path: root/nexus/pack.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'nexus/pack.cc')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/nexus/pack.cc b/nexus/pack.cc
index 33e0a11f..7dbef99b 100644
--- a/nexus/pack.cc
+++ b/nexus/pack.cc
@@ -878,11 +878,124 @@ struct NexusPacker
+ // Get a bus port name
+ IdString bus(const std::string &base, int i) { return ctx->id(stringf("%s[%d]", base.c_str(), i)); }
+ IdString bus_flat(const std::string &base, int i) { return ctx->id(stringf("%s%d", base.c_str(), i)); }
+ // Pack a LUTRAM into COMB and RAMW cells
+ void pack_lutram()
+ {
+ // Do this so we don't have an iterate-and-modfiy situation
+ std::vector<CellInfo *> lutrams;
+ for (auto cell : sorted(ctx->cells)) {
+ CellInfo *ci = cell.second;
+ if (ci->type != id_DPR16X4)
+ continue;
+ lutrams.push_back(ci);
+ }
+ // Port permutation vectors
+ IdString ramw_wdo[4] = {id_D1, id_C1, id_A1, id_B1};
+ IdString ramw_wado[4] = {id_D0, id_B0, id_C0, id_A0};
+ IdString comb0_rad[4] = {id_D, id_B, id_C, id_A};
+ IdString comb1_rad[4] = {id_C, id_B, id_D, id_A};
+ for (CellInfo *ci : lutrams) {
+ // Create constituent cells
+ CellInfo *ramw = ctx->createCell(ctx->id(stringf("%s$lutram_ramw$", ctx->nameOf(ci))), id_RAMW);
+ std::vector<CellInfo *> combs;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ combs.push_back(
+ ctx->createCell(ctx->id(stringf("%s$lutram_comb[%d]$", ctx->nameOf(ci), i)), id_OXIDE_COMB));
+ // Rewiring - external WCK and WRE
+ replace_port(ci, id_WCK, ramw, id_CLK);
+ replace_port(ci, id_WRE, ramw, id_LSR);
+ // Internal WCK and WRE signals
+ ramw->addOutput(id_WCKO);
+ ramw->addOutput(id_WREO);
+ NetInfo *int_wck = ctx->createNet(ctx->id(stringf("%s$lutram_wck$", ctx->nameOf(ci))));
+ NetInfo *int_wre = ctx->createNet(ctx->id(stringf("%s$lutram_wre$", ctx->nameOf(ci))));
+ connect_port(ctx, int_wck, ramw, id_WCKO);
+ connect_port(ctx, int_wre, ramw, id_WREO);
+ uint64_t initval = ctx->parse_lattice_param(ci, id_INITVAL, 64, 0).as_int64();
+ // Rewiring - buses
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ // Write address - external
+ replace_port(ci, bus("WAD", i), ramw, ramw_wado[i]);
+ // Write data - external
+ replace_port(ci, bus("DI", i), ramw, ramw_wdo[i]);
+ // Read data
+ replace_port(ci, bus("DO", i), combs[i], id_F);
+ // Read address
+ NetInfo *rad = get_net_or_empty(ci, bus("RAD", i));
+ if (rad != nullptr) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
+ IdString port = (j % 2) ? comb1_rad[i] : comb0_rad[i];
+ combs[j]->addInput(port);
+ connect_port(ctx, rad, combs[j], port);
+ }
+ disconnect_port(ctx, ci, bus("RAD", i));
+ }
+ // Write address - internal
+ NetInfo *int_wad = ctx->createNet(ctx->id(stringf("%s$lutram_wad[%d]$", ctx->nameOf(ci), i)));
+ ramw->addOutput(bus_flat("WADO", i));
+ connect_port(ctx, int_wad, ramw, bus_flat("WADO", i));
+ for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
+ combs[j]->addInput(bus_flat("WAD", i));
+ connect_port(ctx, int_wad, combs[j], bus_flat("WAD", i));
+ }
+ // Write data - internal
+ NetInfo *int_wd = ctx->createNet(ctx->id(stringf("%s$lutram_wd[%d]$", ctx->nameOf(ci), i)));
+ ramw->addOutput(bus_flat("WDO", i));
+ connect_port(ctx, int_wd, ramw, bus_flat("WDO", i));
+ combs[i]->addInput(id_WDI);
+ connect_port(ctx, int_wd, combs[i], id_WDI);
+ // Write clock and enable - internal
+ combs[i]->addInput(id_WCK);
+ combs[i]->addInput(id_WRE);
+ connect_port(ctx, int_wck, combs[i], id_WCK);
+ connect_port(ctx, int_wre, combs[i], id_WRE);
+ // Remap init val
+ uint64_t split_init = 0;
+ for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
+ if (initval & (1ULL << (4 * j + i)))
+ split_init |= (1 << j);
+ combs[i]->params[id_INIT] = Property(split_init, 16);
+ }
+ // Setup relative constraints
+ combs[0]->constr_z = 0;
+ combs[0]->constr_abs_z = true;
+ for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
+ combs[i]->constr_x = 0;
+ combs[i]->constr_y = 0;
+ combs[i]->constr_z = ((i / 2) << 3) | (i % 2);
+ combs[i]->constr_abs_z = true;
+ combs[i]->constr_parent = combs[0];
+ combs[0]->constr_children.push_back(combs[i]);
+ }
+ ramw->constr_x = 0;
+ ramw->constr_y = 0;
+ ramw->constr_z = (2 << 3) | Arch::BEL_RAMW;
+ ramw->constr_abs_z = true;
+ ramw->constr_parent = combs[0];
+ combs[0]->constr_children.push_back(ramw);
+ // Remove now-packed cell
+ ctx->cells.erase(ci->name);
+ }
+ }
explicit NexusPacker(Context *ctx) : ctx(ctx) {}
void operator()()
+ pack_lutram();
@@ -929,13 +1042,13 @@ void Arch::assignCellInfo(CellInfo *cell)
cell->ffInfo.ctrlset.lsr = get_net_or_empty(cell, id_LSR);
cell->ffInfo.di = get_net_or_empty(cell, id_DI);
cell->ffInfo.m = get_net_or_empty(cell, id_M);
- } else if (cell->type == ID_RAMW) {
- cell->ffInfo.ctrlset.async = false;
+ } else if (cell->type == id_RAMW) {
+ cell->ffInfo.ctrlset.async = true;
cell->ffInfo.ctrlset.regddr_en = false;
cell->ffInfo.ctrlset.gsr_en = false;
cell->ffInfo.ctrlset.clkmux = id(str_or_default(cell->params, id_CLKMUX, "CLK")).index;
cell->ffInfo.ctrlset.cemux = ID_CE;
- cell->ffInfo.ctrlset.lsrmux = id(str_or_default(cell->params, id_LSRMUX, "LSR")).index;
+ cell->ffInfo.ctrlset.lsrmux = ID_INV;
cell->ffInfo.ctrlset.clk = get_net_or_empty(cell, id_CLK);
cell->ffInfo.ctrlset.ce = nullptr;
cell->ffInfo.ctrlset.lsr = get_net_or_empty(cell, id_LSR);