path: root/tools/python/xen/xend/image.py
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1 files changed, 338 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/python/xen/xend/image.py b/tools/python/xen/xend/image.py
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+++ b/tools/python/xen/xend/image.py
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+import os
+import xen.lowlevel.xc; xc = xen.lowlevel.xc.new()
+from xen.xend import sxp
+from xen.xend.XendError import VmError
+from xen.xend.XendLogging import log
+#from xen.xend.xenstore import DBVar
+class ImageHandler:
+ """Abstract base class for image handlers.
+ initDomain() is called to initialise the domain memory.
+ createImage() is called to configure and build the domain from its
+ kernel image and ramdisk etc.
+ The method buildDomain() is used to build the domain, and must be
+ defined in a subclass. Usually this is the only method that needs
+ defining in a subclass.
+ The method createDeviceModel() is called to create the domain device
+ model if it needs one. The default is to do nothing.
+ The method destroy() is called when the domain is destroyed.
+ The default is to do nothing.
+ """
+ #======================================================================
+ # Class vars and methods.
+ """Table of image handler classes for virtual machine images.
+ Indexed by image type.
+ """
+ imageHandlerClasses = {}
+ def addImageHandlerClass(cls, h):
+ """Add a handler class for an image type
+ @param h: handler: ImageHandler subclass
+ """
+ cls.imageHandlerClasses[h.ostype] = h
+ addImageHandlerClass = classmethod(addImageHandlerClass)
+ def findImageHandlerClass(cls, image):
+ """Find the image handler class for an image config.
+ @param image config
+ @return ImageHandler subclass or None
+ """
+ ty = sxp.name(image)
+ if ty is None:
+ raise VmError('missing image type')
+ imageClass = cls.imageHandlerClasses.get(ty)
+ if imageClass is None:
+ raise VmError('unknown image type: ' + ty)
+ return imageClass
+ findImageHandlerClass = classmethod(findImageHandlerClass)
+ def create(cls, vm, image):
+ """Create an image handler for a vm.
+ @param vm vm
+ @param image image config
+ @return ImageHandler instance
+ """
+ imageClass = cls.findImageHandlerClass(image)
+ return imageClass(vm, image)
+ create = classmethod(create)
+ #======================================================================
+ # Instance vars and methods.
+ #db = None
+ ostype = None
+ config = None
+ kernel = None
+ ramdisk = None
+ cmdline = None
+ flags = 0
+ #__exports__ = [
+ # DBVar('ostype', ty='str'),
+ # DBVar('config', ty='sxpr'),
+ # DBVar('kernel', ty='str'),
+ # DBVar('ramdisk', ty='str'),
+ # DBVar('cmdline', ty='str'),
+ # DBVar('flags', ty='int'),
+ # ]
+ def __init__(self, vm, config):
+ self.vm = vm
+ #self.db = vm.db.addChild('/image')
+ self.config = config
+ #def exportToDB(self, save=False):
+ # self.db.exportToDB(self, fields=self.__exports__, save=save)
+ #def importFromDB(self):
+ # self.db.importFromDB(self, fields=self.__exports__)
+ def unlink(self, f):
+ if not f: return
+ try:
+ os.unlink(f)
+ except OSError, ex:
+ log.warning("error removing bootloader file '%s': %s", f, ex)
+ def initDomain(self, dom, memory, cpu, cpu_weight):
+ """Initial domain create.
+ @return domain id
+ """
+ mem_kb = self.getDomainMemory(memory)
+ if not self.vm.restore:
+ dom = xc.domain_create(dom = dom or 0)
+ # if bootloader, unlink here. But should go after buildDomain() ?
+ if self.vm.bootloader:
+ self.unlink(self.kernel)
+ self.unlink(self.ramdisk)
+ if dom <= 0:
+ raise VmError('Creating domain failed: name=%s' % self.vm.name)
+ log.debug("initDomain: cpu=%d mem_kb=%d dom=%d", cpu, mem_kb, dom)
+ # xc.domain_setuuid(dom, uuid)
+ xc.domain_setcpuweight(dom, cpu_weight)
+ xc.domain_setmaxmem(dom, mem_kb)
+ xc.domain_memory_increase_reservation(dom, mem_kb)
+ if cpu != -1:
+ xc.domain_pincpu(dom, 0, 1<<int(cpu))
+ return dom
+ def createImage(self):
+ """Entry point to create domain memory image.
+ Override in subclass if needed.
+ """
+ self.configure()
+ self.createDomain()
+ def configure(self):
+ """Config actions common to all unix-like domains."""
+ self.kernel = sxp.child_value(self.config, "kernel")
+ self.cmdline = ""
+ ip = sxp.child_value(self.config, "ip", None)
+ if ip:
+ self.cmdline += " ip=" + ip
+ root = sxp.child_value(self.config, "root")
+ if root:
+ self.cmdline += " root=" + root
+ args = sxp.child_value(self.config, "args")
+ if args:
+ self.cmdline += " " + args
+ self.ramdisk = sxp.child_value(self.config, "ramdisk", '')
+ def createDomain(self):
+ """Build the domain boot image.
+ """
+ # Set params and call buildDomain().
+ self.flags = 0
+ if self.vm.netif_backend: self.flags |= SIF_NET_BE_DOMAIN
+ if self.vm.blkif_backend: self.flags |= SIF_BLK_BE_DOMAIN
+ if self.vm.recreate or self.vm.restore:
+ return
+ if not os.path.isfile(self.kernel):
+ raise VmError('Kernel image does not exist: %s' % self.kernel)
+ if self.ramdisk and not os.path.isfile(self.ramdisk):
+ raise VmError('Kernel ramdisk does not exist: %s' % self.ramdisk)
+ if len(self.cmdline) >= 256:
+ log.warning('kernel cmdline too long, domain %d', self.vm.getDomain())
+ log.info("buildDomain os=%s dom=%d vcpus=%d", self.ostype,
+ self.vm.getDomain(), self.vm.vcpus)
+ err = self.buildDomain()
+ if err != 0:
+ raise VmError('Building domain failed: ostype=%s dom=%d err=%d'
+ % (self.ostype, self.vm.getDomain(), err))
+ def getDomainMemory(self, mem_mb):
+ """Memory (in KB) the domain will need for mem_mb (in MB)."""
+ return mem_mb * 1024
+ def buildDomain(self):
+ """Build the domain. Define in subclass."""
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def createDeviceModel(self):
+ """Create device model for the domain (define in subclass if needed)."""
+ pass
+ def destroy(self):
+ """Extra cleanup on domain destroy (define in subclass if needed)."""
+ pass
+addImageHandlerClass = ImageHandler.addImageHandlerClass
+class LinuxImageHandler(ImageHandler):
+ ostype = "linux"
+ def buildDomain(self):
+ #if self.vm.store_channel:
+ # store_evtchn = self.vm.store_channel.port2
+ #else:
+ # store_evtchn = 0
+ d = xc.linux_build(dom = self.vm.getDomain(),
+ image = self.kernel,
+ control_evtchn = self.vm.channel.getRemotePort(),
+ #store_evtchn = store_evtchn,
+ cmdline = self.cmdline,
+ ramdisk = self.ramdisk,
+ flags = self.flags,
+ vcpus = self.vm.vcpus)
+ #if isinstance(d, dict):
+ # self.vm.store_mfn = d.get('store_mfn')
+ return 0
+class Plan9ImageHandler(ImageHandler):
+ ostype = "plan9"
+ def buildDomain(self):
+ return xc.plan9_build(dom = self.vm.getDomain(),
+ image = self.kernel,
+ control_evtchn = self.vm.channel.getRemotePort(),
+ cmdline = self.cmdline,
+ ramdisk = self.ramdisk,
+ flags = self.flags,
+ vcpus = self.vm.vcpus)
+class VmxImageHandler(ImageHandler):
+ #__exports__ = ImageHandler.__exports__ + [
+ # DBVar('memmap', ty='str'),
+ # DBVar('memmap_value', ty='sxpr'),
+ # # device channel?
+ # ]
+ ostype = "vmx"
+ memmap = None
+ memmap_value = None
+ device_channel = None
+ def createImage(self):
+ """Create a VM for the VMX environment.
+ """
+ self.configure()
+ self.parseMemmap()
+ self.createDomain()
+ def buildDomain(self):
+ return xc.vmx_build(dom = self.vm.getDomain(),
+ image = self.kernel,
+ control_evtchn = 0,
+ memsize = self.vm.memory,
+ memmap = self.memmap_value,
+ cmdline = self.cmdline,
+ ramdisk = self.ramdisk,
+ flags = self.flags)
+ def parseMemmap(self):
+ self.memmap = sxp.child_value(self.vm.config, "memmap")
+ if self.memmap is None:
+ raise VmError("missing memmap")
+ memmap = sxp.parse(open(self.memmap))[0]
+ from xen.util.memmap import memmap_parse
+ self.memmap_value = memmap_parse(memmap)
+ def createDeviceModel_old(self):
+ device_model = sxp.child_value(self.vm.config, 'device_model')
+ if not device_model:
+ raise VmError("vmx: missing device model")
+ device_config = sxp.child_value(self.vm.config, 'device_config')
+ if not device_config:
+ raise VmError("vmx: missing device config")
+ # Create an event channel.
+ self.device_channel = channel.eventChannel(0, self.vm.getDomain())
+ # Execute device model.
+ #todo: Error handling
+ os.system(device_model
+ + " -f %s" % device_config
+ + " -d %d" % self.vm.getDomain()
+ + " -p %d" % self.device_channel['port1']
+ + " -m %s" % self.vm.memory)
+ def createDeviceModel(self):
+ device_model = sxp.child_value(self.vm.config, 'device_model')
+ if not device_model:
+ raise VmError("vmx: missing device model")
+ device_config = sxp.child_value(self.vm.config, 'device_config')
+ if not device_config:
+ raise VmError("vmx: missing device config")
+ # Create an event channel
+ self.device_channel = channel.eventChannel(0, self.vm.getDomain())
+ # Execute device model.
+ #todo: Error handling
+ # XXX RN: note that the order of args matter!
+ os.system(device_model
+ + " -f %s" % device_config
+ + self.vncParams()
+ + " -d %d" % self.vm.getDomain()
+ + " -p %d" % self.device_channel['port1']
+ + " -m %s" % self.vm.memory)
+ def vncParams(self):
+ # see if a vncviewer was specified
+ # XXX RN: bit of a hack. should unify this, maybe stick in config space
+ vncconnect=""
+ image = self.config
+ args = sxp.child_value(image, "args")
+ if args:
+ arg_list = string.split(args)
+ for arg in arg_list:
+ al = string.split(arg, '=')
+ if al[0] == "VNC_VIEWER":
+ vncconnect=" -v %s" % al[1]
+ break
+ return vncconnect
+ def destroy(self):
+ channel.eventChannelClose(self.device_channel)
+ def getDomainMemory(self, mem_mb):
+ return (mem_mb * 1024) + self.getPageTableSize(mem_mb)
+ def getPageTableSize(self, mem_mb):
+ """Return the size of memory needed for 1:1 page tables for physical
+ mode.
+ @param mem_mb: size in MB
+ @return size in KB
+ """
+ # Logic x86-32 specific.
+ # 1 page for the PGD + 1 pte page for 4MB of memory (rounded)
+ return (1 + ((mem_mb + 3) >> 2)) * 4