path: root/mistral/lab.cc
diff options
authorLofty <dan.ravensloft@gmail.com>2021-05-16 08:19:08 +0100
committerLofty <dan.ravensloft@gmail.com>2021-08-17 16:02:49 +0100
commitb88e86f3663178f9c257e930d8e125a353ee1bdb (patch)
tree6b341e52f26c9c1075b684cc63fbb9fc39b1ecbf /mistral/lab.cc
parentb37d133c43c45862bd5c550b5d7fffaa8c49b968 (diff)
mistral: Use MLABs as if they're LABs (for now)
Signed-off-by: Lofty <dan.ravensloft@gmail.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'mistral/lab.cc')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/mistral/lab.cc b/mistral/lab.cc
index 56bc604a..2ef22412 100644
--- a/mistral/lab.cc
+++ b/mistral/lab.cc
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ static void create_alm(Arch *arch, int x, int y, int z, uint32_t lab_idx)
auto &lab = arch->labs.at(lab_idx);
auto &alm = lab.alms.at(z);
+ auto block_type = lab.is_mlab ? CycloneV::MLAB : CycloneV::LAB;
// Create the combinational part of ALMs.
// There are two of these, for the two LUT outputs, and these also contain the carry chain and associated logic
// Each one has all 8 ALM inputs as input pins. In many cases only a subset of these are used; depending on mode;
@@ -66,14 +67,14 @@ static void create_alm(Arch *arch, int x, int y, int z, uint32_t lab_idx)
BelId bel = arch->add_bel(x, y, arch->id(stringf("ALM%d_COMB%d", z, i)), id_MISTRAL_COMB);
// LUT/MUX inputs
- arch->add_bel_pin(bel, id_A, PORT_IN, arch->get_port(CycloneV::LAB, x, y, z, CycloneV::A));
- arch->add_bel_pin(bel, id_B, PORT_IN, arch->get_port(CycloneV::LAB, x, y, z, CycloneV::B));
- arch->add_bel_pin(bel, id_C, PORT_IN, arch->get_port(CycloneV::LAB, x, y, z, CycloneV::C));
- arch->add_bel_pin(bel, id_D, PORT_IN, arch->get_port(CycloneV::LAB, x, y, z, CycloneV::D));
- arch->add_bel_pin(bel, id_E0, PORT_IN, arch->get_port(CycloneV::LAB, x, y, z, CycloneV::E0));
- arch->add_bel_pin(bel, id_E1, PORT_IN, arch->get_port(CycloneV::LAB, x, y, z, CycloneV::E1));
- arch->add_bel_pin(bel, id_F0, PORT_IN, arch->get_port(CycloneV::LAB, x, y, z, CycloneV::F0));
- arch->add_bel_pin(bel, id_F1, PORT_IN, arch->get_port(CycloneV::LAB, x, y, z, CycloneV::F1));
+ arch->add_bel_pin(bel, id_A, PORT_IN, arch->get_port(block_type, x, y, z, CycloneV::A));
+ arch->add_bel_pin(bel, id_B, PORT_IN, arch->get_port(block_type, x, y, z, CycloneV::B));
+ arch->add_bel_pin(bel, id_C, PORT_IN, arch->get_port(block_type, x, y, z, CycloneV::C));
+ arch->add_bel_pin(bel, id_D, PORT_IN, arch->get_port(block_type, x, y, z, CycloneV::D));
+ arch->add_bel_pin(bel, id_E0, PORT_IN, arch->get_port(block_type, x, y, z, CycloneV::E0));
+ arch->add_bel_pin(bel, id_E1, PORT_IN, arch->get_port(block_type, x, y, z, CycloneV::E1));
+ arch->add_bel_pin(bel, id_F0, PORT_IN, arch->get_port(block_type, x, y, z, CycloneV::F0));
+ arch->add_bel_pin(bel, id_F1, PORT_IN, arch->get_port(block_type, x, y, z, CycloneV::F1));
// Carry/share chain
arch->add_bel_pin(bel, id_CI, PORT_IN, carry_in);
arch->add_bel_pin(bel, id_SHAREIN, PORT_IN, share_in);
@@ -105,8 +106,8 @@ static void create_alm(Arch *arch, int x, int y, int z, uint32_t lab_idx)
// E/F pips
// Note that the F choice is mirrored, F from the other half is picked
- arch->add_pip(arch->get_port(CycloneV::LAB, x, y, z, i ? CycloneV::E1 : CycloneV::E0), alm.sel_ef[i]);
- arch->add_pip(arch->get_port(CycloneV::LAB, x, y, z, i ? CycloneV::F0 : CycloneV::F1), alm.sel_ef[i]);
+ arch->add_pip(arch->get_port(block_type, x, y, z, i ? CycloneV::E1 : CycloneV::E0), alm.sel_ef[i]);
+ arch->add_pip(arch->get_port(block_type, x, y, z, i ? CycloneV::F0 : CycloneV::F1), alm.sel_ef[i]);
// Create the flipflops and associated routing
@@ -132,12 +133,12 @@ static void create_alm(Arch *arch, int x, int y, int z, uint32_t lab_idx)
alm.ff_out[i] = arch->add_wire(x, y, arch->id(stringf("FFOUT[%d]", (z * 4) + i)));
arch->add_bel_pin(bel, id_Q, PORT_OUT, alm.ff_out[i]);
// Output mux (*DFF*)
- WireId out = arch->get_port(CycloneV::LAB, x, y, z, outputs[i]);
+ WireId out = arch->get_port(block_type, x, y, z, outputs[i]);
arch->add_pip(alm.ff_out[i], out);
arch->add_pip(alm.comb_out[i / 2], out);
// 'L' output mux where applicable
if (i == 1 || i == 3) {
- WireId l_out = arch->get_port(CycloneV::LAB, x, y, z, l_outputs[i / 2]);
+ WireId l_out = arch->get_port(block_type, x, y, z, l_outputs[i / 2]);
arch->add_pip(alm.ff_out[i], l_out);
arch->add_pip(alm.comb_out[i / 2], l_out);
@@ -148,16 +149,21 @@ static void create_alm(Arch *arch, int x, int y, int z, uint32_t lab_idx)
b.lab_data.alm = z;
b.lab_data.idx = i;
+ // TODO: MLAB-specific pins
} // namespace
-void Arch::create_lab(int x, int y)
+void Arch::create_lab(int x, int y, bool is_mlab)
uint32_t lab_idx = labs.size();
auto &lab = labs.back();
+ lab.is_mlab = is_mlab;
+ auto block_type = is_mlab ? CycloneV::MLAB : CycloneV::LAB;
// Create common control set configuration. This is actually a subset of what's possible, but errs on the side of
// caution due to incomplete documentation
@@ -165,24 +171,24 @@ void Arch::create_lab(int x, int y)
// permutations
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
lab.clk_wires[i] = add_wire(x, y, id(stringf("CLK%d", i)));
- add_pip(get_port(CycloneV::LAB, x, y, -1, CycloneV::CLKIN, 0), lab.clk_wires[i]); // dedicated routing
- add_pip(get_port(CycloneV::LAB, x, y, -1, CycloneV::DATAIN, 0), lab.clk_wires[i]); // general routing
+ add_pip(get_port(block_type, x, y, -1, CycloneV::CLKIN, 0), lab.clk_wires[i]); // dedicated routing
+ add_pip(get_port(block_type, x, y, -1, CycloneV::DATAIN, 0), lab.clk_wires[i]); // general routing
// Enables - while it looks from the config like there are choices for these, it seems like EN0_SEL actually selects
// SCLR not ENA0 and EN1_SEL actually selects SLOAD?
- lab.ena_wires[0] = get_port(CycloneV::LAB, x, y, -1, CycloneV::DATAIN, 2);
- lab.ena_wires[1] = get_port(CycloneV::LAB, x, y, -1, CycloneV::DATAIN, 3);
- lab.ena_wires[2] = get_port(CycloneV::LAB, x, y, -1, CycloneV::DATAIN, 0);
+ lab.ena_wires[0] = get_port(block_type, x, y, -1, CycloneV::DATAIN, 2);
+ lab.ena_wires[1] = get_port(block_type, x, y, -1, CycloneV::DATAIN, 3);
+ lab.ena_wires[2] = get_port(block_type, x, y, -1, CycloneV::DATAIN, 0);
// ACLRs - only consider general routing for now
- lab.aclr_wires[0] = get_port(CycloneV::LAB, x, y, -1, CycloneV::DATAIN, 3);
- lab.aclr_wires[1] = get_port(CycloneV::LAB, x, y, -1, CycloneV::DATAIN, 2);
+ lab.aclr_wires[0] = get_port(block_type, x, y, -1, CycloneV::DATAIN, 3);
+ lab.aclr_wires[1] = get_port(block_type, x, y, -1, CycloneV::DATAIN, 2);
// SCLR and SLOAD - as above it seems like these might be selectable using the "EN*_SEL" bits but play it safe for
// now
- lab.sclr_wire = get_port(CycloneV::LAB, x, y, -1, CycloneV::DATAIN, 3);
- lab.sload_wire = get_port(CycloneV::LAB, x, y, -1, CycloneV::DATAIN, 1);
+ lab.sclr_wire = get_port(block_type, x, y, -1, CycloneV::DATAIN, 3);
+ lab.sload_wire = get_port(block_type, x, y, -1, CycloneV::DATAIN, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
create_alm(this, x, y, i, lab_idx);