path: root/os/common/oslib/src
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authorGiovanni Di Sirio <gdisirio@gmail.com>2016-02-16 09:59:21 +0000
committerGiovanni Di Sirio <gdisirio@gmail.com>2016-02-16 09:59:21 +0000
commit641f2c372605cf405f0dda8536b45a78e0e5e2e2 (patch)
treef120afff37ef959b367a6023749700d5b618beff /os/common/oslib/src
parent5e24a813bef8d7ac5ca79fe9079db0fc2d2bb8b2 (diff)
Tree reorganization.
git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/chibios/svn/trunk@8899 35acf78f-673a-0410-8e92-d51de3d6d3f4
Diffstat (limited to 'os/common/oslib/src')
5 files changed, 1337 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/os/common/oslib/src/chdynamic.c b/os/common/oslib/src/chdynamic.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d8b609be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/common/oslib/src/chdynamic.c
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+ ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2006..2015 Giovanni Di Sirio.
+ This file is part of ChibiOS.
+ ChibiOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ ChibiOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * @file chdynamic.c
+ * @brief Dynamic threads code.
+ *
+ * @addtogroup dynamic_threads
+ * @details Dynamic threads related APIs and services.
+ * @note Compatible with RT only.
+ * @{
+ */
+#include "ch.h"
+#if (CH_CFG_USE_DYNAMIC == TRUE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* Module local definitions. */
+/* Module exported variables. */
+/* Module local types. */
+/* Module local variables. */
+/* Module local functions. */
+/* Module exported functions. */
+#if (CH_CFG_USE_HEAP == TRUE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Creates a new thread allocating the memory from the heap.
+ * @pre The configuration options @p CH_CFG_USE_DYNAMIC and
+ * @p CH_CFG_USE_HEAP must be enabled in order to use this function.
+ * @note A thread can terminate by calling @p chThdExit() or by simply
+ * returning from its main function.
+ * @note The memory allocated for the thread is not released automatically,
+ * it is responsibility of the creator thread to call @p chThdWait()
+ * and then release the allocated memory.
+ *
+ * @param[in] heapp heap from which allocate the memory or @p NULL for the
+ * default heap
+ * @param[in] size size of the working area to be allocated
+ * @param[in] prio the priority level for the new thread
+ * @param[in] pf the thread function
+ * @param[in] arg an argument passed to the thread function. It can be
+ * @p NULL.
+ * @return The pointer to the @p thread_t structure allocated for
+ * the thread into the working space area.
+ * @retval NULL if the memory cannot be allocated.
+ *
+ * @api
+ */
+thread_t *chThdCreateFromHeap(memory_heap_t *heapp, size_t size,
+ tprio_t prio, tfunc_t pf, void *arg) {
+ void *wsp;
+ wsp = chHeapAllocAligned(heapp, size, PORT_WORKING_AREA_ALIGN);
+ if (wsp == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ _thread_memfill((uint8_t *)wsp,
+ (uint8_t *)wsp + size,
+ return chThdCreateStatic(wsp, size, prio, pf, arg);
+#endif /* CH_CFG_USE_HEAP == TRUE */
+#if (CH_CFG_USE_MEMPOOLS == TRUE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Creates a new thread allocating the memory from the specified
+ * memory pool.
+ * @pre The configuration options @p CH_CFG_USE_DYNAMIC and
+ * @p CH_CFG_USE_MEMPOOLS must be enabled in order to use this
+ * function.
+ * @pre The pool must be initialized to contain only objects with
+ * alignment @p PORT_WORKING_AREA_ALIGN.
+ * @note A thread can terminate by calling @p chThdExit() or by simply
+ * returning from its main function.
+ * @note The memory allocated for the thread is not released automatically,
+ * it is responsibility of the creator thread to call @p chThdWait()
+ * and then release the allocated memory.
+ *
+ * @param[in] mp pointer to the memory pool object
+ * @param[in] prio the priority level for the new thread
+ * @param[in] pf the thread function
+ * @param[in] arg an argument passed to the thread function. It can be
+ * @p NULL.
+ * @return The pointer to the @p thread_t structure allocated for
+ * the thread into the working space area.
+ * @retval NULL if the memory pool is empty.
+ *
+ * @api
+ */
+thread_t *chThdCreateFromMemoryPool(memory_pool_t *mp, tprio_t prio,
+ tfunc_t pf, void *arg) {
+ void *wsp;
+ chDbgCheck(mp != NULL);
+ wsp = chPoolAlloc(mp);
+ if (wsp == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ _thread_memfill((uint8_t *)wsp,
+ (uint8_t *)wsp + mp->object_size,
+ return chThdCreateStatic(wsp, mp->object_size, prio, pf, arg);
+#endif /* CH_CFG_USE_MEMPOOLS == TRUE */
+#endif /* CH_CFG_USE_DYNAMIC == TRUE */
+/** @} */
diff --git a/os/common/oslib/src/chheap.c b/os/common/oslib/src/chheap.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a35b646ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/common/oslib/src/chheap.c
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+ ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2006..2015 Giovanni Di Sirio.
+ This file is part of ChibiOS.
+ ChibiOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ ChibiOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * @file chheap.c
+ * @brief Heaps code.
+ *
+ * @addtogroup heaps
+ * @details Heap Allocator related APIs.
+ * <h2>Operation mode</h2>
+ * The heap allocator implements a first-fit strategy and its APIs
+ * are functionally equivalent to the usual @p malloc() and @p free()
+ * library functions. The main difference is that the OS heap APIs
+ * are guaranteed to be thread safe and there is the ability to
+ * return memory blocks aligned to arbitrary powers of two.<br>
+ * @pre In order to use the heap APIs the @p CH_CFG_USE_HEAP option must
+ * be enabled in @p chconf.h.
+ * @note Compatible with RT and NIL.
+ * @{
+ */
+#include "ch.h"
+#if (CH_CFG_USE_HEAP == TRUE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* Module local definitions. */
+ * Defaults on the best synchronization mechanism available.
+ */
+#if (CH_CFG_USE_MUTEXES == TRUE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+#define H_LOCK(h) chMtxLock(&(h)->mtx)
+#define H_UNLOCK(h) chMtxUnlock(&(h)->mtx)
+#define H_LOCK(h) (void) chSemWait(&(h)->sem)
+#define H_UNLOCK(h) chSemSignal(&(h)->sem)
+#define H_BLOCK(hp) ((hp) + 1U)
+#define H_LIMIT(hp) (H_BLOCK(hp) + H_PAGES(hp))
+#define H_NEXT(hp) ((hp)->free.next)
+#define H_PAGES(hp) ((hp)->free.pages)
+#define H_HEAP(hp) ((hp)->used.heap)
+#define H_SIZE(hp) ((hp)->used.size)
+/* Module exported variables. */
+/* Module local types. */
+/* Module local variables. */
+ * @brief Default heap descriptor.
+ */
+static memory_heap_t default_heap;
+/* Module local functions. */
+/* Module exported functions. */
+ * @brief Initializes the default heap.
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+void _heap_init(void) {
+ default_heap.provider = chCoreAllocAligned;
+ H_NEXT(&default_heap.header) = NULL;
+ H_PAGES(&default_heap.header) = 0;
+#if (CH_CFG_USE_MUTEXES == TRUE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ chMtxObjectInit(&default_heap.mtx);
+ chSemObjectInit(&default_heap.sem, (cnt_t)1);
+ * @brief Initializes a memory heap from a static memory area.
+ * @pre Both the heap buffer base and the heap size must be aligned to
+ * the @p heap_header_t type size.
+ *
+ * @param[out] heapp pointer to the memory heap descriptor to be initialized
+ * @param[in] buf heap buffer base
+ * @param[in] size heap size
+ *
+ * @init
+ */
+void chHeapObjectInit(memory_heap_t *heapp, void *buf, size_t size) {
+ heap_header_t *hp = buf;
+ chDbgCheck((heapp != NULL) && (size > 0U) &&
+ heapp->provider = NULL;
+ H_NEXT(&heapp->header) = hp;
+ H_PAGES(&heapp->header) = 0;
+ H_NEXT(hp) = NULL;
+ H_PAGES(hp) = (size - sizeof (heap_header_t)) / CH_HEAP_ALIGNMENT;
+#if (CH_CFG_USE_MUTEXES == TRUE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ chMtxObjectInit(&heapp->mtx);
+ chSemObjectInit(&heapp->sem, (cnt_t)1);
+ * @brief Allocates a block of memory from the heap by using the first-fit
+ * algorithm.
+ * @details The allocated block is guaranteed to be properly aligned to the
+ * specified alignment.
+ *
+ * @param[in] heapp pointer to a heap descriptor or @p NULL in order to
+ * access the default heap.
+ * @param[in] size the size of the block to be allocated. Note that the
+ * allocated block may be a bit bigger than the requested
+ * size for alignment and fragmentation reasons.
+ * @param[in] align desired memory alignment
+ * @return A pointer to the aligned allocated block.
+ * @retval NULL if the block cannot be allocated.
+ *
+ * @api
+ */
+void *chHeapAllocAligned(memory_heap_t *heapp, size_t size, unsigned align) {
+ heap_header_t *qp, *hp;
+ size_t pages;
+ chDbgCheck((size > 0U) && MEM_IS_VALID_ALIGNMENT(align));
+ /* If an heap is not specified then the default system header is used.*/
+ if (heapp == NULL) {
+ heapp = &default_heap;
+ }
+ /* Minimum alignment is constrained by the heap header structure size.*/
+ if (align < CH_HEAP_ALIGNMENT) {
+ }
+ /* Size is converted in number of elementary allocation units.*/
+ /* Taking heap mutex/semaphore.*/
+ H_LOCK(heapp);
+ /* Start of the free blocks list.*/
+ qp = &heapp->header;
+ while (H_NEXT(qp) != NULL) {
+ heap_header_t *ahp;
+ /* Next free block.*/
+ hp = H_NEXT(qp);
+ /* Pointer aligned to the requested alignment.*/
+ ahp = (heap_header_t *)MEM_ALIGN_NEXT(H_BLOCK(hp), align) - 1U;
+ if ((ahp < H_LIMIT(hp)) && (pages <= (size_t)(H_LIMIT(hp) - 1U - ahp))) {
+ /* The block is large enough to contain a correctly aligned area
+ of sufficient size.*/
+ if (ahp > hp) {
+ /* The block is not properly aligned, must split it.*/
+ size_t bpages;
+ bpages = H_LIMIT(hp) - H_BLOCK(ahp);
+ H_PAGES(hp) = ahp - H_BLOCK(hp);
+ if (bpages > pages) {
+ /* The block is bigger than required, must split the excess.*/
+ heap_header_t *fp;
+ /* Creating the excess block.*/
+ fp = H_BLOCK(ahp) + pages;
+ H_PAGES(fp) = bpages - pages - 1U;
+ /* Linking the excess block.*/
+ H_NEXT(fp) = H_NEXT(hp);
+ H_NEXT(hp) = fp;
+ }
+ hp = ahp;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* The block is already properly aligned.*/
+ if (H_PAGES(hp) == pages) {
+ /* Exact size, getting the whole block.*/
+ H_NEXT(qp) = H_NEXT(hp);
+ }
+ else {
+ /* The block is bigger than required, must split the excess.*/
+ heap_header_t *fp;
+ fp = H_BLOCK(hp) + pages;
+ H_NEXT(fp) = H_NEXT(hp);
+ H_PAGES(fp) = H_LIMIT(hp) - H_BLOCK(fp);
+ H_NEXT(qp) = fp;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Setting in the block owner heap and size.*/
+ H_SIZE(hp) = size;
+ H_HEAP(hp) = heapp;
+ /* Releasing heap mutex/semaphore.*/
+ H_UNLOCK(heapp);
+ /*lint -save -e9087 [11.3] Safe cast.*/
+ return (void *)H_BLOCK(hp);
+ /*lint -restore*/
+ }
+ /* Next in the free blocks list.*/
+ qp = hp;
+ }
+ /* Releasing heap mutex/semaphore.*/
+ H_UNLOCK(heapp);
+ /* More memory is required, tries to get it from the associated provider
+ else fails.*/
+ if (heapp->provider != NULL) {
+ hp = heapp->provider((pages + 1U) * CH_HEAP_ALIGNMENT, align);
+ if (hp != NULL) {
+ H_HEAP(hp) = heapp;
+ H_SIZE(hp) = size;
+ /*lint -save -e9087 [11.3] Safe cast.*/
+ return (void *)H_BLOCK(hp);
+ /*lint -restore*/
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ * @brief Frees a previously allocated memory block.
+ *
+ * @param[in] p pointer to the memory block to be freed
+ *
+ * @api
+ */
+void chHeapFree(void *p) {
+ heap_header_t *qp, *hp;
+ memory_heap_t *heapp;
+ chDbgCheck((p != NULL) && MEM_IS_ALIGNED(p, CH_HEAP_ALIGNMENT));
+ /*lint -save -e9087 [11.3] Safe cast.*/
+ hp = (heap_header_t *)p - 1U;
+ /*lint -restore*/
+ heapp = H_HEAP(hp);
+ qp = &heapp->header;
+ /* Size is converted in number of elementary allocation units.*/
+ /* Taking heap mutex/semaphore.*/
+ H_LOCK(heapp);
+ while (true) {
+ chDbgAssert((hp < qp) || (hp >= H_LIMIT(qp)), "within free block");
+ if (((qp == &heapp->header) || (hp > qp)) &&
+ ((H_NEXT(qp) == NULL) || (hp < H_NEXT(qp)))) {
+ /* Insertion after qp.*/
+ H_NEXT(hp) = H_NEXT(qp);
+ H_NEXT(qp) = hp;
+ /* Verifies if the newly inserted block should be merged.*/
+ if (H_LIMIT(hp) == H_NEXT(hp)) {
+ /* Merge with the next block.*/
+ H_PAGES(hp) += H_PAGES(H_NEXT(hp)) + 1U;
+ H_NEXT(hp) = H_NEXT(H_NEXT(hp));
+ }
+ if ((H_LIMIT(qp) == hp)) {
+ /* Merge with the previous block.*/
+ H_PAGES(qp) += H_PAGES(hp) + 1U;
+ H_NEXT(qp) = H_NEXT(hp);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ qp = H_NEXT(qp);
+ }
+ /* Releasing heap mutex/semaphore.*/
+ H_UNLOCK(heapp);
+ return;
+ * @brief Reports the heap status.
+ * @note This function is meant to be used in the test suite, it should
+ * not be really useful for the application code.
+ *
+ * @param[in] heapp pointer to a heap descriptor or @p NULL in order to
+ * access the default heap.
+ * @param[in] totalp pointer to a variable that will receive the total
+ * fragmented free space or @ NULL
+ * @param[in] largestp pointer to a variable that will receive the largest
+ * free free block found space or @ NULL
+ * @return The number of fragments in the heap.
+ *
+ * @api
+ */
+size_t chHeapStatus(memory_heap_t *heapp, size_t *totalp, size_t *largestp) {
+ heap_header_t *qp;
+ size_t n, tpages, lpages;
+ if (heapp == NULL) {
+ heapp = &default_heap;
+ }
+ H_LOCK(heapp);
+ tpages = 0U;
+ lpages = 0U;
+ n = 0U;
+ qp = &heapp->header;
+ while (H_NEXT(qp) != NULL) {
+ size_t pages = H_PAGES(H_NEXT(qp));
+ /* Updating counters.*/
+ n++;
+ tpages += pages;
+ if (pages > lpages) {
+ lpages = pages;
+ }
+ qp = H_NEXT(qp);
+ }
+ /* Writing out fragmented free memory.*/
+ if (totalp != NULL) {
+ *totalp = tpages * CH_HEAP_ALIGNMENT;
+ }
+ /* Writing out unfragmented free memory.*/
+ if (largestp != NULL) {
+ *largestp = lpages * CH_HEAP_ALIGNMENT;
+ }
+ H_UNLOCK(heapp);
+ return n;
+#endif /* CH_CFG_USE_HEAP == TRUE */
+/** @} */
diff --git a/os/common/oslib/src/chmboxes.c b/os/common/oslib/src/chmboxes.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb75fee6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/common/oslib/src/chmboxes.c
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+ ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2006..2015 Giovanni Di Sirio.
+ This file is part of ChibiOS.
+ ChibiOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ ChibiOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * @file chmboxes.c
+ * @brief Mailboxes code.
+ *
+ * @addtogroup mailboxes
+ * @details Asynchronous messages.
+ * <h2>Operation mode</h2>
+ * A mailbox is an asynchronous communication mechanism.<br>
+ * Operations defined for mailboxes:
+ * - <b>Post</b>: Posts a message on the mailbox in FIFO order.
+ * - <b>Post Ahead</b>: Posts a message on the mailbox with urgent
+ * priority.
+ * - <b>Fetch</b>: A message is fetched from the mailbox and removed
+ * from the queue.
+ * - <b>Reset</b>: The mailbox is emptied and all the stored messages
+ * are lost.
+ * .
+ * A message is a variable of type msg_t that is guaranteed to have
+ * the same size of and be compatible with (data) pointers (anyway an
+ * explicit cast is needed).
+ * If larger messages need to be exchanged then a pointer to a
+ * structure can be posted in the mailbox but the posting side has
+ * no predefined way to know when the message has been processed. A
+ * possible approach is to allocate memory (from a memory pool for
+ * example) from the posting side and free it on the fetching side.
+ * Another approach is to set a "done" flag into the structure pointed
+ * by the message.
+ * @pre In order to use the mailboxes APIs the @p CH_CFG_USE_MAILBOXES
+ * option must be enabled in @p chconf.h.
+ * @note Compatible with RT and NIL.
+ * @{
+ */
+#include "ch.h"
+#if (CH_CFG_USE_MAILBOXES == TRUE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* Module exported variables. */
+/* Module local types. */
+/* Module local variables. */
+/* Module local functions. */
+/* Module exported functions. */
+ * @brief Initializes a @p mailbox_t object.
+ *
+ * @param[out] mbp the pointer to the @p mailbox_t structure to be
+ * initialized
+ * @param[in] buf pointer to the messages buffer as an array of @p msg_t
+ * @param[in] n number of elements in the buffer array
+ *
+ * @init
+ */
+void chMBObjectInit(mailbox_t *mbp, msg_t *buf, cnt_t n) {
+ chDbgCheck((mbp != NULL) && (buf != NULL) && (n > (cnt_t)0));
+ mbp->buffer = buf;
+ mbp->rdptr = buf;
+ mbp->wrptr = buf;
+ mbp->top = &buf[n];
+ chSemObjectInit(&mbp->emptysem, n);
+ chSemObjectInit(&mbp->fullsem, (cnt_t)0);
+ * @brief Resets a @p mailbox_t object.
+ * @details All the waiting threads are resumed with status @p MSG_RESET and
+ * the queued messages are lost.
+ *
+ * @param[in] mbp the pointer to an initialized @p mailbox_t object
+ *
+ * @api
+ */
+void chMBReset(mailbox_t *mbp) {
+ chSysLock();
+ chMBResetI(mbp);
+ chSchRescheduleS();
+ chSysUnlock();
+ * @brief Resets a @p mailbox_t object.
+ * @details All the waiting threads are resumed with status @p MSG_RESET and
+ * the queued messages are lost.
+ *
+ * @param[in] mbp the pointer to an initialized @p mailbox_t object
+ *
+ * @api
+ */
+void chMBResetI(mailbox_t *mbp) {
+ chDbgCheckClassI();
+ chDbgCheck(mbp != NULL);
+ mbp->wrptr = mbp->buffer;
+ mbp->rdptr = mbp->buffer;
+ chSemResetI(&mbp->emptysem, (cnt_t)(mbp->top - mbp->buffer));
+ chSemResetI(&mbp->fullsem, (cnt_t)0);
+ * @brief Posts a message into a mailbox.
+ * @details The invoking thread waits until a empty slot in the mailbox becomes
+ * available or the specified time runs out.
+ *
+ * @param[in] mbp the pointer to an initialized @p mailbox_t object
+ * @param[in] msg the message to be posted on the mailbox
+ * @param[in] timeout the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
+ * the following special values are allowed:
+ * - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
+ * - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
+ * .
+ * @return The operation status.
+ * @retval MSG_OK if a message has been correctly posted.
+ * @retval MSG_RESET if the mailbox has been reset while waiting.
+ * @retval MSG_TIMEOUT if the operation has timed out.
+ *
+ * @api
+ */
+msg_t chMBPost(mailbox_t *mbp, msg_t msg, systime_t timeout) {
+ msg_t rdymsg;
+ chSysLock();
+ rdymsg = chMBPostS(mbp, msg, timeout);
+ chSysUnlock();
+ return rdymsg;
+ * @brief Posts a message into a mailbox.
+ * @details The invoking thread waits until a empty slot in the mailbox becomes
+ * available or the specified time runs out.
+ *
+ * @param[in] mbp the pointer to an initialized @p mailbox_t object
+ * @param[in] msg the message to be posted on the mailbox
+ * @param[in] timeout the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
+ * the following special values are allowed:
+ * - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
+ * - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
+ * .
+ * @return The operation status.
+ * @retval MSG_OK if a message has been correctly posted.
+ * @retval MSG_RESET if the mailbox has been reset while waiting.
+ * @retval MSG_TIMEOUT if the operation has timed out.
+ *
+ * @sclass
+ */
+msg_t chMBPostS(mailbox_t *mbp, msg_t msg, systime_t timeout) {
+ msg_t rdymsg;
+ chDbgCheckClassS();
+ chDbgCheck(mbp != NULL);
+ rdymsg = chSemWaitTimeoutS(&mbp->emptysem, timeout);
+ if (rdymsg == MSG_OK) {
+ *mbp->wrptr++ = msg;
+ if (mbp->wrptr >= mbp->top) {
+ mbp->wrptr = mbp->buffer;
+ }
+ chSemSignalI(&mbp->fullsem);
+ chSchRescheduleS();
+ }
+ return rdymsg;
+ * @brief Posts a message into a mailbox.
+ * @details This variant is non-blocking, the function returns a timeout
+ * condition if the queue is full.
+ *
+ * @param[in] mbp the pointer to an initialized @p mailbox_t object
+ * @param[in] msg the message to be posted on the mailbox
+ * @return The operation status.
+ * @retval MSG_OK if a message has been correctly posted.
+ * @retval MSG_TIMEOUT if the mailbox is full and the message cannot be
+ * posted.
+ *
+ * @iclass
+ */
+msg_t chMBPostI(mailbox_t *mbp, msg_t msg) {
+ chDbgCheckClassI();
+ chDbgCheck(mbp != NULL);
+ if (chSemGetCounterI(&mbp->emptysem) <= (cnt_t)0) {
+ return MSG_TIMEOUT;
+ }
+ chSemFastWaitI(&mbp->emptysem);
+ *mbp->wrptr++ = msg;
+ if (mbp->wrptr >= mbp->top) {
+ mbp->wrptr = mbp->buffer;
+ }
+ chSemSignalI(&mbp->fullsem);
+ return MSG_OK;
+ * @brief Posts an high priority message into a mailbox.
+ * @details The invoking thread waits until a empty slot in the mailbox becomes
+ * available or the specified time runs out.
+ *
+ * @param[in] mbp the pointer to an initialized @p mailbox_t object
+ * @param[in] msg the message to be posted on the mailbox
+ * @param[in] timeout the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
+ * the following special values are allowed:
+ * - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
+ * - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
+ * .
+ * @return The operation status.
+ * @retval MSG_OK if a message has been correctly posted.
+ * @retval MSG_RESET if the mailbox has been reset while waiting.
+ * @retval MSG_TIMEOUT if the operation has timed out.
+ *
+ * @api
+ */
+msg_t chMBPostAhead(mailbox_t *mbp, msg_t msg, systime_t timeout) {
+ msg_t rdymsg;
+ chSysLock();
+ rdymsg = chMBPostAheadS(mbp, msg, timeout);
+ chSysUnlock();
+ return rdymsg;
+ * @brief Posts an high priority message into a mailbox.
+ * @details The invoking thread waits until a empty slot in the mailbox becomes
+ * available or the specified time runs out.
+ *
+ * @param[in] mbp the pointer to an initialized @p mailbox_t object
+ * @param[in] msg the message to be posted on the mailbox
+ * @param[in] timeout the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
+ * the following special values are allowed:
+ * - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
+ * - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
+ * .
+ * @return The operation status.
+ * @retval MSG_OK if a message has been correctly posted.
+ * @retval MSG_RESET if the mailbox has been reset while waiting.
+ * @retval MSG_TIMEOUT if the operation has timed out.
+ *
+ * @sclass
+ */
+msg_t chMBPostAheadS(mailbox_t *mbp, msg_t msg, systime_t timeout) {
+ msg_t rdymsg;
+ chDbgCheckClassS();
+ chDbgCheck(mbp != NULL);
+ rdymsg = chSemWaitTimeoutS(&mbp->emptysem, timeout);
+ if (rdymsg == MSG_OK) {
+ if (--mbp->rdptr < mbp->buffer) {
+ mbp->rdptr = mbp->top - 1;
+ }
+ *mbp->rdptr = msg;
+ chSemSignalI(&mbp->fullsem);
+ chSchRescheduleS();
+ }
+ return rdymsg;
+ * @brief Posts an high priority message into a mailbox.
+ * @details This variant is non-blocking, the function returns a timeout
+ * condition if the queue is full.
+ *
+ * @param[in] mbp the pointer to an initialized @p mailbox_t object
+ * @param[in] msg the message to be posted on the mailbox
+ * @return The operation status.
+ * @retval MSG_OK if a message has been correctly posted.
+ * @retval MSG_TIMEOUT if the mailbox is full and the message cannot be
+ * posted.
+ *
+ * @iclass
+ */
+msg_t chMBPostAheadI(mailbox_t *mbp, msg_t msg) {
+ chDbgCheckClassI();
+ chDbgCheck(mbp != NULL);
+ if (chSemGetCounterI(&mbp->emptysem) <= (cnt_t)0) {
+ return MSG_TIMEOUT;
+ }
+ chSemFastWaitI(&mbp->emptysem);
+ if (--mbp->rdptr < mbp->buffer) {
+ mbp->rdptr = mbp->top - 1;
+ }
+ *mbp->rdptr = msg;
+ chSemSignalI(&mbp->fullsem);
+ return MSG_OK;
+ * @brief Retrieves a message from a mailbox.
+ * @details The invoking thread waits until a message is posted in the mailbox
+ * or the specified time runs out.
+ *
+ * @param[in] mbp the pointer to an initialized @p mailbox_t object
+ * @param[out] msgp pointer to a message variable for the received message
+ * @param[in] timeout the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
+ * the following special values are allowed:
+ * - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
+ * - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
+ * .
+ * @return The operation status.
+ * @retval MSG_OK if a message has been correctly fetched.
+ * @retval MSG_RESET if the mailbox has been reset while waiting.
+ * @retval MSG_TIMEOUT if the operation has timed out.
+ *
+ * @api
+ */
+msg_t chMBFetch(mailbox_t *mbp, msg_t *msgp, systime_t timeout) {
+ msg_t rdymsg;
+ chSysLock();
+ rdymsg = chMBFetchS(mbp, msgp, timeout);
+ chSysUnlock();
+ return rdymsg;
+ * @brief Retrieves a message from a mailbox.
+ * @details The invoking thread waits until a message is posted in the mailbox
+ * or the specified time runs out.
+ *
+ * @param[in] mbp the pointer to an initialized @p mailbox_t object
+ * @param[out] msgp pointer to a message variable for the received message
+ * @param[in] timeout the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
+ * the following special values are allowed:
+ * - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
+ * - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
+ * .
+ * @return The operation status.
+ * @retval MSG_OK if a message has been correctly fetched.
+ * @retval MSG_RESET if the mailbox has been reset while waiting.
+ * @retval MSG_TIMEOUT if the operation has timed out.
+ *
+ * @sclass
+ */
+msg_t chMBFetchS(mailbox_t *mbp, msg_t *msgp, systime_t timeout) {
+ msg_t rdymsg;
+ chDbgCheckClassS();
+ chDbgCheck((mbp != NULL) && (msgp != NULL));
+ rdymsg = chSemWaitTimeoutS(&mbp->fullsem, timeout);
+ if (rdymsg == MSG_OK) {
+ *msgp = *mbp->rdptr++;
+ if (mbp->rdptr >= mbp->top) {
+ mbp->rdptr = mbp->buffer;
+ }
+ chSemSignalI(&mbp->emptysem);
+ chSchRescheduleS();
+ }
+ return rdymsg;
+ * @brief Retrieves a message from a mailbox.
+ * @details This variant is non-blocking, the function returns a timeout
+ * condition if the queue is empty.
+ *
+ * @param[in] mbp the pointer to an initialized @p mailbox_t object
+ * @param[out] msgp pointer to a message variable for the received message
+ * @return The operation status.
+ * @retval MSG_OK if a message has been correctly fetched.
+ * @retval MSG_TIMEOUT if the mailbox is empty and a message cannot be
+ * fetched.
+ *
+ * @iclass
+ */
+msg_t chMBFetchI(mailbox_t *mbp, msg_t *msgp) {
+ chDbgCheckClassI();
+ chDbgCheck((mbp != NULL) && (msgp != NULL));
+ if (chSemGetCounterI(&mbp->fullsem) <= (cnt_t)0) {
+ return MSG_TIMEOUT;
+ }
+ chSemFastWaitI(&mbp->fullsem);
+ *msgp = *mbp->rdptr++;
+ if (mbp->rdptr >= mbp->top) {
+ mbp->rdptr = mbp->buffer;
+ }
+ chSemSignalI(&mbp->emptysem);
+ return MSG_OK;
+#endif /* CH_CFG_USE_MAILBOXES == TRUE */
+/** @} */
diff --git a/os/common/oslib/src/chmemcore.c b/os/common/oslib/src/chmemcore.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a665b07b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/common/oslib/src/chmemcore.c
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+ ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2006..2015 Giovanni Di Sirio.
+ This file is part of ChibiOS.
+ ChibiOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ ChibiOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * @file chmemcore.c
+ * @brief Core memory manager code.
+ *
+ * @addtogroup memcore
+ * @details Core Memory Manager related APIs and services.
+ * <h2>Operation mode</h2>
+ * The core memory manager is a simplified allocator that only
+ * allows to allocate memory blocks without the possibility to
+ * free them.<br>
+ * This allocator is meant as a memory blocks provider for the
+ * other allocators such as:
+ * - C-Runtime allocator (through a compiler specific adapter module).
+ * - Heap allocator (see @ref heaps).
+ * - Memory pools allocator (see @ref pools).
+ * .
+ * By having a centralized memory provider the various allocators
+ * can coexist and share the main memory.<br>
+ * This allocator, alone, is also useful for very simple
+ * applications that just require a simple way to get memory
+ * blocks.
+ * @pre In order to use the core memory manager APIs the @p CH_CFG_USE_MEMCORE
+ * option must be enabled in @p chconf.h.
+ * @note Compatible with RT and NIL.
+ * @{
+ */
+#include "ch.h"
+#if (CH_CFG_USE_MEMCORE == TRUE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* Module exported variables. */
+/* Module local types. */
+/* Module local variables. */
+static uint8_t *nextmem;
+static uint8_t *endmem;
+/* Module local functions. */
+/* Module exported functions. */
+ * @brief Low level memory manager initialization.
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+void _core_init(void) {
+ extern uint8_t __heap_base__[];
+ extern uint8_t __heap_end__[];
+ /*lint -save -e9033 [10.8] Required cast operations.*/
+ nextmem = (uint8_t *)MEM_ALIGN_NEXT(__heap_base__, PORT_NATURAL_ALIGN);
+ endmem = (uint8_t *)MEM_ALIGN_PREV(__heap_end__, PORT_NATURAL_ALIGN);
+ /*lint restore*/
+ static stkalign_t buffer[MEM_ALIGN_NEXT(CH_CFG_MEMCORE_SIZE) /
+ nextmem = (uint8_t *)&buffer[0];
+ endmem = (uint8_t *)&buffer[MEM_ALIGN_NEXT(CH_CFG_MEMCORE_SIZE) /
+ * @brief Allocates a memory block.
+ * @details The allocated block is guaranteed to be properly aligned to the
+ * specified alignment.
+ *
+ * @param[in] size the size of the block to be allocated.
+ * @param[in] align desired memory alignment
+ * @return A pointer to the allocated memory block.
+ * @retval NULL allocation failed, core memory exhausted.
+ *
+ * @iclass
+ */
+void *chCoreAllocAlignedI(size_t size, unsigned align) {
+ uint8_t *p;
+ chDbgCheckClassI();
+ chDbgCheck(MEM_IS_VALID_ALIGNMENT(align));
+ size = MEM_ALIGN_NEXT(size, align);
+ p = (uint8_t *)MEM_ALIGN_NEXT(nextmem, align);
+ /* ---????? lint -save -e9033 [10.8] The cast is safe.*/
+ if ((size_t)(endmem - p) < size) {
+ /* ---????? lint -restore*/
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ nextmem = p + size;
+ return p;
+ * @brief Allocates a memory block.
+ * @details The allocated block is guaranteed to be properly aligned to the
+ * specified alignment.
+ *
+ * @param[in] size the size of the block to be allocated
+ * @param[in] align desired memory alignment
+ * @return A pointer to the allocated memory block.
+ * @retval NULL allocation failed, core memory exhausted.
+ *
+ * @api
+ */
+void *chCoreAllocAligned(size_t size, unsigned align) {
+ void *p;
+ chSysLock();
+ p = chCoreAllocAlignedI(size, align);
+ chSysUnlock();
+ return p;
+ * @brief Core memory status.
+ *
+ * @return The size, in bytes, of the free core memory.
+ *
+ * @xclass
+ */
+size_t chCoreGetStatusX(void) {
+ /*lint -save -e9033 [10.8] The cast is safe.*/
+ return (size_t)(endmem - nextmem);
+ /*lint -restore*/
+#endif /* CH_CFG_USE_MEMCORE == TRUE */
+/** @} */
diff --git a/os/common/oslib/src/chmempools.c b/os/common/oslib/src/chmempools.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c29fde8f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/common/oslib/src/chmempools.c
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+ ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2006..2015 Giovanni Di Sirio.
+ This file is part of ChibiOS.
+ ChibiOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ ChibiOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * @file chmempools.c
+ * @brief Memory Pools code.
+ *
+ * @addtogroup pools
+ * @details Memory Pools related APIs and services.
+ * <h2>Operation mode</h2>
+ * The Memory Pools APIs allow to allocate/free fixed size objects in
+ * <b>constant time</b> and reliably without memory fragmentation
+ * problems.<br>
+ * Memory Pools do not enforce any alignment constraint on the
+ * contained object however the objects must be properly aligned
+ * to contain a pointer to void.
+ * @pre In order to use the memory pools APIs the @p CH_CFG_USE_MEMPOOLS option
+ * must be enabled in @p chconf.h.
+ * @note Compatible with RT and NIL.
+ * @{
+ */
+#include "ch.h"
+#if (CH_CFG_USE_MEMPOOLS == TRUE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* Module exported variables. */
+/* Module local types. */
+/* Module local variables. */
+/* Module local functions. */
+/* Module exported functions. */
+ * @brief Initializes an empty memory pool.
+ *
+ * @param[out] mp pointer to a @p memory_pool_t structure
+ * @param[in] size the size of the objects contained in this memory pool,
+ * the minimum accepted size is the size of a pointer to
+ * void.
+ * @param[in] provider memory provider function for the memory pool or
+ * @p NULL if the pool is not allowed to grow
+ * automatically
+ *
+ * @init
+ */
+void chPoolObjectInit(memory_pool_t *mp, size_t size, memgetfunc_t provider) {
+ chDbgCheck((mp != NULL) && (size >= sizeof(void *)));
+ mp->next = NULL;
+ mp->object_size = size;
+ mp->provider = provider;
+ * @brief Loads a memory pool with an array of static objects.
+ * @pre The memory pool must be already been initialized.
+ * @pre The array elements must be of the right size for the specified
+ * memory pool.
+ * @post The memory pool contains the elements of the input array.
+ *
+ * @param[in] mp pointer to a @p memory_pool_t structure
+ * @param[in] p pointer to the array first element
+ * @param[in] n number of elements in the array
+ *
+ * @api
+ */
+void chPoolLoadArray(memory_pool_t *mp, void *p, size_t n) {
+ chDbgCheck((mp != NULL) && (n != 0U));
+ while (n != 0U) {
+ chPoolAdd(mp, p);
+ /*lint -save -e9087 [11.3] Safe cast.*/
+ p = (void *)(((uint8_t *)p) + mp->object_size);
+ /*lint -restore*/
+ n--;
+ }
+ * @brief Allocates an object from a memory pool.
+ * @pre The memory pool must be already been initialized.
+ *
+ * @param[in] mp pointer to a @p memory_pool_t structure
+ * @return The pointer to the allocated object.
+ * @retval NULL if pool is empty.
+ *
+ * @iclass
+ */
+void *chPoolAllocI(memory_pool_t *mp) {
+ void *objp;
+ chDbgCheckClassI();
+ chDbgCheck(mp != NULL);
+ objp = mp->next;
+ /*lint -save -e9013 [15.7] There is no else because it is not needed.*/
+ if (objp != NULL) {
+ mp->next = mp->next->next;
+ }
+ else if (mp->provider != NULL) {
+ objp = mp->provider(mp->object_size, PORT_NATURAL_ALIGN); /* TODO: Alignment is not properly handled */
+ }
+ /*lint -restore*/
+ return objp;
+ * @brief Allocates an object from a memory pool.
+ * @pre The memory pool must be already been initialized.
+ *
+ * @param[in] mp pointer to a @p memory_pool_t structure
+ * @return The pointer to the allocated object.
+ * @retval NULL if pool is empty.
+ *
+ * @api
+ */
+void *chPoolAlloc(memory_pool_t *mp) {
+ void *objp;
+ chSysLock();
+ objp = chPoolAllocI(mp);
+ chSysUnlock();
+ return objp;
+ * @brief Releases an object into a memory pool.
+ * @pre The memory pool must be already been initialized.
+ * @pre The freed object must be of the right size for the specified
+ * memory pool.
+ * @pre The object must be properly aligned to contain a pointer to void.
+ *
+ * @param[in] mp pointer to a @p memory_pool_t structure
+ * @param[in] objp the pointer to the object to be released
+ *
+ * @iclass
+ */
+void chPoolFreeI(memory_pool_t *mp, void *objp) {
+ struct pool_header *php = objp;
+ chDbgCheckClassI();
+ chDbgCheck((mp != NULL) && (objp != NULL));
+ php->next = mp->next;
+ mp->next = php;
+ * @brief Releases an object into a memory pool.
+ * @pre The memory pool must be already been initialized.
+ * @pre The freed object must be of the right size for the specified
+ * memory pool.
+ * @pre The object must be properly aligned to contain a pointer to void.
+ *
+ * @param[in] mp pointer to a @p memory_pool_t structure
+ * @param[in] objp the pointer to the object to be released
+ *
+ * @api
+ */
+void chPoolFree(memory_pool_t *mp, void *objp) {
+ chSysLock();
+ chPoolFreeI(mp, objp);
+ chSysUnlock();
+#endif /* CH_CFG_USE_MEMPOOLS == TRUE */
+/** @} */