path: root/tools/ocaml/libs/xc/xenctrl.mli
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/ocaml/libs/xc/xenctrl.mli')
1 files changed, 184 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/ocaml/libs/xc/xenctrl.mli b/tools/ocaml/libs/xc/xenctrl.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..272b8a9761
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/ocaml/libs/xc/xenctrl.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 XenSource Ltd.
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Citrix Ltd.
+ * Author Vincent Hanquez <vincent.hanquez@eu.citrix.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special
+ * exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *)
+type domid = int
+type vcpuinfo = {
+ online : bool;
+ blocked : bool;
+ running : bool;
+ cputime : int64;
+ cpumap : int32;
+type domaininfo = {
+ domid : domid;
+ dying : bool;
+ shutdown : bool;
+ paused : bool;
+ blocked : bool;
+ running : bool;
+ hvm_guest : bool;
+ shutdown_code : int;
+ total_memory_pages : nativeint;
+ max_memory_pages : nativeint;
+ shared_info_frame : int64;
+ cpu_time : int64;
+ nr_online_vcpus : int;
+ max_vcpu_id : int;
+ ssidref : int32;
+ handle : int array;
+type sched_control = { weight : int; cap : int; }
+type physinfo_cap_flag = CAP_HVM | CAP_DirectIO
+type physinfo = {
+ threads_per_core : int;
+ cores_per_socket : int;
+ nr_cpus : int;
+ max_node_id : int;
+ cpu_khz : int;
+ total_pages : nativeint;
+ free_pages : nativeint;
+ scrub_pages : nativeint;
+ capabilities : physinfo_cap_flag list;
+type version = { major : int; minor : int; extra : string; }
+type compile_info = {
+ compiler : string;
+ compile_by : string;
+ compile_domain : string;
+ compile_date : string;
+type shutdown_reason = Poweroff | Reboot | Suspend | Crash | Halt
+type domain_create_flag = CDF_HVM | CDF_HAP
+exception Error of string
+type handle
+external sizeof_core_header : unit -> int = "stub_sizeof_core_header"
+external sizeof_vcpu_guest_context : unit -> int
+ = "stub_sizeof_vcpu_guest_context"
+external sizeof_xen_pfn : unit -> int = "stub_sizeof_xen_pfn"
+external interface_open : unit -> handle = "stub_xc_interface_open"
+external is_fake : unit -> bool = "stub_xc_interface_is_fake"
+external interface_close : handle -> unit = "stub_xc_interface_close"
+val with_intf : (handle -> 'a) -> 'a
+external _domain_create : handle -> int32 -> domain_create_flag list -> int array -> domid
+ = "stub_xc_domain_create"
+val domain_create : handle -> int32 -> domain_create_flag list -> 'a Uuid.t -> domid
+external _domain_sethandle : handle -> domid -> int array -> unit
+ = "stub_xc_domain_sethandle"
+val domain_sethandle : handle -> domid -> 'a Uuid.t -> unit
+external domain_max_vcpus : handle -> domid -> int -> unit
+ = "stub_xc_domain_max_vcpus"
+external domain_pause : handle -> domid -> unit = "stub_xc_domain_pause"
+external domain_unpause : handle -> domid -> unit = "stub_xc_domain_unpause"
+external domain_resume_fast : handle -> domid -> unit
+ = "stub_xc_domain_resume_fast"
+external domain_destroy : handle -> domid -> unit = "stub_xc_domain_destroy"
+external domain_shutdown : handle -> domid -> shutdown_reason -> unit
+ = "stub_xc_domain_shutdown"
+external _domain_getinfolist : handle -> domid -> int -> domaininfo list
+ = "stub_xc_domain_getinfolist"
+val domain_getinfolist : handle -> domid -> domaininfo list
+external domain_getinfo : handle -> domid -> domaininfo
+ = "stub_xc_domain_getinfo"
+external domain_get_vcpuinfo : handle -> int -> int -> vcpuinfo
+ = "stub_xc_vcpu_getinfo"
+external domain_ioport_permission: handle -> domid -> int -> int -> bool -> unit
+ = "stub_xc_domain_ioport_permission"
+external domain_iomem_permission: handle -> domid -> nativeint -> nativeint -> bool -> unit
+ = "stub_xc_domain_iomem_permission"
+external domain_irq_permission: handle -> domid -> int -> bool -> unit
+ = "stub_xc_domain_irq_permission"
+external vcpu_affinity_set : handle -> domid -> int -> bool array -> unit
+ = "stub_xc_vcpu_setaffinity"
+external vcpu_affinity_get : handle -> domid -> int -> bool array
+ = "stub_xc_vcpu_getaffinity"
+external vcpu_context_get : handle -> domid -> int -> string
+ = "stub_xc_vcpu_context_get"
+external sched_id : handle -> int = "stub_xc_sched_id"
+external sched_credit_domain_set : handle -> domid -> sched_control -> unit
+ = "stub_sched_credit_domain_set"
+external sched_credit_domain_get : handle -> domid -> sched_control
+ = "stub_sched_credit_domain_get"
+external shadow_allocation_set : handle -> domid -> int -> unit
+ = "stub_shadow_allocation_set"
+external shadow_allocation_get : handle -> domid -> int
+ = "stub_shadow_allocation_get"
+external evtchn_alloc_unbound : handle -> domid -> domid -> int
+ = "stub_xc_evtchn_alloc_unbound"
+external evtchn_reset : handle -> domid -> unit = "stub_xc_evtchn_reset"
+external readconsolering : handle -> string = "stub_xc_readconsolering"
+external send_debug_keys : handle -> string -> unit = "stub_xc_send_debug_keys"
+external physinfo : handle -> physinfo = "stub_xc_physinfo"
+external pcpu_info: handle -> int -> int64 array = "stub_xc_pcpu_info"
+external domain_setmaxmem : handle -> domid -> int64 -> unit
+ = "stub_xc_domain_setmaxmem"
+external domain_set_memmap_limit : handle -> domid -> int64 -> unit
+ = "stub_xc_domain_set_memmap_limit"
+external domain_memory_increase_reservation :
+ handle -> domid -> int64 -> unit
+ = "stub_xc_domain_memory_increase_reservation"
+external map_foreign_range :
+ handle -> domid -> int -> nativeint -> Xenmmap.mmap_interface
+ = "stub_map_foreign_range"
+external domain_get_pfn_list :
+ handle -> domid -> nativeint -> nativeint array
+ = "stub_xc_domain_get_pfn_list"
+external domain_assign_device: handle -> domid -> (int * int * int * int) -> unit
+ = "stub_xc_domain_assign_device"
+external domain_deassign_device: handle -> domid -> (int * int * int * int) -> unit
+ = "stub_xc_domain_deassign_device"
+external domain_test_assign_device: handle -> domid -> (int * int * int * int) -> bool
+ = "stub_xc_domain_test_assign_device"
+external version : handle -> version = "stub_xc_version_version"
+external version_compile_info : handle -> compile_info
+ = "stub_xc_version_compile_info"
+external version_changeset : handle -> string = "stub_xc_version_changeset"
+external version_capabilities : handle -> string
+ = "stub_xc_version_capabilities"
+type core_magic = Magic_hvm | Magic_pv
+type core_header = {
+ xch_magic : core_magic;
+ xch_nr_vcpus : int;
+ xch_nr_pages : nativeint;
+ xch_index_offset : int64;
+ xch_ctxt_offset : int64;
+ xch_pages_offset : int64;
+external marshall_core_header : core_header -> string
+ = "stub_marshall_core_header"
+val coredump : handle -> domid -> Unix.file_descr -> unit
+external pages_to_kib : int64 -> int64 = "stub_pages_to_kib"
+val pages_to_mib : int64 -> int64
+external watchdog : handle -> int -> int32 -> int
+ = "stub_xc_watchdog"
+external domain_set_machine_address_size: handle -> domid -> int -> unit
+ = "stub_xc_domain_set_machine_address_size"
+external domain_get_machine_address_size: handle -> domid -> int
+ = "stub_xc_domain_get_machine_address_size"
+external domain_cpuid_set: handle -> domid -> (int64 * (int64 option))
+ -> string option array
+ -> string option array
+ = "stub_xc_domain_cpuid_set"
+external domain_cpuid_apply_policy: handle -> domid -> unit
+ = "stub_xc_domain_cpuid_apply_policy"
+external cpuid_check: handle -> (int64 * (int64 option)) -> string option array -> (bool * string option array)
+ = "stub_xc_cpuid_check"