path: root/techlibs/xilinx
diff options
authorEddie Hung <eddie@fpgeh.com>2020-01-06 16:51:32 -0800
committerEddie Hung <eddie@fpgeh.com>2020-01-06 16:51:32 -0800
commit5c89dead5f481edaccd46ebc0af907544c89654f (patch)
treec40306fef9c52f8065cf5f19b42f31b668b17526 /techlibs/xilinx
parent01866a79093092bc2f8a8b20376f6cb552f76f00 (diff)
parentce765aa4def09bd8b0161425ee40ee55f62e33ff (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:YosysHQ/yosys
Diffstat (limited to 'techlibs/xilinx')
6 files changed, 642 insertions, 152 deletions
diff --git a/techlibs/xilinx/abc9_map.v b/techlibs/xilinx/abc9_map.v
index cbe2a8cef..0652064cb 100644
--- a/techlibs/xilinx/abc9_map.v
+++ b/techlibs/xilinx/abc9_map.v
@@ -18,8 +18,366 @@
-// ============================================================================
+// The following techmapping rules are intended to be run (with -max_iter 1)
+// before invoking the `abc9` pass in order to transform the design into
+// a format that it understands.
+`ifdef DFF_MODE
+// For example, (complex) flip-flops are expected to be described as an
+// combinatorial box (containing all control logic such as clock enable
+// or synchronous resets) followed by a basic D-Q flop.
+// Yosys will automatically analyse the simulation model (described in
+// cells_sim.v) and detach any $_DFF_P_ or $_DFF_N_ cells present in
+// order to extract the combinatorial control logic left behind.
+// Specifically, a simulation model similar to the one below:
+// ++===================================++
+// || Sim model ||
+// || /\/\/\/\ ||
+// D -->>-----< > +------+ ||
+// R -->>-----< Comb. > |$_DFF_| ||
+// CE -->>-----< logic >-----| [NP]_|---+---->>-- Q
+// || +--< > +------+ | ||
+// || | \/\/\/\/ | ||
+// || | | ||
+// || +----------------------------+ ||
+// || ||
+// ++===================================++
+// is transformed into:
+// ++==================++
+// || Comb box ||
+// || ||
+// || /\/\/\/\ ||
+// D -->>-----< > ||
+// R -->>-----< Comb. > || +-----------+
+// CE -->>-----< logic >--->>-- $Q --|$__ABC9_FF_|--+-->> Q
+// abc9_ff.Q +-->>-----< > || +-----------+ |
+// | || \/\/\/\/ || |
+// | || || |
+// | ++==================++ |
+// | |
+// +-----------------------------------------------+
+// The purpose of the following FD* rules are to wrap the flop with:
+// (a) a special $__ABC9_FF_ in front of the FD*'s output, indicating to abc9
+// the connectivity of its basic D-Q flop
+// (b) an optional $__ABC9_ASYNC_ cell in front of $__ABC_FF_'s output to
+// capture asynchronous behaviour
+// (c) a special abc9_ff.clock wire to capture its clock domain and polarity
+// (indicated to `abc9' so that it only performs sequential synthesis
+// (with reachability analysis) correctly on one domain at a time)
+// (d) a special abc9_ff.init wire to encode the flop's initial state
+// NOTE: in order to perform sequential synthesis, `abc9' also requires
+// that the initial value of all flops be zero
+// (e) a special _TECHMAP_REPLACE_.abc9_ff.Q wire that will be used for feedback
+// into the (combinatorial) FD* cell to facilitate clock-enable behaviour
+module FDRE (output Q, input C, CE, D, R);
+ parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b0;
+ parameter [0:0] IS_C_INVERTED = 1'b0;
+ parameter [0:0] IS_D_INVERTED = 1'b0;
+ parameter [0:0] IS_R_INVERTED = 1'b0;
+ wire QQ, $Q;
+ generate if (INIT == 1'b1) begin
+ assign Q = ~QQ;
+ FDSE #(
+ .INIT(1'b0),
+ .D(~D), .Q($Q), .C(C), .CE(CE), .S(R)
+ );
+ end
+ else begin
+ assign Q = QQ;
+ FDRE #(
+ .INIT(1'b0),
+ .D(D), .Q($Q), .C(C), .CE(CE), .R(R)
+ );
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ $__ABC9_FF_ abc9_ff (.D($Q), .Q(QQ));
+ // Special signals
+ wire [1:0] abc9_ff.clock = {C, IS_C_INVERTED};
+ wire [0:0] abc9_ff.init = 1'b0;
+ wire [0:0] _TECHMAP_REPLACE_.abc9_ff.Q = QQ;
+module FDRE_1 (output Q, input C, CE, D, R);
+ parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b0;
+ wire QQ, $Q;
+ generate if (INIT == 1'b1) begin
+ assign Q = ~QQ;
+ FDSE_1 #(
+ .INIT(1'b0)
+ .D(~D), .Q($Q), .C(C), .CE(CE), .S(R)
+ );
+ end
+ else begin
+ assign Q = QQ;
+ FDRE_1 #(
+ .INIT(1'b0)
+ .D(D), .Q($Q), .C(C), .CE(CE), .R(R)
+ );
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ $__ABC9_FF_ abc9_ff (.D($Q), .Q(QQ));
+ // Special signals
+ wire [1:0] abc9_ff.clock = {C, 1'b1 /* IS_C_INVERTED */};
+ wire [0:0] abc9_ff.init = 1'b0;
+ wire [0:0] _TECHMAP_REPLACE_.abc9_ff.Q = QQ;
+module FDSE (output Q, input C, CE, D, S);
+ parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b1;
+ parameter [0:0] IS_C_INVERTED = 1'b0;
+ parameter [0:0] IS_D_INVERTED = 1'b0;
+ parameter [0:0] IS_S_INVERTED = 1'b0;
+ wire QQ, $Q;
+ generate if (INIT == 1'b1) begin
+ assign Q = ~QQ;
+ FDRE #(
+ .INIT(1'b0),
+ .D(~D), .Q($Q), .C(C), .CE(CE), .R(S)
+ );
+ end
+ else begin
+ assign Q = QQ;
+ FDSE #(
+ .INIT(1'b0),
+ .D(D), .Q($Q), .C(C), .CE(CE), .S(S)
+ );
+ end endgenerate
+ $__ABC9_FF_ abc9_ff (.D($Q), .Q(QQ));
+ // Special signals
+ wire [1:0] abc9_ff.clock = {C, IS_C_INVERTED};
+ wire [0:0] abc9_ff.init = 1'b0;
+ wire [0:0] _TECHMAP_REPLACE_.abc9_ff.Q = QQ;
+module FDSE_1 (output Q, input C, CE, D, S);
+ parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b1;
+ wire QQ, $Q;
+ generate if (INIT == 1'b1) begin
+ assign Q = ~QQ;
+ FDRE_1 #(
+ .INIT(1'b0)
+ .D(~D), .Q($Q), .C(C), .CE(CE), .R(S)
+ );
+ end
+ else begin
+ assign Q = QQ;
+ FDSE_1 #(
+ .INIT(1'b0)
+ .D(D), .Q($Q), .C(C), .CE(CE), .S(S)
+ );
+ end endgenerate
+ $__ABC9_FF_ abc9_ff (.D($Q), .Q(QQ));
+ // Special signals
+ wire [1:0] abc9_ff.clock = {C, 1'b1 /* IS_C_INVERTED */};
+ wire [0:0] abc9_ff.init = 1'b0;
+ wire [0:0] _TECHMAP_REPLACE_.abc9_ff.Q = QQ;
+module FDCE (output Q, input C, CE, D, CLR);
+ parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b0;
+ parameter [0:0] IS_C_INVERTED = 1'b0;
+ parameter [0:0] IS_D_INVERTED = 1'b0;
+ parameter [0:0] IS_CLR_INVERTED = 1'b0;
+ wire QQ, $Q, $QQ;
+ generate if (INIT == 1'b1) begin
+ assign Q = ~QQ;
+ FDPE #(
+ .INIT(1'b0),
+ .D(~D), .Q($Q), .C(C), .CE(CE), .PRE(CLR)
+ // ^^^ Note that async
+ // control is not directly
+ // supported by abc9 but its
+ // behaviour is captured by
+ // $__ABC9_ASYNC1 below
+ );
+ // Since this is an async flop, async behaviour is dealt with here
+ $__ABC9_ASYNC1 abc_async (.A($QQ), .S(CLR ^ IS_CLR_INVERTED), .Y(QQ));
+ end
+ else begin
+ assign Q = QQ;
+ FDCE #(
+ .INIT(1'b0),
+ .D(D), .Q($Q), .C(C), .CE(CE), .CLR(CLR)
+ // ^^^ Note that async
+ // control is not directly
+ // supported by abc9 but its
+ // behaviour is captured by
+ // $__ABC9_ASYNC0 below
+ );
+ // Since this is an async flop, async behaviour is dealt with here
+ $__ABC9_ASYNC0 abc_async (.A($QQ), .S(CLR ^ IS_CLR_INVERTED), .Y(QQ));
+ end endgenerate
+ $__ABC9_FF_ abc9_ff (.D($Q), .Q($QQ));
+ // Special signals
+ wire [1:0] abc9_ff.clock = {C, IS_C_INVERTED};
+ wire [0:0] abc9_ff.init = 1'b0;
+ wire [0:0] _TECHMAP_REPLACE_.abc9_ff.Q = $QQ;
+module FDCE_1 (output Q, input C, CE, D, CLR);
+ parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b0;
+ wire QQ, $Q, $QQ;
+ generate if (INIT == 1'b1) begin
+ assign Q = ~QQ;
+ FDPE_1 #(
+ .INIT(1'b0)
+ .D(~D), .Q($Q), .C(C), .CE(CE), .PRE(CLR)
+ // ^^^ Note that async
+ // control is not directly
+ // supported by abc9 but its
+ // behaviour is captured by
+ // $__ABC9_ASYNC1 below
+ );
+ $__ABC9_ASYNC1 abc_async (.A($QQ), .S(CLR), .Y(QQ));
+ end
+ else begin
+ assign Q = QQ;
+ FDCE_1 #(
+ .INIT(1'b0)
+ .D(D), .Q($Q), .C(C), .CE(CE), .CLR(CLR)
+ // ^^^ Note that async
+ // control is not directly
+ // supported by abc9 but its
+ // behaviour is captured by
+ // $__ABC9_ASYNC0 below
+ );
+ $__ABC9_ASYNC0 abc_async (.A($QQ), .S(CLR), .Y(QQ));
+ end endgenerate
+ $__ABC9_FF_ abc9_ff (.D($Q), .Q($QQ));
+ // Special signals
+ wire [1:0] abc9_ff.clock = {C, 1'b1 /* IS_C_INVERTED */};
+ wire [0:0] abc9_ff.init = 1'b0;
+ wire [0:0] _TECHMAP_REPLACE_.abc9_ff.Q = $QQ;
+module FDPE (output Q, input C, CE, D, PRE);
+ parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b1;
+ parameter [0:0] IS_C_INVERTED = 1'b0;
+ parameter [0:0] IS_D_INVERTED = 1'b0;
+ parameter [0:0] IS_PRE_INVERTED = 1'b0;
+ wire QQ, $Q, $QQ;
+ generate if (INIT == 1'b1) begin
+ assign Q = ~QQ;
+ FDCE #(
+ .INIT(1'b0),
+ .D(~D), .Q($Q), .C(C), .CE(CE), .CLR(PRE)
+ // ^^^ Note that async
+ // control is not directly
+ // supported by abc9 but its
+ // behaviour is captured by
+ // $__ABC9_ASYNC0 below
+ );
+ $__ABC9_ASYNC0 abc_async (.A($QQ), .S(PRE ^ IS_PRE_INVERTED), .Y(QQ));
+ end
+ else begin
+ assign Q = QQ;
+ FDPE #(
+ .INIT(1'b0),
+ .D(D), .Q($Q), .C(C), .CE(CE), .PRE(PRE)
+ // ^^^ Note that async
+ // control is not directly
+ // supported by abc9 but its
+ // behaviour is captured by
+ // $__ABC9_ASYNC1 below
+ );
+ $__ABC9_ASYNC1 abc_async (.A($QQ), .S(PRE ^ IS_PRE_INVERTED), .Y(QQ));
+ end endgenerate
+ $__ABC9_FF_ abc9_ff (.D($Q), .Q($QQ));
+ // Special signals
+ wire [1:0] abc9_ff.clock = {C, IS_C_INVERTED};
+ wire [0:0] abc9_ff.init = 1'b0;
+ wire [0:0] _TECHMAP_REPLACE_.abc9_ff.Q = $QQ;
+module FDPE_1 (output Q, input C, CE, D, PRE);
+ parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b1;
+ wire QQ, $Q, $QQ;
+ generate if (INIT == 1'b1) begin
+ assign Q = ~QQ;
+ FDCE_1 #(
+ .INIT(1'b0)
+ .D(~D), .Q($Q), .C(C), .CE(CE), .CLR(PRE)
+ // ^^^ Note that async
+ // control is not directly
+ // supported by abc9 but its
+ // behaviour is captured by
+ // $__ABC9_ASYNC0 below
+ );
+ $__ABC9_ASYNC0 abc_async (.A($QQ), .S(PRE), .Y(QQ));
+ end
+ else begin
+ assign Q = QQ;
+ FDPE_1 #(
+ .INIT(1'b0)
+ .D(D), .Q($Q), .C(C), .CE(CE), .PRE(PRE)
+ // ^^^ Note that async
+ // control is not directly
+ // supported by abc9 but its
+ // behaviour is captured by
+ // $__ABC9_ASYNC1 below
+ );
+ $__ABC9_ASYNC1 abc_async (.A($QQ), .S(PRE), .Y(QQ));
+ end endgenerate
+ $__ABC9_FF_ abc9_ff (.D($Q), .Q($QQ));
+ // Special signals
+ wire [1:0] abc9_ff.clock = {C, 1'b1 /* IS_C_INVERTED */};
+ wire [0:0] abc9_ff.init = 1'b0;
+ wire [0:0] _TECHMAP_REPLACE_.abc9_ff.Q = $QQ;
+// Attach a (combinatorial) black-box onto the output
+// of thes LUTRAM primitives to capture their
+// asynchronous read behaviour
module RAM32X1D (
output DPO, SPO,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input D,
@@ -30,17 +388,17 @@ module RAM32X1D (
parameter INIT = 32'h0;
parameter IS_WCLK_INVERTED = 1'b0;
- wire \$DPO , \$SPO ;
+ wire $DPO, $SPO;
RAM32X1D #(
- .DPO(\$DPO ), .SPO(\$SPO ),
+ .DPO($DPO), .SPO($SPO),
.D(D), .WCLK(WCLK), .WE(WE),
.A0(A0), .A1(A1), .A2(A2), .A3(A3), .A4(A4),
- \$__ABC9_LUT6 spo (.A(\$SPO ), .S({1'b1, A4, A3, A2, A1, A0}), .Y(SPO));
- \$__ABC9_LUT6 dpo (.A(\$DPO ), .S({1'b1, DPRA4, DPRA3, DPRA2, DPRA1, DPRA0}), .Y(DPO));
+ $__ABC9_LUT6 spo (.A($SPO), .S({1'b1, A4, A3, A2, A1, A0}), .Y(SPO));
+ $__ABC9_LUT6 dpo (.A($DPO), .S({1'b1, DPRA4, DPRA3, DPRA2, DPRA1, DPRA0}), .Y(DPO));
module RAM64X1D (
@@ -53,17 +411,17 @@ module RAM64X1D (
parameter INIT = 64'h0;
parameter IS_WCLK_INVERTED = 1'b0;
- wire \$DPO , \$SPO ;
+ wire $DPO, $SPO;
RAM64X1D #(
- .DPO(\$DPO ), .SPO(\$SPO ),
+ .DPO($DPO), .SPO($SPO),
.D(D), .WCLK(WCLK), .WE(WE),
.A0(A0), .A1(A1), .A2(A2), .A3(A3), .A4(A4), .A5(A5),
- \$__ABC9_LUT6 spo (.A(\$SPO ), .S({A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, A0}), .Y(SPO));
- \$__ABC9_LUT6 dpo (.A(\$DPO ), .S({DPRA5, DPRA4, DPRA3, DPRA2, DPRA1, DPRA0}), .Y(DPO));
+ $__ABC9_LUT6 spo (.A($SPO), .S({A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, A0}), .Y(SPO));
+ $__ABC9_LUT6 dpo (.A($DPO), .S({DPRA5, DPRA4, DPRA3, DPRA2, DPRA1, DPRA0}), .Y(DPO));
module RAM128X1D (
@@ -75,17 +433,17 @@ module RAM128X1D (
parameter INIT = 128'h0;
parameter IS_WCLK_INVERTED = 1'b0;
- wire \$DPO , \$SPO ;
+ wire $DPO, $SPO;
RAM128X1D #(
- .DPO(\$DPO ), .SPO(\$SPO ),
+ .DPO($DPO), .SPO($SPO),
.D(D), .WCLK(WCLK), .WE(WE),
- \$__ABC9_LUT7 spo (.A(\$SPO ), .S(A), .Y(SPO));
- \$__ABC9_LUT7 dpo (.A(\$DPO ), .S(DPRA), .Y(DPO));
+ $__ABC9_LUT7 spo (.A($SPO), .S(A), .Y(SPO));
+ $__ABC9_LUT7 dpo (.A($DPO), .S(DPRA), .Y(DPO));
module RAM32M (
@@ -109,24 +467,24 @@ module RAM32M (
parameter [63:0] INIT_C = 64'h0000000000000000;
parameter [63:0] INIT_D = 64'h0000000000000000;
parameter [0:0] IS_WCLK_INVERTED = 1'b0;
- wire [1:0] \$DOA , \$DOB , \$DOC , \$DOD ;
+ wire [1:0] $DOA, $DOB, $DOC, $DOD;
RAM32M #(
- .DOA(\$DOA ), .DOB(\$DOB ), .DOC(\$DOC ), .DOD(\$DOD ),
+ .DOA($DOA), .DOB($DOB), .DOC($DOC), .DOD($DOD),
- \$__ABC9_LUT6 doa0 (.A(\$DOA [0]), .S({1'b1, ADDRA}), .Y(DOA[0]));
- \$__ABC9_LUT6 doa1 (.A(\$DOA [1]), .S({1'b1, ADDRA}), .Y(DOA[1]));
- \$__ABC9_LUT6 dob0 (.A(\$DOB [0]), .S({1'b1, ADDRB}), .Y(DOB[0]));
- \$__ABC9_LUT6 dob1 (.A(\$DOB [1]), .S({1'b1, ADDRB}), .Y(DOB[1]));
- \$__ABC9_LUT6 doc0 (.A(\$DOC [0]), .S({1'b1, ADDRC}), .Y(DOC[0]));
- \$__ABC9_LUT6 doc1 (.A(\$DOC [1]), .S({1'b1, ADDRC}), .Y(DOC[1]));
- \$__ABC9_LUT6 dod0 (.A(\$DOD [0]), .S({1'b1, ADDRD}), .Y(DOD[0]));
- \$__ABC9_LUT6 dod1 (.A(\$DOD [1]), .S({1'b1, ADDRD}), .Y(DOD[1]));
+ $__ABC9_LUT6 doa0 (.A($DOA[0]), .S({1'b1, ADDRA}), .Y(DOA[0]));
+ $__ABC9_LUT6 doa1 (.A($DOA[1]), .S({1'b1, ADDRA}), .Y(DOA[1]));
+ $__ABC9_LUT6 dob0 (.A($DOB[0]), .S({1'b1, ADDRB}), .Y(DOB[0]));
+ $__ABC9_LUT6 dob1 (.A($DOB[1]), .S({1'b1, ADDRB}), .Y(DOB[1]));
+ $__ABC9_LUT6 doc0 (.A($DOC[0]), .S({1'b1, ADDRC}), .Y(DOC[0]));
+ $__ABC9_LUT6 doc1 (.A($DOC[1]), .S({1'b1, ADDRC}), .Y(DOC[1]));
+ $__ABC9_LUT6 dod0 (.A($DOD[0]), .S({1'b1, ADDRD}), .Y(DOD[0]));
+ $__ABC9_LUT6 dod1 (.A($DOD[1]), .S({1'b1, ADDRD}), .Y(DOD[1]));
module RAM64M (
@@ -150,20 +508,20 @@ module RAM64M (
parameter [63:0] INIT_C = 64'h0000000000000000;
parameter [63:0] INIT_D = 64'h0000000000000000;
parameter [0:0] IS_WCLK_INVERTED = 1'b0;
- wire \$DOA , \$DOB , \$DOC , \$DOD ;
+ wire $DOA, $DOB, $DOC, $DOD;
RAM64M #(
- .DOA(\$DOA ), .DOB(\$DOB ), .DOC(\$DOC ), .DOD(\$DOD ),
+ .DOA($DOA), .DOB($DOB), .DOC($DOC), .DOD($DOD),
- \$__ABC9_LUT6 doa (.A(\$DOA ), .S(ADDRA), .Y(DOA));
- \$__ABC9_LUT6 dob (.A(\$DOB ), .S(ADDRB), .Y(DOB));
- \$__ABC9_LUT6 doc (.A(\$DOC ), .S(ADDRC), .Y(DOC));
- \$__ABC9_LUT6 dod (.A(\$DOD ), .S(ADDRD), .Y(DOD));
+ $__ABC9_LUT6 doa (.A($DOA), .S(ADDRA), .Y(DOA));
+ $__ABC9_LUT6 dob (.A($DOB), .S(ADDRB), .Y(DOB));
+ $__ABC9_LUT6 doc (.A($DOC), .S(ADDRC), .Y(DOC));
+ $__ABC9_LUT6 dod (.A($DOD), .S(ADDRD), .Y(DOD));
module SRL16E (
@@ -172,14 +530,14 @@ module SRL16E (
parameter [15:0] INIT = 16'h0000;
parameter [0:0] IS_CLK_INVERTED = 1'b0;
- wire \$Q ;
+ wire $Q;
SRL16E #(
- .Q(\$Q ),
+ .Q($Q),
.A0(A0), .A1(A1), .A2(A2), .A3(A3), .CE(CE), .CLK(CLK), .D(D)
- \$__ABC9_LUT6 q (.A(\$Q ), .S({1'b1, A3, A2, A1, A0, 1'b1}), .Y(Q));
+ $__ABC9_LUT6 q (.A($Q), .S({1'b1, A3, A2, A1, A0, 1'b1}), .Y(Q));
module SRLC32E (
@@ -190,14 +548,14 @@ module SRLC32E (
parameter [31:0] INIT = 32'h00000000;
parameter [0:0] IS_CLK_INVERTED = 1'b0;
- wire \$Q ;
+ wire $Q;
SRLC32E #(
- .Q(\$Q ), .Q31(Q31),
+ .Q($Q), .Q31(Q31),
.A(A), .CE(CE), .CLK(CLK), .D(D)
- \$__ABC9_LUT6 q (.A(\$Q ), .S({1'b1, A}), .Y(Q));
+ $__ABC9_LUT6 q (.A($Q), .S({1'b1, A}), .Y(Q));
module DSP48E1 (
diff --git a/techlibs/xilinx/abc9_model.v b/techlibs/xilinx/abc9_model.v
index 18d59dcd6..204fa883f 100644
--- a/techlibs/xilinx/abc9_model.v
+++ b/techlibs/xilinx/abc9_model.v
@@ -30,7 +30,22 @@ module \$__XILINX_MUXF78 (output O, input I0, I1, I2, I3, S0, S1);
: (S0 ? I1 : I0);
-// Box to emulate comb/seq behaviour of RAMD{32,64} and SRL{16,32}
+module \$__ABC9_FF_ (input D, output Q);
+// Box to emulate async behaviour of FDC*
+(* abc9_box_id = 1000, lib_whitebox *)
+module \$__ABC9_ASYNC0 (input A, S, output Y);
+ assign Y = S ? 1'b0 : A;
+// Box to emulate async behaviour of FDP*
+(* abc9_box_id = 1001, lib_whitebox *)
+module \$__ABC9_ASYNC1 (input A, S, output Y);
+ assign Y = S ? 1'b0 : A;
+// Box to emulate comb/seq behaviour of RAM{32,64} and SRL{16,32}
// Necessary since RAMD* and SRL* have both combinatorial (i.e.
// same-cycle read operation) and sequential (write operation
// is only committed on the next clock edge).
@@ -39,7 +54,7 @@ endmodule
(* abc9_box_id=2000 *)
module \$__ABC9_LUT6 (input A, input [5:0] S, output Y);
-// Box to emulate comb/seq behaviour of RAMD128
+// Box to emulate comb/seq behaviour of RAM128
(* abc9_box_id=2001 *)
module \$__ABC9_LUT7 (input A, input [6:0] S, output Y);
diff --git a/techlibs/xilinx/abc9_unmap.v b/techlibs/xilinx/abc9_unmap.v
index 64135e9a7..f2342ce62 100644
--- a/techlibs/xilinx/abc9_unmap.v
+++ b/techlibs/xilinx/abc9_unmap.v
@@ -20,6 +20,15 @@
// ============================================================================
+(* techmap_celltype = "$__ABC9_ASYNC0 $__ABC9_ASYNC1" *)
+module $__ABC9_ASYNC01(input A, S, output Y);
+ assign Y = A;
+module $__ABC9_FF_(input D, output Q);
+ assign Q = D;
module $__ABC9_LUT6(input A, input [5:0] S, output Y);
assign Y = A;
diff --git a/techlibs/xilinx/abc9_xc7.box b/techlibs/xilinx/abc9_xc7.box
index 9fb1cc0ef..64170546c 100644
--- a/techlibs/xilinx/abc9_xc7.box
+++ b/techlibs/xilinx/abc9_xc7.box
@@ -1,64 +1,142 @@
# Max delays from https://github.com/SymbiFlow/prjxray-db/blob/34ea6eb08a63d21ec16264ad37a0a7b142ff6031/artix7/timings/CLBLL_L.sdf
# https://github.com/SymbiFlow/prjxray-db/blob/23c8b0851f979f0799318eaca90174413a46b257/artix7/timings/slicel.sdf
-# NB: Inputs/Outputs must be ordered alphabetically
-# (with exceptions for carry in/out)
+# NB: Box inputs/outputs must each be in the same order
+# as their corresponding module definition
+# (with exceptions detailed below)
-# Average across F7[AB]MUX
-# Inputs: I0 I1 S0
-# Outputs: O
-MUXF7 1 1 3 1
-204 208 286
+# Box 1 : MUXF7
+# Max delays from: https://github.com/SymbiFlow/prjxray-db/blob/34ea6eb08a63d21ec16264ad37a0a7b142ff6031/artix7/timings/CLBLL_L.sdf#L451-L453
+# name ID w/b ins outs
+MUXF7 1 1 3 1
+#I0 I1 S0
+204 208 286 # O
-# Inputs: I0 I1 S0
-# Outputs: O
-MUXF8 2 1 3 1
-104 94 273
+# Box 2 : MUXF8
+# Max delays from: https://github.com/SymbiFlow/prjxray-db/blob/34ea6eb08a63d21ec16264ad37a0a7b142ff6031/artix7/timings/CLBLL_L.sdf#L462-L464
+# name ID w/b ins outs
+MUXF8 2 1 3 1
+#I0 I1 S0
+104 94 273 # O
-# Box containing MUXF7.[AB] + MUXF8,
-# Necessary to make these an atomic unit so that
-# ABC cannot optimise just one of the MUXF7 away
-# and expect to save on its delay
-# Inputs: I0 I1 I2 I3 S0 S1
-# Outputs: O
-$__MUXF78 3 1 6 1
-294 297 311 317 390 273
+# Box 3 : $__MUXF78
+# (private cell used to preserve 2xMUXF7 + 1xMUXF8
+# an atomic unit so that ABC cannot optimise just
+# one of the MUXF7 away and expect to save on its
+# delay, since MUXF8 is only reachable through an
+# MUXF7)
+# name ID w/b ins outs
+$__MUXF78 3 1 6 1
+#I0 I1 I2 I3 S0 S1
+294 297 311 317 390 273 # O
-# Inputs: CYINIT DI0 DI1 DI2 DI3 S0 S1 S2 S3 CI
-# Outputs: O0 O1 O2 O3 CO0 CO1 CO2 CO3
-# (NB: carry chain input/output must be last
-# input/output and the entire bus has been
+# Box 4 : CARRY4 + CARRY4_[ABCD]X
+# (Exception: carry chain input/output must be the
+# last input and output and the entire bus has been
# moved there overriding the otherwise
# alphabetical ordering)
-CARRY4 4 1 10 8
-482 - - - - 223 - - - 222
-598 407 - - - 400 205 - - 334
-584 556 537 - - 523 558 226 - 239
-642 615 596 438 - 582 618 330 227 313
-536 379 - - - 340 - - - 271
-494 465 445 - - 433 469 - - 157
-592 540 520 356 - 512 548 292 - 228
-580 526 507 398 385 508 528 378 380 114
+# Max delays from: https://github.com/SymbiFlow/prjxray-db/blob/34ea6eb08a63d21ec16264ad37a0a7b142ff6031/artix7/timings/CLBLL_L.sdf#L11-L46
+# name ID w/b ins outs
+CARRY4 4 1 10 8
+482 - - - - 223 - - - 222 # O0
+598 407 - - - 400 205 - - 334 # O1
+584 556 537 - - 523 558 226 - 239 # O2
+642 615 596 438 - 582 618 330 227 313 # O3
+536 379 - - - 340 - - - 271 # CO0
+494 465 445 - - 433 469 - - 157 # CO1
+592 540 520 356 - 512 548 292 - 228 # CO2
+580 526 507 398 385 508 528 378 380 114 # CO3
+# Box 1000 : $__ABC9_ASYNC0
+# (private cell to emulate async behaviour of FDC*)
+# name ID w/b ins outs
+$__ABC9_ASYNC0 1000 1 2 1
+#A S
+0 764 # Y
+# Box 1001 : $__ABC9_ASYNC1
+# (private cell to emulate async behaviour of FDP*)
+# name ID w/b ins outs
+$__ABC9_ASYNC1 1001 1 2 1
+#A S
+0 764 # Y
+# Flop boxes:
+# * Max delays from https://github.com/SymbiFlow/prjxray-db/blob/23c8b0851f979f0799318eaca90174413a46b257/artix7/timings/slicel.sdf#L237-L251
+# https://github.com/SymbiFlow/prjxray-db/blob/23c8b0851f979f0799318eaca90174413a46b257/artix7/timings/slicel.sdf#L265-L277
+# * Exception: $abc9_currQ is a special input (located last) necessary for clock-enable functionality
+# Box 1100 : FDRE
+# name ID w/b ins outs
+FDRE 1100 1 5 1
+#C CE D R $abc9_currQ
+#0 109 -46 404 0
+0 109 0 404 0 # Q (-46ps Tsu clamped to 0)
+# Box 1101 : FDRE_1
+# name ID w/b ins outs
+FDRE_1 1101 1 5 1
+#C CE D R $abc9_currQ
+#0 109 -46 404 0
+0 109 0 404 0 # Q (-46ps Tsu clamped to 0)
+# Box 1102 : FDSE
+# name ID w/b ins outs
+FDSE 1102 1 5 1
+#C CE D R $abc9_currQ
+#0 109 -46 404 0
+0 109 0 404 0 # Q (-46ps Tsu clamped to 0)
+# Box 1103 : FDSE_1
+# name ID w/b ins outs
+FDSE_1 1103 1 5 1
+#C CE D R $abc9_currQ
+#0 109 -46 404 0
+0 109 0 404 0 # Q (-46ps Tsu clamped to 0)
+# Box 1104 : FDCE
+# name ID w/b ins outs
+FDCE 1104 1 5 1
+#C CE CLR D $abc9_currQ
+#0 109 764 -46 0
+0 109 764 0 0 # Q (-46ps Tsu clamped to 0)
+# Box 1105 : FDCE_1
+# name ID w/b ins outs
+FDCE_1 1105 1 5 1
+#C CE CLR D $abc9_currQ
+#0 109 764 -46 0
+0 109 764 0 0 # Q (-46ps Tsu clamped to 0)
+# Box 1106 : FDPE
+# name ID w/b ins outs
+FDPE 1106 1 5 1
+#C CE D PRE $abc9_currQ
+#0 109 -46 764 0
+0 109 0 764 0 # Q (-46ps Tsu clamped to 0)
+# Box 1107 : FDPE_1
+# name ID w/b ins outs
+FDPE_1 1107 1 5 1
+#C CE D PRE $abc9_currQ
+#0 109 -46 764 0
+0 109 0 764 0 # Q (-46ps Tsu clamped to 0)
+# Box 2000 : $__ABC9_LUT6
+# (private cell to emulate async behaviour of LUTRAMs)
-# Box to emulate comb/seq behaviour of RAMD{32,64} and SRL{16,32}
-# Necessary since RAMD* and SRL* have both combinatorial (i.e.
-# same-cycle read operation) and sequential (write operation
-# is only committed on the next clock edge).
-# To model the combinatorial path, such cells have to be split
-# into comb and seq parts, with this box modelling only the former.
-# Inputs: A S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
-# Outputs: Y
-$__ABC9_LUT6 2000 0 7 1
-0 642 631 472 407 238 127
+# name ID w/b ins outs
+$__ABC9_LUT6 2000 0 7 1
+#A S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
+0 642 631 472 407 238 127 # Y
-# Box to emulate comb/seq behaviour of RAMD128
-# Inputs: A S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
-# Outputs: DPO SPO
+# Box 2001 : $__ABC9_LUT6
+# (private cell to emulate async behaviour of LUITRAMs)
+# name ID w/b ins outs
$__ABC9_LUT7 2001 0 8 1
-0 1047 1036 877 812 643 532 478
+#A S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
+0 1047 1036 877 812 643 532 478 # Y
# Boxes used to represent the comb behaviour of various modes
# of DSP48E1
diff --git a/techlibs/xilinx/cells_sim.v b/techlibs/xilinx/cells_sim.v
index 70ab1f293..22dca3c47 100644
--- a/techlibs/xilinx/cells_sim.v
+++ b/techlibs/xilinx/cells_sim.v
@@ -325,6 +325,7 @@ endmodule
// Max delay from: https://github.com/SymbiFlow/prjxray-db/blob/34ea6eb08a63d21ec16264ad37a0a7b142ff6031/artix7/timings/CLBLL_L.sdf#L238-L250
+(* abc9_box_id=1100, lib_whitebox, abc9_flop *)
module FDRE (
(* abc9_arrival=303 *)
output reg Q,
@@ -348,6 +349,20 @@ module FDRE (
endcase endgenerate
+(* abc9_box_id=1101, lib_whitebox, abc9_flop *)
+module FDRE_1 (
+ (* abc9_arrival=303 *)
+ output reg Q,
+ (* clkbuf_sink *)
+ input C,
+ input CE, D, R
+ parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b0;
+ initial Q <= INIT;
+ always @(negedge C) if (R) Q <= 1'b0; else if (CE) Q <= D;
+(* abc9_box_id=1102, lib_whitebox, abc9_flop *)
module FDSE (
(* abc9_arrival=303 *)
output reg Q,
@@ -371,6 +386,19 @@ module FDSE (
endcase endgenerate
+(* abc9_box_id=1103, lib_whitebox, abc9_flop *)
+module FDSE_1 (
+ (* abc9_arrival=303 *)
+ output reg Q,
+ (* clkbuf_sink *)
+ input C,
+ input CE, D, S
+ parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b1;
+ initial Q <= INIT;
+ always @(negedge C) if (S) Q <= 1'b1; else if (CE) Q <= D;
module FDRSE (
output reg Q,
(* clkbuf_sink *)
@@ -406,6 +434,7 @@ module FDRSE (
Q <= d;
+(* abc9_box_id=1104, lib_whitebox, abc9_flop *)
module FDCE (
(* abc9_arrival=303 *)
output reg Q,
@@ -413,10 +442,10 @@ module FDCE (
(* invertible_pin = "IS_C_INVERTED" *)
input C,
input CE,
- (* invertible_pin = "IS_D_INVERTED" *)
- input D,
(* invertible_pin = "IS_CLR_INVERTED" *)
- input CLR
+ input CLR,
+ (* invertible_pin = "IS_D_INVERTED" *)
+ input D
parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b0;
parameter [0:0] IS_C_INVERTED = 1'b0;
@@ -431,6 +460,20 @@ module FDCE (
endcase endgenerate
+(* abc9_box_id=1105, lib_whitebox, abc9_flop *)
+module FDCE_1 (
+ (* abc9_arrival=303 *)
+ output reg Q,
+ (* clkbuf_sink *)
+ input C,
+ input CE, D, CLR
+ parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b0;
+ initial Q <= INIT;
+ always @(negedge C, posedge CLR) if (CLR) Q <= 1'b0; else if (CE) Q <= D;
+(* abc9_box_id=1106, lib_whitebox, abc9_flop *)
module FDPE (
(* abc9_arrival=303 *)
output reg Q,
@@ -456,6 +499,19 @@ module FDPE (
endcase endgenerate
+(* abc9_box_id=1107, lib_whitebox, abc9_flop *)
+module FDPE_1 (
+ (* abc9_arrival=303 *)
+ output reg Q,
+ (* clkbuf_sink *)
+ input C,
+ input CE, D, PRE
+ parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b1;
+ initial Q <= INIT;
+ always @(negedge C, posedge PRE) if (PRE) Q <= 1'b1; else if (CE) Q <= D;
module FDCPE (
output wire Q,
(* clkbuf_sink *)
@@ -501,54 +557,6 @@ module FDCPE (
assign Q = qs ? qp : qc;
-module FDRE_1 (
- (* abc9_arrival=303 *)
- output reg Q,
- (* clkbuf_sink *)
- input C,
- input CE, D, R
- parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b0;
- initial Q <= INIT;
- always @(negedge C) if (R) Q <= 1'b0; else if(CE) Q <= D;
-module FDSE_1 (
- (* abc9_arrival=303 *)
- output reg Q,
- (* clkbuf_sink *)
- input C,
- input CE, D, S
- parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b1;
- initial Q <= INIT;
- always @(negedge C) if (S) Q <= 1'b1; else if(CE) Q <= D;
-module FDCE_1 (
- (* abc9_arrival=303 *)
- output reg Q,
- (* clkbuf_sink *)
- input C,
- input CE, D, CLR
- parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b0;
- initial Q <= INIT;
- always @(negedge C, posedge CLR) if (CLR) Q <= 1'b0; else if (CE) Q <= D;
-module FDPE_1 (
- (* abc9_arrival=303 *)
- output reg Q,
- (* clkbuf_sink *)
- input C,
- input CE, D, PRE
- parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b1;
- initial Q <= INIT;
- always @(negedge C, posedge PRE) if (PRE) Q <= 1'b1; else if (CE) Q <= D;
module LDCE (
output reg Q,
(* invertible_pin = "IS_CLR_INVERTED" *)
diff --git a/techlibs/xilinx/synth_xilinx.cc b/techlibs/xilinx/synth_xilinx.cc
index b0c4795ee..51d2cbbd2 100644
--- a/techlibs/xilinx/synth_xilinx.cc
+++ b/techlibs/xilinx/synth_xilinx.cc
@@ -107,8 +107,12 @@ struct SynthXilinxPass : public ScriptPass
log(" -flatten\n");
log(" flatten design before synthesis\n");
+ log(" -dff\n");
+ log(" run 'abc'/'abc9' with -dff option\n");
+ log("\n");
log(" -retime\n");
- log(" run 'abc' with '-dff -D 1' options\n");
+ log(" run 'abc' with '-D 1' option to enable flip-flop retiming.\n");
+ log(" implies -dff.\n");
log(" -abc9\n");
log(" use new ABC9 flow (EXPERIMENTAL)\n");
@@ -120,7 +124,8 @@ struct SynthXilinxPass : public ScriptPass
std::string top_opt, edif_file, blif_file, family;
- bool flatten, retime, vpr, ise, noiopad, noclkbuf, nobram, nolutram, nosrl, nocarry, nowidelut, nodsp, uram, abc9;
+ bool flatten, retime, vpr, ise, noiopad, noclkbuf, nobram, nolutram, nosrl, nocarry, nowidelut, nodsp, uram;
+ bool abc9, dff_mode;
bool flatten_before_abc;
int widemux;
@@ -145,6 +150,7 @@ struct SynthXilinxPass : public ScriptPass
nodsp = false;
uram = false;
abc9 = false;
+ dff_mode = false;
flatten_before_abc = false;
widemux = 0;
@@ -190,6 +196,7 @@ struct SynthXilinxPass : public ScriptPass
if (args[argidx] == "-retime") {
+ dff_mode = true;
retime = true;
@@ -252,6 +259,10 @@ struct SynthXilinxPass : public ScriptPass
uram = true;
+ if (args[argidx] == "-dff") {
+ dff_mode = true;
+ continue;
+ }
extra_args(args, argidx, design);
@@ -287,10 +298,11 @@ struct SynthXilinxPass : public ScriptPass
ff_map_file = "+/xilinx/xc7_ff_map.v";
if (check_label("begin")) {
+ std::string read_args;
if (vpr)
- run("read_verilog -lib -D_EXPLICIT_CARRY +/xilinx/cells_sim.v");
- else
- run("read_verilog -lib +/xilinx/cells_sim.v");
+ read_args += " -D_EXPLICIT_CARRY";
+ read_args += " -lib +/xilinx/cells_sim.v";
+ run("read_verilog" + read_args);
run("read_verilog -lib +/xilinx/cells_xtra.v");
@@ -532,12 +544,15 @@ struct SynthXilinxPass : public ScriptPass
if (flatten_before_abc)
if (help_mode)
- run("abc -luts 2:2,3,6:5[,10,20] [-dff]", "(option for 'nowidelut'; option for '-retime')");
+ run("abc -luts 2:2,3,6:5[,10,20] [-dff] [-D 1]", "(option for 'nowidelut', '-dff', '-retime')");
else if (abc9) {
if (family != "xc7")
log_warning("'synth_xilinx -abc9' not currently supported for the '%s' family, "
"will use timing for 'xc7' instead.\n", family.c_str());
- run("techmap -map +/xilinx/abc9_map.v -max_iter 1");
+ std::string techmap_args = "-map +/xilinx/abc9_map.v -max_iter 1";
+ if (dff_mode)
+ techmap_args += " -D DFF_MODE";
+ run("techmap " + techmap_args);
run("read_verilog -icells -lib +/xilinx/abc9_model.v");
std::string abc9_opts = " -box +/xilinx/abc9_xc7.box";
abc9_opts += stringf(" -W %d", XC7_WIRE_DELAY);
@@ -546,13 +561,22 @@ struct SynthXilinxPass : public ScriptPass
abc9_opts += " -lut +/xilinx/abc9_xc7_nowide.lut";
abc9_opts += " -lut +/xilinx/abc9_xc7.lut";
+ if (dff_mode)
+ abc9_opts += " -dff";
run("abc9" + abc9_opts);
+ run("techmap -map +/xilinx/abc9_unmap.v");
else {
+ std::string abc_opts;
if (nowidelut)
- run("abc -luts 2:2,3,6:5" + string(retime ? " -dff -D 1" : ""));
+ abc_opts += " -luts 2:2,3,6:5";
- run("abc -luts 2:2,3,6:5,10,20" + string(retime ? " -dff -D 1" : ""));
+ abc_opts += " -luts 2:2,3,6:5,10,20";
+ if (dff_mode)
+ abc_opts += " -dff";
+ if (retime)
+ abc_opts += " -D 1";
+ run("abc" + abc_opts);
@@ -562,14 +586,11 @@ struct SynthXilinxPass : public ScriptPass
run("xilinx_srl -fixed -minlen 3", "(skip if '-nosrl')");
std::string techmap_args = "-map +/xilinx/lut_map.v -map +/xilinx/cells_map.v";
if (help_mode)
- techmap_args += " [-map " + ff_map_file + "]";
- else if (abc9)
- techmap_args += " -map +/xilinx/abc9_unmap.v";
- else
- techmap_args += " -map " + ff_map_file;
- run("techmap " + techmap_args);
+ techmap_args += stringf("[-map %s]", ff_map_file.c_str());
+ else if (!abc9)
+ techmap_args += stringf(" -map %s", ff_map_file.c_str());
+ run("techmap " + techmap_args, "(only if '-abc9')");
- run("clean");
if (check_label("finalize")) {
@@ -577,6 +598,7 @@ struct SynthXilinxPass : public ScriptPass
run("clkbufmap -buf BUFG O:I ", "(skip if '-noclkbuf')");
if (help_mode || ise)
run("extractinv -inv INV O:I", "(only if '-ise')");
+ run("clean");
if (check_label("check")) {