path: root/manual
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2 files changed, 157 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/manual/PRESENTATION_Intro.tex b/manual/PRESENTATION_Intro.tex
index 6f3ea755f..6df65a24f 100644
--- a/manual/PRESENTATION_Intro.tex
+++ b/manual/PRESENTATION_Intro.tex
@@ -378,14 +378,164 @@ clean
\subsection{More Yosys Commands}
-\begin{frame}{\subsecname{} -- TBD}
+\begin{frame}[fragile]{\subsecname{} 1/3}
+Command reference:
+\item Use ``{\tt help}'' for a command list and ``{\tt help \it command}'' for details.
+\item Or run ``{\tt yosys -H}'' and ``{\tt yosys -h \it command}''.
+\item Or go to \url{http://www.clifford.at/yosys/documentation.html}.
+Commands for design navigation and investigation:
+\begin{lstlisting}[xleftmargin=1cm, basicstyle=\ttfamily\fontsize{8pt}{10pt}\selectfont]
+ cd a shortcut for 'select -module <name>'
+ ls list modules or objects in modules
+ dump print parts of the design in ilang format
+ show generate schematics using graphviz
+ select modify and view the list of selected objects
+Commands for executing scripts or entering interactive mode:
+\begin{lstlisting}[xleftmargin=1cm, basicstyle=\ttfamily\fontsize{8pt}{10pt}\selectfont]
+ shell enter interactive command mode
+ history show last interactive commands
+ script execute commands from script file
+ tcl execute a TCL script file
+\begin{frame}[fragile]{\subsecname{} 2/3}
+Commands for reading and elaborating the design:
+\begin{lstlisting}[xleftmargin=1cm, basicstyle=\ttfamily\fontsize{8pt}{10pt}\selectfont]
+ read_ilang read modules from ilang file
+ read_verilog read modules from verilog file
+ hierarchy check, expand and clean up design hierarchy
+Commands for high-level synthesis:
+\begin{lstlisting}[xleftmargin=1cm, basicstyle=\ttfamily\fontsize{8pt}{10pt}\selectfont]
+ proc translate processes to netlists
+ fsm extract and optimize finite state machines
+ memory translate memories to basic cells
+ opt perform simple optimizations
+Commands for technology mapping:
+\begin{lstlisting}[xleftmargin=1cm, basicstyle=\ttfamily\fontsize{8pt}{10pt}\selectfont]
+ techmap simple technology mapper
+ abc use ABC for technology mapping
+ dfflibmap technology mapping of flip-flops
+ hilomap technology mapping of constant hi- and/or lo-drivers
+ iopadmap technology mapping of i/o pads (or buffers)
+ flatten flatten design
+\begin{frame}[fragile]{\subsecname{} 3/3}
+Commands for writing the results:
+\begin{lstlisting}[xleftmargin=1cm, basicstyle=\ttfamily\fontsize{8pt}{10pt}\selectfont]
+ write_blif write design to BLIF file
+ write_btor write design to BTOR file
+ write_edif write design to EDIF netlist file
+ write_ilang write design to ilang file
+ write_spice write design to SPICE netlist file
+ write_verilog write design to verilog file
+Script-Commands for standard synthesis tasks:
+\begin{lstlisting}[xleftmargin=1cm, basicstyle=\ttfamily\fontsize{8pt}{10pt}\selectfont]
+ synth_xilinx synthesis for Xilinx FPGAs
+... and many many more.
\subsection{More Verilog Examples}
-\begin{frame}{\subsecname{} -- TBD}
+\begin{frame}[fragile]{\subsecname{} 1/3}
+\begin{lstlisting}[xleftmargin=1cm, basicstyle=\ttfamily\fontsize{8pt}{10pt}\selectfont, language=Verilog]
+module detectprime(a, y);
+ input [4:0] a;
+ output y;
+ integer i, j;
+ reg [31:0] lut;
+ initial begin
+ for (i = 0; i < 32; i = i+1) begin
+ lut[i] = i > 1;
+ for (j = 2; j*j <= i; j = j+1)
+ if (i % j == 0)
+ lut[i] = 0;
+ end
+ end
+ assign y = lut[a];
+\begin{frame}[fragile]{\subsecname{} 2/3}
+\begin{lstlisting}[xleftmargin=1cm, basicstyle=\ttfamily\fontsize{8pt}{10pt}\selectfont, language=Verilog]
+module carryadd(a, b, y);
+ parameter WIDTH = 8;
+ input [WIDTH-1:0] a, b;
+ output [WIDTH-1:0] y;
+ genvar i;
+ generate
+ for (i = 0; i < WIDTH; i = i+1) begin:STAGE
+ wire IN1 = a[i], IN2 = b[i];
+ wire C, Y;
+ if (i == 0)
+ assign C = IN1 & IN2, Y = IN1 ^ IN2;
+ else
+ assign C = (IN1 & IN2) | ((IN1 | IN2) & STAGE[i-1].C),
+ Y = IN1 ^ IN2 ^ STAGE[i-1].C;
+ assign y[i] = Y;
+ end
+ endgenerate
+\begin{frame}[fragile]{\subsecname{} 3/3}
+\begin{lstlisting}[xleftmargin=1cm, basicstyle=\ttfamily\fontsize{7pt}{8.5pt}\selectfont, language=Verilog]
+module cam(clk, wr_enable, wr_addr, wr_data, rd_data, rd_addr, rd_match);
+ parameter WIDTH = 8;
+ parameter DEPTH = 16;
+ localparam ADDR_BITS = $clog2(DEPTH);
+ input clk, wr_enable;
+ input [ADDR_BITS-1:0] wr_addr;
+ input [WIDTH-1:0] wr_data, rd_data;
+ output reg [ADDR_BITS-1:0] rd_addr;
+ output reg rd_match;
+ integer i;
+ reg [WIDTH-1:0] mem [0:DEPTH-1];
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ rd_addr <= 'bx;
+ rd_match <= 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < DEPTH; i = i+1)
+ if (mem[i] == rd_data) begin
+ rd_addr <= i;
+ rd_match <= 1;
+ end
+ if (wr_enable)
+ mem[wr_addr] <= wr_data;
+ end
diff --git a/manual/presentation.tex b/manual/presentation.tex
index ac3c73a71..1b09b7de0 100644
--- a/manual/presentation.tex
+++ b/manual/presentation.tex
@@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ Yosys is an Open Source Verilog synthesis tool, and more.
Outline of this presentation:
\item Introduction to the field and Yosys
-\item Yosys usage examples (synthesis)
-\item Yosys usage examples (advanced synthesis)
-\item Yosys usage examples (beyond synthesis)
+\item Yosys by example: synthesis
+\item Yosys by example: advanced synthesis
+\item Yosys by example: beyond synthesis
\item Programming Yosys extensions