path: root/tools/debugger/pdb/debugger.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/debugger/pdb/debugger.ml')
1 files changed, 315 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/debugger/pdb/debugger.ml b/tools/debugger/pdb/debugger.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a3002470b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/debugger/pdb/debugger.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+(** debugger.ml
+ *
+ * main debug functionality
+ *
+ * @author copyright (c) 2005 alex ho
+ * @see <www.cl.cam.ac.uk/netos/pdb> pervasive debugger
+ * @version 1
+ *)
+open Intel
+open PDB
+open Util
+open Str
+(** a few debugger commands such as step 's' and continue 'c' do
+ * not immediately return a response to the debugger. in these
+ * cases we raise No_reply instead.
+ *)
+exception No_reply
+let initialize_debugger () =
+ ()
+let exit_debugger () =
+ ()
+ Detach Command
+ Note: response is ignored by gdb. We leave the context in the
+ hash. It will be cleaned up with the socket is closed.
+ *)
+let gdb_detach ctx =
+ PDB.detach_debugger ctx;
+ raise No_reply
+ Kill Command
+ Note: response is ignored by gdb. We leave the context in the
+ hash. It will be cleaned up with the socket is closed.
+ *)
+let gdb_kill () =
+ ""
+ Continue Command.
+ resume the target
+ *)
+let gdb_continue ctx =
+ PDB.continue ctx;
+ raise No_reply
+ Step Command.
+ single step the target
+ *)
+let gdb_step ctx =
+ PDB.step ctx;
+ raise No_reply
+ Read Registers Command.
+ returns 16 4-byte registers in a particular defined by gdb.
+ *)
+let gdb_read_registers ctx =
+ let regs = PDB.read_registers ctx in
+ let str =
+ (Printf.sprintf "%08lx" (Util.flip_int32 regs.eax)) ^
+ (Printf.sprintf "%08lx" (Util.flip_int32 regs.ecx)) ^
+ (Printf.sprintf "%08lx" (Util.flip_int32 regs.edx)) ^
+ (Printf.sprintf "%08lx" (Util.flip_int32 regs.ebx)) ^
+ (Printf.sprintf "%08lx" (Util.flip_int32 regs.esp)) ^
+ (Printf.sprintf "%08lx" (Util.flip_int32 regs.ebp)) ^
+ (Printf.sprintf "%08lx" (Util.flip_int32 regs.esi)) ^
+ (Printf.sprintf "%08lx" (Util.flip_int32 regs.edi)) ^
+ (Printf.sprintf "%08lx" (Util.flip_int32 regs.eip)) ^
+ (Printf.sprintf "%08lx" (Util.flip_int32 regs.eflags)) ^
+ (Printf.sprintf "%08lx" (Util.flip_int32 regs.cs)) ^
+ (Printf.sprintf "%08lx" (Util.flip_int32 regs.ss)) ^
+ (Printf.sprintf "%08lx" (Util.flip_int32 regs.ds)) ^
+ (Printf.sprintf "%08lx" (Util.flip_int32 regs.es)) ^
+ (Printf.sprintf "%08lx" (Util.flip_int32 regs.fs)) ^
+ (Printf.sprintf "%08lx" (Util.flip_int32 regs.gs)) in
+ str
+ Set Thread Command
+ *)
+let gdb_set_thread command =
+ "OK"
+ Read Memory Packets
+ *)
+let gdb_read_memory ctx command =
+ let int_list_to_string i str =
+ (Printf.sprintf "%02x" i) ^ str
+ in
+ let read_mem addr len =
+ try
+ let mem = PDB.read_memory ctx addr len in
+ List.fold_right int_list_to_string mem ""
+ with
+ Failure s -> "E02"
+ in
+ Scanf.sscanf command "m%lx,%d" read_mem
+ Write Memory Packets
+ *)
+let gdb_write_memory ctx command =
+ let write_mem addr len =
+ print_endline (Printf.sprintf " gdb_write_memory %lx %x\n" addr len);
+ print_endline (Printf.sprintf " [[ unimplemented ]]\n")
+ in
+ Scanf.sscanf command "M%lx,%d" write_mem;
+ "OK"
+ Write Register Packets
+ *)
+let gdb_write_register ctx command =
+ let write_reg reg goofy_val =
+ let new_val = Util.flip_int32 goofy_val in
+ match reg with
+ | 0 -> PDB.write_register ctx EAX new_val
+ | 1 -> PDB.write_register ctx ECX new_val
+ | 2 -> PDB.write_register ctx EDX new_val
+ | 3 -> PDB.write_register ctx EBX new_val
+ | 4 -> PDB.write_register ctx ESP new_val
+ | 5 -> PDB.write_register ctx EBP new_val
+ | 6 -> PDB.write_register ctx ESI new_val
+ | 7 -> PDB.write_register ctx EDI new_val
+ | 8 -> PDB.write_register ctx EIP new_val
+ | 9 -> PDB.write_register ctx EFLAGS new_val
+ | 10 -> PDB.write_register ctx CS new_val
+ | 11 -> PDB.write_register ctx SS new_val
+ | 12 -> PDB.write_register ctx DS new_val
+ | 13 -> PDB.write_register ctx ES new_val
+ | 14 -> PDB.write_register ctx FS new_val
+ | 15 -> PDB.write_register ctx GS new_val
+ | _ -> print_endline (Printf.sprintf "write unknown register [%d]" reg)
+ in
+ Scanf.sscanf command "P%x=%lx" write_reg;
+ "OK"
+ General Query Packets
+ *)
+let gdb_query command =
+ match command with
+ | "qC" -> ""
+ | "qOffsets" -> ""
+ | "qSymbol::" -> ""
+ | _ ->
+ print_endline (Printf.sprintf "unknown gdb query packet [%s]" command);
+ "E01"
+ Write Memory Binary Packets
+ *)
+let gdb_write_memory_binary ctx command =
+ let write_mem addr len =
+ let pos = Str.search_forward (Str.regexp ":") command 0 in
+ let txt = Str.string_after command (pos + 1) in
+ PDB.write_memory ctx addr (int_list_of_string txt len)
+ in
+ Scanf.sscanf command "X%lx,%d" write_mem;
+ "OK"
+ Last Signal Command
+ *)
+let gdb_last_signal =
+ "S00"
+ Process PDB extensions to the GDB serial protocol.
+ Changes the mutable context state.
+ *)
+let pdb_extensions command sock =
+ let process_extension key value =
+ (* since this command can change the context, we need to grab it each time *)
+ let ctx = PDB.find_context sock in
+ match key with
+ | "status" ->
+ print_endline (string_of_context ctx);
+ PDB.debug_contexts ();
+ debugger_status ()
+ | "context" ->
+ PDB.add_context sock (List.hd value)
+ (int_list_of_string_list (List.tl value))
+ | _ -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "unknown pdb extension command [%s:%s]"
+ key (List.hd value))
+ in
+ try
+ Util.little_parser process_extension
+ (String.sub command 1 ((String.length command) - 1));
+ "OK"
+ with
+ | Unknown_context s ->
+ print_endline (Printf.sprintf "unknown context [%s]" s);
+ "E01"
+ | Failure s -> "E01"
+ Insert Breakpoint or Watchpoint Packet
+ *)
+let gdb_insert_bwcpoint ctx command =
+ let insert cmd addr length =
+ try
+ match cmd with
+ | 0 -> PDB.insert_memory_breakpoint ctx addr length; "OK"
+ | _ -> ""
+ with
+ Failure s -> "E03"
+ in
+ Scanf.sscanf command "Z%d,%lx,%d" insert
+ Remove Breakpoint or Watchpoint Packet
+ *)
+let gdb_remove_bwcpoint ctx command =
+ let insert cmd addr length =
+ try
+ match cmd with
+ | 0 -> PDB.remove_memory_breakpoint ctx addr length; "OK"
+ | _ -> ""
+ with
+ Failure s -> "E04"
+ in
+ Scanf.sscanf command "z%d,%lx,%d" insert
+ Do Work!
+ @param command char list
+ *)
+let process_command command sock =
+ let ctx = PDB.find_context sock in
+ try
+ match command.[0] with
+ | 'c' -> gdb_continue ctx
+ | 'D' -> gdb_detach ctx
+ | 'g' -> gdb_read_registers ctx
+ | 'H' -> gdb_set_thread command
+ | 'k' -> gdb_kill ()
+ | 'm' -> gdb_read_memory ctx command
+ | 'M' -> gdb_write_memory ctx command
+ | 'P' -> gdb_write_register ctx command
+ | 'q' -> gdb_query command
+ | 's' -> gdb_step ctx
+ | 'x' -> pdb_extensions command sock
+ | 'X' -> gdb_write_memory_binary ctx command
+ | '?' -> gdb_last_signal
+ | 'z' -> gdb_remove_bwcpoint ctx command
+ | 'Z' -> gdb_insert_bwcpoint ctx command
+ | _ ->
+ print_endline (Printf.sprintf "unknown gdb command [%s]" command);
+ ""
+ with
+ Unimplemented s ->
+ print_endline (Printf.sprintf "loser. unimplemented command [%s][%s]"
+ command s);
+ ""
+ process_evtchn
+ This is called each time a virq_pdb is sent from xen to dom 0.
+ It is sent by Xen when a domain hits a breakpoint.
+ Think of this as the continuation function for a "c" or "s" command.
+external query_domain_stop : unit -> (int * int) list = "query_domain_stop"
+(* returns a list of paused domains : () -> (domain, vcpu) list *)
+let process_evtchn fd =
+ let channel = Evtchn.read fd in
+ let find_pair (dom, vcpu) =
+ print_endline (Printf.sprintf "checking %d.%d" dom vcpu);
+ try
+ let sock = PDB.find_domain dom vcpu in
+ true
+ with
+ Unknown_domain -> false
+ in
+ let dom_list = query_domain_stop () in
+ let (dom, vcpu) = List.find find_pair dom_list in
+ let vec = 3 in
+ let sock = PDB.find_domain dom vcpu in
+ print_endline (Printf.sprintf "handle bkpt d:%d ed:%d v:%d %s"
+ dom vcpu vec (Util.get_connection_info sock));
+ Util.send_reply sock "S05";
+ Evtchn.unmask fd channel (* allow next virq *)