path: root/src/ghdldrv/ghdllocal.ads
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ghdldrv/ghdllocal.ads')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/ghdldrv/ghdllocal.ads b/src/ghdldrv/ghdllocal.ads
index b051aaef2..b744950a6 100644
--- a/src/ghdldrv/ghdllocal.ads
+++ b/src/ghdldrv/ghdllocal.ads
@@ -75,8 +75,9 @@ package Ghdllocal is
-- if none.
function Get_Basename_Pos (Pathname : String) return Natural;
- -- Build a filename based on FILE: append SUFFIX as extension, and
- -- if IN_WORK is true prepend the workdir.
+ -- Build a filename based on FILE. If IN_WORK is true, the result is
+ -- the concatenation of the workdir, the basename of FILE and SUFFIX.
+ -- If IN_WORK is false, the result is the concatenation of FILE and SUFFIX.
function Append_Suffix
(File : String; Suffix : String; In_Work : Boolean := True)
return String_Access;