path: root/machxo2/examples
diff options
authorgatecat <gatecat@ds0.me>2021-02-11 11:10:32 +0000
committergatecat <gatecat@ds0.me>2021-02-12 10:36:59 +0000
commit510969ab9704865f87c7c0bd09e0185b729feffc (patch)
tree39a6e35998d92f5066f21f8055a17fb7a7428f98 /machxo2/examples
parentc956cae8244c094783edc7101fd0ca542c24e55b (diff)
Create machxo2 backend (renamed from generic).
Signed-off-by: William D. Jones <thor0505@comcast.net>
Diffstat (limited to 'machxo2/examples')
12 files changed, 256 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/machxo2/examples/.gitignore b/machxo2/examples/.gitignore
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index 00000000..ad2fba28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/machxo2/examples/.gitignore
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diff --git a/machxo2/examples/README.md b/machxo2/examples/README.md
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index 00000000..e064d077
--- /dev/null
+++ b/machxo2/examples/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# MachXO2 Architecture Example
+This contains a simple example of the nextpnr machxo2 API. As time goes on,
+python scripts required as boilerplate will be removed.
+ - simple.py procedurally generates a simple FPGA architecture with IO at the edges,
+ logic slices in all other tiles, and interconnect only between adjacent tiles
+ - simple_timing.py annotates cells with timing data (this is a separate script that must be run after packing)
+ - write_fasm.py uses the nextpnr Python API to write a FASM file for a design
+ - bitstream.py uses write_fasm.py to create a FASM ("FPGA assembly") file for the place-and-routed design
+ - Run simple.sh to build an example design on the FPGA above
diff --git a/machxo2/examples/__init__.py b/machxo2/examples/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/machxo2/examples/__init__.py
diff --git a/machxo2/examples/bitstream.py b/machxo2/examples/bitstream.py
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index 00000000..7f0b5c07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/machxo2/examples/bitstream.py
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+from write_fasm import *
+from simple_config import K
+# Need to tell FASM generator how to write parameters
+# (celltype, parameter) -> ParameterConfig
+param_map = {
+ ("GENERIC_SLICE", "K"): ParameterConfig(write=False),
+ ("GENERIC_SLICE", "INIT"): ParameterConfig(write=True, numeric=True, width=2**K),
+ ("GENERIC_SLICE", "FF_USED"): ParameterConfig(write=True, numeric=True, width=1),
+ ("GENERIC_IOB", "INPUT_USED"): ParameterConfig(write=True, numeric=True, width=1),
+ ("GENERIC_IOB", "OUTPUT_USED"): ParameterConfig(write=True, numeric=True, width=1),
+ ("GENERIC_IOB", "ENABLE_USED"): ParameterConfig(write=True, numeric=True, width=1),
+with open("blinky.fasm", "w") as f:
+ write_fasm(ctx, param_map, f)
diff --git a/machxo2/examples/blinky.v b/machxo2/examples/blinky.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42becb72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/machxo2/examples/blinky.v
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+module top(input clk, rst, output reg [7:0] leds);
+reg [7:0] ctr;
+always @(posedge clk)
+ if (rst)
+ ctr <= 8'h00;
+ else
+ ctr <= ctr + 1'b1;
+assign leds = ctr;
diff --git a/machxo2/examples/blinky_tb.v b/machxo2/examples/blinky_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f9925e6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/machxo2/examples/blinky_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+module blinky_tb;
+reg clk = 1'b0, rst = 1'b0;
+reg [7:0] ctr_gold = 8'h00;
+wire [7:0] ctr_gate;
+top dut_i(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .leds(ctr_gate));
+task oneclk;
+ begin
+ clk = 1'b1;
+ #10;
+ clk = 1'b0;
+ #10;
+ end
+initial begin
+ $dumpfile("blinky_simtest.vcd");
+ $dumpvars(0, blinky_tb);
+ #100;
+ rst = 1'b1;
+ repeat (5) oneclk;
+ #5
+ rst = 1'b0;
+ #5
+ repeat (500) begin
+ if (ctr_gold !== ctr_gate) begin
+ $display("mismatch gold=%b gate=%b", ctr_gold, ctr_gate);
+ $stop;
+ end
+ oneclk;
+ ctr_gold = ctr_gold + 1'b1;
+ end
+ $finish;
diff --git a/machxo2/examples/simple.py b/machxo2/examples/simple.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9379b505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/machxo2/examples/simple.py
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+from simple_config import *
+def is_io(x, y):
+ return x == 0 or x == X-1 or y == 0 or y == Y-1
+for x in range(X):
+ for y in range(Y):
+ # Bel port wires
+ for z in range(N):
+ ctx.addWire(name="X%dY%dZ%d_CLK" % (x, y, z), type="BEL_CLK", x=x, y=y)
+ ctx.addWire(name="X%dY%dZ%d_Q" % (x, y, z), type="BEL_Q", x=x, y=y)
+ ctx.addWire(name="X%dY%dZ%d_F" % (x, y, z), type="BEL_F", x=x, y=y)
+ for i in range(K):
+ ctx.addWire(name="X%dY%dZ%d_I%d" % (x, y, z, i), type="BEL_I", x=x, y=y)
+ # Local wires
+ for l in range(Wl):
+ ctx.addWire(name="X%dY%d_LOCAL%d" % (x, y, l), type="LOCAL", x=x, y=y)
+ # Create bels
+ if is_io(x, y):
+ if x == y:
+ continue
+ for z in range(2):
+ ctx.addBel(name="X%dY%d_IO%d" % (x, y, z), type="GENERIC_IOB", loc=Loc(x, y, z), gb=False)
+ ctx.addBelInput(bel="X%dY%d_IO%d" % (x, y, z), name="I", wire="X%dY%dZ%d_I0" % (x, y, z))
+ ctx.addBelInput(bel="X%dY%d_IO%d" % (x, y, z), name="EN", wire="X%dY%dZ%d_I1" % (x, y, z))
+ ctx.addBelOutput(bel="X%dY%d_IO%d" % (x, y, z), name="O", wire="X%dY%dZ%d_Q" % (x, y, z))
+ else:
+ for z in range(N):
+ ctx.addBel(name="X%dY%d_SLICE%d" % (x, y, z), type="GENERIC_SLICE", loc=Loc(x, y, z), gb=False)
+ ctx.addBelInput(bel="X%dY%d_SLICE%d" % (x, y, z), name="CLK", wire="X%dY%dZ%d_CLK" % (x, y, z))
+ for k in range(K):
+ ctx.addBelInput(bel="X%dY%d_SLICE%d" % (x, y, z), name="I[%d]" % k, wire="X%dY%dZ%d_I%d" % (x, y, z, k))
+ ctx.addBelOutput(bel="X%dY%d_SLICE%d" % (x, y, z), name="F", wire="X%dY%dZ%d_F" % (x, y, z))
+ ctx.addBelOutput(bel="X%dY%d_SLICE%d" % (x, y, z), name="Q", wire="X%dY%dZ%d_Q" % (x, y, z))
+for x in range(X):
+ for y in range(Y):
+ # Pips driving bel input wires
+ # Bel input wires are driven by every Si'th local with an offset
+ def create_input_pips(dst, offset, skip):
+ for i in range(offset % skip, Wl, skip):
+ src = "X%dY%d_LOCAL%d" % (x, y, i)
+ ctx.addPip(name="X%dY%d.%s.%s" % (x, y, src, dst), type="BEL_INPUT",
+ srcWire=src, dstWire=dst, delay=ctx.getDelayFromNS(0.05), loc=Loc(x, y, 0))
+ for z in range(N):
+ create_input_pips("X%dY%dZ%d_CLK" % (x, y, z), 0, Si)
+ for k in range(K):
+ create_input_pips("X%dY%dZ%d_I%d" % (x, y, z, k), k % Si, Si)
+ # Pips from bel outputs to locals
+ def create_output_pips(dst, offset, skip):
+ for i in range(offset % skip, N, skip):
+ src = "X%dY%dZ%d_F" % (x, y, i)
+ ctx.addPip(name="X%dY%d.%s.%s" % (x, y, src, dst), type="BEL_OUTPUT",
+ srcWire=src, dstWire=dst, delay=ctx.getDelayFromNS(0.05), loc=Loc(x, y, 0))
+ src = "X%dY%dZ%d_Q" % (x, y, i)
+ ctx.addPip(name="X%dY%d.%s.%s" % (x, y, src, dst), type="BEL_OUTPUT",
+ srcWire=src, dstWire=dst, delay=ctx.getDelayFromNS(0.05), loc=Loc(x, y, 0))
+ # Pips from neighbour locals to locals
+ def create_neighbour_pips(dst, nx, ny, offset, skip):
+ if nx < 0 or nx >= X or ny < 0 or ny >= Y:
+ return
+ for i in range(offset % skip, Wl, skip):
+ src = "X%dY%d_LOCAL%d" % (nx, ny, i)
+ ctx.addPip(name="X%dY%d.%s.%s" % (x, y, src, dst), type="NEIGHBOUR",
+ srcWire=src, dstWire=dst, delay=ctx.getDelayFromNS(0.05), loc=Loc(x, y, 0))
+ for l in range(Wl):
+ dst = "X%dY%d_LOCAL%d" % (x, y, l)
+ create_output_pips(dst, l % Sq, Sq)
+ create_neighbour_pips(dst, x-1, y-1, (l + 1) % Sl, Sl)
+ create_neighbour_pips(dst, x-1, y, (l + 2) % Sl, Sl)
+ create_neighbour_pips(dst, x-1, y+1, (l + 2) % Sl, Sl)
+ create_neighbour_pips(dst, x, y-1, (l + 3) % Sl, Sl)
+ create_neighbour_pips(dst, x, y+1, (l + 4) % Sl, Sl)
+ create_neighbour_pips(dst, x+1, y-1, (l + 5) % Sl, Sl)
+ create_neighbour_pips(dst, x+1, y, (l + 6) % Sl, Sl)
+ create_neighbour_pips(dst, x+1, y+1, (l + 7) % Sl, Sl)
diff --git a/machxo2/examples/simple.sh b/machxo2/examples/simple.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..425bc6ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/machxo2/examples/simple.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -ex
+yosys -p "tcl ../synth/synth_generic.tcl 4 blinky.json" blinky.v
+${NEXTPNR:-../../nextpnr-machxo2} --pre-pack simple.py --pre-place simple_timing.py --json blinky.json --post-route bitstream.py --write pnrblinky.json
+yosys -p "read_verilog -lib ../synth/prims.v; read_json pnrblinky.json; dump -o blinky.il; show -format png -prefix blinky"
diff --git a/machxo2/examples/simple_config.py b/machxo2/examples/simple_config.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dfb38f1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/machxo2/examples/simple_config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Grid size including IOBs at edges
+X = 12
+Y = 12
+# SLICEs per tile
+N = 8
+# LUT input count
+K = 4
+# Number of local wires
+Wl = N*(K+1) + 8
+# 1/Fc for bel input wire pips
+Si = 4
+# 1/Fc for Q to local wire pips
+Sq = 4
+# ~1/Fc local to neighbour local wire pips
+Sl = 8 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/machxo2/examples/simple_timing.py b/machxo2/examples/simple_timing.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1067b556
--- /dev/null
+++ b/machxo2/examples/simple_timing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+for cname, cell in ctx.cells:
+ if cell.type != "GENERIC_SLICE":
+ continue
+ if cname in ("$PACKER_GND", "$PACKER_VCC"):
+ continue
+ K = int(cell.params["K"])
+ ctx.addCellTimingClock(cell=cname, port="CLK")
+ for i in range(K):
+ ctx.addCellTimingSetupHold(cell=cname, port="I[%d]" % i, clock="CLK",
+ setup=ctx.getDelayFromNS(0.2), hold=ctx.getDelayFromNS(0))
+ ctx.addCellTimingClockToOut(cell=cname, port="Q", clock="CLK", clktoq=ctx.getDelayFromNS(0.2))
+ for i in range(K):
+ ctx.addCellTimingDelay(cell=cname, fromPort="I[%d]" % i, toPort="F", delay=ctx.getDelayFromNS(0.2))
diff --git a/machxo2/examples/simtest.sh b/machxo2/examples/simtest.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a53f5c15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/machxo2/examples/simtest.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -ex
+yosys -p "tcl ../synth/synth_generic.tcl 4 blinky.json" blinky.v
+${NEXTPNR:-../../nextpnr-machxo2} --no-iobs --pre-pack simple.py --pre-place simple_timing.py --json blinky.json --post-route bitstream.py --write pnrblinky.json
+yosys -p "read_json pnrblinky.json; write_verilog -noattr -norename pnrblinky.v"
+iverilog -o blinky_simtest ../synth/prims.v blinky_tb.v pnrblinky.v
+vvp -N ./blinky_simtest
diff --git a/machxo2/examples/write_fasm.py b/machxo2/examples/write_fasm.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ede8f16b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/machxo2/examples/write_fasm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+from collections import namedtuple
+ write: set to True to enable writing this parameter to FASM
+ numeric: set to True to write this parameter as a bit array (width>1) or
+ single bit (width==1) named after the parameter. Otherwise this
+ parameter will be written as `name.value`
+ width: width of numeric parameter (ignored for non-numeric parameters)
+ alias: an alternative name for this parameter (parameter name used if alias
+ is None)
+ParameterConfig = namedtuple('ParameterConfig', 'write numeric width alias')
+# FIXME use defaults= once Python 3.7 is standard
+ParameterConfig.__new__.__defaults__ = (False, True, 1, None)
+Write a design as FASM
+ ctx: nextpnr context
+ paramCfg: map from (celltype, parametername) -> ParameterConfig describing how to write parameters
+ f: output file
+def write_fasm(ctx, paramCfg, f):
+ for nname, net in sorted(ctx.nets, key=lambda x: str(x[1].name)):
+ print("# Net %s" % nname, file=f)
+ for wire, pip in sorted(net.wires, key=lambda x: str(x[1])):
+ if pip.pip != "":
+ print("%s" % pip.pip, file=f)
+ print("", file=f)
+ for cname, cell in sorted(ctx.cells, key=lambda x: str(x[1].name)):
+ print("# Cell %s at %s" % (cname, cell.bel), file=f)
+ for param, val in sorted(cell.params, key=lambda x: str(x)):
+ cfg = paramCfg[(cell.type, param)]
+ if not cfg.write:
+ continue
+ fasm_name = cfg.alias if cfg.alias is not None else param
+ if cfg.numeric:
+ if cfg.width == 1:
+ if int(val) != 0:
+ print("%s.%s" % (cell.bel, fasm_name), file=f)
+ else:
+ # Parameters with width >32 are direct binary, otherwise denary
+ print("%s.%s[%d:0] = %d'b%s" % (cell.bel, fasm_name, cfg.width-1, cfg.width, val), file=f)
+ else:
+ print("%s.%s.%s" % (cell.bel, fasm_name, val), file=f)
+ print("", file=f) \ No newline at end of file