diff options
authorDavid Shah <davey1576@gmail.com>2017-11-14 14:06:38 +0000
committerDavid Shah <davey1576@gmail.com>2017-11-17 15:09:40 +0000
commit25ad7a24b96b021c6ab25e275059e20187b4f882 (patch)
parent2f962ac92e018370793b9db3635fabd5b599afef (diff)
5k RGB driver reverse engineered
4 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/ultraplus.html b/docs/ultraplus.html
index 1074862..1b9e950 100644
--- a/docs/ultraplus.html
+++ b/docs/ultraplus.html
@@ -217,4 +217,32 @@ The <span style="font-family:monospace">CLKLF</span> output of SB_LFOSC is conne
<tr><td><em>SPRAM_ENABLE</em></td><td><em>(0, 1, CBIT_0)</em></td><td><em>(0, 1, CBIT_1)</em></td><td><em>(25, 1, CBIT_0)</em></td><td><em>(25, 1, CBIT_1)</em></td></tr>
+<h2>RGB LED Driver</h2>
+<p>The UltraPlus devices contain an internal 3-channel 2-24mA constant-current driver intended for RGB led driving (SB_RGBA_DRV). It is broken out onto 3 pins: 39, 40 and 41 on the QFN48 package.
+The LED driver is implemented using the IPConnect tiles and is entirely seperate to the IO cells, if the LED driver is ignored or disabled on a pin then the pin
+can be used as an open-drain IO using the standard IO cell.</p>
+<p>Note that the UltraPlus devices also have a seperate PWM generator IP core, which would often be connected to this one to create LED effects such as "breathing" without
+ involving FPGA resources.</p>
+<p>The LED driver connections are shown in the label below.</p>
+<table class="ctab">
+<tr><td>CURREN</td><td>(25, 29, lutff_6/in_3)</td></tr>
+<tr><td>RGBLEDEN</td><td>(0, 30, lutff_1/in_1)</td></tr>
+<tr><td>RGB0PWM</td><td>(0, 30, lutff_2/in_1)</td></tr>
+<tr><td>RGB1PWM</td><td>(0, 30, lutff_3/in_1)</td></tr>
+<tr><td>RGB2PWM</td><td>(0, 30, lutff_4/in_1)</td></tr>
+<p>The configuration bits are as follows. As well as the documented bits, another bit "RGBA_DRV_EN" is set if any of the channels are enabled.</p>
+<table class="ctab">
+<tr><td>RGBA_DRV_EN</td><td>(0, 28, CBIT_5)</td></tr>
+<tr><td>RGB0_CURRENT[1:0]</td><td>(0, 28, CBIT_[7:6])</td></tr>
+<tr><td>RGB0_CURRENT[5:2]</td><td>(0, 29, CBIT_[3:0])</td></tr>
+<tr><td>RGB1_CURRENT[3:0]</td><td>(0, 29, CBIT_[7:4])</td></tr>
+<tr><td>RGB1_CURRENT[5:4]</td><td>(0, 30, CBIT_[1:0])</td></tr>
+<tr><td>RGB2_CURRENT[5:0]</td><td>(0, 30, CBIT_[7:2])</td></tr>
+<tr><td>CURRENT_MODE</td><td>(0, 28, CBIT_4)</td></tr>
diff --git a/icefuzz/tests/rgba_drv_cbit/.gitignore b/icefuzz/tests/rgba_drv_cbit/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68b6394
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icefuzz/tests/rgba_drv_cbit/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+work_rgba_drv/ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/icefuzz/tests/rgba_drv_cbit/fuzz_rgba_drv_cbit.py b/icefuzz/tests/rgba_drv_cbit/fuzz_rgba_drv_cbit.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a7e2006
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icefuzz/tests/rgba_drv_cbit/fuzz_rgba_drv_cbit.py
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os, sys
+# SB_RGBA_DRV automatic fuzzing script
+device = "up5k"
+# SB_RGBA_DRV config bits to be fuzzed
+# These must be in an order such that a config with bit i set doesn't set any other undiscovered bits yet
+fuzz_bits = [
+# Boilerplate code based on the icefuzz script
+code_prefix = """
+module top(
+ input curren,
+ input rgbleden,
+ input r_in,
+ input g_in,
+ input b_in,
+ output r_led,
+ output g_led,
+ output b_led);
+def get_param_value(param_name, param_size, fuzz_bit):
+ param = "\"0b";
+ #In the RGB driver, once bit i of a current parameter is set i-1..0 must also be set
+ is_high = False
+ for i in range(param_size - 1, -1, -1):
+ if fuzz_bit == param_name + "_" + str(i) or (i == 0 and fuzz_bit == "CURRENT_MODE") or is_high:
+ param += '1'
+ is_high = True
+ else:
+ param += '0'
+ param += "\""
+ return param
+def inst_rgba(fuzz_bit):
+ v = ""
+ v += """SB_RGBA_DRV rgba_inst (
+ .CURREN(curren),
+ .RGBLEDEN(rgbleden),
+ .RGB0PWM(r_in),
+ .RGB1PWM(g_in),
+ .RGB2PWM(b_in),
+ .RGB0(r_led),
+ .RGB1(g_led),
+ .RGB2(b_led)
+ );"""
+ v += "defparam rgba_inst.CURRENT_MODE = " + get_param_value("CURRENT_MODE", 1, fuzz_bit) + ";\n"
+ v += "defparam rgba_inst.RGB0_CURRENT = " + get_param_value("RGB0_CURRENT", 6, fuzz_bit) + ";\n"
+ v += "defparam rgba_inst.RGB1_CURRENT = " + get_param_value("RGB1_CURRENT", 6, fuzz_bit) + ";\n"
+ v += "defparam rgba_inst.RGB2_CURRENT = " + get_param_value("RGB2_CURRENT", 6, fuzz_bit) + ";\n"
+ return v;
+def make_vlog(fuzz_bit):
+ vlog = code_prefix
+ vlog += inst_rgba(fuzz_bit)
+ vlog += "endmodule"
+ return vlog
+known_bits = []
+# Set to true to continue even if multiple bits are changed (needed because
+# of the issue discusssed below)
+show_all_bits = False #TODO: make this an argument
+device = "up5k" #TODO: environment variable?
+#HACK: icecube doesn't let you set all of the config bits to 0,
+#which makes fuzzing early on annoying as there is never a case
+#with just 1 bit set. So a tiny bit of semi-manual work is needed
+#first to discover this (basically run this script with show_all_bits=True
+#and look for the stuck bit)
+#TODO: clever code could get rid of this
+rgba_drv_en_bit = {
+ "up5k" : (0, 28, 5)
+#Return a list of RGBA_DRIVER config bits in the format (x, y, bit)
+def parse_exp(expfile):
+ current_x = 0
+ current_y = 0
+ bits = []
+ with open(expfile, 'r') as f:
+ for line in f:
+ splitline = line.split(' ')
+ if splitline[0].endswith("_tile"):
+ current_x = int(splitline[1])
+ current_y = int(splitline[2])
+ elif splitline[0] == "IpConfig":
+ if splitline[1][:5] == "CBIT_":
+ bitidx = int(splitline[1][5:])
+ bits.append((current_x, current_y, bitidx))
+ return bits
+#Convert a bit tuple as returned from the above to a nice string
+def bit_to_str(bit):
+ return "(%d, %d, \"CBIT_%d\")" % bit
+#The main fuzzing function
+def do_fuzz():
+ if not os.path.exists("./work_rgba_drv"):
+ os.mkdir("./work_rgba_drv")
+ known_bits.append(rgba_drv_en_bit[device])
+ with open("rgba_drv_data_" + device + ".txt", 'w') as dat:
+ for fuzz_bit in fuzz_bits:
+ vlog = make_vlog(fuzz_bit)
+ with open("./work_rgba_drv/rgba_drv.v", 'w') as f:
+ f.write(vlog)
+ with open("./work_rgba_drv/rgba_drv.pcf", 'w') as f:
+ f.write("""
+set_io r_led 39
+set_io g_led 40
+set_io b_led 41
+ """)
+ retval = os.system("bash ../../icecube.sh -" + device + " ./work_rgba_drv/rgba_drv.v > ./work_rgba_drv/icecube.log 2>&1")
+ if retval != 0:
+ sys.stderr.write('ERROR: icecube returned non-zero error code\n')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ retval = os.system("../../../icebox/icebox_explain.py ./work_rgba_drv/rgba_drv.asc > ./work_rgba_drv/rgba_drv.exp")
+ if retval != 0:
+ sys.stderr.write('ERROR: icebox_explain returned non-zero error code\n')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ rgba_bits = parse_exp("./work_rgba_drv/rgba_drv.exp")
+ new_bits = []
+ for set_bit in rgba_bits:
+ if not (set_bit in known_bits):
+ new_bits.append(set_bit)
+ if len(new_bits) == 0:
+ sys.stderr.write('ERROR: no new bits set when setting config bit ' + fuzz_bit + '\n')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if len(new_bits) > 1:
+ sys.stderr.write('ERROR: multiple new bits set when setting config bit ' + fuzz_bit + '\n')
+ for bit in new_bits:
+ sys.stderr.write('\t' + bit_to_str(bit) + '\n')
+ if not show_all_bits:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if len(new_bits) == 1:
+ known_bits.append(new_bits[0])
+ #print DIVQ_0 at the right moment, as it's not fuzzed normally
+ if fuzz_bit == "RGB0_CURRENT_0":
+ print(("\"RGBA_DRV_EN\":").ljust(24) + bit_to_str(rgba_drv_en_bit[device]) + ",")
+ dat.write(("\"RGBA_DRV_EN\":").ljust(24) + bit_to_str(rgba_drv_en_bit[device]) + ",\n")
+ print(("\"" + fuzz_bit + "\":").ljust(24) + bit_to_str(new_bits[0]) + ",")
+ dat.write(("\"" + fuzz_bit + "\":").ljust(24) + bit_to_str(new_bits[0]) + ",\n")
+do_fuzz() \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/icefuzz/tests/rgba_drv_cbit/rgba_drv_data_up5k.txt b/icefuzz/tests/rgba_drv_cbit/rgba_drv_data_up5k.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73bfb90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icefuzz/tests/rgba_drv_cbit/rgba_drv_data_up5k.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+"RGBA_DRV_EN": (0, 28, "CBIT_5"),
+"RGB0_CURRENT_0": (0, 28, "CBIT_6"),
+"RGB0_CURRENT_1": (0, 28, "CBIT_7"),
+"RGB0_CURRENT_2": (0, 29, "CBIT_0"),
+"RGB0_CURRENT_3": (0, 29, "CBIT_1"),
+"RGB0_CURRENT_4": (0, 29, "CBIT_2"),
+"RGB0_CURRENT_5": (0, 29, "CBIT_3"),
+"RGB1_CURRENT_0": (0, 29, "CBIT_4"),
+"RGB1_CURRENT_1": (0, 29, "CBIT_5"),
+"RGB1_CURRENT_2": (0, 29, "CBIT_6"),
+"RGB1_CURRENT_3": (0, 29, "CBIT_7"),
+"RGB1_CURRENT_4": (0, 30, "CBIT_0"),
+"RGB1_CURRENT_5": (0, 30, "CBIT_1"),
+"RGB2_CURRENT_0": (0, 30, "CBIT_2"),
+"RGB2_CURRENT_1": (0, 30, "CBIT_3"),
+"RGB2_CURRENT_2": (0, 30, "CBIT_4"),
+"RGB2_CURRENT_3": (0, 30, "CBIT_5"),
+"RGB2_CURRENT_4": (0, 30, "CBIT_6"),
+"RGB2_CURRENT_5": (0, 30, "CBIT_7"),
+"CURRENT_MODE": (0, 28, "CBIT_4"),