diff options
2 files changed, 252 insertions, 220 deletions
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-options.adb b/translate/grt/grt-options.adb
index fc4fe9821..df1eb4ec8 100644
--- a/translate/grt/grt-options.adb
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-options.adb
@@ -252,240 +252,256 @@ package body Grt.Options is
end if;
end To_Lower;
- procedure Decode (Stop : out Boolean)
+ procedure Decode_Option
+ (Option : String; Status : out Decode_Option_Status)
- Arg : Ghdl_C_String;
- Len : Natural;
+ pragma Assert (Option'First = 1);
+ Len : constant Natural := Option'Last;
- Stop := False;
- Last_Opt := Argc - 1;
- for I in 1 .. Argc - 1 loop
- Arg := Argv (I);
- Len := strlen (Arg);
+ Status := Decode_Option_Ok;
+ if Option = "--" then
+ Status := Decode_Option_Last;
+ elsif Option = "--help" or else Option = "-h" then
+ Help;
+ Status := Decode_Option_Help;
+ elsif Option = "--disp-time" then
+ Disp_Time := True;
+ elsif Option = "--trace-signals" then
+ Trace_Signals := True;
+ Disp_Time := True;
+ elsif Option = "--trace-processes" then
+ Trace_Processes := True;
+ Disp_Time := True;
+ elsif Option = "--disp-order" then
+ Disp_Signals_Order := True;
+ elsif Option = "--checks" then
+ Checks := True;
+ elsif Option = "--disp-sources" then
+ Disp_Sources := True;
+ elsif Option = "--disp-sig-types" then
+ Disp_Sig_Types := True;
+ elsif Option = "--disp-signals-map" then
+ Disp_Signals_Map := True;
+ elsif Option = "--disp-signals-table" then
+ Disp_Signals_Table := True;
+ elsif Option = "--disp-sensitivity" then
+ Disp_Sensitivity := True;
+ elsif Option = "--stats" then
+ Flag_Stats := True;
+ elsif Option = "--no-run" then
+ Flag_No_Run := True;
+ elsif Len > 18 and then Option (1 .. 18) = "--time-resolution=" then
- Argument : constant String := Arg (1 .. Len);
+ Res : Character;
+ Unit : String (1 .. 3);
- if Argument = "--" then
- Last_Opt := I;
- exit;
- elsif Argument = "--help" or else Argument = "-h" then
- Help;
- Stop := True;
- elsif Argument = "--disp-time" then
- Disp_Time := True;
- elsif Argument = "--trace-signals" then
- Trace_Signals := True;
- Disp_Time := True;
- elsif Argument = "--trace-processes" then
- Trace_Processes := True;
- Disp_Time := True;
- elsif Argument = "--disp-order" then
- Disp_Signals_Order := True;
- elsif Argument = "--checks" then
- Checks := True;
- elsif Argument = "--disp-sources" then
- Disp_Sources := True;
- elsif Argument = "--disp-sig-types" then
- Disp_Sig_Types := True;
- elsif Argument = "--disp-signals-map" then
- Disp_Signals_Map := True;
- elsif Argument = "--disp-signals-table" then
- Disp_Signals_Table := True;
- elsif Argument = "--disp-sensitivity" then
- Disp_Sensitivity := True;
- elsif Argument = "--stats" then
- Flag_Stats := True;
- elsif Argument = "--no-run" then
- Flag_No_Run := True;
- elsif Len > 18 and then Argument (1 .. 18) = "--time-resolution="
- then
- declare
- Res : Character;
- Unit : String (1 .. 3);
- begin
- Res := '?';
- if Len >= 20 then
- Unit (1) := To_Lower (Argument (19));
- Unit (2) := To_Lower (Argument (20));
- if Len = 20 then
- if Unit (1 .. 2) = "fs" then
- Res := 'f';
- elsif Unit (1 .. 2) = "ps" then
- Res := 'p';
- elsif Unit (1 .. 2) = "ns" then
- Res := 'n';
- elsif Unit (1 .. 2) = "us" then
- Res := 'u';
- elsif Unit (1 .. 2) = "ms" then
- Res := 'm';
- elsif Unit (1 .. 2) = "hr" then
- Res := 'h';
- end if;
- elsif Len = 21 then
- Unit (3) := To_Lower (Argument (21));
- if Unit = "min" then
- Res := 'M';
- elsif Unit = "sec" then
- Res := 's';
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- if Res = '?' then
- Error_C ("bad unit for '");
- Error_C (Argument);
- Error_E ("'");
- else
- if Flag_String (5) = '-' then
- Error ("time resolution is ignored");
- elsif Flag_String (5) = '?' then
- if Stop_Time /= Std_Time'Last then
- Error ("time resolution must be set "
- & "before --stop-time");
- else
- Set_Time_Resolution (Res);
- end if;
- elsif Flag_String (5) /= Res then
- Error ("time resolution is fixed during analysis");
- end if;
- end if;
- end;
- elsif Len > 12 and then Argument (1 .. 12) = "--stop-time=" then
- declare
- Ok : Boolean;
- Pos : Natural;
- Time : Integer_64;
- Unit : String (1 .. 3);
- begin
- Extract_Integer (Argument (13 .. Len), Ok, Time, Pos);
- if not Ok then
- Time := 1;
+ Res := '?';
+ if Len >= 20 then
+ Unit (1) := To_Lower (Option (19));
+ Unit (2) := To_Lower (Option (20));
+ if Len = 20 then
+ if Unit (1 .. 2) = "fs" then
+ Res := 'f';
+ elsif Unit (1 .. 2) = "ps" then
+ Res := 'p';
+ elsif Unit (1 .. 2) = "ns" then
+ Res := 'n';
+ elsif Unit (1 .. 2) = "us" then
+ Res := 'u';
+ elsif Unit (1 .. 2) = "ms" then
+ Res := 'm';
+ elsif Unit (1 .. 2) = "hr" then
+ Res := 'h';
end if;
- if (Len - Pos + 1) not in 2 .. 3 then
- Error_C ("bad unit for '");
- Error_C (Argument);
- Error_E ("'");
- return;
- end if;
- Unit (1) := To_Lower (Argument (Pos));
- Unit (2) := To_Lower (Argument (Pos + 1));
- if Len = Pos + 2 then
- Unit (3) := To_Lower (Argument (Pos + 2));
- else
- Unit (3) := ' ';
- end if;
- if Unit = "fs " then
- null;
- elsif Unit = "ps " then
- Time := Time * (10 ** 3);
- elsif Unit = "ns " then
- Time := Time * (10 ** 6);
- elsif Unit = "us " then
- Time := Time * (10 ** 9);
- elsif Unit = "ms " then
- Time := Time * (10 ** 12);
+ elsif Len = 21 then
+ Unit (3) := To_Lower (Option (21));
+ if Unit = "min" then
+ Res := 'M';
elsif Unit = "sec" then
- Time := Time * (10 ** 15);
- elsif Unit = "min" then
- Time := Time * (10 ** 15) * 60;
- elsif Unit = "hr " then
- Time := Time * (10 ** 15) * 3600;
- else
- Error_C ("bad unit name for '");
- Error_C (Argument);
- Error_E ("'");
+ Res := 's';
end if;
- Stop_Time := Std_Time (Time);
- end;
- elsif Len > 13 and then Argument (1 .. 13) = "--stop-delta=" then
- declare
- Ok : Boolean;
- Pos : Natural;
- Time : Integer_64;
- begin
- Extract_Integer (Argument (14 .. Len), Ok, Time, Pos);
- if not Ok or else Pos <= Len then
- Error_C ("bad value in '");
- Error_C (Argument);
- Error_E ("'");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Res = '?' then
+ Error_C ("bad unit for '");
+ Error_C (Option);
+ Error_E ("'");
+ else
+ if Flag_String (5) = '-' then
+ Error ("time resolution is ignored");
+ elsif Flag_String (5) = '?' then
+ if Stop_Time /= Std_Time'Last then
+ Error ("time resolution must be set "
+ & "before --stop-time");
- if Time > Integer_64 (Integer'Last) then
- Stop_Delta := Integer'Last;
- else
- Stop_Delta := Integer (Time);
- end if;
+ Set_Time_Resolution (Res);
end if;
- end;
- elsif Len > 15 and then Argument (1 .. 15) = "--assert-level=" then
- if Argument (16 .. Len) = "note" then
- Severity_Level := Note_Severity;
- elsif Argument (16 .. Len) = "warning" then
- Severity_Level := Warning_Severity;
- elsif Argument (16 .. Len) = "error" then
- Severity_Level := Error_Severity;
- elsif Argument (16 .. Len) = "failure" then
- Severity_Level := Failure_Severity;
- elsif Argument (16 .. Len) = "none" then
- Severity_Level := 4;
- else
- Error ("bad argument for --assert-level option, try --help");
- end if;
- elsif Len > 15 and then Argument (1 .. 15) = "--ieee-asserts=" then
- if Argument (16 .. Len) = "disable" then
- Ieee_Asserts := Disable_Asserts;
- elsif Argument (16 .. Len) = "enable" then
- Ieee_Asserts := Enable_Asserts;
- elsif Argument (16 .. Len) = "disable-at-0" then
- Ieee_Asserts := Disable_Asserts_At_Time_0;
- else
- Error ("bad argument for --ieee-asserts option, try --help");
- end if;
- elsif Argument = "--expect-failure" then
- Expect_Failure := True;
- elsif Len >= 13 and then Argument (1 .. 13) = "--stack-size=" then
- Stack_Size := Extract_Size
- (Argument (14 .. Len), "--stack-size");
- if Stack_Size > Stack_Max_Size then
- Stack_Max_Size := Stack_Size;
+ elsif Flag_String (5) /= Res then
+ Error ("time resolution is fixed during analysis");
end if;
- elsif Len >= 17 and then Argument (1 .. 17) = "--stack-max-size="
- then
- Stack_Max_Size := Extract_Size
- (Argument (18 .. Len), "--stack-size");
- if Stack_Size > Stack_Max_Size then
- Stack_Size := Stack_Max_Size;
- end if;
- elsif Len >= 11 and then Argument (1 .. 11) = "--activity="
- then
- if Argument (12 .. Len) = "none" then
- Flag_Activity := Activity_None;
- elsif Argument (12 .. Len) = "min" then
- Flag_Activity := Activity_Minimal;
- elsif Argument (12 .. Len) = "all" then
- Flag_Activity := Activity_All;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ elsif Len > 12 and then Option (1 .. 12) = "--stop-time=" then
+ declare
+ Ok : Boolean;
+ Pos : Natural;
+ Time : Integer_64;
+ Unit : String (1 .. 3);
+ begin
+ Extract_Integer (Option (13 .. Len), Ok, Time, Pos);
+ if not Ok then
+ Time := 1;
+ end if;
+ if (Len - Pos + 1) not in 2 .. 3 then
+ Error_C ("bad unit for '");
+ Error_C (Option);
+ Error_E ("'");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Unit (1) := To_Lower (Option (Pos));
+ Unit (2) := To_Lower (Option (Pos + 1));
+ if Len = Pos + 2 then
+ Unit (3) := To_Lower (Option (Pos + 2));
+ else
+ Unit (3) := ' ';
+ end if;
+ if Unit = "fs " then
+ null;
+ elsif Unit = "ps " then
+ Time := Time * (10 ** 3);
+ elsif Unit = "ns " then
+ Time := Time * (10 ** 6);
+ elsif Unit = "us " then
+ Time := Time * (10 ** 9);
+ elsif Unit = "ms " then
+ Time := Time * (10 ** 12);
+ elsif Unit = "sec" then
+ Time := Time * (10 ** 15);
+ elsif Unit = "min" then
+ Time := Time * (10 ** 15) * 60;
+ elsif Unit = "hr " then
+ Time := Time * (10 ** 15) * 3600;
+ else
+ Error_C ("bad unit name for '");
+ Error_C (Option);
+ Error_E ("'");
+ end if;
+ Stop_Time := Std_Time (Time);
+ end;
+ elsif Len > 13 and then Option (1 .. 13) = "--stop-delta=" then
+ declare
+ Ok : Boolean;
+ Pos : Natural;
+ Time : Integer_64;
+ begin
+ Extract_Integer (Option (14 .. Len), Ok, Time, Pos);
+ if not Ok or else Pos <= Len then
+ Error_C ("bad value in '");
+ Error_C (Option);
+ Error_E ("'");
+ else
+ if Time > Integer_64 (Integer'Last) then
+ Stop_Delta := Integer'Last;
- Error ("bad argument for --activity, try --help");
+ Stop_Delta := Integer (Time);
end if;
- elsif Len > 10 and then Argument (1 .. 10) = "--threads=" then
- declare
- Ok : Boolean;
- Pos : Natural;
- Val : Integer_64;
- begin
- Extract_Integer (Argument (11 .. Len), Ok, Val, Pos);
- if not Ok or else Pos <= Len then
- Error_C ("bad value in '");
- Error_C (Argument);
- Error_E ("'");
- else
- Nbr_Threads := Integer (Val);
- end if;
- end;
- elsif not Grt.Hooks.Call_Option_Hooks (Argument) then
- Error_C ("unknown option '");
- Error_C (Argument);
- Error_E ("', try --help");
end if;
+ elsif Len > 15 and then Option (1 .. 15) = "--assert-level=" then
+ if Option (16 .. Len) = "note" then
+ Severity_Level := Note_Severity;
+ elsif Option (16 .. Len) = "warning" then
+ Severity_Level := Warning_Severity;
+ elsif Option (16 .. Len) = "error" then
+ Severity_Level := Error_Severity;
+ elsif Option (16 .. Len) = "failure" then
+ Severity_Level := Failure_Severity;
+ elsif Option (16 .. Len) = "none" then
+ Severity_Level := 4;
+ else
+ Error ("bad argument for --assert-level option, try --help");
+ end if;
+ elsif Len > 15 and then Option (1 .. 15) = "--ieee-asserts=" then
+ if Option (16 .. Len) = "disable" then
+ Ieee_Asserts := Disable_Asserts;
+ elsif Option (16 .. Len) = "enable" then
+ Ieee_Asserts := Enable_Asserts;
+ elsif Option (16 .. Len) = "disable-at-0" then
+ Ieee_Asserts := Disable_Asserts_At_Time_0;
+ else
+ Error ("bad argument for --ieee-asserts option, try --help");
+ end if;
+ elsif Option = "--expect-failure" then
+ Expect_Failure := True;
+ elsif Len >= 13 and then Option (1 .. 13) = "--stack-size=" then
+ Stack_Size := Extract_Size
+ (Option (14 .. Len), "--stack-size");
+ if Stack_Size > Stack_Max_Size then
+ Stack_Max_Size := Stack_Size;
+ end if;
+ elsif Len >= 17 and then Option (1 .. 17) = "--stack-max-size=" then
+ Stack_Max_Size := Extract_Size
+ (Option (18 .. Len), "--stack-size");
+ if Stack_Size > Stack_Max_Size then
+ Stack_Size := Stack_Max_Size;
+ end if;
+ elsif Len >= 11 and then Option (1 .. 11) = "--activity=" then
+ if Option (12 .. Len) = "none" then
+ Flag_Activity := Activity_None;
+ elsif Option (12 .. Len) = "min" then
+ Flag_Activity := Activity_Minimal;
+ elsif Option (12 .. Len) = "all" then
+ Flag_Activity := Activity_All;
+ else
+ Error ("bad argument for --activity, try --help");
+ end if;
+ elsif Len > 10 and then Option (1 .. 10) = "--threads=" then
+ declare
+ Ok : Boolean;
+ Pos : Natural;
+ Val : Integer_64;
+ begin
+ Extract_Integer (Option (11 .. Len), Ok, Val, Pos);
+ if not Ok or else Pos <= Len then
+ Error_C ("bad value in '");
+ Error_C (Option);
+ Error_E ("'");
+ else
+ Nbr_Threads := Integer (Val);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ elsif not Grt.Hooks.Call_Option_Hooks (Option) then
+ Error_C ("unknown option '");
+ Error_C (Option);
+ Error_E ("', try --help");
+ end if;
+ end Decode_Option;
+ procedure Decode (Stop : out Boolean)
+ is
+ Arg : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Len : Natural;
+ Status : Decode_Option_Status;
+ begin
+ Stop := False;
+ Last_Opt := Argc - 1;
+ for I in 1 .. Argc - 1 loop
+ Arg := Argv (I);
+ Len := strlen (Arg);
+ declare
+ Argument : constant String := Arg (1 .. Len);
+ begin
+ Decode_Option (Argument, Status);
+ case Status is
+ when Decode_Option_Last =>
+ Last_Opt := I;
+ exit;
+ when Decode_Option_Help =>
+ Stop := True;
+ when Decode_Option_Ok =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end;
end loop;
end Decode;
end Grt.Options;
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-options.ads b/translate/grt/grt-options.ads
index 41ed47189..88b1f5084 100644
--- a/translate/grt/grt-options.ads
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-options.ads
@@ -59,6 +59,22 @@ package Grt.Options is
-- Should not be called directly.
procedure Help;
+ -- Status from Decode_Option.
+ type Decode_Option_Status is
+ (
+ -- Last option, next arguments aren't options.
+ Decode_Option_Last,
+ -- --help option, program shouldn't run.
+ Decode_Option_Help,
+ -- Option was successfuly decoded.
+ Decode_Option_Ok);
+ -- Decode option Option and set Status.
+ procedure Decode_Option
+ (Option : String; Status : out Decode_Option_Status);
-- Decode command line options.
-- If STOP is true, there nothing must happen (set by --help).
procedure Decode (Stop : out Boolean);