path: root/tools/python/xen/sv/util.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/python/xen/sv/util.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 126 deletions
diff --git a/tools/python/xen/sv/util.py b/tools/python/xen/sv/util.py
deleted file mode 100755
index cfed3976df..0000000000
--- a/tools/python/xen/sv/util.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-from xen.xend.XendClient import server
-from xen.xend import sxp
-from xen.xend import PrettyPrint
-import types
-def getDomInfo( domain ):
- domInfoHash = {}
- try:
- domInfoHash = sxp2hash( server.xend_domain( domain ) )
- domInfoHash['dom'] = domain
- except:
- domInfoHash['name'] = "Error getting domain details"
- return domInfoHash
-def sxp2hash( s ):
- sxphash = {}
- for child in sxp.children( s ):
- if isinstance( child, types.ListType ) and len( child ) > 1:
- if isinstance( child[1], types.ListType ) and len( child ) > 1:
- sxphash[ child[0] ] = sxp2hash( child[1] )
- else:
- sxphash[ child[0] ] = child[1]
- return sxphash
-def ssxp2hash( s ):
- sxphash = {}
- for i in s:
- if isinstance( i, types.ListType ) and len( i ) > 1:
- sxphash[ i[0] ] = i[1]
- return sxphash
-def hash2sxp( h ):
- hashsxp = []
- for (key, item) in h.items():
- hashsxp.append( [key, item] )
- return hashsxp
-def string2sxp( string ):
- pin = sxp.Parser()
- pin.input( string )
- return pin.get_val()
-def sxp2string( sexp ):
- return sxp.to_string( sexp )
-def sxp2prettystring( sxp ):
- class tmp:
- def __init__( self ):
- self.str = ""
- def write( self, str ):
- self.str = self.str + str
- temp = tmp()
- PrettyPrint.prettyprint( sxp, out=temp )
- return temp.str
-def getVar( var, request, default=None ):
- arg = request.args.get( var )
- if arg is None:
- return default
- else:
- return arg[ len( arg )-1 ]
-def bigTimeFormatter( time ):
- time = float( time )
- weeks = time // 604800
- remainder = time % 604800
- days = remainder // 86400
- remainder = remainder % 86400
- hms = smallTimeFormatter( remainder )
- return "%d weeks, %d days, %s" % ( weeks, days, hms )
-def smallTimeFormatter( time ):
- time = float( time )
- hours = time // 3600
- remainder = time % 3600
- mins = remainder // 60
- secs = time % 60
- return "%02d:%02d:%04.1f (hh:mm:ss.s)" % ( hours, mins, secs )
-def stateFormatter( state ):
- states = [ 'Running', 'Blocked', 'Paused', 'Shutdown', 'Crashed' ]
- stateStr = ""
- for i in range( len( state ) ):
- if state[i] != "-":
- stateStr += "%s, " % states[ i ]
- return stateStr + " (%s)" % state
-def memoryFormatter( mem ):
- mem = int( mem )
- if mem >= 1024:
- mem = float( mem ) / 1024
- return "%3.2fGb" % mem
- else:
- return "%7dMb" % mem
-def cpuFormatter( mhz ):
- mhz = int( mhz )
- if mhz > 1000:
- ghz = float( mhz ) / 1000.0
- return "%4.2fGHz" % ghz
- else:
- return "%4dMHz" % mhz
-def hyperthreadFormatter( threads ):
- try:
- if int( threads ) > 1:
- return "Yes"
- else:
- return "No"
- except:
- return "No"