path: root/testsuite/gna/perf02-long/tb.vhd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/gna/perf02-long/tb.vhd')
1 files changed, 333 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/perf02-long/tb.vhd b/testsuite/gna/perf02-long/tb.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..135b2612c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/perf02-long/tb.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+library std;
+use std.textio.all;
+entity tb is
+end tb;
+architecture augh of tb is
+ constant simu_max_cycles : natural := 100000;
+ constant simu_disp_cycles : std_logic := '1';
+ constant simu_err_end_in : std_logic := '0';
+ constant reset_cycles : natural := 4;
+ component top is
+ port (
+ clock : in std_logic;
+ reset : in std_logic;
+ start : in std_logic;
+ stdin_rdy : out std_logic;
+ stdin_ack : in std_logic;
+ stdout_data : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ stdout_rdy : out std_logic;
+ stdout_ack : in std_logic;
+ stdin_data : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)
+ );
+ end component;
+ signal clock : std_logic := '0';
+ signal reset : std_logic := '0';
+ signal start : std_logic := '0';
+ signal clock_next : std_logic := '0';
+ -- Access 'clock' model 'clock'
+ -- Access 'reset' model 'reset'
+ -- Access 'start' model 'start'
+ -- Access 'stdin' model 'fifo_in'
+ signal stdin_data : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ signal stdin_rdy : std_logic := '0';
+ signal stdin_ack : std_logic := '0';
+ signal stdin_vector_idx : natural := 0;
+ signal stdin_vector : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ -- Test vectors
+ constant stdin_vectors_nb : natural := 100;
+ type stdin_vec_type is array (0 to stdin_vectors_nb-1) of std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ constant stdin_vectors : stdin_vec_type := (
+ X"00000044", X"00000044", X"00000044", X"00000044", X"00000044", X"00000044", X"00000044", X"00000044",
+ X"00000044", X"00000044", X"00000044", X"00000044", X"00000044", X"00000044", X"00000044", X"00000044",
+ X"00000044", X"00000043", X"00000043", X"00000043", X"00000043", X"00000043", X"00000043", X"00000043",
+ X"00000042", X"00000042", X"00000042", X"00000042", X"00000042", X"00000042", X"00000041", X"00000041",
+ X"00000041", X"00000041", X"00000041", X"00000040", X"00000040", X"00000040", X"00000040", X"00000040",
+ X"00000040", X"00000040", X"00000040", X"0000003f", X"0000003f", X"0000003f", X"0000003f", X"0000003f",
+ X"0000003e", X"0000003e", X"0000003e", X"0000003e", X"0000003e", X"0000003e", X"0000003d", X"0000003d",
+ X"0000003d", X"0000003d", X"0000003d", X"0000003d", X"0000003c", X"0000003c", X"0000003c", X"0000003c",
+ X"0000003c", X"0000003c", X"0000003c", X"0000003c", X"0000003c", X"0000003b", X"0000003b", X"0000003b",
+ X"0000003b", X"0000003b", X"0000003b", X"0000003b", X"0000003b", X"0000003b", X"0000003b", X"0000003b",
+ X"0000003b", X"0000003b", X"0000003b", X"0000003b", X"0000003b", X"0000003b", X"0000003b", X"0000003b",
+ X"0000003b", X"0000003b", X"0000003b", X"0000003b", X"0000003c", X"0000003c", X"0000003c", X"0000003c",
+ X"0000003c", X"0000003c", X"0000003c", X"0000003c"
+ );
+ -- Access 'stdout' model 'fifo_out'
+ signal stdout_data : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ signal stdout_rdy : std_logic := '0';
+ signal stdout_ack : std_logic := '0';
+ signal stdout_vector_idx : natural := 0;
+ signal stdout_vector : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ -- Test vectors
+ constant stdout_vectors_nb : natural := 150;
+ type stdout_vec_type is array (0 to stdout_vectors_nb-1) of std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ constant stdout_vectors : stdout_vec_type := (
+ X"000000fd", X"000000de", X"00000077", X"000000ba", X"000000f4", X"00000092", X"00000020", X"000000a0",
+ X"000000ec", X"000000ed", X"000000ee", X"000000f0", X"000000f1", X"000000f1", X"000000f2", X"000000f3",
+ X"000000f4", X"000000f4", X"000000f3", X"000000f5", X"000000f5", X"000000f5", X"000000f6", X"000000f6",
+ X"000000f6", X"000000f7", X"000000f8", X"000000f6", X"000000f7", X"000000f8", X"000000f7", X"000000f8",
+ X"000000f8", X"000000f6", X"000000f8", X"000000f8", X"000000f7", X"000000f9", X"000000f9", X"000000f8",
+ X"000000f8", X"000000f8", X"000000f7", X"000000fa", X"000000fb", X"000000fb", X"000000fa", X"000000fb",
+ X"000000fb", X"000000fb", X"00000000", X"00000000", X"00000000", X"00000000", X"ffffffff", X"00000000",
+ X"00000000", X"ffffffff", X"00000000", X"00000000", X"ffffffff", X"ffffffff", X"00000000", X"00000000",
+ X"ffffffff", X"fffffffd", X"fffffffe", X"fffffffd", X"ffffffff", X"fffffffc", X"00000000", X"ffffffff",
+ X"ffffffff", X"fffffffb", X"00000000", X"00000000", X"ffffffff", X"00000004", X"0000000b", X"00000009",
+ X"0000000b", X"0000000d", X"00000011", X"00000010", X"00000014", X"00000013", X"00000016", X"00000013",
+ X"00000016", X"00000017", X"0000001a", X"0000001a", X"0000001d", X"0000001e", X"00000021", X"0000001f",
+ X"0000001e", X"0000001a", X"0000001e", X"00000020", X"00000026", X"00000025", X"00000026", X"00000023",
+ X"00000025", X"00000024", X"00000027", X"00000025", X"00000028", X"00000028", X"0000002b", X"00000029",
+ X"0000002d", X"0000002e", X"0000002f", X"00000028", X"00000027", X"00000027", X"0000002d", X"0000002f",
+ X"00000031", X"0000002d", X"0000002d", X"0000002c", X"00000031", X"00000030", X"0000002f", X"00000028",
+ X"0000002a", X"0000002d", X"00000033", X"00000030", X"0000002e", X"00000029", X"0000002d", X"00000030",
+ X"00000037", X"00000035", X"00000035", X"00000030", X"00000030", X"0000002e", X"00000031", X"0000002e",
+ X"0000002f", X"0000002c", X"00000031", X"00000034", X"0000003a", X"0000003a"
+ );
+ signal clock_counter : natural := 0;
+ signal clock_counter_stop : natural := 0;
+ signal errors_nb : natural := 0;
+ -- Defined in VHDL 2008, not handled by GHDL
+ function to_string(sv: std_logic_vector) return string is
+ variable bv: bit_vector(sv'range) := to_bitvector(sv);
+ variable lp: line;
+ begin
+ write(lp, bv);
+ return lp.all;
+ end;
+ -- Instantiation of the main component
+ top_i : top port map (
+ -- Access 'clock' model 'clock'
+ clock => clock,
+ -- Access 'reset' model 'reset'
+ reset => reset,
+ -- Access 'start' model 'start'
+ start => start,
+ -- Access 'stdin' model 'fifo_in'
+ stdin_data => stdin_data,
+ stdin_rdy => stdin_rdy,
+ stdin_ack => stdin_ack,
+ -- Access 'stdout' model 'fifo_out'
+ stdout_data => stdout_data,
+ stdout_rdy => stdout_rdy,
+ stdout_ack => stdout_ack
+ );
+ -- Functionality for top-level access 'clock' model 'clock'
+ -- Generation of clock: 100MHz (note: arbitrary value)
+ clock <= clock_next after 5 ns;
+ clock_next <= not clock when clock_counter_stop = 0 or clock_counter <= clock_counter_stop else '0';
+ -- Clock counter and global messages
+ process (clock)
+ -- To print simulation messages
+ variable l : line;
+ begin
+ -- Increment clock counter
+ if rising_edge(clock) then
+ clock_counter <= clock_counter + 1;
+ if false and simu_disp_cycles = '1' then
+ -- Write simulation message
+ write(l, string'("INFO clock cycle "));
+ write(l, clock_counter);
+ writeline(output, l);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Messages
+ if falling_edge(clock) then
+ if clock_counter > simu_max_cycles then
+ report "ERROR Too many cycles simulated. Stopping simulation." severity failure;
+ end if;
+ if clock_counter < reset_cycles then
+ report "INFO Reset" severity note;
+ end if;
+ if clock_counter = reset_cycles then
+ report "INFO Start" severity note;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ -- Functionality for top-level access 'reset' model 'reset'
+ -- Generation of reset
+ reset <= '1' when clock_counter < reset_cycles else '0';
+ -- Functionality for top-level access 'start' model 'start'
+ -- Generation of start
+ start <= '1';
+ -- Functionality for top-level access 'stdin' model 'fifo_in'
+ -- FIFO stdin
+ -- Sending inputs
+ stdin_vector <= stdin_vectors(stdin_vector_idx) when stdin_vector_idx < stdin_vectors_nb else (others => '0');
+ stdin_data <= stdin_vector(31 downto 0);
+ stdin_ack <= '1' when reset = '0' and stdin_vector_idx < stdin_vectors_nb else '0';
+ process (clock)
+ -- To print simulation messages
+ variable l : line;
+ begin
+ if rising_edge(clock) then
+ if stdin_vector_idx < stdin_vectors_nb then
+ if stdin_rdy = '1' and stdin_ack = '1' and reset = '0' then
+ -- Write simulation message
+ write(l, string'("INFO Input vector "));
+ write(l, stdin_vector_idx);
+ write(l, string'(" at cycle "));
+ write(l, clock_counter);
+ writeline(output, l);
+ if stdin_vector_idx = 0 then
+ write(l, string'("INFO First input vector sent at clock cycle "));
+ write(l, clock_counter);
+ writeline(output, l);
+ end if;
+ if stdin_vector_idx = stdin_vectors_nb - 1 then
+ write(l, string'("INFO Last input vector sent at clock cycle "));
+ write(l, clock_counter);
+ writeline(output, l);
+ end if;
+ -- Increase vector index
+ stdin_vector_idx <= stdin_vector_idx + 1;
+ end if; -- Handshake
+ else
+ if stdin_rdy = '1' and reset = '0' then
+ if simu_err_end_in = '1' then
+ report "ERROR Out of input vectors. Stopping simulation." severity failure;
+ end if;
+ end if; -- Handshake
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ -- Functionality for top-level access 'stdout' model 'fifo_out'
+ -- FIFO stdout
+ -- Checking outputs
+ -- Always enable output FIFO
+ stdout_ack <= '1' when stdout_vector_idx < stdout_vectors_nb and reset = '0' else '0';
+ stdout_vector <= stdout_vectors(stdout_vector_idx) when stdout_vector_idx < stdout_vectors_nb else (others => '0');
+ -- Check outputs
+ process (clock)
+ variable l : line;
+ begin
+ if rising_edge(clock) then
+ if stdout_vector_idx < stdout_vectors_nb then
+ if stdout_rdy = '1' and stdout_ack = '1' and reset = '0' then
+ if stdout_data = stdout_vector(31 downto 0) then
+ -- The vector is verified
+ write(l, string'("INFO Output nb "));
+ write(l, stdout_vector_idx);
+ write(l, string'(" at cycle "));
+ write(l, clock_counter);
+ write(l, string'(" (check OK)"));
+ write(l, string'(" Obtained "));
+ write(l, to_string(stdout_data));
+ writeline(output, l);
+ else
+ -- An error is detected
+ write(l, string'("ERROR Output nb "));
+ write(l, stdout_vector_idx);
+ write(l, string'(" at cycle "));
+ write(l, clock_counter);
+ writeline(output, l);
+ write(l, string'(" Obtained "));
+ write(l, to_string(stdout_data));
+ writeline(output, l);
+ write(l, string'(" Expected "));
+ write(l, to_string(stdout_vector(31 downto 0)));
+ writeline(output, l);
+ errors_nb <= errors_nb + 1;
+ --report "ERROR A simulation error was found." severity failure;
+ end if;
+ if stdout_vector_idx = stdout_vectors_nb - 1 then
+ write(l, string'("INFO Last output vector read at cycle "));
+ write(l, clock_counter);
+ writeline(output, l);
+ report "INFO Stopping simulation." severity note;
+ clock_counter_stop <= clock_counter + 3;
+ end if;
+ -- Increase vector index
+ stdout_vector_idx <= stdout_vector_idx + 1;
+ end if; -- FIFO handshake
+ else
+ -- All vectors have been read
+ if errors_nb > 0 then
+ write(l, string'("ERROR Number of errors found : "));
+ write(l, errors_nb);
+ writeline(output, l);
+ report "ERROR Simulation errors were found." severity failure;
+ end if;
+ end if; -- Check all vectors read
+ end if; -- Clock
+ end process;
+end augh;