diff options
authorZachary Snow <zach@zachjs.com>2021-05-26 18:22:31 -0400
committerZachary Snow <zachary.j.snow@gmail.com>2021-06-08 15:02:57 -0400
commitc79fbfe0a130f1a2979413174c3e5688433bafe3 (patch)
parentd9f11bb7a631ad309b9328d33b2f41a4987b6222 (diff)
mem2reg: tolerate out of bounds constant accesses
This brings the mem2reg behavior in line with the nomem2reg behavior.
4 files changed, 94 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/frontends/ast/simplify.cc b/frontends/ast/simplify.cc
index 517647afb..44b11da74 100644
--- a/frontends/ast/simplify.cc
+++ b/frontends/ast/simplify.cc
@@ -1762,7 +1762,7 @@ bool AstNode::simplify(bool const_fold, bool at_zero, bool in_lvalue, int stage,
// split memory access with bit select to individual statements
- if (type == AST_IDENTIFIER && children.size() == 2 && children[0]->type == AST_RANGE && children[1]->type == AST_RANGE && !in_lvalue)
+ if (type == AST_IDENTIFIER && children.size() == 2 && children[0]->type == AST_RANGE && children[1]->type == AST_RANGE && !in_lvalue && stage == 2)
if (id2ast == NULL || id2ast->type != AST_MEMORY || children[0]->children.size() != 1)
log_file_error(filename, location.first_line, "Invalid bit-select on memory access!\n");
@@ -4501,11 +4501,48 @@ bool AstNode::mem2reg_as_needed_pass2(pool<AstNode*> &mem2reg_set, AstNode *mod,
if (children[0]->children[0]->type == AST_CONSTANT)
int id = children[0]->children[0]->integer;
- str = stringf("%s[%d]", str.c_str(), id);
+ int left = id2ast->children[1]->children[0]->integer;
+ int right = id2ast->children[1]->children[1]->integer;
+ bool valid_const_access =
+ (left <= id && id <= right) ||
+ (right <= id && id <= left);
+ if (valid_const_access)
+ {
+ str = stringf("%s[%d]", str.c_str(), id);
+ delete_children();
+ range_valid = false;
+ id2ast = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int width;
+ if (bit_part_sel)
+ {
+ bit_part_sel->dumpAst(nullptr, "? ");
+ if (bit_part_sel->children.size() == 1)
+ width = 0;
+ else
+ width = bit_part_sel->children[0]->integer -
+ bit_part_sel->children[1]->integer;
+ delete bit_part_sel;
+ bit_part_sel = nullptr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ width = id2ast->children[0]->children[0]->integer -
+ id2ast->children[0]->children[1]->integer;
+ }
+ width = abs(width) + 1;
- delete_children();
- range_valid = false;
- id2ast = NULL;
+ delete_children();
+ std::vector<RTLIL::State> x_bits;
+ for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
+ x_bits.push_back(RTLIL::State::Sx);
+ AstNode *constant = AstNode::mkconst_bits(x_bits, false);
+ constant->cloneInto(this);
+ delete constant;
+ }
diff --git a/tests/simple/mem2reg_bounds_tern.v b/tests/simple/mem2reg_bounds_tern.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..89d6dd3e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/simple/mem2reg_bounds_tern.v
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+module top(
+ input clk,
+ input wire [1:0] sel,
+ input wire [7:0] base,
+ output reg [7:0] line
+ reg [0:7] mem [0:2];
+ generate
+ genvar i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1) begin : gen
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ mem[i] <= i == 0 ? base : mem[i - 1] + 1;
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ line = mem[sel];
diff --git a/tests/verilog/mem_bounds.sv b/tests/verilog/mem_bounds.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7fb2fb042
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/verilog/mem_bounds.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+module top;
+ reg [0:7] mem [0:2];
+ initial mem[1] = '1;
+ wire [31:0] a, b, c, d;
+ assign a = mem[1];
+ assign b = mem[-1];
+ assign c = mem[-1][0];
+ assign d = mem[-1][0:1];
+ always @* begin
+ assert ($countbits(a, '0) == 24);
+ assert ($countbits(a, '1) == 8);
+ assert ($countbits(a, 'x) == 0);
+ assert ($countbits(b, '0) == 24);
+ assert ($countbits(b, 'x) == 8);
+ assert ($countbits(c, '0) == 31);
+ assert ($countbits(c, 'x) == 1);
+ assert ($countbits(d, '0) == 30);
+ assert ($countbits(d, 'x) == 2);
+ end
diff --git a/tests/verilog/mem_bounds.ys b/tests/verilog/mem_bounds.ys
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42623ad09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/verilog/mem_bounds.ys
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+read_verilog -sv -mem2reg mem_bounds.sv
+opt -full
+select -module top
+sat -verify -seq 1 -tempinduct -prove-asserts -show-all -enable_undef