path: root/passes/opt/pmux2shiftx.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'passes/opt/pmux2shiftx.cc')
1 files changed, 852 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/passes/opt/pmux2shiftx.cc b/passes/opt/pmux2shiftx.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..29870f510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/passes/opt/pmux2shiftx.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,852 @@
+ * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf <clifford@clifford.at>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "kernel/yosys.h"
+#include "kernel/sigtools.h"
+struct OnehotDatabase
+ Module *module;
+ const SigMap &sigmap;
+ bool verbose = false;
+ bool initialized = false;
+ pool<SigBit> init_ones;
+ dict<SigSpec, pool<SigSpec>> sig_sources_db;
+ dict<SigSpec, bool> sig_onehot_cache;
+ pool<SigSpec> recursion_guard;
+ OnehotDatabase(Module *module, const SigMap &sigmap) : module(module), sigmap(sigmap)
+ {
+ }
+ void initialize()
+ {
+ log_assert(!initialized);
+ initialized = true;
+ for (auto wire : module->wires())
+ {
+ auto it = wire->attributes.find("\\init");
+ if (it == wire->attributes.end())
+ continue;
+ auto &val = it->second;
+ int width = std::max(GetSize(wire), GetSize(val));
+ for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
+ if (val[i] == State::S1)
+ init_ones.insert(sigmap(SigBit(wire, i)));
+ }
+ for (auto cell : module->cells())
+ {
+ vector<SigSpec> inputs;
+ SigSpec output;
+ if (cell->type.in("$adff", "$dff", "$dffe", "$dlatch", "$ff"))
+ {
+ output = cell->getPort("\\Q");
+ if (cell->type == "$adff")
+ inputs.push_back(cell->getParam("\\ARST_VALUE"));
+ inputs.push_back(cell->getPort("\\D"));
+ }
+ if (cell->type.in("$mux", "$pmux"))
+ {
+ output = cell->getPort("\\Y");
+ inputs.push_back(cell->getPort("\\A"));
+ SigSpec B = cell->getPort("\\B");
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(B); i += GetSize(output))
+ inputs.push_back(B.extract(i, GetSize(output)));
+ }
+ if (!output.empty())
+ {
+ output = sigmap(output);
+ auto &srcs = sig_sources_db[output];
+ for (auto src : inputs) {
+ while (!src.empty() && src[GetSize(src)-1] == State::S0)
+ src.remove(GetSize(src)-1);
+ srcs.insert(sigmap(src));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void query_worker(const SigSpec &sig, bool &retval, bool &cache, int indent)
+ {
+ if (verbose)
+ log("%*s %s\n", indent, "", log_signal(sig));
+ log_assert(retval);
+ if (recursion_guard.count(sig)) {
+ if (verbose)
+ log("%*s - recursion\n", indent, "");
+ cache = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ auto it = sig_onehot_cache.find(sig);
+ if (it != sig_onehot_cache.end()) {
+ if (verbose)
+ log("%*s - cached (%s)\n", indent, "", it->second ? "true" : "false");
+ if (!it->second)
+ retval = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ bool found_init_ones = false;
+ for (auto bit : sig) {
+ if (init_ones.count(bit)) {
+ if (found_init_ones) {
+ if (verbose)
+ log("%*s - non-onehot init value\n", indent, "");
+ retval = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ found_init_ones = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (retval)
+ {
+ if (sig.is_fully_const())
+ {
+ bool found_ones = false;
+ for (auto bit : sig) {
+ if (bit == State::S1) {
+ if (found_ones) {
+ if (verbose)
+ log("%*s - non-onehot constant\n", indent, "");
+ retval = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ found_ones = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ auto srcs = sig_sources_db.find(sig);
+ if (srcs == sig_sources_db.end()) {
+ if (verbose)
+ log("%*s - no sources for non-const signal\n", indent, "");
+ retval = false;
+ } else {
+ for (auto &src : srcs->second) {
+ bool child_cache = true;
+ recursion_guard.insert(sig);
+ query_worker(src, retval, child_cache, indent+4);
+ recursion_guard.erase(sig);
+ if (!child_cache)
+ cache = false;
+ if (!retval)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // it is always safe to cache a negative result
+ if (cache || !retval)
+ sig_onehot_cache[sig] = retval;
+ }
+ bool query(const SigSpec &sig)
+ {
+ bool retval = true;
+ bool cache = true;
+ if (verbose)
+ log("** ONEHOT QUERY START (%s)\n", log_signal(sig));
+ if (!initialized)
+ initialize();
+ query_worker(sig, retval, cache, 3);
+ if (verbose)
+ log("** ONEHOT QUERY RESULT = %s\n", retval ? "true" : "false");
+ // it is always safe to cache the root result of a query
+ if (!cache)
+ sig_onehot_cache[sig] = retval;
+ return retval;
+ }
+struct Pmux2ShiftxPass : public Pass {
+ Pmux2ShiftxPass() : Pass("pmux2shiftx", "transform $pmux cells to $shiftx cells") { }
+ void help() YS_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|
+ log("\n");
+ log(" pmux2shiftx [options] [selection]\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log("This pass transforms $pmux cells to $shiftx cells.\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" -v, -vv\n");
+ log(" verbose output\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" -min_density <percentage>\n");
+ log(" specifies the minimum density for the shifter\n");
+ log(" default: 50\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" -min_choices <int>\n");
+ log(" specified the minimum number of choices for a control signal\n");
+ log(" default: 3\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" -onehot ignore|pmux|shiftx\n");
+ log(" select strategy for one-hot encoded control signals\n");
+ log(" default: pmux\n");
+ log("\n");
+ }
+ void execute(std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design) YS_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ int min_density = 50;
+ int min_choices = 3;
+ bool allow_onehot = false;
+ bool optimize_onehot = true;
+ bool verbose = false;
+ bool verbose_onehot = false;
+ log_header(design, "Executing PMUX2SHIFTX pass.\n");
+ size_t argidx;
+ for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) {
+ if (args[argidx] == "-min_density" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
+ min_density = atoi(args[++argidx].c_str());
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (args[argidx] == "-min_choices" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
+ min_choices = atoi(args[++argidx].c_str());
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (args[argidx] == "-onehot" && argidx+1 < args.size() && args[argidx+1] == "ignore") {
+ argidx++;
+ allow_onehot = false;
+ optimize_onehot = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (args[argidx] == "-onehot" && argidx+1 < args.size() && args[argidx+1] == "pmux") {
+ argidx++;
+ allow_onehot = false;
+ optimize_onehot = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (args[argidx] == "-onehot" && argidx+1 < args.size() && args[argidx+1] == "shiftx") {
+ argidx++;
+ allow_onehot = true;
+ optimize_onehot = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (args[argidx] == "-v") {
+ verbose = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (args[argidx] == "-vv") {
+ verbose = true;
+ verbose_onehot = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ extra_args(args, argidx, design);
+ for (auto module : design->selected_modules())
+ {
+ SigMap sigmap(module);
+ OnehotDatabase onehot_db(module, sigmap);
+ onehot_db.verbose = verbose_onehot;
+ dict<SigBit, pair<SigSpec, Const>> eqdb;
+ for (auto cell : module->cells())
+ {
+ if (cell->type == "$eq")
+ {
+ dict<SigBit, State> bits;
+ SigSpec A = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\A"));
+ SigSpec B = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\B"));
+ int a_width = cell->getParam("\\A_WIDTH").as_int();
+ int b_width = cell->getParam("\\B_WIDTH").as_int();
+ if (a_width < b_width) {
+ bool a_signed = cell->getParam("\\A_SIGNED").as_int();
+ A.extend_u0(b_width, a_signed);
+ }
+ if (b_width < a_width) {
+ bool b_signed = cell->getParam("\\B_SIGNED").as_int();
+ B.extend_u0(a_width, b_signed);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(A); i++) {
+ SigBit a_bit = A[i], b_bit = B[i];
+ if (b_bit.wire && !a_bit.wire) {
+ std::swap(a_bit, b_bit);
+ }
+ if (!a_bit.wire || b_bit.wire)
+ goto next_cell;
+ if (bits.count(a_bit))
+ goto next_cell;
+ bits[a_bit] = b_bit.data;
+ }
+ if (GetSize(bits) > 20)
+ goto next_cell;
+ bits.sort();
+ pair<SigSpec, Const> entry;
+ for (auto it : bits) {
+ entry.first.append_bit(it.first);
+ entry.second.bits.push_back(it.second);
+ }
+ eqdb[sigmap(cell->getPort("\\Y")[0])] = entry;
+ goto next_cell;
+ }
+ if (cell->type == "$logic_not")
+ {
+ dict<SigBit, State> bits;
+ SigSpec A = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\A"));
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(A); i++)
+ bits[A[i]] = State::S0;
+ bits.sort();
+ pair<SigSpec, Const> entry;
+ for (auto it : bits) {
+ entry.first.append_bit(it.first);
+ entry.second.bits.push_back(it.second);
+ }
+ eqdb[sigmap(cell->getPort("\\Y")[0])] = entry;
+ goto next_cell;
+ }
+ next_cell:;
+ }
+ for (auto cell : module->selected_cells())
+ {
+ if (cell->type != "$pmux")
+ continue;
+ string src = cell->get_src_attribute();
+ int width = cell->getParam("\\WIDTH").as_int();
+ int width_bits = ceil_log2(width);
+ int extwidth = width;
+ while (extwidth & (extwidth-1))
+ extwidth++;
+ dict<SigSpec, pool<int>> seldb;
+ SigSpec A = cell->getPort("\\A");
+ SigSpec B = cell->getPort("\\B");
+ SigSpec S = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\S"));
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(S); i++)
+ {
+ if (!eqdb.count(S[i]))
+ continue;
+ auto &entry = eqdb.at(S[i]);
+ seldb[entry.first].insert(i);
+ }
+ if (seldb.empty())
+ continue;
+ bool printed_pmux_header = false;
+ if (verbose) {
+ printed_pmux_header = true;
+ log("Inspecting $pmux cell %s/%s.\n", log_id(module), log_id(cell));
+ log(" data width: %d (next power-of-2 = %d, log2 = %d)\n", width, extwidth, width_bits);
+ }
+ SigSpec updated_S = cell->getPort("\\S");
+ SigSpec updated_B = cell->getPort("\\B");
+ while (!seldb.empty())
+ {
+ // pick the largest entry in seldb
+ SigSpec sig = seldb.begin()->first;
+ for (auto &it : seldb) {
+ if (GetSize(sig) < GetSize(it.first))
+ sig = it.first;
+ else if (GetSize(seldb.at(sig)) < GetSize(it.second))
+ sig = it.first;
+ }
+ // find the relevant choices
+ bool is_onehot = GetSize(sig) > 2;
+ dict<Const, int> choices;
+ for (int i : seldb.at(sig)) {
+ Const val = eqdb.at(S[i]).second;
+ int onebits = 0;
+ for (auto b : val.bits)
+ if (b == State::S1)
+ onebits++;
+ if (onebits > 1)
+ is_onehot = false;
+ choices[val] = i;
+ }
+ bool full_pmux = GetSize(choices) == GetSize(S);
+ // TBD: also find choices that are using signals that are subsets of the bits in "sig"
+ if (!verbose)
+ {
+ if (is_onehot && !allow_onehot && !optimize_onehot) {
+ seldb.erase(sig);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (GetSize(choices) < min_choices) {
+ seldb.erase(sig);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!printed_pmux_header) {
+ printed_pmux_header = true;
+ log("Inspecting $pmux cell %s/%s.\n", log_id(module), log_id(cell));
+ log(" data width: %d (next power-of-2 = %d, log2 = %d)\n", width, extwidth, width_bits);
+ }
+ log(" checking ctrl signal %s\n", log_signal(sig));
+ auto print_choices = [&]() {
+ log(" table of choices:\n");
+ for (auto &it : choices)
+ log(" %3d: %s: %s\n", it.second, log_signal(it.first),
+ log_signal(B.extract(it.second*width, width)));
+ };
+ if (verbose)
+ {
+ if (is_onehot && !allow_onehot && !optimize_onehot) {
+ print_choices();
+ log(" ignoring one-hot encoding.\n");
+ seldb.erase(sig);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (GetSize(choices) < min_choices) {
+ print_choices();
+ log(" insufficient choices.\n");
+ seldb.erase(sig);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_onehot && optimize_onehot)
+ {
+ print_choices();
+ if (!onehot_db.query(sig))
+ {
+ log(" failed to detect onehot driver. do not optimize.\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ log(" optimizing one-hot encoding.\n");
+ for (auto &it : choices)
+ {
+ const Const &val = it.first;
+ int index = -1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(val); i++)
+ if (val[i] == State::S1) {
+ log_assert(index < 0);
+ index = i;
+ }
+ if (index < 0) {
+ log(" %3d: zero encoding.\n", it.second);
+ continue;
+ }
+ SigBit new_ctrl = sig[index];
+ log(" %3d: new crtl signal is %s.\n", it.second, log_signal(new_ctrl));
+ updated_S[it.second] = new_ctrl;
+ }
+ }
+ seldb.erase(sig);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // find the best permutation
+ vector<int> perm_new_from_old(GetSize(sig));
+ Const perm_xormask(State::S0, GetSize(sig));
+ {
+ vector<int> values(GetSize(choices));
+ vector<bool> used_src_columns(GetSize(sig));
+ vector<vector<bool>> columns(GetSize(sig), vector<bool>(GetSize(values)));
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(choices); i++) {
+ Const val = choices.element(i)->first;
+ for (int k = 0; k < GetSize(val); k++)
+ if (val[k] == State::S1)
+ columns[k][i] = true;
+ }
+ for (int dst_col = GetSize(sig)-1; dst_col >= 0; dst_col--)
+ {
+ int best_src_col = -1;
+ bool best_inv = false;
+ int best_maxval = 0;
+ int best_delta = 0;
+ // find best src column for this dst column
+ for (int src_col = 0; src_col < GetSize(sig); src_col++)
+ {
+ if (used_src_columns[src_col])
+ continue;
+ int this_maxval = 0;
+ int this_minval = 1 << 30;
+ int this_inv_maxval = 0;
+ int this_inv_minval = 1 << 30;
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(values); i++)
+ {
+ int val = values[i];
+ int inv_val = val;
+ if (columns[src_col][i])
+ val |= 1 << dst_col;
+ else
+ inv_val |= 1 << dst_col;
+ this_maxval = std::max(this_maxval, val);
+ this_minval = std::min(this_minval, val);
+ this_inv_maxval = std::max(this_inv_maxval, inv_val);
+ this_inv_minval = std::min(this_inv_minval, inv_val);
+ }
+ int this_delta = this_maxval - this_minval;
+ int this_inv_delta = this_maxval - this_minval;
+ bool this_inv = false;
+ if (this_delta != this_inv_delta)
+ this_inv = this_inv_delta < this_delta;
+ else if (this_maxval != this_inv_maxval)
+ this_inv = this_inv_maxval < this_maxval;
+ if (this_inv) {
+ this_delta = this_inv_delta;
+ this_maxval = this_inv_maxval;
+ this_minval = this_inv_minval;
+ }
+ bool this_is_better = false;
+ if (best_src_col < 0)
+ this_is_better = true;
+ else if (this_delta != best_delta)
+ this_is_better = this_delta < best_delta;
+ else if (this_maxval != best_maxval)
+ this_is_better = this_maxval < best_maxval;
+ else
+ this_is_better = sig[best_src_col] < sig[src_col];
+ if (this_is_better) {
+ best_src_col = src_col;
+ best_inv = this_inv;
+ best_maxval = this_maxval;
+ best_delta = this_delta;
+ }
+ }
+ used_src_columns[best_src_col] = true;
+ perm_new_from_old[dst_col] = best_src_col;
+ perm_xormask[dst_col] = best_inv ? State::S1 : State::S0;
+ }
+ }
+ // permutated sig
+ SigSpec perm_sig(State::S0, GetSize(sig));
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(sig); i++)
+ perm_sig[i] = sig[perm_new_from_old[i]];
+ log(" best permutation: %s\n", log_signal(perm_sig));
+ log(" best xor mask: %s\n", log_signal(perm_xormask));
+ // permutated choices
+ int min_choice = 1 << 30;
+ int max_choice = -1;
+ dict<Const, int> perm_choices;
+ for (auto &it : choices)
+ {
+ Const &old_c = it.first;
+ Const new_c(State::S0, GetSize(old_c));
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(old_c); i++)
+ new_c[i] = old_c[perm_new_from_old[i]];
+ Const new_c_before_xor = new_c;
+ new_c = const_xor(new_c, perm_xormask, false, false, GetSize(new_c));
+ perm_choices[new_c] = it.second;
+ min_choice = std::min(min_choice, new_c.as_int());
+ max_choice = std::max(max_choice, new_c.as_int());
+ log(" %3d: %s -> %s -> %s: %s\n", it.second, log_signal(old_c), log_signal(new_c_before_xor),
+ log_signal(new_c), log_signal(B.extract(it.second*width, width)));
+ }
+ int range_density = 100*GetSize(choices) / (max_choice-min_choice+1);
+ int absolute_density = 100*GetSize(choices) / (max_choice+1);
+ log(" choices: %d\n", GetSize(choices));
+ log(" min choice: %d\n", min_choice);
+ log(" max choice: %d\n", max_choice);
+ log(" range density: %d%%\n", range_density);
+ log(" absolute density: %d%%\n", absolute_density);
+ if (full_pmux) {
+ int full_density = 100*GetSize(choices) / (1 << GetSize(sig));
+ log(" full density: %d%%\n", full_density);
+ if (full_density < min_density) {
+ full_pmux = false;
+ } else {
+ min_choice = 0;
+ max_choice = (1 << GetSize(sig))-1;
+ log(" update to full case.\n");
+ log(" new min choice: %d\n", min_choice);
+ log(" new max choice: %d\n", max_choice);
+ }
+ }
+ bool full_case = (min_choice == 0) && (max_choice == (1 << GetSize(sig))-1) && (full_pmux || max_choice+1 == GetSize(choices));
+ log(" full case: %s\n", full_case ? "true" : "false");
+ // check density percentages
+ Const offset(State::S0, GetSize(sig));
+ if (absolute_density < min_density && range_density >= min_density)
+ {
+ offset = Const(min_choice, GetSize(sig));
+ log(" offset: %s\n", log_signal(offset));
+ min_choice -= offset.as_int();
+ max_choice -= offset.as_int();
+ dict<Const, int> new_perm_choices;
+ for (auto &it : perm_choices)
+ new_perm_choices[const_sub(it.first, offset, false, false, GetSize(sig))] = it.second;
+ perm_choices.swap(new_perm_choices);
+ } else
+ if (absolute_density < min_density) {
+ log(" insufficient density.\n");
+ seldb.erase(sig);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // creat cmp signal
+ SigSpec cmp = perm_sig;
+ if (perm_xormask.as_bool())
+ cmp = module->Xor(NEW_ID, cmp, perm_xormask, false, src);
+ if (offset.as_bool())
+ cmp = module->Sub(NEW_ID, cmp, offset, false, src);
+ // create enable signal
+ SigBit en = State::S1;
+ if (!full_case) {
+ Const enable_mask(State::S0, max_choice+1);
+ for (auto &it : perm_choices)
+ enable_mask[it.first.as_int()] = State::S1;
+ en = module->addWire(NEW_ID);
+ module->addShift(NEW_ID, enable_mask, cmp, en, false, src);
+ }
+ // create data signal
+ SigSpec data(State::Sx, (max_choice+1)*extwidth);
+ if (full_pmux) {
+ for (int i = 0; i <= max_choice; i++)
+ data.replace(i*extwidth, A);
+ }
+ for (auto &it : perm_choices) {
+ int position = it.first.as_int()*extwidth;
+ int data_index = it.second;
+ data.replace(position, B.extract(data_index*width, width));
+ updated_S[data_index] = State::S0;
+ updated_B.replace(data_index*width, SigSpec(State::Sx, width));
+ }
+ // create shiftx cell
+ SigSpec shifted_cmp = {cmp, SigSpec(State::S0, width_bits)};
+ SigSpec outsig = module->addWire(NEW_ID, width);
+ Cell *c = module->addShiftx(NEW_ID, data, shifted_cmp, outsig, false, src);
+ updated_S.append(en);
+ updated_B.append(outsig);
+ log(" created $shiftx cell %s.\n", log_id(c));
+ // remove this sig and continue with the next block
+ seldb.erase(sig);
+ }
+ // update $pmux cell
+ cell->setPort("\\S", updated_S);
+ cell->setPort("\\B", updated_B);
+ cell->setParam("\\S_WIDTH", GetSize(updated_S));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} Pmux2ShiftxPass;
+struct OnehotPass : public Pass {
+ OnehotPass() : Pass("onehot", "optimize $eq cells for onehot signals") { }
+ void help() YS_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|
+ log("\n");
+ log(" onehot [options] [selection]\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log("This pass optimizes $eq cells that compare one-hot signals against constants\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" -v, -vv\n");
+ log(" verbose output\n");
+ log("\n");
+ }
+ void execute(std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design) YS_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ bool verbose = false;
+ bool verbose_onehot = false;
+ log_header(design, "Executing ONEHOT pass.\n");
+ size_t argidx;
+ for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) {
+ if (args[argidx] == "-v") {
+ verbose = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (args[argidx] == "-vv") {
+ verbose = true;
+ verbose_onehot = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ extra_args(args, argidx, design);
+ for (auto module : design->selected_modules())
+ {
+ SigMap sigmap(module);
+ OnehotDatabase onehot_db(module, sigmap);
+ onehot_db.verbose = verbose_onehot;
+ for (auto cell : module->selected_cells())
+ {
+ if (cell->type != "$eq")
+ continue;
+ SigSpec A = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\A"));
+ SigSpec B = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\B"));
+ int a_width = cell->getParam("\\A_WIDTH").as_int();
+ int b_width = cell->getParam("\\B_WIDTH").as_int();
+ if (a_width < b_width) {
+ bool a_signed = cell->getParam("\\A_SIGNED").as_int();
+ A.extend_u0(b_width, a_signed);
+ }
+ if (b_width < a_width) {
+ bool b_signed = cell->getParam("\\B_SIGNED").as_int();
+ B.extend_u0(a_width, b_signed);
+ }
+ if (A.is_fully_const())
+ std::swap(A, B);
+ if (!B.is_fully_const())
+ continue;
+ if (verbose)
+ log("Checking $eq(%s, %s) cell %s/%s.\n", log_signal(A), log_signal(B), log_id(module), log_id(cell));
+ if (!onehot_db.query(A)) {
+ if (verbose)
+ log(" onehot driver test on %s failed.\n", log_signal(A));
+ continue;
+ }
+ int index = -1;
+ bool not_onehot = false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(B); i++) {
+ if (B[i] != State::S1)
+ continue;
+ if (index >= 0)
+ not_onehot = true;
+ index = i;
+ }
+ if (index < 0) {
+ if (verbose)
+ log(" not optimizing the zero pattern.\n");
+ continue;
+ }
+ SigSpec Y = cell->getPort("\\Y");
+ if (not_onehot)
+ {
+ if (verbose)
+ log(" replacing with constant 0 driver.\n");
+ else
+ log("Replacing one-hot $eq(%s, %s) cell %s/%s with constant 0 driver.\n", log_signal(A), log_signal(B), log_id(module), log_id(cell));
+ module->connect(Y, SigSpec(1, GetSize(Y)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SigSpec sig = A[index];
+ if (verbose)
+ log(" replacing with signal %s.\n", log_signal(sig));
+ else
+ log("Replacing one-hot $eq(%s, %s) cell %s/%s with signal %s.\n",log_signal(A), log_signal(B), log_id(module), log_id(cell), log_signal(sig));
+ sig.extend_u0(GetSize(Y));
+ module->connect(Y, sig);
+ }
+ module->remove(cell);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} OnehotPass;