path: root/tools/debugger/pdb/PDB.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/debugger/pdb/PDB.ml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 342 deletions
diff --git a/tools/debugger/pdb/PDB.ml b/tools/debugger/pdb/PDB.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index da9ad7d2c6..0000000000
--- a/tools/debugger/pdb/PDB.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-(** PDB.ml
- *
- * Dispatch debugger commands to the appropriate context
- *
- * @author copyright (c) 2005 alex ho
- * @see <www.cl.cam.ac.uk/netos/pdb> pervasive debugger
- * @version 1
- *)
-open Util
-exception Unimplemented of string
-exception Unknown_context of string
-exception Unknown_domain
-exception Unknown_process
-type context_t =
- | Void
- | Xen_virq
- | Xen_xcs
- | Xen_domain of Xen_domain.context_t
- | Domain of Domain.context_t
- | Process of Process.context_t
-let string_of_context ctx =
- match ctx with
- | Void -> "{void}"
- | Xen_virq -> "{Xen virq evtchn}"
- | Xen_xcs -> "{Xen xcs socket}"
- | Xen_domain d -> Xen_domain.string_of_context d
- | Domain d -> Domain.string_of_context d
- | Process p -> Process.string_of_context p
-let hash = Hashtbl.create 10
-let find_context key =
- try
- Hashtbl.find hash key
- with
- Not_found ->
- print_endline "error: (find_context) PDB context not found";
- raise Not_found
-let delete_context key =
- Hashtbl.remove hash key
- find_process : Locate the socket associated with the context(s)
- matching a particular (domain, process id) pair. if there are multiple
- contexts (there shouldn't be), then return the first one.
- *)
-let find_process dom pid =
- let find key ctx list =
- match ctx with
- | Process p ->
- if (((Process.get_domain p) = dom) &&
- ((Process.get_process p) = pid))
- then
- key :: list
- else
- list
- | _ -> list
- in
- let sock_list = Hashtbl.fold find hash [] in
- match sock_list with
- | hd::tl -> hd
- | [] -> raise Unknown_process
- find_domain : Locate the socket associated with the context(s)
- matching a particular (domain, vcpu) pair. if there are multiple
- contexts (there shouldn't be), then return the first one.
- *)
-let find_domain dom vcpu =
- let find key ctx list =
- match ctx with
- | Domain d ->
- if (((Domain.get_domain d) = dom) &&
- ((Domain.get_vcpu d) = vcpu))
- then
- key :: list
- else
- list
- | _ -> list
- in
- let sock_list = Hashtbl.fold find hash [] in
- match sock_list with
- | hd::tl -> hd
- | [] -> raise Unknown_domain
- find_xen_domain_context : fetch the socket associated with the
- xen_domain context for a domain. if there are multiple contexts
- (there shouldn't be), then return the first one.
- *)
-let find_xen_domain_context domain =
- let find key ctx list =
- match ctx with
- | Xen_domain d ->
- if ((Xen_domain.get_domain d) = domain)
- then
- key :: list
- else
- list
- | _ -> list
- in
- let sock_list = Hashtbl.fold find hash [] in
- match sock_list with
- | hd::tl -> hd
- | [] -> raise Unknown_domain
-let attach_debugger ctx =
- match ctx with
- | Domain d -> Domain.attach_debugger (Domain.get_domain d)
- (Domain.get_vcpu d)
- | Process p ->
- begin
- let xdom_sock = find_xen_domain_context (Process.get_domain p) in
- let xdom_ctx = find_context xdom_sock in
- begin
- match xdom_ctx with
- | Xen_domain d ->
- Process.attach_debugger p d
- | _ -> failwith ("context has wrong xen domain type")
- end;
- raise No_reply
- end
- | _ -> raise (Unimplemented "attach debugger")
-let detach_debugger ctx =
- match ctx with
- | Domain d ->
- Domain.detach_debugger (Domain.get_domain d)
- (Domain.get_vcpu d);
- "OK"
- | Process p ->
- Process.detach_debugger p;
- raise No_reply
- | _ -> raise (Unimplemented "detach debugger")
-let debug_contexts () =
- print_endline "context list:";
- let print_context key ctx =
- match ctx with
- | Void -> print_endline (Printf.sprintf " [%s] {void}"
- (Util.get_connection_info key))
- | Xen_virq -> print_endline (Printf.sprintf " [%s] {xen virq evtchn}"
- (Util.get_connection_info key))
- | Xen_xcs -> print_endline (Printf.sprintf " [%s] {xen xcs socket}"
- (Util.get_connection_info key))
- | Xen_domain d -> print_endline (Printf.sprintf " [%s] %s"
- (Util.get_connection_info key)
- (Xen_domain.string_of_context d))
- | Domain d -> print_endline (Printf.sprintf " [%s] %s"
- (Util.get_connection_info key)
- (Domain.string_of_context d))
- | Process p -> print_endline (Printf.sprintf " [%s] %s"
- (Util.get_connection_info key)
- (Process.string_of_context p))
- in
- Hashtbl.iter print_context hash
-(** add_context : add a new context to the hash table.
- * if there is an existing context for the same key then it
- * is first removed implictly by the hash table replace function.
- *)
-let add_context (key:Unix.file_descr) context params =
- match context with
- | "void" -> Hashtbl.replace hash key Void
- | "xen virq" -> Hashtbl.replace hash key Xen_virq
- | "xen xcs" -> Hashtbl.replace hash key Xen_xcs
- | "domain" ->
- begin
- match params with
- | dom::vcpu::_ ->
- let d = Domain(Domain.new_context dom vcpu) in
- attach_debugger d;
- Hashtbl.replace hash key d
- | _ -> failwith "bogus parameters to domain context"
- end
- | "process" ->
- begin
- match params with
- | dom::pid::_ ->
- let p = Process(Process.new_context dom pid) in
- Hashtbl.replace hash key p;
- attach_debugger p
- | _ -> failwith "bogus parameters to process context"
- end
- | "xen domain"
- | _ -> raise (Unknown_context context)
- * this is really bogus. add_xen_domain_context should really
- * be a case within add_context. however, we need to pass in
- * a pointer that can only be represented as an int32.
- * this would require a different type for params... :(
- * 31 bit integers suck.
- *)
-let add_xen_domain_context (key:Unix.file_descr) dom evtchn sring =
- let d = Xen_domain.new_context dom evtchn sring in
- Hashtbl.replace hash key (Xen_domain(d))
-let add_default_context sock =
- add_context sock "void" []
-let read_register ctx register = (* register is int32 because of sscanf *)
- match ctx with
- | Void -> 0l (* default for startup *)
- | Domain d -> Domain.read_register d register
- | Process p ->
- begin
- Process.read_register p register;
- raise No_reply
- end
- | _ -> raise (Unimplemented "read registers")
-let read_registers ctx =
- match ctx with
- | Void -> Intel.null_registers (* default for startup *)
- | Domain d -> Domain.read_registers d
- | Process p ->
- begin
- Process.read_registers p;
- raise No_reply
- end
- | _ -> raise (Unimplemented "read registers")
-let write_register ctx register value =
- match ctx with
- | Domain d -> Domain.write_register d register value
- | Process p ->
- begin
- Process.write_register p register value;
- raise No_reply
- end
- | _ -> raise (Unimplemented "write register")
-let read_memory ctx addr len =
- match ctx with
- | Domain d -> Domain.read_memory d addr len
- | Process p ->
- begin
- Process.read_memory p addr len;
- raise No_reply
- end
- | _ -> raise (Unimplemented "read memory")
-let write_memory ctx addr values =
- match ctx with
- | Domain d -> Domain.write_memory d addr values
- | Process p ->
- begin
- Process.write_memory p addr values;
- raise No_reply
- end
- | _ -> raise (Unimplemented "write memory")
-let continue ctx =
- match ctx with
- | Domain d -> Domain.continue d
- | Process p -> Process.continue p
- | _ -> raise (Unimplemented "continue")
-let step ctx =
- match ctx with
- | Domain d -> Domain.step d
- | Process p -> Process.step p
- | _ -> raise (Unimplemented "step")
-let insert_memory_breakpoint ctx addr len =
- match ctx with
- | Domain d -> Domain.insert_memory_breakpoint d addr len
- | Process p ->
- begin
- Process.insert_memory_breakpoint p addr len;
- raise No_reply
- end
- | _ -> raise (Unimplemented "insert memory breakpoint")
-let remove_memory_breakpoint ctx addr len =
- match ctx with
- | Domain d -> Domain.remove_memory_breakpoint d addr len
- | Process p ->
- begin
- Process.remove_memory_breakpoint p addr len;
- raise No_reply
- end
- | _ -> raise (Unimplemented "remove memory breakpoint")
-let insert_watchpoint ctx kind addr len =
- match ctx with
-(* | Domain d -> Domain.insert_watchpoint d kind addr len TODO *)
- | Process p ->
- begin
- Process.insert_watchpoint p kind addr len;
- raise No_reply
- end
- | _ -> raise (Unimplemented "insert watchpoint")
-let remove_watchpoint ctx kind addr len =
- match ctx with
-(* | Domain d -> Domain.remove_watchpoint d kind addr len TODO *)
- | Process p ->
- begin
- Process.remove_watchpoint p kind addr len;
- raise No_reply
- end
- | _ -> raise (Unimplemented "remove watchpoint")
-let pause ctx =
- match ctx with
- | Domain d -> Domain.pause d
- | Process p -> Process.pause p
- | _ -> raise (Unimplemented "pause target")
-external open_debugger : unit -> unit = "open_context"
-external close_debugger : unit -> unit = "close_context"
-(* this is just the domains right now... expand to other contexts later *)
-external debugger_status : unit -> unit = "debugger_status"