path: root/techlibs/common
diff options
authorwhitequark <whitequark@whitequark.org>2018-12-05 04:50:38 +0000
committerwhitequark <whitequark@whitequark.org>2018-12-05 17:13:27 +0000
commit9ef078848a5b121336b83043c565ce47433eb2d8 (patch)
treefdfa9d1c1fbe809815e8a26310d8197f3695cee6 /techlibs/common
parent12596b5003bcc6180cda04ce2aaaa2a8145f8a9b (diff)
gate2lut: new techlib, for converting Yosys gates to FPGA LUTs.
Diffstat (limited to 'techlibs/common')
2 files changed, 88 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/techlibs/common/Makefile.inc b/techlibs/common/Makefile.inc
index ab961ac0b..70074f653 100644
--- a/techlibs/common/Makefile.inc
+++ b/techlibs/common/Makefile.inc
@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ $(eval $(call add_share_file,share,techlibs/common/techmap.v))
$(eval $(call add_share_file,share,techlibs/common/pmux2mux.v))
$(eval $(call add_share_file,share,techlibs/common/adff2dff.v))
$(eval $(call add_share_file,share,techlibs/common/dff2ff.v))
+$(eval $(call add_share_file,share,techlibs/common/gate2lut.v))
$(eval $(call add_share_file,share,techlibs/common/cells.lib))
diff --git a/techlibs/common/gate2lut.v b/techlibs/common/gate2lut.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..99c123f4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/techlibs/common/gate2lut.v
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+(* techmap_celltype = "$_NOT_" *)
+module _90_lut_not (A, Y);
+ input A;
+ output Y;
+ wire [`LUT_WIDTH-1:0] AA;
+ assign AA = {A};
+ \$lut #(
+ .LUT(4'b01)
+ ) lut (
+ .A(AA),
+ .Y(Y)
+ );
+(* techmap_celltype = "$_OR_" *)
+module _90_lut_or (A, B, Y);
+ input A, B;
+ output Y;
+ wire [`LUT_WIDTH-1:0] AA;
+ assign AA = {B, A};
+ \$lut #(
+ .LUT(4'b1110)
+ ) lut (
+ .A(AA),
+ .Y(Y)
+ );
+(* techmap_celltype = "$_AND_" *)
+module _90_lut_and (A, B, Y);
+ input A, B;
+ output Y;
+ wire [`LUT_WIDTH-1:0] AA;
+ assign AA = {B, A};
+ \$lut #(
+ .LUT(4'b1000)
+ ) lut (
+ .A(AA),
+ .Y(Y)
+ );
+(* techmap_celltype = "$_XOR_" *)
+module _90_lut_xor (A, B, Y);
+ input A, B;
+ output Y;
+ wire [`LUT_WIDTH-1:0] AA;
+ assign AA = {B, A};
+ \$lut #(
+ .LUT(4'b0110)
+ ) lut (
+ .A(AA),
+ .Y(Y)
+ );
+(* techmap_celltype = "$_MUX_" *)
+module _90_lut_mux (A, B, S, Y);
+ input A, B, S;
+ output Y;
+ wire [`LUT_WIDTH-1:0] AA;
+ assign AA = {S, B, A};
+ \$lut #(
+ // A 1010 1010
+ // B 1100 1100
+ // S 1111 0000
+ .LUT(8'b_1100_1010)
+ ) lut (
+ .A(AA),
+ .Y(Y)
+ );