path: root/readme.txt
diff options
authorGiovanni Di Sirio <gdisirio@gmail.com>2018-02-26 09:29:02 +0000
committerGiovanni Di Sirio <gdisirio@gmail.com>2018-02-26 09:29:02 +0000
commit50439eed0df5c61ecb70483ad7d999f0038f1b3d (patch)
tree017bb6e6d51502856b80d3c16e6ffb1a44548580 /readme.txt
parent4a03cef983fcf64c8b6fbdc888dfe4b05915425e (diff)
Added back missing revisions in trunk.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/chibios/svn2/trunk@11544 110e8d01-0319-4d1e-a829-52ad28d1bb01
Diffstat (limited to 'readme.txt')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 199 deletions
diff --git a/readme.txt b/readme.txt
index fd6bf6124..1c9232c8e 100644
--- a/readme.txt
+++ b/readme.txt
@@ -89,206 +89,10 @@
*** Next ***
-- NEW: Improved external tools launch configuration for OpenOCD.
-- NEW: Added circular continuous mode to the SPI driver.
-- NEW: Added callbacks capability to the CAN driver.
-- NEW: Added initial STM32H7xx support.
-- NEW: Added GHS compiler support to the Power e200 port.
-- NEW: Added tool for board files generation from command line.
-- NEW: Added STM32L496xx/STM32L4A6xx support.
-- NEW: Added STM32F030x4 support.
-- NEW: Added a Managed Flash Storage module to the HAL.
-- NEW: Modified the STM32 OTGv1 driver to work without pump thread, transfers
- are now done in the ISR.
-- NEW: Added I-class functions to the serial driver: sdGetI(), sdReadI(),
- sdPutI() and sdWriteI().
-- NEW: Modified the HAL queues to improve performance. Added new
- functions iqGetI(), iqReadI(), oqPutI() and oqWriteI().
-- NEW: Added an "Objects FIFO" object to the OS Library, it allows to
- exchange complex objects between threads/ISRs. It is based on a
- mailbox and a guarded memory pool.
-- NEW: Added an "Objects Factory" to the OS Library, it allows to dynamically
- allocate reference-counted kernel objects/buffers or to register
- static objects. Allocated/registered objects can be retrieved by name.
-- NEW: The OS Library now has its own test suite.
-- NEW: Updated STM32F1xx headers to 1.6, STM32F3xx to 1.9, STM32L0xx to 1.10,
- STM32L4xx to 1.9, STM32H7xx to 1.1.
-- NEW: Updated CMSIS to 5.1.1, changed directories organization under
- /os/ext/ARM/CMSIS to match the one in CMSIS, removed /os/ext/CMSIS.
-- NEW: Integrated lwIP 2.0.3 and improved lwIP bindings.
-- NEW: The chconf.h configuration files now are tagged with the version
- number for safety. The system rejects obsolete files during
- compilation. Stronger checks are performed on chconf.h, now missing
- settings trigger an error instead of getting a default.
-- NEW: Added alignment capability to memory pools.
-- NEW: Mailbox API changed by adding "Timeout" to those function that have
- timeout capability, for consistency with the rest of the system.
-- NEW: Modified mailboxes to use a size_t as counter instead of a cnt_t,
- this is a leftover of semaphores in previous mailboxes implementation.
-- NEW: Added a new functions to RT events chEvtGetAndClearEventsI() and
- chEvtAddEventsI().
-- NEW: Integrated the latest FatFS 0.13 with patches.
-- NEW: Improved RT and NIL test suite to report version numbers and
- configuration settings. Now it is possible to run multiple test suites
- in the same application.
-- NEW: Added a test suite generator tool written in FTL.
-- NEW: Added a multi-target demo applications for PAL, SPI and USB-CDC
- showcasing how to manage a project with multiple target boards/devices
- and handle portability issues.
-- NEW: Added to the HAL USB driver a new function usbWakeupHost() for
- standby exit.
-- NEW: SPI driver improvements, now it is possible to select different
- modes for CS line handling.
-- NEW: Implemented PAL enhancements on all existing STM32 ports.
-- NEW: PAL driver enhanced with improved callbacks capability and new
- synchronous API for edge synchronization.
-- NEW: Added to the serial driver and channels interface a new "control"
- function that allows to implement extensions in the LLD without
- touching the high level interface. Conceptually it is similar
- to Posix ioctl().
-- NEW: Added an argument to PAL events callback. API changed thus this
- causes a major number change in HAL.
-- NEW: Added shared Eclipse debug configurations for OpenOCD under
- ./tools/eclipse/debug. Now it is no more required to re-create
- those each time a new workspace is created, just import the global
- ChibiOS project in it. The configurations will appear under the
- Eclipse Tools menu. It is required to create an OPENOCD environment
- variable pointing to the OpenOCD executable. It will be done in
- ChibiStudio 20 by default.
-- NEW: Now .mk files are able to add their files to a common directory,
- there is no more need to edit various variables in Makefiles
- anymore.
-- NEW: Added to new makefiles the ability to recursively compile everything
- placed under ./source, if present.
-- NEW: Improved the various rules.mk to handle "touching" of all
- included makefiles, now the makefile is no more assumed to
- be called "Makefile".
-- NEW: Added to the Makefiles the ability to change the default build,
- dependencies and configuration directories. This makes possible
- to have multiple non-conflicting makefiles in the same project.
- Updated the various platform.mk implementing "smart build" mode.
+- HAL: Fixed problem with HSI48 on STM32L4xx (bug #922)(backported to 18.2.1).
+- HAL: Fixed invalid implementation of palWaitPadTimeoutS() and
+ palWaitLineTimeoutS() APIs (bug #921)(backported to 18.2.1).
- HAL: Fixed wrong DMA settings for STM32F76x I2C3 and I2C4 (bug #920)
(backported to 18.2.1 and 17.6.4).
- HAL: Fixed wrong flash waiting state for STM32F7xx (bug #918)
(backported to 18.2.1 and 17.6.4).
-- LIB: Fixed heap allocator failing on simulators (bug #917)(backported
- to 17.6.4).
-- STP: Fixed CRT0_FORCE_MSP_INIT flag not defaulted in crt0_v7m.S (bug #916)
- (backported to 17.6.4).
-- EX: Improved MEMS drivers (bug #916)(backported to 17.6.4).
-- HAL: Improved peripheral classes (bug #915)(backported to 17.6.4).
-- HAL: Fixed more instances of bug #843 (bug #914)(backported to 17.6.4
- and 16.1.10).
-- HAL: Fixed Clock selection for SDMMC2 missing in STM32F7 HAL (bug #913).
-- HAL: Fixed STM32 SDMMCv1 driver not setting DMA channel properly for SDCD2
- instance (bug #912)(backported to 17.6.4).
-- LIB: Fixed inner semaphore not updated in chGuardedPoolAllocI() function
- (bug #911).
-- RT: Fixed compile error with assertions enabled and dynamic extensions
- disabled (bug #909)(backported to 17.6.4).
-- HAL: Fixed compile error HAL UART without WAIT (bug #908)(backported to
- 17.6.4 and 16.1.10).
-- RT: Fixed gcc7 implicit-fallthrough (bug #906)(backported to 17.6.4
- and 16.1.10).
-- HAL: Fixed gcc7 implicit-fallthrough (bug #906)(backported to 17.6.4
- and 16.1.10).
-- HAL: Fixed DAC CH2 marked as not present in STM32F091 registry (bug #905)
- (backported to 17.6.4 and 16.1.10).
-- LIB: Fixed chHeapGetSize value is not obtained from the header (bug #904)
- (backported to 17.6.4).
-- HAL: Fixed ADC does not build on STM32F030 (bug #903)(backported to 17.6.4).
-- LIB: Fixed typo for function evtStop (bug #897)(backported to 17.6.4
- and 16.1.10).
-- NIL: Fixed core and Heap allocators not functional in NIL (bug #902)
- (backported to 17.6.3).
-- HAL: Fixed function uartSendFullTimeout() failing on STM32 USARTv1 and
- v2 drivers (bug #901)(backported to 17.6.3 and 16.1.10).
-- HAL: Fixed broken I2C fallback driver (bug #900)(backported to 17.6.3).
-- LIB: Fixed heap buffer alignment not enforced (bug #899)(backported
- to 17.6.3).
-- LIB: Fixed call protocol violation in chCoreAlloc() (bug #896)(backported
- to 17.6.3).
-- RT: Fixed trace Buffer activation bits state reversed in chconf.h
- (bug #895)(backported to 17.6.3).
-- BLD: Fixed USE_OPT not passed to assembler in rules.mk (bug #892)(backported
- to 17.6.3 and 16.1.10).
-- HAL: Fixed IRQ sharing issue in STM32 DMAv1 driver (bug #891)(backported
- to 17.6.3 and 16.1.10).
-- HAL: Fixed various STM32 registry problems (bug #889)(backported to 17.6.2
- and 16.1.10).
-- LIB: Fixed heap allocator returning unaligned blocks (bug #888)(backported
- to 17.6.2).
-- NIL: Fixed duplicated entries in NIL documentation (bug #887)(backported
- to 17.6.1).
-- HAL: Fixed USB GET_DESCRIPTOR not handled for Interface Recipients (bug #885)
- (backported to 17.6.1 and 16.1.9).
-- RT: MAILBOX_DECL size parameter is actually a count (bug #884)
- (backported to 17.6.1 and 16.1.9).
-- HAL: Fixed error in uartReceiveTimeout() and uartSendTimeout() (bug #883)
- (backported to 17.6.1 and 16.1.9).
-- HAL: Fixed TIMx DBL field macro broken (bug #880)(backported
- to 17.6.1 and 16.1.9).
-- HAL: Fixed STM32 SPI problem in spi_lld_start() (bug #879)(backported
- to 17.6.1 and 16.1.9).
-- HAL: Fixed invalid STM32 CAN3 filters initialization (bug #878)
- (backported to 17.6.1).
-- HAL: Fixed missing CAN definitions in STM32L432 registry entry (bug #877)
- (backported to 17.6.1).
-- HAL: Fixed missing STM32_TIM_MAX_CHANNELS definition in STM32L0 registry
- (bug #876)(backported to 17.6.1 and 16.1.9).
-- HAL: Fixed STM32 OTGv1 driver fails on STM32L4 (bug #875)
- (backported to 17.6.1 and 16.1.9).
-- HAL: Fixed wrong I2S and SAI freq divisor (bug #874)
- (backported to 17.6.1).
-- HAL: Fixed wrong SAI1 and SAI2 clock selection (bug #873)
- (backported to 17.6.1).
-- HAL: Fixed invalid number of DMA channels on STM32L011 (bug #872)
- (backported to 17.6.1).
-- HAL: Fixed STM32 USARTv2 serial incorrect buffer size declarations
- (bug #871)(backported to 17.6.1).
-- HAL: Fixed bug in STM32L0xx port related to STM32L0x1 (bug #870)
- (backported to 17.6.1).
-- HAL: Fixed board file configuration for STM32F3 Discovery REVC (bug #869)
- (backported to 17.6.1).
-- HAL: Fixed wrong PPRE2 and LSI related macros in STM32L0 hal lld (bug #868)
- (backported to 17.6.1 and 16.1.9).
-- HAL: Fixed wrong bit mask in STM32L0 hal lld (bug #866)(backported to
- 17.6.1 and 16.1.9).
-- RT: Fixed misplaced assertion in semaphores code (bug #865)(backported to
- 17.6.1 and 16.1.9).
-- RT: Fixed event cast cleanup for compilation warnings (bug #864)(backported
- to 17.6.1 and 16.1.9).
-- HAL: Fixed STM32 USBv1 fails the state check when USB_USE_WAIT is TRUE
- (bug #863)(backported to 17.6.1 and 16.1.9).
-- HAL: Fixed HSI48 clock support is missing in HAL for STM32L4x2 (bug #862).
-- HAL: Fixed incorrect OTG stepping in STM32F412 registry (bug #861)
- (backported to 17.6.1).
-- HAL: Fixed missing DMA I2C3 streams in STM32F411 registry (bug #860)
- (backported to 17.6.1).
-- HAL: Fixed missing Ethernet PHY in some STM32 Nucleo-144 board files
- (bug #859)(backported to 17.6.1).
-- VAR: Fixed priority issue in STM32 Nucleo-64 F401RE demo (bug #858)(backported
- to 17.6.1).
-- VAR: Fixed STM32L053 Discovery demo which is unaligned to standard demos (bug
- #857)(backported to 17.6.1).
-- HAL: Fixed HSI48 which is not correctly enabled in STM32L0xx port (bug #856)
- (backported to 17.6.1).
-- HAL: Fixed unaligned STM32F0xx mcuconf.h files (bug #855)(backported
- to 17.6.1).
-- HAL: Fixed invalid handling of DST flag in STM32 RTCv2 (bug #854)(backported
- to 17.6.1 and 16.1.9).
-- HAL: Fixed extra right parenthesis in STM32F4 registry (bug #853)(backported
- to 17.6.1).
-- EX: Fixed documentation-related issues (bug #852)(backported to 17.6.1).
-- HAL: Fixed documentation-related issues (bug #852)(backported to 17.6.1).
-- HAL: Fixed wrong frame size code in STM32 USARTv2 UART driver (bug #851)
- (backported to 17.6.1 and 16.1.9).
-- NIL: Fixed documentation-related issues (bug #850)(backported to 17.6.1).
-- RT: Fixed documentation-related issues (bug #850)(backported to 17.6.1).
-- RT: Fixed leftover chcustomer.h file (bug #849)(backported to 17.6.1).
-- RT: Fixed invalid check in chchecks.h (bug #848)(backported to 17.6.1).
-- HAL: Fixed STM32F070xB: USART invalid DMA channels (bug #847)(backported
- to 17.6.1).
-- VAR: Fixed CMSIS_OS issue in timers (bug #846)(backported to 17.6.1
- and 16.1.9).
-- HAL: Fixed injected ADC with regular conversion (bug #822).