path: root/src/grt/grt-vhpi.ads
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1 files changed, 598 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/grt/grt-vhpi.ads b/src/grt/grt-vhpi.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..298b35b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/grt/grt-vhpi.ads
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+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - VHPI implementation.
+-- Copyright (C) 2021 Marlon James
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this
+-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable,
+-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be
+-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not
+-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be
+-- covered by the GNU Public License.
+-- VHPI implementation that uses Avhpi.
+-- Targeted functionality:
+-- Handles allocation for transient strings and structures
+-- Handles callback object creation and executing callbacks
+-- Provides VHPI error support
+-- Provides VHPI tracing support
+with System; use System;
+with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
+with Grt.C; use Grt.C;
+with Grt.Avhpi; use Grt.Avhpi;
+with Grt.Callbacks;
+with Grt.Rtis; use Grt.Rtis;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Vcd;
+package Grt.Vhpi is
+ -- **********************************************************************
+ -- NOTE: Currently this is a minimal implementation that loads VHPI
+ -- libraries but does not implement VHPI functionality beyond
+ -- vhpi_check_error().
+ -- Calling most vhpi_* functions will raise a VHPI error condition.
+ -- **********************************************************************
+ type Vhpi_Internal_Handle (<>) is private;
+ type Vhpi_External_Handle is access Vhpi_Internal_Handle;
+ pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (Vhpi_External_Handle);
+ type VhpiFormatT is
+ (
+ VhpiBinStrVal,
+ VhpiOctStrVal,
+ VhpiDecStrVal,
+ VhpiHexStrVal,
+ VhpiEnumVal,
+ VhpiIntVal,
+ VhpiLogicVal,
+ VhpiRealVal,
+ VhpiStrVal,
+ VhpiCharVal,
+ VhpiTimeVal,
+ VhpiPhysVal,
+ VhpiObjTypeVal,
+ VhpiPtrVal,
+ VhpiEnumVecVal,
+ VhpiIntVecVal,
+ VhpiLogicVecVal,
+ VhpiRealVecVal,
+ VhpiTimeVecVal,
+ VhpiPhysVecVal,
+ VhpiPtrVecVal,
+ VhpiRawDataVal,
+ VhpiSmallEnumVal,
+ VhpiSmallEnumVecVal,
+ VhpiLongIntVal,
+ VhpiLongIntVecVal,
+ VhpiSmallPhysVal,
+ VhpiSmallPhysVecVal
+ );
+ pragma Convention (C, VhpiFormatT);
+ for VhpiFormatT use
+ (
+ VhpiBinStrVal => 1,
+ VhpiOctStrVal => 2,
+ VhpiDecStrVal => 3,
+ VhpiHexStrVal => 4,
+ VhpiEnumVal => 5,
+ VhpiIntVal => 6,
+ VhpiLogicVal => 7,
+ VhpiRealVal => 8,
+ VhpiStrVal => 9,
+ VhpiCharVal => 10,
+ VhpiTimeVal => 11,
+ VhpiPhysVal => 12,
+ VhpiObjTypeVal => 13,
+ VhpiPtrVal => 14,
+ VhpiEnumVecVal => 15,
+ VhpiIntVecVal => 16,
+ VhpiLogicVecVal => 17,
+ VhpiRealVecVal => 18,
+ VhpiTimeVecVal => 19,
+ VhpiPhysVecVal => 20,
+ VhpiPtrVecVal => 21,
+ VhpiRawDataVal => 22,
+ VhpiSmallEnumVal => 23,
+ VhpiSmallEnumVecVal => 24,
+ VhpiLongIntVal => 25,
+ VhpiLongIntVecVal => 26,
+ VhpiSmallPhysVal => 27,
+ VhpiSmallPhysVecVal => 28
+ );
+ type VhpiFormat_Access is access VhpiFormatT;
+ -- typedef struct vhpiPhysS
+ -- {
+ -- int32_t high;
+ -- uint32_t low;
+ -- } vhpiPhysT;
+ type VhpiPhysT is record
+ High : Integer_32;
+ Low : Unsigned_32;
+ end record;
+ pragma Convention (C, VhpiPhysT);
+ type VhpiTimeT is new VhpiPhysT;
+ pragma Convention (C, VhpiTimeT);
+ type VhpiTime_Access is access VhpiTimeT;
+ -- typedef struct vhpiValueS
+ -- {
+ -- vhpiFormatT format;
+ -- size_t bufSize;
+ -- int32_t numElems;
+ -- vhpiPhysT unit;
+ -- union
+ -- {
+ -- vhpiEnumT enumv, *enumvs;
+ -- vhpiSmallEnumT smallenumv, *smallenumvs;
+ -- vhpiIntT intg, *intgs;
+ -- vhpiLongIntT longintg, *longintgs;
+ -- vhpiRealT real, *reals;
+ -- vhpiSmallPhysT smallphys, *smallphyss;
+ -- vhpiPhysT phys, *physs;
+ -- vhpiTimeT time, *times;
+ -- vhpiCharT ch, *str;
+ -- void *ptr, **ptrs;
+ -- } value;
+ -- } vhpiValueT;
+ type VhpiValueT (Format : VhpiFormatT) is record
+ BufSize : size_t;
+ NumElems : Unsigned_32;
+ Unit : VhpiPhysT;
+ case Format is
+ when VhpiBinStrVal
+ | VhpiOctStrVal
+ | VhpiDecStrVal
+ | VhpiHexStrVal
+ | VhpiStrVal =>
+ Str : Ghdl_C_String;
+ when VhpiEnumVal
+ | VhpiLogicVal =>
+ Enumv : Unsigned_32;
+ when VhpiSmallEnumVal =>
+ SmallEnumv : Unsigned_8;
+ when VhpiIntVal =>
+ Intg : Integer_32;
+ when VhpiLongIntVal =>
+ LongIntg : Integer_64;
+ when VhpiRealVal =>
+ Realv : Ghdl_Real;
+ when VhpiCharVal =>
+ Ch : Character;
+ when VhpiTimeVal =>
+ Time : VhpiTimeT;
+ when VhpiPhysVal =>
+ Phys : VhpiPhysT;
+ when VhpiSmallPhysVal =>
+ SmallPhys : Integer_32;
+ when VhpiPtrVal
+ | VhpiRawDataVal =>
+ Ptr : System.Address;
+ when VhpiEnumVecVal
+ | VhpiLogicVecVal =>
+ Enumvs : System.Address;
+ when VhpiSmallEnumVecVal =>
+ SmallEnumvs : System.Address;
+ when VhpiIntVecVal =>
+ Intgs : System.Address;
+ when VhpiLongIntVecVal =>
+ LongIntgs : System.Address;
+ when VhpiRealVecVal =>
+ Realvs : System.Address;
+ when VhpiTimeVecVal =>
+ Times : System.Address;
+ when VhpiPhysVecVal =>
+ Physs : System.Address;
+ when VhpiSmallPhysVecVal =>
+ SmallPhyss : System.Address;
+ when VhpiPtrVecVal =>
+ Ptrs : System.Address;
+ when others =>
+ -- VhpiObjTypeVal
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ -- No use of convention C, as there is no direct equivalent in the norm.
+ type VhpiValue_Access is access VhpiValueT;
+ type VhpiSeverityT is
+ (
+ VhpiNote,
+ VhpiWarning,
+ VhpiError,
+ VhpiSystem,
+ VhpiInternal,
+ VhpiFailure
+ );
+ pragma Convention (C, VhpiSeverityT);
+ for VhpiSeverityT use
+ (
+ VhpiNote => 1,
+ VhpiWarning => 2,
+ VhpiError => 3,
+ VhpiSystem => 4,
+ VhpiInternal => 5,
+ VhpiFailure => 6
+ );
+ -- typedef struct vhpiErrorInfoS
+ -- {
+ -- vhpiSeverityT severity;
+ -- char *message;
+ -- char *str;
+ -- char *file;
+ -- int32_t line;
+ -- } vhpiErrorInfoT;
+ type VhpiErrorInfoT is record
+ Severity : VhpiSeverityT;
+ Msg : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Str : Ghdl_C_String;
+ File : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Line : Integer_32;
+ end record;
+ pragma Convention (C, VhpiErrorInfoT);
+ type VhpiErrorInfo_Access is access VhpiErrorInfoT;
+ -- typedef struct vhpiCbDataS
+ -- {
+ -- int32_t reason;
+ -- void (*cb_rtn) (const struct vhpiCbDataS *);
+ -- vhpiHandleT obj;
+ -- vhpiTimeT *time;
+ -- vhpiValueT *value;
+ -- void *user_data;
+ -- } vhpiCbDataT;
+ type VhpiCbDataT;
+ type VhpiCbFctT is access procedure (Data : access constant VhpiCbDataT);
+ pragma Convention (C, VhpiCbFctT);
+ type VhpiCbDataT is record
+ Reason : Integer_32;
+ Cb_Rtn : VhpiCbFctT;
+ Obj : Vhpi_External_Handle;
+ Time : VhpiTime_Access;
+ Value : VhpiValue_Access;
+ User_Data : System.Address;
+ end record;
+ pragma Convention (C, VhpiCbDataT);
+ type VhpiCbData_Access is access VhpiCbDataT;
+ type Callback_Flags is private;
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- VHPI functions
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Callback related
+ -- vhpiHandleT vhpi_register_cb (vhpiCbDataT *cb_data_p, int32_t flags)
+ function vhpi_register_cb (Data : VhpiCbData_Access; Flags : Callback_Flags)
+ return Vhpi_External_Handle;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_register_cb, "vhpi_register_cb");
+ -- int vhpi_remove_cb (vhpiHandleT cb_obj)
+ function vhpi_remove_cb (Cb : Vhpi_External_Handle) return Integer;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_remove_cb, "vhpi_remove_cb");
+ -- int vhpi_disable_cb (vhpiHandleT cb_obj)
+ function vhpi_disable_cb (Cb : Vhpi_External_Handle) return Integer;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_disable_cb, "vhpi_disable_cb");
+ -- int vhpi_enable_cb (vhpiHandleT cb_obj)
+ function vhpi_enable_cb (Cb : Vhpi_External_Handle) return Integer;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_enable_cb, "vhpi_enable_cb");
+ -- int vhpi_get_cb_info (vhpiHandleT object, vhpiCbDataT *cb_data_p)
+ function vhpi_get_cb_info
+ (Obj : Vhpi_External_Handle; Data : VhpiCbData_Access) return Integer;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_get_cb_info, "vhpi_get_cb_info");
+ -- For obtaining handles
+ -- vhpiHandleT vhpi_handle_by_name (const char *name, vhpiHandleT scope)
+ function vhpi_handle_by_name
+ (Name : Ghdl_C_String; Scope : Vhpi_External_Handle)
+ return Vhpi_External_Handle;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_handle_by_name, "vhpi_handle_by_name");
+ -- vhpiHandleT vhpi_handle_by_index (vhpiOneToManyT itRel,
+ -- vhpiHandleT parent, int32_t indx)
+ function vhpi_handle_by_index
+ (Rel : Integer; Parent : Vhpi_External_Handle; Index: Integer)
+ return Vhpi_External_Handle;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_handle_by_index, "vhpi_handle_by_index");
+ -- For traversing relationships
+ -- vhpiHandleT vhpi_handle (vhpiOneToOneT type,
+ -- vhpiHandleT referenceHandle)
+ function vhpi_handle (Rel: Integer; Ref: Vhpi_External_Handle)
+ return Vhpi_External_Handle;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_handle, "vhpi_handle");
+ -- vhpiHandleT vhpi_iterator (vhpiOneToManyT type,
+ -- vhpiHandleT referenceHandle)
+ function vhpi_iterator (Rel: Integer; Ref: Vhpi_External_Handle)
+ return Vhpi_External_Handle;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_iterator, "vhpi_iterator");
+ -- vhpiHandleT vhpi_scan (vhpiHandleT iterator)
+ function vhpi_scan (Iter : Vhpi_External_Handle)
+ return Vhpi_External_Handle;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_scan, "vhpi_scan");
+ -- For processing properties
+ -- vhpiIntT vhpi_get (vhpiIntPropertyT property, vhpiHandleT object)
+ function vhpi_get (Property: Integer; Ref: Vhpi_External_Handle)
+ return VhpiIntT;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_get, "vhpi_get");
+ -- const vhpiCharT * vhpi_get_str (vhpiStrPropertyT property,
+ -- vhpiHandleT object)
+ function vhpi_get_str (Property : Integer; Ref : Vhpi_External_Handle)
+ return Ghdl_C_String;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_get_str, "vhpi_get_str");
+ -- vhpiRealT vhpi_get_real (vhpiRealPropertyT property, vhpiHandleT object)
+ function vhpi_get_real (Property : Integer; Ref : Vhpi_External_Handle)
+ return Ghdl_Real;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_get_real, "vhpi_get_real");
+ -- vhpiPhysT vhpi_get_phys (vhpiPhysPropertyT property, vhpiHandleT object)
+ function vhpi_get_phys (Property : Integer; Ref : Vhpi_External_Handle)
+ return VhpiPhysT;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_get_phys, "vhpi_get_phys");
+ -- For access to protected types
+ type VhpiUserFctT is access function return Integer;
+ pragma Convention (C, VhpiUserFctT);
+ -- int vhpi_protected_call (vhpiHandleT varHdl,
+ -- vhpiUserFctT userFct,
+ -- void *userData)
+ function vhpi_protected_call (Var : Vhpi_External_Handle;
+ User_Fun : VhpiUserFctT;
+ User_Data : System.Address)
+ return Integer;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_protected_call, "vhpi_protected_call");
+ -- For value processing
+ type VhpiPutValueModeT is
+ (
+ VhpiDeposit,
+ VhpiDepositPropagate,
+ VhpiForce,
+ VhpiForcePropagate,
+ VhpiRelease,
+ VhpiSizeConstraint
+ );
+ pragma Convention (C, VhpiPutValueModeT);
+ type VhpiDelayModeT is
+ (
+ VhpiInertial,
+ VhpiTransport
+ );
+ pragma Convention (C, VhpiDelayModeT);
+ -- int vhpi_get_value (vhpiHandleT expr, vhpiValueT *value_p)
+ function vhpi_get_value
+ (Expr : Vhpi_External_Handle; Value : VhpiValue_Access) return Integer;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_get_value, "vhpi_get_value");
+ -- int vhpi_put_value (vhpiHandleT object,
+ -- vhpiValueT *value_p,
+ -- vhpiPutValueModeT mode)
+ function vhpi_put_value (Obj : Vhpi_External_Handle;
+ Value : VhpiValue_Access;
+ Mode : VhpiPutValueModeT)
+ return Integer;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_put_value, "vhpi_put_value");
+ -- int vhpi_schedule_transaction (vhpiHandleT drivHdl,
+ -- vhpiValueT *value_p,
+ -- uint32_t numValues,
+ -- vhpiTimeT *delayp,
+ -- vhpiDelayModeT delayMode,
+ -- vhpiTimeT *pulseRejp)
+ function vhpi_schedule_transaction (Driver : Vhpi_External_Handle;
+ Value : VhpiValue_Access;
+ Num_Values : Unsigned_32;
+ Delay_Value : VhpiTime_Access;
+ Delay_Mode : VhpiDelayModeT;
+ Pulse_Rejection : VhpiTime_Access)
+ return Integer;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_schedule_transaction, "vhpi_schedule_transaction");
+ -- int vhpi_format_value (const vhpiValueT *in_value_p,
+ -- vhpiValueT *out_value_p)
+ function vhpi_format_value
+ (In_Val : VhpiValue_Access; Out_Val : VhpiValue_Access) return Integer;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_format_value, "vhpi_format_value");
+ -- For time processing
+ -- void vhpi_get_time (vhpiTimeT *time_p, long *cycles)
+ procedure vhpi_get_time (Time : VhpiTime_Access; Cycles : access Integer);
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_get_time, "vhpi_get_time");
+ vhpiNoActivity : constant Integer := -1;
+ -- int vhpi_get_next_time (vhpiTimeT *time_p)
+ function vhpi_get_next_time (Time : VhpiTime_Access) return Integer;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_get_next_time, "vhpi_get_next_time");
+ -- Missing, see grt-cvhpi.c
+ -- int vhpi_control (vhpiSimControlT command, ...);
+ -- int vhpi_printf (const char *format, ...);
+ -- int vhpi_vprintf (const char *format, va_list args);
+ -- Utilities to print VHDL strings
+ -- int vhpi_is_printable ( char ch )
+ function vhpi_is_printable (Ch : Character) return Integer;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_is_printable, "vhpi_is_printable");
+ -- Utility routines
+ -- int vhpi_compare_handles (vhpiHandleT handle1, vhpiHandleT handle2)
+ function vhpi_compare_handles (Hdl1, Hdl2 : Vhpi_External_Handle)
+ return Integer;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_compare_handles, "vhpi_compare_handles");
+ -- int vhpi_check_error (vhpiErrorInfoT *error_info_p)
+ function vhpi_check_error (Info : VhpiErrorInfo_Access) return Integer;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_check_error, "vhpi_check_error");
+ -- int vhpi_release_handle (vhpiHandleT object)
+ function vhpi_release_handle (Obj : Vhpi_External_Handle) return Integer;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_release_handle, "vhpi_release_handle");
+ -- Creation functions
+ -- vhpiHandleT vhpi_create (vhpiClassKindT kind,
+ -- vhpiHandleT handle1,
+ -- vhpiHandleT handle2)
+ function vhpi_create (Kind : Integer; Hdl1, Hdl2 : Vhpi_External_Handle)
+ return Vhpi_External_Handle;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_create, "vhpi_create");
+ -- Foreign model data structures and functions
+ type VhpiForeignKindT is
+ (
+ VhpiArchF,
+ VhpiFuncF,
+ VhpiProcF,
+ VhpiLibF,
+ VhpiAppF
+ );
+ pragma Convention (C, VhpiForeignKindT);
+ for VhpiForeignKindT use
+ (
+ VhpiArchF => 1,
+ VhpiFuncF => 2,
+ VhpiProcF => 3,
+ VhpiLibF => 4,
+ VhpiAppF => 5
+ );
+ type VhpiForeignFctT is new VhpiCbFctT;
+ pragma Convention (C, VhpiForeignFctT);
+ -- typedef struct vhpiForeignDataS {
+ -- vhpiForeignKindT kind;
+ -- char * libraryName;
+ -- char * modelName;
+ -- void (*elabf) (const struct vhpiCbDataS *cb_data_p);
+ -- void (*execf) (const struct vhpiCbDataS *cb_data_p);
+ -- } vhpiForeignDataT;
+ type VhpiForeignDataT is record
+ Kind : VhpiForeignKindT;
+ Lib_Name : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Model_Name : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Elab_Fun : VhpiForeignFctT;
+ Exec_Fun : VhpiForeignFctT;
+ end record;
+ pragma Convention (C, VhpiForeignDataT);
+ type VhpiForeignData_Access is access VhpiForeignDataT;
+ -- vhpiHandleT vhpi_register_foreignf (vhpiForeignDataT *foreignDatap)
+ function vhpi_register_foreignf (Data : VhpiForeignData_Access)
+ return Vhpi_External_Handle;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_register_foreignf, "vhpi_register_foreignf");
+ -- int vhpi_get_foreignf_info (vhpiHandleT hdl,
+ -- vhpiForeignDataT *foreignDatap)
+ function vhpi_get_foreignf_info
+ (Hdl : Vhpi_External_Handle; Data : VhpiForeignData_Access)
+ return Integer;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_get_foreignf_info, "vhpi_get_foreignf_info");
+ -- For saving and restoring foreign models data
+ -- size_t vhpi_get_data (int32_t id, void *dataLoc, size_t numBytes);
+ function vhpi_get_data
+ (Id : Integer_32; Data_Loc : System.Address; Num_Bytes : size_t)
+ return size_t;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_get_data, "vhpi_get_data");
+ -- size_t vhpi_put_data (int32_t id, void *dataLoc, size_t numBytes);
+ function vhpi_put_data
+ (Id : Integer_32; Data_Loc : System.Address; Num_Bytes : size_t)
+ return size_t;
+ pragma Export (C, vhpi_put_data, "vhpi_put_data");
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Internal helper functions
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ type VhpiSimControlT is
+ (
+ VhpiStop,
+ VhpiFinish,
+ VhpiReset
+ );
+ pragma Convention (C, VhpiSimControlT);
+ for VhpiSimControlT use (VhpiStop => 0, VhpiFinish => 1, VhpiReset => 2);
+ -- int vhpi_control (vhpiSimControlT command, ...)
+ -- See grt-cvhpi.c
+ function Vhpi_Control_Internal (Command : VhpiSimControlT; Status : Integer)
+ return Integer;
+ pragma Export (C, Vhpi_Control_Internal, "Vhpi_Control_Internal");
+ -- int vhpi_assert (vhpiSeverityT severity, char *formatmsg, ...)
+ -- See grt-cvhpi.c
+ function Vhpi_Assert_Internal (Severity : Integer; Msg : Ghdl_C_String)
+ return Integer;
+ pragma Export (C, Vhpi_Assert_Internal, "Vhpi_Assert_Internal");
+ procedure Register;
+ type Callback_Flags is new Integer_32;
+ VhpiReturnCb : constant Callback_Flags := 2#0000_0001#;
+ VhpiDisableCb : constant Callback_Flags := 2#0000_0010#;
+ -- Wrap VhpiHandleT
+ -- Keep Callback objects out of Avhpi, they are allocated when registered
+ type Vhpi_Internal_Handle (Kind : VhpiClassKindT) is record
+ case Kind is
+ when VhpiCallbackK =>
+ Cb : aliased VhpiCbDataT;
+ Cb_Prev, Cb_Next : Vhpi_External_Handle;
+ Cb_Wire : Grt.Vcd.Verilog_Wire_Info;
+ Cb_Handle : Callbacks.Callback_Handle;
+ Cb_Refcnt : Natural;
+ when others =>
+ Ref : VhpiHandleT;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+end Grt.Vhpi;