path: root/manual/PRESENTATION_ExAdv.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'manual/PRESENTATION_ExAdv.tex')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/manual/PRESENTATION_ExAdv.tex b/manual/PRESENTATION_ExAdv.tex
index 4ef10d7ad..cf36d32cc 100644
--- a/manual/PRESENTATION_ExAdv.tex
+++ b/manual/PRESENTATION_ExAdv.tex
@@ -320,6 +320,47 @@ is non-zero then the module is disabled for this set of parameters.
+\subsubsection{Scripting in map modules}
+\item The special wires {\tt \_TECHMAP\_DO\_*} can be used to run Yosys scripts
+in the context of the replacement module.
+\item The wire that comes first in alphatecial oder is interprated as string (must
+be connected to constants) that is executed as script. Then the wire is removed. Repeat.
+\item You can even call techmap recursively!
+\item Example use-cases:
+\item Using always blocks in map module: call {\tt proc}
+\item Perform expensive optimizations (such as {\tt freduce}) on cells where
+this is known to work well.
+\item Interacting with custom commands.
+\begin{frame}[t]{\subsubsecname{} -- Example}
+\vbox to 0cm{
+\hskip0.5cm\includegraphics[width=10cm,trim=0 0cm 0 0cm]{PRESENTATION_ExAdv/mymul.pdf}
+\lstinputlisting[basicstyle=\ttfamily\fontsize{8pt}{10pt}\selectfont, language=verilog]{PRESENTATION_ExAdv/mymul_map.v}
+\lstinputlisting[basicstyle=\ttfamily\fontsize{8pt}{10pt}\selectfont, frame=single, language=verilog]{PRESENTATION_ExAdv/mymul_test.v}
+\lstinputlisting[basicstyle=\ttfamily\fontsize{8pt}{10pt}\selectfont, frame=single, language=ys, lastline=5]{PRESENTATION_ExAdv/mymul_test.ys}
+\lstinputlisting[basicstyle=\ttfamily\fontsize{7pt}{8pt}\selectfont, frame=single, language=ys, firstline=7, lastline=12]{PRESENTATION_ExAdv/mymul_test.ys}