path: root/src/vhdl/scanner.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/vhdl/scanner.adb')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/src/vhdl/scanner.adb b/src/vhdl/scanner.adb
index 260bd7c8f..7f68b3238 100644
--- a/src/vhdl/scanner.adb
+++ b/src/vhdl/scanner.adb
@@ -702,6 +702,10 @@ package body Scanner is
Current_Token := Tok_Psl_Sequence;
when Std_Names.Name_Property =>
Current_Token := Tok_Psl_Property;
+ when Std_Names.Name_Cover =>
+ Current_Token := Tok_Psl_Cover;
+ when Std_Names.Name_Default =>
+ Current_Token := Tok_Psl_Default;
when Std_Names.Name_Inf =>
Current_Token := Tok_Inf;
when Std_Names.Name_Within =>
@@ -968,32 +972,16 @@ package body Scanner is
case Id is
when Name_Psl =>
- -- Scan first identifier after '-- psl'.
- if not Scan_Comment_Identifier then
- return False;
+ -- Accept tokens after '-- psl'.
+ if Flag_Psl_Comment then
+ Flag_Psl := True;
+ Flag_Scan_In_Comment := True;
+ return True;
end if;
- Id := Name_Table.Get_Identifier;
- case Id is
- when Name_Property =>
- Current_Token := Tok_Psl_Property;
- when Name_Sequence =>
- Current_Token := Tok_Psl_Sequence;
- when Name_Endpoint =>
- Current_Token := Tok_Psl_Endpoint;
- when Name_Assert =>
- Current_Token := Tok_Psl_Assert;
- when Name_Cover =>
- Current_Token := Tok_Psl_Cover;
- when Name_Default =>
- Current_Token := Tok_Psl_Default;
- when others =>
- return False;
- end case;
- Flag_Scan_In_Comment := True;
- return True;
when others =>
- return False;
+ null;
end case;
+ return False;
end Scan_Comment;
function Scan_Exclam_Mark return Boolean is
@@ -1118,10 +1106,8 @@ package body Scanner is
end if;
-- Handle keywords in comment (PSL).
- if Flag_Comment_Keyword
- and then Scan_Comment
- then
- return;
+ if Flag_Comment_Keyword and then Scan_Comment then
+ goto Again;
end if;
-- LRM93 13.2