diff options
authorEddie Hung <eddie@fpgeh.com>2020-01-13 09:22:42 -0800
committerEddie Hung <eddie@fpgeh.com>2020-01-13 09:22:42 -0800
commit9f3cb981d7c0767f40febf0b32e0a19c28d8e6a0 (patch)
parent295e241c074ae275e832fdde9fae6fd897170ac8 (diff)
parentca2f3db53f3f330d283079bf44b3cef6b7f197be (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into eddie/abc9_refactor
9 files changed, 419 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/rtlil.cc b/kernel/rtlil.cc
index ab4f4f377..f286d139f 100644
--- a/kernel/rtlil.cc
+++ b/kernel/rtlil.cc
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ IdString RTLIL::ID::Y;
IdString RTLIL::ID::keep;
IdString RTLIL::ID::whitebox;
IdString RTLIL::ID::blackbox;
+dict<std::string, std::string> RTLIL::constpad;
diff --git a/kernel/rtlil.h b/kernel/rtlil.h
index e5b24cc02..6251d265d 100644
--- a/kernel/rtlil.h
+++ b/kernel/rtlil.h
@@ -377,6 +377,8 @@ namespace RTLIL
extern IdString blackbox;
+ extern dict<std::string, std::string> constpad;
static inline std::string escape_id(std::string str) {
if (str.size() > 0 && str[0] != '\\' && str[0] != '$')
return "\\" + str;
diff --git a/passes/cmds/scratchpad.cc b/passes/cmds/scratchpad.cc
index 7ec55b78e..34ec0863a 100644
--- a/passes/cmds/scratchpad.cc
+++ b/passes/cmds/scratchpad.cc
@@ -70,8 +70,10 @@ struct ScratchpadPass : public Pass {
if (args[argidx] == "-get" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
string identifier = args[++argidx];
- if (design->scratchpad.count(identifier)){
+ if (design->scratchpad.count(identifier)) {
log("%s\n", design->scratchpad_get_string(identifier).c_str());
+ } else if (RTLIL::constpad.count(identifier)) {
+ log("%s\n", RTLIL::constpad.at(identifier).c_str());
} else {
log("\"%s\" not set\n", identifier.c_str());
@@ -79,6 +81,8 @@ struct ScratchpadPass : public Pass {
if (args[argidx] == "-set" && argidx+2 < args.size()) {
string identifier = args[++argidx];
+ if (RTLIL::constpad.count(identifier))
+ log_error("scratchpad entry \"%s\" is a global constant\n", identifier.c_str());
string value = args[++argidx];
if (value.front() == '\"' && value.back() == '\"') value = value.substr(1, value.size() - 2);
design->scratchpad_set_string(identifier, value);
@@ -92,8 +96,15 @@ struct ScratchpadPass : public Pass {
if (args[argidx] == "-copy" && argidx+2 < args.size()) {
string identifier_from = args[++argidx];
string identifier_to = args[++argidx];
- if (design->scratchpad.count(identifier_from) == 0) log_error("\"%s\" not set\n", identifier_from.c_str());
- string value = design->scratchpad_get_string(identifier_from);
+ string value;
+ if (design->scratchpad.count(identifier_from))
+ value = design->scratchpad_get_string(identifier_from);
+ else if (RTLIL::constpad.count(identifier_from))
+ value = RTLIL::constpad.at(identifier_from);
+ else
+ log_error("\"%s\" not set\n", identifier_from.c_str());
+ if (RTLIL::constpad.count(identifier_to))
+ log_error("scratchpad entry \"%s\" is a global constant\n", identifier_to.c_str());
design->scratchpad_set_string(identifier_to, value);
@@ -102,10 +113,10 @@ struct ScratchpadPass : public Pass {
string expected = args[++argidx];
if (expected.front() == '\"' && expected.back() == '\"') expected = expected.substr(1, expected.size() - 2);
if (design->scratchpad.count(identifier) == 0)
- log_error("Assertion failed: scratchpad entry '%s' is not defined\n", identifier.c_str());
+ log_error("scratchpad entry '%s' is not defined\n", identifier.c_str());
string value = design->scratchpad_get_string(identifier);
if (value != expected) {
- log_error("Assertion failed: scratchpad entry '%s' is set to '%s' instead of the asserted '%s'\n",
+ log_error("scratchpad entry '%s' is set to '%s' instead of the asserted '%s'\n",
identifier.c_str(), value.c_str(), expected.c_str());
@@ -113,13 +124,13 @@ struct ScratchpadPass : public Pass {
if (args[argidx] == "-assert-set" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
string identifier = args[++argidx];
if (design->scratchpad.count(identifier) == 0)
- log_error("Assertion failed: scratchpad entry '%s' is not defined\n", identifier.c_str());
+ log_error("scratchpad entry '%s' is not defined\n", identifier.c_str());
if (args[argidx] == "-assert-unset" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
string identifier = args[++argidx];
if (design->scratchpad.count(identifier) > 0)
- log_error("Assertion failed: scratchpad entry '%s' is defined\n", identifier.c_str());
+ log_error("scratchpad entry '%s' is defined\n", identifier.c_str());
diff --git a/passes/techmap/abc9.cc b/passes/techmap/abc9.cc
index 5d6d8904c..2ded1c162 100644
--- a/passes/techmap/abc9.cc
+++ b/passes/techmap/abc9.cc
@@ -18,18 +18,69 @@
+// [[CITE]] ABC
+// Berkeley Logic Synthesis and Verification Group, ABC: A System for Sequential Synthesis and Verification
+// http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~alanmi/abc/
#include "kernel/register.h"
#include "kernel/celltypes.h"
#include "kernel/rtlil.h"
#include "kernel/log.h"
+// abc9_exe.cc
+std::string fold_abc9_cmd(std::string str);
struct Abc9Pass : public ScriptPass
Abc9Pass() : ScriptPass("abc9", "use ABC9 for technology mapping") { }
+ void on_register() YS_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ RTLIL::constpad["abc9.script.default"] = "+&scorr; &sweep; &dc2; &dch -f; &ps; &if {C} {W} {D} {R} -v; &mfs";
+ RTLIL::constpad["abc9.script.default.area"] = "+&scorr; &sweep; &dc2; &dch -f; &ps; &if {C} {W} {D} {R} -a -v; &mfs";
+ RTLIL::constpad["abc9.script.default.fast"] = "+&if {C} {W} {D} {R} -v";
+ // Based on ABC's &flow
+ RTLIL::constpad["abc9.script.flow"] = "+&scorr; &sweep;" \
+ "&dch -C 500;" \
+ /* Round 1 */ \
+ /* Map 1 */ "&unmap; &if {C} {W} {D} {R} -v; &save; &load; &mfs;" \
+ "&st; &dsdb;" \
+ /* Map 2 */ "&unmap; &if {C} {W} {D} {R} -v; &save; &load; &mfs;" \
+ "&st; &syn2 -m -R 10; &dsdb;" \
+ "&blut -a -K 6;" \
+ /* Map 3 */ "&unmap; &if {C} {W} {D} {R} -v; &save; &load; &mfs;" \
+ /* Round 2 */ \
+ "&st; &sopb;" \
+ /* Map 1 */ "&unmap; &if {C} {W} {D} {R} -v; &save; &load; &mfs;" \
+ "&st; &dsdb;" \
+ /* Map 2 */ "&unmap; &if {C} {W} {D} {R} -v; &save; &load; &mfs;" \
+ "&st; &syn2 -m -R 10; &dsdb;" \
+ "&blut -a -K 6;" \
+ /* Map 3 */ "&unmap; &if {C} {W} {D} {R} -v; &save; &load; &mfs;" \
+ /* Round 3 */ \
+ /* Map 1 */ "&unmap; &if {C} {W} {D} {R} -v; &save; &load; &mfs;" \
+ "&st; &dsdb;" \
+ /* Map 2 */ "&unmap; &if {C} {W} {D} {R} -v; &save; &load; &mfs;" \
+ "&st; &syn2 -m -R 10; &dsdb;" \
+ "&blut -a -K 6;" \
+ /* Map 3 */ "&unmap; &if {C} {W} {D} {R} -v; &save; &load; &mfs;";
+ // Based on ABC's &flow2
+ RTLIL::constpad["abc9.script.flow2"] = "+&scorr; &sweep;" \
+ /* Comm1 */ "&synch2 -K 6 -C 500; &if -m {C} {W} {D} {R} -v; &mfs "/*"-W 4 -M 500 -C 7000"*/"; &save;"\
+ /* Comm2 */ "&dch -C 500; &if -m {C} {W} {D} {R} -v; &mfs "/*"-W 4 -M 500 -C 7000"*/"; &save;"\
+ "&load; &st; &sopb -R 10 -C 4; " \
+ /* Comm3 */ "&synch2 -K 6 -C 500; &if -m "/*"-E 5"*/" {C} {W} {D} {R} -v; &mfs "/*"-W 4 -M 500 -C 7000"*/"; &save;"\
+ /* Comm2 */ "&dch -C 500; &if -m {C} {W} {D} {R} -v; &mfs "/*"-W 4 -M 500 -C 7000"*/"; &save; "\
+ "&load";
+ // Based on ABC's &flow3
+ RTLIL::constpad["abc9.script.flow3"] = "+&scorr; &sweep;" \
+ "&if {C} {W} {D}; &save; &st; &syn2; &if {C} {W} {D} {R} -v; &save; &load;"\
+ "&st; &if {C} -g -K 6; &dch -f; &if {C} {W} {D} {R} -v; &save; &load;"\
+ "&st; &if {C} -g -K 6; &synch2; &if {C} {W} {D} {R} -v; &save; &load;"\
+ "&mfs";
+ }
void help() YS_OVERRIDE
// |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|
@@ -57,14 +108,12 @@ struct Abc9Pass : public ScriptPass
log(" replaced with blanks before the string is passed to ABC.\n");
log(" if no -script parameter is given, the following scripts are used:\n");
- //FIXME:
- //log("%s\n", fold_abc9_cmd(ABC_COMMAND_LUT).c_str());
+ log("%s\n", fold_abc9_cmd(RTLIL::constpad.at("abc9.script.default").substr(1,std::string::npos)).c_str());
log(" -fast\n");
log(" use different default scripts that are slightly faster (at the cost\n");
log(" of output quality):\n");
- //FIXME:
- //log("%s\n", fold_abc9_cmd(ABC_FAST_COMMAND_LUT).c_str());
+ log("%s\n", fold_abc9_cmd(RTLIL::constpad.at("abc9.script.default.fast").substr(1,std::string::npos)).c_str());
log(" -D <picoseconds>\n");
log(" set delay target. the string {D} in the default scripts above is\n");
@@ -104,7 +153,7 @@ struct Abc9Pass : public ScriptPass
log(" command output is identical across runs.\n");
log(" -box <file>\n");
- log(" pass this file with box library to ABC. Use with -lut.\n");
+ log(" pass this file with box library to ABC.\n");
log("Note that this is a logic optimization pass within Yosys that is calling ABC\n");
log("internally. This is not going to \"run ABC on your design\". It will instead run\n");
@@ -139,6 +188,11 @@ struct Abc9Pass : public ScriptPass
dff_mode = design->scratchpad_get_bool("abc9.dff", dff_mode);
cleanup = !design->scratchpad_get_bool("abc9.nocleanup", !cleanup);
+ if (design->scratchpad_get_bool("abc9.debug")) {
+ cleanup = false;
+ exe_cmd << " -showtmp";
+ }
size_t argidx;
for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) {
std::string arg = args[argidx];
@@ -150,13 +204,13 @@ struct Abc9Pass : public ScriptPass
if (arg == "-fast" || /* arg == "-dff" || */
- /* arg == "-nocleanup" || */ arg == "-showtmp" ||
- arg == "-nomfs") {
+ /* arg == "-nocleanup" || */ arg == "-showtmp") {
exe_cmd << " " << arg;
if (arg == "-dff") {
dff_mode = true;
+ exe_cmd << " " << arg;
if (arg == "-nocleanup") {
diff --git a/passes/techmap/abc9_exe.cc b/passes/techmap/abc9_exe.cc
index 3108765a1..c1687ef97 100644
--- a/passes/techmap/abc9_exe.cc
+++ b/passes/techmap/abc9_exe.cc
@@ -22,20 +22,6 @@
// Berkeley Logic Synthesis and Verification Group, ABC: A System for Sequential Synthesis and Verification
// http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~alanmi/abc/
-#if 0
-// Based on &flow3 - better QoR but more experimental
-#define ABC_COMMAND_LUT "&st; &ps -l; &sweep -v; &scorr; " \
- "&st; &if {W}; &save; &st; &syn2; &if {W} -v; &save; &load; "\
- "&st; &if -g -K 6; &dch -f; &if {W} -v; &save; &load; "\
- "&st; &if -g -K 6; &synch2; &if {W} -v; &save; &load; "\
- "&mfs; &ps -l"
-#define ABC_COMMAND_LUT "&st; &scorr; &sweep; &dc2; &st; &dch -f; &ps; &if {W} {D} -v; &mfs; &ps -l"
-#define ABC_FAST_COMMAND_LUT "&st; &if {W} {D}"
#include "kernel/register.h"
#include "kernel/log.h"
@@ -48,6 +34,25 @@
extern "C" int Abc_RealMain(int argc, char *argv[]);
+std::string fold_abc9_cmd(std::string str)
+ std::string token, new_str = " ";
+ int char_counter = 10;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i <= str.size(); i++) {
+ if (i < str.size())
+ token += str[i];
+ if (i == str.size() || str[i] == ';') {
+ if (char_counter + token.size() > 75)
+ new_str += "\n ", char_counter = 14;
+ new_str += token, char_counter += token.size();
+ token.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ return new_str;
@@ -73,25 +78,6 @@ std::string add_echos_to_abc9_cmd(std::string str)
return new_str;
-std::string fold_abc9_cmd(std::string str)
- std::string token, new_str = " ";
- int char_counter = 10;
- for (size_t i = 0; i <= str.size(); i++) {
- if (i < str.size())
- token += str[i];
- if (i == str.size() || str[i] == ';') {
- if (char_counter + token.size() > 75)
- new_str += "\n ", char_counter = 14;
- new_str += token, char_counter += token.size();
- token.clear();
- }
- }
- return new_str;
std::string replace_tempdir(std::string text, std::string tempdir_name, bool show_tempdir)
if (show_tempdir)
@@ -177,9 +163,9 @@ struct abc9_output_filter
void abc9_module(RTLIL::Design *design, std::string script_file, std::string exe_file,
- vector<int> lut_costs, std::string delay_target, std::string /*lutin_shared*/, bool fast_mode,
+ vector<int> lut_costs, bool dff_mode, std::string delay_target, std::string /*lutin_shared*/, bool fast_mode,
bool show_tempdir, std::string box_file, std::string lut_file,
- std::string wire_delay, bool nomfs, std::string tempdir_name
+ std::string wire_delay, std::string tempdir_name
@@ -188,20 +174,15 @@ void abc9_module(RTLIL::Design *design, std::string script_file, std::string exe
std::string abc9_script;
- if (!lut_costs.empty()) {
+ if (!lut_costs.empty())
abc9_script += stringf("read_lut %s/lutdefs.txt; ", tempdir_name.c_str());
- if (!box_file.empty())
- abc9_script += stringf("read_box %s; ", box_file.c_str());
- }
- else
- if (!lut_file.empty()) {
+ else if (!lut_file.empty())
abc9_script += stringf("read_lut %s; ", lut_file.c_str());
- if (!box_file.empty())
- abc9_script += stringf("read_box %s; ", box_file.c_str());
- }
+ log_assert(!box_file.empty());
+ abc9_script += stringf("read_box %s; ", box_file.c_str());
abc9_script += stringf("&read %s/input.xaig; &ps; ", tempdir_name.c_str());
if (!script_file.empty()) {
@@ -216,7 +197,8 @@ void abc9_module(RTLIL::Design *design, std::string script_file, std::string exe
} else
abc9_script += stringf("source %s", script_file.c_str());
} else if (!lut_costs.empty() || !lut_file.empty()) {
- abc9_script += fast_mode ? ABC_FAST_COMMAND_LUT : ABC_COMMAND_LUT;
+ abc9_script += fast_mode ? RTLIL::constpad.at("abc9.script.default.fast").substr(1,std::string::npos)
+ : RTLIL::constpad.at("abc9.script.default").substr(1,std::string::npos);
} else
@@ -229,11 +211,26 @@ void abc9_module(RTLIL::Design *design, std::string script_file, std::string exe
for (size_t pos = abc9_script.find("{W}"); pos != std::string::npos; pos = abc9_script.find("{W}", pos))
abc9_script = abc9_script.substr(0, pos) + wire_delay + abc9_script.substr(pos+3);
- if (nomfs)
- for (size_t pos = abc9_script.find("&mfs"); pos != std::string::npos; pos = abc9_script.find("&mfs", pos))
- abc9_script = abc9_script.erase(pos, strlen("&mfs"));
- abc9_script += stringf("; &write -n %s/output.aig", tempdir_name.c_str());
+ std::string C;
+ if (design->scratchpad.count("abc9.if.C"))
+ C = "-C " + design->scratchpad_get_string("abc9.if.C");
+ for (size_t pos = abc9_script.find("{C}"); pos != std::string::npos; pos = abc9_script.find("{C}", pos))
+ abc9_script = abc9_script.substr(0, pos) + C + abc9_script.substr(pos+3);
+ std::string R;
+ if (design->scratchpad.count("abc9.if.R"))
+ R = "-R " + design->scratchpad_get_string("abc9.if.R");
+ for (size_t pos = abc9_script.find("{R}"); pos != std::string::npos; pos = abc9_script.find("{R}", pos))
+ abc9_script = abc9_script.substr(0, pos) + R + abc9_script.substr(pos+3);
+ abc9_script += stringf("; &ps -l; &write -n %s/output.aig;", tempdir_name.c_str());
+ if (design->scratchpad_get_bool("abc9.verify")) {
+ if (dff_mode)
+ abc9_script += "verify -s;";
+ else
+ abc9_script += "verify;";
+ }
+ abc9_script += "time";
abc9_script = add_echos_to_abc9_cmd(abc9_script);
for (size_t i = 0; i+1 < abc9_script.size(); i++)
@@ -313,12 +310,12 @@ struct Abc9ExePass : public Pass {
log(" replaced with blanks before the string is passed to ABC.\n");
log(" if no -script parameter is given, the following scripts are used:\n");
- log("%s\n", fold_abc9_cmd(ABC_COMMAND_LUT).c_str());
+ log("%s\n", fold_abc9_cmd(RTLIL::constpad.at("abc9.script.default").substr(1,std::string::npos)).c_str());
log(" -fast\n");
log(" use different default scripts that are slightly faster (at the cost\n");
log(" of output quality):\n");
- log("%s\n", fold_abc9_cmd(ABC_FAST_COMMAND_LUT).c_str());
+ log("%s\n", fold_abc9_cmd(RTLIL::constpad.at("abc9.script.default.fast").substr(1,std::string::npos)).c_str());
log(" -D <picoseconds>\n");
log(" set delay target. the string {D} in the default scripts above is\n");
@@ -350,7 +347,7 @@ struct Abc9ExePass : public Pass {
log(" command output is identical across runs.\n");
log(" -box <file>\n");
- log(" pass this file with box library to ABC. Use with -lut.\n");
+ log(" pass this file with box library to ABC.\n");
log(" -cwd <dir>\n");
log(" use this as the current working directory, inside which the 'input.xaig'\n");
@@ -379,9 +376,8 @@ struct Abc9ExePass : public Pass {
std::string script_file, clk_str, box_file, lut_file;
std::string delay_target, lutin_shared = "-S 1", wire_delay;
std::string tempdir_name;
- bool fast_mode = false;
+ bool fast_mode = false, dff_mode = false;
bool show_tempdir = false;
- bool nomfs = false;
vector<int> lut_costs;
#if 0
@@ -405,12 +401,12 @@ struct Abc9ExePass : public Pass {
lut_arg = design->scratchpad_get_string("abc9.lut", lut_arg);
luts_arg = design->scratchpad_get_string("abc9.luts", luts_arg);
fast_mode = design->scratchpad_get_bool("abc9.fast", fast_mode);
+ dff_mode = design->scratchpad_get_bool("abc9.dff", dff_mode);
show_tempdir = design->scratchpad_get_bool("abc9.showtmp", show_tempdir);
box_file = design->scratchpad_get_string("abc9.box", box_file);
if (design->scratchpad.count("abc9.W")) {
wire_delay = "-W " + design->scratchpad_get_string("abc9.W");
- nomfs = design->scratchpad_get_bool("abc9.nomfs", nomfs);
size_t argidx;
char pwd [PATH_MAX];
@@ -448,6 +444,10 @@ struct Abc9ExePass : public Pass {
fast_mode = true;
+ if (arg == "-dff") {
+ dff_mode = true;
+ continue;
+ }
if (arg == "-showtmp") {
show_tempdir = true;
@@ -460,10 +460,6 @@ struct Abc9ExePass : public Pass {
wire_delay = "-W " + args[++argidx];
- if (arg == "-nomfs") {
- nomfs = true;
- continue;
- }
if (arg == "-cwd" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
tempdir_name = args[++argidx];
@@ -530,9 +526,9 @@ struct Abc9ExePass : public Pass {
log_cmd_error("abc9_exe '-cwd' option is mandatory.\n");
- abc9_module(design, script_file, exe_file, lut_costs,
+ abc9_module(design, script_file, exe_file, lut_costs, dff_mode,
delay_target, lutin_shared, fast_mode, show_tempdir,
- box_file, lut_file, wire_delay, nomfs, tempdir_name);
+ box_file, lut_file, wire_delay, tempdir_name);
} Abc9ExePass;
diff --git a/techlibs/ice40/synth_ice40.cc b/techlibs/ice40/synth_ice40.cc
index 463c2063a..121bcff1f 100644
--- a/techlibs/ice40/synth_ice40.cc
+++ b/techlibs/ice40/synth_ice40.cc
@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ struct SynthIce40Pass : public ScriptPass
- string top_opt, blif_file, edif_file, json_file, abc, device_opt;
- bool nocarry, nodffe, nobram, dsp, flatten, retime, noabc, abc2, vpr;
+ string top_opt, blif_file, edif_file, json_file, device_opt;
+ bool nocarry, nodffe, nobram, dsp, flatten, retime, noabc, abc2, vpr, abc9;
int min_ce_use;
void clear_flags() YS_OVERRIDE
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ struct SynthIce40Pass : public ScriptPass
noabc = false;
abc2 = false;
vpr = false;
- abc = "abc";
+ abc9 = false;
device_opt = "hx";
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ struct SynthIce40Pass : public ScriptPass
if (args[argidx] == "-abc9") {
- abc = "abc9";
+ abc9 = true;
if (args[argidx] == "-device" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ struct SynthIce40Pass : public ScriptPass
if (device_opt != "hx" && device_opt != "lp" && device_opt !="u")
log_cmd_error("Invalid or no device specified: '%s'\n", device_opt.c_str());
- if (abc == "abc9" && retime)
+ if (abc9 && retime)
log_cmd_error("-retime option not currently compatible with -abc9!\n");
log_header(design, "Executing SYNTH_ICE40 pass.\n");
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ struct SynthIce40Pass : public ScriptPass
run("techmap -map +/techmap.v -map +/ice40/arith_map.v");
if (retime || help_mode)
- run(abc + " -dff -D 1", "(only if -retime)");
+ run("abc -dff -D 1", "(only if -retime)");
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ struct SynthIce40Pass : public ScriptPass
if (check_label("map_luts"))
if (abc2 || help_mode) {
- run(abc, " (only if -abc2)");
+ run("abc", " (only if -abc2)");
run("ice40_opt", "(only if -abc2)");
run("techmap -map +/ice40/latches_map.v");
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ struct SynthIce40Pass : public ScriptPass
run("techmap -map +/gate2lut.v -D LUT_WIDTH=4", "(only if -noabc)");
if (!noabc) {
- if (abc == "abc9") {
+ if (abc9) {
run("read_verilog -icells -lib +/ice40/abc9_model.v");
int wire_delay;
if (device_opt == "lp")
@@ -358,10 +358,10 @@ struct SynthIce40Pass : public ScriptPass
wire_delay = 750;
wire_delay = 250;
- run(abc + stringf(" -W %d -lut +/ice40/abc9_%s.lut -box +/ice40/abc9_%s.box", wire_delay, device_opt.c_str(), device_opt.c_str()), "(skip if -noabc)");
+ run(stringf("abc9 -W %d -lut +/ice40/abc9_%s.lut -box +/ice40/abc9_%s.box", wire_delay, device_opt.c_str(), device_opt.c_str()));
- run(abc + " -dress -lut 4", "(skip if -noabc)");
+ run("abc -dress -lut 4", "(skip if -noabc)");
run("ice40_wrapcarry -unwrap");
run("techmap -D NO_LUT -map +/ice40/cells_map.v");
diff --git a/techlibs/xilinx/synth_xilinx.cc b/techlibs/xilinx/synth_xilinx.cc
index 63d00027a..d916093dc 100644
--- a/techlibs/xilinx/synth_xilinx.cc
+++ b/techlibs/xilinx/synth_xilinx.cc
@@ -26,13 +26,16 @@
-#define XC7_WIRE_DELAY 300 // Number with which ABC will map a 6-input gate
- // to one LUT6 (instead of a LUT5 + LUT2)
struct SynthXilinxPass : public ScriptPass
SynthXilinxPass() : ScriptPass("synth_xilinx", "synthesis for Xilinx FPGAs") { }
+ void on_register() YS_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ RTLIL::constpad["synth_xilinx.abc9.xc7.W"] = "300"; // Number with which ABC will map a 6-input gate
+ // to one LUT6 (instead of a LUT5 + LUT2)
+ }
void help() YS_OVERRIDE
// |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|
@@ -555,7 +558,11 @@ struct SynthXilinxPass : public ScriptPass
run("techmap " + techmap_args);
run("read_verilog -icells -lib +/xilinx/abc9_model.v");
std::string abc9_opts = " -box +/xilinx/abc9_xc7.box";
- abc9_opts += stringf(" -W %d", XC7_WIRE_DELAY);
+ auto k = stringf("synth_xilinx.abc9.%s.W", family.c_str());
+ if (active_design->scratchpad.count(k))
+ abc9_opts += stringf(" -W %s", active_design->scratchpad_get_string(k).c_str());
+ else
+ abc9_opts += stringf(" -W %s", RTLIL::constpad.at(k).c_str());
if (nowidelut)
abc9_opts += " -lut +/xilinx/abc9_xc7_nowide.lut";
diff --git a/tests/arch/ice40/bug1626.ys b/tests/arch/ice40/bug1626.ys
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..27b6fb5e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/arch/ice40/bug1626.ys
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+read_ilang <<EOT
+# Generated by Yosys 0.9+1706 (git sha1 58ab9f60, clang 6.0.0-1ubuntu2 -fPIC -Os)
+autoidx 2815
+attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:9"
+attribute \cells_not_processed 1
+attribute \dynports 1
+module \ahb_async_sram_halfwidth
+ parameter \DEPTH
+ parameter \W_ADDR
+ parameter \W_BYTEADDR
+ parameter \W_DATA
+ parameter \W_SRAM_ADDR
+ parameter \W_SRAM_DATA
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:71"
+ wire $0\addr_lsb[0:0]
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:71"
+ wire $0\hready_r[0:0]
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:71"
+ wire $0\long_dphase[0:0]
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:71"
+ wire width 16 $0\rdata_buf[15:0]
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:71"
+ wire $0\read_dph[0:0]
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:71"
+ wire $0\write_dph[0:0]
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:63"
+ wire width 32 $add$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:63$2433_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:62"
+ wire width 16 $and$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:62$2431_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:56"
+ wire $eq$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:56$2424_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:112"
+ wire $logic_and$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:112$2450_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:112"
+ wire $logic_and$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:112$2451_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:112"
+ wire $logic_and$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:112$2452_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:112"
+ wire $logic_and$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:112$2453_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:112"
+ wire $logic_and$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:112$2454_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:112"
+ wire $logic_and$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:112$2455_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:112"
+ wire $logic_and$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:112$2456_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:112"
+ wire $logic_and$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:112$2457_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:112"
+ wire $logic_and$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:112$2458_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:112"
+ wire $logic_and$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:112$2459_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:118"
+ wire $logic_and$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:118$2444_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:133"
+ wire $logic_and$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:133$2449_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:140"
+ wire $logic_and$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:140$2461_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:140"
+ wire $logic_and$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:140$2463_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:58"
+ wire $logic_and$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:58$2425_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:59"
+ wire $logic_and$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:59$2426_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:59"
+ wire $logic_and$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:59$2427_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:59"
+ wire $logic_and$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:59$2429_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:91"
+ wire $logic_and$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:91$2441_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:104"
+ wire $logic_not$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:104$2442_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:118"
+ wire $logic_not$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:118$2443_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:125"
+ wire $logic_not$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:125$2446_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:132"
+ wire $logic_not$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:132$2447_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:59"
+ wire $logic_not$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:59$2428_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:72"
+ wire $logic_not$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:72$2437_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:81"
+ wire $logic_not$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:81$2438_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:83"
+ wire $logic_not$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:83$2439_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:91"
+ wire $logic_not$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:91$2440_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:118"
+ wire $logic_or$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:118$2445_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:132"
+ wire $logic_or$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:132$2448_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:59"
+ wire $logic_or$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:59$2430_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:139"
+ wire width 2 $not$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:139$2460_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:139"
+ wire width 2 $not$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:139$2462_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:54"
+ wire width 2 $not$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:54$2421_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:63"
+ wire width 16 $shiftx$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:63$2434_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:54"
+ wire width 8 $shl$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:54$2419_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:54"
+ wire width 2 $shl$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:54$2420_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:55"
+ wire width 2 $shl$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:55$2422_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:56"
+ wire width 32 $shl$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:56$2423_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:63"
+ wire width 32 $ternary$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:63$2432_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:65"
+ wire width 16 $ternary$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:65$2435_Y
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:50"
+ wire \addr_lsb
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:24"
+ wire width 32 \ahbls_haddr
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:28"
+ wire width 3 \ahbls_hburst
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:30"
+ wire \ahbls_hmastlock
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:29"
+ wire width 4 \ahbls_hprot
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:32"
+ wire width 32 \ahbls_hrdata
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:22"
+ wire \ahbls_hready
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:21"
+ wire \ahbls_hready_resp
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:23"
+ wire \ahbls_hresp
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:27"
+ wire width 3 \ahbls_hsize
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:26"
+ wire width 2 \ahbls_htrans
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:31"
+ wire width 32 \ahbls_hwdata
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:25"
+ wire \ahbls_hwrite
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:56"
+ wire \aphase_full_width
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:55"
+ wire width 2 \bytemask
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:54"
+ wire width 2 \bytemask_noshift
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:17"
+ wire \clk
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:46"
+ wire \hready_r
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:47"
+ wire \long_dphase
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:64"
+ wire width 16 \rdata_buf
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:49"
+ wire \read_dph
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:18"
+ wire \rst_n
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:34"
+ wire width 11 \sram_addr
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:39"
+ wire width 2 \sram_byte_n
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:36"
+ wire \sram_ce_n
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:35"
+ wire width 16 \sram_dq
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:38"
+ wire \sram_oe_n
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:61"
+ wire width 16 \sram_q
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:62"
+ wire width 16 \sram_rdata
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:63"
+ wire width 16 \sram_wdata
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:37"
+ wire \sram_we_n
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:58"
+ wire \we_next
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:48"
+ wire \write_dph
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:71"
+ process $proc$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:71$2436
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:72"
+ switch $logic_not$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:72$2437_Y
+ case 1'1
+ case
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:78"
+ switch \ahbls_hready
+ case 1'1
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:79"
+ switch \ahbls_htrans [1]
+ case 1'1
+ case
+ end
+ case
+ attribute \src "../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:91"
+ switch $logic_and$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:91$2441_Y
+ case 1'1
+ case
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ sync posedge \clk
+ sync negedge \rst_n
+ end
+ connect \ahbls_hresp 1'0
+ connect \bytemask_noshift $not$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:54$2421_Y
+ connect \bytemask $shl$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:55$2422_Y
+ connect \aphase_full_width $eq$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:56$2424_Y
+ connect \we_next $logic_or$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:59$2430_Y
+ connect \sram_rdata $and$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:62$2431_Y
+ connect \sram_wdata $shiftx$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:63$2434_Y
+ connect \ahbls_hrdata { \sram_rdata $ternary$../hdl/mem/ahb_async_sram_halfwidth.v:65$2435_Y }
+ connect \ahbls_hready_resp \hready_r
+synth_ice40 -abc2 -abc9
diff --git a/tests/techmap/abc9.ys b/tests/techmap/abc9.ys
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20f263da8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/techmap/abc9.ys
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+read_verilog <<EOT
+`define N 256
+module top(input [`N-1:0] a, output o);
+wire [`N-2:0] w;
+assign w[0] = a[0] & a[1];
+genvar i;
+generate for (i = 1; i < `N-1; i++)
+assign w[i] = w[i-1] & a[i+1];
+assign o = w[`N-2];
+design -save gold
+abc9 -lut 4
+design -load gold
+abc9 -lut 4 -fast
+design -load gold
+scratchpad -copy abc9.script.default.area abc9.script
+abc9 -lut 4
+design -load gold
+scratchpad -copy abc9.script.default.fast abc9.script
+abc9 -lut 4
+design -load gold
+scratchpad -copy abc9.script.flow abc9.script
+abc9 -lut 4
+design -load gold
+scratchpad -copy abc9.script.flow2 abc9.script
+abc9 -lut 4
+design -load gold
+scratchpad -copy abc9.script.flow3 abc9.script
+abc9 -lut 4