path: root/src/grt/grt-wave_opt_file-parse.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/grt/grt-wave_opt_file-parse.adb')
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/src/grt/grt-wave_opt_file-parse.adb b/src/grt/grt-wave_opt_file-parse.adb
index fe598a9b9..18d29fe37 100644
--- a/src/grt/grt-wave_opt_file-parse.adb
+++ b/src/grt/grt-wave_opt_file-parse.adb
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
-- have the same name after lowering their characters.
with System; use System;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
with Grt.Stdio; use Grt.Stdio;
with Grt.Strings; use Grt.Strings;
with Grt.Vstrings; use Grt.Vstrings;
@@ -59,28 +60,28 @@ package body Grt.Wave_Opt_File.Parse is
return Boolean;
-- Parse the line where the version is set
- procedure Parse_Version (Line : String_Access);
+ procedure Parse_Version (Line : String; Line_Pos : Positive);
-- Print the version variable given as parameter
procedure Print_Version (Version : Version_Type);
-- Parse a line where a signal path is set
- procedure Parse_Path (Line : String_Access);
+ procedure Parse_Path (Line : in out String);
procedure Start (Option_File : String)
Stream : constant FILEs := File_Open (Option_File);
First, Last : Integer;
Line : String (1 .. Buf_Size);
- Lineno : Natural;
+ Line_Pos : Natural;
File_Path := new String'(Option_File);
- Lineno := 0;
+ Line_Pos := 0;
-- Processes line after line.
exit when fgets (Line'Address, Line'Length, Stream) = Null_Address;
- Lineno := Lineno + 1;
+ Line_Pos := Line_Pos + 1;
-- Determine end of line.
Last := New_Line_Pos (Line) - 1;
@@ -96,18 +97,14 @@ package body Grt.Wave_Opt_File.Parse is
-- Create a line string without beginning and ending whitespaces
Last := Last_Non_Whitespace_Pos (Line (First .. Last));
- Line_Context := new Line_Context_Type'(
- Str => new String'(Line (First .. Last)),
- Num => Lineno,
- Max_Level => 0);
if Line (First) = '$' then
- Parse_Version (Line_Context.Str);
- -- TODO : Line_Context should be deallocated here but the memory
- -- gain shouldn't be significative
+ Parse_Version (Line (First .. Last), Line_Pos);
- Parse_Path (Line_Context.Str);
+ Path_Context := new Path_Context_Type'(Line_Pos => Line_Pos,
+ Max_Level => 0);
+ Parse_Path (Line (First .. Last));
end if;
<<Continue>> null;
@@ -131,68 +128,62 @@ package body Grt.Wave_Opt_File.Parse is
- -- An error/warning message start with the context or the error/warning.
- -- This procedure print this context
- procedure Print_Context (Severity : Severity_Type);
- -- Print an error/warning with it's context
- procedure Error_Context (Msg : String; Severity : Severity_Type := Error);
- procedure Parse_Version (Line : String_Access)
+ procedure Parse_Version (Line : String; Line_Pos : Positive)
Msg_Invalid_Format : constant String := "invalid version format";
First, Dot_Index, Num : Integer;
if Version /= (others => -1) then
- Error_Context ("version is set more than once");
+ Error_Context ("version is set more than once", Line_Pos, Line'First);
end if;
if Trees /= Tree_Array'(others => null) then
- Error_Context ("version cannot be set after signal paths");
+ Error_Context
+ ("version cannot be set after signal paths", Line_Pos, Line'First);
end if;
First := First_Non_Whitespace_Pos (Line (Line'First + 1 .. Line'Last));
if Line (First .. First + 6) /= "version" then
- Error_Context (Msg_Invalid_Format);
+ Error_Context (Msg_Invalid_Format, Line_Pos, Line'First);
end if;
-- Catch "version\n", "version1.0"
First := First + 7;
if not Is_Whitespace (Line (First)) then
- Error_Context (Msg_Invalid_Format);
+ Error_Context (Msg_Invalid_Format, Line_Pos, Line'First);
end if;
-- Catch "version \n", "version \n", etc
First := First_Non_Whitespace_Pos (Line (First + 1 .. Line'Last));
if First = -1 then
- Error_Context (Msg_Invalid_Format);
+ Error_Context (Msg_Invalid_Format, Line_Pos, Line'First);
end if;
-- Catch the absence of "." or "version ."
Dot_Index := Find (Line (First + 1 .. Line'Last), '.');
if Dot_Index = -1 then
- Error_Context (Msg_Invalid_Format);
+ Error_Context (Msg_Invalid_Format, Line_Pos, Line'First);
end if;
-- Catch version a.2
Num := Value (Line (First .. Dot_Index - 1));
if Num = -1 then
- Error_Context (Msg_Invalid_Format);
+ Error_Context (Msg_Invalid_Format, Line_Pos, Line'First);
end if;
Version.Major := Num;
-- Catch version 1.a
Num := Value (Line (Dot_Index + 1 .. Line'Last));
if Num = -1 then
- Error_Context (Msg_Invalid_Format);
+ Error_Context (Msg_Invalid_Format, Line_Pos, Line'First);
end if;
Version.Minor := Num;
if Version.Major /= Current_Version.Major
or else Version.Minor > Current_Version.Minor
- Print_Context (Error);
+ Print_Context (Line'First, Line_Pos, Error);
Error_C ("unsupported format version; it must be ");
if Current_Version.Minor /= 0 then
Error_C ("between ");
@@ -219,28 +210,30 @@ package body Grt.Wave_Opt_File.Parse is
- procedure Parse_Path (Line : String_Access)
+ procedure Parse_Path (Line : in out String)
-- Can equal to 0 in case of error (like '.' as a full path)
First, Last : Natural;
Tree_Updated : Boolean;
Tree_Index : Tree_Index_Type;
- To_Lower (Line_Context.Str.all);
+ To_Lower (Line);
Last := Line'First;
if Line (Line'First) = '/' then
Tree_Index := Entity;
Last := Last + 1;
-- Catch '/' as a full path
if Last > Line'Length then
- Error_Context ("invalid signal path");
+ Error_Context
+ ("invalid signal path", Path_Context.Line_Pos, Line'First);
end if;
-- '/' not allowed for package signal paths in a. Catch also the
-- absence a first slash in entity signal paths, which misleads the
-- code to believe it's inside a package
- if Find (Line.all, '/') > 0 then
- Error_Context ("invalid signal path");
+ if Find (Line, '/') > 0 then
+ Error_Context
+ ("invalid signal path", Path_Context.Line_Pos, Line'First);
end if;
Tree_Index := Pkg;
end if;
@@ -261,12 +254,15 @@ package body Grt.Wave_Opt_File.Parse is
Last := Last + 1;
end loop;
+ Path_Context.Max_Level := Path_Context.Max_Level + 1;
Tree_Updated := Update_Tree (Line (First .. Last), Tree_Index);
- Line_Context.Max_Level := Line_Context.Max_Level + 1;
if Last = Line'Last then
if not Tree_Updated then
- Error_Context ("ignored already known signal path", Warning);
+ Error_Context ("ignored already known signal path",
+ Path_Context.Line_Pos,
+ Line'First,
+ Warning);
end if;
end if;
@@ -275,7 +271,8 @@ package body Grt.Wave_Opt_File.Parse is
Last := Last + 2;
-- Catch signal paths ending with / or .
if Last > Line'Last then
- Error_Context ("invalid signal path");
+ Error_Context
+ ("invalid signal path", Path_Context.Line_Pos, Line'First);
end if;
end loop;
@@ -296,7 +293,9 @@ package body Grt.Wave_Opt_File.Parse is
-- to no existing element ? Then we will create an element
if Sibling_Cursor = null then
Elem := new Elem_Type'(Name => new String'(Elem_Name),
- Line_Context => Line_Context,
+ Path_Context => Path_Context,
+ Column_Pos => Elem_Name'First,
+ Level => Path_Context.Max_Level,
Kind => Not_Found,
Next_Sibling | Next_Child => null);
-- First element of level ?
@@ -327,16 +326,6 @@ package body Grt.Wave_Opt_File.Parse is
- procedure Print_Context (Severity : Severity_Type) is
- begin
- Print_Context (Line_Context, Severity);
- end Print_Context;
- procedure Error_Context (Msg : String; Severity : Severity_Type := Error) is
- begin
- Error_Context (Msg, Line_Context, Severity);
- end Error_Context;
function File_Open (Option_File : String) return FILEs
Mode : constant String := "rt" & ASCII.Nul;