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diff --git a/googlemock/docs/cheat_sheet.md b/googlemock/docs/cheat_sheet.md
index 06190d16..e839fa9d 100644
--- a/googlemock/docs/cheat_sheet.md
+++ b/googlemock/docs/cheat_sheet.md
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ and the default action will be taken each time.
### Matchers {#MatcherList}
A **matcher** matches a *single* argument. You can use it inside `ON_CALL()` or
`EXPECT_CALL()`, or use it to validate a value directly:
@@ -340,67 +340,99 @@ or simply `expected_container` to match a container exactly. If you want to
write the elements in-line, match them more flexibly, or get more informative
messages, you can use:
-| Matcher | Description |
-| :----------------------------------- | :----------------------------------- |
-| `ContainerEq(container)` | The same as `Eq(container)` except |
-: : that the failure message also :
-: : includes which elements are in one :
-: : container but not the other. :
-| `Contains(e)` | `argument` contains an element that |
-: : matches `e`, which can be either a :
-: : value or a matcher. :
-| `Each(e)` | `argument` is a container where |
-: : _every_ element matches `e`, which :
-: : can be either a value or a matcher. :
-| `ElementsAre(e0, e1, ..., en)` | `argument` has `n + 1` elements, |
-: : where the i-th element matches `ei`, :
-: : which can be a value or a matcher. 0 :
-: : to 10 arguments are allowed. :
-| `ElementsAreArray({ e0, e1, ..., en | The same as `ElementsAre()` except |
-: })`, `ElementsAreArray(array)`, or : that the expected element :
-: `ElementsAreArray(array, count)` : values/matchers come from an :
-: : initializer list, STL-style :
-: : container, or C-style array. :
-| `IsEmpty()` | `argument` is an empty container |
-: : (`container.empty()`). :
-| `Pointwise(m, container)` | `argument` contains the same number |
-: : of elements as in `container`, and :
-: : for all i, (the i-th element in :
-: : `argument`, the i-th element in :
-: : `container`) match `m`, which is a :
-: : matcher on 2-tuples. E.g. :
-: : `Pointwise(Le(), upper_bounds)` :
-: : verifies that each element in :
-: : `argument` doesn't exceed the :
-: : corresponding element in :
-: : `upper_bounds`. See more detail :
-: : below. :
-| `SizeIs(m)` | `argument` is a container whose size |
-: : matches `m`. E.g. `SizeIs(2)` or :
-: : `SizeIs(Lt(2))`. :
-| `UnorderedElementsAre(e0, e1, ..., | `argument` has `n + 1` elements, and |
-: en)` : under some permutation each element :
-: : matches an `ei` (for a different :
-: : `i`), which can be a value or a :
-: : matcher. 0 to 10 arguments are :
-: : allowed. :
-| `UnorderedElementsAreArray({ e0, e1, | The same as `UnorderedElementsAre()` |
-: ..., en })`, : except that the expected element :
-: `UnorderedElementsAreArray(array)`, : values/matchers come from an :
-: or `UnorderedElementsAreArray(array, : initializer list, STL-style :
-: count)` : container, or C-style array. :
-| `WhenSorted(m)` | When `argument` is sorted using the |
-: : `<` operator, it matches container :
-: : matcher `m`. E.g. :
-: : `WhenSorted(ElementsAre(1, 2, 3))` :
-: : verifies that `argument` contains :
-: : elements `1`, `2`, and `3`, ignoring :
-: : order. :
-| `WhenSortedBy(comparator, m)` | The same as `WhenSorted(m)`, except |
-: : that the given comparator instead of :
-: : `<` is used to sort `argument`. E.g. :
-: : `WhenSortedBy(std\:\:greater<int>(), :
-: : ElementsAre(3, 2, 1))`. :
+| Matcher | Description |
+| :---------------------------------------- | :------------------------------- |
+| `BeginEndDistanceIs(m)` | `argument` is a container whose |
+: : `begin()` and `end()` iterators :
+: : are separated by a number of :
+: : increments matching `m`. E.g. :
+: : `BeginEndDistanceIs(2)` or :
+: : `BeginEndDistanceIs(Lt(2))`. For :
+: : containers that define a :
+: : `size()` method, `SizeIs(m)` may :
+: : be more efficient. :
+| `ContainerEq(container)` | The same as `Eq(container)` |
+: : except that the failure message :
+: : also includes which elements are :
+: : in one container but not the :
+: : other. :
+| `Contains(e)` | `argument` contains an element |
+: : that matches `e`, which can be :
+: : either a value or a matcher. :
+| `Each(e)` | `argument` is a container where |
+: : *every* element matches `e`, :
+: : which can be either a value or a :
+: : matcher. :
+| `ElementsAre(e0, e1, ..., en)` | `argument` has `n + 1` elements, |
+: : where the *i*-th element matches :
+: : `ei`, which can be a value or a :
+: : matcher. :
+| `ElementsAreArray({e0, e1, ..., en})`, | The same as `ElementsAre()` |
+: `ElementsAreArray(a_container)`, : except that the expected element :
+: `ElementsAreArray(begin, end)`, : values/matchers come from an :
+: `ElementsAreArray(array)`, or : initializer list, STL-style :
+: `ElementsAreArray(array, count)` : container, iterator range, or :
+: : C-style array. :
+| `IsEmpty()` | `argument` is an empty container |
+: : (`container.empty()`). :
+| `IsFalse()` | `argument` evaluates to `false` |
+: : in a Boolean context. :
+| `IsSubsetOf({e0, e1, ..., en})`, | `argument` matches |
+: `IsSubsetOf(a_container)`, : `UnorderedElementsAre(x0, x1, :
+: `IsSubsetOf(begin, end)`, : ..., xk)` for some subset `{x0, :
+: `IsSubsetOf(array)`, or : x1, ..., xk}` of the expected :
+: `IsSubsetOf(array, count)` : matchers. :
+| `IsSupersetOf({e0, e1, ..., en})`, | Some subset of `argument` |
+: `IsSupersetOf(a_container)`, : matches :
+: `IsSupersetOf(begin, end)`, : `UnorderedElementsAre(`expected :
+: `IsSupersetOf(array)`, or : matchers`)`. :
+: `IsSupersetOf(array, count)` : :
+| `IsTrue()` | `argument` evaluates to `true` |
+: : in a Boolean context. :
+| `Pointwise(m, container)`, `Pointwise(m, | `argument` contains the same |
+: {e0, e1, ..., en})` : number of elements as in :
+: : `container`, and for all i, (the :
+: : i-th element in `argument`, the :
+: : i-th element in `container`) :
+: : match `m`, which is a matcher on :
+: : 2-tuples. E.g. `Pointwise(Le(), :
+: : upper_bounds)` verifies that :
+: : each element in `argument` :
+: : doesn't exceed the corresponding :
+: : element in `upper_bounds`. See :
+: : more detail below. :
+| `SizeIs(m)` | `argument` is a container whose |
+: : size matches `m`. E.g. :
+: : `SizeIs(2)` or `SizeIs(Lt(2))`. :
+| `UnorderedElementsAre(e0, e1, ..., en)` | `argument` has `n + 1` elements, |
+: : and under *some* permutation of :
+: : the elements, each element :
+: : matches an `ei` (for a different :
+: : `i`), which can be a value or a :
+: : matcher. :
+| `UnorderedElementsAreArray({e0, e1, ..., | The same as |
+: en})`, : `UnorderedElementsAre()` except :
+: `UnorderedElementsAreArray(a_container)`, : that the expected element :
+: `UnorderedElementsAreArray(begin, end)`, : values/matchers come from an :
+: `UnorderedElementsAreArray(array)`, or : initializer list, STL-style :
+: `UnorderedElementsAreArray(array, count)` : container, iterator range, or :
+: : C-style array. :
+| `UnorderedPointwise(m, container)`, | Like `Pointwise(m, container)`, |
+: `UnorderedPointwise(m, {e0, e1, ..., : but ignores the order of :
+: en})` : elements. :
+| `WhenSorted(m)` | When `argument` is sorted using |
+: : the `<` operator, it matches :
+: : container matcher `m`. E.g. :
+: : `WhenSorted(ElementsAre(1, 2, :
+: : 3))` verifies that `argument` :
+: : contains elements 1, 2, and 3, :
+: : ignoring order. :
+| `WhenSortedBy(comparator, m)` | The same as `WhenSorted(m)`, |
+: : except that the given comparator :
+: : instead of `<` is used to sort :
+: : `argument`. E.g. :
+: : `WhenSortedBy(std\:\:greater(), :
+: : ElementsAre(3, 2, 1))`. :
diff --git a/googlemock/docs/cook_book.md b/googlemock/docs/cook_book.md
index 10b6d85b..a858cd1f 100644
--- a/googlemock/docs/cook_book.md
+++ b/googlemock/docs/cook_book.md
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ class MockStack : public StackInterface<Elem> {
#### Mocking Non-virtual Methods {#MockingNonVirtualMethods}
gMock can mock non-virtual functions to be used in Hi-perf dependency
-injection.<!-- GOOGLETEST_CM0016 DO NOT DELETE -->.
+injection.<!-- GOOGLETEST_CM0017 DO NOT DELETE -->.
In this case, instead of sharing a common base class with the real class, your
mock class will be *unrelated* to the real class, but contain methods with the
@@ -1455,7 +1455,7 @@ mock object and gMock.
#### Knowing When to Expect {#UseOnCall}
**`ON_CALL`** is likely the *single most under-utilized construct* in gMock.
diff --git a/googlemock/docs/for_dummies.md b/googlemock/docs/for_dummies.md
index 198da467..5433e8b3 100644
--- a/googlemock/docs/for_dummies.md
+++ b/googlemock/docs/for_dummies.md
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ always return 100 as `n++` is only evaluated once. Similarly, `Return(new Foo)`
will create a new `Foo` object when the `EXPECT_CALL()` is executed, and will
return the same pointer every time. If you want the side effect to happen every
time, you need to define a custom action, which we'll teach in the
-[cook book](http://<!-- GOOGLETEST_CM0011 DO NOT DELETE -->).
+[cook book](http://<!-- GOOGLETEST_CM0012 DO NOT DELETE -->).
Time for another quiz! What do you think the following means?