path: root/sdram_ctrl.vhd
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Diffstat (limited to 'sdram_ctrl.vhd')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/sdram_ctrl.vhd b/sdram_ctrl.vhd
index b0b4a1f..1a54fc3 100644
--- a/sdram_ctrl.vhd
+++ b/sdram_ctrl.vhd
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ entity sdram_ctrl is
bus_cs_n : in std_logic;
bus_rnw : in std_logic;
- bus_wait_n : out std_logic;
+ bus_done_n : out std_logic;
bus_addr : in addr_t;
bus_data_in : in data_t;
@@ -549,11 +549,12 @@ begin
b_state <= B_ST_WAIT_CS_N_LOW;
b_debug(6 downto 0) <= DEBUG_0;
b_debug(7) <='0';
- bus_wait_n <= '0';
+ bus_done_n <= '1';
elsif rising_edge(clock) then
if b_state = B_ST_WAIT_CS_N_LOW then
b_debug(6 downto 0) <= DEBUG_1;
- bus_wait_n <= '0';
+ bus_done_n <= '1';
+-- bus_data_out <="1111000111110001";
if l2b_al(bus_cs_n) then
-- new request ship it to the main state machine
post_request <='1';
@@ -577,6 +578,7 @@ begin
-- the logic has pushed the request to the ram
if l2b_al(request_rnw) then
-- if it's a write we're all done
+ bus_done_n <='0';
b_state <= B_ST_WAIT_CS_N_HIGH;
-- if it's a read we have to wait for the data
@@ -587,14 +589,17 @@ begin
b_debug(6 downto 0) <= DEBUG_4;
if l2b_ah(r_data_valid(0)) then
bus_data_out <= mem_data_in;
--- bus_data_out <= request_addr(15 downto 0);
+ bus_done_n <= '0';
+ --bus_data_out <= request_addr(15 downto 0);
+ --bus_data_out <= bus_addr(15 downto 0);
b_state <= B_ST_WAIT_CS_N_HIGH;
end if;
elsif b_state = B_ST_WAIT_CS_N_HIGH then
b_debug(6 downto 0) <= DEBUG_5;
b_debug(7) <='1';
- bus_wait_n <= '1';
if not l2b_al(bus_cs_n) then
+-- bus_data_out <="1111001011110010";
+ bus_done_n <= '1';
b_state <=B_ST_WAIT_CS_N_LOW;
end if;