diff options
author | root <root@ka-ata-killa.ourano.james.local> | 2021-02-24 23:45:58 +0000 |
committer | root <root@ka-ata-killa.ourano.james.local> | 2021-02-24 23:45:58 +0000 |
commit | 1575d4f53805f177474b5bb96daebede9b2dfb73 (patch) | |
tree | 91f6819f7280088bb9344fae7dbef8c43a0a04c0 /docs/os12/mdfs.net/Docs/Comp/BBC/OS1-20/C4C0 | |
download | base-master.tar.gz base-master.tar.bz2 base-master.zip |
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/os12/mdfs.net/Docs/Comp/BBC/OS1-20/C4C0')
-rw-r--r-- | docs/os12/mdfs.net/Docs/Comp/BBC/OS1-20/C4C0 | 1 |
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/os12/mdfs.net/Docs/Comp/BBC/OS1-20/C4C0 b/docs/os12/mdfs.net/Docs/Comp/BBC/OS1-20/C4C0 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..308e246 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/os12/mdfs.net/Docs/Comp/BBC/OS1-20/C4C0 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +BBC Operation System OS 1.20 VDU Main Routines
** **
** OSWRCH MAIN ROUTINE entry from E0C5 **
** **
** output a byte via the VDU stream **
** **
;This routine takes up over 40% of the operating system ROM
;entry points are variable, as are the results achieved.
;tracing any particular path is relatively easy but generalising for
;commenting is not. For clarity comments will not be as detailed as
;for later parts of the Operating system.
C4C0 LDX &026A ;get number of items in VDU queue
C4C3 BNE &C512 ;if parameters needed then C512
C4C5 BIT &D0 ;else check status byte
C4C7 BVC &C4D8 ;if cursor editing enabled two cursors exist
C4C9 JSR &C568 ;swap values
C4CC JSR &CD6A ;then set up write cursor
C4CF BMI &C4D8 ;if display disabled C4D8
C4D1 CMP #&0D ;else if character in A=RETURN teminate edit
C4D3 BNE &C4D8 ;else C4D8
C4D5 JSR &D918 ;terminate edit
C4D8 CMP #&7F ;is character DELETE ?
C4DA BEQ &C4ED ;if so C4ED
C4DC CMP #&20 ;is it less than space? (i.e. VDU control code)
C4DE BCC &C4EF ;if so C4EF
C4E0 BIT &D0 ;else check VDU byte ahain
C4E2 BMI &C4EA ;if screen disabled C4EA
C4E4 JSR &CFB7 ;else display a character
C4E7 JSR &C664 ;and cursor right
C4EA JMP &C55E ;
********* read link addresses and number of parameters *****************
C4ED LDA #&20 ;to replace delete character
********* read link addresses and number of parameters *****************
C4F0 LDA &C333,Y ;get lo byte of link address
C4F3 STA &035D ;store it in jump vector
C4F6 LDA &C354,Y ;get hi byte
C4F9 BMI &C545 ;if negative (as it will be if a direct address)
;there are no parameters needed
;so C545
C4FB TAX ;else X=A
C4FC ORA #&F0 ;set up negated parameter count
C4FE STA &026A ;store it as number of items in VDU queue
C501 TXA ;get back A
C502 LSR ;A=A/16
C503 LSR ;
C504 LSR ;
C505 LSR ;
C506 CLC ;clear carry
C507 ADC #&C3 ;add &C3 to get hi byte of link address
C509 STA &035E ;
C50C BIT &D0 ;check if cursor editing enabled
C50E BVS &C52F ;if so re-exchange pointers
C510 CLC ;clear carry
C511 RTS ;and exit
;return with carry clear indicates that printer action not required.
********** parameters are outstanding ***********************************
X=&26A = 2 complement of number of parameters X=&FF for 1, FE for 2 etc.
C512 STA &0224,X ;store parameter in queue
C515 INX ;increment X
C516 STX &026A ;store it as VDU queue
C519 BNE &C532 ;if not 0 C532 as more parameters are needed
C51B BIT &D0 ;get VDU status byte
C51D BMI &C534 ;if screen disabled C534
C51F BVS &C526 ;else if cursor editing C526
C521 JSR &CCF5 ;execute required function
C524 CLC ;clear carry
C525 RTS ;and exit
C526 JSR &C568 ;swap values of cursors
C529 JSR &CD6A ;set up write cursor
C52C JSR &CCF5 ;execute required function
C52F JSR &C565 ;re-exchange pointers
C532 CLC ;carry clear
C533 RTS ;exit
* *
* *
* 1 parameter required *
* *
C534 LDY &035E ;if upper byte of link address not &C5
C537 CPY #&C5 ;printer is not interested
C539 BNE &C532 ;so C532
C53B TAX ;else X=A
C53C LDA &D0 ;A=VDU status byte
C53E LSR ;get bit 0 into carry
C53F BCC &C511 ;if printer not enabled exit
C541 TXA ;restore A
C542 JMP &E11E ;else send byte in A (next byte) to printer
*********** if explicit link address found, no parameters ***************
C545 STA &035E ;upper byte of link address
C548 TYA ;restore A
C549 CMP #&08 ;is it 7 or less?
C54B BCC &C553 ;if so C553
C54D EOR #&FF ;invert it
C54F CMP #&F2 ;c is set if A >&0D
C551 EOR #&FF ;re invert
C553 BIT &D0 ;VDU status byte
C555 BMI &C580 ;if display disabled C580
C557 PHP ;push processor flags
C558 JSR &CCF5 ;execute required function
C55B PLP ;get back flags
C55C BCC &C561 ;if carry clear (from C54B/F)
**************** main exit routine **************************************
C55E LDA &D0 ;VDU status byte
C560 LSR ;Carry is set if printer is enabled
C561 BIT &D0 ;VDU status byte
C563 BVC &C511 ;if no cursor editing C511 to exit
***************** cursor editing routines *******************************
C565 JSR &CD7A ;restore normal write cursor
C568 PHP ;save flags and
C569 PHA ;A
C56A LDX #&18 ;X=&18
C56C LDY #&64 ;Y=&64
C56E JSR &CDDE ;exchange &300/1+X with &300/1+Y
C571 JSR &CF06 ;set up display address
C574 JSR &CA02 ;set cursor position
C577 LDA &D0 ;VDU status byte
C579 EOR #&02 ;invert bit 1 to allow or bar scrolling
C57B STA &D0 ;VDU status byte
C57D PLA ;restore flags and A
C57E PLP ;
C57F RTS ;and exit
C580 EOR #&06 ;if A<>6
C582 BNE &C58C ;return via C58C
C584 LDA #&7F ;A=&7F
C586 BCC &C5A8 ;and goto C5A8 ALWAYS!!
******************* check text cursor in use ***************************
C588 LDA &D0 ;VDU status byte
C58A AND #&20 ;set A from bit 5 of status byte
C58C RTS ;and exit
A=0 if text cursor, &20 if graphics
* *
* *
C58D LDY #&00 ;Y=0
C58F STY &0269 ;paged mode counter
C592 LDA #&04 ;A=04
C594 BNE &C59D ;jump to C59D
* *
* *
C596 JSR &E1A2 ;select printer buffer and output character
C599 LDA #&94 ;A=&94
;when inverted at C59B this becomes =&01
* *
* *
C59B EOR #&95 ;if A=&15 A now =&80: if A=&94 A now =1
C59D ORA &D0 ;VDU status byte set bit 0 or bit 7
C59F BNE &C5AA ;branch forward to store
* *
* *
C5A1 JSR &E1A2 ;select printer buffer and output character
C5A4 LDA #&0A ;A=10 to clear status bits below...
* *
* *
; A=&F or &A
C5A6 EOR #&F4 ;convert to &FB or &FE
C5A8 AND &D0 ;VDU status byte clear bit 0 or bit 2 of status
C5AA STA &D0 ;VDU status byte
C5AC RTS ;exit
* *
* *
C5AD LDA &0361 ;pixels per byte
C5B0 BEQ &C5AC ;if no graphics in current mode C5AC
C5B2 JSR &C951 ;set CRT controller for text cursor
C5B5 LDA #&DF ;this to clear bit 5 of status byte
C5B7 BNE &C5A8 ;via C5A8 exit
* *
* *
C5B9 LDA &0361 ;pixels per byte
C5BC BEQ &C5AC ;if none this is text mode so exit
C5BE LDA #&20 ;set up graphics cursor
C5C0 JSR &C954 ;via C954
C5C3 BNE &C59D ;set bit 5 via exit C59D
* *
* *
C5C5 JSR &C588 ;A=0 if text cursor A=&20 if graphics cursor
C5C8 BNE &C61F ;move cursor left 8 pixels if graphics
C5CA DEC &0318 ;else decrement text column
C5CD LDX &0318 ;store new text column
C5D0 CPX &0308 ;if it is less than text window left
C5D3 BMI &C5EE ;do wraparound cursor to rt of screen 1 line up
C5D5 LDA &034A ;text cursor 6845 address
C5D8 SEC ;subtract
C5D9 SBC &034F ;bytes per character
C5DC TAX ;put in X
C5DD LDA &034B ;get text cursor 6845 address
C5E0 SBC #&00 ;subtract 0
C5E2 CMP &034E ;compare with hi byte of screen RAM address
C5E5 BCS &C5EA ;if = or greater
C5E7 ADC &0354 ;add screen RAM size hi byte to wrap around
C5EB JMP &C9F6 ;Y hi and X lo byte of cursor position
***************** execute wraparound left-up*****************************
C5EE LDA &030A ;text window right
C5F1 STA &0318 ;text column
*************** cursor up ***********************************************
C5F4 DEC &0269 ;paged mode counter
C5F7 BPL &C5FC ;if still greater than 0 skip next instruction
C5F9 INC &0269 ;paged mode counter to restore X=0
C5FC LDX &0319 ;current text line
C5FF CPX &030B ;top of text window
C602 BEQ &C60A ;if its at top of window C60A
C604 DEC &0319 ;else decrement current text line
C607 JMP &C6AF ;and carry on moving cursor
******** cursor at top of window ****************************************
C60A CLC ;clear carry
C60B JSR &CD3F ;check for window violatations
C60E LDA #&08 ;A=8 to check for software scrolling
C610 BIT &D0 ;compare against VDU status byte
C612 BNE &C619 ;if not enabled C619
C614 JSR &C994 ;set screen start register and adjust RAM
C617 BNE &C61C ;jump C61C
C619 JSR &CDA4 ;soft scroll 1 line
C61C JMP &C6AC ;and exit
**********cursor left and down with graphics cursor in use **************
C61F LDX #&00 ;X=0 to select horizontal parameters
********** cursor down with graphics in use *****************************
;X=2 for vertical or 0 for horizontal
C621 STX &DB ;store X
C623 JSR &D10D ;check for window violations
C626 LDX &DB ;restore X
C628 SEC ;set carry
C629 LDA &0324,X ;current graphics cursor X>1=vertical
C62C SBC #&08 ;subtract 8 to move back 1 character
C62E STA &0324,X ;store in current graphics cursor X>1=verticaal
C631 BCS &C636 ;if carry set skip next
C633 DEC &0325,X ;current graphics cursor hi -1
C636 LDA &DA ;&DA=0 if no violation else 1 if vert violation
;2 if horizontal violation
C638 BNE &C658 ;if violation C658
C63A JSR &D10D ;check for window violations
C63D BEQ &C658 ;if none C658
C63F LDX &DB ;else get back X
C641 LDA &0304,X ;graphics window rt X=0 top X=2
C644 CPX #&01 ;is X=0
C646 BCS &C64A ;if not C64A
C648 SBC #&06 ;else subtract 7
C64A STA &0324,X ;current graphics cursor X>1=vertical
C64D LDA &0305,X ;graphics window hi rt X=0 top X=2
C650 SBC #&00 ;subtract carry
C652 STA &0325,X ;current graphics cursor X<2=horizontal else vertical
C655 TXA ;A=X
C656 BEQ &C660 ;cursor up
C658 JMP &D1B8 ;set up external coordinates for graphics
* *
* VDU 11 - CURSOR UP *
* *
C65B JSR &C588 ;A=0 if text cursor A=&20 if graphics cursor
C65E BEQ &C5F4 ;if text cursor then C5F4
C660 LDX #&02 ;else X=2
C662 BNE &C6B6 ;goto C6B6
* *
* *
C664 LDA &D0 ;VDU status byte
C666 AND #&20 ;check bit 5
C668 BNE &C6B4 ;if set then graphics cursor in use so C6B4
C66A LDX &0318 ;text column
C66D CPX &030A ;text window right
C670 BCS &C684 ;if X exceeds window right then C684
C672 INC &0318 ;text column
C675 LDA &034A ;text cursor 6845 address
C678 ADC &034F ;add bytes per character
C67C LDA &034B ;text cursor 6845 address
C67F ADC #&00 ;add carry if set
C681 JMP &C9F6 ;use X and Y to set new cursor address
********: text cursor down and right *************************************
C684 LDA &0308 ;text window left
C687 STA &0318 ;text column
********: text cursor down *************************************
C68A CLC ;clear carry
C68B JSR &CAE3 ;check bottom margin, X=line count
C68E LDX &0319 ;current text line
C691 CPX &0309 ;bottom margin
C694 BCS &C69B ;if X=>current bottom margin C69B
C696 INC &0319 ;else increment current text line
C699 BCC &C6AF ;
C69B JSR &CD3F ;check for window violations
C69E LDA #&08 ;check bit 3
C6A0 BIT &D0 ;VDU status byte
C6A2 BNE &C6A9 ;if software scrolling enabled C6A9
C6A4 JSR &C9A4 ;perform hardware scroll
C6A7 BNE &C6AC ;
C6A9 JSR &CDFF ;execute upward scroll
C6AC JSR &CEAC ;clear a line
C6AF JSR &CF06 ;set up display address
C6B2 BCC &C732 ;
*********** graphic cursor right ****************************************
C6B4 LDX #&00 ;
************** graphic cursor up (X=2) **********************************
C6B6 STX &DB ;store X
C6B8 JSR &D10D ;check for window violations
C6BB LDX &DB ;get back X
C6BD CLC ;clear carry
C6BE LDA &0324,X ;current graphics cursor X>1=vertical
C6C1 ADC #&08 ;Add 8 pixels
C6C3 STA &0324,X ;current graphics cursor X>1=vertical
C6C6 BCC &C6CB ;
C6C8 INC &0325,X ;current graphics cursor X<2=horizontal else vertical
C6CB LDA &DA ;A=0 no window violations 1 or 2 indicates violation
C6CD BNE &C658 ;if outside window C658
C6CF JSR &D10D ;check for window violations
C6D2 BEQ &C658 ;if no violations C658
C6D4 LDX &DB ;get back X
C6D6 LDA &0300,X ;graphics window X<2 =left else bottom
C6D9 CPX #&01 ;If X=0
C6DD ADC #&06 ;else add 7
C6DF STA &0324,X ;current graphics cursor X>1=vertical
C6E2 LDA &0301,X ;graphics window hi X<2 =left else bottom
C6E5 ADC #&00 ;add anny carry
C6E7 STA &0325,X ;current graphics cursor X<2=horizontal else vertical
C6EB BEQ &C6F5 ;if X=0 C6F5 cursor down
C6ED JMP &D1B8 ;set up external coordinates for graphics
* *
* *
C6F0 JSR &C588 ;A=0 if text cursor A=&20 if graphics cursor
C6F3 BEQ &C68A ;if text cursor back to C68A
C6F5 LDX #&02 ;else X=2 to indicate vertical movement
C6F7 JMP &C621 ;move graphics cursor down
* *
* *
* 4 parameters *
* *
;parameters are set up thus
;0320 P1 left margin
;0321 P2 bottom margin
;0322 P3 right margin
;0323 P4 top margin
;Note that last parameter is always in 0323
C6FA LDX &0355 ;screen mode
C6FD LDA &0321 ;get bottom margin
C700 CMP &0323 ;compare with top margin
C703 BCC &C758 ;if bottom margin exceeds top return
C705 CMP &C3E7,X ;text window bottom margin maximum
C708 BEQ &C70C ;if equal then its OK
C70A BCS &C758 ;else exit
C70C LDA &0322 ;get right margin
C70F TAY ;put it in Y
C710 CMP C3EF,X ;text window right hand margin maximum
C713 BEQ &C717 ;if equal then OK
C715 BCS &C758 ;if greater than maximum exit
C717 SEC ;set carry to subtract
C718 SBC &0320 ;left margin
C71B BMI &C758 ;if left greater than right exit
C71D TAY ;else A=Y (window width)
C71E JSR &CA88 ;calculate number of bytes in a line
C721 LDA #&08 ;A=8 to set bit of &D0
C723 JSR &C59D ;indicating that text window is defined
C726 LDX #&20 ;point to parameters
C728 LDY #&08 ;point to text window margins
C72A JSR &D48A ;(&300/3+Y)=(&300/3+X)
C72D JSR &CEE8 ;set up screen address
C730 BCS &C779 ;home cursor within window
C732 JMP &CA02 ;set cursor position
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