path: root/src/synth/synth-stmts.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/synth/synth-stmts.adb')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/src/synth/synth-stmts.adb b/src/synth/synth-stmts.adb
index 80d650b66..e2da5d317 100644
--- a/src/synth/synth-stmts.adb
+++ b/src/synth/synth-stmts.adb
@@ -93,19 +93,24 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
Typ : Type_Acc;
Val : Valtyp;
Offset : Uns32;
- Loc : Source.Syn_Src) is
+ Loc : Source.Syn_Src)
+ is
+ Cval : Valtyp;
+ N : Net;
if Val = No_Valtyp then
+ -- In case of error.
end if;
- Phi_Assign (Build_Context, Wid,
- Get_Net (Synth_Subtype_Conversion (Val, Typ, False, Loc)),
- Offset);
+ Cval := Synth_Subtype_Conversion (Val, Typ, False, Loc);
+ N := Get_Net (Cval);
+ Phi_Assign (Build_Context, Wid, N, Offset);
end Synth_Assign;
procedure Synth_Assignment_Prefix (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
Pfx : Node;
- Dest_Valtyp : out Valtyp;
+ Dest_Base : out Valtyp;
+ Dest_Typ : out Type_Acc;
Dest_Off : out Uns32;
Dest_Voff : out Net;
Dest_Rdwd : out Width) is
@@ -113,7 +118,7 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
case Get_Kind (Pfx) is
when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name =>
Synth_Assignment_Prefix (Syn_Inst, Get_Named_Entity (Pfx),
- Dest_Valtyp, Dest_Off,
+ Dest_Base, Dest_Typ, Dest_Off,
Dest_Voff, Dest_Rdwd);
when Iir_Kind_Interface_Signal_Declaration
| Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
@@ -130,18 +135,20 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
Dest_Voff := No_Net;
Dest_Rdwd := 0;
+ Dest_Typ := Targ.Typ;
if Targ.Val.Kind = Value_Alias then
-- Replace alias by the aliased name.
- Dest_Valtyp := (Targ.Typ, Targ.Val.A_Obj);
+ Dest_Base := (Targ.Typ, Targ.Val.A_Obj);
Dest_Off := Targ.Val.A_Off;
- Dest_Valtyp := Targ;
+ Dest_Base := Targ;
Dest_Off := 0;
end if;
when Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
- Dest_Valtyp := Synth_Expression (Syn_Inst, Pfx);
+ Dest_Base := Synth_Expression (Syn_Inst, Pfx);
+ Dest_Typ := Dest_Base.Typ;
Dest_Off := 0;
Dest_Voff := No_Net;
Dest_Rdwd := 0;
@@ -154,13 +161,12 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
(Syn_Inst, Get_Prefix (Pfx),
- Dest_Valtyp, Dest_Off, Dest_Voff, Dest_Rdwd);
- Strip_Const (Dest_Valtyp);
- Dest_W := Dest_Valtyp.Typ.W;
- Synth_Indexed_Name
- (Syn_Inst, Pfx, Dest_Valtyp.Typ, Voff, Off, W);
+ Dest_Base, Dest_Typ, Dest_Off, Dest_Voff, Dest_Rdwd);
+ Strip_Const (Dest_Base);
+ Dest_W := Dest_Base.Typ.W;
+ Synth_Indexed_Name (Syn_Inst, Pfx, Dest_Typ, Voff, Off, W);
- Dest_Valtyp.Typ := Get_Array_Element (Dest_Valtyp.Typ);
+ Dest_Typ := Get_Array_Element (Dest_Typ);
if Voff /= No_Net then
Dest_Off := Dest_Off + Off;
@@ -177,11 +183,13 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
if Dest_Voff = No_Net then
-- For constant objects, directly return the indexed
-- object.
- if Dest_Valtyp.Val.Kind
+ if Dest_Base.Val.Kind
in Value_Array .. Value_Const_Array
- Dest_Valtyp.Val := Dest_Valtyp.Val.Arr.V
+ pragma Assert (Dest_Off = Off);
+ Dest_Base.Val := Dest_Base.Val.Arr.V
(Iir_Index32 ((Dest_W - Dest_Off) / W));
+ Dest_Base.Typ := Dest_Typ;
Dest_Off := 0;
Dest_W := W;
end if;
@@ -193,23 +201,26 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
Idx : constant Iir_Index32 :=
Get_Element_Position (Get_Named_Entity (Pfx));
+ El_Typ : Type_Acc;
(Syn_Inst, Get_Prefix (Pfx),
- Dest_Valtyp, Dest_Off, Dest_Voff, Dest_Rdwd);
+ Dest_Base, Dest_Typ, Dest_Off, Dest_Voff, Dest_Rdwd);
if Dest_Off /= 0 and then Dest_Voff /= No_Net then
-- TODO.
raise Internal_Error;
end if;
- Strip_Const (Dest_Valtyp);
- if Dest_Valtyp.Val.Kind = Value_Const_Record then
+ El_Typ := Dest_Typ.Rec.E (Idx + 1).Typ;
+ Strip_Const (Dest_Base);
+ if Dest_Base.Val.Kind = Value_Const_Record then
-- Return the selected element.
pragma Assert (Dest_Off = 0);
- Dest_Valtyp.Val := Dest_Valtyp.Val.Rec.V (Idx + 1);
+ Dest_Base.Val := Dest_Base.Val.Rec.V (Idx + 1);
+ Dest_Base.Typ := El_Typ;
- Dest_Off := Dest_Off + Dest_Valtyp.Typ.Rec.E (Idx + 1).Off;
+ Dest_Off := Dest_Off + Dest_Typ.Rec.E (Idx + 1).Off;
end if;
- Dest_Valtyp.Typ := Dest_Valtyp.Typ.Rec.E (Idx + 1).Typ;
+ Dest_Typ := El_Typ;
when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
@@ -223,11 +234,10 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
(Syn_Inst, Get_Prefix (Pfx),
- Dest_Valtyp, Dest_Off, Dest_Voff, Dest_Rdwd);
- Strip_Const (Dest_Valtyp);
+ Dest_Base, Dest_Typ, Dest_Off, Dest_Voff, Dest_Rdwd);
+ Strip_Const (Dest_Base);
- Get_Onedimensional_Array_Bounds
- (Dest_Valtyp.Typ, Pfx_Bnd, El_Typ);
+ Get_Onedimensional_Array_Bounds (Dest_Typ, Pfx_Bnd, El_Typ);
Synth_Slice_Suffix (Syn_Inst, Pfx, Pfx_Bnd, El_Typ.W,
Res_Bnd, Sl_Voff, Sl_Off, Wd);
@@ -238,20 +248,19 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
Dest_Voff := Build_Addidx
(Get_Build (Syn_Inst), Dest_Voff, Sl_Voff);
- Dest_Rdwd := Dest_Valtyp.Typ.W;
+ Dest_Rdwd := Dest_Base.Typ.W;
Dest_Voff := Sl_Voff;
end if;
- Dest_Valtyp.Typ := Create_Slice_Type (Wd, El_Typ);
+ Dest_Typ := Create_Slice_Type (Wd, El_Typ);
-- Fixed slice.
- Dest_Valtyp.Typ := Create_Onedimensional_Array_Subtype
- (Dest_Valtyp.Typ, Res_Bnd);
+ Dest_Typ := Create_Onedimensional_Array_Subtype
+ (Dest_Typ, Res_Bnd);
if Dest_Voff /= No_Net then
-- Slice of a memory.
Dest_Off := Dest_Off + Sl_Off;
- if Dest_Valtyp.Val.Kind
- in Value_Array .. Value_Const_Array
+ if Dest_Base.Val.Kind in Value_Array .. Value_Const_Array
Arr : Value_Array_Acc;
@@ -268,15 +277,14 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
Off := Iir_Index32
(Pfx_Bnd.Left - Res_Bnd.Left);
end case;
- Arr.V := Dest_Valtyp.Val.Arr.V
+ Arr.V := Dest_Base.Val.Arr.V
(Off + 1 .. Off + Iir_Index32 (Res_Bnd.Len));
- if Dest_Valtyp.Val.Kind = Value_Array then
- Dest_Valtyp.Val := Create_Value_Array
- (Dest_Valtyp.Typ, Arr);
+ if Dest_Base.Val.Kind = Value_Array then
+ Dest_Base.Val := Create_Value_Array (Arr);
- Dest_Valtyp.Val := Create_Value_Const_Array
- (Dest_Valtyp.Typ, Arr);
+ Dest_Base.Val := Create_Value_Const_Array (Arr);
end if;
+ Dest_Base.Typ := Dest_Typ;
-- Slice of a vector.
@@ -290,11 +298,12 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
| Iir_Kind_Dereference =>
(Syn_Inst, Get_Prefix (Pfx),
- Dest_Valtyp, Dest_Off, Dest_Voff, Dest_Rdwd);
+ Dest_Base, Dest_Typ, Dest_Off, Dest_Voff, Dest_Rdwd);
if Dest_Off /= 0 and then Dest_Voff /= No_Net then
raise Internal_Error;
end if;
- Dest_Valtyp := Heap.Synth_Dereference (Dest_Valtyp.Val.Acc);
+ Dest_Base := Heap.Synth_Dereference (Dest_Base.Val.Acc);
+ Dest_Typ := Dest_Base.Typ;
when others =>
Error_Kind ("synth_assignment_prefix", Pfx);
@@ -319,7 +328,7 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
Aggr : Node;
when Target_Memory =>
-- For a memory: the destination is known.
- Mem_Obj : Value_Acc;
+ Mem_Obj : Valtyp;
-- The dynamic offset.
Mem_Voff : Net;
-- Offset of the memory in the wire (usually 0).
@@ -366,23 +375,25 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
| Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
| Iir_Kind_Dereference =>
- Vt : Valtyp;
+ Base : Valtyp;
+ Typ : Type_Acc;
Off : Uns32;
Voff : Net;
Rdwd : Width;
- Synth_Assignment_Prefix (Syn_Inst, Target, Vt, Off, Voff, Rdwd);
+ Synth_Assignment_Prefix
+ (Syn_Inst, Target, Base, Typ, Off, Voff, Rdwd);
if Voff = No_Net then
-- FIXME: check index.
return Target_Info'(Kind => Target_Simple,
- Targ_Type => Vt.Typ,
- Obj => Vt.Val,
+ Targ_Type => Typ,
+ Obj => Base.Val,
Off => Off);
return Target_Info'(Kind => Target_Memory,
- Targ_Type => Vt.Typ,
- Mem_Obj => Vt.Val,
+ Targ_Type => Typ,
+ Mem_Obj => Base,
Mem_Mwidth => Rdwd,
Mem_Moff => 0,
Mem_Voff => Voff,
@@ -522,13 +533,13 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
V : Net;
V := Get_Current_Assign_Value
- (Get_Build (Syn_Inst), Target.Mem_Obj.W, Target.Mem_Moff,
- Target.Mem_Mwidth);
+ (Get_Build (Syn_Inst), Target.Mem_Obj.Val.W,
+ Target.Mem_Moff, Target.Mem_Mwidth);
V := Build_Dyn_Insert (Get_Build (Syn_Inst), V, Get_Net (Val),
Target.Mem_Voff, Target.Mem_Doff);
Set_Location (V, Loc);
- (Target.Mem_Obj.W, Target.Targ_Type,
+ (Target.Mem_Obj.Val.W, Target.Targ_Type,
Create_Value_Net (V, Target.Targ_Type),
Target.Mem_Moff, Loc);
@@ -547,31 +558,26 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
end Synth_Assignment;
function Synth_Read_Memory (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
- Obj : Value_Acc;
+ Obj : Valtyp;
+ Res_Typ : Type_Acc;
Off : Uns32;
Voff : Net;
- Typ : Type_Acc;
Loc : Node) return Valtyp
N : Net;
+ N := Get_Net (Obj);
if Voff /= No_Net then
- N := Get_Net (Obj);
Synth.Source.Set_Location_Maybe (N, Loc);
- N := Build_Dyn_Extract (Get_Build (Syn_Inst), N, Voff, Off, Typ.W);
+ N := Build_Dyn_Extract
+ (Get_Build (Syn_Inst), N, Voff, Off, Res_Typ.W);
- pragma Assert (not Is_Static (Obj));
- if Off = 0
- and then Typ.W = Obj.Typ.W
- and then Typ /= Get_Array_Element (Obj.Typ)
- then
- -- Nothing to do if extracting the whole object as a slice.
- return (Typ, Obj);
- end if;
- N := Build_Extract (Get_Build (Syn_Inst), Get_Net (Obj), Off, Typ.W);
+ pragma Assert (not Is_Static (Obj.Val));
+ N := Build2_Extract
+ (Get_Build (Syn_Inst), N, Off, Res_Typ.W);
end if;
Set_Location (N, Loc);
- return Create_Value_Net (N, Typ);
+ return Create_Value_Net (N, Res_Typ);
end Synth_Read_Memory;
function Synth_Read (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
@@ -582,15 +588,15 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
case Targ.Kind is
when Target_Simple =>
- N := Build2_Extract
- (Get_Build (Syn_Inst),
- Get_Net (Targ.Obj), Targ.Off, Targ.Targ_Type.W);
+ N := Build2_Extract (Get_Build (Syn_Inst),
+ Get_Net ((Targ.Targ_Type, Targ.Obj)),
+ Targ.Off, Targ.Targ_Type.W);
return Create_Value_Net (N, Targ.Targ_Type);
when Target_Aggregate =>
raise Internal_Error;
when Target_Memory =>
- return Synth_Read_Memory (Syn_Inst, Targ.Mem_Obj, Targ.Mem_Moff,
- Targ.Mem_Voff, Targ.Targ_Type, Loc);
+ return Synth_Read_Memory (Syn_Inst, Targ.Mem_Obj, Targ.Targ_Type,
+ Targ.Mem_Moff, Targ.Mem_Voff, Loc);
end case;
end Synth_Read;
@@ -785,7 +791,7 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
Off := 0;
Has_Zx := False;
Vec := (others => (0, 0));
- Value2logvec (Expr_Val.Val, Vec, Off, Has_Zx);
+ Value2logvec (Expr_Val, Vec, Off, Has_Zx);
if Has_Zx then
Error_Msg_Synth (+Expr, "meta-values never match");
end if;
@@ -894,7 +900,7 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
(Partial_Assign_Array, Partial_Assign_Array_Acc);
procedure Synth_Case_Statement_Dynamic
- (C : in out Seq_Context; Stmt : Node; Sel : Value_Acc)
+ (C : in out Seq_Context; Stmt : Node; Sel : Valtyp)
use Vhdl.Sem_Expr;
@@ -1202,7 +1208,7 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
raise Internal_Error;
end case;
- Synth_Case_Statement_Dynamic (C, Stmt, Sel.Val);
+ Synth_Case_Statement_Dynamic (C, Stmt, Sel);
end if;
end Synth_Case_Statement;
@@ -1654,7 +1660,7 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
Inter : Node;
Assoc : Node;
- Val : Value_Acc;
+ Val : Valtyp;
Iterator : Association_Iterator;
Wire : Wire_Id;
@@ -1667,14 +1673,14 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
if Get_Mode (Inter) in Iir_Out_Modes
and then Get_Kind (Inter) = Iir_Kind_Interface_Variable_Declaration
- Val := Get_Value (Subprg_Inst, Inter).Val;
+ Val := Get_Value (Subprg_Inst, Inter);
-- Arguments are passed by copy.
Wire := Alloc_Wire (Wire_Variable, Inter);
Set_Wire_Gate (Wire, Get_Net (Val));
Val := Create_Value_Wire (Wire, Val.Typ);
Create_Object_Force (Subprg_Inst, Inter, No_Valtyp);
- Create_Object_Force (Subprg_Inst, Inter, (Val.Typ, Val));
+ Create_Object_Force (Subprg_Inst, Inter, Val);
end if;
end loop;
end Synth_Subprogram_Association_Wires;
@@ -2242,11 +2248,11 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
procedure Init_For_Loop_Statement (C : in out Seq_Context;
Stmt : Node;
- It_Rng : out Type_Acc;
- Val : out Value_Acc)
+ Val : out Valtyp)
Iterator : constant Node := Get_Parameter_Specification (Stmt);
It_Type : constant Node := Get_Declaration_Type (Iterator);
+ It_Rng : Type_Acc;
if It_Type /= Null_Node then
Synth_Subtype_Indication (C.Inst, It_Type);
@@ -2255,7 +2261,7 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
-- Initial value.
It_Rng := Get_Subtype_Object (C.Inst, Get_Type (Iterator));
Val := Create_Value_Discrete (It_Rng.Drange.Left, It_Rng);
- Create_Object (C.Inst, Iterator, (It_Rng, Val));
+ Create_Object (C.Inst, Iterator, Val);
end Init_For_Loop_Statement;
procedure Finish_For_Loop_Statement (C : in out Seq_Context;
@@ -2274,8 +2280,7 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
(C : in out Seq_Context; Stmt : Node)
Stmts : constant Node := Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Stmt);
- It_Rng : Type_Acc;
- Val : Value_Acc;
+ Val : Valtyp;
Lc : aliased Loop_Context (Mode_Dynamic);
Lc := (Mode => Mode_Dynamic,
@@ -2290,12 +2295,12 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
Loop_Control_Init (C, Stmt);
- Init_For_Loop_Statement (C, Stmt, It_Rng, Val);
+ Init_For_Loop_Statement (C, Stmt, Val);
- while In_Range (It_Rng.Drange, Val.Scal) loop
+ while In_Range (Val.Typ.Drange, Val.Val.Scal) loop
Synth_Sequential_Statements (C, Stmts);
- Update_Index (It_Rng.Drange, Val.Scal);
+ Update_Index (Val.Typ.Drange, Val.Val.Scal);
Loop_Control_Update (C);
-- Constant exit.
@@ -2314,8 +2319,7 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
(C : in out Seq_Context; Stmt : Node)
Stmts : constant Node := Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Stmt);
- It_Rng : Type_Acc;
- Val : Value_Acc;
+ Val : Valtyp;
Lc : aliased Loop_Context (Mode_Static);
Lc := (Mode_Static,
@@ -2325,13 +2329,13 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
S_Quit => False);
C.Cur_Loop := Lc'Unrestricted_Access;
- Init_For_Loop_Statement (C, Stmt, It_Rng, Val);
+ Init_For_Loop_Statement (C, Stmt, Val);
- while In_Range (It_Rng.Drange, Val.Scal) loop
+ while In_Range (Val.Typ.Drange, Val.Val.Scal) loop
Synth_Sequential_Statements (C, Stmts);
C.S_En := True;
- Update_Index (It_Rng.Drange, Val.Scal);
+ Update_Index (Val.Typ.Drange, Val.Val.Scal);
exit when Lc.S_Exit or Lc.S_Quit or C.Nbr_Ret > 0;
end loop;
@@ -3114,11 +3118,12 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
end if;
end Synth_Psl_Assert_Directive;
- procedure Synth_Generate_Statement_Body (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
- Bod : Node;
- Name : Sname;
- Iterator : Node := Null_Node;
- Iterator_Val : Value_Acc := null)
+ procedure Synth_Generate_Statement_Body
+ (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Bod : Node;
+ Name : Sname;
+ Iterator : Node := Null_Node;
+ Iterator_Val : Valtyp := No_Valtyp)
use Areapools;
Decls_Chain : constant Node := Get_Declaration_Chain (Bod);
@@ -3132,7 +3137,7 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
if Iterator /= Null_Node then
-- Add the iterator (for for-generate).
- Create_Object (Bod_Inst, Iterator, (Iterator_Val.Typ, Iterator_Val));
+ Create_Object (Bod_Inst, Iterator, Iterator_Val);
end if;
Synth_Declarations (Bod_Inst, Decls_Chain);
@@ -3187,7 +3192,7 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
It_Type : constant Node := Get_Declaration_Type (Iterator);
Config : Node;
It_Rng : Type_Acc;
- Val : Value_Acc;
+ Val : Valtyp;
Name : Sname;
Lname : Sname;
@@ -3201,7 +3206,7 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
Name := New_Sname_User (Get_Identifier (Stmt), Get_Sname (Syn_Inst));
- while In_Range (It_Rng.Drange, Val.Scal) loop
+ while In_Range (It_Rng.Drange, Val.Val.Scal) loop
-- Find and apply the config block.
Spec : Node;
@@ -3224,10 +3229,10 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
-- FIXME: get position ?
- Lname := New_Sname_Version (Uns32 (Val.Scal), Name);
+ Lname := New_Sname_Version (Uns32 (Val.Val.Scal), Name);
Synth_Generate_Statement_Body (Syn_Inst, Bod, Lname, Iterator, Val);
- Update_Index (It_Rng.Drange, Val.Scal);
+ Update_Index (It_Rng.Drange, Val.Val.Scal);
end loop;
end Synth_For_Generate_Statement;
@@ -3347,15 +3352,17 @@ package body Synth.Stmts is
Voff : Net;
Wd : Width;
N : Net;
- Vt : Valtyp;
+ Base : Valtyp;
+ Typ : Type_Acc;
- Synth_Assignment_Prefix (Syn_Inst, Sig, Vt, Off, Voff, Wd);
+ Synth_Assignment_Prefix (Syn_Inst, Sig, Base, Typ, Off, Voff, Wd);
pragma Assert (Off = 0);
pragma Assert (Voff = No_Net);
- pragma Assert (Vt.Val.Kind = Value_Wire);
+ pragma Assert (Base.Val.Kind = Value_Wire);
+ pragma Assert (Base.Typ = Typ);
- N := Build_Formal_Input (Get_Build (Syn_Inst), Id, Vt.Typ.W);
- Add_Conc_Assign (Vt.Val.W, N, 0, Val);
+ N := Build_Formal_Input (Get_Build (Syn_Inst), Id, Typ.W);
+ Add_Conc_Assign (Base.Val.W, N, 0, Val);
end Synth_Attribute_Formal;