path: root/docs/src/user/domain_configuration.tex
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-\chapter{Domain Configuration}
-The following contains the syntax of the domain configuration files
-and description of how to further specify networking, driver domain
-and general scheduling behavior.
-\section{Configuration Files}
-Xen configuration files contain the following standard variables.
-Unless otherwise stated, configuration items should be enclosed in
-quotes: see \path{/etc/xen/xmexample1} and \path{/etc/xen/xmexample2}
-for concrete examples of the syntax.
-\item[kernel] Path to the kernel image.
-\item[ramdisk] Path to a ramdisk image (optional).
- % \item[builder] The name of the domain build function (e.g.
- % {\tt'linux'} or {\tt'netbsd'}.
-\item[memory] Memory size in megabytes.
-\item[cpu] CPU to run this domain on, or {\tt -1} for auto-allocation.
-\item[console] Port to export the domain console on (default 9600 +
- domain ID).
-\item[nics] Number of virtual network interfaces.
-\item[vif] List of MAC addresses (random addresses are assigned if not
- given) and bridges to use for the domain's network interfaces, e.g.\
-vif = [ 'mac=aa:00:00:00:00:11, bridge=xen-br0',
- 'bridge=xen-br1' ]
- to assign a MAC address and bridge to the first interface and assign
- a different bridge to the second interface, leaving \xend\ to choose
- the MAC address.
-\item[disk] List of block devices to export to the domain, e.g.\ \\
- \verb_disk = [ 'phy:hda1,sda1,r' ]_ \\
- exports physical device \path{/dev/hda1} to the domain as
- \path{/dev/sda1} with read-only access. Exporting a disk read-write
- which is currently mounted is dangerous -- if you are \emph{certain}
- you wish to do this, you can specify \path{w!} as the mode.
-\item[dhcp] Set to {\tt `dhcp'} if you want to use DHCP to configure
- networking.
-\item[netmask] Manually configured IP netmask.
-\item[gateway] Manually configured IP gateway.
-\item[hostname] Set the hostname for the virtual machine.
-\item[root] Specify the root device parameter on the kernel command
- line.
-\item[nfs\_server] IP address for the NFS server (if any).
-\item[nfs\_root] Path of the root filesystem on the NFS server (if
- any).
-\item[extra] Extra string to append to the kernel command line (if
- any)
-\item[restart] Three possible options:
- \begin{description}
- \item[always] Always restart the domain, no matter what its exit
- code is.
- \item[never] Never restart the domain.
- \item[onreboot] Restart the domain iff it requests reboot.
- \end{description}
-For additional flexibility, it is also possible to include Python
-scripting commands in configuration files. An example of this is the
-\path{xmexample2} file, which uses Python code to handle the
-\path{vmid} variable.
-%\part{Advanced Topics}
-\section{Network Configuration}
-For many users, the default installation should work ``out of the
-box''. More complicated network setups, for instance with multiple
-Ethernet interfaces and/or existing bridging setups will require some
-special configuration.
-The purpose of this section is to describe the mechanisms provided by
-\xend\ to allow a flexible configuration for Xen's virtual networking.
-\subsection{Xen virtual network topology}
-Each domain network interface is connected to a virtual network
-interface in dom0 by a point to point link (effectively a ``virtual
-crossover cable''). These devices are named {\tt
- vif$<$domid$>$.$<$vifid$>$} (e.g.\ {\tt vif1.0} for the first
-interface in domain~1, {\tt vif3.1} for the second interface in
-Traffic on these virtual interfaces is handled in domain~0 using
-standard Linux mechanisms for bridging, routing, rate limiting, etc.
-Xend calls on two shell scripts to perform initial configuration of
-the network and configuration of new virtual interfaces. By default,
-these scripts configure a single bridge for all the virtual
-interfaces. Arbitrary routing / bridging configurations can be
-configured by customizing the scripts, as described in the following
-\subsection{Xen networking scripts}
-Xen's virtual networking is configured by two shell scripts (by
-default \path{network} and \path{vif-bridge}). These are called
-automatically by \xend\ when certain events occur, with arguments to
-the scripts providing further contextual information. These scripts
-are found by default in \path{/etc/xen/scripts}. The names and
-locations of the scripts can be configured in
-\item[network:] This script is called whenever \xend\ is started or
- stopped to respectively initialize or tear down the Xen virtual
- network. In the default configuration initialization creates the
- bridge `xen-br0' and moves eth0 onto that bridge, modifying the
- routing accordingly. When \xend\ exits, it deletes the Xen bridge
- and removes eth0, restoring the normal IP and routing configuration.
- %% In configurations where the bridge already exists, this script
- %% could be replaced with a link to \path{/bin/true} (for instance).
-\item[vif-bridge:] This script is called for every domain virtual
- interface and can configure firewalling rules and add the vif to the
- appropriate bridge. By default, this adds and removes VIFs on the
- default Xen bridge.
-For more complex network setups (e.g.\ where routing is required or
-integrate with existing bridges) these scripts may be replaced with
-customized variants for your site's preferred configuration.
-%% There are two possible types of privileges: IO privileges and
-%% administration privileges.
-\section{Driver Domain Configuration}
-I/O privileges can be assigned to allow a domain to directly access
-PCI devices itself. This is used to support driver domains.
-Setting back-end privileges is currently only supported in SXP format
-config files. To allow a domain to function as a back-end for others,
-somewhere within the {\tt vm} element of its configuration file must
-be a {\tt back-end} element of the form {\tt (back-end ({\em type}))}
-where {\tt \em type} may be either {\tt netif} or {\tt blkif},
-according to the type of virtual device this domain will service.
-%% After this domain has been built, \xend will connect all new and
-%% existing {\em virtual} devices (of the appropriate type) to that
-%% back-end.
-Note that a block back-end cannot currently import virtual block
-devices from other domains, and a network back-end cannot import
-virtual network devices from other domains. Thus (particularly in the
-case of block back-ends, which cannot import a virtual block device as
-their root filesystem), you may need to boot a back-end domain from a
-ramdisk or a network device.
-Access to PCI devices may be configured on a per-device basis. Xen
-will assign the minimal set of hardware privileges to a domain that
-are required to control its devices. This can be configured in either
-format of configuration file:
-\item SXP Format: Include device elements of the form: \\
- \centerline{ {\tt (device (pci (bus {\em x}) (dev {\em y}) (func {\em z})))}} \\
- inside the top-level {\tt vm} element. Each one specifies the
- address of a device this domain is allowed to access --- the numbers
- \emph{x},\emph{y} and \emph{z} may be in either decimal or
- hexadecimal format.
-\item Flat Format: Include a list of PCI device addresses of the
- format: \\
- \centerline{{\tt pci = ['x,y,z', \ldots]}} \\
- where each element in the list is a string specifying the components
- of the PCI device address, separated by commas. The components
- ({\tt \em x}, {\tt \em y} and {\tt \em z}) of the list may be
- formatted as either decimal or hexadecimal.
-%% \section{Administration Domains}
-%% Administration privileges allow a domain to use the `dom0
-%% operations' (so called because they are usually available only to
-%% domain 0). A privileged domain can build other domains, set
-%% scheduling parameters, etc.
-% Support for other administrative domains is not yet available...
-% perhaps we should plumb it in some time
-\section{Scheduler Configuration}
-Xen offers a boot time choice between multiple schedulers. To select
-a scheduler, pass the boot parameter \emph{sched=sched\_name} to Xen,
-substituting the appropriate scheduler name. Details of the
-schedulers and their parameters are included below; future versions of
-the tools will provide a higher-level interface to these tools.
-It is expected that system administrators configure their system to
-use the scheduler most appropriate to their needs. Currently, the BVT
-scheduler is the recommended choice.
-\subsection{Borrowed Virtual Time}
-{\tt sched=bvt} (the default) \\
-BVT provides proportional fair shares of the CPU time. It has been
-observed to penalize domains that block frequently (e.g.\ I/O
-intensive domains), but this can be compensated for by using warping.
-\subsubsection{Global Parameters}
-\item[ctx\_allow] The context switch allowance is similar to the
- ``quantum'' in traditional schedulers. It is the minimum time that
- a scheduled domain will be allowed to run before being preempted.
-\subsubsection{Per-domain parameters}
-\item[mcuadv] The MCU (Minimum Charging Unit) advance determines the
- proportional share of the CPU that a domain receives. It is set
- inversely proportionally to a domain's sharing weight.
-\item[warp] The amount of ``virtual time'' the domain is allowed to
- warp backwards.
-\item[warpl] The warp limit is the maximum time a domain can run
- warped for.
-\item[warpu] The unwarp requirement is the minimum time a domain must
- run unwarped for before it can warp again.
-{\tt sched=atropos} \\
-Atropos is a soft real time scheduler. It provides guarantees about
-absolute shares of the CPU, with a facility for sharing slack CPU time
-on a best-effort basis. It can provide timeliness guarantees for
-latency-sensitive domains.
-Every domain has an associated period and slice. The domain should
-receive `slice' nanoseconds every `period' nanoseconds. This allows
-the administrator to configure both the absolute share of the CPU a
-domain receives and the frequency with which it is scheduled.
-%% When domains unblock, their period is reduced to the value of the
-%% latency hint (the slice is scaled accordingly so that they still
-%% get the same proportion of the CPU). For each subsequent period,
-%% the slice and period times are doubled until they reach their
-%% original values.
-Note: don't over-commit the CPU when using Atropos (i.e.\ don't reserve
-more CPU than is available --- the utilization should be kept to
-slightly less than 100\% in order to ensure predictable behavior).
-\subsubsection{Per-domain parameters}
-\item[period] The regular time interval during which a domain is
- guaranteed to receive its allocation of CPU time.
-\item[slice] The length of time per period that a domain is guaranteed
- to run for (in the absence of voluntary yielding of the CPU).
-\item[latency] The latency hint is used to control how soon after
- waking up a domain it should be scheduled.
-\item[xtratime] This is a boolean flag that specifies whether a domain
- should be allowed a share of the system slack time.
-\subsection{Round Robin}
-{\tt sched=rrobin} \\
-The round robin scheduler is included as a simple demonstration of
-Xen's internal scheduler API. It is not intended for production use.
-\subsubsection{Global Parameters}
-\item[rr\_slice] The maximum time each domain runs before the next
- scheduling decision is made.