diff options
6 files changed, 743 insertions, 428 deletions
diff --git a/tools/libxl/Makefile b/tools/libxl/Makefile
index ee260f3bb9..3abb12dd5c 100644
--- a/tools/libxl/Makefile
+++ b/tools/libxl/Makefile
@@ -60,6 +60,14 @@ _libxl_paths.h: genpath
libxl_paths.c: _libxl_paths.h
+libxl.h: _libxl_types.h
+$(LIBXL_OBJS:%.o=%.c) $(LIBXLU_OBJS:%.o=%.c) $(XL_OBJS:%.o=%.c): libxl.h
+_libxl_types.h: libxl.idl gentypes.py libxltypes.py
+ python gentypes.py libxl.idl __libxl_types.h
+ mv __libxl_types.h _libxl_types.h
libxenlight.so: libxenlight.so.$(MAJOR)
ln -sf $< $@
@@ -107,10 +115,7 @@ install: all
.PHONY: clean
- # XXX Preserve during transition to autogeneration
- cp _libxl_types.h SAVED__libxl_types.h
$(RM) -f _*.h *.o *.so* *.a $(CLIENTS) $(DEPS)
- mv SAVED__libxl_types.h _libxl_types.h
distclean: clean
diff --git a/tools/libxl/_libxl_types.h b/tools/libxl/_libxl_types.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 700b67bc1e..0000000000
--- a/tools/libxl/_libxl_types.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,425 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __LIBXL_TYPES_H
-#define __LIBXL_TYPES_H
-typedef struct {
- libxl_uuid uuid;
- uint32_t domid;
- uint8_t running:1;
- uint8_t blocked:1;
- uint8_t paused:1;
- uint8_t shutdown:1;
- uint8_t dying:1;
- /*
- * Valid SHUTDOWN_* value from xen/sched.h iff (shutdown||dying).
- *
- * Otherwise set to a value guaranteed not to clash with any valid
- * SHUTDOWN_* constant.
- */
- unsigned int shutdown_reason;
- uint64_t max_memkb;
- uint64_t cpu_time;
- uint32_t vcpu_max_id;
- uint32_t vcpu_online;
-} libxl_dominfo;
-typedef struct {
- uint32_t poolid;
-} libxl_poolinfo;
-typedef struct {
- libxl_uuid uuid;
- uint32_t domid;
-} libxl_vminfo;
-typedef struct {
- int xen_version_major;
- int xen_version_minor;
- char * xen_version_extra;
- char * compiler;
- char * compile_by;
- char * compile_domain;
- char * compile_date;
- char * capabilities;
- char * changeset;
- unsigned long virt_start;
- unsigned long pagesize;
- char * commandline;
-} libxl_version_info;
-typedef struct {
- bool hvm;
- bool hap;
- bool oos;
- int ssidref;
- char * name;
- libxl_uuid uuid;
- libxl_key_value_list xsdata;
- libxl_key_value_list platformdata;
- uint32_t poolid;
- char * poolname;
-} libxl_domain_create_info;
-typedef struct {
- /*
- * Path is always set if the file reference is valid. However if
- * mapped is true then the actual file may already be unlinked.
- */
- char * path;
- int mapped;
- void * data;
- size_t size;
-} libxl_file_reference;
- * Instances of libxl_file_reference contained in this struct which
- * have been mapped (with libxl_file_reference_map) will be unmapped
- * by libxl_domain_build/restore. If either of these are never called
- * then the user is responsible for calling
- * libxl_file_reference_unmap.
- */
-typedef struct {
- int max_vcpus;
- int cur_vcpus;
- int tsc_mode;
- uint32_t max_memkb;
- uint32_t target_memkb;
- uint32_t video_memkb;
- uint32_t shadow_memkb;
- bool disable_migrate;
- libxl_file_reference kernel;
- int hvm;
- union {
- struct {
- bool pae;
- bool apic;
- bool acpi;
- bool nx;
- bool viridian;
- char * timeoffset;
- bool hpet;
- bool vpt_align;
- int timer_mode;
- } hvm;
- struct {
- uint32_t slack_memkb;
- const char * bootloader;
- const char * bootloader_args;
- char * cmdline;
- libxl_file_reference ramdisk;
- const char * features;
- } pv;
- } u;
-} libxl_domain_build_info;
-typedef struct {
- uint32_t store_port;
- unsigned long store_mfn;
- uint32_t console_port;
- unsigned long console_mfn;
-} libxl_domain_build_state;
- * Device Model information.
- *
- * Network is missing
- */
-typedef struct {
- int domid;
- /*
- * this is use only with stubdom, and must be different from the domain uuid
- */
- libxl_uuid uuid;
- char * dom_name;
- char * device_model;
- char * saved_state;
- libxl_qemu_machine_type type;
- /*
- * size of the videoram in MB
- */
- int videoram;
- /*
- * stdvga enabled or disabled
- */
- bool stdvga;
- /*
- * vnc enabled or disabled
- */
- bool vnc;
- /*
- * address:port that should be listened on for the VNC server if vnc is set
- */
- char * vnclisten;
- /*
- * the VNC password
- */
- char * vncpasswd;
- /*
- * set VNC display number
- */
- int vncdisplay;
- /*
- * try to find an unused port for the VNC server
- */
- bool vncunused;
- /*
- * set keyboard layout, default is en-us keyboard
- */
- char * keymap;
- /*
- * sdl enabled or disabled
- */
- bool sdl;
- /*
- * opengl enabled or disabled (if enabled requires sdl enabled)
- */
- bool opengl;
- /*
- * no graphics, use serial port
- */
- bool nographic;
- /*
- * serial port re-direct to pty deivce
- */
- char * serial;
- /*
- * boot order, for example dca
- */
- char * boot;
- /*
- * usb support enabled or disabled
- */
- bool usb;
- /*
- * enable usb mouse: tablet for absolute mouse, mouse for PS/2 protocol relative mouse
- */
- char * usbdevice;
- /*
- * enable sound hardware
- */
- char * soundhw;
- /*
- * apic enabled or disabled
- */
- bool apic;
- /*
- * max number of vcpus
- */
- int vcpus;
- /*
- * vcpus actually available
- */
- int vcpu_avail;
- /*
- * enable/disable the xen platform pci device
- */
- int xen_platform_pci;
- /*
- * extra parameters pass directly to qemu, NULL terminated
- */
- libxl_string_list extra;
-} libxl_device_model_info;
-typedef struct {
- uint32_t backend_domid;
- uint32_t domid;
- int devid;
- /*
- * vnc enabled or disabled
- */
- bool vnc;
- /*
- * address:port that should be listened on for the VNC server if vnc is set
- */
- char * vnclisten;
- /*
- * the VNC password
- */
- char * vncpasswd;
- /*
- * set VNC display number
- */
- int vncdisplay;
- /*
- * try to find an unused port for the VNC server
- */
- bool vncunused;
- /*
- * set keyboard layout, default is en-us keyboard
- */
- char * keymap;
- /*
- * sdl enabled or disabled
- */
- bool sdl;
- /*
- * opengl enabled or disabled (if enabled requires sdl enabled)
- */
- bool opengl;
- char * display;
- char * xauthority;
-} libxl_device_vfb;
-typedef struct {
- uint32_t backend_domid;
- uint32_t domid;
- int devid;
-} libxl_device_vkb;
-typedef struct {
- uint32_t backend_domid;
- uint32_t domid;
- int devid;
- libxl_console_consback consback;
- libxl_domain_build_state * build_state;
- char * output;
-} libxl_device_console;
-typedef struct {
- uint32_t backend_domid;
- uint32_t domid;
- char * physpath;
- libxl_disk_phystype phystype;
- char * virtpath;
- int unpluggable;
- int readwrite;
- int is_cdrom;
-} libxl_device_disk;
-typedef struct {
- uint32_t backend_domid;
- uint32_t domid;
- int devid;
- int mtu;
- char * model;
- libxl_mac mac;
- struct in_addr ip;
- char * bridge;
- char * ifname;
- char * script;
- libxl_nic_type nictype;
-} libxl_device_nic;
-typedef struct {
- int devid;
- libxl_mac front_mac;
- libxl_mac back_mac;
- uint32_t backend_domid;
- uint32_t domid;
- uint32_t trusted:1;
- uint32_t back_trusted:1;
- uint32_t filter_mac:1;
- uint32_t front_filter_mac:1;
- uint32_t pdev;
- uint32_t max_bypasses;
- char * bridge;
-} libxl_device_net2;
-typedef struct {
- union {
- unsigned int value;
- struct {
- unsigned int reserved1:2;
- unsigned int reg:6;
- unsigned int func:3;
- unsigned int dev:5;
- unsigned int bus:8;
- unsigned int reserved2:7;
- unsigned int enable:1;
- };
- };
- unsigned int domain;
- unsigned int vdevfn;
- unsigned int vfunc_mask;
- bool msitranslate;
- bool power_mgmt;
-} libxl_device_pci;
-typedef struct {
- char * backend;
- uint32_t backend_id;
- char * frontend;
- uint32_t frontend_id;
- int devid;
- int state;
- int evtch;
- int rref;
-} libxl_diskinfo;
-typedef struct {
- char * backend;
- uint32_t backend_id;
- char * frontend;
- uint32_t frontend_id;
- int devid;
- int state;
- char * script;
- libxl_mac mac;
- int evtch;
- int rref_tx;
- int rref_rx;
-} libxl_nicinfo;
-typedef struct {
- /*
- * vcpu's id
- */
- uint32_t vcpuid;
- /*
- * current mapping
- */
- uint32_t cpu;
- /*
- * currently online (not hotplugged)?
- */
- uint8_t online:1;
- /*
- * blocked waiting for an event?
- */
- uint8_t blocked:1;
- /*
- * currently scheduled on its CPU?
- */
- uint8_t running:1;
- /*
- * total vcpu time ran (ns)
- */
- uint64_t vcpu_time;
- /*
- * current cpu's affinities
- */
- libxl_cpumap cpumap;
-} libxl_vcpuinfo;
-typedef struct {
- uint32_t threads_per_core;
- uint32_t cores_per_socket;
- uint32_t max_cpu_id;
- uint32_t nr_cpus;
- uint32_t cpu_khz;
- uint64_t total_pages;
- uint64_t free_pages;
- uint64_t scrub_pages;
- uint32_t nr_nodes;
- libxl_hwcap hw_cap;
- uint32_t phys_cap;
-} libxl_physinfo;
-typedef struct {
- int weight;
- int cap;
-} libxl_sched_credit;
-typedef struct {
- char * backend;
- uint32_t backend_id;
- char * frontend;
- uint32_t frontend_id;
- int devid;
- int state;
- libxl_mac mac;
- int trusted;
- libxl_mac back_mac;
- int filter_mac;
-} libxl_net2info;
-#endif /* __LIBXL_TYPES_H */
diff --git a/tools/libxl/gentypes.py b/tools/libxl/gentypes.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5053d8dea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/libxl/gentypes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+import sys
+import re
+import libxltypes
+def format_comment(level, comment):
+ indent = reduce(lambda x,y: x + " ", range(level), "")
+ s = "%s/*\n" % indent
+ s += "%s * " % indent
+ comment = comment.replace("\n", "\n%s * " % indent)
+ x = re.compile(r'^%s \* $' % indent, re.MULTILINE)
+ comment = x.sub("%s *" % indent, comment)
+ s += comment
+ s += "\n"
+ s += "%s */" % indent
+ s += "\n"
+ return s
+def libxl_C_type_of(ty):
+ return ty.typename
+def libxl_C_instance_of(ty, instancename):
+ if isinstance(ty, libxltypes.BitField):
+ return libxl_C_type_of(ty) + " " + instancename + ":%d" % ty.width
+ elif isinstance(ty, libxltypes.Aggregate) and ty.typename is None:
+ if instancename is None:
+ return libxl_C_type_define(ty)
+ else:
+ return libxl_C_type_define(ty) + " " + instancename
+ else:
+ return libxl_C_type_of(ty) + " " + instancename
+def libxl_C_type_define(ty, indent = ""):
+ s = ""
+ if isinstance(ty, libxltypes.Aggregate):
+ if ty.comment is not None:
+ s += format_comment(0, ty.comment)
+ if ty.typename is None:
+ s += "%s {\n" % ty.kind
+ else:
+ s += "typedef %s {\n" % ty.kind
+ for f in ty.fields:
+ if f.comment is not None:
+ s += format_comment(4, f.comment)
+ x = libxl_C_instance_of(f.type, f.name)
+ if f.const:
+ x = "const " + x
+ x = x.replace("\n", "\n ")
+ s += " " + x + ";\n"
+ if ty.typename is None:
+ s += "}"
+ else:
+ s += "} %s" % ty.typename
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError("%s" % type(ty))
+ return s.replace("\n", "\n%s" % indent)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if len(sys.argv) < 3:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Usage: gentypes.py <idl> <header>"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ idl = sys.argv[1]
+ (_,types) = libxltypes.parse(idl)
+ header = sys.argv[2]
+ print "outputting libxl types to %s" % header
+ f = open(header, "w")
+ f.write("""#ifndef __LIBXL_TYPES_H
+#define __LIBXL_TYPES_H
+ *
+ * This file is autogenerated by
+ * "%s"
+ */
+""" % " ".join(sys.argv))
+ for t in types:
+ f.write(libxl_C_type_define(t) + ";\n")
+ f.write("\n")
+ f.write("""#endif /* __LIBXL_TYPES_H */\n""")
diff --git a/tools/libxl/idl.txt b/tools/libxl/idl.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9cb3f67ee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/libxl/idl.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+libxltypes IDL
+Each type in the libxl interface is represented by an object of type
+libxltypes.Type (or a subclass thereof). Every local variable defined
+by the .idl file must be an instance of libxltypes.Type (e.g. you may
+not define Python functions or any other construct other than defining
+The name of the type must be passed as the first argument to the
+constructor when defining a new type. The name given should not
+contain the initial namespace element (e.g. "libxl_"). See below for
+how to specify a namespace.
+The Type.typename contains the C name of the type _including_ the
+namespace element.
+The libxltypes.Type base class has several other properties which
+apply to all types. The properties are set by passing a named
+parameter to the constructor.
+ A free text comment which describes the type.
+Type.namespace: (default: "libxl_")
+ The namespace in which the type resides. Usually this is "libxl_" but
+ system defined and builtin types may differ.
+ If the typename is not None then the namespace is prepended to the
+ type.
+Type.passby: (default: libxltypes.PASS_BY_VALUE)
+ Defines the manner in which a type should be passed to C
+ functions. Valid values for this fields are:
+ libxltypes.PASS_BY_VALUE
+ libxltypes.PASS_BY_REFERENCE
+Type.destructor_fn: (default: typename + "_destroy" or None if type == None)
+ The name of the C function which will free all dynamically allocated
+ memory contained within this type (but not the type itself).
+Type.autogenerate_destructor: (default: True)
+ Indicates if the above named Type.destructor_fn should be
+ autogenerated.
+Other simple type-Classes
+ Instances of this class represent types which are predefined within
+ the system.
+ Instances of this class represent the standard uint<N>_t types.
+ The <N> for a given instance must be passed to the constructor and is
+ then available in UInt.width
+ Instances of this class represent bitfield type classes.
+ The base type and desired width for a given instance must be passed
+ to the contructor. The base type becomes the type of the instance and
+ width is contained in BitField.width
+ Instances of this type represent a reference to another type
+ The referant type must be passed to the constructor and is then
+ available in Reference.ref_type
+Complex type-Classes
+ Base class for type-Classes which contain a number of other types
+ (e.g. structs and unions).
+ The contained types are available in the list Aggregate.fields. Each
+ element in the list is of type libxltype.Field representing a member
+ of the aggregate.
+ Each field has the following properties:
+ Field.type The type of the member (a libxltypes.Type).
+ Field.name The name of the member (can be None for anonymous
+ fields).
+ Field.const Boolean, true if the member is const.
+ Field.comment A free text comment which describes the member.
+ A subclass of libxltype.Aggregate representing the C struct type.
+ Struct.kind == "struct"
+ A subclass of libxltype.Aggregate representing the C union type.
+ Union.kind == "union"
+ A subclass of libxltype.Aggregate which represents the C union type
+ where the currently valid member of the union can be determined based
+ upon another member in the containing type.
+ The KeyedUnion.keyvar_name must contain the name of the member of the
+ containing type which determines the valid member of the union
+ The fields in a KeyedUnion have an extra Field.keyvar_expr
+ property. This must be a string containing a single "%s" format
+ specifier such that when "%s" is substited by an instance of
+ KeyedUnion.keyvar_name it becomes a C expression which evaluates to
+ True IFF this field currently contains valid data.
+Standard Types
+Several standard types a predefined. They are
+void (void pointer type)
+integer (C int type)
+unsigned_integer (C unsigned int type)
+unsigned (C unsigned int type)
+unsigned_long (C unsigned long type)
+uint{8,16,32,64} uint{8,16,32,64}_t
+domid Domain ID
+string NULL terminated string
+inaddr_ip struct in_addr
diff --git a/tools/libxl/libxl.idl b/tools/libxl/libxl.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c424286a7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/libxl/libxl.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+# -*- python -*-
+# Builtin libxl types
+libxl_ctx = Builtin("ctx")
+libxl_uuid = Builtin("uuid")
+libxl_mac = Builtin("mac")
+libxl_qemu_machine_type = Builtin("qemu_machine_type")
+libxl_console_consback = Builtin("console_consback")
+libxl_console_constype = Builtin("console_constype")
+libxl_disk_phystype = Builtin("disk_phystype")
+libxl_nic_type = Builtin("nic_type")
+libxl_string_list = Builtin("string_list")
+libxl_key_value_list = Builtin("key_value_list")
+libxl_cpumap = Builtin("cpumap")
+libxl_hwcap = Builtin("hwcap")
+# Complex libxl types
+libxl_dominfo = Struct("dominfo",[
+ ("uuid", libxl_uuid),
+ ("domid", domid),
+ ("running", BitField(uint8, 1)),
+ ("blocked", BitField(uint8, 1)),
+ ("paused", BitField(uint8, 1)),
+ ("shutdown", BitField(uint8, 1)),
+ ("dying", BitField(uint8, 1)),
+ ("shutdown_reason", unsigned, False,
+"""Valid SHUTDOWN_* value from xen/sched.h iff (shutdown||dying).
+Otherwise set to a value guaranteed not to clash with any valid
+SHUTDOWN_* constant."""),
+ ("max_memkb", uint64),
+ ("cpu_time", uint64),
+ ("vcpu_max_id", uint32),
+ ("vcpu_online", uint32),
+ ])
+libxl_poolinfo = Struct("poolinfo", [
+ ("poolid", uint32)
+ ])
+libxl_vminfo = Struct("vminfo", [
+ ("uuid", libxl_uuid),
+ ("domid", domid),
+ ])
+libxl_version_info = Struct("version_info", [
+ ("xen_version_major", integer),
+ ("xen_version_minor", integer),
+ ("xen_version_extra", string),
+ ("compiler", string),
+ ("compile_by", string),
+ ("compile_domain", string),
+ ("compile_date", string),
+ ("capabilities", string),
+ ("changeset", string),
+ ("virt_start", unsigned_long),
+ ("pagesize", unsigned_long),
+ ("commandline", string),
+ ])
+libxl_domain_create_info = Struct("domain_create_info",[
+ ("hvm", bool),
+ ("hap", bool),
+ ("oos", bool),
+ ("ssidref", integer),
+ ("name", string),
+ ("uuid", libxl_uuid),
+ ("xsdata", libxl_key_value_list),
+ ("platformdata", libxl_key_value_list),
+ ("poolid", uint32),
+ ("poolname", string),
+ ])
+libxl_file_reference = Struct("file_reference",[
+ ("path", string, False,
+"""Path is always set if the file reference is valid. However if
+mapped is true then the actual file may already be unlinked."""),
+ ("mapped", integer),
+ ("data", void),
+ ("size", size_t)])
+libxl_domain_build_info = Struct("domain_build_info",[
+ ("max_vcpus", integer),
+ ("cur_vcpus", integer),
+ ("tsc_mode", integer),
+ ("max_memkb", uint32),
+ ("target_memkb", uint32),
+ ("video_memkb", uint32),
+ ("shadow_memkb", uint32),
+ ("disable_migrate", bool),
+ ("kernel", libxl_file_reference),
+ ("hvm", integer),
+ ("u", KeyedUnion(None, "hvm",
+ [("hvm", "%s", Struct(None,
+ [("pae", bool),
+ ("apic", bool),
+ ("acpi", bool),
+ ("nx", bool),
+ ("viridian", bool),
+ ("timeoffset", string),
+ ("hpet", bool),
+ ("vpt_align", bool),
+ ("timer_mode", integer),
+ ])),
+ ("pv", "!%s", Struct(None,
+ [("slack_memkb", uint32),
+ ("bootloader", string, True),
+ ("bootloader_args", string, True),
+ ("cmdline", string),
+ ("ramdisk", libxl_file_reference),
+ ("features", string, True),
+ ])),
+ ])),
+ ],
+ comment =
+"""Instances of libxl_file_reference contained in this struct which
+have been mapped (with libxl_file_reference_map) will be unmapped
+by libxl_domain_build/restore. If either of these are never called
+then the user is responsible for calling
+libxl_domain_build_state = Struct("domain_build_state",[
+ ("store_port", uint32),
+ ("store_mfn", unsigned_long),
+ ("console_port", uint32),
+ ("console_mfn", unsigned_long),
+ ])
+libxl_device_model_info = Struct("device_model_info",[
+ ("domid", integer),
+ ("uuid", libxl_uuid, False, "this is use only with stubdom, and must be different from the domain uuid"),
+ ("dom_name", string),
+ ("device_model", string),
+ ("saved_state", string),
+ ("type", libxl_qemu_machine_type),
+ ("videoram", integer, False, "size of the videoram in MB"),
+ ("stdvga", bool, False, "stdvga enabled or disabled"),
+ ("vnc", bool, False, "vnc enabled or disabled"),
+ ("vnclisten", string, False, "address:port that should be listened on for the VNC server if vnc is set"),
+ ("vncpasswd", string, False, "the VNC password"),
+ ("vncdisplay", integer, False, "set VNC display number"),
+ ("vncunused", bool, False, "try to find an unused port for the VNC server"),
+ ("keymap", string, False, "set keyboard layout, default is en-us keyboard"),
+ ("sdl", bool, False, "sdl enabled or disabled"),
+ ("opengl", bool, False, "opengl enabled or disabled (if enabled requires sdl enabled)"),
+ ("nographic", bool, False, "no graphics, use serial port"),
+ ("serial", string, False, "serial port re-direct to pty deivce"),
+ ("boot", string, False, "boot order, for example dca"),
+ ("usb", bool, False, "usb support enabled or disabled"),
+ ("usbdevice", string, False, "enable usb mouse: tablet for absolute mouse, mouse for PS/2 protocol relative mouse"),
+ ("soundhw", string, False, "enable sound hardware"),
+ ("apic", bool, False, "apic enabled or disabled"),
+ ("vcpus", integer, False, "max number of vcpus"),
+ ("vcpu_avail", integer, False, "vcpus actually available"),
+ ("xen_platform_pci", integer, False, "enable/disable the xen platform pci device"),
+ ("extra", libxl_string_list, False, "extra parameters pass directly to qemu, NULL terminated"),
+ ],
+ comment=
+"""Device Model information.
+Network is missing""")
+libxl_device_vfb = Struct("device_vfb", [
+ ("backend_domid", uint32),
+ ("domid", uint32),
+ ("devid", integer),
+ ("vnc", bool, False, "vnc enabled or disabled"),
+ ("vnclisten", string, False, "address:port that should be listened on for the VNC server if vnc is set"),
+ ("vncpasswd", string, False, "the VNC password"),
+ ("vncdisplay", integer, False, "set VNC display number"),
+ ("vncunused", bool, False, "try to find an unused port for the VNC server"),
+ ("keymap", string, False, "set keyboard layout, default is en-us keyboard"),
+ ("sdl", bool, False, "sdl enabled or disabled"),
+ ("opengl", bool, False, "opengl enabled or disabled (if enabled requires sdl enabled)"),
+ ("display", string),
+ ("xauthority", string),
+ ])
+libxl_device_vkb = Struct("device_vkb", [
+ ("backend_domid", uint32),
+ ("domid", domid),
+ ("devid", integer),
+ ])
+libxl_device_console = Struct("device_console", [
+ ("backend_domid", uint32),
+ ("domid", domid),
+ ("devid", integer),
+ ("consback", libxl_console_consback),
+ ("build_state", Reference(libxl_domain_build_state)),
+ ("output", string),
+ ])
+libxl_device_disk = Struct("device_disk", [
+ ("backend_domid", uint32),
+ ("domid", domid),
+ ("physpath", string),
+ ("phystype", libxl_disk_phystype),
+ ("virtpath", string),
+ ("unpluggable", integer),
+ ("readwrite", integer),
+ ("is_cdrom", integer),
+ ])
+libxl_device_nic = Struct("device_nic", [
+ ("backend_domid", uint32),
+ ("domid", domid),
+ ("devid", integer),
+ ("mtu", integer),
+ ("model", string),
+ ("mac", libxl_mac),
+ ("ip", inaddr_ip),
+ ("bridge", string),
+ ("ifname", string),
+ ("script", string),
+ ("nictype", libxl_nic_type),
+ ])
+libxl_device_net2 = Struct("device_net2", [
+ ("devid", integer),
+ ("front_mac", libxl_mac),
+ ("back_mac", libxl_mac),
+ ("backend_domid", uint32),
+ ("domid", domid),
+ ("trusted", BitField(uint32, 1)),
+ ("back_trusted", BitField(uint32, 1)),
+ ("filter_mac", BitField(uint32, 1)),
+ ("front_filter_mac", BitField(uint32, 1)),
+ ("pdev", uint32),
+ ("max_bypasses", uint32),
+ ("bridge", string),
+ ])
+libxl_device_pci = Struct("device_pci", [
+ (None, Union(None, [("value", unsigned_integer),
+ (None, Struct(None,[("reserved1", BitField(unsigned_integer, 2)),
+ ("reg", BitField(unsigned_integer, 6)),
+ ("func", BitField(unsigned_integer, 3)),
+ ("dev", BitField(unsigned_integer, 5)),
+ ("bus", BitField(unsigned_integer, 8)),
+ ("reserved2", BitField(unsigned_integer, 7)),
+ ("enable", BitField(unsigned_integer, 1)),
+ ])),
+ ])
+ ),
+ ("domain", unsigned_integer),
+ ("vdevfn", unsigned_integer),
+ ("vfunc_mask", unsigned_integer),
+ ("msitranslate", bool),
+ ("power_mgmt", bool),
+ ])
+libxl_diskinfo = Struct("diskinfo", [
+ ("backend", string),
+ ("backend_id", uint32),
+ ("frontend", string),
+ ("frontend_id", uint32),
+ ("devid", integer),
+ ("state", integer),
+ ("evtch", integer),
+ ("rref", integer),
+ ])
+libxl_nicinfo = Struct("nicinfo", [
+ ("backend", string),
+ ("backend_id", uint32),
+ ("frontend", string),
+ ("frontend_id", uint32),
+ ("devid", integer),
+ ("state", integer),
+ ("script", string),
+ ("mac", libxl_mac),
+ ("evtch", integer),
+ ("rref_tx", integer),
+ ("rref_rx", integer),
+ ])
+libxl_vcpuinfo = Struct("vcpuinfo", [
+ ("vcpuid", uint32, False, "vcpu's id"),
+ ("cpu", uint32, False, "current mapping"),
+ ("online", BitField(uint8, 1), False, "currently online (not hotplugged)?"),
+ ("blocked", BitField(uint8, 1), False, "blocked waiting for an event?"),
+ ("running", BitField(uint8, 1), False, "currently scheduled on its CPU?"),
+ ("vcpu_time", uint64, False, "total vcpu time ran (ns)"),
+ ("cpumap", libxl_cpumap, False, "current cpu's affinities"),
+ ])
+libxl_physinfo = Struct("physinfo", [
+ ("threads_per_core", uint32),
+ ("cores_per_socket", uint32),
+ ("max_cpu_id", uint32),
+ ("nr_cpus", uint32),
+ ("cpu_khz", uint32),
+ ("total_pages", uint64),
+ ("free_pages", uint64),
+ ("scrub_pages", uint64),
+ ("nr_nodes", uint32),
+ ("hw_cap", libxl_hwcap),
+ ("phys_cap", uint32),
+ ])
+libxl_sched_credit = Struct("sched_credit", [
+ ("weight", integer),
+ ("cap", integer),
+ ])
+libxl_net2info = Struct("net2info", [
+ ("backend", string),
+ ("backend_id", uint32),
+ ("frontend", string),
+ ("frontend_id", uint32),
+ ("devid", integer),
+ ("state", integer),
+ ("mac", libxl_mac),
+ ("trusted", integer),
+ ("back_mac", libxl_mac),
+ ("filter_mac", integer),
+ ])
diff --git a/tools/libxl/libxltypes.py b/tools/libxl/libxltypes.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f08ee22c4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/libxl/libxltypes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+import sys
+class Type(object):
+ def __init__(self, typename, **kwargs):
+ self.comment = kwargs.setdefault('comment', None)
+ self.namespace = kwargs.setdefault('namespace', "libxl_")
+ if typename is None: # Anonymous type
+ self.typename = None
+ elif self.namespace is None: # e.g. system provided types
+ self.typename = typename
+ else:
+ self.typename = self.namespace + typename
+class Builtin(Type):
+ """Builtin type"""
+ def __init__(self, typename, **kwargs):
+ Type.__init__(self, typename, **kwargs)
+class UInt(Type):
+ def __init__(self, w, **kwargs):
+ kwargs.setdefault('namespace', None)
+ Type.__init__(self, "uint%d_t" % w, **kwargs)
+ self.width = w
+class BitField(Type):
+ def __init__(self, ty, w, **kwargs):
+ kwargs.setdefault('namespace', None)
+ Type.__init__(self, ty.typename, **kwargs)
+ self.width = w
+class Field(object):
+ """An element of an Aggregate type"""
+ def __init__(self, type, name, **kwargs):
+ self.type = type
+ self.name = name
+ self.const = kwargs.setdefault('const', False)
+ self.comment = kwargs.setdefault('comment', None)
+ self.keyvar_expr = kwargs.setdefault('keyvar_expr', None)
+class Aggregate(Type):
+ """A type containing a collection of other types"""
+ def __init__(self, kind, typename, fields, **kwargs):
+ Type.__init__(self, typename, **kwargs)
+ self.kind = kind
+ self.fields = []
+ for f in fields:
+ # (name, type[, const=False[, comment=None]])
+ if len(f) == 2:
+ n,t = f
+ const = False
+ comment = None
+ elif len(f) == 3:
+ n,t,const = f
+ comment = None
+ else:
+ n,t,const,comment = f
+ self.fields.append(Field(t,n,const=const,comment=comment))
+class Struct(Aggregate):
+ def __init__(self, name, fields, **kwargs):
+ Aggregate.__init__(self, "struct", name, fields, **kwargs)
+class Union(Aggregate):
+ def __init__(self, name, fields, **kwargs):
+ Aggregate.__init__(self, "union", name, fields, **kwargs)
+class KeyedUnion(Aggregate):
+ """A union which is keyed of another variable in the parent structure"""
+ def __init__(self, name, keyvar_name, fields, **kwargs):
+ Aggregate.__init__(self, "union", name, [], **kwargs)
+ self.keyvar_name = keyvar_name
+ for f in fields:
+ # (name, keyvar_expr, type)
+ # keyvar_expr must contain exactly one %s which will be replaced with the keyvar_name
+ n, kve, ty = f
+ self.fields.append(Field(ty, n, keyvar_expr=kve))
+class Reference(Type):
+ """A reference to another type"""
+ def __init__(self, ty, **kwargs):
+ # Ugh
+ kwargs.setdefault('namespace', ty.namespace)
+ typename = ty.typename[len(kwargs['namespace']):]
+ Type.__init__(self, typename + " *", **kwargs)
+# Standard Types
+void = Builtin("void *", namespace = None)
+bool = Builtin("bool", namespace = None)
+size_t = Builtin("size_t", namespace = None)
+integer = Builtin("int", namespace = None)
+unsigned_integer = Builtin("unsigned int", namespace = None)
+unsigned = Builtin("unsigned int", namespace = None)
+unsigned_long = Builtin("unsigned long", namespace = None)
+uint8 = UInt(8)
+uint16 = UInt(16)
+uint32 = UInt(32)
+uint64 = UInt(64)
+domid = UInt(32)
+string = Builtin("char *", namespace = None)
+inaddr_ip = Builtin("struct in_addr", namespace = None)
+class OrderedDict(dict):
+ """A dictionary which remembers insertion order.
+ push to back on duplicate insertion"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ dict.__init__(self)
+ self.__ordered = []
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ try:
+ self.__ordered.remove(key)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ self.__ordered.append(key)
+ dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
+ def ordered_keys(self):
+ return self.__ordered
+ def ordered_values(self):
+ return [self[x] for x in self.__ordered]
+ def ordered_items(self):
+ return [(x,self[x]) for x in self.__ordered]
+def parse(f):
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Parsing %s" % f
+ globs = {}
+ locs = OrderedDict()
+ for n,t in globals().items():
+ if isinstance(t, Type):
+ globs[n] = t
+ elif isinstance(t,type(object)) and issubclass(t, Type):
+ globs[n] = t
+ try:
+ execfile(f, globs, locs)
+ except SyntaxError,e:
+ raise SyntaxError, \
+ "Errors were found at line %d while processing %s:\n\t%s"\
+ %(e.lineno,f,e.text)
+ types = [t for t in locs.ordered_values() if isinstance(t,Type)]
+ builtins = [t for t in types if isinstance(t,Builtin)]
+ types = [t for t in types if not isinstance(t,Builtin)]
+ return (builtins,types)