path: root/docs/src/content
diff options
authorAldo Cortesi <aldo@corte.si>2018-02-22 20:48:17 +1300
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2018-02-22 20:48:17 +1300
commit443409e32bcc28a7f0475d7af42efff03473b72f (patch)
tree9d749a57929a950f0e177a9bf4d6cd7d9a88c16b /docs/src/content
parent1cacefa104626e4e0df5ffb2aa8b0c6f16b615b2 (diff)
parent982508d30f887b4fe8b2a855792ae1e33f378222 (diff)
Merge pull request #2890 from mitmproxy/newdocs
All new documentation
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/src/content')
20 files changed, 2350 insertions, 0 deletions
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+title: "Introduction"
+ overview:
+ weight: 1
+# Introduction
+**mitmproxy** is an interactive man-in-the-middle proxy for HTTP and HTTPS
+with a console interface.
+**mitmdump** is the command-line version of mitmproxy. Think tcpdump for HTTP.
+**mitmweb** is a web-based interface for mitmproxy.
+Documentation, tutorials and distribution packages can be found on the
+[mitmproxy website](https://mitmproxy.org).
+## Features
+- Intercept HTTP & HTTPS requests and responses and modify them on the fly
+- Save complete HTTP conversations for later replay and analysis
+- Replay the client-side of an HTTP conversations
+- Replay HTTP responses of a previously recorded server
+- Reverse proxy mode to forward traffic to a specified server
+- Transparent proxy mode on OSX and Linux
+- Make scripted changes to HTTP traffic using Python
+- SSL/TLS certificates for interception are generated on the fly
+- And much, much more...
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+title: "Commands"
+ addons:
+ weight: 4
+# Commands
+Commands allow users to actively interact with addons - querying their state,
+commanding them to perform actions, and having them transform data. Like
+[options]({{< relref addons-options >}}), commands are typed, and both
+invocations and data returned from commands are checked at runtime. Commands are
+a very powerful construct - for instance, all user interaction in mitmproxy
+console are built by binding commands to keys.
+## Simple example
+Let's begin with a simple example.
+{{< example src="examples/addons/commands-simple.py" lang="py" >}}
+To see this example in action, start mitmproxy console with the addon loaded:
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+> mitmproxy -s ./examples/addons/commands-simple.py
+{{< /highlight >}}
+Now, make sure the event log is showing, and then execute the command at the
+prompt (started by typing ":"):
+{{< highlight none>}}
+{{< /highlight >}}
+Notice that tab completion works - our addon command has complete parity with
+builtin commands. There are a few things to note about this example:
+- Commands are declared through the `command.command` decorator. Each command
+ has a unique name - by convention, we use period-separated names, with the
+ name of the addon as a prefix.
+- Annotating commands with types is mandatory, including the return type (in
+ this case `None`). This allows mitmproxy to support addon commands throughout
+ its toolset - runtime invocations are type checked, addon commands are
+ included in the built-in help, the command editor in mitmproxy console can
+ perform sophisticated completion and error checking, and so forth.
+## Working with flows
+Since command arguments are typed, we can provide special conveniences for
+working with certain important data types. The most useful of these are the
+`Flows` classes that represent mitmproxy traffic.
+Consider the following addon:
+{{< example src="examples/addons/commands-flows.py" lang="py" >}}
+The `myaddon.addheader` command is quite simple: it takes a sequence of flows,
+and adds a header to every request. The really interesting aspect of this
+example is how users specify flows. Because mitmproxy can inspect the type
+signature, it can expand a text flow selector into a sequence of flows for us
+transparently. This means that the user has the full flexibility of [flow
+filters]({{< relref addons-options >}}) available. Let's try it out.
+Start by loading the addon into mitmproxy and sending some traffic through so we
+have flows to work with:
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+> mitmproxy -s ./examples/addons/commands-flows.py
+{{< /highlight >}}
+We can now invoke our toy command in various ways. Let's begin by running it
+just on the currently focused flow:
+{{< highlight none >}}
+:myaddon.addheader @focus
+{{< /highlight >}}
+We can also invoke it on all flows:
+{{< highlight none >}}
+:myaddon.addheader @all
+{{< /highlight >}}
+Or only flows from **google.com**:
+{{< highlight none >}}
+:myaddon.addheader ~d google.com
+{{< /highlight >}}
+What's more, we can trivially bind these commands to keyboard shortcuts within
+mitmproxy if we plan to use them frequently. Flow selectors combined with
+commands are amazingly powerful, and lets us build and expose re-usable functions
+for operating on flows.
+## Paths
+Commands can take an arbitrary number of arguments. Let's build on the previous
+example to illustrate this, and also demonstrate another special type: paths.
+{{< example src="examples/addons/commands-paths.py" lang="py" >}}
+Our command calculates a histogram of the domains in the specified set of flows,
+and writes it to a path which is specified as the second argument to the
+command. Try invoking it like this:
+{{< highlight none >}}
+:myaddon.histogram @all /tmp/xxx
+{{< /highlight >}}
+Notice that mitmproxy provides tab completion both for the flow specification
+and the path.
+## Supported Types
+The following types are supported for options. If you need to use a type not
+listed here, please send us a pull request.
+- Primitive types: `str`, `int`, `bool`
+- Sequences: `typing.Sequence[str]`
+- Flows and flow sequences: `flow.Flow` and `typing.Sequence[flow.Flow]`
+- Multiple choice strings: `types.Choice`
+- Meta-types: `types.Command` and `types.Arg`. These are for constructing
+ commands that invoke other commands. This is most commonly useful in
+ keybinding - see the built-in mitmproxy console keybindings for a rich suite
+ of examples.
+- Data types: `types.CutSpec` and `types.Data`. The cuts mechanism is in alpha
+ at the moment, and provides a convenient way to snip up flow data.
+- Path: `types.Path`
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+title: "Events"
+ addons:
+ weight: 2
+# Events
+Addons hook into mitmproxy's internal mechanisms through events. These are
+implemented on addons as methods with a set of well-known names. Many events
+receive `Flow` objects as arguments - by modifying these objects, addons can
+change traffic on the fly. For instance, here is an addon that adds a response
+header with a count of the number of responses seen:
+{{< example src="examples/addons/addheader.py" lang="py" >}}
+## Supported Events
+Below is an addon class that implements stubs for all events. We've added
+annotations to illustrate the argument types for the various events.
+{{< example src="examples/addons/events.py" lang="py" >}} \ No newline at end of file
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+title: "Options"
+ addons:
+ weight: 3
+# Options
+At the heart of mitmproxy is a global options store, containing the settings
+that determine the behaviour of both mitmproxy and its addons. Options can be
+read from a configuration file, set on the command-line and changed
+interactively by users on the fly.
+All options are annotated with one of a set of supported types. Mitmproxy knows
+how to serialise and deserialise these types, and has standard ways of
+presenting typed values for editing in interactive programs. Attempting to set a
+value with the wrong type will result in an error. This means that addon options
+get full support throughout mitmproxy's toolchain simply by declaring a type.
+## Simple example
+{{< example src="examples/addons/options-simple.py" lang="py" >}}
+The `load` event receives an instance of `mitmproxy.addonmanager.Loader`, which
+allows addons declare options and commands. In this case, the addon adds a
+single `addheader` option with type `bool`. Let's try this out by running the
+script in mitmproxy console:
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+> mitmproxy -s ./examples/addons/options-simple.py
+{{< /highlight >}}
+You can now use CURL to make a request through the proxy like this:
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+> env http_proxy=http://localhost:8080 curl -I http://google.com
+{{< /highlight >}}
+If you run this request immediately, you'll notice that no count header is
+added. This is because our default value for the option was `false`. Press `O`
+to enter the options editor, and find the `addheader` option. You'll notice that
+mitmproxy knows this is a boolean, and lets you toggle the value between true
+and false. Set the value to `true`, and you should see a result something like
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+> env http_proxy=http://localhost:8080 curl -I http://google.com
+HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
+Location: http://www.google.com/
+Content-Length: 219
+count: 1
+{{< /highlight >}}
+When this addon is loaded, the `addheader` setting is available in the
+persistent [YAML configuration file]({{< relref "concepts-options" >}}). You can
+also over-ride the value directly from the command-line for any of the tools
+using the `--set` flag:
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+mitmproxy -s ./examples/addons/options-simple.py --set addheader=true
+{{< /highlight >}}
+## Handling configuration updates
+Sometimes, simply testing the value of an option from an event is not
+sufficient. Instead, we want to act immediately when an option is changed by the
+user. This is what the `configure` event is for - when it is triggered, it
+receives a set of changed options. An addon can check if an option is in this
+set, and then read the value from the options object on the context.
+One common use for this function is to check that an option is valid, and give
+the user feedback if it's not. If an `exceptions.OptionsError` exception is
+raised during configure, all the changes in the update are automatically rolled
+back, and an error is displayed to the user. Let's see an example.
+{{< example src="examples/addons/options-configure.py" lang="py" >}}
+There are a few things to note here. First, the option we add uses
+`typing.Optional`. This signals to mitmproxy that `None` is a valid value for
+this option - that is, it can be unset. Second, the `configure` method is first
+called with our default value (`None`), and then later with an updated value if
+the option is changed. If we try to load the script with an incorrect value, we
+now see an error:
+{{< highlight none >}}
+> mitmdump -s ./examples/addons/options-configure.py --set addheader=1000
+Loading script: ./examples/addons/options-configure.py
+/Users/cortesi/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/venv/bin/mitmdump: addheader must be <= 100
+{{< /highlight >}}
+## Supported Types
+The following types are supported for options.
+- Primitive types - `str`, `int`, `float`, `bool`.
+- Optional values, annotated using `typing.Optional`.
+- Sequences of values, annotated using `typing.Sequence`.
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+title: "Addons"
+ addons:
+ weight: 1
+# Addons
+Mitmproxy's addon mechanism consists of a set of APIs that support components of
+any complexity. Addons interact with mitmproxy by responding to **events**,
+which allow them to hook into and change mitmproxy's behaviour. They are
+configured through **[options]({{< relref concepts-options >}})**, which can be
+set in mitmproxy's config file, changed interactively by users, or passed on the
+command-line. Finally, they can expose **commands**, which allows users to
+invoke their actions either directly or by binding them to keys in the
+interactive tools.
+Addons are an exceptionally powerful part of mitmproxy. In fact, much of
+mitmproxy's own functionality is defined in [a suite of built-in
+implementing everything from functionality like [anticaching]({{< relref
+"overview-features#anticache" >}}) and [sticky cookies]({{< relref
+"overview-features#sticky-cookies" >}}) to our onboarding webapp. The built-in
+addons make for instructive reading, and you will quickly see that quite complex
+functionality can often boil down to a very small, completely self-contained
+modules. Mitmproxy provides the exact same set of facilities it uses for its own
+functionality to third-party scripters and extenders.
+This document will show you how to build addons using **events**, **options**
+and **commands**. However, this is not an API manual, and the mitmproxy source
+code remains the canonical reference. One easy way to explore the API from the
+command-line is to use [pydoc](https://docs.python.org/3/library/pydoc.html).
+Here, for example, is a command that shows the API documentation for the
+mitmproxy's HTTP flow classes:
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+pydoc mimtproxy.http
+{{< /highlight >}}
+You will be referring to the mitmproxy API documentation frequently, so keep
+**pydoc** or an equivalent handy.
+# Anatomy of an addon
+{{< example src="examples/addons/anatomy.py" lang="py" >}}
+Above is a simple addon that keeps track of the number of flows (or more
+specifically HTTP requests) we've seen. Every time it sees a new flow, it uses
+mitmproxy's internal logging mechanism to announce its tally. The output can be
+found in the event log in the interactive tools, or on the console in mitmdump.
+Take it for a spin and make sure that it does what it's supposed to, by loading
+it into your mitmproxy tool of choice. We'll use mitmpdump in these examples,
+but the flag is identical for all tools:
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+> mitmdump -s ./anatomy.py
+{{< /highlight >}}
+Here are a few things to note about the code above:
+- Mitmproxy picks up the contents of the `addons` global list and loads what it
+ finds into the addons mechanism.
+- Addons are just objects - in this case our addon is an instance of `Counter`.
+- The `request` method is an example of an **event**. Addons simply implement a
+ method for each event they wan to handle. Each event has a signature
+ consisting of arguments that are passed to the method. For `request`, this is
+ an instance of `mitmproxy.http.HTTPFlow`.
+- Finally, the `ctx` module is a holdall module that exposes a set of standard
+ objects that are commonly used in addons. We could pass a `ctx` object as the
+ first parameter to every event, but we've found it neater to just expose it as
+ an importable global. In this case, we're using the `ctx.log` object to do our
+ logging. \ No newline at end of file
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+title: "Scripting"
+ addons:
+ weight: 5
+# Scripting
+Sometimes, we would like to write a quick script without going through the
+trouble of creating a class. The addons mechanism has a shorthand that allows a
+module as a whole to be treated as an addon object. This lets us place event
+handler functions in the module scope. For instance, here is a complete script
+that adds a header to every request.
+{{< example src="examples/addons/scripting.py" lang="py" >}} \ No newline at end of file
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+title: "Certificates"
+ concepts:
+ weight: 3
+# About Certificates
+Mitmproxy can decrypt encrypted traffic on the fly, as long as the client trusts
+its built-in certificate authority. Usually this means that the mitmproxy CA
+certificates have to be installed on the client device.
+## Quick Setup
+By far the easiest way to install the mitmproxy certificates is to use the
+built-in certificate installation app. To do this, just start mitmproxy and
+configure your target device with the correct proxy settings. Now start a
+browser on the device, and visit the magic domain **mitm.it**. You should see
+something like this:
+{{< figure src="/certinstall-webapp.png" >}}
+Click on the relevant icon, follow the setup instructions for the platform
+you're on and you are good to go.
+## Installing the mitmproxy CA certificate manually
+Sometimes using the quick install app is not an option - Java or the iOS
+Simulator spring to mind - or you just need to do it manually for some other
+reason. Below is a list of pointers to manual certificate installation
+documentation for some common platforms. The mitmproxy CA cert is located in
+`~/.mitmproxy` after it has been generated at the first start of mitmproxy.
+- [IOS](http://jasdev.me/intercepting-ios-traffic) On
+ iOS 10.3 and onwards, you also need to enable full trust for the mitmproxy
+ root certificate:
+ 1. Go to Settings > General > About > Certificate Trust Settings.
+ 2. Under "Enable full trust for root certificates", turn on trust for
+ the mitmproxy certificate.
+- [IOS Simulator](https://github.com/ADVTOOLS/ADVTrustStore#how-to-use-advtruststore)
+- [Java](https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19906-01/820-4916/geygn/index.html)
+- [Android/Android Simulator](http://wiki.cacert.org/FAQ/ImportRootCert#Android_Phones_.26_Tablets)
+- [Windows](https://web.archive.org/web/20160612045445/http://windows.microsoft.com/en-ca/windows/import-export-certificates-private-keys#1TC=windows-7)
+- [Windows (automated)](https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc732443.aspx)
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+certutil.exe -importpfx Root mitmproxy-ca-cert.p12
+{{< / highlight >}}
+- [Mac OS X](https://support.apple.com/kb/PH7297?locale=en_US)
+- [Ubuntu/Debian]( https://askubuntu.com/questions/73287/how-do-i-install-a-root-certificate/94861#94861)
+- [Mozilla Firefox](https://wiki.mozilla.org/MozillaRootCertificate#Mozilla_Firefox)
+- [Chrome on Linux](https://stackoverflow.com/a/15076602/198996)
+## The mitmproxy certificate authority
+The first time **mitmproxy** or **mitmdump** is run, the mitmproxy Certificate
+Authority (CA) is created in the config directory (`~/.mitmproxy` by default).
+This CA is used for on-the-fly generation of dummy certificates for each of the
+SSL sites that your client visits. Since your browser won't trust the mitmproxy
+CA out of the box, you will see an SSL certificate warning every time you visit
+a new SSL domain through mitmproxy. When you are testing a single site through a
+browser, just accepting the bogus SSL cert manually is not too much trouble, but
+there are a many circumstances where you will want to configure your testing
+system or browser to trust the mitmproxy CA as a signing root authority. For
+security reasons, the mitmproxy CA is generated uniquely on the first start and
+is not shared between mitmproxy installations on different devices.
+### Certificate Pinning
+Some applications employ [Certificate
+Pinning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_Public_Key_Pinning) to prevent
+man-in-the-middle attacks. This means that **mitmproxy** and **mitmdump's**
+certificates will not be accepted by these applications without modifying them.
+It is recommended to use the passthrough feature in order to prevent
+**mitmproxy** and **mitmdump** from intercepting traffic to these specific
+domains. If you want to intercept the pinned connections, you need to patch the
+application manually. For Android and (jailbroken) iOS devices, various tools
+exist to accomplish this.
+## CA and cert files
+The files created by mitmproxy in the .mitmproxy directory are as follows:
+| | |
+| --------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| mitmproxy-ca.pem | The certificate **and the private key** in PEM format. |
+| mitmproxy-ca-cert.pem | The certificate in PEM format. Use this to distribute on most non-Windows platforms. |
+| mitmproxy-ca-cert.p12 | The certificate in PKCS12 format. For use on Windows. |
+| mitmproxy-ca-cert.cer | Same file as .pem, but with an extension expected by some Android devices. |
+## Using a custom certificate
+You can use your own (leaf) certificate by passing the `--cert
+[domain=]path_to_certificate` option to mitmproxy. Mitmproxy then uses the
+provided certificate for interception of the specified domain instead of
+generating a certificate signed by its own CA.
+The certificate file is expected to be in the PEM format. You can include
+intermediary certificates right below your leaf certificate, so that your PEM
+file roughly looks like this:
+ <private key>
+ -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
+ <cert>
+ <intermediary cert (optional)>
+For example, you can generate a certificate in this format using these
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+openssl genrsa -out cert.key 2048
+# (Specify the mitm domain as Common Name, e.g. \*.google.com)
+openssl req -new -x509 -key cert.key -out cert.crt
+cat cert.key cert.crt \> cert.pem
+{{< / highlight >}}
+Now, you can run mitmproxy with the generated certificate:
+**For all domain names**
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+mitmproxy --cert *=cert.pem
+{{< / highlight >}}
+**For specific domain names**
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+mitmproxy --cert *.example.com=cert.pem
+{{< / highlight >}}
+**Note:** `*.example.com` is for all the subdomains. You can also use
+`www.example.com` for a particular subdomain.
+## Using a custom certificate authority
+By default, mitmproxy will use `~/.mitmproxy/mitmproxy-ca.pem` as the
+certificate authority to generate certificates for all domains for which
+no custom certificate is provided (see above). You can use your own
+certificate authority by passing the `--cadir DIRECTORY` option to
+mitmproxy. Mitmproxy will then look for `mitmproxy-ca.pem` in the
+specified directory. If no such file exists, it will be generated
+## Using a client side certificate
+You can use a client certificate by passing the `--client-certs DIRECTORY|FILE`
+option to mitmproxy. Using a directory allows certs to be selected based on
+hostname, while using a filename allows a single specific certificate to be used
+for all SSL connections. Certificate files must be in the PEM format and should
+contain both the unencrypted private key and the certificate.
+### Multiple certs by Hostname
+You can specify a directory to `--client-certs`, in which case the matching
+certificate is looked up by filename. So, if you visit example.org, mitmproxy
+looks for a file named `example.org.pem` in the specified directory and uses
+this as the client cert.
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+title: "Commands"
+ concepts:
+ weight: 6
+# Commands
+Commands are the mechanism that allows users to actively interact with addons.
+Perhaps the most prominent example of this is the mitmproxy console user
+interface - every interaction in this tool consists of commands bound to keys.
+Commands also form a flexible and very powerful way to interact with mitmproxy
+from the command prompt. In mitmproxy console you can enter the command prompt
+with the `:` key. The prompt has intelligent tab completion for command names
+and many of the built-in argument types - give it a try.
+The canonical reference for commands is the `--commands` flag, which is exposed
+by each of the mitmproxy tools. Passing this flag will dump an annotated list of
+all registered commands, their arguments and their return values to screen. In
+mimtproxy console you can also view a palette of all commands in the command
+browser (by default accessible with the `C` key binding).
+# Working with flows
+Many of mitmproxy's commands take flows as arguments. For instance, the
+signature for the client replay commands looks like this:
+{{< highlight none >}}
+replay.client [flow]
+{{< /highlight >}}
+That means that it expects a sequence of one or more flows. This is where [flow
+specifications]({{< relref concepts-filters >}}) come in - mitmproxy will
+intelligently expand a flexible flow selection language to a list of flows when
+invoking commands.
+Fire up mitmproxy console, and intercept some traffic so we have flows to work
+with. Now type the following command:
+{{< highlight none >}}
+:replay.client @focus
+{{< /highlight >}}
+Make sure you try using tab completion for the command name and the flow
+specification. The `@focus` specifiers expands to the currently focused flow, so
+you should see this flow replay. However, replay can take any number of flows.
+Try the following command:
+{{< highlight none >}}
+:replay.client @all
+{{< /highlight >}}
+Now you should see all flows replay one by one. We have the full power of the
+mitmproxy filter language at our disposal here, so we could also, for example,
+just replay flows for a specific domain:
+{{< highlight none >}}
+:replay.client "~d google.com"
+{{< /highlight >}}
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+title: "Filter expressions"
+ concepts:
+ weight: 4
+# Filter expressions
+Many commands in the mitmproxy tool make use of filter expressions. Filter
+expressions consist of the following operators:
+<table class="table filtertable"><tbody>
+<tr><th>~a</th><td>Match asset in response: CSS, Javascript, Flash, images.</td></tr>
+<tr><th>~b regex</th><td>Body</td></tr>
+<tr><th>~bq regex</th><td>Request body</td></tr>
+<tr><th>~bs regex</th><td>Response body</td></tr>
+<tr><th>~c int</th><td>HTTP response code</td></tr>
+<tr><th>~d regex</th><td>Domain</td></tr>
+<tr><th>~dst regex</th><td>Match destination address</td></tr>
+<tr><th>~e</th><td>Match error</td></tr>
+<tr><th>~h regex</th><td>Header</td></tr>
+<tr><th>~hq regex</th><td>Request header</td></tr>
+<tr><th>~hs regex</th><td>Response header</td></tr>
+<tr><th>~http</th><td>Match HTTP flows</td></tr>
+<tr><th>~m regex</th><td>Method</td></tr>
+<tr><th>~marked</th><td>Match marked flows</td></tr>
+<tr><th>~q</th><td>Match request with no response</td></tr>
+<tr><th>~s</th><td>Match response</td></tr>
+<tr><th>~src regex</th><td>Match source address</td></tr>
+<tr><th>~t regex</th><td>Content-type header</td></tr>
+<tr><th>~tcp</th><td>Match TCP flows</td></tr>
+<tr><th>~tq regex</th><td>Request Content-Type header</td></tr>
+<tr><th>~ts regex</th><td>Response Content-Type header</td></tr>
+<tr><th>~u regex</th><td>URL</td></tr>
+<tr><th>~websocket</th><td>Match WebSocket flows</td></tr>
+<tr><th>!</th><td>unary not</td></tr>
+- Regexes are Python-style
+- Regexes can be specified as quoted strings
+- Header matching (~h, ~hq, ~hs) is against a string of the form "name: value".
+- Strings with no operators are matched against the request URL.
+- The default binary operator is &.
+## View flow selectors
+In interactive contexts, mitmproxy has a set of convenient flow selectors that
+operate on the current view:
+<table class="table filtertable"><tbody>
+<tr><th>@all</th><td>All flows</td></tr>
+<tr><th>@focus</th><td>The currently focused flow</td></tr>
+<tr><th>@shown</th><td>All flows currently shown</td></tr>
+<tr><th>@hidden</th><td>All flows currently hidden</td></tr>
+<tr><th>@marked</th><td>All marked flows</td></tr>
+<tr><th>@unmarked</th><td>All unmarked flows</td></tr>
+These are frequently used in commands and key bindings.
+## Examples
+URL containing "google.com":
+ google\.com
+Requests whose body contains the string "test":
+ ~q ~b test
+Anything but requests with a text/html content type:
+ !(~q & ~t "text/html")
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+title: "How mitmproxy works"
+ concepts:
+ weight: 1
+# How mitmproxy works
+Mitmproxy is an enormously flexible tool. Knowing exactly how the proxying
+process works will help you deploy it creatively, and take into account its
+fundamental assumptions and how to work around them. This document explains
+mitmproxy's proxy mechanism in detail, starting with the simplest unencrypted
+explicit proxying, and working up to the most complicated interaction
+-transparent proxying of TLS-protected traffic[^1] in the presence of [Server
+Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication).
+## Explicit HTTP
+Configuring the client to use mitmproxy as an explicit proxy is the
+simplest and most reliable way to intercept traffic. The proxy protocol
+is codified in the [HTTP RFC](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230), so
+the behaviour of both the client and the server is well defined, and
+usually reliable. In the simplest possible interaction with mitmproxy, a
+client connects directly to the proxy, and makes a request that looks
+like this:
+{{< highlight http >}}
+GET http://example.com/index.html HTTP/1.1
+{{< / highlight >}}
+This is a proxy GET request - an extended form of the vanilla HTTP GET
+request that includes a schema and host specification, and it includes
+all the information mitmproxy needs to proceed.
+{{< figure src="/schematics/how-mitmproxy-works-explicit.png" title="Explicit" >}}
+1. The client connects to the proxy and makes a request.
+2. Mitmproxy connects to the upstream server and simply forwards the request on.
+## Explicit HTTPS
+The process for an explicitly proxied HTTPS connection is quite
+different. The client connects to the proxy and makes a request that
+looks like this:
+{{< highlight http >}}
+CONNECT example.com:443 HTTP/1.1
+{{< / highlight >}}
+A conventional proxy can neither view nor manipulate a TLS-encrypted
+data stream, so a CONNECT request simply asks the proxy to open a pipe
+between the client and server. The proxy here is just a facilitator - it
+blindly forwards data in both directions without knowing anything about
+the contents. The negotiation of the TLS connection happens over this
+pipe, and the subsequent flow of requests and responses are completely
+opaque to the proxy.
+### The MITM in mitmproxy
+This is where mitmproxy's fundamental trick comes into play. The MITM
+in its name stands for Man-In-The-Middle - a reference to the process we
+use to intercept and interfere with these theoretically opaque data
+streams. The basic idea is to pretend to be the server to the client,
+and pretend to be the client to the server, while we sit in the middle
+decoding traffic from both sides. The tricky part is that the
+Authority](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Certificate_authority) system
+is designed to prevent exactly this attack, by allowing a trusted
+third-party to cryptographically sign a server's certificates to verify
+that they are legit. If this signature doesn't match or is from a
+non-trusted party, a secure client will simply drop the connection and
+refuse to proceed. Despite the many shortcomings of the CA system as it
+exists today, this is usually fatal to attempts to MITM a TLS connection
+for analysis. Our answer to this conundrum is to become a trusted
+Certificate Authority ourselves. Mitmproxy includes a full CA
+implementation that generates interception certificates on the fly. To
+get the client to trust these certificates, we
+[register mitmproxy as a trusted CA with the device
+manually]({{< relref concepts-certificates >}}).
+### Complication 1: What's the remote hostname?
+To proceed with this plan, we need to know the domain name to use in the
+interception certificate - the client will verify that the certificate is for
+the domain it's connecting to, and abort if this is not the case. At first
+blush, it seems that the CONNECT request above gives us all we need - in this
+example, both of these values are "example.com". But what if the client had
+initiated the connection as follows:
+{{< highlight http >}}
+{{< / highlight >}}
+Using the IP address is perfectly legitimate because it gives us enough
+information to initiate the pipe, even though it doesn't reveal the
+remote hostname.
+Mitmproxy has a cunning mechanism that smooths this over - [upstream certificate
+sniffing]({{< relref "overview-features#upstream-certificates" >}}). As soon as
+we see the CONNECT request, we pause the client part of the conversation, and
+initiate a simultaneous connection to the server. We complete the TLS handshake
+with the server, and inspect the certificates it used. Now, we use the Common
+Name in the upstream certificates to generate the dummy certificate for the
+client. Voila, we have the correct hostname to present to the client, even if it
+was never specified.
+### Complication 2: Subject Alternative Name
+Enter the next complication. Sometimes, the certificate Common Name is
+not, in fact, the hostname that the client is connecting to. This is
+because of the optional [Subject Alternative
+Name](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SubjectAltName) field in the
+certificate that allows an arbitrary number of alternative domains to be
+specified. If the expected domain matches any of these, the client will
+proceed, even though the domain doesn't match the certificate CN. The
+answer here is simple: when we extract the CN from the upstream cert, we
+also extract the SANs, and add them to the generated dummy certificate.
+### Complication 3: Server Name Indication
+One of the big limitations of vanilla TLS is that each certificate
+requires its own IP address. This means that you couldn't do virtual
+hosting where multiple domains with independent certificates share the
+same IP address. In a world with a rapidly shrinking IPv4 address pool
+this is a problem, and we have a solution in the form of the [Server
+Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication)
+extension to the TLS protocols. This lets the client specify the remote
+server name at the start of the TLS handshake, which then lets the
+server select the right certificate to complete the process.
+SNI breaks our upstream certificate sniffing process, because when we
+connect without using SNI, we get served a default certificate that may
+have nothing to do with the certificate expected by the client. The
+solution is another tricky complication to the client connection
+process. After the client connects, we allow the TLS handshake to
+continue until just **after** the SNI value has been passed to us. Now
+we can pause the conversation, and initiate an upstream connection using
+the correct SNI value, which then serves us the correct upstream
+certificate, from which we can extract the expected CN and SANs.
+### Putting it all together
+Lets put all of this together into the complete explicitly proxied HTTPS
+{{< figure src="/schematics/how-mitmproxy-works-explicit-https.png" title="Explicit HTTPS" >}}
+1. The client makes a connection to mitmproxy, and issues an HTTP CONNECT
+ request.
+2. Mitmproxy responds with a `200 Connection Established`, as if it has set up
+ the CONNECT pipe.
+3. The client believes it's talking to the remote server, and initiates the TLS
+ connection. It uses SNI to indicate the hostname it is connecting to.
+4. Mitmproxy connects to the server, and establishes a TLS connection using the
+ SNI hostname indicated by the client.
+5. The server responds with the matching certificate, which contains the CN and
+ SAN values needed to generate the interception certificate.
+6. Mitmproxy generates the interception cert, and continues the client TLS
+ handshake paused in step 3.
+7. The client sends the request over the established TLS connection.
+8. Mitmproxy passes the request on to the server over the TLS connection
+ initiated in step 4.
+## Transparent HTTP
+When a transparent proxy is used, the connection is redirected into a
+proxy at the network layer, without any client configuration being
+required. This makes transparent proxying ideal for those situations
+where you can't change client behaviour - proxy-oblivious Android
+applications being a common example.
+To achieve this, we need to introduce two extra components. The first is
+a redirection mechanism that transparently reroutes a TCP connection
+destined for a server on the Internet to a listening proxy server. This
+usually takes the form of a firewall on the same host as the proxy
+server - [iptables](http://www.netfilter.org/) on Linux or
+[pf](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PF_\(firewall\)) on OSX. Once the
+client has initiated the connection, it makes a vanilla HTTP request,
+which might look something like this:
+{{< highlight http >}}
+GET /index.html HTTP/1.1
+{{< / highlight >}}
+Note that this request differs from the explicit proxy variation, in
+that it omits the scheme and hostname. How, then, do we know which
+upstream host to forward the request to? The routing mechanism that has
+performed the redirection keeps track of the original destination for
+us. Each routing mechanism has a different way of exposing this data, so
+this introduces the second component required for working transparent
+proxying: a host module that knows how to retrieve the original
+destination address from the router. In mitmproxy, this takes the form
+of a built-in set of
+that know how to talk to each platform's redirection mechanism. Once we
+have this information, the process is fairly straight-forward.
+{{< figure src="/schematics/how-mitmproxy-works-transparent.png" title="Transparent" >}}
+1. The client makes a connection to the server.
+2. The router redirects the connection to mitmproxy, which is typically
+ listening on a local port of the same host. Mitmproxy then consults
+ the routing mechanism to establish what the original destination
+ was.
+3. Now, we simply read the client's request...
+4. ... and forward it upstream.
+## Transparent HTTPS
+The first step is to determine whether we should treat an incoming
+connection as HTTPS. The mechanism for doing this is simple - we use the
+routing mechanism to find out what the original destination port is. All
+incoming connections pass through different layers which can determine
+the actual protocol to use. Automatic TLS detection works for SSLv3, TLS
+1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2 by looking for a *ClientHello* message at the
+beginning of each connection. This works independently of the used TCP
+From here, the process is a merger of the methods we've described for
+transparently proxying HTTP, and explicitly proxying HTTPS. We use the
+routing mechanism to establish the upstream server address, and then
+proceed as for explicit HTTPS connections to establish the CN and SANs,
+and cope with SNI.
+{{< figure src="/schematics/how-mitmproxy-works-transparent-https.png" title="Transparent HTTPS" >}}
+1. The client makes a connection to the server.
+2. The router redirects the connection to mitmproxy, which is typically
+ listening on a local port of the same host. Mitmproxy then consults the
+ routing mechanism to establish what the original destination was.
+3. The client believes it's talking to the remote server, and
+ initiates the TLS connection. It uses SNI to indicate the hostname
+ it is connecting to.
+4. Mitmproxy connects to the server, and establishes a TLS connection
+ using the SNI hostname indicated by the client.
+5. The server responds with the matching certificate, which contains
+ the CN and SAN values needed to generate the interception
+ certificate.
+6. Mitmproxy generates the interception cert, and continues the client
+ TLS handshake paused in step 3.
+7. The client sends the request over the established TLS connection.
+8. Mitmproxy passes the request on to the server over the TLS
+ connection initiated in step 4.
+### Footnotes
+[^1]: The use of "TLS" refers to both SSL (outdated and insecure) and TLS (1.0
+ and up) in the generic sense, unless otherwise specified.
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index 00000000..86bb7b0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/content/concepts-modes.md
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+title: "Modes of operation"
+ concepts:
+ weight: 2
+# Modes of Operation
+- [Regular](#regular-proxy) (the default)
+- [Transparent](#transparent-proxy)
+- [Reverse Proxy](#reverse-proxy)
+- [Upstream Proxy](#upstream-proxy)
+- [SOCKS Proxy](#socks-proxy)
+Now, which one should you pick? Use this flow chart:
+{{< figure src="/schematics/proxy-modes-flowchart.png" >}}
+## Regular Proxy
+Mitmproxy's regular mode is the simplest and the easiest to set up.
+1. Start mitmproxy.
+2. Configure your client to use mitmproxy by explicitly setting an HTTP
+ proxy.
+3. Quick Check: You should already be able to visit an unencrypted HTTP
+ site through the proxy.
+4. Open the magic domain **mitm.it** and install the certificate for your
+ device.
+{{< note >}}
+Unfortunately, some applications bypass the system HTTP proxy settings -
+Android applications are a common example. In these cases, you need to
+use mitmproxy's transparent mode.
+{{< /note >}}
+If you are proxying an external device, your network will probably look
+like this:
+{{< figure src="/schematics/proxy-modes-regular.png" >}}
+The square brackets signify the source and destination IP addresses.
+Your client explicitly connects to mitmproxy and mitmproxy explicitly
+connects to the target server.
+## Transparent Proxy
+In transparent mode, traffic is directed into a proxy at the network
+layer, without any client configuration required. This makes transparent
+proxying ideal for situations where you can't change client behaviour.
+In the graphic below, a machine running mitmproxy has been inserted
+between the router and the internet:
+{{< figure src="/schematics/proxy-modes-transparent-1.png" >}}
+The square brackets signify the source and destination IP addresses.
+Round brackets mark the next hop on the *Ethernet/data link* layer. This
+distinction is important: when the packet arrives at the mitmproxy
+machine, it must still be addressed to the target server. This means
+that Network Address Translation should not be applied before the
+traffic reaches mitmproxy, since this would remove the target
+information, leaving mitmproxy unable to determine the real destination.
+{{< figure src="/schematics/proxy-modes-transparent-wrong.png" title="Modes Transparent Wrong" >}}
+### Common Configurations
+There are many ways to configure your network for transparent proxying.
+We'll look at two common scenarios:
+1. Configuring the client to use a custom gateway/router/"next hop"
+2. Implementing custom routing on the router
+In most cases, the first option is recommended due to its ease of use.
+#### (a) Custom Gateway
+One simple way to get traffic to the mitmproxy machine with the
+destination IP intact, is to simply configure the client with the
+mitmproxy box as the default gateway.
+{{< figure src="/schematics/proxy-modes-transparent-2.png" >}}
+In this scenario, we would:
+1. Configure the proxy machine for transparent mode. You can find instructions
+ in the [transparent]({{< relref "howto-transparent"
+ >}}) section.
+2. Configure the client to use the proxy machine's IP as the default gateway.
+3. Quick Check: At this point, you should already be able to visit an
+ unencrypted HTTP site over the proxy.
+4. Open the magic domain **mitm.it** and install the certificate for your
+ device.
+Setting the custom gateway on clients can be automated by serving the
+settings out to clients over DHCP. This lets set up an interception
+network where all clients are proxied automatically, which can save time
+and effort.
+{{% note %}}
+### Troubleshooting Transparent Mode
+Incorrect transparent mode configurations are a frequent source of
+error. If it doesn't work for you, try the following things:
+- Open mitmproxy's event log - do you see clientconnect messages? If not, the
+ packets are not arriving at the proxy. One common cause is the occurrence of
+ ICMP redirects, which means that your machine is telling the client that
+ there's a faster way to the internet by contacting your router directly (see
+ the [transparent]({{< relref "howto-transparent"
+ >}}) section on how to disable them). If in doubt,
+ [Wireshark](https://wireshark.org/) may help you to see whether something
+ arrives at your machine or not.
+- Make sure you have not explicitly configured an HTTP proxy on the client. This
+ is not needed in transparent mode.
+- Re-check the instructions in the [transparent]({{< relref "howto-transparent"
+ >}}) section. Anything you missed?
+If you encounter any other pitfalls that should be listed here, please
+let us know!
+{{% /note %}}
+#### (b) Custom Routing
+In some cases, you may need more fine-grained control of which traffic
+reaches the mitmproxy instance, and which doesn't. You may, for
+instance, choose only to divert traffic to some hosts into the
+transparent proxy. There are a huge number of ways to accomplish this,
+and much will depend on the router or packet filter you're using. In
+most cases, the configuration will look like this:
+{{< figure src="/schematics/proxy-modes-transparent-3.png" >}}
+## Reverse Proxy
+mitmproxy is usually used with a client that uses the proxy to access
+the Internet. Using reverse proxy mode, you can use mitmproxy to act
+like a normal HTTP server:
+{{< figure src="/schematics/proxy-modes-reverse.png" >}}
+There are various use-cases:
+- Say you have an internal API running at <http://example.local/>. You could now
+ set up mitmproxy in reverse proxy mode at <http://debug.example.local/> and
+ dynamically point clients to this new API endpoint, which provides them with
+ the same data and you with debug information. Similarly, you could move your
+ real server to a different IP/port and set up mitmproxy in the original
+ place to debug and or redirect all sessions.
+- Say you're a web developer working on <http://example.com/> (with a
+ development version running on <http://localhost:8000/>). You can modify
+ your hosts file so that example.com points to and then run
+ mitmproxy in reverse proxy mode on port 80. You can test your app on the
+ example.com domain and get all requests recorded in mitmproxy.
+- Say you have some toy project that should get SSL support. Simply set up
+ mitmproxy as a reverse proxy on port 443 and you're done (`mitmdump -p 443
+ -R http://localhost:80/`). Mitmproxy auto-detects TLS traffic and intercepts
+ it dynamically. There are better tools for this specific task, but mitmproxy
+ is very quick and simple way to set up an SSL-speaking server.
+- Want to add a non-SSL-capable compression proxy in front of your server? You
+ could even spawn a mitmproxy instance that terminates SSL (`-R http://...`),
+ point it to the compression proxy and let the compression proxy point to a
+ SSL-initiating mitmproxy (`-R https://...`), which then points to the real
+ server. As you see, it's a fairly flexible thing.
+### Host Header
+In reverse proxy mode, mitmproxy automatically rewrites the Host header to match
+the upstream server. This allows mitmproxy to easily connect to existing
+endpoints on the open web (e.g. `mitmproxy -R https://example.com`). You can
+disable this behaviour with the `keep_host_header` option.
+However, keep in mind that absolute URLs within the returned document or HTTP
+redirects will NOT be rewritten by mitmproxy. This means that if you click on a
+link for "<http://example.com>" in the returned web page, you will be taken
+directly to that URL, bypassing mitmproxy.
+One possible way to address this is to modify the hosts file of your OS so that
+"example.com" resolves to your proxy's IP, and then access the proxy by going
+directly to example.com. Make sure that your proxy can still resolve the
+original IP, or specify an IP in mitmproxy.
+{{% note %}}
+### Caveat: Interactive Use
+Reverse Proxy mode is usually not sufficient to create a copy of an
+interactive website at different URL. The HTML served to the client
+remains unchanged - as soon as the user clicks on an non-relative URL
+(or downloads a non-relative image resource), traffic no longer passes
+through mitmproxy.
+{{% /note %}}
+## Upstream Proxy
+If you want to chain proxies by adding mitmproxy in front of a different
+proxy appliance, you can use mitmproxy's upstream mode. In upstream
+mode, all requests are unconditionally transferred to an upstream proxy
+of your choice.
+{{< figure src="/schematics/proxy-modes-upstream.png" >}}
+mitmproxy supports both explicit HTTP and explicit HTTPS in upstream
+proxy mode. You could in theory chain multiple mitmproxy instances in a
+row, but that doesn't make any sense in practice (i.e. outside of our
+## SOCKS Proxy
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..18776841
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+++ b/docs/src/content/concepts-options.md
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+title: "Options"
+ concepts:
+ weight: 5
+# Options
+The mitmproxy tools share a common [YAML](http://yaml.org/) configuration file
+located at `~/.mitmproxy/config.yaml`. This file controls **options** - typed
+values that determine the behaviour of mitmproxy. The options mechanism is very
+comprehensive - in fact, options control all of mitmproxy's runtime behaviour.
+Most command-line flags are simply aliases for underlying options, and
+interactive settings changes made in **mitmproxy** and **mitmweb** just change
+values in our runtime options store. This means that almost any facet of
+mitmproxy's behaviour can be controlled through options.
+The canonical reference for options is the `--options` flag, which is exposed by
+each of the mitmproxy tools. Passing this flag will dump an annotated YAML
+configuration to console, which includes all options and their default values.
+The options mechanism is extensible - third-party addons can define options that
+are treated exactly like mitmproxy's own. This means that addons can also be
+configured through the central configuration file, and their options will appear
+in the options editors in interactive tools.
+## Tools
+Both **mitmproxy** and **mitmweb** have built-in editors that let you view and
+manipulate the complete configuration state of mitmproxy. Values you change
+interactively have immediate effect in the running instance, and can be made
+persistent by saving the settings out to a YAML configuration file (please see
+the specific tool's interactive help for details on how to do this).
+For all tools, options can be set directly by name using the `--set` command-line
+option. Please see the command-line help (`--help`) for usage.
+## Example
+Here is an excerpt showing the first few lines of the complete `--options`
+{{< highlight yaml >}}
+# Add all certificates of the upstream server to the certificate chain
+# that will be served to the proxy client, as extras. Type bool.
+add_upstream_certs_to_client_chain: false
+# Allow remote clients to connect to proxy. If set to false, client will
+# not be able to connect to proxy unless it is on the same network or
+# the proxyauth option is set Type bool.
+allow_remote: false
+# Strip out request headers that might cause the server to return
+# 304-not-modified. Type bool.
+anticache: false
+# Try to convince servers to send us un-compressed data. Type bool.
+anticomp: false
+{{< /highlight >}}
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index 00000000..b1b14831
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+++ b/docs/src/content/howto-ignoredomains.md
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+title: "Ignoring Domains"
+ howto:
+ weight: 2
+# Ignoring Domains
+There are two main reasons why you may want to exempt some traffic from
+mitmproxy's interception mechanism:
+- **Certificate pinning:** Some traffic is is protected using [Certificate
+ Pinning](https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/29988/what-is-certificate-pinning)
+ and mitmproxy's interception leads to errors. For example, the Twitter app,
+ Windows Update or the Apple App Store fail to work if mitmproxy is active.
+- **Convenience:** You really don't care about some parts of the traffic and
+ just want them to go away. Note that mitmproxy's "Limit" option is often the
+ better alternative here, as it is not affected by the limitations listed
+ below.
+If you want to peek into (SSL-protected) non-HTTP connections, check out the
+**tcp_proxy** feature. If you want to ignore traffic from mitmproxy's processing
+because of large response bodies, take a look at the [streaming]({{< relref "overview-features#streaming" >}}) feature.
+## ignore_hosts
+The `ignore_hosts` option allows you to specify a regex which is matched against
+a `host:port` string (e.g. "example.com:443") of a connection. Matching hosts
+are excluded from interception, and passed on unmodified.
+| | |
+| ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| command-line alias | `--ignore-hosts regex` |
+| mitmproxy option | `ignore_hosts` |
+## Limitations
+There are two important quirks to consider:
+- **In transparent mode, the ignore pattern is matched against the IP and
+ ClientHello SNI host.** While we usually infer the hostname from the Host
+ header if the `ignore_hosts` option is set, we do not have access to this
+ information before the SSL handshake. If the client uses SNI however, then we
+ treat the SNI host as an ignore target.
+- **In regular and upstream proxy mode, explicit HTTP requests are never
+ ignored.**\[1\] The ignore pattern is applied on CONNECT requests, which
+ initiate HTTPS or clear-text WebSocket connections.
+## Tutorial
+If you just want to ignore one specific domain, there's usually a bulletproof
+method to do so:
+1. Run mitmproxy or mitmdump in verbose mode (`-v`) and observe the `host:port`
+ information in the serverconnect messages. mitmproxy will filter on these.
+2. Take the `host:port` string, surround it with ^ and $, escape all dots (.
+ becomes \\.) and use this as your ignore pattern:
+{{< highlight none >}}
+>>> mitmdump -v
+ clientconnect
+ request
+ -> CONNECT example.com:443 HTTP/1.1
+ Set new server address: example.com:443
+ serverconnect
+ -> example.com:443
+>>> mitmproxy --ignore-hosts ^example\.com:443$
+{{< /highlight >}}
+Here are some other examples for ignore
+{{< highlight none >}}
+# Exempt traffic from the iOS App Store (the regex is lax, but usually just works):
+--ignore-hosts apple.com:443
+# "Correct" version without false-positives:
+--ignore-hosts '^(.+\.)?apple\.com:443$'
+# Ignore example.com, but not its subdomains:
+--ignore-hosts '^example.com:'
+# Ignore everything but example.com and mitmproxy.org:
+--ignore-hosts '^(?!example\.com)(?!mitmproxy\.org)'
+# Transparent mode:
+--ignore-hosts 17\.178\.96\.59:443
+# IP address range:
+--ignore-hosts 17\.178\.\d+\.\d+:443
+{{< / highlight >}}
+1. This stems from an limitation of explicit HTTP proxying: A single connection
+ can be re-used for multiple target domains - a `GET http://example.com/`
+ request may be followed by a `GET http://evil.com/` request on the same
+ connection. If we start to ignore the connection after the first request, we
+ would miss the relevant second one.
diff --git a/docs/src/content/howto-transparent-vms.md b/docs/src/content/howto-transparent-vms.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b186fd39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/content/howto-transparent-vms.md
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+title: "Transparently Proxying VMs"
+ howto:
+ weight: 3
+# Transparently proxify virtual machines
+This walkthrough illustrates how to set up transparent proxying with
+mitmproxy. We use VirtualBox VMs with an Ubuntu proxy machine in this
+example, but the general *Internet \<--\> Proxy VM \<--\> (Virtual)
+Internal Network* setup can be applied to other setups.
+## 1. Configure Proxy VM
+On the proxy machine, **eth0** is connected to the internet. **eth1** is
+connected to the internal network that will be proxified and configured
+to use a static ip (
+### VirtualBox configuration
+{{< figure src="/transparent-vms/step1_vbox_eth0.png" >}}
+{{< figure src="/transparent-vms/step1_vbox_eth1.png" >}}
+### VM Network Configuration
+{{< figure src="/transparent-vms/step1_proxy.png" >}}
+## 2. Configure DHCP and DNS
+We use dnsmasq to provide DHCP and DNS in our internal network. Dnsmasq is a
+lightweight server designed to provide DNS (and optionally DHCP and TFTP)
+services to a small-scale network. Before we get to that, we need to fix some
+Ubuntu quirks: **Ubuntu \>12.04** runs an internal dnsmasq instance (listening
+on loopback only) by default
+[\[1\]](https://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/). For our use
+case, this needs to be disabled by changing `dns=dnsmasq` to `#dns=dnsmasq` in
+**/etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf** and if on Ubuntu 16.04 or newer
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager
+{{< / highlight >}}
+If on Ubuntu 12.04 or 14.04 running:
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+sudo restart network-manager
+{{< / highlight >}}
+Now, dnsmasq can be be installed and configured:
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+sudo apt-get install dnsmasq
+{{< / highlight >}}
+Replace **/etc/dnsmasq.conf** with the following configuration:
+{{< highlight none >}}
+# Listen for DNS requests on the internal network
+# Act as a DHCP server, assign IP addresses to clients
+# Broadcast gateway and dns server information
+{{< / highlight >}}
+Apply changes:
+If on Ubuntu 16.04 or newer:
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+sudo systemctl restart dnsmasq
+{{< / highlight >}}
+If on Ubuntu 12.04 or 14.04:
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+sudo service dnsmasq restart
+{{< / highlight >}}
+Your **proxied machine** in the internal virtual network should now receive an
+IP address via DHCP:
+{{< figure src="/transparent-vms/step2_proxied_vm.png" >}}
+## 3. Redirect traffic to mitmproxy
+To redirect traffic to mitmproxy, we need to add two iptables
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080
+sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -p tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080
+{{< / highlight >}}
+## 4. Run mitmproxy
+Finally, we can run mitmproxy in transparent mode with
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+mitmproxy -T
+{{< / highlight >}}
+The proxied machine cannot to leak any data outside of HTTP or DNS requests. If
+required, you can now [install the mitmproxy certificates on the proxied
+machine]({{< relref "concepts-certificates" >}}).
diff --git a/docs/src/content/howto-transparent.md b/docs/src/content/howto-transparent.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..224cb5ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/content/howto-transparent.md
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+title: "Transparent Proxying"
+ howto:
+ weight: 1
+# Transparent Proxying
+When a transparent proxy is used, traffic is redirected into a proxy at the
+network layer, without any client configuration being required. This makes
+transparent proxying ideal for those situations where you can't change client
+behaviour - proxy-oblivious mobile applications being a common example.
+To set up transparent proxying, we need two new components. The first is a
+redirection mechanism that transparently reroutes a TCP connection destined for
+a server on the Internet to a listening proxy server. This usually takes the
+form of a firewall on the same host as the proxy server -
+[iptables](http://www.netfilter.org/) on Linux or
+[pf](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PF_(firewall)) on OSX. When the proxy
+receives a redirected connection, it sees a vanilla HTTP request, without a host
+specification. This is where the second new component comes in - a host module
+that allows us to query the redirector for the original destination of the TCP
+At the moment, mitmproxy supports transparent proxying on OSX Lion and above,
+and all current flavors of Linux.
+## Linux fully transparent mode
+By default mitmproxy will use its own local IP address for its server-side
+connections. In case this isn't desired, the --spoof-source-address argument can
+be used to use the client's IP address for server-side connections. The
+following config is required for this mode to work:
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+echo "$TABLE_ID mitmproxy" >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
+iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -d $CLIENT_NET -j MARK --set-mark $MARK
+iptables -t nat \
+ --match multiport --dports 80,443 -j \
+ REDIRECT --to-port 8080
+ip rule add fwmark $MARK lookup $TABLE_ID
+ip route add local $CLIENT_NET dev lo table $TABLE_ID
+{{< / highlight >}}
+This mode does require root privileges though. There's a wrapper in the examples
+directory called 'mitmproxy_shim.c', which will enable you to use this mode with
+dropped privileges. It can be used as follows:
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+gcc examples/complex/full_transparency_shim.c -o mitmproxy_shim -lcap
+sudo chown root:root mitmproxy_shim
+sudo chmod u+s mitmproxy_shim
+./mitmproxy_shim $(which mitmproxy) -T --spoof-source-address
+{{< / highlight >}}
+## Linux
+On Linux, mitmproxy integrates with the iptables redirection mechanism to
+achieve transparent mode.
+### 1. [Install the mitmproxy certificate on the test device]({{< relref "concepts-certificates" >}})
+### 2. Enable IP forwarding:
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
+sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1
+{{< / highlight >}}
+You may also want to consider enabling this permanently in `/etc/sysctl.conf` or
+newly created `/etc/sysctl.d/mitmproxy.conf`, see
+### 3. If your target machine is on the same physical network and you configured it to use a custom gateway, disable ICMP redirects:
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects=0
+{{< / highlight >}}
+You may also want to consider enabling this permanently in `/etc/sysctl.conf` or
+a newly created `/etc/sysctl.d/mitmproxy.conf`, see
+### 4. Create an iptables ruleset that redirects the desired traffic to the mitmproxy port
+Details will differ according to your setup, but the ruleset should look
+something like this:
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+ iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080
+ iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080
+ ip6tables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080
+ ip6tables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080
+{{< / highlight >}}
+   You may also want to consider enabling this permanently with the
+`iptables-persistent` package, see
+### 5. Fire up mitmproxy
+You probably want a command like this:
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+mitmproxy -T --host
+{{< / highlight >}}
+The `-T` flag turns on transparent mode, and the `--host` argument tells
+ mitmproxy to use the value of the Host header for URL display.
+### 6. Finally, configure your test device
+Set the test device up to use the host on which mitmproxy is running as the
+default gateway. For a detailed walkthrough, have a look at the [tutorial for
+transparently proxying VMs]({{< relref "howto-transparent-vms" >}}).
+## OpenBSD
+### 1 [Install the mitmproxy certificate on the test device]({{< relref "concepts-certificates" >}})
+### 2. Enable IP forwarding
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+sudo sysctl -w net.inet.ip.forwarding=1
+{{< / highlight >}}
+### 3. Place the following two lines in **/etc/pf.conf**
+{{< highlight none >}}
+mitm_if = "re2"
+pass in quick proto tcp from $mitm_if to port { 80, 443 } divert-to port 8080
+{{< / highlight >}}
+These rules tell pf to divert all traffic from `$mitm_if` destined for port 80
+or 443 to the local mitmproxy instance running on port 8080. You should replace
+`$mitm_if` value with the interface on which your test device will appear.
+### 4. Enable the pf ruleset and enable it
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+doas pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf
+{{< / highlight >}}
+And now enable it:
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+doas pfctl -e
+{{< / highlight >}}
+### 5. Fire up mitmproxy
+You probably want a command like this:
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+mitmproxy -T --host
+{{< / highlight >}}
+The `-T` flag turns on transparent mode, and the `--host` argument tells
+mitmproxy to use the value of the Host header for URL display.
+### 6. Finally, configure your test device
+Set the test device up to use the host on which mitmproxy is running as the
+default gateway.
+{{% note %}}
+Note that the **divert-to** rules in the pf.conf given above only apply
+to inbound traffic. **This means that they will NOT redirect traffic
+coming from the box running pf itself.** We can't distinguish between an
+outbound connection from a non-mitmproxy app, and an outbound connection
+from mitmproxy itself - if you want to intercept your traffic, you
+should use an external host to run mitmproxy. Nonetheless, pf is
+flexible to cater for a range of creative possibilities, like
+intercepting traffic emanating from VMs. See the **pf.conf** man page
+for more.
+{{% /note %}}
+## macOS
+OSX Lion integrated the [pf](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PF_(firewall))
+packet filter from the OpenBSD project, which mitmproxy uses to implement
+transparent mode on OSX. Note that this means we don't support transparent mode
+for earlier versions of OSX.
+### 1. [Install the mitmproxy certificate on the test device]({{< relref "concepts-certificates" >}})
+### 2. Enable IP forwarding
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+sudo sysctl -w net.inet.ip.forwarding=1
+{{< / highlight >}}
+### 3. Place the following two lines in a file called, say, **pf.conf**
+{{< highlight none >}}
+rdr on en0 inet proto tcp to any port {80, 443} -> port 8080
+{{< / highlight >}}
+These rules tell pf to redirect all traffic destined for port 80 or 443
+to the local mitmproxy instance running on port 8080. You should replace
+`en2` with the interface on which your test device will appear.
+### 4. Configure pf with the rules
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+sudo pfctl -f pf.conf
+{{< / highlight >}}
+### 5. And now enable it
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+sudo pfctl -e
+{{< / highlight >}}
+### 6. Configure sudoers to allow mitmproxy to access pfctl
+Edit the file **/etc/sudoers** on your system as root. Add the following line to
+the end of the file:
+{{< highlight none >}}
+ALL ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/pfctl -s state
+{{< / highlight >}}
+Note that this allows any user on the system to run the command `/sbin/pfctl -s
+state` as root without a password. This only allows inspection of the state
+table, so should not be an undue security risk. If you're special feel free to
+tighten the restriction up to the user running mitmproxy.
+### 7. Fire up mitmproxy
+You probably want a command like this:
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+mitmproxy -T --host
+{{< / highlight >}}
+The `-T` flag turns on transparent mode, and the `--host` argument tells
+mitmproxy to use the value of the Host header for URL display.
+### 6. Finally, configure your test device
+Set the test device up to use the host on which mitmproxy is running as the
+default gateway.
+{{% note %}}
+Note that the **rdr** rules in the pf.conf given above only apply to
+inbound traffic. **This means that they will NOT redirect traffic coming
+from the box running pf itself.** We can't distinguish between an
+outbound connection from a non-mitmproxy app, and an outbound connection
+from mitmproxy itself - if you want to intercept your OSX traffic, you
+should use an external host to run mitmproxy. Nonetheless, pf is
+flexible to cater for a range of creative possibilities, like
+intercepting traffic emanating from VMs. See the **pf.conf** man page
+for more.
+{{% /note %}}
diff --git a/docs/src/content/overview-features.md b/docs/src/content/overview-features.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a4c5468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/content/overview-features.md
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+title: "Features"
+menu: "overview"
+ overview:
+ weight: 4
+# Mitmproxy Core Features
+- [Anticache](#anticache)
+- [Client-side replay](#client-side-replay)
+- [Proxy Authentication](#proxy-authentication)
+- [Replacements](#replacements)
+- [Server-side replay](#server-side-replay)
+- [Set Headers](#set-headers)
+- [Sticky Auth](#sticky-auth)
+- [Sticky Cookies](#sticky-cookies)
+- [Streaming](#streaming)
+- [Upstream Certificates](#upstream-certificates)
+## Anticache
+When the `anticache` option is set, it removes headers (`if-none-match` and
+`if-modified-since`) that might elicit a `304 not modified` response from the
+server. This is useful when you want to make sure you capture an HTTP exchange
+in its totality. It's also often used during client-side replay, when you want
+to make sure the server responds with complete data.
+## Client-side replay
+Client-side replay does what it says on the tin: you provide a previously saved
+HTTP conversation, and mitmproxy replays the client requests one by one. Note
+that mitmproxy serialises the requests, waiting for a response from the server
+before starting the next request. This might differ from the recorded
+conversation, where requests may have been made concurrently.
+You may want to use client-side replay in conjunction with the `anticache`
+option, to make sure the server responds with complete data.
+## Proxy Authentication
+Asks the user for authentication before they are permitted to use the proxy.
+Authentication headers are stripped from the flows, so they are not passed to
+upstream servers. For now, only HTTP Basic authentication is supported. The
+proxy auth options are not compatible with the transparent, socks or reverse
+proxy mode.
+## Replacements
+The `replacements` option lets you specify an arbitrary number of patterns that
+define text replacements within flows. A replacement pattern looks like this:
+{{< highlight none >}}
+{{< / highlight >}}
+Here, **patt** is a mitmproxy filter expression that defines which flows a
+replacement applies to, **regex** is a valid Python regular expression that
+defines what gets replaced, and **replacement** is a string literal that is
+substituted in. The separator is arbitrary, and defined by the first character.
+If the replacement string literal starts with `@`, it is treated as a file path
+from which the replacement is read.
+Replace hooks fire when either a client request or a server response is
+received. Only the matching flow component is affected: so, for example,
+if a replace hook is triggered on server response, the replacement is
+only run on the Response object leaving the Request intact. You control
+whether the hook triggers on the request, response or both using the
+filter pattern. If you need finer-grained control than this, it's simple
+to create a script using the replacement API on Flow components.
+### Examples
+Replace `foo` with `bar` in requests:
+{{< highlight none >}}
+{{< / highlight >}}
+Replace `foo` with with the data read from `~/xss-exploit`:
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+mitmdump --replacements :~q:foo:@~/xss-exploit
+{{< / highlight >}}
+## Server-side replay
+The `server_replay` option lets us replay server responses from saved HTTP
+conversations. To do this, we use a set of heuristics to match incoming requests
+with saved responses. By default, we exclude request headers when matching
+incoming requests with responses from the replay file, and use only the URL and
+request method for matching. This works in most circumstances, and makes it
+possible to replay server responses in situations where request headers would
+naturally vary, e.g. using a different user agent.
+There is a slew of ways to customise the matching heuristic, including
+specifying headers to include, request parameters to exclude, etc. These options
+are collected under the `server_replay` prefix - please see the built-in
+documentation for details.
+### Response refreshing
+Simply replaying server responses without modification will often result in
+unexpected behaviour. For example cookie timeouts that were in the future at the
+time a conversation was recorded might be in the past at the time it is
+replayed. By default, mitmproxy refreshes server responses before sending them
+to the client. The **date**, **expires** and **last-modified** headers are all
+updated to have the same relative time offset as they had at the time of
+recording. So, if they were in the past at the time of recording, they will be
+in the past at the time of replay, and vice versa. Cookie expiry times are
+updated in a similar way.
+You can turn off this behaviour by setting the `server_replay_refresh` option to
+### Replaying a session recorded in Reverse-proxy Mode
+If you have captured the session in reverse proxy mode, in order to replay it
+you still have to specify the server URL, otherwise you may get the error: 'HTTP
+protocol error in client request: Invalid HTTP request form (expected authority
+or absolute...)'.
+During replay, when the client's requests match previously recorded requests,
+then the respective recorded responses are simply replayed by mitmproxy.
+Otherwise, the unmatched requests is forwarded to the upstream server. If
+forwarding is not desired, you can use the --kill (-k) switch to prevent that.
+## Set Headers
+The `setheaders` option lets you specify a set of headers to be added to
+requests or responses, based on a filter pattern. A `setheaders` expression
+looks like this:
+{{< highlight none >}}
+{{< / highlight >}}
+Here, **patt** is a mitmproxy filter expression that defines which flows to set
+headers on, and **name** and **value** are the header name and the value to set
+## Sticky auth
+The `stickyauth` option is analogous to the sticky cookie option, in that HTTP
+**Authorization** headers are simply replayed to the server once they have been
+seen. This is enough to allow you to access a server resource using HTTP Basic
+authentication through the proxy. Note that <span
+data-role="program">mitmproxy</span> doesn't (yet) support replay of HTTP Digest
+## Sticky cookies
+When the `stickycookie` option is set, **mitmproxy** will add the cookie most
+recently set by the server to any cookie-less request. Consider a service that
+sets a cookie to track the session after authentication. Using sticky cookies,
+you can fire up mitmproxy, and authenticate to a service as you usually would
+using a browser. After authentication, you can request authenticated resources
+through mitmproxy as if they were unauthenticated, because mitmproxy will
+automatically add the session tracking cookie to requests. Among other things,
+this lets you script interactions with authenticated resources (using tools like
+wget or curl) without having to worry about authentication.
+Sticky cookies are especially powerful when used in conjunction with [client
+replay]({{< relref "#client-side-replay" >}}) - you can record the
+authentication process once, and simply replay it on startup every time you need
+to interact with the secured resources.
+## Streaming
+By default, mitmproxy will read an entire request/response, perform any
+indicated manipulations on it, and then send the message on to the other party.
+This can be problematic when downloading or uploading large files. When
+streaming is enabled, message bodies are not buffered on the proxy but instead
+sent directly to the server/client. HTTP headers are still fully buffered before
+being sent.
+Request/response streaming is enabled by specifying a size cutoff in the
+`stream_large_bodies` option.
+### Customizing Streaming
+You can also use a script to customise exactly which requests or responses are
+streamed. Requests/Responses that should be tagged for streaming by setting
+their ``.stream`` attribute to ``True``:
+{{< example src="examples/complex/stream.py" lang="py" >}}
+### Websockets
+The `stream_websockets` option enables an analogous behaviour for websockets.
+When WebSocket streaming is enabled, portions of the code which may perform
+changes to the WebSocket message payloads will not have any effect on the actual
+payload sent to the server as the frames are immediately forwarded to the
+server. In contrast to HTTP streaming, where the body is not stored, the message
+payload will still be stored in the WebSocket flow.
+## Upstream Certificates
+When mitmproxy receives a connection destined for an SSL-protected service, it
+freezes the connection before reading its request data, and makes a connection
+to the upstream server to "sniff" the contents of its SSL certificate. The
+information gained - the **Common Name** and **Subject Alternative Names** - is
+then used to generate the interception certificate, which is sent to the client
+so the connection can continue.
+This rather intricate little dance lets us seamlessly generate correct
+certificates even if the client has specified only an IP address rather than the
+hostname. It also means that we don't need to sniff additional data to generate
+certs in transparent mode.
+Upstream cert sniffing is on by default, and can optionally be turned off with
+the `upstream_cert` option. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/src/content/overview-installation.md b/docs/src/content/overview-installation.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..00941cb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/content/overview-installation.md
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+title: "Installation"
+menu: "overview"
+ overview:
+ weight: 2
+# Installation
+Please follow the steps for your operating system.
+## macOS
+The recommended way to install mitmproxy on macOS is to use
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+brew install mitmproxy
+{{< / highlight >}}
+Alternatively you can download the binary-packages from our
+[releases](https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/releases/latest) page.
+## Linux
+The recommended way to install mitmproxy on Linux is to download the
+binary-packages from our
+[releases](https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/releases/latest) page.
+Some Linux distributions provide community-supported mitmproxy packages through
+their native package repositories (e.g., Arch Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, Kali Linux,
+OpenSUSE, etc.). We are not involved in the maintenance of downstream packaging
+efforts, and they often lag behind the current mitmproxy release. Please contact
+the repository maintainers directly for issues with native packages.
+## Windows
+The recommended way to install mitmproxy on Windows is to download our
+binary-packages from our
+[releases](https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/releases/latest) page.
+After installation, you'll find shortcuts for mitmweb and mitmdump in the start
+menu. Both executables are added to your PATH and can be invoked from the
+command line. The console interface is not supported on native Windows.
+# Advanced Installation
+## Self-contained Pre-built Binary Packages
+For some platforms we provide pre-built binary packages containing
+ready-to-run executables. This includes a self-contained Python 3
+environment, a recent OpenSSL that support ALPN and HTTP/2, and other
+dependencies that would otherwise we cumbersome to compile and install.
+Please be advised that we do not update these binaries after the initial
+release. This means we do not include security-related updates of our
+dependencies in already released mitmproxy versions. If there is a
+severe issue, we might consider releasing a bugfix release of mitmproxy
+and corresponding binary packages.
+We only support the latest version of mitmproxy with bugfix and security
+updates through regular minor releases.
+## Docker Images
+You can use the official mitmproxy images from
+[DockerHub](https://hub.docker.com/r/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/). The same
+security considerations apply as for our binary packages.
+## Installation on Linux via pip3
+Please make sure to install Python 3.5 (or higher) and pip3 for your
+distribution. If your distribution does not provide a suitable Python
+version, you can use [pyenv](https://github.com/yyuu/pyenv) to get a
+recent Python environment.
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+sudo apt install python3-pip # Debian 8 or higher, Ubuntu 16.04 or higher
+sudo dnf install python3-pip # Fedora 24 or higher
+sudo pacman -S python-pip # Arch Linux
+{{< / highlight >}}
+Please make sure to upgrade pip3 itself:
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+sudo pip3 install -U pip
+{{< / highlight >}}
+Now you can install mitmproxy via pip3:
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+sudo pip3 install mitmproxy
+{{< / highlight >}}
+## Installation on Windows via pip3
+First, install the latest version of Python 3.5 or higher from the
+[Python website](https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/). During
+installation, make sure to select Add Python to PATH. There are no other
+dependencies on Windows.
+Now you can install mitmproxy via pip3:
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+pip3 install mitmproxy
+{{< / highlight >}}
+## Installation from Source
+If you would like to install mitmproxy directly from source code or the
+GitHub master branch, please see the our
+on GitHub.
diff --git a/docs/src/content/overview-tools.md b/docs/src/content/overview-tools.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7612383a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/content/overview-tools.md
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+title: "Tools"
+menu: "overview"
+ overview:
+ weight: 3
+# Overview
+You should thin of the mitmproxy project's tools as a set of front-ends that
+expose the same underlying functionality. We aim to have feature parity across
+all of our tooling, and all tools share a common configuration mechanism and
+most command-line options.
+## mitmproxy
+{{< figure src="/screenshots/mitmproxy.png" >}}
+**mitmproxy** is a console tool that allows interactive examination and
+modification of HTTP traffic. It differs from mitmdump in that all flows are
+kept in memory, which means that it's intended for taking and manipulating
+small-ish samples. Use the `?` shortcut key to view, context-sensitive
+documentation from any **mitmproxy** screen.
+## mitmweb
+{{< figure src="/screenshots/mitmweb.png" >}}
+**mitmweb** is mitmproxy's web-based user interface that allows
+interactive examination and modification of HTTP traffic. Like
+mitmproxy, it differs from mitmdump in that all flows are kept in
+memory, which means that it's intended for taking and manipulating
+small-ish samples.
+{{% note %}}
+Mitmweb is currently in beta. We consider it stable for all features
+currently exposed in the UI, but it still misses a lot of mitmproxy's
+{{% /note %}}
+## mitmdump
+**mitmdump** is the command-line companion to mitmproxy. It provides
+tcpdump-like functionality to let you view, record, and programmatically
+transform HTTP traffic. See the `--help` flag output for complete
+### Example: Saving traffic
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+mitmdump -w outfile
+{{< / highlight >}}
+Start up mitmdump in proxy mode, and write all traffic to **outfile**.
+### Filtering saved traffic
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+mitmdump -nr infile -w outfile "~m post"
+{{< / highlight >}}
+Start mitmdump without binding to the proxy port (`-n`), read all flows
+from infile, apply the specified filter expression (only match POSTs),
+and write to outfile.
+### Client replay
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+mitmdump -nc outfile
+{{< / highlight >}}
+Start mitmdump without binding to the proxy port (`-n`), then replay all
+requests from outfile (`-c filename`). Flags combine in the obvious way,
+so you can replay requests from one file, and write the resulting flows
+to another:
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+mitmdump -nc srcfile -w dstfile
+{{< / highlight >}}
+See the [client-side replay]({{< relref "overview-features#client-side-replay"
+>}}) section for more information.
+### Running a script
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+mitmdump -s examples/add_header.py
+{{< / highlight >}}
+This runs the **add_header.py** example script, which simply adds a new
+header to all responses.
+### Scripted data transformation
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+mitmdump -ns examples/add_header.py -r srcfile -w dstfile
+{{< / highlight >}}
+This command loads flows from **srcfile**, transforms it according to
+the specified script, then writes it back to **dstfile**.
diff --git a/docs/src/content/tute-clientreplay.md b/docs/src/content/tute-clientreplay.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1bf69031
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/content/tute-clientreplay.md
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+title: "Client replay"
+ tutes:
+ weight: 1
+# Client playback: a 30 second example
+My local cafe is serviced by a rickety and unreliable wireless network,
+generously sponsored with ratepayers' money by our city council. After
+connecting, you are redirected to an SSL-protected page that prompts you for a
+username and password. Once you've entered your details, you are free to enjoy
+the intermittent dropouts, treacle-like speeds and incorrectly configured
+transparent proxy.
+I tend to automate this kind of thing at the first opportunity, on the theory
+that time spent now will be more than made up in the long run. In this case, I
+might use [Firebug](https://getfirebug.com/) to ferret out the form post
+parameters and target URL, then fire up an editor to write a little script using
+Python's [urllib](https://docs.python.org/library/urllib.html) to simulate a
+submission. That's a lot of futzing about. With mitmproxy we can do the job in
+literally 30 seconds, without having to worry about any of the details. Here's
+## 1. Run mitmdump to record our HTTP conversation to a file.
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+mitmdump -w wireless-login
+{{< / highlight >}}
+## 2. Point your browser at the mitmdump instance.
+I use a tiny Firefox addon called [Toggle
+Proxy](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/toggle-proxy-51740/) to
+switch quickly to and from mitmproxy. I'm assuming you've already [configured
+your browser with mitmproxy's SSL certificate authority]({{< relref
+"concepts-certificates" >}}).
+## 3. Log in as usual
+And that's it\! You now have a serialised version of the login process
+in the file wireless-login, and you can replay it at any time like this:
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+mitmdump -c wireless-login
+{{< / highlight >}}
+## Embellishments
+We're really done at this point, but there are a couple of embellishments we
+could make if we wanted. I use [wicd](https://launchpad.net/wicd) to
+automatically join wireless networks I frequent, and it lets me specify a
+command to run after connecting. I used the client replay command above and
+voila\! - totally hands-free wireless network startup.
+We might also want to prune requests that download CSS, JS, images and so forth.
+These add only a few moments to the time it takes to replay, but they're not
+really needed and I somehow feel compelled to trim them anyway. So, we fire up
+the mitmproxy console tool on our serialised conversation, like so:
+{{< highlight bash >}}
+mitmproxy -r wireless-login
+{{< / highlight >}}
+We can now go through and manually delete (using the <span
+data-role="kbd">d</span> keyboard shortcut) everything we want to trim. When
+we're done, we use <span data-role="kbd">w</span> to save the conversation back
+to the file.
diff --git a/docs/src/content/tute-highscores.md b/docs/src/content/tute-highscores.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f5cbd7bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/content/tute-highscores.md
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+title: "Setting highscores on Apple GameCenter"
+ tutes:
+ weight: 2
+# Setting highscores on Apple's GameCenter
+## The setup
+In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how simple it is to creatively interfere
+with Apple Game Center traffic using mitmproxy. To set things up, [install the
+mitmproxy root certificate]({{< relref concepts-certificates >}}). Then start
+mitmproxy on your desktop, and configure the iPhone to use it as a proxy.
+## Taking a look at the Game Center traffic
+Lets take a first look at the Game Center traffic. The game I'll use in this
+tutorial is [Super Mega
+Worm](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/super-mega-worm/id388541990?mt=8) - a
+great little retro-apocalyptic sidescroller for the iPhone:
+{{< figure src="/tute-highscores/supermega.png" >}}
+After finishing a game (take your time), watch the traffic flowing through
+{{< figure src="/tute-highscores/one.png" >}}
+We see a bunch of things we might expect - initialisation, the retrieval
+of leaderboards and so forth. Then, right at the end, there's a POST to
+this tantalising
+{{< highlight none >}}
+{{< / highlight >}}
+The contents of the submission are particularly interesting:
+{{< highlight xml >}}
+<plist version="1.0">
+ <dict>
+ <key>scores</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>category</key>
+ <string>SMW_Adv_USA1</string>
+ <key>context</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>score-value</key>
+ <integer>55</integer>
+ <key>timestamp</key>
+ <integer>1363515361321</integer>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ </dict>
+{{< / highlight >}}
+This is a [property list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Property_list),
+containing an identifier for the game, a score (55, in this case), and a
+timestamp. Looks pretty simple to mess with.
+## Modifying and replaying the score submission
+Lets edit the score submission. First, select it in mitmproxy, then
+press <span data-role="kbd">enter</span> to view it. Make sure you're
+viewing the request, not the response -you can use
+<span data-role="kbd">tab</span> to flick between the two. Now press
+<span data-role="kbd">e</span> for edit. You'll be prompted for the part
+of the request you want to change - press <span data-role="kbd">r</span>
+for raw body. Your preferred editor (taken from the EDITOR environment
+variable) will now fire up. Lets bump the score up to something a bit
+more ambitious:
+{{< highlight xml >}}
+<plist version="1.0">
+ <dict>
+ <key>scores</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>category</key>
+ <string>SMW_Adv_USA1</string>
+ <key>context</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>score-value</key>
+ <integer>2200272667</integer>
+ <key>timestamp</key>
+ <integer>1363515361321</integer>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ </dict>
+{{< / highlight >}}
+Save the file and exit your editor.
+The final step is to replay this modified request. Simply press
+<span data-role="kbd">r</span> for replay.
+## The glorious result and some intrigue
+{{< figure src="/tute-highscores/leaderboard.png" >}}
+And that's it - according to the records, I am the greatest Super Mega Worm
+player of all time.
+There's a curious addendum to this tale. When I first wrote this tutorial, all
+the top competitors' scores were the same: 2,147,483,647 (this is no longer the
+case, because there are now so many fellow cheaters using this tutorial). If you
+think that number seems familiar, you're right: it's 2^31-1, the maximum value
+you can fit into a signed 32-bit int. Now let me tell you another peculiar thing
+about Super Mega Worm - at the end of every game, it submits your highest
+previous score to the Game Center, not your current score. This means that it
+stores your highscore somewhere, and I'm guessing that it reads that stored
+score back into a signed integer. So, if you **were** to cheat by the relatively
+pedestrian means of modifying the saved score on your jailbroken phone, then
+2^31-1 might well be the maximum score you could get. Then again, if the game
+itself stores its score in a signed 32-bit int, you could get the same score
+through perfect play, effectively beating the game. So, which is it in this
+case? I'll leave that for you to decide.