path: root/tests/techmap/clkbufmap.ys
diff options
authorMarcin Koƛcielnicki <marcin@symbioticeda.com>2019-08-27 17:26:47 +0200
committerMarcin Koƛcielnicki <marcin@symbioticeda.com>2019-08-27 17:26:47 +0200
commit5fb4b12cb50b870b546d76f9c702678d8f0aa60a (patch)
tree856ddb83348e3a06076e42d79055067599ca3fe0 /tests/techmap/clkbufmap.ys
parent528f1c86877d247700bd9445e03c85b3eb437b5c (diff)
improve clkbuf_inhibit propagation upwards through hierarchy
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/techmap/clkbufmap.ys')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/tests/techmap/clkbufmap.ys b/tests/techmap/clkbufmap.ys
index 5847c3ce5..f1277864e 100644
--- a/tests/techmap/clkbufmap.ys
+++ b/tests/techmap/clkbufmap.ys
@@ -3,11 +3,26 @@ module clkbuf (input i, (* clkbuf_driver *) output o); endmodule
module dff ((* clkbuf_sink *) input clk, input d, output q); endmodule
module dffe ((* clkbuf_sink *) input c, input d, e, output q); endmodule
module latch (input e, d, output q); endmodule
+module clkgen (output o); endmodule
-module top(input clk1, clk2, clk3, d, e, output [2:0] q);
+module top(input clk1, clk2, clk3, d, e, output [4:0] q);
+wire clk4, clk5, clk6;
dff s0 (.clk(clk1), .d(d), .q(q[0]));
dffe s1 (.c(clk2), .d(d), .e(e), .q(q[1]));
latch s2 (.e(clk3), .d(d), .q(q[2]));
+sub s3 (.sclk4(clk4), .sclk5(clk5), .sclk6(clk6), .sd(d), .sq(q[3]));
+dff s4 (.clk(clk4), .d(d), .q(q[4]));
+dff s5 (.clk(clk5), .d(d), .q(q[4]));
+dff s6 (.clk(clk6), .d(d), .q(q[4]));
+module sub(output sclk4, output sclk5, output sclk6, input sd, output sq);
+wire tmp;
+clkgen s7(.o(sclk4));
+clkgen s8(.o(sclk5));
+clkgen s9(.o(tmp));
+clkbuf s10(.i(tmp), .o(sclk6));
+dff s11(.clk(sclk4), .d(sd), .q(sq));
@@ -18,7 +33,8 @@ design -save ref
design -load ref
clkbufmap -buf clkbuf o:i
-select -assert-count 2 t:clkbuf
+select -assert-count 3 top/t:clkbuf
+select -assert-count 2 sub/t:clkbuf
select -set clk1 w:clk1 %a %co t:clkbuf %i # Find 'clk1' fanouts that are 'clkbuf'
select -assert-count 1 @clk1 # Check there is one such fanout
select -assert-count 1 @clk1 %x:+[o] %co c:s* %i # Check that the 'o' of that clkbuf drives one fanout
@@ -27,6 +43,14 @@ select -set clk2 w:clk2 %a %co t:clkbuf %i
select -assert-count 1 @clk2
select -assert-count 1 @clk2 %x:+[o] %co c:s* %i
select -assert-count 1 @clk2 %x:+[o] %co c:s1 %i
+select -set clk5 w:clk5 %a %ci t:clkbuf %i
+select -assert-count 1 @clk5
+select -assert-count 1 @clk5 %x:+[o] %co c:s5 %i
+select -assert-count 1 @clk5 %x:+[i] %ci c:s3 %i
+select -set sclk4 w:sclk4 %a %ci t:clkbuf %i
+select -assert-count 1 @sclk4
+select -assert-count 1 @sclk4 %x:+[o] %co c:s11 %i
+select -assert-count 1 @sclk4 %x:+[i] %ci c:s7 %i
# ----------------------
@@ -34,7 +58,7 @@ design -load ref
setattr -set clkbuf_inhibit 0 w:clk1
setattr -set clkbuf_inhibit 1 w:clk2
clkbufmap -buf clkbuf o:i
-select -assert-count 1 t:clkbuf
+select -assert-count 2 top/t:clkbuf
select -set clk1 w:clk1 %a %co t:clkbuf %i # Find 'clk1' fanouts that are 'clkbuf'
select -assert-count 1 @clk1 # Check there is one such fanout
select -assert-count 1 @clk1 %x:+[o] %co c:s* %i # Check that the 'o' of that clkbuf drives one fanout
@@ -47,7 +71,8 @@ design -load ref
setattr -set clkbuf_inhibit 1 w:clk1
setattr -set buffer_type "bufg" w:clk2
clkbufmap -buf clkbuf o:i w:* a:buffer_type=none a:buffer_type=bufr %u %d
-select -assert-count 2 t:clkbuf
+select -assert-count 3 top/t:clkbuf
+select -assert-count 2 sub/t:clkbuf
select -set clk1 w:clk1 %a %co t:clkbuf %i # Find 'clk1' fanouts that are 'clkbuf'
select -assert-count 1 @clk1 # Check there is one such fanout
select -assert-count 1 @clk1 %x:+[o] %co c:s* %i # Check that the 'o' of that clkbuf drives one fanout
@@ -62,7 +87,10 @@ select -assert-count 1 @clk2 %x:+[o] %co c:s1 %i # And that one fanout is 's0
design -load ref
setattr -set buffer_type "none" w:clk1
setattr -set buffer_type "bufr" w:clk2
+setattr -set buffer_type "bufr" w:sclk4
+setattr -set buffer_type "bufr" w:sclk5
clkbufmap -buf clkbuf o:i w:* a:buffer_type=none a:buffer_type=bufr %u %d
select -assert-count 0 w:clk1 %a %co t:clkbuf %i
select -assert-count 0 w:clk2 %a %co t:clkbuf %i
-select -assert-count 0 t:clkbuf
+select -assert-count 0 top/t:clkbuf
+select -assert-count 1 sub/t:clkbuf