path: root/testsuite/gna/bug035/strings.vhdl
diff options
authorTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2016-01-09 13:30:07 +0100
committerTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2016-01-09 13:30:07 +0100
commita6b81adee6e413426bcb114cbda5c4981c1f5900 (patch)
tree7aa2f661dcb732d1ec0e249fe57e8853791ce144 /testsuite/gna/bug035/strings.vhdl
parent4dbe7240111e3addc42d16f67802f98b0c843339 (diff)
Add testcase for alignment issue on windows.
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/gna/bug035/strings.vhdl')
1 files changed, 905 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/bug035/strings.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/bug035/strings.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1855f2223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/bug035/strings.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,905 @@
+-- EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
+-- vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
+-- kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2;
+-- ============================================================================
+-- Authors: Thomas B. Preusser
+-- Martin Zabel
+-- Patrick Lehmann
+-- Package: String related functions and types
+-- Description:
+-- ------------------------------------
+-- For detailed documentation see below.
+-- License:
+-- ============================================================================
+-- Copyright 2007-2015 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany,
+-- Chair for VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+-- =============================================================================
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
+use IEEE.math_real.all;
+library PoC;
+use PoC.config.all;
+use PoC.utils.all;
+--use PoC.FileIO.all;
+package strings is
+ -- default fill and string termination character for fixed size strings
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- character 0 causes Quartus to crash, if uses to pad STRINGs
+ -- characters < 32 (control characters) are not supported in Quartus
+ -- characters > 127 are not supported in VHDL files (strict ASCII files)
+ -- character 255 craches ISE log window (created by 'CHARACTER'val(255)')
+ -- Type declarations
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ subtype T_RAWCHAR is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
+ type T_RAWSTRING is array (NATURAL range <>) of T_RAWCHAR;
+ -- testing area:
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function to_IPStyle(str : STRING) return T_IPSTYLE;
+ -- to_char
+ function to_char(value : STD_LOGIC) return CHARACTER;
+ function to_char(value : NATURAL) return CHARACTER;
+ function to_char(rawchar : T_RAWCHAR) return CHARACTER;
+ -- chr_is* function
+ function chr_isDigit(chr : character) return boolean;
+ function chr_isLowerHexDigit(chr : character) return boolean;
+ function chr_isUpperHexDigit(chr : character) return boolean;
+ function chr_isHexDigit(chr : character) return boolean;
+ function chr_isLower(chr : character) return boolean;
+ function chr_isLowerAlpha(chr : character) return boolean;
+ function chr_isUpper(chr : character) return boolean;
+ function chr_isUpperAlpha(chr : character) return boolean;
+ function chr_isAlpha(chr : character) return boolean;
+ -- raw_format_* functions
+ function raw_format_bool_bin(value : BOOLEAN) return STRING;
+ function raw_format_bool_chr(value : BOOLEAN) return STRING;
+ function raw_format_bool_str(value : BOOLEAN) return STRING;
+ function raw_format_slv_bin(slv : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STRING;
+ function raw_format_slv_oct(slv : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STRING;
+ function raw_format_slv_dec(slv : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STRING;
+ function raw_format_slv_hex(slv : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STRING;
+ function raw_format_nat_bin(value : NATURAL) return STRING;
+ function raw_format_nat_oct(value : NATURAL) return STRING;
+ function raw_format_nat_dec(value : NATURAL) return STRING;
+ function raw_format_nat_hex(value : NATURAL) return STRING;
+ -- str_format_* functions
+ function str_format(value : REAL; precision : NATURAL := 3) return STRING;
+ -- to_string
+ function to_string(value : BOOLEAN) return STRING;
+ function to_string(value : INTEGER; base : POSITIVE := 10) return STRING;
+ function to_string(slv : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; format : CHARACTER; length : NATURAL := 0; fill : CHARACTER := '0') return STRING;
+ function to_string(rawstring : T_RAWSTRING) return STRING;
+ -- to_slv
+ function to_slv(rawstring : T_RAWSTRING) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
+ -- digit subtypes incl. error value (-1)
+ subtype T_DIGIT_BIN is INTEGER range -1 to 1;
+ subtype T_DIGIT_OCT is INTEGER range -1 to 7;
+ subtype T_DIGIT_DEC is INTEGER range -1 to 9;
+ subtype T_DIGIT_HEX is INTEGER range -1 to 15;
+ -- to_digit*
+ function to_digit_bin(chr : character) return T_DIGIT_BIN;
+ function to_digit_oct(chr : character) return T_DIGIT_OCT;
+ function to_digit_dec(chr : character) return T_DIGIT_DEC;
+ function to_digit_hex(chr : character) return T_DIGIT_HEX;
+ function to_digit(chr : character; base : character := 'd') return integer;
+ -- to_natural*
+ function to_natural_bin(str : STRING) return INTEGER;
+ function to_natural_oct(str : STRING) return INTEGER;
+ function to_natural_dec(str : STRING) return INTEGER;
+ function to_natural_hex(str : STRING) return INTEGER;
+ function to_natural(str : STRING; base : CHARACTER := 'd') return INTEGER;
+ -- to_raw*
+ function to_RawChar(char : character) return T_RAWCHAR;
+ function to_RawString(str : string) return T_RAWSTRING;
+ -- resize
+ function resize(str : STRING; size : POSITIVE; FillChar : CHARACTER := C_POC_NUL) return STRING;
+-- function resize(rawstr : T_RAWSTRING; size : POSITIVE; FillChar : T_RAWCHAR := x"00") return T_RAWSTRING;
+ -- Character functions
+ function chr_toLower(chr : character) return character;
+ function chr_toUpper(chr : character) return character;
+ -- String functions
+ function str_length(str : STRING) return NATURAL;
+ function str_equal(str1 : STRING; str2 : STRING) return BOOLEAN;
+ function str_match(str1 : STRING; str2 : STRING) return BOOLEAN;
+ function str_imatch(str1 : STRING; str2 : STRING) return BOOLEAN;
+ function str_pos(str : STRING; chr : CHARACTER; start : NATURAL := 0) return INTEGER;
+ function str_pos(str : STRING; pattern : STRING; start : NATURAL := 0) return INTEGER;
+ function str_ipos(str : STRING; chr : CHARACTER; start : NATURAL := 0) return INTEGER;
+ function str_ipos(str : STRING; pattern : STRING; start : NATURAL := 0) return INTEGER;
+ function str_find(str : STRING; chr : CHARACTER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function str_find(str : STRING; pattern : STRING) return BOOLEAN;
+ function str_ifind(str : STRING; chr : CHARACTER) return BOOLEAN;
+ function str_ifind(str : STRING; pattern : STRING) return BOOLEAN;
+ function str_replace(str : STRING; pattern : STRING; replace : STRING) return STRING;
+ function str_substr(str : STRING; start : INTEGER := 0; length : INTEGER := 0) return STRING;
+ function str_ltrim(str : STRING; char : CHARACTER := ' ') return STRING;
+ function str_rtrim(str : STRING; char : CHARACTER := ' ') return STRING;
+ function str_trim(str : STRING) return STRING;
+ function str_toLower(str : STRING) return STRING;
+ function str_toUpper(str : STRING) return STRING;
+end package;
+package body strings is
+ --
+ function to_IPStyle(str : STRING) return T_IPSTYLE is
+ begin
+ for i in T_IPSTYLE'pos(T_IPSTYLE'low) to T_IPSTYLE'pos(T_IPSTYLE'high) loop
+ if str_imatch(str, T_IPSTYLE'image(T_IPSTYLE'val(I))) then
+ return T_IPSTYLE'val(i);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ report "Unknown IPStyle: '" & str & "'" severity FAILURE;
+ end function;
+ -- to_char
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function to_char(value : STD_LOGIC) return CHARACTER is
+ begin
+ case value IS
+ when 'U' => return 'U';
+ when 'X' => return 'X';
+ when '0' => return '0';
+ when '1' => return '1';
+ when 'Z' => return 'Z';
+ when 'W' => return 'W';
+ when 'L' => return 'L';
+ when 'H' => return 'H';
+ when '-' => return '-';
+ when others => return 'X';
+ end case;
+ end function;
+ -- TODO: rename to to_HexDigit(..) ?
+ function to_char(value : natural) return character is
+ constant HEX : string := "0123456789ABCDEF";
+ begin
+ return ite(value < 16, HEX(value+1), 'X');
+ end function;
+ function to_char(rawchar : T_RAWCHAR) return CHARACTER is
+ begin
+ return CHARACTER'val(to_integer(unsigned(rawchar)));
+ end function;
+ -- chr_is* function
+ function chr_isDigit(chr : character) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return (character'pos('0') <= character'pos(chr)) and (character'pos(chr) <= character'pos('9'));
+ end function;
+ function chr_isLowerHexDigit(chr : character) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return (character'pos('a') <= character'pos(chr)) and (character'pos(chr) <= character'pos('f'));
+ end function;
+ function chr_isUpperHexDigit(chr : character) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return (character'pos('A') <= character'pos(chr)) and (character'pos(chr) <= character'pos('F'));
+ end function;
+ function chr_isHexDigit(chr : character) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return chr_isDigit(chr) or chr_isLowerHexDigit(chr) or chr_isUpperHexDigit(chr);
+ end function;
+ function chr_isLower(chr : character) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return chr_isLowerAlpha(chr);
+ end function;
+ function chr_isLowerAlpha(chr : character) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return (character'pos('a') <= character'pos(chr)) and (character'pos(chr) <= character'pos('z'));
+ end function;
+ function chr_isUpper(chr : character) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return chr_isUpperAlpha(chr);
+ end function;
+ function chr_isUpperAlpha(chr : character) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return (character'pos('A') <= character'pos(chr)) and (character'pos(chr) <= character'pos('Z'));
+ end function;
+ function chr_isAlpha(chr : character) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return chr_isLowerAlpha(chr) or chr_isUpperAlpha(chr);
+ end function;
+ -- raw_format_* functions
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function raw_format_bool_bin(value : BOOLEAN) return STRING is
+ begin
+ return ite(value, "1", "0");
+ end function;
+ function raw_format_bool_chr(value : BOOLEAN) return STRING is
+ begin
+ return ite(value, "T", "F");
+ end function;
+ function raw_format_bool_str(value : BOOLEAN) return STRING is
+ begin
+ return str_toUpper(boolean'image(value));
+ end function;
+ function raw_format_slv_bin(slv : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STRING is
+ variable Value : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(slv'length - 1 downto 0);
+ variable Result : STRING(1 to slv'length);
+ variable j : NATURAL;
+ begin
+ -- convert input slv to a downto ranged vector and normalize range to slv'low = 0
+ Value := movez(ite(slv'ascending, descend(slv), slv));
+ -- convert each bit to a character
+ J := 0;
+ for i in Result'reverse_range loop
+ Result(i) := to_char(Value(j));
+ j := j + 1;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function raw_format_slv_oct(slv : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STRING is
+ variable Value : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(slv'length - 1 downto 0);
+ variable Digit : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 downto 0);
+ variable Result : STRING(1 to div_ceil(slv'length, 3));
+ variable j : NATURAL;
+ begin
+ -- convert input slv to a downto ranged vector; normalize range to slv'low = 0 and resize it to a multiple of 3
+ Value := resize(movez(ite(slv'ascending, descend(slv), slv)), (Result'length * 3));
+ -- convert 3 bit to a character
+ j := 0;
+ for i in Result'reverse_range loop
+ Digit := Value((j * 3) + 2 downto (j * 3));
+ Result(i) := to_char(to_integer(unsigned(Digit)));
+ j := j + 1;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function raw_format_slv_dec(slv : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STRING is
+ variable Value : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(slv'length - 1 downto 0);
+ variable Result : STRING(1 to div_ceil(slv'length, 3));
+ subtype TT_BCD is INTEGER range 0 to 31;
+ type TT_BCD_VECTOR is array(natural range <>) of TT_BCD;
+ variable Temp : TT_BCD_VECTOR(div_ceil(slv'length, 3) - 1 downto 0);
+ variable Carry : T_UINT_8;
+ variable Pos : NATURAL;
+ begin
+ Temp := (others => 0);
+ Pos := 0;
+ -- convert input slv to a downto ranged vector
+ Value := ite(slv'ascending, descend(slv), slv);
+ for i in Value'range loop
+ Carry := to_int(Value(i));
+ for j in Temp'reverse_range loop
+ Temp(j) := Temp(j) * 2 + Carry;
+ Carry := to_int(Temp(j) > 9);
+ Temp(j) := Temp(j) - to_int((Temp(j) > 9), 0, 10);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ for i in Result'range loop
+ Result(i) := to_char(Temp(Temp'high - i + 1));
+ if ((Result(i) /= '0') and (Pos = 0)) then
+ Pos := i;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- trim leading zeros, except the last
+ return Result(imin(Pos, Result'high) to Result'high);
+ end function;
+ function raw_format_slv_hex(slv : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STRING is
+ variable Value : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4*div_ceil(slv'length, 4) - 1 downto 0);
+ variable Digit : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+ variable Result : STRING(1 to div_ceil(slv'length, 4));
+ variable j : NATURAL;
+ begin
+ Value := resize(slv, Value'length);
+ j := 0;
+ for i in Result'reverse_range loop
+ Digit := Value((j * 4) + 3 downto (j * 4));
+ Result(i) := to_char(to_integer(unsigned(Digit)));
+ j := j + 1;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function raw_format_nat_bin(value : NATURAL) return STRING is
+ begin
+ return raw_format_slv_bin(to_slv(value, log2ceilnz(value+1)));
+ end function;
+ function raw_format_nat_oct(value : NATURAL) return STRING is
+ begin
+ return raw_format_slv_oct(to_slv(value, log2ceilnz(value+1)));
+ end function;
+ function raw_format_nat_dec(value : NATURAL) return STRING is
+ begin
+ return INTEGER'image(value);
+ end function;
+ function raw_format_nat_hex(value : NATURAL) return STRING is
+ begin
+ return raw_format_slv_hex(to_slv(value, log2ceilnz(value+1)));
+ end function;
+ -- str_format_* functions
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function str_format(value : REAL; precision : NATURAL := 3) return STRING is
+ constant s : REAL := sign(value);
+ constant val : REAL := value * s;
+ constant int : INTEGER := integer(floor(val));
+ constant frac : INTEGER := integer(round((val - real(int)) * 10.0**precision));
+ constant frac_str : STRING := INTEGER'image(frac);
+ constant res : STRING := INTEGER'image(int) & "." & (2 to (precision - frac_str'length + 1) => '0') & frac_str;
+ begin
+ return ite ((s < 0.0), "-" & res, res);
+ end function;
+ -- to_string
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function to_string(value : boolean) return string is
+ begin
+ return raw_format_bool_str(value);
+ end function;
+ function to_string(value : INTEGER; base : POSITIVE := 10) return STRING is
+ constant absValue : NATURAL := abs(value);
+ constant len : POSITIVE := log10ceilnz(absValue);
+ variable power : POSITIVE;
+ variable Result : STRING(1 TO len);
+ begin
+ power := 1;
+ if (base = 10) then
+ return INTEGER'image(value);
+ else
+ for i in len downto 1 loop
+ Result(i) := to_char(absValue / power MOD base);
+ power := power * base;
+ end loop;
+ if (value < 0) then
+ return '-' & Result;
+ else
+ return Result;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ -- TODO: rename to slv_format(..) ?
+ function to_string(slv : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; format : CHARACTER; length : NATURAL := 0; fill : CHARACTER := '0') return STRING is
+ constant int : INTEGER := ite((slv'length <= 31), to_integer(unsigned(resize(slv, 31))), 0);
+ constant str : STRING := INTEGER'image(int);
+ constant bin_len : POSITIVE := slv'length;
+ constant dec_len : POSITIVE := str'length;--log10ceilnz(int);
+ constant hex_len : POSITIVE := ite(((bin_len MOD 4) = 0), (bin_len / 4), (bin_len / 4) + 1);
+ constant len : NATURAL := ite((format = 'b'), bin_len,
+ ite((format = 'd'), dec_len,
+ ite((format = 'h'), hex_len, 0)));
+ variable j : NATURAL;
+ variable Result : STRING(1 to ite((length = 0), len, imax(len, length)));
+ begin
+ j := 0;
+ Result := (others => fill);
+ if (format = 'b') then
+ for i in Result'reverse_range loop
+ Result(i) := to_char(slv(j));
+ j := j + 1;
+ end loop;
+ elsif (format = 'd') then
+-- if (slv'length < 32) then
+-- return INTEGER'image(int);
+-- else
+-- return raw_format_slv_dec(slv);
+-- end if;
+ Result(Result'length - str'length + 1 to Result'high) := str;
+ elsif (format = 'h') then
+ for i in Result'reverse_range loop
+ Result(i) := to_char(to_integer(unsigned(slv((j * 4) + 3 downto (j * 4)))));
+ j := j + 1;
+ end loop;
+ else
+ report "unknown format" severity FAILURE;
+ end if;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function to_string(rawstring : T_RAWSTRING) return STRING is
+ variable str : STRING(1 to rawstring'length);
+ begin
+ for i in rawstring'low to rawstring'high loop
+ str(I - rawstring'low + 1) := to_char(rawstring(I));
+ end loop;
+ return str;
+ end function;
+ -- to_slv
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function to_slv(rawstring : T_RAWSTRING) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
+ variable result : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR((rawstring'length * 8) - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in rawstring'range loop
+ result(((i - rawstring'low) * 8) + 7 downto (i - rawstring'low) * 8) := rawstring(i);
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end function;
+ -- to_*
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function to_digit_bin(chr : character) return T_DIGIT_BIN is
+ begin
+ case chr is
+ when '0' => return 0;
+ when '1' => return 1;
+ when others => return -1;
+ end case;
+ end function;
+ function to_digit_oct(chr : character) return T_DIGIT_OCT is
+ variable dec : integer;
+ begin
+ dec := to_digit_dec(chr);
+ return ite((dec < 8), dec, -1);
+ end function;
+ function to_digit_dec(chr : character) return T_DIGIT_DEC is
+ begin
+ if chr_isDigit(chr) then
+ return character'pos(chr) - character'pos('0');
+ else
+ return -1;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function to_digit_hex(chr : character) return T_DIGIT_HEX is
+ begin
+ if chr_isDigit(chr) then return character'pos(chr) - character'pos('0');
+ elsif chr_isLowerHexDigit(chr) then return character'pos(chr) - character'pos('a') + 10;
+ elsif chr_isUpperHexDigit(chr) then return character'pos(chr) - character'pos('A') + 10;
+ else return -1;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function to_digit(chr : character; base : character := 'd') return integer is
+ begin
+ case base is
+ when 'b' => return to_digit_bin(chr);
+ when 'o' => return to_digit_oct(chr);
+ when 'd' => return to_digit_dec(chr);
+ when 'h' => return to_digit_hex(chr);
+ when others => report "Unknown base character: " & base & "." severity failure;
+ -- return statement is explicitly missing otherwise XST won't stop
+ end case;
+ end function;
+ function to_natural_bin(str : STRING) return INTEGER is
+ variable Result : NATURAL;
+ variable Digit : INTEGER;
+ begin
+ for i in str'range loop
+ Digit := to_digit_bin(str(I));
+ if (Digit /= -1) then
+ Result := Result * 2 + Digit;
+ else
+ return -1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function to_natural_oct(str : STRING) return INTEGER is
+ variable Result : NATURAL;
+ variable Digit : INTEGER;
+ begin
+ for i in str'range loop
+ Digit := to_digit_oct(str(I));
+ if (Digit /= -1) then
+ Result := Result * 8 + Digit;
+ else
+ return -1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function to_natural_dec(str : STRING) return INTEGER is
+ variable Result : NATURAL;
+ variable Digit : INTEGER;
+ begin
+ for i in str'range loop
+ Digit := to_digit_dec(str(I));
+ if (Digit /= -1) then
+ Result := Result * 10 + Digit;
+ else
+ return -1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+-- return INTEGER'value(str); -- 'value(...) is not supported by Vivado Synth 2014.1
+ end function;
+ function to_natural_hex(str : STRING) return INTEGER is
+ variable Result : NATURAL;
+ variable Digit : INTEGER;
+ begin
+ for i in str'range loop
+ Digit := to_digit_hex(str(I));
+ if (Digit /= -1) then
+ Result := Result * 16 + Digit;
+ else
+ return -1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function to_natural(str : STRING; base : CHARACTER := 'd') return INTEGER is
+ begin
+ case base is
+ when 'b' => return to_natural_bin(str);
+ when 'o' => return to_natural_oct(str);
+ when 'd' => return to_natural_dec(str);
+ when 'h' => return to_natural_hex(str);
+ when others => report "unknown base" severity ERROR;
+ end case;
+ end function;
+ -- to_raw*
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function to_RawChar(char : character) return t_rawchar is
+ begin
+ return std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos(char), t_rawchar'length));
+ end function;
+ function to_RawString(str : STRING) return T_RAWSTRING is
+ variable rawstr : T_RAWSTRING(0 to str'length - 1);
+ begin
+ for i in str'low to str'high loop
+ rawstr(i - str'low) := to_RawChar(str(i));
+ end loop;
+ return rawstr;
+ end function;
+ -- resize
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function resize(str : STRING; size : POSITIVE; FillChar : CHARACTER := C_POC_NUL) return STRING is
+ constant ConstNUL : STRING(1 to 1) := (others => C_POC_NUL);
+ variable Result : STRING(1 to size);
+ begin
+ Result := (others => FillChar);
+ if (str'length > 0) then -- workaround for Quartus II
+ Result(1 to imin(size, imax(1, str'length))) := ite((str'length > 0), str(1 to imin(size, str'length)), ConstNUL);
+ end if;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+-- function resize(str : T_RAWSTRING; size : POSITIVE; FillChar : T_RAWCHAR := x"00") return T_RAWSTRING is
+-- constant ConstNUL : T_RAWSTRING(1 to 1) := (others => x"00");
+-- variable Result : T_RAWSTRING(1 to size);
+-- function ifthenelse(cond : BOOLEAN; value1 : T_RAWSTRING; value2 : T_RAWSTRING) return T_RAWSTRING is
+-- begin
+-- if cond then
+-- return value1;
+-- else
+-- return value2;
+-- end if;
+-- end function;
+-- begin
+-- Result := (others => FillChar);
+-- if (str'length > 0) then
+-- Result(1 to imin(size, imax(1, str'length))) := ifthenelse((str'length > 0), str(1 to imin(size, str'length)), ConstNUL);
+-- end if;
+-- return Result;
+-- end function;
+ -- Character functions
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function chr_toLower(chr : character) return character is
+ begin
+ if chr_isUpperAlpha(chr) then
+ return character'val(character'pos(chr) - character'pos('A') + character'pos('a'));
+ else
+ return chr;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function chr_toUpper(chr : character) return character is
+ begin
+ if chr_isLowerAlpha(chr) then
+ return character'val(character'pos(chr) - character'pos('a') + character'pos('A'));
+ else
+ return chr;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ -- String functions
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function str_length(str : STRING) return NATURAL is
+ begin
+ for i in str'range loop
+ if (str(i) = C_POC_NUL) then
+ return i - str'low;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return str'length;
+ end function;
+ function str_equal(str1 : STRING; str2 : STRING) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ if str1'length /= str2'length then
+ return FALSE;
+ else
+ return (str1 = str2);
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function str_match(str1 : STRING; str2 : STRING) return BOOLEAN is
+ constant len : NATURAL := imin(str1'length, str2'length);
+ begin
+ -- if both strings are empty
+ if ((str1'length = 0 ) and (str2'length = 0)) then return TRUE; end if;
+ -- compare char by char
+ for i in str1'low to str1'low + len - 1 loop
+ if (str1(i) /= str2(str2'low + (i - str1'low))) then
+ return FALSE;
+ elsif ((str1(i) = C_POC_NUL) xor (str2(str2'low + (i - str1'low)) = C_POC_NUL)) then
+ return FALSE;
+ elsif ((str1(i) = C_POC_NUL) and (str2(str2'low + (i - str1'low)) = C_POC_NUL)) then
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- check special cases,
+ return (((str1'length = len) and (str2'length = len)) or -- both strings are fully consumed and equal
+ ((str1'length > len) and (str1(str1'low + len) = C_POC_NUL)) or -- str1 is longer, but str_length equals len
+ ((str2'length > len) and (str2(str2'low + len) = C_POC_NUL))); -- str2 is longer, but str_length equals len
+ end function;
+ function str_imatch(str1 : STRING; str2 : STRING) return BOOLEAN is
+ begin
+ return str_match(str_toLower(str1), str_toLower(str2));
+ end function;
+ function str_pos(str : STRING; chr : CHARACTER; start : NATURAL := 0) return INTEGER is
+ begin
+ for i in imax(str'low, start) to str'high loop
+ exit when (str(i) = C_POC_NUL);
+ if (str(i) = chr) then
+ return i;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return -1;
+ end function;
+ function str_pos(str : STRING; pattern : STRING; start : NATURAL := 0) return INTEGER is
+ begin
+ for i in imax(str'low, start) to (str'high - pattern'length + 1) loop
+ exit when (str(i) = C_POC_NUL);
+ if (str(i to i + pattern'length - 1) = pattern) then
+ return i;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return -1;
+ end function;
+ function str_ipos(str : STRING; chr : CHARACTER; start : NATURAL := 0) return INTEGER is
+ begin
+ return str_pos(str_toLower(str), chr_toLower(chr));
+ end function;
+ function str_ipos(str : STRING; pattern : STRING; start : NATURAL := 0) return INTEGER is
+ begin
+ return str_pos(str_toLower(str), str_toLower(pattern));
+ end function;
+-- function str_pos(str1 : STRING; str2 : STRING) return INTEGER is
+-- variable PrefixTable : T_INTVEC(0 to str2'length);
+-- variable j : INTEGER;
+-- begin
+-- -- construct prefix table for KMP algorithm
+-- j := -1;
+-- PrefixTable(0) := -1;
+-- for i in str2'range loop
+-- while ((j >= 0) and str2(j + 1) /= str2(i)) loop
+-- j := PrefixTable(j);
+-- end loop;
+-- j := j + 1;
+-- PrefixTable(i - 1) := j + 1;
+-- end loop;
+-- -- search pattern str2 in text str1
+-- j := 0;
+-- for i in str1'range loop
+-- while ((j >= 0) and str1(i) /= str2(j + 1)) loop
+-- j := PrefixTable(j);
+-- end loop;
+-- j := j + 1;
+-- if ((j + 1) = str2'high) then
+-- return i - str2'length + 1;
+-- end if;
+-- end loop;
+-- return -1;
+-- end function;
+ function str_find(str : STRING; chr : CHARACTER) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return (str_pos(str, chr) > 0);
+ end function;
+ function str_find(str : STRING; pattern : STRING) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return (str_pos(str, pattern) > 0);
+ end function;
+ function str_ifind(str : STRING; chr : CHARACTER) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return (str_ipos(str, chr) > 0);
+ end function;
+ function str_ifind(str : STRING; pattern : STRING) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return (str_ipos(str, pattern) > 0);
+ end function;
+ function str_replace(str : STRING; pattern : STRING; replace : STRING) return STRING is
+ variable pos : INTEGER;
+ begin
+ pos := str_pos(str, pattern);
+ if (pos > 0) then
+ if (pos = 1) then
+ return replace & str(pattern'length + 1 to str'length);
+ elsif (pos = str'length - pattern'length + 1) then
+ return str(1 to str'length - pattern'length) & replace;
+ else
+ return str(1 to pos - 1) & replace & str(pos + pattern'length to str'length);
+ end if;
+ else
+ return str;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ -- examples:
+ -- 123456789ABC
+ -- input string: "Hello World."
+ -- low=1; high=12; length=12
+ --
+ -- str_substr("Hello World.", 0, 0) => "Hello World." - copy all
+ -- str_substr("Hello World.", 7, 0) => "World." - copy from pos 7 to end of string
+ -- str_substr("Hello World.", 7, 5) => "World" - copy from pos 7 for 5 characters
+ -- str_substr("Hello World.", 0, -7) => "Hello World." - copy all until character 8 from right boundary
+ function str_substr(str : STRING; start : INTEGER := 0; length : INTEGER := 0) return STRING is
+ variable StartOfString : positive;
+ variable EndOfString : positive;
+ begin
+ if (start < 0) then -- start is negative -> start substring at right string boundary
+ StartOfString := str'high + start + 1;
+ elsif (start = 0) then -- start is zero -> start substring at left string boundary
+ StartOfString := str'low;
+ else -- start is positive -> start substring at left string boundary + offset
+ StartOfString := start;
+ end if;
+ if (length < 0) then -- length is negative -> end substring at length'th character before right string boundary
+ EndOfString := str'high + length;
+ elsif (length = 0) then -- length is zero -> end substring at right string boundary
+ EndOfString := str'high;
+ else -- length is positive -> end substring at StartOfString + length
+ EndOfString := StartOfString + length - 1;
+ end if;
+ if (StartOfString < str'low) then report "StartOfString is out of str's range. (str=" & str & ")" severity error; end if;
+ if (EndOfString < str'high) then report "EndOfString is out of str's range. (str=" & str & ")" severity error; end if;
+ return str(StartOfString to EndOfString);
+ end function;
+ function str_ltrim(str : STRING; char : CHARACTER := ' ') return STRING is
+ begin
+ for i in str'range loop
+ if (str(i) /= char) then
+ return str(i to str'high);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return "";
+ end function;
+ function str_rtrim(str : STRING; char : CHARACTER := ' ') return STRING is
+ begin
+ for i in str'reverse_range loop
+ if (str(i) /= char) then
+ return str(str'low to i);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return "";
+ end function;
+ function str_trim(str : STRING) return STRING is
+ begin
+ return str(str'low to str'low + str_length(str) - 1);
+ end function;
+ function str_toLower(str : STRING) return STRING is
+ variable temp : STRING(str'range);
+ begin
+ for i in str'range loop
+ temp(I) := chr_toLower(str(I));
+ end loop;
+ return temp;
+ end function;
+ function str_toUpper(str : STRING) return STRING is
+ variable temp : STRING(str'range);
+ begin
+ for i in str'range loop
+ temp(I) := chr_toUpper(str(I));
+ end loop;
+ return temp;
+ end function;
+end package body;