diff options
authorClifford Wolf <clifford@clifford.at>2018-06-16 15:25:03 +0200
committerClifford Wolf <clifford@clifford.at>2018-06-16 15:25:03 +0200
commit4d14bc291447ebc5b33d5d1972d5837f66efc88f (patch)
parent6acf23cf37285e16050b44370be6cbe7dd3e0dc5 (diff)
parentef2164708b66b55300f46cc39467eb032498717e (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into chipdbng
12 files changed, 440 insertions, 76 deletions
diff --git a/common/design_utils.h b/common/design_utils.h
index daf6e050..8d231d4c 100644
--- a/common/design_utils.h
+++ b/common/design_utils.h
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ CellInfo *net_only_drives(NetInfo *net, F1 cell_pred, IdString port,
// If a net is driven by a given port of a cell matching a predicate, return
// that cell, otherwise nullptr
template <typename F1>
-CellInfo *net_driven_by(NetInfo *net, F1 cell_pred, IdString port)
+CellInfo *net_driven_by(const NetInfo *net, F1 cell_pred, IdString port)
if (net == nullptr)
return nullptr;
diff --git a/common/place.cc b/common/place.cc
index 92c09e78..cdc29042 100644
--- a/common/place.cc
+++ b/common/place.cc
@@ -17,31 +17,243 @@
+#include "place.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <ostream>
+#include <queue>
+#include <random>
#include <set>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <vector>
#include "arch_place.h"
#include "log.h"
-#include "place.h"
-void place_design(Design *design)
+struct rnd_state
+ uint32_t state;
+/* The state word must be initialized to non-zero */
+static uint32_t xorshift32(rnd_state &rnd)
+ /* Algorithm "xor" from p. 4 of Marsaglia, "Xorshift RNGs" */
+ uint32_t x = rnd.state;
+ x ^= x << 13;
+ x ^= x >> 17;
+ x ^= x << 5;
+ rnd.state = x;
+ return x;
+static float random_float_upto(rnd_state &rnd, float limit)
+ return xorshift32(rnd) / (4294967296 / limit);
+static int random_int_between(rnd_state &rnd, int a, int b)
- std::set<IdString> types_used;
- std::set<IdString>::iterator not_found, element;
- std::set<BelType> used_bels;
+ return a + int(random_float_upto(rnd, b - a));
- log_info("Placing..\n");
+// Initial random placement
+static void place_initial(Design *design, CellInfo *cell, rnd_state &rnd)
+ BelId best_bel = BelId();
+ float best_score = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
+ Chip &chip = design->chip;
+ if (cell->bel != BelId()) {
+ chip.unbindBel(cell->bel);
+ cell->bel = BelId();
+ }
+ BelType targetType = belTypeFromId(cell->type);
+ for (auto bel : chip.getBels()) {
+ if (chip.getBelType(bel) == targetType && chip.checkBelAvail(bel) &&
+ isValidBelForCell(design, cell, bel)) {
+ float score = random_float_upto(rnd, 1.0);
+ if (score <= best_score) {
+ best_score = score;
+ best_bel = bel;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (best_bel == BelId()) {
+ log_error("failed to place cell '%s' of type '%s'\n",
+ cell->name.c_str(), cell->type.c_str());
+ }
+ cell->bel = best_bel;
+ chip.bindBel(cell->bel, cell->name);
+ // Back annotate location
+ cell->attrs["BEL"] = chip.getBelName(cell->bel).str();
+// Stores the state of the SA placer
+struct SAState
+ std::unordered_map<NetInfo *, float> wirelengths;
+ float curr_wirelength = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
+ float temp = 1000;
+ bool improved = false;
+ int n_move, n_accept;
+ int diameter = 35;
+ std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<BelId>>>> fast_bels;
+// Get the total estimated wirelength for a net
+static float get_wirelength(Chip *chip, NetInfo *net)
+ float wirelength = 0;
+ float driver_x = 0, driver_y = 0;
+ bool consider_driver = false;
+ CellInfo *driver_cell = net->driver.cell;
+ if (!driver_cell)
+ return 0;
+ if (driver_cell->bel == BelId())
+ return 0;
+ consider_driver =
+ chip->estimatePosition(driver_cell->bel, driver_x, driver_y);
+ if (!consider_driver)
+ return 0;
+ for (auto load : net->users) {
+ if (load.cell == nullptr)
+ continue;
+ CellInfo *load_cell = load.cell;
+ float load_x = 0, load_y = 0;
+ if (load_cell->bel == BelId())
+ continue;
+ chip->estimatePosition(load_cell->bel, load_x, load_y);
+ wirelength += std::abs(load_x - driver_x) + std::abs(load_y - driver_y);
+ }
+ return wirelength;
+// Attempt a SA position swap, return true on success or false on failure
+static bool try_swap_position(Design *design, CellInfo *cell, BelId newBel,
+ rnd_state &rnd, SAState &state)
+ static std::unordered_set<NetInfo *> update;
+ static std::vector<std::pair<NetInfo *, float>> new_lengths;
+ new_lengths.clear();
+ update.clear();
+ Chip &chip = design->chip;
+ BelId oldBel = cell->bel;
+ IdString other = chip.getBelCell(newBel, true);
+ CellInfo *other_cell = nullptr;
+ float new_wirelength = 0, delta;
+ chip.unbindBel(oldBel);
+ if (other != IdString()) {
+ other_cell = design->cells[other];
+ chip.unbindBel(newBel);
+ }
+ if (!isValidBelForCell(design, cell, newBel))
+ goto swap_fail;
+ for (const auto &port : cell->ports)
+ if (port.second.net != nullptr)
+ update.insert(port.second.net);
+ if (other != IdString()) {
+ if (!isValidBelForCell(design, other_cell, oldBel))
+ goto swap_fail;
+ for (const auto &port : other_cell->ports)
+ if (port.second.net != nullptr)
+ update.insert(port.second.net);
+ }
+ chip.bindBel(newBel, cell->name);
+ if (other != IdString()) {
+ if (!isValidBelForCell(design, other_cell, oldBel)) {
+ chip.unbindBel(newBel);
+ goto swap_fail;
+ } else {
+ chip.bindBel(oldBel, other_cell->name);
+ }
+ }
+ cell->bel = newBel;
+ if (other != IdString())
+ other_cell->bel = oldBel;
+ new_wirelength = state.curr_wirelength;
+ // Recalculate wirelengths for all nets touched by the peturbation
+ for (auto net : update) {
+ new_wirelength -= state.wirelengths.at(net);
+ float net_new_wl = get_wirelength(&chip, net);
+ new_wirelength += net_new_wl;
+ new_lengths.push_back(std::make_pair(net, net_new_wl));
+ }
+ delta = new_wirelength - state.curr_wirelength;
+ state.n_move++;
+ // SA acceptance criterea
+ if (delta < 0 ||
+ (state.temp > 1e-6 &&
+ random_float_upto(rnd, 1.0) <= std::exp(-delta / state.temp))) {
+ state.n_accept++;
+ if (delta < 0)
+ state.improved = true;
+ } else {
+ if (other != IdString())
+ chip.unbindBel(oldBel);
+ chip.unbindBel(newBel);
+ goto swap_fail;
+ }
+ state.curr_wirelength = new_wirelength;
+ for (auto new_wl : new_lengths)
+ state.wirelengths.at(new_wl.first) = new_wl.second;
+ return true;
+ chip.bindBel(oldBel, cell->name);
+ cell->bel = oldBel;
+ if (other != IdString()) {
+ chip.bindBel(newBel, other);
+ other_cell->bel = newBel;
+ }
+ return false;
+// Find a random Bel of the correct type for a cell, within the specified
+// diameter
+BelId random_bel_for_cell(Design *design, CellInfo *cell, SAState &state,
+ rnd_state &rnd)
+ BelId best_bel = BelId();
+ Chip &chip = design->chip;
+ BelType targetType = belTypeFromId(cell->type);
+ assert(int(targetType) < state.fast_bels.size());
+ float x = 0, y = 0;
+ chip.estimatePosition(cell->bel, x, y);
+ while (true) {
+ int nx = random_int_between(rnd, std::max(int(x) - state.diameter, 0),
+ int(x) + state.diameter + 1);
+ int ny = random_int_between(rnd, std::max(int(y) - state.diameter, 0),
+ int(y) + state.diameter + 1);
+ if (nx >= state.fast_bels.at(int(targetType)).size())
+ continue;
+ if (ny >= state.fast_bels.at(int(targetType)).at(nx).size())
+ continue;
+ const auto &fb = state.fast_bels.at(int(targetType)).at(nx).at(ny);
+ if (fb.size() == 0)
+ continue;
+ return fb.at(random_int_between(rnd, 0, fb.size()));
+ }
+void place_design_sa(Design *design)
+ size_t total_cells = design->cells.size(), placed_cells = 0;
+ std::queue<CellInfo *> visit_cells;
// Initial constraints placer
for (auto cell_entry : design->cells) {
CellInfo *cell = cell_entry.second;
@@ -65,59 +277,109 @@ void place_design(Design *design)
cell->bel = bel;
design->chip.bindBel(bel, cell->name);
+ placed_cells++;
+ visit_cells.push(cell);
+ }
+ }
+ log_info("place_constraints placed %d\n", placed_cells);
+ rnd_state rnd;
+ rnd.state = 1;
+ std::vector<CellInfo *> autoplaced;
+ SAState state;
+ // Place cells randomly initially
+ for (auto cell : design->cells) {
+ CellInfo *ci = cell.second;
+ if (ci->bel == BelId()) {
+ place_initial(design, ci, rnd);
+ autoplaced.push_back(cell.second);
+ placed_cells++;
+ log_info("placed %d/%d\n", placed_cells, total_cells);
+ }
+ // Build up a fast position/type to Bel lookup table
+ int max_x = 0, max_y = 0;
+ for (auto bel : design->chip.getBels()) {
+ float x, y;
+ design->chip.estimatePosition(bel, x, y);
+ BelType type = design->chip.getBelType(bel);
+ if (state.fast_bels.size() < int(type) + 1)
+ state.fast_bels.resize(int(type) + 1);
+ if (state.fast_bels.at(int(type)).size() < int(x) + 1)
+ state.fast_bels.at(int(type)).resize(int(x) + 1);
+ if (state.fast_bels.at(int(type)).at(int(x)).size() < int(y) + 1)
+ state.fast_bels.at(int(type)).at(int(x)).resize(int(y) + 1);
+ max_x = std::max(max_x, int(x));
+ max_y = std::max(max_y, int(y));
+ state.fast_bels.at(int(type)).at(int(x)).at(int((y))).push_back(bel);
+ }
+ state.diameter = std::max(max_x, max_y) + 1;
+ // Calculate wirelength after initial placement
+ state.curr_wirelength = 0;
+ for (auto net : design->nets) {
+ float wl = get_wirelength(&design->chip, net.second);
+ state.wirelengths[net.second] = wl;
+ state.curr_wirelength += wl;
- for (auto cell_entry : design->cells) {
- CellInfo *cell = cell_entry.second;
- // Ignore already placed cells
- if (cell->bel != BelId())
- continue;
+ int n_no_progress = 0;
+ double avg_wirelength = state.curr_wirelength;
+ state.temp = 10000;
- BelType bel_type;
+ // Main simulated annealing loop
+ for (int iter = 1;; iter++) {
+ state.n_move = state.n_accept = 0;
+ state.improved = false;
- element = types_used.find(cell->type);
- if (element != types_used.end()) {
- continue;
- }
+ // if (iter % 50 == 0)
+ log(" at iteration #%d: temp = %f, wire length = %f\n", iter,
+ state.temp, state.curr_wirelength);
- bel_type = belTypeFromId(cell->type);
- if (bel_type == BelType()) {
- log_error("No Bel of type \'%s\' defined for "
- "this chip\n",
- cell->type.c_str());
+ for (int m = 0; m < 15; ++m) {
+ // Loop through all automatically placed cells
+ for (auto cell : autoplaced) {
+ // Find another random Bel for this cell
+ BelId try_bel = random_bel_for_cell(design, cell, state, rnd);
+ // If valid, try and swap to a new position and see if
+ // the new position is valid/worthwhile
+ if (try_bel != BelId() && try_bel != cell->bel)
+ try_swap_position(design, cell, try_bel, rnd, state);
+ }
- types_used.insert(cell->type);
- }
- for (auto bel_type_name : types_used) {
- auto blist = design->chip.getBels();
- BelType bel_type = belTypeFromId(bel_type_name);
- auto bi = blist.begin();
- for (auto cell_entry : design->cells) {
- CellInfo *cell = cell_entry.second;
- // Ignore already placed cells
- if (cell->bel != BelId())
- continue;
- // Only place one type of Bel at a time
- if (cell->type != bel_type_name)
- continue;
- while ((bi != blist.end()) &&
- ((design->chip.getBelType(*bi) != bel_type ||
- !design->chip.checkBelAvail(*bi)) ||
- !isValidBelForCell(design, cell, *bi)))
- bi++;
- if (bi == blist.end())
- log_error("Too many \'%s\' used in design\n",
- cell->type.c_str());
- cell->bel = *bi++;
- design->chip.bindBel(cell->bel, cell->name);
- // Back annotate location
- cell->attrs["BEL"] = design->chip.getBelName(cell->bel).str();
+ // Heuristic to improve placement on the 8k
+ if (state.improved) {
+ n_no_progress = 0;
+ // std::cout << "improved\n";
+ } else
+ ++n_no_progress;
+ if (state.temp <= 1e-3 && n_no_progress >= 5)
+ break;
+ double Raccept = (double)state.n_accept / (double)state.n_move;
+ int M = std::max(max_x, max_y) + 1;
+ double upper = 0.6, lower = 0.4;
+ if (state.curr_wirelength < 0.95 * avg_wirelength)
+ avg_wirelength = 0.8 * avg_wirelength + 0.2 * state.curr_wirelength;
+ else {
+ if (Raccept >= 0.8) {
+ state.temp *= 0.7;
+ } else if (Raccept > upper) {
+ if (state.diameter < M)
+ ++state.diameter;
+ else
+ state.temp *= 0.9;
+ } else if (Raccept > lower) {
+ state.temp *= 0.95;
+ } else {
+ // Raccept < 0.3
+ if (state.diameter > 1)
+ --state.diameter;
+ else
+ state.temp *= 0.8;
+ }
diff --git a/common/place.h b/common/place.h
index 7df84873..f320111e 100644
--- a/common/place.h
+++ b/common/place.h
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-extern void place_design(Design *design);
+extern void place_design_sa(Design *design);
diff --git a/common/route.cc b/common/route.cc
index de3f41ce..247c8840 100644
--- a/common/route.cc
+++ b/common/route.cc
@@ -196,6 +196,7 @@ struct Router
+ continue;
if (!chip.checkWireAvail(next_wire)) {
diff --git a/ice40/arch_place.cc b/ice40/arch_place.cc
index c02add1c..492ed846 100644
--- a/ice40/arch_place.cc
+++ b/ice40/arch_place.cc
@@ -18,11 +18,12 @@
#include "arch_place.h"
+#include "cells.h"
-static const NetInfo *
-get_net_or_nullptr(const CellInfo *cell, const IdString port)
+static const NetInfo *get_net_or_nullptr(const CellInfo *cell,
+ const IdString port)
auto found = cell->ports.find(port);
if (found != cell->ports.end())
@@ -45,9 +46,12 @@ static bool logicCellsCompatible(const std::vector<const CellInfo *> &cells)
clk = get_net_or_nullptr(cell, "CLK");
sr = get_net_or_nullptr(cell, "SR");
- locals.insert(cen);
- locals.insert(clk);
- locals.insert(sr);
+ if (!is_global_net(cen))
+ locals.insert(cen);
+ if (!is_global_net(clk))
+ locals.insert(clk);
+ if (!is_global_net(sr))
+ locals.insert(sr);
if (std::stoi(cell->params.at("NEG_CLK"))) {
dffs_neg = true;
@@ -93,7 +97,8 @@ bool isValidBelForCell(Design *design, CellInfo *cell, BelId bel)
return logicCellsCompatible(cells);
+ } else if (cell->type == "SB_IO") {
+ return design->chip.getBelPackagePin(bel) != "";
} else {
// TODO: IO cell clock checks
return true;
diff --git a/ice40/bitstream.cc b/ice40/bitstream.cc
index 7952a8a1..ba4a0e8d 100644
--- a/ice40/bitstream.cc
+++ b/ice40/bitstream.cc
@@ -67,6 +67,28 @@ void set_config(const TileInfoPOD &ti,
+int get_param_or_def(const CellInfo *cell, const std::string &param,
+ int defval = 0)
+ auto found = cell->params.find(param);
+ if (found != cell->params.end())
+ return std::stoi(found->second);
+ else
+ return defval;
+std::string get_param_str_or_def(const CellInfo *cell, const std::string &param,
+ std::string defval = "")
+ auto found = cell->params.find(param);
+ if (found != cell->params.end())
+ return found->second;
+ else
+ return defval;
+char get_hexdigit(int i) { return std::string("0123456789ABCDEF").at(i); }
void write_asc(const Design &design, std::ostream &out)
const Chip &chip = design.chip;
@@ -134,12 +156,12 @@ void write_asc(const Design &design, std::ostream &out)
int x = beli.x, y = beli.y, z = beli.z;
if (cell.second->type == "ICESTORM_LC") {
TileInfoPOD &ti = bi.tiles_nonrouting[TILE_LOGIC];
- unsigned lut_init = std::stoi(cell.second->params["LUT_INIT"]);
- bool neg_clk = std::stoi(cell.second->params["NEG_CLK"]);
- bool dff_enable = std::stoi(cell.second->params["DFF_ENABLE"]);
- bool async_sr = std::stoi(cell.second->params["ASYNC_SR"]);
- bool set_noreset = std::stoi(cell.second->params["SET_NORESET"]);
- bool carry_enable = std::stoi(cell.second->params["CARRY_ENABLE"]);
+ unsigned lut_init = get_param_or_def(cell.second, "LUT_INIT");
+ bool neg_clk = get_param_or_def(cell.second, "NEG_CLK");
+ bool dff_enable = get_param_or_def(cell.second, "DFF_ENABLE");
+ bool async_sr = get_param_or_def(cell.second, "ASYNC_SR");
+ bool set_noreset = get_param_or_def(cell.second, "SET_NORESET");
+ bool carry_enable = get_param_or_def(cell.second, "CARRY_ENABLE");
std::vector<bool> lc(20, false);
// From arachne-pnr
static std::vector<int> lut_perm = {
@@ -160,9 +182,9 @@ void write_asc(const Design &design, std::ostream &out)
set_config(ti, config.at(y).at(x), "NegClk", neg_clk);
} else if (cell.second->type == "SB_IO") {
TileInfoPOD &ti = bi.tiles_nonrouting[TILE_IO];
- unsigned pin_type = std::stoi(cell.second->params["PIN_TYPE"]);
- bool neg_trigger = std::stoi(cell.second->params["NEG_TRIGGER"]);
- bool pullup = std::stoi(cell.second->params["PULLUP"]);
+ unsigned pin_type = get_param_or_def(cell.second, "PIN_TYPE");
+ bool neg_trigger = get_param_or_def(cell.second, "NEG_TRIGGER");
+ bool pullup = get_param_or_def(cell.second, "PULLUP");
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
bool val = (pin_type >> i) & 0x01;
set_config(ti, config.at(y).at(x),
@@ -198,11 +220,37 @@ void write_asc(const Design &design, std::ostream &out)
} else if (cell.second->type == "SB_GB") {
// no cell config bits
+ } else if (cell.second->type == "ICESTORM_RAM") {
+ const BelInfoPOD &beli = ci.bel_data[bel.index];
+ int x = beli.x, y = beli.y;
+ const TileInfoPOD &ti_ramt = bi.tiles_nonrouting[TILE_RAMT];
+ const TileInfoPOD &ti_ramb = bi.tiles_nonrouting[TILE_RAMB];
+ if (!(chip.args.type == ChipArgs::LP1K ||
+ chip.args.type == ChipArgs::HX1K)) {
+ set_config(ti_ramb, config.at(y).at(x), "RamConfig.PowerUp",
+ true);
+ }
+ bool negclk_r = get_param_or_def(cell.second, "NEG_CLK_R");
+ bool negclk_w = get_param_or_def(cell.second, "NEG_CLK_W");
+ int write_mode = get_param_or_def(cell.second, "WRITE_MODE");
+ int read_mode = get_param_or_def(cell.second, "READ_MODE");
+ set_config(ti_ramb, config.at(y).at(x), "NegClk", negclk_w);
+ set_config(ti_ramt, config.at(y + 1).at(x), "NegClk", negclk_r);
+ set_config(ti_ramt, config.at(y + 1).at(x), "RamConfig.CBIT_0",
+ write_mode & 0x1);
+ set_config(ti_ramt, config.at(y + 1).at(x), "RamConfig.CBIT_1",
+ write_mode & 0x2);
+ set_config(ti_ramt, config.at(y + 1).at(x), "RamConfig.CBIT_2",
+ read_mode & 0x1);
+ set_config(ti_ramt, config.at(y + 1).at(x), "RamConfig.CBIT_3",
+ read_mode & 0x2);
} else {
- // Set config bits in unused IO
+ // Set config bits in unused IO and RAM
for (auto bel : chip.getBels()) {
if (chip.bel_to_cell[bel.index] == IdString() &&
chip.getBelType(bel) == TYPE_SB_IO) {
@@ -221,6 +269,15 @@ void write_asc(const Design &design, std::ostream &out)
"IoCtrl.REN_" + std::to_string(iez), false);
+ } else if (chip.bel_to_cell[bel.index] == IdString() &&
+ chip.getBelType(bel) == TYPE_ICESTORM_RAM) {
+ const BelInfoPOD &beli = ci.bel_data[bel.index];
+ int x = beli.x, y = beli.y;
+ TileInfoPOD &ti = bi.tiles_nonrouting[TILE_RAMB];
+ if ((chip.args.type == ChipArgs::LP1K ||
+ chip.args.type == ChipArgs::HX1K)) {
+ set_config(ti, config.at(y).at(x), "RamConfig.PowerUp", true);
+ }
@@ -312,6 +369,35 @@ void write_asc(const Design &design, std::ostream &out)
out << std::endl;
+ // Write RAM init data
+ for (auto cell : design.cells) {
+ if (cell.second->bel != BelId()) {
+ if (cell.second->type == "ICESTORM_RAM") {
+ const BelInfoPOD &beli = ci.bel_data[cell.second->bel.index];
+ int x = beli.x, y = beli.y;
+ out << ".ram_data " << x << " " << y << std::endl;
+ for (int w = 0; w < 16; w++) {
+ std::vector<bool> bits(256);
+ std::string init = get_param_str_or_def(
+ cell.second,
+ std::string("INIT_") + get_hexdigit(w));
+ assert(init != "");
+ for (int i = 0; i < init.size(); i++) {
+ bool val = (init.at((init.size() - 1) - i) == '1');
+ bits.at(i) = val;
+ }
+ for (int i = bits.size()-4; i >= 0; i -= 4) {
+ int c = bits.at(i) + (bits.at(i + 1) << 1) +
+ (bits.at(i + 2) << 2) + (bits.at(i + 3) << 3);
+ out << char(std::tolower(get_hexdigit(c)));
+ }
+ out << std::endl;
+ }
+ out << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ice40/cells.cc b/ice40/cells.cc
index b7a02790..61b24ce3 100644
--- a/ice40/cells.cc
+++ b/ice40/cells.cc
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ void nxio_to_sb(CellInfo *nxio, CellInfo *sbio)
-bool is_global_net(NetInfo *net)
+bool is_global_net(const NetInfo *net)
return bool(net_driven_by(net, is_gbuf, "GLOBAL_BUFFER_OUTPUT"));
diff --git a/ice40/cells.h b/ice40/cells.h
index e5b4fa9c..a2fa4c16 100644
--- a/ice40/cells.h
+++ b/ice40/cells.h
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ void dff_to_lc(CellInfo *dff, CellInfo *lc, bool pass_thru_lut = false);
void nxio_to_sb(CellInfo *nxio, CellInfo *sbio);
// Return true if a net is a global net
-bool is_global_net(NetInfo *net);
+bool is_global_net(const NetInfo *net);
diff --git a/ice40/chip.cc b/ice40/chip.cc
index db293f43..1255dfc8 100644
--- a/ice40/chip.cc
+++ b/ice40/chip.cc
@@ -273,6 +273,15 @@ BelId Chip::getPackagePinBel(const std::string &pin) const
return BelId();
+std::string Chip::getBelPackagePin(BelId bel) const
+ for (int i = 0; i < package_info->num_pins; i++) {
+ if (package_info->pins[i].bel_index == bel.index) {
+ return std::string(package_info->pins[i].name);
+ }
+ }
+ return "";
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Chip::estimatePosition(BelId bel, int &x, int &y) const
diff --git a/ice40/chip.h b/ice40/chip.h
index 7460d3b2..5eeca5e9 100644
--- a/ice40/chip.h
+++ b/ice40/chip.h
@@ -713,6 +713,7 @@ struct Chip
BelId getPackagePinBel(const std::string &pin) const;
+ std::string getBelPackagePin(BelId bel) const;
// -------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ice40/main.cc b/ice40/main.cc
index d4177fb1..fea53631 100644
--- a/ice40/main.cc
+++ b/ice40/main.cc
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (!vm.count("pack-only")) {
- place_design(&design);
+ place_design_sa(&design);
route_design(&design, verbose);
diff --git a/ice40/pack.cc b/ice40/pack.cc
index f4c024da..e045c05c 100644
--- a/ice40/pack.cc
+++ b/ice40/pack.cc
@@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ static void pack_ram(Design *design)
ci->name.str() + "_RAM");
- packed->params["READ_MODE"] = ci->params.at("READ_MODE");
- packed->params["WRITE_MODE"] = ci->params.at("WRITE_MODE");
+ for (auto param : ci->params)
+ packed->params[param.first] = param.second;
packed->params["NEG_CLK_W"] =
std::to_string(ci->type == "SB_RAM40_4KNW" ||
ci->type == "SB_RAM40_4KNRNW");