path: root/testsuite/gna/bug0129/repro1.vhdl
diff options
authorTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2022-04-15 11:42:06 +0200
committerTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2022-04-15 11:42:06 +0200
commitd71a4391c20867d7e7ccc3a71a90cc4743fef610 (patch)
tree93623f40aa6d45899e7cd022f2d6cd02236e09d3 /testsuite/gna/bug0129/repro1.vhdl
parenta7714952ffaf31d700dc25694fb3f6ebd5ecf320 (diff)
testsuite/gna: add a test for previous commit
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/gna/bug0129/repro1.vhdl')
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/bug0129/repro1.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/bug0129/repro1.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f91edfac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/bug0129/repro1.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+entity repro1 is
+ port (tready : inout std_logic);
+architecture RTL of repro1 is
+-- signal tready : std_logic;
+ signal cnt : natural;
+ signal cnt_next : natural;
+ p_main: process (all)
+ procedure count (
+ constant r_ctr : in natural;
+ variable v_ctr : out natural
+ ) is
+ begin
+ if tready = '1' then
+ v_ctr := r_ctr + 1;
+ else
+ v_ctr := r_ctr;
+ end if;
+ end procedure;
+ variable v : natural;
+ begin
+ report "execution of process p_main, cnt=" & natural'image(cnt);
+ count (cnt, v);
+ cnt_next <= v;
+ end process p_main;
+ process
+ begin
+ tready <= '1';
+ cnt <= 1;
+ wait for 1 ns;
+ assert cnt_next = 2 severity failure;
+ cnt <= 2;
+ wait for 1 ns;
+ assert cnt_next = 3 severity failure;
+ tready <= '0';
+ wait for 1 ns;
+ assert cnt_next = 2 severity failure;
+ wait;
+ end process;