path: root/src
diff options
authorTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2020-01-25 08:24:44 +0100
committerTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2020-01-25 08:24:44 +0100
commitc2168c679ca3d634d7bdb7b1ca2fcb198d100b6d (patch)
tree8ddd12121ebc3231d5c03b3e7b38675cd37db901 /src
parent383aa041762b77aea45c12d10c8d4178597b0fb8 (diff)
synth: improve support of 0-width nets and gates. Fix #1113
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
4 files changed, 30 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/src/synth/netlists-builders.adb b/src/synth/netlists-builders.adb
index d869ebeba..c205ef318 100644
--- a/src/synth/netlists-builders.adb
+++ b/src/synth/netlists-builders.adb
@@ -1069,9 +1069,7 @@ package body Netlists.Builders is
(Ctxt : Context_Acc;
I : Net; Step : Uns32; Max : Uns32; W : Width) return Net
- pragma Assert (Get_Width (I) /= No_Width);
pragma Assert (Step > 0);
- pragma Assert (W > 0);
Inst : Instance;
O : Net;
diff --git a/src/synth/netlists-disp_vhdl.adb b/src/synth/netlists-disp_vhdl.adb
index 398e29a16..1458c8cad 100644
--- a/src/synth/netlists-disp_vhdl.adb
+++ b/src/synth/netlists-disp_vhdl.adb
@@ -812,18 +812,22 @@ package body Netlists.Disp_Vhdl is
Wd : constant Width := Get_Width (O);
Off : constant Uns32 := Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, 0);
- Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0 (to_integer (\ui1)", Inst);
- if Off /= 0 then
- Disp_Template (" + \n0", Inst, (0 => Off));
- end if;
- if Wd > 1 then
- Disp_Template (" + \n0 - 1 downto to_integer (\ui1)",
- Inst, (0 => Wd));
+ Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0", Inst);
+ if Wd /= 0 then
+ Disp_Template (" (to_integer (\ui1)", Inst);
if Off /= 0 then
Disp_Template (" + \n0", Inst, (0 => Off));
end if;
+ if Wd > 1 then
+ Disp_Template (" + \n0 - 1 downto to_integer (\ui1)",
+ Inst, (0 => Wd));
+ if Off /= 0 then
+ Disp_Template (" + \n0", Inst, (0 => Off));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Put (")");
end if;
- Put_Line (");");
+ Put_Line (";");
when Id_Dyn_Insert
| Id_Dyn_Insert_En =>
@@ -1040,13 +1044,17 @@ package body Netlists.Disp_Vhdl is
W : constant Width := Get_Width (Get_Output (Inst, 0));
- Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0 ", Inst);
- if W = 1 then
- Disp_Template ("(0)", Inst);
- elsif W = 0 then
- Disp_Template ("(-1 downto 0)", Inst);
+ if W = 0 then
+ Disp_Template (" \o0 <= """"", Inst);
- Disp_Template ("(\n0 downto 0)", Inst, (0 => W - 1));
+ Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0 ", Inst);
+ if W = 1 then
+ Disp_Template ("(0)", Inst);
+ elsif W = 0 then
+ Disp_Template ("(-1 downto 0)", Inst);
+ else
+ Disp_Template ("(\n0 downto 0)", Inst, (0 => W - 1));
+ end if;
end if;
Disp_Template ("; -- trunc" & NL, Inst);
diff --git a/src/synth/netlists-expands.adb b/src/synth/netlists-expands.adb
index 3eeee7d3b..734aee64a 100644
--- a/src/synth/netlists-expands.adb
+++ b/src/synth/netlists-expands.adb
@@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ package body Netlists.Expands is
P := P - 1;
Max := Get_Param_Uns32 (Memidx, 1);
- pragma Assert (Max /= 0);
Nbr_Els := Nbr_Els * Natural (Max + 1);
exit when Memidx = Ninst;
diff --git a/src/synth/synth-disp_vhdl.adb b/src/synth/synth-disp_vhdl.adb
index 43392147c..c5260bf5a 100644
--- a/src/synth/synth-disp_vhdl.adb
+++ b/src/synth/synth-disp_vhdl.adb
@@ -152,13 +152,19 @@ package body Synth.Disp_Vhdl is
elsif Is_Std_Logic_Array (Btype) then
W := Typ.Vbound.Len;
Disp_In_Lhs (Mname, Off, W, Full);
- Put ("std_logic_vector(" & Pfx);
+ if W > 1 then
+ Put ("std_logic_vector(");
+ end if;
+ Put (Pfx);
if W = 1 then
-- This is an array of length 1. A scalar is used in the
-- netlist.
Put (" (" & Pfx & "'left)");
end if;
- Put_Line (");");
+ if W > 1 then
+ Put (')');
+ end if;
+ Put_Line (";");
elsif Btype = Vhdl.Std_Package.Bit_Vector_Type_Definition then
W := Typ.Vbound.Len;
Disp_In_Lhs (Mname, Off, W, Full);