation then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Interpretations.Table (Inter).Decl := Decl;
+ end Replace_Name;
+ procedure Name_Visible (Ident : Name_Id; Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Ident);
+ begin
+ if Get_Visible_Flag (Decl) then
+ -- A name can be made visible only once.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Set_Visible_Flag (Decl, True);
+ end Name_Visible;
+ procedure Name_Visible (Decl : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Name_Visible (Get_Identifier (Decl), Decl);
+ end Name_Visible;
+ procedure Iterator_Decl (Decl : Iir; Arg : Arg_Type)
+ is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kinds_Concurrent_Statement
+ | Iir_Kinds_Sequential_Statement =>
+ Handle_Decl (Decl, Arg);
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration =>
+ declare
+ Def : Iir;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ Def := Get_Type (Decl);
+ -- Handle incomplete type declaration.
+ if Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Handle_Decl (Decl, Arg);
+ if Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition then
+ List := Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Def);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Handle_Decl (El, Arg);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
+ Handle_Decl (Decl, Arg);
+ declare
+ Def : Iir;
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ Def := Get_Type (Decl);
+ if Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition then
+ El := Get_Unit_Chain (Def);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Handle_Decl (El, Arg);
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause =>
+ Handle_Decl (Decl, Arg);
+ when Iir_Kind_Library_Clause =>
+ Handle_Decl (Decl, Arg);
+-- El := Get_Library_Declaration (Decl);
+-- if El /= Null_Iir then
+-- -- May be empty.
+-- Handle_Decl (El, Arg);
+-- end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit =>
+ Handle_Decl (Decl, Arg);
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Body =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification
+ | Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification
+ | Iir_Kind_Disconnection_Specification =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Signal_Attribute =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("iterator_decl", Decl);
+ end case;
+ end Iterator_Decl;
+ -- Make POTENTIALLY (or not) visible DECL.
+ procedure Add_Name_Decl (Decl : Iir; Potentially : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause =>
+ if not Potentially then
+ Add_Use_Clause (Decl);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Library_Clause =>
+ Add_Name (Get_Library_Declaration (Decl),
+ Get_Identifier (Decl), Potentially);
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration =>
+ Add_Name (Decl, Get_Identifier (Decl), Potentially);
+ Add_Visible_Type (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
+ Add_Visible_Type (Decl);
+ when others =>
+ Add_Name (Decl, Get_Identifier (Decl), Potentially);
+ end case;
+ end Add_Name_Decl;
+ procedure Add_Declaration is
+ new Iterator_Decl (Arg_Type => Boolean, Handle_Decl => Add_Name_Decl);
+ procedure Iterator_Decl_List (Decl_List : Iir_List; Arg : Arg_Type)
+ is
+ Decl: Iir;
+ begin
+ if Decl_List = Null_Iir_List then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Decl := Get_Nth_Element (Decl_List, I);
+ exit when Decl = Null_Iir;
+ Handle_Decl (Decl, Arg);
+ end loop;
+ end Iterator_Decl_List;
+ procedure Iterator_Decl_Chain (Chain_First : Iir; Arg : Arg_Type)
+ is
+ Decl: Iir;
+ begin
+ Decl := Chain_First;
+ while Decl /= Null_Iir loop
+ Handle_Decl (Decl, Arg);
+ Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ end loop;
+ end Iterator_Decl_Chain;
+ procedure Add_Declarations is new Iterator_Decl_Chain
+ (Arg_Type => Boolean, Handle_Decl => Add_Declaration);
+ procedure Add_Declarations_List is new Iterator_Decl_List
+ (Arg_Type => Boolean, Handle_Decl => Add_Declaration);
+ procedure Use_Library_All (Library : Iir_Library_Declaration)
+ is
+ Design_File : Iir_Design_File;
+ Design_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Library_Unit : Iir;
+ begin
+ Design_File := Get_Design_File_Chain (Library);
+ while Design_File /= Null_Iir loop
+ Design_Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (Design_File);
+ while Design_Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ Library_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Design_Unit);
+ if Get_Kind (Library_Unit) /= Iir_Kind_Package_Body then
+ Add_Name (Design_Unit, Get_Identifier (Design_Unit), True);
+ end if;
+ Design_Unit := Get_Chain (Design_Unit);
+ end loop;
+ Design_File := Get_Chain (Design_File);
+ end loop;
+ end Use_Library_All;
+ procedure Use_Selected_Name (Name : Iir) is
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Name) = Iir_Kind_Overload_List then
+ Add_Declarations_List (Get_Overload_List (Name), True);
+ else
+ Add_Declaration (Name, True);
+ end if;
+ end Use_Selected_Name;
+ procedure Use_All_Names (Name: Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Name) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration =>
+ Use_Library_All (Name);
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit =>
+ -- The design unit is a package.
+ Add_Declarations
+ (Get_Declaration_Chain (Get_Library_Unit (Name)), True);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Use_All_Names;
+ procedure Add_Use_Clause (Clause : Iir_Use_Clause)
+ is
+ Name : Iir;
+ Cl : Iir_Use_Clause;
+ begin
+ Cl := Clause;
+ loop
+ Name := Get_Selected_Name (Cl);
+ if Get_Kind (Name) = Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name then
+ Use_All_Names (Get_Named_Entity (Get_Prefix (Name)));
+ else
+ Use_Selected_Name (Get_Named_Entity (Name));
+ end if;
+ Cl := Get_Use_Clause_Chain (Cl);
+ exit when Cl = Null_Iir;
+ end loop;
+ end Add_Use_Clause;
+ procedure Add_Declarations_From_Interface_Chain (Chain : Iir)
+ is
+ El: Iir;
+ begin
+ El := Chain;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Add_Name (El, Get_Identifier (El), False);
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Add_Declarations_From_Interface_Chain;
+ procedure Add_Declarations_Of_Concurrent_Statement (Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ El: Iir;
+ Label: Name_Id;
+ begin
+ El := Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Parent);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Label := Get_Label (El);
+ if Label /= Null_Identifier then
+ Add_Name (El, Get_Identifier (El), False);
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Add_Declarations_Of_Concurrent_Statement;
+ procedure Add_Context_Clauses (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit) is
+ begin
+ Add_Declarations (Get_Context_Items (Unit), False);
+ end Add_Context_Clauses;
+ -- Add declarations from an entity into the current declarative region.
+ -- This is needed when an architecture is analysed.
+ procedure Add_Entity_Declarations (Entity : Iir_Entity_Declaration)
+ is
+ begin
+ Add_Declarations_From_Interface_Chain (Get_Generic_Chain (Entity));
+ Add_Declarations_From_Interface_Chain (Get_Port_Chain (Entity));
+ Add_Declarations (Get_Declaration_Chain (Entity), False);
+ Add_Declarations_Of_Concurrent_Statement (Entity);
+ end Add_Entity_Declarations;
+ -- Add declarations from a package into the current declarative region.
+ -- This is needed when a package body is analysed.
+ procedure Add_Package_Declarations (Decl: Iir_Package_Declaration) is
+ begin
+ Add_Declarations (Get_Declaration_Chain (Decl), False);
+ end Add_Package_Declarations;
+ procedure Add_Component_Declarations (Component: Iir_Component_Declaration)
+ is
+ begin
+ Add_Declarations_From_Interface_Chain (Get_Generic_Chain (Component));
+ Add_Declarations_From_Interface_Chain (Get_Port_Chain (Component));
+ end Add_Component_Declarations;
+ procedure Add_Protected_Type_Declarations
+ (Decl : Iir_Protected_Type_Declaration) is
+ begin
+ Add_Declarations (Get_Declaration_Chain (Decl), False);
+ end Add_Protected_Type_Declarations;
+ procedure Extend_Scope_Of_Block_Declarations (Decl : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ Add_Context_Clauses (Get_Design_Unit (Decl));
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ -- FIXME: formal, iterator ?
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("extend_scope_of_block_declarations", Decl);
+ end case;
+ Add_Declarations (Get_Declaration_Chain (Decl), False);
+ Add_Declarations_Of_Concurrent_Statement (Decl);
+ end Extend_Scope_Of_Block_Declarations;
+ -- Debugging
+ procedure Disp_Visible_Types
+ is
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ Index: Visible_Type_Index_Type;
+ begin
+ Index := Get_First_Visible_Type;
+ while Index /= No_Visible_Type_Index loop
+ Put_Line (Disp_Node (Get_Visible_Type_Decl (Index)));
+ Index := Get_Next_Visible_Type (Index);
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Visible_Types;
+ procedure Disp_Detailed_Interpretations (Ident : Name_Id)
+ is
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ use Name_Table;
+ procedure Disp_Type (Str : String; Node : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Put (Str);
+ Put_Line
+ (Image (Get_Identifier (Get_Type_Declarator (Node))));
+ end Disp_Type;
+ Inter: Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ Decl : Iir;
+ begin
+ Put (Name_Table.Image (Ident));
+ Put_Line (":");
+ Inter := Get_Interpretation (Ident);
+ while Valid_Interpretation (Inter) loop
+ Decl := Get_Declaration (Inter);
+ Put (' ');
+ Put (Iir_Kind'Image (Get_Kind (Decl)));
+ Put_Line (", loc: " & Get_Location_Str (Get_Location (Decl)));
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Type (" return type: ", Get_Return_Type (Decl));
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Inter := Get_Next_Interpretation (Inter);
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Detailed_Interpretations;
+ procedure Disp_All_Interpretations
+ (Interpretation: Name_Interpretation_Type)
+ is
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ Inter: Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ begin
+ Inter := Interpretation;
+ while Valid_Interpretation (Inter) loop
+ Put (Name_Interpretation_Type'Image (Inter));
+ Put ('.');
+ Put (Iir_Kind'Image (Get_Kind (Get_Declaration (Inter))));
+ Inter := Get_Next_Interpretation (Inter);
+ end loop;
+ New_Line;
+ end Disp_All_Interpretations;
+ procedure Disp_All_Names
+ is
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ Inter: Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ begin
+ for I in 0 .. Name_Table.Last_Name_Id loop
+ Inter := Get_Interpretation (I);
+ if Valid_Interpretation (Inter) then
+ Put (Name_Table.Image (I));
+ Put (Name_Id'Image (I));
+ Put (':');
+ Disp_All_Interpretations (Inter);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Put_Line ("interprations.last = "
+ & Name_Interpretation_Type'Image (Interpretations.Last));
+ Put_Line ("current_scope_start ="
+ & Name_Interpretation_Type'Image (Current_Scope_Start));
+ end Disp_All_Names;
+ procedure Disp_Scopes
+ is
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ begin
+ for I in reverse Scopes.First .. Scopes.Last loop
+ declare
+ S : Scope_Cell renames Scopes.Table (I);
+ begin
+ case S.Kind is
+ when Save_Cell =>
+ Put ("save_cell: '");
+ Put (Name_Table.Image (S.Id));
+ Put ("', old inter:");
+ when Hide_Cell =>
+ Put ("hide_cell: to be inserted after ");
+ when Region_Start =>
+ Put ("region_start at");
+ when Barrier_Start =>
+ Put ("barrier_start at");
+ when Barrier_End =>
+ Put ("barrier_end at");
+ end case;
+ Put_Line (Name_Interpretation_Type'Image (S.Inter));
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Scopes;
+end Sem_Scopes;
diff --git a/sem_scopes.ads b/sem_scopes.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d4792046f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sem_scopes.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+-- Semantic analysis.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+with Types; use Types;
+package Sem_Scopes is
+ -- The purpose of SEM_NAME package is to handle association between
+ -- identifiers and declarations.
+ -- Roughly speacking, it implements ch10 of LRM: scope and visibility.
+ --
+ -- Basic elements are: declarations and declarative region.
+ -- Declaration should be understood in the large meaning: any textual
+ -- construction declaring an identifier, which can be a label.
+ -- A declarative region contains declarations and possibly other
+ -- declarative regions.
+ --
+ -- Rules are scope, visibility and overloading.
+ --
+ -- Create and close a declarative region.
+ -- By closing a declarative region, all declarations made in this region
+ -- are discarded.
+ procedure Open_Declarative_Region;
+ procedure Close_Declarative_Region;
+ -- Add interpretation DECL for ID to the current declarative region.
+ -- ID is an identifier or a character literal.
+ -- Note: ID may be different from get_identifier (DECL), since for example
+ -- DECL may be a type definition.
+ procedure Add_Name (Decl: Iir);
+ pragma Inline (Add_Name);
+ -- Add interpretation DECL to the identifier of DECL.
+ -- POTENTIALLY is true if the identifier comes from a use clause.
+ procedure Add_Name (Decl: Iir; Ident : Name_Id; Potentially: Boolean);
+ -- Set the visible_flag of DECL to true.
+ procedure Name_Visible (Decl : Iir);
+ -- Add DECL is the list of visible types.
+ procedure Add_Visible_Type (Decl : Iir);
+ -- Replace the interpretation OLD of ID by DECL.
+ -- ID must have a uniq interpretation OLD (ie, it must not be overloaded).
+ -- The interpretation must have been done in the current scope.
+ -- This is necessary when a concurrent_procedure_call_statement becomes
+ -- a component_instantiation_statement.
+ procedure Replace_Name (Id: Name_Id; Old : Iir; Decl: Iir);
+ -- Interpretation is a simply linked list of what an identifier means.
+ type Name_Interpretation_Type is private;
+ -- Return true if INTER is a valid interpretation, ie has a corresponding
+ -- declaration. There are only two invalids interpretations, which
+ -- are declared just below as constants.
+ function Valid_Interpretation (Inter : Name_Interpretation_Type)
+ return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (Valid_Interpretation);
+ -- This pseudo interpretation marks the end of the interpretation chain,
+ -- and means there is no (more) interpretations for the name.
+ -- Unless you need to discriminate between an absence of declaration and
+ -- a conflict between potential declarations, you should use the
+ No_Name_Interpretation : constant Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ -- This pseudo interpretation means the name has only conflicting potential
+ -- declarations, and also terminates the chain of interpretations.
+ -- Unless you need to discriminate between an absence of declaration and
+ -- a conflict between potential declarations, you should use the
+ Conflict_Interpretation : constant Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ -- Get the first interpretation of identifier ID.
+ function Get_Interpretation (Id: Name_Id) return Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Interpretation);
+ -- Get the next interpretation from an interpretation.
+ function Get_Next_Interpretation (Ni: Name_Interpretation_Type)
+ return Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Next_Interpretation);
+ -- Get a declaration associated with an interpretation.
+ function Get_Declaration (Ni: Name_Interpretation_Type) return Iir;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Declaration);
+ -- Same as Get_Declaration, but get the name of non-object alias.
+ -- (ie, can never returns an object alias).
+ function Get_Non_Alias_Declaration (Ni: Name_Interpretation_Type)
+ return Iir;
+ -- Get the previous interpretation of identifier ID, ie the interpretation
+ -- for ID before the current interpretation of ID.
+ function Get_Under_Interpretation (Id : Name_Id)
+ return Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ -- Return TRUE if INTER was made directly visible via a use clause.
+ function Is_Potentially_Visible (Inter: Name_Interpretation_Type)
+ return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (Is_Potentially_Visible);
+ -- Return TRUE if INTER was made direclty visible in the current
+ -- declarative region.
+ function Is_In_Current_Declarative_Region (Inter: Name_Interpretation_Type)
+ return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (Is_In_Current_Declarative_Region);
+ -- Push and pop all interpretations.
+ -- This can be used to suspend name interpretation, in case of recursive
+ -- semantics.
+ -- After a push, all names have no_name_interpretation.
+ -- Pop restore the previous state.
+ procedure Pop_Interpretations;
+ procedure Push_Interpretations;
+ -- Execute a use clause on NAME.
+ -- Make potentially directly visible declarations of NAMES.
+ --procedure Use_Selected_Name (Name : Iir);
+ procedure Use_All_Names (Name: Iir);
+ -- Achieves visibility of the selected_name of use clause CLAUSE.
+ procedure Add_Use_Clause (Clause : Iir_Use_Clause);
+ -- Add declarations for a context clause into the current declarative
+ -- regions.
+ procedure Add_Context_Clauses (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit);
+ -- Add declarations from an entity into the current declarative region.
+ -- This is needed when an architecture is analysed.
+ procedure Add_Entity_Declarations (Entity : Iir_Entity_Declaration);
+ -- Add declarations from a package into the current declarative region.
+ -- This is needed when a package body is analysed.
+ -- FIXME: this must be done as if the declarative region was extended.
+ procedure Add_Package_Declarations (Decl: Iir_Package_Declaration);
+ -- Add interfaces declaration of a component into the current declarative
+ -- region.
+ procedure Add_Component_Declarations
+ (Component : Iir_Component_Declaration);
+ -- Add declarations from a protected type declaration into the current
+ -- declaration region (which is expected to be the region of the protected
+ -- type body).
+ procedure Add_Protected_Type_Declarations
+ (Decl : Iir_Protected_Type_Declaration);
+ -- Add declaration of interface chain CHAIN into the current
+ -- declarative region.
+ procedure Add_Declarations_From_Interface_Chain (Chain : Iir);
+ -- Scope extension area contains declarations from another declarative
+ -- region. These area are abstract and only used to be able to add
+ -- and remove declarations.
+ procedure Open_Scope_Extension;
+ procedure Close_Scope_Extension;
+ -- Add any declarations that include the end of the declarative part of
+ -- the given block BLOCK. This follow rules of LRM93 10.2
+ -- FIXME: BLOCK must be an architecture at first, then blocks declared
+ -- inside this architecture, then a block declared inside this block...
+ -- This procedure must be called after an Open_Scope_Extension and
+ -- declarations added can be removed with Close_Scope_Extension.
+ procedure Extend_Scope_Of_Block_Declarations (Decl : Iir);
+ -- It is necessary to keep trace of all visible type definition of
+ -- arrays, record and access. This is used by string, bit string, aggregate
+ -- and null literal.
+ -- This is for the user a simple linked list.
+ -- list element type.
+ type Visible_Type_Index_Type is private;
+ -- End of the list element.
+ No_Visible_Type_Index: constant Visible_Type_Index_Type;
+ -- Get the first visible type declaration.
+ function Get_First_Visible_Type return Visible_Type_Index_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Get_First_Visible_Type);
+ -- Get the visible type declaration after INDEX.
+ function Get_Next_Visible_Type (Index: Visible_Type_Index_Type)
+ return Visible_Type_Index_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Next_Visible_Type);
+ -- Get the declaration corresponding to INDEX.
+ function Get_Visible_Type_Decl (Index: Visible_Type_Index_Type)
+ return Iir;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Visible_Type_Decl);
+ -- Call HANDLE_DECL for each declaration found in DECL.
+ -- This will generally call HANDLE_DECL with DECL.
+ -- For types, HANDLE_DECL is first called with the type declaration, then
+ -- with implicit functions, with element literals for enumeration type,
+ -- and units for physical type.
+ generic
+ type Arg_Type is private;
+ with procedure Handle_Decl (Decl : Iir; Arg : Arg_Type);
+ procedure Iterator_Decl (Decl : Iir; Arg : Arg_Type);
+ -- Call HANDLE_DECL for each declaration found in DECL_LIST.
+ -- Generally, HANDLE_DECL must be an ITERATOR_DECL; this is not
+ -- automatically done, since the user might be interested in using the
+ generic
+ type Arg_Type is private;
+ with procedure Handle_Decl (Decl : Iir; Arg : Arg_Type);
+ procedure Iterator_Decl_List (Decl_List : Iir_List; Arg : Arg_Type);
+ generic
+ type Arg_Type is private;
+ with procedure Handle_Decl (Decl : Iir; Arg : Arg_Type);
+ procedure Iterator_Decl_Chain (Chain_First : Iir; Arg : Arg_Type);
+ type Name_Interpretation_Type is new Int32 range 0 .. (2 ** 30) - 1;
+ No_Name_Interpretation : constant Name_Interpretation_Type := 0;
+ Conflict_Interpretation : constant Name_Interpretation_Type := 1;
+ First_Valid_Interpretation : constant Name_Interpretation_Type := 2;
+ type Visible_Type_Index_Type is new Nat32;
+ No_Visible_Type_Index: constant Visible_Type_Index_Type := 0;
+end Sem_Scopes;
diff --git a/sem_specs.adb b/sem_specs.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9365e6bf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sem_specs.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1636 @@
+-- Semantic analysis.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Types; use Types;
+with Iirs_Utils; use Iirs_Utils;
+with Sem_Expr; use Sem_Expr;
+with Sem_Names; use Sem_Names;
+with Evaluation; use Evaluation;
+with Std_Package; use Std_Package;
+with Tokens;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Sem; use Sem;
+with Sem_Scopes; use Sem_Scopes;
+with Sem_Assocs; use Sem_Assocs;
+with Libraries;
+with Iir_Chains; use Iir_Chains;
+with Sem_Types;
+with Flags;
+with Name_Table;
+with Std_Names;
+with Sem_Decls;
+with Xrefs; use Xrefs;
+with Back_End;
+package body Sem_Specs is
+ -- Compare ATYPE and TYPE_MARK.
+ -- ATYPE is a type definition, which can be anonymous.
+ -- TYPE_MARK is a subtype definition, established from a type mark.
+ -- Therefore, it is the name of a type or a subtype.
+ -- Return TRUE iff the type mark of ATYPE is TYPE_MARK.
+ function Is_Same_Type_Mark (Atype : Iir; Type_Mark : Iir)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Atype) in Iir_Kinds_Subtype_Definition
+ and then Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Atype)
+ then
+ -- FIXME: to be removed; used to catch uninitialized type_mark.
+ if Get_Type_Mark (Atype) = Null_Iir then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ return Get_Type_Mark (Atype) = Type_Mark;
+ else
+ return Atype = Type_Mark;
+ end if;
+ end Is_Same_Type_Mark;
+ function Get_Entity_Class_Kind (Decl : Iir) return Tokens.Token_Type
+ is
+ use Tokens;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit =>
+ case Get_Kind (Get_Library_Unit (Decl)) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
+ return Tok_Entity;
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ return Tok_Architecture;
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
+ return Tok_Configuration;
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ return Tok_Package;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("get_entity_class_kind(unit)", Decl);
+ end case;
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ return Tok_Procedure;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration =>
+ return Tok_Function;
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration =>
+ return Tok_Type;
+ when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ return Tok_Subtype;
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration =>
+ return Tok_Constant;
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ return Tok_Signal;
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration =>
+ return Tok_Variable;
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
+ return Tok_Component;
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_If_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Next_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Return_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Case_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Null_Statement =>
+ return Tok_Label;
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+ return Tok_Literal;
+ when Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration =>
+ return Tok_Units;
+ when Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration =>
+ return Tok_Group;
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration =>
+ return Tok_File;
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration =>
+ -- Even if an attribute can't have a attribute...
+ -- Because an attribute declaration can appear in a declaration
+ -- region.
+ return Tok_Attribute;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("get_entity_class_kind", Decl);
+ end case;
+ return Tok_Invalid;
+ end Get_Entity_Class_Kind;
+ -- Decorate DECL with attribute ATTR.
+ -- If CHECK_CLASS is true, class of DECL must be class of ATTR, otherwise
+ -- returns silently.
+ -- If CHECK_DEFINED is true, DECL must not have been decorated, otherwise
+ -- returns silently.
+ procedure Attribute_A_Decl
+ (Decl : Iir;
+ Attr : Iir_Attribute_Specification;
+ Name : Iir;
+ Check_Class : Boolean;
+ Check_Defined : Boolean)
+ is
+ use Tokens;
+ El : Iir_Attribute_Value;
+ -- Attribute declaration corresponding to ATTR.
+ -- Due to possible error, it is not required to be an attribute decl,
+ -- it may be a simple name.
+ Attr_Decl : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- LRM93 5.1
+ -- It is an error if the class of those names is not the same as that
+ -- denoted by the entity class.
+ if Get_Entity_Class_Kind (Decl) /= Get_Entity_Class (Attr) then
+ if Check_Class then
+ Error_Msg_Sem (Disp_Node (Decl) & " is not of class '"
+ & Tokens.Image (Get_Entity_Class (Attr)) & ''',
+ Attr);
+ if Get_Kind (Decl) = Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
+ and then Get_Entity_Class (Attr) = Tok_Type
+ and then Get_Type (Decl) /= Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Decl)) /= Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Kind
+ (Get_Type_Declarator (Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Decl))))
+ = Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration
+ then
+ -- The type declaration declares an anonymous type
+ -- and a named subtype.
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("'" & Image_Identifier (Decl)
+ & "' declares both an anonymous type and a named subtype",
+ Decl);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93 §5.1
+ -- An attribute specification for an attribute of a design unit
+ -- (ie an entity declaration, an architecture, a configuration, or a
+ -- package) must appear immediately within the declarative part of
+ -- that design unit.
+ case Get_Entity_Class (Attr) is
+ when Tok_Entity
+ | Tok_Architecture
+ | Tok_Configuration
+ | Tok_Package =>
+ if Decl /= Get_Current_Design_Unit then
+ Error_Msg_Sem (Disp_Node (Attr) & " must appear immediatly "
+ & "within " & Disp_Node (Decl), Attr);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Attr_Decl := Get_Attribute_Designator (Attr);
+ -- LRM93 5.1
+ -- It is an error if a given attribute is associated more than once with
+ -- a given named entity.
+ -- LRM 5.1
+ -- Similarly, it is an error if two different attributes with the
+ -- same simple name (wether predefined or user-defined) are both
+ -- associated with a given named entity.
+ El := Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Decl);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ declare
+ El_Attr : Iir_Attribute_Declaration;
+ begin
+ El_Attr := Get_Attribute_Designator
+ (Get_Attribute_Specification (El));
+ if El_Attr = Attr_Decl then
+ if Get_Attribute_Specification (El) = Attr then
+ -- Was already specified with the same attribute value.
+ -- This is possible only in one case:
+ --
+ -- signal S1 : real;
+ -- alias S1_too : real is S1;
+ -- attribute ATTR : T1;
+ -- attribute ATTR of ALL : signal is '1';
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Check_Defined then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Decl) & " has already " & Disp_Node (Attr),
+ Attr);
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("previous attribute specification at "
+ & Disp_Location (El), Attr);
+ end if;
+ return;
+ elsif Get_Identifier (El_Attr) = Get_Identifier (Attr_Decl) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Decl) & " is already decorated with an "
+ & Disp_Node (El_Attr), Attr);
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("(previous attribute specification was here)", El);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ El := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value);
+ Location_Copy (El, Attr);
+ Set_Name_Staticness (El, None);
+ Set_Attribute_Specification (El, Attr);
+ -- FIXME: create an expr_error node?
+ declare
+ Expr : Iir;
+ begin
+ Expr := Get_Expression (Attr);
+ if Expr = Error_Mark then
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (El, Locally);
+ else
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (El, Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr));
+ end if;
+ end;
+ Set_Designated_Entity (El, Decl);
+ Set_Type (El, Get_Type (Attr_Decl));
+ Set_Base_Name (El, El);
+ Set_Chain (El, Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Decl));
+ Set_Attribute_Value_Chain (Decl, El);
+ Set_Spec_Chain (El, Get_Attribute_Value_Spec_Chain (Attr));
+ Set_Attribute_Value_Spec_Chain (Attr, El);
+ if Name /= Null_Iir then
+ Xref_Ref (Name, Decl);
+ end if;
+ if (Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_93c
+ and then Attr_Decl = Foreign_Attribute)
+ or else
+ (Flags.Vhdl_Std <= Vhdl_93c
+ and then Get_Identifier (Attr_Decl) = Std_Names.Name_Foreign)
+ then
+ declare
+ use Back_End;
+ Decl1 : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- LRM93 12.4
+ -- The 'FOREIGN attribute may be associated only with
+ -- architectures or with subprograms.
+ case Get_Entity_Class (Attr) is
+ when Tok_Architecture =>
+ Decl1 := Get_Library_Unit (Decl);
+ when Tok_Function
+ | Tok_Procedure =>
+ -- LRM93 12.4
+ -- In the latter case, the attribute specification must
+ -- appear in the declarative part in which the subprogram
+ -- is declared.
+ -- GHDL: huh, this is the case for any attributes.
+ Decl1 := Decl;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("'FOREIGN allowed only for architectures and subprograms",
+ Attr);
+ return;
+ end case;
+ Set_Foreign_Flag (Decl1, True);
+ if Back_End.Sem_Foreign /= null then
+ Back_End.Sem_Foreign.all (Decl);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Attribute_A_Decl;
+ -- IS_DESIGNATORS if true if the entity name list is a list of designators.
+ -- Return TRUE if an entity was attributed.
+ function Sem_Named_Entities
+ (Scope : Iir;
+ Name : Iir;
+ Attr : Iir_Attribute_Specification;
+ Is_Designators : Boolean;
+ Check_Defined : Boolean)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ Res : Boolean;
+ procedure Sem_Named_Entity1 (Ent : Iir; Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Ent_Id : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Ent_Id := Get_Identifier (Ent);
+ if (Name = Null_Iir or else Ent_Id = Get_Identifier (Name))
+ and then Ent_Id /= Null_Identifier
+ then
+ if Get_Visible_Flag (Ent) = False then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Ent) & " is not yet visible", Attr);
+ else
+ Attribute_A_Decl
+ (Decl, Attr, Name, Is_Designators, Check_Defined);
+ Res := True;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Sem_Named_Entity1;
+ procedure Sem_Named_Entity (Ent : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Ent) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit
+ | Iir_Kinds_Concurrent_Statement
+ | Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kinds_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kinds_Sequential_Statement
+ | Iir_Kinds_Non_Alias_Object_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Named_Entity1 (Ent, Ent);
+ when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ -- LRM93 5.1
+ -- An entity designator that denotes an alias of an object is
+ -- required to denote the entire object, and not a subelement
+ -- or slice thereof.
+ declare
+ Decl : Iir;
+ begin
+ Decl := Get_Name (Ent);
+ if Get_Base_Name (Decl) /= Decl then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Ent) & " does not denote the entire object",
+ Attr);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Sem_Named_Entity1 (Ent, Decl);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Named_Entity1 (Ent, Get_Name (Ent));
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification
+ | Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification
+ | Iir_Kind_Use_Clause =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Body =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_named_entity", Ent);
+ end case;
+ end Sem_Named_Entity;
+ procedure Sem_Named_Entity_Chain (Chain_First : Iir)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ Def : Iir;
+ begin
+ El := Chain_First;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ exit when El = Attr;
+ Sem_Named_Entity (El);
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration =>
+ Def := Get_Type (El);
+ if Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition then
+ declare
+ List : Iir_List;
+ El1 : Iir;
+ begin
+ List := Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Def);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El1 := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El1 = Null_Iir;
+ Sem_Named_Entity (El1);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
+ Def := Get_Type (El);
+ if Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition then
+ declare
+ El1 : Iir;
+ begin
+ El1 := Get_Unit_Chain (Def);
+ while El1 /= Null_Iir loop
+ Sem_Named_Entity (El1);
+ El1 := Get_Chain (El1);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement =>
+ Sem_Named_Entity_Chain (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (El));
+ when Iir_Kind_If_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Clause : Iir;
+ begin
+ Clause := El;
+ while Clause /= Null_Iir loop
+ Sem_Named_Entity_Chain
+ (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Clause));
+ Clause := Get_Else_Clause (Clause);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Case_Statement =>
+ declare
+ El1 : Iir;
+ begin
+ El1 := Get_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain (El);
+ while El1 /= Null_Iir loop
+ Sem_Named_Entity_Chain (Get_Associated (El1));
+ El1 := Get_Chain (El1);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ -- INT-1991/issue 27
+ -- Generate statements represent declarative region and
+ -- have implicit declarative parts.
+ -- Was: There is no declarative part in generate statement
+ -- for VHDL 87.
+ if False and then Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Sem_Named_Entity_Chain
+ (Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (El));
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Sem_Named_Entity_Chain;
+ begin
+ Res := False;
+ -- LRM 5.1 Attribute specification
+ -- o If a list of entity designators is supplied, then the
+ -- attribute specification applies to the named entities denoted
+ -- by those designators.
+ --
+ -- o If the reserved word OTHERS is supplied, then the attribute
+ -- specification applies to named entities of the specified class
+ -- that are declared in the immediately enclosing declarative
+ -- part [...]
+ --
+ -- o If the reserved word ALL is supplied, then the attribute
+ -- specification applies to all named entities of the specified
+ -- class that are declared in the immediatly enclosing
+ -- declarative part.
+ -- NOTE: therefore, ALL/OTHERS do not apply to named entities declared
+ -- beyond the immediate declarative part, such as design unit or
+ -- interfaces.
+ if Is_Designators then
+ -- LRM 5.1 Attribute specification
+ -- An attribute specification for an attribute of a design unit
+ -- (i.e. an entity declaration, an architecture, a configuration
+ -- or a package) must appear immediatly within the declarative part
+ -- of that design unit.
+ case Get_Kind (Scope) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Named_Entity (Get_Design_Unit (Scope));
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ -- LRM 5.1 Attribute specification
+ -- Similarly, an attribute specification for an attribute of an
+ -- interface object of a design unit, subprogram or block statement
+ -- must appear immediatly within the declarative part of that design
+ -- unit, subprogram, or block statement.
+ case Get_Kind (Scope) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Named_Entity_Chain (Get_Generic_Chain (Scope));
+ Sem_Named_Entity_Chain (Get_Port_Chain (Scope));
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Header : Iir;
+ begin
+ Header := Get_Block_Header (Scope);
+ if Header /= Null_Iir then
+ Sem_Named_Entity_Chain (Get_Generic_Chain (Header));
+ Sem_Named_Entity_Chain (Get_Port_Chain (Header));
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
+ declare
+ Spec : Iir;
+ begin
+ Spec := Get_Subprogram_Specification (Scope);
+ Sem_Named_Entity_Chain
+ (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Spec));
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Scope) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ Sem_Named_Entity_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Scope));
+ Sem_Named_Entity_Chain (Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Scope));
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Named_Entity_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Scope));
+ when Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement =>
+ Sem_Named_Entity_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Scope));
+ Sem_Named_Entity_Chain (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Scope));
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
+ Sem_Named_Entity_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Scope));
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
+ Sem_Named_Entity_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Scope));
+ Sem_Named_Entity_Chain (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Scope));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_named_entities", Scope);
+ end case;
+ return Res;
+ end Sem_Named_Entities;
+ procedure Sem_Signature_Entity_Designator
+ (Sig : Iir_Signature; Attr : Iir_Attribute_Specification)
+ is
+ Inter : Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ Ov_List : Iir_Overload_List;
+ Name : Iir;
+ begin
+ List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Inter := Get_Interpretation (Get_Identifier (Get_Name (Sig)));
+ while Valid_Interpretation (Inter) loop
+ exit when not Is_In_Current_Declarative_Region (Inter);
+ if not Is_Potentially_Visible (Inter) then
+ Name := Get_Declaration (Inter);
+ -- LRM 5.1 Attribute Specification
+ -- The entity tag of an entity designator containing a signature
+ -- must denote the name of one or more subprograms or enumeration
+ -- literals.
+ case Get_Kind (Name) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+ Append_Element (List, Name);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("entity tag must denote a subprogram or a literal", Sig);
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ Inter := Get_Next_Interpretation (Inter);
+ end loop;
+ Ov_List := Create_Overload_List (List);
+ Name := Sem_Decls.Sem_Signature (Ov_List, Sig);
+ Destroy_Iir_List (List);
+ Free_Iir (Ov_List);
+ if Name = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Attribute_A_Decl (Name, Attr, Get_Name (Sig), True, True);
+ end Sem_Signature_Entity_Designator;
+ procedure Sem_Attribute_Specification
+ (Spec : Iir_Attribute_Specification;
+ Scope : Iir)
+ is
+ use Tokens;
+ Name : Iir_Attribute_Declaration;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ Expr : Iir;
+ Res : Boolean;
+ begin
+ -- LRM93 5.1
+ -- The attribute designator must denote an attribute.
+ Name := Find_Declaration (Get_Attribute_Designator (Spec),
+ Decl_Attribute);
+ if Name = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Set_Attribute_Designator (Spec, Name);
+ -- LRM 5.1
+ -- The type of the expression in the attribute specification must be
+ -- the same as (or implicitly convertible to) the type mark in the
+ -- corresponding attribute declaration.
+ Expr := Sem_Expression (Get_Expression (Spec), Get_Type (Name));
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Check_Read (Expr);
+ Set_Expression (Spec, Eval_Expr_If_Static (Expr));
+ -- LRM 5.1
+ -- If the entity name list denotes an entity declaration,
+ -- architecture body or configuration declaration, then the
+ -- expression is required to be locally static.
+ -- GHDL: test based on the entity_class.
+ case Get_Entity_Class (Spec) is
+ when Tok_Entity
+ | Tok_Architecture
+ | Tok_Configuration =>
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr) /= Locally then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("attribute expression for "
+ & Image (Get_Entity_Class (Spec))
+ & " must be locally static", Spec);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ else
+ Set_Expression (Spec, Error_Mark);
+ end if;
+ -- LRM 5.1
+ -- The entity name list identifies those named entities, both
+ -- implicitly and explicitly defined, that inherit the attribute, as
+ -- defined below:
+ List := Get_Entity_Name_List (Spec);
+ if List = Iir_List_All then
+ -- o If the reserved word ALL is supplied, then the attribute
+ -- specification applies to all named entities of the specified
+ -- class that are declared in the immediatly enclosing
+ -- declarative part.
+ Res := Sem_Named_Entities (Scope, Null_Iir, Spec, False, True);
+ if Res = False and then Flags.Warn_Specs then
+ Warning_Msg_Sem
+ ("attribute specification apply to no named entity", Spec);
+ end if;
+ elsif List = Iir_List_Others then
+ -- o If the reserved word OTHERS is supplied, then the attribute
+ -- specification applies to named entities of the specified class
+ -- that are declared in the immediately enclosing declarative
+ -- part, provided that each such entity is not explicitly named
+ -- in the entity name list of a previous attribute specification
+ -- for the given attribute.
+ Res := Sem_Named_Entities (Scope, Null_Iir, Spec, False, False);
+ if Res = False and then Flags.Warn_Specs then
+ Warning_Msg_Sem
+ ("attribute specification apply to no named entity", Spec);
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- o If a list of entity designators is supplied, then the
+ -- attribute specification applies to the named entities denoted
+ -- by those designators.
+ declare
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ if Get_Kind (El) = Iir_Kind_Signature then
+ Sem_Signature_Entity_Designator (El, Spec);
+ else
+ -- LRM 5.1
+ -- It is an error if the class of those names is not the
+ -- same as that denoted by entity class.
+ if not Sem_Named_Entities (Scope, El, Spec, True, True) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("no named entities '" & Image_Identifier (El)
+ & "' in declarative part", El);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Sem_Attribute_Specification;
+ -- LRM 5.1 Attribute specifications
+ -- An attribute specification with the entity name list OTHERS or ALL for
+ -- a given entity class that appears in a declarative part must be the
+ -- last such specification for the given attribute for the given
+ -- entity class in that declarative part.
+ --
+ -- It is an error if a named entity in the specificied entity class is
+ -- declared in a given declarative part following such an attribute
+ -- specification.
+ procedure Check_Post_Attribute_Specification
+ (Attr_Spec_Chain : Iir; Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ use Tokens;
+ Spec : Iir;
+ Decl_Class : Token_Type;
+ Decl_Class2 : Token_Type;
+ Ent_Class : Token_Type;
+ begin
+ -- Some declaration items can never be attributed.
+ Decl_Class2 := Tok_Eof;
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Use_Clause
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kinds_Signal_Attribute =>
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
+ -- A physical type definition declares units.
+ if Get_Kind (Get_Type (Decl)) = Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition
+ then
+ Decl_Class := Tok_Units;
+ else
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification =>
+ Decl_Class := Get_Entity_Class (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration =>
+ Decl_Class := Tok_Type;
+ -- An enumeration type declares literals.
+ if Get_Kind (Get_Type (Decl))
+ = Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ then
+ Decl_Class2 := Tok_Literal;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ Decl_Class := Get_Entity_Class_Kind (Get_Name (Decl));
+ -- NOTE: for non-object alias that declares an enumeration type
+ -- or a physical type, no need to set decl_class2, since
+ -- all implicit aliases are checked.
+ when others =>
+ Decl_Class := Get_Entity_Class_Kind (Decl);
+ end case;
+ Spec := Attr_Spec_Chain;
+ -- Skip itself (newly added, therefore first of the chain).
+ if Spec = Decl then
+ Spec := Get_Attribute_Specification_Chain (Spec);
+ end if;
+ while Spec /= Null_Iir loop
+ Ent_Class := Get_Entity_Class (Spec);
+ if Ent_Class = Decl_Class or Ent_Class = Decl_Class2 then
+ if Get_Kind (Decl) = Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("no attribute specification may follow an all/others spec",
+ Decl);
+ else
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("no named entity may follow an all/others attribute "
+ & "specification", Decl);
+ end if;
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("(previous all/others specification for the given "
+ &"entity class)", Spec);
+ end if;
+ Spec := Get_Attribute_Specification_Chain (Spec);
+ end loop;
+ end Check_Post_Attribute_Specification;
+ procedure Sem_Disconnect_Specification
+ (Dis : Iir_Disconnection_Specification)
+ is
+ Atype : Iir;
+ Time_Expr : Iir;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ El : Iir;
+ Sig : Iir;
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Sem type mark.
+ Atype := Get_Type (Dis);
+ Atype := Sem_Types.Sem_Subtype_Indication (Atype);
+ if Atype /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Type (Dis, Atype);
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93 5.3
+ -- The time expression in a disconnection specification must be static
+ -- and must evaluate to a non-negative value.
+ Time_Expr := Sem_Expression
+ (Get_Expression (Dis), Time_Subtype_Definition);
+ if Time_Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Check_Read (Time_Expr);
+ Set_Expression (Dis, Time_Expr);
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Time_Expr) < Globally then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("time expression must be static", Time_Expr);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ List := Get_Signal_List (Dis);
+ if List = Iir_List_All or List = Iir_List_Others then
+ -- FIXME: checks todo
+ null;
+ else
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Sem_Name (El, False);
+ Sig := Get_Named_Entity (El);
+ Sig := Name_To_Object (Sig);
+ if Sig /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Type (El, Get_Type (Sig));
+ Prefix := Get_Base_Name (Sig);
+ -- LRM93 5.3
+ -- Each signal name in a signal list in a guarded signal
+ -- specification must be a locally static name that
+ -- denotes a guarded signal.
+ case Get_Kind (Prefix) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("object must be a signal", El);
+ return;
+ end case;
+ if Get_Name_Staticness (Sig) /= Locally then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("signal name must be locally static", El);
+ end if;
+ if Get_Signal_Kind (Prefix) = Iir_No_Signal_Kind then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("signal must be a guarded signal", El);
+ end if;
+ Set_Has_Disconnect_Flag (Prefix, True);
+ -- LRM93 5.3
+ -- If the guarded signal is a declared signal or a slice of
+ -- thereof, the type mark must be the same as the type mark
+ -- indicated in the guarded sugnal specification.
+ -- If the guarded signal is an array element of an explicitly
+ -- declared signal, the type mark must be the same as the
+ -- element subtype indication in the (explicit or implicit)
+ -- array type declaration that declares the base type of the
+ -- explicitly declared signal.
+ -- If the guarded signal is a record element of an explicitly
+ -- declared signal, then the type mark must be the same as
+ -- the type mark in the element subtype definition of the
+ -- record type declaration that declares the type of the
+ -- explicitly declared signal.
+ -- FIXME: to be checked: the expression type (as set by
+ -- sem_expression) may be a base type instead of a type mark.
+ if not Is_Same_Type_Mark (Get_Type (Sig), Atype) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("type mark and signal type mismatch", El);
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93 5.3
+ -- Each signal must be declared in the declarative part
+ -- enclosing the disconnection specification.
+ -- FIXME: todo.
+ elsif Get_Designated_Entity (El) /= Error_Mark then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("name must designate a signal", El);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end Sem_Disconnect_Specification;
+ -- Semantize entity aspect ASPECT and return the entity declaration.
+ -- Return NULL_IIR if not found.
+ function Sem_Entity_Aspect (Aspect : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Entity : Iir;
+ New_Entity : Iir;
+ Conf : Iir;
+ Arch : Iir;
+ Arch_Unit : Iir;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Aspect) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity =>
+ Entity := Get_Entity (Aspect);
+ New_Entity := Find_Declaration (Entity, Decl_Entity);
+ if New_Entity = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Set_Entity (Aspect, New_Entity);
+ -- Check architecture.
+ Arch := Get_Architecture (Aspect);
+ if Arch /= Null_Iir then
+ Arch_Unit := Libraries.Find_Secondary_Unit
+ (New_Entity, Get_Identifier (Arch));
+ if Arch_Unit /= Null_Iir then
+ Xref_Ref (Arch, Arch_Unit);
+ end if;
+ -- FIXME: may emit a warning if the architecture does not
+ -- exists.
+ -- Note: the design needs the architecture.
+ Add_Dependence (Aspect);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Configuration =>
+ Conf := Get_Configuration (Aspect);
+ Conf := Find_Declaration (Conf, Decl_Configuration);
+ if Conf = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Set_Configuration (Aspect, Conf);
+ Libraries.Load_Design_Unit (Conf, Aspect);
+ New_Entity := Get_Entity (Get_Library_Unit (Conf));
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Open =>
+ return Null_Iir;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_entity_aspect", Aspect);
+ end case;
+ Libraries.Load_Design_Unit (New_Entity, Aspect);
+ return Get_Library_Unit (New_Entity);
+ end Sem_Entity_Aspect;
+ procedure Sem_Binding_Indication (Bind : Iir_Binding_Indication;
+ Comp : Iir_Component_Declaration;
+ Parent : Iir;
+ Primary_Entity_Aspect : Iir)
+ is
+ Entity_Aspect : Iir;
+ Entity : Iir_Entity_Declaration;
+ begin
+ if Bind = Null_Iir then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Entity_Aspect := Get_Entity_Aspect (Bind);
+ if Entity_Aspect /= Null_Iir then
+ Entity := Sem_Entity_Aspect (Entity_Aspect);
+ -- LRM93 5.2.1 Binding Indication
+ -- An incremental binding indication must not have an entity aspect.
+ if Primary_Entity_Aspect /= Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("entity aspect not allowed for incremental binding", Bind);
+ end if;
+ -- Return now in case of error.
+ if Entity = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- LRM93 5.2.1
+ -- When a binding indication is used in an explicit configuration
+ -- specification, it is an error if the entity aspect is absent.
+ case Get_Kind (Parent) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration =>
+ if Primary_Entity_Aspect = Null_Iir then
+ Entity := Null_Iir;
+ else
+ case Get_Kind (Primary_Entity_Aspect) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity =>
+ Entity := Get_Library_Unit
+ (Get_Entity (Primary_Entity_Aspect));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind
+ ("sem_binding_indication", Primary_Entity_Aspect);
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("entity aspect required in a configuration specification",
+ Bind);
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ if Entity = Null_Iir
+ or else Get_Kind (Entity) = Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Open
+ then
+ -- LRM Entity aspect
+ -- The third form of entity aspect is used to specify that the
+ -- indiciation of the design entity is to be defined. In this case,
+ -- the immediatly enclosing binding indication is said to not
+ -- imply any design entity. Furthermore, the immediatly enclosing
+ -- binding indication must not include a generic map aspect or a
+ -- port map aspect.
+ if Get_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Bind) /= Null_Iir
+ or else Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Bind) /= Null_Iir
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("map aspect not allowed for open entity aspect", Bind);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Sem_Generic_Port_Association_Chain (Entity, Bind);
+ if Get_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Bind) = Null_Iir
+ and then Primary_Entity_Aspect = Null_Iir
+ then
+ Set_Default_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain
+ (Bind,
+ Create_Default_Map_Aspect (Comp, Entity, Map_Generic, Parent));
+ end if;
+ if Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Bind) = Null_Iir
+ and then Primary_Entity_Aspect = Null_Iir
+ then
+ Set_Default_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain
+ (Bind,
+ Create_Default_Map_Aspect (Comp, Entity, Map_Port, Parent));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Sem_Binding_Indication;
+ -- Set configuration_specification or component_configuration SPEC to
+ -- component instantiation COMP.
+ procedure Apply_Configuration_Specification
+ (Comp : Iir_Component_Instantiation_Statement;
+ Spec : Iir;
+ Primary_Entity_Aspect : in out Iir)
+ is
+ Prev_Spec : Iir;
+ Prev_Conf : Iir;
+ procedure Prev_Spec_Error is
+ begin
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Comp)
+ & " is alreay bound by a configuration specification", Spec);
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("(previous is " & Disp_Node (Prev_Spec) & ")", Prev_Spec);
+ end Prev_Spec_Error;
+ Prev_Binding : Iir_Binding_Indication;
+ Prev_Entity_Aspect : Iir;
+ begin
+ Prev_Spec := Get_Configuration_Specification (Comp);
+ if Prev_Spec /= Null_Iir then
+ case Get_Kind (Spec) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification =>
+ Prev_Spec_Error;
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration =>
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Prev_Spec_Error;
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("(incremental binding is not allowed in vhdl87)", Spec);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Incremental binding.
+ Prev_Binding := Get_Binding_Indication (Prev_Spec);
+ if Prev_Binding /= Null_Iir then
+ Prev_Entity_Aspect := Get_Entity_Aspect (Prev_Binding);
+ if Primary_Entity_Aspect = Null_Iir then
+ Primary_Entity_Aspect := Prev_Entity_Aspect;
+ else
+ -- FIXME: checks to do ?
+ null;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("apply_configuration_specification", Spec);
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ Prev_Conf := Get_Component_Configuration (Comp);
+ if Prev_Conf /= Null_Iir then
+ case Get_Kind (Spec) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification =>
+ -- How can this happen ?
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Comp)
+ & " is already bound by a component configuration",
+ Spec);
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("(previous is " & Disp_Node (Prev_Conf) & ")", Prev_Conf);
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("apply_configuration_specification(2)", Spec);
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Spec) = Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification then
+ Set_Configuration_Specification (Comp, Spec);
+ end if;
+ Set_Component_Configuration (Comp, Spec);
+ end Apply_Configuration_Specification;
+ -- Semantize component_configuration or configuration_specification SPEC.
+ -- STMTS is the concurrent statement list related to SPEC.
+ procedure Sem_Component_Specification
+ (Parent_Stmts : Iir; Spec : Iir; Primary_Entity_Aspect : out Iir)
+ is
+ function Apply_Component_Specification
+ (Chain : Iir; Check_Applied : Boolean)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ Comp : Iir;
+ El : Iir;
+ Res : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Comp := Get_Component_Name (Spec);
+ El := Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Chain);
+ Res := False;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ if Get_Instantiated_Unit (El) = Comp
+ and then
+ (not Check_Applied
+ or else Get_Component_Configuration (El) = Null_Iir)
+ then
+ Apply_Configuration_Specification
+ (El, Spec, Primary_Entity_Aspect);
+ Res := True;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ if False and then Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Res := Res
+ or Apply_Component_Specification (El, Check_Applied);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end Apply_Component_Specification;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ El : Iir;
+ Inter : Sem_Scopes.Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ Comp : Iir;
+ Inst : Iir;
+ begin
+ Primary_Entity_Aspect := Null_Iir;
+ Comp := Find_Declaration (Get_Component_Name (Spec), Decl_Component);
+ if Comp = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Set_Component_Name (Spec, Comp);
+ List := Get_Instantiation_List (Spec);
+ if List = Iir_List_All then
+ -- LRM93 5.2
+ -- * If the reserved word ALL is supplied, then the configuration
+ -- specification applies to all instances of the specified
+ -- component declaration whose labels are (implicitly) declared
+ -- in the immediately enclosing declarative region part.
+ -- This rule applies only to those component instantiation
+ -- statements whose corresponding instantiated units name
+ -- component.
+ if not Apply_Component_Specification (Parent_Stmts, False)
+ and then Flags.Warn_Specs
+ then
+ Warning_Msg_Sem
+ ("component specification applies to no instance", Spec);
+ end if;
+ elsif List = Iir_List_Others then
+ -- LRM93 5.2
+ -- * If the reserved word OTHERS is supplied, then the
+ -- configuration specification applies to instances of the
+ -- specified component declaration whoce labels are (implicitly)
+ -- declared in the immediatly enclosing declarative part,
+ -- provided that each such component instance is not explicitly
+ -- names in the instantiation list of a previous configuration
+ -- specification.
+ -- This rule applies only to those component instantiation
+ -- statements whose corresponding instantiated units name
+ -- components.
+ if not Apply_Component_Specification (Parent_Stmts, True)
+ and then Flags.Warn_Specs
+ then
+ Warning_Msg_Sem
+ ("component specification applies to no instance", Spec);
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- LRM93 5.2
+ -- * If a list of instantiation labels is supplied, then the
+ -- configuration specification applies to the corresponding
+ -- component instances.
+ -- Such labels must be (implicitly) declared within the
+ -- immediatly enclosing declarative part.
+ -- It is an error if these component instances are not instances
+ -- of the component declaration named in the component
+ -- specification.
+ -- It is also an error if any of the labels denote a component
+ -- instantiation statement whose corresponding instantiated unit
+ -- does not name a component.
+ -- FIXME: error message are *really* cryptic.
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Inter := Sem_Scopes.Get_Interpretation (Get_Identifier (El));
+ if not Valid_Interpretation (Inter) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("no component instantation with label '"
+ & Image_Identifier (El) & ''', El);
+ elsif not Is_In_Current_Declarative_Region (Inter) then
+ -- FIXME.
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("label not in block declarative part", El);
+ else
+ Comp := Get_Declaration (Inter);
+ if Get_Kind (Comp) /= Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("label does not denote an instantiation", El);
+ else
+ Inst := Get_Instantiated_Unit (Comp);
+ if Get_Kind (Inst) /= Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("specification does not apply to direct instantiation",
+ El);
+ elsif Inst /= Get_Component_Name (Spec) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("component names mismatch", El);
+ else
+ Apply_Configuration_Specification
+ (Comp, Spec, Primary_Entity_Aspect);
+ Xref_Ref (El, Comp);
+ Free_Iir (El);
+ Replace_Nth_Element (List, I, Comp);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end Sem_Component_Specification;
+ procedure Sem_Configuration_Specification
+ (Parent_Stmts : Iir; Conf : Iir_Configuration_Specification)
+ is
+ Primary_Entity_Aspect : Iir;
+ begin
+ Sem_Component_Specification (Parent_Stmts, Conf, Primary_Entity_Aspect);
+ -- Extend scope of component interface declaration.
+ Sem_Scopes.Open_Scope_Extension;
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Component_Declarations (Get_Component_Name (Conf));
+ Sem_Binding_Indication (Get_Binding_Indication (Conf),
+ Get_Component_Name (Conf),
+ Conf,
+ Primary_Entity_Aspect);
+ -- FIXME: check default port and generic association.
+ Sem_Scopes.Close_Scope_Extension;
+ end Sem_Configuration_Specification;
+ function Sem_Create_Default_Binding_Indication
+ (Comp : Iir_Component_Declaration;
+ Entity_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Parent : Iir;
+ Force : Boolean)
+ return Iir_Binding_Indication
+ is
+ Entity : Iir_Entity_Declaration;
+ Aspect : Iir;
+ Res : Iir;
+ Design_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ begin
+ -- LRM 5.2.2
+ -- The default binding indication consists of a default entity aspect,
+ -- together with a default generic map aspect and a default port map
+ -- aspect, as appropriate.
+ if Entity_Unit = Null_Iir then
+ if not Force then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM 5.2.2
+ -- If no visible entity declaration has the same simple name as that
+ -- of the instantiated component, then the default entity aspect is
+ -- OPEN.
+ Aspect := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Open);
+ Location_Copy (Aspect, Comp);
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Binding_Indication);
+ Set_Entity_Aspect (Res, Aspect);
+ return Res;
+ else
+ -- LRM 5.2.2
+ -- Otherwise, the default entity aspect is of the form:
+ -- ENTITY entity_name ( architecture_identifier)
+ -- where the entity name is the simple name of the instantiated
+ -- component and the architecture identifier is the same as the
+ -- simple name of the most recently analyzed architecture body
+ -- associated with the entity declaration.
+ --
+ -- If this rule is applied either to a binding indication contained
+ -- within a configuration specification or to a component
+ -- configuration that does not contain an explicit inner block
+ -- configuration, then the architecture identifier is determined
+ -- during elaboration of the design hierarchy containing the binding
+ -- indication.
+ --
+ -- Likewise, if a component instantiation statement contains an
+ -- instantiated unit containing the reserved word ENTITY, but does
+ -- not contain an explicitly specified architecture identifier, this
+ -- rule is applied during the elaboration of the design hierarchy
+ -- containing a component instantiation statement.
+ --
+ -- In all other cases, this rule is applied during analysis of the
+ -- binding indication.
+ --
+ -- It is an error if there is no architecture body associated with
+ -- the entity declaration denoted by an entity name that is the
+ -- simple name of the instantiated component.
+ null;
+ end if;
+ Design_Unit := Libraries.Load_Primary_Unit
+ (Get_Library (Get_Design_File (Entity_Unit)),
+ Get_Identifier (Get_Library_Unit (Entity_Unit)),
+ Parent);
+ if Design_Unit = Null_Iir then
+ -- Found an entity which is not in the library.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Entity := Get_Library_Unit (Design_Unit);
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Binding_Indication);
+ Aspect := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity);
+ Location_Copy (Aspect, Parent);
+ Set_Entity (Aspect, Design_Unit);
+ Set_Entity_Aspect (Res, Aspect);
+ -- LRM 5.2.2
+ -- The default binding indication includes a default generic map aspect
+ -- if the design entity implied by the entity aspect contains formal
+ -- generics.
+ Set_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain
+ (Res, Create_Default_Map_Aspect (Comp, Entity, Map_Generic, Parent));
+ -- LRM 5.2.2
+ -- The default binding indication includes a default port map aspect
+ -- if the design entity implied by the entity aspect contains formal
+ -- ports.
+ Set_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain
+ (Res, Create_Default_Map_Aspect (Comp, Entity, Map_Port, Parent));
+ return Res;
+ end Sem_Create_Default_Binding_Indication;
+ -- LRM 5.2.2
+ -- The default generic map aspect associates each local generic in
+ -- the corresponding component instantiation (if any) with a formal
+ -- of the same simple name.
+ -- It is an error if such a formal does not exist, or if its mode and
+ -- type are not appropriate for such an association.
+ -- Any remaining unassociated formals are associated with the actual
+ -- designator OPEN.
+ -- LRM 5.2.2
+ -- The default port map aspect associates each local port in the
+ -- corresponding component instantiation (if any) with a formal of
+ -- the same simple name.
+ -- It is an error if such a formal does not exist, or if its mode
+ -- and type are not appropriate for such an association.
+ -- Any remaining unassociated formals are associated with the actual
+ -- designator OPEN.
+ type Map_Kind_String_Type is array (Map_Kind_Type) of String_Cst;
+ Map_Kind_Name : constant Map_Kind_String_Type :=
+ (Map_Generic => new String'("generic"),
+ Map_Port => new String'("port"));
+ function Create_Default_Map_Aspect
+ (Comp : Iir; Entity : Iir; Kind : Map_Kind_Type; Parent : Iir)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Res, Last : Iir;
+ Comp_El, Ent_El : Iir;
+ Assoc : Iir;
+ Found : Natural;
+ Comp_Chain : Iir;
+ Ent_Chain : Iir;
+ Error : Boolean;
+ begin
+ case Kind is
+ when Map_Generic =>
+ Ent_Chain := Get_Generic_Chain (Entity);
+ Comp_Chain := Get_Generic_Chain (Comp);
+ when Map_Port =>
+ Ent_Chain := Get_Port_Chain (Entity);
+ Comp_Chain := Get_Port_Chain (Comp);
+ end case;
+ -- If no formal, then there is no association list.
+ -- Just check there is no actuals.
+ if Ent_Chain = Null_Iir then
+ if Comp_Chain /= Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("no " & Map_Kind_Name (Kind).all & "s of "
+ & Disp_Node (Entity)
+ & " to be associated with "
+ & Map_Kind_Name (Kind).all
+ & "s of " & Disp_Node (Comp), Parent);
+ end if;
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ -- No error found yet.
+ Error := False;
+ Sub_Chain_Init (Res, Last);
+ Found := 0;
+ Ent_El := Ent_Chain;
+ while Ent_El /= Null_Iir loop
+ -- Find the component generic/port with the same name.
+ Comp_El := Find_Name_In_Chain (Comp_Chain, Get_Identifier (Ent_El));
+ if Comp_El = Null_Iir then
+ Assoc := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open);
+ Location_Copy (Assoc, Comp);
+ else
+ if not Are_Nodes_Compatible (Comp_El, Ent_El) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("type of "
+ & Disp_Node (Comp_El) & " from " & Disp_Node (Comp)
+ & " and "
+ & Disp_Node (Ent_El) & " from " & Disp_Node (Entity)
+ & " are not compatible for an association",
+ Parent);
+ Error := True;
+ elsif Kind = Map_Port
+ and then
+ not Check_Port_Association_Restriction (Ent_El, Comp_El, Parent)
+ then
+ Error := True;
+ end if;
+ Assoc := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression);
+ Location_Copy (Assoc, Comp_El);
+ Set_Whole_Association_Flag (Assoc, True);
+ Set_Actual (Assoc, Comp_El);
+ Found := Found + 1;
+ end if;
+ Set_Formal (Assoc, Ent_El);
+ if Kind = Map_Port
+ and then not Error
+ and then Comp_El /= Null_Iir
+ then
+ Set_Collapse_Signal_Flag
+ (Assoc, Can_Collapse_Signals (Assoc, Ent_El));
+ end if;
+ Sub_Chain_Append (Res, Last, Assoc);
+ Ent_El := Get_Chain (Ent_El);
+ end loop;
+ if Iir_Chains.Get_Chain_Length (Comp_Chain) /= Found then
+ -- At least one component generic/port cannot be associated with
+ -- the entity one.
+ Error := True;
+ -- Disp unassociated interfaces.
+ Comp_El := Comp_Chain;
+ while Comp_El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Ent_El := Find_Name_In_Chain (Ent_Chain, Get_Identifier (Comp_El));
+ if Ent_El = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem (Disp_Node (Comp_El) & " has no association in "
+ & Disp_Node (Entity), Parent);
+ end if;
+ Comp_El := Get_Chain (Comp_El);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ if Error then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ else
+ return Res;
+ end if;
+ end Create_Default_Map_Aspect;
+ -- LRM93 §5.2.2
+ function Get_Visible_Entity_Declaration (Comp: Iir_Component_Declaration)
+ return Iir_Design_Unit
+ is
+ function Is_Entity_Declaration (Decl : Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Get_Kind (Decl) = Iir_Kind_Design_Unit and then
+ Get_Kind (Get_Library_Unit (Decl)) = Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration;
+ end Is_Entity_Declaration;
+ Inter : Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ Name : Name_Id;
+ Decl : Iir;
+ Target_Lib : Iir;
+ begin
+ Name := Get_Identifier (Comp);
+ Inter := Get_Interpretation (Name);
+ if Valid_Interpretation (Inter) then
+ -- A visible entity declaration is either:
+ --
+ -- a) An entity declaration that has the same simple name as that of
+ -- the instantiated component and that is directly visible
+ -- (see 10.3),
+ Decl := Get_Declaration (Inter);
+ if Is_Entity_Declaration (Decl) then
+ return Decl;
+ end if;
+ -- b) An entity declaration that has the same simple name that of
+ -- the instantiated component and that would be directly
+ -- visible in the absence of a directly visible (see 10.3)
+ -- component declaration with the same simple name as that
+ -- of the entity declaration, or
+ if Get_Kind (Decl) = Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration then
+ Inter := Get_Under_Interpretation (Name);
+ if Valid_Interpretation (Inter) then
+ Decl := Get_Declaration (Inter);
+ if Is_Entity_Declaration (Decl) then
+ return Decl;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- VHDL02:
+ -- c) An entity declaration denoted by "L.C", where L is the target
+ -- library and C is the simple name of the instantiated component.
+ -- The target library is the library logical name of the library
+ -- containing the design unit in which the component C is
+ -- declared.
+ if Flags.Flag_Syn_Binding
+ or Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_02
+ or Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_93c
+ then
+ -- Find target library.
+ Target_Lib := Comp;
+ while Get_Kind (Target_Lib) /= Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration loop
+ Target_Lib := Get_Parent (Target_Lib);
+ end loop;
+ Decl := Libraries.Find_Primary_Unit (Target_Lib, Name);
+ if Decl /= Null_Iir and then Is_Entity_Declaration (Decl) then
+ return Decl;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end Get_Visible_Entity_Declaration;
+ -- Explain why there is no default binding for COMP.
+ procedure Explain_No_Visible_Entity (Comp: Iir_Component_Declaration)
+ is
+ Inter : Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ Name : Name_Id;
+ Decl : Iir;
+ begin
+ Name := Get_Identifier (Comp);
+ Inter := Get_Interpretation (Name);
+ if Valid_Interpretation (Inter) then
+ -- A visible entity declaration is either:
+ --
+ -- a) An entity declaration that has the same simple name as that of
+ -- the instantiated component and that is directly visible
+ -- (see 10.3),
+ Decl := Get_Declaration (Inter);
+ Warning_Msg_Elab ("visible declaration for " & Name_Table.Image (Name)
+ & " is " & Disp_Node (Decl), Decl);
+ -- b) An entity declaration that has the same simple name that of
+ -- the instantiated component and that would be directly
+ -- visible in the absence of a directly visible (see 10.3)
+ -- component declaration with the same simple name as that
+ -- of the entity declaration, or
+ if Get_Kind (Decl) = Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration then
+ Inter := Get_Under_Interpretation (Name);
+ if Valid_Interpretation (Inter) then
+ Decl := Get_Declaration (Inter);
+ Warning_Msg_Elab ("interpretation behind the component is "
+ & Disp_Node (Decl), Comp);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- VHDL02:
+ -- c) An entity declaration denoted by "L.C", where L is the target
+ -- library and C is the simple name of the instantiated component.
+ -- The target library is the library logical name of the library
+ -- containing the design unit in which the component C is
+ -- declared.
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_02 then
+ Decl := Comp;
+ while Get_Kind (Decl) /= Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration loop
+ Decl := Get_Parent (Decl);
+ end loop;
+ Warning_Msg_Elab ("no entity """ & Name_Table.Image (Name) & """ in "
+ & Disp_Node (Decl), Comp);
+ end if;
+ end Explain_No_Visible_Entity;
+ procedure Sem_Specification_Chain (Decls_Parent : Iir; Parent_Stmts: Iir)
+ is
+ Decl: Iir;
+ begin
+ Decl := Get_Declaration_Chain (Decls_Parent);
+ while Decl /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification =>
+ Sem_Configuration_Specification (Parent_Stmts, Decl);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ end loop;
+ end Sem_Specification_Chain;
+end Sem_Specs;
diff --git a/sem_specs.ads b/sem_specs.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab02fb2c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sem_specs.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+-- Semantic analysis.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+with Tokens;
+package Sem_Specs is
+ function Get_Entity_Class_Kind (Decl : Iir) return Tokens.Token_Type;
+ procedure Sem_Attribute_Specification
+ (Spec : Iir_Attribute_Specification; Scope : Iir);
+ -- Check declarations following an ALL/OTHERS attribute specification.
+ procedure Check_Post_Attribute_Specification
+ (Attr_Spec_Chain : Iir; Decl : Iir);
+ procedure Sem_Disconnect_Specification
+ (Dis : Iir_Disconnection_Specification);
+ procedure Sem_Configuration_Specification
+ (Parent_Stmts : Iir; Conf : Iir_Configuration_Specification);
+ procedure Sem_Binding_Indication (Bind : Iir_Binding_Indication;
+ Comp : Iir_Component_Declaration;
+ Parent : Iir;
+ Primary_Entity_Aspect : Iir);
+ -- Semantize entity aspect ASPECT and return the entity declaration.
+ -- Return NULL_IIR if not found.
+ function Sem_Entity_Aspect (Aspect : Iir) return Iir;
+ -- Semantize component_configuration or configuration_specification SPEC.
+ -- STMTS is the concurrent statement list related to SPEC.
+ procedure Sem_Component_Specification
+ (Parent_Stmts : Iir; Spec : Iir; Primary_Entity_Aspect : out Iir);
+ -- Create a default binding indication for component COMP which will be
+ -- bound with entity ENTITY_UNIT.
+ -- If ENTITY_UNIT is NULL_IIR, the component is not bound.
+ -- If FORCE is True, a binding indication will be created even if the
+ -- component is not bound (this is an open binding indication).
+ -- PARENT is used to report error.
+ function Sem_Create_Default_Binding_Indication
+ (Comp : Iir_Component_Declaration;
+ Entity_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Parent : Iir;
+ Force : Boolean)
+ return Iir_Binding_Indication;
+ -- Create a default generic or port map aspect that associates all elements
+ -- of ENTITY (if any) to elements of COMP with the same name or to
+ -- an open association.
+ -- If KIND is GENERIC_MAP, apply this on generics, if KIND is PORT_MAP,
+ -- apply this on ports.
+ -- PARENT is used to report errors.
+ type Map_Kind_Type is (Map_Generic, Map_Port);
+ function Create_Default_Map_Aspect
+ (Comp : Iir; Entity : Iir; Kind : Map_Kind_Type; Parent : Iir)
+ return Iir;
+ -- Explain why there is no default binding for COMP.
+ procedure Explain_No_Visible_Entity (Comp: Iir_Component_Declaration);
+ function Get_Visible_Entity_Declaration (Comp: Iir_Component_Declaration)
+ return Iir_Design_Unit;
+ procedure Sem_Specification_Chain (Decls_Parent : Iir; Parent_Stmts: Iir);
+end Sem_Specs;
diff --git a/sem_stmts.adb b/sem_stmts.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b0e5b3c86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sem_stmts.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1942 @@
+-- Semantic analysis.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Types; use Types;
+with Flags;
+with Sem_Specs; use Sem_Specs;
+with Sem; use Sem;
+with Sem_Decls; use Sem_Decls;
+with Sem_Expr; use Sem_Expr;
+with Std_Package; use Std_Package;
+with Sem_Names; use Sem_Names;
+with Sem_Scopes; use Sem_Scopes;
+with Std_Names;
+with Evaluation; use Evaluation;
+with Iirs_Utils; use Iirs_Utils;
+with Xrefs; use Xrefs;
+package body Sem_Stmts is
+ -- Process is the scope, this is also the process for which drivers can
+ -- be created.
+ -- Note: FIRST_STMT is the first statement, which can be get by:
+ -- get_sequential_statement_chain (usual)
+ -- get_associated (for case statement).
+ procedure Sem_Sequential_Statements_Internal (First_Stmt : Iir);
+ -- Access to the current subprogram or process.
+ Current_Subprogram: Iir := Null_Iir;
+ function Get_Current_Subprogram return Iir is
+ begin
+ return Current_Subprogram;
+ end Get_Current_Subprogram;
+ -- Access to the current concurrent statement.
+ -- Null_iir if no one.
+ Current_Concurrent_Statement : Iir := Null_Iir;
+ function Get_Current_Concurrent_Statement return Iir is
+ begin
+ return Current_Concurrent_Statement;
+ end Get_Current_Concurrent_Statement;
+ Current_Declarative_Region_With_Signals :
+ Implicit_Signal_Declaration_Type := (Null_Iir, Null_Iir);
+ procedure Push_Signals_Declarative_Part
+ (Cell: out Implicit_Signal_Declaration_Type; Decls_Parent : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Cell := Current_Declarative_Region_With_Signals;
+ Current_Declarative_Region_With_Signals := (Decls_Parent, Null_Iir);
+ end Push_Signals_Declarative_Part;
+ procedure Pop_Signals_Declarative_Part
+ (Cell: in Implicit_Signal_Declaration_Type) is
+ begin
+ Current_Declarative_Region_With_Signals := Cell;
+ end Pop_Signals_Declarative_Part;
+ procedure Add_Declaration_For_Implicit_Signal (Sig : Iir)
+ is
+ Last : Iir renames
+ Current_Declarative_Region_With_Signals.Last_Decl;
+ begin
+ if Current_Declarative_Region_With_Signals.Decls_Parent = Null_Iir then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Last = Null_Iir then
+ Last := Get_Declaration_Chain
+ (Current_Declarative_Region_With_Signals.Decls_Parent);
+ end if;
+ if Last = Null_Iir then
+ Set_Declaration_Chain
+ (Current_Declarative_Region_With_Signals.Decls_Parent, Sig);
+ else
+ while Get_Chain (Last) /= Null_Iir loop
+ Last := Get_Chain (Last);
+ end loop;
+ Set_Chain (Last, Sig);
+ end if;
+ Last := Sig;
+ end Add_Declaration_For_Implicit_Signal;
+ -- LRM 8 Sequential statements.
+ -- All statements may be labeled.
+ -- Such labels are implicitly declared at the beginning of the declarative
+ -- part of the innermost enclosing process statement of subprogram body.
+ procedure Sem_Sequential_Labels (First_Stmt : Iir)
+ is
+ Stmt: Iir;
+ Label: Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Stmt := First_Stmt;
+ while Stmt /= Null_Iir loop
+ Label := Get_Label (Stmt);
+ if Label /= Null_Identifier then
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (Stmt);
+ Name_Visible (Stmt);
+ Xref_Decl (Stmt);
+ end if;
+ -- Some statements have sub-lists of statements.
+ case Get_Kind (Stmt) is
+ when Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement =>
+ Sem_Sequential_Labels (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Stmt));
+ when Iir_Kind_If_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Clause : Iir;
+ begin
+ Clause := Stmt;
+ while Clause /= Null_Iir loop
+ Sem_Sequential_Labels
+ (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Clause));
+ Clause := Get_Else_Clause (Clause);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Case_Statement =>
+ declare
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ El := Get_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain (Stmt);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Sem_Sequential_Labels (Get_Associated (El));
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Stmt := Get_Chain (Stmt);
+ end loop;
+ end Sem_Sequential_Labels;
+ procedure Fill_Array_From_Aggregate_Associated
+ (Chain : Iir; Nbr : in out Natural; Arr : Iir_Array_Acc)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ Ass : Iir;
+ begin
+ El := Chain;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Ass := Get_Associated (El);
+ if Get_Kind (Ass) = Iir_Kind_Aggregate then
+ Fill_Array_From_Aggregate_Associated
+ (Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Ass), Nbr, Arr);
+ else
+ if Arr /= null then
+ Arr (Nbr) := Ass;
+ end if;
+ Nbr := Nbr + 1;
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Fill_Array_From_Aggregate_Associated;
+ -- Return TRUE iff there is no common elements designed by N1 and N2.
+ -- N1 and N2 are static names.
+ -- FIXME: The current implementation is completly wrong; should check from
+ -- prefix to suffix.
+ function Is_Disjoint (N1, N2: Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ List1, List2 : Iir_List;
+ El1, El2 : Iir;
+ begin
+ if N1 = N2 then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (N1) = Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ and then Get_Kind (N2) = Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ then
+ if Is_Disjoint (Get_Prefix (N1), Get_Prefix (N2)) then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ -- Check indexes.
+ List1 := Get_Index_List (N1);
+ List2 := Get_Index_List (N2);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El1 := Get_Nth_Element (List1, I);
+ El2 := Get_Nth_Element (List2, I);
+ exit when El1 = Null_Iir;
+ El1 := Eval_Expr (El1);
+ Replace_Nth_Element (List1, I, El1);
+ El2 := Eval_Expr (El2);
+ Replace_Nth_Element (List2, I, El2);
+ -- EL are of discrete type.
+ if Get_Value (El1) /= Get_Value (El2) then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end Is_Disjoint;
+ procedure Check_Uniq_Aggregate_Associated
+ (Aggr : Iir_Aggregate; Nbr : Natural)
+ is
+ Index : Natural;
+ Arr : Iir_Array_Acc;
+ Chain : Iir;
+ V_I, V_J : Iir;
+ begin
+ Chain := Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Aggr);
+ -- Count number of associated values, and create the array.
+ -- Already done: use nbr.
+ -- Fill_Array_From_Aggregate_Associated (List, Nbr, null);
+ Arr := new Iir_Array (0 .. Nbr - 1);
+ -- Fill the array.
+ Index := 0;
+ Fill_Array_From_Aggregate_Associated (Chain, Index, Arr);
+ if Index /= Nbr then
+ -- Should be the same.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Check each element is uniq.
+ for I in Arr.all'Range loop
+ V_I := Name_To_Object (Arr (I));
+ if Get_Name_Staticness (V_I) = Locally then
+ for J in 0 .. I - 1 loop
+ V_J := Name_To_Object (Arr (J));
+ if Get_Name_Staticness (V_J) = Locally
+ and then not Is_Disjoint (V_I, V_J)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("target is assigned more than once", Arr (I));
+ Error_Msg_Sem (" (previous assignment is here)", Arr (J));
+ Free (Arr);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Free (Arr);
+ return;
+ end Check_Uniq_Aggregate_Associated;
+ -- Do checks for the target of an assignment.
+ procedure Check_Simple_Signal_Target
+ (Stmt : Iir; Target : Iir; Staticness : Iir_Staticness);
+ -- STMT is used to localize the error (if any).
+ procedure Check_Simple_Variable_Target
+ (Stmt : Iir; Target : Iir; Staticness : Iir_Staticness);
+ -- Semantic associed with signal mode.
+ -- See §4.3.3
+ type Boolean_Array_Of_Iir_Mode is array (Iir_Mode) of Boolean;
+ Iir_Mode_Readable : constant Boolean_Array_Of_Iir_Mode :=
+ (Iir_Unknown_Mode => False,
+ Iir_In_Mode => True,
+ Iir_Out_Mode => False,
+ Iir_Inout_Mode => True,
+ Iir_Buffer_Mode => True,
+ Iir_Linkage_Mode => False);
+ Iir_Mode_Writable : constant Boolean_Array_Of_Iir_Mode :=
+ (Iir_Unknown_Mode => False,
+ Iir_In_Mode => False,
+ Iir_Out_Mode => True,
+ Iir_Inout_Mode => True,
+ Iir_Buffer_Mode => True,
+ Iir_Linkage_Mode => False);
+ procedure Check_Aggregate_Target
+ (Stmt : Iir; Target : Iir; Nbr : in out Natural)
+ is
+ Choice : Iir;
+ Ass : Iir;
+ begin
+ Choice := Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Target);
+ while Choice /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (Choice) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range =>
+ -- LRM93 8.4
+ -- It is an error if an element association in such an
+ -- aggregate contains an OTHERS choice or a choice that is
+ -- a discrete range.
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("discrete range choice not allowed for target",
+ Choice);
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others =>
+ -- LRM93 8.4
+ -- It is an error if an element association in such an
+ -- aggregate contains an OTHERS choice or a choice that is
+ -- a discrete range.
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("others choice not allowed for target", Choice);
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None =>
+ -- LRM93 9.4
+ -- Such a target may not only contain locally static signal
+ -- names [...]
+ Ass := Get_Associated (Choice);
+ if Get_Kind (Ass) = Iir_Kind_Aggregate then
+ Check_Aggregate_Target (Stmt, Ass, Nbr);
+ else
+ if Get_Kind (Stmt) = Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement
+ then
+ Check_Simple_Variable_Target (Stmt, Ass, Locally);
+ else
+ Check_Simple_Signal_Target (Stmt, Ass, Locally);
+ end if;
+ Nbr := Nbr + 1;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("check_aggregate_target", Choice);
+ end case;
+ Choice := Get_Chain (Choice);
+ end loop;
+ end Check_Aggregate_Target;
+ procedure Check_Simple_Signal_Target
+ (Stmt : Iir; Target : Iir; Staticness : Iir_Staticness)
+ is
+ Target_Object : Iir;
+ Target_Prefix : Iir;
+ Guarded_Target : Tri_State_Type;
+ Targ_Obj_Kind : Iir_Kind;
+ begin
+ Target_Object := Name_To_Object (Target);
+ if Target_Object = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("target is not a signal name", Target);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Target_Prefix := Get_Base_Name (Target_Object);
+ Targ_Obj_Kind := Get_Kind (Target_Prefix);
+ case Targ_Obj_Kind is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ if not Iir_Mode_Writable (Get_Mode (Target_Prefix)) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Target_Prefix) & " can't be assigned", Target);
+ else
+ Sem_Add_Driver (Target_Object, Stmt);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Add_Driver (Target_Object, Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("implicit GUARD signal cannot be assigned", Stmt);
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("target is not a signal", Stmt);
+ return;
+ end case;
+ if Get_Name_Staticness (Target_Object) < Staticness then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("signal name must be static", Stmt);
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93
+ -- A formal signal parameter is a guarded signal if and only if
+ -- it is associated with an actual signal that is a guarded
+ -- signal.
+ -- GHDL: a formal signal interface of a subprogram has no static
+ -- kind. This is determined at run-time, according to the actual
+ -- associated with the formal.
+ -- GHDL: parent of target cannot be a function.
+ if Targ_Obj_Kind = Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ and then
+ Get_Kind (Get_Parent (Target_Prefix)) = Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ then
+ Guarded_Target := Unknown;
+ else
+ if Get_Signal_Kind (Target_Prefix) /= Iir_No_Signal_Kind then
+ Guarded_Target := True;
+ else
+ Guarded_Target := False;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Guarded_Target_State (Stmt) is
+ when Unknown =>
+ Set_Guarded_Target_State (Stmt, Guarded_Target);
+ when True
+ | False =>
+ if Get_Guarded_Target_State (Stmt) /= Guarded_Target then
+ -- LRM93 9.5
+ -- It is an error if the target of a concurrent signal
+ -- assignment is neither a guarded target nor an
+ -- unguarded target.
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("guarded and unguarded target", Target);
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ end Check_Simple_Signal_Target;
+ procedure Check_Simple_Variable_Target
+ (Stmt : Iir; Target : Iir; Staticness : Iir_Staticness)
+ is
+ Target_Object : Iir;
+ Target_Prefix : Iir;
+ begin
+ Target_Object := Name_To_Object (Target);
+ if Target_Object = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("target is not a variable name", Stmt);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Target_Prefix := Get_Base_Name (Target_Object);
+ case Get_Kind (Target_Prefix) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration =>
+ if not Iir_Mode_Writable (Get_Mode (Target_Prefix)) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem (Disp_Node (Target_Prefix)
+ & " cannot be written (bad mode)", Target);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Dereference =>
+ -- LRM 3.3
+ -- An object designated by an access type is always an object of
+ -- class variable.
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem (Disp_Node (Target_Prefix)
+ & " is not a variable to be assigned", Stmt);
+ return;
+ end case;
+ if Get_Name_Staticness (Target_Object) < Staticness then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("element of aggregate of variables must be a static name", Target);
+ end if;
+ end Check_Simple_Variable_Target;
+ procedure Check_Target (Stmt : Iir; Target : Iir)
+ is
+ Nbr : Natural;
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Target) = Iir_Kind_Aggregate then
+ Nbr := 0;
+ Check_Aggregate_Target (Stmt, Target, Nbr);
+ Check_Uniq_Aggregate_Associated (Target, Nbr);
+ else
+ if Get_Kind (Stmt) = Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement then
+ Check_Simple_Variable_Target (Stmt, Target, None);
+ else
+ Check_Simple_Signal_Target (Stmt, Target, None);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Target;
+ -- Return FALSE in case of error.
+ function Sem_Signal_Assignment_Target_And_Option (Stmt: Iir; Sig_Type : Iir)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ -- The target of the assignment.
+ Target: Iir;
+ -- The value that will be assigned.
+ Expr: Iir;
+ Ok : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Ok := True;
+ -- Find the signal.
+ Target := Get_Target (Stmt);
+ Target := Sem_Expression (Target, Sig_Type);
+ if Target /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Target (Stmt, Target);
+ Check_Target (Stmt, Target);
+ else
+ Ok := False;
+ end if;
+ Expr := Get_Reject_Time_Expression (Stmt);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Expr := Sem_Expression (Expr, Time_Type_Definition);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Check_Read (Expr);
+ Set_Reject_Time_Expression (Stmt, Expr);
+ else
+ Ok := False;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return Ok;
+ end Sem_Signal_Assignment_Target_And_Option;
+ -- Semantize a waveform_list WAVEFORM_LIST that is assigned via statement
+ -- ASSIGN_STMT to a subelement or a slice of a signal SIGNAL_DECL.
+ procedure Sem_Waveform_Chain
+ (Assign_Stmt: Iir;
+ Waveform_Chain : Iir_Waveform_Element;
+ Waveform_Type : in out Iir)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Assign_Stmt);
+ Expr: Iir;
+ We: Iir_Waveform_Element;
+ Time, Last_Time : Iir_Int64;
+ begin
+ if Waveform_Chain = Null_Iir then
+ -- Unaffected.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Start with -1 to allow after 0 ns.
+ Last_Time := -1;
+ We := Waveform_Chain;
+ while We /= Null_Iir loop
+ Expr := Get_We_Value (We);
+ if Get_Kind (Expr) = Iir_Kind_Null_Literal then
+ -- GHDL: allowed only if target is guarded; this is checked by
+ -- sem_check_waveform_list.
+ null;
+ else
+ if Get_Kind (Expr) = Iir_Kind_Aggregate
+ and then Waveform_Type = Null_Iir
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("type of waveform is unknown, use type qualifier", Expr);
+ else
+ Expr := Sem_Expression (Expr, Waveform_Type);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Check_Read (Expr);
+ Set_We_Value (We, Eval_Expr_If_Static (Expr));
+ if Waveform_Type = Null_Iir then
+ Waveform_Type := Get_Type (Expr);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Time (We) /= Null_Iir then
+ Expr := Sem_Expression (Get_Time (We), Time_Type_Definition);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Check_Read (Expr);
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr) = Locally
+ or else (Get_Kind (Expr) = Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal
+ and then Flags.Flag_Time_64)
+ then
+ -- LRM 8.4
+ -- It is an error if the time expression in a waveform
+ -- element evaluates to a negative value.
+ --
+ -- LRM 8.4.1
+ -- It is an error if the sequence of new transactions is not
+ -- in ascending order with repect to time.
+ -- GHDL: this must be checked at run-time, but this is also
+ -- checked now for static expressions.
+ Expr := Eval_Static_Expr (Expr);
+ Time := Get_Value (Expr);
+ if Time < 0 then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("waveform time expression must be >= 0", Expr);
+ elsif Time <= Last_Time then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("time must be greather than previous transaction",
+ Expr);
+ else
+ Last_Time := Time;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Set_Time (We, Expr);
+ end if;
+ else
+ if We /= Waveform_Chain then
+ -- Time expression must be in ascending order.
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("time expression required here", We);
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93 12.6.4
+ -- It is an error if the execution of any postponed process causes
+ -- a delta cycle to occur immediatly after the current simulation
+ -- cycle.
+ -- GHDL: try to warn for such an error; note the context may be
+ -- a procedure body.
+ if Current_Concurrent_Statement /= Null_Iir then
+ case Get_Kind (Current_Concurrent_Statement) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment =>
+ if Get_Postponed_Flag (Current_Concurrent_Statement) then
+ Warning_Msg_Sem
+ ("waveform may cause a delta cycle in a " &
+ "postponed process", We);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ -- Context is a subprogram.
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ Last_Time := 0;
+ end if;
+ We := Get_Chain (We);
+ end loop;
+ return;
+ end Sem_Waveform_Chain;
+ -- Semantize a waveform chain WAVEFORM_CHAIN that is assigned via statement
+ -- ASSIGN_STMT to a subelement or a slice of a signal SIGNAL_DECL.
+ procedure Sem_Check_Waveform_Chain
+ (Assign_Stmt: Iir; Waveform_Chain: Iir_Waveform_Element)
+ is
+ We: Iir_Waveform_Element;
+ Expr : Iir;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Waveform_Chain = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Targ_Type := Get_Type (Get_Target (Assign_Stmt));
+ We := Waveform_Chain;
+ while We /= Null_Iir loop
+ Expr := Get_We_Value (We);
+ if Get_Kind (Expr) = Iir_Kind_Null_Literal then
+ -- This is a null waveform element.
+ -- LRM93 8.4.1
+ -- It is an error if the target of a signal assignment statement
+ -- containing a null waveform is not a guarded signal or an
+ -- aggregate of guarded signals.
+ if Get_Guarded_Target_State (Assign_Stmt) = False then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("null transactions can be assigned only to guarded signals",
+ Assign_Stmt);
+ end if;
+ else
+ if not Check_Implicit_Conversion (Targ_Type, Expr) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("length of value does not match length of target", We);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ We := Get_Chain (We);
+ end loop;
+ end Sem_Check_Waveform_Chain;
+ procedure Sem_Signal_Assignment (Stmt: Iir)
+ is
+ Target : Iir;
+ Waveform_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Target := Get_Target (Stmt);
+ if Get_Kind (Target) /= Iir_Kind_Aggregate then
+ if not Sem_Signal_Assignment_Target_And_Option (Stmt, Null_Iir) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- check the expression.
+ Waveform_Type := Get_Type (Get_Target (Stmt));
+ if Waveform_Type /= Null_Iir then
+ Sem_Waveform_Chain
+ (Stmt, Get_Waveform_Chain (Stmt), Waveform_Type);
+ Sem_Check_Waveform_Chain (Stmt, Get_Waveform_Chain (Stmt));
+ end if;
+ else
+ Waveform_Type := Null_Iir;
+ Sem_Waveform_Chain (Stmt, Get_Waveform_Chain (Stmt), Waveform_Type);
+ if Waveform_Type = Null_Iir
+ or else
+ not Sem_Signal_Assignment_Target_And_Option (Stmt, Waveform_Type)
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Sem_Check_Waveform_Chain (Stmt, Get_Waveform_Chain (Stmt));
+ end if;
+ end Sem_Signal_Assignment;
+ procedure Sem_Variable_Assignment (Stmt: Iir) is
+ Target: Iir;
+ Expr: Iir;
+ Target_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Find the variable.
+ Target := Get_Target (Stmt);
+ Expr := Get_Expression (Stmt);
+ if Get_Kind (Target) = Iir_Kind_Aggregate then
+ if Get_Kind (Expr) = Iir_Kind_Aggregate then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("can't determine type, use type qualifier", Expr);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Expr := Sem_Expression (Get_Expression (Stmt), Null_Iir);
+ if Expr = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Check_Read (Expr);
+ Set_Expression (Stmt, Expr);
+ Target_Type := Get_Type (Expr);
+ else
+ Target_Type := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Target := Sem_Expression (Target, Target_Type);
+ if Target = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Set_Target (Stmt, Target);
+ Check_Target (Stmt, Target);
+ if Get_Kind (Target) /= Iir_Kind_Aggregate then
+ Expr := Sem_Expression (Expr, Get_Type (Target));
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Check_Read (Expr);
+ Expr := Eval_Expr_If_Static (Expr);
+ Set_Expression (Stmt, Expr);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if not Check_Implicit_Conversion (Get_Type (Target), Expr) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("expression length does not match target length", Stmt);
+ end if;
+ end Sem_Variable_Assignment;
+ procedure Sem_Return_Statement (Stmt: Iir_Return_Statement) is
+ Expr: Iir;
+ begin
+ if Current_Subprogram = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("return statement not in a subprogram body", Stmt);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Expr := Get_Expression (Stmt);
+ case Get_Kind (Current_Subprogram) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("return in a procedure can't have an expression", Stmt);
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
+ if Expr = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("return in a function must have an expression", Stmt);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("return statement not allowed in a process", Stmt);
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_return_statement", Stmt);
+ end case;
+ Set_Type (Stmt, Get_Return_Type (Current_Subprogram));
+ Expr := Sem_Expression (Expr, Get_Return_Type (Current_Subprogram));
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Check_Read (Expr);
+ Set_Expression (Stmt, Eval_Expr_If_Static (Expr));
+ end if;
+ end Sem_Return_Statement;
+ -- Sem for concurrent and sequential assertion statements.
+ procedure Sem_Report_Statement (Stmt : Iir)
+ is
+ Expr : Iir;
+ begin
+ Expr := Get_Report_Expression (Stmt);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Expr := Sem_Expression (Expr, String_Type_Definition);
+ Check_Read (Expr);
+ Set_Report_Expression (Stmt, Expr);
+ end if;
+ Expr := Get_Severity_Expression (Stmt);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Expr := Sem_Expression (Expr, Severity_Level_Type_Definition);
+ Check_Read (Expr);
+ Set_Severity_Expression (Stmt, Expr);
+ end if;
+ end Sem_Report_Statement;
+ procedure Sem_Assertion_Statement (Stmt: Iir)
+ is
+ Expr : Iir;
+ begin
+ Expr := Get_Assertion_Condition (Stmt);
+ Expr := Sem_Expression (Expr, Boolean_Type_Definition);
+ Check_Read (Expr);
+ Expr := Eval_Expr_If_Static (Expr);
+ Set_Assertion_Condition (Stmt, Expr);
+ Sem_Report_Statement (Stmt);
+ end Sem_Assertion_Statement;
+ -- Semantize a list of case choice LIST, and check for correct CHOICE type.
+ procedure Sem_Case_Choices
+ (Choice : Iir; Chain : in out Iir; Loc : Location_Type)
+ is
+ -- Check restrictions on the expression of a One-Dimensional Character
+ -- Array Type (ODCAT) given by LRM 8.8
+ -- Return FALSE in case of violation.
+ function Check_Odcat_Expression (Expr : Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ Expr_Type : Iir := Get_Type (Expr);
+ begin
+ -- LRM 8.8 Case Statement
+ -- If the expression is of a one-dimensional character array type,
+ -- then the expression must be one of the following:
+ case Get_Kind (Expr) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Object_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Element =>
+ -- FIXME: complete the list.
+ -- * the name of an object whose subtype is locally static.
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (Expr_Type) /= Locally then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("object subtype is not locally static",
+ Choice);
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name =>
+ -- LRM93
+ -- * an indexed name whose prefix is one of the members of
+ -- this list and whose indexing expressions are locally
+ -- static expression.
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("indexed name not allowed here in vhdl87",
+ Expr);
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if not Check_Odcat_Expression (Get_Prefix (Expr)) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- GHDL: I don't understand why the indexsing expressions
+ -- must be locally static. So I don't check this in 93c.
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std /= Vhdl_93c
+ and then
+ Get_Expr_Staticness (Get_First_Element
+ (Get_Index_List (Expr))) /= Locally
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("indexing expression must be locally static",
+ Expr);
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
+ -- LRM93
+ -- * a slice name whose prefix is one of the members of this
+ -- list and whose discrete range is a locally static
+ -- discrete range.
+ -- LRM87/INT1991 IR96
+ -- then the expression must be either a slice name whose
+ -- discrete range is locally static, or ..
+ if False and Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("slice not allowed as case expression in vhdl87", Expr);
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if not Check_Odcat_Expression (Get_Prefix (Expr)) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (Expr_Type) /= Locally then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("slice discrete range must be locally static",
+ Expr);
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
+ -- LRM93
+ -- * a function call whose return type mark denotes a
+ -- locally static subtype.
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("function call not allowed here in vhdl87",
+ Expr);
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (Expr_Type) /= Locally then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("function call type is not locally static",
+ Expr);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Qualified_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion =>
+ -- * a qualified expression or type conversion whose type mark
+ -- denotes a locally static subtype.
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (Expr_Type) /= Locally then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("type mark is not a locally static subtype",
+ Expr);
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ return Check_Odcat_Expression (Get_Named_Entity (Expr));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("bad form of case expression (refer to LRM 8.8)",
+ Choice);
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ return True;
+ end Check_Odcat_Expression;
+ Choice_Type : Iir;
+ Low, High : Iir;
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- LRM 8.8 Case Statement
+ -- The expression must be of a discrete type, or of a one-dimensional
+ -- array type whose element base type is a character type.
+ Choice_Type := Get_Type (Choice);
+ case Get_Kind (Choice_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Discrete_Type_Definition =>
+ Sem_Choices_Range (Chain, Choice_Type, False, Loc, Low, High);
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ if not Is_Unidim_Array_Type (Choice_Type) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("expression must be of a one-dimensional array type",
+ Choice);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ El_Type := Get_Base_Type (Get_Element_Subtype (Choice_Type));
+ if Get_Kind (El_Type) /= Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition then
+ -- FIXME: check character.
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("element type of the expression must be a character type",
+ Choice);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if not Check_Odcat_Expression (Choice) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Sem_String_Choices_Range (Chain, Choice);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("type of expression must be discrete", Choice);
+ end case;
+ end Sem_Case_Choices;
+ procedure Sem_Case_Statement (Stmt: Iir_Case_Statement)
+ is
+ Expr: Iir;
+ Chain : Iir;
+ El: Iir;
+ Loc : Location_Type;
+ begin
+ Expr := Get_Expression (Stmt);
+ Loc := Get_Location (Expr);
+ -- FIXME: overload.
+ Expr := Sem_Expression (Expr, Null_Iir);
+ if Expr = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Check_Read (Expr);
+ Set_Expression (Stmt, Expr);
+ Chain := Get_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain (Stmt);
+ Sem_Case_Choices (Expr, Chain, Get_Location (Stmt));
+ Set_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain (Stmt, Chain);
+ -- Sem on associated.
+ El := Chain;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Sem_Sequential_Statements_Internal (Get_Associated (El));
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Sem_Case_Statement;
+ -- Sem the sensitivity list LIST.
+ procedure Sem_Sensitivity_List (List: Iir_Designator_List)
+ is
+ El: Iir;
+ Res: Iir;
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ begin
+ for I in Natural loop
+ -- El is an iir_identifier.
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Sem_Name (El, False);
+ Res := Get_Named_Entity (El);
+ if Res = Error_Mark then
+ null;
+ elsif Is_Overload_List (Res) or else not Is_Object_Name (Res) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("a sensitivity element must be a signal name", El);
+ else
+ Prefix := Get_Base_Name (Res);
+ case Get_Kind (Prefix) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kinds_Signal_Attribute =>
+ Xref_Name (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ if not Iir_Mode_Readable (Get_Mode (Prefix)) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Res) & " of mode out"
+ & " can't be in a sensivity list", El);
+ end if;
+ Xref_Name (El);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem (Disp_Node (Res)
+ & " is neither a signal nor a port", El);
+ end case;
+ -- LRM 9.2
+ -- Only static signal names (see section 6.1) for which reading
+ -- is permitted may appear in the sensitivity list of a process
+ -- statement.
+ -- LRM 8.1 Wait statement
+ -- Each signal name in the sensitivity list must be a static
+ -- signal name, and each name must denote a signal for which
+ -- reading is permitted.
+ if Get_Name_Staticness (Res) < Globally then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("sensitivity element " & Disp_Node (El)
+ & " must be a static name", El);
+ end if;
+ Replace_Nth_Element (List, I, Res);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Sem_Sensitivity_List;
+ procedure Sem_Wait_Statement (Stmt: Iir_Wait_Statement)
+ is
+ Expr: Iir;
+ Sensitivity_List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ -- Check validity.
+ case Get_Kind (Current_Subprogram) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration =>
+ -- LRM93 §8.2
+ -- It is an error if a wait statement appears in a function
+ -- subprogram [...]
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("wait statement not allowed in a function subprogram", Stmt);
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ -- LRM93 §8.2
+ -- [It is an error ...] or in a procedure that has a parent that
+ -- is a function subprogram.
+ -- LRM93 §8.2
+ -- [...] or in a procedure that has a parent that is such a
+ -- process statement.
+ -- GHDL: this is checked at the end of analysis or during
+ -- elaboration.
+ Set_Wait_State (Current_Subprogram, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
+ -- LRM93 §8.2
+ -- Furthermore, it is an error if a wait statement appears in an
+ -- explicit process statement that includes a sensitivity list,
+ -- [...]
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("wait statement not allowed in a sensitized process", Stmt);
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Sensitivity_List := Get_Sensitivity_List (Stmt);
+ if Sensitivity_List /= Null_Iir_List then
+ Sem_Sensitivity_List (Sensitivity_List);
+ end if;
+ Expr := Get_Condition_Clause (Stmt);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Expr := Sem_Expression (Expr, Boolean_Type_Definition);
+ Check_Read (Expr);
+ Set_Condition_Clause (Stmt, Expr);
+ end if;
+ Expr := Get_Timeout_Clause (Stmt);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Expr := Sem_Expression (Expr, Time_Type_Definition);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Check_Read (Expr);
+ Expr := Eval_Expr_If_Static (Expr);
+ Set_Timeout_Clause (Stmt, Expr);
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr) = Locally
+ and then Get_Value (Expr) < 0
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("timeout value must be positive", Stmt);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Sem_Wait_Statement;
+ procedure Sem_Exit_Next_Statement (Stmt : Iir)
+ is
+ Cond: Iir;
+ Label: Iir;
+ P : Iir;
+ begin
+ Cond := Get_Condition (Stmt);
+ if Cond /= Null_Iir then
+ Cond := Sem_Expression (Cond, Boolean_Type_Definition);
+ Check_Read (Cond);
+ Set_Condition (Stmt, Cond);
+ end if;
+ Label := Get_Loop (Stmt);
+ if Label /= Null_Iir then
+ Label := Find_Declaration (Label, Decl_Label);
+ end if;
+ if Label /= Null_Iir then
+ case Get_Kind (Label) is
+ when Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement =>
+ Set_Loop (Stmt, Label);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("loop label expected", Stmt);
+ Label := Null_Iir;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ -- Check the current statement is inside the labeled loop.
+ P := Stmt;
+ loop
+ P := Get_Parent (P);
+ case Get_Kind (P) is
+ when Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement =>
+ if Label = Null_Iir or else Label = P then
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_If_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Elsif
+ | Iir_Kind_Case_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ -- FIXME: should emit a message for label mismatch.
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("exit/next must be inside a loop", Stmt);
+ exit;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Sem_Exit_Next_Statement;
+ -- Process is the scope, this is also the process for which drivers can
+ -- be created.
+ procedure Sem_Sequential_Statements_Internal (First_Stmt : Iir)
+ is
+ Stmt: Iir;
+ begin
+ Stmt := First_Stmt;
+ while Stmt /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (Stmt) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Null_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_If_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Clause: Iir := Stmt;
+ Cond: Iir;
+ begin
+ while Clause /= Null_Iir loop
+ Cond := Get_Condition (Clause);
+ if Cond /= Null_Iir then
+ Cond := Sem_Expression (Cond, Boolean_Type_Definition);
+ Check_Read (Cond);
+ Set_Condition (Clause, Cond);
+ end if;
+ Sem_Sequential_Statements_Internal
+ (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Clause));
+ Clause := Get_Else_Clause (Clause);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Iterator: Iir;
+ begin
+ -- LRM 10.1 Declarative region
+ -- 9. A loop statement.
+ Open_Declarative_Region;
+ Set_Is_Within_Flag (Stmt, True);
+ Iterator := Get_Iterator_Scheme (Stmt);
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (Iterator);
+ Sem_Iterator (Iterator, None);
+ Set_Visible_Flag (Iterator, True);
+ Sem_Sequential_Statements_Internal
+ (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Stmt));
+ Set_Is_Within_Flag (Stmt, False);
+ Close_Declarative_Region;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Cond: Iir;
+ begin
+ Cond := Get_Condition (Stmt);
+ if Cond /= Null_Iir then
+ Cond := Sem_Expression (Cond, Boolean_Type_Definition);
+ Check_Read (Cond);
+ Set_Condition (Stmt, Cond);
+ end if;
+ Sem_Sequential_Statements_Internal
+ (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Stmt));
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement =>
+ Sem_Signal_Assignment (Stmt);
+ if Current_Concurrent_Statement /= Null_Iir and then
+ Get_Kind (Current_Concurrent_Statement)
+ in Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement
+ and then Get_Passive_Flag (Current_Concurrent_Statement)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("signal statement forbidden in passive process", Stmt);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement =>
+ Sem_Variable_Assignment (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Return_Statement =>
+ Sem_Return_Statement (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement =>
+ Sem_Assertion_Statement (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Report_Statement =>
+ Sem_Report_Statement (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Case_Statement =>
+ Sem_Case_Statement (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement =>
+ Sem_Wait_Statement (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement =>
+ Sem_Procedure_Call (Get_Procedure_Call (Stmt), Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Next_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement =>
+ Sem_Exit_Next_Statement (Stmt);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_sequential_statements_Internal", Stmt);
+ end case;
+ Stmt := Get_Chain (Stmt);
+ end loop;
+ end Sem_Sequential_Statements_Internal;
+ procedure Sem_Sequential_Statements (Decl : Iir; Body_Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ Outer_Subprogram: Iir;
+ begin
+ Outer_Subprogram := Current_Subprogram;
+ Current_Subprogram := Decl;
+ -- Sem declarations
+ Sem_Sequential_Labels (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Body_Parent));
+ Sem_Declaration_Chain (Body_Parent);
+ Sem_Specification_Chain (Body_Parent, Null_Iir);
+ -- Sem statements.
+ Sem_Sequential_Statements_Internal
+ (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Body_Parent));
+ Check_Full_Declaration (Body_Parent, Body_Parent);
+ Current_Subprogram := Outer_Subprogram;
+ end Sem_Sequential_Statements;
+ -- Sem the instantiated unit of STMT and return the node constaining
+ -- ports and generics (either a entity_declaration or a component
+ -- declaration).
+ function Sem_Instantiated_Unit
+ (Stmt : Iir_Component_Instantiation_Statement)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Inst : Iir;
+ begin
+ Inst := Get_Instantiated_Unit (Stmt);
+ if Get_Kind (Inst) = Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration then
+ -- Already semantized before, while trying to separate
+ -- concurrent procedure calls from instantiation stmts.
+ return Inst;
+ elsif Get_Kind (Inst) in Iir_Kinds_Name then
+ -- The component may be an entity or a configuration.
+ Inst := Find_Declaration (Inst, Decl_Component);
+ if Inst = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Set_Instantiated_Unit (Stmt, Inst);
+ return Inst;
+ else
+ return Sem_Entity_Aspect (Inst);
+ end if;
+ end Sem_Instantiated_Unit;
+ procedure Sem_Component_Instantiation_Statement
+ (Stmt: Iir_Component_Instantiation_Statement; Is_Passive : Boolean)
+ is
+ Decl : Iir;
+ Entity_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Bind : Iir_Binding_Indication;
+ begin
+ -- FIXME: move this check in parse ?
+ if Is_Passive then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("component instantiation forbidden in entity", Stmt);
+ end if;
+ -- Check for label.
+ -- This cannot be moved in parse since a procedure_call may be revert
+ -- into a component instantiation.
+ if Get_Label (Stmt) = Null_Identifier then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("component instantiation requires a label", Stmt);
+ end if;
+ -- Look for the component.
+ Decl := Sem_Instantiated_Unit (Stmt);
+ if Decl = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- The association
+ Sem_Generic_Port_Association_Chain (Decl, Stmt);
+ -- FIXME: add sources for signals, in order to detect multiple sources
+ -- to unresolved signals.
+ -- What happen if the component is not bound ?
+ -- Create a default binding indication if necessary.
+ if Get_Component_Configuration (Stmt) = Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Kind (Decl) = Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration
+ then
+ Entity_Unit := Get_Visible_Entity_Declaration (Decl);
+ if Entity_Unit = Null_Iir then
+ if Flags.Warn_Default_Binding
+ and then not Flags.Flag_Elaborate
+ then
+ Warning_Msg_Sem ("no default binding for instantiation of "
+ & Disp_Node (Decl), Stmt);
+ Explain_No_Visible_Entity (Decl);
+ end if;
+ elsif Flags.Flag_Elaborate
+ and then (Flags.Flag_Elaborate_With_Outdated
+ or else Get_Date (Entity_Unit) in Date_Valid)
+ then
+ Bind := Sem_Create_Default_Binding_Indication
+ (Decl, Entity_Unit, Stmt, False);
+ Set_Default_Binding_Indication (Stmt, Bind);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Sem_Component_Instantiation_Statement;
+ -- Note: a statement such as
+ -- label1: name;
+ -- can be parsed as a procedure call statement or as a
+ -- component instantiation statement.
+ -- Check now and revert in case of error.
+ function Sem_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ (Stmt : Iir; Is_Passive : Boolean) return Iir
+ is
+ Call : Iir_Procedure_Call;
+ Decl : Iir;
+ Label : Name_Id;
+ N_Stmt : Iir_Component_Instantiation_Statement;
+ Imp : Iir;
+ begin
+ Call := Get_Procedure_Call (Stmt);
+ if Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Call) = Null_Iir then
+ Imp := Get_Implementation (Call);
+ Sem_Name (Imp, False);
+ Decl := Get_Named_Entity (Imp);
+ if Get_Kind (Decl) = Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration then
+ N_Stmt := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement);
+ Label := Get_Label (Stmt);
+ Set_Label (N_Stmt, Label);
+ Set_Parent (N_Stmt, Get_Parent (Stmt));
+ Set_Instantiated_Unit (N_Stmt, Decl);
+ Location_Copy (N_Stmt, Stmt);
+ Xref_Name (Imp);
+ if Label /= Null_Identifier then
+ -- A component instantiation statement must have
+ -- a label, this condition is checked during the
+ -- sem of the statement.
+ Sem_Scopes.Replace_Name (Label, Stmt, N_Stmt);
+ end if;
+ Free_Iir (Stmt);
+ Free_Iir (Call);
+ Sem_Component_Instantiation_Statement (N_Stmt, Is_Passive);
+ return N_Stmt;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Sem_Procedure_Call (Call, Stmt);
+ if Is_Passive then
+ Imp := Get_Implementation (Call);
+ if Get_Kind (Imp) = Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration then
+ Decl := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Imp);
+ while Decl /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Get_Mode (Decl) in Iir_Out_Modes then
+ Error_Msg_Sem (Disp_Node (Imp) & " is not passive", Stmt);
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return Stmt;
+ end Sem_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement;
+ procedure Sem_Block_Statement (Stmt: Iir_Block_Statement)
+ is
+ Expr: Iir;
+ Guard : Iir_Guard_Signal_Declaration;
+ Header : Iir_Block_Header;
+ Generic_Chain : Iir;
+ Port_Chain : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- LRM 10.1 Declarative region.
+ -- 7. A block statement.
+ Open_Declarative_Region;
+ Set_Is_Within_Flag (Stmt, True);
+ Header := Get_Block_Header (Stmt);
+ if Header /= Null_Iir then
+ Generic_Chain := Get_Generic_Chain (Header);
+ Sem_Interface_Chain (Generic_Chain, Interface_Generic);
+ Port_Chain := Get_Port_Chain (Header);
+ Sem_Interface_Chain (Port_Chain, Interface_Port);
+ -- LRM 9.1
+ -- Such actuals are evaluated in the context of the enclosing
+ -- declarative region.
+ -- GHDL: close the declarative region...
+ Set_Is_Within_Flag (Stmt, False);
+ Close_Declarative_Region;
+ Sem_Generic_Port_Association_Chain (Header, Header);
+ -- ... and reopen-it.
+ Open_Declarative_Region;
+ Set_Is_Within_Flag (Stmt, True);
+ Add_Declarations_From_Interface_Chain (Generic_Chain);
+ Add_Declarations_From_Interface_Chain (Port_Chain);
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93 9.1
+ -- If a guard expression appears after the reserved word BLOCK, then a
+ -- signal with the simple name GUARD of predefined type BOOLEAN is
+ -- implicitly declared at the beginning of the declarative part of the
+ -- block, and the guard expression defined the value of that signal at
+ -- any given time.
+ Guard := Get_Guard_Decl (Stmt);
+ if Guard /= Null_Iir then
+ -- LRM93 9.1
+ -- The type of the guard expression must be type BOOLEAN.
+ -- GHDL: guard expression must be semantized before creating the
+ -- implicit GUARD signal, since the expression may reference GUARD.
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Guard, None);
+ Set_Name_Staticness (Guard, Locally);
+ Expr := Get_Guard_Expression (Guard);
+ Expr := Sem_Expression (Expr, Boolean_Type_Definition);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Check_Read (Expr);
+ Set_Guard_Expression (Guard, Expr);
+ end if;
+ -- FIXME: should extract sensivity now and set the has_active flag
+ -- on signals, since the guard expression is evaluated when one of
+ -- its signal is active. However, how can a bug be introduced by
+ -- evaluating only when signals have events ?
+ -- the guard expression is an implicit definition of a signal named
+ -- GUARD. Create this definition. This is necessary for the type.
+ Set_Base_Name (Guard, Guard);
+ Set_Identifier (Guard, Std_Names.Name_Guard);
+ Set_Type (Guard, Boolean_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Block_Statement (Guard, Stmt);
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (Guard);
+ Set_Visible_Flag (Guard, True);
+ end if;
+ Sem_Block (Stmt, True);
+ Set_Is_Within_Flag (Stmt, False);
+ Close_Declarative_Region;
+ end Sem_Block_Statement;
+ procedure Sem_Generate_Statement (Stmt : Iir_Generate_Statement)
+ is
+ Scheme : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- LRM93 10.1 Declarative region.
+ -- 12. A generate statement.
+ Open_Declarative_Region;
+ Scheme := Get_Generation_Scheme (Stmt);
+ if Get_Kind (Scheme) = Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration then
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (Scheme);
+ -- LRM93 §7.4.2 (Globally Static Primaries)
+ -- 4. a generate parameter;
+ Sem_Iterator (Scheme, Globally);
+ Set_Visible_Flag (Scheme, True);
+ -- LRM93 §9.7
+ -- The discrete range in a generation scheme of the first form must
+ -- be a static discrete range;
+ if Get_Type (Scheme) /= Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Type_Staticness (Get_Type (Scheme)) < Globally
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("range must be a static discrete range", Stmt);
+ end if;
+ else
+ Scheme := Sem_Expression (Scheme, Boolean_Type_Definition);
+ Check_Read (Scheme);
+ -- LRM93 §9.7
+ -- the condition in a generation scheme of the second form must be
+ -- a static expression.
+ if Scheme /= Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Expr_Staticness (Scheme) < Globally
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("condition must be a static expression", Stmt);
+ else
+ Set_Generation_Scheme (Stmt, Scheme);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Sem_Block (Stmt, True); -- Flags.Vhdl_Std /= Vhdl_87);
+ Close_Declarative_Region;
+ end Sem_Generate_Statement;
+ procedure Sem_Process_Statement (Proc: Iir) is
+ begin
+ Set_Is_Within_Flag (Proc, True);
+ -- LRM 10.1
+ -- 8. A process statement
+ Open_Declarative_Region;
+ -- Sem declarations
+ Sem_Sequential_Statements (Proc, Proc);
+ Close_Declarative_Region;
+ Set_Is_Within_Flag (Proc, False);
+ if Get_Kind (Proc) = Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ and then Get_Callees_List (Proc) /= Null_Iir_List
+ then
+ Sem.Add_Analysis_Checks_List (Proc);
+ end if;
+ end Sem_Process_Statement;
+ procedure Sem_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ (Proc: Iir_Sensitized_Process_Statement) is
+ begin
+ Sem_Sensitivity_List (Get_Sensitivity_List (Proc));
+ Sem_Process_Statement (Proc);
+ end Sem_Sensitized_Process_Statement;
+ procedure Sem_Guard (Stmt: Iir)
+ is
+ Guard: Iir;
+ Guard_Interpretation : Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ begin
+ Guard := Get_Guard (Stmt);
+ if Guard = Null_Iir then
+ -- This assignment is not guarded.
+ -- LRM93 9.5
+ -- It is an error if a concurrent signal assignment is not a guarded
+ -- assignment, and the target of the concurrent signal assignment
+ -- is a guarded target.
+ if Get_Guarded_Target_State (Stmt) = True then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("not a guarded assignment for a guarded target", Stmt);
+ end if;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Guard /= Stmt then
+ -- if set, guard must be equal to stmt here.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Guard_Interpretation := Get_Interpretation (Std_Names.Name_Guard);
+ if not Valid_Interpretation (Guard_Interpretation) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("no guard signals for this guarded assignment", Stmt);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Guard := Get_Declaration (Guard_Interpretation);
+ -- LRM93 9.5:
+ -- The signal GUARD [...] an explicitly declared signal of type
+ -- BOOLEAN that is visible at the point of the concurrent signal
+ -- assignment statement
+ -- FIXME.
+ case Get_Kind (Guard) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("visible GUARD object is not a signal", Stmt);
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("GUARD object is " & Disp_Node (Guard), Stmt);
+ return;
+ end case;
+ if Get_Type (Guard) /= Boolean_Type_Definition then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("GUARD is not of boolean type", Guard);
+ end if;
+ Set_Guard (Stmt, Guard);
+ end Sem_Guard;
+ procedure Sem_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment
+ (Stmt: Iir_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment)
+ is
+ Cond_Wf : Iir_Conditional_Waveform;
+ Expr : Iir;
+ Wf_Chain : Iir_Waveform_Element;
+ Target_Type : Iir;
+ Target : Iir;
+ begin
+ Target := Get_Target (Stmt);
+ if Get_Kind (Target) /= Iir_Kind_Aggregate then
+ if not Sem_Signal_Assignment_Target_And_Option (Stmt, Null_Iir) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Target := Get_Target (Stmt);
+ Target_Type := Get_Type (Target);
+ else
+ Target_Type := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Cond_Wf := Get_Conditional_Waveform_Chain (Stmt);
+ while Cond_Wf /= Null_Iir loop
+ Wf_Chain := Get_Waveform_Chain (Cond_Wf);
+ Sem_Waveform_Chain (Stmt, Wf_Chain, Target_Type);
+ Sem_Check_Waveform_Chain (Stmt, Wf_Chain);
+ Expr := Get_Condition (Cond_Wf);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Expr := Sem_Expression (Expr, Boolean_Type_Definition);
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ Check_Read (Expr);
+ Set_Condition (Cond_Wf, Expr);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Cond_Wf := Get_Chain (Cond_Wf);
+ end loop;
+ Sem_Guard (Stmt);
+ if Get_Kind (Target) = Iir_Kind_Aggregate then
+ if not Sem_Signal_Assignment_Target_And_Option (Stmt, Target_Type)
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Sem_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment;
+ procedure Sem_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment (Stmt: Iir)
+ is
+ Expr: Iir;
+ Chain : Iir;
+ El: Iir;
+ Waveform_Type : Iir;
+ Target : Iir;
+ Assoc_El : Iir;
+ begin
+ Target := Get_Target (Stmt);
+ Chain := Get_Selected_Waveform_Chain (Stmt);
+ Waveform_Type := Null_Iir;
+ if Get_Kind (Target) = Iir_Kind_Aggregate then
+ -- LRM 9.5 Concurrent Signal Assgnment Statements.
+ -- The process statement equivalent to a concurrent signal assignment
+ -- statement [...] is constructed as follows: [...]
+ --
+ -- LRM 9.5.2 Selected Signa Assignment
+ -- The characteristics of the selected expression, the waveforms and
+ -- the choices in the selected assignment statement must be such that
+ -- the case statement in the equivalent statement is a legal
+ -- statement
+ -- Find the first waveform that will appear in the equivalent
+ -- process statement, and extract type from it.
+ Assoc_El := Null_Iir;
+ El := Chain;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Assoc_El := Get_Associated (El);
+ exit when Assoc_El /= Null_Iir;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ if Assoc_El = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("cannot determine type of the aggregate target", Target);
+ else
+ Sem_Waveform_Chain (Stmt, Assoc_El, Waveform_Type);
+ end if;
+ if Waveform_Type = Null_Iir then
+ -- Type of target still unknown.
+ -- Since the target is an aggregate, we won't be able to
+ -- semantize it.
+ -- Avoid a crash.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if not Sem_Signal_Assignment_Target_And_Option (Stmt, Waveform_Type) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Waveform_Type := Get_Type (Get_Target (Stmt));
+ -- Sem on associated.
+ if Waveform_Type /= Null_Iir then
+ El := Chain;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Sem_Waveform_Chain (Stmt, Get_Associated (El), Waveform_Type);
+ Sem_Check_Waveform_Chain (Stmt, Get_Associated (El));
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ -- The choices.
+ Expr := Sem_Expression (Get_Expression (Stmt), Null_Iir);
+ if Expr = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Check_Read (Expr);
+ Set_Expression (Stmt, Expr);
+ Sem_Case_Choices (Expr, Chain, Get_Location (Stmt));
+ Set_Selected_Waveform_Chain (Stmt, Chain);
+ Sem_Guard (Stmt);
+ end Sem_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment;
+ procedure Sem_Concurrent_Statement_Chain
+ (Parent : Iir; Is_Passive : Boolean)
+ is
+ El: Iir;
+ Prev_El : Iir;
+ Prev_Concurrent_Statement : Iir;
+ begin
+ Prev_Concurrent_Statement := Current_Concurrent_Statement;
+ El := Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Parent);
+ Prev_El := Null_Iir;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Current_Concurrent_Statement := El;
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment =>
+ if Is_Passive then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("signal assignment forbidden in entity", El);
+ end if;
+ Sem_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment =>
+ if Is_Passive then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("signal assignment forbidden in entity", El);
+ end if;
+ Sem_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
+ Set_Passive_Flag (El, Is_Passive);
+ Sem_Sensitized_Process_Statement (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
+ Set_Passive_Flag (El, Is_Passive);
+ Sem_Process_Statement (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ Sem_Component_Instantiation_Statement (El, Is_Passive);
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement =>
+ -- FIXME: must check assertion expressions does not contain
+ -- non-passive subprograms ??
+ Sem_Assertion_Statement (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ if Is_Passive then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("block forbidden in entity", El);
+ end if;
+ Sem_Block_Statement (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ if Is_Passive then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("generate statement forbidden in entity", El);
+ end if;
+ Sem_Generate_Statement (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Next_El : Iir;
+ N_Stmt : Iir;
+ begin
+ Next_El := Get_Chain (El);
+ N_Stmt := Sem_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ (El, Is_Passive);
+ if N_Stmt /= El then
+ -- Replace this node.
+ El := N_Stmt;
+ if Prev_El = Null_Iir then
+ Set_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Parent, El);
+ else
+ Set_Chain (Prev_El, El);
+ end if;
+ Set_Chain (El, Next_El);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_concurrent_statement", El);
+ end case;
+ Prev_El := El;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ Current_Concurrent_Statement := Prev_Concurrent_Statement;
+ end Sem_Concurrent_Statement_Chain;
+ -- Put labels in declarative region.
+ procedure Sem_Labels_Chain (Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ Stmt: Iir;
+ Label: Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Stmt := Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Parent);
+ while Stmt /= Null_Iir loop
+ Label := Get_Label (Stmt);
+ if Label /= Null_Identifier then
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (Stmt);
+ Name_Visible (Stmt);
+ Xref_Decl (Stmt);
+ end if;
+ -- INT-1991/issue report 27
+ -- Generate statements represent declarative region and have
+ -- implicit declarative part.
+ if False
+ and then Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87
+ and then Get_Kind (Stmt) = Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement
+ then
+ Sem_Labels_Chain (Stmt);
+ end if;
+ Stmt := Get_Chain (Stmt);
+ end loop;
+ end Sem_Labels_Chain;
+ -- Semantize declarations and concurrent statements of ARCH, which is
+ -- either an architecture_declaration or a block_statement.
+ procedure Sem_Block (Blk: Iir; Sem_Decls : Boolean)
+ is
+ Implicit : Implicit_Signal_Declaration_Type;
+ begin
+ Push_Signals_Declarative_Part (Implicit, Blk);
+ if Sem_Decls then
+ Sem_Labels_Chain (Blk);
+ Sem_Declaration_Chain (Blk);
+ end if;
+ Sem_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Blk, False);
+ if Sem_Decls then
+ -- FIXME: do it only if there is conf. spec. in the declarative
+ -- part.
+ Sem_Specification_Chain (Blk, Blk);
+ Check_Full_Declaration (Blk, Blk);
+ end if;
+ Pop_Signals_Declarative_Part (Implicit);
+ end Sem_Block;
+ -- Add a driver for SIG.
+ -- STMT is used in case of error (it is the statement that creates the
+ -- driver).
+ -- Do nothing if:
+ -- The current statement list does not belong to a process,
+ -- SIG is a formal signal interface.
+ procedure Sem_Add_Driver (Sig : Iir; Stmt : Iir)
+ is
+ Sig_Object : Iir;
+ Sig_Object_Type : Iir;
+ Parent : Iir;
+ Driver_List : Iir_List;
+ Driver : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Sig = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Sig_Object := Get_Base_Name (Sig);
+ Sig_Object_Type := Get_Type (Sig_Object);
+ -- LRM Signal Declaration
+ -- It is an error if, after the elaboration of a description, a
+ -- signal has multiple sources and it is not a resolved signal.
+ -- Check for multiple driver for a unresolved signal declaration.
+ -- Do this only if the object is a non-composite signal declaration.
+ -- NOTE: THIS IS DISABLED, since the assignment may be within a
+ -- generate statement.
+ if False
+ and then Get_Kind (Sig_Object) = Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ and then Get_Kind (Sig_Object_Type)
+ not in Iir_Kinds_Composite_Type_Definition
+ and then not Get_Resolved_Flag (Sig_Object_Type)
+ then
+ if Get_Signal_Driver (Sig_Object) /= Null_Iir and then
+ Get_Signal_Driver (Sig_Object) /= Current_Concurrent_Statement
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("unresolved " & Disp_Node (Sig_Object)
+ & " has already a driver at "
+ & Disp_Location (Get_Signal_Driver (Sig_Object)),
+ Stmt);
+ else
+ Set_Signal_Driver (Sig_Object, Current_Concurrent_Statement);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM 8.4.1
+ -- If a given procedure is declared by a declarative item that is not
+ -- contained within a process statement, and if a signal assignment
+ -- statement appears in that procedure, then the target of the
+ -- assignment statement must be a formal parameter of the given
+ -- procedure or of a parent of that procedure, or an aggregate of such
+ -- formal parameters.
+ -- Similarly, if a given procedure is declared by a declarative item
+ -- that is not contained within a process statement and if a signal is
+ -- associated with an INOUT or OUT mode signal parameter in a
+ -- subprogram call within that procedure, then the signal so associated
+ -- must be a formal parameter of the given procedure or of a parent of
+ -- that procedure.
+ if Current_Concurrent_Statement = Null_Iir
+ or else (Get_Kind (Current_Concurrent_Statement)
+ not in Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement)
+ then
+ -- Not within a process statement.
+ if Current_Subprogram /= Null_Iir then
+ -- Within a procedure.
+ if Get_Kind (Sig_Object) = Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ or else (Get_Kind (Get_Parent (Sig_Object))
+ /= Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Sig_Object) & " is not a formal parameter", Stmt);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- The driver is attached to the current process (if any), or to
+ -- the current subprogram (if any) or to nothing.
+ if Current_Concurrent_Statement /= Null_Iir
+ and then (Get_Kind (Current_Concurrent_Statement)
+ in Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement)
+ then
+ Driver := Current_Concurrent_Statement;
+ elsif Current_Subprogram /= Null_Iir then
+ Driver := Current_Subprogram;
+ else
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Sig_Object) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ Parent := Get_Parent (Sig_Object);
+ case Get_Kind (Parent) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Header =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_add_driver", Parent);
+ end case;
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_add_driver(2)", Sig_Object);
+ end case;
+ Driver_List := Get_Driver_List (Driver);
+ if Driver_List = Null_Iir_List then
+ Driver_List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Set_Driver_List (Driver, Driver_List);
+ end if;
+ Add_Element (Driver_List, Get_Longuest_Static_Prefix (Sig));
+ end Sem_Add_Driver;
+end Sem_Stmts;
diff --git a/sem_stmts.ads b/sem_stmts.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..57f51fd10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sem_stmts.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+-- Semantic analysis.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+package Sem_Stmts is
+ -- Semantize declarations and concurrent statements of BLK, which is
+ -- either an architecture_declaration or a block_statement.
+ -- If SEM_DECLS is true, then semantize the declarations of BLK.
+ procedure Sem_Block (Blk: Iir; Sem_Decls : Boolean);
+ procedure Sem_Concurrent_Statement_Chain
+ (Parent : Iir; Is_Passive : Boolean);
+ -- Some signals are implicitly declared. This is the case for signals
+ -- declared by an attribute ('stable, 'quiet and 'transaction).
+ -- Note: guard signals are also implicitly declared, but with a guard
+ -- expression, which is located.
+ -- Since these signals need resources and are not easily located (can be
+ -- nearly in every expression), it is useful to add a node into a
+ -- declaration list to declare them.
+ -- However, only a few declaration_list can declare signals. These
+ -- declarations lists must register and unregister themselves with
+ -- push_declarative_region_with_signals and
+ -- pop_declarative_region_with_signals.
+ type Implicit_Signal_Declaration_Type is private;
+ procedure Push_Signals_Declarative_Part
+ (Cell: out Implicit_Signal_Declaration_Type; Decls_Parent : Iir);
+ procedure Pop_Signals_Declarative_Part
+ (Cell: in Implicit_Signal_Declaration_Type);
+ -- Declare an implicit signal.
+ procedure Add_Declaration_For_Implicit_Signal (Sig : Iir);
+ -- Semantize declaration chain and sequential statement chain
+ -- of BODY_PARENT.
+ -- DECL is the declaration for these chains (DECL is the declaration, which
+ -- is different from the bodies).
+ -- This is used by processes and subprograms semantization.
+ procedure Sem_Sequential_Statements (Decl : Iir; Body_Parent : Iir);
+ -- Get the current subprogram or process.
+ function Get_Current_Subprogram return Iir;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Current_Subprogram);
+ -- Get the current concurrent statement, or NULL_IIR if none.
+ function Get_Current_Concurrent_Statement return Iir;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Current_Concurrent_Statement);
+ -- Add a driver for SIG.
+ -- STMT is used in case of error (it is the statement that creates the
+ -- driver).
+ -- Do nothing if:
+ -- The current statement list does not belong to a process,
+ -- SIG is a formal signal interface.
+ procedure Sem_Add_Driver (Sig : Iir; Stmt : Iir);
+ type Implicit_Signal_Declaration_Type is record
+ Decls_Parent : Iir;
+ Last_Decl : Iir;
+ end record;
+end Sem_Stmts;
diff --git a/sem_types.adb b/sem_types.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a465b0fde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sem_types.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1479 @@
+-- Semantic analysis.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Evaluation; use Evaluation;
+with Sem;
+with Sem_Expr; use Sem_Expr;
+with Sem_Scopes; use Sem_Scopes;
+with Sem_Decls;
+with Libraries;
+with Flags;
+with Types; use Types;
+with Std_Names;
+with Iirs_Utils; use Iirs_Utils;
+with Std_Package; use Std_Package;
+with Sem_Names; use Sem_Names;
+with Xrefs; use Xrefs;
+package body Sem_Types is
+ -- Sem a range expression.
+ -- Both left and right bounds must be of the same type kind, ie
+ -- integer types, or if INT_ONLY is false, real types.
+ -- However, the two bounds need not have the same type.
+ function Sem_Range_Expression (Expr : Iir; Int_Only : Boolean) return Iir
+ is
+ Left, Right: Iir;
+ Bt_L_Kind, Bt_R_Kind : Iir_Kind;
+ begin
+ Left := Sem_Expression_Universal (Get_Left_Limit (Expr));
+ Right := Sem_Expression_Universal (Get_Right_Limit (Expr));
+ if Left = Null_Iir or Right = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Set_Left_Limit (Expr, Left);
+ Set_Right_Limit (Expr, Right);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Expr, Min (Get_Expr_Staticness (Left),
+ Get_Expr_Staticness (Right)));
+ Bt_L_Kind := Get_Kind (Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Left)));
+ Bt_R_Kind := Get_Kind (Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Right)));
+ if Int_Only then
+ if Bt_L_Kind /= Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ and then Bt_R_Kind = Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("left bound must be an integer expression", Left);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Bt_R_Kind /= Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ and then Bt_L_Kind = Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("right bound must be an integer expression", Left);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Bt_R_Kind /= Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ and then Bt_L_Kind /= Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("each bound must be an integer expression", Expr);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ else
+ if Bt_L_Kind /= Bt_R_Kind then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("left and right bounds must be of the same type",
+ Expr);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ case Bt_L_Kind is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ -- Enumeration range are not allowed to define a new type.
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("bad range type, only integer or float is allowed", Expr);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ return Expr;
+ end Sem_Range_Expression;
+ function Create_Integer_Type (Loc : Iir; Constraint : Iir; Decl : Iir)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Ntype: Iir_Integer_Subtype_Definition;
+ Ndef: Iir_Integer_Type_Definition;
+ begin
+ Ntype := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition);
+ Location_Copy (Ntype, Loc);
+ Ndef := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition);
+ Location_Copy (Ndef, Loc);
+ Set_Base_Type (Ndef, Ndef);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Ndef, Decl);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Ndef, Locally);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Ndef, True);
+ Set_Base_Type (Ntype, Ndef);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Ntype, Decl);
+ Set_Range_Constraint (Ntype, Constraint);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Ntype, Get_Expr_Staticness (Constraint));
+ Set_Resolved_Flag (Ntype, False);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Ntype, True);
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (Ntype) /= Locally then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("range constraint of type must be locally static",
+ Decl);
+ end if;
+ return Ntype;
+ end Create_Integer_Type;
+ function Range_Expr_To_Type_Definition (Expr : Iir; Decl: Iir)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Left, Right : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Sem_Range_Expression (Expr, False) = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Left := Get_Left_Limit (Expr);
+ Right := Get_Right_Limit (Expr);
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr) = Locally then
+ Left := Eval_Expr (Left);
+ Set_Left_Limit (Expr, Left);
+ Right := Eval_Expr (Right);
+ Set_Right_Limit (Expr, Right);
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Left))) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition =>
+ return Create_Integer_Type (Expr, Expr, Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition =>
+ declare
+ Ntype: Iir_Floating_Subtype_Definition;
+ Ndef: Iir_Floating_Type_Definition;
+ begin
+ Ntype := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition);
+ Location_Copy (Ntype, Expr);
+ Ndef := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition);
+ Location_Copy (Ndef, Expr);
+ Set_Base_Type (Ndef, Ndef);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Ndef, Decl);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Ndef, Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr));
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Ndef, True);
+ Set_Base_Type (Ntype, Ndef);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Ntype, Decl);
+ Set_Range_Constraint (Ntype, Expr);
+ Set_Resolved_Flag (Ntype, False);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Ntype, Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr));
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Ntype, True);
+ return Ntype;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ -- sem_range_expression should catch such errors.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Range_Expr_To_Type_Definition;
+ function Create_Physical_Literal (Val : Iir_Int64; Unit : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Lit : Iir;
+ begin
+ Lit := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal);
+ Set_Value (Lit, Val);
+ Set_Unit_Name (Lit, Unit);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Lit, Locally);
+ Set_Type (Lit, Get_Type (Unit));
+ Location_Copy (Lit, Unit);
+ return Lit;
+ end Create_Physical_Literal;
+ -- Sem a physical type definition. Create a subtype.
+ function Sem_Physical_Type_Definition (Range_Expr: Iir; Decl : Iir)
+ return Iir_Physical_Subtype_Definition
+ is
+ Unit: Iir_Unit_Declaration;
+ Def : Iir_Physical_Type_Definition;
+ Sub_Type: Iir_Physical_Subtype_Definition;
+ Range_Expr1: Iir;
+ Val : Iir;
+ Lit : Iir_Physical_Int_Literal;
+ begin
+ Def := Get_Type (Range_Expr);
+ -- LRM93 §4.1
+ -- The simple name declared by a type declaration denotes the
+ -- declared type, unless the type declaration declares both a base
+ -- type and a subtype of the base type, in which case the simple name
+ -- denotes the subtype, and the base type is anonymous.
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Def, Decl);
+ Set_Base_Type (Def, Def);
+ Set_Resolved_Flag (Def, False);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Def, Locally);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Def, True);
+ -- LRM93 §3.1.3
+ -- Each bound of a range constraint that is used in a physical type
+ -- definition must be a locally static expression of some integer type
+ -- but the two bounds need not have the same integer type.
+ case Get_Kind (Range_Expr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
+ Range_Expr1 := Sem_Range_Expression (Range_Expr, True);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_physical_type_definition", Range_Expr);
+ end case;
+ if Range_Expr1 /= Null_Iir then
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Range_Expr1) /= Locally then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("range constraint for a physical type must be static",
+ Range_Expr1);
+ Range_Expr1 := Null_Iir;
+ else
+ Range_Expr1 := Eval_Expr (Range_Expr1);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Create the subtype.
+ Sub_Type := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition);
+ Location_Copy (Sub_Type, Range_Expr);
+ Set_Base_Type (Sub_Type, Def);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Sub_Type, True);
+ -- Sem primary units.
+ Unit := Get_Unit_Chain (Def);
+ Lit := Create_Physical_Literal (1, Unit);
+ Set_Physical_Unit_Value (Unit, Lit);
+ Add_Name (Unit);
+ Set_Type (Unit, Def);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Unit, Locally);
+ Set_Visible_Flag (Unit, True);
+ Xref_Decl (Unit);
+ -- Sem secondary units.
+ Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ -- Val := Sem_Physical_Literal (Get_Multiplier (Unit));
+ Val := Sem_Expression (Get_Physical_Literal (Unit), Def);
+ if Val /= Null_Iir then
+ Val := Eval_Expr (Val);
+ Set_Physical_Literal (Unit, Val);
+ if Get_Kind (Val) = Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration then
+ Val := Create_Physical_Literal (1, Val);
+ end if;
+ Set_Physical_Unit_Value (Unit, Val);
+ -- LRM93 §3.1
+ -- The position number of unit names need not lie within the range
+ -- specified by the range constraint.
+ -- GHDL: this was not true in VHDL87.
+ -- GHDL: This is not so simple if 1 is not included in the range.
+ if False and then Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87
+ and then Range_Expr1 /= Null_Iir
+ then
+ if not Eval_Int_In_Range (Get_Value (Unit), Range_Expr1) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("physical literal does not lie within the range", Unit);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- Avoid errors storm.
+ Set_Physical_Literal (Unit, Get_Primary_Unit (Def));
+ Set_Physical_Unit_Value (Unit, Lit);
+ end if;
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (Unit);
+ Set_Type (Unit, Def);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Unit, Locally);
+ Sem_Scopes.Name_Visible (Unit);
+ Xref_Decl (Unit);
+ Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ end loop;
+ if Range_Expr1 /= Null_Iir then
+ declare
+ -- Convert an integer literal to a physical literal.
+ -- This is used to convert bounds.
+ function Lit_To_Phys_Lit (Lim : Iir_Integer_Literal)
+ return Iir_Physical_Int_Literal
+ is
+ Res : Iir_Physical_Int_Literal;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Lim);
+ Set_Type (Res, Def);
+ Set_Value (Res, Get_Value (Lim));
+ Set_Unit_Name (Res, Get_Primary_Unit (Def));
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, Locally);
+ Set_Literal_Origin (Res, Lim);
+ return Res;
+ end Lit_To_Phys_Lit;
+ Phys_Range : Iir_Range_Expression;
+ begin
+ -- Create the physical range.
+ Phys_Range := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Range_Expression);
+ Location_Copy (Phys_Range, Range_Expr1);
+ Set_Type (Phys_Range, Def);
+ Set_Direction (Phys_Range, Get_Direction (Range_Expr1));
+ Set_Left_Limit
+ (Phys_Range, Lit_To_Phys_Lit (Get_Left_Limit (Range_Expr1)));
+ Set_Right_Limit
+ (Phys_Range, Lit_To_Phys_Lit (Get_Right_Limit (Range_Expr1)));
+ Set_Expr_Staticness
+ (Phys_Range, Get_Expr_Staticness (Range_Expr1));
+ Set_Range_Constraint (Sub_Type, Phys_Range);
+ -- This must be locally...
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Sub_Type, Get_Expr_Staticness (Range_Expr1));
+ end;
+ end if;
+ Set_Resolved_Flag (Sub_Type, False);
+ return Sub_Type;
+ end Sem_Physical_Type_Definition;
+ -- Return true iff decl is std.textio.text
+ function Is_Text_Type_Declaration (Decl : Iir_Type_Declaration)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ use Std_Names;
+ P : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Get_Identifier (Decl) /= Name_Text then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ P := Get_Parent (Decl);
+ if Get_Kind (P) /= Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ or else Get_Identifier (P) /= Name_Textio
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- design_unit, design_file, library_declaration.
+ P := Get_Library (Get_Design_File (Get_Design_Unit (P)));
+ if P /= Libraries.Std_Library then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end Is_Text_Type_Declaration;
+ procedure Check_No_File_Type (El_Type : Iir; Loc : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (El_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("element of file type is not allowed in a composite type", Loc);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end Check_No_File_Type;
+ -- Semantize the array_element type of DEF.
+ -- Set type_staticness and resolved_flag of DEF.
+ -- type_staticness of DEF (before calling this function) must be the
+ -- staticness of the array indexes.
+ procedure Sem_Array_Element (Def : Iir)
+ is
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ El_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Def);
+ El_Type := Sem_Subtype_Indication (El_Type);
+ if El_Type = Null_Iir then
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Def, None);
+ Set_Resolved_Flag (Def, False);
+ Set_Element_Subtype (Def, Error_Type);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Set_Element_Subtype (Def, El_Type);
+ Check_No_File_Type (El_Type, Def);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Def, Get_Signal_Type_Flag (El_Type));
+ -- LRM93 §
+ -- The same requirement exists [must define a constrained
+ -- array subtype] [...] for the element subtype indication
+ -- of an array type definition, if the type of the array
+ -- element is itself an array type.
+ if not Sem_Is_Constrained (El_Type) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("array element of unconstrained "
+ & Disp_Node (El_Type) & " is not allowed", Def);
+ end if;
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Def, Min (Get_Type_Staticness (El_Type),
+ Get_Type_Staticness (Def)));
+ Set_Resolved_Flag (Def, Get_Resolved_Flag (El_Type));
+ end Sem_Array_Element;
+ procedure Sem_Protected_Type_Declaration (Type_Decl : Iir_Type_Declaration)
+ is
+ Decl : Iir_Protected_Type_Declaration;
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ Decl := Get_Type (Type_Decl);
+ Set_Base_Type (Decl, Decl);
+ Set_Resolved_Flag (Decl, False);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Decl, False);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Decl, None);
+ -- LRM 10.3 Visibility
+ -- [...] except in the declaration of a design_unit or a protected type
+ -- declaration, in which case it starts immediatly after the reserved
+ -- word is occuring after the identifier of the design unit or
+ -- protected type declaration.
+ Set_Visible_Flag (Type_Decl, True);
+ -- LRM 10.1
+ -- n) A protected type declaration, together with the corresponding
+ -- body.
+ Open_Declarative_Region;
+ Sem_Decls.Sem_Declaration_Chain (Decl);
+ El := Get_Declaration_Chain (Decl);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
+ declare
+ Inter : Iir;
+ Inter_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Inter := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (El);
+ while Inter /= Null_Iir loop
+ Inter_Type := Get_Type (Inter);
+ if Inter_Type /= Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Inter_Type) = False
+ and then Get_Kind (Inter_Type)
+ /= Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("formal parameter method must not be "
+ & "access or file type", Inter);
+ end if;
+ Inter := Get_Chain (Inter);
+ end loop;
+ if Get_Kind (El) = Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration then
+ Inter_Type := Get_Return_Type (El);
+ if Inter_Type /= Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Inter_Type) = False
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("method return type must not be access of file",
+ El);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (El)
+ & " are not allowed in protected type declaration", El);
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ Close_Declarative_Region;
+ end Sem_Protected_Type_Declaration;
+ procedure Sem_Protected_Type_Body (Bod : Iir)
+ is
+ Inter : Name_Interpretation_Type;
+ Type_Decl : Iir;
+ Decl : Iir;
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- LRM 3.5 Protected types.
+ -- Each protected type declaration appearing immediatly within a given
+ -- declaration region must have exactly one corresponding protected type
+ -- body appearing immediatly within the same declarative region and
+ -- textually subsequent to the protected type declaration.
+ --
+ -- Similarly, each protected type body appearing immediatly within a
+ -- given declarative region must have exactly one corresponding
+ -- protected type declaration appearing immediatly within the same
+ -- declarative region and textually prior to the protected type body.
+ Inter := Get_Interpretation (Get_Identifier (Bod));
+ if Valid_Interpretation (Inter)
+ and then Is_In_Current_Declarative_Region (Inter)
+ then
+ Type_Decl := Get_Declaration (Inter);
+ if Get_Kind (Type_Decl) = Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration then
+ Decl := Get_Type (Type_Decl);
+ else
+ Decl := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Decl := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Decl /= Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Kind (Decl) = Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ then
+ Set_Protected_Type_Declaration (Bod, Decl);
+ if Get_Protected_Type_Body (Decl) /= Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("protected type body already declared for "
+ & Disp_Node (Decl), Bod);
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("(previous body)", Get_Protected_Type_Body (Decl));
+ Decl := Null_Iir;
+ elsif not Get_Visible_Flag (Type_Decl) then
+ -- Can this happen ?
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("protected type declaration not yet visible", Bod);
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("(location of protected type declaration)", Decl);
+ Decl := Null_Iir;
+ else
+ Set_Protected_Type_Body (Decl, Bod);
+ end if;
+ else
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("no protected type declaration for this body", Bod);
+ if Decl /= Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("(found " & Disp_Node (Decl) & " declared here)", Decl);
+ Decl := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM 10.1
+ -- n) A protected type declaration, together with the corresponding
+ -- body.
+ Open_Declarative_Region;
+ if Decl /= Null_Iir then
+ Xref_Body (Bod, Decl);
+ Add_Protected_Type_Declarations (Decl);
+ end if;
+ Sem_Decls.Sem_Declaration_Chain (Bod);
+ El := Get_Declaration_Chain (Bod);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Body =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification
+ | Iir_Kind_Use_Clause
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (El) & " not allowed in a protected type body",
+ El);
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ Sem_Decls.Check_Full_Declaration (Bod, Bod);
+ -- LRM 3.5.2 Protected type bodies
+ -- Each subprogram declaration appearing in a given protected type
+ -- declaration shall have a corresponding subprogram body appearing in
+ -- the corresponding protected type body.
+ if Decl /= Null_Iir then
+ Sem_Decls.Check_Full_Declaration (Decl, Bod);
+ end if;
+ Close_Declarative_Region;
+ end Sem_Protected_Type_Body;
+ function Sem_Type_Definition (Def: Iir; Decl: Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Def) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
+ Set_Base_Type (Def, Def);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Def, Locally);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Def, True);
+ Create_Range_Constraint_For_Enumeration_Type (Def);
+ -- Makes all literal visible.
+ declare
+ El: Iir;
+ Literal_List: Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Literal_List := Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Def);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (Literal_List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (El, Locally);
+ Set_Name_Staticness (El, Locally);
+ Set_Base_Name (El, El);
+ Set_Type (El, Def);
+ Set_Enumeration_Decl (El, El);
+ Sem.Compute_Subprogram_Hash (El);
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (El);
+ Name_Visible (El);
+ Xref_Decl (El);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ Set_Resolved_Flag (Def, False);
+ return Def;
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
+ if Get_Type (Def) /= Null_Iir then
+ return Sem_Physical_Type_Definition (Def, Decl);
+ else
+ return Range_Expr_To_Type_Definition (Def, Decl);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name =>
+ if Get_Type (Def) /= Null_Iir then
+ return Sem_Physical_Type_Definition (Def, Decl);
+ end if;
+ -- Nb: the attribute is expected to be a 'range or
+ -- a 'reverse_range attribute.
+ declare
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ Res := Sem_Discrete_Range_Expression (Def, Null_Iir);
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ -- This cannot be a floating range.
+ return Create_Integer_Type (Def, Res, Decl);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ declare
+ Index_Type : Iir;
+ Index_List : Iir_List;
+ Base_Index_List : Iir_List;
+ Staticness : Iir_Staticness;
+ -- array_type_definition, which is the same as the subtype,
+ -- but without any constraint in the indexes.
+ Base_Type: Iir;
+ begin
+ -- FIXME: all indexes must be either constrained or
+ -- unconstrained.
+ -- If all indexes are unconstrained, this is really a type
+ -- otherwise, this is a subtype.
+ -- Create a definition for the base type of subtype DEF.
+ Base_Type := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition);
+ Location_Copy (Base_Type, Def);
+ Set_Base_Type (Base_Type, Base_Type);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Base_Type, Decl);
+ Base_Index_List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Set_Index_Subtype_List (Base_Type, Base_Index_List);
+ Staticness := Locally;
+ Index_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Index_Type := Get_Nth_Element (Index_List, I);
+ exit when Index_Type = Null_Iir;
+ Index_Type := Sem_Discrete_Range_Integer (Index_Type);
+ if Index_Type /= Null_Iir then
+ Index_Type := Range_To_Subtype_Definition (Index_Type);
+ else
+ -- Avoid errors.
+ Index_Type := Natural_Subtype_Definition;
+ end if;
+ Replace_Nth_Element (Index_List, I, Index_Type);
+ Staticness := Min (Staticness,
+ Get_Type_Staticness (Index_Type));
+ -- Set the index type in the array type.
+ -- must "unconstraint" the subtype.
+ Append_Element (Base_Index_List, Index_Type);
+ end loop;
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Def, Staticness);
+ -- Element type.
+ Sem_Array_Element (Def);
+ Set_Element_Subtype (Base_Type, Get_Element_Subtype (Def));
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Base_Type, Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Def));
+ -- According to LRM93 §7.4.1, an unconstrained array type
+ -- is not static.
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Base_Type, None);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Base_Type, Decl);
+ Set_Resolved_Flag (Base_Type, Get_Resolved_Flag (Def));
+ Set_Base_Type (Def, Base_Type);
+ Set_Type_Mark (Def, Base_Type);
+ return Def;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ declare
+ Index_Type : Iir;
+ Index_List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Set_Base_Type (Def, Def);
+ Index_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Index_Type := Get_Nth_Element (Index_List, I);
+ exit when Index_Type = Null_Iir;
+ Index_Type := Sem_Subtype_Indication (Index_Type);
+ if Index_Type /= Null_Iir then
+ if Get_Kind (Index_Type) not in
+ Iir_Kinds_Discrete_Type_Definition
+ then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("index type of an array must be discrete",
+ Index_Type);
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- Avoid errors.
+ Index_Type := Natural_Subtype_Definition;
+ end if;
+ Replace_Nth_Element (Index_List, I, Index_Type);
+ end loop;
+ -- According to LRM93 §7.4.1, an unconstrained array type
+ -- is not static.
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Def, None);
+ Sem_Array_Element (Def);
+ return Def;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
+ declare
+ -- Non semantized type of previous element.
+ Last_El_Type : Iir;
+ -- Semantized type of previous element
+ Last_Type : Iir;
+ El: Iir;
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ Resolved_Flag : Boolean;
+ Staticness : Iir_Staticness;
+ begin
+ -- LRM 10.1
+ -- 5. A record type declaration,
+ Open_Declarative_Region;
+ Resolved_Flag := True;
+ Last_El_Type := Null_Iir;
+ Last_Type := Null_Iir;
+ Staticness := Locally;
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Def, True);
+ El := Get_Element_Declaration_Chain (Def);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ El_Type := Get_Type (El);
+ if El_Type /= Last_El_Type then
+ -- Be careful for a declaration list (r,g,b: integer).
+ Last_El_Type := El_Type;
+ El_Type := Sem_Subtype_Indication (El_Type);
+ Last_Type := El_Type;
+ else
+ El_Type := Last_Type;
+ end if;
+ if El_Type /= Null_Iir then
+ Set_Type (El, El_Type);
+ Check_No_File_Type (El_Type, El);
+ if not Get_Signal_Type_Flag (El_Type) then
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Def, False);
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93 §
+ -- The same requirement [must define a constrained array
+ -- subtype] exits for the subtype indication of an
+ -- element declaration, if the type of the record
+ -- element is an array type.
+ if not Sem_Is_Constrained (El_Type) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("element declaration of unconstrained "
+ & Disp_Node (El_Type) & " is not allowed", El);
+ end if;
+ Resolved_Flag :=
+ Resolved_Flag and Get_Resolved_Flag (El_Type);
+ Staticness := Min (Staticness,
+ Get_Type_Staticness (El_Type));
+ else
+ Staticness := None;
+ end if;
+ Sem_Scopes.Add_Name (El);
+ Name_Visible (El);
+ Xref_Decl (El);
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ Close_Declarative_Region;
+ Set_Base_Type (Def, Def);
+ Set_Resolved_Flag (Def, Resolved_Flag);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Def, Staticness);
+ return Def;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition =>
+ declare
+ D_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ D_Type := Sem_Subtype_Indication (Get_Designated_Type (Def),
+ True);
+ if D_Type /= Null_Iir then
+ case Get_Kind (D_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition =>
+ Append_Element
+ (Get_Incomplete_Type_List (D_Type), Def);
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
+ -- LRM 3.3
+ -- The designated type must not be a file type.
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("designated type must not be a file type", Def);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Set_Designated_Type (Def, D_Type);
+ end if;
+ Set_Base_Type (Def, Def);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Def, None);
+ Set_Resolved_Flag (Def, False);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Def, False);
+ return Def;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
+ declare
+ Type_Mark : Iir;
+ begin
+ Type_Mark := Sem_Subtype_Indication (Get_Type_Mark (Def));
+ Set_Type_Mark (Def, Type_Mark);
+ if Type_Mark /= Null_Iir then
+ if Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Type_Mark) = False then
+ -- LRM 3.4
+ -- The base type of this subtype must not be a file type
+ -- or an access type.
+ -- If the base type is a composite type, it must not
+ -- contain a subelement of an access type.
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Type_Mark) & " cannot be a file type", Def);
+ elsif Get_Kind (Type_Mark) in Iir_Kinds_Array_Type_Definition
+ then
+ -- LRM 3.4
+ -- If the base type is an array type, it must be a one
+ -- dimensional array type.
+ if not Is_Unidim_Array_Type (Type_Mark) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("multi-dimensional " & Disp_Node (Type_Mark)
+ & " cannot be a file type", Def);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Set_Base_Type (Def, Def);
+ Set_Resolved_Flag (Def, False);
+ Set_Text_File_Flag (Def, Is_Text_Type_Declaration (Decl));
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Def, False);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Def, None);
+ return Def;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
+ Sem_Protected_Type_Declaration (Decl);
+ return Def;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_type_definition", Def);
+ return Def;
+ end case;
+ end Sem_Type_Definition;
+ -- Convert a range expression to a subtype definition whose constraint is
+ -- A_RANGE.
+ -- This function extract the type of the range expression.
+ function Range_To_Subtype_Definition (A_Range: Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Sub_Type: Iir;
+ Range_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (A_Range) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ -- Create a sub type.
+ Range_Type := Get_Type (A_Range);
+ when Iir_Kinds_Discrete_Type_Definition =>
+ -- A_RANGE is already a subtype definition.
+ return A_Range;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("range_to_subtype_definition", A_Range);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end case;
+ case Get_Kind (Range_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Sub_Type := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition);
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Sub_Type := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Location_Copy (Sub_Type, A_Range);
+ Set_Range_Constraint (Sub_Type, A_Range);
+ Set_Base_Type (Sub_Type, Get_Base_Type (Range_Type));
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Sub_Type, Get_Expr_Staticness (A_Range));
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Sub_Type, True);
+ return Sub_Type;
+ end Range_To_Subtype_Definition;
+ -- Return TRUE iff FUNC is a resolution function for ATYPE.
+ function Is_A_Resolution_Function (Func: Iir; Atype: Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ Decl: Iir;
+ Decl_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- LRM93 2.4
+ -- A resolution function must be a [pure] function;
+ if Get_Kind (Func) not in Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Decl := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Func);
+ -- LRM93 2.4
+ -- moreover, it must have a single input parameter of class constant
+ if Decl = Null_Iir or else Get_Chain (Decl) /= Null_Iir then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Decl) /= Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93 2.4
+ -- that is a one-dimensional, unconstrained array
+ Decl_Type := Get_Type (Decl);
+ if Get_Kind (Decl_Type) /= Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Nbr_Elements (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Decl_Type)) /= 1 then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93 2.4
+ -- whose element type is that of the resolved signal.
+ if Get_Base_Type (Get_Element_Subtype (Decl_Type))
+ /= Get_Base_Type (Atype)
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93 2.4
+ -- The type of the return value of the function must also be that of
+ -- the signal.
+ if Get_Base_Type (Get_Return_Type (Func)) /= Get_Base_Type (Atype) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93 2.4
+ -- A resolution function must be a [pure] function;
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_93 and then Get_Pure_Flag (Func) = False then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("resolution " & Disp_Node (Func) & " must be pure", Atype);
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end Is_A_Resolution_Function;
+ procedure Sem_Resolution_Function (Decl: Iir)
+ is
+ Func: Iir;
+ Name : Iir;
+ Res: Iir;
+ El : Iir;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Name := Get_Resolution_Function (Decl);
+ if Name = Null_Iir then
+ -- This is not a resolved type.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- FIXME: add this check (maybe based on resolved_flag ?)
+ --if Get_Kind (Name) in Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration then
+ -- -- The resolution function was already semantized.
+ -- -- This can happen if comes from an unconstrained array subtype.
+ -- return;
+ --end if;
+ Sem_Name (Name, False);
+ Func := Get_Named_Entity (Name);
+ if Func = Error_Mark then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Res := Null_Iir;
+ if Is_Overload_List (Func) then
+ List := Get_Overload_List (Func);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ if Is_A_Resolution_Function (El, Decl) then
+ if Func /= Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("can't resolve overload for resolution function", Decl);
+ return;
+ else
+ Func := El;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ else
+ if Is_A_Resolution_Function (Func, Decl) then
+ Res := Func;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Res = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("no matching resolution function for "
+ & Disp_Node (Name), Decl);
+ else
+ Set_Named_Entity (Name, Res);
+ Set_Use_Flag (Res, True);
+ Set_Resolved_Flag (Decl, True);
+ Xref_Name (Name);
+ end if;
+ end Sem_Resolution_Function;
+ -- Semantize array_subtype_definition DEF using BASE_TYPE as the base type
+ -- of DEF.
+ -- DEF must have an index list and may have a resolution function.
+ -- Return DEF.
+ function Sem_Array_Subtype_Indication (Type_Mark : Iir; Def : Iir)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Type_Index, Subtype_Index: Iir;
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ Staticness : Iir_Staticness;
+ Error_Seen : Boolean;
+ Type_Index_List : Iir_List;
+ Subtype_Index_List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Type_Mark) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (Disp_Node (Type_Mark) & " cannot be constrained", Def);
+ -- Continue as if BASE_TYPE is really a base type, it is safe.
+ end case;
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Type_Mark);
+ Set_Base_Type (Def, Base_Type);
+ El_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Base_Type);
+ Staticness := Get_Type_Staticness (El_Type);
+ Error_Seen := False;
+ Type_Index_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Base_Type);
+ Subtype_Index_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Type_Index := Get_Nth_Element (Type_Index_List, I);
+ Subtype_Index := Get_Nth_Element (Subtype_Index_List, I);
+ exit when Type_Index = Null_Iir and Subtype_Index = Null_Iir;
+ if Type_Index = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("subtype has more indexes than "
+ & Disp_Node (Type_Mark)
+ & " defined at " & Disp_Location (Type_Mark),
+ Subtype_Index);
+ -- Forget extra indexes.
+ Set_Nbr_Elements (Subtype_Index_List, I);
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ if Subtype_Index = Null_Iir then
+ if not Error_Seen then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("subtype has less indexes than "
+ & Disp_Node (Type_Mark)
+ & " defined at " & Disp_Location (Type_Mark),
+ Def);
+ Error_Seen := True;
+ end if;
+ -- Use type_index as a fake subtype
+ -- FIXME: it is too fake.
+ Append_Element (Subtype_Index_List, Type_Index);
+ Staticness := None;
+ else
+ Subtype_Index := Sem_Discrete_Range_Expression
+ (Subtype_Index, Type_Index);
+ if Subtype_Index /= Null_Iir then
+ Subtype_Index := Range_To_Subtype_Definition (Subtype_Index);
+ Staticness := Min (Staticness,
+ Get_Type_Staticness (Subtype_Index));
+ end if;
+ if Subtype_Index = Null_Iir then
+ -- Create a fake subtype from type_index.
+ -- FIXME: It is too fake.
+ Subtype_Index := Type_Index;
+ Staticness := None;
+ end if;
+ Replace_Nth_Element (Subtype_Index_List, I, Subtype_Index);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Def, Staticness);
+ Set_Element_Subtype (Def, El_Type);
+ Sem_Resolution_Function (Def);
+ if Get_Resolution_Function (Def) /= Null_Iir
+ or else Get_Resolved_Flag (El_Type)
+ then
+ Set_Resolved_Flag (Def, True);
+ else
+ Set_Resolved_Flag (Def, False);
+ end if;
+ Set_Type_Mark (Def, Type_Mark);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Def, Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Type_Mark));
+ return Def;
+ end Sem_Array_Subtype_Indication;
+ -- Semantize a subtype indication.
+ -- DEF can be either a name or an iir_subtype_definition.
+ -- Return a new (an anonymous) subtype definition (with the correct kind),
+ -- or an already defined type definition (if DEF is a name).
+ function Sem_Subtype_Indication (Def: Iir; Incomplete : Boolean := False)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Type_Mark: Iir;
+ Res: Iir;
+ Decl_Kind : Decl_Kind_Type;
+ begin
+ if Incomplete then
+ Decl_Kind := Decl_Incomplete_Type;
+ else
+ Decl_Kind := Decl_Type;
+ end if;
+ -- Simple case that correspond to no indication except a subtype
+ -- identifier
+ if Get_Kind (Def) in Iir_Kinds_Name then
+ Type_Mark := Find_Declaration (Def, Decl_Kind);
+ if Type_Mark = Null_Iir then
+ return Create_Error_Type (Def);
+ else
+ return Type_Mark;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Semantize the type mark.
+ Type_Mark := Find_Declaration (Get_Type_Mark (Def), Decl_Kind);
+ if Type_Mark = Null_Iir then
+ -- FIXME: handle inversion such as "subtype BASETYPE RESOLV", which
+ -- should emit "resolution function must precede type name".
+ return Create_Error_Type (Get_Type_Mark (Def));
+ end if;
+ Set_Type_Mark (Def, Type_Mark);
+ -- Check constraint.
+ case Get_Kind (Def) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ case Get_Kind (Type_Mark) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ -- LRM Index Constraints and Discrete Ranges
+ -- If an index constraint appears after a type mark [...]
+ -- The type mark must denote either an unconstrained array
+ -- type, or an access type whose designated type is such
+ -- an array type.
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("only unconstrained array type may be contrained "
+ &"by index", Def);
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (" (type mark is " & Disp_Node (Type_Mark) & ")",
+ Type_Mark);
+ return Type_Mark;
+ end case;
+ when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition =>
+ case Get_Kind (Type_Mark) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ -- FIXME: find the correct sentence from LRM
+ -- GHDL: subtype_definition may also be used just to add
+ -- a resolution function.
+ if Get_Range_Constraint (Def) /= Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("only scalar types may be constrained by range", Def);
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ (" (type mark is " & Disp_Node (Type_Mark) & ")",
+ Type_Mark);
+ return Type_Mark;
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_subtype_indication", Def);
+ end case;
+ case Get_Kind (Type_Mark) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+-- -- If the base type is an unconstrained array subtype, then get
+-- -- the *real* base type, and copy the resolution function (since
+-- -- a base type has no resolution function).
+-- if Get_Kind (Type_Mark) =
+-- Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition
+-- and then Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition
+-- then
+-- if Get_Resolution_Function (Def) = Null_Iir then
+-- if Get_Range_Constraint (Def) = Null_Iir then
+-- -- In this case, DEF must simply be a name. There is
+-- -- a parser internal error.
+-- raise Internal_Error;
+-- end if;
+-- Set_Resolution_Function
+-- (Def, Get_Resolution_Function (Type_Mark));
+-- end if;
+-- end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition then
+ -- This is the case of "subtype new_array is [func] old_array".
+ -- def must be a constrained array.
+ if Get_Range_Constraint (Def) /= Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("cannot use a range constraint for an array", Def);
+ return Type_Mark;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Resolution_Function (Def) = Null_Iir then
+ -- In this case, DEF must simply be a name. There is
+ -- a parser internal error.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Type_Mark) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ Res := Create_Iir
+ (Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition);
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition);
+ Set_Element_Subtype
+ (Res, Get_Element_Subtype (Type_Mark));
+ Set_Index_Subtype_List
+ (Res, Get_Index_Subtype_List (Type_Mark));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_subtype_indication(array)", Type_Mark);
+ end case;
+ Location_Copy (Res, Def);
+ Set_Base_Type (Res, Get_Base_Type (Type_Mark));
+ Set_Resolution_Function (Res, Get_Resolution_Function (Def));
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Res, Get_Type_Staticness (Type_Mark));
+ Sem_Resolution_Function (Res);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Res, Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Type_Mark));
+ if Get_Resolution_Function (Res) /= Null_Iir
+ or else Get_Resolved_Flag (Get_Element_Subtype (Type_Mark))
+ then
+ Set_Resolved_Flag (Res, True);
+ else
+ Set_Resolved_Flag (Res, False);
+ end if;
+ Set_Type_Mark (Res, Type_Mark);
+ Free_Name (Def);
+ return Res;
+ elsif Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition then
+ -- Case of a constraint for an array.
+ -- Check each index constraint against array type.
+ return Sem_Array_Subtype_Indication (Type_Mark, Def);
+ else
+ Error_Kind ("sem_subtype_indication(1)", Def);
+ return Type_Mark;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition =>
+ if Get_Range_Constraint (Def) = Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Resolution_Function (Def) = Null_Iir
+ then
+ -- This defines an alias, and must have been handled just
+ -- before the case statment.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ A_Range : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- There are limits. Create a new subtype.
+ Res := Create_Iir (Get_Kind (Type_Mark));
+ Location_Copy (Res, Def);
+ Set_Base_Type (Res, Get_Base_Type (Type_Mark));
+ Set_Type_Mark (Res, Type_Mark);
+ Set_Resolution_Function (Res, Get_Resolution_Function (Def));
+ A_Range := Get_Range_Constraint (Def);
+ if A_Range = Null_Iir then
+ A_Range := Get_Range_Constraint (Type_Mark);
+ else
+ A_Range := Sem_Discrete_Range_Expression
+ (A_Range, Type_Mark);
+ if A_Range = Null_Iir then
+ -- Avoid error propagation.
+ A_Range := Get_Range_Constraint (Type_Mark);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Set_Range_Constraint (Res, A_Range);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Res, Get_Expr_Staticness (A_Range));
+ Free_Name (Def);
+ Sem_Resolution_Function (Res);
+ Set_Resolved_Flag
+ (Res, Get_Resolution_Function (Res) /= Null_Iir);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Res, Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Type_Mark));
+ return Res;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
+ if Get_Range_Constraint (Def) = Null_Iir and then
+ Get_Resolution_Function (Def) = Null_Iir
+ then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Constraint : Iir_Range_Expression;
+ begin
+ -- There are limits. Create a new subtype.
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Def);
+ Set_Base_Type (Res, Type_Mark);
+ Set_Type_Mark (Res, Type_Mark);
+ Set_Resolution_Function (Res, Get_Resolution_Function (Def));
+ Constraint := Get_Range_Constraint (Def);
+ if Constraint = Null_Iir then
+ Constraint := Get_Range_Constraint (Type_Mark);
+ else
+ Constraint := Sem_Discrete_Range_Expression
+ (Constraint, Type_Mark);
+ -- FIXME: check bounds, check static
+ end if;
+ Set_Range_Constraint (Res, Constraint);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Res, Get_Expr_Staticness (Constraint));
+ end;
+ Free_Name (Def);
+ Sem_Resolution_Function (Res);
+ Set_Resolved_Flag
+ (Res, Get_Resolution_Function (Res) /= Null_Iir);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Res, True);
+ return Res;
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
+ declare
+ Func: Iir;
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Def) /= Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition then
+ Error_Kind ("sem_subtype_indication1", Def);
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Func := Get_Resolution_Function (Def);
+ if Func = Null_Iir then
+ -- This is an alias.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Def);
+ Set_Base_Type (Res, Type_Mark);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Res, Get_Type_Staticness (Type_Mark));
+ Set_Type_Mark (Res, Type_Mark);
+ Set_Resolution_Function (Res, Func);
+ Sem_Resolution_Function (Res);
+ Set_Resolved_Flag (Res, Func /= Null_Iir);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Res, Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Type_Mark));
+ Free_Name (Def);
+ return Res;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition =>
+ -- LRM93 4.2
+ -- A subtype indication denoting an access type [or a file type]
+ -- may not contain a resolution function.
+ if Get_Resolution_Function (Def) /= Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("resolution function not allowed for an access type", Def);
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Def) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Free_Name (Def);
+ return Type_Mark;
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ -- LRM93 §3.3
+ -- The only form of constraint that is allowed after a name
+ -- of an access type in a subtype indication is an index
+ -- constraint.
+ declare
+ Sub_Type : Iir;
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Base_Type := Get_Designated_Type (Type_Mark);
+ Sub_Type := Sem_Array_Subtype_Indication (Base_Type, Def);
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Def);
+ Set_Base_Type (Res, Type_Mark);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Res, False);
+ Free_Old_Iir (Def);
+ return Res;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
+ if Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Subtype_Definition then
+ Free_Name (Def);
+ return Type_Mark;
+ else
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_subtype_indication", Type_Mark);
+ return Def;
+ end case;
+ end Sem_Subtype_Indication;
+ function Sem_Is_Constrained (A_Type: Iir) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (A_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ return True;
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
+ --| Iir_Kind_File_Subtype_Definition =>
+ return True;
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
+ return True;
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ return False;
+ when Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition =>
+ return False;
+ when Iir_Kind_Error =>
+ return True;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_is_constrained", A_Type);
+ end case;
+ end Sem_Is_Constrained;
+end Sem_Types;
diff --git a/sem_types.ads b/sem_types.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..390976e11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sem_types.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+-- Semantic analysis.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+package Sem_Types is
+ -- Semantization of types (LRM chapter 3)
+ -- Semantize subtype indication DEF.
+ -- If INCOMPLETE is TRUE, then DEF may designate an incomplete type
+ -- definition.
+ -- This is used by sem_expr for qualified expression and allocators.
+ function Sem_Subtype_Indication (Def: Iir; Incomplete : Boolean := False)
+ return Iir;
+ -- Return FALSE if A_TYPE is an unconstrained array type or subtype.
+ function Sem_Is_Constrained (A_Type: Iir) return Boolean;
+ procedure Sem_Protected_Type_Body (Bod : Iir);
+ function Sem_Type_Definition (Def: Iir; Decl: Iir) return Iir;
+ -- Convert a range expression to a subtype definition whose constraint is
+ -- A_RANGE.
+ -- This function extract the type of the range expression.
+ function Range_To_Subtype_Definition (A_Range: Iir) return Iir;
+end Sem_Types;
diff --git a/std_names.adb b/std_names.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..51aa22472
--- /dev/null
+++ b/std_names.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+-- Well known name table entries.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Name_Table;
+with Tokens; use Tokens;
+package body Std_Names is
+ procedure Std_Names_Initialize is
+ function GI (S : String) return Name_Id
+ renames Name_Table.Get_Identifier;
+-- function GI (S : String) return Name_Id is
+-- begin
+-- Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("add " & S);
+-- return Name_Table.Get_Identifier (S);
+-- end GI;
+ begin
+ Name_Table.Initialize;
+ -- Create keywords.
+ for I in Tok_Mod .. Tok_Protected loop
+ if GI (Image (I)) /=
+ Name_First_Keyword +
+ Token_Type'Pos (I) - Token_Type'Pos (Tok_First_Keyword)
+ then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- Create operators.
+ if GI ("=") /= Name_Op_Equality
+ or GI ("/=") /= Name_Op_Inequality
+ or GI ("<") /= Name_Op_Less
+ or GI ("<=") /= Name_Op_Less_Equal
+ or GI (">") /= Name_Op_Greater
+ or GI (">=") /= Name_Op_Greater_Equal
+ or GI ("+") /= Name_Op_Plus
+ or GI ("-") /= Name_Op_Minus
+ or GI ("*") /= Name_Op_Mul
+ or GI ("/") /= Name_Op_Div
+ or GI ("**") /= Name_Op_Exp
+ or GI ("&") /= Name_Op_Concatenation
+ then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Create Attributes.
+ if GI ("base") /= Name_Base
+ or GI ("left") /= Name_Left
+ or GI ("right") /= Name_Right
+ or GI ("high") /= Name_High
+ or GI ("low") /= Name_Low
+ or GI ("pos") /= Name_Pos
+ or GI ("val") /= Name_Val
+ or GI ("succ") /= Name_Succ
+ or GI ("pred") /= Name_Pred
+ or GI ("leftof") /= Name_Leftof
+ or GI ("rightof") /= Name_Rightof
+ or GI ("reverse_range") /= Name_Reverse_Range
+ or GI ("length") /= Name_Length
+ or GI ("delayed") /= Name_Delayed
+ or GI ("stable") /= Name_Stable
+ or GI ("quiet") /= Name_Quiet
+ or GI ("transaction") /= Name_Transaction
+ or GI ("event") /= Name_Event
+ or GI ("active") /= Name_Active
+ or GI ("last_event") /= Name_Last_Event
+ or GI ("last_active") /= Name_Last_Active
+ or GI ("last_value") /= Name_Last_Value
+ or GI ("behavior") /= Name_Behavior
+ or GI ("structure") /= Name_Structure
+ or GI ("ascending") /= Name_Ascending
+ or GI ("image") /= Name_Image
+ or GI ("value") /= Name_Value
+ or GI ("driving") /= Name_Driving
+ or GI ("driving_value") /= Name_Driving_Value
+ or GI ("simple_name") /= Name_Simple_Name
+ or GI ("instance_name") /= Name_Instance_Name
+ or GI ("path_name") /= Name_Path_Name
+ then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Create standard.
+ if GI ("std") /= Name_Std
+ or GI ("standard") /= Name_Standard
+ or GI ("boolean") /= Name_Boolean
+ or GI ("false") /= Name_False
+ or GI ("true") /= Name_True
+ or GI ("bit") /= Name_Bit
+ or GI ("character") /= Name_Character
+ or GI ("severity_level") /= Name_Severity_Level
+ or GI ("note") /= Name_Note
+ or GI ("warning") /= Name_Warning
+ or GI ("error") /= Name_Error
+ or GI ("failure") /= Name_Failure
+ or GI ("UNIVERSAL_INTEGER") /= Name_Universal_Integer
+ or GI ("UNIVERSAL_REAL") /= Name_Universal_Real
+ or GI ("CONVERTIBLE_INTEGER") /= Name_Convertible_Integer
+ or GI ("CONVERTIBLE_REAL") /= Name_Convertible_Real
+ or GI ("integer") /= Name_Integer
+ or GI ("real") /= Name_Real
+ or GI ("time") /= Name_Time
+ or GI ("fs") /= Name_Fs
+ or GI ("ps") /= Name_Ps
+ or GI ("ns") /= Name_Ns
+ or GI ("us") /= Name_Us
+ or GI ("ms") /= Name_Ms
+ or GI ("sec") /= Name_Sec
+ or GI ("min") /= Name_Min
+ or GI ("hr") /= Name_Hr
+ or GI ("delay_length") /= Name_Delay_Length
+ or GI ("now") /= Name_Now
+ or GI ("natural") /= Name_Natural
+ or GI ("positive") /= Name_Positive
+ or GI ("string") /= Name_String
+ or GI ("bit_vector") /= Name_Bit_Vector
+ or GI ("file_open_kind") /= Name_File_Open_Kind
+ or GI ("read_mode") /= Name_Read_Mode
+ or GI ("write_mode") /= Name_Write_Mode
+ or GI ("append_mode") /= Name_Append_Mode
+ or GI ("file_open_status") /= Name_File_Open_Status
+ or GI ("open_ok") /= Name_Open_Ok
+ or GI ("status_error") /= Name_Status_Error
+ or GI ("name_error") /= Name_Name_Error
+ or GI ("mode_error") /= Name_Mode_Error
+ or GI ("foreign") /= Name_Foreign
+ then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ if GI ("nul") /= Name_Nul
+ or GI ("soh") /= Name_Soh
+ or GI ("stx") /= Name_Stx
+ or GI ("etx") /= Name_Etx
+ or GI ("eot") /= Name_Eot
+ or GI ("enq") /= Name_Enq
+ or GI ("ack") /= Name_Ack
+ or GI ("bel") /= Name_Bel
+ or GI ("bs") /= Name_Bs
+ or GI ("ht") /= Name_Ht
+ or GI ("lf") /= Name_Lf
+ or GI ("vt") /= Name_Vt
+ or GI ("ff") /= Name_Ff
+ or GI ("cr") /= Name_Cr
+ or GI ("so") /= Name_So
+ or GI ("si") /= Name_Si
+ or GI ("dle") /= Name_Dle
+ or GI ("dc1") /= Name_Dc1
+ or GI ("dc2") /= Name_Dc2
+ or GI ("dc3") /= Name_Dc3
+ or GI ("dc4") /= Name_Dc4
+ or GI ("nak") /= Name_Nak
+ or GI ("syn") /= Name_Syn
+ or GI ("etb") /= Name_Etb
+ or GI ("can") /= Name_Can
+ or GI ("em") /= Name_Em
+ or GI ("sub") /= Name_Sub
+ or GI ("esc") /= Name_Esc
+ or GI ("fsp") /= Name_Fsp
+ or GI ("gsp") /= Name_Gsp
+ or GI ("rsp") /= Name_Rsp
+ or GI ("usp") /= Name_Usp
+ or GI ("del") /= Name_Del
+ then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ if GI ("c128") /= Name_C128
+ or GI ("c129") /= Name_C129
+ or GI ("c130") /= Name_C130
+ or GI ("c131") /= Name_C131
+ or GI ("c132") /= Name_C132
+ or GI ("c133") /= Name_C133
+ or GI ("c134") /= Name_C134
+ or GI ("c135") /= Name_C135
+ or GI ("c136") /= Name_C136
+ or GI ("c137") /= Name_C137
+ or GI ("c138") /= Name_C138
+ or GI ("c139") /= Name_C139
+ or GI ("c140") /= Name_C140
+ or GI ("c141") /= Name_C141
+ or GI ("c142") /= Name_C142
+ or GI ("c143") /= Name_C143
+ or GI ("c144") /= Name_C144
+ or GI ("c145") /= Name_C145
+ or GI ("c146") /= Name_C146
+ or GI ("c147") /= Name_C147
+ or GI ("c148") /= Name_C148
+ or GI ("c149") /= Name_C149
+ or GI ("c150") /= Name_C150
+ or GI ("c151") /= Name_C151
+ or GI ("c152") /= Name_C152
+ or GI ("c153") /= Name_C153
+ or GI ("c154") /= Name_C154
+ or GI ("c155") /= Name_C155
+ or GI ("c156") /= Name_C156
+ or GI ("c157") /= Name_C157
+ or GI ("c158") /= Name_C158
+ or GI ("c159") /= Name_C159
+ then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Create misc.
+ if GI ("guard") /= Name_Guard
+ or GI ("deallocate") /= Name_Deallocate
+ or GI ("file_open") /= Name_File_Open
+ or GI ("file_close") /= Name_File_Close
+ or GI ("read") /= Name_Read
+ or GI ("write") /= Name_Write
+ or GI ("endfile") /= Name_Endfile
+ or GI ("p") /= Name_P
+ or GI ("f") /= Name_F
+ or GI ("external_name") /= Name_External_Name
+ or GI ("open_kind") /= Name_Open_Kind
+ or GI ("status") /= Name_Status
+ or GI ("first") /= Name_First
+ or GI ("last") /= Name_Last
+ or GI ("textio") /= Name_Textio
+ or GI ("work") /= Name_Work
+ or GI ("text") /= Name_Text
+ or GI ("untruncated_text_read") /= Name_Untruncated_Text_Read
+ then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ if GI ("ieee") /= Name_Ieee
+ or GI ("std_logic_1164") /= Name_Std_Logic_1164
+ or GI ("std_ulogic") /= Name_Std_Ulogic
+ or GI ("std_ulogic_vector") /= Name_Std_Ulogic_Vector
+ or GI ("std_logic") /= Name_Std_Logic
+ or GI ("std_logic_vector") /= Name_Std_Logic_Vector
+ or GI ("rising_edge") /= Name_Rising_Edge
+ or GI ("falling_edge") /= Name_Falling_Edge
+ or GI ("vital_timing") /= Name_VITAL_Timing
+ or GI ("vital_level0") /= Name_VITAL_Level0
+ or GI ("vital_level1") /= Name_VITAL_Level1
+ then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ if GI ("always") /= Name_Always
+ or GI ("assign") /= Name_Assign
+ or GI ("buf") /= Name_Buf
+ or GI ("bufif0") /= Name_Bufif0
+ or GI ("bufif1") /= Name_Bufif1
+ or GI ("casex") /= Name_Casex
+ or GI ("casez") /= Name_Casez
+ or GI ("cmos") /= Name_Cmos
+ or GI ("deassign") /= Name_Deassign
+ or GI ("default") /= Name_Default
+ or GI ("defparam") /= Name_Defparam
+ or GI ("disable") /= Name_Disable
+ or GI ("endcase") /= Name_Endcase
+ or GI ("endfunction") /= Name_Endfunction
+ or GI ("endmodule") /= Name_Endmodule
+ or GI ("endprimitive") /= Name_Endprimitive
+ or GI ("endspecify") /= Name_Endspecify
+ or GI ("endtable") /= Name_Endtable
+ or GI ("endtask") /= Name_Endtask
+ or GI ("forever") /= Name_Forever
+ or GI ("fork") /= Name_Fork
+ or GI ("highz0") /= Name_Highz0
+ or GI ("highz1") /= Name_Highz1
+ or GI ("initial") /= Name_Initial
+ or GI ("input") /= Name_Input
+ or GI ("join") /= Name_Join
+ or GI ("large") /= Name_Large
+ or GI ("medium") /= Name_Medium
+ or GI ("module") /= Name_Module
+ or GI ("negedge") /= Name_Negedge
+ or GI ("nmos") /= Name_Nmos
+ or GI ("notif0") /= Name_Notif0
+ or GI ("notif1") /= Name_Notif1
+ or GI ("output") /= Name_Output
+ or GI ("parameter") /= Name_Parameter
+ or GI ("pmos") /= Name_Pmos
+ or GI ("posedge") /= Name_Posedge
+ or GI ("primitive") /= Name_Primitive
+ or GI ("pull0") /= Name_Pull0
+ or GI ("pull1") /= Name_Pull1
+ or GI ("pulldown") /= Name_Pulldown
+ or GI ("pullup") /= Name_Pullup
+ or GI ("reg") /= Name_Reg
+ or GI ("repeat") /= Name_Repeat
+ or GI ("rcmos") /= Name_Rcmos
+ or GI ("rnmos") /= Name_Rnmos
+ or GI ("rpmos") /= Name_Rpmos
+ or GI ("rtran") /= Name_Rtran
+ or GI ("rtranif0") /= Name_Rtranif0
+ or GI ("rtranif1") /= Name_Rtranif1
+ or GI ("small") /= Name_Small
+ or GI ("specify") /= Name_Specify
+ or GI ("specparam") /= Name_Specparam
+ or GI ("strong0") /= Name_Strong0
+ or GI ("strong1") /= Name_Strong1
+ or GI ("supply0") /= Name_Supply0
+ or GI ("supply1") /= Name_Supply1
+ or GI ("table") /= Name_Tablex
+ or GI ("task") /= Name_Task
+ or GI ("tran") /= Name_Tran
+ or GI ("tranif0") /= Name_Tranif0
+ or GI ("tranif1") /= Name_Tranif1
+ or GI ("tri") /= Name_Tri
+ or GI ("tri0") /= Name_Tri0
+ or GI ("tri1") /= Name_Tri1
+ or GI ("trireg") /= Name_Trireg
+ or GI ("wand") /= Name_Wand
+ or GI ("weak0") /= Name_Weak0
+ or GI ("weak1") /= Name_Weak1
+ or GI ("wire") /= Name_Wire
+ or GI ("wor") /= Name_Wor
+ then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ if GI ("define") /= Name_Define
+ or GI ("endif") /= Name_Endif
+ or GI ("ifdef") /= Name_Ifdef
+ or GI ("include") /= Name_Include
+ or GI ("timescale") /= Name_Timescale
+ or GI ("undef") /= Name_Undef
+ then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ if GI ("display") /= Name_Display
+ or GI ("finish") /= Name_Finish
+ then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ end Std_Names_Initialize;
+end Std_Names;
diff --git a/std_names.ads b/std_names.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d1f6bd2db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/std_names.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
+-- Well known name table entries.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Types; use Types;
+-- Note: since all identifiers declared in this package begins with either
+-- std_names or name, this package is expected to be use'd.
+package Std_Names is
+ -- Predefined names.
+ Name_First_Character : constant Name_Id := 1;
+ Name_Last_Character : constant Name_Id :=
+ Name_First_Character + Character'Pos (Character'Last)
+ - Character'Pos (Character'First);
+ subtype Name_Characters is Name_Id
+ range Name_First_Character .. Name_Last_Character;
+ Name_First_Keyword : constant Name_Id := Name_Last_Character + 1;
+ -- Word operators.
+ Name_Mod : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 000;
+ Name_Rem : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 001;
+ Name_And : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 002;
+ Name_Or : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 003;
+ Name_Xor : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 004;
+ Name_Nand : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 005;
+ Name_Nor : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 006;
+ Name_Abs : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 007;
+ Name_Not : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 008;
+ subtype Name_Logical_Operators is Name_Id range Name_And .. Name_Nor;
+ subtype Name_Word_Operators is Name_Id range Name_Mod .. Name_Not;
+ Name_Access : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 009;
+ Name_After : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 010;
+ Name_Alias : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 011;
+ Name_All : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 012;
+ Name_Architecture : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 013;
+ Name_Array : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 014;
+ Name_Assert : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 015;
+ Name_Attribute : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 016;
+ Name_Begin : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 017;
+ Name_Block : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 018;
+ Name_Body : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 019;
+ Name_Buffer : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 020;
+ Name_Bus : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 021;
+ Name_Case : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 022;
+ Name_Component : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 023;
+ Name_Configuration : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 024;
+ Name_Constant : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 025;
+ Name_Disconnect : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 026;
+ Name_Downto : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 027;
+ Name_Else : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 028;
+ Name_Elsif : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 029;
+ Name_End : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 030;
+ Name_Entity : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 031;
+ Name_Exit : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 032;
+ Name_File : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 033;
+ Name_For : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 034;
+ Name_Function : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 035;
+ Name_Generate : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 036;
+ Name_Generic : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 037;
+ Name_Guarded : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 038;
+ Name_If : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 039;
+ Name_In : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 040;
+ Name_Inout : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 041;
+ Name_Is : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 042;
+ Name_Label : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 043;
+ Name_Library : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 044;
+ Name_Linkage : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 045;
+ Name_Loop : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 046;
+ Name_Map : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 047;
+ Name_New : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 048;
+ Name_Next : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 049;
+ Name_Null : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 050;
+ Name_Of : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 051;
+ Name_On : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 052;
+ Name_Open : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 053;
+ Name_Others : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 054;
+ Name_Out : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 055;
+ Name_Package : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 056;
+ Name_Port : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 057;
+ Name_Procedure : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 058;
+ Name_Process : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 059;
+ Name_Range : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 060;
+ Name_Record : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 061;
+ Name_Register : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 062;
+ Name_Report : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 063;
+ Name_Return : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 064;
+ Name_Select : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 065;
+ Name_Severity : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 066;
+ Name_Signal : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 067;
+ Name_Subtype : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 068;
+ Name_Then : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 069;
+ Name_To : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 070;
+ Name_Transport : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 071;
+ Name_Type : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 072;
+ Name_Units : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 073;
+ Name_Until : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 074;
+ Name_Use : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 075;
+ Name_Variable : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 076;
+ Name_Wait : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 077;
+ Name_When : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 078;
+ Name_While : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 079;
+ Name_With : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 080;
+ Name_Last_Vhdl87 : constant Name_Id := Name_With;
+ -- VHDL93 keywords.
+ Name_Xnor : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 081;
+ Name_Group : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 082;
+ Name_Impure : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 083;
+ Name_Inertial : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 084;
+ Name_Literal : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 085;
+ Name_Postponed : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 086;
+ Name_Pure : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 087;
+ Name_Reject : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 088;
+ Name_Shared : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 089;
+ Name_Unaffected : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 090;
+ Name_Sll : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 091;
+ Name_Sla : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 092;
+ Name_Sra : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 093;
+ Name_Srl : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 094;
+ Name_Rol : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 095;
+ Name_Ror : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 096;
+ subtype Name_Shift_Operators is Name_Id range Name_Sll .. Name_Ror;
+ Name_Last_Vhdl93 : constant Name_Id := Name_Ror;
+ Name_Protected : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Keyword + 097;
+ Name_Last_Keyword : constant Name_Id := Name_Protected;
+ subtype Name_Id_Keywords is
+ Name_Id range Name_First_Keyword .. Name_Last_Keyword;
+ Name_First_Operator : constant Name_Id := Name_Last_Keyword + 1;
+ Name_Op_Equality : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Operator + 000;
+ Name_Op_Inequality : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Operator + 001;
+ Name_Op_Less : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Operator + 002;
+ Name_Op_Less_Equal : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Operator + 003;
+ Name_Op_Greater : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Operator + 004;
+ Name_Op_Greater_Equal : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Operator + 5;
+ Name_Op_Plus : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Operator + 006;
+ Name_Op_Minus : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Operator + 007;
+ Name_Op_Mul : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Operator + 008;
+ Name_Op_Div : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Operator + 009;
+ Name_Op_Exp : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Operator + 010;
+ Name_Op_Concatenation : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Operator + 011;
+ Name_Last_Operator : constant Name_Id := Name_Op_Concatenation;
+ subtype Name_Relational_Operators is Name_Id
+ range Name_Op_Equality .. Name_Op_Greater_Equal;
+ -- List of symbolic operators (available as string).
+ subtype Name_Id_Operators is Name_Id
+ range Name_First_Operator .. Name_Last_Operator;
+ Name_First_Attribute : constant Name_Id := Name_Last_Operator + 1;
+ Name_Base : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 000;
+ Name_Left : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 001;
+ Name_Right : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 002;
+ Name_High : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 003;
+ Name_Low : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 004;
+ Name_Pos : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 005;
+ Name_Val : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 006;
+ Name_Succ : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 007;
+ Name_Pred : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 008;
+ Name_Leftof : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 009;
+ Name_Rightof : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 010;
+ Name_Reverse_Range : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 011;
+ Name_Length : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 012;
+ Name_Delayed : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 013;
+ Name_Stable : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 014;
+ Name_Quiet : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 015;
+ Name_Transaction : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 016;
+ Name_Event : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 017;
+ Name_Active : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 018;
+ Name_Last_Event : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 019;
+ Name_Last_Active : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 020;
+ Name_Last_Value : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 021;
+ Name_Last_Attribute : constant Name_Id := Name_Last_Value;
+ subtype Name_Id_Attributes is Name_Id
+ range Name_First_Attribute ..Name_Last_Attribute;
+ Name_First_Vhdl87_Attribute : constant Name_Id := Name_Last_Value + 1;
+ Name_Behavior : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 022;
+ Name_Structure : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 023;
+ Name_Last_Vhdl87_Attribute : constant Name_Id := Name_Structure;
+ subtype Name_Id_Vhdl87_Attributes is Name_Id
+ range Name_First_Vhdl87_Attribute ..Name_Last_Vhdl87_Attribute;
+ Name_First_Vhdl93_Attribute : constant Name_Id := Name_Structure + 1;
+ Name_Ascending : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 024;
+ Name_Image : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 025;
+ Name_Value : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 026;
+ Name_Driving : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 027;
+ Name_Driving_Value : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 028;
+ Name_Simple_Name : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 029;
+ Name_Instance_Name : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 030;
+ Name_Path_Name : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Attribute + 031;
+ Name_Last_Vhdl93_Attribute : constant Name_Id := Name_Path_Name;
+ subtype Name_Id_Vhdl93_Attributes is Name_Id
+ range Name_First_Vhdl93_Attribute ..Name_Last_Vhdl93_Attribute;
+ subtype Name_Id_Name_Attributes is Name_Id
+ range Name_Simple_Name .. Name_Path_Name;
+ -- Names used in std.standard package.
+ Name_First_Standard : constant Name_Id := Name_Last_Vhdl93_Attribute + 1;
+ Name_Std : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 000;
+ Name_Standard : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 001;
+ Name_Boolean : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 002;
+ Name_False : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 003;
+ Name_True : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 004;
+ Name_Bit : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 005;
+ Name_Character : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 006;
+ Name_Severity_Level : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 007;
+ Name_Note : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 008;
+ Name_Warning : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 009;
+ Name_Error : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 010;
+ Name_Failure : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 011;
+ Name_Universal_Integer : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 012;
+ Name_Universal_Real : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 013;
+ Name_Convertible_Integer : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 014;
+ Name_Convertible_Real : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 015;
+ Name_Integer : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 016;
+ Name_Real : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 017;
+ Name_Time : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 018;
+ Name_Fs : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 019;
+ Name_Ps : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 020;
+ Name_Ns : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 021;
+ Name_Us : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 022;
+ Name_Ms : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 023;
+ Name_Sec : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 024;
+ Name_Min : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 025;
+ Name_Hr : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 026;
+ Name_Delay_Length : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 027;
+ Name_Now : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 028;
+ Name_Natural : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 029;
+ Name_Positive : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 030;
+ Name_String : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 031;
+ Name_Bit_Vector : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 032;
+ Name_File_Open_Kind : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 033;
+ Name_Read_Mode : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 034;
+ Name_Write_Mode : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 035;
+ Name_Append_Mode : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 036;
+ Name_File_Open_Status : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 037;
+ Name_Open_Ok : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 038;
+ Name_Status_Error : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 039;
+ Name_Name_Error : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 040;
+ Name_Mode_Error : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 041;
+ Name_Foreign : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Standard + 042;
+ Name_Last_Standard : constant Name_Id := Name_Foreign;
+ Name_First_Charname : constant Name_Id := Name_Last_Standard + 1;
+ Name_Nul : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 00;
+ Name_Soh : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 01;
+ Name_Stx : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 02;
+ Name_Etx : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 03;
+ Name_Eot : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 04;
+ Name_Enq : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 05;
+ Name_Ack : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 06;
+ Name_Bel : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 07;
+ Name_Bs : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 08;
+ Name_Ht : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 09;
+ Name_Lf : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 10;
+ Name_Vt : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 11;
+ Name_Ff : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 12;
+ Name_Cr : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 13;
+ Name_So : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 14;
+ Name_Si : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 15;
+ Name_Dle : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 16;
+ Name_Dc1 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 17;
+ Name_Dc2 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 18;
+ Name_Dc3 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 19;
+ Name_Dc4 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 20;
+ Name_Nak : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 21;
+ Name_Syn : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 22;
+ Name_Etb : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 23;
+ Name_Can : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 24;
+ Name_Em : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 25;
+ Name_Sub : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 26;
+ Name_Esc : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 27;
+ Name_Fsp : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 28;
+ Name_Gsp : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 29;
+ Name_Rsp : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 30;
+ Name_Usp : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 31;
+ Name_Del : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 32;
+ Name_C128 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 33;
+ Name_C129 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 34;
+ Name_C130 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 35;
+ Name_C131 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 36;
+ Name_C132 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 37;
+ Name_C133 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 38;
+ Name_C134 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 39;
+ Name_C135 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 40;
+ Name_C136 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 41;
+ Name_C137 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 42;
+ Name_C138 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 43;
+ Name_C139 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 44;
+ Name_C140 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 45;
+ Name_C141 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 46;
+ Name_C142 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 47;
+ Name_C143 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 48;
+ Name_C144 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 49;
+ Name_C145 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 50;
+ Name_C146 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 51;
+ Name_C147 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 52;
+ Name_C148 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 53;
+ Name_C149 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 54;
+ Name_C150 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 55;
+ Name_C151 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 56;
+ Name_C152 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 57;
+ Name_C153 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 58;
+ Name_C154 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 59;
+ Name_C155 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 60;
+ Name_C156 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 61;
+ Name_C157 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 62;
+ Name_C158 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 63;
+ Name_C159 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Charname + 64;
+ Name_Last_Charname : constant Name_Id := Name_C159;
+ Name_First_Misc : constant Name_Id := Name_Last_Charname + 1;
+ Name_Guard : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Misc + 000;
+ Name_Deallocate : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Misc + 001;
+ Name_File_Open : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Misc + 002;
+ Name_File_Close : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Misc + 003;
+ Name_Read : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Misc + 004;
+ Name_Write : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Misc + 005;
+ Name_Endfile : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Misc + 006;
+ Name_P : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Misc + 007;
+ Name_F : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Misc + 008;
+ Name_External_Name : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Misc + 009;
+ Name_Open_Kind : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Misc + 010;
+ Name_Status : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Misc + 011;
+ Name_First : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Misc + 012;
+ Name_Last : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Misc + 013;
+ Name_Textio : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Misc + 014;
+ Name_Work : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Misc + 015;
+ Name_Text : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Misc + 016;
+ Name_Untruncated_Text_Read : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Misc + 017;
+ Name_Last_Misc : constant Name_Id := Name_Untruncated_Text_Read;
+ Name_First_Ieee : constant Name_Id := Name_Last_Misc + 1;
+ Name_Ieee : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Ieee + 000;
+ Name_Std_Logic_1164 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Ieee + 001;
+ Name_Std_Ulogic : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Ieee + 002;
+ Name_Std_Ulogic_Vector : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Ieee + 003;
+ Name_Std_Logic : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Ieee + 004;
+ Name_Std_Logic_Vector : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Ieee + 005;
+ Name_Rising_Edge : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Ieee + 006;
+ Name_Falling_Edge : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Ieee + 007;
+ Name_VITAL_Timing : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Ieee + 008;
+ Name_VITAL_Level0 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Ieee + 009;
+ Name_VITAL_Level1 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Ieee + 010;
+ Name_Last_Ieee : constant Name_Id := Name_VITAL_Level1;
+ -- Verilog keywords.
+ Name_First_Verilog : constant Name_Id := Name_Last_Ieee + 1;
+ Name_Always : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 00;
+ Name_Assign : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 01;
+ Name_Buf : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 02;
+ Name_Bufif0 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 03;
+ Name_Bufif1 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 04;
+ Name_Casex : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 05;
+ Name_Casez : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 06;
+ Name_Cmos : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 07;
+ Name_Deassign : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 08;
+ Name_Default : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 09;
+ Name_Defparam : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 10;
+ Name_Disable : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 11;
+ Name_Endcase : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 12;
+ Name_Endfunction : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 13;
+ Name_Endmodule : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 14;
+ Name_Endprimitive : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 15;
+ Name_Endspecify : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 16;
+ Name_Endtable : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 17;
+ Name_Endtask : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 18;
+ Name_Forever : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 19;
+ Name_Fork : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 20;
+ Name_Highz0 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 21;
+ Name_Highz1 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 22;
+ Name_Initial : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 23;
+ Name_Input : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 24;
+ Name_Join : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 25;
+ Name_Large : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 26;
+ Name_Medium : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 27;
+ Name_Module : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 28;
+ Name_Negedge : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 29;
+ Name_Nmos : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 30;
+ Name_Notif0 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 31;
+ Name_Notif1 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 32;
+ Name_Output : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 33;
+ Name_Parameter : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 34;
+ Name_Pmos : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 35;
+ Name_Posedge : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 36;
+ Name_Primitive : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 37;
+ Name_Pull0 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 38;
+ Name_Pull1 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 39;
+ Name_Pulldown : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 40;
+ Name_Pullup : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 41;
+ Name_Reg : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 42;
+ Name_Repeat : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 43;
+ Name_Rcmos : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 44;
+ Name_Rnmos : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 45;
+ Name_Rpmos : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 46;
+ Name_Rtran : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 47;
+ Name_Rtranif0 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 48;
+ Name_Rtranif1 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 49;
+ Name_Small : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 50;
+ Name_Specify : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 51;
+ Name_Specparam : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 52;
+ Name_Strong0 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 53;
+ Name_Strong1 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 54;
+ Name_Supply0 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 55;
+ Name_Supply1 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 56;
+ Name_Tablex : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 57;
+ Name_Task : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 58;
+ Name_Tran : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 59;
+ Name_Tranif0 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 60;
+ Name_Tranif1 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 61;
+ Name_Tri : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 62;
+ Name_Tri0 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 63;
+ Name_Tri1 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 64;
+ Name_Trireg : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 65;
+ Name_Wand : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 66;
+ Name_Weak0 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 67;
+ Name_Weak1 : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 68;
+ Name_Wire : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 69;
+ Name_Wor : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Verilog + 70;
+ Name_Last_Verilog : constant Name_Id := Name_Wor;
+ -- Verilog Directives.
+ Name_First_Directive : constant Name_Id := Name_Last_Verilog + 1;
+ Name_Define : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Directive + 00;
+ Name_Endif : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Directive + 01;
+ Name_Ifdef : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Directive + 02;
+ Name_Include : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Directive + 03;
+ Name_Timescale : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Directive + 04;
+ Name_Undef : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Directive + 05;
+ Name_Last_Directive : constant Name_Id := Name_Undef;
+ -- Verilog system tasks.
+ Name_First_Systask : constant Name_Id := Name_Last_Directive + 1;
+ Name_Display : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Systask + 00;
+ Name_Finish : constant Name_Id := Name_First_Systask + 01;
+ Name_Last_Systask : constant Name_Id := Name_Finish;
+ -- Initialize the name table with the values defined here.
+ procedure Std_Names_Initialize;
+end Std_Names;
diff --git a/std_package.adb b/std_package.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4cf1b4521
--- /dev/null
+++ b/std_package.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,921 @@
+-- std.standard package declarations.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+with Types; use Types;
+with Files_Map;
+with Name_Table;
+with Str_Table;
+with Std_Names; use Std_Names;
+with Flags;
+with Iirs_Utils;
+with Sem;
+with Sem_Decls;
+with Iir_Chains;
+package body Std_Package is
+ type Bound_Array is array (Boolean) of Iir_Int64;
+ Low_Bound : constant Bound_Array := (False => -(2 ** 31),
+ True => -(2 ** 63));
+ High_Bound : constant Bound_Array := (False => (2 ** 31) - 1,
+ True => (2 ** 63) - 1);
+ Std_Location: Location_Type := Location_Nil;
+ Std_Filename : Name_Id := Null_Identifier;
+ function Create_Std_Iir (Kind : Iir_Kind) return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Iir (Kind);
+ Set_Location (Res, Std_Location);
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Std_Iir;
+ procedure Create_First_Nodes
+ is
+ begin
+ Std_Filename := Name_Table.Get_Identifier ("*std_standard*");
+ Std_Location := Files_Map.Source_File_To_Location
+ (Files_Map.Create_Virtual_Source_File (Std_Filename));
+ if Create_Iir_Error /= Error_Mark then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Set_Location (Error_Mark, Std_Location);
+ if Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition)
+ /= Universal_Integer_Type_Definition
+ then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition)
+ /= Universal_Real_Type_Definition
+ then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition)
+ /= Convertible_Integer_Type_Definition
+ then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition)
+ /= Convertible_Real_Type_Definition
+ then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end Create_First_Nodes;
+ procedure Create_Std_Standard_Package (Parent : Iir_Library_Declaration)
+ is
+ function Get_Std_Character (Char: Character) return Name_Id
+ renames Name_Table.Get_Identifier;
+ procedure Set_Std_Identifier (Decl : Iir; Name : Name_Id) is
+ begin
+ Set_Identifier (Decl, Name);
+ Set_Visible_Flag (Decl, True);
+ end Set_Std_Identifier;
+ function Create_Std_Integer (Val : Iir_Int64; Lit_Type : Iir)
+ return Iir_Integer_Literal
+ is
+ Res : Iir_Integer_Literal;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal);
+ Set_Value (Res, Val);
+ Set_Type (Res, Lit_Type);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, Locally);
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Std_Integer;
+ function Create_Std_Fp (Val : Iir_Fp64; Lit_Type : Iir)
+ return Iir_Floating_Point_Literal
+ is
+ Res : Iir_Floating_Point_Literal;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Floating_Point_Literal);
+ Set_Fp_Value (Res, Val);
+ Set_Type (Res, Lit_Type);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, Locally);
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Std_Fp;
+ function Create_Std_Range_Expr (Left, Right : Iir; Rtype : Iir)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Range_Expression);
+ Set_Left_Limit (Res, Left);
+ Set_Direction (Res, Iir_To);
+ Set_Right_Limit (Res, Right);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, Locally);
+ Set_Type (Res, Rtype);
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Std_Range_Expr;
+ function Create_Std_Literal
+ (Name : Name_Id; Sub_Type : Iir_Enumeration_Type_Definition)
+ return Iir_Enumeration_Literal
+ is
+ Res : Iir_Enumeration_Literal;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal);
+ List := Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Sub_Type);
+ Set_Std_Identifier (Res, Name);
+ Set_Type (Res, Sub_Type);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Res, Locally);
+ Set_Name_Staticness (Res, Locally);
+ Set_Base_Name (Res, Res);
+ Set_Enumeration_Decl (Res, Res);
+ Set_Enum_Pos (Res, Iir_Int32 (Get_Nbr_Elements (List)));
+ Sem.Compute_Subprogram_Hash (Res);
+ Append_Element (List, Res);
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Std_Literal;
+ -- Append a declaration DECL to Standard_Package.
+ Last_Decl : Iir := Null_Iir;
+ procedure Add_Decl (Decl : Iir) is
+ begin
+ if Last_Decl = Null_Iir then
+ Set_Declaration_Chain (Standard_Package, Decl);
+ else
+ Set_Chain (Last_Decl, Decl);
+ end if;
+ Last_Decl := Decl;
+ end Add_Decl;
+ procedure Add_Implicit_Operations (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Nxt : Iir;
+ begin
+ Sem_Decls.Create_Implicit_Operations (Decl, True);
+ loop
+ Nxt := Get_Chain (Last_Decl);
+ exit when Nxt = Null_Iir;
+ Last_Decl := Nxt;
+ end loop;
+ end Add_Implicit_Operations;
+ procedure Create_Integer_Type (Type_Definition : Iir;
+ Type_Decl : out Iir;
+ Type_Name : Name_Id)
+ is
+ begin
+ --Integer_Type_Definition :=
+ -- Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Base_Type (Type_Definition, Type_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Type_Definition, Locally);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Type_Definition, True);
+ Type_Decl := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Identifier (Type_Decl, Type_Name);
+ Set_Type (Type_Decl, Type_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Type_Definition, Type_Decl);
+ end Create_Integer_Type;
+ procedure Create_Integer_Subtype (Type_Definition : Iir;
+ Type_Decl : Iir;
+ Subtype_Definition : out Iir;
+ Subtype_Decl : out Iir)
+ is
+ Constraint : Iir;
+ begin
+ Subtype_Definition :=
+ Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition);
+ Set_Base_Type (Subtype_Definition, Type_Definition);
+ Constraint := Create_Std_Range_Expr
+ (Create_Std_Integer (Low_Bound (Flags.Flag_Integer_64),
+ Universal_Integer_Type_Definition),
+ Create_Std_Integer (High_Bound (Flags.Flag_Integer_64),
+ Universal_Integer_Type_Definition),
+ Universal_Integer_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Range_Constraint (Subtype_Definition, Constraint);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Subtype_Definition, Locally);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Subtype_Definition, True);
+ -- type is
+ Subtype_Decl := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration);
+ Set_Std_Identifier (Subtype_Decl, Get_Identifier (Type_Decl));
+ Set_Type (Subtype_Decl, Subtype_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Subtype_Definition, Subtype_Decl);
+ Set_Subtype_Definition (Type_Decl, Subtype_Definition);
+ end Create_Integer_Subtype;
+ begin
+ Std_Standard_File := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Design_File);
+ Set_Parent (Std_Standard_File, Parent);
+ Set_Design_File_Filename (Std_Standard_File, Std_Filename);
+ Std_Standard_Unit := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Design_Unit);
+ Set_Std_Identifier (Std_Standard_Unit, Name_Standard);
+ Set_First_Design_Unit (Std_Standard_File, Std_Standard_Unit);
+ Set_Last_Design_Unit (Std_Standard_File, Std_Standard_Unit);
+ Set_Design_File (Std_Standard_Unit, Std_Standard_File);
+ Set_Date_State (Std_Standard_Unit, Date_Analyze);
+ Set_Dependence_List (Std_Standard_Unit, Create_Iir_List);
+ declare
+ use Str_Table;
+ Std_Time_Stamp : constant Time_Stamp_String :=
+ "20020601000000.000";
+ Id : Time_Stamp_Id;
+ begin
+ Id := Time_Stamp_Id (Str_Table.Start);
+ for I in Time_Stamp_String'Range loop
+ Str_Table.Append (Std_Time_Stamp (I));
+ end loop;
+ Str_Table.Finish;
+ Set_Analysis_Time_Stamp (Std_Standard_File, Id);
+ end;
+ Set_Date (Std_Standard_Unit, Date_Valid'First);
+ -- Adding "package STANDARD is"
+ Standard_Package := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration);
+ Set_Identifier (Standard_Package, Name_Standard);
+ Set_Need_Body (Standard_Package, False);
+ Set_Library_Unit (Std_Standard_Unit, Standard_Package);
+ Set_Design_Unit (Standard_Package, Std_Standard_Unit);
+ -- boolean
+ begin
+ -- (false, true)
+ Boolean_Type_Definition :=
+ Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Base_Type (Boolean_Type_Definition, Boolean_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Enumeration_Literal_List
+ (Boolean_Type_Definition, Create_Iir_List);
+ Boolean_False := Create_Std_Literal
+ (Name_False, Boolean_Type_Definition);
+ Boolean_True := Create_Std_Literal
+ (Name_True, Boolean_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Boolean_Type_Definition, Locally);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Boolean_Type_Definition, True);
+ -- type boolean is
+ Boolean_Type := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Std_Identifier (Boolean_Type, Name_Boolean);
+ Set_Type (Boolean_Type, Boolean_Type_Definition);
+ Add_Decl (Boolean_Type);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Boolean_Type_Definition, Boolean_Type);
+ Iirs_Utils.Create_Range_Constraint_For_Enumeration_Type
+ (Boolean_Type_Definition);
+ Add_Implicit_Operations (Boolean_Type);
+ end;
+ -- bit.
+ begin
+ -- ('0', '1')
+ Bit_Type_Definition :=
+ Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Enumeration_Literal_List
+ (Bit_Type_Definition, Create_Iir_List);
+ Set_Base_Type (Bit_Type_Definition, Bit_Type_Definition);
+ Bit_0 := Create_Std_Literal
+ (Get_Std_Character ('0'), Bit_Type_Definition);
+ Bit_1 := Create_Std_Literal
+ (Get_Std_Character ('1'), Bit_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Bit_Type_Definition, Locally);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Bit_Type_Definition, True);
+ -- type bit is
+ Bit_Type := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Std_Identifier (Bit_Type, Name_Bit);
+ Set_Type (Bit_Type, Bit_Type_Definition);
+ Add_Decl (Bit_Type);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Bit_Type_Definition, Bit_Type);
+ Iirs_Utils.Create_Range_Constraint_For_Enumeration_Type
+ (Bit_Type_Definition);
+ Add_Implicit_Operations (Bit_Type);
+ end;
+ -- characters.
+ declare
+ El: Iir;
+ begin
+ Character_Type_Definition :=
+ Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Base_Type (Character_Type_Definition, Character_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Enumeration_Literal_List
+ (Character_Type_Definition, Create_Iir_List);
+ for I in Name_Nul .. Name_Usp loop
+ El := Create_Std_Literal (I, Character_Type_Definition);
+ end loop;
+ for I in Character'(' ') .. Character'('~') loop
+ El := Create_Std_Literal
+ (Get_Std_Character (I), Character_Type_Definition);
+ end loop;
+ El := Create_Std_Literal (Name_Del, Character_Type_Definition);
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std /= Vhdl_87 then
+ for I in Name_C128 .. Name_C159 loop
+ El := Create_Std_Literal (I, Character_Type_Definition);
+ end loop;
+ for I in Character'Val (160) .. Character'Val (255) loop
+ El := Create_Std_Literal
+ (Get_Std_Character (I), Character_Type_Definition);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Character_Type_Definition, Locally);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Character_Type_Definition, True);
+ -- type character is
+ Character_Type := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Std_Identifier (Character_Type, Name_Character);
+ Set_Type (Character_Type, Character_Type_Definition);
+ Add_Decl (Character_Type);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Character_Type_Definition,
+ Character_Type);
+ Iirs_Utils.Create_Range_Constraint_For_Enumeration_Type
+ (Character_Type_Definition);
+ Add_Implicit_Operations (Character_Type);
+ end;
+ -- severity level.
+ begin
+ -- (note, warning, error, failure)
+ Severity_Level_Type_Definition :=
+ Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Base_Type (Severity_Level_Type_Definition,
+ Severity_Level_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Enumeration_Literal_List
+ (Severity_Level_Type_Definition, Create_Iir_List);
+ Severity_Level_Note := Create_Std_Literal
+ (Name_Note, Severity_Level_Type_Definition);
+ Severity_Level_Warning := Create_Std_Literal
+ (Name_Warning, Severity_Level_Type_Definition);
+ Severity_Level_Error := Create_Std_Literal
+ (Name_Error, Severity_Level_Type_Definition);
+ Severity_Level_Failure := Create_Std_Literal
+ (Name_Failure, Severity_Level_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Severity_Level_Type_Definition, Locally);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Severity_Level_Type_Definition, True);
+ -- type severity_level is
+ Severity_Level_Type := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Std_Identifier (Severity_Level_Type, Name_Severity_Level);
+ Set_Type (Severity_Level_Type, Severity_Level_Type_Definition);
+ Add_Decl (Severity_Level_Type);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Severity_Level_Type_Definition,
+ Severity_Level_Type);
+ Iirs_Utils.Create_Range_Constraint_For_Enumeration_Type
+ (Severity_Level_Type_Definition);
+ Add_Implicit_Operations (Severity_Level_Type);
+ end;
+ -- universal types.
+ begin
+ Create_Integer_Type (Universal_Integer_Type_Definition,
+ Universal_Integer_Type,
+ Name_Universal_Integer);
+ Add_Decl (Universal_Integer_Type);
+ Create_Integer_Subtype (Universal_Integer_Type_Definition,
+ Universal_Integer_Type,
+ Universal_Integer_Subtype_Definition,
+ Universal_Integer_Subtype);
+ Add_Decl (Universal_Integer_Subtype);
+ Set_Subtype_Definition (Universal_Integer_Type,
+ Universal_Integer_Subtype_Definition);
+ -- Do not create implicit operations yet, since "**" needs integer
+ -- type.
+ end;
+ -- Universal integer constant 1.
+ Universal_Integer_One :=
+ Create_Std_Integer (1, Universal_Integer_Type_Definition);
+ -- Universal real.
+ declare
+ Constraint : Iir_Range_Expression;
+ begin
+ Set_Base_Type (Universal_Real_Type_Definition,
+ Universal_Real_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Universal_Real_Type_Definition, Locally);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Universal_Real_Type_Definition, True);
+ Universal_Real_Type :=
+ Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Identifier (Universal_Real_Type, Name_Universal_Real);
+ Set_Type (Universal_Real_Type, Universal_Real_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Universal_Real_Type_Definition,
+ Universal_Real_Type);
+ Add_Decl (Universal_Real_Type);
+ Universal_Real_Subtype_Definition :=
+ Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition);
+ Set_Base_Type (Universal_Real_Subtype_Definition,
+ Universal_Real_Type_Definition);
+ Constraint := Create_Std_Range_Expr
+ (Create_Std_Fp (Iir_Fp64'First, Universal_Real_Type_Definition),
+ Create_Std_Fp (Iir_Fp64'Last, Universal_Real_Type_Definition),
+ Universal_Real_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Range_Constraint (Universal_Real_Subtype_Definition, Constraint);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Universal_Real_Subtype_Definition, Locally);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Universal_Real_Subtype_Definition, True);
+ -- type is
+ Universal_Real_Subtype :=
+ Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration);
+ Set_Identifier (Universal_Real_Subtype, Name_Universal_Real);
+ Set_Type (Universal_Real_Subtype, Universal_Real_Subtype_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Universal_Real_Subtype_Definition,
+ Universal_Real_Subtype);
+ Set_Subtype_Definition (Universal_Real_Type,
+ Universal_Real_Subtype_Definition);
+ Add_Decl (Universal_Real_Subtype);
+ -- Do not create implicit operations yet, since "**" needs integer
+ -- type.
+ end;
+ -- Convertible type.
+ begin
+ Create_Integer_Type (Convertible_Integer_Type_Definition,
+ Convertible_Integer_Type,
+ Name_Convertible_Integer);
+ Create_Integer_Subtype (Convertible_Integer_Type_Definition,
+ Convertible_Integer_Type,
+ Convertible_Integer_Subtype_Definition,
+ Convertible_Integer_Subtype);
+ -- Not added in std.standard.
+ end;
+ begin
+ Set_Base_Type (Convertible_Real_Type_Definition,
+ Convertible_Real_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Convertible_Real_Type_Definition, Locally);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Convertible_Real_Type_Definition, True);
+ Convertible_Real_Type :=
+ Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Identifier (Convertible_Real_Type, Name_Convertible_Real);
+ Set_Type (Convertible_Real_Type, Convertible_Real_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Convertible_Real_Type_Definition,
+ Convertible_Real_Type);
+ end;
+ -- integer type.
+ begin
+ Integer_Type_Definition :=
+ Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition);
+ Create_Integer_Type (Integer_Type_Definition,
+ Integer_Type,
+ Name_Integer);
+ Add_Decl (Integer_Type);
+ Add_Implicit_Operations (Integer_Type);
+ Add_Implicit_Operations (Universal_Integer_Type);
+ Add_Implicit_Operations (Universal_Real_Type);
+ Create_Integer_Subtype (Integer_Type_Definition,
+ Integer_Type,
+ Integer_Subtype_Definition,
+ Integer_Subtype);
+ Add_Decl (Integer_Subtype);
+ end;
+ -- Real type.
+ declare
+ Constraint : Iir_Range_Expression;
+ begin
+ Real_Type_Definition :=
+ Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Base_Type (Real_Type_Definition, Real_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Real_Type_Definition, Locally);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Real_Type_Definition, True);
+ Real_Type := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Identifier (Real_Type, Name_Real);
+ Set_Type (Real_Type, Real_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Real_Type_Definition, Real_Type);
+ Add_Decl (Real_Type);
+ Add_Implicit_Operations (Real_Type);
+ Real_Subtype_Definition :=
+ Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition);
+ Set_Base_Type (Real_Subtype_Definition, Real_Type_Definition);
+ Constraint := Create_Std_Range_Expr
+ (Create_Std_Fp (Iir_Fp64'First, Universal_Real_Type_Definition),
+ Create_Std_Fp (Iir_Fp64'Last, Universal_Real_Type_Definition),
+ Universal_Real_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Range_Constraint (Real_Subtype_Definition, Constraint);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Real_Subtype_Definition, Locally);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Real_Subtype_Definition, True);
+ Real_Subtype := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration);
+ Set_Std_Identifier (Real_Subtype, Name_Real);
+ Set_Type (Real_Subtype, Real_Subtype_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Real_Subtype_Definition, Real_Subtype);
+ Add_Decl (Real_Subtype);
+ Set_Subtype_Definition (Real_Type, Real_Subtype_Definition);
+ end;
+ -- natural subtype
+ declare
+ Constraint : Iir_Range_Expression;
+ begin
+ Natural_Subtype_Definition :=
+ Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition);
+ Set_Base_Type (Natural_Subtype_Definition, Integer_Type_Definition);
+ Constraint := Create_Std_Range_Expr
+ (Create_Std_Integer (0, Integer_Type_Definition),
+ Create_Std_Integer (High_Bound (Flags.Flag_Integer_64),
+ Integer_Type_Definition),
+ Integer_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Range_Constraint (Natural_Subtype_Definition, Constraint);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Natural_Subtype_Definition, Locally);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Natural_Subtype_Definition, True);
+ Natural_Subtype := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration);
+ Set_Std_Identifier (Natural_Subtype, Name_Natural);
+ Set_Type (Natural_Subtype, Natural_Subtype_Definition);
+ Add_Decl (Natural_Subtype);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Natural_Subtype_Definition, Natural_Subtype);
+ end;
+ -- positive subtype
+ declare
+ Constraint : Iir_Range_Expression;
+ begin
+ Positive_Subtype_Definition :=
+ Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition);
+ Set_Base_Type (Positive_Subtype_Definition,
+ Integer_Type_Definition);
+ Constraint := Create_Std_Range_Expr
+ (Create_Std_Integer (1, Integer_Type_Definition),
+ Create_Std_Integer (High_Bound (Flags.Flag_Integer_64),
+ Integer_Type_Definition),
+ Integer_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Range_Constraint (Positive_Subtype_Definition, Constraint);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Positive_Subtype_Definition, Locally);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Positive_Subtype_Definition, True);
+ Positive_Subtype := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration);
+ Set_Std_Identifier (Positive_Subtype, Name_Positive);
+ Set_Type (Positive_Subtype, Positive_Subtype_Definition);
+ Add_Decl (Positive_Subtype);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Positive_Subtype_Definition, Positive_Subtype);
+ end;
+ -- string type.
+ -- type string is array (positive range <>) of character;
+ begin
+ String_Type_Definition :=
+ Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Base_Type (String_Type_Definition, String_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Index_Subtype_List (String_Type_Definition, Create_Iir_List);
+ Append_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (String_Type_Definition),
+ Positive_Subtype_Definition);
+ Set_Element_Subtype (String_Type_Definition,
+ Character_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (String_Type_Definition, None);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (String_Type_Definition, True);
+ String_Type := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Std_Identifier (String_Type, Name_String);
+ Set_Type (String_Type, String_Type_Definition);
+ Add_Decl (String_Type);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (String_Type_Definition, String_Type);
+ Add_Implicit_Operations (String_Type);
+ end;
+ -- bit_vector type.
+ -- type bit_vector is array (natural range <>) of bit;
+ begin
+ Bit_Vector_Type_Definition :=
+ Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Base_Type (Bit_Vector_Type_Definition,
+ Bit_Vector_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Index_Subtype_List (Bit_Vector_Type_Definition, Create_Iir_List);
+ Append_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Bit_Vector_Type_Definition),
+ Natural_Subtype_Definition);
+ Set_Element_Subtype (Bit_Vector_Type_Definition, Bit_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Bit_Vector_Type_Definition, None);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Bit_Vector_Type_Definition, True);
+ Bit_Vector_Type := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Std_Identifier (Bit_Vector_Type, Name_Bit_Vector);
+ Set_Type (Bit_Vector_Type, Bit_Vector_Type_Definition);
+ Add_Decl (Bit_Vector_Type);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Bit_Vector_Type_Definition, Bit_Vector_Type);
+ Add_Implicit_Operations (Bit_Vector_Type);
+ end;
+ -- time definition
+ declare
+ Time_Staticness : Iir_Staticness;
+ Last_Unit : Iir_Unit_Declaration;
+ use Iir_Chains.Unit_Chain_Handling;
+ function Create_Std_Phys_Lit (Value : Iir_Int64;
+ Unit : Iir_Unit_Declaration)
+ return Iir_Physical_Int_Literal
+ is
+ Lit: Iir_Physical_Int_Literal;
+ begin
+ Lit := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal);
+ Set_Value (Lit, Value);
+ Set_Unit_Name (Lit, Unit);
+ Set_Type (Lit, Time_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Lit, Time_Staticness);
+ return Lit;
+ end Create_Std_Phys_Lit;
+ procedure Create_Unit (Unit : out Iir_Unit_Declaration;
+ Multiplier_Value : Iir_Int64;
+ Multiplier : in Iir_Unit_Declaration;
+ Name : Name_Id)
+ is
+ Lit: Iir_Physical_Int_Literal;
+ begin
+ Unit := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration);
+ Set_Std_Identifier (Unit, Name);
+ Set_Type (Unit, Time_Type_Definition);
+ Lit := Create_Std_Phys_Lit (Multiplier_Value, Multiplier);
+ Set_Physical_Literal (Unit, Lit);
+ Lit := Create_Std_Phys_Lit
+ (Multiplier_Value
+ * Get_Value (Get_Physical_Unit_Value (Multiplier)),
+ Get_Unit_Name (Get_Physical_Unit_Value (Multiplier)));
+ Set_Physical_Unit_Value (Unit, Lit);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Unit, Time_Staticness);
+ Append (Last_Unit, Time_Type_Definition, Unit);
+ end Create_Unit;
+ Time_Fs_Unit: Iir_Unit_Declaration;
+ Time_Ps_Unit: Iir_Unit_Declaration;
+ Time_Ns_Unit: Iir_Unit_Declaration;
+ Time_Us_Unit: Iir_Unit_Declaration;
+ Time_Ms_Unit: Iir_Unit_Declaration;
+ Time_Sec_Unit: Iir_Unit_Declaration;
+ Time_Min_Unit: Iir_Unit_Declaration;
+ Time_Hr_Unit: Iir_Unit_Declaration;
+ Constraint : Iir_Range_Expression;
+ begin
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_93c then
+ Time_Staticness := Globally;
+ else
+ Time_Staticness := Locally;
+ end if;
+ Time_Type_Definition :=
+ Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Base_Type (Time_Type_Definition, Time_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Time_Type_Definition, Locally);--Time_Staticness
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Time_Type_Definition, True);
+ Build_Init (Last_Unit);
+ Time_Fs_Unit := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration);
+ Set_Std_Identifier (Time_Fs_Unit, Name_Fs);
+ Set_Type (Time_Fs_Unit, Time_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Expr_Staticness (Time_Fs_Unit, Time_Staticness);
+ Set_Physical_Unit_Value
+ (Time_Fs_Unit, Create_Std_Phys_Lit (1, Time_Fs_Unit));
+ Append (Last_Unit, Time_Type_Definition, Time_Fs_Unit);
+ Create_Unit (Time_Ps_Unit, 1000, Time_Fs_Unit, Name_Ps);
+ Create_Unit (Time_Ns_Unit, 1000, Time_Ps_Unit, Name_Ns);
+ Create_Unit (Time_Us_Unit, 1000, Time_Ns_Unit, Name_Us);
+ Create_Unit (Time_Ms_Unit, 1000, Time_Us_Unit, Name_Ms);
+ Create_Unit (Time_Sec_Unit, 1000, Time_Ms_Unit, Name_Sec);
+ Create_Unit (Time_Min_Unit, 60, Time_Sec_Unit, Name_Min);
+ Create_Unit (Time_Hr_Unit, 60, Time_Min_Unit, Name_Hr);
+ -- type is
+ Time_Type := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Identifier (Time_Type, Name_Time);
+ Set_Type (Time_Type, Time_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Time_Type_Definition, Time_Type);
+ Add_Decl (Time_Type);
+ Add_Implicit_Operations (Time_Type);
+ Time_Subtype_Definition :=
+ Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition);
+ Constraint := Create_Std_Range_Expr
+ (Create_Std_Phys_Lit (Low_Bound (Flags.Flag_Time_64),
+ Time_Fs_Unit),
+ Create_Std_Phys_Lit (High_Bound (Flags.Flag_Time_64),
+ Time_Fs_Unit),
+ Time_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Range_Constraint (Time_Subtype_Definition, Constraint);
+ Set_Base_Type (Time_Subtype_Definition, Time_Type_Definition);
+ --Set_Type_Mark (Time_Subtype_Definition, Time_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Time_Subtype_Definition, Time_Staticness);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Time_Subtype_Definition, True);
+ -- subtype
+ Time_Subtype := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration);
+ Set_Std_Identifier (Time_Subtype, Name_Time);
+ Set_Type (Time_Subtype, Time_Subtype_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Time_Subtype_Definition, Time_Subtype);
+ Add_Decl (Time_Subtype);
+ Set_Subtype_Definition (Time_Type, Time_Subtype_Definition);
+ -- The default time base.
+ case Flags.Time_Resolution is
+ when 'f' =>
+ Time_Base := Time_Fs_Unit;
+ when 'p' =>
+ Time_Base := Time_Ps_Unit;
+ when 'n' =>
+ Time_Base := Time_Ns_Unit;
+ when 'u' =>
+ Time_Base := Time_Us_Unit;
+ when 'm' =>
+ Time_Base := Time_Ms_Unit;
+ when 's' =>
+ Time_Base := Time_Sec_Unit;
+ when 'M' =>
+ Time_Base := Time_Min_Unit;
+ when 'h' =>
+ Time_Base := Time_Hr_Unit;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ -- VHDL93
+ -- subtype DELAY_LENGTH is TIME range 0 to TIME'HIGH
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_93c then
+ Delay_Length_Subtype_Definition :=
+ Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Mark (Delay_Length_Subtype_Definition,
+ Time_Subtype_Definition);
+ Constraint := Create_Std_Range_Expr
+ (Create_Std_Phys_Lit (0, Time_Fs_Unit),
+ Create_Std_Phys_Lit (High_Bound (Flags.Flag_Time_64),
+ Time_Fs_Unit),
+ Time_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Range_Constraint (Delay_Length_Subtype_Definition, Constraint);
+ Set_Base_Type
+ (Delay_Length_Subtype_Definition, Time_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Staticness
+ (Delay_Length_Subtype_Definition, Time_Staticness);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Delay_Length_Subtype_Definition, True);
+ Delay_Length_Subtype :=
+ Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration);
+ Set_Std_Identifier (Delay_Length_Subtype, Name_Delay_Length);
+ Set_Type (Delay_Length_Subtype, Delay_Length_Subtype_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Declarator
+ (Delay_Length_Subtype_Definition, Delay_Length_Subtype);
+ Add_Decl (Delay_Length_Subtype);
+ else
+ Delay_Length_Subtype_Definition := Null_Iir;
+ Delay_Length_Subtype := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ -- VHDL87:
+ -- function NOW return TIME
+ --
+ -- impure function NOW return DELAY_LENGTH.
+ declare
+ Function_Now : Iir_Implicit_Function_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Function_Now :=
+ Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration);
+ Set_Std_Identifier (Function_Now, Std_Names.Name_Now);
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ Set_Return_Type (Function_Now, Time_Subtype_Definition);
+ else
+ Set_Return_Type (Function_Now, Delay_Length_Subtype_Definition);
+ end if;
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_02 then
+ Set_Pure_Flag (Function_Now, True);
+ else
+ Set_Pure_Flag (Function_Now, False);
+ end if;
+ Set_Implicit_Definition (Function_Now, Iir_Predefined_Now_Function);
+ Sem.Compute_Subprogram_Hash (Function_Now);
+ Add_Decl (Function_Now);
+ end;
+ -- VHDL93:
+ -- type file_open_kind is (read_mode, write_mode, append_mode);
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_93c then
+ File_Open_Kind_Type_Definition :=
+ Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Base_Type (File_Open_Kind_Type_Definition,
+ File_Open_Kind_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Enumeration_Literal_List
+ (File_Open_Kind_Type_Definition, Create_Iir_List);
+ File_Open_Kind_Read_Mode := Create_Std_Literal
+ (Name_Read_Mode, File_Open_Kind_Type_Definition);
+ File_Open_Kind_Write_Mode := Create_Std_Literal
+ (Name_Write_Mode, File_Open_Kind_Type_Definition);
+ File_Open_Kind_Append_Mode := Create_Std_Literal
+ (Name_Append_Mode, File_Open_Kind_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (File_Open_Kind_Type_Definition, Locally);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (File_Open_Kind_Type_Definition, True);
+ -- type file_open_kind is
+ File_Open_Kind_Type := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Std_Identifier (File_Open_Kind_Type, Name_File_Open_Kind);
+ Set_Type (File_Open_Kind_Type, File_Open_Kind_Type_Definition);
+ Add_Decl (File_Open_Kind_Type);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (File_Open_Kind_Type_Definition,
+ File_Open_Kind_Type);
+ Iirs_Utils.Create_Range_Constraint_For_Enumeration_Type
+ (File_Open_Kind_Type_Definition);
+ Add_Implicit_Operations (File_Open_Kind_Type);
+ else
+ File_Open_Kind_Type := Null_Iir;
+ File_Open_Kind_Type_Definition := Null_Iir;
+ File_Open_Kind_Read_Mode := Null_Iir;
+ File_Open_Kind_Write_Mode := Null_Iir;
+ File_Open_Kind_Append_Mode := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ -- VHDL93:
+ -- type file_open_status is
+ -- (open_ok, status_error, name_error, mode_error);
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_93c then
+ File_Open_Status_Type_Definition :=
+ Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Base_Type (File_Open_Status_Type_Definition,
+ File_Open_Status_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Enumeration_Literal_List
+ (File_Open_Status_Type_Definition, Create_Iir_List);
+ File_Open_Status_Open_Ok := Create_Std_Literal
+ (Name_Open_Ok, File_Open_Status_Type_Definition);
+ File_Open_Status_Status_Error := Create_Std_Literal
+ (Name_Status_Error, File_Open_Status_Type_Definition);
+ File_Open_Status_Name_Error := Create_Std_Literal
+ (Name_Name_Error, File_Open_Status_Type_Definition);
+ File_Open_Status_Mode_Error := Create_Std_Literal
+ (Name_Mode_Error, File_Open_Status_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (File_Open_Status_Type_Definition, Locally);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (File_Open_Status_Type_Definition, True);
+ -- type file_open_kind is
+ File_Open_Status_Type := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Std_Identifier (File_Open_Status_Type, Name_File_Open_Status);
+ Set_Type (File_Open_Status_Type, File_Open_Status_Type_Definition);
+ Add_Decl (File_Open_Status_Type);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (File_Open_Status_Type_Definition,
+ File_Open_Status_Type);
+ Iirs_Utils.Create_Range_Constraint_For_Enumeration_Type
+ (File_Open_Status_Type_Definition);
+ Add_Implicit_Operations (File_Open_Status_Type);
+ else
+ File_Open_Status_Type := Null_Iir;
+ File_Open_Status_Type_Definition := Null_Iir;
+ File_Open_Status_Open_Ok := Null_Iir;
+ File_Open_Status_Status_Error := Null_Iir;
+ File_Open_Status_Name_Error := Null_Iir;
+ File_Open_Status_Mode_Error := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ -- VHDL93:
+ -- attribute FOREIGN: string;
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_93c then
+ Foreign_Attribute := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration);
+ Set_Std_Identifier (Foreign_Attribute, Name_Foreign);
+ Set_Type (Foreign_Attribute, String_Type_Definition);
+ Add_Decl (Foreign_Attribute);
+ else
+ Foreign_Attribute := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ end Create_Std_Standard_Package;
+end Std_Package;
diff --git a/std_package.ads b/std_package.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1429f8044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/std_package.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+-- std.standard package declarations.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+package Std_Package is
+ -- This is a special node, not really declared in the STANDARD package,
+ -- used to mark a node as erroneous.
+ -- Its kind is Iir_Kind_Error.
+ Error_Mark : constant Iir;
+ -- Some well know values declared in the STANDARD package.
+ -- These values (except time_base) *must* not be modified, and are set by
+ -- create_std_standard_package.
+ -- Time_base is the base unit of time. It is set during the creation of
+ -- all these nodes, and can be modified only *immediatly* after.
+ Time_Base: Iir_Unit_Declaration := Null_Iir;
+ Std_Standard_File: Iir_Design_File := Null_Iir;
+ Std_Standard_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit := Null_Iir;
+ Standard_Package : Iir_Package_Declaration := Null_Iir;
+ -- Boolean values.
+ Boolean_Type: Iir_Type_Declaration := Null_Iir;
+ Boolean_Type_Definition: Iir_Enumeration_Type_Definition;
+ Boolean_False: Iir_Enumeration_Literal;
+ Boolean_True: Iir_Enumeration_Literal;
+ -- Bit values.
+ Bit_Type: Iir_Type_Declaration := Null_Iir;
+ Bit_Type_Definition: Iir_Enumeration_Type_Definition;
+ Bit_0: Iir_Enumeration_Literal;
+ Bit_1: Iir_Enumeration_Literal;
+ -- Predefined character.
+ Character_Type: Iir_Type_Declaration;
+ Character_Type_Definition : Iir_Enumeration_Type_Definition;
+ -- severity level.
+ Severity_Level_Type : Iir_Type_Declaration;
+ Severity_Level_Type_Definition : Iir_Enumeration_Type_Definition;
+ Severity_Level_Note : Iir_Enumeration_Literal;
+ Severity_Level_Warning : Iir_Enumeration_Literal;
+ Severity_Level_Error : Iir_Enumeration_Literal;
+ Severity_Level_Failure : Iir_Enumeration_Literal;
+ -- Universal types.
+ Universal_Integer_Type : Iir_Anonymous_Type_Declaration;
+ Universal_Integer_Type_Definition : constant Iir_Integer_Type_Definition;
+ Universal_Integer_Subtype : Iir_Subtype_Declaration;
+ Universal_Integer_Subtype_Definition : Iir_Integer_Subtype_Definition;
+ Universal_Integer_One : Iir_Integer_Literal;
+ Universal_Real_Type : Iir_Anonymous_Type_Declaration;
+ Universal_Real_Type_Definition : constant Iir_Floating_Type_Definition;
+ Universal_Real_Subtype : Iir_Subtype_Declaration;
+ Universal_Real_Subtype_Definition : Iir_Floating_Subtype_Definition;
+ -- Predefined integer type.
+ Integer_Type: Iir_Anonymous_Type_Declaration;
+ Integer_Type_Definition : Iir_Integer_Type_Definition;
+ Integer_Subtype : Iir_Subtype_Declaration;
+ Integer_Subtype_Definition : Iir_Integer_Subtype_Definition;
+ -- Type used when a subtype indication cannot be semantized.
+ -- FIXME: To be improved.
+ Error_Type : Iir_Integer_Type_Definition renames Integer_Type_Definition;
+ -- Predefined real type.
+ Real_Type: Iir_Anonymous_Type_Declaration;
+ Real_Type_Definition : Iir_Floating_Type_Definition;
+ Real_Subtype : Iir_Subtype_Declaration;
+ Real_Subtype_Definition : Iir_Floating_Subtype_Definition;
+ -- Predefined natural subtype.
+ Natural_Subtype: Iir_Subtype_Declaration;
+ Natural_Subtype_Definition : Iir_Integer_Subtype_Definition;
+ -- Predefined positive subtype.
+ Positive_Subtype: Iir_Subtype_Declaration;
+ Positive_Subtype_Definition : Iir_Integer_Subtype_Definition;
+ -- Predefined positive subtype.
+ String_Type: Iir_Type_Declaration;
+ String_Type_Definition : Iir_Array_Type_Definition;
+ -- Predefined positive subtype.
+ Bit_Vector_Type: Iir_Type_Declaration;
+ Bit_Vector_Type_Definition : Iir_Array_Type_Definition;
+ -- predefined time subtype
+ Time_Type: Iir_Anonymous_Type_Declaration;
+ Time_Type_Definition: Iir_Physical_Type_Definition;
+ Time_Subtype_Definition: Iir_Physical_Subtype_Definition;
+ Time_Subtype : Iir_Subtype_Declaration;
+ -- For VHDL-93
+ Delay_Length_Subtype_Definition : Iir_Physical_Subtype_Definition;
+ Delay_Length_Subtype : Iir_Subtype_Declaration;
+ -- For VHDL-93:
+ -- type File_Open_Kind
+ File_Open_Kind_Type : Iir_Type_Declaration;
+ File_Open_Kind_Type_Definition : Iir_Enumeration_Type_Definition;
+ File_Open_Kind_Read_Mode : Iir_Enumeration_Literal;
+ File_Open_Kind_Write_Mode : Iir_Enumeration_Literal;
+ File_Open_Kind_Append_Mode : Iir_Enumeration_Literal;
+ -- For VHDL-93:
+ -- type File_Open_Status
+ File_Open_Status_Type : Iir_Type_Declaration;
+ File_Open_Status_Type_Definition : Iir_Enumeration_Type_Definition;
+ File_Open_Status_Open_Ok : Iir_Enumeration_Literal;
+ File_Open_Status_Status_Error : Iir_Enumeration_Literal;
+ File_Open_Status_Name_Error : Iir_Enumeration_Literal;
+ File_Open_Status_Mode_Error : Iir_Enumeration_Literal;
+ -- For VHDL-93:
+ -- atribute foreign : string;
+ Foreign_Attribute : Iir_Attribute_Declaration;
+ -- Internal use only.
+ -- These types should be considered like universal types, but
+ -- furthermore, they can be converted to any integer/real types while
+ -- universal cannot.
+ Convertible_Integer_Type_Definition : constant Iir_Integer_Type_Definition;
+ Convertible_Real_Type_Definition : constant Iir_Floating_Type_Definition;
+ Convertible_Integer_Type : Iir_Anonymous_Type_Declaration;
+ Convertible_Real_Type : Iir_Anonymous_Type_Declaration;
+ Convertible_Integer_Subtype_Definition : Iir_Integer_Subtype_Definition;
+ Convertible_Integer_Subtype : Iir_Subtype_Declaration;
+ -- Create the first well-known nodes.
+ procedure Create_First_Nodes;
+ -- Create the node for the standard package.
+ procedure Create_Std_Standard_Package (Parent : Iir_Library_Declaration);
+ -- For speed reasons, some often used nodes are hard-coded.
+ Error_Mark : constant Iir := 2;
+ Universal_Integer_Type_Definition : constant Iir_Integer_Type_Definition
+ := 3;
+ Universal_Real_Type_Definition : constant Iir_Floating_Type_Definition
+ := 4;
+ Convertible_Integer_Type_Definition : constant Iir_Integer_Type_Definition
+ := 5;
+ Convertible_Real_Type_Definition : constant Iir_Floating_Type_Definition
+ := 6;
+end Std_Package;
diff --git a/str_table.adb b/str_table.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a1cde4af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/str_table.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+-- String table.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with System;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with GNAT.Table;
+package body Str_Table is
+ package String_Table is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Index_Type => String_Id,
+ Table_Component_Type => Character,
+ Table_Low_Bound => Null_String + 1,
+ Table_Initial => 4096,
+ Table_Increment => 100);
+ Nul : constant Character := Character'Val (0);
+ In_String : Boolean := False;
+ function Start return String_Id
+ is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (In_String = False);
+ In_String := True;
+ return String_Table.Last + 1;
+ end Start;
+ procedure Append (C : Character) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (In_String);
+ String_Table.Append (C);
+ end Append;
+ procedure Finish is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (In_String);
+ String_Table.Append (Nul);
+ In_String := False;
+ end Finish;
+ function Get_String_Fat_Acc (Id : String_Id) return String_Fat_Acc
+ is
+ function To_String_Fat_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => System.Address, Target => String_Fat_Acc);
+ begin
+ return To_String_Fat_Acc (String_Table.Table (Id)'Address);
+ end Get_String_Fat_Acc;
+ function Get_Length (Id : String_Id) return Natural
+ is
+ Ptr : String_Fat_Acc;
+ Len : Natural;
+ begin
+ Ptr := Get_String_Fat_Acc (Id);
+ Len := 1;
+ loop
+ if Ptr (Len) = Nul then
+ return Len - 1;
+ end if;
+ Len := Len + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end Get_Length;
+ function Image (Id : String_Id) return String
+ is
+ Ptr : String_Fat_Acc;
+ Len : Natural;
+ begin
+ Len := Get_Length (Id);
+ Ptr := Get_String_Fat_Acc (Id);
+ return Ptr (1 .. Len);
+ end Image;
+ procedure Initialize is
+ begin
+ String_Table.Free;
+ String_Table.Init;
+ end Initialize;
+end Str_Table;
diff --git a/str_table.ads b/str_table.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5044f8308
--- /dev/null
+++ b/str_table.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+-- String table.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Types; use Types;
+package Str_Table is
+ -- Create a new entry in the string table and returns a number to it.
+ function Start return String_Id;
+ pragma Inline (Start);
+ -- Add a new character in the current entry.
+ procedure Append (C : Character);
+ pragma Inline (Append);
+ -- Finish the current entry.
+ procedure Finish;
+ pragma Inline (Finish);
+ -- Get a fat access to the string ID.
+ function Get_String_Fat_Acc (Id : String_Id) return String_Fat_Acc;
+ pragma Inline (Get_String_Fat_Acc);
+ -- Get ID as a string.
+ -- This function is slow, to be used only for debugging.
+ function Image (Id : String_Id) return String;
+ -- Free all the memory and reinitialize the package.
+ procedure Initialize;
+end Str_Table;
diff --git a/tokens.adb b/tokens.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c426200c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tokens.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+-- Scanner token definitions.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package body Tokens is
+ -- Return the name of the token.
+ function Image (Token: Token_Type) return String is
+ begin
+ case Token is
+ when Tok_Invalid =>
+ return "<invalid>";
+ when Tok_Left_Paren =>
+ return "(";
+ when Tok_Right_Paren =>
+ return ")";
+ when Tok_Left_Bracket =>
+ return "[";
+ when Tok_Right_Bracket =>
+ return "]";
+ when Tok_Colon =>
+ return ":";
+ when Tok_Semi_Colon =>
+ return ";";
+ when Tok_Comma =>
+ return ",";
+ when Tok_Tick =>
+ return "'";
+ when Tok_Double_Star =>
+ return "**";
+ when Tok_Arrow =>
+ return "=>";
+ when Tok_Assign =>
+ return ":=";
+ when Tok_Bar =>
+ return "|";
+ when Tok_Box =>
+ return "<>";
+ when Tok_Dot =>
+ return ".";
+ when Tok_Eof =>
+ return "<EOF>";
+ when Tok_Newline =>
+ return "<newline>";
+ when Tok_Comment =>
+ return "<comment>";
+ when Tok_Character =>
+ return "<character>";
+ when Tok_Identifier =>
+ return "<identifier>";
+ when Tok_Integer =>
+ return "<integer>";
+ when Tok_Real =>
+ return "<real>";
+ when Tok_String =>
+ return "<string>";
+ when Tok_Bit_String =>
+ return "<bit string>";
+ -- relational_operator:
+ when Tok_Equal =>
+ return "=";
+ when Tok_Not_Equal =>
+ return "/=";
+ when Tok_Less =>
+ return "<";
+ when Tok_Less_Equal =>
+ return "<=";
+ when Tok_Greater =>
+ return ">";
+ when Tok_Greater_Equal =>
+ return ">=";
+ -- sign token
+ when Tok_Plus =>
+ return "+";
+ when Tok_Minus =>
+ return "-";
+ -- and adding_operator
+ when Tok_Ampersand =>
+ return "&";
+ -- multiplying operator
+ when Tok_Star =>
+ return "*";
+ when Tok_Slash =>
+ return "/";
+ when Tok_Mod =>
+ return "mod";
+ when Tok_Rem =>
+ return "rem";
+ -- relation token:
+ when Tok_And =>
+ return "and";
+ when Tok_Or =>
+ return "or";
+ when Tok_Xor =>
+ return "xor";
+ when Tok_Nand =>
+ return "nand";
+ when Tok_Nor =>
+ return "nor";
+ when Tok_Xnor =>
+ return "xnor";
+ -- Key words.
+ when Tok_Abs =>
+ return "abs";
+ when Tok_Access =>
+ return "access";
+ when Tok_After =>
+ return "after";
+ when Tok_Alias =>
+ return "alias";
+ when Tok_All =>
+ return "all";
+ when Tok_Architecture =>
+ return "architecture";
+ when Tok_Array =>
+ return "array";
+ when Tok_Assert =>
+ return "assert";
+ when Tok_Attribute =>
+ return "attribute";
+ when Tok_Begin =>
+ return "begin";
+ when Tok_Block =>
+ return "block";
+ when Tok_Body =>
+ return "body";
+ when Tok_Buffer =>
+ return "buffer";
+ when Tok_Bus =>
+ return "bus";
+ when Tok_Case =>
+ return "case";
+ when Tok_Component =>
+ return "component";
+ when Tok_Configuration =>
+ return "configuration";
+ when Tok_Constant =>
+ return "constant";
+ when Tok_Disconnect =>
+ return "disconnect";
+ when Tok_Downto =>
+ return "downto";
+ when Tok_Else =>
+ return "else";
+ when Tok_Elsif =>
+ return "elsif";
+ when Tok_End =>
+ return "end";
+ when Tok_Entity =>
+ return "entity";
+ when Tok_Exit =>
+ return "exit";
+ when Tok_File =>
+ return "file";
+ when Tok_For =>
+ return "for";
+ when Tok_Function =>
+ return "function";
+ when Tok_Generate =>
+ return "generate";
+ when Tok_Generic =>
+ return "generic";
+ when Tok_Group =>
+ return "group";
+ when Tok_Guarded =>
+ return "guarded";
+ when Tok_If =>
+ return "if";
+ when Tok_Impure =>
+ return "impure";
+ when Tok_In =>
+ return "in";
+ when Tok_Inertial =>
+ return "inertial";
+ when Tok_Inout =>
+ return "inout";
+ when Tok_Is =>
+ return "is";
+ when Tok_Label =>
+ return "label";
+ when Tok_Library =>
+ return "library";
+ when Tok_Linkage =>
+ return "linkage";
+ when Tok_Literal =>
+ return "literal";
+ when Tok_Loop =>
+ return "loop";
+ when Tok_Map =>
+ return "map";
+ when Tok_New =>
+ return "new";
+ when Tok_Next =>
+ return "next";
+ when Tok_Not =>
+ return "not";
+ when Tok_Null =>
+ return "null";
+ when Tok_Of =>
+ return "of";
+ when Tok_On =>
+ return "on";
+ when Tok_Open =>
+ return "open";
+ when Tok_Out =>
+ return "out";
+ when Tok_Others =>
+ return "others";
+ when Tok_Package =>
+ return "package";
+ when Tok_Port =>
+ return "port";
+ when Tok_Postponed =>
+ return "postponed";
+ when Tok_Procedure =>
+ return "procedure";
+ when Tok_Process =>
+ return "process";
+ when Tok_Pure =>
+ return "pure";
+ when Tok_Range =>
+ return "range";
+ when Tok_Record =>
+ return "record";
+ when Tok_Register =>
+ return "register";
+ when Tok_Reject =>
+ return "reject";
+ when Tok_Report =>
+ return "report";
+ when Tok_Return =>
+ return "return";
+ when Tok_Select =>
+ return "select";
+ when Tok_Severity =>
+ return "severity";
+ when Tok_Shared =>
+ return "shared";
+ when Tok_Signal =>
+ return "signal";
+ when Tok_Subtype =>
+ return "subtype";
+ when Tok_Then =>
+ return "then";
+ when Tok_To =>
+ return "to";
+ when Tok_Transport =>
+ return "transport";
+ when Tok_Type =>
+ return "type";
+ when Tok_Unaffected =>
+ return "unaffected";
+ when Tok_Units =>
+ return "units";
+ when Tok_Until =>
+ return "until";
+ when Tok_Use =>
+ return "use";
+ when Tok_Variable =>
+ return "variable";
+ when Tok_Wait =>
+ return "wait";
+ when Tok_When =>
+ return "when";
+ when Tok_While =>
+ return "while";
+ when Tok_With =>
+ return "with";
+ -- shift_operator
+ when Tok_Sll =>
+ return "sll";
+ when Tok_Sla =>
+ return "sla";
+ when Tok_Sra =>
+ return "sra";
+ when Tok_Srl =>
+ return "srl";
+ when Tok_Rol =>
+ return "rol";
+ when Tok_Ror =>
+ return "ror";
+ when Tok_Protected =>
+ return "protected";
+ end case;
+ end Image;
+end Tokens;
diff --git a/tokens.ads b/tokens.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e7b2d640
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tokens.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+-- Scanner token definitions.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package Tokens is
+ pragma Pure (Tokens);
+ type Token_Type is
+ (
+ Tok_Invalid, -- current_token is not valid.
+ Tok_Left_Paren, -- (
+ Tok_Right_Paren, -- )
+ Tok_Left_Bracket, -- [
+ Tok_Right_Bracket, -- ]
+ Tok_Colon, -- :
+ Tok_Semi_Colon, -- ;
+ Tok_Comma, -- ,
+ Tok_Arrow, -- =>
+ Tok_Tick, -- '
+ Tok_Double_Star, -- **
+ Tok_Assign, -- :=
+ Tok_Bar, -- |
+ Tok_Box, -- <>
+ Tok_Dot, -- .
+ Tok_Eof, -- End of file.
+ Tok_Newline,
+ Tok_Comment,
+ Tok_Character,
+ Tok_Identifier,
+ Tok_Integer,
+ Tok_Real,
+ Tok_String,
+ Tok_Bit_String,
+ -- relational_operator
+ Tok_Equal, -- =
+ Tok_Not_Equal, -- /=
+ Tok_Less, -- <
+ Tok_Less_Equal, -- <=
+ Tok_Greater, -- >
+ Tok_Greater_Equal, -- >=
+ -- sign token
+ Tok_Plus, -- +
+ Tok_Minus, -- -
+ -- and adding_operator
+ Tok_Ampersand, -- &
+ -- multiplying operator
+ Tok_Star, -- *
+ Tok_Slash, -- /
+ Tok_Mod, -- mod
+ Tok_Rem, -- rem
+ -- relation token:
+ Tok_And,
+ Tok_Or,
+ Tok_Xor,
+ Tok_Nand,
+ Tok_Nor,
+ -- miscellaneous operator
+ Tok_Abs,
+ Tok_Not,
+ -- Key words
+ Tok_Access,
+ Tok_After,
+ Tok_Alias,
+ Tok_All,
+ Tok_Architecture,
+ Tok_Array,
+ Tok_Assert,
+ Tok_Attribute,
+ Tok_Begin,
+ Tok_Block,
+ Tok_Body,
+ Tok_Buffer,
+ Tok_Bus,
+ Tok_Case,
+ Tok_Component,
+ Tok_Configuration,
+ Tok_Constant,
+ Tok_Disconnect,
+ Tok_Downto,
+ Tok_Else,
+ Tok_Elsif,
+ Tok_End,
+ Tok_Entity,
+ Tok_Exit,
+ Tok_File,
+ Tok_For,
+ Tok_Function,
+ Tok_Generate,
+ Tok_Generic,
+ Tok_Guarded,
+ Tok_If,
+ Tok_In,
+ Tok_Inout,
+ Tok_Is,
+ Tok_Label,
+ Tok_Library,
+ Tok_Linkage,
+ Tok_Loop,
+ Tok_Map,
+ Tok_New,
+ Tok_Next,
+ Tok_Null,
+ Tok_Of,
+ Tok_On,
+ Tok_Open,
+ Tok_Others,
+ Tok_Out,
+ Tok_Package,
+ Tok_Port,
+ Tok_Procedure,
+ Tok_Process,
+ Tok_Range,
+ Tok_Record,
+ Tok_Register,
+ Tok_Report,
+ Tok_Return,
+ Tok_Select,
+ Tok_Severity,
+ Tok_Signal,
+ Tok_Subtype,
+ Tok_Then,
+ Tok_To,
+ Tok_Transport,
+ Tok_Type,
+ Tok_Units,
+ Tok_Until,
+ Tok_Use,
+ Tok_Variable,
+ Tok_Wait,
+ Tok_When,
+ Tok_While,
+ Tok_With,
+ -- Tokens below this line are key words in vhdl93 but not in vhdl87
+ Tok_Xnor,
+ Tok_Group,
+ Tok_Impure,
+ Tok_Inertial,
+ Tok_Literal,
+ Tok_Postponed,
+ Tok_Pure,
+ Tok_Reject,
+ Tok_Shared,
+ Tok_Unaffected,
+ -- shift_operator
+ Tok_Sll,
+ Tok_Sla,
+ Tok_Sra,
+ Tok_Srl,
+ Tok_Rol,
+ Tok_Ror,
+ -- Added by Vhdl 2000:
+ Tok_Protected);
+ -- subtype Token_Relation_Type is Token_Type range Tok_And .. Tok_Xnor;
+ subtype Token_Relational_Operator_Type is Token_Type range
+ Tok_Equal .. Tok_Greater_Equal;
+ subtype Token_Shift_Operator_Type is Token_Type range
+ Tok_Sll .. Tok_Ror;
+ subtype Token_Sign_Type is Token_Type range
+ Tok_Plus .. Tok_Minus;
+ subtype Token_Adding_Operator_Type is Token_Type range
+ Tok_Plus .. Tok_Ampersand;
+ subtype Token_Multiplying_Operator_Type is Token_Type range
+ Tok_Star .. Tok_Rem;
+ Tok_First_Keyword : constant Tokens.Token_Type := Tokens.Tok_Mod;
+ -- Return the name of the token.
+ function Image (Token: Token_Type) return String;
+end Tokens;
diff --git a/translate/Makefile b/translate/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..32128c439
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# -*- Makefile -*- for the GHDL translation back-end.
+# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307, USA.
+GNAT_FLAGS=-aI.. -gnaty3befhkmr -gnata -gnatf -gnatwlcru
+#GNAT_FLAGS+=-O -gnatn
+LN=ln -s
+compiler: force # ortho_nodes.ads ortho_$(BE)_front.ads
+ $(MAKE) -f $(ortho_srcdir)/$(BE)/Makefile \
+ ortho_srcdir=$(ortho_srcdir) GNAT_FLAGS="$(GNAT_FLAGS)" \
+ ortho_exec=ghdl1-$(BE) all
+#ortho_nodes.ads: ortho_nodes.tmp
+# if cmp -s $@ $< ; then \
+# rm -f $<; \
+# else \
+# mv $< $@; \
+# fi
+#BE_Case:=$(shell echo $(BE) | sed -e "h" -e "s/.\(.*\)/\1/" -e "x" -e "s/\(.\).*/\1/" -e "y/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/" -e 'G' -e 's/\n//"
+#BE_Case:=$(shell echo $(BE) | sed -e "s/debug/Debug/" -e "s/regen/Regen/")
+#ortho_nodes.tmp: force
+# echo "with Ortho_$(BE_Case);" > $@
+# echo "" >> $@
+# echo "package Ortho_Nodes renames Ortho_$(BE_Case);" >> $@
+#ortho_$(BE)_front.ads: Makefile
+# echo "with Ortho_Front;" > $@
+# echo "package Ortho_$(BE_Case)_Front renames Ortho_Front;" >> $@
+ [ -d lib ] || mkdir lib
+ $(MAKE) -f $(ortho_srcdir)/gcc/Makefile \
+ ortho_srcdir=$(ortho_srcdir) GNAT_FLAGS="$(GNAT_FLAGS)" \
+ ortho_exec=ghdl1-gcc all
+ $(MAKE) -C ghdldrv
+ $(MAKE) -C grt all libdir=`pwd`/lib
+ $(MAKE) -C ghdldrv install.v87 install.v93 install.standard
+ $(RM) *.o *.ali ghdl1-* gen_tree ortho_nodes-main b~*.ad?
+ $(RM) *~ ortho_nodes.ads ortho_nodes.tmp
+.PHONY: compiler clean force all
diff --git a/translate/TODO b/translate/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2da8aa21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+* GCC 4.0.1
+* bug may25 rob chapman (interface).
+* bug jun14 peter TB brett (unconstr out assigned with (others => x))
+* bug stephen leak
+* bug elab of pr/warnings-0/conf1.vhdl (unconstrained signals)
+* bug ~/conf2.vhdl: arch subprogram is not translated for config (check with
+ ghdl1-debug).
+* bug ~/conf3.vhdl: problem while counting signals.
+* from a typical vhdl file, create new files with 1 or more tokens removed.
+ Check diags.
+* bug IR2069
+* bug unconstrained port and func conv: see IR2064
+* bug david-kuehling with signals (array_subtype_ptr)
+* translate_object: no parent.
+* waves: verilog types, physical types.
+* waves: ghwdump util to be put into ghdl exec ?
+* grt: --dump-rti, --dump-signals: modules?
+todo: web site: add ghdl.ps, ghdl.pdf
+* DONE: add an hash table for primary unit (cf unisim).
+* use hash table for get_lastest_arch
+* DONE: ieee_xxx_resolv for ghdl_run
+* TOP:
+* vhdl93
+* DONE: new node format
+* DONE: grt: do not depends on libgnat [malloc/free; gnat.table; rcheck; stdio]
+* sem_name: check all possibilities, recursion on prefix for finish_ and free.
+* length : use left and right from type range if any.
+* subtype descriptor : can be a const.
+* checks on type (values out of bounds).
+* deallocate: in depth.
+* iterator on array elements.
+* GHDL:
+* DONE: val_staticness for aggregates
+* libraries: the first line of the .cf files must contains options/standard.
+* global file for setup (vhdl version, mapping)
+* eval static expressions automaticaly.
+* check for no return in a function, generate code to catch this error.
+* DONE: detect no wait in processes.
+* clean-up dependences check (cf libraries.is_obsolete)
+* AMS-VHDL: reserved keywords
+* replace implicit_functions of type decl with implicit_subprograms
+* add an option to disable eval_if_static_expr (to check more).
+* handle "-- pragma xxx"
+* handle locally static disconnection_spec in canon
+* use MD5/SHA1 instead of dates
+* add_dependence: add a flag to mark dependence (to be restored/backuped)
+* visible_flag: check for operator
+* individual assocs: multi-dim arrays
+* static name: if the value is an access, the name is not static.
+* DONE: preference for universal primitives (function call).
+* check rules for building default sensitivity list.
+* overload in case/select signal assignment
+* array access subtype.
+* DONE: triple use clauses
+* DONE: use clauses (list)
+* visibility in configuration declaration.
+* DONE: hide implicit defined subprograms when overridden by explicit one.
+* DONE: script to do all checks from a tar file
+* DONE: sem_name -> sem_scopes
+* DONE: sem_names.ads/adb
+* DONE: eval string literal (add list)
+* DONE: export files for GCC, build in GCC.
+* DONE: name visibility
+* DONE: create iir_kind_error
+* DONE: add base_name field for _name iirs.
+* DONE: check accesses with base_name.
+* attributes: check all entity name kind (labels, file...)
+* DONE: attributes: only one per simple name.
+* incremental binding: different entity in entity aspect of primary binding.
+* DONE: overload number in IIRS.
+* subprogram_instances: remove decl_type (only use ptr_type).
+* pure during elab: load package only if necessary.
+* purity state of implicit subprograms.
+* seen_flag: remove (unused).
+* DONE: location_end: add for design units.
+* 'image, 'value: eval_static_expr, to be completed.
+* IIRS:
+* formats: Declaration, Integer, Real, Small, Medium
+* + lists
+* common: kind/flags/staticness/digits (32), loc(32)
+ 4 fields (4 * 32) + back_end (??) + parent (??)
+* Integer: + int (64) (?? for physicals: origin,unit,type)
+* real: + real (64)
+* small: + 2 fields (2 * 32)
+* medium: + 2 + 7 fields (9 * 32)
+* Decls: + link (32), ident (32), attr (32), parent (32),
+ 1+2+4 fields (7 * 32) + second link (?)
+* ghdlmake:
+* DONE: add object files from grt
+* selection of run time?
+* DONE: object files location (fix how std is currently handled).
+* verbose or long flag for -d: disp file name
+* handle multiple libraries
+* -n: do not compile/elaborate.
+* DONE: -cargs: additional args for compiler (+ -largs)
+* add dependences for all design units.
+* create or accept WAVES header for compilation order
+* -i: incremental analyse: analyse only if not up to date
+* -m: re-read library file before final elaboration, because dependences may
+ have changed.
+* -m : to be renamed to -u
+* use default configurations for dependences
+* DONE: add other files
+* add these options: --AS=, --LD=, --POST=, -static, -shared
+* -m bugs: hc11core, fphdl
+* create configuration
+* DONE: chop
+* finish Level0
+* SDF 3.0, 4.0
+* SDF: bus, all types
+* negative delay
+* elaboration:
+* DONE: late binding
+* DONE: should load the top entity to check for no generics nor in ports.
+* DONE: should load package body to check passive subprg/no wait in subprg.
+* elab port based on assoc list
+* bug if instantiated entity is the same as the current instance ?
+* grt:
+* DONE: vcd: dump only when value has changed.
+* vcd: handle record
+* create vcd/tdml header
+* set fpu in exception mode
+* DONE: resize process stacks/trap stack underflow
+* create a global event list, to increase speed (each signal is an element of
+ the list)
+* DONE: add name of processes (as an instance)
+* Optimizations:
+* DONE: reduce number of signals (components, instantiation...)
+* DONE: std_logic signals with only one driver.
+* range checks.
+* translate:
+* record/array file types
+* DONE: aggregate target for variables
+* DONE: create description of instance with an array instead of names
+* DONE: create names for prefix instead of uniq id
+* DONE: no type_desc for types that can't be used for signals (ex: types
+ defined in subprg or processes).
+* do not create signals types for constant/variable, but always create value
+ types.
+* rewrite procedure/function interfaces.
+* attribute names
+* do not translate all predefined subprograms: flag_use to be added
+ be careful to packages and entity.
+* WRONG: do not add instance for pure functions -> maybe required for types.
+* free info
+* DONE: finalization (files)
+* DONE: extended identifiers
+* check for no return in a function (and catch at execution time)
+* range check: be smarter
+* range for for-loop, slices, generates.
+* flag_review: add more comments.
+* DONE: alias : handle more than arrays.
+* add a length field in array bounds for multi-dim array
+* DONE: create an elaborator for components
+* NOT RELEVANT: check for unused types infrastructures (_STB for array index)
+* create signal builder for record/array (see composite_types.vhdl)
+* DONE: handle package body while not necessary
+* individual assoc in subprograms
+* individual assoc for predefined proc (file procedures)
+* check for file with same basename (ex: a.vhd and a.tvhd), since the object
+ file will overwrite (or add a number ex: 00_a.o 01_a.o)
+* ortho_gcc:
+* overflow
+* conversion
+* ortho:
+* DONE: check for use of variable out of its scope (add a in_use flag ?).
+* -> check for no enode after a statement.
+* standard types metrics.
+* DONE: check scope for variables/constant/subprograms.
+* enum -> new_lit
+* for debug: disp/read enum size.
+* new_ref -> from variable/interface/const to l_node
+* offset type
+* debug: check ident (redefine, overridden)
+* tests
+* all interfaces.
+* arrays: constant, variable, signal, alias, default value,
+ slice, assign, index, 'range,left,right,length attributes
+* alias
+* VHDL quizz:
+* A and B and C, where and is not predefined and not associative -> order
+ defined by lrm
+* event without value change -> not possible to create such a design
+* for I in 0 to 4 + 5 loop
+* my_int; function "not" (v : my_int := 0) return my_int; var := "not";
+* read operation for array with multiple indexes -> not allowed
+* A <= (others => 0) where A is a subprogram formal interface whose type is
+ an unconstrained array.
+*B function returning a file type.
+* null string when index base type left bound has no pred.
+* arch x of y is
+ attribute my_attr of my_inst : label is 25;
+ component my_comp ... end component;
+ begin
+ my_inst : my_comp;
+ end x;
+ Is my_comp a component or a procedure call ? -> label
+* element declaration scope does not extend beyond a package scope -> the
+ package scope is extended along with the scope of the logical library.
+* labeled statement inside a for-loop can be attributed.
+* "wait on S'transaction' not allowed since an attribute is not a static name.
+*B constant c : integer := 3 ** 4; which "**" (universal or integer)?
+ or: constant c : integer := - 1; (which "-" ?)
+*B type chrptr is access character;
+ type chrptr_array is array (natural range <>) of chrptr;
+ -> creates an implicit function "&" whose interface is constant of type
+ access.
+* package ch1003_002_pkg is
+ type my_bit is ('0', '1', 'X');
+ function "=" (l, r : my_bit) return boolean;
+ end ch1003_002_pkg;
+ ...
+ use work.ch1003_002_pkg.all;
+ ...
+ A = B -- A and B of type my_bit
+ Both the implicit and explicit "=" operator are visible!
+* package p is
+ function f return integer;
+ end p;
+ use work.p.all;
+ package p is
+ constant c : integer := f;
+ end p;
+* redeclaration of a design unit in vhdl02 (not allowed ?)
+* 'FOREIGN for implicit subprograms ?
+* 'FOREIGN with non-locally static value
+*B alias of a physical type (not possible, since only the subtype is named).
+* 'a''attr -> not allowed.
+*B2 visibility in context clause:
+ library my_lib;
+ entity ent is end ent;
+ use my_lib.my_pkg.all;
+ architecture arch of ent is ...
+* 4.2 Subtype declarations: "if a type mark is the name of a type, the type
+ mark denotes this type and also the corresponding unconstrained subtype."
+ What is the corresponding subtype of an enumeration type ?
+ -> 3.0 "A type is a subtype of itself"
+* name'a'length has no characters...
+*B2 with expr select (a,b) <= "01" when c1, val when others;
+ -> type of aggregate is not determinable!!
+ -> or type of aggregate depends on the selected expression
+ (ex: (a,b) std_logic_vector and then std_ulogic_vector)
+* case statement: expression which is an indexed name and of unidim array type
+ (why are the indexes locally static expressions ?)
+* Is an alias overloadable (?) -> yes
+* 5.2 Configuration specification: 'others' -> meaning of 'previous'
+ incremental binding for different entity aspect.
+ component_configuration that is a primary binding for some instantiation
+ and an incremental binding indic for others.
+*B 14.1 'instance_name example: missing ';' after generic clause of BComp
+ component; missing ":" before gbottom'path_instance;
+ signature is added for subprograms but not for enumeration literals.
+ loop_label ?
+ staticness
+ root design entity (E'PATH_NAME) vs top design entity (E'INSTANCE_NAME)
+ meaning of signature ?
+* 10.3 (last paragraph of p 155): 'of a design unit_or' (place of '_').
+*B 3.5.1 vs 3.5.2: in examples: VariableSizedBitArray vs VariableSizeBitArray.
+* 4.2.2: is a default_expression globally static ?
+* 5.1: alias of attribute are allowed ->
+ constant obj : bit := '0';
+ attribute attr : integer;
+ alias attr1 is attr;
+ attribute attr of obj : constant is 5;
+ ... obj'attr1 ...
+* 5.1: entity designator that denotes an alias .. required to denote the
+ entire object. What means entire ? staticness of entire ?
+ constant obj : bit_vector (1 to 3);
+ alias obj1 : bit_vector (2 to 4) is obj (1 to 3);
+* 8.1:
+ process
+ begin
+ wait for time'high - now;
+ end process;
+ -> infinite loop or execute only once ?
+ (ie does it execute at time'high ?)
+*B Does a generate statement have a declarative_part ?
+ according to the BNF of 9.7 and glossary -> no
+ according to introduction of clause 9 -> yes
+ -> does configuration specification applies recursively ?
+* Can a design unit be decorated with an attribute specification whose entity
+ name list is all/others ? (cf notes of 5.1)
+* Can an alias be declared after an all/others attribute specification ?
+* Can a named entity be decorated through an alias not declared in the same
+ declarative part ?
+* Can an anonymous type declaration be decorated ?
+*B character literal can be decorated but not referenced.
+*B wait on sig (now < 10 ns);
+*B pure function can allocate memory and may return different value
+*B2 what it the meaning of a name when several non-overloadable declarations
+ are visible (one directly, one by selection).
+* 'value: only *one* leading/trailing whitespace allowed ?
+* libraries:
+* V:version, O:option, S:set/standard
+* F:file, D:depend, T:time, U:unit, L:location/line
+* A:architecture, E:entity, P:package, B:body, C:configuration
+* M:module/map (library name to filename), W:with (weak depend), X:translate
+* I:instanciated component
+* H:homedir
+* G J K N Q R Y Z
+* + search path, vhdl version, ieee libraries.
+* aggregates:
+- dynamic bounds -> special case
+- bounds are determinated by target
+- static bounds and determinated by the aggregate
+- static bounds and static values.
+* no type descriptor is created for access. However, a type descriptor is
+ created for array and use the type descriptor of its element. What about
+ for array whose element is an access ?
+* for loop whose range is an array index.
+* avoid to initialize variable if not read before write.
+* avoid stupid range check (ex: a := b, when subtype b = subtype a).
+* complex_tests: real_vector -> real_vectorX
diff --git a/translate/gcc/ANNOUNCE b/translate/gcc/ANNOUNCE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7b1060e20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/gcc/ANNOUNCE
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+I am happy to introduce GHDL.
+GHDL is a GCC front-end for the VHDL (IEEE 1076) language, an hardware design
+Currently, GHDL implements most of VHDL-1987 and some features of
+VHDL-1993. It is mature enough to compile and run some complex design (such
+as a DLX processor and leon1, a SPARCv7 processor)
+GHDL has been developped on a GNU/Linux x86 system, and only this configuration
+has been tested (porting to other processor or system should not be an hard
+task, but there are system dependent files in the run time).
+GHDL is written in Ada95 (using GNAT) and relies on agcc, an Ada
+binding for GCC. It also includes a run-time library (written in Ada), named
+grt. The front-end and the library are both distributed under the GPL licence.
+For sources, binary tarballs, or for more information, go to
+Tristan Gingold.
diff --git a/translate/gcc/Make-lang.in b/translate/gcc/Make-lang.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2aa27a1e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/gcc/Make-lang.in
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# Top level -*- makefile -*- fragment for vhdl (GHDL).
+# Copyright (C) 2002
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+#This file is part of GNU CC.
+#GNU CC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+#any later version.
+#GNU CC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#GNU General Public License for more details.
+#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+#the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+#Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# This file provides the language dependent support in the main Makefile.
+# Each language makefile fragment must provide the following targets:
+# foo.all.build, foo.all.cross, foo.start.encap, foo.rest.encap,
+# foo.info, foo.dvi,
+# foo.install-normal, foo.install-common, foo.install-info, foo.install-man,
+# foo.uninstall, foo.mostlyclean, foo.clean, foo.distclean, foo.extraclean,
+# foo.maintainer-clean, foo.stage1, foo.stage2, foo.stage3, foo.stage4
+# where `foo' is the name of the language.
+# It should also provide rules for:
+# - making any compiler driver (eg: g++)
+# - the compiler proper (eg: cc1plus)
+# - define the names for selecting the language in LANGUAGES.
+# tool definitions
+MV = mv
+RM = rm -f
+# Extra flags to pass to recursive makes.
+GHDL_ADAFLAGS= -Wall -gnata
+GNATBIND = gnatbind
+GNATMAKE = gnatmake
+ "libexecsubdir=$(libexecsubdir)"
+# Define the names for selecting vhdl in LANGUAGES.
+vhdl VHDL: ghdl1$(exeext) ghdl$(exeext) ghdllib
+# Tell GNU Make to ignore these, if they exist.
+.PHONY: vhdl VHDL ghdllib
+####agcc Makefile.inc
+# The compiler proper.
+# It is compiled into the vhdl/ subdirectory to avoid file name clashes but
+# linked in in gcc directory to be able to access to gcc object files.
+ghdl1$(exeext): $(AGCC_OBJS) $(AGCC_DEPS) force
+ CURDIR=`pwd`; cd $(srcdir)/vhdl; VHDLSRCDIR=`pwd`; cd $$CURDIR/vhdl; \
+ $(GNATMAKE) -c -aI$$VHDLSRCDIR ortho_gcc-main \
+ $(GNATMAKE) -o $@ -aI$(srcdir)/vhdl -aOvhdl ortho_gcc-main \
+ -bargs -E -cargs $(CFLAGS) $(GHDL_ADAFLAGS) \
+ -largs $(AGCC_OBJS) $(LIBS)
+# The driver for ghdl.
+ghdl$(exeext): force
+ $(MAKE_IN_VHDL) ../ghdl$(exeext)
+# Ghdl libraries.
+ghdllib: ghdl$(exeext) $(GCC_PASSES) force
+ $(MAKE_IN_VHDL) GRT_FLAGS="-O -g" ghdllib
+# Build hooks:
+ @echo "No support for building vhdl cross-compiler"
+ exit 1
+# Documentation hooks
+doc/ghdl.info: vhdl/ghdl.texi
+ -rm -f doc/ghdl.info*
+doc/ghdl.dvi: vhdl/ghdl.texi
+ $(TEXI2DVI) -o $@ $<
+vhdl.info: doc/ghdl.info
+vhdl.dvi: doc/ghdl.dvi
+# Install hooks:
+# ghdl1 is installed elsewhere as part of $(COMPILERS).
+# Install the driver program as ghdl.
+vhdl.install-common: ghdl$(exeext)
+ -mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
+ -$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ghdl$(exeext)
+ $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) ghdl$(exeext) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ghdl$(exeext)
+# Install the library
+ $(MAKE_IN_VHDL) install-ghdllib
+install-info:: $(DESTDIR)$(infodir)/ghdl.info
+vhdl.install-info: ghdl.info
+ -rm -rf $(infodir)/ghdl.info*
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) ghdl.info* $(DESTDIR)$(infodir)
+ -chmod a-x $(DESTDIR)$(infodir)/ghdl.info*
+ $(MAKE) -f vhdl/Makefile $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(VHDL_FLAGS_TO_PASS) install-ghdllib
+ -$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ghdl$(exeext)
+# Clean hooks:
+# A lot of the ancillary files are deleted by the main makefile.
+# We just have to delete files specific to us.
+ -$(RM) vhdl/*$(objext) vhdl/*.ali vhdl/b_*.c
+vhdl.clean: agcc-clean
+ -$(RM) vhdl/Makefile
+ -$(RM) ghdl$(exeext)
+ $(RM) $(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-trees.ads $(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-hwint.ads
+ $(RM) $(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-hwint.ads $(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-gconfig.ads
+ $(RM) $(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-real.ads $(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-machmode.ads
+ $(RM) $(agcc_srcdir)/agcc-tm.ads
+ $(RM) $(agcc_exedir)/gen_tree.o $(agcc_exedir)/gen_tree
+# Stage hooks:
+# The main makefile has already created stage?/vhdl
+ -$(MV) vhdl/*$(objext) vhdl/*.ali vhdl/b_*.c stage1/vhdl
+ -$(MV) vhdl/stamp-* stage1/vhdl
+ -$(MV) vhdl/*$(objext) vhdl/*.ali vhdl/b_*.c stage2/vhdl
+ -$(MV) vhdl/stamp-* stage2/vhdl
+ -$(MV) vhdl/*$(objext) vhdl/*.ali vhdl/b_*.c stage3/vhdl
+ -$(MV) vhdl/stamp-* stage3/vhdl
+ -$(MV) vhdl/*$(objext) vhdl/*.ali vhdl/b_*.c stage4/vhdl
+ -$(MV) vhdl/stamp-* stage4/vhdl
diff --git a/translate/gcc/Makefile.in b/translate/gcc/Makefile.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f459e6a09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/gcc/Makefile.in
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+# Makefile for GNU vhdl Compiler (GHDL).
+# Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+#This file is part of GNU CC.
+#GNU CC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+#any later version.
+#GNU CC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#GNU General Public License for more details.
+#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+#the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+#Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# The makefile built from this file lives in the language subdirectory.
+# It's purpose is to provide support for:
+# 1) recursion where necessary, and only then (building .o's), and
+# 2) building and debugging cc1 from the language subdirectory, and
+# 3) nothing else.
+# The parent makefile handles all other chores, with help from the
+# language makefile fragment, of course.
+# The targets for external use are:
+# all, TAGS, ???mostlyclean, ???clean.
+# This makefile will only work with Gnu make.
+# The rules are written assuming a minimum subset of tools are available:
+# Required:
+# MAKE: Only Gnu make will work.
+# MV: Must accept (at least) one, maybe wildcard, source argument,
+# a file or directory destination, and support creation/
+# modification date preservation. Gnu mv -f works.
+# RM: Must accept an arbitrary number of space separated file
+# arguments, or one wildcard argument. Gnu rm works.
+# RMDIR: Must delete a directory and all its contents. Gnu rm -rf works.
+# ECHO: Must support command line redirection. Any Unix-like
+# shell will typically provide this, otherwise a custom version
+# is trivial to write.
+# LN: ln -s works, cp should work bu was not tested.
+# CP: GNU cp -p works.
+# AR: Gnu ar works.
+# MKDIR: Gnu mkdir works.
+# CHMOD: Gnu chmod works.
+# true: Does nothing and returns a normal successful return code.
+# pwd: Prints the current directory on stdout.
+# cd: Change directory.
+# Tell GNU make 3.79 not to run this directory in parallel.
+# Not all of the required dependencies are present.
+# Variables that exist for you to override.
+# See below for how to change them for certain systems.
+# Various ways of specifying flags for compilations:
+# CFLAGS is for the user to override to, e.g., do a bootstrap with -O2.
+# BOOT_CFLAGS is the value of CFLAGS to pass
+# to the stage2 and stage3 compilations
+# XCFLAGS is used for most compilations but not when using the GCC just built.
+CFLAGS = -g
+# These exists to be overridden by the x-* and t-* files, respectively.
+CC = cc
+ADAC = $(CC)
+ECHO = echo
+CHMOD = chmod
+CP = cp -p
+MV = mv -f
+RM = rm -f
+RMDIR = rm -rf
+MKDIR = mkdir -p
+LN = ln -s
+AR = ar
+# How to invoke ranlib.
+RANLIB = ranlib
+# Test to use to see whether ranlib exists on the system.
+RANLIB_TEST = [ -f /usr/bin/ranlib -o -f /bin/ranlib ]
+SHELL = /bin/sh
+INSTALL_DATA = install -m 644
+MAKEINFO = makeinfo
+TEXI2DVI = texi2dvi
+GNATBIND = gnatbind
+GNATMAKE = gnatmake
+GHDL_ADAFLAGS = -Wall -gnata
+objext = .o
+exeext =
+arext = .a
+soext = .so
+shext =
+# We don't use cross-make. Instead we use the tools from the build tree,
+# if they are available.
+# program_transform_name and objdir are set by configure.in.
+program_transform_name =
+objdir = .
+#version=`sed -e 's/.*\"\([^ \"]*\)[ \"].*/\1/' < $(srcdir)/version.c`
+#mainversion=`sed -e 's/.*\"\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*/\1/' < $(srcdir)/version.c`
+# Directory where sources are, from where we are.
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+VPATH = @srcdir@
+# Top build directory, relative to here.
+top_builddir = ..
+# End of variables for you to override.
+# Definition of `all' is here so that new rules inserted by sed
+# do not specify the default target.
+all: all.indirect
+# This tells GNU Make version 3 not to put all variables in the environment.
+# Now figure out from those variables how to compile and link.
+all.indirect: Makefile
+# This tells GNU make version 3 not to export all the variables
+# defined in this file into the environment.
+Makefile: $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(srcdir)/../configure
+ cd ..; $(SHELL) config.status
+drvdir/default_pathes.ads: drvdir Makefile
+ echo "-- DO NOT EDIT" > tmp-dpathes.ads
+ echo "-- This file is created by Makefile" >> tmp-dpathes.ads
+ echo "package Default_Pathes is" >> tmp-dpathes.ads
+ echo " Compiler_Gcc : constant String :=" >> tmp-dpathes.ads
+ echo " \"$(libexecsubdir)/ghdl1$(exeext)\";" >> tmp-dpathes.ads
+ echo " Compiler_Debug : constant String :=\"\";" >> tmp-dpathes.ads
+ echo " Compiler_Mcode : constant String :=\"\";" >> tmp-dpathes.ads
+ echo " Post_Processor : constant String :=\"\";" >> tmp-dpathes.ads
+ echo " Prefix : constant String :=">> tmp-dpathes.ads
+ echo " \"$(libsubdir)/vhdl/lib/\";" >> tmp-dpathes.ads
+ echo "end Default_Pathes;" >> tmp-dpathes.ads
+ $(srcdir)/../move-if-change tmp-dpathes.ads $@
+../ghdl$(exeext): drvdir drvdir/default_pathes.ads force
+ CURDIR=`pwd`; cd $(srcdir); SRCDIR=`pwd`; cd $$CURDIR/drvdir; \
+ $(GNATMAKE) -o ../$@ -aI$$SRCDIR/ghdldrv -aI$$SRCDIR -aO.. ghdl_gcc \
+ -bargs -E -cargs $(ADA_CFLAGS) $(GHDL_ADAFLAGS) -largs $(LIBS)
+ mkdir $@
+clean: grt-clean ghdllibs-clean force
+ $(RM) *.o *.ali
+ $(RM) default_pathes.ads
+# Additionnal rules
+ANALYZE=../ghdl -a --GHDL1=../ghdl1 --ieee=none
+$(LIB93_DIR) $(LIB87_DIR):
+ $(srcdir)/../../mkinstalldirs $@
+####libraries Makefile.inc
+std87_standard.o: $(GHDL1)
+ $(GHDL1) --std=87 -quiet -o std_standard.s --compile-standard
+ ../xgcc -c -o std_standard.o std_standard.s
+ $(MV) std_standard.o $@
+std93_standard.o: $(GHDL1)
+ $(GHDL1) --std=93 -quiet -o std_standard.s --compile-standard
+ ../xgcc -c -o std_standard.o std_standard.s
+ $(MV) std_standard.o $@
+ghdllib: std87_standard.o std93_standard.o libgrt.a
+ghdllibs-clean: force
+ $(RM) -rf $(LIB87_DIR) $(LIB93_DIR)
+PHONY: ghdllib ghdllibs-clean
+####grt Makefile.inc
+install-ghdllib: ghdllib grt.lst $(STD93_SRCS) $(STD87_SRCS) \
+# Install libgrt
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) libgrt.a $(DESTDIR)$(VHDL_LIB_DIR)/lib/libgrt.a
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) grt.lst $(DESTDIR)$(VHDL_LIB_DIR)/lib/grt.lst
+# Install VHDL sources.
+ $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(VHDL_LIB_DIR)/src/std
+ for i in $(STD93_SRCS) $(STD87_SRCS); do \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$i $(DESTDIR)$(VHDL_LIB_DIR)/src/std; \
+ done
+ $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(VHDL_LIB_DIR)/src/ieee
+ for i in $(IEEE93_SRCS) $(IEEE87_SRCS); do \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$i $(DESTDIR)$(VHDL_LIB_DIR)/src/ieee; \
+ done
+ $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(VHDL_LIB_DIR)/src/vital95
+ for i in $(VITAL95_SRCS); do \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$i $(DESTDIR)$(VHDL_LIB_DIR)/src/vital95; \
+ done
+ $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(VHDL_LIB_DIR)/src/vital2000
+ for i in $(VITAL2000_SRCS); do \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$i $(DESTDIR)$(VHDL_LIB_DIR)/src/vital2000; \
+ done
+ $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(VHDL_LIB_DIR)/src/synopsys
+ for i in $(SYNOPSYS_SRCS); do \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$i $(DESTDIR)$(VHDL_LIB_DIR)/src/synopsys; \
+ done
+ $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(VHDL_LIB_DIR)/src/mentor
+ for i in $(MENTOR93_SRCS); do \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$i $(DESTDIR)$(VHDL_LIB_DIR)/src/mentor; \
+ done
+# Create library dirs
+ $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(VHDL_LIB_DIR)/lib/v93
+ $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(VHDL_LIB_DIR)/lib/v87
+# Compile in place.
+ PDIR=`pwd` && cd $(DESTDIR)$(VHDL_LIB_DIR) && \
+ $(MAKE) -f $$PDIR/Makefile REL_DIR=../../.. \
+ LIBSRC_DIR="src" LIB93_DIR=lib/v93 LIB87_DIR=lib/v87 \
+ ANALYZE="$$PDIR/../ghdl -a --GHDL1=$$PDIR/../ghdl1 --ieee=none" \
+ std.v93 std.v87 ieee.v93 ieee.v87 synopsys.v93 synopsys.v87 mentor.v93
+# Copy std_standard (this is done after libraries, since they remove dirs).
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) std87_standard.o \
+ $(DESTDIR)$(VHDL_LIB_DIR)/lib/v87/std/std_standard.o
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) std93_standard.o \
+ $(DESTDIR)$(VHDL_LIB_DIR)/lib/v93/std/std_standard.o
diff --git a/translate/gcc/README b/translate/gcc/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a3df511af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/gcc/README
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+This is the README from the source distribution of GHDL.
+To get the binary distribution or more information, go to http://ghdl.free.fr
+GHDL is copyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold.
+See the GHDL manual for more details.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+Building GHDL from sources:
+* the sources of @GCCVERSION@ (at least the core part).
+ Note: other versions of gcc sources have not been tested.
+* the Ada95 GNAT compiler (only GNAT v3.15p is known to work).
+* GNU/Linux for ix86 (pc systems) (porting is necessary for other systems)
+* untar the gcc tarball
+* untar the ghdl tarball (this sould have been done, since you are reading a
+ file from it).
+* move or copy the vhdl directory of ghdl into the gcc subdirectory of
+ the gcc distribution.
+ You should have a @GCCVERSION@/gcc/vhdl directory.
+* configure gcc with the --enable-languages=vhdl option. You may of course
+ add other languages.
+ Refer to the gcc installation documentation.
+* compile gcc.
+ 'make CFLAGS="-O"' is OK (gcc 2.8.1 bugs with -O2 on some files).
+* install gcc. This installs the ghdl driver too.
+ 'make install' is OK.
+Send bugs and comments to ghdl@free.fr.
+If you cannot compile, please report the gcc version, GNAT version and gcc
+source version.
+Tristan Gingold.
diff --git a/translate/gcc/config-lang.in b/translate/gcc/config-lang.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..393d2277f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/gcc/config-lang.in
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Top level configure fragment for GNU vhdl (GHDL).
+# Copyright (C) 1994-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+#This file is part of GNU CC.
+#GNU CC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+#any later version.
+#GNU CC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#GNU General Public License for more details.
+#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+#the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+#Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# Configure looks for the existence of this file to auto-config each language.
+# We define several parameters used by configure:
+# language - name of language as it would appear in $(LANGUAGES)
+# boot_language - "yes" if we need to build this language in stage1
+# compilers - value to add to $(COMPILERS)
+# stagestuff - files to add to $(STAGESTUFF)
+stagestuff="ghdl\$(exeext) ghdl1\$(exeext)"
diff --git a/translate/gcc/dist.sh b/translate/gcc/dist.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a946e4602
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/gcc/dist.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
+# Script used to create tar balls.
+# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307, USA.
+# Building a distribution:
+# * update the 'version' variable in ../../Makefile
+# * Regenerate version.ads: make -f ../../Makefile version.ads
+# * Check NEWS, README and INSTALL files.
+# * Check version and copyright years in doc/ghdl.texi, ghdlmain.adb
+# * Check GCCVERSION below.
+# * Check lists of exported files in this file.
+# * Create source tar and build binaries: ./dist.sh dist_phase1
+# * su root
+# * Build binary tar: ./dist.sh dist_phase2
+# * Run the testsuites: GHDL=ghdl ./testsuite.sh
+# * Update website/index.html (./dist.sh website helps, rename .new)
+# * upload (./dist upload)
+# * CVS commit, tag + cd image.
+# * remove previous version in /usr/local
+## DO NOT MODIFY this file while it is running...
+set -e
+VERSION=`sed -n -e 's/.*GHDL \([0-9.]*\) (.*/\1/p' ../../version.ads`
+do_clean ()
+ rm -rf $VHDLDIR
+ mkdir $VHDLDIR
+ mkdir $VHDLDIR/ghdldrv
+ mkdir $VHDLDIR/libraries
+ mkdir $VHDLDIR/libraries/std $VHDLDIR/libraries/ieee
+ mkdir $VHDLDIR/libraries/vital95 $VHDLDIR/libraries/vital2000
+ mkdir $VHDLDIR/libraries/synopsys $VHDLDIR/libraries/mentor
+ mkdir $VHDLDIR/grt
+ mkdir $VHDLDIR/grt/config
+# Build Makefile
+do_Makefile ()
+ sed -e "/^####libraries Makefile.inc/r ../../libraries/Makefile.inc" \
+ -e "/^####grt Makefile.inc/r ../grt/Makefile.inc" \
+ < Makefile.in > $VHDLDIR/Makefile.in
+ sed -e "/^####agcc Makefile.inc/r ../../ortho/agcc/Makefile.inc" \
+ < Make-lang.in > $VHDLDIR/Make-lang.in
+# Copy (or link) sources files into $VHDLDIR
+do_files ()
+# Local files
+lfiles="config-lang.in lang-options.h lang-specs.h"
+for i in $lfiles; do ln -sf $CWD/$i $VHDLDIR/$i; done
+# ghdl core files
+for i in $cfiles; do ln -sf $CWD/../../$i $VHDLDIR/$i; done
+ln -sf $CWD/../../doc/ghdl.texi $VHDLDIR/ghdl.texi
+# translation file
+for i in $tfiles; do ln -sf $CWD/../$i $VHDLDIR/$i; done
+for i in $ortho_files; do ln -sf $CWD/../../ortho/$i $VHDLDIR/$i; done
+for i in $ortho_gcc_files; do
+ ln -sf $CWD/../../ortho/gcc/$i $VHDLDIR/$i
+for i in $agcc_files; do
+ ln -sf $CWD/../../ortho/agcc/$i $VHDLDIR/$i
+for i in $ghdl_files; do
+ ln -sf $CWD/../ghdldrv/$i $VHDLDIR/ghdldrv/$i
+for i in $libraries_files; do
+ echo "adding $i"
+ ln -sf $CWD/../../libraries/$i $VHDLDIR/libraries/$i
+for i in $grt_files; do
+ echo "adding $i"
+ ln -sf $CWD/../grt/$i $VHDLDIR/grt/$i
+for i in $grt_config_files; do
+ echo "adding $i"
+ ln -sf $CWD/../grt/config/$i $VHDLDIR/grt/config/$i
+# Create the tar of sources.
+do_sources ()
+ \rm -rf $distdir
+ mkdir $distdir
+ VHDLDIR=$distdir/vhdl
+ do_clean $VHDLDIR
+ do_Makefile
+ do_files
+ ln -sf ../../../COPYING $distdir
+ sed -e "s/@GCCVERSION@/gcc-$GCCVERSION/g" < README > $distdir/README
+ tar cvhf $tarfile $distdir
+ bzip2 -f $tarfile
+ rm -rf $distdir
+# Put GHDL sources in GCC.
+do_update_gcc_sources ()
+ set -x
+ cd $GCCDIST/..
+ tar jxvf $CWD/$tarfile.bz2
+ rm -rf $GCCDIST/gcc/vhdl
+ mv $distdir/vhdl $GCCDIST/gcc
+# Extract the source, configure and make.
+do_compile ()
+ set -x
+ do_update_gcc_sources;
+ rm -rf $GCCDISTOBJ
+ ../gcc-$GCCVERSION/configure --enable-languages=vhdl --prefix=$PREFIX
+ make CFLAGS="-O -g"
+ make -C gcc vhdl.info
+ cd $CWD
+check_root ()
+ if [ $UID -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "$0: you must be root";
+ exit 1;
+ fi
+# Do a make install
+do_compile2 ()
+# check_root;
+ PATH=/usr/gnat/bin:$PATH
+ set -x
+ # Check the info file is not empty.
+ if [ -s gcc/doc/ghdl.info ]; then
+ echo "info file found"
+ else
+ echo "Error: ghdl.info not found".
+ exit 1;
+ fi
+ mkdir -p $DESTDIR/usr/local || true
+ make DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install
+ cd $CWD
+ if [ -d $UNSTRIPDIR ]; then
+ rm -rf $UNSTRIPDIR
+ fi
+ chmod -w $UNSTRIPDIR/*
+ strip ${DESTDIR}${GCCLIBEXECDIR}/ghdl1 ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/ghdl
+# Create the tar file from the current installation.
+do_tar_install ()
+ tar -C $DESTDIR -jcvf $TARINSTALL \
+ ./$PREFIX/bin/ghdl ./$PREFIX/info/ghdl.info \
+ ./$GCCLIBDIR/vhdl \
+do_extract_tar_install ()
+ check_root;
+ cd /
+ tar jxvf $TARINSTALL
+ cd $CWD
+# Create the tar file to be distributed.
+do_tar_dist ()
+ rm -rf $bindirname
+ mkdir $bindirname
+ sed -e "s/@TARFILE@/$dir.tar/" < INSTALL > $bindirname/INSTALL
+ ln COPYING $bindirname
+ ln $TARINSTALL $bindirname
+ tar cvf $bindirname.tar $bindirname
+# Remove the non-ghdl files of gcc in the current installation.
+do_distclean_gcc ()
+ set -x
+ rm -f ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/cpp ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/gcc
+ rm -f ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/gccbug ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/gcov
+ rm -f ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc*
+ rm -f ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/info/cpp.info*
+ rm -f ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/info/cppinternals.info*
+ rm -f ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/info/gcc.info*
+ rm -f ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/info/gccinstall.info*
+ rm -f ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/info/gccint.info*
+ rm -f ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/*.a ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/*.so*
+ rm -rf ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share
+ rm -rf ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/man
+ rm -rf ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/include
+ rm -f ${DESTDIR}${GCCLIBDIR}/specs
+ rm -rf ${DESTDIR}${GCCLIBDIR}/include
+ rm -rf ${DESTDIR}${GCCLIBDIR}/install-tools
+ rm -rf ${DESTDIR}${GCCLIBEXECDIR}/install-tools
+# Remove ghdl files in the current installation.
+do_distclean_ghdl ()
+ check_root;
+ set -x
+ rm -f $PREFIX/bin/ghdl
+ rm -f $PREFIX/info/ghdl.info*
+ rm -f $GCCLIBEXECDIR/ghdl1
+ rm -rf $GCCLIBDIR/vhdl
+# Build the source tar, and build the binaries.
+do_dist_phase1 ()
+ do_sources;
+ do_compile;
+ do_compile2;
+ do_distclean_gcc;
+ do_tar_install;
+ do_tar_dist;
+ rm -rf ./$PREFIX
+# Install the binaries and create the binary tar.
+do_dist_phase2 ()
+ check_root;
+ do_distclean_ghdl;
+ do_extract_tar_install;
+ echo "dist_phase2 success"
+# Update the index.html
+# Update the doc
+do_website ()
+ sed -e "
+/SRC-HREF/ s/href=\".*\"/href=\"$tarfile.bz2\"/
+/BIN-HREF/ s/href=\".*\"/href=\"$bindirname.tar\"/
+/HISTORY/ a \\
+ <tr>\\
+ <td>$VERSION</td>\\
+ <td>`date +'%b %e %Y'`</td>\\
+ <td>$GCCVERSION</td>\\
+ <td><a href=\"$tarfile.bz2\">$tarfile.bz2</a></td>\\
+ <td><a href=\"$bindirname.tar\">\\
+ $bindirname.tar</a></td>\\
+ </tr>
+ dir=../../website/ghdl
+ echo "Updating $dir"
+ rm -rf $dir
+ makeinfo --html -o $dir ../../doc/ghdl.texi
+# Do ftp commands to upload
+do_upload ()
+if tty -s; then
+ echo -n "Please, enter password: "
+ stty -echo
+ read pass
+ stty echo
+ echo
+ echo "$0: upload must be done from a tty"
+ exit 1;
+ftp -n <<EOF
+open ftpperso.free.fr
+user ghdl $pass
+put $tarfile.bz2
+put $bindirname.tar
+lcd ../../website
+put NEWS
+put index.html
+put download.html
+put features.html
+put roadmap.html
+put manual.html
+put more.html
+put links.html
+put bug.html
+put waveform.html
+put gtkwave-patch.tgz
+put favicon.ico
+lcd ghdl
+cd ghdl
+mput \*
+if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+ do_Makefile;
+ for i ; do
+ case $i in
+ Makefile|makefile)
+ do_Makefile ;;
+ files)
+ do_files ;;
+ sources)
+ do_sources ;;
+ compile)
+ do_compile;;
+ update_gcc)
+ do_update_gcc_sources;;
+ compile2)
+ do_compile2;;
+ tar_install)
+ do_tar_install;;
+ tar_dist)
+ do_tar_dist;;
+ -v | --version | version)
+ echo $VERSION
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ website)
+ do_website;;
+ upload)
+ do_upload;;
+ distclean_gcc)
+ do_distclean_gcc;;
+ distclean_ghdl)
+ do_distclean_ghdl;;
+ dist_phase1)
+ do_dist_phase1;;
+ dist_phase2)
+ do_dist_phase2;;
+ *)
+ echo "usage: $0 clean|Makefile|files|all"
+ exit 1 ;;
+ esac
+ done
diff --git a/translate/gcc/lang-options.h b/translate/gcc/lang-options.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c92b12132
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/gcc/lang-options.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+/* Definitions for switches for vhdl.
+ Copyright (C) 2002
+ Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GNU CC.
+GNU CC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GNU CC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
+/* This is the contribution to the `lang_options' array in gcc.c for ghdl. */
+ {"--ghdl-", "Specify options to GHDL"},
diff --git a/translate/gcc/lang-specs.h b/translate/gcc/lang-specs.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8e79a2a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/gcc/lang-specs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/* Definitions for specs for vhdl.
+ Copyright (C) 2002
+ Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GNU CC.
+GNU CC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GNU CC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
+/* This is the contribution to the `default_compilers' array in gcc.c for
+ GHDL. */
+ {".vhd", "@vhdl", 0},
+ {".vhdl", "@vhdl", 0},
+ {"@vhdl",
+ "ghdl1 %i %(cc1_options) %{!fsyntax-only:%(invoke_as)}", 0},
diff --git a/translate/ghdldrv/Makefile b/translate/ghdldrv/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dc1b07df6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/ghdldrv/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# -*- Makefile -*- for the GHDL drivers.
+# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307, USA.
+GNATFLAGS=-gnaty3befhkmr -gnata -gnatwu -gnatwl -aI../.. -aI.. -aI../grt -aO.. -g -gnatf
+# Optimize, do not forget to use MODE=--genfast for iirs.adb.
+#GNATFLAGS+=-O -gnatn
+# Profiling.
+#GNATFLAGS+=-pg -gnatn -O
+#GRT_FLAGS+=-pg -O
+GNAT_BARGS=-bargs -E
+#GNAT_LARGS= -static
+all: ghdl_mcode
+include $(GRTSRCDIR)/Makefile.inc
+ghdl_mcode: default_pathes.ads $(GRT_ADD_OBJS) mmap_binding.o force
+ gnatmake -aI../../ortho/mcode $(GNATFLAGS) ghdl_mcode $(GNAT_BARGS) -largs mmap_binding.o $(GNAT_LARGS) $(GRT_ADD_OBJS) $(GRT_EXTRA_LIB)
+mmap_binding.o: ../../ortho/mcode/mmap_binding.c
+ $(CC) -c -g -o $@ $<
+ghdl_gcc: default_pathes.ads force
+ gnatmake $(GNATFLAGS) ghdl_gcc $(GNAT_BARGS) -largs $(GNAT_LARGS)
+ghdl_simul: default_pathes.ads force
+ gnatmake -aI../../simulate $(GNATFLAGS) ghdl_simul $(GNAT_BARGS) -largs $(GNAT_LARGS)
+default_pathes.ads: default_pathes.ads.in Makefile
+ curdir=`cd ..; pwd`; \
+ sed -e "s%@COMPILER_GCC@%$$curdir/ghdl1-gcc%" \
+ -e "s%@COMPILER_DEBUG@%$$curdir/ghdl1-debug%" \
+ -e "s%@COMPILER_MCODE@%$$curdir/ghdl1-mcode%" \
+ -e "s%@POST_PROCESSOR@%$$curdir/../ortho/oread/oread-gcc%" \
+ -e "s%@PREFIX@%$$curdir/lib/%" < $< > $@
+bootstrap.old: force
+ $(RM) ../../libraries/std-obj87.cf
+ $(MAKE) -C ../../libraries EXT=obj \
+ ANALYSE="$(PWD)/ghdl -a -g" std-obj87.cf
+ $(RM) ../../libraries/std-obj93.cf
+ $(MAKE) -C ../../libraries EXT=obj \
+ ANALYSE="$(PWD)/ghdl -a -g" std-obj93.cf
+ANALYZE:=../../../ghdldrv/ghdl -a $(LIB_CFLAGS)
+LN=ln -s
+ [ -d ../lib ] || mkdir ../lib
+ [ -d $(LIB87_DIR) ] || mkdir $(LIB87_DIR)
+ [ -d ../lib ] || mkdir ../lib
+ [ -d $(LIB93_DIR) ] || mkdir $(LIB93_DIR)
+include ../../libraries/Makefile.inc
+$(LIB87_DIR)/std/std_standard.o: $(GHDL1)
+ $(GHDL1) --std=87 -quiet $(LIB_CFLAGS) -o std_standard.s \
+ --compile-standard
+ $(CC) -c -o $@ std_standard.s
+ $(RM) std_standard.s
+$(LIB93_DIR)/std/std_standard.o: $(GHDL1)
+ $(GHDL1) --std=93 -quiet $(LIB_CFLAGS) -o std_standard.s \
+ --compile-standard
+ $(CC) -c -o $@ std_standard.s
+ $(RM) std_standard.s
+install.v93: std.v93 ieee.v93 synopsys.v93 mentor.v93
+install.v87: std.v87 ieee.v87 synopsys.v87
+install.standard: $(LIB93_DIR)/std/std_standard.o \
+ $(LIB87_DIR)/std/std_standard.o
+install.all: install.v87 install.v93 install.standard
+install.mcode: install.v87 install.v93
+clean: force
+ $(RM) -f *.o *.ali ghdl_gcc ghdl_mcode
+ $(RM) -f b~*.ad? *~ default_pathes.ads
+.PHONY: force clean
diff --git a/translate/ghdldrv/default_pathes.ads.in b/translate/ghdldrv/default_pathes.ads.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..38085957d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/ghdldrv/default_pathes.ads.in
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+-- GHDL driver pathes -*- ada -*-.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package Default_Pathes is
+ Compiler_Mcode : constant String :=
+ Compiler_Gcc : constant String :=
+ Compiler_Debug : constant String :=
+ Post_Processor : constant String :=
+ Prefix : constant String :=
+ "@PREFIX@";
+end Default_Pathes;
diff --git a/translate/ghdldrv/ghdl_gcc.adb b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdl_gcc.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5edb6bf38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdl_gcc.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+-- GHDL driver for gcc.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ghdlmain;
+with Ghdllocal;
+with Ghdldrv;
+with Ghdlprint;
+procedure Ghdl_Gcc is
+ -- Manual elaboration so that the order is known (because it is the order
+ -- used to display help).
+ Ghdlmain.Version_String := new String'("(Use the GCC back-end.)");
+ Ghdldrv.Register_Commands;
+ Ghdllocal.Register_Commands;
+ Ghdlprint.Register_Commands;
+ Ghdlmain.Register_Commands;
+ Ghdlmain.Main;
+end Ghdl_Gcc;
diff --git a/translate/ghdldrv/ghdl_mcode.adb b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdl_mcode.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3506856ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdl_mcode.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+-- GHDL driver for mcode/jit.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ghdlmain;
+with Ghdllocal;
+with Ghdlprint;
+with Ghdlrun;
+procedure Ghdl_Mcode is
+ -- Manual elaboration so that the order is known (because it is the order
+ -- used to display help).
+ Ghdlmain.Version_String := new String'("(Use the mcode code generator.)");
+ Ghdlrun.Register_Commands;
+ Ghdllocal.Register_Commands;
+ Ghdlprint.Register_Commands;
+ Ghdlmain.Register_Commands;
+ Ghdlmain.Main;
+end Ghdl_Mcode;
diff --git a/translate/ghdldrv/ghdl_simul.adb b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdl_simul.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..757feb223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdl_simul.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+-- GHDL driver for simulator.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ghdlmain;
+with Ghdllocal;
+with Ghdlprint;
+with Ghdlsimul;
+procedure Ghdl_Simul is
+ -- Manual elaboration so that the order is known (because it is the order
+ -- used to display help).
+ Ghdlsimul.Register_Commands;
+ Ghdllocal.Register_Commands;
+ Ghdlprint.Register_Commands;
+ Ghdlmain.Register_Commands;
+ Ghdlmain.Main;
+end Ghdl_Simul;
diff --git a/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlcomp.adb b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlcomp.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93e40bba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlcomp.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,745 @@
+-- GHDL driver - compile commands.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ghdlmain; use Ghdlmain;
+with Ghdllocal; use Ghdllocal;
+with Ada.Command_Line;
+with Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
+with Ada.Text_IO;
+with Types;
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+with Flags;
+with Back_End;
+with Sem;
+with Name_Table;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Libraries;
+with Std_Package;
+with Files_Map;
+with Version;
+package body Ghdlcomp is
+ Flag_Expect_Failure : Boolean := False;
+ -- Commands which use the mcode compiler.
+ type Command_Comp is abstract new Command_Lib with null record;
+ procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Comp;
+ Option : String;
+ Arg : String;
+ Res : out Option_Res);
+ procedure Disp_Long_Help (Cmd : Command_Comp);
+ procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Comp;
+ Option : String;
+ Arg : String;
+ Res : out Option_Res)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Option = "--expect-failure" then
+ Flag_Expect_Failure := True;
+ Res := Option_Ok;
+ elsif Hooks.Decode_Option.all (Option) then
+ Res := Option_Ok;
+ else
+ Decode_Option (Command_Lib (Cmd), Option, Arg, Res);
+ end if;
+ end Decode_Option;
+ procedure Disp_Long_Help (Cmd : Command_Comp)
+ is
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ begin
+ Disp_Long_Help (Command_Lib (Cmd));
+ Hooks.Disp_Long_Help.all;
+ Put_Line (" --expect-failure Expect analysis/elaboration failure");
+ end Disp_Long_Help;
+ -- Command -r
+ type Command_Run is new Command_Comp with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Run; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Run) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Run;
+ Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Run; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "-r" or Name = "--elab-run";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Run) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "-r,--elab-run [OPTS] UNIT [ARCH] [RUNOPTS] Run UNIT";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Run;
+ Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ Opt_Arg : Natural;
+ begin
+ begin
+ Hooks.Compile_Init.all (False);
+ Libraries.Load_Work_Library (False);
+ Flags.Flag_Elaborate_With_Outdated := False;
+ Flags.Flag_Only_Elab_Warnings := True;
+ Hooks.Compile_Elab.all ("-r", Args, Opt_Arg);
+ exception
+ when Compilation_Error =>
+ if Flag_Expect_Failure then
+ return;
+ else
+ raise;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ Hooks.Set_Run_Options (Args (Opt_Arg .. Args'Last));
+ Hooks.Run.all;
+ exception
+ when Errorout.Option_Error =>
+ raise;
+ end Perform_Action;
+ -- Command -c xx -r
+ type Command_Compile is new Command_Comp with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Compile; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Compile) return String;
+ procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Compile;
+ Option : String;
+ Arg : String;
+ Res : out Option_Res);
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Compile;
+ Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Compile; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "-c";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Compile) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "-c [OPTS] FILEs -r UNIT [ARCH] [RUNOPTS] "
+ & "Compile, elaborate and run UNIT";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Compile;
+ Option : String;
+ Arg : String;
+ Res : out Option_Res)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Option = "-r" or else Option = "-e" then
+ Res := Option_End;
+ else
+ Decode_Option (Command_Comp (Cmd), Option, Arg, Res);
+ end if;
+ end Decode_Option;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Compile;
+ Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ Elab_Arg : Natural;
+ Run_Arg : Natural;
+ begin
+ begin
+ Hooks.Compile_Init.all (False);
+ Flags.Flag_Elaborate_With_Outdated := True;
+ Flags.Flag_Only_Elab_Warnings := False;
+ if Args'Length > 1 and then
+ (Args (Args'First).all = "-r" or else Args (Args'First).all = "-e")
+ then
+ -- If there is no files, then load the work library.
+ Libraries.Load_Work_Library (False);
+ -- Also, load all libraries and files, so that every design unit
+ -- is known.
+ Load_All_Libraries_And_Files;
+ Elab_Arg := Args'First + 1;
+ else
+ -- If there is at least one file, do not load the work library.
+ Libraries.Load_Work_Library (True);
+ Elab_Arg := Natural'Last;
+ for I in Args'Range loop
+ declare
+ Arg : String := Args (I).all;
+ Res : Iir_Design_File;
+ Design : Iir;
+ Next_Design : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Arg = "-r" or else Arg = "-e" then
+ Elab_Arg := I + 1;
+ exit;
+ else
+ Res := Libraries.Load_File
+ (Name_Table.Get_Identifier (Arg));
+ if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Put units into library.
+ Design := Get_First_Design_Unit (Res);
+ while not Is_Null (Design) loop
+ Next_Design := Get_Chain (Design);
+ Set_Chain (Design, Null_Iir);
+ Libraries.Add_Design_Unit_Into_Library (Design);
+ Design := Next_Design;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ if Elab_Arg = Natural'Last then
+ Libraries.Save_Work_Library;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Hooks.Compile_Elab.all ("-c", Args (Elab_Arg .. Args'Last), Run_Arg);
+ exception
+ when Compilation_Error =>
+ if Flag_Expect_Failure then
+ return;
+ else
+ raise;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ if Args (Elab_Arg - 1).all = "-r" then
+ Hooks.Set_Run_Options (Args (Run_Arg .. Args'Last));
+ Hooks.Run.all;
+ else
+ if Run_Arg <= Args'Last then
+ Error_Msg_Option ("options after unit are ignored");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ exception
+ when Errorout.Option_Error =>
+ raise;
+ end Perform_Action;
+ -- Command -a
+ type Command_Analyze is new Command_Lib with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Analyze; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Analyze) return String;
+ procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Analyze;
+ Option : String;
+ Arg : String;
+ Res : out Option_Res);
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Analyze;
+ Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Analyze; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "-a";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Analyze) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "-a [OPTS] FILEs Analyze FILEs";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Analyze;
+ Option : String;
+ Arg : String;
+ Res : out Option_Res)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Option = "--expect-failure" then
+ Flag_Expect_Failure := True;
+ Res := Option_Ok;
+ else
+ Decode_Option (Command_Lib (Cmd), Option, Arg, Res);
+ end if;
+ end Decode_Option;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Analyze;
+ Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ use Types;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ Design_File : Iir_Design_File;
+ New_Design_File : Iir_Design_File;
+ Unit : Iir;
+ Next_Unit : Iir;
+ begin
+ Setup_Libraries (True);
+ Hooks.Compile_Init.all (True);
+ -- Parse all files.
+ for I in Args'Range loop
+ Id := Name_Table.Get_Identifier (Args (I).all);
+ Design_File := Libraries.Load_File (Id);
+ if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ if False then
+ -- Speed up analysis: remove all previous designs.
+ -- However, this is not in the LRM...
+ Libraries.Purge_Design_File (Design_File);
+ end if;
+ if Design_File /= Null_Iir then
+ Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (Design_File);
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ Back_End.Finish_Compilation (Unit, True);
+ Next_Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ if Errorout.Nbr_Errors = 0 then
+ Set_Chain (Unit, Null_Iir);
+ Libraries.Add_Design_Unit_Into_Library (Unit);
+ New_Design_File := Get_Design_File (Unit);
+ end if;
+ Unit := Next_Unit;
+ end loop;
+ if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Do late analysis checks.
+ Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (New_Design_File);
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ Sem.Sem_Analysis_Checks_List
+ (Unit, Flags.Warn_Delayed_Checks);
+ Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Flag_Expect_Failure then
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ Libraries.Save_Work_Library;
+ exception
+ when Compilation_Error =>
+ if Flag_Expect_Failure and Errorout.Nbr_Errors /= 0 then
+ return;
+ else
+ raise;
+ end if;
+ when Errorout.Option_Error =>
+ raise;
+ end Perform_Action;
+ -- Command -e
+ type Command_Elab is new Command_Lib with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Elab; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Elab) return String;
+ procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Elab;
+ Option : String;
+ Arg : String;
+ Res : out Option_Res);
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Elab;
+ Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Elab; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "-e";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Elab) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "-e [OPTS] UNIT [ARCH] Elaborate UNIT";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Elab;
+ Option : String;
+ Arg : String;
+ Res : out Option_Res)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Option = "--expect-failure" then
+ Flag_Expect_Failure := True;
+ Res := Option_Ok;
+ elsif Option = "-o" then
+ if Arg'Length = 0 then
+ Res := Option_Arg_Req;
+ else
+ -- Silently accepted.
+ Res := Option_Arg;
+ end if;
+ --elsif Option'Length >= 4 and then Option (1 .. 4) = "-Wl," then
+ -- Res := Option_Ok;
+ else
+ Decode_Option (Command_Lib (Cmd), Option, Arg, Res);
+ end if;
+ end Decode_Option;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Elab;
+ Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ Run_Arg : Natural;
+ begin
+ Hooks.Compile_Init.all (False);
+ Libraries.Load_Work_Library (False);
+ Flags.Flag_Elaborate_With_Outdated := False;
+ Flags.Flag_Only_Elab_Warnings := True;
+ Hooks.Compile_Elab.all ("-e", Args, Run_Arg);
+ if Run_Arg <= Args'Last then
+ Error_Msg_Option ("options after unit are ignored");
+ end if;
+ if Flag_Expect_Failure then
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ exception
+ when Compilation_Error =>
+ if Flag_Expect_Failure and then Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
+ return;
+ else
+ raise;
+ end if;
+ when Errorout.Option_Error =>
+ raise;
+ end Perform_Action;
+ -- Command dispconfig.
+ type Command_Dispconfig is new Command_Lib with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Dispconfig; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Dispconfig) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Dispconfig;
+ Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Dispconfig; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "--dispconfig";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Dispconfig) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "--dispconfig Disp tools path";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Dispconfig;
+ Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ use Libraries;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ if Args'Length /= 0 then
+ Error ("--dispconfig does not accept any argument");
+ raise Errorout.Option_Error;
+ end if;
+ Setup_Libraries (False);
+ Put ("library directory: ");
+ Put_Line (Prefix_Path.all);
+ Put_Line ("default library pathes:");
+ for I in 2 .. Get_Nbr_Pathes loop
+ Put (' ');
+ Put_Line (Name_Table.Image (Get_Path (I)));
+ end loop;
+ end Perform_Action;
+ -- Command Make.
+ type Command_Make is new Command_Lib with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Make; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Make) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Make;
+ Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Make; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "-m";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Make) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "-m [OPTS] UNIT [ARCH] Make UNIT";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Make; Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ use Types;
+ Files_List : Iir_List;
+ File : Iir_Design_File;
+ Next_Arg : Natural;
+ Date : Date_Type;
+ Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ begin
+ Extract_Elab_Unit ("-m", Args, Next_Arg);
+ Setup_Libraries (True);
+ -- Create list of files.
+ Files_List := Build_Dependence (Prim_Name, Sec_Name);
+ Date := Get_Date (Libraries.Work_Library);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ File := Get_Nth_Element (Files_List, I);
+ exit when File = Null_Iir;
+ if Get_Library (File) = Libraries.Work_Library then
+ -- Mark this file as analyzed.
+ Set_Analysis_Time_Stamp (File, Files_Map.Get_Os_Time_Stamp);
+ Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (File);
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Get_Date (Unit) = Date_Analyzed
+ or else Get_Date (Unit) in Date_Valid
+ then
+ Date := Date + 1;
+ Set_Date (Unit, Date);
+ end if;
+ Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Set_Date (Libraries.Work_Library, Date);
+ Libraries.Save_Work_Library;
+ end Perform_Action;
+ -- Command Gen_Makefile.
+ type Command_Gen_Makefile is new Command_Lib with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Gen_Makefile; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Gen_Makefile) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Gen_Makefile;
+ Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Gen_Makefile; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "--gen-makefile";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Gen_Makefile) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "--gen-makefile [OPTS] UNIT [ARCH] Generate a Makefile for UNIT";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ function Is_Makeable_File (File : Iir_Design_File) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ if File = Std_Package.Std_Standard_File then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end Is_Makeable_File;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Gen_Makefile;
+ Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ use Types;
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ use Ada.Command_Line;
+ use Name_Table;
+ HT : constant Character := Ada.Characters.Latin_1.HT;
+ Files_List : Iir_List;
+ File : Iir_Design_File;
+ Lib : Iir_Library_Declaration;
+ Dir_Id : Name_Id;
+ Next_Arg : Natural;
+ begin
+ Extract_Elab_Unit ("--gen-makefile", Args, Next_Arg);
+ Setup_Libraries (True);
+ Files_List := Build_Dependence (Prim_Name, Sec_Name);
+ Put_Line ("# Makefile automatically generated by ghdl");
+ Put ("# Version: ");
+ Put (Version.Ghdl_Version);
+ Put (" - ");
+ if Version_String /= null then
+ Put (Version_String.all);
+ end if;
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line ("# Command used to generate this makefile:");
+ Put ("# ");
+ Put (Command_Name);
+ for I in 1 .. Argument_Count loop
+ Put (' ');
+ Put (Argument (I));
+ end loop;
+ New_Line;
+ New_Line;
+ Put ("GHDL=");
+ Put_Line (Command_Name);
+ -- Extract options for command line.
+ Put ("GHDLFLAGS=");
+ for I in 2 .. Argument_Count loop
+ declare
+ Arg : String := Argument (I);
+ begin
+ if Arg (1) = '-' then
+ if (Arg'Length > 10 and then Arg (1 .. 10) = "--workdir=")
+ or else (Arg'Length > 7 and then Arg (1 .. 7) = "--ieee=")
+ or else (Arg'Length > 6 and then Arg (1 .. 6) = "--std=")
+ or else (Arg'Length > 7 and then Arg (1 .. 7) = "--work=")
+ or else (Arg'Length > 2 and then Arg (1 .. 2) = "-P")
+ then
+ Put (" ");
+ Put (Arg);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ New_Line;
+ for I in Next_Arg .. Args'Last loop
+ Put (' ');
+ Put (Args (I).all);
+ end loop;
+ New_Line;
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line ("# Default target : elaborate");
+ Put_Line ("all : elab");
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line ("# Elaborate target. Almost useless");
+ Put_Line ("elab : force");
+ Put (HT & "$(GHDL) -c $(GHDLFLAGS) -e ");
+ Put (Prim_Name.all);
+ if Sec_Name /= null then
+ Put (' ');
+ Put (Sec_Name.all);
+ end if;
+ New_Line;
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line ("# Run target");
+ Put_Line ("run : force");
+ Put (HT & "$(GHDL) -c $(GHDLFLAGS) -r ");
+ Put (Prim_Name.all);
+ if Sec_Name /= null then
+ Put (' ');
+ Put (Sec_Name.all);
+ end if;
+ Put (" $(GHDLRUNFLAGS)");
+ New_Line;
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line ("# Targets to analyze libraries");
+ Put_Line ("init: force");
+ for I in Natural loop
+ File := Get_Nth_Element (Files_List, I);
+ exit when File = Null_Iir;
+ Dir_Id := Get_Design_File_Directory (File);
+ if not Is_Makeable_File (File) then
+ -- Builtin file.
+ null;
+ elsif Dir_Id /= Files_Map.Get_Home_Directory then
+ -- Not locally built file.
+ Put (HT & "# ");
+ Put (Image (Dir_Id));
+ Put (Image (Get_Design_File_Filename (File)));
+ New_Line;
+ else
+ Put (HT & "$(GHDL) -a $(GHDLFLAGS)");
+ Lib := Get_Library (File);
+ if Lib /= Libraries.Work_Library then
+ -- Overwrite some options.
+ Put (" --work=");
+ Put (Image (Get_Identifier (Lib)));
+ Dir_Id := Get_Library_Directory (Lib);
+ Put (" --workdir=");
+ if Dir_Id = Libraries.Local_Directory then
+ Put (".");
+ else
+ Put (Image (Dir_Id));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Put (' ');
+ Put (Image (Get_Design_File_Filename (File)));
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line ("force:");
+ end Perform_Action;
+ procedure Register_Commands is
+ begin
+ Register_Command (new Command_Analyze);
+ Register_Command (new Command_Elab);
+ Register_Command (new Command_Run);
+ Register_Command (new Command_Compile);
+ Register_Command (new Command_Make);
+ Register_Command (new Command_Gen_Makefile);
+ Register_Command (new Command_Dispconfig);
+ end Register_Commands;
+end Ghdlcomp;
diff --git a/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlcomp.ads b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlcomp.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f803ca4fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlcomp.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+-- GHDL driver - compile commands.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
+package Ghdlcomp is
+ -- This procedure is called at start of commands which call
+ -- finish_compilation to generate code.
+ type Compile_Init_Acc is access procedure (Analyze_Only : Boolean);
+ -- This procedure is called for elaboration.
+ -- CMD_NAME is the name of the command, used to report errors.
+ -- ARGS is the argument list, starting from the unit name to be elaborated.
+ -- The procedure should extract the unit.
+ -- OPT_ARG is the index of the first argument from ARGS to be used as
+ -- a run option.
+ type Compile_Elab_Acc is access procedure
+ (Cmd_Name : String; Args : Argument_List; Opt_Arg : out Natural);
+ -- Use ARGS as run options.
+ -- Should do all the work.
+ type Set_Run_Options_Acc is access
+ procedure (Args : Argument_List);
+ -- Run the simulation.
+ -- All the parameters were set through calling Compile_Elab and
+ -- Set_Run_Options.
+ type Run_Acc is access procedure;
+ -- Called when an analysis/elaboration option is decoded.
+ -- Return True if OPTION is known (and do the side effects).
+ -- No parameters are allowed.
+ type Decode_Option_Acc is access function (Option : String) return Boolean;
+ -- Disp help for options decoded by Decode_Option.
+ type Disp_Long_Help_Acc is access procedure;
+ -- All the hooks gathered.
+ -- A record is used to be sure all hooks are set.
+ type Hooks_Type is record
+ Compile_Init : Compile_Init_Acc := null;
+ Compile_Elab : Compile_Elab_Acc := null;
+ Set_Run_Options : Set_Run_Options_Acc := null;
+ Run : Run_Acc := null;
+ Decode_Option : Decode_Option_Acc := null;
+ Disp_Long_Help : Disp_Long_Help_Acc := null;
+ end record;
+ Hooks : Hooks_Type;
+ -- Register commands.
+ procedure Register_Commands;
+end Ghdlcomp;
diff --git a/translate/ghdldrv/ghdldrv.adb b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdldrv.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d863f6189
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdldrv.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1705 @@
+-- GHDL driver - commands invoking gcc.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
+with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
+with Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
+with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
+with GNAT.Table;
+with GNAT.Dynamic_Tables;
+with Libraries;
+with Name_Table; use Name_Table;
+with Std_Package;
+with Types; use Types;
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+with Files_Map;
+with Flags;
+with Configuration;
+--with Disp_Tree;
+with Default_Pathes;
+with Interfaces.C_Streams;
+with System;
+with Ghdlmain; use Ghdlmain;
+with Ghdllocal; use Ghdllocal;
+with Version;
+package body Ghdldrv is
+ -- Name of the tools used.
+ Compiler_Cmd : String_Access := null;
+ Post_Processor_Cmd : String_Access := null;
+ Assembler_Cmd : constant String := "as";
+ Linker_Cmd : constant String := "gcc";
+ -- Path of the tools.
+ Compiler_Path : String_Access;
+ Post_Processor_Path : String_Access;
+ Assembler_Path : String_Access;
+ Linker_Path : String_Access;
+ -- Set by the '-o' option: the output filename. If the option is not
+ -- present, then null.
+ Output_File : String_Access;
+ -- "-o" string.
+ Dash_O : String_Access;
+ -- "-S" string.
+ Dash_S : String_Access;
+ -- "-quiet" option.
+ Dash_Quiet : String_Access;
+ type Compile_Kind_Type is (Compile_Mcode, Compile_Gcc, Compile_Debug);
+ Compile_Kind : Compile_Kind_Type := Compile_Gcc;
+ -- If set, do not assmble
+ Flag_Asm : Boolean;
+ -- If true, executed commands are displayed.
+ Flag_Disp_Commands : Boolean;
+ -- Flag not quiet
+ Flag_Not_Quiet : Boolean;
+ -- True if failure expected.
+ Flag_Expect_Failure : Boolean;
+ -- Argument table for the tools.
+ -- Each table low bound is 1 so that the length of a table is equal to
+ -- the last bound.
+ package Argument_Table_Pkg is new GNAT.Dynamic_Tables
+ (Table_Component_Type => String_Access,
+ Table_Index_Type => Integer,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 1,
+ Table_Initial => 4,
+ Table_Increment => 100);
+ use Argument_Table_Pkg;
+ -- Arguments for tools.
+ Compiler_Args : Argument_Table_Pkg.Instance;
+ Postproc_Args : Argument_Table_Pkg.Instance;
+ Assembler_Args : Argument_Table_Pkg.Instance;
+ Linker_Args : Argument_Table_Pkg.Instance;
+ -- Display the program spawned in Flag_Disp_Commands is TRUE.
+ -- Raise COMPILE_ERROR in case of failure.
+ procedure My_Spawn (Program_Name : String; Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ Status : Integer;
+ begin
+ if Flag_Disp_Commands then
+ Put (Program_Name);
+ for I in Args'Range loop
+ Put (' ');
+ Put (Args (I).all);
+ end loop;
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ Status := Spawn (Program_Name, Args);
+ if Status = 0 then
+ return;
+ elsif Status = 1 then
+ Error ("compilation error");
+ raise Compile_Error;
+ else
+ Error ("exec error");
+ raise Exec_Error;
+ end if;
+ end My_Spawn;
+ -- Compile FILE with additional argument OPTS.
+ procedure Do_Compile (Options : Argument_List; File : String)
+ is
+ Obj_File : String_Access;
+ Asm_File : String_Access;
+ Post_File : String_Access;
+ Success : Boolean;
+ begin
+ -- Create post file.
+ case Compile_Kind is
+ when Compile_Debug =>
+ Post_File := Append_Suffix (File, Post_Suffix);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ -- Create asm file.
+ case Compile_Kind is
+ when Compile_Gcc
+ | Compile_Debug =>
+ Asm_File := Append_Suffix (File, Asm_Suffix);
+ when Compile_Mcode =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ -- Create obj file.
+ if Compile_Kind = Compile_Mcode or else not Flag_Asm
+ then
+ Obj_File := Append_Suffix (File, Get_Object_Suffix.all);
+ end if;
+ -- Compile.
+ declare
+ P : Natural;
+ Nbr_Args : Natural := Last (Compiler_Args) + Options'Length + 4;
+ Args : Argument_List (1 .. Nbr_Args);
+ begin
+ P := 0;
+ for I in First .. Last (Compiler_Args) loop
+ P := P + 1;
+ Args (P) := Compiler_Args.Table (I);
+ end loop;
+ for I in Options'Range loop
+ P := P + 1;
+ Args (P) := Options (I);
+ end loop;
+ -- Add -quiet.
+ if not Flag_Not_Quiet then
+ P := P + 1;
+ Args (P) := Dash_Quiet;
+ end if;
+ Args (P + 1) := Dash_O;
+ case Compile_Kind is
+ when Compile_Debug =>
+ Args (P + 2) := Post_File;
+ when Compile_Gcc =>
+ Args (P + 2) := Asm_File;
+ when Compile_Mcode =>
+ Args (P + 2) := Obj_File;
+ end case;
+ Args (P + 3) := new String'(File);
+ My_Spawn (Compiler_Path.all, Args (1 .. P + 3));
+ Free (Args (P + 3));
+ exception
+ when Compile_Error =>
+ -- Delete temporary file in case of error.
+ Delete_File (Args (P + 2).all, Success);
+ -- FIXME: delete object file too ?
+ raise;
+ end;
+ -- Post-process.
+ if Compile_Kind = Compile_Debug then
+ declare
+ P : Natural;
+ Nbr_Args : Natural := Last (Postproc_Args) + 4;
+ Args : Argument_List (1 .. Nbr_Args);
+ begin
+ P := 0;
+ for I in First .. Last (Postproc_Args) loop
+ P := P + 1;
+ Args (P) := Postproc_Args.Table (I);
+ end loop;
+ if not Flag_Not_Quiet then
+ P := P + 1;
+ Args (P) := Dash_Quiet;
+ end if;
+ Args (P + 1) := Dash_O;
+ Args (P + 2) := Asm_File;
+ Args (P + 3) := Post_File;
+ My_Spawn (Post_Processor_Path.all, Args (1 .. P + 3));
+ end;
+ Free (Post_File);
+ end if;
+ -- Assemble.
+ if Compile_Kind >= Compile_Gcc then
+ if Flag_Expect_Failure then
+ Delete_File (Asm_File.all, Success);
+ elsif not Flag_Asm then
+ declare
+ P : Natural;
+ Nbr_Args : Natural := Last (Assembler_Args) + 4;
+ Args : Argument_List (1 .. Nbr_Args);
+ Success : Boolean;
+ begin
+ P := 0;
+ for I in First .. Last (Assembler_Args) loop
+ P := P + 1;
+ Args (P) := Assembler_Args.Table (I);
+ end loop;
+ Args (P + 1) := Dash_O;
+ Args (P + 2) := Obj_File;
+ Args (P + 3) := Asm_File;
+ My_Spawn (Assembler_Path.all, Args (1 .. P + 3));
+ Delete_File (Asm_File.all, Success);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Free (Asm_File);
+ Free (Obj_File);
+ end Do_Compile;
+ package Filelist is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Component_Type => String_Access,
+ Table_Index_Type => Natural,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 1,
+ Table_Initial => 16,
+ Table_Increment => 100);
+ -- Read a list of files from file FILENAME.
+ -- Lines starting with a '#' are ignored (comments)
+ -- Lines starting with a '>' are directory lines
+ -- If first character of a line is a '@', it is replaced with
+ -- the prefix_path.
+ -- If TO_OBJ is true, then each file is converted to an object file name
+ -- (suffix is replaced by the object file extension).
+ procedure Add_File_List (Filename : String; To_Obj : Boolean)
+ is
+ use Interfaces.C_Streams;
+ use System;
+ use Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
+ Dir : String (1 .. max_path_len);
+ Dir_Len : Natural;
+ Line : String (1 .. max_path_len);
+ Stream : Interfaces.C_Streams.FILEs;
+ Mode : constant String := "rt" & Ghdllocal.Nul;
+ L : Natural;
+ File : String_Access;
+ begin
+ Line (1 .. Filename'Length) := Filename;
+ Line (Filename'Length + 1) := Ghdllocal.Nul;
+ Stream := fopen (Line'Address, Mode'Address);
+ if Stream = NULL_Stream then
+ Error ("cannot open " & Filename);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Dir_Len := 0;
+ loop
+ exit when fgets (Line'Address, Line'Length, Stream) = NULL_Stream;
+ if Line (1) /= '#' then
+ -- Compute string length.
+ L := 0;
+ while Line (L + 1) /= Ghdllocal.Nul loop
+ L := L + 1;
+ end loop;
+ -- Remove trailing NL.
+ while L > 0 and then (Line (L) = LF or Line (L) = CR) loop
+ L := L - 1;
+ end loop;
+ if Line (1) = '>' then
+ Dir_Len := L - 1;
+ Dir (1 .. Dir_Len) := Line (2 .. L);
+ else
+ if Line (1) = '@' then
+ File := new String'(Prefix_Path.all & Line (2 .. L));
+ else
+ if To_Obj then
+ File := new String'(Dir (1 .. Dir_Len)
+ & Get_Base_Name (Line (1 .. L))
+ & Get_Object_Suffix.all);
+ else
+ File := new String'(Line (1 .. L));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Filelist.Increment_Last;
+ Filelist.Table (Filelist.Last) := File;
+ Dir_Len := 0;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if fclose (Stream) /= 0 then
+ Error ("cannot close " & Filename);
+ end if;
+ end Add_File_List;
+ function Get_Object_Filename (File : Iir_Design_File) return String
+ is
+ Dir : Name_Id;
+ Name : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Dir := Get_Library_Directory (Get_Library (File));
+ Name := Get_Design_File_Filename (File);
+ return Image (Dir) & Get_Base_Name (Image (Name))
+ & Get_Object_Suffix.all;
+ end Get_Object_Filename;
+ Last_Stamp : Time_Stamp_Id;
+ Last_Stamp_File : Iir;
+ function Is_File_Outdated (Design_File : Iir_Design_File) return Boolean
+ is
+ use Files_Map;
+ Dir : Name_Id;
+ Name : Name_Id;
+ File : Source_File_Entry;
+ begin
+ -- Std.Standard is never outdated.
+ if Design_File = Std_Package.Std_Standard_File then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Dir := Get_Library_Directory (Get_Library (Design_File));
+ Name := Get_Design_File_Filename (Design_File);
+ declare
+ Obj_Pathname : String := Get_Object_Filename (Design_File) & Nul;
+ Stamp : Time_Stamp_Id;
+ begin
+ Stamp := Get_File_Time_Stamp (Obj_Pathname'Address);
+ -- If the object file does not exist, recompile the file.
+ if Stamp = Null_Time_Stamp then
+ if Flag_Verbose then
+ Put_Line ("no object file for " & Image (Name));
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ -- Keep the time stamp of the most recently analyzed unit.
+ if Last_Stamp = Null_Time_Stamp
+ or else Is_Gt (Stamp, Last_Stamp)
+ then
+ Last_Stamp := Stamp;
+ Last_Stamp_File := Design_File;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ -- 2) file has been modified.
+ File := Load_Source_File (Get_Design_File_Directory (Design_File),
+ Get_Design_File_Filename (Design_File));
+ if not Is_Eq (Get_File_Time_Stamp (File),
+ Get_File_Time_Stamp (Design_File))
+ then
+ if Flag_Verbose then
+ Put_Line ("file " & Image (Get_File_Name (File))
+ & " has been modified");
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ return False;
+ end Is_File_Outdated;
+ function Is_Unit_Outdated (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit) return Boolean
+ is
+ Design_File : Iir_Design_File;
+ begin
+ -- Std.Standard is never outdated.
+ if Unit = Std_Package.Std_Standard_Unit then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Design_File := Get_Design_File (Unit);
+ -- 1) not yet analyzed:
+ if Get_Date (Unit) not in Date_Valid then
+ if Flag_Verbose then
+ Disp_Library_Unit (Get_Library_Unit (Unit));
+ Put_Line (" was not analyzed");
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ -- 3) the object file does not exist.
+ -- Already checked.
+ -- 4) one of the dependence is newer
+ declare
+ Depends : Iir_List;
+ El : Iir;
+ Dep : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Stamp : Time_Stamp_Id;
+ Dep_File : Iir_Design_File;
+ begin
+ Depends := Get_Dependence_List (Unit);
+ Stamp := Get_Analysis_Time_Stamp (Design_File);
+ if Depends /= Null_Iir_List then
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (Depends, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Dep := Libraries.Find_Design_Unit (El);
+ if Dep = Null_Iir then
+ if Flag_Verbose then
+ Disp_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ Put (" depends on an unknown unit ");
+ Disp_Library_Unit (El);
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ Dep_File := Get_Design_File (Dep);
+ if Dep /= Std_Package.Std_Standard_Unit
+ and then Files_Map.Is_Gt (Get_Analysis_Time_Stamp (Dep_File),
+ Stamp)
+ then
+ if Flag_Verbose then
+ Disp_Library_Unit (Get_Library_Unit (Unit));
+ Put (" depends on: ");
+ Disp_Library_Unit (Get_Library_Unit (Dep));
+ Put (" (more recently analyzed)");
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ return False;
+ end Is_Unit_Outdated;
+ procedure Add_Argument (Inst : in out Instance; Arg : String_Access)
+ is
+ begin
+ Increment_Last (Inst);
+ Inst.Table (Last (Inst)) := Arg;
+ end Add_Argument;
+ -- Convert option "-Wx,OPTIONS" to arguments for tool X.
+ procedure Add_Arguments (Inst : in out Instance; Opt : String) is
+ begin
+ Add_Argument (Inst, new String'(Opt (Opt'First + 4 .. Opt'Last)));
+ end Add_Arguments;
+ procedure Tool_Not_Found (Name : String) is
+ begin
+ Error ("installation problem: " & Name & " not found");
+ raise Option_Error;
+ end Tool_Not_Found;
+ procedure Set_Tools_Name
+ is
+ begin
+ -- Set tools name.
+ if Compiler_Cmd = null then
+ case Compile_Kind is
+ when Compile_Debug =>
+ Compiler_Cmd := new String'(Default_Pathes.Compiler_Debug);
+ when Compile_Gcc =>
+ Compiler_Cmd := new String'(Default_Pathes.Compiler_Gcc);
+ when Compile_Mcode =>
+ Compiler_Cmd := new String'(Default_Pathes.Compiler_Mcode);
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ if Post_Processor_Cmd = null then
+ Post_Processor_Cmd := new String'(Default_Pathes.Post_Processor);
+ end if;
+ end Set_Tools_Name;
+ procedure Locate_Tools
+ is
+ begin
+ Compiler_Path := Locate_Exec_On_Path (Compiler_Cmd.all);
+ if Compiler_Path = null then
+ Tool_Not_Found (Compiler_Cmd.all);
+ end if;
+ if Compile_Kind >= Compile_Debug then
+ Post_Processor_Path := Locate_Exec_On_Path (Post_Processor_Cmd.all);
+ if Post_Processor_Path = null then
+ Tool_Not_Found (Post_Processor_Cmd.all);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Compile_Kind >= Compile_Gcc then
+ Assembler_Path := Locate_Exec_On_Path (Assembler_Cmd);
+ if Assembler_Path = null and not Flag_Asm then
+ Tool_Not_Found (Assembler_Cmd);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Linker_Path := Locate_Exec_On_Path (Linker_Cmd);
+ if Linker_Path = null then
+ Tool_Not_Found (Linker_Cmd);
+ end if;
+ Dash_O := new String'("-o");
+ Dash_S := new String'("-S");
+ Dash_Quiet := new String'("-quiet");
+ end Locate_Tools;
+ procedure Setup_Compiler (Load : Boolean)
+ is
+ use Libraries;
+ begin
+ Set_Tools_Name;
+ Locate_Tools;
+ Setup_Libraries (Load);
+ for I in 2 .. Get_Nbr_Pathes loop
+ Add_Argument (Compiler_Args,
+ new String'("-P" & Image (Get_Path (I))));
+ end loop;
+ end Setup_Compiler;
+ type Command_Comp is abstract new Command_Lib with null record;
+ -- Setup GHDL.
+ procedure Init (Cmd : in out Command_Comp);
+ -- Handle:
+ -- all ghdl flags.
+ -- some GCC flags.
+ procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Comp;
+ Option : String;
+ Arg : String;
+ Res : out Option_Res);
+ procedure Disp_Long_Help (Cmd : Command_Comp);
+ procedure Init (Cmd : in out Command_Comp)
+ is
+ begin
+ -- Init options.
+ Flag_Not_Quiet := False;
+ Flag_Disp_Commands := False;
+ Flag_Asm := False;
+ Compile_Kind := Compile_Gcc;
+ Flag_Expect_Failure := False;
+ Output_File := null;
+ -- Initialize argument tables.
+ Init (Compiler_Args);
+ Init (Postproc_Args);
+ Init (Assembler_Args);
+ Init (Linker_Args);
+ Init (Command_Lib (Cmd));
+ end Init;
+ procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Comp;
+ Option : String;
+ Arg : String;
+ Res : out Option_Res)
+ is
+ Str : String_Access;
+ begin
+ Res := Option_Bad;
+ if Option = "-v" and then Flag_Verbose = False then
+ -- Note: this is also decoded for command_lib, but we set
+ -- Flag_Disp_Commands too.
+ Flag_Verbose := True;
+ --Flags.Verbose := True;
+ Flag_Disp_Commands := True;
+ Res := Option_Ok;
+ elsif Option'Length > 8 and then Option (1 .. 8) = "--GHDL1=" then
+ Compiler_Cmd := new String'(Option (9 .. Option'Last));
+ Res := Option_Ok;
+ elsif Option = "-S" then
+ Flag_Asm := True;
+ Res := Option_Ok;
+ elsif Option = "--post" then
+ Compile_Kind := Compile_Debug;
+ Res := Option_Ok;
+ elsif Option = "--mcode" then
+ Compile_Kind := Compile_Mcode;
+ Res := Option_Ok;
+ elsif Option = "-o" then
+ if Arg'Length = 0 then
+ Res := Option_Arg_Req;
+ else
+ Output_File := new String'(Arg);
+ Res := Option_Arg;
+ end if;
+ elsif Option'Length > 4
+ and then Option (2) = 'W' and then Option (4) = ','
+ then
+ if Option (3) = 'c' then
+ Add_Arguments (Compiler_Args, Option);
+ elsif Option (3) = 'a' then
+ Add_Arguments (Assembler_Args, Option);
+ elsif Option (3) = 'p' then
+ Add_Arguments (Postproc_Args, Option);
+ elsif Option (3) = 'l' then
+ Add_Arguments (Linker_Args, Option);
+ else
+ Error
+ ("unknown tool name in '-W" & Option (3) & ",' option");
+ raise Option_Error;
+ end if;
+ Res := Option_Ok;
+ elsif Option'Length >= 2 and then Option (2) = 'g' then
+ -- Debugging option.
+ Str := new String'(Option);
+ Add_Argument (Compiler_Args, Str);
+ Add_Argument (Linker_Args, Str);
+ Res := Option_Ok;
+ elsif Option'Length >= 2
+ and then (Option (2) = 'O' or Option (2) = 'f')
+ then
+ -- Optimization option.
+ Add_Argument (Compiler_Args, new String'(Option));
+ Res := Option_Ok;
+ elsif Option = "-Q" then
+ Flag_Not_Quiet := True;
+ Res := Option_Ok;
+ elsif Option = "--expect-failure" then
+ Add_Argument (Compiler_Args, new String'(Option));
+ Flag_Expect_Failure := True;
+ Res := Option_Ok;
+ elsif Flags.Parse_Option (Option) then
+ Add_Argument (Compiler_Args, new String'(Option));
+ Res := Option_Ok;
+ else
+ Decode_Option (Command_Lib (Cmd), Option, Arg, Res);
+ end if;
+ end Decode_Option;
+ procedure Disp_Long_Help (Cmd : Command_Comp)
+ is
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ begin
+ Disp_Long_Help (Command_Lib (Cmd));
+ Put_Line (" -v Be verbose");
+ Put_Line (" --GHDL1=PATH Set the path of the ghdl1 compiler");
+ Put_Line (" -S Do not assemble");
+ Put_Line (" -o FILE Set the name of the output file");
+ Put_Line (" -WX,OPTION Pass OPTION to X, where X is one of");
+ Put_Line (" c: compiler, a: assembler, l: linker");
+ Put_Line (" -g[XX] Pass debugging option to the compiler");
+ Put_Line (" -O[XX]/-f[XX] Pass optimization option to the compiler");
+ Put_Line (" -Q Do not add -quiet option to compiler");
+ Put_Line (" --expect-failure Expect analysis/elaboration failure");
+ end Disp_Long_Help;
+ -- Command dispconfig.
+ type Command_Dispconfig is new Command_Comp with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Dispconfig; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Dispconfig) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Dispconfig;
+ Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Dispconfig; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "--dispconfig";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Dispconfig) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "--dispconfig Disp tools path";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Dispconfig;
+ Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ use Libraries;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ if Args'Length /= 0 then
+ Error ("--dispconfig does not accept any argument");
+ raise Option_Error;
+ end if;
+ Set_Tools_Name;
+ Put ("compiler command: ");
+ Put_Line (Compiler_Cmd.all);
+ if Compile_Kind >= Compile_Debug then
+ Put ("post-processor command: ");
+ Put_Line (Post_Processor_Cmd.all);
+ end if;
+ if Compile_Kind >= Compile_Gcc then
+ Put ("assembler command: ");
+ Put_Line (Assembler_Cmd);
+ end if;
+ Put ("linker command: ");
+ Put_Line (Linker_Cmd);
+ Setup_Libraries (False);
+ Put ("library directory: ");
+ Put_Line (Prefix_Path.all);
+ Locate_Tools;
+ Put ("compiler path: ");
+ Put_Line (Compiler_Path.all);
+ if Compile_Kind >= Compile_Debug then
+ Put ("post-processor path: ");
+ Put_Line (Post_Processor_Path.all);
+ end if;
+ if Compile_Kind >= Compile_Gcc then
+ Put ("assembler path: ");
+ Put_Line (Assembler_Path.all);
+ end if;
+ Put ("linker path: ");
+ Put_Line (Linker_Path.all);
+ Put_Line ("default library pathes:");
+ for I in 2 .. Get_Nbr_Pathes loop
+ Put (' ');
+ Put_Line (Image (Get_Path (I)));
+ end loop;
+ end Perform_Action;
+ -- Command Analyze.
+ type Command_Analyze is new Command_Comp with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Analyze; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Analyze) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Analyze;
+ Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Analyze; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "-a";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Analyze) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "-a [OPTS] FILEs Analyze FILEs";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Analyze;
+ Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ Nil_Opt : Argument_List (2 .. 1);
+ begin
+ if Args'Length = 0 then
+ Error ("no file to analyze");
+ raise Option_Error;
+ end if;
+ Setup_Compiler (False);
+ for I in Args'Range loop
+ Do_Compile (Nil_Opt, Args (I).all);
+ end loop;
+ end Perform_Action;
+ -- Elaboration.
+ Base_Name : String_Access;
+ Elab_Name : String_Access;
+ Filelist_Name : String_Access;
+ Unit_Name : String_Access;
+ procedure Set_Elab_Units (Cmd_Name : String;
+ Args : Argument_List;
+ Run_Arg : out Natural)
+ is
+ begin
+ Extract_Elab_Unit (Cmd_Name, Args, Run_Arg);
+ if Sec_Name = null then
+ Base_Name := Prim_Name;
+ Unit_Name := Prim_Name;
+ else
+ Base_Name := new String'(Prim_Name.all & '-' & Sec_Name.all);
+ Unit_Name := new String'(Prim_Name.all & '(' & Sec_Name.all & ')');
+ end if;
+ Elab_Name := new String'(Elab_Prefix & Base_Name.all);
+ Filelist_Name := null;
+ if Output_File = null then
+ Output_File := new String'(Base_Name.all);
+ end if;
+ end Set_Elab_Units;
+ procedure Set_Elab_Units (Cmd_Name : String; Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ Next_Arg : Natural;
+ begin
+ Set_Elab_Units (Cmd_Name, Args, Next_Arg);
+ if Next_Arg <= Args'Last then
+ Error ("too many unit names for command '" & Cmd_Name & "'");
+ raise Option_Error;
+ end if;
+ end Set_Elab_Units;
+ procedure Bind
+ is
+ Comp_List : Argument_List (1 .. 4);
+ begin
+ Filelist_Name := new String'(Elab_Name.all & List_Suffix);
+ Comp_List (1) := new String'("--elab");
+ Comp_List (2) := Unit_Name;
+ Comp_List (3) := new String'("-l");
+ Comp_List (4) := Filelist_Name;
+ Do_Compile (Comp_List, Elab_Name.all);
+ Free (Comp_List (3));
+ Free (Comp_List (1));
+ end Bind;
+ procedure Bind_Anaelab (Files : Argument_List)
+ is
+ Comp_List : Argument_List (1 .. 2 * Files'Length + 2);
+ Flag_C : String_Access;
+ Index : Natural;
+ begin
+ Comp_List (1) := new String'("--anaelab");
+ Comp_List (2) := Unit_Name;
+ Flag_C := new String'("-c");
+ Index := 3;
+ for I in Files'Range loop
+ Comp_List (Index) := Flag_C;
+ Comp_List (Index + 1) := Files (I);
+ Index := Index + 2;
+ end loop;
+ Do_Compile (Comp_List, Elab_Name.all);
+ Free (Flag_C);
+ Free (Comp_List (1));
+ end Bind_Anaelab;
+ procedure Link (Add_Std : Boolean;
+ Disp_Only : Boolean)
+ is
+ Last_File : Natural;
+ begin
+ -- read files list
+ if Filelist_Name /= null then
+ Add_File_List (Filelist_Name.all, True);
+ end if;
+ Last_File := Filelist.Last;
+ Add_File_List (Prefix_Path.all & "grt" & List_Suffix, False);
+ -- call the linker
+ declare
+ P : Natural;
+ Nbr_Args : Natural := Last (Linker_Args) + Filelist.Last + 4;
+ Args : Argument_List (1 .. Nbr_Args);
+ Obj_File : String_Access;
+ Std_File : String_Access;
+ begin
+ Obj_File := Append_Suffix
+ (Elab_Name.all, Get_Object_Suffix.all);
+ P := 0;
+ Args (P + 1) := Dash_O;
+ Args (P + 2) := Output_File;
+ Args (P + 3) := Obj_File;
+ P := P + 3;
+ if Add_Std then
+ Std_File := new
+ String'(Prefix_Path.all
+ & Get_Version_Path & Directory_Separator
+ & "std" & Directory_Separator
+ & "std_standard" & Get_Object_Suffix.all);
+ P := P + 1;
+ Args (P) := Std_File;
+ else
+ Std_File := null;
+ end if;
+ -- Object files of the design.
+ for I in Filelist.First .. Last_File loop
+ P := P + 1;
+ Args (P) := Filelist.Table (I);
+ end loop;
+ -- User added options.
+ for I in First .. Last (Linker_Args) loop
+ P := P + 1;
+ Args (P) := Linker_Args.Table (I);
+ end loop;
+ -- GRT files (should be the last one, since it contains an
+ -- optional main).
+ for I in Last_File + 1 .. Filelist.Last loop
+ P := P + 1;
+ Args (P) := Filelist.Table (I);
+ end loop;
+ if Disp_Only then
+ for I in 3 .. P loop
+ Put_Line (Args (I).all);
+ end loop;
+ else
+ My_Spawn (Linker_Path.all, Args (1 .. P));
+ end if;
+ Free (Obj_File);
+ Free (Std_File);
+ end;
+ for I in Filelist.First .. Filelist.Last loop
+ Free (Filelist.Table (I));
+ end loop;
+ end Link;
+ -- Command Elab.
+ type Command_Elab is new Command_Comp with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Elab; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Elab) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Elab;
+ Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Elab; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "-e";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Elab) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "-e [OPTS] UNIT [ARCH] Elaborate UNIT";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Elab; Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ Success : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Set_Elab_Units ("-e", Args);
+ Setup_Compiler (False);
+ Bind;
+ if not Flag_Expect_Failure then
+ Link (Add_Std => True, Disp_Only => False);
+ end if;
+ Delete_File (Filelist_Name.all, Success);
+ end Perform_Action;
+ -- Command Run.
+ type Command_Run is new Command_Comp with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Run; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Run) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Run;
+ Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Run; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "-r";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Run) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "-r UNIT [ARCH] [OPTS] Run UNIT";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Run; Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ Opt_Arg : Natural;
+ begin
+ Extract_Elab_Unit ("-r", Args, Opt_Arg);
+ if Sec_Name = null then
+ Base_Name := Prim_Name;
+ else
+ Base_Name := new String'(Prim_Name.all & '-' & Sec_Name.all);
+ end if;
+ if not Is_Regular_File (Base_Name.all & Nul) then
+ Error ("file '" & Base_Name.all & "' does not exists");
+ Error ("Please elaborate your design.");
+ raise Exec_Error;
+ end if;
+ My_Spawn ('.' & Directory_Separator & Base_Name.all,
+ Args (Opt_Arg .. Args'Last));
+ end Perform_Action;
+ -- Command Elab_Run.
+ type Command_Elab_Run is new Command_Comp with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Elab_Run; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Elab_Run) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Elab_Run;
+ Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Elab_Run; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "--elab-run";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Elab_Run) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "--elab-run [OPTS] UNIT [ARCH] [OPTS] Elaborate and run UNIT";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Elab_Run;
+ Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ Success : Boolean;
+ Run_Arg : Natural;
+ begin
+ Set_Elab_Units ("-elab-run", Args, Run_Arg);
+ Setup_Compiler (False);
+ Bind;
+ if Flag_Expect_Failure then
+ Delete_File (Filelist_Name.all, Success);
+ else
+ Link (Add_Std => True, Disp_Only => False);
+ Delete_File (Filelist_Name.all, Success);
+ My_Spawn ('.' & Directory_Separator & Output_File.all,
+ Args (Run_Arg .. Args'Last));
+ end if;
+ end Perform_Action;
+ -- Command Bind.
+ type Command_Bind is new Command_Comp with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Bind; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Bind) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Bind;
+ Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Bind; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "--bind";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Bind) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "--bind [OPTS] UNIT [ARCH] Bind UNIT";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Bind; Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ Set_Elab_Units ("--bind", Args);
+ Setup_Compiler (False);
+ Bind;
+ end Perform_Action;
+ -- Command Link.
+ type Command_Link is new Command_Comp with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Link; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Link) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Link; Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Link; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "--link";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Link) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "--link [OPTS] UNIT [ARCH] Link UNIT";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Link; Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ Set_Elab_Units ("--link", Args);
+ Setup_Compiler (False);
+ Filelist_Name := new String'(Elab_Name.all & List_Suffix);
+ Link (Add_Std => True, Disp_Only => False);
+ end Perform_Action;
+ -- Command List_Link.
+ type Command_List_Link is new Command_Comp with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_List_Link; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_List_Link) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_List_Link;
+ Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_List_Link; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "--list-link";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_List_Link) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "--list-link [OPTS] UNIT [ARCH] List objects file to link UNIT";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_List_Link;
+ Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ Set_Elab_Units ("--list-link", Args);
+ Setup_Compiler (False);
+ Filelist_Name := new String'(Elab_Name.all & List_Suffix);
+ Link (Add_Std => True, Disp_Only => True);
+ end Perform_Action;
+ -- Command analyze and elaborate
+ type Command_Anaelab is new Command_Comp with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Anaelab; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Anaelab) return String;
+ procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Anaelab;
+ Option : String;
+ Arg : String;
+ Res : out Option_Res);
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Anaelab;
+ Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Anaelab; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "-c";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Anaelab) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "-c [OPTS] FILEs -e UNIT [ARCH] "
+ & "Generate whole code to elab UNIT from FILEs";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Anaelab;
+ Option : String;
+ Arg : String;
+ Res : out Option_Res)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Option = "-e" then
+ Res := Option_End;
+ return;
+ else
+ Decode_Option (Command_Comp (Cmd), Option, Arg, Res);
+ end if;
+ end Decode_Option;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Anaelab;
+ Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ Elab_Index : Integer;
+ begin
+ Elab_Index := -1;
+ for I in Args'Range loop
+ if Args (I).all = "-e" then
+ Elab_Index := I;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Elab_Index < 0 then
+ Analyze_Files (Args, True);
+ else
+ Set_Elab_Units ("-c", Args (Elab_Index + 1 .. Args'Last));
+ Setup_Compiler (False);
+ Bind_Anaelab (Args (Args'First .. Elab_Index - 1));
+ Link (Add_Std => False, Disp_Only => False);
+ end if;
+ end Perform_Action;
+ -- Command Make.
+ type Command_Make is new Command_Comp with record
+ -- Disp dependences during make.
+ Flag_Depend_Unit : Boolean;
+ -- Force recompilation of units in work library.
+ Flag_Force : Boolean;
+ end record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Make; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ procedure Init (Cmd : in out Command_Make);
+ procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Make;
+ Option : String;
+ Arg : String;
+ Res : out Option_Res);
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Make) return String;
+ procedure Disp_Long_Help (Cmd : Command_Make);
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Make;
+ Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Make; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "-m";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Make) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "-m [OPTS] UNIT [ARCH] Make UNIT";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Disp_Long_Help (Cmd : Command_Make)
+ is
+ begin
+ Disp_Long_Help (Command_Comp (Cmd));
+ Put_Line (" -f Force recompilation of work units");
+ Put_Line (" -Mu Disp unit dependences (humna format)");
+ end Disp_Long_Help;
+ procedure Init (Cmd : in out Command_Make) is
+ begin
+ Init (Command_Comp (Cmd));
+ Cmd.Flag_Depend_Unit := False;
+ Cmd.Flag_Force := False;
+ end Init;
+ procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Make;
+ Option : String;
+ Arg : String;
+ Res : out Option_Res)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Option = "-Mu" then
+ Cmd.Flag_Depend_Unit := True;
+ Res := Option_Ok;
+ elsif Option = "-f" then
+ Cmd.Flag_Force := True;
+ Res := Option_Ok;
+ else
+ Decode_Option (Command_Comp (Cmd), Option, Arg, Res);
+ end if;
+ end Decode_Option;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Make; Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ use Configuration;
+ File : Iir_Design_File;
+ Unit : Iir;
+ Lib_Unit : Iir;
+ Lib : Iir_Library_Declaration;
+ In_Work : Boolean;
+ Files_List : Iir_List;
+ -- Set when a design file has been compiled.
+ Has_Compiled : Boolean;
+ Need_Analyze : Boolean;
+ Need_Elaboration : Boolean;
+ Stamp : Time_Stamp_Id;
+ File_Id : Name_Id;
+ Nil_Args : Argument_List (2 .. 1);
+ Success : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Set_Elab_Units ("-m", Args);
+ Setup_Compiler (True);
+ -- Create list of files.
+ Files_List := Build_Dependence (Prim_Name, Sec_Name);
+ if Cmd.Flag_Depend_Unit then
+ Put_Line ("Units analysis order:");
+ for I in Design_Units.First .. Design_Units.Last loop
+ Unit := Design_Units.Table (I);
+ Put (" ");
+ Disp_Library_Unit (Get_Library_Unit (Unit));
+ New_Line;
+-- Put (" file: ");
+-- File := Get_Design_File (Unit);
+-- Image (Get_Design_File_Filename (File));
+-- Put_Line (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length));
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ if Cmd.Flag_Depend_Unit then
+ Put_Line ("File analysis order:");
+ for I in Natural loop
+ File := Get_Nth_Element (Files_List, I);
+ exit when File = Null_Iir;
+ Image (Get_Design_File_Filename (File));
+ Put (" ");
+ Put (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length));
+ if Flag_Verbose then
+ Put_Line (":");
+ declare
+ Dep_List : Iir_List;
+ Dep_File : Iir;
+ begin
+ Dep_List := Get_File_Dependence_List (File);
+ if Dep_List /= Null_Iir_List then
+ for J in Natural loop
+ Dep_File := Get_Nth_Element (Dep_List, J);
+ exit when Dep_File = Null_Iir;
+ Image (Get_Design_File_Filename (Dep_File));
+ Put (" ");
+ Put_Line (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length));
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ else
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ Has_Compiled := False;
+ Last_Stamp := Null_Time_Stamp;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ File := Get_Nth_Element (Files_List, I);
+ exit when File = Null_Iir;
+ Need_Analyze := False;
+ if Is_File_Outdated (File) then
+ Need_Analyze := True;
+ else
+ Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (File);
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ Lib_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ if not (Get_Kind (Lib_Unit) = Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration
+ and then Get_Identifier (Lib_Unit) = Null_Identifier)
+ then
+ if Is_Unit_Outdated (Unit) then
+ Need_Analyze := True;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ Lib := Get_Library (File);
+ In_Work := Lib = Libraries.Work_Library;
+ if Need_Analyze or else (Cmd.Flag_Force and In_Work) then
+ File_Id := Get_Design_File_Filename (File);
+ if not Flag_Verbose then
+ Put ("analyze ");
+ Put (Image (File_Id));
+ --Disp_Library_Unit (Get_Library_Unit (Unit));
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ if In_Work then
+ Do_Compile (Nil_Args, Image (File_Id));
+ else
+ declare
+ use Libraries;
+ Lib_Args : Argument_List (1 .. 2);
+ Prev_Workdir : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Prev_Workdir := Work_Directory;
+ -- Must be set, since used to build the object filename.
+ Work_Directory := Get_Library_Directory (Lib);
+ -- Always overwrite --work and --workdir.
+ Lib_Args (1) := new String'
+ ("--work=" & Image (Get_Identifier (Lib)));
+ if Work_Directory = Libraries.Local_Directory then
+ Lib_Args (2) := new String'("--workdir=.");
+ else
+ Lib_Args (2) := new String'
+ ("--workdir=" & Image (Work_Directory));
+ end if;
+ Do_Compile (Lib_Args, Image (File_Id));
+ Work_Directory := Prev_Workdir;
+ Free (Lib_Args (1));
+ Free (Lib_Args (2));
+ end;
+ end if;
+ Has_Compiled := True;
+ -- Set the analysis time stamp since the file has just been
+ -- analyzed.
+ Set_Analysis_Time_Stamp (File, Files_Map.Get_Os_Time_Stamp);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Need_Elaboration := False;
+ -- Elaboration.
+ -- if libgrt is more recent than the executable (FIXME).
+ if Has_Compiled then
+ if Flag_Verbose then
+ Put_Line ("link due to a file compilation");
+ end if;
+ Need_Elaboration := True;
+ else
+ declare
+ Exec_File : String := Output_File.all & Nul;
+ begin
+ Stamp := Files_Map.Get_File_Time_Stamp (Exec_File'Address);
+ end;
+ if Stamp = Null_Time_Stamp then
+ if Flag_Verbose then
+ Put_Line ("link due to no binary file");
+ end if;
+ Need_Elaboration := True;
+ else
+ if Files_Map.Is_Gt (Last_Stamp, Stamp) then
+ -- if a file is more recent than the executable.
+ if Flag_Verbose then
+ Put ("link due to outdated binary file: ");
+ Put (Image (Get_Design_File_Filename (Last_Stamp_File)));
+ Put (" (");
+ Put (Files_Map.Get_Time_Stamp_String (Last_Stamp));
+ Put (" > ");
+ Put (Files_Map.Get_Time_Stamp_String (Stamp));
+ Put (")");
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ Need_Elaboration := True;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Need_Elaboration then
+ if not Flag_Verbose then
+ Put ("elaborate ");
+ Put (Prim_Name.all);
+ --Disp_Library_Unit (Get_Library_Unit (Unit));
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ Bind;
+ Link (Add_Std => True, Disp_Only => False);
+ Delete_File (Filelist_Name.all, Success);
+ end if;
+ end Perform_Action;
+ -- Command Gen_Makefile.
+ type Command_Gen_Makefile is new Command_Comp with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Gen_Makefile; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Gen_Makefile) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Gen_Makefile;
+ Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Gen_Makefile; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "--gen-makefile";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Gen_Makefile) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "--gen-makefile [OPTS] UNIT [ARCH] Generate a Makefile for UNIT";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ function Is_Makeable_File (File : Iir_Design_File) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ if File = Std_Package.Std_Standard_File then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end Is_Makeable_File;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Gen_Makefile;
+ Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ HT : constant Character := Ada.Characters.Latin_1.HT;
+ Files_List : Iir_List;
+ File : Iir_Design_File;
+ Lib : Iir_Library_Declaration;
+ Dir_Id : Name_Id;
+ Dep_List : Iir_List;
+ Dep_File : Iir;
+ begin
+ Set_Elab_Units ("--gen-makefile", Args);
+ Setup_Libraries (True);
+ Files_List := Build_Dependence (Prim_Name, Sec_Name);
+ Put_Line ("# Makefile automatically generated by ghdl");
+ Put ("# Version: ");
+ Put (Version.Ghdl_Version);
+ Put (" - ");
+ if Version_String /= null then
+ Put (Version_String.all);
+ end if;
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line ("# Command used to generate this makefile:");
+ Put ("# ");
+ Put (Command_Name);
+ for I in 1 .. Argument_Count loop
+ Put (' ');
+ Put (Argument (I));
+ end loop;
+ New_Line;
+ New_Line;
+ Put ("GHDL=");
+ Put_Line (Command_Name);
+ -- Extract options for command line.
+ Put ("GHDLFLAGS=");
+ for I in 2 .. Argument_Count loop
+ declare
+ Arg : String := Argument (I);
+ begin
+ if Arg (1) = '-' then
+ if (Arg'Length > 10 and then Arg (1 .. 10) = "--workdir=")
+ or else (Arg'Length > 7 and then Arg (1 .. 7) = "--ieee=")
+ or else (Arg'Length > 6 and then Arg (1 .. 6) = "--std=")
+ or else (Arg'Length > 7 and then Arg (1 .. 7) = "--work=")
+ or else (Arg'Length > 2 and then Arg (1 .. 2) = "-P")
+ then
+ Put (" ");
+ Put (Arg);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ New_Line;
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line ("# Default target");
+ Put ("all: ");
+ Put_Line (Base_Name.all);
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line ("# Elaboration target");
+ Put (Base_Name.all);
+ Put (":");
+ for I in Natural loop
+ File := Get_Nth_Element (Files_List, I);
+ exit when File = Null_Iir;
+ if Is_Makeable_File (File) then
+ Put (" ");
+ Put (Get_Object_Filename (File));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line (HT & "$(GHDL) -e $(GHDLFLAGS) $@");
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line ("# Run target");
+ Put_Line ("run: " & Base_Name.all);
+ Put_Line (HT & "$(GHDL) -r " & Base_Name.all & " $(GHDLRUNFLAGS)");
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line ("# Targets to analyze files");
+ for I in Natural loop
+ File := Get_Nth_Element (Files_List, I);
+ exit when File = Null_Iir;
+ Dir_Id := Get_Design_File_Directory (File);
+ if not Is_Makeable_File (File) then
+ -- Builtin file.
+ null;
+ else
+ Put (Get_Object_Filename (File));
+ Put (": ");
+ if Dir_Id /= Files_Map.Get_Home_Directory then
+ Put (Image (Dir_Id));
+ Put (Image (Get_Design_File_Filename (File)));
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line
+ (HT & "@echo ""This file was not locally built ($<)""");
+ Put_Line (HT & "exit 1");
+ else
+ Put (Image (Get_Design_File_Filename (File)));
+ New_Line;
+ Put (HT & "$(GHDL) -a $(GHDLFLAGS)");
+ Lib := Get_Library (File);
+ if Lib /= Libraries.Work_Library then
+ -- Overwrite some options.
+ Put (" --work=");
+ Put (Image (Get_Identifier (Lib)));
+ Dir_Id := Get_Library_Directory (Lib);
+ Put (" --workdir=");
+ if Dir_Id = Libraries.Local_Directory then
+ Put (".");
+ else
+ Put (Image (Dir_Id));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Put_Line (" $<");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line ("# Files dependences");
+ for I in Natural loop
+ File := Get_Nth_Element (Files_List, I);
+ exit when File = Null_Iir;
+ if Is_Makeable_File (File) then
+ Put (Get_Object_Filename (File));
+ Put (": ");
+ Dep_List := Get_File_Dependence_List (File);
+ if Dep_List /= Null_Iir_List then
+ for J in Natural loop
+ Dep_File := Get_Nth_Element (Dep_List, J);
+ exit when Dep_File = Null_Iir;
+ if Dep_File /= File and then Is_Makeable_File (Dep_File)
+ then
+ Put (" ");
+ Put (Get_Object_Filename (Dep_File));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Perform_Action;
+ procedure Register_Commands is
+ begin
+ Register_Command (new Command_Analyze);
+ Register_Command (new Command_Elab);
+ Register_Command (new Command_Run);
+ Register_Command (new Command_Elab_Run);
+ Register_Command (new Command_Bind);
+ Register_Command (new Command_Link);
+ Register_Command (new Command_List_Link);
+ Register_Command (new Command_Anaelab);
+ Register_Command (new Command_Make);
+ Register_Command (new Command_Gen_Makefile);
+ Register_Command (new Command_Dispconfig);
+ end Register_Commands;
+end Ghdldrv;
diff --git a/translate/ghdldrv/ghdldrv.ads b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdldrv.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..05b085626
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdldrv.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+-- GHDL driver - commands invoking gcc.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package Ghdldrv is
+ procedure Register_Commands;
+end Ghdldrv;
diff --git a/translate/ghdldrv/ghdllocal.adb b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdllocal.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3abd5559f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdllocal.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1052 @@
+-- GHDL driver - local commands.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Text_IO;
+with Ghdlmain;
+with Types; use Types;
+with Libraries;
+with Std_Package;
+with Flags;
+with Name_Table;
+with Std_Names;
+with Back_End;
+with Disp_Vhdl;
+with Default_Pathes;
+with Scan;
+with Sem;
+with Canon;
+with Errorout;
+with Configuration;
+with Files_Map;
+with Post_Sems;
+with Disp_Tree;
+package body Ghdllocal is
+ -- Version of the IEEE library to use. This just change pathes.
+ type Ieee_Lib_Kind is (Lib_Standard, Lib_None, Lib_Synopsys, Lib_Mentor);
+ Flag_Ieee : Ieee_Lib_Kind;
+ Flag_Create_Default_Config : Boolean := True;
+ procedure Finish_Compilation
+ (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit; Main : Boolean := False)
+ is
+ use Errorout;
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ Config : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Lib : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Flags.Verbose then
+ Put_Line ("semantize " & Disp_Node (Get_Library_Unit (Unit)));
+ end if;
+ Sem.Semantic (Unit);
+ if (Main or Flags.Dump_All) and then Flags.Dump_Sem then
+ Disp_Tree.Disp_Tree (Unit);
+ end if;
+ if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ Post_Sems.Post_Sem_Checks (Unit);
+ if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Flags.Flag_Elaborate then
+ if Flags.Verbose then
+ Put_Line ("canonicalize " & Disp_Node (Get_Library_Unit (Unit)));
+ end if;
+ Canon.Canonicalize (Unit);
+ if Flag_Create_Default_Config then
+ Lib := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ if Get_Kind (Lib) = Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration then
+ Config := Canon.Create_Default_Configuration_Declaration (Lib);
+ Set_Default_Configuration_Declaration (Lib, Config);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Finish_Compilation;
+ procedure Init (Cmd : in out Command_Lib)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ Std_Names.Std_Names_Initialize;
+ Libraries.Init_Pathes;
+ Flag_Ieee := Lib_Standard;
+ Back_End.Finish_Compilation := Finish_Compilation'Access;
+ Flag_Verbose := False;
+ end Init;
+ procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Lib;
+ Option : String;
+ Arg : String;
+ Res : out Option_Res)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Arg);
+ begin
+ Res := Option_Bad;
+ if Option = "-v" and then Flag_Verbose = False then
+ Flag_Verbose := True;
+ Res := Option_Ok;
+ elsif Option'Length > 9 and then Option (1 .. 9) = "--PREFIX=" then
+ Prefix_Path := new String'(Option (10 .. Option'Last));
+ Res := Option_Ok;
+ elsif Option = "--ieee=synopsys" then
+ Flag_Ieee := Lib_Synopsys;
+ Res := Option_Ok;
+ elsif Option = "--ieee=mentor" then
+ Flag_Ieee := Lib_Mentor;
+ Res := Option_Ok;
+ elsif Option = "--ieee=none" then
+ Flag_Ieee := Lib_None;
+ Res := Option_Ok;
+ elsif Option = "--ieee=standard" then
+ Flag_Ieee := Lib_Standard;
+ Res := Option_Ok;
+ elsif Option'Length >= 2
+ and then (Option (2) = 'g' or Option (2) = 'O')
+ then
+ -- Silently accept -g and -O.
+ Res := Option_Ok;
+ else
+ if Flags.Parse_Option (Option) then
+ Res := Option_Ok;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Decode_Option;
+ procedure Disp_Long_Help (Cmd : Command_Lib)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ procedure P (Str : String) renames Put_Line;
+ begin
+ P ("Options:");
+ P (" --std=XX Use XX as VHDL standard (87,93c,93,00 or 02)");
+ P (" --work=NAME Set the name of the WORK library");
+ P (" -PDIR Add DIR in the library search path");
+ P (" --workdir=DIR Specify the directory of the WORK library");
+ P (" --PREFIX=DIR Specify installation prefix");
+ P (" --ieee=NAME Use NAME as ieee library, where name is:");
+ P (" standard: standard version (default)");
+ P (" synopsys, mentor: vendor version (bad)");
+ P (" none: do not use a predefined ieee library");
+ end Disp_Long_Help;
+ function Get_Version_Path return String is
+ begin
+ case Flags.Vhdl_Std is
+ when Vhdl_87 =>
+ return "v87";
+ when Vhdl_93c
+ | Vhdl_93
+ | Vhdl_00
+ | Vhdl_02 =>
+ return "v93";
+ end case;
+ end Get_Version_Path;
+ procedure Add_Library_Path (Name : String)
+ is
+ begin
+ Libraries.Add_Library_Path
+ (Prefix_Path.all & Get_Version_Path & Directory_Separator
+ & Name & Directory_Separator);
+ end Add_Library_Path;
+ procedure Setup_Libraries (Load : Boolean)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Prefix_Path = null then
+ Prefix_Path := new String'(Default_Pathes.Prefix);
+ end if;
+ -- Add pathes for predefined libraries.
+ if not Flags.Bootstrap then
+ Add_Library_Path ("std");
+ case Flag_Ieee is
+ when Lib_Standard =>
+ Add_Library_Path ("ieee");
+ when Lib_Synopsys =>
+ Add_Library_Path ("synopsys");
+ when Lib_Mentor =>
+ Add_Library_Path ("mentor");
+ when Lib_None =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ if Load then
+ Libraries.Load_Std_Library;
+ Libraries.Load_Work_Library;
+ end if;
+ end Setup_Libraries;
+ procedure Disp_Library_Unit (Unit : Iir)
+ is
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ use Name_Table;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Unit);
+ case Get_Kind (Unit) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
+ Put ("entity ");
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ Put ("architecture ");
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
+ Put ("configuration ");
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ Put ("package ");
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
+ Put ("package body ");
+ when others =>
+ Put ("???");
+ return;
+ end case;
+ Image (Id);
+ Put (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length));
+ case Get_Kind (Unit) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ Put (" of ");
+ Image (Get_Identifier (Get_Entity (Unit)));
+ Put (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length));
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
+ if Id = Null_Identifier then
+ Put ("<default> of entity ");
+ Image (Get_Identifier (Get_Library_Unit (Get_Entity (Unit))));
+ Put (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length));
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Library_Unit;
+ procedure Disp_Library (Name : Name_Id)
+ is
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ use Libraries;
+ Lib : Iir_Library_Declaration;
+ File : Iir_Design_File;
+ Unit : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Name = Std_Names.Name_Work then
+ Lib := Work_Library;
+ elsif Name = Std_Names.Name_Std then
+ Lib := Std_Library;
+ else
+ Lib := Get_Library (Name, Command_Line_Location);
+ end if;
+ -- Disp contents of files.
+ File := Get_Design_File_Chain (Lib);
+ while File /= Null_Iir loop
+ Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (File);
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ Disp_Library_Unit (Get_Library_Unit (Unit));
+ New_Line;
+ Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ end loop;
+ File := Get_Chain (File);
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Library;
+ -- Return FILENAME without the extension.
+ function Get_Base_Name (Filename : String; Remove_Dir : Boolean := True)
+ return String
+ is
+ First : Natural;
+ Last : Natural;
+ begin
+ First := Filename'First;
+ Last := Filename'Last;
+ for I in Filename'Range loop
+ if Filename (I) = '.' then
+ Last := I - 1;
+ elsif Remove_Dir and then Filename (I) = Directory_Separator then
+ First := I + 1;
+ Last := Filename'Last;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Filename (First .. Last);
+ end Get_Base_Name;
+ function Append_Suffix (File : String; Suffix : String) return String_Access
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ Basename : String := Get_Base_Name (File);
+ begin
+ Image (Libraries.Work_Directory);
+ Name_Buffer (Name_Length + 1 .. Name_Length + Basename'Length) :=
+ Basename;
+ Name_Length := Name_Length + Basename'Length;
+ Name_Buffer (Name_Length + 1 .. Name_Length + Suffix'Length) := Suffix;
+ Name_Length := Name_Length + Suffix'Length;
+ return new String'(Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length));
+ end Append_Suffix;
+ -- Command Dir.
+ type Command_Dir is new Command_Lib with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Dir; Name : String) return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Dir) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Dir; Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Dir; Name : String) return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "-d" or else Name = "--dir";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Dir) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "-d or --dir Disp contents of the work library";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Dir; Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ if Args'Length /= 0 then
+ Error ("command '-d' does not accept any argument");
+ raise Option_Error;
+ end if;
+ Flags.Bootstrap := True;
+ -- Load word library.
+ Libraries.Load_Std_Library;
+ Libraries.Load_Work_Library;
+ Disp_Library (Std_Names.Name_Work);
+-- else
+-- for L in Libs'Range loop
+-- Id := Get_Identifier (Libs (L).all);
+-- Disp_Library (Id);
+-- end loop;
+-- end if;
+ end Perform_Action;
+ -- Command Find.
+ type Command_Find is new Command_Lib with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Find; Name : String) return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Find) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Find; Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Find; Name : String) return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "-f";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Find) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "-f FILEs Disp units in FILES";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ -- Return TRUE is UNIT can be at the apex of a design hierarchy.
+ function Is_Top_Entity (Unit : Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Unit) /= Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Port_Chain (Unit) /= Null_Iir then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Generic_Chain (Unit) /= Null_Iir then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end Is_Top_Entity;
+ -- Disp contents design files FILES.
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Find; Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ use Name_Table;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ Design_File : Iir_Design_File;
+ Unit : Iir;
+ Lib : Iir;
+ Flag_Add : Boolean := False;
+ begin
+ Flags.Bootstrap := True;
+ Libraries.Load_Std_Library;
+ Libraries.Load_Work_Library;
+ for I in Args'Range loop
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Args (I).all);
+ Design_File := Libraries.Load_File (Id);
+ if Design_File /= Null_Iir then
+ Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (Design_File);
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ Lib := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ Disp_Library_Unit (Lib);
+ if Is_Top_Entity (Lib) then
+ Put (" **");
+ end if;
+ New_Line;
+ if Flag_Add then
+ Libraries.Add_Design_Unit_Into_Library (Unit);
+ end if;
+ Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Flag_Add then
+ Libraries.Save_Work_Library;
+ end if;
+ end Perform_Action;
+ -- Command Import.
+ type Command_Import is new Command_Lib with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Import; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Import) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Import;
+ Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Import; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "-i";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Import) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "-i [OPTS] FILEs Import units of FILEs";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Import; Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ Design_File : Iir_Design_File;
+ Unit : Iir;
+ Next_Unit : Iir;
+ Lib : Iir;
+ begin
+ Setup_Libraries (True);
+ -- Parse all files.
+ for I in Args'Range loop
+ Id := Name_Table.Get_Identifier (Args (I).all);
+ Design_File := Libraries.Load_File (Id);
+ if Design_File /= Null_Iir then
+ Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (Design_File);
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Flag_Verbose then
+ Lib := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ Disp_Library_Unit (Lib);
+ if Is_Top_Entity (Lib) then
+ Put (" **");
+ end if;
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ Next_Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ Set_Chain (Unit, Null_Iir);
+ Libraries.Add_Design_Unit_Into_Library (Unit);
+ Unit := Next_Unit;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- Analyze all files.
+ if False then
+ Design_File := Get_Design_File_Chain (Libraries.Work_Library);
+ while Design_File /= Null_Iir loop
+ Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (Design_File);
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Date (Unit) is
+ when Date_Valid
+ | Date_Analyzed =>
+ null;
+ when Date_Parsed =>
+ Back_End.Finish_Compilation (Unit, False);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ end loop;
+ Design_File := Get_Chain (Design_File);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ Libraries.Save_Work_Library;
+ exception
+ when Errorout.Compilation_Error =>
+ Error ("importation has failed due to compilation error");
+ end Perform_Action;
+ -- Command Check_Syntax.
+ type Command_Check_Syntax is new Command_Lib with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Check_Syntax; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Check_Syntax) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Check_Syntax;
+ Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Check_Syntax; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "-s";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Check_Syntax) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "-s [OPTS] FILEs Check syntax of FILEs";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Analyze_Files (Files : Argument_List; Save_Library : Boolean)
+ is
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ Design_File : Iir_Design_File;
+ Unit : Iir;
+ Next_Unit : Iir;
+ begin
+ Setup_Libraries (True);
+ -- Parse all files.
+ for I in Files'Range loop
+ Id := Name_Table.Get_Identifier (Files (I).all);
+ if Flag_Verbose then
+ Put (Files (I).all);
+ Put_Line (":");
+ end if;
+ Design_File := Libraries.Load_File (Id);
+ if Design_File /= Null_Iir then
+ Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (Design_File);
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Flag_Verbose then
+ Put (' ');
+ Disp_Library_Unit (Get_Library_Unit (Unit));
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ -- Sem, canon, annotate a design unit.
+ Back_End.Finish_Compilation (Unit, True);
+ Next_Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ if Errorout.Nbr_Errors = 0 then
+ Set_Chain (Unit, Null_Iir);
+ Libraries.Add_Design_Unit_Into_Library (Unit);
+ end if;
+ Unit := Next_Unit;
+ end loop;
+ if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
+ raise Errorout.Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Save_Library then
+ Libraries.Save_Work_Library;
+ end if;
+ end Analyze_Files;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Check_Syntax;
+ Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ Analyze_Files (Args, False);
+ end Perform_Action;
+ -- Command --clean.
+ type Command_Clean is new Command_Lib with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Clean; Name : String) return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Clean) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Clean; Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Clean; Name : String) return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "--clean";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Clean) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "--clean Remove generated files";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Delete (Str : String)
+ is
+ use GNAT.OS_Lib;
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ Status : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Delete_File (Str'Address, Status);
+ if Flag_Verbose and Status then
+ Put_Line ("delete " & Str (Str'First .. Str'Last - 1));
+ end if;
+ end Delete;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Clean; Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ use GNAT.OS_Lib;
+ use Name_Table;
+ procedure Delete_Asm_Obj (Str : String) is
+ begin
+ Delete (Str & Get_Object_Suffix.all & Nul);
+ Delete (Str & Asm_Suffix & Nul);
+ end Delete_Asm_Obj;
+ procedure Delete_Top_Unit (Str : String) is
+ begin
+ -- Delete elaboration file
+ Delete_Asm_Obj (Image (Libraries.Work_Directory) & Elab_Prefix & Str);
+ -- Delete file list.
+ Delete (Image (Libraries.Work_Directory) & Str & List_Suffix & Nul);
+ -- Delete executable.
+ Delete (Str & Nul);
+ end Delete_Top_Unit;
+ File : Iir_Design_File;
+ Design_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Lib_Unit : Iir;
+ Ent_Unit : Iir;
+ Str : String_Access;
+ begin
+ if Args'Length /= 0 then
+ Error ("command '--clean' does not accept any argument");
+ raise Option_Error;
+ end if;
+ Flags.Bootstrap := True;
+ -- Load libraries.
+ Libraries.Load_Std_Library;
+ Libraries.Load_Work_Library;
+ File := Get_Design_File_Chain (Libraries.Work_Library);
+ while File /= Null_Iir loop
+ -- Delete compiled file.
+ Str := Append_Suffix (Image (Get_Design_File_Filename (File)), "");
+ Delete_Asm_Obj (Str.all);
+ Free (Str);
+ Design_Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (File);
+ while Design_Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ Lib_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Design_Unit);
+ case Get_Kind (Lib_Unit) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
+ Delete_Top_Unit (Image (Get_Identifier (Lib_Unit)));
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ Ent_Unit := Get_Entity (Lib_Unit);
+ Delete_Top_Unit (Image (Get_Identifier (Ent_Unit))
+ & '-'
+ & Image (Get_Identifier (Lib_Unit)));
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Design_Unit := Get_Chain (Design_Unit);
+ end loop;
+ File := Get_Chain (File);
+ end loop;
+ end Perform_Action;
+ type Command_Remove is new Command_Clean with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Remove; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Remove) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Remove;
+ Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Remove; Name : String) return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "--remove";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Remove) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "--remove Remove generated files and library file";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Remove; Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ begin
+ if Args'Length /= 0 then
+ Error ("command '--remove' does not accept any argument");
+ raise Option_Error;
+ end if;
+ Perform_Action (Command_Clean (Cmd), Args);
+ Delete (Image (Libraries.Work_Directory)
+ & Back_End.Library_To_File_Name (Libraries.Work_Library)
+ & Nul);
+ end Perform_Action;
+ -- Command --disp-standard.
+ type Command_Disp_Standard is new Command_Lib with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Disp_Standard; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Disp_Standard) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Disp_Standard;
+ Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Disp_Standard; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "--disp-standard";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Disp_Standard) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "--disp-standard Disp std.standard in pseudo-vhdl";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Disp_Standard;
+ Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ if Args'Length /= 0 then
+ Error ("command '--disp-standard' does not accept any argument");
+ raise Option_Error;
+ end if;
+ Flags.Bootstrap := True;
+ Libraries.Load_Std_Library;
+ Disp_Vhdl.Disp_Vhdl (Std_Package.Std_Standard_Unit);
+ end Perform_Action;
+ procedure Load_All_Libraries_And_Files
+ is
+ use Files_Map;
+ use Libraries;
+ use Errorout;
+ procedure Extract_Library_Clauses (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit)
+ is
+ Lib1 : Iir_Library_Declaration;
+ Ctxt_Item : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Extract library clauses.
+ Ctxt_Item := Get_Context_Items (Unit);
+ while Ctxt_Item /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Get_Kind (Ctxt_Item) = Iir_Kind_Library_Clause then
+ Lib1 := Get_Library (Get_Identifier (Ctxt_Item),
+ Get_Location (Ctxt_Item));
+ end if;
+ Ctxt_Item := Get_Chain (Ctxt_Item);
+ end loop;
+ end Extract_Library_Clauses;
+ Lib : Iir_Library_Declaration;
+ Fe : Source_File_Entry;
+ File, Next_File : Iir_Design_File;
+ Unit, Next_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Design_File : Iir_Design_File;
+ Old_Work : Iir_Library_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Lib := Std_Library;
+ Lib := Get_Chain (Lib);
+ Old_Work := Work_Library;
+ while Lib /= Null_Iir loop
+ -- Design units are always put in the work library.
+ Work_Library := Lib;
+ File := Get_Design_File_Chain (Lib);
+ while File /= Null_Iir loop
+ Next_File := Get_Chain (File);
+ Fe := Load_Source_File (Get_Design_File_Directory (File),
+ Get_Design_File_Filename (File));
+ if Fe = No_Source_File_Entry then
+ -- FIXME: should remove all the design file from the library.
+ null;
+ elsif Is_Eq (Get_File_Time_Stamp (Fe),
+ Get_File_Time_Stamp (File))
+ then
+ -- File has not been modified.
+ -- Extract libraries.
+ -- Note: we can't parse it only, since we need to keep the
+ -- date.
+ Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (File);
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ Load_Parse_Design_Unit (Unit, Null_Iir);
+ Extract_Library_Clauses (Unit);
+ Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ end loop;
+ else
+ -- File has been modified.
+ -- Parse it.
+ Design_File := Load_File (Fe);
+ -- Exit now in case of parse error.
+ if Design_File = Null_Iir
+ or else Nbr_Errors > 0
+ then
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (Design_File);
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ Extract_Library_Clauses (Unit);
+ Next_Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ Set_Chain (Unit, Null_Iir);
+ Add_Design_Unit_Into_Library (Unit);
+ Unit := Next_Unit;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ File := Next_File;
+ end loop;
+ Lib := Get_Chain (Lib);
+ end loop;
+ Work_Library := Old_Work;
+ end Load_All_Libraries_And_Files;
+ procedure Check_No_Elab_Flag (Lib : Iir_Library_Declaration)
+ is
+ File : Iir_Design_File;
+ Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ begin
+ File := Get_Design_File_Chain (Lib);
+ while File /= Null_Iir loop
+ Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (File);
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Get_Elab_Flag (Unit) then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ end loop;
+ File := Get_Chain (File);
+ end loop;
+ end Check_No_Elab_Flag;
+ function Build_Dependence (Prim : String_Access; Sec : String_Access)
+ return Iir_List
+ is
+ procedure Build_Dependence_List (File : Iir_Design_File; List : Iir_List)
+ is
+ El : Iir_Design_File;
+ Depend_List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ if Get_Elab_Flag (File) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Set_Elab_Flag (File, True);
+ Depend_List := Get_File_Dependence_List (File);
+ if Depend_List /= Null_Iir_List then
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (Depend_List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Build_Dependence_List (El, List);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ Append_Element (List, File);
+ end Build_Dependence_List;
+ use Configuration;
+ use Name_Table;
+ Top : Iir;
+ Primary_Id : Name_Id;
+ Secondary_Id : Name_Id;
+ File : Iir_Design_File;
+ Unit : Iir;
+ Files_List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Check_No_Elab_Flag (Libraries.Work_Library);
+ Primary_Id := Get_Identifier (Prim.all);
+ if Sec /= null then
+ Secondary_Id := Get_Identifier (Sec.all);
+ else
+ Secondary_Id := Null_Identifier;
+ end if;
+ if True then
+ Load_All_Libraries_And_Files;
+ else
+ -- Re-parse modified files in order configure could find all design
+ -- units.
+ declare
+ use Files_Map;
+ Fe : Source_File_Entry;
+ Next_File : Iir_Design_File;
+ Design_File : Iir_Design_File;
+ begin
+ File := Get_Design_File_Chain (Libraries.Work_Library);
+ while File /= Null_Iir loop
+ Next_File := Get_Chain (File);
+ Fe := Load_Source_File (Get_Design_File_Directory (File),
+ Get_Design_File_Filename (File));
+ if Fe = No_Source_File_Entry then
+ -- FIXME: should remove all the design file from
+ -- the library.
+ null;
+ else
+ if not Is_Eq (Get_File_Time_Stamp (Fe),
+ Get_File_Time_Stamp (File))
+ then
+ -- FILE has been modified.
+ Design_File := Libraries.Load_File (Fe);
+ if Design_File /= Null_Iir then
+ Libraries.Add_Design_File_Into_Library (Design_File);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ File := Next_File;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ Flags.Flag_Elaborate := True;
+ Flags.Flag_Elaborate_With_Outdated := True;
+ Flag_Load_All_Design_Units := True;
+ Flag_Build_File_Dependence := True;
+ Top := Configure (Primary_Id, Secondary_Id);
+ if Top = Null_Iir then
+ --Error ("cannot find primary unit " & Prim.all);
+ raise Option_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Add unused design units.
+ declare
+ N : Natural;
+ begin
+ N := Design_Units.First;
+ while N <= Design_Units.Last loop
+ Unit := Design_Units.Table (N);
+ N := N + 1;
+ File := Get_Design_File (Unit);
+ if not Get_Elab_Flag (File) then
+ Set_Elab_Flag (File, True);
+ Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (File);
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ if not Get_Elab_Flag (Unit) then
+ Add_Design_Unit (Unit, Null_Iir);
+ end if;
+ Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ -- Clear elab flag on design files.
+ for I in reverse Design_Units.First .. Design_Units.Last loop
+ Unit := Design_Units.Table (I);
+ File := Get_Design_File (Unit);
+ Set_Elab_Flag (File, False);
+ end loop;
+ -- Create a list of files, from the last to the first.
+ Files_List := Create_Iir_List;
+ for I in Design_Units.First .. Design_Units.Last loop
+ Unit := Design_Units.Table (I);
+ File := Get_Design_File (Unit);
+ Build_Dependence_List (File, Files_List);
+ end loop;
+ return Files_List;
+ end Build_Dependence;
+ -- Convert NAME to lower cases, unless it is an extended identifier.
+ function Convert_Name (Name : String_Access) return String_Access
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ begin
+ Name_Length := Name'Length;
+ Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length) := Name.all;
+ Scan.Convert_Identifier;
+ return new String'(Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length));
+ end Convert_Name;
+ procedure Extract_Elab_Unit
+ (Cmd_Name : String; Args : Argument_List; Next_Arg : out Natural)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Args'Length = 0 then
+ Error ("command '" & Cmd_Name & "' required an unit name");
+ raise Option_Error;
+ end if;
+ Prim_Name := Convert_Name (Args (Args'First));
+ Next_Arg := Args'First + 1;
+ Sec_Name := null;
+ if Args'Length >= 2 then
+ declare
+ Sec : String_Access := Args (Next_Arg);
+ begin
+ if Sec (Sec'First) /= '-' then
+ Sec_Name := Convert_Name (Sec);
+ Next_Arg := Args'First + 2;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Extract_Elab_Unit;
+ procedure Register_Commands is
+ begin
+ Register_Command (new Command_Import);
+ Register_Command (new Command_Check_Syntax);
+ Register_Command (new Command_Dir);
+ Register_Command (new Command_Find);
+ Register_Command (new Command_Clean);
+ Register_Command (new Command_Remove);
+ Register_Command (new Command_Disp_Standard);
+ end Register_Commands;
+end Ghdllocal;
diff --git a/translate/ghdldrv/ghdllocal.ads b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdllocal.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e1c2baa42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdllocal.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+-- GHDL driver - local commands.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
+with Ghdlmain; use Ghdlmain;
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+package Ghdllocal is
+ type Command_Lib is abstract new Command_Type with null record;
+ -- Setup GHDL.
+ procedure Init (Cmd : in out Command_Lib);
+ -- Handle:
+ -- --std=xx, --work=xx, -Pxxx, --workdir=x, --ieee=x, -Px, and -v
+ procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Lib;
+ Option : String;
+ Arg : String;
+ Res : out Option_Res);
+ -- Disp detailled help.
+ procedure Disp_Long_Help (Cmd : Command_Lib);
+ -- Set with -v option.
+ Flag_Verbose : Boolean := False;
+ -- Suffix for asm files.
+ Asm_Suffix : constant String := ".s";
+ -- Suffix for post files.
+ Post_Suffix : constant String := ".on";
+ -- Suffix for list files.
+ List_Suffix : constant String := ".lst";
+ -- Prefix for elab files.
+ Elab_Prefix : constant String := "e~";
+ -- Path prefix for libraries.
+ Prefix_Path : String_Access := null;
+ Nul : constant Character := Character'Val (0);
+ -- Return FILENAME without the extension.
+ function Get_Base_Name (Filename : String; Remove_Dir : Boolean := True)
+ return String;
+ function Append_Suffix (File : String; Suffix : String)
+ return String_Access;
+ -- Return TRUE is UNIT can be at the apex of a design hierarchy.
+ function Is_Top_Entity (Unit : Iir) return Boolean;
+ -- Display the name of library unit UNIT.
+ procedure Disp_Library_Unit (Unit : Iir);
+ -- Translate vhdl version into a path element.
+ -- Used to search Std and IEEE libraries.
+ function Get_Version_Path return String;
+ -- Setup standard libaries path. If LOAD is true, then load them now.
+ procedure Setup_Libraries (Load : Boolean);
+ -- Setup library, analyze FILES, and if SAVE_LIBRARY is set save the
+ -- work library only
+ procedure Analyze_Files (Files : Argument_List; Save_Library : Boolean);
+ -- Load and parse all libraries and files, starting from the work library.
+ -- The work library must already be loaded.
+ -- Raise errorout.compilation_error in case of error (parse error).
+ procedure Load_All_Libraries_And_Files;
+ function Build_Dependence (Prim : String_Access; Sec : String_Access)
+ return Iir_List;
+ Prim_Name : String_Access;
+ Sec_Name : String_Access;
+ -- Set PRIM_NAME and SEC_NAME.
+ procedure Extract_Elab_Unit
+ (Cmd_Name : String; Args : Argument_List; Next_Arg : out Natural);
+ procedure Register_Commands;
+end Ghdllocal;
diff --git a/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlmain.adb b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlmain.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bd2462ff8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlmain.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+-- GHDL driver - main part.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Text_IO;
+with Ada.Command_Line;
+with Version;
+with Flags;
+with Bug;
+with Errorout;
+package body Ghdlmain is
+ procedure Init (Cmd : in out Command_Type)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Init;
+ procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Type;
+ Option : String;
+ Arg : String;
+ Res : out Option_Res)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Option);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Arg);
+ begin
+ Res := Option_Bad;
+ end Decode_Option;
+ procedure Disp_Long_Help (Cmd : Command_Type)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ begin
+ Put_Line ("This command does not accept options.");
+ end Disp_Long_Help;
+ First_Cmd : Command_Acc := null;
+ Last_Cmd : Command_Acc := null;
+ procedure Register_Command (Cmd : Command_Acc) is
+ begin
+ if First_Cmd = null then
+ First_Cmd := Cmd;
+ else
+ Last_Cmd.Next := Cmd;
+ end if;
+ Last_Cmd := Cmd;
+ end Register_Command;
+ -- Find the command.
+ function Find_Command (Action : String) return Command_Acc
+ is
+ Cmd : Command_Acc;
+ begin
+ Cmd := First_Cmd;
+ while Cmd /= null loop
+ if Decode_Command (Cmd.all, Action) then
+ return Cmd;
+ end if;
+ Cmd := Cmd.Next;
+ end loop;
+ return null;
+ end Find_Command;
+ -- Command help.
+ type Command_Help is new Command_Type with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Help; Name : String) return Boolean;
+ procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Help;
+ Option : String;
+ Arg : String;
+ Res : out Option_Res);
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Help) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Help; Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Help; Name : String) return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "-h" or else Name = "--help";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Help;
+ Option : String;
+ Arg : String;
+ Res : out Option_Res)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Option);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Arg);
+ begin
+ Res := Option_End;
+ end Decode_Option;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Help) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "-h or --help [CMD] Disp this help or [help on CMD]";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Help; Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ use Ada.Command_Line;
+ C : Command_Acc;
+ begin
+ if Args'Length = 0 then
+ Put_Line ("usage: " & Command_Name & " COMMAND [OPTIONS] ...");
+ Put_Line ("COMMAND is one of:");
+ C := First_Cmd;
+ while C /= null loop
+ Put_Line (Get_Short_Help (C.all));
+ C := C.Next;
+ end loop;
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line
+ ("To display the options of a GHDL program, run your program");
+ Put_Line (" with the --help option.");
+ Put_Line ("Please, refer to the GHDL manual for more information.");
+ Put_Line ("Report bugs to <ghdl@free.fr>.");
+ elsif Args'Length = 1 then
+ C := Find_Command (Args (1).all);
+ if C = null then
+ Error ("Command '" & Args (1).all & "' is unknown.");
+ raise Option_Error;
+ end if;
+ Put_Line (Get_Short_Help (C.all));
+ Disp_Long_Help (C.all);
+ else
+ Error ("Command '--help' accepts at most one argument.");
+ raise Option_Error;
+ end if;
+ end Perform_Action;
+ -- Command options help.
+ type Command_Option_Help is new Command_Type with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Option_Help; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Option_Help) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Option_Help;
+ Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Option_Help; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "--options-help";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Option_Help) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "--options-help Disp help for compiler options";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Option_Help;
+ Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ if Args'Length /= 0 then
+ Error
+ ("warning: command '--option-help' does not accept any argument");
+ end if;
+ Flags.Disp_Options_Help;
+ end Perform_Action;
+ -- Command Version
+ type Command_Version is new Command_Type with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Version; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Version) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Version;
+ Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Version; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "-v" or Name = "--version";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Version) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "-v or --version Disp ghdl version";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Version;
+ Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ begin
+ Put_Line (Version.Ghdl_Version);
+ if Version_String /= null then
+ Put_Line (Version_String.all);
+ end if;
+ Put_Line ("Written by Tristan Gingold.");
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line ("Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold.");
+ Put_Line ("This is free software; see the source for copying conditions."
+ & " There is NO");
+ Put_Line ("warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A "
+ if Args'Length /= 0 then
+ Error ("warning: command '--version' does not accept any argument");
+ end if;
+ end Perform_Action;
+ -- Disp MSG on the standard output with the command name.
+ procedure Error (Msg : String)
+ is
+ use Ada.Command_Line;
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ begin
+ Put (Standard_Error, Command_Name);
+ Put (Standard_Error, ": ");
+ Put_Line (Standard_Error, Msg);
+ --Has_Error := True;
+ end Error;
+ procedure Main
+ is
+ use Ada.Command_Line;
+ Cmd : Command_Acc;
+ Arg_Index : Natural;
+ First_Arg : Natural;
+ begin
+ if Argument_Count = 0 then
+ Error ("missing command, try " & Command_Name & " --help");
+ raise Option_Error;
+ end if;
+ Cmd := Find_Command (Argument (1));
+ if Cmd = null then
+ Error ("unknown command '" & Argument (1) & "', try --help");
+ raise Option_Error;
+ end if;
+ Init (Cmd.all);
+ -- decode options.
+ First_Arg := 0;
+ Arg_Index := 2;
+ while Arg_Index <= Argument_Count loop
+ declare
+ Arg : String := Argument (Arg_Index);
+ Res : Option_Res;
+ begin
+ if Arg (1) = '-' then
+ -- Argument is an option.
+ if First_Arg > 0 then
+ Error ("options after file");
+ raise Option_Error;
+ end if;
+ Decode_Option (Cmd.all, Arg, "", Res);
+ case Res is
+ when Option_Bad =>
+ Error ("unknown option '" & Arg & "' for command '"
+ & Argument (1) & "'");
+ raise Option_Error;
+ when Option_Ok =>
+ Arg_Index := Arg_Index + 1;
+ when Option_Arg_Req =>
+ if Arg_Index + 1 > Argument_Count then
+ Error ("option '" & Arg & "' requires an argument");
+ raise Option_Error;
+ end if;
+ Decode_Option
+ (Cmd.all, Arg, Argument (Arg_Index + 1), Res);
+ if Res /= Option_Arg then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ Arg_Index := Arg_Index + 2;
+ when Option_Arg =>
+ raise Program_Error;
+ when Option_End =>
+ First_Arg := Arg_Index;
+ exit;
+ end case;
+ else
+ First_Arg := Arg_Index;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ if First_Arg = 0 then
+ First_Arg := Argument_Count + 1;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Args : Argument_List (1 .. Argument_Count - First_Arg + 1);
+ begin
+ for I in Args'Range loop
+ Args (I) := new String'(Argument (First_Arg + I - 1));
+ end loop;
+ Perform_Action (Cmd.all, Args);
+ for I in Args'Range loop
+ Free (Args (I));
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ --if Flags.Dump_Stats then
+ -- Name_Table.Disp_Stats;
+ -- Iirs.Disp_Stats;
+ --end if;
+ Set_Exit_Status (Success);
+ exception
+ when Option_Error
+ | Compile_Error
+ | Errorout.Compilation_Error =>
+ Set_Exit_Status (Failure);
+ when Exec_Error =>
+ Set_Exit_Status (3);
+ when E: others =>
+ Bug.Disp_Bug_Box (E);
+ Set_Exit_Status (2);
+ end Main;
+ procedure Register_Commands is
+ begin
+ Register_Command (new Command_Help);
+ Register_Command (new Command_Option_Help);
+ Register_Command (new Command_Version);
+ end Register_Commands;
+end Ghdlmain;
diff --git a/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlmain.ads b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlmain.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c01f1d63e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlmain.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+-- GHDL driver - main part.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
+with Errorout;
+package Ghdlmain is
+ type Command_Type;
+ type Command_Acc is access all Command_Type'Class;
+ type Command_Type is abstract tagged record
+ Next : Command_Acc;
+ end record;
+ -- Return TRUE iff CMD handle action ACTION.
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Type; Name : String) return Boolean
+ is abstract;
+ -- Initialize the command, before decoding actions.
+ procedure Init (Cmd : in out Command_Type);
+ -- Option_OK: OPTION is handled.
+ -- Option_Bad: OPTION is unknown.
+ -- Option_Arg_Req: OPTION requires an argument. Must be set only when
+ -- ARG = "", the manager will recall Decode_Option.
+ -- Option_Arg: OPTION used the argument.
+ type Option_Res is
+ (Option_Bad, Option_Ok, Option_Arg, Option_Arg_Req, Option_End);
+ procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Type;
+ Option : String;
+ Arg : String;
+ Res : out Option_Res);
+ -- Get a one-line help for the command.
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Type) return String
+ is abstract;
+ -- Disp detailled help.
+ procedure Disp_Long_Help (Cmd : Command_Type);
+ -- Perform the action.
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Type; Args : Argument_List)
+ is abstract;
+ -- Register a command.
+ procedure Register_Command (Cmd : Command_Acc);
+ -- Disp MSG on the standard output with the command name.
+ procedure Error (Msg : String);
+ -- May be raise by perform_action if the arguments are bad.
+ Option_Error : exception renames Errorout.Option_Error;
+ -- Action failed.
+ Compile_Error : exception;
+ -- Exec failed: either the program was not found, or failed.
+ Exec_Error : exception;
+ procedure Main;
+ -- Additionnal one-line message displayed by the --version command,
+ -- if defined.
+ -- Used to customize.
+ type String_Cst_Acc is access constant String;
+ Version_String : String_Cst_Acc := null;
+ -- Registers all commands in this package.
+ procedure Register_Commands;
+end Ghdlmain;
diff --git a/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlprint.adb b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlprint.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d9de2df86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlprint.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1561 @@
+-- GHDL driver - print commands.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
+with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
+with GNAT.Directory_Operations;
+with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
+with Types; use Types;
+with Flags;
+with Name_Table; use Name_Table;
+with Files_Map;
+with Libraries;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+with Tokens;
+with Scan;
+with Version;
+with Xrefs;
+with Ghdlmain; use Ghdlmain;
+with Ghdllocal; use Ghdllocal;
+package body Ghdlprint is
+ type Html_Format_Type is (Html_2, Html_Css);
+ Html_Format : Html_Format_Type := Html_2;
+ procedure Put_Html (C : Character) is
+ begin
+ case C is
+ when '>' =>
+ Put ("&gt;");
+ when '<' =>
+ Put ("&lt;");
+ when '&' =>
+ Put ("&amp;");
+ when others =>
+ Put (C);
+ end case;
+ end Put_Html;
+ procedure Put_Html (S : String) is
+ begin
+ for I in S'Range loop
+ Put_Html (S (I));
+ end loop;
+ end Put_Html;
+ package Nat_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO (Num => Natural);
+ procedure Put_Nat (N : Natural) is
+ begin
+ Nat_IO.Put (N, Width => 0);
+ end Put_Nat;
+ type Filexref_Info_Type is record
+ Output : String_Acc;
+ Referenced : Boolean;
+ end record;
+ type Filexref_Info_Arr is array (Source_File_Entry range <>)
+ of Filexref_Info_Type;
+ type Filexref_Info_Arr_Acc is access Filexref_Info_Arr;
+ Filexref_Info : Filexref_Info_Arr_Acc := null;
+ procedure PP_Html_File (File : Source_File_Entry)
+ is
+ use Scan;
+ use Tokens;
+ use Files_Map;
+ use Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
+ Line : Natural;
+ Buf : File_Buffer_Acc;
+ Prev_Tok : Token_Type;
+ -- True if tokens are between 'end' and ';'
+ In_End : Boolean := False;
+ -- Current logical column number. Used to expand TABs.
+ Col : Natural;
+ -- Position just after the last token.
+ Last_Tok : Source_Ptr;
+ -- Position just before the current token.
+ Bef_Tok : Source_Ptr;
+ -- Position just after the current token.
+ Aft_Tok : Source_Ptr;
+ procedure Disp_Ln
+ is
+ N : Natural;
+ Str : String (1 .. 5);
+ begin
+ case Html_Format is
+ when Html_2 =>
+ Put ("<font size=-1>");
+ when Html_Css =>
+ Put ("<i>");
+ end case;
+ N := Line;
+ for I in reverse Str'Range loop
+ if N = 0 then
+ Str (I) := ' ';
+ else
+ Str (I) := Character'Val (48 + N mod 10);
+ N := N / 10;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Put (Str);
+ case Html_Format is
+ when Html_2 =>
+ Put ("</font>");
+ when Html_Css =>
+ Put ("</i>");
+ end case;
+ Put (" ");
+ Col := 0;
+ end Disp_Ln;
+ procedure Disp_Spaces
+ is
+ C : Character;
+ P : Source_Ptr;
+ N_Col : Natural;
+ begin
+ P := Last_Tok;
+ while P < Bef_Tok loop
+ C := Buf (P);
+ if C = HT then
+ -- Expand TABS.
+ N_Col := Col + 8;
+ N_Col := N_Col - N_Col mod 8;
+ while Col < N_Col loop
+ Put (' ');
+ Col := Col + 1;
+ end loop;
+ else
+ Put (' ');
+ Col := Col + 1;
+ end if;
+ P := P + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Spaces;
+ procedure Disp_Text
+ is
+ P : Source_Ptr;
+ begin
+ P := Bef_Tok;
+ while P < Aft_Tok loop
+ Put_Html (Buf (P));
+ Col := Col + 1;
+ P := P + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Text;
+ procedure Disp_Reserved is
+ begin
+ Disp_Spaces;
+ case Html_Format is
+ when Html_2 =>
+ Put ("<font color=red>");
+ Disp_Text;
+ Put ("</font>");
+ when Html_Css =>
+ Put ("<em>");
+ Disp_Text;
+ Put ("</em>");
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Reserved;
+ procedure Disp_Href (Loc : Location_Type)
+ is
+ L_File : Source_File_Entry;
+ L_Pos : Source_Ptr;
+ begin
+ Location_To_File_Pos (Loc, L_File, L_Pos);
+ Put (" href=""");
+ if L_File /= File then
+ -- External reference.
+ if Filexref_Info (L_File).Output /= null then
+ Put (Filexref_Info (L_File).Output.all);
+ Put ("#");
+ Put_Nat (Natural (L_Pos));
+ else
+ -- Reference to an unused file.
+ Put ("index.html#f");
+ Put_Nat (Natural (L_File));
+ Filexref_Info (L_File).Referenced := True;
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- Local reference.
+ Put ("#");
+ Put_Nat (Natural (L_Pos));
+ end if;
+ Put ("""");
+ end Disp_Href;
+ procedure Disp_Anchor (Loc : Location_Type)
+ is
+ L_File : Source_File_Entry;
+ L_Pos : Source_Ptr;
+ begin
+ Put (" name=""");
+ Location_To_File_Pos (Loc, L_File, L_Pos);
+ Put_Nat (Natural (L_Pos));
+ Put ("""");
+ end Disp_Anchor;
+ procedure Disp_Identifier
+ is
+ use Xrefs;
+ Ref : Xref;
+ Decl : Iir;
+ Bod : Iir;
+ Loc : Location_Type;
+ begin
+ Disp_Spaces;
+ if Flags.Flag_Xref then
+ Loc := File_Pos_To_Location (File, Bef_Tok);
+ Ref := Find (Loc);
+ if Ref = Bad_Xref then
+ Disp_Text;
+ Warning_Msg_Sem ("cannot find xref", Loc);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Disp_Text;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Xref_Kind (Ref) is
+ when Xref_Decl =>
+ Put ("<a");
+ Disp_Anchor (Loc);
+ Decl := Get_Xref_Node (Ref);
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ Bod := Get_Subprogram_Body (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ Bod := Get_Package_Body (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration =>
+ Decl := Get_Type (Decl);
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
+ Bod := Get_Protected_Type_Body (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition =>
+ Bod := Get_Type_Declarator (Decl);
+ when others =>
+ Bod := Null_Iir;
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ Bod := Null_Iir;
+ end case;
+ if Bod /= Null_Iir then
+ Disp_Href (Get_Location (Bod));
+ end if;
+ Put (">");
+ Disp_Text;
+ Put ("</a>");
+ when Xref_Ref
+ | Xref_End =>
+ Decl := Get_Xref_Node (Ref);
+ Loc := Get_Location (Decl);
+ if Loc /= Location_Nil then
+ Put ("<a");
+ Disp_Href (Loc);
+ Put (">");
+ Disp_Text;
+ Put ("</a>");
+ else
+ -- This may happen for overload list, in use clauses.
+ Disp_Text;
+ end if;
+ when Xref_Body =>
+ Put ("<a");
+ Disp_Anchor (Loc);
+ Disp_Href (Get_Location (Get_Xref_Node (Ref)));
+ Put (">");
+ Disp_Text;
+ Put ("</a>");
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Identifier;
+ procedure Disp_Attribute
+ is
+ use Xrefs;
+ Ref : Xref;
+ Decl : Iir;
+ Loc : Location_Type;
+ begin
+ Disp_Spaces;
+ if Flags.Flag_Xref then
+ Loc := File_Pos_To_Location (File, Bef_Tok);
+ Ref := Find (Loc);
+ else
+ Ref := Bad_Xref;
+ end if;
+ if Ref = Bad_Xref then
+ case Html_Format is
+ when Html_2 =>
+ Put ("<font color=orange>");
+ Disp_Text;
+ Put ("</font>");
+ when Html_Css =>
+ Put ("<var>");
+ Disp_Text;
+ Put ("</var>");
+ end case;
+ else
+ Decl := Get_Xref_Node (Ref);
+ Loc := Get_Location (Decl);
+ Put ("<a");
+ Disp_Href (Loc);
+ Put (">");
+ Disp_Text;
+ Put ("</a>");
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Attribute;
+ begin
+ Scan.Flag_Comment := True;
+ Scan.Flag_Newline := True;
+ Set_File (File);
+ Buf := Get_File_Source (File);
+ Put_Line ("<pre>");
+ Line := 1;
+ Disp_Ln;
+ Last_Tok := Source_Ptr_Org;
+ Prev_Tok := Tok_Invalid;
+ loop
+ Scan.Scan;
+ Bef_Tok := Get_Token_Position;
+ Aft_Tok := Get_Position;
+ case Current_Token is
+ when Tok_Eof =>
+ exit;
+ when Tok_Newline =>
+ New_Line;
+ Line := Line + 1;
+ Disp_Ln;
+ when Tok_Comment =>
+ Disp_Spaces;
+ case Html_Format is
+ when Html_2 =>
+ Put ("<font color=green>");
+ Disp_Text;
+ Put ("</font>");
+ when Html_Css =>
+ Put ("<tt>");
+ Disp_Text;
+ Put ("</tt>");
+ end case;
+ when Tok_Access .. Tok_Elsif
+ | Tok_Entity .. Tok_With
+ | Tok_Mod .. Tok_Rem
+ | Tok_And .. Tok_Not =>
+ Disp_Reserved;
+ when Tok_End =>
+ Disp_Reserved;
+ In_End := True;
+ when Tok_Semi_Colon =>
+ In_End := False;
+ Disp_Spaces;
+ Disp_Text;
+ when Tok_Xnor .. Tok_Ror =>
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std > Vhdl_87 then
+ Disp_Reserved;
+ else
+ Disp_Identifier;
+ end if;
+ when Tok_Protected =>
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_00 then
+ Disp_Reserved;
+ else
+ Disp_Identifier;
+ end if;
+ when Tok_String
+ | Tok_Bit_String
+ | Tok_Character =>
+ Disp_Spaces;
+ case Html_Format is
+ when Html_2 =>
+ Put ("<font color=blue>");
+ Disp_Text;
+ Put ("</font>");
+ when Html_Css =>
+ Put ("<kbd>");
+ Disp_Text;
+ Put ("</kbd>");
+ end case;
+ when Tok_Identifier =>
+ if Prev_Tok = Tok_Tick then
+ Disp_Attribute;
+ else
+ Disp_Identifier;
+ end if;
+ when Tok_Left_Paren .. Tok_Colon
+ | Tok_Comma .. Tok_Dot
+ | Tok_Integer
+ | Tok_Real
+ | Tok_Equal .. Tok_Slash
+ | Tok_Invalid =>
+ Disp_Spaces;
+ Disp_Text;
+ end case;
+ Last_Tok := Aft_Tok;
+ Prev_Tok := Current_Token;
+ end loop;
+ Close_File;
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line ("</pre>");
+ Put_Line ("<hr/>");
+ end PP_Html_File;
+ procedure Put_Html_Header
+ is
+ begin
+ Put ("<html>");
+ Put_Line (" <head>");
+ case Html_Format is
+ when Html_2 =>
+ null;
+ when Html_Css =>
+ Put_Line (" <link rel=stylesheet type=""text/css""");
+ Put_Line (" href=""ghdl.css"" title=""default""/>");
+ end case;
+ --Put_Line ("<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8"" ?>");
+ --Put_Line("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN""");
+ --Put_Line ("""http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"">");
+ --Put_Line ("<html xmlns=""http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"""
+ -- & " xml:lang=""en"">");
+ --Put_Line ("<head>");
+ end Put_Html_Header;
+ procedure Put_Css is
+ begin
+ Put_Line ("/* EM is used for reserved words */");
+ Put_Line ("EM { color : red; font-style: normal }");
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line ("/* TT is used for comments */");
+ Put_Line ("TT { color : green; font-style: normal }");
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line ("/* KBD is used for literals and strings */");
+ Put_Line ("KBD { color : blue; font-style: normal }");
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line ("/* I is used for line numbers */");
+ Put_Line ("I { color : gray; font-size: 50% }");
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line ("/* VAR is used for attributes name */");
+ Put_Line ("VAR { color : orange; font-style: normal }");
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line ("/* A is used for identifiers. */");
+ Put_Line ("A { color: blue; font-style: normal;");
+ Put_Line (" text-decoration: none }");
+ end Put_Css;
+ procedure Put_Html_Foot
+ is
+ begin
+ Put_Line ("<p>");
+ Put ("<small>This page was generated using ");
+ Put ("<a href=""http://ghdl.free.fr"">");
+ Put (Version.Ghdl_Version);
+ Put ("</a>, a program written by");
+ Put (" Tristan Gingold");
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line ("</p>");
+ Put_Line ("</body>");
+ Put_Line ("</html>");
+ end Put_Html_Foot;
+ function Create_Output_Filename (Name : String; Num : Natural)
+ return String_Acc
+ is
+ -- Position of the extension. 0 if none.
+ Ext_Pos : Natural;
+ Num_Str : String := Natural'Image (Num);
+ begin
+ -- Search for the extension.
+ Ext_Pos := 0;
+ for I in reverse Name'Range loop
+ exit when Name (I) = Directory_Separator;
+ if Name (I) = '.' then
+ Ext_Pos := I - 1;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Ext_Pos = 0 then
+ Ext_Pos := Name'Last;
+ end if;
+ Num_Str (1) := '.';
+ return new String'(Name (Name'First .. Ext_Pos) & Num_Str & ".html");
+ end Create_Output_Filename;
+ -- Command --chop.
+ type Command_Chop is new Command_Lib with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Chop; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Chop) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Chop;
+ Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Chop; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "--chop";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Chop) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "--chop [OPTS] FILEs Chop FILEs";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Chop; Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ use Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
+ function Build_File_Name_Length (Lib : Iir) return Natural
+ is
+ Len : Natural;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ Id1 : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Lib);
+ Len := Get_Name_Length (Id);
+ case Get_Kind (Lib) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
+ Len := Len + 1 + 4; -- add -body
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ Id1 := Get_Identifier (Get_Entity (Lib));
+ Len := Len + 1 + Get_Name_Length (Id1);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("build_file_name", Lib);
+ end case;
+ Len := Len + 1 + 4; -- add .vhdl
+ return Len;
+ end Build_File_Name_Length;
+ procedure Build_File_Name (Lib : Iir; Res : out String)
+ is
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ P : Natural;
+ procedure Append (Str : String) is
+ begin
+ Res (P + 1 .. P + Str'Length) := Str;
+ P := P + Str'Length;
+ end Append;
+ begin
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Lib);
+ P := Res'First - 1;
+ case Get_Kind (Lib) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ Image (Id);
+ Append (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length));
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
+ Image (Id);
+ Append (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length));
+ Append ("-body");
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ Image (Get_Identifier (Get_Entity (Lib)));
+ Append (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length));
+ Append ("-");
+ Image (Id);
+ Append (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length));
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Append (".vhdl");
+ end Build_File_Name;
+ -- Scan source file BUF+START until end of line.
+ -- Return line kind to KIND and position of next line to NEXT.
+ type Line_Type is (Line_Blank, Line_Comment, Line_Text);
+ procedure Find_Eol (Buf : File_Buffer_Acc;
+ Start : Source_Ptr;
+ Next : out Source_Ptr;
+ Kind : out Line_Type)
+ is
+ P : Source_Ptr;
+ begin
+ P := Start;
+ Kind := Line_Blank;
+ -- Skip blanks.
+ while Buf (P) = ' ' or Buf (P) = HT loop
+ P := P + 1;
+ end loop;
+ -- Skip comment if any.
+ if Buf (P) = '-' and Buf (P + 1) = '-' then
+ Kind := Line_Comment;
+ P := P + 2;
+ elsif Buf (P) /= CR and Buf (P) /= LF and Buf (P) /= EOT then
+ Kind := Line_Text;
+ end if;
+ -- Skip until end of line.
+ while Buf (P) /= CR and Buf (P) /= LF and Buf (P) /= EOT loop
+ P := P + 1;
+ end loop;
+ if Buf (P) = CR then
+ P := P + 1;
+ if Buf (P) = LF then
+ P := P + 1;
+ end if;
+ elsif Buf (P) = LF then
+ P := P + 1;
+ if Buf (P) = CR then
+ P := P + 1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Next := P;
+ end Find_Eol;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ Design_File : Iir_Design_File;
+ Unit : Iir;
+ Lib : Iir;
+ Len : Natural;
+ begin
+ Flags.Bootstrap := True;
+ -- Load word library.
+ Libraries.Load_Std_Library;
+ Libraries.Load_Work_Library;
+ -- First loop: parse source file, check destination file does not
+ -- exist.
+ for I in Args'Range loop
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Args (I).all);
+ Design_File := Libraries.Load_File (Id);
+ if Design_File = Null_Iir then
+ raise Compile_Error;
+ end if;
+ Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (Design_File);
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ Lib := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ Len := Build_File_Name_Length (Lib);
+ declare
+ Filename : String (1 .. Len + 1);
+ begin
+ Build_File_Name (Lib, Filename);
+ Filename (Len + 1) := Ghdllocal.Nul;
+ if Is_Regular_File (Filename) then
+ Error ("file '" & Filename (1 .. Len) & "' already exists");
+ raise Compile_Error;
+ end if;
+ Put (Filename (1 .. Len));
+ Put (" (for ");
+ Disp_Library_Unit (Lib);
+ Put (")");
+ New_Line;
+ end;
+ Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ -- Second loop: do the real work.
+ for I in Args'Range loop
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Args (I).all);
+ Design_File := Libraries.Load_File (Id);
+ Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (Design_File);
+ declare
+ use Files_Map;
+ File_Entry : Source_File_Entry;
+ Buffer : File_Buffer_Acc;
+ Start : Source_Ptr;
+ Lend : Source_Ptr;
+ First : Source_Ptr;
+ Next : Source_Ptr;
+ Kind : Line_Type;
+ begin
+ -- A design_file must have at least one design unit.
+ if Unit = Null_Iir then
+ raise Compile_Error;
+ end if;
+ Location_To_File_Pos
+ (Get_Location (Unit), File_Entry, Start);
+ Buffer := Get_File_Source (File_Entry);
+ First := Source_Ptr_Org;
+ if Get_Chain (Unit) /= Null_Iir then
+ -- If there is only one unit, then the whole file is written.
+ -- First last blank line.
+ Next := Source_Ptr_Org;
+ loop
+ Start := Next;
+ Find_Eol (Buffer, Start, Next, Kind);
+ exit when Kind = Line_Text;
+ if Kind = Line_Blank then
+ First := Next;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- FIXME: write header.
+ end if;
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ Lib := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ Location_To_File_Pos
+ (Get_End_Location (Unit), File_Entry, Lend);
+ if Lend < First then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Location_To_File_Pos
+ (Get_End_Location (Unit), File_Entry, Lend);
+ -- Find the ';'.
+ while Buffer (Lend) /= ';' loop
+ Lend := Lend + 1;
+ end loop;
+ Lend := Lend + 1;
+ -- Find end of line.
+ Find_Eol (Buffer, Lend, Next, Kind);
+ if Kind = Line_Text then
+ -- There is another unit on the same line.
+ Next := Lend;
+ -- Skip blanks.
+ while Buffer (Next) = ' ' or Buffer (Next) = HT loop
+ Next := Next + 1;
+ end loop;
+ else
+ -- Find first blank line.
+ loop
+ Start := Next;
+ Find_Eol (Buffer, Start, Next, Kind);
+ exit when Kind /= Line_Comment;
+ end loop;
+ if Kind = Line_Text then
+ -- There is not blank lines.
+ -- All the comments are supposed to belong to the next
+ -- unit.
+ Find_Eol (Buffer, Lend, Next, Kind);
+ Lend := Next;
+ else
+ Lend := Start;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Chain (Unit) = Null_Iir then
+ -- Last unit.
+ -- Put the end of the file in it.
+ Lend := Get_File_Length (File_Entry);
+ end if;
+ -- FIXME: file with only one unit.
+ -- FIXME: set extension.
+ Len := Build_File_Name_Length (Lib);
+ declare
+ Filename : String (1 .. Len + 1);
+ Fd : File_Descriptor;
+ Wlen : Integer;
+ begin
+ Build_File_Name (Lib, Filename);
+ Filename (Len + 1) := Character'Val (0);
+ Fd := Create_File (Filename, Binary);
+ if Fd = Invalid_FD then
+ Error
+ ("cannot create file '" & Filename (1 .. Len) & "'");
+ raise Compile_Error;
+ end if;
+ Wlen := Integer (Lend - First);
+ if Write (Fd, Buffer (First)'Address, Wlen) /= Wlen then
+ Error ("cannot write to '" & Filename (1 .. Len) & "'");
+ raise Compile_Error;
+ end if;
+ Close (Fd);
+ end;
+ First := Next;
+ Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ end Perform_Action;
+ -- Command --lines.
+ type Command_Lines is new Command_Lib with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Lines; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Lines) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Lines;
+ Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Lines; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "--lines";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Lines) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "--lines FILEs Precede line with its number";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Lines; Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ use Scan;
+ use Tokens;
+ use Files_Map;
+ use Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ Fe : Source_File_Entry;
+ Local_Id : Name_Id;
+ Line : Natural;
+ File : Source_File_Entry;
+ Buf : File_Buffer_Acc;
+ Ptr : Source_Ptr;
+ Eptr : Source_Ptr;
+ C : Character;
+ N : Natural;
+ Log : Natural;
+ Str : String (1 .. 10);
+ begin
+ Local_Id := Get_Identifier ("");
+ for I in Args'Range loop
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Args (I).all);
+ Fe := Files_Map.Load_Source_File (Local_Id, Id);
+ if Fe = No_Source_File_Entry then
+ Error ("cannot open file " & Args (I).all);
+ raise Compile_Error;
+ end if;
+ Set_File (Fe);
+ loop
+ Scan.Scan;
+ exit when Current_Token = Tok_Eof;
+ end loop;
+ File := Get_Current_Source_File;
+ Line := Get_Current_Line;
+ Close_File;
+ -- Compute log10 of line.
+ N := Line;
+ Log := 0;
+ loop
+ N := N / 10;
+ Log := Log + 1;
+ exit when N = 0;
+ end loop;
+ -- Disp file name.
+ Put (Args (I).all);
+ Put (':');
+ New_Line;
+ Buf := Get_File_Source (File);
+ for J in 1 .. Line loop
+ Ptr := Line_To_Position (File, J);
+ exit when Ptr = Source_Ptr_Bad;
+ exit when Buf (Ptr) = Files_Map.EOT;
+ -- Disp line number.
+ N := J;
+ for K in reverse 1 .. Log loop
+ if N = 0 then
+ Str (K) := ' ';
+ else
+ Str (K) := Character'Val (48 + N mod 10);
+ N := N / 10;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Put (Str (1 .. Log));
+ Put (": ");
+ -- Search for end of line (or end of file).
+ Eptr := Ptr;
+ loop
+ C := Buf (Eptr);
+ exit when C = Files_Map.EOT or C = LF or C = CR;
+ Eptr := Eptr + 1;
+ end loop;
+ -- Disp line.
+ Put (String (Buf (Ptr .. Eptr - 1)));
+ New_Line;
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ end Perform_Action;
+ type Command_Html is abstract new Command_Lib with null record;
+ procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Html;
+ Option : String;
+ Arg : String;
+ Res : out Option_Res);
+ procedure Disp_Long_Help (Cmd : Command_Html);
+ procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Html;
+ Option : String;
+ Arg : String;
+ Res : out Option_Res)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Option = "--format=css" then
+ Html_Format := Html_Css;
+ Res := Option_Ok;
+ elsif Option = "--format=html2" then
+ Html_Format := Html_2;
+ Res := Option_Ok;
+ else
+ Decode_Option (Command_Lib (Cmd), Option, Arg, Res);
+ end if;
+ end Decode_Option;
+ procedure Disp_Long_Help (Cmd : Command_Html)
+ is
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ begin
+ Disp_Long_Help (Command_Lib (Cmd));
+ Put_Line ("--format=html2 Use FONT attributes");
+ Put_Line ("--format=css Use ghdl.css file");
+ end Disp_Long_Help;
+ -- Command --pp_html.
+ type Command_PP_Html is new Command_Html with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_PP_Html; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_PP_Html) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_PP_Html;
+ Files : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_PP_Html; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "--pp-html";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_PP_Html) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "--pp-html FILEs Pretty-print FILEs in HTML";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_PP_Html;
+ Files : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ use Scan;
+ use Tokens;
+ use Files_Map;
+ use Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ Fe : Source_File_Entry;
+ Local_Id : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Local_Id := Get_Identifier ("");
+ Put_Html_Header;
+ Put_Line (" <title>");
+ for I in Files'Range loop
+ Put (" ");
+ Put_Line (Files (I).all);
+ end loop;
+ Put_Line (" </title>");
+ Put_Line ("</head>");
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line ("<body>");
+ for I in Files'Range loop
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Files (I).all);
+ Fe := Files_Map.Load_Source_File (Local_Id, Id);
+ if Fe = No_Source_File_Entry then
+ Error ("cannot open file " & Files (I).all);
+ raise Compile_Error;
+ end if;
+ Put (" <h1>");
+ Put (Files (I).all);
+ Put ("</h1>");
+ New_Line;
+ PP_Html_File (Fe);
+ end loop;
+ Put_Html_Foot;
+ end Perform_Action;
+ -- Command --xref-html.
+ type Command_Xref_Html is new Command_Html with record
+ Output_Dir : String_Access := null;
+ end record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Xref_Html; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Xref_Html) return String;
+ procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Xref_Html;
+ Option : String;
+ Arg : String;
+ Res : out Option_Res);
+ procedure Disp_Long_Help (Cmd : Command_Xref_Html);
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Xref_Html;
+ Files_Name : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Xref_Html; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "--xref-html";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Xref_Html) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "--xref-html FILEs Display FILEs in HTML with xrefs";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Xref_Html;
+ Option : String;
+ Arg : String;
+ Res : out Option_Res)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Option = "-o" then
+ if Arg = "" then
+ Res := Option_Arg_Req;
+ else
+ Cmd.Output_Dir := new String'(Arg);
+ Res := Option_Arg;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Decode_Option (Command_Html (Cmd), Option, Arg, Res);
+ end if;
+ end Decode_Option;
+ procedure Disp_Long_Help (Cmd : Command_Xref_Html)
+ is
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ begin
+ Disp_Long_Help (Command_Html (Cmd));
+ Put_Line ("-o DIR Put generated files into DIR (def: html/)");
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line ("When format is css, the CSS file 'ghdl.css' "
+ & "is never overwritten.");
+ end Disp_Long_Help;
+ procedure Analyze_Design_File_Units (File : Iir_Design_File)
+ is
+ Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ begin
+ Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (File);
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Date_State (Unit) is
+ when Date_Extern
+ | Date_Disk =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Date_Parse =>
+ Libraries.Load_Design_Unit (Unit, Null_Iir);
+ when Date_Analyze =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ end loop;
+ end Analyze_Design_File_Units;
+ procedure Perform_Action
+ (Cmd : in out Command_Xref_Html; Files_Name : Argument_List)
+ is
+ use GNAT.Directory_Operations;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ File : Source_File_Entry;
+ type File_Data is record
+ Fe : Source_File_Entry;
+ Design_File : Iir;
+ Output : String_Acc;
+ end record;
+ type File_Data_Array is array (Files_Name'Range) of File_Data;
+ Files : File_Data_Array;
+ Output : File_Type;
+ Prev_Output : File_Access;
+ begin
+ Xrefs.Init;
+ Flags.Flag_Xref := True;
+ -- Load work library.
+ Setup_Libraries (True);
+ if Cmd.Output_Dir = null then
+ Cmd.Output_Dir := new String'("html");
+ elsif Cmd.Output_Dir.all = "-" then
+ Cmd.Output_Dir := null;
+ end if;
+ -- Try to create the directory.
+ if Cmd.Output_Dir /= null
+ and then not Is_Directory (Cmd.Output_Dir.all)
+ then
+ declare
+ begin
+ Make_Dir (Cmd.Output_Dir.all);
+ exception
+ when Directory_Error =>
+ Error ("cannot create directory " & Cmd.Output_Dir.all);
+ return;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ -- Parse all files.
+ for I in Files'Range loop
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Files_Name (I).all);
+ File := Files_Map.Load_Source_File (Libraries.Local_Directory, Id);
+ if File = No_Source_File_Entry then
+ Error ("cannot open " & Image (Id));
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Files (I).Fe := File;
+ Files (I).Design_File := Libraries.Load_File (File);
+ if Files (I).Design_File = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Files (I).Output := Create_Output_Filename
+ (Base_Name (Files_Name (I).all), I);
+ if Is_Regular_File (Files (I).Output.all) then
+ -- Prevent overwrite.
+ null;
+ end if;
+ -- Put units in library.
+ Libraries.Add_Design_File_Into_Library (Files (I).Design_File);
+ end loop;
+ -- Analyze all files.
+ for I in Files'Range loop
+ Analyze_Design_File_Units (Files (I).Design_File);
+ end loop;
+ Xrefs.Sort_By_Location;
+ if False then
+ for I in 1 .. Xrefs.Get_Last_Xref loop
+ declare
+ use Xrefs;
+ procedure Put_Loc (L : Location_Type)
+ is
+ use Files_Map;
+ L_File : Source_File_Entry;
+ L_Pos : Source_Ptr;
+ begin
+ Files_Map.Location_To_File_Pos (L, L_File, L_Pos);
+ Put_Nat (Natural (L_File));
+ --Image (Get_File_Name (L_File));
+ --Put (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length));
+ Put (":");
+ Put_Nat (Natural (L_Pos));
+ end Put_Loc;
+ begin
+ Put_Loc (Get_Xref_Location (I));
+ case Get_Xref_Kind (I) is
+ when Xref_Decl =>
+ Put (" decl ");
+ Put (Image (Get_Identifier (Get_Xref_Node (I))));
+ when Xref_Ref =>
+ Put (" use ");
+ Put_Loc (Get_Location (Get_Xref_Node (I)));
+ when Xref_End =>
+ Put (" end ");
+ when Xref_Body =>
+ Put (" body ");
+ end case;
+ New_Line;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ -- Create filexref_info.
+ Filexref_Info := new Filexref_Info_Arr
+ (No_Source_File_Entry .. Files_Map.Get_Last_Source_File_Entry);
+ Filexref_Info.all := (others => (Output => null,
+ Referenced => False));
+ for I in Files'Range loop
+ Filexref_Info (Files (I).Fe).Output := Files (I).Output;
+ end loop;
+ Prev_Output := Current_Input;
+ for I in Files'Range loop
+ if Cmd.Output_Dir /= null then
+ Create (Output, Out_File,
+ Cmd.Output_Dir.all & Directory_Separator
+ & Files (I).Output.all);
+ Set_Output (Output);
+ end if;
+ Put_Html_Header;
+ Put_Line (" <title>");
+ Put_Html (Files_Name (I).all);
+ Put ("</title>");
+ Put_Line ("</head>");
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line ("<body>");
+ Put ("<h1>");
+ Put_Html (Files_Name (I).all);
+ Put ("</h1>");
+ New_Line;
+ PP_Html_File (Files (I).Fe);
+ Put_Html_Foot;
+ if Cmd.Output_Dir /= null then
+ Close (Output);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- Create indexes.
+ if Cmd.Output_Dir /= null then
+ Create (Output, Out_File,
+ Cmd.Output_Dir.all & Directory_Separator & "index.html");
+ Set_Output (Output);
+ Put_Html_Header;
+ Put_Line (" <title>Xrefs indexes</title>");
+ Put_Line ("</head>");
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line ("<body>");
+ Put_Line ("<p>list of files:");
+ Put_Line ("<ul>");
+ for I in Files'Range loop
+ Put ("<li>");
+ Put ("<a href=""");
+ Put (Files (I).Output.all);
+ Put (""">");
+ Put_Html (Files_Name (I).all);
+ Put ("</a>");
+ Put ("</li>");
+ New_Line;
+ end loop;
+ Put_Line ("</ul></p>");
+ Put_Line ("<hr>");
+ -- TODO: list of design units.
+ Put_Line ("<p>list of files referenced but not available:");
+ Put_Line ("<ul>");
+ for I in No_Source_File_Entry + 1 .. Filexref_Info'Last loop
+ if Filexref_Info (I).Output = null
+ and then Filexref_Info (I).Referenced
+ then
+ Put ("<li><a name=""f");
+ Put_Nat (Natural (I));
+ Put (""">");
+ Put_Html (Image (Files_Map.Get_File_Name (I)));
+ Put ("</a></li>");
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Put_Line ("</ul></p><hr>");
+ Put_Html_Foot;
+ Close (Output);
+ end if;
+ if Html_Format = Html_Css
+ and then Cmd.Output_Dir /= null
+ then
+ declare
+ Css_Filename : String :=
+ Cmd.Output_Dir.all & Directory_Separator & "ghdl.css";
+ begin
+ if not Is_Regular_File (Css_Filename & Nul) then
+ Create (Output, Out_File, Css_Filename);
+ Set_Output (Output);
+ Put_Css;
+ Close (Output);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ exception
+ when Compilation_Error =>
+ Error ("xrefs has failed due to compilation error");
+ end Perform_Action;
+ -- Command --xref
+ type Command_Xref is new Command_Lib with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Xref; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Xref) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Xref;
+ Files_Name : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Xref; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "--xref";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Xref) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "--xref FILEs Generate xrefs";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Perform_Action
+ (Cmd : in out Command_Xref; Files_Name : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ use Files_Map;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ File : Source_File_Entry;
+ type File_Data is record
+ Fe : Source_File_Entry;
+ Design_File : Iir;
+ end record;
+ type File_Data_Array is array (Files_Name'Range) of File_Data;
+ Files : File_Data_Array;
+ begin
+ -- Load work library.
+ Setup_Libraries (True);
+ Xrefs.Init;
+ Flags.Flag_Xref := True;
+ -- Parse all files.
+ for I in Files'Range loop
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Files_Name (I).all);
+ File := Load_Source_File (Libraries.Local_Directory, Id);
+ if File = No_Source_File_Entry then
+ Error ("cannot open " & Image (Id));
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Files (I).Fe := File;
+ Files (I).Design_File := Libraries.Load_File (File);
+ if Files (I).Design_File = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Put units in library.
+ -- Note: design_units stay while design_file get empty.
+ Libraries.Add_Design_File_Into_Library (Files (I).Design_File);
+ end loop;
+ -- Analyze all files.
+ for I in Files'Range loop
+ Analyze_Design_File_Units (Files (I).Design_File);
+ end loop;
+ Xrefs.Fix_End_Xrefs;
+ Xrefs.Sort_By_Node_Location;
+ for F in Files'Range loop
+ Put ("GHDL-XREF V0");
+ declare
+ use Xrefs;
+ Cur_Decl : Iir;
+ Cur_File : Source_File_Entry;
+ procedure Emit_Loc (Loc : Location_Type; C : Character)
+ is
+ L_File : Source_File_Entry;
+ L_Pos : Source_Ptr;
+ L_Line : Natural;
+ L_Off : Natural;
+ begin
+ Location_To_Coord (Loc, L_File, L_Pos, L_Line, L_Off);
+ --Put_Nat (Natural (L_File));
+ --Put (':');
+ Put_Nat (L_Line);
+ Put (C);
+ Put_Nat (L_Off);
+ end Emit_Loc;
+ procedure Emit_Decl (N : Iir)
+ is
+ Loc : Location_Type;
+ Loc_File : Source_File_Entry;
+ Loc_Pos : Source_Ptr;
+ C : Character;
+ begin
+ New_Line;
+ Cur_Decl := N;
+ Loc := Get_Location (N);
+ Location_To_File_Pos (Loc, Loc_File, Loc_Pos);
+ if Loc_File /= Cur_File then
+ Cur_File := Loc_File;
+ Put ("XFILE: ");
+ Image (Get_Source_File_Directory (Cur_File));
+ Put (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length));
+ Image (Get_File_Name (Cur_File));
+ Put (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length));
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ -- Letters:
+ -- b d fgh jk no qr uvwxyz
+ case Get_Kind (N) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration =>
+ C := 'T';
+ when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ C := 't';
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
+ C := 'E';
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ C := 'A';
+ when Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration =>
+ C := 'L';
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ C := 'P';
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
+ C := 'B';
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
+ C := 'F';
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ C := 'p';
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ C := 's';
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
+ C := 'S';
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration =>
+ C := 'c';
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
+ C := 'C';
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration =>
+ C := 'V';
+ when Iir_Kind_Element_Declaration =>
+ C := 'e';
+ when Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration =>
+ C := 'i';
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration =>
+ C := 'a';
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+ C := 'l';
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
+ C := 'm';
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ C := 'I';
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ C := 'G';
+ when others =>
+ C := '?';
+ end case;
+ Emit_Loc (Loc, C);
+ --Disp_Tree.Disp_Iir_Address (N);
+ Put (' ');
+ case Get_Kind (N) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Image (Get_Identifier (N));
+ Put (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length));
+ end case;
+ end Emit_Decl;
+ procedure Emit_Ref (R : Xref; T : Character)
+ is
+ N : Iir;
+ begin
+ N := Get_Xref_Node (R);
+ if N /= Cur_Decl then
+ Emit_Decl (N);
+ end if;
+ Put (' ');
+ Emit_Loc (Get_Xref_Location (R), T);
+ end Emit_Ref;
+ Loc : Location_Type;
+ Loc_File : Source_File_Entry;
+ Loc_Pos : Source_Ptr;
+ begin
+ Cur_Decl := Null_Iir;
+ Cur_File := No_Source_File_Entry;
+ for I in First_Xref .. Get_Last_Xref loop
+ Loc := Get_Xref_Location (I);
+ Location_To_File_Pos (Loc, Loc_File, Loc_Pos);
+ if Loc_File = Files (F).Fe then
+ -- This is a local location.
+ case Get_Xref_Kind (I) is
+ when Xref_Decl =>
+ Emit_Decl (Get_Xref_Node (I));
+ when Xref_End =>
+ Emit_Ref (I, 'e');
+ when Xref_Ref =>
+ Emit_Ref (I, 'r');
+ when Xref_Body =>
+ Emit_Ref (I, 'b');
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ New_Line;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ exception
+ when Compilation_Error =>
+ Error ("xrefs has failed due to compilation error");
+ end Perform_Action;
+ procedure Register_Commands is
+ begin
+ Register_Command (new Command_Chop);
+ Register_Command (new Command_Lines);
+ Register_Command (new Command_PP_Html);
+ Register_Command (new Command_Xref_Html);
+ Register_Command (new Command_Xref);
+ end Register_Commands;
+end Ghdlprint;
diff --git a/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlprint.ads b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlprint.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e52bc008e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlprint.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+-- GHDL driver - print commands.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package Ghdlprint is
+ procedure Register_Commands;
+end Ghdlprint;
diff --git a/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlrun.adb b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlrun.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df64ebc66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlrun.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
+-- GHDL driver - JIT commands.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Interfaces.C;
+with Ghdlmain; use Ghdlmain;
+with Ghdllocal; use Ghdllocal;
+with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with Ada.Command_Line;
+with Ada.Text_IO;
+with Binary_File; use Binary_File;
+with Binary_File.Memory;
+with Ortho_Mcode; use Ortho_Mcode;
+with Ortho_Code.Flags; use Ortho_Code.Flags;
+with Binary_File;
+with Interfaces;
+with System; use System;
+with Trans_Decls;
+with Ortho_Code.Binary;
+with Ortho_Code.Debug;
+with Ortho_Code.X86.Emits;
+with Types;
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+with Flags;
+with Back_End;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Libraries;
+with Canon;
+with Trans_Be;
+with Translation;
+with Std_Names;
+with Ieee.Std_Logic_1164;
+with Binary_File.Elf;
+with Lists;
+with Str_Table;
+with Nodes;
+with Files_Map;
+with Name_Table;
+with Grt.Main;
+with Grt.Lib;
+with Grt.Processes;
+with Grt.Rtis;
+with Grt.Files;
+with Grt.Signals;
+with Grt.Options;
+with Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Images;
+with Grt.Values;
+with Grt.Names;
+with Ghdlcomp;
+package body Ghdlrun is
+ Snap_Filename : String_Access := null;
+ procedure Compile_Init (Analyze_Only : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ Back_End.Sem_Foreign := Trans_Be.Sem_Foreign'Access;
+ if Analyze_Only then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Initialize.
+ Back_End.Finish_Compilation := Trans_Be.Finish_Compilation'Access;
+ Setup_Libraries (False);
+ Libraries.Load_Std_Library;
+ Ortho_Mcode.Init;
+ Translation.Initialize;
+ Canon.Canon_Flag_Add_Labels := True;
+ end Compile_Init;
+ procedure Compile_Elab
+ (Cmd_Name : String; Args : Argument_List; Opt_Arg : out Natural)
+ is
+ begin
+ Extract_Elab_Unit (Cmd_Name, Args, Opt_Arg);
+ if Sec_Name = null then
+ Sec_Name := new String'("");
+ end if;
+ Flags.Flag_Elaborate := True;
+ Translation.Chap12.Elaborate (Prim_Name.all, Sec_Name.all, "", True);
+ if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
+ -- This may happen (bad entity for example).
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ Ortho_Mcode.Finish;
+ end Compile_Elab;
+ -- Set options.
+ -- This is a little bit over-kill: from C to Ada and then again to C...
+ procedure Set_Run_Options (Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ use Interfaces.C;
+ use Grt.Options;
+ use Grt.Types;
+ function Malloc (Size : size_t) return Argv_Type;
+ pragma Import (C, Malloc);
+ function Strdup (Str : String) return Ghdl_C_String;
+ pragma Import (C, Strdup);
+-- is
+-- T : Grt.Types.String_Access;
+-- begin
+-- T := new String'(Str & Ghdllocal.Nul);
+-- return To_Ghdl_C_String (T.all'Address);
+-- end Strdup;
+ begin
+ Argc := 1 + Args'Length;
+ Argv := Malloc
+ (size_t (Argc * (Ghdl_C_String'Size / System.Storage_Unit)));
+ Argv (0) := Strdup (Ada.Command_Line.Command_Name & Ghdllocal.Nul);
+ Progname := Argv (0);
+ for I in Args'Range loop
+ Argv (1 + I - Args'First) := Strdup (Args (I).all & Ghdllocal.Nul);
+ end loop;
+ end Set_Run_Options;
+ -- Toplevel function, defined by grt.
+ Flag_String : String (1 .. 5);
+ pragma Export (C, Flag_String, "__ghdl_flag_string");
+ procedure Ghdl_Elaborate;
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Elaborate, "__ghdl_ELABORATE");
+ type Elaborate_Acc is access procedure;
+ Elaborate_Proc : Elaborate_Acc := null;
+ procedure Ghdl_Elaborate is
+ begin
+ --Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Standard_Error, "ghdl_elaborate");
+ Elaborate_Proc.all;
+ end Ghdl_Elaborate;
+ Std_Standard_Bit_RTI_Ptr : Address := Null_Address;
+ Std_Standard_Boolean_RTI_Ptr : Address := Null_Address;
+ pragma Export (C, Std_Standard_Bit_RTI_Ptr,
+ "std__standard__bit__RTI_ptr");
+ pragma Export (C, Std_Standard_Boolean_RTI_Ptr,
+ "std__standard__boolean__RTI_ptr");
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_1164_Resolved_Resolv_Ptr : Address := Null_Address;
+ pragma Export (C, Ieee_Std_Logic_1164_Resolved_Resolv_Ptr,
+ "ieee__std_logic_1164__resolved_RESOLV_ptr");
+ -- From GCC.
+ function Divdi3 (A, B : Long_Integer) return Long_Integer;
+ pragma Import (C, Divdi3, "__divdi3");
+ function Muldi3 (A, B : Long_Integer) return Long_Integer;
+ pragma Import (C, Muldi3, "__muldi3");
+ function Find_Untruncated_Text_Read return O_Dnode
+ is
+ use Types;
+ use Std_Names;
+ File, Unit, Lib, Decl : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Libraries.Std_Library = Null_Iir then
+ return O_Dnode_Null;
+ end if;
+ File := Get_Design_File_Chain (Libraries.Std_Library);
+ L1 : loop
+ if File = Null_Iir then
+ return O_Dnode_Null;
+ end if;
+ Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (File);
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ Lib := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ if Get_Kind (Lib) = Iir_Kind_Package_Body
+ and then Get_Identifier (Lib) = Name_Textio
+ then
+ exit L1;
+ end if;
+ Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ end loop;
+ File := Get_Chain (File);
+ end loop L1;
+ Decl := Get_Declaration_Chain (Lib);
+ while Decl /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Get_Kind (Decl) = Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ and then Get_Identifier (Decl) = Name_Untruncated_Text_Read
+ then
+ if not Get_Foreign_Flag (Decl) then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ return Translation.Get_Ortho_Decl (Decl);
+ end if;
+ Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ end loop;
+ return O_Dnode_Null;
+ end Find_Untruncated_Text_Read;
+ procedure Def (Decl : O_Dnode; Addr : Address)
+ is
+ use Ortho_Code.Binary;
+ begin
+ Binary_File.Memory.Set_Symbol_Address (Get_Decl_Symbol (Decl), Addr);
+ end Def;
+ function Get_Address (Decl : O_Dnode) return Address
+ is
+ use Interfaces;
+ use Ortho_Code.Binary;
+ function Conv is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Unsigned_32, Target => Address);
+ begin
+ return Conv (Get_Symbol_Vaddr (Get_Decl_Symbol (Decl)));
+ end Get_Address;
+ procedure Run
+ is
+ use Binary_File;
+ use Interfaces;
+ use Ortho_Code.Binary;
+ function Conv is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Address, Target => Elaborate_Acc);
+ Err : Boolean;
+ Decl : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ if Flag_Verbose then
+ Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Linking in memory");
+ end if;
+ if Ortho_Code.Debug.Flag_Debug_Hli then
+ -- Can't generate code in HLI.
+ raise Compile_Error;
+ end if;
+ Binary_File.Memory.Write_Memory_Init;
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Memcpy,
+ Grt.Lib.Ghdl_Memcpy'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Bound_Check_Failed_L0,
+ Grt.Lib.Ghdl_Bound_Check_Failed_L0'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Bound_Check_Failed_L1,
+ Grt.Lib.Ghdl_Bound_Check_Failed_L1'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Malloc0,
+ Grt.Lib.Ghdl_Malloc0'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Assert_Default_Report,
+ Grt.Lib.Ghdl_Assert_Default_Report'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Report,
+ Grt.Lib.Ghdl_Report'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Assert_Failed,
+ Grt.Lib.Ghdl_Assert_Failed'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Program_Error,
+ Grt.Lib.Ghdl_Program_Error'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Malloc,
+ Grt.Lib.Ghdl_Malloc'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Deallocate,
+ Grt.Lib.Ghdl_Deallocate'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Real_Exp,
+ Grt.Lib.Ghdl_Real_Exp'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Integer_Exp,
+ Grt.Lib.Ghdl_Integer_Exp'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Sensitized_Process_Register,
+ Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Sensitized_Process_Register'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Process_Register,
+ Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Process_Register'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Postponed_Sensitized_Process_Register,
+ Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Postponed_Sensitized_Process_Register'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Postponed_Process_Register,
+ Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Postponed_Process_Register'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Stack2_Allocate,
+ Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Stack2_Allocate'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Stack2_Mark,
+ Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Stack2_Mark'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Stack2_Release,
+ Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Stack2_Release'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Process_Wait_Exit,
+ Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Process_Wait_Exit'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Process_Wait_Suspend,
+ Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Process_Wait_Suspend'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Process_Wait_Timeout,
+ Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Process_Wait_Timeout'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Process_Wait_Set_Timeout,
+ Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Process_Wait_Set_Timeout'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Process_Wait_Add_Sensitivity,
+ Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Process_Wait_Add_Sensitivity'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Process_Wait_Close,
+ Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Process_Wait_Close'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Process_Add_Sensitivity,
+ Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Process_Add_Sensitivity'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Now,
+ Grt.Types.Current_Time'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Process_Add_Driver,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Process_Add_Driver'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Add_Source,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Add_Source'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_In_Conversion,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_In_Conversion'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Out_Conversion,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Out_Conversion'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Effective_Value,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Effective_Value'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Create_Resolution,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Create_Resolution'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Disconnect,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Disconnect'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Set_Disconnect,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Set_Disconnect'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Merge_Rti,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Merge_Rti'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Name_Rti,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Name_Rti'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Read_Port,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Read_Port'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Read_Driver,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Read_Driver'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Driving,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Driving'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_B2,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_B2'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_E8,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_E8'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_I32,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_I32'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_I64,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_I64'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_F64,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_F64'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Create_Guard,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Create_Guard'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Guard_Dependence,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Guard_Dependence'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_Error,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_Error'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_Error,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_Error'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_Null,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_Null'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Create_Signal_B2,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Create_Signal_B2'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Init_B2,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Init_B2'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_B2,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_B2'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_B2,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_B2'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_B2,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_B2'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Associate_B2,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Associate_B2'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Create_Signal_E8,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Create_Signal_E8'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Init_E8,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Init_E8'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_E8,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_E8'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_E8,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_E8'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_E8,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_E8'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Associate_E8,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Associate_E8'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Create_Signal_I32,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Create_Signal_I32'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Init_I32,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Init_I32'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_I32,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_I32'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_I32,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_I32'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_I32,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_I32'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Associate_I32,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Associate_I32'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Create_Signal_I64,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Create_Signal_I64'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Init_I64,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Init_I64'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_I64,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_I64'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_I64,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_I64'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_I64,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_I64'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Associate_I64,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Associate_I64'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Create_Signal_F64,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Create_Signal_F64'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Init_F64,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Init_F64'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_F64,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_F64'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_F64,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_F64'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_F64,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_F64'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Associate_F64,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Associate_F64'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Signal_Attribute_Register_Prefix,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Attribute_Register_Prefix'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Create_Stable_Signal,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Create_Stable_Signal'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Create_Quiet_Signal,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Create_Quiet_Signal'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Create_Transaction_Signal,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Create_Transaction_Signal'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Create_Delayed_Signal,
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Create_Delayed_Signal'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Rti_Top_Instance,
+ Grt.Rtis.Ghdl_Rti_Top_Instance'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Rti_Top_Ptr,
+ Grt.Rtis.Ghdl_Rti_Top_Ptr'Address);
+ Std_Standard_Boolean_RTI_Ptr :=
+ Get_Address (Trans_Decls.Std_Standard_Boolean_Rti);
+ Std_Standard_Bit_RTI_Ptr :=
+ Get_Address (Trans_Decls.Std_Standard_Bit_Rti);
+ if Ieee.Std_Logic_1164.Resolved /= Null_Iir then
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_1164_Resolved_Resolv_Ptr := Get_Address
+ (Translation.Get_Resolv_Ortho_Decl (Ieee.Std_Logic_1164.Resolved));
+ end if;
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Protected_Enter,
+ Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Protected_Enter'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Protected_Leave,
+ Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Protected_Leave'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Protected_Init,
+ Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Protected_Init'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Protected_Fini,
+ Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Protected_Fini'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Text_File_Elaborate,
+ Grt.Files.Ghdl_Text_File_Elaborate'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Text_File_Finalize,
+ Grt.Files.Ghdl_Text_File_Finalize'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Text_File_Open,
+ Grt.Files.Ghdl_Text_File_Open'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Text_Write,
+ Grt.Files.Ghdl_Text_Write'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Text_Read_Length,
+ Grt.Files.Ghdl_Text_Read_Length'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Text_File_Close,
+ Grt.Files.Ghdl_Text_File_Close'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_File_Close,
+ Grt.Files.Ghdl_File_Close'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_File_Elaborate,
+ Grt.Files.Ghdl_File_Elaborate'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_File_Open,
+ Grt.Files.Ghdl_File_Open'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Write_Scalar,
+ Grt.Files.Ghdl_Write_Scalar'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Read_Scalar,
+ Grt.Files.Ghdl_Read_Scalar'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_File_Endfile,
+ Grt.Files.Ghdl_File_Endfile'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Image_B2,
+ Grt.Images.Ghdl_Image_B2'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Image_E8,
+ Grt.Images.Ghdl_Image_E8'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Image_I32,
+ Grt.Images.Ghdl_Image_I32'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Image_F64,
+ Grt.Images.Ghdl_Image_F64'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Image_P64,
+ Grt.Images.Ghdl_Image_P64'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Image_P32,
+ Grt.Images.Ghdl_Image_P32'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Value_I32,
+ Grt.Values.Ghdl_Value_I32'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Get_Path_Name,
+ Grt.Names.Ghdl_Get_Path_Name'Address);
+ Def (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Get_Instance_Name,
+ Grt.Names.Ghdl_Get_Instance_Name'Address);
+ Binary_File.Memory.Set_Symbol_Address
+ (Ortho_Code.X86.Emits.Intrinsics_Symbol
+ (Ortho_Code.X86.Intrinsic_Mul_Ov_I64),
+ Muldi3'Address);
+ Binary_File.Memory.Set_Symbol_Address
+ (Ortho_Code.X86.Emits.Intrinsics_Symbol
+ (Ortho_Code.X86.Intrinsic_Div_Ov_I64),
+ Divdi3'Address);
+ -- Find untruncated_text_read, if any.
+ Decl := Find_Untruncated_Text_Read;
+ if Decl /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ Def (Decl, Grt.Files.Ghdl_Untruncated_Text_Read'Address);
+ end if;
+ Binary_File.Memory.Write_Memory_Relocate (Err);
+ if Err then
+ raise Compile_Error;
+ end if;
+ Flag_String := Flags.Flag_String;
+ Elaborate_Proc := Conv (Get_Address (Trans_Decls.Ghdl_Elaborate));
+ if Snap_Filename /= null then
+ declare
+ Fd : File_Descriptor;
+ begin
+ Fd := Create_File (Snap_Filename.all, Binary);
+ if Fd = Invalid_FD then
+ Error_Msg_Option ("can't open '" & Snap_Filename.all & "'");
+ else
+ Binary_File.Elf.Write_Elf (Fd);
+ Close (Fd);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ -- Free all the memory.
+ Ortho_Mcode.Free_All;
+ Translation.Finalize;
+ Lists.Initialize;
+ Str_Table.Initialize;
+ Nodes.Initialize;
+ Files_Map.Initialize;
+ Name_Table.Initialize;
+ Binary_File.Finish;
+ if Flag_Verbose then
+ Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Starting simulation");
+ end if;
+ Grt.Main.Run;
+ --V := Ghdl_Main (1, Gnat_Argv);
+ end Run;
+ function Decode_Option (Option : String) return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ if Option = "-g" then
+ Flag_Debug := Debug_Dwarf;
+ return True;
+ elsif Option'Length > 5 and then Option (1 .. 5) = "--be-" then
+ Ortho_Code.Debug.Set_Be_Flag (Option);
+ return True;
+ elsif Option'Length > 7 and then Option (1 .. 7) = "--snap=" then
+ Snap_Filename := new String'(Option (8 .. Option'Last));
+ return True;
+ else
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end Decode_Option;
+ procedure Disp_Long_Help
+ is
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ begin
+ Put_Line (" -g Generate debugging informations");
+ Put_Line (" --debug-be=X Set X internal debugging flags");
+ Put_Line (" --snap=FILE Write memory snapshot to FILE");
+ end Disp_Long_Help;
+ -- Command run help.
+ type Command_Run_Help is new Command_Type with null record;
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Run_Help; Name : String)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Run_Help) return String;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Run_Help;
+ Args : Argument_List);
+ function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Run_Help; Name : String)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return Name = "--run-help";
+ end Decode_Command;
+ function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Run_Help) return String
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ begin
+ return "--run-help Disp help for RUNOPTS options";
+ end Get_Short_Help;
+ procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : in out Command_Run_Help;
+ Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Cmd);
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ begin
+ if Args'Length /= 0 then
+ Error
+ ("warning: command '--run-help' does not accept any argument");
+ end if;
+ Put_Line ("These options can only be placed at [RUNOPTS]");
+ -- Register modules, since they add commands.
+ Grt.Main.Register_Modules;
+ -- Bypass usual help header.
+ Grt.Options.Argc := 0;
+ Grt.Options.Help;
+ end Perform_Action;
+ procedure Register_Commands
+ is
+ begin
+ Ghdlcomp.Hooks := (Compile_Init'Access,
+ Compile_Elab'Access,
+ Set_Run_Options'Access,
+ Run'Access,
+ Decode_Option'Access,
+ Disp_Long_Help'Access);
+ Ghdlcomp.Register_Commands;
+ Register_Command (new Command_Run_Help);
+ end Register_Commands;
+end Ghdlrun;
diff --git a/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlrun.ads b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlrun.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..07095bd5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlrun.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+-- GHDL driver - JIT commands.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package Ghdlrun is
+ procedure Register_Commands;
+end Ghdlrun;
diff --git a/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlsimul.adb b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlsimul.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..506b2ed02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlsimul.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+-- GHDL driver - simulator commands.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ghdllocal; use Ghdllocal;
+with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
+with Types;
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+with Flags;
+with Back_End;
+with Name_Table;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Std_Package;
+with Canon;
+with Configuration;
+with Annotations;
+with Elaboration;
+with Sim_Be;
+with Simulation;
+with Ghdlcomp;
+package body Ghdlsimul is
+ Flag_Expect_Failure : Boolean := False;
+ procedure Compile_Init (Analyze_Only : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ if Analyze_Only then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Initialize.
+ Back_End.Finish_Compilation := Sim_Be.Finish_Compilation'Access;
+ Back_End.Sem_Foreign := null;
+ Setup_Libraries (False);
+ Libraries.Load_Std_Library;
+ -- Here, time_base can be set.
+ Annotations.Annotate (Std_Package.Std_Standard_Unit);
+ Canon.Canon_Flag_Add_Labels := True;
+ end Compile_Init;
+ procedure Compile_Elab
+ (Cmd_Name : String; Args : Argument_List; Opt_Arg : out Natural)
+ is
+ begin
+ Extract_Elab_Unit (Cmd_Name, Args, Opt_Arg);
+ Flags.Flag_Elaborate := True;
+ -- Translation.Chap12.Elaborate (Prim_Name.all, Sec_Name.all, "", True);
+ if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
+ -- This may happen (bad entity for example).
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ end Compile_Elab;
+ -- Set options.
+ -- This is a little bit over-kill: from C to Ada and then again to C...
+ procedure Set_Run_Options (Args : Argument_List)
+ is
+ Arg : String_Access;
+ begin
+ for I in Args'Range loop
+ Arg := Args (I);
+ if Arg.all = "--disp-tree" then
+ Simulation.Disp_Tree := True;
+ elsif Arg.all = "--expect-failure" then
+ Flag_Expect_Failure := True;
+ elsif Arg.all = "--trace-elab" then
+ Elaboration.Trace_Elaboration := True;
+ elsif Arg.all = "--trace-simu" then
+ Simulation.Trace_Simulation := True;
+ else
+ null;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Set_Run_Options;
+ procedure Run
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ use Types;
+ First_Id : Name_Id;
+ Sec_Id : Name_Id;
+ Top_Conf : Iir;
+ begin
+ First_Id := Get_Identifier (Prim_Name.all);
+ if Sec_Name = null then
+ Sec_Id := Null_Identifier;
+ else
+ Sec_Id := Get_Identifier (Sec_Name.all);
+ end if;
+ Top_Conf := Configuration.Configure (First_Id, Sec_Id);
+ Simulation.Simulation_Entity (Top_Conf);
+ end Run;
+ function Decode_Option (Option : String) return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Option);
+ begin
+ return False;
+ end Decode_Option;
+ procedure Disp_Long_Help
+ is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Disp_Long_Help;
+ procedure Register_Commands
+ is
+ begin
+ Ghdlcomp.Hooks := (Compile_Init'Access,
+ Compile_Elab'Access,
+ Set_Run_Options'Access,
+ Run'Access,
+ Decode_Option'Access,
+ Disp_Long_Help'Access);
+ Ghdlcomp.Register_Commands;
+ end Register_Commands;
+end Ghdlsimul;
diff --git a/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlsimul.ads b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlsimul.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..264cbf8c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdlsimul.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+-- GHDL driver - simulator commands.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package Ghdlsimul is
+ procedure Register_Commands;
+end Ghdlsimul;
diff --git a/translate/grt/Makefile b/translate/grt/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b60de150
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# -*- Makefile -*- for the GHDL Run Time library.
+# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307, USA.
+GNATFLAGS=$(CFLAGS) -gnatf -gnaty3befhkmr -gnatwlu
+all: grt-all
+install: grt-install
+clean: grt-clean
+ $(RM) *~
+include Makefile.inc
+ghwdump: ghwdump.o ghwlib.o
+ $(CC) $(GRT_CFLAGS) -o $@ ghwdump.o ghwlib.o
+ghwlib.o: ghwlib.c ghwlib.h
+ $(CC) -c $(GRT_CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
+ghwdump.o: ghwdump.c ghwlib.h
+ $(CC) -c $(GRT_CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
diff --git a/translate/grt/Makefile.inc b/translate/grt/Makefile.inc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9300770a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/Makefile.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# -*- Makefile -*- for the GHDL Run Time library.
+# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307, USA.
+# Variables used:
+# AR: ar command
+# RM
+# CC
+# ADAC: the GNAT compiler
+# GHDL1: the ghdl compiler
+# GRT_RANLIB: the ranlib tool for the grt library.
+# grt_libdir: the place to put grt.
+# GRTSRCDIR: the source directory of grt.
+# target: GCC target
+# GRT_FLAGS: compilation flags.
+# Set target files.
+ifeq ($(filter-out i%86-pc-linux-gnu,$(target)),)
+ GRT_TARGET_OBJS=i386.o linux.o times.o
+ifeq ($(filter-out sparc-sun-solaris%,$(target)),)
+ GRT_TARGET_OBJS=sparc.o linux.o times.o
+ifeq ($(filter-out powerpc-linux%,$(target)),)
+ GRT_TARGET_OBJS=ppc.o linux.o times.o
+ifeq ($(filter-out i%86-pc-mingw32,$(target)),)
+ GRT_TARGET_OBJS=win32.o clock.o
+ifeq ($(filter-out i%86-pc-cygwin,$(target)),)
+ GRT_TARGET_OBJS=win32.o clock.o
+# Fall-back: use a generic implementation based on pthreads.
+ GRT_TARGET_OBJS=pthread.o times.o
+ GRT_EXTRA_LIB=-lpthread
+GRT_ADD_OBJS=$(GRT_TARGET_OBJS) grt-cbinding.o grt-cvpi.o
+grt.o \
+grt-disp.o \
+grt-main.o \
+grt-stacks.o \
+grt-errors.o \
+grt-options.o \
+grt-stdio.o \
+grt-files.o \
+grt-processes.o \
+grt-typedesc.o \
+grt-hierarchy.o \
+grt-shadow_ieee.o \
+grt-types.o \
+grt-images.o \
+grt-signals.o \
+grt-vcd.o \
+grt-vpi.o \
+grt-lib.o \
+grt-sdf.o \
+grt-stack2.o \
+grt-all: libgrt.a grt.lst
+libgrt.a: $(GRT_ADD_OBJS) run-bind.o main.o grt-files
+ $(RM) -f $@
+ $(AR) rcv $@ `sed -e "/^-/d" < grt-files` $(GRT_ADD_OBJS) \
+ run-bind.o main.o
+ $(GRT_RANLIB) $@
+run-bind.adb: grt-force
+ gnatmake -c $(GNATFLAGS) -aI$(GRTSRCDIR) $(GRT_PRAGMA_FLAG) ghdl_main \
+ -cargs $(GRT_FLAGS)
+ gnatbind -Lgrt_ -o run-bind.adb -n ghdl_main.ali
+run-bind.o: run-bind.adb
+main.o: $(GRTSRCDIR)/main.adb
+i386.o: $(GRTSRCDIR)/config/i386.S
+ $(CC) -c $(GRT_FLAGS) -o $@ $<
+sparc.o: $(GRTSRCDIR)/config/sparc.S
+ $(CC) -c $(GRT_FLAGS) -o $@ $<
+ppc.o: $(GRTSRCDIR)/config/ppc.S
+ $(CC) -c $(GRT_FLAGS) -o $@ $<
+linux.o: $(GRTSRCDIR)/config/linux.c
+ $(CC) -c $(GRT_FLAGS) -o $@ $<
+win32.o: $(GRTSRCDIR)/config/win32.c
+ $(CC) -c $(GRT_FLAGS) -o $@ $<
+pthread.o: $(GRTSRCDIR)/config/pthread.c
+ $(CC) -c $(GRT_FLAGS) -o $@ $<
+times.o : $(GRTSRCDIR)/config/times.c
+ $(CC) -c $(GRT_FLAGS) -o $@ $<
+clock.o : $(GRTSRCDIR)/config/clock.c
+ $(CC) -c $(GRT_FLAGS) -o $@ $<
+grt-cbinding.o: $(GRTSRCDIR)/grt-cbinding.c
+ $(CC) -c $(GRT_FLAGS) -o $@ $<
+grt-cvpi.o: $(GRTSRCDIR)/grt-cvpi.c
+ $(CC) -c $(GRT_FLAGS) -o $@ $<
+grt-files: run-bind.adb
+ sed -e "1,/-- *BEGIN/d" -e "/-- *END/,\$$d" \
+ -e "s/ -- //" < $< > $@
+# Remove local files (they are now in the libgrt library).
+# Also, remove the -shared option, in order not to build a shared library
+# instead of an executable.
+grt-files.in: grt-files
+ sed -e "\!^./!d" -e "/-shared/d" < $< > $@
+grt.lst: grt-files.in
+ echo "@/libgrt.a" > $@
+ echo $(GRT_EXTRA_LIB) >> $@
+ cat $< >> $@
+grt-install: libgrt.a grt.lst
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) libgrt.a $(DESTDIR)$(grt_libdir)/libgrt.a
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) grt.lst $(DESTDIR)$(grt_libdir)/grt.lst
+grt-clean: grt-force
+ $(RM) *.o *.ali run-bind.adb run-bind.ads *.a std_standard.s
+ $(RM) grt-files grt-files.in grt.lst
+.PHONY: grt-all grt-force grt-clean grt-install
diff --git a/translate/grt/config/clock.c b/translate/grt/config/clock.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..038ce2210
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/config/clock.c
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/* GRT C bindings for time.
+ Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold.
+ GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <time.h>
+grt_get_clk_tck (void)
+ return CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+grt_get_times (int *wall, int *user, int *sys)
+ clock_t res;
+ *wall = clock ();
+ *user = 0;
+ *sys = 0;
diff --git a/translate/grt/config/i386.S b/translate/grt/config/i386.S
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fbd8954cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/config/i386.S
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+/* GRT stack implementation for x86.
+ Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold.
+ GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ 02111-1307, USA.
+ .file "i386.S"
+ .version "01.01"
+ .text
+ /* Function called to loop on the process. */
+ .align 4
+ .type grt_stack_loop,@function
+ call *4(%esp)
+ jmp grt_stack_loop
+ .size grt_stack_loop, . - grt_stack_loop
+ /* function Stack_Create (Func : Address; Arg : Address)
+ return Stack_Type;
+ */
+ .align 4
+ .globl grt_stack_create
+ .type grt_stack_create,@function
+ /* Standard prologue. */
+ pushl %ebp
+ movl %esp,%ebp
+ /* Keep aligned (call + pushl + 8 = 16 bytes). */
+ subl $8,%esp
+ /* Allocate the stack, and exit in case of failure */
+ call grt_stack_allocate
+ testl %eax,%eax
+ je .Ldone
+ /* Note: %EAX contains the address of the stack_context. This is
+ also the top of the stack. */
+ /* Prepare stack. */
+ /* The function to be executed. */
+ movl 8(%ebp), %ecx
+ movl %ecx, -4(%eax)
+ /* The argument. */
+ movl 12(%ebp), %ecx
+ movl %ecx, -8(%eax)
+ /* The return function. */
+ movl $grt_stack_loop, -12(%eax)
+ /* The context. */
+ movl %ebx, -16(%eax)
+ movl %esi, -20(%eax)
+ movl %edi, -24(%eax)
+ movl %ebp, -28(%eax)
+ /* Save the new stack pointer to the stack context. */
+ leal -28(%eax), %ecx
+ movl %ecx, (%eax)
+ leave
+ ret
+ .size grt_stack_create,. - grt_stack_create
+ .align 4
+ .globl grt_stack_switch
+ /* Arguments: TO, FROM
+ Both are pointers to a stack_context. */
+ .type grt_stack_switch,@function
+ /* TO -> ECX. */
+ movl 4(%esp), %ecx
+ /* FROM -> EDX. */
+ movl 8(%esp), %edx
+ /* Save call-used registers. */
+ pushl %ebx
+ pushl %esi
+ pushl %edi
+ pushl %ebp
+ /* Save the current stack. */
+ movl %esp, (%edx)
+ /* Stack switch. */
+ movl (%ecx), %esp
+ /* Restore call-used registers. */
+ popl %ebp
+ popl %edi
+ popl %esi
+ popl %ebx
+ /* Run. */
+ ret
+ .size grt_stack_switch, . - grt_stack_switch
+ .ident "Written by T.Gingold"
diff --git a/translate/grt/config/linux.c b/translate/grt/config/linux.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..047cfd1b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/config/linux.c
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+/* GRT stacks implementation for linux and other *nix.
+ Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold.
+ GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ 02111-1307, USA.
+#define _GNU_SOURCE
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/ucontext.h>
+//#include <stdint.h>
+/* On x86, the stack growns downward. */
+#ifdef linux
+/* If set, SIGSEGV is caught in order to automatically grow the stacks. */
+#define EXTEND_STACK 1
+/* Defined in Grt.Stacks. */
+extern unsigned int stack_size;
+extern unsigned int stack_max_size;
+/* Size of a memory page. */
+static size_t page_size;
+extern void grt_stack_error_grow_failed (void);
+extern void grt_stack_error_null_access (void);
+extern void grt_stack_error_memory_access (void);
+extern void grt_overflow_error (void);
+/* Definitions:
+ The base of the stack is the address before the first available byte on the
+ stack. If the stack grows downward, the base is equal to the high bound.
+/* Per stack context.
+ This context is allocated at the top (or bottom if the stack grows
+ upward) of the stack.
+ Therefore, the base of the stack can be easily deduced from the context. */
+struct stack_context
+ /* The current stack pointer. */
+ void *cur_sp;
+ /* The current stack length. */
+ size_t cur_length;
+/* Context for the main stack. */
+static struct stack_context main_stack_context;
+extern struct stack_context *grt_stack_main_stack;
+/* If MAP_ANONYMOUS is not defined, use /dev/zero. */
+#define USE_DEV_ZERO
+static int dev_zero_fd;
+#define MAP_ANONYMOUS 0
+#define MMAP_FILEDES dev_zero_fd
+#define MMAP_FILEDES -1
+/* Defined in Grt.Processes (body).
+ This is the current process being run.
+ FIXME: this won't work with pthread! */
+extern void **grt_cur_proc;
+/* Stack used for signals.
+ The stack must be different from the running stack, because we want to be
+ able to extend the running stack. When the stack need to be extended, the
+ current stack pointer does not point to a valid address. Therefore, the
+ stack cannot be used or else a second SIGSEGV is generated while the
+ arguments are pushed. */
+static unsigned long sig_stack[SIGSTKSZ / sizeof (long)];
+/* Signal stack descriptor. */
+static stack_t sig_stk;
+static struct sigaction prev_sigsegv_act;
+static struct sigaction sigsegv_act;
+/* The following code assumes stack grows downward. */
+#error "Not implemented"
+/* Handler for SIGSEGV signal, which grow the stack. */
+static void grt_sigsegv_handler (int signo, siginfo_t *info, void *ptr)
+ static int in_handler;
+ void *addr;
+ struct stack_context *ctxt;
+ void *stack_high;
+ void *stack_low;
+ void *n_low;
+ size_t n_len;
+ ucontext_t *uctxt = (ucontext_t *)ptr;
+ in_handler++;
+#ifdef __i386__
+ /* Linux generates a SIGSEGV (!) for an overflow exception. */
+ if (uctxt->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_TRAPNO] == 4)
+ {
+ grt_overflow_error ();
+ }
+ if (info == NULL || grt_cur_proc == NULL || in_handler > 1)
+ {
+ /* We loose. */
+ sigaction (SIGSEGV, &prev_sigsegv_act, NULL);
+ return;
+ }
+ addr = info->si_addr;
+ /* Check ADDR belong to the stack. */
+ ctxt = *grt_cur_proc;
+ stack_high = (void *)(ctxt + 1);
+ stack_low = stack_high - stack_max_size;
+ if (addr > stack_high || addr < stack_low)
+ {
+ /* Out of the stack. */
+ if (addr < (void *)page_size)
+ grt_stack_error_null_access ();
+ else
+ grt_stack_error_memory_access ();
+ }
+ /* Compute the address of the faulting page. */
+ n_low = (void *)((unsigned long)addr & ~(page_size - 1));
+ /* Should not happen. */
+ if (n_low < stack_low)
+ abort ();
+ /* Allocate one more page, if possible. */
+ if (n_low != stack_low)
+ n_low -= page_size;
+ /* Compute the new length. */
+ n_len = stack_high - n_low;
+ if (mmap (n_low, n_len - ctxt->cur_length, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
+ != n_low)
+ {
+ /* Cannot grow the stack. */
+ grt_stack_error_grow_failed ();
+ }
+ ctxt->cur_length = n_len;
+ sigaction (SIGSEGV, &sigsegv_act, NULL);
+ in_handler--;
+ /* Hopes we can resume! */
+ return;
+static void grt_signal_setup (void)
+ sigsegv_act.sa_sigaction = &grt_sigsegv_handler;
+ sigemptyset (&sigsegv_act.sa_mask);
+ sigsegv_act.sa_flags = SA_ONESHOT | SA_ONSTACK | SA_SIGINFO;
+ /* Use an alternate stack during signals. */
+ sig_stk.ss_sp = sig_stack;
+ sig_stk.ss_size = sizeof (sig_stack);
+ sig_stk.ss_flags = 0;
+ sigaltstack (&sig_stk, NULL);
+ /* We don't care about the return status.
+ If the handler is not installed, then some feature are lost. */
+ sigaction (SIGSEGV, &sigsegv_act, &prev_sigsegv_act);
+grt_stack_init (void)
+ size_t pg_round;
+ page_size = getpagesize ();
+ pg_round = page_size - 1;
+ /* Align size. */
+ stack_size = (stack_size + pg_round) & ~pg_round;
+ stack_max_size = (stack_max_size + pg_round) & ~pg_round;
+ /* Set mimum values. */
+ if (stack_size < 2 * page_size)
+ stack_size = 2 * page_size;
+ if (stack_max_size < (stack_size + 2 * page_size))
+ stack_max_size = stack_size + 2 * page_size;
+ /* Initialize the main stack context. */
+ main_stack_context.cur_sp = NULL;
+ main_stack_context.cur_length = 0;
+ grt_stack_main_stack = &main_stack_context;
+#ifdef USE_DEV_ZERO
+ dev_zero_fd = open ("/dev/zero", O_RDWR);
+ if (dev_zero_fd < 0)
+ abort ();
+ grt_signal_setup ();
+/* Allocate a stack.
+ Called by i386.S */
+struct stack_context *
+grt_stack_allocate (void)
+ struct stack_context *res;
+ void *r;
+ void *base;
+ /* Allocate the stack, but without any rights. This is a guard. */
+ base = (void *)mmap (NULL, stack_max_size, PROT_NONE,
+ if (base == (void *)-1)
+ return NULL;
+ /* Set rights on the allocated stack. */
+ r = base + stack_max_size - stack_size;
+ r = base;
+ if (mmap (r, stack_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
+ != r)
+ return NULL;
+ res = (struct stack_context *)
+ (base + stack_max_size - sizeof (struct stack_context));
+ res = (struct stack_context *)(base + sizeof (struct stack_context));
+ res->cur_sp = (void *)res;
+ res->cur_length = stack_size;
+ return res;
diff --git a/translate/grt/config/ppc.S b/translate/grt/config/ppc.S
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ccfdc2209
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/config/ppc.S
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+/* GRT stack implementation for ppc.
+ Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold.
+ GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ 02111-1307, USA.
+ .file "ppc.S"
+ .section ".text"
+#define OFF 240
+#define GREG(x) x
+#define FREG(x) x
+#define r0 GREG(0)
+#define r1 GREG(1)
+#define r2 GREG(2)
+#define r3 GREG(3)
+#define r4 GREG(4)
+#define r5 GREG(5)
+#define r6 GREG(6)
+#define r7 GREG(7)
+#define r8 GREG(8)
+#define r9 GREG(9)
+#define r10 GREG(10)
+#define r11 GREG(11)
+#define r12 GREG(12)
+#define r13 GREG(13)
+#define r14 GREG(14)
+#define r15 GREG(15)
+#define r16 GREG(16)
+#define r17 GREG(17)
+#define r18 GREG(18)
+#define r19 GREG(19)
+#define r20 GREG(20)
+#define r21 GREG(21)
+#define r22 GREG(22)
+#define r23 GREG(23)
+#define r24 GREG(24)
+#define r25 GREG(25)
+#define r26 GREG(26)
+#define r27 GREG(27)
+#define r28 GREG(28)
+#define r29 GREG(29)
+#define r30 GREG(30)
+#define r31 GREG(31)
+#define f0 FREG(0)
+#define f1 FREG(1)
+#define f2 FREG(2)
+#define f3 FREG(3)
+#define f4 FREG(4)
+#define f5 FREG(5)
+#define f6 FREG(6)
+#define f7 FREG(7)
+#define f8 FREG(8)
+#define f9 FREG(9)
+#define f10 FREG(10)
+#define f11 FREG(11)
+#define f12 FREG(12)
+#define f13 FREG(13)
+#define f14 FREG(14)
+#define f15 FREG(15)
+#define f16 FREG(16)
+#define f17 FREG(17)
+#define f18 FREG(18)
+#define f19 FREG(19)
+#define f20 FREG(20)
+#define f21 FREG(21)
+#define f22 FREG(22)
+#define f23 FREG(23)
+#define f24 FREG(24)
+#define f25 FREG(25)
+#define f26 FREG(26)
+#define f27 FREG(27)
+#define f28 FREG(28)
+#define f29 FREG(29)
+#define f30 FREG(30)
+#define f31 FREG(31)
+ /* Stack structure is:
+ +4 : cur_length \ Stack
+ +0 : cur_sp / Context
+ -4 : arg
+ -8 : func
+ -12: pad
+ -16: pad
+ -20: LR save word
+ -24: Back chain
+ -28: fp/gp saved registers.
+ -4 : return address
+ -8 : process function to be executed
+ -12: function argument
+ ...
+ -72: %sp
+ */
+ /* Function called to loop on the process. */
+ .align 4
+ .type grt_stack_loop,@function
+ /* Get function. */
+ lwz r0,16(r1)
+ /* Get argument. */
+ lwz r3,20(r1)
+ mtlr r0
+ blrl
+ b grt_stack_loop
+ .size grt_stack_loop, . - grt_stack_loop
+ /* function Stack_Create (Func : Address; Arg : Address)
+ return Stack_Type; */
+ .align 4
+ .global grt_stack_create
+ .type grt_stack_create,@function
+ /* Standard prologue. */
+ stwu r1,-32(r1)
+ mflr r0
+ stw r0,36(r1)
+ /* Save arguments. */
+ stw r3,24(r1)
+ stw r4,28(r1)
+ /* Allocate the stack, and exit in case of failure */
+ bl grt_stack_allocate
+ cmpwi 0,r3,0
+ beq- .Ldone
+ /* Note: r3 contains the address of the stack_context. This is
+ also the top of the stack. */
+ /* Prepare stack. */
+ /* Align the stack. */
+ addi r5,r3,-24
+ /* Save the parameters. */
+ lwz r6,24(r1)
+ stw r6,16(r5)
+ lwz r7,28(r1)
+ stw r7,20(r5)
+ /* The return function. */
+ lis r4,grt_stack_loop@ha
+ la r4,grt_stack_loop@l(r4)
+ stw r4,4(r5)
+ /* Back-Chain. */
+ addi r4,r1,32
+ stw r4,0(r5)
+ /* Save register.
+ They should be considered as garbage. */
+ addi r4,r5,-OFF
+ stfd f31,(OFF - 8)(r4)
+ stfd f30,(OFF - 16)(r4)
+ stfd f29,(OFF - 24)(r4)
+ stfd f28,(OFF - 32)(r4)
+ stfd f27,(OFF - 40)(r4)
+ stfd f26,(OFF - 48)(r4)
+ stfd f25,(OFF - 56)(r4)
+ stfd f24,(OFF - 64)(r4)
+ stfd f23,(OFF - 72)(r4)
+ stfd f22,(OFF - 80)(r4)
+ stfd f21,(OFF - 88)(r4)
+ stfd f20,(OFF - 96)(r4)
+ stfd f19,(OFF - 104)(r4)
+ stfd f18,(OFF - 112)(r4)
+ stfd f17,(OFF - 120)(r4)
+ stfd f16,(OFF - 128)(r4)
+ stfd f15,(OFF - 136)(r4)
+ stfd f14,(OFF - 144)(r4)
+ stw r31,(OFF - 148)(r4)
+ stw r30,(OFF - 152)(r4)
+ stw r29,(OFF - 156)(r4)
+ stw r28,(OFF - 160)(r4)
+ stw r27,(OFF - 164)(r4)
+ stw r26,(OFF - 168)(r4)
+ stw r25,(OFF - 172)(r4)
+ stw r24,(OFF - 176)(r4)
+ stw r23,(OFF - 180)(r4)
+ stw r22,(OFF - 184)(r4)
+ stw r21,(OFF - 188)(r4)
+ stw r20,(OFF - 192)(r4)
+ stw r19,(OFF - 196)(r4)
+ stw r18,(OFF - 200)(r4)
+ stw r17,(OFF - 204)(r4)
+ stw r16,(OFF - 208)(r4)
+ stw r15,(OFF - 212)(r4)
+ stw r14,(OFF - 216)(r4)
+ mfcr r0
+ stw r0, (OFF - 220)(r4)
+ /* Save stack pointer. */
+ stw r4, 0(r3)
+ lwz r0,36(r1)
+ mtlr r0
+ addi r1,r1,32
+ blr
+ .size grt_stack_create,. - grt_stack_create
+ .align 4
+ .global grt_stack_switch
+ /* Arguments: TO, FROM.
+ Both are pointers to a stack_context. */
+ .type grt_stack_switch,@function
+ /* Standard prologue, save return address. */
+ stwu r1,(-OFF)(r1)
+ mflr r0
+ stw r0,(OFF + 4)(r1)
+ /* Save r14-r31, f14-f31, CR
+ This is 18 words + 18 double words, ie 216 bytes. */
+ /* Maybe use the savefpr function ? */
+ stfd f31,(OFF - 8)(r1)
+ stfd f30,(OFF - 16)(r1)
+ stfd f29,(OFF - 24)(r1)
+ stfd f28,(OFF - 32)(r1)
+ stfd f27,(OFF - 40)(r1)
+ stfd f26,(OFF - 48)(r1)
+ stfd f25,(OFF - 56)(r1)
+ stfd f24,(OFF - 64)(r1)
+ stfd f23,(OFF - 72)(r1)
+ stfd f22,(OFF - 80)(r1)
+ stfd f21,(OFF - 88)(r1)
+ stfd f20,(OFF - 96)(r1)
+ stfd f19,(OFF - 104)(r1)
+ stfd f18,(OFF - 112)(r1)
+ stfd f17,(OFF - 120)(r1)
+ stfd f16,(OFF - 128)(r1)
+ stfd f15,(OFF - 136)(r1)
+ stfd f14,(OFF - 144)(r1)
+ stw r31,(OFF - 148)(r1)
+ stw r30,(OFF - 152)(r1)
+ stw r29,(OFF - 156)(r1)
+ stw r28,(OFF - 160)(r1)
+ stw r27,(OFF - 164)(r1)
+ stw r26,(OFF - 168)(r1)
+ stw r25,(OFF - 172)(r1)
+ stw r24,(OFF - 176)(r1)
+ stw r23,(OFF - 180)(r1)
+ stw r22,(OFF - 184)(r1)
+ stw r21,(OFF - 188)(r1)
+ stw r20,(OFF - 192)(r1)
+ stw r19,(OFF - 196)(r1)
+ stw r18,(OFF - 200)(r1)
+ stw r17,(OFF - 204)(r1)
+ stw r16,(OFF - 208)(r1)
+ stw r15,(OFF - 212)(r1)
+ stw r14,(OFF - 216)(r1)
+ mfcr r0
+ stw r0, (OFF - 220)(r1)
+ /* Save stack pointer. */
+ stw r1, 0(r4)
+ /* Load stack pointer. */
+ lwz r1, 0(r3)
+ lfd f31,(OFF - 8)(r1)
+ lfd f30,(OFF - 16)(r1)
+ lfd f29,(OFF - 24)(r1)
+ lfd f28,(OFF - 32)(r1)
+ lfd f27,(OFF - 40)(r1)
+ lfd f26,(OFF - 48)(r1)
+ lfd f25,(OFF - 56)(r1)
+ lfd f24,(OFF - 64)(r1)
+ lfd f23,(OFF - 72)(r1)
+ lfd f22,(OFF - 80)(r1)
+ lfd f21,(OFF - 88)(r1)
+ lfd f20,(OFF - 96)(r1)
+ lfd f19,(OFF - 104)(r1)
+ lfd f18,(OFF - 112)(r1)
+ lfd f17,(OFF - 120)(r1)
+ lfd f16,(OFF - 128)(r1)
+ lfd f15,(OFF - 136)(r1)
+ lfd f14,(OFF - 144)(r1)
+ lwz r31,(OFF - 148)(r1)
+ lwz r30,(OFF - 152)(r1)
+ lwz r29,(OFF - 156)(r1)
+ lwz r28,(OFF - 160)(r1)
+ lwz r27,(OFF - 164)(r1)
+ lwz r26,(OFF - 168)(r1)
+ lwz r25,(OFF - 172)(r1)
+ lwz r24,(OFF - 176)(r1)
+ lwz r23,(OFF - 180)(r1)
+ lwz r22,(OFF - 184)(r1)
+ lwz r21,(OFF - 188)(r1)
+ lwz r20,(OFF - 192)(r1)
+ lwz r19,(OFF - 196)(r1)
+ lwz r18,(OFF - 200)(r1)
+ lwz r17,(OFF - 204)(r1)
+ lwz r16,(OFF - 208)(r1)
+ lwz r15,(OFF - 212)(r1)
+ lwz r14,(OFF - 216)(r1)
+ lwz r0, (OFF - 220)(r1)
+ mtcr r0
+ lwz r0,(OFF + 4)(r1)
+ mtlr r0
+ addi r1,r1,OFF
+ blr
+ .size grt_stack_switch, . - grt_stack_switch
+ .ident "Written by T.Gingold"
diff --git a/translate/grt/config/pthread.c b/translate/grt/config/pthread.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f611bb615
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/config/pthread.c
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+/* GRT stack implementation based on pthreads.
+ Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005 Felix Bertram & Tristan Gingold.
+ GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ 02111-1307, USA.
+// Project: GHDL - VHDL Simulator
+// Description: pthread port of stacks package, for use with MacOSX
+// Note: Tristan's original i386/Linux used assembly-code
+// to manually switch stacks for performance reasons.
+// History: 2003may22, FB, created.
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+//#define INFO printf
+#define INFO (void)
+// GHDL names an endless loop calling FUNC with ARG a 'stack'
+// at a given time, only one stack may be 'executed'
+typedef struct
+{ pthread_t thread; // stack's thread
+ pthread_mutex_t mutex; // mutex to suspend/resume thread
+ void (*Func)(void*); // stack's FUNC
+ void* Arg; // ARG passed to FUNC
+} Stack_Type_t, *Stack_Type;
+Stack_Type_t main_stack_context;
+extern Stack_Type grt_stack_main_stack;
+void grt_stack_init(void)
+// Initialize the stacks package.
+// This may adjust stack sizes.
+// Must be called after grt.options.decode.
+// => procedure Stack_Init;
+{ INFO("grt_stack_init\n");
+ INFO(" main_stack_context=0x%08x\n", &main_stack_context);
+ pthread_mutex_init(&(main_stack_context.mutex), NULL);
+ // lock the mutex, as we are currently running
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&(main_stack_context.mutex));
+ grt_stack_main_stack= &main_stack_context;
+static void* grt_stack_loop(void* pv_myStack)
+ Stack_Type myStack= (Stack_Type)pv_myStack;
+ INFO("grt_stack_loop\n");
+ INFO(" myStack=0x%08x\n", myStack);
+ // block until mutex becomes available again.
+ // this happens when this stack is enabled for the first time
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&(myStack->mutex));
+ // run stack's function in endless loop
+ while(1)
+ { INFO(" call 0x%08x with 0x%08x\n", myStack->Func, myStack->Arg);
+ myStack->Func(myStack->Arg);
+ }
+ // we never get here...
+ return 0;
+Stack_Type grt_stack_create(void* Func, void* Arg)
+// Create a new stack, which on first execution will call FUNC with
+// an argument ARG.
+// => function Stack_Create (Func : Address; Arg : Address) return Stack_Type;
+ Stack_Type newStack;
+ INFO("grt_stack_create\n");
+ INFO(" call 0x%08x with 0x%08x\n", Func, Arg);
+ newStack= malloc(sizeof(Stack_Type_t));
+ // init function and argument
+ newStack->Func= Func;
+ newStack->Arg= Arg;
+ // create mutex
+ pthread_mutex_init(&(newStack->mutex), NULL);
+ // block the mutex, so that thread will blocked in grt_stack_loop
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&(newStack->mutex));
+ INFO(" newStack=0x%08x\n", newStack);
+ // create thread, which executes grt_stack_loop
+ pthread_create(&(newStack->thread), NULL, grt_stack_loop, newStack);
+ return newStack;
+void grt_stack_switch(Stack_Type To, Stack_Type From)
+// Resume stack TO and save the current context to the stack pointed by
+// CUR.
+// => procedure Stack_Switch (To : Stack_Type; From : Stack_Type);
+{ INFO("grt_stack_switch\n");
+ INFO(" from 0x%08x to 0x%08x\n", From, To);
+ // unlock 'To' mutex. this will make the other thread either
+ // - starts for first time in grt_stack_loop
+ // - resumes at lock below
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&(To->mutex));
+ // block until 'From' mutex becomes available again
+ // as we are running, our mutex is locked and we block here
+ // when stacks are switched, with above unlock, we may proceed
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&(From->mutex));
+void grt_stack_delete(Stack_Type Stack)
+// Delete stack STACK, which must not be currently executed.
+// => procedure Stack_Delete (Stack : Stack_Type);
+{ INFO("grt_stack_delete\n");
+void __gnat_raise_storage_error(void)
+ abort ();
+void __gnat_raise_program_error(void)
+ abort ();
+// end of file
diff --git a/translate/grt/config/sparc.S b/translate/grt/config/sparc.S
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..698d49eb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/config/sparc.S
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+/* GRT stack implementation for x86.
+ Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold.
+ GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ 02111-1307, USA.
+ .file "sparc.S"
+ .section ".text"
+ /* Stack structure is:
+ +4 : cur_length
+ +0 : cur_sp
+ -4 : return address
+ -8 : process function to be executed
+ -12: function argument
+ ...
+ -72: %sp
+ */
+ /* Function called to loop on the process. */
+ .align 4
+ .type grt_stack_loop,#function
+ ld [%sp + 64], %o1
+ jmpl %o1 + 0, %o7
+ ld [%sp + 68], %o0
+ ba grt_stack_loop
+ nop
+ .size grt_stack_loop, . - grt_stack_loop
+ /* function Stack_Create (Func : Address; Arg : Address)
+ return Stack_Type; */
+ .align 4
+ .global grt_stack_create
+ .type grt_stack_create,#function
+ /* Standard prologue. */
+ save %sp,-80,%sp
+ /* Allocate the stack, and exit in case of failure */
+ call grt_stack_allocate
+ nop
+ cmp %o0, 0
+ be .Ldone
+ nop
+ /* Note: %o0 contains the address of the stack_context. This is
+ also the top of the stack. */
+ /* Prepare stack. */
+ /* The return function. */
+ sethi %hi(grt_stack_loop - 8), %l2
+ or %lo(grt_stack_loop - 8), %l2, %l2
+ /* Create a frame for grt_stack_loop. */
+ sub %o0, (64 + 8), %l1
+ /* The function to be executed. */
+ st %i0, [%l1 + 64]
+ /* The argument. */
+ st %i1, [%l1 + 68]
+ /* Create a frame for grt_stack_switch. */
+ sub %l1, 64, %l0
+ /* Save frame pointer. */
+ st %l1, [%l0 + 56]
+ /* Save return address. */
+ st %l2, [%l0 + 60]
+ /* Save stack pointer. */
+ st %l0, [%o0]
+ ret
+ restore %o0, %g0, %o0
+ .size grt_stack_create,. - grt_stack_create
+ .align 4
+ .global grt_stack_switch
+ /* Arguments: TO, FROM.
+ Both are pointers to a stack_context. */
+ .type grt_stack_switch,#function
+ /* Standard prologue. */
+ save %sp,-80,%sp
+ /* Flush and invalidate windows.
+ It is not clear wether the current window is saved or not,
+ therefore, I assume it is not.
+ */
+ ta 3
+ /* Only IN registers %fp and %i7 (return address) must be saved.
+ Of course, I could use std/ldd, but it is not as clear
+ */
+ /* Save current frame pointer. */
+ st %fp, [%sp + 56]
+ /* Save return address. */
+ st %i7, [%sp + 60]
+ /* Save stack pointer. */
+ st %sp, [%i1]
+ /* Load stack pointer. */
+ ld [%i0], %sp
+ /* Load return address. */
+ ld [%sp + 60], %i7
+ /* Load frame pointer. */
+ ld [%sp + 56], %fp
+ /* Return. */
+ ret
+ restore
+ .size grt_stack_switch, . - grt_stack_switch
+ .ident "Written by T.Gingold"
diff --git a/translate/grt/config/times.c b/translate/grt/config/times.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a6dd5d82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/config/times.c
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+/* GRT C bindings for time.
+ Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold.
+ GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <sys/times.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+grt_get_clk_tck (void)
+ return sysconf (_SC_CLK_TCK);
+grt_get_times (int *wall, int *user, int *sys)
+ clock_t res;
+ struct tms buf;
+ res = times (&buf);
+ if (res == (clock_t)-1)
+ {
+ *wall = 0;
+ *user = 0;
+ *sys = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *wall = res;
+ *user = buf.tms_utime;
+ *sys = buf.tms_stime;
+ }
diff --git a/translate/grt/config/win32.c b/translate/grt/config/win32.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6c55f7b8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/config/win32.c
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+/* GRT stack implementation for Win32
+ Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Felix Bertram.
+ GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ 02111-1307, USA.
+// Project: GHDL - VHDL Simulator
+// Description: Win32 port of stacks package
+// Note: Tristan's original i386/Linux used assembly-code
+// to manually switch stacks for performance reasons.
+// History: 2004feb09, FB, created.
+#include <windows.h>
+//#include <pthread.h>
+//#include <stdlib.h>
+//#include <stdio.h>
+//#define INFO printf
+#define INFO (void)
+// GHDL names an endless loop calling FUNC with ARG a 'stack'
+// at a given time, only one stack may be 'executed'
+typedef struct
+{ HANDLE thread; // stack's thread
+ HANDLE mutex; // mutex to suspend/resume thread
+ void (*Func)(void*); // stack's FUNC
+ void* Arg; // ARG passed to FUNC
+} Stack_Type_t, *Stack_Type;
+Stack_Type_t main_stack_context;
+extern Stack_Type grt_stack_main_stack;
+void grt_stack_init(void)
+// Initialize the stacks package.
+// This may adjust stack sizes.
+// Must be called after grt.options.decode.
+// => procedure Stack_Init;
+{ INFO("grt_stack_init\n");
+ INFO(" main_stack_context=0x%08x\n", &main_stack_context);
+ // create event. reset event, as we are currently running
+ main_stack_context.mutex = CreateEvent(NULL, // lpsa
+ FALSE, // fManualReset
+ FALSE, // fInitialState
+ NULL); // lpszEventName
+ grt_stack_main_stack= &main_stack_context;
+static unsigned long __stdcall grt_stack_loop(void* pv_myStack)
+ Stack_Type myStack= (Stack_Type)pv_myStack;
+ INFO("grt_stack_loop\n");
+ INFO(" myStack=0x%08x\n", myStack);
+ // block until event becomes set again.
+ // this happens when this stack is enabled for the first time
+ WaitForSingleObject(myStack->mutex, INFINITE);
+ // run stack's function in endless loop
+ while(1)
+ { INFO(" call 0x%08x with 0x%08x\n", myStack->Func, myStack->Arg);
+ myStack->Func(myStack->Arg);
+ }
+ // we never get here...
+ return 0;
+Stack_Type grt_stack_create(void* Func, void* Arg)
+// Create a new stack, which on first execution will call FUNC with
+// an argument ARG.
+// => function Stack_Create (Func : Address; Arg : Address) return Stack_Type;
+{ Stack_Type newStack;
+ DWORD m_IDThread; // Thread's ID (dummy)
+ INFO("grt_stack_create\n");
+ INFO(" call 0x%08x with 0x%08x\n", Func, Arg);
+ newStack= malloc(sizeof(Stack_Type_t));
+ // init function and argument
+ newStack->Func= Func;
+ newStack->Arg= Arg;
+ // create event. reset event, so that thread will blocked in grt_stack_loop
+ newStack->mutex= CreateEvent(NULL, // lpsa
+ FALSE, // fManualReset
+ FALSE, // fInitialState
+ NULL); // lpszEventName
+ INFO(" newStack=0x%08x\n", newStack);
+ // create thread, which executes grt_stack_loop
+ newStack->thread= CreateThread(NULL, // lpsa
+ 0, // cbStack
+ grt_stack_loop, // lpStartAddr
+ newStack, // lpvThreadParm
+ 0, // fdwCreate
+ &m_IDThread); // lpIDThread
+ return newStack;
+void grt_stack_switch(Stack_Type To, Stack_Type From)
+// Resume stack TO and save the current context to the stack pointed by
+// CUR.
+// => procedure Stack_Switch (To : Stack_Type; From : Stack_Type);
+{ INFO("grt_stack_switch\n");
+ INFO(" from 0x%08x to 0x%08x\n", From, To);
+ // set 'To' event. this will make the other thread either
+ // - start for first time in grt_stack_loop
+ // - resume at WaitForSingleObject below
+ SetEvent(To->mutex);
+ // block until 'From' event becomes set again
+ // as we are running, our event is reset and we block here
+ // when stacks are switched, with above SetEvent, we may proceed
+ WaitForSingleObject(From->mutex, INFINITE);
+void grt_stack_delete(Stack_Type Stack)
+// Delete stack STACK, which must not be currently executed.
+// => procedure Stack_Delete (Stack : Stack_Type);
+{ INFO("grt_stack_delete\n");
+void __gnat_raise_storage_error(void)
+ abort ();
+void __gnat_raise_program_error(void)
+ abort ();
+// end of file
diff --git a/translate/grt/ghdl_main.adb b/translate/grt/ghdl_main.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3ca98fb6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/ghdl_main.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) entry point.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with Grt.Options; use Grt.Options;
+with Grt.Main;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+pragma Warnings (Off);
+with Grt.Rtis_Binding;
+pragma Warnings (On);
+function Ghdl_Main (Argc : Integer; Argv : System.Address)
+ return Integer
+ -- Grt_Init corresponds to the 'adainit' subprogram for grt.
+ procedure Grt_Init;
+ pragma Import (C, Grt_Init, "grt_init");
+ function To_Argv_Type is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => System.Address, Target => Grt.Options.Argv_Type);
+ Default_Progname : constant String := "ghdl_design" & NUL;
+ if Argc > 0 then
+ Grt.Options.Progname := To_Argv_Type (Argv)(0);
+ else
+ Grt.Options.Progname := To_Ghdl_C_String (Default_Progname'Address);
+ end if;
+ Grt.Options.Argc := Argc;
+ Grt.Options.Argv := To_Argv_Type (Argv);
+ Grt_Init;
+ Grt.Main.Run;
+ return 0;
+end Ghdl_Main;
diff --git a/translate/grt/ghdl_main.ads b/translate/grt/ghdl_main.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a3636cb56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/ghdl_main.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) entry point.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with System;
+-- 'main' function for grt.
+-- Contrary to the C main function, ARGC can be 0 (in this case a fake argv[0]
+-- is used).
+function Ghdl_Main (Argc : Integer; Argv : System.Address)
+ return Integer;
+pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Main, "ghdl_main");
diff --git a/translate/grt/ghwdump.c b/translate/grt/ghwdump.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4affc2b5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/ghwdump.c
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+/* Display a GHDL Wavefile for debugging.
+ Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
+ GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "ghwlib.h"
+static const char *progname;
+usage (void)
+ printf ("usage: %s [OPTIONS] FILEs...\n", progname);
+ printf ("Options are:\n"
+ " -t display types\n"
+ " -h display hierarchy\n"
+ " -T display time\n"
+ " -s display signals (and time)\n"
+ " -l display list of sections\n"
+ " -v verbose\n");
+main (int argc, char **argv)
+ int i;
+ int flag_disp_types;
+ int flag_disp_hierarchy;
+ int flag_disp_time;
+ int flag_disp_signals;
+ int flag_list;
+ int flag_verbose;
+ int eof;
+ enum ghw_sm_type sm;
+ progname = argv[0];
+ flag_disp_types = 0;
+ flag_disp_hierarchy = 0;
+ flag_disp_time = 0;
+ flag_disp_signals = 0;
+ flag_list = 0;
+ flag_verbose = 0;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ int c;
+ c = getopt (argc, argv, "thTslv");
+ if (c == -1)
+ break;
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ case 't':
+ flag_disp_types = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ flag_disp_hierarchy = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'T':
+ flag_disp_time = 1;
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ flag_disp_signals = 1;
+ flag_disp_time = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ flag_list = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ flag_verbose++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ usage ();
+ exit (2);
+ }
+ }
+ if (optind >= argc)
+ {
+ usage ();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ for (i = optind; i < argc; i++)
+ {
+ struct ghw_handler h;
+ struct ghw_handler *hp = &h;
+ hp->flag_verbose = flag_verbose;
+ if (ghw_open (hp, argv[i]) != 0)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "cannot open ghw file %s\n", argv[i]);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (flag_list)
+ {
+ while (1)
+ {
+ int section;
+ section = ghw_read_section (hp);
+ if (section == -2)
+ {
+ printf ("eof of file\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (section < 0)
+ {
+ printf ("Error in file\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (section == 0)
+ {
+ printf ("Unknown section\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ printf ("Section %s\n", ghw_sections[section].name);
+ if ((*ghw_sections[section].handler)(hp) < 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (ghw_read_base (hp) < 0)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "cannot read ghw file\n");
+ return 2;
+ }
+ if (0)
+ {
+ int i;
+ printf ("String table:\n");
+ for (i = 1; i < hp->nbr_str; i++)
+ printf (" %s\n", hp->str_table[i]);
+ }
+ if (flag_disp_types)
+ ghw_disp_types (hp);
+ if (flag_disp_hierarchy)
+ ghw_disp_hie (hp, hp->hie);
+#if 1
+ sm = ghw_sm_init;
+ eof = 0;
+ while (!eof)
+ {
+ switch (ghw_read_sm (hp, &sm))
+ {
+ case ghw_res_snapshot:
+ case ghw_res_cycle:
+ if (flag_disp_time)
+ printf ("Time is %lld fs\n", hp->snap_time);
+ if (flag_disp_signals)
+ ghw_disp_values (hp);
+ break;
+ case ghw_res_eof:
+ eof = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ abort ();
+ }
+ }
+ if (ghw_read_dump (hp) < 0)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "error in ghw dump\n");
+ return 3;
+ }
+ }
+ ghw_close (&h);
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/translate/grt/ghwlib.c b/translate/grt/ghwlib.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..827e69851
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/ghwlib.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1717 @@
+/* GHDL Wavefile reader library.
+ Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
+ GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "ghwlib.h"
+ghw_open (struct ghw_handler *h, const char *filename)
+ char hdr[16];
+ h->stream = fopen (filename, "rb");
+ if (h->stream == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ if (fread (hdr, sizeof (hdr), 1, h->stream) != 1)
+ return -1;
+ /* Check magic. */
+ if (memcmp (hdr, "GHDLwave\n", 9) != 0)
+ return -2;
+ /* Check version. */
+ if (hdr[9] != 16
+ || hdr[10] != 0)
+ return -2;
+ h->version = hdr[11];
+ if (h->version > 1)
+ return -3;
+ if (hdr[12] == 1)
+ h->word_be = 0;
+ else if (hdr[12] == 2)
+ h->word_be = 1;
+ else
+ return -4;
+#if 0
+ /* Endianness. */
+ {
+ int endian;
+ union { unsigned char b[4]; uint32_t i;} v;
+ v.i = 0x11223344;
+ if (v.b[0] == 0x11)
+ endian = 2;
+ else if (v.b[0] == 0x44)
+ endian = 1;
+ else
+ return -3;
+ if (hdr[12] != 1 && hdr[12] != 2)
+ return -3;
+ if (hdr[12] != endian)
+ h->swap_word = 1;
+ else
+ h->swap_word = 0;
+ }
+ h->word_len = hdr[13];
+ h->off_len = hdr[14];
+ if (hdr[15] != 0)
+ return -5;
+ h->hie = NULL;
+ return 0;
+ghw_get_i32 (struct ghw_handler *h, unsigned char *b)
+ if (h->word_be)
+ return (b[0] << 24) | (b[1] << 16) | (b[2] << 8) | (b[3] << 0);
+ else
+ return (b[3] << 24) | (b[2] << 16) | (b[1] << 8) | (b[0] << 0);
+ghw_get_i64 (struct ghw_handler *ghw_h, unsigned char *b)
+ int l, h;
+ if (ghw_h->word_be)
+ {
+ h = (b[0] << 24) | (b[1] << 16) | (b[2] << 8) | (b[3] << 0);
+ l = (b[4] << 24) | (b[5] << 16) | (b[6] << 8) | (b[7] << 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ l = (b[3] << 24) | (b[2] << 16) | (b[1] << 8) | (b[0] << 0);
+ h = (b[7] << 24) | (b[6] << 16) | (b[5] << 8) | (b[4] << 0);
+ }
+ return (((int64_t)h) << 32) | l;
+ghw_read_byte (struct ghw_handler *h, unsigned char *res)
+ int v;
+ v = fgetc (h->stream);
+ if (v == EOF)
+ return -1;
+ *res = v;
+ return 0;
+ghw_read_uleb128 (struct ghw_handler *h, uint32_t *res)
+ unsigned int r = 0;
+ unsigned int off = 0;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ int v = fgetc (h->stream);
+ if (v == EOF)
+ return -1;
+ r |= (v & 0x7f) << off;
+ if ((v & 0x80) == 0)
+ break;
+ off += 7;
+ }
+ *res = r;
+ return 0;
+ghw_read_sleb128 (struct ghw_handler *h, int32_t *res)
+ int32_t r = 0;
+ unsigned int off = 0;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ int v = fgetc (h->stream);
+ if (v == EOF)
+ return -1;
+ r |= ((int32_t)(v & 0x7f)) << off;
+ off += 7;
+ if ((v & 0x80) == 0)
+ {
+ if ((v & 0x40) && off < 32)
+ r |= -1 << off;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ *res = r;
+ return 0;
+ghw_read_lsleb128 (struct ghw_handler *h, int64_t *res)
+ int64_t r = 0;
+ unsigned int off = 0;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ int v = fgetc (h->stream);
+ if (v == EOF)
+ return -1;
+ r |= ((int64_t)(v & 0x7f)) << off;
+ off += 7;
+ if ((v & 0x80) == 0)
+ {
+ if ((v & 0x40) && off < 64)
+ r |= __INT64_C (-1) << off;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ *res = r;
+ return 0;
+ghw_read_f64 (struct ghw_handler *h, double *res)
+ /* FIXME: handle byte order. */
+ if (fread (res, sizeof (*res), 1, h->stream) != 1)
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+const char *
+ghw_read_strid (struct ghw_handler *h)
+ unsigned int id;
+ if (ghw_read_uleb128 (h, &id) != 0)
+ return NULL;
+ return h->str_table[id];
+union ghw_type *
+ghw_read_typeid (struct ghw_handler *h)
+ unsigned int id;
+ if (ghw_read_uleb128 (h, &id) != 0)
+ return NULL;
+ return h->types[id - 1];
+union ghw_range *
+ghw_read_range (struct ghw_handler *h)
+ int t = fgetc (h->stream);
+ if (t == EOF)
+ return NULL;
+ switch (t & 0x7f)
+ {
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_e8:
+ {
+ struct ghw_range_e8 *r;
+ r = malloc (sizeof (struct ghw_range_e8));
+ r->kind = t & 0x7f;
+ r->dir = (t & 0x80) != 0;
+ if (ghw_read_byte (h, &r->left) != 0)
+ return NULL;
+ if (ghw_read_byte (h, &r->right) != 0)
+ return NULL;
+ return (union ghw_range *)r;
+ }
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_i32:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_p32:
+ {
+ struct ghw_range_i32 *r;
+ r = malloc (sizeof (struct ghw_range_i32));
+ r->kind = t & 0x7f;
+ r->dir = (t & 0x80) != 0;
+ if (ghw_read_sleb128 (h, &r->left) != 0)
+ return NULL;
+ if (ghw_read_sleb128 (h, &r->right) != 0)
+ return NULL;
+ return (union ghw_range *)r;
+ }
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_i64:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_p64:
+ {
+ struct ghw_range_i64 *r;
+ r = malloc (sizeof (struct ghw_range_i64));
+ r->kind = t & 0x7f;
+ r->dir = (t & 0x80) != 0;
+ if (ghw_read_lsleb128 (h, &r->left) != 0)
+ return NULL;
+ if (ghw_read_lsleb128 (h, &r->right) != 0)
+ return NULL;
+ return (union ghw_range *)r;
+ }
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_f64:
+ {
+ struct ghw_range_f64 *r;
+ r = malloc (sizeof (struct ghw_range_f64));
+ r->kind = t & 0x7f;
+ r->dir = (t & 0x80) != 0;
+ if (ghw_read_f64 (h, &r->left) != 0)
+ return NULL;
+ if (ghw_read_f64 (h, &r->right) != 0)
+ return NULL;
+ return (union ghw_range *)r;
+ }
+ default:
+ fprintf (stderr, "ghw_read_range: type %d unhandled\n", t & 0x7f);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ghw_read_str (struct ghw_handler *h)
+ char hdr[12];
+ int i;
+ char *p;
+ int prev_len;
+ if (fread (hdr, sizeof (hdr), 1, h->stream) != 1)
+ return -1;
+ if (hdr[0] != 0 || hdr[1] != 0 || hdr[2] != 0 || hdr[3] != 0)
+ return -1;
+ h->nbr_str = ghw_get_i32 (h, &hdr[4]);
+ h->nbr_str++;
+ h->str_size = ghw_get_i32 (h, &hdr[8]);
+ h->str_table = (char **)malloc ((h->nbr_str + 1) * sizeof (char *));
+ h->str_content = (char *)malloc (h->str_size + h->nbr_str + 1);
+ if (h->flag_verbose)
+ {
+ printf ("Number of strings: %d\n", h->nbr_str - 1);
+ printf ("String table size: %d\n", h->str_size);
+ }
+ h->str_table[0] = "<anon>";
+ p = h->str_content;
+ prev_len = 0;
+ for (i = 1; i < h->nbr_str; i++)
+ {
+ int j;
+ int c;
+ char *prev;
+ int sh;
+ h->str_table[i] = p;
+ prev = h->str_table[i - 1];
+ for (j = 0; j < prev_len; j++)
+ *p++ = prev[j];
+ while (1)
+ {
+ c = fgetc (h->stream);
+ if (c == EOF)
+ return -1;
+ if ((c >= 0 && c <= 31)
+ || (c >= 128 && c <= 159))
+ break;
+ *p++ = c;
+ }
+ *p++ = 0;
+ if (h->flag_verbose > 1)
+ printf ("string %d (pl=%d): %s\n", i, prev_len, h->str_table[i]);
+ prev_len = c & 0x1f;
+ sh = 5;
+ while (c >= 128)
+ {
+ c = fgetc (h->stream);
+ if (c == EOF)
+ return -1;
+ prev_len |= (c & 0x1f) << sh;
+ sh += 5;
+ }
+ }
+ if (fread (hdr, 4, 1, h->stream) != 1)
+ return -1;
+ if (memcmp (hdr, "EOS", 4) != 0)
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+union ghw_type *
+ghw_get_base_type (union ghw_type *t)
+ switch (t->kind)
+ {
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_b2:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_e8:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_e32:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_i32:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_i64:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_f64:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_p32:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_p64:
+ return t;
+ case ghdl_rtik_subtype_scalar:
+ return t->ss.base;
+ case ghdl_rtik_subtype_array:
+ return (union ghw_type*)(t->sa.base);
+ default:
+ fprintf (stderr, "ghw_get_base_type: cannot handle type %d\n", t->kind);
+ abort ();
+ }
+get_nbr_elements (union ghw_type *t)
+ switch (t->kind)
+ {
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_b2:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_e8:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_e32:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_i32:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_i64:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_f64:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_p32:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_p64:
+ case ghdl_rtik_subtype_scalar:
+ return 1;
+ case ghdl_rtik_subtype_array:
+ case ghdl_rtik_subtype_array_ptr:
+ return t->sa.nbr_el;
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_record:
+ return t->rec.nbr_el;
+ default:
+ fprintf (stderr, "get_nbr_elements: unhandled type %d\n", t->kind);
+ abort ();
+ }
+get_range_length (union ghw_range *rng)
+ switch (rng->kind)
+ {
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_i32:
+ if (rng->i32.dir)
+ return (rng->i32.left - rng->i32.right + 1);
+ else
+ return (rng->i32.right - rng->i32.left + 1);
+ default:
+ fprintf (stderr, "get_range_length: unhandled kind %d\n", rng->kind);
+ abort ();
+ }
+ghw_read_type (struct ghw_handler *h)
+ char hdr[8];
+ int i;
+ if (fread (hdr, sizeof (hdr), 1, h->stream) != 1)
+ return -1;
+ if (hdr[0] != 0 || hdr[1] != 0 || hdr[2] != 0 || hdr[3] != 0)
+ return -1;
+ h->nbr_types = ghw_get_i32 (h, &hdr[4]);
+ h->types = (union ghw_type **)
+ malloc (h->nbr_types * sizeof (union ghw_type *));
+ for (i = 0; i < h->nbr_types; i++)
+ {
+ int t;
+ t = fgetc (h->stream);
+ if (t == EOF)
+ return -1;
+ /* printf ("type[%d]= %d\n", i, t); */
+ switch (t)
+ {
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_b2:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_e8:
+ {
+ struct ghw_type_enum *e;
+ int j;
+ e = malloc (sizeof (struct ghw_type_enum));
+ e->kind = t;
+ e->wkt = ghw_wkt_unknown;
+ e->name = ghw_read_strid (h);
+ if (ghw_read_uleb128 (h, &e->nbr) != 0)
+ return -1;
+ e->lits = (const char **) malloc (e->nbr * sizeof (char *));
+ if (h->flag_verbose > 1)
+ printf ("enum %s:", e->name);
+ for (j = 0; j < e->nbr; j++)
+ {
+ e->lits[j] = ghw_read_strid (h);
+ if (h->flag_verbose > 1)
+ printf (" %s", e->lits[j]);
+ }
+ if (h->flag_verbose > 1)
+ printf ("\n");
+ h->types[i] = (union ghw_type *)e;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_i32:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_i64:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_f64:
+ {
+ struct ghw_type_scalar *sc;
+ sc = malloc (sizeof (struct ghw_type_scalar));
+ sc->kind = t;
+ sc->name = ghw_read_strid (h);
+ if (h->flag_verbose > 1)
+ printf ("scalar: %s\n", sc->name);
+ h->types[i] = (union ghw_type *)sc;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_p32:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_p64:
+ {
+ struct ghw_type_physical *ph;
+ ph = malloc (sizeof (struct ghw_type_physical));
+ ph->kind = t;
+ ph->name = ghw_read_strid (h);
+ if (h->version == 0)
+ ph->nbr_units = 0;
+ else
+ {
+ int i;
+ if (ghw_read_uleb128 (h, &ph->nbr_units) != 0)
+ return -1;
+ ph->units = malloc (ph->nbr_units * sizeof (struct ghw_unit));
+ for (i = 0; i < ph->nbr_units; i++)
+ {
+ ph->units[i].name = ghw_read_strid (h);
+ if (ghw_read_lsleb128 (h, &ph->units[i].val) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (h->flag_verbose > 1)
+ printf ("physical: %s\n", ph->name);
+ h->types[i] = (union ghw_type *)ph;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ghdl_rtik_subtype_scalar:
+ {
+ struct ghw_subtype_scalar *ss;
+ ss = malloc (sizeof (struct ghw_subtype_scalar));
+ ss->kind = t;
+ ss->name = ghw_read_strid (h);
+ ss->base = ghw_read_typeid (h);
+ ss->rng = ghw_read_range (h);
+ if (h->flag_verbose > 1)
+ printf ("subtype scalar: %s\n", ss->name);
+ h->types[i] = (union ghw_type *)ss;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_array:
+ {
+ struct ghw_type_array *arr;
+ int j;
+ arr = malloc (sizeof (struct ghw_type_array));
+ arr->kind = t;
+ arr->name = ghw_read_strid (h);
+ arr->el = ghw_read_typeid (h);
+ if (ghw_read_uleb128 (h, &arr->nbr_dim) != 0)
+ return -1;
+ arr->dims = (union ghw_type **)
+ malloc (arr->nbr_dim * sizeof (union ghw_type *));
+ for (j = 0; j < arr->nbr_dim; j++)
+ arr->dims[j] = ghw_read_typeid (h);
+ if (h->flag_verbose > 1)
+ printf ("array: %s\n", arr->name);
+ h->types[i] = (union ghw_type *)arr;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ghdl_rtik_subtype_array:
+ case ghdl_rtik_subtype_array_ptr:
+ {
+ struct ghw_subtype_array *sa;
+ int j;
+ int nbr_el;
+ sa = malloc (sizeof (struct ghw_subtype_array));
+ sa->kind = t;
+ sa->name = ghw_read_strid (h);
+ sa->base = (struct ghw_type_array *)ghw_read_typeid (h);
+ nbr_el = get_nbr_elements (sa->base->el);
+ sa->rngs = malloc (sa->base->nbr_dim * sizeof (union ghw_range *));
+ for (j = 0; j < sa->base->nbr_dim; j++)
+ {
+ sa->rngs[j] = ghw_read_range (h);
+ nbr_el *= get_range_length (sa->rngs[j]);
+ }
+ sa->nbr_el = nbr_el;
+ if (h->flag_verbose > 1)
+ printf ("subtype array: %s (nbr_el=%d)\n", sa->name, sa->nbr_el);
+ h->types[i] = (union ghw_type *)sa;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_record:
+ {
+ struct ghw_type_record *rec;
+ int j;
+ int nbr_el;
+ rec = malloc (sizeof (struct ghw_type_record));
+ rec->kind = t;
+ rec->name = ghw_read_strid (h);
+ if (ghw_read_uleb128 (h, &rec->nbr_fields) != 0)
+ return -1;
+ rec->el = malloc
+ (rec->nbr_fields * sizeof (struct ghw_record_element));
+ nbr_el = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j < rec->nbr_fields; j++)
+ {
+ rec->el[j].name = ghw_read_strid (h);
+ rec->el[j].type = ghw_read_typeid (h);
+ nbr_el += get_nbr_elements (rec->el[j].type);
+ }
+ rec->nbr_el = nbr_el;
+ if (h->flag_verbose > 1)
+ printf ("record type: %s (nbr_el=%d)\n", rec->name, rec->nbr_el);
+ h->types[i] = (union ghw_type *)rec;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf (stderr, "ghw_read_type: unknown type %d\n", t);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (fgetc (h->stream) != 0)
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+ghw_read_wk_types (struct ghw_handler *h)
+ char hdr[4];
+ if (fread (hdr, sizeof (hdr), 1, h->stream) != 1)
+ return -1;
+ if (hdr[0] != 0 || hdr[1] != 0 || hdr[2] != 0 || hdr[3] != 0)
+ return -1;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ int t;
+ union ghw_type *tid;
+ t = fgetc (h->stream);
+ if (t == EOF)
+ return -1;
+ else if (t == 0)
+ break;
+ tid = ghw_read_typeid (h);
+ if (tid->kind == ghdl_rtik_type_b2
+ || tid->kind == ghdl_rtik_type_e8)
+ {
+ if (h->flag_verbose > 0)
+ printf ("%s: wkt=%d\n", tid->en.name, t);
+ tid->en.wkt = t;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ghw_disp_typename (struct ghw_handler *h, union ghw_type *t)
+ printf ("%s", t->common.name);
+/* Read a signal composed of severals elements. */
+ghw_read_signal (struct ghw_handler *h, unsigned int *sigs, union ghw_type *t)
+ switch (t->kind)
+ {
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_b2:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_e8:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_e32:
+ case ghdl_rtik_subtype_scalar:
+ {
+ unsigned int sig_el;
+ if (ghw_read_uleb128 (h, &sig_el) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ *sigs = sig_el;
+ if (sig_el >= h->nbr_sigs)
+ abort ();
+ if (h->sigs[sig_el].type == NULL)
+ h->sigs[sig_el].type = ghw_get_base_type (t);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ case ghdl_rtik_subtype_array:
+ case ghdl_rtik_subtype_array_ptr:
+ {
+ int i;
+ int stride;
+ int len;
+ len = t->sa.nbr_el;
+ stride = get_nbr_elements (t->sa.base->el);
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i += stride)
+ if (ghw_read_signal (h, &sigs[i], t->sa.base->el) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_record:
+ {
+ int i;
+ int off;
+ off = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < t->rec.nbr_fields; i++)
+ {
+ if (ghw_read_signal (h, &sigs[off], t->rec.el[i].type) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ off += get_nbr_elements (t->rec.el[i].type);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ default:
+ fprintf (stderr, "ghw_read_signal: type kind %d unhandled\n", t->kind);
+ abort ();
+ }
+ghw_read_value (struct ghw_handler *h,
+ union ghw_val *val, union ghw_type *type)
+ switch (ghw_get_base_type (type)->kind)
+ {
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_b2:
+ {
+ int v;
+ v = fgetc (h->stream);
+ if (v == EOF)
+ return -1;
+ val->b2 = v;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_e8:
+ {
+ int v;
+ v = fgetc (h->stream);
+ if (v == EOF)
+ return -1;
+ val->e8 = v;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_i32:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_p32:
+ {
+ int32_t v;
+ if (ghw_read_sleb128 (h, &v) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ val->i32 = v;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_f64:
+ {
+ double v;
+ if (ghw_read_f64 (h, &v) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ val->f64 = v;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_p64:
+ {
+ int64_t v;
+ if (ghw_read_lsleb128 (h, &v) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ val->i64 = v;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf (stderr, "read_value: cannot handle format %d\n", type->kind);
+ abort ();
+ }
+ return 0;
+ghw_read_hie (struct ghw_handler *h)
+ char hdr[16];
+ int nbr_scopes;
+ int nbr_sigs;
+ int i;
+ struct ghw_hie *blk;
+ struct ghw_hie **last;
+ if (fread (hdr, sizeof (hdr), 1, h->stream) != 1)
+ return -1;
+ if (hdr[0] != 0 || hdr[1] != 0 || hdr[2] != 0 || hdr[3] != 0)
+ return -1;
+ nbr_scopes = ghw_get_i32 (h, &hdr[4]);
+ /* Number of declared signals (which may be composite). */
+ nbr_sigs = ghw_get_i32 (h, &hdr[8]);
+ /* Number of basic signals. */
+ h->nbr_sigs = ghw_get_i32 (h, &hdr[12]);
+ blk = (struct ghw_hie *)malloc (sizeof (struct ghw_hie));
+ blk->kind = ghw_hie_design;
+ blk->name = NULL;
+ blk->parent = NULL;
+ blk->brother = NULL;
+ blk->u.blk.child = NULL;
+ last = &blk->u.blk.child;
+ h->hie = blk;
+ h->nbr_sigs++;
+ h->sigs = (struct ghw_sig *) malloc (h->nbr_sigs * sizeof (struct ghw_sig));
+ memset (h->sigs, 0, h->nbr_sigs * sizeof (struct ghw_sig));
+ while (1)
+ {
+ int t;
+ struct ghw_hie *el;
+ unsigned int str;
+ t = fgetc (h->stream);
+ if (t == EOF)
+ return -1;
+ if (t == 0)
+ break;
+ if (t == ghw_hie_eos)
+ {
+ blk = blk->parent;
+ if (blk->u.blk.child == NULL)
+ last = &blk->u.blk.child;
+ else
+ {
+ struct ghw_hie *l = blk->u.blk.child;
+ while (l->brother != NULL)
+ l = l->brother;
+ last = &l->brother;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ el = (struct ghw_hie *) malloc (sizeof (struct ghw_hie));
+ el->kind = t;
+ el->parent = blk;
+ el->brother = NULL;
+ /* Link. */
+ *last = el;
+ last = &el->brother;
+ /* Read name. */
+ if (ghw_read_uleb128 (h, &str) != 0)
+ return -1;
+ el->name = h->str_table[str];
+ switch (t)
+ {
+ case ghw_hie_eoh:
+ case ghw_hie_design:
+ case ghw_hie_eos:
+ /* Should not be here. */
+ abort ();
+ case ghw_hie_process:
+ break;
+ case ghw_hie_block:
+ case ghw_hie_generate_if:
+ case ghw_hie_generate_for:
+ case ghw_hie_instance:
+ case ghw_hie_generic:
+ /* Create a block. */
+ el->u.blk.child = NULL;
+ if (t == ghw_hie_generate_for)
+ {
+ el->u.blk.iter_type = ghw_read_typeid (h);
+ el->u.blk.iter_value = malloc (sizeof (union ghw_val));
+ if (ghw_read_value (h, el->u.blk.iter_value,
+ el->u.blk.iter_type) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ blk = el;
+ last = &el->u.blk.child;
+ break;
+ case ghw_hie_signal:
+ case ghw_hie_port_in:
+ case ghw_hie_port_out:
+ case ghw_hie_port_inout:
+ case ghw_hie_port_buffer:
+ case ghw_hie_port_linkage:
+ /* For a signal, read type. */
+ {
+ int nbr_el;
+ unsigned int *sigs;
+ el->u.sig.type = ghw_read_typeid (h);
+ nbr_el = get_nbr_elements (el->u.sig.type);
+ sigs = (unsigned int *) malloc
+ ((nbr_el + 1) * sizeof (unsigned int));
+ el->u.sig.sigs = sigs;
+ /* Last element is NULL. */
+ sigs[nbr_el] = 0;
+ if (h->flag_verbose > 1)
+ printf ("signal %s: %d el\n", el->name, nbr_el);
+ if (ghw_read_signal (h, sigs, el->u.sig.type) < 0)
+ return -1;
+#if 0
+ for (i = 0; i < nbr_el; i++)
+ {
+ unsigned int sig_el;
+ if (ghw_read_uleb128 (h, &sig_el) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ sigs[i] = sig_el;
+ if (sig_el >= h->nbr_sigs)
+ abort ();
+ if (h->sigs[sig_el].type == NULL)
+ {
+ h->sigs[sig_el].type = ghw_get_base_type (el->u.sig.type);
+ }
+ }
+ sigs[i] = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf (stderr, "ghw_read_hie: unhandled kind %d\n", t);
+ abort ();
+ }
+ }
+ /* Allocate values. */
+ for (i = 0; i < h->nbr_sigs; i++)
+ if (h->sigs[i].type != NULL)
+ h->sigs[i].val = (union ghw_val *) malloc (sizeof (union ghw_val));
+ return 0;
+const char *
+ghw_get_hie_name (struct ghw_hie *h)
+ switch (h->kind)
+ {
+ case ghw_hie_eoh:
+ return "eoh";
+ case ghw_hie_design:
+ return "design";
+ case ghw_hie_block:
+ return "block";
+ case ghw_hie_generate_if:
+ return "generate-if";
+ case ghw_hie_generate_for:
+ return "generate-for";
+ case ghw_hie_instance:
+ return "instance";
+ case ghw_hie_process:
+ return "process";
+ case ghw_hie_generic:
+ return "generic";
+ case ghw_hie_eos:
+ return "eos";
+ case ghw_hie_signal:
+ return "signal";
+ case ghw_hie_port_in:
+ return "port-in";
+ case ghw_hie_port_out:
+ return "port-out";
+ case ghw_hie_port_inout:
+ return "port-inout";
+ case ghw_hie_port_buffer:
+ return "port-buffer";
+ case ghw_hie_port_linkage:
+ return "port-linkage";
+ default:
+ return "??";
+ }
+ghw_disp_value (union ghw_val *val, union ghw_type *type);
+ghw_disp_hie (struct ghw_handler *h, struct ghw_hie *top)
+ int i;
+ int indent;
+ struct ghw_hie *hie;
+ struct ghw_hie *n;
+ hie = top;
+ indent = 0;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ for (i = 0; i < indent; i++)
+ fputc (' ', stdout);
+ printf ("%s", ghw_get_hie_name (hie));
+ switch (hie->kind)
+ {
+ case ghw_hie_design:
+ case ghw_hie_block:
+ case ghw_hie_generate_if:
+ case ghw_hie_generate_for:
+ case ghw_hie_instance:
+ case ghw_hie_process:
+ if (hie->name)
+ printf (" %s", hie->name);
+ if (hie->kind == ghw_hie_generate_for)
+ {
+ printf ("(");
+ ghw_disp_value (hie->u.blk.iter_value, hie->u.blk.iter_type);
+ printf (")");
+ }
+ n = hie->u.blk.child;
+ if (n == NULL)
+ n = hie->brother;
+ else
+ indent++;
+ break;
+ case ghw_hie_generic:
+ case ghw_hie_eos:
+ abort ();
+ case ghw_hie_signal:
+ case ghw_hie_port_in:
+ case ghw_hie_port_out:
+ case ghw_hie_port_inout:
+ case ghw_hie_port_buffer:
+ case ghw_hie_port_linkage:
+ {
+ unsigned int *sigs;
+ printf (" %s: ", hie->name);
+ ghw_disp_typename (h, hie->u.sig.type);
+ for (sigs = hie->u.sig.sigs; *sigs != 0; sigs++)
+ printf (" #%u", *sigs);
+ n = hie->brother;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ abort ();
+ }
+ printf ("\n");
+ while (n == NULL)
+ {
+ if (hie->parent == NULL)
+ return;
+ hie = hie->parent;
+ indent--;
+ n = hie->brother;
+ }
+ hie = n;
+ }
+ghw_read_eoh (struct ghw_handler *h)
+ return 0;
+ghw_read_base (struct ghw_handler *h)
+ unsigned char hdr[4];
+ int res;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (fread (hdr, sizeof (hdr), 1, h->stream) != 1)
+ return -1;
+ if (memcmp (hdr, "STR", 4) == 0)
+ res = ghw_read_str (h);
+ else if (memcmp (hdr, "HIE", 4) == 0)
+ res = ghw_read_hie (h);
+ else if (memcmp (hdr, "TYP", 4) == 0)
+ res = ghw_read_type (h);
+ else if (memcmp (hdr, "WKT", 4) == 0)
+ res = ghw_read_wk_types (h);
+ else if (memcmp (hdr, "EOH", 4) == 0)
+ return 0;
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "ghw_read_base: unknown GHW section %c%c%c%c\n",
+ hdr[0], hdr[1], hdr[2], hdr[3]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (res != 0)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "ghw_read_base: error in section %s\n", hdr);
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ghw_read_signal_value (struct ghw_handler *h, struct ghw_sig *s)
+ return ghw_read_value (h, s->val, s->type);
+ghw_read_snapshot (struct ghw_handler *h)
+ char hdr[12];
+ int i;
+ struct ghw_sig *s;
+ if (fread (hdr, sizeof (hdr), 1, h->stream) != 1)
+ return -1;
+ if (hdr[0] != 0 || hdr[1] != 0 || hdr[2] != 0 || hdr[3] != 0)
+ return -1;
+ h->snap_time = ghw_get_i64 (h, &hdr[4]);
+ if (h->flag_verbose > 1)
+ printf ("Time is %lld fs\n", h->snap_time);
+ for (i = 0; i < h->nbr_sigs; i++)
+ {
+ s = &h->sigs[i];
+ if (s->type != NULL)
+ {
+ if (h->flag_verbose > 1)
+ printf ("read type %d for sig %d\n", s->type->kind, i);
+ if (ghw_read_signal_value (h, s) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (fread (hdr, 4, 1, h->stream) != 1)
+ return -1;
+ if (memcmp (hdr, "ESN", 4))
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+void ghw_disp_values (struct ghw_handler *h);
+ghw_read_cycle_start (struct ghw_handler *h)
+ char hdr[8];
+ if (fread (hdr, sizeof (hdr), 1, h->stream) != 1)
+ return -1;
+ h->snap_time = ghw_get_i64 (h, hdr);
+ return 0;
+ghw_read_cycle_cont (struct ghw_handler *h, int *list)
+ int i;
+ int *list_p;
+ i = 0;
+ list_p = list;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ int32_t d;
+ /* Read delta to next signal. */
+ if (ghw_read_sleb128 (h, &d) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (d == 0)
+ {
+ /* Last signal reached. */
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Find next signal. */
+ while (d > 0)
+ {
+ i++;
+ if (h->sigs[i].type != NULL)
+ d--;
+ }
+ if (ghw_read_signal_value (h, &h->sigs[i]) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (list_p)
+ *list_p++ = i;
+ }
+ if (list_p)
+ *list_p = 0;
+ return 0;
+ghw_read_cycle_next (struct ghw_handler *h)
+ int64_t d_time;
+ if (ghw_read_lsleb128 (h, &d_time) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (d_time == -1)
+ return 0;
+ h->snap_time += d_time;
+ return 1;
+ghw_read_cycle_end (struct ghw_handler *h)
+ char hdr[4];
+ if (fread (hdr, sizeof (hdr), 1, h->stream) != 1)
+ return -1;
+ if (memcmp (hdr, "ECY", 4))
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+ghw_disp_value (union ghw_val *val, union ghw_type *type)
+ switch (ghw_get_base_type (type)->kind)
+ {
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_b2:
+ printf ("%s (%d)", type->en.lits[val->b2], val->b2);
+ break;
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_e8:
+ printf ("%s (%d)", type->en.lits[val->e8], val->e8);
+ break;
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_i32:
+ printf ("%d", val->i32);
+ break;
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_p64:
+ printf ("%lld", val->i64);
+ break;
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_f64:
+ printf ("%g", val->f64);
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf (stderr, "ghw_disp_value: cannot handle type %d\n",
+ type->kind);
+ abort ();
+ }
+/* Put the ASCII representation of VAL into BUF, whose size if LEN.
+ A NUL is always written to BUF.
+ghw_get_value (char *buf, int len, union ghw_val *val, union ghw_type *type)
+ switch (ghw_get_base_type (type)->kind)
+ {
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_b2:
+ if (val->b2 <= 1)
+ {
+ strncpy (buf, type->en.lits[val->b2], len - 1);
+ buf[len - 1] = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ snprintf (buf, len, "?%d", val->b2);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_e8:
+ if (val->b2 <= type->en.nbr)
+ {
+ strncpy (buf, type->en.lits[val->e8], len - 1);
+ buf[len - 1] = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ snprintf (buf, len, "?%d", val->e8);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_i32:
+ snprintf (buf, len, "%d", val->i32);
+ break;
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_p64:
+ snprintf (buf, len, "%lld", val->i64);
+ break;
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_f64:
+ snprintf (buf, len, "%g", val->f64);
+ break;
+ default:
+ snprintf (buf, len, "?bad type %d?", type->kind);
+ }
+ghw_disp_values (struct ghw_handler *h)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < h->nbr_sigs; i++)
+ {
+ struct ghw_sig *s = &h->sigs[i];
+ if (s->type != NULL)
+ {
+ printf ("#%d: ", i);
+ ghw_disp_value (s->val, s->type);
+ printf ("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ghw_read_directory (struct ghw_handler *h)
+ unsigned char hdr[8];
+ int nbr_entries;
+ int i;
+ if (fread (hdr, sizeof (hdr), 1, h->stream) != 1)
+ return -1;
+ nbr_entries = ghw_get_i32 (h, &hdr[4]);
+ if (h->flag_verbose)
+ printf ("Directory (%d entries):\n", nbr_entries);
+ for (i = 0; i < nbr_entries; i++)
+ {
+ unsigned char ent[8];
+ int pos;
+ if (fread (ent, sizeof (ent), 1, h->stream) != 1)
+ return -1;
+ pos = ghw_get_i32 (h, &ent[4]);
+ if (h->flag_verbose)
+ printf (" %s at %d\n", ent, pos);
+ }
+ if (fread (hdr, 4, 1, h->stream) != 1)
+ return -1;
+ if (memcmp (hdr, "EOD", 4))
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+ghw_read_tailer (struct ghw_handler *h)
+ unsigned char hdr[8];
+ int pos;
+ if (fread (hdr, sizeof (hdr), 1, h->stream) != 1)
+ return -1;
+ pos = ghw_get_i32 (h, &hdr[4]);
+ if (h->flag_verbose)
+ printf ("Tailer: directory at %d\n", pos);
+ return 0;
+enum ghw_res
+ghw_read_sm_hdr (struct ghw_handler *h, int *list)
+ unsigned char hdr[4];
+ int res;
+ if (fread (hdr, sizeof (hdr), 1, h->stream) != 1)
+ {
+ if (feof (h->stream))
+ return ghw_res_eof;
+ else
+ return ghw_res_error;
+ }
+ if (memcmp (hdr, "SNP", 4) == 0)
+ {
+ res = ghw_read_snapshot (h);
+ if (res < 0)
+ return res;
+ return ghw_res_snapshot;
+ }
+ else if (memcmp (hdr, "CYC", 4) == 0)
+ {
+ res = ghw_read_cycle_start (h);
+ if (res < 0)
+ return res;
+ res = ghw_read_cycle_cont (h, list);
+ if (res < 0)
+ return res;
+ return ghw_res_cycle;
+ }
+ else if (memcmp (hdr, "DIR", 4) == 0)
+ {
+ res = ghw_read_directory (h);
+ }
+ else if (memcmp (hdr, "TAI", 4) == 0)
+ {
+ res = ghw_read_tailer (h);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "unknown GHW section %c%c%c%c\n",
+ hdr[0], hdr[1], hdr[2], hdr[3]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (res != 0)
+ return res;
+ return ghw_res_other;
+ghw_read_sm (struct ghw_handler *h, enum ghw_sm_type *sm)
+ int res;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ /* printf ("sm: state = %d\n", *sm); */
+ switch (*sm)
+ {
+ case ghw_sm_init:
+ case ghw_sm_sect:
+ res = ghw_read_sm_hdr (h, NULL);
+ switch (res)
+ {
+ case ghw_res_other:
+ break;
+ case ghw_res_snapshot:
+ *sm = ghw_sm_sect;
+ return res;
+ case ghw_res_cycle:
+ *sm = ghw_sm_cycle;
+ return res;
+ default:
+ return res;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ghw_sm_cycle:
+ if (0)
+ printf ("Time is %lld fs\n", h->snap_time);
+ if (0)
+ ghw_disp_values (h);
+ res = ghw_read_cycle_next (h);
+ if (res < 0)
+ return res;
+ if (res == 1)
+ {
+ res = ghw_read_cycle_cont (h, NULL);
+ if (res < 0)
+ return res;
+ return ghw_res_cycle;
+ }
+ res = ghw_read_cycle_end (h);
+ if (res < 0)
+ return res;
+ *sm = ghw_sm_sect;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ghw_read_cycle (struct ghw_handler *h)
+ int res;
+ res = ghw_read_cycle_start (h);
+ if (res < 0)
+ return res;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ res = ghw_read_cycle_cont (h, NULL);
+ if (res < 0)
+ return res;
+ if (0)
+ printf ("Time is %lld fs\n", h->snap_time);
+ if (0)
+ ghw_disp_values (h);
+ res = ghw_read_cycle_next (h);
+ if (res < 0)
+ return res;
+ if (res == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ res = ghw_read_cycle_end (h);
+ return res;
+ghw_read_dump (struct ghw_handler *h)
+ unsigned char hdr[4];
+ int res;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (fread (hdr, sizeof (hdr), 1, h->stream) != 1)
+ {
+ if (feof (h->stream))
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (memcmp (hdr, "SNP", 4) == 0)
+ {
+ res = ghw_read_snapshot (h);
+ if (0 && res >= 0)
+ ghw_disp_values (h);
+ }
+ else if (memcmp (hdr, "CYC", 4) == 0)
+ {
+ res = ghw_read_cycle (h);
+ }
+ else if (memcmp (hdr, "DIR", 4) == 0)
+ {
+ res = ghw_read_directory (h);
+ }
+ else if (memcmp (hdr, "TAI", 4) == 0)
+ {
+ res = ghw_read_tailer (h);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "unknown GHW section %c%c%c%c\n",
+ hdr[0], hdr[1], hdr[2], hdr[3]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (res != 0)
+ return res;
+ }
+struct ghw_section ghw_sections[] = {
+ { "\0\0\0", NULL },
+ { "STR", ghw_read_str },
+ { "HIE", ghw_read_hie },
+ { "TYP", ghw_read_type },
+ { "WKT", ghw_read_wk_types },
+ { "EOH", ghw_read_eoh },
+ { "SNP", ghw_read_snapshot },
+ { "CYC", ghw_read_cycle },
+ { "DIR", ghw_read_directory },
+ { "TAI", ghw_read_tailer }
+ghw_read_section (struct ghw_handler *h)
+ unsigned char hdr[4];
+ int i;
+ if (fread (hdr, sizeof (hdr), 1, h->stream) != 1)
+ {
+ if (feof (h->stream))
+ return -2;
+ else
+ return -1;
+ }
+ for (i = 1; i < sizeof (ghw_sections) / sizeof (*ghw_sections); i++)
+ if (memcmp (hdr, ghw_sections[i].name, 4) == 0)
+ return i;
+ fprintf (stderr, "ghw_read_section: unknown GHW section %c%c%c%c\n",
+ hdr[0], hdr[1], hdr[2], hdr[3]);
+ return 0;
+ghw_close (struct ghw_handler *h)
+ if (h->stream)
+ {
+ fclose (h->stream);
+ h->stream = NULL;
+ }
+const char *
+ghw_get_dir (int is_downto)
+ return is_downto ? "downto" : "to";
+ghw_disp_range (union ghw_range *rng)
+ switch (rng->kind)
+ {
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_i32:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_p32:
+ printf ("%d %s %d",
+ rng->i32.left, ghw_get_dir (rng->i32.dir), rng->i32.right);
+ break;
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_i64:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_p64:
+ printf ("%lld %s %lld",
+ rng->i64.left, ghw_get_dir (rng->i64.dir), rng->i64.right);
+ break;
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_f64:
+ printf ("%g %s %g",
+ rng->f64.left, ghw_get_dir (rng->f64.dir), rng->f64.right);
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf ("?(%d)", rng->kind);
+ }
+ghw_disp_type (struct ghw_handler *h, union ghw_type *t)
+ switch (t->kind)
+ {
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_b2:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_e8:
+ {
+ struct ghw_type_enum *e = &t->en;
+ int i;
+ printf ("type %s is (", e->name);
+ for (i = 0; i < e->nbr; i++)
+ {
+ if (i != 0)
+ printf (", ");
+ printf ("%s", e->lits[i]);
+ }
+ printf (");");
+ if (e->wkt != ghw_wkt_unknown)
+ printf (" -- WKT:%d", e->wkt);
+ printf ("\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_i32:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_f64:
+ {
+ struct ghw_type_scalar *s = &t->sc;
+ printf ("type %s is range <>;\n", s->name);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_p32:
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_p64:
+ {
+ int i;
+ struct ghw_type_physical *p = &t->ph;
+ printf ("type %s is range <> units\n", p->name);
+ for (i = 0; i < p->nbr_units; i++)
+ {
+ struct ghw_unit *u = &p->units[i];
+ printf (" %s = %lld %s;\n", u->name, u->val, p->units[0].name);
+ }
+ printf ("end units\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ case ghdl_rtik_subtype_scalar:
+ {
+ struct ghw_subtype_scalar *s = &t->ss;
+ printf ("subtype %s is ", s->name);
+ ghw_disp_typename (h, s->base);
+ printf (" range ");
+ ghw_disp_range (s->rng);
+ printf (";\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_array:
+ {
+ struct ghw_type_array *a = &t->ar;
+ int i;
+ printf ("type %s is array (", a->name);
+ for (i = 0; i < a->nbr_dim; i++)
+ {
+ if (i != 0)
+ printf (", ");
+ ghw_disp_typename (h, a->dims[i]);
+ printf (" range <>");
+ }
+ printf (") of ");
+ ghw_disp_typename (h, a->el);
+ printf (";\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ case ghdl_rtik_subtype_array:
+ case ghdl_rtik_subtype_array_ptr:
+ {
+ struct ghw_subtype_array *a = &t->sa;
+ int i;
+ printf ("subtype %s is ", a->name);
+ ghw_disp_typename (h, (union ghw_type *)a->base);
+ printf (" (");
+ for (i = 0; i < a->base->nbr_dim; i++)
+ {
+ if (i != 0)
+ printf (", ");
+ ghw_disp_range (a->rngs[i]);
+ }
+ printf (");\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ case ghdl_rtik_type_record:
+ {
+ struct ghw_type_record *r = &t->rec;
+ int i;
+ printf ("type %s is record\n", r->name);
+ for (i = 0; i < r->nbr_fields; i++)
+ {
+ printf (" %s: ", r->el[i].name);
+ ghw_disp_typename (h, r->el[i].type);
+ printf ("\n");
+ }
+ printf ("end record;\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf ("ghw_disp_type: unhandled type kind %d\n", t->kind);
+ }
+ghw_disp_types (struct ghw_handler *h)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < h->nbr_types; i++)
+ ghw_disp_type (h, h->types[i]);
diff --git a/translate/grt/ghwlib.h b/translate/grt/ghwlib.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..500dd6e9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/ghwlib.h
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+/* GHDL Wavefile reader library.
+ Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
+ GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef _GHWLIB_H_
+#define _GHWLIB_H_
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+enum ghdl_rtik {
+ ghdl_rtik_top, /* 0 */
+ ghdl_rtik_library,
+ ghdl_rtik_package,
+ ghdl_rtik_package_body,
+ ghdl_rtik_entity,
+ ghdl_rtik_architecture, /* 5 */
+ ghdl_rtik_process,
+ ghdl_rtik_block,
+ ghdl_rtik_if_generate,
+ ghdl_rtik_for_generate,
+ ghdl_rtik_instance,
+ ghdl_rtik_constant,
+ ghdl_rtik_iterator,
+ ghdl_rtik_variable,
+ ghdl_rtik_signal,
+ ghdl_rtik_file,
+ ghdl_rtik_port,
+ ghdl_rtik_generic,
+ ghdl_rtik_alias,
+ ghdl_rtik_guard,
+ ghdl_rtik_component,
+ ghdl_rtik_attribute,
+ ghdl_rtik_type_b2, /* 22 */
+ ghdl_rtik_type_e8,
+ ghdl_rtik_type_e32,
+ ghdl_rtik_type_i32, /* 25 */
+ ghdl_rtik_type_i64,
+ ghdl_rtik_type_f64,
+ ghdl_rtik_type_p32,
+ ghdl_rtik_type_p64,
+ ghdl_rtik_type_access, /* 30 */
+ ghdl_rtik_type_array,
+ ghdl_rtik_type_record,
+ ghdl_rtik_type_file,
+ ghdl_rtik_subtype_scalar,
+ ghdl_rtik_subtype_array, /* 35 */
+ ghdl_rtik_subtype_array_ptr,
+ ghdl_rtik_subtype_unconstrained_array,
+ ghdl_rtik_subtype_record,
+ ghdl_rtik_subtype_access,
+ ghdl_rtik_type_protected,
+ ghdl_rtik_element,
+ ghdl_rtik_unit,
+ ghdl_rtik_attribute_transaction,
+ ghdl_rtik_attribute_quiet,
+ ghdl_rtik_attribute_stable,
+ ghdl_rtik_error
+/* Well-known types. */
+enum ghw_wkt_type {
+ ghw_wkt_unknown,
+ ghw_wkt_boolean,
+ ghw_wkt_bit,
+ ghw_wkt_std_ulogic
+struct ghw_range_e8
+ enum ghdl_rtik kind : 8;
+ int dir : 8; /* 0: to, !0: downto. */
+ unsigned char left;
+ unsigned char right;
+struct ghw_range_i32
+ enum ghdl_rtik kind : 8;
+ int dir : 8; /* 0: to, !0: downto. */
+ int32_t left;
+ int32_t right;
+struct ghw_range_i64
+ enum ghdl_rtik kind : 8;
+ int dir : 8;
+ int64_t left;
+ int64_t right;
+struct ghw_range_f64
+ enum ghdl_rtik kind : 8;
+ int dir : 8;
+ double left;
+ double right;
+union ghw_range
+ enum ghdl_rtik kind : 8;
+ struct ghw_range_e8 e8;
+ struct ghw_range_i32 i32;
+ struct ghw_range_i64 i64;
+ struct ghw_range_f64 f64;
+/* Note: the first two fields must be kind and name. */
+union ghw_type;
+struct ghw_type_common
+ enum ghdl_rtik kind;
+ const char *name;
+struct ghw_type_enum
+ enum ghdl_rtik kind;
+ const char *name;
+ enum ghw_wkt_type wkt;
+ int nbr;
+ const char **lits;
+struct ghw_type_scalar
+ enum ghdl_rtik kind;
+ const char *name;
+struct ghw_unit
+ const char *name;
+ int64_t val;
+struct ghw_type_physical
+ enum ghdl_rtik kind;
+ const char *name;
+ uint32_t nbr_units;
+ struct ghw_unit *units;
+struct ghw_type_array
+ enum ghdl_rtik kind;
+ const char *name;
+ int nbr_dim;
+ union ghw_type *el;
+ union ghw_type **dims;
+struct ghw_subtype_array
+ enum ghdl_rtik kind;
+ const char *name;
+ struct ghw_type_array *base;
+ int nbr_el;
+ union ghw_range **rngs;
+struct ghw_subtype_scalar
+ enum ghdl_rtik kind;
+ const char *name;
+ union ghw_type *base;
+ union ghw_range *rng;
+struct ghw_record_element
+ const char *name;
+ union ghw_type *type;
+struct ghw_type_record
+ enum ghdl_rtik kind;
+ const char *name;
+ int nbr_fields;
+ int nbr_el; /* Number of scalar signals. */
+ struct ghw_record_element *el;
+union ghw_type
+ enum ghdl_rtik kind;
+ struct ghw_type_common common;
+ struct ghw_type_enum en;
+ struct ghw_type_scalar sc;
+ struct ghw_type_physical ph;
+ struct ghw_subtype_scalar ss;
+ struct ghw_subtype_array sa;
+ struct ghw_type_array ar;
+ struct ghw_type_record rec;
+union ghw_val
+ unsigned char b2;
+ unsigned char e8;
+ int32_t i32;
+ int64_t i64;
+ double f64;
+/* A non-composite signal. */
+struct ghw_sig
+ union ghw_type *type;
+ union ghw_val *val;
+enum ghw_hie_kind {
+ ghw_hie_eoh = 0,
+ ghw_hie_design = 1,
+ ghw_hie_block = 3,
+ ghw_hie_generate_if = 4,
+ ghw_hie_generate_for = 5,
+ ghw_hie_instance = 6,
+ ghw_hie_process = 13,
+ ghw_hie_generic = 14,
+ ghw_hie_eos = 15,
+ ghw_hie_signal = 16,
+ ghw_hie_port_in = 17,
+ ghw_hie_port_out = 18,
+ ghw_hie_port_inout = 19,
+ ghw_hie_port_buffer = 20,
+ ghw_hie_port_linkage = 21
+struct ghw_hie
+ enum ghw_hie_kind kind;
+ struct ghw_hie *parent;
+ const char *name;
+ struct ghw_hie *brother;
+ union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ struct ghw_hie *child;
+ union ghw_type *iter_type;
+ union ghw_val *iter_value;
+ } blk;
+ struct
+ {
+ union ghw_type *type;
+ /* Array of signal elements.
+ Last element is 0. */
+ unsigned int *sigs;
+ } sig;
+ } u;
+struct ghw_handler
+ FILE *stream;
+ /* True if words are big-endian. */
+ int word_be;
+ int word_len;
+ int off_len;
+ /* Minor version. */
+ int version;
+ /* Set by user. */
+ int flag_verbose;
+ /* String table. */
+ /* Number of strings. */
+ int nbr_str;
+ /* Size of the strings (without nul). */
+ int str_size;
+ /* String table. */
+ char **str_table;
+ /* Array containing strings. */
+ char *str_content;
+ /* Type table. */
+ int nbr_types;
+ union ghw_type **types;
+ /* Non-composite (or basic) signals. */
+ int nbr_sigs;
+ struct ghw_sig *sigs;
+ /* Hierarchy. */
+ struct ghw_hie *hie;
+ /* Time of the next cycle. */
+ int64_t snap_time;
+/* Open a GHW file with H.
+ Return < 0 in case of error. */
+int ghw_open (struct ghw_handler *h, const char *filename);
+union ghw_type *ghw_get_base_type (union ghw_type *t);
+/* Put the ASCII representation of VAL into BUF, whose size if LEN.
+ A NUL is always written to BUF. */
+void ghw_get_value (char *buf, int len,
+ union ghw_val *val, union ghw_type *type);
+const char *ghw_get_hie_name (struct ghw_hie *h);
+void ghw_disp_hie (struct ghw_handler *h, struct ghw_hie *top);
+int ghw_read_base (struct ghw_handler *h);
+void ghw_disp_values (struct ghw_handler *h);
+int ghw_read_cycle_start (struct ghw_handler *h);
+int ghw_read_cycle_cont (struct ghw_handler *h, int *list);
+int ghw_read_cycle_next (struct ghw_handler *h);
+int ghw_read_cycle_end (struct ghw_handler *h);
+enum ghw_sm_type {
+ /* At init;
+ Read section name. */
+ ghw_sm_init = 0,
+ ghw_sm_sect = 1,
+ ghw_sm_cycle = 2
+enum ghw_res {
+ ghw_res_error = -1,
+ ghw_res_eof = -2,
+ ghw_res_ok = 0,
+ ghw_res_snapshot = 1,
+ ghw_res_cycle = 2,
+ ghw_res_other = 3
+int ghw_read_sm (struct ghw_handler *h, enum ghw_sm_type *sm);
+int ghw_read_dump (struct ghw_handler *h);
+struct ghw_section {
+ const char name[4];
+ int (*handler)(struct ghw_handler *h);
+extern struct ghw_section ghw_sections[];
+int ghw_read_section (struct ghw_handler *h);
+void ghw_close (struct ghw_handler *h);
+const char *ghw_get_dir (int is_downto);
+void ghw_disp_range (union ghw_range *rng);
+void ghw_disp_type (struct ghw_handler *h, union ghw_type *t);
+void ghw_disp_types (struct ghw_handler *h);
+#endif /* _GHWLIB_H_ */
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-astdio.adb b/translate/grt/grt-astdio.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c19cc851
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-astdio.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) stdio subprograms for GRT types.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package body Grt.Astdio is
+ procedure Put (Stream : FILEs; Str : String)
+ is
+ S : size_t;
+ begin
+ S := fwrite (Str'Address, Str'Length, 1, Stream);
+ end Put;
+ procedure Put (Stream : FILEs; C : Character)
+ is
+ R : int;
+ begin
+ R := fputc (Character'Pos (C), Stream);
+ end Put;
+ procedure Put (Stream : FILEs; Str : Ghdl_C_String)
+ is
+ Len : Natural;
+ S : size_t;
+ begin
+ Len := strlen (Str);
+ S := fwrite (Str (1)'Address, size_t (Len), 1, Stream);
+ end Put;
+ procedure New_Line (Stream : FILEs) is
+ begin
+ Put (Stream, Nl);
+ end New_Line;
+ procedure Put (Str : String)
+ is
+ S : size_t;
+ begin
+ S := fwrite (Str'Address, Str'Length, 1, stdout);
+ end Put;
+ procedure Put (C : Character)
+ is
+ R : int;
+ begin
+ R := fputc (Character'Pos (C), stdout);
+ end Put;
+ procedure Put (Str : Ghdl_C_String)
+ is
+ Len : Natural;
+ S : size_t;
+ begin
+ Len := strlen (Str);
+ S := fwrite (Str (1)'Address, size_t (Len), 1, stdout);
+ end Put;
+ procedure New_Line is
+ begin
+ Put (Nl);
+ end New_Line;
+ procedure Put_Line (Str : String)
+ is
+ begin
+ Put (Str);
+ New_Line;
+ end Put_Line;
+ procedure Put_Str_Len (Stream : FILEs; Str : Ghdl_Str_Len_Type)
+ is
+ S : String (1 .. 3);
+ begin
+ if Str.Str = null then
+ S (1) := ''';
+ S (2) := Character'Val (Str.Len);
+ S (3) := ''';
+ Put (Stream, S);
+ else
+ Put (Stream, Str.Str (1 .. Str.Len));
+ end if;
+ end Put_Str_Len;
+ generic
+ type Ntype is range <>;
+ Max_Len : Natural;
+ procedure Put_Ntype (Stream : FILEs; N : Ntype);
+ procedure Put_Ntype (Stream : FILEs; N : Ntype)
+ is
+ Str : String (1 .. Max_Len);
+ P : Natural := Str'Last;
+ V : Ntype;
+ begin
+ if N > 0 then
+ V := -N;
+ else
+ V := N;
+ end if;
+ loop
+ Str (P) := Character'Val (48 - (V rem 10));
+ V := V / 10;
+ exit when V = 0;
+ P := P - 1;
+ end loop;
+ if N < 0 then
+ P := P - 1;
+ Str (P) := '-';
+ end if;
+ Put (Stream, Str (P .. Max_Len));
+ end Put_Ntype;
+ procedure Put_I32_1 is new Put_Ntype (Ntype => Ghdl_I32, Max_Len => 11);
+ procedure Put_I32 (Stream : FILEs; I32 : Ghdl_I32) renames Put_I32_1;
+ procedure Put_I64_1 is new Put_Ntype (Ntype => Ghdl_I64, Max_Len => 20);
+ procedure Put_I64 (Stream : FILEs; I64 : Ghdl_I64) renames Put_I64_1;
+ procedure Put_F64 (Stream : FILEs; F64 : Ghdl_F64)
+ is
+ procedure fprintf (Stream : FILEs;
+ Template : System.Address;
+ Arg : Ghdl_F64);
+ pragma Import (C, fprintf);
+ Str : constant String := "%g" & Character'Val (0);
+ begin
+ fprintf (Stream, Str'Address, F64);
+ end Put_F64;
+ Hex_Map : constant array (0 .. 15) of Character := "0123456789ABCDEF";
+ procedure Put (Stream : FILEs; Addr : System.Address)
+ is
+ Res : String (1 .. System.Word_Size / 4);
+ Val : Integer_Address := To_Integer (Addr);
+ begin
+ for I in reverse Res'Range loop
+ Res (I) := Hex_Map (Natural (Val and 15));
+ Val := Val / 16;
+ end loop;
+ Put (Stream, Res);
+ end Put;
+ procedure Put_Dir (Stream : FILEs; Dir : Ghdl_Dir_Type) is
+ begin
+ case Dir is
+ when Dir_To =>
+ Put (Stream, " to ");
+ when Dir_Downto =>
+ Put (Stream, " downto ");
+ end case;
+ end Put_Dir;
+ procedure Put_Time (Stream : FILEs; Time : Std_Time) is
+ begin
+ if Time = Std_Time'First then
+ Put (Stream, "-Inf");
+ else
+ -- Do not bother with sec, min, and hr.
+ if (Time mod 1_000_000_000_000) = 0 then
+ Put_I64 (Stream, Ghdl_I64 (Time / 1_000_000_000_000));
+ Put (Stream, "ms");
+ elsif (Time mod 1_000_000_000) = 0 then
+ Put_I64 (Stream, Ghdl_I64 (Time / 1_000_000_000));
+ Put (Stream, "us");
+ elsif (Time mod 1_000_000) = 0 then
+ Put_I64 (Stream, Ghdl_I64 (Time / 1_000_000));
+ Put (Stream, "ns");
+ elsif (Time mod 1_000) = 0 then
+ Put_I64 (Stream, Ghdl_I64 (Time / 1_000));
+ Put (Stream, "ps");
+ else
+ Put_I64 (Stream, Ghdl_I64 (Time));
+ Put (Stream, "fs");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Put_Time;
+end Grt.Astdio;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-astdio.ads b/translate/grt/grt-astdio.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0791a1075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-astdio.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) stdio subprograms for GRT types.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with System;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Stdio; use Grt.Stdio;
+package Grt.Astdio is
+ pragma Preelaborate (Grt.Astdio);
+ -- Procedures to disp on STREAM.
+ procedure Put (Stream : FILEs; Str : String);
+ procedure Put_I32 (Stream : FILEs; I32 : Ghdl_I32);
+ procedure Put_I64 (Stream : FILEs; I64 : Ghdl_I64);
+ procedure Put_F64 (Stream : FILEs; F64 : Ghdl_F64);
+ procedure Put (Stream : FILEs; Addr : System.Address);
+ procedure Put (Stream : FILEs; Str : Ghdl_C_String);
+ procedure Put (Stream : FILEs; C : Character);
+ procedure New_Line (Stream : FILEs);
+ -- Display time with unit, without space.
+ -- Eg: 10ns, 100ms, 97ps...
+ procedure Put_Time (Stream : FILEs; Time : Std_Time);
+ -- And on stdout.
+ procedure Put (Str : String);
+ procedure Put (C : Character);
+ procedure New_Line;
+ procedure Put_Line (Str : String);
+ procedure Put (Str : Ghdl_C_String);
+ -- Put STR using put procedures.
+ procedure Put_Str_Len (Stream : FILEs; Str : Ghdl_Str_Len_Type);
+ -- Put " to " or " downto ".
+ procedure Put_Dir (Stream : FILEs; Dir : Ghdl_Dir_Type);
+end Grt.Astdio;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-avhpi.adb b/translate/grt/grt-avhpi.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc38f8792
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-avhpi.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,868 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - VHPI implementation for Ada.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors;
+with Grt.Vstrings; use Grt.Vstrings;
+with Grt.Rtis_Utils; use Grt.Rtis_Utils;
+package body Grt.Avhpi is
+ procedure Get_Root_Inst (Res : out VhpiHandleT)
+ is
+ begin
+ Res := (Kind => VhpiRootInstK,
+ Ctxt => Get_Top_Context);
+ end Get_Root_Inst;
+ procedure Get_Package_Inst (Res : out VhpiHandleT) is
+ begin
+ Res := (Kind => VhpiIteratorK,
+ Ctxt => (Base => Null_Address,
+ Block => To_Ghdl_Rti_Access (Ghdl_Rti_Top_Ptr)),
+ Rel => VhpiPackInsts,
+ It_Cur => 0,
+ It2 => 0,
+ Max2 => 0);
+ end Get_Package_Inst;
+ -- Number of elements in an array.
+ function Ranges_To_Length (Rngs : Ghdl_Range_Array;
+ Indexes : Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc)
+ return Ghdl_Index_Type
+ is
+ Res : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ begin
+ Res := 1;
+ for I in Rngs'Range loop
+ Res := Res * Range_To_Length
+ (Rngs (I), Get_Base_Type (Indexes (I - Rngs'First)));
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end Ranges_To_Length;
+ procedure Vhpi_Iterator (Rel : VhpiOneToManyT;
+ Ref : VhpiHandleT;
+ Res : out VhpiHandleT;
+ Error : out AvhpiErrorT)
+ is
+ begin
+ -- Default value in case of success.
+ Res := (Kind => VhpiIteratorK,
+ Ctxt => Ref.Ctxt,
+ Rel => Rel,
+ It_Cur => 0,
+ It2 => 0,
+ Max2 => 0);
+ Error := AvhpiErrorOk;
+ case Rel is
+ when VhpiInternalRegions =>
+ case Ref.Kind is
+ when VhpiRootInstK
+ | VhpiArchBodyK
+ | VhpiBlockStmtK
+ | VhpiIfGenerateK =>
+ return;
+ when VhpiForGenerateK =>
+ Res.It2 := 1;
+ return;
+ when VhpiCompInstStmtK =>
+ Get_Instance_Context (Ref.Inst, Ref.Ctxt, Res.Ctxt);
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ when VhpiDecls =>
+ case Ref.Kind is
+ when VhpiArchBodyK
+ | VhpiBlockStmtK
+ | VhpiIfGenerateK
+ | VhpiForGenerateK =>
+ return;
+ when VhpiRootInstK
+ | VhpiPackInstK =>
+ Res.It2 := 1;
+ return;
+ when VhpiCompInstStmtK =>
+ Get_Instance_Context (Ref.Inst, Ref.Ctxt, Res.Ctxt);
+ Res.It2 := 1;
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ when VhpiIndexedNames =>
+ case Ref.Kind is
+ when VhpiGenericDeclK =>
+ Res := (Kind => AvhpiNameIteratorK,
+ Ctxt => Ref.Ctxt,
+ N_Addr => Loc_To_Addr (Ref.Obj.Common.Depth,
+ Ref.Obj.Loc,
+ Ref.Ctxt),
+ N_Type => Ref.Obj.Obj_Type,
+ N_Idx => 0,
+ N_Obj => Ref.Obj);
+ when others =>
+ Error := AvhpiErrorNotImplemented;
+ return;
+ end case;
+ case Res.N_Type.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array =>
+ declare
+ St : Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc :=
+ To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc (Res.N_Type);
+ Bt : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc := St.Basetype;
+ Rngs : Ghdl_Range_Array (0 .. Bt.Nbr_Dim - 1);
+ begin
+ Bound_To_Range
+ (Loc_To_Addr (St.Common.Depth, St.Bounds, Res.Ctxt),
+ Bt, Rngs);
+ Res.N_Idx := Ranges_To_Length (Rngs, Bt.Indexes);
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error := AvhpiErrorBadRel;
+ end case;
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ -- Failure.
+ Res := Null_Handle;
+ Error := AvhpiErrorNotImplemented;
+ end Vhpi_Iterator;
+ procedure Vhpi_Scan_Indexed_Name (Iterator : in out VhpiHandleT;
+ Res : out VhpiHandleT;
+ Error : out AvhpiErrorT)
+ is
+ procedure Update (S : Ghdl_Index_Type) is
+ begin
+ Iterator.N_Addr := Iterator.N_Addr + (S / Storage_Unit);
+ end Update;
+ Is_Sig : Boolean;
+ El_Type : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ begin
+ if Iterator.N_Idx = 0 then
+ Error := AvhpiErrorIteratorEnd;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ El_Type := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc
+ (Get_Base_Type (Iterator.N_Type)).Element;
+ Res := (Kind => VhpiIndexedNameK,
+ Ctxt => Iterator.Ctxt,
+ N_Addr => Iterator.N_Addr,
+ N_Type => El_Type,
+ N_Idx => 0,
+ N_Obj => Iterator.N_Obj);
+ -- Increment Address.
+ case Iterator.N_Obj.Common.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Generic =>
+ Is_Sig := False;
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("vhpi_scan_indexed_name(1)");
+ end case;
+ case Get_Base_Type (El_Type).Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P64 =>
+ if Is_Sig then
+ Update (Address'Size);
+ else
+ Update (Ghdl_I64'Size);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("vhpi_scan_indexed_name");
+ end case;
+ Iterator.N_Idx := Iterator.N_Idx - 1;
+ Error := AvhpiErrorOk;
+ end Vhpi_Scan_Indexed_Name;
+ procedure Vhpi_Scan_Internal_Regions (Iterator : in out VhpiHandleT;
+ Res : out VhpiHandleT;
+ Error : out AvhpiErrorT)
+ is
+ Blk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
+ Ch : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Nblk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
+ begin
+ Blk := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Iterator.Ctxt.Block);
+ if Blk = null then
+ Error := AvhpiErrorIteratorEnd;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ loop
+ << Again >> null;
+ if Iterator.It_Cur >= Blk.Nbr_Child then
+ Error := AvhpiErrorIteratorEnd;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Ch := Blk.Children (Iterator.It_Cur);
+ Nblk := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Ch);
+ if Iterator.Max2 /= 0 then
+ -- A for generate.
+ Iterator.It2 := Iterator.It2 + 1;
+ if Iterator.It2 >= Iterator.Max2 then
+ -- End of loop.
+ Iterator.Max2 := 0;
+ Iterator.It_Cur := Iterator.It_Cur + 1;
+ goto Again;
+ else
+ declare
+ Base : Address;
+ begin
+ Base := To_Addr_Acc (Iterator.Ctxt.Base + Nblk.Loc.Off).all;
+ Base := Base + Iterator.It2 * Nblk.Size;
+ Res := (Kind => VhpiForGenerateK,
+ Ctxt => (Base => Base,
+ Block => Ch));
+ Error := AvhpiErrorOk;
+ return;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Iterator.It_Cur := Iterator.It_Cur + 1;
+ case Ch.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Process =>
+ Res := (Kind => VhpiProcessStmtK,
+ Ctxt => (Base => Iterator.Ctxt.Base + Nblk.Loc.Off,
+ Block => Ch));
+ Error := AvhpiErrorOk;
+ return;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Block =>
+ Res := (Kind => VhpiBlockStmtK,
+ Ctxt => (Base => Iterator.Ctxt.Base + Nblk.Loc.Off,
+ Block => Ch));
+ Error := AvhpiErrorOk;
+ return;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_If_Generate =>
+ Res := (Kind => VhpiIfGenerateK,
+ Ctxt => (Base => To_Addr_Acc (Iterator.Ctxt.Base
+ + Nblk.Loc.Off).all,
+ Block => Ch));
+ -- Return only if the condition is true.
+ if Res.Ctxt.Base /= Null_Address then
+ Error := AvhpiErrorOk;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_For_Generate =>
+ Res := (Kind => VhpiForGenerateK,
+ Ctxt => (Base => To_Addr_Acc (Iterator.Ctxt.Base
+ + Nblk.Loc.Off).all,
+ Block => Ch));
+ Iterator.Max2 := Get_For_Generate_Length (Nblk, Iterator.Ctxt);
+ Iterator.It2 := 0;
+ if Iterator.Max2 > 0 then
+ Iterator.It_Cur := Iterator.It_Cur - 1;
+ Error := AvhpiErrorOk;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- If the iterator range is nul, then continue to scan.
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Instance =>
+ Res := (Kind => VhpiCompInstStmtK,
+ Ctxt => Iterator.Ctxt,
+ Inst => To_Ghdl_Rtin_Instance_Acc (Ch));
+ Error := AvhpiErrorOk;
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ -- Next one.
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Vhpi_Scan_Internal_Regions;
+ procedure Rti_To_Handle (Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Res : out VhpiHandleT)
+ is
+ begin
+ case Rti.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Signal =>
+ Res := (Kind => VhpiSigDeclK,
+ Ctxt => Ctxt,
+ Obj => To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Rti));
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Port =>
+ Res := (Kind => VhpiPortDeclK,
+ Ctxt => Ctxt,
+ Obj => To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Rti));
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Generic =>
+ Res := (Kind => VhpiGenericDeclK,
+ Ctxt => Ctxt,
+ Obj => To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Rti));
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array_Ptr =>
+ declare
+ Atype : Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc;
+ Bt : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc;
+ begin
+ Atype := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc (Rti);
+ Bt := Atype.Basetype;
+ if Atype.Name = Bt.Name then
+ Res := (Kind => VhpiArrayTypeDeclK,
+ Ctxt => Ctxt,
+ Atype => Rti);
+ else
+ Res := (Kind => VhpiSubtypeDeclK,
+ Ctxt => Ctxt,
+ Atype => Rti);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B2
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8 =>
+ Res := (Kind => VhpiEnumTypeDeclK,
+ Ctxt => Ctxt,
+ Atype => Rti);
+ when others =>
+ Res := (Kind => VhpiUndefined,
+ Ctxt => Ctxt);
+ end case;
+ end Rti_To_Handle;
+ procedure Vhpi_Scan_Decls (Iterator : in out VhpiHandleT;
+ Res : out VhpiHandleT;
+ Error : out AvhpiErrorT)
+ is
+ Blk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
+ Ch : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Obj : Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc;
+ begin
+ Blk := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Iterator.Ctxt.Block);
+ -- If there is no context, returns now.
+ -- This may happen for a unbound compinststmt.
+ if Blk = null then
+ Error := AvhpiErrorIteratorEnd;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Iterator.It2 = 1 then
+ case Blk.Common.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Architecture =>
+ -- Iterate on the entity.
+ Blk := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Blk.Parent);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Package_Body =>
+ -- Iterate on the package.
+ Blk := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Blk.Parent);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Package =>
+ -- Only for std.standard.
+ Iterator.It2 := 0;
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("vhpi_scan_decls");
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ loop
+ loop
+ exit when Iterator.It_Cur >= Blk.Nbr_Child;
+ Ch := Blk.Children (Iterator.It_Cur);
+ Obj := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Ch);
+ Iterator.It_Cur := Iterator.It_Cur + 1;
+ case Ch.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Port
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Generic
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Signal
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array_Ptr
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B2 =>
+ Rti_To_Handle (Ch, Iterator.Ctxt, Res);
+ if Res.Kind /= VhpiUndefined then
+ Error := AvhpiErrorOk;
+ return;
+ else
+ Internal_Error ("vhpi_handle");
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ case Iterator.It2 is
+ when 1 =>
+ -- Iterate on the architecture/package decl.
+ Iterator.It2 := 0;
+ Blk := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Iterator.Ctxt.Block);
+ Iterator.It_Cur := 0;
+ when others =>
+ exit;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ Error := AvhpiErrorIteratorEnd;
+ end Vhpi_Scan_Decls;
+ procedure Vhpi_Scan (Iterator : in out VhpiHandleT;
+ Res : out VhpiHandleT;
+ Error : out AvhpiErrorT)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Iterator.Kind = AvhpiNameIteratorK then
+ case Iterator.N_Type.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array =>
+ Vhpi_Scan_Indexed_Name (Iterator, Res, Error);
+ when others =>
+ Error := AvhpiErrorHandle;
+ Res := Null_Handle;
+ end case;
+ return;
+ elsif Iterator.Kind /= VhpiIteratorK then
+ Error := AvhpiErrorHandle;
+ Res := Null_Handle;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Iterator.Rel is
+ when VhpiPackInsts =>
+ declare
+ Blk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
+ begin
+ Blk := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Iterator.Ctxt.Block);
+ if Iterator.It_Cur >= Blk.Nbr_Child then
+ Error := AvhpiErrorIteratorEnd;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Res := (Kind => VhpiPackInstK,
+ Ctxt => (Base => Null_Address,
+ Block => Blk.Children (Iterator.It_Cur)));
+ Iterator.It_Cur := Iterator.It_Cur + 1;
+ Error := AvhpiErrorOk;
+ end;
+ when VhpiInternalRegions =>
+ Vhpi_Scan_Internal_Regions (Iterator, Res, Error);
+ when VhpiDecls =>
+ Vhpi_Scan_Decls (Iterator, Res, Error);
+ when others =>
+ Res := Null_Handle;
+ Error := AvhpiErrorNotImplemented;
+ end case;
+ end Vhpi_Scan;
+ function Avhpi_Get_Base_Name (Obj : VhpiHandleT) return Ghdl_C_String
+ is
+ begin
+ case Obj.Kind is
+ when VhpiEnumTypeDeclK =>
+ return To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Acc (Obj.Atype).Name;
+ when VhpiPackInstK
+ | VhpiArchBodyK
+ | VhpiEntityDeclK
+ | VhpiProcessStmtK
+ | VhpiBlockStmtK
+ | VhpiIfGenerateK
+ | VhpiForGenerateK =>
+ return To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Obj.Ctxt.Block).Name;
+ when VhpiRootInstK =>
+ declare
+ Blk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
+ begin
+ Blk := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Obj.Ctxt.Block);
+ Blk := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Blk.Parent);
+ return Blk.Name;
+ end;
+ when VhpiCompInstStmtK =>
+ return Obj.Inst.Name;
+ when VhpiSigDeclK
+ | VhpiPortDeclK
+ | VhpiGenericDeclK =>
+ return Obj.Obj.Name;
+ when VhpiSubtypeDeclK =>
+ return To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc (Obj.Atype).Name;
+ when others =>
+ return null;
+ end case;
+ end Avhpi_Get_Base_Name;
+ procedure Vhpi_Get_Str (Property : VhpiStrPropertyT;
+ Obj : VhpiHandleT;
+ Res : out String;
+ Len : out Natural)
+ is
+ subtype R_Type is String (1 .. Res'Length);
+ R : R_Type renames Res;
+ procedure Add (C : Character) is
+ begin
+ Len := Len + 1;
+ if Len <= R_Type'Last then
+ R (Len) := C;
+ end if;
+ end Add;
+ procedure Add (Str : String) is
+ begin
+ for I in Str'Range loop
+ Add (Str (I));
+ end loop;
+ end Add;
+ procedure Add (Str : Ghdl_C_String) is
+ begin
+ for I in Str'Range loop
+ exit when Str (I) = NUL;
+ Add (Str (I));
+ end loop;
+ end Add;
+ begin
+ Len := 0;
+ case Property is
+ when VhpiNameP =>
+ case Obj.Kind is
+ when VhpiEnumTypeDeclK =>
+ Add (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Acc (Obj.Atype).Name);
+ when VhpiPackInstK
+ | VhpiArchBodyK
+ | VhpiEntityDeclK
+ | VhpiProcessStmtK
+ | VhpiBlockStmtK
+ | VhpiIfGenerateK =>
+ Add (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Obj.Ctxt.Block).Name);
+ when VhpiRootInstK =>
+ declare
+ Blk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
+ begin
+ Blk := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Obj.Ctxt.Block);
+ Blk := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Blk.Parent);
+ Add (Blk.Name);
+ end;
+ when VhpiCompInstStmtK =>
+ Add (Obj.Inst.Name);
+ when VhpiSigDeclK
+ | VhpiPortDeclK
+ | VhpiGenericDeclK =>
+ Add (Obj.Obj.Name);
+ when VhpiSubtypeDeclK =>
+ Add (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc (Obj.Atype).Name);
+ when VhpiForGenerateK =>
+ declare
+ Blk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
+ Iter : Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc;
+ Iter_Type : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Vptr : Ghdl_Value_Ptr;
+ Buf : String (1 .. 12);
+ Buf_Len : Natural;
+ begin
+ Blk := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Obj.Ctxt.Block);
+ Iter := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Blk.Children (0));
+ Vptr := To_Ghdl_Value_Ptr
+ (Loc_To_Addr (Iter.Common.Depth, Iter.Loc, Obj.Ctxt));
+ Add (Blk.Name);
+ Add ('(');
+ Iter_Type := Iter.Obj_Type;
+ if Iter_Type.Kind = Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Scalar then
+ Iter_Type := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc
+ (Iter_Type).Basetype;
+ end if;
+ case Iter_Type.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32 =>
+ To_String (Buf, Buf_Len, Vptr.I32);
+ Add (Buf (Buf_Len .. Buf'Last));
+-- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8 =>
+-- Disp_Enum_Value
+-- (Stream, Rti, Ghdl_Index_Type (Vptr.E8));
+-- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B2 =>
+-- Disp_Enum_Value
+-- (Stream, Rti,
+-- Ghdl_Index_Type (Ghdl_B2'Pos (Vptr.B2)));
+ when others =>
+ Add ('?');
+ end case;
+ --Disp_Value (stdout, Iter.Obj_Type, Ctxt, Addr, False);
+ Add (')');
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ when VhpiCompNameP =>
+ case Obj.Kind is
+ when VhpiCompInstStmtK =>
+ declare
+ Comp : Ghdl_Rtin_Component_Acc;
+ begin
+ Comp := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Component_Acc (Obj.Obj.Obj_Type);
+ if Comp.Common.Kind = Ghdl_Rtik_Component then
+ Add (Comp.Name);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ when VhpiLibLogicalNameP =>
+ case Obj.Kind is
+ when VhpiPackInstK
+ | VhpiArchBodyK
+ | VhpiEntityDeclK =>
+ declare
+ Blk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
+ Lib : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar_Acc;
+ begin
+ Blk := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Obj.Ctxt.Block);
+ if Blk.Common.Kind = Ghdl_Rtik_Package_Body then
+ Blk := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Blk.Parent);
+ end if;
+ Lib := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar_Acc (Blk.Parent);
+ if Lib.Common.Kind /= Ghdl_Rtik_Library then
+ Internal_Error ("VhpiLibLogicalNameP");
+ end if;
+ Add (Lib.Name);
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ when VhpiFullNameP =>
+ declare
+ Rstr : Rstring;
+ Nctxt : Rti_Context;
+ begin
+ if Obj.Kind = VhpiCompInstStmtK then
+ Get_Instance_Context (Obj.Inst, Obj.Ctxt, Nctxt);
+ Get_Path_Name (Rstr, Nctxt, ':', False);
+ else
+ Get_Path_Name (Rstr, Obj.Ctxt, ':', False);
+ end if;
+ Copy (Rstr, R, Len);
+ Free (Rstr);
+ case Obj.Kind is
+ when VhpiCompInstStmtK =>
+ null;
+ when VhpiPortDeclK
+ | VhpiSigDeclK =>
+ Add (':');
+ Add (Obj.Obj.Name);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end Vhpi_Get_Str;
+ procedure Vhpi_Handle (Rel : VhpiOneToOneT;
+ Ref : VhpiHandleT;
+ Res : out VhpiHandleT;
+ Error : out AvhpiErrorT)
+ is
+ begin
+ -- Default error.
+ Error := AvhpiErrorNotImplemented;
+ case Rel is
+ when VhpiDesignUnit =>
+ case Ref.Kind is
+ when VhpiRootInstK =>
+ case Ref.Ctxt.Block.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Architecture =>
+ Res := (Kind => VhpiArchBodyK,
+ Ctxt => Ref.Ctxt);
+ Error := AvhpiErrorOk;
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when VhpiPrimaryUnit =>
+ case Ref.Kind is
+ when VhpiArchBodyK =>
+ declare
+ Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Ent : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
+ begin
+ Rti := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Ref.Ctxt.Block).Parent;
+ Ent := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Rti);
+ Res := (Kind => VhpiEntityDeclK,
+ Ctxt => (Base => Ref.Ctxt.Base + Ent.Loc.Off,
+ Block => Rti));
+ Error := AvhpiErrorOk;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when VhpiIterScheme =>
+ case Ref.Kind is
+ when VhpiForGenerateK =>
+ declare
+ Blk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
+ Iter : Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc;
+ begin
+ Blk := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Ref.Ctxt.Block);
+ Iter := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Blk.Children (0));
+ Res := (Kind => VhpiConstDeclK,
+ Ctxt => Ref.Ctxt,
+ Obj => Iter);
+ Error := AvhpiErrorOk;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when VhpiSubtype =>
+ case Ref.Kind is
+ when VhpiPortDeclK
+ | VhpiSigDeclK
+ | VhpiGenericDeclK
+ | VhpiConstDeclK =>
+ Res := (Kind => VhpiSubtypeIndicK,
+ Ctxt => Ref.Ctxt,
+ Atype => Ref.Obj.Obj_Type);
+ Error := AvhpiErrorOk;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when VhpiTypeMark =>
+ case Ref.Kind is
+ when VhpiSubtypeIndicK =>
+ -- FIXME: if the subtype is anonymous, return the base type.
+ Rti_To_Handle (Ref.Atype, Ref.Ctxt, Res);
+ if Res.Kind /= VhpiUndefined then
+ Error := AvhpiErrorOk;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ Res := Null_Handle;
+ Error := AvhpiErrorNotImplemented;
+ end case;
+ end Vhpi_Handle;
+ function Vhpi_Get_EntityClass (Obj : VhpiHandleT)
+ return VhpiEntityClassT
+ is
+ begin
+ case Obj.Kind is
+ when VhpiArchBodyK =>
+ return VhpiArchitectureEC;
+ when others =>
+ return VhpiErrorEC;
+ end case;
+ end Vhpi_Get_EntityClass;
+ function Vhpi_Get_Kind (Obj : VhpiHandleT) return VhpiClassKindT is
+ begin
+ return Obj.Kind;
+ end Vhpi_Get_Kind;
+ function Vhpi_Get_Mode (Obj : VhpiHandleT) return VhpiModeP is
+ begin
+ case Obj.Kind is
+ when VhpiPortDeclK =>
+ case Obj.Obj.Common.Mode and Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Mode_Mask is
+ when Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Mode_In =>
+ return VhpiInMode;
+ when Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Mode_Out =>
+ return VhpiOutMode;
+ when Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Mode_Inout =>
+ return VhpiInoutMode;
+ when Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Mode_Buffer =>
+ return VhpiBufferMode;
+ when Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Mode_Linkage =>
+ return VhpiLinkageMode;
+ when others =>
+ return VhpiErrorMode;
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ return VhpiErrorMode;
+ end case;
+ end Vhpi_Get_Mode;
+ function Avhpi_Get_Rti (Obj : VhpiHandleT) return Ghdl_Rti_Access is
+ begin
+ case Obj.Kind is
+ when VhpiSubtypeIndicK
+ | VhpiEnumTypeDeclK =>
+ return Obj.Atype;
+ when VhpiSigDeclK
+ | VhpiPortDeclK =>
+ return To_Ghdl_Rti_Access (Obj.Obj);
+ when others =>
+ return null;
+ end case;
+ end Avhpi_Get_Rti;
+ function Avhpi_Get_Address (Obj : VhpiHandleT) return Address is
+ begin
+ case Obj.Kind is
+ when VhpiPortDeclK
+ | VhpiSigDeclK
+ | VhpiGenericDeclK
+ | VhpiConstDeclK =>
+ return Loc_To_Addr (Obj.Ctxt.Block.Depth,
+ Obj.Obj.Loc,
+ Obj.Ctxt);
+ when others =>
+ return Null_Address;
+ end case;
+ end Avhpi_Get_Address;
+ function Avhpi_Get_Context (Obj : VhpiHandleT) return Rti_Context is
+ begin
+ return Obj.Ctxt;
+ end Avhpi_Get_Context;
+ function Vhpi_Compare_Handles (Hdl1, Hdl2 : VhpiHandleT)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ if Hdl1.Kind /= Hdl2.Kind then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ case Hdl1.Kind is
+ when VhpiSubtypeIndicK
+ | VhpiSubtypeDeclK
+ | VhpiArrayTypeDeclK =>
+ return Hdl1.Atype = Hdl2.Atype;
+ when others =>
+ -- FIXME: todo
+ Internal_Error ("vhpi_compare_handles");
+ end case;
+ end Vhpi_Compare_Handles;
+ function Vhpi_Put_Value (Obj : VhpiHandleT; Val : Ghdl_I64)
+ return AvhpiErrorT
+ is
+ Vptr : Ghdl_Value_Ptr;
+ Atype : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ begin
+ case Obj.Kind is
+ when VhpiIndexedNameK =>
+ Vptr := To_Ghdl_Value_Ptr (Obj.N_Addr);
+ Atype := Obj.N_Type;
+ when others =>
+ return AvhpiErrorNotImplemented;
+ end case;
+ case Get_Base_Type (Atype).Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P64 =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ return AvhpiErrorHandle;
+ end case;
+ Vptr.I64 := Val;
+ return AvhpiErrorOk;
+ end Vhpi_Put_Value;
+end Grt.Avhpi;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-avhpi.ads b/translate/grt/grt-avhpi.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8242d5b21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-avhpi.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - VHPI implementation for Ada.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+-- Ada oriented implementation of VHPI.
+-- This doesn't follow exactly what VHPI defined, but:
+-- * it should be easy to write a VHPI interface from this implementation.
+-- * this implementation is thread-safe (no global storage).
+-- * this implementation never allocates memory.
+with System; use System;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Rtis; use Grt.Rtis;
+with Grt.Rtis_Addr; use Grt.Rtis_Addr;
+package Grt.Avhpi is
+ -- Object Kinds.
+ type VhpiClassKindT is
+ (
+ VhpiUndefined,
+ VhpiAccessTypeDeclK,
+ VhpiAggregateK,
+ VhpiAliasDeclK,
+ VhpiAllLiteralK,
+ VhpiAllocatorK,
+ VhpiAnyCollectionK,
+ VhpiArchBodyK,
+ VhpiArgvK,
+ VhpiArrayTypeDeclK,
+ VhpiAssertStmtK,
+ VhpiAssocElemK,
+ VhpiAttrDeclK,
+ VhpiAttrSpecK,
+ VhpiBinaryExprK,
+ VhpiBitStringLiteralK,
+ VhpiBlockConfigK,
+ VhpiBlockStmtK,
+ VhpiBranchK,
+ VhpiCallbackK,
+ VhpiCaseStmtK,
+ VhpiCharLiteralK,
+ VhpiCompConfigK,
+ VhpiCompDeclK,
+ VhpiCompInstStmtK,
+ VhpiCondSigAssignStmtK,
+ VhpiCondWaveformK,
+ VhpiConfigDeclK,
+ VhpiConstDeclK,
+ VhpiConstParamDeclK,
+ VhpiConvFuncK,
+ VhpiDeRefObjK,
+ VhpiDisconnectSpecK,
+ VhpiDriverK,
+ VhpiDriverCollectionK,
+ VhpiElemAssocK,
+ VhpiElemDeclK,
+ VhpiEntityClassEntryK,
+ VhpiEntityDeclK,
+ VhpiEnumLiteralK,
+ VhpiEnumRangeK,
+ VhpiEnumTypeDeclK,
+ VhpiExitStmtK,
+ VhpiFileDeclK,
+ VhpiFileParamDeclK,
+ VhpiFileTypeDeclK,
+ VhpiFloatRangeK,
+ VhpiFloatTypeDeclK,
+ VhpiForGenerateK,
+ VhpiForLoopK,
+ VhpiForeignfK,
+ VhpiFuncCallK,
+ VhpiFuncDeclK,
+ VhpiGenericDeclK,
+ VhpiGroupDeclK,
+ VhpiGroupTempDeclK,
+ VhpiIfGenerateK,
+ VhpiIfStmtK,
+ VhpiInPortK,
+ VhpiIndexedNameK,
+ VhpiIntLiteralK,
+ VhpiIntRangeK,
+ VhpiIntTypeDeclK,
+ VhpiIteratorK,
+ VhpiLibraryDeclK,
+ VhpiLoopStmtK,
+ VhpiNextStmtK,
+ VhpiNullLiteralK,
+ VhpiNullStmtK,
+ VhpiOperatorK,
+ VhpiOthersLiteralK,
+ VhpiOutPortK,
+ VhpiPackBodyK,
+ VhpiPackDeclK,
+ VhpiPackInstK,
+ VhpiParamAttrNameK,
+ VhpiPhysLiteralK,
+ VhpiPhysRangeK,
+ VhpiPhysTypeDeclK,
+ VhpiPortDeclK,
+ VhpiProcCallStmtK,
+ VhpiProcDeclK,
+ VhpiProcessStmtK,
+ VhpiProtectedTypeK,
+ VhpiProtectedTypeBodyK,
+ VhpiProtectedTypeDeclK,
+ VhpiRealLiteralK,
+ VhpiRecordTypeDeclK,
+ VhpiReportStmtK,
+ VhpiReturnStmtK,
+ VhpiRootInstK,
+ VhpiSelectSigAssignStmtK,
+ VhpiSelectWaveformK,
+ VhpiSelectedNameK,
+ VhpiSigDeclK,
+ VhpiSigParamDeclK,
+ VhpiSimpAttrNameK,
+ VhpiSimpleSigAssignStmtK,
+ VhpiSliceNameK,
+ VhpiStringLiteralK,
+ VhpiSubpBodyK,
+ VhpiSubtypeDeclK,
+ VhpiSubtypeIndicK,
+ VhpiToolK,
+ VhpiTransactionK,
+ VhpiTypeConvK,
+ VhpiUnaryExprK,
+ VhpiUnitDeclK,
+ VhpiUserAttrNameK,
+ VhpiVarAssignStmtK,
+ VhpiVarDeclK,
+ VhpiVarParamDeclK,
+ VhpiWaitStmtK,
+ VhpiWaveformElemK,
+ VhpiWhileLoopK,
+ -- Iterator, but on a name.
+ AvhpiNameIteratorK
+ );
+ type VhpiOneToOneT is
+ (
+ VhpiAbstractLiteral,
+ VhpiActual,
+ VhpiAllLiteral,
+ VhpiAttrDecl,
+ VhpiAttrSpec,
+ VhpiBaseType,
+ VhpiBaseUnit,
+ VhpiBasicSignal,
+ VhpiBlockConfig,
+ VhpiCaseExpr,
+ VhpiCondExpr,
+ VhpiConfigDecl,
+ VhpiConfigSpec,
+ VhpiConstraint,
+ VhpiContributor,
+ VhpiCurCallback,
+ VhpiCurEqProcess,
+ VhpiCurStackFrame,
+ VhpiDeRefObj,
+ VhpiDecl,
+ VhpiDesignUnit,
+ VhpiDownStack,
+ VhpiElemSubtype,
+ VhpiEntityAspect,
+ VhpiEntityDecl,
+ VhpiEqProcessStmt,
+ VhpiExpr,
+ VhpiFormal,
+ VhpiFuncDecl,
+ VhpiGroupTempDecl,
+ VhpiGuardExpr,
+ VhpiGuardSig,
+ VhpiImmRegion,
+ VhpiInPort,
+ VhpiInitExpr,
+ VhpiIterScheme,
+ VhpiLeftExpr,
+ VhpiLexicalScope,
+ VhpiLhsExpr,
+ VhpiLocal,
+ VhpiLogicalExpr,
+ VhpiName,
+ VhpiOperator,
+ VhpiOthersLiteral,
+ VhpiOutPort,
+ VhpiParamDecl,
+ VhpiParamExpr,
+ VhpiParent,
+ VhpiPhysLiteral,
+ VhpiPrefix,
+ VhpiPrimaryUnit,
+ VhpiProtectedTypeBody,
+ VhpiProtectedTypeDecl,
+ VhpiRejectTime,
+ VhpiReportExpr,
+ VhpiResolFunc,
+ VhpiReturnExpr,
+ VhpiReturnTypeMark,
+ VhpiRhsExpr,
+ VhpiRightExpr,
+ VhpiRootInst,
+ VhpiSelectExpr,
+ VhpiSeverityExpr,
+ VhpiSimpleName,
+ VhpiSubpBody,
+ VhpiSubpDecl,
+ VhpiSubtype,
+ VhpiSuffix,
+ VhpiTimeExpr,
+ VhpiTimeOutExpr,
+ VhpiTool,
+ VhpiTypeMark,
+ VhpiUnitDecl,
+ VhpiUpStack,
+ VhpiUpperRegion,
+ VhpiValExpr,
+ VhpiValSubtype
+ );
+ -- Methods used to traverse 1 to many relationships.
+ type VhpiOneToManyT is
+ (
+ VhpiAliasDecls,
+ VhpiArgvs,
+ VhpiAttrDecls,
+ VhpiAttrSpecs,
+ VhpiBasicSignals,
+ VhpiBlockStmts,
+ VhpiBranchs,
+ VhpiCallbacks,
+ VhpiChoices,
+ VhpiCompInstStmts,
+ VhpiCondExprs,
+ VhpiCondWaveforms,
+ VhpiConfigItems,
+ VhpiConfigSpecs,
+ VhpiConstDecls,
+ VhpiConstraints,
+ VhpiContributors,
+ VhpiCurRegions,
+ VhpiDecls,
+ VhpiDepUnits,
+ VhpiDesignUnits,
+ VhpiDrivenSigs,
+ VhpiDrivers,
+ VhpiElemAssocs,
+ VhpiEntityClassEntrys,
+ VhpiEntityDesignators,
+ VhpiEnumLiterals,
+ VhpiForeignfs,
+ VhpiGenericAssocs,
+ VhpiGenericDecls,
+ VhpiIndexExprs,
+ VhpiIndexedNames,
+ VhpiInternalRegions,
+ VhpiMembers,
+ VhpiPackInsts,
+ VhpiParamAssocs,
+ VhpiParamDecls,
+ VhpiPortAssocs,
+ VhpiPortDecls,
+ VhpiRecordElems,
+ VhpiSelectWaveforms,
+ VhpiSelectedNames,
+ VhpiSensitivitys,
+ VhpiSeqStmts,
+ VhpiSigAttrs,
+ VhpiSigDecls,
+ VhpiSigNames,
+ VhpiSignals,
+ VhpiSpecNames,
+ VhpiSpecs,
+ VhpiStmts,
+ VhpiTransactions,
+ VhpiTypeMarks,
+ VhpiUnitDecls,
+ VhpiUses,
+ VhpiVarDecls,
+ VhpiWaveformElems,
+ VhpiLibraryDecls
+ );
+ -- String properties.
+ type VhpiStrPropertyT is
+ (
+ VhpiCaseNameP,
+ VhpiCompNameP,
+ VhpiDefNameP,
+ VhpiFileNameP,
+ VhpiFullCaseNameP,
+ VhpiFullNameP,
+ VhpiKindStrP,
+ VhpiLabelNameP,
+ VhpiLibLogicalNameP,
+ VhpiLibPhysicalNameP,
+ VhpiLogicalNameP,
+ VhpiLoopLabelNameP,
+ VhpiNameP,
+ VhpiOpNameP,
+ VhpiStrValP,
+ VhpiToolVersionP,
+ VhpiUnitNameP
+ );
+ -- Possible Errors.
+ type AvhpiErrorT is
+ (
+ AvhpiErrorOk,
+ AvhpiErrorBadRel,
+ AvhpiErrorHandle,
+ AvhpiErrorNotImplemented,
+ AvhpiErrorIteratorEnd
+ );
+ type VhpiHandleT is private;
+ -- A null handle.
+ Null_Handle : constant VhpiHandleT;
+ -- Get the root instance.
+ procedure Get_Root_Inst (Res : out VhpiHandleT);
+ -- Get the instanciated packages.
+ procedure Get_Package_Inst (Res : out VhpiHandleT);
+ procedure Vhpi_Handle (Rel : VhpiOneToOneT;
+ Ref : VhpiHandleT;
+ Res : out VhpiHandleT;
+ Error : out AvhpiErrorT);
+ procedure Vhpi_Iterator (Rel : VhpiOneToManyT;
+ Ref : VhpiHandleT;
+ Res : out VhpiHandleT;
+ Error : out AvhpiErrorT);
+ procedure Vhpi_Scan (Iterator : in out VhpiHandleT;
+ Res : out VhpiHandleT;
+ Error : out AvhpiErrorT);
+ procedure Vhpi_Get_Str (Property : VhpiStrPropertyT;
+ Obj : VhpiHandleT;
+ Res : out String;
+ Len : out Natural);
+ -- Almost the same as Vhpi_Get_Str (VhpiName, OBJ), but there is not
+ -- indexes for generate stmt.
+ function Avhpi_Get_Base_Name (Obj : VhpiHandleT) return Ghdl_C_String;
+ -- Return TRUE iff HDL1 and HDL2 are equivalent.
+ function Vhpi_Compare_Handles (Hdl1, Hdl2 : VhpiHandleT)
+ return Boolean;
+-- procedure Vhpi_Handle_By_Simple_Name (Ref : VhpiHandleT;
+-- Res : out VhpiHandleT;
+-- Error : out AvhpiErrorT);
+ type VhpiEntityClassT is
+ (
+ VhpiErrorEC,
+ VhpiEntityEC,
+ VhpiArchitectureEC,
+ VhpiConfigurationEC,
+ VhpiProcedureEC,
+ VhpiFunctionEC,
+ VhpiPackageEC,
+ VhpiTypeEC,
+ VhpiSubtypeEC,
+ VhpiConstantEC,
+ VhpiSignalEC,
+ VhpiVariableEC,
+ VhpiComponentEC,
+ VhpiLabelEC,
+ VhpiLiteralEC,
+ VhpiUnitsEC,
+ VhpiFileEC,
+ VhpiGroupEC
+ );
+ function Vhpi_Get_EntityClass (Obj : VhpiHandleT)
+ return VhpiEntityClassT;
+ type VhpiModeP is
+ (
+ VhpiErrorMode,
+ VhpiInMode,
+ VhpiOutMode,
+ VhpiInoutMode,
+ VhpiBufferMode,
+ VhpiLinkageMode
+ );
+ function Vhpi_Get_Mode (Obj : VhpiHandleT) return VhpiModeP;
+ function Avhpi_Get_Rti (Obj : VhpiHandleT) return Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ function Avhpi_Get_Address (Obj : VhpiHandleT) return Address;
+ function Avhpi_Get_Context (Obj : VhpiHandleT) return Rti_Context;
+ function Vhpi_Get_Kind (Obj : VhpiHandleT) return VhpiClassKindT;
+ function Vhpi_Put_Value (Obj : VhpiHandleT; Val : Ghdl_I64)
+ return AvhpiErrorT;
+ type VhpiHandleT (Kind : VhpiClassKindT := VhpiUndefined) is record
+ -- Context.
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ case Kind is
+ when VhpiIteratorK =>
+ Rel : VhpiOneToManyT;
+ It_Cur : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ It2 : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Max2 : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ when AvhpiNameIteratorK
+ | VhpiIndexedNameK =>
+ N_Addr : Address;
+ N_Type : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ N_Idx : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ N_Obj : Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc;
+ when VhpiSigDeclK
+ | VhpiPortDeclK
+ | VhpiGenericDeclK
+ | VhpiConstDeclK =>
+ Obj : Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc;
+ when VhpiSubtypeIndicK
+ | VhpiSubtypeDeclK
+ | VhpiArrayTypeDeclK
+ | VhpiEnumTypeDeclK =>
+ Atype : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ when VhpiCompInstStmtK =>
+ Inst : Ghdl_Rtin_Instance_Acc;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ -- Current Object.
+ --Obj : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ end record;
+ Null_Handle : constant VhpiHandleT := (Kind => VhpiUndefined,
+ Ctxt => (Base => Null_Address,
+ Block => null));
+end Grt.Avhpi;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-avls.adb b/translate/grt/grt-avls.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c44f329f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-avls.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - binary balanced tree.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors;
+package body Grt.Avls is
+ function Get_Height (Tree: AVL_Tree; N : AVL_Nid) return Ghdl_I32 is
+ begin
+ if N = AVL_Nil then
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return Tree (N).Height;
+ end if;
+ end Get_Height;
+ procedure Check_AVL (Tree : AVL_Tree; N : AVL_Nid)
+ is
+ L, R : AVL_Nid;
+ Lh, Rh : Ghdl_I32;
+ H : Ghdl_I32;
+ begin
+ if N = AVL_Nil then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ L := Tree (N).Left;
+ R := Tree (N).Right;
+ H := Get_Height (Tree, N);
+ if L = AVL_Nil and R = AVL_Nil then
+ if Get_Height (Tree, N) /= 1 then
+ Internal_Error ("check_AVL(1)");
+ end if;
+ return;
+ elsif L = AVL_Nil then
+ Check_AVL (Tree, R);
+ if H /= Get_Height (Tree, R) + 1 or H > 2 then
+ Internal_Error ("check_AVL(2)");
+ end if;
+ elsif R = AVL_Nil then
+ Check_AVL (Tree, L);
+ if H /= Get_Height (Tree, L) + 1 or H > 2 then
+ Internal_Error ("check_AVL(3)");
+ end if;
+ else
+ Check_AVL (Tree, L);
+ Check_AVL (Tree, R);
+ Lh := Get_Height (Tree, L);
+ Rh := Get_Height (Tree, R);
+ if Ghdl_I32'Max (Lh, Rh) + 1 /= H then
+ Internal_Error ("check_AVL(4)");
+ end if;
+ if Rh - Lh > 1 or Rh - Lh < -1 then
+ Internal_Error ("check_AVL(5)");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Check_AVL;
+ procedure Compute_Height (Tree : in out AVL_Tree; N : AVL_Nid)
+ is
+ begin
+ Tree (N).Height :=
+ Ghdl_I32'Max (Get_Height (Tree, Tree (N).Left),
+ Get_Height (Tree, Tree (N).Right)) + 1;
+ end Compute_Height;
+ procedure Simple_Rotate_Right (Tree : in out AVL_Tree; N : AVL_Nid)
+ is
+ R : AVL_Nid;
+ V : AVL_Value;
+ begin
+ -- Rotate nodes.
+ R := Tree (N).Right;
+ Tree (N).Right := Tree (R).Right;
+ Tree (R).Right := Tree (R).Left;
+ Tree (R).Left := Tree (N).Left;
+ Tree (N).Left := R;
+ -- Swap vals.
+ V := Tree (N).Val;
+ Tree (N).Val := Tree (R).Val;
+ Tree (R).Val := V;
+ -- Adjust bal.
+ Compute_Height (Tree, R);
+ Compute_Height (Tree, N);
+ end Simple_Rotate_Right;
+ procedure Simple_Rotate_Left (Tree : in out AVL_Tree; N : AVL_Nid)
+ is
+ L : AVL_Nid;
+ V : AVL_Value;
+ begin
+ L := Tree (N).Left;
+ Tree (N).Left := Tree (L).Left;
+ Tree (L).Left := Tree (L).Right;
+ Tree (L).Right := Tree (N).Right;
+ Tree (N).Right := L;
+ V := Tree (N).Val;
+ Tree (N).Val := Tree (L).Val;
+ Tree (L).Val := V;
+ Compute_Height (Tree, L);
+ Compute_Height (Tree, N);
+ end Simple_Rotate_Left;
+ procedure Double_Rotate_Right (Tree : in out AVL_Tree; N : AVL_Nid)
+ is
+ R : AVL_Nid;
+ begin
+ R := Tree (N).Right;
+ Simple_Rotate_Left (Tree, R);
+ Simple_Rotate_Right (Tree, N);
+ end Double_Rotate_Right;
+ procedure Double_Rotate_Left (Tree : in out AVL_Tree; N : AVL_Nid)
+ is
+ L : AVL_Nid;
+ begin
+ L := Tree (N).Left;
+ Simple_Rotate_Right (Tree, L);
+ Simple_Rotate_Left (Tree, N);
+ end Double_Rotate_Left;
+ procedure Insert (Tree : in out AVL_Tree;
+ Cmp : AVL_Compare_Func;
+ Val : AVL_Nid;
+ N : AVL_Nid;
+ Res : out AVL_Nid)
+ is
+ Diff : Integer;
+ Op_Ch, Ch : AVL_Nid;
+ begin
+ Diff := Cmp.all (Tree (Val).Val, Tree (N).Val);
+ if Diff = 0 then
+ Res := N;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Diff < 0 then
+ if Tree (N).Left = AVL_Nil then
+ Tree (N).Left := Val;
+ Compute_Height (Tree, N);
+ -- N is balanced.
+ Res := Val;
+ else
+ Ch := Tree (N).Left;
+ Op_Ch := Tree (N).Right;
+ Insert (Tree, Cmp, Val, Ch, Res);
+ if Res /= Val then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Height (Tree, Ch) - Get_Height (Tree, Op_Ch) = 2 then
+ -- Rotate
+ if Get_Height (Tree, Tree (Ch).Left)
+ > Get_Height (Tree, Tree (Ch).Right)
+ then
+ Simple_Rotate_Left (Tree, N);
+ else
+ Double_Rotate_Left (Tree, N);
+ end if;
+ else
+ Compute_Height (Tree, N);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ else
+ if Tree (N).Right = AVL_Nil then
+ Tree (N).Right := Val;
+ Compute_Height (Tree, N);
+ -- N is balanced.
+ Res := Val;
+ else
+ Ch := Tree (N).Right;
+ Op_Ch := Tree (N).Left;
+ Insert (Tree, Cmp, Val, Ch, Res);
+ if Res /= Val then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Height (Tree, Ch) - Get_Height (Tree, Op_Ch) = 2 then
+ -- Rotate
+ if Get_Height (Tree, Tree (Ch).Right)
+ > Get_Height (Tree, Tree (Ch).Left)
+ then
+ Simple_Rotate_Right (Tree, N);
+ else
+ Double_Rotate_Right (Tree, N);
+ end if;
+ else
+ Compute_Height (Tree, N);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Insert;
+ procedure Get_Node (Tree : in out AVL_Tree;
+ Cmp : AVL_Compare_Func;
+ N : AVL_Nid;
+ Res : out AVL_Nid)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Tree'First /= AVL_Root or N /= Tree'Last then
+ Internal_Error ("avls.get_node");
+ end if;
+ Insert (Tree, Cmp, N, AVL_Root, Res);
+ Check_AVL (Tree, AVL_Root);
+ end Get_Node;
+ function Find_Node (Tree : AVL_Tree;
+ Cmp : AVL_Compare_Func;
+ Val : AVL_Value) return AVL_Nid
+ is
+ N : AVL_Nid;
+ Diff : Integer;
+ begin
+ N := AVL_Root;
+ if Tree'Last < AVL_Root then
+ return AVL_Nil;
+ end if;
+ loop
+ Diff := Cmp.all (Val, Tree (N).Val);
+ if Diff = 0 then
+ return N;
+ end if;
+ if Diff < 0 then
+ N := Tree (N).Left;
+ else
+ N := Tree (N).Right;
+ end if;
+ if N = AVL_Nil then
+ return AVL_Nil;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Find_Node;
+end Grt.Avls;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-avls.ads b/translate/grt/grt-avls.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e2688f64f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-avls.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - binary balanced tree.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+package Grt.Avls is
+ -- Implementation of a binary balanced tree.
+ -- This package is very generic, and provides only the algorithm.
+ -- The user must provide the storage of the tree.
+ -- The basic types of this implementation ares:
+ -- * AVL_Value: the value stored in the tree. This is an integer on 32
+ -- bits. However, they may either really represent integers or an index
+ -- into another table. To compare two values, a user function is always
+ -- provided.
+ -- * AVL_Nid: a node id or an index into the tree.
+ -- * AVL_Node: a node, indexed by AVL_Nid.
+ -- * AVL_Tree: an array of AVL_Node, indexed by AVL_Nid. This represents
+ -- the tree. The root of the tree is always AVL_Root, which is the
+ -- first element of the array.
+ --
+ -- As a choice, this package never allocate nodes. So, to insert a value
+ -- in the tree, the user must allocate an (empty) node, set the value of
+ -- the node and try to insert this node into the tree. If the value is
+ -- already in the tree, Get_Node will returns the node id which contains
+ -- the value. Otherwise, Get_Node returns the node just created by the
+ -- user.
+ -- The value in an AVL tree.
+ -- This is fixed.
+ type AVL_Value is new Ghdl_I32;
+ -- An AVL node id.
+ type AVL_Nid is new Ghdl_I32;
+ AVL_Nil : constant AVL_Nid := 0;
+ AVL_Root : constant AVL_Nid := 1;
+ type AVL_Node is record
+ Val : AVL_Value;
+ Left : AVL_Nid;
+ Right : AVL_Nid;
+ Height : Ghdl_I32;
+ end record;
+ type AVL_Tree is array (AVL_Nid range <>) of AVL_Node;
+ -- Compare two values.
+ -- Returns < 0 if L < R, 0 if L = R, > 0 if L > R.
+ type AVL_Compare_Func is access function (L, R : AVL_Value) return Integer;
+ -- Try to insert node N into TREE.
+ -- Returns either N or the node id of a node containing already the value.
+ procedure Get_Node (Tree : in out AVL_Tree;
+ Cmp : AVL_Compare_Func;
+ N : AVL_Nid;
+ Res : out AVL_Nid);
+ function Find_Node (Tree : AVL_Tree;
+ Cmp : AVL_Compare_Func;
+ Val : AVL_Value) return AVL_Nid;
+end Grt.Avls;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-cbinding.c b/translate/grt/grt-cbinding.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb0bd17be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-cbinding.c
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+/* GRT C bindings.
+ Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold.
+ GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+__ghdl_get_stdout (void)
+ return stdout;
+__ghdl_get_stdin (void)
+ return stdin;
+__ghdl_get_stderr (void)
+ return stderr;
+static int run_env_en;
+static jmp_buf run_env;
+__ghdl_maybe_return_via_longjump (int val)
+ if (run_env_en)
+ longjmp (run_env, val);
+__ghdl_run_through_longjump (int (*func)(void))
+ int res;
+ run_env_en = 1;
+ res = setjmp (run_env);
+ if (res == 0)
+ res = (*func)();
+ run_env_en = 0;
+ return res;
+#if 1
+__gnat_last_chance_handler (void)
+ abort ();
+void *
+__gnat_malloc (size_t size)
+ void *res;
+ res = malloc (size);
+ return res;
+__gnat_free (void *ptr)
+ free (ptr);
+void *
+__gnat_realloc (void *ptr, size_t size)
+ return realloc (ptr, size);
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-cvpi.c b/translate/grt/grt-cvpi.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..51edd678f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-cvpi.c
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+/* GRT VPI C helpers.
+ Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold & Felix Bertram
+ GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ 02111-1307, USA.
+// Description: VPI interface for GRT runtime, "C" helpers
+// the main purpose of this code is to interface with the
+// Icarus Verilog Interactive (IVI) simulator GUI
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+// VPI callback functions
+typedef void *vpiHandle, *p_vpi_time, *p_vpi_value;
+typedef struct t_cb_data {
+ int reason;
+ int (*cb_rtn)(struct t_cb_data*cb);
+ vpiHandle obj;
+ p_vpi_time time;
+ p_vpi_value value;
+ int index;
+ char*user_data;
+} s_cb_data, *p_cb_data;
+// vpi thunking a la Icarus Verilog
+#include <stdarg.h>
+typedef void *s_vpi_time, *p_vpi_vlog_info, *p_vpi_error_info;
+#define VPI_THUNK_MAGIC (0x87836BA5)
+struct t_vpi_systf_data;
+void vpi_register_systf (const struct t_vpi_systf_data*ss);
+void vpi_vprintf (const char*fmt, va_list ap);
+unsigned int vpi_mcd_close (unsigned int mcd);
+char * vpi_mcd_name (unsigned int mcd);
+unsigned int vpi_mcd_open (char *name);
+unsigned int vpi_mcd_open_x (char *name, char *mode);
+int vpi_mcd_vprintf (unsigned int mcd, const char*fmt, va_list ap);
+int vpi_mcd_fputc (unsigned int mcd, unsigned char x);
+int vpi_mcd_fgetc (unsigned int mcd);
+vpiHandle vpi_register_cb (p_cb_data data);
+int vpi_remove_cb (vpiHandle ref);
+void vpi_sim_vcontrol (int operation, va_list ap);
+vpiHandle vpi_handle (int type, vpiHandle ref);
+vpiHandle vpi_iterate (int type, vpiHandle ref);
+vpiHandle vpi_scan (vpiHandle iter);
+vpiHandle vpi_handle_by_index (vpiHandle ref, int index);
+void vpi_get_time (vpiHandle obj, s_vpi_time*t);
+int vpi_get (int property, vpiHandle ref);
+char* vpi_get_str (int property, vpiHandle ref);
+void vpi_get_value (vpiHandle expr, p_vpi_value value);
+vpiHandle vpi_put_value (vpiHandle obj, p_vpi_value value,
+ p_vpi_time when, int flags);
+int vpi_free_object (vpiHandle ref);
+int vpi_get_vlog_info (p_vpi_vlog_info vlog_info_p);
+int vpi_chk_error (p_vpi_error_info info);
+vpiHandle vpi_handle_by_name (char *name, vpiHandle scope);
+typedef struct {
+ int magic;
+ void (*vpi_register_systf) (const struct t_vpi_systf_data*ss);
+ void (*vpi_vprintf) (const char*fmt, va_list ap);
+ unsigned int (*vpi_mcd_close) (unsigned int mcd);
+ char* (*vpi_mcd_name) (unsigned int mcd);
+ unsigned int (*vpi_mcd_open) (char *name);
+ unsigned int (*vpi_mcd_open_x) (char *name, char *mode);
+ int (*vpi_mcd_vprintf) (unsigned int mcd, const char*fmt, va_list ap);
+ int (*vpi_mcd_fputc) (unsigned int mcd, unsigned char x);
+ int (*vpi_mcd_fgetc) (unsigned int mcd);
+ vpiHandle (*vpi_register_cb) (p_cb_data data);
+ int (*vpi_remove_cb) (vpiHandle ref);
+ void (*vpi_sim_vcontrol) (int operation, va_list ap);
+ vpiHandle (*vpi_handle) (int type, vpiHandle ref);
+ vpiHandle (*vpi_iterate) (int type, vpiHandle ref);
+ vpiHandle (*vpi_scan) (vpiHandle iter);
+ vpiHandle (*vpi_handle_by_index)(vpiHandle ref, int index);
+ void (*vpi_get_time) (vpiHandle obj, s_vpi_time*t);
+ int (*vpi_get) (int property, vpiHandle ref);
+ char* (*vpi_get_str) (int property, vpiHandle ref);
+ void (*vpi_get_value) (vpiHandle expr, p_vpi_value value);
+ vpiHandle (*vpi_put_value) (vpiHandle obj, p_vpi_value value,
+ p_vpi_time when, int flags);
+ int (*vpi_free_object) (vpiHandle ref);
+ int (*vpi_get_vlog_info) (p_vpi_vlog_info vlog_info_p);
+ int (*vpi_chk_error) (p_vpi_error_info info);
+ vpiHandle (*vpi_handle_by_name) (char *name, vpiHandle scope);
+} vpi_thunk, *p_vpi_thunk;
+int vpi_register_sim(p_vpi_thunk tp);
+static vpi_thunk thunkTable =
+ vpi_register_systf,
+ vpi_vprintf,
+ vpi_mcd_close,
+ vpi_mcd_name,
+ vpi_mcd_open,
+ 0, //vpi_mcd_open_x,
+ 0, //vpi_mcd_vprintf,
+ 0, //vpi_mcd_fputc,
+ 0, //vpi_mcd_fgetc,
+ vpi_register_cb,
+ vpi_remove_cb,
+ 0, //vpi_sim_vcontrol,
+ vpi_handle,
+ vpi_iterate,
+ vpi_scan,
+ vpi_handle_by_index,
+ vpi_get_time,
+ vpi_get,
+ vpi_get_str,
+ vpi_get_value,
+ vpi_put_value,
+ vpi_free_object,
+ vpi_get_vlog_info,
+ 0, //vpi_chk_error,
+ 0 //vpi_handle_by_name
+// VPI module load & startup
+static void * module_open (const char *path);
+static void * module_symbol (void *handle, const char *symbol);
+static const char *module_error (void);
+#if defined(__WIN32__)
+#include <windows.h>
+static void *
+module_open (const char *path)
+ return (void *)LoadLibrary (path);
+static void *
+module_symbol (void *handle, const char *symbol)
+ return (void *)GetProcAddress ((HMODULE)handle, symbol);
+static const char *
+module_error (void)
+ static char msg[256];
+ FormatMessage
+ GetLastError (),
+ (LPTSTR) &msg,
+ sizeof (msg) - 1,
+ NULL);
+ return msg;
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+static void *
+module_open (const char *path)
+ return dlopen (path, RTLD_LAZY);
+static void *
+module_symbol (void *handle, const char *symbol)
+ return dlsym (handle, symbol);
+static const char *
+module_error (void)
+ return dlerror ();
+loadVpiModule (const char* modulename)
+ static const char * const vpitablenames[] =
+ {
+ "_vlog_startup_routines", // with leading underscore: MacOSX
+ "vlog_startup_routines" // w/o leading underscore: Linux
+ };
+ static const char * const vpithunknames[] =
+ {
+ "_vpi_register_sim", // with leading underscore: MacOSX
+ "vpi_register_sim" // w/o leading underscore: Linux
+ };
+ int i;
+ void* vpimod;
+ fprintf (stderr, "loading VPI module '%s'\n", modulename);
+ vpimod = module_open (modulename);
+ if (vpimod == NULL)
+ {
+ const char *msg;
+ msg = module_error ();
+ fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", msg == NULL ? "unknown dlopen error" : msg);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) // try with and w/o leading underscores
+ {
+ void* vpithunk;
+ void* vpitable;
+ vpitable = module_symbol (vpimod, vpitablenames[i]);
+ vpithunk = module_symbol (vpimod, vpithunknames[i]);
+ if (vpithunk)
+ {
+ typedef int (*funT)(p_vpi_thunk tp);
+ funT regsim;
+ regsim = (funT)vpithunk;
+ regsim (&thunkTable);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // this is not an error, as the register-mechanism
+ // is not standardized
+ }
+ if (vpitable)
+ {
+ unsigned int tmp;
+ //extern void (*vlog_startup_routines[])();
+ typedef void (*vlog_startup_routines_t)(void);
+ vlog_startup_routines_t *vpifuns;
+ vpifuns = (vlog_startup_routines_t*)vpitable;
+ for (tmp = 0; vpifuns[tmp]; tmp++)
+ {
+ vpifuns[tmp]();
+ }
+ fprintf (stderr, "VPI module loaded!\n");
+ return 0; // successfully registered VPI module
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf (stderr, "vlog_startup_routines not found\n");
+ return -1; // failed to register VPI module
+vpi_printf (const char *fmt, ...)
+ va_list params;
+ va_start (params, fmt);
+ vprintf (fmt, params);
+ va_end (params);
+// end of file
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-disp.adb b/translate/grt/grt-disp.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9bd803534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-disp.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - Common display subprograms.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Signals; use Grt.Signals;
+with Grt.Astdio; use Grt.Astdio;
+with Grt.Stdio; use Grt.Stdio;
+--with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors;
+package body Grt.Disp is
+-- procedure Put_Trim (Stream : FILEs; Str : String)
+-- is
+-- Start : Natural;
+-- begin
+-- Start := Str'First;
+-- while Start <= Str'Last and then Str (Start) = ' ' loop
+-- Start := Start + 1;
+-- end loop;
+-- Put (Stream, Str (Start .. Str'Last));
+-- end Put_Trim;
+-- procedure Put_E8 (Stream : FILEs; E8 : Ghdl_E8; Type_Desc : Ghdl_Desc_Ptr)
+-- is
+-- begin
+-- Put_Str_Len (Stream, Type_Desc.E8.Values (Natural (E8)));
+-- end Put_E8;
+ --procedure Put_E32
+ -- (Stream : FILEs; E32 : Ghdl_E32; Type_Desc : Ghdl_Desc_Ptr)
+ --is
+ --begin
+ -- Put_Str_Len (Stream, Type_Desc.E32.Values (Natural (E32)));
+ --end Put_E32;
+ procedure Put_Sig_Index (Sig : Sig_Table_Index)
+ is
+ begin
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Sig));
+ end Put_Sig_Index;
+ procedure Put_Sig_Range (Sig : Sig_Table_Range)
+ is
+ begin
+ Put_Sig_Index (Sig.First);
+ if Sig.Last /= Sig.First then
+ Put ("-");
+ Put_Sig_Index (Sig.Last);
+ end if;
+ end Put_Sig_Range;
+ procedure Disp_Now
+ is
+ begin
+ Put ("Now is ");
+ Put_Time (stdout, Current_Time);
+ Put (" +");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Current_Delta));
+ New_Line;
+ end Disp_Now;
+ procedure Disp_Propagation_Kind (Kind : Propagation_Kind_Type)
+ is
+ begin
+ case Kind is
+ when Drv_One_Driver =>
+ Put ("Drv (1 drv) ");
+ when Eff_One_Driver =>
+ Put ("Eff (1 drv) ");
+ when Drv_One_Port =>
+ Put ("Drv (1 prt) ");
+ when Eff_One_Port =>
+ Put ("Eff (1 prt) ");
+ when Imp_Guard =>
+ Put ("Guard ");
+ when Imp_Stable =>
+ Put ("Stable ");
+ when Imp_Quiet =>
+ Put ("imp quiet ");
+ when Imp_Transaction =>
+ Put ("imp transaction ");
+ when Imp_Delayed =>
+ Put ("imp delayed ");
+ when Eff_Actual =>
+ Put ("Eff Actual ");
+ when Eff_Multiple =>
+ Put ("Eff multiple ");
+ when Drv_One_Resolved =>
+ Put ("Drv 1 resolved ");
+ when Eff_One_Resolved =>
+ Put ("Eff 1 resolved ");
+ when In_Conversion =>
+ Put ("In conv ");
+ when Out_Conversion =>
+ Put ("Out conv ");
+ when Drv_Error =>
+ Put ("Drv error ");
+ when Drv_Multiple =>
+ Put ("Drv multiple ");
+ when Prop_End =>
+ Put ("end ");
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Propagation_Kind;
+ procedure Disp_Signals_Order is
+ begin
+ for I in Propagation.First .. Propagation.Last loop
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (I));
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Propagation_Kind (Propagation.Table (I).Kind);
+ case Propagation.Table (I).Kind is
+ when Drv_One_Driver
+ | Eff_One_Driver
+ | Drv_One_Port
+ | Eff_One_Port
+ | Drv_One_Resolved
+ | Eff_One_Resolved
+ | Imp_Guard
+ | Imp_Stable
+ | Eff_Actual =>
+ Put_Sig_Index (Signal_Ptr_To_Index (Propagation.Table (I).Sig));
+ New_Line;
+ when Eff_Multiple
+ | Drv_Multiple =>
+ Put_Sig_Range (Propagation.Table (I).Resolv.Sig_Range);
+ New_Line;
+ when In_Conversion
+ | Out_Conversion =>
+ declare
+ Conv : Sig_Conversion_Acc;
+ begin
+ Conv := Propagation.Table (I).Conv;
+ Put_Sig_Range (Conv.Src);
+ Put (" -> ");
+ Put_Sig_Range (Conv.Dest);
+ New_Line;
+ end;
+ when Imp_Quiet
+ | Imp_Transaction
+ | Imp_Delayed
+ | Prop_End =>
+ New_Line;
+ when Drv_Error =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Signals_Order;
+ procedure Disp_Mode (Mode : Mode_Type)
+ is
+ begin
+ case Mode is
+ when Mode_B2 =>
+ Put (" b2");
+ when Mode_E8 =>
+ Put (" e8");
+ when Mode_E32 =>
+ Put ("e32");
+ when Mode_I32 =>
+ Put ("i32");
+ when Mode_I64 =>
+ Put ("i64");
+ when Mode_F64 =>
+ Put ("f64");
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Mode;
+ procedure Disp_Value (Value : Value_Union; Mode : Mode_Type) is
+ begin
+ case Mode is
+ when Mode_B2 =>
+ if Value.B2 then
+ Put ("T");
+ else
+ Put ("F");
+ end if;
+ when Mode_E8 =>
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Value.E8));
+ when Mode_E32 =>
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Value.E32));
+ when Mode_I32 =>
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Value.I32);
+ when Mode_I64 =>
+ Put_I64 (stdout, Value.I64);
+ when Mode_F64 =>
+ Put_F64 (stdout, Value.F64);
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Value;
+end Grt.Disp;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-disp.ads b/translate/grt/grt-disp.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4d3781cba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-disp.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - Common display subprograms.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Grt.Signals; use Grt.Signals;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+package Grt.Disp is
+ -- Display SIG number.
+ procedure Put_Sig_Index (Sig : Sig_Table_Index);
+ -- Disp current time and current delta.
+ procedure Disp_Now;
+ procedure Disp_Propagation_Kind (Kind : Propagation_Kind_Type);
+ -- Disp signals propagation order.
+ procedure Disp_Signals_Order;
+ -- Disp mode.
+ procedure Disp_Mode (Mode : Mode_Type);
+ -- Disp value (numeric).
+ procedure Disp_Value (Value : Value_Union; Mode : Mode_Type);
+end Grt.Disp;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-disp_rti.adb b/translate/grt/grt-disp_rti.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..47e5ac6ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-disp_rti.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1369 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - RTI dumper.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with System; use System;
+with Grt.Rtis; use Grt.Rtis;
+with Grt.Stdio; use Grt.Stdio;
+with Grt.Astdio; use Grt.Astdio;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors;
+--with Grt.Typedesc; use Grt.Typedesc;
+with Grt.Rtis_Addr; use Grt.Rtis_Addr;
+with Grt.Options; use Grt.Options;
+package body Grt.Disp_Rti is
+ procedure Disp_Kind (Kind : Ghdl_Rtik);
+ procedure Disp_Name (Name : Ghdl_C_String) is
+ begin
+ if Name = null then
+ Put (stdout, "<anonymous>");
+ else
+ Put (stdout, Name);
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Name;
+ -- Disp value stored at ADDR and whose type is described by RTI.
+ procedure Disp_Enum_Value
+ (Stream : FILEs; Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access; Val : Ghdl_Index_Type)
+ is
+ Enum_Rti : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Acc;
+ begin
+ Enum_Rti := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Acc (Rti);
+ Put (Stream, Enum_Rti.Names (Val));
+ end Disp_Enum_Value;
+ procedure Disp_Scalar_Value
+ (Stream : FILEs;
+ Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Addr : in out Address;
+ Is_Sig : Boolean)
+ is
+ procedure Update (S : Ghdl_Index_Type) is
+ begin
+ Addr := Addr + (S / Storage_Unit);
+ end Update;
+ Vptr : Ghdl_Value_Ptr;
+ begin
+ if Is_Sig then
+ Vptr := To_Ghdl_Value_Ptr (To_Addr_Acc (Addr).all);
+ Update (Address'Size);
+ else
+ Vptr := To_Ghdl_Value_Ptr (Addr);
+ end if;
+ case Rti.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32 =>
+ Put_I32 (Stream, Vptr.I32);
+ if not Is_Sig then
+ Update (32);
+ end if;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8 =>
+ Disp_Enum_Value (Stream, Rti, Ghdl_Index_Type (Vptr.E8));
+ if not Is_Sig then
+ Update (8);
+ end if;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B2 =>
+ Disp_Enum_Value (Stream, Rti,
+ Ghdl_Index_Type (Ghdl_B2'Pos (Vptr.B2)));
+ if not Is_Sig then
+ Update (8);
+ end if;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_F64 =>
+ Put_F64 (Stream, Vptr.F64);
+ if not Is_Sig then
+ Update (64);
+ end if;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P64 =>
+ Put_I64 (Stream, Vptr.I64);
+ Put (Stream, " ");
+ Put (Stream,
+ To_Ghdl_Rtin_Unit_Acc
+ (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Acc (Rti).Units (0)).Name);
+ if not Is_Sig then
+ Update (64);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("disp_rti.disp_scalar_value");
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Scalar_Value;
+-- function Get_Scalar_Type_Kind (Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access) return Ghdl_Rtik
+-- is
+-- Ndef : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+-- begin
+-- if Rti.Kind = Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Scalar then
+-- Ndef := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc (Rti).Basetype;
+-- else
+-- Ndef := Rti;
+-- end if;
+-- case Ndef.Kind is
+-- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32 =>
+-- return Ndef.Kind;
+-- when others =>
+-- return Ghdl_Rtik_Error;
+-- end case;
+-- end Get_Scalar_Type_Kind;
+ procedure Disp_Value (Stream : FILEs;
+ Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Obj : in out Address;
+ Is_Sig : Boolean);
+ procedure Disp_Array_Value_1 (Stream : FILEs;
+ El_Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Rngs : Ghdl_Range_Array;
+ Rtis : Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc;
+ Index : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Obj : in out Address;
+ Is_Sig : Boolean)
+ is
+ Length : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ begin
+ Length := Range_To_Length (Rngs (Index), Get_Base_Type (Rtis (Index)));
+ Put (Stream, "(");
+ for I in 1 .. Length loop
+ if I /= 1 then
+ Put (Stream, ", ");
+ end if;
+ if Index = Rngs'Last then
+ Disp_Value (Stream, El_Rti, Ctxt, Obj, Is_Sig);
+ else
+ Disp_Array_Value_1
+ (Stream, El_Rti, Ctxt, Rngs, Rtis, Index + 1, Obj, Is_Sig);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Put (Stream, ")");
+ end Disp_Array_Value_1;
+ procedure Disp_Array_Value (Stream : FILEs;
+ Rti : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Vals : Ghdl_Uc_Array_Acc;
+ Is_Sig : Boolean)
+ is
+ Nbr_Dim : Ghdl_Index_Type := Rti.Nbr_Dim;
+ Rngs : Ghdl_Range_Array (0 .. Nbr_Dim - 1);
+ Obj : Address;
+ begin
+ Bound_To_Range (Vals.Bounds, Rti, Rngs);
+ Obj := Vals.Base;
+ Disp_Array_Value_1
+ (Stream, Rti.Element, Ctxt, Rngs, Rti.Indexes, 0, Obj, Is_Sig);
+ end Disp_Array_Value;
+ procedure Disp_Record_Value (Stream : FILEs;
+ Rti : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Acc;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Obj : in out Address;
+ Is_Sig : Boolean)
+ is
+ El : Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Acc;
+ El_Addr : Address;
+ begin
+ Put (Stream, "(");
+ for I in 1 .. Rti.Nbrel loop
+ El := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Acc (Rti.Elements (I - 1));
+ if I /= 1 then
+ Put (", ");
+ end if;
+ Put (Stream, El.Name);
+ Put (" => ");
+ if Is_Sig then
+ El_Addr := Obj + El.Sig_Off;
+ else
+ El_Addr := Obj + El.Val_Off;
+ end if;
+ Disp_Value (Stream, El.Eltype, Ctxt, El_Addr, Is_Sig);
+ end loop;
+ Put (")");
+ -- FIXME: update ADDR.
+ end Disp_Record_Value;
+ procedure Disp_Value
+ (Stream : FILEs;
+ Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Obj : in out Address;
+ Is_Sig : Boolean)
+ is
+ begin
+ case Rti.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Scalar =>
+ Disp_Scalar_Value
+ (Stream, To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc (Rti).Basetype,
+ Obj, Is_Sig);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B2 =>
+ Disp_Scalar_Value (Stream, Rti, Obj, Is_Sig);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Array =>
+ Disp_Array_Value (Stream, To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc (Rti), Ctxt,
+ To_Ghdl_Uc_Array_Acc (Obj), Is_Sig);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array =>
+ declare
+ St : Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc :=
+ To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc (Rti);
+ Bt : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc := St.Basetype;
+ Rngs : Ghdl_Range_Array (0 .. Bt.Nbr_Dim - 1);
+ B : Address;
+ begin
+ Bound_To_Range
+ (Loc_To_Addr (St.Common.Depth, St.Bounds, Ctxt), Bt, Rngs);
+ B := Obj;
+ Disp_Array_Value_1
+ (Stream, Bt.Element, Ctxt, Rngs, Bt.Indexes, 0, B, Is_Sig);
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array_Ptr =>
+ declare
+ St : Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc :=
+ To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc (Rti);
+ Bt : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc := St.Basetype;
+ Rngs : Ghdl_Range_Array (0 .. Bt.Nbr_Dim - 1);
+ B : Address;
+ begin
+ Bound_To_Range
+ (Loc_To_Addr (St.Common.Depth, St.Bounds, Ctxt), Bt, Rngs);
+ B := To_Addr_Acc (Obj).all;
+ Disp_Array_Value_1
+ (Stream, Bt.Element, Ctxt, Rngs, Bt.Indexes, 0, B, Is_Sig);
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_File =>
+ declare
+ Vptr : Ghdl_Value_Ptr;
+ begin
+ Vptr := To_Ghdl_Value_Ptr (Obj);
+ Put (Stream, "File#");
+ Put_I32 (Stream, Vptr.I32);
+ -- FIXME: update OBJ (not very useful since never in a
+ -- composite type).
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Record =>
+ Disp_Record_Value
+ (Stream, To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Acc (Rti), Ctxt, Obj, Is_Sig);
+ when others =>
+ Put (Stream, "??");
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Value;
+ procedure Disp_Kind (Kind : Ghdl_Rtik) is
+ begin
+ case Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Top =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_top");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Package =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_package");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Package_Body =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_package_body");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Entity =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_entity");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Architecture =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_architecture");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Port =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_port");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Generic =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_generic");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Process =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_process");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Component =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_component");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_attribute");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Quiet =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_attribute_quiet");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Stable =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_attribute_stable");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Transaction =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_attribute_transaction");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Constant =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_constant");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Iterator =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_iterator");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Signal =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_signal");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Variable =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_variable");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Guard =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_guard");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_File =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_file");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Instance =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_instance");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Block =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_block");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_If_Generate =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_if_generate");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_For_Generate =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_for_generate");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B2 =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_type_b2");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8 =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_type_e8");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P64 =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_type_p64");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32 =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_type_i32");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Array =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_type_array");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_subtype_array");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array_Ptr =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_subtype_array_ptr");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Record =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_type_record");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Access =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_type_access");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_File =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_type_file");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Scalar =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_subtype_scalar");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Element =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_element");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Unit =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_unit");
+ when others =>
+ Put ("ghdl_rtik_#");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_Rtik'Pos (Kind));
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Kind;
+ procedure Disp_Depth (Depth : Ghdl_Rti_Depth) is
+ begin
+ Put (", D=");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Depth));
+ end Disp_Depth;
+ procedure Disp_Indent (Indent : Natural) is
+ begin
+ for I in 1 .. Indent loop
+ Put (' ');
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Indent;
+ -- Disp a subtype_indication.
+ -- OBJ may be necessary when the subtype is an unconstrained array type,
+ -- whose bounds are stored with the object.
+ procedure Disp_Subtype_Indication
+ (Def : Ghdl_Rti_Access; Ctxt : Rti_Context; Obj : Address);
+ procedure Disp_Range
+ (Stream : FILEs; Kind : Ghdl_Rtik; Rng : Ghdl_Range_Ptr)
+ is
+ begin
+ case Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P32 =>
+ Put_I32 (Stream, Rng.I32.Left);
+ Put_Dir (Stream, Rng.I32.Dir);
+ Put_I32 (Stream, Rng.I32.Right);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_F64 =>
+ Put_F64 (Stream, Rng.F64.Left);
+ Put_Dir (Stream, Rng.F64.Dir);
+ Put_F64 (Stream, Rng.F64.Right);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P64 =>
+ Put_I64 (Stream, Rng.P64.Left);
+ Put_Dir (Stream, Rng.P64.Dir);
+ Put_I64 (Stream, Rng.P64.Right);
+ when others =>
+ Put ("?Scal");
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Range;
+ procedure Disp_Scalar_Type_Name (Def : Ghdl_Rti_Access) is
+ begin
+ case Def.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Scalar =>
+ declare
+ Rti : Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc;
+ begin
+ Rti := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc (Def);
+ if Rti.Name /= null then
+ Disp_Name (Rti.Name);
+ else
+ Disp_Scalar_Type_Name (Rti.Basetype);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B2
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E32 =>
+ Disp_Name (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Acc (Def).Name);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I64 =>
+ Disp_Name (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar_Acc (Def).Name);
+ when others =>
+ Put ("#disp_scalar_type_name#");
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Scalar_Type_Name;
+ procedure Disp_Type_Array_Name (Def : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc;
+ Bounds_Ptr : Address)
+ is
+ Bounds : Address;
+ procedure Align (A : Ghdl_Index_Type) is
+ begin
+ Bounds := Align (Bounds, A);
+ end Align;
+ procedure Update (S : Ghdl_Index_Type) is
+ begin
+ Bounds := Bounds + (S / Storage_Unit);
+ end Update;
+ procedure Disp_Bounds (Def : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
+ is
+ Ndef : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ begin
+ if Bounds = Null_Address then
+ Put ("?");
+ else
+ if Def.Kind = Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Scalar then
+ Ndef := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc (Def).Basetype;
+ else
+ Ndef := Def;
+ end if;
+ case Ndef.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32 =>
+ Align (Ghdl_Range_I32'Alignment);
+ Disp_Range (stdout, Ndef.Kind, To_Ghdl_Range_Ptr (Bounds));
+ Update (Ghdl_Range_I32'Size);
+ when others =>
+ Disp_Kind (Ndef.Kind);
+ -- Bounds are not known anymore.
+ Bounds := Null_Address;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Bounds;
+ begin
+ Disp_Name (Def.Name);
+ if Bounds_Ptr = Null_Address then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Put (" (");
+ Bounds := Bounds_Ptr;
+ for I in 0 .. Def.Nbr_Dim - 1 loop
+ if I /= 0 then
+ Put (", ");
+ end if;
+ Disp_Scalar_Type_Name (Def.Indexes (I));
+ Put (" range ");
+ Disp_Bounds (Def.Indexes (I));
+ end loop;
+ Put (")");
+ end Disp_Type_Array_Name;
+ procedure Disp_Subtype_Scalar_Range
+ (Stream : FILEs; Def : Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc; Ctxt : Rti_Context)
+ is
+ Range_Addr : Address;
+ Rng : Ghdl_Range_Ptr;
+ begin
+ Range_Addr := Loc_To_Addr (Def.Common.Depth,
+ Def.Range_Loc, Ctxt);
+ Rng := To_Ghdl_Range_Ptr (Range_Addr);
+ Disp_Range (Stream, Def.Basetype.Kind, Rng);
+ end Disp_Subtype_Scalar_Range;
+ procedure Disp_Subtype_Indication
+ (Def : Ghdl_Rti_Access; Ctxt : Rti_Context; Obj : Address)
+ is
+ begin
+ case Def.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Scalar =>
+ declare
+ Rti : Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc;
+ begin
+ Rti := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc (Def);
+ if Rti.Name /= null then
+ Disp_Name (Rti.Name);
+ else
+ Disp_Subtype_Indication
+ (Rti.Basetype, Null_Context, Null_Address);
+ Put (" range ");
+ Disp_Subtype_Scalar_Range (stdout, Rti, Ctxt);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ --Disp_Scalar_Subtype_Name (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Scalsubtype_Acc (Def),
+ -- Base);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B2
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E32 =>
+ Disp_Name (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Acc (Def).Name);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I64 =>
+ Disp_Name (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar_Acc (Def).Name);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_File
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Access =>
+ Disp_Name (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Fileacc_Acc (Def).Name);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Record =>
+ Disp_Name (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Acc (Def).Name);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Array =>
+ declare
+ Bounds : Address;
+ begin
+ if Obj = Null_Address then
+ Bounds := Null_Address;
+ else
+ Bounds := To_Ghdl_Uc_Array_Acc (Obj).Bounds;
+ end if;
+ Disp_Type_Array_Name (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc (Def),
+ Bounds);
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array_Ptr =>
+ declare
+ Sdef : Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc;
+ begin
+ Sdef := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc (Def);
+ if Sdef.Name /= null then
+ Disp_Name (Sdef.Name);
+ else
+ Disp_Type_Array_Name
+ (Sdef.Basetype,
+ Loc_To_Addr (Sdef.Common.Depth, Sdef.Bounds, Ctxt));
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Disp_Kind (Def.Kind);
+ Put (' ');
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Subtype_Indication;
+ procedure Disp_Rti (Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Indent : Natural);
+ procedure Disp_Rti_Arr (Nbr : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Arr : Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Indent : Natural)
+ is
+ begin
+ for I in 1 .. Nbr loop
+ Disp_Rti (Arr (I - 1), Ctxt, Indent);
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Rti_Arr;
+ procedure Disp_Block (Blk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Indent : Natural)
+ is
+ Nctxt : Rti_Context;
+ begin
+ Disp_Indent (Indent);
+ Disp_Kind (Blk.Common.Kind);
+ Disp_Depth (Blk.Common.Depth);
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Name (Blk.Name);
+ New_Line;
+ if Blk.Parent /= null then
+ case Blk.Common.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Architecture =>
+ -- Disp entity.
+ Disp_Rti (Blk.Parent, Ctxt, Indent + 1);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ case Blk.Common.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Package
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Package_Body
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Entity
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Architecture
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Block
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Process =>
+ Nctxt := (Base => Ctxt.Base + Blk.Loc.Off,
+ Block => To_Ghdl_Rti_Access (Blk));
+ Disp_Rti_Arr (Blk.Nbr_Child, Blk.Children,
+ Nctxt, Indent + 1);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_For_Generate =>
+ declare
+ Length : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ begin
+ Nctxt := (Base => To_Addr_Acc (Ctxt.Base + Blk.Loc.Off).all,
+ Block => To_Ghdl_Rti_Access (Blk));
+ Length := Get_For_Generate_Length (Blk, Ctxt);
+ for I in 1 .. Length loop
+ Disp_Rti_Arr (Blk.Nbr_Child, Blk.Children,
+ Nctxt, Indent + 1);
+ Nctxt.Base := Nctxt.Base + Blk.Size;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_If_Generate =>
+ Nctxt := (Base => To_Addr_Acc (Ctxt.Base + Blk.Loc.Off).all,
+ Block => To_Ghdl_Rti_Access (Blk));
+ if Nctxt.Base /= Null_Address then
+ Disp_Rti_Arr (Blk.Nbr_Child, Blk.Children,
+ Nctxt, Indent + 1);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("disp_block");
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Block;
+ procedure Disp_Object (Obj : Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc;
+ Is_Sig : Boolean;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Indent : Natural)
+ is
+ Addr : Address;
+ Obj_Type : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ begin
+ Disp_Indent (Indent);
+ Disp_Kind (Obj.Common.Kind);
+ Disp_Depth (Obj.Common.Depth);
+ Put ("; ");
+ Disp_Name (Obj.Name);
+ Put (": ");
+ Addr := Loc_To_Addr (Obj.Common.Depth, Obj.Loc, Ctxt);
+ Obj_Type := Obj.Obj_Type;
+ Disp_Subtype_Indication (Obj_Type, Ctxt, Addr);
+ Put (" := ");
+ -- FIXME: put this into a function.
+ if Obj_Type.Kind = Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array
+ and then Obj_Type.Mode = 1
+ then
+ Addr := To_Addr_Acc (Addr).all;
+ end if;
+ Disp_Value (stdout, Obj_Type, Ctxt, Addr, Is_Sig);
+ New_Line;
+ end Disp_Object;
+ procedure Disp_Attribute (Obj : Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Indent : Natural)
+ is
+ begin
+ Disp_Indent (Indent);
+ Disp_Kind (Obj.Common.Kind);
+ Disp_Depth (Obj.Common.Depth);
+ Put ("; ");
+ Disp_Name (Obj.Name);
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Subtype_Indication (Obj.Obj_Type, Ctxt, Null_Address);
+ New_Line;
+ end Disp_Attribute;
+ procedure Disp_Component (Comp : Ghdl_Rtin_Component_Acc;
+ Indent : Natural)
+ is
+ begin
+ Disp_Indent (Indent);
+ Disp_Kind (Comp.Common.Kind);
+ Disp_Depth (Comp.Common.Depth);
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Name (Comp.Name);
+ New_Line;
+ --Disp_Rti_Arr (Comp.Nbr_Child, Comp.Children, Base, Ident + 1);
+ end Disp_Component;
+ procedure Disp_Instance (Inst : Ghdl_Rtin_Instance_Acc;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Indent : Natural)
+ is
+ Inst_Addr : Address;
+ Inst_Base : Address;
+ Inst_Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Nindent : Natural;
+ Nctxt : Rti_Context;
+ begin
+ Disp_Indent (Indent);
+ Disp_Kind (Inst.Common.Kind);
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Name (Inst.Name);
+ New_Line;
+ Inst_Addr := Ctxt.Base + Inst.Loc.Off;
+ -- Read sub instance.
+ Inst_Base := To_Addr_Acc (Inst_Addr).all;
+ Nindent := Indent + 1;
+ case Inst.Instance.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Component =>
+ declare
+ Comp : Ghdl_Rtin_Component_Acc;
+ begin
+ Comp := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Component_Acc (Inst.Instance);
+ Disp_Indent (Nindent);
+ Disp_Kind (Comp.Common.Kind);
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Name (Comp.Name);
+ New_Line;
+ -- Disp components generics and ports.
+ -- FIXME: the data to disp are at COMP_BASE.
+ Nctxt := (Base => Inst_Addr,
+ Block => Inst.Instance);
+ Nindent := Nindent + 1;
+ Disp_Rti_Arr (Comp.Nbr_Child, Comp.Children, Nctxt, Nindent);
+ Nindent := Nindent + 1;
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Entity =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ -- Read instance RTI.
+ if Inst_Base /= Null_Address then
+ Inst_Rti := To_Ghdl_Rti_Acc_Acc (Inst_Base).all;
+ Nctxt := (Base => Inst_Base,
+ Block => Inst_Rti);
+ Disp_Block (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Inst_Rti),
+ Nctxt, Nindent);
+ end if;
+ end Disp_Instance;
+ procedure Disp_Type_Enum_Decl (Enum : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Acc;
+ Indent : Natural)
+ is
+ begin
+ Disp_Indent (Indent);
+ Disp_Kind (Enum.Common.Kind);
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Name (Enum.Name);
+ Put (" is (");
+ Disp_Name (Enum.Names (0));
+ for I in 1 .. Enum.Nbr - 1 loop
+ Put (", ");
+ Disp_Name (Enum.Names (I));
+ end loop;
+ Put (")");
+ New_Line;
+ end Disp_Type_Enum_Decl;
+ procedure Disp_Subtype_Scalar_Decl (Def : Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Indent : Natural)
+ is
+ Bt : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ begin
+ Disp_Indent (Indent);
+ Disp_Kind (Def.Common.Kind);
+ Disp_Depth (Def.Common.Depth);
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Name (Def.Name);
+ Put (" is ");
+ Bt := Def.Basetype;
+ case Bt.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_F64 =>
+ declare
+ Bdef : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar_Acc;
+ begin
+ Bdef := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar_Acc (Bt);
+ if Bdef.Name /= Def.Name then
+ Disp_Name (Bdef.Name);
+ Put (" range ");
+ end if;
+ -- This is the type definition.
+ Disp_Subtype_Scalar_Range (stdout, Def, Ctxt);
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P64
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P32 =>
+ declare
+ Bdef : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Acc;
+ Unit : Ghdl_Rtin_Unit_Acc;
+ begin
+ Bdef := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Acc (Bt);
+ if Bdef.Name /= Def.Name then
+ Disp_Name (Bdef.Name);
+ Put (" range ");
+ end if;
+ -- This is the type definition.
+ Disp_Subtype_Scalar_Range (stdout, Def, Ctxt);
+ if Bdef.Name = Def.Name then
+ for I in 0 .. Bdef.Nbr - 1 loop
+ Unit := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Unit_Acc (Bdef.Units (I));
+ New_Line;
+ Disp_Indent (Indent + 1);
+ Disp_Kind (Unit.Common.Kind);
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Name (Unit.Name);
+ Put (" = ");
+ case Bt.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P64 =>
+ if Bt.Mode = 0 then
+ Put_I64 (stdout, Unit.Value.Unit_64);
+ else
+ Put_I64 (stdout, Unit.Value.Unit_Addr.I64);
+ end if;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P32 =>
+ if Bt.Mode = 0 then
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Unit.Value.Unit_32);
+ else
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Unit.Value.Unit_Addr.I32);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Disp_Subtype_Indication
+ (To_Ghdl_Rti_Access (Def), Ctxt, Null_Address);
+ end case;
+ New_Line;
+ end Disp_Subtype_Scalar_Decl;
+ procedure Disp_Type_Array_Decl (Def : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Indent : Natural)
+ is
+ begin
+ Disp_Indent (Indent);
+ Disp_Kind (Def.Common.Kind);
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Name (Def.Name);
+ Put (" is array (");
+ for I in 0 .. Def.Nbr_Dim - 1 loop
+ if I /= 0 then
+ Put (", ");
+ end if;
+ Disp_Subtype_Indication (Def.Indexes (I), Ctxt, Null_Address);
+ Put (" range <>");
+ end loop;
+ Put (") of ");
+ Disp_Subtype_Indication (Def.Element, Ctxt, Null_Address);
+ New_Line;
+ end Disp_Type_Array_Decl;
+ procedure Disp_Subtype_Array_Decl (Def : Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Indent : Natural)
+ is
+ begin
+ Disp_Indent (Indent);
+ Disp_Kind (Def.Common.Kind);
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Name (Def.Name);
+ Put (" is ");
+ Disp_Type_Array_Name
+ (Def.Basetype, Loc_To_Addr (Def.Common.Depth, Def.Bounds, Ctxt));
+ -- FIXME: If the subtype array contains a type array, then the
+ -- definition is not complete: display the element type.
+ New_Line;
+ end Disp_Subtype_Array_Decl;
+ procedure Disp_Type_File_Or_Access (Def : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Fileacc_Acc;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Indent : Natural)
+ is
+ begin
+ Disp_Indent (Indent);
+ Disp_Kind (Def.Common.Kind);
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Name (Def.Name);
+ Put (" is ");
+ case Def.Common.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Access =>
+ Put ("access ");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_File =>
+ Put ("file ");
+ when others =>
+ Put ("?? ");
+ end case;
+ Disp_Subtype_Indication (Def.Base, Ctxt, Null_Address);
+ New_Line;
+ end Disp_Type_File_Or_Access;
+ procedure Disp_Type_Record (Def : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Acc;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Indent : Natural)
+ is
+ El : Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Acc;
+ begin
+ Disp_Indent (Indent);
+ Disp_Kind (Def.Common.Kind);
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Name (Def.Name);
+ Put (" is record");
+ New_Line;
+ for I in 1 .. Def.Nbrel loop
+ El := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Acc (Def.Elements (I - 1));
+ Disp_Indent (Indent + 1);
+ Disp_Kind (El.Common.Kind);
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Name (El.Name);
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Subtype_Indication (El.Eltype, Ctxt, Null_Address);
+ New_Line;
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Type_Record;
+ procedure Disp_Rti (Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Indent : Natural)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Rti = null then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Rti.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Entity
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Architecture
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Package
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Process
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Block
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_If_Generate
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_For_Generate =>
+ Disp_Block (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Rti), Ctxt, Indent);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Package_Body =>
+ Disp_Rti (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Rti).Parent, Ctxt, Indent);
+ Disp_Block (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Rti), Ctxt, Indent);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Port
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Signal
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Guard
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Quiet
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Stable
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Transaction =>
+ Disp_Object (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Rti), True, Ctxt, Indent);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Generic
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Constant
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Variable
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Iterator
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_File =>
+ Disp_Object (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Rti), False, Ctxt, Indent);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Component =>
+ Disp_Component (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Component_Acc (Rti), Indent);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Attribute (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Rti), Ctxt, Indent);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Instance =>
+ Disp_Instance (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Instance_Acc (Rti), Ctxt, Indent);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B2
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E32 =>
+ Disp_Type_Enum_Decl (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Acc (Rti), Indent);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Scalar =>
+ Disp_Subtype_Scalar_Decl (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc (Rti),
+ Ctxt, Indent);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Array =>
+ Disp_Type_Array_Decl
+ (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc (Rti), Ctxt, Indent);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array_Ptr =>
+ Disp_Subtype_Array_Decl
+ (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc (Rti), Ctxt, Indent);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Access
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_File =>
+ Disp_Type_File_Or_Access
+ (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Fileacc_Acc (Rti), Ctxt, Indent);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Record =>
+ Disp_Type_Record
+ (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Acc (Rti), Ctxt, Indent);
+ when others =>
+ Disp_Indent (Indent);
+ Disp_Kind (Rti.Kind);
+ Put_Line (" ? ");
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Rti;
+ procedure Disp_All
+ is
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ begin
+ Put ("DISP_RTI.Disp_All: ");
+ Disp_Kind (Ghdl_Rti_Top_Ptr.Common.Kind);
+ New_Line;
+ Ctxt := (Base => To_Address (Ghdl_Rti_Top_Instance),
+ Block => Ghdl_Rti_Top_Ptr.Parent);
+ Disp_Rti_Arr (Ghdl_Rti_Top_Ptr.Nbr_Child,
+ Ghdl_Rti_Top_Ptr.Children,
+ Ctxt, 0);
+ Disp_Rti (Ghdl_Rti_Top_Ptr.Parent, Ctxt, 0);
+ --Disp_Hierarchy;
+ end Disp_All;
+ -- Get next interesting child.
+ procedure Get_Tree_Child (Parent : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
+ Index : in out Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Child : out Ghdl_Rti_Access)
+ is
+ begin
+ -- Exit if no more children.
+ while Index < Parent.Nbr_Child loop
+ Child := Parent.Children (Index);
+ Index := Index + 1;
+ case Child.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Package
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Entity
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Architecture
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Block
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_For_Generate
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_If_Generate
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Instance =>
+ return;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Signal
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Port
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Guard =>
+ if Disp_Tree >= Disp_Tree_Port then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Process =>
+ if Disp_Tree >= Disp_Tree_Proc then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ Child := null;
+ end Get_Tree_Child;
+ procedure Disp_Tree_Child (Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access; Ctxt : Rti_Context)
+ is
+ begin
+ case Rti.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Entity
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Process
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Architecture
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Block
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_If_Generate =>
+ declare
+ Blk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Rti);
+ begin
+ Disp_Name (Blk.Name);
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Package_Body
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Package =>
+ declare
+ Blk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
+ Lib : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar_Acc;
+ begin
+ Blk := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Rti);
+ if Rti.Kind = Ghdl_Rtik_Package_Body then
+ Blk := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Blk.Parent);
+ end if;
+ Lib := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar_Acc (Blk.Parent);
+ Disp_Name (Lib.Name);
+ Put ('.');
+ Disp_Name (Blk.Name);
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_For_Generate =>
+ declare
+ Blk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Rti);
+ Iter : Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc;
+ Addr : Address;
+ begin
+ Disp_Name (Blk.Name);
+ Iter := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Blk.Children (0));
+ Addr := Loc_To_Addr (Iter.Common.Depth, Iter.Loc, Ctxt);
+ Put ('(');
+ Disp_Value (stdout, Iter.Obj_Type, Ctxt, Addr, False);
+ Put (')');
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Signal
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Port
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Guard
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Iterator =>
+ Disp_Name (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Rti).Name);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Instance =>
+ Disp_Name (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Instance_Acc (Rti).Name);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ case Rti.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Package
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Package_Body =>
+ Put (" [package]");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Entity =>
+ Put (" [entity]");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Architecture =>
+ Put (" [arch]");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Process =>
+ Put (" [process]");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Block =>
+ Put (" [block]");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_For_Generate =>
+ Put (" [for-generate]");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_If_Generate =>
+ Put (" [if-generate ");
+ if Ctxt.Base = Null_Address then
+ Put ("false]");
+ else
+ Put ("true]");
+ end if;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Signal =>
+ Put (" [signal]");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Port =>
+ Put (" [port ");
+ case Rti.Mode and Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Mode_Mask is
+ when Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Mode_In =>
+ Put ("in");
+ when Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Mode_Out =>
+ Put ("out");
+ when Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Mode_Inout =>
+ Put ("inout");
+ when Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Mode_Buffer =>
+ Put ("buffer");
+ when Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Mode_Linkage =>
+ Put ("linkage");
+ when others =>
+ Put ("?");
+ end case;
+ Put ("]");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Guard =>
+ Put (" [guard]");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Iterator =>
+ Put (" [iterator]");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Instance =>
+ Put (" [instance]");
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Tree_Child;
+ procedure Disp_Tree_Block
+ (Blk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc; Ctxt : Rti_Context; Pfx : String);
+ procedure Disp_Tree_Block1
+ (Blk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc; Ctxt : Rti_Context; Pfx : String)
+ is
+ Child : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Child2 : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Index : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ procedure Disp_Header (Nctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Force_Cont : Boolean := False)
+ is
+ begin
+ Put (Pfx);
+ if Blk.Common.Kind /= Ghdl_Rtik_Entity
+ and Child2 = null
+ and Force_Cont = False
+ then
+ Put ("`-");
+ else
+ Put ("+-");
+ end if;
+ Disp_Tree_Child (Child, Nctxt);
+ New_Line;
+ end Disp_Header;
+ procedure Disp_Sub_Block
+ (Sub_Blk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc; Nctxt : Rti_Context)
+ is
+ Npfx : String (1 .. Pfx'Length + 2);
+ begin
+ Npfx (1 .. Pfx'Length) := Pfx;
+ Npfx (Pfx'Length + 2) := ' ';
+ if Child2 = null then
+ Npfx (Pfx'Length + 1) := ' ';
+ else
+ Npfx (Pfx'Length + 1) := '|';
+ end if;
+ Disp_Tree_Block (Sub_Blk, Nctxt, Npfx);
+ end Disp_Sub_Block;
+ begin
+ Index := 0;
+ Get_Tree_Child (Blk, Index, Child);
+ while Child /= null loop
+ Get_Tree_Child (Blk, Index, Child2);
+ case Child.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Process
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Block =>
+ declare
+ Nblk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Child);
+ Nctxt : Rti_Context;
+ begin
+ Nctxt := (Base => Ctxt.Base + Nblk.Loc.Off,
+ Block => Child);
+ Disp_Header (Nctxt, False);
+ Disp_Sub_Block (Nblk, Nctxt);
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_For_Generate =>
+ declare
+ Nblk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Child);
+ Nctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Length : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Old_Child2 : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ begin
+ Nctxt := (Base => To_Addr_Acc (Ctxt.Base + Nblk.Loc.Off).all,
+ Block => Child);
+ Length := Get_For_Generate_Length (Nblk, Ctxt);
+ Disp_Header (Nctxt, Length > 1);
+ Old_Child2 := Child2;
+ if Length > 1 then
+ Child2 := Child;
+ end if;
+ for I in 1 .. Length loop
+ Disp_Sub_Block (Nblk, Nctxt);
+ if I /= Length then
+ Nctxt.Base := Nctxt.Base + Nblk.Size;
+ if I = Length - 1 then
+ Child2 := Old_Child2;
+ end if;
+ Disp_Header (Nctxt);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Child2 := Old_Child2;
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_If_Generate =>
+ declare
+ Nblk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Child);
+ Nctxt : Rti_Context;
+ begin
+ Nctxt := (Base => To_Addr_Acc (Ctxt.Base + Nblk.Loc.Off).all,
+ Block => Child);
+ Disp_Header (Nctxt);
+ if Nctxt.Base /= Null_Address then
+ Disp_Sub_Block (Nblk, Nctxt);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Instance =>
+ declare
+ Inst : Ghdl_Rtin_Instance_Acc;
+ Sub_Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Sub_Blk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
+ Npfx : String (1 .. Pfx'Length + 4);
+ Comp : Ghdl_Rtin_Component_Acc;
+ Ch : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ begin
+ Disp_Header (Ctxt);
+ Inst := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Instance_Acc (Child);
+ Get_Instance_Context (Inst, Ctxt, Sub_Ctxt);
+ Sub_Blk := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Sub_Ctxt.Block);
+ if Inst.Instance.Kind = Ghdl_Rtik_Component
+ and then Disp_Tree >= Disp_Tree_Port
+ then
+ -- Disp generics and ports of the component.
+ Comp := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Component_Acc (Inst.Instance);
+ for I in 1 .. Comp.Nbr_Child loop
+ Ch := Comp.Children (I - 1);
+ if Ch.Kind = Ghdl_Rtik_Port then
+ -- Disp only port (and not generics).
+ Put (Pfx);
+ if Child2 = null then
+ Put (" ");
+ else
+ Put ("| ");
+ end if;
+ if I = Comp.Nbr_Child and then Sub_Blk = null then
+ Put ("`-");
+ else
+ Put ("+-");
+ end if;
+ Disp_Tree_Child (Ch, Sub_Ctxt);
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ if Sub_Blk /= null then
+ Npfx (1 .. Pfx'Length) := Pfx;
+ if Child2 = null then
+ Npfx (Pfx'Length + 1) := ' ';
+ else
+ Npfx (Pfx'Length + 1) := '|';
+ end if;
+ Npfx (Pfx'Length + 2) := ' ';
+ Npfx (Pfx'Length + 3) := '`';
+ Npfx (Pfx'Length + 4) := '-';
+ Put (Npfx);
+ Disp_Tree_Child (Sub_Blk.Parent, Sub_Ctxt);
+ New_Line;
+ Npfx (Pfx'Length + 3) := ' ';
+ Npfx (Pfx'Length + 4) := ' ';
+ Disp_Tree_Block (Sub_Blk, Sub_Ctxt, Npfx);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Disp_Header (Ctxt);
+ end case;
+ Child := Child2;
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Tree_Block1;
+ procedure Disp_Tree_Block
+ (Blk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc; Ctxt : Rti_Context; Pfx : String)
+ is
+ begin
+ case Blk.Common.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Architecture =>
+ declare
+ Npfx : String (1 .. Pfx'Length + 2);
+ Nctxt : Rti_Context;
+ begin
+ -- The entity.
+ Nctxt := (Base => Ctxt.Base,
+ Block => Blk.Parent);
+ Disp_Tree_Block1
+ (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Blk.Parent), Nctxt, Pfx);
+ -- Then the architecture.
+ Put (Pfx);
+ Put ("`-");
+ Disp_Tree_Child (To_Ghdl_Rti_Access (Blk), Ctxt);
+ New_Line;
+ Npfx (1 .. Pfx'Length) := Pfx;
+ Npfx (Pfx'Length + 1) := ' ';
+ Npfx (Pfx'Length + 2) := ' ';
+ Disp_Tree_Block1 (Blk, Ctxt, Npfx);
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Package_Body =>
+ Disp_Tree_Block1
+ (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Blk.Parent), Ctxt, Pfx);
+ when others =>
+ Disp_Tree_Block1 (Blk, Ctxt, Pfx);
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Tree_Block;
+ procedure Disp_Hierarchy
+ is
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Parent : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
+ Child : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ begin
+ Ctxt := Get_Top_Context;
+ Parent := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Ctxt.Block);
+ Disp_Tree_Child (Parent.Parent, Ctxt);
+ New_Line;
+ Disp_Tree_Block (Parent, Ctxt, "");
+ for I in 1 .. Ghdl_Rti_Top_Ptr.Nbr_Child loop
+ Child := Ghdl_Rti_Top_Ptr.Children (I - 1);
+ Ctxt := (Base => Null_Address,
+ Block => Child);
+ Disp_Tree_Child (Child, Ctxt);
+ New_Line;
+ Disp_Tree_Block (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Child), Ctxt, "");
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Hierarchy;
+end Grt.Disp_Rti;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-disp_rti.ads b/translate/grt/grt-disp_rti.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..890c5e1ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-disp_rti.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - RTI dumper.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package Grt.Disp_Rti is
+ procedure Disp_All;
+ procedure Disp_Hierarchy;
+end Grt.Disp_Rti;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-disp_signals.adb b/translate/grt/grt-disp_signals.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab73b2d24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-disp_signals.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - Display subprograms for signals.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with System; use System;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Rtis; use Grt.Rtis;
+with Grt.Rtis_Addr; use Grt.Rtis_Addr;
+with Grt.Rtis_Utils; use Grt.Rtis_Utils;
+with Grt.Rtis; use Grt.Rtis;
+with Grt.Astdio; use Grt.Astdio;
+with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors;
+pragma Elaborate_All (Grt.Rtis_Utils);
+with Grt.Vstrings; use Grt.Vstrings;
+with Grt.Stdio; use Grt.Stdio;
+with Grt.Signals; use Grt.Signals;
+with Grt.Options;
+with Grt.Disp; use Grt.Disp;
+package body Grt.Disp_Signals is
+ procedure Disp_Context (Ctxt : Rti_Context)
+ is
+ Blk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
+ Nctxt : Rti_Context;
+ begin
+ Blk := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Ctxt.Block);
+ case Blk.Common.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Block
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Process =>
+ Nctxt := Get_Parent_Context (Ctxt);
+ Disp_Context (Nctxt);
+ Put ('.');
+ Put (Blk.Name);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Entity =>
+ Put (Blk.Name);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Architecture =>
+ Nctxt := Get_Parent_Context (Ctxt);
+ Disp_Context (Nctxt);
+ Put ('(');
+ Put (Blk.Name);
+ Put (')');
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("disp_context");
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Context;
+ -- Option --trace-signals.
+ -- Disp transaction TRANS from signal SIG.
+ procedure Disp_Transaction (Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ Sig_Type : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Mode : Mode_Type)
+ is
+ T : Transaction_Acc;
+ begin
+ T := Trans;
+ loop
+ case T.Kind is
+ when Trans_Value =>
+ if Sig_Type /= null then
+ Disp_Value (stdout, T.Val, Sig_Type);
+ else
+ Disp_Value (T.Val, Mode);
+ end if;
+ when Trans_Null =>
+ Put ("NULL");
+ when Trans_Error =>
+ Put ("ERROR");
+ end case;
+ Put ("@");
+ Put_Time (stdout, T.Time);
+ T := T.Next;
+ exit when T = null;
+ Put (", ");
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Transaction;
+ procedure Disp_Simple_Signal
+ (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Sig_Type : Ghdl_Rti_Access; Sources : Boolean)
+ is
+ begin
+ Put (' ');
+ Put (stdout, Sig.all'Address);
+ Put (' ');
+ Disp_Mode (Sig.Mode);
+ Put (' ');
+ if Sig.Active then
+ Put ('A');
+ else
+ Put ('-');
+ end if;
+ if Sig.Event then
+ Put ('E');
+ else
+ Put ('-');
+ end if;
+ if Sig.S.Effective /= null then
+ Put ('e');
+ else
+ Put ('-');
+ end if;
+ if Boolean'(True) then
+ Put (" last_event=");
+ Put_Time (stdout, Sig.Last_Event);
+ Put (" last_active=");
+ Put_Time (stdout, Sig.Last_Active);
+ end if;
+ Put (" val=");
+ if Sig_Type /= null then
+ Disp_Value (stdout, Sig.Value, Sig_Type);
+ else
+ Disp_Value (Sig.Value, Sig.Mode);
+ end if;
+ Put ("; drv=");
+ if Sig_Type /= null then
+ Disp_Value (stdout, Sig.Driving_Value, Sig_Type);
+ else
+ Disp_Value (Sig.Driving_Value, Sig.Mode);
+ end if;
+ if Sources then
+ if Sig.Nbr_Ports > 0 then
+ Put (';');
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Sig.Nbr_Ports));
+ Put (" ports");
+ end if;
+ if Sig.S.Mode_Sig in Mode_Signal_User then
+ if Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers = 0 then
+ Put ("; no driver");
+ elsif Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers = 1 then
+ Put ("; trans=");
+ Disp_Transaction
+ (Sig.S.Drivers (0).First_Trans, Sig_Type, Sig.Mode);
+ else
+ for I in 0 .. Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers - 1 loop
+ New_Line;
+ Put (" ");
+ Disp_Transaction
+ (Sig.S.Drivers (I).First_Trans, Sig_Type, Sig.Mode);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ New_Line;
+ end Disp_Simple_Signal;
+ procedure Disp_Scalar_Signal (Val_Addr : Address;
+ Val_Name : Vstring;
+ Val_Type : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
+ is
+ begin
+ Put (stdout, Val_Name);
+ Disp_Simple_Signal (To_Ghdl_Signal_Ptr (To_Addr_Acc (Val_Addr).all),
+ Val_Type, Options.Disp_Sources);
+ end Disp_Scalar_Signal;
+ procedure Foreach_Scalar_Signal is new
+ Foreach_Scalar (Process => Disp_Scalar_Signal);
+ procedure Disp_Signal_Name (Stream : FILEs; Sig : Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc) is
+ begin
+ case Sig.Common.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Signal
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Port
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Guard =>
+ Put (Stream, Sig.Name);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Quiet =>
+ Put (Stream, " 'quiet");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Stable =>
+ Put (Stream, " 'stable");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Transaction =>
+ Put (Stream, " 'quiet");
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Signal_Name;
+ function Disp_Signal (Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Obj : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
+ return Traverse_Result
+ is
+ Sig : Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc;
+ begin
+ case Obj.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Signal
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Port
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Guard
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Quiet
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Stable
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Transaction =>
+ Sig := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Obj);
+ Put (stdout, Ctxt);
+ Put (".");
+ Disp_Signal_Name (stdout, Sig);
+ Foreach_Scalar_Signal
+ (Ctxt, Sig.Obj_Type,
+ Loc_To_Addr (Sig.Common.Depth, Sig.Loc, Ctxt), True);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ return Traverse_Ok;
+ end Disp_Signal;
+ function Disp_All_Signals is new Traverse_Blocks (Process => Disp_Signal);
+ procedure Disp_All_Signals
+ is
+ Res : Traverse_Result;
+ begin
+ if Boolean'(False) then
+ for I in Sig_Table.First .. Sig_Table.Last loop
+ Disp_Simple_Signal
+ (Sig_Table.Table (I), null, Options.Disp_Sources);
+ end loop;
+ else
+ Res := Disp_All_Signals (Get_Top_Context);
+ end if;
+ end Disp_All_Signals;
+ -- Option disp-signals-map
+ Cur_Signals_Map_Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Cur_Signals_Map_Obj : Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc;
+ procedure Disp_Signals_Map_Scalar (Val_Addr : Address;
+ Val_Name : Vstring;
+ Val_Type : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Val_Type);
+ function To_Ghdl_Signal_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Address, Target => Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ S : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ begin
+ Put (stdout, Cur_Signals_Map_Ctxt);
+ Put (".");
+ Disp_Signal_Name (stdout, Cur_Signals_Map_Obj);
+ Put (stdout, Val_Name);
+ Put (": ");
+ S := To_Ghdl_Signal_Ptr (To_Addr_Acc (Val_Addr).all);
+ Put (stdout, S.all'Address);
+ Put (" net: ");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (S.Net));
+ if S.Flags.Has_Active then
+ Put (" +A");
+ end if;
+ New_Line;
+ end Disp_Signals_Map_Scalar;
+ procedure Foreach_Disp_Signals_Map_Scalar is new
+ Foreach_Scalar (Process => Disp_Signals_Map_Scalar);
+ function Disp_Signals_Map_Signal (Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Obj : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
+ return Traverse_Result
+ is
+ Sig : Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc renames Cur_Signals_Map_Obj;
+ begin
+ case Obj.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Signal
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Port
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Guard
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Stable
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Quiet
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Transaction =>
+ Cur_Signals_Map_Ctxt := Ctxt;
+ Cur_Signals_Map_Obj := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Obj);
+ Foreach_Disp_Signals_Map_Scalar
+ (Ctxt, Sig.Obj_Type,
+ Loc_To_Addr (Sig.Common.Depth, Sig.Loc, Ctxt), True);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ return Traverse_Ok;
+ end Disp_Signals_Map_Signal;
+ function Disp_Signals_Map_Blocks is new Traverse_Blocks
+ (Process => Disp_Signals_Map_Signal);
+ procedure Disp_Signals_Map
+ is
+ Res : Traverse_Result;
+ begin
+ Res := Disp_Signals_Map_Blocks (Get_Top_Context);
+ Grt.Stdio.fflush (stdout);
+ end Disp_Signals_Map;
+ -- Option --disp-signals-table
+ procedure Disp_Mode_Signal (Mode : Mode_Signal_Type)
+ is
+ begin
+ case Mode is
+ when Mode_Signal =>
+ Put ("signal");
+ when Mode_Linkage =>
+ Put ("linkage");
+ when Mode_Buffer =>
+ Put ("buffer");
+ when Mode_Out =>
+ Put ("out");
+ when Mode_Inout =>
+ Put ("inout");
+ when Mode_In =>
+ Put ("in");
+ when Mode_Stable =>
+ Put ("stable");
+ when Mode_Quiet =>
+ Put ("quiet");
+ when Mode_Transaction =>
+ Put ("transaction");
+ when Mode_Delayed =>
+ Put ("delayed");
+ when Mode_Guard =>
+ Put ("guard");
+ when Mode_Conv_In =>
+ Put ("conv_in");
+ when Mode_Conv_Out =>
+ Put ("conv_out");
+ when Mode_End =>
+ Put ("end");
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Mode_Signal;
+ procedure Disp_Signals_Table
+ is
+ use Grt.Disp;
+ Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ begin
+ for I in Sig_Table.First .. Sig_Table.Last loop
+ Sig := Sig_Table.Table (I);
+ Put_Sig_Index (I);
+ Put (": ");
+ Put (stdout, Sig.all'Address);
+ if Sig.Flags.Has_Active then
+ Put (" +A");
+ end if;
+ Put (" net: ");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Sig.Net));
+ Put (" smode: ");
+ Disp_Mode_Signal (Sig.S.Mode_Sig);
+ Put (" #prt: ");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Sig.Nbr_Ports));
+ if Sig.S.Mode_Sig in Mode_Signal_User then
+ Put (" #drv: ");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers));
+ if Sig.S.Effective /= null then
+ Put (" eff: ");
+ Put (stdout, Sig.S.Effective.all'Address);
+ end if;
+ if Sig.S.Resolv /= null then
+ Put (" resolved");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Boolean'(False) then
+ Put (" link: ");
+ Put (stdout, Sig.Link.all'Address);
+ end if;
+ New_Line;
+ if Sig.Nbr_Ports /= 0 then
+ for J in 1 .. Sig.Nbr_Ports loop
+ Put (" ");
+ Put (stdout, Sig.Ports (J - 1).all'Address);
+ end loop;
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Grt.Stdio.fflush (stdout);
+ end Disp_Signals_Table;
+ procedure Disp_A_Signal (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ is
+ begin
+ Disp_Simple_Signal (Sig, null, True);
+ end Disp_A_Signal;
+ procedure Put_Signal_Name (Stream : FILEs; Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ is
+ Found : Boolean := False;
+ Cur_Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Cur_Sig : Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc;
+ procedure Process_Scalar (Val_Addr : Address;
+ Val_Name : Vstring;
+ Val_Type : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Val_Type);
+ Sig1 : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ begin
+ -- Read the signal.
+ Sig1 := To_Ghdl_Signal_Ptr (To_Addr_Acc (Val_Addr).all);
+ if Sig1 = Sig and not Found then
+ Put (Stream, Cur_Ctxt);
+ Put (Stream, ".");
+ Disp_Signal_Name (Stream, Cur_Sig);
+ Put (Stream, Val_Name);
+ Found := True;
+ end if;
+ end Process_Scalar;
+ procedure Foreach_Scalar is new Grt.Rtis_Utils.Foreach_Scalar
+ (Process_Scalar);
+ function Process_Block (Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Obj : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
+ return Traverse_Result
+ is
+ begin
+ case Obj.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Signal
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Port
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Guard
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Stable
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Quiet
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Transaction =>
+ Cur_Ctxt := Ctxt;
+ Cur_Sig := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Obj);
+ Foreach_Scalar
+ (Ctxt, Cur_Sig.Obj_Type,
+ Loc_To_Addr (Cur_Sig.Common.Depth, Cur_Sig.Loc, Ctxt), True);
+ if Found then
+ return Traverse_Stop;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ return Traverse_Ok;
+ end Process_Block;
+ function Foreach_Block is new Grt.Rtis_Utils.Traverse_Blocks
+ (Process_Block);
+ Res_Status : Traverse_Result;
+ begin
+ Res_Status := Foreach_Block (Get_Top_Context);
+ if not Found then
+ Put (Stream, "(unknown signal)");
+ end if;
+ end Put_Signal_Name;
+end Grt.Disp_Signals;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-disp_signals.ads b/translate/grt/grt-disp_signals.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fd84fe036
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-disp_signals.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - Display subprograms for signals.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Signals; use Grt.Signals;
+with Grt.Stdio; use Grt.Stdio;
+package Grt.Disp_Signals is
+ procedure Disp_All_Signals;
+ procedure Disp_Signals_Map;
+ procedure Disp_Signals_Table;
+ procedure Disp_Mode_Signal (Mode : Mode_Signal_Type);
+ -- Disp informations on signal SIG.
+ -- To be used inside the debugger.
+ procedure Disp_A_Signal (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ -- Put the full name of signal SIG.
+ -- This operation is really expensive, since the whole hierarchy is
+ -- traversed.
+ procedure Put_Signal_Name (Stream : FILEs; Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+end Grt.Disp_Signals;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-errors.adb b/translate/grt/grt-errors.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a6aca83c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-errors.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - Error handling.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Grt.Stdio; use Grt.Stdio;
+with Grt.Astdio; use Grt.Astdio;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Options; use Grt.Options;
+package body Grt.Errors is
+ procedure Fatal_Error;
+ pragma No_Return (Fatal_Error);
+ pragma Export (C, Fatal_Error, "__ghdl_fatal");
+ -- Called in case of premature exit.
+ -- CODE is 0 for success, 1 for failure.
+ procedure Ghdl_Exit (Code : Integer);
+ pragma No_Return (Ghdl_Exit);
+ procedure Ghdl_Exit (Code : Integer)
+ is
+ procedure C_Exit (Status : Integer);
+ pragma Import (C, C_Exit, "exit");
+ pragma No_Return (C_Exit);
+ begin
+ if Ghdl_Exit_Cb1 /= null then
+ Ghdl_Exit_Cb1.all (Code);
+ end if;
+ if Ghdl_Exit_Cb /= null then
+ Ghdl_Exit_Cb.all (Code);
+ end if;
+ C_Exit (Code);
+ end Ghdl_Exit;
+ procedure Maybe_Return_Via_Longjump (Val : Integer);
+ pragma Import (C, Maybe_Return_Via_Longjump,
+ "__ghdl_maybe_return_via_longjump");
+ procedure Fatal_Error is
+ begin
+ Maybe_Return_Via_Longjump (-1);
+ if Expect_Failure then
+ Ghdl_Exit (0);
+ else
+ Ghdl_Exit (1);
+ end if;
+ end Fatal_Error;
+ procedure Put_Err (Str : String) is
+ begin
+ Put (stderr, Str);
+ end Put_Err;
+ procedure Put_Err (Str : Ghdl_C_String) is
+ begin
+ Put (stderr, Str);
+ end Put_Err;
+ procedure Put_Err (N : Integer) is
+ begin
+ Put_I32 (stderr, Ghdl_I32 (N));
+ end Put_Err;
+ procedure Newline_Err is
+ begin
+ New_Line (stderr);
+ end Newline_Err;
+-- procedure Put_Err (Str : Ghdl_Str_Len_Type)
+-- is
+-- S : String (1 .. 3);
+-- begin
+-- if Str.Str = null then
+-- S (1) := ''';
+-- S (2) := Character'Val (Str.Len);
+-- S (3) := ''';
+-- Put_Err (S);
+-- else
+-- Put_Err (Str.Str (1 .. Str.Len));
+-- end if;
+-- end Put_Err;
+ procedure Report_H (Str : String := "") is
+ begin
+ Put_Err (Str);
+ end Report_H;
+ procedure Report_C (Str : String) is
+ begin
+ Put_Err (Str);
+ end Report_C;
+ procedure Report_C (Str : Ghdl_C_String)
+ is
+ Len : Natural := strlen (Str);
+ begin
+ Put_Err (Str (1 .. Len));
+ end Report_C;
+ procedure Report_C (N : Integer)
+ renames Put_Err;
+ procedure Report_Now_C is
+ begin
+ Put_Time (stderr, Grt.Types.Current_Time);
+ end Report_Now_C;
+ procedure Report_E (Str : String) is
+ begin
+ Put_Err (Str);
+ Newline_Err;
+ end Report_E;
+ procedure Error_H is
+ begin
+ Put_Err (Progname);
+ Put_Err (":error: ");
+ end Error_H;
+ Cont : Boolean := False;
+ procedure Error_C (Str : String) is
+ begin
+ if not Cont then
+ Error_H;
+ Cont := True;
+ end if;
+ Put_Err (Str);
+ end Error_C;
+ procedure Error_C (Str : Ghdl_C_String)
+ is
+ Len : Natural := strlen (Str);
+ begin
+ if not Cont then
+ Error_H;
+ Cont := True;
+ end if;
+ Put_Err (Str (1 .. Len));
+ end Error_C;
+ procedure Error_C (N : Integer) is
+ begin
+ if not Cont then
+ Error_H;
+ Cont := True;
+ end if;
+ Put_Err (N);
+ end Error_C;
+-- procedure Error_C (Inst : Ghdl_Instance_Name_Acc)
+-- is
+-- begin
+-- if not Cont then
+-- Error_H;
+-- Cont := True;
+-- end if;
+-- if Inst.Parent /= null then
+-- Error_C (Inst.Parent);
+-- Put_Err (".");
+-- end if;
+-- case Inst.Kind is
+-- when Ghdl_Name_Architecture =>
+-- Put_Err ("(");
+-- Put_Err (Inst.Name.all);
+-- Put_Err (")");
+-- when others =>
+-- if Inst.Name /= null then
+-- Put_Err (Inst.Name.all);
+-- end if;
+-- end case;
+-- end Error_C;
+ procedure Error_E (Str : String) is
+ begin
+ Put_Err (Str);
+ Newline_Err;
+ Cont := False;
+ Fatal_Error;
+ end Error_E;
+ procedure Error (Str : String) is
+ begin
+ Error_H;
+ Put_Err (Str);
+ Newline_Err;
+ Fatal_Error;
+ end Error;
+ procedure Info (Str : String) is
+ begin
+ Put_Err (Progname);
+ Put_Err (":info: ");
+ Put_Err (Str);
+ Newline_Err;
+ end Info;
+ procedure Internal_Error (Msg : String) is
+ begin
+ Put_Err (Progname);
+ Put_Err (":internal error: ");
+ Put_Err (Msg);
+ Newline_Err;
+ Fatal_Error;
+ end Internal_Error;
+ procedure Grt_Overflow_Error is
+ begin
+ Error ("overflow detected");
+ end Grt_Overflow_Error;
+end Grt.Errors;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-errors.ads b/translate/grt/grt-errors.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b531aef11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-errors.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - Error handling.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+package Grt.Errors is
+ pragma Preelaborate (Grt.Errors);
+ -- Multi-call error procedure.
+ -- Start and continue with Error_C, finish by an Error_E.
+ procedure Error_C (Str : String);
+ procedure Error_C (N : Integer);
+ procedure Error_C (Str : Ghdl_C_String);
+ --procedure Error_C (Inst : Ghdl_Instance_Name_Acc);
+ procedure Error_E (Str : String);
+ pragma No_Return (Error_E);
+ -- Multi-call report procedure. Do not exit at end.
+ procedure Report_H (Str : String := "");
+ procedure Report_C (Str : Ghdl_C_String);
+ procedure Report_C (Str : String);
+ procedure Report_C (N : Integer);
+ procedure Report_Now_C;
+ procedure Report_E (Str : String);
+ -- Complete error message.
+ procedure Error (Str : String);
+ -- Internal error. The message must contain the subprogram name which
+ -- has called this procedure.
+ procedure Internal_Error (Msg : String);
+ pragma No_Return (Internal_Error);
+ -- Display a message which is not an error.
+ procedure Info (Str : String);
+ -- Display an error message for an overflow.
+ procedure Grt_Overflow_Error;
+ type Exit_Cb_Type is access procedure (Code : Integer);
+ pragma Convention (C, Exit_Cb_Type);
+ Ghdl_Exit_Cb : Exit_Cb_Type := null;
+ Ghdl_Exit_Cb1 : Exit_Cb_Type := null;
+ -- If true, an error is expected and the exit status is inverted.
+ Expect_Failure : Boolean := False;
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Exit_Cb, "__ghdl_exit_cb");
+ pragma Export (C, Grt_Overflow_Error, "grt_overflow_error");
+ pragma No_Return (Error);
+end Grt.Errors;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-files.adb b/translate/grt/grt-files.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d0063226a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-files.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - VHDL files subprograms.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors;
+with Grt.Stdio; use Grt.Stdio;
+with GNAT.Table;
+with System; use System;
+package body Grt.Files is
+ subtype C_Files is Grt.Stdio.FILEs;
+ type File_Entry_Type is record
+ Stream : C_Files;
+ Signature : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Is_Text : Boolean;
+ Is_Alive : Boolean;
+ end record;
+ package Files_Table is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Component_Type => File_Entry_Type,
+ Table_Index_Type => Ghdl_File_Index,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 1,
+ Table_Initial => 2,
+ Table_Increment => 100);
+ function Get_File (Index : Ghdl_File_Index) return C_Files
+ is
+ begin
+ if Index not in Files_Table.First .. Files_Table.Last then
+ Internal_Error ("get_file: bad file index");
+ end if;
+ return Files_Table.Table (Index).Stream;
+ end Get_File;
+ procedure Check_File_Mode (Index : Ghdl_File_Index; Is_Text : Boolean)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Files_Table.Table (Index).Is_Text /= Is_Text then
+ Internal_Error ("check_file_mode: bad file mode");
+ end if;
+ end Check_File_Mode;
+ function Create_File (Is_Text : Boolean; Sig : Ghdl_C_String)
+ return Ghdl_File_Index
+ is
+ Res : Ghdl_File_Index;
+ begin
+ Files_Table.Increment_Last;
+ Res := Files_Table.Last;
+ Files_Table.Table (Res) := (Stream => NULL_Stream,
+ Signature => Sig,
+ Is_Text => Is_Text,
+ Is_Alive => True);
+ return Res;
+ end Create_File;
+ procedure Destroy_File (Is_Text : Boolean; Index : Ghdl_File_Index) is
+ begin
+ if Get_File (Index) /= NULL_Stream then
+ Internal_Error ("destroy_file");
+ end if;
+ Check_File_Mode (Index, Is_Text);
+ Files_Table.Table (Index).Is_Alive := False;
+ if Index = Files_Table.Last then
+ while Files_Table.Last >= Files_Table.First
+ and then Files_Table.Table (Files_Table.Last).Is_Alive = False
+ loop
+ Files_Table.Decrement_Last;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end Destroy_File;
+ procedure File_Error (File : Ghdl_File_Index)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (File);
+ begin
+ Internal_Error ("file: IO error");
+ end File_Error;
+ function Ghdl_Text_File_Elaborate return Ghdl_File_Index is
+ begin
+ return Create_File (True, null);
+ end Ghdl_Text_File_Elaborate;
+ function Ghdl_File_Elaborate (Sig : Ghdl_C_String) return Ghdl_File_Index
+ is
+ begin
+ return Create_File (False, Sig);
+ end Ghdl_File_Elaborate;
+ procedure Ghdl_Text_File_Finalize (File : Ghdl_File_Index) is
+ begin
+ Destroy_File (True, File);
+ end Ghdl_Text_File_Finalize;
+ procedure Ghdl_File_Finalize (File : Ghdl_File_Index) is
+ begin
+ Destroy_File (False, File);
+ end Ghdl_File_Finalize;
+ function Ghdl_File_Endfile (File : Ghdl_File_Index) return Boolean
+ is
+ Stream : C_Files;
+ C : int;
+ begin
+ Stream := Get_File (File);
+ if feof (Stream) /= 0 then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ C := fgetc (Stream);
+ if C < 0 then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ if ungetc (C, Stream) /= C then
+ Error ("internal error: ungetc");
+ end if;
+ return False;
+ end Ghdl_File_Endfile;
+ Sig_Header : constant String := "#GHDL-BINARY-FILE-0.0" & Nl;
+ function File_Open (File : Ghdl_File_Index;
+ Mode : Ghdl_I32;
+ Str : Std_String_Ptr)
+ return Ghdl_I32
+ is
+ Name : String (1 .. Integer (Str.Bounds.Dim_1.Length) + 1);
+ Str_Mode : String (1 .. 3);
+ F : C_Files;
+ Sig : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Sig_Len : Natural;
+ begin
+ F := Get_File (File);
+ if F /= NULL_Stream then
+ -- File was already open.
+ return Status_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Copy file name and convert it to a C string (NUL terminated).
+ for I in 0 .. Str.Bounds.Dim_1.Length - 1 loop
+ Name (1 + Natural (I)) := Str.Base (I);
+ end loop;
+ Name (Name'Last) := NUL;
+ if Name = "STD_INPUT" & NUL then
+ if Mode /= Read_Mode then
+ return Mode_Error;
+ end if;
+ F := stdin;
+ elsif Name = "STD_OUTPUT" & NUL then
+ if Mode /= Write_Mode then
+ return Mode_Error;
+ end if;
+ F := stdout;
+ else
+ case Mode is
+ when Read_Mode =>
+ Str_Mode (1) := 'r';
+ when Write_Mode =>
+ Str_Mode (1) := 'w';
+ when Append_Mode =>
+ Str_Mode (1) := 'a';
+ when others =>
+ -- Bad mode, cannot happen.
+ Internal_Error ("file_open: bad open mode");
+ end case;
+ if Files_Table.Table (File).Is_Text then
+ Str_Mode (2) := NUL;
+ else
+ Str_Mode (2) := 'b';
+ Str_Mode (3) := NUL;
+ end if;
+ F := fopen (Name'Address, Str_Mode'Address);
+ if F = NULL_Stream then
+ return Name_Error;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Sig := Files_Table.Table (File).Signature;
+ if Sig /= null then
+ Sig_Len := strlen (Sig);
+ case Mode is
+ when Write_Mode =>
+ if fwrite (Sig_Header'Address, 1, Sig_Header'Length, F)
+ /= Sig_Header'Length
+ then
+ File_Error (File);
+ end if;
+ if fwrite (Sig (1)'Address, 1, size_t (Sig_Len), F)
+ /= size_t (Sig_Len)
+ then
+ File_Error (File);
+ end if;
+ when Read_Mode =>
+ declare
+ Hdr : String (1 .. Sig_Header'Length);
+ Sig_Buf : String (1 .. Sig_Len);
+ begin
+ if fread (Hdr'Address, 1, Hdr'Length, F) /= Hdr'Length then
+ File_Error (File);
+ end if;
+ if Hdr /= Sig_Header then
+ File_Error (File);
+ end if;
+ if fread (Sig_Buf'Address, 1, Sig_Buf'Length, F)
+ /= Sig_Buf'Length
+ then
+ File_Error (File);
+ end if;
+ if Sig_Buf /= Sig (1 .. Sig_Len) then
+ File_Error (File);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Append_Mode =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ Files_Table.Table (File).Stream := F;
+ return Open_Ok;
+ end File_Open;
+ procedure Ghdl_Text_File_Open
+ (File : Ghdl_File_Index; Mode : Ghdl_I32; Str : Std_String_Ptr)
+ is
+ Res : Ghdl_I32;
+ begin
+ Check_File_Mode (File, True);
+ Res := File_Open (File, Mode, Str);
+ if Res /= Open_Ok then
+ Error_C ("open: cannot open text file ");
+ Error_E (String (Str.Base (0 .. Str.Bounds.Dim_1.Length - 1)));
+ end if;
+ end Ghdl_Text_File_Open;
+ procedure Ghdl_File_Open
+ (File : Ghdl_File_Index; Mode : Ghdl_I32; Str : Std_String_Ptr)
+ is
+ Res : Ghdl_I32;
+ begin
+ Check_File_Mode (File, False);
+ Res := File_Open (File, Mode, Str);
+ if Res /= Open_Ok then
+ Error_C ("open: cannot open file ");
+ Error_E (String (Str.Base (0 .. Str.Bounds.Dim_1.Length - 1)));
+ end if;
+ end Ghdl_File_Open;
+ function Ghdl_Text_File_Open_Status
+ (File : Ghdl_File_Index; Mode : Ghdl_I32; Str : Std_String_Ptr)
+ return Ghdl_I32
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_File_Mode (File, True);
+ return File_Open (File, Mode, Str);
+ end Ghdl_Text_File_Open_Status;
+ function Ghdl_File_Open_Status
+ (File : Ghdl_File_Index; Mode : Ghdl_I32; Str : Std_String_Ptr)
+ return Ghdl_I32
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_File_Mode (File, False);
+ return File_Open (File, Mode, Str);
+ end Ghdl_File_Open_Status;
+ procedure Ghdl_Text_Write (File : Ghdl_File_Index; Str : Std_String_Ptr)
+ is
+ Res : C_Files;
+ R : size_t;
+ R1 : int;
+ begin
+ Res := Get_File (File);
+ Check_File_Mode (File, True);
+ if Res = NULL_Stream then
+ Error ("write to a non-opened file");
+ end if;
+ -- FIXME: check mode.
+ R := fwrite (Str.Base (0)'Address,
+ size_t (Str.Bounds.Dim_1.Length), 1, Res);
+ -- FIXME: check r
+ -- Write '\n'.
+ R1 := fputc (Character'Pos (Nl), Res);
+ R1 := fflush (Res);
+ end Ghdl_Text_Write;
+ procedure Ghdl_Write_Scalar (File : Ghdl_File_Index;
+ Ptr : Ghdl_Ptr;
+ Length : Ghdl_Index_Type)
+ is
+ Res : C_Files;
+ R : size_t;
+ R1 : int;
+ begin
+ Res := Get_File (File);
+ Check_File_Mode (File, False);
+ if Res = NULL_Stream then
+ Error ("write to a non-opened file");
+ end if;
+ -- FIXME: check mode.
+ R := fwrite (System.Address (Ptr), size_t (Length), 1, Res);
+ if R /= 1 then
+ Error ("write_scalar failed");
+ end if;
+ R1 := fflush (Res);
+ end Ghdl_Write_Scalar;
+ procedure Ghdl_Read_Scalar (File : Ghdl_File_Index;
+ Ptr : Ghdl_Ptr;
+ Length : Ghdl_Index_Type)
+ is
+ Res : C_Files;
+ R : size_t;
+ begin
+ Res := Get_File (File);
+ Check_File_Mode (File, False);
+ if Res = NULL_Stream then
+ Error ("write to a non-opened file");
+ end if;
+ -- FIXME: check mode.
+ R := fread (System.Address (Ptr), size_t (Length), 1, Res);
+ if R /= 1 then
+ Error ("read_scalar failed");
+ end if;
+ end Ghdl_Read_Scalar;
+ function Ghdl_Text_Read_Length (File : Ghdl_File_Index;
+ Str : Std_String_Ptr)
+ return Std_Integer
+ is
+ Stream : C_Files;
+ C : int;
+ Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ begin
+ Stream := Get_File (File);
+ Check_File_Mode (File, True);
+ Len := Str.Bounds.Dim_1.Length;
+ -- Read until EOL (or EOF).
+ -- Store as much as possible.
+ for I in Ghdl_Index_Type loop
+ C := fgetc (Stream);
+ if C < 0 then
+ Error ("read: end of file reached");
+ return Std_Integer (I);
+ end if;
+ if I < Len then
+ Str.Base (I) := Character'Val (C);
+ end if;
+ -- End of line is '\n' or LF or character # 10.
+ if C = 10 then
+ return Std_Integer (I + 1);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return 0;
+ end Ghdl_Text_Read_Length;
+ procedure Ghdl_Untruncated_Text_Read
+ (Res : Ghdl_Untruncated_Text_Read_Result_Acc;
+ File : Ghdl_File_Index;
+ Str : Std_String_Ptr)
+ is
+ Stream : C_Files;
+ Len : int;
+ Idx : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ begin
+ Stream := Get_File (File);
+ Check_File_Mode (File, True);
+ Len := int (Str.Bounds.Dim_1.Length);
+ if fgets (Str.Base (0)'Address, Len, Stream) = Null_Address then
+ Internal_Error ("ghdl_untruncated_text_read: end of file");
+ end if;
+ -- Compute the length.
+ for I in Ghdl_Index_Type loop
+ if Str.Base (I) = NUL then
+ Idx := I;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Res.Len := Std_Integer (Idx);
+ end Ghdl_Untruncated_Text_Read;
+ procedure File_Close (File : Ghdl_File_Index; Is_Text : Boolean)
+ is
+ Stream : C_Files;
+ begin
+ Stream := Get_File (File);
+ Check_File_Mode (File, Is_Text);
+ -- LRM 3.4.1 File Operations
+ -- If F is not associated with an external file, then FILE_CLOSE has
+ -- no effect.
+ if Stream = NULL_Stream then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if fclose (Stream) /= 0 then
+ Internal_Error ("file_close: fclose error");
+ end if;
+ Files_Table.Table (File).Stream := NULL_Stream;
+ end File_Close;
+ procedure Ghdl_Text_File_Close (File : Ghdl_File_Index) is
+ begin
+ File_Close (File, True);
+ end Ghdl_Text_File_Close;
+ procedure Ghdl_File_Close (File : Ghdl_File_Index) is
+ begin
+ File_Close (File, False);
+ end Ghdl_File_Close;
+end Grt.Files;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-files.ads b/translate/grt/grt-files.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1fcce3cd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-files.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - VHDL files subprograms.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Interfaces;
+package Grt.Files is
+ type Ghdl_File_Index is new Interfaces.Integer_32;
+ -- File open mode.
+ Read_Mode : constant Ghdl_I32 := 0;
+ Write_Mode : constant Ghdl_I32 := 1;
+ Append_Mode : constant Ghdl_I32 := 2;
+ -- file_open_status.
+ Open_Ok : constant Ghdl_I32 := 0;
+ Status_Error : constant Ghdl_I32 := 1;
+ Name_Error : constant Ghdl_I32 := 2;
+ Mode_Error : constant Ghdl_I32 := 3;
+ -- General files.
+ function Ghdl_File_Endfile (File : Ghdl_File_Index) return Boolean;
+ -- Elaboration.
+ function Ghdl_Text_File_Elaborate return Ghdl_File_Index;
+ function Ghdl_File_Elaborate (Sig : Ghdl_C_String) return Ghdl_File_Index;
+ -- Finalization.
+ procedure Ghdl_Text_File_Finalize (File : Ghdl_File_Index);
+ procedure Ghdl_File_Finalize (File : Ghdl_File_Index);
+ -- Subprograms.
+ procedure Ghdl_Text_File_Open
+ (File : Ghdl_File_Index; Mode : Ghdl_I32; Str : Std_String_Ptr);
+ function Ghdl_Text_File_Open_Status
+ (File : Ghdl_File_Index; Mode : Ghdl_I32; Str : Std_String_Ptr)
+ return Ghdl_I32;
+ procedure Ghdl_File_Open
+ (File : Ghdl_File_Index; Mode : Ghdl_I32; Str : Std_String_Ptr);
+ function Ghdl_File_Open_Status
+ (File : Ghdl_File_Index; Mode : Ghdl_I32; Str : Std_String_Ptr)
+ return Ghdl_I32;
+ procedure Ghdl_Text_Write (File : Ghdl_File_Index; Str : Std_String_Ptr);
+ procedure Ghdl_Write_Scalar (File : Ghdl_File_Index;
+ Ptr : Ghdl_Ptr;
+ Length : Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ procedure Ghdl_Read_Scalar (File : Ghdl_File_Index;
+ Ptr : Ghdl_Ptr;
+ Length : Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ function Ghdl_Text_Read_Length
+ (File : Ghdl_File_Index; Str : Std_String_Ptr) return Std_Integer;
+ type Ghdl_Untruncated_Text_Read_Result is record
+ Len : Std_Integer;
+ end record;
+ type Ghdl_Untruncated_Text_Read_Result_Acc is
+ access Ghdl_Untruncated_Text_Read_Result;
+ procedure Ghdl_Untruncated_Text_Read
+ (Res : Ghdl_Untruncated_Text_Read_Result_Acc;
+ File : Ghdl_File_Index;
+ Str : Std_String_Ptr);
+ procedure Ghdl_Text_File_Close (File : Ghdl_File_Index);
+ procedure Ghdl_File_Close (File : Ghdl_File_Index);
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_File_Endfile, "__ghdl_file_endfile");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Text_File_Elaborate, "__ghdl_text_file_elaborate");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_File_Elaborate, "__ghdl_file_elaborate");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Text_File_Finalize, "__ghdl_text_file_finalize");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_File_Finalize, "__ghdl_file_finalize");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Text_File_Open, "__ghdl_text_file_open");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Text_File_Open_Status,
+ "__ghdl_text_file_open_status");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_File_Open, "__ghdl_file_open");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_File_Open_Status, "__ghdl_file_open_status");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Text_Write, "__ghdl_text_write");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Write_Scalar, "__ghdl_write_scalar");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Read_Scalar, "__ghdl_read_scalar");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Text_Read_Length, "__ghdl_text_read_length");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Untruncated_Text_Read,
+ "std__textio__untruncated_text_read");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Text_File_Close, "__ghdl_text_file_close");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_File_Close, "__ghdl_file_close");
+end Grt.Files;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-hooks.adb b/translate/grt/grt-hooks.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f79b5747
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-hooks.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - Hooks.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package body Grt.Hooks is
+ type Hooks_Cell;
+ type Hooks_Cell_Acc is access Hooks_Cell;
+ type Hooks_Cell is record
+ Hooks : Hooks_Acc;
+ Next : Hooks_Cell_Acc;
+ end record;
+ First_Hooks : Hooks_Cell_Acc := null;
+ Last_Hooks : Hooks_Cell_Acc := null;
+ procedure Register_Hooks (Hooks : Hooks_Acc)
+ is
+ Cell : Hooks_Cell_Acc;
+ begin
+ Cell := new Hooks_Cell'(Hooks => Hooks,
+ Next => null);
+ if Last_Hooks = null then
+ First_Hooks := Cell;
+ else
+ Last_Hooks.Next := Cell;
+ end if;
+ Last_Hooks := Cell;
+ end Register_Hooks;
+ type Hook_Cell;
+ type Hook_Cell_Acc is access Hook_Cell;
+ type Hook_Cell is record
+ Hook : Proc_Hook_Type;
+ Next : Hook_Cell_Acc;
+ end record;
+ -- Chain of cycle hooks.
+ Cycle_Hook : Hook_Cell_Acc := null;
+ Last_Cycle_Hook : Hook_Cell_Acc := null;
+ procedure Register_Cycle_Hook (Proc : Proc_Hook_Type)
+ is
+ Cell : Hook_Cell_Acc;
+ begin
+ Cell := new Hook_Cell'(Hook => Proc,
+ Next => null);
+ if Cycle_Hook = null then
+ Cycle_Hook := Cell;
+ else
+ Last_Cycle_Hook.Next := Cell;
+ end if;
+ Last_Cycle_Hook := Cell;
+ end Register_Cycle_Hook;
+ procedure Call_Cycle_Hooks
+ is
+ Cell : Hook_Cell_Acc;
+ begin
+ Cell := Cycle_Hook;
+ while Cell /= null loop
+ Cell.Hook.all;
+ Cell := Cell.Next;
+ end loop;
+ end Call_Cycle_Hooks;
+ function Call_Option_Hooks (Opt : String) return Boolean
+ is
+ Cell : Hooks_Cell_Acc;
+ begin
+ Cell := First_Hooks;
+ while Cell /= null loop
+ if Cell.Hooks.Option /= null
+ and then Cell.Hooks.Option.all (Opt)
+ then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ Cell := Cell.Next;
+ end loop;
+ return False;
+ end Call_Option_Hooks;
+ procedure Call_Help_Hooks
+ is
+ Cell : Hooks_Cell_Acc;
+ begin
+ Cell := First_Hooks;
+ while Cell /= null loop
+ if Cell.Hooks.Help /= null then
+ Cell.Hooks.Help.all;
+ end if;
+ Cell := Cell.Next;
+ end loop;
+ end Call_Help_Hooks;
+ procedure Call_Init_Hooks
+ is
+ Cell : Hooks_Cell_Acc;
+ begin
+ Cell := First_Hooks;
+ while Cell /= null loop
+ if Cell.Hooks.Init /= null then
+ Cell.Hooks.Init.all;
+ end if;
+ Cell := Cell.Next;
+ end loop;
+ end Call_Init_Hooks;
+ procedure Call_Start_Hooks
+ is
+ Cell : Hooks_Cell_Acc;
+ begin
+ Cell := First_Hooks;
+ while Cell /= null loop
+ if Cell.Hooks.Start /= null then
+ Cell.Hooks.Start.all;
+ end if;
+ Cell := Cell.Next;
+ end loop;
+ end Call_Start_Hooks;
+ procedure Call_Finish_Hooks
+ is
+ Cell : Hooks_Cell_Acc;
+ begin
+ Cell := First_Hooks;
+ while Cell /= null loop
+ if Cell.Hooks.Finish /= null then
+ Cell.Hooks.Finish.all;
+ end if;
+ Cell := Cell.Next;
+ end loop;
+ end Call_Finish_Hooks;
+ procedure Proc_Hook_Nil is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Proc_Hook_Nil;
+end Grt.Hooks;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-hooks.ads b/translate/grt/grt-hooks.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fbab743dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-hooks.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - Hooks.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package Grt.Hooks is
+ pragma Preelaborate (Grt.Hooks);
+ type Option_Hook_Type is access function (Opt : String) return Boolean;
+ type Proc_Hook_Type is access procedure;
+ type Hooks_Type is record
+ -- Called for every unknown command line argument.
+ -- Return TRUE if handled.
+ Option : Option_Hook_Type;
+ -- Display command line help.
+ Help : Proc_Hook_Type;
+ -- Called at initialization (after decoding options).
+ Init : Proc_Hook_Type;
+ -- Called just after elaboration.
+ Start : Proc_Hook_Type;
+ -- Called at the end of execution.
+ Finish : Proc_Hook_Type;
+ end record;
+ type Hooks_Acc is access constant Hooks_Type;
+ -- Registers hook.
+ procedure Register_Hooks (Hooks : Hooks_Acc);
+ -- Register an hook which will call PROC after every non-delta cycles.
+ procedure Register_Cycle_Hook (Proc : Proc_Hook_Type);
+ -- Call hooks.
+ function Call_Option_Hooks (Opt : String) return Boolean;
+ procedure Call_Help_Hooks;
+ procedure Call_Init_Hooks;
+ procedure Call_Start_Hooks;
+ procedure Call_Finish_Hooks;
+ -- Call non-delta cycles hooks.
+ procedure Call_Cycle_Hooks;
+ pragma Inline_Always (Call_Cycle_Hooks);
+ -- Nil procedure.
+ procedure Proc_Hook_Nil;
+end Grt.Hooks;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-images.adb b/translate/grt/grt-images.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8b85d59ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-images.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - 'image subprograms.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with System; use System;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with Grt.Processes; use Grt.Processes;
+with Grt.Vstrings; use Grt.Vstrings;
+package body Grt.Images is
+ function To_Std_String_Basep is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => System.Address, Target => Std_String_Basep);
+ function To_Std_String_Boundp is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => System.Address, Target => Std_String_Boundp);
+ procedure Return_String (Res : Std_String_Ptr; Str : String)
+ is
+ begin
+ Res.Base := To_Std_String_Basep (Ghdl_Stack2_Allocate (Str'Length));
+ Res.Bounds := To_Std_String_Boundp
+ (Ghdl_Stack2_Allocate (Std_String_Bound'Size / System.Storage_Unit));
+ for I in 0 .. Str'Length - 1 loop
+ Res.Base (Ghdl_Index_Type (I)) := Str (Str'First + I);
+ end loop;
+ Res.Bounds.Dim_1 := (Left => 1,
+ Right => Str'Length,
+ Dir => Dir_To,
+ Length => Str'Length);
+ end Return_String;
+ procedure Return_Enum
+ (Res : Std_String_Ptr; Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access; Index : Ghdl_Index_Type)
+ is
+ Enum_Rti : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Acc;
+ Str : Ghdl_C_String;
+ begin
+ Enum_Rti := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Acc (Rti);
+ Str := Enum_Rti.Names (Index);
+ Return_String (Res, Str (1 .. strlen (Str)));
+ end Return_Enum;
+ procedure Ghdl_Image_B2
+ (Res : Std_String_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_B2; Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
+ is
+ begin
+ Return_Enum (Res, Rti, Ghdl_B2'Pos (Val));
+ end Ghdl_Image_B2;
+ procedure Ghdl_Image_E8
+ (Res : Std_String_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_E8; Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
+ is
+ begin
+ Return_Enum (Res, Rti, Ghdl_E8'Pos (Val));
+ end Ghdl_Image_E8;
+ procedure Ghdl_Image_I32 (Res : Std_String_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_I32)
+ is
+ Str : String (1 .. 11);
+ First : Natural;
+ begin
+ To_String (Str, First, Val);
+ Return_String (Res, Str (First .. Str'Last));
+ end Ghdl_Image_I32;
+ procedure Ghdl_Image_P64
+ (Res : Std_String_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_I64; Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
+ is
+ Str : String (1 .. 21);
+ First : Natural;
+ Unit : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Phys : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Acc;
+ Unit_Len : Natural;
+ begin
+ To_String (Str, First, Val);
+ Phys := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Acc (Rti);
+ Unit := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Unit_Acc (Phys.Units (0)).Name;
+ Unit_Len := strlen (Unit);
+ declare
+ L : Natural := Str'Last + 1 - First;
+ Str2 : String (1 .. L + 1 + Unit_Len);
+ begin
+ Str2 (1 .. L) := Str (First .. Str'Last);
+ Str2 (L + 1) := ' ';
+ Str2 (L + 2 .. Str2'Last) := Unit (1 .. Unit_Len);
+ Return_String (Res, Str2);
+ end;
+ end Ghdl_Image_P64;
+ procedure Ghdl_Image_P32
+ (Res : Std_String_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_I32; Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
+ is
+ Str : String (1 .. 11);
+ First : Natural;
+ Unit : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Phys : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Acc;
+ Unit_Len : Natural;
+ begin
+ To_String (Str, First, Val);
+ Phys := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Acc (Rti);
+ Unit := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Unit_Acc (Phys.Units (0)).Name;
+ Unit_Len := strlen (Unit);
+ declare
+ L : Natural := Str'Last + 1 - First;
+ Str2 : String (1 .. L + 1 + Unit_Len);
+ begin
+ Str2 (1 .. L) := Str (First .. Str'Last);
+ Str2 (L + 1) := ' ';
+ Str2 (L + 2 .. Str2'Last) := Unit (1 .. Unit_Len);
+ Return_String (Res, Str2);
+ end;
+ end Ghdl_Image_P32;
+-- procedure Ghdl_Image_F64 (Res : Std_String_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_F64)
+-- is
+-- -- Sign (1) + digit (1) + dot (1) + digits (15) + exp (1) + sign (1)
+-- -- + exp_digits (4) -> 24.
+-- Str : String (1 .. 25);
+-- P : Natural;
+-- V : Ghdl_F64;
+-- Vd : Ghdl_F64;
+-- Exp : Integer;
+-- D : Integer;
+-- B : Boolean;
+-- begin
+-- -- Handle sign.
+-- if Val < 0.0 then
+-- Str (1) := '-';
+-- P := 1;
+-- V := -Val;
+-- else
+-- P := 0;
+-- V := Val;
+-- end if;
+-- -- Compute the mantissa.
+-- -- FIXME: should do a dichotomy.
+-- if V = 0.0 then
+-- Exp := 0;
+-- elsif V < 1.0 then
+-- Exp := -1;
+-- while V * (10.0 ** (-Exp)) < 1.0 loop
+-- Exp := Exp - 1;
+-- end loop;
+-- else
+-- Exp := 0;
+-- while V / (10.0 ** Exp) >= 10.0 loop
+-- Exp := Exp + 1;
+-- end loop;
+-- end if;
+-- -- Normalize VAL: in [0; 10[
+-- if Exp >= 0 then
+-- V := V / (10.0 ** Exp);
+-- else
+-- V := V * 10.0 ** (-Exp);
+-- end if;
+-- for I in 0 .. 15 loop
+-- Vd := Ghdl_F64'Floor (V);
+-- P := P + 1;
+-- Str (P) := Character'Val (48 + Integer (Vd));
+-- V := (V - Vd) * 10.0;
+-- if I = 0 then
+-- P := P + 1;
+-- Str (P) := '.';
+-- end if;
+-- exit when I > 0 and V < 10.0 ** (I + 1 - 15);
+-- end loop;
+-- if Exp /= 0 then
+-- -- LRM93 14.3
+-- -- if the exponent is present, the `e' is written as a lower case
+-- -- character.
+-- P := P + 1;
+-- Str (P) := 'e';
+-- if Exp < 0 then
+-- P := P + 1;
+-- Str (P) := '-';
+-- Exp := -Exp;
+-- end if;
+-- B := False;
+-- for I in 0 .. 4 loop
+-- D := (Exp / 10000) mod 10;
+-- if D /= 0 or B or I = 4 then
+-- P := P + 1;
+-- Str (P) := Character'Val (48 + D);
+-- B := True;
+-- end if;
+-- Exp := (Exp - D * 10000) * 10;
+-- end loop;
+-- end if;
+-- Return_String (Res, Str (1 .. P));
+-- end Ghdl_Image_F64;
+ procedure Ghdl_Image_F64 (Res : Std_String_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_F64)
+ is
+ -- Sign (1) + digit (1) + dot (1) + digits (15) + exp (1) + sign (1)
+ -- + exp_digits (4) -> 24.
+ Str : String (1 .. 25);
+ procedure snprintf (Str : System.Address;
+ Size : Integer;
+ Template : System.Address;
+ Arg : Ghdl_F64);
+ pragma Import (C, snprintf);
+ function strlen (Str : System.Address) return Integer;
+ pragma Import (C, strlen);
+ Format : constant String := "%g" & Character'Val (0);
+ begin
+ snprintf (Str'Address, Str'Length, Format'Address, Val);
+ Return_String (Res, Str (1 .. strlen (Str'Address)));
+ end Ghdl_Image_F64;
+end Grt.Images;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-images.ads b/translate/grt/grt-images.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb33b6376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-images.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - 'image subprograms.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Rtis; use Grt.Rtis;
+package Grt.Images is
+ procedure Ghdl_Image_B2
+ (Res : Std_String_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_B2; Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ procedure Ghdl_Image_E8
+ (Res : Std_String_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_E8; Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ procedure Ghdl_Image_I32 (Res : Std_String_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_I32);
+ procedure Ghdl_Image_F64 (Res : Std_String_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_F64);
+ procedure Ghdl_Image_P64
+ (Res : Std_String_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_I64; Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ procedure Ghdl_Image_P32
+ (Res : Std_String_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_I32; Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Image_B2, "__ghdl_image_b2");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Image_E8, "__ghdl_image_e8");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Image_I32, "__ghdl_image_i32");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Image_F64, "__ghdl_image_f64");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Image_P64, "__ghdl_image_p64");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Image_P32, "__ghdl_image_p32");
+end Grt.Images;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-lib.adb b/translate/grt/grt-lib.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65abdac5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-lib.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - misc subprograms.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors;
+with Grt.Options;
+package body Grt.Lib is
+ --procedure Memcpy (Dst : Address; Src : Address; Size : Size_T);
+ --pragma Import (C, Memcpy);
+ procedure Ghdl_Memcpy
+ (Dest : Ghdl_Ptr; Src : Ghdl_Ptr; Size : Ghdl_Index_Type)
+ is
+ procedure Memmove
+ (Dest : Ghdl_Ptr; Src : Ghdl_Ptr; Size : Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ pragma Import (C, Memmove);
+ begin
+ Memmove (Dest, Src, Size);
+ end Ghdl_Memcpy;
+ procedure Do_Report (Msg : String;
+ Str : Std_String_Ptr;
+ Severity : Integer;
+ Loc : Ghdl_Location_Ptr)
+ is
+ Level : Integer := Severity mod 256;
+ begin
+ Report_H;
+ Report_C (Loc.Filename);
+ Report_C (":");
+ Report_C (Loc.Line);
+ Report_C (":");
+ Report_C (Loc.Col);
+ Report_C (":@");
+ Report_Now_C;
+ Report_C (":(");
+ Report_C (Msg);
+ Report_C (" ");
+ case Level is
+ when Note_Severity =>
+ Report_C ("note");
+ when Warning_Severity =>
+ Report_C ("warning");
+ when Error_Severity =>
+ Report_C ("error");
+ when Failure_Severity =>
+ Report_C ("failure");
+ when others =>
+ Report_C ("???");
+ end case;
+ Report_C ("): ");
+ Report_E (String (Str.Base (0 .. Str.Bounds.Dim_1.Length - 1)));
+ if Level >= Grt.Options.Severity_Level then
+ Error_C (Msg);
+ Error_E (" failed");
+ end if;
+ end Do_Report;
+ procedure Ghdl_Assert_Failed
+ (Str : Std_String_Ptr; Severity : Integer; Loc : Ghdl_Location_Ptr)
+ is
+ begin
+ Do_Report ("assertion", Str, Severity, Loc);
+ end Ghdl_Assert_Failed;
+ procedure Ghdl_Report
+ (Str : Std_String_Ptr; Severity : Integer; Loc : Ghdl_Location_Ptr)
+ is
+ begin
+ Do_Report ("report", Str, Severity, Loc);
+ end Ghdl_Report;
+ procedure Ghdl_Program_Error is
+ begin
+ Error ("program error");
+ end Ghdl_Program_Error;
+ procedure Ghdl_Bound_Check_Failed_L0 (Number : Ghdl_Index_Type) is
+ begin
+ Error_C ("bound check failed (#");
+ Error_C (Integer (Number));
+ Error_E (")");
+ end Ghdl_Bound_Check_Failed_L0;
+ procedure Ghdl_Bound_Check_Failed_L1 (Filename : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Line: Ghdl_I32)
+ is
+ begin
+ Error_C ("bound check failure at ");
+ Error_C (Filename);
+ Error_C (":");
+ Error_C (Integer (Line));
+ Error_E ("");
+ end Ghdl_Bound_Check_Failed_L1;
+ function Ghdl_Integer_Exp (V : Ghdl_I32; E : Ghdl_I32)
+ return Ghdl_I32
+ is
+ pragma Suppress (Overflow_Check);
+ R : Ghdl_I32;
+ Res : Ghdl_I32;
+ P : Ghdl_I32;
+ T : Ghdl_I64;
+ begin
+ if E < 0 then
+ Error ("negative exponent");
+ end if;
+ Res := 1;
+ P := V;
+ R := E;
+ loop
+ if R mod 2 = 1 then
+ T := Ghdl_I64 (Res) * Ghdl_I64 (P);
+ Res := Ghdl_I32 (T);
+ if Ghdl_I64 (Res) /= T then
+ Error ("overflow in exponentiation");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ R := R / 2;
+ exit when R = 0;
+ P := P * P;
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end Ghdl_Integer_Exp;
+ function C_Malloc (Size : Ghdl_Index_Type) return Ghdl_Ptr;
+ pragma Import (C, C_Malloc, "malloc");
+ function Ghdl_Malloc (Size : Ghdl_Index_Type) return Ghdl_Ptr is
+ begin
+ return C_Malloc (Size);
+ end Ghdl_Malloc;
+ function Ghdl_Malloc0 (Size : Ghdl_Index_Type) return Ghdl_Ptr
+ is
+ procedure Memset (Ptr : Ghdl_Ptr; C : Integer; Size : Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ pragma Import (C, Memset);
+ Res : Ghdl_Ptr;
+ begin
+ Res := C_Malloc (Size);
+ Memset (Res, 0, Size);
+ return Res;
+ end Ghdl_Malloc0;
+ procedure Ghdl_Deallocate (Ptr : Ghdl_Ptr)
+ is
+ procedure C_Free (Ptr : Ghdl_Ptr);
+ pragma Import (C, C_Free, "free");
+ begin
+ C_Free (Ptr);
+ end Ghdl_Deallocate;
+ function Ghdl_Real_Exp (X : Ghdl_Real; Exp : Ghdl_I32)
+ return Ghdl_Real
+ is
+ R : Ghdl_I32;
+ Res : Ghdl_Real;
+ P : Ghdl_Real;
+ begin
+ Res := 1.0;
+ P := X;
+ R := Exp;
+ if R >= 0 then
+ loop
+ if R mod 2 = 1 then
+ Res := Res * P;
+ end if;
+ R := R / 2;
+ exit when R = 0;
+ P := P * P;
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ else
+ R := -R;
+ loop
+ if R mod 2 = 1 then
+ Res := Res * P;
+ end if;
+ R := R / 2;
+ exit when R = 0;
+ P := P * P;
+ end loop;
+ if Res = 0.0 then
+ Error ("division per 0.0");
+ return 0.0;
+ end if;
+ return 1.0 / Res;
+ end if;
+ end Ghdl_Real_Exp;
+end Grt.Lib;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-lib.ads b/translate/grt/grt-lib.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb1723a0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-lib.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - misc subprograms.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+package Grt.Lib is
+ pragma Preelaborate (Grt.Lib);
+ procedure Ghdl_Memcpy
+ (Dest : Ghdl_Ptr; Src : Ghdl_Ptr; Size : Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ procedure Ghdl_Assert_Failed
+ (Str : Std_String_Ptr; Severity : Integer; Loc : Ghdl_Location_Ptr);
+ procedure Ghdl_Report
+ (Str : Std_String_Ptr; Severity : Integer; Loc : Ghdl_Location_Ptr);
+ Note_Severity : constant Integer := 0;
+ Warning_Severity : constant Integer := 1;
+ Error_Severity : constant Integer := 2;
+ Failure_Severity : constant Integer := 3;
+ procedure Ghdl_Bound_Check_Failed_L0 (Number : Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ procedure Ghdl_Bound_Check_Failed_L1 (Filename : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Line: Ghdl_I32);
+ -- Program error has occured:
+ -- * configuration of an already configured block.
+ procedure Ghdl_Program_Error;
+ function Ghdl_Integer_Exp (V : Ghdl_I32; E : Ghdl_I32)
+ return Ghdl_I32;
+ function Ghdl_Malloc (Size : Ghdl_Index_Type) return Ghdl_Ptr;
+ -- Allocate and clear SIZE bytes.
+ function Ghdl_Malloc0 (Size : Ghdl_Index_Type) return Ghdl_Ptr;
+ procedure Ghdl_Deallocate (Ptr : Ghdl_Ptr);
+ function Ghdl_Real_Exp (X : Ghdl_Real; Exp : Ghdl_I32)
+ return Ghdl_Real;
+ -- Create a vhdl string.
+ Ghdl_Assert_Default_Report_Arr : constant String := "Assertion violation";
+ Ghdl_Assert_Default_Report_Bounds : constant Std_String_Bound :=
+ (Dim_1 => (Left => 1,
+ Right => Ghdl_Assert_Default_Report_Arr'Length,
+ Dir => Dir_To,
+ Length => Ghdl_Assert_Default_Report_Arr'Length));
+ Ghdl_Assert_Default_Report : constant Ghdl_Uc_Array :=
+ (Base => Ghdl_Assert_Default_Report_Arr'Address,
+ Bounds => Ghdl_Assert_Default_Report_Bounds'Address);
+ -- Unfortunatly, with gnat 3.15p, we cannot use a deferred constant with
+ -- the export pragma.
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Assert_Default_Report,
+ "__ghdl_assert_default_report");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Memcpy, "__ghdl_memcpy");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Assert_Failed, "__ghdl_assert_failed");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Report, "__ghdl_report");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Bound_Check_Failed_L0,
+ "__ghdl_bound_check_failed_l0");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Bound_Check_Failed_L1,
+ "__ghdl_bound_check_failed_l1");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Program_Error, "__ghdl_program_error");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Malloc, "__ghdl_malloc");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Malloc0, "__ghdl_malloc0");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Deallocate, "__ghdl_deallocate");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Integer_Exp, "__ghdl_integer_exp");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Real_Exp, "__ghdl_real_exp");
+end Grt.Lib;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-main.adb b/translate/grt/grt-main.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db57dc81c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-main.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - entry point.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Errors;
+with Grt.Vcd;
+with Grt.Vpi;
+with Grt.Waves;
+with Grt.Stacks;
+with Grt.Processes;
+with Grt.Signals;
+with Grt.Options; use Grt.Options;
+with Grt.Disp_Rti;
+with Grt.Stats;
+with Grt.Hooks;
+with Grt.Disp_Signals;
+with Grt.Disp;
+-- The following packages are not referenced in this package.
+-- They are with'ed in order to be present in the binary.
+pragma Warnings (Off);
+with Grt.Files;
+with Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Lib;
+with Grt.Shadow_Ieee;
+with Grt.Images;
+with Grt.Values;
+with Grt.Names;
+with Grt.Vital_Annotate;
+pragma Warnings (On);
+package body Grt.Main is
+ procedure Ghdl_Elaborate;
+ pragma Import (C, Ghdl_Elaborate, "__ghdl_ELABORATE");
+ procedure Disp_Stats_Hook (Code : Integer);
+ pragma Convention (C, Disp_Stats_Hook);
+ procedure Disp_Stats_Hook (Code : Integer)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Code);
+ begin
+ Stats.End_Simulation;
+ Stats.Disp_Stats;
+ end Disp_Stats_Hook;
+ procedure Check_Flag_String
+ is
+ Err : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Err := False;
+ if (Std_Integer'Size = 32 and Flag_String (3) /= 'i')
+ or else (Std_Integer'Size = 64 and Flag_String (3) /= 'I')
+ then
+ Err := True;
+ end if;
+ if (Std_Time'Size = 32 and Flag_String (4) /= 't')
+ or else (Std_Time'Size = 64 and Flag_String (4) /= 'T')
+ then
+ Err := True;
+ end if;
+ if Err then
+ Grt.Errors.Error
+ ("GRT is not consistent with the flags used for your design");
+ end if;
+ end Check_Flag_String;
+ procedure Register_Modules is
+ begin
+ -- List of modules to be registered.
+ Grt.Vcd.Register;
+ Grt.Waves.Register;
+ Grt.Vpi.Register;
+ Grt.Vital_Annotate.Register;
+ end Register_Modules;
+ procedure Run
+ is
+ use Grt.Errors;
+ Stop : Boolean;
+ Status : Integer;
+ begin
+ Register_Modules;
+ if Flag_String (5) = '?' then
+ Set_Time_Resolution ('n');
+ end if;
+ Grt.Options.Decode (Stop);
+ Check_Flag_String;
+ -- Early stop (for options such as --help).
+ if Stop then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Internal initializations.
+ Grt.Stacks.Stack_Init;
+ Grt.Hooks.Call_Init_Hooks;
+ Grt.Processes.Init;
+ Grt.Signals.Init;
+ if Flag_Stats then
+ Grt.Errors.Ghdl_Exit_Cb1 := Disp_Stats_Hook'Access;
+ Stats.Start_Elaboration;
+ end if;
+ -- Elaboration.
+ Ghdl_Elaborate;
+ if Flag_Stats then
+ Stats.Start_Order;
+ end if;
+ if Disp_Tree /= Disp_Tree_None then
+ Grt.Disp_Rti.Disp_Hierarchy;
+ end if;
+ if not Flag_No_Run then
+ if Grt.Options.Flag_Dump_Rti then
+ Grt.Disp_Rti.Disp_All;
+ end if;
+ Grt.Signals.Order_All_Signals;
+ if Grt.Options.Disp_Signals_Map then
+ Grt.Disp_Signals.Disp_Signals_Map;
+ end if;
+ if Grt.Options.Disp_Signals_Table then
+ Grt.Disp_Signals.Disp_Signals_Table;
+ end if;
+ if Disp_Signals_Order then
+ Grt.Disp.Disp_Signals_Order;
+ end if;
+ if Flag_Stats then
+ Stats.Start_Cycles;
+ end if;
+ -- Do the simulation.
+ Status := Grt.Processes.Simulation;
+ end if;
+ if Flag_Stats then
+ Disp_Stats_Hook (0);
+ end if;
+ if Expect_Failure then
+ if Status >= 0 then
+ Expect_Failure := False;
+ Error ("error expected, but none occured");
+ end if;
+ else
+ if Status < 0 then
+ Error ("simulation failed");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Run;
+end Grt.Main;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-main.ads b/translate/grt/grt-main.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c62fe0067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-main.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - entry point.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package Grt.Main is
+ -- Register modules.
+ -- This is automatically called by RUN.
+ -- Do not call this procedure.
+ procedure Register_Modules;
+ -- Elaborate and simulate the design.
+ procedure Run;
+end Grt.Main;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-names.adb b/translate/grt/grt-names.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be4fc8665
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-names.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - 'name* subprograms.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+--with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with Grt.Processes; use Grt.Processes;
+with Grt.Rtis_Addr; use Grt.Rtis_Addr;
+with Grt.Rtis_Utils; use Grt.Rtis_Utils;
+with Grt.Vstrings; use Grt.Vstrings;
+package body Grt.Names is
+ function To_Str_String_Boundp is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => System.Address, Target => Std_String_Boundp);
+ function To_Std_String_Basep is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => String_Ptr, Target => Std_String_Basep);
+ function To_Std_String_Basep is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => System.Address, Target => Std_String_Basep);
+ procedure Get_Name (Res : Std_String_Ptr;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Name : Ghdl_Str_Len_Ptr;
+ Is_Path : Boolean)
+ is
+ procedure Memcpy (Dst : Address; Src : Address; Len : Integer);
+ pragma Import (C, Memcpy);
+ Bounds : Std_String_Boundp;
+ Len : Natural;
+ Rstr : Rstring;
+ R_Len : Natural;
+ begin
+ if Ctxt.Block /= null then
+ Prepend (Rstr, ':');
+ Get_Path_Name (Rstr, Ctxt, ':', not Is_Path);
+ R_Len := Length (Rstr);
+ Len := R_Len + Name.Len;
+ else
+ Len := Name.Len;
+ end if;
+ Bounds := To_Str_String_Boundp
+ (Ghdl_Stack2_Allocate (Std_String_Bound'Size / System.Storage_Unit));
+ Bounds.Dim_1.Left := 1;
+ Bounds.Dim_1.Right := Ghdl_I32 (Len);
+ Bounds.Dim_1.Dir := Dir_To;
+ Bounds.Dim_1.Length := Ghdl_Index_Type (Len);
+ Res.Bounds := Bounds;
+ if Ctxt.Block /= null then
+ Res.Base := To_Std_String_Basep
+ (Ghdl_Stack2_Allocate (Ghdl_Index_Type (Len)));
+ Memcpy (Res.Base (0)'Address, Get_Address (Rstr), R_Len);
+ Memcpy (Res.Base (Ghdl_Index_Type (R_Len))'Address,
+ Name.Str (1)'Address,
+ Name.Len);
+ Free (Rstr);
+ else
+ Res.Base := To_Std_String_Basep (Name.Str);
+ end if;
+ end Get_Name;
+ procedure Ghdl_Get_Path_Name (Res : Std_String_Ptr;
+ Ctxt : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Base : Address;
+ Name : Ghdl_Str_Len_Ptr)
+ is
+ begin
+ Get_Name (Res, (Base, Ctxt), Name, True);
+ end Ghdl_Get_Path_Name;
+ procedure Ghdl_Get_Instance_Name (Res : Std_String_Ptr;
+ Ctxt : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Base : Address;
+ Name : Ghdl_Str_Len_Ptr)
+ is
+ begin
+ Get_Name (Res, (Base, Ctxt), Name, False);
+ end Ghdl_Get_Instance_Name;
+end Grt.Names;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-names.ads b/translate/grt/grt-names.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd9e7efbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-names.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - 'name* subprograms.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with System; use System;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Rtis; use Grt.Rtis;
+package Grt.Names is
+ procedure Ghdl_Get_Path_Name (Res : Std_String_Ptr;
+ Ctxt : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Base : Address;
+ Name : Ghdl_Str_Len_Ptr);
+ procedure Ghdl_Get_Instance_Name (Res : Std_String_Ptr;
+ Ctxt : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Base : Address;
+ Name : Ghdl_Str_Len_Ptr);
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Get_Path_Name, "__ghdl_get_path_name");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Get_Instance_Name, "__ghdl_get_instance_name");
+end Grt.Names;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-options.adb b/translate/grt/grt-options.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9aa6f64e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-options.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - command line options.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
+with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors;
+with Grt.Astdio;
+with Grt.Hooks;
+package body Grt.Options is
+ Std_Standard_Time_Fs : Std_Time;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Ps : Std_Time;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Ns : Std_Time;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Us : Std_Time;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Ms : Std_Time;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Sec : Std_Time;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Min : Std_Time;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Hr : Std_Time;
+ pragma Export (C, Std_Standard_Time_Fs, "std__standard__time__BT__fs");
+ pragma Weak_External (Std_Standard_Time_Fs);
+ pragma Export (C, Std_Standard_Time_Ps, "std__standard__time__BT__ps");
+ pragma Weak_External (Std_Standard_Time_Ps);
+ pragma Export (C, Std_Standard_Time_Ns, "std__standard__time__BT__ns");
+ pragma Weak_External (Std_Standard_Time_Ns);
+ pragma Export (C, Std_Standard_Time_Us, "std__standard__time__BT__us");
+ pragma Weak_External (Std_Standard_Time_Us);
+ pragma Export (C, Std_Standard_Time_Ms, "std__standard__time__BT__ms");
+ pragma Weak_External (Std_Standard_Time_Ms);
+ pragma Export (C, Std_Standard_Time_Sec, "std__standard__time__BT__sec");
+ pragma Weak_External (Std_Standard_Time_Sec);
+ pragma Export (C, Std_Standard_Time_Min, "std__standard__time__BT__min");
+ pragma Weak_External (Std_Standard_Time_Min);
+ pragma Export (C, Std_Standard_Time_Hr, "std__standard__time__BT__hr");
+ pragma Weak_External (Std_Standard_Time_Hr);
+ procedure Set_Time_Resolution (Res : Character)
+ is
+ begin
+ Std_Standard_Time_Hr := 0;
+ case Res is
+ when 'f' =>
+ Std_Standard_Time_Fs := 1;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Ps := 1000;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Ns := 1000_000;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Us := 1000_000_000;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Ms := Std_Time'Last;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Sec := Std_Time'Last;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Min := Std_Time'Last;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Hr := Std_Time'Last;
+ when 'p' =>
+ Std_Standard_Time_Fs := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Ps := 1;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Ns := 1000;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Us := 1000_000;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Ms := 1000_000_000;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Sec := Std_Time'Last;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Min := Std_Time'Last;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Hr := Std_Time'Last;
+ when 'n' =>
+ Std_Standard_Time_Fs := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Ps := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Ns := 1;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Us := 1000;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Ms := 1000_000;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Sec := 1000_000_000;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Min := Std_Time'Last;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Hr := Std_Time'Last;
+ when 'u' =>
+ Std_Standard_Time_Fs := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Ps := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Ns := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Us := 1;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Ms := 1000;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Sec := 1000_000;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Min := 60_000_000;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Hr := Std_Time'Last;
+ when 'm' =>
+ Std_Standard_Time_Fs := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Ps := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Ns := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Us := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Ms := 1;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Sec := 1000;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Min := 60_000;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Hr := 3600_000;
+ when 's' =>
+ Std_Standard_Time_Fs := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Ps := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Ns := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Us := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Ms := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Sec := 1;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Min := 60;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Hr := 3600;
+ when 'M' =>
+ Std_Standard_Time_Fs := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Ps := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Ns := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Us := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Ms := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Sec := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Min := 1;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Hr := 60;
+ when 'h' =>
+ Std_Standard_Time_Fs := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Ps := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Ns := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Us := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Ms := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Sec := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Min := 0;
+ Std_Standard_Time_Hr := 1;
+ when others =>
+ Error ("bad time resolution");
+ end case;
+ end Set_Time_Resolution;
+ procedure Help
+ is
+ use Grt.Astdio;
+ procedure P (Str : String) renames Put_Line;
+ Prog_Name : Ghdl_C_String;
+ begin
+ if Argc > 0 then
+ Prog_Name := Argv (0);
+ Put ("Usage: ");
+ Put (Prog_Name (1 .. strlen (Prog_Name)));
+ Put (" [OPTIONS]");
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ P ("Options are:");
+ P (" --help, -h disp this help");
+ P (" --assert-level=LEVEL stop simulation if assert at LEVEL");
+ P (" LEVEL is note,warning,error,failure,none");
+ P (" --stop-time=X stop the simulation at time X");
+ P (" X is expressed as a time value, without spaces: 1ns, ps...");
+ P (" --stop-delta=X stop the simulation cycle after X delta");
+ P (" --disp-tree[=KIND] disp the design hierarchy after elaboration");
+ P (" KIND is inst, proc, port (default)");
+ P (" --expect-failure invert exit status");
+ P (" --stack-size=X set the stack size of non-sensitized processes");
+ P (" --stack-max-size=X set the maximum stack size");
+ P (" --no-run do not simulate, only elaborate");
+ Grt.Hooks.Call_Help_Hooks;
+ P ("trace options:");
+ P (" --disp-time disp time as simulation advances");
+ P (" --trace-signals disp signals after each cycle");
+ P (" --trace-processes disp process name before each cycle");
+ P (" --stats display run-time statistics");
+ P ("debug options:");
+ P (" --disp-order disp signals order");
+ P (" --disp-sources disp sources while displaying signals");
+ P (" --disp-sig-types disp signal types");
+ P (" --disp-signals-map disp map bw declared sigs and internal sigs");
+ P (" --disp-signals-table disp internal signals");
+ P (" --dump-rti dump Run Time Information");
+ P (" --checks do internal checks after each process run");
+ P (" --activity=LEVEL watch activity of LEVEL signals");
+ P (" LEVEL is all, min (default) or none (unsafe)");
+ end Help;
+ -- Extract from STR a number.
+ -- First, all leading blanks are skipped.
+ -- Then, all next digits are eaten.
+ -- The position of the first non digit or one past the upper bound is
+ -- returned into POS.
+ -- If there is no digits, OK is set to false, else to true.
+ procedure Extract_Integer
+ (Str : String;
+ Ok : out Boolean;
+ Result : out Integer_64;
+ Pos : out Natural)
+ is
+ begin
+ Pos := Str'First;
+ -- Skip blanks.
+ while Pos <= Str'Last and then Str (Pos) = ' ' loop
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end loop;
+ Ok := False;
+ Result := 0;
+ loop
+ exit when Pos > Str'Last or else Str (Pos) not in '0' .. '9';
+ Ok := True;
+ Result := Result * 10
+ + (Character'Pos (Str (Pos)) - Character'Pos ('0'));
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end Extract_Integer;
+ function Extract_Size (Str : String; Option_Name : String) return Natural
+ is
+ Ok : Boolean;
+ Val : Integer_64;
+ Pos : Natural;
+ begin
+ Extract_Integer (Str, Ok, Val, Pos);
+ if not Ok then
+ Val := 1;
+ end if;
+ if Pos > Str'Last then
+ -- No suffix.
+ return Natural (Val);
+ end if;
+ if Pos = Str'Last
+ or else (Pos + 1 = Str'Last
+ and then (Str (Pos + 1) = 'b' or Str (Pos + 1) = 'o'))
+ then
+ if Str (Pos) = 'k' or Str (Pos) = 'K' then
+ return Natural (Val) * 1024;
+ elsif Str (Pos) = 'm' or Str (Pos) = 'M' then
+ return Natural (Val) * 1024 * 1024;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Error_C ("bad memory unit for option ");
+ Error_E (Option_Name);
+ end Extract_Size;
+ function To_Lower (C : Character) return Character is
+ begin
+ if C in 'A' .. 'Z' then
+ return Character'Val (Character'Pos (C) + 32);
+ else
+ return C;
+ end if;
+ end To_Lower;
+ procedure Decode (Stop : out Boolean)
+ is
+ Arg : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Len : Natural;
+ begin
+ Stop := False;
+ Last_Opt := Argc - 1;
+ for I in 1 .. Argc - 1 loop
+ Arg := Argv (I);
+ Len := strlen (Arg);
+ declare
+ Argument : String := Arg (1 .. Len);
+ begin
+ if Argument = "--" then
+ Last_Opt := I;
+ exit;
+ elsif Argument = "--help" or else Argument = "-h" then
+ Help;
+ Stop := True;
+ elsif Len >= 11 and then Argument (1 .. 11) = "--disp-tree" then
+ if Len = 11 then
+ Disp_Tree := Disp_Tree_Port;
+ elsif Argument (12 .. Len) = "=port" then
+ Disp_Tree := Disp_Tree_Port;
+ elsif Argument (12 .. Len) = "=proc" then
+ Disp_Tree := Disp_Tree_Proc;
+ elsif Argument (12 .. Len) = "=inst" then
+ Disp_Tree := Disp_Tree_Inst;
+ elsif Argument (12 .. Len) = "=none" then
+ Disp_Tree := Disp_Tree_None;
+ else
+ Error ("bad argument for --disp-tree option, try --help");
+ end if;
+ elsif Argument = "--disp-time" then
+ Disp_Time := True;
+ elsif Argument = "--trace-signals" then
+ Trace_Signals := True;
+ Disp_Time := True;
+ elsif Argument = "--trace-processes" then
+ Trace_Processes := True;
+ Disp_Time := True;
+ elsif Argument = "--disp-order" then
+ Disp_Signals_Order := True;
+ elsif Argument = "--checks" then
+ Checks := True;
+ elsif Argument = "--disp-sources" then
+ Disp_Sources := True;
+ elsif Argument = "--disp-sig-types" then
+ Disp_Sig_Types := True;
+ elsif Argument = "--disp-signals-map" then
+ Disp_Signals_Map := True;
+ elsif Argument = "--disp-signals-table" then
+ Disp_Signals_Table := True;
+ elsif Argument = "--dump-rti" then
+ Flag_Dump_Rti := True;
+ elsif Argument = "--stats" then
+ Flag_Stats := True;
+ elsif Argument = "--no-run" then
+ Flag_No_Run := True;
+ elsif Len > 18 and then Argument (1 .. 18) = "--time-resolution="
+ then
+ declare
+ Res : Character;
+ Unit : String (1 .. 3);
+ begin
+ Res := '?';
+ if Len >= 20 then
+ Unit (1) := To_Lower (Argument (19));
+ Unit (2) := To_Lower (Argument (20));
+ if Len = 20 then
+ if Unit (1 .. 2) = "fs" then
+ Res := 'f';
+ elsif Unit (1 .. 2) = "ps" then
+ Res := 'p';
+ elsif Unit (1 .. 2) = "ns" then
+ Res := 'n';
+ elsif Unit (1 .. 2) = "us" then
+ Res := 'u';
+ elsif Unit (1 .. 2) = "ms" then
+ Res := 'm';
+ elsif Unit (1 .. 2) = "hr" then
+ Res := 'h';
+ end if;
+ elsif Len = 21 then
+ Unit (3) := To_Lower (Argument (21));
+ if Unit = "min" then
+ Res := 'M';
+ elsif Unit = "sec" then
+ Res := 's';
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Res = '?' then
+ Error_C ("bad unit for '");
+ Error_C (Argument);
+ Error_E ("'");
+ else
+ if Flag_String (5) = '-' then
+ Error ("time resolution is ignored");
+ elsif Flag_String (5) = '?' then
+ if Stop_Time /= Std_Time'Last then
+ Error ("time resolution must be set "
+ & "before --stop-time");
+ else
+ Set_Time_Resolution (Res);
+ end if;
+ elsif Flag_String (5) /= Res then
+ Error ("time resolution is fixed during analysis");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ elsif Len > 12 and then Argument (1 .. 12) = "--stop-time=" then
+ declare
+ Ok : Boolean;
+ Pos : Natural;
+ Time : Integer_64;
+ Unit : String (1 .. 3);
+ begin
+ Extract_Integer (Argument (13 .. Len), Ok, Time, Pos);
+ if not Ok then
+ Time := 1;
+ end if;
+ if (Len - Pos + 1) not in 2 .. 3 then
+ Error_C ("bad unit for '");
+ Error_C (Argument);
+ Error_E ("'");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Unit (1) := To_Lower (Argument (Pos));
+ Unit (2) := To_Lower (Argument (Pos + 1));
+ if Len = Pos + 2 then
+ Unit (3) := To_Lower (Argument (Pos + 2));
+ else
+ Unit (3) := ' ';
+ end if;
+ if Unit = "fs " then
+ null;
+ elsif Unit = "ps " then
+ Time := Time * (10 ** 3);
+ elsif Unit = "ns " then
+ Time := Time * (10 ** 6);
+ elsif Unit = "us " then
+ Time := Time * (10 ** 9);
+ elsif Unit = "ms " then
+ Time := Time * (10 ** 12);
+ elsif Unit = "sec" then
+ Time := Time * (10 ** 15);
+ elsif Unit = "min" then
+ Time := Time * (10 ** 15) * 60;
+ elsif Unit = "hr " then
+ Time := Time * (10 ** 15) * 3600;
+ else
+ Error_C ("bad unit name for '");
+ Error_C (Argument);
+ Error_E ("'");
+ end if;
+ Stop_Time := Std_Time (Time);
+ end;
+ elsif Len > 13 and then Argument (1 .. 13) = "--stop-delta=" then
+ declare
+ Ok : Boolean;
+ Pos : Natural;
+ Time : Integer_64;
+ begin
+ Extract_Integer (Argument (14 .. Len), Ok, Time, Pos);
+ if not Ok or else Pos <= Len then
+ Error_C ("bad value in '");
+ Error_C (Argument);
+ Error_E ("'");
+ else
+ if Time > Integer_64 (Integer'Last) then
+ Stop_Delta := Integer'Last;
+ else
+ Stop_Delta := Integer (Time);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ elsif Len > 15 and then Argument (1 .. 15) = "--assert-level=" then
+ if Argument (16 .. Len) = "note" then
+ Severity_Level := Note_Severity;
+ elsif Argument (16 .. Len) = "warning" then
+ Severity_Level := Warning_Severity;
+ elsif Argument (16 .. Len) = "error" then
+ Severity_Level := Error_Severity;
+ elsif Argument (16 .. Len) = "failure" then
+ Severity_Level := Failure_Severity;
+ elsif Argument (16 .. Len) = "none" then
+ Severity_Level := 4;
+ else
+ Error ("bad argument for --assert-level option, try --help");
+ end if;
+ elsif Argument = "--expect-failure" then
+ Expect_Failure := True;
+ elsif Len >= 13 and then Argument (1 .. 13) = "--stack-size=" then
+ Stack_Size := Extract_Size
+ (Argument (14 .. Len), "--stack-size");
+ if Stack_Size > Stack_Max_Size then
+ Stack_Max_Size := Stack_Size;
+ end if;
+ elsif Len >= 17 and then Argument (1 .. 17) = "--stack-max-size="
+ then
+ Stack_Max_Size := Extract_Size
+ (Argument (18 .. Len), "--stack-size");
+ if Stack_Size > Stack_Max_Size then
+ Stack_Size := Stack_Max_Size;
+ end if;
+ elsif Len >= 11 and then Argument (1 .. 11) = "--activity="
+ then
+ if Argument (12 .. Len) = "none" then
+ Flag_Activity := Activity_None;
+ elsif Argument (12 .. Len) = "min" then
+ Flag_Activity := Activity_Minimal;
+ elsif Argument (12 .. Len) = "all" then
+ Flag_Activity := Activity_All;
+ else
+ Error ("bad argument for --activity, try --help");
+ end if;
+ elsif not Grt.Hooks.Call_Option_Hooks (Argument) then
+ Error_C ("unknown option '");
+ Error_C (Argument);
+ Error_E ("', try --help");
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ end Decode;
+end Grt.Options;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-options.ads b/translate/grt/grt-options.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3257e9f22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-options.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - command line options.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Lib; use Grt.Lib;
+package Grt.Options is
+ pragma Preelaborate (Grt.Options);
+ -- Name of the program, set by argv[0].
+ -- Must be set before calling DECODE.
+ Progname : Ghdl_C_String;
+ -- Arguments.
+ -- This mimics argc/argv of 'main'.
+ -- These must be set before calling DECODE.
+ Argc : Integer;
+ type Argv_Array_Type is array (Natural) of Ghdl_C_String;
+ type Argv_Type is access Argv_Array_Type;
+ Argv : Argv_Type;
+ -- Last option decoded.
+ -- Following arguments are reserved for the program.
+ Last_Opt : Integer;
+ -- Consistent flags used for analysis.
+ -- Format is "VVitr", where:
+ -- 'VV' is the version (87 or 93).
+ -- 'i' is the integer size ('i' for 32 bits, 'I' for 64 bits).
+ -- 't' is the time size ('t' for 32 bits, 'T' for 64 bits).
+ -- 'r' is the resolution ('?' for to be set by the user, '-' for any).
+ Flag_String : constant String (1 .. 5);
+ pragma Import (C, Flag_String, "__ghdl_flag_string");
+ -- Display options help.
+ -- Should not be called directly.
+ procedure Help;
+ -- Decode command line options.
+ -- If STOP is true, there nothing must happen (set by --help).
+ procedure Decode (Stop : out Boolean);
+ -- Set by --disp-tree, to display the design hierarchy.
+ type Disp_Tree_Kind is
+ (
+ Disp_Tree_None, -- Do not disp tree.
+ Disp_Tree_Inst, -- Disp entities, arch, package, blocks, components.
+ Disp_Tree_Proc, -- As above plus processes
+ Disp_Tree_Port -- As above plus ports and signals.
+ );
+ Disp_Tree : Disp_Tree_Kind := Disp_Tree_None;
+ -- Set by --disp-time (and --trace-signals, --trace-processes) to display
+ -- time and deltas.
+ Disp_Time : Boolean := False;
+ -- Set by --trace-signals, to display signals after each cycle.
+ Trace_Signals : Boolean := False;
+ -- Set by --trace-processes, to display process name before being run.
+ Trace_Processes : Boolean := False;
+ -- Set by --disp-sig-types, to display signals and they types.
+ Disp_Sig_Types : Boolean := False;
+ Disp_Sources : Boolean := False;
+ Disp_Signals_Map : Boolean := False;
+ Disp_Signals_Table : Boolean := False;
+ -- Set by --disp-order to diplay evaluation order of signals.
+ Disp_Signals_Order : Boolean := False;
+ -- Set by --stats to display statistics.
+ Flag_Stats : Boolean := False;
+ -- Set by --checks to do internal checks.
+ Checks : Boolean := False;
+ -- Level at which an assert stop the simulation.
+ Severity_Level : Integer := Failure_Severity;
+ -- Set by --stop-time=XXX to stop the simulation at or just after XXX.
+ -- (unit is fs in fact).
+ Stop_Time : Std_Time := Std_Time'Last;
+ -- Set by --stop-delta=XXX to stop the simulation after XXX delta cycles.
+ Stop_Delta : Natural := 5000;
+ -- The default stack size for non-sensitized processes.
+ Stack_Size : Natural := 8 * 1024;
+ -- The maximum stack size for non-sensitized processes.
+ Stack_Max_Size : Natural := 128 * 1024;
+ -- If set, dump rtis.
+ Flag_Dump_Rti : Boolean := False;
+ -- Set by --no-run
+ -- If set, do not simulate, only elaborate.
+ Flag_No_Run : Boolean := False;
+ type Activity_Mode is (Activity_All, Activity_Minimal, Activity_None);
+ Flag_Activity : Activity_Mode := Activity_Minimal;
+ -- Set the time resolution.
+ -- Only call this subprogram if you are allowed to set the time resolution.
+ procedure Set_Time_Resolution (Res : Character);
+ pragma Export (C, Stack_Size);
+ pragma Export (C, Stack_Max_Size);
+end Grt.Options;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-processes.adb b/translate/grt/grt-processes.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a4e269bf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-processes.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,795 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - processes.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with GNAT.Table;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
+with Grt.Stack2; use Grt.Stack2;
+with Grt.Disp;
+with Grt.Astdio;
+with Grt.Signals; use Grt.Signals;
+with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors;
+with Grt.Stacks; use Grt.Stacks;
+with Grt.Options;
+with Grt.Rtis_Addr; use Grt.Rtis_Addr;
+with Grt.Rtis_Utils;
+with Grt.Hooks;
+with Grt.Disp_Signals;
+with Grt.Stdio;
+with Grt.Stats;
+package body Grt.Processes is
+ -- Access to a process subprogram.
+ type Proc_Acc is access procedure (Self : System.Address);
+ -- Simply linked list for sensitivity.
+ type Sensitivity_El;
+ type Sensitivity_Acc is access Sensitivity_El;
+ type Sensitivity_El is record
+ Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Next : Sensitivity_Acc;
+ end record;
+ Last_Time : Std_Time := Std_Time'Last;
+ -- State of a process.
+ type Process_State is
+ (
+ -- Sensitized process. Its state cannot change.
+ State_Sensitized,
+ -- Verilog process, being suspended.
+ State_Delayed,
+ -- Non-sensitized process being suspended.
+ State_Wait,
+ -- Non-sensitized process being awaked by a wait timeout. This state
+ -- is transcient.
+ State_Timeout,
+ -- Non-sensitized process waiting until end.
+ State_Dead);
+ type Process_Type is record
+ -- Stack for the process.
+ -- This must be the first field of the record (and this is the only
+ -- part visible).
+ -- Must be NULL_STACK for sensitized processes.
+ Stack : Stack_Type;
+ -- Subprogram containing process code.
+ Subprg : Proc_Acc;
+ -- Instance (THIS parameter) for the subprogram.
+ This : System.Address;
+ -- Name of the process.
+ Rti : Rti_Context;
+ -- True if the process is resumed and will be run at next cycle.
+ Resumed : Boolean;
+ -- True if the process is postponed.
+ Postponed : Boolean;
+ State : Process_State;
+ -- Timeout value for wait.
+ Timeout : Std_Time;
+ -- Sensitivity list.
+ Sensitivity : Sensitivity_Acc;
+ end record;
+ type Process_Acc is access all Process_Type;
+ -- Per 'thread' data.
+ -- The process being executed.
+ Cur_Proc_Id : Process_Id;
+ Cur_Proc : Process_Acc;
+ pragma Export (C, Cur_Proc, "grt_cur_proc");
+ -- The secondary stack for the thread.
+ Stack2 : Stack2_Ptr;
+ package Process_Table is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Component_Type => Process_Type,
+ Table_Index_Type => Process_Id,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 1,
+ Table_Initial => 1,
+ Table_Increment => 100);
+ procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Name => Sensitivity_Acc, Object => Sensitivity_El);
+ procedure Init is
+ begin
+ Process_Table.Init;
+ end Init;
+ function Get_Current_Process_Id return Process_Id
+ is
+ begin
+ return Cur_Proc_Id;
+ end Get_Current_Process_Id;
+ function Get_Nbr_Processes return Natural is
+ begin
+ return Natural (Process_Table.Last);
+ end Get_Nbr_Processes;
+ procedure Process_Register (This : System.Address;
+ Proc : System.Address;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ State : Process_State;
+ Postponed : Boolean)
+ is
+ function To_Proc_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => System.Address, Target => Proc_Acc);
+ Stack : Stack_Type;
+ begin
+ if State /= State_Sensitized then
+ Stack := Stack_Create (Proc, This);
+ else
+ Stack := Null_Stack;
+ end if;
+ Process_Table.Increment_Last;
+ Process_Table.Table (Process_Table.Last) :=
+ (Subprg => To_Proc_Acc (Proc),
+ This => This,
+ Rti => Ctxt,
+ Sensitivity => null,
+ Resumed => True,
+ Postponed => Postponed,
+ State => State,
+ Timeout => Bad_Time,
+ Stack => Stack);
+ -- Used to create drivers.
+ Cur_Proc_Id := Process_Table.Last;
+ end Process_Register;
+ procedure Ghdl_Process_Register
+ (Instance : System.Address;
+ Proc : System.Address;
+ Ctxt : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Addr : System.Address)
+ is
+ begin
+ Process_Register (Instance, Proc, (Addr, Ctxt), State_Timeout, False);
+ end Ghdl_Process_Register;
+ procedure Ghdl_Sensitized_Process_Register
+ (Instance : System.Address;
+ Proc : System.Address;
+ Ctxt : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Addr : System.Address)
+ is
+ begin
+ Process_Register (Instance, Proc, (Addr, Ctxt), State_Sensitized, False);
+ end Ghdl_Sensitized_Process_Register;
+ procedure Ghdl_Postponed_Process_Register
+ (Instance : System.Address;
+ Proc : System.Address;
+ Ctxt : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Addr : System.Address)
+ is
+ begin
+ Process_Register (Instance, Proc, (Addr, Ctxt), State_Timeout, True);
+ end Ghdl_Postponed_Process_Register;
+ procedure Ghdl_Postponed_Sensitized_Process_Register
+ (Instance : System.Address;
+ Proc : System.Address;
+ Ctxt : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Addr : System.Address)
+ is
+ begin
+ Process_Register (Instance, Proc, (Addr, Ctxt), State_Sensitized, True);
+ end Ghdl_Postponed_Sensitized_Process_Register;
+ procedure Verilog_Process_Register (This : System.Address;
+ Proc : System.Address;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context)
+ is
+ function To_Proc_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => System.Address, Target => Proc_Acc);
+ begin
+ Process_Table.Increment_Last;
+ Process_Table.Table (Process_Table.Last) :=
+ (Rti => Ctxt,
+ Sensitivity => null,
+ Resumed => True,
+ Postponed => False,
+ State => State_Sensitized,
+ Timeout => Bad_Time,
+ Subprg => To_Proc_Acc (Proc),
+ This => This,
+ Stack => Null_Stack);
+ -- Used to create drivers.
+ Cur_Proc_Id := Process_Table.Last;
+ end Verilog_Process_Register;
+ procedure Ghdl_Initial_Register (Instance : System.Address;
+ Proc : System.Address)
+ is
+ begin
+ Verilog_Process_Register (Instance, Proc, Null_Context);
+ end Ghdl_Initial_Register;
+ procedure Ghdl_Always_Register (Instance : System.Address;
+ Proc : System.Address)
+ is
+ begin
+ Verilog_Process_Register (Instance, Proc, Null_Context);
+ end Ghdl_Always_Register;
+ procedure Ghdl_Process_Add_Sensitivity (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ is
+ begin
+ Resume_Process_If_Event (Sig, Process_Table.Last);
+ end Ghdl_Process_Add_Sensitivity;
+ procedure Resume_Process (Proc : Process_Id) is
+ begin
+ Process_Table.Table (Proc).Resumed := True;
+ end Resume_Process;
+ function Ghdl_Stack2_Allocate (Size : Ghdl_Index_Type)
+ return System.Address
+ is
+ begin
+ return Grt.Stack2.Allocate (Stack2, Size);
+ end Ghdl_Stack2_Allocate;
+ function Ghdl_Stack2_Mark return Mark_Id is
+ begin
+ if Stack2 = Null_Stack2_Ptr then
+ Stack2 := Grt.Stack2.Create;
+ end if;
+ return Grt.Stack2.Mark (Stack2);
+ end Ghdl_Stack2_Mark;
+ procedure Ghdl_Stack2_Release (Mark : Mark_Id) is
+ begin
+ Grt.Stack2.Release (Stack2, Mark);
+ end Ghdl_Stack2_Release;
+ function To_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => System.Address, Target => Process_Acc);
+ procedure Ghdl_Process_Wait_Add_Sensitivity (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ is
+ El : Sensitivity_Acc;
+ begin
+ El := new Sensitivity_El'(Sig => Sig,
+ Next => Cur_Proc.Sensitivity);
+ Cur_Proc.Sensitivity := El;
+ end Ghdl_Process_Wait_Add_Sensitivity;
+ procedure Ghdl_Process_Wait_Set_Timeout (Time : Std_Time)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Time < 0 then
+ -- LRM93 8.1
+ Error ("negative timeout clause");
+ end if;
+ Cur_Proc.Timeout := Current_Time + Time;
+ end Ghdl_Process_Wait_Set_Timeout;
+ function Ghdl_Process_Wait_Suspend return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ if Cur_Proc.State = State_Sensitized then
+ Error ("wait statement in a sensitized process");
+ end if;
+ -- Suspend this process.
+ Cur_Proc.State := State_Wait;
+-- if Cur_Proc.Timeout = Bad_Time then
+-- Cur_Proc.Timeout := Std_Time'Last;
+-- end if;
+ Stack_Switch (Main_Stack, Cur_Proc.Stack);
+ return Cur_Proc.State = State_Timeout;
+ end Ghdl_Process_Wait_Suspend;
+ procedure Ghdl_Process_Wait_Close
+ is
+ El : Sensitivity_Acc;
+ N_El : Sensitivity_Acc;
+ begin
+ El := Cur_Proc.Sensitivity;
+ Cur_Proc.Sensitivity := null;
+ while El /= null loop
+ N_El := El.Next;
+ Free (El);
+ El := N_El;
+ end loop;
+ end Ghdl_Process_Wait_Close;
+ procedure Ghdl_Process_Wait_Exit
+ is
+ begin
+ if Cur_Proc.State = State_Sensitized then
+ Error ("wait statement in a sensitized process");
+ end if;
+ -- Mark this process as dead, in order to kill it.
+ -- It cannot be killed now, since this code is still in the process.
+ Cur_Proc.State := State_Dead;
+ -- Suspend this process.
+ Stack_Switch (Main_Stack, Cur_Proc.Stack);
+ end Ghdl_Process_Wait_Exit;
+ procedure Ghdl_Process_Wait_Timeout (Time : Std_Time)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Cur_Proc.State = State_Sensitized then
+ Error ("wait statement in a sensitized process");
+ end if;
+ if Time < 0 then
+ -- LRM93 8.1
+ Error ("negative timeout clause");
+ end if;
+ Cur_Proc.Timeout := Current_Time + Time;
+ Cur_Proc.State := State_Wait;
+ -- Suspend this process.
+ Stack_Switch (Main_Stack, Cur_Proc.Stack);
+ end Ghdl_Process_Wait_Timeout;
+ -- Verilog.
+ procedure Ghdl_Process_Delay (Del : Ghdl_U32)
+ is
+ begin
+ Cur_Proc.Timeout := Current_Time + Std_Time (Del);
+ Cur_Proc.State := State_Delayed;
+ end Ghdl_Process_Delay;
+ -- Protected object lock.
+ -- Note: there is no real locks, since the kernel is single threading.
+ -- Multi lock is allowed, and rules are just checked.
+ type Object_Lock is record
+ -- The owner of the lock.
+ -- Nul_Process_Id means the lock is free.
+ Process : Process_Id;
+ -- Number of times the lock has been acquired.
+ Count : Natural;
+ end record;
+ type Object_Lock_Acc is access Object_Lock;
+ type Object_Lock_Acc_Acc is access Object_Lock_Acc;
+ function To_Lock_Acc_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => System.Address, Target => Object_Lock_Acc_Acc);
+ procedure Ghdl_Protected_Enter (Obj : System.Address)
+ is
+ Lock : Object_Lock_Acc := To_Lock_Acc_Acc (Obj).all;
+ begin
+ if Lock.Process = Nul_Process_Id then
+ if Lock.Count /= 0 then
+ Internal_Error ("protected_enter");
+ end if;
+ Lock.Process := Get_Current_Process_Id;
+ Lock.Count := 1;
+ else
+ if Lock.Process /= Get_Current_Process_Id then
+ Internal_Error ("protected_enter(2)");
+ end if;
+ Lock.Count := Lock.Count + 1;
+ end if;
+ end Ghdl_Protected_Enter;
+ procedure Ghdl_Protected_Leave (Obj : System.Address)
+ is
+ Lock : Object_Lock_Acc := To_Lock_Acc_Acc (Obj).all;
+ begin
+ if Lock.Process /= Get_Current_Process_Id then
+ Internal_Error ("protected_leave(1)");
+ end if;
+ if Lock.Count <= 0 then
+ Internal_Error ("protected_leave(2)");
+ end if;
+ Lock.Count := Lock.Count - 1;
+ if Lock.Count = 0 then
+ Lock.Process := Nul_Process_Id;
+ end if;
+ end Ghdl_Protected_Leave;
+ procedure Ghdl_Protected_Init (Obj : System.Address)
+ is
+ Lock : Object_Lock_Acc_Acc := To_Lock_Acc_Acc (Obj);
+ begin
+ Lock.all := new Object_Lock'(Process => Nul_Process_Id,
+ Count => 0);
+ end Ghdl_Protected_Init;
+ procedure Ghdl_Protected_Fini (Obj : System.Address)
+ is
+ procedure Deallocate is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Object => Object_Lock, Name => Object_Lock_Acc);
+ Lock : Object_Lock_Acc_Acc := To_Lock_Acc_Acc (Obj);
+ begin
+ if Lock.all.Count /= 0 or Lock.all.Process /= Nul_Process_Id then
+ Internal_Error ("protected_fini");
+ end if;
+ Deallocate (Lock.all);
+ end Ghdl_Protected_Fini;
+ function Compute_Next_Time return Std_Time
+ is
+ Res : Std_Time;
+ begin
+ -- f) The time of the next simulation cycle, Tn, is determined by
+ -- setting it to the earliest of
+ -- 1) TIME'HIGH
+ Res := Std_Time'Last;
+ -- 2) The next time at which a driver becomes active, or
+ Res := Std_Time'Min (Res, Grt.Signals.Find_Next_Time);
+ if Res = Current_Time then
+ return Res;
+ end if;
+ -- 3) The next time at which a process resumes.
+ for I in Process_Table.First .. Process_Table.Last loop
+ declare
+ Proc : Process_Type renames Process_Table.Table (I);
+ begin
+ if Proc.State = State_Wait
+ and then Proc.Timeout < Res
+ and then Proc.Timeout >= 0
+ then
+ -- No signals to be updated.
+ Grt.Signals.Flush_Active_List;
+ if Proc.Timeout = Current_Time then
+ -- Can't be better.
+ return Current_Time;
+ else
+ Res := Proc.Timeout;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end Compute_Next_Time;
+ procedure Disp_Process_Name (Stream : Grt.Stdio.FILEs; Proc : Process_Id)
+ is
+ begin
+ Grt.Rtis_Utils.Put (Stream, Process_Table.Table (Proc).Rti);
+ end Disp_Process_Name;
+ type Run_Handler is access function return Integer;
+ -- pragma Convention (C, Run_Handler);
+ function Run_Through_Longjump (Hand : Run_Handler) return Integer;
+ pragma Import (C, Run_Through_Longjump, "__ghdl_run_through_longjump");
+ -- Run resumed processes.
+ -- If POSTPONED is true, resume postponed processes, else resume
+ -- non-posponed processes.
+ -- Returns one of these values:
+ -- No process has been run.
+ Run_None : constant Integer := 1;
+ -- At least one process was run.
+ Run_Resumed : constant Integer := 2;
+ -- Simulation is finished.
+ Run_Finished : constant Integer := 3;
+ -- Failure, simulation should stop.
+ Run_Failure : constant Integer := -1;
+ function Run_Processes (Postponed : Boolean) return Integer
+ is
+ Status : Integer;
+ begin
+ Status := Run_None;
+ if Options.Flag_Stats then
+ Stats.Start_Processes;
+ end if;
+ for I in Process_Table.First .. Process_Table.Last loop
+ if Process_Table.Table (I).Postponed = Postponed
+ and Process_Table.Table (I).Resumed
+ then
+ if Grt.Options.Trace_Processes then
+ Grt.Astdio.Put ("run process ");
+ Disp_Process_Name (Stdio.stdout, I);
+ Grt.Astdio.Put (" [");
+ Grt.Astdio.Put (Stdio.stdout, Process_Table.Table (I).This);
+ Grt.Astdio.Put ("]");
+ Grt.Astdio.New_Line;
+ end if;
+ Process_Table.Table (I).Resumed := False;
+ Status := Run_Resumed;
+ Cur_Proc_Id := I;
+ Cur_Proc := To_Acc (Process_Table.Table (I)'Address);
+ if Cur_Proc.State = State_Sensitized then
+ Cur_Proc.Subprg.all (Cur_Proc.This);
+ else
+ Stack_Switch (Cur_Proc.Stack, Main_Stack);
+ end if;
+ if Grt.Options.Checks then
+ Ghdl_Signal_Internal_Checks;
+ Grt.Stack2.Check_Empty (Stack2);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Options.Flag_Stats then
+ Stats.End_Processes;
+ end if;
+ return Status;
+ end Run_Processes;
+ function Initialization_Phase return Integer
+ is
+ Status : Integer;
+ begin
+ -- LRM93 12.6.4
+ -- At the beginning of initialization, the current time, Tc, is assumed
+ -- to be 0 ns.
+ Current_Time := 0;
+ -- The initialization phase consists of the following steps:
+ -- - The driving value and the effective value of each explicitly
+ -- declared signal are computed, and the current value of the signal
+ -- is set to the effective value. This value is assumed to have been
+ -- the value of the signal for an infinite length of time prior to
+ -- the start of the simulation.
+ Init_Signals;
+ -- - The value of each implicit signal of the form S'Stable(T) or
+ -- S'Quiet(T) is set to true. The value of each implicit signal of
+ -- the form S'Delayed is set to the initial value of its prefix, S.
+ -- GHDL: already done when the signals are created.
+ null;
+ -- - The value of each implicit GUARD signal is set to the result of
+ -- evaluating the corresponding guard expression.
+ null;
+ -- - Each nonpostponed process in the model is executed until it
+ -- suspends.
+ Status := Run_Processes (Postponed => False);
+ if Status = Run_Failure then
+ return Run_Failure;
+ end if;
+ -- - Each postponed process in the model is executed until it suspends.
+ Status := Run_Processes (Postponed => True);
+ if Status = Run_Failure then
+ return Run_Failure;
+ end if;
+ -- - The time of the next simulation cycle (which in this case is the
+ -- first simulation cycle), Tn, is calculated according to the rules
+ -- of step f of the simulation cycle, below.
+ Current_Time := Compute_Next_Time;
+ return Run_Resumed;
+ end Initialization_Phase;
+ -- Launch a simulation cycle.
+ -- Set FINISHED to true if this is the last cycle.
+ function Simulation_Cycle return Integer
+ is
+ Tn : Std_Time;
+ Status : Integer;
+ begin
+ -- LRM93 12.6.4
+ -- A simulation cycle consists of the following steps:
+ --
+ -- a) The current time, Tc is set equal to Tn. Simulation is complete
+ -- when Tn = TIME'HIGH and there are no active drivers or process
+ -- resumptions at Tn.
+ -- GHDL: this is done at the last step of the cycle.
+ null;
+ -- b) Each active explicit signal in the model is updated. (Events
+ -- may occur on signals as a result).
+ -- c) Each implicit signal in the model is updated. (Events may occur
+ -- on signals as a result.)
+ if Options.Flag_Stats then
+ Stats.Start_Update;
+ end if;
+ Update_Signals;
+ if Options.Flag_Stats then
+ Stats.End_Update;
+ end if;
+ -- d) For each process P, if P is currently sensitive to a signal S and
+ -- if an event has occured on S in this simulation cycle, then P
+ -- resumes.
+ for I in Process_Table.First .. Process_Table.Last loop
+ declare
+ Proc : Process_Type renames Process_Table.Table (I);
+ El : Sensitivity_Acc;
+ begin
+ case Proc.State is
+ when State_Sensitized =>
+ null;
+ when State_Delayed =>
+ if Proc.Timeout = Current_Time then
+ Proc.Timeout := Bad_Time;
+ Proc.Resumed := True;
+ Proc.State := State_Sensitized;
+ end if;
+ when State_Wait =>
+ if Proc.Timeout = Current_Time then
+ Proc.Timeout := Bad_Time;
+ Proc.Resumed := True;
+ Proc.State := State_Timeout;
+ else
+ El := Proc.Sensitivity;
+ while El /= null loop
+ if El.Sig.Event then
+ Proc.Resumed := True;
+ exit;
+ else
+ El := El.Next;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ when State_Timeout =>
+ Internal_Error ("process in timeout");
+ when State_Dead =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ -- e) Each nonpostponed that has resumed in the current simulation cycle
+ -- is executed until it suspends.
+ Status := Run_Processes (Postponed => False);
+ if Status = Run_Failure then
+ return Run_Failure;
+ end if;
+ -- f) The time of the next simulation cycle, Tn, is determined by
+ -- setting it to the earliest of
+ -- 1) TIME'HIGH
+ -- 2) The next time at which a driver becomes active, or
+ -- 3) The next time at which a process resumes.
+ -- If Tn = Tc, then the next simulation cycle (if any) will be a
+ -- delta cycle.
+ if Options.Flag_Stats then
+ Stats.Start_Next_Time;
+ end if;
+ Tn := Compute_Next_Time;
+ if Options.Flag_Stats then
+ Stats.End_Next_Time;
+ end if;
+ -- g) If the next simulation cycle will be a delta cycle, the remainder
+ -- of the step is skipped.
+ -- Otherwise, each postponed process that has resumed but has not
+ -- been executed since its last resumption is executed until it
+ -- suspends. Then Tn is recalculated according to the rules of
+ -- step f. It is an error if the execution of any postponed
+ -- process causes a delta cycle to occur immediatly after the
+ -- current simulation cycle.
+ if Tn = Current_Time then
+ if Current_Time = Last_Time and then Status = Run_None then
+ return Run_Finished;
+ else
+ Current_Delta := Current_Delta + 1;
+ return Run_Resumed;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Current_Delta := 0;
+ Status := Run_Processes (Postponed => True);
+ if Status = Run_Resumed then
+ Flush_Active_List;
+ if Options.Flag_Stats then
+ Stats.Start_Next_Time;
+ end if;
+ Tn := Compute_Next_Time;
+ if Options.Flag_Stats then
+ Stats.End_Next_Time;
+ end if;
+ if Tn = Current_Time then
+ Error ("postponed process causes a delta cycle");
+ end if;
+ elsif Status = Run_Failure then
+ return Run_Failure;
+ end if;
+ Current_Time := Tn;
+ return Run_Resumed;
+ end if;
+ end Simulation_Cycle;
+ function Simulation return Integer
+ is
+ use Options;
+ Status : Integer;
+ begin
+ --Put_Line ("grt.processes:" & Process_Id'Image (Process_Table.Last)
+ -- & " process(es)");
+-- if Disp_Sig_Types then
+-- Grt.Disp.Disp_Signals_Type;
+-- end if;
+ Grt.Hooks.Call_Start_Hooks;
+ Status := Run_Through_Longjump (Initialization_Phase'Access);
+ if Status /= Run_Resumed then
+ return -1;
+ end if;
+ Current_Delta := 0;
+ Nbr_Delta_Cycles := 0;
+ Nbr_Cycles := 0;
+ if Trace_Signals then
+ Grt.Disp_Signals.Disp_All_Signals;
+ end if;
+ if Current_Time /= 0 then
+ -- This is the end of a cycle.
+ Cycle_Time := 0;
+ Grt.Hooks.Call_Cycle_Hooks;
+ end if;
+ loop
+ Cycle_Time := Current_Time;
+ if Disp_Time then
+ Grt.Disp.Disp_Now;
+ end if;
+ Status := Run_Through_Longjump (Simulation_Cycle'Access);
+ exit when Status = Run_Failure;
+ if Trace_Signals then
+ Grt.Disp_Signals.Disp_All_Signals;
+ end if;
+ -- Statistics.
+ if Current_Delta = 0 then
+ Nbr_Cycles := Nbr_Cycles + 1;
+ else
+ Nbr_Delta_Cycles := Nbr_Delta_Cycles + 1;
+ end if;
+ exit when Status = Run_Finished;
+ if Current_Delta = 0 then
+ Grt.Hooks.Call_Cycle_Hooks;
+ end if;
+ if Current_Delta >= Stop_Delta then
+ Error ("simulation stopped by --stop-delta");
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ if Current_Time > Stop_Time then
+ Info ("simulation stopped by --stop-time");
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Grt.Hooks.Call_Finish_Hooks;
+ if Status = Run_Failure then
+ return -1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ end Simulation;
+end Grt.Processes;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-processes.ads b/translate/grt/grt-processes.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e9faa3732
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-processes.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - processes.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with System;
+with Grt.Stack2; use Grt.Stack2;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Signals; use Grt.Signals;
+with Grt.Rtis; use Grt.Rtis;
+with Grt.Stdio;
+package Grt.Processes is
+ pragma Suppress (All_Checks);
+ -- Internal initialisations.
+ procedure Init;
+ -- Do the VHDL simulation.
+ -- Return 0 in case of success (end of time reached).
+ function Simulation return Integer;
+ -- Number of delta cycles.
+ Nbr_Delta_Cycles : Integer;
+ -- Number of non-delta cycles.
+ Nbr_Cycles : Integer;
+ -- If true, the simulation should be stopped.
+ Break_Simulation : Boolean;
+ -- Return the identifier of the current process.
+ -- During the elaboration, this is the identifier of the last process
+ -- being elaborated. So, this function can be used to create signal
+ -- drivers.
+ function Get_Current_Process_Id return Process_Id;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Current_Process_Id);
+ -- Return the number of processes.
+ -- Used for statistics.
+ function Get_Nbr_Processes return Natural;
+ -- Disp the name of process PROC.
+ procedure Disp_Process_Name (Stream : Grt.Stdio.FILEs; Proc : Process_Id);
+ -- Register a process during elaboration.
+ -- This procedure is called by vhdl elaboration code.
+ procedure Ghdl_Process_Register (Instance : System.Address;
+ Proc : System.Address;
+ Ctxt : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Addr : System.Address);
+ procedure Ghdl_Sensitized_Process_Register (Instance : System.Address;
+ Proc : System.Address;
+ Ctxt : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Addr : System.Address);
+ procedure Ghdl_Postponed_Process_Register (Instance : System.Address;
+ Proc : System.Address;
+ Ctxt : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Addr : System.Address);
+ procedure Ghdl_Postponed_Sensitized_Process_Register
+ (Instance : System.Address;
+ Proc : System.Address;
+ Ctxt : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Addr : System.Address);
+ procedure Ghdl_Initial_Register (Instance : System.Address;
+ Proc : System.Address);
+ procedure Ghdl_Always_Register (Instance : System.Address;
+ Proc : System.Address);
+ -- Add a simple signal in the sensitivity of the last registered
+ -- (sensitized) process.
+ procedure Ghdl_Process_Add_Sensitivity (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ -- Resume a process.
+ procedure Resume_Process (Proc : Process_Id);
+ -- Wait without timeout or sensitivity.
+ procedure Ghdl_Process_Wait_Exit;
+ -- Wait for a timeout.
+ procedure Ghdl_Process_Wait_Timeout (Time : Std_Time);
+ -- Add a sensitivity for a wait.
+ procedure Ghdl_Process_Wait_Add_Sensitivity (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ -- Add a timeout for a wait.
+ procedure Ghdl_Process_Wait_Set_Timeout (Time : Std_Time);
+ -- Wait until timeout or sensitivity.
+ -- Return TRUE in case of timeout.
+ function Ghdl_Process_Wait_Suspend return Boolean;
+ -- Finish a wait statement.
+ procedure Ghdl_Process_Wait_Close;
+ -- Verilog.
+ procedure Ghdl_Process_Delay (Del : Ghdl_U32);
+ function Ghdl_Stack2_Allocate (Size : Ghdl_Index_Type)
+ return System.Address;
+ function Ghdl_Stack2_Mark return Mark_Id;
+ procedure Ghdl_Stack2_Release (Mark : Mark_Id);
+ -- Protected variables.
+ procedure Ghdl_Protected_Enter (Obj : System.Address);
+ procedure Ghdl_Protected_Leave (Obj : System.Address);
+ procedure Ghdl_Protected_Init (Obj : System.Address);
+ procedure Ghdl_Protected_Fini (Obj : System.Address);
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Process_Register,
+ "__ghdl_process_register");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Sensitized_Process_Register,
+ "__ghdl_sensitized_process_register");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Postponed_Process_Register,
+ "__ghdl_postponed_process_register");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Postponed_Sensitized_Process_Register,
+ "__ghdl_postponed_sensitized_process_register");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Always_Register, "__ghdl_always_register");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Initial_Register, "__ghdl_initial_register");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Process_Add_Sensitivity,
+ "__ghdl_process_add_sensitivity");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Process_Wait_Exit,
+ "__ghdl_process_wait_exit");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Process_Wait_Timeout,
+ "__ghdl_process_wait_timeout");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Process_Wait_Add_Sensitivity,
+ "__ghdl_process_wait_add_sensitivity");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Process_Wait_Set_Timeout,
+ "__ghdl_process_wait_set_timeout");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Process_Wait_Suspend,
+ "__ghdl_process_wait_suspend");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Process_Wait_Close,
+ "__ghdl_process_wait_close");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Process_Delay, "__ghdl_process_delay");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Stack2_Allocate, "__ghdl_stack2_allocate");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Stack2_Mark, "__ghdl_stack2_mark");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Stack2_Release, "__ghdl_stack2_release");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Protected_Enter, "__ghdl_protected_enter");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Protected_Leave, "__ghdl_protected_leave");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Protected_Init, "__ghdl_protected_init");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Protected_Fini, "__ghdl_protected_fini");
+end Grt.Processes;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-rtis.ads b/translate/grt/grt-rtis.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f6d5b580f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-rtis.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - Run Time Informations.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with System; use System;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+package Grt.Rtis is
+ pragma Preelaborate (Grt.Rtis);
+ type Ghdl_Rtik is
+ (Ghdl_Rtik_Top,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Library,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Package,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Package_Body,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Entity,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Architecture,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Process,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Block,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_If_Generate,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_For_Generate,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Instance, --10
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Constant,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Iterator,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Variable,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Signal,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_File, -- 15
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Port,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Generic,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Alias,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Guard,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Component, -- 20
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B2, -- Enum
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E32,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32, -- 25 Scalar
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I64,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_F64,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P32,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P64,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Access,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Array,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Record,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_File,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Scalar,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array_Ptr,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Unconstrained_Array,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Record,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Access,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Protected,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Element,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Unit,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Transaction,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Quiet,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Stable,
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Error);
+ for Ghdl_Rtik'Size use 8;
+ type Ghdl_Rti_Depth is range 0 .. 255;
+ for Ghdl_Rti_Depth'Size use 8;
+ type Ghdl_Rti_U8 is mod 2 ** 8;
+ for Ghdl_Rti_U8'Size use 8;
+ type Ghdl_Rti_Common is record
+ Kind : Ghdl_Rtik;
+ Depth : Ghdl_Rti_Depth;
+ Mode : Ghdl_Rti_U8;
+ Max_Depth : Ghdl_Rti_Depth;
+ end record;
+ type Ghdl_Rti_Access is access all Ghdl_Rti_Common;
+ -- Fat array of rti accesses.
+ type Ghdl_Rti_Array is array (Ghdl_Index_Type) of Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ type Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc is access Ghdl_Rti_Array;
+ type Ghdl_Rti_Loc (Rel : Boolean := False) is record
+ case Rel is
+ when True =>
+ Off : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ when False =>
+ Addr : Address;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ pragma Unchecked_Union (Ghdl_Rti_Loc);
+ type Ghdl_C_String_Array is array (Ghdl_Index_Type) of Ghdl_C_String;
+ type Ghdl_C_String_Array_Ptr is access Ghdl_C_String_Array;
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Block is record
+ Common : Ghdl_Rti_Common;
+ Name : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Loc : Ghdl_Rti_Loc;
+ Parent : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Size : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Nbr_Child : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Children : Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc;
+ end record;
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc is access Ghdl_Rtin_Block;
+ function To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Ghdl_Rti_Access, Target => Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc);
+ function To_Ghdl_Rti_Access is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc, Target => Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Object is record
+ Common : Ghdl_Rti_Common;
+ Name : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Loc : Ghdl_Rti_Loc;
+ Obj_Type : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ end record;
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc is access Ghdl_Rtin_Object;
+ function To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Ghdl_Rti_Access, Target => Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc);
+ function To_Ghdl_Rti_Access is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc, Target => Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Instance is record
+ Common : Ghdl_Rti_Common;
+ Name : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Loc : Ghdl_Rti_Loc;
+ Parent : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Instance : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ end record;
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Instance_Acc is access Ghdl_Rtin_Instance;
+ function To_Ghdl_Rtin_Instance_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Ghdl_Rti_Access, Target => Ghdl_Rtin_Instance_Acc);
+ -- Must be kept in sync with grt.types.mode_signal_type.
+ Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Mode_Mask : constant Ghdl_Rti_U8 := 15;
+ Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Mode_None : constant Ghdl_Rti_U8 := 0;
+ Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Mode_Linkage : constant Ghdl_Rti_U8 := 1;
+ Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Mode_Buffer : constant Ghdl_Rti_U8 := 2;
+ Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Mode_Out : constant Ghdl_Rti_U8 := 3;
+ Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Mode_Inout : constant Ghdl_Rti_U8 := 4;
+ Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Mode_In : constant Ghdl_Rti_U8 := 5;
+ Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Kind_Mask : constant Ghdl_Rti_U8 := 48;
+ Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Kind_No : constant Ghdl_Rti_U8 := 0;
+ Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Kind_Register : constant Ghdl_Rti_U8 := 16;
+ Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Kind_Bus : constant Ghdl_Rti_U8 := 32;
+ Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Has_Active : constant Ghdl_Rti_U8 := 64;
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Component is record
+ Common : Ghdl_Rti_Common;
+ Name : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Nbr_Child : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Children : Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc;
+ end record;
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Component_Acc is access Ghdl_Rtin_Component;
+ function To_Ghdl_Rtin_Component_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Ghdl_Rti_Access, Target => Ghdl_Rtin_Component_Acc);
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum is record
+ Common : Ghdl_Rti_Common;
+ Name : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Nbr : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Names : Ghdl_C_String_Array_Ptr;
+ end record;
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Acc is access Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum;
+ function To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Ghdl_Rti_Access, Target => Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Acc);
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar is record
+ Common : Ghdl_Rti_Common;
+ Name : Ghdl_C_String;
+ end record;
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar_Acc is access Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar;
+ function To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Ghdl_Rti_Access, Target => Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar_Acc);
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar is record
+ Common : Ghdl_Rti_Common;
+ Name : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Basetype : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Range_Loc : Ghdl_Rti_Loc;
+ end record;
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc is access Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar;
+ function To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Ghdl_Rti_Access, Target => Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc);
+ function To_Ghdl_Rti_Access is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc, Target => Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ -- True if the type is complex.
+ Ghdl_Rti_Type_Complex_Mask : constant Ghdl_Rti_U8 := 1;
+ Ghdl_Rti_Type_Complex : constant Ghdl_Rti_U8 := 1;
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array is record
+ Common : Ghdl_Rti_Common;
+ Name : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Element : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Nbr_Dim : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Indexes : Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc;
+ end record;
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc is access Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array;
+ function To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Ghdl_Rti_Access, Target => Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc);
+ function To_Ghdl_Rti_Access is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc, Target => Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array is record
+ Common : Ghdl_Rti_Common;
+ Name : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Basetype : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc;
+ Bounds : Ghdl_Rti_Loc;
+ Valsize : Ghdl_Rti_Loc;
+ Sigsize : Ghdl_Rti_Loc;
+ end record;
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc is access Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array;
+ function To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Ghdl_Rti_Access, Target => Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc);
+ function To_Ghdl_Rti_Access is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc, Target => Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Fileacc is record
+ Common : Ghdl_Rti_Common;
+ Name : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Base : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ end record;
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Fileacc_Acc is access Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Fileacc;
+ function To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Fileacc_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Ghdl_Rti_Access, Target => Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Fileacc_Acc);
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Element is record
+ Common : Ghdl_Rti_Common;
+ Name : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Eltype : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Val_Off : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Sig_Off : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ end record;
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Acc is access Ghdl_Rtin_Element;
+ function To_Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Ghdl_Rti_Access, Target => Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Acc);
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record is record
+ Common : Ghdl_Rti_Common;
+ Name : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Nbrel : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Elements : Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc;
+ end record;
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Acc is access Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record;
+ function To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Ghdl_Rti_Access, Target => Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Acc);
+ -- MODE is never used. Refer to mode field of physical type.
+ type Ghdl_Rti_Unit_Mode is (Unit_Mode_32, Unit_Mode_64, Unit_Mode_Addr);
+ type Ghdl_Rti_Unit_Val (Mode : Ghdl_Rti_Unit_Mode := Unit_Mode_64) is record
+ case Mode is
+ when Unit_Mode_32 =>
+ Unit_32 : Ghdl_I32;
+ when Unit_Mode_64 =>
+ Unit_64 : Ghdl_I64;
+ when Unit_Mode_Addr =>
+ Unit_Addr : Ghdl_Value_Ptr;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ pragma Unchecked_Union (Ghdl_Rti_Unit_Val);
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Unit is record
+ Common : Ghdl_Rti_Common;
+ Name : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Value : Ghdl_Rti_Unit_Val;
+ end record;
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Unit_Acc is access Ghdl_Rtin_Unit;
+ function To_Ghdl_Rtin_Unit_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Ghdl_Rti_Access, Target => Ghdl_Rtin_Unit_Acc);
+ -- Mode field is set to 1 if units value is per address. Otherwise,
+ -- mode is 0.
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical is record
+ Common : Ghdl_Rti_Common;
+ Name : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Nbr : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Units : Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc;
+ end record;
+ type Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Acc is access Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical;
+ function To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Ghdl_Rti_Access, Target => Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Acc);
+ -- Instance linkage.
+ -- At the beginning of a component structure (or the object for a direct
+ -- instantiation), there is a Ghdl_Component_Link_Type record.
+ -- These record contains a pointer to the instance (down link),
+ -- and RTIS to the statement and its parent (up link).
+ type Ghdl_Component_Link_Type;
+ type Ghdl_Component_Link_Acc is access Ghdl_Component_Link_Type;
+ -- At the beginning of an entity structure, there is a Ghdl_Link_Type,
+ -- which contains the RTI for the architecture (down-link) and a pointer
+ -- to the instantiation object (up-link).
+ type Ghdl_Entity_Link_Type is record
+ Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Parent : Ghdl_Component_Link_Acc;
+ end record;
+ type Ghdl_Entity_Link_Acc is access Ghdl_Entity_Link_Type;
+ function To_Ghdl_Entity_Link_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Address, Target => Ghdl_Entity_Link_Acc);
+ type Ghdl_Component_Link_Type is record
+ Instance : Ghdl_Entity_Link_Acc;
+ Stmt : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ end record;
+ function To_Ghdl_Component_Link_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Address, Target => Ghdl_Component_Link_Acc);
+ -- TOP rti.
+ Ghdl_Rti_Top_Ptr : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
+ -- Address of the top instance.
+ Ghdl_Rti_Top_Instance : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ -- Instances have a pointer to their RTI at offset 0.
+ type Ghdl_Rti_Acc_Acc is access Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ function To_Ghdl_Rti_Acc_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Address, Target => Ghdl_Rti_Acc_Acc);
+ function To_Address is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Ghdl_Rti_Access, Target => Address);
+ function To_Ghdl_Rti_Access is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Address, Target => Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Rti_Top_Ptr, "__ghdl_rti_top_ptr");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Rti_Top_Instance, "__ghdl_rti_top_instance");
+end Grt.Rtis;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-rtis_addr.adb b/translate/grt/grt-rtis_addr.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4f24fe776
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-rtis_addr.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - RTI address handling.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors;
+package body Grt.Rtis_Addr is
+ function "+" (L : Address; R : Ghdl_Index_Type) return Address
+ is
+ begin
+ return To_Address (To_Integer (L) + Integer_Address (R));
+ end "+";
+ function "-" (L : Address; R : Ghdl_Index_Type) return Address
+ is
+ begin
+ return To_Address (To_Integer (L) - Integer_Address (R));
+ end "-";
+ function Align (L : Address; R : Ghdl_Index_Type) return Address
+ is
+ Nad : Integer_Address;
+ begin
+ Nad := To_Integer (L + (R - 1));
+ return To_Address (Nad - (Nad mod Integer_Address (R)));
+ end Align;
+ function Get_Parent_Context (Ctxt : Rti_Context) return Rti_Context
+ is
+ Blk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
+ begin
+ Blk := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Ctxt.Block);
+ case Ctxt.Block.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Process
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Block =>
+ return (Base => Ctxt.Base - Blk.Loc.Off,
+ Block => Blk.Parent);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Architecture =>
+ if Blk.Loc.Off /= 0 then
+ Internal_Error ("get_parent_context(3)");
+ end if;
+ return (Base => Ctxt.Base + Blk.Loc.Off,
+ Block => Blk.Parent);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_For_Generate
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_If_Generate =>
+ declare
+ Nbase : Address;
+ Parent : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Blk1 : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
+ begin
+ -- Read the pointer to the parent.
+ -- This is the first field.
+ Nbase := To_Addr_Acc (Ctxt.Base).all;
+ -- Since the parent may be a grant-parent, adjust
+ -- the base.
+ Parent := Blk.Parent;
+ loop
+ case Parent.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Architecture
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_For_Generate
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_If_Generate =>
+ exit;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Block =>
+ Blk1 := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Parent);
+ Nbase := Nbase + Blk1.Loc.Off;
+ Parent := Blk1.Parent;
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("get_parent_context(2)");
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ return (Base => Nbase,
+ Block => Blk.Parent);
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("get_parent_context(1)");
+ end case;
+ end Get_Parent_Context;
+ procedure Get_Instance_Link (Link : Ghdl_Entity_Link_Acc;
+ Ctxt : out Rti_Context;
+ Stmt : out Ghdl_Rti_Access)
+ is
+ Obj : Ghdl_Rtin_Instance_Acc;
+ begin
+ if Link.Parent = null then
+ -- Top entity.
+ Stmt := null;
+ Ctxt := (Base => Null_Address, Block => null);
+ else
+ Stmt := Link.Parent.Stmt;
+ Obj := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Instance_Acc (Stmt);
+ Ctxt := (Base => Link.Parent.all'Address - Obj.Loc.Off,
+ Block => Obj.Parent);
+ end if;
+ end Get_Instance_Link;
+ function Loc_To_Addr (Depth : Ghdl_Rti_Depth;
+ Loc : Ghdl_Rti_Loc;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context)
+ return Address
+ is
+ Cur_Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Nctxt : Rti_Context;
+ begin
+ if Depth = 0 then
+ return Loc.Addr;
+ elsif Ctxt.Block.Depth = Depth then
+ --Addr := Base + Storage_Offset (Obj.Loc.Off);
+ return Ctxt.Base + Loc.Off;
+ else
+ if Ctxt.Block.Depth < Depth then
+ Internal_Error ("loc_to_addr");
+ end if;
+ Cur_Ctxt := Ctxt;
+ loop
+ Nctxt := Get_Parent_Context (Cur_Ctxt);
+ if Nctxt.Block.Depth = Depth then
+ return Nctxt.Base + Loc.Off;
+ end if;
+ Cur_Ctxt := Nctxt;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end Loc_To_Addr;
+ function Range_To_Length (Rng : Ghdl_Range_Ptr; Base_Type : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
+ return Ghdl_Index_Type
+ is
+ begin
+ case Base_Type.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B2 =>
+ return Rng.B2.Len;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8 =>
+ return Rng.E8.Len;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E32 =>
+ return Rng.E32.Len;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32 =>
+ return Rng.I32.Len;
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("range_to_length");
+ end case;
+ end Range_To_Length;
+ function Get_For_Generate_Length (Blk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context)
+ return Ghdl_Index_Type
+ is
+ Iter_Type : Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc;
+ Rng : Ghdl_Range_Ptr;
+ begin
+ Iter_Type := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc
+ (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Blk.Children (0)).Obj_Type);
+ if Iter_Type.Common.Kind /= Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Scalar then
+ Internal_Error ("get_for_generate_length(1)");
+ end if;
+ Rng := To_Ghdl_Range_Ptr
+ (Loc_To_Addr (Iter_Type.Common.Depth, Iter_Type.Range_Loc, Ctxt));
+ return Range_To_Length (Rng, Iter_Type.Basetype);
+ end Get_For_Generate_Length;
+ procedure Get_Instance_Context (Inst : Ghdl_Rtin_Instance_Acc;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Sub_Ctxt : out Rti_Context)
+ is
+ Inst_Addr : Address;
+ Inst_Base : Address;
+ begin
+ -- Address of the field containing the address of the instance.
+ Inst_Addr := Ctxt.Base + Inst.Loc.Off;
+ -- Read sub instance address.
+ Inst_Base := To_Addr_Acc (Inst_Addr).all;
+ -- Read instance RTI.
+ if Inst_Base = Null_Address then
+ Sub_Ctxt := (Base => Null_Address, Block => null);
+ else
+ Sub_Ctxt := (Base => Inst_Base,
+ Block => To_Ghdl_Rti_Acc_Acc (Inst_Base).all);
+ end if;
+ end Get_Instance_Context;
+ procedure Bound_To_Range (Bounds_Addr : Address;
+ Def : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc;
+ Res : out Ghdl_Range_Array)
+ is
+ Bounds : Address;
+ procedure Align (A : Ghdl_Index_Type) is
+ begin
+ Bounds := Align (Bounds, A);
+ end Align;
+ procedure Update (S : Ghdl_Index_Type) is
+ begin
+ Bounds := Bounds + (S / Storage_Unit);
+ end Update;
+ Idx_Def : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ begin
+ if Res'Length /= Def.Nbr_Dim or else Res'First /= 0 then
+ Internal_Error ("disp_rti.bound_to_range");
+ end if;
+ Bounds := Bounds_Addr;
+ for I in 0 .. Def.Nbr_Dim - 1 loop
+ Idx_Def := Def.Indexes (I);
+ if Bounds = Null_Address then
+ Res (I) := null;
+ else
+ Idx_Def := Get_Base_Type (Idx_Def);
+ case Idx_Def.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32 =>
+ Align (Ghdl_Range_I32'Alignment);
+ Res (I) := To_Ghdl_Range_Ptr (Bounds);
+ Update (Ghdl_Range_I32'Size);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8 =>
+ Align (Ghdl_Range_E8'Alignment);
+ Res (I) := To_Ghdl_Range_Ptr (Bounds);
+ Update (Ghdl_Range_E8'Size);
+ when others =>
+ -- Bounds are not known anymore.
+ Bounds := Null_Address;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Bound_To_Range;
+ function Get_Base_Type (Atype : Ghdl_Rti_Access) return Ghdl_Rti_Access
+ is
+ begin
+ case Atype.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Scalar =>
+ return To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc (Atype).Basetype;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array =>
+ return To_Ghdl_Rti_Access
+ (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc (Atype).Basetype);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B2 =>
+ return Atype;
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("rtis_addr.get_base_type");
+ end case;
+ end Get_Base_Type;
+ function Get_Top_Context return Rti_Context
+ is
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ begin
+ Ctxt := (Base => To_Address (Ghdl_Rti_Top_Instance),
+ Block => Ghdl_Rti_Top_Ptr.Parent);
+ return Ctxt;
+ end Get_Top_Context;
+end Grt.Rtis_Addr;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-rtis_addr.ads b/translate/grt/grt-rtis_addr.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f6b73e39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-rtis_addr.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - RTI address handling.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with System; use System;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Rtis; use Grt.Rtis;
+-- Addresses handling.
+package Grt.Rtis_Addr is
+ function "+" (L : Address; R : Ghdl_Index_Type) return Address;
+ function "-" (L : Address; R : Ghdl_Index_Type) return Address;
+ function Align (L : Address; R : Ghdl_Index_Type) return Address;
+ -- An RTI context contains a pointer (BASE) to or into an instance.
+ -- BLOCK describes data being pointed. If a reference is made to a field
+ -- described by a parent of BLOCK, BASE must be modified.
+ type Rti_Context is record
+ Base : Address;
+ Block : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ end record;
+ Null_Context : constant Rti_Context;
+ -- Access to an address.
+ type Addr_Acc is access Address;
+ function To_Addr_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Address, Target => Addr_Acc);
+ -- Get the parent context of CTXT.
+ -- The parent of an architecture is its entity.
+ function Get_Parent_Context (Ctxt : Rti_Context) return Rti_Context;
+ -- From an entity link, extract context and instantiation statement.
+ procedure Get_Instance_Link (Link : Ghdl_Entity_Link_Acc;
+ Ctxt : out Rti_Context;
+ Stmt : out Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ -- Convert a location to an address.
+ function Loc_To_Addr (Depth : Ghdl_Rti_Depth;
+ Loc : Ghdl_Rti_Loc;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context)
+ return Address;
+ -- Get the length of for_generate BLK.
+ function Get_For_Generate_Length (Blk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context)
+ return Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ -- Get the context of instance INST.
+ procedure Get_Instance_Context (Inst : Ghdl_Rtin_Instance_Acc;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Sub_Ctxt : out Rti_Context);
+ -- Extract range of every dimension from bounds.
+ procedure Bound_To_Range (Bounds_Addr : Address;
+ Def : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc;
+ Res : out Ghdl_Range_Array);
+ function Range_To_Length (Rng : Ghdl_Range_Ptr; Base_Type : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
+ return Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ -- Get the base type of ATYPE.
+ function Get_Base_Type (Atype : Ghdl_Rti_Access) return Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ -- Get the top context.
+ function Get_Top_Context return Rti_Context;
+ Null_Context : constant Rti_Context := (Base => Null_Address,
+ Block => null);
+end Grt.Rtis_Addr;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-rtis_binding.ads b/translate/grt/grt-rtis_binding.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf8c7e0d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-rtis_binding.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - Well known RTIs.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with System; use System;
+with Grt.Rtis; use Grt.Rtis;
+-- Set RTI_ptr defined in grt.rtis_types.
+package Grt.Rtis_Binding is
+ pragma Preelaborate (Grt.Rtis_Binding);
+ -- Define and set bit and boolean RTIs.
+ Std_Standard_Bit_RTI : aliased Ghdl_Rti_Common;
+ Std_Standard_Boolean_RTI : aliased Ghdl_Rti_Common;
+ pragma Import (C, Std_Standard_Bit_RTI,
+ "std__standard__bit__RTI");
+ pragma Import (C, Std_Standard_Boolean_RTI,
+ "std__standard__boolean__RTI");
+ Std_Standard_Bit_RTI_Ptr : Ghdl_Rti_Access
+ := Std_Standard_Bit_RTI'Access;
+ Std_Standard_Boolean_RTI_Ptr : Ghdl_Rti_Access
+ := Std_Standard_Boolean_RTI'Access;
+ pragma Export (C, Std_Standard_Bit_RTI_Ptr,
+ "std__standard__bit__RTI_ptr");
+ pragma Export (C, Std_Standard_Boolean_RTI_Ptr,
+ "std__standard__boolean__RTI_ptr");
+ -- Define and set Resolved_Resolv_Ptr.
+ procedure Ieee_Std_Logic_1164_Resolved_RESOLV;
+ pragma Import (C, Ieee_Std_Logic_1164_Resolved_RESOLV,
+ "ieee__std_logic_1164__resolved_RESOLV");
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_1164_Resolved_Resolv_Ptr : Address :=
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_1164_Resolved_RESOLV'Address;
+ pragma Export (C, Ieee_Std_Logic_1164_Resolved_Resolv_Ptr,
+ "ieee__std_logic_1164__resolved_RESOLV_ptr");
+end Grt.Rtis_Binding;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-rtis_types.adb b/translate/grt/grt-rtis_types.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..05ffa644a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-rtis_types.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - Well known RTI types.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Grt.Astdio;
+with Grt.Avhpi; use Grt.Avhpi;
+package body Grt.Rtis_Types is
+ procedure Avhpi_Error (Err : AvhpiErrorT)
+ is
+ use Grt.Astdio;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Err);
+ begin
+ Put_Line ("grt.rtis_utils.Avhpi_Error!");
+ end Avhpi_Error;
+ -- Extract std_ulogic type.
+ procedure Search_Types (Pack : VhpiHandleT)
+ is
+ Decl_It : VhpiHandleT;
+ Decl : VhpiHandleT;
+ Error : AvhpiErrorT;
+ Name : String (1 .. 16);
+ Name_Len : Natural;
+ Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ begin
+ Vhpi_Get_Str (VhpiLibLogicalNameP, Pack, Name, Name_Len);
+ if not (Name_Len = 4 and then Name (1 .. 4)= "ieee") then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Vhpi_Iterator (VhpiDecls, Pack, Decl_It, Error);
+ if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ Avhpi_Error (Error);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Extract packages.
+ loop
+ Vhpi_Scan (Decl_It, Decl, Error);
+ exit when Error = AvhpiErrorIteratorEnd;
+ if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ Avhpi_Error (Error);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Vhpi_Get_Kind (Decl) = VhpiEnumTypeDeclK then
+ Vhpi_Get_Str (VhpiNameP, Decl, Name, Name_Len);
+ Rti := Avhpi_Get_Rti (Decl);
+ if Name_Len = 10 and then Name (1 .. 10) = "std_ulogic" then
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_1164_Std_Ulogic_RTI_Ptr := Rti;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Search_Types;
+ procedure Search_Packages
+ is
+ Pack : VhpiHandleT;
+ Pack_It : VhpiHandleT;
+ Error : AvhpiErrorT;
+ Name : String (1 .. 16);
+ Name_Len : Natural;
+ begin
+ Get_Package_Inst (Pack_It);
+ -- Extract packages.
+ loop
+ Vhpi_Scan (Pack_It, Pack, Error);
+ exit when Error = AvhpiErrorIteratorEnd;
+ if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ Avhpi_Error (Error);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Vhpi_Get_Str (VhpiNameP, Pack, Name, Name_Len);
+ if Name_Len = 14 and then Name (1 .. 14) = "std_logic_1164" then
+ Search_Types (Pack);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Search_Packages;
+ Search_Types_RTI_Done : Boolean := False;
+ procedure Search_Types_RTI is
+ begin
+ if Search_Types_RTI_Done then
+ return;
+ else
+ Search_Types_RTI_Done := True;
+ end if;
+ Search_Packages;
+ end Search_Types_RTI;
+end Grt.Rtis_Types;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-rtis_types.ads b/translate/grt/grt-rtis_types.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..153e1f160
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-rtis_types.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - Well known RTI types.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Grt.Rtis; use Grt.Rtis;
+-- This package allow access to RTIs of some types.
+-- This is used to recognize some VHDL logic types.
+-- This is also used by grt.signals to set types of some implicit signals
+-- (such as 'stable or 'transation).
+package Grt.Rtis_Types is
+ -- RTIs for some logic types.
+ Std_Standard_Bit_RTI_Ptr : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Std_Standard_Boolean_RTI_Ptr : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ -- std_ulogic.
+ -- A VHDL may not contain ieee.std_logic_1164 package. So, this RTI
+ -- must be dynamicaly searched.
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_1164_Std_Ulogic_RTI_Ptr : Ghdl_Rti_Access := null;
+ -- Search RTI for types.
+ -- If a type is not found, its RTI is set to null.
+ -- If this procedure has already been called, then this is a noop.
+ procedure Search_Types_RTI;
+ -- These are set either by grt.rtis_binding or by ghdlrun.
+ -- This is not very clean...
+ pragma Import (C, Std_Standard_Bit_RTI_Ptr,
+ "std__standard__bit__RTI_ptr");
+ pragma Import (C, Std_Standard_Boolean_RTI_Ptr,
+ "std__standard__boolean__RTI_ptr");
+end Grt.Rtis_Types;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-rtis_utils.adb b/translate/grt/grt-rtis_utils.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..62cd407e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-rtis_utils.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - RTI utilities.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with System; use System;
+with Grt.Rtis; use Grt.Rtis;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+--with Grt.Disp; use Grt.Disp;
+with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors;
+package body Grt.Rtis_Utils is
+ function Traverse_Blocks (Ctxt : Rti_Context) return Traverse_Result
+ is
+ function Traverse_Instance (Ctxt : Rti_Context) return Traverse_Result;
+ function Traverse_Blocks_1 (Ctxt : Rti_Context) return Traverse_Result
+ is
+ Blk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
+ Res : Traverse_Result;
+ Nctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Index : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Child : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ begin
+ Res := Process (Ctxt, Ctxt.Block);
+ if Res /= Traverse_Ok then
+ return Res;
+ end if;
+ Blk := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Ctxt.Block);
+ Index := 0;
+ while Index < Blk.Nbr_Child loop
+ Child := Blk.Children (Index);
+ Index := Index + 1;
+ case Child.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Process
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Block =>
+ declare
+ Nblk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
+ begin
+ Nblk := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Child);
+ Nctxt := (Base => Ctxt.Base + Nblk.Loc.Off,
+ Block => Child);
+ Res := Traverse_Blocks_1 (Nctxt);
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_For_Generate =>
+ declare
+ Nblk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
+ Length : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ begin
+ Nblk := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Child);
+ Nctxt :=
+ (Base => To_Addr_Acc (Ctxt.Base + Nblk.Loc.Off).all,
+ Block => Child);
+ Length := Get_For_Generate_Length (Nblk, Ctxt);
+ for I in 1 .. Length loop
+ Res := Traverse_Blocks_1 (Nctxt);
+ exit when Res = Traverse_Stop;
+ Nctxt.Base := Nctxt.Base + Nblk.Size;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_If_Generate =>
+ declare
+ Nblk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
+ begin
+ Nblk := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Child);
+ Nctxt :=
+ (Base => To_Addr_Acc (Ctxt.Base + Nblk.Loc.Off).all,
+ Block => Child);
+ if Nctxt.Base /= Null_Address then
+ Res := Traverse_Blocks_1 (Nctxt);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Instance =>
+ Res := Process (Ctxt, Child);
+ if Res = Traverse_Ok then
+ declare
+ Obj : Ghdl_Rtin_Instance_Acc;
+ begin
+ Obj := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Instance_Acc (Child);
+ Get_Instance_Context (Obj, Ctxt, Nctxt);
+ Res := Traverse_Instance (Nctxt);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Package
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Entity
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Architecture =>
+ Internal_Error ("traverse_blocks");
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Port
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Signal
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Guard
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Quiet
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Stable
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Transaction =>
+ Res := Process (Ctxt, Child);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ exit when Res = Traverse_Stop;
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end Traverse_Blocks_1;
+ function Traverse_Instance (Ctxt : Rti_Context) return Traverse_Result
+ is
+ Blk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
+ Res : Traverse_Result;
+ Nctxt : Rti_Context;
+ begin
+ Blk := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Ctxt.Block);
+ case Blk.Common.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Architecture =>
+ Nctxt := (Base => Ctxt.Base,
+ Block => Blk.Parent);
+ -- The entity.
+ Res := Traverse_Blocks_1 (Nctxt);
+ if Res /= Traverse_Stop then
+ -- The architecture.
+ Res := Traverse_Blocks_1 (Ctxt);
+ end if;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Package_Body =>
+ Nctxt := (Base => Ctxt.Base,
+ Block => Blk.Parent);
+ Res := Traverse_Blocks_1 (Nctxt);
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("traverse_blocks");
+ end case;
+ return Res;
+ end Traverse_Instance;
+ begin
+ return Traverse_Instance (Ctxt);
+ end Traverse_Blocks;
+ function Rti_Complex_Type (Atype : Ghdl_Rti_Access) return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ return (Atype.Mode and Ghdl_Rti_Type_Complex_Mask)
+ = Ghdl_Rti_Type_Complex;
+ end Rti_Complex_Type;
+ -- Disp value stored at ADDR and whose type is described by RTI.
+ procedure Get_Enum_Value
+ (Vstr : in out Vstring; Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access; Val : Ghdl_Index_Type)
+ is
+ Enum_Rti : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Acc;
+ begin
+ Enum_Rti := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Acc (Rti);
+ Append (Vstr, Enum_Rti.Names (Val));
+ end Get_Enum_Value;
+ procedure Foreach_Scalar (Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Obj_Type : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Obj_Addr : Address;
+ Is_Sig : Boolean)
+ is
+ -- Current address.
+ Addr : Address;
+ Name : Vstring;
+ procedure Handle_Any (Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ procedure Handle_Scalar (Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
+ is
+ procedure Update (S : Ghdl_Index_Type) is
+ begin
+ Addr := Addr + (S / Storage_Unit);
+ end Update;
+ begin
+ Process (Addr, Name, Rti);
+ if Is_Sig then
+ Update (Address'Size);
+ else
+ case Rti.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32 =>
+ Update (32);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8 =>
+ Update (8);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B2 =>
+ Update (8);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_F64 =>
+ Update (64);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P64 =>
+ Update (64);
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("handle_scalar");
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end Handle_Scalar;
+ procedure Range_Pos_To_Val (Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Rng : Ghdl_Range_Ptr;
+ Pos : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Val : out Value_Union)
+ is
+ begin
+ case Rti.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32 =>
+ case Rng.I32.Dir is
+ when Dir_To =>
+ Val.I32 := Rng.I32.Left + Ghdl_I32 (Pos);
+ when Dir_Downto =>
+ Val.I32 := Rng.I32.Left - Ghdl_I32 (Pos);
+ end case;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8 =>
+ case Rng.E8.Dir is
+ when Dir_To =>
+ Val.E8 := Rng.E8.Left + Ghdl_E8 (Pos);
+ when Dir_Downto =>
+ Val.E8 := Rng.E8.Left - Ghdl_E8 (Pos);
+ end case;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B2 =>
+ case Pos is
+ when 0 =>
+ Val.B2 := Rng.B2.Left;
+ when 1 =>
+ Val.B2 := Rng.B2.Right;
+ when others =>
+ Val.B2 := False;
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("grt.rtis_utils.range_pos_to_val");
+ end case;
+ end Range_Pos_To_Val;
+ procedure Pos_To_Vstring
+ (Vstr : in out Vstring;
+ Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Rng : Ghdl_Range_Ptr;
+ Pos : Ghdl_Index_Type)
+ is
+ V : Value_Union;
+ begin
+ Range_Pos_To_Val (Rti, Rng, Pos, V);
+ case Rti.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32 =>
+ declare
+ S : String (1 .. 12);
+ F : Natural;
+ begin
+ To_String (S, F, V.I32);
+ Append (Vstr, S (F .. S'Last));
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8 =>
+ Get_Enum_Value (Vstr, Rti, Ghdl_Index_Type (V.E8));
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B2 =>
+ Get_Enum_Value (Vstr, Rti, Ghdl_B2'Pos (V.B2));
+ when others =>
+ Append (Vstr, '?');
+ end case;
+ end Pos_To_Vstring;
+ procedure Handle_Array_1 (El_Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Rngs : Ghdl_Range_Array;
+ Rtis : Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc;
+ Index : Ghdl_Index_Type)
+ is
+ Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ P : Natural;
+ Base_Type : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ begin
+ P := Length (Name);
+ if Index = 0 then
+ Append (Name, '(');
+ else
+ Append (Name, ',');
+ end if;
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Rtis (Index));
+ Len := Range_To_Length (Rngs (Index), Base_Type);
+ for I in 1 .. Len loop
+ Pos_To_Vstring (Name, Base_Type, Rngs (Index), I - 1);
+ if Index = Rngs'Last then
+ Append (Name, ')');
+ Handle_Any (El_Rti);
+ else
+ Handle_Array_1 (El_Rti, Rngs, Rtis, Index + 1);
+ end if;
+ Truncate (Name, P + 1);
+ end loop;
+ Truncate (Name, P);
+ end Handle_Array_1;
+ procedure Handle_Array (Rti : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc;
+ Vals : Ghdl_Uc_Array_Acc)
+ is
+ Nbr_Dim : Ghdl_Index_Type := Rti.Nbr_Dim;
+ Rngs : Ghdl_Range_Array (0 .. Nbr_Dim - 1);
+ begin
+ Bound_To_Range (Vals.Bounds, Rti, Rngs);
+ Addr := Vals.Base;
+ Handle_Array_1 (Rti.Element, Rngs, Rti.Indexes, 0);
+ end Handle_Array;
+ procedure Handle_Record (Rti : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Acc)
+ is
+ El : Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Acc;
+ Obj_Addr : Address;
+ P : Natural;
+ begin
+ P := Length (Name);
+ Obj_Addr := Addr;
+ for I in 1 .. Rti.Nbrel loop
+ El := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Acc (Rti.Elements (I - 1));
+ if Is_Sig then
+ Addr := Obj_Addr + El.Sig_Off;
+ else
+ Addr := Obj_Addr + El.Val_Off;
+ end if;
+ Append (Name, '.');
+ Append (Name, El.Name);
+ Handle_Any (El.Eltype);
+ Truncate (Name, P);
+ end loop;
+ -- FIXME
+ --Addr := Obj_Addr + Rti.Xx;
+ end Handle_Record;
+ procedure Handle_Any (Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
+ is
+ Save_Addr : Address;
+ begin
+ case Rti.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Scalar =>
+ Handle_Scalar (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc (Rti).Basetype);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B2 =>
+ Handle_Scalar (Rti);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Array =>
+ Handle_Array (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc (Rti),
+ To_Ghdl_Uc_Array_Acc (Addr));
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array =>
+ declare
+ St : Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc :=
+ To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc (Rti);
+ Bt : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc := St.Basetype;
+ Rngs : Ghdl_Range_Array (0 .. Bt.Nbr_Dim - 1);
+ begin
+ Bound_To_Range
+ (Loc_To_Addr (St.Common.Depth, St.Bounds, Ctxt), Bt, Rngs);
+ if Rti_Complex_Type (Rti) then
+ Save_Addr := Addr;
+ Addr := To_Addr_Acc (Addr).all;
+ end if;
+ Handle_Array_1 (Bt.Element, Rngs, Bt.Indexes, 0);
+ if Rti_Complex_Type (Rti) then
+ Addr := Save_Addr + (Address'Size / Storage_Unit);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array_Ptr =>
+ declare
+ St : Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc :=
+ To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc (Rti);
+ Bt : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc := St.Basetype;
+ Rngs : Ghdl_Range_Array (0 .. Bt.Nbr_Dim - 1);
+ begin
+ Bound_To_Range
+ (Loc_To_Addr (St.Common.Depth, St.Bounds, Ctxt), Bt, Rngs);
+ Save_Addr := Addr;
+ Addr := To_Addr_Acc (Addr).all;
+ Handle_Array_1 (Bt.Element, Rngs, Bt.Indexes, 0);
+ Addr := Save_Addr + (Address'Size / Storage_Unit);
+ end;
+-- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_File =>
+-- declare
+-- Vptr : Ghdl_Value_Ptr;
+-- begin
+-- Vptr := To_Ghdl_Value_Ptr (Obj);
+-- Put (Stream, "File#");
+-- Put_I32 (Stream, Vptr.I32);
+-- -- FIXME: update OBJ (not very useful since never in a
+-- -- composite type).
+-- end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Record =>
+ if Rti_Complex_Type (Rti) then
+ Save_Addr := Addr;
+ Addr := To_Addr_Acc (Addr).all;
+ end if;
+ Handle_Record (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Acc (Rti));
+ if Rti_Complex_Type (Rti) then
+ Addr := Save_Addr + (Address'Size / Storage_Unit);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("grt.rtis_utils.foreach_scalar.handle_any");
+ end case;
+ end Handle_Any;
+ begin
+ Addr := Obj_Addr;
+ Handle_Any (Obj_Type);
+ Free (Name);
+ end Foreach_Scalar;
+ procedure Get_Value (Str : in out Vstring;
+ Value : Value_Union;
+ Type_Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
+ is
+ begin
+ case Type_Rti.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32 =>
+ declare
+ S : String (1 .. 12);
+ F : Natural;
+ begin
+ To_String (S, F, Value.I32);
+ Append (Str, S (F .. S'Last));
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8 =>
+ Get_Enum_Value (Str, Type_Rti, Ghdl_Index_Type (Value.E8));
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B2 =>
+ Get_Enum_Value
+ (Str, Type_Rti, Ghdl_Index_Type (Ghdl_B2'Pos (Value.B2)));
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_F64 =>
+ declare
+ S : String (1 .. 32);
+ L : Integer;
+ -- Warning: this assumes a C99 snprintf (ie, it returns the
+ -- number of characters).
+ function snprintf (Cstr : Address;
+ Size : Natural;
+ Template : Address;
+ Arg : Ghdl_F64)
+ return Integer;
+ pragma Import (C, snprintf);
+ Format : constant String := "%g" & Character'Val (0);
+ begin
+ L := snprintf (S'Address, S'Length, Format'Address, Value.F64);
+ if L < 0 then
+ -- FIXME.
+ Append (Str, "?");
+ else
+ Append (Str, S (1 .. L));
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P32 =>
+ declare
+ S : String (1 .. 12);
+ F : Natural;
+ begin
+ To_String (S, F, Value.I32);
+ Append (Str, S (F .. S'Last));
+ Append (Str,
+ To_Ghdl_Rtin_Unit_Acc (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Acc
+ (Type_Rti).Units (0)).Name);
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P64 =>
+ declare
+ S : String (1 .. 21);
+ F : Natural;
+ begin
+ To_String (S, F, Value.I64);
+ Append (Str, S (F .. S'Last));
+ Append (Str,
+ To_Ghdl_Rtin_Unit_Acc (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Acc
+ (Type_Rti).Units (0)).Name);
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("grt.rtis_utils.get_value");
+ end case;
+ end Get_Value;
+ procedure Disp_Value (Stream : FILEs;
+ Value : Value_Union;
+ Type_Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
+ is
+ Name : Vstring;
+ begin
+ Rtis_Utils.Get_Value (Name, Value, Type_Rti);
+ Put (Stream, Name);
+ end Disp_Value;
+ procedure Get_Enum_Value
+ (Rstr : in out Rstring; Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access; Val : Ghdl_Index_Type)
+ is
+ Enum_Rti : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Acc;
+ begin
+ Enum_Rti := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Acc (Rti);
+ Prepend (Rstr, Enum_Rti.Names (Val));
+ end Get_Enum_Value;
+ procedure Get_Value (Rstr : in out Rstring;
+ Addr : Address;
+ Type_Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
+ is
+ Value : Ghdl_Value_Ptr := To_Ghdl_Value_Ptr (Addr);
+ begin
+ case Type_Rti.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32 =>
+ declare
+ S : String (1 .. 12);
+ F : Natural;
+ begin
+ To_String (S, F, Value.I32);
+ Prepend (Rstr, S (F .. S'Last));
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8 =>
+ Get_Enum_Value (Rstr, Type_Rti, Ghdl_Index_Type (Value.E8));
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B2 =>
+ Get_Enum_Value
+ (Rstr, Type_Rti, Ghdl_Index_Type (Ghdl_B2'Pos (Value.B2)));
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("grt.rtis_utils.get_value(rstr)");
+ end case;
+ end Get_Value;
+ procedure Get_Path_Name (Rstr : in out Rstring;
+ Last_Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Sep : Character;
+ Is_Instance : Boolean := True)
+ is
+ Blk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ begin
+ Ctxt := Last_Ctxt;
+ loop
+ Blk := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Ctxt.Block);
+ case Ctxt.Block.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Process
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Block
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_If_Generate =>
+ Prepend (Rstr, Blk.Name);
+ Prepend (Rstr, Sep);
+ Ctxt := Get_Parent_Context (Ctxt);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Entity =>
+ declare
+ Link : Ghdl_Entity_Link_Acc;
+ begin
+ Link := To_Ghdl_Entity_Link_Acc (Ctxt.Base);
+ Ctxt := (Base => Ctxt.Base,
+ Block => Link.Rti);
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Architecture =>
+ declare
+ Entity_Ctxt: Rti_Context;
+ Link : Ghdl_Entity_Link_Acc;
+ Parent_Inst : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ begin
+ -- Architecture name.
+ if Is_Instance then
+ Prepend (Rstr, ')');
+ Prepend (Rstr, Blk.Name);
+ Prepend (Rstr, '(');
+ end if;
+ Entity_Ctxt := Get_Parent_Context (Ctxt);
+ -- Instance parent.
+ Link := To_Ghdl_Entity_Link_Acc (Entity_Ctxt.Base);
+ Get_Instance_Link (Link, Ctxt, Parent_Inst);
+ -- Add entity name.
+ if Is_Instance or Parent_Inst = null then
+ Prepend (Rstr,
+ To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Entity_Ctxt.Block).Name);
+ end if;
+ if Parent_Inst = null then
+ -- Top reached.
+ Prepend (Rstr, Sep);
+ return;
+ else
+ -- Instantiation statement label.
+ if Is_Instance then
+ Prepend (Rstr, '@');
+ end if;
+ Prepend (Rstr,
+ To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Parent_Inst).Name);
+ Prepend (Rstr, Sep);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_For_Generate =>
+ declare
+ Iter : Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc;
+ Addr : Address;
+ begin
+ Prepend (Rstr, ')');
+ Iter := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Blk.Children (0));
+ Addr := Loc_To_Addr (Iter.Common.Depth, Iter.Loc, Ctxt);
+ Get_Value (Rstr, Addr, Get_Base_Type (Iter.Obj_Type));
+ Prepend (Rstr, '(');
+ Prepend (Rstr, Blk.Name);
+ Prepend (Rstr, Sep);
+ Ctxt := Get_Parent_Context (Ctxt);
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("grt.rtis_utils.get_path_name");
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Get_Path_Name;
+ procedure Put (Stream : FILEs; Ctxt : Rti_Context)
+ is
+ Rstr : Rstring;
+ begin
+ Get_Path_Name (Rstr, Ctxt, '.');
+ Put (Stream, Rstr);
+ Free (Rstr);
+ end Put;
+end Grt.Rtis_Utils;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-rtis_utils.ads b/translate/grt/grt-rtis_utils.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b8fd33a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-rtis_utils.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - RTI utilities.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with System; use System;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Rtis; use Grt.Rtis;
+with Grt.Rtis_Addr; use Grt.Rtis_Addr;
+with Grt.Vstrings; use Grt.Vstrings;
+with Grt.Stdio; use Grt.Stdio;
+package Grt.Rtis_Utils is
+ -- Action to perform after a node was handled by the user function:
+ -- Traverse_Ok: continue to process.
+ -- Traverse_Skip: do not traverse children.
+ -- Traverse_Stop: end of walk.
+ type Traverse_Result is (Traverse_Ok, Traverse_Skip, Traverse_Stop);
+ -- Traverse all blocks (package, entities, architectures, block, generate,
+ -- processes).
+ generic
+ with function Process (Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Obj : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
+ return Traverse_Result;
+ function Traverse_Blocks (Ctxt : Rti_Context) return Traverse_Result;
+ generic
+ with procedure Process (Val_Addr : Address;
+ Val_Name : Vstring;
+ Val_Type : Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ procedure Foreach_Scalar (Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Obj_Type : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Obj_Addr : Address;
+ Is_Sig : Boolean);
+ procedure Get_Value (Str : in out Vstring;
+ Value : Value_Union;
+ Type_Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ -- Disp a value.
+ procedure Disp_Value (Stream : FILEs;
+ Value : Value_Union;
+ Type_Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ -- Get context as a path name.
+ -- If IS_INSTANCE is true, the architecture name of entities is added.
+ procedure Get_Path_Name (Rstr : in out Rstring;
+ Last_Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Sep : Character;
+ Is_Instance : Boolean := True);
+ -- Disp a context as a path.
+ procedure Put (Stream : FILEs; Ctxt : Rti_Context);
+end Grt.Rtis_Utils;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-sdf.adb b/translate/grt/grt-sdf.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9d329781c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-sdf.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1330 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - SDF parser.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Stdio; use Grt.Stdio;
+with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors;
+with Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
+with Grt.Vital_Annotate;
+package body Grt.Sdf is
+ EOT : constant Character := Character'Val (4);
+ type Sdf_Token_Type is
+ (
+ Tok_Oparen, -- (
+ Tok_Cparen, -- )
+ Tok_Qstring,
+ Tok_Identifier,
+ Tok_Rnumber,
+ Tok_Dnumber,
+ Tok_Div, -- /
+ Tok_Dot, -- .
+ Tok_Cln, -- :
+ Tok_Error,
+ Tok_Eof
+ );
+ type Sdf_Context_Acc is access Sdf_Context_Type;
+ procedure Unchecked_Deallocation is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Name => Sdf_Context_Acc, Object => Sdf_Context_Type);
+ Sdf_Context : Sdf_Context_Acc;
+ -- Current data read from the file.
+ Buf : String_Access (1 .. Buf_Size) := null;
+ -- Length of the buffer, including the EOT.
+ Buf_Len : Natural;
+ Pos : Natural;
+ Line_Start : Integer;
+ Sdf_Stream : FILEs := NULL_Stream;
+ Sdf_Filename : String_Access := null;
+ Sdf_Line : Natural;
+ function Open_Sdf (Filename : String) return Boolean
+ is
+ N_Filename : String (1 .. Filename'Length + 1);
+ Mode : constant String := "rt" & NUL;
+ begin
+ N_Filename (1 .. Filename'Length) := Filename;
+ N_Filename (N_Filename'Last) := NUL;
+ Sdf_Stream := fopen (N_Filename'Address, Mode'Address);
+ if Sdf_Stream = NULL_Stream then
+ Error_C ("cannot open SDF file '");
+ Error_C (Filename);
+ Error_E ("'");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Sdf_Context := new Sdf_Context_Type;
+ Sdf_Context.Version := Sdf_Version_Unknown;
+ -- Set the timescale to 1 ns.
+ Sdf_Context.Timescale := 1000;
+ Buf := new String (1 .. Buf_Size);
+ Buf_Len := 1;
+ Buf (1) := EOT;
+ Sdf_Line := 1;
+ Sdf_Filename := new String'(Filename);
+ Pos := 1;
+ Line_Start := 1;
+ return True;
+ end Open_Sdf;
+ procedure Close_Sdf
+ is
+ begin
+ fclose (Sdf_Stream);
+ Sdf_Stream := NULL_Stream;
+ Unchecked_Deallocation (Sdf_Context);
+ Unchecked_Deallocation (Buf);
+ end Close_Sdf;
+ procedure Read_Sdf
+ is
+ Res : size_t;
+ begin
+ Res := fread (Buf (Pos)'Address, 1, size_t (Read_Size), Sdf_Stream);
+ Line_Start := Line_Start - Buf_Len + Pos;
+ Buf_Len := Pos + Natural (Res);
+ Buf (Buf_Len) := EOT;
+ end Read_Sdf;
+ Ident_Start : Natural;
+ Ident_End : Natural;
+ procedure Read_Append
+ is
+ Len : Natural;
+ begin
+ Len := Pos - Ident_Start;
+ if Ident_Start = 1 or Len >= 1024 then
+ Error_C ("SDF line ");
+ Error_C (Sdf_Line);
+ Error_E (" is too long");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Buf (1 .. Len) := Buf (Ident_Start .. Ident_Start + Len - 1);
+ Pos := Len + 1;
+ Ident_Start := 1;
+ Read_Sdf;
+ end Read_Append;
+ procedure Error_Sdf (Msg : String) is
+ begin
+ Error_C (Sdf_Filename.all);
+ Error_C (":");
+ Error_C (Sdf_Line);
+ Error_C (":");
+ Error_C (Pos - Line_Start);
+ Error_C (": ");
+ Error_E (Msg);
+ end Error_Sdf;
+ procedure Error_Bad_Character is
+ begin
+ Error_Sdf ("bad character in SDF file");
+ end Error_Bad_Character;
+ procedure Scan_Identifier
+ is
+ begin
+ Ident_Start := Pos;
+ loop
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ case Buf (Pos) is
+ when 'a' .. 'z'
+ | 'A' .. 'Z'
+ | '0' .. '9'
+ | '_' =>
+ null;
+ when '\' =>
+ Error_Sdf ("escape character not handled");
+ Ident_End := Pos - 1;
+ return;
+ when EOT =>
+ Read_Append;
+ Pos := Pos - 1;
+ when others =>
+ Ident_End := Pos - 1;
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Scan_Identifier;
+ function Ident_Length return Natural is
+ begin
+ return Ident_End - Ident_Start + 1;
+ end Ident_Length;
+ function Is_Ident (Str : String) return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ if Ident_Length /= Str'Length then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return Buf (Ident_Start .. Ident_End) = Str;
+ end Is_Ident;
+ procedure Scan_Qstring
+ is
+ begin
+ Ident_Start := Pos + 1;
+ loop
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ case Buf (Pos) is
+ when EOT =>
+ Read_Append;
+ when NUL .. Character'Val (3)
+ | Character'Val (5) .. Character'Val (31)
+ | Character'Val (127) .. Character'Val (255) =>
+ Error_Bad_Character;
+ when ' '
+ | '!'
+ | '#' .. '~' =>
+ null;
+ when '"' => -- "
+ Ident_End := Pos - 1;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ exit;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Scan_Qstring;
+ Scan_Int : Integer;
+ Scan_Exp : Integer;
+ function Scan_Number return Sdf_Token_Type
+ is
+ Has_Dot : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Has_Dot := False;
+ Scan_Int := 0;
+ Scan_Exp := 0;
+ loop
+ case Buf (Pos) is
+ when '0' .. '9' =>
+ Scan_Int := Scan_Int * 10
+ + Character'Pos (Buf (Pos)) - Character'Pos ('0');
+ if Has_Dot then
+ Scan_Exp := Scan_Exp - 1;
+ end if;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ when '.' =>
+ if Has_Dot then
+ Error_Bad_Character;
+ return Tok_Error;
+ else
+ Has_Dot := True;
+ end if;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ when EOT =>
+ if Pos /= Buf_Len then
+ Error_Bad_Character;
+ return Tok_Error;
+ end if;
+ Pos := 1;
+ Read_Sdf;
+ exit when Buf_Len = 1;
+ when others =>
+ exit;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ if Has_Dot then
+ return Tok_Rnumber;
+ else
+ return Tok_Dnumber;
+ end if;
+ end Scan_Number;
+ procedure Refill_Buf is
+ begin
+ Buf (1 .. Buf_Len - Pos) := Buf (Pos .. Buf_Len - 1);
+ Pos := Buf_Len - Pos + 1;
+ Read_Sdf;
+ Pos := 1;
+ end Refill_Buf;
+ function Get_Token return Sdf_Token_Type
+ is
+ use Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
+ begin
+ -- Fast blanks skipping.
+ while Buf (Pos) = ' ' loop
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end loop;
+ loop
+ -- Be sure there is at least 4 characters.
+ if Pos + 4 >= Buf_Len then
+ Refill_Buf;
+ end if;
+ case Buf (Pos) is
+ when EOT =>
+ if Pos /= Buf_Len then
+ Error_Bad_Character;
+ return Tok_Error;
+ end if;
+ Pos := 1;
+ Read_Sdf;
+ if Buf_Len = 1 then
+ return Tok_Eof;
+ end if;
+ when LF =>
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ if Buf (Pos) = CR then
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end if;
+ Line_Start := Pos;
+ Sdf_Line := Sdf_Line + 1;
+ when CR =>
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ if Buf (Pos) = LF then
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end if;
+ Line_Start := Pos;
+ Sdf_Line := Sdf_Line + 1;
+ when '"' => -- "
+ Scan_Qstring;
+ return Tok_Qstring;
+ when ' '
+ | HT =>
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ when '/' =>
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ return Tok_Div;
+ when '.' =>
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ return Tok_Dot;
+ when ':' =>
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ return Tok_Cln;
+ when '(' =>
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ return Tok_Oparen;
+ when ')' =>
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ return Tok_Cparen;
+ when 'a' .. 'z'
+ | 'A' .. 'Z' =>
+ Scan_Identifier;
+ return Tok_Identifier;
+ when '0' .. '9' =>
+ return Scan_Number;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Bad_Character;
+ return Tok_Error;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Get_Token;
+ function Is_White_Space (C : Character) return Boolean
+ is
+ use Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
+ begin
+ case C is
+ when ' '
+ | HT
+ | CR
+ | LF =>
+ return True;
+ when others =>
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ end Is_White_Space;
+ function Get_Edge_Token return Edge_Type
+ is
+ use Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
+ begin
+ loop
+ -- Be sure there is at least 4 characters.
+ if Pos + 4 >= Buf_Len then
+ Refill_Buf;
+ end if;
+ case Buf (Pos) is
+ when EOT =>
+ if Pos /= Buf_Len then
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ Pos := 1;
+ Read_Sdf;
+ if Buf_Len = 1 then
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ when LF =>
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ if Buf (Pos) = CR then
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end if;
+ Line_Start := Pos;
+ Sdf_Line := Sdf_Line + 1;
+ when CR =>
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ if Buf (Pos) = LF then
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end if;
+ Line_Start := Pos;
+ Sdf_Line := Sdf_Line + 1;
+ when ' '
+ | HT =>
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ when '0' =>
+ if Is_White_Space (Buf (Pos + 2)) then
+ if Buf (Pos + 1) = 'z' then
+ Pos := Pos + 2;
+ return Edge_0z;
+ elsif Buf (Pos + 1) = '1' then
+ Pos := Pos + 2;
+ return Edge_01;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ exit;
+ when '1' =>
+ if Is_White_Space (Buf (Pos + 2)) then
+ if Buf (Pos + 1) = 'z' then
+ Pos := Pos + 2;
+ return Edge_1z;
+ elsif Buf (Pos + 1) = '0' then
+ Pos := Pos + 2;
+ return Edge_10;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ exit;
+ when 'z' =>
+ if Is_White_Space (Buf (Pos + 2)) then
+ if Buf (Pos + 1) = '0' then
+ Pos := Pos + 2;
+ return Edge_Z0;
+ elsif Buf (Pos + 1) = '1' then
+ Pos := Pos + 2;
+ return Edge_Z1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ exit;
+ when 'p' =>
+ Scan_Identifier;
+ if Is_Ident ("posedge") then
+ return Edge_Posedge;
+ else
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ when 'n' =>
+ Scan_Identifier;
+ if Is_Ident ("negedge") then
+ return Edge_Negedge;
+ else
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ exit;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ Error_Sdf ("edge_identifier expected");
+ return Edge_Error;
+ end Get_Edge_Token;
+ procedure Error_Sdf (Tok : Sdf_Token_Type)
+ is
+ begin
+ case Tok is
+ when Tok_Qstring =>
+ Error_Sdf ("qstring expected");
+ when Tok_Oparen =>
+ Error_Sdf ("'(' expected");
+ when Tok_Identifier =>
+ Error_Sdf ("identifier expected");
+ when Tok_Cln =>
+ Error_Sdf ("':' (colon) expected");
+ when others =>
+ Error_Sdf ("parse error");
+ end case;
+ end Error_Sdf;
+ function Expect (Tok : Sdf_Token_Type) return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ if Get_Token = Tok then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ Error_Sdf (Tok);
+ return False;
+ end Expect;
+ function Expect_Cp_Op_Ident (Tok : Sdf_Token_Type) return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ if Tok /= Tok_Cparen then
+ Error_Sdf (Tok_Cparen);
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if not Expect (Tok_Oparen)
+ or else not Expect (Tok_Identifier)
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end Expect_Cp_Op_Ident;
+ function Expect_Qstr_Cp_Op_Ident (Str : String) return Boolean
+ is
+ Tok : Sdf_Token_Type;
+ begin
+ if not Is_Ident (Str) then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ if Tok = Tok_Qstring then
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ end if;
+ return Expect_Cp_Op_Ident (Tok);
+ end Expect_Qstr_Cp_Op_Ident;
+ procedure Start_Generic_Name (Kind : Timing_Generic_Kind) is
+ begin
+ Sdf_Context.Kind := Kind;
+ Sdf_Context.Port_Num := 0;
+ Sdf_Context.Ports (1).Edge := Edge_None;
+ Sdf_Context.Ports (2).Edge := Edge_None;
+ end Start_Generic_Name;
+ -- Status of a parsing.
+ -- ERROR: parse error (syntax is not correct)
+ -- OPTIONAL: the construct is absent.
+ -- FOUND: the construct is present.
+ -- SET: the construct is present and a value was extracted from.
+ type Parse_Status_Type is
+ (
+ Status_Error,
+ Status_Altern,
+ Status_Optional,
+ Status_Found,
+ Status_Set
+ );
+ function Num_To_Time return Ghdl_I64
+ is
+ Res : Ghdl_I64;
+ begin
+ Res := Ghdl_I64 (Scan_Int) * Ghdl_I64 (Sdf_Context.Timescale);
+ while Scan_Exp < 0 loop
+ Res := Res / 10;
+ Scan_Exp := Scan_Exp + 1;
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end Num_To_Time;
+ -- Parse: REXPRESSION? ')'
+ procedure Parse_Rexpression
+ (Status : out Parse_Status_Type; Val : out Ghdl_I64)
+ is
+ Tok : Sdf_Token_Type;
+ procedure Pr_Rnumber (Mtm : Mtm_Type)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Tok = Tok_Rnumber or Tok = Tok_Dnumber then
+ if Mtm = Sdf_Mtm then
+ Val := Num_To_Time;
+ Status := Status_Set;
+ elsif Status /= Status_Set then
+ Status := Status_Found;
+ end if;
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ end if;
+ end Pr_Rnumber;
+ function Pr_Colon return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ if Tok /= Tok_Cln then
+ Error_Sdf (Tok_Cln);
+ Status := Status_Error;
+ return False;
+ else
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ end Pr_Colon;
+ begin
+ Val := 0;
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ Status := Status_Error;
+ if Tok = Tok_Cparen then
+ Status := Status_Optional;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Pr_Rnumber (Minimum);
+ if not Pr_Colon then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Pr_Rnumber (Typical);
+ if not Pr_Colon then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Pr_Rnumber (Maximum);
+ if Status = Status_Error then
+ Error_Sdf ("at least one number required in an rexpression");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Tok /= Tok_Cparen then
+ Error_Sdf (Tok_Cparen);
+ Status := Status_Error;
+ end if;
+ end Parse_Rexpression;
+ function Expect_Rexpr_Cp_Op_Ident return Boolean
+ is
+ Status : Parse_Status_Type;
+ Val : Ghdl_I64;
+ begin
+ Parse_Rexpression (Status, Val);
+ if Status = Status_Error then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if not Expect (Tok_Oparen)
+ or else not Expect (Tok_Identifier)
+ then
+ Error_Sdf (Tok_Identifier);
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end Expect_Rexpr_Cp_Op_Ident;
+ function To_Lower (C : Character) return Character is
+ begin
+ if C >= 'A' and C <= 'Z' then
+ return Character'Val (Character'Pos (C)
+ - Character'Pos ('A') + Character'Pos ('a'));
+ else
+ return C;
+ end if;
+ end To_Lower;
+ function Parse_Port_Path1 (Tok : Sdf_Token_Type) return Boolean
+ is
+ Port_Spec : Port_Spec_Type
+ renames Sdf_Context.Ports (Sdf_Context.Port_Num);
+ Len : Natural;
+ begin
+ if Tok /= Tok_Identifier then
+ Error_Sdf ("port path expected");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Len := 0;
+ for I in Ident_Start .. Ident_End loop
+ Len := Len + 1;
+ Port_Spec.Name (Len) := To_Lower (Buf (I));
+ end loop;
+ Port_Spec.Name_Len := Len;
+ return True;
+ end Parse_Port_Path1;
+ function Parse_Port_Path return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ Sdf_Context.Port_Num := Sdf_Context.Port_Num + 1;
+ return Parse_Port_Path1 (Get_Token);
+ end Parse_Port_Path;
+ function Parse_Port_Spec return Boolean
+ is
+ Tok : Sdf_Token_Type;
+ Edge : Edge_Type;
+ begin
+ Sdf_Context.Port_Num := Sdf_Context.Port_Num + 1;
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ if Tok = Tok_Identifier then
+ return Parse_Port_Path1 (Tok);
+ elsif Tok /= Tok_Oparen then
+ Error_Sdf ("port spec expected");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Edge := Get_Edge_Token;
+ if Edge = Edge_Error then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Sdf_Context.Ports (Sdf_Context.Port_Num).Edge := Edge;
+ if not Parse_Port_Path1 (Get_Token) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Token /= Tok_Cparen then
+ Error_Sdf (Tok_Cparen);
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end Parse_Port_Spec;
+ function Parse_Port_Tchk return Boolean renames Parse_Port_Spec;
+ -- tc_rvalue ::= ( RNUMBER )
+ -- ||= ( rexpression )
+ -- Return status_optional for ( )
+ function Parse_Tc_Rvalue return Parse_Status_Type
+ is
+ Tok : Sdf_Token_Type;
+ Res : Parse_Status_Type;
+ begin
+ if Get_Token /= Tok_Oparen then
+ Error_Sdf (Tok_Oparen);
+ return Status_Error;
+ end if;
+ Res := Status_Found;
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ if Tok = Tok_Rnumber or Tok = Tok_Dnumber then
+ Sdf_Context.Timing (1) := Num_To_Time;
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ if Tok = Tok_Cparen then
+ -- This is a simple RNUMBER.
+ if Get_Token = Tok_Cparen then
+ return Status_Altern;
+ else
+ Error_Sdf (Tok_Cparen);
+ return Status_Error;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Sdf_Mtm = Minimum then
+ Res := Status_Set;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Tok = Tok_Cparen then
+ return Status_Optional;
+ end if;
+ if Tok /= Tok_Cln then
+ Error_Sdf (Tok_Cln);
+ return Status_Error;
+ end if;
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ if Tok = Tok_Rnumber or Tok = Tok_Dnumber then
+ if Sdf_Mtm = Typical then
+ Sdf_Context.Timing (1) := Num_To_Time;
+ Res := Status_Set;
+ end if;
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ end if;
+ if Tok /= Tok_Cln then
+ Error_Sdf (Tok_Cln);
+ return Status_Error;
+ end if;
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ if Tok = Tok_Rnumber or Tok = Tok_Dnumber then
+ if Sdf_Mtm = Maximum then
+ Sdf_Context.Timing (1) := Num_To_Time;
+ Res := Status_Set;
+ end if;
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ end if;
+ if Tok /= Tok_Cparen then
+ Error_Sdf (Tok_Cparen);
+ return Status_Error;
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Tc_Rvalue;
+ function Parse_Simple_Tc_Rvalue return Boolean is
+ begin
+ Sdf_Context.Timing_Nbr := 0;
+ case Parse_Tc_Rvalue is
+ when Status_Error
+ | Status_Optional =>
+ return False;
+ when Status_Altern =>
+ null;
+ when Status_Found =>
+ Sdf_Context.Timing_Set (1) := False;
+ when Status_Set =>
+ Sdf_Context.Timing_Set (1) := True;
+ end case;
+ return True;
+ end Parse_Simple_Tc_Rvalue;
+ -- rvalue ::= ( RNUMBER )
+ -- ||= rexp_list
+ -- Parse: rvalue )
+ function Parse_Rvalue return Boolean
+ is
+ Tok : Sdf_Token_Type;
+ begin
+ Sdf_Context.Timing_Nbr := 0;
+ Sdf_Context.Timing_Set := (others => False);
+ case Parse_Tc_Rvalue is
+ when Status_Error =>
+ return False;
+ when Status_Altern =>
+ return True;
+ when Status_Found
+ | Status_Optional =>
+ null;
+ when Status_Set =>
+ Sdf_Context.Timing_Set (1) := True;
+ end case;
+ Sdf_Context.Timing_Nbr := 1;
+ loop
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ exit when Tok = Tok_Cparen;
+ if Tok /= Tok_Oparen then
+ Error_Sdf (Tok_Oparen);
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Sdf_Context.Timing_Nbr := Sdf_Context.Timing_Nbr + 1;
+ declare
+ Status : Parse_Status_Type;
+ Val : Ghdl_I64;
+ begin
+ Parse_Rexpression (Status, Val);
+ case Status is
+ when Status_Error
+ | Status_Altern =>
+ return False;
+ when Status_Optional
+ | Status_Found =>
+ null;
+ when Status_Set =>
+ Sdf_Context.Timing_Set (Sdf_Context.Timing_Nbr) := True;
+ Sdf_Context.Timing (Sdf_Context.Timing_Nbr) := Val;
+ end case;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ if Boolean'(False) then
+ -- Do not expand here, since the most used is 01.
+ case Sdf_Context.Timing_Nbr is
+ when 1 =>
+ for I in 2 .. 6 loop
+ Sdf_Context.Timing (I) := Sdf_Context.Timing (1);
+ Sdf_Context.Timing_Set (I) := Sdf_Context.Timing_Set (1);
+ end loop;
+ when 2 =>
+ for I in 3 .. 4 loop
+ Sdf_Context.Timing (I) := Sdf_Context.Timing (1);
+ Sdf_Context.Timing_Set (I) := Sdf_Context.Timing_Set (1);
+ end loop;
+ for I in 5 .. 6 loop
+ Sdf_Context.Timing (I) := Sdf_Context.Timing (2);
+ Sdf_Context.Timing_Set (I) := Sdf_Context.Timing_Set (2);
+ end loop;
+ when 3 =>
+ for I in 4 .. 6 loop
+ Sdf_Context.Timing (I) := Sdf_Context.Timing (I - 3);
+ Sdf_Context.Timing_Set (I) := Sdf_Context.Timing_Set (I - 3);
+ end loop;
+ when 6
+ | 12 =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Sdf ("bad number of rvalue");
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end Parse_Rvalue;
+ function Handle_Generic return Boolean
+ is
+ Name : String (1 .. 1024);
+ Len : Natural;
+ procedure Start (Str : String) is
+ begin
+ Name (1 .. Str'Length) := Str;
+ Len := Str'Length;
+ end Start;
+ procedure Add (Str : String)
+ is
+ Nlen : Natural;
+ begin
+ Len := Len + 1;
+ Name (Len) := '_';
+ Nlen := Len + Str'Length;
+ Name (Len + 1 .. Nlen) := Str;
+ Len := Nlen;
+ end Add;
+ procedure Add_Edge (Edge : Edge_Type; Force : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ case Edge is
+ when Edge_Posedge =>
+ Add ("posedge");
+ when Edge_Negedge =>
+ Add ("negedge");
+ when Edge_01 =>
+ Add ("01");
+ when Edge_10 =>
+ Add ("10");
+ when Edge_0z =>
+ Add ("0z");
+ when Edge_Z1 =>
+ Add ("Z1");
+ when Edge_1z =>
+ Add ("1z");
+ when Edge_Z0 =>
+ Add ("ZO");
+ when Edge_None =>
+ if Force then
+ Add ("noedge");
+ end if;
+ when Edge_Error =>
+ Add ("?");
+ end case;
+ end Add_Edge;
+ Ok : Boolean;
+ begin
+ case Sdf_Context.Kind is
+ when Delay_Iopath =>
+ Start ("tpd");
+ when Delay_Port =>
+ Start ("tipd");
+ when Timingcheck_Setup =>
+ Start ("tsetup");
+ when Timingcheck_Hold =>
+ Start ("thold");
+ when Timingcheck_Setuphold =>
+ Start ("tsetup");
+ when Timingcheck_Recovery =>
+ Start ("trecovery");
+ when Timingcheck_Skew =>
+ Start ("tskew");
+ when Timingcheck_Width =>
+ Start ("tpw");
+ when Timingcheck_Period =>
+ Start ("tperiod");
+ when Timingcheck_Nochange =>
+ Start ("tncsetup");
+ end case;
+ for I in 1 .. Sdf_Context.Port_Num loop
+ Add (Sdf_Context.Ports (I).Name
+ (1 .. Sdf_Context.Ports (I).Name_Len));
+ end loop;
+ if Sdf_Context.Kind in Timing_Generic_Full_Condition then
+ Add_Edge (Sdf_Context.Ports (1).Edge, True);
+ Add_Edge (Sdf_Context.Ports (2).Edge, False);
+ elsif Sdf_Context.Kind in Timing_Generic_Simple_Condition then
+ Add_Edge (Sdf_Context.Ports (1).Edge, False);
+ end if;
+ Vital_Annotate.Sdf_Generic (Sdf_Context.all, Name (1 .. Len), Ok);
+ if not Ok then
+ Error_Sdf ("could not annotate generic");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end Handle_Generic;
+ function Parse_Sdf return Boolean
+ is
+ Tok : Sdf_Token_Type;
+ Ok : Boolean;
+ begin
+ if Get_Token /= Tok_Oparen
+ or else Get_Token /= Tok_Identifier
+ or else not Is_Ident ("DELAYFILE")
+ or else Get_Token /= Tok_Oparen
+ or else Get_Token /= Tok_Identifier
+ then
+ Error_Sdf ("not an SDF file");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Is_Ident ("SDFVERSION") then
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ if Tok = Tok_Qstring then
+ Sdf_Context.Version := Sdf_Version_Bad;
+ if Ident_Length = 3 and then Buf (Ident_Start + 1) = '.' then
+ -- Version has the format '"X.Y"' (without simple quote).
+ if Buf (Ident_Start) = '2'
+ and then Buf (Ident_Start + 2) = '1'
+ then
+ Sdf_Context.Version := Sdf_2_1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ end if;
+ if not Expect_Cp_Op_Ident (Tok) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if not Expect_Qstr_Cp_Op_Ident ("DESIGN") then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if not Expect_Qstr_Cp_Op_Ident ("DATE") then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if not Expect_Qstr_Cp_Op_Ident ("VENDOR") then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if not Expect_Qstr_Cp_Op_Ident ("PROGRAM") then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if not Expect_Qstr_Cp_Op_Ident ("VERSION") then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Is_Ident ("DIVIDER") then
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ if Tok = Tok_Div or Tok = Tok_Dot then
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ end if;
+ if not Expect_Cp_Op_Ident (Tok) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Is_Ident ("VOLTAGE") then
+ if not Expect_Rexpr_Cp_Op_Ident then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if not Expect_Qstr_Cp_Op_Ident ("PROCESS") then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Is_Ident ("TEMPERATURE") then
+ if not Expect_Rexpr_Cp_Op_Ident then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Is_Ident ("TIMESCALE") then
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ if Tok = Tok_Rnumber or Tok = Tok_Dnumber then
+ if Scan_Exp = 0 and (Scan_Int = 1
+ or Scan_Int = 10
+ or Scan_Int = 100)
+ then
+ Sdf_Context.Timescale := Scan_Int;
+ else
+ Error_Sdf ("bad timescale value");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ if Tok /= Tok_Identifier then
+ Error_Sdf (Tok_Identifier);
+ end if;
+ if Is_Ident ("ps") then
+ null;
+ elsif Is_Ident ("ns") then
+ Sdf_Context.Timescale := Sdf_Context.Timescale * 1000;
+ elsif Is_Ident ("us") then
+ Sdf_Context.Timescale := Sdf_Context.Timescale * 1000_000;
+ else
+ Error_Sdf ("bad timescale unit");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ end if;
+ if not Expect_Cp_Op_Ident (Tok) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Vital_Annotate.Sdf_Header (Sdf_Context.all);
+ -- Parse cell+
+ loop
+ if not Is_Ident ("CELL") then
+ Error_Sdf ("CELL expected");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- Parse celltype
+ if Get_Token /= Tok_Oparen
+ or else Get_Token /= Tok_Identifier
+ or else not Is_Ident ("CELLTYPE")
+ or else Get_Token /= Tok_Qstring
+ then
+ Error_Sdf ("CELLTYPE expected");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Sdf_Context.Celltype_Len := Ident_Length;
+ if Sdf_Context.Celltype_Len > Sdf_Context.Celltype'Length then
+ Error_Sdf ("CELLTYPE qstring is too long");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ for I in Ident_Start .. Ident_End loop
+ Sdf_Context.Celltype (I - Ident_Start + 1) := To_Lower (Buf (I));
+ end loop;
+ Vital_Annotate.Sdf_Celltype (Sdf_Context.all);
+ if Get_Token /= Tok_Cparen
+ or else Get_Token /= Tok_Oparen
+ or else Get_Token /= Tok_Identifier
+ or else not Is_Ident ("INSTANCE")
+ then
+ Error_Sdf ("INSTANCE expected");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- Parse instance+
+ loop
+ exit when not Is_Ident ("INSTANCE");
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ if Tok /= Tok_Cparen then
+ if Tok /= Tok_Identifier then
+ Error_Sdf ("instance identifier expected");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ for I in Ident_Start .. Ident_End loop
+ Buf (I) := To_Lower (Buf (I));
+ end loop;
+ Vital_Annotate.Sdf_Instance
+ (Sdf_Context.all, Buf (Ident_Start .. Ident_End), Ok);
+ if not Ok then
+ Error_Sdf ("cannot find instance");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ end if;
+ if Tok /= Tok_Cparen
+ or else Get_Token /= Tok_Oparen
+ or else Get_Token /= Tok_Identifier
+ then
+ Error_Sdf ("instance or timing_spec expected");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Vital_Annotate.Sdf_Instance_End (Sdf_Context.all, Ok);
+ if not Ok then
+ Error_Sdf ("bad instance or celltype mistmatch");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- Parse timing_spec+
+ loop
+ if Is_Ident ("DELAY") then
+ -- Parse deltype+
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ loop
+ if Tok /= Tok_Oparen
+ or else Get_Token /= Tok_Identifier
+ then
+ Error_Sdf ("deltype expected");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Is_Ident ("PATHPULSE")
+ or else Is_Ident ("GLOBALPATHPULSE")
+ then
+ Error_Sdf ("PATHPULSE and GLOBALPATHPULSE not allowed");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Is_Ident ("ABSOLUTE") then
+ null;
+ elsif Is_Ident ("INCREMENT") then
+ null;
+ else
+ Error_Sdf ("ABSOLUTE or INCREMENT expected");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- Parse absvals+ or incvals+
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ loop
+ if Tok /= Tok_Oparen
+ or else Get_Token /= Tok_Identifier
+ then
+ Error_Sdf ("absvals or incvals expected");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Is_Ident ("IOPATH") then
+ Start_Generic_Name (Delay_Iopath);
+ if not Parse_Port_Spec
+ or else not Parse_Port_Path
+ or else not Parse_Rvalue
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ elsif Is_Ident ("PORT") then
+ Start_Generic_Name (Delay_Port);
+ if not Parse_Port_Path
+ or else not Parse_Rvalue
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ elsif Is_Ident ("COND")
+ or else Is_Ident ("INTERCONNECT")
+ or else Is_Ident ("DEVICE")
+ then
+ Error_Sdf
+ ("COND, INTERCONNECT, or DEVICE not handled");
+ return False;
+ elsif Is_Ident ("NETDELAY") then
+ Error_Sdf ("NETDELAY not allowed in VITAL SDF");
+ return False;
+ else
+ Error_Sdf ("absvals or incvals expected");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if not Handle_Generic then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ exit when Tok = Tok_Cparen;
+ end loop;
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ exit when Tok = Tok_Cparen;
+ end loop;
+ elsif Is_Ident ("TIMINGCHECK") then
+ -- parse tc_def+
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ loop
+ if Tok /= Tok_Oparen
+ or else Get_Token /= Tok_Identifier
+ then
+ Error_Sdf ("tc_def expected");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Is_Ident ("SETUP") then
+ Start_Generic_Name (Timingcheck_Setup);
+ elsif Is_Ident ("HOLD") then
+ Start_Generic_Name (Timingcheck_Hold);
+ elsif Is_Ident ("SETUPHOLD") then
+ Start_Generic_Name (Timingcheck_Setuphold);
+ elsif Is_Ident ("RECOVERY") then
+ Start_Generic_Name (Timingcheck_Recovery);
+ elsif Is_Ident ("SKEW") then
+ Start_Generic_Name (Timingcheck_Skew);
+ elsif Is_Ident ("WIDTH") then
+ Start_Generic_Name (Timingcheck_Width);
+ elsif Is_Ident ("PERIOD") then
+ Start_Generic_Name (Timingcheck_Period);
+ elsif Is_Ident ("NOCHANGE") then
+ Start_Generic_Name (Timingcheck_Nochange);
+ elsif Is_Ident ("PATHCONSTRAINT")
+ or else Is_Ident ("SUM")
+ or else Is_Ident ("DIFF")
+ or else Is_Ident ("SKEWCONSTRAINT")
+ then
+ Error_Sdf ("non-VITAL tc_def");
+ return False;
+ else
+ Error_Sdf ("bad tc_def");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ case Sdf_Context.Kind is
+ when Timingcheck_Setup
+ | Timingcheck_Hold
+ | Timingcheck_Recovery
+ | Timingcheck_Skew
+ | Timingcheck_Setuphold
+ | Timingcheck_Nochange =>
+ if not Parse_Port_Tchk
+ or else not Parse_Port_Tchk
+ or else not Parse_Simple_Tc_Rvalue
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ when Timingcheck_Width
+ | Timingcheck_Period =>
+ if not Parse_Port_Tchk
+ or else not Parse_Simple_Tc_Rvalue
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("sdf_parse");
+ end case;
+ if not Handle_Generic then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ case Sdf_Context.Kind is
+ when Timingcheck_Setuphold
+ | Timingcheck_Nochange =>
+ if not Parse_Simple_Tc_Rvalue then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Error_Sdf ("setuphold and nochange not yet handled");
+ return False;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ if Get_Token /= Tok_Cparen then
+ Error_Sdf (Tok_Cparen);
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ exit when Tok = Tok_Cparen;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ exit when Tok = Tok_Cparen;
+ if Tok /= Tok_Oparen then
+ Error_Sdf (Tok_Oparen);
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Token /= Tok_Identifier then
+ Error_Sdf (Tok_Identifier);
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Tok := Get_Token;
+ exit when Tok = Tok_Cparen;
+ if Tok /= Tok_Oparen
+ or else Get_Token /= Tok_Identifier
+ then
+ Error_Sdf (Tok_Identifier);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Get_Token /= Tok_Eof then
+ Error_Sdf ("EOF expected");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end Parse_Sdf;
+ function Parse_Sdf_File (Filename : String) return Boolean
+ is
+ Res : Boolean;
+ begin
+ if not Open_Sdf (Filename) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Res := Parse_Sdf;
+ Close_Sdf;
+ return Res;
+ end Parse_Sdf_File;
+end Grt.Sdf;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-sdf.ads b/translate/grt/grt-sdf.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9e2477656
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-sdf.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - SDF parser.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+package Grt.Sdf is
+ type Edge_Type is
+ (
+ Edge_Error,
+ Edge_None,
+ Edge_Posedge,
+ Edge_Negedge,
+ Edge_01,
+ Edge_10,
+ Edge_0z,
+ Edge_Z1,
+ Edge_1z,
+ Edge_Z0
+ );
+ type Timing_Generic_Kind is
+ (
+ Delay_Port,
+ --Delay_Interconnect,
+ --Delay_Device,
+ -- Simple condition
+ Delay_Iopath,
+ Timingcheck_Width,
+ Timingcheck_Period,
+ -- Full condition
+ Timingcheck_Setup,
+ Timingcheck_Hold,
+ Timingcheck_Recovery,
+ Timingcheck_Skew,
+ Timingcheck_Nochange,
+ Timingcheck_Setuphold
+ );
+ subtype Timing_Generic_Simple_Condition is Timing_Generic_Kind
+ range Delay_Iopath .. Timingcheck_Period;
+ subtype Timing_Generic_Full_Condition is Timing_Generic_Kind
+ range Timingcheck_Setup .. Timingcheck_Setuphold;
+ type Sdf_Version_Type is
+ (
+ Sdf_2_1,
+ Sdf_Version_Unknown,
+ Sdf_Version_Bad
+ );
+ Read_Size : constant Natural := 4096;
+ Buf_Size : constant Natural := Read_Size + 1024 + 1;
+ type Port_Spec_Type is record
+ Name : String (1 .. 1024);
+ Name_Len : Natural;
+ -- Cond : String (1 .. 1024);
+ -- Cond_Len : Natural;
+ Edge : Edge_Type;
+ end record;
+ type Port_Spec_Array_Type is array (Natural range <>) of Port_Spec_Type;
+ type Ghdl_I64_Array is array (1 .. 12) of Ghdl_I64;
+ type Boolean_Array is array (1 .. 12) of Boolean;
+ type Sdf_Context_Type is record
+ -- Version of the SDF file.
+ Version : Sdf_Version_Type;
+ -- Timescale; 1 corresponds to 1 ps.
+ -- Default is 1000 (1 ns).
+ Timescale : Natural;
+ Kind : Timing_Generic_Kind;
+ -- Cell type.
+ Celltype : String (1 .. 128);
+ Celltype_Len : Natural;
+ -- Current port.
+ Port_Num : Natural;
+ Ports : Port_Spec_Array_Type (1 .. 2);
+ -- timing spec.
+ Timing : Ghdl_I64_Array;
+ Timing_Set : Boolean_Array;
+ Timing_Nbr : Natural;
+ end record;
+ -- Which value is extracted.
+ type Mtm_Type is (Minimum, Typical, Maximum);
+ Sdf_Mtm : Mtm_Type := Typical;
+ function Parse_Sdf_File (Filename : String) return Boolean;
+end Grt.Sdf;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-shadow_ieee.adb b/translate/grt/grt-shadow_ieee.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cefd2d2a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-shadow_ieee.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - ghost declarations for ieee.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors;
+package body Grt.Shadow_Ieee is
+ procedure Ieee_Std_Logic_1164_Resolved_RESOLV is
+ begin
+ Internal_Error ("resolved_RESOLV from shadow ieee called");
+ end Ieee_Std_Logic_1164_Resolved_RESOLV;
+end Grt.Shadow_Ieee;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-shadow_ieee.ads b/translate/grt/grt-shadow_ieee.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7433ca16a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-shadow_ieee.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - ghost declarations for ieee.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+-- This packages provides dummy declaration for main IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164
+-- type descriptors.
+-- The package must not have elaboration code, since the actual type
+-- descriptors are not writable (they are constant). Making it preelaborated
+-- is not enough, the variables must be initialized. This current
+-- implementation provides bad values; this is not a problem since they are
+-- not read in grt.
+package Grt.Shadow_Ieee is
+ pragma Preelaborate (Grt.Shadow_Ieee);
+ procedure Ieee_Std_Logic_1164_Resolved_RESOLV;
+ pragma Export (C, Ieee_Std_Logic_1164_Resolved_RESOLV,
+ "ieee__std_logic_1164__resolved_RESOLV");
+end Grt.Shadow_Ieee;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-signals.adb b/translate/grt/grt-signals.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ed8a3227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-signals.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,2949 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - signals management.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with System; use System;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors;
+with Grt.Processes; use Grt.Processes;
+with Grt.Options; use Grt.Options;
+with Grt.Rtis_Types; use Grt.Rtis_Types;
+with Grt.Disp_Signals;
+with Grt.Astdio;
+with Grt.Stdio;
+package body Grt.Signals is
+ function Is_Signal_Guarded (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr) return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ return (Sig.Rti.Common.Mode and Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Kind_Mask)
+ /= Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Kind_No;
+ end Is_Signal_Guarded;
+ Sig_Rti : Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc;
+ Last_Implicit_Signal : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Current_Resolv : Resolved_Signal_Acc := null;
+ function Get_Current_Mode_Signal return Mode_Signal_Type
+ is
+ begin
+ return Mode_Signal_Type'Val
+ (Sig_Rti.Common.Mode and Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Mode_Mask);
+ end Get_Current_Mode_Signal;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Name_Rti (Sig : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Ctxt : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Addr : Address)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Ctxt);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Addr);
+ begin
+ Sig_Rti := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Sig);
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Name_Rti;
+ function To_Address is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Ghdl_Signal_Ptr, Target => Address);
+ function Create_Signal
+ (Mode : Mode_Type;
+ Init_Val : Value_Union;
+ Mode_Sig : Mode_Signal_Type;
+ Resolv_Proc : System.Address;
+ Resolv_Inst : System.Address)
+ return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr
+ is
+ Res : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Resolv : Resolved_Signal_Acc;
+ S : Ghdl_Signal_Data (Mode_Sig);
+ begin
+ Sig_Table.Increment_Last;
+ if Current_Resolv = null then
+ if Resolv_Proc /= Null_Address then
+ Resolv := new Resolved_Signal_Type'
+ (Resolv_Proc => Resolv_Proc,
+ Resolv_Inst => Resolv_Inst,
+ Resolv_Ptr => Null_Address,
+ Sig_Range => (Sig_Table.Last, Sig_Table.Last),
+ Disconnect_Time => Bad_Time);
+ else
+ Resolv := null;
+ end if;
+ else
+ if Resolv_Proc /= Null_Address then
+ -- Only one resolution function is allowed!
+ Internal_Error ("create_signal");
+ end if;
+ Resolv := Current_Resolv;
+ if Current_Resolv.Sig_Range.Last = Sig_Table.Last then
+ Current_Resolv := null;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ case Mode_Sig is
+ when Mode_Signal_User =>
+ S.Nbr_Drivers := 0;
+ S.Drivers := null;
+ S.Effective := null;
+ S.Resolv := Resolv;
+ when Mode_Conv_In
+ | Mode_Conv_Out =>
+ S.Conv := null;
+ when Mode_Stable
+ | Mode_Quiet
+ | Mode_Delayed =>
+ S.Time := 0;
+ when Mode_Guard =>
+ S.Guard_Func := null;
+ S.Guard_Instance := System.Null_Address;
+ when Mode_Transaction
+ | Mode_End =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Res := new Ghdl_Signal'(Value => Init_Val,
+ Driving_Value => Init_Val,
+ Last_Value => Init_Val,
+ -- Note: use -Std_Time'last instead of
+ -- Std_Time'First so that NOW - x'last_event
+ -- returns time'high at initialization!
+ Last_Event => -Std_Time'Last,
+ Last_Active => -Std_Time'Last,
+ Event => False,
+ Active => False,
+ Mode => Mode,
+ Flags => (Propag => Propag_None,
+ Has_Active => False,
+ Is_Dumped => False,
+ Cyc_Event => False),
+ Net => No_Signal_Net,
+ Link => null,
+ Alink => null,
+ Flink => null,
+ Event_List => null,
+ Rti => Sig_Rti,
+ Nbr_Ports => 0,
+ Ports => null,
+ S => S);
+ if Resolv /= null and then Resolv.Resolv_Ptr = System.Null_Address then
+ Resolv.Resolv_Ptr := To_Address (Res);
+ end if;
+ case Flag_Activity is
+ when Activity_All =>
+ Res.Flags.Has_Active := True;
+ when Activity_Minimal =>
+ if (Sig_Rti.Common.Mode and Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Has_Active) /= 0 then
+ Res.Flags.Has_Active := True;
+ end if;
+ when Activity_None =>
+ Res.Flags.Has_Active := False;
+ end case;
+ -- Put the signal in the table.
+ Sig_Table.Table (Sig_Table.Last) := Res;
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Signal;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Init (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Val : Value_Union) is
+ begin
+ Sig.Value := Val;
+ Sig.Driving_Value := Val;
+ Sig.Last_Value := Val;
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Init;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Merge_Rti (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
+ is
+ S_Rti : Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc;
+ begin
+ S_Rti := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Rti);
+ if Flag_Activity = Activity_Minimal then
+ if (S_Rti.Common.Mode and Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Has_Active) /= 0 then
+ Sig.Flags.Has_Active := True;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Merge_Rti;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Create_Resolution (Proc : System.Address;
+ Instance : System.Address;
+ Sig : System.Address;
+ Nbr_Sig : Ghdl_Index_Type)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Current_Resolv /= null then
+ Internal_Error ("Ghdl_Signal_Create_Resolution");
+ end if;
+ Current_Resolv := new Resolved_Signal_Type'
+ (Resolv_Proc => Proc,
+ Resolv_Inst => Instance,
+ Resolv_Ptr => Sig,
+ Sig_Range => (First => Sig_Table.Last + 1,
+ Last => Sig_Table.Last + Sig_Table_Index (Nbr_Sig)),
+ Disconnect_Time => Bad_Time);
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Create_Resolution;
+ procedure Check_New_Source (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ is
+ use Grt.Stdio;
+ use Grt.Astdio;
+ begin
+ if Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers + Sig.Nbr_Ports > 0 then
+ if Sig.S.Resolv = null then
+ -- LRM Signal Declaration
+ -- It is an error if, after the elaboration of a description, a
+ -- signal has multiple sources and it is not a resolved signal.
+ Put ("for signal: ");
+ Disp_Signals.Put_Signal_Name (stderr, Sig);
+ New_Line (stderr);
+ Error ("several sources for unresolved signal");
+ -- FIXME: display signal name.
+ elsif Sig.S.Mode_Sig = Mode_Buffer and False then
+ -- LRM Ports
+ -- A BUFFER port may have at most one source.
+ -- FIXME: this is not true with VHDL-02.
+ -- With VHDL-87/93, should also check that: any actual associated
+ -- with a formal buffer port may have at most one source.
+ Error ("buffer port which more than one source");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Check_New_Source;
+ procedure Ghdl_Process_Add_Driver (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ is
+ type Size_T is new Integer;
+ function Malloc (Size : Size_T) return Driver_Arr_Ptr;
+ pragma Import (C, Malloc);
+ function Realloc (Ptr : Driver_Arr_Ptr; Size : Size_T)
+ return Driver_Arr_Ptr;
+ pragma Import (C, Realloc);
+ function Size (N : Ghdl_Index_Type) return Size_T is
+ begin
+ return Size_T (N * Driver_Type'Size / System.Storage_Unit);
+ end Size;
+ Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ Id : Process_Id;
+ begin
+ Id := Get_Current_Process_Id;
+ if Sign.S.Nbr_Drivers = 0 then
+ Check_New_Source (Sign);
+ Sign.S.Drivers := Malloc (Size (1));
+ Sign.S.Nbr_Drivers := 1;
+ else
+ -- Do not create a driver twice.
+ for I in 0 .. Sign.S.Nbr_Drivers - 1 loop
+ if Sign.S.Drivers (I).Proc = Id then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Check_New_Source (Sign);
+ Sign.S.Nbr_Drivers := Sign.S.Nbr_Drivers + 1;
+ Sign.S.Drivers := Realloc (Sign.S.Drivers, Size (Sign.S.Nbr_Drivers));
+ end if;
+ Trans := new Transaction'(Kind => Trans_Value,
+ Time => 0,
+ Next => null,
+ Val => Sign.Value);
+ Sign.S.Drivers (Sign.S.Nbr_Drivers - 1) :=
+ (First_Trans => Trans,
+ Last_Trans => Trans,
+ Proc => Id);
+ end Ghdl_Process_Add_Driver;
+ procedure Append_Port (Targ : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Src : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ is
+ type Size_T is new Integer;
+ function Malloc (Size : Size_T) return Signal_Arr_Ptr;
+ pragma Import (C, Malloc);
+ function Realloc (Ptr : Signal_Arr_Ptr; Size : Size_T)
+ return Signal_Arr_Ptr;
+ pragma Import (C, Realloc);
+ function Size (N : Ghdl_Index_Type) return Size_T is
+ begin
+ return Size_T (N * Ghdl_Signal_Ptr'Size / System.Storage_Unit);
+ end Size;
+ begin
+ if Targ.Nbr_Ports = 0 then
+ Targ.Ports := Malloc (Size (1));
+ Targ.Nbr_Ports := 1;
+ else
+ Targ.Nbr_Ports := Targ.Nbr_Ports + 1;
+ Targ.Ports := Realloc (Targ.Ports, Size (Targ.Nbr_Ports));
+ end if;
+ Targ.Ports (Targ.Nbr_Ports - 1) := Src;
+ end Append_Port;
+ -- Add SRC to port list of TARG, but only if not already in this list.
+ procedure Add_Port (Targ : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Src : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ is
+ begin
+ for I in 1 .. Targ.Nbr_Ports loop
+ if Targ.Ports (I - 1) = Src then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Append_Port (Targ, Src);
+ end Add_Port;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Add_Source (Targ : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Src : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ is
+ begin
+ Check_New_Source (Targ);
+ Append_Port (Targ, Src);
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Add_Source;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Set_Disconnect (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Time : Std_Time) is
+ begin
+ if Sign.S.Resolv = null then
+ Internal_Error ("ghdl_signal_set_disconnect: not resolved");
+ end if;
+ if Sign.S.Resolv.Disconnect_Time /= Bad_Time then
+ Error ("disconnection already specified for signal");
+ end if;
+ if Time < 0 then
+ Error ("disconnection time is negative");
+ end if;
+ Sign.S.Resolv.Disconnect_Time := Time;
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Set_Disconnect;
+ procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Object => Transaction, Name => Transaction_Acc);
+ function Value_Equal (Left, Right : Value_Union; Mode : Mode_Type)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ case Mode is
+ when Mode_B2 =>
+ return Left.B2 = Right.B2;
+ when Mode_E8 =>
+ return Left.E8 = Right.E8;
+ when Mode_E32 =>
+ return Left.E32 = Right.E32;
+ when Mode_I32 =>
+ return Left.I32 = Right.I32;
+ when Mode_I64 =>
+ return Left.I64 = Right.I64;
+ when Mode_F64 =>
+ return Left.F64 = Right.F64;
+ end case;
+ end Value_Equal;
+ function Find_Driver (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr) return Ghdl_Index_Type
+ is
+ Id : Process_Id;
+ begin
+ if Sig.S.Drivers = null then
+ Error ("assignment to a signal without any driver");
+ end if;
+ Id := Get_Current_Process_Id;
+ for I in 0 .. Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers - 1 loop
+ if Sig.S.Drivers (I).Proc = Id then
+ return I;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Error ("assignment to a signal without a driver for the process");
+ end Find_Driver;
+ function Get_Driver (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr) return Driver_Acc
+ is
+ Id : Process_Id;
+ begin
+ if Sig.S.Drivers = null then
+ return null;
+ end if;
+ Id := Get_Current_Process_Id;
+ for I in 0 .. Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers - 1 loop
+ if Sig.S.Drivers (I).Proc = Id then
+ return Sig.S.Drivers (I)'Access;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return null;
+ end Get_Driver;
+ -- Unused but well-known signal which always terminate ACTIVE_LIST.
+ -- As a consequence, every element of ACTIVE_LIST has a link field set to
+ -- a non-null value (this is of course not true for SIGNAL_END). This may
+ -- be used to quickly check if a signal is in the list.
+ -- This signal is not in the signal table.
+ Signal_End : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ -- List of active signals.
+ Active_List : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ -- List of signals which have projected waveforms in the future (beyond
+ -- the next delta cycle).
+ Future_List : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Reject : Std_Time;
+ Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ After : Std_Time)
+ is
+ Assign_Time : Std_Time;
+ Drv : constant Ghdl_Index_Type := Find_Driver (Sign);
+ Drv_Ptr : constant Driver_Arr_Ptr := Sign.S.Drivers;
+ Driver : Driver_Type renames Drv_Ptr (Drv);
+ begin
+ -- LRM93 8.4.1
+ -- It is an error if the time expression in a waveform element
+ -- evaluates to a negative value.
+ if After < 0 then
+ Error ("negative time expression in signal assignment");
+ end if;
+ if After = 0 then
+ -- Put SIGN on the active list if the transaction is scheduled
+ -- for the next delta cycle.
+ if Sign.Link = null then
+ Sign.Link := Active_List;
+ Active_List := Sign;
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- AFTER > 0.
+ -- Put SIGN on the future list.
+ if Sign.Flink = null then
+ Sign.Flink := Future_List;
+ Future_List := Sign;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Assign_Time := Current_Time + After;
+ if Assign_Time < 0 then
+ -- Beyond the future
+ declare
+ Ntrans : Transaction_Acc;
+ begin
+ Ntrans := Trans;
+ Free (Ntrans);
+ return;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93 8.4.1
+ -- 1. All old transactions that are projected to occur at or after the
+ -- time at which the earliest new transaction is projected to occur
+ -- are deleted from the projected output waveform.
+ if Driver.Last_Trans.Time >= Assign_Time then
+ declare
+ -- LAST is the last transaction to keep.
+ Last : Transaction_Acc;
+ Next : Transaction_Acc;
+ begin
+ Last := Driver.First_Trans;
+ -- Find the first transaction to be deleted.
+ Next := Last.Next;
+ while Next /= null and then Next.Time < Assign_Time loop
+ Last := Next;
+ Next := Next.Next;
+ end loop;
+ -- Delete old transactions.
+ if Next /= null then
+ -- Set the last transaction of the driver.
+ Driver.Last_Trans := Last;
+ -- Cut the chain. This is not strickly necessary, since
+ -- it will be overriden below, by appending TRANS to the
+ -- driver.
+ Last.Next := null;
+ -- Free removed transactions.
+ loop
+ Last := Next.Next;
+ Free (Next);
+ exit when Last = null;
+ Next := Last;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ -- 2. The new transaction are then appended to the projected output
+ -- waveform in the order of their projected occurence.
+ Trans.Time := Assign_Time;
+ Driver.Last_Trans.Next := Trans;
+ Driver.Last_Trans := Trans;
+ -- If the initial delay is inertial delay according to the definitions
+ -- of section 8.4, the projected output waveform is further modified
+ -- as follows:
+ -- 1. All of the new transactions are marked.
+ -- 2. An old transaction is marked if the time at which it is projected
+ -- to occur is less than the time at which the first new transaction
+ -- is projected to occur minus the pulse rejection limit.
+ -- 3. For each remaining unmarked, old transaction, the old transaction
+ -- is marked if it immediatly precedes a marked transaction and its
+ -- value component is the same as that of the marked transaction;
+ -- 4. The transaction that determines the current value of the driver
+ -- is marked.
+ -- 5. All unmarked transactions (all of which are old transactions) are
+ -- deleted from the projected output waveform.
+ --
+ -- GHDL: only transactions that are projected to occur at [T-R, T[
+ -- can be deleted (R is the reject time, T is now + after time).
+ if Reject > 0 then
+ -- LRM93 8.4
+ -- It is an error if the pulse rejection limit for any inertially
+ -- delayed signal assignment statement is [...] or greater than the
+ -- time expression associated with the first waveform element.
+ if Reject > After then
+ Error ("pulse rejection greater than first waveform delay");
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Prev : Transaction_Acc;
+ Next : Transaction_Acc;
+ begin
+ -- Find the first transaction after the project time less the
+ -- rejection time.
+ -- PREV will be the last old transaction which is projected to
+ -- occur before T - R.
+ Prev := Driver.First_Trans;
+ loop
+ Next := Prev.Next;
+ exit when Next.Time >= Assign_Time - Reject;
+ Prev := Next;
+ end loop;
+ -- Scan every transaction until TRANS. If a transaction value is
+ -- different from the TRANS value, then delete all previous
+ -- transactions (from T - R to the currently scanned transaction),
+ -- since they are not marked.
+ while Next /= Trans loop
+ if Next.Kind /= Trans.Kind
+ or else
+ (Trans.Kind = Trans_Value
+ and then not Value_Equal (Next.Val, Trans.Val, Sign.Mode))
+ then
+ -- NEXT is different from TRANS.
+ -- Delete ]PREV;NEXT].
+ declare
+ D, N : Transaction_Acc;
+ begin
+ D := Prev.Next;
+ Next := Next.Next;
+ Prev.Next := Next;
+ loop
+ N := D.Next;
+ Free (D);
+ exit when N = Next;
+ D := N;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ else
+ Next := Next.Next;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ elsif Reject /= 0 then
+ -- LRM93 8.4
+ -- It is an error if the pulse rejection limit for any inertially
+ -- delayed signal assignment statement is either negative or [...].
+ Error ("pulse rejection is negative");
+ end if;
+ -- Do some checks.
+ if Driver.Last_Trans.Next /= null then
+ Error ("ghdl_signal_start_assign internal_error");
+ end if;
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Val : Value_Union;
+ After : Std_Time)
+ is
+ Drv_Ptr : constant Driver_Arr_Ptr := Sign.S.Drivers;
+ Driver : Driver_Type renames Drv_Ptr (Find_Driver (Sign));
+ Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ begin
+ if After > 0 and then Sign.Flink = null then
+ -- Put SIGN on the future list.
+ Sign.Flink := Future_List;
+ Future_List := Sign;
+ end if;
+ Trans := new Transaction'(Kind => Trans_Value,
+ Time => Current_Time + After,
+ Next => null,
+ Val => Val);
+ if Trans.Time <= Driver.Last_Trans.Time then
+ Error ("transactions not in ascending order");
+ end if;
+ Driver.Last_Trans.Next := Trans;
+ Driver.Last_Trans := Trans;
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_Error (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ is
+ Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ begin
+ Trans := new Transaction'(Kind => Trans_Error,
+ Time => 0,
+ Next => null);
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign (Sign, 0, Trans, 0);
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_Error;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_Error (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Rej : Std_Time;
+ After : Std_Time)
+ is
+ Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ begin
+ Trans := new Transaction'(Kind => Trans_Error,
+ Time => 0,
+ Next => null);
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign (Sign, Rej, Trans, After);
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_Error;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_Null (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Rej : Std_Time;
+ After : Std_Time)
+ is
+ Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ begin
+ if not Is_Signal_Guarded (Sign) then
+ Error ("null transaction for a non-guarded target");
+ end if;
+ Trans := new Transaction'(Kind => Trans_Null,
+ Time => 0,
+ Next => null);
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign (Sign, Rej, Trans, After);
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_Null;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Disconnect (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ is
+ Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ Time : Std_Time;
+ begin
+ if not Is_Signal_Guarded (Sign) then
+ Error ("null transaction for a non-guarded target");
+ end if;
+ Trans := new Transaction'(Kind => Trans_Null,
+ Time => 0,
+ Next => null);
+ Time := Sign.S.Resolv.Disconnect_Time;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign (Sign, Time, Trans, Time);
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Disconnect;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Associate (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Val : Value_Union)
+ is
+ begin
+ Sig.Value := Val;
+ Sig.Driving_Value := Val;
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Associate;
+ function Ghdl_Create_Signal_B2
+ (Init_Val : Ghdl_B2;
+ Resolv_Func : System.Address;
+ Resolv_Inst : System.Address)
+ return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr
+ is
+ begin
+ return Create_Signal
+ (Mode_B2, Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_B2, B2 => Init_Val),
+ Get_Current_Mode_Signal,
+ Resolv_Func, Resolv_Inst);
+ end Ghdl_Create_Signal_B2;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Init_B2 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Init_Val : Ghdl_B2) is
+ begin
+ Ghdl_Signal_Init (Sig, Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_B2, B2 => Init_Val));
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Init_B2;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Associate_B2 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_B2) is
+ begin
+ Ghdl_Signal_Associate (Sig, Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_B2, B2 => Val));
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Associate_B2;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_B2 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Val : Ghdl_B2)
+ is
+ Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ begin
+ if not Sign.Flags.Has_Active
+ and then Sign.Net = Net_One_Driver
+ and then Val = Sign.Value.B2
+ and then Sign.S.Drivers (0).First_Trans.Next = null
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Trans := new Transaction'
+ (Kind => Trans_Value,
+ Time => 0,
+ Next => null,
+ Val => Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_B2, B2 => Val));
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign (Sign, 0, Trans, 0);
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_B2;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_B2 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Rej : Std_Time;
+ Val : Ghdl_B2;
+ After : Std_Time)
+ is
+ Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ begin
+ Trans := new Transaction'
+ (Kind => Trans_Value,
+ Time => 0,
+ Next => null,
+ Val => Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_B2, B2 => Val));
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign (Sign, Rej, Trans, After);
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_B2;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_B2 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Val : Ghdl_B2;
+ After : Std_Time)
+ is
+ begin
+ Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign
+ (Sign, Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_B2, B2 => Val), After);
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_B2;
+ function Ghdl_Create_Signal_E8
+ (Init_Val : Ghdl_E8;
+ Resolv_Func : System.Address;
+ Resolv_Inst : System.Address)
+ return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr
+ is
+ begin
+ return Create_Signal
+ (Mode_E8, Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_E8, E8 => Init_Val),
+ Get_Current_Mode_Signal,
+ Resolv_Func, Resolv_Inst);
+ end Ghdl_Create_Signal_E8;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Init_E8 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Init_Val : Ghdl_E8) is
+ begin
+ Ghdl_Signal_Init (Sig, Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_E8, E8 => Init_Val));
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Init_E8;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Associate_E8 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_E8) is
+ begin
+ Ghdl_Signal_Associate (Sig, Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_E8, E8 => Val));
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Associate_E8;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_E8 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Val : Ghdl_E8)
+ is
+ Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ begin
+ if not Sign.Flags.Has_Active
+ and then Sign.Net = Net_One_Driver
+ and then Val = Sign.Value.E8
+ and then Sign.S.Drivers (0).First_Trans.Next = null
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Trans := new Transaction'
+ (Kind => Trans_Value,
+ Time => 0,
+ Next => null,
+ Val => Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_E8, E8 => Val));
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign (Sign, 0, Trans, 0);
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_E8;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_E8 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Rej : Std_Time;
+ Val : Ghdl_E8;
+ After : Std_Time)
+ is
+ Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ begin
+ Trans := new Transaction'
+ (Kind => Trans_Value,
+ Time => 0,
+ Next => null,
+ Val => Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_E8, E8 => Val));
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign (Sign, Rej, Trans, After);
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_E8;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_E8 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Val : Ghdl_E8;
+ After : Std_Time)
+ is
+ begin
+ Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign
+ (Sign, Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_E8, E8 => Val), After);
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_E8;
+ function Ghdl_Create_Signal_I32
+ (Init_Val : Ghdl_I32;
+ Resolv_Func : System.Address;
+ Resolv_Inst : System.Address)
+ return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr
+ is
+ begin
+ return Create_Signal
+ (Mode_I32, Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_I32, I32 => Init_Val),
+ Get_Current_Mode_Signal,
+ Resolv_Func, Resolv_Inst);
+ end Ghdl_Create_Signal_I32;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Init_I32 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Init_Val : Ghdl_I32)
+ is
+ begin
+ Ghdl_Signal_Init (Sig, Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_I32, I32 => Init_Val));
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Init_I32;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Associate_I32 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_I32)
+ is
+ begin
+ Ghdl_Signal_Associate (Sig, Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_I32, I32 => Val));
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Associate_I32;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_I32 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Val : Ghdl_I32)
+ is
+ Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ begin
+ if not Sign.Flags.Has_Active
+ and then Sign.Net = Net_One_Driver
+ and then Val = Sign.Value.I32
+ and then Sign.S.Drivers (0).First_Trans.Next = null
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Trans := new Transaction'
+ (Kind => Trans_Value,
+ Time => 0,
+ Next => null,
+ Val => Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_I32, I32 => Val));
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign (Sign, 0, Trans, 0);
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_I32;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_I32 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Rej : Std_Time;
+ Val : Ghdl_I32;
+ After : Std_Time)
+ is
+ Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ begin
+ Trans := new Transaction'
+ (Kind => Trans_Value,
+ Time => 0,
+ Next => null,
+ Val => Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_I32, I32 => Val));
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign (Sign, Rej, Trans, After);
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_I32;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_I32 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Val : Ghdl_I32;
+ After : Std_Time)
+ is
+ begin
+ Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign
+ (Sign, Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_I32, I32 => Val), After);
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_I32;
+ function Ghdl_Create_Signal_I64
+ (Init_Val : Ghdl_I64;
+ Resolv_Func : System.Address;
+ Resolv_Inst : System.Address)
+ return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr
+ is
+ begin
+ return Create_Signal
+ (Mode_I64, Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_I64, I64 => Init_Val),
+ Get_Current_Mode_Signal,
+ Resolv_Func, Resolv_Inst);
+ end Ghdl_Create_Signal_I64;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Init_I64 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Init_Val : Ghdl_I64)
+ is
+ begin
+ Ghdl_Signal_Init (Sig, Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_I64, I64 => Init_Val));
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Init_I64;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Associate_I64 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_I64)
+ is
+ begin
+ Ghdl_Signal_Associate (Sig, Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_I64, I64 => Val));
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Associate_I64;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_I64 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Val : Ghdl_I64)
+ is
+ Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ begin
+ if not Sign.Flags.Has_Active
+ and then Sign.Net = Net_One_Driver
+ and then Val = Sign.Value.I64
+ and then Sign.S.Drivers (0).First_Trans.Next = null
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Trans := new Transaction'
+ (Kind => Trans_Value,
+ Time => 0,
+ Next => null,
+ Val => Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_I64, I64 => Val));
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign (Sign, 0, Trans, 0);
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_I64;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_I64 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Rej : Std_Time;
+ Val : Ghdl_I64;
+ After : Std_Time)
+ is
+ Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ begin
+ Trans := new Transaction'
+ (Kind => Trans_Value,
+ Time => 0,
+ Next => null,
+ Val => Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_I64, I64 => Val));
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign (Sign, Rej, Trans, After);
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_I64;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_I64 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Val : Ghdl_I64;
+ After : Std_Time)
+ is
+ begin
+ Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign
+ (Sign, Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_I64, I64 => Val), After);
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_I64;
+ function Ghdl_Create_Signal_F64
+ (Init_Val : Ghdl_F64;
+ Resolv_Func : System.Address;
+ Resolv_Inst : System.Address)
+ return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr
+ is
+ begin
+ return Create_Signal
+ (Mode_F64, Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_F64, F64 => Init_Val),
+ Get_Current_Mode_Signal,
+ Resolv_Func, Resolv_Inst);
+ end Ghdl_Create_Signal_F64;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Init_F64 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Init_Val : Ghdl_F64)
+ is
+ begin
+ Ghdl_Signal_Init (Sig, Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_F64, F64 => Init_Val));
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Init_F64;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Associate_F64 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_F64)
+ is
+ begin
+ Ghdl_Signal_Associate (Sig, Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_F64, F64 => Val));
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Associate_F64;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_F64 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Val : Ghdl_F64)
+ is
+ Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ begin
+ if not Sign.Flags.Has_Active
+ and then Sign.Net = Net_One_Driver
+ and then Val = Sign.Value.F64
+ and then Sign.S.Drivers (0).First_Trans.Next = null
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Trans := new Transaction'
+ (Kind => Trans_Value,
+ Time => 0,
+ Next => null,
+ Val => Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_F64, F64 => Val));
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign (Sign, 0, Trans, 0);
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_F64;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_F64 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Rej : Std_Time;
+ Val : Ghdl_F64;
+ After : Std_Time)
+ is
+ Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ begin
+ Trans := new Transaction'
+ (Kind => Trans_Value,
+ Time => 0,
+ Next => null,
+ Val => Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_F64, F64 => Val));
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign (Sign, Rej, Trans, After);
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_F64;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_F64 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Val : Ghdl_F64;
+ After : Std_Time)
+ is
+ begin
+ Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign
+ (Sign, Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_F64, F64 => Val), After);
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_F64;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Internal_Checks
+ is
+ Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ begin
+ for I in Sig_Table.First .. Sig_Table.Last loop
+ Sig := Sig_Table.Table (I);
+ -- Check drivers.
+ for J in 1 .. Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers loop
+ declare
+ Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ begin
+ Trans := Sig.S.Drivers (J - 1).First_Trans;
+ while Trans.Next /= null loop
+ if Trans.Next.Time < Trans.Time then
+ Internal_Error ("ghdl_signal_internal_checks: "
+ & "bad transaction order");
+ end if;
+ Trans := Trans.Next;
+ end loop;
+ if Trans /= Sig.S.Drivers (J - 1).Last_Trans then
+ Internal_Error ("ghdl_signal_internal_checks: "
+ & "last transaction mismatch");
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Internal_Checks;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Effective_Value (Targ : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Src : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Targ.S.Effective /= null then
+ Error ("internal error: already effective value");
+ end if;
+ Targ.S.Effective := Src;
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Effective_Value;
+ Bit_Signal_Rti : aliased Ghdl_Rtin_Object :=
+ (Common => (Kind => Ghdl_Rtik_Signal,
+ Depth => 0,
+ Mode => Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Mode_None,
+ Max_Depth => 0),
+ Name => null,
+ Loc => (Rel => True, Off => 0),
+ Obj_Type => null);
+ Boolean_Signal_Rti : aliased Ghdl_Rtin_Object :=
+ (Common => (Kind => Ghdl_Rtik_Signal,
+ Depth => 0,
+ Mode => Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Mode_None,
+ Max_Depth => 0),
+ Name => null,
+ Loc => (Rel => True, Off => 0),
+ Obj_Type => null);
+ function Ghdl_Create_Signal_Attribute
+ (Mode : Mode_Signal_Type; Time : Std_Time)
+ return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr
+ is
+ Res : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+-- Sig_Type : Ghdl_Desc_Ptr;
+ begin
+ case Mode is
+ when Mode_Transaction =>
+ Sig_Rti := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc
+ (To_Ghdl_Rti_Access (Bit_Signal_Rti'Address));
+ when Mode_Quiet
+ | Mode_Stable =>
+ Sig_Rti := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc
+ (To_Ghdl_Rti_Access (Boolean_Signal_Rti'Address));
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("ghdl_create_signal_attribute");
+ end case;
+-- Sig_Instance_Name := new Ghdl_Instance_Name_Type'
+-- (Kind => Ghdl_Name_Signal,
+-- Name => null,
+-- Parent => null,
+-- Brother => null,
+-- Sig_Mode => Mode,
+-- Sig_Kind => Kind_Signal_No,
+-- Sig_Indexes => (First => Sig_Table.Last + 1, Last => Sig_Table.Last),
+-- Sig_Type_Desc => Sig_Type);
+ -- Note: bit and boolean are both mode_b2.
+ Res := Create_Signal
+ (Mode_B2, Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_B2, B2 => True),
+ Mode, Null_Address, Null_Address);
+ Last_Implicit_Signal := Res;
+ if Mode /= Mode_Transaction then
+ Res.S.Time := Time;
+ Res.S.Attr_Trans := new Transaction'(Kind => Trans_Value,
+ Time => 0,
+ Next => null,
+ Val => Res.Value);
+ end if;
+ if Time > 0 then
+ Res.Flink := Future_List;
+ Future_List := Res;
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Ghdl_Create_Signal_Attribute;
+ function Ghdl_Create_Stable_Signal (Val : Std_Time) return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr
+ is
+ begin
+ return Ghdl_Create_Signal_Attribute (Mode_Stable, Val);
+ end Ghdl_Create_Stable_Signal;
+ function Ghdl_Create_Quiet_Signal (Val : Std_Time) return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr
+ is
+ begin
+ return Ghdl_Create_Signal_Attribute (Mode_Quiet, Val);
+ end Ghdl_Create_Quiet_Signal;
+ function Ghdl_Create_Transaction_Signal return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr
+ is
+ begin
+ return Ghdl_Create_Signal_Attribute (Mode_Transaction, 0);
+ end Ghdl_Create_Transaction_Signal;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Attribute_Register_Prefix (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ is
+ begin
+ Add_Port (Last_Implicit_Signal, Sig);
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Attribute_Register_Prefix;
+ --Guard_String : constant String := "guard";
+ --Guard_Name : constant Ghdl_Str_Len_Address_Type :=
+ -- (Len => 5, Str => Guard_String'Address);
+ --function To_Ghdl_Str_Len_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ -- (Source => System.Address, Target => Ghdl_Str_Len_Ptr);
+ Guard_Rti : aliased constant Ghdl_Rtin_Object :=
+ (Common => (Kind => Ghdl_Rtik_Signal,
+ Depth => 0,
+ Mode => Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Mode_None,
+ Max_Depth => 0),
+ Name => null,
+ Loc => (Rel => True, Off => 0),
+ Obj_Type => Std_Standard_Boolean_RTI_Ptr);
+ function Ghdl_Signal_Create_Guard (This : System.Address;
+ Proc : Guard_Func_Acc)
+ return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr
+ is
+ Res : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ begin
+ Sig_Rti := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc
+ (To_Ghdl_Rti_Access (Guard_Rti'Address));
+ Res := Create_Signal
+ (Mode_B2, Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_B2, B2 => Proc.all (This)),
+ Mode_Guard, Null_Address, Null_Address);
+ Res.S.Guard_Func := Proc;
+ Res.S.Guard_Instance := This;
+ Last_Implicit_Signal := Res;
+ return Res;
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Create_Guard;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Guard_Dependence (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ is
+ begin
+ Add_Port (Last_Implicit_Signal, Sig);
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Guard_Dependence;
+ function Ghdl_Create_Delayed_Signal (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Val : Std_Time)
+ return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr
+ is
+ Res : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Signal (Sig.Mode, Sig.Value,
+ Mode_Delayed, Null_Address, Null_Address);
+ Res.S.Time := Val;
+ if Val > 0 then
+ Res.Flink := Future_List;
+ Future_List := Res;
+ end if;
+ Res.S.Attr_Trans := new Transaction'(Kind => Trans_Value,
+ Time => 0,
+ Next => null,
+ Val => Res.Value);
+ Append_Port (Res, Sig);
+ return Res;
+ end Ghdl_Create_Delayed_Signal;
+ function Signal_Ptr_To_Index (Ptr : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr) return Sig_Table_Index
+ is
+ begin
+ -- Note: we may start from ptr.instance_name.sig_index, but
+ -- instance_name is *not* set for conversion signals.
+ for I in reverse Sig_Table.First .. Sig_Table.Last loop
+ if Sig_Table.Table (I) = Ptr then
+ return I;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return -1;
+ end Signal_Ptr_To_Index;
+ function Ghdl_Signal_Get_Nbr_Ports (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ return Ghdl_Index_Type is
+ begin
+ return Sig.Nbr_Ports;
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Get_Nbr_Ports;
+ function Ghdl_Signal_Get_Nbr_Drivers (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ return Ghdl_Index_Type is
+ begin
+ return Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers;
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Get_Nbr_Drivers;
+ function Ghdl_Signal_Read_Port
+ (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Index : Ghdl_Index_Type)
+ return Ghdl_Value_Ptr
+ is
+ begin
+ if Index >= Sig.Nbr_Ports then
+ Internal_Error ("ghdl_signal_read_port: bad index");
+ end if;
+ return To_Ghdl_Value_Ptr (Sig.Ports (Index).Driving_Value'Address);
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Read_Port;
+ function Ghdl_Signal_Read_Driver
+ (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Index : Ghdl_Index_Type)
+ return Ghdl_Value_Ptr
+ is
+ Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ begin
+ if Index >= Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers then
+ Internal_Error ("ghdl_signal_read_driver: bad index");
+ end if;
+ Trans := Sig.S.Drivers (Index).First_Trans;
+ case Trans.Kind is
+ when Trans_Value =>
+ return To_Ghdl_Value_Ptr (Trans.Val'Address);
+ when Trans_Null =>
+ return null;
+ when Trans_Error =>
+ Error ("range check error on signal");
+ end case;
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Read_Driver;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Conversion (Func : System.Address;
+ Instance : System.Address;
+ Src : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Src_Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Dst : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Dst_Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Mode : Mode_Signal_Type)
+ is
+ Data : Sig_Conversion_Acc;
+ Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ begin
+ Data := new Sig_Conversion_Type'(Func => Func,
+ Instance => Instance,
+ Src => (-1, -1),
+ Dest => (-1, -1));
+ Data.Src.First := Signal_Ptr_To_Index (Src);
+ Data.Src.Last := Data.Src.First + Sig_Table_Index (Src_Len) - 1;
+ Data.Dest.First := Signal_Ptr_To_Index (Dst);
+ Data.Dest.Last := Data.Dest.First + Sig_Table_Index (Dst_Len) - 1;
+ -- Convert DEST to new mode.
+ for I in Data.Dest.First .. Data.Dest.Last loop
+ Sig := Sig_Table.Table (I);
+ case Mode is
+ when Mode_Conv_In =>
+ Sig.S := (Mode_Sig => Mode_Conv_In,
+ Conv => Data);
+ when Mode_Conv_Out =>
+ Sig.S := (Mode_Sig => Mode_Conv_Out,
+ Conv => Data);
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("ghdl_signal_conversion");
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Conversion;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_In_Conversion (Func : System.Address;
+ Instance : System.Address;
+ Src : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Src_Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Dst : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Dst_Len : Ghdl_Index_Type)
+ is
+ begin
+ Ghdl_Signal_Conversion
+ (Func, Instance, Src, Src_Len, Dst, Dst_Len, Mode_Conv_In);
+ end Ghdl_Signal_In_Conversion;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Out_Conversion (Func : System.Address;
+ Instance : System.Address;
+ Src : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Src_Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Dst : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Dst_Len : Ghdl_Index_Type)
+ is
+ begin
+ Ghdl_Signal_Conversion
+ (Func, Instance, Src, Src_Len, Dst, Dst_Len, Mode_Conv_Out);
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Out_Conversion;
+ function Ghdl_Signal_Driving (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr) return Ghdl_B2
+ is
+ Drv : Driver_Acc;
+ begin
+ Drv := Get_Driver (Sig);
+ if Drv = null then
+ -- FIXME: disp signal and process.
+ Error ("'driving error: no driver in process for signal");
+ end if;
+ if Drv.First_Trans.Kind /= Trans_Null then
+ return True;
+ else
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Driving;
+ function Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_B2 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr) return Ghdl_B2
+ is
+ Drv : Driver_Acc;
+ begin
+ Drv := Get_Driver (Sig);
+ if Drv = null or else Drv.First_Trans.Kind /= Trans_Value then
+ Error ("'driving_value: no active driver in process for signal");
+ else
+ return Drv.First_Trans.Val.B2;
+ end if;
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_B2;
+ function Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_E8 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ return Ghdl_E8
+ is
+ Drv : Driver_Acc;
+ begin
+ Drv := Get_Driver (Sig);
+ if Drv = null or else Drv.First_Trans.Kind /= Trans_Value then
+ Error ("'driving_value: no active driver in process for signal");
+ else
+ return Drv.First_Trans.Val.E8;
+ end if;
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_E8;
+ function Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_I32 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ return Ghdl_I32
+ is
+ Drv : Driver_Acc;
+ begin
+ Drv := Get_Driver (Sig);
+ if Drv = null or else Drv.First_Trans.Kind /= Trans_Value then
+ Error ("'driving_value: no active driver in process for signal");
+ else
+ return Drv.First_Trans.Val.I32;
+ end if;
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_I32;
+ function Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_I64 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ return Ghdl_I64
+ is
+ Drv : Driver_Acc;
+ begin
+ Drv := Get_Driver (Sig);
+ if Drv = null or else Drv.First_Trans.Kind /= Trans_Value then
+ Error ("'driving_value: no active driver in process for signal");
+ else
+ return Drv.First_Trans.Val.I64;
+ end if;
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_I64;
+ function Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_F64 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ return Ghdl_F64
+ is
+ Drv : Driver_Acc;
+ begin
+ Drv := Get_Driver (Sig);
+ if Drv = null or else Drv.First_Trans.Kind /= Trans_Value then
+ Error ("'driving_value: no active driver in process for signal");
+ else
+ return Drv.First_Trans.Val.F64;
+ end if;
+ end Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_F64;
+ procedure Flush_Active_List
+ is
+ Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Next_Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ begin
+ -- Free active_list.
+ Sig := Active_List;
+ loop
+ Next_Sig := Sig.Link;
+ exit when Next_Sig = null;
+ Sig.Link := null;
+ Sig := Next_Sig;
+ end loop;
+ Active_List := Sig;
+ end Flush_Active_List;
+ -- Add SIG in active_list.
+ procedure Add_Active_List (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ pragma Inline (Add_Active_List);
+ procedure Add_Active_List (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Sig.Link = null then
+ Sig.Link := Active_List;
+ Active_List := Sig;
+ end if;
+ end Add_Active_List;
+ function Find_Next_Time return Std_Time
+ is
+ Res : Std_Time;
+ Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ procedure Check_Transaction (Trans : Transaction_Acc)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Trans /= null then
+ if Trans.Time = Res and Sig.Link = null then
+ Sig.Link := Active_List;
+ Active_List := Sig;
+ elsif Trans.Time < Res then
+ Flush_Active_List;
+ -- Put sig on the list.
+ Sig.Link := Active_List;
+ Active_List := Sig;
+ Res := Trans.Time;
+ end if;
+ if Res = Current_Time then
+ -- Must have been in the active list.
+ Internal_Error ("find_next_time(2)");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Transaction;
+ begin
+ -- If there is signals in the active list, then next cycle is a delta
+ -- cycle, so next time is current_time.
+ if Active_List.Link /= null then
+ return Current_Time;
+ end if;
+ Res := Std_Time'Last;
+ Sig := Future_List;
+ while Sig.Flink /= null loop
+ case Sig.S.Mode_Sig is
+ when Mode_Signal_User =>
+ for J in 1 .. Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers loop
+ Check_Transaction (Sig.S.Drivers (J - 1).First_Trans.Next);
+ end loop;
+ when Mode_Delayed
+ | Mode_Stable
+ | Mode_Quiet =>
+ Check_Transaction (Sig.S.Attr_Trans.Next);
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("find_next_time(3)");
+ end case;
+ Sig := Sig.Flink;
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end Find_Next_Time;
+-- function Get_Nbr_Non_Null_Source (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+-- return Natural
+-- is
+-- Length : Natural;
+-- begin
+-- Length := Sig.Nbr_Ports;
+-- for I in 0 .. Sig.Nbr_Drivers - 1 loop
+-- case Sig.Drivers (I).First_Trans.Kind is
+-- when Trans_Value =>
+-- Length := Length + 1;
+-- when Trans_Null =>
+-- null;
+-- when Trans_Error =>
+-- Error ("range check error");
+-- end case;
+-- end loop;
+-- return Length;
+-- end Get_Nbr_Non_Null_Source;
+ Clear_List : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr := null;
+ procedure Mark_Active (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ pragma Inline (Mark_Active);
+ procedure Mark_Active (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Sig.Active then
+ Internal_Error ("mark_active");
+ end if;
+ Sig.Active := True;
+ Sig.Last_Active := Current_Time;
+ Sig.Alink := Clear_List;
+ Clear_List := Sig;
+ end Mark_Active;
+ type Resolver_Acc is access procedure
+ (Instance : System.Address;
+ Val : System.Address;
+ Bool_Vec : System.Address;
+ Vec_Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Nbr_Drv : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Nbr_Ports : Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ function To_Resolver_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => System.Address, Target => Resolver_Acc);
+ procedure Compute_Resolved_Signal (Resolv : Resolved_Signal_Acc)
+ is
+ Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr := Sig_Table.Table (Resolv.Sig_Range.First);
+ Length : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ type Bool_Array_Type is array (1 .. Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers) of Boolean;
+ Vec : Bool_Array_Type;
+ begin
+ -- Compute number of non-null drivers.
+ Length := 0;
+ for I in 1 .. Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers loop
+ case Sig.S.Drivers (I - 1).First_Trans.Kind is
+ when Trans_Value =>
+ Length := Length + 1;
+ Vec (I) := True;
+ when Trans_Null =>
+ Vec (I) := False;
+ when Trans_Error =>
+ Error ("range check error");
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ -- Check driving condition on all signals.
+ for J in Resolv.Sig_Range.First + 1.. Resolv.Sig_Range.Last loop
+ for I in 1 .. Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers loop
+ if (Sig_Table.Table (J).S.Drivers (I - 1).First_Trans.Kind
+ /= Trans_Null)
+ xor Vec (I)
+ then
+ Error ("null-transaction required");
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ -- if no driving sources and register, exit.
+ if Length = 0 and then Sig.Nbr_Ports = 0
+ and then ((Sig.Rti.Common.Mode and Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Kind_Mask)
+ = Ghdl_Rti_Signal_Kind_Register)
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Call the procedure.
+ To_Resolver_Acc (Resolv.Resolv_Proc).all
+ (Resolv.Resolv_Inst,
+ Resolv.Resolv_Ptr,
+ Vec'Address,
+ Length,
+ Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers,
+ Sig.Nbr_Ports);
+ end Compute_Resolved_Signal;
+ type Conversion_Func_Acc is access procedure (Instance : System.Address);
+ function To_Conversion_Func_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => System.Address, Target => Conversion_Func_Acc);
+ procedure Call_Conversion_Function (Conv : Sig_Conversion_Acc)
+ is
+ F : Conversion_Func_Acc;
+ begin
+ F := To_Conversion_Func_Acc (Conv.Func);
+ F.all (Conv.Instance);
+ end Call_Conversion_Function;
+ procedure Resume_Process_If_Event
+ (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Proc : Process_Id)
+ is
+ El : Action_List_Acc;
+ begin
+ El := new Action_List'(Kind => Action_Process,
+ Proc => Proc,
+ Next => Sig.Event_List);
+ Sig.Event_List := El;
+ end Resume_Process_If_Event;
+ -- Order of signals:
+ -- To be computed: driving value or/and effective value
+ -- To be considered: ports, signals, implicit signals, resolution,
+ -- conversion
+ --
+ procedure Add_Propagation (P : Propagation_Type) is
+ begin
+ Propagation.Increment_Last;
+ Propagation.Table (Propagation.Last) := P;
+ end Add_Propagation;
+ -- Put SIG in PROPAGATION table until ORDER level.
+ procedure Order_Signal (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Order : Propag_Order_Flag);
+ -- Return TRUE is the effective value of SIG is the driving value of SIG.
+ function Is_Eff_Drv (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr) return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ case Sig.S.Mode_Sig is
+ when Mode_Signal
+ | Mode_Buffer =>
+ return True;
+ when Mode_Linkage
+ | Mode_Out =>
+ -- No effective value.
+ return False;
+ when Mode_Inout
+ | Mode_In =>
+ if Sig.S.Effective = null then
+ if Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers > 0 or Sig.Nbr_Ports > 0 then
+ -- Only for inout.
+ return True;
+ else
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ else
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ when Mode_Conv_In
+ | Mode_Conv_Out =>
+ return False;
+ when Mode_Stable
+ | Mode_Guard
+ | Mode_Quiet
+ | Mode_Transaction
+ | Mode_Delayed =>
+ return True;
+ when Mode_End =>
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ end Is_Eff_Drv;
+ procedure Order_Signal_List (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Order : Propag_Order_Flag)
+ is
+ begin
+ for I in 1 .. Sig.Nbr_Ports loop
+ Order_Signal (Sig.Ports (I - 1), Order);
+ end loop;
+ end Order_Signal_List;
+ -- Put SIG in PROPAGATION table until ORDER level.
+ procedure Order_Signal (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Order : Propag_Order_Flag)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Sig = null then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Catch infinite loops, which must never happen.
+ -- Also exit if the signal is already fully ordered.
+ case Sig.Flags.Propag is
+ when Propag_None =>
+ null;
+ when Propag_Being_Driving =>
+ Internal_Error ("order_signal: being driving");
+ when Propag_Being_Effective =>
+ Internal_Error ("order_signal: being effective");
+ when Propag_Driving =>
+ null;
+ when Propag_Done =>
+ -- If sig was already handled, nothing to do!
+ return;
+ end case;
+ -- First, the driving value.
+ if Sig.Flags.Propag = Propag_None then
+ case Sig.S.Mode_Sig is
+ when Mode_Signal_User =>
+ if Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers = 0 and Sig.Nbr_Ports = 0 then
+ -- No source.
+ Sig.Flags.Propag := Propag_Driving;
+ elsif Sig.S.Resolv = null then
+ -- Not resolved (so at most one source).
+ if Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers = 1 then
+ -- Not resolved, 1 source : a driver.
+ if Is_Eff_Drv (Sig) then
+ Add_Propagation ((Kind => Eff_One_Driver, Sig => Sig));
+ Sig.Flags.Propag := Propag_Done;
+ else
+ Add_Propagation ((Kind => Drv_One_Driver, Sig => Sig));
+ Sig.Flags.Propag := Propag_Driving;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Sig.Flags.Propag := Propag_Being_Driving;
+ -- not resolved, 1 source : Source is a port.
+ Order_Signal (Sig.Ports (0), Propag_Driving);
+ if Is_Eff_Drv (Sig) then
+ Add_Propagation ((Kind => Eff_One_Port, Sig => Sig));
+ Sig.Flags.Propag := Propag_Done;
+ else
+ Add_Propagation ((Kind => Drv_One_Port, Sig => Sig));
+ Sig.Flags.Propag := Propag_Driving;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- Resolved signal.
+ declare
+ Resolv : Resolved_Signal_Acc;
+ S : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ begin
+ -- Compute driving value of brothers.
+ Resolv := Sig.S.Resolv;
+ for I in Resolv.Sig_Range.First .. Resolv.Sig_Range.Last
+ loop
+ S := Sig_Table.Table (I);
+ if S.Flags.Propag /= Propag_None then
+ Internal_Error ("order_signal(1)");
+ end if;
+ S.Flags.Propag := Propag_Being_Driving;
+ end loop;
+ for I in Resolv.Sig_Range.First .. Resolv.Sig_Range.Last
+ loop
+ S := Sig_Table.Table (I);
+ -- Compute driving value of the sources.
+ for J in 1 .. S.Nbr_Ports loop
+ Order_Signal (S.Ports (J - 1), Propag_Driving);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ for I in Resolv.Sig_Range.First .. Resolv.Sig_Range.Last
+ loop
+ S := Sig_Table.Table (I);
+ S.Flags.Propag := Propag_Driving;
+ end loop;
+ if Is_Eff_Drv (Sig) then
+ if Resolv.Sig_Range.First = Resolv.Sig_Range.Last then
+ Add_Propagation ((Kind => Eff_One_Resolved,
+ Sig => Sig));
+ else
+ Add_Propagation ((Kind => Eff_Multiple,
+ Resolv => Resolv));
+ end if;
+ else
+ if Resolv.Sig_Range.First = Resolv.Sig_Range.Last then
+ Add_Propagation ((Kind => Drv_One_Resolved,
+ Sig => Sig));
+ else
+ Add_Propagation ((Kind => Drv_Multiple,
+ Resolv => Resolv));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ when Mode_Signal_Implicit =>
+ Sig.Flags.Propag := Propag_Being_Driving;
+ Order_Signal_List (Sig, Propag_Done);
+ Sig.Flags.Propag := Propag_Done;
+ case Mode_Signal_Implicit (Sig.S.Mode_Sig) is
+ when Mode_Guard =>
+ Add_Propagation ((Kind => Imp_Guard, Sig => Sig));
+ when Mode_Stable =>
+ Add_Propagation ((Kind => Imp_Stable, Sig => Sig));
+ when Mode_Quiet =>
+ Add_Propagation ((Kind => Imp_Quiet, Sig => Sig));
+ when Mode_Transaction =>
+ Add_Propagation ((Kind => Imp_Transaction, Sig => Sig));
+ when Mode_Delayed =>
+ Add_Propagation ((Kind => Imp_Delayed, Sig => Sig));
+ end case;
+ return;
+ when Mode_Conv_In =>
+ -- In conversion signals have no driving value
+ null;
+ when Mode_Conv_Out =>
+ declare
+ Conv : Sig_Conversion_Acc;
+ begin
+ Conv := Sig.S.Conv;
+ for I in Conv.Dest.First .. Conv.Dest.Last loop
+ Sig_Table.Table (I).Flags.Propag := Propag_Being_Driving;
+ end loop;
+ for I in Conv.Src.First .. Conv.Src.Last loop
+ Order_Signal (Sig_Table.Table (I), Propag_Driving);
+ end loop;
+ Add_Propagation ((Kind => Out_Conversion, Conv => Conv));
+ for I in Conv.Dest.First .. Conv.Dest.Last loop
+ Sig_Table.Table (I).Flags.Propag := Propag_Done;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Mode_End =>
+ Internal_Error ("order_signal: mode_end");
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ -- Effective value.
+ if Order = Propag_Driving then
+ -- Will be done later.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Sig.S.Mode_Sig is
+ when Mode_Signal
+ | Mode_Buffer =>
+ -- Effective value is driving value.
+ Sig.Flags.Propag := Propag_Done;
+ when Mode_Linkage
+ | Mode_Out =>
+ -- No effective value.
+ Sig.Flags.Propag := Propag_Done;
+ when Mode_Inout
+ | Mode_In =>
+ if Sig.S.Effective = null then
+ -- Effective value is driving value or initial value.
+ null;
+ else
+ Sig.Flags.Propag := Propag_Being_Effective;
+ Order_Signal (Sig.S.Effective, Propag_Done);
+ Add_Propagation ((Kind => Eff_Actual, Sig => Sig));
+ Sig.Flags.Propag := Propag_Done;
+ end if;
+ when Mode_Stable
+ | Mode_Guard
+ | Mode_Quiet
+ | Mode_Transaction
+ | Mode_Delayed =>
+ -- Sig.Propag is already set to PROPAG_DONE.
+ null;
+ when Mode_Conv_In =>
+ declare
+ Conv : Sig_Conversion_Acc;
+ begin
+ Conv := Sig.S.Conv;
+ for I in Conv.Dest.First .. Conv.Dest.Last loop
+ Sig_Table.Table (I).Flags.Propag := Propag_Being_Effective;
+ end loop;
+ for I in Conv.Src.First .. Conv.Src.Last loop
+ Order_Signal (Sig_Table.Table (I), Propag_Done);
+ end loop;
+ Add_Propagation ((Kind => In_Conversion, Conv => Conv));
+ for I in Conv.Dest.First .. Conv.Dest.Last loop
+ Sig_Table.Table (I).Flags.Propag := Propag_Done;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Mode_Conv_Out =>
+ -- No effective value.
+ null;
+ when Mode_End =>
+ Internal_Error ("order_signal: mode_end");
+ end case;
+ end Order_Signal;
+ procedure Set_Net (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Net : Signal_Net_Type;
+ Link : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ is
+ use Astdio;
+ use Stdio;
+ begin
+ if Sig = null then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Boolean'(False) then
+ Put ("set_net ");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Net));
+ Put (" on ");
+ Put (stdout, Sig.all'Address);
+ Put (" ");
+ Disp_Signals.Disp_Mode_Signal (Sig.S.Mode_Sig);
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ if Sig.Net /= No_Signal_Net then
+ if Sig.Net /= Net then
+ -- Renumber.
+ if Boolean'(False) then
+ Put ("set_net renumber ");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Net));
+ Put (" on ");
+ Put (stdout, Sig.all'Address);
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ S : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Old : Signal_Net_Type := Sig.Net;
+ begin
+ -- Merge the old net into NET.
+ S := Sig;
+ loop
+ S.Net := Net;
+ S := S.Link;
+ exit when S = Sig;
+ end loop;
+ -- Add to the ring.
+ S := Sig.Link;
+ Sig.Link := Link.Link;
+ Link.Link := S;
+ -- Check.
+ for I in Sig_Table.First .. Sig_Table.Last loop
+ if Sig_Table.Table (I).Net = Old then
+-- Disp_Signals.Disp_Signals_Table;
+-- Disp_Signals.Disp_Signals_Map;
+ Internal_Error ("set_net: link corrupted");
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Sig.Net := Net;
+ -- Add SIG in the LINK ring.
+ -- Note: this works even if LINK is not a ring (ie, LINK.link = null).
+ if Link.Link = null and then Sig /= Link then
+ Internal_Error ("set_net: bad link");
+ end if;
+ Sig.Link := Link.Link;
+ Link.Link := Sig;
+ -- Dependences.
+ case Sig.S.Mode_Sig is
+ when Mode_Signal_User =>
+ for I in 1 .. Sig.Nbr_Ports loop
+ Set_Net (Sig.Ports (I - 1), Net, Link);
+ end loop;
+ Set_Net (Sig.S.Effective, Net, Link);
+ if Sig.S.Resolv /= null then
+ for I in Sig.S.Resolv.Sig_Range.First
+ .. Sig.S.Resolv.Sig_Range.Last
+ loop
+ Set_Net (Sig_Table.Table (I), Net, Link);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ when Mode_Signal_Implicit =>
+ for I in 1 .. Sig.Nbr_Ports loop
+ Set_Net (Sig.Ports (I - 1), Net, Link);
+ end loop;
+ when Mode_Conv_In
+ | Mode_Conv_Out =>
+ declare
+ S : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Conv : Sig_Conversion_Acc;
+ begin
+ Conv := Sig.S.Conv;
+ S := Sig_Table.Table (Conv.Src.First);
+ if Sig = S or else S.Net /= Net then
+ for J in Conv.Src.First .. Conv.Src.Last loop
+ Set_Net (Sig_Table.Table (J), Net, Link);
+ end loop;
+ for J in Conv.Dest.First .. Conv.Dest.Last loop
+ Set_Net (Sig_Table.Table (J), Net, Link);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Mode_End =>
+ Internal_Error ("set_net");
+ end case;
+ end Set_Net;
+ function Get_Propagation_Net (P : Signal_Net_Type) return Signal_Net_Type
+ is
+ begin
+ case Propagation.Table (P).Kind is
+ when Drv_Multiple
+ | Eff_Multiple =>
+ return Sig_Table.Table
+ (Propagation.Table (P).Resolv.Sig_Range.First).Net;
+ when In_Conversion
+ | Out_Conversion =>
+ return Sig_Table.Table
+ (Propagation.Table (P).Conv.Src.First).Net;
+ when others =>
+ return Propagation.Table (P).Sig.Net;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Propagation_Net;
+ Last_Signal_Net : Signal_Net_Type;
+ -- Create a net for SIG, or if one of its dependences has already a net,
+ -- merge SIG in this net.
+ procedure Merge_Net (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Sig.S.Mode_Sig in Mode_Signal_User then
+ if Sig.S.Resolv = null
+ and then Sig.Nbr_Ports = 0
+ and then Sig.S.Effective = null
+ then
+ Internal_Error ("create_nets(1)");
+ end if;
+ if Sig.S.Effective /= null
+ and then Sig.S.Effective.Net /= No_Signal_Net
+ then
+ -- Avoid to create a net, just merge.
+ Set_Net (Sig, Sig.S.Effective.Net, Sig.S.Effective);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Sig.Nbr_Ports >= 1
+ and then Sig.Ports (0).Net /= No_Signal_Net
+ then
+ -- Avoid to create a net, just merge.
+ Set_Net (Sig, Sig.Ports (0).Net, Sig.Ports (0));
+ else
+ Last_Signal_Net := Last_Signal_Net + 1;
+ Set_Net (Sig, Last_Signal_Net, Sig);
+ end if;
+ end Merge_Net;
+ -- Create nets.
+ -- For all signals, set the net field.
+ procedure Create_Nets
+ is
+ Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ begin
+ Last_Signal_Net := No_Signal_Net;
+ for I in reverse Propagation.First .. Propagation.Last loop
+ case Propagation.Table (I).Kind is
+ when Drv_Error
+ | Prop_End =>
+ null;
+ when Drv_One_Driver
+ | Eff_One_Driver =>
+ null;
+ when Eff_One_Resolved =>
+ Sig := Propagation.Table (I).Sig;
+ -- Do not create a net if the signal has no dependences.
+ if Sig.Net = No_Signal_Net
+ and then (Sig.S.Effective /= null or Sig.Nbr_Ports /= 0)
+ then
+ Merge_Net (Sig);
+ end if;
+ when Drv_One_Port
+ | Eff_One_Port
+ | Imp_Guard
+ | Imp_Quiet
+ | Imp_Transaction
+ | Imp_Stable
+ | Imp_Delayed
+ | Eff_Actual
+ | Drv_One_Resolved =>
+ Sig := Propagation.Table (I).Sig;
+ if Sig.Net = No_Signal_Net then
+ Merge_Net (Sig);
+ end if;
+ when Drv_Multiple
+ | Eff_Multiple =>
+ declare
+ Resolv : Resolved_Signal_Acc;
+ Link : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ begin
+ Last_Signal_Net := Last_Signal_Net + 1;
+ Resolv := Propagation.Table (I).Resolv;
+ Link := Sig_Table.Table (Resolv.Sig_Range.First);
+ for J in Resolv.Sig_Range.First .. Resolv.Sig_Range.Last loop
+ Set_Net (Sig_Table.Table (J), Last_Signal_Net, Link);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when In_Conversion
+ | Out_Conversion =>
+ declare
+ Conv : Sig_Conversion_Acc;
+ Link : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ begin
+ Conv := Propagation.Table (I).Conv;
+ Link := Sig_Table.Table (Conv.Src.First);
+ if Link.Net = No_Signal_Net then
+ Last_Signal_Net := Last_Signal_Net + 1;
+ Set_Net (Link, Last_Signal_Net, Link);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ -- Reorder propagation table.
+ declare
+ type Off_Array is array (Signal_Net_Type range <>) of Signal_Net_Type;
+ type Off_Array_Acc is access Off_Array;
+ Offs : Off_Array_Acc;
+ procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Name => Off_Array_Acc, Object => Off_Array);
+ Last_Off : Signal_Net_Type;
+ Num : Signal_Net_Type;
+-- procedure Disp_Offs
+-- is
+-- use Grt.Astdio;
+-- use Grt.Stdio;
+-- begin
+-- for I in Offs'Range loop
+-- if Offs (I) /= 0 then
+-- Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (I));
+-- Put (": ");
+-- Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Offs (I)));
+-- New_Line;
+-- end if;
+-- end loop;
+-- end Disp_Offs;
+ type Propag_Array is array (Signal_Net_Type range <>)
+ of Propagation_Type;
+ type Propag_Array_Acc is access Propag_Array;
+ Propag : Propag_Array_Acc;
+ procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Name => Propag_Array_Acc, Object => Propag_Array);
+ Net : Signal_Net_Type;
+ begin
+ -- 1) Count number of propagation cell per net.
+ Offs := new Off_Array (0 .. Last_Signal_Net);
+ Offs.all := (others => 0);
+ for I in Propagation.First .. Propagation.Last loop
+ Net := Get_Propagation_Net (I);
+ Offs (Net) := Offs (Net) + 1;
+ end loop;
+ -- 2) Convert this table into offsets.
+ Last_Off := 1;
+ for I in 1 .. Last_Signal_Net loop
+ Num := Offs (I);
+ if Num /= 0 then
+ -- Reserve one slot for a prepended 'prop_end'.
+ Offs (I) := Last_Off + 1;
+ Last_Off := Last_Off + 1 + Num;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Num := Offs (0);
+ Offs (0) := Last_Off + 1;
+ --Last_Off := Last_Off + 1 + Num - 1;
+ -- 3) Re-order the table (by a copy).
+ Propag := new Propag_Array (1 .. Last_Off);
+ for I in Propagation.First .. Propagation.Last loop
+ Net := Get_Propagation_Net (I);
+ if Net /= No_Signal_Net then
+ Propag (Offs (Net)) := Propagation.Table (I);
+ Offs (Net) := Offs (Net) + 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Propagation.Set_Last (Last_Off);
+ Propagation.Release;
+ for I in Propagation.First .. Propagation.Last loop
+ Propagation.Table (I) := Propag (I);
+ end loop;
+ Free (Propag);
+ for I in 1 .. Last_Signal_Net loop
+ -- Ignore holes.
+ if Offs (I) /= 0 then
+ Propagation.Table (Offs (I)) :=
+ (Kind => Prop_End, Updated => True);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Propagation.Table (1) := (Kind => Prop_End, Updated => True);
+ -- 4) Convert back from offset to start position (on the prop_end
+ -- cell).
+ Offs (0) := 1;
+ Last_Off := 1;
+ for I in 1 .. Last_Signal_Net loop
+ if Offs (I) /= 0 then
+ Num := Offs (I);
+ Offs (I) := Last_Off;
+ Last_Off := Num;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- 5) Re-map the nets to cell indexes.
+ for I in Sig_Table.First .. Sig_Table.Last loop
+ Sig := Sig_Table.Table (I);
+ if Sig.Net = No_Signal_Net then
+ if Sig.S.Resolv /= null then
+ Sig.Net := Net_One_Resolved;
+ elsif Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers = 1 then
+ Sig.Net := Net_One_Driver;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Sig.Net := Signal_Net_Type (Offs (Sig.Net));
+ end if;
+ Sig.Link := null;
+ end loop;
+ Free (Offs);
+ end;
+ end Create_Nets;
+ function Get_Nbr_Future return Ghdl_I32
+ is
+ Res : Ghdl_I32;
+ Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ begin
+ Res := 0;
+ Sig := Future_List;
+ while Sig.Flink /= null loop
+ Res := Res + 1;
+ Sig := Sig.Flink;
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end Get_Nbr_Future;
+ -- Check every scalar subelement of a resolved signal has a driver
+ -- in the same process.
+ procedure Check_Resolved_Driver (Resolv : Resolved_Signal_Acc)
+ is
+ First_Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Nbr : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ begin
+ First_Sig := Sig_Table.Table (Resolv.Sig_Range.First);
+ Nbr := First_Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers;
+ for I in Resolv.Sig_Range.First + 1 .. Resolv.Sig_Range.Last loop
+ if Sig_Table.Table (I).S.Nbr_Drivers /= Nbr then
+ -- FIXME: provide more information (signal name, process name).
+ Error ("missing drivers for subelement of a resolved signal");
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Check_Resolved_Driver;
+ Ieee_Std_Logic_1164_Resolved_Resolv_Ptr : Address;
+ pragma Import (C, Ieee_Std_Logic_1164_Resolved_Resolv_Ptr,
+ "ieee__std_logic_1164__resolved_RESOLV_ptr");
+ procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Name => Resolved_Signal_Acc, Object => Resolved_Signal_Type);
+ procedure Order_All_Signals
+ is
+ Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Resolv : Resolved_Signal_Acc;
+ begin
+ -- Do checks and optimization.
+ for I in Sig_Table.First .. Sig_Table.Last loop
+ Sig := Sig_Table.Table (I);
+ -- LRM 5.3
+ -- If, by the above rules, no disconnection specification applies to
+ -- the drivers of a guarded, scalar signal S whose type mark is T
+ -- (including a scalar subelement of a composite signal), then the
+ -- following default disconnection specification is implicitly
+ -- assumed:
+ -- disconnect S : T after 0 ns;
+ if Sig.S.Mode_Sig in Mode_Signal_User then
+ Resolv := Sig.S.Resolv;
+ if Resolv /= null and then Resolv.Disconnect_Time = Bad_Time then
+ Resolv.Disconnect_Time := 0;
+ end if;
+ if Resolv /= null
+ and then Resolv.Sig_Range.First = I
+ and then Resolv.Sig_Range.Last > I
+ then
+ -- Check every scalar subelement of a resolved signal
+ -- has a driver in the same process.
+ Check_Resolved_Driver (Resolv);
+ end if;
+ if Resolv /= null
+ and then Resolv.Sig_Range.First = I
+ and then Resolv.Sig_Range.Last = I
+ and then (Resolv.Resolv_Proc
+ = Ieee_Std_Logic_1164_Resolved_Resolv_Ptr)
+ and then Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers + Sig.Nbr_Ports <= 1
+ then
+ -- Optimization: remove resolver if there is at most one
+ -- source.
+ Free (Sig.S.Resolv);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- Really order them.
+ for I in Sig_Table.First .. Sig_Table.Last loop
+ Order_Signal (Sig_Table.Table (I), Propag_Driving);
+ end loop;
+ for I in Sig_Table.First .. Sig_Table.Last loop
+ Order_Signal (Sig_Table.Table (I), Propag_Done);
+ end loop;
+ Create_Nets;
+ end Order_All_Signals;
+ procedure Set_Guard_Activity (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr) is
+ begin
+ for I in 1 .. Sig.Nbr_Ports loop
+ if Sig.Ports (I - 1).Active then
+ Mark_Active (Sig);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Set_Guard_Activity;
+ procedure Set_Stable_Quiet_Activity
+ (Mode : Propagation_Kind_Type; Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr) is
+ begin
+ case Mode is
+ when Imp_Stable =>
+ for I in 0 .. Sig.Nbr_Ports - 1 loop
+ if Sig.Ports (I).Event then
+ Mark_Active (Sig);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ when Imp_Quiet
+ | Imp_Transaction =>
+ for I in 0 .. Sig.Nbr_Ports - 1 loop
+ if Sig.Ports (I).Active then
+ Mark_Active (Sig);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("set_stable_quiet_activity");
+ end case;
+ end Set_Stable_Quiet_Activity;
+ function Get_Resolved_Activity (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr) return Boolean
+ is
+ Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ Res : Boolean := False;
+ begin
+ for J in 1 .. Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers loop
+ Trans := Sig.S.Drivers (J - 1).First_Trans.Next;
+ if Trans /= null and then Trans.Time = Current_Time then
+ Free (Sig.S.Drivers (J - 1).First_Trans);
+ Sig.S.Drivers (J - 1).First_Trans := Trans;
+ Res := True;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Res then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ for J in 1 .. Sig.Nbr_Ports loop
+ if Sig.Ports (J - 1).Active then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return False;
+ end Get_Resolved_Activity;
+ procedure Set_Conversion_Activity (Conv : Sig_Conversion_Acc)
+ is
+ Active : Boolean := False;
+ begin
+ for I in Conv.Src.First .. Conv.Src.Last loop
+ Active := Active or Sig_Table.Table (I).Active;
+ end loop;
+ if Active then
+ Call_Conversion_Function (Conv);
+ end if;
+ for I in Conv.Dest.First .. Conv.Dest.Last loop
+ Sig_Table.Table (I).Active := Active;
+ end loop;
+ end Set_Conversion_Activity;
+ procedure Delayed_Implicit_Process (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ is
+ Pfx : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ Last : Transaction_Acc;
+ Prev : Transaction_Acc;
+ begin
+ Pfx := Sig.Ports (0);
+ if Pfx.Event then
+ -- LRM 14.1
+ -- P: process (S)
+ -- begin
+ -- R <= transport S after T;
+ -- end process;
+ Trans := new Transaction'(Kind => Trans_Value,
+ Time => Current_Time + Sig.S.Time,
+ Next => null,
+ Val => Pfx.Value);
+ -- Find the last transaction.
+ Last := Sig.S.Attr_Trans;
+ Prev := Last;
+ while Last.Next /= null loop
+ Prev := Last;
+ Last := Last.Next;
+ end loop;
+ -- Maybe, remove it.
+ if Last.Time > Trans.Time then
+ Internal_Error ("delayed time");
+ elsif Last.Time = Trans.Time then
+ if Prev = Last then
+ Internal_Error ("delayed");
+ end if;
+ Free (Last);
+ else
+ Prev := Last;
+ end if;
+ -- Append the transaction.
+ Prev.Next := Trans;
+ if Sig.S.Time = 0 then
+ Add_Active_List (Sig);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Delayed_Implicit_Process;
+ -- Set the effective value of signal SIG to VAL.
+ -- If the value is different from the previous one, resume processes.
+ procedure Set_Effective_Value (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Val : Value_Union)
+ is
+ El : Action_List_Acc;
+ begin
+ if not Value_Equal (Sig.Value, Val, Sig.Mode) then
+ Sig.Last_Value := Sig.Value;
+ Sig.Value := Val;
+ Sig.Event := True;
+ Sig.Last_Event := Current_Time;
+ Sig.Flags.Cyc_Event := True;
+ El := Sig.Event_List;
+ while El /= null loop
+ case El.Kind is
+ when Action_Process =>
+ Resume_Process (El.Proc);
+ when Action_Signal =>
+ Internal_Error ("set_effective_value");
+ end case;
+ El := El.Next;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end Set_Effective_Value;
+ procedure Run_Propagation (Start : Signal_Net_Type)
+ is
+ I : Signal_Net_Type;
+ Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ begin
+ I := Start;
+ loop
+ -- First: the driving value.
+ case Propagation.Table (I).Kind is
+ when Drv_One_Driver
+ | Eff_One_Driver =>
+ Sig := Propagation.Table (I).Sig;
+ Trans := Sig.S.Drivers (0).First_Trans.Next;
+ if Trans /= null and then Trans.Time = Current_Time then
+ Mark_Active (Sig);
+ Free (Sig.S.Drivers (0).First_Trans);
+ Sig.S.Drivers (0).First_Trans := Trans;
+ case Trans.Kind is
+ when Trans_Value =>
+ Sig.Driving_Value := Trans.Val;
+ when Trans_Null =>
+ Error ("null transaction");
+ when Trans_Error =>
+ Error ("range check error on signal");
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ when Drv_One_Resolved
+ | Eff_One_Resolved =>
+ Sig := Propagation.Table (I).Sig;
+ if Get_Resolved_Activity (Sig) then
+ Mark_Active (Sig);
+ Compute_Resolved_Signal (Propagation.Table (I).Sig.S.Resolv);
+ end if;
+ when Drv_One_Port
+ | Eff_One_Port =>
+ Sig := Propagation.Table (I).Sig;
+ if Sig.Ports (0).Active then
+ Mark_Active (Sig);
+ Sig.Driving_Value := Sig.Ports (0).Driving_Value;
+ end if;
+ when Eff_Actual =>
+ Sig := Propagation.Table (I).Sig;
+ -- Note: the signal may have drivers (inout ports).
+ if Sig.S.Effective.Active and not Sig.Active then
+ Mark_Active (Sig);
+ end if;
+ when Drv_Multiple
+ | Eff_Multiple =>
+ declare
+ Active : Boolean := False;
+ Resolv : Resolved_Signal_Acc;
+ begin
+ Resolv := Propagation.Table (I).Resolv;
+ for I in Resolv.Sig_Range.First .. Resolv.Sig_Range.Last loop
+ Sig := Sig_Table.Table (I);
+ Active := Active or Get_Resolved_Activity (Sig);
+ end loop;
+ if Active then
+ -- Mark the first signal as active (since only this one
+ -- will be checked to set effective value).
+ for I in Resolv.Sig_Range.First .. Resolv.Sig_Range.Last
+ loop
+ Mark_Active (Sig_Table.Table (I));
+ end loop;
+ Compute_Resolved_Signal (Resolv);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Imp_Guard
+ | Imp_Stable
+ | Imp_Quiet
+ | Imp_Transaction =>
+ null;
+ when Imp_Delayed =>
+ Sig := Propagation.Table (I).Sig;
+ Trans := Sig.S.Attr_Trans.Next;
+ if Trans /= null and then Trans.Time = Current_Time then
+ Mark_Active (Sig);
+ Free (Sig.S.Attr_Trans);
+ Sig.S.Attr_Trans := Trans;
+ Sig.Driving_Value := Trans.Val;
+ end if;
+ when In_Conversion =>
+ null;
+ when Out_Conversion =>
+ Set_Conversion_Activity (Propagation.Table (I).Conv);
+ when Prop_End =>
+ return;
+ when Drv_Error =>
+ Internal_Error ("update signals");
+ end case;
+ -- Second: the effective value.
+ case Propagation.Table (I).Kind is
+ when Drv_One_Driver
+ | Drv_One_Port
+ | Drv_One_Resolved
+ | Drv_Multiple =>
+ null;
+ when Eff_One_Driver
+ | Eff_One_Port
+ | Eff_One_Resolved =>
+ Sig := Propagation.Table (I).Sig;
+ if Sig.Active then
+ Set_Effective_Value (Sig, Sig.Driving_Value);
+ end if;
+ when Eff_Multiple =>
+ declare
+ Resolv : Resolved_Signal_Acc;
+ begin
+ Resolv := Propagation.Table (I).Resolv;
+ if Sig_Table.Table (Resolv.Sig_Range.First).Active then
+ -- If one signal is active, all are active.
+ for I in Resolv.Sig_Range.First .. Resolv.Sig_Range.Last
+ loop
+ Sig := Sig_Table.Table (I);
+ Set_Effective_Value (Sig, Sig.Driving_Value);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Eff_Actual =>
+ Sig := Propagation.Table (I).Sig;
+ if Sig.Active then
+ Set_Effective_Value (Sig, Sig.S.Effective.Value);
+ end if;
+ when Imp_Guard =>
+ -- Guard signal is active iff one of its dependence is active.
+ Sig := Propagation.Table (I).Sig;
+ Set_Guard_Activity (Sig);
+ if Sig.Active then
+ Sig.Driving_Value.B2 :=
+ Sig.S.Guard_Func.all (Sig.S.Guard_Instance);
+ Set_Effective_Value (Sig, Sig.Driving_Value);
+ end if;
+ when Imp_Stable
+ | Imp_Quiet =>
+ Sig := Propagation.Table (I).Sig;
+ Set_Stable_Quiet_Activity (Propagation.Table (I).Kind, Sig);
+ if Sig.Active then
+ Sig.Driving_Value :=
+ Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_B2, B2 => False);
+ -- Set driver.
+ Trans := new Transaction'
+ (Kind => Trans_Value,
+ Time => Current_Time + Sig.S.Time,
+ Next => null,
+ Val => Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_B2, B2 => True));
+ if Sig.S.Attr_Trans.Next /= null then
+ Free (Sig.S.Attr_Trans.Next);
+ end if;
+ Sig.S.Attr_Trans.Next := Trans;
+ Set_Effective_Value (Sig, Sig.Driving_Value);
+ if Sig.S.Time = 0 then
+ Add_Active_List (Sig);
+ end if;
+ else
+ Trans := Sig.S.Attr_Trans.Next;
+ if Trans /= null and then Trans.Time = Current_Time then
+ Mark_Active (Sig);
+ Free (Sig.S.Attr_Trans);
+ Sig.S.Attr_Trans := Trans;
+ Sig.Driving_Value := Trans.Val;
+ Set_Effective_Value (Sig, Sig.Driving_Value);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when Imp_Transaction =>
+ -- LRM 12.6.3 Updating Implicit Signals
+ -- Finally, for any implicit signal S'Transaction, the current
+ -- value of the signal is modified if and only if S is active.
+ -- If signal S is active, then S'Transaction is updated by
+ -- assigning the value of the expression (not S'Transaction)
+ -- to the variable representing the current value of
+ -- S'Transaction.
+ Sig := Propagation.Table (I).Sig;
+ for I in 0 .. Sig.Nbr_Ports - 1 loop
+ if Sig.Ports (I).Active then
+ Mark_Active (Sig);
+ Set_Effective_Value
+ (Sig, Value_Union'(Mode => Mode_B2,
+ B2 => not Sig.Value.B2));
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ when Imp_Delayed =>
+ Sig := Propagation.Table (I).Sig;
+ if Sig.Active then
+ Set_Effective_Value (Sig, Sig.Driving_Value);
+ end if;
+ Delayed_Implicit_Process (Sig);
+ when In_Conversion =>
+ Set_Conversion_Activity (Propagation.Table (I).Conv);
+ when Out_Conversion =>
+ null;
+ when Prop_End =>
+ null;
+ when Drv_Error =>
+ Internal_Error ("run_propagation(2)");
+ end case;
+ I := I + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end Run_Propagation;
+ procedure Reset_Active_Flag
+ is
+ Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ begin
+ -- 1) Reset active flag.
+ Sig := Clear_List;
+ Clear_List := null;
+ while Sig /= null loop
+ if Options.Flag_Stats then
+ if Sig.Active then
+ Nbr_Active := Nbr_Active + 1;
+ end if;
+ if Sig.Event then
+ Nbr_Events := Nbr_Events + 1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Sig.Active := False;
+ Sig.Event := False;
+ Sig := Sig.Alink;
+ end loop;
+-- for I in Sig_Table.First .. Sig_Table.Last loop
+-- Sig := Sig_Table.Table (I);
+-- if Sig.Active or Sig.Event then
+-- Internal_Error ("reset_active_flag");
+-- end if;
+-- end loop;
+ end Reset_Active_Flag;
+ procedure Update_Signals
+ is
+ Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Next_Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ begin
+ -- LRM93 12.6.2
+ -- 1) Reset active flag.
+ Reset_Active_Flag;
+ Sig := Active_List;
+ Active_List := Signal_End;
+ while Sig.S.Mode_Sig /= Mode_End loop
+ Next_Sig := Sig.Link;
+ Sig.Link := null;
+ case Sig.Net is
+ when Net_One_Driver =>
+ -- This signal is active.
+ Mark_Active (Sig);
+ Trans := Sig.S.Drivers (0).First_Trans.Next;
+ Free (Sig.S.Drivers (0).First_Trans);
+ Sig.S.Drivers (0).First_Trans := Trans;
+ case Trans.Kind is
+ when Trans_Value =>
+ Sig.Driving_Value := Trans.Val;
+ when Trans_Null =>
+ Error ("null transaction");
+ when Trans_Error =>
+ Error ("range check error on signal");
+ end case;
+ Set_Effective_Value (Sig, Sig.Driving_Value);
+ when Net_One_Resolved =>
+ -- This signal is active.
+ Mark_Active (Sig);
+ for J in 1 .. Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers loop
+ Trans := Sig.S.Drivers (J - 1).First_Trans.Next;
+ if Trans /= null and then Trans.Time = Current_Time then
+ Free (Sig.S.Drivers (J - 1).First_Trans);
+ Sig.S.Drivers (J - 1).First_Trans := Trans;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Compute_Resolved_Signal (Sig.S.Resolv);
+ Set_Effective_Value (Sig, Sig.Driving_Value);
+ when No_Signal_Net =>
+ Internal_Error ("update_signals: no_signal_net");
+ when others =>
+ if not Propagation.Table (Sig.Net).Updated then
+ Propagation.Table (Sig.Net).Updated := True;
+ Run_Propagation (Sig.Net + 1);
+ -- Put it on the list.
+ Add_Active_List (Sig);
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ Sig := Next_Sig;
+ end loop;
+ -- Un-mark updated.
+ Sig := Active_List;
+ Active_List := Signal_End;
+ while Sig.Link /= null loop
+ Propagation.Table (Sig.Net).Updated := False;
+ Next_Sig := Sig.Link;
+ Sig.Link := null;
+ -- Maybe put SIG in the active list, if it will be active during
+ -- the next cycle.
+ -- This can happen only for 'quiet, 'stable or 'delayed.
+ case Sig.S.Mode_Sig is
+ when Mode_Stable
+ | Mode_Quiet
+ | Mode_Delayed =>
+ declare
+ Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ begin
+ Trans := Sig.S.Attr_Trans.Next;
+ if Trans /= null and then Trans.Time = Current_Time then
+ Sig.Link := Active_List;
+ Active_List := Sig;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Sig := Next_Sig;
+ end loop;
+ end Update_Signals;
+ procedure Run_Propagation_Init (Start : Signal_Net_Type)
+ is
+ I : Signal_Net_Type;
+ Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ begin
+ I := Start;
+ loop
+ -- First: the driving value.
+ case Propagation.Table (I).Kind is
+ when Drv_One_Driver
+ | Eff_One_Driver =>
+ -- Nothing to do: drivers were already created.
+ null;
+ when Drv_One_Resolved
+ | Eff_One_Resolved =>
+ -- Execute the resolution function.
+ Sig := Propagation.Table (I).Sig;
+ if Sig.Nbr_Ports > 0 then
+ Compute_Resolved_Signal (Sig.S.Resolv);
+ end if;
+ when Drv_One_Port
+ | Eff_One_Port =>
+ -- Copy value.
+ Sig := Propagation.Table (I).Sig;
+ Sig.Driving_Value := Sig.Ports (0).Driving_Value;
+ when Eff_Actual =>
+ null;
+ when Drv_Multiple
+ | Eff_Multiple =>
+ Compute_Resolved_Signal (Propagation.Table (I).Resolv);
+ when Imp_Guard
+ | Imp_Stable
+ | Imp_Quiet
+ | Imp_Transaction =>
+ null;
+ when Imp_Delayed =>
+ -- LRM 14.1
+ -- Assuming that the initial value of R is the same as the
+ -- initial value of S, [...]
+ Sig := Propagation.Table (I).Sig;
+ Sig.Driving_Value := Sig.Ports (0).Driving_Value;
+ when In_Conversion =>
+ null;
+ when Out_Conversion =>
+ Call_Conversion_Function (Propagation.Table (I).Conv);
+ when Prop_End =>
+ return;
+ when Drv_Error =>
+ Internal_Error ("init_signals");
+ end case;
+ -- Second: the effective value.
+ case Propagation.Table (I).Kind is
+ when Drv_One_Driver
+ | Drv_One_Port
+ | Drv_One_Resolved
+ | Drv_Multiple =>
+ null;
+ when Eff_One_Driver
+ | Eff_One_Port
+ | Eff_One_Resolved
+ | Imp_Delayed =>
+ Sig := Propagation.Table (I).Sig;
+ Sig.Value := Sig.Driving_Value;
+ when Eff_Multiple =>
+ declare
+ Resolv : Resolved_Signal_Acc;
+ begin
+ Resolv := Propagation.Table (I).Resolv;
+ for I in Resolv.Sig_Range.First .. Resolv.Sig_Range.Last loop
+ Sig := Sig_Table.Table (I);
+ Sig.Value := Sig.Driving_Value;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Eff_Actual =>
+ Sig := Propagation.Table (I).Sig;
+ Sig.Value := Sig.S.Effective.Value;
+ when Imp_Guard =>
+ -- Guard signal is active iff one of its dependence is active.
+ Sig := Propagation.Table (I).Sig;
+ Sig.Driving_Value.B2 :=
+ Sig.S.Guard_Func.all (Sig.S.Guard_Instance);
+ Sig.Value := Sig.Driving_Value;
+ when Imp_Stable
+ | Imp_Quiet
+ | Imp_Transaction =>
+ -- Already initialized during creation.
+ null;
+ when In_Conversion =>
+ Call_Conversion_Function (Propagation.Table (I).Conv);
+ when Out_Conversion =>
+ null;
+ when Prop_End =>
+ null;
+ when Drv_Error =>
+ Internal_Error ("init_signals(2)");
+ end case;
+ I := I + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end Run_Propagation_Init;
+ procedure Init_Signals
+ is
+ Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ begin
+ for I in Sig_Table.First .. Sig_Table.Last loop
+ Sig := Sig_Table.Table (I);
+ case Sig.Net is
+ when Net_One_Driver =>
+ -- Nothing to do: drivers were already created.
+ null;
+ when Net_One_Resolved =>
+ if Sig.Nbr_Ports > 0 then
+ Compute_Resolved_Signal (Sig.S.Resolv);
+ Sig.Value := Sig.Driving_Value;
+ end if;
+ when No_Signal_Net =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ if Propagation.Table (Sig.Net).Updated then
+ Propagation.Table (Sig.Net).Updated := False;
+ Run_Propagation_Init (Sig.Net + 1);
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Init_Signals;
+ procedure Init is
+ begin
+ Signal_End := new Ghdl_Signal'(Value => (Mode => Mode_B2,
+ B2 => False),
+ Driving_Value => (Mode => Mode_B2,
+ B2 => False),
+ Last_Value => (Mode => Mode_B2,
+ B2 => False),
+ Last_Event => 0,
+ Last_Active => 0,
+ Event => False,
+ Active => False,
+ Mode => Mode_B2,
+ Flags => (Propag => Propag_None,
+ Has_Active => False,
+ Is_Dumped => False,
+ Cyc_Event => False),
+ Net => No_Signal_Net,
+ Link => null,
+ Alink => null,
+ Flink => null,
+ Event_List => null,
+ Rti => null,
+ Nbr_Ports => 0,
+ Ports => null,
+ S => (Mode_Sig => Mode_End));
+ Active_List := Signal_End;
+ Future_List := Signal_End;
+ Boolean_Signal_Rti.Obj_Type := Std_Standard_Boolean_RTI_Ptr;
+ Bit_Signal_Rti.Obj_Type := Std_Standard_Bit_RTI_Ptr;
+ end Init;
+end Grt.Signals;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-signals.ads b/translate/grt/grt-signals.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c78bf52f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-signals.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,720 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - signals management.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with System;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with GNAT.Table;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Rtis; use Grt.Rtis;
+package Grt.Signals is
+ pragma Suppress (All_Checks);
+ -- Kind of transaction.
+ type Transaction_Kind is
+ (
+ -- Normal transaction, with a value.
+ Trans_Value,
+ -- Null transaction.
+ Trans_Null,
+ -- Like a normal transaction, but without a value due to check error.
+ Trans_Error
+ );
+ type Transaction;
+ type Transaction_Acc is access Transaction;
+ type Transaction (Kind : Transaction_Kind) is record
+ Time : Std_Time;
+ Next : Transaction_Acc;
+ case Kind is
+ when Trans_Value =>
+ Val : Value_Union;
+ when Trans_Null =>
+ null;
+ when Trans_Error =>
+ -- FIXME: should have a location field, to be able to display
+ -- a message.
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ -- A driver is bound to a process (PROC) and contains a list of
+ -- transactions.
+ type Driver_Type is record
+ First_Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ Last_Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ Proc : Process_Id;
+ end record;
+ type Driver_Acc is access all Driver_Type;
+ type Driver_Fat_Array is array (Ghdl_Index_Type) of aliased Driver_Type;
+ type Driver_Arr_Ptr is access Driver_Fat_Array;
+ -- Function access type used to evaluate the guard expression.
+ type Guard_Func_Acc is access function (This : System.Address)
+ return Ghdl_B2;
+ -- Simply linked list of processes to be resumed in case of events.
+ type Ghdl_Signal;
+ type Ghdl_Signal_Ptr is access Ghdl_Signal;
+ function To_Ghdl_Signal_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => System.Address, Target => Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ type Signal_Fat_Array is array (Ghdl_Index_Type) of Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ type Signal_Arr_Ptr is access Signal_Fat_Array;
+ function To_Signal_Arr_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => System.Address, Target => Signal_Arr_Ptr);
+ type Action_List;
+ type Action_List_Acc is access Action_List;
+ type Action_Kind is (Action_Signal, Action_Process);
+ type Action_List (Kind : Action_Kind) is record
+ Next : Action_List_Acc;
+ case Kind is
+ when Action_Signal =>
+ Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ when Action_Process =>
+ Proc : Process_Id;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ -- How to compute resolved signal.
+ type Resolved_Signal_Type is record
+ Resolv_Proc : System.Address;
+ Resolv_Inst : System.Address;
+ Resolv_Ptr : System.Address;
+ Sig_Range : Sig_Table_Range;
+ Disconnect_Time : Std_Time;
+ end record;
+ type Resolved_Signal_Acc is access Resolved_Signal_Type;
+ -- Signal conversion data.
+ type Sig_Conversion_Type is record
+ -- Function which performs the conversion.
+ Func : System.Address;
+ Instance : System.Address;
+ Src : Sig_Table_Range;
+ Dest : Sig_Table_Range;
+ end record;
+ type Sig_Conversion_Acc is access Sig_Conversion_Type;
+ -- Used to order the signals for the propagation of signals values.
+ type Propag_Order_Flag is
+ (
+ -- The signal was not yet ordered.
+ Propag_None,
+ -- The signal is being ordered for driving value.
+ -- This stage is used to catch loop (which can not occur).
+ Propag_Being_Driving,
+ -- The signal has been ordered for driving value.
+ Propag_Driving,
+ -- The signal is being ordered for effective value.
+ Propag_Being_Effective,
+ -- The signal has completly been ordered.
+ Propag_Done);
+ -- Each signal belongs to a signal_net.
+ -- Signals on the same net must be updated in order.
+ -- Signals on different nets have no direct relation-ship, and thus may
+ -- be updated without order.
+ -- Net NO_SIGNAL_NET is special: it groups all lonely signals.
+ type Signal_Net_Type is new Integer;
+ No_Signal_Net : constant Signal_Net_Type := 0;
+ Net_One_Driver : constant Signal_Net_Type := -1;
+ Net_One_Resolved : constant Signal_Net_Type := -2;
+ -- Flush the list of active signals.
+ procedure Flush_Active_List;
+ type Ghdl_Signal_Data (Mode_Sig : Mode_Signal_Type := Mode_Signal)
+ is record
+ case Mode_Sig is
+ when Mode_Signal_User =>
+ Nbr_Drivers : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Drivers : Driver_Arr_Ptr;
+ -- Signal which defines the effective value of this signal,
+ -- if any.
+ Effective : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ -- Null if not resolved.
+ Resolv : Resolved_Signal_Acc;
+ when Mode_Conv_In
+ | Mode_Conv_Out =>
+ -- Conversion paramaters for conv_in, conv_out.
+ Conv : Sig_Conversion_Acc;
+ when Mode_Stable
+ | Mode_Quiet
+ | Mode_Delayed =>
+ -- Time parameter for 'stable, 'quiet or 'delayed
+ Time : Std_Time;
+ Attr_Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ when Mode_Guard =>
+ -- Guard function and instance used to compute the
+ -- guard expression.
+ Guard_Func : Guard_Func_Acc;
+ Guard_Instance : System.Address;
+ when Mode_Transaction
+ | Mode_End =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ pragma Suppress (Discriminant_Check, On => Ghdl_Signal_Data);
+ type Ghdl_Signal_Flags is record
+ -- Status of the ordering.
+ Propag : Propag_Order_Flag;
+ -- If set, the activity of the signal is required by the user.
+ Has_Active : Boolean;
+ -- If set, the signal is dumped in a GHW file.
+ Is_Dumped : Boolean;
+ -- Set when an event occured.
+ -- Only reset by GHW file dumper.
+ Cyc_Event : Boolean;
+ end record;
+ pragma Pack (Ghdl_Signal_Flags);
+ type Ghdl_Signal is record
+ -- Fields known by ghdl.
+ Value : Value_Union;
+ Driving_Value : Value_Union;
+ Last_Value : Value_Union;
+ Last_Event : Std_Time;
+ Last_Active : Std_Time;
+ Event : Boolean;
+ Active : Boolean;
+ -- Internal fields.
+ -- Values mode of this signal.
+ Mode : Mode_Type;
+ -- Misc flags.
+ Flags : Ghdl_Signal_Flags;
+ -- Net of the signal.
+ Net : Signal_Net_Type;
+ -- Chain of signals.
+ -- Used to build nets.
+ -- This is also the simply linked list of future active signals.
+ Link : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ -- Chain of signals whose active flag was set. Used to clear it.
+ Alink : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ -- Chain of signals that have a projected waveform in the real future.
+ Flink : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ -- List of processes to resume when there is an event on
+ -- this signal.
+ Event_List : Action_List_Acc;
+ -- Path of the signal (with its name) in the design hierarchy.
+ -- Used to get the type of the signal.
+ Rti : Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc;
+ -- For user signals: the sources of a signals are drivers
+ -- and connected ports.
+ -- For implicit signals: PORTS is used as dependence list.
+ Nbr_Ports : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Ports : Signal_Arr_Ptr;
+ -- Mode of the signal (in, out ...)
+ --Mode_Signal : Mode_Signal_Type;
+ S : Ghdl_Signal_Data;
+ end record;
+ -- Each simple signal declared can be accessed by SIG_TABLE.
+ package Sig_Table is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Component_Type => Ghdl_Signal_Ptr,
+ Table_Index_Type => Sig_Table_Index,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 0,
+ Table_Initial => 128,
+ Table_Increment => 100);
+ -- Return the next time at which a driver becomes active.
+ function Find_Next_Time return Std_Time;
+ -- Elementary propagation computation.
+ -- See LRM 12.6.2 and 12.6.3
+ type Propagation_Kind_Type is
+ (
+ -- How to compute driving value:
+ -- Default value.
+ Drv_Error,
+ -- One source, a driver and not resolved:
+ -- the driving value is the driver.
+ Drv_One_Driver,
+ -- Same as previous, and the effective value is the driving value.
+ Eff_One_Driver,
+ -- One source, a port and not resolved:
+ -- the driving value is the driving value of the port.
+ -- Dependence.
+ Drv_One_Port,
+ -- Same as previous, and the effective value is the driving value.
+ Eff_One_Port,
+ -- Several sources or resolved:
+ -- signal is not composite.
+ Drv_One_Resolved,
+ Eff_One_Resolved,
+ -- Use the resolution function, signal is composite.
+ Drv_Multiple,
+ -- Same as previous, but the effective value is the previous value.
+ Eff_Multiple,
+ -- The effective value is the actual associated.
+ Eff_Actual,
+ -- Implicit guard signal.
+ -- Its value must be evaluated after the effective value of its
+ -- dependences.
+ Imp_Guard,
+ -- Implicit stable.
+ -- Its value must be evaluated after the effective value of its
+ -- dependences.
+ Imp_Stable,
+ -- Implicit quiet.
+ -- Its value must be evaluated after the driving value of its
+ -- dependences.
+ Imp_Quiet,
+ -- Implicit transaction.
+ -- Its value must be evaluated after the driving value of its
+ -- dependences.
+ Imp_Transaction,
+ -- Implicit delayed
+ -- Its value must be evaluated after the driving value of its
+ -- dependences.
+ Imp_Delayed,
+ -- in_conversion.
+ -- Pseudo-signal which is set by conversion function.
+ In_Conversion,
+ Out_Conversion,
+ -- End of propagation.
+ Prop_End
+ );
+ type Propagation_Type (Kind : Propagation_Kind_Type := Drv_Error) is record
+ case Kind is
+ when Drv_Error =>
+ null;
+ when Drv_One_Driver
+ | Eff_One_Driver
+ | Drv_One_Port
+ | Eff_One_Port
+ | Imp_Guard
+ | Imp_Quiet
+ | Imp_Transaction
+ | Imp_Stable
+ | Imp_Delayed
+ | Eff_Actual
+ | Eff_One_Resolved
+ | Drv_One_Resolved =>
+ Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ when Drv_Multiple
+ | Eff_Multiple =>
+ Resolv : Resolved_Signal_Acc;
+ when In_Conversion
+ | Out_Conversion =>
+ Conv : Sig_Conversion_Acc;
+ when Prop_End =>
+ Updated : Boolean;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ package Propagation is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Component_Type => Propagation_Type,
+ Table_Index_Type => Signal_Net_Type,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 1,
+ Table_Initial => 128,
+ Table_Increment => 100);
+ -- Get the signal index of PTR.
+ function Signal_Ptr_To_Index (Ptr : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr) return Sig_Table_Index;
+ -- Compute propagation order of signals.
+ procedure Order_All_Signals;
+ -- Initialize the package (mainly the lists).
+ procedure Init;
+ -- Initialize all signals.
+ procedure Init_Signals;
+ -- Update signals.
+ procedure Update_Signals;
+ -- Add PROC in the list of processes to be resumed in case of event on
+ -- SIG.
+ procedure Resume_Process_If_Event
+ (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Proc : Process_Id);
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Name_Rti (Sig : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Ctxt : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Addr : System.Address);
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Merge_Rti (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ -- Performs some internal checks on signals (transaction order).
+ -- Internal_error is called in case of error.
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Internal_Checks;
+ -- Subprograms to be called by generated code.
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_Error (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_Error (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Rej : Std_Time;
+ After : Std_Time);
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Set_Disconnect (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Time : Std_Time);
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Disconnect (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_Null (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Rej : Std_Time;
+ After : Std_Time);
+ function Ghdl_Signal_Driving (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr) return Ghdl_B2;
+ function Ghdl_Create_Signal_B2
+ (Init_Val : Ghdl_B2;
+ Resolv_Func : System.Address;
+ Resolv_Inst : System.Address)
+ return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Init_B2 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Init_Val : Ghdl_B2);
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Associate_B2 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_B2);
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_B2 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Val : Ghdl_B2);
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_B2 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Rej : Std_Time;
+ Val : Ghdl_B2;
+ After : Std_Time);
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_B2 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Val : Ghdl_B2;
+ After : Std_Time);
+ function Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_B2 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ return Ghdl_B2;
+ function Ghdl_Create_Signal_E8
+ (Init_Val : Ghdl_E8;
+ Resolv_Func : System.Address;
+ Resolv_Inst : System.Address)
+ return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Init_E8 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Init_Val : Ghdl_E8);
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Associate_E8 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_E8);
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_E8 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Val : Ghdl_E8);
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_E8 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Rej : Std_Time;
+ Val : Ghdl_E8;
+ After : Std_Time);
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_E8 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Val : Ghdl_E8;
+ After : Std_Time);
+ function Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_E8 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ return Ghdl_E8;
+ function Ghdl_Create_Signal_I32
+ (Init_Val : Ghdl_I32;
+ Resolv_Func : System.Address;
+ Resolv_Inst : System.Address)
+ return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Init_I32 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Init_Val : Ghdl_I32);
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Associate_I32 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_I32);
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_I32 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Val : Ghdl_I32);
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_I32 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Rej : Std_Time;
+ Val : Ghdl_I32;
+ After : Std_Time);
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_I32 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Val : Ghdl_I32;
+ After : Std_Time);
+ function Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_I32 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ return Ghdl_I32;
+ function Ghdl_Create_Signal_I64
+ (Init_Val : Ghdl_I64;
+ Resolv_Func : System.Address;
+ Resolv_Inst : System.Address)
+ return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Init_I64 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Init_Val : Ghdl_I64);
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Associate_I64 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_I64);
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_I64 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Val : Ghdl_I64);
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_I64 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Rej : Std_Time;
+ Val : Ghdl_I64;
+ After : Std_Time);
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_I64 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Val : Ghdl_I64;
+ After : Std_Time);
+ function Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_I64 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ return Ghdl_I64;
+ function Ghdl_Create_Signal_F64
+ (Init_Val : Ghdl_F64;
+ Resolv_Func : System.Address;
+ Resolv_Inst : System.Address)
+ return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Init_F64 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Init_Val : Ghdl_F64);
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Associate_F64 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_F64);
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_F64 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Val : Ghdl_F64);
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_F64 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Rej : Std_Time;
+ Val : Ghdl_F64;
+ After : Std_Time);
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_F64 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Val : Ghdl_F64;
+ After : Std_Time);
+ function Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_F64 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ return Ghdl_F64;
+ -- Add a driver to SIGN for the current process.
+ procedure Ghdl_Process_Add_Driver (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ -- Used for connexions:
+ -- SRC is a source for TARG.
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Add_Source (Targ : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Src : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ -- Add an in conversion (from SRC to DEST using function FUNC).
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_In_Conversion (Func : System.Address;
+ Instance : System.Address;
+ Src : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Src_Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Dst : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Dst_Len : Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Out_Conversion (Func : System.Address;
+ Instance : System.Address;
+ Src : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Src_Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Dst : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Dst_Len : Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ -- Mark the next signals as resolved.
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Create_Resolution (Proc : System.Address;
+ Instance : System.Address;
+ Sig : System.Address;
+ Nbr_Sig : Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ -- The effective value of TARG is the effective value of SRC.
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Effective_Value (Targ : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Src : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ -- Create a new 'stable (VAL) signal.
+ function Ghdl_Create_Stable_Signal (Val : Std_Time) return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ -- Create a new 'quiet (VAL) signal.
+ function Ghdl_Create_Quiet_Signal (Val : Std_Time) return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ -- Create a new 'transaction signal.
+ function Ghdl_Create_Transaction_Signal return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ -- Create a new SIG'delayed (VAL) signal.
+ function Ghdl_Create_Delayed_Signal (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Val : Std_Time)
+ return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ -- Add SIG in the set of prefix for the last created signal.
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Attribute_Register_Prefix (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ -- Create a new implicitly defined GUARD signal.
+ function Ghdl_Signal_Create_Guard (This : System.Address;
+ Proc : Guard_Func_Acc)
+ return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ -- Add SIG to the list of referenced signals that appear in the guard
+ -- expression.
+ procedure Ghdl_Signal_Guard_Dependence (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ -- Return number of ports/drivers.
+ function Ghdl_Signal_Get_Nbr_Ports (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ return Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ function Ghdl_Signal_Get_Nbr_Drivers (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
+ return Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ function Ghdl_Signal_Read_Port
+ (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Index : Ghdl_Index_Type)
+ return Ghdl_Value_Ptr;
+ function Ghdl_Signal_Read_Driver
+ (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Index : Ghdl_Index_Type)
+ return Ghdl_Value_Ptr;
+ -- Statistics.
+ Nbr_Active : Ghdl_I32;
+ Nbr_Events: Ghdl_I32;
+ function Get_Nbr_Future return Ghdl_I32;
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Name_Rti,
+ "__ghdl_signal_name_rti");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Merge_Rti,
+ "__ghdl_signal_merge_rti");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_Error,
+ "__ghdl_signal_simple_assign_error");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_Error,
+ "__ghdl_signal_start_assign_error");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_Null,
+ "__ghdl_signal_start_assign_null");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Set_Disconnect,
+ "__ghdl_signal_set_disconnect");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Disconnect,
+ "__ghdl_signal_disconnect");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Driving,
+ "__ghdl_signal_driving");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Create_Signal_B2,
+ "__ghdl_create_signal_b2");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Init_B2,
+ "__ghdl_signal_init_b2");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Associate_B2,
+ "__ghdl_signal_associate_b2");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_B2,
+ "__ghdl_signal_simple_assign_b2");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_B2,
+ "__ghdl_signal_start_assign_b2");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_B2,
+ "__ghdl_signal_next_assign_b2");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_B2,
+ "__ghdl_signal_driving_value_b2");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Create_Signal_E8,
+ "__ghdl_create_signal_e8");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Init_E8,
+ "__ghdl_signal_init_e8");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Associate_E8,
+ "__ghdl_signal_associate_e8");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_E8,
+ "__ghdl_signal_simple_assign_e8");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_E8,
+ "__ghdl_signal_start_assign_e8");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_E8,
+ "__ghdl_signal_next_assign_e8");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_E8,
+ "__ghdl_signal_driving_value_e8");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Create_Signal_I32,
+ "__ghdl_create_signal_i32");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Init_I32,
+ "__ghdl_signal_init_i32");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Associate_I32,
+ "__ghdl_signal_associate_i32");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_I32,
+ "__ghdl_signal_simple_assign_i32");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_I32,
+ "__ghdl_signal_start_assign_i32");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_I32,
+ "__ghdl_signal_next_assign_i32");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_I32,
+ "__ghdl_signal_driving_value_i32");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Create_Signal_I64,
+ "__ghdl_create_signal_i64");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Init_I64,
+ "__ghdl_signal_init_i64");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Associate_I64,
+ "__ghdl_signal_associate_i64");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_I64,
+ "__ghdl_signal_simple_assign_i64");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_I64,
+ "__ghdl_signal_start_assign_i64");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_I64,
+ "__ghdl_signal_next_assign_i64");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_I64,
+ "__ghdl_signal_driving_value_i64");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Create_Signal_F64,
+ "__ghdl_create_signal_f64");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Init_F64,
+ "__ghdl_signal_init_f64");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Associate_F64,
+ "__ghdl_signal_associate_f64");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_F64,
+ "__ghdl_signal_simple_assign_f64");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_F64,
+ "__ghdl_signal_start_assign_f64");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_F64,
+ "__ghdl_signal_next_assign_f64");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_F64,
+ "__ghdl_signal_driving_value_f64");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Process_Add_Driver,
+ "__ghdl_process_add_driver");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Add_Source,
+ "__ghdl_signal_add_source");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Effective_Value,
+ "__ghdl_signal_effective_value");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_In_Conversion,
+ "__ghdl_signal_in_conversion");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Out_Conversion,
+ "__ghdl_signal_out_conversion");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Create_Resolution,
+ "__ghdl_signal_create_resolution");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Create_Stable_Signal,
+ "__ghdl_create_stable_signal");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Create_Quiet_Signal,
+ "__ghdl_create_quiet_signal");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Create_Transaction_Signal,
+ "__ghdl_create_transaction_signal");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Attribute_Register_Prefix,
+ "__ghdl_signal_attribute_register_prefix");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Create_Delayed_Signal,
+ "__ghdl_create_delayed_signal");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Create_Guard,
+ "__ghdl_signal_create_guard");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Guard_Dependence,
+ "__ghdl_signal_guard_dependence");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Get_Nbr_Ports,
+ "__ghdl_signal_get_nbr_ports");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Get_Nbr_Drivers,
+ "__ghdl_signal_get_nbr_drivers");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Read_Port,
+ "__ghdl_signal_read_port");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Read_Driver,
+ "__ghdl_signal_read_driver");
+end Grt.Signals;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-stack2.adb b/translate/grt/grt-stack2.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..17bb2c990
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-stack2.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - secondary stack.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
+with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors;
+with Grt.Stdio;
+with Grt.Astdio;
+package body Grt.Stack2 is
+ -- This should be storage_elements.storage_element, but I don't want to
+ -- use system.storage_elements package (not pure). Unfortunatly, this is
+ -- currently a failure (storage_elements is automagically used).
+ type Memory is array (Mark_Id range <>) of Character;
+ type Chunk_Type (First, Last : Mark_Id);
+ type Chunk_Acc is access all Chunk_Type;
+ type Chunk_Type (First, Last : Mark_Id) is record
+ Next : Chunk_Acc;
+ Mem : Memory (First .. Last);
+ end record;
+ type Stack2_Type is record
+ First_Chunk : Chunk_Acc;
+ Last_Chunk : Chunk_Acc;
+ Top : Mark_Id;
+ end record;
+ type Stack2_Acc is access all Stack2_Type;
+ function To_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Stack2_Ptr, Target => Stack2_Acc);
+ function To_Addr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Stack2_Acc, Target => Stack2_Ptr);
+ procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Object => Chunk_Type, Name => Chunk_Acc);
+ function Mark (S : Stack2_Ptr) return Mark_Id
+ is
+ S2 : Stack2_Acc;
+ begin
+ S2 := To_Acc (S);
+ return S2.Top;
+ end Mark;
+ procedure Release (S : Stack2_Ptr; Mark : Mark_Id)
+ is
+ S2 : Stack2_Acc;
+ begin
+ S2 := To_Acc (S);
+ S2.Top := Mark;
+ end Release;
+ function Allocate (S : Stack2_Ptr; Size : Ghdl_Index_Type)
+ return System.Address
+ is
+ pragma Suppress (All_Checks);
+ S2 : Stack2_Acc;
+ Chunk : Chunk_Acc;
+ N_Chunk : Chunk_Acc;
+ Max_Align : constant Mark_Id := Mark_Id (Standard'Maximum_Alignment);
+ Max_Size : constant Mark_Id :=
+ ((Mark_Id (Size) + Max_Align - 1) / Max_Align) * Max_Align;
+ Res : System.Address;
+ begin
+ S2 := To_Acc (S);
+ -- Find the chunk to which S2.TOP belong.
+ Chunk := S2.First_Chunk;
+ loop
+ exit when S2.Top >= Chunk.First and S2.Top <= Chunk.Last;
+ Chunk := Chunk.Next;
+ exit when Chunk = null;
+ end loop;
+ if Chunk /= null then
+ -- If there is enough place in it, allocate from the chunk.
+ if S2.Top + Max_Size <= Chunk.Last then
+ Res := Chunk.Mem (S2.Top)'Address;
+ S2.Top := S2.Top + Max_Size;
+ return Res;
+ end if;
+ -- If there is not enough place in it:
+ -- find a chunk which has enough room, deallocate skipped chunk.
+ loop
+ N_Chunk := Chunk.Next;
+ exit when N_Chunk = null;
+ if N_Chunk.Last - N_Chunk.First + 1 < Max_Size then
+ -- Not enough place in this chunk.
+ Chunk.Next := N_Chunk.Next;
+ Free (N_Chunk);
+ if Chunk.Next = null then
+ S2.Last_Chunk := Chunk;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Res := N_Chunk.Mem (N_Chunk.First)'Address;
+ S2.Top := N_Chunk.First + Max_Size;
+ return Res;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ -- If not such chunk, allocate a chunk
+ S2.Top := S2.Last_Chunk.Last + 1;
+ Chunk := new Chunk_Type (First => S2.Top,
+ Last => S2.Top + Max_Size - 1);
+ Chunk.Next := null;
+ S2.Last_Chunk.Next := Chunk;
+ S2.Last_Chunk := Chunk;
+ S2.Top := Chunk.Last + 1;
+ return Chunk.Mem (Chunk.First)'Address;
+ end Allocate;
+ function Create return Stack2_Ptr is
+ Res : Stack2_Acc;
+ Chunk : Chunk_Acc;
+ begin
+ Chunk := new Chunk_Type (First => 1, Last => 8 * 1024);
+ Chunk.Next := null;
+ Res := new Stack2_Type'(First_Chunk => Chunk,
+ Last_Chunk => Chunk,
+ Top => 1);
+ return To_Addr (Res);
+ end Create;
+ procedure Check_Empty (S : Stack2_Ptr)
+ is
+ S2 : Stack2_Acc;
+ begin
+ S2 := To_Acc (S);
+ if S2 /= null and then S2.Top /= S2.First_Chunk.First then
+ Internal_Error ("stack2.check_empty: stack is not empty");
+ end if;
+ end Check_Empty;
+ -- May be used to debug.
+ procedure Dump_Stack2 (S : Stack2_Ptr);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Dump_Stack2);
+ procedure Dump_Stack2 (S : Stack2_Ptr)
+ is
+ use Grt.Astdio;
+ use Grt.Stdio;
+ use System;
+ function To_Address is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Chunk_Acc, Target => Address);
+ function To_Address is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Mark_Id, Target => Address);
+ S2 : Stack2_Acc;
+ Chunk : Chunk_Acc;
+ begin
+ S2 := To_Acc (S);
+ Put ("Stack 2 at ");
+ Put (stdout, Address (S));
+ New_Line;
+ Put ("First Chunk at ");
+ Put (stdout, To_Address (S2.First_Chunk));
+ Put (", last chunk at ");
+ Put (stdout, To_Address (S2.Last_Chunk));
+ Put (", top at ");
+ Put (stdout, To_Address (S2.Top));
+ New_Line;
+ Chunk := S2.First_Chunk;
+ while Chunk /= null loop
+ Put ("Chunk ");
+ Put (stdout, To_Address (Chunk));
+ Put (": first: ");
+ Put (stdout, To_Address (Chunk.First));
+ Put (", last: ");
+ Put (stdout, To_Address (Chunk.Last));
+ Put (", len: ");
+ Put (stdout, To_Address (Chunk.Last - Chunk.First + 1));
+ Put (", next = ");
+ Put (stdout, To_Address (Chunk.Next));
+ New_Line;
+ Chunk := Chunk.Next;
+ end loop;
+ end Dump_Stack2;
+end Grt.Stack2;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-stack2.ads b/translate/grt/grt-stack2.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3be035b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-stack2.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - secondary stack.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with System;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+-- Secondary stack management.
+package Grt.Stack2 is
+ type Stack2_Ptr is new System.Address;
+ Null_Stack2_Ptr : constant Stack2_Ptr := Stack2_Ptr (System.Null_Address);
+ type Mark_Id is new Integer_Address;
+ function Mark (S : Stack2_Ptr) return Mark_Id;
+ procedure Release (S : Stack2_Ptr; Mark : Mark_Id);
+ function Allocate (S : Stack2_Ptr; Size : Ghdl_Index_Type)
+ return System.Address;
+ function Create return Stack2_Ptr;
+ -- Check S is empty.
+ procedure Check_Empty (S : Stack2_Ptr);
+end Grt.Stack2;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-stacks.adb b/translate/grt/grt-stacks.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a6e53f8f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-stacks.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - process stacks.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors;
+package body Grt.Stacks is
+ procedure Error_Grow_Failed is
+ begin
+ Error ("cannot grow the stack");
+ end Error_Grow_Failed;
+ procedure Error_Memory_Access is
+ begin
+ Error
+ ("invalid memory access (dangling accesses or stack size too small)");
+ end Error_Memory_Access;
+ procedure Error_Null_Access is
+ begin
+ Error ("NULL access dereferenced");
+ end Error_Null_Access;
+end Grt.Stacks;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-stacks.ads b/translate/grt/grt-stacks.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2624f5c2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-stacks.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - process stacks.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with System; use System;
+package Grt.Stacks is
+ type Stack_Type is new Address;
+ Null_Stack : constant Stack_Type := Stack_Type (Null_Address);
+ -- The main stack. This is initialized by STACK_INIT.
+ -- The return point.
+ Main_Stack : Stack_Type;
+ -- Initialize the stacks package.
+ -- This may adjust stack sizes.
+ -- Must be called after grt.options.decode.
+ procedure Stack_Init;
+ -- Create a new stack, which on first execution will call FUNC with
+ -- an argument ARG.
+ function Stack_Create (Func : Address; Arg : Address) return Stack_Type;
+ -- Resume stack TO and save the current context to the stack pointed by
+ -- CUR.
+ procedure Stack_Switch (To : Stack_Type; From : Stack_Type);
+ -- Delete stack STACK, which must not be currently executed.
+ procedure Stack_Delete (Stack : Stack_Type);
+ -- Error during stack handling:
+ -- Cannot grow the stack.
+ procedure Error_Grow_Failed;
+ pragma No_Return (Error_Grow_Failed);
+ -- Invalid memory access detected (other than dereferencing a NULL access).
+ procedure Error_Memory_Access;
+ pragma No_Return (Error_Memory_Access);
+ -- A NULL access is dereferenced.
+ procedure Error_Null_Access;
+ pragma No_Return (Error_Null_Access);
+ pragma Export (C, Main_Stack, "grt_stack_main_stack");
+ pragma Import (C, Stack_Init, "grt_stack_init");
+ pragma Import (C, Stack_Create, "grt_stack_create");
+ pragma Import (C, Stack_Switch, "grt_stack_switch");
+ pragma Import (C, Stack_Delete, "grt_stack_delete");
+ pragma Export (C, Error_Grow_Failed, "grt_stack_error_grow_failed");
+ pragma Export (C, Error_Memory_Access, "grt_stack_error_memory_access");
+ pragma Export (C, Error_Null_Access, "grt_stack_error_null_access");
+end Grt.Stacks;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-stats.adb b/translate/grt/grt-stats.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9e3259cd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-stats.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - statistics.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with System; use System;
+with Grt.Stdio; use Grt.Stdio;
+with Grt.Astdio; use Grt.Astdio;
+with Grt.Signals;
+with Grt.Processes;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Disp;
+package body Grt.Stats is
+ type Clock_T is new Integer;
+ type Time_Stats is record
+ Wall : Clock_T;
+ User : Clock_T;
+ Sys : Clock_T;
+ end record;
+ -- Number of CLOCK_T per second.
+ One_Second : Clock_T;
+ -- Get number of seconds per CLOCK_T.
+ function Get_Clk_Tck return Clock_T;
+ pragma Import (C, Get_Clk_Tck, "grt_get_clk_tck");
+ -- Get wall, user and system times.
+ -- This is a binding to times(2).
+ procedure Get_Times (Wall : Address; User : Address; Sys : Address);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_Times, "grt_get_times");
+ procedure Get_Stats (Stats : out Time_Stats)
+ is
+ begin
+ Get_Times (Stats.Wall'Address, Stats.User'Address, Stats.Sys'Address);
+ end Get_Stats;
+ function "-" (L : Time_Stats; R : Time_Stats) return Time_Stats
+ is
+ begin
+ return Time_Stats'(Wall => L.Wall - R.Wall,
+ User => L.User - R.User,
+ Sys => L.Sys - R.Sys);
+ end "-";
+ function "+" (L : Time_Stats; R : Time_Stats) return Time_Stats
+ is
+ begin
+ return Time_Stats'(Wall => L.Wall + R.Wall,
+ User => L.User + R.User,
+ Sys => L.Sys + R.Sys);
+ end "+";
+ procedure Put (Stream : FILEs; Val : Clock_T)
+ is
+ Fmt : constant String := "%3d.%03d" & Character'Val (0);
+ procedure fprintf (Stream : FILEs; Fmt : Address; A, B : Clock_T);
+ pragma Import (C, fprintf);
+ Sec : Clock_T;
+ Ms : Clock_T;
+ begin
+ Sec := Val / One_Second;
+ -- Avoid overflow.
+ Ms := ((Val mod One_Second) * 1000) / One_Second;
+ fprintf (Stream, Fmt'Address, Sec, Ms);
+ end Put;
+ procedure Put (Stream : FILEs; T : Time_Stats) is
+ begin
+ Put (Stream, "wall: ");
+ Put (Stream, T.Wall);
+ Put (Stream, " user: ");
+ Put (Stream, T.User);
+ Put (Stream, " sys: ");
+ Put (Stream, T.Sys);
+ end Put;
+ -- Stats at origin.
+ Start_Time : Time_Stats;
+ End_Elab_Time : Time_Stats;
+ End_Order_Time : Time_Stats;
+ Start_Proc_Time : Time_Stats;
+ Proc_Times : Time_Stats;
+ Start_Update_Time : Time_Stats;
+ Update_Times : Time_Stats;
+ Start_Next_Time_Time : Time_Stats;
+ Next_Time_Times : Time_Stats;
+ Simu_Time : Time_Stats;
+ procedure Start_Elaboration is
+ begin
+ One_Second := Get_Clk_Tck;
+ Proc_Times := (0, 0, 0);
+ Get_Stats (Start_Time);
+ end Start_Elaboration;
+ procedure Start_Order is
+ begin
+ Get_Stats (End_Elab_Time);
+ end Start_Order;
+ procedure Start_Cycles is
+ begin
+ Get_Stats (End_Order_Time);
+ end Start_Cycles;
+ procedure Start_Processes is
+ begin
+ Get_Stats (Start_Proc_Time);
+ end Start_Processes;
+ procedure End_Processes
+ is
+ Now : Time_Stats;
+ begin
+ Get_Stats (Now);
+ Proc_Times := Proc_Times + (Now - Start_Proc_Time);
+ end End_Processes;
+ procedure Start_Update is
+ begin
+ Get_Stats (Start_Update_Time);
+ end Start_Update;
+ procedure End_Update
+ is
+ Now : Time_Stats;
+ begin
+ Get_Stats (Now);
+ Update_Times := Update_Times + (Now - Start_Update_Time);
+ end End_Update;
+ procedure Start_Next_Time is
+ begin
+ Get_Stats (Start_Next_Time_Time);
+ end Start_Next_Time;
+ procedure End_Next_Time
+ is
+ Now : Time_Stats;
+ begin
+ Get_Stats (Now);
+ Next_Time_Times := Next_Time_Times + (Now - Start_Next_Time_Time);
+ end End_Next_Time;
+ procedure End_Simulation
+ is
+ Now : Time_Stats;
+ begin
+ Get_Stats (Now);
+ Simu_Time := Now - Start_Time;
+ end End_Simulation;
+ procedure Disp_Signals_Stats
+ is
+ use Grt.Signals;
+ Nbr_No_Drivers : Ghdl_I32;
+ Nbr_Resolv : Ghdl_I32;
+ Nbr_Multi_Src : Ghdl_I32;
+ Nbr_Active : Ghdl_I32;
+ type Propagation_Kind_Array is array (Propagation_Kind_Type) of Ghdl_I32;
+ Propag_Count : Propagation_Kind_Array;
+ type Mode_Array is array (Mode_Type) of Ghdl_I32;
+ Mode_Counts : Mode_Array;
+ type Mode_Name_Type is array (Mode_Type) of String (1 .. 4);
+ Mode_Names : constant Mode_Name_Type := (Mode_B2 => "B2: ",
+ Mode_E8 => "E8: ",
+ Mode_E32 => "E32:",
+ Mode_I32 => "I32:",
+ Mode_I64 => "I64:",
+ Mode_F64 => "F64:");
+ begin
+ Put (stdout, "Number of simple signals: ");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Sig_Table.Last - Sig_Table.First + 1));
+ New_Line;
+ Put (stdout, "Number of signals with projected wave: ");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Get_Nbr_Future);
+ New_Line;
+ Nbr_No_Drivers := 0;
+ Nbr_Resolv := 0;
+ Nbr_Multi_Src := 0;
+ Nbr_Active := 0;
+ Mode_Counts := (others => 0);
+ for I in Sig_Table.First .. Sig_Table.Last loop
+ declare
+ Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ begin
+ Sig := Sig_Table.Table (I);
+ if Sig.S.Mode_Sig in Mode_Signal_User then
+ if Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers = 0 then
+ Nbr_No_Drivers := Nbr_No_Drivers + 1;
+ end if;
+ if Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers + Sig.Nbr_Ports > 1 then
+ Nbr_Multi_Src := Nbr_Multi_Src + 1;
+ end if;
+ if Sig.S.Resolv /= null then
+ Nbr_Resolv := Nbr_Resolv + 1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Mode_Counts (Sig.Mode) := Mode_Counts (Sig.Mode) + 1;
+ if Sig.Flags.Has_Active then
+ Nbr_Active := Nbr_Active + 1;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ Put (stdout, "Number of non-driven simple signals: ");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Nbr_No_Drivers);
+ New_Line;
+ Put (stdout, "Number of resolved simple signals: ");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Nbr_Resolv);
+ New_Line;
+ Put (stdout, "Number of multi-sourced signals: ");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Nbr_Multi_Src);
+ New_Line;
+ Put (stdout, "Number of signals whose activity is managed: ");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Nbr_Active);
+ New_Line;
+ Put (stdout, "Number of signals per mode:");
+ New_Line;
+ for I in Mode_Type loop
+ Put (stdout, " ");
+ Put (stdout, Mode_Names (I));
+ Put (stdout, " ");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Mode_Counts (I));
+ New_Line;
+ end loop;
+ New_Line;
+ Propag_Count := (others => 0);
+ for I in Propagation.First .. Propagation.Last loop
+ Propag_Count (Propagation.Table (I).Kind) :=
+ Propag_Count (Propagation.Table (I).Kind) + 1;
+ end loop;
+ Put (stdout, "Propagation table length: ");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Grt.Signals.Propagation.Last));
+ New_Line;
+ Put (stdout, "Propagation table count:");
+ New_Line;
+ for I in Propagation_Kind_Type loop
+ if Propag_Count (I) /= 0 then
+ Put (stdout, " ");
+ Grt.Disp.Disp_Propagation_Kind (I);
+ Put (stdout, ": ");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Propag_Count (I));
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Signals_Stats;
+ -- Disp all statistics.
+ procedure Disp_Stats is
+ begin
+ Put (stdout, "total: ");
+ Put (stdout, Simu_Time);
+ New_Line (stdout);
+ Put (stdout, " elab: ");
+ Put (stdout, End_Elab_Time - Start_Time);
+ New_Line (stdout);
+ Put (stdout, " internal elab: ");
+ Put (stdout, End_Order_Time - End_Elab_Time);
+ New_Line (stdout);
+ Put (stdout, " cycle (sum): ");
+ Put (stdout, Proc_Times + Update_Times + Next_Time_Times);
+ New_Line (stdout);
+ Put (stdout, " processes: ");
+ Put (stdout, Proc_Times);
+ New_Line (stdout);
+ Put (stdout, " update: ");
+ Put (stdout, Update_Times);
+ New_Line (stdout);
+ Put (stdout, " next compute: ");
+ Put (stdout, Next_Time_Times);
+ New_Line (stdout);
+ Disp_Signals_Stats;
+ Put (stdout, "Number of delta cycles: ");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Processes.Nbr_Delta_Cycles));
+ New_Line;
+ Put (stdout, "Number of non-delta cycles: ");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Processes.Nbr_Cycles));
+ New_Line;
+ Put (stdout, "Nbr of events: ");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Signals.Nbr_Events);
+ New_Line;
+ Put (stdout, "Nbr of active: ");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Signals.Nbr_Active);
+ New_Line;
+ Put (stdout, "Number of processes: ");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Grt.Processes.Get_Nbr_Processes));
+ New_Line;
+ end Disp_Stats;
+end Grt.Stats;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-stats.ads b/translate/grt/grt-stats.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c03f11b02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-stats.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - statistics.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package Grt.Stats is
+ -- Entry points to gather statistics.
+ procedure Start_Elaboration;
+ procedure Start_Order;
+ procedure Start_Cycles;
+ -- Time in user processes.
+ procedure Start_Processes;
+ procedure End_Processes;
+ -- Time in next time computation.
+ procedure Start_Next_Time;
+ procedure End_Next_Time;
+ -- Time in signals update.
+ procedure Start_Update;
+ procedure End_Update;
+ procedure End_Simulation;
+ -- Disp all statistics.
+ procedure Disp_Stats;
+end Grt.Stats;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-stdio.ads b/translate/grt/grt-stdio.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fad33226b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-stdio.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - stdio binding.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with System;
+-- This package provides a thin binding to the stdio.h of the C library.
+-- It mimics GNAT package Interfaces.C_Streams.
+-- The purpose of this package is to remove dependencies on the GNAT run time.
+package Grt.Stdio is
+ pragma Preelaborate (Grt.Stdio);
+ -- Type FILE *.
+ type FILEs is new System.Address;
+ -- NULL for a stream.
+ NULL_Stream : constant FILEs;
+ -- Predefined streams.
+ function stdout return FILEs;
+ function stderr return FILEs;
+ function stdin return FILEs;
+ -- Type void * and char *.
+ subtype voids is System.Address;
+ subtype chars is System.Address;
+ subtype long is Long_Integer;
+ -- Type size_t.
+ type size_t is mod 2 ** Standard'Address_Size;
+ -- Type int. It is an alias on Integer for simplicity.
+ subtype int is Integer;
+ -- The following subprograms are translation of the C prototypes.
+ function fopen (path: chars; mode : chars) return FILEs;
+ function fwrite (buffer : voids;
+ size : size_t;
+ count : size_t;
+ stream : FILEs)
+ return size_t;
+ function fread (buffer : voids;
+ size : size_t;
+ count : size_t;
+ stream : FILEs)
+ return size_t;
+ function fputc (c : int; stream : FILEs) return int;
+ procedure fputc (c : int; stream : FILEs);
+ function fputs (s : chars; stream : FILEs) return int;
+ function fgetc (stream : FILEs) return int;
+ function fgets (s : chars; size : int; stream : FILEs) return chars;
+ function ungetc (c : int; stream : FILEs) return int;
+ function fflush (stream : FILEs) return int;
+ procedure fflush (stream : FILEs);
+ function feof (stream : FILEs) return int;
+ function ftell (stream : FILEs) return long;
+ function fclose (stream : FILEs) return int;
+ procedure fclose (Stream : FILEs);
+ -- This is a little bit dubious, but this package should be preelaborated,
+ -- and Null_Address is not static (since defined in the private part
+ -- of System).
+ -- I am pretty sure the C definition of NULL is 0.
+ NULL_Stream : constant FILEs := FILEs (System'To_Address (0));
+ pragma Import (C, fopen);
+ pragma Import (C, fwrite);
+ pragma Import (C, fread);
+ pragma Import (C, fputs);
+ pragma Import (C, fputc);
+ pragma Import (C, fgetc);
+ pragma Import (C, fgets);
+ pragma Import (C, ungetc);
+ pragma Import (C, fflush);
+ pragma Import (C, feof);
+ pragma Import (C, ftell);
+ pragma Import (C, fclose);
+ pragma Import (C, stdout, "__ghdl_get_stdout");
+ pragma Import (C, stderr, "__ghdl_get_stderr");
+ pragma Import (C, stdin, "__ghdl_get_stdin");
+end Grt.Stdio;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-types.ads b/translate/grt/grt-types.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c8191070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-types.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - common types.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with System; use System;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
+with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
+package Grt.Types is
+ pragma Preelaborate (Grt.Types);
+ type Ghdl_B2 is new Boolean;
+ type Ghdl_E8 is new Unsigned_8;
+ type Ghdl_U32 is new Unsigned_32;
+ subtype Ghdl_E32 is Ghdl_U32;
+ type Ghdl_I32 is new Integer_32;
+ type Ghdl_I64 is new Integer_64;
+ type Ghdl_U64 is new Unsigned_64;
+ type Ghdl_F64 is new IEEE_Float_64;
+ type Ghdl_Ptr is new Address;
+ type Ghdl_Index_Type is mod 2 ** Word_Size;
+ subtype Ghdl_Real is Ghdl_F64;
+ type Ghdl_Dir_Type is (Dir_To, Dir_Downto);
+ for Ghdl_Dir_Type use (Dir_To => 0, Dir_Downto => 1);
+ for Ghdl_Dir_Type'Size use 8;
+ -- Access to an unconstrained string.
+ type String_Access is access String;
+ procedure Unchecked_Deallocation is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Name => String_Access, Object => String);
+ subtype Std_Integer is Ghdl_I32;
+ type Std_Time is new Ghdl_I64;
+ Bad_Time : constant Std_Time := Std_Time'First;
+ type Std_Integer_Trt is record
+ Left : Std_Integer;
+ Right : Std_Integer;
+ Dir : Ghdl_Dir_Type;
+ Length : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ end record;
+ subtype Std_Character is Character;
+ type Std_String_Base is array (Ghdl_Index_Type) of Std_Character;
+ type Std_String_Basep is access Std_String_Base;
+ type Std_String_Bound is record
+ Dim_1 : Std_Integer_Trt;
+ end record;
+ type Std_String_Boundp is access Std_String_Bound;
+ type Std_String is record
+ Base : Std_String_Basep;
+ Bounds : Std_String_Boundp;
+ end record;
+ -- An unconstrained array.
+ -- It is in fact a fat pointer to the base and the bounds.
+ type Ghdl_Uc_Array is record
+ Base : Address;
+ Bounds : Address;
+ end record;
+ type Ghdl_Uc_Array_Acc is access Ghdl_Uc_Array;
+ function To_Ghdl_Uc_Array_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Address, Target => Ghdl_Uc_Array_Acc);
+ type Std_String_Ptr is access Std_String;
+ -- Verilog types.
+ type Ghdl_Logic32 is record
+ Val : Ghdl_U32;
+ Xz : Ghdl_U32;
+ end record;
+ type Ghdl_Logic32_Ptr is access Ghdl_Logic32;
+ type Ghdl_Logic32_Vec is array (Ghdl_U32) of Ghdl_Logic32;
+ type Ghdl_Logic32_Vptr is access Ghdl_Logic32_Vec;
+ function To_Ghdl_Logic32_Vptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Address, Target => Ghdl_Logic32_Vptr);
+ function To_Ghdl_Logic32_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Address, Target => Ghdl_Logic32_Ptr);
+ -- Mimics C strings (NUL ended).
+ -- Note: this is 1 based.
+ type Ghdl_C_String is access String (Positive);
+ NUL : constant Character := Character'Val (0);
+ Nl : constant Character := Character'Val (10); -- LF, nl or '\n'.
+ function strlen (Str : Ghdl_C_String) return Natural;
+ pragma Import (C, strlen);
+ function Strcmp (L , R : Ghdl_C_String) return Integer;
+ pragma Import (C, Strcmp);
+ function To_Ghdl_C_String is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Address, Target => Ghdl_C_String);
+ -- Str_len.
+ type String_Ptr is access String (1 .. Natural'Last);
+ type Ghdl_Str_Len_Type is record
+ Len : Natural;
+ Str : String_Ptr;
+ end record;
+ -- Same as previous one, but using 'address.
+ type Ghdl_Str_Len_Address_Type is record
+ Len : Natural;
+ Str : Address;
+ end record;
+ type Ghdl_Str_Len_Ptr is access constant Ghdl_Str_Len_Type;
+ type Ghdl_Str_Len_Array is array (Natural) of Ghdl_Str_Len_Type;
+ type Ghdl_Str_Len_Array_Ptr is access all Ghdl_Str_Len_Array;
+ -- Location is used for errors/messages.
+ type Ghdl_Location is record
+ Filename : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Line : Integer;
+ Col : Integer;
+ end record;
+ type Ghdl_Location_Ptr is access Ghdl_Location;
+ -- Identifier for a process.
+ type Process_Id is new Integer;
+ Nul_Process_Id : constant Process_Id := 0;
+ -- Signal index.
+ type Sig_Table_Index is new Integer;
+ -- A range of signals.
+ type Sig_Table_Range is record
+ First, Last : Sig_Table_Index;
+ end record;
+ -- Simple values, used for signals.
+ type Mode_Type is
+ (Mode_B2, Mode_E8, Mode_E32, Mode_I32, Mode_I64, Mode_F64);
+ type Ghdl_B2_Array is array (Ghdl_Index_Type range <>) of Ghdl_B2;
+ type Ghdl_E8_Array is array (Ghdl_Index_Type range <>) of Ghdl_E8;
+ type Ghdl_I32_Array is array (Ghdl_Index_Type range <>) of Ghdl_I32;
+ type Value_Union (Mode : Mode_Type := Mode_B2) is record
+ case Mode is
+ when Mode_B2 =>
+ B2 : Ghdl_B2;
+ when Mode_E8 =>
+ E8 : Ghdl_E8;
+ when Mode_E32 =>
+ E32 : Ghdl_E32;
+ when Mode_I32 =>
+ I32 : Ghdl_I32;
+ when Mode_I64 =>
+ I64 : Ghdl_I64;
+ when Mode_F64 =>
+ F64 : Ghdl_F64;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ pragma Unchecked_Union (Value_Union);
+ type Ghdl_Value_Ptr is access Value_Union;
+ function To_Ghdl_Value_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Address, Target => Ghdl_Value_Ptr);
+ -- Ranges.
+ type Ghdl_Range_B2 is record
+ Left : Ghdl_B2;
+ Right : Ghdl_B2;
+ Dir : Ghdl_Dir_Type;
+ Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ end record;
+ type Ghdl_Range_E8 is record
+ Left : Ghdl_E8;
+ Right : Ghdl_E8;
+ Dir : Ghdl_Dir_Type;
+ Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ end record;
+ type Ghdl_Range_E32 is record
+ Left : Ghdl_E32;
+ Right : Ghdl_E32;
+ Dir : Ghdl_Dir_Type;
+ Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ end record;
+ type Ghdl_Range_I32 is record
+ Left : Ghdl_I32;
+ Right : Ghdl_I32;
+ Dir : Ghdl_Dir_Type;
+ Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ end record;
+ type Ghdl_Range_I64 is record
+ Left : Ghdl_I64;
+ Right : Ghdl_I64;
+ Dir : Ghdl_Dir_Type;
+ Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ end record;
+ type Ghdl_Range_F64 is record
+ Left : Ghdl_F64;
+ Right : Ghdl_F64;
+ Dir : Ghdl_Dir_Type;
+ end record;
+ type Ghdl_Range_Type (K : Mode_Type := Mode_B2)
+ is record
+ case K is
+ when Mode_B2 =>
+ B2 : Ghdl_Range_B2;
+ when Mode_E8 =>
+ E8 : Ghdl_Range_E8;
+ when Mode_E32 =>
+ E32 : Ghdl_Range_E32;
+ when Mode_I32 =>
+ I32 : Ghdl_Range_I32;
+ when Mode_I64 =>
+ P64 : Ghdl_Range_I64;
+ when Mode_F64 =>
+ F64 : Ghdl_Range_F64;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ pragma Unchecked_Union (Ghdl_Range_Type);
+ type Ghdl_Range_Ptr is access all Ghdl_Range_Type;
+ function To_Ghdl_Range_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Address, Target => Ghdl_Range_Ptr);
+ type Ghdl_Range_Array is array (Ghdl_Index_Type range <>) of Ghdl_Range_Ptr;
+ -- Mode of a signal.
+ type Mode_Signal_Type is
+ (Mode_Signal,
+ Mode_Linkage, Mode_Buffer, Mode_Out, Mode_Inout, Mode_In,
+ Mode_Stable, Mode_Quiet, Mode_Transaction, Mode_Delayed, Mode_Guard,
+ Mode_Conv_In, Mode_Conv_Out,
+ Mode_End);
+ subtype Mode_Signal_Port is
+ Mode_Signal_Type range Mode_Linkage .. Mode_In;
+ -- Not implicit signals.
+ subtype Mode_Signal_User is
+ Mode_Signal_Type range Mode_Signal .. Mode_In;
+ -- Implicit signals.
+ subtype Mode_Signal_Implicit is
+ Mode_Signal_Type range Mode_Stable .. Mode_Guard;
+ -- Kind of a signal.
+ type Kind_Signal_Type is
+ (Kind_Signal_No, Kind_Signal_Register, Kind_Signal_Bus);
+ pragma Convention (C, Kind_Signal_Type);
+ -- Note: we could use system.storage_elements, but unfortunatly,
+ -- this doesn't work with pragma no_run_time (gnat 3.15p).
+ type Integer_Address is mod Memory_Size;
+ function To_Address is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Integer_Address, Target => Address);
+ function To_Integer is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Address, Target => Integer_Address);
+ -- The NOW value.
+ Current_Time : Std_Time;
+ -- Copy of Current_Time before updating it.
+ -- To be used by hooks.
+ Cycle_Time : Std_Time;
+ -- The current delta cycle number.
+ Current_Delta : Integer;
+ pragma Export (C, Current_Time, "__ghdl_now");
+end Grt.Types;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-values.adb b/translate/grt/grt-values.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..404a2a42e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-values.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - 'value subprograms.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors;
+package body Grt.Values is
+ NBSP : constant Character := Character'Val (160);
+ HT : constant Character := Character'Val (9);
+ function Ghdl_Value_I32 (Str : Std_String_Ptr) return Ghdl_I32
+ is
+ S : constant Std_String_Basep := Str.Base;
+ Len : constant Ghdl_Index_Type := Str.Bounds.Dim_1.Length;
+ Pos : Ghdl_Index_Type := 0;
+ C : Character;
+ Sep : Character;
+ Val, D, Base : Ghdl_I32;
+ Exp : Integer;
+ begin
+ -- LRM 14.1
+ -- Leading [and trailing] whitespace is allowed and ignored.
+ --
+ -- GHDL: allow several leading whitespace.
+ while Pos < Len loop
+ case S (Pos) is
+ when ' '
+ | NBSP
+ | HT =>
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ when others =>
+ exit;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ if Pos = Len then
+ Error_E ("'value: empty string");
+ end if;
+ C := S (Pos);
+ -- Be user friendly.
+ if C = '-' or C = '+' then
+ Error_E ("'value: leading sign +/- not allowed");
+ end if;
+ Val := 0;
+ loop
+ if C in '0' .. '9' then
+ Val := Val * 10 + Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('0');
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ exit when Pos >= Len;
+ C := S (Pos);
+ else
+ Error_E ("'value: decimal digit expected");
+ end if;
+ case C is
+ when '_' =>
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ if Pos >= Len then
+ Error_E ("'value: trailing underscore");
+ end if;
+ C := S (Pos);
+ when '#'
+ | ':'
+ | 'E'
+ | 'e' =>
+ exit;
+ when ' '
+ | NBSP
+ | HT =>
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ exit;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ if Pos >= Len then
+ return Val;
+ end if;
+ if C = '#' or C = ':' then
+ Base := Val;
+ Val := 0;
+ Sep := C;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ if Base < 2 or Base > 16 then
+ Error_E ("'value: bad base");
+ end if;
+ if Pos >= Len then
+ Error_E ("'value: missing based integer");
+ end if;
+ C := S (Pos);
+ loop
+ case C is
+ when '0' .. '9' =>
+ D := Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('0');
+ when 'a' .. 'f' =>
+ D := Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('a') + 10;
+ when 'A' .. 'F' =>
+ D := Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('A') + 10;
+ when others =>
+ Error_E ("'value: digit expected");
+ end case;
+ if D > Base then
+ Error_E ("'value: digit greather than base");
+ end if;
+ Val := Val * Base + D;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ if Pos >= Len then
+ Error_E ("'value: missing end sign number");
+ end if;
+ C := S (Pos);
+ if C = '#' or C = ':' then
+ if C /= Sep then
+ Error_E ("'value: sign number mismatch");
+ end if;
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ exit;
+ elsif C = '_' then
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ if Pos >= Len then
+ Error_E ("'value: no character after underscore");
+ end if;
+ C := S (Pos);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ else
+ Base := 10;
+ end if;
+ -- Handle exponent.
+ if C = 'e' or C = 'E' then
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ if Pos >= Len then
+ Error_E ("'value: no character after exponent");
+ end if;
+ C := S (Pos);
+ if C = '+' then
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ if Pos >= Len then
+ Error_E ("'value: no character after sign");
+ end if;
+ C := S (Pos);
+ elsif C = '-' then
+ Error_E ("'value: negativ exponent not allowed");
+ end if;
+ Exp := 0;
+ loop
+ if C in '0' .. '9' then
+ Exp := Exp * 10 + Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('0');
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ exit when Pos >= Len;
+ C := S (Pos);
+ else
+ Error_E ("'value: decimal digit expected");
+ end if;
+ case C is
+ when '_' =>
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ if Pos >= Len then
+ Error_E ("'value: trailing underscore");
+ end if;
+ C := S (Pos);
+ when ' '
+ | NBSP
+ | HT =>
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ exit;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ while Exp > 0 loop
+ if Exp mod 2 = 1 then
+ Val := Val * Base;
+ end if;
+ Exp := Exp / 2;
+ Base := Base * Base;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM 14.1
+ -- [Leading] and trailing whitespace is allowed and ignored.
+ --
+ -- GHDL: allow several leading whitespace.
+ while Pos < Len loop
+ case S (Pos) is
+ when ' '
+ | NBSP
+ | HT =>
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ when others =>
+ Error_E ("'value: trailing characters after blank");
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ return Val;
+ end Ghdl_Value_I32;
+end Grt.Values;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-values.ads b/translate/grt/grt-values.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..25bde5abf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-values.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - 'value subprograms.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+-- with Grt.Rtis; use Grt.Rtis;
+package Grt.Values is
+ function Ghdl_Value_I32 (Str : Std_String_Ptr) return Ghdl_I32;
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Value_I32, "__ghdl_value_i32");
+end Grt.Values;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-vcd.adb b/translate/grt/grt-vcd.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..66f248c5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-vcd.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,716 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - VCD generator.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Interfaces;
+with Grt.Stdio; use Grt.Stdio;
+with System; use System;
+with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Signals; use Grt.Signals;
+with GNAT.Table;
+with Grt.Astdio; use Grt.Astdio;
+with Grt.Hooks; use Grt.Hooks;
+with Grt.Avhpi; use Grt.Avhpi;
+with Grt.Rtis; use Grt.Rtis;
+with Grt.Rtis_Addr; use Grt.Rtis_Addr;
+with Grt.Rtis_Types; use Grt.Rtis_Types;
+package body Grt.Vcd is
+ -- VCD filename.
+ Vcd_Filename : String_Access := null;
+ -- Stream corresponding to the VCD filename.
+ Vcd_Stream : FILEs;
+ -- Index type of the table of vcd variables to dump.
+ type Vcd_Index_Type is new Integer;
+ -- Return TRUE if OPT is an option for VCD.
+ function Vcd_Option (Opt : String) return Boolean
+ is
+ F : Natural := Opt'First;
+ begin
+ if Opt'Length < 5 or else Opt (F .. F + 4) /= "--vcd" then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Opt'Length > 6 and then Opt (F + 5) = '=' then
+ -- Add an extra NUL character.
+ Vcd_Filename := new String (1 .. Opt'Length - 6 + 1);
+ Vcd_Filename (1 .. Opt'Length - 6) := Opt (F + 6 .. Opt'Last);
+ Vcd_Filename (Vcd_Filename'Last) := NUL;
+ return True;
+ else
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end Vcd_Option;
+ procedure Vcd_Help is
+ begin
+ Put_Line (" --vcd=FILENAME dump signal values into a VCD file");
+ end Vcd_Help;
+ procedure Vcd_Put (Str : String)
+ is
+ R : size_t;
+ begin
+ R := fwrite (Str'Address, Str'Length, 1, Vcd_Stream);
+ end Vcd_Put;
+ procedure Vcd_Putc (C : Character)
+ is
+ R : int;
+ begin
+ R := fputc (Character'Pos (C), Vcd_Stream);
+ end Vcd_Putc;
+ procedure Vcd_Newline is
+ begin
+ Vcd_Putc (Nl);
+ end Vcd_Newline;
+ procedure Vcd_Putline (Str : String) is
+ begin
+ Vcd_Put (Str);
+ Vcd_Newline;
+ end Vcd_Putline;
+-- procedure Vcd_Put (Str : Ghdl_Str_Len_Type)
+-- is
+-- begin
+-- Put_Str_Len (Vcd_Stream, Str);
+-- end Vcd_Put;
+ procedure Vcd_Put_I32 (V : Ghdl_I32)
+ is
+ begin
+ Put_I32 (Vcd_Stream, V);
+ end Vcd_Put_I32;
+ procedure Vcd_Put_Idcode (N : Vcd_Index_Type)
+ is
+ Str : String (1 .. 8);
+ V, R : Vcd_Index_Type;
+ L : Natural;
+ begin
+ L := 0;
+ V := N;
+ loop
+ R := V mod 93;
+ V := V / 93;
+ L := L + 1;
+ Str (L) := Character'Val (33 + R);
+ exit when V = 0;
+ end loop;
+ Vcd_Put (Str (1 .. L));
+ end Vcd_Put_Idcode;
+ procedure Vcd_Put_Name (Obj : VhpiHandleT)
+ is
+ Name : String (1 .. 128);
+ Name_Len : Integer;
+ begin
+ Vhpi_Get_Str (VhpiNameP, Obj, Name, Name_Len);
+ if Name_Len <= Name'Last then
+ Vcd_Put (Name (1 .. Name_Len));
+ else
+ -- Truncate.
+ Vcd_Put (Name);
+ end if;
+ end Vcd_Put_Name;
+ procedure Vcd_Put_End is
+ begin
+ Vcd_Putline ("$end");
+ end Vcd_Put_End;
+ -- Called before elaboration.
+ procedure Vcd_Init
+ is
+ Mode : constant String := "wt" & NUL;
+ begin
+ if Vcd_Filename = null then
+ Vcd_Stream := NULL_Stream;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Vcd_Filename.all = "-" & NUL then
+ Vcd_Stream := stdout;
+ else
+ Vcd_Stream := fopen (Vcd_Filename.all'Address, Mode'Address);
+ if Vcd_Stream = NULL_Stream then
+ Error_C ("cannot open ");
+ Error_E (Vcd_Filename (Vcd_Filename'First
+ .. Vcd_Filename'Last - 1));
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Vcd_Putline ("$date");
+ Vcd_Put (" ");
+ declare
+ type time_t is new Interfaces.Integer_64;
+ Cur_Time : time_t;
+ function time (Addr : Address) return time_t;
+ pragma Import (C, time);
+ function ctime (Timep: Address) return chars;
+ pragma Import (C, ctime);
+ R : int;
+ begin
+ Cur_Time := time (Null_Address);
+ R := fputs (ctime (Cur_Time'Address), Vcd_Stream);
+ -- Note: ctime already append a LF.
+ end;
+ Vcd_Put_End;
+ Vcd_Putline ("$version");
+ Vcd_Putline (" GHDL v0");
+ Vcd_Put_End;
+ Vcd_Putline ("$timescale");
+ Vcd_Putline (" 1 fs");
+ Vcd_Put_End;
+ end Vcd_Init;
+ package Vcd_Table is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Component_Type => Verilog_Wire_Info,
+ Table_Index_Type => Vcd_Index_Type,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 0,
+ Table_Initial => 32,
+ Table_Increment => 100);
+ procedure Avhpi_Error (Err : AvhpiErrorT)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Err);
+ begin
+ Put_Line ("Vcd.Avhpi_Error!");
+ null;
+ end Avhpi_Error;
+ function Rti_To_Vcd_Kind (Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access) return Vcd_Var_Kind
+ is
+ Rti1 : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ begin
+ if Rti.Kind = Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Scalar then
+ Rti1 := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc (Rti).Basetype;
+ else
+ Rti1 := Rti;
+ end if;
+ if Rti1 = Std_Standard_Boolean_RTI_Ptr then
+ return Vcd_Bool;
+ end if;
+ if Rti1 = Std_Standard_Bit_RTI_Ptr then
+ return Vcd_Bit;
+ end if;
+ if Rti1 = Ieee_Std_Logic_1164_Std_Ulogic_RTI_Ptr then
+ return Vcd_Stdlogic;
+ end if;
+ if Rti1.Kind = Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32 then
+ return Vcd_Integer32;
+ end if;
+ return Vcd_Bad;
+ end Rti_To_Vcd_Kind;
+ function Rti_To_Vcd_Kind (Rti : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc)
+ return Vcd_Var_Kind
+ is
+ It : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ begin
+ if Rti.Nbr_Dim /= 1 then
+ return Vcd_Bad;
+ end if;
+ It := Rti.Indexes (0);
+ if It.Kind /= Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Scalar then
+ return Vcd_Bad;
+ end if;
+ if To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc (It).Basetype.Kind
+ /= Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32
+ then
+ return Vcd_Bad;
+ end if;
+ case Rti_To_Vcd_Kind (Rti.Element) is
+ when Vcd_Bit =>
+ return Vcd_Bitvector;
+ when Vcd_Stdlogic =>
+ return Vcd_Stdlogic_Vector;
+ when others =>
+ return Vcd_Bad;
+ end case;
+ end Rti_To_Vcd_Kind;
+ procedure Get_Verilog_Wire (Sig : VhpiHandleT; Info : out Verilog_Wire_Info)
+ is
+ Sig_Type : VhpiHandleT;
+ Sig_Rti : Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc;
+ Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Error : AvhpiErrorT;
+ Sig_Addr : Address;
+ begin
+ Sig_Rti := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Avhpi_Get_Rti (Sig));
+ -- Extract type of the signal.
+ Vhpi_Handle (VhpiSubtype, Sig, Sig_Type, Error);
+ if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ Avhpi_Error (Error);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Rti := Avhpi_Get_Rti (Sig_Type);
+ Sig_Addr := Avhpi_Get_Address (Sig);
+ Info.Kind := Vcd_Bad;
+ case Rti.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B2
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Scalar =>
+ Info.Kind := Rti_To_Vcd_Kind (Rti);
+ Info.Addr := Sig_Addr;
+ Info.Irange := null;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array =>
+ declare
+ St : Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc;
+ begin
+ St := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc (Rti);
+ Info.Kind := Rti_To_Vcd_Kind (St.Basetype);
+ Info.Addr := Sig_Addr;
+ Info.Irange := To_Ghdl_Range_Ptr
+ (Loc_To_Addr (St.Common.Depth, St.Bounds,
+ Avhpi_Get_Context (Sig)));
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array_Ptr =>
+ declare
+ St : Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc;
+ begin
+ St := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc (Rti);
+ Info.Kind := Rti_To_Vcd_Kind (St.Basetype);
+ Info.Addr := To_Addr_Acc (Sig_Addr).all;
+ Info.Irange := To_Ghdl_Range_Ptr
+ (Loc_To_Addr (St.Common.Depth, St.Bounds,
+ Avhpi_Get_Context (Sig)));
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Array =>
+ declare
+ Uc : Ghdl_Uc_Array_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info.Kind := Rti_To_Vcd_Kind
+ (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc (Rti));
+ Uc := To_Ghdl_Uc_Array_Acc (Sig_Addr);
+ Info.Addr := Uc.Base;
+ Info.Irange := To_Ghdl_Range_Ptr (Uc.Bounds);
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Info.Irange := null;
+ end case;
+ -- Do not allow null-array.
+ if Info.Irange /= null and then Info.Irange.I32.Len = 0 then
+ Info.Kind := Vcd_Bad;
+ Info.Irange := null;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Vhpi_Get_Kind (Sig) = VhpiPortDeclK then
+ case Vhpi_Get_Mode (Sig) is
+ when VhpiInMode
+ | VhpiInoutMode
+ | VhpiBufferMode
+ | VhpiLinkageMode =>
+ Info.Val := Vcd_Effective;
+ when VhpiOutMode =>
+ Info.Val := Vcd_Driving;
+ when VhpiErrorMode =>
+ Info.Kind := Vcd_Bad;
+ end case;
+ else
+ Info.Val := Vcd_Effective;
+ end if;
+ end Get_Verilog_Wire;
+ procedure Add_Signal (Sig : VhpiHandleT)
+ is
+ N : Vcd_Index_Type;
+ Vcd_El : Verilog_Wire_Info;
+ begin
+ Get_Verilog_Wire (Sig, Vcd_El);
+ if Vcd_El.Kind = Vcd_Bad then
+ Vcd_Put ("$comment ");
+ Vcd_Put_Name (Sig);
+ Vcd_Put (" is not handled");
+ --Vcd_Put (Ghdl_Type_Kind'Image (Desc.Kind));
+ Vcd_Putc (' ');
+ Vcd_Put_End;
+ return;
+ else
+ Vcd_Table.Increment_Last;
+ N := Vcd_Table.Last;
+ Vcd_Table.Table (N) := Vcd_El;
+ Vcd_Put ("$var ");
+ case Vcd_El.Kind is
+ when Vcd_Integer32 =>
+ Vcd_Put ("integer 32");
+ when Vcd_Bool
+ | Vcd_Bit
+ | Vcd_Stdlogic =>
+ Vcd_Put ("reg 1");
+ when Vcd_Bitvector
+ | Vcd_Stdlogic_Vector =>
+ Vcd_Put ("reg ");
+ Vcd_Put_I32 (Ghdl_I32 (Vcd_El.Irange.I32.Len));
+ when Vcd_Bad =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Vcd_Putc (' ');
+ Vcd_Put_Idcode (N);
+ Vcd_Putc (' ');
+ Vcd_Put_Name (Sig);
+ if Vcd_El.Irange /= null then
+ Vcd_Putc ('[');
+ Vcd_Put_I32 (Vcd_El.Irange.I32.Left);
+ Vcd_Putc (':');
+ Vcd_Put_I32 (Vcd_El.Irange.I32.Right);
+ Vcd_Putc (']');
+ end if;
+ Vcd_Putc (' ');
+ Vcd_Put_End;
+ if Boolean'(False) then
+ Vcd_Put ("$comment ");
+ Vcd_Put_Name (Sig);
+ Vcd_Put (" is ");
+ case Vcd_El.Val is
+ when Vcd_Effective =>
+ Vcd_Put ("effective ");
+ when Vcd_Driving =>
+ Vcd_Put ("driving ");
+ end case;
+ Vcd_Put_End;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Add_Signal;
+ procedure Vcd_Put_Hierarchy (Inst : VhpiHandleT)
+ is
+ Decl_It : VhpiHandleT;
+ Decl : VhpiHandleT;
+ Error : AvhpiErrorT;
+ begin
+ Vhpi_Iterator (VhpiDecls, Inst, Decl_It, Error);
+ if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ Avhpi_Error (Error);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Extract signals.
+ loop
+ Vhpi_Scan (Decl_It, Decl, Error);
+ exit when Error = AvhpiErrorIteratorEnd;
+ if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ Avhpi_Error (Error);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Vhpi_Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when VhpiPortDeclK
+ | VhpiSigDeclK =>
+ Add_Signal (Decl);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ -- Extract sub-scopes.
+ Vhpi_Iterator (VhpiInternalRegions, Inst, Decl_It, Error);
+ if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ Avhpi_Error (Error);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ loop
+ Vhpi_Scan (Decl_It, Decl, Error);
+ exit when Error = AvhpiErrorIteratorEnd;
+ if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ Avhpi_Error (Error);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Vhpi_Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when VhpiIfGenerateK
+ | VhpiForGenerateK
+ | VhpiBlockStmtK
+ | VhpiCompInstStmtK =>
+ Vcd_Put ("$scope module ");
+ Vcd_Put_Name (Decl);
+ Vcd_Putc (' ');
+ Vcd_Put_End;
+ Vcd_Put_Hierarchy (Decl);
+ Vcd_Put ("$upscope ");
+ Vcd_Put_End;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Vcd_Put_Hierarchy;
+ procedure Vcd_Put_Bit (V : Ghdl_B2)
+ is
+ C : Character;
+ begin
+ if V then
+ C := '1';
+ else
+ C := '0';
+ end if;
+ Vcd_Putc (C);
+ end Vcd_Put_Bit;
+ procedure Vcd_Put_Stdlogic (V : Ghdl_E8)
+ is
+ type Map_Type is array (Ghdl_E8 range 0 .. 8) of Character;
+ -- "UX01ZWLH-"
+ -- Map_Vlg : constant Map_Type := "xx01zz01x";
+ Map_Std : constant Map_Type := "UX01ZWLH-";
+ begin
+ if V not in Map_Type'Range then
+ Vcd_Putc ('?');
+ else
+ Vcd_Putc (Map_Std (V));
+ end if;
+ end Vcd_Put_Stdlogic;
+ procedure Vcd_Put_Integer32 (V : Ghdl_U32)
+ is
+ Val : Ghdl_U32;
+ N : Natural;
+ begin
+ Val := V;
+ N := 32;
+ while N > 1 loop
+ exit when (Val and 16#8000_0000#) /= 0;
+ Val := Val * 2;
+ N := N - 1;
+ end loop;
+ while N > 0 loop
+ if (Val and 16#8000_0000#) /= 0 then
+ Vcd_Putc ('1');
+ else
+ Vcd_Putc ('0');
+ end if;
+ Val := Val * 2;
+ N := N - 1;
+ end loop;
+ end Vcd_Put_Integer32;
+ procedure Vcd_Put_Var (I : Vcd_Index_Type)
+ is
+ Addr : Address;
+ V : Verilog_Wire_Info renames Vcd_Table.Table (I);
+ Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ begin
+ Addr := V.Addr;
+ if V.Irange = null then
+ Len := 1;
+ else
+ Len := V.Irange.I32.Len;
+ end if;
+ case V.Val is
+ when Vcd_Effective =>
+ case V.Kind is
+ when Vcd_Bit
+ | Vcd_Bool =>
+ Vcd_Put_Bit (To_Signal_Arr_Ptr (Addr)(0).Value.B2);
+ when Vcd_Stdlogic =>
+ Vcd_Put_Stdlogic (To_Signal_Arr_Ptr (Addr)(0).Value.E8);
+ when Vcd_Integer32 =>
+ Vcd_Putc ('b');
+ Vcd_Put_Integer32 (To_Signal_Arr_Ptr (Addr)(0).Value.E32);
+ when Vcd_Bitvector =>
+ Vcd_Putc ('b');
+ for J in 0 .. Len - 1 loop
+ Vcd_Put_Bit (To_Signal_Arr_Ptr (Addr)(J).Value.B2);
+ end loop;
+ Vcd_Putc (' ');
+ when Vcd_Stdlogic_Vector =>
+ Vcd_Putc ('b');
+ for J in 0 .. Len - 1 loop
+ Vcd_Put_Stdlogic (To_Signal_Arr_Ptr (Addr)(J).Value.E8);
+ end loop;
+ Vcd_Putc (' ');
+ when Vcd_Bad =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ when Vcd_Driving =>
+ case V.Kind is
+ when Vcd_Bit
+ | Vcd_Bool =>
+ Vcd_Put_Bit
+ (To_Signal_Arr_Ptr (Addr)(0).Driving_Value.B2);
+ when Vcd_Stdlogic =>
+ Vcd_Put_Stdlogic
+ (To_Signal_Arr_Ptr (Addr)(0).Driving_Value.E8);
+ when Vcd_Integer32 =>
+ Vcd_Putc ('b');
+ Vcd_Put_Integer32
+ (To_Signal_Arr_Ptr (Addr)(0).Driving_Value.E32);
+ when Vcd_Bitvector =>
+ Vcd_Putc ('b');
+ for J in 0 .. Len - 1 loop
+ Vcd_Put_Bit
+ (To_Signal_Arr_Ptr (Addr)(J).Driving_Value.B2);
+ end loop;
+ Vcd_Putc (' ');
+ when Vcd_Stdlogic_Vector =>
+ Vcd_Putc ('b');
+ for J in 0 .. Len - 1 loop
+ Vcd_Put_Stdlogic
+ (To_Signal_Arr_Ptr (Addr)(J).Driving_Value.E8);
+ end loop;
+ Vcd_Putc (' ');
+ when Vcd_Bad =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end case;
+ Vcd_Put_Idcode (I);
+ Vcd_Newline;
+ end Vcd_Put_Var;
+ function Verilog_Wire_Changed (Info : Verilog_Wire_Info;
+ Last : Std_Time)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ begin
+ if Info.Irange = null then
+ Len := 1;
+ else
+ Len := Info.Irange.I32.Len;
+ end if;
+ case Info.Val is
+ when Vcd_Effective =>
+ case Info.Kind is
+ when Vcd_Bit
+ | Vcd_Bool
+ | Vcd_Stdlogic
+ | Vcd_Bitvector
+ | Vcd_Stdlogic_Vector
+ | Vcd_Integer32 =>
+ for J in 0 .. Len - 1 loop
+ if To_Signal_Arr_Ptr (Info.Addr)(J).Last_Event = Last then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ when Vcd_Bad =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ when Vcd_Driving =>
+ case Info.Kind is
+ when Vcd_Bit
+ | Vcd_Bool
+ | Vcd_Stdlogic
+ | Vcd_Bitvector
+ | Vcd_Stdlogic_Vector
+ | Vcd_Integer32 =>
+ for J in 0 .. Len - 1 loop
+ if To_Signal_Arr_Ptr (Info.Addr)(J).Last_Active = Last
+ then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ when Vcd_Bad =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end case;
+ return False;
+ end Verilog_Wire_Changed;
+ procedure Vcd_Put_Time
+ is
+ begin
+ Vcd_Putc ('#');
+ Put_I64 (Vcd_Stream, Ghdl_I64 (Cycle_Time));
+ Vcd_Newline;
+ end Vcd_Put_Time;
+ procedure Vcd_Cycle;
+ -- Called after elaboration.
+ procedure Vcd_Start
+ is
+ Root : VhpiHandleT;
+ begin
+ -- Do nothing if there is no VCD file to generate.
+ if Vcd_Stream = NULL_Stream then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Be sure the RTI of std_ulogic is set.
+ Search_Types_RTI;
+ -- Put hierarchy.
+ Get_Root_Inst (Root);
+ Vcd_Put_Hierarchy (Root);
+ -- End of header.
+ Vcd_Put ("$enddefinitions ");
+ Vcd_Put_End;
+ Register_Cycle_Hook (Vcd_Cycle'Access);
+ end Vcd_Start;
+ -- Called before each non delta cycle.
+ procedure Vcd_Cycle is
+ begin
+ -- Do nothing if there is no VCD file to generate.
+ if Vcd_Stream = NULL_Stream then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Disp values.
+ Vcd_Put_Time;
+ if Cycle_Time = 0 then
+ -- Disp all values.
+ for I in Vcd_Table.First .. Vcd_Table.Last loop
+ Vcd_Put_Var (I);
+ end loop;
+ else
+ -- Disp only values changed.
+ for I in Vcd_Table.First .. Vcd_Table.Last loop
+ if Verilog_Wire_Changed (Vcd_Table.Table (I), Cycle_Time) then
+ Vcd_Put_Var (I);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end Vcd_Cycle;
+ -- Called at the end of the simulation.
+ procedure Vcd_End is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Vcd_End;
+ Vcd_Hooks : aliased constant Hooks_Type :=
+ (Option => Vcd_Option'Access,
+ Help => Vcd_Help'Access,
+ Init => Vcd_Init'Access,
+ Start => Vcd_Start'Access,
+ Finish => Vcd_End'Access);
+ procedure Register is
+ begin
+ Register_Hooks (Vcd_Hooks'Access);
+ end Register;
+end Grt.Vcd;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-vcd.ads b/translate/grt/grt-vcd.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40b9d8c5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-vcd.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - VCD generator.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with System; use System;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Avhpi; use Grt.Avhpi;
+package Grt.Vcd is
+ type Vcd_Var_Kind is (Vcd_Bad,
+ Vcd_Bool,
+ Vcd_Integer32,
+ Vcd_Bit, Vcd_Stdlogic,
+ Vcd_Bitvector, Vcd_Stdlogic_Vector);
+ -- Which value to be displayed: effective or driving (for out signals).
+ type Vcd_Value_Kind is (Vcd_Effective, Vcd_Driving);
+ type Verilog_Wire_Info is record
+ Addr : Address;
+ Irange : Ghdl_Range_Ptr;
+ Kind : Vcd_Var_Kind;
+ Val : Vcd_Value_Kind;
+ end record;
+ procedure Get_Verilog_Wire (Sig : VhpiHandleT;
+ Info : out Verilog_Wire_Info);
+ -- Return TRUE if last change time of the wire described by INFO is LAST.
+ function Verilog_Wire_Changed (Info : Verilog_Wire_Info;
+ Last : Std_Time)
+ return Boolean;
+ procedure Register;
+end Grt.Vcd;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-vital_annotate.adb b/translate/grt/grt-vital_annotate.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a31bf454
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-vital_annotate.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - VITAL annotator.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Grt.Sdf;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Hooks; use Grt.Hooks;
+with Grt.Astdio; use Grt.Astdio;
+with Grt.Stdio; use Grt.Stdio;
+with Grt.Options;
+with Grt.Avhpi; use Grt.Avhpi;
+with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors;
+package body Grt.Vital_Annotate is
+ -- Point of the annotation.
+ Sdf_Top : VhpiHandleT;
+ -- Instance being annotated.
+ Sdf_Inst : VhpiHandleT;
+ Flag_Dump : Boolean := False;
+ Flag_Verbose : Boolean := False;
+ function Name_Compare (Handle : VhpiHandleT;
+ Name : String;
+ Property : VhpiStrPropertyT := VhpiNameP)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ Obj_Name : String (1 .. Name'Length);
+ Len : Natural;
+ begin
+ Vhpi_Get_Str (Property, Handle, Obj_Name, Len);
+ if Len = Name'Length and then Obj_Name = Name then
+ return True;
+ else
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end Name_Compare;
+ -- Note: RES may alias CUR.
+ procedure Find_Instance (Cur : VhpiHandleT;
+ Res : out VhpiHandleT;
+ Name : String;
+ Ok : out Boolean)
+ is
+ Error : AvhpiErrorT;
+ It : VhpiHandleT;
+ begin
+ Ok := False;
+ Vhpi_Iterator (VhpiInternalRegions, Cur, It, Error);
+ if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ loop
+ Vhpi_Scan (It, Res, Error);
+ exit when Error /= AvhpiErrorOk;
+ if Name_Compare (Res, Name) then
+ Ok := True;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return;
+-- Put ("find instance: ");
+-- Put (Name);
+-- New_Line;
+ end Find_Instance;
+ procedure Find_Generic
+ (Name : String; Res : out VhpiHandleT; Ok : out Boolean)
+ is
+ Error : AvhpiErrorT;
+ It : VhpiHandleT;
+ begin
+ Ok := False;
+ Vhpi_Iterator (VhpiDecls, Sdf_Inst, It, Error);
+ if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ loop
+ Vhpi_Scan (It, Res, Error);
+ exit when Error /= AvhpiErrorOk;
+ exit when Vhpi_Get_Kind (Res) /= VhpiGenericDeclK;
+ if Name_Compare (Res, Name) then
+ Ok := True;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return;
+ end Find_Generic;
+ procedure Sdf_Header (Context : in out Sdf_Context_Type)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Flag_Dump then
+ case Context.Version is
+ when Sdf_2_1 =>
+ Put ("found SDF file version 2.1");
+ when Sdf_Version_Unknown =>
+ Put ("found SDF file without version");
+ when Sdf_Version_Bad =>
+ Put ("found SDF file with unknown version");
+ end case;
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ end Sdf_Header;
+ procedure Sdf_Celltype (Context : in out Sdf_Context_Type)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Flag_Dump then
+ Put ("celltype: ");
+ Put (Context.Celltype (1 .. Context.Celltype_Len));
+ New_Line;
+ Put ("instance:");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Sdf_Inst := Sdf_Top;
+ end Sdf_Celltype;
+ procedure Sdf_Instance (Context : in out Sdf_Context_Type;
+ Instance : String;
+ Status : out Boolean)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Context);
+ begin
+ if Flag_Dump then
+ Put (' ');
+ Put (Instance);
+ Status := True;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Find_Instance (Sdf_Inst, Sdf_Inst, Instance, Status);
+ end Sdf_Instance;
+ procedure Sdf_Instance_End (Context : in out Sdf_Context_Type;
+ Status : out Boolean)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Flag_Dump then
+ Status := True;
+ New_Line;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Vhpi_Get_Kind (Sdf_Inst) is
+ when VhpiRootInstK =>
+ declare
+ Hdl : VhpiHandleT;
+ Error : AvhpiErrorT;
+ begin
+ Status := False;
+ Vhpi_Handle (VhpiDesignUnit, Sdf_Inst, Hdl, Error);
+ if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ Internal_Error ("VhpiDesignUnit");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Vhpi_Get_Kind (Hdl) is
+ when VhpiArchBodyK =>
+ Vhpi_Handle (VhpiPrimaryUnit, Hdl, Hdl, Error);
+ if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ Internal_Error ("VhpiPrimaryUnit");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("sdf_instance_end");
+ end case;
+ Status := Name_Compare
+ (Hdl, Context.Celltype (1 .. Context.Celltype_Len));
+ end;
+ when VhpiCompInstStmtK =>
+ Status := Name_Compare
+ (Sdf_Inst,
+ Context.Celltype (1 .. Context.Celltype_Len),
+ VhpiCompNameP);
+ when others =>
+ Status := False;
+ end case;
+ end Sdf_Instance_End;
+ VitalDelayType01 : VhpiHandleT;
+ type Map_Type is array (1 .. 12) of Natural;
+ Map_1 : constant Map_Type := (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ Map_2 : constant Map_Type := (1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ --Map_3 : constant Map_Type := (1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ --Map_6 : constant Map_Type := (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ --Map_12 : constant Map_Type := (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12);
+ function Write_Td_Delay_Generic (Context : Sdf_Context_Type;
+ Gen : VhpiHandleT;
+ Nbr : Natural;
+ Map : Map_Type)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ It : VhpiHandleT;
+ El : VhpiHandleT;
+ Error : AvhpiErrorT;
+ N : Natural;
+ begin
+ Vhpi_Iterator (VhpiIndexedNames, Gen, It, Error);
+ if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ Internal_Error ("vhpiIndexedNames");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ for I in 1 .. Nbr loop
+ Vhpi_Scan (It, El, Error);
+ if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ Internal_Error ("scan on vhpiIndexedNames");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ N := Map (I);
+ if Context.Timing_Set (N) then
+ if Vhpi_Put_Value (El, Context.Timing (N) * 1000) /= AvhpiErrorOk
+ then
+ Internal_Error ("vhpi_put_value");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return True;
+ end Write_Td_Delay_Generic;
+ procedure Sdf_Generic (Context : in out Sdf_Context_Type;
+ Name : String;
+ Ok : out Boolean)
+ is
+ Gen : VhpiHandleT;
+ Gen_Type : VhpiHandleT;
+ Error : AvhpiErrorT;
+ begin
+ if Flag_Dump then
+ Put ("generic: ");
+ Put (Name);
+ if Context.Timing_Nbr = 0 then
+ Put (' ');
+ Put_I64 (stdout, Context.Timing (1));
+ else
+ for I in 1 .. 12 loop
+ Put (' ');
+ if Context.Timing_Set (I) then
+ Put_I64 (stdout, Context.Timing (I));
+ else
+ Put ('?');
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ New_Line;
+ Ok := True;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Find_Generic (Name, Gen, Ok);
+ if not Ok then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Ok := False;
+ -- Extract subtype.
+ Vhpi_Handle (VhpiSubtype, Gen, Gen_Type, Error);
+ if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ Internal_Error ("vhpiSubtype");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Vhpi_Handle (VhpiTypeMark, Gen_Type, Gen_Type, Error);
+ if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ Internal_Error ("vhpiTypeMark");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Vhpi_Compare_Handles (Gen_Type, VitalDelayType01) then
+ case Context.Timing_Nbr is
+ when 1 =>
+ Ok := Write_Td_Delay_Generic (Context, Gen, 2, Map_1);
+ when 2 =>
+ Ok := Write_Td_Delay_Generic (Context, Gen, 2, Map_2);
+ when others =>
+ Errors.Error
+ ("timing generic type mismatch SDF timing specification");
+ end case;
+ else
+ Errors.Error ("bad generic type");
+ end if;
+ end Sdf_Generic;
+ procedure Annotate (Arg : String)
+ is
+ S, E : Natural;
+ Ok : Boolean;
+ begin
+ if Flag_Verbose then
+ Put ("sdf annotate: ");
+ Put (Arg);
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ -- Find scope by name.
+ Get_Root_Inst (Sdf_Top);
+ E := Arg'First;
+ S := E;
+ L1: loop
+ -- Skip path separator.
+ while Arg (E) = '/' or Arg (E) = '.' loop
+ E := E + 1;
+ exit L1 when E > Arg'Last;
+ end loop;
+ exit L1 when E > Arg'Last or else Arg (E) = '=';
+ -- Instance element.
+ S := E;
+ while Arg (E) /= '=' and Arg (E) /= '.' and Arg (E) /= '/' loop
+ exit L1 when E > Arg'Last;
+ E := E + 1;
+ end loop;
+ -- Path element.
+ if E - 1 >= S then
+ Find_Instance (Sdf_Top, Sdf_Top, Arg (S .. E - 1), Ok);
+ if not Ok then
+ Error_C ("cannot find instance '");
+ Error_C (Arg (S .. E - 1));
+ Error_E ("' for sdf annotation");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop L1;
+ -- start annotation.
+ if E >= Arg'Last or else Arg (E) /= '=' then
+ Error_C ("no filename in sdf option '");
+ Error_C (Arg);
+ Error_E ("'");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if not Sdf.Parse_Sdf_File (Arg (E + 1 .. Arg'Last)) then
+ null;
+ end if;
+ end Annotate;
+ procedure Extract_Vital_Delay_Type
+ is
+ It : VhpiHandleT;
+ Pkg : VhpiHandleT;
+ Decl : VhpiHandleT;
+ Status : AvhpiErrorT;
+ begin
+ Get_Package_Inst (It);
+ loop
+ Vhpi_Scan (It, Pkg, Status);
+ exit when Status /= AvhpiErrorOk;
+ exit when Name_Compare (Pkg, "vital_timing")
+ and then Name_Compare (Pkg, "ieee", VhpiLibLogicalNameP);
+ end loop;
+ if Status /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ Error ("package ieee.vital_timing not found, SDF annotation aborted");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Vhpi_Iterator (VhpiDecls, Pkg, It, Status);
+ if Status /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ Error ("cannot iterate on vital_timing");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ loop
+ Vhpi_Scan (It, Decl, Status);
+ exit when Status /= AvhpiErrorOk;
+ if Name_Compare (Decl, "vitaldelaytype01") then
+ VitalDelayType01 := Decl;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Vhpi_Get_Kind (VitalDelayType01) = VhpiUndefined then
+ Error ("cannot found VitalDelayType01 in ieee.vital_timing");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end Extract_Vital_Delay_Type;
+ Has_Sdf_Option : Boolean := False;
+ procedure Sdf_Start
+ is
+ use Grt.Options;
+ Len : Integer;
+ Beg : Integer;
+ Arg : Ghdl_C_String;
+ begin
+ if not Has_Sdf_Option then
+ -- Nothing to do.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Flag_Dump := False;
+ -- Extract VitalDelayType(s) from VITAL_Timing package.
+ Extract_Vital_Delay_Type;
+ -- Annotate.
+ for I in 1 .. Last_Opt loop
+ Arg := Argv (I);
+ Len := strlen (Arg);
+ if Len > 5 and then Arg (1 .. 6) = "--sdf=" then
+ Sdf_Mtm := Typical;
+ Beg := 7;
+ if Len > 10 then
+ if Arg (7 .. 10) = "typ=" then
+ Beg := 11;
+ elsif Arg (7 .. 10) = "min=" then
+ Sdf_Mtm := Minimum;
+ Beg := 11;
+ elsif Arg (7 .. 10) = "max=" then
+ Sdf_Mtm := Maximum;
+ Beg := 11;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Annotate (Arg (Beg .. Len));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Sdf_Start;
+ function Sdf_Option (Opt : String) return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ if Opt'Length > 11 and then Opt (1 .. 11) = "--sdf-dump=" then
+ Flag_Dump := True;
+ if Sdf.Parse_Sdf_File (Opt (12 .. Opt'Last)) then
+ null;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ if Opt'Length > 5 and then Opt (1 .. 6) = "--sdf=" then
+ Has_Sdf_Option := True;
+ return True;
+ else
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end Sdf_Option;
+ procedure Sdf_Help is
+ begin
+ Put_Line (" --sdf=[min=|typ=|max=]TOP=FILENAME");
+ Put_Line (" annotate TOP with SDF delay file FILENAME");
+ end Sdf_Help;
+ Sdf_Hooks : aliased constant Hooks_Type :=
+ (Option => Sdf_Option'Access,
+ Help => Sdf_Help'Access,
+ Init => Proc_Hook_Nil'Access,
+ Start => Sdf_Start'Access,
+ Finish => Proc_Hook_Nil'Access);
+ procedure Register is
+ begin
+ Register_Hooks (Sdf_Hooks'Access);
+ end Register;
+end Grt.Vital_Annotate;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-vital_annotate.ads b/translate/grt/grt-vital_annotate.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1a8b0255
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-vital_annotate.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - VITAL annotator.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Grt.Sdf; use Grt.Sdf;
+package Grt.Vital_Annotate is
+ pragma Elaborate_Body (Grt.Vital_Annotate);
+ procedure Sdf_Header (Context : in out Sdf_Context_Type);
+ procedure Sdf_Celltype (Context : in out Sdf_Context_Type);
+ procedure Sdf_Instance (Context : in out Sdf_Context_Type;
+ Instance : String;
+ Status : out Boolean);
+ procedure Sdf_Instance_End (Context : in out Sdf_Context_Type;
+ Status : out Boolean);
+ procedure Sdf_Generic (Context : in out Sdf_Context_Type;
+ Name : String;
+ Ok : out Boolean);
+ procedure Register;
+end Grt.Vital_Annotate;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-vpi.adb b/translate/grt/grt-vpi.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0609d466c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-vpi.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,800 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - VPI interface.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold & Felix Bertram
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+-- Description: VPI interface for GRT runtime
+-- the main purpose of this code is to interface with the
+-- Icarus Verilog Interactive (IVI) simulator GUI
+-- TODO:
+-- DONE:
+-- * The GHDL VPI implementation doesn't support time
+-- callbacks (cbReadOnlySynch). This is needed to support
+-- IVI run. Currently, the GHDL simulation runs until
+-- complete once a single 'run' is performed...
+-- * You are loading '_'-prefixed symbols when you
+-- load the vpi plugin. On Linux, there is no leading
+-- '_'. I just added code to try both '_'-prefixed and
+-- non-'_'-prefixed symbols. I have placed the changed
+-- file in the same download dir as the snapshot
+-- * I did find out why restart doesn't work for GHDL.
+-- You are passing back the leaf name of signals when the
+-- FullName is requested.
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
+with Grt.Stdio; use Grt.Stdio;
+with Grt.Signals; use Grt.Signals;
+with GNAT.Table;
+with Grt.Astdio; use Grt.Astdio;
+with Grt.Hooks; use Grt.Hooks;
+with Grt.Vcd; use Grt.Vcd;
+with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors;
+package body Grt.Vpi is
+ -- The VPI interface requires libdl (dlopen, dlsym) to be linked in.
+ -- This is now set in Makefile, since this is target dependent.
+ -- pragma Linker_Options ("-ldl");
+ --errAnyString: constant String := "grt-vcd.adb: any string" & NUL;
+ --errNoString: constant String := "grt-vcd.adb: no string" & NUL;
+ type Vpi_Index_Type is new Natural;
+-- * * * h e l p e r s * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- debugging helpers
+ procedure dbgPut (Str : String)
+ is
+ S : size_t;
+ begin
+ S := fwrite (Str'Address, Str'Length, 1, stderr);
+ end dbgPut;
+ procedure dbgPut (C : Character)
+ is
+ R : int;
+ begin
+ R := fputc (Character'Pos (C), stderr);
+ end dbgPut;
+ procedure dbgNew_Line is
+ begin
+ dbgPut (Nl);
+ end dbgNew_Line;
+ procedure dbgPut_Line (Str : String)
+ is
+ begin
+ dbgPut (Str);
+ dbgNew_Line;
+ end dbgPut_Line;
+-- procedure dbgPut_Line (Str : Ghdl_Str_Len_Type)
+-- is
+-- begin
+-- Put_Str_Len(stderr, Str);
+-- dbgNew_Line;
+-- end dbgPut_Line;
+ procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Name => vpiHandle, Object => struct_vpiHandle);
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- NUL-terminate strings.
+ -- note: there are several buffers
+ -- see IEEE 1364-2001
+-- tmpstring1: string(1..1024);
+-- function NulTerminate1 (Str : Ghdl_Str_Len_Type) return Ghdl_C_String
+-- is
+-- begin
+-- for i in 1..Str.Len loop
+-- tmpstring1(i):= Str.Str(i);
+-- end loop;
+-- tmpstring1(Str.Len+1):= NUL;
+-- return To_Ghdl_C_String (tmpstring1'Address);
+-- end NulTerminate1;
+-- * * * V P I f u n c t i o n s * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- vpiHandle vpi_iterate(int type, vpiHandle ref)
+ -- Obtain an iterator handle to objects with a one-to-many relationship.
+ -- see IEEE 1364-2001, page 685
+ function vpi_iterate (aType: integer; Ref: vpiHandle) return vpiHandle
+ is
+ Res : vpiHandle;
+ Rel : VhpiOneToManyT;
+ Error : AvhpiErrorT;
+ begin
+ --dbgPut_Line ("vpi_iterate");
+ case aType is
+ when vpiNet =>
+ Rel := VhpiDecls;
+ when vpiModule =>
+ if Ref = null then
+ Res := new struct_vpiHandle (vpiModule);
+ Get_Root_Inst (Res.Ref);
+ return Res;
+ else
+ Rel := VhpiInternalRegions;
+ end if;
+ when vpiInternalScope =>
+ Rel := VhpiInternalRegions;
+ when others =>
+ return null;
+ end case;
+ -- find the proper start object for our scan
+ if Ref = null then
+ return null;
+ end if;
+ Res := new struct_vpiHandle (aType);
+ Vhpi_Iterator (Rel, Ref.Ref, Res.Ref, Error);
+ if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ Free (Res);
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end vpi_iterate;
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- int vpi_get(int property, vpiHandle ref)
+ -- Get the value of an integer or boolean property of an object.
+ -- see IEEE 1364-2001, chapter 27.6, page 667
+-- function ii_vpi_get_type (aRef: Ghdl_Instance_Name_Acc) return Integer
+-- is
+-- begin
+-- case aRef.Kind is
+-- when Ghdl_Name_Entity
+-- | Ghdl_Name_Architecture
+-- | Ghdl_Name_Block
+-- | Ghdl_Name_Generate_Iterative
+-- | Ghdl_Name_Generate_Conditional
+-- | Ghdl_Name_Instance =>
+-- return vpiModule;
+-- when Ghdl_Name_Signal =>
+-- return vpiNet;
+-- when others =>
+-- return vpiUndefined;
+-- end case;
+-- end ii_vpi_get_type;
+ function vpi_get (Property: integer; Ref: vpiHandle) return Integer
+ is
+ begin
+ case Property is
+ when vpiType=>
+ return Ref.mType;
+ when vpiTimePrecision=>
+ return -9; -- is this nano-seconds?
+ when others=>
+ dbgPut_Line ("vpi_get: unknown property");
+ return 0;
+ end case;
+ end vpi_get;
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- vpiHandle vpi_scan(vpiHandle iter)
+ -- Scan the Verilog HDL hierarchy for objects with a one-to-many
+ -- relationship.
+ -- see IEEE 1364-2001, chapter 27.36, page 709
+ function vpi_scan (Iter: vpiHandle) return vpiHandle
+ is
+ Res : VhpiHandleT;
+ Error : AvhpiErrorT;
+ R : vpiHandle;
+ begin
+ --dbgPut_Line ("vpi_scan");
+ if Iter = null then
+ return null;
+ end if;
+ -- There is only one top-level module.
+ if Iter.mType = vpiModule then
+ case Vhpi_Get_Kind (Iter.Ref) is
+ when VhpiRootInstK =>
+ R := new struct_vpiHandle (Iter.mType);
+ R.Ref := Iter.Ref;
+ Iter.Ref := Null_Handle;
+ return R;
+ when VhpiUndefined =>
+ return null;
+ when others =>
+ -- Fall through.
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ loop
+ Vhpi_Scan (Iter.Ref, Res, Error);
+ exit when Error /= AvhpiErrorOk;
+ case Vhpi_Get_Kind (Res) is
+ when VhpiEntityDeclK
+ | VhpiArchBodyK
+ | VhpiBlockStmtK
+ | VhpiIfGenerateK
+ | VhpiForGenerateK
+ | VhpiCompInstStmtK =>
+ case Iter.mType is
+ when vpiInternalScope
+ | vpiModule =>
+ return new struct_vpiHandle'(mType => vpiModule,
+ Ref => Res);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ when VhpiPortDeclK
+ | VhpiSigDeclK =>
+ if Iter.mType = vpiNet then
+ declare
+ Info : Verilog_Wire_Info;
+ begin
+ Get_Verilog_Wire (Res, Info);
+ if Info.Kind /= Vcd_Bad then
+ return new struct_vpiHandle'(mType => vpiNet,
+ Ref => Res);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ return null;
+ end vpi_scan;
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- char *vpi_get_str(int property, vpiHandle ref)
+ -- see IEEE 1364-2001, page xxx
+ Tmpstring2 : String (1 .. 1024);
+ function vpi_get_str (Property : Integer; Ref : vpiHandle)
+ return Ghdl_C_String
+ is
+ Prop : VhpiStrPropertyT;
+ Len : Natural;
+ begin
+ --dbgPut_Line ("vpiGetStr");
+ if Ref = null then
+ return null;
+ end if;
+ case Property is
+ when vpiFullName=>
+ Prop := VhpiFullNameP;
+ when vpiName=>
+ Prop := VhpiNameP;
+ when others=>
+ dbgPut_Line ("vpi_get_str: undefined property");
+ return null;
+ end case;
+ Vhpi_Get_Str (Prop, Ref.Ref, Tmpstring2, Len);
+ Tmpstring2 (Len + 1) := NUL;
+ if Property = vpiFullName then
+ for I in Tmpstring2'First .. Len loop
+ if Tmpstring2 (I) = ':' then
+ Tmpstring2 (I) := '.';
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- Remove the initial '.'.
+ return To_Ghdl_C_String (Tmpstring2 (2)'Address);
+ else
+ return To_Ghdl_C_String (Tmpstring2'Address);
+ end if;
+ end vpi_get_str;
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- vpiHandle vpi_handle(int type, vpiHandle ref)
+ -- Obtain a handle to an object with a one-to-one relationship.
+ -- see IEEE 1364-2001, chapter 27.16, page 682
+ function vpi_handle (aType : Integer; Ref : vpiHandle) return vpiHandle
+ is
+ Res : vpiHandle;
+ begin
+ --dbgPut_Line ("vpi_handle");
+ if Ref = null then
+ return null;
+ end if;
+ case aType is
+ when vpiScope =>
+ case Ref.mType is
+ when vpiModule =>
+ Res := new struct_vpiHandle (vpiScope);
+ Res.Ref := Ref.Ref;
+ return Res;
+ when others =>
+ return null;
+ end case;
+ when vpiRightRange
+ | vpiLeftRange =>
+ case Ref.mType is
+ when vpiNet =>
+ Res := new struct_vpiHandle (aType);
+ Res.Ref := Ref.Ref;
+ return Res;
+ when others =>
+ return null;
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ return null;
+ end case;
+ end vpi_handle;
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- void vpi_get_value(vpiHandle expr, p_vpi_value value);
+ -- Retrieve the simulation value of an object.
+ -- see IEEE 1364-2001, chapter 27.14, page 675
+ Tmpstring3idx : integer;
+ Tmpstring3 : String (1 .. 1024);
+ procedure ii_vpi_get_value_bin_str_B2 (Val : Ghdl_B2)
+ is
+ begin
+ case Val is
+ when True =>
+ Tmpstring3 (Tmpstring3idx) := '1';
+ when False =>
+ Tmpstring3 (Tmpstring3idx) := '0';
+ end case;
+ Tmpstring3idx := Tmpstring3idx + 1;
+ end ii_vpi_get_value_bin_str_B2;
+ procedure ii_vpi_get_value_bin_str_E8 (Val : Ghdl_E8)
+ is
+ type Map_Type_E8 is array (Ghdl_E8 range 0..8) of character;
+ Map_Std_E8: constant Map_Type_E8 := "UX01ZWLH-";
+ begin
+ if Val not in Map_Type_E8'range then
+ Tmpstring3 (Tmpstring3idx) := '?';
+ else
+ Tmpstring3 (Tmpstring3idx) := Map_Std_E8(Val);
+ end if;
+ Tmpstring3idx := Tmpstring3idx + 1;
+ end ii_vpi_get_value_bin_str_E8;
+ function ii_vpi_get_value_bin_str (Obj : VhpiHandleT)
+ return Ghdl_C_String
+ is
+ Info : Verilog_Wire_Info;
+ Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ begin
+ case Vhpi_Get_Kind (Obj) is
+ when VhpiPortDeclK
+ | VhpiSigDeclK =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ return null;
+ end case;
+ -- Get verilog compat info.
+ Get_Verilog_Wire (Obj, Info);
+ if Info.Kind = Vcd_Bad then
+ return null;
+ end if;
+ if Info.Irange = null then
+ Len := 1;
+ else
+ Len := Info.Irange.I32.Len;
+ end if;
+ Tmpstring3idx := 1; -- reset string buffer
+ case Info.Val is
+ when Vcd_Effective =>
+ case Info.Kind is
+ when Vcd_Bad
+ | Vcd_Integer32 =>
+ return null;
+ when Vcd_Bit
+ | Vcd_Bool
+ | Vcd_Bitvector =>
+ for J in 0 .. Len - 1 loop
+ ii_vpi_get_value_bin_str_B2
+ (To_Signal_Arr_Ptr (Info.Addr)(J).Value.B2);
+ end loop;
+ when Vcd_Stdlogic
+ | Vcd_Stdlogic_Vector =>
+ for J in 0 .. Len - 1 loop
+ ii_vpi_get_value_bin_str_E8
+ (To_Signal_Arr_Ptr (Info.Addr)(J).Value.E8);
+ end loop;
+ end case;
+ when Vcd_Driving =>
+ case Info.Kind is
+ when Vcd_Bad
+ | Vcd_Integer32 =>
+ return null;
+ when Vcd_Bit
+ | Vcd_Bool
+ | Vcd_Bitvector =>
+ for J in 0 .. Len - 1 loop
+ ii_vpi_get_value_bin_str_B2
+ (To_Signal_Arr_Ptr (Info.Addr)(J).Driving_Value.B2);
+ end loop;
+ when Vcd_Stdlogic
+ | Vcd_Stdlogic_Vector =>
+ for J in 0 .. Len - 1 loop
+ ii_vpi_get_value_bin_str_E8
+ (To_Signal_Arr_Ptr (Info.Addr)(J).Driving_Value.E8);
+ end loop;
+ end case;
+ end case;
+ Tmpstring3 (Tmpstring3idx) := NUL;
+ return To_Ghdl_C_String (Tmpstring3'Address);
+ end ii_vpi_get_value_bin_str;
+ procedure vpi_get_value (Expr : vpiHandle; Value : p_vpi_value)
+ is
+ begin
+ case Value.Format is
+ when vpiObjTypeVal=>
+ -- fill in the object type and value:
+ -- For an integer, vpiIntVal
+ -- For a real, vpiRealVal
+ -- For a scalar, either vpiScalar or vpiStrength
+ -- For a time variable, vpiTimeVal with vpiSimTime
+ -- For a vector, vpiVectorVal
+ dbgPut_Line ("vpi_get_value: vpiObjTypeVal");
+ when vpiBinStrVal=>
+ Value.Str := ii_vpi_get_value_bin_str (Expr.Ref);
+ --aValue.mStr := NulTerminate2(aExpr.mRef.Name.all);
+ when vpiOctStrVal=>
+ dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: vpiNet, vpiOctStrVal");
+ when vpiDecStrVal=>
+ dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: vpiNet, vpiDecStrVal");
+ when vpiHexStrVal=>
+ dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: vpiNet, vpiHexStrVal");
+ when vpiScalarVal=>
+ dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: vpiNet, vpiScalarVal");
+ when vpiIntVal=>
+ case Expr.mType is
+ when vpiLeftRange
+ | vpiRightRange=>
+ declare
+ Info : Verilog_Wire_Info;
+ begin
+ Get_Verilog_Wire (Expr.Ref, Info);
+ if Info.Irange /= null then
+ if Expr.mType = vpiLeftRange then
+ Value.Integer_m := Integer (Info.Irange.I32.Left);
+ else
+ Value.Integer_m := Integer (Info.Irange.I32.Right);
+ end if;
+ else
+ Value.Integer_m := 0;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when others=>
+ dbgPut_Line ("vpi_get_value: vpiIntVal, unknown mType");
+ end case;
+ when vpiRealVal=> dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: vpiRealVal");
+ when vpiStringVal=> dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: vpiStringVal");
+ when vpiTimeVal=> dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: vpiTimeVal");
+ when vpiVectorVal=> dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: vpiVectorVal");
+ when vpiStrengthVal=> dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: vpiStrengthVal");
+ when others=> dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: unknown mFormat");
+ end case;
+ end vpi_get_value;
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- void vpi_get_time(vpiHandle obj, s_vpi_time*t);
+ -- see IEEE 1364-2001, page xxx
+ Sim_Time : Std_Time;
+ procedure vpi_get_time (Obj: vpiHandle; Time: p_vpi_time)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Obj);
+ begin
+ --dbgPut_Line ("vpi_get_time");
+ Time.mType := vpiSimTime;
+ Time.mHigh := 0;
+ Time.mLow := Integer (Sim_Time / 1000000);
+ Time.mReal := 0.0;
+ end vpi_get_time;
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- vpiHandle vpi_register_cb(p_cb_data data)
+ g_cbEndOfCompile : p_cb_data;
+ g_cbEndOfSimulation: p_cb_data;
+ --g_cbValueChange: s_cb_data;
+ g_cbReadOnlySync: p_cb_data;
+ type Vpi_Var_Type is record
+ Info : Verilog_Wire_Info;
+ Cb : s_cb_data;
+ end record;
+ package Vpi_Table is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Component_Type => Vpi_Var_Type,
+ Table_Index_Type => Vpi_Index_Type,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 0,
+ Table_Initial => 32,
+ Table_Increment => 100);
+ function vpi_register_cb (Data : p_cb_data) return vpiHandle
+ is
+ Res : p_cb_data := null;
+ begin
+ --dbgPut_Line ("vpi_register_cb");
+ case Data.Reason is
+ when cbEndOfCompile =>
+ Res := new s_cb_data'(Data.all);
+ g_cbEndOfCompile := Res;
+ Sim_Time:= 0;
+ when cbEndOfSimulation =>
+ Res := new s_cb_data'(Data.all);
+ g_cbEndOfSimulation := Res;
+ when cbValueChange =>
+ declare
+ N : Vpi_Index_Type;
+ begin
+ --g_cbValueChange:= aData.all;
+ Vpi_Table.Increment_Last;
+ N := Vpi_Table.Last;
+ Vpi_Table.Table (N).Cb := Data.all;
+ Get_Verilog_Wire (Data.Obj.Ref, Vpi_Table.Table (N).Info);
+ end;
+ when cbReadOnlySynch=>
+ Res := new s_cb_data'(Data.all);
+ g_cbReadOnlySync := Res;
+ when others=>
+ dbgPut_Line ("vpi_register_cb: unknwon reason");
+ end case;
+ if Res /= null then
+ return new struct_vpiHandle'(mType => vpiCallback,
+ Cb => Res);
+ else
+ return null;
+ end if;
+ end vpi_register_cb;
+-- * * * V P I d u m m i e s * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ -- int vpi_free_object(vpiHandle ref)
+ function vpi_free_object (aRef: vpiHandle) return integer
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (aRef);
+ begin
+ return 0;
+ end vpi_free_object;
+ -- int vpi_get_vlog_info(p_vpi_vlog_info vlog_info_p)
+ function vpi_get_vlog_info (aVlog_info_p: System.Address) return integer
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (aVlog_info_p);
+ begin
+ return 0;
+ end vpi_get_vlog_info;
+ -- vpiHandle vpi_handle_by_index(vpiHandle ref, int index)
+ function vpi_handle_by_index(aRef: vpiHandle; aIndex: integer)
+ return vpiHandle
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (aRef);
+ pragma Unreferenced (aIndex);
+ begin
+ return null;
+ end vpi_handle_by_index;
+ -- unsigned int vpi_mcd_close(unsigned int mcd)
+ function vpi_mcd_close (Mcd: integer) return integer
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Mcd);
+ begin
+ return 0;
+ end vpi_mcd_close;
+ -- char *vpi_mcd_name(unsigned int mcd)
+ function vpi_mcd_name (Mcd: integer) return integer
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Mcd);
+ begin
+ return 0;
+ end vpi_mcd_name;
+ -- unsigned int vpi_mcd_open(char *name)
+ function vpi_mcd_open (Name : Ghdl_C_String) return Integer
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Name);
+ begin
+ return 0;
+ end vpi_mcd_open;
+ -- vpiHandle vpi_put_value(vpiHandle obj, p_vpi_value value,
+ -- p_vpi_time when, int flags)
+ function vpi_put_value (aObj: vpiHandle;
+ aValue: p_vpi_value;
+ aWhen: p_vpi_time;
+ aFlags: integer)
+ return vpiHandle
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (aObj);
+ pragma Unreferenced (aValue);
+ pragma Unreferenced (aWhen);
+ pragma Unreferenced (aFlags);
+ begin
+ return null;
+ end vpi_put_value;
+ -- void vpi_register_systf(const struct t_vpi_systf_data*ss)
+ procedure vpi_register_systf(aSs: System.Address)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (aSs);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end vpi_register_systf;
+ -- int vpi_remove_cb(vpiHandle ref)
+ function vpi_remove_cb (Ref : vpiHandle) return Integer
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Ref);
+ begin
+ return 0;
+ end vpi_remove_cb;
+ -- void vpi_vprintf(const char*fmt, va_list ap)
+ procedure vpi_vprintf (Fmt : Address; Ap : Address)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Fmt);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Ap);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end vpi_vprintf;
+ -- missing here, see grt-cvpi.c:
+ -- vpi_mcd_open_x
+ -- vpi_mcd_vprintf
+ -- vpi_mcd_fputc
+ -- vpi_mcd_fgetc
+ -- vpi_sim_vcontrol
+ -- vpi_chk_error
+ -- pi_handle_by_name
+-- * * * G H D L h o o k s * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ -- VCD filename.
+ Vpi_Filename : String_Access := null;
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Return TRUE if OPT is an option for VPI.
+ function Vpi_Option (Opt : String) return Boolean
+ is
+ F : Natural := Opt'First;
+ begin
+ if Opt'Length < 5 or else Opt (F .. F + 4) /= "--vpi" then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Opt'Length > 6 and then Opt (F + 5) = '=' then
+ -- Add an extra NUL character.
+ Vpi_Filename := new String (1 .. Opt'Length - 6 + 1);
+ Vpi_Filename (1 .. Opt'Length - 6) := Opt (F + 6 .. Opt'Last);
+ Vpi_Filename (Vpi_Filename'Last) := NUL;
+ return True;
+ else
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end Vpi_Option;
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ procedure Vpi_Help is
+ begin
+ Put_Line (" --vpi=FILENAME load VPI module");
+ end Vpi_Help;
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Called before elaboration.
+ -- void loadVpiModule(const char* modulename)
+ function LoadVpiModule (Filename: Address) return Integer;
+ pragma Import (C, LoadVpiModule, "loadVpiModule");
+ procedure Vpi_Init
+ is
+ begin
+ Sim_Time:= 0;
+ --g_cbEndOfCompile.mCb_rtn:= null;
+ --g_cbEndOfSimulation.mCb_rtn:= null;
+ --g_cbValueChange.mCb_rtn:= null;
+ if Vpi_Filename /= null then
+ if LoadVpiModule (Vpi_Filename.all'Address) /= 0 then
+ Error ("cannot load VPI module");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Vpi_Init;
+ procedure Vpi_Cycle;
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Called after elaboration.
+ procedure Vpi_Start
+ is
+ Res : Integer;
+ begin
+ if g_cbEndOfCompile /= null then
+ Res := g_cbEndOfCompile.Cb_Rtn.all (g_cbEndOfCompile);
+ end if;
+ if Vpi_Filename /= null then
+ Register_Cycle_Hook (Vpi_Cycle'Access);
+ end if;
+ end Vpi_Start;
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Called before each non delta cycle.
+ procedure Vpi_Cycle
+ is
+ Res : Integer;
+ begin
+ if g_cbReadOnlySync /= null
+ and then g_cbReadOnlySync.Time.mLow < Integer (Sim_Time / 1_000_000)
+ then
+ Res := g_cbReadOnlySync.Cb_Rtn.all (g_cbReadOnlySync);
+ end if;
+ for I in Vpi_Table.First .. Vpi_Table.Last loop
+ if Verilog_Wire_Changed (Vpi_Table.Table (I).Info, Sim_Time) then
+ Res := Vpi_Table.Table (I).Cb.Cb_Rtn.all
+ (To_p_cb_data (Vpi_Table.Table (I).Cb'Address));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Current_Time /= Std_Time'last then
+ Sim_Time:= Current_Time;
+ end if;
+ end Vpi_Cycle;
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Called at the end of the simulation.
+ procedure Vpi_End
+ is
+ Res : Integer;
+ begin
+ if g_cbEndOfSimulation /= null then
+ Res := g_cbEndOfSimulation.Cb_Rtn.all (g_cbEndOfSimulation);
+ end if;
+ end Vpi_End;
+ Vpi_Hooks : aliased constant Hooks_Type :=
+ (Option => Vpi_Option'Access,
+ Help => Vpi_Help'Access,
+ Init => Vpi_Init'Access,
+ Start => Vpi_Start'Access,
+ Finish => Vpi_End'Access);
+ procedure Register is
+ begin
+ Register_Hooks (Vpi_Hooks'Access);
+ end Register;
+end Grt.Vpi;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-vpi.ads b/translate/grt/grt-vpi.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f4ffa93c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-vpi.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - VPI interface.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold & Felix Bertram
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+-- Description: VPI interface for GRT runtime
+-- the main purpose of this code is to interface with the
+-- Icarus Verilog Interactive (IVI) simulator GUI
+with System; use System;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Avhpi; use Grt.Avhpi;
+package Grt.Vpi is
+ -- properties, see vpi_user.h
+ vpiUndefined: constant integer := -1;
+ vpiType: constant integer := 1;
+ vpiName: constant integer := 2;
+ vpiFullName: constant integer := 3;
+ vpiTimePrecision: constant integer := 12;
+ -- object codes, see vpi_user.h
+ vpiModule: constant integer := 32;
+ vpiNet: constant integer := 36;
+ vpiScope: constant integer := 84;
+ vpiInternalScope: constant integer := 92;
+ vpiLeftRange: constant integer := 79;
+ vpiRightRange: constant integer := 83;
+ -- Additionnal constants.
+ vpiCallback : constant Integer := 200;
+ -- codes for the format tag of the vpi_value structure
+ vpiBinStrVal: constant integer := 1;
+ vpiOctStrVal: constant integer := 2;
+ vpiDecStrVal: constant integer := 3;
+ vpiHexStrVal: constant integer := 4;
+ vpiScalarVal: constant integer := 5;
+ vpiIntVal: constant integer := 6;
+ vpiRealVal: constant integer := 7;
+ vpiStringVal: constant integer := 8;
+ vpiVectorVal: constant integer := 9;
+ vpiStrengthVal: constant integer := 10;
+ vpiTimeVal: constant integer := 11;
+ vpiObjTypeVal: constant integer := 12;
+ vpiSuppressVal: constant integer := 13;
+ -- codes for type tag of vpi_time structure
+ vpiSimTime: constant integer := 2;
+ -- codes for the reason tag of cb_data structure
+ cbValueChange: constant integer:= 1;
+ cbReadOnlySynch: constant integer:= 7;
+ cbEndOfCompile: constant integer:= 10;
+ cbEndOfSimulation:constant integer:= 12;
+ type struct_vpiHandle (mType : Integer := vpiUndefined);
+ type vpiHandle is access struct_vpiHandle;
+ -- typedef struct t_vpi_time {
+ -- int type;
+ -- unsigned int high;
+ -- unsigned int low;
+ -- double real;
+ -- } s_vpi_time, *p_vpi_time;
+ type s_vpi_time is record
+ mType : integer;
+ mHigh : integer; -- this should be unsigned
+ mLow : integer; -- this should be unsigned
+ mReal : float; -- this should be double
+ end record;
+ type p_vpi_time is access s_vpi_time;
+ -- typedef struct t_vpi_value
+ -- { int format;
+ -- union
+ -- { char*str;
+ -- int scalar;
+ -- int integer;
+ -- double real;
+ -- struct t_vpi_time *time;
+ -- struct t_vpi_vecval *vector;
+ -- struct t_vpi_strengthval *strength;
+ -- char*misc;
+ -- } value;
+ -- } s_vpi_value, *p_vpi_value;
+ type s_vpi_value (Format : integer) is record
+ case Format is
+ when vpiBinStrVal
+ | vpiOctStrVal
+ | vpiDecStrVal
+ | vpiHexStrVal
+ | vpiStringVal =>
+ Str : Ghdl_C_String;
+ when vpiScalarVal =>
+ Scalar : Integer;
+ when vpiIntVal =>
+ Integer_m : Integer;
+ --when vpiRealVal=> null; -- what is the equivalent to double?
+ --when vpiTimeVal=> mTime: p_vpi_time;
+ --when vpiVectorVal=> mVector: p_vpi_vecval;
+ --when vpiStrengthVal=> mStrength: p_vpi_strengthval;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ type p_vpi_value is access s_vpi_value;
+ --typedef struct t_cb_data {
+ -- int reason;
+ -- int (*cb_rtn)(struct t_cb_data*cb);
+ -- vpiHandle obj;
+ -- p_vpi_time time;
+ -- p_vpi_value value;
+ -- int index;
+ -- char*user_data;
+ --} s_cb_data, *p_cb_data;
+ type s_cb_data;
+ type p_cb_data is access all s_cb_data;
+ function To_p_cb_data is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Address, Target => p_cb_data);
+ type cb_rtn_type is access function (Cb : p_cb_data) return Integer;
+ type s_cb_data is record
+ Reason : Integer;
+ Cb_Rtn : cb_rtn_type;
+ Obj : vpiHandle;
+ Time : p_vpi_time;
+ Value : p_vpi_value;
+ Index : Integer;
+ User_Data : Address;
+ end record;
+ type struct_vpiHandle (mType : Integer := vpiUndefined) is record
+ case mType is
+ when vpiCallback =>
+ Cb : p_cb_data;
+ when others =>
+ Ref : VhpiHandleT;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ -- vpiHandle vpi_iterate(int type, vpiHandle ref)
+ function vpi_iterate (aType : Integer; Ref : vpiHandle) return vpiHandle;
+ pragma Export (C, vpi_iterate, "vpi_iterate");
+ -- int vpi_get(int property, vpiHandle ref)
+ function vpi_get (Property : Integer; Ref : vpiHandle) return Integer;
+ pragma Export (C, vpi_get, "vpi_get");
+ -- vpiHandle vpi_scan(vpiHandle iter)
+ function vpi_scan (Iter : vpiHandle) return vpiHandle;
+ pragma Export (C, vpi_scan, "vpi_scan");
+ -- char *vpi_get_str(int property, vpiHandle ref)
+ function vpi_get_str (Property : Integer; Ref : vpiHandle)
+ return Ghdl_C_String;
+ pragma Export (C, vpi_get_str, "vpi_get_str");
+ -- vpiHandle vpi_handle(int type, vpiHandle ref)
+ function vpi_handle (aType: integer; Ref: vpiHandle)
+ return vpiHandle;
+ pragma Export (C, vpi_handle, "vpi_handle");
+ -- void vpi_get_value(vpiHandle expr, p_vpi_value value);
+ procedure vpi_get_value (Expr : vpiHandle; Value : p_vpi_value);
+ pragma Export (C, vpi_get_value, "vpi_get_value");
+ -- void vpi_get_time(vpiHandle obj, s_vpi_time*t);
+ procedure vpi_get_time (Obj: vpiHandle; Time: p_vpi_time);
+ pragma Export (C, vpi_get_time, "vpi_get_time");
+ -- vpiHandle vpi_register_cb(p_cb_data data)
+ function vpi_register_cb (Data : p_cb_data) return vpiHandle;
+ pragma Export (C, vpi_register_cb, "vpi_register_cb");
+-- * * * V P I d u m m i e s * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ -- int vpi_free_object(vpiHandle ref)
+ function vpi_free_object(aRef: vpiHandle) return integer;
+ pragma Export (C, vpi_free_object, "vpi_free_object");
+ -- int vpi_get_vlog_info(p_vpi_vlog_info vlog_info_p)
+ function vpi_get_vlog_info(aVlog_info_p: System.Address) return integer;
+ pragma Export (C, vpi_get_vlog_info, "vpi_get_vlog_info");
+ -- vpiHandle vpi_handle_by_index(vpiHandle ref, int index)
+ function vpi_handle_by_index(aRef: vpiHandle; aIndex: integer)
+ return vpiHandle;
+ pragma Export (C, vpi_handle_by_index, "vpi_handle_by_index");
+ -- unsigned int vpi_mcd_close(unsigned int mcd)
+ function vpi_mcd_close (Mcd : Integer) return Integer;
+ pragma Export (C, vpi_mcd_close, "vpi_mcd_close");
+ -- char *vpi_mcd_name(unsigned int mcd)
+ function vpi_mcd_name (Mcd : Integer) return Integer;
+ pragma Export (C, vpi_mcd_name, "vpi_mcd_name");
+ -- unsigned int vpi_mcd_open(char *name)
+ function vpi_mcd_open (Name : Ghdl_C_String) return Integer;
+ pragma Export (C, vpi_mcd_open, "vpi_mcd_open");
+ -- vpiHandle vpi_put_value(vpiHandle obj, p_vpi_value value,
+ -- p_vpi_time when, int flags)
+ function vpi_put_value (aObj : vpiHandle;
+ aValue : p_vpi_value;
+ aWhen : p_vpi_time;
+ aFlags : integer)
+ return vpiHandle;
+ pragma Export (C, vpi_put_value, "vpi_put_value");
+ -- void vpi_register_systf(const struct t_vpi_systf_data*ss)
+ procedure vpi_register_systf (aSs : Address);
+ pragma Export (C, vpi_register_systf, "vpi_register_systf");
+ -- int vpi_remove_cb(vpiHandle ref)
+ function vpi_remove_cb (Ref : vpiHandle) return integer;
+ pragma Export (C, vpi_remove_cb, "vpi_remove_cb");
+ -- void vpi_vprintf(const char*fmt, va_list ap)
+ procedure vpi_vprintf (Fmt: Address; Ap: Address);
+ pragma Export (C, vpi_vprintf, "vpi_vprintf");
+-- * * * G H D L h o o k s * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ procedure Register;
+end Grt.Vpi;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-vstrings.adb b/translate/grt/grt-vstrings.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..17c64e3da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-vstrings.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - variable strings.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors;
+package body Grt.Vstrings is
+ procedure Free (Fs : Fat_String_Acc);
+ pragma Import (C, Free);
+ function Malloc (Len : Natural) return Fat_String_Acc;
+ pragma Import (C, Malloc);
+ function Realloc (Ptr : Fat_String_Acc; Len : Natural)
+ return Fat_String_Acc;
+ pragma Import (C, Realloc);
+ procedure Free (Vstr : in out Vstring) is
+ begin
+ Free (Vstr.Str);
+ Vstr := (Str => null,
+ Max => 0,
+ Len => 0);
+ end Free;
+ procedure Grow (Vstr : in out Vstring; Sum : Natural)
+ is
+ Nlen : Natural := Vstr.Len + Sum;
+ Nmax : Natural;
+ begin
+ Vstr.Len := Nlen;
+ if Nlen <= Vstr.Max then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Vstr.Max = 0 then
+ Nmax := 32;
+ else
+ Nmax := Vstr.Max;
+ end if;
+ while Nmax < Nlen loop
+ Nmax := Nmax * 2;
+ end loop;
+ Vstr.Str := Realloc (Vstr.Str, Nmax);
+ if Vstr.Str = null then
+ Internal_Error ("grt.vstrings.grow: memory exhausted");
+ end if;
+ Vstr.Max := Nmax;
+ end Grow;
+ procedure Append (Vstr : in out Vstring; C : Character)
+ is
+ begin
+ Grow (Vstr, 1);
+ Vstr.Str (Vstr.Len) := C;
+ end Append;
+ procedure Append (Vstr : in out Vstring; Str : String)
+ is
+ S : Natural := Vstr.Len;
+ begin
+ Grow (Vstr, Str'Length);
+ Vstr.Str (S + 1 .. S + Str'Length) := Str;
+ end Append;
+ procedure Append (Vstr : in out Vstring; Str : Ghdl_C_String)
+ is
+ S : Natural := Vstr.Len;
+ L : Natural := strlen (Str);
+ begin
+ Grow (Vstr, L);
+ Vstr.Str (S + 1 .. S + L) := Str (1 .. L);
+ end Append;
+ function Length (Vstr : Vstring) return Natural is
+ begin
+ return Vstr.Len;
+ end Length;
+ procedure Truncate (Vstr : in out Vstring; Len : Natural) is
+ begin
+ if Len > Vstr.Len then
+ Internal_Error ("grt.vstrings.truncate: bad len");
+ end if;
+ Vstr.Len := Len;
+ end Truncate;
+ procedure Put (Stream : FILEs; Vstr : Vstring)
+ is
+ S : size_t;
+ begin
+ S := size_t (Vstr.Len);
+ if S > 0 then
+ S := fwrite (Vstr.Str (1)'Address, S, 1, Stream);
+ end if;
+ end Put;
+ procedure Free (Rstr : in out Rstring) is
+ begin
+ Free (Rstr.Str);
+ Rstr := (Str => null,
+ Max => 0,
+ First => 0);
+ end Free;
+ function Length (Rstr : Rstring) return Natural is
+ begin
+ return Rstr.Max + 1 - Rstr.First;
+ end Length;
+ procedure Grow (Rstr : in out Rstring; Min : Natural)
+ is
+ Len : Natural := Length (Rstr);
+ Nlen : Natural := Len + Min;
+ Nstr : Fat_String_Acc;
+ Nfirst : Natural;
+ Nmax : Natural;
+ begin
+ if Nlen <= Rstr.Max then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Rstr.Max = 0 then
+ Nmax := 32;
+ else
+ Nmax := Rstr.Max;
+ end if;
+ while Nmax < Nlen loop
+ Nmax := Nmax * 2;
+ end loop;
+ Nstr := Malloc (Nmax);
+ Nfirst := Nmax + 1 - Len;
+ if Rstr.Str /= null then
+ Nstr (Nfirst .. Nmax) := Rstr.Str (Rstr.First .. Rstr.Max);
+ Free (Rstr.Str);
+ end if;
+ Rstr := (Str => Nstr,
+ Max => Nmax,
+ First => Nfirst);
+ end Grow;
+ procedure Prepend (Rstr : in out Rstring; C : Character)
+ is
+ begin
+ Grow (Rstr, 1);
+ Rstr.First := Rstr.First - 1;
+ Rstr.Str (Rstr.First) := C;
+ end Prepend;
+ procedure Prepend (Rstr : in out Rstring; Str : String)
+ is
+ begin
+ Grow (Rstr, Str'Length);
+ Rstr.First := Rstr.First - Str'Length;
+ Rstr.Str (Rstr.First .. Rstr.First + Str'Length - 1) := Str;
+ end Prepend;
+ procedure Prepend (Rstr : in out Rstring; Str : Ghdl_C_String)
+ is
+ L : Natural := strlen (Str);
+ begin
+ Grow (Rstr, L);
+ Rstr.First := Rstr.First - L;
+ Rstr.Str (Rstr.First .. Rstr.First + L - 1) := Str (1 .. L);
+ end Prepend;
+ function Get_Address (Rstr : Rstring) return Address
+ is
+ begin
+ return Rstr.Str (Rstr.First)'Address;
+ end Get_Address;
+ procedure Copy (Rstr : Rstring; Str : in out String; Len : out Natural)
+ is
+ begin
+ Len := Length (Rstr);
+ if Len > Str'Length then
+ Str := Rstr.Str (Rstr.First .. Rstr.First + Str'Length - 1);
+ else
+ Str (Str'First .. Str'First + Len - 1) :=
+ Rstr.Str (Rstr.First .. Rstr.First + Len - 1);
+ end if;
+ end Copy;
+ procedure Put (Stream : FILEs; Rstr : Rstring)
+ is
+ S : size_t;
+ begin
+ S := fwrite (Get_Address (Rstr), size_t (Length (Rstr)), 1, Stream);
+ end Put;
+ generic
+ type Ntype is range <>;
+ --Max_Len : Natural;
+ procedure Gen_To_String (Str : out String; First : out Natural; N : Ntype);
+ procedure Gen_To_String (Str : out String; First : out Natural; N : Ntype)
+ is
+ subtype R_Type is String (1 .. Str'Length);
+ S : R_Type renames Str;
+ P : Natural := S'Last;
+ V : Ntype;
+ begin
+ if N > 0 then
+ V := -N;
+ else
+ V := N;
+ end if;
+ loop
+ S (P) := Character'Val (48 - (V rem 10));
+ V := V / 10;
+ exit when V = 0;
+ P := P - 1;
+ end loop;
+ if N < 0 then
+ P := P - 1;
+ S (P) := '-';
+ end if;
+ First := P;
+ end Gen_To_String;
+ procedure To_String_I32 is new Gen_To_String (Ntype => Ghdl_I32);
+ procedure To_String (Str : out String; First : out Natural; N : Ghdl_I32)
+ renames To_String_I32;
+ procedure To_String_I64 is new Gen_To_String (Ntype => Ghdl_I64);
+ procedure To_String (Str : out String; First : out Natural; N : Ghdl_I64)
+ renames To_String_I64;
+end Grt.Vstrings;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-vstrings.ads b/translate/grt/grt-vstrings.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4287588d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-vstrings.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - variable strings.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Grt.Stdio; use Grt.Stdio;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with System; use System;
+package Grt.Vstrings is
+ -- A Vstring (Variable string) is an object which contains an unbounded
+ -- string.
+ type Vstring is limited private;
+ -- Deallocate all storage internally allocated.
+ procedure Free (Vstr : in out Vstring);
+ -- Append a character.
+ procedure Append (Vstr : in out Vstring; C : Character);
+ -- Append a string.
+ procedure Append (Vstr : in out Vstring; Str : String);
+ -- Append a C string.
+ procedure Append (Vstr : in out Vstring; Str : Ghdl_C_String);
+ -- Get length of VSTR.
+ function Length (Vstr : Vstring) return Natural;
+ -- Truncate VSTR to LEN.
+ -- It is an error if LEN is greater than the current length.
+ procedure Truncate (Vstr : in out Vstring; Len : Natural);
+ -- Display VSTR.
+ procedure Put (Stream : FILEs; Vstr : Vstring);
+ -- A Rstring is link a Vstring but characters can only be prepended.
+ type Rstring is limited private;
+ -- Deallocate storage associated with Rstr.
+ procedure Free (Rstr : in out Rstring);
+ -- Prepend characters or strings.
+ procedure Prepend (Rstr : in out Rstring; C : Character);
+ procedure Prepend (Rstr : in out Rstring; Str : String);
+ procedure Prepend (Rstr : in out Rstring; Str : Ghdl_C_String);
+ -- Get the length of RSTR.
+ function Length (Rstr : Rstring) return Natural;
+ -- Return the address of the first character of RSTR.
+ function Get_Address (Rstr : Rstring) return Address;
+ -- Display RSTR.
+ procedure Put (Stream : FILEs; Rstr : Rstring);
+ -- Copy RSTR to STR, and return length of the string to LEN.
+ procedure Copy (Rstr : Rstring; Str : in out String; Len : out Natural);
+ -- FIRST is the index of the first character.
+ -- Requires at least 11 characters.
+ procedure To_String (Str : out String; First : out Natural; N : Ghdl_I32);
+ -- Requires at least 21 characters.
+ procedure To_String (Str : out String; First : out Natural; N : Ghdl_I64);
+ subtype Fat_String is String (Positive);
+ type Fat_String_Acc is access Fat_String;
+ type Vstring is record
+ Str : Fat_String_Acc := null;
+ Max : Natural := 0;
+ Len : Natural := 0;
+ end record;
+ type Rstring is record
+ -- String whose bounds is (1 .. Max).
+ Str : Fat_String_Acc := null;
+ -- Last index in STR.
+ Max : Natural := 0;
+ -- Index of the first character.
+ First : Natural := 1;
+ end record;
+end Grt.Vstrings;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-waves.adb b/translate/grt/grt-waves.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93f217e82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-waves.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1486 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - wave dumper (GHW) module.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
+with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Avhpi; use Grt.Avhpi;
+with Grt.Stdio; use Grt.Stdio;
+with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Astdio; use Grt.Astdio;
+with Grt.Hooks; use Grt.Hooks;
+with Grt.Avhpi; use Grt.Avhpi;
+with GNAT.Table;
+with Grt.Avls; use Grt.Avls;
+with Grt.Rtis; use Grt.Rtis;
+with Grt.Rtis_Addr; use Grt.Rtis_Addr;
+with Grt.Rtis_Utils;
+with Grt.Rtis_Types;
+with Grt.Signals; use Grt.Signals;
+with System; use System;
+with Grt.Vstrings; use Grt.Vstrings;
+pragma Elaborate_All (Grt.Rtis_Utils);
+package body Grt.Waves is
+ -- Waves filename.
+ Wave_Filename : String_Access := null;
+ -- Stream corresponding to the VCD filename.
+ Wave_Stream : FILEs;
+ Ghw_Hie_Design : constant Unsigned_8 := 1;
+ Ghw_Hie_Block : constant Unsigned_8 := 3;
+ Ghw_Hie_Generate_If : constant Unsigned_8 := 4;
+ Ghw_Hie_Generate_For : constant Unsigned_8 := 5;
+ Ghw_Hie_Instance : constant Unsigned_8 := 6;
+ Ghw_Hie_Process : constant Unsigned_8 := 13;
+ Ghw_Hie_Generic : constant Unsigned_8 := 14;
+ Ghw_Hie_Eos : constant Unsigned_8 := 15; -- End of scope.
+ Ghw_Hie_Signal : constant Unsigned_8 := 16; -- Signal.
+ Ghw_Hie_Port_In : constant Unsigned_8 := 17; -- Port
+ Ghw_Hie_Port_Out : constant Unsigned_8 := 18; -- Port
+ Ghw_Hie_Port_Inout : constant Unsigned_8 := 19; -- Port
+ Ghw_Hie_Port_Buffer : constant Unsigned_8 := 20; -- Port
+ Ghw_Hie_Port_Linkage : constant Unsigned_8 := 21; -- Port
+ -- Return TRUE if OPT is an option for VCD.
+ function Wave_Option (Opt : String) return Boolean
+ is
+ F : Natural := Opt'First;
+ begin
+ if Opt'Length < 6 or else Opt (F .. F + 5) /= "--wave" then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Opt'Length > 6 and then Opt (F + 6) = '=' then
+ -- Add an extra NUL character.
+ Wave_Filename := new String (1 .. Opt'Length - 7 + 1);
+ Wave_Filename (1 .. Opt'Length - 7) := Opt (F + 7 .. Opt'Last);
+ Wave_Filename (Wave_Filename'Last) := NUL;
+ return True;
+ else
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end Wave_Option;
+ procedure Wave_Help is
+ begin
+ Put_Line (" --wave=FILENAME dump signal values into a wave file");
+ end Wave_Help;
+ procedure Wave_Put (Str : String)
+ is
+ R : size_t;
+ begin
+ R := fwrite (Str'Address, Str'Length, 1, Wave_Stream);
+ end Wave_Put;
+ procedure Wave_Putc (C : Character)
+ is
+ R : int;
+ begin
+ R := fputc (Character'Pos (C), Wave_Stream);
+ end Wave_Putc;
+ procedure Wave_Newline is
+ begin
+ Wave_Putc (Nl);
+ end Wave_Newline;
+ procedure Wave_Put_Byte (B : Unsigned_8)
+ is
+ V : Unsigned_8 := B;
+ R : size_t;
+ begin
+ R := fwrite (V'Address, 1, 1, Wave_Stream);
+ end Wave_Put_Byte;
+ procedure Wave_Put_ULEB128 (Val : Ghdl_E32)
+ is
+ V : Ghdl_E32;
+ R : Ghdl_E32;
+ begin
+ V := Val;
+ loop
+ R := V mod 128;
+ V := V / 128;
+ if V = 0 then
+ Wave_Put_Byte (Unsigned_8 (R));
+ exit;
+ else
+ Wave_Put_Byte (Unsigned_8 (128 + R));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Wave_Put_ULEB128;
+ procedure Wave_Put_SLEB128 (Val : Ghdl_I32)
+ is
+ function To_Ghdl_U32 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Ghdl_I32, Ghdl_U32);
+ V : Ghdl_U32 := To_Ghdl_U32 (Val);
+-- function Shift_Right_Arithmetic (Value : Ghdl_U32; Amount : Natural)
+-- return Ghdl_U32;
+-- pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Right_Arithmetic);
+ R : Unsigned_8;
+ begin
+ loop
+ R := Unsigned_8 (V mod 128);
+ V := Shift_Right_Arithmetic (V, 7);
+ if (V = 0 and (R and 16#40#) = 0) or (V = -1 and (R and 16#40#) /= 0)
+ then
+ Wave_Put_Byte (R);
+ exit;
+ else
+ Wave_Put_Byte (R or 16#80#);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Wave_Put_SLEB128;
+ procedure Wave_Put_LSLEB128 (Val : Ghdl_I64)
+ is
+ function To_Ghdl_U64 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Ghdl_I64, Ghdl_U64);
+ V : Ghdl_U64 := To_Ghdl_U64 (Val);
+ R : Unsigned_8;
+ begin
+ loop
+ R := Unsigned_8 (V mod 128);
+ V := Shift_Right_Arithmetic (V, 7);
+ if (V = 0 and (R and 16#40#) = 0) or (V = -1 and (R and 16#40#) /= 0)
+ then
+ Wave_Put_Byte (R);
+ exit;
+ else
+ Wave_Put_Byte (R or 16#80#);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Wave_Put_LSLEB128;
+ procedure Wave_Put_I32 (Val : Ghdl_I32)
+ is
+ V : Ghdl_I32 := Val;
+ R : size_t;
+ begin
+ R := fwrite (V'Address, 4, 1, Wave_Stream);
+ end Wave_Put_I32;
+ procedure Wave_Put_I64 (Val : Ghdl_I64)
+ is
+ V : Ghdl_I64 := Val;
+ R : size_t;
+ begin
+ R := fwrite (V'Address, 8, 1, Wave_Stream);
+ end Wave_Put_I64;
+ procedure Wave_Put_F64 (F64 : Ghdl_F64)
+ is
+ V : Ghdl_F64 := F64;
+ R : size_t;
+ begin
+ R := fwrite (V'Address, Ghdl_F64'Size / Storage_Unit, 1, Wave_Stream);
+ end Wave_Put_F64;
+ procedure Wave_Puts (Str : Ghdl_C_String) is
+ begin
+ Put (Wave_Stream, Str);
+ end Wave_Puts;
+ procedure Write_Value (Value : Value_Union; Mode : Mode_Type) is
+ begin
+ case Mode is
+ when Mode_B2 =>
+ Wave_Put_Byte (Ghdl_B2'Pos (Value.B2));
+ when Mode_E8 =>
+ Wave_Put_Byte (Ghdl_E8'Pos (Value.E8));
+ when Mode_E32 =>
+ Wave_Put_ULEB128 (Value.E32);
+ when Mode_I32 =>
+ Wave_Put_SLEB128 (Value.I32);
+ when Mode_I64 =>
+ Wave_Put_LSLEB128 (Value.I64);
+ when Mode_F64 =>
+ Wave_Put_F64 (Value.F64);
+ end case;
+ end Write_Value;
+ subtype Section_Name is String (1 .. 4);
+ type Header_Type is record
+ Name : Section_Name;
+ Pos : long;
+ end record;
+ package Section_Table is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Component_Type => Header_Type,
+ Table_Index_Type => Natural,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 1,
+ Table_Initial => 16,
+ Table_Increment => 100);
+ -- Create a new section.
+ -- Write the header in the file.
+ -- Save the location for the directory.
+ procedure Wave_Section (Name : Section_Name) is
+ begin
+ Section_Table.Append (Header_Type'(Name => Name,
+ Pos => ftell (Wave_Stream)));
+ Wave_Put (Name);
+ end Wave_Section;
+ procedure Wave_Write_Size_Order is
+ begin
+ -- Byte order, 1 byte.
+ -- 0: bad, 1 : little-endian, 2 : big endian.
+ declare
+ type Byte_Arr is array (0 .. 3) of Unsigned_8;
+ function To_Byte_Arr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Unsigned_32, Target => Byte_Arr);
+ B4 : constant Byte_Arr := To_Byte_Arr (16#11_22_33_44#);
+ V : Unsigned_8;
+ begin
+ if B4 (0) = 16#11# then
+ -- Big endian.
+ V := 2;
+ elsif B4 (0) = 16#44# then
+ -- Little endian.
+ V := 1;
+ else
+ -- Unknown endian.
+ V := 0;
+ end if;
+ Wave_Put_Byte (V);
+ end;
+ -- Word size, 1 byte.
+ if Integer'Size = 32 then
+ Wave_Put_Byte (4);
+ elsif Integer'Size = 64 then
+ Wave_Put_Byte (8);
+ else
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ end if;
+ -- File offset size, 1 byte
+ Wave_Put_Byte (1);
+ -- Unused, must be zero (MBZ).
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ end Wave_Write_Size_Order;
+ procedure Wave_Write_Directory
+ is
+ Pos : long;
+ begin
+ Pos := ftell (Wave_Stream);
+ Wave_Section ("DIR" & NUL);
+ Wave_Write_Size_Order;
+ Wave_Put_I32 (Ghdl_I32 (Section_Table.Last));
+ for I in Section_Table.First .. Section_Table.Last loop
+ Wave_Put (Section_Table.Table (I).Name);
+ Wave_Put_I32 (Ghdl_I32 (Section_Table.Table (I).Pos));
+ end loop;
+ Wave_Put ("EOD" & NUL);
+ Wave_Section ("TAI" & NUL);
+ Wave_Write_Size_Order;
+ Wave_Put_I32 (Ghdl_I32 (Pos));
+ end Wave_Write_Directory;
+ -- Called before elaboration.
+ procedure Wave_Init
+ is
+ Mode : constant String := "wt" & NUL;
+ begin
+ if Wave_Filename = null then
+ Wave_Stream := NULL_Stream;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Wave_Filename.all = "-" & NUL then
+ Wave_Stream := stdout;
+ else
+ Wave_Stream := fopen (Wave_Filename.all'Address, Mode'Address);
+ if Wave_Stream = NULL_Stream then
+ Error_C ("cannot open ");
+ Error_E (Wave_Filename (Wave_Filename'First
+ .. Wave_Filename'Last - 1));
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Wave_Init;
+ procedure Write_File_Header
+ is
+ begin
+ -- Magic, 9 bytes.
+ Wave_Put ("GHDLwave" & Nl);
+ -- Header length.
+ Wave_Put_Byte (16);
+ -- Version-major, 1 byte.
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ -- Version-minor, 1 byte.
+ Wave_Put_Byte (1);
+ Wave_Write_Size_Order;
+ end Write_File_Header;
+ procedure Avhpi_Error (Err : AvhpiErrorT)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Err);
+ begin
+ Put_Line ("Wave.Avhpi_Error!");
+ null;
+ end Avhpi_Error;
+ package Str_Table is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Component_Type => Ghdl_C_String,
+ Table_Index_Type => AVL_Value,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 1,
+ Table_Initial => 16,
+ Table_Increment => 100);
+ package Str_AVL is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Component_Type => AVL_Node,
+ Table_Index_Type => AVL_Nid,
+ Table_Low_Bound => AVL_Root,
+ Table_Initial => 16,
+ Table_Increment => 100);
+ Strings_Len : Natural := 0;
+ function Str_Compare (L, R : AVL_Value) return Integer
+ is
+ Ls, Rs : Ghdl_C_String;
+ begin
+ Ls := Str_Table.Table (L);
+ Rs := Str_Table.Table (R);
+ if L = R then
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ return Strcmp (Ls, Rs);
+ end Str_Compare;
+ procedure Disp_Str_Avl (N : AVL_Nid) is
+ begin
+ Put (stdout, "node: ");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (N));
+ New_Line (stdout);
+ Put (stdout, " left: ");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Str_AVL.Table (N).Left));
+ New_Line (stdout);
+ Put (stdout, " right: ");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Str_AVL.Table (N).Right));
+ New_Line (stdout);
+ Put (stdout, " height: ");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Str_AVL.Table (N).Height));
+ New_Line (stdout);
+ Put (stdout, " str: ");
+ --Put (stdout, Str_AVL.Table (N).Val);
+ New_Line (stdout);
+ end Disp_Str_Avl;
+ function Create_Str_Index (Str : Ghdl_C_String) return AVL_Value
+ is
+ Res : AVL_Nid;
+ begin
+ Str_Table.Append (Str);
+ Str_AVL.Append (AVL_Node'(Val => Str_Table.Last,
+ Left | Right => AVL_Nil,
+ Height => 1));
+ Get_Node (AVL_Tree (Str_AVL.Table (Str_AVL.First .. Str_AVL.Last)),
+ Str_Compare'Access,
+ Str_AVL.Last, Res);
+ if Res /= Str_AVL.Last then
+ Str_AVL.Decrement_Last;
+ Str_Table.Decrement_Last;
+ else
+ Strings_Len := Strings_Len + strlen (Str);
+ end if;
+ return Str_AVL.Table (Res).Val;
+ end Create_Str_Index;
+ procedure Create_String_Id (Str : Ghdl_C_String)
+ is
+ Res : AVL_Nid;
+ begin
+ if Str = null then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Str_Table.Append (Str);
+ Str_AVL.Append (AVL_Node'(Val => Str_Table.Last,
+ Left | Right => AVL_Nil,
+ Height => 1));
+ Get_Node (AVL_Tree (Str_AVL.Table (Str_AVL.First .. Str_AVL.Last)),
+ Str_Compare'Access,
+ Str_AVL.Last, Res);
+ if Res /= Str_AVL.Last then
+ Str_AVL.Decrement_Last;
+ Str_Table.Decrement_Last;
+ else
+ Strings_Len := Strings_Len + strlen (Str);
+ end if;
+ end Create_String_Id;
+ function Get_String (Str : Ghdl_C_String) return AVL_Value
+ is
+ H, L, M : AVL_Value;
+ Diff : Integer;
+ begin
+ L := Str_Table.First;
+ H := Str_Table.Last;
+ loop
+ M := (L + H) / 2;
+ Diff := Strcmp (Str, Str_Table.Table (M));
+ if Diff = 0 then
+ return M;
+ elsif Diff < 0 then
+ H := M - 1;
+ else
+ L := M + 1;
+ end if;
+ exit when L > H;
+ end loop;
+ return 0;
+ end Get_String;
+ procedure Write_String_Id (Str : Ghdl_C_String) is
+ begin
+ if Str = null then
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ else
+ Wave_Put_ULEB128 (Ghdl_E32 (Get_String (Str)));
+ end if;
+ end Write_String_Id;
+ type Type_Node is record
+ Type_Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Context : Rti_Context;
+ end record;
+ package Types_Table is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Component_Type => Type_Node,
+ Table_Index_Type => AVL_Value,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 1,
+ Table_Initial => 16,
+ Table_Increment => 100);
+ package Types_AVL is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Component_Type => AVL_Node,
+ Table_Index_Type => AVL_Nid,
+ Table_Low_Bound => AVL_Root,
+ Table_Initial => 16,
+ Table_Increment => 100);
+ function Type_Compare (L, R : AVL_Value) return Integer
+ is
+ use System;
+ function To_Ia is new
+ Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Ghdl_Rti_Access, Integer_Address);
+ function "<" (L, R : Ghdl_Rti_Access) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return To_Ia (L) < To_Ia (R);
+ end "<";
+ Ls : Type_Node renames Types_Table.Table (L);
+ Rs : Type_Node renames Types_Table.Table (R);
+ begin
+ if Ls.Type_Rti /= Rs.Type_Rti then
+ if Ls.Type_Rti < Rs.Type_Rti then
+ return -1;
+ else
+ return 1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Ls.Context.Block /= Rs.Context.Block then
+ if Ls.Context.Block < Rs.Context.Block then
+ return -1;
+ else
+ return +1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Ls.Context.Base /= Rs.Context.Base then
+ if Ls.Context.Base < Rs.Context.Base then
+ return -1;
+ else
+ return +1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return 0;
+ end Type_Compare;
+ -- Try to find typr (RTI, CTXT) in the types_AVL table.
+ -- The first step is to canonicalize CTXT, so that it is the CTXT of
+ -- the type (and not a sub-scope of it).
+ procedure Find_Type (Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ N_Ctxt : out Rti_Context;
+ Id : out AVL_Nid)
+ is
+ Depth : Ghdl_Rti_Depth;
+ begin
+ case Rti.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B2
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8 =>
+ N_Ctxt := Null_Context;
+ when others =>
+ -- Compute the canonical context.
+ if Rti.Max_Depth < Rti.Depth then
+ Internal_Error ("grt.waves.find_type");
+ end if;
+ Depth := Rti.Max_Depth;
+ if Depth = 0 or else Ctxt.Block = null then
+ N_Ctxt := Null_Context;
+ else
+ N_Ctxt := Ctxt;
+ while N_Ctxt.Block.Depth > Depth loop
+ N_Ctxt := Get_Parent_Context (N_Ctxt);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ -- If the type is already known, return now.
+ -- Otherwise, ID is set to AVL_Nil.
+ Types_Table.Append (Type_Node'(Type_Rti => Rti, Context => N_Ctxt));
+ Id := Find_Node
+ (AVL_Tree (Types_AVL.Table (Types_AVL.First .. Types_AVL.Last)),
+ Type_Compare'Access,
+ Types_Table.Last);
+ Types_Table.Decrement_Last;
+ end Find_Type;
+ procedure Write_Type_Id (Tid : AVL_Nid) is
+ begin
+ Wave_Put_ULEB128 (Ghdl_E32 (Types_AVL.Table (Tid).Val));
+ end Write_Type_Id;
+ procedure Write_Type_Id (Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access; Ctxt : Rti_Context)
+ is
+ N_Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Res : AVL_Nid;
+ begin
+ Find_Type (Rti, Ctxt, N_Ctxt, Res);
+ if Res = AVL_Nil then
+ -- raise Program_Error;
+ Internal_Error ("write_type_id");
+ end if;
+ Write_Type_Id (Res);
+ end Write_Type_Id;
+ procedure Create_Type (Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access; Ctxt : Rti_Context)
+ is
+ N_Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Res : AVL_Nid;
+ begin
+ Find_Type (Rti, Ctxt, N_Ctxt, Res);
+ if Res /= AVL_Nil then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- First, create all the types it depends on.
+ case Rti.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B2
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8 =>
+ declare
+ Enum : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Acc;
+ begin
+ Enum := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Acc (Rti);
+ Create_String_Id (Enum.Name);
+ for I in 1 .. Enum.Nbr loop
+ Create_String_Id (Enum.Names (I - 1));
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array_Ptr =>
+ declare
+ Arr : Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc;
+ begin
+ Arr := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc (Rti);
+ Create_String_Id (Arr.Name);
+ if Rti.Mode = 1 then
+ N_Ctxt := Ctxt;
+ end if;
+ Create_Type (To_Ghdl_Rti_Access (Arr.Basetype), N_Ctxt);
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Array =>
+ declare
+ Arr : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc;
+ begin
+ Arr := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc (Rti);
+ Create_String_Id (Arr.Name);
+ Create_Type (Arr.Element, N_Ctxt);
+ for I in 1 .. Arr.Nbr_Dim loop
+ Create_Type (Arr.Indexes (I - 1), N_Ctxt);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Scalar =>
+ declare
+ Sub : Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc;
+ begin
+ Sub := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc (Rti);
+ Create_String_Id (Sub.Name);
+ Create_Type (Sub.Basetype, N_Ctxt);
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I64
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_F64 =>
+ declare
+ Base : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar_Acc;
+ begin
+ Base := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar_Acc (Rti);
+ Create_String_Id (Base.Name);
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P32
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P64 =>
+ declare
+ Base : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Acc;
+ Unit : Ghdl_Rtin_Unit_Acc;
+ begin
+ Base := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Acc (Rti);
+ Create_String_Id (Base.Name);
+ for I in 1 .. Base.Nbr loop
+ Unit := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Unit_Acc (Base.Units (I - 1));
+ Create_String_Id (Unit.Name);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Record =>
+ declare
+ Rec : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Acc;
+ El : Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Acc;
+ begin
+ Rec := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Acc (Rti);
+ Create_String_Id (Rec.Name);
+ for I in 1 .. Rec.Nbrel loop
+ El := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Acc (Rec.Elements (I - 1));
+ Create_String_Id (El.Name);
+ Create_Type (El.Eltype, N_Ctxt);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("wave.create_type");
+-- Internal_Error ("wave.create_type: does not handle " &
+-- Ghdl_Rtik'Image (Rti.Kind));
+ end case;
+ -- Then, create the type.
+ Types_Table.Append (Type_Node'(Type_Rti => Rti, Context => N_Ctxt));
+ Types_AVL.Append (AVL_Node'(Val => Types_Table.Last,
+ Left | Right => AVL_Nil,
+ Height => 1));
+ Get_Node
+ (AVL_Tree (Types_AVL.Table (Types_AVL.First .. Types_AVL.Last)),
+ Type_Compare'Access,
+ Types_AVL.Last, Res);
+ if Res /= Types_AVL.Last then
+ --raise Program_Error;
+ Internal_Error ("wave.create_type(2)");
+ end if;
+ end Create_Type;
+ procedure Create_Object_Type (Obj : VhpiHandleT)
+ is
+ Obj_Type : VhpiHandleT;
+ Error : AvhpiErrorT;
+ begin
+ -- Extract type of the signal.
+ Vhpi_Handle (VhpiSubtype, Obj, Obj_Type, Error);
+ if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ Avhpi_Error (Error);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Create_Type (Avhpi_Get_Rti (Obj_Type), Avhpi_Get_Context (Obj_Type));
+ end Create_Object_Type;
+ procedure Write_Object_Type (Obj : VhpiHandleT)
+ is
+ Obj_Type : VhpiHandleT;
+ Error : AvhpiErrorT;
+ begin
+ -- Extract type of the signal.
+ Vhpi_Handle (VhpiSubtype, Obj, Obj_Type, Error);
+ if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ Avhpi_Error (Error);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Write_Type_Id (Avhpi_Get_Rti (Obj_Type), Avhpi_Get_Context (Obj_Type));
+ end Write_Object_Type;
+ procedure Create_Generate_Type (Gen : VhpiHandleT)
+ is
+ Iterator : VhpiHandleT;
+ Error : AvhpiErrorT;
+ begin
+ -- Extract the iterator.
+ Vhpi_Handle (VhpiIterScheme, Gen, Iterator, Error);
+ if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ Avhpi_Error (Error);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Create_Object_Type (Iterator);
+ end Create_Generate_Type;
+ procedure Write_Generate_Type_And_Value (Gen : VhpiHandleT)
+ is
+ Iter : VhpiHandleT;
+ Iter_Type : VhpiHandleT;
+ Error : AvhpiErrorT;
+ Addr : Address;
+ Mode : Mode_Type;
+ Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ begin
+ -- Extract the iterator.
+ Vhpi_Handle (VhpiIterScheme, Gen, Iter, Error);
+ if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ Avhpi_Error (Error);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Write_Object_Type (Iter);
+ Vhpi_Handle (VhpiSubtype, Iter, Iter_Type, Error);
+ if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ Avhpi_Error (Error);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Rti := Avhpi_Get_Rti (Iter_Type);
+ Addr := Avhpi_Get_Address (Iter);
+ case Get_Base_Type (Rti).Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B2 =>
+ Mode := Mode_B2;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8 =>
+ Mode := Mode_E8;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E32 =>
+ Mode := Mode_E32;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32 =>
+ Mode := Mode_I32;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I64 =>
+ Mode := Mode_I64;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_F64 =>
+ Mode := Mode_F64;
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("bad iterator type");
+ end case;
+ Write_Value (To_Ghdl_Value_Ptr (Addr).all, Mode);
+ end Write_Generate_Type_And_Value;
+ type Step_Type is (Step_Name, Step_Hierarchy);
+ Nbr_Scopes : Natural := 0;
+ Nbr_Scope_Signals : Natural := 0;
+ Nbr_Dumped_Signals : Natural := 0;
+ procedure Write_Signal_Number (Val_Addr : Address;
+ Val_Name : Vstring;
+ Val_Type : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Val_Name);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Val_Type);
+ function To_Integer_Address is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Ghdl_Signal_Ptr, Integer_Address);
+ Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ begin
+ Sig := To_Ghdl_Signal_Ptr (To_Addr_Acc (Val_Addr).all);
+ if not Sig.Flags.Is_Dumped then
+ Sig.Flags.Is_Dumped := True;
+ Nbr_Dumped_Signals := Nbr_Dumped_Signals + 1;
+ end if;
+ Wave_Put_ULEB128 (Ghdl_E32 (To_Integer_Address (Sig.Flink)));
+ end Write_Signal_Number;
+ procedure Foreach_Scalar_Signal_Number is new
+ Grt.Rtis_Utils.Foreach_Scalar (Process => Write_Signal_Number);
+ procedure Write_Signal_Numbers (Decl : VhpiHandleT)
+ is
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Sig : Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc;
+ begin
+ Ctxt := Avhpi_Get_Context (Decl);
+ Sig := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Avhpi_Get_Rti (Decl));
+ Foreach_Scalar_Signal_Number
+ (Ctxt, Sig.Obj_Type,
+ Loc_To_Addr (Sig.Common.Depth, Sig.Loc, Ctxt), True);
+ end Write_Signal_Numbers;
+ procedure Write_Hierarchy_El (Decl : VhpiHandleT)
+ is
+ Mode2hie : constant array (VhpiModeP) of Unsigned_8 :=
+ (VhpiErrorMode => Ghw_Hie_Signal,
+ VhpiInMode => Ghw_Hie_Port_In,
+ VhpiOutMode => Ghw_Hie_Port_Out,
+ VhpiInoutMode => Ghw_Hie_Port_Inout,
+ VhpiBufferMode => Ghw_Hie_Port_Buffer,
+ VhpiLinkageMode => Ghw_Hie_Port_Linkage);
+ V : Unsigned_8;
+ begin
+ case Vhpi_Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when VhpiPortDeclK =>
+ V := Mode2hie (Vhpi_Get_Mode (Decl));
+ when VhpiSigDeclK =>
+ V := Ghw_Hie_Signal;
+ when VhpiForGenerateK =>
+ V := Ghw_Hie_Generate_For;
+ when VhpiIfGenerateK =>
+ V := Ghw_Hie_Generate_If;
+ when VhpiBlockStmtK =>
+ V := Ghw_Hie_Block;
+ when VhpiCompInstStmtK =>
+ V := Ghw_Hie_Instance;
+ when VhpiProcessStmtK =>
+ V := Ghw_Hie_Process;
+ when others =>
+ --raise Program_Error;
+ Internal_Error ("write_hierarchy_el");
+ end case;
+ Wave_Put_Byte (V);
+ Write_String_Id (Avhpi_Get_Base_Name (Decl));
+ case Vhpi_Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when VhpiPortDeclK
+ | VhpiSigDeclK =>
+ Write_Object_Type (Decl);
+ Write_Signal_Numbers (Decl);
+ when VhpiForGenerateK =>
+ Write_Generate_Type_And_Value (Decl);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end Write_Hierarchy_El;
+ procedure Wave_Put_Hierarchy (Inst : VhpiHandleT; Step : Step_Type)
+ is
+ Decl_It : VhpiHandleT;
+ Decl : VhpiHandleT;
+ Error : AvhpiErrorT;
+ begin
+ Vhpi_Iterator (VhpiDecls, Inst, Decl_It, Error);
+ if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ Avhpi_Error (Error);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Extract signals.
+ loop
+ Vhpi_Scan (Decl_It, Decl, Error);
+ exit when Error = AvhpiErrorIteratorEnd;
+ if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ Avhpi_Error (Error);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Vhpi_Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when VhpiPortDeclK
+ | VhpiSigDeclK =>
+ case Step is
+ when Step_Name =>
+ Create_String_Id (Avhpi_Get_Base_Name (Decl));
+ Nbr_Scope_Signals := Nbr_Scope_Signals + 1;
+ Create_Object_Type (Decl);
+ when Step_Hierarchy =>
+ Write_Hierarchy_El (Decl);
+ end case;
+ --Wave_Put_Name (Decl);
+ --Wave_Newline;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ -- Extract sub-scopes.
+ Vhpi_Iterator (VhpiInternalRegions, Inst, Decl_It, Error);
+ if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ Avhpi_Error (Error);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ loop
+ Vhpi_Scan (Decl_It, Decl, Error);
+ exit when Error = AvhpiErrorIteratorEnd;
+ if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ Avhpi_Error (Error);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Nbr_Scopes := Nbr_Scopes + 1;
+ case Vhpi_Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when VhpiIfGenerateK
+ | VhpiForGenerateK
+ | VhpiBlockStmtK
+ | VhpiCompInstStmtK =>
+ case Step is
+ when Step_Name =>
+ Create_String_Id (Avhpi_Get_Base_Name (Decl));
+ if Vhpi_Get_Kind (Decl) = VhpiForGenerateK then
+ Create_Generate_Type (Decl);
+ end if;
+ when Step_Hierarchy =>
+ Write_Hierarchy_El (Decl);
+ end case;
+ Wave_Put_Hierarchy (Decl, Step);
+ if Step = Step_Hierarchy then
+ Wave_Put_Byte (Ghw_Hie_Eos);
+ end if;
+ when VhpiProcessStmtK =>
+ case Step is
+ when Step_Name =>
+ Create_String_Id (Avhpi_Get_Base_Name (Decl));
+ when Step_Hierarchy =>
+ Write_Hierarchy_El (Decl);
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("wave_put_hierarchy");
+-- Wave_Put ("unknown ");
+-- Wave_Put (VhpiClassKindT'Image (Vhpi_Get_Kind (Decl)));
+-- Wave_Newline;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Wave_Put_Hierarchy;
+ procedure Disp_Str_AVL (Str : AVL_Nid; Indent : Natural)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Str = AVL_Nil then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Disp_Str_AVL (Str_AVL.Table (Str).Left, Indent + 1);
+ for I in 1 .. Indent loop
+ Wave_Putc (' ');
+ end loop;
+ Wave_Puts (Str_Table.Table (Str_AVL.Table (Str).Val));
+-- Wave_Putc ('(');
+-- Put_I32 (Wave_Stream, Ghdl_I32 (Str));
+-- Wave_Putc (')');
+-- Put_I32 (Wave_Stream, Get_Height (Str));
+ Wave_Newline;
+ Disp_Str_AVL (Str_AVL.Table (Str).Right, Indent + 1);
+ end Disp_Str_AVL;
+ procedure Write_Strings
+ is
+ begin
+-- Wave_Put ("AVL height: ");
+-- Put_I32 (Wave_Stream, Ghdl_I32 (Check_AVL (Str_Root)));
+-- Wave_Newline;
+ Wave_Put ("strings length: ");
+ Put_I32 (Wave_Stream, Ghdl_I32 (Strings_Len));
+ Wave_Newline;
+ Disp_Str_AVL (AVL_Root, 0);
+ fflush (Wave_Stream);
+ end Write_Strings;
+ procedure Freeze_Strings
+ is
+ type Str_Table1_Type is array (1 .. Str_Table.Last) of Ghdl_C_String;
+ type Str_Table1_Acc is access Str_Table1_Type;
+ Idx : AVL_Value;
+ Table1 : Str_Table1_Acc;
+ procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Str_Table1_Type, Str_Table1_Acc);
+ procedure Store_Strings (N : AVL_Nid) is
+ begin
+ if N = AVL_Nil then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Store_Strings (Str_AVL.Table (N).Left);
+ Table1 (Idx) := Str_Table.Table (Str_AVL.Table (N).Val);
+ Idx := Idx + 1;
+ Store_Strings (Str_AVL.Table (N).Right);
+ end Store_Strings;
+ begin
+ Table1 := new Str_Table1_Type;
+ Idx := 1;
+ Store_Strings (AVL_Root);
+ Str_Table.Release;
+ Str_AVL.Free;
+ for I in Table1.all'Range loop
+ Str_Table.Table (I) := Table1 (I);
+ end loop;
+ Free (Table1);
+ end Freeze_Strings;
+ procedure Write_Strings_Compress
+ is
+ Last : Ghdl_C_String;
+ V : Ghdl_C_String;
+ L : Natural;
+ L1 : Natural;
+ begin
+ Wave_Section ("STR" & NUL);
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ Wave_Put_I32 (Ghdl_I32 (Str_Table.Last));
+ Wave_Put_I32 (Ghdl_I32 (Strings_Len));
+ for I in Str_Table.First .. Str_Table.Last loop
+ V := Str_Table.Table (I);
+ if I = Str_Table.First then
+ L := 1;
+ else
+ Last := Str_Table.Table (I - 1);
+ for I in Positive loop
+ if V (I) /= Last (I) then
+ L := I;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ L1 := L - 1;
+ loop
+ if L1 >= 32 then
+ Wave_Put_Byte (Unsigned_8 (L1 mod 32) + 16#80#);
+ else
+ Wave_Put_Byte (Unsigned_8 (L1 mod 32));
+ end if;
+ L1 := L1 / 32;
+ exit when L1 = 0;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ if Boolean'(False) then
+ Put ("string ");
+ Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (I));
+ Put (": ");
+ Put (V);
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ loop
+ exit when V (L) = NUL;
+ Wave_Putc (V (L));
+ L := L + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ -- Last string length.
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ -- End marker.
+ Wave_Put ("EOS" & NUL);
+ end Write_Strings_Compress;
+ procedure Write_Range (Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access; Rng : Ghdl_Range_Ptr)
+ is
+ Kind : Ghdl_Rtik;
+ begin
+ Kind := Rti.Kind;
+ if Kind = Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Scalar then
+ Kind := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc (Rti).Basetype.Kind;
+ end if;
+ case Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8 =>
+ Wave_Put_Byte (Ghdl_Rtik'Pos (Kind)
+ + Ghdl_Dir_Type'Pos (Rng.E8.Dir) * 16#80#);
+ Wave_Put_Byte (Unsigned_8 (Rng.E8.Left));
+ Wave_Put_Byte (Unsigned_8 (Rng.E8.Right));
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P32 =>
+ Wave_Put_Byte (Ghdl_Rtik'Pos (Kind)
+ + Ghdl_Dir_Type'Pos (Rng.I32.Dir) * 16#80#);
+ Wave_Put_SLEB128 (Rng.I32.Left);
+ Wave_Put_SLEB128 (Rng.I32.Right);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P64
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I64 =>
+ Wave_Put_Byte (Ghdl_Rtik'Pos (Kind)
+ + Ghdl_Dir_Type'Pos (Rng.P64.Dir) * 16#80#);
+ Wave_Put_LSLEB128 (Rng.P64.Left);
+ Wave_Put_LSLEB128 (Rng.P64.Right);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_F64 =>
+ Wave_Put_Byte (Ghdl_Rtik'Pos (Kind)
+ + Ghdl_Dir_Type'Pos (Rng.F64.Dir) * 16#80#);
+ Wave_Put_F64 (Rng.F64.Left);
+ Wave_Put_F64 (Rng.F64.Right);
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("waves.write_range: unhandled kind");
+ --Internal_Error ("waves.write_range: unhandled kind "
+ -- & Ghdl_Rtik'Image (Kind));
+ end case;
+ end Write_Range;
+ procedure Write_Types
+ is
+ Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ begin
+ Wave_Section ("TYP" & NUL);
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ Wave_Put_I32 (Ghdl_I32 (Types_Table.Last));
+ for I in Types_Table.First .. Types_Table.Last loop
+ Rti := Types_Table.Table (I).Type_Rti;
+ Ctxt := Types_Table.Table (I).Context;
+ -- Kind.
+ Wave_Put_Byte (Ghdl_Rtik'Pos (Rti.Kind));
+ case Rti.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B2
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8 =>
+ declare
+ Enum : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Acc;
+ begin
+ Enum := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Acc (Rti);
+ Write_String_Id (Enum.Name);
+ Wave_Put_ULEB128 (Ghdl_E32 (Enum.Nbr));
+ for I in 1 .. Enum.Nbr loop
+ Write_String_Id (Enum.Names (I - 1));
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array_Ptr =>
+ declare
+ Arr : Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc;
+ begin
+ Arr := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc (Rti);
+ Write_String_Id (Arr.Name);
+ Write_Type_Id (To_Ghdl_Rti_Access (Arr.Basetype), Ctxt);
+ declare
+ Rngs : Ghdl_Range_Array (0 .. Arr.Basetype.Nbr_Dim - 1);
+ begin
+ Bound_To_Range (Loc_To_Addr (Rti.Depth, Arr.Bounds, Ctxt),
+ Arr.Basetype, Rngs);
+ for I in Rngs'Range loop
+ Write_Range (Arr.Basetype.Indexes (I), Rngs (I));
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Array =>
+ declare
+ Arr : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc;
+ begin
+ Arr := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc (Rti);
+ Write_String_Id (Arr.Name);
+ Write_Type_Id (Arr.Element, Ctxt);
+ Wave_Put_ULEB128 (Ghdl_E32 (Arr.Nbr_Dim));
+ for I in 1 .. Arr.Nbr_Dim loop
+ Write_Type_Id (Arr.Indexes (I - 1), Ctxt);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Record =>
+ declare
+ Rec : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Acc;
+ El : Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Acc;
+ begin
+ Rec := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Acc (Rti);
+ Write_String_Id (Rec.Name);
+ Wave_Put_ULEB128 (Ghdl_E32 (Rec.Nbrel));
+ for I in 1 .. Rec.Nbrel loop
+ El := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Acc (Rec.Elements (I - 1));
+ Write_String_Id (El.Name);
+ Write_Type_Id (El.Eltype, Ctxt);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Scalar =>
+ declare
+ Sub : Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc;
+ begin
+ Sub := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc (Rti);
+ Write_String_Id (Sub.Name);
+ Write_Type_Id (Sub.Basetype, Ctxt);
+ Write_Range (Sub.Basetype,
+ To_Ghdl_Range_Ptr (Loc_To_Addr (Rti.Depth,
+ Sub.Range_Loc,
+ Ctxt)));
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I64
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_F64 =>
+ declare
+ Base : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar_Acc;
+ begin
+ Base := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar_Acc (Rti);
+ Write_String_Id (Base.Name);
+ end;
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P32
+ | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P64 =>
+ declare
+ Base : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Acc;
+ Unit : Ghdl_Rtin_Unit_Acc;
+ begin
+ Base := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Acc (Rti);
+ Write_String_Id (Base.Name);
+ Wave_Put_ULEB128 (Ghdl_U32 (Base.Nbr));
+ for I in 1 .. Base.Nbr loop
+ Unit := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Unit_Acc (Base.Units (I - 1));
+ Write_String_Id (Unit.Name);
+ case Base.Common.Mode is
+ when 0 =>
+ -- Value is locally static.
+ case Base.Common.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P32 =>
+ Wave_Put_SLEB128 (Unit.Value.Unit_32);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P64 =>
+ Wave_Put_LSLEB128 (Unit.Value.Unit_64);
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error
+ ("wave.write_types(P32/P64-0)");
+ end case;
+ when 1 =>
+ case Rti.Kind is
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P32 =>
+ Wave_Put_SLEB128 (Unit.Value.Unit_Addr.I32);
+ when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P64 =>
+ Wave_Put_LSLEB128 (Unit.Value.Unit_Addr.I64);
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error
+ ("wave.write_types(P32/P64-1)");
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("wave.write_types(P32/P64)");
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Internal_Error ("wave.write_types");
+-- Internal_Error ("wave.write_types: does not handle " &
+-- Ghdl_Rtik'Image (Rti.Kind));
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ end Write_Types;
+ procedure Write_Known_Types
+ is
+ use Grt.Rtis_Types;
+ Boolean_Type_Id : AVL_Nid;
+ Bit_Type_Id : AVL_Nid;
+ Std_Ulogic_Type_Id : AVL_Nid;
+ function Search_Type_Id (Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access) return AVL_Nid
+ is
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ Tid : AVL_Nid;
+ begin
+ Find_Type (Rti, Null_Context, Ctxt, Tid);
+ return Tid;
+ end Search_Type_Id;
+ begin
+ Search_Types_RTI;
+ Boolean_Type_Id := Search_Type_Id (Std_Standard_Boolean_RTI_Ptr);
+ Bit_Type_Id := Search_Type_Id (Std_Standard_Bit_RTI_Ptr);
+ if Ieee_Std_Logic_1164_Std_Ulogic_RTI_Ptr /= null then
+ Std_Ulogic_Type_Id := Search_Type_Id
+ (Ieee_Std_Logic_1164_Std_Ulogic_RTI_Ptr);
+ else
+ Std_Ulogic_Type_Id := AVL_Nil;
+ end if;
+ Wave_Section ("WKT" & NUL);
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ if Boolean_Type_Id /= AVL_Nil then
+ Wave_Put_Byte (1);
+ Write_Type_Id (Boolean_Type_Id);
+ end if;
+ if Bit_Type_Id /= AVL_Nil then
+ Wave_Put_Byte (2);
+ Write_Type_Id (Bit_Type_Id);
+ end if;
+ if Std_Ulogic_Type_Id /= AVL_Nil then
+ Wave_Put_Byte (3);
+ Write_Type_Id (Std_Ulogic_Type_Id);
+ end if;
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ end Write_Known_Types;
+ -- Table of signals to be dumped.
+ package Dump_Table is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Component_Type => Ghdl_Signal_Ptr,
+ Table_Index_Type => Natural,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 1,
+ Table_Initial => 32,
+ Table_Increment => 100);
+ procedure Write_Hierarchy (Root : VhpiHandleT)
+ is
+ function To_Ghdl_Signal_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Integer_Address, Target => Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ N : Natural;
+ begin
+ -- Number signals.
+ for I in Sig_Table.First .. Sig_Table.Last loop
+ if Sig_Table.Table (I).Flink /= null then
+ Internal_Error ("wave.write_hierarchy");
+ end if;
+ Sig_Table.Table (I).Flink :=
+ To_Ghdl_Signal_Ptr (Integer_Address (I - Sig_Table.First + 1));
+ end loop;
+ Wave_Section ("HIE" & NUL);
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ Wave_Put_I32 (Ghdl_I32 (Nbr_Scopes));
+ Wave_Put_I32 (Ghdl_I32 (Nbr_Scope_Signals));
+ Wave_Put_I32 (Ghdl_I32 (Sig_Table.Last - Sig_Table.First + 1));
+ Wave_Put_Hierarchy (Root, Step_Hierarchy);
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ Dump_Table.Set_Last (Nbr_Dumped_Signals);
+ -- Save and clear.
+ N := 0;
+ for I in Sig_Table.First .. Sig_Table.Last loop
+ if Sig_Table.Table (I).Flags.Is_Dumped then
+ N := N + 1;
+ Dump_Table.Table (N) := Sig_Table.Table (I);
+ end if;
+ Sig_Table.Table (I).Flink := null;
+ end loop;
+ end Write_Hierarchy;
+ procedure Write_Signal_Value (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr) is
+ begin
+ -- FIXME: for some signals, the significant value is the driving value!
+ Write_Value (Sig.Value, Sig.Mode);
+ end Write_Signal_Value;
+ procedure Write_Snapshot is
+ begin
+ Wave_Section ("SNP" & NUL);
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ Wave_Put_I64 (Ghdl_I64 (Cycle_Time));
+ for I in Dump_Table.First .. Dump_Table.Last loop
+ Write_Signal_Value (Dump_Table.Table (I));
+ end loop;
+ Wave_Put ("ESN" & NUL);
+ end Write_Snapshot;
+ procedure Wave_Cycle;
+ -- Called after elaboration.
+ procedure Wave_Start
+ is
+ Root : VhpiHandleT;
+ begin
+ -- Do nothing if there is no VCD file to generate.
+ if Wave_Stream = NULL_Stream then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Write_File_Header;
+ -- FIXME: write infos
+ -- * date
+ -- * timescale
+ -- * design name ?
+ -- ...
+ -- Put hierarchy.
+ Get_Root_Inst (Root);
+ -- Vcd_Search_Packages;
+ Wave_Put_Hierarchy (Root, Step_Name);
+ Freeze_Strings;
+ -- Register_Cycle_Hook (Vcd_Cycle'Access);
+ Write_Strings_Compress;
+ Write_Types;
+ Write_Known_Types;
+ Write_Hierarchy (Root);
+ -- End of header mark.
+ Wave_Section ("EOH" & NUL);
+ Write_Snapshot;
+ Register_Cycle_Hook (Wave_Cycle'Access);
+ fflush (Wave_Stream);
+ end Wave_Start;
+ Wave_Time : Std_Time := 0;
+ In_Cyc : Boolean := False;
+ procedure Wave_Close_Cyc
+ is
+ begin
+ Wave_Put_LSLEB128 (-1);
+ Wave_Put ("ECY" & NUL);
+ In_Cyc := False;
+ end Wave_Close_Cyc;
+ procedure Wave_Cycle
+ is
+ Diff : Std_Time;
+ Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Last : Natural;
+ begin
+ if not In_Cyc then
+ Wave_Section ("CYC" & NUL);
+ Wave_Put_I64 (Ghdl_I64 (Cycle_Time));
+ In_Cyc := True;
+ else
+ Diff := Cycle_Time - Wave_Time;
+ Wave_Put_LSLEB128 (Ghdl_I64 (Diff));
+ end if;
+ Wave_Time := Cycle_Time;
+ -- Dump signals.
+ Last := 0;
+ for I in Dump_Table.First .. Dump_Table.Last loop
+ Sig := Dump_Table.Table (I);
+ if Sig.Flags.Cyc_Event then
+ Wave_Put_ULEB128 (Ghdl_U32 (I - Last));
+ Last := I;
+ Write_Signal_Value (Sig);
+ Sig.Flags.Cyc_Event := False;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Wave_Put_Byte (0);
+ end Wave_Cycle;
+ -- Called at the end of the simulation.
+ procedure Wave_End is
+ begin
+ if Wave_Stream = NULL_Stream then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if In_Cyc then
+ Wave_Close_Cyc;
+ end if;
+ Wave_Write_Directory;
+ fflush (Wave_Stream);
+ end Wave_End;
+ Wave_Hooks : aliased constant Hooks_Type :=
+ (Option => Wave_Option'Access,
+ Help => Wave_Help'Access,
+ Init => Wave_Init'Access,
+ Start => Wave_Start'Access,
+ Finish => Wave_End'Access);
+ procedure Register is
+ begin
+ Register_Hooks (Wave_Hooks'Access);
+ end Register;
+end Grt.Waves;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-waves.ads b/translate/grt/grt-waves.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cb5fdf962
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-waves.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - wave dumper (GHW) module.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package Grt.Waves is
+ procedure Register;
+end Grt.Waves;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt.adc b/translate/grt/grt.adc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..889fcbd9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt.adc
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - Configuration pragmas.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+-- The GRT library is built with a lot of restrictions.
+-- The purpose of these restrictions (mainly No_Run_Time) is not to link with
+-- the GNAT run time library. The user does not need to download or compile
+-- it.
+-- However, GRT works without these restrictions. If you want to use GRT
+-- in Ada, you may compile GRT without these restrictions (remove the -gnatec
+-- flag).
+-- This files is *not* names gnat.adc, in order to ease the possibility of
+-- not using it.
+pragma Restrictions (No_Exception_Handlers);
+pragma restrictions (No_Exceptions);
+pragma Restrictions (No_Secondary_Stack);
+--pragma Restrictions (No_Elaboration_Code);
+pragma Restrictions (No_Io);
+pragma Restrictions (No_Tasking);
+pragma No_Run_Time;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt.ads b/translate/grt/grt.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fbad5174c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/grt.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - Top of hierarchy.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package Grt is
+ pragma Pure (Grt);
+end Grt;
diff --git a/translate/grt/main.adb b/translate/grt/main.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b6499af4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/main.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - C-like entry point.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ghdl_Main;
+function Main (Argc : Integer; Argv : System.Address)
+ return Integer
+ return Ghdl_Main (Argc, Argv);
+end Main;
diff --git a/translate/grt/main.ads b/translate/grt/main.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d53dbee5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/grt/main.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - C-like entry point.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+-- In the usual case of a standalone executable, this file defines the
+-- standard entry point, ie the main() function.
+-- However, as explained in the manual, the user can use its own main()
+-- function, and calls the ghdl entry point ghdl_main.
+with System;
+function Main (Argc : Integer; Argv : System.Address) return Integer;
+pragma Export (C, Main, "main");
diff --git a/translate/ortho_front.adb b/translate/ortho_front.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..933c2ceae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/ortho_front.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+-- Ortho entry point for translation.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Types; use Types;
+with Std_Names;
+with Name_Table;
+with Std_Package;
+with Back_End;
+with Flags;
+with Translation;
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+with Libraries; use Libraries;
+with Sem;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with GNAT.OS_Lib;
+with Canon;
+with Disp_Vhdl;
+with Bug;
+with Trans_Be;
+package body Ortho_Front is
+ -- The action to be performed by the compiler.
+ type Action_Type is
+ (
+ -- Normal mode: compile a design file.
+ Action_Compile,
+ -- Elaborate a design unit.
+ Action_Elaborate,
+ -- Analyze files and elaborate unit.
+ Action_Anaelab,
+ -- Generate code for std.package.
+ Action_Compile_Std_Package
+ );
+ Action : Action_Type := Action_Compile;
+ -- Name of the entity to elaborate.
+ Elab_Entity : String_Acc;
+ -- Name of the architecture to elaborate.
+ Elab_Architecture : String_Acc;
+ -- Filename for the list of files to link.
+ Elab_Filelist : String_Acc;
+ Flag_Expect_Failure : Boolean;
+ type Id_Link;
+ type Id_Link_Acc is access Id_Link;
+ type Id_Link is record
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ Link : Id_Link_Acc;
+ end record;
+ Anaelab_Files : Id_Link_Acc := null;
+ Anaelab_Files_Last : Id_Link_Acc := null;
+ procedure Init is
+ begin
+ -- Initialize.
+ Back_End.Finish_Compilation := Trans_Be.Finish_Compilation'Access;
+ Back_End.Sem_Foreign := Trans_Be.Sem_Foreign'Access;
+ Std_Names.Std_Names_Initialize;
+ Libraries.Init_Pathes;
+ Elab_Filelist := null;
+ Elab_Entity := null;
+ Elab_Architecture := null;
+ Flag_Expect_Failure := False;
+ end Init;
+ function Decode_Elab_Option (Arg : String_Acc) return Natural
+ is
+ begin
+ Elab_Architecture := null;
+ -- Entity (+ architecture) to elaborate
+ if Arg = null then
+ Error_Msg_Option
+ ("entity or configuration name required after --elab");
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ if Arg (Arg.all'Last) = ')' then
+ -- Name is ENTITY(ARCH).
+ -- Split.
+ declare
+ P : Natural;
+ Len : Natural;
+ Is_Ext : Boolean;
+ begin
+ P := Arg.all'Last - 1;
+ Len := P - Arg.all'First + 1;
+ -- Must be at least 'e(a)'.
+ if Len < 4 then
+ Error_Msg_Option ("ill-formed name after --elab");
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ -- Handle extended name.
+ if Arg (P) = '\' then
+ P := P - 1;
+ Is_Ext := True;
+ else
+ Is_Ext := False;
+ end if;
+ loop
+ if P = Arg.all'First then
+ Error_Msg_Option ("ill-formed name after --elab");
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ exit when Arg (P) = '(' and Is_Ext = False;
+ if Arg (P) = '\' then
+ if Arg (P - 1) = '\' then
+ P := P - 2;
+ elsif Arg (P - 1) = '(' then
+ P := P - 1;
+ exit;
+ else
+ Error_Msg_Option ("ill-formed name after --elab");
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ else
+ P := P - 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Elab_Architecture := new String'(Arg (P + 1 .. Arg'Last - 1));
+ Elab_Entity := new String'(Arg (Arg'First .. P - 1));
+ end;
+ else
+ Elab_Entity := new String'(Arg.all);
+ Elab_Architecture := new String'("");
+ end if;
+ return 2;
+ end Decode_Elab_Option;
+ function Decode_Option (Opt : String_Acc; Arg: String_Acc) return Natural
+ is
+ begin
+ if Opt.all = "--compile-standard" then
+ Action := Action_Compile_Std_Package;
+ Flags.Bootstrap := True;
+ return 1;
+ elsif Opt.all = "--elab" then
+ if Action /= Action_Compile then
+ Error_Msg_Option ("several --elab options");
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ Action := Action_Elaborate;
+ return Decode_Elab_Option (Arg);
+ elsif Opt.all = "--anaelab" then
+ if Action /= Action_Compile then
+ Error_Msg_Option ("several --anaelab options");
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ Action := Action_Anaelab;
+ return Decode_Elab_Option (Arg);
+ elsif Opt.all = "-c" then
+ if Action /= Action_Anaelab then
+ Error_Msg_Option
+ ("-c option allowed only after --anaelab options");
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ if Arg = null then
+ Error_Msg_Option ("filename required after -c");
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ L : Id_Link_Acc;
+ begin
+ L := new Id_Link'(Id => Name_Table.Get_Identifier (Arg.all),
+ Link => null);
+ if Anaelab_Files = null then
+ Anaelab_Files := L;
+ else
+ Anaelab_Files_Last.Link := L;
+ end if;
+ Anaelab_Files_Last := L;
+ end;
+ return 2;
+ elsif Opt.all = "-l" then
+ if Arg = null then
+ Error_Msg_Option ("filename required after -l");
+ end if;
+ if Elab_Filelist /= null then
+ Error_Msg_Option ("several -l options");
+ else
+ Elab_Filelist := new String'(Arg.all);
+ end if;
+ return 2;
+ elsif Opt.all = "--help" then
+ Flags.Disp_Options_Help;
+ return 1;
+ elsif Opt.all = "--expect-failure" then
+ Flag_Expect_Failure := True;
+ return 1;
+ elsif Opt'Length > 7 and then Opt (1 .. 7) = "--ghdl-" then
+ if Flags.Parse_Option (Opt (7 .. Opt'Last)) then
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ elsif Flags.Parse_Option (Opt.all) then
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ end Decode_Option;
+ -- Lighter version of libraries.is_obselete, since DESIGN_UNIT must be in
+ -- the currently analyzed design file.
+ function Is_Obsolete (Design_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ List : Iir_List;
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Get_Date (Design_Unit) = Date_Obsolete then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ List := Get_Dependence_List (Design_Unit);
+ if Is_Null_List (List) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when Is_Null (El);
+ -- FIXME: there may be entity_aspect_entity...
+ if Get_Kind (El) = Iir_Kind_Design_Unit
+ and then Get_Date (El) = Date_Obsolete
+ then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return False;
+ end Is_Obsolete;
+ Nbr_Parse : Natural := 0;
+ function Parse (Filename : String_Acc) return Boolean
+ is
+ Res : Iir_Design_File;
+ New_Design_File : Iir_Design_File;
+ Design : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Next_Design : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ -- The vhdl filename to compile.
+ Vhdl_File : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ if Nbr_Parse = 0 then
+ -- Initialize only once...
+ Libraries.Load_Std_Library;
+ -- Here, time_base can be set.
+ Translation.Initialize;
+ Canon.Canon_Flag_Add_Labels := True;
+ if Flags.List_All and then Flags.List_Annotate then
+ Disp_Vhdl.Disp_Vhdl (Std_Package.Std_Standard_Unit);
+ end if;
+ if Action = Action_Anaelab and then Anaelab_Files /= null
+ then
+ Libraries.Load_Work_Library (True);
+ else
+ Libraries.Load_Work_Library (False);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Nbr_Parse := Nbr_Parse + 1;
+ case Action is
+ when Action_Elaborate =>
+ Flags.Flag_Elaborate := True;
+ Flags.Flag_Only_Elab_Warnings := True;
+ Translation.Chap12.Elaborate
+ (Elab_Entity.all, Elab_Architecture.all,
+ Elab_Filelist.all, False);
+ if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
+ -- This may happen (bad entity for example).
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ when Action_Anaelab =>
+ -- Parse files.
+ if Anaelab_Files = null then
+ Flags.Flag_Elaborate_With_Outdated := False;
+ else
+ Flags.Flag_Elaborate_With_Outdated := True;
+ declare
+ L : Id_Link_Acc;
+ begin
+ L := Anaelab_Files;
+ while L /= null loop
+ Res := Libraries.Load_File (L.Id);
+ if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Put units into library.
+ Design := Get_First_Design_Unit (Res);
+ while not Is_Null (Design) loop
+ Next_Design := Get_Chain (Design);
+ Set_Chain (Design, Null_Iir);
+ Libraries.Add_Design_Unit_Into_Library (Design);
+ Design := Next_Design;
+ end loop;
+ L := L.Link;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ Flags.Flag_Elaborate := True;
+ Flags.Flag_Only_Elab_Warnings := False;
+ Translation.Chap12.Elaborate
+ (Elab_Entity.all, Elab_Architecture.all, "", True);
+ if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
+ -- This may happen (bad entity for example).
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ when Action_Compile_Std_Package =>
+ if Filename /= null then
+ Error_Msg_Option
+ ("--compile-standard is not compatible with a filename");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Translation.Translate_Standard (True);
+ when Action_Compile =>
+ if Filename = null then
+ Error_Msg_Option ("no input file");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Nbr_Parse > 1 then
+ Error_Msg_Option ("can compile only one file (file """ &
+ Filename.all & """ ignored)");
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Vhdl_File := Name_Table.Get_Identifier (Filename.all);
+ Translation.Translate_Standard (False);
+ Flags.Flag_Elaborate := False;
+ Res := Libraries.Load_File (Vhdl_File);
+ if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Semantize all design units.
+ -- FIXME: outdate the design file?
+ New_Design_File := Null_Iir;
+ Design := Get_First_Design_Unit (Res);
+ while not Is_Null (Design) loop
+ -- Sem, canon, annotate a design unit.
+ Back_End.Finish_Compilation (Design, True);
+ Next_Design := Get_Chain (Design);
+ if Errorout.Nbr_Errors = 0 then
+ Set_Chain (Design, Null_Iir);
+ Libraries.Add_Design_Unit_Into_Library (Design);
+ New_Design_File := Get_Design_File (Design);
+ end if;
+ Design := Next_Design;
+ end loop;
+ if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Do late analysis checks.
+ Design := Get_First_Design_Unit (New_Design_File);
+ while not Is_Null (Design) loop
+ Sem.Sem_Analysis_Checks_List
+ (Design, Flags.Warn_Delayed_Checks);
+ Design := Get_Chain (Design);
+ end loop;
+ -- Compile only now.
+ if not Is_Null (New_Design_File) then
+ -- Note: the order of design unit is kept.
+ Design := Get_First_Design_Unit (New_Design_File);
+ while not Is_Null (Design) loop
+ if not Is_Obsolete (Design) then
+ if Get_Kind (Get_Library_Unit (Design))
+ = Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration
+ then
+ -- Defer code generation of configuration declaration.
+ -- (default binding may change between analysis and
+ -- elaboration).
+ Translation.Translate (Design, False);
+ else
+ Translation.Translate (Design, True);
+ end if;
+ if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
+ -- This can happen (foreign attribute).
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Design := Get_Chain (Design);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ -- Save the working library.
+ Libraries.Save_Work_Library;
+ end case;
+ if Flag_Expect_Failure then
+ return False;
+ else
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ exception
+ --when File_Error =>
+ -- Error_Msg_Option ("cannot open file '" & Filename.all & "'");
+ -- return False;
+ when Compilation_Error
+ | Parse_Error
+ | Elaboration_Error =>
+ if Flag_Expect_Failure then
+ -- Very brutal...
+ GNAT.OS_Lib.OS_Exit (0);
+ end if;
+ return False;
+ when Option_Error =>
+ return False;
+ when E: others =>
+ Bug.Disp_Bug_Box (E);
+ raise;
+ end Parse;
+end Ortho_Front;
diff --git a/translate/trans_be.adb b/translate/trans_be.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..60d886c1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/trans_be.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+-- Back-end for translation.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Disp_Tree;
+with Disp_Vhdl;
+with Sem;
+with Canon;
+with Translation;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Post_Sems;
+with Flags;
+with Ada.Text_IO;
+package body Trans_Be is
+ procedure Finish_Compilation
+ (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit; Main : Boolean := False)
+ is
+ use Ada.Text_IO;
+ Lib : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- No need to semantize during elaboration.
+ --if Flags.Will_Elaborate then
+ -- return;
+ --end if;
+ Lib := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ if (Main or Flags.Dump_All) and then Flags.Dump_Parse then
+ Disp_Tree.Disp_Tree (Unit);
+ end if;
+ -- Semantic analysis.
+ if Flags.Verbose then
+ Put_Line ("semantize " & Disp_Node (Lib));
+ end if;
+ Sem.Semantic (Unit);
+ if (Main or Flags.Dump_All) and then Flags.Dump_Sem then
+ Disp_Tree.Disp_Tree (Unit);
+ end if;
+ if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ if (Main or Flags.List_All) and then Flags.List_Sem then
+ Disp_Vhdl.Disp_Vhdl (Unit);
+ end if;
+ -- Post checks
+ ----------------
+ Post_Sems.Post_Sem_Checks (Unit);
+ if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Canonalisation.
+ ------------------
+ if Flags.Verbose then
+ Put_Line ("canonicalize " & Disp_Node (Lib));
+ end if;
+ Canon.Canonicalize (Unit);
+ if (Main or Flags.Dump_All) and then Flags.Dump_Canon then
+ Disp_Tree.Disp_Tree (Unit);
+ end if;
+ if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ if (Main or Flags.List_All) and then Flags.List_Canon then
+ Disp_Vhdl.Disp_Vhdl (Unit);
+ end if;
+ if Flags.Flag_Elaborate then
+ if Get_Kind (Lib) = Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration then
+ declare
+ Config : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ begin
+ Config := Canon.Create_Default_Configuration_Declaration (Lib);
+ Set_Default_Configuration_Declaration (Lib, Config);
+ if (Main or Flags.Dump_All) and then Flags.Dump_Canon then
+ Disp_Tree.Disp_Tree (Config);
+ end if;
+ if (Main or Flags.List_All) and then Flags.List_Canon then
+ Disp_Vhdl.Disp_Vhdl (Config);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ -- Do not translate during elaboration.
+ -- This is done directly in Translation.Chap12.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Translation
+ ---------------
+ if not Main then
+ -- Main units (those from the analyzed design file) are translated
+ -- directly by ortho_front.
+ if Flags.Verbose then
+ Put_Line ("translate " & Disp_Node (Lib));
+ end if;
+ Translation.Translate (Unit, Main);
+ if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
+ raise Compilation_Error;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Finish_Compilation;
+ procedure Sem_Foreign (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ use Translation;
+ Fi : Foreign_Info_Type;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("FOREIGN architectures are not yet handled", Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("sem_foreign", Decl);
+ end case;
+ -- Let is generate error messages.
+ Fi := Translate_Foreign_Id (Decl, False);
+ end Sem_Foreign;
+end Trans_Be;
diff --git a/translate/trans_be.ads b/translate/trans_be.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..233ee0bf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/trans_be.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+-- Back-end for translation.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+package Trans_Be is
+ procedure Finish_Compilation
+ (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit; Main : Boolean := False);
+ procedure Sem_Foreign (Decl : Iir);
+end Trans_Be;
diff --git a/translate/trans_decls.ads b/translate/trans_decls.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20498e4df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/trans_decls.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+-- Declarations for well-known nodes generated by translation.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ortho_Nodes; use Ortho_Nodes;
+package Trans_Decls is
+ -- Procedure called in case of assert failed.
+ Ghdl_Assert_Failed : O_Dnode;
+ -- Procedure for report statement.
+ Ghdl_Report : O_Dnode;
+ -- Ortho node for default report message.
+ Ghdl_Assert_Default_Report : O_Dnode;
+ -- Register a process.
+ Ghdl_Process_Register : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Sensitized_Process_Register : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Postponed_Process_Register : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Postponed_Sensitized_Process_Register : O_Dnode;
+ -- Wait subprograms.
+ -- Short forms.
+ Ghdl_Process_Wait_Timeout : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Process_Wait_Exit : O_Dnode;
+ -- Complete form:
+ Ghdl_Process_Wait_Set_Timeout : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Process_Wait_Add_Sensitivity : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Process_Wait_Suspend : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Process_Wait_Close : O_Dnode;
+ -- Register a sensitivity for a process.
+ Ghdl_Process_Add_Sensitivity : O_Dnode;
+ -- Register a driver for a process.
+ Ghdl_Process_Add_Driver : O_Dnode;
+ -- NOW variables.
+ Ghdl_Now : O_Dnode;
+ -- Protected variables.
+ Ghdl_Protected_Enter : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Protected_Leave : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Protected_Init : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Protected_Fini : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Set_Disconnect : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Disconnect : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Driving : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_Error : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_Error : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_Error : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_Null : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_Null : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Create_Signal_E8 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Init_E8 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_E8 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_E8 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_E8 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Associate_E8 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_E8 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Create_Signal_B2 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Init_B2 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_B2 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_B2 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_B2 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Associate_B2 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_B2 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Create_Signal_I32 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Init_I32 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_I32 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_I32 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_I32 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Associate_I32 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_I32 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Create_Signal_F64 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Init_F64 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_F64 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_F64 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_F64 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Associate_F64 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_F64 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Create_Signal_I64 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Init_I64 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_I64 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_I64 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_I64 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Associate_I64 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_I64 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_In_Conversion : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Out_Conversion : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Add_Source : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Effective_Value : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Create_Resolution : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Name_Rti : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Merge_Rti : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Get_Nbr_Drivers : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Get_Nbr_Ports: O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Read_Driver : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Read_Port : O_Dnode;
+ -- Signal attribute.
+ Ghdl_Create_Stable_Signal : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Create_Quiet_Signal : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Create_Transaction_Signal : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Attribute_Register_Prefix : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Create_Delayed_Signal : O_Dnode;
+ -- Guard signal.
+ Ghdl_Signal_Create_Guard : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Guard_Dependence : O_Dnode;
+ -- Predefined subprograms.
+ Ghdl_Memcpy : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Deallocate : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Malloc : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Malloc0 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Real_Exp : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Integer_Exp : O_Dnode;
+ -- Procedure called in case of check failed.
+ Ghdl_Program_Error : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Bound_Check_Failed_L0 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Bound_Check_Failed_L1 : O_Dnode;
+ -- Stack 2.
+ Ghdl_Stack2_Allocate : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Stack2_Mark : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Stack2_Release : O_Dnode;
+ -- RTI root.
+ Ghdl_Rti_Top : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Rti_Top_Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Rti_Top_Instance : O_Dnode;
+ Std_Standard_Boolean_Rti : O_Dnode;
+ Std_Standard_Bit_Rti : O_Dnode;
+ -- Predefined file subprograms.
+ Ghdl_Text_File_Elaborate : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_File_Elaborate : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Text_File_Finalize : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_File_Finalize : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Text_File_Open : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_File_Open : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Text_File_Open_Status : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_File_Open_Status : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Text_Write : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Write_Scalar : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Read_Scalar : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Text_Read_Length : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Text_File_Close : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_File_Close : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_File_Endfile : O_Dnode;
+ -- 'Image attributes.
+ Ghdl_Image_B2 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Image_E8 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Image_I32 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Image_P32 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Image_P64 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Image_F64 : O_Dnode;
+ -- 'Value attributes
+ Ghdl_Value_B2 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Value_E8 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Value_I32 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Value_P32 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Value_P64 : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Value_F64 : O_Dnode;
+ -- 'Path_Name
+ Ghdl_Get_Path_Name : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Get_Instance_Name : O_Dnode;
+ Ghdl_Elaborate : O_Dnode;
+end Trans_Decls;
diff --git a/translate/translation.adb b/translate/translation.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..786a9b299
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/translation.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,27760 @@
+-- Iir to ortho translator.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with System;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
+with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
+with Ortho_Nodes; use Ortho_Nodes;
+with Ortho_Ident; use Ortho_Ident;
+with Evaluation; use Evaluation;
+with Flags;
+with Ada.Text_IO;
+with Types; use Types;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Name_Table; -- use Name_Table;
+with Iirs_Utils; use Iirs_Utils;
+with Std_Package; use Std_Package;
+with Libraries;
+with Files_Map;
+with Std_Names;
+with Configuration;
+with Interfaces.C_Streams;
+with Sem_Names;
+with Sem;
+with Iir_Chains; use Iir_Chains;
+with Nodes;
+with GNAT.Table;
+with Canon;
+with Trans_Decls; use Trans_Decls;
+package body Translation is
+ -- Ortho type node for STD.BOOLEAN.
+ Std_Boolean_Type_Node : O_Tnode;
+ Std_Boolean_True_Node : O_Cnode;
+ Std_Boolean_False_Node : O_Cnode;
+ -- Ortho type node for string template pointer.
+ Std_String_Ptr_Node : O_Tnode;
+ Std_String_Node : O_Tnode;
+ -- Ortho type for std.integer.
+ Std_Integer_Type_Node : O_Tnode;
+ -- Ortho type for std.real.
+ Std_Real_Type_Node : O_Tnode;
+ -- Ortho type node for std.time.
+ Std_Time_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Ortho type for std.file_open_status.
+ Std_File_Open_Status_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Node for the variable containing the current filename.
+ Current_Filename_Node : O_Dnode := O_Dnode_Null;
+ -- Global declarations.
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Const_Ptr_Type_Node : O_Tnode;
+ Sizetype : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_I32_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_I64_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Real_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Constant character.
+ Char_Type_Node : O_Tnode;
+ -- Array of char.
+ Chararray_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Pointer to array of char.
+ Char_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Array of char ptr.
+ Char_Ptr_Array_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Char_Ptr_Array_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Index_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Type for a file (this is in fact a index in a private table).
+ Ghdl_File_Index_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_File_Index_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Record containing a len and string fields.
+ Ghdl_Str_Len_Type_Node : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Str_Len_Type_Len_Field : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Str_Len_Type_Str_Field : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Str_Len_Ptr_Node : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Str_Len_Array_Type_Node : O_Tnode;
+ -- Location.
+ Ghdl_Location_Type_Node : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Location_Filename_Node : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Location_Line_Node : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Location_Col_Node : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Location_Ptr_Node : O_Tnode;
+ -- Allocate memory for a block.
+ Ghdl_Alloc_Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ -- bool type.
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type : O_Tnode;
+ type Enode_Boolean_Array is array (Boolean) of O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Bool_Nodes : Enode_Boolean_Array;
+ Ghdl_Bool_False_Node : O_Cnode renames Ghdl_Bool_Nodes (False);
+ Ghdl_Bool_True_Node : O_Cnode renames Ghdl_Bool_Nodes (True);
+ Ghdl_Bool_Array_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Bool_Array_Ptr : O_Tnode;
+ -- Comparaison type.
+ Ghdl_Compare_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Compare_Lt : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Compare_Eq : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Compare_Gt : O_Cnode;
+ -- Dir type.
+ Ghdl_Dir_Type_Node : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Dir_To_Node : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Dir_Downto_Node : O_Cnode;
+ -- Signals.
+ Ghdl_Scalar_Bytes : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Value_Node : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_Node : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Last_Value_Node : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Last_Event_Node : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Last_Active_Node : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Event_Node : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Active_Node : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr_Ptr : O_Tnode;
+ type Object_Kind_Type is (Mode_Value, Mode_Signal);
+ -- Well known identifiers.
+ type Wk_Ident_Type is
+ (
+ Wkie_This, Wkie_Size, Wkie_Res, Wkie_Dir_To, Wkie_Dir_Downto,
+ Wkie_Left, Wkie_Right, Wkie_Dir, Wkie_Length, Wkie_Kind, Wkie_Dim,
+ Wkie_I, Wkie_Instance, Wkie_Arch_Instance, Wkie_Name, Wkie_Sig,
+ Wkie_Obj, Wkie_Rti, Wkie_Parent
+ );
+ type Wk_Ident_Tree_Array is array (Wk_Ident_Type) of O_Ident;
+ Wk_Idents : Wk_Ident_Tree_Array;
+ Wki_This : O_Ident renames Wk_Idents (Wkie_This);
+ Wki_Size : O_Ident renames Wk_Idents (Wkie_Size);
+ Wki_Res : O_Ident renames Wk_Idents (Wkie_Res);
+ Wki_Dir_To : O_Ident renames Wk_Idents (Wkie_Dir_To);
+ Wki_Dir_Downto : O_Ident renames Wk_Idents (Wkie_Dir_Downto);
+ Wki_Left : O_Ident renames Wk_Idents (Wkie_Left);
+ Wki_Right : O_Ident renames Wk_Idents (Wkie_Right);
+ Wki_Dir : O_Ident renames Wk_Idents (Wkie_Dir);
+ Wki_Length : O_Ident renames Wk_Idents (Wkie_Length);
+ Wki_Kind : O_Ident renames Wk_Idents (Wkie_Kind);
+ Wki_Dim : O_Ident renames Wk_Idents (Wkie_Dim);
+ Wki_I : O_Ident renames Wk_Idents (Wkie_I);
+ Wki_Instance : O_Ident renames Wk_Idents (Wkie_Instance);
+ Wki_Arch_Instance : O_Ident renames Wk_Idents (Wkie_Arch_Instance);
+ Wki_Name : O_Ident renames Wk_Idents (Wkie_Name);
+ Wki_Sig : O_Ident renames Wk_Idents (Wkie_Sig);
+ Wki_Obj : O_Ident renames Wk_Idents (Wkie_Obj);
+ Wki_Rti : O_Ident renames Wk_Idents (Wkie_Rti);
+ Wki_Parent : O_Ident renames Wk_Idents (Wkie_Parent);
+ -- ALLOCATION_KIND defines the type of memory storage.
+ -- ALLOC_STACK means the object is allocated on the local stack and
+ -- deallocated at the end of the function.
+ -- ALLOC_SYSTEM for object created during design elaboration and whose
+ -- life is infinite.
+ -- ALLOC_RETURN for unconstrained object returns by function.
+ -- ALLOC_HEAP for object created by new.
+ type Allocation_Kind is
+ (Alloc_Stack, Alloc_Return, Alloc_Heap, Alloc_System);
+ package Chap10 is
+ -- There are three data storage kind: global, local or instance.
+ -- For example, a constant can have:
+ -- * a global storage when declared inside a package. This storage
+ -- can be accessed from any point.
+ -- * a local storage when declared in a subprogram. This storage
+ -- can be accessed from the subprogram, is created when the subprogram
+ -- is called and destroy when the subprogram exit.
+ -- * an instance storage when declared inside a process. This storage
+ -- can be accessed from the process via an instance pointer, is
+ -- created during elaboration.
+ --procedure Push_Global_Factory (Storage : O_Storage);
+ --procedure Pop_Global_Factory;
+ procedure Set_Global_Storage (Storage : O_Storage);
+ -- Set the global scope handling.
+ Global_Storage : O_Storage;
+ -- Start to build an instance.
+ -- If INSTANCE_TYPE is not O_TNODE_NULL, it must be an uncompleted
+ -- record type, that will be completed.
+ procedure Push_Instance_Factory (Instance_Type : O_Tnode);
+ -- Manually add a field to the current instance being built.
+ function Add_Instance_Factory_Field (Name : O_Ident; Ftype : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Fnode;
+ -- Finish the building of the current instance and return the type
+ -- built.
+ procedure Pop_Instance_Factory (Instance_Type : out O_Tnode);
+ -- Create a new scope, in which variable are created locally
+ -- (ie, on the stack). Always created unlocked.
+ procedure Push_Local_Factory;
+ -- Destroy a local scope.
+ procedure Pop_Local_Factory;
+ -- Push_scope defines how to access to a variable stored in an instance.
+ -- Variables defined in SCOPE_TYPE can be accessed via field SCOPE_FIELD
+ -- in scope SCOPE_PARENT.
+ procedure Push_Scope (Scope_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Scope_Field : O_Fnode; Scope_Parent : O_Tnode);
+ -- Variables defined in SCOPE_TYPE can be accessed by dereferencing
+ -- fiel SCOPE_FIELD defined in SCOPE_PARENT.
+ procedure Push_Scope_Via_Field_Ptr
+ (Scope_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Scope_Field : O_Fnode; Scope_Parent : O_Tnode);
+ -- Variables/scopes defined in SCOPE_TYPE can be accessed via
+ -- dereference of parameter SCOPE_PARAM.
+ procedure Push_Scope (Scope_Type : O_Tnode; Scope_Param : O_Dnode);
+ -- No more accesses to SCOPE_TYPE are allowed.
+ -- Scopes must be poped in the reverse order they are pushed.
+ procedure Pop_Scope (Scope_Type : O_Tnode);
+ -- Same as Push_Scope/Pop_Scope, but act only if SCOPE_TYPE is not
+ -- null.
+ procedure Push_Scope_Soft (Scope_Type : O_Tnode; Scope_Param : O_Dnode);
+ procedure Pop_Scope_Soft (Scope_Type : O_Tnode);
+ pragma Inline (Push_Scope_Soft);
+ pragma Inline (Pop_Scope_Soft);
+ -- Reset the identifier.
+ type Id_Mark_Type is limited private;
+ type Local_Identifier_Type is limited private;
+ procedure Reset_Identifier_Prefix;
+ procedure Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark : out Id_Mark_Type;
+ Name : String;
+ Val : Iir_Int32 := 0);
+ procedure Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark : out Id_Mark_Type;
+ Name : Name_Id;
+ Val : Iir_Int32 := 0);
+ procedure Push_Identifier_Prefix_Uniq (Mark : out Id_Mark_Type);
+ procedure Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark : in Id_Mark_Type);
+ -- Save/restore the local identifier number; this is used by package
+ -- body, which has the same prefix as the package declaration, so it
+ -- must continue local identifiers numbers.
+ -- This is used by subprogram bodies too.
+ procedure Save_Local_Identifier (Id : out Local_Identifier_Type);
+ procedure Restore_Local_Identifier (Id : Local_Identifier_Type);
+ -- Create an identifier from IIR node ID without the prefix.
+ function Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (Id : Iir)
+ return O_Ident;
+ function Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (Id : Name_Id; Str : String)
+ return O_Ident;
+ -- Create an identifier from the current prefix.
+ function Create_Identifier return O_Ident;
+ -- Create an identifier from IIR node ID with prefix.
+ function Create_Identifier (Id : Iir; Str : String := "")
+ return O_Ident;
+ function Create_Identifier
+ (Id : Iir; Val : Iir_Int32; Str : String := "")
+ return O_Ident;
+ function Create_Identifier (Id : Name_Id; Str : String := "")
+ return O_Ident;
+ -- Create a prefixed identifier from a string.
+ function Create_Identifier (Str : String) return O_Ident;
+ -- Create an identifier for a variable.
+ -- IE, if the variable is global, prepend the prefix,
+ -- if the variable belong to an instance, no prefix is added.
+ type Var_Ident_Type is private;
+ --function Create_Var_Identifier (Id : Name_Id; Str : String)
+ -- return Var_Ident_Type;
+ function Create_Var_Identifier (Id : Iir)
+ return Var_Ident_Type;
+ function Create_Var_Identifier (Id : String)
+ return Var_Ident_Type;
+ function Create_Uniq_Identifier return Var_Ident_Type;
+ type Var_Type (<>) is limited private;
+ type Var_Acc is access Var_Type;
+ -- Create a variable in the current scope.
+ -- If the current scope is the global scope, then a variable is
+ -- created at the top level (using decl_global_storage).
+ -- If the current scope is not the global scope, then a field is added
+ -- to the current scope.
+ function Create_Var
+ (Name : Var_Ident_Type;
+ Vtype : O_Tnode;
+ Storage : O_Storage := Global_Storage)
+ return Var_Acc;
+ -- Create a global variable.
+ function Create_Global_Var
+ (Name : O_Ident; Vtype : O_Tnode; Storage : O_Storage)
+ return Var_Acc;
+ -- Create a global constant and initialize it to INITIAL_VALUE.
+ function Create_Global_Const
+ (Name : O_Ident;
+ Vtype : O_Tnode;
+ Storage : O_Storage;
+ Initial_Value : O_Cnode)
+ return Var_Acc;
+ procedure Define_Global_Const (Const : Var_Acc; Val : O_Cnode);
+ -- Return the (real) reference to a variable created by Create_Var.
+ function Get_Var (Var : Var_Acc) return O_Lnode;
+ --function Get_Var (Var : Var_Acc) return O_Dnode;
+ procedure Free_Var (Var : in out Var_Acc);
+ -- Return a reference to the instance of type ITYPE.
+ function Get_Instance_Ref (Itype : O_Tnode) return O_Lnode;
+ -- Return the address of the instance for block BLOCK.
+ function Get_Instance_Access (Block : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ -- Return the storage for the variable VAR.
+ function Get_Alloc_Kind_For_Var (Var : Var_Acc) return Allocation_Kind;
+ -- Return TRUE iff VAR is stable, ie get_var (VAR) can be referenced
+ -- several times.
+ function Is_Var_Stable (Var : Var_Acc) return Boolean;
+ -- Used only to generate RTI.
+ function Is_Var_Field (Var : Var_Acc) return Boolean;
+ function Get_Var_Field (Var : Var_Acc) return O_Fnode;
+ function Get_Var_Label (Var : Var_Acc) return O_Dnode;
+ private
+ type Local_Identifier_Type is new Natural;
+ type Id_Mark_Type is record
+ Len : Natural;
+ Local_Id : Local_Identifier_Type;
+ end record;
+ type Var_Ident_Type is record
+ Id : O_Ident;
+ end record;
+ -- Kind of variable:
+ -- VAR_GLOBAL: the variable is a global variable (static or not).
+ -- VAR_LOCAL: the variable is on the stack.
+ -- VAR_SCOPE: the variable is in the instance record.
+ type Var_Kind is (Var_Global, Var_Scope, Var_Local);
+ -- An instance contains all the data (variable, signals, constant...)
+ -- which are declared by an entity and an architecture.
+ -- (An architecture inherits the data of its entity).
+ --
+ -- The processes and implicit guard signals of an entity/architecture
+ -- are translated into functions. The first argument of these functions
+ -- is a pointer to the instance.
+ type Inst_Build_Kind_Type is (Local, Global, Instance);
+ type Inst_Build_Type (Kind : Inst_Build_Kind_Type);
+ type Inst_Build_Acc is access Inst_Build_Type;
+ type Inst_Build_Type (Kind : Inst_Build_Kind_Type) is record
+ Prev : Inst_Build_Acc;
+ Prev_Id_Start : Natural;
+ case Kind is
+ when Local =>
+ -- Previous global storage.
+ Prev_Global_Storage : O_Storage;
+ when Global =>
+ null;
+ when Instance =>
+ Elements : O_Element_List;
+ Vars : Var_Acc;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ type Var_Type (Kind : Var_Kind) is record
+ case Kind is
+ when Var_Global
+ | Var_Local =>
+ E : O_Dnode;
+ when Var_Scope =>
+ I_Field : O_Fnode;
+ I_Type : O_Tnode;
+ I_Link : Var_Acc;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ end Chap10;
+ use Chap10;
+ package Chap1 is
+ -- Declare types for block BLK
+ procedure Start_Block_Decl (Blk : Iir);
+ procedure Translate_Entity_Declaration (Entity : Iir_Entity_Declaration);
+ -- Generate code to initialize generics of instance INSTANCE of ENTITY
+ -- using the default values.
+ -- This is used when ENTITY is at the top of a design hierarchy.
+ procedure Translate_Entity_Init (Entity : Iir);
+ procedure Translate_Architecture_Declaration (Arch : Iir);
+ -- CONFIG may be one of:
+ -- * configuration_declaration
+ -- * component_configuration
+ procedure Translate_Configuration_Declaration (Config : Iir);
+ end Chap1;
+ package Chap2 is
+ -- Subprogram specification being currently translated. This is used
+ -- for the return statement.
+ Current_Subprogram : Iir := Null_Iir;
+ procedure Translate_Subprogram_Interfaces (Spec : Iir);
+ procedure Elab_Subprogram_Interfaces (Spec : Iir);
+ procedure Translate_Subprogram_Declaration (Spec : Iir);
+ procedure Translate_Subprogram_Body (Subprg : Iir);
+ -- Set the identifier prefix with the subprogram identifier and
+ -- overload number if any.
+ procedure Push_Subprg_Identifier (Spec : Iir; Mark : out Id_Mark_Type);
+-- procedure Translate_Protected_Subprogram_Declaration
+-- (Def : Iir_Protected_Type_Declaration; Spec : Iir; Block : Iir);
+ procedure Translate_Package_Declaration (Decl : Iir_Package_Declaration);
+ procedure Translate_Package_Body (Decl : Iir_Package_Body);
+ procedure Elab_Package_Body (Spec : Iir_Package_Declaration; Bod : Iir);
+ procedure Elab_Dependence (Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit);
+ -- Subprograms instances.
+ --
+ -- Subprograms declared inside entities, architecture, blocks
+ -- or processes (but not inside packages) may access to data declared
+ -- outside the subprogram (and this with a life longer than the
+ -- subprogram life). These data correspond to constants, variables,
+ -- files, signals or types. However these data are not shared between
+ -- instances of the same entity, architecture... Subprograms instances
+ -- is the way subprograms access to these data.
+ -- One subprogram instance corresponds to a record. Generally, a
+ -- subprogram has 0 or 1 instance. Subprograms of protected objects
+ -- have an additionnal instance for the variable (object).
+ --
+ -- Declare an instance to be added for subprograms.
+ -- DECL_TYPE is the type of the instance; this should be a record. This
+ -- is used by PUSH_SCOPE.
+ -- PTR_TYPE is a pointer to DECL_TYPE.
+ -- IDENT is an identifier for the interface.
+ -- DATA is a stabilized O_LNODE whose value will be passed to call to
+ -- subprograms.
+ -- Add_Subprg_Instance_Interfaces will add an interface of name IDENT
+ -- and type PTR_TYPE for every instance declared by
+ procedure Push_Subprg_Instance (Decl_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Ident : O_Ident);
+ -- Revert of the previous subprogram.
+ -- Instances must be removed in opposite order they are added.
+ procedure Pop_Subprg_Instance (Ident : O_Ident);
+ -- Since local subprograms has a direct access to its father interfaces,
+ -- they do not required instances interfaces.
+ -- These procedures are provided to temporarly disable the addition of
+ -- instances interfaces.
+ type Subprg_Instance_Stack is limited private;
+ procedure Save_Subprg_Instance (Stack : out Subprg_Instance_Stack);
+ procedure Restore_Subprg_Instance (Stack : Subprg_Instance_Stack);
+ -- Provides/removes an access to an instance.
+ -- PTR is a pointer to the instance. PTR must be stable if this
+ -- access is used several times.
+ -- SET_SUBPRG_INSTANCE must not be called twice on the same instance
+ -- unless the access to the instance has been cleared with
+ -- At the association, instances without explicit accesses are
+ -- associated with the access found in the scope.
+ --procedure Set_Subprg_Instance (Decl_Type : O_Tnode; Ptr : O_Lnode);
+ --procedure Clear_Subprg_Instance (Decl_Type : O_Tnode);
+ -- Add interfaces during the creation of a subprogram.
+ type Subprg_Instance_El is record
+ Inter : O_Dnode;
+ Inter_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Inst_Type : O_Tnode;
+ end record;
+ Null_Subprg_Instance_El : constant Subprg_Instance_El :=
+ (O_Dnode_Null, O_Tnode_Null, O_Tnode_Null);
+ type Subprg_Instance_Array is array (Natural range <>)
+ of Subprg_Instance_El;
+ procedure Add_Subprg_Instance_Interfaces
+ (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List; Vars : out Subprg_Instance_Array);
+ -- Associate values to the instance interfaces during invocation of a
+ -- subprogram.
+ procedure Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc
+ (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List; Vars : Subprg_Instance_Array);
+ procedure Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc
+ (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List;
+ Vars : Subprg_Instance_Array;
+ Inst1_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Inst1_Val : O_Enode);
+ -- To be called at the beginning and end of a subprogram body creation.
+ -- Call PUSH_SCOPE for the subprogram intances.
+ procedure Start_Subprg_Instance_Use (Vars : Subprg_Instance_Array);
+ procedure Finish_Subprg_Instance_Use (Vars : Subprg_Instance_Array);
+ subtype Instance_Inters is Subprg_Instance_Array (0 .. 1);
+ Null_Instance_Inters : constant Instance_Inters :=
+ (others => Null_Subprg_Instance_El);
+ -- Same as above, but for IIR.
+ procedure Create_Subprg_Instance (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List;
+ Subprg : Iir);
+ procedure Start_Subprg_Instance_Use (Subprg : Iir);
+ procedure Finish_Subprg_Instance_Use (Subprg : Iir);
+ private
+ type Subprg_Instance_Type;
+ type Subprg_Instance_Stack is access Subprg_Instance_Type;
+ type Subprg_Instance_Type is record
+ -- Arguments of push.
+ Decl_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ -- Double linked list.
+ Next : Subprg_Instance_Stack;
+ Prev : Subprg_Instance_Stack;
+ end record;
+ Subprg_Instance_First : Subprg_Instance_Stack := null;
+ Subprg_Instance_Last : Subprg_Instance_Stack := null;
+ Subprg_Instance_Unused : Subprg_Instance_Stack := null;
+ end Chap2;
+ package Chap5 is
+ -- Attribute specification.
+ procedure Translate_Attribute_Specification
+ (Spec : Iir_Attribute_Specification);
+ procedure Elab_Attribute_Specification
+ (Spec : Iir_Attribute_Specification);
+ -- Disconnection specification.
+ procedure Elab_Disconnection_Specification
+ (Spec : Iir_Disconnection_Specification);
+ -- Elab an unconstrained port.
+ procedure Elab_Unconstrained_Port (Port : Iir; Actual : Iir);
+ -- There are 4 cases of generic/port map:
+ -- 1) component instantiation
+ -- 2) component configuration (association of a component with an entity
+ -- / architecture)
+ -- 3) block header
+ -- 4) direct (entity + architecture or configuration) instantiation
+ --
+ -- MAPPING is the node containing the generic/port map aspects.
+ procedure Elab_Map_Aspect (Mapping : Iir; Block_Parent : Iir);
+ end Chap5;
+ package Chap8 is
+ procedure Translate_Statements_Chain (First : Iir);
+ -- Create a case branch for CHOICE.
+ -- Used by case statement and aggregates.
+ procedure Translate_Case_Choice
+ (Choice : Iir; Choice_Type : Iir; Blk : in out O_Case_Block);
+ -- Inc or dec by VAL ITERATOR according to DIR.
+ -- Used for loop statements.
+ procedure Gen_Update_Iterator (Iterator : O_Dnode;
+ Dir : Iir_Direction;
+ Val : Unsigned_64;
+ Itype : Iir);
+ end Chap8;
+ package Chap9 is
+ procedure Translate_Block_Declarations (Block : Iir; Origin : Iir);
+ procedure Translate_Block_Subprograms (Block : Iir; Base_Block : Iir);
+ procedure Elab_Block_Declarations (Block : Iir; Base_Block : Iir);
+ -- Generate code to instantiate an entity.
+ -- ASPECT must be an entity_aspect.
+ -- MAPPING must be a node with get_port/generic_map_aspect_list.
+ -- PARENT is the block in which the instantiation is done.
+ -- CONFIG_OVERRIDE, if set, is the configuration to use; if not set, the
+ -- configuration to use is determined from ASPECT.
+ procedure Translate_Entity_Instantiation
+ (Aspect : Iir; Mapping : Iir; Parent : Iir; Config_Override : Iir);
+ end Chap9;
+ package Rtis is
+ -- Run-Time Information (RTI) Kind.
+ Ghdl_Rtik : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Top : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Library : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Package : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Package_Body : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Entity : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Architecture : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Process : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Block : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_If_Generate : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_For_Generate : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Instance : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Constant : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Iterator : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Variable : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Signal : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_File : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Port : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Generic : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Alias : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Guard : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Component : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B2 : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8 : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E32 : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32 : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I64 : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_F64 : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P32 : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P64 : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Access : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Array : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Record : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_File : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Scalar : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array_Ptr : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Unconstrained_Array : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Record : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Access : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Protected : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Element : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Unit : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Transaction : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Quiet : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Stable : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Error : O_Cnode;
+ -- RTI types.
+ Ghdl_Rti_Depth : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Rti_U8 : O_Tnode;
+ -- Common node.
+ Ghdl_Rti_Common : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Rti_Common_Kind : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rti_Common_Depth : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rti_Common_Mode : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rti_Common_Max_Depth : O_Fnode;
+ -- Node accesses and arrays.
+ Ghdl_Rti_Access : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Rti_Array : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc : O_Tnode;
+ -- Location of an object.
+ Ghdl_Rti_Loc : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Rti_Loc_Offset : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rti_Loc_Address : O_Fnode;
+ -- Instance link.
+ -- This is a structure at the beginning of each entity/architecture
+ -- instance. This allow the run-time to find the parent of an instance.
+ Ghdl_Entity_Link_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- RTI for this instance.
+ Ghdl_Entity_Link_Rti : O_Fnode;
+ -- RTI of the parent, which has instancied the instance.
+ Ghdl_Entity_Link_Parent : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Component_Link_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Pointer to a Ghdl_Entity_Link_Type, which is the entity instantiated.
+ Ghdl_Component_Link_Instance : O_Fnode;
+ -- RTI for the component instantiation statement.
+ Ghdl_Component_Link_Stmt : O_Fnode;
+ -- Access to Ghdl_Entity_Link_Type.
+ Ghdl_Entity_Link_Acc : O_Tnode;
+ -- Access to a Ghdl_Component_Link_Type.
+ Ghdl_Component_Link_Acc : O_Tnode;
+ -- Generate initial rti declarations.
+ procedure Rti_Initialize;
+ -- Get address (as Ghdl_Rti_Access) of constant RTI.
+ function New_Rti_Address (Rti : O_Dnode) return O_Cnode;
+ -- Generate rtis for a library unit.
+ procedure Generate_Unit (Lib_Unit : Iir);
+ -- Generate a constant declaration for SIG; but do not set its value.
+ procedure Generate_Signal_Rti (Sig : Iir);
+ -- Generate RTI for LIB. If PUBLIC is FALSE, only generate the
+ -- declaration as external.
+ procedure Generate_Library (Lib : Iir_Library_Declaration;
+ Public : Boolean);
+ -- Generate RTI for the top of the hierarchy.
+ procedure Generate_Top (Arch : Iir);
+ -- Add two associations to ASSOC to add an rti_context for NODE.
+ procedure Associate_Rti_Context
+ (Assoc : in out O_Assoc_List; Node : Iir);
+ procedure Associate_Null_Rti_Context (Assoc : in out O_Assoc_List);
+ function Get_Context_Rti (Node : Iir) return O_Cnode;
+ function Get_Context_Addr (Node : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ end Rtis;
+ type Ortho_Info_Kind is
+ (
+ Kind_Type,
+ Kind_Incomplete_Type,
+ Kind_Expr,
+ Kind_Subprg,
+ Kind_Object,
+ Kind_Alias,
+ Kind_Iterator,
+ Kind_Interface,
+ Kind_Disconnect,
+ Kind_Process,
+ Kind_Loop,
+ Kind_Block,
+ Kind_Component,
+ Kind_Field,
+ Kind_Package,
+ Kind_Config,
+ Kind_Assoc,
+ Kind_Design_File,
+ Kind_Library
+ );
+ type O_Fnode_Arr is array (Natural range <>) of O_Fnode;
+ type O_Fnode_Arr_Acc is access O_Fnode_Arr;
+ type Ortho_Info_Type_Kind is
+ (
+ Kind_Type_Scalar,
+ Kind_Type_Array,
+ Kind_Type_Record,
+ Kind_Type_File,
+ Kind_Type_Protected
+ );
+ type O_Tnode_Array is array (Object_Kind_Type) of O_Tnode;
+ type O_Fnode_Array is array (Object_Kind_Type) of O_Fnode;
+ type O_Dnode_Array is array (Object_Kind_Type) of O_Dnode;
+ type Var_Acc_Array is array (Object_Kind_Type) of Var_Acc;
+ type Instance_Inters_Array is array (Object_Kind_Type)
+ of Chap2.Instance_Inters;
+ type Rti_Depth_Type is new Natural range 0 .. 255;
+ type Ortho_Info_Type_Type (Kind : Ortho_Info_Type_Kind := Kind_Type_Scalar)
+ is record
+ -- For all types:
+ -- This is the maximum depth of RTI, that is the max of the depth of
+ -- the type itself and every types it depends on.
+ Rti_Max_Depth : Rti_Depth_Type;
+ case Kind is
+ when Kind_Type_Scalar =>
+ -- For scalar types:
+ -- True if no need to check against low/high bound.
+ Nocheck_Low : Boolean := False;
+ Nocheck_Hi : Boolean := False;
+ -- Ortho type for the range record type.
+ Range_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Ortho type for an access to the range record type.
+ Range_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Tree for the range record declaration.
+ Range_Var : Var_Acc;
+ -- Fields of TYPE_RANGE_TYPE.
+ Range_Left : O_Fnode;
+ Range_Right : O_Fnode;
+ Range_Dir : O_Fnode;
+ Range_Length : O_Fnode;
+ when Kind_Type_Array =>
+ Base_Type : O_Tnode_Array;
+ Base_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode_Array;
+ Bounds_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Bounds_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Base_Field : O_Fnode_Array;
+ Bounds_Field : O_Fnode_Array;
+ -- Field declaration for each dimension (1 based).
+ Bounds_Vector : O_Fnode_Arr_Acc;
+ -- True if the array bounds are static.
+ Static_Bounds : Boolean;
+ -- Variable containing the bounds for a constrained array.
+ Array_Bounds : Var_Acc;
+ -- Variable containing a 1 length bound for unidimensional
+ -- unconstrained arrays.
+ Array_1bound : Var_Acc;
+ -- Variable containing the description for each index.
+ Array_Index_Desc : Var_Acc;
+ when Kind_Type_Record =>
+ -- Variable containing the description for each element.
+ Record_El_Desc : Var_Acc;
+ when Kind_Type_File =>
+ -- Constant containing the signature of the file.
+ File_Signature : O_Dnode;
+ when Kind_Type_Protected =>
+ -- Init procedure for the protected type.
+ Prot_Init_Node : O_Dnode;
+ Prot_Init_Instance : Chap2.Instance_Inters;
+ -- Final procedure.
+ Prot_Final_Node : O_Dnode;
+ Prot_Final_Instance : Chap2.Instance_Inters;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+-- Ortho_Info_Type_Scalar_Init : constant Ortho_Info_Type_Type :=
+-- (Kind => Kind_Type_Scalar,
+-- Range_Type => O_Tnode_Null,
+-- Range_Ptr_Type => O_Tnode_Null,
+-- Range_Var => null,
+-- Range_Left => O_Fnode_Null,
+-- Range_Right => O_Fnode_Null,
+-- Range_Dir => O_Fnode_Null,
+-- Range_Length => O_Fnode_Null);
+ Ortho_Info_Type_Array_Init : constant Ortho_Info_Type_Type :=
+ (Kind => Kind_Type_Array,
+ Rti_Max_Depth => 0,
+ Base_Type => (O_Tnode_Null, O_Tnode_Null),
+ Base_Ptr_Type => (O_Tnode_Null, O_Tnode_Null),
+ Bounds_Type => O_Tnode_Null,
+ Bounds_Ptr_Type => O_Tnode_Null,
+ Base_Field => (O_Fnode_Null, O_Fnode_Null),
+ Bounds_Field => (O_Fnode_Null, O_Fnode_Null),
+ Bounds_Vector => null,
+ Static_Bounds => False,
+ Array_Bounds => null,
+ Array_1bound => null,
+ Array_Index_Desc => null);
+ Ortho_Info_Type_Record_Init : constant Ortho_Info_Type_Type :=
+ (Kind => Kind_Type_Record,
+ Rti_Max_Depth => 0,
+ Record_El_Desc => null);
+ Ortho_Info_Type_File_Init : constant Ortho_Info_Type_Type :=
+ (Kind => Kind_Type_File,
+ Rti_Max_Depth => 0,
+ File_Signature => O_Dnode_Null);
+ Ortho_Info_Type_Prot_Init : constant Ortho_Info_Type_Type :=
+ (Kind => Kind_Type_Protected,
+ Rti_Max_Depth => 0,
+ Prot_Init_Node => O_Dnode_Null,
+ Prot_Init_Instance => Chap2.Null_Instance_Inters,
+ Prot_Final_Node => O_Dnode_Null,
+ Prot_Final_Instance => Chap2.Null_Instance_Inters);
+ -- Mode of the type; roughly speaking, this corresponds to its size
+ -- (for scalars) or its layout (for composite types).
+ -- Used to select library subprograms for signals.
+ type Type_Mode_Type is
+ (
+ -- Unknown mode.
+ Type_Mode_Unknown,
+ -- Boolean type, with 2 elements.
+ Type_Mode_B2,
+ -- Enumeration with at most 256 elements.
+ Type_Mode_E8,
+ -- Enumeration with more than 256 elements.
+ Type_Mode_E32,
+ -- Integer types.
+ Type_Mode_I32,
+ Type_Mode_I64,
+ -- Physical types.
+ Type_Mode_P32,
+ Type_Mode_P64,
+ -- Floating point type.
+ Type_Mode_F64,
+ -- File type.
+ Type_Mode_File,
+ -- Thin access.
+ Type_Mode_Acc,
+ -- Fat access.
+ Type_Mode_Fat_Acc,
+ -- Record.
+ Type_Mode_Record,
+ -- Protected type
+ Type_Mode_Protected,
+ -- Constrained array type (length is known at compile-time).
+ Type_Mode_Array,
+ -- Array pointer type (used for constrained array whose length is
+ -- known at run-time).
+ Type_Mode_Ptr_Array,
+ -- Fat array type (used for unconstrained array).
+ Type_Mode_Fat_Array);
+ subtype Type_Mode_Scalar is Type_Mode_Type
+ range Type_Mode_B2 .. Type_Mode_F64;
+ subtype Type_Mode_Non_Composite is Type_Mode_Type
+ range Type_Mode_B2 .. Type_Mode_Fat_Acc;
+ -- Composite types, with the vhdl meaning: record and arrays.
+ subtype Type_Mode_Composite is Type_Mode_Type
+ range Type_Mode_Record .. Type_Mode_Fat_Array;
+ -- Array types.
+ subtype Type_Mode_Arrays is Type_Mode_Type range
+ Type_Mode_Array .. Type_Mode_Fat_Array;
+ -- Thin types, ie types whose length is a scalar.
+ subtype Type_Mode_Thin is Type_Mode_Type
+ range Type_Mode_B2 .. Type_Mode_Acc;
+ -- Fat types, ie types whose length is longer than a scalar.
+ subtype Type_Mode_Fat is Type_Mode_Type
+ range Type_Mode_Fat_Acc .. Type_Mode_Fat_Array;
+ -- These parameters are passed by value, ie the argument of the subprogram
+ -- is the value of the object.
+ subtype Type_Mode_By_Value is Type_Mode_Type
+ range Type_Mode_B2 .. Type_Mode_Acc;
+ -- These parameters are passed by copy, ie a copy of the object is created
+ -- and the reference of the copy is passed. If the object will not be
+ -- modified by the subprogram, the object can be passed by reference.
+ subtype Type_Mode_By_Copy is Type_Mode_Type
+ range Type_Mode_Fat_Acc .. Type_Mode_Fat_Acc;
+ -- The parameters are passed by reference, ie the argument of the
+ -- subprogram is an address to the object.
+ subtype Type_Mode_By_Ref is Type_Mode_Type
+ range Type_Mode_Record .. Type_Mode_Fat_Array;
+ -- Additional informations for a resolving function.
+ type Subprg_Resolv_Info is record
+ Resolv_Func : O_Dnode;
+ -- Base block which the function was defined in.
+ Resolv_Block : Iir;
+ -- Parameter nodes.
+ Var_Instance : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Vals : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Vec : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Vlen : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Nbr_Drv : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Nbr_Ports : O_Dnode;
+ end record;
+ type Subprg_Resolv_Info_Acc is access Subprg_Resolv_Info;
+ -- Additional info for complex types.
+ type Complex_Type_Info is record
+ -- Variable containing the size of the type.
+ -- This is defined only for types whose size is only known at
+ -- running time (and not a compile-time).
+ Size_Var : Var_Acc_Array;
+ Builder_Need_Func : Boolean;
+ -- Parameters for type builders.
+ -- NOTE: this is only set for types (and *not* for subtypes).
+ Builder_Instance : Instance_Inters_Array;
+ Builder_Base_Param : O_Dnode_Array;
+ Builder_Bound_Param : O_Dnode_Array;
+ Builder_Func : O_Dnode_Array;
+ end record;
+ type Complex_Type_Info_Acc is access Complex_Type_Info;
+ procedure Free_Complex_Type_Info is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Complex_Type_Info, Complex_Type_Info_Acc);
+ type Assoc_Conv_Info is record
+ -- The subprogram created to do the conversion.
+ Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ -- The local base block
+ Instance_Block : Iir;
+ -- and its address.
+ Instance_Field : O_Fnode;
+ -- The instantiated entity (if any).
+ Instantiated_Entity : Iir;
+ -- and its address.
+ Instantiated_Field : O_Fnode;
+ In_Field : O_Fnode;
+ Out_Field : O_Fnode;
+ Record_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Record_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ end record;
+ type Ortho_Info_Type;
+ type Ortho_Info_Acc is access Ortho_Info_Type;
+ type Ortho_Info_Type (Kind : Ortho_Info_Kind) is record
+ case Kind is
+ when Kind_Type =>
+ -- Mode of the type.
+ Type_Mode : Type_Mode_Type := Type_Mode_Unknown;
+ -- Additionnal info for complex types.
+ C : Complex_Type_Info_Acc := null;
+ -- Ortho node which represents the type.
+ Ortho_Type : O_Tnode_Array;
+ -- Ortho pointer to the type.
+ Ortho_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode_Array;
+ -- If true, the type is (still) incomplete.
+ Type_Incomplete : Boolean := False;
+ -- Chain of temporary types to be destroyed at end of scope.
+ Type_Transient_Chain : Iir := Null_Iir;
+ -- More info according to the type.
+ T : Ortho_Info_Type_Type;
+ -- Run-time information.
+ Type_Rti : O_Dnode := O_Dnode_Null;
+ when Kind_Incomplete_Type =>
+ -- The declaration of the incomplete type.
+ Incomplete_Type : Iir;
+ Incomplete_Array : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ when Kind_Expr =>
+ -- Ortho tree which represents the expression, used for
+ -- enumeration literals.
+ Expr_Node : O_Cnode;
+ when Kind_Subprg =>
+ -- Subprogram declaration node.
+ Ortho_Func : O_Dnode;
+ -- True if the function can return a value stored in the secondary
+ -- stack. In this case, the caller must deallocate the area
+ -- allocated by the callee when the value was used.
+ Use_Stack2 : Boolean := False;
+ -- For a function:
+ -- If the return value is not composite, then this field
+ -- must be O_LNODE_NULL.
+ -- If the return value is a composite type, then the caller must
+ -- give to the callee an area to put the result. This area is
+ -- given via an (hidden to the user) interface. Furthermore,
+ -- the function is translated into a procedure.
+ -- For a procedure:
+ -- If there are copy-out interfaces, they are gathered in a
+ -- record and a pointer to the record is passed to the
+ -- procedure. RES_INTERFACE is the interface for this pointer.
+ Res_Interface : O_Dnode := O_Dnode_Null;
+ -- For a procedure with a result interface:
+ -- Type definition for the record.
+ Res_Record_Type : O_Tnode := O_Tnode_Null;
+ -- Type definition for access to the record.
+ Res_Record_Ptr : O_Tnode := O_Tnode_Null;
+ -- Instances for the subprograms.
+ Subprg_Instance : Chap2.Instance_Inters :=
+ Chap2.Null_Instance_Inters;
+ Subprg_Resolv : Subprg_Resolv_Info_Acc := null;
+ -- Local identifier number, set by spec, continued by body.
+ Subprg_Local_Id : Local_Identifier_Type;
+ -- If set, return should be converted into exit out of the
+ -- SUBPRG_EXIT loop and the value should be assigned to
+ -- SUBPRG_RESULT, if any.
+ Subprg_Exit : O_Snode := O_Snode_Null;
+ Subprg_Result : O_Dnode := O_Dnode_Null;
+ when Kind_Object =>
+ -- For constants: set when the object is defined as a constant.
+ Object_Static : Boolean;
+ -- The object itself.
+ Object_Var : Var_Acc;
+ -- RTI constant for the object.
+ Object_Rti : O_Dnode := O_Dnode_Null;
+ -- Function to compute the value of object (used for implicit
+ -- guard signal declaration).
+ Object_Function : O_Dnode;
+ when Kind_Alias =>
+ Alias_Var : Var_Acc;
+ Alias_Kind : Object_Kind_Type;
+ when Kind_Iterator =>
+ Iterator_Var : Var_Acc;
+ when Kind_Interface =>
+ -- Ortho node for the interface.
+ Interface_Node : O_Dnode;
+ -- Field of the result record for copy-out arguments of procedure.
+ Interface_Field : O_Fnode;
+ -- Type of the interface.
+ Interface_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Ortho node for the interface of the protected subprogram.
+ Interface_Protected : O_Dnode;
+ when Kind_Disconnect =>
+ -- Variable which contains the time_expression of the
+ -- disconnection specification
+ Disconnect_Var : Var_Acc;
+ when Kind_Process =>
+ -- Type of process declarations.
+ Process_Decls_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Field in the parent block for the declarations in the process.
+ Process_Parent_Field : O_Fnode;
+ -- Subprogram for the process.
+ Process_Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ -- RTI for the process.
+ Process_Rti_Const : O_Dnode := O_Dnode_Null;
+ when Kind_Loop =>
+ -- Labels for the loop.
+ -- Used for exit/next from while-loop, and to exit from for-loop.
+ Label_Exit : O_Snode;
+ -- Used to next from for-loop, with an exit statment.
+ Label_Next : O_Snode;
+ when Kind_Block =>
+ -- Instance type (ortho record) for declarations contained in the
+ -- block/entity/architecture.
+ Block_Decls_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Block_Decls_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- For Entity: field in the instance type containing link to
+ -- parent.
+ Block_Link_Field : O_Fnode;
+ -- For an entity: must be o_fnode_null.
+ -- For an architecture: the entity field.
+ -- For a block, a component or a generate block: field in the
+ -- parent instance which contains the declarations for this
+ -- block.
+ -- For a direct instantiation: link to the instance.
+ Block_Parent_Field : O_Fnode;
+ -- For a generate block: field in the block providing a chain to
+ -- the previous block (note: this may not be the parent, but
+ -- is a parent).
+ Block_Origin_Field : O_Fnode;
+ -- For an iterative block: boolean field set when the block
+ -- is configured. This is used to check if the block was already
+ -- configured since index and slice are not compelled to be
+ -- locally static.
+ Block_Configured_Field : O_Fnode;
+ -- For iterative generate block: array of instances.
+ Block_Decls_Array_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Block_Decls_Array_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Subprogram which elaborates the block (for entity or arch).
+ Block_Elab_Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ -- Size of the block instance.
+ Block_Instance_Size : O_Dnode;
+ -- RTI constant for the block.
+ Block_Rti_Const : O_Dnode := O_Dnode_Null;
+ when Kind_Component =>
+ -- Instance for the component.
+ Comp_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Comp_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Field containing a pointer to the instance link.
+ Comp_Link : O_Fnode;
+ -- RTI for the component.
+ Comp_Rti_Const : O_Dnode;
+ when Kind_Config =>
+ Config_Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ when Kind_Field =>
+ -- Node for a record element declaration.
+ Field_Node : O_Fnode_Array := (O_Fnode_Null, O_Fnode_Null);
+ when Kind_Package =>
+ -- Subprogram which elaborate the package spec/body.
+ -- External units should call the body elaborator.
+ -- The spec elaborator is called only from the body elaborator.
+ Package_Elab_Spec_Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ Package_Elab_Body_Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ -- Variable set to true when the package is elaborated.
+ Package_Elab_Var : O_Dnode;
+ -- RTI constant for the package.
+ Package_Rti_Const : O_Dnode;
+ -- Local id, set by package declaration, continued by package
+ -- body.
+ Package_Local_Id : Local_Identifier_Type;
+ when Kind_Assoc =>
+ Assoc_In : Assoc_Conv_Info;
+ Assoc_Out : Assoc_Conv_Info;
+ when Kind_Design_File =>
+ Design_Filename : O_Dnode;
+ when Kind_Library =>
+ Library_Rti_Const : O_Dnode;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ procedure Unchecked_Deallocation is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Name => Ortho_Info_Acc, Object => Ortho_Info_Type);
+ subtype Type_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Type);
+ subtype Incomplete_Type_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Incomplete_Type);
+ subtype Subprg_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Subprg);
+ subtype Object_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Object);
+ subtype Alias_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Alias);
+ subtype Proc_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Process);
+ subtype Loop_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Loop);
+ subtype Block_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Block);
+ subtype Comp_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Component);
+ subtype Field_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Field);
+ subtype Config_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Config);
+ subtype Assoc_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Assoc);
+ --subtype Inter_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Interface);
+ subtype Design_File_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Design_File);
+ subtype Library_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Library);
+ package Node_Infos is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Component_Type => Ortho_Info_Acc,
+ Table_Index_Type => Iir,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 0,
+ Table_Initial => 1024,
+ Table_Increment => 100);
+ procedure Update_Node_Infos
+ is
+ use Nodes;
+ F, L : Iir;
+ begin
+ F := Node_Infos.Last;
+ L := Nodes.Get_Last_Node;
+ Node_Infos.Set_Last (L);
+ Node_Infos.Table (F + 1 .. L) := (others => null);
+ end Update_Node_Infos;
+ procedure Set_Info (Target : Iir; Info : Ortho_Info_Acc) is
+ begin
+ if Node_Infos.Table (Target) /= null then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Node_Infos.Table (Target) := Info;
+ end Set_Info;
+ procedure Clear_Info (Target : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Node_Infos.Table (Target) := null;
+ end Clear_Info;
+ function Get_Info (Target : Iir) return Ortho_Info_Acc is
+ begin
+ return Node_Infos.Table (Target);
+ end Get_Info;
+ -- Create an ortho_info field of kind KIND for iir node TARGET, and
+ -- return it.
+ function Add_Info (Target : Iir; Kind : Ortho_Info_Kind)
+ return Ortho_Info_Acc
+ is
+ Res : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Res := new Ortho_Info_Type (Kind);
+ Set_Info (Target, Res);
+ return Res;
+ end Add_Info;
+ procedure Free_Info (Target : Iir)
+ is
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Target);
+ if Info /= null then
+ case Info.Kind is
+ when Kind_Object =>
+ Free_Var (Info.Object_Var);
+ when Kind_Alias =>
+ Free_Var (Info.Alias_Var);
+ when Kind_Iterator =>
+ Free_Var (Info.Iterator_Var);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Unchecked_Deallocation (Info);
+ Clear_Info (Target);
+ end if;
+ end Free_Info;
+ procedure Free_Type_Info (Info : in out Type_Info_Acc; Full : Boolean)
+ is
+ procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (O_Fnode_Arr, O_Fnode_Arr_Acc);
+ begin
+ case Info.T.Kind is
+ when Kind_Type_Scalar =>
+ Free_Var (Info.T.Range_Var);
+ when Kind_Type_Array =>
+ Free_Var (Info.T.Array_Bounds);
+ if Full then
+ Free (Info.T.Bounds_Vector);
+ Free_Var (Info.T.Array_1bound);
+ Free_Var (Info.T.Array_Index_Desc);
+ end if;
+ when Kind_Type_Record =>
+ if Full then
+ Free_Var (Info.T.Record_El_Desc);
+ end if;
+ when Kind_Type_File =>
+ null;
+ when Kind_Type_Protected =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ if Info.C /= null then
+ Free_Var (Info.C.Size_Var (Mode_Value));
+ Free_Var (Info.C.Size_Var (Mode_Signal));
+ Free_Complex_Type_Info (Info.C);
+ end if;
+ Unchecked_Deallocation (Info);
+ end Free_Type_Info;
+ procedure Set_Ortho_Expr (Target : Iir; Expr : O_Cnode)
+ is
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Add_Info (Target, Kind_Expr);
+ Info.Expr_Node := Expr;
+ end Set_Ortho_Expr;
+ function Get_Ortho_Expr (Target : Iir) return O_Cnode is
+ begin
+ return Get_Info (Target).Expr_Node;
+ end Get_Ortho_Expr;
+ function Get_Ortho_Type (Target : Iir; Is_Sig : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Tnode is
+ begin
+ return Get_Info (Target).Ortho_Type (Is_Sig);
+ end Get_Ortho_Type;
+ function Get_Ortho_Decl (Subprg : Iir) return O_Dnode
+ is
+ begin
+ return Get_Info (Subprg).Ortho_Func;
+ end Get_Ortho_Decl;
+ function Get_Resolv_Ortho_Decl (Func : Iir) return O_Dnode
+ is
+ begin
+ return Get_Info (Func).Subprg_Resolv.Resolv_Func;
+ end Get_Resolv_Ortho_Decl;
+ -- Return true is INFO is a type info for a composite type, ie:
+ -- * a record
+ -- * an array (fat or thin)
+ -- * a fat pointer.
+ function Is_Composite (Info : Type_Info_Acc) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (Is_Composite);
+ function Is_Composite (Info : Type_Info_Acc) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Info.Type_Mode in Type_Mode_Fat;
+ end Is_Composite;
+ -- Convert an o_lnode to an o_enode, either by taking value or address.
+ function L2e_Node (L : O_Lnode;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Enode is
+ begin
+ case Type_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Type_Mode_Scalar
+ | Type_Mode_Acc
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array
+ | Type_Mode_File =>
+ return New_Value (L);
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Acc =>
+ return New_Address (L, Type_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind));
+ when Type_Mode_Record
+ | Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Protected =>
+ return New_Address (L, Type_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind));
+ end case;
+ end L2e_Node;
+-- -- Get Lnode from a variable pointer.
+-- function Ptr2l_Node (Var_Ptr : O_Lnode; Info : Type_Info_Acc) return O_Lnode
+-- is
+-- begin
+-- case Info.Type_Mode is
+-- when Type_Mode_Fat_Array
+-- | Type_Mode_Array
+-- | Type_Mode_Record
+-- | Type_Mode_Fat_Acc =>
+-- return New_Access_Element (New_Value (Var_Ptr));
+-- when Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+-- return Var_Ptr;
+-- when others =>
+-- raise Internal_Error;
+-- end case;
+-- end Ptr2l_Node;
+-- function Get_Bounds_Ptr (Info : Type_Info_Acc) return O_Enode is
+-- begin
+-- case Info.Type_Mode is
+-- when Type_Mode_Array
+-- | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+-- return New_Address (Get_Var (Info.T.Array_Bounds),
+-- Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type);
+-- when others =>
+-- raise Internal_Error;
+-- end case;
+-- end Get_Bounds_Ptr;
+ -- In order to simplify the handling of Enode/Lnode, let's introduce
+ -- Mnode (yes, another node).
+ -- An Mnode is a typed union, containing either an Lnode or a Enode.
+ -- See Mstate for a description of the union.
+ -- The real data is contained insisde a record, so that the discriminant
+ -- can be changed.
+ type Mnode;
+ -- State of an Mmode.
+ type Mstate is
+ (
+ -- The Mnode contains an Enode, which can be either a value or a
+ -- pointer.
+ -- This Mnode can be used only once.
+ Mstate_E,
+ -- The Mnode contains an Lnode representing a value.
+ -- This Lnode can be used only once.
+ Mstate_Lv,
+ -- The Mnode contains an Lnode representing a pointer.
+ -- This Lnode can be used only once.
+ Mstate_Lp,
+ -- The Mnode contains an Dnode for a variable representing a value.
+ -- This Dnode may be used several times.
+ Mstate_Dv,
+ -- The Mnode contains an Dnode for a variable representing a pointer.
+ -- This Dnode may be used several times.
+ Mstate_Dp,
+ -- Null Mnode.
+ Mstate_Null,
+ -- The Mnode is invalid (such as already used).
+ Mstate_Bad);
+ type Mnode1 (State : Mstate := Mstate_Bad) is record
+ -- True if the object is composite (its value cannot be read directly).
+ Comp : Boolean;
+ -- Additionnal informations about the objects: kind and type.
+ K : Object_Kind_Type;
+ T : Type_Info_Acc;
+ -- Ortho type of the object.
+ Vtype : O_Tnode;
+ -- Type for a pointer to the object.
+ Ptype : O_Tnode;
+ case State is
+ when Mstate_E =>
+ E : O_Enode;
+ when Mstate_Lv =>
+ Lv : O_Lnode;
+ when Mstate_Lp =>
+ Lp : O_Lnode;
+ when Mstate_Dv =>
+ Dv : O_Dnode;
+ when Mstate_Dp =>
+ Dp : O_Dnode;
+ when Mstate_Bad
+ | Mstate_Null =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ --pragma Pack (Mnode1);
+ type Mnode is record
+ M1 : Mnode1;
+ end record;
+ -- Null Mnode.
+ Mnode_Null : constant Mnode := Mnode'(M1 => (State => Mstate_Null,
+ Comp => False,
+ K => Mode_Value,
+ Ptype => O_Tnode_Null,
+ Vtype => O_Tnode_Null,
+ T => null));
+ -- Object kind of a Mnode
+ function Get_Object_Kind (M : Mnode) return Object_Kind_Type;
+ -- Transform VAR to Mnode.
+ function Get_Var
+ (Var : Var_Acc; Vtype : Type_Info_Acc; Mode : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return Mnode;
+ -- Return a stabilized node for M.
+ -- The former M is not usuable anymore.
+ function Stabilize (M : Mnode; Can_Copy : Boolean := False) return Mnode;
+ -- Stabilize M.
+ procedure Stabilize (M : in out Mnode);
+ -- If M is not stable, create a variable containing the value of M.
+ -- M must be scalar (or access).
+ function Stabilize_Value (M : Mnode) return Mnode;
+ -- Create a temporary of type INFO and kind KIND.
+ function Create_Temp (Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type := Mode_Value)
+ return Mnode;
+ package Chap3 is
+ -- Translate the subtype of an object, since an object can define
+ -- a subtype.
+ -- This can be done only for a declaration.
+ -- DECL must have an identifier and a type.
+ procedure Translate_Object_Subtype
+ (Decl : Iir; With_Vars : Boolean := True);
+ procedure Elab_Object_Subtype (Def : Iir);
+ -- Translate the subtype of a literal.
+ -- This can be done not at declaration time, ie no variables are created
+ -- for this subtype.
+ --procedure Translate_Literal_Subtype (Def : Iir);
+ -- Translation of a type definition:
+ -- 1. Create corresponding Ortho type.
+ -- 2. Create bounds type
+ -- 3. Create bounds declaration
+ -- 4. Create bounds constructor
+ -- 5. Create type descriptor declaration
+ -- 6. Create type descriptor constructor
+ procedure Translate_Type_Definition
+ (Def : Iir; With_Vars : Boolean := True);
+ procedure Translate_Named_Type_Definition (Def : Iir; Id : Name_Id);
+ procedure Translate_Anonymous_Type_Definition
+ (Def : Iir; Transient : Boolean);
+ -- Some expressions may be evaluated several times in different
+ -- contexts. Type info created for these expressions may not be
+ -- shared between these contexts.
+ procedure Destroy_Type_Info (Atype : Iir);
+ -- Translate subprograms for types.
+ procedure Translate_Type_Subprograms (Decl : Iir);
+ procedure Create_Type_Definition_Type_Range (Def : Iir);
+ function Create_Static_Array_Subtype_Bounds
+ (Def : Iir_Array_Subtype_Definition)
+ return O_Cnode;
+ -- Same as Translate_type_definition only for std.standard.boolean and
+ -- std.standard.bit.
+ procedure Translate_Bool_Type_Definition (Def : Iir);
+ procedure Call_Ghdl_Protected_Procedure (Type_Def : Iir; Proc : O_Dnode);
+ procedure Translate_Protected_Type_Body (Bod : Iir);
+ procedure Translate_Protected_Type_Body_Subprograms (Bod : Iir);
+ -- Translate_type_definition_Elab do 4 and 6.
+ -- It generates code to do type elaboration.
+ procedure Elab_Type_Declaration (Decl : Iir);
+ procedure Elab_Subtype_Declaration (Decl : Iir_Subtype_Declaration);
+ -- Builders.
+ -- A complex type is a type whose size is not locally static.
+ --
+ -- The most simple example is an unidimensionnl array whose range
+ -- depends on generics.
+ --
+ -- We call first order complex type any array whose bounds are not
+ -- locally static and whose sub-element size is locally static.
+ --
+ -- First order complex type objects are represented by a pointer to an
+ -- array of sub-element, and the storage area for the array is
+ -- allocated at run-time.
+ --
+ -- Since a sub-element type may be a complex type, a type may be
+ -- complex because one of its sub-element type is complex.
+ -- EG, a record type whose one element is a complex array.
+ --
+ -- A type may be complex either because it is a first order complex
+ -- type (ie an array whose bounds are not locally static) or because
+ -- one of its sub-element type is such a type (this is recursive).
+ --
+ -- We call second order complex type a complex type that is not of first
+ -- order.
+ -- We call third order complex type a second order complex type which is
+ -- an array whose bounds are not locally static.
+ --
+ -- In a complex type, sub-element of first order complex type are
+ -- represented by a pointer.
+ -- Any complex type object (constant, signal, variable, port, generic)
+ -- is represented by a pointer.
+ --
+ -- Creation of a second or third order complex type object consists in
+ -- allocating the memory and building the object.
+ -- Building a object consists in setting internal pointers.
+ --
+ -- A complex type has always a non-null INFO.C, and its size is computed
+ -- during elaboration.
+ --
+ -- For a second or third order complex type, INFO.C.BUILDER_NEED_FUNC
+ -- is set to TRUE.
+ -- Call builder for variable pointed VAR of type VAR_TYPE.
+ procedure Gen_Call_Type_Builder (Var : Mnode; Var_Type : Iir);
+ -- Build variable given by GET_FIELD_LNODE: ie set internals
+ -- fields.
+ generic
+ with function Get_Field_Lnode return O_Lnode;
+ procedure Builder_Update_Field
+ (Field_Type : Iir; Mem : O_Dnode; Kind : Object_Kind_Type);
+ -- Functions for fat array.
+ -- Fat array are array whose size is not known at compilation time.
+ -- This corresponds to an unconstrained array or a non locally static
+ -- constrained array.
+ -- A fat array is a structure containing 2 fields:
+ -- * base: a pointer to the data of the array.
+ -- * bounds: a pointer to a structure containing as many fields as
+ -- number of dimensions; these fields are a structure describing the
+ -- range of the dimension.
+ -- Index array BASE of type ATYPE with INDEX.
+ -- INDEX must be of type ghdl_index_type, thus no bounds checks are
+ -- performed.
+ function Index_Base (Base : Mnode; Atype : Iir; Index : O_Enode)
+ return Mnode;
+ -- Get the length of the array.
+ function Get_Array_Length (Arr : Mnode; Atype : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ function Get_Array_Type_Length (Atype : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ -- Get the base of array ARR.
+ function Get_Array_Base (Arr : Mnode) return Mnode;
+ -- Get the bounds of array ARR.
+ function Get_Array_Bounds (Arr : Mnode) return Mnode;
+ -- Get the range ot ATYPE.
+ function Type_To_Range (Atype : Iir) return Mnode;
+ -- Get length of range R.
+ function Range_To_Length (R : Mnode) return Mnode;
+ -- Get direction of range R.
+ function Range_To_Dir (R : Mnode) return Mnode;
+ -- Get left/right bounds for range R.
+ function Range_To_Left (R : Mnode) return Mnode;
+ function Range_To_Right (R : Mnode) return Mnode;
+ -- Get range for dimension DIM (1 based) of array bounds B or type
+ -- ATYPE.
+ function Bounds_To_Range (B : Mnode; Atype : Iir; Dim : Positive)
+ return Mnode;
+ -- Get the range of dimension DIM (1 based) of array ARR of type ATYPE.
+ function Get_Array_Range (Arr : Mnode; Atype : Iir; Dim : Positive)
+ return Mnode;
+ -- Get array bounds for type ATYPE.
+ function Get_Array_Type_Bounds (Atype : Iir) return Mnode;
+ -- PTR must be a variable pointing to a bounds of type ATYPE.
+ function Get_Bounds_Ptr_Length (Ptr : O_Dnode; Atype : Iir)
+ return O_Enode;
+ -- Return the a pointer to the array base from variable PTR
+ -- containing a pointer to array.
+ function Get_Array_Ptr_Base_Ptr
+ (Ptr : O_Lnode; Atype : Iir; Is_Sig : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Lnode;
+ -- Return pointer to range DIM of array pointed by PTR.
+ function Get_Array_Ptr_Range_Ptr (Ptr : O_Lnode;
+ Array_Type : Iir;
+ Dim : Natural;
+ Is_Sig : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Enode;
+ function Get_Array_Bounds_Ptr
+ (Arr : O_Lnode; Arr_Type : Iir; Is_Sig : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Enode;
+ -- Return the bounds field of a fat array from variable PTR containing a
+ -- pointer to a fat array.
+ function Get_Array_Ptr_Bounds_Ptr
+ (Ptr : O_Lnode; Atype : Iir; Is_Sig : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Enode;
+ -- Deallocate OBJ.
+ procedure Gen_Deallocate (Obj : O_Enode);
+ -- Performs deallocation of PARAM (the parameter of a deallocate call).
+ procedure Translate_Object_Deallocation (Param : Iir);
+ -- Allocate an object of type OBJ_TYPE and set RES.
+ -- RES must be a stable access of type ortho_ptr_type.
+ -- For an unconstrained array, BOUNDS is a pointer to the boundaries of
+ -- the object, which are copied.
+ procedure Translate_Object_Allocation
+ (Res : in out Mnode;
+ Alloc_Kind : Allocation_Kind;
+ Obj_Type : Iir;
+ Bounds : O_Enode);
+ -- Copy SRC to DEST.
+ -- Both have the same type, OTYPE.
+ -- Furthermore, arrays are of the same length.
+ procedure Translate_Object_Copy
+ (Dest : Mnode; Src : O_Enode; Obj_Type : Iir);
+ -- Get size (in bytes with type ghdl_index_type) of object OBJ.
+ -- For an unconstrained array, OBJ must be really an object, otherwise,
+ -- it may be a null_mnode, created by T2M.
+ function Get_Object_Size (Obj : Mnode; Obj_Type : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ -- Allocate the base of a fat array, whose length is determined from
+ -- the bounds.
+ -- RES_PTR is a pointer to the fat pointer (must be a variable that
+ -- can be referenced several times).
+ -- ARR_TYPE is the type of the array.
+ procedure Allocate_Fat_Array_Base (Alloc_Kind : Allocation_Kind;
+ Res : Mnode;
+ Arr_Type : Iir);
+ -- Create the bounds for SUB_TYPE.
+ -- SUB_TYPE is expected to be a non-static, anonymous array type.
+ procedure Create_Array_Subtype (Sub_Type : Iir; Transient : Boolean);
+ -- Return TRUE if VALUE is not is the range specified by ATYPE.
+ -- VALUE must be stable.
+ function Not_In_Range (Value : O_Dnode; Atype : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ -- Return TRUE if base type of ATYPE is larger than its bounds, ie
+ -- if a value of type ATYPE may be out of range.
+ function Need_Range_Check (Atype : Iir) return Boolean;
+ -- Generate an error if VALUE (computed from EXPR which may be NULL_IIR
+ -- if not from a tree) is not in range specified by ATYPE.
+ procedure Check_Range (Value : O_Dnode; Expr : Iir; Atype : Iir);
+ -- Check bounds length of L match bounds length of R.
+ -- If L_TYPE (resp. R_TYPE) is not a thin array, then L_NODE
+ -- (resp. R_NODE) are not used (and may be o_lnode_null).
+ -- If L_TYPE (resp. T_TYPE) is a fat array, then L_NODE (resp. R_NODE)
+ -- must be a variable pointing to the array.
+ procedure Check_Array_Match (L_Type : Iir;
+ L_Node : O_Lnode;
+ L_Mode : Object_Kind_Type;
+ R_Type : Iir;
+ R_Node : O_Lnode;
+ R_Mode : Object_Kind_Type;
+ Loc : Iir);
+ -- Create a subtype range to be stored into the location pointed by
+ -- RANGE_PTR from length LENGTH, which is of type INDEX_TYPE.
+ -- This is done according to rules 7.2.4 of LRM93, ie:
+ -- direction and left bound of the range is the same of INDEX_TYPE.
+ -- LENGTH and RANGE_PTR are variables.
+ procedure Create_Range_From_Length
+ (Index_Type : Iir; Length : O_Dnode; Range_Ptr : O_Dnode);
+ end Chap3;
+ package Chap4 is
+ -- Translate of a type declaration corresponds to the translation of
+ -- its definition.
+ procedure Translate_Type_Declaration (Decl : Iir);
+ procedure Translate_Anonymous_Type_Declaration (Decl : Iir);
+ procedure Translate_Subtype_Declaration (Decl : Iir_Subtype_Declaration);
+ procedure Translate_Bool_Type_Declaration (Decl : Iir_Type_Declaration);
+ -- Translate declaration DECL, which must not be a subprogram
+ -- specification.
+ procedure Translate_Declaration (Decl : Iir);
+ -- Translate declarations, except subprograms spec and bodies.
+ procedure Translate_Declaration_Chain (Parent : Iir);
+ -- Translate subprograms in declaration chain of PARENT.
+ -- For a global subprograms belonging to an instance (ie, subprograms
+ -- declared in a block, entity or architecture), BLOCK is the info
+ -- for the base block to which the subprograms belong; null if none;
+ -- It is used to add an instance parameter.
+ procedure Translate_Declaration_Chain_Subprograms
+ (Parent : Iir; Block : Iir);
+ -- Create subprograms for type/function conversion of signal
+ -- associations.
+ -- ENTITY is the entity instantiated, which can be either
+ -- an entity_declaration (for component configuration or direct
+ -- component instantiation), a component declaration (for a component
+ -- instantiation) or Null_Iir (for a block header).
+ procedure Translate_Association_Subprograms
+ (Assoc_Chain : Iir; Base_Block : Iir; Entity : Iir);
+ -- Elaborate In/Out_Conversion for ASSOC (signals only).
+ -- NDEST is the data structure to be registered.
+ procedure Elab_In_Conversion (Assoc : Iir; Ndest : out Mnode);
+ procedure Elab_Out_Conversion (Assoc : Iir; Ndest : out Mnode);
+ -- Create code to elaborate declarations.
+ -- NEED_FINAL is set when at least one declaration needs to be
+ -- finalized (eg: file declaration, protected objects).
+ procedure Elab_Declaration_Chain
+ (Parent : Iir; Need_Final : out Boolean);
+ -- Finalize declarations.
+ procedure Final_Declaration_Chain (Parent : Iir; Deallocate : Boolean);
+ -- Translate port or generic declarations of PARENT.
+ procedure Translate_Port_Chain (Parent : Iir);
+ procedure Translate_Generic_Chain (Parent : Iir);
+ -- Elaborate signal subtypes and allocate the storage for the object.
+ procedure Elab_Signal_Declaration_Storage (Decl : Iir);
+ -- Create signal object.
+ -- Note: DECL can be a signal sub-element (used when signals are
+ -- collapsed).
+ -- If CHECK_NULL is TRUE, create the signal only if it was not yet
+ -- created.
+ -- PARENT is used to link the signal to its parent by rti.
+ procedure Elab_Signal_Declaration_Object
+ (Decl : Iir; Parent : Iir; Check_Null : Boolean);
+ -- Generate code to create object OBJ and initialize it with value VAL.
+ procedure Elab_Object_Value (Obj : Iir; Value : Iir);
+ -- Allocate the storage for OBJ, if necessary.
+ procedure Elab_Object_Storage (Obj : Iir);
+ -- Initialize NAME/OBJ with VALUE.
+ procedure Elab_Object_Init (Name : Mnode; Obj : Iir; Value : Iir);
+ -- Get the ortho type for an object of type TINFO.
+ function Get_Object_Type (Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc; Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Tnode;
+ -- Get the ortho type for an element of type TINFO.
+ function Get_Element_Type (Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Tnode;
+ -- Allocate (and build) a complex object of type OBJ_TYPE.
+ -- VAR is the object to be allocated.
+ procedure Allocate_Complex_Object (Obj_Type : Iir;
+ Alloc_Kind : Allocation_Kind;
+ Var : in out Mnode);
+ --function Translate_Interface_Declaration
+ -- (Decl : Iir; Subprg : Iir) return Tree;
+ -- Create a record that describe thes location of an IIR node and
+ -- returns the address of it.
+ function Get_Location (N : Iir) return O_Dnode;
+ -- Set default value to OBJ.
+ procedure Init_Object (Obj : Mnode; Obj_Type : Iir);
+ end Chap4;
+ package Chap6 is
+ -- Translate NAME.
+ -- RES contains a lnode for the result. This is the object.
+ -- RES can be a tree, so it may be referenced only once.
+ -- SIG is true if RES is a signal object.
+ function Translate_Name (Name : Iir) return Mnode;
+ -- Same as Translate_Name, but only for formal names.
+ -- If SCOPE_TYPE and SCOPE_PARAM are not null, use them for the scope
+ -- of the base name.
+ -- Indeed, for recursive instantiation, NAME can designates the actual
+ -- and the formal.
+-- function Translate_Formal_Name (Scope_Type : O_Tnode;
+-- Scope_Param : O_Lnode;
+-- Name : Iir)
+-- return Mnode;
+ -- Get record element EL of PREFIX.
+ function Translate_Selected_Element (Prefix : Mnode;
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration)
+ return Mnode;
+-- -- Get direction/length/left bound/right bound of dimension DIM of
+-- -- array ARR whose type if ARR_TYPE.
+-- -- For a thin array, ARR is the array;
+-- -- For a fat array, ARR is the fat array (ie the record with base and
+-- -- bounds pointer) and not a pointer.
+-- function Get_Array_Bound_Dir (Arr : O_Lnode;
+-- Arr_Type : Iir;
+-- Dim : Natural;
+-- Is_Sig : Object_Kind_Type)
+-- return O_Enode;
+ function Get_Array_Bound_Length (Arr : O_Lnode;
+ Arr_Type : Iir;
+ Dim : Natural;
+ Is_Sig : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Enode;
+ function Get_Array_Ptr_Bound_Length (Ptr : O_Lnode;
+ Arr_Type : Iir;
+ Dim : Natural;
+ Is_Sig : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Enode;
+-- function Get_Array_Bound_Left (Arr : O_Lnode;
+-- Arr_Type : Iir;
+-- Dim : Natural;
+-- Is_Sig : Object_Kind_Type)
+-- return O_Enode;
+-- function Get_Array_Bound_Right (Arr : O_Lnode;
+-- Arr_Type : Iir;
+-- Dim : Natural;
+-- Is_Sig : Object_Kind_Type)
+-- return O_Enode;
+ -- Extract from fat array FAT_ARRAY the range corresponding to dimension
+ -- DIM.
+ function Fat_Array_To_Range (Fat_Array : O_Lnode;
+ Array_Type : Iir;
+ Dim : Natural;
+ Is_Sig : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Lnode;
+ procedure Gen_Bound_Error (Loc : Iir);
+ -- Generate code to emit a program error.
+ procedure Gen_Program_Error (Loc : Iir);
+ -- Generate code to emit a failure if COND is TRUE, indicating an
+ -- index violation for dimension DIM of an array. LOC is usually
+ -- the expression which has computed the index and is used only for
+ -- its location.
+ procedure Check_Bound_Error (Cond : O_Enode; Loc : Iir; Dim : Natural);
+ -- Get the offset in the range pointed by RANGE_PTR of INDEX.
+ -- This checks INDEX belongs to the range.
+ function Translate_Index_To_Offset (Range_Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ Index : O_Enode;
+ Index_Type : Iir;
+ Loc : Iir)
+ return O_Enode;
+ end Chap6;
+ package Chap7 is
+ -- Generic function to extract a value from a signal.
+ generic
+ with function Read_Value (Sig : O_Enode; Sig_Type : Iir)
+ return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_Signal_Value (Sig : O_Enode; Sig_Type : Iir)
+ return O_Enode;
+ -- Extract the effective value of SIG.
+ function Translate_Signal_Effective_Value (Sig : O_Enode; Sig_Type : Iir)
+ return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_Signal_Driving_Value (Sig : O_Enode; Sig_Type : Iir)
+ return O_Enode;
+ -- Directly set the effective value of SIG with VAL.
+ -- Used only by conversion.
+ procedure Set_Effective_Value
+ (Sig : Mnode; Sig_Type : Iir; Val : Mnode);
+ procedure Set_Driving_Value
+ (Sig : Mnode; Sig_Type : Iir; Val : Mnode);
+ -- Translate expression EXPR into ortho tree.
+ function Translate_Expression (Expr : Iir; Rtype : Iir := Null_Iir)
+ return O_Enode;
+ -- Translate call to function IMP.
+ -- ASSOC_CHAIN is the chain of a associations for this call.
+ -- OBJ, if not NULL_IIR is the protected object.
+ function Translate_Function_Call
+ (Imp : Iir; Assoc_Chain : Iir; Obj : Iir)
+ return O_Enode;
+ -- Translate range and return an lvalue containing the range.
+ -- The node returned can be used only one time.
+ function Translate_Range (Arange : Iir; Range_Type : Iir)
+ return O_Lnode;
+ -- Translate range expression EXPR and store the result into the node
+ -- pointed by RES_PTR, of type RANGE_TYPE.
+ procedure Translate_Range_Ptr
+ (Res_Ptr : O_Dnode; Arange : Iir; Range_Type : Iir);
+ function Translate_Static_Range (Arange : Iir; Range_Type : Iir)
+ return O_Cnode;
+ -- Same as Translate_Range_Ptr, but for a discrete range (ie: ARANGE
+ -- can be a discrete subtype indication).
+ procedure Translate_Discrete_Range_Ptr (Res_Ptr : O_Dnode; Arange : Iir);
+ -- Return TRUE iff constant declaration DECL can be staticly defined.
+ -- This is of course true if its expression is a locally static literal,
+ -- but can be true in a few cases for aggregates.
+ -- This function belongs to Translation, since it is defined along
+ -- with the translate_static_aggregate procedure.
+ function Is_Static_Constant (Decl : Iir_Constant_Declaration)
+ return Boolean;
+ -- Translate the static expression EXPR into an ortho expression whose
+ -- type must be RES_TYPE. Therefore, an implicite conversion might
+ -- occurs.
+ function Translate_Static_Expression (Expr : Iir; Res_Type : Iir)
+ return O_Cnode;
+ function Translate_Numeric_Literal (Expr : Iir; Res_Type : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Cnode;
+ -- Convert (if necessary) EXPR of type EXPR_TYPE to type ATYPE.
+ function Translate_Implicit_Conv
+ (Expr : O_Enode;
+ Expr_Type : Iir;
+ Atype : Iir;
+ Is_Sig : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_Type_Conversion
+ (Expr : O_Enode; Expr_Type : Iir; Res_Type : Iir; Loc : Iir)
+ return O_Enode;
+ -- Convert range EXPR into ortho tree.
+ -- If RANGE_TYPE /= NULL_IIR, convert bounds to RANGE_TYPE.
+ --function Translate_Range (Expr : Iir; Range_Type : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_Static_Range_Left
+ (Expr : Iir; Range_Type : Iir := Null_Iir)
+ return O_Cnode;
+ function Translate_Static_Range_Right
+ (Expr : Iir; Range_Type : Iir := Null_Iir)
+ return O_Cnode;
+ function Translate_Static_Range_Dir (Expr : Iir) return O_Cnode;
+ function Translate_Static_Range_Length (Expr : Iir) return O_Cnode;
+ -- These functions evaluates left bound/right bound/length of the
+ -- range expression EXPR.
+ function Translate_Range_Expression_Left (Expr : Iir;
+ Range_Type : Iir := Null_Iir)
+ return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_Range_Expression_Right (Expr : Iir;
+ Range_Type : Iir := Null_Iir)
+ return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_Range_Expression_Length (Expr : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ -- Get the length of any range expression (ie maybe an attribute).
+ function Translate_Range_Length (Expr : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ -- Assign AGGR to TARGET of type TARGET_TYPE.
+ procedure Translate_Aggregate
+ (Target : Mnode; Target_Type : Iir; Aggr : Iir);
+ -- Translate implicit functions defined by a type.
+ type Implicit_Subprogram_Infos is private;
+ procedure Init_Implicit_Subprogram_Infos
+ (Infos : out Implicit_Subprogram_Infos);
+ procedure Translate_Implicit_Subprogram
+ (Subprg : Iir; Infos : in out Implicit_Subprogram_Infos);
+ -- Assign EXPR to TARGET.
+ -- FIXME: do the checks.
+ procedure Translate_Assign
+ (Target : Mnode; Expr : Iir; Target_Type : Iir);
+ procedure Translate_Assign
+ (Target : Mnode; Val: O_Enode; Expr : Iir; Target_Type : Iir);
+ -- Find the declaration of the predefined function IMP in type
+ -- definition BASE_TYPE.
+ function Find_Predefined_Function
+ (Base_Type : Iir; Imp : Iir_Predefined_Functions)
+ return Iir;
+ function Translate_Lib_Operator (Left, Right : O_Enode; Func : O_Dnode)
+ return O_Enode;
+ private
+ type Implicit_Subprogram_Infos is record
+ Arr_Eq_Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ Rec_Eq_Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ Arr_Cmp_Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ Arr_Concat_Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ Arr_Shl_Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ Arr_Sha_Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ Arr_Rot_Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ end record;
+ end Chap7;
+ package Chap14 is
+ function Translate_Array_Attribute_To_Range (Expr : Iir) return Mnode;
+ -- Read signal value FIELD of signal SIG.
+ function Get_Signal_Value_Field
+ (Sig : O_Enode; Sig_Type : Iir; Field : O_Fnode)
+ return O_Lnode;
+ function Translate_Length_Array_Attribute (Expr : Iir; Rtype : Iir)
+ return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_Low_Array_Attribute (Expr : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_High_Array_Attribute (Expr : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_Range_Array_Attribute (Expr : Iir) return O_Lnode;
+ function Translate_Right_Array_Attribute (Expr : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_Left_Array_Attribute (Expr : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_Ascending_Array_Attribute (Expr : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ -- Return the value of the left bound/right bound/direction of scalar
+ -- type ATYPE.
+ function Translate_Left_Type_Attribute (Atype : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_Right_Type_Attribute (Atype : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_Dir_Type_Attribute (Atype : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_High_Type_Attribute (Atype : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_Low_Type_Attribute (Atype : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_Val_Attribute (Attr : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_Pos_Attribute (Attr : Iir; Res_Type : Iir)
+ return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_Succ_Pred_Attribute (Attr : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_Image_Attribute (Attr : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_Value_Attribute (Attr : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_Event_Attribute (Attr : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_Active_Attribute (Attr : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_Last_Value_Attribute (Attr : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_Last_Time_Attribute (Prefix : Iir; Field : O_Fnode)
+ return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_Driving_Value_Attribute (Attr : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_Driving_Attribute (Attr : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_Path_Instance_Name_Attribute (Attr : Iir)
+ return O_Enode;
+ end Chap14;
+ package Helpers is
+ -- Return the value of field FIELD of lnode L that is contains
+ -- a pointer to a record.
+ -- This is equivalent to:
+ -- new_value (new_selected_element (new_access_element (new_value (l)),
+ -- field))
+ function New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (L : O_Lnode; Field : O_Fnode)
+ return O_Enode;
+ function New_Selected_Acc_Value (L : O_Lnode; Field : O_Fnode)
+ return O_Lnode;
+ function New_Indexed_Acc_Value (L : O_Lnode; I : O_Enode) return O_Lnode;
+ -- Equivalent to new_access_element (new_value (l))
+ function New_Acc_Value (L : O_Lnode) return O_Lnode;
+ -- Copy a fat pointer.
+ -- D and S are stabilized fat pointers.
+ procedure Copy_Fat_Pointer (D : Mnode; S: Mnode);
+ -- Copy a fat access.
+ -- D and S are variable containing address of the fat pointer.
+ -- PTR_TYPE is the type of the fat access.
+ procedure Copy_Fat_Access (D : O_Dnode; S : O_Dnode; Ptr_Type : Iir);
+ -- Generate code to initialize a ghdl_index_type variable V to 0.
+ procedure Init_Var (V : O_Dnode);
+ -- Generate code to increment/decrement a ghdl_index_type variable V.
+ procedure Inc_Var (V : O_Dnode);
+ --procedure Dec_Var (V : O_Lnode);
+ -- Generate code to exit from loop LABEL iff COND is true.
+ procedure Gen_Exit_When (Label : O_Snode; Cond : O_Enode);
+ -- Create a uniq identifier.
+ function Create_Uniq_Identifier return O_Ident;
+ -- Create a region for temporary variables.
+ procedure Open_Temp;
+ -- Create a temporary variable.
+ function Create_Temp (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Dnode;
+ -- Create a temporary variable of ATYPE and initialize it with VALUE.
+ function Create_Temp_Init (Atype : O_Tnode; Value : O_Enode)
+ return O_Dnode;
+ -- Create a temporary variable of ATYPE and initialize it with the
+ -- address of NAME.
+ function Create_Temp_Ptr (Atype : O_Tnode; Name : O_Lnode)
+ return O_Dnode;
+ -- Create a temporary variable for ATYPE and assign it with address
+ -- of NAME.
+ function Create_Temp_Ptr
+ (Atype : Iir; Name : O_Lnode; Is_Sig : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Dnode;
+ -- Create a mark in the temporary region for the stack2.
+ -- FIXME: maybe a flag must be added to CLOSE_TEMP where it is known
+ -- stack2 can be released.
+ procedure Create_Temp_Stack2_Mark;
+ -- Add ATYPE in the chain of types to be destroyed at the end of the
+ -- temp scope.
+ procedure Add_Transient_Type_In_Temp (Atype : Iir);
+ -- Close the temporary region.
+ procedure Close_Temp;
+ -- Free all old temp.
+ -- Used only to free memory.
+ procedure Free_Old_Temp;
+ -- Create a constant (of name ID) for string STR.
+ -- Append a NUL terminator (to make interfaces with C easier).
+ function Create_String (Str : String; Id : O_Ident) return O_Dnode;
+ function Create_String (Str : String; Id : O_Ident; Storage : O_Storage)
+ return O_Dnode;
+ function Create_String (Str : Name_Id; Id : O_Ident; Storage : O_Storage)
+ return O_Dnode;
+ function Create_String_Len (Str : String; Id : O_Ident) return O_Cnode;
+ procedure Gen_Memcpy (Dest : O_Enode; Src : O_Enode; Length : O_Enode);
+ -- Allocate SIZE bytes aligned on the biggest alignment and return a
+ -- pointer of type PTYPE.
+ function Gen_Alloc
+ (Kind : Allocation_Kind; Size : O_Enode; Ptype : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Enode;
+ -- Allocate on the heap LENGTH bytes aligned on the biggest alignment,
+ -- and returns a pointer of type PTYPE.
+ --function Gen_Malloc (Length : O_Enode; Ptype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode;
+ -- Handle a composite type TARG/TARG_TYPE and apply DO_NON_COMPOSITE
+ -- on each non composite type.
+ -- There is a generic parameter DATA which may be updated
+ -- before indexing an array by UPDATE_DATA_ARRAY.
+ generic
+ type Data_Type is private;
+ type Composite_Data_Type is private;
+ with procedure Do_Non_Composite (Targ : Mnode;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Data : Data_Type);
+ -- This function should extract the base of DATA.
+ with function Prepare_Data_Array (Targ : Mnode;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Data : Data_Type)
+ return Composite_Data_Type;
+ -- This function should index DATA.
+ with function Update_Data_Array (Data : Composite_Data_Type;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Index : O_Dnode)
+ return Data_Type;
+ -- This function is called at the end of a record process.
+ with procedure Finish_Data_Array (Data : in out Composite_Data_Type);
+ -- This function should stabilize DATA.
+ with function Prepare_Data_Record (Targ : Mnode;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Data : Data_Type)
+ return Composite_Data_Type;
+ -- This function should extract field EL of DATA.
+ with function Update_Data_Record (Data : Composite_Data_Type;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration)
+ return Data_Type;
+ -- This function is called at the end of a record process.
+ with procedure Finish_Data_Record (Data : in out Composite_Data_Type);
+ procedure Foreach_Non_Composite (Targ : Mnode;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Data : Data_Type);
+ -- Call a procedure (DATA_TYPE) for each signal of TARG.
+ procedure Register_Signal
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Proc : O_Dnode);
+ -- Call PROC for each scalar signal of list LIST.
+ procedure Register_Signal_List (List : Iir_List; Proc : O_Dnode);
+ -- Often used subprograms for Foreach_non_composite
+ -- when DATA_TYPE is o_enode.
+ function Gen_Oenode_Prepare_Data_Composite
+ (Targ: Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Val : O_Enode)
+ return Mnode;
+ function Gen_Oenode_Update_Data_Array (Val : Mnode;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Index : O_Dnode)
+ return O_Enode;
+ function Gen_Oenode_Update_Data_Record
+ (Val : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; El : Iir_Element_Declaration)
+ return O_Enode;
+ procedure Gen_Oenode_Finish_Data_Composite (Data : in out Mnode);
+ type Hexstr_Type is array (Integer range 0 .. 15) of Character;
+ N2hex : constant Hexstr_Type := "0123456789abcdef";
+ function Get_Line_Number (Target: Iir) return Natural;
+ private
+ end Helpers;
+ use Helpers;
+ function Get_Type_Info (M : Mnode) return Type_Info_Acc is
+ begin
+ return M.M1.T;
+ end Get_Type_Info;
+ function Get_Object_Kind (M : Mnode) return Object_Kind_Type is
+ begin
+ return M.M1.K;
+ end Get_Object_Kind;
+ function E2M (E : O_Enode; T : Type_Info_Acc; Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return Mnode is
+ begin
+ return Mnode'(M1 => (State => Mstate_E,
+ Comp => T.Type_Mode in Type_Mode_Fat,
+ K => Kind, T => T, E => E,
+ Vtype => T.Ortho_Type (Kind),
+ Ptype => T.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind)));
+ end E2M;
+ function Lv2M (L : O_Lnode; T : Type_Info_Acc; Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return Mnode is
+ begin
+ return Mnode'(M1 => (State => Mstate_Lv,
+ Comp => T.Type_Mode in Type_Mode_Fat,
+ K => Kind, T => T, Lv => L,
+ Vtype => T.Ortho_Type (Kind),
+ Ptype => T.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind)));
+ end Lv2M;
+ function Lv2M (L : O_Lnode;
+ Comp : Boolean;
+ Vtype : O_Tnode;
+ Ptype : O_Tnode;
+ T : Type_Info_Acc; Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return Mnode is
+ begin
+ return Mnode'(M1 => (State => Mstate_Lv,
+ Comp => Comp,
+ K => Kind, T => T, Lv => L,
+ Vtype => Vtype, Ptype => Ptype));
+ end Lv2M;
+ function Lp2M (L : O_Lnode; T : Type_Info_Acc; Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return Mnode is
+ begin
+ return Mnode'(M1 => (State => Mstate_Lp,
+ Comp => T.Type_Mode in Type_Mode_Fat,
+ K => Kind, T => T, Lp => L,
+ Vtype => T.Ortho_Type (Kind),
+ Ptype => T.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind)));
+ end Lp2M;
+ function Lp2M (L : O_Lnode;
+ T : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type;
+ Vtype : O_Tnode;
+ Ptype : O_Tnode)
+ return Mnode is
+ begin
+ return Mnode'(M1 => (State => Mstate_Lp,
+ Comp => T.Type_Mode in Type_Mode_Fat,
+ K => Kind, T => T, Lp => L,
+ Vtype => Vtype, Ptype => Ptype));
+ end Lp2M;
+ function Lv2M (L : O_Lnode;
+ T : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type;
+ Vtype : O_Tnode;
+ Ptype : O_Tnode)
+ return Mnode is
+ begin
+ return Mnode'(M1 => (State => Mstate_Lv,
+ Comp => T.Type_Mode in Type_Mode_Fat,
+ K => Kind, T => T, Lv => L,
+ Vtype => Vtype, Ptype => Ptype));
+ end Lv2M;
+ function Dv2M (D : O_Dnode;
+ T : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return Mnode is
+ begin
+ return Mnode'(M1 => (State => Mstate_Dv,
+ Comp => T.Type_Mode in Type_Mode_Fat,
+ K => Kind, T => T, Dv => D,
+ Vtype => T.Ortho_Type (Kind),
+ Ptype => T.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind)));
+ end Dv2M;
+ function Dv2M (D : O_Dnode;
+ T : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type;
+ Vtype : O_Tnode;
+ Ptype : O_Tnode)
+ return Mnode is
+ begin
+ return Mnode'(M1 => (State => Mstate_Dv,
+ Comp => T.Type_Mode in Type_Mode_Fat,
+ K => Kind, T => T, Dv => D,
+ Vtype => Vtype,
+ Ptype => Ptype));
+ end Dv2M;
+ function Dp2M (D : O_Dnode;
+ T : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type;
+ Vtype : O_Tnode;
+ Ptype : O_Tnode)
+ return Mnode is
+ begin
+ return Mnode'(M1 => (State => Mstate_Dp,
+ Comp => T.Type_Mode in Type_Mode_Fat,
+ K => Kind, T => T, Dp => D,
+ Vtype => Vtype, Ptype => Ptype));
+ end Dp2M;
+ function Dp2M (D : O_Dnode;
+ T : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return Mnode is
+ begin
+ return Mnode'(M1 => (State => Mstate_Dp,
+ Comp => T.Type_Mode in Type_Mode_Fat,
+ K => Kind, T => T, Dp => D,
+ Vtype => T.Ortho_Type (Kind),
+ Ptype => T.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind)));
+ end Dp2M;
+ function M2Lv (M : Mnode) return O_Lnode is
+ begin
+ case M.M1.State is
+ when Mstate_E =>
+ case Get_Type_Info (M).Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Thin =>
+ -- Scalar to var is not possible.
+ -- FIXME: This is not coherent with the fact that this
+ -- conversion is possible when M is stabilized.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Type_Mode_Fat =>
+ return New_Access_Element (M.M1.E);
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ when Mstate_Lp =>
+ return New_Acc_Value (M.M1.Lp);
+ when Mstate_Lv =>
+ return M.M1.Lv;
+ when Mstate_Dp =>
+ return New_Acc_Value (New_Obj (M.M1.Dp));
+ when Mstate_Dv =>
+ return New_Obj (M.M1.Dv);
+ when Mstate_Null
+ | Mstate_Bad =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end M2Lv;
+ function M2Lp (M : Mnode) return O_Lnode is
+ begin
+ case M.M1.State is
+ when Mstate_E =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Mstate_Lp =>
+ return M.M1.Lp;
+ when Mstate_Dp =>
+ return New_Obj (M.M1.Dp);
+ when Mstate_Lv =>
+ if Get_Type_Info (M).Type_Mode in Type_Mode_Fat then
+ return New_Obj
+ (Create_Temp_Init (M.M1.Ptype,
+ New_Address (M.M1.Lv, M.M1.Ptype)));
+ else
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ when Mstate_Dv
+ | Mstate_Null
+ | Mstate_Bad =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end M2Lp;
+ function M2Dp (M : Mnode) return O_Dnode is
+ begin
+ case M.M1.State is
+ when Mstate_Dp =>
+ return M.M1.Dp;
+ when Mstate_Dv =>
+ return Create_Temp_Init
+ (M.M1.Ptype, New_Address (New_Obj (M.M1.Dv), M.M1.Ptype));
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end M2Dp;
+ function M2Dv (M : Mnode) return O_Dnode is
+ begin
+ case M.M1.State is
+ when Mstate_Dv =>
+ return M.M1.Dv;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end M2Dv;
+ function T2M (Atype : Iir; Kind : Object_Kind_Type) return Mnode
+ is
+ T : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ T := Get_Info (Atype);
+ return Mnode'(M1 => (State => Mstate_Null,
+ Comp => T.Type_Mode in Type_Mode_Fat,
+ K => Kind, T => T,
+ Vtype => T.Ortho_Type (Kind),
+ Ptype => T.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind)));
+ end T2M;
+ function Stabilize (M : Mnode; Can_Copy : Boolean := False) return Mnode
+ is
+ D : O_Dnode;
+ K : Object_Kind_Type;
+ begin
+ K := M.M1.K;
+ case M.M1.State is
+ when Mstate_E =>
+ if M.M1.Comp then
+ D := Create_Temp_Init (M.M1.Ptype, M.M1.E);
+ return Mnode'(M1 => (State => Mstate_Dp,
+ Comp => M.M1.Comp,
+ K => K, T => M.M1.T, Dp => D,
+ Vtype => M.M1.Vtype, Ptype => M.M1.Ptype));
+ else
+ D := Create_Temp_Init (M.M1.Vtype, M.M1.E);
+ return Mnode'(M1 => (State => Mstate_Dv,
+ Comp => M.M1.Comp,
+ K => K, T => M.M1.T, Dv => D,
+ Vtype => M.M1.Vtype, Ptype => M.M1.Ptype));
+ end if;
+ when Mstate_Lp =>
+ D := Create_Temp_Init (M.M1.Ptype, New_Value (M.M1.Lp));
+ return Mnode'(M1 => (State => Mstate_Dp,
+ Comp => M.M1.Comp,
+ K => K, T => M.M1.T, Dp => D,
+ Vtype => M.M1.Vtype, Ptype => M.M1.Ptype));
+ when Mstate_Lv =>
+ if M.M1.Ptype = O_Tnode_Null then
+ if not Can_Copy then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ D := Create_Temp_Init (M.M1.Vtype, New_Value (M.M1.Lv));
+ return Mnode'(M1 => (State => Mstate_Dv,
+ Comp => M.M1.Comp,
+ K => K, T => M.M1.T, Dv => D,
+ Vtype => M.M1.Vtype, Ptype => M.M1.Ptype));
+ else
+ D := Create_Temp_Ptr (M.M1.Ptype, M.M1.Lv);
+ return Mnode'(M1 => (State => Mstate_Dp,
+ Comp => M.M1.Comp,
+ K => K, T => M.M1.T, Dp => D,
+ Vtype => M.M1.Vtype, Ptype => M.M1.Ptype));
+ end if;
+ when Mstate_Dp
+ | Mstate_Dv =>
+ return M;
+ when Mstate_Bad
+ | Mstate_Null =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Stabilize;
+ procedure Stabilize (M : in out Mnode) is
+ begin
+ M := Stabilize (M);
+ end Stabilize;
+ function Stabilize_Value (M : Mnode) return Mnode
+ is
+ D : O_Dnode;
+ E : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ -- M must be scalar or access.
+ if M.M1.Comp then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ case M.M1.State is
+ when Mstate_E =>
+ E := M.M1.E;
+ when Mstate_Lp =>
+ E := New_Value (New_Acc_Value (M.M1.Lp));
+ when Mstate_Lv =>
+ E := New_Value (M.M1.Lv);
+ when Mstate_Dp
+ | Mstate_Dv =>
+ return M;
+ when Mstate_Bad
+ | Mstate_Null =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ D := Create_Temp_Init (M.M1.Vtype, E);
+ return Mnode'(M1 => (State => Mstate_Dv,
+ Comp => M.M1.Comp,
+ K => M.M1.K, T => M.M1.T, Dv => D,
+ Vtype => M.M1.Vtype, Ptype => M.M1.Ptype));
+ end Stabilize_Value;
+ function M2E (M : Mnode) return O_Enode is
+ begin
+ case M.M1.State is
+ when Mstate_E =>
+ return M.M1.E;
+ when Mstate_Lp =>
+ case M.M1.T.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Type_Mode_Thin =>
+ return New_Value (New_Acc_Value (M.M1.Lp));
+ when Type_Mode_Fat =>
+ return New_Value (M.M1.Lp);
+ end case;
+ when Mstate_Dp =>
+ case M.M1.T.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Type_Mode_Thin =>
+ return New_Value (New_Acc_Value (New_Obj (M.M1.Dp)));
+ when Type_Mode_Fat =>
+ return New_Value (New_Obj (M.M1.Dp));
+ end case;
+ when Mstate_Lv =>
+ case M.M1.T.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Type_Mode_Thin =>
+ return New_Value (M.M1.Lv);
+ when Type_Mode_Fat =>
+ return New_Address (M.M1.Lv, M.M1.Ptype);
+ end case;
+ when Mstate_Dv =>
+ case M.M1.T.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Type_Mode_Thin =>
+ return New_Value (New_Obj (M.M1.Dv));
+ when Type_Mode_Fat =>
+ return New_Address (New_Obj (M.M1.Dv), M.M1.Ptype);
+ end case;
+ when Mstate_Bad
+ | Mstate_Null =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end M2E;
+ function M2Addr (M : Mnode) return O_Enode is
+ begin
+ case M.M1.State is
+ when Mstate_Lp =>
+ return New_Value (M.M1.Lp);
+ when Mstate_Dp =>
+ return New_Value (New_Obj (M.M1.Dp));
+ when Mstate_Lv =>
+ return New_Address (M.M1.Lv, M.M1.Ptype);
+ when Mstate_Dv =>
+ return New_Address (New_Obj (M.M1.Dv), M.M1.Ptype);
+ when Mstate_E =>
+ if M.M1.Comp then
+ return M.M1.E;
+ else
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ when Mstate_Bad
+ | Mstate_Null =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end M2Addr;
+-- function Is_Null (M : Mnode) return Boolean is
+-- begin
+-- return M.M1.State = Mstate_Null;
+-- end Is_Null;
+ function Is_Stable (M : Mnode) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ case M.M1.State is
+ when Mstate_Dp
+ | Mstate_Dv =>
+ return True;
+ when others =>
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ end Is_Stable;
+-- function Varv2M
+-- (Var : Var_Acc; Vtype : Type_Info_Acc; Mode : Object_Kind_Type)
+-- return Mnode is
+-- begin
+-- return Lv2M (Get_Var (Var), Vtype, Mode);
+-- end Varv2M;
+ function Varv2M (Var : Var_Acc;
+ Var_Type : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Mode : Object_Kind_Type;
+ Vtype : O_Tnode;
+ Ptype : O_Tnode)
+ return Mnode is
+ begin
+ return Lv2M (Get_Var (Var), Var_Type, Mode, Vtype, Ptype);
+ end Varv2M;
+ -- Convert a Lnode for a sub object) to an MNODE.
+ function Lo2M (L : O_Lnode; Vtype : Type_Info_Acc; Mode : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return Mnode is
+ begin
+ case Vtype.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Scalar
+ | Type_Mode_Acc
+ | Type_Mode_File
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Acc =>
+ return Lv2M (L, Vtype, Mode);
+ when Type_Mode_Ptr_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Record
+ | Type_Mode_Protected =>
+ if Vtype.C = null then
+ return Lv2M (L, Vtype, Mode);
+ else
+ return Lp2M (L, Vtype, Mode);
+ end if;
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Lo2M;
+ function Lo2M (D : O_Dnode; Vtype : Type_Info_Acc; Mode : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return Mnode is
+ begin
+ case Vtype.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Scalar
+ | Type_Mode_Acc
+ | Type_Mode_File
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Acc =>
+ return Dv2M (D, Vtype, Mode);
+ when Type_Mode_Ptr_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Record
+ | Type_Mode_Protected =>
+ if Vtype.C = null then
+ return Dv2M (D, Vtype, Mode);
+ else
+ return Dp2M (D, Vtype, Mode);
+ end if;
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Lo2M;
+ function Get_Var
+ (Var : Var_Acc; Vtype : Type_Info_Acc; Mode : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return Mnode
+ is
+ L : O_Lnode;
+ D : O_Dnode;
+ Stable : Boolean;
+ begin
+ -- FIXME: there may be Vv2M and Vp2M.
+ Stable := Is_Var_Stable (Var);
+ if Stable then
+ D := Get_Var_Label (Var);
+ else
+ L := Get_Var (Var);
+ end if;
+ case Vtype.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Scalar
+ | Type_Mode_Acc
+ | Type_Mode_File
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Acc =>
+ if Stable then
+ return Dv2M (D, Vtype, Mode);
+ else
+ return Lv2M (L, Vtype, Mode);
+ end if;
+ when Type_Mode_Ptr_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Record
+ | Type_Mode_Protected =>
+ if Vtype.C = null then
+ if Stable then
+ return Dv2M (D, Vtype, Mode);
+ else
+ return Lv2M (L, Vtype, Mode);
+ end if;
+ else
+ if Stable then
+ return Dp2M (D, Vtype, Mode);
+ else
+ return Lp2M (L, Vtype, Mode);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Var;
+ function Create_Temp (Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type := Mode_Value)
+ return Mnode is
+ begin
+ if Info.C /= null and then Info.Type_Mode /= Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ -- For a complex and constrained object, we just allocate
+ -- a pointer to the object.
+ return Dp2M (Create_Temp (Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind)), Info, Kind);
+ else
+ return Dv2M (Create_Temp (Info.Ortho_Type (Kind)), Info, Kind);
+ end if;
+ end Create_Temp;
+ function Translate_Foreign_Id (Decl : Iir; Extract_Name : Boolean)
+ return Foreign_Info_Type
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ Attr : Iir_Attribute_Value;
+ Spec : Iir_Attribute_Specification;
+ Attr_Decl : Iir;
+ Expr : Iir;
+ P : Natural;
+ begin
+ -- Look for 'FOREIGN.
+ Attr := Get_Attribute_Value_Chain (Decl);
+ while Attr /= Null_Iir loop
+ Spec := Get_Attribute_Specification (Attr);
+ Attr_Decl := Get_Attribute_Designator (Spec);
+ exit when Get_Identifier (Attr_Decl) = Std_Names.Name_Foreign;
+ Attr := Get_Chain (Attr);
+ end loop;
+ if Attr = Null_Iir then
+ -- Not found.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Spec := Get_Attribute_Specification (Attr);
+ Expr := Get_Expression (Spec);
+ case Get_Kind (Expr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_String_Literal =>
+ declare
+ Ptr : String_Fat_Acc;
+ begin
+ Ptr := Get_String_Fat_Acc (Expr);
+ Name_Length := Get_String_Length (Expr);
+ for I in 1 .. Name_Length loop
+ Name_Buffer (I) := Ptr (I);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Aggregate =>
+ declare
+ List : Iir_List;
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ List := Get_Simple_Aggregate_List (Expr);
+ Name_Length := 0;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ if Get_Kind (El) /= Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Name_Length := Name_Length + 1;
+ Name_Buffer (Name_Length) :=
+ Character'Val (Get_Enum_Pos (El));
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal =>
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("value of FOREIGN attribute cannot be a bit string", Expr);
+ Name_Length := 0;
+ when others =>
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr) /= Locally then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("value of FOREIGN attribute must be locally static", Expr);
+ Name_Length := 0;
+ else
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ if Name_Length = 0 then
+ return Foreign_Bad;
+ end if;
+ -- Only 'VHPIDIRECT' is recognized.
+ if Name_Length >= 10
+ and then Name_Buffer (1 .. 10) = "VHPIDIRECT"
+ then
+ P := 11;
+ -- Skip spaces.
+ while P <= Name_Length and then Name_Buffer (P) = ' ' loop
+ P := P + 1;
+ end loop;
+ if Extract_Name then
+ return Foreign_Info_Type'
+ (Kind => Foreign_Vhpidirect,
+ Subprg => Get_Identifier (Name_Buffer (P .. Name_Length)),
+ Lib => Null_Identifier);
+ else
+ return Foreign_Info_Type'(Kind => Foreign_Vhpidirect,
+ Subprg => O_Ident_Nul,
+ Lib => Null_Identifier);
+ end if;
+ elsif Name_Length = 14
+ and then Name_Buffer (1 .. 14) = "GHDL intrinsic"
+ then
+ return Foreign_Info_Type'(Kind => Foreign_Intrinsic,
+ Subprg => Create_Identifier);
+ else
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("value of 'FOREIGN attribute does not begin with VHPIDIRECT",
+ Spec);
+ return Foreign_Bad;
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Foreign_Id;
+ package body Helpers is
+ function New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (L : O_Lnode; Field : O_Fnode)
+ return O_Enode is
+ begin
+ return New_Value
+ (New_Selected_Element (New_Access_Element (New_Value (L)), Field));
+ end New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value;
+ function New_Selected_Acc_Value (L : O_Lnode; Field : O_Fnode)
+ return O_Lnode is
+ begin
+ return New_Selected_Element
+ (New_Access_Element (New_Value (L)), Field);
+ end New_Selected_Acc_Value;
+ function New_Indexed_Acc_Value (L : O_Lnode; I : O_Enode) return O_Lnode
+ is
+ begin
+ return New_Indexed_Element (New_Access_Element (New_Value (L)), I);
+ end New_Indexed_Acc_Value;
+ function New_Acc_Value (L : O_Lnode) return O_Lnode is
+ begin
+ return New_Access_Element (New_Value (L));
+ end New_Acc_Value;
+ procedure Copy_Fat_Pointer (D : Mnode; S: Mnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lp (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (D)),
+ M2Addr (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (S)));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lp (Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds (D)),
+ M2Addr (Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds (S)));
+ end Copy_Fat_Pointer;
+ procedure Copy_Fat_Pointer
+ (D : O_Dnode; S : O_Dnode; Ftype : Iir; Is_Sig : Object_Kind_Type)
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Ftype);
+ begin
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (D), Info.T.Base_Field (Is_Sig)),
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (S),
+ Info.T.Base_Field (Is_Sig)));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (D), Info.T.Bounds_Field (Is_Sig)),
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (S),
+ Info.T.Bounds_Field (Is_Sig)));
+ end Copy_Fat_Pointer;
+ procedure Copy_Fat_Access (D : O_Dnode; S : O_Dnode; Ptr_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ Copy_Fat_Pointer (D, S, Get_Designated_Type (Ptr_Type), Mode_Value);
+ end Copy_Fat_Access;
+ procedure Inc_Var (V : O_Dnode) is
+ begin
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (V), New_Dyadic_Op
+ (ON_Add_Ov,
+ New_Value (New_Obj (V)),
+ New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type, 1))));
+ end Inc_Var;
+-- procedure Dec_Var (V : O_Lnode) is
+-- begin
+-- New_Assign_Stmt
+-- (V, New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Sub_Ov,
+-- New_Value (V),
+-- New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type, 1)));
+-- end Dec_Var;
+ procedure Init_Var (V : O_Dnode) is
+ begin
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (V), New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type, 0)));
+ end Init_Var;
+ procedure Gen_Exit_When (Label : O_Snode; Cond : O_Enode)
+ is
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ begin
+ Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk, Cond);
+ New_Exit_Stmt (Label);
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ end Gen_Exit_When;
+ Uniq_Id : Natural := 0;
+ function Create_Uniq_Identifier return O_Ident
+ is
+ Str : String (1 .. 12);
+ Val : Natural;
+ begin
+ Str (1 .. 3) := "_UI";
+ Val := Uniq_Id;
+ Uniq_Id := Uniq_Id + 1;
+ for I in reverse 4 .. 11 loop
+ Str (I) := N2hex (Val mod 16);
+ Val := Val / 16;
+ end loop;
+ --Str (12) := Nul;
+ return Get_Identifier (Str (1 .. 11));
+ end Create_Uniq_Identifier;
+ -- Create a temporary variable.
+ type Temp_Level_Type;
+ type Temp_Level_Acc is access Temp_Level_Type;
+ type Temp_Level_Type is record
+ Prev : Temp_Level_Acc;
+ Level : Natural;
+ Id : Natural;
+ Emitted : Boolean;
+ Stack2_Mark : O_Dnode;
+ Transient_Types : Iir;
+ end record;
+ -- Current level.
+ Temp_Level : Temp_Level_Acc := null;
+ -- List of unused temp_level_type structures. To be faster, they are
+ -- never deallocated.
+ Old_Level : Temp_Level_Acc := null;
+ procedure Open_Temp
+ is
+ L : Temp_Level_Acc;
+ begin
+ if Old_Level /= null then
+ L := Old_Level;
+ Old_Level := L.Prev;
+ else
+ L := new Temp_Level_Type;
+ end if;
+ L.all := (Prev => Temp_Level,
+ Level => 0,
+ Id => 0,
+ Emitted => False,
+ Stack2_Mark => O_Dnode_Null,
+ Transient_Types => Null_Iir);
+ if Temp_Level /= null then
+ L.Level := Temp_Level.Level + 1;
+ end if;
+ Temp_Level := L;
+ end Open_Temp;
+ procedure Add_Transient_Type_In_Temp (Atype : Iir)
+ is
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Atype);
+ Type_Info.Type_Transient_Chain := Temp_Level.Transient_Types;
+ Temp_Level.Transient_Types := Atype;
+ end Add_Transient_Type_In_Temp;
+ procedure Close_Temp
+ is
+ L : Temp_Level_Acc;
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ if Temp_Level = null then
+ -- OPEN_TEMP was not called.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Temp_Level.Stack2_Mark /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Stack2_Release);
+ New_Association (Constr,
+ New_Value (New_Obj (Temp_Level.Stack2_Mark)));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ end if;
+ if Temp_Level.Emitted then
+ Finish_Declare_Stmt;
+ end if;
+ -- Destroy transcient types.
+ if Temp_Level.Transient_Types /= Null_Iir then
+ declare
+ Atype : Iir;
+ N_Atype : Iir;
+ begin
+ Atype := Temp_Level.Transient_Types;
+ while Atype /= Null_Iir loop
+ N_Atype := Get_Info (Atype).Type_Transient_Chain;
+ Chap3.Destroy_Type_Info (Atype);
+ Atype := N_Atype;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ -- Unlink temp_level.
+ L := Temp_Level;
+ Temp_Level := L.Prev;
+ L.Prev := Old_Level;
+ Old_Level := L;
+ end Close_Temp;
+ procedure Free_Old_Temp
+ is
+ procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Temp_Level_Type, Temp_Level_Acc);
+ T : Temp_Level_Acc;
+ begin
+ if Temp_Level /= null then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ loop
+ T := Old_Level;
+ exit when T = null;
+ Old_Level := Old_Level.Prev;
+ Free (T);
+ end loop;
+ end Free_Old_Temp;
+ procedure Create_Temp_Stack2_Mark
+ is
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ if Temp_Level.Stack2_Mark /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ -- Only the first mark in a region is registred.
+ -- The release operation frees the memory allocated after the
+ -- first mark.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Temp_Level.Stack2_Mark := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Stack2_Mark);
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Temp_Level.Stack2_Mark),
+ New_Function_Call (Constr));
+ end Create_Temp_Stack2_Mark;
+ function Create_Temp (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Dnode
+ is
+ Str : String (1 .. 12);
+ Val : Natural;
+ Res : O_Dnode;
+ P : Natural;
+ begin
+ if Temp_Level = null then
+ -- OPEN_TEMP was never called.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ -- This is an hack, just to allow array subtype to array type
+ -- conversion.
+ --New_Var_Decl
+ -- (Res, Create_Uniq_Identifier, O_Storage_Private, Atype);
+ --return Res;
+ else
+ if not Temp_Level.Emitted then
+ Temp_Level.Emitted := True;
+ Start_Declare_Stmt;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Val := Temp_Level.Id;
+ Temp_Level.Id := Temp_Level.Id + 1;
+ P := Str'Last;
+ loop
+ Str (P) := Character'Val (Val mod 10 + Character'Pos ('0'));
+ Val := Val / 10;
+ P := P - 1;
+ exit when Val = 0;
+ end loop;
+ Str (P) := '_';
+ P := P - 1;
+ Val := Temp_Level.Level;
+ loop
+ Str (P) := Character'Val (Val mod 10 + Character'Pos ('0'));
+ Val := Val / 10;
+ P := P - 1;
+ exit when Val = 0;
+ end loop;
+ Str (P) := 'T';
+ --Str (12) := Nul;
+ New_Var_Decl
+ (Res, Get_Identifier (Str (P .. Str'Last)), O_Storage_Local, Atype);
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Temp;
+ function Create_Temp_Init (Atype : O_Tnode; Value : O_Enode)
+ return O_Dnode
+ is
+ Res : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Temp (Atype);
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Res), Value);
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Temp_Init;
+ function Create_Temp_Ptr (Atype : O_Tnode; Name : O_Lnode)
+ return O_Dnode is
+ begin
+ return Create_Temp_Init (Atype, New_Address (Name, Atype));
+ end Create_Temp_Ptr;
+ function Create_Temp_Ptr
+ (Atype : Iir; Name : O_Lnode; Is_Sig : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Dnode
+ is
+ Temp_Type : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ Temp_Type := Get_Info (Atype).Ortho_Ptr_Type (Is_Sig);
+ return Create_Temp_Init (Temp_Type, New_Address (Name, Temp_Type));
+ end Create_Temp_Ptr;
+ -- Convert NAME into a STRING_CST.
+ -- Append a NUL terminator (to make interfaces with C easier).
+ function Create_String_Type (Str : String) return O_Tnode is
+ begin
+ return New_Constrained_Array_Type
+ (Chararray_Type,
+ New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ Unsigned_64 (Str'Length + 1)));
+ end Create_String_Type;
+ procedure Create_String_Value
+ (Const : in out O_Dnode; Const_Type : O_Tnode; Str : String)
+ is
+ Res : O_Cnode;
+ List : O_Array_Aggr_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Const_Value (Const);
+ Start_Array_Aggr (List, Const_Type);
+ for I in Str'Range loop
+ New_Array_Aggr_El
+ (List,
+ New_Unsigned_Literal (Char_Type_Node, Character'Pos (Str (I))));
+ end loop;
+ New_Array_Aggr_El (List, New_Unsigned_Literal (Char_Type_Node, 0));
+ Finish_Array_Aggr (List, Res);
+ Finish_Const_Value (Const, Res);
+ end Create_String_Value;
+ function Create_String (Str : String; Id : O_Ident) return O_Dnode
+ is
+ Atype : O_Tnode;
+ Const : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Atype := Create_String_Type (Str);
+ New_Const_Decl (Const, Id, O_Storage_Private, Atype);
+ Create_String_Value (Const, Atype, Str);
+ return Const;
+ end Create_String;
+ function Create_String (Str : String; Id : O_Ident; Storage : O_Storage)
+ return O_Dnode
+ is
+ Atype : O_Tnode;
+ Const : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Atype := Create_String_Type (Str);
+ New_Const_Decl (Const, Id, Storage, Atype);
+ if Storage /= O_Storage_External then
+ Create_String_Value (Const, Atype, Str);
+ end if;
+ return Const;
+ end Create_String;
+ function Create_String (Str : Name_Id; Id : O_Ident; Storage : O_Storage)
+ return O_Dnode
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ begin
+ if Name_Table.Is_Character (Str) then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Image (Str);
+ return Create_String (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length), Id, Storage);
+ end Create_String;
+ function Create_String_Len (Str : String; Id : O_Ident) return O_Cnode
+ is
+ Str_Cst : O_Dnode;
+ Str_Len : O_Cnode;
+ List : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Res : O_Cnode;
+ begin
+ Str_Cst := Create_String (Str, Id);
+ Str_Len := New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ Unsigned_64 (Str'Length));
+ Start_Record_Aggr (List, Ghdl_Str_Len_Type_Node);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List, Str_Len);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List, New_Global_Address (Str_Cst,
+ Char_Ptr_Type));
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (List, Res);
+ return Res;
+ end Create_String_Len;
+ procedure Gen_Memcpy (Dest : O_Enode; Src : O_Enode; Length : O_Enode)
+ is
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Memcpy);
+ New_Association (Constr, New_Convert_Ov (Dest, Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+ New_Association (Constr, New_Convert_Ov (Src, Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+ New_Association (Constr, Length);
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ end Gen_Memcpy;
+-- function Gen_Malloc (Length : O_Enode; Ptype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode
+-- is
+-- Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+-- begin
+-- Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Malloc);
+-- New_Association (Constr, Length);
+-- return New_Convert_Ov (New_Function_Call (Constr), Ptype);
+-- end Gen_Malloc;
+ function Gen_Alloc
+ (Kind : Allocation_Kind; Size : O_Enode; Ptype : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ case Kind is
+ when Alloc_Heap =>
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Malloc);
+ New_Association (Constr, Size);
+ return New_Convert_Ov (New_Function_Call (Constr), Ptype);
+ when Alloc_System =>
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Malloc0);
+ New_Association (Constr, Size);
+ return New_Convert_Ov (New_Function_Call (Constr), Ptype);
+ when Alloc_Stack =>
+ return New_Alloca (Ptype, Size);
+ when Alloc_Return =>
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Stack2_Allocate);
+ New_Association (Constr, Size);
+ return New_Convert_Ov (New_Function_Call (Constr), Ptype);
+ end case;
+ end Gen_Alloc;
+ procedure Foreach_Non_Composite (Targ : Mnode;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Data : Data_Type)
+ is
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Targ_Type);
+ case Type_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Scalar =>
+ Do_Non_Composite (Targ, Targ_Type, Data);
+ when Type_Mode_Array =>
+ declare
+ Var_I : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Array : Mnode;
+ Label : O_Snode;
+ Composite_Data : Composite_Data_Type;
+ Sub_Data : Data_Type;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ Var_Array := Stabilize (Targ);
+ if True then
+ Var_I := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ else
+ New_Var_Decl
+ (Var_I, Wki_I, O_Storage_Local, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ end if;
+ Init_Var (Var_I);
+ Composite_Data :=
+ Prepare_Data_Array (Var_Array, Targ_Type, Data);
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Gen_Exit_When
+ (Label,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Ge,
+ New_Value (New_Obj (Var_I)),
+ Chap3.Get_Array_Type_Length (Targ_Type),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ Sub_Data := Update_Data_Array
+ (Composite_Data, Targ_Type, Var_I);
+ Foreach_Non_Composite
+ (Chap3.Index_Base (Var_Array, Targ_Type,
+ New_Value (New_Obj (Var_I))),
+ Get_Element_Subtype (Targ_Type),
+ Sub_Data);
+ Inc_Var (Var_I);
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Finish_Data_Array (Composite_Data);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ declare
+ Var_Array : Mnode;
+ Var_Base : Mnode;
+ Var_Length : O_Dnode;
+ Var_I : O_Dnode;
+ Label : O_Snode;
+ Sub_Data : Data_Type;
+ Composite_Data : Composite_Data_Type;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ Var_Array := Stabilize (Targ);
+ Var_Length := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Var_Base := Stabilize (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Var_Array));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Length),
+ Chap3.Get_Array_Length (Var_Array, Targ_Type));
+ Composite_Data :=
+ Prepare_Data_Array (Var_Array, Targ_Type, Data);
+ if True then
+ Var_I := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ else
+ New_Var_Decl
+ (Var_I, Wki_I, O_Storage_Local, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ end if;
+ Init_Var (Var_I);
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Gen_Exit_When
+ (Label, New_Compare_Op (ON_Ge,
+ New_Value (New_Obj (Var_I)),
+ New_Value (New_Obj (Var_Length)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ Sub_Data := Update_Data_Array
+ (Composite_Data, Targ_Type, Var_I);
+ Foreach_Non_Composite
+ (Chap3.Index_Base (Var_Base, Targ_Type,
+ New_Value (New_Obj (Var_I))),
+ Get_Element_Subtype (Targ_Type),
+ Sub_Data);
+ Inc_Var (Var_I);
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Finish_Data_Array (Composite_Data);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Record =>
+ declare
+ Var_Record : Mnode;
+ Sub_Data : Data_Type;
+ Composite_Data : Composite_Data_Type;
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ Var_Record := Stabilize (Targ);
+ Composite_Data :=
+ Prepare_Data_Record (Var_Record, Targ_Type, Data);
+ El := Get_Element_Declaration_Chain
+ (Get_Base_Type (Targ_Type));
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Sub_Data := Update_Data_Record
+ (Composite_Data, Targ_Type, El);
+ Foreach_Non_Composite
+ (Chap6.Translate_Selected_Element (Var_Record, El),
+ Get_Type (El),
+ Sub_Data);
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ Finish_Data_Record (Composite_Data);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("foreach_non_composite/"
+ & Type_Mode_Type'Image (Type_Info.Type_Mode),
+ Targ_Type);
+ end case;
+ end Foreach_Non_Composite;
+ procedure Register_Non_Composite_Signal (Targ : Mnode;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Proc : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Association (Constr, Proc);
+ New_Association
+ (Constr, New_Convert_Ov (New_Value (M2Lv (Targ)), Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ end Register_Non_Composite_Signal;
+ function Register_Update_Data_Array
+ (Data : O_Dnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Index : O_Dnode)
+ return O_Dnode
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Index);
+ begin
+ return Data;
+ end Register_Update_Data_Array;
+ function Register_Prepare_Data_Composite (Targ : Mnode;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Data : O_Dnode)
+ return O_Dnode
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ return Data;
+ end Register_Prepare_Data_Composite;
+ function Register_Update_Data_Record
+ (Data : O_Dnode; Targ_Type : Iir; El : Iir_Element_Declaration)
+ return O_Dnode
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
+ pragma Unreferenced (El);
+ begin
+ return Data;
+ end Register_Update_Data_Record;
+ procedure Register_Finish_Data_Composite (D : in out O_Dnode)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (D);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Register_Finish_Data_Composite;
+ procedure Register_Signal_1 is new Foreach_Non_Composite
+ (Data_Type => O_Dnode,
+ Composite_Data_Type => O_Dnode,
+ Do_Non_Composite => Register_Non_Composite_Signal,
+ Prepare_Data_Array => Register_Prepare_Data_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Array => Register_Update_Data_Array,
+ Finish_Data_Array => Register_Finish_Data_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Record => Register_Prepare_Data_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Record => Register_Update_Data_Record,
+ Finish_Data_Record => Register_Finish_Data_Composite);
+ procedure Register_Signal (Targ : Mnode;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Proc : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ Proc_1 : O_Dnode := Proc;
+ begin
+ Register_Signal_1 (Targ, Targ_Type, Proc_1);
+ end Register_Signal;
+ procedure Register_Signal_List (List : Iir_List; Proc : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ Sig : Mnode;
+ begin
+ if List = Null_Iir_List then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Open_Temp;
+ Sig := Chap6.Translate_Name (El);
+ Register_Signal (Sig, Get_Type (El), Proc);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end loop;
+ end Register_Signal_List;
+ function Gen_Oenode_Prepare_Data_Composite
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Val : O_Enode)
+ return Mnode
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ);
+ Res : Mnode;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Targ_Type);
+ Res := E2M (Val, Type_Info, Mode_Value);
+ case Type_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ Res := Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Res);
+ when Type_Mode_Record =>
+ Res := Stabilize (Res);
+ when others =>
+ -- Not a composite type!
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ return Res;
+ end Gen_Oenode_Prepare_Data_Composite;
+ function Gen_Oenode_Update_Data_Array (Val : Mnode;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Index : O_Dnode)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ begin
+ return M2E (Chap3.Index_Base (Val, Targ_Type, New_Obj_Value (Index)));
+ end Gen_Oenode_Update_Data_Array;
+ function Gen_Oenode_Update_Data_Record
+ (Val : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; El : Iir_Element_Declaration)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ return M2E (Chap6.Translate_Selected_Element (Val, El));
+ end Gen_Oenode_Update_Data_Record;
+ procedure Gen_Oenode_Finish_Data_Composite (Data : in out Mnode)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Data);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Gen_Oenode_Finish_Data_Composite;
+ function Get_Line_Number (Target: Iir) return Natural
+ is
+ Line, Col: Natural;
+ Name : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Files_Map.Location_To_Position
+ (Get_Location (Target), Name, Line, Col);
+ return Line;
+ end Get_Line_Number;
+ end Helpers;
+ package body Chap1 is
+ procedure Start_Block_Decl (Blk : Iir)
+ is
+ Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Blk);
+ New_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("INSTTYPE"), Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type := New_Access_Type (Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("INSTPTR"),
+ Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
+ end Start_Block_Decl;
+ procedure Translate_Entity_Init (Entity : Iir)
+ is
+ Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ El : Iir;
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Entity);
+ Push_Local_Factory;
+ -- Generics.
+ El := Get_Generic_Chain (Entity);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Chap4.Elab_Object_Value (El, Get_Default_Value (El));
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ -- Ports.
+ El := Get_Port_Chain (Entity);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ El_Type := Get_Type (El);
+ if Get_Kind (El_Type)
+ in Iir_Kinds_Unconstrained_Array_Type_Definition
+ then
+ Chap5.Elab_Unconstrained_Port (El, Get_Default_Value (El));
+ end if;
+ Chap4.Elab_Signal_Declaration_Storage (El);
+ Chap4.Elab_Signal_Declaration_Object (El, Entity, False);
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ Pop_Local_Factory;
+ end Translate_Entity_Init;
+ procedure Translate_Entity_Declaration (Entity : Iir_Entity_Declaration)
+ is
+ Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Interface_List : O_Inter_List;
+ Instance : Chap2.Instance_Inters;
+ begin
+ Info := Add_Info (Entity, Kind_Block);
+ Chap1.Start_Block_Decl (Entity);
+ Push_Instance_Factory (Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ -- Entity link (RTI and pointer to parent).
+ Info.Block_Link_Field := Add_Instance_Factory_Field
+ (Wki_Rti, Rtis.Ghdl_Entity_Link_Type);
+ -- generics, ports.
+ Chap4.Translate_Generic_Chain (Entity);
+ Chap4.Translate_Port_Chain (Entity);
+ Chap9.Translate_Block_Declarations (Entity, Entity);
+ Pop_Instance_Factory (Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Chap2.Push_Subprg_Instance (Info.Block_Decls_Type,
+ Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type,
+ Wki_Instance);
+ -- Entity elaborator.
+ Start_Procedure_Decl (Interface_List, Create_Identifier ("ELAB"),
+ Global_Storage);
+ Chap2.Add_Subprg_Instance_Interfaces (Interface_List, Instance);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interface_List, Info.Block_Elab_Subprg);
+ -- Generate RTI.
+ if Flag_Rti then
+ Rtis.Generate_Unit (Entity);
+ end if;
+ if Global_Storage /= O_Storage_External then
+ -- Entity process subprograms.
+ Chap9.Translate_Block_Subprograms (Entity, Entity);
+ -- Elaborator Body.
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Info.Block_Elab_Subprg);
+ Push_Local_Factory;
+ Chap2.Start_Subprg_Instance_Use (Instance);
+ -- Set entity name.
+ New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Get_Line_Number (Entity));
+ Chap2.Elab_Dependence (Get_Design_Unit (Entity));
+ Chap9.Elab_Block_Declarations (Entity, Entity);
+ Chap2.Finish_Subprg_Instance_Use (Instance);
+ Pop_Local_Factory;
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ -- Default value if any.
+ if False then --Is_Entity_Declaration_Top (Entity) then
+ declare
+ Init_Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interface_List, Create_Identifier ("_INIT"),
+ Global_Storage);
+ Chap2.Add_Subprg_Instance_Interfaces
+ (Interface_List, Instance);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interface_List, Init_Subprg);
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Init_Subprg);
+ Chap2.Start_Subprg_Instance_Use (Instance);
+ Translate_Entity_Init (Entity);
+ Chap2.Finish_Subprg_Instance_Use (Instance);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Chap2.Pop_Subprg_Instance (Wki_Instance);
+ end Translate_Entity_Declaration;
+ -- Push scope for architecture ARCH via INSTANCE, and for its
+ -- entity via the entity field of the instance.
+ procedure Push_Architecture_Scope (Arch : Iir; Instance : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ Arch_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Entity : Iir;
+ Entity_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Arch_Info := Get_Info (Arch);
+ Entity := Get_Entity (Arch);
+ Entity_Info := Get_Info (Entity);
+ Push_Scope (Arch_Info.Block_Decls_Type, Instance);
+ Push_Scope (Entity_Info.Block_Decls_Type,
+ Arch_Info.Block_Parent_Field, Arch_Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ end Push_Architecture_Scope;
+ -- Pop scopes created by Push_Architecture_Scope.
+ procedure Pop_Architecture_Scope (Arch : Iir)
+ is
+ Arch_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Entity : Iir;
+ Entity_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Arch_Info := Get_Info (Arch);
+ Entity := Get_Entity (Arch);
+ Entity_Info := Get_Info (Entity);
+ Pop_Scope (Entity_Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Pop_Scope (Arch_Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ end Pop_Architecture_Scope;
+ procedure Translate_Architecture_Declaration (Arch : Iir)
+ is
+ Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Entity : Iir;
+ Entity_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Interface_List : O_Inter_List;
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ Instance : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Arch_Instance : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ if Get_Foreign_Flag (Arch) then
+ Error_Msg_Sem ("FOREIGN architectures are not yet handled", Arch);
+ end if;
+ Info := Add_Info (Arch, Kind_Block);
+ Start_Block_Decl (Arch);
+ Push_Instance_Factory (Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Entity := Get_Entity (Arch);
+ Entity_Info := Get_Info (Entity);
+ Info.Block_Parent_Field := Add_Instance_Factory_Field
+ (Get_Identifier ("ENTITY"), Entity_Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Chap9.Translate_Block_Declarations (Arch, Arch);
+ Pop_Instance_Factory (Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ -- Declare the constant containing the size of the instance.
+ New_Const_Decl
+ (Info.Block_Instance_Size, Create_Identifier ("INSTSIZE"),
+ Global_Storage, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ if Global_Storage /= O_Storage_External then
+ Start_Const_Value (Info.Block_Instance_Size);
+ Finish_Const_Value
+ (Info.Block_Instance_Size,
+ New_Sizeof (Info.Block_Decls_Type, Ghdl_Index_Type));
+ end if;
+ -- Elaborator.
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interface_List, Create_Identifier ("ELAB"), Global_Storage);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interface_List, Instance, Wki_Instance,
+ Entity_Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interface_List, Info.Block_Elab_Subprg);
+ -- Generate RTI.
+ if Flag_Rti then
+ Rtis.Generate_Unit (Arch);
+ end if;
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Chap2.Push_Subprg_Instance (Info.Block_Decls_Type,
+ Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type,
+ Wki_Instance);
+ -- Create process subprograms.
+ Push_Scope (Entity_Info.Block_Decls_Type,
+ Info.Block_Parent_Field, Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Chap9.Translate_Block_Subprograms (Arch, Arch);
+ Pop_Scope (Entity_Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Chap2.Pop_Subprg_Instance (Wki_Instance);
+ -- Elaborator body.
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Info.Block_Elab_Subprg);
+ Push_Local_Factory;
+ ---- Allocate memory for the instance.
+ --New_Assign_Stmt
+ -- (Instance, Gen_Alloc (Alloc_Memory,
+ -- New_Sizeof (Info.Block_Decls_Type,
+ -- Ghdl_Index_Type),
+ -- Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type));
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Arch_Instance, Wki_Arch_Instance,
+ O_Storage_Local, Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Arch_Instance),
+ New_Convert_Ov (New_Value (New_Obj (Instance)),
+ Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type));
+ -- Set RTI.
+ if Flag_Rti then
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Instance),
+ Entity_Info.Block_Link_Field),
+ Rtis.Ghdl_Entity_Link_Rti),
+ New_Unchecked_Address (New_Obj (Info.Block_Rti_Const),
+ Rtis.Ghdl_Rti_Access));
+ end if;
+ -- Call entity elaborator.
+ Start_Association (Constr, Entity_Info.Block_Elab_Subprg);
+ New_Association (Constr, New_Value (New_Obj (Instance)));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ Push_Architecture_Scope (Arch, Var_Arch_Instance);
+ New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Get_Line_Number (Arch));
+ Chap2.Elab_Dependence (Get_Design_Unit (Arch));
+ Chap9.Elab_Block_Declarations (Arch, Arch);
+ --Chap6.Leave_Simple_Name (Ghdl_Leave_Architecture);
+ Pop_Architecture_Scope (Arch);
+ Pop_Local_Factory;
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ end Translate_Architecture_Declaration;
+ procedure Translate_Component_Configuration_Decl
+ (Cfg : Iir;
+ Arch : Iir_Architecture_Declaration;
+ Num : in out Iir_Int32)
+ is
+ Inter_List : O_Inter_List;
+ Comp : Iir_Component_Declaration;
+ Comp_Info : Comp_Info_Acc;
+ Info : Config_Info_Acc;
+ Instance : O_Dnode;
+ Mark, Mark2 : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Arch_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Arch_Param : O_Dnode;
+ Block : Iir_Block_Configuration;
+ Binding : Iir_Binding_Indication;
+ Entity_Aspect : Iir;
+ Conf_Override : Iir;
+ Conf_Info : Config_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ -- Incremental binding.
+ if Get_Nbr_Elements (Get_Instantiation_List (Cfg)) = 0 then
+ -- This component configuration applies to no component
+ -- instantiation, so it is not translated.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Binding := Get_Binding_Indication (Cfg);
+ if Binding = Null_Iir then
+ -- This is an unbound component configuration, since this is a
+ -- no-op, it is not translated.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Entity_Aspect := Get_Entity_Aspect (Binding);
+ Comp := Get_Component_Name (Cfg);
+ Comp_Info := Get_Info (Comp);
+ if Get_Kind (Cfg) = Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration then
+ Block := Get_Block_Configuration (Cfg);
+ else
+ Block := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (Comp), Num);
+ Num := Num + 1;
+ if Block /= Null_Iir then
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark2, "CONFIG");
+ Translate_Configuration_Declaration (Cfg);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark2);
+ Conf_Override := Cfg;
+ Conf_Info := Get_Info (Cfg);
+ Clear_Info (Cfg);
+ else
+ Conf_Info := null;
+ Conf_Override := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Info := Add_Info (Cfg, Kind_Config);
+ Arch_Info := Get_Info (Arch);
+ Chap4.Translate_Association_Subprograms
+ (Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Binding), Arch,
+ Get_Entity_From_Entity_Aspect (Entity_Aspect));
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Inter_List, Create_Identifier, O_Storage_Private);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Inter_List, Instance, Wki_Instance,
+ Comp_Info.Comp_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Inter_List, Arch_Param, Get_Identifier ("ARCH"),
+ Arch_Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Inter_List, Info.Config_Subprg);
+ -- Extract the entity/architecture.
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Info.Config_Subprg);
+ Push_Local_Factory;
+ Push_Architecture_Scope (Arch, Arch_Param);
+ Push_Scope (Comp_Info.Comp_Type, Instance);
+ if Conf_Info /= null then
+ Clear_Info (Cfg);
+ Set_Info (Cfg, Conf_Info);
+ end if;
+ Chap9.Translate_Entity_Instantiation
+ (Entity_Aspect, Binding, Comp, Conf_Override);
+ if Conf_Info /= null then
+ Clear_Info (Cfg);
+ Set_Info (Cfg, Info);
+ end if;
+ Pop_Scope (Comp_Info.Comp_Type);
+ Pop_Architecture_Scope (Arch);
+ Pop_Local_Factory;
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end Translate_Component_Configuration_Decl;
+ -- Create subprogram specifications for each configuration_specification
+ -- in BLOCK_CONFIG and its sub-blocks.
+ -- ARCH is the architecture being configured.
+ -- NUM is an integer used to generate uniq names.
+ procedure Translate_Block_Configuration_Decls
+ (Block_Config : Iir_Block_Configuration;
+ Arch : Iir_Architecture_Declaration;
+ Num : in out Iir_Int32)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Blk : Iir;
+ begin
+ El := Get_Configuration_Item_Chain (Block_Config);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration
+ | Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification =>
+ Translate_Component_Configuration_Decl (El, Arch, Num);
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration =>
+ Blk := Get_Block_From_Block_Specification
+ (Get_Block_Specification (El));
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (Blk));
+ Translate_Block_Configuration_Decls (El, Arch, Num);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_block_configuration_decls(1)", El);
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Translate_Block_Configuration_Decls;
+ procedure Translate_Component_Configuration_Call
+ (Cfg : Iir;
+ Arch : Iir_Architecture_Declaration;
+ Block_Info : Block_Info_Acc)
+ is
+ Cfg_Info : Config_Info_Acc;
+ Arch_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ if Get_Binding_Indication (Cfg) = Null_Iir then
+ -- Unbound component configuration, nothing to do.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Cfg_Info := Get_Info (Cfg);
+ Arch_Info := Get_Info (Arch);
+ -- Call the subprogram for the instantiation list.
+ declare
+ List : Iir_List;
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ List := Get_Instantiation_List (Cfg);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ V : O_Lnode;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (El);
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Cfg_Info.Config_Subprg);
+ V := Get_Instance_Ref (Block_Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ V := New_Selected_Element (V, Info.Block_Parent_Field);
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc, New_Address (V, Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type));
+ V := Get_Instance_Ref (Arch_Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc,
+ New_Address (V, Arch_Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_component_configuration", El);
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end Translate_Component_Configuration_Call;
+ procedure Translate_Block_Configuration_Calls
+ (Block_Config : Iir_Block_Configuration;
+ Arch : Iir_Architecture_Declaration;
+ Info : Block_Info_Acc);
+ procedure Translate_Generate_Block_Configuration_Calls
+ (Block_Config : Iir_Block_Configuration;
+ Arch : Iir_Architecture_Declaration;
+ Parent_Info : Block_Info_Acc)
+ is
+ Spec : Iir;
+ Block : Iir_Generate_Statement;
+ Scheme : Iir;
+ Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ -- Generate a call for a iterative generate block whose index is
+ -- INDEX.
+ -- FAILS is true if it is an error if the block is already
+ -- configured.
+ procedure Gen_Subblock_Call (Index : O_Enode; Fails : Boolean)
+ is
+ Var_Inst : O_Dnode;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ Var_Inst := Create_Temp (Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Inst),
+ New_Address (New_Indexed_Element
+ (New_Acc_Value
+ (New_Selected_Element
+ (Get_Instance_Ref (Parent_Info.Block_Decls_Type),
+ Info.Block_Parent_Field)),
+ Index),
+ Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type));
+ -- Configure only if not yet configured.
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value
+ (New_Obj (Var_Inst),
+ Info.Block_Configured_Field),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Bool_False_Node),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ -- Mark the block as configured.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_Inst),
+ Info.Block_Configured_Field),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Bool_True_Node));
+ Push_Scope (Info.Block_Decls_Type, Var_Inst);
+ Push_Scope_Via_Field_Ptr
+ (Parent_Info.Block_Decls_Type,
+ Info.Block_Origin_Field,
+ Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Translate_Block_Configuration_Calls (Block_Config, Arch, Info);
+ Pop_Scope (Parent_Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Pop_Scope (Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ if Fails then
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ -- Already configured.
+ Chap6.Gen_Program_Error (Block_Config);
+ end if;
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Gen_Subblock_Call;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Iter_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Spec := Get_Block_Specification (Block_Config);
+ Block := Get_Block_From_Block_Specification (Spec);
+ Info := Get_Info (Block);
+ Scheme := Get_Generation_Scheme (Block);
+ if Get_Kind (Scheme) = Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration then
+ Iter_Type := Get_Type (Scheme);
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Iter_Type));
+ case Get_Kind (Spec) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ -- Apply for all/remaining blocks.
+ declare
+ Var_I : O_Dnode;
+ Label : O_Snode;
+ begin
+ Start_Declare_Stmt;
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_I, Wki_I, O_Storage_Local,
+ Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Init_Var (Var_I);
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Gen_Exit_When
+ (Label,
+ New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Eq,
+ New_Value (New_Obj (Var_I)),
+ New_Value
+ (New_Selected_Element
+ (Get_Var (Get_Info (Iter_Type).T.Range_Var),
+ Type_Info.T.Range_Length)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ -- Selected_name is for default configurations, so
+ -- program should not fail if a block is already
+ -- configured but continue silently.
+ Gen_Subblock_Call
+ (New_Value (New_Obj (Var_I)),
+ Get_Kind (Spec) /= Iir_Kind_Selected_Name);
+ Inc_Var (Var_I);
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Finish_Declare_Stmt;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name =>
+ declare
+ Range_Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ Range_Ptr := Create_Temp_Ptr
+ (Type_Info.T.Range_Ptr_Type,
+ Get_Var (Get_Info (Iter_Type).T.Range_Var));
+ Gen_Subblock_Call
+ (Chap6.Translate_Index_To_Offset
+ (Range_Ptr,
+ Chap7.Translate_Expression
+ (Get_Nth_Element (Get_Index_List (Spec), 0),
+ Iter_Type),
+ Iter_Type,
+ Spec),
+ True);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
+ declare
+ Range_Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ Slice : O_Dnode;
+ Slice_Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ Left, Right : O_Dnode;
+ Index : O_Dnode;
+ High : O_Dnode;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ Label : O_Snode;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ Range_Ptr := Create_Temp_Ptr
+ (Type_Info.T.Range_Ptr_Type,
+ Get_Var (Get_Info (Iter_Type).T.Range_Var));
+ Slice := Create_Temp (Type_Info.T.Range_Type);
+ Slice_Ptr := Create_Temp_Ptr
+ (Type_Info.T.Range_Ptr_Type, New_Obj (Slice));
+ Chap7.Translate_Discrete_Range_Ptr
+ (Slice_Ptr, Get_Suffix (Spec));
+ Left := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ Chap6.Translate_Index_To_Offset
+ (Range_Ptr,
+ New_Value (New_Selected_Element
+ (New_Obj (Slice), Type_Info.T.Range_Left)),
+ Iter_Type,
+ Spec));
+ Right := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ Chap6.Translate_Index_To_Offset
+ (Range_Ptr,
+ New_Value (New_Selected_Element
+ (New_Obj (Slice),
+ Type_Info.T.Range_Right)),
+ Iter_Type,
+ Spec));
+ Index := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ High := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value
+ (New_Obj (Range_Ptr),
+ Type_Info.T.Range_Dir),
+ New_Value
+ (New_Selected_Element
+ (New_Obj (Slice),
+ Type_Info.T.Range_Dir)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ -- Same direction, so left to right.
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Index),
+ New_Value (New_Obj (Left)));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (High),
+ New_Value (New_Obj (Right)));
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ -- Opposite direction, so right to left.
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Index),
+ New_Value (New_Obj (Right)));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (High),
+ New_Value (New_Obj (Left)));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ -- Loop.
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Gen_Exit_When
+ (Label, New_Compare_Op (ON_Gt,
+ New_Value (New_Obj (Index)),
+ New_Value (New_Obj (High)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ Open_Temp;
+ Gen_Subblock_Call (New_Value (New_Obj (Index)), True);
+ Close_Temp;
+ Inc_Var (Index);
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind
+ ("translate_generate_block_configuration_calls", Spec);
+ end case;
+ else
+ -- Conditional generate statement.
+ declare
+ Var : O_Dnode;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ begin
+ -- Configure the block only if it was created.
+ Open_Temp;
+ Var := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type,
+ New_Value (New_Selected_Element
+ (Get_Instance_Ref (Parent_Info.Block_Decls_Type),
+ Info.Block_Parent_Field)));
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Neq,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var),
+ New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ Push_Scope (Info.Block_Decls_Type, Var);
+ Push_Scope_Via_Field_Ptr (Parent_Info.Block_Decls_Type,
+ Info.Block_Origin_Field,
+ Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Translate_Block_Configuration_Calls (Block_Config, Arch, Info);
+ Pop_Scope (Parent_Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Pop_Scope (Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Generate_Block_Configuration_Calls;
+ procedure Translate_Block_Configuration_Calls
+ (Block_Config : Iir_Block_Configuration;
+ Arch : Iir_Architecture_Declaration;
+ Info : Block_Info_Acc)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ El := Get_Configuration_Item_Chain (Block_Config);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration
+ | Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification =>
+ Translate_Component_Configuration_Call (El, Arch, Info);
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration =>
+ declare
+ Block : Iir;
+ Block_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Block := Get_Block_Specification (El);
+ if Get_Kind (Block) = Iir_Kind_Block_Statement then
+ Block_Info := Get_Info (Block);
+ Push_Scope (Block_Info.Block_Decls_Type,
+ Block_Info.Block_Parent_Field,
+ Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Translate_Block_Configuration_Calls
+ (El, Arch, Block_Info);
+ Pop_Scope (Block_Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ else
+ Translate_Generate_Block_Configuration_Calls
+ (El, Arch, Info);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_block_configuration_calls(2)", El);
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Translate_Block_Configuration_Calls;
+ procedure Translate_Configuration_Declaration (Config : Iir)
+ is
+ Interface_List : O_Inter_List;
+ Block_Config : Iir_Block_Configuration;
+ Arch : Iir_Architecture_Declaration;
+ Arch_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Config_Info : Config_Info_Acc;
+ Instance : O_Dnode;
+ Num : Iir_Int32;
+ Final : Boolean;
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Config) = Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration then
+ Chap4.Translate_Declaration_Chain (Config);
+ end if;
+ Config_Info := Add_Info (Config, Kind_Config);
+ Block_Config := Get_Block_Configuration (Config);
+ Arch := Get_Block_Specification (Block_Config);
+ Arch_Info := Get_Info (Arch);
+ -- Configurator.
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interface_List, Create_Identifier, Global_Storage);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interface_List, Instance, Wki_Instance,
+ Arch_Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interface_List, Config_Info.Config_Subprg);
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Declare subprograms for configuration.
+ Num := 0;
+ Translate_Block_Configuration_Decls (Block_Config, Arch, Num);
+ -- Body.
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Config_Info.Config_Subprg);
+ Push_Local_Factory;
+ Push_Architecture_Scope (Arch, Instance);
+ if Get_Kind (Config) = Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration then
+ Chap4.Elab_Declaration_Chain (Config, Final);
+ if Final then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Translate_Block_Configuration_Calls (Block_Config, Arch, Arch_Info);
+ Pop_Architecture_Scope (Arch);
+ Pop_Local_Factory;
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ end Translate_Configuration_Declaration;
+ end Chap1;
+ package body Chap2 is
+ procedure Elab_Package (Spec : Iir_Package_Declaration);
+ type Name_String_Xlat_Array is array (Name_Id range <>) of
+ String (1 .. 4);
+ Operator_String_Xlat : constant
+ Name_String_Xlat_Array (Std_Names.Name_Id_Operators) :=
+ (Std_Names.Name_Op_Equality => "OPEq",
+ Std_Names.Name_Op_Inequality => "OPNe",
+ Std_Names.Name_Op_Less => "OPLt",
+ Std_Names.Name_Op_Less_Equal => "OPLe",
+ Std_Names.Name_Op_Greater => "OPGt",
+ Std_Names.Name_Op_Greater_Equal => "OPGe",
+ Std_Names.Name_Op_Plus => "OPPl",
+ Std_Names.Name_Op_Minus => "OPMi",
+ Std_Names.Name_Op_Mul => "OPMu",
+ Std_Names.Name_Op_Div => "OPDi",
+ Std_Names.Name_Op_Exp => "OPEx",
+ Std_Names.Name_Op_Concatenation => "OPCc");
+ -- Set the identifier prefix with the subprogram identifier and
+ -- overload number if any.
+ procedure Push_Subprg_Identifier (Spec : Iir; Mark : out Id_Mark_Type)
+ is
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ -- FIXME: name_shift_operators, name_logical_operators,
+ -- name_word_operators, name_mod, name_rem
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Spec);
+ if Id in Std_Names.Name_Id_Operators then
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix
+ (Mark, Operator_String_Xlat (Id), Get_Overload_Number (Spec));
+ else
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Id, Get_Overload_Number (Spec));
+ end if;
+ end Push_Subprg_Identifier;
+ procedure Translate_Subprogram_Interfaces (Spec : Iir)
+ is
+ Inter : Iir;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ -- Set the identifier prefix with the subprogram identifier and
+ -- overload number if any.
+ Push_Subprg_Identifier (Spec, Mark);
+ -- Translate interface types.
+ Inter := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Spec);
+ while Inter /= Null_Iir loop
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Subtype (Inter);
+ Inter := Get_Chain (Inter);
+ end loop;
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end Translate_Subprogram_Interfaces;
+ procedure Elab_Subprogram_Interfaces (Spec : Iir)
+ is
+ Inter : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Translate interface types.
+ Inter := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Spec);
+ while Inter /= Null_Iir loop
+ Chap3.Elab_Object_Subtype (Get_Type (Inter));
+ Inter := Get_Chain (Inter);
+ end loop;
+ end Elab_Subprogram_Interfaces;
+ -- Return the type of a subprogram interface.
+ -- Return O_Tnode_Null if the parameter is passed through the
+ -- interface record.
+ function Translate_Interface_Type (Inter : Iir) return O_Tnode
+ is
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Mode : Object_Kind_Type;
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Inter);
+ if Info.Interface_Field = O_Fnode_Null then
+ case Get_Kind (Inter) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration =>
+ Mode := Mode_Value;
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ Mode := Mode_Signal;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_interface_type", Inter);
+ end case;
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Get_Type (Inter));
+ case Tinfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Type_Mode_By_Value =>
+ return Tinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode);
+ when Type_Mode_By_Copy
+ | Type_Mode_By_Ref =>
+ return Tinfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode);
+ end case;
+ else
+ return O_Tnode_Null;
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Interface_Type;
+ procedure Translate_Subprogram_Declaration (Spec : Iir)
+ is
+ Inter : Iir;
+ Inter_Type : Iir;
+ Inter_Kind : Iir_Kind;
+ Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ Arg_Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Interface_List : O_Inter_List;
+ Has_Result_Record : Boolean;
+ El_List : O_Element_List;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Is_Func : Boolean;
+ Rtype : Iir;
+ Id : O_Ident;
+ Storage : O_Storage;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Spec);
+ Info.Res_Interface := O_Dnode_Null;
+ Is_Func := Get_Kind (Spec) = Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration;
+ -- Set the identifier prefix with the subprogram identifier and
+ -- overload number if any.
+ Push_Subprg_Identifier (Spec, Mark);
+ if Get_Foreign_Flag (Spec) then
+ declare
+ Fi : Foreign_Info_Type;
+ begin
+ Fi := Translate_Foreign_Id (Spec, True);
+ case Fi.Kind is
+ when Foreign_Unknown =>
+ Id := Create_Identifier;
+ when Foreign_Intrinsic =>
+ Id := Fi.Subprg;
+ when Foreign_Vhpidirect =>
+ Id := Fi.Subprg;
+ end case;
+ Storage := O_Storage_External;
+ end;
+ else
+ Id := Create_Identifier;
+ Storage := Global_Storage;
+ end if;
+ if Is_Func then
+ -- If the result of a function is a composite type for ortho,
+ -- the result is allocated by the caller and an access to it is
+ -- given to the function.
+ Rtype := Get_Return_Type (Spec);
+ Info.Use_Stack2 := False;
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Rtype);
+ if Is_Composite (Tinfo) then
+ Start_Procedure_Decl (Interface_List, Id, Storage);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interface_List, Info.Res_Interface,
+ Get_Identifier ("RESULT"),
+ Tinfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ -- Furthermore, if the result type is unconstrained, the
+ -- function will allocate it on a secondary stack.
+ if Get_Kind (Rtype)
+ in Iir_Kinds_Unconstrained_Array_Type_Definition
+ then
+ Info.Use_Stack2 := True;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interface_List, Id, Storage, Tinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- Create info for each interface of the procedure.
+ -- For parameters passed via copy and that needs a copy-out,
+ -- gather them in a record. An access to the record is then
+ -- passed to the procedure.
+ Has_Result_Record := False;
+ Inter := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Spec);
+ while Inter /= Null_Iir loop
+ Arg_Info := Add_Info (Inter, Kind_Interface);
+ Inter_Type := Get_Type (Inter);
+ Inter_Kind := Get_Kind (Inter_Type);
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Inter_Type);
+ if Get_Kind (Inter) = Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ and then Get_Mode (Inter) in Iir_Out_Modes
+ and then Tinfo.Type_Mode not in Type_Mode_By_Ref
+ then
+ -- This interface is done via the result record.
+ if not Has_Result_Record then
+ -- Create the record.
+ Start_Record_Type (El_List);
+ Has_Result_Record := True;
+ end if;
+ -- Add a field to the record.
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Inter_Type);
+ New_Record_Field (El_List, Arg_Info.Interface_Field,
+ Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (Inter),
+ Tinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ else
+ Arg_Info.Interface_Field := O_Fnode_Null;
+ end if;
+ Inter := Get_Chain (Inter);
+ end loop;
+ if Has_Result_Record then
+ -- Declare the record type and an access to the record.
+ Finish_Record_Type (El_List, Info.Res_Record_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("RESTYPE"),
+ Info.Res_Record_Type);
+ Info.Res_Record_Ptr := New_Access_Type (Info.Res_Record_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("RESPTR"),
+ Info.Res_Record_Ptr);
+ end if;
+ Start_Procedure_Decl (Interface_List, Id, Storage);
+ if Has_Result_Record then
+ -- Add the record parameter.
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interface_List, Info.Res_Interface,
+ Get_Identifier ("RESULT"),
+ Info.Res_Record_Ptr);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Instance parameter if any.
+ if not Get_Foreign_Flag (Spec) then
+ Chap2.Create_Subprg_Instance (Interface_List, Spec);
+ end if;
+ Inter := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Spec);
+ while Inter /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Is_Func then
+ Arg_Info := Add_Info (Inter, Kind_Interface);
+ Arg_Info.Interface_Field := O_Fnode_Null;
+ else
+ Arg_Info := Get_Info (Inter);
+ end if;
+ Arg_Info.Interface_Type := Translate_Interface_Type (Inter);
+ if Arg_Info.Interface_Type /= O_Tnode_Null then
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interface_List, Arg_Info.Interface_Node,
+ Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (Inter),
+ Arg_Info.Interface_Type);
+ else
+ -- Parameter is passed by the result record.
+ Arg_Info.Interface_Node := Info.Res_Interface;
+ end if;
+ Inter := Get_Chain (Inter);
+ end loop;
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interface_List, Info.Ortho_Func);
+ Save_Local_Identifier (Info.Subprg_Local_Id);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end Translate_Subprogram_Declaration;
+ -- Return TRUE iff subprogram specification SPEC is translated in an
+ -- ortho function.
+ function Is_Subprogram_Ortho_Function (Spec : Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Spec) = Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Info (Spec).Res_Interface /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end Is_Subprogram_Ortho_Function;
+ procedure Translate_Subprogram_Body (Subprg : Iir)
+ is
+ Spec : Iir;
+ Func_Decl : O_Dnode;
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Old_Subprogram : Iir;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Final : Boolean;
+ Is_Func : Boolean;
+ -- Set for a public method. In this case, the lock must be acquired
+ -- and retained.
+ Is_Prot : Boolean := False;
+ Subprg_Instances : Chap2.Subprg_Instance_Stack;
+ begin
+ Spec := Get_Subprogram_Specification (Subprg);
+ Info := Get_Info (Spec);
+ Func_Decl := Info.Ortho_Func;
+ -- Do not translate body for foreign subprograms.
+ if Get_Foreign_Flag (Spec) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Set the identifier prefix with the subprogram identifier and
+ -- overload number if any.
+ Push_Subprg_Identifier (Spec, Mark);
+ Restore_Local_Identifier (Info.Subprg_Local_Id);
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Func_Decl);
+ Start_Subprg_Instance_Use (Spec);
+ Push_Local_Factory;
+ Chap2.Save_Subprg_Instance (Subprg_Instances);
+ Chap4.Translate_Declaration_Chain (Subprg);
+ Chap4.Translate_Declaration_Chain_Subprograms (Subprg, Null_Iir);
+ Chap4.Elab_Declaration_Chain (Subprg, Final);
+ -- If finalization is required, create a dummy loop around the
+ -- body and convert returns into exit out of this loop.
+ -- If the subprogram is a function, also create a variable for the
+ -- result.
+ Is_Prot := Is_Subprogram_Method (Spec);
+ if Final or Is_Prot then
+ if Is_Prot then
+ -- Lock the object.
+ Chap3.Call_Ghdl_Protected_Procedure (Get_Method_Type (Spec),
+ Ghdl_Protected_Enter);
+ end if;
+ Is_Func := Is_Subprogram_Ortho_Function (Spec);
+ if Is_Func then
+ New_Var_Decl
+ (Info.Subprg_Result, Get_Identifier ("RESULT"),
+ O_Storage_Local,
+ Get_Ortho_Type (Get_Return_Type (Spec), Mode_Value));
+ end if;
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Info.Subprg_Exit);
+ end if;
+ Old_Subprogram := Current_Subprogram;
+ Current_Subprogram := Spec;
+ Chap8.Translate_Statements_Chain
+ (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Subprg));
+ Current_Subprogram := Old_Subprogram;
+ if Final or Is_Prot then
+ -- FIXME: create a barrier to catch missing return statement.
+ if Get_Kind (Spec) = Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration then
+ New_Exit_Stmt (Info.Subprg_Exit);
+ end if;
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Info.Subprg_Exit);
+ Chap4.Final_Declaration_Chain (Subprg, False);
+ if Is_Prot then
+ -- Unlock the object.
+ Chap3.Call_Ghdl_Protected_Procedure (Get_Method_Type (Spec),
+ Ghdl_Protected_Leave);
+ end if;
+ if Is_Func then
+ New_Return_Stmt (New_Obj_Value (Info.Subprg_Result));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Chap2.Restore_Subprg_Instance (Subprg_Instances);
+ Pop_Local_Factory;
+ Finish_Subprg_Instance_Use (Spec);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end Translate_Subprogram_Body;
+-- procedure Translate_Protected_Subprogram_Declaration
+-- (Def : Iir_Protected_Type_Declaration; Spec : Iir; Block : Iir)
+-- is
+-- Interface_List : O_Inter_List;
+-- Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+-- Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+-- Inter : Iir;
+-- Inter_Info : Inter_Info_Acc;
+-- Prot_Subprg : O_Dnode;
+-- Prot_Obj : O_Lnode;
+-- Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+-- Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+-- Inst_Data : Instance_Data;
+-- Is_Func : Boolean;
+-- Var_Res : O_Lnode;
+-- begin
+-- Chap2.Translate_Subprogram_Declaration (Spec, Block);
+-- -- Create protected subprogram
+-- Info := Get_Info (Spec);
+-- Push_Subprg_Identifier (Spec, Info, Mark);
+-- Is_Func := Is_Subprogram_Ortho_Function (Spec);
+-- if Is_Func then
+-- Tinfo := Get_Info (Get_Return_Type (Spec));
+-- Start_Function_Decl (Interface_List,
+-- Create_Identifier ("PROT"),
+-- Global_Storage,
+-- Tinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+-- else
+-- Start_Procedure_Decl (Interface_List,
+-- Create_Identifier ("PROT"),
+-- Global_Storage);
+-- end if;
+-- Chap2.Create_Subprg_Instance (Interface_List, Inst_Data, Block);
+-- -- FIXME: RES record interface.
+-- New_Interface_Decl
+-- (Interface_List,
+-- Prot_Obj,
+-- Get_Identifier ("OBJ"),
+-- Get_Info (Def).Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+-- Inter := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Spec);
+-- while Inter /= Null_Iir loop
+-- Inter_Info := Get_Info (Inter);
+-- if Inter_Info.Interface_Type /= O_Tnode_Null then
+-- New_Interface_Decl
+-- (Interface_List, Inter_Info.Interface_Protected,
+-- Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (Inter),
+-- Inter_Info.Interface_Type);
+-- end if;
+-- Inter := Get_Chain (Inter);
+-- end loop;
+-- Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interface_List, Prot_Subprg);
+-- if Global_Storage /= O_Storage_External then
+-- -- Body of the protected subprogram.
+-- Start_Subprogram_Body (Prot_Subprg);
+-- Start_Subprg_Instance_Use (Inst_Data);
+-- if Is_Func then
+-- New_Var_Decl (Var_Res, Wki_Res, O_Storage_Local,
+-- Tinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+-- end if;
+-- -- Lock the object.
+-- Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Protected_Enter);
+-- New_Association
+-- (Constr, New_Convert_Ov (New_Value (Prot_Obj), Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+-- New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+-- -- Call the unprotected method
+-- Start_Association (Constr, Info.Ortho_Func);
+-- Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc (Constr, Inst_Data);
+-- New_Association (Constr, New_Value (Prot_Obj));
+-- Inter := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Spec);
+-- while Inter /= Null_Iir loop
+-- Inter_Info := Get_Info (Inter);
+-- if Inter_Info.Interface_Type /= O_Tnode_Null then
+-- New_Association
+-- (Constr, New_Value (Inter_Info.Interface_Protected));
+-- end if;
+-- Inter := Get_Chain (Inter);
+-- end loop;
+-- if Is_Func then
+-- New_Assign_Stmt (Var_Res, New_Function_Call (Constr));
+-- else
+-- New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+-- end if;
+-- -- Unlock the object.
+-- Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Protected_Leave);
+-- New_Association
+-- (Constr, New_Convert_Ov (New_Value (Prot_Obj), Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+-- New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+-- if Is_Func then
+-- New_Return_Stmt (New_Value (Var_Res));
+-- end if;
+-- Finish_Subprg_Instance_Use (Inst_Data);
+-- Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+-- end if;
+-- Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+-- end Translate_Protected_Subprogram_Declaration;
+ procedure Translate_Package_Declaration (Decl : Iir_Package_Declaration)
+ is
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ I_List : O_Inter_List;
+ --Storage : O_Storage;
+ begin
+ Chap4.Translate_Declaration_Chain (Decl);
+ Chap4.Translate_Declaration_Chain_Subprograms (Decl, Null_Iir);
+-- if Chap10.Global_Storage = O_Storage_Public
+-- and then not Get_Need_Body (Decl)
+-- then
+-- Storage := O_Storage_Public;
+-- else
+-- Storage := O_Storage_External;
+-- end if;
+ Info := Add_Info (Decl, Kind_Package);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (I_List, Create_Identifier ("ELAB_SPEC"), Global_Storage);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (I_List, Info.Package_Elab_Spec_Subprg);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (I_List, Create_Identifier ("ELAB_BODY"), Global_Storage);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (I_List, Info.Package_Elab_Body_Subprg);
+ New_Var_Decl (Info.Package_Elab_Var, Create_Identifier ("ELABORATED"),
+ Chap10.Global_Storage, Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ if Flag_Rti then
+ Rtis.Generate_Unit (Decl);
+ end if;
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_Public then
+ -- Generate RTI.
+ Elab_Package (Decl);
+ end if;
+ Save_Local_Identifier (Info.Package_Local_Id);
+ end Translate_Package_Declaration;
+ procedure Translate_Package_Body (Decl : Iir_Package_Body)
+ is
+ Pkg : Iir_Package_Declaration;
+ begin
+ -- May be called during elaboration to generate RTI.
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Flag_Rti then
+ Rtis.Generate_Unit (Decl);
+ end if;
+ Pkg := Get_Package (Decl);
+ Restore_Local_Identifier (Get_Info (Pkg).Package_Local_Id);
+ Chap4.Translate_Declaration_Chain (Decl);
+ Chap4.Translate_Declaration_Chain_Subprograms (Decl, Null_Iir);
+ Elab_Package_Body (Pkg, Decl);
+ end Translate_Package_Body;
+ procedure Elab_Package (Spec : Iir_Package_Declaration)
+ is
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Final : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Spec);
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Info.Package_Elab_Spec_Subprg);
+ Push_Local_Factory;
+ Elab_Dependence (Get_Design_Unit (Spec));
+ Chap4.Elab_Declaration_Chain (Spec, Final);
+ Pop_Local_Factory;
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ end Elab_Package;
+ procedure Elab_Package_Body (Spec : Iir_Package_Declaration; Bod : Iir)
+ is
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ Final : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Spec);
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Info.Package_Elab_Body_Subprg);
+ Push_Local_Factory;
+ -- If the package was already elaborated, return now,
+ -- else mark the package as elaborated.
+ Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk, New_Obj_Value (Info.Package_Elab_Var));
+ New_Return_Stmt;
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Info.Package_Elab_Var),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Bool_True_Node));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ -- Elab Spec.
+ Start_Association (Constr, Info.Package_Elab_Spec_Subprg);
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ if Bod /= Null_Iir then
+ Elab_Dependence (Get_Design_Unit (Bod));
+ Chap4.Elab_Declaration_Chain (Bod, Final);
+ end if;
+ Pop_Local_Factory;
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ end Elab_Package_Body;
+ procedure Elab_Dependence (Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit)
+ is
+ Depend_List: Iir_Design_Unit_List;
+ Design: Iir;
+ Library_Unit: Iir;
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ Depend_List := Get_Dependence_List (Design_Unit);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Design := Get_Nth_Element (Depend_List, I);
+ exit when Design = Null_Iir;
+ if Get_Kind (Design) = Iir_Kind_Design_Unit then
+ Library_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Design);
+ case Get_Kind (Library_Unit) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ if Library_Unit /= Standard_Package then
+ Info := Get_Info (Library_Unit);
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk, New_Monadic_Op
+ (ON_Not, New_Obj_Value (Info.Package_Elab_Var)));
+ -- Elaborates only non-elaborated packages.
+ Start_Association (Constr,
+ Info.Package_Elab_Body_Subprg);
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
+ -- FIXME: architecture already elaborates its entity.
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("elab_dependence", Library_Unit);
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Elab_Dependence;
+ procedure Push_Subprg_Instance (Decl_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Ident : O_Ident)
+ is
+ El : Subprg_Instance_Stack;
+ begin
+ if Subprg_Instance_Unused /= null then
+ El := Subprg_Instance_Unused;
+ Subprg_Instance_Unused := El.Next;
+ else
+ El := new Subprg_Instance_Type;
+ end if;
+ El.all := (Decl_Type => Decl_Type,
+ Ptr_Type => Ptr_Type,
+ Ident => Ident,
+ Next => null,
+ Prev => Subprg_Instance_Last);
+ if Subprg_Instance_First = null then
+ Subprg_Instance_First := El;
+ else
+ Subprg_Instance_Last.Next := El;
+ end if;
+ Subprg_Instance_Last := El;
+ end Push_Subprg_Instance;
+ procedure Pop_Subprg_Instance (Ident : O_Ident)
+ is
+ El : Subprg_Instance_Stack;
+ begin
+ El := Subprg_Instance_Last;
+ if El = null or else not Is_Equal (El.Ident, Ident) then
+ -- POP does not match with a push.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Subprg_Instance_Last := El.Prev;
+ if El.Prev = null then
+ Subprg_Instance_First := null;
+ else
+ El.Prev.Next := null;
+ end if;
+ El.Next := Subprg_Instance_Unused;
+ Subprg_Instance_Unused := El;
+ end Pop_Subprg_Instance;
+ procedure Save_Subprg_Instance (Stack : out Subprg_Instance_Stack)
+ is
+ begin
+ Stack := Subprg_Instance_First;
+ if Stack /= null then
+ if Stack.Prev /= null then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Stack.Prev := Subprg_Instance_Last;
+ end if;
+ Subprg_Instance_First := null;
+ Subprg_Instance_Last := null;
+ end Save_Subprg_Instance;
+ procedure Restore_Subprg_Instance (Stack : Subprg_Instance_Stack)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Subprg_Instance_First /= null then
+ -- Not matching with a save.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Subprg_Instance_First := Stack;
+ if Stack /= null then
+ Subprg_Instance_Last := Stack.Prev;
+ Stack.Prev := null;
+ end if;
+ end Restore_Subprg_Instance;
+ procedure Add_Subprg_Instance_Interfaces
+ (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List; Vars : out Subprg_Instance_Array)
+ is
+ El : Subprg_Instance_Stack;
+ I : Natural;
+ begin
+ El := Subprg_Instance_First;
+ I := Vars'First;
+ while El /= null loop
+ Vars (I).Inst_Type := El.Decl_Type;
+ Vars (I).Inter_Type := El.Ptr_Type;
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Vars (I).Inter, El.Ident, El.Ptr_Type);
+ I := I + 1;
+ El := El.Next;
+ end loop;
+ Vars (I .. Vars'Last) := (others => Null_Subprg_Instance_El);
+ end Add_Subprg_Instance_Interfaces;
+ procedure Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc
+ (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List; Vars : Subprg_Instance_Array)
+ is
+ Val : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ for I in Vars'Range loop
+ exit when Vars (I).Inter = O_Dnode_Null;
+ Val := New_Address (Get_Instance_Ref (Vars (I).Inst_Type),
+ Vars (I).Inter_Type);
+ New_Association (Assocs, Val);
+ end loop;
+ end Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc;
+ procedure Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc
+ (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List;
+ Vars : Subprg_Instance_Array;
+ Inst1_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Inst1_Val : O_Enode)
+ is
+ Val : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ for I in Vars'Range loop
+ exit when Vars (I).Inter = O_Dnode_Null;
+ if Vars (I).Inst_Type = Inst1_Type then
+ Val := Inst1_Val;
+ else
+ Val := New_Address (Get_Instance_Ref (Vars (I).Inst_Type),
+ Vars (I).Inter_Type);
+ end if;
+ New_Association (Assocs, Val);
+ end loop;
+ end Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc;
+ procedure Start_Subprg_Instance_Use (Vars : Subprg_Instance_Array)
+ is
+ begin
+ for I in Vars'Range loop
+ exit when Vars (I).Inter = O_Dnode_Null;
+ Push_Scope (Vars (I).Inst_Type, Vars (I).Inter);
+ end loop;
+ end Start_Subprg_Instance_Use;
+ procedure Finish_Subprg_Instance_Use (Vars : Subprg_Instance_Array)
+ is
+ begin
+ for I in reverse Vars'Range loop
+ if Vars (I).Inter /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ Pop_Scope (Vars (I).Inst_Type);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Finish_Subprg_Instance_Use;
+ procedure Create_Subprg_Instance (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List;
+ Subprg : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ Add_Subprg_Instance_Interfaces
+ (Interfaces, Get_Info (Subprg).Subprg_Instance);
+ end Create_Subprg_Instance;
+ procedure Start_Subprg_Instance_Use (Subprg : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Start_Subprg_Instance_Use (Get_Info (Subprg).Subprg_Instance);
+ end Start_Subprg_Instance_Use;
+ procedure Finish_Subprg_Instance_Use (Subprg : Iir) is
+ begin
+ Finish_Subprg_Instance_Use (Get_Info (Subprg).Subprg_Instance);
+ end Finish_Subprg_Instance_Use;
+ end Chap2;
+ package body Chap3 is
+ function Create_Static_Type_Definition_Type_Range (Def : Iir)
+ return O_Cnode;
+ procedure Create_Scalar_Type_Range (Def : Iir; Target : O_Lnode);
+ -- Finish a type definition: declare the type, define and declare a
+ -- pointer to the type.
+ procedure Finish_Type_Definition
+ (Info : Type_Info_Acc; Completion : Boolean := False)
+ is
+ begin
+ -- Declare the type.
+ if not Completion then
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier, Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ end if;
+ -- Create an access to the type and declare it.
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value) :=
+ New_Access_Type (Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("PTR"),
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ -- Signal type.
+ if Info.Type_Mode in Type_Mode_Scalar then
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal) :=
+ New_Access_Type (Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ end if;
+ if Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal) /= O_Tnode_Null then
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("SIG"),
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal));
+ end if;
+ -- Signal pointer type.
+ if Info.Type_Mode in Type_Mode_Composite
+ and then Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal) /= O_Tnode_Null
+ then
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Signal) :=
+ New_Access_Type (Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal));
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("SIGPTR"),
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Signal));
+ else
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Signal) := O_Tnode_Null;
+ end if;
+ end Finish_Type_Definition;
+ procedure Create_Size_Var (Def : Iir)
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ Info.C := new Complex_Type_Info;
+ Info.C.Size_Var (Mode_Value) := Create_Var
+ (Create_Var_Identifier ("SIZE"), Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ if Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Def) then
+ Info.C.Size_Var (Mode_Signal) := Create_Var
+ (Create_Var_Identifier ("SIGSIZE"), Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ end if;
+ end Create_Size_Var;
+ -- A builder set internal fields of object pointed by BASE_PTR, using
+ -- memory from BASE_PTR and returns a pointer to the next memory byte
+ -- to be used.
+ procedure Create_Builder_Subprogram_Decl (Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Name : Name_Id;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ is
+ Interface_List : O_Inter_List;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Ptype : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ case Kind is
+ when Mode_Value =>
+ Ident := Create_Identifier (Name, "_BUILDER");
+ when Mode_Signal =>
+ Ident := Create_Identifier (Name, "_SIGBUILDER");
+ end case;
+ Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interface_List, Ident, Global_Storage, Char_Ptr_Type);
+ Chap2.Add_Subprg_Instance_Interfaces
+ (Interface_List, Info.C.Builder_Instance (Kind));
+ case Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ Ptype := Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Kind);
+ when Type_Mode_Record =>
+ Ptype := Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interface_List, Info.C.Builder_Base_Param (Kind),
+ Get_Identifier ("base_ptr"), Ptype);
+ -- Add parameter for array bounds.
+ if Info.Type_Mode in Type_Mode_Arrays then
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interface_List, Info.C.Builder_Bound_Param (Kind),
+ Get_Identifier ("bound"), Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type);
+ end if;
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interface_List, Info.C.Builder_Func (Kind));
+ end Create_Builder_Subprogram_Decl;
+ function Gen_Call_Type_Builder (Var_Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Type : Iir;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Binfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Var_Type);
+ -- Build the field
+ Binfo := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Var_Type));
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Binfo.C.Builder_Func (Kind));
+ Chap2.Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc
+ (Assoc, Binfo.C.Builder_Instance (Kind));
+ case Tinfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Record
+ | Type_Mode_Array =>
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Obj_Value (Var_Ptr));
+ when Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ --New_Association (Assoc, New_Value (New_Acc_Value (Var_Ptr)));
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Obj_Value (Var_Ptr));
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ -- Note: a fat array can only be at the top of a complex type;
+ -- the bounds must have been set.
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc, New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value
+ (New_Obj (Var_Ptr), Tinfo.T.Base_Field (Kind)));
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ case Tinfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc,
+ Get_Array_Bounds_Ptr (O_Lnode_Null, Var_Type, Kind));
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc, Get_Array_Ptr_Bounds_Ptr (New_Obj (Var_Ptr),
+ Var_Type, Kind));
+ when Type_Mode_Record =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ return New_Function_Call (Assoc);
+ end Gen_Call_Type_Builder;
+ procedure Gen_Call_Type_Builder (Var : Mnode; Var_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ Mem : O_Dnode;
+ V : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ V := Stabilize (Var);
+ Mem := Create_Temp (Char_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Mem),
+ Gen_Call_Type_Builder (M2Dp (V), Var_Type, Get_Object_Kind (Var)));
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Gen_Call_Type_Builder;
+ procedure Builder_Update_Field
+ (Field_Type : Iir; Mem : O_Dnode; Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ is
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Var_Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Field_Type);
+ if Tinfo.C /= null then
+ if Tinfo.C.Builder_Need_Func then
+ -- This is a complex type.
+ Start_Declare_Stmt;
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Ptr, Get_Identifier ("var_ptr"),
+ O_Storage_Local, Tinfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind));
+ -- Allocate memory.
+ -- Set the field with mem.
+ -- FIXME: alignment ???
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Ptr),
+ New_Convert_Ov (New_Obj_Value (Mem),
+ Tinfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind)));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (Get_Field_Lnode, New_Obj_Value (Var_Ptr));
+ -- Build second/third-order complex type.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Mem),
+ Gen_Call_Type_Builder (Var_Ptr, Field_Type, Kind));
+ Finish_Declare_Stmt;
+ else
+ -- Allocate memory.
+ New_Assign_Stmt (Get_Field_Lnode,
+ New_Convert_Ov (New_Obj_Value (Mem),
+ Tinfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind)));
+ -- Allocate memory for first order complex type.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Mem),
+ New_Address
+ (New_Slice (New_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Mem)),
+ Chararray_Type,
+ New_Value (Get_Var (Tinfo.C.Size_Var (Kind)))),
+ Char_Ptr_Type));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Builder_Update_Field;
+ ------------------
+ -- Enumeration --
+ ------------------
+ function Translate_Enumeration_Literal (Lit : Iir_Enumeration_Literal)
+ return O_Ident
+ is
+ El_Str : String (1 .. 4);
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ N : Integer;
+ C : Character;
+ begin
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Lit);
+ if Name_Table.Is_Character (Id) then
+ C := Name_Table.Get_Character (Id);
+ El_Str (1) := 'C';
+ case C is
+ when 'A' .. 'Z'
+ | 'a' .. 'z'
+ | '0' .. '9' =>
+ El_Str (2) := '_';
+ El_Str (3) := C;
+ when others =>
+ N := Character'Pos (Name_Table.Get_Character (Id));
+ El_Str (2) := N2hex (N / 16);
+ El_Str (3) := N2hex (N mod 16);
+ end case;
+ return Get_Identifier (El_Str (1 .. 3));
+ else
+ return Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (Lit);
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Enumeration_Literal;
+ procedure Translate_Enumeration_Type
+ (Def : Iir_Enumeration_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ El_List : Iir_List;
+ El : Iir_Enumeration_Literal;
+ Constr : O_Enum_List;
+ Lit_Name : O_Ident;
+ Val : O_Cnode;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Nbr : Natural;
+ Size : Natural;
+ begin
+ El_List := Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Def);
+ Nbr := Get_Nbr_Elements (El_List);
+ if Nbr <= 256 then
+ Size := 8;
+ else
+ Size := 32;
+ end if;
+ Start_Enum_Type (Constr, Size);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (El_List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Lit_Name := Translate_Enumeration_Literal (El);
+ New_Enum_Literal (Constr, Lit_Name, Val);
+ Set_Ortho_Expr (El, Val);
+ end loop;
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ Finish_Enum_Type (Constr, Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ if Nbr <= 256 then
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_E8;
+ else
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_E32;
+ end if;
+ -- Enumerations are always in their range.
+ Info.T.Nocheck_Low := True;
+ Info.T.Nocheck_Hi := True;
+ Finish_Type_Definition (Info);
+ end Translate_Enumeration_Type;
+ procedure Translate_Bool_Type (Def : Iir_Enumeration_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ El_List : Iir_List;
+ True_Lit, False_Lit : Iir_Enumeration_Literal;
+ False_Node, True_Node : O_Cnode;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ El_List := Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Def);
+ if Get_Nbr_Elements (El_List) /= 2 then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ False_Lit := Get_Nth_Element (El_List, 0);
+ True_Lit := Get_Nth_Element (El_List, 1);
+ New_Boolean_Type
+ (Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value),
+ Translate_Enumeration_Literal (False_Lit), False_Node,
+ Translate_Enumeration_Literal (True_Lit), True_Node);
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_B2;
+ Set_Ortho_Expr (False_Lit, False_Node);
+ Set_Ortho_Expr (True_Lit, True_Node);
+ Info.T.Nocheck_Low := True;
+ Info.T.Nocheck_Hi := True;
+ Finish_Type_Definition (Info);
+ end Translate_Bool_Type;
+ ---------------
+ -- Integer --
+ ---------------
+ -- Return the number of bits (32 or 64) required to represent the
+ -- (integer or physical) type definition DEF.
+ type Type_Precision is (Precision_32, Precision_64);
+ function Get_Type_Precision (Def : Iir) return Type_Precision
+ is
+ St : Iir;
+ L, H : Iir;
+ Lv, Hv : Iir_Int64;
+ begin
+ St := Get_Subtype_Definition (Get_Type_Declarator (Def));
+ Get_Low_High_Limit (Get_Range_Constraint (St), L, H);
+ Lv := Get_Value (L);
+ Hv := Get_Value (H);
+ if Lv >= -(2 ** 31) and then Hv <= (2 ** 31 - 1) then
+ return Precision_32;
+ else
+ if Flag_Only_32b then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("range of " & Disp_Node (Get_Type_Declarator (St))
+ & " is too large", St);
+ return Precision_32;
+ end if;
+ return Precision_64;
+ end if;
+ end Get_Type_Precision;
+ procedure Translate_Integer_Type
+ (Def : Iir_Integer_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ case Get_Type_Precision (Def) is
+ when Precision_32 =>
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value) := New_Signed_Type (32);
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_I32;
+ when Precision_64 =>
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value) := New_Signed_Type (64);
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_I64;
+ end case;
+ -- Integers are always in their ranges.
+ Info.T.Nocheck_Low := True;
+ Info.T.Nocheck_Hi := True;
+ Finish_Type_Definition (Info);
+ end Translate_Integer_Type;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Floating types --
+ ----------------------
+ procedure Translate_Floating_Type (Def : Iir_Floating_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ -- FIXME: should check precision
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_F64;
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value) := New_Float_Type;
+ -- Reals are always in their ranges.
+ Info.T.Nocheck_Low := True;
+ Info.T.Nocheck_Hi := True;
+ Finish_Type_Definition (Info);
+ end Translate_Floating_Type;
+ ----------------
+ -- Physical --
+ ----------------
+ procedure Translate_Physical_Type (Def : Iir_Physical_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ case Get_Type_Precision (Def) is
+ when Precision_32 =>
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value) := New_Signed_Type (32);
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_P32;
+ when Precision_64 =>
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value) := New_Signed_Type (64);
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_P64;
+ end case;
+ -- Phyiscals are always in their ranges.
+ Info.T.Nocheck_Low := True;
+ Info.T.Nocheck_Hi := True;
+ Finish_Type_Definition (Info);
+ end Translate_Physical_Type;
+ procedure Translate_Physical_Units (Def : Iir_Physical_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ Unit : Iir;
+ Info : Object_Info_Acc;
+ Phy_Type : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ Phy_Type := Get_Ortho_Type (Def, Mode_Value);
+ Unit := Get_Unit_Chain (Def);
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ Info := Add_Info (Unit, Kind_Object);
+ Info.Object_Var := Create_Var (Create_Var_Identifier (Unit),
+ Phy_Type);
+ Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ end loop;
+ end Translate_Physical_Units;
+ ------------
+ -- File --
+ ------------
+ procedure Translate_File_Type (Def : Iir_File_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value) := Ghdl_File_Index_Type;
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value) := Ghdl_File_Index_Ptr_Type;
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_File;
+ end Translate_File_Type;
+ function Get_File_Signature_Length (Def : Iir) return Natural
+ is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Def) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Type_Definition =>
+ return 1;
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ return 2
+ + Get_File_Signature_Length (Get_Element_Subtype (Def));
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
+ declare
+ El : Iir;
+ Res : Natural;
+ begin
+ Res := 2;
+ El := Get_Element_Declaration_Chain (Get_Base_Type (Def));
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Res := Res + Get_File_Signature_Length (Get_Type (El));
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("get_file_signature_length", Def);
+ end case;
+ end Get_File_Signature_Length;
+ procedure Get_File_Signature (Def : Iir;
+ Res : in out String;
+ Off : in out Natural)
+ is
+ Scalar_Map : constant array (Type_Mode_Scalar) of Character
+ := "beEiIpPF";
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Def) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Type_Definition =>
+ Res (Off) := Scalar_Map (Get_Info (Def).Type_Mode);
+ Off := Off + 1;
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Res (Off) := '[';
+ Off := Off + 1;
+ Get_File_Signature (Get_Element_Subtype (Def), Res, Off);
+ Res (Off) := ']';
+ Off := Off + 1;
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
+ declare
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ Res (Off) := '<';
+ Off := Off + 1;
+ El := Get_Element_Declaration_Chain (Get_Base_Type (Def));
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Get_File_Signature (Get_Type (El), Res, Off);
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ Res (Off) := '>';
+ Off := Off + 1;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("get_file_signature", Def);
+ end case;
+ end Get_File_Signature;
+ procedure Create_File_Type_Var (Def : Iir_File_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ Type_Name : Iir;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Type_Name := Get_Type_Mark (Def);
+ if Get_Kind (Type_Name) in Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Type_Definition then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Len : Natural := Get_File_Signature_Length (Type_Name);
+ Sig : String (1 .. Len + 2);
+ Off : Natural := 1;
+ begin
+ Get_File_Signature (Type_Name, Sig, Off);
+ Sig (Len + 1) := '.';
+ Sig (Len + 2) := Character'Val (10);
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ Info.T.File_Signature := Create_String
+ (Sig, Create_Identifier ("FILESIG"), Global_Storage);
+ end;
+ end Create_File_Type_Var;
+ -------------
+ -- Array --
+ -------------
+ function Type_To_Last_Object_Kind (Def : Iir) return Object_Kind_Type is
+ begin
+ if Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Def) then
+ return Mode_Signal;
+ else
+ return Mode_Value;
+ end if;
+ end Type_To_Last_Object_Kind;
+ procedure Create_Array_Fat_Pointer
+ (Info : Type_Info_Acc; Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ is
+ Constr : O_Element_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Record_Type (Constr);
+ New_Record_Field
+ (Constr, Info.T.Base_Field (Kind), Get_Identifier ("BASE"),
+ Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Kind));
+ New_Record_Field
+ (Constr, Info.T.Bounds_Field (Kind), Get_Identifier ("BOUNDS"),
+ Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Record_Type (Constr, Info.Ortho_Type (Kind));
+ end Create_Array_Fat_Pointer;
+ procedure Translate_Incomplete_Array_Type
+ (Def : Iir_Array_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ Arr_Info : Incomplete_Type_Info_Acc;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Arr_Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ if Arr_Info.Incomplete_Array /= null then
+ -- This (incomplete) array type was already translated.
+ -- This is the case for a second access type definition to this
+ -- still incomplete array type.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Info := new Ortho_Info_Type (Kind_Type);
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_Fat_Array;
+ Info.Type_Incomplete := True;
+ Arr_Info.Incomplete_Array := Info;
+ Info.T := Ortho_Info_Type_Array_Init;
+ Info.T.Bounds_Type := O_Tnode_Null;
+ Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type := New_Access_Type (Info.T.Bounds_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("BOUNDP"),
+ Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type);
+ Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value) := New_Access_Type (O_Tnode_Null);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("BASEP"),
+ Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ Create_Array_Fat_Pointer (Info, Mode_Value);
+ New_Type_Decl
+ (Create_Identifier, Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ end Translate_Incomplete_Array_Type;
+ procedure Translate_Array_Type_Bounds
+ (Def : Iir_Array_Type_Definition;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Complete : Boolean)
+ is
+ Constr : O_Element_List;
+ Dim : String (1 .. 8);
+ N : Natural;
+ P : Natural;
+ Index_List : Iir_List;
+ Index : Iir;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ Start_Record_Type (Constr);
+ Index_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def);
+ Info.T.Bounds_Vector :=
+ new O_Fnode_Arr (1 .. Get_Nbr_Elements (Index_List));
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Index := Get_Nth_Element (Index_List, I);
+ exit when Index = Null_Iir;
+ if Get_Info (Index) = null then
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, "DIM", Iir_Int32 (I + 1));
+ Translate_Type_Definition (Index, True);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end if;
+ N := I + 1;
+ P := Dim'Last;
+ loop
+ Dim (P) := Character'Val (Character'Pos ('0') + N mod 10);
+ P := P - 1;
+ N := N / 10;
+ exit when N = 0;
+ end loop;
+ P := P - 3;
+ Dim (P .. P + 3) := "dim_";
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Info.T.Bounds_Vector (I + 1),
+ Get_Identifier (Dim (P .. Dim'Last)),
+ Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Index)).T.Range_Type);
+ end loop;
+ Finish_Record_Type (Constr, Info.T.Bounds_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("BOUND"),
+ Info.T.Bounds_Type);
+ if Complete then
+ Finish_Access_Type (Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type, Info.T.Bounds_Type);
+ else
+ Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type := New_Access_Type (Info.T.Bounds_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("BOUNDP"),
+ Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type);
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Array_Type_Bounds;
+ procedure Translate_Array_Type_Base
+ (Def : Iir_Array_Type_Definition;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Complete : Boolean)
+ is
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ El_Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Id, Idptr : O_Ident;
+ begin
+ El_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Def);
+ Translate_Type_Definition (El_Type, True);
+ El_Tinfo := Get_Info (El_Type);
+ for Kind in Mode_Value .. Type_To_Last_Object_Kind (Def) loop
+ case Kind is
+ when Mode_Value =>
+ -- For the values.
+ Id := Create_Identifier ("BASE");
+ if not Complete then
+ Idptr := Create_Identifier ("BASEP");
+ else
+ Idptr := O_Ident_Nul;
+ end if;
+ when Mode_Signal =>
+ -- For the signals
+ Id := Create_Identifier ("SIGBASE");
+ Idptr := Create_Identifier ("SIGBASEP");
+ end case;
+ Info.T.Base_Type (Kind) :=
+ New_Array_Type (Chap4.Get_Element_Type (El_Tinfo, Kind),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Id, Info.T.Base_Type (Kind));
+ if Is_Equal (Idptr, O_Ident_Nul) then
+ Finish_Access_Type (Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Kind),
+ Info.T.Base_Type (Kind));
+ else
+ Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Kind) :=
+ New_Access_Type (Info.T.Base_Type (Kind));
+ New_Type_Decl (Idptr, Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Kind));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Translate_Array_Type_Base;
+ -- For unidimensional arrays: create a constant bounds whose length
+ -- is 1, for concatenation with element.
+ procedure Translate_Static_Unidimensional_Array_Length_One
+ (Def : Iir_Array_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ Indexes : Iir_List;
+ Index_Type : Iir;
+ Index_Base_Type : Iir;
+ Constr : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Constr1 : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Arr_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Irange : Iir;
+ Res1 : O_Cnode;
+ Res : O_Cnode;
+ begin
+ Indexes := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def);
+ if Get_Nbr_Elements (Indexes) /= 1 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Index_Type := Get_First_Element (Indexes);
+ Arr_Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (Index_Type) = Locally then
+ if Global_Storage /= O_Storage_External then
+ Index_Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Index_Type);
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Index_Base_Type);
+ Irange := Get_Range_Constraint (Index_Type);
+ Start_Record_Aggr (Constr, Arr_Info.T.Bounds_Type);
+ Start_Record_Aggr (Constr1, Tinfo.T.Range_Type);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (Constr1,
+ Chap7.Translate_Static_Range_Left (Irange, Index_Base_Type));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (Constr1,
+ Chap7.Translate_Static_Range_Left (Irange, Index_Base_Type));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (Constr1, Chap7.Translate_Static_Range_Dir (Irange));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (Constr1, New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type, 1));
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (Constr1, Res1);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Constr, Res1);
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (Constr, Res);
+ else
+ Res := O_Cnode_Null;
+ end if;
+ Arr_Info.T.Array_1bound := Create_Global_Const
+ (Create_Identifier ("BR1"),
+ Arr_Info.T.Bounds_Type, Global_Storage, Res);
+ else
+ Arr_Info.T.Array_1bound := Create_Var
+ (Create_Var_Identifier ("BR1"),
+ Arr_Info.T.Bounds_Type, Global_Storage);
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Static_Unidimensional_Array_Length_One;
+ procedure Translate_Array_Type (Def : Iir_Array_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ El_Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ -- If true, INFO was already partially filled, by a previous access
+ -- type definition to this incomplete array type.
+ Completion : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ Completion := Info.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Fat_Array;
+ if not Completion then
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_Fat_Array;
+ Info.T := Ortho_Info_Type_Array_Init;
+ end if;
+ Translate_Array_Type_Base (Def, Info, Completion);
+ Translate_Array_Type_Bounds (Def, Info, Completion);
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal) := O_Tnode_Null;
+ if not Completion then
+ Create_Array_Fat_Pointer (Info, Mode_Value);
+ end if;
+ if Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Def) then
+ Create_Array_Fat_Pointer (Info, Mode_Signal);
+ end if;
+ Finish_Type_Definition (Info, Completion);
+ Translate_Static_Unidimensional_Array_Length_One (Def);
+ El_Tinfo := Get_Info (Get_Element_Subtype (Def));
+ if El_Tinfo.C /= null then
+ -- This is a complex type.
+ Info.C := new Complex_Type_Info;
+ -- No size variable for unconstrained array type.
+ Info.C.Size_Var (Mode_Value) := null;
+ Info.C.Size_Var (Mode_Signal) := null;
+ Info.C.Builder_Need_Func := True;
+ end if;
+ Info.Type_Incomplete := False;
+ end Translate_Array_Type;
+ -- Get the length of DEF, ie the number of elements.
+ -- If the length is not statically defined, returns -1.
+ function Get_Array_Subtype_Length (Def : Iir_Array_Subtype_Definition)
+ return Iir_Int64
+ is
+ Index_List : Iir_List;
+ Index : Iir;
+ Len : Iir_Int64;
+ begin
+ Index_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def);
+ -- Check if the bounds of the array are locally static.
+ Len := 1;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Index := Get_Nth_Element (Index_List, I);
+ exit when Index = Null_Iir;
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (Index) /= Locally then
+ return -1;
+ end if;
+ Len := Len * Eval_Discrete_Type_Length (Index);
+ end loop;
+ return Len;
+ end Get_Array_Subtype_Length;
+ procedure Translate_Array_Subtype (Def : Iir_Array_Subtype_Definition)
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Binfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Len : Iir_Int64;
+ Ptr : O_Tnode;
+ Id : O_Ident;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ Binfo := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Def));
+ Len := Get_Array_Subtype_Length (Def);
+ if Len < 0 then
+ -- Length of the array is not known at compile time.
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_Ptr_Array;
+ Info.Ortho_Type := Binfo.T.Base_Ptr_Type;
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type := Binfo.T.Base_Ptr_Type;
+ else
+ -- Length is known. Create a constrained array.
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_Array;
+ for I in Mode_Value .. Type_To_Last_Object_Kind (Def) loop
+ case I is
+ when Mode_Value =>
+ Id := Create_Identifier;
+ when Mode_Signal =>
+ Id := Create_Identifier ("SIG");
+ end case;
+ Info.Ortho_Type (I) := New_Constrained_Array_Type
+ (Binfo.T.Base_Type (I),
+ New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type, Unsigned_64 (Len)));
+ New_Type_Decl (Id, Info.Ortho_Type (I));
+ --Ptr := New_Access_Type (Info.Ortho_Type);
+ --New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier (Name, "_ARGT"), Ptr);
+ Ptr := Binfo.T.Base_Ptr_Type (I);
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (I) := Ptr;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ -- Create a size variable if the length is not known or if
+ -- the element size is not known at compile-time.
+ if Binfo.C /= null then
+ -- The base type is a complex type, so is the type.
+ Create_Size_Var (Def);
+ Info.C.Builder_Need_Func := True;
+ elsif Len < 0 then
+ -- This may creates complex types.
+ Create_Size_Var (Def);
+ Info.C.Builder_Need_Func := False;
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Array_Subtype;
+ function Create_Static_Array_Subtype_Bounds
+ (Def : Iir_Array_Subtype_Definition)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ Index_List : Iir_List;
+ Index : Iir;
+ List : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Res : O_Cnode;
+ Baseinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Index_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def);
+ Baseinfo := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Def));
+ Start_Record_Aggr (List, Baseinfo.T.Bounds_Type);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Index := Get_Nth_Element (Index_List, I);
+ exit when Index = Null_Iir;
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (List, Create_Static_Type_Definition_Type_Range (Index));
+ end loop;
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (List, Res);
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Static_Array_Subtype_Bounds;
+ procedure Create_Array_Subtype_Bounds
+ (Def : Iir_Array_Subtype_Definition; Target : O_Lnode)
+ is
+ Index_List : Iir_List;
+ Index : Iir;
+ Baseinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Targ : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Baseinfo := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Def));
+ Targ := Lv2M (Target, True,
+ Baseinfo.T.Bounds_Type,
+ Baseinfo.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type,
+ null, Mode_Value);
+ Index_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def);
+ Open_Temp;
+ if Get_Nbr_Elements (Index_List) > 1 then
+ Targ := Stabilize (Targ);
+ end if;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Index := Get_Nth_Element (Index_List, I);
+ exit when Index = Null_Iir;
+ declare
+ Index_Type : Iir;
+ Index_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ D : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Index_Type := Get_Base_Type (Index);
+ Index_Info := Get_Info (Index_Type);
+ Open_Temp;
+ D := Create_Temp_Ptr
+ (Index_Info.T.Range_Ptr_Type,
+ New_Selected_Element (M2Lv (Targ),
+ Baseinfo.T.Bounds_Vector (I + 1)));
+ Chap7.Translate_Discrete_Range_Ptr (D, Index);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Create_Array_Subtype_Bounds;
+ -- Get staticness of the array bounds.
+ function Get_Array_Bounds_Staticness (Def : Iir) return Iir_Staticness
+ is
+ List : Iir_List;
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (El) /= Locally then
+ return Globally;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Locally;
+ end Get_Array_Bounds_Staticness;
+ -- Create a variable containing the bounds for array subtype DEF.
+ procedure Create_Array_Subtype_Bounds_Var
+ (Def : Iir; Elab_Now : Boolean)
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Base_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Val : O_Cnode;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ if Info.T.Array_Bounds /= null then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Base_Info := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Def));
+ case Get_Array_Bounds_Staticness (Def) is
+ when None
+ | Globally =>
+ Info.T.Static_Bounds := False;
+ Info.T.Array_Bounds := Create_Var
+ (Create_Var_Identifier ("STB"), Base_Info.T.Bounds_Type);
+ if Elab_Now then
+ Create_Array_Subtype_Bounds
+ (Def, Get_Var (Info.T.Array_Bounds));
+ end if;
+ when Locally =>
+ Info.T.Static_Bounds := True;
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ -- Do not create the value of the type desc, since it
+ -- is never dereferenced in a static type desc.
+ Val := O_Cnode_Null;
+ else
+ Val := Create_Static_Array_Subtype_Bounds (Def);
+ end if;
+ Info.T.Array_Bounds := Create_Global_Const
+ (Create_Identifier ("STB"),
+ Base_Info.T.Bounds_Type, Global_Storage, Val);
+ when Unknown =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Create_Array_Subtype_Bounds_Var;
+ procedure Create_Array_Type_Builder
+ (Def : Iir_Array_Type_Definition; Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ is
+ Base : O_Dnode;
+ Var_I : O_Dnode;
+ function Get_Field_Lnode return O_Lnode is
+ begin
+ return New_Indexed_Element (New_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Base)),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_I));
+ end Get_Field_Lnode;
+ procedure Update_Field is new Builder_Update_Field (Get_Field_Lnode);
+ Mem : O_Dnode;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ El_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Var_Length : O_Dnode;
+ Label : O_Snode;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Info.C.Builder_Func (Kind));
+ Chap2.Start_Subprg_Instance_Use (Info.C.Builder_Instance (Kind));
+ -- Aliased
+ Base := Info.C.Builder_Base_Param (Kind);
+ -- Compute length of the array.
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Length, Wki_Length, O_Storage_Local,
+ Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Var_Decl (Mem, Get_Identifier ("mem"), O_Storage_Local,
+ Char_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Length),
+ Chap3.Get_Bounds_Ptr_Length (Info.C.Builder_Bound_Param (Kind),
+ Def));
+ -- Reserve the size of the array vector.
+ El_Info := Get_Info (Get_Element_Subtype (Def));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Mem),
+ New_Address
+ (New_Slice
+ (New_Access_Element
+ (New_Convert_Ov (New_Obj_Value (Base), Char_Ptr_Type)),
+ Chararray_Type,
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Mul_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Length),
+ New_Lit (New_Sizeof
+ (El_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type)))),
+ Char_Ptr_Type));
+ -- Set each index of the array.
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_I, Wki_I, O_Storage_Local, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Init_Var (Var_I);
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Gen_Exit_When (Label,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_I),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Length),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ Update_Field (Get_Element_Subtype (Def), Mem, Kind);
+ Inc_Var (Var_I);
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ New_Return_Stmt (New_Obj_Value (Mem));
+ Chap2.Finish_Subprg_Instance_Use (Info.C.Builder_Instance (Kind));
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ end Create_Array_Type_Builder;
+ --------------
+ -- record --
+ --------------
+ procedure Translate_Record_Type (Def : Iir_Record_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ El_List : O_Element_List;
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Field_Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ El_Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ -- True if a size variable will be created since the size of
+ -- the record is not known at compile-time.
+ Need_Size : Boolean;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ Need_Size := False;
+ El := Get_Element_Declaration_Chain (Def);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ El_Type := Get_Type (El);
+ if Get_Info (El_Type) = null then
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (El));
+ Translate_Type_Definition (El_Type);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end if;
+ if not Need_Size and then Get_Info (El_Type).C /= null then
+ Need_Size := True;
+ end if;
+ Field_Info := Add_Info (El, Kind_Field);
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ for Kind in Mode_Value .. Type_To_Last_Object_Kind (Def) loop
+ Start_Record_Type (El_List);
+ El := Get_Element_Declaration_Chain (Def);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Field_Info := Get_Info (El);
+ El_Tinfo := Get_Info (Get_Type (El));
+ New_Record_Field (El_List, Field_Info.Field_Node (Kind),
+ Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (El),
+ Chap4.Get_Element_Type (El_Tinfo, Kind));
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ Finish_Record_Type (El_List, Info.Ortho_Type (Kind));
+ end loop;
+ if Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Def) = False then
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal) := O_Tnode_Null;
+ end if;
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_Record;
+ Finish_Type_Definition (Info);
+ if Need_Size then
+ Create_Size_Var (Def);
+ Info.C.Builder_Need_Func := True;
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Record_Type;
+ procedure Create_Record_Type_Builder
+ (Def : Iir_Record_Type_Definition; Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ is
+ Base : O_Dnode;
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration;
+ function Get_Field_Lnode
+ return O_Lnode
+ is
+ begin
+ return New_Selected_Element (New_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Base)),
+ Get_Info (El).Field_Node (Kind));
+ end Get_Field_Lnode;
+ procedure Update_Field is new
+ Builder_Update_Field (Get_Field_Lnode);
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Mem : O_Dnode;
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Info.C.Builder_Func (Kind));
+ Chap2.Start_Subprg_Instance_Use (Info.C.Builder_Instance (Kind));
+ -- Aliases.
+ Base := Info.C.Builder_Base_Param (Kind);
+ New_Var_Decl (Mem, Get_Identifier ("mem"), O_Storage_Local,
+ Char_Ptr_Type);
+ -- Reserve memory for the record, ie:
+ -- MEM = BASE + SIZEOF (record).
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Mem),
+ New_Address
+ (New_Slice (New_Access_Element
+ (New_Convert_Ov (New_Obj_Value (Base), Char_Ptr_Type)),
+ Chararray_Type,
+ New_Lit (New_Sizeof (Info.Ortho_Type (Kind),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type))),
+ Char_Ptr_Type));
+ -- Set memory for each complex element.
+ El := Get_Element_Declaration_Chain (Def);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ El_Type := Get_Type (El);
+ if Get_Info (El_Type).C /= null then
+ -- Complex type.
+ Update_Field (El_Type, Mem, Kind);
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ Chap2.Finish_Subprg_Instance_Use (Info.C.Builder_Instance (Kind));
+ New_Return_Stmt (New_Obj_Value (Mem));
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ end Create_Record_Type_Builder;
+ --------------
+ -- Access --
+ --------------
+ procedure Translate_Access_Type (Def : Iir_Access_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ D_Type : Iir;
+ D_Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Dtype : O_Tnode;
+ Def_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Arr_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ D_Type := Get_Designated_Type (Def);
+ D_Info := Get_Info (D_Type);
+ Def_Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ if Get_Kind (D_Type) in Iir_Kinds_Unconstrained_Array_Type_Definition
+ then
+ -- An access type to an unconstrained type definition is a fat
+ -- pointer.
+ Def_Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_Fat_Acc;
+ if D_Info.Kind = Kind_Incomplete_Type then
+ Translate_Incomplete_Array_Type (D_Type);
+ Arr_Info := D_Info.Incomplete_Array;
+ Def_Info.Ortho_Type := Arr_Info.Ortho_Type;
+ Def_Info.T := Arr_Info.T;
+ else
+ Def_Info.Ortho_Type := D_Info.Ortho_Type;
+ Def_Info.T := D_Info.T;
+ end if;
+ Def_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value) :=
+ New_Access_Type (Def_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("PTR"),
+ Def_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ else
+ -- Otherwise, it is a thin pointer.
+ Def_Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_Acc;
+ if D_Info.Kind = Kind_Incomplete_Type then
+ Dtype := O_Tnode_Null;
+ elsif D_Info.Type_Mode in Type_Mode_Arrays then
+ -- The designated type cannot be a sub array inside ortho.
+ Dtype := D_Info.T.Base_Type (Mode_Value);
+ else
+ Dtype := D_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value);
+ end if;
+ Def_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value) := New_Access_Type (Dtype);
+ Def_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal) := O_Tnode_Null;
+ Finish_Type_Definition (Def_Info);
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Access_Type;
+ ------------------------
+ -- Incomplete types --
+ ------------------------
+ procedure Translate_Incomplete_Type (Def : Iir)
+ is
+-- Ftype : Iir;
+-- Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Info : Incomplete_Type_Info_Acc;
+ Ctype : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Get_Nbr_Elements (Get_Incomplete_Type_List (Def)) = 0 then
+ -- FIXME:
+ -- This is a work-around for dummy incomplete type (ie incomplete
+ -- types not used before the full type declaration).
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Ctype := Get_Type (Get_Type_Declarator (Def));
+ Info := Add_Info (Ctype, Kind_Incomplete_Type);
+ Info.Incomplete_Type := Def;
+ Info.Incomplete_Array := null;
+ return;
+-- Info := Get_Info (Def);
+-- Ftype := Get_Type (Get_Type_Declarator (Def));
+-- case Get_Kind (Ftype) is
+-- when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
+-- Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_Unknown;
+-- for I in Mode_Value .. Type_To_Last_Object_Kind (Def) loop
+-- New_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Info.Ortho_Type (I));
+-- end loop;
+-- when others =>
+-- Error_Kind ("translate_incomplete_type", Ftype);
+-- end case;
+-- Set_Info (Ftype, Info);
+-- Finish_Type_Definition (Info, Incomplete_Type);
+ end Translate_Incomplete_Type;
+ -- CTYPE is the type which has been completed.
+ procedure Translate_Complete_Type
+ (Incomplete_Info : in out Incomplete_Type_Info_Acc; Ctype : Iir)
+ is
+ List : Iir_List;
+ Atype : Iir;
+ Def_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ C_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Dtype : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ C_Info := Get_Info (Ctype);
+ List := Get_Incomplete_Type_List (Incomplete_Info.Incomplete_Type);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Atype := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when Atype = Null_Iir;
+ if Get_Kind (Atype) /= Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Def_Info := Get_Info (Atype);
+ case C_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Arrays =>
+ Dtype := C_Info.T.Base_Type (Mode_Value);
+ when others =>
+ Dtype := C_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value);
+ end case;
+ Finish_Access_Type (Def_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value), Dtype);
+ end loop;
+ Unchecked_Deallocation (Incomplete_Info);
+ end Translate_Complete_Type;
+ -----------------
+ -- protected --
+ -----------------
+ procedure Translate_Protected_Type (Def : Iir_Protected_Type_Declaration)
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ New_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier, Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value) :=
+ New_Access_Type (Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("PTR"),
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal) := O_Tnode_Null;
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Signal) := O_Tnode_Null;
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_Protected;
+ Info.C := new Complex_Type_Info;
+ Info.C.Size_Var (Mode_Value) := Create_Global_Const
+ (Create_Identifier ("SIZE"), Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ O_Storage_External, O_Cnode_Null);
+ Info.C.Builder_Need_Func := False;
+ -- This is just use to set overload number on subprograms, and to
+ -- translate interfaces.
+ Chap4.Translate_Declaration_Chain (Def);
+ end Translate_Protected_Type;
+ procedure Translate_Protected_Type_Subprograms
+ (Def : Iir_Protected_Type_Declaration)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Inter_List : O_Inter_List;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix
+ (Mark, Get_Identifier (Get_Type_Declarator (Def)));
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ Chap2.Push_Subprg_Instance (Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value),
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value),
+ Wki_Obj);
+ -- Init.
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Inter_List, Create_Identifier ("INIT"), Global_Storage);
+ Chap2.Add_Subprg_Instance_Interfaces
+ (Inter_List, Info.T.Prot_Init_Instance);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Inter_List, Info.T.Prot_Init_Node);
+ -- Final.
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Inter_List, Create_Identifier ("FINI"), Global_Storage);
+ Chap2.Add_Subprg_Instance_Interfaces
+ (Inter_List, Info.T.Prot_Final_Instance);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Inter_List, Info.T.Prot_Final_Node);
+ -- Methods.
+ El := Get_Declaration_Chain (Def);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ Chap2.Translate_Subprogram_Declaration (El);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_protected_type_subprograms", El);
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ Chap2.Pop_Subprg_Instance (Wki_Obj);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end Translate_Protected_Type_Subprograms;
+ procedure Translate_Protected_Type_Body (Bod : Iir)
+ is
+ Decl : Iir_Protected_Type_Declaration;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Lock_Field : O_Fnode;
+ begin
+ Decl := Get_Protected_Type_Declaration (Bod);
+ Info := Get_Info (Decl);
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (Bod));
+ Push_Instance_Factory (Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ Lock_Field := Add_Instance_Factory_Field
+ (Get_Identifier ("LOCK"), Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ -- Translate declarations.
+ Chap4.Translate_Declaration_Chain (Bod);
+ Pop_Instance_Factory (Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ if Global_Storage /= O_Storage_External then
+ Info.C.Size_Var (Mode_Value) := Create_Global_Const
+ (Create_Identifier ("SIZE"), Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ Global_Storage, New_Sizeof (Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type));
+ end if;
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end Translate_Protected_Type_Body;
+ procedure Call_Ghdl_Protected_Procedure (Type_Def : Iir; Proc : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Type_Def);
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Proc);
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc,
+ New_Unchecked_Address
+ (Get_Instance_Ref (Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value)), Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ end Call_Ghdl_Protected_Procedure;
+ procedure Translate_Protected_Type_Body_Subprograms (Bod : Iir)
+ is
+ Decl : Iir;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Final : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Decl := Get_Protected_Type_Declaration (Bod);
+ Info := Get_Info (Decl);
+ -- Subprograms of BOD.
+ Chap2.Push_Subprg_Instance (Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value),
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value),
+ Wki_Obj);
+ Chap4.Translate_Declaration_Chain_Subprograms (Bod, Null_Iir);
+ Chap2.Pop_Subprg_Instance (Wki_Obj);
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Init
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Info.T.Prot_Init_Node);
+ Chap2.Start_Subprg_Instance_Use (Info.T.Prot_Init_Instance);
+ -- Create lock.
+ Call_Ghdl_Protected_Procedure (Decl, Ghdl_Protected_Init);
+ -- Elaborate fields.
+ Chap4.Elab_Declaration_Chain (Bod, Final);
+ Chap2.Finish_Subprg_Instance_Use (Info.T.Prot_Init_Instance);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ -- Fini
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Info.T.Prot_Final_Node);
+ Chap2.Start_Subprg_Instance_Use (Info.T.Prot_Final_Instance);
+ -- Deallocate fields.
+ if Final or True then
+ Chap4.Final_Declaration_Chain (Bod, True);
+ end if;
+ -- Destroy lock.
+ Call_Ghdl_Protected_Procedure (Decl, Ghdl_Protected_Fini);
+ Chap2.Finish_Subprg_Instance_Use (Info.T.Prot_Final_Instance);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ end Translate_Protected_Type_Body_Subprograms;
+ ---------------
+ -- Scalars --
+ ---------------
+ -- Create a type_range structure.
+ procedure Create_Scalar_Type_Range (Def : Iir; Target : O_Lnode)
+ is
+ T_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ Expr : Iir;
+ V : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Def);
+ T_Info := Get_Info (Base_Type);
+ Expr := Get_Range_Constraint (Def);
+ Open_Temp;
+ V := Create_Temp_Ptr (T_Info.T.Range_Ptr_Type, Target);
+ Chap7.Translate_Range_Ptr (V, Expr, Def);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Create_Scalar_Type_Range;
+ function Create_Static_Scalar_Type_Range (Def : Iir) return O_Cnode is
+ begin
+ return Chap7.Translate_Static_Range (Get_Range_Constraint (Def),
+ Get_Base_Type (Def));
+ end Create_Static_Scalar_Type_Range;
+ procedure Create_Scalar_Type_Range_Type
+ (Def : Iir; With_Length : Boolean)
+ is
+ Constr : O_Element_List;
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ Start_Record_Type (Constr);
+ New_Record_Field
+ (Constr, Info.T.Range_Left, Wki_Left,
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Record_Field
+ (Constr, Info.T.Range_Right, Wki_Right,
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Record_Field
+ (Constr, Info.T.Range_Dir, Wki_Dir, Ghdl_Dir_Type_Node);
+ if With_Length then
+ New_Record_Field
+ (Constr, Info.T.Range_Length, Wki_Length, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ else
+ Info.T.Range_Length := O_Fnode_Null;
+ end if;
+ Finish_Record_Type (Constr, Info.T.Range_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("TRT"), Info.T.Range_Type);
+ Info.T.Range_Ptr_Type := New_Access_Type (Info.T.Range_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("TRPTR"),
+ Info.T.Range_Ptr_Type);
+ end Create_Scalar_Type_Range_Type;
+ function Create_Static_Type_Definition_Type_Range (Def : Iir)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Def) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition =>
+ return Create_Static_Scalar_Type_Range (Def);
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ return Create_Static_Array_Subtype_Bounds (Def);
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ return O_Cnode_Null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("create_static_type_definition_type_range", Def);
+ end case;
+ end Create_Static_Type_Definition_Type_Range;
+ procedure Create_Type_Definition_Type_Range (Def : Iir)
+ is
+ Target : O_Lnode;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Def) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Target := Get_Var (Get_Info (Def).T.Range_Var);
+ Create_Scalar_Type_Range (Def, Target);
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ if not Info.T.Static_Bounds then
+ Target := Get_Var (Info.T.Array_Bounds);
+ Create_Array_Subtype_Bounds (Def, Target);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ -- FIXME: create unidimensional array bound of length 1
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("create_type_definition_type_range", Def);
+ end case;
+ end Create_Type_Definition_Type_Range;
+ function Get_Additionnal_Size (Def : Iir; Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ if Info.C = null then
+ -- Short-cut.
+ return O_Enode_Null;
+ else
+ return New_Value (Get_Var (Info.C.Size_Var (Kind)));
+ end if;
+ end Get_Additionnal_Size;
+ procedure Create_Type_Definition_Size_Var (Def : Iir)
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Res : O_Enode;
+ V : O_Cnode;
+ Add : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ if Info.C = null then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ for Kind in Mode_Value .. Type_To_Last_Object_Kind (Def) loop
+ if Info.C.Size_Var (Kind) /= null then
+ Open_Temp;
+ case Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Non_Composite
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Unknown
+ | Type_Mode_Protected =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Type_Mode_Array =>
+ V := New_Sizeof (Info.Ortho_Type (Kind),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Add := Get_Additionnal_Size
+ (Get_Element_Subtype (Def), Kind);
+ if Add /= O_Enode_Null then
+ Add := New_Dyadic_Op
+ (ON_Mul_Ov, Get_Array_Type_Length (Def), Add);
+ Res := New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Add_Ov, New_Lit (V), Add);
+ else
+ Res := New_Lit (V);
+ end if;
+ when Type_Mode_Record =>
+ declare
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration;
+ N_Res : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ V := New_Sizeof (Info.Ortho_Type (Kind),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ El := Get_Element_Declaration_Chain
+ (Get_Base_Type (Def));
+ Res := New_Lit (V);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ N_Res := Get_Additionnal_Size (Get_Type (El), Kind);
+ if N_Res /= O_Enode_Null then
+ Res := New_Dyadic_Op
+ (ON_Add_Ov, Res, N_Res);
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ -- If element is a composite type then
+ -- Return length * (sizeof (element)
+ -- + sizeof (element_ptr))
+ -- else
+ -- Return length * sizeof (element)
+ -- end if
+ declare
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ El_Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ El_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Def);
+ El_Tinfo := Get_Info (El_Type);
+ Res := Chap3.Get_Object_Size
+ (T2M (El_Type, Kind), El_Type);
+ if El_Tinfo.C /= null then
+ Res := New_Dyadic_Op
+ (ON_Add_Ov,
+ Res,
+ New_Lit
+ (New_Sizeof (El_Tinfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type)));
+ end if;
+ Res := New_Dyadic_Op
+ (ON_Mul_Ov,
+ Chap3.Get_Array_Type_Length (Def),
+ Res);
+ end;
+ end case;
+ New_Assign_Stmt (Get_Var (Info.C.Size_Var (Kind)), Res);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Create_Type_Definition_Size_Var;
+ procedure Create_Type_Range_Var (Def : Iir)
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Base_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Val : O_Cnode;
+ Suffix : String (1 .. 3) := "xTR";
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ case Get_Kind (Def) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Suffix (1) := 'S'; -- "STR";
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
+ Suffix (1) := 'B'; -- "BTR";
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Base_Info := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Def));
+ case Get_Type_Staticness (Def) is
+ when None
+ | Globally =>
+ Info.T.Range_Var := Create_Var
+ (Create_Var_Identifier (Suffix), Base_Info.T.Range_Type);
+ when Locally =>
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ -- Do not create the value of the type desc, since it
+ -- is never dereferenced in a static type desc.
+ Val := O_Cnode_Null;
+ else
+ Val := Create_Static_Type_Definition_Type_Range (Def);
+ end if;
+ Info.T.Range_Var := Create_Global_Const
+ (Create_Identifier (Suffix),
+ Base_Info.T.Range_Type, Global_Storage, Val);
+ when Unknown =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Create_Type_Range_Var;
+ -- Call HANDLE_A_SUBTYPE for all type/subtypes declared with DEF
+ -- (of course, this is a noop if DEF is not a composite type).
+ generic
+ with procedure Handle_A_Subtype (Atype : Iir);
+ procedure Handle_Anonymous_Subtypes (Def : Iir);
+ procedure Handle_Anonymous_Subtypes (Def : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Def) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ declare
+ Asub : Iir;
+ begin
+ Asub := Get_Element_Subtype (Def);
+ if Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Asub) then
+ Handle_A_Subtype (Asub);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
+ declare
+ El : Iir;
+ Asub : Iir;
+ begin
+ El := Get_Element_Declaration_Chain (Def);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Asub := Get_Type (El);
+ if Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Asub) then
+ Handle_A_Subtype (Asub);
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end Handle_Anonymous_Subtypes;
+ -- Return TRUE iff LIT is equal to the high (IS_HI=TRUE) or low
+ -- (IS_HI=false) limit of the base type of DEF. MODE is the mode of
+ -- DEF.
+ function Is_Equal_Limit (Lit : Iir;
+ Is_Hi : Boolean;
+ Def : Iir;
+ Mode : Type_Mode_Type) return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ case Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_B2 =>
+ declare
+ V : Iir_Int32;
+ begin
+ V := Get_Enum_Pos (Lit);
+ if Is_Hi then
+ return V = 1;
+ else
+ return V = 0;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_E8 =>
+ declare
+ V : Iir_Int32;
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ V := Get_Enum_Pos (Lit);
+ if Is_Hi then
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Def);
+ return V = Iir_Int32
+ (Get_Nbr_Elements
+ (Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Base_Type))) - 1;
+ else
+ return V = 0;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_I32 =>
+ declare
+ V : Iir_Int32;
+ begin
+ V := Iir_Int32 (Get_Value (Lit));
+ if Is_Hi then
+ return V = Iir_Int32'Last;
+ else
+ return V = Iir_Int32'First;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_P32 =>
+ declare
+ V : Iir_Int32;
+ begin
+ V := Iir_Int32 (Get_Physical_Literal_Value (Lit));
+ if Is_Hi then
+ return V = Iir_Int32'Last;
+ else
+ return V = Iir_Int32'First;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_I64 =>
+ declare
+ V : Iir_Int64;
+ begin
+ V := Get_Value (Lit);
+ if Is_Hi then
+ return V = Iir_Int64'Last;
+ else
+ return V = Iir_Int64'First;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_P64 =>
+ declare
+ V : Iir_Int64;
+ begin
+ V := Get_Physical_Literal_Value (Lit);
+ if Is_Hi then
+ return V = Iir_Int64'Last;
+ else
+ return V = Iir_Int64'First;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_F64 =>
+ declare
+ V : Iir_Fp64;
+ begin
+ V := Get_Fp_Value (Lit);
+ if Is_Hi then
+ return V = Iir_Fp64'Last;
+ else
+ return V = Iir_Fp64'First;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("is_equal_limit " & Type_Mode_Type'Image (Mode),
+ Lit);
+ end case;
+ end Is_Equal_Limit;
+ procedure Create_Subtype_Info_From_Type (Def : Iir;
+ Subtype_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Base_Info : Type_Info_Acc)
+ is
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ Rng : Iir;
+ Lo, Hi : Iir;
+ begin
+ Subtype_Info.Ortho_Type := Base_Info.Ortho_Type;
+ Subtype_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type := Base_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type;
+ Subtype_Info.Type_Mode := Base_Info.Type_Mode;
+ Subtype_Info.T := Base_Info.T;
+ Rng := Get_Range_Constraint (Def);
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Rng) /= Locally then
+ -- Bounds are not known.
+ -- Do the checks.
+ Subtype_Info.T.Nocheck_Hi := False;
+ Subtype_Info.T.Nocheck_Low := False;
+ else
+ -- Bounds are locally static.
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Def);
+ Get_Low_High_Limit (Rng, Lo, Hi);
+ Subtype_Info.T.Nocheck_Hi :=
+ Is_Equal_Limit (Hi, True, Def, Base_Info.Type_Mode);
+ Subtype_Info.T.Nocheck_Low :=
+ Is_Equal_Limit (Lo, False, Def, Base_Info.Type_Mode);
+ end if;
+ end Create_Subtype_Info_From_Type;
+ -- Note: boolean types are translated by translate_bool_type_definition!
+ procedure Translate_Type_Definition
+ (Def : Iir; With_Vars : Boolean := True)
+ is
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Base_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ Complete_Info : Incomplete_Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ -- Handle the special case of incomplete type.
+ if Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition then
+ Translate_Incomplete_Type (Def);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- If the definition is already translated, return now.
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ if Info /= null then
+ if Info.Kind = Kind_Type then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Info.Kind = Kind_Incomplete_Type then
+ Complete_Info := Info;
+ Clear_Info (Def);
+ if Complete_Info.Incomplete_Array /= null then
+ Info := Complete_Info.Incomplete_Array;
+ Set_Info (Def, Info);
+ Unchecked_Deallocation (Complete_Info);
+ else
+ Info := Add_Info (Def, Kind_Type);
+ end if;
+ else
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Complete_Info := null;
+ Info := Add_Info (Def, Kind_Type);
+ end if;
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Def);
+ Base_Info := Get_Info (Base_Type);
+ case Get_Kind (Def) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
+ Translate_Enumeration_Type (Def);
+ Create_Scalar_Type_Range_Type (Def, True);
+ Create_Type_Range_Var (Def);
+ --Create_Type_Desc_Var (Def);
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition =>
+ Translate_Integer_Type (Def);
+ Create_Scalar_Type_Range_Type (Def, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition =>
+ Translate_Physical_Type (Def);
+ Create_Scalar_Type_Range_Type (Def, False);
+ if With_Vars and Get_Type_Staticness (Def) /= Locally then
+ Translate_Physical_Units (Def);
+ else
+ Info.T.Range_Var := null;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition =>
+ Translate_Floating_Type (Def);
+ Create_Scalar_Type_Range_Type (Def, False);
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Create_Subtype_Info_From_Type (Def, Info, Base_Info);
+ if With_Vars then
+ Create_Type_Range_Var (Def);
+ else
+ Info.T.Range_Var := null;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ declare
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ El_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Def);
+ if Get_Info (El_Type) = null then
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, "ET");
+ Translate_Type_Definition (El_Type);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ Translate_Array_Type (Def);
+ -- Info.Type_Range_Type := Create_Array_Type_Bounds_Type (Def, Id);
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ if Base_Info = null or else Base_Info.Type_Incomplete then
+ declare
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, "BT");
+ Translate_Type_Definition (Base_Type);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ Base_Info := Get_Info (Base_Type);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ Translate_Array_Subtype (Def);
+ Info.T := Base_Info.T;
+ --Info.Type_Range_Type := Base_Info.Type_Range_Type;
+ if With_Vars then
+ Create_Array_Subtype_Bounds_Var (Def, False);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
+ Translate_Record_Type (Def);
+ Info.T := Ortho_Info_Type_Record_Init;
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Free_Info (Def);
+ Set_Info (Def, Base_Info);
+ when Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition =>
+ declare
+ Dtype : Iir := Get_Designated_Type (Def);
+ begin
+ -- Translate the subtype
+ if Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Dtype) then
+ Translate_Type_Definition (Dtype);
+ end if;
+ Translate_Access_Type (Def);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
+ Translate_File_Type (Def);
+ Info.T := Ortho_Info_Type_File_Init;
+ if With_Vars then
+ Create_File_Type_Var (Def);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
+ Translate_Protected_Type (Def);
+ Info.T := Ortho_Info_Type_Prot_Init;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_type_definition", Def);
+ end case;
+ if Complete_Info /= null then
+ Translate_Complete_Type (Complete_Info, Def);
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Type_Definition;
+ procedure Translate_Bool_Type_Definition (Def : Iir)
+ is
+ Decl : Iir;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- If the definition is already translated, return now.
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ if Info /= null then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Info := Add_Info (Def, Kind_Type);
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Def);
+ Decl := Get_Type_Declarator (Def);
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Decl);
+ if Get_Kind (Def) /= Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Translate_Bool_Type (Def);
+ -- This is usually done in translate_type_definition, but boolean
+ -- types are not handled by translate_type_definition.
+ Create_Scalar_Type_Range_Type (Def, True);
+ end Translate_Bool_Type_Definition;
+ procedure Translate_Type_Subprograms (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Def : Iir;
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Def := Get_Type (Decl);
+ if Get_Kind (Def) in Iir_Kinds_Subtype_Definition then
+ -- Also elaborate the base type, iff DEF and its BASE_TYPE have
+ -- been declared by the same type declarator. This avoids several
+ -- elaboration of the same type.
+ Def := Get_Base_Type (Def);
+ if Get_Type_Declarator (Def) /= Decl then
+ -- Can this happen ??
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ elsif Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration then
+ Translate_Protected_Type_Subprograms (Def);
+ end if;
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Def);
+ if Tinfo.C = null or else Tinfo.C.Builder_Need_Func = False then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Declare subprograms.
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Decl);
+ Create_Builder_Subprogram_Decl (Tinfo, Id, Mode_Value);
+ if Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Def) then
+ Create_Builder_Subprogram_Decl (Tinfo, Id, Mode_Signal);
+ end if;
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Define subprograms.
+ case Get_Kind (Def) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ Create_Array_Type_Builder (Def, Mode_Value);
+ if Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Def) then
+ Create_Array_Type_Builder (Def, Mode_Signal);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
+ Create_Record_Type_Builder (Def, Mode_Value);
+ if Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Def) then
+ Create_Record_Type_Builder (Def, Mode_Signal);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_type_subprograms", Def);
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Type_Subprograms;
+ -- Initialize the objects related to a type (type range and type
+ -- descriptor).
+ procedure Elab_Type_Definition (Def : Iir);
+ procedure Elab_Type_Definition_Depend is new Handle_Anonymous_Subtypes
+ (Handle_A_Subtype => Elab_Type_Definition);
+ procedure Elab_Type_Definition (Def : Iir)
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Def) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition =>
+ -- Nothing to do.
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
+ -- Elaboration subprograms interfaces.
+ declare
+ Final : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Chap4.Elab_Declaration_Chain (Def, Final);
+ if Final then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (Def) = Locally then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ Elab_Type_Definition_Depend (Def);
+ Create_Type_Definition_Type_Range (Def);
+ Create_Type_Definition_Size_Var (Def);
+ end Elab_Type_Definition;
+ procedure Translate_Named_Type_Definition (Def : Iir; Id : Name_Id)
+ is
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Id);
+ Chap3.Translate_Type_Definition (Def);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end Translate_Named_Type_Definition;
+ procedure Translate_Anonymous_Type_Definition
+ (Def : Iir; Transient : Boolean)
+ is
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ if Type_Info /= null then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix_Uniq (Mark);
+ Chap3.Translate_Type_Definition (Def, False);
+ if Transient then
+ Add_Transient_Type_In_Temp (Def);
+ end if;
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end Translate_Anonymous_Type_Definition;
+ procedure Destroy_Type_Info (Atype : Iir)
+ is
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Atype);
+ Free_Type_Info (Type_Info, False);
+ Clear_Info (Atype);
+ end Destroy_Type_Info;
+ procedure Translate_Object_Subtype (Decl : Iir;
+ With_Vars : Boolean := True)
+ is
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Mark2 : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Def : Iir;
+ begin
+ Def := Get_Type (Decl);
+ if Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Def) then
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (Decl));
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark2, "OT");
+ Chap3.Translate_Type_Definition (Def, With_Vars);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark2);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Object_Subtype;
+ procedure Elab_Object_Subtype (Def : Iir) is
+ begin
+ if Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Def) then
+ Elab_Type_Definition (Def);
+ end if;
+ end Elab_Object_Subtype;
+ procedure Elab_Type_Declaration (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ Elab_Type_Definition (Get_Type (Decl));
+ end Elab_Type_Declaration;
+ procedure Elab_Subtype_Declaration (Decl : Iir_Subtype_Declaration)
+ is
+ begin
+ Elab_Type_Definition (Get_Type (Decl));
+ end Elab_Subtype_Declaration;
+ function Get_Thin_Array_Length (Atype : Iir) return O_Cnode
+ is
+ Index_List : Iir_List;
+ Nbr_Dim : Natural;
+ Val : Iir_Int64;
+ Rng : Iir;
+ begin
+ Index_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Atype);
+ Nbr_Dim := Get_Nbr_Elements (Index_List);
+ Val := 1;
+ for I in 0 .. Nbr_Dim - 1 loop
+ Rng := Get_Range_Constraint
+ (Get_Nth_Element (Index_List, I));
+ Val := Val * Eval_Discrete_Range_Length (Rng);
+ end loop;
+ return New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type, Unsigned_64 (Val));
+ end Get_Thin_Array_Length;
+ function Get_Bounds_Ptr_Length (Ptr : O_Dnode; Atype : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Index_List : Iir_List;
+ Index_Type : Iir;
+ Nbr_Dim : Natural;
+ Dim_Length : O_Enode;
+ Res : O_Enode;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Index_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Index_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Atype);
+ Nbr_Dim := Get_Nbr_Elements (Index_List);
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Atype));
+ for Dim in 1 .. Nbr_Dim loop
+ Index_Type := Get_Nth_Element (Index_List, Dim - 1);
+ Index_Info := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Index_Type));
+ Dim_Length := New_Value
+ (New_Selected_Element
+ (New_Selected_Element (New_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Ptr)),
+ Type_Info.T.Bounds_Vector (Dim)),
+ Index_Info.T.Range_Length));
+ if Dim = 1 then
+ Res := Dim_Length;
+ else
+ Res := New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Mul_Ov, Res, Dim_Length);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end Get_Bounds_Ptr_Length;
+ function Bounds_To_Range (B : Mnode; Atype : Iir; Dim : Positive)
+ return Mnode
+ is
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Index_Type : Iir;
+ Iinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Tinfo := Get_Type_Info (B);
+ Index_Type := Get_Nth_Element
+ (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Get_Base_Type (Atype)), Dim - 1);
+ Iinfo := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Index_Type));
+ return Lv2M (New_Selected_Element (M2Lv (B),
+ Tinfo.T.Bounds_Vector (Dim)),
+ Iinfo,
+ Get_Object_Kind (B),
+ Iinfo.T.Range_Type,
+ Iinfo.T.Range_Ptr_Type);
+ end Bounds_To_Range;
+ function Type_To_Range (Atype : Iir) return Mnode
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Atype);
+ return Varv2M (Info.T.Range_Var, Info, Mode_Value,
+ Info.T.Range_Type, Info.T.Range_Ptr_Type);
+ end Type_To_Range;
+ function Range_To_Length (R : Mnode) return Mnode
+ is
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Tinfo := Get_Type_Info (R);
+ return Lv2M (New_Selected_Element (M2Lv (R),
+ Tinfo.T.Range_Length),
+ Tinfo,
+ Mode_Value);
+ end Range_To_Length;
+ function Range_To_Dir (R : Mnode) return Mnode
+ is
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Tinfo := Get_Type_Info (R);
+ return Lv2M (New_Selected_Element (M2Lv (R),
+ Tinfo.T.Range_Dir),
+ Tinfo,
+ Mode_Value);
+ end Range_To_Dir;
+ function Range_To_Left (R : Mnode) return Mnode
+ is
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Tinfo := Get_Type_Info (R);
+ return Lv2M (New_Selected_Element (M2Lv (R),
+ Tinfo.T.Range_Left),
+ Tinfo,
+ Mode_Value);
+ end Range_To_Left;
+ function Range_To_Right (R : Mnode) return Mnode
+ is
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Tinfo := Get_Type_Info (R);
+ return Lv2M (New_Selected_Element (M2Lv (R),
+ Tinfo.T.Range_Right),
+ Tinfo,
+ Mode_Value);
+ end Range_To_Right;
+ function Get_Array_Type_Bounds (Info : Type_Info_Acc) return Mnode
+ is
+ begin
+ case Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ return Varv2M (Info.T.Array_Bounds,
+ Info, Mode_Value,
+ Info.T.Bounds_Type,
+ Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Array_Type_Bounds;
+ function Get_Array_Type_Bounds (Atype : Iir) return Mnode is
+ begin
+ return Get_Array_Type_Bounds (Get_Info (Atype));
+ end Get_Array_Type_Bounds;
+ function Get_Array_Bounds (Arr : Mnode) return Mnode
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Type_Info (Arr);
+ case Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Acc =>
+ declare
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type;
+ begin
+ Kind := Get_Object_Kind (Arr);
+ return Lp2M
+ (New_Selected_Element (M2Lv (Arr),
+ Info.T.Bounds_Field (Kind)),
+ Info,
+ Mode_Value,
+ Info.T.Bounds_Type,
+ Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type);
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ return Get_Array_Type_Bounds (Info);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Array_Bounds;
+ function Get_Array_Range (Arr : Mnode; Atype : Iir; Dim : Positive)
+ return Mnode is
+ begin
+ return Bounds_To_Range (Get_Array_Bounds (Arr), Atype, Dim);
+ end Get_Array_Range;
+ function Get_Array_Type_Length (Atype : Iir) return O_Enode
+ is
+ Index_List : Iir_List;
+ Index_Type : Iir;
+ Nbr_Dim : Natural;
+ Dim_Length : O_Enode;
+ Res : O_Enode;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Binfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Index_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Bounds : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Index_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Atype);
+ Nbr_Dim := Get_Nbr_Elements (Index_List);
+ -- Handle thin array case.
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Atype);
+ case Type_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ Bounds := Get_Array_Type_Bounds (Atype);
+ if Nbr_Dim > 1 then
+ Bounds := Stabilize (Bounds);
+ end if;
+ when Type_Mode_Array =>
+ return New_Lit (Get_Thin_Array_Length (Atype));
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Binfo := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Atype));
+ for Dim in 1 .. Nbr_Dim loop
+ Index_Type := Get_Nth_Element (Index_List, Dim - 1);
+ Index_Info := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Index_Type));
+ Dim_Length :=
+ M2E (Range_To_Length (Bounds_To_Range (Bounds, Atype, Dim)));
+ if Dim = 1 then
+ Res := Dim_Length;
+ else
+ Res := New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Mul_Ov, Res, Dim_Length);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end Get_Array_Type_Length;
+ function Get_Array_Length (Arr : Mnode; Atype : Iir) return O_Enode
+ is
+ Index_List : Iir_List;
+ Index_Type : Iir;
+ Nbr_Dim : Natural;
+ Dim_Length : O_Enode;
+ Res : O_Enode;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Binfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Index_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ B : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Index_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Atype);
+ Nbr_Dim := Get_Nbr_Elements (Index_List);
+ -- Handle thin array case.
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Atype);
+ case Type_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Ptr_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Array =>
+ return Get_Array_Type_Length (Atype);
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Binfo := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Atype));
+ for Dim in 1 .. Nbr_Dim loop
+ Index_Type := Get_Nth_Element (Index_List, Dim - 1);
+ Index_Info := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Index_Type));
+ B := Get_Array_Bounds (Arr);
+ Dim_Length :=
+ M2E (Range_To_Length (Bounds_To_Range (B, Atype, Dim)));
+ if Dim = 1 then
+ Res := Dim_Length;
+ else
+ Res := New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Mul_Ov, Res, Dim_Length);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end Get_Array_Length;
+ function Get_Array_Base (Arr : Mnode) return Mnode
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Type_Info (Arr);
+ case Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Acc =>
+ declare
+ F : O_Fnode;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type;
+ begin
+ Kind := Get_Object_Kind (Arr);
+ F := Info.T.Base_Field (Get_Object_Kind (Arr));
+ return Lp2M
+ (New_Selected_Element (M2Lv (Arr),
+ Info.T.Base_Field (Kind)),
+ Info,
+ Get_Object_Kind (Arr),
+ Info.T.Base_Type (Kind),
+ Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Kind));
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ return Arr;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Array_Base;
+ function Index_Base (Base : Mnode; Atype : Iir; Index : O_Enode)
+ return Mnode
+ is
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ El_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Atype);
+ return Lo2M (New_Indexed_Element (M2Lv (Base), Index),
+ Get_Info (El_Type), Get_Object_Kind (Base));
+ end Index_Base;
+ function Get_Array_Ptr_Base_Ptr
+ (Ptr : O_Lnode; Atype : Iir; Is_Sig : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Lnode
+ is
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Atype);
+ case Tinfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ return New_Selected_Element
+ (New_Access_Element (New_Value (Ptr)),
+ Tinfo.T.Base_Field (Is_Sig));
+ when Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ return Ptr;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Array_Ptr_Base_Ptr;
+ function Get_Array_Ptr_Range_Ptr (Ptr : O_Lnode;
+ Array_Type : Iir;
+ Dim : Natural;
+ Is_Sig : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Array_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Res : O_Lnode;
+ Index_Type : Iir;
+ Index_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Array_Info := Get_Info (Array_Type);
+ Index_Type := Get_Nth_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Array_Type),
+ Dim - 1);
+ Index_Info := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Index_Type));
+ case Array_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ -- Extract bound variable.
+ Res := Get_Var (Array_Info.T.Array_Bounds);
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ -- From fat record, extract bounds field.
+ Res := New_Acc_Value
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value
+ (Ptr, Array_Info.T.Bounds_Field (Is_Sig)));
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ -- Extract the range for the dimension.
+ Res := New_Selected_Element (Res, Array_Info.T.Bounds_Vector (Dim));
+ return New_Address (Res, Index_Info.T.Range_Ptr_Type);
+ end Get_Array_Ptr_Range_Ptr;
+ function Get_Array_Ptr_Bounds_Ptr
+ (Ptr : O_Lnode; Atype : Iir; Is_Sig : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Atype);
+ case Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ return New_Value
+ (New_Selected_Element (New_Acc_Value (Ptr),
+ Info.T.Bounds_Field (Is_Sig)));
+ when Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ return New_Address (Get_Var (Info.T.Array_Bounds),
+ Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Array_Ptr_Bounds_Ptr;
+ function Get_Array_Bounds_Ptr
+ (Arr : O_Lnode; Arr_Type : Iir; Is_Sig : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Arr_Type);
+ case Type_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ return New_Value (New_Selected_Element
+ (Arr, Type_Info.T.Bounds_Field (Is_Sig)));
+ when Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ return New_Address (Get_Var (Type_Info.T.Array_Bounds),
+ Type_Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type);
+ when others =>
+ -- Not an array!
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Array_Bounds_Ptr;
+ procedure Allocate_Fat_Array_Base (Alloc_Kind : Allocation_Kind;
+ Res : Mnode;
+ Arr_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ Dinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Length : O_Enode;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type;
+ begin
+ Kind := Get_Object_Kind (Res);
+ Dinfo := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Arr_Type));
+ -- Compute array size.
+ Length := Get_Object_Size (Res, Arr_Type);
+ -- Allocate the storage for the elements.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lp (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Res)),
+ Gen_Alloc (Alloc_Kind, Length, Dinfo.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Kind)));
+ if Dinfo.C /= null and then Dinfo.C.Builder_Need_Func then
+ Open_Temp;
+ -- Build the type.
+ Chap3.Gen_Call_Type_Builder (Res, Arr_Type);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end if;
+ end Allocate_Fat_Array_Base;
+ procedure Create_Array_Subtype (Sub_Type : Iir; Transient : Boolean)
+ is
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix_Uniq (Mark);
+ if Get_Info (Sub_Type) = null then
+ -- Minimal subtype creation.
+ Translate_Type_Definition (Sub_Type, False);
+ if Transient then
+ Add_Transient_Type_In_Temp (Sub_Type);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Force creation of variables.
+ Chap3.Create_Array_Subtype_Bounds_Var (Sub_Type, True);
+ Chap3.Create_Type_Definition_Size_Var (Sub_Type);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end Create_Array_Subtype;
+ function Get_Memory_Complex_1
+ (Ptr : O_Lnode; Obj_Type : Iir; Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Obj_Type);
+ case Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ return New_Value (Ptr);
+ when Type_Mode_Array =>
+ return Get_Memory_Complex_1
+ (New_Indexed_Element
+ (Ptr, New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type, 0))),
+ Get_Element_Subtype (Obj_Type),
+ Kind);
+ when Type_Mode_Record =>
+ declare
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration;
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ El_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ El := Get_Element_Declaration_Chain
+ (Get_Base_Type (Obj_Type));
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ El_Type := Get_Type (El);
+ El_Info := Get_Info (El_Type);
+ if El_Info.C /= null then
+ return Get_Memory_Complex_1
+ (New_Selected_Element
+ (Ptr, Get_Info (El).Field_Node (Kind)),
+ El_Type,
+ Kind);
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ -- Record is known to be complex but has no complex
+ -- element.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Scalar
+ | Type_Mode_Unknown
+ | Type_Mode_File
+ | Type_Mode_Acc
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Acc
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Protected =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Memory_Complex_1;
+-- -- VAR_PTR is a pointer to an object of type OBJ_TYPE (and kind KIND).
+-- -- This object is known to be of a complex type.
+-- -- Return the value of the first internal pointer of the object.
+-- function Get_Memory_Complex
+-- (Var_Ptr : O_Lnode; Obj_Type : Iir; Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+-- return O_Enode
+-- is
+-- Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+-- Res : O_Enode;
+-- begin
+-- Info := Get_Info (Obj_Type);
+-- case Info.Type_Mode is
+-- when Type_Mode_Fat_Array
+-- | Type_Mode_Array
+-- | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+-- Res := Get_Memory_Complex_1
+-- (New_Indexed_Element
+-- (New_Acc_Value (Get_Array_Ptr_Base_Ptr
+-- (Var_Ptr, Obj_Type, Kind)),
+-- New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type, 0)),
+-- Get_Element_Subtype (Obj_Type),
+-- Kind);
+-- when Type_Mode_Record =>
+-- Res := Get_Memory_Complex_1
+-- (New_Acc_Value (Var_Ptr), Obj_Type, Kind);
+-- when Type_Mode_Non_Composite
+-- | Type_Mode_Unknown =>
+-- -- Cannot be a complex type.
+-- raise Internal_Error;
+-- end case;
+-- return New_Convert_Ov (Res, Char_Ptr_Type_Node);
+-- end Get_Memory_Complex;
+ -- Copy SRC to DEST.
+ -- Both have the same type, OTYPE.
+ procedure Translate_Object_Copy (Dest : Mnode;
+ Src : O_Enode;
+ Obj_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ D : Mnode;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type;
+ begin
+ Kind := Get_Object_Kind (Dest);
+ Info := Get_Info (Obj_Type);
+ if Info.C /= null and then Info.C.Builder_Need_Func then
+ D := Stabilize (Dest);
+ -- A complex type that must be rebuilt.
+ -- Save destinaton.
+ -- Do the copy.
+ case Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ -- a fat array.
+ Gen_Memcpy
+ (M2Addr (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (D)),
+ New_Value
+ (New_Selected_Element (New_Access_Element (Src),
+ Info.T.Base_Field (Kind))),
+ Get_Object_Size (Dest, Obj_Type));
+ when Type_Mode_Record
+ | Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ Gen_Memcpy (M2Addr (D),
+ Src,
+ Get_Object_Size (Dest, Obj_Type));
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown
+ | Type_Mode_File
+ | Type_Mode_Scalar
+ | Type_Mode_Acc
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Acc
+ | Type_Mode_Protected =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ -- Rebuilt the type.
+ Gen_Call_Type_Builder (D, Obj_Type);
+ else
+ case Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Scalar
+ | Type_Mode_Acc
+ | Type_Mode_File =>
+ -- Scalar or thin pointer.
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Dest), Src);
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Acc =>
+ -- a fat pointer.
+ declare
+ Var_S : O_Dnode;
+ Var_D : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Var_S := Create_Temp_Init (Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind),
+ Src);
+ Var_D := Create_Temp_Init (Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind),
+ M2Addr (Dest));
+ Copy_Fat_Access (Var_D, Var_S, Get_Base_Type (Obj_Type));
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ -- a fat array.
+ Gen_Memcpy
+ (M2Addr (Get_Array_Base (Dest)),
+ M2Addr (Get_Array_Base (E2M (Src, Info, Kind))),
+ Get_Object_Size (Dest, Obj_Type));
+ when Type_Mode_Record
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ Gen_Memcpy
+ (M2Addr (Dest), Src, Get_Object_Size (Dest, Obj_Type));
+ when Type_Mode_Array =>
+ D := Stabilize (Dest);
+ Gen_Memcpy (M2Addr (D), Src, Get_Object_Size (D, Obj_Type));
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown
+ | Type_Mode_Protected =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Object_Copy;
+ function Get_Object_Size (Obj : Mnode; Obj_Type : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type;
+ begin
+ Type_Info := Get_Type_Info (Obj);
+ Kind := Get_Object_Kind (Obj);
+ if Type_Info.C /= null
+ and then Type_Info.C.Size_Var (Kind) /= null
+ then
+ return New_Value (Get_Var (Type_Info.C.Size_Var (Kind)));
+ end if;
+ case Type_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Non_Composite
+ | Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Record =>
+ return New_Lit (New_Sizeof (Type_Info.Ortho_Type (Kind),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type));
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ declare
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ El_Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Obj_Bt : Iir;
+ Sz : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ Obj_Bt := Get_Base_Type (Obj_Type);
+ El_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Obj_Bt);
+ El_Tinfo := Get_Info (El_Type);
+ -- See create_type_definition_size_var.
+ Sz := Get_Object_Size (T2M (El_Type, Kind), El_Type);
+ if El_Tinfo.C /= null then
+ Sz := New_Dyadic_Op
+ (ON_Add_Ov,
+ Sz,
+ New_Lit (New_Sizeof (El_Tinfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type)));
+ end if;
+ return New_Dyadic_Op
+ (ON_Mul_Ov, Chap3.Get_Array_Length (Obj, Obj_Bt), Sz);
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Object_Size;
+ procedure Translate_Object_Allocation
+ (Res : in out Mnode;
+ Alloc_Kind : Allocation_Kind;
+ Obj_Type : Iir;
+ Bounds : O_Enode)
+ is
+ Dinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type;
+ begin
+ Dinfo := Get_Info (Obj_Type);
+ Kind := Get_Object_Kind (Res);
+ if Dinfo.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ -- Allocate memory for bounds.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lp (Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds (Res)),
+ Gen_Alloc (Alloc_Kind,
+ New_Lit (New_Sizeof (Dinfo.T.Bounds_Type,
+ Ghdl_Index_Type)),
+ Dinfo.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type));
+ -- Copy bounds to the allocated area.
+ Gen_Memcpy
+ (M2Addr (Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds (Res)),
+ Bounds,
+ New_Lit (New_Sizeof (Dinfo.T.Bounds_Type, Ghdl_Index_Type)));
+ -- Allocate base.
+ Allocate_Fat_Array_Base (Alloc_Kind, Res, Obj_Type);
+ else
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lp (Res),
+ Gen_Alloc
+ (Alloc_Kind,
+ Chap3.Get_Object_Size (T2M (Obj_Type, Kind),
+ Obj_Type),
+ Dinfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind)));
+ if Dinfo.C /= null and then Dinfo.C.Builder_Need_Func then
+ Open_Temp;
+ -- Build the type.
+ Chap3.Gen_Call_Type_Builder (Res, Obj_Type);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Object_Allocation;
+ procedure Gen_Deallocate (Obj : O_Enode)
+ is
+ Assocs : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Association (Assocs, Ghdl_Deallocate);
+ New_Association (Assocs, New_Convert_Ov (Obj, Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assocs);
+ end Gen_Deallocate;
+ -- Performs deallocation of PARAM (the parameter of a deallocate call).
+ procedure Translate_Object_Deallocation (Param : Iir)
+ is
+ -- Performs deallocation of field FIELD of type FTYPE of PTR.
+ -- If FIELD is O_FNODE_NULL, deallocate PTR (of type FTYPE).
+ -- Here, deallocate means freeing memory and clearing to null.
+ procedure Deallocate_1
+ (Ptr : Mnode; Field : O_Fnode; Ftype : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ L : O_Lnode;
+ begin
+ for I in 0 .. 1 loop
+ L := M2Lv (Ptr);
+ if Field /= O_Fnode_Null then
+ L := New_Selected_Element (L, Field);
+ end if;
+ case I is
+ when 0 =>
+ -- Call deallocator.
+ Gen_Deallocate (New_Value (L));
+ when 1 =>
+ -- set the value to 0.
+ New_Assign_Stmt (L, New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Ftype)));
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Deallocate_1;
+ Param_Type : Iir;
+ Val : Mnode;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Binfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ -- Compute parameter
+ Val := Chap6.Translate_Name (Param);
+ if Get_Object_Kind (Val) = Mode_Signal then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Stabilize (Val);
+ Param_Type := Get_Type (Param);
+ Info := Get_Info (Param_Type);
+ case Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Acc =>
+ -- This is a fat pointer.
+ -- Deallocate base and bounds.
+ Binfo := Get_Info (Get_Designated_Type (Param_Type));
+ Deallocate_1 (Val, Binfo.T.Base_Field (Mode_Value),
+ Binfo.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ Deallocate_1 (Val, Binfo.T.Bounds_Field (Mode_Value),
+ Binfo.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type);
+ when Type_Mode_Acc =>
+ -- This is a thin pointer.
+ Deallocate_1 (Val, O_Fnode_Null,
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Object_Deallocation;
+ function Not_In_Range (Value : O_Dnode; Atype : Iir) return O_Enode
+ is
+ Constr : Iir;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ function Gen_Compare (Low : O_Enode; Hi : O_Enode) return O_Enode
+ is
+ L, H : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ if not Info.T.Nocheck_Low then
+ L := New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Lt, New_Obj_Value (Value), Low, Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ end if;
+ if not Info.T.Nocheck_Hi then
+ H := New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Gt, New_Obj_Value (Value), Hi, Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ end if;
+ if Info.T.Nocheck_Hi then
+ if Info.T.Nocheck_Low then
+ -- Should not happen!
+ return New_Lit (Ghdl_Bool_False_Node);
+ else
+ return L;
+ end if;
+ else
+ if Info.T.Nocheck_Low then
+ return H;
+ else
+ return New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Or, L, H);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Gen_Compare;
+ function Gen_Compare_To return O_Enode is
+ begin
+ return Gen_Compare
+ (Chap14.Translate_Left_Type_Attribute (Atype),
+ Chap14.Translate_Right_Type_Attribute (Atype));
+ end Gen_Compare_To;
+ function Gen_Compare_Downto return O_Enode is
+ begin
+ return Gen_Compare
+ (Chap14.Translate_Right_Type_Attribute (Atype),
+ Chap14.Translate_Left_Type_Attribute (Atype));
+ end Gen_Compare_Downto;
+ --Low, High : Iir;
+ Var_Res : O_Dnode;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ begin
+ Constr := Get_Range_Constraint (Atype);
+ Info := Get_Info (Atype);
+ if Get_Kind (Constr) = Iir_Kind_Range_Expression then
+ -- Constraint is a range expression, therefore, direction is
+ -- known.
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Constr) = Locally then
+ -- Range constraint is locally static
+ -- FIXME: check low and high if they are not limits...
+ --Low := Get_Low_Limit (Constr);
+ --High := Get_High_Limit (Constr);
+ null;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Direction (Constr) is
+ when Iir_To =>
+ return Gen_Compare_To;
+ when Iir_Downto =>
+ return Gen_Compare_Downto;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ -- Range constraint is not static
+ -- full check (lot's of code ?).
+ Var_Res := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ Chap14.Translate_Dir_Type_Attribute (Atype),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_To_Node),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ -- To.
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Var_Res), Gen_Compare_To);
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ -- Downto
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Var_Res), Gen_Compare_Downto);
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ return New_Obj_Value (Var_Res);
+ end Not_In_Range;
+ function Need_Range_Check (Atype : Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Atype);
+ if Info.T.Nocheck_Low and Info.T.Nocheck_Hi then
+ return False;
+ else
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ end Need_Range_Check;
+ procedure Check_Range (Value : O_Dnode; Expr : Iir; Atype : Iir)
+ is
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ begin
+ if not Need_Range_Check (Atype)
+ or else Get_Type (Expr) = Atype
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr) = Locally
+ and then Get_Type_Staticness (Atype) = Locally
+ then
+ if not Eval_Is_In_Bound (Expr, Atype) then
+ Chap6.Gen_Bound_Error (Expr);
+ end if;
+ else
+ Open_Temp;
+ Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk, Not_In_Range (Value, Atype));
+ Chap6.Gen_Bound_Error (Null_Iir);
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Range;
+ procedure Check_Array_Match (L_Type : Iir;
+ L_Node : O_Lnode;
+ L_Mode : Object_Kind_Type;
+ R_Type : Iir;
+ R_Node : O_Lnode;
+ R_Mode : Object_Kind_Type;
+ Loc : Iir)
+ is
+ L_Tinfo, R_Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ L_Tinfo := Get_Info (L_Type);
+ R_Tinfo := Get_Info (R_Type);
+ if L_Tinfo.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Array
+ and R_Tinfo.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Array
+ then
+ -- Both left and right are thin array.
+ -- Check here the length are the same.
+ declare
+ L_Indexes : Iir_List;
+ R_Indexes : Iir_List;
+ L_El : Iir;
+ R_El : Iir;
+ Err : Boolean;
+ begin
+ L_Indexes := Get_Index_Subtype_List (L_Type);
+ R_Indexes := Get_Index_Subtype_List (R_Type);
+ Err := False;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ L_El := Get_Nth_Element (L_Indexes, I);
+ R_El := Get_Nth_Element (R_Indexes, I);
+ exit when L_El = Null_Iir and R_El = Null_Iir;
+ if Eval_Discrete_Type_Length (L_El)
+ /= Eval_Discrete_Type_Length (R_El)
+ then
+ if not Err then
+ Chap6.Gen_Bound_Error (Loc);
+ Err := True;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ else
+ -- Check length match.
+ declare
+ Index_List : Iir_List;
+ Index : Iir;
+ Cond : O_Enode;
+ Sub_Cond : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ Index_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (L_Type);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Index := Get_Nth_Element (Index_List, I);
+ exit when Index = Null_Iir;
+ Sub_Cond := New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Neq,
+ Chap6.Get_Array_Ptr_Bound_Length (L_Node, L_Type,
+ I + 1, L_Mode),
+ Chap6.Get_Array_Ptr_Bound_Length (R_Node, R_Type,
+ I + 1, R_Mode),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ if I = 0 then
+ Cond := Sub_Cond;
+ else
+ Cond := New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Or, Cond, Sub_Cond);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Chap6.Check_Bound_Error (Cond, Loc, 0);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Array_Match;
+ procedure Create_Range_From_Array_Attribute_And_Length
+ (Array_Attr : Iir; Length : O_Dnode; Range_Ptr : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ Attr_Kind : Iir_Kind;
+ Arr_Rng : Mnode;
+ Iinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Res : Mnode;
+ Dir : O_Enode;
+ Diff : O_Dnode;
+ Left_Bound : Mnode;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ If_Blk1 : O_If_Block;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ Arr_Rng := Chap14.Translate_Array_Attribute_To_Range (Array_Attr);
+ Iinfo := Get_Type_Info (Arr_Rng);
+ Stabilize (Arr_Rng);
+ Res := Dp2M (Range_Ptr, Iinfo, Mode_Value);
+ -- Length.
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Range_To_Length (Arr_Rng)),
+ New_Obj_Value (Length));
+ -- Direction.
+ Attr_Kind := Get_Kind (Array_Attr);
+ Dir := M2E (Range_To_Dir (Arr_Rng));
+ case Attr_Kind is
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Range_To_Dir (Res)), Dir);
+ when Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ Dir,
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_To_Node),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lv (Range_To_Dir (Res)), New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_Downto_Node));
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lv (Range_To_Dir (Res)), New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_To_Node));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("Create_Range_From_Array_Attribute_And_Length",
+ Array_Attr);
+ end case;
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ New_Obj_Value (Length),
+ New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ 0)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ -- Null range.
+ case Attr_Kind is
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Range_To_Left (Res)),
+ M2E (Range_To_Right (Arr_Rng)));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Range_To_Right (Res)),
+ M2E (Range_To_Left (Arr_Rng)));
+ when Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Range_To_Left (Res)),
+ M2E (Range_To_Left (Arr_Rng)));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Range_To_Right (Res)),
+ M2E (Range_To_Right (Arr_Rng)));
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ -- LEFT.
+ case Attr_Kind is
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ Left_Bound := Range_To_Left (Arr_Rng);
+ when Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ Left_Bound := Range_To_Right (Arr_Rng);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Stabilize (Left_Bound);
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Range_To_Left (Res)), M2E (Left_Bound));
+ -- RIGHT.
+ Diff := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Iinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value),
+ New_Convert_Ov
+ (New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Sub_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Length),
+ New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ 1))),
+ Iinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value)));
+ Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk1, New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ M2E (Range_To_Dir (Res)),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_To_Node),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Range_To_Right (Res)),
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Add_Ov,
+ M2E (Left_Bound),
+ New_Obj_Value (Diff)));
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk1);
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Range_To_Right (Res)),
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Sub_Ov,
+ M2E (Left_Bound),
+ New_Obj_Value (Diff)));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk1);
+ -- FIXME: check right bounds is inside bounds.
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Create_Range_From_Array_Attribute_And_Length;
+ procedure Create_Range_From_Length
+ (Index_Type : Iir; Length : O_Dnode; Range_Ptr : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ Iinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Op : ON_Op_Kind;
+ Diff : O_Enode;
+ Left_Bound : O_Enode;
+ Var_Right : O_Dnode;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ Range_Constr : Iir;
+ Range_Expr : Iir;
+ begin
+ Iinfo := Get_Info (Index_Type);
+ Range_Constr := Get_Range_Constraint (Index_Type);
+ Range_Expr := Eval_Range (Range_Constr);
+ if Range_Expr = Null_Iir then
+ Create_Range_From_Array_Attribute_And_Length
+ (Range_Constr, Length, Range_Ptr);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Start_Declare_Stmt;
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Right, Get_Identifier ("right_bound"),
+ O_Storage_Local, Iinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Range_Ptr), Iinfo.T.Range_Length),
+ New_Obj_Value (Length));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Range_Ptr), Iinfo.T.Range_Dir),
+ New_Lit (Chap7.Translate_Static_Range_Dir (Range_Constr)));
+ case Get_Direction (Range_Constr) is
+ when Iir_To =>
+ Op := ON_Add_Ov;
+ when Iir_Downto =>
+ Op := ON_Sub_Ov;
+ end case;
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ New_Obj_Value (Length),
+ New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ 0)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ -- Null range.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Range_Ptr), Iinfo.T.Range_Left),
+ Chap7.Translate_Range_Expression_Right (Range_Constr, Index_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Range_Ptr), Iinfo.T.Range_Right),
+ Chap7.Translate_Range_Expression_Left (Range_Constr, Index_Type));
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Range_Ptr), Iinfo.T.Range_Left),
+ Chap7.Translate_Range_Expression_Left (Range_Constr, Index_Type));
+ Left_Bound := Chap7.Translate_Range_Expression_Left
+ (Range_Constr, Index_Type);
+ Diff := New_Convert_Ov
+ (New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Sub_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Length),
+ New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ 1))),
+ Iinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Var_Right),
+ New_Dyadic_Op (Op, Left_Bound, Diff));
+ -- Check the right bounds is inside the bounds of the index type.
+ Chap3.Check_Range (Var_Right, Null_Iir, Index_Type);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Range_Ptr), Iinfo.T.Range_Right),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Right));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Finish_Declare_Stmt;
+ end Create_Range_From_Length;
+ end Chap3;
+ package body Chap4 is
+ -- Get the ortho type for an object of mode MODE.
+ function Get_Object_Type (Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc; Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Tnode is
+ begin
+ if Tinfo.C /= null then
+ case Tinfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ return Tinfo.Ortho_Type (Kind);
+ when Type_Mode_Record
+ | Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Protected =>
+ -- For a complex type, use a pointer.
+ return Tinfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ else
+ return Tinfo.Ortho_Type (Kind);
+ end if;
+ end Get_Object_Type;
+ -- Get the ortho type for an object of mode MODE.
+ function Get_Element_Type (Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Tnode is
+ begin
+ if Tinfo.C /= null then
+ -- Always use a pointer for a complex type.
+ return Tinfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind);
+ else
+ return Tinfo.Ortho_Type (Kind);
+ end if;
+ end Get_Element_Type;
+ procedure Create_Object (El : Iir)
+ is
+ Obj_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Info : Object_Info_Acc;
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Def : Iir;
+ Val : Iir;
+ Storage : O_Storage;
+ Deferred : Iir;
+ begin
+ Def := Get_Type (El);
+ Val := Get_Default_Value (El);
+ -- Be sure the object type was translated.
+ if Get_Kind (El) = Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ and then Get_Deferred_Declaration_Flag (El) = False
+ and then Get_Deferred_Declaration (El) /= Null_Iir
+ then
+ -- This is a full constant declaration which complete a previous
+ -- incomplete constant declaration.
+ --
+ -- Do not create the subtype of this full constant declaration,
+ -- since it was already created by the deferred declaration.
+ -- Use the type of the deferred declaration.
+ Deferred := Get_Deferred_Declaration (El);
+ Def := Get_Type (Deferred);
+ Info := Get_Info (Deferred);
+ Set_Info (El, Info);
+ else
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Subtype (El);
+ Info := Add_Info (El, Kind_Object);
+ end if;
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Def);
+ Obj_Type := Get_Object_Type (Tinfo, Mode_Value);
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration =>
+ Info.Object_Var := Create_Var (Create_Var_Identifier (El),
+ Obj_Type);
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Deferred_Declaration (El) /= Null_Iir then
+ -- This is a full constant declaration (in a body) of a
+ -- deferred constant declaration (in a package).
+ Storage := O_Storage_Public;
+ else
+ Storage := Global_Storage;
+ end if;
+ if Info.Object_Var = null then
+ -- Not a full constant declaration (ie a value for an
+ -- already declared constant).
+ -- Must create the declaration.
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (El) = Locally
+ or else Chap7.Is_Static_Constant (El)
+ then
+ Info.Object_Static := True;
+ Info.Object_Var := Create_Global_Const
+ (Create_Identifier (El), Obj_Type, Global_Storage,
+ O_Cnode_Null);
+ else
+ Info.Object_Static := False;
+ Info.Object_Var := Create_Var
+ (Create_Var_Identifier (El), Obj_Type, Global_Storage);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Deferred_Declaration (El) = Null_Iir
+ and then Info.Object_Static
+ and then Storage /= O_Storage_External
+ then
+ -- Deferred constant are never considered as locally static.
+ -- FIXME: to be improved ?
+ -- Only required for transient types.
+ -- FIXME: check this (why open/close_temp ?)
+ Open_Temp;
+ Define_Global_Const
+ (Info.Object_Var,
+ Chap7.Translate_Static_Expression (Val, Def));
+ Close_Temp;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("create_objet", El);
+ end case;
+ end Create_Object;
+ procedure Create_Signal (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Sig_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Sig_Type_Def : Iir;
+ begin
+ Sig_Type_Def := Get_Type (Decl);
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Subtype (Decl);
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Sig_Type_Def);
+ Sig_Type := Get_Object_Type (Type_Info, Mode_Signal);
+ if Sig_Type = O_Tnode_Null then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Info := Add_Info (Decl, Kind_Object);
+ Info.Object_Var := Create_Var
+ (Create_Var_Identifier (Decl), Sig_Type);
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ Rtis.Generate_Signal_Rti (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration =>
+ -- No name created for guard signal.
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("create_signal", Decl);
+ end case;
+ end Create_Signal;
+ procedure Create_Implicit_Signal (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Sig_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Sig_Type_Def : Iir;
+ begin
+ Sig_Type_Def := Get_Type (Decl);
+ -- This has been disabled since DECL can have an anonymous subtype,
+ -- and DECL has no identifiers, which causes translate_object_subtype
+ -- to crash.
+ -- Note: DECL can only be a iir_kind_delayed_attribute.
+ --Chap3.Translate_Object_Subtype (Decl);
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Sig_Type_Def);
+ Sig_Type := Type_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal);
+ if Sig_Type = O_Tnode_Null then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Info := Add_Info (Decl, Kind_Object);
+ Info.Object_Var := Create_Var (Create_Uniq_Identifier, Sig_Type);
+ end Create_Implicit_Signal;
+ procedure Create_File_Object (El : Iir_File_Declaration)
+ is
+ Obj_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Obj_Type_Def : Iir;
+ begin
+ Obj_Type_Def := Get_Type (El);
+ Obj_Type := Get_Ortho_Type (Obj_Type_Def, Mode_Value);
+ Info := Add_Info (El, Kind_Object);
+ Info.Object_Var := Create_Var (Create_Var_Identifier (El), Obj_Type);
+ end Create_File_Object;
+ procedure Allocate_Complex_Object (Obj_Type : Iir;
+ Alloc_Kind : Allocation_Kind;
+ Var : in out Mnode)
+ is
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type;
+ Targ : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Type_Info := Get_Type_Info (Var);
+ if Type_Info.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ -- Cannot allocate unconstrained object (since size is unknown).
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Kind := Get_Object_Kind (Var);
+ if Type_Info.C = null then
+ -- Object is not complex.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Type_Info.C.Builder_Need_Func and then not Is_Stable (Var) then
+ Targ := Create_Temp (Type_Info, Kind);
+ else
+ Targ := Var;
+ end if;
+ -- Allocate variable.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lp (Targ),
+ Gen_Alloc (Alloc_Kind,
+ Chap3.Get_Object_Size (Var, Obj_Type),
+ Type_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind)));
+ if Type_Info.C.Builder_Need_Func then
+ -- Build the type.
+ Chap3.Gen_Call_Type_Builder (Targ, Obj_Type);
+ if not Is_Stable (Var) then
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lp (Var), M2Addr (Targ));
+ Var := Targ;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Allocate_Complex_Object;
+ -- Note : OBJ can be a tree.
+ -- FIXME: should use translate_aggregate_others.
+ procedure Init_Array_Object (Obj : Mnode; Obj_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ Sobj : Mnode;
+ -- Type of the object.
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ -- Iterator for the elements.
+ Index : O_Dnode;
+ Upper_Limit : O_Enode;
+ Upper_Var : O_Dnode;
+ Label : O_Snode;
+ begin
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Obj_Type);
+ -- Iterate on all elements of the object.
+ Open_Temp;
+ if Type_Info.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ Sobj := Stabilize (Obj);
+ else
+ Sobj := Obj;
+ end if;
+ Upper_Limit := Chap3.Get_Array_Length (Sobj, Obj_Type);
+ if Type_Info.Type_Mode /= Type_Mode_Array then
+ Upper_Var := Create_Temp_Init (Ghdl_Index_Type, Upper_Limit);
+ else
+ Upper_Var := O_Dnode_Null;
+ end if;
+ Index := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Init_Var (Index);
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ if Upper_Var /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ Upper_Limit := New_Obj_Value (Upper_Var);
+ end if;
+ Gen_Exit_When (Label,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ New_Obj_Value (Index), Upper_Limit,
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ Init_Object (Chap3.Index_Base (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Sobj),
+ Obj_Type,
+ New_Obj_Value (Index)),
+ Get_Element_Subtype (Obj_Type));
+ Inc_Var (Index);
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Init_Array_Object;
+ procedure Init_Protected_Object (Obj : Mnode; Obj_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Obj_Type);
+ -- The object has already been allocated.
+ -- Call the initializator.
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Info.T.Prot_Init_Node);
+ Chap2.Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc (Assoc, Info.T.Prot_Init_Instance,
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value),
+ M2E (Obj));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ end Init_Protected_Object;
+ procedure Fini_Protected_Object (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Obj : Mnode;
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Get_Type (Decl));
+ Obj := Chap6.Translate_Name (Decl);
+ -- Call the Finalizator.
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Info.T.Prot_Final_Node);
+ Chap2.Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc (Assoc, Info.T.Prot_Final_Instance,
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value),
+ M2E (Obj));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ end Fini_Protected_Object;
+ procedure Init_Object (Obj : Mnode; Obj_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Tinfo := Get_Type_Info (Obj);
+ case Tinfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Scalar =>
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lv (Obj), Chap14.Translate_Left_Type_Attribute (Obj_Type));
+ when Type_Mode_Acc =>
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lv (Obj),
+ New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Tinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value))));
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Acc =>
+ declare
+ Dinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Sobj : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ Sobj := Stabilize (Obj);
+ Dinfo := Get_Info (Get_Designated_Type (Obj_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element (M2Lv (Sobj),
+ Dinfo.T.Bounds_Field (Mode_Value)),
+ New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Dinfo.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type)));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element (M2Lv (Sobj),
+ Dinfo.T.Base_Field (Mode_Value)),
+ New_Lit (New_Null_Access
+ (Dinfo.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value))));
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Arrays =>
+ Init_Array_Object (Obj, Obj_Type);
+ when Type_Mode_Record =>
+ declare
+ Sobj : Mnode;
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ Sobj := Stabilize (Obj);
+ El := Get_Element_Declaration_Chain
+ (Get_Base_Type (Obj_Type));
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Init_Object (Chap6.Translate_Selected_Element (Sobj, El),
+ Get_Type (El));
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Protected =>
+ Init_Protected_Object (Obj, Obj_Type);
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown
+ | Type_Mode_File =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Init_Object;
+ procedure Elab_Object_Storage (Obj : Iir)
+ is
+ Obj_Info : Object_Info_Acc;
+ Name_Node : Mnode;
+ Obj_Type : Iir;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Alloc_Kind : Allocation_Kind;
+ begin
+ -- Elaborate subtype.
+ Obj_Type := Get_Type (Obj);
+ Chap3.Elab_Object_Subtype (Obj_Type);
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Obj_Type);
+ Obj_Info := Get_Info (Obj);
+ -- FIXME: the object type may be a fat array!
+ -- FIXME: fat array + aggregate ?
+ if Type_Info.C /= null
+ and then Type_Info.Type_Mode /= Type_Mode_Fat_Array
+ then
+ -- FIXME: avoid allocation if the value is a string and
+ -- the object is a constant
+ Name_Node := Get_Var (Obj_Info.Object_Var, Type_Info, Mode_Value);
+ Alloc_Kind := Get_Alloc_Kind_For_Var (Obj_Info.Object_Var);
+ Allocate_Complex_Object (Obj_Type, Alloc_Kind, Name_Node);
+ end if;
+ end Elab_Object_Storage;
+ -- Generate code to create object OBJ and initialize it with value VAL.
+ procedure Elab_Object_Init (Name : Mnode; Obj : Iir; Value : Iir)
+ is
+ Obj_Info : Object_Info_Acc;
+ Name_Node : Mnode;
+ Value_Node : O_Enode;
+ Obj_Type : Iir;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Alloc_Kind : Allocation_Kind;
+ begin
+ -- Elaborate subtype.
+ Obj_Type := Get_Type (Obj);
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Obj_Type);
+ Obj_Info := Get_Info (Obj);
+ Alloc_Kind := Get_Alloc_Kind_For_Var (Obj_Info.Object_Var);
+ Open_Temp;
+ if Value = Null_Iir then
+ -- Performs default initialization.
+ Init_Object (Name, Obj_Type);
+ elsif Get_Kind (Value) = Iir_Kind_Aggregate then
+ if Type_Info.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ -- Allocate.
+ declare
+ Aggr_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Aggr_Type := Get_Type (Value);
+ Chap3.Create_Array_Subtype (Aggr_Type, True);
+ Name_Node := Stabilize (Name);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element
+ (M2Lv (Name_Node), Type_Info.T.Bounds_Field (Mode_Value)),
+ Chap3.Get_Array_Ptr_Bounds_Ptr (O_Lnode_Null, Aggr_Type,
+ Mode_Value));
+ Chap3.Allocate_Fat_Array_Base
+ (Alloc_Kind, Name_Node, Get_Base_Type (Aggr_Type));
+ end;
+ else
+ Name_Node := Name;
+ end if;
+ Chap7.Translate_Aggregate (Name_Node, Obj_Type, Value);
+ else
+ Value_Node := Chap7.Translate_Expression (Value, Obj_Type);
+ if Type_Info.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ declare
+ S : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Name_Node := Stabilize (Name);
+ S := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Type_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value), Value_Node);
+ if Get_Kind (Value) = Iir_Kind_String_Literal
+ and then Get_Kind (Obj) = Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ then
+ -- No need to allocate space for the object.
+ Copy_Fat_Pointer (Name_Node,
+ Dp2M (S, Type_Info, Mode_Value));
+ else
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Allocation
+ (Name_Node, Alloc_Kind, Obj_Type,
+ Chap3.Get_Array_Ptr_Bounds_Ptr (New_Obj (S),
+ Get_Type (Value),
+ Mode_Value));
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Copy
+ (Name_Node, New_Obj_Value (S), Obj_Type);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ else
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Copy (Name, Value_Node, Obj_Type);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Elab_Object_Init;
+ -- Generate code to create object OBJ and initialize it with value VAL.
+ procedure Elab_Object_Value (Obj : Iir; Value : Iir)
+ is
+ Name : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Elab_Object_Storage (Obj);
+ Name := Get_Var (Get_Info (Obj).Object_Var,
+ Get_Info (Get_Type (Obj)), Mode_Value);
+ Elab_Object_Init (Name, Obj, Value);
+ end Elab_Object_Value;
+ -- Create code to elaborate OBJ.
+ procedure Elab_Object (Obj : Iir)
+ is
+ Value : Iir;
+ Obj1 : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- A locally static constant is pre-elaborated.
+ -- (only constant can be locally static).
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Obj) = Locally
+ and then Get_Deferred_Declaration (Obj) = Null_Iir
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Set default value.
+ if Get_Kind (Obj) = Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration then
+ if Get_Info (Obj).Object_Static then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Deferred_Declaration_Flag (Obj) = True then
+ -- No code generation for a deferred constant.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Obj1 := Get_Deferred_Declaration (Obj);
+ if Obj1 = Null_Iir then
+ Obj1 := Obj;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Obj1 := Obj;
+ end if;
+ New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Get_Line_Number (Obj));
+ -- Still use the default value of the not deferred constant.
+ -- FIXME: what about composite types.
+ Value := Get_Default_Value (Obj);
+ Elab_Object_Value (Obj1, Value);
+ end Elab_Object;
+ procedure Fini_Object (Obj : Iir)
+ is
+ Obj_Type : Iir;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Obj_Type := Get_Type (Obj);
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Obj_Type);
+ if Type_Info.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ declare
+ V : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ V := Chap6.Translate_Name (Obj);
+ Stabilize (V);
+ Chap3.Gen_Deallocate
+ (New_Value (M2Lp (Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds (V))));
+ Chap3.Gen_Deallocate
+ (New_Value (M2Lp (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (V))));
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ elsif Type_Info.C /= null then
+ Chap3.Gen_Deallocate
+ (New_Value (M2Lp (Chap6.Translate_Name (Obj))));
+ end if;
+ end Fini_Object;
+ function Get_Nbr_Signals (Sig : Mnode; Sig_Type : Iir) return O_Enode
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Sig_Type);
+ case Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Scalar =>
+ return New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type, 1));
+ when Type_Mode_Arrays =>
+ return New_Dyadic_Op
+ (ON_Mul_Ov,
+ Chap3.Get_Array_Length (Sig, Sig_Type),
+ Get_Nbr_Signals (Mnode_Null,
+ Get_Element_Subtype (Sig_Type)));
+ when Type_Mode_Record =>
+ declare
+ El : Iir;
+ Res : O_Enode;
+ E : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ El :=
+ Get_Element_Declaration_Chain (Get_Base_Type (Sig_Type));
+ Res := O_Enode_Null;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ E := Get_Nbr_Signals (Mnode_Null, Get_Type (El));
+ if Res /= O_Enode_Null then
+ Res := New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Add_Ov, Res, E);
+ else
+ Res := E;
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ if Res = O_Enode_Null then
+ return New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal
+ (Ghdl_Index_Type, 0));
+ else
+ return Res;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown
+ | Type_Mode_File
+ | Type_Mode_Acc
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Acc
+ | Type_Mode_Protected =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Nbr_Signals;
+ -- Get the leftest signal of SIG.
+ -- The leftest signal of
+ -- a scalar signal is itself,
+ -- an array signal is the leftest,
+ -- a record signal is the first element.
+ function Get_Leftest_Signal (Sig: Mnode; Sig_Type : Iir)
+ return Mnode
+ is
+ Res : Mnode;
+ Res_Type : Iir;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Res := Sig;
+ Res_Type := Sig_Type;
+ loop
+ Info := Get_Type_Info (Res);
+ case Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Scalar =>
+ return Res;
+ when Type_Mode_Arrays =>
+ Res := Chap3.Index_Base
+ (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Res), Res_Type,
+ New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type, 0)));
+ Res_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Res_Type);
+ when Type_Mode_Record =>
+ declare
+ Element : Iir;
+ begin
+ Element := Get_Element_Declaration_Chain
+ (Get_Base_Type (Res_Type));
+ Res := Chap6.Translate_Selected_Element (Res, Element);
+ Res_Type := Get_Type (Element);
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown
+ | Type_Mode_File
+ | Type_Mode_Acc
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Acc
+ | Type_Mode_Protected =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Get_Leftest_Signal;
+ -- Add func and instance.
+ procedure Add_Associations_For_Resolver
+ (Assoc : in out O_Assoc_List; Func : Iir)
+ is
+ Func_Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ Resolv_Info : Subprg_Resolv_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Func_Info := Get_Info (Get_Named_Entity (Func));
+ Resolv_Info := Func_Info.Subprg_Resolv;
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc, New_Lit (New_Subprogram_Address (Resolv_Info.Resolv_Func,
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type)));
+ if Resolv_Info.Resolv_Block /= Null_Iir then
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc,
+ New_Convert_Ov (Get_Instance_Access (Resolv_Info.Resolv_Block),
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+ else
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Ghdl_Ptr_Type)));
+ end if;
+ end Add_Associations_For_Resolver;
+ type O_If_Block_Acc is access O_If_Block;
+ type Elab_Signal_Data is record
+ -- Default value of the signal.
+ Val : Mnode;
+ -- If statement for a block of signals.
+ If_Stmt : O_If_Block_Acc;
+ -- True if the default value is set.
+ Has_Val : Boolean;
+ -- True if a resolution function was already attached.
+ Already_Resolved : Boolean;
+ -- True if the signal may already have been created.
+ Check_Null : Boolean;
+ end record;
+ procedure Elab_Signal_Non_Composite (Targ : Mnode;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Data : Elab_Signal_Data)
+ is
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Create_Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ Conv : O_Tnode;
+ Res : O_Enode;
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ Init_Val : O_Enode;
+ -- For the resolution function (if any).
+ Func : Iir;
+ If_Stmt : O_If_Block;
+ Targ_Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Targ_Type);
+ if Data.Check_Null then
+ Targ_Ptr := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Ghdl_Signal_Ptr_Ptr,
+ New_Unchecked_Address (M2Lv (Targ), Ghdl_Signal_Ptr_Ptr));
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Stmt,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ New_Value (New_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Targ_Ptr))),
+ New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ end if;
+ case Type_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_B2 =>
+ Create_Subprg := Ghdl_Create_Signal_B2;
+ Conv := Ghdl_Bool_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_E8 =>
+ Create_Subprg := Ghdl_Create_Signal_E8;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I32_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_I32
+ | Type_Mode_P32 =>
+ Create_Subprg := Ghdl_Create_Signal_I32;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I32_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_P64
+ | Type_Mode_I64 =>
+ Create_Subprg := Ghdl_Create_Signal_I64;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I64_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_F64 =>
+ Create_Subprg := Ghdl_Create_Signal_F64;
+ Conv := Ghdl_Real_Type;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("elab_signal_non_composite", Targ_Type);
+ end case;
+ if Data.Has_Val then
+ Init_Val := M2E (Data.Val);
+ else
+ Init_Val := Chap14.Translate_Left_Type_Attribute (Targ_Type);
+ end if;
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Create_Subprg);
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Convert_Ov (Init_Val, Conv));
+ if Get_Kind (Targ_Type) in Iir_Kinds_Subtype_Definition then
+ Func := Get_Resolution_Function (Targ_Type);
+ else
+ Func := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Func /= Null_Iir and then not Data.Already_Resolved then
+ Add_Associations_For_Resolver (Assoc, Func);
+ else
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Ghdl_Ptr_Type)));
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Ghdl_Ptr_Type)));
+ end if;
+ Res := New_Function_Call (Assoc);
+ if Data.Check_Null then
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Targ_Ptr)), Res);
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Stmt);
+ else
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lv (Targ),
+ New_Convert_Ov (Res, Type_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal)));
+ end if;
+ end Elab_Signal_Non_Composite;
+ function Elab_Signal_Prepare_Composite
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Data : Elab_Signal_Data)
+ return Elab_Signal_Data
+ is
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ Func : Iir;
+ Res : Elab_Signal_Data;
+ begin
+ Res := Data;
+ if Get_Kind (Targ_Type) in Iir_Kinds_Subtype_Definition then
+ Func := Get_Resolution_Function (Targ_Type);
+ if Func /= Null_Iir and then not Data.Already_Resolved then
+ if Data.Check_Null then
+ Res.If_Stmt := new O_If_Block;
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (Res.If_Stmt.all,
+ New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Eq,
+ New_Convert_Ov (M2E (Get_Leftest_Signal (Targ,
+ Targ_Type)),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr),
+ New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ --Res.Check_Null := False;
+ end if;
+ -- Add resolver.
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Ghdl_Signal_Create_Resolution);
+ Add_Associations_For_Resolver (Assoc, Func);
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc, New_Convert_Ov (M2Addr (Targ), Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+ New_Association (Assoc, Get_Nbr_Signals (Targ, Targ_Type));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ Res.Already_Resolved := True;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Data.Has_Val then
+ if Get_Type_Info (Data.Val).Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Record then
+ Res.Val := Stabilize (Data.Val);
+ else
+ Res.Val := Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Data.Val);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Elab_Signal_Prepare_Composite;
+ procedure Elab_Signal_Finish_Composite (Data : in out Elab_Signal_Data)
+ is
+ procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Object => O_If_Block, Name => O_If_Block_Acc);
+ begin
+ if Data.If_Stmt /= null then
+ Finish_If_Stmt (Data.If_Stmt.all);
+ Free (Data.If_Stmt);
+ end if;
+ end Elab_Signal_Finish_Composite;
+ function Elab_Signal_Update_Array (Data : Elab_Signal_Data;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Index : O_Dnode)
+ return Elab_Signal_Data
+ is
+ begin
+ if not Data.Has_Val then
+ return Data;
+ else
+ return Elab_Signal_Data'
+ (Val => Chap3.Index_Base (Data.Val, Targ_Type,
+ New_Obj_Value (Index)),
+ Has_Val => True,
+ If_Stmt => null,
+ Already_Resolved => Data.Already_Resolved,
+ Check_Null => Data.Check_Null);
+ end if;
+ end Elab_Signal_Update_Array;
+ function Elab_Signal_Update_Record (Data : Elab_Signal_Data;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration)
+ return Elab_Signal_Data
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ if not Data.Has_Val then
+ return Data;
+ else
+ return Elab_Signal_Data'
+ (Val => Chap6.Translate_Selected_Element (Data.Val, El),
+ Has_Val => True,
+ If_Stmt => null,
+ Already_Resolved => Data.Already_Resolved,
+ Check_Null => Data.Check_Null);
+ end if;
+ end Elab_Signal_Update_Record;
+ procedure Elab_Signal is new Foreach_Non_Composite
+ (Data_Type => Elab_Signal_Data,
+ Composite_Data_Type => Elab_Signal_Data,
+ Do_Non_Composite => Elab_Signal_Non_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Array => Elab_Signal_Prepare_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Array => Elab_Signal_Update_Array,
+ Finish_Data_Array => Elab_Signal_Finish_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Record => Elab_Signal_Prepare_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Record => Elab_Signal_Update_Record,
+ Finish_Data_Record => Elab_Signal_Finish_Composite);
+ -- Elaborate signal subtypes and allocate the storage for the object.
+ procedure Elab_Signal_Declaration_Storage (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Sig_Type : Iir;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Name_Node : Mnode;
+ begin
+ New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Get_Line_Number (Decl));
+ Open_Temp;
+ Sig_Type := Get_Type (Decl);
+ Chap3.Elab_Object_Subtype (Sig_Type);
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Sig_Type);
+ if Type_Info.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ Name_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Decl);
+ Name_Node := Stabilize (Name_Node);
+ Chap3.Allocate_Fat_Array_Base (Alloc_System, Name_Node, Sig_Type);
+ elsif Type_Info.C /= null then
+ Name_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Decl);
+ Allocate_Complex_Object (Sig_Type, Alloc_System, Name_Node);
+ end if;
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Elab_Signal_Declaration_Storage;
+ -- Create signal object.
+ -- Note: DECL can be a signal sub-element (used when signals are
+ -- collapsed).
+ -- If CHECK_NULL is TRUE, create the signal only if it was not yet
+ -- created.
+ procedure Elab_Signal_Declaration_Object
+ (Decl : Iir; Parent : Iir; Check_Null : Boolean)
+ is
+ Sig_Type : Iir;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Name_Node : Mnode;
+ Val : Iir;
+ Data : Elab_Signal_Data;
+ Base_Decl : Iir;
+ begin
+ New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Get_Line_Number (Decl));
+ Open_Temp;
+ Sig_Type := Get_Type (Decl);
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Sig_Type);
+ Base_Decl := Get_Base_Name (Decl);
+ -- Set the name of the signal.
+ declare
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Ghdl_Signal_Name_Rti);
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc,
+ New_Lit (New_Global_Unchecked_Address
+ (Get_Info (Base_Decl).Object_Rti,
+ Rtis.Ghdl_Rti_Access)));
+ Rtis.Associate_Rti_Context (Assoc, Parent);
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ end;
+ Name_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Decl);
+ if Get_Object_Kind (Name_Node) /= Mode_Signal then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Decl = Base_Decl then
+ Data.Already_Resolved := False;
+ Data.Check_Null := Check_Null;
+ Val := Get_Default_Value (Base_Decl);
+ if Val = Null_Iir then
+ Data.Has_Val := False;
+ else
+ Data.Has_Val := True;
+ Data.Val := E2M (Chap7.Translate_Expression (Val, Sig_Type),
+ Get_Info (Sig_Type),
+ Mode_Value);
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- Sub signal.
+ -- Do not add resolver.
+ -- Do not use default value.
+ Data.Already_Resolved := True;
+ Data.Has_Val := False;
+ Data.Check_Null := False;
+ end if;
+ Elab_Signal (Name_Node, Sig_Type, Data);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Elab_Signal_Declaration_Object;
+ procedure Elab_Signal_Declaration
+ (Decl : Iir; Parent : Iir; Check_Null : Boolean)
+ is
+ begin
+ Elab_Signal_Declaration_Storage (Decl);
+ Elab_Signal_Declaration_Object (Decl, Parent, Check_Null);
+ end Elab_Signal_Declaration;
+ procedure Elab_Signal_Attribute (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ Dtype : Iir;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Info : Object_Info_Acc;
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ Prefix_Node : Mnode;
+ Res : O_Enode;
+ Val : O_Enode;
+ Param : Iir;
+ Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Get_Line_Number (Decl));
+ Info := Get_Info (Decl);
+ Dtype := Get_Type (Decl);
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Dtype);
+ -- Create the signal (with the time)
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Create_Stable_Signal;
+ when Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Create_Quiet_Signal;
+ when Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Create_Transaction_Signal;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("elab_signal_attribute", Decl);
+ end case;
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Subprg);
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute =>
+ Param := Get_Parameter (Decl);
+ if Param = Null_Iir then
+ Val := New_Lit (New_Signed_Literal (Std_Time_Type, 0));
+ else
+ Val := Chap7.Translate_Expression (Param);
+ end if;
+ New_Association (Assoc, Val);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Res := New_Convert_Ov (New_Function_Call (Assoc),
+ Type_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (Get_Var (Info.Object_Var), Res);
+ -- Register all signals this depends on.
+ Prefix := Get_Prefix (Decl);
+ Prefix_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Prefix);
+ Register_Signal (Prefix_Node, Get_Type (Prefix),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Attribute_Register_Prefix);
+ end Elab_Signal_Attribute;
+ type Delayed_Signal_Data is record
+ Pfx : Mnode;
+ Param : Iir;
+ end record;
+ procedure Create_Delayed_Signal_Noncomposite
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Data : Delayed_Signal_Data)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Val : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Ghdl_Create_Delayed_Signal);
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc,
+ New_Convert_Ov (New_Value (M2Lv (Data.Pfx)), Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ if Data.Param = Null_Iir then
+ Val := New_Lit (New_Signed_Literal (Std_Time_Type, 0));
+ else
+ Val := Chap7.Translate_Expression (Data.Param);
+ end if;
+ New_Association (Assoc, Val);
+ Type_Info := Get_Type_Info (Targ);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lv (Targ),
+ New_Convert_Ov (New_Function_Call (Assoc),
+ Type_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal)));
+ end Create_Delayed_Signal_Noncomposite;
+ function Create_Delayed_Signal_Prepare_Composite
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Data : Delayed_Signal_Data)
+ return Delayed_Signal_Data
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
+ Res : Delayed_Signal_Data;
+ begin
+ Res.Param := Data.Param;
+ if Get_Type_Info (Targ).Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Record then
+ Res.Pfx := Stabilize (Data.Pfx);
+ else
+ Res.Pfx := Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Data.Pfx);
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Delayed_Signal_Prepare_Composite;
+ function Create_Delayed_Signal_Update_Data_Array
+ (Data : Delayed_Signal_Data; Targ_Type : Iir; Index : O_Dnode)
+ return Delayed_Signal_Data
+ is
+ begin
+ return Delayed_Signal_Data'
+ (Pfx => Chap3.Index_Base (Data.Pfx, Targ_Type,
+ New_Obj_Value (Index)),
+ Param => Data.Param);
+ end Create_Delayed_Signal_Update_Data_Array;
+ function Create_Delayed_Signal_Update_Data_Record
+ (Data : Delayed_Signal_Data;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration)
+ return Delayed_Signal_Data
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ return Delayed_Signal_Data'
+ (Pfx => Chap6.Translate_Selected_Element (Data.Pfx, El),
+ Param => Data.Param);
+ end Create_Delayed_Signal_Update_Data_Record;
+ procedure Create_Delayed_Signal_Finish_Data_Composite
+ (Data : in out Delayed_Signal_Data)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Data);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Create_Delayed_Signal_Finish_Data_Composite;
+ procedure Create_Delayed_Signal is new Foreach_Non_Composite
+ (Data_Type => Delayed_Signal_Data,
+ Composite_Data_Type => Delayed_Signal_Data,
+ Do_Non_Composite => Create_Delayed_Signal_Noncomposite,
+ Prepare_Data_Array => Create_Delayed_Signal_Prepare_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Array => Create_Delayed_Signal_Update_Data_Array,
+ Finish_Data_Array => Create_Delayed_Signal_Finish_Data_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Record => Create_Delayed_Signal_Prepare_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Record => Create_Delayed_Signal_Update_Data_Record,
+ Finish_Data_Record => Create_Delayed_Signal_Finish_Data_Composite);
+ procedure Elab_Signal_Delayed_Attribute (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Name_Node : Mnode;
+ Sig_Type : Iir;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Pfx_Node : Mnode;
+ Data: Delayed_Signal_Data;
+ begin
+ Name_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Decl);
+ Sig_Type := Get_Type (Decl);
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Sig_Type);
+ if Type_Info.C /= null then
+ Allocate_Complex_Object (Sig_Type, Alloc_System, Name_Node);
+ -- We cannot stabilize NAME_NODE, since Allocate_Complex_Object
+ -- assign it.
+ Name_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Decl);
+ end if;
+ Pfx_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Get_Prefix (Decl));
+ Data := Delayed_Signal_Data'(Pfx => Pfx_Node,
+ Param => Get_Parameter (Decl));
+ Create_Delayed_Signal (Name_Node, Get_Type (Decl), Data);
+ end Elab_Signal_Delayed_Attribute;
+ procedure Elab_File_Declaration (Decl : Iir_File_Declaration)
+ is
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ Name : Mnode;
+ File_Name : Iir;
+ Open_Kind : Iir;
+ Mode_Val : O_Enode;
+ Str : O_Enode;
+ Is_Text : Boolean;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ -- Elaborate the file.
+ Name := Chap6.Translate_Name (Decl);
+ if Get_Object_Kind (Name) /= Mode_Value then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Is_Text := Get_Text_File_Flag (Get_Type (Decl));
+ if Is_Text then
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Text_File_Elaborate);
+ else
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_File_Elaborate);
+ Info := Get_Info (Get_Type (Decl));
+ if Info.T.File_Signature /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ New_Association
+ (Constr, New_Address (New_Obj (Info.T.File_Signature),
+ Char_Ptr_Type));
+ else
+ New_Association (Constr,
+ New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Char_Ptr_Type)));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Name), New_Function_Call (Constr));
+ -- If file_open_information is present, open the file.
+ File_Name := Get_File_Logical_Name (Decl);
+ if File_Name = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Open_Temp;
+ Name := Chap6.Translate_Name (Decl);
+ Open_Kind := Get_File_Open_Kind (Decl);
+ if Open_Kind /= Null_Iir then
+ Mode_Val := New_Convert_Ov (Chap7.Translate_Expression (Open_Kind),
+ Ghdl_I32_Type);
+ else
+ case Get_Mode (Decl) is
+ when Iir_In_Mode =>
+ Mode_Val := New_Lit (New_Signed_Literal (Ghdl_I32_Type, 0));
+ when Iir_Out_Mode =>
+ Mode_Val := New_Lit (New_Signed_Literal (Ghdl_I32_Type, 1));
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ Str := Chap7.Translate_Expression (File_Name, String_Type_Definition);
+ if Is_Text then
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Text_File_Open);
+ else
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_File_Open);
+ end if;
+ New_Association (Constr, M2E (Name));
+ New_Association (Constr, Mode_Val);
+ New_Association (Constr, Str);
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Elab_File_Declaration;
+ procedure Final_File_Declaration (Decl : Iir_File_Declaration)
+ is
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ Name : Mnode;
+ Is_Text : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Is_Text := Get_Text_File_Flag (Get_Type (Decl));
+ Open_Temp;
+ Name := Chap6.Translate_Name (Decl);
+ Stabilize (Name);
+ -- LRM 3.4.1 File Operations
+ -- An implicit call to FILE_CLOSE exists in a subprogram body for
+ -- every file object declared in the corresponding subprogram
+ -- declarative part. Each such call associates a unique file object
+ -- with the formal parameter F and is called whenever the
+ -- corresponding subprogram completes its execution.
+ if Is_Text then
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Text_File_Close);
+ else
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_File_Close);
+ end if;
+ New_Association (Constr, M2E (Name));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ if Is_Text then
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Text_File_Finalize);
+ else
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_File_Finalize);
+ end if;
+ New_Association (Constr, M2E (Name));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Final_File_Declaration;
+ procedure Translate_Type_Declaration (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ Chap3.Translate_Named_Type_Definition (Get_Type (Decl),
+ Get_Identifier (Decl));
+ end Translate_Type_Declaration;
+ procedure Translate_Anonymous_Type_Declaration (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Mark1 : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (Decl));
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark1, "BT");
+ Chap3.Translate_Type_Definition (Get_Type (Decl));
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark1);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end Translate_Anonymous_Type_Declaration;
+ procedure Translate_Subtype_Declaration (Decl : Iir_Subtype_Declaration)
+ is
+ begin
+ Chap3.Translate_Named_Type_Definition (Get_Type (Decl),
+ Get_Identifier (Decl));
+ end Translate_Subtype_Declaration;
+ procedure Translate_Bool_Type_Declaration (Decl : Iir_Type_Declaration)
+ is
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (Decl));
+ Chap3.Translate_Bool_Type_Definition (Get_Type (Decl));
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end Translate_Bool_Type_Declaration;
+ procedure Translate_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ (Decl : Iir_Object_Alias_Declaration)
+ is
+ Decl_Type : Iir;
+ Info : Alias_Info_Acc;
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Atype : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ Decl_Type := Get_Type (Decl);
+ if Decl_Type = Null_Iir then
+ -- FIXME : todo.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Chap3.Translate_Named_Type_Definition
+ (Decl_Type, Get_Identifier (Decl));
+ Info := Add_Info (Decl, Kind_Alias);
+ case Get_Kind (Get_Base_Name (Decl)) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration =>
+ Info.Alias_Kind := Mode_Signal;
+ when others =>
+ Info.Alias_Kind := Mode_Value;
+ end case;
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Decl_Type);
+ case Tinfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ -- create an object.
+ -- At elaboration: copy base from name, copy bounds from type,
+ -- check for matching bounds.
+ Atype := Get_Ortho_Type (Decl_Type, Info.Alias_Kind);
+ when Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ -- Create an object pointer.
+ -- At elaboration: copy base from name.
+ Atype := Tinfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Info.Alias_Kind);
+ when Type_Mode_Scalar =>
+ case Info.Alias_Kind is
+ when Mode_Signal =>
+ Atype := Tinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal);
+ when Mode_Value =>
+ Atype := Tinfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value);
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Info.Alias_Var := Create_Var (Create_Var_Identifier (Decl), Atype);
+ end Translate_Object_Alias_Declaration;
+ procedure Elab_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ (Decl : Iir_Object_Alias_Declaration)
+ is
+ Decl_Type : Iir;
+ Name : Iir;
+ Name_Node : Mnode;
+ Alias_Node : Mnode;
+ N_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Alias_Info : Alias_Info_Acc;
+ Name_Type : Iir;
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type;
+ begin
+ Decl_Type := Get_Type (Decl);
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Decl_Type);
+ Alias_Info := Get_Info (Decl);
+ Chap3.Elab_Object_Subtype (Decl_Type);
+ Name := Get_Name (Decl);
+ Name_Type := Get_Type (Name);
+ -- Evaluate names.
+ Name_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Name);
+ Kind := Get_Object_Kind (Name_Node);
+ N_Info := Get_Info (Name_Type);
+ --Chap6.Translate_Name (Decl, Decl_Node, Sig);
+ case Tinfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ Open_Temp;
+ Stabilize (Name_Node);
+ Alias_Node := Stabilize
+ (Get_Var (Alias_Info.Alias_Var,
+ Tinfo, Alias_Info.Alias_Kind));
+ Copy_Fat_Pointer (Alias_Node, Name_Node);
+ Close_Temp;
+ when Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ Open_Temp;
+ Stabilize (Name_Node);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (Get_Var (Alias_Info.Alias_Var),
+ New_Value (M2Lp (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Name_Node))));
+ Chap3.Check_Array_Match (Decl_Type, O_Lnode_Null, Kind,
+ Name_Type, M2Lp (Name_Node), Kind,
+ Decl);
+ Close_Temp;
+ when Type_Mode_Scalar =>
+ case Alias_Info.Alias_Kind is
+ when Mode_Value =>
+ New_Assign_Stmt (Get_Var (Alias_Info.Alias_Var),
+ M2Addr (Name_Node));
+ when Mode_Signal =>
+ New_Assign_Stmt (Get_Var (Alias_Info.Alias_Var),
+ M2E (Name_Node));
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Elab_Object_Alias_Declaration;
+ procedure Translate_Port_Chain (Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ Port : Iir;
+ begin
+ Port := Get_Port_Chain (Parent);
+ while Port /= Null_Iir loop
+ Create_Signal (Port);
+ Port := Get_Chain (Port);
+ end loop;
+ end Translate_Port_Chain;
+ procedure Translate_Generic_Chain (Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ Decl : Iir;
+ begin
+ Decl := Get_Generic_Chain (Parent);
+ while Decl /= Null_Iir loop
+ Create_Object (Decl);
+ Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ end loop;
+ end Translate_Generic_Chain;
+ -- Create instance record for a component.
+ procedure Translate_Component_Declaration (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Add_Info (Decl, Kind_Component);
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (Decl));
+ Push_Instance_Factory (O_Tnode_Null);
+ Info.Comp_Link := Add_Instance_Factory_Field
+ (Wki_Instance, Rtis.Ghdl_Component_Link_Type);
+ -- Generic and ports.
+ Translate_Generic_Chain (Decl);
+ Translate_Port_Chain (Decl);
+ Pop_Instance_Factory (Info.Comp_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("_COMPTYPE"), Info.Comp_Type);
+ Info.Comp_Ptr_Type := New_Access_Type (Info.Comp_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("_COMPPTR"), Info.Comp_Ptr_Type);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end Translate_Component_Declaration;
+ procedure Translate_Declaration (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Disconnection_Specification =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
+ Chap4.Translate_Component_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration =>
+ Chap4.Translate_Type_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
+ Chap4.Translate_Anonymous_Type_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ Chap4.Translate_Subtype_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body =>
+ Chap3.Translate_Protected_Type_Body (Decl);
+ --when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration =>
+ --when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ -- | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ -- Chap4.Create_Object (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
+ Create_Object (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
+ Create_Signal (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ Translate_Object_Alias_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
+ Create_File_Object (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration =>
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Subtype (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification =>
+ Chap5.Translate_Attribute_Specification (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kinds_Signal_Attribute =>
+ Chap4.Create_Implicit_Signal (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration =>
+ Create_Signal (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_declaration", Decl);
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Declaration;
+ -- Mark FUNC (by adding the subprg_resolv info) iif it can be a
+ -- resolution function.
+ procedure Check_Resolution_Function (Func : Iir)
+ is
+ Param : Iir;
+ Param_Type : Iir;
+ Res_Type : Iir;
+ Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Param := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Func);
+ -- Return now if the number of parameters is not 1.
+ if Param = Null_Iir or else Get_Chain (Param) /= Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Param_Type := Get_Type (Param);
+ case Get_Kind (Param_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ Res_Type := Get_Return_Type (Func);
+ if Get_Base_Type (Get_Element_Subtype (Param_Type))
+ /= Get_Base_Type (Res_Type)
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- FUNC can be a resolution function.
+ Info := Get_Info (Func);
+ Info.Subprg_Resolv := new Subprg_Resolv_Info;
+ end Check_Resolution_Function;
+ procedure Translate_Resolution_Function (Func : Iir; Block : Iir)
+ is
+ -- Type of the resolution function parameter.
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ El_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Finfo : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ Interface_List : O_Inter_List;
+ Rinfo : Subprg_Resolv_Info_Acc;
+ Block_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Id : O_Ident;
+ Itype : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ Finfo := Get_Info (Func);
+ Rinfo := Finfo.Subprg_Resolv;
+ if Rinfo = null then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Declare the procedure.
+ Id := Create_Identifier (Func, Get_Overload_Number (Func), "_RESOLV");
+ Start_Procedure_Decl (Interface_List, Id, Global_Storage);
+ -- The instance.
+ if Block /= Null_Iir then --and then Get_Pure_Flag (Func) = False then
+ Block_Info := Get_Info (Block);
+ Rinfo.Resolv_Block := Block;
+ Itype := Block_Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type;
+ else
+ Rinfo.Resolv_Block := Null_Iir;
+ Itype := Ghdl_Ptr_Type;
+ end if;
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interface_List, Rinfo.Var_Instance, Wki_Instance, Itype);
+ -- The signal.
+ El_Type := Get_Return_Type (Func);
+ El_Info := Get_Info (El_Type);
+ case El_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Thin =>
+ Itype := El_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal);
+ when Type_Mode_Fat =>
+ Itype := El_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Signal);
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interface_List, Rinfo.Var_Vals, Get_Identifier ("VALS"), Itype);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interface_List, Rinfo.Var_Vec, Get_Identifier ("bool_vec"),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Array_Ptr);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interface_List, Rinfo.Var_Vlen, Get_Identifier ("vec_len"),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interface_List, Rinfo.Var_Nbr_Drv, Get_Identifier ("nbr_drv"),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interface_List, Rinfo.Var_Nbr_Ports, Get_Identifier ("nbr_ports"),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interface_List, Rinfo.Resolv_Func);
+ end Translate_Resolution_Function;
+ type Read_Source_Kind is (Read_Port, Read_Driver);
+ type Read_Source_Data is record
+ Sig : Mnode;
+ Drv_Index : O_Dnode;
+ Kind : Read_Source_Kind;
+ end record;
+ procedure Read_Source_Non_Composite
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Data : Read_Source_Data)
+ is
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ Targ_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ E : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ Targ_Info := Get_Info (Targ_Type);
+ case Data.Kind is
+ when Read_Port =>
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Ghdl_Signal_Read_Port);
+ when Read_Driver =>
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Ghdl_Signal_Read_Driver);
+ end case;
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc, New_Convert_Ov (M2E (Data.Sig), Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Obj_Value (Data.Drv_Index));
+ E := New_Convert_Ov (New_Function_Call (Assoc),
+ Targ_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Targ),
+ New_Value (New_Access_Element (E)));
+ end Read_Source_Non_Composite;
+ function Read_Source_Prepare_Data_Array
+ (Targ: Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Data : Read_Source_Data)
+ return Read_Source_Data
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ, Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ return Data;
+ end Read_Source_Prepare_Data_Array;
+ function Read_Source_Prepare_Data_Record
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Data : Read_Source_Data)
+ return Read_Source_Data
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ, Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ return Read_Source_Data'(Sig => Stabilize (Data.Sig),
+ Drv_Index => Data.Drv_Index,
+ Kind => Data.Kind);
+ end Read_Source_Prepare_Data_Record;
+ function Read_Source_Update_Data_Array
+ (Data : Read_Source_Data; Targ_Type : Iir; Index : O_Dnode)
+ return Read_Source_Data
+ is
+ begin
+ return Read_Source_Data'
+ (Sig => Chap3.Index_Base (Data.Sig, Targ_Type,
+ New_Obj_Value (Index)),
+ Drv_Index => Data.Drv_Index,
+ Kind => Data.Kind);
+ end Read_Source_Update_Data_Array;
+ function Read_Source_Update_Data_Record
+ (Data : Read_Source_Data;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration)
+ return Read_Source_Data
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ return Read_Source_Data'
+ (Sig => Chap6.Translate_Selected_Element (Data.Sig, El),
+ Drv_Index => Data.Drv_Index,
+ Kind => Data.Kind);
+ end Read_Source_Update_Data_Record;
+ procedure Read_Source_Finish_Data_Composite
+ (Data : in out Read_Source_Data)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Data);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Read_Source_Finish_Data_Composite;
+ procedure Read_Signal_Source is new Foreach_Non_Composite
+ (Data_Type => Read_Source_Data,
+ Composite_Data_Type => Read_Source_Data,
+ Do_Non_Composite => Read_Source_Non_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Array => Read_Source_Prepare_Data_Array,
+ Update_Data_Array => Read_Source_Update_Data_Array,
+ Finish_Data_Array => Read_Source_Finish_Data_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Record => Read_Source_Prepare_Data_Record,
+ Update_Data_Record => Read_Source_Update_Data_Record,
+ Finish_Data_Record => Read_Source_Finish_Data_Composite);
+ procedure Translate_Resolution_Function_Body (Func : Iir; Block : Iir)
+ is
+ -- Type of the resolution function parameter.
+ Arr_Type : Iir;
+ Base_Type, El_Type : Iir;
+ El_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Base_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ -- Type and info of the array index.
+ Index_Type : Iir;
+ Index_Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ -- Local variables.
+ Var_I : O_Dnode;
+ Var_J : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Length : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Res : O_Dnode;
+ Vals : Mnode;
+ Res : Mnode;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ Label : O_Snode;
+ V : Mnode;
+ Var_Bound : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Range_Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Array : O_Dnode;
+ Finfo : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ Rinfo : Subprg_Resolv_Info_Acc;
+ Block_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Data : Read_Source_Data;
+ begin
+ Finfo := Get_Info (Func);
+ Rinfo := Finfo.Subprg_Resolv;
+ if Rinfo = null then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ El_Type := Get_Return_Type (Func);
+ El_Info := Get_Info (El_Type);
+ Arr_Type := Get_Type (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Func));
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Arr_Type);
+ Base_Info := Get_Info (Base_Type);
+ Index_Type := Get_First_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Arr_Type));
+ Index_Tinfo := Get_Info (Index_Type);
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Rinfo.Resolv_Func);
+ if Rinfo.Resolv_Block /= Null_Iir then
+ Block_Info := Get_Info (Block);
+ Push_Scope (Block_Info.Block_Decls_Type, Rinfo.Var_Instance);
+ end if;
+ Push_Local_Factory;
+ -- A signal.
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Res, Get_Identifier ("res"),
+ O_Storage_Local, El_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ -- I, J.
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_I, Wki_I, O_Storage_Local, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_J, Get_Identifier ("J"),
+ O_Storage_Local, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ -- Length.
+ New_Var_Decl
+ (Var_Length, Wki_Length, O_Storage_Local, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Bound, Get_Identifier ("BOUND"), O_Storage_Local,
+ Base_Info.T.Bounds_Type);
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Array, Get_Identifier ("ARRAY"), O_Storage_Local,
+ Base_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Range_Ptr, Get_Identifier ("RANGE_PTR"),
+ O_Storage_Local, Index_Tinfo.T.Range_Ptr_Type);
+ Open_Temp;
+ case El_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Thin =>
+ Vals := Dv2M (Rinfo.Var_Vals, El_Info, Mode_Signal);
+ when Type_Mode_Fat =>
+ Vals := Dp2M (Rinfo.Var_Vals, El_Info, Mode_Signal);
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ -- * length := vec_len + nports;
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Var_Length),
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Add_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Rinfo.Var_Vlen),
+ New_Obj_Value (Rinfo.Var_Nbr_Ports)));
+ -- * range_ptr := BOUND.dim_1'address;
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Range_Ptr),
+ New_Address (New_Selected_Element (New_Obj (Var_Bound),
+ Base_Info.T.Bounds_Vector (1)),
+ Index_Tinfo.T.Range_Ptr_Type));
+ -- Create range from length
+ Chap3.Create_Range_From_Length
+ (Index_Type, Var_Length, Var_Range_Ptr);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element (New_Obj (Var_Array),
+ Base_Info.T.Bounds_Field (Mode_Value)),
+ New_Address (New_Obj (Var_Bound), Base_Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type));
+ -- Allocate the array.
+ Chap3.Allocate_Fat_Array_Base
+ (Alloc_Stack, Dv2M (Var_Array, Base_Info, Mode_Value), Base_Type);
+ -- Fill the array
+ -- 1. From ports.
+ -- * I := 0;
+ Init_Var (Var_I);
+ -- * loop
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ -- * exit when I = nports;
+ Gen_Exit_When (Label,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_I),
+ New_Obj_Value (Rinfo.Var_Nbr_Ports),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ -- fill array[i]
+ V := Chap3.Index_Base
+ (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Dv2M (Var_Array, Base_Info, Mode_Value)),
+ Base_Type, New_Obj_Value (Var_I));
+ Data := Read_Source_Data'(Vals, Var_I, Read_Port);
+ Read_Signal_Source (V, El_Type, Data);
+ -- * I := I + 1;
+ Inc_Var (Var_I);
+ -- * end loop;
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ -- 2. From drivers.
+ -- * J := 0;
+ -- * loop
+ -- * exit when j = var_max;
+ -- * if vec[j] then
+ --
+ -- * ptr := get_signal_driver (sig, j);
+ -- * array[i].XXX := *ptr
+ --
+ -- * i := i + 1;
+ -- * end if;
+ -- * J := J + 1;
+ -- * end loop;
+ Init_Var (Var_J);
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Gen_Exit_When (Label,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_J),
+ New_Obj_Value (Rinfo.Var_Nbr_Drv),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk,
+ New_Value (New_Indexed_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Rinfo.Var_Vec),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_J))));
+ V := Chap3.Index_Base
+ (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Dv2M (Var_Array, Base_Info, Mode_Value)),
+ Base_Type, New_Obj_Value (Var_I));
+ Data := Read_Source_Data'(Vals, Var_J, Read_Driver);
+ Read_Signal_Source (V, El_Type, Data);
+ Inc_Var (Var_I);
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Inc_Var (Var_J);
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ if Finfo.Res_Interface /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ Res := Lo2M (Var_Res, El_Info, Mode_Value);
+ Allocate_Complex_Object (El_Type, Alloc_Stack, Res);
+ end if;
+ -- Call the resolution function.
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Finfo.Ortho_Func);
+ if Finfo.Res_Interface /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ New_Association (Assoc, M2E (Res));
+ end if;
+ Chap2.Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc (Assoc, Finfo.Subprg_Instance);
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc, New_Address (New_Obj (Var_Array),
+ Base_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value)));
+ if Finfo.Res_Interface = O_Dnode_Null then
+ Res := E2M (New_Function_Call (Assoc), El_Info, Mode_Value);
+ else
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ end if;
+ Chap7.Set_Driving_Value (Vals, El_Type, Res);
+ Close_Temp;
+ Pop_Local_Factory;
+ if Rinfo.Resolv_Block /= Null_Iir then
+ Pop_Scope (Block_Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ end if;
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ end Translate_Resolution_Function_Body;
+ procedure Translate_Declaration_Chain (Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ El := Get_Declaration_Chain (Parent);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
+ -- Translate interfaces.
+ if Flag_Discard_Unused
+ and then not Get_Use_Flag (El)
+ then
+ null;
+ else
+ Info := Add_Info (El, Kind_Subprg);
+ Chap2.Translate_Subprogram_Interfaces (El);
+ if Get_Kind (El) = Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration then
+ Check_Resolution_Function (El);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Translate_Declaration (El);
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Translate_Declaration_Chain;
+ procedure Translate_Declaration_Chain_Subprograms
+ (Parent : Iir; Block : Iir)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ Infos : Chap7.Implicit_Subprogram_Infos;
+ begin
+ El := Get_Declaration_Chain (Parent);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Info (El) /= null then
+ Chap2.Translate_Subprogram_Declaration (El);
+ Translate_Resolution_Function (El, Block);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
+ if Flag_Discard_Unused
+ and then
+ not Get_Use_Flag (Get_Subprogram_Specification (El))
+ then
+ null;
+ else
+ Chap2.Translate_Subprogram_Body (El);
+ Translate_Resolution_Function_Body
+ (Get_Subprogram_Specification (El), Block);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
+ Chap3.Translate_Type_Subprograms (El);
+ Chap7.Init_Implicit_Subprogram_Infos (Infos);
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body =>
+ Chap3.Translate_Protected_Type_Body_Subprograms (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ if Flag_Discard_Unused_Implicit
+ and then not Get_Use_Flag (El)
+ then
+ case Get_Implicit_Definition (El) is
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Equality
+ | Iir_Predefined_Record_Equality =>
+ -- Used implicitly in case statement or other
+ -- predefined equality.
+ Chap7.Translate_Implicit_Subprogram (El, Infos);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ else
+ Chap7.Translate_Implicit_Subprogram (El, Infos);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Translate_Declaration_Chain_Subprograms;
+ procedure Elab_Declaration_Chain (Parent : Iir; Need_Final : out Boolean)
+ is
+ Decl : Iir;
+ begin
+ Decl := Get_Declaration_Chain (Parent);
+ Need_Final := False;
+ while Decl /= Null_Iir loop
+ Open_Temp;
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Disconnection_Specification =>
+ Chap5.Elab_Disconnection_Specification (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
+ Chap3.Elab_Type_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ Chap3.Elab_Subtype_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body =>
+ null;
+ --when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
+ -- Chap1.Elab_Signal (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
+ Elab_Object (Decl);
+ if Get_Kind (Get_Type (Decl))
+ = Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ then
+ Need_Final := True;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
+ Elab_Signal_Declaration (Decl, Parent, False);
+ when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ Elab_Object_Alias_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
+ Elab_File_Declaration (Decl);
+ Need_Final := True;
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration =>
+ Chap3.Elab_Object_Subtype (Get_Type (Decl));
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification =>
+ Chap5.Elab_Attribute_Specification (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Info (Decl) /= null then
+ Chap2.Elab_Subprogram_Interfaces (Decl);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute =>
+ Elab_Signal_Attribute (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute =>
+ Elab_Signal_Delayed_Attribute (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("elab_declaration_chain", Decl);
+ end case;
+ Close_Temp;
+ Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ end loop;
+ end Elab_Declaration_Chain;
+ procedure Final_Declaration_Chain (Parent : Iir; Deallocate : Boolean)
+ is
+ Decl : Iir;
+ begin
+ Decl := Get_Declaration_Chain (Parent);
+ while Decl /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
+ Final_File_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Kind (Get_Type (Decl))
+ = Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ then
+ Fini_Protected_Object (Decl);
+ end if;
+ if Deallocate then
+ Fini_Object (Decl);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
+ if Deallocate then
+ Fini_Object (Decl);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ end loop;
+ end Final_Declaration_Chain;
+ type Conv_Mode is (Conv_Mode_In, Conv_Mode_Out);
+ procedure Translate_Association_Subprogram
+ (Assoc : Iir;
+ Mode : Conv_Mode;
+ Conv_Info : in out Assoc_Conv_Info;
+ Base_Block : Iir;
+ Entity : Iir)
+ is
+ Mark2, Mark3 : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Inter_List : O_Inter_List;
+ Formal, Actual : Iir;
+ In_Type, Out_Type : Iir;
+ In_Info, Out_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Itype : O_Tnode;
+ El_List : O_Element_List;
+ Block_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Entity_Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Var_Data : O_Dnode;
+ -- Variables for body.
+ E : O_Enode;
+ V : O_Dnode;
+ V1 : O_Lnode;
+ V_Out : Mnode;
+ R : O_Enode;
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ Subprg_Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ Res : Mnode;
+ Res_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Imp : Iir;
+ begin
+ Formal := Get_Formal (Assoc);
+ Actual := Get_Actual (Assoc);
+ case Mode is
+ when Conv_Mode_In =>
+ -- IN: from actual to formal.
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark2, "CONVIN");
+ Out_Type := Get_Type (Formal);
+ In_Type := Get_Type (Actual);
+ Imp := Get_In_Conversion (Assoc);
+ when Conv_Mode_Out =>
+ -- OUT: from formal to actual.
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark2, "CONVOUT");
+ In_Type := Get_Type (Formal);
+ Out_Type := Get_Type (Actual);
+ Imp := Get_Out_Conversion (Assoc);
+ end case;
+ -- FIXME: individual assoc -> overload.
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix
+ (Mark3, Get_Identifier (Get_Base_Name (Formal)));
+ Out_Info := Get_Info (Out_Type);
+ In_Info := Get_Info (In_Type);
+ -- Start record containing data for the conversion function.
+ Start_Record_Type (El_List);
+ -- Add instance field.
+ Conv_Info.Instance_Block := Base_Block;
+ Block_Info := Get_Info (Base_Block);
+ New_Record_Field
+ (El_List, Conv_Info.Instance_Field, Wki_Instance,
+ Block_Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
+ if Entity /= Null_Iir then
+ Conv_Info.Instantiated_Entity := Entity;
+ Entity_Info := Get_Info (Entity);
+ declare
+ Ptr : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ if Entity_Info.Kind = Kind_Component then
+ Ptr := Entity_Info.Comp_Ptr_Type;
+ else
+ Ptr := Entity_Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type;
+ end if;
+ New_Record_Field
+ (El_List, Conv_Info.Instantiated_Field,
+ Get_Identifier ("instantiated"), Ptr);
+ end;
+ else
+ Conv_Info.Instantiated_Entity := Null_Iir;
+ Conv_Info.Instantiated_Field := O_Fnode_Null;
+ end if;
+ -- Add input.
+ case In_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Thin =>
+ Itype := In_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal);
+ when Type_Mode_Fat =>
+ Itype := In_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Signal);
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ New_Record_Field
+ (El_List, Conv_Info.In_Field, Get_Identifier ("val_in"), Itype);
+ -- Add output.
+ New_Record_Field
+ (El_List, Conv_Info.Out_Field, Get_Identifier ("val_out"),
+ Get_Object_Type (Out_Info, Mode_Signal));
+ Finish_Record_Type (El_List, Conv_Info.Record_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("DTYPE"), Conv_Info.Record_Type);
+ Conv_Info.Record_Ptr_Type := New_Access_Type (Conv_Info.Record_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("DPTR"), Conv_Info.Record_Ptr_Type);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Inter_List, Create_Identifier, O_Storage_Private);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Inter_List, Var_Data, Get_Identifier ("data"),
+ Conv_Info.Record_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Inter_List, Conv_Info.Subprg);
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Conv_Info.Subprg);
+ Push_Local_Factory;
+ Open_Temp;
+ -- Add an access to local block.
+ V := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Block_Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type,
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_Data),
+ Conv_Info.Instance_Field));
+ Push_Scope (Block_Info.Block_Decls_Type, V);
+ -- Add an access to instantiated entity.
+ -- This may be used to do some type checks.
+ if Conv_Info.Instantiated_Entity /= Null_Iir then
+ declare
+ Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Decl_Type : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ if Entity_Info.Kind = Kind_Component then
+ Ptr_Type := Entity_Info.Comp_Ptr_Type;
+ Decl_Type := Entity_Info.Comp_Type;
+ else
+ Ptr_Type := Entity_Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type;
+ Decl_Type := Entity_Info.Block_Decls_Type;
+ end if;
+ V := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Ptr_Type,
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_Data),
+ Conv_Info.Instantiated_Field));
+ Push_Scope (Decl_Type, V);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ -- Read signal value.
+ E := New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_Data),
+ Conv_Info.In_Field);
+ case Mode is
+ when Conv_Mode_In =>
+ R := Chap7.Translate_Signal_Effective_Value (E, In_Type);
+ when Conv_Mode_Out =>
+ R := Chap7.Translate_Signal_Driving_Value (E, In_Type);
+ end case;
+ case Get_Kind (Imp) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
+ Imp := Get_Implementation (Imp);
+ R := Chap7.Translate_Implicit_Conv
+ (R, In_Type, Get_Type (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Imp)),
+ Mode_Value);
+ -- Create result value.
+ Subprg_Info := Get_Info (Imp);
+ if Subprg_Info.Use_Stack2 then
+ Create_Temp_Stack2_Mark;
+ end if;
+ if Subprg_Info.Res_Interface /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ -- Composite result.
+ -- If we need to allocate, do it before starting the call!
+ declare
+ Res_Type : Iir;
+ Res_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Res_Type := Get_Return_Type (Imp);
+ Res_Info := Get_Info (Res_Type);
+ Res := Create_Temp (Res_Info);
+ if Res_Info.Type_Mode /= Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ Chap4.Allocate_Complex_Object
+ (Res_Type, Alloc_Stack, Res);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ -- Call conversion function.
+ Start_Association (Constr, Subprg_Info.Ortho_Func);
+ if Subprg_Info.Res_Interface /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ -- Composite result.
+ New_Association (Constr, M2E (Res));
+ end if;
+ Chap2.Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc
+ (Constr, Subprg_Info.Subprg_Instance);
+ New_Association (Constr, R);
+ Res_Info := Get_Info (Get_Return_Type (Imp));
+ if Subprg_Info.Res_Interface /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ -- Composite result.
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ else
+ Res := E2M (New_Function_Call (Constr),
+ Res_Info, Mode_Value);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion =>
+ declare
+ Conv_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Conv_Type := Get_Type (Imp);
+ Res := E2M (Chap7.Translate_Type_Conversion
+ (R, In_Type, Conv_Type, Assoc),
+ Get_Info (Conv_Type), Mode_Value);
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("Translate_Association_Subprogram", Imp);
+ end case;
+ -- Assign signals.
+ V1 := New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_Data),
+ Conv_Info.Out_Field);
+ V_Out := Lo2M (V1, Out_Info, Mode_Signal);
+ case Mode is
+ when Conv_Mode_In =>
+ Chap7.Set_Effective_Value (V_Out, Out_Type, Res);
+ when Conv_Mode_Out =>
+ Chap7.Set_Driving_Value (V_Out, Out_Type, Res);
+ end case;
+ Close_Temp;
+ if Conv_Info.Instantiated_Entity /= Null_Iir then
+ if Entity_Info.Kind = Kind_Component then
+ Pop_Scope (Entity_Info.Comp_Type);
+ else
+ Pop_Scope (Entity_Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Pop_Scope (Block_Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Pop_Local_Factory;
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark3);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark2);
+ end Translate_Association_Subprogram;
+ procedure Translate_Association_Subprograms
+ (Assoc_Chain : Iir; Base_Block : Iir; Entity : Iir)
+ is
+ Assoc : Iir;
+ Info : Assoc_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Assoc := Assoc_Chain;
+ while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Get_Kind (Assoc) = Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression
+ then
+ Info := null;
+ if Get_In_Conversion (Assoc) /= Null_Iir then
+ Info := Add_Info (Assoc, Kind_Assoc);
+ Translate_Association_Subprogram
+ (Assoc, Conv_Mode_In, Info.Assoc_In, Base_Block, Entity);
+ end if;
+ if Get_Out_Conversion (Assoc) /= Null_Iir then
+ if Info = null then
+ Info := Add_Info (Assoc, Kind_Assoc);
+ end if;
+ Translate_Association_Subprogram
+ (Assoc, Conv_Mode_Out, Info.Assoc_Out, Base_Block, Entity);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
+ end loop;
+ end Translate_Association_Subprograms;
+ procedure Elab_Conversion (Sig_In : Iir;
+ Sig_Out : Iir;
+ Reg_Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ Info : Assoc_Conv_Info;
+ Ndest : out Mnode)
+ is
+ Out_Type : Iir;
+ Out_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Ssig : Mnode;
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ Var_Data : O_Dnode;
+ Data : Elab_Signal_Data;
+ begin
+ Out_Type := Get_Type (Sig_Out);
+ Out_Info := Get_Info (Out_Type);
+ -- Allocate data for the subprogram.
+ Var_Data := Create_Temp (Info.Record_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Data),
+ Gen_Alloc (Alloc_System,
+ New_Lit (New_Sizeof (Info.Record_Type,
+ Ghdl_Index_Type)),
+ Info.Record_Ptr_Type));
+ -- Set instance.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_Data), Info.Instance_Field),
+ Get_Instance_Access (Info.Instance_Block));
+ -- Set instantiated unit instance (if any).
+ if Info.Instantiated_Entity /= Null_Iir then
+ declare
+ Inst_Addr : O_Enode;
+ Inst_Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Info.Instantiated_Entity)
+ = Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration
+ then
+ Inst_Info := Get_Info (Info.Instantiated_Entity);
+ Inst_Addr := New_Address
+ (Get_Instance_Ref (Inst_Info.Comp_Type),
+ Inst_Info.Comp_Ptr_Type);
+ else
+ Inst_Addr := Get_Instance_Access (Info.Instantiated_Entity);
+ end if;
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_Data),
+ Info.Instantiated_Field),
+ Inst_Addr);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ -- Set input.
+ Ssig := Chap6.Translate_Name (Sig_In);
+ Ssig := Stabilize (Ssig, True);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_Data), Info.In_Field),
+ M2E (Ssig));
+ -- Create a copy of SIG_OUT.
+ Ndest := Lo2M (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_Data),
+ Info.Out_Field),
+ Out_Info, Mode_Signal);
+ Chap4.Allocate_Complex_Object (Out_Type, Alloc_System, Ndest);
+ -- Note: NDEST will be assigned by ELAB_SIGNAL.
+ Ndest := Lo2M (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_Data),
+ Info.Out_Field),
+ Out_Info, Mode_Signal);
+ Data := Elab_Signal_Data'(Has_Val => False,
+ Already_Resolved => True,
+ Val => Mnode_Null,
+ Check_Null => False,
+ If_Stmt => null);
+ Elab_Signal (Ndest, Out_Type, Data);
+ Ndest := Lo2M (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_Data),
+ Info.Out_Field),
+ Out_Info, Mode_Signal);
+ Ndest := Stabilize (Ndest, True);
+ -- Register.
+ Start_Association (Constr, Reg_Subprg);
+ New_Association
+ (Constr, New_Lit (New_Subprogram_Address (Info.Subprg,
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type)));
+ New_Association
+ (Constr, New_Convert_Ov (New_Obj_Value (Var_Data), Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+ New_Association
+ (Constr,
+ New_Convert_Ov (M2E (Get_Leftest_Signal (Ssig, Get_Type (Sig_In))),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ New_Association (Constr, Get_Nbr_Signals (Ssig, Get_Type (Sig_In)));
+ New_Association
+ (Constr,
+ New_Convert_Ov
+ (M2E (Get_Leftest_Signal (Ndest, Get_Type (Sig_Out))),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ New_Association (Constr, Get_Nbr_Signals (Ndest, Get_Type (Sig_Out)));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ end Elab_Conversion;
+ -- In conversion: from actual to formal.
+ procedure Elab_In_Conversion (Assoc : Iir; Ndest : out Mnode)
+ is
+ Assoc_Info : Assoc_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Assoc_Info := Get_Info (Assoc);
+ Elab_Conversion
+ (Get_Actual (Assoc), Get_Formal (Assoc),
+ Ghdl_Signal_In_Conversion, Assoc_Info.Assoc_In, Ndest);
+ end Elab_In_Conversion;
+ -- Out conversion: from formal to actual.
+ procedure Elab_Out_Conversion (Assoc : Iir; Ndest : out Mnode)
+ is
+ Assoc_Info : Assoc_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Assoc_Info := Get_Info (Assoc);
+ Elab_Conversion
+ (Get_Formal (Assoc), Get_Actual (Assoc),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Out_Conversion, Assoc_Info.Assoc_Out, Ndest);
+ end Elab_Out_Conversion;
+ -- Create a record that describe thes location of an IIR node and
+ -- returns the address of it.
+ function Get_Location (N : Iir) return O_Dnode
+ is
+ Constr : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Aggr : O_Cnode;
+ Name : Name_Id;
+ Line : Natural;
+ Col : Natural;
+ C : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Files_Map.Location_To_Position (Get_Location (N), Name, Line, Col);
+ New_Const_Decl (C, Create_Uniq_Identifier, O_Storage_Private,
+ Ghdl_Location_Type_Node);
+ Start_Const_Value (C);
+ Start_Record_Aggr (Constr, Ghdl_Location_Type_Node);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (Constr, New_Global_Address (Current_Filename_Node, Char_Ptr_Type));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Constr, New_Signed_Literal (Ghdl_I32_Type,
+ Integer_64 (Line)));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Constr, New_Signed_Literal (Ghdl_I32_Type,
+ Integer_64 (Col)));
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (Constr, Aggr);
+ Finish_Const_Value (C, Aggr);
+ return C;
+ --return New_Global_Address (C, Ghdl_Location_Ptr_Node);
+ end Get_Location;
+ end Chap4;
+ package body Chap5 is
+ procedure Translate_Attribute_Specification
+ (Spec : Iir_Attribute_Specification)
+ is
+ Attr : Iir_Attribute_Declaration;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Info : Object_Info_Acc;
+ Atinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Attr := Get_Attribute_Designator (Spec);
+ Atinfo := Get_Info (Get_Type (Attr));
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix_Uniq (Mark);
+ Info := Add_Info (Spec, Kind_Object);
+ Info.Object_Var := Create_Var
+ (Create_Var_Identifier (Attr),
+ Atinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value),
+ Global_Storage);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end Translate_Attribute_Specification;
+ procedure Elab_Attribute_Specification
+ (Spec : Iir_Attribute_Specification)
+ is
+ Attr : Iir_Attribute_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Attr := Get_Attribute_Designator (Spec);
+ -- Kludge
+ Set_Info (Attr, Get_Info (Spec));
+ Chap4.Elab_Object_Value (Attr, Get_Expression (Spec));
+ Clear_Info (Attr);
+ end Elab_Attribute_Specification;
+ procedure Gen_Elab_Disconnect_Non_Composite (Targ : Mnode;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Time : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Ghdl_Signal_Set_Disconnect);
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc, New_Convert_Ov (New_Value (M2Lv (Targ)), Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Obj_Value (Time));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ end Gen_Elab_Disconnect_Non_Composite;
+ function Gen_Elab_Disconnect_Prepare
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Time : O_Dnode)
+ return O_Dnode
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ, Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ return Time;
+ end Gen_Elab_Disconnect_Prepare;
+ function Gen_Elab_Disconnect_Update_Data_Array (Time : O_Dnode;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Index : O_Dnode)
+ return O_Dnode
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type, Index);
+ begin
+ return Time;
+ end Gen_Elab_Disconnect_Update_Data_Array;
+ function Gen_Elab_Disconnect_Update_Data_Record
+ (Time : O_Dnode; Targ_Type : Iir; El : Iir_Element_Declaration)
+ return O_Dnode
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type, El);
+ begin
+ return Time;
+ end Gen_Elab_Disconnect_Update_Data_Record;
+ procedure Gen_Elab_Disconnect_Finish_Data_Composite
+ (Data : in out O_Dnode)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Data);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Gen_Elab_Disconnect_Finish_Data_Composite;
+ procedure Gen_Elab_Disconnect is new Foreach_Non_Composite
+ (Data_Type => O_Dnode,
+ Composite_Data_Type => O_Dnode,
+ Do_Non_Composite => Gen_Elab_Disconnect_Non_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Array => Gen_Elab_Disconnect_Prepare,
+ Update_Data_Array => Gen_Elab_Disconnect_Update_Data_Array,
+ Finish_Data_Array => Gen_Elab_Disconnect_Finish_Data_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Record => Gen_Elab_Disconnect_Prepare,
+ Update_Data_Record => Gen_Elab_Disconnect_Update_Data_Record,
+ Finish_Data_Record => Gen_Elab_Disconnect_Finish_Data_Composite);
+ procedure Elab_Disconnection_Specification
+ (Spec : Iir_Disconnection_Specification)
+ is
+ Val : O_Dnode;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ Val := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Std_Time_Type, Chap7.Translate_Expression (Get_Expression (Spec)));
+ List := Get_Signal_List (Spec);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Gen_Elab_Disconnect (Chap6.Translate_Name (El),
+ Get_Type (El), Val);
+ end loop;
+ end Elab_Disconnection_Specification;
+ type Connect_Mode is
+ (
+ -- Actual is a source for the formal.
+ Connect_Source,
+ -- Both.
+ Connect_Both,
+ -- Effective value of actual is the effective value of the formal.
+ Connect_Effective,
+ -- Actual is a value.
+ Connect_Value
+ );
+ type Connect_Data is record
+ Actual_Node : Mnode;
+ Actual_Type : Iir;
+ -- Mode of the connection.
+ Mode : Connect_Mode;
+ -- If true, formal signal is a copy of the actual.
+ By_Copy : Boolean;
+ end record;
+ -- Connect_effective: FORMAL is set from ACTUAL.
+ -- Connect_Source: ACTUAL is set from FORMAL (source of ACTUAL).
+ procedure Connect_Scalar (Formal_Node : Mnode;
+ Formal_Type : Iir;
+ Data : Connect_Data)
+ is
+ Act_Node, Form_Node : Mnode;
+ begin
+ if Data.By_Copy then
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Formal_Node), M2E (Data.Actual_Node));
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Data.Mode is
+ when Connect_Both =>
+ Open_Temp;
+ Act_Node := Stabilize (Data.Actual_Node, True);
+ Form_Node := Stabilize (Formal_Node, True);
+ when Connect_Source
+ | Connect_Effective =>
+ Act_Node := Data.Actual_Node;
+ Form_Node := Formal_Node;
+ when Connect_Value =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ if Data.Mode in Connect_Source .. Connect_Both then
+ -- Formal is a source to actual.
+ declare
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Signal_Add_Source);
+ New_Association (Constr, New_Convert_Ov (M2E (Act_Node),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ New_Association (Constr, New_Convert_Ov (M2E (Form_Node),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ if Data.Mode in Connect_Both .. Connect_Effective then
+ -- The effective value of formal is the effective value of actual.
+ declare
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Signal_Effective_Value);
+ New_Association (Constr, New_Convert_Ov (M2E (Form_Node),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ New_Association (Constr, New_Convert_Ov (M2E (Act_Node),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ if Data.Mode = Connect_Value then
+ declare
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ Conv : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Formal_Type);
+ case Type_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_B2 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Associate_B2;
+ Conv := Ghdl_Bool_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_E8 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Associate_E8;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I32_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_I32 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Associate_I32;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I32_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_P64 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Associate_I64;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I64_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_F64 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Associate_F64;
+ Conv := Ghdl_Real_Type;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("connect_scalar", Formal_Type);
+ end case;
+ Start_Association (Constr, Subprg);
+ New_Association (Constr,
+ New_Convert_Ov (New_Value (M2Lv (Formal_Node)),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ New_Association (Constr,
+ New_Convert_Ov (M2E (Data.Actual_Node), Conv));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ if Data.Mode = Connect_Both then
+ Close_Temp;
+ end if;
+ end Connect_Scalar;
+ function Connect_Prepare_Data_Composite
+ (Targ : Mnode; Formal_Type : Iir; Data : Connect_Data)
+ return Connect_Data
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ, Formal_Type);
+ Res : Connect_Data;
+ Atype : Iir;
+ begin
+ Atype := Get_Base_Type (Data.Actual_Type);
+ if Get_Kind (Atype) = Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition then
+ Res := Data;
+ Stabilize (Res.Actual_Node);
+ return Res;
+ else
+ return Data;
+ end if;
+ end Connect_Prepare_Data_Composite;
+ function Connect_Update_Data_Array (Data : Connect_Data;
+ Formal_Type : Iir;
+ Index : O_Dnode)
+ return Connect_Data
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Formal_Type);
+ Res : Connect_Data;
+ begin
+ -- FIXME: should check matching elements!
+ Res := (Actual_Node =>
+ Chap3.Index_Base (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Data.Actual_Node),
+ Data.Actual_Type, New_Obj_Value (Index)),
+ Actual_Type => Get_Element_Subtype (Data.Actual_Type),
+ Mode => Data.Mode,
+ By_Copy => Data.By_Copy);
+ return Res;
+ end Connect_Update_Data_Array;
+ function Connect_Update_Data_Record (Data : Connect_Data;
+ Formal_Type : Iir;
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration)
+ return Connect_Data
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Formal_Type);
+ Res : Connect_Data;
+ begin
+ Res := (Actual_Node =>
+ Chap6.Translate_Selected_Element (Data.Actual_Node, El),
+ Actual_Type => Get_Type (El),
+ Mode => Data.Mode,
+ By_Copy => Data.By_Copy);
+ return Res;
+ end Connect_Update_Data_Record;
+ procedure Connect_Finish_Data_Composite (Data : in out Connect_Data)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Data);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Connect_Finish_Data_Composite;
+ procedure Connect is new Foreach_Non_Composite
+ (Data_Type => Connect_Data,
+ Composite_Data_Type => Connect_Data,
+ Do_Non_Composite => Connect_Scalar,
+ Prepare_Data_Array => Connect_Prepare_Data_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Array => Connect_Update_Data_Array,
+ Finish_Data_Array => Connect_Finish_Data_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Record => Connect_Prepare_Data_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Record => Connect_Update_Data_Record,
+ Finish_Data_Record => Connect_Finish_Data_Composite);
+ procedure Elab_Unconstrained_Port (Port : Iir; Actual : Iir)
+ is
+ Act_Node : Mnode;
+ Bounds : Mnode;
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Bound_Var : O_Dnode;
+ Actual_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Actual_Type := Get_Type (Actual);
+ Open_Temp;
+ if Get_Kind (Actual_Type)
+ not in Iir_Kinds_Unconstrained_Array_Type_Definition
+ then
+ Chap3.Create_Array_Subtype (Actual_Type, False);
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Actual_Type);
+ Bounds := Chap3.Get_Array_Type_Bounds (Actual_Type);
+ if Get_Alloc_Kind_For_Var (Tinfo.T.Array_Bounds) = Alloc_Stack then
+ -- We need a copy.
+ Bound_Var := Create_Temp (Tinfo.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Bound_Var),
+ Gen_Alloc (Alloc_System,
+ New_Lit (New_Sizeof (Tinfo.T.Bounds_Type,
+ Ghdl_Index_Type)),
+ Tinfo.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type));
+ Gen_Memcpy (New_Obj_Value (Bound_Var),
+ M2Addr (Bounds),
+ New_Lit (New_Sizeof (Tinfo.T.Bounds_Type,
+ Ghdl_Index_Type)));
+ Bounds := Dp2M (Bound_Var, Tinfo, Mode_Value,
+ Tinfo.T.Bounds_Type,
+ Tinfo.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type);
+ end if;
+ else
+ Bounds := Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds (Chap6.Translate_Name (Actual));
+ end if;
+ Act_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Port);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (-- FIXME: this works only because it is not stabilized,
+ -- and therefore the bounds field is returned and not
+ -- a pointer to the bounds.
+ M2Lp (Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds (Act_Node)),
+ M2Addr (Bounds));
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Elab_Unconstrained_Port;
+ -- Return TRUE if EXPR is a signal name.
+ function Is_Signal (Expr : Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ Obj : Iir;
+ begin
+ Obj := Sem_Names.Name_To_Object (Expr);
+ if Obj /= Null_Iir then
+ case Get_Kind (Get_Base_Name (Obj)) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kinds_Signal_Attribute =>
+ return True;
+ when others =>
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ else
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end Is_Signal;
+ procedure Elab_Port_Map_Aspect_Assoc (Assoc : Iir; By_Copy : Boolean)
+ is
+ Formal, Actual : Iir;
+ Formal_Type, Actual_Type : Iir;
+ Formal_Node, Actual_Node : Mnode;
+ Data : Connect_Data;
+ Mode : Connect_Mode;
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Assoc) = Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression
+ and then Get_Collapse_Signal_Flag (Assoc) = By_Copy
+ then
+ Open_Temp;
+ Formal := Get_Formal (Assoc);
+ Actual := Get_Actual (Assoc);
+ Formal_Type := Get_Type (Formal);
+ Actual_Type := Get_Type (Actual);
+ if Get_In_Conversion (Assoc) = Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Out_Conversion (Assoc) = Null_Iir
+ then
+ Formal_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Formal);
+ if Get_Object_Kind (Formal_Node) /= Mode_Signal then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Is_Signal (Actual) then
+ -- LRM93
+ -- For a signal of a scalar type, each source
+ -- is either a driver or an OUT, INOUT, BUFFER
+ -- or LINKAGE port of a component instance or
+ -- of a block statement with which the signal
+ -- is associated.
+ -- LRM93 12.6.2
+ -- For a scalar signal S, the effective value of S is
+ -- determined in the following manner:
+ -- * If S is [...] a port of mode BUFFER or [...],
+ -- then the effective value of S is the same as
+ -- the driving value of S.
+ -- * If S is a connected port of mode IN or INOUT,
+ -- then the effective value of S is the same as
+ -- the effective value of the actual part of the
+ -- association element that associates an actual
+ -- with S.
+ -- * [...]
+ case Get_Mode (Get_Base_Name (Formal)) is
+ when Iir_In_Mode =>
+ Mode := Connect_Effective;
+ when Iir_Inout_Mode =>
+ Mode := Connect_Both;
+ when Iir_Out_Mode
+ | Iir_Buffer_Mode
+ | Iir_Linkage_Mode =>
+ Mode := Connect_Source;
+ when Iir_Unknown_Mode =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ -- translate actual (abort if not a signal).
+ Actual_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Actual);
+ if Get_Object_Kind (Actual_Node) /= Mode_Signal then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ else
+ declare
+ Actual_Val : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ Actual_Val := Chap7.Translate_Expression
+ (Actual, Formal_Type);
+ Actual_Node := E2M
+ (Actual_Val, Get_Info (Formal_Type), Mode_Value);
+ Mode := Connect_Value;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ Data := (Actual_Node => Actual_Node,
+ Actual_Type => Actual_Type,
+ Mode => Mode,
+ By_Copy => By_Copy);
+ Connect (Formal_Node, Formal_Type, Data);
+ else
+ if Get_In_Conversion (Assoc) /= Null_Iir then
+ Chap4.Elab_In_Conversion (Assoc, Actual_Node);
+ Formal_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Formal);
+ Data := (Actual_Node => Actual_Node,
+ Actual_Type => Formal_Type,
+ Mode => Connect_Effective,
+ By_Copy => False);
+ Connect (Formal_Node, Formal_Type, Data);
+ end if;
+ if Get_Out_Conversion (Assoc) /= Null_Iir then
+ -- flow: FORMAL to ACTUAL
+ Chap4.Elab_Out_Conversion (Assoc, Formal_Node);
+ Actual_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Actual);
+ Data := (Actual_Node => Actual_Node,
+ Actual_Type => Actual_Type,
+ Mode => Connect_Source,
+ By_Copy => False);
+ Connect (Formal_Node, Actual_Type, Data);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Close_Temp;
+ end if;
+ end Elab_Port_Map_Aspect_Assoc;
+ -- Return TRUE if the collapse_signal_flag is set for each individual
+ -- association.
+ function Inherit_Collapse_Flag (Assoc : Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Assoc) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual =>
+ El := Get_Individual_Association_Chain (Assoc);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Inherit_Collapse_Flag (El) = False then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ return True;
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range
+ | Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Name =>
+ El := Assoc;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Inherit_Collapse_Flag (Get_Associated (Assoc)) = False
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ return True;
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression =>
+ return Get_Collapse_Signal_Flag (Assoc);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("inherit_collapse_flag", Assoc);
+ end case;
+ end Inherit_Collapse_Flag;
+ procedure Elab_Map_Aspect (Mapping : Iir; Block_Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ Assoc : Iir;
+ Formal : Iir;
+ Formal_Base : Iir;
+ Fb_Type : Iir;
+ Fbt_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Collapse_Individual : Boolean := False;
+ Targ : Mnode;
+ begin
+ -- Elab generics, and associate.
+ -- The generic map must be done before the elaboration of
+ -- the ports, since a port subtype may depend on a generic.
+ Assoc := Get_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Mapping);
+ while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
+ Formal := Get_Formal (Assoc);
+ case Get_Kind (Assoc) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression =>
+ if Get_Whole_Association_Flag (Assoc) then
+ Chap4.Elab_Object_Storage (Formal);
+ Targ := Chap6.Translate_Name (Formal);
+ Chap4.Elab_Object_Init (Targ, Formal, Get_Actual (Assoc));
+ else
+ Open_Temp;
+ Targ := Chap6.Translate_Name (Formal);
+ Chap7.Translate_Assign
+ (Targ, Get_Actual (Assoc), Get_Type (Formal));
+ Close_Temp;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open =>
+ Chap4.Elab_Object_Value (Formal, Get_Default_Value (Formal));
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual =>
+ -- Create the object.
+ Open_Temp;
+ declare
+ Formal_Node : Mnode;
+ Formal_Type : Iir;
+ Obj_Info : Object_Info_Acc;
+ Obj_Type : Iir;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Bounds : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ Formal_Type := Get_Type (Formal);
+ Chap3.Elab_Object_Subtype (Formal_Type);
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Formal_Type);
+ Obj_Info := Get_Info (Formal);
+ Formal_Node := Get_Var
+ (Obj_Info.Object_Var, Type_Info, Mode_Value);
+ Stabilize (Formal_Node);
+ Obj_Type := Get_Actual_Type (Assoc);
+ if Obj_Type = Null_Iir then
+ Chap4.Allocate_Complex_Object
+ (Formal_Type, Alloc_System, Formal_Node);
+ else
+ Chap3.Create_Array_Subtype (Obj_Type, False);
+ Bounds := M2E (Chap3.Get_Array_Type_Bounds (Obj_Type));
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Allocation
+ (Formal_Node, Alloc_System, Formal_Type, Bounds);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ Close_Temp;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("elab_map_aspect(1)", Assoc);
+ end case;
+ Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
+ end loop;
+ -- Ports.
+ Assoc := Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Mapping);
+ while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
+ Formal := Get_Formal (Assoc);
+ Formal_Base := Get_Base_Name (Formal);
+ Fb_Type := Get_Type (Formal_Base);
+ -- Set bounds of unconstrained ports.
+ Fbt_Info := Get_Info (Fb_Type);
+ if Fbt_Info.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ case Get_Kind (Assoc) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression =>
+ if Get_Whole_Association_Flag (Assoc) then
+ Elab_Unconstrained_Port (Formal, Get_Actual (Assoc));
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual =>
+ Open_Temp;
+ declare
+ Actual_Type : Iir;
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Bounds : Mnode;
+ Formal_Node : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Actual_Type := Get_Actual_Type (Assoc);
+ Chap3.Create_Array_Subtype (Actual_Type, False);
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Actual_Type);
+ Bounds := Chap3.Get_Array_Type_Bounds (Actual_Type);
+ Formal_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Formal);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lp (Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds (Formal_Node)),
+ M2Addr (Bounds));
+ end;
+ Close_Temp;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("elab_map_aspect(2)", Assoc);
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ -- Allocate storage of ports.
+ case Get_Kind (Assoc) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual
+ | Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open =>
+ Chap4.Elab_Signal_Declaration_Storage (Formal);
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression =>
+ if Get_Whole_Association_Flag (Assoc) then
+ Chap4.Elab_Signal_Declaration_Storage (Formal);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("elab_map_aspect(3)", Assoc);
+ end case;
+ -- Create or copy signals.
+ case Get_Kind (Assoc) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression =>
+ if Get_Whole_Association_Flag (Assoc) then
+ if Get_Collapse_Signal_Flag (Assoc) then
+ -- For collapsed association, copy signals.
+ Elab_Port_Map_Aspect_Assoc (Assoc, True);
+ else
+ -- Create non-collapsed signals.
+ Chap4.Elab_Signal_Declaration_Object
+ (Formal, Block_Parent, False);
+ -- And associate.
+ Elab_Port_Map_Aspect_Assoc (Assoc, False);
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- By sub-element.
+ -- Either the whole signal is collapsed or it was already
+ -- created.
+ -- And associate.
+ Elab_Port_Map_Aspect_Assoc (Assoc, Collapse_Individual);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open =>
+ -- Create non-collapsed signals.
+ Chap4.Elab_Signal_Declaration_Object
+ (Formal, Block_Parent, False);
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual =>
+ -- Inherit the collapse flag.
+ -- If it is set for all sub-associations, continue.
+ -- Otherwise, create signals and do not collapse.
+ -- FIXME: this may be slightly optimized.
+ if not Inherit_Collapse_Flag (Assoc) then
+ -- Create the formal.
+ Chap4.Elab_Signal_Declaration_Object
+ (Formal, Block_Parent, False);
+ Collapse_Individual := False;
+ else
+ Collapse_Individual := True;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("elab_map_aspect(4)", Assoc);
+ end case;
+ Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
+ end loop;
+ end Elab_Map_Aspect;
+ end Chap5;
+ package body Chap6 is
+ -- Extract from fat array FAT_ARRAY the range corresponding to dimension
+ -- DIM.
+ function Fat_Array_To_Range (Fat_Array : O_Lnode;
+ Array_Type : Iir;
+ Dim : Natural;
+ Is_Sig : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Lnode
+ is
+ Lval : O_Lnode;
+ Array_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Array_Info := Get_Info (Array_Type);
+ case Array_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ -- From fat record, extract bounds field.
+ Lval := New_Selected_Element
+ (Fat_Array, Array_Info.T.Bounds_Field (Is_Sig));
+ -- Dereference it.
+ Lval := New_Access_Element (New_Value (Lval));
+ when Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ Lval := Get_Var (Array_Info.T.Array_Bounds);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ -- Extract the range for the dimension.
+ return New_Selected_Element (Lval, Array_Info.T.Bounds_Vector (Dim));
+ end Fat_Array_To_Range;
+ function Get_Array_Bound_Length (Arr : O_Lnode;
+ Arr_Type : Iir;
+ Dim : Natural;
+ Is_Sig : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Index_Type : Iir;
+ Rinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Constraint : Iir;
+ begin
+ Index_Type := Get_Nth_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Arr_Type),
+ Dim - 1);
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Arr_Type);
+ case Tinfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ Rinfo := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Index_Type));
+ return New_Value
+ (New_Selected_Element
+ (Fat_Array_To_Range (Arr, Arr_Type, Dim, Is_Sig),
+ Rinfo.T.Range_Length));
+ when Type_Mode_Array =>
+ Constraint := Get_Range_Constraint (Index_Type);
+ return New_Lit
+ (Chap7.Translate_Static_Range_Length (Constraint));
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Array_Bound_Length;
+ function Get_Array_Ptr_Bound_Length (Ptr : O_Lnode;
+ Arr_Type : Iir;
+ Dim : Natural;
+ Is_Sig : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Arr_Type);
+ case Tinfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ return Get_Array_Bound_Length
+ (New_Acc_Value (Ptr), Arr_Type, Dim, Is_Sig);
+ when Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ return Get_Array_Bound_Length
+ (O_Lnode_Null, Arr_Type, Dim, Is_Sig);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Array_Ptr_Bound_Length;
+ -- There is a uniq number associated which each error.
+ Bound_Error_Number : Unsigned_64 := 0;
+ procedure Gen_Bound_Error (Loc : Iir)
+ is
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ Name : Name_Id;
+ Line, Col : Natural;
+ begin
+ if Loc /= Null_Iir then
+ Files_Map.Location_To_Position
+ (Get_Location (Loc), Name, Line, Col);
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Bound_Check_Failed_L1);
+ New_Association
+ (Constr, New_Lit (New_Global_Address (Current_Filename_Node,
+ Char_Ptr_Type)));
+ New_Association
+ (Constr, New_Lit (New_Signed_Literal (Ghdl_I32_Type,
+ Integer_64 (Line))));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ else
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Bound_Check_Failed_L0);
+ New_Association
+ (Constr, New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ Bound_Error_Number)));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ Bound_Error_Number := Bound_Error_Number + 1;
+ end if;
+ end Gen_Bound_Error;
+ procedure Gen_Program_Error (Loc : Iir)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Loc);
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Program_Error);
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ end Gen_Program_Error;
+ -- Generate code to emit a failure if COND is TRUE, indicating an
+ -- index violation for dimension DIM of an array. LOC is usually
+ -- the expression which has computed the index and is used only for
+ -- its location.
+ procedure Check_Bound_Error (Cond : O_Enode; Loc : Iir; Dim : Natural)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Dim);
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ begin
+ Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk, Cond);
+ Gen_Bound_Error (Loc);
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ end Check_Bound_Error;
+ function Translate_Index_To_Offset (Range_Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ Index : O_Enode;
+ Index_Type : Iir;
+ Loc : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Dir : O_Enode;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ Res : O_Dnode;
+ Off : O_Dnode;
+ Cond1, Cond2: O_Enode;
+ Index_Node : O_Dnode;
+ Bound_Node : O_Dnode;
+ Index_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Index_Info := Get_Info (Index_Type);
+ Res := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Open_Temp;
+ Index_Node := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Index_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value), Index);
+ Bound_Node := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Index_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value),
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Range_Ptr),
+ Index_Info.T.Range_Left));
+ Off := Create_Temp (Index_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ Dir := New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Range_Ptr),
+ Index_Info.T.Range_Dir);
+ Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq, Dir, New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_To_Node),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ -- Direction TO: INDEX - LEFT.
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Off),
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Sub_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Index_Node),
+ New_Obj_Value (Bound_Node)));
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ -- Direction DOWNTO: LEFT - INDEX.
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Off),
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Sub_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Bound_Node),
+ New_Obj_Value (Index_Node)));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ -- Get the offset.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Res), New_Convert_Ov (New_Obj_Value (Off),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type));
+ -- Check bounds.
+ Cond1 := New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Lt,
+ New_Obj_Value (Off),
+ New_Lit (New_Signed_Literal (Index_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value),
+ 0)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ Cond2 := New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Ge,
+ New_Obj_Value (Res),
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Range_Ptr),
+ Index_Info.T.Range_Length),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ Check_Bound_Error (New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Or, Cond1, Cond2), Loc, 0);
+ Close_Temp;
+ return New_Obj_Value (Res);
+ end Translate_Index_To_Offset;
+ -- Translate index EXPR in dimension DIM of thin array into an
+ -- offset.
+ -- This checks bounds.
+ function Translate_Thin_Index_Offset (Index_Type : Iir;
+ Index_Range : Iir;
+ Dim : Natural;
+ Expr : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Obound : O_Cnode;
+ Res : O_Dnode;
+ Off : O_Dnode;
+ Cond2: O_Enode;
+ Index : O_Enode;
+ Index_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ V : Iir_Int64;
+ B : Iir_Int64;
+ begin
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr) = Locally then
+ V := Eval_Pos (Expr);
+ B := Eval_Pos (Get_Left_Limit (Index_Range));
+ if Get_Direction (Index_Range) = Iir_To then
+ B := V - B;
+ else
+ B := B - V;
+ end if;
+ return New_Lit
+ (New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type, Unsigned_64 (B)));
+ else
+ Index_Info := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Index_Type));
+ Res := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Off := Create_Temp (Index_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ Index := Chap7.Translate_Expression (Expr, Index_Type);
+ Obound := Chap7.Translate_Static_Range_Left
+ (Index_Range, Index_Type);
+ if Get_Direction (Index_Range) = Iir_To then
+ -- Direction TO: INDEX - LEFT.
+ Index := New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Sub_Ov, Index, New_Lit (Obound));
+ else
+ -- Direction DOWNTO: LEFT - INDEX.
+ Index := New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Sub_Ov, New_Lit (Obound), Index);
+ end if;
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Off), Index);
+ -- Get the offset.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Res),
+ New_Convert_Ov (New_Obj_Value (Off), Ghdl_Index_Type));
+ -- Since the value is unsigned, both left and right bounds are
+ -- checked in the same time.
+ Cond2 := New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Ge, New_Obj_Value (Res),
+ New_Lit (Chap7.Translate_Static_Range_Length (Index_Range)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ Check_Bound_Error (Cond2, Expr, Dim);
+ return New_Obj_Value (Res);
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Thin_Index_Offset;
+ -- Translate an indexed name.
+ function Translate_Indexed_Name (Prefix_Orig : Mnode; Expr : Iir)
+ return Mnode
+ is
+ Prefix : Mnode;
+ Prefix_Type : Iir;
+ Index : Iir;
+ Index_List : Iir_List;
+ Type_List : Iir_List;
+ Offset : O_Dnode;
+ R : O_Enode;
+ Length : O_Enode;
+ Itype : Iir;
+ Ibasetype : Iir;
+ Prefix_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Nbr_Dim : Natural;
+ Fat_Ptr : O_Lnode;
+ Range_Ptr : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Prefix_Type := Get_Type (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ Prefix_Info := Get_Info (Prefix_Type);
+ case Prefix_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ Prefix := Stabilize (Prefix_Orig);
+ when Type_Mode_Array =>
+ Prefix := Prefix_Orig;
+ when Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ -- FIXME: should save the bounds address ?
+ Fat_Ptr := O_Lnode_Null;
+ Prefix := Prefix_Orig;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Index_List := Get_Index_List (Expr);
+ Type_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Prefix_Type);
+ Nbr_Dim := Get_Nbr_Elements (Index_List);
+ Offset := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ for Dim in 1 .. Nbr_Dim loop
+ Index := Get_Nth_Element (Index_List, Dim - 1);
+ Itype := Get_Nth_Element (Type_List, Dim - 1);
+ Ibasetype := Get_Base_Type (Itype);
+ Open_Temp;
+ -- Compute index for the current dimension.
+ case Prefix_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ Range_Ptr := Chap3.Get_Array_Range
+ (Prefix, Prefix_Type, Dim);
+ when Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ Range_Ptr := Chap3.Bounds_To_Range
+ (Chap3.Get_Array_Type_Bounds (Prefix_Type),
+ Prefix_Type, Dim);
+ when Type_Mode_Array =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ case Prefix_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ Range_Ptr := Stabilize (Range_Ptr);
+ R := Translate_Index_To_Offset
+ (M2Dp (Range_Ptr),
+ Chap7.Translate_Expression (Index, Ibasetype),
+ Ibasetype,
+ Index);
+ when Type_Mode_Array =>
+ -- BASE is a thin array.
+ R := Translate_Thin_Index_Offset
+ (Ibasetype, Get_Range_Constraint (Itype), Dim, Index);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ if Dim = 1 then
+ -- First dimension.
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Offset), R);
+ else
+ -- If there are more dimension(s) to follow, then multiply
+ -- the current offset by the length of the current dimension.
+ case Prefix_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ Length := M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Length (Range_Ptr));
+ when Type_Mode_Array =>
+ Length := New_Lit (Chap7.Translate_Static_Range_Length
+ (Get_Range_Constraint (Itype)));
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Offset),
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Add_Ov,
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Mul_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Offset),
+ Length),
+ R));
+ end if;
+ Close_Temp;
+ end loop;
+ return Chap3.Index_Base (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Prefix), Prefix_Type,
+ New_Obj_Value (Offset));
+ end Translate_Indexed_Name;
+ function Translate_Slice_Name (Prefix : Mnode; Expr : Iir_Slice_Name)
+ return Mnode
+ is
+ -- Type of the prefix.
+ Prefix_Type : Iir;
+ -- Type info of the prefix.
+ Prefix_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ -- Type of the slice.
+ Slice_Type : Iir;
+ Slice_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Slice_Binfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ -- Type of the first (and only) index of the prefix array type.
+ Index_Type : Iir;
+ -- True iff the direction of the slice is known at compile time.
+ Static_Range : Boolean;
+ -- Suffix of the slice (discrete range).
+ Expr_Range : Iir;
+ -- Object kind of the prefix.
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type;
+ -- Variable pointing to the prefix.
+ Prefix_Var : Mnode;
+ -- Type info of the range base type.
+ Index_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ -- Variables pointing to slice and prefix ranges.
+ Slice_Range : Mnode;
+ Prefix_Range : Mnode;
+ Res_L : O_Lnode;
+ Res_D : O_Dnode;
+ Diff : O_Dnode;
+ Unsigned_Diff : O_Dnode;
+ If_Blk1 : O_If_Block;
+ begin
+ -- Evaluate the prefix.
+ Slice_Type := Get_Type (Expr);
+ Expr_Range := Get_Suffix (Expr);
+ Prefix_Type := Get_Type (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ Index_Type := Get_Nth_Element
+ (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Prefix_Type), 0);
+ -- Evaluate slice bounds.
+ Chap3.Create_Array_Subtype (Slice_Type, True);
+ Kind := Get_Object_Kind (Prefix);
+ Prefix_Info := Get_Info (Prefix_Type);
+ Slice_Info := Get_Info (Slice_Type);
+ if Slice_Info.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Array
+ and then Prefix_Info.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Array
+ then
+ -- Both prefix and result are constrained array.
+ declare
+ Prefix_Left, Slice_Left : Iir_Int64;
+ Off : Iir_Int64;
+ Slice_Index_Type : Iir;
+ Slice_Range : Iir;
+ Slice_Length : Iir_Int64;
+ Index_Range : Iir;
+ begin
+ Index_Range := Get_Range_Constraint (Index_Type);
+ Prefix_Left := Eval_Pos (Get_Left_Limit (Index_Range));
+ Slice_Index_Type := Get_First_Element
+ (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Slice_Type));
+ Slice_Range := Get_Range_Constraint (Slice_Index_Type);
+ Slice_Left := Eval_Pos (Get_Left_Limit (Slice_Range));
+ Slice_Length := Eval_Discrete_Range_Length (Slice_Range);
+ if Slice_Length = 0 then
+ -- Null slice.
+ return Prefix;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Direction (Index_Range) /= Get_Direction (Slice_Range)
+ then
+ -- This is allowed with vhdl87
+ Off := 0;
+ Slice_Length := 0;
+ else
+ -- Both prefix and slice are thin array.
+ case Get_Direction (Index_Range) is
+ when Iir_To =>
+ Off := Slice_Left - Prefix_Left;
+ when Iir_Downto =>
+ Off := Prefix_Left - Slice_Left;
+ end case;
+ if Off < 0 then
+ -- Must have been caught by sem.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Off + Slice_Length
+ > Eval_Discrete_Range_Length (Index_Range)
+ then
+ -- Must have been caught by sem.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return Lv2M
+ (New_Slice (M2Lv (Prefix),
+ Slice_Info.Ortho_Type (Kind),
+ New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal
+ (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ Unsigned_64 (Off)))),
+ Slice_Info,
+ Kind);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ Slice_Binfo := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Slice_Type));
+ -- Save prefix.
+ Prefix_Var := Stabilize (Prefix);
+ Index_Info := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Index_Type));
+ -- Save prefix bounds.
+ Prefix_Range := Stabilize
+ (Chap3.Get_Array_Range (Prefix_Var, Prefix_Type, 1));
+ -- Save slice bounds.
+ Slice_Range := Stabilize
+ (Chap3.Bounds_To_Range (Chap3.Get_Array_Type_Bounds (Slice_Type),
+ Slice_Type, 1));
+ -- TRUE if the direction of the slice is known.
+ Static_Range := Get_Kind (Expr_Range) = Iir_Kind_Range_Expression;
+ -- Check direction against same direction, error if different.
+ -- FIXME: what about v87 -> if different then null slice
+ if not Static_Range
+ or else Get_Kind (Prefix_Type) /= Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ then
+ -- Check same direction.
+ Check_Bound_Error
+ (New_Compare_Op (ON_Neq,
+ M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Dir (Prefix_Range)),
+ M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Dir (Slice_Range)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type),
+ Expr, 1);
+ end if;
+ -- Check if not a null slice.
+ -- FIXME: why ?
+ --Start_If_Stmt
+ -- (If_Blk,
+ -- New_Compare_Op
+ -- (ON_Neq,
+ -- Get_Array_Bound_Length (Res, Prefix_Type, 1, Sig),
+ -- New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type, 0),
+ -- Ghdl_Bool_Type_Node));
+ Diff := Create_Temp (Index_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ -- Compute the offset in the prefix.
+ if not Static_Range then
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk1, New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Dir (Slice_Range)),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_To_Node),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ end if;
+ if not Static_Range or else Get_Direction (Expr_Range) = Iir_To then
+ -- Diff = slice - bounds.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Diff),
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Sub_Ov,
+ M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Left (Slice_Range)),
+ M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Left (Prefix_Range))));
+ end if;
+ if not Static_Range then
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk1);
+ end if;
+ if not Static_Range or else Get_Direction (Expr_Range) = Iir_Downto
+ then
+ -- Diff = bounds - slice.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Diff),
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Sub_Ov,
+ M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Left (Prefix_Range)),
+ M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Left (Slice_Range))));
+ end if;
+ if not Static_Range then
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk1);
+ end if;
+ -- Note: this also check for overflow.
+ Unsigned_Diff := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Unsigned_Diff),
+ New_Convert_Ov (New_Obj_Value (Diff), Ghdl_Index_Type));
+ -- Check bounds.
+ declare
+ Err_1 : O_Enode;
+ Err_2 : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ -- Bounds error if left of slice is before left of prefix.
+ Err_1 := New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Lt,
+ New_Obj_Value (Diff),
+ New_Lit (New_Signed_Literal (Index_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value),
+ 0)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ -- Bounds error if right of slice is after right of prefix.
+ Err_2 := New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Gt,
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Add_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Unsigned_Diff),
+ M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Length (Slice_Range))),
+ M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Length (Prefix_Range)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ Check_Bound_Error (New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Or, Err_1, Err_2), Expr, 1);
+ end;
+ -- Create the result (fat array) and assign the bounds field.
+ case Slice_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ Res_D := Create_Temp (Slice_Info.Ortho_Type (Kind));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element (New_Obj (Res_D),
+ Slice_Info.T.Bounds_Field (Kind)),
+ New_Value (M2Lp (Slice_Range)));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element (New_Obj (Res_D),
+ Slice_Info.T.Base_Field (Kind)),
+ New_Address
+ (New_Slice (M2Lv (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Prefix_Var)),
+ Slice_Info.T.Base_Type (Kind),
+ New_Obj_Value (Unsigned_Diff)),
+ Slice_Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Kind)));
+ return Dv2M (Res_D, Slice_Info, Kind);
+ when Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ Res_L := New_Slice
+ (M2Lv (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Prefix_Var)),
+ Slice_Info.T.Base_Type (Kind),
+ New_Obj_Value (Unsigned_Diff));
+ return Lv2M (Res_L,
+ True,
+ Slice_Info.T.Base_Type (Kind),
+ Slice_Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Kind),
+ Slice_Info, Kind);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ --Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ end Translate_Slice_Name;
+ function Translate_Interface_Name
+ (Inter : Iir; Info : Ortho_Info_Acc; Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return Mnode
+ is
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Get_Type (Inter));
+ case Info.Kind is
+ when Kind_Object =>
+ -- For a generic or a port.
+ return Get_Var (Info.Object_Var, Type_Info, Kind);
+ when Kind_Interface =>
+ -- For a parameter.
+ case Type_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Type_Mode_By_Value =>
+ -- Parameter is passed by value.
+ if Info.Interface_Field /= O_Fnode_Null then
+ -- And by copy.
+ return Lv2M (New_Selected_Acc_Value
+ (New_Obj (Info.Interface_Node),
+ Info.Interface_Field),
+ Type_Info, Kind);
+ else
+ return Dv2M (Info.Interface_Node, Type_Info, Kind);
+ end if;
+ when Type_Mode_By_Ref
+ | Type_Mode_By_Copy =>
+ -- Parameter is passed by reference, dereference it.
+ return Dp2M (Info.Interface_Node, Type_Info, Kind);
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Interface_Name;
+ function Translate_Selected_Element (Prefix : Mnode;
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration)
+ return Mnode
+ is
+ El_Info : Field_Info_Acc;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type;
+ begin
+ El_Info := Get_Info (El);
+ Kind := Get_Object_Kind (Prefix);
+ return Lo2M (New_Selected_Element (M2Lv (Prefix),
+ El_Info.Field_Node (Kind)),
+ Get_Info (Get_Type (El)), Kind);
+ end Translate_Selected_Element;
+-- function Translate_Formal_Interface_Name (Scope_Type : O_Tnode;
+-- Scope_Param : O_Lnode;
+-- Name : Iir;
+-- Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+-- return Mnode
+-- is
+-- Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+-- Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+-- Res : Mnode;
+-- begin
+-- Type_Info := Get_Info (Get_Type (Name));
+-- Info := Get_Info (Name);
+-- Push_Scope_Soft (Scope_Type, Scope_Param);
+-- Res := Get_Var (Info.Object_Var, Type_Info, Kind);
+-- Pop_Scope_Soft (Scope_Type);
+-- return Res;
+-- end Translate_Formal_Interface_Name;
+-- function Translate_Formal_Name (Scope_Type : O_Tnode;
+-- Scope_Param : O_Lnode;
+-- Name : Iir)
+-- return Mnode
+-- is
+-- Prefix : Iir;
+-- Prefix_Name : Mnode;
+-- begin
+-- case Get_Kind (Name) is
+-- when Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration =>
+-- return Translate_Formal_Interface_Name
+-- (Scope_Type, Scope_Param, Name, Mode_Value);
+-- when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+-- return Translate_Formal_Interface_Name
+-- (Scope_Type, Scope_Param, Name, Mode_Signal);
+-- when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name =>
+-- Prefix := Get_Prefix (Name);
+-- Prefix_Name := Translate_Formal_Name
+-- (Scope_Type, Scope_Param, Prefix);
+-- return Translate_Indexed_Name (Prefix_Name, Name);
+-- when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
+-- Prefix := Get_Prefix (Name);
+-- Prefix_Name := Translate_Formal_Name
+-- (Scope_Type, Scope_Param, Prefix);
+-- return Translate_Slice_Name (Prefix_Name, Name);
+-- when Iir_Kind_Selected_Element =>
+-- Prefix := Get_Prefix (Name);
+-- Prefix_Name := Translate_Formal_Name
+-- (Scope_Type, Scope_Param, Prefix);
+-- return Translate_Selected_Element
+-- (Prefix_Name, Get_Selected_Element (Name));
+-- when others =>
+-- Error_Kind ("translate_generic_name", Name);
+-- end case;
+-- end Translate_Formal_Name;
+ function Translate_Name (Name : Iir) return Mnode
+ is
+ Name_Type : Iir;
+ Name_Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Name_Type := Get_Type (Name);
+ Name_Info := Get_Info (Name);
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Name_Type);
+ case Get_Kind (Name) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
+ return Get_Var (Name_Info.Object_Var, Type_Info, Mode_Value);
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value =>
+ return Get_Var
+ (Get_Info (Get_Attribute_Specification (Name)).Object_Var,
+ Type_Info, Mode_Value);
+ when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ -- Alias_Var is not like an object variable, since it is
+ -- always a pointer to the aliased object.
+ declare
+ R : O_Lnode;
+ begin
+ R := Get_Var (Name_Info.Alias_Var);
+ case Type_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ return Get_Var (Name_Info.Alias_Var, Type_Info,
+ Name_Info.Alias_Kind);
+ when Type_Mode_Ptr_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Array =>
+ R := Get_Var (Name_Info.Alias_Var);
+ return Lp2M (R, Type_Info, Name_Info.Alias_Kind);
+ when Type_Mode_Scalar =>
+ R := Get_Var (Name_Info.Alias_Var);
+ if Name_Info.Alias_Kind = Mode_Signal then
+ return Lv2M (R, Type_Info, Name_Info.Alias_Kind);
+ else
+ return Lp2M (R, Type_Info, Name_Info.Alias_Kind);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration =>
+ return Get_Var (Name_Info.Object_Var, Type_Info, Mode_Signal);
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration =>
+ return Translate_Interface_Name (Name, Name_Info, Mode_Value);
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration =>
+ return Translate_Interface_Name (Name, Name_Info, Mode_Value);
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration =>
+ if Name_Info.Interface_Field /= O_Fnode_Null then
+ -- Passed via the result record.
+ return Lv2M
+ (New_Selected_Element
+ (New_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Name_Info.Interface_Node)),
+ Name_Info.Interface_Field),
+ Type_Info, Mode_Value);
+ else
+ return Translate_Interface_Name
+ (Name, Name_Info, Mode_Value);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ return Translate_Interface_Name (Name, Name_Info, Mode_Signal);
+ when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name =>
+ return Translate_Indexed_Name
+ (Translate_Name (Get_Prefix (Name)), Name);
+ when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
+ return Translate_Slice_Name
+ (Translate_Name (Get_Prefix (Name)), Name);
+ when Iir_Kind_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference =>
+ declare
+ Pfx : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ Pfx := Chap7.Translate_Expression (Get_Prefix (Name));
+ -- FIXME: what about fat pointer ??
+ return Lv2M (New_Access_Element (Pfx),
+ Type_Info, Mode_Value);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Element =>
+ return Translate_Selected_Element
+ (Translate_Name (Get_Prefix (Name)),
+ Get_Selected_Element (Name));
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
+ -- This can appear as a prefix of a name, therefore, the
+ -- result is always a composite type.
+ declare
+ Imp : Iir;
+ Obj : Iir;
+ Assoc_Chain : Iir;
+ begin
+ Imp := Get_Implementation (Name);
+ if Get_Kind (Imp) = Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ then
+ -- FIXME : to be done
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ else
+ Assoc_Chain := Canon.Canon_Subprogram_Call (Name);
+ Obj := Get_Method_Object (Name);
+ return E2M
+ (Chap7.Translate_Function_Call (Imp, Assoc_Chain, Obj),
+ Type_Info, Mode_Value);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Image_Attribute =>
+ -- Can appear as a prefix.
+ return E2M (Chap14.Translate_Image_Attribute (Name),
+ Type_Info, Mode_Value);
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ return Translate_Name (Get_Named_Entity (Name));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_name", Name);
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Name;
+ end Chap6;
+ package body Chap7 is
+ function Is_Static_Constant (Decl : Iir_Constant_Declaration)
+ return Boolean
+ is
+ Expr : Iir;
+ Atype : Iir;
+ Info : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Decl) = Locally then
+ -- Should be not necessary.
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ Expr := Get_Default_Value (Decl);
+ if Expr = Null_Iir then
+ -- Deferred constant.
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- Only aggregates are handled.
+ if Get_Kind (Expr) /= Iir_Kind_Aggregate then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Atype := Get_Type (Decl);
+ -- Bounds must be known (and static).
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (Atype) /= Locally then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- Currently, only array aggregates are handled.
+ if Get_Kind (Get_Base_Type (Atype)) /= Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- Aggregate elements must be locally static.
+ -- Note: this does not yet handled aggregates of aggregates.
+ if Get_Value_Staticness (Expr) /= Locally then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Info := Get_Aggregate_Info (Expr);
+ while Info /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Get_Aggr_Dynamic_Flag (Info) then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Currently, only positionnal aggregates are handled.
+ if Get_Aggr_Named_Flag (Info) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ -- Currently, others choice are not handled.
+ if Get_Aggr_Others_Flag (Info) then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ Info := Get_Sub_Aggregate_Info (Info);
+ end loop;
+ return True;
+ end Is_Static_Constant;
+ procedure Translate_Static_String_Literal_Inner
+ (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List;
+ Str : Iir;
+ El_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ Literal_List : Iir_List;
+ Lit : Iir;
+ Len : Natural;
+ Ptr : String_Fat_Acc;
+ begin
+ Literal_List :=
+ Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Get_Base_Type (El_Type));
+ Len := Get_String_Length (Str);
+ Ptr := Get_String_Fat_Acc (Str);
+ for I in 1 .. Len loop
+ Lit := Find_Name_In_List (Literal_List, Get_Identifier (Ptr (I)));
+ New_Array_Aggr_El (List, Get_Ortho_Expr (Lit));
+ end loop;
+ end Translate_Static_String_Literal_Inner;
+ procedure Translate_Static_Bit_String_Literal_Inner
+ (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List;
+ Lit : Iir_Bit_String_Literal;
+ El_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (El_Type);
+ L_0 : O_Cnode;
+ L_1 : O_Cnode;
+ Ptr : String_Fat_Acc;
+ Len : Natural;
+ V : O_Cnode;
+ begin
+ L_0 := Get_Ortho_Expr (Get_Bit_String_0 (Lit));
+ L_1 := Get_Ortho_Expr (Get_Bit_String_1 (Lit));
+ Ptr := Get_String_Fat_Acc (Lit);
+ Len := Get_String_Length (Lit);
+ for I in 1 .. Len loop
+ case Ptr (I) is
+ when '0' =>
+ V := L_0;
+ when '1' =>
+ V := L_1;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ New_Array_Aggr_El (List, V);
+ end loop;
+ end Translate_Static_Bit_String_Literal_Inner;
+ procedure Translate_Static_Aggregate_1 (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List;
+ Aggr : Iir;
+ Info : Iir;
+ El_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ Assoc : Iir;
+ N_Info : Iir;
+ Sub : Iir;
+ begin
+ N_Info := Get_Sub_Aggregate_Info (Info);
+ case Get_Kind (Aggr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate =>
+ Assoc := Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Aggr);
+ while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
+ Sub := Get_Associated (Assoc);
+ case Get_Kind (Assoc) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None =>
+ if N_Info = Null_Iir then
+ New_Array_Aggr_El
+ (List,
+ Translate_Static_Expression (Sub, El_Type));
+ else
+ Translate_Static_Aggregate_1
+ (List, Sub, N_Info, El_Type);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_static_aggregate_1(2)", Assoc);
+ end case;
+ Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
+ end loop;
+ when Iir_Kind_String_Literal =>
+ if N_Info /= Null_Iir then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Translate_Static_String_Literal_Inner (List, Aggr, El_Type);
+ when Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal =>
+ if N_Info /= Null_Iir then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Translate_Static_Bit_String_Literal_Inner (List, Aggr, El_Type);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_static_aggregate_1", Aggr);
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Static_Aggregate_1;
+ function Translate_Static_Aggregate (Aggr : Iir)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ Aggr_Type : Iir;
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ List : O_Array_Aggr_List;
+ Res : O_Cnode;
+ begin
+ Aggr_Type := Get_Type (Aggr);
+ Chap3.Translate_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Aggr_Type, True);
+ El_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Aggr_Type);
+ Start_Array_Aggr (List, Get_Ortho_Type (Aggr_Type, Mode_Value));
+ Translate_Static_Aggregate_1
+ (List, Aggr, Get_Aggregate_Info (Aggr), El_Type);
+ Finish_Array_Aggr (List, Res);
+ return Res;
+ end Translate_Static_Aggregate;
+ function Translate_Static_Simple_Aggregate (Aggr : Iir)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ Aggr_Type : Iir;
+ El_List : Iir_List;
+ El : Iir;
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ List : O_Array_Aggr_List;
+ Res : O_Cnode;
+ begin
+ Aggr_Type := Get_Type (Aggr);
+ Chap3.Translate_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Aggr_Type, True);
+ El_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Aggr_Type);
+ El_List := Get_Simple_Aggregate_List (Aggr);
+ Start_Array_Aggr (List, Get_Ortho_Type (Aggr_Type, Mode_Value));
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (El_List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ New_Array_Aggr_El
+ (List, Translate_Static_Expression (El, El_Type));
+ end loop;
+ Finish_Array_Aggr (List, Res);
+ return Res;
+ end Translate_Static_Simple_Aggregate;
+ function Translate_Static_String_Literal (Str : Iir)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ Lit_Type : Iir;
+ Element_Type : Iir;
+ List : O_Array_Aggr_List;
+ Res : O_Cnode;
+ begin
+ Lit_Type := Get_Type (Str);
+ Chap3.Translate_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Lit_Type, True);
+ Start_Array_Aggr (List, Get_Ortho_Type (Lit_Type, Mode_Value));
+ Element_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Lit_Type);
+ Translate_Static_String_Literal_Inner (List, Str, Element_Type);
+ Finish_Array_Aggr (List, Res);
+ return Res;
+ end Translate_Static_String_Literal;
+ -- Only for Strings of STD.Character.
+ function Translate_Static_String (Str_Type : Iir; Str_Ident : Name_Id)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ Literal_List : Iir_List;
+ Lit : Iir;
+ List : O_Array_Aggr_List;
+ Res : O_Cnode;
+ begin
+ Chap3.Translate_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Str_Type, True);
+ Start_Array_Aggr (List, Get_Ortho_Type (Str_Type, Mode_Value));
+ Literal_List :=
+ Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Character_Type_Definition);
+ Image (Str_Ident);
+ for I in 1 .. Name_Length loop
+ Lit := Get_Nth_Element (Literal_List,
+ Character'Pos (Name_Buffer (I)));
+ New_Array_Aggr_El (List, Get_Ortho_Expr (Lit));
+ end loop;
+ Finish_Array_Aggr (List, Res);
+ return Res;
+ end Translate_Static_String;
+ function Translate_Static_Bit_String_Literal
+ (Lit : Iir_Bit_String_Literal)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ Lit_Type : Iir;
+ Res : O_Cnode;
+ List : O_Array_Aggr_List;
+ begin
+ Lit_Type := Get_Type (Lit);
+ Chap3.Translate_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Lit_Type, True);
+ Start_Array_Aggr (List, Get_Ortho_Type (Lit_Type, Mode_Value));
+ Translate_Static_Bit_String_Literal_Inner (List, Lit, Lit_Type);
+ Finish_Array_Aggr (List, Res);
+ return Res;
+ end Translate_Static_Bit_String_Literal;
+ function Translate_String_Literal (Str : Iir) return O_Enode
+ is
+ Var : Var_Acc;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Str_Type : Iir;
+ Res : O_Cnode;
+ R : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Str) is
+ when Iir_Kind_String_Literal =>
+ Res := Translate_Static_String_Literal (Str);
+ when Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal =>
+ Res := Translate_Static_Bit_String_Literal (Str);
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Aggregate =>
+ Res := Translate_Static_Simple_Aggregate (Str);
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name_Attribute =>
+ Res := Translate_Static_String
+ (Get_Type (Str), Get_Simple_Name_Identifier (Str));
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Str_Type := Get_Type (Str);
+ Info := Get_Info (Str_Type);
+ Var := Create_Global_Const
+ (Create_Uniq_Identifier, Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value),
+ O_Storage_Private, Res);
+ R := New_Address (Get_Var (Var), Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ Free_Var (Var);
+ return R;
+ end Translate_String_Literal;
+ function Translate_Static_Implicit_Conv
+ (Expr : O_Cnode; Expr_Type : Iir; Res_Type : Iir) return O_Cnode
+ is
+ Expr_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Res_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Val : Var_Acc;
+ Res : O_Cnode;
+ List : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Bound : Var_Acc;
+ begin
+ if Res_Type = Expr_Type then
+ return Expr;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Expr_Type) /= Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Res_Type) = Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition then
+ return Expr;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Res_Type) /= Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Expr_Info := Get_Info (Expr_Type);
+ Res_Info := Get_Info (Res_Type);
+ Val := Create_Global_Const
+ (Create_Uniq_Identifier, Expr_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value),
+ O_Storage_Private, Expr);
+ Bound := Expr_Info.T.Array_Bounds;
+ if Bound = null then
+ Bound := Create_Global_Const
+ (Create_Uniq_Identifier, Expr_Info.T.Bounds_Type,
+ O_Storage_Private,
+ Chap3.Create_Static_Array_Subtype_Bounds (Expr_Type));
+ Expr_Info.T.Array_Bounds := Bound;
+ end if;
+ Start_Record_Aggr (List, Res_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (List, New_Global_Address (Get_Var_Label (Val),
+ Res_Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value)));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (List, New_Global_Address (Get_Var_Label (Bound),
+ Expr_Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type));
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (List, Res);
+ return Res;
+ end Translate_Static_Implicit_Conv;
+ function Translate_Numeric_Literal (Expr : Iir; Res_Type : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Expr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal =>
+ return New_Signed_Literal
+ (Res_Type, Integer_64 (Get_Value (Expr)));
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
+ return Get_Ortho_Expr (Get_Enumeration_Decl (Expr));
+ when Iir_Kind_Floating_Point_Literal =>
+ return New_Float_Literal
+ (Res_Type, IEEE_Float_64 (Get_Fp_Value (Expr)));
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal =>
+ return New_Signed_Literal
+ (Res_Type, Integer_64 (Get_Physical_Value (Expr)));
+ when Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration =>
+ return New_Signed_Literal
+ (Res_Type,
+ Integer_64 (Get_Value (Get_Physical_Unit_Value (Expr))));
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal =>
+ return New_Signed_Literal
+ (Res_Type,
+ Integer_64
+ (Get_Fp_Value (Expr)
+ * Iir_Fp64 (Get_Value (Get_Physical_Unit_Value
+ (Get_Unit_Name (Expr))))));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("tranlate_numeric_literal", Expr);
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Numeric_Literal;
+ function Translate_Numeric_Literal (Expr : Iir; Res_Type : Iir)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ Expr_Type : Iir;
+ Expr_Otype : O_Tnode;
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Expr_Type := Get_Type (Expr);
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Expr_Type);
+ if Res_Type /= Null_Iir then
+ Expr_Otype := Get_Ortho_Type (Res_Type, Mode_Value);
+ else
+ if Tinfo = null then
+ -- FIXME: this is a working kludge, in the case where EXPR_TYPE
+ -- is a subtype which was not yet translated.
+ -- (eg: evaluated array attribute)
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Expr_Type));
+ end if;
+ Expr_Otype := Tinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value);
+ end if;
+ return Translate_Numeric_Literal (Expr, Expr_Otype);
+ end Translate_Numeric_Literal;
+ function Translate_Static_Expression (Expr : Iir; Res_Type : Iir)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ Expr_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Expr_Type := Get_Type (Expr);
+ case Get_Kind (Expr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Point_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal =>
+ return Translate_Numeric_Literal (Expr, Res_Type);
+ when Iir_Kind_String_Literal =>
+ return Translate_Static_Implicit_Conv
+ (Translate_Static_String_Literal (Expr), Expr_Type, Res_Type);
+ when Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal =>
+ return Translate_Static_Implicit_Conv
+ (Translate_Static_Bit_String_Literal (Expr),
+ Expr_Type, Res_Type);
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Aggregate =>
+ return Translate_Static_Implicit_Conv
+ (Translate_Static_Simple_Aggregate (Expr),
+ Expr_Type, Res_Type);
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate =>
+ return Translate_Static_Implicit_Conv
+ (Translate_Static_Aggregate (Expr), Expr_Type, Res_Type);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_static_expression", Expr);
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Static_Expression;
+ function Translate_Static_Range_Left
+ (Expr : Iir; Range_Type : Iir := Null_Iir)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ Left : O_Cnode;
+ Bound : Iir;
+ begin
+ Bound := Get_Left_Limit (Expr);
+ Left := Chap7.Translate_Static_Expression (Bound, Range_Type);
+-- if Range_Type /= Null_Iir and then Get_Type (Bound) /= Range_Type then
+-- Left := New_Convert_Ov
+-- (Left, Get_Ortho_Type (Range_Type, Mode_Value));
+-- end if;
+ return Left;
+ end Translate_Static_Range_Left;
+ function Translate_Static_Range_Right
+ (Expr : Iir; Range_Type : Iir := Null_Iir)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ Right : O_Cnode;
+ begin
+ Right := Chap7.Translate_Static_Expression (Get_Right_Limit (Expr),
+ Range_Type);
+-- if Range_Type /= Null_Iir then
+-- Right := New_Convert_Ov
+-- (Right, Get_Ortho_Type (Range_Type, Mode_Value));
+-- end if;
+ return Right;
+ end Translate_Static_Range_Right;
+ function Translate_Static_Range_Dir (Expr : Iir) return O_Cnode
+ is
+ begin
+ case Get_Direction (Expr) is
+ when Iir_To =>
+ return Ghdl_Dir_To_Node;
+ when Iir_Downto =>
+ return Ghdl_Dir_Downto_Node;
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Static_Range_Dir;
+ function Translate_Static_Range_Length (Expr : Iir) return O_Cnode
+ is
+ Ulen : Unsigned_64;
+ begin
+ Ulen := Unsigned_64 (Eval_Discrete_Range_Length (Expr));
+ return New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type, Ulen);
+ end Translate_Static_Range_Length;
+ function Translate_Range_Expression_Left (Expr : Iir;
+ Range_Type : Iir := Null_Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Left : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ Left := Chap7.Translate_Expression (Get_Left_Limit (Expr));
+ if Range_Type /= Null_Iir then
+ Left := New_Convert_Ov (Left,
+ Get_Ortho_Type (Range_Type, Mode_Value));
+ end if;
+ return Left;
+ end Translate_Range_Expression_Left;
+ function Translate_Range_Expression_Right (Expr : Iir;
+ Range_Type : Iir := Null_Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Right : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ Right := Chap7.Translate_Expression (Get_Right_Limit (Expr));
+ if Range_Type /= Null_Iir then
+ Right := New_Convert_Ov (Right,
+ Get_Ortho_Type (Range_Type, Mode_Value));
+ end if;
+ return Right;
+ end Translate_Range_Expression_Right;
+ -- Compute the length of LEFT DIR (to/downto) RIGHT.
+ function Compute_Range_Length
+ (Left : O_Enode; Right : O_Enode; Dir : Iir_Direction)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ L : O_Enode;
+ R : O_Enode;
+ Val : O_Enode;
+ Tmp : O_Dnode;
+ Res : O_Dnode;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ Rng_Type : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ Rng_Type := Ghdl_I32_Type;
+ L := New_Convert_Ov (Left, Rng_Type);
+ R := New_Convert_Ov (Right, Rng_Type);
+ case Dir is
+ when Iir_To =>
+ Val := New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Sub_Ov, R, L);
+ when Iir_Downto =>
+ Val := New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Sub_Ov, L, R);
+ end case;
+ Res := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Open_Temp;
+ Tmp := Create_Temp (Rng_Type);
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Tmp), Val);
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Lt, New_Obj_Value (Tmp),
+ New_Lit (New_Signed_Literal (Rng_Type, 0)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ Init_Var (Res);
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Val := New_Convert_Ov (New_Obj_Value (Tmp), Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Val := New_Dyadic_Op
+ (ON_Add_Ov, Val,
+ New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type, 1)));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Res), Val);
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Close_Temp;
+ return New_Obj_Value (Res);
+ end Compute_Range_Length;
+ function Translate_Range_Expression_Length (Expr : Iir) return O_Enode
+ is
+ Left, Right : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr) = Locally then
+ return New_Lit (Translate_Static_Range_Length (Expr));
+ else
+ Left := Chap7.Translate_Expression (Get_Left_Limit (Expr));
+ Right := Chap7.Translate_Expression (Get_Right_Limit (Expr));
+ return Compute_Range_Length (Left, Right, Get_Direction (Expr));
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Range_Expression_Length;
+ function Translate_Range_Length (Expr : Iir) return O_Enode is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Expr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
+ return Translate_Range_Expression_Length (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ return Chap14.Translate_Length_Array_Attribute (Expr, Null_Iir);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_range_length", Expr);
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Range_Length;
+ function Translate_Association (Assoc : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Actual, Formal : Iir;
+ Formal_Base : Iir;
+ begin
+ Formal := Get_Formal (Assoc);
+ case Get_Kind (Assoc) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression =>
+ Actual := Get_Actual (Assoc);
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open =>
+ Actual := Get_Default_Value (Formal);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_association", Assoc);
+ end case;
+ Formal_Base := Get_Base_Name (Formal);
+ case Get_Kind (Formal_Base) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration =>
+ return Translate_Expression (Actual, Get_Type (Formal_Base));
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ return Translate_Implicit_Conv
+ (M2E (Chap6.Translate_Name (Actual)),
+ Get_Type (Actual),
+ Get_Type (Formal_Base),
+ Mode_Signal);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_association", Formal);
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Association;
+ function Translate_Function_Call
+ (Imp : Iir; Assoc_Chain : Iir; Obj : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ Assoc : Iir;
+ Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ Res : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Imp);
+ if Info.Use_Stack2 then
+ Create_Temp_Stack2_Mark;
+ end if;
+ if Info.Res_Interface /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ -- Composite result.
+ -- If we need to allocate, do it before starting the call!
+ declare
+ Res_Type : Iir;
+ Res_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Res_Type := Get_Return_Type (Imp);
+ Res_Info := Get_Info (Res_Type);
+ Res := Create_Temp (Res_Info);
+ if Res_Info.Type_Mode /= Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ Chap4.Allocate_Complex_Object (Res_Type, Alloc_Stack, Res);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ Start_Association (Constr, Info.Ortho_Func);
+ if Info.Res_Interface /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ -- Composite result.
+ New_Association (Constr, M2E (Res));
+ end if;
+ -- If the subprogram is a method, pass the protected object.
+ if Obj /= Null_Iir then
+ declare
+ Prot_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Prot_Info := Get_Info (Get_Method_Type (Imp));
+ Chap2.Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc
+ (Constr, Info.Subprg_Instance,
+ Prot_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value),
+ M2E (Chap6.Translate_Name (Obj)));
+ end;
+ else
+ Chap2.Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc (Constr, Info.Subprg_Instance);
+ end if;
+ Assoc := Assoc_Chain;
+ while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
+ -- FIXME: evaluate expression before, because we
+ -- may allocate objects.
+ New_Association (Constr, Translate_Association (Assoc));
+ Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
+ end loop;
+ if Info.Res_Interface /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ -- Composite result.
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ return M2E (Res);
+ else
+ return New_Function_Call (Constr);
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Function_Call;
+ function Translate_Operator_Function_Call
+ (Imp : Iir; Left : Iir; Right : Iir; Res_Type : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ function Create_Assoc (Actual : Iir; Formal : Iir)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ R : Iir;
+ begin
+ R := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression);
+ Location_Copy (R, Actual);
+ Set_Actual (R, Actual);
+ Set_Formal (R, Formal);
+ return R;
+ end Create_Assoc;
+ Inter : Iir;
+ El_L : Iir;
+ El_R : Iir;
+ Res : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ Inter := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Imp);
+ El_L := Create_Assoc (Left, Inter);
+ if Right /= Null_Iir then
+ Inter := Get_Chain (Inter);
+ El_R := Create_Assoc (Right, Inter);
+ Set_Chain (El_L, El_R);
+ end if;
+ Res := Translate_Function_Call (Imp, El_L, Null_Iir);
+ Free_Iir (El_L);
+ if Right /= Null_Iir then
+ Free_Iir (El_R);
+ end if;
+ return Translate_Implicit_Conv
+ (Res, Get_Return_Type (Imp), Res_Type, Mode_Value);
+ end Translate_Operator_Function_Call;
+ function Convert_Constrained_To_Unconstrained
+ (Expr : O_Enode; Expr_Type : Iir; Atype : Iir; Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Res : O_Dnode;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Expr_Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ -- FIXME: to do.
+ -- Be sure the bounds variable was created.
+ -- This may be necessary for on-the-fly types, such as strings.
+ Chap3.Create_Array_Subtype (Expr_Type, True);
+ Expr_Type_Info := Get_Info (Expr_Type);
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Atype);
+ Res := Create_Temp (Type_Info.Ortho_Type (Kind));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element (New_Obj (Res),
+ Type_Info.T.Base_Field (Kind)),
+ New_Convert_Ov (Expr, Type_Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Kind)));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element (New_Obj (Res),
+ Type_Info.T.Bounds_Field (Kind)),
+ Chap3.Get_Array_Ptr_Bounds_Ptr (O_Lnode_Null, Expr_Type, Kind));
+ return L2e_Node (New_Obj (Res), Type_Info, Kind);
+ end Convert_Constrained_To_Unconstrained;
+ function Convert_Array_To_Thin_Array
+ (Expr : O_Enode;
+ Expr_Type : Iir;
+ Atype : Iir;
+ Is_Sig : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ Expr_Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Expr_Indexes: Iir_List;
+ Success_Label, Failure_Label : O_Snode;
+ begin
+ Expr_Type_Info := Get_Info (Expr_Type);
+ Ptr := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Expr_Type_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Is_Sig), Expr);
+ Open_Temp;
+ -- Check each dimension.
+ Expr_Indexes := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Expr_Type);
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Success_Label);
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Failure_Label);
+ for I in 1 .. Get_Nbr_Elements (Expr_Indexes) loop
+ Gen_Exit_When
+ (Failure_Label,
+ New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Neq,
+ Chap6.Get_Array_Ptr_Bound_Length (New_Obj (Ptr),
+ Expr_Type, I, Is_Sig),
+ Chap6.Get_Array_Bound_Length (O_Lnode_Null, Atype, I, Is_Sig),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ end loop;
+ New_Exit_Stmt (Success_Label);
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Failure_Label);
+ Chap6.Gen_Bound_Error (Expr_Type); -- FIXME: location.
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Success_Label);
+ Close_Temp;
+ return New_Value
+ (Chap3.Get_Array_Ptr_Base_Ptr (New_Obj (Ptr), Expr_Type, Is_Sig));
+ end Convert_Array_To_Thin_Array;
+ -- Convert (if necessary) EXPR translated from EXPR_ORIG to type ATYPE.
+ function Translate_Implicit_Conv (Expr : O_Enode;
+ Expr_Type : Iir;
+ Atype : Iir;
+ Is_Sig : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Ainfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Einfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ if Atype = Expr_Type then
+ return Expr;
+ end if;
+ if Expr_Type = Universal_Integer_Type_Definition then
+ return New_Convert_Ov (Expr, Get_Ortho_Type (Atype, Mode_Value));
+ elsif Expr_Type = Universal_Real_Type_Definition then
+ return New_Convert_Ov (Expr, Get_Ortho_Type (Atype, Mode_Value));
+ elsif Get_Kind (Expr_Type) in Iir_Kinds_Array_Type_Definition then
+ Ainfo := Get_Info (Atype);
+ Einfo := Get_Info (Expr_Type);
+ case Ainfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ -- X to unconstrained.
+ case Einfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ -- unconstrained to unconstrained.
+ return Expr;
+ when Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ -- constrained to unconstrained.
+ return Convert_Constrained_To_Unconstrained
+ (Expr, Expr_Type, Atype, Is_Sig);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ when Type_Mode_Array =>
+ -- X to constrained.
+ case Einfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ -- unconstrained to constrained.
+ return Convert_Array_To_Thin_Array (Expr, Expr_Type,
+ Atype, Is_Sig);
+ when Type_Mode_Array =>
+ -- constrained to constrained.
+ declare
+ E_List, A_List : Iir_List;
+ E_El, A_El : Iir;
+ begin
+ E_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Expr_Type);
+ A_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Atype);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ E_El := Get_Nth_Element (E_List, I);
+ A_El := Get_Nth_Element (A_List, I);
+ exit when E_El = Null_Iir
+ and then A_El = Null_Iir;
+ if Eval_Discrete_Type_Length (E_El)
+ /= Eval_Discrete_Type_Length (A_El)
+ then
+ -- FIXME: generate a bound error ?
+ -- Even if this is caught at compile-time,
+ -- the code is not required to run.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ return Expr;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ when Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ case Einfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ return Convert_Array_To_Thin_Array
+ (Expr, Expr_Type, Atype, Is_Sig);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ else
+ return Expr;
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Implicit_Conv;
+ type Predefined_To_Onop_Type is array (Iir_Predefined_Functions)
+ of ON_Op_Kind;
+ Predefined_To_Onop : constant Predefined_To_Onop_Type :=
+ (Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Or => ON_Or,
+ Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Not => ON_Not,
+ Iir_Predefined_Boolean_And => ON_And,
+ Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Xor => ON_Xor,
+ Iir_Predefined_Bit_Not => ON_Not,
+ Iir_Predefined_Bit_And => ON_And,
+ Iir_Predefined_Bit_Or => ON_Or,
+ Iir_Predefined_Bit_Xor => ON_Xor,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Equality => ON_Eq,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Inequality => ON_Neq,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Less_Equal => ON_Le,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Less => ON_Lt,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Greater => ON_Gt,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Greater_Equal => ON_Ge,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Plus => ON_Add_Ov,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Minus => ON_Sub_Ov,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Mul => ON_Mul_Ov,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Rem => ON_Rem_Ov,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Mod => ON_Mod_Ov,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Div => ON_Div_Ov,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Absolute => ON_Abs_Ov,
+ Iir_Predefined_Integer_Negation => ON_Neg_Ov,
+ Iir_Predefined_Enum_Equality => ON_Eq,
+ Iir_Predefined_Enum_Inequality => ON_Neq,
+ Iir_Predefined_Enum_Greater_Equal => ON_Ge,
+ Iir_Predefined_Enum_Greater => ON_Gt,
+ Iir_Predefined_Enum_Less => ON_Lt,
+ Iir_Predefined_Enum_Less_Equal => ON_Le,
+ Iir_Predefined_Physical_Equality => ON_Eq,
+ Iir_Predefined_Physical_Inequality => ON_Neq,
+ Iir_Predefined_Physical_Less => ON_Lt,
+ Iir_Predefined_Physical_Less_Equal => ON_Le,
+ Iir_Predefined_Physical_Greater => ON_Gt,
+ Iir_Predefined_Physical_Greater_Equal => ON_Ge,
+ Iir_Predefined_Physical_Negation => ON_Neg_Ov,
+ Iir_Predefined_Physical_Absolute => ON_Abs_Ov,
+ Iir_Predefined_Physical_Minus => ON_Sub_Ov,
+ Iir_Predefined_Physical_Plus => ON_Add_Ov,
+ Iir_Predefined_Floating_Greater => ON_Gt,
+ Iir_Predefined_Floating_Greater_Equal => ON_Ge,
+ Iir_Predefined_Floating_Less => ON_Lt,
+ Iir_Predefined_Floating_Less_Equal => ON_Le,
+ Iir_Predefined_Floating_Equality => ON_Eq,
+ Iir_Predefined_Floating_Inequality => ON_Neq,
+ Iir_Predefined_Floating_Minus => ON_Sub_Ov,
+ Iir_Predefined_Floating_Plus => ON_Add_Ov,
+ Iir_Predefined_Floating_Mul => ON_Mul_Ov,
+ Iir_Predefined_Floating_Div => ON_Div_Ov,
+ Iir_Predefined_Floating_Negation => ON_Neg_Ov,
+ Iir_Predefined_Floating_Absolute => ON_Abs_Ov,
+ others => ON_Nil);
+ function Translate_Shortcut_Operator
+ (Imp : Iir_Implicit_Function_Declaration; Left, Right : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Rtype : Iir;
+ Res : O_Dnode;
+ Res_Type : O_Tnode;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ Op : ON_Op_Kind;
+ Val : Integer;
+ V : O_Cnode;
+ Kind : Iir_Predefined_Functions;
+ Invert : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Rtype := Get_Return_Type (Imp);
+ Res_Type := Get_Ortho_Type (Rtype, Mode_Value);
+ Res := Create_Temp (Res_Type);
+ Open_Temp;
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Res), Chap7.Translate_Expression (Left));
+ Close_Temp;
+ Kind := Get_Implicit_Definition (Imp);
+ -- Short cut: RIGHT is the result (and must be evaluated) iff
+ -- LEFT is equal to VAL (ie '0' or false for 0, '1' or true for 1).
+ case Kind is
+ when Iir_Predefined_Bit_And
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_And =>
+ Op := ON_And;
+ Invert := False;
+ Val := 1;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Nand
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Nand =>
+ Op := ON_And;
+ Invert := True;
+ Val := 1;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Or
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Or =>
+ Op := ON_Or;
+ Invert := False;
+ Val := 0;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Nor
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Nor =>
+ Op := ON_Or;
+ Invert := True;
+ Val := 0;
+ when others =>
+ Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line
+ ("translate_shortcut_operator: cannot handle "
+ & Iir_Predefined_Functions'Image (Kind));
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ V := Get_Ortho_Expr
+ (Get_Nth_Element (Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Rtype), Val));
+ Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ New_Obj_Value (Res), New_Lit (V),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ Open_Temp;
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Res), Chap7.Translate_Expression (Right));
+ Close_Temp;
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ if Invert then
+ return New_Monadic_Op (ON_Not, New_Obj_Value (Res));
+ else
+ return New_Obj_Value (Res);
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Shortcut_Operator;
+ function Translate_Lib_Operator (Left, Right : O_Enode; Func : O_Dnode)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Association (Constr, Func);
+ New_Association (Constr, Left);
+ if Right /= O_Enode_Null then
+ New_Association (Constr, Right);
+ end if;
+ return New_Function_Call (Constr);
+ end Translate_Lib_Operator;
+ function Translate_Predefined_Lib_Operator
+ (Left, Right : O_Enode; Func : Iir_Implicit_Function_Declaration)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Func);
+ Start_Association (Constr, Info.Ortho_Func);
+ Chap2.Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc (Constr, Info.Subprg_Instance);
+ New_Association (Constr, Left);
+ if Right /= O_Enode_Null then
+ New_Association (Constr, Right);
+ end if;
+ return New_Function_Call (Constr);
+ end Translate_Predefined_Lib_Operator;
+ function Translate_Predefined_Array_Operator
+ (Left, Right : O_Enode; Func : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Res : O_Dnode;
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Func_Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Create_Temp_Stack2_Mark;
+ Info := Get_Info (Get_Return_Type (Func));
+ Res := Create_Temp (Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ Func_Info := Get_Info (Func);
+ Start_Association (Constr, Func_Info.Ortho_Func);
+ Chap2.Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc (Constr, Func_Info.Subprg_Instance);
+ New_Association (Constr,
+ New_Address (New_Obj (Res),
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value)));
+ New_Association (Constr, Left);
+ if Right /= O_Enode_Null then
+ New_Association (Constr, Right);
+ end if;
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ return New_Address (New_Obj (Res), Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ end Translate_Predefined_Array_Operator;
+ function Translate_Predefined_Array_Operator_Convert
+ (Left, Right : O_Enode; Func : Iir; Res_Type : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Res : O_Enode;
+ Ret_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Ret_Type := Get_Return_Type (Func);
+ Res := Translate_Predefined_Array_Operator (Left, Right, Func);
+ return Translate_Implicit_Conv (Res, Ret_Type, Res_Type, Mode_Value);
+ end Translate_Predefined_Array_Operator_Convert;
+ -- Create an array aggregate containing one element, EL.
+ function Translate_Element_To_Array (El : O_Enode; Arr_Type : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Res : O_Dnode;
+ Ainfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Einfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ V : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Ainfo := Get_Info (Arr_Type);
+ Einfo := Get_Info (Get_Element_Subtype (Arr_Type));
+ Res := Create_Temp (Ainfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ if Is_Composite (Einfo) then
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element (New_Obj (Res),
+ Ainfo.T.Base_Field (Mode_Value)),
+ New_Convert_Ov (El, Ainfo.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value)));
+ else
+ V := Create_Temp_Init (Einfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value), El);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element (New_Obj (Res),
+ Ainfo.T.Base_Field (Mode_Value)),
+ New_Convert_Ov (New_Address (New_Obj (V),
+ Einfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value)),
+ Ainfo.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value)));
+ end if;
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element (New_Obj (Res),
+ Ainfo.T.Bounds_Field (Mode_Value)),
+ New_Address (Get_Var (Ainfo.T.Array_1bound),
+ Ainfo.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type));
+ return New_Address (New_Obj (Res), Ainfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ end Translate_Element_To_Array;
+ function Translate_Concat_Operator
+ (Left_Tree, Right_Tree : O_Enode;
+ Imp : Iir_Implicit_Function_Declaration;
+ Res_Type : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Arr_El1 : O_Enode;
+ Arr_El2 : O_Enode;
+ Ret_Type : Iir;
+ Res : O_Enode;
+ Kind : Iir_Predefined_Functions;
+ begin
+ Ret_Type := Get_Return_Type (Imp);
+ Kind := Get_Implicit_Definition (Imp);
+ case Kind is
+ when Iir_Predefined_Element_Array_Concat
+ | Iir_Predefined_Element_Element_Concat =>
+ Arr_El1 := Translate_Element_To_Array (Left_Tree, Ret_Type);
+ when others =>
+ Arr_El1 := Left_Tree;
+ end case;
+ case Kind is
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Element_Concat
+ | Iir_Predefined_Element_Element_Concat =>
+ Arr_El2 := Translate_Element_To_Array (Right_Tree, Ret_Type);
+ when others =>
+ Arr_El2 := Right_Tree;
+ end case;
+ Res := Translate_Predefined_Array_Operator (Arr_El1, Arr_El2, Imp);
+ return Translate_Implicit_Conv (Res, Ret_Type, Res_Type, Mode_Value);
+ end Translate_Concat_Operator;
+ function Translate_Predefined_Operator
+ (Imp : Iir_Implicit_Function_Declaration;
+ Left, Right : Iir;
+ Res_Type : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Left_Tree : O_Enode;
+ Right_Tree : O_Enode;
+ Kind : Iir_Predefined_Functions;
+ Left_Type : Iir;
+ Right_Type : Iir;
+ Res_Otype : O_Tnode;
+ Op : ON_Op_Kind;
+ Interface : Iir;
+ Res : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ Kind := Get_Implicit_Definition (Imp);
+ if Iir_Predefined_Shortcut_P (Kind) then
+ return Translate_Shortcut_Operator (Imp, Left, Right);
+ end if;
+ Res_Otype := Get_Ortho_Type (Res_Type, Mode_Value);
+ Interface := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Imp);
+ if Left = Null_Iir then
+ Left_Tree := O_Enode_Null;
+ else
+ Left_Type := Get_Type (Interface);
+ Left_Tree := Translate_Expression (Left, Left_Type);
+ end if;
+ if Right = Null_Iir then
+ Right_Tree := O_Enode_Null;
+ else
+ Right_Type := Get_Type (Get_Chain (Interface));
+ Right_Tree := Translate_Expression (Right, Right_Type);
+ end if;
+ Op := Predefined_To_Onop (Kind);
+ if Op /= ON_Nil then
+ case Op is
+ when ON_Eq
+ | ON_Neq
+ | ON_Ge
+ | ON_Gt
+ | ON_Le
+ | ON_Lt =>
+ Res := New_Compare_Op (Op, Left_Tree, Right_Tree,
+ Std_Boolean_Type_Node);
+ when ON_Add_Ov
+ | ON_Sub_Ov
+ | ON_Mul_Ov
+ | ON_Div_Ov
+ | ON_Rem_Ov
+ | ON_Mod_Ov
+ | ON_Xor =>
+ Res := New_Dyadic_Op (Op, Left_Tree, Right_Tree);
+ when ON_Abs_Ov
+ | ON_Neg_Ov
+ | ON_Not =>
+ Res := New_Monadic_Op (Op, Left_Tree);
+ when others =>
+ Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line
+ ("translate_predefined_operator: cannot handle "
+ & ON_Op_Kind'Image (Op));
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Res := Translate_Implicit_Conv
+ (Res, Get_Return_Type (Imp), Res_Type, Mode_Value);
+ return Res;
+ end if;
+ case Kind is
+ when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Xnor
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Xnor =>
+ return New_Monadic_Op
+ (ON_Not, New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Xor, Left_Tree, Right_Tree));
+ when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Identity
+ | Iir_Predefined_Floating_Identity
+ | Iir_Predefined_Physical_Identity =>
+ return Translate_Implicit_Conv
+ (Left_Tree, Left_Type, Res_Type, Mode_Value);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Access_Equality
+ | Iir_Predefined_Access_Inequality =>
+ if Is_Composite (Get_Info (Left_Type)) then
+ -- a fat pointer.
+ declare
+ T : Type_Info_Acc;
+ B : Type_Info_Acc;
+ L, R : O_Dnode;
+ V1, V2 : O_Enode;
+ Op1, Op2 : ON_Op_Kind;
+ begin
+ if Kind = Iir_Predefined_Access_Equality then
+ Op1 := ON_Eq;
+ Op2 := ON_And;
+ else
+ Op1 := ON_Neq;
+ Op2 := ON_Or;
+ end if;
+ T := Get_Info (Left_Type);
+ B := Get_Info (Get_Designated_Type (Left_Type));
+ L := Create_Temp (T.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ R := Create_Temp (T.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (L), Left_Tree);
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (R), Right_Tree);
+ V1 := New_Compare_Op
+ (Op1,
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value
+ (New_Obj (L), B.T.Base_Field (Mode_Value)),
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value
+ (New_Obj (R), B.T.Base_Field (Mode_Value)),
+ Std_Boolean_Type_Node);
+ V2 := New_Compare_Op
+ (Op1,
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value
+ (New_Obj (L), B.T.Bounds_Field (Mode_Value)),
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value
+ (New_Obj (R), B.T.Bounds_Field (Mode_Value)),
+ Std_Boolean_Type_Node);
+ return New_Dyadic_Op (Op2, V1, V2);
+ end;
+ else
+ -- a thin pointer.
+ if Kind = Iir_Predefined_Access_Equality then
+ return New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Eq, Left_Tree, Right_Tree, Std_Boolean_Type_Node);
+ else
+ return New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Neq, Left_Tree, Right_Tree, Std_Boolean_Type_Node);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Integer_Div =>
+ return New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Div_Ov, Left_Tree,
+ New_Convert_Ov (Right_Tree, Res_Otype));
+ when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Physical_Div =>
+ return New_Convert_Ov
+ (New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Div_Ov, Left_Tree, Right_Tree), Res_Otype);
+ -- LRM 7.2.6
+ -- Multiplication of a value P of a physical type Tp by a
+ -- value I of type INTEGER is equivalent to the following
+ -- computation: Tp'Val (Tp'Pos (P) * I)
+ -- FIXME: this is not what is really done...
+ when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Physical_Mul =>
+ return New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Mul_Ov,
+ New_Convert_Ov (Left_Tree, Res_Otype),
+ Right_Tree);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Integer_Mul =>
+ return New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Mul_Ov, Left_Tree,
+ New_Convert_Ov (Right_Tree, Res_Otype));
+ -- LRM 7.2.6
+ -- Multiplication of a value P of a physical type Tp by a
+ -- value F of type REAL is equivalten to the following
+ -- computation: Tp'Val (INTEGER (REAL (Tp'Pos (P)) * F))
+ -- FIXME: we do not restrict with INTEGER.
+ when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Real_Mul =>
+ declare
+ Right_Otype : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ Right_Otype := Get_Ortho_Type (Right_Type, Mode_Value);
+ return New_Convert_Ov
+ (New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Mul_Ov,
+ New_Convert_Ov (Left_Tree, Right_Otype),
+ Right_Tree),
+ Res_Otype);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Real_Div =>
+ declare
+ Right_Otype : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ Right_Otype := Get_Ortho_Type (Right_Type, Mode_Value);
+ return New_Convert_Ov
+ (New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Div_Ov,
+ New_Convert_Ov (Left_Tree, Right_Otype),
+ Right_Tree),
+ Res_Otype);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Real_Physical_Mul =>
+ declare
+ Left_Otype : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ Left_Otype := Get_Ortho_Type (Left_Type, Mode_Value);
+ return New_Convert_Ov
+ (New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Mul_Ov,
+ Left_Tree,
+ New_Convert_Ov (Right_Tree, Left_Otype)),
+ Res_Otype);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Universal_R_I_Mul =>
+ return New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Mul_Ov,
+ Left_Tree,
+ New_Convert_Ov (Right_Tree, Res_Otype));
+ when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Exp =>
+ Res := Translate_Lib_Operator
+ (New_Convert_Ov (Left_Tree, Std_Real_Type_Node),
+ Right_Tree, Ghdl_Real_Exp);
+ return New_Convert_Ov (Res, Res_Otype);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Exp =>
+ Res := Translate_Lib_Operator
+ (New_Convert_Ov (Left_Tree, Std_Integer_Type_Node),
+ Right_Tree,
+ Ghdl_Integer_Exp);
+ return New_Convert_Ov (Res, Res_Otype);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Inequality
+ | Iir_Predefined_Record_Inequality =>
+ return New_Monadic_Op
+ (ON_Not, Translate_Predefined_Lib_Operator
+ (Left_Tree, Right_Tree, Imp));
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Equality
+ | Iir_Predefined_Record_Equality =>
+ return Translate_Predefined_Lib_Operator
+ (Left_Tree, Right_Tree, Imp);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Greater =>
+ return New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Eq,
+ Translate_Predefined_Lib_Operator (Left_Tree, Right_Tree,
+ Imp),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Compare_Gt),
+ Std_Boolean_Type_Node);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Greater_Equal =>
+ return New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Ge,
+ Translate_Predefined_Lib_Operator (Left_Tree, Right_Tree,
+ Imp),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Compare_Eq),
+ Std_Boolean_Type_Node);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Less =>
+ return New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Eq,
+ Translate_Predefined_Lib_Operator (Left_Tree, Right_Tree,
+ Imp),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Compare_Lt),
+ Std_Boolean_Type_Node);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Less_Equal =>
+ return New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Le,
+ Translate_Predefined_Lib_Operator (Left_Tree, Right_Tree,
+ Imp),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Compare_Eq),
+ Std_Boolean_Type_Node);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_And
+ | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Or
+ | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Nand
+ | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Nor
+ | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Xor
+ | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Xnor
+ | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Not
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_And
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Or
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Nand
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Nor
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Xor
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Xnor
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Not
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Srl
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Sra
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Ror =>
+ return Translate_Predefined_Array_Operator_Convert
+ (Left_Tree, Right_Tree, Imp, Res_Type);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Sll
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Sla
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Rol =>
+ Right_Tree := New_Monadic_Op (ON_Neg_Ov, Right_Tree);
+ return Translate_Predefined_Array_Operator_Convert
+ (Left_Tree, Right_Tree, Imp, Res_Type);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Array_Concat
+ | Iir_Predefined_Element_Array_Concat
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Element_Concat
+ | Iir_Predefined_Element_Element_Concat =>
+ return Translate_Concat_Operator
+ (Left_Tree, Right_Tree, Imp, Res_Type);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Endfile =>
+ return Translate_Lib_Operator
+ (Left_Tree, O_Enode_Null, Ghdl_File_Endfile);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Now_Function =>
+ return New_Obj_Value (Ghdl_Now);
+ when others =>
+ Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line
+ ("translate_predefined_operator(2): cannot handle "
+ & Iir_Predefined_Functions'Image (Kind));
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ return O_Enode_Null;
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Predefined_Operator;
+ -- Assign EXPR to TARGET.
+ procedure Translate_Assign
+ (Target : Mnode; Val : O_Enode; Expr : Iir; Target_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ T_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ T_Info := Get_Info (Target_Type);
+ case T_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Scalar =>
+ if not Chap3.Need_Range_Check (Target_Type) then
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Target), Val);
+ else
+ declare
+ V : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ V := Create_Temp_Init (T_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value),
+ Val);
+ Chap3.Check_Range (V, Expr, Target_Type);
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Target), New_Obj_Value (V));
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ when Type_Mode_Acc
+ | Type_Mode_File =>
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Target), Val);
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Acc =>
+ declare
+ T, E : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ T := Create_Temp_Ptr
+ (Target_Type, M2Lv (Target), Mode_Value);
+ E := Create_Temp_Init
+ (T_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value), Val);
+ Copy_Fat_Access (T, E, Target_Type);
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ declare
+ T : Mnode;
+ E : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ T := Stabilize (Target);
+ E := Create_Temp_Init
+ (T_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value), Val);
+ Chap3.Check_Array_Match
+ (Target_Type, M2Lp (T), Mode_Value,
+ Get_Type (Expr), New_Obj (E), Mode_Value,
+ Null_Iir);
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Copy
+ (T, New_Obj_Value (E), Target_Type);
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ -- Source is of type TARGET_TYPE, so no length check is
+ -- necessary.
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Copy (Target, Val, Target_Type);
+ when Type_Mode_Record =>
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Copy (Target, Val, Target_Type);
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown
+ | Type_Mode_Protected =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Assign;
+ procedure Translate_Assign
+ (Target : Mnode; Expr : Iir; Target_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ Val : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Expr) = Iir_Kind_Aggregate then
+ -- FIXME: handle overlap between TARGET and EXPR.
+ Translate_Aggregate (Target, Target_Type, Expr);
+ else
+ Open_Temp;
+ Val := Chap7.Translate_Expression (Expr, Target_Type);
+ Translate_Assign (Target, Val, Expr, Target_Type);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Assign;
+ -- If AGGR is of the form (others => (others => EXPR)) (where the
+ -- number of (others => ) sub-aggregate is at least 1, return EXPR
+ -- otherwise return NULL_IIR.
+ function Is_Aggregate_Others (Aggr : Iir_Aggregate) return Iir
+ is
+ Chain : Iir;
+ Aggr1 : Iir;
+ --Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Aggr1 := Aggr;
+ -- Do not use translate_aggregate_others for a complex type.
+ --Type_Info := Get_Info (Get_Type (Aggr));
+ --if Type_Info.C /= null and then Type_Info.C.Builder_Need_Func then
+ -- return Null_Iir;
+ --end if;
+ loop
+ Chain := Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Aggr1);
+ if not Is_Chain_Length_One (Chain) then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Chain) /= Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others then
+ return Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ Aggr1 := Get_Associated (Chain);
+ case Get_Kind (Aggr1) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate =>
+ if Get_Type (Aggr1) /= Null_Iir then
+ -- Stop when a sub-aggregate is in fact an aggregate.
+ return Aggr1;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_String_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal =>
+ return Null_Iir;
+ --Error_Kind ("is_aggregate_others", Aggr1);
+ when others =>
+ return Aggr1;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Is_Aggregate_Others;
+ -- Generate code for (others => EL).
+ procedure Translate_Aggregate_Others
+ (Target : Mnode; Target_Type : Iir; El : Iir)
+ is
+ Base_Ptr : Mnode;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ It : O_Dnode;
+ Len : O_Dnode;
+ Len_Val : O_Enode;
+ Label : O_Snode;
+ Arr_Var : Mnode;
+ El_Node : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ Info := Get_Info (Target_Type);
+ case Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ Arr_Var := Stabilize (Target);
+ Base_Ptr := Stabilize (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Arr_Var));
+ Len_Val := Chap3.Get_Array_Length (Arr_Var, Target_Type);
+ when Type_Mode_Ptr_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Array =>
+ Base_Ptr := Stabilize (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Target));
+ Len_Val := Chap3.Get_Array_Type_Length (Target_Type);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ -- FIXME: use this (since this use one variable instead of two):
+ -- I := length;
+ -- loop
+ -- exit when I = 0;
+ -- I := I - 1;
+ -- A[I] := xxx;
+ -- end loop;
+ Len := Create_Temp_Init (Ghdl_Index_Type, Len_Val);
+ if True then
+ It := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ else
+ New_Var_Decl (It, Wki_I, O_Storage_Local, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ end if;
+ Init_Var (It);
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Gen_Exit_When
+ (Label, New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ New_Obj_Value (It), New_Obj_Value (Len),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ El_Node := Chap3.Index_Base (Base_Ptr, Target_Type,
+ New_Obj_Value (It));
+ --New_Assign_Stmt (El_Node, Chap7.Translate_Expression (El));
+ Translate_Assign (El_Node, El, Get_Element_Subtype (Target_Type));
+ Inc_Var (It);
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Translate_Aggregate_Others;
+ procedure Translate_Array_Aggregate_Gen
+ (Base_Ptr : Mnode;
+ Bounds_Ptr : Mnode;
+ Aggr : Iir;
+ Aggr_Type : Iir;
+ Dim : Natural;
+ Var_Index : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ Index_List : Iir_List;
+ Expr_Type : Iir;
+ Final : Boolean;
+ procedure Do_Assign (Expr : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Final then
+ Translate_Assign (Chap3.Index_Base (Base_Ptr, Aggr_Type,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Index)),
+ Expr, Expr_Type);
+ Inc_Var (Var_Index);
+ else
+ Translate_Array_Aggregate_Gen
+ (Base_Ptr, Bounds_Ptr, Expr, Aggr_Type, Dim + 1, Var_Index);
+ end if;
+ end Do_Assign;
+ P : Natural;
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ Index_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Aggr_Type);
+ -- FINAL is true if the elements of the aggregate are elements of
+ -- the array.
+ if Get_Nbr_Elements (Index_List) = Dim then
+ Expr_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Aggr_Type);
+ Final:= True;
+ else
+ Final := False;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Aggr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate =>
+ -- Continue below.
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_String_Literal =>
+ declare
+ Literal_List : Iir_List;
+ Lit : Iir;
+ Pos : O_Enode;
+ Ptr : String_Fat_Acc;
+ Len : Natural;
+ begin
+ Ptr := Get_String_Fat_Acc (Aggr);
+ Len := Get_String_Length (Aggr);
+ Literal_List := Get_Enumeration_Literal_List
+ (Get_Base_Type (Expr_Type));
+ for I in 1 .. Len loop
+ Lit := Find_Name_In_List
+ (Literal_List, Name_Table.Get_Identifier (Ptr (I)));
+ if I = 1 then
+ Pos := New_Obj_Value (Var_Index);
+ else
+ Pos := New_Dyadic_Op
+ (ON_Add_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Index),
+ New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal
+ (Ghdl_Index_Type, Natural'Pos (I - 1))));
+ end if;
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lv (Chap3.Index_Base (Base_Ptr, Aggr_Type, Pos)),
+ New_Lit (Get_Ortho_Expr (Lit)));
+ end loop;
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Index),
+ New_Dyadic_Op
+ (ON_Add_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Index),
+ New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ Natural'Pos (Len)))));
+ end;
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Aggr);
+ -- First, assign positionnal association.
+ -- FIXME: count the number of positionnal association and generate
+ -- an error if there is more positionnal association than elements
+ -- in the array.
+ P := 0;
+ loop
+ if El = Null_Iir then
+ -- There is only positionnal associations.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ exit when Get_Kind (El) /= Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None;
+ Do_Assign (Get_Associated (El));
+ P := P + 1;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ -- Then, assign named or others association.
+ if Get_Chain (El) = Null_Iir then
+ -- There is only one choice
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others =>
+ -- falltrough...
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression =>
+ Do_Assign (Get_Associated (El));
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range =>
+ declare
+ Var_Length : O_Dnode;
+ Var_I : O_Dnode;
+ Label : O_Snode;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ Var_Length := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ Chap7.Translate_Range_Length (Get_Expression (El)));
+ Var_I := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Init_Var (Var_I);
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Gen_Exit_When (Label,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_I),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Length),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ Do_Assign (Get_Associated (El));
+ Inc_Var (Var_I);
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_array_aggregate_gen", El);
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ -- Several choices..
+ declare
+ Range_Type : Iir;
+ Var_Pos : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Len : O_Dnode;
+ Range_Ptr : Mnode;
+ Rtinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ Case_Blk : O_Case_Block;
+ Label : O_Snode;
+ El_Assoc : Iir;
+ Len_Tmp : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ -- Create a loop from left +- number of positionnals associations
+ -- to/downto right.
+ Range_Type :=
+ Get_Base_Type (Get_Nth_Element (Index_List, Dim - 1));
+ Rtinfo := Get_Info (Range_Type);
+ Var_Pos := Create_Temp (Rtinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ Range_Ptr := Stabilize
+ (Chap3.Bounds_To_Range (Bounds_Ptr, Aggr_Type, Dim));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Var_Pos),
+ M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Left (Range_Ptr)));
+ Var_Len := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ if P /= 0 then
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Dir (Range_Ptr)),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_To_Node),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ Chap8.Gen_Update_Iterator (Var_Pos, Iir_To, Unsigned_64 (P),
+ Range_Type);
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Chap8.Gen_Update_Iterator (Var_Pos, Iir_Downto, Unsigned_64 (P),
+ Range_Type);
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ end if;
+ Len_Tmp := M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Length (Range_Ptr));
+ if P /= 0 then
+ Len_Tmp := New_Dyadic_Op
+ (ON_Sub_Ov,
+ Len_Tmp,
+ New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ Unsigned_64 (P))));
+ end if;
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Var_Len), Len_Tmp);
+ -- Start loop.
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ -- Check if end of loop.
+ Gen_Exit_When
+ (Label,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Len),
+ New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ 0)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ -- convert aggr into a case statement.
+ Start_Case_Stmt (Case_Blk, New_Obj_Value (Var_Pos));
+ El_Assoc := Null_Iir;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Start_Choice (Case_Blk);
+ Chap8.Translate_Case_Choice (El, Range_Type, Case_Blk);
+ if Get_Associated (El) /= Null_Iir then
+ El_Assoc := Get_Associated (El);
+ end if;
+ Finish_Choice (Case_Blk);
+ Do_Assign (El_Assoc);
+ P := P + 1;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ Finish_Case_Stmt (Case_Blk);
+ -- Update var_pos
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Dir (Range_Ptr)),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_To_Node),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ Chap8.Gen_Update_Iterator (Var_Pos, Iir_To, Unsigned_64 (1),
+ Range_Type);
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Chap8.Gen_Update_Iterator (Var_Pos, Iir_Downto, Unsigned_64 (1),
+ Range_Type);
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Len),
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Sub_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Len),
+ New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ 1))));
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ end Translate_Array_Aggregate_Gen;
+ procedure Translate_Record_Aggregate (Target : Mnode; Aggr : Iir)
+ is
+ Targ : Mnode;
+ Aggr_Type : Iir := Get_Type (Aggr);
+ Aggr_Base_Type : Iir_Record_Type_Definition :=
+ Get_Base_Type (Aggr_Type);
+ Nbr_El : Iir_Index32 :=
+ Get_Number_Element_Declaration (Aggr_Base_Type);
+ -- Record which elements of the record have been set. The 'others'
+ -- clause applies to all elements not already set.
+ type Bool_Array_Type is array (0 .. Nbr_El - 1) of Boolean;
+ pragma Pack (Bool_Array_Type);
+ Set_Array : Bool_Array_Type := (others => False);
+ -- The expression associated.
+ El_Expr : Iir;
+ -- Set an elements.
+ procedure Set_El (El : Iir_Element_Declaration) is
+ begin
+ Translate_Assign (Chap6.Translate_Selected_Element (Targ, El),
+ El_Expr, Get_Type (El));
+ Set_Array (Get_Element_Position (El)) := True;
+ end Set_El;
+ Assoc : Iir;
+ El : Iir;
+ N_El_Expr : Iir;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ Targ := Stabilize (Target);
+ El := Get_Element_Declaration_Chain (Aggr_Base_Type);
+ Assoc := Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Aggr);
+ while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
+ N_El_Expr := Get_Associated (Assoc);
+ if N_El_Expr /= Null_Iir then
+ El_Expr := N_El_Expr;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Assoc) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None =>
+ Set_El (El);
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Name =>
+ Set_El (Get_Name (Assoc));
+ El := Null_Iir;
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others =>
+ El := Get_Element_Declaration_Chain (Aggr_Base_Type);
+ for J in Set_Array'Range loop
+ if not Set_Array (J) then
+ Set_El (El);
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ pragma Assert (El = Null_Iir);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_record_aggregate", Assoc);
+ end case;
+ Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
+ end loop;
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Translate_Record_Aggregate;
+ procedure Translate_Array_Aggregate
+ (Target : Mnode; Target_Type : Iir; Aggr : Iir)
+ is
+ Aggr_Type : Iir;
+ Base : Mnode;
+ Bounds : Mnode;
+ Var_Index : O_Dnode;
+ Targ : Mnode;
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Range_Ptr : Mnode;
+ Rinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Bt : Iir;
+ function Check_Value
+ (Lval : Iir; Lop : ON_Op_Kind; Rval : Iir; Rop : ON_Op_Kind)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ L, R : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ L := New_Compare_Op
+ (Lop,
+ New_Lit (Translate_Static_Expression (Lval, Bt)),
+ M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Left (Range_Ptr)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ R := New_Compare_Op
+ (Rop,
+ New_Lit (Translate_Static_Expression (Rval, Bt)),
+ M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Right (Range_Ptr)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ return New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Or, L, R);
+ end Check_Value;
+ Index_List : Iir_List;
+ Targ_Index_List : Iir_List;
+ Subtarg_Type : Iir;
+ Subaggr_Type : Iir;
+ L, H : Iir;
+ Max : Iir_Int32;
+ Has_Others : Boolean;
+ Aggr_Info : Iir_Aggregate_Info;
+ Var_Err : O_Dnode;
+ E : O_Enode;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ Op : ON_Op_Kind;
+ begin
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Target_Type);
+ Open_Temp;
+ -- FIXME: to be removed ?
+ --Chap3.Translate_Type_Definition (Aggr_Type);
+ Targ := Stabilize (Target);
+ Base := Stabilize (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Targ));
+ Bounds := Stabilize (Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds (Targ));
+ -- Check type
+ Aggr_Type := Get_Type (Aggr);
+ Index_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Aggr_Type);
+ Targ_Index_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Target_Type);
+ Aggr_Info := Get_Aggregate_Info (Aggr);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Subaggr_Type := Get_Nth_Element (Index_List, I);
+ exit when Subaggr_Type = Null_Iir;
+ Subtarg_Type := Get_Nth_Element (Targ_Index_List, I);
+ Bt := Get_Base_Type (Subaggr_Type);
+ Rinfo := Get_Info (Bt);
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (Subaggr_Type) /= Locally then
+ -- Aggregate has dynamic bounds.
+ if Subaggr_Type /= Subtarg_Type then
+ -- And it is not the same as the target.
+ -- Must be checked.
+ Open_Temp;
+ declare
+ A_Range : O_Dnode;
+ Rng_Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ -- Evaluate the range.
+ Chap3.Translate_Anonymous_Type_Definition
+ (Subaggr_Type, True);
+ A_Range := Create_Temp (Rinfo.T.Range_Type);
+ Rng_Ptr := Create_Temp_Ptr
+ (Rinfo.T.Range_Ptr_Type, New_Obj (A_Range));
+ Chap7.Translate_Range_Ptr
+ (Rng_Ptr,
+ Get_Range_Constraint (Subaggr_Type),
+ Subaggr_Type);
+ -- Check range length VS target length.
+ Chap6.Check_Bound_Error
+ (New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Neq,
+ M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Length
+ (Dv2M (A_Range,
+ Rinfo,
+ Mode_Value,
+ Rinfo.T.Range_Type,
+ Rinfo.T.Range_Ptr_Type))),
+ M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Length
+ (Chap3.Bounds_To_Range
+ (Bounds, Target_Type, I + 1))),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type),
+ Aggr, I);
+ end;
+ Close_Temp;
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- Note: if the aggregate has no others, then the bounds
+ -- must be the same, otherwise, aggregate bounds must be
+ -- inside type bounds.
+ Has_Others := Get_Aggr_Others_Flag (Aggr_Info);
+ Max := Get_Aggr_Max_Length (Aggr_Info);
+ L := Get_Aggr_Low_Limit (Aggr_Info);
+ if Max > 0 or L /= Null_Iir then
+ Open_Temp;
+ -- Pointer to the range.
+ Range_Ptr := Stabilize
+ (Chap3.Bounds_To_Range (Bounds, Target_Type, I + 1));
+ Var_Err := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ H := Get_Aggr_High_Limit (Aggr_Info);
+ if L /= Null_Iir then
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Dir (Range_Ptr)),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_To_Node),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ if Has_Others then
+ E := Check_Value (L, ON_Lt, H, ON_Gt);
+ else
+ E := Check_Value (L, ON_Neq, H, ON_Neq);
+ end if;
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Var_Err), E);
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ if Has_Others then
+ E := Check_Value (H, ON_Gt, L, ON_Lt);
+ else
+ E := Check_Value (H, ON_Neq, L, ON_Neq);
+ end if;
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Var_Err), E);
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ -- If L and H are greather than the maximum length,
+ -- then there is no need to check with max.
+ if Iir_Int32 (Eval_Pos (H) - Eval_Pos (L) + 1) >= Max then
+ Max := 0;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Max > 0 then
+ if Has_Others then
+ Op := ON_Lt;
+ else
+ Op := ON_Neq;
+ end if;
+ E := New_Compare_Op
+ (Op,
+ M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Length (Range_Ptr)),
+ New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ Unsigned_64 (Max))),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ if L /= Null_Iir then
+ E := New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Or, E, New_Obj_Value (Var_Err));
+ end if;
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Var_Err), E);
+ end if;
+ Chap6.Check_Bound_Error (New_Obj_Value (Var_Err), Aggr, I);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Next dimension.
+ Aggr_Info := Get_Sub_Aggregate_Info (Aggr_Info);
+ end loop;
+ Var_Index := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type, 0)));
+ Translate_Array_Aggregate_Gen
+ (Base, Bounds, Aggr, Aggr_Type, 1, Var_Index);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Translate_Array_Aggregate;
+ procedure Translate_Aggregate
+ (Target : Mnode; Target_Type : Iir; Aggr : Iir)
+ is
+ Aggr_Type : Iir;
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ Aggr_Type := Get_Type (Aggr);
+ case Get_Kind (Aggr_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ El := Is_Aggregate_Others (Aggr);
+ if El /= Null_Iir then
+ Translate_Aggregate_Others (Target, Target_Type, El);
+ else
+ Translate_Array_Aggregate (Target, Target_Type, Aggr);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Translate_Record_Aggregate (Target, Aggr);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_aggregate", Aggr_Type);
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Aggregate;
+ function Translate_Allocator_By_Expression (Expr : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Val : O_Enode;
+ Val_M : Mnode;
+ P_Type : Iir;
+ P_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ D_Type : Iir;
+ D_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ R : Mnode;
+ Rtype : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ P_Type := Get_Type (Expr);
+ P_Info := Get_Info (P_Type);
+ D_Type := Get_Designated_Type (P_Type);
+ D_Info := Get_Info (D_Type);
+ -- Compute the expression.
+ Val := Translate_Expression (Get_Expression (Expr), D_Type);
+ -- Allocate memory for the object.
+ case P_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Acc =>
+ R := Dv2M (Create_Temp (D_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value)),
+ D_Info, Mode_Value);
+ Val_M := Stabilize (E2M (Val, D_Info, Mode_Value));
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Allocation
+ (R, Alloc_Heap, D_Type,
+ M2Addr (Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds (Val_M)));
+ Val := M2E (Val_M);
+ Rtype := P_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value);
+ when Type_Mode_Acc =>
+ R := Dp2M (Create_Temp (D_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value)),
+ D_Info, Mode_Value);
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Allocation
+ (R, Alloc_Heap, D_Type, O_Enode_Null);
+ Rtype := P_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Copy (R, Val, D_Type);
+ return New_Convert_Ov (M2Addr (R), Rtype);
+ end Translate_Allocator_By_Expression;
+ function Translate_Allocator_By_Subtype (Expr : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Sub_Type : Iir;
+ Bounds : O_Enode;
+ Res : Mnode;
+ Rtype : O_Tnode;
+ P_Type : Iir;
+ P_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ D_Type : Iir;
+ D_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ P_Type := Get_Type (Expr);
+ P_Info := Get_Info (P_Type);
+ D_Type := Get_Designated_Type (P_Type);
+ D_Info := Get_Info (D_Type);
+ case P_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Acc =>
+ Res := Dv2M (Create_Temp (D_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value)),
+ D_Info, Mode_Value);
+ -- FIXME: should allocate bounds, and directly set bounds
+ -- from the range.
+ Sub_Type := Get_Expression (Expr);
+ Chap3.Create_Array_Subtype (Sub_Type, True);
+ Bounds := M2E (Chap3.Get_Array_Type_Bounds (Sub_Type));
+ Rtype := P_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value);
+ when Type_Mode_Acc =>
+ Res := Dp2M (Create_Temp (D_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value)),
+ D_Info, Mode_Value);
+ Bounds := O_Enode_Null;
+ Rtype := P_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Allocation (Res, Alloc_Heap, D_Type, Bounds);
+ Chap4.Init_Object (Res, D_Type);
+ return New_Convert_Ov (M2Addr (Res), Rtype);
+ end Translate_Allocator_By_Subtype;
+ function Translate_Fat_Array_Type_Conversion
+ (Expr : O_Enode; Expr_Type : Iir; Res_Type : Iir; Loc : Iir)
+ return O_Enode;
+ function Translate_Array_Subtype_Conversion
+ (Expr : O_Enode; Expr_Type : Iir; Res_Type : Iir; Loc : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Res_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Expr_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Res_Info := Get_Info (Res_Type);
+ Expr_Info := Get_Info (Expr_Type);
+ case Res_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Array =>
+ declare
+ E : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ E := Create_Temp_Init (Expr_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value),
+ Expr);
+ Chap3.Check_Array_Match (Res_Type, O_Lnode_Null, Mode_Value,
+ Expr_Type, New_Obj (E), Mode_Value,
+ Loc);
+ return New_Convert_Ov
+ (New_Value (Chap3.Get_Array_Ptr_Base_Ptr
+ (New_Obj (E), Expr_Type, Mode_Value)),
+ Res_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ declare
+ Res : O_Dnode;
+ E : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Temp (Res_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ Open_Temp;
+ E := Create_Temp_Init (Expr_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value),
+ Expr);
+ -- Convert base.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element
+ (New_Obj (Res), Res_Info.T.Base_Field (Mode_Value)),
+ New_Value (Chap3.Get_Array_Ptr_Base_Ptr
+ (New_Obj (E), Expr_Type, Mode_Value)));
+ -- Copy subtype bounds.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element
+ (New_Obj (Res), Res_Info.T.Bounds_Field (Mode_Value)),
+ Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds_Ptr (O_Lnode_Null, Expr_Type,
+ Mode_Value));
+ -- Check array match.
+ Chap3.Check_Array_Match (Res_Type, New_Obj (Res), Mode_Value,
+ Expr_Type, New_Obj (E), Mode_Value,
+ Loc);
+ Close_Temp;
+ return New_Address
+ (New_Obj (Res), Res_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_array_subtype_conversion", Res_Type);
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Array_Subtype_Conversion;
+ function Translate_Type_Conversion
+ (Expr : O_Enode; Expr_Type : Iir; Res_Type : Iir; Loc : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Res_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Res_Info := Get_Info (Res_Type);
+ case Get_Kind (Res_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Type_Definition =>
+ -- If res_type = expr_type, do not convert.
+ -- FIXME: range check ?
+ return New_Convert_Ov (Expr, Res_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ return Translate_Array_Subtype_Conversion
+ (Expr, Expr_Type, Res_Type, Loc);
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ return Translate_Fat_Array_Type_Conversion
+ (Expr, Expr_Type, Res_Type, Loc);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_type_conversion", Res_Type);
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Type_Conversion;
+ function Translate_Fat_Array_Type_Conversion
+ (Expr : O_Enode; Expr_Type : Iir; Res_Type : Iir; Loc : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Res : O_Dnode;
+ Res_Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ E : O_Dnode;
+ Bounds : O_Dnode;
+ Res_Indexes : Iir_List;
+ Expr_Indexes : Iir_List;
+ R_El : Iir;
+ E_El : Iir;
+ Res_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Expr_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Res_Info := Get_Info (Res_Type);
+ Expr_Info := Get_Info (Expr_Type);
+ Res := Create_Temp (Res_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ Bounds := Create_Temp (Res_Info.T.Bounds_Type);
+ Open_Temp;
+ Res_Ptr := Create_Temp_Ptr
+ (Res_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value), New_Obj (Res));
+ E := Create_Temp_Init (Expr_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value), Expr);
+ -- Set base.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element (New_Obj (Res),
+ Res_Info.T.Base_Field (Mode_Value)),
+ New_Convert_Ov (New_Value (Chap3.Get_Array_Ptr_Base_Ptr
+ (New_Obj (E), Expr_Type, Mode_Value)),
+ Res_Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value)));
+ -- Set bounds.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element (New_Obj (Res),
+ Res_Info.T.Bounds_Field (Mode_Value)),
+ New_Address (New_Obj (Bounds), Res_Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type));
+ -- Convert bounds.
+ Res_Indexes := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Res_Type);
+ Expr_Indexes := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Expr_Type);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ R_El := Get_Nth_Element (Res_Indexes, I);
+ E_El := Get_Nth_Element (Expr_Indexes, I);
+ exit when R_El = Null_Iir;
+ declare
+ Rb_Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ Eb_Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ Rr_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Er_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ Rr_Info := Get_Info (R_El);
+ Rb_Ptr := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Rr_Info.T.Range_Ptr_Type,
+ Chap3.Get_Array_Ptr_Range_Ptr (New_Obj (Res_Ptr),
+ Res_Type, I + 1,
+ Mode_Value));
+ Er_Info := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (E_El));
+ Eb_Ptr := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Er_Info.T.Range_Ptr_Type,
+ Chap3.Get_Array_Ptr_Range_Ptr (New_Obj (E), Expr_Type, I + 1,
+ Mode_Value));
+ -- Convert left and right.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Rb_Ptr),
+ Rr_Info.T.Range_Left),
+ Translate_Type_Conversion
+ (New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Eb_Ptr),
+ Er_Info.T.Range_Left),
+ E_El, R_El, Loc));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Rb_Ptr),
+ Rr_Info.T.Range_Right),
+ Translate_Type_Conversion
+ (New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Eb_Ptr),
+ Er_Info.T.Range_Right),
+ E_El, R_El, Loc));
+ -- Copy Dir and Length.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Rb_Ptr),
+ Rr_Info.T.Range_Dir),
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Eb_Ptr),
+ Er_Info.T.Range_Dir));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Rb_Ptr),
+ Rr_Info.T.Range_Length),
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Eb_Ptr),
+ Er_Info.T.Range_Length));
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ Close_Temp;
+ return New_Address (New_Obj (Res),
+ Res_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ end Translate_Fat_Array_Type_Conversion;
+ function Sig2val_Prepare_Composite
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Data : Mnode)
+ return Mnode
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ, Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ if Get_Type_Info (Data).Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ return Stabilize (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Data));
+ else
+ return Stabilize (Data);
+ end if;
+ end Sig2val_Prepare_Composite;
+ function Sig2val_Update_Data_Array
+ (Val : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Index : O_Dnode) return Mnode
+ is
+ begin
+ return Chap3.Index_Base (Val, Targ_Type, New_Obj_Value (Index));
+ end Sig2val_Update_Data_Array;
+ function Sig2val_Update_Data_Record
+ (Val : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; El : Iir_Element_Declaration)
+ return Mnode
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ return Chap6.Translate_Selected_Element (Val, El);
+ end Sig2val_Update_Data_Record;
+ procedure Sig2val_Finish_Data_Composite (Data : in out Mnode)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Data);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Sig2val_Finish_Data_Composite;
+ procedure Translate_Signal_Assign_Effective_Non_Composite
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Data : Mnode)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Access_Element (M2E (Targ)), M2E (Data));
+ end Translate_Signal_Assign_Effective_Non_Composite;
+ procedure Translate_Signal_Assign_Effective is new Foreach_Non_Composite
+ (Data_Type => Mnode,
+ Composite_Data_Type => Mnode,
+ Do_Non_Composite => Translate_Signal_Assign_Effective_Non_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Array => Sig2val_Prepare_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Array => Sig2val_Update_Data_Array,
+ Finish_Data_Array => Sig2val_Finish_Data_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Record => Sig2val_Prepare_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Record => Sig2val_Update_Data_Record,
+ Finish_Data_Record => Sig2val_Finish_Data_Composite);
+ procedure Translate_Signal_Assign_Driving_Non_Composite
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Data: Mnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (Chap14.Get_Signal_Value_Field (M2E (Targ), Targ_Type,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_Node),
+ M2E (Data));
+ end Translate_Signal_Assign_Driving_Non_Composite;
+ procedure Translate_Signal_Assign_Driving is new Foreach_Non_Composite
+ (Data_Type => Mnode,
+ Composite_Data_Type => Mnode,
+ Do_Non_Composite => Translate_Signal_Assign_Driving_Non_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Array => Sig2val_Prepare_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Array => Sig2val_Update_Data_Array,
+ Finish_Data_Array => Sig2val_Finish_Data_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Record => Sig2val_Prepare_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Record => Sig2val_Update_Data_Record,
+ Finish_Data_Record => Sig2val_Finish_Data_Composite);
+ function Translate_Signal_Value (Sig : O_Enode; Sig_Type : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ procedure Translate_Signal_Non_Composite
+ (Targ : Mnode;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Data : Mnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Targ),
+ Read_Value (M2E (Data), Targ_Type));
+ end Translate_Signal_Non_Composite;
+ procedure Translate_Signal_Target is new Foreach_Non_Composite
+ (Data_Type => Mnode,
+ Composite_Data_Type => Mnode,
+ Do_Non_Composite => Translate_Signal_Non_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Array => Sig2val_Prepare_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Array => Sig2val_Update_Data_Array,
+ Finish_Data_Array => Sig2val_Finish_Data_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Record => Sig2val_Prepare_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Record => Sig2val_Update_Data_Record,
+ Finish_Data_Record => Sig2val_Finish_Data_Composite);
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Sig_Type);
+ if Tinfo.Type_Mode in Type_Mode_Scalar then
+ return Read_Value (Sig, Sig_Type);
+ else
+ declare
+ Res : Mnode;
+ Var_Val : Mnode;
+ begin
+ -- allocate result array
+ if Tinfo.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ Res := Create_Temp (Tinfo);
+ Var_Val := Stabilize (E2M (Sig, Tinfo, Mode_Signal));
+ -- Copy bounds.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lp (Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds (Res)),
+ M2Addr (Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds (Var_Val)));
+ -- Allocate base.
+ Chap3.Allocate_Fat_Array_Base (Alloc_Stack, Res, Sig_Type);
+ elsif Tinfo.C /= null then
+ Res := Create_Temp (Tinfo);
+ Chap4.Allocate_Complex_Object (Sig_Type, Alloc_Stack, Res);
+ else
+ Res := Create_Temp (Tinfo);
+ end if;
+ Open_Temp;
+ if Tinfo.Type_Mode /= Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ Var_Val := Stabilize (E2M (Sig, Tinfo, Mode_Signal));
+ end if;
+ Translate_Signal_Target (Res, Sig_Type, Var_Val);
+ Close_Temp;
+ return M2Addr (Res);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Signal_Value;
+ -- Get the effective value of a simple signal SIG.
+ function Read_Signal_Value (Sig : O_Enode; Sig_Type : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Sig_Type);
+ begin
+ return New_Value (New_Access_Element (Sig));
+ end Read_Signal_Value;
+ -- Get the value of signal SIG.
+ function Translate_Signal is new Translate_Signal_Value
+ (Read_Value => Read_Signal_Value);
+ function Translate_Signal_Effective_Value
+ (Sig : O_Enode; Sig_Type : Iir) return O_Enode
+ renames Translate_Signal;
+ function Read_Signal_Driving_Value (Sig : O_Enode; Sig_Type : Iir)
+ return O_Enode is
+ begin
+ return New_Value (Chap14.Get_Signal_Value_Field
+ (Sig, Sig_Type, Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_Node));
+ end Read_Signal_Driving_Value;
+ function Translate_Signal_Driving_Value_1 is new Translate_Signal_Value
+ (Read_Value => Read_Signal_Driving_Value);
+ function Translate_Signal_Driving_Value
+ (Sig : O_Enode; Sig_Type : Iir) return O_Enode
+ renames Translate_Signal_Driving_Value_1;
+ procedure Set_Effective_Value
+ (Sig : Mnode; Sig_Type : Iir; Val : Mnode)
+ renames Translate_Signal_Assign_Effective;
+ procedure Set_Driving_Value
+ (Sig : Mnode; Sig_Type : Iir; Val : Mnode)
+ renames Translate_Signal_Assign_Driving;
+ function Translate_Expression (Expr : Iir; Rtype : Iir := Null_Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Imp : Iir;
+ Expr_Type : Iir;
+ Res_Type : Iir;
+ Res : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ Expr_Type := Get_Type (Expr);
+ if Rtype = Null_Iir then
+ Res_Type := Expr_Type;
+ else
+ Res_Type := Rtype;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Expr) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Point_Literal =>
+ return New_Lit (Translate_Static_Expression (Expr, Rtype));
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal =>
+ declare
+ Unit : Iir;
+ Unit_Info : Object_Info_Acc;
+ Unit_Type : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Unit := Get_Unit_Name (Expr);
+ Unit_Info := Get_Info (Unit);
+ if Unit_Info = null then
+ return New_Lit
+ (Translate_Static_Expression (Expr, Rtype));
+ else
+ -- Time units might be not locally static.
+ Unit_Type := Get_Info (Expr_Type);
+ return New_Dyadic_Op
+ (ON_Mul_Ov,
+ New_Lit (New_Signed_Literal
+ (Get_Ortho_Type (Expr_Type, Mode_Value),
+ Integer_64 (Get_Value (Expr)))),
+ New_Value (Get_Var (Unit_Info.Object_Var)));
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal =>
+ declare
+ Unit : Iir;
+ Unit_Info : Object_Info_Acc;
+ Unit_Type : Type_Info_Acc;
+ L, R : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ Unit := Get_Unit_Name (Expr);
+ Unit_Info := Get_Info (Unit);
+ if Unit_Info = null then
+ return New_Lit
+ (Translate_Static_Expression (Expr, Rtype));
+ else
+ -- Time units might be not locally static.
+ Unit_Type := Get_Info (Expr_Type);
+ L := New_Lit
+ (New_Float_Literal
+ (Ghdl_Real_Type, IEEE_Float_64 (Get_Fp_Value (Expr))));
+ R := New_Convert_Ov
+ (New_Value (Get_Var (Unit_Info.Object_Var)),
+ Ghdl_Real_Type);
+ return New_Convert_Ov
+ (New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Mul_Ov, L, R),
+ Get_Ortho_Type (Expr_Type, Mode_Value));
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration =>
+ declare
+ Unit_Info : Object_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Unit_Info := Get_Info (Expr);
+ if Unit_Info = null then
+ return New_Lit
+ (Translate_Static_Expression (Expr, Rtype));
+ else
+ -- Time units might be not locally static.
+ return New_Value (Get_Var (Unit_Info.Object_Var));
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_String_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal
+ | Iir_Kind_Simple_Aggregate
+ | Iir_Kind_Simple_Name_Attribute =>
+ Res := Translate_String_Literal (Expr);
+ Res := Translate_Implicit_Conv
+ (Res, Expr_Type, Res_Type, Mode_Value);
+ return Res;
+ when Iir_Kind_Aggregate =>
+ declare
+ Aggr_Type : Iir;
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Mres : Mnode;
+ begin
+ if Rtype = Null_Iir then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Extract the type of the aggregate.
+ if Get_Kind (Rtype) /= Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition then
+ Aggr_Type := Rtype;
+ else
+ Aggr_Type := Expr_Type;
+ if Get_Kind (Expr_Type)
+ = Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ then
+ Chap3.Create_Array_Subtype (Expr_Type, True);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- FIXME: this may be not necessary
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Aggr_Type);
+ -- The result area has to be created
+ if Tinfo.C /= null then
+ Mres := Create_Temp (Tinfo);
+ Chap4.Allocate_Complex_Object
+ (Aggr_Type, Alloc_Stack, Mres);
+ else
+ -- if thin array/record:
+ -- create result
+ Mres := Create_Temp (Tinfo);
+ end if;
+ Translate_Aggregate (Mres, Aggr_Type, Expr);
+ Res := M2E (Mres);
+ if Aggr_Type /= Rtype then
+ Res := Translate_Implicit_Conv
+ (Res, Aggr_Type, Rtype, Mode_Value);
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Null_Literal =>
+ declare
+ L : O_Dnode;
+ Otype : O_Tnode;
+ B : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Expr_Type);
+ Otype := Tinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value);
+ if Tinfo.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Fat_Acc then
+ -- Create a fat null pointer.
+ -- FIXME: should be optimized!!
+ L := Create_Temp (Otype);
+ B := Get_Info (Get_Designated_Type (Expr_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element (New_Obj (L),
+ B.T.Base_Field (Mode_Value)),
+ New_Lit
+ (New_Null_Access (B.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value))));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element
+ (New_Obj (L), B.T.Bounds_Field (Mode_Value)),
+ New_Lit (New_Null_Access (B.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type)));
+ return New_Address (New_Obj (L),
+ Tinfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ else
+ return New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Otype));
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Expression =>
+ return Translate_Allocator_By_Expression (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Subtype =>
+ return Translate_Allocator_By_Subtype (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Qualified_Expression =>
+ -- FIXME: check type.
+ Res := Translate_Expression (Get_Expression (Expr), Expr_Type);
+ return Translate_Implicit_Conv
+ (Res, Expr_Type, Rtype, Mode_Value);
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Element
+ | Iir_Kind_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference
+ | Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value =>
+ declare
+ L : Mnode;
+ Expr_Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ L := Chap6.Translate_Name (Expr);
+ Expr_Type_Info := Get_Info (Expr_Type);
+ Res := M2E (L);
+ if Get_Object_Kind (L) = Mode_Signal then
+ Res := Translate_Signal (Res, Expr_Type);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ if Rtype /= Null_Iir then
+ Res := Translate_Implicit_Conv
+ (Res, Expr_Type, Rtype, Mode_Value);
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ when Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration =>
+ declare
+ Expr_Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Expr_Info := Get_Info (Expr);
+ Res := New_Value (Get_Var (Expr_Info.Iterator_Var));
+ if Rtype /= Null_Iir then
+ Res := New_Convert_Ov
+ (Res, Get_Ortho_Type (Rtype, Mode_Value));
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Dyadic_Operator =>
+ Imp := Get_Implementation (Expr);
+ if Get_Kind (Imp) = Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration then
+ return Translate_Predefined_Operator
+ (Imp, Get_Left (Expr), Get_Right (Expr), Res_Type);
+ else
+ return Translate_Operator_Function_Call
+ (Imp, Get_Left (Expr), Get_Right (Expr), Res_Type);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Monadic_Operator =>
+ Imp := Get_Implementation (Expr);
+ if Get_Kind (Imp) = Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration then
+ return Translate_Predefined_Operator
+ (Imp, Get_Operand (Expr), Null_Iir, Res_Type);
+ else
+ return Translate_Operator_Function_Call
+ (Imp, Get_Operand (Expr), Null_Iir, Res_Type);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
+ Imp := Get_Implementation (Expr);
+ declare
+ Assoc_Chain : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Imp) = Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ then
+ declare
+ Left, Right : Iir;
+ begin
+ Assoc_Chain := Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Expr);
+ if Assoc_Chain = Null_Iir then
+ Left := Null_Iir;
+ Right := Null_Iir;
+ else
+ Left := Get_Actual (Assoc_Chain);
+ Assoc_Chain := Get_Chain (Assoc_Chain);
+ if Assoc_Chain = Null_Iir then
+ Right := Null_Iir;
+ else
+ Right := Get_Actual (Assoc_Chain);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return Translate_Predefined_Operator
+ (Imp, Left, Right, Res_Type);
+ end;
+ else
+ Assoc_Chain := Canon.Canon_Subprogram_Call (Expr);
+ Res := Translate_Function_Call
+ (Imp, Assoc_Chain, Get_Method_Object (Expr));
+ return Translate_Implicit_Conv
+ (Res, Get_Return_Type (Imp), Res_Type, Mode_Value);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion =>
+ declare
+ Conv_Expr : Iir;
+ begin
+ Conv_Expr := Get_Expression (Expr);
+ Res := Translate_Type_Conversion
+ (Translate_Expression (Conv_Expr), Get_Type (Conv_Expr),
+ Expr_Type, Expr);
+ return Translate_Implicit_Conv
+ (Res, Expr_Type, Res_Type, Mode_Value);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Length_Array_Attribute =>
+ return Chap14.Translate_Length_Array_Attribute
+ (Expr, Res_Type);
+ when Iir_Kind_Low_Array_Attribute =>
+ return Chap14.Translate_Low_Array_Attribute (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_High_Array_Attribute =>
+ return Chap14.Translate_High_Array_Attribute (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Left_Array_Attribute =>
+ return Chap14.Translate_Left_Array_Attribute (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Right_Array_Attribute =>
+ return Chap14.Translate_Right_Array_Attribute (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Ascending_Array_Attribute =>
+ return Chap14.Translate_Ascending_Array_Attribute (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Val_Attribute =>
+ return Chap14.Translate_Val_Attribute (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Pos_Attribute =>
+ return Chap14.Translate_Pos_Attribute (Expr, Res_Type);
+ when Iir_Kind_Succ_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Pred_Attribute =>
+ return Chap14.Translate_Succ_Pred_Attribute (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Image_Attribute =>
+ return Translate_Implicit_Conv
+ (Chap14.Translate_Image_Attribute (Expr),
+ String_Type_Definition, Res_Type, Mode_Value);
+ when Iir_Kind_Value_Attribute =>
+ return Chap14.Translate_Value_Attribute (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Event_Attribute =>
+ return Chap14.Translate_Event_Attribute (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Active_Attribute =>
+ return Chap14.Translate_Active_Attribute (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Last_Value_Attribute =>
+ return Chap14.Translate_Last_Value_Attribute (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_High_Type_Attribute =>
+ return Chap14.Translate_High_Type_Attribute (Get_Type (Expr));
+ when Iir_Kind_Low_Type_Attribute =>
+ return Chap14.Translate_Low_Type_Attribute (Get_Type (Expr));
+ when Iir_Kind_Left_Type_Attribute =>
+ return Chap14.Translate_Left_Type_Attribute (Get_Type (Expr));
+ when Iir_Kind_Right_Type_Attribute =>
+ return Chap14.Translate_Right_Type_Attribute (Get_Type (Expr));
+ when Iir_Kind_Last_Event_Attribute =>
+ return Chap14.Translate_Last_Time_Attribute
+ (Get_Prefix (Expr), Ghdl_Signal_Last_Event_Node);
+ when Iir_Kind_Last_Active_Attribute =>
+ return Chap14.Translate_Last_Time_Attribute
+ (Get_Prefix (Expr), Ghdl_Signal_Last_Active_Node);
+ when Iir_Kind_Driving_Value_Attribute =>
+ return Chap14.Translate_Driving_Value_Attribute (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Driving_Attribute =>
+ return Chap14.Translate_Driving_Attribute (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Path_Name_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Instance_Name_Attribute =>
+ return Chap14.Translate_Path_Instance_Name_Attribute (Expr);
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ return Translate_Expression (Get_Named_Entity (Expr), Rtype);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_expression", Expr);
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Expression;
+-- procedure Translate_Range_Expression
+-- (Res : O_Lnode; Expr : Iir; Range_Type : Iir)
+-- is
+-- T_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+-- begin
+-- T_Info := Get_Info (Range_Type);
+-- Open_Temp;
+-- New_Assign_Stmt
+-- (New_Selected_Element (Res, T_Info.T.Range_Left),
+-- Chap7.Translate_Range_Expression_Left (Expr, Range_Type));
+-- New_Assign_Stmt
+-- (New_Selected_Element (Res, T_Info.T.Range_Right),
+-- Chap7.Translate_Range_Expression_Right (Expr, Range_Type));
+-- New_Assign_Stmt (New_Selected_Element (Res, T_Info.T.Range_Dir),
+-- Chap7.Translate_Static_Range_Dir (Expr));
+-- if T_Info.T.Range_Length /= O_Fnode_Null then
+-- Open_Temp;
+-- New_Assign_Stmt (New_Selected_Element (Res, T_Info.T.Range_Length),
+-- Chap7.Translate_Range_Expression_Length (Expr));
+-- Close_Temp;
+-- end if;
+-- Close_Temp;
+-- end Translate_Range_Expression;
+ procedure Translate_Range_Expression_Ptr
+ (Res_Ptr : O_Dnode; Expr : Iir; Range_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ T_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ T_Info := Get_Info (Range_Type);
+ Open_Temp;
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Res_Ptr), T_Info.T.Range_Left),
+ Chap7.Translate_Range_Expression_Left (Expr, Range_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Res_Ptr), T_Info.T.Range_Right),
+ Chap7.Translate_Range_Expression_Right (Expr, Range_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Res_Ptr), T_Info.T.Range_Dir),
+ New_Lit (Chap7.Translate_Static_Range_Dir (Expr)));
+ if T_Info.T.Range_Length /= O_Fnode_Null then
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr) = Locally then
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Res_Ptr),
+ T_Info.T.Range_Length),
+ New_Lit (Translate_Static_Range_Length (Expr)));
+ else
+ Open_Temp;
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Res_Ptr),
+ T_Info.T.Range_Length),
+ Compute_Range_Length
+ (New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Res_Ptr),
+ T_Info.T.Range_Left),
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Res_Ptr),
+ T_Info.T.Range_Right),
+ Get_Direction (Expr)));
+ Close_Temp;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Translate_Range_Expression_Ptr;
+ -- Reverse range ARANGE.
+ procedure Translate_Reverse_Range_Ptr
+ (Res_Ptr : O_Dnode; Arange : O_Lnode; Range_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ Rinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ begin
+ Rinfo := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Range_Type));
+ Open_Temp;
+ Ptr := Create_Temp_Ptr (Rinfo.T.Range_Ptr_Type, Arange);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Res_Ptr), Rinfo.T.Range_Left),
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Ptr), Rinfo.T.Range_Right));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Res_Ptr), Rinfo.T.Range_Right),
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Ptr), Rinfo.T.Range_Left));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Res_Ptr), Rinfo.T.Range_Length),
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Ptr),
+ Rinfo.T.Range_Length));
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Eq,
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Ptr), Rinfo.T.Range_Dir),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_To_Node),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Res_Ptr), Rinfo.T.Range_Dir),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_Downto_Node));
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Res_Ptr), Rinfo.T.Range_Dir),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_To_Node));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Translate_Reverse_Range_Ptr;
+ procedure Copy_Range (Dest_Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ Src_Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc)
+ is
+ begin
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Dest_Ptr), Info.T.Range_Left),
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Src_Ptr),
+ Info.T.Range_Left));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Dest_Ptr), Info.T.Range_Right),
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Src_Ptr),
+ Info.T.Range_Right));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Dest_Ptr), Info.T.Range_Dir),
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Src_Ptr),
+ Info.T.Range_Dir));
+ if Info.T.Range_Length /= O_Fnode_Null then
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Dest_Ptr),
+ Info.T.Range_Length),
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Src_Ptr),
+ Info.T.Range_Length));
+ end if;
+ end Copy_Range;
+ procedure Translate_Range_Ptr
+ (Res_Ptr : O_Dnode; Arange : Iir; Range_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Arange) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ declare
+ Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ Rinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Rinfo := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Range_Type));
+ Open_Temp;
+ Ptr := Create_Temp_Ptr
+ (Rinfo.T.Range_Ptr_Type,
+ Chap14.Translate_Range_Array_Attribute (Arange));
+ Copy_Range (Res_Ptr, Ptr, Rinfo);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ Translate_Reverse_Range_Ptr
+ (Res_Ptr,
+ Chap14.Translate_Range_Array_Attribute (Arange),
+ Range_Type);
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
+ Translate_Range_Expression_Ptr (Res_Ptr, Arange, Range_Type);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_range_ptr", Arange);
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Range_Ptr;
+ procedure Translate_Discrete_Range_Ptr (Res_Ptr : O_Dnode; Arange : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Arange) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition =>
+ if not Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Arange) then
+ declare
+ Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ Rinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Rinfo := Get_Info (Arange);
+ Open_Temp;
+ Ptr := Create_Temp_Ptr
+ (Rinfo.T.Range_Ptr_Type, Get_Var (Rinfo.T.Range_Var));
+ Copy_Range (Res_Ptr, Ptr, Rinfo);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ else
+ Translate_Range_Ptr (Res_Ptr,
+ Get_Range_Constraint (Arange),
+ Get_Base_Type (Arange));
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
+ Translate_Range_Ptr (Res_Ptr, Arange, Get_Type (Arange));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_discrete_range_ptr", Arange);
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Discrete_Range_Ptr;
+ function Translate_Range (Arange : Iir; Range_Type : Iir)
+ return O_Lnode is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Arange) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ return Chap14.Translate_Range_Array_Attribute (Arange);
+ when Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ declare
+ Res : O_Dnode;
+ Res_Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ Rinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Rinfo := Get_Info (Range_Type);
+ Res := Create_Temp (Rinfo.T.Range_Type);
+ Open_Temp;
+ Res_Ptr := Create_Temp_Ptr (Rinfo.T.Range_Ptr_Type,
+ New_Obj (Res));
+ Translate_Reverse_Range_Ptr
+ (Res_Ptr,
+ Chap14.Translate_Range_Array_Attribute (Arange),
+ Range_Type);
+ Close_Temp;
+ return New_Obj (Res);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
+ declare
+ Res : O_Dnode;
+ Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ T_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ T_Info := Get_Info (Range_Type);
+ Res := Create_Temp (T_Info.T.Range_Type);
+ Open_Temp;
+ Ptr := Create_Temp_Ptr (T_Info.T.Range_Ptr_Type,
+ New_Obj (Res));
+ Translate_Range_Expression_Ptr (Ptr, Arange, Range_Type);
+ Close_Temp;
+ return New_Obj (Res);
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_range", Arange);
+ end case;
+ return O_Lnode_Null;
+ end Translate_Range;
+ function Translate_Static_Range (Arange : Iir; Range_Type : Iir)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ Constr : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Res : O_Cnode;
+ T_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ T_Info := Get_Info (Range_Type);
+ Start_Record_Aggr (Constr, T_Info.T.Range_Type);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (Constr, Chap7.Translate_Static_Range_Left (Arange, Range_Type));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (Constr, Chap7.Translate_Static_Range_Right (Arange, Range_Type));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (Constr, Chap7.Translate_Static_Range_Dir (Arange));
+ if T_Info.T.Range_Length /= O_Fnode_Null then
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (Constr, Chap7.Translate_Static_Range_Length (Arange));
+ end if;
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (Constr, Res);
+ return Res;
+ end Translate_Static_Range;
+ procedure Translate_Predefined_Array_Compare (Subprg : Iir)
+ is
+ procedure Gen_Compare (L, R : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ If_Blk1, If_Blk2 : O_If_Block;
+ begin
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk1,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Neq, New_Obj_Value (L), New_Obj_Value (R),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk2,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Gt, New_Obj_Value (L), New_Obj_Value (R),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ New_Return_Stmt (New_Lit (Ghdl_Compare_Gt));
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk2);
+ New_Return_Stmt (New_Lit (Ghdl_Compare_Lt));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk2);
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk1);
+ end Gen_Compare;
+ F_Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ Arr_Type : Iir_Array_Type_Definition;
+ Arr_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ L, R : O_Dnode;
+ Interface_List : O_Inter_List;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ Var_L_Len, Var_R_Len : O_Dnode;
+ Var_L_El, Var_R_El : O_Dnode;
+ Var_I, Var_Len : O_Dnode;
+ Label : O_Snode;
+ El_Otype : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ Arr_Type := Get_Type (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Subprg));
+ Info := Get_Info (Arr_Type);
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Get_Type_Declarator (Arr_Type));
+ Arr_Ptr_Type := Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value);
+ F_Info := Add_Info (Subprg, Kind_Subprg);
+ --Chap2.Clear_Instance_Data (F_Info.Subprg_Instance);
+ -- Create function.
+ Start_Function_Decl (Interface_List, Create_Identifier (Id, "_CMP"),
+ Global_Storage, Ghdl_Compare_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interface_List, L, Wki_Left, Arr_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interface_List, R, Wki_Right, Arr_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interface_List, F_Info.Ortho_Func);
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ El_Otype := Get_Ortho_Type
+ (Get_Element_Subtype (Arr_Type), Mode_Value);
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (F_Info.Ortho_Func);
+ -- Compute length of L and R.
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_L_Len, Get_Identifier ("l_len"),
+ O_Storage_Local, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_R_Len, Get_Identifier ("r_len"),
+ O_Storage_Local, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Len, Wki_Length, O_Storage_Local, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_I, Wki_I, O_Storage_Local, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_L_Len),
+ Chap6.Get_Array_Ptr_Bound_Length
+ (New_Obj (L), Arr_Type, 1, Mode_Value));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_R_Len),
+ Chap6.Get_Array_Ptr_Bound_Length
+ (New_Obj (R), Arr_Type, 1, Mode_Value));
+ -- Find the minimum length.
+ Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Ge,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_L_Len),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_R_Len),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Var_Len), New_Obj_Value (Var_R_Len));
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Var_Len), New_Obj_Value (Var_L_Len));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ -- for each element, compare elements; if not equal return the
+ -- comparaison result.
+ Init_Var (Var_I);
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk, New_Compare_Op (ON_Ge,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_I),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Len),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ -- Compare the length and return the result.
+ Gen_Compare (Var_L_Len, Var_R_Len);
+ New_Return_Stmt (New_Lit (Ghdl_Compare_Eq));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Start_Declare_Stmt;
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_L_El, Get_Identifier ("l_el"), O_Storage_Local,
+ El_Otype);
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_R_El, Get_Identifier ("r_el"), O_Storage_Local,
+ El_Otype);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_L_El),
+ New_Value
+ (New_Indexed_Element
+ (New_Acc_Value (Chap3.Get_Array_Ptr_Base_Ptr
+ (New_Obj (L), Arr_Type, Mode_Value)),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_I))));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_R_El),
+ New_Value
+ (New_Indexed_Element
+ (New_Acc_Value (Chap3.Get_Array_Ptr_Base_Ptr
+ (New_Obj (R), Arr_Type, Mode_Value)),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_I))));
+ Gen_Compare (Var_L_El, Var_R_El);
+ Finish_Declare_Stmt;
+ Inc_Var (Var_I);
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ end Translate_Predefined_Array_Compare;
+ -- Find the declaration of the predefined function IMP in type
+ -- definition BASE_TYPE.
+ function Find_Predefined_Function
+ (Base_Type : Iir; Imp : Iir_Predefined_Functions)
+ return Iir
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ El := Get_Chain (Get_Type_Declarator (Base_Type));
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Implicit_Definition (El) = Imp then
+ return El;
+ else
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end Find_Predefined_Function;
+ function Translate_Equality (L, R : Mnode; Etype : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Tinfo := Get_Type_Info (L);
+ case Tinfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Scalar
+ | Type_Mode_Acc =>
+ return New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq, M2E (L), M2E (R),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Acc =>
+ -- a fat pointer.
+ declare
+ B : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Ln, Rn : Mnode;
+ V1, V2 : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ B := Get_Info (Get_Designated_Type (Etype));
+ Ln := Stabilize (L);
+ Rn := Stabilize (R);
+ V1 := New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Eq,
+ New_Value (New_Selected_Element
+ (M2Lv (Ln), B.T.Base_Field (Mode_Value))),
+ New_Value (New_Selected_Element
+ (M2Lv (Rn), B.T.Base_Field (Mode_Value))),
+ Std_Boolean_Type_Node);
+ V2 := New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Eq,
+ New_Value (New_Selected_Element
+ (M2Lv (Ln), B.T.Bounds_Field (Mode_Value))),
+ New_Value (New_Selected_Element
+ (M2Lv (Rn), B.T.Bounds_Field (Mode_Value))),
+ Std_Boolean_Type_Node);
+ return New_Dyadic_Op (ON_And, V1, V2);
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ declare
+ Lc, Rc : O_Enode;
+ Base_Type : Iir_Array_Type_Definition;
+ Func : Iir;
+ begin
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Etype);
+ Lc := Translate_Implicit_Conv
+ (M2E (L), Etype, Base_Type, Mode_Value);
+ Rc := Translate_Implicit_Conv
+ (M2E (R), Etype, Base_Type, Mode_Value);
+ Func := Find_Predefined_Function
+ (Base_Type, Iir_Predefined_Array_Equality);
+ return Translate_Predefined_Lib_Operator (Lc, Rc, Func);
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Record =>
+ declare
+ Func : Iir;
+ begin
+ Func := Find_Predefined_Function
+ (Get_Base_Type (Etype), Iir_Predefined_Record_Equality);
+ return Translate_Predefined_Lib_Operator
+ (M2E (L), M2E (R), Func);
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown
+ | Type_Mode_File
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Protected =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Equality;
+ procedure Translate_Predefined_Array_Equality (Subprg : Iir)
+ is
+ F_Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ Arr_Type : Iir_Array_Type_Definition;
+ Arr_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ Var_L, Var_R : O_Dnode;
+ L, R : Mnode;
+ Interface_List : O_Inter_List;
+ Indexes : Iir_List;
+ Nbr_Indexes : Natural;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ Var_I : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Len : O_Dnode;
+ Label : O_Snode;
+ Le, Re : Mnode;
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Arr_Type := Get_Type (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Subprg));
+ El_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Arr_Type);
+ Info := Get_Info (Arr_Type);
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Get_Type_Declarator (Arr_Type));
+ Arr_Ptr_Type := Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value);
+ F_Info := Add_Info (Subprg, Kind_Subprg);
+ -- Create function.
+ Start_Function_Decl (Interface_List, Create_Identifier (Id, "_EQ"),
+ Global_Storage, Std_Boolean_Type_Node);
+ Chap2.Create_Subprg_Instance (Interface_List, Subprg);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interface_List, Var_L, Wki_Left, Arr_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interface_List, Var_R, Wki_Right, Arr_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interface_List, F_Info.Ortho_Func);
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ L := Dp2M (Var_L, Info, Mode_Value);
+ R := Dp2M (Var_R, Info, Mode_Value);
+ Indexes := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Arr_Type);
+ Nbr_Indexes := Get_Nbr_Elements (Indexes);
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (F_Info.Ortho_Func);
+ Chap2.Start_Subprg_Instance_Use (Subprg);
+ -- for each dimension: if length mismatch: return false
+ for I in 1 .. Nbr_Indexes loop
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Neq,
+ M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Length
+ (Chap3.Get_Array_Range (L, Arr_Type, I))),
+ M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Length
+ (Chap3.Get_Array_Range (R, Arr_Type, I))),
+ Std_Boolean_Type_Node));
+ New_Return_Stmt (New_Lit (Std_Boolean_False_Node));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ end loop;
+ -- for each element: if element is not equal, return false
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_I, Wki_I, O_Storage_Local, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Len, Wki_Length, O_Storage_Local, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Var_Len),
+ Chap3.Get_Array_Length (L, Arr_Type));
+ Init_Var (Var_I);
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ -- If the end of the array is reached, return TRUE.
+ Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Ge,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_I),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Len),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ New_Return_Stmt (New_Lit (Std_Boolean_True_Node));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Open_Temp;
+ Le := Chap3.Index_Base (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (L), Arr_Type,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_I));
+ Re := Chap3.Index_Base (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (R), Arr_Type,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_I));
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk,
+ New_Monadic_Op (ON_Not, Translate_Equality (Le, Re, El_Type)));
+ New_Return_Stmt (New_Lit (Std_Boolean_False_Node));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Close_Temp;
+ Inc_Var (Var_I);
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Chap2.Finish_Subprg_Instance_Use (Subprg);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ end Translate_Predefined_Array_Equality;
+ procedure Translate_Predefined_Record_Equality (Subprg : Iir)
+ is
+ F_Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ Rec_Type : Iir_Record_Type_Definition;
+ Rec_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ Var_L, Var_R : O_Dnode;
+ L, R : Mnode;
+ Interface_List : O_Inter_List;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ Le, Re : Mnode;
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Rec_Type := Get_Type (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Subprg));
+ Info := Get_Info (Rec_Type);
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Get_Type_Declarator (Rec_Type));
+ Rec_Ptr_Type := Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value);
+ F_Info := Add_Info (Subprg, Kind_Subprg);
+ --Chap2.Clear_Instance_Data (F_Info.Subprg_Instance);
+ -- Create function.
+ Start_Function_Decl (Interface_List, Create_Identifier (Id, "_EQ"),
+ Global_Storage, Std_Boolean_Type_Node);
+ Chap2.Create_Subprg_Instance (Interface_List, Subprg);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interface_List, Var_L, Wki_Left, Rec_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interface_List, Var_R, Wki_Right, Rec_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interface_List, F_Info.Ortho_Func);
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (F_Info.Ortho_Func);
+ Chap2.Start_Subprg_Instance_Use (Subprg);
+ L := Dp2M (Var_L, Info, Mode_Value);
+ R := Dp2M (Var_R, Info, Mode_Value);
+ -- Compare each element.
+ El := Get_Element_Declaration_Chain (Rec_Type);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Le := Chap6.Translate_Selected_Element (L, El);
+ Re := Chap6.Translate_Selected_Element (R, El);
+ Open_Temp;
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk,
+ New_Monadic_Op (ON_Not,
+ Translate_Equality (Le, Re, Get_Type (El))));
+ New_Return_Stmt (New_Lit (Std_Boolean_False_Node));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Close_Temp;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ New_Return_Stmt (New_Lit (Std_Boolean_True_Node));
+ Chap2.Finish_Subprg_Instance_Use (Subprg);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ end Translate_Predefined_Record_Equality;
+ procedure Translate_Predefined_Array_Array_Concat (Subprg : Iir)
+ is
+ F_Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ Arr_Type : Iir_Array_Type_Definition;
+ Arr_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Info for the array type.
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ -- Info for the index type.
+ Iinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Index_Type : Iir;
+ Index_Otype : O_Tnode;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ Interface_List : O_Inter_List;
+ Var_Res, Var_L, Var_R : O_Dnode;
+ Res, L, R : Mnode;
+ Var_Length, Var_L_Len, Var_R_Len : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Bounds, Var_Right : O_Dnode;
+ V_Bounds : Mnode;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ begin
+ Arr_Type := Get_Return_Type (Subprg);
+ Info := Get_Info (Arr_Type);
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Get_Type_Declarator (Arr_Type));
+ Arr_Ptr_Type := Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value);
+ F_Info := Add_Info (Subprg, Kind_Subprg);
+ F_Info.Use_Stack2 := True;
+ -- Create function.
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interface_List, Create_Identifier (Id, "_CONCAT"), Global_Storage);
+ -- Note: contrary to user function which returns composite value
+ -- via a result record, a concatenation returns its value without
+ -- the use of the record.
+ Chap2.Create_Subprg_Instance (Interface_List, Subprg);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interface_List, Var_Res, Wki_Res, Arr_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interface_List, Var_L, Wki_Left, Arr_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interface_List, Var_R, Wki_Right, Arr_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interface_List, F_Info.Ortho_Func);
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Index_Type := Get_First_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Arr_Type));
+ Iinfo := Get_Info (Index_Type);
+ Index_Otype := Iinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value);
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (F_Info.Ortho_Func);
+ Chap2.Start_Subprg_Instance_Use (Subprg);
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Length, Wki_Length, O_Storage_Local,
+ Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_L_Len, Get_Identifier ("l_len"), O_Storage_Local,
+ Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_R_Len, Get_Identifier ("r_len"), O_Storage_Local,
+ Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Bounds, Get_Identifier ("bounds"), O_Storage_Local,
+ Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type);
+ L := Dp2M (Var_L, Info, Mode_Value);
+ R := Dp2M (Var_R, Info, Mode_Value);
+ Res := Dp2M (Var_Res, Info, Mode_Value);
+ V_Bounds := Dp2M (Var_Bounds, Info, Mode_Value,
+ Info.T.Bounds_Type, Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type);
+ -- Compute length.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_L_Len), Chap3.Get_Array_Length (L, Arr_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_R_Len), Chap3.Get_Array_Length (R, Arr_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Length), New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Add_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_L_Len),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_R_Len)));
+ -- Check case where the result is the right operand.
+ declare
+ Len : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ -- LRM87 7.2.4
+ -- [...], unless the left operand is a null array, in which
+ -- case the result of the concatenation is the right operand.
+ Len := New_Obj_Value (Var_L_Len);
+ else
+ -- LRM93 7.2.4
+ -- If both operands are null arrays, then the result of the
+ -- concatenation is the right operand.
+ -- GHDL: since the length type is unsigned, then both operands
+ -- are null arrays iff the result is a null array.
+ Len := New_Obj_Value (Var_Length);
+ end if;
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ Len,
+ New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ 0)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ Copy_Fat_Pointer (Res, R);
+ New_Return_Stmt;
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ end;
+ -- Allocate bounds.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Bounds),
+ Gen_Alloc (Alloc_Return,
+ New_Lit (New_Sizeof (Info.T.Bounds_Type,
+ Ghdl_Index_Type)),
+ Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lp (Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds (Res)), New_Obj_Value (Var_Bounds));
+ -- Set bound.
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std = Vhdl_87 then
+ -- Set length.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lv (Chap3.Range_To_Length
+ (Chap3.Bounds_To_Range (V_Bounds, Arr_Type, 1))),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Length));
+ -- Set direction, left bound and right bound.
+ -- LRM87 7.2.4
+ -- The left bound of this result is the left bound of the left
+ -- operand, unless the left operand is a null array, in which
+ -- case the result of the concatenation is the right operand.
+ -- The direction of the result is the direction of the left
+ -- operand, unless the left operand is a null array, in which
+ -- case the direction of the result is that of the right operand.
+ declare
+ Var_Dir, Var_Left : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Length1 : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Start_Declare_Stmt;
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Right, Get_Identifier ("right_bound"),
+ O_Storage_Local, Index_Otype);
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Dir, Wki_Dir, O_Storage_Local,
+ Ghdl_Dir_Type_Node);
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Left, Get_Identifier ("left_bound"),
+ O_Storage_Local, Iinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Length1, Get_Identifier ("length_1"),
+ O_Storage_Local, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Dir),
+ M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Dir
+ (Chap3.Get_Array_Range (L, Arr_Type, 1))));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lv (Chap3.Range_To_Dir
+ (Chap3.Bounds_To_Range (V_Bounds, Arr_Type, 1))),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Dir));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Left),
+ M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Left
+ (Chap3.Get_Array_Range (L, Arr_Type, 1))));
+ -- Note this substraction cannot overflow, since LENGTH >= 1.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Length1),
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Sub_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Length),
+ New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal
+ (Ghdl_Index_Type, 1))));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lv (Chap3.Range_To_Left
+ (Chap3.Bounds_To_Range (V_Bounds, Arr_Type, 1))),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Left));
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq, New_Obj_Value (Var_Dir),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_To_Node), Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Right),
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Add_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Left),
+ New_Convert_Ov (New_Obj_Value (Var_Length1),
+ Index_Otype)));
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Right),
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Sub_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Left),
+ New_Convert_Ov (New_Obj_Value (Var_Length1),
+ Index_Otype)));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ -- Check the right bounds is inside the bounds of the
+ -- index type.
+ Chap3.Check_Range (Var_Right, Null_Iir, Index_Type);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lv (Chap3.Range_To_Right
+ (Chap3.Bounds_To_Range (V_Bounds, Arr_Type, 1))),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Right));
+ Finish_Declare_Stmt;
+ end;
+ else
+ -- LRM93 7.2.4
+ -- [...], the direction and bounds of the result are determined
+ -- as follows: Let S be the index subtype of the base type of the
+ -- result. The direction of the result of the concatenation is
+ -- the direction of S, and the left bound of the result is
+ -- S'LEFT.
+ declare
+ Var_Range_Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Start_Declare_Stmt;
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Range_Ptr, Get_Identifier ("range_ptr"),
+ O_Storage_Local, Iinfo.T.Range_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Range_Ptr),
+ M2Addr (Chap3.Bounds_To_Range (V_Bounds, Arr_Type, 1)));
+ Chap3.Create_Range_From_Length
+ (Index_Type, Var_Length, Var_Range_Ptr);
+ Finish_Declare_Stmt;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ -- Allocate array base.
+ Chap3.Allocate_Fat_Array_Base (Alloc_Return, Res, Arr_Type);
+ -- Copy left.
+ declare
+ V_Arr : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Arr : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ V_Arr := Create_Temp (Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ Var_Arr := Dv2M (V_Arr, Info, Mode_Value);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lp (Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds (Var_Arr)),
+ M2Addr (Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds (L)));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lp (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Var_Arr)),
+ M2Addr (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Res)));
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Copy
+ (Var_Arr, New_Obj_Value (Var_L), Arr_Type);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ -- Copy right.
+ declare
+ V_Arr : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Arr : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ V_Arr := Create_Temp (Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ Var_Arr := Dv2M (V_Arr, Info, Mode_Value);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lp (Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds (Var_Arr)),
+ M2Addr (Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds (R)));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lp (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Var_Arr)),
+ New_Address (New_Slice (M2Lv (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Res)),
+ Info.T.Base_Type (Mode_Value),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_L_Len)),
+ Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value)));
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Copy
+ (Var_Arr, New_Obj_Value (Var_R), Arr_Type);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ Chap2.Finish_Subprg_Instance_Use (Subprg);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ end Translate_Predefined_Array_Array_Concat;
+ procedure Translate_Predefined_Array_Logical (Subprg : Iir)
+ is
+ F_Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ Arr_Type : Iir_Array_Type_Definition;
+ Arr_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Info for the array type.
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ Interface_List : O_Inter_List;
+ Var_Res : O_Dnode;
+ Res : Mnode;
+ L, R : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Length, Var_I : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Base, Var_L_Base, Var_R_Base : O_Dnode;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ Label : O_Snode;
+ Name : O_Ident;
+ Is_Monadic : Boolean;
+ El, L_El : O_Enode;
+ Op : ON_Op_Kind;
+ Do_Invert : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Arr_Type := Get_Type (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Subprg));
+ Info := Get_Info (Arr_Type);
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Get_Type_Declarator (Arr_Type));
+ Arr_Ptr_Type := Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value);
+ F_Info := Add_Info (Subprg, Kind_Subprg);
+ --Chap2.Clear_Instance_Data (F_Info.Subprg_Instance);
+ F_Info.Use_Stack2 := True;
+ Is_Monadic := False;
+ case Get_Implicit_Definition (Subprg) is
+ when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_And
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_And =>
+ Name := Create_Identifier (Id, "_AND");
+ Op := ON_And;
+ Do_Invert := False;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Or
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Or =>
+ Name := Create_Identifier (Id, "_OR");
+ Op := ON_Or;
+ Do_Invert := False;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Nand
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Nand =>
+ Name := Create_Identifier (Id, "_NAND");
+ Op := ON_And;
+ Do_Invert := True;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Nor
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Nor =>
+ Name := Create_Identifier (Id, "_NOR");
+ Op := ON_Or;
+ Do_Invert := True;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Xor
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Xor =>
+ Name := Create_Identifier (Id, "_XOR");
+ Op := ON_Xor;
+ Do_Invert := False;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Xnor
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Xnor =>
+ Name := Create_Identifier (Id, "_XNOR");
+ Op := ON_Xor;
+ Do_Invert := True;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Not
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Not =>
+ Name := Create_Identifier (Id, "_NOT");
+ Is_Monadic := True;
+ Op := ON_Not;
+ Do_Invert := False;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ -- Create function.
+ Start_Procedure_Decl (Interface_List, Name, Global_Storage);
+ -- Note: contrary to user function which returns composite value
+ -- via a result record, a concatenation returns its value without
+ -- the use of the record.
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interface_List, Var_Res, Wki_Res, Arr_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interface_List, L, Wki_Left, Arr_Ptr_Type);
+ if not Is_Monadic then
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interface_List, R, Wki_Right, Arr_Ptr_Type);
+ end if;
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interface_List, F_Info.Ortho_Func);
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (F_Info.Ortho_Func);
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Length, Wki_Length, O_Storage_Local,
+ Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_I, Wki_I, O_Storage_Local, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Base, Get_Identifier ("base"), O_Storage_Local,
+ Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_L_Base, Get_Identifier ("l_base"), O_Storage_Local,
+ Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ if not Is_Monadic then
+ New_Var_Decl
+ (Var_R_Base, Get_Identifier ("r_base"), O_Storage_Local,
+ Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ end if;
+ Open_Temp;
+ -- Get length of LEFT.
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Var_Length),
+ Chap6.Get_Array_Ptr_Bound_Length
+ (New_Obj (L), Arr_Type, 1, Mode_Value));
+ -- If dyadic, check RIGHT has the same length.
+ if not Is_Monadic then
+ Chap6.Check_Bound_Error
+ (New_Compare_Op (ON_Neq,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Length),
+ Chap6.Get_Array_Ptr_Bound_Length
+ (New_Obj (R), Arr_Type, 1, Mode_Value),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type),
+ Subprg, 0);
+ end if;
+ -- Create the result from LEFT bound.
+ Res := Dp2M (Var_Res, Info, Mode_Value);
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Allocation
+ (Res, Alloc_Return, Arr_Type,
+ Chap3.Get_Array_Ptr_Bounds_Ptr
+ (New_Obj (L), Arr_Type, Mode_Value));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Base), M2Addr (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Res)));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_L_Base),
+ New_Value (Chap3.Get_Array_Ptr_Base_Ptr
+ (New_Obj (L), Arr_Type, Mode_Value)));
+ if not Is_Monadic then
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_R_Base),
+ New_Value (Chap3.Get_Array_Ptr_Base_Ptr
+ (New_Obj (R), Arr_Type, Mode_Value)));
+ end if;
+ -- Do the logical operation on each element.
+ Init_Var (Var_I);
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Ge,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_I),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Length),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ New_Return_Stmt;
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ L_El := New_Value (New_Indexed_Element
+ (New_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_L_Base)),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_I)));
+ if Is_Monadic then
+ El := New_Monadic_Op (Op, L_El);
+ else
+ El := New_Dyadic_Op
+ (Op, L_El,
+ New_Value (New_Indexed_Element
+ (New_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_R_Base)),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_I))));
+ end if;
+ if Do_Invert then
+ El := New_Monadic_Op (ON_Not, El);
+ end if;
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Indexed_Element
+ (New_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_Base)),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_I)),
+ El);
+ Inc_Var (Var_I);
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Close_Temp;
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ end Translate_Predefined_Array_Logical;
+ procedure Translate_Predefined_Array_Shift (Subprg : Iir)
+ is
+ F_Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ Inter : Iir;
+ Arr_Type : Iir_Array_Type_Definition;
+ Arr_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Int_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Info for the array type.
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ Interface_List : O_Inter_List;
+ Var_Res : O_Dnode;
+ Var_L, Var_R : O_Dnode;
+ Name : O_Ident;
+ type Shift_Kind is (Sh_Logical, Sh_Arith, Rotation);
+ Shift : Shift_Kind;
+ -- Body;
+ Var_Length, Var_I, Var_I1 : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Res_Base, Var_L_Base : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Rl : O_Dnode;
+ Var_E : O_Dnode;
+ L : Mnode;
+ If_Blk, If_Blk1 : O_If_Block;
+ Label : O_Snode;
+ Res : Mnode;
+ procedure Do_Shift (To_Right : Boolean)
+ is
+ Tmp : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ -- * If R < LENGTH then
+ Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk1,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Lt,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Rl),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Length),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ -- RIGHT:
+ -- * for I = R to LENGTH - 1 loop
+ -- * RES[I] := L[I - R]
+ -- LEFT:
+ -- * for I = 0 to LENGTH - R loop
+ -- * RES[I] := L[R + I]
+ if To_Right then
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Var_I), New_Obj_Value (Var_Rl));
+ Init_Var (Var_I1);
+ else
+ Init_Var (Var_I);
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Var_I1), New_Obj_Value (Var_Rl));
+ end if;
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ if To_Right then
+ Tmp := New_Obj_Value (Var_I);
+ else
+ Tmp := New_Obj_Value (Var_I1);
+ end if;
+ Gen_Exit_When (Label, New_Compare_Op (ON_Ge,
+ Tmp,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Length),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Indexed_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_Res_Base),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_I)),
+ New_Value
+ (New_Indexed_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_L_Base),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_I1))));
+ Inc_Var (Var_I);
+ Inc_Var (Var_I1);
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk1);
+ -- * else
+ -- * R := LENGTH
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Var_Rl), New_Obj_Value (Var_Length));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk1);
+ -- RIGHT:
+ -- * For I = 0 to R - 1
+ -- * RES[I] := 0/L[0/LENGTH-1]
+ -- LEFT:
+ -- * For I = LENGTH - R to LENGTH - 1
+ -- * RES[I] := 0/L[0/LENGTH-1]
+ if To_Right then
+ Init_Var (Var_I);
+ else
+ -- I is yet correctly set.
+ null;
+ end if;
+ if Shift = Sh_Arith then
+ if To_Right then
+ Tmp := New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type, 0));
+ else
+ Tmp := New_Dyadic_Op
+ (ON_Sub_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Length),
+ New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type, 1)));
+ end if;
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_E),
+ New_Value (New_Indexed_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_L_Base),
+ Tmp)));
+ end if;
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ if To_Right then
+ Tmp := New_Obj_Value (Var_Rl);
+ else
+ Tmp := New_Obj_Value (Var_Length);
+ end if;
+ Gen_Exit_When (Label, New_Compare_Op (ON_Ge,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_I),
+ Tmp,
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ case Shift is
+ when Sh_Logical =>
+ declare
+ Enum_List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Enum_List := Get_Enumeration_Literal_List
+ (Get_Base_Type (Get_Element_Subtype (Arr_Type)));
+ Tmp := New_Lit
+ (Get_Ortho_Expr (Get_First_Element (Enum_List)));
+ end;
+ when Sh_Arith =>
+ Tmp := New_Obj_Value (Var_E);
+ when Rotation =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Indexed_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_Res_Base),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_I)), Tmp);
+ Inc_Var (Var_I);
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ end Do_Shift;
+ begin
+ Inter := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Subprg);
+ Info := Get_Info (Get_Type (Get_Chain (Inter)));
+ Int_Type := Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value);
+ Arr_Type := Get_Type (Inter);
+ Info := Get_Info (Arr_Type);
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Get_Type_Declarator (Arr_Type));
+ Arr_Ptr_Type := Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value);
+ F_Info := Add_Info (Subprg, Kind_Subprg);
+ --Chap2.Clear_Instance_Data (F_Info.Subprg_Instance);
+ F_Info.Use_Stack2 := True;
+ case Get_Implicit_Definition (Subprg) is
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Sll
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Srl =>
+ -- Shift logical.
+ Name := Create_Identifier (Id, "_SHL");
+ Shift := Sh_Logical;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Sla
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Sra =>
+ -- Shift arithmetic.
+ Name := Create_Identifier (Id, "_SHA");
+ Shift := Sh_Arith;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Rol
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Ror =>
+ -- Rotation
+ Name := Create_Identifier (Id, "_ROT");
+ Shift := Rotation;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ -- Create function.
+ Start_Procedure_Decl (Interface_List, Name, Global_Storage);
+ -- Note: contrary to user function which returns composite value
+ -- via a result record, a shift returns its value without
+ -- the use of the record.
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interface_List, Var_Res, Wki_Res, Arr_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interface_List, Var_L, Wki_Left, Arr_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interface_List, Var_R, Wki_Right, Int_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interface_List, F_Info.Ortho_Func);
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Body
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (F_Info.Ortho_Func);
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Length, Wki_Length, O_Storage_Local,
+ Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ if Shift /= Rotation then
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Rl, Get_Identifier ("rl"), O_Storage_Local,
+ Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ end if;
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_I, Wki_I, O_Storage_Local, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_I1, Get_Identifier ("I1"), O_Storage_Local,
+ Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Res_Base, Get_Identifier ("res_base"),
+ O_Storage_Local, Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_L_Base, Get_Identifier ("l_base"),
+ O_Storage_Local, Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ if Shift = Sh_Arith then
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_E, Get_Identifier ("E"), O_Storage_Local,
+ Get_Info (Get_Element_Subtype (Arr_Type)).
+ Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ end if;
+ Res := Dp2M (Var_Res, Info, Mode_Value);
+ L := Dp2M (Var_L, Info, Mode_Value);
+ -- LRM93 7.2.3
+ -- The index subtypes of the return values of all shift operators is
+ -- the same as the index subtype of their left arguments.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lp (Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds (Res)),
+ M2Addr (Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds (L)));
+ -- Get length of LEFT.
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Var_Length),
+ Chap3.Get_Array_Length (L, Arr_Type));
+ -- LRM93 7.2.3 [6 times]
+ -- That is, if R is 0 or L is a null array, the return value is L.
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk,
+ New_Dyadic_Op
+ (ON_Or,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_R),
+ New_Lit (New_Signed_Literal (Int_Type, 0)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type),
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Length),
+ New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal
+ (Ghdl_Index_Type, 0)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type)));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lp (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Res)),
+ M2Addr (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (L)));
+ New_Return_Stmt;
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ -- Allocate base.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Res_Base),
+ Gen_Alloc (Alloc_Return, New_Obj_Value (Var_Length),
+ Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value)));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lp (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Res)),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Res_Base));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Var_L_Base),
+ M2Addr (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (L)));
+ Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Gt,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_R),
+ New_Lit (New_Signed_Literal (Int_Type,
+ 0)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ -- R > 0.
+ -- Ie, to the right
+ case Shift is
+ when Rotation =>
+ -- * I1 := LENGTH - (R mod LENGTH)
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_I1),
+ New_Dyadic_Op
+ (ON_Sub_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Length),
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Mod_Ov,
+ New_Convert_Ov (New_Obj_Value (Var_R),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Length))));
+ when Sh_Logical
+ | Sh_Arith =>
+ -- Real SRL or SRA.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Rl),
+ New_Convert_Ov (New_Obj_Value (Var_R), Ghdl_Index_Type));
+ Do_Shift (True);
+ end case;
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ -- R < 0, to the left.
+ case Shift is
+ when Rotation =>
+ -- * I1 := (-R) mod LENGTH
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_I1),
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Mod_Ov,
+ New_Convert_Ov
+ (New_Monadic_Op (ON_Neg_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_R)),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Length)));
+ when Sh_Logical
+ | Sh_Arith =>
+ -- Real SLL or SLA.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Rl),
+ New_Convert_Ov (New_Monadic_Op (ON_Neg_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_R)),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type));
+ Do_Shift (False);
+ end case;
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ if Shift = Rotation then
+ -- * for I = 0 to LENGTH - 1 loop
+ -- * RES[I] := L[I1];
+ Init_Var (Var_I);
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Gen_Exit_When (Label, New_Compare_Op (ON_Ge,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_I),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Length),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Indexed_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_Res_Base),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_I)),
+ New_Value
+ (New_Indexed_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_L_Base),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_I1))));
+ Inc_Var (Var_I);
+ -- * I1 := I1 + 1
+ Inc_Var (Var_I1);
+ -- * If I1 = LENGTH then
+ -- * I1 := 0
+ Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk, New_Compare_Op (ON_Ge,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_I1),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Length),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ Init_Var (Var_I1);
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ end if;
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ end Translate_Predefined_Array_Shift;
+ procedure Translate_File_Subprogram (Subprg : Iir; File_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ Etype : Iir;
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Kind : Iir_Predefined_Functions;
+ F_Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ Name : O_Ident;
+ Inter_List : O_Inter_List;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ Var_File : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Val : O_Dnode;
+ procedure Translate_Rw (Val : Mnode; Val_Type : Iir; Proc : O_Dnode);
+ procedure Translate_Rw_Array
+ (Val : Mnode; Val_Type : Iir; Var_Max : O_Dnode; Proc : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ Var_It : O_Dnode;
+ Label : O_Snode;
+ begin
+ Var_It := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Init_Var (Var_It);
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Gen_Exit_When
+ (Label,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_It),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Max),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ Translate_Rw
+ (Chap3.Index_Base (Val, Val_Type, New_Obj_Value (Var_It)),
+ Get_Element_Subtype (Val_Type), Proc);
+ Inc_Var (Var_It);
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ end Translate_Rw_Array;
+ procedure Translate_Rw (Val : Mnode; Val_Type : Iir; Proc : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ Val_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Assocs : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ Val_Info := Get_Type_Info (Val);
+ case Val_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Scalar =>
+ Start_Association (Assocs, Proc);
+ -- compute file parameter (get an index)
+ New_Association (Assocs, New_Obj_Value (Var_File));
+ -- compute the value.
+ New_Association
+ (Assocs, New_Convert_Ov (M2Addr (Val), Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+ -- length.
+ New_Association
+ (Assocs,
+ New_Lit (New_Sizeof (Val_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type)));
+ -- call a predefined procedure
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assocs);
+ when Type_Mode_Record =>
+ declare
+ El : Iir;
+ Val1 : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ Val1 := Stabilize (Val);
+ El := Get_Element_Declaration_Chain
+ (Get_Base_Type (Val_Type));
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Translate_Rw
+ (Chap6.Translate_Selected_Element (Val1, El),
+ Get_Type (El), Proc);
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ declare
+ Var_Max : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ Var_Max := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Max),
+ Chap3.Get_Array_Type_Length (Val_Type));
+ Translate_Rw_Array (Val, Val_Type, Var_Max, Proc);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown
+ | Type_Mode_File
+ | Type_Mode_Acc
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Acc
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Protected =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Rw;
+ procedure Translate_Rw_Length (Var_Length : O_Dnode; Proc : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ Assocs : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Association (Assocs, Proc);
+ New_Association (Assocs, New_Obj_Value (Var_File));
+ New_Association
+ (Assocs, New_Unchecked_Address (New_Obj (Var_Length),
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+ New_Association
+ (Assocs,
+ New_Lit (New_Sizeof (Ghdl_Index_Type, Ghdl_Index_Type)));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assocs);
+ end Translate_Rw_Length;
+ Var : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Etype := Get_Type_Mark (File_Type);
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Etype);
+ if Tinfo.Type_Mode in Type_Mode_Scalar then
+ -- Intrinsic.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ F_Info := Add_Info (Subprg, Kind_Subprg);
+ --Chap2.Clear_Instance_Data (F_Info.Subprg_Instance);
+ F_Info.Use_Stack2 := False;
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Get_Type_Declarator (File_Type));
+ Kind := Get_Implicit_Definition (Subprg);
+ case Kind is
+ when Iir_Predefined_Write =>
+ Name := Create_Identifier (Id, "_WRITE");
+ when Iir_Predefined_Read
+ | Iir_Predefined_Read_Length =>
+ Name := Create_Identifier (Id, "_READ");
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ -- Create function.
+ if Kind = Iir_Predefined_Read_Length then
+ Start_Function_Decl
+ (Inter_List, Name, Global_Storage, Std_Integer_Type_Node);
+ else
+ Start_Procedure_Decl (Inter_List, Name, Global_Storage);
+ end if;
+ Chap2.Create_Subprg_Instance (Inter_List, Subprg);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Inter_List, Var_File, Get_Identifier ("FILE"),
+ Ghdl_File_Index_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Inter_List, Var_Val, Get_Identifier ("VAL"),
+ Tinfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Inter_List, F_Info.Ortho_Func);
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (F_Info.Ortho_Func);
+ Chap2.Start_Subprg_Instance_Use (Subprg);
+ Push_Local_Factory;
+ Var := Dp2M (Var_Val, Tinfo, Mode_Value);
+ case Kind is
+ when Iir_Predefined_Write =>
+ if Tinfo.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ declare
+ Var_Max : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ Var_Max := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ Chap3.Get_Array_Length (Var, Etype));
+ Translate_Rw_Length (Var_Max, Ghdl_Write_Scalar);
+ Translate_Rw_Array (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Var), Etype,
+ Var_Max, Ghdl_Write_Scalar);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ else
+ Translate_Rw (Var, Etype, Ghdl_Write_Scalar);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Read =>
+ Translate_Rw (Var, Etype, Ghdl_Read_Scalar);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Read_Length =>
+ declare
+ Var_Len : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ Var_Len := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Translate_Rw_Length (Var_Len, Ghdl_Read_Scalar);
+ Chap6.Check_Bound_Error
+ (New_Compare_Op (ON_Gt,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Len),
+ Chap3.Get_Array_Length (Var, Etype),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type),
+ Subprg, 1);
+ Translate_Rw_Array (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Var), Etype,
+ Var_Len, Ghdl_Read_Scalar);
+ New_Return_Stmt (New_Convert_Ov (New_Obj_Value (Var_Len),
+ Std_Integer_Type_Node));
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Chap2.Finish_Subprg_Instance_Use (Subprg);
+ Pop_Local_Factory;
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ end Translate_File_Subprogram;
+ procedure Init_Implicit_Subprogram_Infos
+ (Infos : out Implicit_Subprogram_Infos) is
+ begin
+ -- Be independant of declaration order since the same subprogram
+ -- may be used for several implicit operators (eg. array comparaison)
+ Infos.Arr_Eq_Info := null;
+ Infos.Arr_Cmp_Info := null;
+ Infos.Arr_Concat_Info := null;
+ Infos.Rec_Eq_Info := null;
+ Infos.Arr_Shl_Info := null;
+ Infos.Arr_Sha_Info := null;
+ Infos.Arr_Rot_Info := null;
+ end Init_Implicit_Subprogram_Infos;
+ procedure Translate_Implicit_Subprogram
+ (Subprg : Iir; Infos : in out Implicit_Subprogram_Infos)
+ is
+ Kind : Iir_Predefined_Functions;
+ begin
+ Kind := Get_Implicit_Definition (Subprg);
+ if Predefined_To_Onop (Kind) /= ON_Nil then
+ -- Intrinsic.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Kind is
+ when Iir_Predefined_Access_Equality
+ | Iir_Predefined_Access_Inequality =>
+ -- Intrinsic.
+ null;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Deallocate =>
+ -- Intrinsic.
+ null;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Identity
+ | Iir_Predefined_Integer_Exp =>
+ -- Intrinsic.
+ null;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Record_Equality
+ | Iir_Predefined_Record_Inequality =>
+ if Infos.Rec_Eq_Info = null then
+ Translate_Predefined_Record_Equality (Subprg);
+ Infos.Rec_Eq_Info := Get_Info (Subprg);
+ else
+ Set_Info (Subprg, Infos.Rec_Eq_Info);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Equality
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Inequality =>
+ if Infos.Arr_Eq_Info = null then
+ Translate_Predefined_Array_Equality (Subprg);
+ Infos.Arr_Eq_Info := Get_Info (Subprg);
+ else
+ Set_Info (Subprg, Infos.Arr_Eq_Info);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Greater
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Greater_Equal
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Less
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Less_Equal =>
+ if Infos.Arr_Cmp_Info = null then
+ Translate_Predefined_Array_Compare (Subprg);
+ Infos.Arr_Cmp_Info := Get_Info (Subprg);
+ else
+ Set_Info (Subprg, Infos.Arr_Cmp_Info);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Array_Concat
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Element_Concat
+ | Iir_Predefined_Element_Array_Concat
+ | Iir_Predefined_Element_Element_Concat =>
+ if Infos.Arr_Concat_Info = null then
+ Translate_Predefined_Array_Array_Concat (Subprg);
+ Infos.Arr_Concat_Info := Get_Info (Subprg);
+ else
+ Set_Info (Subprg, Infos.Arr_Concat_Info);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_And
+ | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Or
+ | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Nand
+ | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Nor
+ | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Xor
+ | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Xnor
+ | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Not
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_And
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Or
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Nand
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Nor
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Xor
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Xnor
+ | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Array_Not =>
+ Translate_Predefined_Array_Logical (Subprg);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Sll
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Srl =>
+ if Infos.Arr_Shl_Info = null then
+ Translate_Predefined_Array_Shift (Subprg);
+ Infos.Arr_Shl_Info := Get_Info (Subprg);
+ else
+ Set_Info (Subprg, Infos.Arr_Shl_Info);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Sla
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Sra =>
+ if Infos.Arr_Sha_Info = null then
+ Translate_Predefined_Array_Shift (Subprg);
+ Infos.Arr_Sha_Info := Get_Info (Subprg);
+ else
+ Set_Info (Subprg, Infos.Arr_Sha_Info);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Rol
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Ror =>
+ if Infos.Arr_Rot_Info = null then
+ Translate_Predefined_Array_Shift (Subprg);
+ Infos.Arr_Rot_Info := Get_Info (Subprg);
+ else
+ Set_Info (Subprg, Infos.Arr_Rot_Info);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Identity =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Integer_Mul
+ | Iir_Predefined_Physical_Integer_Div
+ | Iir_Predefined_Integer_Physical_Mul
+ | Iir_Predefined_Physical_Real_Mul
+ | Iir_Predefined_Physical_Real_Div
+ | Iir_Predefined_Real_Physical_Mul
+ | Iir_Predefined_Physical_Physical_Div =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Exp
+ | Iir_Predefined_Floating_Identity =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Predefined_File_Open
+ | Iir_Predefined_File_Open_Status
+ | Iir_Predefined_File_Close
+ | Iir_Predefined_Endfile =>
+ -- All of them have predefined definitions.
+ null;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Write
+ | Iir_Predefined_Read_Length
+ | Iir_Predefined_Read =>
+ declare
+ Param : Iir;
+ File_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Param := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Subprg);
+ File_Type := Get_Type (Param);
+ if not Get_Text_File_Flag (File_Type) then
+ Translate_File_Subprogram (Subprg, File_Type);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Now_Function =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_implicit_subprogram ("
+ & Iir_Predefined_Functions'Image (Kind) & ")",
+ Subprg);
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Implicit_Subprogram;
+ end Chap7;
+ package body Chap8 is
+ procedure Translate_Return_Statement (Stmt : Iir_Return_Statement)
+ is
+ Expr : Iir;
+ Ret_Type : Iir;
+ Ret_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Val : O_Dnode;
+ Area : Mnode;
+ Subprg_Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ procedure Gen_Return is
+ begin
+ if Subprg_Info.Subprg_Exit /= O_Snode_Null then
+ New_Exit_Stmt (Subprg_Info.Subprg_Exit);
+ else
+ New_Return_Stmt;
+ end if;
+ end Gen_Return;
+ procedure Gen_Return_Value (Val : O_Enode) is
+ begin
+ if Subprg_Info.Subprg_Exit /= O_Snode_Null then
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Subprg_Info.Subprg_Result), Val);
+ New_Exit_Stmt (Subprg_Info.Subprg_Exit);
+ else
+ New_Return_Stmt (Val);
+ end if;
+ end Gen_Return_Value;
+ begin
+ Subprg_Info := Get_Info (Chap2.Current_Subprogram);
+ Expr := Get_Expression (Stmt);
+ if Expr = Null_Iir then
+ -- Return in a procedure.
+ Gen_Return;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Return in a function.
+ Ret_Type := Get_Return_Type (Chap2.Current_Subprogram);
+ Ret_Info := Get_Info (Ret_Type);
+ case Ret_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Scalar =>
+ -- * if the return type is scalar, simply returns.
+ declare
+ V : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ V := Create_Temp (Ret_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ Open_Temp;
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (V), Chap7.Translate_Expression (Expr, Ret_Type));
+ Close_Temp;
+ Chap3.Check_Range (V, Expr, Ret_Type);
+ Gen_Return_Value (New_Obj_Value (V));
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Acc =>
+ -- * access: thin and no range.
+ declare
+ Res : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ Res := Chap7.Translate_Expression (Expr, Ret_Type);
+ Gen_Return_Value (Res);
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ -- * if the return type is unconstrained: allocate an area from
+ -- the secondary stack, copy it to the area, and fill the fat
+ -- pointer.
+ -- Evaluate the result.
+ Area := Dp2M (Subprg_Info.Res_Interface, Ret_Info, Mode_Value);
+ Val := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Ret_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value),
+ Chap7.Translate_Expression (Expr, Ret_Type));
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Allocation
+ (Area, Alloc_Return, Ret_Type,
+ Chap3.Get_Array_Ptr_Bounds_Ptr
+ (New_Obj (Val), Ret_Type, Mode_Value));
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Copy
+ (Area, New_Obj_Value (Val), Ret_Type);
+ Gen_Return;
+ when Type_Mode_Record
+ | Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Acc =>
+ -- * if the return type is a constrained composite type, copy
+ -- it to the result area.
+ -- Create a temporary area so that if the expression use
+ -- stack2, it will be freed before the return (otherwise,
+ -- the stack area will be lost).
+ declare
+ V : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ V := Dp2M (Subprg_Info.Res_Interface, Ret_Info, Mode_Value);
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Copy
+ (V, Chap7.Translate_Expression (Expr, Ret_Type), Ret_Type);
+ Close_Temp;
+ Gen_Return;
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_File =>
+ -- FIXME: Is it possible ?
+ Error_Kind ("translate_return_statement", Ret_Type);
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown
+ | Type_Mode_Protected =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Return_Statement;
+ procedure Translate_If_Statement (Stmt : Iir)
+ is
+ Blk : O_If_Block;
+ Else_Clause : Iir;
+ begin
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (Blk, Chap7.Translate_Expression (Get_Condition (Stmt)));
+ Translate_Statements_Chain (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Stmt));
+ Else_Clause := Get_Else_Clause (Stmt);
+ if Else_Clause /= Null_Iir then
+ New_Else_Stmt (Blk);
+ if Get_Condition (Else_Clause) = Null_Iir then
+ Translate_Statements_Chain
+ (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Else_Clause));
+ else
+ Open_Temp;
+ Translate_If_Statement (Else_Clause);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Finish_If_Stmt (Blk);
+ end Translate_If_Statement;
+ function Get_Range_Ptr_Field_Value (O_Range : O_Lnode; Field : O_Fnode)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ begin
+ return New_Value (New_Selected_Element
+ (New_Access_Element (New_Value (O_Range)), Field));
+ end Get_Range_Ptr_Field_Value;
+ -- Inc or dec ITERATOR according to DIR.
+ procedure Gen_Update_Iterator (Iterator : O_Dnode;
+ Dir : Iir_Direction;
+ Val : Unsigned_64;
+ Itype : Iir)
+ is
+ Op : ON_Op_Kind;
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ V : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ case Dir is
+ when Iir_To =>
+ Op := ON_Add_Ov;
+ when Iir_Downto =>
+ Op := ON_Sub_Ov;
+ end case;
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Itype);
+ case Get_Kind (Base_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition =>
+ V := New_Lit
+ (New_Signed_Literal
+ (Get_Ortho_Type (Base_Type, Mode_Value), Integer_64 (Val)));
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
+ declare
+ List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ List := Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Base_Type);
+ -- FIXME: what about type E is ('T') ??
+ if Natural (Val) > Get_Nbr_Elements (List) then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ V := New_Lit
+ (Get_Ortho_Expr (Get_Nth_Element (List, Natural (Val))));
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("gen_update_iterator", Base_Type);
+ end case;
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Iterator),
+ New_Dyadic_Op (Op, New_Obj_Value (Iterator), V));
+ end Gen_Update_Iterator;
+ type For_Loop_Data is record
+ Iterator : Iir_Iterator_Declaration;
+ Stmt : Iir_For_Loop_Statement;
+ -- If around the loop, to check if the loop must be executed.
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ Label_Next, Label_Exit : O_Snode;
+ -- Right bound of the iterator, used only if the iterator is a
+ -- range expression.
+ O_Right : O_Dnode;
+ -- Range variable of the iterator, used only if the iterator is not
+ -- a range expression.
+ O_Range : O_Dnode;
+ end record;
+ procedure Start_For_Loop (Iterator : Iir_Iterator_Declaration;
+ Stmt : Iir_For_Loop_Statement;
+ Data : out For_Loop_Data)
+ is
+ Iter_Type : Iir;
+ Iter_Base_Type : Iir;
+ Var_Iter : Var_Acc;
+ Constraint : Iir;
+ Cond_To, Cond_Downto : O_Enode;
+ Cond_Dir : O_Enode;
+ Cond : O_Enode;
+ Dir : Iir_Direction;
+ Iter_Type_Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Op : ON_Op_Kind;
+ begin
+ -- Initialize DATA.
+ Data.Iterator := Iterator;
+ Data.Stmt := Stmt;
+ Iter_Type := Get_Type (Iterator);
+ Iter_Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Iter_Type);
+ Iter_Type_Info := Get_Info (Iter_Base_Type);
+ Var_Iter := Get_Info (Iterator).Iterator_Var;
+ Open_Temp;
+ Constraint := Get_Range_Constraint (Iter_Type);
+ if Get_Kind (Constraint) = Iir_Kind_Range_Expression then
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (Get_Var (Var_Iter), Chap7.Translate_Range_Expression_Left
+ (Constraint, Iter_Base_Type));
+ Dir := Get_Direction (Constraint);
+ Data.O_Right := Create_Temp
+ (Iter_Type_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Data.O_Right), Chap7.Translate_Range_Expression_Right
+ (Constraint, Iter_Base_Type));
+ case Dir is
+ when Iir_To =>
+ Op := ON_Le;
+ when Iir_Downto =>
+ Op := ON_Ge;
+ end case;
+ Cond := New_Compare_Op
+ (Op, New_Value (Get_Var (Var_Iter)),
+ New_Obj_Value (Data.O_Right),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ else
+ Data.O_Range := Create_Temp (Iter_Type_Info.T.Range_Ptr_Type);
+ Open_Temp;
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Data.O_Range),
+ New_Address (Chap7.Translate_Range
+ (Constraint, Iter_Base_Type),
+ Iter_Type_Info.T.Range_Ptr_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (Get_Var (Var_Iter), Get_Range_Ptr_Field_Value
+ (New_Obj (Data.O_Range), Iter_Type_Info.T.Range_Left));
+ Close_Temp;
+ -- Before starting the loop, check wether there will be at least
+ -- one iteration.
+ Cond_To := New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Le, New_Value (Get_Var (Var_Iter)),
+ Get_Range_Ptr_Field_Value (New_Obj (Data.O_Range),
+ Iter_Type_Info.T.Range_Right),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ Cond_Dir := New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Eq,
+ Get_Range_Ptr_Field_Value (New_Obj (Data.O_Range),
+ Iter_Type_Info.T.Range_Dir),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_To_Node),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ Cond_To := New_Dyadic_Op (ON_And, Cond_Dir, Cond_To);
+ Cond_Downto := New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Ge, New_Value (Get_Var (Var_Iter)),
+ Get_Range_Ptr_Field_Value (New_Obj (Data.O_Range),
+ Iter_Type_Info.T.Range_Right),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ Cond_Dir := New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Eq,
+ Get_Range_Ptr_Field_Value (New_Obj (Data.O_Range),
+ Iter_Type_Info.T.Range_Dir),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_Downto_Node),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ Cond_Downto := New_Dyadic_Op (ON_And, Cond_Dir, Cond_Downto);
+ Cond := New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Or, Cond_To, Cond_Downto);
+ end if;
+ Start_If_Stmt (Data.If_Blk, Cond);
+ -- Start loop.
+ -- There are two blocks: one for the exit, one for the next.
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Data.Label_Exit);
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Data.Label_Next);
+ if Stmt /= Null_Iir then
+ declare
+ Loop_Info : Loop_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Loop_Info := Add_Info (Stmt, Kind_Loop);
+ Loop_Info.Label_Exit := Data.Label_Exit;
+ Loop_Info.Label_Next := Data.Label_Next;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Start_For_Loop;
+ procedure Finish_For_Loop (Data : in out For_Loop_Data)
+ is
+ Cond : O_Enode;
+ If_Blk1 : O_If_Block;
+ Iter_Type : Iir;
+ Iter_Base_Type : Iir;
+ Iter_Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Var_Iter : Var_Acc;
+ Constraint : Iir;
+ begin
+ New_Exit_Stmt (Data.Label_Next);
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Data.Label_Next);
+ -- Check end of loop.
+ -- Equality is necessary and enough.
+ Iter_Type := Get_Type (Data.Iterator);
+ Iter_Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Iter_Type);
+ Iter_Type_Info := Get_Info (Iter_Base_Type);
+ Var_Iter := Get_Info (Data.Iterator).Iterator_Var;
+ Constraint := Get_Range_Constraint (Iter_Type);
+ if Get_Kind (Constraint) = Iir_Kind_Range_Expression then
+ Cond := New_Obj_Value (Data.O_Right);
+ else
+ Cond := Get_Range_Ptr_Field_Value
+ (New_Obj (Data.O_Range), Iter_Type_Info.T.Range_Right);
+ end if;
+ Gen_Exit_When (Data.Label_Exit,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq, New_Value (Get_Var (Var_Iter)),
+ Cond, Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ -- Update the iterator.
+ if Get_Kind (Constraint) = Iir_Kind_Range_Expression then
+ Gen_Update_Iterator
+ (Get_Var_Label (Var_Iter), Get_Direction (Constraint),
+ 1, Iter_Base_Type);
+ else
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk1, New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Eq,
+ Get_Range_Ptr_Field_Value (New_Obj (Data.O_Range),
+ Iter_Type_Info.T.Range_Dir),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_To_Node),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ Gen_Update_Iterator
+ (Get_Var_Label (Var_Iter), Iir_To, 1, Iter_Base_Type);
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk1);
+ Gen_Update_Iterator
+ (Get_Var_Label (Var_Iter), Iir_Downto, 1, Iter_Base_Type);
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk1);
+ end if;
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Data.Label_Exit);
+ Finish_If_Stmt (Data.If_Blk);
+ Close_Temp;
+ if Data.Stmt /= Null_Iir then
+ Free_Info (Data.Stmt);
+ end if;
+ end Finish_For_Loop;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Start_For_Loop, Finish_For_Loop);
+ Current_Loop : Iir := Null_Iir;
+ procedure Translate_For_Loop_Statement (Stmt : Iir_For_Loop_Statement)
+ is
+ Iterator : Iir;
+ Iter_Type : Iir;
+ Iter_Base_Type : Iir;
+ Iter_Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Loop_Info : Loop_Info_Acc;
+ It_Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ O_Range : O_Dnode;
+ O_Right : O_Dnode;
+ Cond_To, Cond_Downto : O_Enode;
+ Cond_Dir : O_Enode;
+ Cond : O_Enode;
+ Dir : Iir_Direction;
+ Op : ON_Op_Kind;
+ If_Blk, If_Blk1 : O_If_Block;
+ Var_Iter : Var_Acc;
+ Constraint : Iir;
+ Prev_Loop : Iir;
+ begin
+ Prev_Loop := Current_Loop;
+ Current_Loop := Stmt;
+ Start_Declare_Stmt;
+ Iterator := Get_Iterator_Scheme (Stmt);
+ Iter_Type := Get_Type (Iterator);
+ Iter_Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Iter_Type);
+ Iter_Type_Info := Get_Info (Iter_Base_Type);
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Subtype (Iterator, False);
+ -- Create info for the iterator.
+ It_Info := Add_Info (Iterator, Kind_Iterator);
+ Var_Iter := Create_Var
+ (Create_Var_Identifier (Iterator),
+ Iter_Type_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value),
+ O_Storage_Local);
+ It_Info.Iterator_Var := Var_Iter;
+ Open_Temp;
+ Constraint := Get_Range_Constraint (Iter_Type);
+ if Get_Kind (Constraint) = Iir_Kind_Range_Expression then
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (Get_Var (Var_Iter), Chap7.Translate_Range_Expression_Left
+ (Constraint, Iter_Base_Type));
+ Dir := Get_Direction (Constraint);
+ O_Right := Create_Temp (Iter_Type_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (O_Right), Chap7.Translate_Range_Expression_Right
+ (Constraint, Iter_Base_Type));
+ case Dir is
+ when Iir_To =>
+ Op := ON_Le;
+ when Iir_Downto =>
+ Op := ON_Ge;
+ end case;
+ Cond := New_Compare_Op
+ (Op, New_Value (Get_Var (Var_Iter)), New_Obj_Value (O_Right),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ else
+ O_Range := Create_Temp (Iter_Type_Info.T.Range_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (O_Range),
+ New_Address (Chap7.Translate_Range
+ (Constraint, Iter_Base_Type),
+ Iter_Type_Info.T.Range_Ptr_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (Get_Var (Var_Iter), Get_Range_Ptr_Field_Value
+ (New_Obj (O_Range), Iter_Type_Info.T.Range_Left));
+ -- Before starting the loop, check wether there will be at least
+ -- one iteration.
+ Cond_To := New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Le, New_Value (Get_Var (Var_Iter)),
+ Get_Range_Ptr_Field_Value (New_Obj (O_Range),
+ Iter_Type_Info.T.Range_Right),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ Cond_Dir := New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Eq,
+ Get_Range_Ptr_Field_Value (New_Obj (O_Range),
+ Iter_Type_Info.T.Range_Dir),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_To_Node),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ Cond_To := New_Dyadic_Op (ON_And, Cond_Dir, Cond_To);
+ Cond_Downto := New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Ge, New_Value (Get_Var (Var_Iter)),
+ Get_Range_Ptr_Field_Value (New_Obj (O_Range),
+ Iter_Type_Info.T.Range_Right),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ Cond_Dir := New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Eq,
+ Get_Range_Ptr_Field_Value (New_Obj (O_Range),
+ Iter_Type_Info.T.Range_Dir),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_Downto_Node),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ Cond_Downto := New_Dyadic_Op (ON_And, Cond_Dir, Cond_Downto);
+ Cond := New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Or, Cond_To, Cond_Downto);
+ end if;
+ Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk, Cond);
+ -- Start loop.
+ -- There are two blocks: one for the exit, one for the next.
+ Loop_Info := Add_Info (Stmt, Kind_Loop);
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Loop_Info.Label_Exit);
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Loop_Info.Label_Next);
+ Translate_Statements_Chain (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Stmt));
+ New_Exit_Stmt (Loop_Info.Label_Next);
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Loop_Info.Label_Next);
+ -- Check end of loop.
+ -- Equality is necessary and enough.
+ if Get_Kind (Constraint) = Iir_Kind_Range_Expression then
+ Cond := New_Obj_Value (O_Right);
+ else
+ Cond := Get_Range_Ptr_Field_Value
+ (New_Obj (O_Range), Iter_Type_Info.T.Range_Right);
+ end if;
+ Gen_Exit_When (Loop_Info.Label_Exit,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq, New_Value (Get_Var (Var_Iter)),
+ Cond, Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ -- Update the iterator.
+ if Get_Kind (Constraint) = Iir_Kind_Range_Expression then
+ Gen_Update_Iterator
+ (Get_Var_Label (Var_Iter), Dir, 1, Iter_Base_Type);
+ else
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk1, New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Eq,
+ Get_Range_Ptr_Field_Value (New_Obj (O_Range),
+ Iter_Type_Info.T.Range_Dir),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_To_Node),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ Gen_Update_Iterator
+ (Get_Var_Label (Var_Iter), Iir_To, 1, Iter_Base_Type);
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk1);
+ Gen_Update_Iterator
+ (Get_Var_Label (Var_Iter), Iir_Downto, 1, Iter_Base_Type);
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk1);
+ end if;
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Loop_Info.Label_Exit);
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Close_Temp;
+ Finish_Declare_Stmt;
+ Free_Info (Stmt);
+ Current_Loop := Prev_Loop;
+ end Translate_For_Loop_Statement;
+ procedure Translate_While_Loop_Statement
+ (Stmt : Iir_While_Loop_Statement)
+ is
+ Info : Loop_Info_Acc;
+ Cond : Iir;
+ Prev_Loop : Iir;
+ begin
+ Prev_Loop := Current_Loop;
+ Current_Loop := Stmt;
+ Info := Add_Info (Stmt, Kind_Loop);
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Info.Label_Exit);
+ Info.Label_Next := O_Snode_Null;
+ Open_Temp;
+ Cond := Get_Condition (Stmt);
+ if Cond /= Null_Iir then
+ Gen_Exit_When
+ (Info.Label_Exit,
+ New_Monadic_Op (ON_Not, Chap7.Translate_Expression (Cond)));
+ end if;
+ Close_Temp;
+ Translate_Statements_Chain (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Stmt));
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Info.Label_Exit);
+ Free_Info (Stmt);
+ Current_Loop := Prev_Loop;
+ end Translate_While_Loop_Statement;
+ procedure Translate_Exit_Next_Statement (Stmt : Iir)
+ is
+ Cond : Iir;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ Info : Loop_Info_Acc;
+ Loop_Stmt : Iir;
+ begin
+ Cond := Get_Condition (Stmt);
+ if Cond /= Null_Iir then
+ Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk, Chap7.Translate_Expression (Cond));
+ end if;
+ Loop_Stmt := Get_Loop (Stmt);
+ if Loop_Stmt = Null_Iir then
+ Loop_Stmt := Current_Loop;
+ end if;
+ Info := Get_Info (Loop_Stmt);
+ case Get_Kind (Stmt) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement =>
+ New_Exit_Stmt (Info.Label_Exit);
+ when Iir_Kind_Next_Statement =>
+ if Info.Label_Next /= O_Snode_Null then
+ -- For-loop.
+ New_Exit_Stmt (Info.Label_Next);
+ else
+ -- While-loop.
+ New_Next_Stmt (Info.Label_Exit);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ if Cond /= Null_Iir then
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Exit_Next_Statement;
+ procedure Translate_Variable_Aggregate_Assignment
+ (Targ : Iir; Targ_Type : Iir; Val : Mnode);
+ procedure Translate_Variable_Array_Aggr
+ (Targ : Iir_Aggregate;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Val : Mnode;
+ Index : in out Unsigned_64;
+ Dim : Natural)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ Final : Boolean;
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Final := Dim = Get_Nbr_Elements (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Targ_Type));
+ if Final then
+ El_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Targ_Type);
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Targ);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None =>
+ if Final then
+ Translate_Variable_Aggregate_Assignment
+ (Get_Associated (El), El_Type,
+ Chap3.Index_Base
+ (Val, Targ_Type,
+ New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal
+ (Ghdl_Index_Type, Index))));
+ Index := Index + 1;
+ else
+ Translate_Variable_Array_Aggr
+ (Get_Associated (El), Targ_Type, Val, Index, Dim + 1);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_variable_array_aggr", El);
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Translate_Variable_Array_Aggr;
+ procedure Translate_Variable_Rec_Aggr
+ (Targ : Iir_Aggregate; Targ_Type : Iir; Val : Mnode)
+ is
+ Aggr_El : Iir;
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration;
+ Elem : Iir;
+ begin
+ El := Get_Element_Declaration_Chain (Get_Base_Type (Targ_Type));
+ Aggr_El := Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Targ);
+ while Aggr_El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (Aggr_El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None =>
+ Elem := El;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Name =>
+ Elem := Get_Name (Aggr_El);
+ El := Null_Iir;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_variable_rec_aggr", Aggr_El);
+ end case;
+ Translate_Variable_Aggregate_Assignment
+ (Get_Associated (Aggr_El), Get_Type (Elem),
+ Chap6.Translate_Selected_Element (Val, Elem));
+ Aggr_El := Get_Chain (Aggr_El);
+ end loop;
+ end Translate_Variable_Rec_Aggr;
+ procedure Translate_Variable_Aggregate_Assignment
+ (Targ : Iir; Targ_Type : Iir; Val : Mnode)
+ is
+ Index : Unsigned_64;
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Targ) = Iir_Kind_Aggregate then
+ case Get_Kind (Targ_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ Index := 0;
+ Translate_Variable_Array_Aggr
+ (Targ, Targ_Type, Val, Index, 1);
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Translate_Variable_Rec_Aggr (Targ, Targ_Type, Val);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind
+ ("translate_variable_aggregate_assignment", Targ_Type);
+ end case;
+ else
+ declare
+ Targ_Node : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Targ_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Targ);
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Copy (Targ_Node, M2E (Val), Targ_Type);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Variable_Aggregate_Assignment;
+ procedure Translate_Variable_Assignment_Statement
+ (Stmt : Iir_Variable_Assignment_Statement)
+ is
+ Target : Iir;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Expr : Iir;
+ Targ_Node : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Target := Get_Target (Stmt);
+ Targ_Type := Get_Type (Target);
+ Expr := Get_Expression (Stmt);
+ if Get_Kind (Target) = Iir_Kind_Aggregate then
+ declare
+ E : O_Enode;
+ Temp : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Chap3.Translate_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Targ_Type, True);
+ -- Use a temporary variable, to avoid overlap.
+ Temp := Create_Temp (Get_Info (Targ_Type));
+ Chap4.Allocate_Complex_Object (Targ_Type, Alloc_Stack, Temp);
+ E := Chap7.Translate_Expression (Expr, Targ_Type);
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Copy (Temp, E, Targ_Type);
+ Translate_Variable_Aggregate_Assignment
+ (Target, Targ_Type, Temp);
+ return;
+ end;
+ else
+ Targ_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Target);
+ if Get_Kind (Expr) = Iir_Kind_Aggregate then
+ declare
+ E : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ E := Chap7.Translate_Expression (Expr, Targ_Type);
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Copy (Targ_Node, E, Targ_Type);
+ end;
+ else
+ Chap7.Translate_Assign (Targ_Node, Expr, Targ_Type);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Variable_Assignment_Statement;
+ procedure Translate_Report (Stmt : Iir; Subprg : O_Dnode; Level : Iir)
+ is
+ Expr : Iir;
+ Msg : O_Enode;
+ Severity : O_Enode;
+ Assocs : O_Assoc_List;
+ Loc : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Loc := Chap4.Get_Location (Stmt);
+ Expr := Get_Report_Expression (Stmt);
+ if Expr = Null_Iir then
+ Msg := New_Address (New_Obj (Ghdl_Assert_Default_Report),
+ Std_String_Ptr_Node);
+ else
+ Msg := Chap7.Translate_Expression (Expr, String_Type_Definition);
+ end if;
+ Expr := Get_Severity_Expression (Stmt);
+ if Expr = Null_Iir then
+ Severity := New_Lit (Get_Ortho_Expr (Level));
+ else
+ Severity := Chap7.Translate_Expression (Expr);
+ end if;
+ -- Do call.
+ Start_Association (Assocs, Subprg);
+ New_Association (Assocs, Msg);
+ New_Association (Assocs, Severity);
+ New_Association (Assocs, New_Address (New_Obj (Loc),
+ Ghdl_Location_Ptr_Node));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assocs);
+ end Translate_Report;
+ procedure Translate_Assertion_Statement (Stmt : Iir_Assertion_Statement)
+ is
+ Expr : Iir;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ begin
+ Expr := Get_Assertion_Condition (Stmt);
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr) = Locally then
+ if Eval_Pos (Expr) = 1 then
+ -- Assert TRUE is a noop.
+ -- FIXME: generate a noop.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Translate_Report (Stmt, Ghdl_Assert_Failed, Severity_Level_Error);
+ else
+ -- An assertion is reported if the condition is false!
+ Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk,
+ New_Monadic_Op (ON_Not,
+ Chap7.Translate_Expression (Expr)));
+ -- Note: it is necessary to create a declare block, to avoid bad
+ -- order with the if block.
+ Open_Temp;
+ Translate_Report (Stmt, Ghdl_Assert_Failed, Severity_Level_Error);
+ Close_Temp;
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Assertion_Statement;
+ procedure Translate_Report_Statement (Stmt : Iir_Report_Statement) is
+ begin
+ Translate_Report (Stmt, Ghdl_Report, Severity_Level_Note);
+ end Translate_Report_Statement;
+ function Translate_Simple_String_Choice
+ (Expr : O_Dnode;
+ Val : Iir;
+ Val_Node : O_Dnode;
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Func : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ Func_Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element (New_Obj (Val_Node),
+ Tinfo.T.Base_Field (Mode_Value)),
+ Chap7.Translate_Expression (Val, Get_Type (Val)));
+ Func_Info := Get_Info (Func);
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Func_Info.Ortho_Func);
+ Chap2.Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc (Assoc, Func_Info.Subprg_Instance);
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Obj_Value (Expr));
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc, New_Address (New_Obj (Val_Node),
+ Tinfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value)));
+ return New_Function_Call (Assoc);
+ end Translate_Simple_String_Choice;
+ procedure Translate_String_Choice
+ (Expr : O_Dnode;
+ Val_Node : O_Dnode;
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Func : Iir;
+ Cond_Var : O_Dnode;
+ Choice : Iir)
+ is
+ Cond : O_Enode;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ Stmt_Chain : Iir;
+ First : Boolean;
+ Ch : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Choice = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ First := True;
+ Stmt_Chain := Get_Associated (Choice);
+ Ch := Choice;
+ loop
+ case Get_Kind (Ch) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression =>
+ Cond := Translate_Simple_String_Choice
+ (Expr, Get_Expression (Ch), Val_Node, Tinfo, Func);
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others =>
+ Translate_Statements_Chain (Stmt_Chain);
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_string_choice", Ch);
+ end case;
+ if not First then
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Cond_Var),
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Or, New_Obj_Value (Cond_Var), Cond));
+ end if;
+ Ch := Get_Chain (Ch);
+ exit when Ch = Null_Iir;
+ exit when not Get_Same_Alternative_Flag (Ch);
+ exit when Get_Associated (Ch) /= Null_Iir;
+ if First then
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Cond_Var), Cond);
+ First := False;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if not First then
+ Cond := New_Obj_Value (Cond_Var);
+ end if;
+ Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk, Cond);
+ Translate_Statements_Chain (Stmt_Chain);
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Translate_String_Choice
+ (Expr, Val_Node, Tinfo, Func, Cond_Var, Ch);
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ end Translate_String_Choice;
+ -- Case statement whose expression is an unidim array.
+ procedure Translate_String_Case_Statement (Stmt : Iir_Case_Statement)
+ is
+ Expr : Iir;
+ Expr_Type : Iir;
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ -- Node containing the address of the selector.
+ Expr_Node : O_Dnode;
+ -- Node containing the current choice.
+ C_Node : O_Dnode;
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Choices_Chain : Iir;
+ Func : Iir;
+ Cond_Var : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ -- Translate into if/elsif statements.
+ -- FIXME: if the number of literals ** length of the array < 256,
+ -- use a case statement.
+ Expr := Get_Expression (Stmt);
+ Expr_Type := Get_Type (Expr);
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Expr_Type);
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Base_Type);
+ Expr_Node := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Tinfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value),
+ Chap7.Translate_Expression (Expr, Base_Type));
+ C_Node := Create_Temp (Tinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element (New_Obj (C_Node),
+ Tinfo.T.Bounds_Field (Mode_Value)),
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value
+ (New_Obj (Expr_Node), Tinfo.T.Bounds_Field (Mode_Value)));
+ Cond_Var := Create_Temp (Std_Boolean_Type_Node);
+ Func := Chap7.Find_Predefined_Function
+ (Base_Type, Iir_Predefined_Array_Equality);
+ Choices_Chain := Get_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain (Stmt);
+ Translate_String_Choice
+ (Expr_Node, C_Node,
+ Tinfo, Func, Cond_Var, Choices_Chain);
+ end Translate_String_Case_Statement;
+ procedure Translate_Case_Choice
+ (Choice : Iir; Choice_Type : Iir; Blk : in out O_Case_Block)
+ is
+ Expr : Iir;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Choice) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others =>
+ New_Default_Choice (Blk);
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression =>
+ Expr := Get_Expression (Choice);
+ New_Expr_Choice
+ (Blk, Chap7.Translate_Static_Expression (Expr, Choice_Type));
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range =>
+ declare
+ H, L : Iir;
+ begin
+ Expr := Get_Expression (Choice);
+ Get_Low_High_Limit (Expr, L, H);
+ New_Range_Choice
+ (Blk,
+ Chap7.Translate_Static_Expression (L, Choice_Type),
+ Chap7.Translate_Static_Expression (H, Choice_Type));
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_case_choice", Choice);
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Case_Choice;
+ procedure Translate_Case_Statement (Stmt : Iir_Case_Statement)
+ is
+ Expr : Iir;
+ Expr_Type : Iir;
+ Case_Blk : O_Case_Block;
+ Choice : Iir;
+ Stmt_Chain : Iir;
+ begin
+ Expr := Get_Expression (Stmt);
+ Expr_Type := Get_Type (Expr);
+ if Get_Kind (Expr_Type) = Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition then
+ Translate_String_Case_Statement (Stmt);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Start_Case_Stmt (Case_Blk, Chap7.Translate_Expression (Expr));
+ Choice := Get_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain (Stmt);
+ while Choice /= Null_Iir loop
+ Start_Choice (Case_Blk);
+ Stmt_Chain := Get_Associated (Choice);
+ loop
+ Translate_Case_Choice (Choice, Expr_Type, Case_Blk);
+ Choice := Get_Chain (Choice);
+ exit when Choice = Null_Iir;
+ exit when not Get_Same_Alternative_Flag (Choice);
+ if Get_Associated (Choice) /= Null_Iir then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Finish_Choice (Case_Blk);
+ Translate_Statements_Chain (Stmt_Chain);
+ end loop;
+ Finish_Case_Stmt (Case_Blk);
+ end Translate_Case_Statement;
+ procedure Translate_Write_Procedure_Call (Imp : Iir; Param_Chain : Iir)
+ is
+ F_Assoc : Iir;
+ Value_Assoc : Iir;
+ Value : O_Dnode;
+ Formal_Type : Iir;
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Assocs : O_Assoc_List;
+ Subprg_Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ F_Assoc := Param_Chain;
+ Value_Assoc := Get_Chain (Param_Chain);
+ Formal_Type := Get_Type (Get_Formal (Value_Assoc));
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Formal_Type);
+ case Tinfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Scalar =>
+ Open_Temp;
+ Start_Association (Assocs, Ghdl_Write_Scalar);
+ -- compute file parameter (get an index)
+ New_Association
+ (Assocs, Chap7.Translate_Expression (Get_Actual (F_Assoc)));
+ -- compute the value.
+ Value := Create_Temp (Tinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Value),
+ Chap7.Translate_Expression (Get_Actual (Value_Assoc)));
+ New_Association
+ (Assocs,
+ New_Unchecked_Address (New_Obj (Value), Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+ -- length.
+ New_Association
+ (Assocs, New_Lit (New_Sizeof (Tinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type)));
+ -- call a predefined procedure
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assocs);
+ Close_Temp;
+ when Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Record
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ Subprg_Info := Get_Info (Imp);
+ Start_Association (Assocs, Subprg_Info.Ortho_Func);
+ Chap2.Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc
+ (Assocs, Subprg_Info.Subprg_Instance);
+ New_Association
+ (Assocs, Chap7.Translate_Expression (Get_Actual (F_Assoc)));
+ New_Association
+ (Assocs,
+ Chap7.Translate_Expression (Get_Actual (Value_Assoc),
+ Formal_Type));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assocs);
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown
+ | Type_Mode_File
+ | Type_Mode_Acc
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Acc
+ | Type_Mode_Protected =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Write_Procedure_Call;
+ procedure Translate_Read_Procedure_Call (Imp : Iir; Param_Chain : Iir)
+ is
+ F_Assoc : Iir;
+ Value_Assoc : Iir;
+ Value : Mnode;
+ Formal_Type : Iir;
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Assocs : O_Assoc_List;
+ Subprg_Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ F_Assoc := Param_Chain;
+ Value_Assoc := Get_Chain (Param_Chain);
+ Formal_Type := Get_Type (Get_Formal (Value_Assoc));
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Formal_Type);
+ case Tinfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Scalar =>
+ Open_Temp;
+ Start_Association (Assocs, Ghdl_Read_Scalar);
+ -- compute file parameter (get an index)
+ New_Association
+ (Assocs, Chap7.Translate_Expression (Get_Actual (F_Assoc)));
+ -- value
+ Value := Chap6.Translate_Name (Get_Actual (Value_Assoc));
+ New_Association
+ (Assocs, New_Convert_Ov (M2Addr (Value), Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+ -- length.
+ New_Association
+ (Assocs, New_Lit (New_Sizeof (Tinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type)));
+ -- call a predefined procedure
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assocs);
+ Close_Temp;
+ when Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Record =>
+ Subprg_Info := Get_Info (Imp);
+ Start_Association (Assocs, Subprg_Info.Ortho_Func);
+ Chap2.Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc
+ (Assocs, Subprg_Info.Subprg_Instance);
+ New_Association
+ (Assocs, Chap7.Translate_Expression (Get_Actual (F_Assoc)));
+ New_Association
+ (Assocs,
+ Chap7.Translate_Expression (Get_Actual (Value_Assoc)));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assocs);
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ declare
+ Length_Assoc : Iir;
+ Length : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Length_Assoc := Get_Chain (Value_Assoc);
+ Subprg_Info := Get_Info (Imp);
+ Start_Association (Assocs, Subprg_Info.Ortho_Func);
+ Chap2.Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc
+ (Assocs, Subprg_Info.Subprg_Instance);
+ New_Association
+ (Assocs,
+ Chap7.Translate_Expression (Get_Actual (F_Assoc)));
+ New_Association
+ (Assocs,
+ Chap7.Translate_Expression (Get_Actual (Value_Assoc),
+ Formal_Type));
+ Length := Chap6.Translate_Name (Get_Actual (Length_Assoc));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Length), New_Function_Call (Assocs));
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown
+ | Type_Mode_File
+ | Type_Mode_Acc
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Acc
+ | Type_Mode_Protected =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Read_Procedure_Call;
+ procedure Translate_Implicit_Procedure_Call (Call : Iir_Procedure_Call)
+ is
+ Kind : Iir_Predefined_Functions;
+ Imp : Iir;
+ Param_Chain : Iir;
+ begin
+ Imp := Get_Implementation (Call);
+ Kind := Get_Implicit_Definition (Imp);
+ Param_Chain := Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Call);
+ case Kind is
+ when Iir_Predefined_Write =>
+ -- Check wether text or not.
+ declare
+ File_Param : Iir;
+ Assocs : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ File_Param := Param_Chain;
+ -- FIXME: do the test.
+ if Get_Text_File_Flag (Get_Type (Get_Formal (File_Param)))
+ then
+ -- If text:
+ Start_Association (Assocs, Ghdl_Text_Write);
+ -- compute file parameter (get an index)
+ New_Association
+ (Assocs,
+ Chap7.Translate_Expression (Get_Actual (File_Param)));
+ -- compute string parameter (get a fat array pointer)
+ New_Association
+ (Assocs, Chap7.Translate_Expression
+ (Get_Actual (Get_Chain (Param_Chain)),
+ String_Type_Definition));
+ -- call a predefined procedure
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assocs);
+ else
+ Translate_Write_Procedure_Call (Imp, Param_Chain);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Read_Length =>
+ -- FIXME: works only for text read length.
+ declare
+ File_Param : Iir;
+ N_Param : Iir;
+ Assocs : O_Assoc_List;
+ Str : O_Enode;
+ Res : Mnode;
+ begin
+ File_Param := Param_Chain;
+ if Get_Text_File_Flag (Get_Type (Get_Formal (File_Param)))
+ then
+ N_Param := Get_Chain (File_Param);
+ Str := Chap7.Translate_Expression
+ (Get_Actual (N_Param), String_Type_Definition);
+ N_Param := Get_Chain (N_Param);
+ Res := Chap6.Translate_Name (Get_Actual (N_Param));
+ Start_Association (Assocs, Ghdl_Text_Read_Length);
+ -- compute file parameter (get an index)
+ New_Association
+ (Assocs,
+ Chap7.Translate_Expression (Get_Actual (File_Param)));
+ -- compute string parameter (get a fat array pointer)
+ New_Association (Assocs, Str);
+ -- call a predefined procedure
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lv (Res), New_Function_Call (Assocs));
+ else
+ Translate_Read_Procedure_Call (Imp, Param_Chain);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Predefined_Read =>
+ Translate_Read_Procedure_Call (Imp, Param_Chain);
+ when Iir_Predefined_Deallocate =>
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Deallocation (Get_Actual (Param_Chain));
+ when Iir_Predefined_File_Open =>
+ declare
+ N_Param : Iir;
+ File_Param : Iir;
+ Name_Param : Iir;
+ Kind_Param : Iir;
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ File_Param := Get_Actual (Param_Chain);
+ N_Param := Get_Chain (Param_Chain);
+ Name_Param := Get_Actual (N_Param);
+ N_Param := Get_Chain (N_Param);
+ Kind_Param := Get_Actual (N_Param);
+ if Get_Text_File_Flag (Get_Type (File_Param)) then
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Text_File_Open);
+ else
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_File_Open);
+ end if;
+ New_Association
+ (Constr, Chap7.Translate_Expression (File_Param));
+ New_Association
+ (Constr, New_Convert_Ov
+ (Chap7.Translate_Expression (Kind_Param), Ghdl_I32_Type));
+ New_Association
+ (Constr,
+ Chap7.Translate_Expression (Name_Param,
+ String_Type_Definition));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Predefined_File_Open_Status =>
+ declare
+ N_Param : Iir;
+ Status_Param : Iir;
+ File_Param : Iir;
+ Name_Param : Iir;
+ Kind_Param : Iir;
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ Status : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Status_Param := Get_Actual (Param_Chain);
+ Status := Chap6.Translate_Name (Status_Param);
+ N_Param := Get_Chain (Param_Chain);
+ File_Param := Get_Actual (N_Param);
+ N_Param := Get_Chain (N_Param);
+ Name_Param := Get_Actual (N_Param);
+ N_Param := Get_Chain (N_Param);
+ Kind_Param := Get_Actual (N_Param);
+ if Get_Text_File_Flag (Get_Type (File_Param)) then
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Text_File_Open_Status);
+ else
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_File_Open_Status);
+ end if;
+ New_Association
+ (Constr, Chap7.Translate_Expression (File_Param));
+ New_Association
+ (Constr, New_Convert_Ov
+ (Chap7.Translate_Expression (Kind_Param), Ghdl_I32_Type));
+ New_Association
+ (Constr,
+ Chap7.Translate_Expression (Name_Param,
+ String_Type_Definition));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lv (Status),
+ New_Convert_Ov (New_Function_Call (Constr),
+ Std_File_Open_Status_Type));
+ end;
+ when Iir_Predefined_File_Close =>
+ declare
+ File_Param : Iir;
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ File_Param := Get_Actual (Param_Chain);
+ if Get_Text_File_Flag (Get_Type (File_Param)) then
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Text_File_Close);
+ else
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_File_Close);
+ end if;
+ New_Association
+ (Constr, Chap7.Translate_Expression (File_Param));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line
+ ("translate_implicit_procedure_call: cannot handle "
+ & Iir_Predefined_Functions'Image (Kind));
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Implicit_Procedure_Call;
+ function Do_Conversion (Conv : Iir; Expr : Iir; Src : Mnode)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ Conv_Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ Res_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Res : O_Dnode;
+ Imp : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Conv = Null_Iir then
+ return M2E (Src);
+-- case Get_Type_Info (Dest).Type_Mode is
+-- when Type_Mode_Thin =>
+-- New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Dest), M2E (Src));
+-- when Type_Mode_Fat_Acc =>
+-- Copy_Fat_Pointer (Stabilize (Dest), Stabilize (Src));
+-- when others =>
+-- raise Internal_Error;
+-- end case;
+ else
+ case Get_Kind (Conv) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
+ -- Call conversion function.
+ Imp := Get_Implementation (Conv);
+ Conv_Info := Get_Info (Imp);
+ Start_Association (Constr, Conv_Info.Ortho_Func);
+ if Conv_Info.Res_Interface /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ Res := Create_Temp (Conv_Info.Res_Record_Type);
+ -- Composite result.
+ New_Association
+ (Constr,
+ New_Address (New_Obj (Res), Conv_Info.Res_Record_Ptr));
+ end if;
+ Chap2.Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc
+ (Constr, Conv_Info.Subprg_Instance);
+ New_Association (Constr, M2E (Src));
+ Res_Info := Get_Info (Get_Return_Type (Imp));
+ if Conv_Info.Res_Interface /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ -- Composite result.
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ return New_Address (New_Obj (Res),
+ Conv_Info.Res_Record_Ptr);
+ else
+ return New_Function_Call (Constr);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion =>
+ return Chap7.Translate_Type_Conversion
+ (M2E (Src), Get_Type (Expr),
+ Get_Type (Conv), Null_Iir);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("do_conversion", Conv);
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end Do_Conversion;
+ procedure Translate_Procedure_Call (Stmt : Iir_Procedure_Call)
+ is
+ type Mnode_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Mnode;
+ type O_Enode_Array is array (Natural range <>) of O_Enode;
+ Assoc_Chain : Iir := Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Stmt);
+ Nbr_Assoc : Natural := Iir_Chains.Get_Chain_Length (Assoc_Chain);
+ Params : Mnode_Array (0 .. Nbr_Assoc - 1);
+ E_Params : O_Enode_Array (0 .. Nbr_Assoc - 1);
+ Imp : Iir;
+ Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ Res : O_Dnode;
+ El : Iir;
+ Pos : Natural;
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ Act : Iir;
+ Actual_Type : Iir;
+ Formal : Iir;
+ Base_Formal : Iir;
+ Formal_Type : Iir;
+ Ftype_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Atype_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Formal_Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Val : O_Enode;
+ Param : Mnode;
+ Last_Individual : Natural;
+ Ptr : O_Lnode;
+ In_Conv : Iir;
+ Out_Conv : Iir;
+ Formal_Object_Kind : Object_Kind_Type;
+ Bounds : O_Enode;
+ Obj : Iir;
+ begin
+ Imp := Get_Implementation (Stmt);
+ Info := Get_Info (Imp);
+ -- Create an in-out result record for in-out arguments passed by
+ -- value.
+ if Info.Res_Record_Type /= O_Tnode_Null then
+ Res := Create_Temp (Info.Res_Record_Type);
+ else
+ Res := O_Dnode_Null;
+ end if;
+ -- Evaluate in-out parameters and parameters passed by ref, since
+ -- they can add declarations.
+ -- Non-composite in-out parameters address are saved in order to
+ -- be able to assignate the result.
+ El := Assoc_Chain;
+ Pos := 0;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Params (Pos) := Mnode_Null;
+ E_Params (Pos) := O_Enode_Null;
+ Formal := Get_Formal (El);
+ Base_Formal := Get_Base_Name (Formal);
+ Formal_Type := Get_Type (Formal);
+ Formal_Info := Get_Info (Base_Formal);
+ if Get_Kind (Base_Formal) = Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ then
+ Formal_Object_Kind := Mode_Signal;
+ else
+ Formal_Object_Kind := Mode_Value;
+ end if;
+ Ftype_Info := Get_Info (Formal_Type);
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open =>
+ Act := Get_Default_Value (Formal);
+ In_Conv := Null_Iir;
+ Out_Conv := Null_Iir;
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression =>
+ Act := Get_Actual (El);
+ In_Conv := Get_In_Conversion (El);
+ Out_Conv := Get_Out_Conversion (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual =>
+ Actual_Type := Get_Actual_Type (El);
+ if Formal_Info.Interface_Field /= O_Fnode_Null then
+ -- A non-composite type cannot be associated by element.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Ftype_Info.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ Chap3.Create_Array_Subtype (Actual_Type, True);
+ Bounds := M2E (Chap3.Get_Array_Type_Bounds (Actual_Type));
+ Param := Create_Temp (Ftype_Info, Mode_Value);
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Allocation
+ (Param, Alloc_Stack, Formal_Type, Bounds);
+ else
+ Param := Create_Temp (Ftype_Info, Mode_Value);
+ Chap4.Allocate_Complex_Object
+ (Formal_Type, Alloc_Stack, Param);
+ end if;
+ Last_Individual := Pos;
+ Params (Pos) := Param;
+ goto Continue;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_procedure_call", El);
+ end case;
+ Actual_Type := Get_Type (Act);
+ if Formal_Info.Interface_Field /= O_Fnode_Null then
+ -- Copy-out argument.
+ -- This is not a composite type.
+ Param := Chap6.Translate_Name (Act);
+ if Get_Object_Kind (Param) /= Mode_Value then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Params (Pos) := Stabilize (Param);
+ if In_Conv /= Null_Iir or else Out_Conv = Null_Iir then
+ -- Arguments may be assigned if there is an in conversion,
+ -- or no out conversion.
+ -- We try to assign even OUT argument, to avoid
+ -- uninitialized values.
+ Ptr := New_Selected_Element
+ (New_Obj (Res), Formal_Info.Interface_Field);
+ Param := Lv2M (Ptr, Ftype_Info, Mode_Value);
+ Chap7.Translate_Assign
+ (Param,
+ Do_Conversion (In_Conv, Act, Params (Pos)),
+ In_Conv, --FIXME: may be null.
+ Formal_Type);
+ end if;
+ elsif Ftype_Info.Type_Mode not in Type_Mode_By_Value then
+ -- Passed by reference.
+ case Get_Kind (Base_Formal) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration =>
+ -- No conversion here.
+ E_Params (Pos) := Chap7.Translate_Expression
+ (Act, Formal_Type);
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ Param := Chap6.Translate_Name (Act);
+ -- Atype may not have been set (eg: slice).
+ Atype_Info := Get_Info (Actual_Type);
+ if Base_Formal /= Formal then
+ Stabilize (Param);
+ Params (Pos) := Param;
+ end if;
+ E_Params (Pos) := M2E (Param);
+ if Formal_Type /= Actual_Type then
+ -- Implicit array conversion or subtype check.
+ E_Params (Pos) := Chap7.Translate_Implicit_Conv
+ (E_Params (Pos), Actual_Type, Formal_Type,
+ Get_Object_Kind (Param));
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_procedure_call(2)", Formal);
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ if Base_Formal /= Formal then
+ -- Individual association.
+ if Ftype_Info.Type_Mode not in Type_Mode_By_Value then
+ -- Not by-value actual already translated.
+ Val := E_Params (Pos);
+ else
+ -- By value association.
+ Act := Get_Actual (El);
+ if Get_Kind (Base_Formal)
+ = Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ then
+ Val := Chap7.Translate_Expression (Act, Formal_Type);
+ else
+ Params (Pos) := Chap6.Translate_Name (Act);
+ -- Since signals are passed by reference, they are not
+ -- copied back, so do not stabilize them (furthermore,
+ -- it is not possible to stabilize them).
+ if Formal_Object_Kind = Mode_Value then
+ Params (Pos) := Stabilize (Params (Pos));
+ end if;
+ Val := M2E (Params (Pos));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Assign formal.
+ -- Change the formal variable so that it is the local variable
+ -- that will be passed to the subprogram.
+ declare
+ Prev_Node : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Prev_Node := Formal_Info.Interface_Node;
+ -- We need a pointer since the interface is by reference.
+ Formal_Info.Interface_Node :=
+ M2Dp (Params (Last_Individual));
+ Param := Chap6.Translate_Name (Formal);
+ Formal_Info.Interface_Node := Prev_Node;
+ end;
+ Chap7.Translate_Assign (Param, Val, Act, Formal_Type);
+ end if;
+ << Continue >> null;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end loop;
+ -- Second stage: really perform the call.
+ Start_Association (Constr, Info.Ortho_Func);
+ if Res /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ New_Association (Constr,
+ New_Address (New_Obj (Res), Info.Res_Record_Ptr));
+ end if;
+ Obj := Get_Method_Object (Stmt);
+ if Obj /= Null_Iir then
+ declare
+ Prot_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Prot_Info := Get_Info (Get_Method_Type (Imp));
+ Chap2.Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc
+ (Constr, Info.Subprg_Instance,
+ Prot_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value),
+ M2E (Chap6.Translate_Name (Obj)));
+ end;
+ else
+ Chap2.Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc (Constr, Info.Subprg_Instance);
+ end if;
+ -- Parameters.
+ El := Assoc_Chain;
+ Pos := 0;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Formal := Get_Formal (El);
+ Base_Formal := Get_Base_Name (Formal);
+ Formal_Info := Get_Info (Base_Formal);
+ Formal_Type := Get_Type (Formal);
+ Ftype_Info := Get_Info (Formal_Type);
+ if Get_Kind (El) = Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual then
+ Last_Individual := Pos;
+ New_Association (Constr, M2E (Params (Pos)));
+ elsif Base_Formal /= Formal then
+ -- Individual association.
+ null;
+ elsif Formal_Info.Interface_Field = O_Fnode_Null then
+ if Ftype_Info.Type_Mode in Type_Mode_By_Value then
+ -- Parameter passed by value.
+ if E_Params (Pos) /= O_Enode_Null then
+ Val := E_Params (Pos);
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ else
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open =>
+ Act := Get_Default_Value (Formal);
+ In_Conv := Null_Iir;
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression =>
+ Act := Get_Actual (El);
+ In_Conv := Get_In_Conversion (El);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_procedure_call(2)", El);
+ end case;
+ case Get_Kind (Formal) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ Param := Chap6.Translate_Name (Act);
+ -- This is a scalar.
+ Val := M2E (Param);
+ when others =>
+ if In_Conv = Null_Iir then
+ Val := Chap7.Translate_Expression
+ (Act, Formal_Type);
+ else
+ Actual_Type := Get_Type (Act);
+ Val := Do_Conversion
+ (In_Conv,
+ Act,
+ E2M (Chap7.Translate_Expression (Act,
+ Actual_Type),
+ Get_Info (Actual_Type),
+ Mode_Value));
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ New_Association (Constr, Val);
+ else
+ -- Parameter passed by ref, which was already computed.
+ New_Association (Constr, E_Params (Pos));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end loop;
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ -- Copy-out non-composite parameters.
+ El := Assoc_Chain;
+ Pos := 0;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ Formal := Get_Formal (El);
+ Base_Formal := Get_Base_Name (Formal);
+ Formal_Type := Get_Type (Formal);
+ Ftype_Info := Get_Info (Formal_Type);
+ Formal_Info := Get_Info (Base_Formal);
+ if Get_Kind (Base_Formal) = Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ and then Get_Mode (Base_Formal) in Iir_Out_Modes
+ and then Params (Pos) /= Mnode_Null
+ then
+ if Formal_Info.Interface_Field /= O_Fnode_Null then
+ -- OUT parameters.
+ Out_Conv := Get_Out_Conversion (El);
+ Ptr := New_Selected_Element
+ (New_Obj (Res), Formal_Info.Interface_Field);
+ Param := Lv2M (Ptr, Ftype_Info, Mode_Value);
+ Chap7.Translate_Assign (Params (Pos),
+ Do_Conversion (Out_Conv, Formal,
+ Param),
+ Out_Conv, --FIXME: use real expr.
+ Get_Type (Get_Actual (El)));
+ elsif Base_Formal /= Formal then
+ -- By individual.
+ -- Copy back.
+ Act := Get_Actual (El);
+ declare
+ Prev_Node : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Prev_Node := Formal_Info.Interface_Node;
+ -- We need a pointer since the interface is by reference.
+ Formal_Info.Interface_Node :=
+ M2Dp (Params (Last_Individual));
+ Val := Chap7.Translate_Expression
+ (Formal, Get_Type (Act));
+ Formal_Info.Interface_Node := Prev_Node;
+ end;
+ Chap7.Translate_Assign
+ (Params (Pos), Val, Formal, Get_Type (Act));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end Translate_Procedure_Call;
+ procedure Translate_Wait_Statement (Stmt : Iir)
+ is
+ Sensitivity : Iir_List;
+ Cond : Iir;
+ Timeout : Iir;
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ Sensitivity := Get_Sensitivity_List (Stmt);
+ Cond := Get_Condition_Clause (Stmt);
+ Timeout := Get_Timeout_Clause (Stmt);
+ if Sensitivity = Null_Iir_List and Cond /= Null_Iir then
+ Sensitivity := Create_Iir_List;
+ Canon.Canon_Extract_Sensitivity (Cond, Sensitivity);
+ Set_Sensitivity_List (Stmt, Sensitivity);
+ end if;
+ -- Check for simple cases.
+ if Sensitivity = Null_Iir_List
+ and then Cond = Null_Iir
+ then
+ if Timeout = Null_Iir then
+ -- Process exit.
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Process_Wait_Exit);
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ else
+ -- Wait for a timeout.
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Process_Wait_Timeout);
+ New_Association (Constr, Chap7.Translate_Expression
+ (Timeout, Time_Type_Definition));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ end if;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Evaluate the timeout (if any) and register it,
+ if Timeout /= Null_Iir then
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Process_Wait_Set_Timeout);
+ New_Association (Constr, Chap7.Translate_Expression
+ (Timeout, Time_Type_Definition));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ end if;
+ -- Evaluate the sensitivity list and register it.
+ if Sensitivity /= Null_Iir_List then
+ Register_Signal_List
+ (Sensitivity, Ghdl_Process_Wait_Add_Sensitivity);
+ end if;
+ if Cond = Null_Iir then
+ declare
+ V : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ -- declare
+ -- v : __ghdl_bool_type_node;
+ -- begin
+ -- v := suspend ();
+ -- end;
+ Open_Temp;
+ V := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Process_Wait_Suspend);
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (V), New_Function_Call (Constr));
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ else
+ declare
+ Label : O_Snode;
+ begin
+ -- start loop
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ -- if suspend() then -- return true if timeout.
+ -- exit;
+ -- end if;
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Process_Wait_Suspend);
+ Gen_Exit_When (Label, New_Function_Call (Constr));
+ -- if condition then
+ -- exit;
+ -- end if;
+ Open_Temp;
+ Gen_Exit_When
+ (Label,
+ Chap7.Translate_Expression (Cond, Boolean_Type_Definition));
+ Close_Temp;
+ -- end loop;
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ -- wait_close;
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Process_Wait_Close);
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ end Translate_Wait_Statement;
+ -- Signal assignment.
+ procedure Gen_Simple_Signal_Assign_Non_Composite (Targ : Mnode;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Val : O_Enode)
+ is
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ Conv : O_Tnode;
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Targ_Type);
+ case Type_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_B2 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_B2;
+ Conv := Ghdl_Bool_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_E8 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_E8;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I32_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_I32
+ | Type_Mode_P32 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_I32;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I32_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_P64
+ | Type_Mode_I64 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_I64;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I64_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_F64 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_F64;
+ Conv := Ghdl_Real_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_Array =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("gen_signal_assign_non_composite", Targ_Type);
+ end case;
+ if Chap3.Need_Range_Check (Targ_Type) then
+ declare
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ Val2 : O_Dnode;
+ Targ2 : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ Val2 := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Type_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value), Val);
+ Targ2 := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Ghdl_Signal_Ptr, New_Convert_Ov (New_Value (M2Lv (Targ)),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk, Chap3.Not_In_Range (Val2, Targ_Type));
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_Error);
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Obj_Value (Targ2));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Subprg);
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Obj_Value (Targ2));
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc, New_Convert_Ov (New_Obj_Value (Val2), Conv));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ else
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Subprg);
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Convert_Ov (New_Value (M2Lv (Targ)),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Convert_Ov (Val, Conv));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ end if;
+ end Gen_Simple_Signal_Assign_Non_Composite;
+-- procedure Gen_Simple_Signal_Prepare_Data_Composite (Val : O_Enode;
+-- Targ_Type : Iir) is
+-- begin
+-- null;
+-- end Gen_Simple_Signal_Prepare_Data_Composite;
+-- function Gen_Simple_Signal_Update_Data_Array (Val : O_Enode;
+-- Targ_Type : Iir;
+-- Index : O_Lnode)
+-- return O_Enode
+-- is
+-- Base : O_Lnode;
+-- begin
+-- Base := Chap3.Get_Array_Base
+-- (New_Access_Element (Val), Targ_Type, Mode_Value);
+-- return New_Value (New_Indexed_Element (Base, New_Value (Index)));
+-- end Gen_Simple_Signal_Update_Data_Array;
+-- function Gen_Simple_Signal_Update_Data_Record
+-- (Val : O_Enode; Targ_Type : Iir; El : Iir_Element_Declaration)
+-- return O_Enode
+-- is
+-- begin
+-- return New_Value (New_Selected_Element
+-- (New_Access_Element (Val),
+-- Get_Info (El).Field_Node (Mode_Value)));
+-- end Gen_Simple_Signal_Update_Data_Record;
+ procedure Gen_Simple_Signal_Assign is new Foreach_Non_Composite
+ (Data_Type => O_Enode,
+ Composite_Data_Type => Mnode,
+ Do_Non_Composite => Gen_Simple_Signal_Assign_Non_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Array => Gen_Oenode_Prepare_Data_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Array => Gen_Oenode_Update_Data_Array,
+ Finish_Data_Array => Gen_Oenode_Finish_Data_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Record => Gen_Oenode_Prepare_Data_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Record => Gen_Oenode_Update_Data_Record,
+ Finish_Data_Record => Gen_Oenode_Finish_Data_Composite);
+ type Signal_Assign_Data is record
+ Expr : Mnode;
+ Reject : O_Dnode;
+ After : O_Dnode;
+ end record;
+ procedure Gen_Start_Signal_Assign_Non_Composite
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Data : Signal_Assign_Data)
+ is
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ Conv : O_Tnode;
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ if Data.Expr = Mnode_Null then
+ -- Null transaction.
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_Null);
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Convert_Ov (New_Value (M2Lv (Targ)),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Obj_Value (Data.Reject));
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Obj_Value (Data.After));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Targ_Type);
+ case Type_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_B2 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_B2;
+ Conv := Ghdl_Bool_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_E8 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_E8;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I32_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_I32
+ | Type_Mode_P32 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_I32;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I32_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_P64
+ | Type_Mode_I64 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_I64;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I64_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_F64 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_F64;
+ Conv := Ghdl_Real_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_Array =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("gen_signal_assign_non_composite", Targ_Type);
+ end case;
+ -- Check range.
+ if Chap3.Need_Range_Check (Targ_Type) then
+ declare
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ V : Mnode;
+ Starg : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ V := Stabilize_Value (Data.Expr);
+ Starg := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Ghdl_Signal_Ptr,
+ New_Convert_Ov (New_Value (M2Lv (Targ)), Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk, Chap3.Not_In_Range (M2Dv (V), Targ_Type));
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_Error);
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Obj_Value (Starg));
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Obj_Value (Data.Reject));
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Obj_Value (Data.After));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Subprg);
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Obj_Value (Starg));
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Obj_Value (Data.Reject));
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Convert_Ov (M2E (V), Conv));
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Obj_Value (Data.After));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ else
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Subprg);
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Convert_Ov (New_Value (M2Lv (Targ)),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Obj_Value (Data.Reject));
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Convert_Ov (M2E (Data.Expr), Conv));
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Obj_Value (Data.After));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ end if;
+ end Gen_Start_Signal_Assign_Non_Composite;
+ function Gen_Signal_Prepare_Data_Composite
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Val : Signal_Assign_Data)
+ return Signal_Assign_Data
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ, Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ return Val;
+ end Gen_Signal_Prepare_Data_Composite;
+ function Gen_Signal_Prepare_Data_Record
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Val : Signal_Assign_Data)
+ return Signal_Assign_Data
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ, Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ if Val.Expr = Mnode_Null then
+ return Val;
+ else
+ return Signal_Assign_Data'
+ (Expr => Stabilize (Val.Expr),
+ Reject => Val.Reject,
+ After => Val.After);
+ end if;
+ end Gen_Signal_Prepare_Data_Record;
+ function Gen_Signal_Update_Data_Array
+ (Val : Signal_Assign_Data;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Index : O_Dnode)
+ return Signal_Assign_Data
+ is
+ Res : Signal_Assign_Data;
+ begin
+ if Val.Expr = Mnode_Null then
+ -- Handle null transaction.
+ return Val;
+ end if;
+ Res := Signal_Assign_Data'
+ (Expr => Chap3.Index_Base (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Val.Expr),
+ Targ_Type, New_Obj_Value (Index)),
+ Reject => Val.Reject,
+ After => Val.After);
+ return Res;
+ end Gen_Signal_Update_Data_Array;
+ function Gen_Signal_Update_Data_Record
+ (Val : Signal_Assign_Data;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration)
+ return Signal_Assign_Data
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
+ Res : Signal_Assign_Data;
+ begin
+ if Val.Expr = Mnode_Null then
+ -- Handle null transaction.
+ return Val;
+ end if;
+ Res := Signal_Assign_Data'
+ (Expr => Chap6.Translate_Selected_Element (Val.Expr, El),
+ Reject => Val.Reject,
+ After => Val.After);
+ return Res;
+ end Gen_Signal_Update_Data_Record;
+ procedure Gen_Signal_Finish_Data_Composite
+ (Data : in out Signal_Assign_Data)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Data);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Gen_Signal_Finish_Data_Composite;
+ procedure Gen_Start_Signal_Assign is new Foreach_Non_Composite
+ (Data_Type => Signal_Assign_Data,
+ Composite_Data_Type => Signal_Assign_Data,
+ Do_Non_Composite => Gen_Start_Signal_Assign_Non_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Array => Gen_Signal_Prepare_Data_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Array => Gen_Signal_Update_Data_Array,
+ Finish_Data_Array => Gen_Signal_Finish_Data_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Record => Gen_Signal_Prepare_Data_Record,
+ Update_Data_Record => Gen_Signal_Update_Data_Record,
+ Finish_Data_Record => Gen_Signal_Finish_Data_Composite);
+ procedure Gen_Next_Signal_Assign_Non_Composite
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Data : Signal_Assign_Data)
+ is
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ Conv : O_Tnode;
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ if Data.Expr = Mnode_Null then
+ -- Null transaction.
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_Null);
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Convert_Ov (New_Value (M2Lv (Targ)),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Obj_Value (Data.After));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Targ_Type);
+ case Type_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_B2 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_B2;
+ Conv := Ghdl_Bool_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_E8 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_E8;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I32_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_I32
+ | Type_Mode_P32 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_I32;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I32_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_P64
+ | Type_Mode_I64 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_I64;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I64_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_F64 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_F64;
+ Conv := Ghdl_Real_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_Array =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("gen_signal_next_assign_non_composite", Targ_Type);
+ end case;
+ -- FIXME: check in range.
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Subprg);
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Convert_Ov (New_Value (M2Lv (Targ)),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Convert_Ov (M2E (Data.Expr), Conv));
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Obj_Value (Data.After));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ end Gen_Next_Signal_Assign_Non_Composite;
+ procedure Gen_Next_Signal_Assign is new Foreach_Non_Composite
+ (Data_Type => Signal_Assign_Data,
+ Composite_Data_Type => Signal_Assign_Data,
+ Do_Non_Composite => Gen_Next_Signal_Assign_Non_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Array => Gen_Signal_Prepare_Data_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Array => Gen_Signal_Update_Data_Array,
+ Finish_Data_Array => Gen_Signal_Finish_Data_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Record => Gen_Signal_Prepare_Data_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Record => Gen_Signal_Update_Data_Record,
+ Finish_Data_Record => Gen_Signal_Finish_Data_Composite);
+ procedure Translate_Signal_Target_Aggr
+ (Aggr : Mnode; Target : Iir; Target_Type : Iir);
+ procedure Translate_Signal_Target_Array_Aggr
+ (Aggr : Mnode;
+ Target : Iir;
+ Target_Type : Iir;
+ Idx : O_Dnode;
+ Dim : Natural)
+ is
+ Sub_Aggr : Mnode;
+ El : Iir;
+ Index_List : Iir_List;
+ Nbr_Dim : Natural;
+ Expr : Iir;
+ begin
+ Index_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Target_Type);
+ Nbr_Dim := Get_Nbr_Elements (Index_List);
+ El := Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Target);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None =>
+ Sub_Aggr := Chap3.Index_Base
+ (Aggr, Target_Type, New_Obj_Value (Idx));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_signal_target_array_aggr", El);
+ end case;
+ Expr := Get_Associated (El);
+ if Dim = Nbr_Dim then
+ Translate_Signal_Target_Aggr
+ (Sub_Aggr, Expr, Get_Element_Subtype (Target_Type));
+ if Get_Kind (El) = Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None then
+ Inc_Var (Idx);
+ else
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Translate_Signal_Target_Array_Aggr
+ (Sub_Aggr, Expr, Target_Type, Idx, Dim + 1);
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Translate_Signal_Target_Array_Aggr;
+ procedure Translate_Signal_Target_Record_Aggr
+ (Aggr : Mnode; Target : Iir; Target_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ Aggr_El : Iir;
+ El_Decl : Iir_Element_Declaration;
+ Element : Iir_Element_Declaration;
+ begin
+ El_Decl := Get_Element_Declaration_Chain
+ (Get_Base_Type (Target_Type));
+ Aggr_El := Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Target);
+ while Aggr_El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (Aggr_El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None =>
+ Element := El_Decl;
+ El_Decl := Get_Chain (El_Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Name =>
+ Element := Get_Name (Aggr_El);
+ El_Decl := Null_Iir;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_signal_target_record_aggr", Aggr_El);
+ end case;
+ Translate_Signal_Target_Aggr
+ (Chap6.Translate_Selected_Element (Aggr, Element),
+ Get_Associated (Aggr_El), Get_Type (Element));
+ Aggr_El := Get_Chain (Aggr_El);
+ end loop;
+ end Translate_Signal_Target_Record_Aggr;
+ procedure Translate_Signal_Target_Aggr
+ (Aggr : Mnode; Target : Iir; Target_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ Src : Mnode;
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Target) = Iir_Kind_Aggregate then
+ declare
+ Idx : O_Dnode;
+ St_Aggr : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ St_Aggr := Stabilize (Aggr);
+ case Get_Kind (Target_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ Idx := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Init_Var (Idx);
+ Translate_Signal_Target_Array_Aggr
+ (St_Aggr, Target, Target_Type, Idx, 1);
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Translate_Signal_Target_Record_Aggr
+ (St_Aggr, Target, Target_Type);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_signal_target_aggr", Target_Type);
+ end case;
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ else
+ Src := Chap6.Translate_Name (Target);
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Copy (Aggr, M2E (Src), Target_Type);
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Signal_Target_Aggr;
+ procedure Translate_Signal_Assignment_Statement (Stmt : Iir)
+ is
+ Target : Iir;
+ Target_Type : Iir;
+ We : Iir_Waveform_Element;
+ Targ : Mnode;
+ Val : O_Enode;
+ Value : Iir;
+ begin
+ Target := Get_Target (Stmt);
+ Target_Type := Get_Type (Target);
+ if Get_Kind (Target) = Iir_Kind_Aggregate then
+ Chap3.Translate_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Target_Type, True);
+ Targ := Create_Temp (Get_Info (Target_Type), Mode_Signal);
+ Chap4.Allocate_Complex_Object (Target_Type, Alloc_Stack, Targ);
+ Translate_Signal_Target_Aggr (Targ, Target, Target_Type);
+ else
+ Targ := Chap6.Translate_Name (Target);
+ if Get_Object_Kind (Targ) /= Mode_Signal then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ We := Get_Waveform_Chain (Stmt);
+ if We = Null_Iir then
+ -- Implicit disconnect statment.
+ Register_Signal (Targ, Target_Type, Ghdl_Signal_Disconnect);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Handle a simple and common case: only one waveform, inertial,
+ -- and no time (eg: sig <= expr).
+ Value := Get_We_Value (We);
+ if Get_Chain (We) = Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Time (We) = Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Delay_Mechanism (Stmt) = Iir_Inertial_Delay
+ and then Get_Reject_Time_Expression (Stmt) = Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Kind (Value) /= Iir_Kind_Null_Literal
+ then
+ Val := Chap7.Translate_Expression (Value, Target_Type);
+ Gen_Simple_Signal_Assign (Targ, Target_Type, Val);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- General case.
+ declare
+ Var_Targ : Mnode;
+ Targ_Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ Targ_Tinfo := Get_Info (Target_Type);
+ Var_Targ := Stabilize (Targ, True);
+ -- Translate the first waveform element.
+ declare
+ Reject_Time : O_Dnode;
+ After_Time : O_Dnode;
+ Del : Iir;
+ Rej : Iir;
+ Val : Mnode;
+ Data : Signal_Assign_Data;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ Reject_Time := Create_Temp (Std_Time_Type);
+ After_Time := Create_Temp (Std_Time_Type);
+ Del := Get_Time (We);
+ if Del = Null_Iir then
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (After_Time),
+ New_Lit (New_Signed_Literal (Std_Time_Type, 0)));
+ else
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (After_Time),
+ Chap7.Translate_Expression (Del, Time_Type_Definition));
+ end if;
+ case Get_Delay_Mechanism (Stmt) is
+ when Iir_Transport_Delay =>
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Reject_Time),
+ New_Lit (New_Signed_Literal (Std_Time_Type, 0)));
+ when Iir_Inertial_Delay =>
+ Rej := Get_Reject_Time_Expression (Stmt);
+ if Rej = Null_Iir then
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Reject_Time),
+ New_Obj_Value (After_Time));
+ else
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Reject_Time), Chap7.Translate_Expression
+ (Rej, Time_Type_Definition));
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ if Get_Kind (Value) = Iir_Kind_Null_Literal then
+ Val := Mnode_Null;
+ else
+ Val := E2M (Chap7.Translate_Expression (Value, Target_Type),
+ Targ_Tinfo, Mode_Value);
+ Val := Stabilize (Val);
+ end if;
+ Data := Signal_Assign_Data'(Expr => Val,
+ Reject => Reject_Time,
+ After => After_Time);
+ Gen_Start_Signal_Assign (Var_Targ, Target_Type, Data);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ -- Translate other waveform elements.
+ We := Get_Chain (We);
+ while We /= Null_Iir loop
+ declare
+ After_Time : O_Dnode;
+ Val : Mnode;
+ Data : Signal_Assign_Data;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ After_Time := Create_Temp (Std_Time_Type);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (After_Time),
+ Chap7.Translate_Expression (Get_Time (We),
+ Time_Type_Definition));
+ Value := Get_We_Value (We);
+ if Get_Kind (Value) = Iir_Kind_Null_Literal then
+ Val := Mnode_Null;
+ else
+ Val :=
+ E2M (Chap7.Translate_Expression (Value, Target_Type),
+ Targ_Tinfo, Mode_Value);
+ end if;
+ Data := Signal_Assign_Data'(Expr => Val,
+ Reject => O_Dnode_Null,
+ After => After_Time);
+ Gen_Next_Signal_Assign (Var_Targ, Target_Type, Data);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ We := Get_Chain (We);
+ end loop;
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ end Translate_Signal_Assignment_Statement;
+ procedure Translate_Statement (Stmt : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Get_Line_Number (Stmt));
+ Open_Temp;
+ case Get_Kind (Stmt) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Return_Statement =>
+ Translate_Return_Statement (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_If_Statement =>
+ Translate_If_Statement (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement =>
+ Translate_Assertion_Statement (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Report_Statement =>
+ Translate_Report_Statement (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Case_Statement =>
+ Translate_Case_Statement (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement =>
+ Translate_For_Loop_Statement (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement =>
+ Translate_While_Loop_Statement (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Next_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement =>
+ Translate_Exit_Next_Statement (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement =>
+ Translate_Signal_Assignment_Statement (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement =>
+ Translate_Variable_Assignment_Statement (Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Null_Statement =>
+ -- A null statement is translated to a NOP, so that the
+ -- statement generates code (and a breakpoint can be set on
+ -- it).
+ -- Emit_Nop;
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Assocs : Iir;
+ Call : Iir_Procedure_Call;
+ Imp : Iir;
+ begin
+ Call := Get_Procedure_Call (Stmt);
+ Assocs := Canon.Canon_Subprogram_Call (Call);
+ Imp := Get_Implementation (Call);
+ if Get_Kind (Imp) = Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ then
+ Translate_Implicit_Procedure_Call (Call);
+ else
+ Translate_Procedure_Call (Call);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement =>
+ Translate_Wait_Statement (Stmt);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_statement", Stmt);
+ end case;
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Translate_Statement;
+ procedure Translate_Statements_Chain (First : Iir)
+ is
+ Stmt : Iir;
+ begin
+ Stmt := First;
+ while Stmt /= Null_Iir loop
+ Translate_Statement (Stmt);
+ Stmt := Get_Chain (Stmt);
+ end loop;
+ end Translate_Statements_Chain;
+ end Chap8;
+ package body Chap9 is
+ procedure Translate_Process_Statement (Proc : Iir; Base : Block_Info_Acc)
+ is
+ Inter_List : O_Inter_List;
+ Instance : O_Dnode;
+ Info : Proc_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Proc);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl (Inter_List, Create_Identifier ("PROC"),
+ O_Storage_Private);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Inter_List, Instance, Wki_Instance,
+ Base.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Inter_List, Info.Process_Subprg);
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Info.Process_Subprg);
+ Push_Local_Factory;
+ -- Push scope for architecture declarations.
+ Push_Scope (Base.Block_Decls_Type, Instance);
+ Chap8.Translate_Statements_Chain
+ (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Proc));
+ Pop_Scope (Base.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Pop_Local_Factory;
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ end Translate_Process_Statement;
+ procedure Translate_Implicit_Guard_Signal
+ (Guard : Iir; Base : Block_Info_Acc)
+ is
+ Info : Object_Info_Acc;
+ Inter_List : O_Inter_List;
+ Instance : O_Dnode;
+ Guard_Expr : Iir;
+ begin
+ Guard_Expr := Get_Guard_Expression (Guard);
+ -- Create the subprogram to compute the value of GUARD.
+ Info := Get_Info (Guard);
+ Start_Function_Decl (Inter_List, Create_Identifier ("_GUARD_PROC"),
+ O_Storage_Private, Std_Boolean_Type_Node);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Inter_List, Instance, Wki_Instance,
+ Base.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Inter_List, Info.Object_Function);
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Info.Object_Function);
+ Push_Local_Factory;
+ Push_Scope (Base.Block_Decls_Type, Instance);
+ Open_Temp;
+ New_Return_Stmt (Chap7.Translate_Expression (Guard_Expr));
+ Close_Temp;
+ Pop_Scope (Base.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Pop_Local_Factory;
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ end Translate_Implicit_Guard_Signal;
+ procedure Translate_Component_Instantiation_Statement (Inst : Iir)
+ is
+ Comp : Iir;
+ Field : O_Fnode;
+ Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Comp_Info : Comp_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Comp := Get_Instantiated_Unit (Inst);
+ Info := Add_Info (Inst, Kind_Block);
+ if Get_Kind (Comp) = Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration then
+ -- Via a component declaration.
+ Comp_Info := Get_Info (Comp);
+ Field := Add_Instance_Factory_Field
+ (Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (Inst),
+ Comp_Info.Comp_Type);
+ Info.Block_Decls_Type := Comp_Info.Comp_Type;
+ Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type := Comp_Info.Comp_Ptr_Type;
+ Info.Block_Parent_Field := Field;
+ else
+ -- Direct instantiation.
+ Info.Block_Parent_Field := Add_Instance_Factory_Field
+ (Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (Inst),
+ Rtis.Ghdl_Component_Link_Type);
+ Info.Block_Decls_Type := O_Tnode_Null;
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Component_Instantiation_Statement;
+ -- Create the instance for block BLOCK.
+ -- BLOCK can be either an entity, an architecture or a block statement.
+ procedure Translate_Block_Declarations (Block : Iir; Origin : Iir)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ Chap4.Translate_Declaration_Chain (Block);
+ El := Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Block);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Itype : O_Tnode;
+ Field : O_Fnode;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (El));
+ -- Start child record.
+ Push_Instance_Factory (O_Tnode_Null);
+ Info := Add_Info (El, Kind_Process);
+ Chap4.Translate_Declaration_Chain (El);
+ Pop_Instance_Factory (Itype);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("INSTTYPE"), Itype);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ -- Create a field in the parent record.
+ Field := Add_Instance_Factory_Field
+ (Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (El), Itype);
+ -- Set info in child record.
+ Info.Process_Decls_Type := Itype;
+ Info.Process_Parent_Field := Field;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ Translate_Component_Instantiation_Statement (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Hdr : Iir_Block_Header;
+ Guard : Iir;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Field : O_Fnode;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (El));
+ Info := Add_Info (El, Kind_Block);
+ Chap1.Start_Block_Decl (El);
+ Push_Instance_Factory (Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Guard := Get_Guard_Decl (El);
+ if Guard /= Null_Iir then
+ Chap4.Translate_Declaration (Guard);
+ end if;
+ -- generics, ports.
+ Hdr := Get_Block_Header (El);
+ if Hdr /= Null_Iir then
+ Chap4.Translate_Generic_Chain (Hdr);
+ Chap4.Translate_Port_Chain (Hdr);
+ end if;
+ Chap9.Translate_Block_Declarations (El, Origin);
+ Pop_Instance_Factory (Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ -- Create a field in the parent record.
+ Field := Add_Instance_Factory_Field
+ (Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (El),
+ Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ -- Set info in child record.
+ Info.Block_Parent_Field := Field;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Scheme : Iir;
+ Iter_Type : Iir;
+ It_Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Scheme := Get_Generation_Scheme (El);
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (El));
+ if Get_Kind (Scheme) = Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration then
+ Iter_Type := Get_Type (Scheme);
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Subtype (Scheme, True);
+ end if;
+ Info := Add_Info (El, Kind_Block);
+ Chap1.Start_Block_Decl (El);
+ Push_Instance_Factory (Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ -- Add a parent field in the current instance.
+ Info.Block_Origin_Field := Add_Instance_Factory_Field
+ (Get_Identifier ("ORIGIN"),
+ Get_Info (Origin).Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
+ -- Iterator.
+ if Get_Kind (Scheme) = Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration then
+ Info.Block_Configured_Field :=
+ Add_Instance_Factory_Field
+ (Get_Identifier ("CONFIGURED"), Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ It_Info := Add_Info (Scheme, Kind_Iterator);
+ It_Info.Iterator_Var := Create_Var
+ (Create_Var_Identifier (Scheme),
+ Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Iter_Type)).Ortho_Type
+ (Mode_Value));
+ end if;
+ Chap9.Translate_Block_Declarations (El, El);
+ Pop_Instance_Factory (Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ if Get_Kind (Scheme) = Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration then
+ -- Create array type of block_decls_type
+ Info.Block_Decls_Array_Type := New_Array_Type
+ (Info.Block_Decls_Type, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("INSTARRTYPE"),
+ Info.Block_Decls_Array_Type);
+ -- Create access to the array type.
+ Info.Block_Decls_Array_Ptr_Type := New_Access_Type
+ (Info.Block_Decls_Array_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("INSTARRPTR"),
+ Info.Block_Decls_Array_Ptr_Type);
+ -- Add a field in parent record
+ Info.Block_Parent_Field := Add_Instance_Factory_Field
+ (Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (El),
+ Info.Block_Decls_Array_Ptr_Type);
+ else
+ -- Create an access field in the parent record.
+ Info.Block_Parent_Field := Add_Instance_Factory_Field
+ (Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (El),
+ Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
+ end if;
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_block_declarations", El);
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Translate_Block_Declarations;
+ procedure Translate_Component_Instantiation_Subprogram
+ (Stmt : Iir; Base : Block_Info_Acc)
+ is
+ procedure Set_Component_Link (Ref_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Comp_Field : O_Fnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element
+ (New_Selected_Element (Get_Instance_Ref (Ref_Type), Comp_Field),
+ Rtis.Ghdl_Component_Link_Stmt),
+ New_Lit (Rtis.Get_Context_Rti (Stmt)));
+ end Set_Component_Link;
+ Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Comp : Iir;
+ Comp_Info : Comp_Info_Acc;
+ Parent_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Inter_List : O_Inter_List;
+ Instance : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Stmt);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl (Inter_List, Create_Identifier ("ELAB"),
+ O_Storage_Private);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Inter_List, Instance, Wki_Instance,
+ Base.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Inter_List, Info.Block_Elab_Subprg);
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Info.Block_Elab_Subprg);
+ Push_Local_Factory;
+ Push_Scope (Base.Block_Decls_Type, Instance);
+ New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Get_Line_Number (Stmt));
+ Parent_Info := Get_Info (Get_Parent (Stmt));
+ Comp := Get_Instantiated_Unit (Stmt);
+ if Get_Kind (Comp) /= Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration then
+ -- This is a direct instantiation.
+ Set_Component_Link (Parent_Info.Block_Decls_Type,
+ Info.Block_Parent_Field);
+ Translate_Entity_Instantiation (Comp, Stmt, Stmt, Null_Iir);
+ else
+ Comp_Info := Get_Info (Comp);
+ Push_Scope (Comp_Info.Comp_Type, Info.Block_Parent_Field,
+ Parent_Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ -- Set the link from component declaration to component
+ -- instantiation statement.
+ Set_Component_Link (Comp_Info.Comp_Type, Comp_Info.Comp_Link);
+ Chap5.Elab_Map_Aspect (Stmt, Comp);
+ Pop_Scope (Comp_Info.Comp_Type);
+ end if;
+ Pop_Scope (Base.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Pop_Local_Factory;
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ end Translate_Component_Instantiation_Subprogram;
+ -- Translate concurrent statements into subprograms.
+ procedure Translate_Block_Subprograms (Block : Iir; Base_Block : Iir)
+ is
+ Stmt : Iir;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Block_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Base_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Base_Info := Get_Info (Base_Block);
+ Chap4.Translate_Declaration_Chain_Subprograms (Block, Base_Block);
+ Block_Info := Get_Info (Block);
+ Stmt := Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Block);
+ while Stmt /= Null_Iir loop
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (Stmt));
+ case Get_Kind (Stmt) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Info : Proc_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Stmt);
+ Push_Scope (Info.Process_Decls_Type,
+ Info.Process_Parent_Field,
+ Block_Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Chap4.Translate_Declaration_Chain_Subprograms
+ (Stmt, Base_Block);
+ Translate_Process_Statement (Stmt, Base_Info);
+ Pop_Scope (Info.Process_Decls_Type);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ Chap4.Translate_Association_Subprograms
+ (Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Stmt),
+ Base_Block,
+ Get_Entity_From_Entity_Aspect
+ (Get_Instantiated_Unit (Stmt)));
+ Translate_Component_Instantiation_Subprogram
+ (Stmt, Base_Info);
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Guard : Iir;
+ Hdr : Iir;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Stmt);
+ Push_Scope (Info.Block_Decls_Type,
+ Info.Block_Parent_Field,
+ Block_Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Guard := Get_Guard_Decl (Stmt);
+ if Guard /= Null_Iir then
+ Translate_Implicit_Guard_Signal (Guard, Base_Info);
+ end if;
+ Hdr := Get_Block_Header (Stmt);
+ if Hdr /= Null_Iir then
+ Chap4.Translate_Association_Subprograms
+ (Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Hdr),
+ Base_Block, Null_Iir);
+ end if;
+ Translate_Block_Subprograms (Stmt, Base_Block);
+ Pop_Scope (Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Prev_Instance : Chap2.Subprg_Instance_Stack;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Stmt);
+ Chap2.Save_Subprg_Instance (Prev_Instance);
+ Chap2.Push_Subprg_Instance (Info.Block_Decls_Type,
+ Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type,
+ Wki_Instance);
+ Push_Scope_Via_Field_Ptr (Base_Info.Block_Decls_Type,
+ Info.Block_Origin_Field,
+ Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Translate_Block_Subprograms (Stmt, Stmt);
+ Pop_Scope (Base_Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Chap2.Pop_Subprg_Instance (Wki_Instance);
+ Chap2.Restore_Subprg_Instance (Prev_Instance);
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_block_subprograms", Stmt);
+ end case;
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ Stmt := Get_Chain (Stmt);
+ end loop;
+ end Translate_Block_Subprograms;
+ -- Remove anonymous and implicit type definitions in a list of names.
+ -- Such type definitions are created during slice translations, however
+ -- variables created are defined in the translation scope.
+ -- If the type is referenced again, the variables must be reachable.
+ -- This is not the case for elaborator subprogram (which may references
+ -- slices in the sensitivity or driver list) and the process subprg.
+ procedure Destroy_Types_In_List (List : Iir_List)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ Atype : Iir;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ if List = Null_Iir_List then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ loop
+ Atype := Null_Iir;
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Element
+ | Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name =>
+ El := Get_Prefix (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
+ Atype := Get_Type (El);
+ El := Get_Prefix (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ El := Get_Name (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute =>
+ El := Get_Prefix (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration =>
+ exit;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("destroy_types_in_list", El);
+ end case;
+ if Atype /= Null_Iir
+ and then Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Atype)
+ then
+ Info := Get_Info (Atype);
+ if Info /= null then
+ Free_Type_Info (Info, False);
+ Clear_Info (Atype);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ end Destroy_Types_In_List;
+ -- PROC: the process to be elaborated
+ -- BLOCK_INFO: info for the block containing the process
+ -- BASE_INFO: info for the global block
+ procedure Elab_Process (Proc : Iir;
+ Block_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Base_Info : Block_Info_Acc)
+ is
+ Is_Sensitized : Boolean;
+ Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ Info : Proc_Info_Acc;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ Final : Boolean;
+ begin
+ New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Get_Line_Number (Proc));
+ Is_Sensitized :=
+ Get_Kind (Proc) = Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement;
+ Info := Get_Info (Proc);
+ -- Set instance name.
+ Push_Scope (Info.Process_Decls_Type,
+ Info.Process_Parent_Field,
+ Block_Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ -- Register process.
+ if Is_Sensitized then
+ if Get_Postponed_Flag (Proc) then
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Postponed_Sensitized_Process_Register;
+ else
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Sensitized_Process_Register;
+ end if;
+ else
+ if Get_Postponed_Flag (Proc) then
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Postponed_Process_Register;
+ else
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Process_Register;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Start_Association (Constr, Subprg);
+ New_Association
+ (Constr, New_Unchecked_Address
+ (Get_Instance_Ref (Base_Info.Block_Decls_Type), Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+ New_Association
+ (Constr,
+ New_Lit (New_Subprogram_Address (Info.Process_Subprg,
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type)));
+ Rtis.Associate_Rti_Context (Constr, Proc);
+-- New_Association
+-- (Constr,
+-- New_Address (New_Selected_Element
+-- (Get_Instance_Ref (Info.Process_Decls_Type),
+-- Info.Process_Name),
+-- Ghdl_Instance_Name_Acc));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ -- First elaborate declarations since a driver may depend on
+ -- an alias declaration.
+ Chap4.Elab_Declaration_Chain (Proc, Final);
+ List := Get_Driver_List (Proc);
+ Destroy_Types_In_List (List);
+ Register_Signal_List (List, Ghdl_Process_Add_Driver);
+ if Is_Sensitized then
+ List := Get_Sensitivity_List (Proc);
+ Destroy_Types_In_List (List);
+ Register_Signal_List (List, Ghdl_Process_Add_Sensitivity);
+ end if;
+ Pop_Scope (Info.Process_Decls_Type);
+ end Elab_Process;
+ procedure Elab_Implicit_Guard_Signal
+ (Block : Iir_Block_Statement; Block_Info : Block_Info_Acc)
+ is
+ Guard : Iir;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Info : Object_Info_Acc;
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ -- Create the guard signal.
+ Guard := Get_Guard_Decl (Block);
+ Info := Get_Info (Guard);
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Get_Type (Guard));
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Signal_Create_Guard);
+ New_Association
+ (Constr, New_Unchecked_Address
+ (Get_Instance_Ref (Block_Info.Block_Decls_Type), Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+ New_Association
+ (Constr,
+ New_Lit (New_Subprogram_Address (Info.Object_Function,
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type)));
+-- New_Association (Constr, Chap6.Get_Instance_Name_Ref (Block));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (Get_Var (Info.Object_Var),
+ New_Convert_Ov (New_Function_Call (Constr),
+ Type_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal)));
+ -- Register sensitivity list of the guard signal.
+ Register_Signal_List (Get_Guard_Sensitivity_List (Guard),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Guard_Dependence);
+ end Elab_Implicit_Guard_Signal;
+ procedure Translate_Entity_Instantiation
+ (Aspect : Iir; Mapping : Iir; Parent : Iir; Config_Override : Iir)
+ is
+ Entity_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Config : Iir;
+ Arch : Iir;
+ Entity : Iir_Entity_Declaration;
+ Entity_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Arch_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Instance_Size : O_Dnode;
+ Arch_Elab : O_Dnode;
+ Arch_Config : O_Dnode;
+ Arch_Config_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Var_Sub : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ -- Extract entity, architecture and configuration from
+ -- binding aspect.
+ case Get_Kind (Aspect) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity =>
+ Entity_Unit := Get_Entity (Aspect);
+ Arch := Get_Architecture (Aspect);
+ if Flags.Flag_Elaborate and then Arch = Null_Iir then
+ -- This is valid only during elaboration.
+ Arch := Libraries.Get_Latest_Architecture
+ (Get_Library_Unit (Entity_Unit));
+ end if;
+ Config := Null_Iir;
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Configuration =>
+ Config := Get_Library_Unit (Get_Configuration (Aspect));
+ Entity_Unit := Get_Entity (Config);
+ Arch := Get_Block_Specification
+ (Get_Block_Configuration (Config));
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Open =>
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_entity_instantiation", Aspect);
+ end case;
+ Entity := Get_Library_Unit (Entity_Unit);
+ Entity_Info := Get_Info (Entity);
+ if Config_Override /= Null_Iir then
+ Config := Config_Override;
+ if Get_Kind (Arch) = Iir_Kind_Simple_Name then
+ Arch := Get_Block_Specification
+ (Get_Block_Configuration (Config));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- 1) Create instance for the arch
+ if Arch /= Null_Iir then
+ Arch_Info := Get_Info (Arch);
+ if Config = Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Kind (Arch) = Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ then
+ Config := Get_Default_Configuration_Declaration (Arch);
+ if Config /= Null_Iir then
+ Config := Get_Library_Unit (Config);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Arch_Info := null;
+ end if;
+ if Arch_Info = null or Config = Null_Iir then
+ declare
+ function Get_Arch_Name return String is
+ begin
+ if Arch /= Null_Iir then
+ return "ARCH__" & Image_Identifier (Arch);
+ else
+ return "LASTARCH";
+ end if;
+ end Get_Arch_Name;
+ Str : String :=
+ Image_Identifier (Get_Library (Get_Design_File (Entity_Unit)))
+ & "__" & Image_Identifier (Entity) & "__"
+ & Get_Arch_Name & "__";
+ Sub_Inter : O_Inter_List;
+ Arg : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ if Arch_Info = null then
+ New_Const_Decl
+ (Instance_Size, Get_Identifier (Str & "INSTSIZE"),
+ O_Storage_External, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Sub_Inter, Get_Identifier (Str & "ELAB"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Sub_Inter, Arg, Wki_Instance,
+ Entity_Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Sub_Inter, Arch_Elab);
+ end if;
+ if Config = Null_Iir then
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Sub_Inter, Get_Identifier (Str & "DEFAULT_CONFIG"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Sub_Inter, Arg, Wki_Instance,
+ Entity_Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Sub_Inter, Arch_Config);
+ Arch_Config_Type := Entity_Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ if Arch_Info = null then
+ if Config /= Null_Iir then
+ -- Architecture is unknown, but we know how to configure
+ -- the block inside it.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Instance_Size := Arch_Info.Block_Instance_Size;
+ Arch_Elab := Arch_Info.Block_Elab_Subprg;
+ if Config /= Null_Iir then
+ Arch_Config := Get_Info (Config).Config_Subprg;
+ Arch_Config_Type := Arch_Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Create the instance variable and allocate storage.
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Sub, Get_Identifier ("SUB_INSTANCE"),
+ O_Storage_Local, Entity_Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Sub),
+ Gen_Alloc (Alloc_System, New_Obj_Value (Instance_Size),
+ Entity_Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type));
+ -- 1.5) link instance.
+ declare
+ procedure Set_Links (Ref_Type : O_Tnode; Link_Field : O_Fnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ -- Set the ghdl_component_link_instance field.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element
+ (New_Selected_Element (Get_Instance_Ref (Ref_Type),
+ Link_Field),
+ Rtis.Ghdl_Component_Link_Instance),
+ New_Address (New_Selected_Acc_Value
+ (New_Obj (Var_Sub),
+ Entity_Info.Block_Link_Field),
+ Rtis.Ghdl_Entity_Link_Acc));
+ -- Set the ghdl_entity_link_parent field.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_Sub),
+ Entity_Info.Block_Link_Field),
+ Rtis.Ghdl_Entity_Link_Parent),
+ New_Address
+ (New_Selected_Element (Get_Instance_Ref (Ref_Type),
+ Link_Field),
+ Rtis.Ghdl_Component_Link_Acc));
+ end Set_Links;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Parent) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
+ -- Instantiation via a component declaration.
+ declare
+ Comp_Info : Comp_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Comp_Info := Get_Info (Parent);
+ Set_Links (Comp_Info.Comp_Type, Comp_Info.Comp_Link);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ -- Direct instantiation.
+ declare
+ Parent_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Parent_Info := Get_Info (Get_Parent (Parent));
+ Set_Links (Parent_Info.Block_Decls_Type,
+ Get_Info (Parent).Block_Parent_Field);
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_entity_instantiation(1)", Parent);
+ end case;
+ end;
+ Push_Scope (Entity_Info.Block_Decls_Type, Var_Sub);
+ Chap5.Elab_Map_Aspect (Mapping, Entity);
+ Pop_Scope (Entity_Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ -- 3) Elab instance.
+ declare
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Arch_Elab);
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Obj_Value (Var_Sub));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ end;
+ -- 5) Configure
+ declare
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Arch_Config);
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Convert_Ov (New_Obj_Value (Var_Sub),
+ Arch_Config_Type));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ end;
+ end Translate_Entity_Instantiation;
+ procedure Elab_Conditionnal_Generate_Statement
+ (Stmt : Iir_Generate_Statement; Parent : Iir; Base_Block : Iir)
+ is
+ Scheme : Iir;
+ Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Var : O_Dnode;
+ Blk : O_If_Block;
+ V : O_Lnode;
+ Parent_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Base_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Parent_Info := Get_Info (Parent);
+ Base_Info := Get_Info (Base_Block);
+ Scheme := Get_Generation_Scheme (Stmt);
+ Info := Get_Info (Stmt);
+ Open_Temp;
+ Var := Create_Temp (Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
+ Start_If_Stmt (Blk, Chap7.Translate_Expression (Scheme));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var),
+ Gen_Alloc (Alloc_System,
+ New_Lit (New_Sizeof (Info.Block_Decls_Type,
+ Ghdl_Index_Type)),
+ Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type));
+ New_Else_Stmt (Blk);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var),
+ New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type)));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (Blk);
+ -- Add a link to child in parent.
+ V := Get_Instance_Ref (Parent_Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ V := New_Selected_Element (V, Info.Block_Parent_Field);
+ New_Assign_Stmt (V, New_Obj_Value (Var));
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Neq,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var),
+ New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ -- Add a link to parent in child.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var), Info.Block_Origin_Field),
+ Get_Instance_Access (Base_Block));
+ -- Elaborate block
+ Push_Scope (Info.Block_Decls_Type, Var);
+ Push_Scope_Via_Field_Ptr (Base_Info.Block_Decls_Type,
+ Info.Block_Origin_Field,
+ Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Elab_Block_Declarations (Stmt, Stmt);
+ Pop_Scope (Base_Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Pop_Scope (Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Finish_If_Stmt (Blk);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Elab_Conditionnal_Generate_Statement;
+ procedure Elab_Iterative_Generate_Statement
+ (Stmt : Iir_Generate_Statement; Parent : Iir; Base_Block : Iir)
+ is
+ Scheme : Iir;
+ Iter_Type : Iir;
+ Iter_Base_Type : Iir;
+ Iter_Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Var_Inst : O_Dnode;
+ Var_I : O_Dnode;
+ Label : O_Snode;
+ V : O_Lnode;
+ Var : O_Dnode;
+ Parent_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Base_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Range_Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Parent_Info := Get_Info (Parent);
+ Base_Info := Get_Info (Base_Block);
+ Scheme := Get_Generation_Scheme (Stmt);
+ Iter_Type := Get_Type (Scheme);
+ Iter_Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Iter_Type);
+ Iter_Type_Info := Get_Info (Iter_Base_Type);
+ Info := Get_Info (Stmt);
+ Open_Temp;
+ -- Evaluate iterator range.
+ Chap3.Elab_Object_Subtype (Iter_Type);
+ Range_Ptr := Create_Temp_Ptr
+ (Iter_Type_Info.T.Range_Ptr_Type,
+ Get_Var (Get_Info (Iter_Type).T.Range_Var));
+ -- Allocate instances.
+ Var_Inst := Create_Temp (Info.Block_Decls_Array_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Inst),
+ Gen_Alloc
+ (Alloc_System,
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Mul_Ov,
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value
+ (New_Obj (Range_Ptr),
+ Iter_Type_Info.T.Range_Length),
+ New_Lit (New_Sizeof (Info.Block_Decls_Type,
+ Ghdl_Index_Type))),
+ Info.Block_Decls_Array_Ptr_Type));
+ -- Add a link to child in parent.
+ V := Get_Instance_Ref (Parent_Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ V := New_Selected_Element (V, Info.Block_Parent_Field);
+ New_Assign_Stmt (V, New_Obj_Value (Var_Inst));
+ -- Start loop.
+ Var_I := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Init_Var (Var_I);
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Gen_Exit_When
+ (Label,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_I),
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value
+ (New_Obj (Range_Ptr),
+ Iter_Type_Info.T.Range_Length),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ Var := Create_Temp_Ptr
+ (Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type,
+ New_Indexed_Element (New_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_Inst)),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_I)));
+ -- Add a link to parent in child.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var), Info.Block_Origin_Field),
+ Get_Instance_Access (Base_Block));
+ -- Mark the block as not (yet) configured.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var),
+ Info.Block_Configured_Field),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Bool_False_Node));
+ -- Elaborate block
+ Push_Scope (Info.Block_Decls_Type, Var);
+ Push_Scope_Via_Field_Ptr (Base_Info.Block_Decls_Type,
+ Info.Block_Origin_Field,
+ Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ -- Set iterator value.
+ -- FIXME: this could be slighly optimized...
+ declare
+ Val : O_Dnode;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ begin
+ Val := Create_Temp (Iter_Type_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value
+ (New_Obj (Range_Ptr),
+ Iter_Type_Info.T.Range_Dir),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_To_Node),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Val), New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value
+ (New_Obj (Range_Ptr),
+ Iter_Type_Info.T.Range_Left));
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Val), New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value
+ (New_Obj (Range_Ptr),
+ Iter_Type_Info.T.Range_Right));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (Get_Var (Get_Info (Scheme).Iterator_Var),
+ New_Dyadic_Op
+ (ON_Add_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Val),
+ New_Convert_Ov (New_Obj_Value (Var_I),
+ Iter_Type_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value))));
+ end;
+ -- Elaboration.
+ Elab_Block_Declarations (Stmt, Stmt);
+ Pop_Scope (Base_Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Pop_Scope (Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Inc_Var (Var_I);
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Elab_Iterative_Generate_Statement;
+ type Merge_Signals_Data is record
+ Sig : Iir;
+ Set_Init : Boolean;
+ Has_Val : Boolean;
+ Val : Mnode;
+ end record;
+ procedure Merge_Signals_Rti_Non_Composite (Targ : Mnode;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Data : Merge_Signals_Data)
+ is
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Sig : Mnode;
+ Init_Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ Conv : O_Tnode;
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ Init_Val : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Targ_Type);
+ Open_Temp;
+ if Data.Set_Init then
+ case Type_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_B2 =>
+ Init_Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Init_B2;
+ Conv := Ghdl_Bool_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_E8 =>
+ Init_Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Init_E8;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I32_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_I32
+ | Type_Mode_P32 =>
+ Init_Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Init_I32;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I32_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_P64
+ | Type_Mode_I64 =>
+ Init_Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Init_I64;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I64_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_F64 =>
+ Init_Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Init_F64;
+ Conv := Ghdl_Real_Type;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("merge_signals_rti_non_composite", Targ_Type);
+ end case;
+ Sig := Stabilize (Targ, True);
+ -- Init the signal.
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Init_Subprg);
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc,
+ New_Convert_Ov (New_Value (M2Lv (Sig)), Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ if Data.Has_Val then
+ Init_Val := M2E (Data.Val);
+ else
+ Init_Val := Chap14.Translate_Left_Type_Attribute (Targ_Type);
+ end if;
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Convert_Ov (Init_Val, Conv));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ else
+ Sig := Targ;
+ end if;
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Ghdl_Signal_Merge_Rti);
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc, New_Convert_Ov (New_Value (M2Lv (Sig)), Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc,
+ New_Lit (New_Global_Unchecked_Address
+ (Get_Info (Data.Sig).Object_Rti,
+ Rtis.Ghdl_Rti_Access)));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Merge_Signals_Rti_Non_Composite;
+ function Merge_Signals_Rti_Prepare (Targ : Mnode;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Data : Merge_Signals_Data)
+ return Merge_Signals_Data
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
+ Res : Merge_Signals_Data;
+ begin
+ Res := Data;
+ if Data.Has_Val then
+ if Get_Type_Info (Data.Val).Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Record then
+ Res.Val := Stabilize (Data.Val);
+ else
+ Res.Val := Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Data.Val);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Merge_Signals_Rti_Prepare;
+ function Merge_Signals_Rti_Update_Data_Array
+ (Data : Merge_Signals_Data; Targ_Type : Iir; Index : O_Dnode)
+ return Merge_Signals_Data
+ is
+ begin
+ if not Data.Has_Val then
+ return Data;
+ else
+ return Merge_Signals_Data'
+ (Sig => Data.Sig,
+ Val => Chap3.Index_Base (Data.Val, Targ_Type,
+ New_Obj_Value (Index)),
+ Has_Val => True,
+ Set_Init => Data.Set_Init);
+ end if;
+ end Merge_Signals_Rti_Update_Data_Array;
+ procedure Merge_Signals_Rti_Finish_Data_Composite
+ (Data : in out Merge_Signals_Data)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Data);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Merge_Signals_Rti_Finish_Data_Composite;
+ function Merge_Signals_Rti_Update_Data_Record
+ (Data : Merge_Signals_Data;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration) return Merge_Signals_Data
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ if not Data.Has_Val then
+ return Data;
+ else
+ return Merge_Signals_Data'
+ (Sig => Data.Sig,
+ Val => Chap6.Translate_Selected_Element (Data.Val, El),
+ Has_Val => True,
+ Set_Init => Data.Set_Init);
+ end if;
+ end Merge_Signals_Rti_Update_Data_Record;
+ pragma Inline (Merge_Signals_Rti_Finish_Data_Composite);
+ procedure Merge_Signals_Rti is new Foreach_Non_Composite
+ (Data_Type => Merge_Signals_Data,
+ Composite_Data_Type => Merge_Signals_Data,
+ Do_Non_Composite => Merge_Signals_Rti_Non_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Array => Merge_Signals_Rti_Prepare,
+ Update_Data_Array => Merge_Signals_Rti_Update_Data_Array,
+ Finish_Data_Array => Merge_Signals_Rti_Finish_Data_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Record => Merge_Signals_Rti_Prepare,
+ Update_Data_Record => Merge_Signals_Rti_Update_Data_Record,
+ Finish_Data_Record => Merge_Signals_Rti_Finish_Data_Composite);
+ procedure Merge_Signals_Rti_Of_Port_Chain (Chain : Iir)
+ is
+ Port : Iir;
+ Port_Type : Iir;
+ Data : Merge_Signals_Data;
+ Val : Iir;
+ begin
+ Port := Chain;
+ while Port /= Null_Iir loop
+ Port_Type := Get_Type (Port);
+ Data.Sig := Port;
+ case Get_Mode (Port) is
+ when Iir_Buffer_Mode
+ | Iir_Out_Mode
+ | Iir_Inout_Mode =>
+ Data.Set_Init := True;
+ when others =>
+ Data.Set_Init := False;
+ end case;
+ Open_Temp;
+ Val := Get_Default_Value (Port);
+ if Val = Null_Iir then
+ Data.Has_Val := False;
+ else
+ Data.Has_Val := True;
+ Data.Val := E2M (Chap7.Translate_Expression (Val, Port_Type),
+ Get_Info (Port_Type),
+ Mode_Value);
+ end if;
+ Merge_Signals_Rti (Chap6.Translate_Name (Port), Port_Type, Data);
+ Close_Temp;
+ Port := Get_Chain (Port);
+ end loop;
+ end Merge_Signals_Rti_Of_Port_Chain;
+ procedure Elab_Block_Declarations (Block : Iir; Base_Block : Iir)
+ is
+ Block_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Base_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Stmt : Iir;
+ Final : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Block_Info := Get_Info (Block);
+ Base_Info := Get_Info (Base_Block);
+ New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Get_Line_Number (Block));
+ case Get_Kind (Block) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
+ Merge_Signals_Rti_Of_Port_Chain (Get_Port_Chain (Block));
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Header : Iir_Block_Header;
+ Guard : Iir;
+ begin
+ Guard := Get_Guard_Decl (Block);
+ if Guard /= Null_Iir then
+ New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Get_Line_Number (Guard));
+ Elab_Implicit_Guard_Signal (Block, Base_Info);
+ end if;
+ Header := Get_Block_Header (Block);
+ if Header /= Null_Iir then
+ New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Get_Line_Number (Header));
+ Chap5.Elab_Map_Aspect (Header, Block);
+ Merge_Signals_Rti_Of_Port_Chain (Get_Port_Chain (Header));
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("elab_block_declarations", Block);
+ end case;
+ Chap4.Elab_Declaration_Chain (Block, Final);
+ Stmt := Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Block);
+ while Stmt /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (Stmt) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
+ Elab_Process (Stmt, Block_Info, Base_Info);
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Stmt);
+ Start_Association (Constr, Info.Block_Elab_Subprg);
+ New_Association
+ (Constr, Get_Instance_Access (Base_Block));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ end;
+ --Elab_Component_Instantiation (Stmt, Block_Info);
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (Stmt));
+ Info := Get_Info (Stmt);
+ Push_Scope (Info.Block_Decls_Type,
+ Info.Block_Parent_Field,
+ Block_Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Elab_Block_Declarations (Stmt, Base_Block);
+ Pop_Scope (Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (Stmt));
+ if Get_Kind (Get_Generation_Scheme (Stmt))
+ = Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
+ then
+ Elab_Iterative_Generate_Statement
+ (Stmt, Block, Base_Block);
+ else
+ Elab_Conditionnal_Generate_Statement
+ (Stmt, Block, Base_Block);
+ end if;
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("elab_block_declarations", Stmt);
+ end case;
+ Stmt := Get_Chain (Stmt);
+ end loop;
+ end Elab_Block_Declarations;
+ end Chap9;
+ package body Chap10 is
+ -- Identifiers.
+ -- The following functions are helpers to create ortho identifiers.
+ Identifier_Buffer : String (1 .. 512);
+ Identifier_Len : Natural := 0;
+ Identifier_Start : Natural := 1;
+ Identifier_Local : Local_Identifier_Type := 0;
+ Inst_Build : Inst_Build_Acc := null;
+ procedure Unchecked_Deallocation is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Object => Inst_Build_Type, Name => Inst_Build_Acc);
+ procedure Set_Global_Storage (Storage : O_Storage) is
+ begin
+ Global_Storage := Storage;
+ end Set_Global_Storage;
+ procedure Pop_Build_Instance
+ is
+ Old : Inst_Build_Acc;
+ begin
+ Old := Inst_Build;
+ Identifier_Start := Old.Prev_Id_Start;
+ Inst_Build := Old.Prev;
+ Unchecked_Deallocation (Old);
+ end Pop_Build_Instance;
+-- procedure Push_Global_Factory (Storage : O_Storage)
+-- is
+-- Inst : Inst_Build_Acc;
+-- begin
+-- if Inst_Build /= null then
+-- raise Internal_Error;
+-- end if;
+-- Inst := new Inst_Build_Type (Global);
+-- Inst.Prev := Inst_Build;
+-- Inst_Build := Inst;
+-- Global_Storage := Storage;
+-- end Push_Global_Factory;
+-- procedure Pop_Global_Factory is
+-- begin
+-- if Inst_Build.Kind /= Global then
+-- raise Internal_Error;
+-- end if;
+-- Pop_Build_Instance;
+-- Global_Storage := O_Storage_Private;
+-- end Pop_Global_Factory;
+ procedure Push_Instance_Factory (Instance_Type : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ Inst : Inst_Build_Acc;
+ begin
+ if Inst_Build /= null and then Inst_Build.Kind /= Instance then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Inst := new Inst_Build_Type (Instance);
+ Inst.Prev := Inst_Build;
+ Inst.Prev_Id_Start := Identifier_Start;
+ Identifier_Start := Identifier_Len + 1;
+ if Instance_Type /= O_Tnode_Null then
+ Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Instance_Type, Inst.Elements);
+ else
+ Start_Record_Type (Inst.Elements);
+ end if;
+ Inst.Vars := null;
+ Inst_Build := Inst;
+ end Push_Instance_Factory;
+ function Add_Instance_Factory_Field (Name : O_Ident; Ftype : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Fnode
+ is
+ Res : O_Fnode;
+ begin
+ New_Record_Field (Inst_Build.Elements, Res, Name, Ftype);
+ return Res;
+ end Add_Instance_Factory_Field;
+ procedure Pop_Instance_Factory (Instance_Type : out O_Tnode)
+ is
+ Res : O_Tnode;
+ V : Var_Acc;
+ begin
+ if Inst_Build.Kind /= Instance then
+ -- Not matching.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Finish_Record_Type (Inst_Build.Elements, Res);
+ -- Set type of all variable declared in this instance.
+ V := Inst_Build.Vars;
+ while V /= null loop
+ V.I_Type := Res;
+ V := V.I_Link;
+ end loop;
+ Pop_Build_Instance;
+ Instance_Type := Res;
+ end Pop_Instance_Factory;
+ procedure Push_Local_Factory
+ is
+ Inst : Inst_Build_Acc;
+ begin
+ if Inst_Build /= null
+ and then (Inst_Build.Kind /= Global and Inst_Build.Kind /= Local)
+ then
+ -- Cannot create a local factory on an instance.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Inst := new Inst_Build_Type (Kind => Local);
+ Inst.Prev := Inst_Build;
+ Inst.Prev_Global_Storage := Global_Storage;
+ Inst.Prev_Id_Start := Identifier_Start;
+ Identifier_Start := Identifier_Len + 1;
+ Inst_Build := Inst;
+ case Global_Storage is
+ when O_Storage_Public =>
+ Global_Storage := O_Storage_Private;
+ when O_Storage_Private
+ | O_Storage_External =>
+ null;
+ when O_Storage_Local =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Push_Local_Factory;
+ -- Return TRUE is the current scope is local.
+ function Is_Local_Scope return Boolean is
+ begin
+ if Inst_Build = null then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ case Inst_Build.Kind is
+ when Local
+ | Instance =>
+ return True;
+ when Global =>
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ end Is_Local_Scope;
+ procedure Pop_Local_Factory is
+ begin
+ if Inst_Build.Kind /= Local then
+ -- Not matching.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Global_Storage := Inst_Build.Prev_Global_Storage;
+ Pop_Build_Instance;
+ end Pop_Local_Factory;
+ type Scope_Type;
+ type Scope_Acc is access Scope_Type;
+ type Scope_Type is record
+ Is_Ptr : Boolean;
+ Stype : O_Tnode;
+ Field : O_Fnode;
+ Parent : O_Tnode;
+ Prev : Scope_Acc;
+ end record;
+ type Scope_Var_Type;
+ type Scope_Var_Acc is access Scope_Var_Type;
+ type Scope_Var_Type is record
+ Svtype : O_Tnode;
+ Var : O_Dnode;
+ Prev : Scope_Var_Acc;
+ end record;
+ Scopes : Scope_Acc := null;
+ -- Chained list of unused scopes, in order to reduce number of
+ -- dynamic allocation.
+ Scopes_Old : Scope_Acc := null;
+ Scopes_Var : Scope_Var_Acc := null;
+ -- Chained list of unused var_scopes, to reduce number of allocations.
+ Scopes_Var_Old : Scope_Var_Acc := null;
+ -- Get a scope, either from the list of free scope or by allocation.
+ function Get_A_Scope return Scope_Acc is
+ Res : Scope_Acc;
+ begin
+ if Scopes_Old /= null then
+ Res := Scopes_Old;
+ Scopes_Old := Scopes_Old.Prev;
+ else
+ Res := new Chap10.Scope_Type;
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Get_A_Scope;
+ procedure Push_Scope (Scope_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Scope_Field : O_Fnode; Scope_Parent : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ Res : Scope_Acc;
+ begin
+ Res := Get_A_Scope;
+ Res.all := (Is_Ptr => False,
+ Stype => Scope_Type,
+ Field => Scope_Field,
+ Parent => Scope_Parent,
+ Prev => Scopes);
+ Scopes := Res;
+ end Push_Scope;
+ procedure Push_Scope_Via_Field_Ptr
+ (Scope_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Scope_Field : O_Fnode; Scope_Parent : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ Res : Scope_Acc;
+ begin
+ Res := Get_A_Scope;
+ Res.all := (Is_Ptr => True,
+ Stype => Scope_Type,
+ Field => Scope_Field,
+ Parent => Scope_Parent,
+ Prev => Scopes);
+ Scopes := Res;
+ end Push_Scope_Via_Field_Ptr;
+ procedure Push_Scope (Scope_Type : O_Tnode; Scope_Param : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ Res : Scope_Var_Acc;
+ begin
+ if Scopes_Var_Old /= null then
+ Res := Scopes_Var_Old;
+ Scopes_Var_Old := Res.Prev;
+ else
+ Res := new Scope_Var_Type;
+ end if;
+ Res.all := (Svtype => Scope_Type,
+ Var => Scope_Param,
+ Prev => Scopes_Var);
+ Scopes_Var := Res;
+ end Push_Scope;
+ procedure Pop_Scope (Scope_Type : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ Old : Scope_Acc;
+ Var_Old : Scope_Var_Acc;
+ begin
+ -- Search in var scope.
+ if Scopes_Var /= null and then Scopes_Var.Svtype = Scope_Type then
+ Var_Old := Scopes_Var;
+ Scopes_Var := Var_Old.Prev;
+ Var_Old.Prev := Scopes_Var_Old;
+ Scopes_Var_Old := Var_Old;
+ elsif Scopes.Stype /= Scope_Type then
+ -- Bad pop order.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ else
+ Old := Scopes;
+ Scopes := Old.Prev;
+ Old.Prev := Scopes_Old;
+ Scopes_Old := Old;
+ end if;
+ end Pop_Scope;
+ procedure Push_Scope_Soft (Scope_Type : O_Tnode; Scope_Param : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Scope_Type /= O_Tnode_Null then
+ Push_Scope (Scope_Type, Scope_Param);
+ end if;
+ end Push_Scope_Soft;
+ procedure Pop_Scope_Soft (Scope_Type : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Scope_Type /= O_Tnode_Null then
+ Pop_Scope (Scope_Type);
+ end if;
+ end Pop_Scope_Soft;
+ function Create_Global_Var
+ (Name : O_Ident; Vtype : O_Tnode; Storage : O_Storage)
+ return Var_Acc
+ is
+ Var : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ New_Var_Decl (Var, Name, Storage, Vtype);
+ return new Var_Type'(Kind => Var_Global, E => Var);
+ end Create_Global_Var;
+ function Create_Global_Const
+ (Name : O_Ident;
+ Vtype : O_Tnode;
+ Storage : O_Storage;
+ Initial_Value : O_Cnode)
+ return Var_Acc
+ is
+ Res : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ New_Const_Decl (Res, Name, Storage, Vtype);
+ if Storage /= O_Storage_External
+ and then Initial_Value /= O_Cnode_Null
+ then
+ Start_Const_Value (Res);
+ Finish_Const_Value (Res, Initial_Value);
+ end if;
+ return new Var_Type'(Kind => Var_Global, E => Res);
+ end Create_Global_Const;
+ procedure Define_Global_Const (Const : Var_Acc; Val : O_Cnode) is
+ begin
+ Start_Const_Value (Const.E);
+ Finish_Const_Value (Const.E, Val);
+ end Define_Global_Const;
+ function Create_Var
+ (Name : Var_Ident_Type;
+ Vtype : O_Tnode;
+ Storage : O_Storage := Global_Storage)
+ return Var_Acc
+ is
+ Res : O_Dnode;
+ Field : O_Fnode;
+ V : Var_Acc;
+ K : Inst_Build_Kind_Type;
+ begin
+ if Inst_Build = null then
+ K := Global;
+ else
+ K := Inst_Build.Kind;
+ end if;
+ case K is
+ when Global =>
+ -- The global scope is in use...
+ return Create_Global_Var (Name.Id, Vtype, Storage);
+ when Local =>
+ -- It is always possible to create a variable in a local scope.
+ -- Create a var.
+ New_Var_Decl (Res, Name.Id, O_Storage_Local, Vtype);
+ return new Var_Type'(Kind => Var_Local, E => Res);
+ when Instance =>
+ -- Create a field.
+ New_Record_Field (Inst_Build.Elements, Field, Name.Id, Vtype);
+ V := new Var_Type'(Kind => Var_Scope, I_Field => Field,
+ I_Type => O_Tnode_Null,
+ I_Link => Inst_Build.Vars);
+ Inst_Build.Vars := V;
+ return V;
+ end case;
+ end Create_Var;
+ function Find_Scope_Type (Stype : O_Tnode) return O_Lnode
+ is
+ S : Scope_Acc;
+ Sv : Scope_Var_Acc;
+ begin
+ -- Find in var.
+ Sv := Scopes_Var;
+ while Sv /= null loop
+ if Sv.Svtype = Stype then
+ return New_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Sv.Var));
+ end if;
+ Sv := Sv.Prev;
+ end loop;
+ -- Find in fields.
+ S := Scopes;
+ while S /= null loop
+ if S.Stype = Stype then
+ if S.Is_Ptr then
+ return New_Access_Element
+ (New_Value
+ (New_Selected_Element (Find_Scope_Type (S.Parent),
+ S.Field)));
+ else
+ return New_Selected_Element
+ (Find_Scope_Type (S.Parent), S.Field);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ S := S.Prev;
+ end loop;
+ -- Not found.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end Find_Scope_Type;
+ function Get_Instance_Access (Block : Iir) return O_Enode
+ is
+ Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Block);
+ if Info.Block_Decls_Type = Scopes_Var.Svtype then
+ return New_Value (New_Obj (Scopes_Var.Var));
+ else
+ return New_Address (Get_Instance_Ref (Info.Block_Decls_Type),
+ Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
+ end if;
+ end Get_Instance_Access;
+ function Get_Instance_Ref (Itype : O_Tnode) return O_Lnode
+ is
+ begin
+ -- Variables cannot be referenced if there is an instance being
+ -- built.
+ if Inst_Build /= null and then Inst_Build.Kind = Instance then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ return Find_Scope_Type (Itype);
+ end Get_Instance_Ref;
+ function Get_Var (Var : Var_Acc) return O_Lnode
+ is
+ begin
+ case Var.Kind is
+ when Var_Local
+ | Var_Global =>
+ return New_Obj (Var.E);
+ when Var_Scope =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ return New_Selected_Element (Get_Instance_Ref (Var.I_Type),
+ Var.I_Field);
+ end Get_Var;
+ function Get_Alloc_Kind_For_Var (Var : Var_Acc) return Allocation_Kind is
+ begin
+ case Var.Kind is
+ when Var_Local =>
+ return Alloc_Stack;
+ when Var_Global
+ | Var_Scope =>
+ return Alloc_System;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Alloc_Kind_For_Var;
+ function Is_Var_Stable (Var : Var_Acc) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ case Var.Kind is
+ when Var_Local
+ | Var_Global =>
+ return True;
+ when Var_Scope =>
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ end Is_Var_Stable;
+ function Is_Var_Field (Var : Var_Acc) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ case Var.Kind is
+ when Var_Local
+ | Var_Global =>
+ return False;
+ when Var_Scope =>
+ return True;
+ end case;
+ end Is_Var_Field;
+ function Get_Var_Field (Var : Var_Acc) return O_Fnode is
+ begin
+ case Var.Kind is
+ when Var_Local
+ | Var_Global =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Var_Scope =>
+ return Var.I_Field;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Var_Field;
+ function Get_Var_Label (Var : Var_Acc) return O_Dnode is
+ begin
+ case Var.Kind is
+ when Var_Local
+ | Var_Global =>
+ return Var.E;
+ when Var_Scope =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Var_Label;
+ procedure Free_Var (Var : in out Var_Acc)
+ is
+ procedure Unchecked_Deallocation is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Var_Type, Var_Acc);
+ begin
+ Unchecked_Deallocation (Var);
+ end Free_Var;
+-- type Scope_Layer is record
+-- -- How to dereference a variable in the scope.
+-- -- O_Enode_Null if no there is no way to dereference an element of
+-- -- the scope, like during scope creation.
+-- This : O_Enode;
+-- -- Type of the scope; this must be a record type or NULL_TREE for
+-- -- the global scope.
+-- -- This is very important since a variable (in fact a FIELD_DECL)
+-- -- belong to a scope iff the type of the field context is
+-- -- Scope_Type. As a consequence, Scope_Type of two different
+-- -- layers must be different.
+-- -- Note: scope_type is a type definition (such as RECORD_TYPE) and
+-- -- *not* a TYPE_DECL.
+-- -- NULL_TREE for a local scope.
+-- Scope_Type : O_Tnode;
+-- -- The scope just below this one.
+-- --Prev : Scope_Acc;
+-- end record;
+ procedure Save_Local_Identifier (Id : out Local_Identifier_Type) is
+ begin
+ Id := Identifier_Local;
+ end Save_Local_Identifier;
+ procedure Restore_Local_Identifier (Id : Local_Identifier_Type) is
+ begin
+ if Identifier_Local > Id then
+ -- If the value is restored with a smaller value, some identifiers
+ -- will be reused. This is certainly an internal error.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Identifier_Local := Id;
+ end Restore_Local_Identifier;
+ -- Reset the identifier.
+ procedure Reset_Identifier_Prefix is
+ begin
+ if Identifier_Len /= 0 or else Identifier_Local /= 0 then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end Reset_Identifier_Prefix;
+ procedure Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark : in Id_Mark_Type) is
+ begin
+ Identifier_Len := Mark.Len;
+ Identifier_Local := Mark.Local_Id;
+ end Pop_Identifier_Prefix;
+ procedure Add_String (Len : in out Natural; Str : String)
+ is
+ begin
+ Identifier_Buffer (Len + 1 .. Len + Str'Length) := Str;
+ Len := Len + Str'Length;
+ end Add_String;
+ procedure Add_Nat (Len : in out Natural; Val : Natural)
+ is
+ Num : String (1 .. 10);
+ V : Natural;
+ P : Natural;
+ begin
+ P := Num'Last;
+ V := Val;
+ loop
+ Num (P) := Character'Val (Character'Pos ('0') + V mod 10);
+ V := V / 10;
+ exit when V = 0;
+ P := P - 1;
+ end loop;
+ Add_String (Len, Num (P .. Num'Last));
+ end Add_Nat;
+ -- Convert name_id NAME to a string stored to
+ --
+ -- This encodes extended identifiers.
+ --
+ -- Extended identifier encoding:
+ -- They start with 'X'.
+ -- Non extended character [0-9a-zA-Z] are left as is,
+ -- others are encoded to _XX, where XX is the character position in hex.
+ -- They finish with "__".
+ procedure Name_Id_To_String (Name : Name_Id)
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ type Bool_Array_Type is array (Character) of Boolean;
+ pragma Pack (Bool_Array_Type);
+ Is_Extended_Char : constant Bool_Array_Type :=
+ ('0' .. '9' | 'A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' => False,
+ others => True);
+ N_Len : Natural;
+ P : Natural;
+ C : Character;
+ begin
+ if Is_Character (Name) then
+ P := Character'Pos (Name_Table.Get_Character (Name));
+ Name_Buffer (1) := 'C';
+ Name_Buffer (2) := N2hex (P / 16);
+ Name_Buffer (3) := N2hex (P mod 16);
+ Name_Length := 3;
+ return;
+ else
+ Image (Name);
+ end if;
+ if Name_Buffer (1) /= '\' then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Extended identifier.
+ -- Supress trailing backslash.
+ Name_Length := Name_Length - 1;
+ -- Count number of characters in the extended string.
+ N_Len := Name_Length;
+ for I in 2 .. Name_Length loop
+ if Is_Extended_Char (Name_Buffer (I)) then
+ N_Len := N_Len + 2;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- Convert.
+ Name_Buffer (1) := 'X';
+ P := N_Len;
+ for J in reverse 2 .. Name_Length loop
+ C := Name_Buffer (J);
+ if Is_Extended_Char (C) then
+ Name_Buffer (P - 0) := N2hex (Character'Pos (C) mod 16);
+ Name_Buffer (P - 1) := N2hex (Character'Pos (C) / 16);
+ Name_Buffer (P - 2) := '_';
+ P := P - 3;
+ else
+ Name_Buffer (P) := C;
+ P := P - 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Name_Buffer (N_Len + 1) := '_';
+ Name_Buffer (N_Len + 2) := '_';
+ Name_Length := N_Len + 2;
+ end Name_Id_To_String;
+ procedure Add_Name (Len : in out Natural; Name : Name_Id)
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ begin
+ Name_Id_To_String (Name);
+ Add_String (Len, Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length));
+ end Add_Name;
+ procedure Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark : out Id_Mark_Type;
+ Name : String;
+ Val : Iir_Int32 := 0)
+ is
+ P : Natural;
+ begin
+ Mark.Len := Identifier_Len;
+ Mark.Local_Id := Identifier_Local;
+ Identifier_Local := 0;
+ P := Identifier_Len;
+ Add_String (P, Name);
+ if Val > 0 then
+ Add_String (P, "O");
+ Add_Nat (P, Natural (Val));
+ end if;
+ Add_String (P, "__");
+ Identifier_Len := P;
+ end Push_Identifier_Prefix;
+ -- Add a suffix to the prefix (!!!).
+ procedure Push_Identifier_Prefix
+ (Mark : out Id_Mark_Type; Name : Name_Id; Val : Iir_Int32 := 0)
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ begin
+ Name_Id_To_String (Name);
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length), Val);
+ end Push_Identifier_Prefix;
+-- procedure Add_Local_Identifier (Len : in out Natural)
+-- is
+-- Str : String := Local_Identifier_Type'Image (Identifier_Local);
+-- begin
+-- Identifier_Local := Identifier_Local + 1;
+-- if Inst_Build = null then
+-- Str (1) := 'N';
+-- else
+-- case Inst_Build.Kind is
+-- when Local =>
+-- Str (1) := 'L';
+-- when Global =>
+-- Str (1) := 'G';
+-- when Instance =>
+-- Str (1) := 'I';
+-- end case;
+-- end if;
+-- Add_String (Len, Str);
+-- end Add_Local_Identifier;
+ procedure Push_Identifier_Prefix_Uniq (Mark : out Id_Mark_Type)
+ is
+ Str : String := Local_Identifier_Type'Image (Identifier_Local);
+ begin
+ Identifier_Local := Identifier_Local + 1;
+ Str (1) := 'U';
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Str, 0);
+ end Push_Identifier_Prefix_Uniq;
+ procedure Add_Identifier (Len : in out Natural; Id : Name_Id) is
+ begin
+ if Id = Null_Identifier then
+ --Add_Local_Identifier (Len);
+ null;
+ else
+ Add_Name (Len, Id);
+ end if;
+ end Add_Identifier;
+ -- Create an identifier from IIR node ID without the prefix.
+ function Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (Id : Iir) return O_Ident
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ begin
+ Name_Id_To_String (Get_Identifier (Id));
+ return Get_Identifier (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length));
+ end Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix;
+ function Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (Id : Name_Id; Str : String)
+ return O_Ident
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ begin
+ Name_Id_To_String (Id);
+ Name_Buffer (Name_Length + 1 .. Name_Length + Str'Length) := Str;
+ return Get_Identifier (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length + Str'Length));
+ end Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix;
+ -- Create an identifier from IIR node ID with prefix.
+ function Create_Id (Id : Name_Id; Str : String; Is_Local : Boolean)
+ return O_Ident
+ is
+ L : Natural;
+ begin
+ L := Identifier_Len;
+ Add_Identifier (L, Id);
+ Add_String (L, Str);
+ --Identifier_Buffer (L + Str'Length + 1) := Nul;
+ if Is_Local then
+ return Get_Identifier
+ (Identifier_Buffer (Identifier_Start .. L));
+ else
+ return Get_Identifier (Identifier_Buffer (1 .. L));
+ end if;
+ end Create_Id;
+ function Create_Identifier (Id : Name_Id; Str : String := "")
+ return O_Ident
+ is
+ begin
+ return Create_Id (Id, Str, False);
+ end Create_Identifier;
+ function Create_Identifier (Id : Iir; Str : String := "")
+ return O_Ident
+ is
+ begin
+ return Create_Id (Get_Identifier (Id), Str, False);
+ end Create_Identifier;
+ function Create_Identifier
+ (Id : Iir; Val : Iir_Int32; Str : String := "")
+ return O_Ident
+ is
+ Len : Natural;
+ begin
+ Len := Identifier_Len;
+ Add_Identifier (Len, Get_Identifier (Id));
+ if Val > 0 then
+ Add_String (Len, "O");
+ Add_Nat (Len, Natural (Val));
+ end if;
+ Add_String (Len, Str);
+ return Get_Identifier (Identifier_Buffer (1 .. Len));
+ end Create_Identifier;
+ function Create_Identifier (Str : String)
+ return O_Ident
+ is
+ Len : Natural;
+ begin
+ Len := Identifier_Len;
+ Add_String (Len, Str);
+ return Get_Identifier (Identifier_Buffer (1 .. Len));
+ end Create_Identifier;
+ function Create_Identifier return O_Ident
+ is
+ begin
+ return Get_Identifier (Identifier_Buffer (1 .. Identifier_Len - 2));
+ end Create_Identifier;
+ function Create_Var_Identifier (Id : Iir)
+ return Var_Ident_Type
+ is
+ Res : Var_Ident_Type;
+ begin
+ Res.Id := Create_Id (Get_Identifier (Id), "", Is_Local_Scope);
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Var_Identifier;
+ function Create_Var_Identifier (Id : String)
+ return Var_Ident_Type
+ is
+ Res : Var_Ident_Type;
+ begin
+ Res.Id := Create_Id (Null_Identifier, Id, Is_Local_Scope);
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Var_Identifier;
+ function Create_Uniq_Identifier return Var_Ident_Type
+ is
+ Res : Var_Ident_Type;
+ begin
+ Res.Id := Create_Uniq_Identifier;
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Uniq_Identifier;
+ end Chap10;
+ package body Chap14 is
+ function Translate_Array_Attribute_To_Range (Expr : Iir) return Mnode
+ is
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ Arr : Mnode;
+ Dim : Natural;
+ begin
+ Prefix := Get_Prefix (Expr);
+ case Get_Kind (Prefix) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ Arr := T2M (Get_Type (Prefix), Mode_Value);
+ when others =>
+ Arr := Chap6.Translate_Name (Prefix);
+ end case;
+ Dim := Natural (Get_Value (Get_Parameter (Expr)));
+ return Chap3.Get_Array_Range (Arr, Get_Type (Prefix), Dim);
+ end Translate_Array_Attribute_To_Range;
+ function Translate_Range_Array_Attribute (Expr : Iir)
+ return O_Lnode is
+ begin
+ return M2Lv (Translate_Array_Attribute_To_Range (Expr));
+ end Translate_Range_Array_Attribute;
+ function Translate_Length_Array_Attribute (Expr : Iir; Rtype : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Rng : Mnode;
+ Val : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ Rng := Translate_Array_Attribute_To_Range (Expr);
+ Val := M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Length (Rng));
+ if Rtype /= Null_Iir then
+ Val := New_Convert_Ov (Val, Get_Ortho_Type (Rtype, Mode_Value));
+ end if;
+ return Val;
+ end Translate_Length_Array_Attribute;
+ -- Extract high or low bound of RANGE_VAR, which must be stable.
+ -- Put the result into RES.
+ procedure Range_To_High_Low
+ (Range_Var : Mnode; Res : O_Dnode; Is_High : Boolean)
+ is
+ Op : ON_Op_Kind;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ begin
+ if Is_High then
+ Op := ON_Neq;
+ else
+ Op := ON_Eq;
+ end if;
+ Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (Op,
+ M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Dir (Range_Var)),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_To_Node),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Res),
+ M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Left (Range_Var)));
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Res),
+ M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Right (Range_Var)));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ end Range_To_High_Low;
+ function Translate_High_Low_Array_Attribute (Expr : Iir;
+ Is_High : Boolean)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ Prefix_Type : Iir;
+ Dim : Natural;
+ Index_Type : Iir;
+ Index_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Res : O_Dnode;
+ Range_Var : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Prefix := Get_Prefix (Expr);
+ Prefix_Type := Get_Type (Prefix);
+ Dim := Natural (Get_Value (Get_Parameter (Expr)));
+ Index_Type := Get_Nth_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Prefix_Type),
+ Dim - 1);
+ Index_Info := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Index_Type));
+ Res := Create_Temp (Index_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ Open_Temp;
+ Range_Var := Stabilize (Translate_Array_Attribute_To_Range (Expr));
+ Range_To_High_Low (Range_Var, Res, Is_High);
+ Close_Temp;
+ return New_Obj_Value (Res);
+ end Translate_High_Low_Array_Attribute;
+ function Translate_Low_Array_Attribute (Expr : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ begin
+ return Translate_High_Low_Array_Attribute (Expr, False);
+ end Translate_Low_Array_Attribute;
+ function Translate_High_Array_Attribute (Expr : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ begin
+ return Translate_High_Low_Array_Attribute (Expr, True);
+ end Translate_High_Array_Attribute;
+ function Translate_Left_Array_Attribute (Expr : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Rng : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Rng := Translate_Array_Attribute_To_Range (Expr);
+ return M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Left (Rng));
+ end Translate_Left_Array_Attribute;
+ function Translate_Right_Array_Attribute (Expr : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Rng : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Rng := Translate_Array_Attribute_To_Range (Expr);
+ return M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Right (Rng));
+ end Translate_Right_Array_Attribute;
+ function Translate_Ascending_Array_Attribute (Expr : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Rng : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Rng := Translate_Array_Attribute_To_Range (Expr);
+ return New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Dir (Rng)),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_To_Node),
+ Std_Boolean_Type_Node);
+ end Translate_Ascending_Array_Attribute;
+ function Translate_Low_High_Type_Attribute
+ (Atype : Iir; Is_Low : Boolean)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Range_Constr : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (Atype) = Locally then
+ Range_Constr := Get_Range_Constraint (Atype);
+ if Get_Direction (Range_Constr) = Iir_To xor Is_Low then
+ -- TO and HIGH or DOWNTO and LOW -> right
+ return New_Lit (Chap7.Translate_Static_Range_Right
+ (Range_Constr, Atype));
+ else
+ -- TO and LOW or DOWNTO and HIGH -> left
+ return New_Lit (Chap7.Translate_Static_Range_Left
+ (Range_Constr, Atype));
+ end if;
+ else
+ declare
+ Res : O_Dnode;
+ Rng : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Temp (Get_Ortho_Type (Atype, Mode_Value));
+ Open_Temp;
+ Rng := Stabilize (Chap3.Type_To_Range (Atype));
+ Range_To_High_Low (Rng, Res, not Is_Low);
+ Close_Temp;
+ return New_Obj_Value (Res);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Low_High_Type_Attribute;
+ function Translate_High_Type_Attribute (Atype : Iir) return O_Enode is
+ begin
+ return Translate_Low_High_Type_Attribute (Atype, False);
+ end Translate_High_Type_Attribute;
+ function Translate_Low_Type_Attribute (Atype : Iir) return O_Enode is
+ begin
+ return Translate_Low_High_Type_Attribute (Atype, True);
+ end Translate_Low_Type_Attribute;
+ function Translate_Left_Type_Attribute (Atype : Iir) return O_Enode
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (Atype) = Locally then
+ return New_Lit (Chap7.Translate_Static_Range_Left
+ (Get_Range_Constraint (Atype), Atype));
+ else
+ Info := Get_Info (Atype);
+ return M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Left (Chap3.Type_To_Range (Atype)));
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Left_Type_Attribute;
+ function Translate_Right_Type_Attribute (Atype : Iir) return O_Enode
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (Atype) = Locally then
+ return New_Lit (Chap7.Translate_Static_Range_Right
+ (Get_Range_Constraint (Atype), Atype));
+ else
+ Info := Get_Info (Atype);
+ return M2E (Chap3.Range_To_Right (Chap3.Type_To_Range (Atype)));
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Right_Type_Attribute;
+ function Translate_Dir_Type_Attribute (Atype : Iir) return O_Enode
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (Atype) = Locally then
+ return New_Lit (Chap7.Translate_Static_Range_Dir
+ (Get_Range_Constraint (Atype)));
+ else
+ Info := Get_Info (Atype);
+ return New_Value
+ (New_Selected_Element (Get_Var (Info.T.Range_Var),
+ Info.T.Range_Dir));
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Dir_Type_Attribute;
+ function Translate_Val_Attribute (Attr : Iir) return O_Enode
+ is
+ T : O_Dnode;
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ Ttype : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ Prefix := Get_Type (Attr);
+ Ttype := Get_Ortho_Type (Prefix, Mode_Value);
+ T := Create_Temp (Ttype);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (T),
+ New_Convert_Ov (Chap7.Translate_Expression (Get_Parameter (Attr)),
+ Ttype));
+ Chap3.Check_Range (T, Attr, Get_Type (Get_Prefix (Attr)));
+ return New_Obj_Value (T);
+ end Translate_Val_Attribute;
+ function Translate_Pos_Attribute (Attr : Iir; Res_Type : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ T : O_Dnode;
+ Ttype : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ Ttype := Get_Ortho_Type (Res_Type, Mode_Value);
+ T := Create_Temp (Ttype);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (T),
+ New_Convert_Ov (Chap7.Translate_Expression (Get_Parameter (Attr)),
+ Ttype));
+ Chap3.Check_Range (T, Attr, Res_Type);
+ return New_Obj_Value (T);
+ end Translate_Pos_Attribute;
+ function Translate_Succ_Pred_Attribute (Attr : Iir) return O_Enode
+ is
+ Expr_Type : Iir;
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Ttype : O_Tnode;
+ Expr : O_Enode;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ Limit : Iir;
+ Is_Succ : Boolean;
+ Op : ON_Op_Kind;
+ begin
+ -- FIXME: should check bounds.
+ Expr_Type := Get_Type (Attr);
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Expr_Type);
+ Expr := Chap7.Translate_Expression (Get_Parameter (Attr), Expr_Type);
+ Ttype := Tinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value);
+ Is_Succ := Get_Kind (Attr) = Iir_Kind_Succ_Attribute;
+ if Is_Succ then
+ Op := ON_Add_Ov;
+ else
+ Op := ON_Sub_Ov;
+ end if;
+ case Tinfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_B2
+ | Type_Mode_E8
+ | Type_Mode_E32 =>
+ -- Should check it is not the last.
+ declare
+ L : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ List := Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Get_Base_Type
+ (Expr_Type));
+ L := Create_Temp_Init (Ttype, Expr);
+ if Is_Succ then
+ Limit := Get_Last_Element (List);
+ else
+ Limit := Get_First_Element (List);
+ end if;
+ Chap6.Check_Bound_Error
+ (New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ New_Obj_Value (L),
+ New_Lit (Get_Ortho_Expr (Limit)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type),
+ Attr, 0);
+ return New_Convert_Ov
+ (New_Dyadic_Op
+ (Op,
+ New_Convert_Ov (New_Obj_Value (L), Ghdl_I32_Type),
+ New_Lit (New_Signed_Literal (Ghdl_I32_Type, 1))),
+ Ttype);
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_I32
+ | Type_Mode_P64 =>
+ return New_Dyadic_Op
+ (Op, Expr, New_Lit (New_Signed_Literal (Ttype, 1)));
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Succ_Pred_Attribute;
+ -- Read the boolean attribute (active or event) FIELD of simple signal
+ -- SIG.
+ function Read_Bool_Signal_Attribute (Sig : O_Enode; Field : O_Fnode)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ S : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ S := New_Convert_Ov (Sig, Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ return New_Value
+ (New_Selected_Element (New_Access_Element (S), Field));
+ --Ghdl_Signal_Event_Node));
+ end Read_Bool_Signal_Attribute;
+ type Bool_Sigattr_Data_Type is record
+ Label : O_Snode;
+ Field : O_Fnode;
+ end record;
+ procedure Bool_Sigattr_Non_Composite_Signal
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Data : Bool_Sigattr_Data_Type)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ Gen_Exit_When (Data.Label,
+ Read_Bool_Signal_Attribute (New_Value (M2Lv (Targ)),
+ Data.Field));
+ end Bool_Sigattr_Non_Composite_Signal;
+ function Bool_Sigattr_Prepare_Data_Composite
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Data : Bool_Sigattr_Data_Type)
+ return Bool_Sigattr_Data_Type
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ, Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ return Data;
+ end Bool_Sigattr_Prepare_Data_Composite;
+ function Bool_Sigattr_Update_Data_Array (Data : Bool_Sigattr_Data_Type;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Index : O_Dnode)
+ return Bool_Sigattr_Data_Type
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type, Index);
+ begin
+ return Data;
+ end Bool_Sigattr_Update_Data_Array;
+ function Bool_Sigattr_Update_Data_Record (Data : Bool_Sigattr_Data_Type;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration)
+ return Bool_Sigattr_Data_Type
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type, El);
+ begin
+ return Data;
+ end Bool_Sigattr_Update_Data_Record;
+ procedure Bool_Sigattr_Finish_Data_Composite
+ (Data : in out Bool_Sigattr_Data_Type)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Data);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Bool_Sigattr_Finish_Data_Composite;
+ procedure Bool_Sigattr_Foreach is new Foreach_Non_Composite
+ (Data_Type => Bool_Sigattr_Data_Type,
+ Composite_Data_Type => Bool_Sigattr_Data_Type,
+ Do_Non_Composite => Bool_Sigattr_Non_Composite_Signal,
+ Prepare_Data_Array => Bool_Sigattr_Prepare_Data_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Array => Bool_Sigattr_Update_Data_Array,
+ Finish_Data_Array => Bool_Sigattr_Finish_Data_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Record => Bool_Sigattr_Prepare_Data_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Record => Bool_Sigattr_Update_Data_Record,
+ Finish_Data_Record => Bool_Sigattr_Finish_Data_Composite);
+ function Translate_Bool_Signal_Attribute (Attr : Iir; Field : O_Fnode)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Data : Bool_Sigattr_Data_Type;
+ Res : O_Dnode;
+ Name : Mnode;
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ Prefix_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Prefix := Get_Prefix (Attr);
+ Prefix_Type := Get_Type (Prefix);
+ if Get_Kind (Prefix_Type) in Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Type_Definition then
+ -- Effecient handling for a scalar signal.
+ Name := Chap6.Translate_Name (Prefix);
+ return Read_Bool_Signal_Attribute (New_Value (M2Lv (Name)), Field);
+ else
+ -- Element per element handling for composite signals.
+ Res := Create_Temp (Std_Boolean_Type_Node);
+ Open_Temp;
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Res), New_Lit (Std_Boolean_True_Node));
+ Name := Chap6.Translate_Name (Prefix);
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Data.Label);
+ Data.Field := Field;
+ Bool_Sigattr_Foreach (Name, Prefix_Type, Data);
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Res), New_Lit (Std_Boolean_False_Node));
+ New_Exit_Stmt (Data.Label);
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Data.Label);
+ Close_Temp;
+ return New_Obj_Value (Res);
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Bool_Signal_Attribute;
+ function Translate_Event_Attribute (Attr : Iir) return O_Enode is
+ begin
+ return Translate_Bool_Signal_Attribute (Attr, Ghdl_Signal_Event_Node);
+ end Translate_Event_Attribute;
+ function Translate_Active_Attribute (Attr : Iir) return O_Enode is
+ begin
+ return Translate_Bool_Signal_Attribute
+ (Attr, Ghdl_Signal_Active_Node);
+ end Translate_Active_Attribute;
+ -- Read signal value FIELD of signal SIG.
+ function Get_Signal_Value_Field
+ (Sig : O_Enode; Sig_Type : Iir; Field : O_Fnode)
+ return O_Lnode
+ is
+ S_Type : O_Tnode;
+ T : O_Lnode;
+ begin
+ S_Type := Get_Ortho_Type (Sig_Type, Mode_Signal);
+ T := New_Access_Element (New_Convert_Ov (Sig, Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ return New_Access_Element
+ (New_Unchecked_Address (New_Selected_Element (T, Field), S_Type));
+ end Get_Signal_Value_Field;
+ function Read_Last_Value (Sig : O_Enode; Sig_Type : Iir) return O_Enode
+ is
+ begin
+ return New_Value (Get_Signal_Value_Field
+ (Sig, Sig_Type, Ghdl_Signal_Last_Value_Node));
+ end Read_Last_Value;
+ function Translate_Last_Value is new Chap7.Translate_Signal_Value
+ (Read_Value => Read_Last_Value);
+ function Translate_Last_Value_Attribute (Attr : Iir) return O_Enode
+ is
+ Name : Mnode;
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ Prefix_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Prefix := Get_Prefix (Attr);
+ Prefix_Type := Get_Type (Prefix);
+ Name := Chap6.Translate_Name (Prefix);
+ if Get_Object_Kind (Name) /= Mode_Signal then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ return Translate_Last_Value (M2E (Name), Prefix_Type);
+ end Translate_Last_Value_Attribute;
+ function Read_Last_Time (Sig : O_Enode; Field : O_Fnode) return O_Enode
+ is
+ T : O_Lnode;
+ begin
+ T := New_Access_Element (New_Convert_Ov (Sig, Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ return New_Value (New_Selected_Element (T, Field));
+ end Read_Last_Time;
+ type Last_Time_Data is record
+ Var : O_Dnode;
+ Field : O_Fnode;
+ end record;
+ procedure Translate_Last_Time_Non_Composite
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Data : Last_Time_Data)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
+ Val : O_Dnode;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ Val := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Std_Time_Type,
+ Read_Last_Time (New_Value (M2Lv (Targ)), Data.Field));
+ Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Gt,
+ New_Obj_Value (Val),
+ New_Obj_Value (Data.Var),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Data.Var), New_Obj_Value (Val));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Translate_Last_Time_Non_Composite;
+ function Last_Time_Prepare_Data_Composite
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Data : Last_Time_Data)
+ return Last_Time_Data
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ, Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ return Data;
+ end Last_Time_Prepare_Data_Composite;
+ function Last_Time_Update_Data_Array (Data : Last_Time_Data;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Index : O_Dnode)
+ return Last_Time_Data
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type, Index);
+ begin
+ return Data;
+ end Last_Time_Update_Data_Array;
+ function Last_Time_Update_Data_Record (Data : Last_Time_Data;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration)
+ return Last_Time_Data
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type, El);
+ begin
+ return Data;
+ end Last_Time_Update_Data_Record;
+ procedure Last_Time_Finish_Data_Composite
+ (Data : in out Last_Time_Data)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Data);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Last_Time_Finish_Data_Composite;
+ procedure Translate_Last_Time is new Foreach_Non_Composite
+ (Data_Type => Last_Time_Data,
+ Composite_Data_Type => Last_Time_Data,
+ Do_Non_Composite => Translate_Last_Time_Non_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Array => Last_Time_Prepare_Data_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Array => Last_Time_Update_Data_Array,
+ Finish_Data_Array => Last_Time_Finish_Data_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Record => Last_Time_Prepare_Data_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Record => Last_Time_Update_Data_Record,
+ Finish_Data_Record => Last_Time_Finish_Data_Composite);
+ function Translate_Last_Time_Attribute (Prefix : Iir; Field : O_Fnode)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Prefix_Type : Iir;
+ Name : Mnode;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Var : O_Dnode;
+ Data : Last_Time_Data;
+ Right_Bound : Iir_Int64;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ begin
+ Prefix_Type := Get_Type (Prefix);
+ Name := Chap6.Translate_Name (Prefix);
+ Info := Get_Info (Prefix_Type);
+ Var := Create_Temp (Std_Time_Type);
+ if Info.Type_Mode in Type_Mode_Scalar then
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Var),
+ Read_Last_Time (M2E (Name), Field));
+ else
+ -- Init with a negative value.
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Var),
+ New_Lit (New_Signed_Literal (Std_Time_Type, -1)));
+ Data := Last_Time_Data'(Var => Var, Field => Field);
+ Translate_Last_Time (Name, Prefix_Type, Data);
+ end if;
+ Right_Bound := Get_Value
+ (Get_Right_Limit (Get_Range_Constraint (Time_Subtype_Definition)));
+ -- VAR < 0 ?
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Lt,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var),
+ New_Lit (New_Signed_Literal (Std_Time_Type, 0)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ -- LRM 14.1 Predefined attributes
+ -- [...]; otherwise, it returns TIME'HIGH.
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Var),
+ New_Lit (New_Signed_Literal
+ (Std_Time_Type, Integer_64 (Right_Bound))));
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ -- Returns NOW - Var.
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Var),
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Sub_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Ghdl_Now),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var)));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ return New_Obj_Value (Var);
+ end Translate_Last_Time_Attribute;
+ -- Return TRUE if the scalar signal SIG is being driven.
+ function Read_Driving_Attribute (Sig : O_Enode) return O_Enode
+ is
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Ghdl_Signal_Driving);
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Convert_Ov (Sig, Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ return New_Function_Call (Assoc);
+ end Read_Driving_Attribute;
+ procedure Driving_Non_Composite_Signal
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Label : O_Snode)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ Gen_Exit_When
+ (Label,
+ New_Monadic_Op
+ (ON_Not, Read_Driving_Attribute (New_Value (M2Lv (Targ)))));
+ end Driving_Non_Composite_Signal;
+ function Driving_Prepare_Data_Composite
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Label : O_Snode)
+ return O_Snode
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ, Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ return Label;
+ end Driving_Prepare_Data_Composite;
+ function Driving_Update_Data_Array (Label : O_Snode;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Index : O_Dnode)
+ return O_Snode
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type, Index);
+ begin
+ return Label;
+ end Driving_Update_Data_Array;
+ function Driving_Update_Data_Record (Label : O_Snode;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration)
+ return O_Snode
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type, El);
+ begin
+ return Label;
+ end Driving_Update_Data_Record;
+ procedure Driving_Finish_Data_Composite (Label : in out O_Snode)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Label);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Driving_Finish_Data_Composite;
+ procedure Driving_Foreach is new Foreach_Non_Composite
+ (Data_Type => O_Snode,
+ Composite_Data_Type => O_Snode,
+ Do_Non_Composite => Driving_Non_Composite_Signal,
+ Prepare_Data_Array => Driving_Prepare_Data_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Array => Driving_Update_Data_Array,
+ Finish_Data_Array => Driving_Finish_Data_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Record => Driving_Prepare_Data_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Record => Driving_Update_Data_Record,
+ Finish_Data_Record => Driving_Finish_Data_Composite);
+ function Translate_Driving_Attribute (Attr : Iir) return O_Enode
+ is
+ Label : O_Snode;
+ Res : O_Dnode;
+ Name : Mnode;
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ Prefix_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Prefix := Get_Prefix (Attr);
+ Prefix_Type := Get_Type (Prefix);
+ if Get_Kind (Prefix_Type) in Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Type_Definition then
+ -- Effecient handling for a scalar signal.
+ Name := Chap6.Translate_Name (Prefix);
+ return Read_Driving_Attribute (New_Value (M2Lv (Name)));
+ else
+ -- Element per element handling for composite signals.
+ Res := Create_Temp (Std_Boolean_Type_Node);
+ Open_Temp;
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Res), New_Lit (Std_Boolean_False_Node));
+ Name := Chap6.Translate_Name (Prefix);
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Driving_Foreach (Name, Prefix_Type, Label);
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Res), New_Lit (Std_Boolean_True_Node));
+ New_Exit_Stmt (Label);
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Close_Temp;
+ return New_Obj_Value (Res);
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Driving_Attribute;
+ function Read_Driving_Value (Sig : O_Enode; Sig_Type : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Sig_Type);
+ case Tinfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_B2 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_B2;
+ when Type_Mode_E8 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_E8;
+ when Type_Mode_I32
+ | Type_Mode_P32 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_I32;
+ when Type_Mode_P64
+ | Type_Mode_I64 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_I64;
+ when Type_Mode_F64 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_F64;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Subprg);
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Convert_Ov (Sig, Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ return New_Convert_Ov (New_Function_Call (Assoc),
+ Tinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ end Read_Driving_Value;
+ function Translate_Driving_Value is new Chap7.Translate_Signal_Value
+ (Read_Value => Read_Driving_Value);
+ function Translate_Driving_Value_Attribute (Attr : Iir) return O_Enode
+ is
+ Name : Mnode;
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ Prefix_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Prefix := Get_Prefix (Attr);
+ Prefix_Type := Get_Type (Prefix);
+ Name := Chap6.Translate_Name (Prefix);
+ if Get_Object_Kind (Name) /= Mode_Signal then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ return Translate_Driving_Value (M2E (Name), Prefix_Type);
+ end Translate_Driving_Value_Attribute;
+ function Translate_Image_Attribute (Attr : Iir) return O_Enode
+ is
+ Prefix_Type : Iir;
+ Pinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Res : O_Dnode;
+ Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ Conv : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ Prefix_Type := Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Get_Prefix (Attr)));
+ Pinfo := Get_Info (Prefix_Type);
+ Res := Create_Temp (Std_String_Node);
+ Create_Temp_Stack2_Mark;
+ case Pinfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_B2 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Image_B2;
+ Conv := Ghdl_Bool_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_E8 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Image_E8;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I32_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_I32 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Image_I32;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I32_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_P32 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Image_P32;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I32_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_P64 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Image_P64;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I64_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_F64 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Image_F64;
+ Conv := Ghdl_Real_Type;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Subprg);
+ New_Association (Assoc,
+ New_Address (New_Obj (Res), Std_String_Ptr_Node));
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc,
+ New_Convert_Ov
+ (Chap7.Translate_Expression (Get_Parameter (Attr), Prefix_Type),
+ Conv));
+ case Pinfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_B2
+ | Type_Mode_E8
+ | Type_Mode_P32
+ | Type_Mode_P64 =>
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc, New_Lit (Rtis.New_Rti_Address (Pinfo.Type_Rti)));
+ when Type_Mode_I32
+ | Type_Mode_F64 =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ return New_Address (New_Obj (Res), Std_String_Ptr_Node);
+ end Translate_Image_Attribute;
+ function Translate_Value_Attribute (Attr : Iir) return O_Enode
+ is
+ Prefix_Type : Iir;
+ Pinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ Conv : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ Prefix_Type := Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Get_Prefix (Attr)));
+ Pinfo := Get_Info (Prefix_Type);
+ case Pinfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_B2 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Value_B2;
+ Conv := Ghdl_Bool_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_E8 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Value_E8;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I32_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_I32 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Value_I32;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I32_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_P64 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Value_P64;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I64_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_F64 =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Value_F64;
+ Conv := Ghdl_Real_Type;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Subprg);
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc,
+ Chap7.Translate_Expression (Get_Parameter (Attr),
+ String_Type_Definition));
+ case Pinfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_B2
+ | Type_Mode_E8
+ | Type_Mode_P64 =>
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc, New_Lit (Rtis.New_Rti_Address (Pinfo.Type_Rti)));
+ when Type_Mode_I32
+ | Type_Mode_F64 =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ return New_Convert_Ov (New_Function_Call (Assoc), Conv);
+ end Translate_Value_Attribute;
+ -- Current path for name attributes.
+ Path_Str : String_Acc := null;
+ Path_Maxlen : Natural := 0;
+ Path_Len : Natural;
+ Path_Instance : Iir;
+ procedure Deallocate is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Name => String_Acc, Object => String);
+ procedure Path_Reset is
+ begin
+ Path_Len := 0;
+ Path_Instance := Null_Iir;
+ if Path_Maxlen = 0 then
+ Path_Maxlen := 256;
+ Path_Str := new String (1 .. Path_Maxlen);
+ end if;
+ end Path_Reset;
+ procedure Path_Add (Str : String)
+ is
+ N_Len : Natural;
+ N_Path : String_Acc;
+ begin
+ N_Len := Path_Maxlen;
+ loop
+ exit when Path_Len + Str'Length <= N_Len;
+ N_Len := N_Len * 2;
+ end loop;
+ if N_Len /= Path_Maxlen then
+ N_Path := new String (1 .. N_Len);
+ N_Path (1 .. Path_Len) := Path_Str (1 .. Path_Len);
+ Deallocate (Path_Str);
+ Path_Str := N_Path;
+ Path_Maxlen := N_Len;
+ end if;
+ Path_Str (Path_Len + 1 .. Path_Len + Str'Length) := Str;
+ Path_Len := Path_Len + Str'Length;
+ end Path_Add;
+ procedure Path_Add_Type_Name (Atype : Iir)
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ Adecl : Iir;
+ begin
+ Adecl := Get_Type_Declarator (Atype);
+ Image (Get_Identifier (Adecl));
+ Path_Add (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length));
+ end Path_Add_Type_Name;
+ procedure Path_Add_Signature (Subprg : Iir)
+ is
+ Chain : Iir;
+ begin
+ Path_Add ("[");
+ Chain := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Subprg);
+ while Chain /= Null_Iir loop
+ Path_Add_Type_Name (Get_Type (Chain));
+ Chain := Get_Chain (Chain);
+ if Chain /= Null_Iir then
+ Path_Add (",");
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ case Get_Kind (Subprg) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration =>
+ Path_Add (" return ");
+ Path_Add_Type_Name (Get_Return_Type (Subprg));
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Path_Add ("]");
+ end Path_Add_Signature;
+ procedure Path_Add_Name (N : Iir)
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ begin
+ Eval_Simple_Name (Get_Identifier (N));
+ if Name_Buffer (1) /= 'P' then
+ -- Skip anonymous processes.
+ Path_Add (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length));
+ end if;
+ end Path_Add_Name;
+ procedure Path_Add_Element (El : Iir; Is_Instance : Boolean)
+ is
+ begin
+ -- LRM 14.1
+ -- There is one full pah instance element for each component
+ -- instantiation, block statement, generate statemenent, process
+ -- statement, or subprogram body in the design hierarchy between
+ -- the top design entity and the named entity denoted by the
+ -- prefix.
+ --
+ -- There is one path instance element for each component
+ -- instantiation, block statement, generate statement, process
+ -- statement, or subprogram body in the design hierarchy between
+ -- the root design entity and the named entity denoted by the
+ -- prefix.
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration =>
+ Path_Add (":");
+ Path_Add_Name (El);
+ Path_Add (":");
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ Path_Add_Element
+ (Get_Library (Get_Design_File (Get_Design_Unit (El))),
+ Is_Instance);
+ Path_Add_Name (El);
+ Path_Add (":");
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
+ Path_Instance := El;
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ Path_Instance := El;
+ when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit =>
+ Path_Add_Element (Get_Library_Unit (El), Is_Instance);
+ when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ Path_Add_Element (Get_Parent (El), Is_Instance);
+ Path_Add_Name (El);
+ Path_Add (":");
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ Path_Add_Element (Get_Parent (El), Is_Instance);
+ Path_Add_Name (El);
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_02 then
+ -- Add signature.
+ Path_Add_Signature (El);
+ end if;
+ Path_Add (":");
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
+ Path_Add_Element (Get_Subprogram_Specification (El),
+ Is_Instance);
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Scheme : Iir;
+ begin
+ Scheme := Get_Generation_Scheme (El);
+ if Get_Kind (Scheme) = Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration then
+ Path_Instance := El;
+ else
+ Path_Add_Element (Get_Parent (El), Is_Instance);
+ Path_Add_Name (El);
+ Path_Add (":");
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Sequential_Statement =>
+ Path_Add_Element (Get_Parent (El), Is_Instance);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("path_add_element", El);
+ end case;
+ end Path_Add_Element;
+ function Translate_Path_Instance_Name_Attribute (Attr : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ Res : O_Dnode;
+ Name_Cst : O_Dnode;
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ Is_Instance : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Prefix := Get_Prefix (Attr);
+ Is_Instance := Get_Kind (Attr) = Iir_Kind_Instance_Name_Attribute;
+ Path_Reset;
+ -- LRM 14.1
+ -- The local item name in E'PATH_NAME equals E'SIMPLE_NAME, unless
+ -- E denotes a library, package, subprogram or label. In this
+ -- latter case, the package based path or instance based path,
+ -- as appropriate, will not contain a local item name.
+ --
+ -- The local item name in E'INSTANCE_NAME equals E'SIMPLE_NAME,
+ -- unless E denotes a library, package, subprogram, or label. In
+ -- this latter case, the package based path or full instance based
+ -- path, as appropriate, will not contain a local item name.
+ case Get_Kind (Prefix) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ Path_Add_Element (Get_Parent (Prefix), Is_Instance);
+ Path_Add_Name (Prefix);
+ when Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Design_Unit
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kinds_Concurrent_Statement
+ | Iir_Kinds_Sequential_Statement =>
+ Path_Add_Element (Prefix, Is_Instance);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_path_instance_name_attribute", Prefix);
+ end case;
+ Create_Temp_Stack2_Mark;
+ Res := Create_Temp (Std_String_Node);
+ New_Const_Decl (Name_Cst, Create_Uniq_Identifier, O_Storage_Private,
+ Ghdl_Str_Len_Type_Node);
+ Start_Const_Value (Name_Cst);
+ Finish_Const_Value (Name_Cst,
+ Create_String_Len (Path_Str (1 .. Path_Len),
+ Create_Uniq_Identifier));
+ if Is_Instance then
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Get_Instance_Name);
+ else
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Get_Path_Name);
+ end if;
+ New_Association
+ (Constr, New_Address (New_Obj (Res), Std_String_Ptr_Node));
+ if Path_Instance = Null_Iir then
+ Rtis.Associate_Null_Rti_Context (Constr);
+ else
+ Rtis.Associate_Rti_Context (Constr, Path_Instance);
+ end if;
+ New_Association (Constr,
+ New_Address (New_Obj (Name_Cst),
+ Ghdl_Str_Len_Ptr_Node));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ return New_Address (New_Obj (Res), Std_String_Ptr_Node);
+ end Translate_Path_Instance_Name_Attribute;
+ end Chap14;
+ package body Rtis is
+ -- Node for package, body, entity, architecture, block, generate,
+ -- processes.
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Block : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Common : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Name : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Loc : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Parent : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Size : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Nbr_Child : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Children : O_Fnode;
+ -- Node for scalar type decls.
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar_Common : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar_Name : O_Fnode;
+ -- Node for an enumeration type definition.
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Common : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Name : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Nbr : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Lits : O_Fnode;
+ -- Node for an unit value.
+ Ghdl_Rti_Unit_Val : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Rti_Unit_32 : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rti_Unit_64 : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rti_Unit_Addr : O_Fnode;
+ -- Node for an unit.
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Unit : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Unit_Common : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Unit_Name : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Unit_Value : O_Fnode;
+ -- Node for a physical type
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Common : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Name : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Nbr : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Units : O_Fnode;
+ -- Node for a scalar subtype definition.
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Common : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Name : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Base : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Range : O_Fnode;
+ -- Node for an access or a file type.
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Fileacc : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Fileacc_Common : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Fileacc_Name : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Fileacc_Base : O_Fnode;
+ -- Node for an array type.
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Common : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Name : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Element : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Nbrdim : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Indexes : O_Fnode;
+ -- Node for an array subtype.
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Common : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Name : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Basetype : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Bounds : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Valsize : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Sigsize : O_Fnode;
+ -- Node for a record element.
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Element : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Common : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Name : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Type : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Valoff : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Sigoff : O_Fnode;
+ -- Node for a record type.
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Common : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Name : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Nbrel : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Elements : O_Fnode;
+ --Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Valsize : O_Fnode;
+ --Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Sigsize : O_Fnode;
+ -- Node for an object.
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Object : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Common : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Name : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Loc : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Type : O_Fnode;
+ -- Node for an instance.
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Instance : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Instance_Common : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Instance_Name : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Instance_Loc : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Instance_Parent : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Instance_Type : O_Fnode;
+ -- Node for a component.
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Component : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Component_Common : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Component_Name : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Component_Nbr_Child : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Component_Children : O_Fnode;
+ procedure Rti_Initialize
+ is
+ begin
+ -- Create type ghdl_rti_kind is (ghdl_rtik_typedef_bool, ...)
+ declare
+ Constr : O_Enum_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Enum_Type (Constr, 8);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_top"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Top);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_library"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Library);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_package"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Package);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_package_body"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Package_Body);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_entity"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Entity);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_architecture"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Architecture);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_process"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Process);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_block"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Block);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_if_generate"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_If_Generate);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_for_generate"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_For_Generate);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_instance"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Instance);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_constant"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Constant);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_iterator"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Iterator);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_variable"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Variable);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_signal"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Signal);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_file"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_File);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_port"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Port);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_generic"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Generic);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_alias"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Alias);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_guard"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Guard);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_component"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Component);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_attribute"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_type_b2"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B2);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_type_e8"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_type_e32"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E32);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_type_i32"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_type_i64"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I64);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_type_f64"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_F64);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_type_p32"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P32);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_type_p64"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P64);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_type_access"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Access);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_type_array"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Array);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_type_record"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Record);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_type_file"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_File);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_subtype_scalar"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Scalar);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_subtype_array"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_subtype_array_ptr"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array_Ptr);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr,
+ Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_subtype_unconstrained_array"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Unconstrained_Array);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_subtype_record"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Record);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_subtype_access"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Access);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_type_protected"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Protected);
+ New_Enum_Literal (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_element"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Element);
+ New_Enum_Literal (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_unit"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Unit);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_attribute_transaction"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Transaction);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_attribute_quiet"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Quiet);
+ New_Enum_Literal
+ (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_attribute_stable"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Stable);
+ New_Enum_Literal (Constr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik_error"),
+ Ghdl_Rtik_Error);
+ Finish_Enum_Type (Constr, Ghdl_Rtik);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtik"), Ghdl_Rtik);
+ end;
+ -- Create type ghdl_rti_depth.
+ Ghdl_Rti_Depth := New_Unsigned_Type (8);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rti_depth"), Ghdl_Rti_Depth);
+ Ghdl_Rti_U8 := New_Unsigned_Type (8);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rti_u8"), Ghdl_Rti_U8);
+ -- Create type ghdl_rti_common.
+ declare
+ Constr : O_Element_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Record_Type (Constr);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rti_Common_Kind,
+ Get_Identifier ("kind"), Ghdl_Rtik);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rti_Common_Depth,
+ Get_Identifier ("depth"), Ghdl_Rti_Depth);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rti_Common_Mode,
+ Get_Identifier ("mode"), Ghdl_Rti_U8);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rti_Common_Max_Depth,
+ Get_Identifier ("max_depth"), Ghdl_Rti_Depth);
+ Finish_Record_Type (Constr, Ghdl_Rti_Common);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rti_common"),
+ Ghdl_Rti_Common);
+ end;
+ Ghdl_Rti_Access := New_Access_Type (Ghdl_Rti_Common);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rti_access"), Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ Ghdl_Rti_Array := New_Array_Type (Ghdl_Rti_Access, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rti_array"), Ghdl_Rti_Array);
+ Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc := New_Access_Type (Ghdl_Rti_Array);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rti_arr_acc"),
+ Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc);
+ -- Ghdl_Component_Link_Type.
+ New_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Ghdl_Component_Link_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_component_link_type"),
+ Ghdl_Component_Link_Type);
+ Ghdl_Component_Link_Acc := New_Access_Type (Ghdl_Component_Link_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_component_link_acc"),
+ Ghdl_Component_Link_Acc);
+ declare
+ Constr : O_Element_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Record_Type (Constr);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Entity_Link_Rti,
+ Get_Identifier ("rti"), Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Entity_Link_Parent,
+ Wki_Parent, Ghdl_Component_Link_Acc);
+ Finish_Record_Type (Constr, Ghdl_Entity_Link_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_entity_link_type"),
+ Ghdl_Entity_Link_Type);
+ end;
+ Ghdl_Entity_Link_Acc := New_Access_Type (Ghdl_Entity_Link_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_entity_link_acc"),
+ Ghdl_Entity_Link_Acc);
+ declare
+ Constr : O_Element_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Ghdl_Component_Link_Type, Constr);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Component_Link_Instance,
+ Wki_Instance, Ghdl_Entity_Link_Acc);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Component_Link_Stmt,
+ Get_Identifier ("stmt"), Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ Finish_Record_Type (Constr, Ghdl_Component_Link_Type);
+ end;
+ -- Create type ghdl_rti_loc
+ declare
+ Constr : O_Element_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Union_Type (Constr);
+ New_Union_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rti_Loc_Offset,
+ Get_Identifier ("offset"), Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Union_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rti_Loc_Address,
+ Get_Identifier ("address"), Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Union_Type (Constr, Ghdl_Rti_Loc);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rti_loc"), Ghdl_Rti_Loc);
+ end;
+ -- Create type ghdl_rtin_block
+ declare
+ Constr : O_Element_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Record_Type (Constr);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Common,
+ Get_Identifier ("common"), Ghdl_Rti_Common);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Name,
+ Get_Identifier ("name"), Char_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Loc,
+ Get_Identifier ("loc"), Ghdl_Rti_Loc);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Parent,
+ Wki_Parent, Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Size,
+ Get_Identifier ("size"), Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Nbr_Child,
+ Get_Identifier ("nbr_child"), Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Children,
+ Get_Identifier ("children"), Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc);
+ Finish_Record_Type (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Block);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtin_block"),
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Block);
+ end;
+ -- type (type and subtype declarations).
+ declare
+ Constr : O_Element_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Record_Type (Constr);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar_Common,
+ Get_Identifier ("common"), Ghdl_Rti_Common);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar_Name,
+ Get_Identifier ("name"), Char_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Record_Type (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtin_type_scalar"),
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar);
+ end;
+ -- Type_Enum
+ declare
+ Constr : O_Element_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Record_Type (Constr);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Common,
+ Get_Identifier ("common"), Ghdl_Rti_Common);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Name,
+ Get_Identifier ("name"), Char_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Nbr,
+ Get_Identifier ("nbr"), Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Lits,
+ Get_Identifier ("lits"),
+ Char_Ptr_Array_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Record_Type (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtin_type_enum"),
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum);
+ end;
+ -- subtype_scalar
+ declare
+ Constr : O_Element_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Record_Type (Constr);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Common,
+ Get_Identifier ("common"), Ghdl_Rti_Common);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Name,
+ Get_Identifier ("name"), Char_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Base,
+ Get_Identifier ("base"), Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Range,
+ Get_Identifier ("range"), Ghdl_Rti_Loc);
+ Finish_Record_Type (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtin_subtype_scalar"),
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar);
+ end;
+ declare
+ Constr : O_Element_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Union_Type (Constr);
+ New_Union_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rti_Unit_32,
+ Get_Identifier ("unit_32"), Ghdl_I32_Type);
+ if not Flag_Only_32b then
+ New_Union_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rti_Unit_64,
+ Get_Identifier ("unit_64"), Ghdl_I64_Type);
+ end if;
+ New_Union_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rti_Unit_Addr,
+ Get_Identifier ("addr"), Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Union_Type (Constr, Ghdl_Rti_Unit_Val);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rti_unit_val"),
+ Ghdl_Rti_Unit_Val);
+ end;
+ -- Unit
+ declare
+ Constr : O_Element_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Record_Type (Constr);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Unit_Common,
+ Get_Identifier ("common"), Ghdl_Rti_Common);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Unit_Name,
+ Get_Identifier ("name"), Char_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Unit_Value,
+ Get_Identifier ("value"), Ghdl_Rti_Unit_Val);
+ Finish_Record_Type (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Unit);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtin_unit"),
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Unit);
+ end;
+ -- Physical type.
+ declare
+ Constr : O_Element_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Record_Type (Constr);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Common,
+ Get_Identifier ("common"), Ghdl_Rti_Common);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Name,
+ Get_Identifier ("name"), Char_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Nbr,
+ Get_Identifier ("nbr"), Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Units,
+ Get_Identifier ("units"), Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc);
+ Finish_Record_Type (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtin_type_physical"),
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical);
+ end;
+ -- file and access type.
+ declare
+ Constr : O_Element_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Record_Type (Constr);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Fileacc_Common,
+ Get_Identifier ("common"), Ghdl_Rti_Common);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Fileacc_Name,
+ Get_Identifier ("name"), Char_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Fileacc_Base,
+ Get_Identifier ("base"), Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ Finish_Record_Type (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Fileacc);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtin_type_fileacc"),
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Fileacc);
+ end;
+ -- arraytype.
+ declare
+ Constr : O_Element_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Record_Type (Constr);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Common,
+ Get_Identifier ("common"), Ghdl_Rti_Common);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Name,
+ Get_Identifier ("name"), Char_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Element,
+ Get_Identifier ("element"), Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Nbrdim,
+ Get_Identifier ("nbr_dim"), Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Indexes,
+ Get_Identifier ("indexes"), Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc);
+ Finish_Record_Type (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtin_type_array"),
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array);
+ end;
+ -- subtype_Array.
+ declare
+ Constr : O_Element_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Record_Type (Constr);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Common,
+ Get_Identifier ("common"), Ghdl_Rti_Common);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Name,
+ Get_Identifier ("name"), Char_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Basetype,
+ Get_Identifier ("basetype"), Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Bounds,
+ Get_Identifier ("bounds"), Ghdl_Rti_Loc);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Valsize,
+ Get_Identifier ("val_size"), Ghdl_Rti_Loc);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Sigsize,
+ Get_Identifier ("sig_size"), Ghdl_Rti_Loc);
+ Finish_Record_Type (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtin_subtype_array"),
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array);
+ end;
+ -- type record.
+ declare
+ Constr : O_Element_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Record_Type (Constr);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Common,
+ Get_Identifier ("common"), Ghdl_Rti_Common);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Name,
+ Get_Identifier ("name"), Char_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Nbrel,
+ Get_Identifier ("nbrel"), Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Elements,
+ Get_Identifier ("elements"), Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc);
+ --New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Valsize,
+ -- Get_Identifier ("val_size"), Ghdl_Rti_Loc);
+ --New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Sigsize,
+ -- Get_Identifier ("sig_size"), Ghdl_Rti_Loc);
+ Finish_Record_Type (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtin_type_record"),
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record);
+ end;
+ -- record element.
+ declare
+ Constr : O_Element_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Record_Type (Constr);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Common,
+ Get_Identifier ("common"), Ghdl_Rti_Common);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Name,
+ Get_Identifier ("name"), Char_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Type,
+ Get_Identifier ("eltype"), Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Valoff,
+ Get_Identifier ("val_off"), Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Sigoff,
+ Get_Identifier ("sig_off"), Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Finish_Record_Type (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Element);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtin_element"),
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Element);
+ end;
+ -- Object.
+ declare
+ Constr : O_Element_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Record_Type (Constr);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Common,
+ Get_Identifier ("common"), Ghdl_Rti_Common);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Name,
+ Get_Identifier ("name"), Char_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Loc,
+ Get_Identifier ("loc"), Ghdl_Rti_Loc);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Type,
+ Get_Identifier ("obj_type"), Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ Finish_Record_Type (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Object);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtin_object"),
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Object);
+ end;
+ -- Instance.
+ declare
+ Constr : O_Element_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Record_Type (Constr);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Instance_Common,
+ Get_Identifier ("common"), Ghdl_Rti_Common);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Instance_Name,
+ Get_Identifier ("name"), Char_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Instance_Loc,
+ Get_Identifier ("loc"), Ghdl_Rti_Loc);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Instance_Parent,
+ Wki_Parent, Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Instance_Type,
+ Get_Identifier ("instance"), Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ Finish_Record_Type (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Instance);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtin_instance"),
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Instance);
+ end;
+ -- Component
+ declare
+ Constr : O_Element_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Record_Type (Constr);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Component_Common,
+ Get_Identifier ("common"), Ghdl_Rti_Common);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Component_Name,
+ Get_Identifier ("name"), Char_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Component_Nbr_Child,
+ Get_Identifier ("nbr_child"), Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Component_Children,
+ Get_Identifier ("children"), Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc);
+ Finish_Record_Type (Constr, Ghdl_Rtin_Component);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rtin_component"),
+ Ghdl_Rtin_Component);
+ end;
+ end Rti_Initialize;
+ type Rti_Array is array (1 .. 8) of O_Dnode;
+ type Rti_Array_List;
+ type Rti_Array_List_Acc is access Rti_Array_List;
+ type Rti_Array_List is record
+ Rtis : Rti_Array;
+ Next : Rti_Array_List_Acc;
+ end record;
+ type Rti_Block is record
+ Depth : Rti_Depth_Type;
+ Nbr : Integer;
+ List : Rti_Array_List;
+ Last_List : Rti_Array_List_Acc;
+ Last_Nbr : Integer;
+ end record;
+ Cur_Block : Rti_Block := (Depth => 0,
+ Nbr => 0,
+ List => (Rtis => (others => O_Dnode_Null),
+ Next => null),
+ Last_List => null,
+ Last_Nbr => 0);
+ Free_List : Rti_Array_List_Acc := null;
+ procedure Push_Rti_Node (Prev : out Rti_Block; Deeper : Boolean := True)
+ is
+ Ndepth : Rti_Depth_Type;
+ begin
+ if Deeper then
+ Ndepth := Cur_Block.Depth + 1;
+ else
+ Ndepth := Cur_Block.Depth;
+ end if;
+ Prev := Cur_Block;
+ Cur_Block := (Depth => Ndepth,
+ Nbr => 0,
+ List => (Rtis => (others => O_Dnode_Null),
+ Next => null),
+ Last_List => null,
+ Last_Nbr => 0);
+ end Push_Rti_Node;
+ procedure Add_Rti_Node (Node : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Node = O_Dnode_Null then
+ -- FIXME: temporary for not yet handled types.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Cur_Block.Last_Nbr = Rti_Array'Last then
+ declare
+ N : Rti_Array_List_Acc;
+ begin
+ if Free_List = null then
+ N := new Rti_Array_List;
+ else
+ N := Free_List;
+ Free_List := N.Next;
+ end if;
+ N.Next := null;
+ if Cur_Block.Last_List = null then
+ Cur_Block.List.Next := N;
+ else
+ Cur_Block.Last_List.Next := N;
+ end if;
+ Cur_Block.Last_List := N;
+ end;
+ Cur_Block.Last_Nbr := 1;
+ else
+ Cur_Block.Last_Nbr := Cur_Block.Last_Nbr + 1;
+ end if;
+ if Cur_Block.Last_List = null then
+ Cur_Block.List.Rtis (Cur_Block.Last_Nbr) := Node;
+ else
+ Cur_Block.Last_List.Rtis (Cur_Block.Last_Nbr) := Node;
+ end if;
+ Cur_Block.Nbr := Cur_Block.Nbr + 1;
+ end Add_Rti_Node;
+ function Generate_Rti_Array (Id : O_Ident) return O_Dnode
+ is
+ Arr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ List : O_Array_Aggr_List;
+ L : Rti_Array_List_Acc;
+ Nbr : Integer;
+ Val : O_Cnode;
+ Res : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Arr_Type := New_Constrained_Array_Type
+ (Ghdl_Rti_Array,
+ New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ Unsigned_64 (Cur_Block.Nbr + 1)));
+ New_Const_Decl (Res, Id, O_Storage_Private, Arr_Type);
+ Start_Const_Value (Res);
+ Start_Array_Aggr (List, Arr_Type);
+ Nbr := Cur_Block.Nbr;
+ for I in Cur_Block.List.Rtis'Range loop
+ exit when I > Nbr;
+ New_Array_Aggr_El
+ (List, New_Global_Unchecked_Address (Cur_Block.List.Rtis (I),
+ Ghdl_Rti_Access));
+ end loop;
+ L := Cur_Block.List.Next;
+ while L /= null loop
+ Nbr := Nbr - Cur_Block.List.Rtis'Length;
+ for I in L.Rtis'Range loop
+ exit when I > Nbr;
+ New_Array_Aggr_El
+ (List, New_Global_Unchecked_Address (L.Rtis (I),
+ Ghdl_Rti_Access));
+ end loop;
+ L := L.Next;
+ end loop;
+ New_Array_Aggr_El (List, New_Null_Access (Ghdl_Rti_Access));
+ Finish_Array_Aggr (List, Val);
+ Finish_Const_Value (Res, Val);
+ return Res;
+ end Generate_Rti_Array;
+ procedure Pop_Rti_Node (Prev : Rti_Block)
+ is
+ L : Rti_Array_List_Acc;
+ begin
+ L := Cur_Block.List.Next;
+ if L /= null then
+ Cur_Block.Last_List.Next := Free_List;
+ Free_List := Cur_Block.List.Next;
+ Cur_Block.List.Next := null;
+ end if;
+ Cur_Block := Prev;
+ end Pop_Rti_Node;
+ function Get_Depth_From_Var (Var : Var_Acc := null) return Rti_Depth_Type
+ is
+ begin
+ if Var = null or else Is_Var_Field (Var) then
+ return Cur_Block.Depth;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ end Get_Depth_From_Var;
+ function Generate_Common
+ (Kind : O_Cnode; Var : Var_Acc := null; Mode : Natural := 0)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ List : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Res : O_Cnode;
+ Val : Unsigned_64;
+ begin
+ Start_Record_Aggr (List, Ghdl_Rti_Common);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List, Kind);
+ Val := Unsigned_64 (Get_Depth_From_Var (Var));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List, New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Rti_Depth, Val));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (List, New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Rti_U8, Unsigned_64 (Mode)));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List, New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Rti_Depth, 0));
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (List, Res);
+ return Res;
+ end Generate_Common;
+ -- Same as Generat_Common but for types.
+ function Generate_Common_Type (Kind : O_Cnode;
+ Depth : Rti_Depth_Type;
+ Max_Depth : Rti_Depth_Type;
+ Mode : Natural := 0)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ List : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Res : O_Cnode;
+ begin
+ Start_Record_Aggr (List, Ghdl_Rti_Common);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List, Kind);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (List,
+ New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Rti_Depth, Unsigned_64 (Depth)));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (List, New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Rti_U8, Unsigned_64 (Mode)));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (List,
+ New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Rti_Depth, Unsigned_64 (Max_Depth)));
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (List, Res);
+ return Res;
+ end Generate_Common_Type;
+ function Generate_Name (Node : Iir) return O_Dnode
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Node);
+ if Is_Character (Id) then
+ Name_Buffer (1) := ''';
+ Name_Buffer (2) := Get_Character (Id);
+ Name_Buffer (3) := ''';
+ Name_Length := 3;
+ else
+ Image (Id);
+ end if;
+ return Create_String (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length),
+ Create_Identifier ("RTISTR"));
+ end Generate_Name;
+ function Get_Null_Loc return O_Cnode is
+ begin
+ return New_Union_Aggr (Ghdl_Rti_Loc,
+ Ghdl_Rti_Loc_Address,
+ New_Null_Access (Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+ end Get_Null_Loc;
+ function Var_Acc_To_Loc (Var : Var_Acc) return O_Cnode
+ is
+ begin
+ if Is_Var_Field (Var) then
+ return New_Union_Aggr (Ghdl_Rti_Loc, Ghdl_Rti_Loc_Offset,
+ New_Offsetof (Get_Var_Field (Var),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type));
+ else
+ return New_Union_Aggr
+ (Ghdl_Rti_Loc, Ghdl_Rti_Loc_Address,
+ New_Global_Unchecked_Address (Get_Var_Label (Var),
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+ end if;
+ end Var_Acc_To_Loc;
+ -- Generate a name constant for the name of type definition DEF.
+ -- If DEF is an anonymous subtype, returns O_LNODE_NULL.
+ -- Use function NEW_NAME_ADDRESS (defined below) to convert the
+ -- result into an address expression.
+ function Generate_Type_Name (Def : Iir) return O_Dnode
+ is
+ Decl : Iir;
+ begin
+ Decl := Get_Type_Declarator (Def);
+ if Decl /= Null_Iir then
+ return Generate_Name (Decl);
+ else
+ return O_Dnode_Null;
+ end if;
+ end Generate_Type_Name;
+ -- Convert a name constant NAME into an address.
+ -- If NAME is O_LNODE_NULL, return a null address.
+ -- To be used with GENERATE_TYPE_NAME.
+ function New_Name_Address (Name : O_Dnode) return O_Cnode
+ is
+ begin
+ if Name = O_Dnode_Null then
+ return New_Null_Access (Char_Ptr_Type);
+ else
+ return New_Global_Unchecked_Address (Name, Char_Ptr_Type);
+ end if;
+ end New_Name_Address;
+ function New_Rti_Address (Rti : O_Dnode) return O_Cnode is
+ begin
+ return New_Global_Unchecked_Address (Rti, Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ end New_Rti_Address;
+ -- Declare the RTI constant for type definition attached to INFO.
+ -- The only feature is not to declare it if it was already declared.
+ -- (due to an incomplete type declaration).
+ procedure Generate_Type_Rti (Info : Type_Info_Acc; Rti_Type : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Info.Type_Rti = O_Dnode_Null then
+ New_Const_Decl (Info.Type_Rti, Create_Identifier ("RTI"),
+ Global_Storage, Rti_Type);
+ end if;
+ end Generate_Type_Rti;
+ function Generate_Type_Definition (Atype : Iir; Force : Boolean := False)
+ return O_Dnode;
+ procedure Generate_Enumeration_Type_Definition (Atype : Iir)
+ is
+ Val : O_Cnode;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Atype);
+ Generate_Type_Rti (Info, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum);
+ Info.T.Rti_Max_Depth := 0;
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Lit_List : Iir_List := Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Atype);
+ Nbr_Lit : Integer := Get_Nbr_Elements (Lit_List);
+ Lit : Iir;
+ type Dnode_Array is array (Natural range <>) of O_Dnode;
+ Name_Lits : Dnode_Array (0 .. Nbr_Lit - 1);
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Name_Arr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Name_Arr : O_Dnode;
+ Arr_Aggr : O_Array_Aggr_List;
+ Rec_Aggr : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Kind : O_Cnode;
+ Name : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ -- Generate name for each literal.
+ for I in Name_Lits'Range loop
+ Lit := Get_Nth_Element (Lit_List, I);
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (Lit));
+ Name_Lits (I) := Generate_Name (Lit);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end loop;
+ -- Generate array of names.
+ Name_Arr_Type := New_Constrained_Array_Type
+ (Char_Ptr_Array_Type,
+ New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ Unsigned_64 (Nbr_Lit)));
+ New_Const_Decl (Name_Arr, Create_Identifier ("RTINAMES"),
+ O_Storage_Private, Name_Arr_Type);
+ Start_Const_Value (Name_Arr);
+ Start_Array_Aggr (Arr_Aggr, Name_Arr_Type);
+ for I in Name_Lits'Range loop
+ New_Array_Aggr_El
+ (Arr_Aggr, New_Global_Address (Name_Lits (I), Char_Ptr_Type));
+ end loop;
+ Finish_Array_Aggr (Arr_Aggr, Val);
+ Finish_Const_Value (Name_Arr, Val);
+ Name := Generate_Type_Name (Atype);
+ Start_Const_Value (Info.Type_Rti);
+ case Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_B2 =>
+ Kind := Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B2;
+ when Type_Mode_E8 =>
+ Kind := Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8;
+ when Type_Mode_E32 =>
+ Kind := Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E32;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Start_Record_Aggr (Rec_Aggr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Rec_Aggr, Generate_Common_Type (Kind, 0, 0));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Rec_Aggr, New_Name_Address (Name));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (Rec_Aggr, New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ Unsigned_64 (Nbr_Lit)));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (Rec_Aggr,
+ New_Global_Address (Name_Arr, Char_Ptr_Array_Ptr_Type));
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (Rec_Aggr, Val);
+ Finish_Const_Value (Info.Type_Rti, Val);
+ end;
+ end Generate_Enumeration_Type_Definition;
+ procedure Generate_Scalar_Type_Definition (Atype : Iir; Name : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Kind : O_Cnode;
+ Val : O_Cnode;
+ List : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Atype);
+ Generate_Type_Rti (Info, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar);
+ Info.T.Rti_Max_Depth := 0;
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Start_Const_Value (Info.Type_Rti);
+ case Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_I32 =>
+ Kind := Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32;
+ when Type_Mode_F64 =>
+ Kind := Ghdl_Rtik_Type_F64;
+ when Type_Mode_P64 =>
+ Kind := Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P64;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("generate_scalar_type_definition", Atype);
+ end case;
+ Start_Record_Aggr (List, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List, Generate_Common_Type (Kind, 0, 0));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List, New_Name_Address (Name));
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (List, Val);
+ Finish_Const_Value (Info.Type_Rti, Val);
+ end Generate_Scalar_Type_Definition;
+ procedure Generate_Unit_Declaration (Unit : Iir_Unit_Declaration)
+ is
+ Name : O_Dnode;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Aggr : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Val : O_Cnode;
+ Field : O_Fnode;
+ Const : O_Dnode;
+ Conv_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Unit_Type : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Info : Object_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (Unit));
+ Name := Generate_Name (Unit);
+ New_Const_Decl (Const, Create_Identifier ("RTI"),
+ Global_Storage, Ghdl_Rtin_Unit);
+ Start_Const_Value (Const);
+ Start_Record_Aggr (Aggr, Ghdl_Rtin_Unit);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, Generate_Common (Ghdl_Rtik_Unit));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, New_Name_Address (Name));
+ Info := Get_Info (Unit);
+ if Info /= null then
+ -- Handle non-static units. The only possibility is a unit of
+ -- std.standard.time.
+ Field := Ghdl_Rti_Unit_Addr;
+ Val := New_Global_Unchecked_Address
+ (Get_Var_Label (Info.Object_Var), Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ else
+ Unit_Type := Get_Info (Get_Type (Unit));
+ case Unit_Type.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_P64 =>
+ Field := Ghdl_Rti_Unit_64;
+ Conv_Type := Ghdl_I64_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_P32 =>
+ Field := Ghdl_Rti_Unit_32;
+ Conv_Type := Ghdl_I32_Type;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Val := Chap7.Translate_Numeric_Literal (Unit, Conv_Type);
+ end if;
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (Aggr, New_Union_Aggr (Ghdl_Rti_Unit_Val, Field, Val));
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (Aggr, Val);
+ Finish_Const_Value (Const, Val);
+ Add_Rti_Node (Const);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end Generate_Unit_Declaration;
+ procedure Generate_Physical_Type_Definition (Atype : Iir; Name : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Val : O_Cnode;
+ List : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Prev : Rti_Block;
+ Unit : Iir_Unit_Declaration;
+ Nbr_Units : Integer;
+ Unit_Arr : O_Dnode;
+ Mode : Integer;
+ Rti_Kind : O_Cnode;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Atype);
+ Generate_Type_Rti (Info, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical);
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Push_Rti_Node (Prev, False);
+ Unit := Get_Unit_Chain (Atype);
+ if Get_Info (Unit) /= null then
+ Mode := 1;
+ else
+ Mode := 0;
+ end if;
+ Nbr_Units := 0;
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ Generate_Unit_Declaration (Unit);
+ Nbr_Units := Nbr_Units + 1;
+ Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ end loop;
+ Unit_Arr := Generate_Rti_Array (Create_Identifier ("RTIARRAY"));
+ Pop_Rti_Node (Prev);
+ Start_Const_Value (Info.Type_Rti);
+ Start_Record_Aggr (List, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical);
+ case Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_P64 =>
+ Rti_Kind := Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P64;
+ when Type_Mode_P32 =>
+ Rti_Kind := Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P32;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (List, Generate_Common_Type (Rti_Kind, 0, 0, Mode));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List, New_Name_Address (Name));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (List,
+ New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ Unsigned_64 (Nbr_Units)));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (List, New_Global_Address (Unit_Arr, Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc));
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (List, Val);
+ Finish_Const_Value (Info.Type_Rti, Val);
+ end Generate_Physical_Type_Definition;
+ procedure Generate_Scalar_Subtype_Definition (Atype : Iir)
+ is
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ Base_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Aggr : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Val : O_Cnode;
+ Name : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Atype);
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ Name := O_Dnode_Null;
+ else
+ Name := Generate_Type_Name (Atype);
+ end if;
+ -- Generate base type definition, if necessary.
+ -- (do it even in packages).
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Atype);
+ Base_Info := Get_Info (Base_Type);
+ if Base_Info.Type_Rti = O_Dnode_Null then
+ declare
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, "BT");
+ if Get_Kind (Base_Type) = Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition then
+ Generate_Physical_Type_Definition (Base_Type, Name);
+ else
+ Generate_Scalar_Type_Definition (Base_Type, Name);
+ end if;
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ Generate_Type_Rti (Info, Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar);
+ Info.T.Rti_Max_Depth := Get_Depth_From_Var (Info.T.Range_Var);
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Start_Const_Value (Info.Type_Rti);
+ Start_Record_Aggr (Aggr, Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (Aggr, Generate_Common_Type (Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Scalar,
+ Info.T.Rti_Max_Depth,
+ Info.T.Rti_Max_Depth));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, New_Name_Address (Name));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, New_Rti_Address (Base_Info.Type_Rti));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, Var_Acc_To_Loc (Info.T.Range_Var));
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (Aggr, Val);
+ Finish_Const_Value (Info.Type_Rti, Val);
+ end Generate_Scalar_Subtype_Definition;
+ procedure Generate_Fileacc_Type_Definition (Atype : Iir)
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Kind : O_Cnode;
+ Val : O_Cnode;
+ List : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Name : O_Dnode;
+ Base : O_Dnode;
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Atype);
+ Generate_Type_Rti (Info, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Fileacc);
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Atype) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition =>
+ declare
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, "AT");
+ Base := Generate_Type_Definition
+ (Get_Designated_Type (Atype));
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end;
+ if Get_Kind (Atype) = Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition then
+ Kind := Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Access;
+ else
+ Kind := Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Access;
+ end if;
+ -- Don't bother with designated type. This at least avoid
+ -- loops.
+ Base_Type := Null_Iir;
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
+ Base_Type := Get_Type_Mark (Atype);
+ Base := Generate_Type_Definition (Base_Type);
+ Kind := Ghdl_Rtik_Type_File;
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Atype);
+ Base := Get_Info (Base_Type).Type_Rti;
+ Kind := Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Record;
+ when Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Atype);
+ Base := Get_Info (Base_Type).Type_Rti;
+ Kind := Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Access;
+ when Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Atype);
+ Base := Get_Info (Base_Type).Type_Rti;
+ Kind := Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Unconstrained_Array;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("rti.generate_fileacc_type_definition", Atype);
+ end case;
+ if Base_Type = Null_Iir then
+ Info.T.Rti_Max_Depth := 0;
+ else
+ Info.T.Rti_Max_Depth := Get_Info (Base_Type).T.Rti_Max_Depth;
+ end if;
+ Name := Generate_Type_Name (Atype);
+ Start_Const_Value (Info.Type_Rti);
+ Start_Record_Aggr (List, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Fileacc);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (List, Generate_Common_Type (Kind, 0, Info.T.Rti_Max_Depth));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List, New_Name_Address (Name));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List, New_Rti_Address (Base));
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (List, Val);
+ Finish_Const_Value (Info.Type_Rti, Val);
+ end Generate_Fileacc_Type_Definition;
+ procedure Generate_Array_Type_Indexes
+ (Atype : Iir; Res : out O_Dnode; Max_Depth : in out Rti_Depth_Type)
+ is
+ List : Iir_List;
+ Nbr_Indexes : Integer;
+ Index : Iir;
+ Tmp : O_Dnode;
+ Arr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Arr_Aggr : O_Array_Aggr_List;
+ Val : O_Cnode;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ -- Translate each index.
+ List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Atype);
+ Nbr_Indexes := Get_Nbr_Elements (List);
+ for I in 1 .. Nbr_Indexes loop
+ Index := Get_Nth_Element (List, I - 1);
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, "DIM", Iir_Int32 (I));
+ Tmp := Generate_Type_Definition (Index);
+ Max_Depth := Rti_Depth_Type'Max (Max_Depth,
+ Get_Info (Index).T.Rti_Max_Depth);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end loop;
+ -- Generate array of index.
+ Arr_Type := New_Constrained_Array_Type
+ (Ghdl_Rti_Array,
+ New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type, Unsigned_64 (Nbr_Indexes)));
+ New_Const_Decl (Res, Create_Identifier ("RTIINDEXES"),
+ Global_Storage, Arr_Type);
+ Start_Const_Value (Res);
+ Start_Array_Aggr (Arr_Aggr, Arr_Type);
+ for I in 0 .. Nbr_Indexes - 1 loop
+ Index := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ New_Array_Aggr_El
+ (Arr_Aggr, New_Rti_Address (Generate_Type_Definition (Index)));
+ end loop;
+ Finish_Array_Aggr (Arr_Aggr, Val);
+ Finish_Const_Value (Res, Val);
+ end Generate_Array_Type_Indexes;
+ function Type_To_Mode (Info : Type_Info_Acc) return Natural is
+ begin
+ if Info.C /= null then
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ end Type_To_Mode;
+ procedure Generate_Array_Type_Definition
+ (Atype : Iir_Array_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Aggr : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Val : O_Cnode;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ Arr : O_Dnode;
+ Element : Iir;
+ Name : O_Dnode;
+ El_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Max_Depth : Rti_Depth_Type;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Atype);
+ Generate_Type_Rti (Info, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array);
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Name := Generate_Type_Name (Atype);
+ Element := Get_Element_Subtype (Atype);
+ El_Info := Get_Info (Element);
+ if El_Info.Type_Rti = O_Dnode_Null then
+ declare
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ El_Rti : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, "EL");
+ El_Rti := Generate_Type_Definition (Element);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ Max_Depth := El_Info.T.Rti_Max_Depth;
+ -- Translate each index.
+ Generate_Array_Type_Indexes (Atype, Arr, Max_Depth);
+ Info.T.Rti_Max_Depth := Max_Depth;
+ List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Atype);
+ -- Generate node.
+ Start_Const_Value (Info.Type_Rti);
+ Start_Record_Aggr (Aggr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (Aggr,
+ Generate_Common_Type
+ (Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Array, 0, Max_Depth, Type_To_Mode (Info)));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, New_Name_Address (Name));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, New_Rti_Address (El_Info.Type_Rti));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (Aggr,
+ New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ Unsigned_64 (Get_Nbr_Elements (List))));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, New_Global_Address (Arr, Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc));
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (Aggr, Val);
+ Finish_Const_Value (Info.Type_Rti, Val);
+ end Generate_Array_Type_Definition;
+ procedure Generate_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ (Atype : Iir_Array_Subtype_Definition)
+ is
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ Base_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Aggr : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Val : O_Cnode;
+ Base_Rti : O_Dnode;
+ Bounds : Var_Acc;
+ Name : O_Dnode;
+ Kind : O_Cnode;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Depth : Rti_Depth_Type;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Atype);
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Atype);
+ Base_Info := Get_Info (Base_Type);
+ if Base_Info.Type_Rti = O_Dnode_Null then
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, "BT");
+ Base_Rti := Generate_Type_Definition (Base_Type);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end if;
+ Bounds := Info.T.Array_Bounds;
+ Depth := Get_Depth_From_Var (Bounds);
+ Info.T.Rti_Max_Depth :=
+ Rti_Depth_Type'Max (Depth, Base_Info.T.Rti_Max_Depth);
+ -- Generate node.
+ Generate_Type_Rti (Info, Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array);
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Name := Generate_Type_Name (Atype);
+ Start_Const_Value (Info.Type_Rti);
+ Start_Record_Aggr (Aggr, Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array);
+ case Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Array =>
+ Kind := Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array;
+ when Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ Kind := Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array_Ptr;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("generate_array_subtype_definition", Atype);
+ end case;
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (Aggr,
+ Generate_Common_Type (Kind, Depth,
+ Info.T.Rti_Max_Depth, Type_To_Mode (Info)));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, New_Name_Address (Name));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, New_Rti_Address (Base_Info.Type_Rti));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, Var_Acc_To_Loc (Bounds));
+ for I in Mode_Value .. Mode_Signal loop
+ if I = Mode_Signal and then not Get_Signal_Type_Flag (Atype) then
+ Val := Get_Null_Loc;
+ else
+ case Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Array =>
+ Val := New_Union_Aggr (Ghdl_Rti_Loc, Ghdl_Rti_Loc_Offset,
+ New_Sizeof (Info.Ortho_Type (I),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type));
+ when Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ Val := Var_Acc_To_Loc (Info.C.Size_Var (I));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("generate_array_subtype_definition", Atype);
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, Val);
+ end loop;
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (Aggr, Val);
+ Finish_Const_Value (Info.Type_Rti, Val);
+ end Generate_Array_Subtype_Definition;
+ procedure Generate_Record_Type_Definition (Atype : Iir)
+ is
+ El_Chain : Iir;
+ El : Iir;
+ Prev : Rti_Block;
+ El_Arr : O_Dnode;
+ Res : O_Cnode;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Max_Depth : Rti_Depth_Type;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Atype);
+ Generate_Type_Rti (Info, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record);
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ El_Chain := Get_Element_Declaration_Chain (Atype);
+ Max_Depth := 0;
+ -- Generate elements.
+ Push_Rti_Node (Prev, False);
+ El := El_Chain;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ declare
+ Type_Rti : O_Dnode;
+ El_Name : O_Dnode;
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ Aggr : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Field_Info : Field_Info_Acc;
+ Val : O_Cnode;
+ El_Const : O_Dnode;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (El));
+ El_Type := Get_Type (El);
+ Type_Rti := Generate_Type_Definition (El_Type);
+ Max_Depth :=
+ Rti_Depth_Type'Max (Max_Depth,
+ Get_Info (El_Type).T.Rti_Max_Depth);
+ El_Name := Generate_Name (El);
+ Field_Info := Get_Info (El);
+ New_Const_Decl (El_Const, Create_Identifier ("RTIEL"),
+ Global_Storage, Ghdl_Rtin_Element);
+ Start_Const_Value (El_Const);
+ Start_Record_Aggr (Aggr, Ghdl_Rtin_Element);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr,
+ Generate_Common (Ghdl_Rtik_Element));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, New_Name_Address (El_Name));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, New_Rti_Address (Type_Rti));
+ for I in Object_Kind_Type loop
+ if Field_Info.Field_Node (I) /= O_Fnode_Null then
+ Val := New_Offsetof (Field_Info.Field_Node (I),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ else
+ Val := New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type, 0);
+ end if;
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, Val);
+ end loop;
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (Aggr, Val);
+ Finish_Const_Value (El_Const, Val);
+ Add_Rti_Node (El_Const);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ El_Arr := Generate_Rti_Array (Create_Identifier ("RTIARRAY"));
+ Pop_Rti_Node (Prev);
+ Info.T.Rti_Max_Depth := Max_Depth;
+ -- Generate record.
+ declare
+ Aggr : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Name : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Name := Generate_Type_Name (Atype);
+ Start_Const_Value (Info.Type_Rti);
+ Start_Record_Aggr (Aggr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (Aggr,
+ Generate_Common_Type (Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Record, 0, Max_Depth,
+ Type_To_Mode (Info)));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, New_Name_Address (Name));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (Aggr, New_Unsigned_Literal
+ (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ Unsigned_64 (Get_Number_Element_Declaration (Atype))));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr,
+ New_Global_Address (El_Arr, Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc));
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (Aggr, Res);
+ Finish_Const_Value (Info.Type_Rti, Res);
+ end;
+ end Generate_Record_Type_Definition;
+ procedure Generate_Protected_Type_Declaration (Atype : Iir)
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Name : O_Dnode;
+ Val : O_Cnode;
+ List : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Atype);
+ Generate_Type_Rti (Info, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar);
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Name := Generate_Type_Name (Atype);
+ Start_Const_Value (Info.Type_Rti);
+ Start_Record_Aggr (List, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (List,
+ Generate_Common_Type (Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Protected, 0, 0,
+ Type_To_Mode (Info)));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List, New_Name_Address (Name));
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (List, Val);
+ Finish_Const_Value (Info.Type_Rti, Val);
+ end Generate_Protected_Type_Declaration;
+ -- If FORCE is true, force the creation of the type RTI.
+ -- Otherwise, only the declaration (and not the definition) may have
+ -- been created.
+ function Generate_Type_Definition (Atype : Iir; Force : Boolean := False)
+ return O_Dnode
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Atype);
+ if not Force and then Info.Type_Rti /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ return Info.Type_Rti;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Atype) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
+ Generate_Enumeration_Type_Definition (Atype);
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Generate_Scalar_Subtype_Definition (Atype);
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ Generate_Array_Type_Definition (Atype);
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Generate_Array_Subtype_Definition (Atype);
+ when Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
+ Generate_Fileacc_Type_Definition (Atype);
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ -- FIXME: No separate infos (yet).
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
+ Generate_Record_Type_Definition (Atype);
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
+ Generate_Protected_Type_Declaration (Atype);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("rti.generate_type_definition", Atype);
+ return O_Dnode_Null;
+ end case;
+ return Info.Type_Rti;
+ end Generate_Type_Definition;
+ function Generate_Incomplete_Type_Definition (Def : Iir)
+ return O_Dnode
+ is
+ Ndef : Iir;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Rti_Type : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ Ndef := Get_Type (Get_Type_Declarator (Def));
+ Info := Get_Info (Ndef);
+ case Get_Kind (Ndef) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition =>
+ Rti_Type := Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar;
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition =>
+ Rti_Type := Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical;
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
+ Rti_Type := Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum;
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Rti_Type := Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar;
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ Rti_Type := Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array;
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Rti_Type := Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array;
+ when Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
+ Rti_Type := Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Fileacc;
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
+ Rti_Type := Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("rti.generate_incomplete_type_definition", Ndef);
+ end case;
+ New_Const_Decl (Info.Type_Rti, Create_Identifier ("RTI"),
+ Global_Storage, Rti_Type);
+ return Info.Type_Rti;
+ end Generate_Incomplete_Type_Definition;
+ function Generate_Type_Decl (Decl : Iir) return O_Dnode
+ is
+ Rti : O_Dnode;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ Def : Iir;
+ begin
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Decl);
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Id);
+ Def := Get_Type (Decl);
+ if Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition then
+ Rti := Generate_Incomplete_Type_Definition (Def);
+ else
+ Rti := Generate_Type_Definition (Def, True);
+ end if;
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ return Rti;
+ end Generate_Type_Decl;
+ procedure Generate_Signal_Rti (Sig : Iir)
+ is
+ Info : Object_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Sig);
+ New_Const_Decl (Info.Object_Rti, Create_Identifier (Sig, "__RTI"),
+ Global_Storage, Ghdl_Rtin_Object);
+ end Generate_Signal_Rti;
+ procedure Generate_Object (Decl : Iir; Rti : in out O_Dnode)
+ is
+ Decl_Type : Iir;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Name : O_Dnode;
+ Comm : O_Cnode;
+ Val : O_Cnode;
+ List : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Var : Var_Acc;
+ Mode : Natural;
+ Has_Id : Boolean;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute =>
+ Has_Id := False;
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix_Uniq (Mark);
+ when others =>
+ Has_Id := True;
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (Decl));
+ end case;
+ if Rti = O_Dnode_Null then
+ New_Const_Decl (Rti, Create_Identifier ("RTI"),
+ Global_Storage, Ghdl_Rtin_Object);
+ end if;
+ if Global_Storage /= O_Storage_External then
+ Decl_Type := Get_Type (Decl);
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Decl_Type);
+ if Type_Info.Type_Rti = O_Dnode_Null then
+ declare
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Tmp : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, "OT");
+ Tmp := Generate_Type_Definition (Decl_Type);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ if Has_Id then
+ Name := Generate_Name (Decl);
+ else
+ Name := O_Dnode_Null;
+ end if;
+ Info := Get_Info (Decl);
+ Start_Const_Value (Rti);
+ Start_Record_Aggr (List, Ghdl_Rtin_Object);
+ Mode := 0;
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
+ Comm := Ghdl_Rtik_Signal;
+ Var := Info.Object_Var;
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ Comm := Ghdl_Rtik_Port;
+ Var := Info.Object_Var;
+ Mode := Iir_Mode'Pos (Get_Mode (Decl));
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
+ Comm := Ghdl_Rtik_Constant;
+ Var := Info.Object_Var;
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration =>
+ Comm := Ghdl_Rtik_Generic;
+ Var := Info.Object_Var;
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration =>
+ Comm := Ghdl_Rtik_Variable;
+ Var := Info.Object_Var;
+ when Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration =>
+ Comm := Ghdl_Rtik_Guard;
+ Var := Info.Object_Var;
+ when Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration =>
+ Comm := Ghdl_Rtik_Iterator;
+ Var := Info.Iterator_Var;
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
+ Comm := Ghdl_Rtik_File;
+ Var := Info.Object_Var;
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration =>
+ Comm := Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute;
+ Var := null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute =>
+ Comm := Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Transaction;
+ Var := Info.Object_Var;
+ when Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute =>
+ Comm := Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Quiet;
+ Var := Info.Object_Var;
+ when Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute =>
+ Comm := Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Stable;
+ Var := Info.Object_Var;
+ when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ Comm := Ghdl_Rtik_Alias;
+ Var := Info.Alias_Var;
+ Mode := Object_Kind_Type'Pos (Info.Alias_Kind);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("rti.generate_object", Decl);
+ end case;
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ Mode := Mode
+ + 16 * Iir_Signal_Kind'Pos (Get_Signal_Kind (Decl));
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute =>
+ if Get_Has_Active_Flag (Decl) then
+ Mode := Mode + 64;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List, Generate_Common (Comm, Var, Mode));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List, New_Name_Address (Name));
+ if Var = null then
+ Val := Get_Null_Loc;
+ else
+ Val := Var_Acc_To_Loc (Var);
+ end if;
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List, Val);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List, New_Rti_Address (Type_Info.Type_Rti));
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (List, Val);
+ Finish_Const_Value (Rti, Val);
+ end if;
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end Generate_Object;
+ procedure Generate_Block (Blk : Iir; Parent_Rti : O_Dnode);
+ procedure Generate_Declaration_Chain (Chain : Iir);
+ procedure Generate_Component_Declaration (Comp : Iir)
+ is
+ Prev : Rti_Block;
+ Name : O_Dnode;
+ Arr : O_Dnode;
+ List : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Res : O_Cnode;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Info : Comp_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (Comp));
+ Info := Get_Info (Comp);
+ New_Const_Decl (Info.Comp_Rti_Const, Create_Identifier ("RTI"),
+ Global_Storage, Ghdl_Rtin_Component);
+ if Global_Storage /= O_Storage_External then
+ Push_Rti_Node (Prev);
+ Generate_Declaration_Chain (Get_Generic_Chain (Comp));
+ Generate_Declaration_Chain (Get_Port_Chain (Comp));
+ Name := Generate_Name (Comp);
+ Arr := Generate_Rti_Array (Create_Identifier ("RTIARRAY"));
+ Start_Const_Value (Info.Comp_Rti_Const);
+ Start_Record_Aggr (List, Ghdl_Rtin_Component);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List, Generate_Common (Ghdl_Rtik_Component));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List,
+ New_Global_Address (Name, Char_Ptr_Type));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (List, New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ Unsigned_64 (Cur_Block.Nbr)));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List,
+ New_Global_Address (Arr, Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc));
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (List, Res);
+ Finish_Const_Value (Info.Comp_Rti_Const, Res);
+ Pop_Rti_Node (Prev);
+ end if;
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ Add_Rti_Node (Info.Comp_Rti_Const);
+ end Generate_Component_Declaration;
+ procedure Generate_Instance (Stmt : Iir; Parent : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ Name : O_Dnode;
+ List : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Val : O_Cnode;
+ Inst : Iir;
+ Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Name := Generate_Name (Stmt);
+ Info := Get_Info (Stmt);
+ New_Const_Decl (Info.Block_Rti_Const, Create_Identifier ("RTI"),
+ Global_Storage, Ghdl_Rtin_Instance);
+ Inst := Get_Instantiated_Unit (Stmt);
+ Start_Const_Value (Info.Block_Rti_Const);
+ Start_Record_Aggr (List, Ghdl_Rtin_Instance);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List, Generate_Common (Ghdl_Rtik_Instance));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List, New_Global_Address (Name, Char_Ptr_Type));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (List, New_Union_Aggr (Ghdl_Rti_Loc, Ghdl_Rti_Loc_Offset,
+ New_Offsetof (Info.Block_Parent_Field,
+ Ghdl_Index_Type)));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List, New_Rti_Address (Parent));
+ case Get_Kind (Inst) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
+ Val := New_Rti_Address (Get_Info (Inst).Comp_Rti_Const);
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity =>
+ declare
+ Ent : Iir;
+ begin
+ Ent := Get_Library_Unit (Get_Entity (Inst));
+ Val := New_Rti_Address (Get_Info (Ent).Block_Rti_Const);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Configuration =>
+ declare
+ Config : Iir;
+ Ent : Iir;
+ begin
+ Config := Get_Library_Unit (Get_Configuration (Inst));
+ Ent := Get_Library_Unit (Get_Entity (Config));
+ Val := New_Rti_Address (Get_Info (Ent).Block_Rti_Const);
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Val := New_Null_Access (Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ end case;
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List, Val);
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (List, Val);
+ Finish_Const_Value (Info.Block_Rti_Const, Val);
+ Add_Rti_Node (Info.Block_Rti_Const);
+ end Generate_Instance;
+ procedure Generate_Declaration_Chain (Chain : Iir)
+ is
+ Decl : Iir;
+ begin
+ Decl := Chain;
+ while Decl /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ Add_Rti_Node (Generate_Type_Decl (Decl));
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute =>
+ declare
+ Info : Object_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Decl);
+ Generate_Object (Decl, Info.Object_Rti);
+ Add_Rti_Node (Info.Object_Rti);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute =>
+ -- FIXME: to be added.
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration =>
+ declare
+ Rti : O_Dnode := O_Dnode_Null;
+ begin
+ Generate_Object (Decl, Rti);
+ Add_Rti_Node (Rti);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
+ Generate_Component_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
+ -- FIXME: to be added (for foreign).
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
+ -- Handled in subtype declaration.
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification
+ | Iir_Kind_Disconnection_Specification =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("rti.generate_declaration_chain", Decl);
+ end case;
+ Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ end loop;
+ end Generate_Declaration_Chain;
+ procedure Generate_Concurrent_Statement_Chain
+ (Chain : Iir; Parent_Rti : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ Stmt : Iir;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ Stmt := Chain;
+ while Stmt /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (Stmt) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (Stmt));
+ Generate_Block (Stmt, Parent_Rti);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (Stmt));
+ Generate_Instance (Stmt, Parent_Rti);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("rti.generate_concurrent_statement_chain", Stmt);
+ end case;
+ Stmt := Get_Chain (Stmt);
+ end loop;
+ end Generate_Concurrent_Statement_Chain;
+ procedure Generate_Block (Blk : Iir; Parent_Rti : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ Name : O_Dnode;
+ Arr : O_Dnode;
+ List : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Rti : O_Dnode;
+ Kind : O_Cnode;
+ Res : O_Cnode;
+ Prev : Rti_Block;
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Field : O_Fnode;
+ Inst : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ -- The type of a generator iterator is elaborated in the parent.
+ if Get_Kind (Blk) = Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement then
+ declare
+ Scheme : Iir;
+ Iter_Type : Iir;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Tmp : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Scheme := Get_Generation_Scheme (Blk);
+ if Get_Kind (Scheme) = Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration then
+ Iter_Type := Get_Type (Scheme);
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Iter_Type);
+ if Type_Info.Type_Rti = O_Dnode_Null then
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, "ITERATOR");
+ Tmp := Generate_Type_Definition (Iter_Type);
+ Add_Rti_Node (Tmp);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ New_Const_Decl (Rti, Create_Identifier ("RTI"),
+ O_Storage_Public, Ghdl_Rtin_Block);
+ Push_Rti_Node (Prev);
+ Field := O_Fnode_Null;
+ Inst := O_Tnode_Null;
+ Info := Get_Info (Blk);
+ case Get_Kind (Blk) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ Kind := Ghdl_Rtik_Package;
+ Generate_Declaration_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Blk));
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
+ Kind := Ghdl_Rtik_Package_Body;
+ -- FIXME: yes or not ?
+ --Generate_Declaration_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Blk));
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ Kind := Ghdl_Rtik_Architecture;
+ Generate_Declaration_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Blk));
+ Generate_Concurrent_Statement_Chain
+ (Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Blk), Rti);
+ Field := Info.Block_Parent_Field;
+ Inst := Info.Block_Decls_Type;
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
+ Kind := Ghdl_Rtik_Entity;
+ Generate_Declaration_Chain (Get_Generic_Chain (Blk));
+ Generate_Declaration_Chain (Get_Port_Chain (Blk));
+ Generate_Declaration_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Blk));
+ Generate_Concurrent_Statement_Chain
+ (Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Blk), Rti);
+ Inst := Info.Block_Decls_Type;
+ when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
+ Kind := Ghdl_Rtik_Process;
+ Generate_Declaration_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Blk));
+ Field := Info.Process_Parent_Field;
+ Inst := Info.Process_Decls_Type;
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ Kind := Ghdl_Rtik_Block;
+ declare
+ Guard : Iir;
+ Header : Iir;
+ Guard_Info : Object_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Guard := Get_Guard_Decl (Blk);
+ if Guard /= Null_Iir then
+ Guard_Info := Get_Info (Guard);
+ Generate_Object (Guard, Guard_Info.Object_Rti);
+ Add_Rti_Node (Guard_Info.Object_Rti);
+ end if;
+ Header := Get_Block_Header (Blk);
+ if Header /= Null_Iir then
+ Generate_Declaration_Chain (Get_Generic_Chain (Header));
+ Generate_Declaration_Chain (Get_Port_Chain (Header));
+ end if;
+ end;
+ Generate_Declaration_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Blk));
+ Generate_Concurrent_Statement_Chain
+ (Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Blk), Rti);
+ Field := Info.Block_Parent_Field;
+ Inst := Info.Block_Decls_Type;
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Scheme : Iir;
+ Scheme_Rti : O_Dnode := O_Dnode_Null;
+ begin
+ Scheme := Get_Generation_Scheme (Blk);
+ if Get_Kind (Scheme) = Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration then
+ Generate_Object (Scheme, Scheme_Rti);
+ Add_Rti_Node (Scheme_Rti);
+ Kind := Ghdl_Rtik_For_Generate;
+ else
+ Kind := Ghdl_Rtik_If_Generate;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ Generate_Declaration_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Blk));
+ Generate_Concurrent_Statement_Chain
+ (Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Blk), Rti);
+ Field := Info.Block_Parent_Field;
+ Inst := Info.Block_Decls_Type;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("rti.generate_block", Blk);
+ end case;
+ Name := Generate_Name (Blk);
+ Arr := Generate_Rti_Array (Create_Identifier ("RTIARRAY"));
+ Start_Const_Value (Rti);
+ Start_Record_Aggr (List, Ghdl_Rtin_Block);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List, Generate_Common (Kind));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List, New_Global_Address (Name, Char_Ptr_Type));
+ if Field = O_Fnode_Null then
+ Res := Get_Null_Loc;
+ else
+ Res := New_Union_Aggr (Ghdl_Rti_Loc,
+ Ghdl_Rti_Loc_Offset,
+ New_Offsetof (Field, Ghdl_Index_Type));
+ end if;
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List, Res);
+ if Parent_Rti = O_Dnode_Null then
+ Res := New_Null_Access (Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ else
+ Res := New_Rti_Address (Parent_Rti);
+ end if;
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List, Res);
+ if Inst = O_Tnode_Null then
+ Res := New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type, 0);
+ else
+ Res := New_Sizeof (Inst, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ end if;
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List, Res);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (List, New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ Unsigned_64 (Cur_Block.Nbr)));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (List, New_Global_Address (Arr, Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc));
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (List, Res);
+ Finish_Const_Value (Rti, Res);
+ Pop_Rti_Node (Prev);
+ -- Put children in the parent list.
+ case Get_Kind (Blk) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
+ Add_Rti_Node (Rti);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ -- Store the RTI.
+ case Get_Kind (Blk) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ Info.Block_Rti_Const := Rti;
+ when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
+ Info.Process_Rti_Const := Rti;
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ Info.Package_Rti_Const := Rti;
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
+ -- Replace package declaration RTI with the body one.
+ Get_Info (Get_Package (Blk)).Package_Rti_Const := Rti;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("rti.generate_block", Blk);
+ end case;
+ end Generate_Block;
+ procedure Generate_Library (Lib : Iir_Library_Declaration;
+ Public : Boolean)
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ Info : Library_Info_Acc;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ Val : O_Cnode;
+ Aggr : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Name : O_Dnode;
+ Storage : O_Storage;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Lib);
+ if Info /= null then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Info := Add_Info (Lib, Kind_Library);
+ if Lib = Libraries.Work_Library then
+ Id := Libraries.Work_Library_Name;
+ else
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Lib);
+ end if;
+ if Public then
+ Storage := O_Storage_Public;
+ else
+ Storage := O_Storage_External;
+ end if;
+ New_Const_Decl (Info.Library_Rti_Const,
+ Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (Id, "__RTI"),
+ Storage, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar);
+ if Public then
+ Image (Id);
+ Name := Create_String
+ (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length),
+ Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (Id, "__RTISTR"));
+ Start_Const_Value (Info.Library_Rti_Const);
+ Start_Record_Aggr (Aggr, Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, Generate_Common (Ghdl_Rtik_Library));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, New_Name_Address (Name));
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (Aggr, Val);
+ Finish_Const_Value (Info.Library_Rti_Const, Val);
+ end if;
+ end Generate_Library;
+ procedure Generate_Unit (Lib_Unit : Iir)
+ is
+ Rti : O_Dnode;
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Lib_Unit);
+ case Get_Kind (Lib_Unit) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ if Info.Block_Rti_Const /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, "BODY");
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ -- Declare node.
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ New_Const_Decl (Rti, Create_Identifier ("RTI"),
+ O_Storage_External, Ghdl_Rtin_Block);
+ case Get_Kind (Lib_Unit) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ Info.Block_Rti_Const := Rti;
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ declare
+ Prev : Rti_Block;
+ begin
+ Push_Rti_Node (Prev);
+ Generate_Declaration_Chain
+ (Get_Declaration_Chain (Lib_Unit));
+ Pop_Rti_Node (Prev);
+ Info.Package_Rti_Const := Rti;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
+ -- Replace package declaration RTI with the body one.
+ Get_Info (Get_Package (Lib_Unit)).Package_Rti_Const := Rti;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ else
+ case Get_Kind (Lib_Unit) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
+ declare
+ Lib : Iir_Library_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Lib := Get_Library (Get_Design_File
+ (Get_Design_Unit (Lib_Unit)));
+ Generate_Library (Lib, False);
+ Rti := Get_Info (Lib).Library_Rti_Const;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
+ Rti := Get_Info (Get_Package (Lib_Unit)).Package_Rti_Const;
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ Rti := Get_Info (Get_Entity (Lib_Unit)).Block_Rti_Const;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Generate_Block (Lib_Unit, Rti);
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Lib_Unit) = Iir_Kind_Package_Body then
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end if;
+ end Generate_Unit;
+ procedure Generate_Top (Arch : Iir)
+ is
+ use Configuration;
+ Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Lib_Unit : Iir;
+ Lib : Iir_Library_Declaration;
+ Arr : O_Dnode;
+ Res : O_Cnode;
+ Aggr : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Prev : Rti_Block;
+ begin
+ Push_Rti_Node (Prev);
+ Add_Rti_Node (Get_Info (Standard_Package).Package_Rti_Const);
+ for I in Design_Units.First .. Design_Units.Last loop
+ Unit := Design_Units.Table (I);
+ -- Generate RTI for the library.
+ Lib := Get_Library (Get_Design_File (Unit));
+ Generate_Library (Lib, True);
+ Lib_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ case Get_Kind (Lib_Unit) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ Add_Rti_Node (Get_Info (Lib_Unit).Package_Rti_Const);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ Arr := Generate_Rti_Array (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_top_RTIARRAY"));
+ New_Const_Decl (Ghdl_Rti_Top, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rti_top"),
+ O_Storage_Public, Ghdl_Rtin_Block);
+ Start_Const_Value (Ghdl_Rti_Top);
+ Start_Record_Aggr (Aggr, Ghdl_Rtin_Block);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, Generate_Common (Ghdl_Rtik_Top));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, New_Null_Access (Char_Ptr_Type));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, Get_Null_Loc);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (Aggr, New_Rti_Address (Get_Info (Arch).Block_Rti_Const));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type, 0));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (Aggr, New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ Unsigned_64 (Cur_Block.Nbr)));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, New_Global_Address (Arr, Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc));
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (Aggr, Res);
+ Finish_Const_Value (Ghdl_Rti_Top, Res);
+ Pop_Rti_Node (Prev);
+ end Generate_Top;
+ function Get_Context_Rti (Node : Iir) return O_Cnode
+ is
+ Node_Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Rti_Const : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Node_Info := Get_Info (Node);
+ case Get_Kind (Node) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
+ Rti_Const := Node_Info.Comp_Rti_Const;
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ Rti_Const := Node_Info.Block_Rti_Const;
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ Rti_Const := Node_Info.Block_Rti_Const;
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
+ Rti_Const := Node_Info.Package_Rti_Const;
+ when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
+ Rti_Const := Node_Info.Process_Rti_Const;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("get_context_rti", Node);
+ end case;
+ return New_Rti_Address (Rti_Const);
+ end Get_Context_Rti;
+ function Get_Context_Addr (Node : Iir) return O_Enode
+ is
+ Node_Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Block_Type : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ Node_Info := Get_Info (Node);
+ case Get_Kind (Node) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
+ Block_Type := Node_Info.Comp_Type;
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ Block_Type := Node_Info.Block_Decls_Type;
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
+ return New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+ when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
+ Block_Type := Node_Info.Process_Decls_Type;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("get_context_addr", Node);
+ end case;
+ return New_Unchecked_Address (Get_Instance_Ref (Block_Type),
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ end Get_Context_Addr;
+ procedure Associate_Rti_Context (Assoc : in out O_Assoc_List; Node : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Lit (Get_Context_Rti (Node)));
+ New_Association (Assoc, Get_Context_Addr (Node));
+ end Associate_Rti_Context;
+ procedure Associate_Null_Rti_Context (Assoc : in out O_Assoc_List) is
+ begin
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Ghdl_Rti_Access)));
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Ghdl_Ptr_Type)));
+ end Associate_Null_Rti_Context;
+ end Rtis;
+ procedure Gen_Filename (Design_File : Iir)
+ is
+ Info : Design_File_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ if Current_Filename_Node /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Info := Get_Info (Design_File);
+ if Info = null then
+ Info := Add_Info (Design_File, Kind_Design_File);
+ Info.Design_Filename := Create_String
+ (Get_Design_File_Filename (Design_File),
+ Create_Uniq_Identifier, O_Storage_Private);
+ end if;
+ Current_Filename_Node := Info.Design_Filename;
+ end Gen_Filename;
+ -- Decorate the tree in order to be usable with the internal simulator.
+ procedure Translate (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit; Main : Boolean)
+ is
+ Design_File : Iir_Design_File;
+ El : Iir;
+ Lib : Iir_Library_Declaration;
+ Lib_Mark, Ent_Mark, Sep_Mark, Unit_Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Update_Node_Infos;
+ Design_File := Get_Design_File (Unit);
+ if False then
+ El := Get_Context_Items (Unit);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Library_Clause =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate1", El);
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ if Flags.Verbose then
+ Ada.Text_IO.Put ("translating ");
+ if Main then
+ Ada.Text_IO.Put ("(with code generation) ");
+ end if;
+ Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Disp_Node (El));
+ end if;
+ -- Create the prefix for identifiers.
+ Lib := Get_Library (Get_Design_File (Unit));
+ Reset_Identifier_Prefix;
+ if Lib = Libraries.Work_Library then
+ Id := Libraries.Work_Library_Name;
+ else
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Lib);
+ end if;
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Lib_Mark, Id);
+ if Get_Kind (El) = Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration then
+ -- Put 'ARCH' between the entity name and the architecture name, to
+ -- avoid a name clash with names from entity (eg an entity port with
+ -- the same name as an architecture).
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Ent_Mark, Get_Identifier (Get_Entity (El)));
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Sep_Mark, "ARCH");
+ end if;
+ Id := Get_Identifier (El);
+ if Id /= Null_Identifier then
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Unit_Mark, Id);
+ end if;
+ if Main then
+ Set_Global_Storage (O_Storage_Public);
+ -- Create the variable containing the current file name.
+ Gen_Filename (Get_Design_File (Unit));
+ else
+ Set_Global_Storage (O_Storage_External);
+ end if;
+ New_Debug_Filename_Decl
+ (Name_Table.Image (Get_Design_File_Filename (Design_File)));
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ New_Debug_Comment_Decl
+ ("package declaration " & Image_Identifier (El));
+ Chap2.Translate_Package_Declaration (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
+ New_Debug_Comment_Decl ("package body " & Image_Identifier (El));
+ --Push_Global_Factory (O_Storage_Private);
+ Chap2.Translate_Package_Body (El);
+ --Pop_Global_Factory;
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
+ New_Debug_Comment_Decl ("entity " & Image_Identifier (El));
+ --Set_Global_Storage (O_Storage_Private);
+ Chap1.Translate_Entity_Declaration (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ New_Debug_Comment_Decl ("architecture " & Image_Identifier (El));
+ --Set_Global_Storage (O_Storage_Private);
+ Chap1.Translate_Architecture_Declaration (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
+ New_Debug_Comment_Decl ("configuration " & Image_Identifier (El));
+ if Id = Null_Identifier then
+ declare
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Mark_Entity : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Mark_Arch : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Mark_Sep : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Arch : Iir;
+ Entity : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Note: this is done inside the architecture identifier.
+ Entity := Get_Library_Unit (Get_Entity (El));
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix
+ (Mark_Entity, Get_Identifier (Entity));
+ Arch := Get_Block_Specification
+ (Get_Block_Configuration (El));
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark_Sep, "ARCH");
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark_Arch, Get_Identifier (Arch));
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix
+ (Mark, Name_Table.Get_Identifier ("DEFAULT_CONFIG"));
+ Chap1.Translate_Configuration_Declaration (El);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark_Entity);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark_Sep);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark_Arch);
+ end;
+ else
+ Chap1.Translate_Configuration_Declaration (El);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate", El);
+ end case;
+ Current_Filename_Node := O_Dnode_Null;
+ --Pop_Global_Factory;
+ if Id /= Null_Identifier then
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Unit_Mark);
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (El) = Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration then
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Sep_Mark);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Ent_Mark);
+ end if;
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Lib_Mark);
+ end Translate;
+ procedure Initialize
+ is
+ Interfaces : O_Inter_List;
+ Param : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Node_Infos.Init;
+ Node_Infos.Set_Last (4);
+ Node_Infos.Table (0 .. 4) := (others => null);
+ New_Debug_Comment_Decl ("internal declarations, part 1");
+ -- Give a name to sizetype.
+ --Finish_Type_Decl (Sizetype, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_size_t"));
+ -- Create well known identifiers.
+ Wki_This := Get_Identifier ("this");
+ Wki_Size := Get_Identifier ("size");
+ Wki_Res := Get_Identifier ("res");
+ Wki_Dir_To := Get_Identifier ("dir_to");
+ Wki_Dir_Downto := Get_Identifier ("dir_downto");
+ Wki_Left := Get_Identifier ("left");
+ Wki_Right := Get_Identifier ("right");
+ Wki_Dir := Get_Identifier ("dir");
+ Wki_Length := Get_Identifier ("length");
+ Wki_Kind := Get_Identifier ("kind");
+ Wki_Dim := Get_Identifier ("dim");
+ Wki_I := Get_Identifier ("I");
+ Wki_Instance := Get_Identifier ("INSTANCE");
+ Wki_Arch_Instance := Get_Identifier ("ARCH_INSTANCE");
+ Wki_Name := Get_Identifier ("NAME");
+ Wki_Sig := Get_Identifier ("sig");
+ Wki_Obj := Get_Identifier ("OBJ");
+ Wki_Rti := Get_Identifier ("RTI");
+ Wki_Parent := Get_Identifier ("parent");
+ Sizetype := New_Unsigned_Type (32);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_size_type"), Sizetype);
+ -- Create __ghdl_index_type, which is the type for *all* array index.
+ Ghdl_Index_Type := New_Unsigned_Type (32);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_index_type"), Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Ghdl_I32_Type := New_Signed_Type (32);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_i32"), Ghdl_I32_Type);
+ Ghdl_Real_Type := New_Float_Type;
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_real"), Ghdl_Real_Type);
+ if not Flag_Only_32b then
+ Ghdl_I64_Type := New_Signed_Type (64);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_i64"), Ghdl_I64_Type);
+ end if;
+ -- File index for elaborated file object.
+ Ghdl_File_Index_Type := New_Unsigned_Type (32);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_file_index"),
+ Ghdl_File_Index_Type);
+ Ghdl_File_Index_Ptr_Type := New_Access_Type (Ghdl_File_Index_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_file_index_ptr"),
+ Ghdl_File_Index_Ptr_Type);
+ -- Create char, char [] and char *.
+ Char_Type_Node := New_Unsigned_Type (8);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_char"), Char_Type_Node);
+ Chararray_Type := New_Array_Type (Char_Type_Node, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_chararray"), Chararray_Type);
+ Char_Ptr_Type := New_Access_Type (Chararray_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_char_ptr"), Char_Ptr_Type);
+ Char_Ptr_Array_Type := New_Array_Type (Char_Ptr_Type, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_char_ptr_array"),
+ Char_Ptr_Array_Type);
+ Char_Ptr_Array_Ptr_Type := New_Access_Type (Char_Ptr_Array_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_char_ptr_array_ptr"),
+ Char_Ptr_Array_Ptr_Type);
+ -- Generic pointer.
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type := New_Access_Type (Char_Type_Node);
+ Const_Ptr_Type_Node := Ghdl_Ptr_Type;
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_ptr"), Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ -- Create record
+ -- len : natural;
+ -- str : C_String;
+ -- end record;
+ declare
+ Constr : O_Element_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Record_Type (Constr);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Str_Len_Type_Len_Field,
+ Get_Identifier ("len"), Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Record_Field
+ (Constr, Ghdl_Str_Len_Type_Str_Field,
+ Get_Identifier ("str"), Char_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Record_Type (Constr, Ghdl_Str_Len_Type_Node);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_str_len"),
+ Ghdl_Str_Len_Type_Node);
+ end;
+ Ghdl_Str_Len_Array_Type_Node := New_Array_Type
+ (Ghdl_Str_Len_Type_Node, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_str_len_array"),
+ Ghdl_Str_Len_Array_Type_Node);
+ -- Create type __ghdl_str_len_ptr is access all __ghdl_str_len
+ Ghdl_Str_Len_Ptr_Node := New_Access_Type (Ghdl_Str_Len_Type_Node);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_str_len_ptr"),
+ Ghdl_Str_Len_Ptr_Node);
+ -- Create type __ghdl_bool_type is (false, true)
+ New_Boolean_Type (Ghdl_Bool_Type,
+ Get_Identifier ("false"),
+ Ghdl_Bool_False_Node,
+ Get_Identifier ("true"),
+ Ghdl_Bool_True_Node);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_bool_type"),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ -- __ghdl_bool_array is array (ghdl_index_type) of ghdl_bool_type
+ Ghdl_Bool_Array_Type :=
+ New_Array_Type (Ghdl_Bool_Type, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl
+ (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_bool_array_type"), Ghdl_Bool_Array_Type);
+ -- __ghdl_bool_array_ptr is access __ghdl_bool_array;
+ Ghdl_Bool_Array_Ptr := New_Access_Type (Ghdl_Bool_Array_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl
+ (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_bool_array_ptr"), Ghdl_Bool_Array_Ptr);
+ -- Create type ghdl_compare_type is (lt, eq, ge);
+ declare
+ Constr : O_Enum_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Enum_Type (Constr, 8);
+ New_Enum_Literal (Constr, Get_Identifier ("lt"), Ghdl_Compare_Lt);
+ New_Enum_Literal (Constr, Get_Identifier ("eq"), Ghdl_Compare_Eq);
+ New_Enum_Literal (Constr, Get_Identifier ("gt"), Ghdl_Compare_Gt);
+ Finish_Enum_Type (Constr, Ghdl_Compare_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_compare_type"),
+ Ghdl_Compare_Type);
+ end;
+ -- Create:
+ -- type __ghdl_location is record
+ -- file : __ghdl_str_len_ptr;
+ -- line : integer;
+ -- col : Integer;
+ -- end record;
+ declare
+ Constr : O_Element_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Record_Type (Constr);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Location_Filename_Node,
+ Get_Identifier ("filename"),
+ Char_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Location_Line_Node,
+ Get_Identifier ("line"),
+ Ghdl_I32_Type);
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Ghdl_Location_Col_Node,
+ Get_Identifier ("col"),
+ Ghdl_I32_Type);
+ Finish_Record_Type (Constr, Ghdl_Location_Type_Node);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_location"),
+ Ghdl_Location_Type_Node);
+ end;
+ -- Create type __ghdl_location_ptr is access __ghdl_location;
+ Ghdl_Location_Ptr_Node := New_Access_Type (Ghdl_Location_Type_Node);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_location_ptr"),
+ Ghdl_Location_Ptr_Node);
+ -- Create type ghdl_dir_type is (dir_to, dir_downto);
+ declare
+ Constr : O_Enum_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Enum_Type (Constr, 8);
+ New_Enum_Literal (Constr, Wki_Dir_To, Ghdl_Dir_To_Node);
+ New_Enum_Literal (Constr, Wki_Dir_Downto, Ghdl_Dir_Downto_Node);
+ Finish_Enum_Type (Constr, Ghdl_Dir_Type_Node);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_dir_type"),
+ Ghdl_Dir_Type_Node);
+ end;
+ -- Create void* __ghdl_alloc (unsigned size);
+ Start_Function_Decl (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_alloc"),
+ O_Storage_External, Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Size, Sizetype);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Alloc_Ptr);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_program_error -- (loc : __ghdl_location_acc);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_program_error"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ --New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param,
+ -- Get_Identifier ("location"),
+ -- Ghdl_Location_Ptr_Node);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Program_Error);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_bound_check_failed_l0;
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_bound_check_failed_l0"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("index"),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Bound_Check_Failed_L0);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_bound_check_failed_l1 (filename : char_ptr_type;
+ -- line : ghdl_i32);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_bound_check_failed_l1"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("filename"), Char_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("line"), Ghdl_I32_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Bound_Check_Failed_L1);
+ -- Secondary stack subprograms.
+ -- function __ghdl_stack2_allocate (size : ghdl_index_type)
+ -- return ghdl_ptr_type;
+ Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_stack2_allocate"),
+ O_Storage_External, Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Size, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Stack2_Allocate);
+ -- function __ghdl_stack2_mark return ghdl_ptr_type;
+ Start_Function_Decl (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_stack2_mark"),
+ O_Storage_External, Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Stack2_Mark);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_stack2_release (mark : ghdl_ptr_type);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_stack2_release"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("mark"),
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Stack2_Release);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_memcpy (dest : ghdl_ptr_type;
+ -- src : ghdl_ptr_type;
+ -- length : ghdl_index_type);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_memcpy"), O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("dest"),
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("src"),
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Length, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Memcpy);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_deallocate (ptr : ghdl_ptr_type);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_deallocate"), O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Obj, Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Deallocate);
+ -- function __ghdl_malloc (length : ghdl_index_type)
+ -- return ghdl_ptr_type;
+ Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_malloc"), O_Storage_External,
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Length, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Malloc);
+ -- function __ghdl_malloc0 (length : ghdl_index_type)
+ -- return ghdl_ptr_type;
+ Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_malloc0"), O_Storage_External,
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Length, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Malloc0);
+ -- function __ghdl_text_file_elaborate return file_index_type;
+ Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_text_file_elaborate"),
+ O_Storage_External, Ghdl_File_Index_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Text_File_Elaborate);
+ -- function __ghdl_file_elaborate (name : char_ptr_type)
+ -- return file_index_type;
+ Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_file_elaborate"),
+ O_Storage_External, Ghdl_File_Index_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Name, Char_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_File_Elaborate);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_file_finalize (file : file_index_type);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_file_finalize"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("file"),
+ Ghdl_File_Index_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_File_Finalize);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_text_file_finalize (file : file_index_type);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_text_file_finalize"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("file"),
+ Ghdl_File_Index_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Text_File_Finalize);
+ declare
+ procedure Create_Protected_Subprg
+ (Name : String; Subprg : out O_Dnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier (Name), O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Obj, Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Subprg);
+ end Create_Protected_Subprg;
+ begin
+ -- procedure __ghdl_protected_enter (obj : ghdl_ptr_type);
+ Create_Protected_Subprg
+ ("__ghdl_protected_enter", Ghdl_Protected_Enter);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_protected_leave (obj : ghdl_ptr_type);
+ Create_Protected_Subprg
+ ("__ghdl_protected_leave", Ghdl_Protected_Leave);
+ Create_Protected_Subprg
+ ("__ghdl_protected_init", Ghdl_Protected_Init);
+ Create_Protected_Subprg
+ ("__ghdl_protected_fini", Ghdl_Protected_Fini);
+ end;
+ if Flag_Rti then
+ Rtis.Rti_Initialize;
+ end if;
+ -- procedure __ghdl_signal_name_rti
+ -- (obj : ghdl_rti_access;
+ -- ctxt : ghdl_rti_access;
+ -- addr : ghdl_ptr_type);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_name_rti"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Obj, Rtis.Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("ctxt"),
+ Rtis.Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("addr"),
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Signal_Name_Rti);
+ declare
+ -- procedure NAME (this : ghdl_ptr_type;
+ -- proc : ghdl_ptr_type;
+ -- ctxt : ghdl_rti_access;
+ -- addr : ghdl_ptr_type);
+ procedure Create_Process_Register (Name : String; Res : out O_Dnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier (Name), O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Param, Wki_This, Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("proc"), Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("ctxt"),
+ Rtis.Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("addr"),
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Res);
+ end Create_Process_Register;
+ begin
+ Create_Process_Register ("__ghdl_process_register",
+ Ghdl_Process_Register);
+ Create_Process_Register ("__ghdl_sensitized_process_register",
+ Ghdl_Sensitized_Process_Register);
+ Create_Process_Register ("__ghdl_postponed_process_register",
+ Ghdl_Postponed_Process_Register);
+ Create_Process_Register
+ ("__ghdl_postponed_sensitized_process_register",
+ Ghdl_Postponed_Sensitized_Process_Register);
+ end;
+ end Initialize;
+ procedure Create_Signal_Subprograms
+ (Suffix : String;
+ Val_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Create_Signal : out O_Dnode;
+ Init_Signal : out O_Dnode;
+ Simple_Assign : out O_Dnode;
+ Start_Assign : out O_Dnode;
+ Next_Assign : out O_Dnode;
+ Associate_Value : out O_Dnode;
+ Driving_Value : out O_Dnode)
+ is
+ Interfaces : O_Inter_List;
+ Param : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ -- function __ghdl_create_signal_XXX (init_val : VAL_TYPE)
+ -- resolv_func : ghdl_ptr_type;
+ -- resolv_inst : ghdl_ptr_type;
+ -- return __ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_create_signal_" & Suffix),
+ O_Storage_External, Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("init_val"), Val_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("resolv_func"),
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("resolv_inst"),
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Create_Signal);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_signal_init_XXX (sign : __ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ -- val : VAL_TYPE);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_init_" & Suffix),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("signal"),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("val"), Val_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Init_Signal);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_signal_simple_assign_XXX (sign : __ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ -- val : VAL_TYPE);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_simple_assign_" & Suffix),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("signal"),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("val"), Val_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Simple_Assign);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_signal_start_assign_XXX (sign : __ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ -- reject : std_time;
+ -- val : VAL_TYPE;
+ -- after : std_time);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_start_assign_" & Suffix),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("signal"),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("reject"),
+ Std_Time_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("val"),
+ Val_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("after"),
+ Std_Time_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Start_Assign);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_signal_next_assign_XXX (sign : __ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ -- val : VAL_TYPE;
+ -- after : std_time);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_next_assign_" & Suffix),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("signal"),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("val"),
+ Val_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("after"),
+ Std_Time_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Next_Assign);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_signal_associate_XXX (sign : __ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ -- val : VAL_TYPE);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_associate_" & Suffix),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("signal"),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("val"),
+ Val_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Associate_Value);
+ -- function __ghdl_signal_driving_value_XXX (sign : __ghdl_signal_ptr)
+ -- return VAL_TYPE;
+ Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_driving_value_" & Suffix),
+ O_Storage_External, Val_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("signal"),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Driving_Value);
+ end Create_Signal_Subprograms;
+ -- procedure __ghdl_image_NAME (res : std_string_ptr_node;
+ -- val : VAL_TYPE;
+ -- rti : ghdl_rti_access);
+ --
+ -- function __ghdl_value_NAME (val : std_string_ptr_node;
+ -- rti : ghdl_rti_access);
+ -- return VAL_TYPE;
+ procedure Create_Image_Value_Subprograms (Name : String;
+ Val_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Has_Td : Boolean;
+ Image_Subprg : out O_Dnode;
+ Value_Subprg : out O_Dnode)
+ is
+ Interfaces : O_Inter_List;
+ Param : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_image_" & Name),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("res"), Std_String_Ptr_Node);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("val"), Val_Type);
+ if Has_Td then
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("rti"), Rtis.Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ end if;
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Image_Subprg);
+ Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_value_" & Name),
+ O_Storage_External, Val_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("val"), Std_String_Ptr_Node);
+ if Has_Td then
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("rti"), Rtis.Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ end if;
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Value_Subprg);
+ end Create_Image_Value_Subprograms;
+ -- Do internal declarations that need std.standard declarations.
+ procedure Post_Initialize
+ is
+ Interfaces : O_Inter_List;
+ Rec : O_Element_List;
+ Param : O_Dnode;
+ Integer_Otype : O_Tnode;
+ Real_Otype : O_Tnode;
+ Time_Otype : O_Tnode;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ New_Debug_Comment_Decl ("internal declarations, part 2");
+ Info := Get_Info (String_Type_Definition);
+ Std_String_Node := Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value);
+ Std_String_Ptr_Node := Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value);
+ Integer_Otype := Get_Ortho_Type (Integer_Type_Definition, Mode_Value);
+ Real_Otype := Get_Ortho_Type (Real_Type_Definition, Mode_Value);
+ Time_Otype := Get_Ortho_Type (Time_Type_Definition, Mode_Value);
+ -- __ghdl_now : time;
+ -- ??? maybe this should be a function ?
+ New_Var_Decl (Ghdl_Now, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_now"),
+ O_Storage_External, Time_Otype);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_assert_failed (str : __ghdl_array_template;
+ -- severity : ghdl_int);
+ -- loc : __ghdl_location_acc);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_report (str : __ghdl_array_template;
+ -- severity : ghdl_int);
+ -- loc : __ghdl_location_acc);
+ declare
+ procedure Create_Report_Subprg (Name : String; Subprg : out O_Dnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier (Name), O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("msg"), Std_String_Ptr_Node);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("severity"),
+ Get_Ortho_Type (Severity_Level_Type_Definition, Mode_Value));
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("location"),
+ Ghdl_Location_Ptr_Node);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Subprg);
+ end Create_Report_Subprg;
+ begin
+ Create_Report_Subprg ("__ghdl_assert_failed", Ghdl_Assert_Failed);
+ Create_Report_Subprg ("__ghdl_report", Ghdl_Report);
+ end;
+ New_Var_Decl (Ghdl_Assert_Default_Report,
+ Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_assert_default_report"),
+ O_Storage_External,
+ Get_Info (String_Type_Definition).Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ -- procedure __ghdl_text_write (file : __ghdl_file_index;
+ -- str : std_string_ptr);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_text_write"), O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("file"),
+ Ghdl_File_Index_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("str"),
+ Std_String_Ptr_Node);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Text_Write);
+ -- function __ghdl_text_read_length (file : __ghdl_file_index;
+ -- str : std_string_ptr)
+ -- return std__standard_integer;
+ Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_text_read_length"),
+ O_Storage_External, Integer_Otype);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("file"),
+ Ghdl_File_Index_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("str"),
+ Std_String_Ptr_Node);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Text_Read_Length);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_write_scalar (file : __ghdl_file_index;
+ -- ptr : __ghdl_ptr_type;
+ -- length : __ghdl_index_type);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_write_scalar"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("file"),
+ Ghdl_File_Index_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("ptr"),
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Length, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Write_Scalar);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_read_scalar (file : __ghdl_file_index;
+ -- ptr : __ghdl_ptr_type;
+ -- length : __ghdl_index_type);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_read_scalar"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("file"),
+ Ghdl_File_Index_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("ptr"),
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Length, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Read_Scalar);
+ -- function __ghdl_real_exp (left : std__standard__real;
+ -- right : std__standard__integer)
+ -- return std__standard__real;
+ Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_real_exp"), O_Storage_External,
+ Real_Otype);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("left"),
+ Real_Otype);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("right"),
+ Integer_Otype);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Real_Exp);
+ -- function __ghdl_integer_exp (left : std__standard__integer;
+ -- right : std__standard__integer)
+ -- return std__standard__integer;
+ Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_integer_exp"), O_Storage_External,
+ Integer_Otype);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Left, Integer_Otype);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Right, Integer_Otype);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Integer_Exp);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_image_b2 (res : std_string_ptr_node;
+ -- val : ghdl_bool_type;
+ -- rti : ghdl_rti_access);
+ Create_Image_Value_Subprograms
+ ("b2", Ghdl_Bool_Type, True, Ghdl_Image_B2, Ghdl_Value_B2);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_image_e8 (res : std_string_ptr_node;
+ -- val : ghdl_i32_type;
+ -- rti : ghdl_rti_access);
+ Create_Image_Value_Subprograms
+ ("e8", Ghdl_I32_Type, True, Ghdl_Image_E8, Ghdl_Value_E8);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_image_i32 (res : std_string_ptr_node;
+ -- val : ghdl_i32_type);
+ Create_Image_Value_Subprograms
+ ("i32", Ghdl_I32_Type, False, Ghdl_Image_I32, Ghdl_Value_I32);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_image_p32 (res : std_string_ptr_node;
+ -- val : ghdl_i32_type;
+ -- rti : ghdl_rti_access);
+ Create_Image_Value_Subprograms
+ ("p32", Ghdl_I32_Type, True, Ghdl_Image_P32, Ghdl_Value_P32);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_image_p64 (res : std_string_ptr_node;
+ -- val : ghdl_i64_type;
+ -- rti : ghdl_rti_access);
+ if not Flag_Only_32b then
+ Create_Image_Value_Subprograms
+ ("p64", Ghdl_I64_Type, True, Ghdl_Image_P64, Ghdl_Value_P64);
+ end if;
+ -- procedure __ghdl_image_f64 (res : std_string_ptr_node;
+ -- val : ghdl_real_type);
+ Create_Image_Value_Subprograms
+ ("f64", Ghdl_Real_Type, False, Ghdl_Image_F64, Ghdl_Value_F64);
+ -------------
+ -- files --
+ -------------
+ -- procedure __ghdl_text_file_open (file : file_index_type;
+ -- mode : Ghdl_I32_Type;
+ -- str : std__standard__string_PTR);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_text_file_open"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("file"),
+ Ghdl_File_Index_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("mode"),
+ Ghdl_I32_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("str"),
+ Std_String_Ptr_Node);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Text_File_Open);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_file_open (file : file_index_type;
+ -- mode : Ghdl_I32_Type;
+ -- str : std__standard__string_PTR);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_file_open"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("file"),
+ Ghdl_File_Index_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("mode"),
+ Ghdl_I32_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("str"),
+ Std_String_Ptr_Node);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_File_Open);
+ -- function __ghdl_text_file_open_status
+ -- (file : file_index_type;
+ -- mode : Ghdl_I32_Type;
+ -- str : std__standard__string_PTR)
+ -- return ghdl_i32_type;
+ Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_text_file_open_status"),
+ O_Storage_External, Ghdl_I32_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("file"),
+ Ghdl_File_Index_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("mode"),
+ Ghdl_I32_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("str"),
+ Std_String_Ptr_Node);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Text_File_Open_Status);
+ -- function __ghdl_file_open_status (file : file_index_type;
+ -- mode : Ghdl_I32_Type;
+ -- str : std__standard__string_PTR)
+ -- return ghdl_i32_type;
+ Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_file_open_status"),
+ O_Storage_External, Ghdl_I32_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("file"),
+ Ghdl_File_Index_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("mode"),
+ Ghdl_I32_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("str"),
+ Std_String_Ptr_Node);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_File_Open_Status);
+ -- function __ghdl_file_endfile (file : file_index_type)
+ -- return std_boolean_type_node;
+ Start_Function_Decl (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_file_endfile"),
+ O_Storage_External, Std_Boolean_Type_Node);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("file"),
+ Ghdl_File_Index_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_File_Endfile);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_text_file_close (file : file_index_type);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_text_file_close"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("file"),
+ Ghdl_File_Index_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Text_File_Close);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_file_close (file : file_index_type);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_file_close"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("file"),
+ Ghdl_File_Index_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_File_Close);
+ ---------------
+ -- signals --
+ ---------------
+ -- procedure __ghdl_signal_create_resolution
+ -- (func : ghdl_ptr_type;
+ -- instance : ghdl_ptr_type;
+ -- sig : ghdl_ptr_type;
+ -- nbr_sig : ghdl_index_type);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_create_resolution"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("func"), Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Instance, Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Sig, Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("nbr_sig"), Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Signal_Create_Resolution);
+ -- Declarations for signals.
+ -- Max length of a scalar type.
+ -- type __ghdl_scalar_bytes is __ghdl_chararray (0 .. 8);
+ Ghdl_Scalar_Bytes := New_Constrained_Array_Type
+ (Chararray_Type, New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type, 8));
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_scalar_bytes"),
+ Ghdl_Scalar_Bytes);
+ -- Type __signal_signal is record
+ Start_Record_Type (Rec);
+ New_Record_Field (Rec, Ghdl_Signal_Value_Node,
+ Get_Identifier ("value"),
+ Ghdl_Scalar_Bytes);
+ New_Record_Field (Rec, Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_Node,
+ Get_Identifier ("driving_value"),
+ Ghdl_Scalar_Bytes);
+ New_Record_Field (Rec, Ghdl_Signal_Last_Value_Node,
+ Get_Identifier ("last_value"),
+ Ghdl_Scalar_Bytes);
+ New_Record_Field (Rec, Ghdl_Signal_Last_Event_Node,
+ Get_Identifier ("last_event"),
+ Time_Otype);
+ New_Record_Field (Rec, Ghdl_Signal_Last_Active_Node,
+ Get_Identifier ("last_active"),
+ Time_Otype);
+ New_Record_Field (Rec, Ghdl_Signal_Event_Node,
+ Get_Identifier ("event"),
+ Std_Boolean_Type_Node);
+ New_Record_Field (Rec, Ghdl_Signal_Active_Node,
+ Get_Identifier ("active"),
+ Std_Boolean_Type_Node);
+ Finish_Record_Type (Rec, Ghdl_Signal_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal"), Ghdl_Signal_Type);
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr := New_Access_Type (Ghdl_Signal_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_ptr"), Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr_Ptr := New_Access_Type (Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_ptr_ptr"),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr_Ptr);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_signal_merge_rti
+ -- (sig : ghdl_signal_ptr; rti : ghdl_rti_access)
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_merge_rti"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Sig, Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Rti, Rtis.Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Signal_Merge_Rti);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_signal_add_source (targ : __ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ -- src : __ghdl_signal_ptr);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_add_source"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("targ"),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("src"),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Signal_Add_Source);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_signal_effective_value (targ : __ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ -- src : __ghdl_signal_ptr);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_effective_value"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("targ"),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("src"),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Signal_Effective_Value);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_signal_set_disconnect (sig : __ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ -- val : std_time);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_set_disconnect"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Sig, Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("time"), Std_Time_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Signal_Set_Disconnect);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_signal_disconnect (sig : __ghdl_signal_ptr);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_disconnect"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Sig, Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Signal_Disconnect);
+ -- function __ghdl_signal_get_nbr_drivers (sig : __ghdl_signal_ptr)
+ -- return ghdl_index_type;
+ Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_get_nbr_drivers"),
+ O_Storage_External, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Sig, Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Signal_Get_Nbr_Drivers);
+ -- function __ghdl_signal_get_nbr_sources (sig : __ghdl_signal_ptr)
+ -- return ghdl_index_type;
+ Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_get_nbr_ports"),
+ O_Storage_External, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Sig, Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Signal_Get_Nbr_Ports);
+ -- function __ghdl_signal_read_driver (sig : __ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ -- num : ghdl_index_type)
+ -- return ghdl_ptr_type;
+ declare
+ procedure Create_Signal_Read (Name : String; Subprg : out O_Dnode) is
+ begin
+ Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier (Name),
+ O_Storage_External, Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Sig, Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("num"), Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Subprg);
+ end Create_Signal_Read;
+ begin
+ Create_Signal_Read
+ ("__ghdl_signal_read_driver", Ghdl_Signal_Read_Driver);
+ Create_Signal_Read
+ ("__ghdl_signal_read_port", Ghdl_Signal_Read_Port);
+ end;
+ -- function __ghdl_signal_driving (sig : __ghdl_signal_ptr)
+ -- return std_boolean;
+ Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_driving"),
+ O_Storage_External, Std_Boolean_Type_Node);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Sig, Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Signal_Driving);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_signal_simple_assign_error
+ -- (sig : __ghdl_signal_ptr);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_simple_assign_error"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Sig, Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_Error);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_signal_start_assign_error (sign : __ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ -- reject : std_time;
+ -- after : std_time);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_start_assign_error"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("signal"),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("reject"),
+ Std_Time_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("after"),
+ Std_Time_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_Error);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_signal_next_assign_error (sig : __ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ -- after : std_time);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_next_assign_error"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("signal"),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("after"),
+ Std_Time_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_Error);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_signal_start_assign_null (sign : __ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ -- reject : std_time;
+ -- after : std_time);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_start_assign_null"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("signal"),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("reject"),
+ Std_Time_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("after"),
+ Std_Time_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_Null);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_signal_next_assign_null (sig : __ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ -- after : std_time);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_next_assign_null"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("signal"),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("after"),
+ Std_Time_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_Null);
+ -- function __ghdl_create_signal_enum8 (init_val : ghdl_i32_type)
+ -- return __ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ -- procedure __ghdl_signal_simple_assign_e8 (sign : __ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ -- val : __ghdl_integer);
+ Create_Signal_Subprograms ("e8", Ghdl_I32_Type,
+ Ghdl_Create_Signal_E8,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Init_E8,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_E8,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_E8,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_E8,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Associate_E8,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_E8);
+ -- function __ghdl_create_signal_b2 (init_val : ghdl_bool_type)
+ -- return __ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ -- procedure __ghdl_signal_simple_assign_b2 (sign : __ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ -- val : ghdl_bool_type);
+ Create_Signal_Subprograms ("b2", Ghdl_Bool_Type,
+ Ghdl_Create_Signal_B2,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Init_B2,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_B2,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_B2,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_B2,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Associate_B2,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_B2);
+ Create_Signal_Subprograms ("i32", Ghdl_I32_Type,
+ Ghdl_Create_Signal_I32,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Init_I32,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_I32,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_I32,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_I32,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Associate_I32,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_I32);
+ Create_Signal_Subprograms ("f64", Ghdl_Real_Type,
+ Ghdl_Create_Signal_F64,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Init_F64,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_F64,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_F64,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_F64,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Associate_F64,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_F64);
+ if not Flag_Only_32b then
+ Create_Signal_Subprograms ("i64", Ghdl_I64_Type,
+ Ghdl_Create_Signal_I64,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Init_I64,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_I64,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_I64,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_I64,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Associate_I64,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_I64);
+ end if;
+ -- procedure __ghdl_process_add_sensitivity (sig : __ghdl_signal_ptr);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_process_add_sensitivity"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Sig, Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Process_Add_Sensitivity);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_process_add_driver (sig : __ghdl_signal_ptr);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_process_add_driver"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Sig, Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Process_Add_Driver);
+ declare
+ procedure Create_Signal_Conversion (Name : String; Res : out O_Dnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier (Name), O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("func"), Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Instance, Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("src"), Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("src_len"), Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("dst"), Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("dst_len"), Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Res);
+ end Create_Signal_Conversion;
+ begin
+ -- procedure __ghdl_signal_in_conversion (func : ghdl_ptr_type;
+ -- instance : ghdl_ptr_type;
+ -- src : ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ -- src_len : ghdl_index_type;
+ -- dst : ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ -- dst_len : ghdl_index_type);
+ Create_Signal_Conversion
+ ("__ghdl_signal_in_conversion", Ghdl_Signal_In_Conversion);
+ Create_Signal_Conversion
+ ("__ghdl_signal_out_conversion", Ghdl_Signal_Out_Conversion);
+ end;
+ declare
+ -- function __ghdl_create_XXX_signal (val : std_time)
+ -- return __ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ procedure Create_Signal_Attribute (Name : String; Res : out O_Dnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ Start_Function_Decl (Interfaces, Get_Identifier (Name),
+ O_Storage_External, Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("val"),
+ Std_Time_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Res);
+ end Create_Signal_Attribute;
+ begin
+ -- function __ghdl_create_stable_signal (val : std_time)
+ -- return __ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ Create_Signal_Attribute
+ ("__ghdl_create_stable_signal", Ghdl_Create_Stable_Signal);
+ -- function __ghdl_create_quiet_signal (val : std_time)
+ -- return __ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ Create_Signal_Attribute
+ ("__ghdl_create_quiet_signal", Ghdl_Create_Quiet_Signal);
+ -- function __ghdl_create_transaction_signal
+ -- return __ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_create_transaction_signal"),
+ O_Storage_External, Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Create_Transaction_Signal);
+ end;
+ -- procedure __ghdl_signal_attribute_register_prefix
+ -- (sig : __ghdl_signal_ptr);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces,
+ Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_attribute_register_prefix"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Sig, Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Ghdl_Signal_Attribute_Register_Prefix);
+ -- function __ghdl_create_delayed_signal (sig : __ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ -- val : std_time)
+ -- return __ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_create_delayed_signal"),
+ O_Storage_External, Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("sig"),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("val"),
+ Std_Time_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Create_Delayed_Signal);
+ -- function __ghdl_signal_create_guard
+ -- (this : ghdl_ptr_type;
+ -- proc : ghdl_ptr_type;
+ -- instance_name : __ghdl_instance_name_acc)
+ -- return __ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_create_guard"),
+ O_Storage_External, Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("this"),
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("proc"),
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+-- New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("instance_name"),
+-- Ghdl_Instance_Name_Acc);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Signal_Create_Guard);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_signal_guard_dependence (sig : __ghdl_signal_ptr);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_guard_dependence"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Sig, Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Signal_Guard_Dependence);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_process_wait_exit (void);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_process_wait_exit"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Process_Wait_Exit);
+ -- void __ghdl_process_wait_timeout (time : std_time);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_process_wait_timeout"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("time"),
+ Std_Time_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Process_Wait_Timeout);
+ -- void __ghdl_process_wait_set_timeout (time : std_time);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_process_wait_set_timeout"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("time"),
+ Std_Time_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Process_Wait_Set_Timeout);
+ -- void __ghdl_process_wait_add_sensitivity (sig : __ghdl_signal_ptr);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_process_wait_add_sensitivity"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Sig, Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Process_Wait_Add_Sensitivity);
+ -- function __ghdl_process_wait_suspend return __ghdl_bool_type;
+ Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_process_wait_suspend"),
+ O_Storage_External, Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Process_Wait_Suspend);
+ -- void __ghdl_process_wait_close (void);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_process_wait_close"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Process_Wait_Close);
+ declare
+ procedure Create_Get_Name (Name : String; Res : out O_Dnode)
+ is
+ begin
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier (Name), O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Res, Std_String_Ptr_Node);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("ctxt"),
+ Rtis.Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("addr"),
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Res);
+ end Create_Get_Name;
+ begin
+ -- procedure __ghdl_get_path_name (res : std_string_ptr_node;
+ -- ctxt : ghdl_rti_access;
+ -- addr : ghdl_ptr_type;
+ -- name : __ghdl_str_len_ptr);
+ Create_Get_Name ("__ghdl_get_path_name", Ghdl_Get_Path_Name);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_get_instance_name (res : std_string_ptr_node;
+ -- ctxt : ghdl_rti_access;
+ -- addr : ghdl_ptr_type;
+ -- name : __ghdl_str_len_ptr);
+ Create_Get_Name ("__ghdl_get_instance_name", Ghdl_Get_Instance_Name);
+ end;
+ end Post_Initialize;
+ procedure Translate_Std_Type_Declaration (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Chain : Iir;
+ Infos : Chap7.Implicit_Subprogram_Infos;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration =>
+ Chap4.Translate_Type_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
+ Chap4.Translate_Anonymous_Type_Declaration (Decl);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_std_type_declaration", Decl);
+ end case;
+ -- Also declares the subprograms.
+ Chain := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ Chap7.Init_Implicit_Subprogram_Infos (Infos);
+ while Chain /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (Chain) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ Chap7.Translate_Implicit_Subprogram (Chain, Infos);
+ Chain := Get_Chain (Chain);
+ when others =>
+ exit;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Translate_Std_Type_Declaration;
+ procedure Translate_Standard (Main : Boolean)
+ is
+ use Std_Package;
+ Lib_Mark, Unit_Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Update_Node_Infos;
+ New_Debug_Comment_Decl ("package std.standard");
+ if Main then
+ Gen_Filename (Std_Standard_File);
+ Set_Global_Storage (O_Storage_Public);
+ else
+ Set_Global_Storage (O_Storage_External);
+ end if;
+ Info := Add_Info (Standard_Package, Kind_Package);
+ Reset_Identifier_Prefix;
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix
+ (Lib_Mark, Get_Identifier (Libraries.Std_Library));
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix
+ (Unit_Mark, Get_Identifier (Standard_Package));
+ Chap4.Translate_Bool_Type_Declaration (Boolean_Type);
+ -- We need this type very early, for predefined functions.
+ Std_Boolean_Type_Node :=
+ Get_Ortho_Type (Boolean_Type_Definition, Mode_Value);
+ Std_Boolean_True_Node := Get_Ortho_Expr (Boolean_True);
+ Std_Boolean_False_Node := Get_Ortho_Expr (Boolean_False);
+ Chap4.Translate_Bool_Type_Declaration (Bit_Type);
+ Chap4.Translate_Type_Declaration (Character_Type);
+ Chap4.Translate_Type_Declaration (Severity_Level_Type);
+ Chap4.Translate_Anonymous_Type_Declaration (Universal_Integer_Type);
+ Chap4.Translate_Subtype_Declaration (Universal_Integer_Subtype);
+ Chap4.Translate_Anonymous_Type_Declaration (Universal_Real_Type);
+ Chap4.Translate_Subtype_Declaration (Universal_Real_Subtype);
+ Chap4.Translate_Anonymous_Type_Declaration (Convertible_Integer_Type);
+ Chap4.Translate_Anonymous_Type_Declaration (Convertible_Real_Type);
+ Translate_Std_Type_Declaration (Real_Type);
+ Std_Real_Type_Node := Get_Ortho_Type (Real_Type_Definition, Mode_Value);
+ Chap4.Translate_Subtype_Declaration (Real_Subtype);
+ Translate_Std_Type_Declaration (Integer_Type);
+ Std_Integer_Type_Node := Get_Ortho_Type
+ (Integer_Type_Definition, Mode_Value);
+ Chap4.Translate_Subtype_Declaration (Integer_Subtype);
+ Chap4.Translate_Subtype_Declaration (Natural_Subtype);
+ Chap4.Translate_Subtype_Declaration (Positive_Subtype);
+ Translate_Std_Type_Declaration (String_Type);
+ Translate_Std_Type_Declaration (Bit_Vector_Type);
+ declare
+ Type_Staticness : Iir_Staticness;
+ Subtype_Staticness : Iir_Staticness;
+ begin
+ -- With VHDL93 and later, time type is globally static. As a result,
+ -- it will be elaborated at run-time (and not statically).
+ -- However, there is no elaboration of std.standard. Furthermore,
+ -- time type can be pre-elaborated without any difficulties.
+ -- There is a kludge here: set type staticess of time type locally
+ -- and then revert it just after its translation.
+ Type_Staticness := Get_Type_Staticness (Time_Type_Definition);
+ Subtype_Staticness := Get_Type_Staticness (Time_Subtype_Definition);
+ if Flags.Flag_Time_64 then
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Time_Type_Definition, Locally);
+ end if;
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Time_Subtype_Definition, Locally);
+ Translate_Std_Type_Declaration (Time_Type);
+ Chap4.Translate_Subtype_Declaration (Time_Subtype);
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std > Vhdl_87 then
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Delay_Length_Subtype_Definition, Locally);
+ Chap4.Translate_Subtype_Declaration (Delay_Length_Subtype);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Delay_Length_Subtype_Definition,
+ Subtype_Staticness);
+ end if;
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Time_Type_Definition, Type_Staticness);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Time_Subtype_Definition, Subtype_Staticness);
+ end;
+ Std_Time_Type := Get_Ortho_Type (Time_Type_Definition, Mode_Value);
+ if Flags.Vhdl_Std > Vhdl_87 then
+ Translate_Std_Type_Declaration (File_Open_Kind_Type);
+ Translate_Std_Type_Declaration (File_Open_Status_Type);
+ Std_File_Open_Status_Type :=
+ Get_Ortho_Type (File_Open_Status_Type_Definition, Mode_Value);
+ end if;
+ if Flag_Rti then
+ Rtis.Generate_Unit (Standard_Package);
+ Std_Standard_Boolean_Rti
+ := Get_Info (Boolean_Type_Definition).Type_Rti;
+ Std_Standard_Bit_Rti
+ := Get_Info (Bit_Type_Definition).Type_Rti;
+ end if;
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Unit_Mark);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Lib_Mark);
+ Post_Initialize;
+ Current_Filename_Node := O_Dnode_Null;
+ --Pop_Global_Factory;
+ end Translate_Standard;
+ procedure Finalize
+ is
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Prev_Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Prev_Info := null;
+ for I in Node_Infos.First .. Node_Infos.Last loop
+ Info := Get_Info (I);
+ if Info /= null and then Info /= Prev_Info then
+ case Get_Kind (I) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Deferred_Declaration_Flag (I) = False
+ and then Get_Deferred_Declaration (I) /= Null_Iir
+ then
+ -- Info are copied from incomplete constant declaration
+ -- to full constant declaration.
+ Clear_Info (I);
+ else
+ Free_Info (I);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Unconstrained_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Free_Type_Info (Info, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Free_Var (Info.T.Array_Bounds);
+ Info.T := Ortho_Info_Type_Array_Init;
+ Free_Type_Info (Info, True);
+ when others =>
+ -- By default, info are not shared.
+ -- The exception is infos for implicit subprograms, but
+ -- they are always consecutive and not free twice due to
+ -- prev_info mechanism.
+ Free_Info (I);
+ end case;
+ Prev_Info := Info;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Node_Infos.Free;
+ Free_Old_Temp;
+ end Finalize;
+ package body Chap12 is
+ -- Create __ghdl_ELABORATE
+ procedure Gen_Main (Entity : Iir_Entity_Declaration;
+ Arch : Iir_Architecture_Declaration;
+ Config_Subprg : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ Entity_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Arch_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Inter_List : O_Inter_List;
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ Instance : O_Dnode;
+ Arch_Instance : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Arch_Info := Get_Info (Arch);
+ Entity_Info := Get_Info (Entity);
+ -- We need to create code.
+ Set_Global_Storage (O_Storage_Private);
+ New_Var_Decl
+ (Ghdl_Rti_Top_Instance, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rti_top_instance"),
+ O_Storage_External, Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Var_Decl (Ghdl_Rti_Top_Ptr,
+ Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rti_top_ptr"),
+ O_Storage_External, Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ -- Declare (but do not define):
+ -- Variable for the hierarchy top instance.
+ Start_Procedure_Decl (Inter_List, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_ELABORATE"),
+ O_Storage_Public);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Inter_List, Ghdl_Elaborate);
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Ghdl_Elaborate);
+ New_Var_Decl (Arch_Instance, Wki_Arch_Instance,
+ O_Storage_Local, Arch_Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Var_Decl (Instance, Wki_Instance, O_Storage_Local,
+ Entity_Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
+ -- create instance for the architecture
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Arch_Instance),
+ Gen_Alloc (Alloc_System,
+ New_Lit (New_Sizeof (Arch_Info.Block_Decls_Type,
+ Ghdl_Index_Type)),
+ Arch_Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type));
+ -- Set the top instance.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Instance),
+ New_Address (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Arch_Instance),
+ Arch_Info.Block_Parent_Field),
+ Entity_Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type));
+ -- Clear parent field of entity link.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Instance),
+ Entity_Info.Block_Link_Field),
+ Rtis.Ghdl_Entity_Link_Parent),
+ New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Rtis.Ghdl_Component_Link_Acc)));
+ -- Set top instances and RTI.
+ -- Do it before the elaboration code, since it may be used to
+ -- diagnose errors.
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Ghdl_Rti_Top_Instance),
+ New_Convert_Ov (New_Obj_Value (Arch_Instance),
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Ghdl_Rti_Top_Ptr),
+ New_Unchecked_Address (New_Obj (Ghdl_Rti_Top),
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+ Gen_Filename (Get_Design_File (Get_Design_Unit (Entity)));
+ -- init instance
+ Push_Scope (Entity_Info.Block_Decls_Type, Instance);
+ Chap1.Translate_Entity_Init (Entity);
+ -- elab instance
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Arch_Info.Block_Elab_Subprg);
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Obj_Value (Instance));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ --Chap6.Link_Instance_Name (Null_Iir, Entity);
+ -- configure instance.
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Config_Subprg);
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Obj_Value (Arch_Instance));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ Pop_Scope (Entity_Info.Block_Decls_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ Current_Filename_Node := O_Dnode_Null;
+ end Gen_Main;
+ procedure Gen_Setup_Info
+ is
+ Cst : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Cst := Create_String (Flags.Flag_String,
+ Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_flag_string"),
+ O_Storage_Public);
+ end Gen_Setup_Info;
+ -- Return TRUE iff ENTITY can be at the top of a hierarchy, ie:
+ -- ENTITY has no generics or all generics have a default expression
+ -- ENTITY has no ports or all ports type are constrained.
+ procedure Check_Entity_Declaration_Top (Entity : Iir_Entity_Declaration)
+ is
+ Has_Error : Boolean := False;
+ procedure Error (Msg : String; Loc : Iir) is
+ begin
+ if not Has_Error then
+ Error_Msg_Elab
+ (Disp_Node (Entity) & " cannot be at the top of a design");
+ Has_Error := True;
+ end if;
+ Error_Msg_Elab (Msg, Loc);
+ end Error;
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Check generics.
+ El := Get_Generic_Chain (Entity);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Get_Default_Value (El) = Null_Iir then
+ Error ("(" & Disp_Node (El) & " has no default value)", El);
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ -- Check port.
+ El := Get_Port_Chain (Entity);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Get_Kind (Get_Type (El)) in
+ Iir_Kinds_Unconstrained_Array_Type_Definition
+ and then Get_Default_Value (El) = Null_Iir
+ then
+ Error ("(" & Disp_Node (El)
+ & " is unconstrained and has no default value)", El);
+ end if;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Check_Entity_Declaration_Top;
+ procedure Gen_Last_Arch (Entity : Iir_Entity_Declaration)
+ is
+ Entity_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Arch : Iir_Architecture_Declaration;
+ Arch_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Lib : Iir_Library_Declaration;
+ Lib_Mark, Entity_Mark, Arch_Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Config : Iir_Configuration_Declaration;
+ Config_Info : Config_Info_Acc;
+ Const : O_Dnode;
+ Instance : O_Dnode;
+ Inter_List : O_Inter_List;
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Arch := Libraries.Get_Latest_Architecture (Entity);
+ if Arch = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Elab ("no architecture for " & Disp_Node (Entity));
+ end if;
+ Arch_Info := Get_Info (Arch);
+ if Arch_Info = null then
+ -- Nothing to do here, since the architecture is not used.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Entity_Info := Get_Info (Entity);
+ -- Create trampoline for elab, default_architecture
+ -- re-create instsize.
+ Reset_Identifier_Prefix;
+ Lib := Get_Library (Get_Design_File (Get_Design_Unit (Entity)));
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Lib_Mark, Get_Identifier (Lib));
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Entity_Mark, Get_Identifier (Entity));
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Arch_Mark, "LASTARCH");
+ -- Instance size.
+ New_Const_Decl
+ (Const, Create_Identifier ("INSTSIZE"), O_Storage_Public,
+ Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Start_Const_Value (Const);
+ Finish_Const_Value
+ (Const, New_Sizeof (Arch_Info.Block_Decls_Type, Ghdl_Index_Type));
+ -- Elaborator.
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Inter_List, Create_Identifier ("ELAB"), O_Storage_Public);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Inter_List, Instance, Wki_Instance,
+ Entity_Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Inter_List, Subprg);
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Subprg);
+ Start_Association (Constr, Arch_Info.Block_Elab_Subprg);
+ New_Association (Constr, New_Obj_Value (Instance));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ -- Default config.
+ Config := Get_Library_Unit
+ (Get_Default_Configuration_Declaration (Arch));
+ Config_Info := Get_Info (Config);
+ if Config_Info /= null then
+ -- Do not create a trampoline for the default_config if it is not
+ -- used.
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Inter_List, Create_Identifier ("DEFAULT_CONFIG"),
+ O_Storage_Public);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Inter_List, Instance, Wki_Instance,
+ Arch_Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Inter_List, Subprg);
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Subprg);
+ Start_Association (Constr, Config_Info.Config_Subprg);
+ New_Association (Constr, New_Obj_Value (Instance));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ end if;
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Arch_Mark);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Entity_Mark);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Lib_Mark);
+ end Gen_Last_Arch;
+ procedure Gen_Dummy_Default_Config (Arch : Iir_Architecture_Declaration)
+ is
+ Entity : Iir_Entity_Declaration;
+ Lib : Iir_Library_Declaration;
+ Lib_Mark, Entity_Mark, Sep_Mark, Arch_Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Inter_List : O_Inter_List;
+ Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Reset_Identifier_Prefix;
+ Entity := Get_Entity (Arch);
+ Lib := Get_Library (Get_Design_File (Get_Design_Unit (Arch)));
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Lib_Mark, Get_Identifier (Lib));
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Entity_Mark, Get_Identifier (Entity));
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Sep_Mark, "ARCH");
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Arch_Mark, Get_Identifier (Arch));
+ -- Elaborator.
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Inter_List, Create_Identifier ("DEFAULT_CONFIG"),
+ O_Storage_Public);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Inter_List, Subprg);
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Subprg);
+ Chap6.Gen_Program_Error (Arch);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Arch_Mark);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Sep_Mark);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Entity_Mark);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Lib_Mark);
+ end Gen_Dummy_Default_Config;
+ procedure Gen_Dummy_Package_Declaration (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit)
+ is
+ Pkg : Iir_Package_Declaration;
+ Lib : Iir_Library_Declaration;
+ Lib_Mark, Pkg_Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Decl : Iir;
+ begin
+ Libraries.Load_Design_Unit (Unit, Null_Iir);
+ Pkg := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ Reset_Identifier_Prefix;
+ Lib := Get_Library (Get_Design_File (Get_Design_Unit (Pkg)));
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Lib_Mark, Get_Identifier (Lib));
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Pkg_Mark, Get_Identifier (Pkg));
+ if Get_Need_Body (Pkg) then
+ Decl := Get_Declaration_Chain (Pkg);
+ while Decl /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ -- Generate empty body.
+ if not Get_Foreign_Flag (Decl) then
+ declare
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Inter_List : O_Inter_List;
+ Proc : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Chap2.Push_Subprg_Identifier (Decl, Mark);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Inter_List, Create_Identifier, O_Storage_Public);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Inter_List, Proc);
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Proc);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ -- Create the body elaborator.
+ declare
+ Inter_List : O_Inter_List;
+ Proc : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Inter_List, Create_Identifier ("ELAB_BODY"), O_Storage_Public);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Inter_List, Proc);
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Proc);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ end;
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Pkg_Mark);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Lib_Mark);
+ end Gen_Dummy_Package_Declaration;
+ procedure Write_File_List (Filelist : String)
+ is
+ use Interfaces.C_Streams;
+ use System;
+ use Configuration;
+ use Name_Table;
+ -- Add all dependences of UNIT.
+ -- UNIT is not used, but added during link.
+ procedure Add_Unit_Dependences (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit)
+ is
+ Dep_List : Iir_List;
+ Dep : Iir;
+ Dep_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Lib_Unit : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Load the unit in memory to compute the dependence list.
+ Libraries.Load_Design_Unit (Unit, Null_Iir);
+ Set_Elab_Flag (Unit, True);
+ Design_Units.Append (Unit);
+ if Flag_Rti then
+ Rtis.Generate_Library
+ (Get_Library (Get_Design_File (Unit)), True);
+ end if;
+ Lib_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ case Get_Kind (Lib_Unit) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ -- The body may be required due to incomplete constant
+ -- declarations, or to call to a subprogram.
+ declare
+ Pack_Body : Iir;
+ begin
+ Pack_Body := Libraries.Find_Secondary_Unit
+ (Unit, Null_Identifier);
+ if Pack_Body /= Null_Iir then
+ Add_Unit_Dependences (Pack_Body);
+ else
+ Gen_Dummy_Package_Declaration (Unit);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
+ Gen_Dummy_Default_Config (Lib_Unit);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Dep_List := Get_Dependence_List (Unit);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Dep := Get_Nth_Element (Dep_List, I);
+ exit when Dep = Null_Iir;
+ Dep_Unit := Libraries.Find_Design_Unit (Dep);
+ if Dep_Unit = Null_Iir then
+ Error_Msg_Elab
+ ("could not find design unit " & Disp_Node (Dep));
+ elsif not Get_Elab_Flag (Dep_Unit) then
+ Add_Unit_Dependences (Dep_Unit);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Add_Unit_Dependences;
+ -- Add not yet added units of FILE.
+ procedure Add_File_Units (File : Iir_Design_File)
+ is
+ Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ begin
+ Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (File);
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ if not Get_Elab_Flag (Unit) then
+ -- Unit not used.
+ Add_Unit_Dependences (Unit);
+ end if;
+ Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ end loop;
+ end Add_File_Units;
+ Nul : constant Character := Character'Val (0);
+ Fname : String := Filelist & Nul;
+ Mode : constant String := "wt" & Nul;
+ F : FILEs;
+ R : int;
+ S : size_t;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ Lib : Iir_Library_Declaration;
+ File : Iir_Design_File;
+ Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ J : Natural;
+ begin
+ F := fopen (Fname'Address, Mode'Address);
+ if F = NULL_Stream then
+ Error_Msg_Elab ("cannot open " & Filelist);
+ end if;
+ -- Set elab flags on units, and remove it on design files.
+ for I in Design_Units.First .. Design_Units.Last loop
+ Unit := Design_Units.Table (I);
+ Set_Elab_Flag (Unit, True);
+ File := Get_Design_File (Unit);
+ Set_Elab_Flag (File, False);
+ end loop;
+ J := Design_Units.First;
+ while J <= Design_Units.Last loop
+ Unit := Design_Units.Table (J);
+ File := Get_Design_File (Unit);
+ if not Get_Elab_Flag (File) then
+ Set_Elab_Flag (File, True);
+ -- Add dependences of unused design units, otherwise the object
+ -- link case failed.
+ Add_File_Units (File);
+ Lib := Get_Library (File);
+ R := fputc (Character'Pos ('>'), F);
+ Id := Get_Library_Directory (Lib);
+ S := fwrite (Get_Address (Id),
+ size_t (Get_Name_Length (Id)), 1, F);
+ R := fputc (10, F);
+ Id := Get_Design_File_Filename (File);
+ S := fwrite (Get_Address (Id),
+ size_t (Get_Name_Length (Id)), 1, F);
+ R := fputc (10, F);
+ end if;
+ J := J + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end Write_File_List;
+ procedure Elaborate
+ (Primary : String;
+ Secondary : String;
+ Filelist : String;
+ Whole : Boolean)
+ is
+ use Name_Table;
+ use Configuration;
+ Primary_Id : Name_Id;
+ Secondary_Id : Name_Id;
+ Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Lib_Unit : Iir;
+ Config : Iir_Design_Unit;
+ Config_Lib : Iir_Configuration_Declaration;
+ Entity : Iir_Entity_Declaration;
+ Arch : Iir_Architecture_Declaration;
+ Conf_Info : Config_Info_Acc;
+ Last_Design_Unit : Natural;
+ begin
+ Primary_Id := Get_Identifier (Primary);
+ if Secondary /= "" then
+ Secondary_Id := Get_Identifier (Secondary);
+ else
+ Secondary_Id := Null_Identifier;
+ end if;
+ Config := Configure (Primary_Id, Secondary_Id);
+ if Config = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Config_Lib := Get_Library_Unit (Config);
+ Entity := Get_Library_Unit (Get_Entity (Config_Lib));
+ Arch := Get_Block_Specification
+ (Get_Block_Configuration (Config_Lib));
+ -- Be sure the entity can be at the top of a design.
+ Check_Entity_Declaration_Top (Entity);
+ -- If all design units are loaded, late semantic checks can be
+ -- performed.
+ if Flag_Load_All_Design_Units then
+ for I in Design_Units.First .. Design_Units.Last loop
+ Unit := Design_Units.Table (I);
+ Sem.Sem_Analysis_Checks_List (Unit, False);
+ if Get_Analysis_Checks_List (Unit) /= Null_Iir_List then
+ -- There cannot be remaining checks to do.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ -- Return now in case of errors.
+ if Nbr_Errors /= 0 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Flags.Verbose then
+ Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("List of units in the hierarchy design:");
+ for I in Design_Units.First .. Design_Units.Last loop
+ Unit := Design_Units.Table (I);
+ Lib_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (' ' & Disp_Node (Lib_Unit));
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ if Whole then
+ -- In compile-and-elaborate mode, do not generate code for
+ -- unused subprograms.
+ -- FIXME: should be improved by creating a span-tree.
+ Flag_Discard_Unused := True;
+ Flag_Discard_Unused_Implicit := True;
+ end if;
+ -- Generate_Library add infos, therefore the info array must be
+ -- adjusted.
+ Update_Node_Infos;
+ Rtis.Generate_Library (Libraries.Std_Library, True);
+ Translate_Standard (Whole);
+ -- Translate all configurations needed.
+ -- Also, set the ELAB_FLAG on package with body.
+ for I in Design_Units.First .. Design_Units.Last loop
+ Unit := Design_Units.Table (I);
+ Lib_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ if Whole then
+ -- In whole compilation mode, force to generate RTIS of
+ -- libraries.
+ Rtis.Generate_Library
+ (Get_Library (Get_Design_File (Unit)), True);
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Lib_Unit) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
+ -- Always generate code for configuration.
+ -- Because default binding may be changed between analysis
+ -- and elaboration.
+ Translate (Unit, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ Set_Elab_Flag (Unit, False);
+ Translate (Unit, Whole);
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
+ Set_Elab_Flag
+ (Get_Design_Unit (Get_Package (Lib_Unit)), True);
+ Translate (Unit, Whole);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("elaborate", Lib_Unit);
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ -- Generate code to elaboration body-less package.
+ for I in Design_Units.First .. Design_Units.Last loop
+ Unit := Design_Units.Table (I);
+ Lib_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ case Get_Kind (Lib_Unit) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ if not Get_Elab_Flag (Unit) then
+ Chap2.Elab_Package_Body (Lib_Unit, Null_Iir);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
+ Gen_Last_Arch (Lib_Unit);
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Package_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("elaborate(2)", Lib_Unit);
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ if Flag_Rti then
+ Rtis.Generate_Top (Arch);
+ end if;
+ -- Create main code.
+ Conf_Info := Get_Info (Config_Lib);
+ Gen_Main (Entity, Arch, Conf_Info.Config_Subprg);
+ Gen_Setup_Info;
+ -- Index of the last design unit, required by the design.
+ Last_Design_Unit := Design_Units.Last;
+ -- Disp list of files needed.
+ -- FIXME: extract the link completion part of WRITE_FILE_LIST.
+ if Filelist /= "" then
+ Write_File_List (Filelist);
+ end if;
+ if Flags.Verbose then
+ Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("List of units not used:");
+ for I in Last_Design_Unit + 1 .. Design_Units.Last loop
+ Unit := Design_Units.Table (I);
+ Lib_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
+ Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (' ' & Disp_Node (Lib_Unit));
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end Elaborate;
+ end Chap12;
+end Translation;
diff --git a/translate/translation.ads b/translate/translation.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b885a8da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/translation.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+-- Iir to ortho translator.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+with Ortho_Nodes;
+with Ortho_Ident; use Ortho_Ident;
+with Types; use Types;
+package Translation is
+ -- Initialize the package: create internal nodes.
+ procedure Initialize;
+ -- Translate (generate code) for design unit UNIT.
+ -- If MAIN is true, the unit is really the unit being compiled (not an
+ -- external unit). Code shouldn't be generated for external units.
+ procedure Translate (Unit : Iir_Design_Unit; Main : Boolean);
+ -- Translate std.standard.
+ procedure Translate_Standard (Main : Boolean);
+ -- Get the ortho node for subprogram declaration DECL.
+ function Get_Ortho_Decl (Subprg : Iir) return Ortho_Nodes.O_Dnode;
+ -- Get the internal _RESOLV function for FUNC.
+ function Get_Resolv_Ortho_Decl (Func : Iir) return Ortho_Nodes.O_Dnode;
+ procedure Finalize;
+ package Chap12 is
+ -- Primary unit + secondary unit (architecture name which may be null)
+ -- to elaborate.
+ procedure Elaborate (Primary : String;
+ Secondary : String;
+ Filelist : String;
+ Whole : Boolean);
+ end Chap12;
+ -- If set, generate Run-Time Information nodes.
+ Flag_Rti : Boolean := True;
+ -- If set, do not generate 64 bits integer types and operations.
+ Flag_Only_32b : Boolean := False;
+ -- If set, do not generate code for unused subprograms.
+ -- Be careful: unless you are in whole compilation mode, this
+ -- flag shouldn't be set for packages and entities.
+ Flag_Discard_Unused : Boolean := False;
+ -- If set, do not generate code for unused implicit subprograms.
+ Flag_Discard_Unused_Implicit : Boolean := False;
+ type Foreign_Kind_Type is (Foreign_Unknown,
+ Foreign_Vhpidirect,
+ Foreign_Intrinsic);
+ type Foreign_Info_Type (Kind : Foreign_Kind_Type := Foreign_Unknown)
+ is record
+ Subprg : O_Ident;
+ case Kind is
+ when Foreign_Unknown =>
+ null;
+ when Foreign_Vhpidirect =>
+ Lib : Name_Id;
+ when Foreign_Intrinsic =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ Foreign_Bad : constant Foreign_Info_Type := (Kind => Foreign_Unknown,
+ Subprg => O_Ident_Nul);
+ -- Return a foreign_info for DECL.
+ -- Can generate error messages, if the attribute expression is ill-formed.
+ -- If EXTRACT_NAME is set, internal fields of foreign_info are set.
+ -- Otherwise, only KIND discriminent is set.
+ -- EXTRACT_NAME should be set only inside translation itself, since the
+ -- name can be based on the prefix.
+ function Translate_Foreign_Id (Decl : Iir; Extract_Name : Boolean)
+ return Foreign_Info_Type;
+end Translation;
diff --git a/types.ads b/types.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9cfce90d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/types.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+-- Common types.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Interfaces;
+package Types is
+ pragma Preelaborate (Types);
+ -- List of vhdl standards.
+ -- VHDL_93c is vhdl_93 with backward compatibility with 87 (file).
+ type Vhdl_Std_Type is (Vhdl_87, Vhdl_93c, Vhdl_93, Vhdl_00, Vhdl_02);
+ -- A tri state type.
+ type Tri_State_Type is (Unknown, False, True);
+ -- 32 bits integer.
+ type Int32 is range -2**31 .. 2**31 - 1;
+ for Int32'Size use 32;
+ subtype Nat32 is Int32 range 0 .. Int32'Last;
+ type Uns32 is new Interfaces.Unsigned_32;
+ type Fp64 is new Interfaces.IEEE_Float_64;
+ -- iir_int32 is aimed at containing integer literal values.
+ type Iir_Int32 is new Interfaces.Integer_32;
+ -- iir_int64 is aimed at containing units values.
+ type Iir_Int64 is new Interfaces.Integer_64;
+ -- iir_fp32 is aimed at containing floating point values.
+ type Iir_Fp32 is new Interfaces.IEEE_Float_32;
+ -- iir_fp64 is aimed at containing floating point values.
+ subtype Iir_Fp64 is Fp64;
+ -- iir_index32 is aimed at containing an array index.
+ type Iir_Index32 is new Nat32;
+ -- Useful type.
+ type String_Acc is access String;
+ type String_Cst is access constant String;
+ type String_Acc_Array is array (Natural range <>) of String_Acc;
+ subtype String_Fat is String (Positive);
+ type String_Fat_Acc is access String_Fat;
+ -- Array of iir_int32.
+ -- Used by recording feature of scan.
+ type Iir_Int32_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Iir_Int32;
+ type Iir_Int32_Array_Acc is access Iir_Int32_Array;
+ -- Type of a name table element.
+ -- The name table is defined in the name_table package.
+ type Name_Id is new Nat32;
+ -- null entry in the name table.
+ -- It is sure that this entry is never allocated.
+ Null_Identifier: constant Name_Id := 0;
+ -- Type of a string stored into the string table.
+ type String_Id is new Nat32;
+ for String_Id'Size use 32;
+ Null_String : constant String_Id := 0;
+ -- Index type is the source file table.
+ -- This table is defined in the files_map package.
+ type Source_File_Entry is new Nat32;
+ No_Source_File_Entry: constant Source_File_Entry := 0;
+ -- FIXME: additional source file entries to create:
+ -- *std.standard*: for those created in std.standard
+ -- *error*: for erroneous one
+ -- *command-line*: used for identifiers from command line
+ -- (eg: unit to elab)
+ -- Index into a file buffer.
+ type Source_Ptr is new Int32;
+ -- Lower boundary of any file buffer.
+ Source_Ptr_Org : constant Source_Ptr := 0;
+ -- Bad file buffer index (used to mark no line).
+ Source_Ptr_Bad : constant Source_Ptr := -1;
+ -- This type contains everything necessary to get a file name, a line
+ -- number and a column number.
+ type Location_Type is new Nat32;
+ for Location_Type'Size use 32;
+ Location_Nil : constant Location_Type := 0;
+ -- Type of a file buffer.
+ type File_Buffer is array (Source_Ptr range <>) of Character;
+ type File_Buffer_Acc is access File_Buffer;
+ -- Indentation.
+ -- This is used by all packages that display vhdl code or informations.
+ Indentation : constant := 2;
+ -- String representing a date/time (format is YYYYMMDDHHmmSS.sss).
+ subtype Time_Stamp_String is String (1 .. 18);
+ type Time_Stamp_Id is new String_Id;
+ Null_Time_Stamp : constant Time_Stamp_Id := 0;
+ -- Self-explaining: raised when an internal error (such as consistency)
+ -- is detected.
+ Internal_Error: exception;
+end Types;
diff --git a/version.ads b/version.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a3d192743
--- /dev/null
+++ b/version.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+package Version is
+ Ghdl_Version : constant String := "GHDL 0.19 (20050819) [Sokcho edition]";
+end Version;
diff --git a/website/index.html b/website/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba9015e70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">
+ <head>
+ <title>GHDL home page</title>
+ <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico">
+ <style type="text/css">
+ H1 { text-align: center}
+ </style>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h1>GHDL home page</h1>
+<td valign="top">
+<table border="0" width="100%">
+<td style="white-space: nowrap">
+<a href="download.html">Download</a><br/>
+<a href="features.html">Features</a><br/>
+<a href="manual.html">Manual</a><br/>
+<a href="waveviewer.html">Wave viewer</a><br/>
+<a href="bug.html">Bug report</a><br/>
+<a href="more.html">More</a><br/>
+<a href="roadmap.html">Roadmap</a><br/>
+<a href="links.html">Links</a><br/>
+<td valign="top">
+ <p>
+ GHDL is a complete <a href="http://www.vhdl.org">VHDL</a>
+ simulator, using the <a href="http://gcc.gnu.org">GCC</a>
+ technology.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ VHDL is a language standardized by the
+ <a href="http://www.ieee.org">IEEE</a>, intended for developing
+ electronic systems.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ GHDL implements the VHDL language according to the IEEE
+ 1076-1987 or the IEEE 1076-1993 standard. GHDL compiles VHDL
+ files and creates a binary which simulates (or executes) your
+ design. See the <a href="features.html">features</a> page for
+ more details.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ GHDL does not do synthesis: it cannot translate your design into
+ a netlist.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Go to the <a href="download.html">download</a> page to download the
+ sources or the binaries of GHDL.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ There is a low-traffic mailing list managed by ezmlm,
+ <a href="mailto:ghdl-discuss@lists.suug.ch">ghdl-discuss@lists.suug.ch
+ </a>. You can subscribe by sending a mail to
+ <a href="mailto:ghdl-discuss-subscribe@lists.suug.ch">
+ ghdl-discuss-subscribe@lists.suug.ch</a>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ GHDL is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ </p>
+ vhdl simulator
+ what is vhdl ?
+ vhdl 87, 93
+ gcc back end
+ todo
+ main features
+ install the files.
+ simple example
+ <hr/>
+ <p>
+ Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold -- tgingold AT free DOT fr
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <!-- Created: Thu Nov 7 11:13:57 CET 2002 -->
+ <!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Mon Aug 22 18:31:42 CEST 2005
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </p>
+ </body>
diff --git a/xrefs.adb b/xrefs.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..825239d1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xrefs.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+-- Cross references.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with GNAT.Table;
+with GNAT.Heap_Sort_A;
+with Flags;
+with Std_Package;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Nodes;
+package body Xrefs is
+ type Xref_Type is record
+ -- Where the cross-reference (or the name) appears.
+ Loc : Location_Type;
+ -- What the name refer to.
+ Ref : Iir;
+ -- Kind of reference (See package specification).
+ Kind : Xref_Kind;
+ end record;
+ package Xref_Table is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Index_Type => Natural,
+ Table_Component_Type => Xref_Type,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 0,
+ Table_Initial => 128,
+ Table_Increment => 100);
+ function Get_Xref_Location (N : Xref) return Location_Type is
+ begin
+ return Xref_Table.Table (N).Loc;
+ end Get_Xref_Location;
+ function Get_Xref_Kind (N : Xref) return Xref_Kind is
+ begin
+ return Xref_Table.Table (N).Kind;
+ end Get_Xref_Kind;
+ function Get_Xref_Node (N : Xref) return Iir is
+ begin
+ return Xref_Table.Table (N).Ref;
+ end Get_Xref_Node;
+ function Get_Last_Xref return Xref is
+ begin
+ return Xref_Table.Last;
+ end Get_Last_Xref;
+ procedure Init is
+ begin
+ Xref_Table.Set_Last (Bad_Xref);
+ end Init;
+ procedure Add_Xref (Loc : Location_Type; Ref : Iir; Kind : Xref_Kind) is
+ begin
+ Xref_Table.Append (Xref_Type'(Loc => Loc,
+ Ref => Ref,
+ Kind => Kind));
+ end Add_Xref;
+ procedure Xref_Decl (Decl : Iir) is
+ begin
+ if Flags.Flag_Xref then
+ Add_Xref (Get_Location (Decl), Decl, Xref_Decl);
+ end if;
+ end Xref_Decl;
+ procedure Xref_Ref (Name : Iir; Decl : Iir) is
+ begin
+ if Flags.Flag_Xref then
+ Add_Xref (Get_Location (Name), Decl, Xref_Ref);
+ end if;
+ end Xref_Ref;
+ procedure Xref_Body (Bod : Iir; Spec : Iir) is
+ begin
+ if Flags.Flag_Xref then
+ Add_Xref (Get_Location (Bod), Spec, Xref_Body);
+ end if;
+ end Xref_Body;
+ procedure Xref_End (Loc : Location_Type; Decl : Iir) is
+ begin
+ if Flags.Flag_Xref then
+ Add_Xref (Loc, Decl, Xref_End);
+ end if;
+ end Xref_End;
+ procedure Xref_Name_1 (Name : Iir)
+ is
+ Res : Iir;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Name) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Operator_Symbol =>
+ Res := Get_Named_Entity (Name);
+ if Res = Std_Package.Error_Mark then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Add_Xref (Get_Location (Name), Res, Xref_Ref);
+ when Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name =>
+ -- FIXME: user defined attributes.
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("xref_name_1", Name);
+ end case;
+ case Get_Kind (Name) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Operator_Symbol =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_By_All_Name =>
+ Xref_Name_1 (Get_Prefix (Name));
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("xref_name_1", Name);
+ end case;
+ end Xref_Name_1;
+ procedure Xref_Name (Name : Iir) is
+ begin
+ if Flags.Flag_Xref and Name /= Null_Iir then
+ Xref_Name_1 (Name);
+ end if;
+ end Xref_Name;
+ procedure Move (From : Natural; To : Natural)
+ is
+ Tmp : Xref_Type;
+ begin
+ Tmp := Xref_Table.Table (To);
+ Xref_Table.Table (To) := Xref_Table.Table (From);
+ Xref_Table.Table (From) := Tmp;
+ end Move;
+ function Loc_Lt (Op1, Op2 : Natural) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Xref_Table.Table (Op1).Loc < Xref_Table.Table (Op2).Loc;
+ end Loc_Lt;
+ procedure Sort_By_Location is
+ begin
+ GNAT.Heap_Sort_A.Sort (Xref_Table.Last, Move'Access, Loc_Lt'Access);
+ end Sort_By_Location;
+ -- Sorting function by ref field.
+ -- If ref fields are the same, then compare by location.
+ function Node_Lt (Op1, Op2 : Natural) return Boolean
+ is
+ L1, L2 : Location_Type;
+ N1, N2 : Iir;
+ K1, K2 : Xref_Kind;
+ begin
+ L1 := Get_Location (Get_Xref_Node (Op1));
+ L2 := Get_Location (Get_Xref_Node (Op2));
+ if L1 /= L2 then
+ return L1 < L2;
+ end if;
+ -- L1 = L2.
+ -- Note: nodes of std_standard have the same location. FIXME ?
+ N1 := Get_Xref_Node (Op1);
+ N2 := Get_Xref_Node (Op2);
+ if Iirs."/=" (N1, N2) then
+ return Nodes."<" (N1, N2);
+ end if;
+ -- Try to get declaration first.
+ K1 := Get_Xref_Kind (Op1);
+ K2 := Get_Xref_Kind (Op2);
+ if K1 /= K2 then
+ return K1 < K2;
+ end if;
+ L1 := Get_Xref_Location (Op1);
+ L2 := Get_Xref_Location (Op2);
+ return L1 < L2;
+ end Node_Lt;
+ procedure Sort_By_Node_Location is
+ begin
+ GNAT.Heap_Sort_A.Sort (Xref_Table.Last, Move'Access, Node_Lt'Access);
+ end Sort_By_Node_Location;
+ function Find (Loc : Location_Type) return Xref
+ is
+ Low : Xref;
+ High : Xref;
+ Mid : Xref;
+ Mid_Loc : Location_Type;
+ begin
+ Low := First_Xref;
+ High := Xref_Table.Last;
+ loop
+ Mid := (Low + High + 1) / 2;
+ Mid_Loc := Xref_Table.Table (Mid).Loc;
+ if Loc = Mid_Loc then
+ return Mid;
+ end if;
+ if Mid = Low then
+ return Bad_Xref;
+ end if;
+ if Loc > Mid_Loc then
+ Low := Mid + 1;
+ else
+ High := Mid - 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Find;
+ procedure Fix_End_Xrefs
+ is
+ N : Iir;
+ begin
+ for I in First_Xref .. Get_Last_Xref loop
+ if Get_Xref_Kind (I) = Xref_End then
+ N := Get_Xref_Node (I);
+ case Get_Kind (N) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
+ Xref_Table.Table (I).Ref := Get_Subprogram_Specification (N);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Fix_End_Xrefs;
+end Xrefs;
diff --git a/xrefs.ads b/xrefs.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..99645be63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xrefs.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+-- Cross references.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Types; use Types;
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+package Xrefs is
+ type Xref_Kind is
+ (
+ -- Declaration of an identifier.
+ Xref_Decl,
+ -- Use of a named entity.
+ Xref_Ref,
+ -- Identifier after the 'end' keyword.
+ Xref_End,
+ -- Body of a declaration (for package, subprograms or protected type).
+ Xref_Body
+ );
+ -- Initialize the xref table.
+ -- Must be called once.
+ procedure Init;
+ -- Low level xref addition.
+ -- An entity at LOC references REF with the KIND way.
+ procedure Add_Xref (Loc : Location_Type; Ref : Iir; Kind : Xref_Kind);
+ -- Add a declaration of an identifier.
+ -- This is somewhat a self-reference.
+ procedure Xref_Decl (Decl : Iir);
+ pragma Inline (Xref_Decl);
+ -- NAME refers to DECL.
+ procedure Xref_Ref (Name : Iir; Decl : Iir);
+ pragma Inline (Xref_Ref);
+ -- BODy refers to SPEC.
+ procedure Xref_Body (Bod : Iir; Spec : Iir);
+ pragma Inline (Xref_Body);
+ -- Just resolved NAME refers to its named entity.
+ procedure Xref_Name (Name : Iir);
+ pragma Inline (Xref_Name);
+ -- LOC is the location of the simple_name after 'end' for DECL.
+ procedure Xref_End (Loc : Location_Type; Decl : Iir);
+ pragma Inline (Xref_End);
+ -- Sort the xref table by location. This is required before searching with
+ -- Find.
+ procedure Sort_By_Location;
+ -- Sort the xref table by location of the nodes.
+ procedure Sort_By_Node_Location;
+ subtype Xref is Natural;
+ -- A bad xref.
+ -- May be returned by Find.
+ Bad_Xref : constant Xref := 0;
+ -- First xref.
+ -- May be used to size a table.
+ First_Xref : constant Xref := 1;
+ -- Find a reference by location.
+ -- The table must already be sorted with Sort_By_Location.
+ -- Returns BAD_REF is does not exist.
+ function Find (Loc : Location_Type) return Xref;
+ -- End_Xrefs are added by parse and points to the subprogram_body.
+ -- This procedure make them points to the subprogram_decl node.
+ -- This is done so that every node has a name.
+ procedure Fix_End_Xrefs;
+ -- Get the last possible xref available.
+ -- May be used to size tables.
+ function Get_Last_Xref return Xref;
+ -- Get the location of N, ie where a name (or operator) appears.
+ function Get_Xref_Location (N : Xref) return Location_Type;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Xref_Location);
+ -- Get the kind of cross-reference.
+ function Get_Xref_Kind (N : Xref) return Xref_Kind;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Xref_Kind);
+ -- Get the node referenced by the name.
+ function Get_Xref_Node (N : Xref) return Iir;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Xref_Node);
+end Xrefs;
diff --git a/xtools/Makefile b/xtools/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0704f9973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xtools/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+all: check_iirs
+check_iirs: force
+ gnatmake -g check_iirs
+../iirs.adb: ../iirs.adb.in ../iirs.ads ../nodes.ads ./check_iirs
+ $(RM) $@
+ ./check_iirs $(MODE) > subprg.ada
+ sed -e "/^ -- Subprograms/r subprg.ada" \
+ < ../iirs.adb.in > $@
+ chmod -w $@
+ $(RM) *.o *.ali *~ check_iirs
diff --git a/xtools/check_iirs.adb b/xtools/check_iirs.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3b28dfee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xtools/check_iirs.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+-- Tool to check the coherence of the iirs package.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Check_Iirs_Pkg;
+with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
+with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
+procedure Check_Iirs
+ type Prg_Mode is (Mode_Generate, Mode_Genfast, Mode_Free);
+ Mode : Prg_Mode;
+ procedure Usage is
+ begin
+ Put_Line ("usage: " & Command_Name & " MODE");
+ Put_Line ("MODE is one of:");
+ Put_Line (" --generate");
+ Put_Line (" --genfast");
+ Put_Line (" --list-free-fields");
+ end Usage;
+ if Argument_Count /= 1 then
+ Usage;
+ Set_Exit_Status (Failure);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Argument (1) = "--generate" then
+ Mode := Mode_Generate;
+ elsif Argument (1) = "--genfast" then
+ Mode := Mode_Genfast;
+ elsif Argument (1) = "--list-free-fields" then
+ Mode := Mode_Free;
+ else
+ Usage;
+ Set_Exit_Status (Failure);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Check_Iirs_Pkg.Read_Fields;
+ Check_Iirs_Pkg.Check_Iirs;
+ Check_Iirs_Pkg.Read_Desc;
+ case Mode is
+ when Mode_Generate =>
+ Check_Iirs_Pkg.Gen_Func;
+ when Mode_Genfast =>
+ Check_Iirs_Pkg.Flag_Checks := False;
+ Check_Iirs_Pkg.Gen_Func;
+ when Mode_Free =>
+ Check_Iirs_Pkg.List_Free_Fields;
+ end case;
+end Check_Iirs;
diff --git a/xtools/check_iirs_pkg.adb b/xtools/check_iirs_pkg.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f705f701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xtools/check_iirs_pkg.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1217 @@
+-- Tool to check the coherence of the iirs package.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with GNAT.Spitbol; use GNAT.Spitbol;
+with GNAT.Spitbol.Patterns; use GNAT.Spitbol.Patterns;
+with GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Integer; use GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Integer;
+with GNAT.Table;
+with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
+with Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO;
+with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
+with Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants; use Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants;
+with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
+package body Check_Iirs_Pkg is
+ -- Exception raise in case of error.
+ Err : exception;
+ -- Identifier get by getident_pat.
+ Ident : VString := Nul;
+ Ident_2 : VString := Nul;
+ Ident_3 : VString := Nul;
+ Ident_4 : VString := Nul;
+ Ident_5 : VString := Nul;
+ -- Enumel_Pat set this variable to the position of the comma.
+ -- Used to detect the absence of a comma.
+ Comma_Pos : aliased Natural;
+ -- Patterns
+ -- Space.
+ Wsp : Pattern := Span (' ');
+ -- "type Iir_Kind is".
+ Type_Iir_Kind_Pat : Pattern :=
+ Wsp & "type" & Wsp & "Iir_Kind" & Wsp & "is" & Rpos (0);
+ -- "("
+ Lparen_Pat : Pattern := Wsp & '(' & Rpos (0);
+ -- Comment.
+ Comment_Pat : Pattern := Wsp & "--";
+ -- End of ada line
+ Eol_Pat : Pattern := Comment_Pat or Rpos (0);
+ -- "," followed by EOL.
+ Comma_Eol_Pat : Pattern := ',' & Eol_Pat;
+ -- A-Za-z
+ Basic_Pat : Pattern := Span (Basic_Set);
+ -- A-Za-z0-9
+ Alnum_Pat : Pattern := Span (Alphanumeric_Set);
+ -- Ada identifier.
+ Ident_Pat : Pattern := Basic_Pat & Arbno (('_' or "") & Alnum_Pat);
+ -- Basic_Pat & Arbno (Alnum_Pat) & Arbno ('_' & Alnum_Pat);
+ -- Eat the ada identifier.
+ Getident_Pat : Pattern := Ident_Pat * Ident;
+ Getident2_Pat : Pattern := Ident_Pat * Ident_2;
+ Getident3_Pat : Pattern := Ident_Pat * Ident_3;
+ Getident4_Pat : Pattern := Ident_Pat * Ident_4;
+ Getident5_Pat : Pattern := Ident_Pat * Ident_5;
+ -- Get an enumeration elements.
+ Enumel_Pat : Pattern := Wsp & Getident_Pat
+ & ((',' & Setcur (Comma_Pos'Access)) or "") & Eol_Pat;
+ -- End of an enumeration declaration.
+ End_Enum_Pat : Pattern := Wsp & ");" & Eol_Pat;
+ Format_Pat : Pattern := " Format_" & Getident_Pat
+ & ((',' & Setcur (Comma_Pos'Access)) or "") & Eol_Pat;
+ Fields_Of_Format_Pat : Pattern := " -- Fields of Format_" & Getident_Pat
+ & ":" & Rpos (0);
+ -- "subtype XX is Iir_Kind range".
+ Iir_Kind_Subtype_Pat : Pattern :=
+ Wsp & "subtype" & Wsp & Getident_Pat & Wsp & "is" & Wsp & "Iir_Kind"
+ & Wsp & "range" & Eol_Pat;
+ -- Pattern for a range.
+ Start_Range_Pat : Pattern := Wsp & Getident_Pat & Wsp & ".." & Eol_Pat;
+ Comment_Range_Pat : Pattern := Wsp & "--" & Getident_Pat & Rpos (0);
+ End_Range_Pat : Pattern := Wsp & Getident_Pat & ";" & Eol_Pat;
+ -- End of public package part.
+ End_Pat : Pattern := "end Iirs;" & Rpos (0);
+ -- Pattern for a function field.
+ Func_Decl_Pat : Pattern := " -- Field: " & Getident_Pat
+ & ( "" or (" (" & Getident2_Pat & ")")) & Rpos (0);
+ -- function Get_XXX.
+ Function_Get_Pat : Pattern := " function Get_" & Getident_Pat
+ & " (" & Getident2_Pat & " : " & Getident3_Pat & ") return "
+ & Getident4_Pat & ";" & Rpos (0);
+ -- procedure Set_XXX.
+ Procedure_Set_Pat : Pattern := " procedure Set_" & Getident_Pat
+ & " (" & Getident2_Pat & " : " & Getident3_Pat
+ & "; " & Getident4_Pat & " : " & Getident5_Pat & ");" & Rpos (0);
+ Field_Decl_Pat : Pattern := " -- " & Getident_Pat & " : ";
+ Field_Type_Pat : Pattern := " -- " & Ident_Pat & " : "
+ & Getident_Pat & ("" or (" (" & Arb & ")")) & Rpos (0);
+ -- Formats of nodes.
+ type Format_Type is range 0 .. 7;
+ No_Format : constant Format_Type := 0;
+ Format_Pos : Format_Type := No_Format;
+ Format2pos : GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Integer.Table (8);
+ type Format_Info is record
+ Name : String_Access;
+ end record;
+ Formats : array (Format_Type) of Format_Info := (others => (Name => null));
+ type Format_Mask_Type is array (Format_Type) of Boolean;
+ pragma Pack (Format_Mask_Type);
+ -- Type of a IIR name.
+ type Iir_Type is new Natural range 0 .. 255;
+ No_Iir : constant Iir_Type := 0;
+ -- Table to convert an Iir name to its position.
+ Iir_Kind2pos : GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Integer.Table (256);
+ -- Last iir used during table construction.
+ Iir_Pos : Iir_Type := No_Iir;
+ -- Table of Get_ functions.
+ Function2pos : GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Integer.Table (256);
+ -- Table of field.
+ Field2pos : GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Integer.Table (32);
+ type Range_Type is record
+ L : Iir_Type;
+ H : Iir_Type;
+ end record;
+ Null_Range : constant Range_Type := (No_Iir, No_Iir);
+ function Img (Rng : Range_Type) return String is
+ begin
+ return "(" & Iir_Type'Image (Rng.L) & ", "
+ & Iir_Type'Image (Rng.H) & ")";
+ end Img;
+ package Table_Range is new GNAT.Spitbol.Table (Range_Type, Null_Range, Img);
+ use Table_Range;
+ Iir_Kinds2pos : Table_Range.Table (32);
+ -- Field type. They represent a raw field.
+ type Field_Type is new Integer range 0 .. 64;
+ No_Field : constant Field_Type := 0;
+ -- Position of the last field.
+ Field_Pos : Field_Type := No_Field;
+ type Field_Info is record
+ -- Name of the field.
+ Name : String_Access;
+ -- Type of the field.
+ Ftype : String_Access;
+ -- Formats in which the field is valid.
+ Formats : Format_Mask_Type;
+ end record;
+ package Field_Table is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Component_Type => Field_Info,
+ Table_Index_Type => Field_Type,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 1,
+ Table_Initial => 32,
+ Table_Increment => 100);
+ -- Function type. They represent a field name.
+ type Func_Type is new Natural;
+ No_Func : constant Func_Type := 0;
+ -- Last function known; used during the construction of the func_table.
+ Function_Pos : Func_Type := No_Func;
+ type Field2Func_Array is array (Field_Type) of Func_Type;
+ -- Information for each Iir node.
+ type Iir_Info is record
+ -- Name of the Kind.
+ Name : String_Access;
+ -- If TRUE, the node was described.
+ Described : Boolean;
+ -- Format used by the node.
+ Format : Format_Type;
+ -- Function used to get the value of each field.
+ Func : Field2Func_Array;
+ end record;
+ -- Table of IIr.
+ package Iir_Table is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Component_Type => Iir_Info,
+ Table_Index_Type => Iir_Type,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 1,
+ Table_Initial => 256,
+ Table_Increment => 100);
+ -- Table of functions.
+ type Iir_Bool_Array is array (Iir_Type) of Boolean;
+ pragma Pack (Iir_Bool_Array);
+ type Conversion_Type is (None, Via_Pos_Attr, Via_Unchecked);
+ type Func_Info is record
+ -- Name of the function.
+ Name : Vstring;
+ -- Field get/set by the function.
+ Field : Field_Type;
+ -- If true, the iir use this function.
+ Uses : Iir_Bool_Array;
+ -- Name of the target.
+ Target_Name : String_Access;
+ -- Type of the target.
+ Target_Type : String_Access;
+ -- Name of the value.
+ Value_Name : String_Access;
+ -- Type of the value.
+ Value_Type : String_Access;
+ -- Conversion;
+ Conv : Conversion_Type;
+ end record;
+ package Func_Table is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Component_Type => Func_Info,
+ Table_Index_Type => Func_Type,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 1,
+ Table_Initial => 256,
+ Table_Increment => 100);
+ -- Get the position of IIR V.
+ function Get_Iir_Pos (V : VString) return Iir_Type
+ is
+ P : Integer;
+ begin
+ P := Get (Iir_Kind2pos, V);
+ if P < 0 then
+ -- Identifier unknown.
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ return Iir_Type (P);
+ end Get_Iir_Pos;
+ Disp_Func : Boolean := False;
+ Flag_Disp_Format : Boolean := False;
+ Flag_Disp_Field : Boolean := False;
+ procedure Read_Fields
+ is
+ In_Node : File_Type;
+ Line : VString := Nul;
+ Format_Mask : Format_Mask_Type;
+ procedure Parse_Field
+ is
+ P : Integer;
+ Name : Vstring := Ident;
+ begin
+ if not Match (Line, Field_Type_Pat) then
+ Put_Line ("** field declaration without type");
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ -- Check if the field is not already known.
+ P := Get (Field2pos, Name);
+ if P > 0 then
+ if Ident /= Field_Table.Table (Field_Type (P)).Ftype.all then
+ Put_Line ("*** field type mismatch");
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ for I in Format_Mask'Range loop
+ if Format_Mask (I) then
+ Field_Table.Table (Field_Type (P)).Formats (I) := True;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Field_Pos := Field_Pos + 1;
+ Set (Field2pos, Name, Natural (Field_Pos));
+ Field_Table.Set_Last (Field_Pos);
+ Field_Table.Table (Field_Pos) :=
+ (Name => new String'(To_String (Name)),
+ Ftype => new String'(To_String (Ident)),
+ Formats => Format_Mask);
+ if Flag_Disp_Field then
+ Put_Line ("found field '"
+ & Field_Table.Table (Field_Pos).Name.all & "'");
+ end if;
+ end Parse_Field;
+ begin
+ Open (In_Node, In_File, "../nodes.ads");
+ Anchored_Mode := True;
+ -- Read lines until "type format_type is":
+ loop
+ Line := Get_Line (In_Node);
+ exit when Match (Line, " type Format_Type is" & Rpos (0));
+ end loop;
+ -- Expect '('.
+ Line := Get_Line (In_Node);
+ if not Match (Line, " (" & Rpos (0)) then
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ -- Read all formats.
+ loop
+ Line := Get_Line (In_Node);
+ -- Read the identifier.
+ Comma_Pos := 0;
+ if not Match (Line, Format_Pat) then
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ -- Put it into the table.
+ Format_Pos := Format_Pos + 1;
+ Set (Format2Pos, Ident, Natural (Format_Pos));
+ Formats (Format_Pos) := (Name => new String'(To_String (Ident)));
+ if Flag_Disp_Format then
+ Put_Line ("found format " & S (Ident));
+ end if;
+ -- If there is no comma, then this is the end of enumeration.
+ exit when Comma_Pos = 0;
+ end loop;
+ -- Read ");"
+ Line := Get_Line (In_Node);
+ if not Match (Line, " );" & Rpos (0)) then
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ -- Read fields.
+ loop
+ Line := Get_Line (In_Node);
+ exit when Match (Line, " -- Common fields are:" & Rpos (0));
+ end loop;
+ Format_Mask := (others => True);
+ loop
+ Line := Get_Line (In_Node);
+ if Match (Line, Field_Decl_Pat) then
+ Parse_Field;
+ elsif Match (Line, Rpos (0)) then
+ Line := Get_Line (In_Node);
+ exit when not Match (Line, Fields_Of_Format_Pat);
+ declare
+ P : Integer;
+ begin
+ P := Get (Format2pos, Ident);
+ if P < 0 then
+ Put_Line ("*** unknown format");
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ Format_Mask := (others => False);
+ Format_Mask (Format_Type (P)) := True;
+ end;
+ else
+ Put_Line ("** bad line in field declarations");
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Close (In_Node);
+ if False then
+ Put_Line ("Fields:");
+ for I in 1 .. Field_Pos loop
+ Put (Field_Table.Table (I).Name.all);
+ Put (": ");
+ Put (Field_Table.Table (I).Ftype.all);
+ Put (" ");
+ for J in Format_Mask_Type'Range loop
+ if Field_Table.Table (I).Formats (J)
+ and then Formats (J).Name /= null
+ then
+ Put (" ");
+ Put (Formats (J).Name.all);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ New_Line;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end Read_Fields;
+ -- Read all Iir_Kind_* names and put them into Iir_Table.
+ -- Fill Iir_Kinds2pos
+ -- Fill Func_Table.
+ procedure Check_Iirs
+ is
+ -- iirs.ads file.
+ In_Iirs : File_Type;
+ -- Line read from In_Iirs.
+ Line : VString := Nul;
+ begin
+ -- Open the file.
+ Open (In_Iirs, In_File, "../iirs.ads");
+ Anchored_Mode := True;
+ -- Read lines until "type Iir_Kind is"
+ loop
+ Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
+ exit when Match (Line, Type_Iir_Kind_Pat);
+ end loop;
+ if Flag_Disp_Iir then
+ Put_Line ("found iir_kind at line"
+ & Positive_Count'Image (Ada.Text_IO.Line (In_Iirs)));
+ end if;
+ --Debug_Mode := True;
+ -- Read '('
+ Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
+ if not Match (Line, Lparen_Pat) then
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ -- Read all kind.
+ loop
+ Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
+ -- Skip comments and empty lines.
+ if Match (Line, Eol_Pat) then
+ goto Continue;
+ end if;
+ -- Read the identifier.
+ Comma_Pos := 0;
+ if not Match (Line, Enumel_Pat) then
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ -- Put it into the table.
+ Iir_Pos := Iir_Pos + 1;
+ Set (Iir_Kind2pos, Ident, Natural (Iir_Pos));
+ Iir_Table.Set_Last (Iir_Pos);
+ Iir_Table.Table (Iir_Pos) := (Name => new String'(To_String (Ident)),
+ Described => False,
+ Format => No_Format,
+ Func => (others => No_Func));
+ if Flag_Disp_Iir then
+ Put_Line ("found " & S (Ident) & Iir_Type'Image (Iir_Pos));
+ end if;
+ -- If there is no comma, then this is the end of enumeration.
+ exit when Comma_Pos = 0;
+ << Continue >> null;
+ end loop;
+ -- Read ");"
+ Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
+ if not Match (Line, End_Enum_Pat) then
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ -- Look for iir_kind subtype.
+ loop
+ Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
+ exit when Match (Line, End_Pat);
+ Ident_2 := Null_Unbounded_String;
+ if Match (Line, Iir_Kind_Subtype_Pat) then
+ declare
+ Start : Iir_Type;
+ Pos : Iir_Type;
+ P : Iir_Type;
+ Rng_Ident : VString := Ident;
+ begin
+ Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
+ if not Match (Line, Start_Range_Pat) then
+ -- Bad pattern for left bound.
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ Start := Get_Iir_Pos (Ident);
+ Pos := Start;
+ if Flag_Disp_Subtype then
+ Put_Line ("found subtype " & S (Rng_Ident));
+ Put_Line (" " & S (Ident) & " .."
+ & Iir_Type'Image (Pos));
+ end if;
+ loop
+ Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
+ if Match (Line, End_Range_Pat) then
+ P := Get_Iir_Pos (Ident);
+ if P /= Pos + 1 and then Flag_Disp_Subtype Then
+ Put_Line ("** missing comments");
+ for I in Pos + 1 .. P - 1 loop
+ Put_Line (" --" & Iir_Table.Table (I).Name.all);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ Set (Iir_Kinds2pos, Rng_Ident, Range_Type'(Start, P));
+ if Flag_Disp_Subtype then
+ Put_Line (" " & S (Ident) & Iir_Type'Image (P));
+ end if;
+ exit;
+ elsif Match (Line, Comment_Range_Pat) then
+ P := Get_Iir_Pos (Ident);
+ if P /= Pos + 1 then
+ -- Bad order.
+ raise Err;
+ else
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- Comment (with identifier) or end of range expected.
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ elsif Match (Line, Func_Decl_Pat) then
+ declare
+ Field_Pos : Integer;
+ F : Func_Type;
+ Conv : Conversion_Type;
+ begin
+ Field_Pos := Get (Field2pos, Ident);
+ if Field_Pos < 0 then
+ Put_Line ("*** field not found: '" & S (Ident) & "'");
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ if Ident_2 /= Null_Unbounded_String then
+ if Ident_2 = "pos" then
+ Conv := Via_Pos_Attr;
+ elsif Ident_2 = "uc" then
+ Conv := Via_Unchecked;
+ else
+ Put_Line ("*** bad conversion");
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Conv := None;
+ end if;
+ Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
+ if not Match (Line, Function_Get_Pat) then
+ Put_Line ("*** function expected");
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ if False then
+ Put_Line ("found function " & S (Ident));
+ end if;
+ Function_Pos := Function_Pos + 1;
+ F := Function_Pos;
+ Set (Function2pos, Ident, Integer (Function_Pos));
+ Func_Table.Set_Last (Function_Pos);
+ Func_Table.Table (Function_Pos) :=
+ (Name => Ident,
+ Field => Field_Type (Field_Pos),
+ Uses => (others => False),
+ Target_Name => new String'(To_String (Ident_2)),
+ Target_Type => new String'(To_String (Ident_3)),
+ Value_Name => null,
+ Value_Type => new String'(To_String (Ident_4)),
+ Conv => Conv);
+ Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
+ if Match (Line, Procedure_Set_Pat) then
+ if Func_Table.Table (F).Target_Name.all /= Ident_2 then
+ Put_Line ("*** procedure target name mismatch ("
+ & Func_Table.Table (F).Target_Name.all
+ & " vs " & S (Ident_2) &")");
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ if Func_Table.Table (F).Target_Type.all /= Ident_3 then
+ Put_Line ("*** procedure target type name mismatch");
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ if Func_Table.Table (F).Value_Type.all /= Ident_5 then
+ Put_Line ("*** procedure target type name mismatch");
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ Func_Table.Table (F).Value_Name :=
+ new String'(To_String (Ident_4));
+ else
+ if not Match (Line, Rpos (0)) then
+ Put_Line ("*** procedure or empty line expected");
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Close (In_Iirs);
+ Set_Exit_Status (Success);
+ exception
+ when Err =>
+ Put_Line ("*** Fatal error at line"
+ & Positive_Count'Image (Ada.Text_IO.Line (In_Iirs)));
+ Set_Exit_Status (Failure);
+ raise;
+ end Check_Iirs;
+ -- Start of node description.
+ Start_Of_Iir_Kind_Pat : Pattern := " -- Start of Iir_Kind." & Rpos (0);
+ End_Of_Iir_Kind_Pat : Pattern := " -- End of Iir_Kind." & Rpos (0);
+ -- Box ("----------") delimiters.
+ Box_Delim_Pat : Pattern := " --" & Span ('-') & Rpos (0);
+ -- Inside a box ("-- XXX --").
+ Box_Inside_Pat : Pattern := " --" & Arb & "--" & Rpos (0);
+ -- Get a iir_kind identifier.
+ Desc_Iir_Kind_Pat : Pattern :=
+ " -- " & Getident_Pat
+ & ("" or ( " (" & Getident2_Pat & ")"))
+ & Rpos (0);
+ Subprogram_Pat : Pattern := " -- Get" & ("_" or "/Set_") & Getident_Pat
+ & ((" " & Arb) or "") & Rpos (0);
+ Desc_Only_For_Pat : Pattern := " -- Only for " & Getident_Pat & ":"
+ & Rpos (0);
+ Desc_Comment_Pat : Pattern := " -- " & (Alnum_Pat or Any ("*_(.|"));
+ Desc_Empty_Pat : Pattern := " --" & Rpos (0);
+ Desc_Subprogram_Pat : Pattern := " -- " & ("function" or "procedure");
+ Field_Pat : Pattern := Arb & "(" & Getident_Pat & ")";
+ Alias_Field_Pat : Pattern := Arb & "(Alias " & Getident_Pat & ")";
+ Disp_Desc : Boolean := False;
+ -- Check descriptions.
+ procedure Read_Desc
+ is
+ -- iirs.ads file.
+ In_Iirs : File_Type;
+ -- Current line.
+ Line : VString;
+ -- IIR being described.
+ type Iir_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Iir_Type;
+ Iir_Desc : Iir_Array (1 .. 32);
+ Nbr_Desc : Natural := 0;
+ Only_For : Iir_Array (1 .. 16) := (others => No_Iir);
+ Nbr_Only_For : Natural := 0;
+ -- Just say IIR N is being described.
+ procedure Add_Desc (N : Iir_Type; Format : Format_Type) is
+ begin
+ if Iir_Table.Table (N).Described then
+ Put_Line ("*** iir already described");
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ Iir_Table.Table (N).Described := True;
+ Iir_Table.Table (N).Format := Format;
+ Nbr_Desc := Nbr_Desc + 1;
+ Iir_Desc (Nbr_Desc) := N;
+ end Add_Desc;
+ begin
+ -- Open the file.
+ Open (In_Iirs, In_File, "../iirs.ads");
+ Anchored_Mode := True;
+ if False then
+ -- List of fields.
+ Set (Field2pos, "Field1", 1);
+ Set (Field2pos, "Field2", 2);
+ Set (Field2pos, "Field3", 3);
+ Set (Field2pos, "Field4", 4);
+ Set (Field2pos, "Field5", 5);
+ Set (Field2pos, "Field6", 6);
+ Set (Field2pos, "Field7", 7);
+ Set (Field2pos, "Nbr2", 6);
+ Set (Field2pos, "Nbr3", 7);
+ Set (Field2pos, "Ident", 8);
+ Set (Field2pos, "Field0", 9);
+ Set (Field2pos, "Attr", 10);
+ Set (Field2pos, "Chain", 11);
+ Set (Field2pos, "Flag1", 12);
+ Set (Field2pos, "Flag2", 13);
+ Set (Field2pos, "Flag3", 14);
+ Set (Field2pos, "Flag4", 15);
+ Set (Field2pos, "Flag5", 16);
+ Set (Field2pos, "Odigit_1", 17);
+ Set (Field2pos, "Odigit_2", 18);
+ Set (Field2pos, "State1", 19);
+ Set (Field2pos, "Staticness_1", 20);
+ Set (Field2pos, "Staticness_2", 21);
+ end if;
+ -- Read lines until "-- Start of Iir_Kind."
+ loop
+ Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
+ exit when Match (Line, Start_Of_Iir_Kind_Pat);
+ end loop;
+ --Debug_Mode := True;
+ -- Read descriptions.
+ L1 : loop
+ -- Empty lines.
+ loop
+ Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
+ exit when not Match (Line, Rpos (0));
+ end loop;
+ if Match (Line, Box_Delim_Pat) then
+ -- A box.
+ Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
+ if not Match (Line, Box_Inside_Pat) then
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
+ if not Match (Line, Box_Delim_Pat) then
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- A description.
+ if not Match (Line, " -- Iir_Kind") then
+ if Match (Line, End_Of_Iir_Kind_Pat) then
+ exit L1;
+ elsif Match (Line, " -- For Iir_Kinds_") then
+ null;
+ else
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Get iir_kind.
+ declare
+ P_Num : Integer;
+ Rng : Range_Type;
+ Format : Format_Type;
+ begin
+ -- No iir being described.
+ Nbr_Desc := 0;
+ loop
+ Ident_2 := Nul;
+ exit when not Match (Line, Desc_Iir_Kind_Pat);
+ -- Check format.
+ if Ident_2 = Nul then
+ Put_Line ("*** no format for " & S (Ident));
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ P_Num := Get (Format2pos, Ident_2);
+ if P_Num < 0 then
+ Put_Line ("*** unknown format");
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ Format := Format_Type (P_Num);
+ -- Handle nodes.
+ P_Num := Get (Iir_Kind2pos, Ident);
+ if P_Num >= 0 then
+ Add_Desc (Iir_Type (P_Num), Format);
+ else
+ Rng := Get (Iir_Kinds2pos, Ident);
+ if Rng = Null_Range then
+ Put_Line ("*** " & S (Ident));
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ for I in Rng.L .. Rng.H loop
+ Add_Desc (I, Format);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ if Disp_Desc then
+ Put_Line ("desc for " & S (Ident));
+ end if;
+ Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ --Debug_Mode := True;
+ -- Read the functions.
+ loop
+ if not Match (Line, Comment_Pat) then
+ if Match (Line, Rpos (0)) then
+ exit;
+ else
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Func : Func_Type;
+ Func_Num : Integer;
+ Field : Field_Type;
+ Field_Num : Integer;
+ Is_Alias : Boolean;
+ procedure Add_Field (N : Iir_Type) is
+ begin
+ if not Field_Table.Table (Field).
+ Formats (Iir_Table.Table (N).Format)
+ then
+ Put_Line ("** no field for format");
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ if Is_Alias then
+ if Iir_Table.Table (N).Func (Field) = No_Func
+ then
+ Put_Line ("** aliased field not yet used");
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ else
+ if Iir_Table.Table (N).Func (Field) /= No_Func
+ --and then
+ --Iir_Table.Table (N).Func (Field) /= Func
+ then
+ Put_Line ("** Field already used");
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ Iir_Table.Table (N).Func (Field) := Func;
+ end if;
+ Func_Table.Table (Func).Uses (N) := True;
+ end Add_Field;
+ begin
+ if Match (Line, Subprogram_Pat) then
+ if Disp_Desc then
+ Put ("subprg: " & S (Ident));
+ end if;
+ Func_Num := Get (Function2pos, Ident);
+ if Func_Num < 0 then
+ Put_Line (Standard_Error,
+ "*** function not found: " & S (Ident));
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ Func := Func_Type (Func_Num);
+ if Match (Line, Field_Pat) then
+ Is_Alias := False;
+ elsif Match (Line, Alias_Field_Pat) then
+ Is_Alias := True;
+ else
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ if Disp_Desc then
+ Put_Line (" (" & S (Ident) & ")");
+ end if;
+ Field_Num := Get (Field2pos, Ident);
+ if Field_Num < 0 then
+ Put_Line ("*** unknown field: " & S (Ident));
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ Field := Field_Type (Field_Num);
+ if Func_Table.Table (Func).Field /= Field then
+ if Func_Table.Table (Func).Field = No_Field then
+ Func_Table.Table (Func).Field := Field;
+ else
+ -- Field redefined for the function.
+ Put_Line ("** field redefined for the function");
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Check the field is not already used by another func.
+ if Nbr_Only_For > 0 then
+ for I in 1 .. Nbr_Only_For loop
+ Add_Field (Only_For (I));
+ end loop;
+ Nbr_Only_For := 0;
+ else
+ for I in 1 .. Nbr_Desc loop
+ Add_Field (Iir_Desc (I));
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ elsif Match (Line, Desc_Only_For_Pat) then
+ declare
+ P_Num : Integer;
+ Rng : Range_Type;
+ procedure Add_Only_For (N : Iir_Type) is
+ begin
+ for I in 1 .. Nbr_Desc loop
+ if Iir_Desc (I) = N then
+ Nbr_Only_For := Nbr_Only_For + 1;
+ Only_For (Nbr_Only_For) := N;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Put_Line ("** not currently described");
+ raise Err;
+ end Add_Only_For;
+ begin
+ P_Num := Get (Iir_Kind2pos, Ident);
+ if P_Num >= 0 then
+ Add_Only_For (Iir_Type (P_Num));
+ else
+ Rng := Get (Iir_Kinds2pos, Ident);
+ if Rng = Null_Range then
+ Put_Line ("*** " & S (Ident));
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ for I in Rng.L .. Rng.H loop
+ Add_Only_For (I);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ elsif Match (Line, " -- Only") then
+ Put_Line ("** bad only for line");
+ raise Err;
+ elsif Match (Line, Desc_Comment_Pat) then
+ null;
+ elsif Match (Line, Desc_Empty_Pat) then
+ null;
+ elsif Match (Line, Desc_Subprogram_Pat) then
+ null;
+ else
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end loop L1;
+ -- Check each Iir was described.
+ for I in Iir_Table.First .. Iir_Table.Last loop
+ if not Iir_Table.Table (I).Described then
+ Put_Line ("*** not described: " & Iir_Table.Table (I).Name.all);
+ raise Err;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Close (In_Iirs);
+ exception
+ when Err =>
+ Put_Line ("*** Fatal error at line"
+ & Positive_Count'Image (Ada.Text_IO.Line (In_Iirs) - 1));
+ Put_Line ("*** Line is " & S (Line));
+ Set_Exit_Status (Failure);
+ raise;
+ end Read_Desc;
+ procedure Gen_Func
+ is
+ function Is_Used (F : Func_Type) return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ for I in Func_Table.Table (F).Uses'Range loop
+ if Func_Table.Table (F).Uses (I) then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return False;
+ end Is_Used;
+ Is_First : Boolean;
+ Same_Name : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Put_Line (" function Get_Format (Kind : Iir_Kind) "
+ & "return Format_Type is");
+ Put_Line (" begin");
+ Put_Line (" case Kind is");
+ for I in 1 .. Format_Pos loop
+ Is_First := True;
+ Put (" when ");
+ for J in Iir_Table.First .. Iir_Table.Last loop
+ if Iir_Table.Table (J).Format = I then
+ if not Is_First then
+ New_Line;
+ Put (" | ");
+ end if;
+ Is_First := False;
+ Put (Iir_Table.Table (J).Name.all);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Put_Line (" =>");
+ Put (" return Format_");
+ Put (Formats (I).Name.all);
+ Put_Line (";");
+ end loop;
+ Put_Line (" end case;");
+ Put_Line (" end Get_Format;");
+ New_Line;
+ -- Builder.
+ Put_Line (" function Create_Iir (Kind : Iir_Kind) return Iir");
+ Put_Line (" is");
+ Put_Line (" Res : Iir;");
+ Put_Line (" Format : Format_Type;");
+ Put_Line (" begin");
+ Put_Line (" Format := Get_Format (Kind);");
+ Put_Line (" Res := Create_Node (Format);");
+ Put_Line (" Set_Nkind (Res, Iir_Kind'Pos (Kind));");
+ Put_Line (" return Res;");
+ Put_Line (" end Create_Iir;");
+ New_Line;
+ for I in Func_Table.First .. Func_Table.Last loop
+ declare
+ F : Func_Info renames Func_Table.Table (I);
+ begin
+ -- Avoid bug get_parent.
+ if Is_Used (I) then
+ Same_Name := F.Name = Field_Table.Table (F.Field).Name.all;
+ if Flag_Checks then
+ Put (" procedure Check_Kind_For_");
+ Put (F.Name);
+ Put (" (Target : Iir) is");
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line (" begin");
+ Put_Line (" case Get_Kind (Target) is");
+ Put (" when ");
+ Is_First := True;
+ for J in F.Uses'Range loop
+ if F.Uses (J) then
+ if not Is_First then
+ New_Line;
+ Put (" | ");
+ else
+ Is_First := False;
+ end if;
+ Put (Iir_Table.Table (J).Name.all);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Put_Line (" =>");
+ Put_Line (" null;");
+ Put_Line (" when others =>");
+ Put (" Failed (""");
+ Put (F.Name);
+ Put_Line (""", Target);");
+ Put_Line (" end case;");
+ Put (" end Check_Kind_For_");
+ Put (F.Name);
+ Put_Line (";");
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ Put (" function Get_");
+ Put (F.Name);
+ Put (" (");
+ Put (F.Target_Name.all);
+ Put (" : ");
+ Put (F.Target_Type.all);
+ Put (") return ");
+ Put (F.Value_Type.all);
+ if Col > 76 then
+ New_Line;
+ Put (" ");
+ end if;
+ Put (" is");
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line (" begin");
+ if Flag_Checks then
+ Put (" Check_Kind_For_");
+ Put (F.Name);
+ Put (" (");
+ Put (F.Target_Name.all);
+ Put (");");
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ Put (" return ");
+ case F.Conv is
+ when None =>
+ null;
+ when Via_Pos_Attr =>
+ Put (F.Value_Type.all);
+ Put ("'Val (");
+ when Via_Unchecked =>
+ Put (Field_Table.Table (F.Field).Ftype.all);
+ Put ("_To_");
+ Put (F.Value_Type.all);
+ Put (" (");
+ end case;
+ if Same_Name then
+ Put ("Nodes.");
+ end if;
+ Put ("Get_");
+ Put (Field_Table.Table (F.Field).Name.all);
+ Put (" (");
+ Put (F.Target_Name.all);
+ Put (")");
+ case F.Conv is
+ when None =>
+ null;
+ when Via_Pos_Attr
+ | Via_Unchecked =>
+ Put (")");
+ end case;
+ Put (";");
+ New_Line;
+ Put (" end Get_");
+ Put (F.Name);
+ Put (";");
+ New_Line;
+ New_Line;
+ if F.Value_Name /= null then
+ Put (" procedure Set_");
+ Put (F.Name);
+ Put (" (");
+ Put (F.Target_Name.all);
+ Put (" : ");
+ Put (F.Target_Type.all);
+ Put ("; ");
+ Put (F.Value_Name.all);
+ Put (" : ");
+ Put (F.Value_Type.all);
+ Put (")");
+ if Col > 76 then
+ New_Line;
+ Put (" ");
+ end if;
+ Put (" is");
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line (" begin");
+ if Flag_Checks then
+ Put (" Check_Kind_For_");
+ Put (F.Name);
+ Put (" (");
+ Put (F.Target_Name.all);
+ Put (");");
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ Put (" ");
+ if Same_Name then
+ Put ("Nodes.");
+ end if;
+ Put ("Set_");
+ Put (Field_Table.Table (F.Field).Name.all);
+ Put (" (");
+ Put (F.Target_Name.all);
+ Put (", ");
+ case F.Conv is
+ when None =>
+ null;
+ when Via_Pos_Attr =>
+ Put (F.Value_Type.all);
+ Put ("'Pos (");
+ when Via_Unchecked =>
+ Put (F.Value_Type.all);
+ Put ("_To_");
+ Put (Field_Table.Table (F.Field).Ftype.all);
+ Put (" (");
+ end case;
+ Put (F.Value_Name.all);
+ case F.Conv is
+ when None =>
+ null;
+ when Via_Pos_Attr
+ | Via_Unchecked =>
+ Put (")");
+ end case;
+ Put (");");
+ New_Line;
+ Put (" end Set_");
+ Put (F.Name);
+ Put (";");
+ New_Line;
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ end Gen_Func;
+ procedure List_Free_Fields
+ is
+ begin
+ for I in Iir_Table.First .. Iir_Table.Last loop
+ declare
+ Info : Iir_Info renames Iir_Table.Table (I);
+ begin
+ Put_Line (Info.Name.all);
+ for J in 1 .. Field_Pos loop
+ if Info.Func (J) = No_Func
+ and then Field_Table.Table (J).Formats (Info.Format)
+ then
+ Put (" ");
+ Put_Line (Field_Table.Table (J).Name.all);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ end List_Free_Fields;
+end Check_Iirs_Pkg;
diff --git a/xtools/check_iirs_pkg.ads b/xtools/check_iirs_pkg.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e03abab4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xtools/check_iirs_pkg.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+-- Tool to check the coherence of the iirs package.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package Check_Iirs_Pkg is
+ -- If set, disp all Iir kind.
+ Flag_Disp_Iir : Boolean := False;
+ -- If set, disp Iir_Kinds subtype.
+ Flag_Disp_Subtype : Boolean := False;
+ -- If set, generate checks.
+ Flag_Checks : Boolean := True;
+ procedure Read_Fields;
+ procedure Check_Iirs;
+ procedure Read_Desc;
+ procedure Gen_Func;
+ procedure List_Free_Fields;
+end Check_Iirs_Pkg;