path: root/testsuite/gna/issue2103
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/gna/issue2103')
9 files changed, 594 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue2103/pkg_logic_misc.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue2103/pkg_logic_misc.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a8bdba00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue2103/pkg_logic_misc.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ____ _____________ __ -- -- / __ \/ ____/ ___/\ \/ / _ _ _ -- -- / / / / __/ \__ \ \ / / \ / \ / \ -- -- / /_/ / /___ ___/ / / / = ( M | S | K )= -- -- /_____/_____//____/ /_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --! @copyright Copyright 2022 DESY --! SPDX-License-Identifier: CERN-OHL-W-2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --! @date 2022-06-07 --! @author Andrea Bellandi --! @email andrea.bellandi@desy.de ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --! @brief --! Miscellaneous logic utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; --!------------------------------------------------------- --! Miscellaneous logic functions. All ported functions from --! IEEE.std_logic_misc belongs here. package logic_misc is --!------------------------------------------------------- --! f_to_std_logic: --! Converts std_logic to boolean. function f_to_std_logic (arg: boolean) return std_logic; --!------------------------------------------------------- --! f_to_boolean: --! Converts std_logic to boolean function f_to_boolean (arg: std_logic) return boolean; --!------------------------------------------------------- --! f_all_ones: --! Checks whether all bits of **arg** are equal to '1'. --! Equivalent to _and_reduce_. function f_all_ones (arg: std_logic_vector) return std_logic; --!------------------------------------------------------- --! f_all_zeroes: --! Checks wheter all bits of **arg** are equal to '0'. --! Equivalent to _nor_reduce_. function f_all_zeroes (arg: std_logic_vector) return std_logic; --!------------------------------------------------------- --! f_odd_ones: --! Return '1' if an odd number of bits in **arg** are '1'. --! Equivalent to _xor_reduce_. function f_odd_ones (arg: std_logic_vector) return std_logic; --!------------------------------------------------------- --! f_even_ones: --! Return '1' if an even number of bits in **arg** are '1'. --! Return '1' if zero bits in **arg** are '1'. --! Equivalent to _xnor_reduce_. function f_even_ones (arg: std_logic_vector) return std_logic; --!------------------------------------------------------- --! f_odd_zeroes: --! Return '1' if an odd number of bits in **arg** are '0'. --! Equivalent to _xor_reduce_. function f_odd_zeroes (arg: std_logic_vector) return std_logic; --!------------------------------------------------------- --! f_even_zeroes: --! Return '1' if an even number of bits in **arg** are '0'. --! Return '1' if zero bits in **arg** are '0'. --! Equivalent to _xnor_reduce_. function f_even_zeroes (arg: std_logic_vector) return std_logic; -- vsg_off function_101 --!------------------------------------------------------- --! or_reduce: --! Reduction of bits in **arg** with the **or** logical operator. --! Port of nonstandard _ieee.std_logic_misc.or_reduce_ function or_reduce (arg: std_logic_vector) return std_logic; --!------------------------------------------------------- --! and_reduce: --! Reduction of bits in **arg** with the **and** logical operator. --! Port of nonstandard _ieee.std_logic_misc.and_reduce_ function and_reduce (arg: std_logic_vector) return std_logic; --!------------------------------------------------------- --! xor_reduce: --! Reduction of bits in **arg** with the **xor** logical operator. --! Port of nonstandard _ieee.std_logic_misc.xor_reduce_ function xor_reduce (arg: std_logic_vector) return std_logic; --!-------------------------
+ --! nor_reduce:
+ --! Negated reduction of bits in **arg** with the **or** logical operator.
+ --! Port of nonstandard _ieee.std_logic_misc.nor_reduce_
+ function nor_reduce (arg: std_logic_vector) return std_logic;
+ --!-------------------------------------------------------
+ --! nand_reduce:
+ --! Negated reduction of bits in **arg** with the **and** logical operator.
+ --! Port of nonstandard _ieee.std_logic_misc.nand_reduce_
+ function nand_reduce (arg: std_logic_vector) return std_logic;
+ --!-------------------------------------------------------
+ --! xnor_reduce:
+ --! Negated reduction of bits in **arg** with the **xor** logical operator.
+ --! Port of nonstandard _ieee.std_logic_misc.xnor_reduce_
+ function xnor_reduce (arg: std_logic_vector) return std_logic;
+-- vsg_on
+end package logic_misc;
+package body logic_misc is
+ function f_to_std_logic (arg: boolean) return std_logic is
+ begin
+ if (arg) then
+ return '1';
+ else
+ return '0';
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function f_to_boolean (arg: std_logic) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return arg = '1';
+ end function;
+ function f_all_ones (arg: std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
+ constant C_ONES : std_logic_vector(arg'length - 1 downto 0) :=
+ (
+ others => '1'
+ );
+ begin
+ return f_to_std_logic(arg = C_ONES);
+ end function;
+ function f_all_zeroes (arg: std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
+ constant C_ZEROES : std_logic_vector(arg'length - 1 downto 0) :=
+ (
+ others => '0'
+ );
+ begin
+ return f_to_std_logic(arg = C_ZEROES);
+ end function;
+ function f_odd_ones (arg: std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
+ variable var_result : std_logic := '0';
+ begin
+ for i in arg'low to arg'high loop
+ var_result := var_result xor arg(i);
+ end loop;
+ return var_result;
+ end function;
+ function f_even_ones (arg: std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
+ begin
+ return not f_odd_ones(arg);
+ end function;
+ function f_odd_zeroes (arg: std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
+ begin
+ return f_odd_ones(not arg);
+ end function;
+ function f_even_zeroes (arg: std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
+ begin
+ return not f_odd_zeroes(arg);
+ end function;
+ -- vsg_off function_101
+ function or_reduce (arg: std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
+ begin
+ return not f_all_zeroes(arg);
+ end function;
+ function and_reduce (arg: std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
+ begin
+ return f_all_ones(arg);
+ end function;
+ function xor_reduce (arg: std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
+ begin
+ return f_odd_ones(arg);
+ end function;
+ function nor_reduce (arg: std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
+ begin
+ return f_all_zeroes(arg);
+ end function;
+ function nand_reduce (arg: std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
+ begin
+ return not f_all_ones(arg);
+ end function;
+ function xnor_reduce (arg: std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
+ begin
+ return f_even_ones(arg);
+ end function;
+-- vsg_on
+end package body logic_misc;
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue2103/pkg_math_signed.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue2103/pkg_math_signed.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8dedeb43c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue2103/pkg_math_signed.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+-- ____ _____________ __ --
+-- / __ \/ ____/ ___/\ \/ / _ _ _ --
+-- / / / / __/ \__ \ \ / / \ / \ / \ --
+-- / /_/ / /___ ___/ / / / = ( M | S | K )= --
+-- /_____/_____//____/ /_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ --
+-- --
+--! @copyright Copyright 2020-2022 DESY
+--! SPDX-License-Identifier: CERN-OHL-W-2.0
+--! @date 2020-10-02/2022-04-01
+--! @author Lukasz Butkowski <lukasz.butkowski@desy.de>
+--! @author Michael Buechler <michael.buechler@desy.de>
+--! @brief
+--! Provides math function/procedures with signed signals
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+library work;
+use work.math_utils.all;
+use work.logic_misc.all;
+package math_signed is
+ --! Saturate *arg* to the maximum or minimum representable value depending on
+ --! sat
+ function f_saturate (arg : signed; sat : t_saturation) return signed;
+ --! Resize with saturation protection
+ function f_resize_sat (arg : signed; length : positive) return signed;
+ --! Resize with saturation protection and saturation flag
+ --! Like the <<f_resize_sat>> function but also sets an overflow bit.
+ --! To be able to combine this with another preceding operation like shift_right
+ --! in a process, the argument 'arg' must be a variable instead of a signal.
+ procedure prd_resize_sat (
+ signal arg : in signed;
+ constant length : in positive;
+ signal result : out signed;
+ signal sat : out t_saturation
+ );
+end package math_signed;
+package body math_signed is
+ function f_saturate (arg : signed; sat : t_saturation) return signed is
+ begin
+ if (sat = ST_SAT_OVERFLOWN) then
+ return f_max_val_of(arg);
+ elsif (sat = ST_SAT_UNDERFLOWN) then
+ return f_min_val_of(arg);
+ else
+ return arg;
+ end if;
+ end function f_saturate;
+ function f_resize_sat (arg : signed; length : natural) return signed is
+ variable var_result : signed(length - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ prd_resize_sat(arg => arg, length => length, result => var_result);
+ return var_result;
+ end function;
+ procedure prd_resize_sat (
+ signal arg : in signed;
+ constant length : in positive;
+ signal result : out signed;
+ signal sat : out t_saturation
+ ) is
+ variable var_sat : t_saturation;
+ begin
+ if (length >= arg'length) then
+ var_sat := ST_SAT_OK;
+ else
+ -- check overflow saturation
+ if (arg(arg'high) = '0' and
+ f_all_zeroes(arg(arg'high-1 downto length - 1)) = '0') then
+ var_sat := ST_SAT_OVERFLOWN;
+ -- check underflow saturation
+ elsif (arg(arg'high) = '1' and
+ f_all_ones(arg(arg'high-1 downto length - 1)) = '0') then
+ var_sat := ST_SAT_UNDERFLOWN;
+ else
+ var_sat := ST_SAT_OK;
+ end if;
+ result <= f_saturate(resize(arg, length), var_sat);
+ sat <= var_sat;
+ end if;
+ end procedure prd_resize_sat;
+end package body math_signed;
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue2103/pkg_math_utils.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue2103/pkg_math_utils.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4d3804082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue2103/pkg_math_utils.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+-- ____ _____________ __ --
+-- / __ \/ ____/ ___/\ \/ / _ _ _ --
+-- / / / / __/ \__ \ \ / / \ / \ / \ --
+-- / /_/ / /___ ___/ / / / = ( M | S | K )= --
+-- /_____/_____//____/ /_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ --
+-- --
+--! @copyright Copyright 2022 DESY
+--! SPDX-License-Identifier: CERN-OHL-W-2.0
+--! @date 2022-04-01
+--! @author Michael Buechler <michael.buechler@desy.de>
+--! @author Lukasz Butkowski <lukasz.butkowski@desy.de>
+--! @brief
+--! Math utilities
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+use ieee.math_real.all;
+--! Package of mathematical utilities and support functions
+package math_utils is
+ --! Saturation status after an operation.
+ type t_saturation is (ST_SAT_OK, ST_SAT_OVERFLOWN, ST_SAT_UNDERFLOWN);
+ --! The encoding for _t_staturation_ is
+ --!
+ --! * ST_SAT_OK = "00" (No saturation)
+ --! * ST_SAT_OVERFLOWN = "10" (Operation has overflown)
+ --! * ST_SAT_UNDERFLOWN = "01" (Operation has underflown)
+ attribute enum_encoding : string;
+ attribute enum_encoding of t_saturation : type is "00 10 01";
+ --! f_bit_length:
+ --! Comparable to Python's int.bit_length(),
+ --! but when arg is negative, calculate for two's complement.
+ --! Attention: returns 1 for argument -1.
+ --! When arg is zero, return 0.
+ function f_bit_length (arg: integer) return integer;
+ --! f_unsigned_length:
+ --! Calculates the minimum unsigned signal length to store **arg**,
+ --! When arg is zero, return 0.
+ function f_unsigned_length (arg: natural) return natural;
+ --! Calculates the minimum signed signal length to store *arg*,
+ --! When arg is zero, return 0.
+ function f_signed_length (arg: integer) return integer;
+ --! f_maximum:
+ --! Porting of 'maximum' from VHDL 08' not present in the
+ --! 93' standard.
+ function f_maximum (a, b: integer) return integer;
+ --! f_minimum:
+ --! Porting of 'minimum' from VHDL 08' not present in the
+ --! 93' standard
+ function f_minimum (a, b: integer) return integer;
+ --! f_max_val_for_length:
+ --! Returns the maximum value representable by a numeric type of length
+ --! _length_ and sign _sign_.
+ function f_max_val_for_length (length: natural; sign : boolean) return integer;
+ function f_max_val_of (arg: unsigned) return unsigned;
+ --! f_max_val_of:
+ --! Returns the maximum value representable by a numeric type.
+ --! Signed and unsigned version.
+ function f_max_val_of (arg: signed) return signed;
+ --! f_max_val_for_length:
+ --! Returns the maximum value representable by a numeric type of length
+ --! _length_ and sign _sign_.
+ function f_min_val_for_length (length: natural; sign : boolean) return integer;
+ function f_min_val_of (arg: unsigned) return unsigned;
+ --! f_min_val_of:
+ --! Returns the minimum value representable by a numeric type.
+ --! Signed and unsigned version.
+ function f_min_val_of (arg: signed) return signed;
+ function f_is_max (arg: unsigned) return boolean;
+ --! f_is_max:
+ --! Checks whether a signal is at its maximum value.
+ --! Signed and unsigned version.
+ function f_is_max (arg: signed) return boolean;
+ function f_is_min (arg: unsigned) return boolean;
+ --! f_is_min:
+ --! Checks whether a signal is at its minimum value.
+ --! Signed and unsigned version.
+ function f_is_min (arg: signed) return boolean;
+end package math_utils;
+package body math_utils is
+ function f_bit_length (arg: integer) return integer is
+ begin
+ if (arg = 0) then
+ return 0;
+ elsif (arg > 0) then
+ return integer(ceil(log2(real(arg + 1))));
+ else
+ return integer(ceil(log2(-real(arg)))) + 1;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function f_unsigned_length (arg: natural) return natural is
+ begin
+ return natural(f_bit_length(integer(arg)));
+ end function;
+ function f_signed_length (arg: integer) return integer is
+ begin
+ if (arg >= 0) then
+ return f_bit_length(arg) + 1;
+ else
+ return f_bit_length(arg);
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function f_maximum (a, b: integer) return integer is
+ begin
+ if (a > b) then
+ return a;
+ else
+ return b;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function f_minimum (a, b: integer) return integer is
+ begin
+ if (a < b) then
+ return a;
+ else
+ return b;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function f_max_val_for_length (length: natural; sign : boolean) return integer is
+ constant C_SMAX : integer := (2 ** (length - 1)) - 1;
+ constant C_UMAX : integer := (2 ** length) - 1;
+ begin
+ if (sign) then
+ return C_SMAX;
+ else
+ return C_UMAX;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function f_max_val_of (arg: unsigned) return unsigned is
+ begin
+ return to_unsigned(f_max_val_for_length(arg'length, false), arg'length);
+ end function;
+ function f_max_val_of (arg: signed) return signed is
+ begin
+ return to_signed(f_max_val_for_length(arg'length, true), arg'length);
+ end function;
+ function f_min_val_for_length (length: natural; sign : boolean) return integer is
+ constant C_SMIN : integer := - (2 ** (length - 1));
+ constant C_UMIN : integer := 0;
+ begin
+ if (sign) then
+ return C_SMIN;
+ else
+ return C_UMIN;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function f_min_val_of (arg: unsigned) return unsigned is
+ begin
+ return to_unsigned(f_min_val_for_length(arg'length, false), arg'length);
+ end function;
+ function f_min_val_of (arg: signed) return signed is
+ begin
+ return to_signed(f_min_val_for_length(arg'length, true), arg'length);
+ end function;
+ function f_is_max (arg: unsigned) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return arg = f_max_val_of(arg);
+ end;
+ function f_is_max (arg: signed) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return arg = f_max_val_of(arg);
+ end;
+ function f_is_min (arg: unsigned) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return arg = f_min_val_of(arg);
+ end;
+ function f_is_min (arg: signed) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return arg = f_min_val_of(arg);
+ end;
+end package body math_utils;
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue2103/repro.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue2103/repro.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0393ad2c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue2103/repro.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+package repro is
+ function f (arg : bit; length : natural) return bit;
+end repro;
+package body repro is
+ function f (arg : bit; length : positive) return bit is
+ begin
+ return arg;
+ end;
+end repro;
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue2103/repro2.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue2103/repro2.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7bbeefe10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue2103/repro2.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+package repro2 is
+ function f (arg : bit; length : string) return bit;
+end repro2;
+package body repro2 is
+ function f (arg : bit; length : bit_vector) return bit is
+ begin
+ return arg;
+ end;
+end repro2;
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue2103/repro3.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue2103/repro3.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9150c27eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue2103/repro3.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+package repro3 is
+ constant a1 : natural := 1;
+ constant a2 : natural := 1;
+ function f (arg : bit; length : string (1 to a1)) return bit;
+package body repro3 is
+ function f (arg : bit; length : string (1 to a2)) return bit is
+ begin
+ return arg;
+ end;
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue2103/repro4.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue2103/repro4.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc5c6048d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue2103/repro4.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+package repro4 is
+ constant a1 : natural := 1;
+ constant a2 : natural := 1;
+ alias b1 : natural is a1;
+ alias b2 : natural is a2;
+ function f (arg : bit; length : string (1 to b1)) return bit;
+package body repro4 is
+ function f (arg : bit; length : string (1 to b2)) return bit is
+ begin
+ return arg;
+ end;
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue2103/repro5.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue2103/repro5.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9eca4a391
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue2103/repro5.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+package repro4 is
+ alias n1 is natural;
+ alias n2 is natural;
+ function f (arg : bit; length : n1) return bit;
+package body repro4 is
+ function f (arg : bit; length : n2) return bit is
+ begin
+ return arg;
+ end;
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue2103/testsuite.sh b/testsuite/gna/issue2103/testsuite.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7bc24fd37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue2103/testsuite.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+. ../../testenv.sh
+analyze_failure repro.vhdl
+analyze_failure repro2.vhdl
+analyze_failure repro3.vhdl
+analyze_failure repro4.vhdl
+analyze_failure repro5.vhdl
+analyze pkg_logic_misc.vhdl
+analyze pkg_math_utils.vhdl
+analyze_failure pkg_math_signed.vhdl
+echo "Test successful"