path: root/translate/translation.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'translate/translation.adb')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/translate/translation.adb b/translate/translation.adb
index 572e2058e..0f2835fa2 100644
--- a/translate/translation.adb
+++ b/translate/translation.adb
@@ -738,8 +738,9 @@ package body Translation is
procedure Generate_Library (Lib : Iir_Library_Declaration;
Public : Boolean);
- -- Generate RTI for the top of the hierarchy.
- procedure Generate_Top (Arch : Iir);
+ -- Generate RTI for the top of the hierarchy. Return the maximum number
+ -- of packages.
+ procedure Generate_Top (Nbr_Pkgs : out Natural);
-- Add two associations to ASSOC to add an rti_context for NODE.
procedure Associate_Rti_Context
@@ -5286,6 +5287,7 @@ package body Translation is
Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
Final : Boolean;
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
pragma Unreferenced (Final);
Info := Get_Info (Spec);
@@ -5294,6 +5296,15 @@ package body Translation is
Elab_Dependence (Get_Design_Unit (Spec));
+ -- Register the package. This is done dynamically, as we know only
+ -- during elaboration that the design depends on a package (a package
+ -- maybe referenced by an entity which is never map due to generate
+ -- statements).
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Rti_Add_Package);
+ New_Association
+ (Constr, New_Lit (Rtis.New_Rti_Address (Info.Package_Rti_Const)));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
Chap4.Elab_Declaration_Chain (Spec, Final);
@@ -27611,20 +27622,18 @@ package body Translation is
end if;
end Generate_Unit;
- procedure Generate_Top (Arch : Iir)
+ procedure Generate_Top (Nbr_Pkgs : out Natural)
use Configuration;
Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
- Lib_Unit : Iir;
Lib : Iir_Library_Declaration;
- Arr : O_Dnode;
- Res : O_Cnode;
- Aggr : O_Record_Aggr_List;
Prev : Rti_Block;
Push_Rti_Node (Prev);
- Add_Rti_Node (Get_Info (Standard_Package).Package_Rti_Const);
+ -- Generate RTI for libraries, count number of packages.
+ Nbr_Pkgs := 1; -- At least std.standard.
for I in Design_Units.First .. Design_Units.Last loop
Unit := Design_Units.Table (I);
@@ -27632,31 +27641,13 @@ package body Translation is
Lib := Get_Library (Get_Design_File (Unit));
Generate_Library (Lib, True);
- Lib_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
- case Get_Kind (Lib_Unit) is
- when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
- Add_Rti_Node (Get_Info (Lib_Unit).Package_Rti_Const);
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
+ if Get_Kind (Get_Library_Unit (Unit))
+ = Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
+ then
+ Nbr_Pkgs := Nbr_Pkgs + 1;
+ end if;
end loop;
- Arr := Generate_Rti_Array (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_top_RTIARRAY"));
- New_Const_Decl (Ghdl_Rti_Top, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rti_top"),
- O_Storage_Public, Ghdl_Rtin_Block);
- Start_Const_Value (Ghdl_Rti_Top);
- Start_Record_Aggr (Aggr, Ghdl_Rtin_Block);
- New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, Generate_Common (Ghdl_Rtik_Top));
- New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, New_Null_Access (Char_Ptr_Type));
- New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, Get_Null_Loc);
- New_Record_Aggr_El
- (Aggr, New_Rti_Address (Get_Info (Arch).Block_Rti_Const));
- New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, Ghdl_Index_0);
- New_Record_Aggr_El
- (Aggr, New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type,
- Unsigned_64 (Cur_Block.Nbr)));
- New_Record_Aggr_El (Aggr, New_Global_Address (Arr, Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc));
- Finish_Record_Aggr (Aggr, Res);
- Finish_Const_Value (Ghdl_Rti_Top, Res);
Pop_Rti_Node (Prev);
end Generate_Top;
@@ -29190,6 +29181,27 @@ package body Translation is
-- name : __ghdl_str_len_ptr);
Create_Get_Name ("__ghdl_get_instance_name", Ghdl_Get_Instance_Name);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_rti_add_package (rti : ghdl_rti_access)
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rti_add_package"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Rti, Rtis.Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Rti_Add_Package);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_rti_add_top (max_pkgs : ghdl_index_type;
+ -- pkgs : ghdl_rti_arr_acc);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rti_add_top"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("max_pkgs"),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("pkgs"),
+ Rtis.Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc);
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Rti, Rtis.Ghdl_Rti_Access);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Instance, Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Rti_Add_Top);
end Post_Initialize;
procedure Translate_Std_Type_Declaration (Decl : Iir)
@@ -29405,7 +29417,8 @@ package body Translation is
-- Create __ghdl_ELABORATE
procedure Gen_Main (Entity : Iir_Entity_Declaration;
Arch : Iir_Architecture_Declaration;
- Config_Subprg : O_Dnode)
+ Config_Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ Nbr_Pkgs : Natural)
Entity_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
Arch_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
@@ -29414,6 +29427,8 @@ package body Translation is
Instance : O_Dnode;
Arch_Instance : O_Dnode;
Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Arr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Arr : O_Dnode;
Arch_Info := Get_Info (Arch);
Entity_Info := Get_Info (Entity);
@@ -29421,14 +29436,13 @@ package body Translation is
-- We need to create code.
Set_Global_Storage (O_Storage_Private);
- New_Var_Decl
- (Ghdl_Rti_Top_Instance, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rti_top_instance"),
- O_Storage_External, Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
- New_Var_Decl (Ghdl_Rti_Top_Ptr,
- Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_rti_top_ptr"),
- O_Storage_External, Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ -- Create the array of packages (as a variable, dynamically
+ -- initialized).
+ Arr_Type := New_Constrained_Array_Type
+ (Rtis.Ghdl_Rti_Array,
+ New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type, Unsigned_64 (Nbr_Pkgs)));
+ New_Var_Decl (Arr, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_top_RTIARRAY"),
+ O_Storage_Private, Arr_Type);
-- Declare (but do not define):
-- Variable for the hierarchy top instance.
@@ -29470,13 +29484,28 @@ package body Translation is
-- Set top instances and RTI.
-- Do it before the elaboration code, since it may be used to
-- diagnose errors.
- New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Ghdl_Rti_Top_Instance),
- New_Convert_Ov (New_Obj_Value (Arch_Instance),
- Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+ -- Call ghdl_rti_add_top
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Ghdl_Rti_Add_Top);
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc, New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ Unsigned_64 (Nbr_Pkgs))));
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc, New_Lit (New_Global_Address (Arr, Rtis.Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc)));
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc,
+ New_Lit (Rtis.New_Rti_Address (Get_Info (Arch).Block_Rti_Const)));
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc, New_Convert_Ov (New_Obj_Value (Arch_Instance),
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
- New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Ghdl_Rti_Top_Ptr),
- New_Unchecked_Address (New_Obj (Ghdl_Rti_Top),
- Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+ -- Add std.standard rti
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Ghdl_Rti_Add_Package);
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc,
+ New_Lit (Rtis.New_Rti_Address
+ (Get_Info (Standard_Package).Package_Rti_Const)));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
Gen_Filename (Get_Design_File (Get_Design_Unit (Entity)));
@@ -29886,6 +29915,7 @@ package body Translation is
Arch : Iir_Architecture_Declaration;
Conf_Info : Config_Info_Acc;
Last_Design_Unit : Natural;
+ Nbr_Pkgs : Natural;
Primary_Id := Get_Identifier (Primary);
if Secondary /= "" then
@@ -29980,6 +30010,11 @@ package body Translation is
end loop;
-- Generate code to elaboration body-less package.
+ --
+ -- When a package is analyzed, we don't know wether there is body
+ -- or not. Therefore, we assume there is always a body, and will
+ -- elaborate the body (which elaborates its spec). If a package
+ -- has no body, create the body elaboration procedure.
for I in Design_Units.First .. Design_Units.Last loop
Unit := Design_Units.Table (I);
Lib_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
@@ -29999,13 +30034,11 @@ package body Translation is
end case;
end loop;
- if Flag_Rti then
- Rtis.Generate_Top (Arch);
- end if;
+ Rtis.Generate_Top (Nbr_Pkgs);
-- Create main code.
Conf_Info := Get_Info (Config_Lib);
- Gen_Main (Entity, Arch, Conf_Info.Config_Subprg);
+ Gen_Main (Entity, Arch, Conf_Info.Config_Subprg, Nbr_Pkgs);